Mammut Sports Group ELEMENT-B-211 Avalanche Beacon User Manual EN 2012

Mammut Sports Group AG Avalanche Beacon EN 2012


Version 1.0 2012USER MANUALFind the Barryvox Reference Handbook at: and Carrying PositionsBatteries, Handling and MaintenanceOnly use alkaline LR03/AAA batteries. Always replace all 3 batteries and use new batteries ofthe same type. Never use rechargeable batteries and always replace all the batteries at thesame time. When not using the transceiver for an extended period of time (summer), removethe batteries.Handle your Barryvox with care. Do not drop it on theground and avoid mechanical shocks.Avoid having other electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones,radios, headlamps, cameras), metal objects (pocket knives,magnetic buttons), or other transceivers close to your run-ning  avalanche transceiver.To ensure the proper performance of the transceiver, it ishighly recommended that you send your device to an officialBarryvox service center once every three years for a func-tional test. Press the key on the side during shut-down to view the recommended date of thenext check. Stick the emergency plan on the back of the battery compartment lid.Carrying System and Carrying PositionsRegardless of the carrying position, the display should always face your body!Carrying System  (Recommended Carrying Position)The carrying system has to be put on your innermost layer of clothing prior to beginning the trip(see illustration on the base plate of the carrying system) and has to be worn on your body forthe duration of the trip. The transceiver shall always remain covered by one layer of cloth-ing. Using the red hook on the wrist loop the device should always remain anchored to the baseplate of the carrying system.Carrying the Transceiver in a Pocket If you carry the Barryvox in a secure pant pocket, the zipper must remain closed for the durationof the trip. If possible, attach the wrist loop to your pants or secure it around your belt.12Before a party takes off, the transceivers of all party membersmust  be  checked. The group members switch  their  trans-ceivers to SEND.The group leader switches his device to “group check” by turn-ing it from OFF into the SEND and presses the lateral key withinthe first 5 seconds.Now, the group leader checks the device of each participant:The test is successful if you can clearly hear beep soundsfrom each participant's transceiver within the range indicatedon the display.The test distance is 1 m, the spacing between the partic-ipants is 2 m. The indicated test distance must not beshortened. In case the device discovers that the distances aretoo short a distance warning and alarm sound warns the user.If your ELEMENT Barryvox®detects that the transmit frequencyof the tested device is not within the normative regulations, an«E6» warning message will be shown. In this case, repeat thetest with 5m distance between the participants to identify thedefective transmitter. Such devices must be checked/repairedby the manufacturer. When all devices of the participants have been tested, thegroup check is finished. The group leader switches his devicenow as well to SEND by pressing the key on the side.How to solve a problem:  If no tone is heard within the in-dicated range, the device may not be used. 1. Check if the device is switched to SEND.2. Replace the batteries.3. Have the device checked by the manufacturer.Main Switch OFF / SEND / SEARCHStart-Up / Self- and Battery TestSingle Group Check (GROUP CHECK)TouringOFFOFFSEND SEARCHOFFSEND SEARCHOFF -> SEND SEND -> OFFOFFSEND SEARCHSEARCHOFFSEND SEARCHSEND -> SEARCH SEARCH -> SENDWhile starting, the device conducts a selftest. If the self-test fails, an errormessage is displayed for 20 seconds along with an acoustic warning. If thebattery power falls below 20% or the battery icon is displayed, the batteriesmust be replaced as soon as possible!Mode SENDThe SEND mode is the normal operating mode outdoors or in all other sit-uations in which there is a risk of avalanches. Each time the SEND modehas been activated, this is confirmed by a triple beep sound. Each individ-ual signal pulse is tested. If the test is successful, this is confirmed by ablink of the red SEND-Control LED. The LCD display is automatically de-activated in the SEND mode.Always make sure that the switch locks into position mechanically to avoid an undesiredchange of mode.Personal Rescue EquipmentAvalanche Transceiver + Shovel + ProbeThe additional use of a Mammut or Snowpulse Airbag increases the chance to stay on thesurface and therefore considerably reduces the risk of a complete burial.GROUPCHECK SENDHead Office:Mammut Sports Group AGBirren 55703 Seon, SwitzerlandTel. +41 (0)62 769 81 81info@mammut.chNorth America:Mammut Sports Group Inc.135 Northside DriveUS-Shelburne, VT 05482Tel. +1 802 985 5056info@mammutusa.comYour Barryvox®will not protect you against avalanches!As a winter outdoor enthusiast, you must consider all possible avalanche prevention measuresand plan your trips carefully. Companion rescue – the worst case – must be practiced fre-quently.Technical Data Digital device with 3 antennas / Transmit frequency: 457 kHz / Maximumrange: > 60 m / Search strip width: 50 m / W-Link communication channel / Alkaline batteries:3 x AAA 1,5 Volt / Battery life: typical 250 h SEND, min 200 h in SEND mode followed by 1 hin SEARCH / Dimensions: 113 x 75 x 27 mm / Weight: 210 g (incl. Batteries).Type/Model: ELEMENT Barryvox®A10010-10000 (W-Link 868 MHz), A10012-10000 (W-Link915 MHz), A10013-10000 (W-Link off). Technical data and specifications are subject to change without notice.© Copyright by Mammut Sports Group AG and Genswein. All rights reserved.Barryvox Service Centers, Registration and Additional ResourcesFor additional information on avalanche rescue, avalanche theory, the registration of your Barryvox and the official Barryvox Service Centers please visit following documents are available for the Barryvox Transceivers• Barryvox Legal and Regulatory Guide • Barryvox Reference Handbook• Barryvox Emergency Plan • Barryvox Application Safety Guide• Barryvox User ManualIt is absolutely necessary that you read this safety relevant information and familiarize yourselfwith the device before you use it in avalanche terrain!
