MTD 31AS3DDE729 User Manual SNOW THROWER Manuals And Guides 1109062L
User Manual: MTD 31AS3DDE729 31AS3DDE729 MTD SNOW THROWER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your MTD SNOW THROWER #31AS3DDE729. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:MTD Parts:MTD SNOW THROWER Manual
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Safety ,, Assembly ,, Operation ,, Tips & Techniques ,, Maintenance ,, Troubleshooting ,, Parts Lists ,, Warranty OF A O A AL iI iI I r iI l/ I I II j ' II/ rI / I / / "Tw0-Stage 3- peed n0wThr0wer- el iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwithan internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO. 769-01939 07/2005 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new snow thrower, it will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Safety Labels ............................................... Safe Operation Practices ........................... Setting Up Your Snow Thrower .................. Know Your Snow Thrower .......................... Operating Your Snow Thrower ................. Maintenance & Service ............................ 3 4 6 8 7. 8. g. 10. 10 13 Off-Season Storage .................................. Troubleshooting ........................................ Parts List ................................................... Notes .......................................................... Warranty .................................... 16 17 18 22 Back Cover Finding and Recording Model Number BEFOREYOU START ASSEMBLING YOUR NEW EQUIPMENT, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the informationto the sample model plate provided to the right. You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and looking down at the rear of the snow thrower. This information will be necessary to use the manufacturer's web site and/or obtain assistance from the Customer Support Department or an authorized service dealer. Model Number Serial Number MTD LLC P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OH 44136 330-220-4683 _www. rntd prod ucts.corn 800-800-7310j Customer Support Please do NOTreturn purchased, without the unit to the retailer from first contacting Customer which it was Support. If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regardingthe controls, operation, or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: 1. Visit Click on the Service & Support menuoption. 2. Phone a Customer Support Representative at 1 (800) 800-7310. 3. The engine manufacturer is responsiblefor all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating,specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer'sOwner's/Operator's Manual, packed separatelywith your unit, for more information. MTD _rit_r_fi_a_ Award Winning _rod_f_ O,_r Cc,mp_y Priwey Ser,_ice 8_Supper± Product. Registration 2 P_y 1. KEEPAWAYFROMROTATING IMPELLER ANDAUGER.CONTACT WITHIMPELLER OR AUGERCANAMPUTATE HANDSANDFEET. TOOLTOUNCLOG , USECLEAN-OUT DISCHARGE CHUTE. CLUTCH LEVERS, STOPENGINE, 3. DISENGAGE ANDREMAINBEHINDHANDLES UNTILALL MOVINGPARTSHAVESTOPPEDBEFORE UNCLOGGING ORSERVICINGMACHINE. , TOAVOIDTHROWNOBJECTS INJURIES, NEVER DIRECT DISCHARGE ATBYSTANDERS. USEEXTRA CAUTION WHENOPERATING ON GRAVELSURFACES. 5. READOPERATOR'SMANUAL. WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED ITS WARNING! A chute clean-outtool is fastenedto the top of the augerhousingwith a mountingclip. Thetool is designed to cleara chuteassemblyof ice and snow. This item is fastenedwith a cabletie at the factory.Cut the cabletie beforeoperatingthe snowthrower. Chute Clean-out Tool _ hands to clear a clogged chute ARNING: Never use your assembly. Shut off engine and remain behind handles until all moving parts have stopped before using the clean-out tool to clear the chute assembly. 3 Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and onthe machine. WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. Training Preparation 1. Read,understand,andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate.Keepthis manualina safe placefor futureandregularreferenceandfor orderingreplacement 2. 3. WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal i safety and/or property I ofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate i this machine. Failure I to comply with these instructionsmay result i in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall doormats,newspapers,sleds, boards, wiresand otherforeignobjects,whichcould be tripped over or thrown bythe auger/impeller. parts. 2. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or eye shieldsduringoperation Be familiarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation. andwhile performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyour Knowhowto stopthe machineanddisengagethem quickly. eyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan cause serious Neverallowchildrenunder14 yearsoldto operatethis injury to the eyes. machine.Children14 yearsold andovershouldread and understandthe operationinstructionsand safetyrulesin 3. Do not operatewithoutwearingadequatewinterouter this manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedbya garments.Do not wearjewelry, long scarvesor other parent. loose clothing,whichcould becomeentangledin moving Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper parts. Wearfootwearwhich will improvefooting on slippery instruction. surfaces. Thrownobjectscan causeserious personalinjury.Plan 4. Usea groundedthree-wireextensioncordand receptacle yoursnow-throwingpatternto avoiddischargeof material forall units withelectric startengines. towardroads,bystandersandthe like. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets andchildrenat least 75 feet 5. Adjustcollectorhousingheight to cleargravel or crushed rock surfaces. fromthe machinewhileit is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area. 6. Disengageall control leversbeforestartingthe engine. Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling,especially 7. Neverattemptto makeany adjustmentswhileengineis running,exceptwherespecificallyrecommendedinthe when operatingin reverse. operator'smanual. 8, Let engine andmachineadjustto outdoortemperature beforestartingto clearsnow. 9. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamage use extreme care inhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammable andthe vaporsare explosive.Serious personalinjury can occurwhen gasolineis spilledon yourself or your clothes, whichcan ignite.Washyour skinand changeclothes immediately. a. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. b. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes andothersources of ignition. c. Neverfuel machineindoors. d. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engineis hot or running. e. Allow engineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling. f. