Maxtronic Co ARENALA SCSI to IDE Disk Array System User Manual 50588

Maxtronic International Co Ltd SCSI to IDE Disk Array System 50588


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Document ID50588
Application IDiMDh9p1XTxocgOoJh8n3Sg==
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize169.53kB (2119090 bits)
Date Submitted1999-07-29 00:00:00
Date Available1999-09-20 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-15 11:33:18
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-15 11:33:47
Document Title50588.pdf
Document Author: jsoscia

Arena LA
Disk Array system
User's Guide
Verslon 1.1 1
April 1999
Federal Coanunications Commission (FCC) Statement
This equip-ent has been tested and found to colply with
the liaits for a Class B dilitnl device. pursuant to part
15 of the FCC Rules. These liaits are designed to provide
reasonable protection alalnst harnful interference in a
residential installation. This equiplent generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency enerty and. if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions.
lay cause hnraful interference to radio coaaunications.
However, there is no nuarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this eauipnent
does cause harnful interference to radio or television
reception. which can he deter-ined by turning the
equip-ent off and on. the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or lore of the followinx
~~ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-— Increase the separation between the equiplent and
-- Connect the equiplent lnto an outlet on a circuit
different iron that to which the receiver is connected.
*- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Warning: A shielded>type power cord is required in order
to aeet FCC enission liaits and also to prevent
interference to the nearby radio and television receptiom
It is essential that only the supplied power cord he used.
Use only shielded cables to connect i/O devices to this
You are cautioned that chsnxes or aodifications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for
coapliance could void your authority to operate the
Technical Specificallons
Cache Memory
DRAM Slois
MOdU|6 TVpe
DRAM Speed
RAS access lime
CAS access lime
Read Cache
Wrile Cache
SCSI l/O Processor
Serial Pon‘
Baud Rate
Data Blis
Slop Bit
RAID Levels
Data Transfer Rule
scsr iD Assignment
Minimum 4MB ( 32MB* 1
Maximum 128MB (TWO 64MB SiMMs)
72 Pin SIMMs
EDO (Exlended Data Output] or
FPM (Fast Page Mode) Type
70ns, buns
Eilher parily or non-parity
erie Through or Write Back*
Flash EEPROM ,256K x 8
lx RS232 (Asynchronous) Porl
19.200 (Blls Per Second)
0 , i or 5
Up to 40MB/s [Synchronous]
Tagged~command queuing Up lo 255 simultaneous data
_ a H
Important ! Safety Instructions, Care and Handling
. Before starting, take a few minutes to
read this manual, read all of these instructions
and save this manual for later reference.
Protect the Disk Array from extremely high or low
temperatures. Let the Disk Array warm [or cool ] to
room temperature before using it.
Protect the Disk Array from being bumped or
dropped. Do not place this product on an
unstable cart, stand, or table. It may fall, causing
serious damage to the product.
Keep the Disk Array away from magnetic forces.
Do not use this product near water.
Keep the Disk Array away from dust, sand, or dirt.
Gaps and openings in the cabinet and the back
are provided for ventilation, To ensure reliable
operation and to protect it from overheating, the
gaps and openings should never be blocked
or covered by placing the product on a bed,
sofa, rug, or other similar surface.
Do not place this product near or over a radiator
or heat register.
Refer to rating plate for voltage and check that
the appliance voltage corresponds to the supply
. The appllance must be grounded. This product Is
equipped with a 3wire grounding-type power
cord, this power cord will only fit Into a
groundlngtype power outlet.
7 Hot Swap
—— Removing / Installing Cooling Fans
- Unscrew the Fan door and open the door to a 90
degree position
I Cautlon : Be careful , the high speed rotating fans may harm
you. Don‘t touch the rotating Fans, If necessary,
Unplug the Fan power connector first.
.=|. ll]IIIIIl 0. “Ell
u] |Il|||IH||| gull.-
-°l='- ”WW“ fiku
. “Want.“m'fi HI
Figure : Swap coollng Fan ( Unscrew the Fan Door]
Operating Environment
When selecting a sultable working location, please consider :
0 Ventilation
0 Temperature
0 Dust and dirt
Q Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference.
