Leetac Electronics Technology LEETACE5208 CD SHELF SYSTEM User Manual ITCDS 5000 Manual 073113 lorez

Zhongshan Leetac Electronics Co., Ltd. CD SHELF SYSTEM ITCDS 5000 Manual 073113 lorez

User Manual.pdf

CONTENTImportant Safety Instructions ................................................................................. 1Buttons and Controls ............................................................................................... 3Remote Control ........................................................................................................ 4Getting Started ......................................................................................................... 5     Connecting External Speakers .......................................................................... 5     P reliminary ........................................................................................................... 5Listening to the R adio.............................................................................................. 5Adjusting the V olume ............................................................................................... 6Listening to a CD ...................................................................................................... 7Disc Maintenance..................................................................................................... 8Aux-In Operation ...................................................................................................... 9Bluetooth Operation................................................................................................. 9Using the R emote Control ....................................................................................... 9Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................................... 11:WLJPÄJH[PVUZ  
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1. Read these instructions – All the safety and operating instructions should b e read b efore this product is operated. 2. Keep these instructions – The safety and operating instructions should b e retained f or future r eference. 3. Heed a ll warnings – All warnings on the appliance and in the operating instructions should b e a dhered t o. 4. Follow all instructions – All operating and use instructions should b e f ollowed. 5. Do n ot use this apparatus near water – The appliance should n ot be used n ear water or moisture – for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool, and the like.6. Clean only with a dry cloth.7. Do n ot block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8. Do n ot install n ear any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or V[OLYHWWHYH[\ZPUJS\KPUNHTWSPÄLYZ[OH[WYVK\JLOLH[9. Do n ot defeat the safety purpose of the p olarized or grounding plug. A p olarized plug has two b lades with one wider than the other. A grounding plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide b lade or the third prong is WYV]PKLKMVY`V\YZHML[`0M[OLWYV]PKLKWS\NKVLZUV[Ä[PU[V`V\YV\[SL[JVUZ\S[an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10. Protect the p ower cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at the plugs, convenience r eceptacles, and at the p oint where they exit from the apparatus.6US`\ZLH[[HJOTLU[ZHJJLZZVYPLZZWLJPÄLKI`[OLTHU\MHJ[\YLY<ZLVUS`^P[O[OLJHY[Z[HUK[YPWVKIYHJRL[VY[HISLZWLJPÄLKI`the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart or rack isused, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination toavoid injury from tip-over.13. Unplug the apparatus during lightning storms or when unused f or long periods of time.9LMLYHSSZLY]PJPUN[VX\HSPÄLKWLYZVUULS:LY]PJPUNPZYLX\PYLK^OLU[OLapparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed t o rain or moisture, does not operate n ormally, or has been dropped.15. Please k eep the unit in a well v entilated environment.6US`\ZLH[[HJOTLU[ZHJJLZZVYPLZZWLJPÄLKVYWYV]PKLKI`[OLTHU\MHJ[\YLY;VYLK\JL[OLYPZRVMÄYLVYLSLJ[YPJZOVJRKVUV[L_WVZL[OPZHWWHYH[\Z[VYHPUor moisture. The apparatus shall n ot be exposed t o dripping or splashing and n o VIQLJ[ZÄSSLK^P[OSPX\PKZZ\JOHZ]HZLZZOHSSUV[ILWSHJLKVUHWWHYH[\Z18. CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. Danger d'explosion si la batterie est remplacée de façon incorrecte. Remplacez-la uniquement avec le même type ou équivalent1