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Y2inch i HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to personswho read, _ understand below bottomoffiller neckto providespacefor fuel expansion. g. Replacegasolinecap andtighten securely. h. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment. Movemachineto another area.Wait 5 minutes beforestartingthe engine. i. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where ano follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. there is an openflame, sparkor pilot light (e.g.furnace, waterheater,spaceheater,clothesdryeretc.). j. Allow machineto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. 4 Operation Maintenance 1. Donot put hands or feet near rotatingparts, inthe auger/impellerhousingor chuteassembly.Contactwiththe rotatingparts can amputatehands andfeet. 2. The auger/impellercontrolleveris a safetydevice.Never bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe machineunsafe and may causepersonalinjury. 3. The controlleversmustoperate easilyin bothdirections and automaticallyreturnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. & Storage 1. Nevertamper withsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operationregularly.Referto the maintenanceandadjustmentsectionsof this manual. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspectingmachinedisengageall control leversandstop the engine.Wait untilthe auger/impellercometo a completestop. Disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 3. Checkbolts and screwsfor propertightness at frequent intervalsto keepthe machinein safe workingcondition. Also,visuallyinspectmachinefor any damage. 4. Do not changethe engine governorsettingor over-speed the engine.The governorcontrols the maximumsafe operatingspeed of the engine. 5. Snowthrowershaveplatesand skidshoesare subjectto wearanddamage. For yoursafetyprotection,frequently check all componentsand replacewith originalequipment manufacturer's(OEM) parts only."Use of partswhich do not meetthe original equipmentspecificationsmaylead to improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!" 6. Checkcontrols periodicallyto verify they engageand disengageproperlyandadjust, if necessary.Referto the adjustmentsection inthis operator'smanualfor instructions. 7. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. 8. Observeproper disposallaws andregulationsfor gas, oil, etc. to protectthe environment. 9. Priorto storing,run machinea few minutesto clearsnow from machineand preventfreezeup of auger/impeller. 10. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where thereis an openflame, sparkor pilot lightsuch as a water heater,furnace, clothesdryeretc. 11. Alwaysreferto the operator'smanualfor proper instructions on off-seasonstorage. 4. Neveroperate witha missingor damagedchuteassembly. Keepall safetydevicesin place andworking. 5. Neverrunan engineindoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadly gas. 6. Donot operate machinewhile underthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. 7. Mufflerandengine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do not touch. 8. Exerciseextremecaution when operatingon or crossing gravel surfaces.Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. 9. Exercisecaution when changingdirectionandwhileoperating on slopes. 10. Plan yoursnow-throwingpatternto avoid dischargetowards windows,walls, cars etc. Thus, avoidingpossibleproperty damage or personalinjury causedby a ricochet. 11. Neverdirect dischargeat children,bystandersand pets or allow anyonein front of the machine. 12. Donot overloadmachinecapacity byattemptingto clear snow at too fast of a rate. 13. Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgoodvisibility or light. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting and keepa firm hold on the handles.Walk, neverrun. 14. Disengagepowerto the auger/impellerwhentransportingor not in use. Do not modify 15. Neveroperate machineat hightransport speedson slippery surfaces. Lookdownand behindand use care when engine Toavoid seriousinjury or death,do not modifyengine inany way.Tamperingwiththe governorsettingcan leadto a runaway engineandcauseit to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamper withfactorysettingof enginegovernor. Notice regarding Emissions backingup. 16. Ifthe machineshouldstartto vibrate abnormally,stop the engine,disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundit against the engine.Inspectthoroughlyfor damage.Repairany damage beforestartingandoperating. 17. Disengageall control leversandstop engine beforeyou leavethe operatingposition (behindthe handles).Wait untilthe auger/impellercomesto a completestop before uncloggingthe chuteassembly,makingany adjustments,or inspections. 18. Neverput yourhand in the dischargeor collectoropenings. Alwaysuse the clean-outtool providedto unclogthe discharge opening.Donot unclogchuteassemblywhileengine is running.Shut off engine and remainbehindhandlesuntil all movingparts havestoppedbefore unclogging. 19. Useonly attachmentsandaccessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer(e.g. wheelweights,tire chains,cabs etc.). 20. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual, use careand goodjudgment. Contactyourdealeror call (800) 800-7310for assistanceand the nameof your nearest servicing dealer.. Engineswhichare certifiedto complywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) arecertified to operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and may includethe followingemissioncontrolsystems:EngineModification (EM)andThreeWayCatalyst(TWO)if so equipped. Your Responsibility Restrictthe useof this powermachineto personswho read,understandand followthe warningsand instructionsin this manual andon the machine. 5 Operation WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions, which if not followed, could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol. HEED IT'S WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to persons who read. understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manua and on the machine. IMPORTANT:This unit isshippedwith the enginefull of oil. Afterassembly,seethe EngineOwner'smanualfor fueland oil details. Removing Adjustment From Carton 1. Cut the cornersof thecarton and lay the sidesfiat on the ground. Removeall packinginserts. 2. Theupper handleispackagedunattachedto the snowthrower,thoughconnectedby canes. Move the snowthrowerand upperhandleout of the carton. 3. Makecertain thecarton has beencompletely emptiedbeforediscardingit. Before Assembly __lh WARNING Disconnectthe Do not lift the snow thrower at Setting CAUTION:Be careful not to bend or kink the cables. any time by the chute handle. . CAUTION: Be careful not to bend or kink the cables. f Up The Handle 1. Loosenand removethewing knob,saddlewasher, handletab and carriagescrewon each sideof the lowerhandle.See Figure1. 