MYLAPS ACTIVE Beacon for laptiming User Manual part 2

MYLAPS BV Beacon for laptiming part 2


User manual part 2

6.  EC  and  FCC  regulationsMost  electronic  equipment  produces  some  undesired  interference  at  a close  distance.  To  make  sure  the  increasingnumbers  of electronic  equipment  will  not  cause  harmful  interference,  the  CE  (Europe)  and  FCC  (US)  regulations  statevery  low  levels  of  interference  that  should  not  be exceeded.  The  AMB  equipment  does  not  exceed  these  levels.The  CE  regulations  also  state  the  levels  of  interference  generated  by  other  sources  which  the  equipment  must  be  able  totolerate  without  malfunctioning.  These  levels  are  considerably  higher  than  the  interference  levels  produced  by  theelectronic  equipment  itself.  Cellular  telephones  however  may  generate  interference  levels  which  may  cause  otherelectronic  equipment  to  malfunction.  AMB  made  sure  its  equipment  is  insensitive  to  the  interference  generated  by  cellulartelephones  or  other  modern  fonms  of personal  radio  communications.The  FCC  regulations  for  Infonmation  Technology  equipment  which  must  be  printed  in the  manuals  state  that  you  musttolerate  interference  produced  by  others  and  you  must  switch-off  when  interference  produced  by  your  equipment  isexperienced  by  others.  The  level  of  interference  is strongly  reduced  when  you  increase  the  distance  between  two  piecesof  electronic  equipment.  For  example:  your  portable  radio  will  most  probably  experience  interference  when  placed  on  topof  your  monitor,  but  will  work  very  well  a few  feet  away.  Since  the  AMB  transponders  operate  on  magnetic  induction  theyhave  no  antenna,  but  a built-in  coil  instead.  The  transponders  do  not  produce  an  electromagnetic  (radio)  wave  but  only  amagnetic  wave.  The  difference  between  an  electromagnetic  (radio)  wave  and  a  magnetic  wave  is that  theelectromagnetic  wave  travels  by  itself  over  great  distances  and  the  magnetic  wave  does  not.  As  the  distance  increasesthe  strength  of the  magnetic  wave  is  greatly  reduced.  This  is why  AMB  transponders  are  no transmitters.This  equipment  complies  with  part  15 of the  FCC  rules.  Operation  is subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  Thisequipment  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2) this  equipment  must  accept  any  interference  received,  includinginterference  that  may  cause  undesired  operation.Note:  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a Class  B digital  device,  pursuant  to  part  15of  the  FCC  rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a residentialinstallation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if not  installed  and  used  inaccordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  noguarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in a particular  installation.  If this  equipment  does  cause  hanmful  interference  toradio  or television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is encouraged  to  tryto  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of the  following  measures:.Reorient  or  relocate  the  receiving  antenna..Increase  the  separation  between  the  equipment  and  receiver-.Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a circuit  different  from  that  to which  the  receiver  is  connectedEC  Declaration  of  ConformityThe  EC  Declaration  of  Conformity  is the  method  by which  AMB  i.t.  declares  that  the  AMB  TranX260  system  complieswith  the  EMC  directive  (89/336/EEC)  and  low  voltage  directive  (73/23/EEC).The  AMB  active  loop  consists  of:.AMB  TranX  active  loopMains  adapter  230  V AC/12  V  DCApplicable  harmonised  EMC  standardsEN  55022EN  50082-1Class  B,  Information  Technology  EquipmentIEC  801-2  Electrostatic  DischargeIEC  801-3  Immunity  to  Radiated  Electromagnetic  FieldsIEC  801-4  Electrical  Fast  Transient,  BurstLow  voltage  directiveEN 60335Authorised  signatureManufacturerAMB  i.t.  B.V.Herenweg  29A2105  MB  HeemstedeThe  NetherlandsTel:  ++31  235291893Fax:  ++31  235290156Homepage  : www.amb.nlE-mail  : support@amb.nlH.Q.  van  DoorenGeneral  ManagerAMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  9
