MAG Technology Co U7T009 User Manual 8

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Document Title8

796FD -
User’s Guide
17” (16.0” viewable)
Ultra High Resolution
Plug & Ploy Ready
FD Trinitron' Color Monitor
with JAGTM OSD Control
«P "'°'“"‘"“'“ l T
2 MAG InnoWsiun User‘s Manual
Copyright © 1999 MAGTeehnologyCo.,Ltd.
lSF,Nol 287,8ec. 3, Nanking E. Rd,
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: +886 (2) 27 1 9-531]
All Righl Reserved
No part of this publication maybe produced or transmitted in any from or by any
means, electronicormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or translat-
ing into any language in any form without the ecpresswrltten permission of MAG
Technology Co., Ltd
JAG“, the MAG Innovision logo, and the screen logo are trademarks or
registered trademarks ofMAG TechnologyCo.,Ltd.inthe UnitedStates and other
Windows' is a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh” is
a registeredtradcmark oprple Compulers, All cum-trademarks urethe property
¢> of their respective owners. _¢.
796FD User’s Guide
Model no.: U7T009
7 l “W 2 {if ”WM” 1 fi
Safety Precautions
JAGW Control
e-waeo Mode
On Screen DisplaleSDl
DDC Plug &Piay
MFR ll andTCO 95 Compliant
EPA'“ EnergyStar‘and VESA'Display Power Management System
Setting up Your Monitor
Q OSD Options
Video Modes
no 95 Environmental labelling
Regulatory Compliance Statement:
Customer Senilce
T l minus. :
796FD Monitor 3
less/m, m nz-As ‘ I’—
4 MAG Innovmon User's Manual
All Specifications are xubjccl in changed wnhoul notice or obligalion.
Dol pitch
Mnx stululinn
Display color
Scanning frequency
Display area
Pix Ram
lnpul signal
¢ pwmuppl,
Power mnsumpnm
Rnummended ambiance
Power Management
—‘l l mmpss
17-inch 06.0" viewable) SONY FD Triniuon' picture
tube with TCO / Anti-refleciive caning, anti-glare, anli—
Italic. 90‘ deflection
1600x l200 (Non-inurlaeed)
Horizontal: 30 - 96KH1
Vertical: 50- IEOH:
Factory pmsening 3 no 1: 230 mm (Wx H)
203 MHZ nominal
Video: Analog, own 75m,
Sync: Sepnrntn'l—l'l. lml
Compasit: “111 level
100 . 240 v“, 50/60 Hz
Normal: < 135W
Suspend: < 10W
Active OR: < N!
Operatinglemperature: 32'F~ I 04°F (Of-40°C)
Opcrafing humidity: IO~90 %
Stung: umpmmm -4"F-— l40'F (-20'C~60‘C)
410x421 x42} mm (WxHx D)
Net: I75Kg
Cross: 2 I .0Kg
EPA Energy Star“. VESA DPMS"'M
, ”90th m "29
796FD Monltor 5
Safety Precautions
Please read all of the following instructions before use.
' Follow all warnings and instmctions marked on this product.
- When cleaning this monitor, first unplug it from the wall outlet. Do not use
liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
~ Do not use this product where water spills may occurr
- Prevention from falling. do not place this product on an unstable surface.
- To protect this monitor from overheating, slots and openings on the back
and bottom of this unit (use for ventilation) should never be blocked.
- Never be placed near a radiator or heating element.
- Only operate this monitor from the power source indicated on the marking
label. If you are not sure of the type of power source available in your area,
consult your dealer or your local power company
- This product is equipped with a 3vwire grounding type plug. For safety this
device is meant to be used with a grounding-type power outlet. If you do not
have one, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not
use a 340—2 prong adapter.
- Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord or leave any cords hanging
where people frequently walk.
' If an extension cord is used with this product. make sure that the total
amperage ratings do not exceed the extension cord’s amperage or 10
- Never puncture any objects through the walls of the monitor. High voltage
point; could result in electric shock, fire hazard or cause a short circuit.
- Never attempt to service this product yourself. Opening this unit may expose
you to dangerously high voltages Refer all servicing to a qualified service
- Save this instruction manual for later use.
Nate.- Unplug this product and contact qualified service personnel if:
n The power cord or plug is damaged or frayed
- The product has been exposed to rain or water
- The product does not operate normally when used properly
- Improper adjustments has been made
- The product has been dropped or damaged
. The product does not achieve maximum performance
——H 7SEFD.p$!I s i mes/NLPMDtlé
4 MAG lnnoWsmn User's Guide
Bine lesen Sic dle lolgenden Hinweise vor der lnbelrlehmhme sorgl’ilfig durch.
' Bezchmn Sic all: am Geri! nngehrachren Wamlmgcn und Him-win.
- Trenncn Si: das Gem var dcm Reinigen zunichsl vom Slmmnetz. Verwenden Sic
wade:Reinigungsflflssigkexten noch Sprays. RmmgenSicdasGualmircincm 1mm
angefcuchtelen Tush.
