MMB Research Z357PA20 ZIGBEE RADIO MODULE User Manual


User Manual

Page 1Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data SheetMMB Networks EM357 ZigBee ModuleZ357PA20-SMT, Z357PA21-SMT  Document Rev 1.1The MMB Networks EM357 ZigBee Module is a drop-in ZigBee Smart Energy solution. Preloaded with MMB Research’s RapidSE ZigBee Smart Energy application or RapidHA Home Automation application, it offers hardware vendors an easy way to integrate a fully-implemented, automated ZigBee Smart Energy or ZigBee Home Automation platform into their existing devices.MMB Networks offers a variety of hardware and software development tools to facilitate integration. For more information, please visit http://www.mmbnetworks.comContents1 | General Information ......................................................................................................................22 | Memory ...........................................................................................................................................23 | Module Pinout ................................................................................................................................23.1 | Debug and Programming Interface  .........................................................................................................................34 | Electrical Specications ................................................................................................................ 34.1 | Absolute Maximum Ratings  ..........................................................................................................................................34.2 | Recommended Operating Conditions  ...................................................................................................................34.3 | DC Electrical Characteristics ...........................................................................................................................................45 | RF Specications ............................................................................................................................45.1 | Receive Specifications  .......................................................................................................................................................45.2 | Transmit Specifications  .....................................................................................................................................................56 | Functional Specications ............................................................................................................. 56.1 | Serial Ports  .................................................................................................................................................................................56.2 | GPIO  ..............................................................................................................................................................................................66.3 | Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)  ............................................................................................................................77 | Mechanical Specications ............................................................................................................87.1 | Physical Dimensions  ...........................................................................................................................................................87.4 | Labelling  .....................................................................................................................................................................................98 | Soldering Temperature Time Prole for reow soldering (Lead-free solder).....................99 | Regulatory Approvals .................................................................................................................109.1 | FCC ..............................................................................................................................................................................................109.2 | Industry Canada (IC)   .......................................................................................................................................................1010 | Ordering Information ...............................................................................................................11
