MTD 21AB455C730 User Manual REAR TINE TILLER Manuals And Guides 1108683L
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Safety • Assembly • Operation • Tips & Techniques • Maintenance • Troubleshooting • Parts Lists • Warranty OF A O AL Rear Tine Tiller - Model Series 450 iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwithan internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO. 769-02193C 03/16/2007 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new tiller, it will help you assemble, prepare, and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents Safety Labels ...................................................... Safe Operation Practices ................................... Assembling Your Tiller ........................................ Know Your Tiller .................................................. Operating Your Tiller ......................................... Making Adjustments ........................................ 3 4 6 8 10 11 Maintaining Your Tiller ...................................... Off Season Storage .......................................... Parts List ........................................................... 12 13 14 Troubleshooting ................................................ Notes .................................................................. 20 21 Warranty ............................................. Back Cover Finding and Recording Model Number BEFOREYOU BEGIN ASSEMBLINGYOUR NEW EQUIPMENT,please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the informationto the sample model plate provided to the right. You can locate the model plate by looking at the rear of the tine shield. This informationis important for use when visiting the manufacturer'sweb site, obtaining assistance from the Customer Support Department, or when communicatingwith an authorized service dealer. Model Number Serial Number MTD LLC P.O= BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OH 44136 330=220=4683 800-800-731 0 Customer Support Please do NOTreturn purchased, without the unit to the retailer from first contacting Customer which it was Support. If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regardingthe controls, operation,or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: 1. Visit Click on the Service & Support menu option. 2. Phone a Customer Support Representative at 1 (800) 800-7310. 3. The engine manufacturer is responsiblefor all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating,specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer'sOwner's/Operator's Manual, packed separatelywith your unit, for more information. 2 WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and onthe machine. 3 WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury.This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructionscould result in serious injury or death. • Training • • • WARNING Thissyrnbolpointsout importantsafety instructionswhich, ff not followed,could endanger i the personalsafety and/or i property of yourself and others_Readand follow all I instructionsin thisrnanual • • Read,understand,and followall instructionson the • machineand in the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assemNeand operate.Keepthis manualin a safe placefor futureand regularreferenceand for ordering • replacementparts. Be familiarwith all controlsand theirproperoperation. Knowhowto stop the machine. • Neverallowchildrenunder 14years old to operate this machine.Children14 yearsold and over should readand understandthe operationinstructionsand safety rulesin this manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedbya parent. Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithout properinstruction. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets,and childrenat least 75 feet from the machinewhileit is in operation.Stop machineif anyoneentersthe area. • • • i beforeattempting tooperi atethis machine.Failure • fITS WARNING! • • • • • • • inch belowbottomof filler neckto providespacefor fuelexpansion. Replacegasolinecapand tighten securely. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off theengineand equipment.Movemachineto anotherarea.Wait five minutesbeforestartingthe engine. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside near an open flame,spark or pilotlight(e.g. furnace, wateror spaceheater,clothesdryer,etc.). Allowmachineto cool five minutesbeforestoring. Operation • Preparation • Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engine ishot or running. Allowengineto coolat least two minutesbefore refueling Neveroverfill fuel tank.Fill tank to no morethanY2 • Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire, and other • foreignobjectswhichcould be trippedoverand cause personalinjury. Wearsturdy,rough-soledwork shoesand close • fittingslacksand shirt.Loosefittingclothesor jewelry canbe caughtin movaNeparts. Neveroperatethis machinein bare feet or sandals. • Disengagedutch leversand shift (if provided)into neutral("N') beforestartingthe engine. Neverleavethis machineunattendedwith the engine running. • Neverattemptto makeanyadjustmentswhileengine is running,exceptwherespedfically recommendedin theoperator'smanual. • Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableand the vaporsare explosive. Seriouspersonalinjurycan occur whengasolineis spilledon yourselfor yourclotheswhich can ignite. Washyourskin and changeclothesimmediately. Use onlyan approvedgasolinecontainer. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipesand other sourcesof ignition. Neverfuelmachineindoors. 4 Do not puthandsor feet near rotatingparts.Contact with the rotatingpartscan amputatehandsand feet. Do notoperatemachinewhileunder the influence of alcoholor drugs. Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgood visibilityor light. Nways be sureof yourfootingand keepa firm hold on the handles. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets,and childrenat least 75 feet from the machinewhileit is in operation. Stopthe machineif anyoneentersthe area. Be carefulwhentilling in hard ground.The tines may catchin thegroundand propelthe tillerforward. If this occurs,let go d the handlebarsand do not restrainthe machine. Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon or crossinggravelsurfaces.Stayalert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Neveroperatethe machineat hightransportspeeds on hard or slipperysurfaces. • • Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling. Lookdownand behindand use carewhenin reverse or pulling machinetowardsyou. • Start theengine accordingto the instructions found in this manualand keepfeet well awayfromthe tines at all times. • • • • • • • • • • After strikinga foreignobject,stop the engine, disconnectthe spark plug wireand groundagainst the engineThoroughlyinspectthe machinefor any damage.Repairthe damagebeforestartingand operating. Disengageall clutchlevers(if fitted)and stopengine beforeyouleavethe operatingposition(behindthe handles).Wait untilthe tines cometo a complete stop beforeuncloggingthe tines,makingany adjustments,or inspections. Maintenance & Storage • • • Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Checktheir properoperationregularly. Checkboltsand screwsfor propertightnessat frequentintervalsto keepthe machinein safe workingcondition.Also, visuallyinspectmachine for anydamage. Neverrun an engineindoorsor in a poorlyventilated area. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. • Mufflerand enginebecomehot and cancause a burn. Donot touch. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,stop the engineand makecertain thetines and all moving parts havestopped.Disconnectthe spark plug wireand groundit againstthe engine to prevent unintendedstarting. Do notchangethe enginegovernorsettingsor over-speedthe engine.Thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeedof the engine. Usecautionwhentilling nearfences,buildingsand undergroundutilities.Rotatingtinescan cause propertydamageor personalinjury. Donot overloadmachinecapacityby attemptingto till soiltoo deep at too fastof a rate. Maintainor replacesafety and instructionlabels, as necessary. Followthis manualfor safe loading,unloading, transporting,and storageof this machine. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside • • • If the machineshouldstart makingan unusualnoise or vibration,stop theengine,disconnectthe spark plug wireand groundit againstthe engine.Inspect thoroughlyfor damage.Repairanydamagebefore startingand operating. Keepall shields,guards,and safetydevicesin place and operatingproperly. Neverpick up or carry machinewhilethe engineis running. • • • wherethere is an open flame,sparkor pilotlight such asa water heater,furnace,clothesdryer,etc. Alwaysreferto the operator'smanualfor proper instructionson off-seasonstorage. If thefuel tank has to be drained,do this outdoors. Observeproperdisposallawsand regulationsfor gas, oil,etc. to protecttheenvironment. Your Responsibility Useonly attachmentsand accessoriesapproved by the manufacturer.Failureto do so can resultin personalinjury. If situationsoccur whichare notcoveredin this manual,usecare and goodjudgment.Contactyour dealer or call the customerservicenumberfoundon page two. 5 • Restrictthe use of this powermachineto persons who read,understand,and follow the warningsand instructionsin this manualand on the machine. • The safetylabelson the tillerare shownin the "SafetyLabels"section.Toensuresafeoperation of the tiller,followthe instructionson all labels closely. Practices WARNING Thissymbolpointsout importantsafety instructions which, if not followed, couldendanger the personalsafetyand/or propertyof yourself and others. Readand follow all instructionsin this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. Whenyou see this symbol, HEEDITS WARNING! NOTE: Referencesto rightor left sideof thetillerare determinedfrom behindthe unitin theoperatingposition. To Remove ff Flat Washer Unit From Carton Hex Bolt T-Knob o Hairpin Clip • Removestaples,breakglue on topflaps,or cut tape at cartonend and peelalong top flapto open carton. • Removelooseparts includedwith unit (i.e., operator'smanual,etc.). • Cut cornersand lay cartondownflat. • Removepackingmaterial. • Rollor slideunit out of carton.Checkcarton thoroughlyfor looseparts. DepthStake • Extendcontrolcableand layon the floor. Be careful not to bendor kink controlcable. IMPORTANT:This unit isshippedwithoutgasoline or oil in theengine.Be certainto serviceengine with gasolineand oil as instructed inthe separateengine manualbeforeoperatingyourmachine. Loose Parts In Carton WARNING Disconnect the spark plug wire and ground it against the engine to prevent unintended starting. Be certain to check the clutch cable adjustment before operating the tiller. J Figure 3-1 • • • DepthStake