- Beu‘cihcn Sic dieses Germ mom in cincr Umgeblmg, in dchassersprilzer anftrclcn
- Slellen Sic dab Geri! nut an emem sicheren. stabilzn On inf. um es vcr dam
Hcrunlerfallen zu schinun.
- Achlen Sxe darauf, daBdi: Belfiflungsschlitu und -Hl‘lnungcn aufdexRfickseile und
Unurscilc dcs Guam: rm zuginglich sind, damn aim Beschidigung dc: Monitors
durch Uherhilzung Varmiaden wird.
- Vemeidm Sic es. das Geri! in unmmelharer Nlh: einer Helzung aufzuslellen.
~ Beneihen sic diescs Gem ausachliefllich mil dz: anf dcm Eliken angegehcnen
Nclzspannung. Falls Sic m‘chl lehfl sind. wclche Netzspmnung inlhrer Umgcblmg
van-vandal wird. erkundigen Sic sich bei lllrem Fachhfindlcr Oder bei lhrcm
' Disses Gem 151 mil einem dreipoligen. geerdmn Nelzstecker ausgeruslcl. Es some
ans Sicherhcilsgn'lnden memegeeniel: Stackdose angmhlossen warden. Beauftmgen
Sic gegebenenl’alls Ihren Eleklriker, nichl goerdete Sleckdoxe‘n dutch garden: Iu
ersctzcn, Vemmden Si: kzinufallt chm: J-aufilpah'gm Adapter.
- sullen Si: keine schweren Gegcnstllndc auf dus Nelzkabel, und lassen Sic an stark
frequcntiemn Omen kcine Kabul imWeg herumlicgen,
- Falls Siemesu Geri!milcinzmVerlflngsmngskabelbelreiben‘ achmn Sic darauf. daB
d]: gesamle Slromlasldcx mgeschlusscm came his)“. fibcrdu maximal zuussigen
Sxmmbclzslung d=s Vultugcmngskabels und nichr Llhcr 10 Ampér: liegt,
- Slackcn Sic keinesfalls irgendwelche Geaensumde dutch die Gmluscbffnungcn des
Monitors. Dies kann zu Strnmmiflcn, Bland our Kurzschlilsscn mm“.
- Versuchcn Sic kclncsfalls, di=s=s Gcr‘al selbst zu warren ode: zu replxiercn‘ Beim
Offnen des Games bcslehl die Gcfahr, daB Sicin Kamakt mil Hochsparmung guamnl
fiberlassen Sic all: Wanungs- und Repamumbeiten dcm damr nusgcbildetcn
' Heben Sie dies: Anlenung zum spélmn Gebrluch auf.
Himveis: In den fulgenden Fallen mussen Sle das Gem! vom Stmmnelz (rennen und
sick mil mm Su‘vicewerkstau in Verbmdung mun:
- Das Nelzkabel is! beschadigl hzw. dumhgelcheuen
- Das Gem wurdc Regen bzw. underweiziger chhligkeit ausgeselzl
~ Das Germ funklionien im nonnnlcn Betricb mom erwammgsgemifl
- Es wurden falsclw Einswllungen vorgenommen
- Das Gefa st hemmergefullcn Oder wurde underweinig beschfidigl
- Das Ger'ait funkljonien nur eingeschrinkt
—H 755mm 4 t ant-9.1mm
786FD Monitor 5
Allgemeine Sicherheit Shinweiu
Fclgcnde Schrille solllen fur die richlige Verbindung dei 756m Bildscnirmgerales mil
dam Compowr befolgt warden, Die folgenden Hinweisc scllten vnr do: Installation dc;
786FD sorgflldg benchm warden ‘
Dllse Anleitung (ilr spfiterln Gehranch mrfgfilfig Ill“)! wahren
- Das Bildschirmgcm nichl dircktcr Sonneneinsuahlung ausszrzen.
- Das Bildschirmgeml nicm in dz! Nihe van Wannequellen aufslcllen, LB. Heizgemcn.
- Dzs Bildschlrmgerfil nicm Regen odzr flberméfliger Feuchtigkeil mum".
- Nicm die Belufmngscfi'nungen hlockiemn Oder ahdccken. Dim éffnungen und
Schlitz: im Gchausc sorgcn mr die mnwcndige Ventilation. Das Bildschirmgem
sollu niemals mi: cine! Vukleidungimigehen odcr in cinem Regal eingcbauz warden.
fills nichl rm cine “mum-dc Btlflftvng gesalgl isl.
' Niemals versuchen, das Genus: zu emfemcn ode: das Bildichirmgflfik selbsl zu
wanen. All: Wammgsaihciten solllcn nnr vum aulurisiencn Kundcndiensl
durchgefflhrl warden
- Niemals versuchen, dieses Gmt selbst zu wmen. da beim Offnen ode! Abnehmen
des Gehsuscs die Gefahr eines =l=ktrisclwen Schlages bcsleht.
- Zum thzanschlufl disses Games is! ein: gcprul‘te Lciiung zu verwcnden. Fm
zinen Nennstmm bis 6A is! cine Leinmg nichl Leichler als HOSVV-F 3G (.7.75mml
' Die Smckdole muB nnha dem Get it angebrachl und Ieichi zugénglich sain.