Page 2Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet1 | General InformationNote that some of the specifications refer to either EM357 or Module.  Please note specifications cited as EM357 are taken from the EM357 datasheet (this should also be noted where referred to).  Module means measurements taken with our production module.2 | Memory3 | Module PinoutSKU RAM (kB) On-Chip Flash (kB) Serial Flash (kB)Z357A.1.0 12 192 512Module Pad Function EM357 GPIO (EM357 Pin Number)1VCC (3.3 VDC) CLK2 nCTS/SPI Slave PB3 (19)3 nRTS/SPI Select PB4 (20)4 nReset, active low (12)5 PTI_EN PA4 (26)6 PTI_DATA PA5 (27)7 JTDO PC2 (33)8 JTCK (32)9 JTDI PC3 (34)10 JTMS PC4 (35)11 JRST PCO (40)12 RXD, SPI Slave In PB2 (31)13 Module Controlled Handshake Line PA6 (29)14 TXD, SPI Slave Out PB1 (30)15 GND
Page 3Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet3.1 | Debug and Programming InterfaceIn order to access the EM357 for programming and debug purposes, it is recommended that the designer incorporate Ember’s 10-pin InSight Port connector.  This will allow Ember’s InSight Adapter (ISA3) to be used.  Contact Ember for details regarding the InSight Port connector and ISA3.  The following table shows a pin mapping between Ember’s 10-pin InSight Port connector and the module, and the graphic to the right displays the layout of the InSight Port connector.4 | Electrical Specications4.1 | Absolute Maximum Ratings4.2 | Recommended Operating ConditionsEmber InSight Port Pin Module Pin1 10, 18 (VCC)2 25 (PC2 / JTDO / SWO)3 28 (PC0 / JRST)4 26 (PC3 / JTDI)5 1, 11, 19, 22, 32 (GND)6 24 (JTCK)7 27 (PC4 / JTMS / SWDIO)8 17, 23 (nReset)9 7 (PA4/PTI_EN)10 6  (PA5/PTI_DATA)Parameter Minimum Maximum UnitsSupply Voltage (VCC) 0 3.6 VVoltage on any GPIO ([PA[0:7], PB[0:7], PC[0:7]), JTCK, nReset -0.3 VCC + 0.3 VVoltage on any GPIO pin (PA4, PA5, PB5, PB6, PB7, PC1) when used as an input to the general purpose ADC with the low voltage range selected -0.3 2 VAmbient Operating Temperature -40 85 °CParameter Minimum Typical Maximum UnitsSupply Voltage (VCC) 2.7 3.3 3.6 VTemperature Range -40 85 °C1 23 45 67 89 10VBRDPC0 (nJRST)GNDPC4 (JTMS/SWDIO)PA4 (PTI_EN)PC2 (JTDO/SWO)PC3 (JTDI)JCLK/SWCLKnRESETPA5 (PTI_DATA)
Page 4Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet5 | RF Specications5.1 | Receive Specifications Module Receive CharacteristicsParameter Test Condition Min Typical Max UnitsReceive sensitivity 1% PER as per IEEE 802.15.4 -107 -106 -100 dBmParameter Test Condition Minimum Typical Maximum UnitsDeep sleep currentAt 25 °C, VCC = 3.3v, shutdown mode 0.65 TBD μAIdle currentAt 25 °C, VCC = 3.3v, sleep mode 13 mARX current At 25 °C, VCC = 3.3v 32 mATX currentAt 25 °C, VCC = 3.3v, normal mode, 20 dBm 175 235 mALow Schmitt switching thresholdSchmitt input threshold going from high to low 0.42 x VCC 0.5 x VCC VHigh Schmitt switching thresholdSchmitt input threshold going from low to high 0.62 x VCC 0.8 x VCC VInput current for logic 0 -0.5 μAInput current for logic 1 0.5 μAInput pull-up resistor value 24 29 34 kΩInput pull-down resistor value 24 29 34 kΩOutput voltage for logic 0 0 0.18 x VCC VOutput voltage for logic 1 0.82 x VCC VCC VOutput source current (standard current pad) 4 mAOutput sink current (standard current pad) 4 mAOutput source current, high current pad: PA6, PA7, PB6, PB7, PC0 8 mAOutput sink current, high current pad: PA6, PA7, PB6, PB7, PC0 8 mATotal output current (for I/O Pads) 40 mA4.3 | DC Electrical Characteristics
Page 5Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data SheetEM357 Receive CharacteristicsThis table lists the key parameters of the integrated IEEE 802.15.4-2003 receiver on the EM357.  This information is taken from the Ember EM357 Datasheet. This document is available at: Receive measurements were collected with Ember’s EM35x Ceramic Balun Reference Design (Version A0) at 2440MHz.  The Typical number indicates one standard deviation above the mean, measured at room temperature (25°C). The Min and Max numbers were measured over process corners at room temperature.5.2 | Transmit Specifications6 | Functional Specications6.1 | Serial PortsRefer to the EM357 data sheet for functionality and associated GPIO pin outs.  Note:  The module pin out table in section 2 of this document provides a cross reference between the MMB PA module pins and the EM357 GPIO.6.1.1 |  SC1 Serial Controller (UART, SPI, TWI)The SC1 module provides UART, SPI (master or slave), or TWI (master) serial communications.  Serial Controller FeaturesThe SPI master controller has the following features: (*Note: the SPI master controller data is provided to show the hardware capability. RapidSE is configured as a SPI Slave, not Master) • Full duplex operation• Programmable clock frequency (12 MHz max.)• Programmable clock polarity and clock phaseParameter Test Condition Min Typical Max UnitsFrequency range 2400 2500 MHzRelative frequency error (2x40 ppm required by IEEE 802.15.4-2003) -120 120 ppmRelative timing error (2x40 ppm required by IEEE 802.15.4-2003) -120 120 ppmLinear RSSI range As defined by IEEE 802.15.4-2003 40 dBRSSI Range -90 -40 dBParameter Test Condition Min Typical Max UnitsOutput Power at highest power setting 20 21 21.5 dBmError vector magnitude as per IEEE 802.15.4 5 15 %Carrier frequency error -40 40 ppmPSD Mask relative 3.5 MHz distance from carrier -20 dBPSD Mask absolute 3.5 MHz distance from carrier -30 dBm
