Lytro BZ Lytro Digital Camera User Manual

Lytro, Inc. Lytro Digital Camera Users Manual


Users Manual

Table of contents Tableofcontents.....................................................................................................................XIntroducingtheLYTROILLUM............................................................................................XBenefitsofthelightfield.......................................................................................................XLearningtouseLytroILLUM................................................................................................xQuickreferenceguide............................................................................................................XCameraexterior.................................................................................................................................XInthebox..............................................................................................................................................XProductrequirements.....................................................................................................................XTouchscreenlayoutinCaptureMode.........................................................................................XInformationBar................................................................................................................................................XMenuBar,page1.............................................................................................................................................XMenuBar,page2.............................................................................................................................................XTouchscreenlayoutinPlaybackMode......................................................................................XGettingStarted..........................................................................................................................XChargingthebattery.........................................................................................................................XInsertingthechargedbattery.......................................................................................................XInsertingthestraprings.................................................................................................................XInsertinganSDcard.........................................................................................................................XPoweringon(andoff)......................................................................................................................XUsingthesetupassistant...............................................................................................................XPuttingthecameratosleep/wakingthecamera...................................................................XCaptureMode............................................................................................................................XPhysicalcontrols.............................................................................................................................xxTouchscreenlayoutinCaptureMode.......................................................................................xxInformationBar...............................................................................................................................xxMenuBar,page1.............................................................................................................................xxMenuBar,page2.............................................................................................................................xxAdditionalmenufeatures(offbydefault)..............................................................................xxHidinganddisplayingtheMenuBarandInformationBar.........................................................xxChoosinganexposuremode........................................................................................................xxSettingtheISO..................................................................................................................................xxSettingtheshutterspeed..............................................................................................................xxSettingtheEVcompensation.......................................................................................................xxUsingautofocus................................................................................................................................xxTappingthescreentofocus.........................................................................................................xxUsingmanualfocus.........................................................................................................................xxSettingthewhitebalance.............................................................................................................xxUsingtheliveexposurehistogram............................................................................................xxUsingtheHorizonLevel................................................................................................................xxAdjustingtheopticaloffset..........................................................................................................xxUsingagridoverlay........................................................................................................................xxShootingwithcontinuousshutter.............................................................................................xxUsingtheselftimer........................................................................................................................xxApplyingexposurebracketing....................................................................................................xx
Introducing the LYTRO ILLUM   LYTROILLUMisalightfieldcameraandsoftwareplatformdesignedtoredefinethewayweportraytheworldaroundus.Harnessingthefullpowerofthelightfield,theLYTROILLUMwillgivephotographersauniquewayofcapturingvisualexperiences—notasastaticcrosssectionofrealitybutaninteractivewindowintotheirworldthroughLightFieldPhotography.Benefits of the light field Unlikeaconventionaldigitalcamera,theLYTROILLUMcapturesthelightfield,whichincludesthedirectionoflight.Mostrecently,lightfieldcameraslivedonlyinacademiclabs–viaaroomfulofcamerastetheredtoasupercomputer.Lytro’sscientistsandengineershaveoptimizedthistechnologysothatthepowerofthelightfieldcanfitrightinyourpocket.Capturingthisfundamentallynewdatagivesconsumersunprecedentedcapabilities,includingtheabilitytofocus,changetheperspective,viewin3Dallafterapictureistaken.PhotographersusingtheLYTROILLUMhavenewcreativeopportunitiestotellstoriesandcapturemoments,deliveringLivingPicturestofriends,family,andclients.Learning to use the LYTRO ILLUM This User Manual is a technical reference for using the LYTRO ILLUM.  It explains how to operate the camera, and the behavior of each of the modes, settings, and buttons.  For many photographers, getting the most out of a light field camera may require additional education and thought on how to best compose and capture images with depth.
 Watch education and training videos at Lytro has developed a series of educational and training materials, including videos, online help, and transformational galleries.  Visit to get in-depth information in the following categories:  • Orientation & Setup • Light Field 101 • Light Field in the Field • Workflow  The educational material covers the LYTRO ILLUM ecosystem including, camera, desktop software, publishing to web and mobile devices.  
