MTD 24A 462G729 User Manual CHIPPER/SHREDDER Manuals And Guides 1108458L
User Manual: MTD 24A-462G729 24A-462G729 MTD CHIPPER/SHREDDER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your MTD CHIPPER/SHREDDER #24A462G729. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:MTD Parts:MTD CHIPPER/SHREDDER Manual
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Safety • Assembly • Operation • Tips & Techniques • Maintenance • Troubleshooting • Parts Lists • Warranty A OF O AL / Chipper Shredder- Model Series 462 thru 464 iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO.770-10048H 5/12/2005 This Operator's Manual is an important pare and maintain part of your new chipper the unit for best performance. Please shredder, it will help you assemble, read and understand pre- what it says. Table of Contents Customer Support .............................................. Safety Labels ...................................................... Safe Operation Practices ................................... Setting UpYour Chipper Shredder .................... Operating Your Chipper Shredder ..................... 2 3 4 6 8 Maintaining Your Chipper Shredder ................ Troubleshooting ................................................ Parts List ........................................................... Warranty ............................................ 10 12 14 Back Cover Finding and Recording Model Number f BEFOREYOU STARTASSEMBLING YOUR NEW EQUIPMENT, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information to the sample model plate providedto the right. You can locate the model plate by standing behind the unit and looking down at the frame below the engine. This informationwill be necessary to use the manufacturer'sweb site and/or obtain assistance from the Customer Support Department or an authorizedservice dealer. *x, Model Number Serial Number MTD LLC P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OH 44136 330 -220 -4683 800-800-7310 ® www.mtdproducts,com J Customer Support Please do NOTretum purchased, without the unit to the retailer from first contacting Customer which it was Support. If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation, or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: 1. Visit Click on the Service & Support menu option. 2. Phone a Customer Support Representative at 1 (800) 800-7310. 3. The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating,specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packedseparately with your unit, for more information. MTD Hin_r_oti®d A_wJ_d Wi_n i_g ?rod_t_ C on_@_z_ Us O'_r Comp_y Ser,oqce & Suppo ± Product. Registration 2 ?rba_y Policy TO AVOID SERIOUS iNJURY: TO AVOID SERIOUS iNJURY: • • Do not operate on uneven ground where unit is unstable, other hard surfaces since objects To avoid a fire hazard, keep leaves, grass, and other combustible muffler, materials • Keep children • operation, Wear approved the owner's Keep all shields attached. • Keep hands, Shredder away from hot engine and Chute feet, face, starting these injury in place clothing Chipper the engine inside personal safety glasses, gloves and ear before and guards Hopper, while blades and others away from area of manual(s) and unit, • can ricochet and cause injury, • Read using Do not operate on pavement, gravel or and long hair Chute if contacted. _ii_ ii out of and Discharge is running, openings iil _I ii_ _ i _iii _! i _ and securely will Rotating cause Material cutting serious being processed protection. may bounce from back may be pulled • from the discharge Do not place sucked branches the large Shredder diameter should inlet chute. openings or be thrown Long hair or loose into the inlet clothing openings. over 1/2 inch diameter Hopper. be placed Branches into over 1/2 inch in in the Small Chipper Chute. • If the chipped immediately moving shredder shut jams or becomes off the engine clogged, and wait for all parts to come to a complete install remove, stop before clearing. • Do not discharge is running. screen Blade adjust, or service or any other part contact while the the engine WARNING can occur. J • ROTATING CUTTING BLADES.KEEP HANDS AND FEET OUT OF OPENING WHILE MACHINE iS RUNNING. DO NOT OPERATE THiS MACHINE UNLESS THE CHUTE DEFLECTOR HAS BEEN PROPERLY iNSTALLED AND IS SECURED WITH THE HAND KNOBS. ROTATING CUTTING BLADES. KEEP HANDS AND FEET OUT OF OPENINGS WHILE MACHINE iS RUNNING. This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and onthe machine. 3 WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. Training Preparation 1. Read,understand,andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate.Keepthis manualina safe placefor futureandregularreferenceandfor orderingreplacement 2. 3. WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal i safety and/or property I ofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate i this machine. Failure I to comply with these instructionsmay result i in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall rocks,bottles,cans, or otherforeign objectswhichcould be pickedup or thrown andcause personalinjury or damageto the machine. parts. 2. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or safetygogglesduringoperaBe familiarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation. tion or whileperformingan adjustmentor repair,to protect Knowhowto stopthe machineanddisengagethem quickly. eyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan cause serious Neverallowchildrenunder16 yearsoldto operatethis injury to the eyes. machine.Children16 yearsold andovershouldread and understandthe operationinstructionsand safetyrulesin 3. Wearsturdy, rough-soledworkshoesand close-fitting this manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedbya slacksandshirts. Loosefitting clothesor jewelrycan be parent. caught in movableparts. Neveroperatethis machine Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper in barefeet or sandals.Wear leatherwork gloves when instruction. feedingmaterialin the chipperchute. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets,andchildrenat least 75 4. Beforestarting,check all bolts and screwsfor propertightfeetfromthe machinewhileit is in operation.Stop machine nessto be surethe machineis in safe workingcondition. if anyoneentersthe area. Also,visuallyinspectmachinefor any damageat frequent Neverrun an engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. intervals. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorless anddeadlygas. 5. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionslabels,as necessary. Donot put handsandfeet near rotatingparts or inthe feedingchambersand dischargeopening.Contactwiththe 6. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamage use extreme rotatingimpellercan amputatefingers,hands,andfeet. care inhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammable Neverattemptto unclogeitherthe feed intakeor discharge andthe vaporsare explosive.Serious personalinjury can opening,removeor emptybag, or inspectandrepairthe occurwhen gasolineis spilledon yourself or your clothes machinewhilethe engineis running.Shutthe engine off whichcan ignite.Washyour skinand changeclothes andwaituntil all movingparts havecometo a complete immediately. stop.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire andgroundit against a. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. the engine. b. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes,andother sourcesof ignition. c. Neverfuel machineindoors. d. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engineis hot or running. e. Allow engineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling. f. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan 1/2 i HEED ITS WARNING! inch belowbottomof filler neckto providespacefor fuel expansion. g. Replacegasolinecap andtighten securely. h. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment. Movemachineto another area.Wait 5 minutes Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to personswho read, _ understand beforestartingthe engine. i. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where there is an openflame, spark,or pilot light (e.g.furnace, waterheater,spaceheater,clothesdryer,etc.) j. Toreducea fire hazard,keepmachinefree of grass, leaves,or otherdebris build-up.Clean up oil or fuel spillageand removeanyfuel soakeddebris. k. Allow machineto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. ane follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. 4 Operation Maintenance & Storage 1. Donot put hands andfeet near rotatingpartsor in the feedingchambersand dischargeopening.Contactwith the rotatingimpellercan amputatefingers, hands,andfeet. 2. Beforestartingthe machine,makesurethe chipperchute, feed intake,and cuttingchamberare empty andfree of all debris. 1. Nevertamper withsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operationregularly. 2. Checkbolts and screwsfor propertightness at frequent intervalsto keepthe machinein safe workingcondition. Also,visuallyinspectmachinefor any damageand repair,if needed. 3. Thoroughlyinspectall materialto be shreddedand remove any metal,rocks,bottles, cans, or otherforeignobjects which could causepersonalinjury or damageto the machine. 3. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,stop the engine andmakecertain the impellerand all movingparts have stopped.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundit againstthe engine to preventunintendedstarting. 4. Do not changethe engine governorsettingsor overspeed the engine.The governorcontrols the maximumsafe operatingspeed of the engine. 5. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. 6. Followthis manualforsafe loading,unloading,transporting, andstorageof this machine. 7. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where thereis an openflame, sparkor pilot lightsuch as a water heater,furnace, clothesdryer,etc. 8. Alwaysreferto the operator'smanualfor proper instructions on off-seasonstorage. 9. If the fuel tank has to be drained,do this outdoors. 10. Observeproper disposallaws andregulationsfor gas, oil, etc. to protectthe environment. 14.f it becomesnecessaryto pushmaterialthroughthe shredderhopper, usea smalldiameterstick. Do not use your hands or feet. 15.f the impellerstrikesa foreignobject or if your machine should start makingan unusual noiseor vibration, immediatelyshut the engine off. Allow the impellerto come to a completestop.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire, ground it againstthe engine andperformthe followingsteps: a. Inspectfor damage. b. Repairor replaceany damagedparts. c. Checkfor any loose partsand tightento assure continuedsafe operation. 6. Donot allow an accumulationof processedmaterialto build up inthe dischargearea.This can preventproperdischarge and result in kickbackof materialthrough the feed opening. 7. Donot attemptto shred or chip materiallargerthan specifiedon the machineor inthis manual.Personalinjury or machinedamagecould result. 8. Neverattemptto unclogeitherthe feed intakeor discharge openingwhilethe engine is running.Shutthe engine off, wait until all movingparts havestopped,disconnectthe spark plug wire andground it againstthe engine before clearing debris. 9. Neveroperate withoutthe shredderhopper,chipperchute, or chute deflectorproperlyattachedto the machine.Never empty or changedischargebagwhilethe engine is running. 10. Keepall guards,deflectorsand safetydevices in placeand operatingproperly. 11. Keepyourface andbody backand to the side ofthe chipper chute whilefeedingmaterialintothe machineto avoid accidental kickbackinjuries. 12. Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgoodvisibility or light. 13. Donot operate this machineon a paved,gravelor non-level surface. Do not modify engine Toavoid seriousinjury or death,do not modifyengine inany way.Tamperingwiththe governorsettingcan leadto a runaway engineandcauseit to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamper withfactorysettingof enginegovernor. Notice regarding Emissions Engineswhichare certifiedto complywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) arecertified to operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and may includethe followingemissioncontrolsystems:EngineModification (EM)andThreeWayCatalyst(TWO)if so equipped. Your Responsibility Restrictthe useof this powermachineto personswho read,understandand followthe warningsand instructionsin this manual andon the machine. Operation WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions, which if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol. 14. Donot operate this machinewhile underthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. 15. Mufflerandengine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do not touch. HEED iT S WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use 16. Neverpickup or carry machinewhilethe engine is running. of this power machine to persons who read. understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manua and on the machine. 5 iMPORTANT:This unit isshippedwithoutgasolineor oil in theengine.Be certainto serviceenginewith gasoline and oil as instructedin the separateengine manual beforeoperatingyour machine. Loose Parts In Carton a. HopperAssembly d. Bag b. Chute Deflector e. SafetyGlasses c. ChipperChute f. EngineOil Attaching The Hopper Assembly 1. a. Removesix hexnuts and washersfrom the weld studson the impellerhousing.Donot removethe supportplate. See Figure1. b. Placehopperassemblyinto positionin front of impellerhousing,aligningholesin hopperassembly collarwith weldstuds. Figure 1 c. Slide hopperassemblyontoweld studsand replace washersand hex nuts.Donot tightencompletely. 