MTD Edger Manual L0503317
User Manual: MTD MTD Edger Manual MTD Edger Owner's Manual, MTD Edger installation guides
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Safety ®Assembly ®Operation oTips & Techniques Gas Lawn Edger- READ SAFETY RULES ®Maintenance oTroubleshooting ®Parts Lists oWarranty Model Series 520 & 550 AND mNSTFIUCTmONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPEFIATmON Warning: This unit is equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brush= coveredor grass=coveredland unlessthe engine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor state laws (if any), If a sparkarresteris used, it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator,Inthe Stateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode), Otherstates mayhavesimilarlaws,Federallaws applyon federallands,A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyournearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO, Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136=0019, PRINTEDIN U,S,A MTD LLC, RO. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO, 769=00527F 10/04/2004 This Operator's Manua_ is an important part of your new gas lawn edger, mtwH_ he_p you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. P_ease read and understand what it says. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Safety Labels .................................................. Safe Operation Practices ............................ Setup & Assembly .......................................... KnowYour Edger ............................................ Operating Your Edger ..................................... 3 4-5 6 7 8 6. Making Adjustments ................................. 9-10 7. Maintaining & Servicing .......................... 11-12 8. Off-Season Storage ...................................... 12 9. Troubleshooting ............................................ 13 10. Parts List ................................................ 14-15 11. Warranty Finding and Recording BEFOREYOU STARTASSEMBLINGYOUR NEW EQUIP= ...................................................... iVlodei Number F MENT,please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information to the sample model plate provided to the righL You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and looking down at the rear of the gas lawn edger. This information will be necessary to use the manufacturer'sweb site and/or help from the Customer Sup= port Departmentor an authorized service dealer. Modem Number Serial Number MTD LLC P.O. BOX CLEVELAND, 330-220-4683 800-800-731 www, mtdproducts,com 361131 OH 44136 %. Customer P_ease do NOTretum purchased, without 16 J Support the unit to the retai_er from which first contacting if you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regardingthe controls, operation or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: Customer it was Support. Click here to search our knowledge base. Search by product, keyword, or phrase. 1. Visit for many useful suggestions. Click on Customer Support button and you will get the four options reproduced in this sample to the right. Click on the appropriate button and help is immediately available. Login to check the status of your questions, modify your inquiries, or update your personal profile. 2. Phone a Customer Support Representative at 1(800) 800=7310. Need local assistance? Click here to find authorized service centers in your area. 3. The engine manufacturer is responsiblefor all engine° related issues with regards to performance, power=rating, specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packed separatelywith your unit, for more Need a manual and/or parts list? Download literature from recent model years. 2 O r Labels Pleasetakea momentto reviewyour safetylabels. __4=i =1"_V:V,Vl±_"-- -_.[o]IIV±_IIII_[_ L:]lr±Ym] - i 3 ii _ ii iii manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. , Children 12. Ifgasolineis spilled,wipeit offthe engineandequipment.Move unitto anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbeforestartingengine. Tragicaccidentscan occurifoperatorisnot alert to presence of children.Childrenare oftenattractedto powerequipment such aslawnedgers.Theydo not understandthe dangers. Neverassumethatchildrenwill remainwhereyou last saw them. 13. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containernear an open flame,spark or pilot light as on a water heater,space heater, furnace,clothesdryeror othergas appliances. 