user manual

0Table of Contents1111 THETHETHETHE BASICSBASICSBASICSBASICS........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................33331. OOOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW............................................................... SSSSAFETYAFETYAFETYAFETY GUIDEGUIDEGUIDEGUIDE.......................................................... SSSSAFETYAFETYAFETYAFETY WARNINGSWARNINGSWARNINGSWARNINGS ANDANDANDAND NOTICESNOTICESNOTICESNOTICES................................51.3.1 General attention............................................51.3.2 Notices when using your phone....................61.3.3 Notices when using the battery....................81.3.4 Charging your phone...................................101.3.5 Cleaning and maintenance.......................122222 GETTINGGETTINGGETTINGGETTING STARTEDSTARTEDSTARTEDSTARTED........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................141414142. CCCCOMPONENTOMPONENTOMPONENTOMPONENT NAMENAMENAMENAME ANDANDANDAND EXPLANATIONEXPLANATIONEXPLANATIONEXPLANATION.........................142.1.1 Technical parameters............................142.1.2 Icons...........................................................142.2KEY EXPLANATIONS................................................. UUUUSINGSINGSINGSING THETHETHETHE TOUCHSCREENTOUCHSCREENTOUCHSCREENTOUCHSCREEN....................................... CCCCONNECTINGONNECTINGONNECTINGONNECTING TOTOTOTO THETHETHETHE NETWORKNETWORKNETWORKNETWORK..............................172.4.1 Inserting and removing the SIM card.........172.4.2 Turning your phone on and off....................172.4.3 Unlocking the SIM card.................................182.4.4 Unlocking your phone..................................192.4.5 Connecting to the network..........................192.4.6 Making a call.................................................202.4.7 Making a domestic call...............................202.4.8 Making an international call........................202.4.9 Making a call from the list............................212.4.10 Making an emergency call.......................22
12.4.11 Call menu....................................................223333 FUNCTIONALFUNCTIONALFUNCTIONALFUNCTIONAL MENUMENUMENUMENU........................................................................................................................................................................................................................242424243. 3D3D3D3D MMMMUSICUSICUSICUSIC............................................................ AAAADVANCEDDVANCEDDVANCEDDVANCEDTTTTASKASKASKASKKKKKILLERILLERILLERILLER.......................................... AAAALDIKOLDIKOLDIKOLDIKOEEEEBOOKBOOKBOOKBOOK..................................................... CCCCALIBRATORALIBRATORALIBRATORALIBRATOR.......................................................... DDDDESKESKESKESKCCCCLOCKLOCKLOCKLOCK......................................................... MMMMESSENGERESSENGERESSENGERESSENGER.......................................................... ESESESES FFFFILEILEILEILEEEEEXPLORERXPLORERXPLORERXPLORER..................................................313. FFFFACEBOOKACEBOOKACEBOOKACEBOOK...........................................................323. GGGGMAILMAILMAILMAIL................................................................333. GGGGOOGLEOOGLEOOGLEOOGLETTTTALKALKALKALK....................................................333. MSNMSNMSNMSNTTTTALKALKALKALK........................................................343. RRRROBOOBOOBOOBODDDDEFENSEEFENSEEFENSEEFENSE...................................................353. FORFORFORFOR THETHETHETHESIMSIMSIMSIMCARDCARDCARDCARD.................................363. TTTTHEHEHEHEWWWWEATHEREATHEREATHEREATHER......................................................363. TTTTHINKHINKHINKHINKFFFFREEREEREEREEMMMMOBILEOBILEOBILEOBILE..............................................373. TTTTWITTERWITTERWITTERWITTER...............................................................373. WWWWIKIIKIIKIIKIMMMMOBILEOBILEOBILEOBILE........................................................413. PPPPLACESLACESLACESLACES...............................................................433. PPPPHONEHONEHONEHONE...............................................................433. CCCCARARARARHHHHOMEOMEOMEOME..........................................................453. NNNNAVIGATIONAVIGATIONAVIGATIONAVIGATION.......................................................453. MMMMAPAPAPAP..................................................................463. AAAANDROIDNDROIDNDROIDNDROIDMMMMARKETARKETARKETARKET...............................................47 EEEEMAILMAILMAILMAIL.................................................................493. GGGGOOGLEOOGLEOOGLEOOGLELLLLATITUDEATITUDEATITUDEATITUDE...............................................493. CCCCALCULATORALCULATORALCULATORALCULATOR......................................................503.303.303.303.30 BBBBROWSERROWSERROWSERROWSER...........................................................503.313.313.313.31VVVVOICEOICEOICEOICERRRRECORDERECORDERECORDERECORDER...............................................513.323.323.323.32 CCCCALENDARALENDARALENDARALENDAR..........................................................523.333.333.333.33 SSSSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGS.............................................................543.343.343.343.34 CCCCLOCKLOCKLOCKLOCK..............................................................563.353.353.353.35 RRRRADIOADIOADIOADIO................................................................583.363.363.363.36 SSSSEARCHEARCHEARCHEARCH..............................................................593.373.373.373.37 CCCCONTACTSONTACTSONTACTSONTACTS..........................................................593.383.383.383.38 GGGGALLERYALLERYALLERYALLERY.............................................................603.393.393.393.39 WWWWIRELESSIRELESSIRELESSIRELESSKKKKEYBOARDEYBOARDEYBOARDEYBOARD............................................603.403.403.403.40 CCCCAMERAAMERAAMERAAMERA............................................................613.413.413.413.41 MMMMESSAGINGESSAGINGESSAGINGESSAGING........................................................613.423.423.423.42 MMMMOBILEOBILEOBILEOBILETVTVTVTV.........................................................633.433.433.433.43 MMMMUSICUSICUSICUSIC................................................................643.443.443.443.44VVVVOICEOICEOICEOICEDDDDIALERIALERIALERIALER.....................................................664.4.4.4. TEXTTEXTTEXTTEXT INPUTINPUTINPUTINPUT........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................666666665555 SDSDSDSD CARDCARDCARDCARD INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................686868686666 FAQSFAQSFAQSFAQS ANDANDANDAND SOLUTIONSSOLUTIONSSOLUTIONSSOLUTIONS....................................................................................................................................................................................72727272
31111 TheTheTheThe BasicsBasicsBasicsBasics1. OverviewOverviewOverviewOverviewThank you for choosing the GSM/GPRS/WCDMA digitalmobile phone. After reading this guide you will be able tofully master the use of your phone and appreciate all itsfunctions and ease of use.Not only does the smartphone provide you with basiccall functions such as call Register, but also with manypractical functions and services, to improve the time youspend working and playing.The color screen mobile phone complies with theGSM/GPRS/WCDMA technology and has been approved bycertification authorities both domestically and abroad.The availability of some services and features describedin this manual depends on the network and your subscription.Therefore, some menu items may not be available in yourphone. The shortcuts to menus and features may also varyfrom phone to phone.Our company reserves the right to revise this manualcontent without prior notice. SafetySafetySafetySafety guideguideguideguide�If your mobile phone is lost or stolen, please contact thetelecommunications authorities or a sales agentimmediately to have a hold on the phone and the SIMcard. This will prevent economic loss caused by
4unauthorized calls made from your mobile phone.�When you contact the telecommunications authoritiesor a sales agent, they will need to know the IMEI numberof our mobile phone (remove battery to expose numberlocated on the label on back of phone). Please copythis number and keep in a safe place for future use.�In order to avoid the misuse of your mobile phoneplease take the following preventative measures:- Set the PIN number of your mobile phone ’ s SIM cardand change this number immediately if it becomesknown to a third party.- Please keep the phone out of sight when leaving itin a vehicle. It is best to carry the phone with you, orlock it in the trunk.- Set call barring. SafetySafetySafetySafety warningswarningswarningswarnings andandandand noticesnoticesnoticesnoticesBefore using your mobile phone, read and understandthe following notices carefully to ensure you will use it safelyand properly. GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral attentionattentionattentionattention�Only the battery and battery charger specified byour company should be used in your phone. Otherproducts might result in battery leakage,overheating, fire or explosion.�To avoid your phone malfunctioning, or catching fire,please do not violently impact, jolt or throw yourphone.�Please do not place the battery, mobile phone, orcharger in a microwave oven or high-pressureequipment. Otherwise it could lead to unexpectedaccidents such as damage to the circuitry or firehazard.�Please do not use your phone near flammable orexplosive gases, otherwise it could causemalfunction of your phone or fire hazard.�Please do not subject your phone to hightemperatures, high humidity or dusty places;otherwise this may lead to the malfunction of yourphone.�Keep your phone out of the reach of small children.Your phone is not atoy.Children could hurtthemselves.