2. a. Lift hopperassemblyup to impellerbracket assembly. b. Slide the releaserod out slightlyto hookthe hopper bracketontothe rod.See Figure2. c. Tightenthe six hexnuts that securehopper assemblyto impellerhousingand alsotightenthe hexnuts that secure hopperbracketto hopper assembly. iMPORTANT Thisunitis shipped Attaching The Chute Deflector 3. a. Removethe wing knobsfrom eachsideof the lower impellerhousing. b. Removethe hexlock nut, spacers,and hexbolt fromthe top of the impellerhousing.See Figure3. 4. a. Align thechute deflectorin positionon the dischargeopeningand insert hexbolt with spacer throughhinge on chute deflector(spacersfit inside of hinges).See Figure4. without gasoline or oil in the engine. Be certain to service enginewith gasoline and oil as instructed in the separate engine manual before operatingyour machine. Figure 2 NOTE: All references in this manual to the left or right side of the chipper shredder is from the operating position only. Exceptions. ifany, will be specified. j /j { /' Figure 3 Figure 4 6 b. Placesecondspaceroverhex bolt insideother hingeand securewith hex lock nut. c. Securebothsides of chutedeflectorto impeller housingusingwingknobspreviouslyremoved. Attaching The Chipper Chute 5. a. Removethe threecuppedwashersand hexnuts from weldstudsaroundthe openingon the side of the impellerhousing.See Figure5. b. Removethe hexbolts,flat washers,and lock nuts from the two holeson the upperend of the support brace. Your Chipper Sh redder 6. a. Align the chipperchute overthe weldstuds, sothe slot in the bottomof the chuteis facing down. b. Securechipperchute with the threecupped washers(cuppedsideagainstthe chipperchute) and hexnuts previouslyremoved.Do nottighten the nuts at this time. See Figure6. 7. The chippershredderwas shippedwith one end of the support bracealreadysecuredto the lowerframe. Loosenbutdo not removethe bolts securingthe brace to the frame.See Figure7. .// Figure 5 f / / / a. Align the holesin thechute with the holesin the top of the braceand attachbraceto chipperchutewith hardwarepreviouslyremoved.Tightensecurely. b. Tightenthe bolts securingthe support braceto the frame. / i / / i i / / / / / / / i / / c. Tightenthe threenuts on the weldstuds holding the chipperchute to the impellerhousing. / / / / ii i _iI_ ii Attaching The Bag 8. Toattachthe bag: a. Placethe openingof the bag completelyover the chute deflector. b. Pullon the drawstringuntilthe bag is tight around chute deflectoropening. c. Clipdrawstringback on itself,tight againstchute deflectorto secureintoposition.See Figure8. J Figure 6 / / i i i Figure 8 Figure 7 7 / s Know Your Chipper Shredder Hopper Assembly ReleaseRod Oil Fill1- Chipper WARNING I i i i The operation of any chipper shredder can result in foreign objects being thrown intothe eyes, which can damage your eyes severely. Always wear the safety glasses provided with this unit or eye shields before chipping or shredding and while performing any adjustments or repairs. I Use extreme care when handling gasoline.Gasolineis i extremelyflammable and the vaporsare explosive. Never fuel i the machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running. ; Extinguishcigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of i ignition. @ Tow Bart'_ Oil Fill 1-If Equipped Figure 9 Now that you have set up your chipper shredder for operation, get aquainted with its controls and features. These are described below and illustrated Gas and Oil Fill-Up 1. Check oil level and add oil if necessary. Follow engine manual for this. See Figure 9 above for location of the oil fill. on this page. This knowledge will allow you to use your new equipment to its fullest potential. Chipper 2. Servicethe enginewith gasolineas instructedin the enginemanual. See Figure9 abovefor locationof Chute gas fill. Allows twigs and small branches up to 3" in diameter to be fed into the impeller for chipping. See Figure 9. WARNING: Useextreme carewhen handling gasoline.Gasolineis extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Never fuel the machine indoorsor while Hopper Assembly Allow leaves and small branches up to 1/2 diameter to be fed into the impeller for chipping and shredding. Material can be raked into hopper assembly by lowering the hopper assembly. See Figure 9. Release the engineis hot or running. Extinguish cigarettes,cigars, pipesand other sourcesof ignition. Rod The release rod is located on the impeller bracket assembly and it is used to release or lock the hopper when raising or lowering. See Figure 9. WARNING:The operation of any chippershreddercanresultin foreign objectsbeingthrown intothe eyes, which candamage youreyes severely.Alwayswearthe safetyglasses providedwith this unit or eye shields before chippingor shreddingand while performingany adjustments or repairs. Tow Bar (if Equipped) Use the tow bar to tow the chipper shredder behind a tractor to a job site. See Figure 9. NOTE:If your unit isnotequippedwith a tow bar,you maycontact CustomerSupportas instructedon page2 for information regardingpriceand availability. 