Quick reference guide  Camera exterior   In the box • LYTROILLUMCamera• LYTROILLUMQuickStartGuide• LYTROILLUMQuickCharger• LYTROILLUMRechargeableLiionBattery• LYTROILLUMLensCap• LYTROILLUMLensHood• Shoulder/neckstrap• Strapanchors(2)• Neutraldensityfilter(ND8)–72mm• MicroUSB3.0cable• LensclothProduct requirements SDcard(notincluded)MacOSX10.8.5orhigher(min:4GBRAM,IntelCore2Duoornewer),or64bitWindows7or64bitWindows8(min:4GBRAM,DirectX10.0anddualprocessorCPU)
Touchscreen layout in Capture Mode    Information Bar
Menu Bar, page 1    Menu Bar, page 2
Touchscreen layout in Playback Mode   
Getting Started  Charging the battery Before using the camera for the first time, charge the lithium-ion battery. Place the battery into the included quick charger, and plug the charger into a standard 110- or 220-volt, 50-60 Hz electrical outlet. When taking the camera out of the box, the battery may be partially charged; a fully discharged battery may take four hours or more to charge completely.   During charging, the LED on the charger will illuminate. When charging is complete, the LED will turn off. A blinking LED indicates a power or connection problem, such as the battery not being inserted properly.   Inserting the charged battery The battery compartment is on the underside of the camera. Hold the camera upside down and slide the thumb-latch to one side to open the door. Insert the charged battery, hold the door fully closed, and slide the latch back to the locked position.   Inserting the strap rings To prepare camera for use with a strap, install the included strap anchors. Insert an anchor into the strap point on the top of the camera beside the power button. Turn it 90 degrees to position it. Then place one of the included collars over the strap anchor and press down until it snaps into place. Repeat theses steps for the strap point on the side of the camera, below the port cover. Once strap anchors are installed, attach the strap using the split-rings.    Inserting an SD card Open the port cover and insert a SD, SDHC, or SDXC card into the SD card slot. Close the port cover. For optimum performance, format an SD the first time it is use it in the camera (see Settings, page XX).
 Powering on (and off) Briefly press the power button to turn the camera on. To power off, press the power button for 3 seconds, then release.   Using the set-up assistant The first time the camera is turned on, there is a walk through to set-up the camera, where there is the selection of the language for the camera to use, select time zone, and set the date and time. The camera will then give a very brief overview of its most unique controls and features.    Putting the camera to sleep/waking the camera When the camera is on, briefly press the power button to put the camera to sleep and conserve power. To wake the camera, briefly press the power button again.
Capture Mode  Each time the camera is powered on, it will start up in Capture Mode. If there’s a compatible SD card in place, and the card is not full, the camera is ready to capture a Living Picture. Compose the shot by looking at the live view displayed on the screen. When ready to capture a picture, press the shutter button all the way down and release.  To operate the camera in Capture Mode, use a combination of physical controls and on-screen controls.   Physical controls   Note that these are the default behaviors of the controls. Many can be customized in Settings (see page XX).  • Powerbutton—whenthecameraisoff,abriefpressturnsiton;whenthecameraison,abriefpressputsthecameratosleeporwakesitup,alongpressturnsitoff• Lytrobutton—ahalfpressdisplaysdepthfeedbackfortheobjectatthecenteroftheframe;afullpressdisplaysalivedepthhistogramanddepthoverlay• Shutterbutton—ahalfpressengagesautoexposurelock(AEL);afullpressreleasestheshutter• Frontdial—setstheISO(inISOPriorityMode);setsShutterSpeed(inShutterSpeedPriorityModeandManualMode)• Zoomring—adjuststhefocallengthofthelens• Focusring—adjuststhefocusofthelens• Reardial—setstheEVcompensationinProgram,ISOPriority,andShutterSpeedPriorityModes;setstheISOinManualMode • AFbutton—activatesautofocuswhenpressed,locksautofocuswhilehelddown
• AELbutton—lockstheexposureatthecurrentsettingwhilehelddown• Hyperfocalbutton—setsthefocusofthelenstothelightfieldhyperfocalposition(movesthefarendoftherefocusablerangetoinfinity)• Fn—togglesbetweenCaptureModeandPlaybackMode Touchscreen layout in Capture Mode  • Imageviewarea—displaystheliveview;sensorcropregionisindicatedbythethingrayframe• DepthAssistBar—displaystherefocusablerange(indicatedbythecoloredbands)foraLivingPicturecapturedatthecurrentsettings• MenuBar—displaystouchcontrolicons(swipeuptoscrolltoadditionalpages)• InformationBar—displayscurrentcapturesettings,aswellasSDcardandbatterystatus
