Users Manual

                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 1      ENTR Dongle Communication protocol document  Revision: 6.1  Date 11-01-17      Proprietary Notice The information contained in this document is proprietary to Mul-T-Lock. Use or transfer of this document or the information contained herein without the express written consent of Mul-T-Lock is prohibited.
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 2    Rev Description Name Date Signature 1.0 Initial release David Termin 06-04-15    2.0 Parag. 3.2- More detailed added. David Termin 15-04-15     Parag. 4- Unified tables     Add Parag.2.3     Add Parag. 6-Key generation procedure    3.0 Add 'get status' command  07-05-15    4.0 Rearrange step by step procedure on parag. 3  03-06-15  5.0 Delete ,correct status register mapping David Termin 05-08-15    6.0 Change parag. 4.2 and 3.3.8  18-01-16  6.1 Add FW update capability on parag. 3.3.1 David Termin 11-01-17  Product: Integration Bridge  Customer: Mul-T-Lock  APPROVALS:  Title Name Date Signature Checked By R&D Manager    Approved By R&D Manager    Quality Mgmt Configuration Manager
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 3        Contents    1 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 1-Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2 USB Dongle ICD ................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Real Estate .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2- Real Estate, dimensions: (L)57.15 x (W)19.05mm inc. Plastic Cover ................................................. 5 2.1 Temperature ............................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Voltage ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.3 Current Consumption ................................................................................................................................ 6 3 USB (UART COM port) Overall Description ....................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Open a virtual command window ............................................................................................................. 6 3.2 UART Command format ........................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Examples of step by step command structure ......................................................................................... 7 3.3.1 First time USB insertion .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.3.2 Search Keys 0x71(see table on paragraph 4.2) ........................................................................................ 7 Figure 6-Search Keys Transaction Message structure ......................................................................................... 7 3.3.3 In response you receive a 0x72 Keysfound status (see paragraph 4.2) .................................................... 7 3.3.4 Getkey 0x74(see table on paragraph 4.2)................................................................................................. 7 Figure 3-Getkey Transaction Message structure .................................................................................................. 8 3.3.5 Unlock 0x7B(see table on paragraph 6) ................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4-Unlock Transaction Message structure .................................................................................................. 8 3.3.6 In response you receive a 0x70 Status (see paragraph 4.2) ...................................................................... 8 3.3.7 Lock 0x7A(see table on paragraph 4.2) ................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5-Lock Transaction Message structure ..................................................................................................... 9 3.3.8 In response you receive a 0x70 Status (see paragraph 4.2) ...................................................................... 9 3.3.9 Get Status 0x7C(see table on paragraph 4.2) ........................................................................................... 9 Figure 5-Lock Transaction Message structure ..................................................................................................... 9 3.3.10 ShowKeysLock 0x73(see table on paragraph 4.2) ............................................................................ 10 Figure 7-ShowsKeysLock Transaction Message structure ................................................................................ 10 4 Remote Unit Commands...................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Error codes ............................................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 External control through BLE master commands(Com port) ............................................................. 10 5 BLE Module Flow   ENTR .............................................................................................................................. 11 6 Pending key generation process through the smartphone App ............................................................................ 13 7 For radio enclosure .............................................................................................................................................. 17 7.1 Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) (FCC 15.105) .............................................................................. 17 7.2 Labeling Requirements (FCC 15.19) ...................................................................................................... 17 7.3 Modifications (FCC 15.21) ...................................................................................................................... 18 7.4 RF Exposure info ( FCC 2.1093)-for module radio ............................................................................... 18 1