6�To avoid your phone falling and malfunctioning orbeing damaged, please do not place it on unevenor unstable surfaces. NoticesNoticesNoticesNotices whenwhenwhenwhen usingusingusingusing youryouryouryour phonephonephonephone�Turn off your mobile phone where the phone is notallowed, such as, on the airplane or in hospitals.Using the mobile phone in those places mayimpact the normal operation of electronic devicesand medical instruments. Follow relevantregulations when using your mobile phone in thoseplaces. Your mobile phone has the auto turn-onfeature. Check your alarm clock settings to confirmthat your mobile phone will not be turned onautomatically during flight.�Please do not use your mobile phone near theweak signal or high precision electronic devices. RFinterference might cause malfunctioning of suchelectronic devices and other problems. Special tipsmust be paid near the following equipment:hearing aids, pace makers and other medicalelectronic devices, fire detectors, automatic doorsand other automatic control installations. To find outthe effect of mobile phones on a pacemaker orother pieces of electronic medical equipmentplease contact the manufacturers or local salesagents of the equipment.�Please do not subject the LCD to impact or use thescreen to strike things, as this will damage the LCD
7board and cause leakage of the liquid crystal.There is a risk of blindness if the liquid crystalsubstance gets into the eyes. If this occurs rinseeyes immediately with clear water (under nocircumstances rub your eyes) and go immediatelyto a hospital for treatment.�Do not disassemble or modify your mobile phone,as it will lead to damage to the phone such asbattery leakage or circuitry failure.�Under very rare circumstances using the mobilephone in certain model cars may negatively affectthe internal electronic equipment. In order to assureyour safety under such circumstances please donot use the mobile phone.�Please do not use needles, pen tips, or other sharpobjects on the keypad as this may damage themobile phone or cause it to malfunction.�In the event of antenna malfunction, do not useyour phone, as it could be harmful to human body.�Avoid letting the phone come into close contactwith magnetic objects such as magnetic cards asthe radiation waves of the mobile phone mayerase the information stored on floppy disks, paycards and credit cards.�Please keep small metal objects, such asthumbtacks far away from the receiver. When thereceiver is in use it becomes magnetic and mayattract these small metal objects and thus these
8may cause injury or damage the mobile phone.�Avoid having the mobile phone come into contactwith water or other liquids. If liquids enter the phone,this could cause a short circuit, battery leakage orother malfunction. NoticesNoticesNoticesNotices whenwhenwhenwhen usingusingusingusing thethethethe batterybatterybatterybattery�The battery has a limited service life. The remaininglife gets shorter as the times of charging increase. Ifthe battery becomes feeble even after thecharging, this indicates the service life is over andyou have to use a new battery.�Do not dispose of old batteries with everydaydomestic garbage. Please dispose of old batteriesat the directed places with specific rules for theirdisposal.�Please do not throw batteries into a fire, as this willcause the batter to catch fire and explode.�When installing the battery, do not use force orpressure, as this will cause the battery to leak,overheat, crack and catch fire.�Please do not use wires, needles or other metalobjects to short-circuit the battery. Also, do not putthe battery near necklaces or other metal objects,as this will cause the battery to leak, overheat,crack and catch fire.�Please do not solder the contact points of thebattery, as this will cause the battery to leak,overheat, crack and catch fire.