8 Starting Engine _hlk indoorsor in a poorly ventilatedarea. ARNING:Neverrun the engine Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadly gas. 1. Attachspark plugwire to spark plug.Makecertain the metalcap on theend of the sparkplug is fastened securelyoverthe metal tip on the spark plug. Figure 10 2. Engines with choke lever: Using The Chipper Movechokeleveron engineto CHOKEposition.(A warm enginemay not requirechoking). Shredder Yardwastesuchas leavesand pine needlescan be rakedup throughthe hopperassemblyfor shredding. Engines with primer: After materialhas been shreddedbythe flail bladeson Primeengineas instructedin separateengine manual. the impellerassembly,it will be dischargedoutof open3. The throttlecontrolleveris locatedon the engine. ing or intocatcherbag.Do notattemptto shredor chip Moveenginethrottlecontrol leverto FASTor START anymaterialotherthanvegetationfound in a normal position.See Figure10. yard(i.e. branches,leaves,twigs,etc.) Avoidfibrous plantssuch as tomatovines untilthey are thoroughly 4. Graspstarterhandleand pull ropeout slowlyuntil driedout. Twigsand small branchesup to 3" in diameter engine reachesstart of compressioncycle(rope will can be fed intothe chipperchute. pull slightlyharderat this point). Lowering NOTE:A noisewill be heard whenfindingthe start of the compressioncycle. This noiseis causedby theflails and fingers,whichare partof the shreddingmechanism, and it shouldbe expecteduntilthe impellerreachesfull speed. Assembly 1. With one handgraspthe handleat the top of the hopperassemblyand lift slightly. 2. With theother handpull out on the releaserod and lowerthe hopperassemblyto the ground.See Figure9. To Empty 5. Pull ropewith a rapid,continuous,fullarm stroke. Keepa firm grip on starterhandle.Let roperewind slowly. Never run the engine indoors orin a poorly ventilated area: Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an _dorless and deadly Bag 1. Un-clipdrawstringand loosenbag from chute deflectoropening. 2. Emptybag and reattachto the dischargechute opening.Pull on the drawstringuntilthe bag is tight aroundthe chuteopeningand clip thedrawstring tight againstthechute deflector. 6. Repeatthe previousstepsuntilenginefires.When engine starts,movechokecontrol(if equipped) graduallyto RUNposition. Stopping The Hopper WARNING Engine 1. Movethrottlecontrol leverto STOPor OFFposition. IMPORTANT:The flailscreen islocatedinsidethe housingin the dischargearea.If theflail screen becomesclogged,removeand cleanas instructedin SECTION5: MAINTAININGYOURCHIPPERSHREDDER.Forbest performance,it isalso important to keep the chipperblade sharp. 2. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug and groundagainstthe engine. NOTE:See yourengine manualpackedwith yourunitfor moredetailedinstructions. NOTE: A noisewill be heardwhenfindingthe start ofthe compressioncycle. This noiseis causedby theflails and fingers,which are part ofthe shredding mechanismand it should oeexpecteduntilthe impeler reachesfull speed. 9 Lubrication 1. Lubricatethe releaserodand springwith lightoil once a season.See Figure11. points before reassembly. 2. Lubricatethe pivot pointson the hopperassemblywith lightoil oncea season.See Figure11. 3. Lubricatethe pivot pointson the dischargechute with lightoil oncea season.See Figure11. 4. Followtheaccompanyingengine manualfor lubrication scheduleand instructionfor engine lubrication. Engine Care 1. Maintainoil levelas instructedin enginemanual. 2. Serviceair cleanerevery25 hoursundernormal conditions.Cleaneveryfew hoursunderextremely dustyconditions.Referto engine manual. 3. Cleansparkplug and resetthegap once a season. Checkenginemanualfor correctplugtype and gap specifications. Figure 11 i / / / WARNING 4. Cleanengineregularlywith a cloth or brush. Keepthe coolingsystem(blowerhousingarea) cleanto permit properair circulation.Removeall grass,dirt and combustibledebrisfrom mufflerarea. / / " /" Always stop engine, isconnect Removing The Flail Screen If the dischargearea becomesclogged,removetheflail screenand cleanarea as follows: 1. Stopthe engineand makecertain the chippershredder has cometo a completestop. spark plug, groundagainst pnginebefore cleaning, lubricating or doing any Kind of maintenance on 2. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom sparkplug and groundagainsttheengine. yourmachine. 