Lytro B5 LYTRO LIGHT FIELD CAMERA User Manual UserManual 2014 02 11 v4
Lytro, Inc. LYTRO LIGHT FIELD CAMERA UserManual 2014 02 11 v4
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User Manual
USE ER MAN NUAL In the box Lens cap Lens hood Camera stra ap Lens cloth Li-ion batterry W charge Wall er 3.0 cable Micro-USB User Manua al Produ uct requirements SD card (no ot included) M OS X 1 Mac 10.8.5 or hig gher (min: 4 4GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo or new wer), or 64-b bit Windows 7 or 64-bit W Windows 8 (m min: 4GB RA AM, DirectX X 10.0 and d dual-processsor CPU) Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Q Quick reference g guide Camera exterior * These featuress are not functio onal on the test unit. Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Touchsc creen layoutt in Capture e Mode Touchs screen layo out in Revie ew Mode Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Getting started Charging the battery Before using the camera for the first time, you need to charge the lithium-ion battery. Place the battery into the included standalone charger, and plug the charger into a standard 110 – 240 volt, 50 – 60 Hz electrical outlet. When you first receive your camera, the battery will be partially charged; a fully discharged battery may take four hours or more to charge completely. Inserting the charged battery The battery compartment is on the underside of the camera. Slide the thumb-latch to one side and open the door. Insert the charged battery, and close the door fully so the latch reengages. Inserting an SD card Open the port cover and insert a SD, SDHC, or SDXC card into the SD card slot. Close the port cover. Powering on (and off) Briefly press the power button to turn the camera on. To power off, press the power button for 5 seconds, then release. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. Captu ure Mode Each time e you power on your camera a, it will start up in Capture Mode. If there’s a compatible e SD card in p place, and the card is not full, the ccamera will be e ready to captture a Living P Picture. You ca an compose yo our shot by loo oking at the live view d displayed on tthe screen. Pre essing the shu utter button ha alf way will actiivate the autoffocus, and the camera will focus on tthe object at th he center of th he frame. Whe en you’re readyy to capture a picture, presss the shutter bu utton all the way down n and release. To operatte the camera in Capture Mo ode, you’ll use e a combinatio on of physical ccontrols and on-screen conttrols. Physica al controls Power button n — turns the ccamera on/off Lytro button** — a half-presss displays depth feedback ffor the object a at the center o of the frame; a full-press displays a live depth histogrram Shutter butto on — a half-pre ess engages a autofocus; a fu ull-press releasses the shutter Front dial — ssets shutter sp peed (in Shutte er Priority Mod de and Manua al Mode only) Zoom ring — adjusts the fo ocal length of tthe lens Focus ring — adjusts the fo ocus of the len ns Rear dial — ssets ISO (in ISO Priority Mod de and Manua al Mode only) A button* — activates and AF d locks autofoccus while held down AEL button* — activates an nd locks auto-exposure while held down F button — any of a rang Fn1 ge of functionss can be assigned to this buttton F button — any of a rang Fn2 ge of functionss can be assigned to this buttton * This featu ure is not functio onal on the test unit. Touchs screen layo out in Captu ure Mode Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Review Mode e — switches tthe camera fro om Capture Mo ode to Review w Mode Histogram — opens the live e exposure hisstogram Settings — op pens the Settin ngs menu (thiss will replace tthe live view; p press the Shuttter button to cclose the menu and resttore the live view) Virtual Horizo on — turns on level indicators Continuous Shooting Mod de* — activate es continuous sshooting mode Battery indica ator — displayys the battery’s remaining ch harge ISO indicatorr — displays th he current ISO Shutter speed d indicator — displays the ccurrent shutter speed E compensa EV ation indicato or — displays the target valu ue in f-stops (to the left of the colon) and the compensation currently sele ected (to the rig ght of the colo on) Shooting mod de indicator — the highligh hted letter indiccates the curre ent shooting mode: P for Pro ogram, I for ISO Priority, S for Shutter Priority, M for M Manual Shots remain ning — displayys how many a additional Livin ng Pictures the e SD card can n hold * These fea atures are not fu unctional on the e test unit. Hiding the Features s Menu and IInformation Bar The Featu ures Menu can n be hidden fro om view by sw wiping it to the right. Similarlyy, the Informattion Bar can b be hidden from view w by swiping it down. To brin ng them back, swipe in the o opposite directiions. Choosing a shootting mode The came era offers four shooting mod des. The first le etter of the currrently selected mode is high hlighted in the shooting mode indicator at the bottom of the screen. To sele ect a different m e of the other tthree letters. mode, tap one P; Program M Mode — the ca amera sets the e ISO and the shutter speed d based on me etered value an nd EV compensation value I ISO Priority I; y Mode — you u set the ISO, a and the camerra sets the shu utter speed ba ased on metered value a EV compe and ensation S Shutter Priiority Mode — you set the sshutter speed,, and the came S; era sets ISO b based on mete ered value a EV compe and ensation M Manual Mo M; ode — you set both the shutter speed and d the ISO Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Changing g the shooting mode by tapp ping P, I, S or M in the shootting mode indiccator. Setting tthe ISO In ISO Prriority Mode an nd Manual Mod de, you set the e ISO using th he rear dial. Ro otating the dial will cycle thro ough all of the availa able ISO speed ds, from 100 to o 6400. As you rotate the dial, the ISO ind dicator at the b bottom of the sscreen will change to o display the ccurrent setting. Setting tthe shutter s speed In Shutterr Priority Mode e and Manual Mode, you sett the shutter speed using the e front dial. Ro otating the dial will cycle th through a all of the availa able shutter sp peeds, from 1 ssecond to 1/40 000 of a seco ond. As you ro otate the dial, tthe shutter speed ind dicator at the bottom of the sscreen will cha ange to displayy the current