,~§E!!:7The  AMB  TranX  160  activated  loop  upgrade  is specially  designed  to  let  anexisting  AMB  TranX  120/160  detection  loop  function  normally,  but  function  aswell  as  a  beacon  for  the  AMB  DisplaylT.The  AMB  DisplaylT,  which  is  usually  fitted  to  the  steering  wheel  of  a  kart,  detectsthe  signal  produced  by  the  activated  detection  loop  while  passing  the  loop  andindicates  the  actual  lap  time  on  its  display.Contents1.  COMPONENTS  OF  THE  SYSTEM ..32.  INSTALLATION  OF  THE  ACTIVATED  DETECTION  LOOP  43.  WIRING  DIAGRAM  OF  COMPLETE  AMB  TRANX160  SYSTEM  64.  OPERATING  THE  SYSTEM  /  TROUBLE  SHOOTING 75.  TECHNICAL  SPECIFICATIONS 86.  EC  AND  FCC  REGULATIONS "..",,9CEAMB  i.t.  B.V. Manual  number: AMB  xxx/xxAll  rights  reserved  .This  publication  is to  be  used  for  the  standard  model  of the  product  of the  type  given  on  the  cover  page.Therefore  the  manufacturer  cannot  be  held  responsible  for  any  damage  resulting  from  the  application  of thispublication  to the  version  actually  delivered  to  you.This  publication  has  been  written  with  great  care.  However,  the  manufacturer  cannot  be  held  responsible,either  for  any  errors  occurring  in this  publication  or for  their  consequences.AMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  2
1. Components  of the system1.  TranX160  transponder  (1711/1712)2.  Detection  loop  (4701/4702)3.  Adapter  for  AMB  decoder  (6501/6502)4.  Headphones  for  decoder  (6701)5.  Transponder  tester  (optional)  (5721  )6.  TranX  single  loop  decoder  (3711  )7.  Connection  cable  RS232  (6201  )8.  Transponder  reader  (optional)  (5722)9.  Coax  cable  (part  of  4701/4702)Not  in  picture:  charger  rack  (2421  )For  the  upgrade,  the  parts  numbered  2, 9 and  3  are  to  be  replaced  I added.AMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  3
2.  Installation  of  the  activated  detection  loop3  mm  (1/8")'"H'"-20  mm-3/4")A-A1.  Remove  the  existing  loop  wires  and  connection  box  plus  the  coax  cable.  If the  coaxcable  was  put  into  a  duct,  use  the  old  coax  cable  to  pull  the  new  coax  plus  12V  powercable  through.2.  Put  the  wires  of  the  activated  detection  loop  in  the  slots,  with  the  termination  box  inthe  spot  where  the  470  Ohm  resistor  used  to  be  and  cut  the  excess  length  of  thewires.  Make  sure  karts  can  not  pass  outside  the  detection  loop.  Extend  the  detectionloop  outside  the  track  if  necessary.3.  Put  a  heat  shrinkage  sleeve  over  each  detection  loop  wire  end  and  strip  both  wireends.  The  Soldering  necessary  is  best  done  with  help  of  a  propane  fired  solderingiron.  Solder  both  loop  wires  each  to  one  of  the  two  yellow  wires  from  the  new  (larger)connection  box  now  housing  the  connection  box  plus  the  electronics  producing  thebeacon  signal.  Slip  the  shrink  sleeves  over  the  solder  joints  and  hold  them  over  aheat  source.  Please  make  sure  insulation  is  perfect,  in  order  to  have  bestperformance  over  a  very  long  period  of  time.4.  Fill  the  slot  with  silicon.  Make  sure  the  silicon  is  fully  under  the  surface  of  the  track,otherwise  the  tires  may  pullout  the  silicone.5.  The  detection  loop  is  sensitive  to  interference,  possibly  emitted  by  nearby  cables.When  possible  keep  all  cables  5  m  115  ft  away.  Also  make  sure  karts  on  other  partsAMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  4
6.  The  12V  power  cable  may  be  installed  alongside  the  coax  cable  leading  to  the  AMBTranX160  decoder.  The  12V  adapter  powering  the  TranX  activated  detection  loopmay  be  installed  permanently,  but  must  be  well  protected  from  water  and  humidity.7.  The  activated  detection  loop  may  be  powered  permanently,  even  when  the  AMBTranX  decoder  etc.  are  not  installed  or  present.  In  this  way  producing  the  beaconsignal  continuously  for  any  DisplaylT  that  may  be  present  on  the  track.  Powerconsumption  is  around  10 watts  in total,  depending  on  loop  size.8.  All  wiring  of  the  loop  must  be  installed  according  to  the  drawing  in  order  to  avoid  aserious  degradation  in  performance.  When  joints  in  the  loop  are  not  soldered,  thebeacon  signal  may,  over  time,  when  the  joints  become  oxidised,  interfere  stronglywith  the  signals  coming  from  passing  transponders.AMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  5of  the  track  will  not  get  closer  than  5  m  /15  ft  to  the  detection  loop,  to  avoid  falseinputs.
