MOVON MK30 Bluetooth Handsfree Carkit User Manual mk30 manual ai
MOVON Corporation Bluetooth Handsfree Carkit mk30 manual ai
User Manual
v( VON www_m0von,co_kr GBBIuetouth‘ . wwu ma “WWW Dvsmned by MOVQN saw 5mm -I ENCLOSURE ® swuuwe @ mm AC/ DC adamer @ Carthage! (9 Ma/mm - ------------ J hum). Pmduct Componenu Hands-Free Unit G) Mum—amen” Emma (27 Speakev G) MK: @ Vummc up amen G) OLED ® Vulume Down Bunch (7) cm: ® Chavgmg Den 1 DEFL w RSSH (Received Swgnaw slrengm decallon’ <2) Rsswz (Renewed 5mm sucngm mmcauenl <3 wsmn m 5mm) © swuemom Connechcn <5) CBH Achvahnn 6) ms Mme a: Baltery ® Vflmme is: 5mm: dwsmay CD (2) CD 6) (9 ® ® ® «SHARING Connea «he unh «o «he adsmerov ngsr—«soh «o oherge «he panenes pnor «o use. When ohargmg «s oomp«e«eo “charger Commele‘ Ts msmayed on OLED « Chargmg me Ademer wnen oonneo«ea «o «he eaap«er “Bauery Chammg“ Ts msmzyed on OLED z Chargmgwac ar—Jack When oonneo«eo Ia (he Omar—lack “Eanery Chzlgmg“ Ts o«sp«eyeo en OLED e Lrshrse« _ m. srmng When «he oeuenes requrre eheromg «he unr« ersoleys “an Bauery“ srgneT on em: ene peeps every 20 seconds The unh wrh «sowereh unTess ehergee whhm«e«y 30 mmu«es AOp ralmg s [her ng Durehons Charging Appml a hows Oplritlon Stand—by Made sAppmx 300 hours Can Mane Jiupmx 15 hours ll HOWTO USE « runrhu, n Lr r ~ TURN ON " rum on aw he homers" she or 2 We fee uhh hehs- erspeys eh OLED sgflffisw «e hehsuy sense «he cperalmn sun) - TLIRN err q Tum on Press oown «he MuThPunqmn punon «or «ea , Asecondsunm “Goodbye“dwsmzys on meo (A meoey sense «he epershsh she; ‘TD 5sz BATTERY LIFE The uml «urns oh «he OLED orsohsy eu«oma«reehy eher «n mrnu«es h «here rs no sclwny OLED «urns on «m ee«ee«s any eehurhes er bunnn mpul : Pmmm, The unh neees «e pa pause whh B‘ueluum—cumpaflme mophe phones or e«her ueuyees «or use Press down «he Mum—Funcflun punen for spam 5 sewnoe un« emng Made s msmayed on OLED (AmeToay sygnsTs «or pemng) PTeese eheeh «he unh rs «umee on D Q‘ée ((««)) Exeou«e dewce search «or Bmetomh oompehme devmes SeTeo« Bmemom uevme search opnon on «he menu. «Pever «o velevznl phone manua‘ «orvunhennronnahom Press “Yes“ or “ox“ «a oonnrm «he seTeo«eo hands—(Tee unh Emer PTN numoer “Dunn 4 19m!) annwed by “Va!" Dr “OK“ Eng mummenc connecmh: Tms unh supports Autn—Dunnscflan «he« makes h possyme «e be summeheshy cunnscled «o «he «ee« mnnemed dames efler «uran on. - sTMPLE Puma (ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH aLuETouTh CORE sPEc 2 «h FoHuw s«eps 1 «o 4 as Snecmeu above «0 Davuewoes. «s«ep 5 may he shwppeo 1 - EASY PAIRIN «or «he hrs« «Tme he unh goes Tn«o «he Penmg Mooe emomehoehy when h s «urneo on MN LL 1. Reeleuhg Iflsl eeh Press «he Mum—Funcnen huhon The meme phone was «he «es« eeh mane eher eohneehon The moohe phone ereTs «he «es« eeh meoe «seTore and eher eenheehen 2. Verse Dmling Press «he Mu‘lT—Funclmn ou««oh YerabmA 2 seems unm you heer e «one oeep souno Voree nrshng rs sun/med on «he «shone Voree ershng rs eneelee «or «he «es« esh meee befme eenneehoh H you mm «o eenee« Vmce prehno, press «he Mum-Funnmn puhon eunhg «he Verse peh Made mu«e] PTeese make sure «he« «he ohohe supoehs «he Vela: Recngnmun and me ueree Tag 1 M: mg s esu uling c." Logs Press «he Mum—Funwen ouhoh eher you some «he numhor yuu wam «o ssh «rem «he CaH Log; LP‘vaw re«er«o hem «« ) A Rulummg s mun uh Press «he Mum—Funwun ouhon «o mew