14. Toreducefire hazard,keeplawnedgerfree of grass, leaves,or otherdebris build-up•Clean up oil or fuel spillage and removeany fuel soakeddebris• 15. Allow a lawnedgerto cool at least 5 minutesbeforestoring. 1. Keepchildrenout of the mowingarea andunderwatchful careof a responsibleadultotherthanthe operator. 2. Be alert andturn lawnedgeroff if a childentersthe area. 3. Beforeand whilemovingbackwards,look behindanddown forsmallchildren. General Operation: 1. Readthis operator'smanual carefullyin its entiretybefore attemptingto assemblethis machine•Read,understand, andfollow all instructionson the machineandin the manual(s) beforeoperation.Be completelyfamiliarwith the controls andthe proper use of this machinebefore operatingit.Keepthis manualin a safe place forfuture and regularreferenceandfor orderingreplacementparts• 4. Useextremecare when approachingblindcorners, doorways,shrubs,trees, or otherobjectsthat may obscure yourvisionof a childwho may run into the lawnedger• 5. Keepchildrenawayfrom hot or runningengines.Theycan sufferburnsfrom a hot muffler. 6. Neverallowchildrenunder14 yearsoldto operatean edger•Children14years oldand overshouldread and understandoperationinstructions andsafetyrulesin this manualandshouldbe trainedandsupervisedbya parent. endangerthe personal safety and/or property 2. This machineis a precision pieceof powerequipment,not a plaything•Therefore,exerciseextremecaution at all times. Yourunit has beendesignedto performonejob: to mow grass•Donot use it for any otherpurpose. Operation Safe Handling Of Gasoline: 3. Neverallowchildren under 14yearsold to operatethis machine•Children 14yearsold and overshould readand understandthe instructionsinthis manualandshould be trainedand supervisedbya parent.Only responsible individualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operation shouldbe allowed to use this machine• 1. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamage use extremecare in handlinggasoline•Gasolineis extremely flammableandthe vapors are explosive.Serious personal injury can occur when gasolineis spilled on yourselfor yourclotheswhichcan ignite. 2. Washyourskin andchangeclothesimmediately. 3. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. 4. Neverfill containersinsidea vehicle or on a truck or trailer bedwith a plastic liner•Alwaysplace containerson the groundawayfrom your vehiclebeforefilling. 5. Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom the truck or trailer and refuelit on the ground•Ifthis is not possible, then refuelsuch equipmenton a trailer witha portable container,ratherthan from a gasolinedispensernozzle. 4. Tohelp avoid bladecontact or a thrown objectinjury,stay in operatorzonebehind handlesand keepchildren,bystanders,helpersand pets at least 75 feetfrom lawnedgerwhile it is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersarea• 5. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used.Removeall stones, sticks,wire, bones,toys andother foreignobjectswhichcould be tripped overor picked up andthrown bythe blade.Thrownobjectscan cause serious personalinjury• 6. Alwayswear safetyglasses or safetygogglesduringoperation andwhile performingan adjustmentor repairto protect youreyes•Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan causeserious injury to the eyes• 7. Wearsturdy, rough-soledwork shoesand close-fitting slacksandshirts. Shirtsand pantsthat coverthe arms and legs andsteel-toedshoesare recommended•Neveroperate this machinein bare feet,sandals, slipperyor lightweight (e.g. canvas)shoes. 6. Keepthe nozzlein contactwith the rim of the fuel tank or containeropeningat all times until fueling is complete.Do not use a nozzlelock-opendevice• 7. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes andothersources of ignition• 8. Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevapors will accumulateinthe area. 9. Neverremovegas cap or addfuel whileengine is hot or running• Allow engineto cool at least two minutesbefore refueling• and follow the warnings and nstruct ons _.L_ .. _.... i IH LHUI5 m_HU_! 8. Neverattemptto makeany adjustmentswhilethe engine is running exceptwnere specmcallyrecommendedinthe operator's'manua 10 Neveroverf fue tank F tank to no morethan _Jznch • below bottomof filler neckto providefor fuel expansion, 11. Replacegasolinecap andtighten securely• i and Onthe machin÷ ..... ,J 4 9. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamageuse extreme care in handlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammable and the vapors are explosive.Serious personalinjury can occur when gasolineis spilled on yourself or your clothes which can ignite.Washeryour skinand changeclothes immediately. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe bladeandall movingparts havestopped.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 3. Checkthe bladeandenginemountingbolts atfrequent intervalsfor propertightness.Also,visuallyinspectblade fordamage(e.g.,bent,cracked,worn) Replacebladewith the originalequipmentmanufacture's(O£.M.) bladeonly, listedin thismanual.'Use of partswhich do not meetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay leadto improper performanceandcompromisesafety!" 4. Lawnedgerbladesaresharp andcancut. Wrapthe blade or weargloves,and use extracautionwhen servicingthem. 5. Keepall nuts,bolts, andscrewstight to be surethe equipment is in safeworkingcondition. 6. Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Checktheirproper operationregularly'. 7. Afterstrikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnectthe spark plugwire andgroundagainstthe engine. Thoroughlyinspectthe lawnedgerfor any damage.Repair the damagebeforestartingandoperatingthe lawnedger. 8. Neverattempt to makea wheel or cutting height adjustmentwhilethe engine is running. 10. Donot put handsor feet near rotatingparts.Contactwith the rotatingbladecan amputatehandsand feet. 11.The bladecontrol handle is a safety device.Neverbypass its operation.Doing so, makesthe machineunsafeand may causepersonal injury. 12. Neveroperatewithoutblade guard,debris shield andblade control handle in placeand working. 13. Neveroperatewith damagedsafetydevices.Failureto do so, can resultin personalinjury. 14. Neverrun an engine indoorsor ina poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. 15. Donot operate machinewhileunderthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. 16. Mufflerandengine becomehot andcan cause a burn.Do nottouch. 9. Manycomponentson your new edgercan wearwith continueduse. For safetyprotection,frequentlycheck all edgercomponentsand replaceimmediatelywith originalequipmentmanufacturer's(O.E.M.)parts only, listedin this manual."Use of parts whichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay lead to improper performanceand compromisesafety!" 10. Donot changethe engine governorsettingor overspeed the engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeedof the engine. 11. Maintainor replacesafetylabels,as necessary. 12. Observeproperdisposallawsand regulations.Improper disposalof fluidsand materialscan harmthe environment. 17. Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgoodvisibility or light. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting and keepa firm hold on the handles.Walk, neverrun. 18. Donot operate this machineif it has been droppedor damaged. Return machineto your nearestauthorizedservicing dealerfor examinationand repair. 19. Donot operate this machinewitha damagedor excessively worncutting blade. 20. Neverattemptto clear materialfrom the bladeguardwhile the engine is running.Shutthe engine off, disconnectthe spark plug wire andground againstthe engine to prevent unintendedstarting. 21. Donot overloadmachinecapacityby attemptingto edge at too fast of a rate. 22. Stay alert for unevensidewalks,terrain etc. Alwayspush slowly overroughsurfaces.Do not use this machineon gravelsurfaces. 23. Donot operate machinein rain or wet soil conditions. Alwaysoperatemachinefrom behindthe handlesand positionyourselfwhere the directline of sight to cutting bladeis blockedby guards. uaubefore attempting to resuUt in personaUinJury_ 24. Alwaysstop enginewhen edgingor trimmingis delayedor when transportingmachinefrom onelocationto another. Neverleave a runningmachineunattended.Stopthe engine,disconnectspark plug wireand ground againstthe engine to preventunintendedstarting. 25. Only use parts andaccessoriesmade for this machineby the manufacturer.Failureto do so, can result in personal injury. 26. If situationsoccurwhichare not coveredinthis manual,use care andgood judgment.Telephone330_220-4683 or 1-800-800-7310 for CustomerSupport andthe name of your nearestdealer. Service 1. Neverrun an engineindoorsor ina poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. 