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Document ID | 668516 |
Application ID | olu3j275DL2B95Qs+7YDeg== |
Document Description | Users Manual |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 172.6kB (2157451 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2006-06-14 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2006-06-14 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
Producing Software | GNU Ghostscript 7.06 |
Document Lastmod | 2006-05-31 11:32:40 |
Document Title | Untitled-1 |
Document Creator | Adobe Illustrator(R) X |
Document Author: | WORK |
3B Bluetoolh"
Wire‘ess Headset TPl
User Manual
* Bluetonth‘
Comfortable & Stylish
3? Bluetaoth’
Wire\e§ Headset
* Charging a headset
® MuId—lunflion Bunon
wndimur Light
Vuwume conmsw
AfnCushien Ear Pm.
Chauing Port
* Package Contents
h Bluemoth headset
2. Fwexrhle ear hock
3 NC power adapter
4 Spar: Earrplecz
5, User Menuew
* "Pu
to your Bluetoath phone
More you use your headset (or (he first we ensure that it is pared to use 11
with sueh as your swuemesh phone.
Ensure dse )
headxet u on.
5“ your Bluemosn phone a)
"dueorer" the headset by leHewmg
your phone's immune" guwdz
Typltu, "Bluetomh" menu on
your phene and lhen seweeung
(he opuon w "discuvar"1
swuemedn devlte.
Press and hewd the MukhFunman
Bunon until you su bhnkm,
mue end Red thte
(ipproxlmimy 6 seconds).
shun rs‘ezse,
* Ame sonnecnon
Once yau pmr me hendses
wuh a dense. me Hndutwlfl
he aummatkafly eonnened
you, phone w“. M m dwe dense whenever you
your hesdses and nk Enter pmkey or mm W Hudm on-
flyau wenm pair PIN = comm xercs),
wnh 1L Cennnn Ilus
by pre in
When the headset paired wkh mobfle phone. (he xndmon “gm wm fluh um um
Every 5 sewnds. Whfled, (be Nut indicator fight wi‘l flash one time every 5 mend;
* OPERATION * n Makingaca"
* um, phone's keypad
- Turning headset on/afi' , om numberon keypad,
- Pres! phone's "sand" key
, Pres; Mqu—luncuen Semen Ior 2 xecends, then (he cz‘l wfll be (ranxlerred
(a your headset
4“ Using voieeaniveted dieing
How (a m Tones manners
rm: and new the The Blue mdymw Plezxe check a your meme pnene suppen veme dullng lunmon.
Tm" Mu‘nrfimmon Bunch T o w.“ flash Wm (he w supper; wease set up voice up on your meme phone
was; a" (or 3 sxonds unm “T“ ” we, is on . Press the Mukl-fimmnn Burton (or 2 secands unm you hear short beep.
yen see : swue lndicamr "W “Y P ' After (hen release the button
fluhlng, men rewwe ue . Then my me name a, nemen wne mm m an
F d h M h , You can hear mebdy when can is made
mi m 0 K e Alter Red AAdIcamr v .
Tum“ a" ruyzyumgs Maw, “mo" flash, K M” mm“ en NOT ecord yene n; (rem heldxel (or bener reteptvon.
headset °" “m" “"“ meweay * List number dialing
you see a Red indiawr
fl hm Jh "Ideas '
=S x = = 1 . premhe Mum-lumen Suntan bneny.
—You cm heir eennemen melody
n Ending a call
. Presx the MnIn-lnncuen amen bnefly lrcm (he hexdset whlle yeu are on me hne
You {an the end caH 1mm yeur mebfle.
* Nghtev fl Reject an incoming call
, Press end we Mum—function Buuon'or 2 seconds and release bunon
® 4, when yen hear beep mnnd.
\ "my new, _
m n, e m m. Ansmng a m"
n M W.“
, Press me Muhflunmon Button bneny when you receive an incoming ca”.
n Wearing Your Headset
m Mufti-Point function
Transferring a call
l. Whes is Mnki—Polnt
You sen eonnees your heedses so 1 bluesooih deyiees.
And you ere able so use sharn slmuluneously.
(I) Conirel z bluesoorh deyiees wish l heedses.
(1) You san idennhywhieh mobile is ringing wrsh dmerens melody
ll Headses so phone:
Press Mulllrlunctltm busson lor z seccndx
1; Phone so headses:
, (New: Mulnpoinr sonnecnon sannos be work-d Wltfi some rno ' phones
Press Mulll—fimcuen Busson ior 1 seconds
7. Pairing lor Mulnpoins Connemon
* The firss Faring
(I) Ensure she headses is on pairing mode.
n Call-Waiting (3way calling) (1) Search your headses from your mobile phone by lollowing your phone insirusnon
(a; Connecs drie fires mobile phone rhen eonness rhe second rnobile phone
(Nate) Please eonnees headses one ley one.
Eelcre using 3 way eelllng wish your headset. you muss ensure shes your phone k Reeoyenng Mulsipoins eennession
supporrs she Hands—(me Promo. And is l} always assumed shas she (I J Ensure she headses is already sonneaed so she hrss Mobile phone.
”call hold and/or mulsiparsy" seryises are avallable lrl she neswork. ll) PM W hold me Val-"v bum“ lot 1 seconds "mil You hear bun saw-d
Then push she Muln—Funcflcn busson as once.
The headset ' he conneded m the second mobile phene.
(Now) Make sure rlm your second mobile phone wes wevlmuly pair-d.
. Press end hold volume-down(v)huuun undl you hear shors beep 3 umes
(apprexlmalely 4 seeonds), shen you son sseeps reseiying weiung (incoming)
call and end assiye call. 3. How so use Mulsipoim
, Press end hold valuing—MM“ busson unsil you heer shors beep 3 u‘rnes [Recelvlng a phone sall]
(approximssely 4 seeonds). shen you sen eeeeps wsinng (lncomlnl) sell (I) Kecewinz = Plume til
and hold anlve all. , Please push mIIlKI function human shardy when yell an recelve a phone all.
And you can reieu by pus g Muln‘ poinsiuneuon vor 1 sewnds.
| A l .
Pm“ ‘m V° “m“ “Pl lbw“ °' W V” ‘"“’ “ml" “m" (More) Your heedser will ainomansally swath so use hrss ringing rnolnle phone
(1; heeemng e phone enll from she seeond mobile phone while d-le hiss while is on she line
, Please push mulsi Punerion sueson shorsly shen she firsr sell wlll be ssopped.
. Then push die muld iunerion buoon shonly egnln w siemhe seeond call
B Volume control 8‘ Mute function , You sen reiess she seeond sell by pushing muln lunmon biisuon ler z seeend unril
you hear she beep sound. And please release she busson w (cnrjnue she firss (all.
(Nam) Plezse sonneo your hezdxet yla Hendslree pohle m use shis reieeslunsnon
[Make a phone sally
Please selees end swissh she mobile phone which you wens so inel
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Creation Date--Text : 5/31/2006 10:32:46
Producer : GNU Ghostscript 7.06
Format : application/pdf
Creator : WORK
Title : Untitled-1
Creator Tool : Adobe Illustrator(R) X
Modify Date : 2006:05:31 11:32:40+09:00
Metadata Date : 2006:05:31 11:32:40+09:00
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Page Count : 6
Create Date : 5/31/2006 10:32:46
Author : WORK
EXIF Metadata provided by