0 Security
The selected location should provide at least six inches of open
space around the Disk Array cabinet for proper air flow.
Your Disk Array functions best at normal room temperature. Choose
a location free from extreme heat or cold.
Warning! The Disk Arrays LCD Panel may be damaged by exposure
to intense sunlight. Limit exposure to indirect or subdued sunlight only,
Your Disk Array should be used in a Clean environment that Is tree
from airborne contaminants such as dust, dirt, and smoke. Excessive
moisture or oil particles in the air can also hinder your system's
To reduce the possibility of data errors caused by electromagnetic
interference, locate your Disk Array at least five feet away from
electrical appliances and equipment that generates magnetic fields.
b. Replace with a new power supply unlr
ea c e «3 ‘___
mUUUUU'.“ E’~
®_ ‘9 UDHDUUUU © H
Figure : Swap P/S unI1[swap wITh 0 new unit]
Hot Swap
Chapter I : Introduction
Features ., .......
General RAID concepts
RAID Level 0
RAID Level I
RAID Level 5
Summary Comparison of RAID Levels
Supported RAID Levels
Multi-SCSI Format support
Chapter2 : Getting Started
General Overview --
Unpacking & Checklist
Choosing a place for Disk Array
Identifying Parts of Dlsk Array
Front View
Rear View
Power Source
Installing the Hard Disk Drive
Host Linkage ~~~~~~~~~~~
PowerOn & Selfl‘ est
LED Display 8c Function Keys
LED Display
Function Keys
LCD Status Panel
Chapter3 : Configuration
General Oven/lew
Configuration from the front Panel
Configuration Procedures
stoning the Configuration
Configuration from VII 00 Terminal Mode
Hot Swap
d. Replace with a new Hard Disk Drive
It must be same capacity or greater than the faulty drive, if you
replace with a Hard Disk Drive of Insufficient capacity, the Disk
Arrays built-in buzzer will sound and the Intelligent Auto-Rebuild
function will not be started.
©For best performance, we recommend you swap with an
identical Hard Disk Drive.
e. Gently slide-in the HDD tray and lock up to start
- the Auto-Rebuild
" When you have Installed the replacement disk drive, screw in all
the screws and plug In the cables. You may now gently slide in
the HDD tray into the chassis and lock up it.
©Data Auto»Rebulld will be started automatically when you lock up
— the HDD tray.
Figure 1 Swap HDD ( Lock Up]
Chapter 1 “ Introduc’non "
This chapter wilt introduce you To your new Disk Array's features and
provide information on general RAID concepts.
b. Gently pull-out the HDD fray
Figure : Swap HDD ( Pull-out]
Hot Swap
Solid reliability
- Automatic failed disk drive detection.
- Auto rebuild : when a replacement disk Installed [or by using hot
spare disk), Arena provides automatic data rebuild without any
commands or functions keyed in. ( Transparent to Host)
Efficient maintenance
- An LCD status panel displays a comprehensive readout of the
operating status, and the HDD LED Indicators on each HDD tray
display the Individual HDD status.
- When disk failure occurs on a member disk of the disk array, the
built-in buzzer sounds simultaneously and LCD status panel
also points out the location of the failed hard disk drive. In the
meantime the LED HDD status indicator will light up " Red "on the
failed HDD tray , according the LED Indicator on the HDD tray you
can perform quick efficient and correct maintenance.
- Hot Swap : allows you can remove and install the " Hot Swap "
parts without Interrupting data access while the Arena is on.
- The ” Hot Swap " parts Include the Hard Disk Drive, Redundant
Power Supply Unit and Cooling Fan.
Chapter 5 Hot Swap "
This chapter explalns how to remove and lnstall the “Hot-Swap“ parts
without Interruptlng the data access while the dlsk array Is on'
The “Hot-Swap" pans Include :
- Hard Dlsk Drlves
- Redundant Power Supply Unlts
- Cooling Fans
Follow the steps below and refer to the dlagrams to remove and
install the “Hot-Swap" parts.