Information Bar   • ISOindicator—displaysthecurrentISO;taptosetISOinISOPriorityModeandManualMode• Shutterspeedindicator—displaysthecurrentshutterspeed;taptosetspeedinShutterPriorityModeandManualMode• EVcompensationindicator—displaysthecompensationcurrentlyselected;taptosetcompensation(notavailableinManualMode)• Exposuremodeindicator—PforProgram,IforISOPriority,SforShutterSpeedPriority,MforManual;replacedbyalocksymbolwhenAEislocked• Whitebalanceindicator—displaysthecurrentwhitebalancesetting• Focallengthindicator—displaysthecurrentfocallength(35mmequivalent)• Shuttermodeindicator—displaysSforsingleandCforcontinuousshuttersetting;replacedbyselftimerindicatorwhenselftimerisactivated• Shotbufferindicator—displaysthenumberofshotsthebuffercancurrentlyhold• Shotsremainingindicator—displayshowmanyadditionalLivingPicturestheSDcardcanhold;whennoSDcardisinserted,thenoSDcardindicatorwillappearhere• WiFi(iOSConnect)indicator—visibleonlywhenthecameraisenabledasanaccesspointinSettings,iOSConnect
• Batterychargeindicator—displaysthebattery’sremainingcharge Menu Bar, page 1   Note that the order of the icons in the Menu Bar may be customized and additional icons may be added (see Settings, page XX). The default order is referenced here. • PlaybackModeicon—taptoopenPlaybackMode,displayingthemostrecentLivingPicture• ExposureModeicon—taptoopenthesubmenuforsettingthemode;iconchangestoreflectthecurrentmode• ContinuousShuttericon—activatescontinuousshutterwhentapped/illuminated• WhiteBalanceicon—taptoopenthesubmenuforsettingthewhitebalance;iconchangestoreflectthecurrentsetting• SelfTimericon—taptoactivatetheselftimer;tapandholdopensthesubmenutosetthecountdownat2or10seconds;iconchangestoreflectthecurrentsetting
Menu Bar, page 2   • Histogramicon—displaystheliveexposurehistogramonscreenwhentapped/illuminated• GridOverlayicon—taptoactivategridoverlay;tapandholdopensthesubmenuforselectingthestyleofoverlay;iconchangestoreflectthecurrentselection• HorizonLevelicon—displayslevelindicatorsattheleftandbottomofthescreenwhentapped/illuminated• OpticalOffseticon—taptoactivateopticaloffsetcontrol(usingthefrontdial)anddisplay(attherightedgeofthescreen)• Settings—openstheSettingsmenu(thiswillreplacetheliveview;tapCAPTUREorpresstheshutterbuttonhalfwaytoclosethemenuandrestoretheliveview) Additional touch control icons (not in the Menu Bar by default) TheadditionaltouchcontrolsbelowmaybeaddedtotheMenuBar.FordetailsonselectingandreorderingthecontrolsshownintheMenuBarseeRearrangemenu,pageXX.
• FocusBracketingicon—taptoactivatefocusbracketing;tapandholdopensonscreenselectionbands,whichcanbeswipedtosetthenumberofshotsandtheincrementinfocusstepsbetweeneachshot• ExposureBracketingicon—taptoactivateexposurebracketing;tapandholdopensonscreenselectionbands,whichcanbeswipedtosetthenumberofshotsandtheincrementinEVcompensationbetweeneachshot• ManualFocusicon—whentapped/illuminated,autofocusisdisabled• Lightsouticon–taptopowerdownthetouchscreen.Tapandholdanywhereonthescreentorestorepower• FocusLockicon—whentapped/illuminated,thefocusringisdisabled• ZoomLockicon—whentapped/illuminated,thezoomringisdisabled• Hyperfocalicon—whentapped,thefocusismovedtothelightfieldhyperfocalpositionforthecurrentfocallength  Using the Depth Assist Bar See Depth Assist Bar in Depth composition features, page XX.   Hiding and displaying the Menu Bar and Information Bar The Menu Bar can be hidden from view by swiping it to the right. To display it again, swipe left from the right edge of the screen. The Information Bar can be hidden from view by swiping it down. To display it again, swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen. 
Choosing an exposure mode The camera offers four exposure modes. The first letter of the currently selected mode appears in the exposure mode indicator in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen. It is also displayed and illuminated as the exposure mode icon — the first item in the Menu Bar. To select a different mode, tap the exposure mode icon. The exposure mode submenu will open to the left, displaying the four mode options.   Tap the exposure mode icon to open the submenu displaying the four options.  • P; Program Mode — the camera sets the ISO and the shutter speed based on metered value and EV compensation value • I; ISO Priority Mode — manually set the ISO, and the camera sets the shutter speed based on metered value and EV compensation • S; Shutter Priority Mode — manually set the shutter speed, and the camera sets ISO based on metered value and EV compensation • M; Manual Mode — manually set both the shutter speed and the ISO  Tap on one of the letter options to set the exposure mode. The submenu will close, and the new selection will now be displayed as the exposure mode icon as well as in the exposure mode indicator in the Information Bar. If no selection is made, after a few seconds the submenu will close.
 Tap one of the four options in the submenu to set the exposure mode.   Setting the ISO In ISO Priority Mode and Manual Mode, set the ISO by tapping the ISO indicator at the left end of the Information Bar. A selection band will open across the middle of the screen, with the current ISO at the center. Available ISO speeds range from 80 to 3200.   Tap the ISO indicator to open the ISO selection band.  Swipe the band from right to left to increase the ISO, or from left to right to lower it. Tap on any ISO visible in the selection band to go directly to that setting. Double-tap on the selection band returns to the initial ISO setting.   Once the selection has been made, tap the screen anywhere outside of the selection band to close the band. A half press of the shutter button will also close the selection band. A full press will close it and take a picture.