HandleAssembly Shift Rod f Remove NOTE: All hardwareneededforassemblyisattached to the looseparts or the tiller. Handle Assembly Handle Before Assembly _ wire and ground it against engineto ARNING: Disconnect the the spark plug preventunintended starting. Attaching Depth Stake • Tipthe tillerforwardsoit restson frontcounterweight. • Unthreadthe"T" knobfromthe topof thedepthstake and removethe flatwasherandhexbolt. Removethe hairpinclipfrom theclevispin.SeeFigure3-1. • Raisethe fine shieldhingeflap assemblyand insert the depthstakeassemblyin theslot (underthe tine shield)and up throughthefine shieldassembly. Figure 3-2 • Insertclevispin throughthefine shieldand depth stakeassemblies.Securewith hairpinclip. • Removethreadedeyeboltand nutfromthecableend. • Inserta hexboltintotopholeofthedepthstake assembly.Placeflatwasheron thehexboltand thread "T"knobontothehexbolt.Tightensecurely. SeeFigure3-1. • Routethe clutchcableto the right sideof the handle mountingbracketsand underneaththe handle. • Tip thetiller back downso it restson thetines. • Removeslot head screw,nut, and two flat washers from theclutch bail.See Figure3-4. Attaching • Pushthecable throughthe hole in thecenterof the handleand snapin the plasticfitting. See Figure3-3. Handle Assembly • Fastenthe threadedeyeboltontobail by securingfrom top with slot head screw,flat washersand lock nut. • Removetoptwo boltsand flange lock nutsfrom handlemountingbrackets,but do not removethe bottomboltand nut. See Figure3-2. NOTE:specifications are subjecttochangewithout notification or obligation images my not reflect your exact modeland are for refeiencepurposeson!y • Threadeyeboltand nut removedearlierinto the internallythreadedtubeat theend of the cable. Threadengagementshouldbe about3/4".Tightennut againsttubeat end of cable. See Figure3-4. • Placehandleassemblyin positionbetweenthe handlemountingbrackets. • Line up holesin handlewith holesin bracketand securewith hardwarepreviouslyremoved. Attaching Clutch NOTE: Do notovertightenclutchcable. Toomuch tensionmaycause it to break. Cable Attachtheclutchcable to the handleas follows: (be carefulnot to kink the cable) _ 6 cable adjustment before ARNING: Be certain tooperating checkthethe clutch tiller. B Attaching Control Rod Slot Head Screw,Nut_, & FiatWashers • Makesurethe handleassemblyisin the highest position.Referto KnowYourTiller section. f • Removehairpinclipsfrom control rod,(rubber washersto remainon controlrod). • Insertthe shorter,(angled),end of the control rod throughthe indicatorbracketon the shift coverand securewith hairpinclip that was previouslyremoved. See Figure3-5. • Insertthe longerend of the control rodthroughthe hole in the gear selectorhandleand securewith hairpinclip. Final Clutch Adjustment IMPORTANT:Servicethe enginewith oil and gasoline beforecheckingthis adjustment.Referto the separate enginemanualpackedwith yourtiller for properfueland engineoil recommendations. PlasticFitting \ t Figure 3-3 f Positionthe tiller so the frontcounterweightis against a solidobject,such as a wall. With the gear selection leverin NEUTRAL,startthe engine.Referto the separateenginemanual. Slot Head Screw ClutchControl FiatWashers Standingon the right sideof the tiller,examinethe belt (insidethe beltcover).It shouldnot be turning. ut _ the belt cover. not put yourfingers under ARNING:Do If the belt turns without bail engaged,adjust by unthreadingthe internallythreadedtubeat the end of the cablea few turnsclockwise(whenstandingin operator'sposition)and thenretightenthe nut against the tube. Now move the shift lever to FORWARDposition. Carefullyengagethe clutchby lifting the clutchcontrol bail againstthe handle.Thewheels shouldspin. Figure 3-4 // /Control Maximum tire pressure under any circumstancesis 30 p.s.i. Equal tire pressure should be maintained on both tires. If thewheelsdo not spinwith the unit inforward,adjust by unthreadingthe tube at the end of thecable a few turnscounter-clockwise(whenstandingin operator's position)and then retightenthe nut againstthe tube. J RubberWasher Do not put your fingers under the belt cover. Recheckbothadjustments,and readjustas necessary. NOTE: A secondarycableadjustmentis availableif you reachthe pointthat additionaladjustmentisneeded. Removethe beltcoverand movethe hexnuts at the otherend of the cabletowardsthe end of the casing. Thenreadjustthehex nuts at the handle. Rod Tire Pressure Thetires on yourunit maybe over-inflatedfor shipping purposes.Reducethe tire pressurebeforeoperating the unit. Recommendedoperatingtire pressureis approximately20 p.s.i.(checksidewallof tire fortire manufacturer'srecommendedpressure). _ idler PulleyRod \ J Figure 3-5 7 any circumstances is 30 p.s.i. Equal tire ARNING: Maximumtire pressureunder pressureshouldbe maintainedon both tires. NOTE:Specificationsa[e subjectto changewithout notificationor obligationl Images my not reflect your exact modeland are for referencepurposeson!y. /++_..