310MarkSignal Search Fine Search Pinpointing Marking & Multiple SearchCoarse SearchMultiple BurialsContinue the search for further buried sub-jects by marking the ones previously found.Signal Search • Search avalanche surface systemati-cally.• During signal search, the rescuer hasthe visual focus on the surface of thedebris in order to be able to see bodyparts or objects protruding the snowsurface. The first signal is indicated bya distinct double beep sound.Optimization of RangeTo optimize the range, rotate the trans-ceiver slowly around all axes. Hold thedevice with the loudspeaker facing yourear sidewise of your head.Emergency PlanThe emergency plan (klistermärke på enhetensbaksida) shows the elementary steps for a suc-cessful companion rescue. Depending on the situation at hand, the  proceduremust be adapted.1. Obtain an overview2. Turn OFF all transceivers which are not used for the search3. At least one rescuer conducts a transceiversearch, while looking and listening at the same time4. Transceiver search finished; all transceivers to SEND5. Excavate – First Aid – Call for help«Large distance to the target»: Fast search speed, low search precision«Landing»: Transceiver on the snow surface,move slowly, high search precision.Coarse Search• Use the device in a calm and concentratedmanner. Avoid jerky movements.• Hold the beacon horizontally in front of you. • Watch the distance and direction informationon the display.• Move in the direction indicated by the arrow.• If the distance increases, then you are movingaway from the victim. Continue the search inthe opposite direction.• The closer you approach the victim, the slo-wer and more concentrated your movementsshould be.Fine SearchDuring fine search hold the transceiver directlyabove the snow surface! Proceed in a straight lineuntil you reach the point of the smallest distancereading and use the shovel to mark this spot asa visual reference for the probing spiral.PinpointingExact pinpointing with the avalanche probe. If the buried subject ist hitwith the probe pole, the pole is left in the snow and the buried subjectmarked as found by pressing the key. Do not use the 3-Mark function until the location has been confirmedby a probe hit and do not hold the device on the snow surface to markthe buried subject.LAST S EEN  POINTLAST S EEN  POINTUNKNOW NLAST S EEN  POINTUNKNOWNMULTIPLE RESCU ERSSINGLE  RE SCUERSearch«Signal» «Fine Search» «Probe Hit»RESCUE ORGANIZATION: EVENT DRIVEN, LOUD AND CLEAR COMMUNICATIONAuto-Revert to SEND Search SuspensionWithout  user  interactionthe  device  will  automati-cally  revert  from  SEARCHto  SEND  after  8  minutes.Prior to  reverting, the de-vice will sound an alarm.Reverting can be avoided if the key is pressedwithin 30 seconds of the alarm.In case rescuers are buried  in a  second ava-lanche, this function allows them to be locatedusing transceivers.During the search for mul-tiple subjects, signals mayoverlap making it impossi-ble to analyze the signal ofa single buried subject. The rescuer has to interrupt the search processtemporarily to avoid deviating from the optimalsearch path. The ELEMENT Barryvox®will indicatethe necessity to suspend the search by displayingthe «Stop» symbol. Stand still, and do not moveuntil the word «Stop» disappears, at which timeyou can continue to search.The + symbol indicates that signals are receivedfrom  additional  buried  subjects  that  cannot  beisolated and entered in the list of buried subjectsyet. Turn off the transceivers of the buried sub-jects already found as soon as possible to simplifythe isolation of the remaining signals.«Airport visible»: Slow down considerablyRescueExcavating the Buried SubjectDigging must be practiced, as it uses by far the biggest amount of time.Cut out blocks of snow with the shovel.The V-Shaped Snow Conveyor Belt:• Position diggers in a «V» formation• The first two rescuers are in a distance of one shovellength from each other, all additional rescuers are in adistance of two shovel lengths from each other.• Length of «V»:· Flat terrain: 2x burial depth· Steep terrain: 1x burial depth• Amount of rescuers: 1 per 80 cm length of «V»• Rescuer at the tip of the “ V” digs alongside the probe tothe buried subject• Diggers rotate frequently (approx. every 4 min) clockwiseon command of the rescuer at the tip of the «V».• Cut out blocks of snow with the shovel by stepping onthe  shovel  blade  which  is  held  perpendicular  to  the surface.  Apply  a  half-moon  shaped  cutting  pattern. Position  yourself  facing  the  open  end  of  the  “V”,  cut the first half-moon without pulling back on the shovelshaft. When cutting  the second and subsequent half-moons, pull the shovel shaft gently backwards after youhave cut the block so that it pops out. To cut the nexthalf-moon, step backwards toward the probe, like this,you do not step on the pre-cut blocks.In multiple burial situations, the transceiver of a  rescuedsubject should be turned off as soon as  possible.The transceiver search is comparable to the landing of an airplane!90°80 cm

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