3. a. Removethe bagand two wingknobson eachside of the chutedeflector.See Figure12. b. Lift the chute deflectorup to keepit outof theway. c. Removethetwo hairpinclips fromeach clevispin whichextendthroughthe housingand removepins. d. Removetheflail screenfrom insidethe housing and cleanthe screenby scrapingor washingwith water.See Figure12. 4. Reinstallthe screen,makingcertainto reassemblethe flail screenwith thecurve sidedown. Figure 12 General Recommendations 1. Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing anymaintenance. 2. Thewarrantyon this chippershredderdoes not coveritemsthat havebeen subjectedto operator abuseor negligence.Toreceivefull valuefrom warranty,operatormustmaintainthe chippershredder as instructedhere. 5. Reattachthe chute deflectorwith the hardware previouslyremovedand connectthe bag to unit. Sharpening Blades 3. Changingof engine-governedspeedwill void enginewarranty. 2. Removetheflail screenas instructed inthe previous section. 5. Periodicallycheckall fastenersand makesurethese are tight. disconnect spark plug, and ground ARNING:Alwaysstopengine, against engine before cleaning, lubricating or doing any kind of maintenanceon your machine. Chipper 1. Disconnectthe spark plugwire and groundagainstthe engine. 4. All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat leastonce eachseason. _ Or Replacing 3. Removethechipperchute by removingthree hexnuts and washers. 4. Removethechipperchute supportbracefromthe frameby removingthe hex bolts. 5. Rotatethe impellerassemblyby handuntil youlocate one of the two chipperbladesin the chipperchute opening. 10 6. Removethe blade by removingthe internalhex screws,lockwashers,and hexnuts which secureitto the impeller.Retainthe hardware.See Figure13. NOTE: Usea 3/16"hex key (Allen)wrenchon the outside of the blade and a 1/2" box(or socket)wrenchon the insideof the impeller.HoldtheAllen wrenchstationary and rotatethe box(or socket)wrenchto loosenthe nut. 7. Installa replacementblade (PartNo. 781-0490)with the hardwareremovedearlieror sharpen. IMPORTANT:Whensharpeningthe blade,protecthands by usinggloves.Followthe originalangle of grind and make sureto removean equalamountfrom eachblade. Figure 13 8. To replacethe otherblade,rotatethe impellerto exposethe secondblade and repeatthe stepsabove. NOTE: Makecertainbladesare reassembledwith the sharpedge facing upward.Torquehardwareto 250- 300 in. Ibs. WARi ,,ING Sharpening Or Replacing Shredder Blade _ __ The The impeller S chipper blades and shredder blade are are sharp. Wearleather work gloves to ARNING:The impeller'schipperblades protectyour hands. 1. Stop theengineand makecertainthat all moving parts havecome to a completestop. Figure 14 work gloves to protect your hands: NOTE:Use a 3/16" hexkey (Allen)wrenchon the outsideof the shredderbladeand a 1/2" box(or socket) wrenchon the insideof the shredderblade.Holdthe 2. Disconnectthe sparkplug wireand groundagainstthe Allenwrench stationaryand rotatethe box (or socket) wrenchto loosenthenut. Usecautionwhen removing engine. 3. Lowerthe hopperassemblyand block up the housing. the bladeto avoidcontactingthe weldstudson housing. 4. Removethe six hex lock nuts and flat washers from the weldstudson theflail housing.Retainthe hardware. 5. Carefullyseparatethe hopperassemblyfromthe impellerassemblyand removethe support plate. NOTE:When reassemblingthe supportplate,make certain theembossedtab facesinwardtowardsthe impeller. 6. Removethe two wing knobsand cuppedwashersthat securethe chute deflectorand raisethe chute. 7. Inserta 1/2"or 3/4" diameterpipethroughthe flail screen intothe impellerto keepit fromturningor removethe flail screenand inserta pieceof wood into the chuteopening. IMPORTANT:Whensharpeningthe blade,follow the originalangleof grind as a guide.It is extremely importantthat eachcuttingedge receivesan equal amountof grindingto preventan unbalancedblade. An unbalancedbladewill causeexcessivevibration whenrotatingat high speedsand maycause damage to the unit. Theblade can be testedby balancingit on a screwdriveror nail. Removemetalfrom the heavyside until it is balancedevenly. Storing Your Chipper Shredder Thefollowingstepsshouldbe takento prepareyour chippershredderfor storage. 1. Cleantheequipmentthoroughly. 2. Wipeequipmentwith an oiled ragto preventrust. 8. a. Removethe two internalhex screws,lock washers, and hexlock nuts which securethe shredderblade 3. Referto engine manualforcorrectengine storage instructions. to the impeller. b. Removethe hexbolt, lock washer,and flat washer 4. Storeunit in a clean,dry area. Donot store nextto corrosivematerialssuchas fertilizer. to completelyfree shredderblade.See Figure14. 