-- ii ....... ..,.............................. .,= /i LI):i;¸ A "k Gear SelectionHandle...... i KnoWYour Tiller Handle Adjustment Depth Stake ! i WARNING Make certain unit is in NEUTRAL when starting the engine. Figure 4-1 Gear Selection Handle iMPORTANT: Use the reversefine drivewhentilling virginground,sod, or hard soil. Usethe forwardtine drive whencultivatingor tilling softground. Thegear selectionhandle is locatedin the centerof the handleon the tiller. It is usedto selectNEUTRAL, REVERSE,or one of the FORWARDmode.Pullor push the handleso that the indicatoron topof shiftcover pointsto the operatingmodedesired.See Figure4-1. NOTE: If difficultyis encounteredin movingthe gear selectionhandle,referto followinghelpfulhints.Toshift intoforwardor reversewheeldrive, movetillerforward slightlythen backwardto allowthe gearsto synchronize. Neutra| Toshift intoforwardwheelsand tine drive,pushforward slightlyon the gear selectionhandleand slowlyengage the clutchcontrolallowingthe gearsto synchronize.To stop forwardmovementand fine drive,releasethe clutch control.Donot shiftgearswith the clutchcontrolengaged exceptwhenengagingthetines. Transmissionisin neutral. Reverse Reversewheeldrive. Forward Modes Wheels Forward: Forwardwheeldriveonly. Tines Reverse: Forwardwheeldriveand reversefine drive. Tines Forward: Forwardwheeland tinedrive. _ 1 NOTE:Specificationsare i subjectto changewith0ut notification or obligation ImageSmy notreflectyour exact modeland are fo[ [eference purposeson!y, 8 whenstarting ARNING: Makecertainunit the engine. is in NEUTRAL Clutch Control The clutchcontrolis locatedbeneaththe handle. Squeezingthe clutchcontrol againstthe handleengages the wheeland fine drivemechanisms. NOTE: Neverengageclutchleverwhileshifting. Handle Adjustment KnowYour Lock iller The handlemay be adjustedto the heightdesired. Loosenthe handleheightadjustmentlock a few turns. Pivothandleup or downto desiredposition.Tightenlock. Throttle Control The throttlecontrolleveris locatedon the engine.It controlstheengine speedand stopstheengine. Choke Lever flf Equipped) The chokeleveris locatedby the throttle.It is usedto enrichthe fuel mixturein the carburetorwhen startinga cold engine. Primer Button (if Equipped) This symbol points The primerbuttonis locatedbehindthe air cleaner.It is usedto enrichthe fuel mixtureinthe carburetorwhen instructions which, if startinga coldengine. notfo =oWed; could Depth Stake endangerthe pe[sonal safety and/or pioperty of Yourself and othersl Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine: The depthstakecontrolsthe tillingdepth. Referto "Settingthe Depth"in the OperatingSection. Engine Controls See the separateengine manualfor additionalinformation and functionsof theengine controls. Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personal injury When you see this symbol; HEED ITS WARNING! NOTE:SpecificationSare Subjectto changewithout notificationor Ob!igation. Images mynot reflectyour exact modeland arefo r referencepurposeson!y, 9 Setting The Depth allARNING:Read,understand, instructionsand warningson thefollow maand Tillingdepthis controlledby the depthstakewhichcan be chine and in this manual before operating. adjustedto five differentsettings.Adjustthe side shields as youadjust thedepth stake. Before Starting _hb Gas And Oil Fill-Up disconnected groundedagainst theis ARNING: Beand certainspark plug wire Servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil as instructed in _ engine when performingany adjustments. the separateenginemanualpackedwith yourtiller. Read instructionscarefully. • Whenusingthetiller for the firsttime, usethe second adjustmentholefrom the top (1"of tillingdepth). See WARNING: Useextremecare when Figure5-1. handlinggasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Never fuel machine indoorsor while the • Whenbreakingup sod and for shallowcultivation,use engine is hot or running. Starting Postion Engine 3" NOTE: Whenpushingthe unitwith the engineoff, you will heara ratchetingsound(gearnoise)which is normal. WARNING Read, understand, ' and follow all instructions and warnings on the machine and inthis manualbefore operating. Use extreme care whenhandling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vaporsare i explosive. Never fuel machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running. ,_ front of the tiller while running WARNING: Be sure nothe oneengineis isstanding in or being started. • Placegear selectionleverin NEUTRAL. • Placethethrottlecontrol leverin FASTpositionor ifequipped,placethe enginespeedcontrolin the STARTposition. • Movechokeleverto CHOKEpositionor ifequipped, pushprimertwo (2) or three (3) times. Waitabouttwo (2) secondsbetweeneach push. • Standat sideof tiller. Graspthe starterhandle and pull out slowly,until itpulls slightlyharder.Letrope rewind slowly. • Repeatpreviousstepsuntilengine starts. engineis runningor Referto enginemanualforadditionalengine information. being started. Becertainspark plug wire is disconnected and grounded i against the engine when performing any adjustments. Side Sheild • Pull starterhandlerapidly.Do notallowhandleto snap back.Allowitto rewindslowlywhilekeepinga firm hold on the starterhandle. standing in front of i the tiller whilethe Use This Hole for Lowest(shallowest) Postion NOTE:A warmenginemaynotrequirechokingor priming. As enginewarmsup and beginsto operateevenly, movechokelevergraduallyto RUNposition.If engine falters,returnto chokeposition,then slowlymove to RUNposition. Be sure no one is 5" Highest (deepest) --__ Use This Hole for Postion j Figure 5-1 the settingwhich gives 1"of tillingdepth(secondhole from thetop). Placethe side shieldsintheir lowest position. NOTE: After startingand prior to usingthe tiller forthe firsttime, be certainto checkthe clutchadjustmentas describedin "Checkingthe ClutchAdjustment"sectionof • Forfurther depth,raisethe depthstakeand side the AssemblyInstructions. shieldsand also makeone or two morepassesover the area. To Stop Engine • Movethrottlecontrolto STOPor OFF position. • Disconnectsparkplug wireand groundto prevent accidentallystartingwhileequipmentis unattended. NOTE: After thefirst ten hoursof operation,recheck the clutchadjustment.Referto finalclutchadjustmentin AssemblyInstructions. • Whentillingloosesoil, the depthstakemaybe raised to its highestposition(usebottomadjustmenthole)to givethe deepesttillingdepth. Raisethe sideshieldsto theirhighestposition. • Totransporttiller, lowerthe depthstake(use top adjustmenthole). 