RAID Levels
’ RAID Level 0 : “ Disk Striping " High I/O Performance
Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Disk 5 Disk 6 Physical
0 Improved I/O performance Is the major reason for uslng RAID level 0.
0 No protection is provlded against data loss due to member dlsk
failures. A RAID level 0 array by Itself ls thus an unsuitable storage
‘ medium for data that can not easily be reproduced, or for data that
must be available for critical system operation. It is more suitable for
data that can be reproduced or is replicated on other media.
0 A RAID level 0 array can be partlcularly useful for :
- Storing program image Ilbraries or runtime libraries for rapid
loadlng, these libraries are normally read only.
- Storing large tables or other structures of read only data for rapid
~ application access. lee program Images, the data should be
backed up on hlghly reliable media, from whlch if can be
recreated in the event of a failure.
’ - Collecting data from external sources at very hlgh data transfer
Advanced Information
6, Type " Go " to reconfirm and the firmware will begln to be
7. After verlfylng, please restart the Disk Array to activate the
new firmware.
‘ 1mm do-ma-mnq um nu zmuue,
mum... am am nuance: w“...
tug you randy m don-ans mu ne- tlr-nzeflY/H) y
m yqu an“? mm v
‘ lnwtn urn-nu gm uznuzgz an
79 mar; “mm rest-1c um mm ”mm.
In: acute: gum“.
Ehzctuu- - mm = ox.
u" emu-m "maze: mu“.
lune: mm W upa-u u: tit-tare. fie
“am w a: "5mm. Ge
RAID Level 1 : " Disk Mirroring " High DaTa Reliability
ORAID level 1 provides boTh very hlgh daTa rellablllly and continued
da'ra avallablllTy ln The evenT of a failure of an array member. When
0 RAID level 1 member disk falls, array managemen’r soflware simply
dlrecTs all applicafion requesTs To The surviving member,
ORAID level 1 ls suitable for daTa for which rellablllry requlremenTs are
» exTremelv hlgh, or for doTa To which high performance access ls
required, and for whlch The cosT of storage Is a secondary Issue.
Advanced Information
4. mode the new Firmware me on your PC.
0 RAID level 5 arrays have unique performance characteristics :
- The data can be recalculated or regenerated, using parity,
when any drive in the array falls.
- When the failed drive ls replaced, either automatically if the
subsystem contained a hot spare drive, or by user intervention
during a scheduled maintenance period, the system will be
restored its full data redundancy configuration by rebuilding all
of the data that had been stored on the failed drive onto the
new drive. This is accomplished using parity information and
, data from the other data disks. Once the rebuild process is
complete, all data is again protected from loss due to any
failure of a single disk drive.
Advanced Information
2. Press “ Y " to confirm the Updcne.
zu- Mun-Maw m. u' an":
man-a ch- Mn comma: mm.
A:- you "may we download can an umunmm r
A" yuu sum ml) 7
5-an 2111"!- m. zrmtlx m.
In nun damn-d rung: nu um syn...
Supported RAID Levels
Based on ihe needs of 0 Disk Arrays capacity, data availability, and
overall performance, you can seieci a proper RAID level for your
Disk Array The supponed RAID levels are shown In below:
Function Drives required
7, Description Min. Max.
,- "Disk Siriplng" , block striping is used,
which yields higher performance Than wlih
The individual disk drives.
* There is no redundani function
"Disk Mirroring” , Disk drives are mirrored ,
All data Is 100% duplicated on each
equivalent disk drives.
* High Dora Reliabllliy
"independent Access Array with Parily’ .
Dora is siriped across physical drives.
Roiaiing Parity proiecllon ls used for ddia
Advanced information
,, Step 7. Select emulate VTlOO mode
7 After you have finished the VT] 00 Terminal setup, you may restart
_ your Disk Array and press " Ctri + D " keys ( in your Terminal )to link
the Disk Array and Terminal together.