ssetting. Setting tthe EV compensation Exposure e value compensation is activve in all shootting modes. W When you view the EV compe ensation indica ator at the bottom off the screen, th he figure to the e left of the colon shows the e target value in f-stops; the ffigure to the right of the colon sho ows the compe ensation currently selected. To change the EV compensation settting, tap on the e indicator. A slider opens o on screen. Low wer the compensation by he left; increasse the compen nsation by drag gging it to the right. The figure to the right of the colon dragging the slider to th n indicator will change as yo ou go, reflectin ng the current ssetting. in the EV compensation Tapping tthe EV compen nsation indicator to open the slider. gging the slide er to set the EV V Compensatiion. Drag Opening g the Setting gs menu You can o open the Settin ngs menu by ttapping the Se ettings icon in the Features M Menu on the riight-hand side e of the screen. For details on e each of the ava ailable Setting gs, see the Setttings section o on page 12. To T close the me enu, press er button. the Shutte Using th he live histogram To open tthe live exposu ure histogram,, tap the Histogram icon in the Features M Menu on the rig ght-hand side of the screen. The T histogram will be displayyed in the lowe er left-hand corner of the scrreen. To close the histogram m, tap the icon again n. Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Evaluating g a potential shot using the live histogram m. Using th he on-screen n Tap to Foc cus You can ffocus the lens by rotating the e focus ring on n the lens itself. Additionallyy, you can also o focus by tapp ping on the screen in the area you w would like to fo focus. apping on the sscreen. Focusing the lens by ta Using th he Virtual Ho orizon To turn on n the level indicators, tap the e Virtual Horizzon icon in the Features Men nu on the rightt-hand side of the screen. The level indicators willl appear at the e bottom and le eft-hand side of o the screen. To turn off the e level indicato ors, tap the n. icon again ot using the levvel indicators. Leveling a potential sho Using a flash To take p pictures using a flash, mountt a compatible flash unit to th he hot shoe an nd power it on. The flash willl fire automaticcally when takiing a picture. T To discontinue e using the flassh, power off tthe flash unit o or disconnect the t flash from the ccamera. Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. Review Mode To enter Review Mode from Capture Mode, tap the e Review Mode e icon in the F Features Menu u on the right-h hand side of the screen. A new colum mn of icons will appear, and d the last Living g Picture you took will be dissplayed. To view an older picture, siimply swipe th he touchscreen n from left to riight. To go bacck to the first p picture displayyed, swipe from m right to left. Touchsc creen layoutt in Review Mode Process Pictu ure — processses the picture e currently disp played, so you u can refocus iit by tapping th he touchscreen Capture Mode e — returns th he camera to Capture Mode Grid View — displays a thumbnail grid of the pictures sstored on the SD S card Delete — dele etes the picture e currently dissplayed Picture Info — shows meta adata for the picture currentlyy displayed Settings — op pens the Settin ngs menu (thiss will replace tthe picture currrently displaye ed; press the Shutter button to exit) Process sing a Living g Picture forr refocusing A Living P Picture can be refocused by simply tapping the touchscrreen, but the ccamera has to process the picture first. When you u review a pictture that hasn’’t yet been pro ocessed, the P Process Picture e icon will be vvisible over the e upper right-hand d corner. Picture ready tto be processe ed. A Living P Tap the P Process Picture e icon, and it w will disappear. You’ll see a ssmall progresss window over the center of tthe picture. When the e progress window disappea ars — usually iin just a secon nd or two — the picture is ready to be refocused by tapping th he touchscreen n. Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. The came era processing g a Living Pictu ure to allow re efocusing. You can a also set the ca amera to autom matically proce ess each new picture the firsst time you revview it. See the e Settings section on n page 12 for details. Refocus sing a Living g Picture Once a piicture has bee en processed, you can refoccus it by just ta apping the toucchscreen. The camera will re e-center the focus as closely as posssible to the sp pot you tap. De epending on th he composition n of the picture e, some areass may fall outside th he refocus range — essentia ally the origina al depth of field d that was in e effect when you u took the sho ot. Refocusin ng a Living Piccture by tappin ng the touchsccreen. Opening g the Setting gs menu You can o open the Settin ngs menu by ttapping the Se ettings icon at the upper righ ht-hand cornerr of the screen. For details on each o of the available e Settings, see e the Settings section on page 12. To closse the menu, p press the Shuttter button. Displayiing Picture IInformation To view th he metadata fo or the picture ccurrently displlayed, tap the Picture Inform mation icon in tthe column on the righthand edge of the screen. A window will w open, displlaying the metadata. You ca an scroll up or down within th he window wing the metadata, tap the X in the upper right-hand corner of the win ndow to by swiping. When you’rre finished view or tap anywherre outside of th he window. close it, o Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. 10 Viewing metadata in the e Picture Info window. Deleting g a picture To delete the picture cu urrently displayyed, tap the Delete icon in th he column on the right-hand d edge of the screen. will open with tw wo options: De elete or Cancel. Tap Delete e to delete the e picture. window w Using G Grid View To sort th hrough the Living Pictures on n the SD card more quickly, you can selecct Grid View. Tap T the Grid View icon in the colum mn on the right--hand edge off the screen. A thumbnail griid of 12 picture es will replace the picture yo ou were viewing. S Swipe the toucchscreen from left to right to view older picctures. To get back to the firrst 12 displaye ed, swipe from rightt to left. If you tap on any of the thumbnailss, the picture will w expand to fill the screen, closing Grid View. g pictures in G Grid View. Reviewing Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. 