  Swipe the ISO selection band to increase or lower the ISO.  Set the ISO using the front dial while in ISO Priority Mode or using the rear dial while in Manual Mode*. As the dial is rotated, the ISO indicator in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen will change to display the current setting.  *Note that the functions assigned to the front and rear dials in the various exposure modes can be changed (see Settings, page XX). The default assignments are referenced here.     Setting the shutter speed In Shutter Priority Mode and Manual Mode, set the shutter speed by tapping the shutter speed indicator in the information bar at the bottom of the screen. A selection band will open across the middle of the screen, with the current speed at the center. Available shutter speeds range from 1/4000th of a second to 32 seconds.  [Screenshot: shutter speed selection band displayed; shutter speed indicator highlighted, displays 1/30] Tap the shutter speed indicator to open the shutter speed selection band.  Swipe the band from right to left to increase the shutter speed, or from left to right to lower it. Tap on any speed visible in the selection band to go directly to that speed. Double-tap on the selection band to the initial shutter speed setting.
 Swipe the shutter speed selection band to increase or lower the speed.  Once the selection has been made, tap the screen anywhere outside of the selection band to close the band. A half press of the shutter button will also close the selection band. A full press will close it and take a picture.  Set the shutter speed using the front dial while in Shutter Priority Mode or Manual Mode*. As the dial is rotated, the shutter speed indicator in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen will change to display the current setting.  *Note that the functions assigned to the front and rear dials in the various exposure modes can be changed (see Settings, page XX). The default assignments are referenced here.     Setting the EV compensation Exposure value compensation is available in all exposure modes except Manual Mode. Set the EV compensation by tapping the EV compensation indicator in the information bar at the bottom of the screen. A selection band will open across the middle of the screen, with the current setting at the center. The available settings range from -2.0 to +2.0.  Swipe the band from right to left to increase the compensation, or from left to right to lower it. Tap on any value visible in the selection band to go directly to that setting. Double-tap on the selection band to return to the initial compensation setting.  Once the selection has been made, tap the screen anywhere outside of the selection band to close the band. A half press of the shutter button will also close the selection band. A full press will close it and take a picture.
 Tap the EV compensation indicator to open the selection band.   Swipe the selection band to set the EV compensation.  Set the EV compensation using the rear dial while in Program, ISO Priority, and Shutter Priority Modes*. As the dial is rotated, the shutter speed indicator in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen will change to display the current setting.  *Note that the functions assigned to the front and rear dials in the various exposure modes can be changed (see Settings, page XX). The default assignments are referenced here.     Using autofocus Press the AF button to focus on the object at the center of the screen. Tap the screen to focus the lens on any area of the live view (see Tapping the screen to focus, below). This will not work if autofocus is disabled (see Using manual focus, page XX).   Tapping the screen to focus Focus by simply tapping the screen in the area to bring into focus. This will not work if autofocus is disabled (see Using manual focus, page XX).   Focus the lens by tapping the screen.
 Shooting with continuous shutter  When continuous shutter is active, the camera will trigger the shutter as rapidly as possible for as long as the shutter button is held down — or until the shot buffer is full. To activate continuous shutter mode, tap the Continuous Shutter icon in the Menu bar and the icon will illuminate. To return to single shutter mode, tap the icon again.   Setting the white balance To set the white balance, tap the White Balance icon in the Menu Bar. A submenu will open to the left, displaying available options. Swipe up on the submenu to view additional options. Tap any option to change the setting. The submenu will close, and the new selection will now be displayed as the White Balance icon as well as in the white balance indicator in the Information Bar. If no selection is made, after a few seconds the submenu will close.   Using the self-timer To activate the self-timer and set the countdown duration, tap and briefly hold the Self-Timer icon. The icon will illuminate and a submenu will open to the left, with options for 2 and 10 seconds. Tap on the desired selection, the submenu will close, and the new selection will now be displayed as the Self-Timer icon. The self-timer indicator will also replace the shutter mode indicator in the Information Bar. If no selection is made after a few seconds, the submenu will close.   To turn off the self-timer, tap the icon again. The camera will remember the selected countdown the next time the self-timer is activated.
 Using the live exposure histogram To view an exposure histogram for the live view, tap the Exposure Histogram icon in the Menu Bar at the right-hand edge of the screen. The icon will illuminate, and the histogram will be displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. To close the histogram, tap the icon again.   Activate the live exposure histogram to evaluate a potential shot.      Applying a grid overlay  To select a grid overlay and apply it to the live view, tap and briefly hold the Grid Overlay icon. A submenu will open to the left, displaying available options. Swipe up on the submenu view additional options. Tap any option to select an overlay style. The submenu will close, and the new selection will now be displayed as the Grid Overlay icon. If no selection is made, after a few seconds the submenu will close.