Press + E to display the disk array Monitor Utility
screen on your VT] 00 Terminal.
Chapter 2 : “ Getting Started “
General Overview
This chapter helps you get ready to use the Disk Array. it gives you :
0 Unpacking & Checklist
0 Choosing a place for Disk Array
0 identifying Parts of Disk Array
0 Power Source
0 Installing the Hard Disk Drives
0 Host Linkage
O Poweron and Self-test
0 LED Display and Function Keys
0 LCD Status Display
The following Illustrations will help you read the further sections.
Advanced Information
Step 5. Porl parameter sefllngs
Getting Started
Choosing a place for Disk Array I
When selecting a place to set up your Dlsk Array, be sure to follow
the guidelines as below:
0 Place on a flat and stable surface.
0 Use a stand that supports at lean 30.0 kg for this Disk Array.
(HDD included )
0 Place the Disk Array close enough to the computer for the Disk
Arrays External SCSI cable to reach it.
0 Use a grounded wall outlet.
oAvoid an electrical outlet controlled by wall switches or
automatic timers. Accidental disruption of the power source
may wipe out data In the memory of your computer or Disk
. Keep the entlre system away from potential sources of
electromagnetic Interference. such as loudspeakers , cordless
teie hones, etc.
0 Camden 1
Avoid direct sunlight. excessive heat, moisture, or dust.
Advanced Information
Step 3, Enter a name for your Termlnol.
Getting storied
Edunnlfi'llfll‘llll fl
Hamill r_ “
Iil' V '
“Qwh m
Figure : Rear Mew
R3232 Adapter (Terminal Port)
Cooling Fans
Serial number
AC Voh‘oge Select Swiich [i 15V/230V)
Power Supply Unii Swiich (On / Off)
Power Supply Unii 1 [Upper]
Power Supply Unit 2 (Lower)
Hosi channel adopter PorT
Fon Door Screws
Power Supply Unh‘ 1 LED Indicator (Green)
. Power Supply foil indicator [Red]
Power Supply Alorm reset swiich
AC power input sockei
_ ,
Advanced Information
Example : Setup W100 Terminal in Windows’95
, Step 1 ,
Getting Stoned
Insiolllng 1he Hard Disk Drives
Step 1 : Unlock the HDD Troy by turning the Key—lock to The
correct posifion.
Step 2 : Gently Pull out The HDD Troy.
Flgure : Installing HDD step 1. 2
Advanced Information
Dlsk Array Controller Block Dlagrcm
DiskDisk Disk Disk
1 2 3 4
Disk Disk
5 6
Getting Started
Step 6 : Gently slide in me HDD Tray.
A Step 7 : Lock the HDD troy. When powered on the Green LED
will light up.
Figure : installing HDD step 6, 7
Advanced Information
- Inslclling Memory Modules :
l. Unscrew & Remove cover
* Figure : Remove Cover
Getting Started
Power-On and Self-Test
, When you connect the Disk Array to the Host computer, You
should press the Push-button ON/OFF Power Supply Switch on the
front panel. it will turn the Disk Array on and the Self-Test will be
started automatically.
Relysj “Me :
Before you push down the power switch, you should turn the " I “
_ symbol on the power switch cap and align it to point to the " - "
smbol on the front panel. (turn to release mode)
When the " 0 ' symbol (on the power switch cap] points to " - “ .
the power supply switch is in the protect mode (locked), This is a
safety feature to avoid accidentally turning off the Disk Array.
Unless you need to power On / Off the disk array, you should put
the power supply switch in the protect mode at all times.
Figure : Power-On & Self-Test
, i ______
Chapter 4 : 'Advanced Information "
‘ This chapter describes more information about your Disk Array The
following Items are describes in detail,
- Memory Expansion
- RAID Controller
- Updating Firmware
Getting Started
7 Function Keys
The four function keys or the top of the front panel perform the
following functions :
[ l ] Up Arrow / Right Arrow Use to scroll the cursor Upword/ Righiword
( l ] Down Arrow / Left Arrow Use to scroll the cursor Downward / Leftward
[ Enter) Use to confirm a selected item
[ ESC ] Use to exit a selection
—“ A H
Sei Password
Press " Enter ' To acflvaTe the password seh‘ing when you
key-in The desired " Number " or “ Character “.