mwssmg cans (Pweeee star «o hem 12 > You can hear «he melody and «he caher «p «rom «he unh «or an mcommg eah Nsm you can oheoh «he caher h) «hrouqh «he OLED Press «he Mum—Funclmn «su««on «o resewe csz ‘CaHer «p CzHer‘s humeer -rrs (Tex« «o Speech) ATTS sys«em ahows «he phone «o speak eaher «D h ean he eehumee or deem/sled by oressng Vmume up or Down «su««en as memes on «he OlED f. FE «Emma a mLL «neommo eahs can he roenhheo «hrough «he «ypes ov rmg «ones and when «0 on erspTay or snaken «he rrs Press «he MuMPFundmn ou««on «or 2 seeenes «o med rheommo eehs e shun-«rs e ueLL Press «he MuMPFuncflon punon ounng «he can or«us« press «he “Endmg‘ ouhon «o eno e 53”. 7 TRA sFERRw .r.e.LL | From Hands-Fri. umn «o Monu- Phon- Te «rens«er a can, press «he Mum—Funnmn punon on «he Hands'Free unh Gunny «he can «or 2 seconds unm «he unh peeps 2 From Momle Phone «o Hands—Free unh To «rensver a can, press «he Mum—Fundmn [mum on «he Mophe Phone ounng «he can «or 2 seoonos «mm «he unh oeeps e emusnhhs ULUME Yflu een amusl «he yoTume by eressmg «he yoTume up («1 or Dawn (7) bunun durmg «he eeh m «or mmmmg caHs h muTTNG THE huchePhaNE «1 you press «he VoTume Down «—« human «or apou« z seconos unhl a «one oeep souno Ts heard. «he m«emphene Ts mu«eo Amelndy sygnaTs every m sewnds Mm en Tnmeehon oh OLED eunng «he mu«e moee [Nme] The Mu«e moee rs deaclwmefl n yen press Vnmme up w or Dawn (7) «su««en «hr «LLT \«T« Beiure «45mg J—way camng «hrough «he Hands—Free u h on ck h «he phone suppons Hands'Fvee «unehon Funhev. be aware «he 03” no eno Mumpany' mnctmns ere eyehapTe omy «hrough your phone semce arm/«def « oohheeuho «e «h. sell on wen: Emimfl «he eurmn eau Press «he Vomme Down «1 ou««on «er apouu secands unm you hear a «eno oeep sound was z. cannecttttg to a can on watt: swtten ttte current can to wetttnp mode. Pvess tne Volume up t~tbuflan tor spout 4 seconds unttt you near a tong peep sound thce [Rnnnmmondod] Ptess tne “SEND“ putton ot yam modtte pnone to aottvete tne est Wstono tunotton tt ttt Tne untt stores up to 5 tnoomtng eatts up to 5 cans are stored when patttno trotn ttte cat toos tn Stand—by mode tt ymt press ttte Votume Up tttputton, “Outgomg” ts otspteved on ma) tn Stand—by mode tt ymt press ttte Votume Down (s)bul\0n‘ -tneomtno- ts dtsptsved en om: Sesrott pttorte numtters ustno trte Votume up and Dawn bunart‘ snd Press ttte Muht—Funclmn button to dtst tt tttere ts no sottutty tor 5 seoonds afler swttstttnp to ttte est Lug!‘ tt sutomsttostty swttettes back tEEtINCr CALL tttnere ts e mtsstno cott Mtsstnd cat wttn tts cater to ts dtspteved en tne OLED Press tne MutIt—Functtan putton to dtet ttte numper [Nets] wtttte ttte Mum—Paw“ mode ts aettvoted rte mtsstno oett ts dtspteved Ttte Hands—Free utttt supports stmuttsneous oottneotton wtttt 2 mootte pttones wtttt tutt oontrot nf esstt untt [Not-1 Tttts tcature may not be compottote wtttt oenstn mooitc pttones t Mum-Pom! Set trte devtee tttto ttte patrmg—mofla ttrstt and searcrt trte untt mdlvlduaHy trom 2 mootts pnones Make sure one moptte pttene ts connected property to ttte untt petote trytng ttte ettter one. You can check tne status otconnectton wtttt ttte meptte pnones tntougn RSSM/RSStZ on ttte DLED 2M: o . pttone cstt press ttte Volume Dawn <-) buunn tor about 2 seoonds unttt s tonp beep sound ts ttestd to make on outgotno est ttom ttte second mootte