 Activate the rule-of-thirds grid view.  To turn off the grid overlay, tap the icon again. The camera will remember your selected settings the next time the overlay is activated.    Using the horizon level  To turn on the level indicator, tap the Horizon Level icon in the Menu Bar at the right-hand edge of the screen. The icon will illuminate and the level indicators will appear at the bottom and the left-hand edge of the live view.    Activate the horizon level to assist with a potential shot.  When the camera is level, each indicator will appear as a small horizontal or vertical tick mark. If the camera isn’t level, an arrow will extend away from one or
both tick marks, indicating the direction(s) to tilt the camera. The longer the arrow, the more camera tilt is needed to be level.  If an arrow extends from the left indicator, simply tilt the lens up or down, until the arrow retracts and disappears. If an arrow extends from the bottom indicator, tilt the camera to the left or right until the arrow retracts and disappears.  To turn off the level indicators, tap the Horizon Level icon again.    Adjusting the optical offset See Opticaloffset, in Depth composition features, page XX.    Opening the Settings menu Open the Settings menu by tapping the Settings icon in the Menu Bar. The menu will replace the live view. For details on each of the available Settings, see the Settings section on page XX. To close the menu and return to Capture Mode and the live view, tap on the word CAPTURE at the top left of the screen, or press the shutter button halfway.    Applying focus bracketing When focus bracketing is active, each time the shutter button is pressed, the camera will take a series of pictures, varying the focus for each. (For a more detailed explanation, see Focus bracketing, on page XX.) To activate focus bracketing and set the parameters, tap and hold the Focus Bracketing icon, which can be added to the Menu Bar (see Rearrange Menu, page XX).   Two selection bands will open across the middle of the screen, with the current settings at the center. The upper band shows the number of pictures that will be taken, 3 or 5. The lower band shows the increment that will be applied, from 1 to 10, in ‘Focus Steps’. Swipe the bands to change the settings. Double-tap a selection band to return to the initial setting.  Once selections have been made, tap the screen anywhere outside of the selection bands to close them. A half press of the shutter button will also close
the selection bands. A full press will close them and take a series of pictures using the new settings.  To turn off focus bracketing, tap the icon again. The camera will remember your selected settings the next time focus bracketing is activated.    Applying exposure bracketing When exposure bracketing is active, the camera will take pictures at a range of exposure compensation values each time the shutter button is pressed. To activate exposure bracketing and set the parameters, tap and hold the exposure bracketing icon, which can then be added to the Menu Bar (see Rearrange Menu, page XX).   Two selection bands will open across the middle of the screen, with the current settings at the center. The upper band shows the number of pictures that will be taken, 3 or 5. The lower band shows the exposure value increment that will be applied, 1/3 EV, 2/3 EV, 1EV, or 2 EV. Swipe the bands to change the settings. Double-tap on a selection band returns it to the initial setting.  Once selections are made, tap the screen anywhere outside of the selection bands to close them. A half press of the shutter button will also close the selection bands. A full press will close them and take a series of pictures using the new settings.  To turn off exposure bracketing, tap the icon again. The camera will remember your selected settings the next time exposure bracketing is activated.    Using manual focus When manual focus is selected, autofocus is automatically disabled. Set the focus by rotating the focus ring. Manual focus is selected by tapping the Manual Focus icon, which can be added to the Menu Bar (see Rearrange Menu, page XX).    Using a flash A standard flash can be mounted to the camera’s hot shoe, allowing basic flash synchronization. The flash will be triggered each time the shutter opens. The
synch speed (the fastest shutter speed at which you can use a flash) is 1/250. Lytro will offer a fully compatible flash with TTL flash metering beginning in late 2014.
Playback Mode  To enter Playback Mode from Capture Mode, tap the Playback Mode icon at the top of the Menu Bar, press the Fn button, or swipe the screen from left to right. The last Living Picture taken will be displayed, a new set of icons will appear in the Menu Bar at the right edge of the screen, and the contents of the Information Bar will also change. To view an older picture, simply swipe the screen from left to right. To go back to the first picture displayed, swipe from right to left.   To return to Capture Mode, tap the Capture Mode icon at the top of the Menu Bar, press the Fn button, or swipe the screen from right to left when the most recent picture is displayed. Press shutter button halfway to return to Capture Mode.   Touchscreen layout in Playback Mode  InformationBar • ISOreview—showstheISOatwhichthecurrentlydisplayedpicturewastaken• Shutterspeedreview—showstheshutterspeedatwhichthecurrentlydisplayedpicturewastaken• Whitebalancereview—showsthewhitebalancesettingatwhichthecurrentlydisplayedpicturewastaken
• Focallengthreview—displaysthefocallength(35mmequivalent)atwhichthecurrentlydisplayedpicturewastaken• Picturenumber/totalpicturesindicator—showsthenumberofthepicturecurrentlydisplayedandthetotalnumberofpicturesontheSDcard• WiFi(iOSConnect)indicator—visibleonlywhenthecameraisenabledasanaccesspointinSettings,iOSConnect• Batterychargeindicator—displaysthebattery’sremainingcharge  MenuBar • CaptureModeicon—taptoreturnthecameratoCaptureMode• GridViewicon—taptodisplayathumbnailgridofthepicturesstoredontheSDcard• ExposureHistogramicon—whentapped/illuminated,anexposurehistogramforthepicturecurrentlydisplayedisshown• Deleteicon—taptodeletethepicturecurrentlydisplayed• Settingsicon—taptoopentheSettingsmenu(thiswillclosePlaybackMode)  Processing a Living Picture for refocusing A Living Picture can be refocused by simply tapping the screen, but the camera has to process the picture first. The first time a picture is viewed, it will automatically be processed for refocusing.   A small progress window will appear over the center of the picture during processing. When the progress window disappears — usually in just a second or two — the picture is ready to be refocused by tapping the screen.