- Zur Vermtidnng Von Feucr ndcr Slmmschlng ni=mnls Gegmstsnde durch die Oflnung
dcs Bildschirmgemcs slackcn uder fallen lessen. Kaine Flnsslgkciicn fiber dem
Germ verschmun.
- Vor Anschluu dcs Nelzkabels an die Suckduse sullw die Slmmvmorgung uberpruft
und sichugesnzm warden, dafl sic def Nelzspanmmg des Bildschirmgzraics
enlsprichl. Die vurgeschrisebenc Netzspmmung isl auf der Rnckscile des
Bildschinngmm nngegeben,
‘ Nichl die Slcckdusen uberlasun. da dies m Feuer Oder Strumschlag fiihren kann.
- Fun den anschluB an den Vnsargungsslmmkmis muB einc TUV-ndu VDE1=priiflrz
AnsohluBleilung nich leichter als HOSVV-F vciwcndet wcrden.
T | 15350 p05 5 g mm, ¢ 3: m
6 MAG lnnovision User's Manual
The 79617!) is a 17—inch (16.0" viewable) multiscanning, ultra high resolution
color monitor with SONY FD Trinitronntube. With state-of-the-m electronics,
this monitor is capable of resolutions up to 1600x1200 non-interlaced,
The intelligent microprocessor-based design enables the monitor to
automatically synchronize and adjust to most common video modes.
Cheek list:
Before operating this monitor,
please make sure that all of the
following items are included:
- 796FDMonitor
' Power cord
- This user’s Guide
JAG” Control
The JAGT“ is designed to provide full user programming capabilities in one
simple-to—use location for a more ergonornieally-fi'iendly design This allows
you to choose a control function and make necessary display adjustments with
just one dial
e-Vldeo Mode
The monitor provided an Enhance Video Mode. In the TV, PC game or Multi-
media Video input, provide higher/brighter video output
__]‘ weropss s i tics/W4.AMii:n
796FD Monitor 7
On Screen Dlsplay (OSDI
The combination of the JAG?M control and OSD (On-Screen Display) makes it
easier for you to make precise screen format adjustments simply. The User
Mode control within the OSD allows you to change and save custom display
characteristics and timing modes.
DDC Plug & Play
With VESA‘DDC l/ZB, when the momtor is powered up, it will automatically
notify a Windows“ 95/98 host computer ofits scanm'ng frequencies, capabilities
and characteristics. Windows'95/98 will automatically recognize the connection
of the monitor and select the appropriate display resolution.
MFR H and TCO 95 Compliant
The monitor has been designed to meet Swedish MPRJI and TCO 95 guidelines
for electromagnetic and static emissions.
EPA” Energy Star” and VESA" Display Power
Management System
In the busrness world, the fastest growing use of electrical power is by
computer systems. The amount of electricity used by computers in businesses
and homes is phenomenal. A large portion of this electricity is wasted. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted research showing that
most of the time PCs are powered up, they are not in use. The EPA promotes
the use of energy-efficient equipment because generating electricity causes
emissions that pollute the air.
This monitor is Energy Star compliant when used with a computer equipped
with VESA" Display Power Management System (DPMS)
Note: The 796FD momtor has tluee power-saving modes. The power saving
operation is indicated by the LED power indicator on the tram panel.
When the LED is green, your monitor is operating normally.
When the LED is orange, your monitor is in a power saving mode.
If the LED is orange and blinking, the monitor is in a sleep mode. Press
a keyboard key or move the mouse to return to normal usage.
If the LED is orange and blinking and you cannot return to normal usage
by using the mouse or keyboard, check yom' video signal connection.
When the monitor is not in use, save energy by turning off the monitor.
T ‘ wasrnpss 7 ismmmoemfi
B MAG lnnoV|sion User's Manual
Setting up Your Monitor
Setting up your monitor is easy. Just make a few srmple connections and
adjustments. The following procedure is to guide you to the proper usage of
this product.
To common-to mew ‘
1. Turn off the power to your system and all its attached options
2. Make sure that your equipment is in cable-reaching distance from a
properly grounded electrical outlet. Posiuon the monitor and the computer
so that you can access the back panel of both without difficulty.
3. Connect one end of the signal cable into the video input connector on back
panel of the monitor, Plug the other end of the cord into the graphic card
video adapter on the back of the computer-l
4. Tighten the screws on the video signal cable connector to keep them from
coming loose and to prevent radio and TV interference,
54 Connect the power cord that came with the monitor lo the AC connector at
the back of the monitor. Plug the other end of the power cord into a
properly grounded power outlet.
A: AC power connector
,, ., ® B: H-focus adjustment
C: V-focus adjustment
mg : 1 ® D; Attached video cable
E l
i> * ©
2, m 7 @
Note: It is important that you use the power cord that came im'th your monitor
in order to insure that the monitor conforms to mandatory FCC standards
‘ 795mm a tmmtAMuzv
796FD Monitor 9
Make sure you carefully follow the “Safety" and “setting Up Your Monitor“
instmctions to install your monitor to your system before operating your
monitor. You may also want to familiarize yourself with the “Image
Adjustment" section of this manual before making any operational adjustments
to your operating monitor.