10 Toadjustthedepthstake,removetheclevispinand hairpin Belt Tension Adjustment clip. Movethe depthstaketo the desiredsettingand Periodicadjustmentof the belttensionmay be required securewiththe clevispin and hairpinclip.See Figure5-1. due to normalstretchand wearon the belt. Adjustment isneededif the tines or wheelsseemto hesitatewhile Toadjust the sideshields,removethe wingnuts. Move the side shieldto thedesiredpositionand replacethe turning,butthe enginemaintainsthe samespeed. wing nuts.Tightensecurely. Toadjustthe tensionon thebelt, referto FinalClutch AdjustmentinAssemblyInstructions. Operating the Tiller • Select the depthstakesetting. • Start engineas instructedon the previouspage. • Movegearselectionhandleto one of the forward modesor reverse. After belttensionhas beenadjusted,if the beltis excessivelystretched,youmay needto adjust the idler pulleyrod.This can easilybe checked. ustm With theengine off and the clutchcontrolbail disenWARNING: Do not move the gear selection gaged,shiftthe gear selectionhandleto eachforward mode.If the indicator brackettouchesthe idlerpulley handlewith the wheelsor tines engaged. rod (with the clutchcontrolbail disengaged),thenan Make certainthe unit is stoppedcomadjustmentis necessary. pletely before changingthe gear selection. A partial engagementmay be necessary • Disconnectand groundout spark plugwire against when engagingtines. the engine. iMPORTANT:Usethe reversefine drivewhen tilling virginground,sod, or hard soil. Use the forwardfine drive whencultivatingor tillingsoft ground. • Squeezethe clutchhandleagainstthe handleto engagethe wheelsand tines. NOTE: Makecertainthe gear selectionindicatoris correctlypositionedbeforeengagingthe clutchhandle.If it isbetweengears, the enginewill stall. Totransporttiller,do not engagethe tines. Selectthe wheeldriveonly. • Removethe beltcoveras describedunderBelt Replacementin the Maintenancesection. • Removethe hairpinclip and springwasherfrom the idlerpulleyrod. Referto Figure9. Do not movethe gear selection handle • Movethe idlerpulleyrod to the lowerhole inthe idler bracket. with the wheels or tines engaged. IVlake certain the unit is • Replacethe springwasherand hairpinclip. • Checkclearanceof the idlerpulleyrod to the indicatorbracketby shiftingto each forwardmode, as before. Engine Adjustment ,_ handlesso that the wheels are lifted off WARNING: Do not pushdownon the the groundwhile using the tine drive, or the tiller could movebackward and cause Referto the separateengine manualfor engineadjustment instructions. personalinjury. stopped completely before changing the gear selection. A partial engagement may be necessary when engaging tines. Do not push down on the handles so that the wheels are Forbest results,itis recommendedthe garden be tilled twice (lengthwise,then width-wise)to pulverizethe soil. Making Adjustments ,_ WARNING lifted off the ground while usingthe tine drive, or the tiller could move backward adjustments whilethe engineis running, WARNING: Neverattempt to makeany exceptwherespecifiedin operator's manual. and cause personal injury. Handle Adjustment The handleheightmay be adjustedto the desiredheight. Referto the handleadjustmentin KnowYourTiller section. Never attempt to make any adjustments while the NOTE:Specificationsare subjectto changewithoutnotificationor obligation. Imagesmy not reflectyourexactmodel and are for referencepurposesonly. 11 engine is running, except where specified in operator's manual. _ wire and groundit against the engine ARNING: Disconnectthe spark plug before performingany repairs. Engine i Maintaining Referto the separateengine manualforengine maintenanceinstructions. Maintainengineoil as instructed inthe separate enginemanualpackedwith yourunit. Readand follow instructions carefully. IMPORTANT:Neverusea "pressurewasher"to clean yourtiller.Watercan penetratetight areasof the tillerand itschain caseand cause seriousdamageto the unit. IMPORTANT:Neverrun yourenginewithoutair cleaner completelyassembled. Disconnectthe spark plugwireand ground it againstthe engine before performing any repairsor maintenance. Tine Area mediatelyinsteadof after it dries.Alwaystowel dry the tillerafterwardsand applya lightcoat of oil or siliconeto preventrustingor waterdamage. Serviceair cleaner everyten hoursunder normal conditions.Cleaneveryhour underextremelydusty conditions.Poorengine performanceand flooding usuallyindicatesthat the air cleanershouldbe serviced. Toservicethe air cleaner,referto the separateengine manualpackedwith yourunit. WARNING Cleaning Cleanthe undersideof the fine shieldafter eachuse. Thedirt washesoff the tines easierif rinsedoff im- Thespark plug shouldbe cleanedand the gap resetevery 25 hoursof engineoperation.Sparkplug replacementis recommendedat the start of eachtiller season;checkengine manualfor