9�If the liquid in the batteries goes into the eyes, thereis a risk of blindness. If this occurs do not rub theeyes, but immediately rinse eyes with clear waterand go to the hospital for treatment.�Please do not disassemble or modify the battery, asthis will cause the battery to leak, overheat, crackand catch fire.�Please do not use or place the batteries near hightemperature places such as near a fire or heatingvessel, as this will cause the battery to leak,overheat, crack and catch fire.�If the battery overheats, changes color, orbecomes distorted during use, charging, or storage,please stop using and replace it with a new battery.�If the liquid from the battery comes in contact withskin or clothing this could cause burning of the skin.Immediately use clear water to rinse and seekmedical tips if necessary.�If the battery leaks or gives off a strange odor,please remove the battery from the vicinity of theopen fire to avoid a fire or explosion.�Please do no let the battery become wet as this willcause the battery to overheat, smoke and corrode.�Please do not use or place batteries in places ofhigh temperature such as in direct sunlight, as thiswill cause the battery to leak and overheat, lowerperformance, and shorten the battery ’ s life.�Please do not continuously charge for more than
1024 hours. ChargingChargingChargingCharging youryouryouryour phonephonephonephone�Connect the connector of charger to the mobile phone.The battery level indicator flashes on the screen. Even ifthe phone has been turnedoff,the charging image stillappears, indicating that the battery is being charged. Ifthe phone is overused when the current is insufficient, itmay take longer time for the charging indicator toappear on the screen after the charging begins.�When the battery level indicator does not flash andindicates the battery is full, this indicates the charginghas been completed. If the phone is off during charging,the charging being completed image also appears onthe screen. The charging process often takes 3 to 4hours. During the charging, the battery, phone andcharger gets warm, this is a normal phenomenon.�Upon the completion of charging, disconnect thecharger from AC power socket, and from the mobilephone.Notes:�During charging, the phone must be placed inwell-ventilated environment of +5℃~+40 ℃. Alwaysuse the charger supplied by your phone manufacturer.Using an unauthorized charger might cause dangerand invalidate the authorization and warranty clausesfor your phone.�The standby time and call duration provided by themanufacturer are based on ideal operating
11environment. In practice, the battery's operating timevaries depending on network conditions, operatingenvironment and usage methods.�Make sure the battery has been installed beforecharging. It is best not to remove the battery whilecharging.�Upon completion of charging, disconnect the chargerfrom your phone and the power supply.If you have not disconnected the charger from yourphone and the power supply, the charger will continue tocharge the battery after about 5 to 8 hours when the batterlevel decreases substantially. We advise you not to do like this,as it lowers your phone performance and shortens yourphone life.NoticesNoticesNoticesNotices whenwhenwhenwhen usingusingusingusing youryouryouryour chargerchargerchargercharger�Please use AC volts. The use of any othervoltage will cause battery leakage, fire and causedamage to the mobile phone and charger.�It is forbidden to short circuit the charger, as this willcause electrical shock, smoking and damage tothe charger.�Please do no use the charger if the power cord isdamaged, as this will cause fire or electrical shock.�Please immediately clean any dust gathered onthe electrical outlet.�Please do no place vessels with water near the110
12charger in order to avoid water splashing onto thecharger and causing an electrical shortage,leakage or other malfunction.�If the charger comes in contact with water or otherliquid the power must immediately be switched offto avoid an electrical short or shock, fire ormalfunction of the charger.�Please do not disassemble or modify the charger,as it will lead to bodily harm, electrical shock, fire ordamage to the charger.�Please do not use the charger in the bathroom orother excessively moist areas, as this will causeelectrical chock, fire or damage to the charger.�Please do not touch the charger with wet hands, asthis will cause electrical shock.�Do not modify or place heavy objects on the powercord, as this will cause electrical shock or fire.�Before cleaning or carrying out maintenanceplease unplug the charger from the electricaloutlet.�When unplugging charger, do not pull on the cord,but rather hold on to the body of the charger, aspulling on the cord will damage the cord and leadto electrical shock or fire. CleaningCleaningCleaningCleaning andandandand maintenancemaintenancemaintenancemaintenance�The mobile phone, battery, and charger are notwater resistant. Please do not use them in thebathroom or other excessively moist areas and
13likewise avoid allowing them to get wet in the rain.�Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the mobile phone,battery and charger.�Please do not use alcohol, thinner, benzene orother solvents to wipe the mobile phone.�A dirty outlet will cause poor electrical contact, loseof power and even inability to recharge. Pleaseclean regularly.
142 Getting Started2. ComponentComponentComponentComponent namenamenamename andandandand explanationexplanationexplanationexplanation2.1.1 Technical parametersHandsetModel A7(A5)Dimension (L × W × T )144 × 79.5 × 12.2mmWeight 162 GLithium-ion batte ryModel A7Nominal voltage 3.7vMaximum charge voltage 4.2VCapacity MAStandby duration 600hTalk duration 200hTravel chargerModelInput 3.7-- IconsIn the standby mode, the following icons may appear instandby screen:Icon DescriptionIndicate the intensity of network signals.Show missed calls.1750
15Location by satellite.Receive a new message.An application is being downloaded.The downloading is over.The alarm clock has been set andactivated.A call is in progress.The phone is playing a song.The application manager is on.Show battery level.Enable USB.The access is blocked.Get connected to the wireless networkTurn on the Bluetooth.No SIM card is installed in the phone.No storage card is installed in the phone.2.2 Key explanationsKeyKeyKeyKey ExplanationsExplanationsExplanationsExplanationsReturnkey●Return to the previous menu.
16Menu key ●Show options of current menu.Search key ●Generally press the key to opengoogle screen.Home key ●At any status, press the key toreturn to the standby screen.Power key ●Hold down this key to turn yourphone off and on.●Generally, press this key to lockthe mobile phone.Side volumekeys●During the conversation, pressthe two keys to adjust the volume.●While playing an audio file,press the two keys to adjust thevolume.Note:Note:Note:Note: In this guide, the phrase “ press the key ” refers topressing and thereafter releasing akey.“ Hold down a key ”refers to pressing a key and keeping it depressed for 2seconds or longer.The descriptions and functions of keys depend on themodel of your phone. UsingUsingUsingUsing thethethethe touchscreentouchscreentouchscreentouchscreenYour phone provides manymanymanymany touch keys in the Main screen. Touse these keys correctly, calibrate the touch screen inadvance (see “ CalibratorCalibratorCalibratorCalibrator ” ). Meanwhile please follow theinstructions:■Do not touch the screen with wet hands.■Do not touch the screen with great forces.■Do not touch the screen with metallic or conductiveobjects. ConnectingConnectingConnectingConnecting totototo thethethethe networknetworknetworknetwork2. InsertingInsertingInsertingInserting andandandand removingremovingremovingremoving thethethethe SIMSIMSIMSIM cardcardcardcard�Turn off the phone; remove the battery and unplugother external power supplies. Insert the SIM card intothe SIM holder as shown in the phone.����When you need to remove the SIM card, turn off thephone, remove the battery and then remove the SIMcard from the holder.Warning: Do turn off your phone before removing the SIMcard. Never insert or remove the SIM card when an externalpower supply is connected, as this may cause damage tothe SIM card. TurningTurningTurningTurning youryouryouryour phonephonephonephone onononon andandandand offoffoffoffTo turn on the phone, hold down the POWERPOWERPOWERPOWER keykeykeykey on thetop ; to turn off the phone, hold down the POWERPOWERPOWERPOWERkeykeykeykey....If you have turned on your phone without inserting theSIM card, the phone will prompt you to install the SIM card.With the SIM card already inserted, your phone automatically