To opmfithé manor: .
I. Turn on the monitor by pressing the power button once The power LED
lights and the monitor demagnetizes itself for about five seconds.
2 Power up the system.
3. Once the system is completely powered up, the LED power indicator on the
monitor should be green. “not, check the connections.
4. Use On—Screen Display to adjust the controls needed to get the best
picture. Experiment with the display settings to choose the optimum image
size and position for you (refer to the image Adjustment section of this
manual for Instructions),
A. Power button
B. e—Vidco button
C. JAG Dial
Note: if you need to disconnect the power cord from the wall socket ormonitor
for any reason, he sure to wait at least 30 seconds afier you mm off the monitor
before you unplug it. This allows the monitor to discharge any static electricity
from the screen surface.
—| i 79an pas 9 mac/m. w oe ¢s
H) MAG lnnovision User's Manual
Image Adjustment
The JAG” is designed to provide full user programming capabilities in one
simple—to—use location for a more ergonomically-friendly design. This allows
you to choose a control and make necessary display adjustments with just one
To adjtm other vlsual s'etttngr; ,
Press the JAG. The Main Menu appears, displaying the current resolution
and a number of Visual setting options. (refer to the "OSD Options“
section of this manual).
Rotate the JAG to highlight the desired option,
Press the JAG again to access the option. A control screen for the option
If this option is adjustable,
rotatetheJAGtoadjustit.Some 1 024 x no
options arenotadjustableand H-SS'SKHZ v-as.on
are simply activated when the
JAG is pressed.
Press the JAG when
adjustments are complete to
exit the control screen and
retum to tlte Main Menu.
Select Exit and press the JAG
to exit the OSD Main Menu.
OSD Optlons
T ‘ mamas
Contrast - Adjusts the contrast level (black level) in the display.
Brightness - Adjusts the brightness (white level) level in the display.
Horizontal Size - Increases and decreases the display width,
Horlzontll Position » Shifis the display to the right or lefl.
Vertical Size - Increases and decreases the display height,
Vertical Position - Shifis the display up or down.
Plnturhion - Bends the sides of the screen display inward or outward.
Trapezoid - Adjusts the top and bottom display widths to be even.
Degauss - Removes any discoloration from the display image due to
electromagnetic field buildUp. It is not tsually necessary to degauss your
monitor, unless it has been moved.
in tows/em “129
T ‘ mees
79bFD Monitor I l
Reset - While in a preset video mode, press the JAG dial to reset all
customer display setting to the factory default settings.
Advanced options - Activates the secondary menu that displays options for
rotation, bow, parallelogram, comer, and moire.
. Rotation - Adjusts the tilt of
the display.
. Parollelogritm - Adjusts the
tilt of the display sides to the
lefl or right.
. Bow - Bends the sides of the
display in the same direction.
H:91.1KHZ V285.0Hz
. Corner — Squares off the
display comers. 1 t : NAVIGATE
e V-Molre - Reduces the optical effect of wavy lines or ripples on the
display image in the horizontal direction These effects are usually more
noticeable on large gray areas or on black and white checkerboard
15: senior
- H-Moire - Reduces the optical effect of wavy lines or ripples on the
display image in the vertical direction. _¢_
. Vertical Focus - Adjust the vertical focus of the display colors.
. Horizontal Focus - Adjusdsat the horizontal focus of the display colors.
- Vertical convergence - Adjusdsat the horizontal convergence of the
display colors.
- Horizontal convergence - Adjusdsat the horizontal convergence of the
display colors.
Color Manager - Activates the c 0 L0 R MA NAG E R
secondarymenuthatdisplaythree H:91.1KHz V:85.0Hz
preset level options. Once color
temperature option 15 selected,
rotate and press the JAG to choose
and adjust the red, goon or blue
color levels, You may also use recall
to retum to the original factor
" s "WW“ l l—
lZ MAG lnnoVision User’s Guide
a Language Manager - Activates the Language Manager submenu. Allows
you to choose the language for the menu screens.
0 User Mode »Activstes the User Mode
submenu. This stores the display
characteristics of a specific resolufion
(not already defined
timing mode) into the monitor’s
memory. This saves you from having to
readjust the display features each time
you reboot (refer to the “Video Modes”
as a factory preset
section for preset timing options) the 1 Mum/mars 35. setscr
0 0S!) Manager - Activates the OSD Manager submenu. This allows you to
adjust the OSD menu position on the display.
Vldeo Modes
This mthi frequency monitor operates at horizontal frequencies of 30 to 9610-11
and vertical frequencies ofSD to 160 Hz. The range refers to a maximum flicker-
free, usable resolution of 1600x1200 at a non-interlaced refresh rate of 751-12
This monitor offers 17 preprogrammed settings that cover most of the common
video modes supported by popular graphics adapters If the monitor recognizes
one of the preset timing
signals, it will recall that
mode and any stored
display adjustments you
have made. However, the
monitor is multi»
scanning, thus, it can
accept any signal Within
its frequency range.
1r your video timing
mode is not one of the
preset timing modes, a
screen will appear
instructing you to save
your timing mode to the
User Mode.