19. The battery (battery or batteries or battery pack) shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.20. The mains plug is used as disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable. 21. This equipment is a Class II or double insulated electrical appliance.It has been designed in such a way that it does not require a safety connection to electrical earth.22.23.WARNINGDO NOT INGEST BATTERY, CHEMICAL BURN HAZARDThis product contains a coin/button cell battery. If the coin/button cell battery is swallowed, it can cause severe internal burns in just 2 hours and can lead to death.Keep new and used batteries away from children. If the battery compartment does not close securely, stop using the product and keep it away from children.If you think batteries might have been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical attention.2- This lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of non-insulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock. -    Warning: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back) as there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.-   The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
REMOTE CONTROLA. FUNCTION BUTTON: Select a sourceB. ON/STANDBY BUTTON: Set the unit to ON / STANDBYC. RANDOM: Select for random playbackD. BALANCE RIGHT: Increase right speaker output E. BALANCE LEFT: Increase left speaker outputF & N.  TREBLE (+/-): Increase or decrease trebleG & Q. VOLUME + / - : Adjust the v olume levelH & S.       NEXT /       PREVIOUS: Skip tracks forward or backwardI.       PLAY/PAUSE: Pause and r esume p laybackJ & T.  TUN- / TUN+ : Adjusts the frequency in FM m odeK. EJECT/ENTER: In CD m ode, eject and c lose CD trayL. PROGRAM: Set program playbackM. REPEAT: Set playback to r epeatO & P.  BASS (+/-): Increase or decrease bassR.      STOP BUTTON: Stop playbackU.  SCAN: Scans available radio stations4
GETTING STARTEDCONNECTING THE EXTERNAL SPEAKERSThe speaker input sockets are located at the back of the main unit.  <U^YHW[OLZWLHRLY^PYLMYVT[OLSLM[ZWLHRLYHUKWS\NP[PU[V[OLSLM[3speaker socket on the main unit. <U^YHW[OLZWLHRLY^PYLMYVT[OLYPNO[ZWLHRLYHUKWS\NP[PU[V[OLYPNO[9speaker socket on the main unit.3. Make sure the speaker cables are n ot run in areas where they could cause danger.PRELIMINARYBefore using your audio system, the protective packing should b e r emoved from the CD c ompartment. To  r emove the protective packing:1. Press the EJECT/ENTER button to the right of the CD door to open the CD door.2. Remove the protective packing from the CD c ompartment.3. Close the CD door by pressing the EJECT/ENTER button again.FM A ntennaUnwrap the FM antenna and extend it fully. Yo u may need t o a djust the p osition of the antenna to g et optimum reception.Connecting to a P ower Source1. Check that the mains voltage on the rating plate on the back of the main unit is the same as the v oltage in your area.2. Plug the electric plug into the wall s ocket. The CD Stereo System is now ready for use.Standby ControlPress the POWER button to turn the unit ON. Press again to turn the unit OFF.56;,!>OLUSLH]PUN[OL\UP[\UH[[LUKLKMVYSVUNWLYPVKZZ\JOHZ]HJH[PVUZplease disconnect the p ower plug from the mains supply.LISTENING TO THE RADIO1. Press the FUNCTION BUTTON t o switch to the FM RADIO. The display will show a radio station: “87.5”.2. Tune t o a desired radio station. The frequency is indicated on the display.࠮ MANUAL TUNING: Press the TUN+ or TUN-I\[[VUIYPLÅ`HUK[OLMYLX\LUJ`will tune up or down. ࠮ AUTO SEARCHING: Press the TUN+ or TUN- button for more than 2 seconds, the radio frequency will start to change on the display. Once a station is found, the radio will stop searching and start to broadcast immediately.3. Re-position the antenna if necessary.5