5 Securing the Handle UpperHandle \ IMPORTANT:This unitis shippedWITHOUTGASOLINE. After settingup the unit, serviceengine with gasolineas instructedin the separateenginemanualpackedwith your unit. Be sure to serviceenginewith the oil enclosedwith this unit as instructedin theseparateenginemanual NOTE: Referenceto right or left handside of the edgeris observedfromthe operatingposition. Positioning the Edger HandJes 1. Removeand discardanypackagingcardboardthat may be presentbetweenthe upper handleand the lowerhandle. 2. Depressthe bladecontrolat the top of the upper handleand pivot the upperhandleupwarduntilit snapsinto place. 3. Tightenthe handknobs,whichare locatedon boththe left and rightsidesof the handle.See Figure2. WingKnob RopeGuide Figure 1 Attaching HandKnobs UpperHandle the Starter Rope 1. Locatethe rope guidefoundon the rightsideof the upper handle. 2. Loosen,butdo NOT remove,the wingknobwhich securesthe rope guideto theupper handle.See Figure1. 3. Standbehindthe unitand holdthe blade control againstthe upperhandleand gently pull the starter rope outof theengine. WARNING: The edger MadeWiLL rotate when the starter rope is pulled. NOTE: The starterropewill notpull out of the engineunlessthe bladecontrol (referto Figure1) is depressedagainstthe upperhandle. LowerHandle IM PORTANT: 1. S@the starterropethroughthe topof therope guide. 2. Retightenthe wing knobwhich securesthe rope guide to the upper handle. Figure 2 6 Be familiar with all controls and their Model 550 show here. Figure 3 WARNING; Be familiar with all controls and Blade Depth Control Lever theirproperoperation,Knowhow to stop the machine and disengage them quicHy, NOTE: Refer to the EngineManualpacked withyour edger fora detaileddescriptionof all engine-related controlsand components. The bladedepthcontrol leveris locatedon the rightside of the upper handle.It is usedto control thedepthof the cut. Thefurther forwardthe bladedepthcontrol leveris moved,the deeper intothesoil the edger bladewill cut. See Figure3. gage them quickJy. Bevel Adjustment Lever (if so equipped) the Engine Manual packed with your edger for a detailed description of all engine-related controls and components. The beveladiustmentlever,if so equipped,is located on thefront, left portionof the edger,behindthe edger blade,It is usedto vary the angle of theedger blade betweenone of threepositionsfor edging/trenchingor bevelededging.See Figure3. Starter Rope / Recoil Starter The pull rope/recoilstarteris usedto startthe engine. Primer The primeris usedto pumpgas into thecarburetorand aid in startingthe engine.Use it to start a coldengine, butdo not use it to restarta warmengineafter a short shutdown. proper operation, Know how to stop the machine and disen- NOTE: Referto Curb Height Adjustment Lever #f so equipped) The curbheightadiustmentlever,if so equipped,is foundon the rear portionof the edger,Whenplacedin an applicablenotch,it aids in stabilizingthe edger while edginggrass alonga curb. See Figure3. NOTE: Refer to the EngineManualpacked withyour edger fora detaileddescriptionof all engine-related controlsand components. IMPORTANT: Becomefamiliarwith all thecontrols Blade Control beforeoperatingtheedger. Locatedon the upperhandle,the blade controlmustbe depressedagainstthe upperhandlein orderto operate the unit. Releasingthe blade controlstopsthe engine and the edger blade. See Figure3. 7 IMPORTANT: Becomefamilial with all the controls before operating the edger. The operationof anyedger can result in foreign objects beingthrown intothe which can result in severeeye damage.Alwayswearsafetyglasses or eyeshields.Werecommendwide vision safety maskfor over spectaclesor standard safety glasses. Edging Tobeginedging,proceedas follows: 1, Movethe unitover to thearea to be edged,making surethat the bft rearwheelis on a hardsurfaceand the bladeis overthe area to be cut, See Figure4, WARNING: Do not lower blade if blade is over concrete, asphalt, rocks or the like. The blade can strike the supporting surface, resulting in personal injuryor property damage. Adding Gasoline And Oil Servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil as instructed in the EngineManualpackedwith your edger,Read instructionscarefully, WARNING: Never fill fuel tank indoors, with engine running or until the engine has been allowed to cool for at least two minutes after running. WARNING Do not lower blade if blade is over concrete, asphalt, rocks or the like. The blade can strike the supporting surface, resulting in personal injury or property damage. Never fill fuel tank indoors, with engine runningor until the engine has been allowed to cool for at least two minutes after running. This control mechanism is a safety device. Never attempt to bypass its operaLion, Starting The Engine Figure 4 NOTE: Referto the EngineManualpacked withyour edgerfora detaileddescriph'onofall engine=related controlsand components. 