Page 6Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet• Selectable data shift direction (either LSB or MSB first)• Receive and transmit FIFOs• Receive and transmit DMA channels• The following signals can be made available on the GPIO pins: ʳ MOSI (serial data out) ʳ MISO (serial data in) ʳ MCLK (serial clock out)The SPI slave controller has the following features:• Full duplex operation• Up to 4 Mbps data transfer rate• Programmable clock polarity and clock phase• Selectable data shift direction (either LSB or MSB first)• Slave select input• The following signals can be made available on the GPIO pins: ʳ MOSI (serial data in) ʳ MISO (serial data out) ʳ SCLK (serial clock in) ʳ nSSEL (slave select)The TWI master controller has the following features:• Uses only two bidirectional GPIO pins• Programmable clock frequency (up to 400 kHz)• Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing• Compatible with Philips I2C-bus slave devices• The following signals can be made available on the GPIO pins: ʳ SDA (bidirectional serial data) ʳ SCL (bidirectional serial clock)The SC1 UART supports the following features:• Baud rate (300 bps up to 921.6 kbps) (*Note: these values are provided to show the hardware capability. RapidSE does not provide the ability to modify the baud rate from the default value of 115.2 kbps. However, MMB can adjust it as necessary through a Non-Recurring Engineering engagement)• Data bits (7 or 8)• Parity bits (none, odd, or even)• Stop bits (1 or 2)• False start bit and noise filtering• Receive and transmit FIFOs• Optional CTS/RTS flow control• Receiver and transmit DMA channels• GPIO signals: ʳ TXD (serial data out) ʳ RXD (serial data in) ʳ nRTS (optional) ʳ nCTS (optional)6.2 | GPIOThe EM357 has multi-purpose GPIO pins that may be individually configured as:• General purpose output • General purpose open-drain output • Alternate output controlled by a peripheral device • Alternate open-drain output controlled by a peripheral device • Analog
Page 7Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet• General purpose input • General purpose input with pull-up or pull-down resistor6.3 | Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)The ADC is a first-order sigma-delta converter with the following features:• Resolution of up to 14 bits • Sample times as fast as 5.33 μs (188 kHz) • Differential and single-ended conversions from six external and four internal sources • One voltage range (differential): -VREF to +VREF • Choice of internal or external VREF • internal VREF may be output to PB0 or external VREF may be derived from PB0 • Digital offset and gain correction • Dedicated DMA channel with one-shot and continuous operating modesParameter Min Typical Max UnitsConversion time 32 4096 μsVREF 1.17 1.2 1.23 VVREF output current 1 mAVREF load capacitance 10 nFExternal VREF voltage range 1.1 1.2 1.3 VExternal VREF input impedance 1 M OhmMinimum input voltage (input buffer disabled) 0 VMinimum input voltage (input buffer enabled) 0.1 VMaximum input voltage (input buffer disabled) VREF VMaximum input voltage (input buffer enabled) VCC – 0.1 VSingle-ended signal range (input buffer disabled) 0 VREF VSingle-ended signal range (input buffer enabled) 0.1 VCC – 0.1 VDifferential signal range (input buffer disabled) =-VREF =+VREF VDifferential signal range (input buffer enabled) =- VCC + 0.1 +VCC – 0.1 VCommon mode range (input buffer disabled) 0 VREF VCommon mode range (input buffer enabled) VCC/2 VInput referred ADC offset -10 10 mVInput impedance (1 MHz sample clock) 1 M OhmInput impedance (6 MHz sample clock) 0.5 M OhmInput impedance (Not Sampling) 10 M Ohm
Page 8Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet7 | Mechanical Specications7.1 | Physical DimensionsSymbol Description DistanceL Length of the module 34.2 mmW Width of the module 15 mmH Height of the module 2.88 mmA1 Pitch 1.27 mmA2 Distance centre of pad to PCB edge 6 mmA3 Distance center of pad to PCB edge 3.7 mmA Length of keep-out zone 7.55 mmB Width of keep-out zone 6.2 mmC Keep-out zone from corner of PCB 5 mm (minimum)D Keep-out zone from corner of PCB 5 mm (minimum)
Page 9Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet7.4 | Labelling11mm11mm8 | Soldering Temperature Time Prole for reow soldering (Lead-free solder)150˚C - 190˚C220˚C30 +20/-10s90 ±30s230˚C - 240˚C maxTemp[ ˚C ]Time [ s ]Maximum reflow cycles: 2Opposite-side reflow is prohibited due to the module weight. You must not place the module on the bottom / underside of your PCB and re-flow.