 Indicator of a Living Picture being processed   Refocusing a Living Picture  Once a picture has been processed, refocus it by just tapping the screen. The camera will re-center the focus as closely as possible to the spot tapped. Depending on the composition of the picture, some areas may fall outside the refocusable range — essentially the original depth of field that was in effect when the shot was taken.   Refocus a Living Picture by tapping the touchscreen.    Using grid view To sort through the Living Pictures on the SD card more quickly, select grid view. Tap the Grid View icon in the Menu Bar at the right-hand edge of the screen. The icon will illuminate, and a thumbnail grid of 12 pictures will replace the single-picture view.
   Tap the Grid View icon to display 12 pictures at a time.  Swipe the screen from left to right to view older pictures, or from right to left to view newer ones. When the 12 newest pictures are displayed, swiping from right to left will the return the camera to Capture Mode. If any of the thumbnails are tapped, the picture will expand to fill the screen, closing Grid View.     Using the review exposure histogram To view an exposure histogram for each picture as it is displayed, tap the histogram icon in the Menu Bar. The icon will illuminate and the histogram will appear in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. To close the histogram, tap the icon again.     Deleting a picture To delete the picture currently displayed, tap the Delete icon in the Menu Bar at the right-hand edge of the screen. A window will open with two options: OK or CANCEL. Tap OK to delete the picture.
 Opening the Settings menu You can open the Settings menu by tapping the Settings icon in the Menu Bar. The Settings menu will display, closing Playback Mode. For details on each of the available Settings, see the Settings section beginning on page XX.   To close the Settings menu, tap CAPTURE at the top left of the screen, or press the shutter button halfway. The camera will always return to Capture Mode when exiting Settings. To get back to Playback Mode, tap the Playback Mode icon in the Menu Bar again, press the Fn button, or swipe the screen from left to right.
Depth composition features  The refocusable range The Living Pictures captured with the LYTRO ILLUM can be, just by tapping. This ability to refocus is remarkable, but it does have limits — what we call the refocusable range — for every picture. The refocusable range comprises all the points brought into relatively sharp focus after a picture is captured.  The refocusable range is made up of two component ranges: the near refocusable range, which is closer to the camera, and the far refocusable range, which is further away. Each offers a spectrum of relative sharpness, depending on the depth who which the image is refocused.   In the illustrations below, the brighter the shade of the blue or yellow band, the sharper objects at that distance will appear when refocused. The brightest band in each component range is its core — where objects will appear sharpest when refocusing.   The refocusable range with the lens zoomed to a 50mm focal length (35mm equivalent) and the optical focus at approximately 42cm. Physical distances from the camera are shown in gray.  The refocusable range varies widely, depending on the zoom and focus positions of the camera when a picture is captured.   Depth Assist Bar The Depth Assist Bar appears as a column near the right edge of the screen. The orange and blue bands within the bar show where the current refocusable range
falls in terms of distances from the camera. The objects within that range are the ones that can be refocused on after the Living Picture is captured.  Each of the colored bands represents one slice of the depth within the refocusable range, called Focus Steps. The brighter the color of a Focus Step, the sharper the objects at that distance will appear when it is refocused.   In the Depth Assist Bar, the orange and blue bands, or Focus Steps, represent the refocusable range. The numbers indicate the physical distances from the camera.    The distances are measured from the sensor plane symbol visible on the right side of the camera’s exterior. While the measurements are mostly accurate, they are not perfect. Think them as useful guide, there to give a good sense of where the refocusable range is located.    Optical offset When looking at the live view, the shallow depth of field is due to the f/2.0 main lens. There is often much more in the refocusable range than what appears sharp in the live view. The optical offset plots the optical focus position used in the live view (and for autofocus) to the refocusable range — and can be adjusted to suit the style of Living Picture being captured.  When the optical offset is at the default setting, objects at the core of the near refocusable range will appear sharply focused in the live view.  This means that a Living Picture can be refocused on whatever looked sharp in the live view when it was taken, as well as on objects somewhat further away, since most of the refocusable range will fall beyond that point.
   The default optical offset, with the focus position used for the live view and for autofocus set at the core of the near refocusable range  Depending on the style of photography and the subjects being shot, it may be advantageous to relocate the optical offset position. As an example, when shooting landscapes, set the optical offset to the core of the far refocusable range. Then, when composing a shot by focusing on a distant object, most of the refocusable range would be available for closer objects.   An adjusted optical offset position that might be used for landscape photography.