18verifies the availability of the SIM Card.Then, the screen shows the following:Enter PIN1 —— if your have set the SIM card password.Enter phone password —— if you have set your phonepasswordSearch for network —— the phone searches for theappropriate network.NotesNotesNotesNotes :If when you turn on the mobile phone, an exclamation markappears on the screen and does not disappear, this ispossibly caused by misoperation, that is, you press the Powerkey and the Volume Up key at the same time. Suchmisoperation activates the recovery mode, hence theoccurrence of exclamation mark. If you just turn off thephone, next time when you turn it on, it will still come to therecovery mode.Solution :Press the Home key ( ) when the exclamation markand robot appear, a menu will pop up. Use the Menu key( ) to select "reboot system now" to restart thephone. UnlockingUnlockingUnlockingUnlocking thethethethe SIMSIMSIMSIM cardcardcardcardThe PIN 1 (personal identification number) secures yourSIM card from being misused by others. If you have selected
19this function, you must enter the PIN1 code each time youturn on the phone so that you may unlock the SIM card andthen make or answer calls. You can deactivate SIM cardprotection (see “ Safety settings ” ). In this case, the misuse ofyour SIM card cannot be prevented.�Press the Hang Up key to turn on your phone;�Enter your PIN1 code. Clear the incorrect digits by usingthe right softkey,and press OK for confirmation. e.g. ifyour PIN1 is 1234, please enter:1 2 3 4If you enter incorrect numbers for three times insuccession, your SIM card will be locked and your phone willask you to enter PUK 1 number. If you do not know the PUK1code, do not try. Instead, contact your network serviceprovider. See “ Safety settings ” .Note: your network service provider sets a standard PIN1code (4 to 8 digits) for your SIM card. You shouldimmediately change this number. See “ Safety settings ” . UnlockingUnlockingUnlockingUnlocking youryouryouryour phonephonephonephoneTo prevent unauthorized use, you can set phoneprotection. If you have selected this function, you must drawunlocking pattern each time you turn on your phone, tounlock the phone and then make or answer calls. You mayclear the unlocking pattern (see “ Safety settings ” ). In this case,the unauthorized use of your phone cannot be protected.If you forget y our phone password, you must contactthe retailer or local authorized service center to unlock yourphone. ConnectingConnectingConnectingConnecting totototo thethethethe networknetworknetworknetwork�Once your SIM card is unlocke d, your phone searchesfor available network automatically (the screen will show the
20network searching is underway). If your phone has found theavailable network, the name of network service providerappears at the center of screen.Note: Making an emergency call 。Note: If “ only foremergency calls ” appears on the screen, it indicates thatyou are beyond the network coverage (service area), andthat you can still make emergency calls depending on thesignal intensity. MakingMakingMakingMaking aaaa callcallcallcallWhen the logo of network service provider appears onthe screen, you can make or answer a call. The bars at theupper left corner of screen indicate the intensity of networksignal.Conversation quality is significantly affected byobstacles, thus moving within a small area while making oranswering a call can improve the conversation quality. MakingMakingMakingMaking aaaa domesticdomesticdomesticdomestic callcallcallcallIn the Dial screen, enter a number, and press the DialDialDialDialkey to make a call. To change the number, delete the digitsyou have entered. During dialing, the animation appears onthe screen. After the call is picked up, the screen will showcall status information. If the connection alert tone has beenset, your phone will ring the alert tone (network dependent).To end a call, press the HangHangHangHang UpUpUpUpkey.Zone code Phone number Dial key2. MakingMakingMakingMaking anananan internationalinternationalinternationalinternational callcallcallcallTo make an international call, hold down the 0000 keykeykeykey on
21the Dialing screen until the international prefix "+ ” forappears. This allows you to dial an international numberwithout knowing its international fix (e.g. 00 for China).Following the entry of international prefix, enter thecountry code and complete phone number. For the countrycodes, follow the general conventions, for example, 49 forGermany, 44 for UK, and 46 for Sweden.Like making an international call via a fixed telephone,omit the “ 0 ” at the head of a city code.For example, to call our hotline from another country,you can dial:+86 21 114+ Country code Complete phone number Dialkey2. MakingMakingMakingMaking aaaa callcallcallcall fromfromfromfrom thethethethe listlistlistlistAll calls dialed and received are stored within a list inyour phone. Those dialed and received recently areexhibited at the top of the list (see “ Call Register ” ). All thenumbers are sorted by Dialed Calls, Received Calls andMissed Calls. Your phone also provides options for you toview all calls. When the call Register is full, the old numberswill be deleted automatically. To view the list, do thefollowing:�To view the dialed calls, press the Dial key�You can dial any number from the list by pressing theDialkey.When the call list appears, press OK to see details, or goto Options -> Save to place the number into yourPhonebook. MakingMakingMakingMaking anananan emergencyemergencyemergencyemergency callcallcallcallIf you are beyond the network coverage (seenetwork-signal-intensity bars at the upper left corner of thescreen), you can still make emergency calls. If your networkservice provider does not provide roaming service to thearea, the screen will show “ only for emergency calls ” ,alerting you that you can only make such calls. If you arewithin the network coverage, you can also make emergencycalls even without the SIM card. CallCallCallCall menumenumenumenuThe Call menu is only visible during an active call, andfeatures such as Call Waiting, Call Diverting, andMultiple-party Call are network dependent. Contact yournetwork service provider.The call options include:�MuteDo not send local voice.
23�HandsfreeSwitch on the loudspeaker to amplify the voice.�HoldPut the current call on hold or retrieve the call on hold.�End a call.End the current call.�More*Start voice recordingStart voice recording.*Turn on BluetoothThe Bluetooth device, if any, can be used.*New callMake another new call.
243333 FunctionalFunctionalFunctionalFunctional MenuMenuMenuMenu( ※ The following features depends on specific models ) 3D3D3D3D MusicMusicMusicMusic3D Music is a music player with user-friendly 3D interface.It automatically obtains album covers on the Internet and iseasy to control. When used for the first time, it automaticallyconnects itself to the Internet, and then search for and thedownload album covers. We advise you to turn on WIFI forthe first time use. AdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced TaskTaskTaskTask KillerKillerKillerKillerAdvanced Task Killer is a quite excellent task manager.By Advanced Task Killer, you can close any third-partybackground program in progress. To set a parameter,
25press or hold down the correspondingkey,as the casemay be. AldikoAldikoAldikoAldiko EbookEbookEbookEbookAldiko is an Ebook reader application that enables youto browse online catalogs on thousands of books anddownload these books directly into your phone. After abook is downloaded, it is possible to read it offline.Additionally, the application allows you to import your ownbooks. But the application only supports the EPUB format. CalibratorCalibratorCalibratorCalibratorNote: The capacitance-screen phone has no screenCalibration.Calibrator is a tool to calibrate the touchscreen, forcorrect response to your touch. DeskClockDeskClockDeskClockDeskClockDeskClock is an application to display time on thestandby screen. DeskClock supports time synchronizationover the network.
27 MessengerMessengerMessengerMessengerA chat applicationVoiceVoiceVoiceVoice chatchatchatchat : chat without dialing a number. Connectinga microphone and speaker to your computer, you canmake a voice call to another Yahoo! Messenger user.Multiple-peopleMultiple-peopleMultiple-peopleMultiple-people talktalktalktalk : chat together. You can chat withtwo or more people or send text messages to them at thesame time.FriendsFriendsFriendsFriends listlistlistlist : see who are online. Get yourself notifiedonce your friend is online.SendSendSendSend instantinstantinstantinstant messagesmessagesmessagesmessages : A new method for chat, quickerthan writing an email and cheaper than making a call.Yahoo!Yahoo!Yahoo!Yahoo! MailMailMailMail alertsalertsalertsalerts : Get notified when a new Yahoo! mailarrives. You can create an alert for appointment or activity.