correctplugtype and gap specification. Belt Replacement Yourtillerhas beenengineeredwitha belt madeof special material(KevlarTensile)for longerlifeand betterperformance.It shouldnot be replacedwithan off-the-shelfbelt. Orderall beltsthroughyou authorizedservicedealer. • Disconnectand groundthe spark plugwire againstthe engine. • Removethebelt coverfrom the left side of the tiller by removetwo torx screwsfromthe top of belt cover.See Figure7-1. Torx Screws Clean the engine regularlywitha cloth or brush. Keep the coolingsystem(blowerhousingarea) cleanto permitproperair circulationwhich is essentialto engine performanceand life. Be certain to removeall dirt and combustibledebrisfrom mufflerarea. _ Belt Cover_ Flat Washer Lubrication Transmission Thetransmissionis pre-lubricatedand sealedat the factory.It requiresno checkingunlessthetransmission is disassembled.To fill with grease,laythe right halfof Self Tap the transmissionon its side,add 22 ouncesof Benalene 920 grease,and assemblethe left halfto it. This grease Figure 7-1 can be obtainedat yournearestauthorizeddealerby • Removethehex cap nutand flat washerfrom the side orderingpartnumber737-0300. of the beltcover and removethe self tap screwat the Clutch Handle bottomof thefront of the cover. Lubricatethe pivot pointon the clutchhandleand the cableat least oncea seasonwith lightoil. The control mustoperatefreely inboth directions. Pivot Points Lubricateall pivot pointsand linkagesat leastonce a seasonwith lightoil. Tine Shafts Removefineassembliesand lubricatethe fine shaftsat least oncea season. NOTE:Specificationsare subjectto Changewithout notification or obligation ImageSmy notreflectyour exact modeland are for Wheel Shafts Removewheelassembliesand lubricatethe axleshafts at least oncea season. reference purposeson!y, 12 f Idler PulleyRod • Removethe beltkeeperbracketlocatedbehindthe enginepulleyby removingtwo hex boltsand lock washers.See Figure8-1. • Removebeltand reassemblenew belt. Follow instructions in reverseorder. NOTE: Uponreassembly,makecertain the beltis routedoverthe idlerpulleyand insideof belt keepersby enginepulley.See Figure8-1. Off-Season Belt Keeper Bracket EnginePulley Figure 8-1 Storage If thetillerwillnotbeusedfora periodlongerthan30 days, thefollowingstepsshouldbetakentopreparethetillerfor storage. • Cleantheexteriorof engineand theentiretiller thoroughly.Lubricatethe tilleras describedin the lubricationinstructions. • Wedo not recommendthe use of pressurewashers to cleanyourunit. They maycause damageto electriccomponents,spindles,pulleys,bearingsor the engine.The useof pressurewasherswill result in shortenedlifeand reduceserviceability. • Referto the enginemanualforcorrectengine storageinstructions. • Wipetines with oiled rag to preventrust. Storetillerin a clean,dry area. Donot store nextto corrosivematerials,suchas fertilizer. NOTE-Whenstoringanytypeof powerequipmentinan unventilated or metalstorageshed,careshouldbe taken to rustprooftheequipment.Usinga lightoil or silicone,coat theequipmentandespeciallyanysprings,bearings,and cables. When storingany type of powerequipment in an unventilatedor metal storage shed, care should be taken to rustproof the equipment. Using a light oil or silicone, -oat the equipment and especially any springs, bearings, and cables. NOTE: specificationsare subject to changewithout notification or obligation. Images my not reflectyour exact modeland are for reference purposeson!y, 13 13 29 46 53 35 16 / 28 I I 17 I I 17 15 I 18 36 23 7. 45 36 14 43 i i 611-04074 WheelShaft Ass'y33T 717-1594 SpurGear 16T 2. 611-0021 TineShaftAss'y: 18T 28. 721-0378 Seal 1.0Shaft 3. 611-0128 JackShaftAss'y 29. 721-0379 Seal.75Shaft 4. 611-0129 inputShaft Ass'y 31. 726-0277 TaperCap Ring 5. 617-0058 Rev.IdlerGear Ass'y:30T 32. 732-0496 CompressionSpring.50"Leg. 6. 617-0059 TineIdlerGear Ass'y:30T 33. 736-0163 ThrustWash.1.03"I.D.X. 1.62" 7. 617-0060 Tineinput SprocketAss'y:9T 34. 736-0351 FI-Wash.76"I.D.x 1.5"O.D. 8. 617-0061 WheelinputSprocketAss'y:10T 35. 736-0407 Bell-Wash.45"I.D.x 1.0" 9. 617-0062 GearAss'y: 11T 36. 736-0518 ThrustWash..445x 1.92x .060 10. 686-0108 R.H.HousingAss'y 37. 736-3088 FI-Wash..635"I.D.x 1.59O.D. 11. 710-0376 Hex Bolt5/16-18x 1"Lg. 40. 738-0645 DetentShaft 1/2"Dia. 12. 710-0599 Hex S-TapScr.1/4-20 x.5" 41. 738-0648 JackShaft .625x 2.385 13. 710-0604A Hex S-TapScr.5/16-18x.625" 42. 738-1013 JackShaft .625x 5.0 14. 710-3008 Hex Bolt5/16-18x.75" 43. 741-0124 Ball Bearing 15. 711-1349 inputShaft 44. 741-0420 FlangeBearing1.0x 2.5x 1.38 16. 712-0378 Hex Nut7/16-20 45. 17. 712-3004A FlangeNut5/16-18 46. 741-0563 Ball Bearing.6692 x 5745x .466 18. 713-0367 #420Chain 1/2Pitchx 50 Links 47. 741-0862 DetentBall .250 19. 713-0484 #50 Chain5/8 Pitchx 54 Links 48. 750-0258 Spacer.315 20. 716-0865 Snap Ring 49. 750-0570 Spacer1.0I.Dx 2.00.D. x .440 21. 717-0853 ShiftingFork 50. 750-0664 Spacer.505 I.D.x .88 O.D.x .440 22. 717-1582 SpurGear 44T 51. 750-0671 Spacer.75 x 2.0x .50 23. 717-1583 SpurGear 30T 52. 786-0171 L.H.ChainCaseAss'y 24. 717-1584 SpurGear 30T 53. 786-0238 GearPositionerBracket 25. 717-1585 SpurGear 44T 686-0107 GearCase AssemblyComplete 26. 717-1587 SpurGear 44T 15 L741-0421 _Flange Bearing.75x 2.5x 1.38 iiii _ i Parts List Model 450 Series _FACTORY PARTS To order replacement parts, contact 1 (800) 800-7310 or visit 67 12 11 34 62 2_ X 37 39 26 27 J 36 33 24 28 4O 51 53 55 16 786-0090 Shoulder d 786-0113 786-0176 TineShieldHingeFlap RH HandleBracket i LowerHandleAss'y 36. 