SETTING FM RADIO PRESETSThe CD Stereo System can store up to 2 0 radio station presets.To Manually Set P resets1. Find the radio station you would like t o save.2. Press the PROGRAM button on the r emote c ontrol.3.Press NEXT BUTTON / PREVIOUS BUTTON t o s elect the preferred Preset Number. The display will show “77L[J”4. Press the PROGRAM button again to save the station. 9LWLH[Z[LWZ\U[PS`V\OH]LÄUPZOLKZH]PUN`V\YWYLZL[Z6. To  navigate through the stored presets, press the PREVIOUS BUTTON orNEXT BUTTONNOTE: If you press and h old the SCAN button, it will delete a ll of the previous presets you have stored and automatically reprogram all 2 0 presets.To A utomatically Save P resetsUsing the SCAN MLH[\YL[OL*+:[LYLV:`Z[LTJHUH\[VTH[PJHSS`ÄUKHUKZH]Lyour presets.1. Press and h old the SCAN button. The unit will b egin searching for radio staions with clear reception.2. Once a station is found the unit will save it as a preset. The unit will c ontinue ZLHYJOPUNMVYHUKZH]LZ[H[PVUZ\U[PSHSSWYLZL[ZOH]LILLUÄSSLK3. To  navigate through the stored presets, press the PREVIOUS BUTTON orNEXT BUTTONNOTE: If you press and h old the SCAN button, it will delete a ll of the previous presets you have stored and automatically reprogram all 2 0 presets.ADJUSTING THE VOLUMEVOLUME ADJUSTMENTTwist the VOLUME KNOB t o a djust the v olume. The v olume level will b e shown in the LED Display in the t op right corner of the unit. NOTE: Depending on the type of music/audio output from the CD Stereo System, [OL=VS\TL=<4L[LYZTPNO[UV[TV]LH[SV^LY]VS\TLZ0UZVTLJHZLZ[OLvolume must be around “#20 or higher” to s ee v ery active m ovement.BALANCETwist the BALANCE KNOB t o a djust the v olume b etween the left speaker and the right speaker. The v olume of the left speaker and right speaker is equal when the LED display shows “00”.TREBLE AND BASSTwist the TREBLE KNOB and BASS KNOB t o a djust the treble and bass levels from “-3” to “3”.6
LISTENING TO A CD1. Press FUNCTION button until the display reads “CD”.2. Press the EJECT/ENTER button to open the CD door, put a CD onto the CD [YH`^P[O[OLWYPU[LKSHILSMHJPUN\W[V^HYKZ`V\To  c lose the CD door, press EJECT/ENTER button again.Note: Remember[VYLTV]L[OL*+^OLU`V\HYLÄUPZOLKSPZ[LUPUNTo P lay a CD W hen Stopped: Press the PLAY/PAUSE button. The disc will p lay from track 1.To P ause a CD W hile P laying: Press the PLAY/PAUSE button. The disc will pause and pause indicator appears on the display. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button again to resume p layback.To Stop a CD W hile P laying: Press the STOP button.To Change T racks: Press PREVIOUS BUTTON or NEXT BUTTON.To Search During Playblack: Press and h old the PREVIOUS BUTTON or NEXTBUTTON until the desired s ection is located. While s earching, sound will b e p layed at a distorted speed. Playback returns to n ormal when the button is released.REPEATING/RANDOM PLAYBACK OF A TRACK OR A CDPress the REPEAT button on the r emote c ontrol t o circle the p lay mode:࠮ 9LWLH[7YLZZ[OLREPEAT button on the r emote c ontrol once and the current track will b e p layed c ontinuously࠮ 9LWLH[(SS7YLZZ[OLREPEAT button again and ALL tracks on the current disc will b e p layed c ontinuously.࠮ 5VYTHSWSH`IHJR7YLZZREPEAT button again to r esume n ormal p layback.Note: Pressing the STOP button will stop playback and the p lay mode will b e cleared.PROGRAM PLAYProgram play must be s et when the CD is stopped. Yo u can program up to 2 0 tracks in any order.1. Press STOP button and then press PROGRAM button on the r emote c ontrol.2. Press NEXT BUTTON / PREVIOUS BUTTON t o s elect a track. The display shows the s elected track.3. Press the PROGRAM button on the r emote c ontrol t o a dd the track into the program list.