29Yahoo! Messenger enables you to make video calls andplay flow media via 3G or Wi-Fi.
303. eBuddyeBuddyeBuddyeBuddyA website operates for providing email and chatservices. Currently, it only provides those for MSN, Yahoo andAIM.Ebuddy is an instant messenger and available inversions of web andWAP .It provides such free services asMSN, Gtalk, Yahoo Message, and ICQ.For the first time use, go through three stepsStepStepStepStep 1:1:1:1: SelectSelectSelectSelect aaaa languagelanguagelanguagelanguageYou can select from many languages.StepStepStepStep 2:2:2:2: CreateCreateCreateCreate anananan eBuddyeBuddyeBuddyeBuddy IDIDIDIDSelect your eBuddy ID and password. Fill in youremail address, gender and age.StepStepStepStep 3:3:3:3: SelectSelectSelectSelect aaaa chatchatchatchat roomroomroomroom andandandand loglogloglog ininininYou may select a chat room of MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, Gtalk,ICQ or Facebook. Fill in ID and password, and then enter thechat room, to chat with the people there.
313. ESESESES FileFileFileFile ExplorerExplorerExplorerExplorerBy ES file explorer, you can view and manage the filesstored in your phone itself or storage card.
323. FacebookFacebookFacebookFacebookFacebook is a social utility. You can create a page, toshow your photos and personal interests. You can leave amessage to a particular friend or everyone on Facebook.You can join in a group. Your detailed personal informationcan only be seen by the people on the same network (forexample, a school or company) or the people who havepassed your verification.
333. GmailGmailGmailGmailGmail is Google-owned web-based email service. Itcan permanently save important emails, files and images.By using Gmail, you can with ease find desired items. Gmailmakes email efficient and fun. It automatically groupsemails, thus you can reply to them at a time. This makesemail receipt and reply as easy as conversation. Nowadays,you can chat in Gmail.Gmail blocks pop-up windows, slogans andadvertisements. Less spam reaches your Gmail Inbox. Byusing Google, you can instantly find the important messageyou want. GoogleGoogleGoogleGoogle TalkTalkTalkTalkGoogle Talk is a downloadable chat application developedby Google. Check out what Google Talk can do:
34TextTextTextText chatchatchatchat•InstantInstantInstantInstant messagesmessagesmessagesmessages : share quick thoughts in real time•StatusStatusStatusStatus updatesupdatesupdatesupdates : see if friends are around and whatthey are up to•FileFileFileFile transfertransfertransfertransfer : instantly send and receive files, pictures,and more.VoiceVoiceVoiceVoice chatchatchatchat•AudioAudioAudioAudio conferencingconferencingconferencingconferencing : talk to multiple people at once••••GmailGmailGmailGmail integrationintegrationintegrationintegration : chat with your friends on Gmail. MSNMSNMSNMSN TalkTalkTalkTalkMSN Talk is a tool for chat. It supports group chat andblocks advertisements. To use the tool, you needn ’ t registeranother service. You can save conversation history, limitmessaging traffic by verifying the signature, and customizecolor settings. In addition, MSN Talk provides the feature ofoffline login.
353. RoboRoboRoboRobo DefenseDefenseDefenseDefenseRobo Defense is a tower defense game.Strategy introduction: By means of touchscreen
36operations, build robots, set barriers on the road, and killenemies when they walk to another branch of the road. ToolkitToolkitToolkitToolkit forforforfor thethethethe SIMSIMSIMSIM cardcardcardcardThis function is provided by network service provider. Thisfunction will not be available without support by the SIM cardand network service provider. For more details, pleasecontact the network service provider. TheTheTheThe WeatherWeatherWeatherWeatherThe “ Weather ” lets you view the current weather as wellas the weather forecast for the next few days, for one ormore cities in the world.
373. ThinkFreeThinkFreeThinkFreeThinkFree MobileMobileMobileMobileThinkFree Mobile is a powerful mobile office application.It supports Microsoft Office 2007 documents, including Word,PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF documents. TwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterTwitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc.,which offers a social networking and microblogging service.It is a typical application of instant messaging andmicroblogging, through the wired and wireless networks. Itenables its users to send what they are doing recently andwhat they are thinking about, in the form of short messages,to a user group or customized website group in additional to
38individual users. All Twitter messages are text-based posts ofup to 140 characters displayed on the user ’ s profile page,thus each of such messages can be sent as an SMS. Thispartly accounts for why Twitter is so charming. To experienceTwitter, complete the following steps:Come to, and then click“Join forfree ” .For registry on Twitter, we advise you to enter your true nameand a meaningful ID, so that your friends can find youwithout difficulty. Furthermore, uploading a photo of yoursmay be equally helpful. Note that if you select “ Protect myupdates ” , other people cannot view your information untilthey have passed your verification.Once you have successfully registered on Twitter, youcan interact with it even you are not using a computer or notvisiting the Twitter website. You can establish the connectionto Twitter through the instant message application of yourphone or through an IM account. Select “ SETTINGS – >PHONEANDIM ” , connecting your phone or IM application to yourTwitter account. This step is very easy. Note that when youreceive a message in your phone or IM application, themessage is also sent to your personal page in Twitter.
393. VoiceVoiceVoiceVoiceGoogle Voice gives you one number to manage allyour phone numbers, fixed phone numbers, voicemails, andshort messages and so on.Register on Google Voice:Step 1: Reach Google Voice screen, to start the registryprocess.Step 2: Fill in zip code and the Google Voice number youwant. Google Voice will show you available numbers, fromwhich you can select.Step 3: Google Voice will require you to fill in a forwardnumber, i.e., the number you want to forward calls to. Thisforward number must be a US phone number.Step 4: Visit Virtualphoneline, to apply for a virtual phonenumber used as that US phone number.Step 5: From “ Ring to Number ” , select where you want thisvitual number to ring to. If you select “ gtalk ” , enter your full
40gmail address in the option “ Google ” . Virtualphoneline alsosupports other forwarding style.Step 6: Go back to Google Voice registry screen, fill in thevirtual number provided by Virtualphoneline, whose first digitis 1. Then Google Voice will ask you to verify the virtualnumber by sending you a verification code (2 digits). Click“ Call me now ” below the verification code. Next you just waitto see whether the gtalk rings. After a while, another numbersimilar to the verification code will call you. Affix theverification code to this number, and fill in the combination.If everything is OK, Google Voice will automatically come tothe completion screen.