—l l m“
' tummy-ta " Mammal run-m.
t2 ism/m, PM 0215 ‘ l—
796FD MDHlIOr 13
Pin Asslgnment
The pin assignment afthe connectors is listed below for professional use only.
Please do not attempt to alter the connections yourself as this may seriously
damage the menitor.
1 Red Video input
2 Green video input
3 Blue video input
4 Ground
5 Ground (DDC) m
6 Red video ground
7 Green video gruund ‘
8 Blue video ground
9 No connection
10 Ground
1 1 Ground
¢‘ 12 DDC SDA 1 5 Q
13 Horizontal sychCumposite sync.
14 Vertical sync. 6 m 1°
15 DDC SCL 11 15
T i TBSFDJAG v: i |sswemPanws i [—
14 MAG lflnDVISlOI’l User's Manual
TCO 95 Environmental Labelling
Congrnlulaliunal You have juri purehnsed . TCO 95 approved and labelled prndueil Your
choice has provided ynn mm a pmducl develnped for vl'nl'essioilul use. Your purehare has
elm conlnbuled lo rn‘lucing the burden on the cnvlmmcnl and him, In lhe rurlher
developmenl of euvlmnmenully ldlplcd eleclrnnier produu,
Why do we have erwlronmmtally labelled computerfl
in many commas. envimumenral labelling has heenme nn esrahlished melhnd for eneeumging
rhe ednplnnnn of goods end acryaees lu llre environmenr The main prnhlem, ls far as
enmpuren and nmer elccuenics equipmem ere Ennwmzd, is [hit cnvllunmmllly harmful
rulaaunces are used boih in ihe produe -- - -< the manufacrurlng. Since it has nor been
mulble for lhe nuulmly ol‘ ele .
of these pnlenlially dama-‘
cmmmplinn levels. lhn
are impel-um from v end nnrural (external)
cnvlmnmcnu. Sine ‘ ‘ hnyc e neg-rive
effect on lhe env' l n . I ' ' l - fldloullve waste,
This prodllfl m —‘
and anvimllmm
Nalurskyddslounin .‘ i _
Nllilmal Board for v n
i_ i
, a. a, v , c,
The requiremenls Dev \(1;: ""' fi’fi‘ ‘f'mics, uenhiluy, emissinn
or clecllical and magnen- was‘gflex , nl and fire safery.
The enyunnmenul dcminds i “Mame and ma nf henyy meiale,
hmminalzd and chlulinaled fllm > v k . 11601“) ind chlurlmled solvenls.
among olhet lllillgs. The prnduer mun he prepnred for reeyeling 1nd (he mnmlflclurzr is
obliged in have an envimnmenral plan which must he adhered in each enumry where the
eompany implemeni ils openlim‘lfl] pulley
The energy requiremenu include a dmand lhar flu: mnpnrer and/at displny, aher a ceruin
period of imciivlly. shAIl neduee ils puwer eenrumprim to n lnwer level m one or more
stages. The lengrh of lime lo reaedyare me compuler slulll be nunmhle for rhe use:
Labelled ploducu milsl mwl mic; envirenmenial demnnde, for mmple, in reepee- er Ihe
redneiion ol eleeme and mlglwllc fields. physical and viruel ergnnnnnes and good usabilllyi
In the following palagmphi, you will find a brief summery nl lhe cilvirmlmenlal requllcmcllt
me: by this prndurr The emplem envnnnmennal eriieria doeumeni my be nrdered from.
TCO Develnpmem Unll
s-ll4 94 Slockhulm
Fax: +45 3 7s: 92 07
Emil (lnreruerl:
Clmml inlnrmarinn mglldmg TCO 95 approved and lenelled pmdlms may ulna b= ehinined
vll ihe lnllmlel, using rhe addren
T ‘ 795mm in F lewd/mun wan
796FD Monitor I5
TCO 95 is a cD-opcrutivc propel bawecn TCO (Th: Swedish Cnnfednutinn nf Professiml
Employees), Nalnlskyddsformingcn (The Swedish Socicly for Nature Conservation) Ind
NUTEK (The National Board for lndustril] and Technical Dwelnpmml in chdcn)
Environmental Requlrements
urnmlruzed flame Humans
Emmimlcd nnme reurdnme are preeem in primed circuit bonds. cables. Wires, cum; and
housings. in mm. Iliey delry lire rpreud of fire l Up in lnirry percent of lire ylaslic in .
emupurer casing e... eunriei of flame remain whit-inc: There ere rel-red lo Another mun
of envlrnnmenlul loxins, PCEs, which m suepeeled lu give rise in similar mum, including
remdduclive damage in flihsating birds and mammals, due Io lire bin-ummnlauvc‘ plocesL
Flume remdunrs luv: been found In hum-n blood und mseurclrcrs feur dim disrurbamer in
foetus dzvclopmems may neeur
TCO 95 requircmml slllcs l . - mare Illnn 25 grams musl not
cnnlaln mpnicnlly lidund l v ‘
Lead" '
Lead can be fduud i? ud damages me
mrvous system an ‘
TCO 9s reuul ,
cnl has yer been
Cadmium is p r
eempuler diepluy.