2. Lift the upper handleup and positionit overthe lowerhandle,aligningthe holeswherethe wing knobswere removed.See Step 1 in Figure2. . i Figure 1 NOTE:Referenceto right, left,front or rear ofthe unitis from theoperatingpositionunlessotherwisestated. sparkplugwire and ground itagainst the engine to prevent unintended starting. wire and Ground it against the engine WARNING:Disconnectthe spark plug to preventunintended starting. Inserta carriagescrewfrom theoutsidethrougha handletab, theupperand lowerhandles,a saddle washerand intothe wingknob. Repeaton otherside. Tightenthewingknobson eachsideofthe handle. Referto Step2 in Figure2. 6. Loosenthe chute knobon the upper chute(l) and pivotthe upper chuteupwards(2)as faras it willgo. See Figure3. Figure 2 7. Rotatechute handleto desiredoperatingposition. See Figure3. f 8. Tightenthechute wingknobon the upperchute makingsurethe flat washerand the carriagebolt are correctlypositioned. ,d_ WARNING: lift handle. the snow thrower at any time by Do thenot chute Clean-Out NOTEI AIi references to left or right Sideof the snow thrower is the opera#g position on8 Chute Handle Tool This tool, andthe electricextensioncord, may be fastenedwith a cable tie to the rear of theauger housing for shippingpurposes.In that case,cut the cabletie and removethe extensioncordnow. Final Adjustments IMPORTANT:Checktheadjustmentsas instructedand makeany finaladjustmentsnecessarybeforeoperating the unit. Checkall nuts and bolts for tightness.Failureto followthese instructionsmay causedamageto unit. '_. j Figure 3 6 NOTE:Operationof this snowthroweron gravelis not recommendedas loosegravelcanbe easilypicked up and thrownbythe augercausingpersonalinjuryor damageto the snowthrower.If youhaveto operateit on gravel,keepskidshoeinhighestpositionfor maximum clearance. F \\ // J i j i ' ; i High Position MiddlePosition 1. Adjustskidshoesbylooseningtwo hexnutsand carriageboltson eachskidshoe,and moveskidshoe tothedesiredposition.SeeFigure4. 2. Makecertainthe entirebottomsurfaceof skid shoe is againstthe groundto avoidunevenwearon the skid shoes. LowPosition 3. Tightennuts and bolts securely. Routing The Drive Cable 1. Thedrivecable, and augercable routedownthrough the speedcontrol boxon the leftsideof the handle. Theauger cable,and speedcontrolcablethen route downthe leftlowerhandle. The drivecable isrouted acrossthe top of the lowerhandleand finallydown the rightlowerhandle. See Figure5. Figure 4 f . DriveCable Threecableties havebeenusedtolooselytiethe two controlcablestothe lowerhandle.Twoof thesecable tiesare on eacharm,and thirdon thetop crossbar of thelowerhandle.Tightenthesecableties to secure cablesto the lowerhandle.SeeFigure5. Auger Control Test IMPORTANT:Performthe followingtest beforeoperating the snowthrowerfor the firsttime and at the start of eachwinterseason. Checkthe adjustmentof the augercontrol asfollows: 1. Whenaugercontrolis releasedand in the disengaged"up"position,cable shouldhavevery little slack, butshouldNOT be tight. WARNING:Do notover-tighten the cable.Over-tightening may prevent the auger from disengagingand compromisethe safetyof the snowthrower. Figure 5 Tire Pressure (Pneumatic Tires) 2. In a well-ventilatedarea,start the snowthrower engineas instructed on page 10 underthe heading "ToStart Engine."Makesurethe throttleis set in the FASTposition. Thetires areover-inflatedfor shippingpurposes.Checktire pressureand reducepressure,ifneeded.Seetiresidewall for properPSIfill information. Maintainequal pressureon bothwheelsofsnowthrower. 3. Whilestandingin operator'sposition(behindunit) engageauger. WARNING:Seethe tire sidewallfor properPSIfill information.Equaltire pressureshouldbe maintained at all times. Excessivepressure when seating beads maycausetire/rim assembly to burst with force sufficientto cause seriousinjury. 4. Allowaugerto remainengagedfor approximately ten (10)secondsbeforereleasingthe augercontrol. Repeatthis severaltimes. 5. With theengine runningin the FASTpositionand the augercontrolin the disengaged"up"position,walk to the front of the machine. Skid Shoe 6. Confirmthat the augerhas completelystopped rotatingand showsNOsigns of motion. Thespacebetweentheshaveplateandthegroundcanbe adjusted.Referto Figure6 forlocationd shaveplateandskid shoes.Forclosesnowremoval,placeskidshoesinthelow position.Whentheareatobeclearedisuneven,placeskid shoesinthemiddleor highposition.SeeFigure4. IMPORTANT:If theaugershowsANYsignsof rotating,immediatelyreturntotheoperator'spositionand shutoff the engine.Waitforall movingpartsto stopbeforereadjusting theaugercontrolcableas shownon page14. 7 WARNING See the tire sidewall for proper PSifill information.Equal tire pressureshould be maintained at all times. Excessive pressurewhen seatingbeads may cause tire/rim assembly to burstwith force sufficientto cause serious injury. Do not over-tighten the auger cable. Over-tightening may preventthe auger from disengaging and compromise the safety of the snow thrower. See Page 14 for instructionson how to adjust the auger cable. Gasoline Cap Upper Chute Chute Assembly. Clean-out Tool _- Chute Handle Knob // Shave Plate Auger SkidShoe Figure 6 _ ARNING:Be with the controls on quickly. the snow thrower and their properoperation. Know how to stop thefamiliar machine andalldisengage them Chute NOTE:CompareFigures6 & 7 withyourequipmentand followdescriptionof controls,givenbelow,toget familiar withtheiroperation. Thedistancesnowis throwncan be adjustedby either raisingor loweringthe upperchute.Loosenthe chute knobon theside of the upperchute to adjust.Pivotthe upperchute to desiredposition,and retightenthe chute knob. Drive Control Locatedon the undersideof the upperhandle,the drive controlis usedto engage/disengagewheels.Squeeze the drivecontrolagainstthe upperhandleto engagethe wheels;releaseto disengage. IMPORTANT: Refer tOAuger Control TeSton page7 prior to operat ng your snoW throweriRead and folloW aii instructions Carefullyand perform all adjuStmentsto verifyyoursnow thrower iSoperating safe y and properly; l sh ft gears; theun t must be running and the drive control must be released: I Speed Theaugercontrol is adjacentto the upperhandle. Squeezethe auger controlagainstthe upperhandleto engagetheaugers; releaseto disengagetheaugers. Lever IMPORTANT:Toshift gears,the unit mustbe running and the drivecontrolmustbe released. the chute assembly unless both auger ARNING:Never make adjustments to and drive controlsare disengaged and the operator isstanding beside the unit. Shave Plate Theshaveplate maintainscontactwith pavementas the snowthroweris propelled,allowingsnowclose to pavement'ssurfaceto be discharged. IMPORTANT:Referto AugerControlTeston page 7 prior to operatingyour snowthrower.Readand