MTD 13WC76LF031 User Manual TRACTOR Manuals And Guides 1108576L

User Manual: MTD 13WC76LF031 13WC76LF031 MTD TRACTOR - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your MTD TRACTOR #13WC76LF031. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:MTD Parts:MTD TRACTOR Manual

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Safe Operation Practices • Set-Up • Operation • Maintenance • Service • Troubleshooting • WarrantyLAutomatic Lawn Tractor mModel Series 760MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHiO 44136-0019PrintedIn USA FormNo.769-05684(December11,2009)
ToTheOwner 1ThankYouThank you for purchasing a lawn tractor manufactured byMTD LLC. It was carefully engineered to provide excellentperformance when properly operated and maintained.Please read this entire manual prior to operating the equipment.It instructs you how to safely and easily set up, operate andmaintain your machine. Please be sure that you, and any otherpersons who will operate the machine, carefully follow therecommended safety practices at all times. Failure to do so couldresult in personal injury or property damage.All information in this manual is relative to the most recentproduct information available at the time of printing. Reviewthis manual frequently to familiarize yourself with the machine,its features and operation. Please be aware that this Operator'sManual may cover a range of product specifications for variousmodels. Characteristics and features discussed and/or illustratedin this manual may not be applicable to all models. MTD LLCreserves the right to change product specifications, designs andequipment without notice and without incurring obligation.If you have any problems or questions concerning the machine,phone your local authorized MTD service dealer or contact usdirectly. MTD's Customer Support telephone numbers, websiteaddress and mailing address can be found on this page. We wantto ensure your complete satisfaction at all times.Throughout this manual, all references to right and left side of themachine are observed from the operating positionThe engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-relatedissues with regards to performance, power-rating, specifications,warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer'sOwner's/Operator's Manual, packed separately with yourmachine, for more information.1"able of ContentsSafe Operation Practices ........................................ 3Assembly &Set-Up .................................................. 9Controls & Features ................................................ 12Operation ................................................................ 13Maintenance & Adjustment. ................................. 18Service .................................................................... 22Troubleshooting .................................................... 27Replacement Parts ................................................ 28Attachments & Accessories .................................. 29CA. Emission Control Statement .......................... 30Warranty ................................................................ 32RecordProduct informationBefore setting up and operating your new equipment, pleaselocate the model plate on the equipment and record theinformation in the provided area to the right. You can locate themodel plate by looking beneath the seat. This information willbe necessary, should you seek technical support via our website, Customer Support Department, or with a local authorizedservice dealer.MODEL NUMBERDNDNDNDNDNDSERIALNUMBERDFI[3FI[3FI[3FI[3F1DCustomerSupportPlease do NOT return the machine to the retailer or dealer without first contacting our Cu;tomer Support Department.If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation, or maintenance ofthis machine, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below:0 Visit us on the web at www.mtdproducts.com0 Call a Customer Support Representative at (800) 800-7310 or (330) 220-46830 Write us at MTD LLC • RO. Box 361131 • Cleveland, OH • 44136-0019

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