TCO 95 requirem-
millinn) of cadmiu .
Mercury is son-crimes (a
system and is taxi: in high do
TCO 9s requiremenl rrues rlur ban ' conmin more lhln 25 ppm (parlr per
million) of mercury. ll ulsn demands lhal nu mercury is presenl in any of the elerrrleul or
elaclmnics campimenls cunnemed will! ill: display unit,
CFC: (freon!)
CFC; (freonr) u: somelimes used rdr washing primed elreuir boards and in due inunufaemring
uf nip-"dad foam for packaging. crci break dawn ozone and Ihmby damp the crane
layer in the rlmorphm, cauiing mere-std lsceplion on Earth of ullnvinlel lighl wilh
uonscqucni meeruse risks or skin cancer (mnlignnnl melanon-m).
TCO 95 requlmmnl stale: that neilner CFC: nor HCFCs my be used during lire mmfumring
of me pmdilcl or ils pukngmz
, layers of ccrum
nigh dusts
25 ppm (yam per
* Bio-nemmllmv: is defined us suhslunces which accumulate within living organisms,
" Lad, Cudmium und Mereury m: Mavy meralr which are Bid-recumulunvel
ji mmnds is i fiWmMPMOV21
ll: MAG lnnOVislon User's Gulde
Regulatory Compliance Statements
American User:
This monitor has been tested to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device. Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
loprow'de pmteeu'oii against harmful interference within aresidentiol area, This equipment
is able to radiate radio frequency energy therefore using in nonaccordance with the
insiruetions, may cause harmful interference to mdio communications. There is no
guarantee that interference Will be present in a particular installation If there is
interference, which can be determined by turning this equipment offend on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by the following measures:
. Rear-lent or relocate the receiving mtenna
- Increase the separation between your monitor and your computer.
- Connect the monitor iniu un outlet different from out to which the computer is
- Consult the dealer, our customer service hotlrne, or an experienced computer
hardware technician for help.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital
device. The accessories associated with this equipment are as follows:
~ Shield video cable
- Shield power cord
Change or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
Power Supply Notice
Install only all LISTED/GSA LABELED power supply cord meeting the following
Plug Type Nema-l’lug 5-l5)’
Card Type SVT or SIT, minimum 3 x IS AWG
Length Muxirnum 15 feet
Rating Minimum 7A. 125V
h EPA Energy Star
W, Z This monitor is Energy Star emnpliunt when used vn'tli n computer
equipped With VESA Display Power Management System
(DPMS), The Energy Star emblem does not represent EPA
endorsement of any product or service.
m murmur rum-er
‘— l TWDWS Hi i iEMA.PMD|:22
79bFD Monitor 17
Canadian Users:
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B digital limits for
radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio
interference regulations of Induslry Canada:
Le present appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruit; radioéleciriques depassant
1‘s limites applicable: aux appareils numeriques ale classe B prescrites clans le
riglment sur le brauillage radioélecirique edict! par Industi'ie Canada.
European Users:
This Information Technology Equipmeni has been tested and found lo
comply with the following European directives
[1] EMC Directive 89/336IEEC amending direerive 91/31/EEC Maw/Ba a: 93/68/
EEC as per
~EN 50031-1; 1992 accurdingta
EN 55022: 1994+Al:1995+A2+1997/CISPR 22:1993+A1+A2/AS/NZS
354S:1995. Class B
EN 6100034: 1995. Class A
EN 61000—3—3; 1995
-EN50032-l: 1991/1994 according tn
EN61000-4-2: 1995 nrlEC 301-1: 1987
ENV 50140: 1994 or IEC 301-3: 1984
EN 61000-4—411995 urlEC 801-4: 1988
[ii] Low Voltage Directive (Safety) 73/23/EEC as per EN 60950: 1992
Japanese Users:
This mipment is m the Class 2 category (Information Technology
Equipment ta be used in a residential area or an adjacent area Iherero)
and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Central Council for Interference by
Information Technology Equipment aimed at preventing radio interference in such
residential area.
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause ufradio interference.
Read inslmclions for correct handling
mum: manning-mtganaltwelveelimmlzta4n:ultmwarar.
mama: Innuemntaznameuetm zwnleaytfivwwgumfimu
Slammer. nmstslaezrctmmtr.
_ ‘ mFDws n |M4,PMM'ZE
IB MAG Innovision User's Guide
Customer Service
Please direct inquires regarding wemnty coverage to your Authorized Ultimate Reseller,
Authorized Distributor. or Worldwide semce centers listed below
Unit B2. 1-3 Rodhoruugh Road, Frenehs Forest. NSW 2086
Tel +61(2)9975-3727 Fax: +61 (2)9975—4872
Imemer: htlp:/lwww.maglron.cnm,zu
E-mm'l' john@mug¢ron,
Ellll’ V , f“ »
EuroMA Technology B.V.