To adjust the optical offset, add the Optical Offset icon to the Menu Bar (see Rearrange Menu, page XX) then tap it. The Menu Bar will be hidden, and a depth scale will be displayed.  Bands in shades of blue represent the near refocusable range, and bands in shades of orange represent the far refocusable range. The current optical offset position is indicated by a white band (the default position is -4). Rotate the front dial to relocate the optical offset closer or further away in the refocusable range.  To close the depth scale, unhide the Menu Bar by swiping left from the right edge of the screen. The optical offset will remain at the new setting until it is changed using these same steps.   Spot Depth Feedback Spot Depth Feedback allows to check the distance of the object at the center of the live view. Press the Lytro button halfway to activate it. A light blue band will appear on the Depth Assist Bar, representing the distance of the object from the camera. It is then easy to see if the object falls within the focusable range, indicated by the orange and blue Focus Steps. Activating Spot Depth Feedback does not affect the focus of the camera.   Depth Histogram and Depth Overlay The LYTRO ILLUM offers live, interactive depth analysis in the form of the Depth Histogram and Depth Overlay. Both provide feedback on where subjects fall relative to the refocusable range. To activate them, fully press the Lytro button.  The Depth Histogram consists of bands extending out to the right of a depth scale. Bands in shades of blue represent the near refocusable range, and bands in shades of orange represent the far refocusable range. The more there is available to refocus on at a given depth, the further the band beside it will extend to the right.   Glancing at the histogram can tell if you have a substantial subject within the refocusable range. To maximize the impact of refocusing, it is ideal to have a significant histogram wave in both the near refocusable range and the far refocusable range. Waves outside of the refocusable range correspond to objects in the background or foreground that can not be refocused.    The Depth Overlay provides the same kind of information as the Depth Histogram, but displays it as an overlay on objects in the live view. Objects that fall within the near refocusable range are edged with blue. Objects that fall within the far refocusable are edged with orange. Instantly see whether there is enough subject matter in each of the ranges to provide good refocusing possibilities.
 Evaluate a potential shot using the Depth Overlay. Objects in the near refocusable range are edged in blue; those in the far refocusable range are edged in orange.   Focus bracketing Like the more familiar exposure bracketing, focus bracketing causes the camera to take a series of pictures each time the shutter button is pressed. But instead of varying the exposure between each picture, the camera varies the focus. That means the refocusable range is shifting, too, so there is a better chance of capturing a picture with great possibilities for refocusing.     The change in focus between each picture is expressed in Focus Steps. Choose the number of Focus Steps, from 1 to 10, between each picture.  One can choose 3 or 5 pictures.
 The refocusable range as captured with focus bracketing set to 3 pictures and 1 Focus Step (FS).  To use focus bracketing, add it to the Menu Bar (see Rearrange Menu, page XX).  Then activate it and set the number of pictures that will be taken and the number of Focus Steps between each picture. For help setting those parameters, see Applying focus bracketing, on page XX.
Settings  You can open the Settings menu from either Capture or Playback Mode by tapping the Settings icon in the Menu Bar. The Settings menu will fill the screen, replacing whatever was displayed. Swipe the touchscreen to scroll up or down through the menu.   To close the Settings menu, tap CAPTURE at the top left of the screen, or press the shutter button halfway. The camera will always return to Capture Mode when exiting Settings. To return to Playback Mode, tap the Playback Mode icon in the Menu Bar again, press the Fn button, or swipe the screen from left to right.   Format SD card For best performance, format your SD card when first using it in the camera, and again after using it in any other device. Please note that formatting the card will erase any data stored on it. To begin, tap FORMAT SD CARD in the Settings menu. A window will open with two options: FORMAT or CANCEL. To continue with formatting, tap FORMAT. When formatting is complete, tap DONE to return to the Settings menu.   Brightness Adjust the brightness of the screen by tapping BRIGHTNESS in the Settings menu and dragging the slider. Or slide the AUTO-BRIGHTNESS selector to the ON position, and the camera will automatically adjust the brightness to the lighting conditions.    Sounds Tap SOUNDS in the Settings menu, and by dragging the slider, adjust the volume of the sounds produced by the camera. Turn off either all sounds or just the touch sounds by sliding the appropriate selector to the OFF position.   Exposure simulation The live view can be set to simulate the exposure that will result if a Living Picture is captured using the current settings. To activate exposure simulation, open the Settings menu, look for EXPOSURE SIMULATION, and slide the selector to the AUTO position.   Clipping warning When clipping warning is turned on, pulsing stripes will indicate any areas of the Live View that will be overexposed if a Living Picture is captured using the