11 Settings You can open the Settings menu from either Capture or Review Mode by tapping the Settings icon at the upper righthand corner of the screen. The Settings menu will fill the screen, replacing whatever was displayed. Swipe the touchscreen to scroll up or down through the menu. To close the menu, press the Shutter button. Exposure Bracketing With exposure bracketing activated, the camera will take one picture at a lower exposure compensation value and one picture at a higher exposure compensation value in addition to the picture with the current exposure compensation value. Focus Bracketing With focus bracketing activated, the camera will take one picture at a shallower focal length and one picture at a deeper focal length in addition to the picture with the current focal length. Note: If both Exposure Bracketing and Focus Bracketing are turned on, the camera will take nine pictures. Auto Generate Refocus Before you can refocus a Living Picture by tapping the touchscreen, the camera has to process the picture (see Processing a Living Picture for refocusing in the Review Mode section on page 9). You can choose to have the camera automatically process each picture the first time you review it. Show Depth Value On Tap When activated, tapping on the screen will temporarily show a depth value for that point. Format SD card For best performance, you should format your SD card when first using it in the camera, and again after using it in any other device. Please note that formatting the card will erase any data stored on it. To begin, tap Format SD card in the Settings menu. A window will open with two options: Format SD card or Cancel. To continue with formatting, tap Format SD card. When formatting is complete, tap Done to return to the Settings menu. Language To change the language used on screen, tap Language in the Settings menu. A window will open, displaying the language options. Tap the language you prefer, the window will close, and the camera will begin using the selected language. Screen Brightness Use the slider to increase or decrease the brightness of the screen. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 12 The Fine Print Repair and Charging The camera does not contain any user serviceable parts. Do not disassemble or attempt to repair your camera. Disassembly will void the warranty and may result in electric shock or damage to the camera. Lytro recommends you take normal precautions when charging the camera to avoid electrical shock. Operating Temperatures Do not expose the camera to direct sunlight or high temperatures for extended periods of time. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures could void the warranty and can cause permanent damage to your camera’s internal components. Don’t leave your camera in your car, because temperatures in parked cars in the sun can exceed this range. Operate your Lytro camera in a place where the temperature is between 41°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C). Note that the camera will not charge when outside the camera's normal operating range. Be sure to store your Lytro camera where the temperature is between -4°F to 158°F (-20°C to 85°C). While in operation, the Lytro camera may get warm to the touch, which is normal. Liquids and Solvents Do not use organic solvents to clean the camera or expose your camera to water or other liquids; doing so may damage the camera and void the warranty. If liquid or foreign objects enter your camera, immediately disconnect all cables from the camera, turn off the camera, and contact Lytro customer service or the Lytro customer service contact in your country. Refer to for a list of customer service contacts. Safe Handling Avoid dropping the camera or subjecting it to sudden impact; doing so may damage the camera and void your warranty. If glass parts break as a result of sudden impact, handle them with caution to avoid injury. 3D A small percentage of people may be sensitive to viewing 3D images. If you feel ill watching 3D, immediately discontinue 3D use and consider seeking medical attention. Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure The Lytro camera can receive and transmit low levels of radio frequency energy (RF) through its antenna. To date, the weight of scientific evidence has not effectively linked exposure to RF energy from wireless devices with any known health problems. The Lytro camera has been tested and found to comply with FCC RF exposure limits for portable devices and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines. The specific absorption rate (SAR) test report for the Lytro camera can be found on the FCC website. RF Interference The Lytro camera could interfere with other electronic devices if they are not adequately shielded. Keep the Lytro camera at a distance of at least 6 inches (15 cm) from pacemakers and other sensitive medical devices. If you suspect interference, hold down the camera’s power button until the camera is completely switched off. Certain places may prohibit the use of wi-fi enabled devices; in such locations, ensure that the camera’s wi-fi connectivity is disabled. Choking Hazard This package may contain small parts, which may present a choking hazard to small children. Keep the camera and its accessories away from small children. Battery and Charging Your Lytro camera comes partially charged from the factory. The amount of battery charge will vary depending on temperature. Lytro recommends fully charging the battery prior to using. Please see the section titled Charging the battery for further instructions. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 13 File Size The Lytro camera producces an .lfp file ttype that is larg ger in size than most standard point-and-sshoot cameras. We advise conssumers to take that into accoun nt when utilizing Internet se ervice providers that charge feess based on volume of transmitte ed data. License Agreement Use of the Lytro camera a and the Lytro ap pplication is sub bject to the Lytro o, Inc. Software greement (lytro.ccom/legal/EULA A). License Ag FCC Comp pliance Statem ment This devicce complies witth Part 15 of the FCC Ruless. Operation is subject to the following tw wo conditions: 1. This devvice may not cau use harmful inte erference, and 2. This devvice must accep pt any interference received, in ncluding interference that mayy cause unde esired operation n. Note: This equipment has been tested an nd found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devvice, pursuant to o part 15 of th he FCC Rules. These limits a are designed to provide rea asonable protecction against ha armful interferen nce in a residen ntial installation. This equip pment generatess, uses and ca an radiate radio o frequency ene ergy and, if nott installed an nd used in acco ordance with the e instructions, m may cause harm mful interference to radio co ommunications.. However, there is no guarantee that interfference will nott occur in a particular insta allation. If this e equipment does cause harmful interference to on, which can be e determined byy turning the equ uipment off and radio or tellevision receptio on, the usser is encouraged to try to correct the interfe erence by one or more of the following m measures: • Reorientt or relocate the e receiving anten nna. • Increase e the separation n between the eq quipment and re eceiver. • Connectt the equipment into an outlett on a circuit diifferent from tha at to which the receiverr is connected. • Consult the dealer or an n experienced ra adio/TV techniciian for help. Changes or modification ns to this devvice not expre essly approved by the partyy responsible e for compliancce could void th he user's autho ority to operate the equipment, under FCC C rules. e is restricted to o indoor use whe en operated in tthe 5.15 to 5.25 GHz frequencyy This device range. ommunication C Commission (FC CC) Radiation Exxposure Stateme ent Federal Co This equipment is in comp pliance with the Spatial-Peak S Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) NSI/IEEE C95.1 1-1999 and has for general population/unccontrolled expossure limits in AN been teste ed in accordance e with the meassurement methods and procedu ures specified in OET Bulle etin 65 Supplem ment C. This e equipment shou uld be installed d and operated contact witth the radiator and your body. a: only channels 1-11 can be Notice to consumers in tthe United Stattes and Canada N other channe els can be seleccted. operated. No Canadian Compliance Sttatement This device e complies with Industry Canad da license-exem mpt RSS standarrd(s). Operation is subject to the following g two conditionss: (1) this device may not causse interference, any interfference, includin ng interference that may cause and (2) thiss device must accept undesired operation of the device. Le e présent appa areil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada appliccables aux appa areils radio exempts de licence e. L'exploitation est autorissée aux deux cconditions suiva antes : (1) l'app pareil ne doit p pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisate eur de l'appareiil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même e si le brouillage e est susceptible e d'en comprom mettre le fonction nnement. matically discon ntinue transmisssion in case of absence off The devicce could autom information n to transmit, or operational failure. This is not intend ded to prohibitt transmissio on of control orr signaling inforrmation or the use of repetitivve codes where required b by the technology. The band 5150-5250 MHz is only for in ndoor usage to reduce riskk of harmful inte erference to co--channel mobile e satellite system ms. High-powerr radars are allocated as p primary users (i..e. they have prriority) of 5250--5350 MHz and 0 MHz and these radars could cause interferen nce and/or dam mage to LE-LAN 5650-5850 devices. IC Radiatio Statement on Exposure S Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. 14 This equip pment is complia ance with SAR for general pop pulation/uncontrrolled exposure limits in IC C RSS-102 an nd had been te ested in accord dance with the e measurementt methods and procedures specified in IEEE 1528. This equipment shou uld be installed and operatted with minimum distance 20 ccm between the radiator & your body. CAN ICES S-3 (B)/NMB-3(B B) disabled for pro oducts marketed d in the United The Counttry Code Selecttion feature is d States and d Canada. e Wireless Certtification Singapore Com mplies with IDA S Standards [## ######] Taiwan Wireless Stateme ent Warning fo or wireless devicces operating in the 2.4GHz zon ne: The frequen ncy, transmitting power, inte ended use or features of this lo ow powered radiio device must not n be changed without exp plicit consent byy operating certiification authoritty. This low pow wer radio device must not a affect air traffic safety or interffere with lawful electronic com mmunications. Iff interferencce is detected, the user musst cease opera ation of the de evice until this interferencce is eliminated. “Lawful electronic communicattion” means wire eless electronicc communica ation permitted by electronic communication laws. Low powe ered radio mustt be able tto tolerate inte erference from lawful electron nic communicattion (industrial, etc.) or o low powered d radios operatting within the ISM frequencyy medical, scientific, spectrum. この製品は は屋内において てのみ使用可能 能です mpliance State ement Japan Com [syymbol] [identifica ation code] この製品は は屋内において てのみ使用可能 能です South Korrea MSIP-XXX X-XXX-XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 상 호 명: Lytro, Inc. 기자재의 명 명칭 (모델명): Lyytro camera mo odel [___] 제조연월: M Manufactured [_ ______] 2014 제 조 자/제 제 조 국 : Lytro, Inc. Made in China. 해당 무선설 설비는 전파혼신 신 가능성이 있으므로 인명 안전과 과 관련된 서비스 스는 할 수 없음 CE Complliance Statement with h the essential Lytro, Inc.. hereby declares that this ccamera is in compliance requiremen nts and other relevant provissions of Directtive 1999/5/EC and Directive 2004/108/E EC. A copy off the EU Decla aration of Conformity is available online att egal/compliance e. a Ave., Mountain View, CA 940 043, USA Manufacturer: Lytro, Inc., 1300 Terra Bella d representative e for CE comp pliance purpose es: Obelis S.A.., Bd. Général Authorized Wahis 53, 1030 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: + +32.2.732.59.54 4, Fax: +32.2.73 32.60.03; Email: Disposal a and Recycling Information Your Lytro o camera should d be disposed of o properly acco ording to appliccable local laws Confidenttial – Property of Lytro, Inc. 15 and regulations. Because this product contains a battery, please dispose of product separately from household waste. When your Lytro camera reaches its end of life, contact Lytro or your local authorities to learn about recycling