Press " ESC " for no change 10 the password.
Arm Hanna: mm" v1.5! -
~- mm
In Cmttqurnblm I875 you:
~ Pmm' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Waning “51.4.0:
nu saw-4 lhninw am cum-Rim: s s
IIRt-Cunhg mm r'ruunv am cum-cum z 1
- mum u-u | lT-lclnq um “an-cum a s ux,
mm 5p.“ bum (MIR: is ovum-rm r!uaAm._'mzunA
”an. seat 1» | | (c,x,s,m - (1092, As, ca, 15)
IDISK: u mm "mun. 312.11
| rc,s,s,m - (dnsz, rs, sa, Ls)
rpxsx: IS nuumrlr "mun. stz.u
r (c,n,s,m - rust, u. u, u)
rhmt: u emu: "mun. “Lu
r rc,fl,l,nr - «on, u, 53, 1.5)
roun- I3 nun-m "mu. unu
m - rcnsz, rs, ca, 15)
umm "mun. ITZJA
r rc.s,s,n) - uusz, u, 63, m
mu flux cmtlg Late.
mm: mm eonllwndl
Iln~l1uw tuncuun “my.
7, Chapter 3 : " Configuration “ I
After completing the hardware Installation, the disk array must be
configured and the logical unit must be Initiallzed before It is ready
to use. This can be accomplished Through the following user
interfaces :
" - Front Panel function keys [ LCD Display)
- Vii 00 terminal connected through the serial port [ Monitor Port ]
fir The LCD display panel and a VTIOO Terminal can not be used at
the same time.
This chapter guides you Through selling up your Disk Array for the first
time. This chapter contains information on setup. The setup program
is a menu—driven utility which enables you to make changes to the
configuration and tailor your Disk Array to your individual needs.
A The setup program is a ROM—based configuration utility which
displays the Disk Arrays status and allows you to set up the
parameters. The parameters are stored In a nonvolatile battery
backup CMOS RAM which saves the information even when the
power is off.
By using an easy-to-use user interface, you can configure such Items
as :
' RAID Level
- Hot Spare Disk
- Termination
- Password (For protection from unauthorized use)
- Firmware update (VT 1 00 Terminal mode only] for update
procedures please refer to Chapter 4 : Advanced information.
The setup program has been designed to make It as easy to use as
possible. By using a menu-driven program. you can scroll through
the various sub-menus and make your selections among the various
predetermined choices.
Each device on 0 SCSI bus musl be configured for a Target
address [which is 0 “SCSI ID"), which Is different from any olher
device on the SCSI Bus.
The default ID for Arena Is ID#O
If you need assign a differeni ID# for your Disk Array,
The available SCSI ID# for Arena is ID# 0 ~15
You musf assign a different SCSI ID lo each SCSI device on the
SCSI Bus. The SCSI ID# must be unique for each device.
la Eentiguxnninn |l75 [aunt
----- anv -----»—--»»—»---|r-x=an¢ s:sx...uu
Inning um ewmc=xm s s ax.
InuI IT-scuw an: lam-“1m z 1 on.