current settings. To activate clipping warning, open the Settings menu, look for CLIPPING WARNING, and slide the selector to the ON position.    Instant preview Set the duration of the instant preview from 1 to 15 seconds or turn instant preview off. Open the Settings menu, and tap INSTANT PREVIEW. Swipe up to see additional duration options. Tap on a selection to set the duration. A half press of the shutter button dismisses the preview and immediately restores the live view.     File format You can select which file format the camera records in, Lytro RAW or Lytro XRAW. Tap FILE FORMAT in the Settings menu, then tap on your selection.  Lytro RAW files contain the raw light field picture data and can only be viewed on the camera or on a computer running a copy of Lytro Desktop that has been paired with the camera. Lytro XRAW files contain the raw light field picture data as well as the pairing data required to properly process the light field. Lytro XRAW can viewed using any copy of Lytro Desktop, but is a much larger file.   iOS Connect To connect your iOS device to the LYTRO ILLUM over Wi-Fi, open the Settings menu and tap iOS CONNECT. Set ACCESS POINT to ON.   On your iOS device, go to Settings, Wi-Fi. Make sure Wi-Fi is activated. Under CHOOSE A NETWORK, tap OTHER. Enter the network name as displayed on the camera (be sure to use uppercase and lowercase letters exactly as shown). Select WPA security, and enter the password as displayed on the camera. If the iOS device is within range, it should connect to the camera’s network.     Long exposure noise reduction Activate this feature to reduce noise in Living Pictures taken with long exposure times. Look for LONG EXPOSURE NOISE REDUCTION in the Settings menu and slide the selector to the ON position. Then, whenever a long exposure time is selected (either manually or automatically), the camera will take a second picture using the same settings, but with the shutter closed — recording only noise. Because the noise recorded in the two pictures will be identical, the camera can use the second picture to identify the noise and suppress it in the picture.    Camera controls Many of the physical camera controls can be assigned different functions, others can have their functions modified in one way or another. Tap CAMERA CONTROLS
in the Settings menu to open the camera controls submenu containing the options below.   SHUTTER HALF-PRESS Tap to display the five functions that may be assigned to the half press of the shutter button: AE-L (autoexposure lock), AF (engage autofocus), AF + AE-L (engage autofocus and autoexposure lock), and OFF. Tap an option to select it.  EXPOSURE DIALS Tap to display the two options, DEFAULT and ALTERNATE, for the functions assigned to each dial in the various exposure modes. Tap an option to select it. The assignments for each dial in each exposure mode are shown below.    DEFAULT P; Program Mode  I; ISO Priority Mode S; Shutter Priority Mode M; Manual Mode Front dial NA Shutter speed ISO Shutter speed Rear dial EV Compensation EV Compensation EV Compensation ISO ALTERNATE     Front dial EV Compensation EV Compensation ISO ISO Rear dial NA Shutter Speed EV Compensation Shutter Speed  LENS RINGS Tap to display the two options, DEFAULT and ALTERNATE, for behavior of the lens rings. Tap an option to select it.  REARRANGE MENU Tap to display all of the touch control icons that can be assigned to the Menu Bar. The pages of the Menu Bar are shown as columns from left to right. Icons are shown in their current positions, and those that are currently assigned are illuminated. To relocate an assigned icon, tap and drag it to a new location.   To assign an icon to the Menu Bar, double-tap it. The icon will illuminate and is now available to tap and drag to relocate it.  REMAP BUTTONS Tap to assign any of a range of functions to each of the four physical buttons on the back of the camera. There is an illustration of the four buttons, labeled A, B, C, and D. To the right appears the same four letters,
each followed by the function currently assigned to it. Tap one of these to assign a different function.   A list of options will be displayed. Swipe up to scroll to additional options. The current function is indicated by a checkmark, and options that are currently assigned to one of the other three buttons are indicated by the letter of that button. Tap a function to assign it, and then the first screen appears.   AE-L Tap to display the three options for behavior of the AE-L button, then tap an option to select it. Select WHILE PRESSED, and autoexposure will be locked only while the AE-L button is pressed. Select CONTINUOUS, and pressing the AE-L button will lock autoexposure until the button is pressed again. Select ONE SHOT, and pressing the AE-L button will lock autoexpsoure until the shutter has been triggered.   General Tap GENERAL in the Settings menu to open the submenu containing the options below.    DATE & TIME Tap to display the selection wheels for the date and time. Swipe up or down to change any selection. Choose the 24-hour clock option by swiping the selector to the ON position.  TIME ZONE Tap to display a list of locations and their respective time zones. Swipe up to scroll to additional locations/zones. Tap to make a selection.  LANGUAGE Tap to display the options for the language used by the camera. Tap to make a selection.   DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS To change the unit of measurement used by the camera, slide this selector from feet to meters or vice versa.  ABOUT Tap to display the build-code of the camera.    UPDATE FIRMWARE
Tap to update the camera firmware, which takes several minutes. A window will open with two options: CANCEL or UPDATE. To continue with the update, tap UPDATE.   TRANSFER PAIRING DATA TO SD CARD  HELP Replay the walk-through of the camera’s most unique controls and features that played during initial set-up. Tap HELP, then tap FIRST TIME USER HELP.  RESET Reset the camera to factory settings. The default functions will be restored for all buttons and controls, and only the default touch control icons will be assigned to the Menu Bar. Tap RESET. A window will open with two options: RESET or CANCEL. To continue with the reset, tap RESET.   Resources • Lytro website –  • Training –  • Lytro Desktop – • Lytro Support –    
Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:󾜀 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.󾜀 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.󾜀 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.󾜀 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel 1~11 can be operated. Selection of other channels is not possible. This device will not permit operations on channels 116-128 for 11na and 120-128 for 11a which overlap the 5600 -5650MHz band.Portable DeviceIMPORTANT NOTE:Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure StatementThis EUT is compliance with SAR for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1999 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C. This equipment should be installed and operated contact with the radiator & your body.

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