11 IMPORTANT Makecertain chipper blades are reassembled with the sharp edge facing upward. Torque hardwareto 250- 300 in. Ibs. iMPORTANT When reassemblingthe shredder blade, tighten center bolt to between 550 and 700 in.-Ibs. and the two out bolts to between 250 and 350 in.-Ibs. Problem En_in = e f_il _ stosta, rf Cause I Remedy 1 Throtte ever not n correctstart ng 1 Movethrotte everto FASTor position(ifequipped). STARTposition, 2. Sparkplugwire disconnected, 3. Chokenot in CHOKEposition(if 2. Connectwire to spark plug. 3. Move chokeleverto CHOKE equipped), 4. Fueltank emptyor stale fuel. 5. Enginenot primed(if equipped). 4. Filltank with clean,fresh gasoline. 5. Primeengineas nstructedin 6. Fauty sparkpug. EngineManual. 6. C can adjust gap or repace. 7, Blockedfuel line. Engineruns erratic For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed here, contact an authorized service I • Occasional skips (hesitates) at high speed I 7. Cleanfuel line. 8. Engineflooded. 8. Wait a few m nutesto restart,but do not prime. 1, Sparkplug wireloose, 1, Connectand tightenspark plug wire, 2, Unit runningon CHOKE(if equipped), 2, Movechokeleverto OFF position, 3. Blockedfuelline or stale fuel. 3. Cleanfuel line;fill tank with clean, fresh gasoline. 4. Ventin gas cap plugged. 4. Clearvent. 5. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 5. Drainfuel tank. Refillwith fresh fuel. 6. Dirty air cleaner. 6. Referto enginemanual. 7. Carburetorout of adjustment. 7. See authorizedservicedealer. 1. Engineoil levellow. 2 Drtyarceaner 3. Carburetornotadjustedproperly. I " 1. Fillcrankcasewith properoil. 2 Refertoengnemanua 3. Seeauthorizedservicedealer. 1. Sparkplug gap tooclose. 1. Adjustgap to .030". 2. Carburetoridle mixtureadjustment 2. See authorizedservicedealer. N improperlyset. Excessive I Vibration I Unit does not discharge m Engine overheats position. 1. Looseparts or damagedimpeler I 1 See authorzed serv ce deeer I 1. Chutedeflectorclogged. 1. Stop engineimmediately and disconnectsparkplug wire.Clean flail screenand insideof discharge opening. Rate of discharge slows considerably or composition of I changes , 2. Foreignobject lodgedin impeller. 2. Stop engineand disconnectspark plug wire. Removelodgedobject. 3. Lowengine RPM. 3. Alwaysrun engineat full throttle. 1 Lowengine RPM. 1. Alwaysrun engineat fullthrottle. 2. Chipperbladedul. 12 I 2. Replacechipperbladeor seeyour authorzed servce dee er. _ii ii i_ __ _ i iiiiii ii ii ii_i _ i usethispage tomake notes and write down important information, 13 odel Series 462 Thru 464 - 14 ' .._ .,q8; 1. 736-0217 Lock Washer,3/8 2. 714-0149B CotterPin 3. 681-0048 Wing Knob5/16-18 4. 681-0094 Chute DeflectorAssembly 5. 711-0835 ClevisPin 6. 781-0457 ShredderScreen 7. 726-0211 U-Nut5/16-18 8. _ 750-0793 9. 712-3027 _ Spacer Hex Lock Nut 1/4-20 10. 712-3004A Hex Lock Nut5/16-18 11. 736-0119 Lock Washer5/16 12. 681-0117 Inner ImpellerHousingAssembly 13. 710-3025 Hex CapScrew5/16-18x.625 14. 710-0157 Hex CapScrew5/16-24x.75 15. 781-0490 ChipperBlade 16. 710-1054 Hex CapScrew5/16-24x 1.0 17. 681-0030 impellerAssembly 18. 712-0411 Hex Lock Nut5/16-24 19. 781-0735 RetainerPin Clip 20. 719-0329 Flail Blade 21. 711-0833B ClevisPin 22. 715-0166 Pin 23. 736-0247 Flat Washer3/8 x 1.25 24. 742-0571 ShredderBlade 25. 710-1254 Hex CapScrew3/8-24 x 2.25 26. 681-0004A OuterImpellerHousingAssembly 27. 710-0825 Hex CapScrew 1/4-20x 3.75 28. 781-0515 FrontSupportBracket 29. 781-0574 ShredderPlate 30. 681-0104 RearHopperBracketAssembly 31. 732-0306 CompressionSpring 1.75 32. 736-0117 Flat Washer 33. 714-0104 CotterPin 34. 736-0264 Fiat Washer.330ID x.630OD 35. 710-0376 Hex CapScrew5/16-18x 1.0 36. 748-0453 Spacer,.375ID x 2.50 LG 37. 736-0362 Fiat Washer.320IDx 1.25OD 38. 712-0429 Hex Lock Nut5/16-18 39. 731-1710 HopperCollar 40. 681-0123 Front HopperBracketAssembly 41. 711-1128 Lock Rod 42. 731-1707 HopperAssembly 43. 710-3008 Hex CapScrew5/16-18x.75 15 To order replacement parts, contact 1=800-800-7310or visit odel Series 462 Thru 464 1 ModelSeries464 11 Model464G Only ModelSeries462 ^ Models462 & 464D * If Equipped 16 1. 728-0175 Pop Rivet 2. 731-1899 ChipperShredderChute 3. 735-0249 Chute Flap 4. 781-0633 Chute FlapStrip 5. 681-0068A ChipperChuteAssembly 6. 710-0751 Hex CapScrew 1/4-20 x.620 7. 712-3027 Hex Lock Nut 1/4-20 8. _ 710-0106 9. 736-0173 Hex CapScrew 1/4-20x 1.25 Fiat Washer.28ID x.74OD 10. 736-0242 Bell Washer.340ID x.872OD 11. 712-3010 Hex Nut5/16-18 12. 749-1004 SupportBrace 13. 712-3004A Hex Lock Nut5/16-18 14. 710-0805 Hex CapScrew5/16-18x 1.50 710-3180tt Hex CapScrew5/16-18x 1.75 15. 736-0170 Bell Washer5/16x 1.0 16. 