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until y ou complete the programming. Yo u can program up to 2 0 tracks.To Start the P rogram P lay: Press PLAY/PAUSE button.To P ause or Stop a P rogram P lay: Press PLAY/PAUSE or STOP button. To R eplay a P rogram: Press PLAY/PAUSE button.To R eview the Content of a P rogram: Press STOP button then keep pressing the PROGRAM button to r eview the programmed tracks.To Clear the P rogram: Press STOP button twice or open and c lose the CD door.7
DISC MAINTENANCEDepending on the quality of the disc, and the c ondition of the r ecording, some CD-R/CD-RW discs may not be p layable.1. Always place the c ompact disc in the disc tray with the label facing upward. *VTWHJ[KPZJZJHUILWSH`LKVUS`VUVULZPKL2.  To  m ove a disc from its storage case, press down on the c enter of the case and lift the disc out, holding it carefully by the edges.3. If the disc becomes dirty, wipe the surface from the c enter hole outward t owards the outer edge with a soft, dry cloth. 5L]LY\ZLZ\JOJOLTPJHSZHZYLJVYKZWYH`HU[PZ[H[PJZWYH`ZVYÅ\PKILUaPULVYthinner to c lean the discs. Such chemicals will do irreparable damage t o the disc's plastic surface.5. Discs should b e r eturned t o their cases after use t o avoid s erious scratches that could cause the laser pick up to skip.6. Do n ot expose discs to direct sunlight or high humidity and t emperature f or extended p eriods. Long exposure t o high temperatures will warp the discs.7. Printable CD-R and CD-RW discs are n ot recommended, as the label side might be sticky and damage the unit. 8. Use a soft oil-based f elt-tipped p en to write the information on the label side. Never use a ball-point or hard-tipped p en, as this may cause damage t o the recorded side.9. Do n ot use CDs with an irregular shape ( octagonal, heart-shaped, business card ZPaLL[J*+ZVM[OPZZVY[JHUKHTHNL[OL\UP[10. If you have any doubts of using CD-R/CD-RW disc, read the precautions supplied with the disc, or contact the disc manufacturer directly.8How to r emove the disc How to h old the disc How to c lean the disc
AUX-IN OPERATIONExternal (auxiliary) audio sources such as tablets, smartphones or MP3 players, can connect to the CD Stereo System via aux-in.1. Press POWER button to turn the unit  ON and then press FUNCTION button to select “AUX”.2. Set the volume to the minimum level with the  VOLUME KNOB.3. Plug in an AUX-IN cable (not included) into the AUX-IN jack on the front of the unit.4. Plug the other end of the cable into the headphone or Line-Out jack of the external source.5. Turn on the external audio device and set it to play. Turn the external audio device’s volume up to 2/3. If necessary, adjust the volume on the CD StereoSystem by turning the  VOLUME KNOB.BLUETOOTH OPERATIONExternal devices that have a built-in Bluetooth feature can connect wirelessly to the CD Stereo System.GETTING CONNECTED1. Press the FUNCTION button until the LED Display shows  “BLUE”.2. Set the Bluetooth function of your external device to  ON and begin searching for devices.NOTE: The effective distance between your external device and this apparatus is 10 meters (33 feet).3. Once “ITCDS-5000” appears on the paired devices list of your external device, select it.4. A beep will be heard that indicates a connection has been established. 5. A few seconds later your Bluetooth connection should be ready to use.PLAYING MUSIC FROM AN EXTERNAL BLUETOOTH DEVICE1. Follow the “GETTING CONNECTED” steps above to pair your external device.2. Turn on the music player program on your external device and set it to play.Normally, you can control music playback with the  PLAY/PAUSE, PREVIOUS BUTTON and NEXT BUTTON on the CD Stereo System.Note: Some function buttons may not work with all devices.USING THE REMOTE CONTROLThe Remote Control Unit can operate the unit from a distance. When operating the remote control unit, point it towards the front panel of the unit.Even if the remote control unit is operated within the effective range, remotecontrol operation may be impossible if there are any obstacles between the unit and the remote control.9