413. WikiMobileWikiMobileWikiMobileWikiMobileWikiMobile is the Wiki on your palm. The applicationallows you to view latest news as well as quickly find themeaning of any word via the word library on the Internet. Theapplication is practically an online dictionary by which youeasily gain access to Wiki articles. It only supports the accesspoint of net.
423. YouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTubeYouTub is an online video service provider, providingusers with high-grade video uploading, distribution, displayand browsing services. Any video with a capacity of no morethan 2G, and lasting no more than 10 minutes is allowed.Most common video formats are supported for the filmsupload in YouTube, including AVI ,MKV, MOV , MP4 , DivX ,FLVas well as Theora , MPEG-4 , MPEG and WMV , etc. In addition,3GP is available, which allows one to upload films with amobile phone.
433. PlacesPlacesPlacesPlacesWe can inquire about some service providers andfacilities near the corresponding locations by positioning withGPS. PhonePhonePhonePhoneTo dial a number, tap the “ Favorites ” , “ Call Register ” or“ Contacts ” on the top of screen. You can enter the numberdirectly from the numerical keypad
453. CarCarCarCar HomeHomeHomeHomeThe CarCarCarCar HomeHomeHomeHome combining navigation with calls,contacts and music, is convenient for you to use thesefeatures when using the navigation. NavigationNavigationNavigationNavigationBy virtue of GPS signal receiver, your current location isshown on the electronic map. If you have set the destination,the system will tell you the route. This saves your time.Signals from GPS satellites can be received only when youare using your phone outdoors or at the window throughwhich you can see the sky.
46How to use the feature: In the Main screen, select“ Settings ” , click “ Location and Safety ” , tick “ Use GPS satellite ” ,and then reach the navigation menu. Note that it may take10 minutes or more for your phone to determine your currentlocation for the first time. MapMapMapMapThe Map application provides the street maps, pictures,mixed views, and street views of many countries and regionsin the world. You can get real-time traffic conditions, as wellas detailed directions of driving, public transit, or walking. Toget the direction of driving, find the starting point, and thenenter the destination.The maps, directions and location-based informationare provided by relevant data services. These data services
47may vary from time to time, and be not available in someregions, thus the provided maps, directions andlocation-based information may be invalid, incorrect orincomplete.If the location service is closed when you open the“ Map ” , the system may ask you to enable the service. Butyou can use the “ map ” without enabling the locationservice. AndroidAndroidAndroidAndroid MarketMarketMarketMarketAndroid Market provides direct access to usefulapplications which you can download and install on yourphone.
48Installation of Android applicationFollow the following steps to download and install anapplication from Android Market:1. Open the list of applications in your phone, find andopen Android Market (the icon is a paper bag with a printedgreen Andriod doll. Generally, you can find the icon on thedesktop of your phone).2. You can see the“Applications ” and “ Games ” options.A “ Search ” button appears at the upper right corner. Tap the“Applications ” option to open all categories. Then tap acategory or“All applications ” to view applications. You mayselect to view these applications sorted by date or bypopularity. Of course, your can search for the desiredapplication by using the “ Search ” button.3. Once you have found the desired application, tap toview the brief description (and hard copy, for someapplications) and user ’ s comments, hence you can make adecision.4. Navigate to the application you want to download.Tap the “ Install ” button at the bottom of screen. AndroidMarket first downloads the application. The downloadingspeed depends on the phone network. For purpose of
49saving traffic charge, we advise you to download theapplication in WiFi environment, if possible. Once thedownloading is completed, the installation automaticallystarts. Then a screen pops up, to tell you the applicationrequires access to any resources on your phone. Tap “ OK ” ,then installation will continue. EmailEmailEmailEmailThe Email application lets you to forward Emails toanyone who has an Email address.Enable the application, set up an Email account, andthen you can edit, delete, receive or send Emails, as if via acomputer. You can also add or enter another Email account.This application needs support from the network. GoogleGoogleGoogleGoogle LatitudeLatitudeLatitudeLatitudeGoogle Latitude is an exceptionally powerful
50application for phones. The application allows you and yourfriends share current locations with each other. Of course,you can decide whether your location is shared. By GoogleLatitude, you can keep in close touch with your friends, viayour phone or computer. CalculatorCalculatorCalculatorCalculatorYour phone provides a calculator with 4 basic functionsso that you can perform some simple calculations.To clear the latest input or result, press the “ Clear ”key.Note: The calculator is limited in accuracy and will resultin rounding error.3.303.303.303.30 BrowserBrowserBrowserBrowserBrowser enables you to surf the web via your phone, as if
51via a computer. You may create a bookmark on your phoneand synchronize the bookmark with your computer. You canquickly go to your favorite websites from the Main screen.You may select from the horizontal and vertical modesto view a webpage. The phone automatically changes thescreen orientation to suit the webpage, depending on howyou are rotating your phone.3.313.313.313.31 VoiceVoiceVoiceVoice RecorderRecorderRecorderRecorderVoice Recorder is used for creating audio files.
52To start voice recording :Tap .To end voice recording :Tap .To play back voice recording :Tap .The audio files are automatically stored on your phone.They can be viewed with ES browser. You can select fromvarious players to play the voices recorded.3.323.323.323.32 CalendarCalendarCalendarCalendarCalendar allows you to view your schedules and eventsat any time. You may view schedules one by one or at thesame time.Select to show calendar by day, week or month. If “ byweek ” , the calendar will be shown by week. This application
53is convenient for you to add events or view schedule.