“MI innuwuncuuuumqam
Ins-I I u:,u,|,x> - unsz, 18, 53, Is)
IIr-I Inxsx: a: nuxnwnm !IlllALL 5:2.11
um I (c,n.s.m - mm, H, ss, 15)
Ils-I Inlsx; Ii anxurnm vxnxnaxn 511.11
um I (mum!) x “on, u, 53, 16)
up,“ mm: M mmmm unnur. 51qu
1¢-—I I Ic,n,l,m . mm, 15, ea, 16)
l IDISK: t: EVANIUM lIlllALL «$2.11
I (CALL!) - “use, as. 53, u)
|nrsn= 11 QUAITHM IXIJBALL 511.1;
I (C,l.!.l) - (6052, u, 63, 1.5)
mu m centxq mm.
mm m: continual
Hint-Plug mutxon x cm
Configuration procedures (via Front Panel]
Main screen
ReConflg RAlD
RAID Level
(none, 0, 1 , 5]
HoT Spore Disk
[ Yes / No )
~ (Enable / Disable)
567 Password
( 4 DIgh‘Ci ]
Save Configuration
No & Restart
Set RAID Level
Move the cursor to the desired RAID Level ( O, L 5, hone] , and
Press ” Enter " to confirm It.
All Data will be lost by changing the RAID level.
ml‘vu u,
n Entimniun um 1m
mm ---------------- l‘l’nnmq gunman
{Tammy ark cmezim a s m.
than; disk cum-anon z 1 ax.
||mw Luv-1 mnmv duk cum-cum q a ax.
. ”rm-mu max-4 mm is qunnuu ulnu1._rnzum
us-l u t (c,a,s,m - (4092, u, cs, m
‘ 1|n| 1 mm: u wanna 111mm s1z.u
t (c,u.s.m ~ (4°92, 15. 63, 151
mm: is mmmm runny. nan
t (CJJJI) - (wax, u, 53, m
mm: 10 Walnut! unaux. s1z.u
t (c,l,s,m - mm, 15, ss, 15:
mun: s: uuurmn yum: 512.1).
y (c,l,s,m - unsz, 1s, 55, m
mum: u uunmm mtmu. l‘tLlA
| (c,x,s.m - unsz, 15, ss, 15)
m.- mu: nmtiq into.
law 11“ contlwr-dl
luau—Plug manna "my,
Inc, lm- but, nus-nah n mum Am
5. Set RAID Level
Move cursor (1 3 ] to the desired RAID Level ( none , 0, i, 5 ),
press " Enter " to confirm
All data on the disk drives will be lost by changing the RAID Level.
* RAID Level “ None " = No Configuration
, 6. Set Hot Spare Disk
Select " Yes " to set one Disk Drive as a Hot-spare Disk.
(Only valid for RAID Level 5 and the total number of Disk Drives
installed must be more than 3 Disk Drives)
7. Set SCSI ID
Each device on a specific SCSI bus must be configured with a
— target address I which is 0 "SCSI ID“ ) which Is different from any
other devices on the SCSI Bus.
“ The default SCSI ID for the Arena Is ID 0.
If you need to assign a different ID # for your Disk Array. The
available SCSI ID# for Arena are ID# 0 ~ 15 .
, You must assign a different SCSI ID to each SCSI device on the
SCSI Bus. The SCSI ID# must be Unique Ior each device.
urn-(u Hm . | m
m; --»
I‘lu Conflwrnziun nu mm
mm: ----v-—‘---A—--~|Tnl§1ny sun...“
u Mn um—-~+ mucus an: gum-nun s s nx.
IIR-rconhg um ”caning disk com-cum z 1 um,
“um Luv-l \ Irubmv aux com-nun 4 3 ex.
”nu: 1p." mm mug: is Qumran numurnzuu
um. scsx x» w | “” - 40052, 15, 53, m
III-mminn \ mun: u auumm mun”. STIJA
“sue humus \ | ammo - (4092, LG, 53, u)
Him 5 nun-“w mm: is cum-mu "mm. 512.14
”hunt I (C,H.!,H) - unsz, u, cs, m
“Updat- nnu mm: H ovum! 11mm. 5mm
‘ n ----- 1 m,a,s,m - uusz, As, 53, 15)
mm: In qmzmm umul. 512.11
1 (c,n,:,m - unsz, 15, ca, Js)
lnxsx: gz ovum nnmu 5mm
1 u:,n,s,m - uusz, 16, 53, 1.5;
wn nun “mug mm.