options. Disposal and Recycling Information (EU) This symbol means that this product must not be disposed of with your other household waste. To dispose of your Lytro camera, take it to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The separate collection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the retailer from whom you purchased the product. Warranty Information United States Limited Warranty of Hardware The limited warranties provided by Lytro, Inc. (“Lytro,” “we,” or “us”) apply only to new Lytro-branded cameras and related accessory products (“Accessories” and collectively with Lytro cameras, “Lytro Products”) that you purchased in the United States directly from Lytro or an authorized Lytro reseller for your own use, and not for resale. Lytro warrants that the Lytro camera will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for one (1) year from the original purchase date, and that the Accessories will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for ninety (90) days from the original purchase date. Any products purchased from Lytro that are not Lytro-branded products are covered by the warranty, if any, of the respective branded manufacturer. Our warranties do not apply to: • Software, including any firmware, operating system or application software delivered to you either prior to or subsequent to delivery of the Lytro Product to you; • Any website services provided by Lytro or third parties in connection with the Lytro Product; • Any third party products (including software) or services, included with or used with the Lytro Product, or damages to the Lytro Product caused by third party products or services; • Damage to the surface of the Lytro Product, including cracks or scratches to the LCD display, or any other cosmetic damage; • Damage that results from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect or any use of the Lytro Product other than for its intended use; • Damage that results from any unauthorized attempts to open, maintain, repair or modify the Lytro Product; and • Damage that results from the Lytro Product being subjected to abnormal physical, thermal or electrical stress, including water, dust, power fluctuations or other hazards. As your sole and exclusive remedy and Lytro’s entire liability under this warranty, Lytro will, at its option, repair the Lytro Product or replace it with a comparable Lytro Product. Replacement Lytro Products and parts used to repair the Lytro Products may be new, refurbished or reconditioned. Repaired or replaced Lytro cameras are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period or 90 days from the date of shipment of the repaired or replacement Lytro Product, whichever is longer. Repaired or replaced Accessories are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period. All Lytro Products and parts that are replaced become the property of Lytro. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 16 You must contact Lytro Customer Support within the warranty period and furnish a dated proof of original purchase prior to the return of any Lytro Product for warranty service. To obtain contact information, refer to Lytro’s website at Upon validation of your warranty entitlement, Lytro will issue a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number along with return instructions. You must ship the Lytro Product to the designated location, postage pre-paid, in original or equivalent packaging within five (5) days after Lytro’s issuance of an RMA number. The returned Lytro Products must not have missing or altered serial numbers or other identification marks that appear on the Lytro Products as delivered. Lytro will not be responsible for any Lytro Product damaged or lost in transit. Lytro will return the repaired or replacement Lytro Product to you, postage pre-paid, in the United States. Lytro will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any software, data or information contained in or stored on any Lytro Product. Data recovery is not included in the warranty service. Prior to shipping the Lytro camera back to Lytro, you should download all photos and other personal information from the Lytro camera. Lytro and its agents may delete any and all such photos and other personal information without any liability. THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF, AND LYTRO EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE DISCLAIMER OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS PROHIBITED BY STATUTE, SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THESE EXPRESS WARRANTIES. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM LYTRO OR ELSEWHERE WILL CREATE ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW DISCLAIMERS OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Limitations of Liability LYTRO, ITS AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LICENSORS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY (1) PERSONAL INJURY; (2) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE, DATA, BUSINESS, OR PROFITS); OR (3) COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, IN EACH CASE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE LYTRO.COM, THE LYTRO WEBSTORE, OR ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, CONTENT, MATERIALS OR INFORMATION PURCHASED FROM OR PROVIDED BY LYTRO, WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY ARISES FROM ANY CLAIM BASED UPON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY EVEN IF LYTRO HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF, THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL LYTRO’S TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES (OTHER THAN AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW IN CASES OF PERSONAL INJURY) EXCEED THE GREATER OF (1) THE AMOUNT YOU PAID TO LYTRO FOR THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE GIVING RISE TO THE DAMAGES, OR (2) US$25. THE LIMITATIONS IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE A PART OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND APPLY EVEN IF THE LIMITED REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. See the Lytro, Inc. Software License Agreement for the limitations of liability applicable to the software on and for the Lytro camera. Australia Limited Warranty of Hardware The limited warranties provided by Lytro, Inc. (“Lytro,” “we,” or “us”) apply only to new Lytro-branded cameras and related accessory products (“Accessories” and collectively with Lytro cameras, “Lytro Products”) that you purchased in Australia directly from an authorized Lytro reseller for your own use, and not for resale. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 17 Lytro warrants that the Lytro camera will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for one (1) year from the original purchase date, and that the Accessories will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for ninety (90) days from the original purchase date. The benefit of this warranty is in addition to other rights you have under a law in relation to the products to which Lytro’s warranty relates. Lytro products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Any products purchased from any authorized Lytro reseller that are not Lytro-branded products are covered by the warranty, if any, of the respective branded manufacturer together with any other guarantees to which you are entitled at law. Our warranties do not, to the fullest extent permitted by law, apply to: • Software, including any firmware, operating system or application software delivered to you either prior to or subsequent to delivery of the Lytro Product to you; • Any website services provided by Lytro or third parties in connection with the Lytro Product; • Any third party products (including software) or services, included with or used with the Lytro Product, or damages to the Lytro Product caused by third party products or services; • Damage to the surface of the Lytro Product, including cracks or scratches to the LCD display, or any other cosmetic damage; • Damage that results from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect or any use of the Lytro Product other than for its intended use; • Damage that results from any unauthorized attempts to open, maintain, repair or modify the Lytro Product; and • Damage that results from the Lytro Product being subjected to abnormal physical, thermal or electrical stress, including water, dust, power fluctuations or other hazards. To the fullest extent permitted by law, your sole and exclusive remedy and Lytro’s entire liability under this express warranty, Lytro will, at its option, repair the Lytro Product or replace it with a comparable Lytro Product. This is not intended to limit rights available to you otherwise at law. Replacement Lytro Products and parts used to repair the Lytro Products may be new, refurbished or reconditioned. Repaired or replaced Lytro cameras are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period or 90 days from the date of shipment of the repaired or replacement Lytro Product, whichever is longer. Repaired or replaced Accessories are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period. All Lytro Products and parts that are replaced become the property of Lytro. To claim warranty service when required you should: • Contact the Lytro customer service contact in your country within the warranty period. To obtain contact information, refer to Lytro’s website at • Furnish a dated proof of original purchase prior to the return of any Lytro Product for warranty service. • Upon validation of your warranty entitlement, the Lytro customer service contact in your country will issue a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number along with return instructions. You must ship the Lytro Product to the designated location, in original or equivalent packaging within five (5) days after issuance of an RMA number. Postage and insurance to the designated location must be arranged by you. The returned Lytro Products must not have missing or altered serial numbers or other identification marks that appear on the Lytro Products as delivered. • The Lytro customer service contact in your country will return the repaired or replacement Lytro Product to you, postage pre-paid, in Australia. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Lytro will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any software, data or information contained in or stored on any Lytro Product. Data recovery is not included in the warranty service. Prior to shipping the Lytro camera back to the Lytro customer service contact in your country, you should download all photos and other personal information from the Lytro camera. Lytro and its agents may delete any and all such photos and other personal information without any liability. Limitation of Liability Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 18 TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW AND SUBJECT ALWAYS TO YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS SET OUT IN THE SECOND PARAGRAPH OF THIS GUARANTEE, LYTRO, OTHER MEMBERS OF ITS GROUP OF COMPANIES AND THEIR RESPECT OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LICENSORS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER OR IN RELATION TO THIS MANUFACTURER’S LIMITED WARRANTY FOR ANY: (1) LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM A LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF REVENUE, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR COSTS OF OBTAINING SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; OR (2) ANY OTHER INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE. Lytro, Inc. 1300 Terra Bella Avenue Mountain View, CA, 94043, USA Phone: +1-650-316-8888 Fax: +1-650-227-2251 Email: Canada Limited Warranty of Hardware The limited warranties provided by Lytro, Inc. (“Lytro,” “we,” or “us”) apply only to new Lytro-branded cameras and related accessory products (“Accessories” and collectively with Lytro cameras, “Lytro Products”) that you purchased in Canada directly from Lytro or an authorized Lytro reseller for your own use, and not for resale. Lytro warrants to the first purchaser of the Lytro Products that the Lytro camera will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for one (1) year from the original purchase date, and that the Accessories will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for ninety (90) days from the original purchase date (“Lytro Product Warranty”). Any products purchased from an authorized Lytro reseller that are not Lytro-branded products are covered by the warranty, if any, of the respective branded manufacturer, and not the Lytro Product Warranty. The Lytro Product Warranty does not apply to: • Software, including any firmware, operating system or application software