543.333.333.333.33 SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsReach the menu, customize your phone settings.Dual-SIMDual-SIMDual-SIMDual-SIM settingssettingssettingssettings :Select SIM card 1 or SIM card 2.WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless andandandand networknetworknetworknetwork :Set and apply the flymode, wireless network, Bluetooth, virtualprivate network, and mobile network.CallCallCallCall settingssettingssettingssettings :Set some advanced featuressuch as fixed dialing number, voicemail box,call diverting, call barring, and call cost, etc.These features depend on the network operator.AudioAudioAudioAudio effecteffecteffecteffect :Customized setting-up of thesound effects.AudioAudioAudioAudio profilesprofilesprofilesprofiles :General,General,General,General, Silent,Silent,Silent,Silent, MeetingMeetingMeetingMeetingandandandand OutdoorOutdoorOutdoorOutdoor optional. In the meanwhile, customized
55setting-up of some scene modes are allowed.Select one mode to enter the customizedsetting-up, operational are vibration, volume, ring tones,notifications and key beep, etc.DisplayDisplayDisplayDisplay :Customized setting-up of the PhoneOrientation, Luminance and Screen Time-Out is allowed.LocationLocationLocationLocation andandandand SafetySafetySafetySafety :Activate or deactivatethe connection to wireless network and GPS; set unlockingpattern; lock the SIM card; set the SD card.ApplicationsApplicationsApplicationsApplications :View, manage and delete theapplications on your phone.AccountAccountAccountAccount andandandand synchronizationsynchronizationsynchronizationsynchronization :Set the synchronization ofyour phone account with your phone.PrivacyPrivacyPrivacyPrivacy :Set the google services on yourphone. Back up the data of settings.RestoreRestoreRestoreRestore factoryfactoryfactoryfactory settingssettingssettingssettings to clear allpersonal data on your phone.SDSDSDSD cardcardcardcard andandandand phonephonephonephone storage:storage:storage:storage: Display theinternal memory of the memory card andphone memory.LanguageLanguageLanguageLanguage andandandand keypadkeypadkeypadkeypad :Select a language and inputmethod.VoiceVoiceVoiceVoice inputinputinputinput andandandand output:output:output:output: Available by downloading andinstalling the voice data “ Speech Synthesis Data Installer ”from the e-market.AccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibility :Turn on and off accessibilityaccessibilityaccessibilityaccessibility .DateDateDateDate andandandand timetimetimetime :Set current date and time.ScheduleScheduleScheduleSchedule powerpowerpowerpower on/offon/offon/offon/off :Set the time to turn
56on or off your phone.AboutAboutAboutAbout phonephonephonephone :View the signal intensity,battery level, service status, mobile software and hardwareinformation, etc.WallpaperWallpaperWallpaperWallpaper settingssettingssettingssettings :Press the Menu key inthe standby screen, and then select “ Wallpapers ” . There aremany pieces of wallpapers for you to select from. Thesewallwapers come from five sources.3.343.343.343.34 ClockClockClockClock■clockEnter the menu to display the current time.
57■AlarmsYour phone provides many groups of alarm clocks. Selectone of them to edit and customize alarm clock.
583.353.353.353.35 RadioRadioRadioRadioWear your earpieces of radio before searching for channels.GlossaryGlossaryGlossaryGlossary :ChannelChannelChannelChannel listlistlistlist :Display the list of FM radio channels. Youcan select to play one of them. (The list can contain 20channels maximum.)SearchSearchSearchSearch :Select this option to automatically search forchannels and generate the list of channels.Loudspeaker: Press the button to use the radioloudspeaker.and : Tap to move to another channel.►and �: Tap to broadcast and pause.
593.363.363.363.36 SearchSearchSearchSearchGoogle can be used to search the information youwant.3.373.373.373.37 ContactsContactsContactsContactsThe “ Contacts ” lets you easily call your colleagues orfriends, or send emails or short messages to them. You mayadd contacts directly from your phone, or synchronize“ Contacts ” with any application on your computer. You mayopen “ Contacts ” directly from the Main screen, or open it viathe “ Dialing ” application.AddAddAddAdd aaaa contactcontactcontactcontact :To add a contact, directly enter the name and phonenumber, or import the name and phone number from theSIM card. (The quantity of contacts you can add is limited bythe memory of your phone.)SearchSearchSearchSearch forforforfor contactscontactscontactscontacts :To search for a contact, press the Search key in searchscreen, and a search box will pop up. In the search box,enter the key words, such as first name, second name, andcompany name. While you are entering the key word, thematching contacts immediately appear.EditEditEditEdit aaaa contactcontactcontactcontact :To edit details of a contact, select “ Edit a contact ” .DeleteDeleteDeleteDelete aaaa contactcontactcontactcontact :To delete the current contact, select “ Delete a contact ” .From the menu, you can also set the tone of incomingcalls, synchronize with or share an account, or import or
60export a contact.3.383.383.383.38 GalleryGalleryGalleryGalleryGallery is a picture manager that typically exhibits 16miniatures. Thanks to the tool, you needn ’ t page up or downseveral even dozens of times to find your favorite. Just aslight slide on the screen, lots of pictures appear in your sight.In addition, the tool displays pictures in 3D manner, andsupports the features of “ save picture ” , “ set picture asdesktop ” , and “ share picture ” .3.393.393.393.39 WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless KeyboardKeyboardKeyboardKeyboardAvailable by turning on the Bluetooth, adding newequipment, and pairing wireless keypad
613.403.403.403.40 CameraCameraCameraCameraYour phone provides the camera and video recorderfeatures. No matter where you will go, you can takehigh-resolution photos and videos. Press OptionsOptionsOptionsOptions to setoptions.3.413.413.413.41 MessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingMessaging lets you send text and multimedia messagesto any contact that has an SMS device. The multimediamessages include photos, video clips (for iPhone 3GS orother new style phones), contacts information, and voicememos. What ’ s more, you can send messages to severalcontacts at the same time.Note: Perhaps Messaging is not available in all countries
62and regions. Probably you need pay for using Messaging.For more information, consult your network operator.As long as you are within the network, you can use“ Messaging ” . As long as you can make a call, you can sendmessages. You probably have to pay for sending orreceiving messages, depending on your network operator.Send a message: Tapit,en ter the number and name ofthe contact or select the contact from Contacts. Tap the textbox above keypad, enter the information and then tap“ Send ” .After selecting the number, you can select such optionsas Call, Add subject, Attach, Insert facial expression, andmore.Tap Settings to set ringtone, Delivery reports, andmaximum quantity of messages.
633.423.423.423.42 MobileMobileMobileMobile TVTVTVTVYour phone provides an in-built handheld video receiver,by which you can receive TV programs. Select MobileMobileMobileMobile TVTVTVTV towatch TV programs.Press OptionsOptionsOptionsOptions to set the following:---- Search:Search:Search:Search: Automatically search for channels.---- RegionRegionRegionRegion setting:setting:setting:setting: Select the location of your place.
64---- MultipleMultipleMultipleMultiple choices:choices:choices:choices: Choose multiple channels fromthe searched results. You can delete any selectedchannels.---- ChannelChannelChannelChannel list:list:list:list: Display the l ist of best channelssearched out.If you are watching TV on your phone, press OptionsOptionsOptionsOptions toset the following:VideoVideoVideoVideo settings:settings:settings:settings: Set the brightness, contrast andsaturation ofTV.AudioAudioAudioAudio settings:settings:settings:settings: Select an audio mode.Rename:Rename:Rename:Rename: Rename the current channel.NoteNoteNoteNote : Please pull the antenna out when using MobileTV.The quality of received videos depends to some extent onthe coverage of your local TV stations.3.433.433.433.43 MusicMusicMusicMusicMusic is used for enjoying the stored audio files. SelectMusic, you can see the menus of “ List of played songs ” ,“ Songs ” , “ Specialists ” and“Artists ” .
65To pause playing asongTapTo resume playing asongTapTo skip to the nextsong or readingmaterialTapReturn to theprevious song orreading materialTapTo move fastbackward orforwardTouch and hold or . Thelonger you hold, the more songs youskipped.