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 4    1. Introduction  1.1 Scope This document describes the spec for the BLE USB dongle communication protocols. The module will serve the SW engineers and integrators.  An integrator is a person that owns the knowhow of the home automation API protocol and commands and how to integrate it to our BLE API. Along with that it will attach the SPI master and UART/USB source codes. 1.2 Purpose The protocol addresses the following needs: Request of a general system status. Notify the BLE when individual statuses are changed. Allow the BLE to change system settings and etc. The BLE USB dongle in intend to integrate to a server that supports USB interface. 1.3 Block Diagram     ST BlueNRG Freescale MCU MK21DN512VMC5 SPISPI MasterSPI SlaveInterruptHW Encryption NXP7001I2CIntegrator Server/PCUSBUSB Slave USB HostBLE Module5VGNDIntegratorServer/PC Figure 1-Block Diagram
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 5    2 USB Dongle ICD No ICD needed, insert to any standard USB host port. 2.1 Real Estate      external [mm] PCB [mm]   enclosure Length Width Height Length Width Height 1 P-220705 57.15 19.05 12.7 52.08 14.74 1.57   Figure 2- Real Estate, dimensions: (L)57.15 x (W)19.05mm inc. Plastic Cover
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 6      2.1 Temperature  -10~+60C. 2.2 Voltage  +5V+5%, Low power (<100ma) USB 2.0 standard 2.3 Current Consumption  Max. 30ma@5V.   3 USB (UART COM port) Overall Description 3.1 Open a virtual command window   Install the windows driver (32/64 bit) into the PC.  Insert the BLE dongle into the Server/PC USB host port.  Check that the driver recognized the dongle.  Open a terminal (etc. putty/TeraTerm) and select the appropriate virtual COM port.  Enable echo on.  Set the speed to 115200bps and  8, N, 1,  Now you can write the command as it appears in paragraph 3.3. 3.2 UART Command format Virtual COM protocol generically implements the same protocol as in SPI between Integrator -MCU and BLE-module MCU. The same conceptual communication is done as in SPI, starting from the command, and excluding the header. Each command is finished with line-end, instead of transmitting the length in the header.
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 7    All data is sent as hex data printed as two 0-F textual digits. Strings can for example be converted using, by putting the textual string in the ASCII field, selecting “Remove 0x” checkbox, and copying the values in “Hex” window. No delimiters between values. For example: Send a byte of 0xAB 0xF0, need to send the string "ABF0".   3.3 Examples of step by step command structure  3.3.1 First time USB insertion When inserting the dongle in the USB port you have to wait at list 6 seconds before sending first command (See BLE USB-Dongle Bootloader user guide for FW update feature).  3.3.2 Search Keys 0x71(see table on paragraph 4.2)    Figure 6-Search Keys Transaction Message structure          Search Keys  71 3.3.3 In response you receive a 0x72 Keysfound status (see paragraph 4.2)    3.3.4 Getkey 0x74(see table on paragraph 4.2) On the Getkey command you have to insert the ID that you received on message 72 and afterwards the key hex value that have been generate for you in your smartphone.   Dongle/UART 71
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 8     Figure 3-Getkey Transaction Message structure          Getkey 1 123456  7401313233343536(ASCII)  After sending the GetKey command you will receive an FE(acknowledge) or FF(Non acknowledge) response.  3.3.5 Unlock 0x7B(see table on paragraph 6)    Figure 4-Unlock Transaction Message structure          Unlock   7B506176656c6f636b00(ASCII)  The 506176656c6f636b00 is the lock name that you receive from the 0x72 message. After sending the Unlock command you will receive an FE(acknowledge) or FF(Non acknowledge) response. The search Keys(0x71) and getKey(0x74) commands are only used for receiving a pending key for the dongle , afterwards  you can use the lock/unlock/status commands only. 3.3.6 In response you receive a 0x70 Status (see paragraph 4.2) The status register contain the door status: Door is closed, Lock is locked, Muted, Automatic locking, Charging and battery condition.  3.3.7 Lock 0x7A(see table on paragraph 4.2)  Dongle/UART 7401313233343536  Dongle/UART 7B506176656c6f636b00