follow all instructionscarefullyand performall adjustments to verifyyoursnow throweris operatingsafelyand properly. Chute Selection Yoursnowthroweris equippedwith a 3-speedpower propelleddrive system. The speedis controlledby this speedselectionlever,locatedon the left sideof the upperhandle. Threespeedsare provided. With the lever all the way down,towardsthe engine,speed 1 is your slowestspeed. Auger Control _lll/i Knob Skid Shoe Thespace betweenthe shaveplateand the groundcan be adjusted.For closesnow removal,placeskid shoesin the lowposition.Use middleor high positionwhenareato be clearedis unevenor on gravelsurfaces. Handle Thedirectionof snow throwingcorrespondsto the directionof the chuteopening.Use the chutehandle to turnthe chute assemblyin the directionyou wishto throwthe snow. 8 /_Muffler Spark Oil Fill Recoil Starter GasolineCap & Starter Handle This motorisfitted with a recoilactionpull startand a mittengrip handlefor easyaccess whilewearinggloves or mittens. Electric Starter Button Pressingthe electricstarterbuttonengagesthe engine'selectricstarterwhenpluggedintoa 120V powersource Electric Starter Plug Requiresuse of a two-prongoutdoorextensioncord (packedwith the snowthrower)and a 120Vpower source/walloutlet. Ign,tionl Key/ \b/Y Ignition Key \Starter The ignitionkey isnecessaryfor the engineto start. "Handle Insertkey and snapin place;do notturn it to start/stop the unit. Removekeywhenthe unit isnot inuse. Primer Figure7 Depressingprimerforcesfuel directlyinto engine'scarburetorto aid incold-weather starting.Referto the startinginstructions inthe Operationsectionof this manualfor properprimerusage. Clean Out Tool The cleanout tool is providedto unclogthe discharge opening.Donot unclogdischargechute whileengineis running. O PUSH FOR A Oil Fill ,_llhlk Choke off engineand remain behind handles WARNING:Before unclogging, shut until all movingpartshavestopped completely.Neverput yourhandinthe discharge or collectoropenings. Always use the clean-outtool provided. Removeoil cap to add oil. Referto the EngineOwner's manualfor checkingand addingoil instructions. Gasoline Cap Removegas cap to add fuel. Unit runson regulargas. NOTE:This unit may includea fuel plug,which isonly usedduringassemblyto keepdirt and debrisoutof fuel tank. Discardthefuel plug beforefillingthe fueltank. Control Activatingchoke controlclosesthechoke plateon carburetorand aids in startingengine.The imagebelow representsthe speedsof thethrottlecontrol. For informa- Throttle Control tion on choke usage,see page 10of this manual. Thethrottlecontrol is locatedon the engine. It regulatesthe speedof the engine and also stopsthe engine. The imageto the right representsthe speedsof the throttlecontrol. © iii @ 9 WARNING Before unclogging, shut off engine and remain behind handles until all moving parts have stopped completely. Never put your hand in the discharge or collector openings. Always use the cleanout tool provided. sureto wipeoff any spilledfuel beforestartingthe engine. Before Starting Engine Engine Oil 3. At the endof thejob, emptythe fueltank if the snow throwerisnotgoing to be usedfor 30 days or longer. Storegasolinein a clean containerand keepthe cap in placeon the container. Theengine isshippedwith oil in it.Checkthe oil level beforefirst use. Stopengineand wait severalminutesbeforecheckingoil level.Removeoil fill cap and dipstick. . . CAUTION:Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank. Wipedipstickclean, insertit intooil fill hole and tightensecurely. To Start Engine With engineon levelground,oil mustbe to FULL markon dipstick.If oil levelislow, add oil. the operator is standing near the snow ARNING:Be sure noor one other than thrower while starting operating. Do not operate this snow thrower unless the chute assembly has been properly installed and is secured. _ FULL WARNING Gasolineis flammable i and caution must be used when handling or storing it. Do not fill fuel tank while the snowthrower is running,when it is hot or when it is in an enclosed area. Keep your snow thrower awayfrom any open flame or an electricalspark and do not smoke during fueling. Besureno oneother than the operatoris standingnearthe snowthrowerwhile startingoroperating, Do notoperatethis i snowthrower unless i the chuteassembly has been properly installedand is secured. i i i i i The electricstarter must be properly groundedat all times to avoidthe possibilityof electric shock to the operator. if your house wiring system is not a three=wire grounded system,do not use this electricstarter under any conditions. MaintainOil Level _ BetweenFULLandADD NOTE:Forlocationof all the enginecontrolsreferredto in this section,referto Figure7. For A Cold Start ADD Electric Adding Engine Somemodelsof the snowthrowermay be equipped with an optional120volt A.C.electricstarter.This electricstarter,with a three-wirepowercordand plug, is designedto operateon 120volt AC householdcurrent. Followthe stepsbelowto usethe electricstarter. Oil Be sureto usethe gradeof engine oil specifiedin enginemanual.To add oil: 1. Removethedipstickfrom the oil fill. Pourfresh oil slowlythroughthe plug.Replacedipstick. _ -- 2. Checkand makesurethat the levelof oil is up to the FULLmark on the dipstick. IMPORTANT:Forcompletedetailedengineinformation, seetheseparateengineowner'smanualincludedwith thisunit. . Gasoline ,_ Starter caution must be used when handling WARNING:Gasoline is flammable and or storing it. Do not fill fuel tank while the snow thrower is running, when it is hot or when it is in an enclosed area. be used with a properlygrounded ARNING:The electricstarter must three-prong receptacle at all times to avoid the possibilityof electric shock. Follow all instructionscarefullypriorto operating the electric starter. Determinethat your housewiringisa three-wire groundedsystem.Ask a licensedelectricianifyou are not certain. 2. If your home wiring system is not a three-wire grounded system, do not usethis electricstarter underany conditions. 3. If your home electricalsystem is grounded, but a three-holereceptacleis not available,one should be installedby a licensedelectricianbeforeusingthe electricstarter. awayfrom anyopenflame oran electrical __L WARNING:Keepyoursnow thrower spark and do notsmokeduring fueling. 4. If you havea grounded three-prong receptacle, proceedas follows. 1. Neverfill the fueltank completely.Fill the tank to no morethan 1/2 inchbelowbottomof filler neckto providespacefor expansionof fuel. 5. MoveChokeControlto the "Full"position. 6. PushPrimerthree (3) times, makingsureto cover vent holewhen pushing. NOTE:This unit may includea fuel plug,whichis only usedduringassemblyto keepdirt and debrisoutof fuel tank. Discardthe fuelplug beforefillingthe fueltank. 