2, Movethe bladedepthcontrol leverto the left and place intothe next lowernotch, Thenmakea pass along the area to be edged beforeproceedingto the nextnotch, Thefurther forwardthe blade depthcontrolleveris moved,the deeperor lowerthe bladewill cut intothe ground, Severalpassesmay be necessaryto obtain the desireddepthof cut, Do not lowertheblade more thanone depthnotch at a time withoutmakinga pass, Tostart theedger'sengine,proceedas follows: 1, Movethe bladedepth controlleverbackto the STARTpositionin the adiacent(top)notch, 2, Depressthe primerbulbthreetimes, pausingtwo to threesecondsbetweeneachpush,In cold weather (below50°F/19°C),it may be necessaryto depress the primerbulb fouror five times, 3, For bestresults, proceedslowlyalong the pathbeing edged,slowlymovingthe edger backand forth through the cuttingarea,againmakingsureto keepthe left rear wheelon the hard surfaceand the blade in the cuttingpath,close to but not touchingthe edge of the hard surface, IMPORTANT:Usingthe primerto restarta warm engineafter a short shutdownis usuallynotnecessary, Doingso may resultin a floodedengine, 3, Standingbehindthe unit, depresstheblade control and hold it againstthe upper handlewith yourleft hand, 4, Onceyou havereachedthe end of yourcutting path, raisethe bladecontrol leverbackinto the START position,moveto the nextarea to be cut, and proceed againfrom step 1, WARNING: Thiscontrol mechanism is a safety device. Never attempt to bypass its operation. Stopping The Engine 4, With yourright hand,graspthe recoilstarterhandb and slowlypull the ropeoutwarduntil enginereaches the startof its compressioncycle (therope will pull slightlyharderat this point), 5, After slowlyallowingthe rope to recoil, pull the rope with a rapid,continuous,full arm stroke,Keepa firm grip on starter handlethroughoutthe entirestroke, 6, Allowthe starterhandb to slowlyreturnto therope guide, Tostop the edger'sengine,releasethe bladecontrol handle, NOTE: See yourenginemanua/packed with yourunit for moredetailedinstructions. NOTE: If the enginefails to startafter threepuffs, depresstheprimeran additionaltwo timesbefore pulling thestarterrope again. 8 Edging Along A Curb NOTE: Edgerfeaturesvaryby model.All edgermodels do NOTcome equippedto edge along a curb nor is there a curb wheelkit availableto modifyyour edgerif it was not purchasedequippedto do so. On modelsso equipped,the right, rearwheelof the edgercan be loweredintoone of five positionsto ease the taskof edgingalong a curb, Toadiustto the heightof the curbwheel, proceedas follows: 1, Lowerthe right, rear wheelby movingthe curb height adjustmentleverslightlyto the left, See Figure5, 2, Pivotthe right,rear wheelintoan applicablepositionin relationto the heightofthe curbto be edgedalong, 3, Releasethe curb heightadiustmentleverto lock the wheelin position,See Figure6, 4, Proceedback to step 1 underEdgingat the beginning of this page, Figure 5 NOTE: Severalpassesmay be necessaryto obtainthe desireddepthof cut. Do notIowerblade morethanone depthnotch at a time. ustment Lever Lowered Position Figure 6 9 BevelAdjustment NOTES: NOTE: Edger featuresvary by mode/.A// edgermodels doNOT come equippedwitha bevel adjustmentnor is therea beveladjustmentkit availableto modifyyour edgerif it wasnot purchasedequippedto do so. Theangle of the edgerblade can be adiustedbyplacing the beveladiustmentin one of threepositionsfor edging or bevelededging,See Figure7, WARNING Rotating cutting blade may throw objects causing personaJ injury.Keeparea clear of bystanders and do not operate without guards in place. Figure 7 _L throw objects causing personal injury. ARNING: Rotating cutting blade may Keep area clear of bystanders and do not operate without guards in place. Beveling in orderto achievea bevellededge,set the bevel adjustmentlever(referto Figure7) in the first (left hand) or third (righthand) notchto placethe edger blade in positionfor beveling, See positionsbelowin Figure8, Left Hand Position Right Hand Position Beveted Edging Positions Figure 8 10 wire and ground against the engine ARNING: Dwconnect the spark plug before performing any adjustment, repairs or maintenance. _lb _ Flange Lock Nut Flywheel '................................................................................................................. <--_'_/A! ti/___ Lubrication Engine Refertothe EngineManualpackedwithyouredgerfora detaileddescriptionof all engine=related servicespecs, Flat Side WheeW of Be,t Lubricatethe wheelsand bearingsat least oncea seasonwith a lightoil, Alsoif thewheels are removedfor any reason,lubricatethe surfaceof the axle boltand the inner surfaceof the wheelwith lightoil Assemb,y _VBSide Guar Figure 10 2, With yourother hand,carefullyreachunderthe rearof the unit and removethe belt fromaroundthe engine flywheelpulley, 3, Removethe spindlesheavesbelt guard byremoving the two self4appingscrewswhich secureit to the blade plateassembly, 4, Use two wrenches(one wrenchto preventthe hex bolt headfrom spinningand the otherto removethe flangenut) to removethe edger blade, Refer to Figure11, Pivot Points Lubricatethe pivotpoints on the blade controlbail,blade depthcontrollever,and if applicable,the blade adiust= ment lever,and curb heightadiustmentleverwith light oil at least oncea season, Bearing Block Lubricatethe bearingNeckonce a season,or as needed by simplyapplyingoil at each end of thecover plate, See Figure9, The edger blade is sharp. Wear Wather work gtoves to protect your hands when working around the edger blade Disconnect the spark plug wire and ground against the engine before performing any adjustment, repairs or maintenance. Figure 11 Figure 9 5, Removeand discardthe edger bladebut retainthe flangenut, 6, Installthe replacementedger bladeand the flangenut removedearlier, Replacing the Edger Blade IMPORTANT:Usea torquewrenchto tightenthe flange nutto between37 footqbs,and 50 footqbs, Lubricate WARNING: The edger blade issharp. Wear leather work gloves to protect your hands when working around the edger blade. 7, Reinstallthe spindlebeltguard with the self tapping screwsremovedearlier, 8, Carefullyplacethe drivebelt backonto theengine flywheelpulley,and retightentheflange lock nuton the top of the frame, WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug wire and ground against engine before performing the following steps. 1, Workingin front of the edger,loosentheflange lock nuton top of frame,allowingthe idler pulleyassembly to pivotslightlyout from theframe,See Figure10, IMPORTANT:Makecertainthat the drivebelt is seatedcorrectlyon the blade spindleand that it is riding smoothlyon the spindlesheavesand is notpinched betweenthem,Repeatthefirst threestepsif the beltis pinched, \ 11 Replacina the Drive Belt j Theedger drivebelt is subjectto wearand shouldbe replacedif any signsof cracking,shreddingor rotting are present.To replacethe belt, proceedas follows: 1. Working in front of the edger,loosentheflange lock nut on top of frame,allowingthe idler pulley assemblyto pivot slightlyoutfrom the frame.See Figure10. 2. With yourotherhand,carefullyreachunderthe rear of the unitand removethe beltfrom aroundthe engineflywheelpulley. 3. Removethespindlesheavesbeltguard by removing the two self=tappingscrewswhichsecure it to the blade plateassembly.See Figure10. 4. Carefullyremovethe belt fromoff of the pulleys, againmakingsureto notethe orientationof the belt. Discardthe belt. Never operate the edger without the spindle sheaves belt guard in place. the spindlesheaves route_tbackonto the two _d[er ..... _ tk...... t _,,,t_, th....... _ _h,,_, IMPORTANT:Toaid in reassemb[y,notethe orientation of the drivebelton the two idler pulleysand the engine flywheelpulleyprior to performingthe followingsteps. Referto Figure10. WARNING 5 Working fromthefront oftheedger, p[acethe be[tonto _[[_'y_........ P................ _..... ' ...... IMPORTANT:Makecertainthat the"V" side of the belt is seatedintothe top pulleyand the fiat side ofthe beltis seatedintothe bottompulley. 6. Reinstallthe spindlesheavesbelt guardwith the self tappingscrewsremovedearlier. 7. Makecertainthat thedrive beltis on the engine flywheelpulleyand idler pulleys,and retightenthe flangelock nuton the top of theframe. IMPORTANT:Makecertainthat thedrive beltis seated correctlyand that it is ridingsmoothlyon the spindle sheavesand is not pinchedbetweenthem. Repeatthe firstthree stepsif the belt is pinched. WARNING: Never operate the edger without the spindle sheaves belt guard in place. Installthereplacement belt(PartNo.754_04032B)in the sameconfigurationthat theoriginalbeltwas routedas follows: Off-Season Storage Observethefollowingwhenpreparingthe edgerfor long-termstorage: 1. Cleanand lubricateunitthoroughlyas instructedon page 11of this manual 2. Referto the EngineManualpackedseparately with the edgerfor enginemanufacturers'sstorage instructions. 