Page 10Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data Sheet9 | Regulatory Approvals9.1 | FCC9.1.1 | FCC NoticeThis device (Z357PA20-SMT, Z357PA21-SMT) complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. To comply with FCC RF Exposure requirements, users of this device must ensure that the module be installed and/or configured to operate with a separation distance of 20cm or more from all persons. Usage of Channel 26 at full power will result in non-compliance to FCC standards. Manufacturer recommends avoiding use of channel 26 and if necessary only use with a reduced power setting. For further details please contact Manufacturer. 9.1.2 | Modular Approval This device (Z357PA20-SMT, Z357PA21-SMT) meets the requirements for modular transmitter approval as detailed in the FCC public notice DA 00-1407. It should be noted that: “While the applicant for a device into which an authorized module is installed is not required to obtain a new authorization for the module, this does not preclude the possibility that some other form of authorization or testing may be required for the device (e.g., a WLAN into which an authorized module is installed must still be authorized as a PC peripheral, subject to the appropriate equipment authorization).” -- FCC Public Notice DA 00-1407 Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. 9.1.3 | Labeling Requirements The user of this device is responsible for meeting the FCC labeling requirements. A clearly visible label on the exterior enclosure of an incorporating device must list the MMB Research Inc. FCC ID “XFFZ357PA20” and the FCC Notice above (section 9.1.1). The exterior label should use the wording “Contains” or “Contains Transmitter Module”. For example:Contains FCC ID: XFFZ357PA20orContains Transmitter Module FCC ID: XFFZ357PA20Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used.9.2 | Industry Canada (IC) 9.2.1 | IC NoticeThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Page 11Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data SheetCopyright © 2013 MMB Research Inc. All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is believed to be accurate and reliable, but the statements contained herein are presented without expressed or implied warranty.MMB Networks is a division of MMB Research Inc.RapidSE is a trademark of MMB Research Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. July 201325 Prince Arthur Ave.Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM5R1B2416.636.3145info@mmbresearch.comwww.mmbresearch.comPage 11Rev 1.1 MMB Networks 2013 MMB Module Data SheetCopyright © 2013 MMB Research Inc. All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is believed to be accurate and reliable, but the statements contained herein are presented without expressed or implied warranty.MMB Networks is a division of MMB Research Inc.RapidSE is a trademark of MMB Research Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.July 201325 Prince Arthur Ave.Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM5R1B2416.636.3145info@mmbresearch.comwww.mmbresearch.com9.2.2 | Labeling RequirementsThe host device shall be properly labelled to identify the modules within the host device.  The Industry Canada certification label of a module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be labelled to display the Industry Canada certification number of the module, preceded by the words “Contains transmitter module”, or the word “Contains”, or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows:Contains transmitter module IC: 8365A-Z357PA2010 | Ordering InformationSKU Interface Option Software Option Security CerticateZ357PA21-SMT-P-TC Surface Mount Pre-Programmed Test CertificateZ357PA21-SMT-P-PC Surface Mount Pre-Programmed Production CertificateZ357PA21-SMT-N Surface Mount No Software N/A

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