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 9      Figure 5-Lock Transaction Message structure         Lock   7A506176656c6f636b00(ASCII)  The 506176656c6f636b00 is the lock name that you receive from the 0x72 message. After sending the lock command you will receive an FE(acknowledge) or FF(Non acknowledge) response. 3.3.8 In response you receive a 0x70 Status (see paragraph 4.2) The status register contain the door status: Door is closed, Lock is locked, Muted, Automatic locking, Charging and battery condition.  3.3.9 Get Status 0x7C(see table on paragraph 4.2)    Figure 5-Lock Transaction Message structure         Lock    7C506176656c6f636b00(ASCII) The status register(0x70) contain the door status: Door is closed, Lock is locked, Muted, Automatic locking, Charging and battery condition. After sending the status command you will receive an FE(acknowledge) or FF(Non acknowledge after timeout) response.     Dongle/UART 7A506176656c6f636b00  Dongle/UART 7C506176656c6f636b00
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 10    3.3.10 ShowKeysLock 0x73(see table on paragraph 4.2)    Figure 7-ShowsKeysLock Transaction Message structure     ShowKeyLock 0  7300(ASCII)          4 Remote Unit Commands The tables below are Commands, statuses and errors and are defines as the message part.  4.1 Error codes Code Meaning 0x01 CRC Error 0x02 Unknown command 0x03 Address error 0x04 Command failed 0x05 Data error 0x10 No stored eKey for this lock 0x11 Error communicating with lock 0x12 Permission denied 0x13 Wrong PIN 0x14 Locked out due to many wrong PINs attempts 0x7F Unspecified error 4.2 External control through BLE master commands(Com port)  Name Code Data Meaning Remote Unlock 0x7B LockName+’\0’ Actual sent length can be variable, with length in the header. Max allowed total length with trailing 0 is 30 bytes. ACK will be sent in reply when successfully managed sending a unlock command (eKey Dongle/UART 7300
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 11    compared). NACK will be sent on errors with following error codes 0x10-0x12. Remote Lock 0x7A LockName+’\0’ Usage identical to remote unlock command Status 0x70 StatusBitmap+ BatteryPercent The status bits are: {X, Y, Charging ,Door is open, Lock is unlocked, Muted, Manual locking, 1} X,Y  00(>20%) -- High state of charge. 01(<10%) -- Low state of charge. 10(<20%) -- Medium state of charge. Get Status 0x7C LockName+’\0’ Usage identical to remote Lock/unlock command  Search Keys 0x71 None Command to start scanning for locks with pending keys ACK reply when request received and search started KeysFound 0x72 Count/ID(1 byte) + LockName+’\0’ As a first message, Count/ID will act as Count and say how much Locks is found with pending keys. On all messages, Count/ID acts as ID and will show identification number of the current lock with pending keys. Its values are in range 1 to Count. If Count/ID is 0, then LockName will not exist. Max lock name is 8 character, If the lock name is less than 8 character the FW will add 20(space) to complete to 8 characters and 00 for end of string.  If lock name is exactly 8 characters the FW will add 00 only for end of string. ShowKeyLock 0x73 ID (1 byte) Request to get KeysFound for specific given ID. GetKey 0x74 ID (1 byte)+ PIN (6 bytes) ID of the lock from which to request the pending key PIN is alphanumeric code to get this key ACK is replied when key is received NACK can be sent with codes 0x11 and 0x13 ACK 0xFE None  NACK 0xFF Error code  Factory reset 0x06 0x80 Resets all persistent memory and erases all stored keys  5  BLE Module Flow   ENTR This flow describes all flow between the system parts, this document cover the communication between the integrator box and the BLE module/dongle.
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 12
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 13         6 Pending key generation process through the smartphone App Assuming the ENTR DU is already paired to the smartphone. Get into “Lock Settings” by tapping the lock icon:
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 14     Tap on “Add User”
                                                ENTR Project                Jan, 01, 2017  An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 15     Enter the user name, generate the key code, and share or remember the code for the process of getting the key through the integration unit. Press “ACTIVATE”:
ENTR Project     Jan, 01, 2017 An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 16 On Success you will see the following screen: From this moment, for the predefined expiration time, the key will be waiting in the lock until it will be pulled from the lock using the code. The key pulling can be done by the integration unit or any other phone user possessing the code.
ENTR Project     Jan, 01, 2017 An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 17  (FCC)   Statement Labelling 7 For radio enclosure Federal           Communications     Commission     requirement for small device statement (FCC15.19(3)) This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 7.1 Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) (FCC 15.105) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital devices pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which   thereceiver is connected. •Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
ENTR Project     Jan, 01, 2017 An ASSA ABLOY Group Brand  Page 18 Product FCC ID: 2AHH881132 7.3 Modifications (FCC 15.21) Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Mul-T-Lock® may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. 7.4 RF warning for Portable device The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.

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