736-0366t Flat Washer 17. 738-0814_1 AxleAssembly 738-0813t AxleAssembly 18. 750-0786_: Spacer 19. 734-1600:_ WheelComp.,10.0x 2.5 Plastic 734-1845t WheelComplete,10.0x 4.0 Gray 20. 726-0214 PushCap 21. 681-0184A Frame 681-0183Att Frame 22. 736-0451 Washer,.320ID x.93 OD 23. 710-0502A Screw,3/8-16x 1.250 24. 737-0195 A ElbowFitting 25. 737-0298tt Oil DrainPipe 26. 737-0132tt Oil DrainEndCap 27. 681-0133" TongueHitchMount 28. 681-0134A* Base HitchMount 29. 710-3001" Hex CapScrew,3/8-16x.88 30. 711-0299" ClevisPin,.625x 2.4 31. 711-0835" ClevisPin,.50x 4.62 32. 712-3017" Hex Nut,3/8-16 33. 732-0194" Spring Pin 34. 736-0133" Fiat Washer,.411x 1.25x 1.0 35. 736-0169" Lock Washer,3/8 -- 723-0400 SafetyGlasses(Not Shown) -- 664-04022 ChipperBagAss'y(Not Shown) -- 664-04023tt ChipperBagAss'y(Not Shown) k t ModelSeries464 AModels462 & 464D tt Model464GOnly * If Equipped _1ModelSeries462 17 To order replacement parts, contact 1-800-800-7310 or visit Use this page to make notes and write down important information: 18 notes and write down important information: 19 MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY FOR The limitedwarrantyset forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respectto newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories. e. MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution. "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanship for a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon the dateof originalpurchase and will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materialsor workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordance with the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product,and has not been subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,improper maintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire,water,or damagebecause of otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnotapprovedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries, belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags, riderdeck wheels,seats, snow throwerskid shoes,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires. HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019,or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoveragein the followingcases: a. Theengineor componentparts thereof.These itemsmaycarry a separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's warrantyfor termsand conditions. f. Replacementpartsthat are not genuineMTDparts. b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year warranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish due to use or exposure. g. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. No impliedwarranty,includingany impliedwarranty of merchantability of fitness for a particularpurpose,applies after the applicable periodof express written warranty above as to the partsas identified. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as mentionedabove, givenby any personor entity,includinga dealer or retailer,with respect to any product,shallbind MTD. Duringthe periodof the warranty, the exclusive remedyis repairor replacement of the productas set forth above. The provisionsas set forth in this warranty providethe sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liable for incidentalor consequential loss or damage including,without limitation, expenses incurredfor substitute or replacementlawn care services or for rentalexpenses to temporarily replacea warranted product. Somestatesdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty lasts, so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you. In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the purchasepriceof the productsold. Alterationof safetyfeatures of the productshall void this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for loss, damage,or injuryto youand your propertyand/orto others and their propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use theproduct. This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe original purchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchasedas a gift. HOW STATELAWRELATESTO THISWARRANTY: This limitedwarrantygives youspecificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveother rights which vary from stateto state. IMPORTANT: OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage. d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310, 1-330-220-4683
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 20 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Sat Mar 29 01:46:16 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by