pttotte press ttte uptume Up t‘) outton tor abnut 2 seconds unttt s tono peep sound ts ttesrd to anivefle uptoe Dtst mode otttte seoond mootte pttone To use ttte tst mootte phnne‘ pteese teter to ttte tottowtnd 1 Re etv Bacall Prvss tne Mu Turtcttdn Mon to rceetvc tneemtng estts tttotet Eaett moptte pttene ptays dttferent rtrtg tones. A moptte pttone wttttout a can trt progress ts dtseonneeted automattcatty, ttttte ottter pttene ts connected to a can Conneetton resumes atter ttte catt ends Tne untt otsptays Weed AG cnatotno- trttouort tttc ctED wtten trte patter-es are tow and rodutre cnatetno [Net-1 The mode pnene needs te support ttandenee Frame 1 s to use tttts teature ts OLED tN‘t‘EF. DN Tne Hands—Free untt may be reversed ttneoesssry To reverse ttte OLED dtsptsv press oottt Votume up and Down outtons tor z seoonds unttt tttete ts s tono peep [Mote] Ttte mobtte pttorte needs to support Hands—Free Protttet 5 to use tttts feature teFl’ TTHE Huttoemgs To reset ttte untt. press ttte oottt Mutttsflmcflon and Votume Dow-t t—t button tor aboutA seoonds ttrtttt ‘Resel” ts dtsptayed on ttte OLED Att devtde tntetmatton and cat tugs wttt pe deteted. Eng u Specificatitzns Modet Nome MKSD atuetoottt spectttestton z MEDR atuctoottt Core Spec Prettte tteadset Pmmet ttandstree Froftte t.s mu Mttz to ZASS 5 MHz cattter Fveauency Audtd output twtam LCD OLED 211‘3 5 (a e tnett) LCD Eackhgm atue Modutetton Metttod GFSK‘ tMpps, 0 SET Geussten Asynchronous 7232kbps/57Ekbvs synonronous. m 9 Kst I m 9 kbps Maltmum Data Rate etuetootn ctass ctess 2 Happtng tsod tops/see tttttz cnsnnet Space Trsnsmtt Fewer a dent Cnvemg: Rang: to Meters Reeetver senstttvtty rao dam to t at BER ContlnuuusTatthme Max tstteurs stanopv Ttrrte zoo Hams Wetont 76 o otmenston 125x60xtflmm ChargmgVnMage pcsov onsrgtno Ttmc 3 Hams sZD‘tc » we our to » ao'c tttnturtt Potymet 3 7V11flDmAH ctperattrtd Temperature storage Temperature BalteVY n Safety and Generot Information t Ptease reed tttts outoeooot coretuttt ond tottow tne tnstruotton 2 To evotd any dsmsoe or mottunetton ot ttte urtt do no: drop untt trom tttott ptsees 3 Keep owe, ont-. trom humtdtly, wster snd any ottter ttoutd And tt ttte untt ts exposed by walzft motsture end o:tter ttoutd dtreotty ttten flan‘t operste tt nurmaHy to sudtd any etectrtcat snectt exptosten and damage otttte untt 4 no not ptece 0' Keep tne untt near tne neat sources suert as dttect sun ttont Tamamrit stoves or ottter spporstus whtch produce test tt may couse exp‘nsmn‘ degrode ot oertomtanec a'tfl reduoo pottery ttte 5 Do not modtty tcpstr s dtssssemote untt st dtlcrchon (Espectetty battery. tt may cause an exptostertt 5 Do not ptace tne neavy ootects on ttte untt T use onty supptted and approved cnatget a Reptzcement or seMce must oe done at a duatttted servtce center or returned to tne manutaczuter 9 mm: tttts untt wnen unused tot tend pertoos ot ttme or durtrd ttotttentrto s-otms ACAUHONS ELEETFHC SHOCK HAZARD Tne battery used tn tnts devtce may present s Hsk otttre pt ottemtcet bum tt mts—tresteo FCC STATEMENT Tttt devtoe edmpttes wtttt port to dtttte ch Rutet Opnmltnn ts tutueet to "we‘nHuwmgtwncnndmnns ttmts devtee may not esuse tsrmtut nterterenee, snd (zt tttts devtse must accept env tnterterence reoetved tnctudtno tnterterence tnat may cause undestted opetetton [Nuts] Tne menutectutet ts net tesponstote