3. Coatthe edger bladewith chassisgreaseto prevent rustingand corrosion. 4. Storethe edgerin a dry, clean area.Donot store next to anycorrosivematerials,such as lawnfertilizer. 5. Coatthe edger,especiallyany springsand bearings with a lightoil or siliconespray. IMPORTANT:Whenstoringanytype of powerequipment in an poorlyventilatedor metalstorageshed, careshould be takento rustproofthe equipment. 12 Problem Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action Engine faiB to start Dirty air cleaner Engineneedsto be primed Fueltank empty Stalefuel in gasolinetank Sparkplug wire disconnected. Sparkplug fouled Engineflooded Referto the EngineManualpackedwithyour unit. Pushprimerbulb two or threetimes. Filltank withclean,fresh gasoline. Draingasolineandrefilltank withclean,fresh gasoline. Connectthe sparkplug wire to the sparkplug. Clean, adjustgapor replacesparkplug. Referto the EngineManualpackedwithyour unit. Engine runs erratic Sparkplug wire loose Stalefuel in gasolinetank Ventin gas cap plugged Wateror dirt in fuel system Dirty air cleaner Carburetorout of adjustment Connect andtighten sparkplug wire. Draingasoline& refilltank with clean,fresh gasoline. Clear vent of any debris. Drainfuel tank. Refillwith freshfuel. m m Referto the EngineManualpackedwith yourunit. Referto the EngineManualpackedwith yourunit. _ Engine Overheats Engineoil levellow Air flow restricted Dirty air filter Carburetornot adjustedproperly Fillcrankcasewith properoil. Clean the area aroundthe engine'scoolingfins. Replacethe engine'sair filter. Referto the EngineManualpackedwith yourunit. Excessive Vibration Edgerbladebent or damaged Bladespindlebent or damaged Replaceedgerblade. Contactan authorizedMTDservicedealer. Drivebelt Slips Belt wornor stretched Replacedrivebelt. For parts and/or accessories please call 1-330-220-4683, or 1-800-800-7310 13 Model520 TfioStarBlade PartLmst. B U Spindle Assembmy Model 550 & 520 PLEASE NOTE: Edger features and compo= nents vary by model. NOT all parts listed u here and pictured on this page are standard equipment. For parts and/or accessories please carl 1-330-220=4683, or 1=800-800-F310 V=BELTSare speciallydesignedto engageand disen= gage safely,A substitute(non=OEM)V=Beltcan be dangerousby not disengagingcompletely, 1 687=02126 Blade PlateAssembly 15 747=04110 BladeAdiustmentRod 2 710=04389 Hex Screw,5/16=18 16 750=04105 Spacer,,63 x 1,12x 1,06 3 710=0599 Self=tappingScrew,1/4=20 17 750=0547 Spacer,,64 x,88 x ,50 4 710=1143A Hex Screw,5/8=18 18 754=04032B Belt 5 712=0417A FlangeNut,5/8=18 19 756=0449 Sheave 6 714=3010 CotterPin 3/32 x,625 20 781=0080 Blade 7 718=04012 BearingCup 21 781=0427 BeltGuard 8 731=04207 BearingBlock 22 787=01081A CoverPlate 9 731=05064 BladeGuard 23 781=0748 Tri=starBlade (Opt.Access.) 10 732=0188A DoubleTorsionSpring 24 711=1017 ClevisPin 11 732=04169 CompressionSpring 25 714=0104 CotterPin 12 736=04088 FlatWasher,635x1,24x,181 26 736=0342 FlatWasher,,260x,72 13 738=0706B ShoulderScrew 27 787=01075A CoverPlate 14 741=0524 Bearing,,625ID x 1,57OD 14 Hand[elFrame/ Wheel Assembly Model 1 710-0191 Screw3/8-24 24 749-04184 LowerHandle 2 710_0411 Screw3/8q6 25 781_0741A DepthindexBracket 3 710-0654A Screw,3/8q6 26 781-0742 DepthindexLever 4 712_04065 Range LockNut,3/8q6 27 687_02022 Curb HeightAdiustmentLever 5 731_05063 DebrisGuard 28 687_02125 Curb HeightAdiusterPlate 6 736-0452 BellWasher,,396 x 1,140 29 710-0759 HexScrew5/16x 18 7 750_04142 PulleyMount Spacer 30 711_04361 Axle Shaft,50x6,65 8 756_04148 Flat[diet Pulley,2,50D 31 711_04392A FrameSpacer,50x9,25 9 756q150A CombinationFlywheeIPulley 32 712-04065 RangeNut 3/8q6 10 787-01229 Frame 33 726-0299 PushCap 1/2"rod 11 710-0726 Hex Screw,5/16q2 34 732-04045 TorsionSpring 12 710q174 CarriageBolt, 5/16q8 35 734q987 Wheel8xl,8 13 710q205 RopeGuide (EyeBofi) 36 734q988 WheelTxl,8 14 710-3180 Hex Screw,5/16q8 37 736-0234 FlatWasher,,385x 1,5x,075 15 712-04063 Lock RangeNut,5/16q8 38 738-04149 ShoulderScrew,3/8q6 16 720-0142 Grip 39 738-0929 ShoulderScrew,3/8q6 17 720-0279 Wing Nut 40 750-04129 Spacer 18 720-04052 HandKnob 41 787-01239 DualWheeIBracket 19 732-0369 CompressionSpring 42 711-04362 Spacer 20 746_04035 ControlCaNe (Briggs&Stratton)43 736_0232 WaveWasher 