Valkemerstraal lflb Donkerslool—Nocrd 2984 AZ Ridderkerk,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)IBO—461211 Fax: +31(0)180-410648
E-mail: service@eurumag_nl
MagVicw Cor, Ltd}
_©_ Taisei Bldg. HA Osaki, ShinagaWa-Ku. Tokyo 141 _©_
Tel: +81 (3) 3493—3533 Fax: +81 (3) 34933525
Tn!“ y, ,, g , ,
MAG Technology C0 , Ltd China Div
Rm, D2, IF. 5.8 Bld Tian An, Industrial Estale, Che Gong Miao, Shenzhen.
Tel: +86 (755) 330»9423 Fax: +156 (775) 330-9411
E-mall: slmug®public szple-Lcn
Tar "
MAG Technology Co., Ltd.
ISF, No. 287, Sec. 3. Nanking E Rd, Taipei. Taiwan
Tel: +886 (2) 2719-8811 Fax: +886 (2) 2718-2211
lmemet: lmp://www,,tw
E—mnil: service@mail.mag.eom.lw
MAG Technology USA Inc
20 Goodyear, Irvine. CA 926184313
Tel: +1 (501208274998, +1 (949) 855—4930 Fax: +1 (949) 598-4920
lmemel: Imp://www.magim|ovisiun.cum
—\ l names; rs wweuyumzz I r
j ‘ mauss
I. ¢ I B
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796FD MDnIEOf 19
199mm, PM nus
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10036 Recyclable Paper
Prlnted In Taiwan
7 ‘ Hampss an i 1EM4.PMD|:2J | ,—
756FD Monitor ls
TCO 95 is n ctr-operative prejeer between TCO (The Swedish Confederuiidn of Profesmml
Empleyees), Nsiurskyddsferemugen (The Swedish Society for Neiure cdnsemiien) snd
NUTEK (The National Board {W Induslrifll and Technical Devzlopmcm in Sweden)
Environmental Requirements
arm-imam! flame reurdanu
Bron-mined flame reiurdunis ure preseui in prinied cimm boudl, cabler, wires. casing md
neusings. in rum, urey dclly fire spread of fire i Up la Lhmy pereeni of me phsllc in i
wmprum using cm comisl of film: rermdsni subslanne niere ire relued m member group
of mvirmmnlll mxins, PCBs, which are suspxwd to give vim In sim1lir hlr‘m. including
rcprnducuvc damage “I fisheuiirig birds an, n - rug in Ihe bio-nocumulauve' leESSi
Flame rewdams have been fuund ' 11. i era feel lhll disluddnncu in
feeius developmems my tic/L
TCO gs requueruem Males .
“Gr-£4 n 25
. “r »— .. r“ -. gumimuslnoi
comm mgunicafly umr - Q x," 04” I? ,
Lead" v fl \ ‘
- . e . .:, , . ~ sddumugeeme
nervous syslcm a .. .
TCO 95 requireme
I has ycl been
Cadmium is vrzxcnl ‘
eompuier display c. i
TCO 95 requiremcnl
million) of cadmium Thf
fig, 5 pm (pm! W
cg»; f uxl um cerium any
Mercury is snmctimes round in buneri ,_
sysuem and is mm in high doses
TCO 9s requiremenr slam Ihll bummer my not ennuin mere ihau 25 ppm (pans per
million) of mercury [I also dunands niai nu mercury is mew-i in any of thE clccmcal or
clccimnics enmpouenis eoneemed wiih me dirpluy Ill'lll.
CFC: (Mons)
CFC: (freuns) an wmelimu med for wishing primed eireuu bands end lll ure manufacturing
of expanded fanm for puckugmg. CFCs bunk dawn ozone and lhmby damage the wane
layer in line slulnsphnie, causing increased rcccplion on Earth of ultmvlnlel ligm with
conscqucm incense risk; of skin cancer (malignant melunuma)
Tco 95 requiremeui siuies um neiiirer CFCs nnr HCFC: my be used during die manufacturing
of ilic pruducl or ils pukuging.
Mereury fillings are nervous
‘ Bio—accumulative ls defined as whsunces which Ecumulau Within living organisms
" Lend, Cudmlum and Mercury are heavy meals which are Bin-lccumuhlivtl
—‘ ‘ mm pas |5 ¢ laws/A, PM and
Io MAG Innonsmn User's Gunde mu] ZL'O NVHl
moans i105 03933391316; qmavmx 6I'013Ad vsarm ‘9
yL : DNIdavu/tt HdVl “5
“Walla DAcl Ell-ll ‘q
MMli‘ih’m / mm 1: MW A009 LI9I I'MA ysorm “a 1
This monitor has been tested to comply vn'th the limits for 1 Class : HHIM SAC! IV 5
B digital device, Par! 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed
‘SHHAV’I Wmfimm interfmucswithin a residential area This equipment
momma mime; isdmmmmmmmu amsmm v
“dilAOD OJ. Twwiflhfflflfmmllfllmemflebmfififllilfldefilsgfl NOILV'IHSNI '°
' t rf . ' ‘ ' ' ‘ d , ih ' ,
Liioifi‘fifiefimmmmmmi ms“ ”5“ ‘5
NMOGXVIHfithfipfiJ‘mngQVAX l)’€ ' V'" U'E 5 EDVL’IOA (INVLSHJJM "I Q
Increase the sepumliun between your moilifig W? MN»? 0 B'LI 5 ZONVLSISZDI Dd "‘
Connect the mnnilnr into an uutlei different from that Wflflmfla "IVDIHLQH'H ‘E
connected ‘ ' . .