37. HexScrew3/8-16x 1.25 38. 786-0177 LH HandleBracket 710-3056 HexScrew5/16-18x 3.25 39. 786-0178 TineShield 6. 711-0415 ClevisPin 3/8-1.62 40. 786-0179 TineShieldBracket 7. 712-0379 FlangeLock Nut3/8-24 41. 786-0180 ShoulderSpacerBracket 8. 712-0429 Hex LockNut5/16-18 42. 686-0109 Shift CrankAss'y 9. 714-0147 CotterPin 44. 710-1017 Screw1/4-14x .625 10. 720-0313 Grip 11. 720-0210A T-Knob 12. 720-0278A FoamGrip 50. 711-0415 ClevisPin 14. 726-0317 CableTie 51. 712-3054 Hex Nut3/8-24 15. 735-0246 Plug 53. 742-0305 13"ArticulatingTine 16. 736-0117 FiatWasher3/8 IDx .620OD 54. 738-0689 ShoulderBolt 17. 736-0242 BellWasher.340ID x .872OD 55. 736-0208 FiatWasher.51"ID x 1.50"OD 18. 738-0958 ShoulderSpacer 56. 736-0253 BellWasher.515"ID x 1.14"OD 19. 784-0190 HandleAdjustmentCrank 57. 738-0688 ShoulderBolt 20. 784-0191 Hex NutRetainerBracket 58. 784-0160 TineAdapterAss'y18" 714-0149B internalCotterPin 747-1152 Shift Rod 2. 649-0041 UpperHandleAss'y 3. 649-0034 4. 710-3005 5. •46. L 715-0120 SpiralPin 3/16x 1.0 49. 784-0208C Shift Cover 21. 786-0120 DepthStake 59. 22. 747-1219 Bail Clutch 60. 735-0127 RubberWasher 23. 786-0181 Shift LeverRod 61. 714-0104 CotterPin 24. 686-0044A Tine ShieldCoverAss'y 62. 710-3022 HexScrew3/8-16x 2.75" 25. 710-0176 HexCap Screw5/16-18x 2.75 63. 736-0204 FiatWasher 26. 710-3008 HexCap Screw5/16-18x .750 64. 712-04065 FlangeNut3/8-16 27. 710-3097 CarriageBolt3/8-16x 1.0 65. 736-0169 LockWasher 28. 712-0421 Wing Nut 66. 712-3017 Hex Nut3/8-16 29. 736-0169 LockWasher3/8 67. 710-0946 TrussScrew1/4-20x .65 30. 712-04063 FlangeNut 5/16-18 68. 712-0324 Hex LockNut 1/4-20 31. 726-0106 CapNut 69. 726-0273 BatteryHoseClamp5/16 32. 738-0849 HexScrew5/16-18x .75" 70. 736-3090 FlatWasher.260ID x .720OD 33. 747-0432 Rod 71. 784-0161 TineAdapterPlate 34. 750-0885A Spacer.322x.625x2.0 illustrated Parts List Model 450 Series _FACTORY PARTS To order replacement parts, contact 1 (800) 800-7310 or visit NOTE: specificationsare subjectto changewithout notification or obligationl images mYnot reflectyour exact modeland are for reference purposeson!y, 17 18 45 17 26 28 13 \0 8 25 11 14 \ 4 20 21 35 5 16 I 38 \ 42 \ 43 37 41 34 39 33 \ 48 Wheel shaft shown for reference only 31 49 47 32 29 37 50 47 18 i i 786-0187 ShiftCoverBracket 786-0193 IdlerBeltKeeper 686-0111 BeltCoverBracketAss'y 2. 710-0237 HexBolt5/16-24x .62" •28. 3. 710-0412 HexBolt 1/4-28x .75" 29. 4. 710-0502A HexWasherScrew3/8-16x 1.25" 5. 710-0152 HexBolt3/8-24x 1.0 30. 634-04230 WheelRim Assembly 6. 710-0599 HexWasherScrew 31. 734-0255 Air Valve 32. 710-0606 HexHeadScrew1/4-20 33. 712-04064 FlangeLockNut 1/4-20 7. 8. _ 710-0723 _ HexCapScrew3/8-16x 1.25 712-0266 LockJam Nut3/8-16 i 634-04231 WheelAssembly16.0x 4.6 x 8 734-0808 Tire Only 16.2x 4.6 9. 712-0267 HexNut 5/16-18 34. 710-0515 HexBolt 1/2-20x 3.50 10. 714-0104 InternalCotterPin 35. 712-3066 HexNut 1/2-20 11. 736-0104 HairpinClip 36. 686-0192 BumperAssembly 12. 736-0119 LockWasher5/16" 37. 736-0326 FiatWasher 13. 736-0176 FiatWasher.25 ID x .93OD 38. 736-0921 LockWasher1/2 14. 736-0271 SpringWasher.317ID x .625OD 39. 710-0653 HexScrew1/4-20x .375 15. 736-0329 LockWasherl/4"lD 40. 710-1017 Screw1/4-14x .625 16. 736-0452 BellWasher.396ID x 1.14OD 41. 712-0392 LockNut 17. 738-0876 ShoulderNut 7/16-20 42. 736-3020 FlatWasher.271 ID x .630OD 18. 746-1117 ClutchCable 43. 784-0158A BeltCover 19. 747-1159 idler PulleyRod 44. 736-0242 BellWasher.340ID x.872 OD 20. 754-0434 V-Belt 45. 737-0298 StraightPipe 1/4-3.5" 21. 756-0405 Flatldlerw/Flange3.75 OD 46. 737-0132 EndCap 22. 756-0971 OuterEnginePulleyHalf 47. 710-0382 HexHeadScrew,1/2-13x5.00 23. 756-0972 inner EnginePulleyHalf 48. 736-0179 FlatWasher1/2x 1.25x .10 24. 756-1162 inputPulley 49. 731-1595 Counterweight 25. 786-0064A IdlerBracket 50. 731-0381 Counterweight 26. 786-0185 51. 712-0206 HexNut, 1/2-13 BeltKeeperBracket iiii _ Parts List Model 450 Series _FACTORY PARTS To order replacement parts, contact 1 (800) 800-7310 or visit NOTE:For paintedparts,pleasereferto the list of colorcodes below. Pleaseadd theapplicablecolor code, whereverneeded,to the part numberto order a replacementpart. Forinstance,if a part numbered 700-xxxxis paintedRed, the partnumberto order wouldbe 700-xxxx-0638. Red:0638 PowderBlack:0637 OysterGray: 0662 J NOTE: Specificationsare subject to changewithout notificationor obligation, !mages my not reflectyour exactmodeland are for referencepu[poseson!y, Problem Cause Enginefails to start Sparkplugwire disconneCte& Remedy Eui! tank emptyoi sta e fue!i 2 Fi!i!ank with €leanifresh gaso!ine 3, Throttlecontrol!ever not in correct & Movethrottle !ever to start position startingPosi! on (i! equipped)4 4, Chokenotin ON position, 5 ciean fuel line 5! B!°cked!ue!!inei 61 c!eanl adjust gapl oireplace Eau!tyspark p!ugl Engine flooding, ! 1. Sparkplugwire loose. Engineruns erratic 7! Wait a few rninuteSt0 restart,but do not prime(i! equipped) 2. Unit runningon CHOKE. 1. Connectand tightenspark plug wire. 3. Blockedfuel line or stale fuel. 2. Movechoke leverto OFE 4. Ventplugged. 3. Cleanfuel line;fill tank with clean, fresh gasoline. 5. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 6. Dirtyair cleaner. For repairs beyond the minor ments listed here, contact an authorized service dealer. MoVeieveitOON position: 7. Carburetorout of adjustment. 4. Clearvent. 