࠮ 0M[OLYLTV[LJVU[YVS\UP[PZVWLYH[LKULHYV[OLYHWWSPHUJLZ^OPJONLULYH[Linfrared rays, or if other remote c ontrol devices using infrared rays are used n ear the unit, it may operate incorrectly. Conversely, the other appliances may operate incorrectly.TO ACTIVATE THE REMOTE CONRTOLThe r emote c ontrol c omes with a cell battery alreadyinstalled. To  activate the battery, remove the transparenttab at the b ottom of the r emote c ontrol. The r emotecontrol is now ready to use.BATTERY REPLACEMENTIf the distance r equired b etween the r emote c ontrol unit and main unit decreases, the battery is exhausted. In this case, please r eplace the battery with a new one.To R eplace W ith a N ew Battery1. Remove the battery compartment cover as per theillustration on the right.2. Observe the c orrect polarity and install a 3Vdc lithiumIH[[LY`*93. Close the c over.BATTERY PRECAUTIONS࠮ )LZ\YL[VPUZLY[[OLIH[[LY`^P[OJVYYLJ[WVZP[P]LHUKULNH[P]LWVSHYP[PLZ࠮ 9LMLY[V[OLWYLJH\[PVUZVU[OLIH[[LY`SHILSZ࠮ >OLU[OLYLTV[LJVU[YVS\UP[PZUV[[VIL\ZLKMVYSVUNWLYPVKZVM[PTLTVYL[OHUHTVU[OYLTV]L[OLIH[[LY`MYVT[OLYLTV[LJVU[YVS\UP[[VWYL]LU[P[MYVTleaking. If it leaks, carefully wipe away the liquid inside the battery compartment and r eplace the battery with a new one.࠮ +VUV[OLH[VYKPZHZZLTISLIH[[LYPLZHUKUL]LYKPZWVZLVMVSKIH[[LYPLZI`[OYV^PUN[OLTPU[VHÄYL10
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEIn case of trouble with the unit, please look through the problems below and s ee if you can solve them yourself before calling your dealer.CD PLAYER RADIO UNIT WHOLE UNITPROBLEMCAUSESOLUTIONUnit does not turn ON when POWER is pressed.࠮<UP[PZ\UWS\NNLK ࠮*VUULJ[\UP[[V(*WV^LYsupplyNo s ound c omes out of the speakers.࠮;OLL_[LYUHSZWLHRLYZHYLdisconnected.࠮;OL]VS\TLPZ[\YULKKV^U[V405࠮;OLPUW\[ZLSLJ[VYKVLZUV[match the p layback source.࠮*VUULJ[[OLL_[LYUHSspeakers.࠮(KQ\Z[[OL]VS\TL࠮9LZLSLJ[[OLKLZPYLKPUW\[source.The s ound is noisy.࠮;OL\UP[PZ[VVJSVZL[VH;=set or another similar appliance.࠮;\YUVMM[OL;=VYV[OLYappliance, and r elocate the unit.The unit does not act as expected, or respond.࠮,_[LYUHSMHJ[VYZZ\JOHZESD ( Electro-static KPZJOHYNLHMMLJ[[OL\UP[࠮9LTV]L[OLWV^LYJVYKHUKall p ower supply devices. Then re-plug the unit after one minute.Cannot listen to any station, or signal appears weak.࠮;OLZ[H[PVUPZUV[[\ULKPUproperly.࠮(;=ZL[PZILPUN\ZLKnearby and is interfering with the radio r eception.࠮7YVWLYS`[\ULPU[OLKLZPYLKstation.࠮;\YUVMM[OLPU[LYMLYPUN;=set.The s ound is distorted.࠮;OLHU[LUUHPZUV[positioned properly.࠮9LWVZP[PVU[OLHU[LUUHuntil r eception improves.CD stops immediately after starting, or unit pauses or stops during play.࠮;OL*+PZPUZLY[LK\WZPKLdown.࠮;OL*+PZK\Z[`VYKPY[`VYthere is condensation on the CD.࠮0UZLY[[OL*+^P[O[OLprinted side right-side up.࠮*HYLM\SS`JSLHUHUKKY`[OLCD.No s ound. ࠮;OL*+WSH`LYPZWH\ZLK ࠮7YLZZ[OL73(@7(<:,button.:WLJPÄJ*+PZnoisy, or playback stops or skips.࠮;OL*+PZZJYH[JOLKdamaged or warped. ࠮;OLKPZJPZ]LY`KPY[`࠮;OL*+ZOV\SKILJOHUNLK࠮*HYLM\SS`JSLHU[OL*+11
FCCINDUSTRY CANADAThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:-  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that    to which the receiver is connected.-  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peutfonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire à l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.CALIFORNIA PROP 65 WARNING"WARNING" This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information on these regulations and a list of chemicals, log on the following website address:http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65.html 13

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