3.  Wiring  diagram  of  complete  AMB  TranX160  System~I LOOpConnection  boxI  12  V  DC  viaI  110/230  VIr---'  AC  adapter"  [::J-;:d12VDCvia110/230  VAC  adapter0-.:~~Photocell/Sync  ~ jAMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  6
4.  Operating  the  system  I Trouble  shootingInstall  the  existing  AMB  TranX  160  system  as  usual  and  according  to  the  instructions  inthe  manual.  When  the  (new)  coax  cable  is  connected  to  the  decoder,  the  TranX  160system  should  operate  as  before.Now  plug  in the  12V  adapter  powering  the  activated  detection  loop.  The  backgroundnoise  level  may  rise  about  10  points,  due  to  the  (very  low)  noise  level  of  the  beacon  nowoperating.When  a  connected  sensor  of  an  AMB  DisplaylT  is  passed  over  the  loop  (not  higher  than30  cm  11  foot)  the  DisplaylT  should  indicate.The  AMB  TranX  160  system  and  the  Activated  loop  (beacon)  work  fully  independent  ofeach  other  and  do  not  interact.Beacon  signal  not  presentCheck  if the  AMB  mains  adapter  powering  the  activated  loop  is connected  to the  mainsand  that  mains  voltage  is present.  Make  sure  the  12V wiring  to the  activated  loop  is notbroken  or short  circuited.  A properly  operating  activator  consumes  between  0.3  and  0.6Amps  depending  of loop  size.When  a  loop  wire  is  broken,  the  AMB  TranX  160  system  usually  still  operates,  althoughwith  reduced  received  signal  strength  and  hits,  but  the  activating  signal  (beacon)  is  nolonger  present.High  background  noise  levelIf, after  installation  of the  activated  loop,  the  background  noise  level  has  increasedstrongly,  disconnect  the  12V adapter  from  the  mains,  in order  to  see  if noise  enters  thedetection  loop  from  the  mains.  Please  make  also  sure  the  12V cable  leading  to  theactivated  loop  does  not  run  alongside  power  and/or  data  cables,  which  may  also  be asource  of  interference.Other  uses  of  the  activated  loopThe  beacon  signal  generated  for  the  AMB  DisplaylT  is  identical  to  the  signal  to  activatethe  AM  B  130  transponder  which  is  used  for  rental  karts.  The  signal  produced  by  theAMB  130  transponder,  when  passing  the  activated  loop  can  also  be  decoded  by  theAMB  160  decoder,  so  a  mixed  use  of  (personal)  AMB  160  transponders  and  AMB  130transponders  is  possible.The  AM  B  130  transponders  have  the  advantage  that  they  consume  only  power  fromtheir  built-in  permanent  battery  , when  passing  the  activated  loop,  and  will  continue  to  doso  for  severa1100.000  passings.  Accuracy,  max.  height  and  max.  speed  is  less  than  forthe  AMB  160  transpondersAMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  7
5.  Technical  Specifications150  x  75  x  62  mm  ( 6"x3"x2.5")Dimensions  (without  cables)max  14 kg (30  Ib) dependent  of length  of connectedcablesWeightmax.  1om  (33')Max.  track  width:  60cm  (2')Loop  width:  max.  100m  (330')  double  shielded  75  ohmCoax  to  decoderPower  supplyPower  cable:  10-  15VDG  /  1A  via  115  or  230  VAG  table  top  adapter:  max.  1oom  (330')  twin  wire  2x  0.75mm2  (  18AWG  ):  d=3mm  (1/8"),  tinned  copper,  0.75mm2  (  18AWG  )Loop  wireSpecifications  are  subject  to  change  without  noticeAMB  i.t.  B.V.  Installation  Manual  AMB  260-  02  8

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