2. Alwaysuseclean, fresh,unleadedgradeautomotive gasoline.Fillthe fueltank outdoorsand usea funnel or spout to preventspilling.Makesurethat the containerfrom whichyou pour thegasolineisclean and freefrom rust or otherforeignparticles.Make 7. Connectpowercord to switch boxon dash panel. Plugthe otherend of powercord intoa three-prong 120-volt,grounded,AC receptacle. 8. Pushstarterbuttonto crank engine. 9. Whenenginestarts,releasestarterbutton,and move chokegraduallyto 1/2Chokeuntil theengine runs smoothly. NextmoveChoketo OFE If enginefalters, 10 move chokeimmediatelyto FULLand thengradually to 1/2then to OFF. Clearing The Snow CAUTION: Check thearea to be cleared for foreign objects. Removeforeign objects, if any. 10.Disconnectthe powercord. Alwaysunplugfrom the outlet first, and thenfrom the snowthrower. Recoil 1. Start the enginefollowingstartinginstructions. Starter 1. Movechokeleverto FULLchoke position(coldengine start). 2. Allowthe engineto warmup fora few minutesas the enginewill notdevelopfull poweruntilit reaches operatingtemperature. 2. If engine iswarm,placechoke inOFF positioninstead 3. Rotatethe chute assemblyto the desireddirection, of FULL. awayfrom bystandersand/or buildings. 3. PushPrimerthree(3) times,makingsureto cover 4. Makingcertainno bystandersor obstaclesare in vent hole whenpushing. frontof the unit, squeezethe augercontrolcom4. If engine iswarm,push primerbuttononly once. NOTE:Alwayscovervent hole in primerbuttonwhen pushing.Additionalprimingmay be necessaryfor first start if temperatureis below 15degreesFahrenheit. 5. Graspstarterhandleand pull ropeout slowly,untilit pulls slightlyharder.Letrope rewindslowly. pletelyagainstthe upperhandleto fully engagethe augers. 5. Whilethe augercontrolisengaged,squeezethedrive controlcompletelyagainstthe upperhandleto engage thewheels.Donot"feather"thedrivecontrol. 6. As the snowthrowerstartsto move,maintaina firm hold on the handle,and guide the snowthrower 6. Pull starterhandle rapidly.Do notallow handleto snap alongthe pathto be cleared. back.Allow it to rewindslowlywhilekeepinga firm hold on the starterhandle. 7. Releasethe augerand drive controlsto stop the snowthrowingactionand forwardmotion. 7. Asenginewarmsupand beginstooperateevenly,rotate NOTE:Yourunit isequippedwith a clutch inthe chokeleverslowlyto the 1/2Chokeposition.Whenthe transmission.If the wheelsstopturningwhiletrying to enginebeginsto runsmoothly,movethechoketothe disenOFFposition.If enginefalters,returnto FULLchoke,then dischargelarge volumesof snow,immediately gagethe drivecontrol andallow the rotatingaugersto slowlymoveto 1/2thenOFFposition. dischargesnow fromthe housing.Reducethe clearing For A Warm Start: widthand continueoperation. 1. If restartingan engineafter a temporaryshut-down, rotatechoke to OFF insteadof FULLand do not prime. 8. On each succeedingpass,readjustthe chute assemblyto the desiredpositionand slightlyoverlap Useelectricstart featureor pull the starterhandleas the previouslyclearedpath. instructed before. Before Stopping 1. Runenginefor a few minutesto help dryoff any moistureon engine. 2. Toavoid possiblefreeze-upof the starter,followthese steps: Recoil Starter a. With theenginerunning,pullthe starterropewith a rapid,continuousfullarm strokethreeor fourtimes. To Stop The SnowThrower 1. To stopthe wheels,releasethe drivecontrol. 2. To stopthrowingsnow,releasetheauger control. 3. To stopengine,pushthrottlecontrolleverto OFFand pull out the key.Do notturn key. _ and the surrounding areas mayexceed WARNING: Thetemperatureof muffler 150° F.Avoidthese areas. 11 WARNING temperature of muffler and the surrounding areas may exceed 150° F. Avoid these areas: / Speed Selector Lever Yourunit isequippedwith a 3-speedpowerpropelled drivesystem. Speedposition 1,when theleveris depressedall the way downtowardthe motor,isslow. Speedposition2 is a little fasterand 3 is the fastest. See Figure8. Speed Selector Lever Tooperatethis function,followthese instructions: 1. Shift yoursnowthroweronlywhile engineis running. 2. Releasedrivecontrol handlebeforeshifting. Operating Tips 1. For mostefficient snowremoval,removesnow immediately after itfalls. WARNING Stop engine by movingthrottle lever to stop position and wait for all moving parts to stop before using the cleanoout tool. 2. Dischargesnowdownwindwheneverpossible. Slightlyoverlapeachpreviousswath. 3. Setthe skid shoes 1/4" belowthe shaveplatefor normalusage.The skid shoesmay be adjusted upwardfor hard-packedsnow. NOTE:It is not recommendedthat you operatethis snowthroweron gravelas loosegravelcan be easily pickedup and thrown bythe auger causingpersonal injuryand/or damageto the snowthrower. . Never use your hands to clean snow and ice from the chute assembly or auger housing. Figure 8 Chute Clean-out Tool If for somereason,you haveto operatethe snow throweron gravel,keepthe skid shoeinthe highest positionfor maximumclearancebetweentheground and the shaveplate. 5. Cleanthe snowthrowerthoroughlyafter each use. Cleaning The Chute Assembly Theclean-outtool is convenientlyfastenedto the auger housingwith a mountingclip. Whensnowand ice collectin the chuteassemblyduring operation,usethis toolto safelycleanthe chute and chuteopening.Followthe stepsbelowto operateit. __k throttle leverto stop positionand wait WARNING: Stop engineby for all moving partsto stop moving before using the clean-out tool. 1. Releasebothaugerand drivecontrols. 2. Stopthe engineby movingthrottleleverto stop position. J Figure 9 5. Re-fastenthe clean-outtool to the mountingclip on the augerhousing.You can startoperatingyoursnow throwernow. See Figure9. NOTE: The handleof the clean-outtool shouldbe placed with the handleto the Right sideon the snowthrower augerhousing. 3. Removetheclean-outtool fromthe clip which securesit to the rearof the auger housing. 4. Use the shovel-shapedend of theclean-outtool to dislodgeand scoop anysnow and ice whichhas formedinand nearthe chuteassembly. _ Housing \ clean snow and ice from the chute ARNING:Never use yourhands to assembly or auger housing. 12 . Shear Pin Cotter Pin To replace,removetwo carriageboltsand hexnuts securingeach skid shoeto the augerhousing. See Figure10. 2. Reassemblenew skid shoeswith hardwarejust removed.Makesure shoes are adjusted to be level. 3. To remove shave plate: Removeboth skid shoes and hardwareincludingcarriagebolts,and hex nuts whichattachshaveplateto thesnow thrower housing.Forlocationof shaveplate,see Figure10. 4. Reassemblenew shaveplate,makingsureheads of the carriagebolts are to the insideof the housing. Reinstallskid shoes.Tightensecurely. Bolt Servicing Hex Nut Augers Theaugersare securedto the spiralshaftwith four shearpinsand cotterpins. If youhit a foreignobjector icejam, the snowthroweris designedso that the pins may shear.Referto Figure10. Figure 10 Lubricate If theaugersdo notturn, checkif the pinshavesheared. Replace,if needed,with proper shearpins. Referto item 42 on page 19for part number. IMPORTANT:NEVERreplacetheauger shearpinswith standardpinsor fasteners.Anydamageto the auger gearboxor othercomponents,as a resultof doing so, will NOTbe coveredby yoursnowthrower'swarranty. Lubrication Fora view of the lubricationpointson the snowthrower, see Figure11. 