5. Drainfuel tank. Refillwith fresh fuel. 6. Cleanfollowingengine manual. 7. Referto enginemanual. Engine overheats ! I 2! Di[tYa!rfi!ter' 3 A rfow restrcted . 4. Tines do no engage Engne0ii !eyel low Carburetornot adjustedproperly. 1. Foreignobject lodgedin tines. ! Fi!! CiankCaseWithpi0Peio! 1 2: C!eana!rcleaner! I 3 Removebower housng and c ean .4, Referto enginemanual. 2. Tineclevispin(s) missing. 1. Stop tillercompletely,checkand discardforeignobject. 3. Beltwornand/or stretched. 2. Replacefineclevis pin(s). 4. Pulleyand idlernot incorrectadjustment. 3. Replacebelt. NOTE: Specificationsare subject to changewithout notificationor obligation, ImageSmy not reflect your exact modeland are for reference purpOseSonlyl 20 4. Takeunit to authorizedservice thisp_g_ tom_k_ notes and write down important information: 1-800_800,7310,or 1'330-220'4683, www, i i i i i i ii ii i _iI_ ii _iii _ii_i_i _!i i _iiiiiii_ii _i _ NOTE:specificationsare subject to changewithout notificationor obligationl Irnagesrnynot reflect your exact modeland are for referencepurposeson!y, 21 Use this page to make notes and write down For parts and/or accessories please call 1-800.800-7310,or 1-330-220-4683. NOTE:SPeCifications aie subject to changewithout notificationor obligation. Images my not reflectyour exact modeland are foi refeienCepurposeSonly 22 notes and write down NOTE: Specificationsare Subjectto changewithout i0tiication or obligationl !magesmy notreflectyour modeland are for referenCepurP0sesonly. 23 MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY The limitedwarrantyset forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respect to newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories. "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanshipfor a periodof two (2) years commencingon the date of original purchaseand will, at its option,repairor replace,freeof charge,any part foundto be defectiveinmaterialsor workmanship.This limitedwarranty shallonlyapply if this product hasbeen operatedand maintained inaccordancewith the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product, and has notbeen subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect, accident,impropermaintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire, water, or damagebecauseof otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresulting fromthe installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnot approvedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manual willvoid yourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries,belts,blades,blade adapters,grass bags, riderdeck wheels,seats, snowthrowerskid shoes,shaveplates,auger spiralrubberand tires. HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 441360019, or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoverageinthe followingcases: a. Theengineor componentparts thereof.These itemsmaycarry a separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's warrantyfor termsand conditions. b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year warranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish due to useor exposure. FOR e. MTDdoesnot extendanywarrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof export distribution. f. Replacementparts that are notgenuine MTDparts. g. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. No impliedwarranty,includingany impliedwarranty of merchantabilityof fitness for a particular purpose,applies after the applicable periodof express written warranty above as to the parts as identified.No otherexpresswarranty, whetherwrittenor oral, except as mentioned above, givenby any personor entity, includinga dealeror retailer, with respect to any product,shall bind MTD.Duringthe periodof the warranty,the exclusiveremedy is repairor replacementof the productas set forth above. The provisionsas set forth in this warrantyprovidethe sole and exclusiveremedy arising from the sale. MTDshallnot be liable for incidentalor consequentialloss or damage including,without limitation, expensesincurredfor substituteor replacementlawn careservicesor for rentalexpensesto temporarily replacea warranted product. Somestatesdo notallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty lasts, sothe aboveexclusionsor limitationsmaynot applyto you. In no event shallrecoveryof any kindbe greaterthanthe amountof the purchasepriceof the productsold.Alterationof safety features of the productshallvoid this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for loss,damage,or injuryto you and yourpropertyand/orto others and theirpropertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto usethe product. This limitedwarrantyshallnot extendto anyoneotherthan theoriginal purchaseror to the personfor whomitwas purchasedas a gift. HOWSTATELAWRELATESTOTHIS WARRANTY: This limited warrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and youmay alsohaveother rightswhich vary from stateto state. IMPORTANT:OwnermustpresentOriginal Proofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage. d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer. IVITD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHiO 44136-0019; GDOO-lO0015 REV.A Phone: 1=800=800-7310, 1-330=220-4683
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 24 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Sat Mar 29 01:52:48 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by