'-steEe61TEi§§eei§§9itrZussilslne‘r/sé'rQKethtir-QM rfi egrflemmmfiaflm GNV mm 1
"°'“W°"'°W‘tl‘t‘¥§§h¥za ‘ mm or asthma: mmmnwnomo umsm 1103
Wamlngl ¢
This device has been tesied and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital
device The accessories Issocialed with this equipment are as follows:
Shield video cable
Shield power cord
Change or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user‘s authority to operate the equipment
«WNW 5-15?
Cord Type SVT 0 SH“, minimum 3 x 13 AWG
{Ii/(jig [EPA Energy Star rvv Humans mm
This monitor is Energy Slsr compliant when '
—___NIpred with VESA Display Power Mmgneflmmgen gyysn‘ifiemED [3
"‘ ‘m‘flfiflgflwfimsy The Energy Star emblem does not represent EPA
endorsement of Any product or service.
7 ‘ rumpus * meme m mm
Z€€6X‘3[H Tm lllflflS El‘ldPWS OZEEGBI'SHLIO‘SMOG "(N/1d Dl‘H r
6661' Z[' 5mm 7 SUN
786FD Monitor 17
Canadian Users:
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B digital limits for
radio noise missions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio
interference regulations ofIndustry Cumin
be present nppareil numén'que n'émet pas de bruit: radioélectriques depaeunt
ler limiter applicable; lux wplreils numériques de cluse B presizites clans le
regiment sur- le brouillage miioelectxique same par Industrie Canada.
European Users:
This Infnmatmn Technology Equipment has been tested Ind found to
comply with the following European directives:
[11 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amending directive 91/31/EEC 95/263IEE BL 93/63/
EEC as per
—EN 50081-1: 1992 according to
EN 55022: 1994tA1:1995+A2+1997/CISPR 22:1993+Al+A2/AS/NZS
354811995, Class 5
EN 61000 2‘ I99S,C1nssA
EN 61000 3: 1995
-EN50032-1: 1992/1994 ucordingio
EN61000-4-2: 1995 or IEC 801-1: 1987
ENV 50141): 1994 or IEC 801-3; 1934
EN 6100044: 1995 or IEC 801—4: 1988
[ii] Low Voltage Directive (Safety) ”(ZS/EEC as per EN 60951): 1992
Japanese Users:
This equipment is in the Class 2 cutegory (Information Technology
Equipment to be used in a residential area m an adjacent nren thereto)
and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for lntnference by
Information Technology Equipment Aimed at preventing radio interference in such
residential area
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause ofradio interference.
Read instructions for correct handling.
mania. numxalelmfleeummlervccimxs zadmzummifiiltt.
zmzlvx. ruminanteukamuue‘rm zntltw-‘Jxefleeaygnmzfiau
summon innetaieflcrzemwst.
—| ‘ 7WD.W5 17 rows/A PM iii-24
18 MAG lnnon’sion User's Guide
Customer SGI’VICE
Please direct inquires regarding warranty coverage w your Authorized Ultimate Reseller,
Authorized Distribute]. ur Worldwide serviue centers listed below:
Unit Bl, 1-3 Rndbnmngh Road. Frenchs Forest. NSW 2086
Tel: +61 (2) 9975-3727 Fax: +61 (2) 9975-4371
Internal: hupzllwwwmnguomcomau
E-mail: juhn@magtroncom,m
EumMAG Technology 11V,
Valkeniermu! IDb Dunkeulool-Noord 2984 AZ Riddcrkerk,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)130~461le Fax: +3l(0)180-41064S
MagVicw Col. Ltd.
Taisei Bldg. 1-3-4 Osaki, Shinagawa—Ku, Tokyo Ml ¢_
Tel +81 (3) 3493-3588 Fax: +81 (3) 3493-3525
Mainland China:
MAG Technology Co., Ltd. China Dlv.
Rm. D2, IF, 5.8 Bld Tian An, lnduslrial Eillle, Che Gong Mina, Shenzhen.
Tel: +E6 (755) 330-9423 Fax: +86 (775) 330-941 I
E-maxl: szmag@public.szppt,
MAG Tachnnlagy Co , Ltd.
ISF, No. 237, Sec. 3, Nmking E. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: ”56 (2) 2719-8311 Fax: +886 (2) 2713-2211
Internet: hup://
Unite-11cm and Canada:
MAG Technology USA Inc,
20 Goodyear, Irvme, CA 92618-1813
Tel: +1 (300) 827-3998, +1 (949) 855-4930 Fax: +1 (949) 5984920
(men-let: hnp://www.mlgmnovision.eum
“—| l 7mo.pes m meals/Amara I r
786FD Monltor I9
7 ‘ mmpns \5 i WM‘J’MINM ! ,—
|Nnuv|l|nué -
|no% Recyclable Paper
Printed In Taiwan
7 I THSFDDGG zo mam/Aymara \ l—

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