1. Lubricatepivot pointson the auger controland drive controlwith a lightengine oil oncea season. Figure 11 2. Lubricatethe augeridler bracketwith a light engine oil once a season. General Recommendations 1. Alwaysobservesafety ruleswhenperformingany maintenance. 2. The warrantyon this snowthrowerdoesnotcover itemsthat havebeen subjectedto operatorabuseor negligence.To receivefull valuefromthe warranty, operatormustmaintainthe snowthroweras instructed in this manual. 3. Periodicallycheckall fastenersand hardwareto make surethese are tight. _ Engine Listedbeloware generalrecommendationsabout maintainingyour snowthrowerengine.Forfurther details,referto the accompanyingenginemanual. 1. Beforeoperatingsnowthrower,checkthe oil level. repairing,lubricating or inspecting, disengage allcontrols and stop engine. Wait until all moving parts have come to a complete stop, DisconneCt spark plug wire and ground it aga!nst the engine to preventunintended starting: Alwayswear safety glassesduring OpEration or while performing any adjustments 3. Cleansparkplug and resettheelectrodegap to 0.030"at leastonce a seasonor every 100 hoursof operation;replaceevery200 hoursof operation Check V-Belts The shaveplateand skid shoeson the bottomof the snow throwerare subjectto wear.Theseshouldbe checkedperiodicallyand replacedwhen necessary Before servici ng 2. Changeengineoil after firsttwo hoursof operation and every25 hoursthereafter. lubricatingor inspecting,disengage all WARNING: servicing, controls andBefore stop engine. Waitrepairing, until all moving parts have come to a complete stop. Disconnect spark plug wire and belowto checkconditionof drive ground it against the engine to prevent Followinstructions unintended starting. Always wear safety belts every50 hoursof operation. glasses during operation or while per- 1. Removetheplasticbeltcoveron the frontof the forming any adjustments or repairs. engineby removingthe self-tappingscrewand pressingthe plastictabsto releasethebeltcover.See Figure13. Replacing the Shave Plate and Skid Shoes WARNIN 2. Visuallyinspectforfrayed,cracked,or excessivelyworn outbelts.Replace,ifnecessary,followinstructions beginningon page14. 13 NOTE: NEVERreplacethe auger shear pins with standardpinsor fasteners.Any damage to the augergearboxor other components,as a resultof doingsO;Wil NOT beCoveredby your snowthrower'swarrantyl Replacing Belts Maintenance NOTE: Thereare two beltson this snow thrower:an augerbelt and drivebelt. It is recommendedthat both belts be replacedat the same time. 1. Removethesparkplugwirefromsparkplugandground it againsttheenginetopreventaccidentalstarting. outdoors as somegas may possibly ARNING: Performbelt maintenance leak from the carburetoreventhough you placeda sheetof plasticunderneath the gas capto preventthe gas cap from leaking. Adjusting The Auger Cable Performbelt maintenanceoutdoors assome gasmay possiblyleakfrom thecarburetoreven though you placed a sheetof plastic underneath the gas i capto preventthe gas capfrom leaking. \ 2. Draingasolinefrom the gastank below1/2tank or run the machinebelowhalf a tank,or placea piece of plasticsheet underneaththe gas cap to prevent gasolineleakage. _|11 WARNING Bracket Figure 12 Periodicadjustmentto the augercontrolcablemay be requireddue to normalstretchand wearon the belt. Adjustmentis neededif the augersseemto hesitate whileturning,butthe engine maintainsspeed,or continueturningwith the augercontroldisengaged. 1. Loosenthe rear hexbolt on the cableadjustment bracket. See Figure12. 2. Slidethe cableadjustmentbracketbackwardstaking out the slackin theauger cable. 3. Retightenthe rear hexbolt 4. Startengineand verify augercontrolengagesand disengagesproperly. NOTE:if auger continuesto rotatewith thecontrol disengaged,shut off engineand readjust. Auger Belt 1. Loosenthe rear screwon the augercableadjustment bracketusinga 3/8" wrenchand slidethe bracket all the way forwardto providemaximumslackin the augercable. See Figure12. 2. Removethebelt coverscrewusinga 5/16socket with extensionand slightlyraisebeltcover. You must alsounclipthe plastictab on the otherside to raise this up. Do notattemptto removethe beltcoverfrom the unitat this time. See Figure13. Figure 13 3. Loosenthe bottomauger housingmountingscrew on each sideone full turn usinga 1/2" socket. See Figure12. 4. Usingthe same socketwrench,removethe top auger housingmountingscrewson each side. NOTE: The top augerhousingscrewon the left side alsosecuresthe auger cablebracketand cable roller. Payattentionto its locationand howit is positionedfor referenceduring reassembly.See Figure12. Wood Block 5. Pushdownon the unit's handle,this will allowthe belt coverto be easily removedand will giveaccess for thefollowingbelt maintenanceprocedures. Figure 14 14 J 6. After removingthe beltcover,slip the frontauger beltoff of the enginepulleyby pushingit forwardand rollingin off of the pulley. 7. Pushdownon the unit's handlefurtheropeningthis areaand providingbetteraccessto the augerpulley. Youmay wish to placea wood block underthe auger housingto hold the unit open.See Figure14 8. Pushthe augerbelt idler pulleyin releasingthe augerbrake,which is the tab that holdsthe beltonto the augerpulley.Removethe belt. Maintenance 9. Replacewith newbeltafter replacingthe drivebelt. NOTE: If not replacingdrivebelt, then proceedto Step 5 in the DriveBeltsection. Drive Belt NOTE:To replacethe Drive Belt,you mustfirstfollow AugerBelt instructions. Replacethe drivebelt before reassemblingthe newauger belt. 1. Removehairpinclipand pivot rodfrom unit. See Steps 1 and 2 in Figure15. Figure15 fControl 2. Maneuvercontrolarmout and disconnectdrive Ar Belt LocatorPin cable.See Step3. 3. Pull idlerpulleyon right handside out, releasing tensionon drivebelt. Removedrive beltfrom idler pulleyand transmissionpulley. SeeSteps 1 thru 3 in Figure15. 4. Rotatecontrolarm in order to maneuverbelt from unit. Removebeltand replacewith new belt. NOTE: Be sureto maintainpositionof the multi-speed pulleyassemblyso that the belt Iocatorpin in thetop position. See Figure16. 5. Reassemblein the exactoppositeorder. 