delivered to you either prior to or subsequent to delivery of the Lytro Product to you; • Any website services provided by Lytro or third parties in connection with the Lytro Product; • Any third party products (including software) or services, included with or used with the Lytro Product, or damages to the Lytro Product caused by third party products or services; • Damage to the surface of the Lytro Product, including cracks or scratches to the LCD display, or any other cosmetic damage; • Damage that results from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect or any use of the Lytro Product other than for its intended use; • Damage that results from any unauthorized attempts to open, maintain, repair or modify the Lytro Product; • Lytro Products used for rental or commercial purposes; and • Damage that results from the Lytro Product being subjected to abnormal physical, thermal or electrical stress, including water, dust, power fluctuations or other hazards. As your sole and exclusive remedy and Lytro’s entire liability under the Lytro Product Warranty, Lytro will, at its option, repair the Lytro Product or replace it with a comparable Lytro Product. Replacement Lytro Products and parts used to repair the Lytro Products may be new, refurbished or reconditioned. Repaired or replaced Lytro cameras are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period or 90 days from the date of shipment of the repaired or replacement Lytro Product, whichever is longer. Repaired or replaced Accessories are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period. All Lytro Products and parts that are replaced become the property of Lytro. You must contact Lytro customer support within the warranty period and furnish a dated Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 19 proof of original purchase prior to the return of any Lytro Product for warranty service. To obtain customer support contact information, refer to Lytro’s website at Upon validation of your warranty entitlement, Lytro will issue a return material authorization (RMA) number along with return instructions. You must ship the Lytro Product to the designated location, postage pre-paid, in original or equivalent packaging within five (5) days after Lytro’s issuance of an RMA number. The returned Lytro Products must not have missing or altered serial numbers or other identification marks that appear on the Lytro Products as delivered. Lytro will not be responsible for any Lytro Product damaged or lost in transit. Lytro will return the repaired or replacement Lytro Product to you, postage pre-paid, in Canada. Lytro will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any software, data or information contained in or stored on any Lytro Product. Data recovery is not included in the warranty service. Prior to shipping the Lytro camera back to Lytro, you should download all photos and other personal information from the Lytro camera. Lytro and its agents may delete any and all such photos and other personal information without any liability. THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES ARE, EXCEPT FOR CONSUMER PURCHASERS DOMICILED IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC AND EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN LIEU OF, AND LYTRO EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE DISCLAIMER OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS PROHIBITED BY LAW, SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THESE EXPRESS WARRANTIES OR TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. EXCEPT FOR CONSUMER PURCHASERS DOMICILED IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM LYTRO OR ELSEWHERE WILL CREATE ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW DISCLAIMERS OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS OR LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Limitations of Liability (not applicable to consumer purchasers domiciled in the Province of Quebec to the extent prohibited under Quebec law): LYTRO, ITS AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LICENSORS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY (1) PERSONAL INJURY; (2) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE, DATA, BUSINESS, OR PROFITS); OR (3) COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, IN EACH CASE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE LYTRO.COM, THE LYTRO WEBSTORE, OR ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, CONTENT, MATERIALS OR INFORMATION PURCHASED FROM OR PROVIDED BY LYTRO, WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY ARISES FROM ANY CLAIM BASED UPON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY EVEN IF LYTRO HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF, THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL LYTRO’S TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES (OTHER THAN AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW IN CASES OF PERSONAL INJURY) EXCEED THE GREATER OF (1) THE AMOUNT YOU PAID TO LYTRO FOR THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE GIVING RISE TO THE DAMAGES, OR (2) US$25. THE LIMITATIONS IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE A PART OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND APPLY EVEN IF THE LIMITED REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This limited warranty statement is, except for consumer purchasers domiciled in the Province of Quebec, governed by the laws in the Province of Canada in which the purchaser has purchased the Lytro Product. See the Lytro, Inc. Software License Agreement for the limitations of liability applicable to the software on and for the Lytro camera. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 20 Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan Limited Warranty of Hardware The limited warranties provided by Lytro, Inc., 1300 Terra Bella Avenue, Mountain View, California 94043, USA (“Lytro,” “we,” or “us”) apply only to new Lytro-branded cameras and related accessory products (“Accessories” and collectively with Lytro cameras, “Lytro Products”) that you purchased directly from Lytro or an authorized Lytro distributor or reseller for your own use, and not for resale. Lytro warrants that the Lytro camera will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for one (1) year from the original purchase date, and that the Accessories will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal non-commercial use, for ninety (90) days from the original purchase date. Any products purchased from the authorized Lytro reseller that are not Lytro-branded products are covered by the warranty, if any, of the respective branded manufacturer. Our warranties do not apply to: • Software, including any firmware, operating system or application software delivered to you either prior to or subsequent to delivery of the Lytro Product to you; • Any website services provided by Lytro or third parties in connection with the Lytro Product; • Any third party products (including software) or services, included with or used with the Lytro Product, or damages to the Lytro Product caused by third party products or services; • Damage to the surface of the Lytro Product, including cracks or scratches to the LCD display, or any other cosmetic damage; • Damage that results from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect or any use of the Lytro Product other than for its intended use; • Damage that results from any unauthorized attempts to open, maintain, repair or modify the Lytro Product; and • Damage that results from the Lytro Product being subjected to abnormal physical, thermal or electrical stress, including water, dust, power fluctuations or other hazards. In so far as is permitted by applicable law, your sole and exclusive remedy and Lytro’s entire liability under this warranty, the Lytro customer service contact in your country will, at its option, repair the Lytro Product or replace it with a comparable Lytro Product. Replacement Lytro Products and parts used to repair the Lytro Products may be new, refurbished or reconditioned. Repaired or replaced Lytro cameras are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period or 90 days from the date of shipment of the repaired or replacement Lytro Product, whichever is longer. Repaired or replaced Accessories are warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty period. All Lytro Products and parts that are replaced become the property of Lytro. You must contact the Lytro customer service contact in your country within the warranty period and furnish a dated proof of original purchase prior to the return of any Lytro Product for warranty service. To obtain contact information, refer to Lytro’s website at Upon validation of your warranty entitlement, Lytro will issue a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number along with return instructions. You must ship the Lytro Product to the designated location, postage pre-paid, in original or equivalent packaging within five (5) days after Lytro’s issuance of an RMA number. The returned Lytro Products must not have missing or altered serial numbers or other identification marks that appear on the Lytro Products as delivered. The Lytro customer service contact in your country will not be responsible for any Lytro Product damaged or lost in transit. The Lytro customer service contact in your country will return the repaired or replacement Lytro Product to you, postage pre-paid, in your respective country. Lytro will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any software, data or information contained in or stored on any Lytro Product. Data recovery is not included in the warranty service. Prior to shipping the Lytro camera back to Lytro, you should download all photos and other personal information from the Lytro camera. Lytro and its agents may delete any and all such photos and other personal information without any liability. THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF, AND LYTRO EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 21 INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE DISCLAIMER OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS PROHIBITED BY STATUTE, SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THESE EXPRESS WARRANTIES. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM LYTRO OR ELSEWHERE WILL CREATE ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW DISCLAIMERS OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Limitations of Liability IN SO FAR AS IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LYTRO, ITS AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LICENSORS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY (1) PERSONAL INJURY; (2) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE, DATA, BUSINESS, OR PROFITS); OR (3) COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, IN EACH CASE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE LYTRO.COM, THE LYTRO WEBSTORE, OR ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES, CONTENT, MATERIALS OR INFORMATION PURCHASED FROM OR PROVIDED BY LYTRO, WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY ARISES FROM ANY CLAIM BASED UPON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY EVEN IF LYTRO HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF, THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL LYTRO’S TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES (OTHER THAN AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, PARTICULARLY IN CASES OF PERSONAL INJURY) EXCEED THE GREATER OF (1) THE AMOUNT YOU PAID TO LYTRO FOR THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE GIVING RISE TO THE DAMAGES, OR (2) US$25. THE LIMITATIONS IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE A PART OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND APPLY EVEN IF THE LIMITED REMEDIES PROVIDED HEREIN FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. See the Lytro, Inc. Software License Agreement for the limitations of liability applicable to the software on and for the Lytro camera. Repair Notices During the process of repair of the Lytro camera, some or all of your stored data may be lost. Please ensure that you have saved this data elsewhere prior to repair. Lytro cameras presented for repair may be replaced by refurbished Lytro cameras of the same type rather than being repaired. Refurbished parts may be used to repair Lytro cameras. Other Information For further information, see the Lytro User Manual available on This product is covered by U.S. Patent Number 7,936,392 and by other U.S. and international patents. © 2014 Lytro, Inc. All rights reserved. Lytro and the Lytro logo are trademarks of Lytro, Inc. Confidential – Property of Lytro, Inc. 22
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