66To skip to any pointin a songDrag the progress bar.3.443.443.443.44 VoiceVoiceVoiceVoice DialerDialerDialerDialerThis phone has voice dial support service, by voiceoutbound calls or opening the menu.(English available onlyfor the present)4. Text InputEnter text via the keypad. Examples of text includecontact details, emails, short messages, and websites. Thekeypad provides the functions of spelling prediction, spellingcorrection and learning while using.The smart keypad may give you prompts of correctspelling, depending on which application you are using.
67Enter text :1 Tap the text box (memo, or new contact) to call thekeypad.2 Tap the keys on keypad.At the initial stage, you can tap keys using either of yourindex fingers. Once you get familiar with the keypad, youcan try tapping keys using both of your thumbs.While tapping akey,the corresponding letter will appearabove your thumb or another finger. If you are tapping awrongkey,you may slide to the correct one. Only when yourtapping finger leaves akey,can the corresponding letter beentered in the text box.
68To delete a characterTap 。To enter anupper-case letterTap , and then tap thatletter.To enter a digitTap , and then tap thatdigit.To enter a symbolTap , and then tap thatsymbol.Quickly enter aspacePress the space key twicesuccessively.To toggle betweenChinese and Englishinput methodsTap “ Chinese ”key.5SDSDSDSD CardCardCardCard IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionYour mobile phone supports SD card to expand thememory. Install the SD card according to the indication.
69As one of storages for your phone, SD card has been setas the default storage at factory. You can directly use itwithout making any settings.UseUseUseUse asasasas flashflashflashflash disk:disk:disk:disk: If “ Phone —— Data Wire —— PC ” is wellconnected, the PC will prompt “ New hardware is found ” ,and “ MT65xx Android Phone requires to be installed ” willappear in the dialog box, see the figure below:Check the relevant menus in the phone are opened orclosed, selecting one by one as follows:Main Menu - Settings - Application - Development - USBdebugging . Uncheck “ USB debugging ” .After checking and confirmation, reconnect “ Phone - DataWire - PC ” , and make sure SD card has been inser ted, thephone and SD Card trough are normal. Follow the prompts
70appearing in the phone to operate, so that data uploadingand downloading with U disk can be achieved.
71。Note: The phone hard disk used as U disk not supported, SDcard supported only.Your mobile phone supports the plug-in feature. However, ifyou insert or remove the SD card without turning off yourphone, we advise you to turn on and off your phone, toensure its normal operation. Generally, it is notrecommended to remove and install the SD card.
726666 FAQsFAQsFAQsFAQs andandandand SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutionsIf you have any questions about the phone, please findthe solutions from the table below.FAQs Causes SolutionsPoorreceptionWhen you use yourphone at poorreception areas, forexample, near highrise buildings or baserooms, the radiowave cannot betransmittedeffectively.Avoid this as far asyou can.When you use yourphone at networktraffic congestion,such as working timeand off-duty time, thecongestion can resultin poor reception.Avoid this as far asyou can.This is related to thedistance to basestation in question.You may ask thenetwork serviceprovider to provideservice coveragemap.Echoes ornoisesThe trunk line ofnetwork is in badcondition. It is aregional problem.Hang off the call anddial again. Chooseanother better line.In some areas, thecall lines are in badcondition.
73Shorterstandby timeThe standby time isrelevant to networksettings.In poor receptionareas, turn off yourphone temporarily.Replace the batteries Change with a newbattery.When no signals arereceived, your phonewill continuesearching for basestations, thusconsuming a largeamount of batterypower and reducingstandby time.Use your phone atstrong signal areas orTurn off the phonetemporarily.Failed to turnon yourphoneThe battery power isused up.Check the batterypower level or chargethe battery.SIM card error The SIM card isdamaged.Contact your networkservice provider.The SIM card is notproperly installed.Ensure the SIM card isproperly installed.The metallic face ofthe SIM card iscontaminated.Wipe the face with aclean cloth.Failed toconnect tothe networkThe SIM card isinvalid.Contact your networkservice provider.Beyond the GSMcoverage.Consult the networkservice provider forservice areas.The signal is feeble. Retry at a strongersignal area.Failed tomake a callThe call barringfeature is used.Cancel the callbarring settings.The fixed dialingnumber feature isused.Cancel the fixeddialing numbersettings.PIN code error Enter incorrect PINcodes for three timesin succession.Contact your networkservice provider.
74Failed tocharge thebatteryThe battery or thecharger is damaged.Change a newbattery or charger.Charge thebattery whenambienttemperature islower than -10 ℃or above 55 ℃.Change theenvironment.Poor connection. Check whether theplug is properlyconnected.Failed to addcontacts tophonebookThe storage space ofphonebook is usedup.Delete somecontacts from thephonebook.Failed to setup somefeaturesYour network serviceprovider does notprovide the services,or you haven ’ tsubscribed them.Contact your networkservice provider.
 FCC RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION: WARNING!! Read this information before using your phone In August 1986 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and order FCC 96-326    adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas modifications, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone, or result in violation of FCC regulations. Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Please contact your local dealer for replacement antenna.  BODY-WORN OPERATION: This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the phone kept 1.5cm from the body. To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 1.5cm must be maintained between the user's body and the back of the phone, including the antenna, whether extended or retracted. Third-party belt-clips, holsters and similar accessories containing metallic components shall not be used. Body-worn accessories that cannot maintain 1.5cm separation distance between the user’s body and the back of the phone, and have not been tested for typical body-worn operations may not comply with FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided. For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at  Your wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power radio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. In August, 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wireless phones. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standards previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies:  <ANSIC95.1> (1992) / <NCRP Report 86> (1986) / <ICIMIRP> (1996)  Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evaluations of the relevant scientific literature. For example, over 120 scientists, engineers, and physicians from universities, government health agencies, and industry reviewed the available body of research to develop the ANSI Standard (C95.1). Nevertheless, we recommend that you use a hands-free kit with your phone (such as an earpiece or headset) to avoid potential exposure to RF energy. The design of your phone complies with the FCC guidelines (and those standards).  Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and may violate FCC regulations.    NORMAL POSITION:   Hold the phone as you would any other telephone with the antenna pointed up and over your shoulder.  TIPS ON EFFICIENT OPERATION:  For your phone to operate most efficiently: • Extend your antenna fully. • Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is in use. Contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed.
 RF Exposure Information: FCC RF Exposure requirements: The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use next to the body with the minimum separation distance of 1.5cm is 0.428W/kg, next to the head is 1.095W/kg. This transmitter must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help    Ad Hoc function is supported but not able to operate on non-US frequencies.---WIFI      Do not use the device with the environment which below minimum -10℃ or maximum over 50, the device may not work.        Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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