[rum an “mun—m
xm-nw manna "my.
fl Confi- uration from V“ 00 Terminal Mode
M By connecting 0 W1 00 compatible terminal or a PC operating In a
terminal emulation mode, a configuration can be performed
through this interface.
" To ensure proper communications between the ”Disk Arrow and the
“Terminal", Please configure the W1 00 terminal settings to the values
shown below :
VT] 00 Terminal ( or compatible) Set up
Connection Serial Port (COM 1 or COM 2)
Protocol RS232 [ Asynchronous ]
Cabling Null-Modem cable
Baud Rate
Keyboard Function Key Definitions
" Enter " key, Use to confirm 0 selected Item
“ Esc " key, Use to exit a selection
“ A ’ key, Use to scroll the cursor Upward / Rightward
“ Z “ key, Use to scroll the cursor Downward / Leftward
" Tab “ key, Use to switch mode [ Menu / Output Area )
Interface : Host Bus
Disk Bus
Maximum Fault
Tolerant Capacity
Drive MTBF
Host Requirement
Operating Systems
Data Rebuild
LCD Display Panel
Cooling Fans
Power Supply Capacity
AC Input Voltage
Relative Humidity
Temperature Operating :
Storage :
Safety testing
" * ” Default Settings
Fast / Wide / Ultra-Wide SCSI-3
EIDE with Ultra DMA support
Fast ATA-2 (PIC Mode , DMA Mode)
Hot Swap, User Replaceable
Up to Six 3.5inch drives ( ”l" height]
>500,000 hrs
Host Independent
O/S Independent and Transparent
Automatic Data Regeneration
2 x 16 Characters
60m Ball Bearing Fan
4 Fans
Dual 250W Independent Power
110/220V[+/10%), 60/50 Hz
10% to 85% Non-condensing
5°C ~ 40°C
25°C ~ 60°C
Under apply CE and FCC Class B
380mm(H) * l75mm(WJ * 310mm[D]
12.5 kgs [W/O Disk Drive 1
*** Various trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Hot Swap
- Unplug the Fan connector
- Unscrew the faulty cooling fan and replace with a —
good one
filmporlont ! The cooling tan‘s air flow must point to the fan '
door, please refer to the label on the cooling fan,
- Plug in the fan connector, close the tan door
and screw it in
! Caution : The cooling fan will rotate immediately when you
plug in the ion power connector.
‘ =l ' ”HM
ad minim
Figure : Swap Cooling Fan ( swap with a new Fon j
Hot Swap
o. Press the Power Supply Reset switch
When you replace a new power supply unit. you should then
push the power supply reset switch to stop the buzzer alarm and e
link the two power supply units together.
©The new power supply unit will link with the other unit —
immediately and will start working after you press the power
supply reset switch, and the buzzer warning noise will stop.
- Reset the Power supply alarm *
Reset Here
Hot Swap
Removin- / Installin- the Redundant P/S Unit H
There are two LED indicators on the front panel which display the
status of the redundant power supplies. While the power supply
is working properly the two LED indicators light up " Green ", if any "
one of them fall, the LED indicator will go off and the redundant
power supply buzzer alarm will sound.
When you need to replace the redundant power supply unit,
refer to the redundant power supply status LED indicator on the "
front panel to find the failed power supply unit and follow these
steps to swap it.
a. Unscrew the faulty unit
(For Safety reasons, you should switch off the faulty unit‘s
power switch) *
®@ @ ilUllDililllli @
Switch off
Figure : Swap P/S unit [ Unscrew)
c. Unscrews and Unplug the Cables
Unplug Cables
f f
Figure : Swap HDD ( Unplug cables 1
Hot Swap
\ -—> Unscrew
Hoi Swap
Removing / Installing Hard Disk Drives —
0. Unlock lhe HDD Tray
(When 0 HDD error occurs, the HDD LED indlco‘ror lights up " RED ")
Figure : Swap HDD [ Unlock]
Advanced Information
5, Press " Y " to canflrm to download the new firmware
and type “ Go " to confirm The new firmware update
mm damn-nine in nu urn—n.
numnvn the mm camp-r." “nu-4
Axe ynu ready w dawnluld vhe u. tlmm=7fllfll r
a ynu sure? (mi. 1
mm. tit-n“ nu- znuzez ml.
nmc download an.“ an nun lyacen.