21 746-04036 WheelAdiustmentCaNe 44 750-04427 Spacer,,525x ,775x ,1125 22 747-0976A BladeControl 45 750-04428 Spacer,,525x,775x ,3125 23 749-04183 UpperHandle 46 787-01240 WheeIBracket 15 550 & 520 PLEASE NOTE: Edger features and components vary by mode[. NOT a[[ parts listed here and pictured on , this page are standard } equipment, For parts and/or accessories please call 1-330.220-4683, or 1-800-800-73!0 MANUFACTURER'S LIMITED WARRANTY FOR The limitedwarrantyset forth belowis givenby MTDLLCwith respectto newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its posses_ sionsand territories. e, MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution, "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanship for a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon the dateof original purchase and will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materialsor workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordance with the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product,and hasnot been subiectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,improper maintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire, water,or damagebecause of otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnot approvedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfora period of thirty (30) days from thedate of purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries, belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags,rider deck wheels,seats,snow throwerskid shoes,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires. NOW TO OBTAmNSERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE,through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019, or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoveragein the followingcases: a. Theengine or componentpartsthereof.These itemsmaycarry a separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applbable manufacturer's warrantyfor termsand conditions. f, Replacementparts that are notgenuineMTDparts, b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year warranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune_ups,brakeadiustments,clutchadiustments,deck adiustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinishdue to use or exposure, g, Transportationchargesand servicecalls, No implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchant° ability of fitness for a particular purpose, applies after the applicable period of express written warranty above as to the parts as identified. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as mentioned above, given by any person or entity, includinga dealer or retailer, with respect to any product, shall bind MTD. During the period of the warranty, the exclusive remedy is repair or replacement of the product as set forth above. The provisions as set forth in this warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liable for incidental or consequential loss or damage including, without limitation, expenses incurred for substitute or replacement lawn care services or for rental expenses to temporarily replace a warranted product. Somestatesdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty lasts,so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you. In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthanthe amountof the purchasepriceof the productsold. Alteration of safety features of the product shall void this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for loss,damage,or iniuryto youand yourpropertyand/or to others and their propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use the product. This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe original purchaseror to the personfor whom it was purchasedas a gift. NOWSTATELAW RELATESTO THISWARRANTY: This limitedwaF rantygives youspecificlegal rights,and you mayabe haveother rights which vary from stateto state, IMPORTANT:OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage, d, Serviceeompbted bysomeoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer, MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 381131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44138-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310, 1-330-220-4883
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 16 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Tue Aug 14 21:26:34 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by