6. After reassemblyis completed,be sureto adjustthe augercable. Referto the "AdjustingAuger Cable" instructionson Page 14of this manual. Figure16 15 NOTE: To replacethe Drive Belt,you mustfirstfollow Auger Belt instructions. Replacethe drive belt beforereassemblingthe newaugerbelt. Besureto maintain positionofthe multispeedpulleyassembly sothat the beltIocator pin inthe top position. If the snowthrowerwill notbe usedfor30 days or longer,or ifit istheend of the snowseasonwhenthe using fuel stabilizer.Neveruse engineor ARNING:Donot drain carburetor f last possibilityof snowis gone,the equipmentneedsto _ carburetor cleaningproducts in the ifuel be stored properly.Followstorageinstructionsbelowto tank or permanentdamagemayoccur. ensuretop performancefrom the snowthrowerfor many NOTE:Fuelstabilizer(such as STA-BIL)is an acceptmoreyears. able alternativein minimizingthe formationof fuelgum depositsduring storage.Add stabilizerto gasolinein fuel Preparing Engine tank or storagecontainer.Alwaysfollow mix ratiofound on stabilizercontainer.Runengineat least 10 minutes NOTE:Referto theengine manualfor moredetailed after addingstabilizerto allowit to reachthe carburetor. informationon preparingthesnow throwerenginefor Do notdrain carburetorif usingfuel stabilizer. storage. _ WARNING Never store snow thrower with fuel in tank indoors or in poorly ventilated areas, where fuel fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer or gas appliance. Drain fuel intoan , approved container i outdoors, away from any open flame. Be certain engine is cool. Do not smoke. Fuel left in engine during warm weather deteriorates and i will cause serious starting problems. with fuel in tank indoorsor in poody ARNING:Never store snow thrower ventilated areas, where fuel fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot lightas on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer or gas appliance. NOTE:It is important to preventgumdepositsfrom forminginessentialfuel systemparts of the enginesuch as the carburetor,fuel filter,fuelhoseor tank during storage. CAUTION:Alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) canattract moisture which leads to separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage. NOTE:Referto theengine manualfor moreinformation on preparingthe snowthrowerengine for storage. Preparing 3. Followlubricationrecommendationson page 13. 4. Storeequipmentin a clean, dry area. container outdoors, away from any ARNING:Drainfuel approved openflame. Be certainintoan engineis cool. Do not smoke. Fuel left in engine during warm weather deteriorates and will cause serious starting problems. 1. Removeall gasolinefrom the carburetorand thefuel tank to preventgum depositsfrom formingon these parts and harmingthe engine. 2. Runthe engineuntilthe fuel tank is emptyand it stopsdue to lack of fuel. 3. Draincarburetorby pressingupwardon bowldrain, locatedbelowthe carburetorcover. See Figure17. f Carburetor _" Do not drain carburetor if using fuel stabilizer. Never use engine or I carburetor cleaning products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. 0ow 0 anvr =, Figure 17 Snow Thrower 1. Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin an unventilatedor metalstorageshed, careshouldbe takento rustproof the equipment.Usinga light oil or silicone,coat the equipment,especiallyanychains,springs,bearings and cables. 2. Removeall dirt from exteriorof engineand equipment. Toavoidengineproblems,thefuel systemshouldbe emptiedbeforestoragefor 30 days or longer.Follow theseinstructionsto prepareyour snowthrowerfor storage: _ 4. Removethespark plug and pour one (1) ounce of engineoil throughthe sparkplug hole into the cylinder.Coversparkplug hole with a rag and crank the engineseveraltimesto distributethe oil. Replace sparkplug. -16 Problem Engine fails to start Possible Cause(s) tank empty,or stale fuel 21 Blockedfuel line & Keynot snappedintopiace 4. Spark plug w re disconnected & Fau!tyspaik plug 6: Engine not primed 7:Eng ne f oodedfromexcessive priming Engine runs erratic I Engineoverheats Loss of power Excessivevibration Unit fails to self-propel 1. Unit runningon choke 2. Fuelline blocked,or stalefuel Solution 2: tankwith cleanfresh gasoline: Cleanfuel line: 4, Connectwireto sparkp!ug. c!ean sparkplug, readjustgap;or replace: 61 Prime enginefourtimeSl 7: wait at east ten minutesbefore starting. 3. Wateror dirt in fuel system 4. Carburetorout of adjustment 1. Movechokeleverto OFF position. 2. Cleanfuelline and fill tank with fresh,cleangasoline. 3. Referto enginemanualfor remedy. 4. Referto enginemanualfor remedy. 1. Carburet r out of adjustment-- 1. Referto engine manualfor instructioi. 1. Sparkplugwire loose 2. Ventin gas cap plugged 1. Firmlyconnectspark plug wire. 2. Clearvent. 1. Loosepartsor damagedauger 1. Stopengineimmediatelyand disconnectspark plugwire. Check for possibledamage.Tightenall bolts and quts.Repairas needed.If the problempersists,take unitto an authorizedservicedealer. 1. Drivebelt looseor damaged 1. Replacedrive belt. P ease ao,VOr return the unit to the retailer from which it was purchase& without first contacting Customer Sup_rti onto www, mtdproducts;com or call a customer service representative at 1(800) 800,7310 or (330) 220,4683, Augerscontinue to rotate 1. Cableoutof adjustment. Unit fails to discharge 1 Chuteassemblyclogged. snow 2. Shearpin sheared. 3. Foreignobjectlodged in auger 4 Augercontrolcableout of adjustment. 5. Augerbelt looseor damaged. 1. Adjustaugercontrol cableas shownin "AdjustingThe Auger Cable"on page 14. 1. Stopengineand disconnectspark plug wire. Cleanchute and inside of augerhousingwith clean-out toolor stick. 2. Replaceshearpin. 3. Stopengineimmediatelyand disconnectthe spark plugwire. Removeobject from auger. 4. Adjustaugercontrol cable 5. Replaceauger belt. You wi// need the model number and serial number ff and when calling Customer Support, logging onto manual regarding locating and recording your model and serial number& NOTE: Forrepairsbeyondtheminoradjustmentslistedabove,contactyournearestauthorizedservicerepresentativeor call 1-800-800-7310 forthe CustomerSupportCenter.Referto the enginemanualformoreenginerelatedinformation. 17 For parts and/or accessories please call 1-800-800-7310,or 1-330-220-4683. 