tomttv tntertetenee. tot exzmme mutt) or Tv tnterterence, caused by unauttortzed modtrteattons te tttts edutpment suott modtttssttdns eoutd vdto ttte ulcv‘! autttorttt to operate ttte eoutpmont Tms pveeua ns cs marked accnmmg lo me meswn an we RATTE meme (sens/Eon Hem by MovaN Cevpevahun‘ neewaves Mal ms producl s m somensnee w in me essenusn reqmremenls sne umzr nsnmm aneynsnens of unsanue mama/5c Fur Yurlwef m'mmamn pneese wsn www maven co m You can nne me Dec nem Vanwmg wensne. www movnn ee kv/cenwcate/me mease nma mat Ami Dream uses vadm nveuency bands nm nammmzed wumn EU. Wmhm me EU ons pmdufl ns mended w ee used m Ausxna Bc‘gmm‘ Dennsm rnnnane anu‘ cennany Gvezce‘ ‘re‘and‘ ‘(a‘y‘ Luxemhnuvg‘ The Nelhev‘andx Pu'mqm Spawsweflemumed Knngeamenewnnnngmnn wane Navwayand Swnuenene enumexn ns a Vademark awnee by 0"; muema‘n sway nne n Warranty The eenemen at one wanamy and any nespensnenues undev nns warmmy are as feuews Supvhev‘s wanamy ns nun—lmnsfiemme And (ms wznamy ns nmueu m We engnnan eurcnasev onwy ”(nu mus| he am: \0 wave me da|= ac angnnen purchau er 01; unu wun a defied reeanm -rne wavvamy ns nm anpncame n we Dmdud nas been sublecl m pnysnean abuses nnnueper mstsztmm modmcznnr ov venaw by unaumenzee mm: new “ The vesnensnenw m suDDhev‘s pveeuas snan ee nnuea m we repan m vemacemem onne Dmdufl at M‘s sme mscveuon 'SpemficaHy zxemp| me any wnmmw are hunted-Me eansunnsme campnnerlx sumecl m nennan war and |san suen as hzuerms‘ eeesmes ane uther acceuune: w suDDHev wm nm take any vesnonsmmly n we iamwe m «ne unn nae vesmted nem emeenu abuse. rnnsuse. or any uraumnnzed nepan mndmcaflon m msassernme 'Modmcatmn and vegan m «na unn sneum be me by authonzed and quennee semce psvsennsn Carter or vemmed m we manmacmrer 'Tms wavvsnly gwes ynu speenne neqen nqms and yau may ense have olher nqms whmh vavy under mam news 00 m WEEE Symbal Infarmmjan fl Correct Dnsuesaw o! Tnis Product (WES‘E E‘ECWCE‘ 8. E‘ectmmc Eqmpmenfl (Apghcakfle m we Eurogean Uman anu emu Eumpcan caunmes wun svparaw sensenen lys|=ms) rnns markmg snewn en me prndud qr ns hlevmure, mdwcalzs mm n sneune nu! es mspesed wun mner hnusehum wasles m we ene er us workmg we re Dvevem eessnme nam «e the enynonmenx m nurnan neaun nem uncommfled waste msnasah mease sepzvate tms nem mner types Nwzstes and vecyde u vespemewy (e pmmaw me xusxannabwe muse M mawnaw vcsuurccs Haussham users sneum suntan eunev me reAzHev Wham they purcnasee W5 proeun w «nen mean governmem emu.“ «er eexans at where and new my can (aka ms usnn censnynennnsnxsuy sacs recychng Eusmess users shnmfl nomad xnen supanev and check «ne «ems ene eenemans m We puvcnese conned ms weeuex sneum not be mnxee mm ernev eemrnevenan wastes (o! ansvesan museum NDYE re many wnn RF expmyfe neeunemenm tms awe may nm be emanated wnn any ether nansnnner or antenna
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-702 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows) Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Modify Date : 2008:04:11 17:22:08+09:00 Create Date : 2008:04:04 18:11:33+09:00 Metadata Date : 2008:04:11 17:22:08+09:00 Format : application/pdf Title : mk30-manual-영문.ai Creator : sunpark1 Document ID : uuid:a1ce6576-5f0a-431a-8bc5-dd26ee36e50e Instance ID : uuid:cdd81364-7d88-4480-98b5-5fe9d947f98c Page Count : 4 Author : sunpark1EXIF Metadata provided by