18 1 684-04037 ChuteAssembly 1 25 731-04218B Impeller 1 2 710-04071 3 710-0451 CarriageBolt 5/16-18x 1.0" 1 26 732-0611 ExtensionSpring 1 CarriageBolt 5/16-18 11 27 736-0174 WaveWasher 1 4 712-3068 FlangeLock Nut,5/16-18 1 28 738-0281 ShoulderScrew3/8-16 1 5 720-04032 Nut Knob5/16-18 1 29 741-0245 Hex FlangeBearing 2 6 731-04388A ChuteHandle 1 30 741-0309 Ball Bearing 1 7 731-04426A UpperChute 1 31 750-04191 Spacer 1 8 736-0159 FiatWasher.349 x .879x .063 2 32 756-04035 FlatIdler 1 9 731-04127 LowerChute 1 33 784-0434 AugerIdler Bracket 1 10 731-04353 ChuteRing 1 34 790-00075 BearingHousing 1 11 731-2636A ChuteAdapter5" Dia. 1 35 618-04293 AugerGearboxAssembly 1 12 732-04111 ChuteAdjustmentSpring 1 36 684-04113 AugerAssembly- LH 2 13 712-04064 FlangeLock Nut 1/4-20 5 37 684-04114 AugerAssembly- RH 2 14 731-2643 Clean-outTool 1 38 684-04165 AugerHousing,24" 1 15 731-2635 Clean-outToolMount 1 39 714-04040 Bow Tie Cotter Pin72 4 16 725-0157 CableTie 1 40 731-04870 Spacer,1.25x.75 x 1.00 4 FlatWasher 2 17 710-0134 CarriageScrew 1/4-20x 0.62" 5 41 736-0351 18 710-0520 HexBolt 3/8-16x 1.50" 1 42 738-04124A ShearPin,.25x 1.50 4 19 710-0604A AB Screw5/16-18x .625 4 43 741-0493A 8 20 712-04063 FlangeLock Nut,5/16-18 10 44 790-00087A HexBearing Housing FlangeBushing 2 21 712-04065 FlangeLock Nut,3/8-16 1 45 790-00120 Shave Plate2.25 x 23.66 LG 22 712-0266 HexLock Nut 3/8-16 1 46 784-5580 Skid Shoe 2 23 715-04020 Spiral Pin 2 47 746-04246 AugerCable 1 24 726-04012 PushOn Nut 2 48 736-0258 FlatWasher 1 19 1 For parts and/or accessories please call 1-800-800-7310,or 1-330-220-4683. Model Series 3DD i i [] [] 2O HexBolt 3/8-24x 0.875" 710-0449 CarriageScrew5/16-18x 2.25" 2 39 710-0696 2 710-0106 HexScrew1/4-20x 1.25" 2 40 710-1245B Lock Bolt5/16-24 x 0.875" 1 3 710-1260A Screw,5/16-18x .75" 4 41 731-05364 BeltCover 1 4 712-04064 FlangeLock Nut 1/4-20 2 42 736-0247 FlatWasher,.4061D x 1.250D 1 5 720-0284 Lock Nut Knob5/16-18 2 43 736-0505 FiatWasher,.341D x 1.500D 1 6 725-0157 CableTie 3 44 748-04067 Pulley:Adapter,.75Dia. 1 7 746-04256 DriveCable 45 748-0234 Shoulder Spacer 1 8 746-04246 AugerCable 1 46 750-04568 Shoulder Spacer 1 9 711-04478 Pivot Rod 1 47 754-04102 V-Belt, 3L x 25.00 LG 1 10 747-04405 DriveControl 1 48 754-04014 V-Belt, 3/8 x 26.680Lg. 1 11 749-04147 LowerHandle 1 49 756-04024 Auger Pulley 1 12 749-04236 UpperHandle 1 50 756-0569 PulleyHalf 2 13 790-00053 HandleTab 2 51 710-0456 Screw,#10-16x.500 1 14 618-04296 TransmissionAssembly 1 52 790-00064 HeatShield 1 15 710-0604A AB Screw5/16-18x .625 4 53 710-1667A Screw#10-16 3 16 710-0809 Screw,1/4-20x 1.25" 2 54 731-05358 Speed SelectorHousing- Lwr 1 17 711-1364 Clevis Pin 1 55 731-05359 Speed SelectorHousing- Upr 1 18 714-0115 Cotter Pin, 1/8 x 1.0 2 56 731-05360 Speed SelectorHousing-Lever 1 For parts and/or accessories please call 1-800-800-7310,or 1-330-220-4683. 19 714-04040 BowTie Cotter Pin72 2 57 732-0627 1 20 715-0249 Roll Pin 1 58 746-04244 Speed ControlCable 1 21 717-04066 Pinion14T 1 59 710-04329 Screw.159 x.610 2 22 717-04073A Gear70T 1 60 736-3092 2 23 732-0409 ExtensionSpring 1 61 782-7596A 6-SpeedControlArm 1 24 736-0192 FiatWasher 2 62 790-00234 ActuatorMountingBracket 1 25 738-04184 ShoulderScrew1/4-20 1 63 790-00235 DriveWheel IdlerBracket 1 26 738-0924 CarriageScrew 1/4-28 1 64 656-0613 Multi-SpeedPulleyAssembly 1 27 741-0245 HexFlangeBearing 2 65 682-7527 6 SpeedAssemblyCup 1 28 741-04108 HexFlangeBearing 2 66 741-0545 BallBearing 1 29 756-0625 Cable Roller 1 67 756-0613 PulleyHalf 1 30 784-0419B DriveHousingFrame 1 68 756-0612A DrivePulleyHalf 1 31 790-00223 AugerCableBracket 1 69 684-04168 IdlerPulleyAssembly 2 32 790-00224 AugerCable Adj. Bracket 1 70 747-04394 AugerControl Bail 1 736-0451 Saddle Washer 2 6 SpeedShift LeverSpring FiatWasher.265x 1.0 x .030 1 Part List: 1 33 634-0232A WheelAssblySnow Hog Gray 2 71 34 710-0627 Lock Bolt 5/16-24x 0.75" 5 72 736-0232 WaveWasher.531x .781x .013 1 35 736-0242 BellWasher 2 73 750-04571 Shoulder Spacer.60x .790x .538 2 36 738-1231 Axle 1 74 710-1652 1 37 710-0224 HexScrew,#10-16x.500 1 75 753-05426 PressureLimitingValve Kit 38 710-0654A TT SemsScrew3/8-16x 1.0" 4 21 Screw,1/4-20x 1.25" Stage lOW Thrower For parts and/or accessories please call 1-800-800-7310,or 1-330-220-4683. 22 iii!iiiii _ i!il _ i NOTES: Use this page to make notes and write down For parts and/or accessories please call 1-800-800-7310,or 1-330-220-4683. 23 MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY FOR The limitedwarrantyset forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respectto newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories. e. MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution. "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanship for a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon the dateof originalpurchase and will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materialsor workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordance with the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product,and has not been subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,improper maintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire,water,or damagebecause of otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnotapprovedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries, belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags, riderdeck wheels,seats, snow throwerskid shoes,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires. HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019,or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoveragein the followingcases: a. Theengineor componentparts thereof.These itemsmaycarry a separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's warrantyfor termsand conditions. f. Replacementpartsthat are not genuineMTDparts. b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year warranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish due to use or exposure. g. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. No impliedwarranty,includingany impliedwarranty of merchantability of fitness for a particularpurpose,applies after the applicable periodof express written warranty above as to the partsas identified. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as mentionedabove, givenby any personor entity,includinga dealer or retailer,with respect to any product,shallbind MTD. Duringthe periodof the warranty, the exclusive remedyis repairor replacement of the productas set forth above. The provisionsas set forth in this warranty providethe sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liable for incidentalor consequential loss or damage including,without limitation, expenses incurredfor substitute or replacementlawn care services or for rentalexpenses to temporarily replacea warranted product. Somestatesdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty lasts, so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you. In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the purchasepriceof the productsold. Alterationof safetyfeatures of the productshall void this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for loss, damage,or injuryto youand your propertyand/orto others and their propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use theproduct. This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe original purchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchasedas a gift. HOW STATELAW RELATESTO THISWARRANTY: This limitedwarrantygives youspecificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveother rights which vary from stateto state. IMPORTANT: OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage. d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310, 1-330-220-4683
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