( nunucnn
4.1. “mm: zmvplece.
charms“ - nxczc: : ox,
u tixmre “mute: cu-puu.
nae: ‘Go' to update the nun-n, on
r nu: ‘60' cu rznunfirn. _
[— |
Advanced Information
at Select transfer " Send Text Flle " and press Enter.
mam nh' be
1m yw x-ldy
v An you sum 1
Advanced Information
Start to Update Firmware "
l . Move the cursor to " Update ROM " and press "Enter“. —
Hr-pmr mlrml
----- nmwx - «
um. nuu um szulllx
Ivazlxm Lil! mil/1997
nu can“ um inn-1 la: nnunzzcunosvuv
mum Law: | Human Inn-1 Cm“1en._nfl
use: 5p." Dukl rum-um nmxy - any“,
,. min 5:51 n | |!15 rem
‘ urn-mum | ITlfluw scsx...ux
115m Pulsar-1rd I Pruning am: com-cum s s rm.
us“. A lucncl mum-w an cam-41m z 1 ux. —
IIUpdant Pun Hist-Any am; com-cum a a an
lnxsx: u m mull-s
mm: n m haul-4 .
umx: u m hut-1.1.6
mm: 53 n: nan-11.4 A
mm: on nu: inn-1116
mm: is not manna
nu. m emu: xnzo.
mm no: zmliwr
Unpredictable results will occur It firmware update is attempted
during Host computer and Disk Array activity. All activity to the
controller should be stopped before updating tlrmware.
Advanced Information
Step 6.
Advanced Information
Step 4, Select a connec’ring por‘r in your Termlnal.
mm mm.”
Advanced Information
Step 2.
AT&T Mail
MCI Mail
Advanced Information
Updating Firmware
l . Setup your VT] 00 Terminal
Please configure the VT] 00 terminal setting to the values shown
below :
VT] 00 terminal [ or compatible ) set up
Stop BIT
Advanced Information
2. Install the memory
a. The SIMM memory modules will only fit in one orientation.
b. Press the memory module firmly into socket from o 45 degree
angle, make sure that all the contacts are aligned with the
0. Push the memory module forward to a vertical position.
Front Panel
Figure : Controller
Advanced Information
Memory Expansion
Your Disk Array comes with BMB of memory that is expandable to
a total of 128MB by Installing additional memory modules. The
optional memory expansion soaket Is provided for installing
memory module. These expansion memory module can be
purchased from your dealer.
- Memory Type : The DRAM can be either 60NS or 70NS, supports
both Fast Page Model FPM] and Extended Data Output ( EDO )
SlMMs .
' Memory Size : Supports 72p|n SlMMs of AME, BMB, léMB, 32MB or
The main-board supports many memory combinations for
a total of up to l 28MB. Memory sizes are arrived at by inserting
different combinations of SIMM DRAM modules into the RAM
sockets. The RAM sockets are numbered SIMM l and SlMM 2. The
disk array controller will automatically detect the amount of
memory installed without any jumper settings needing to be set.
The following table are the possible configurations.
Do not use SIMM modules which have an extra logic chlp that
has been used to convert the memory module from asymmetric
to symmetric.
SIMM Memory Size [MB] 4/ 16 / 64 8 / 32
SIMM Memory Type Single Side Double Side
Save & Restart
Select the Save & Restart function and press " Enter " to save and
activate your selections.
Warning All data will be lost If you change the RAID level
Saving configuration changes causes the disk array
controller‘s worklng parameters to change. This can
produce unpredictable results it it occurs during Host
and Array activity. All activity to the controller should
be stopped before saving configuration changes.
v» Canaan-non iris Pound
- rmru ---------------- unsung 3:51...“
-o I‘l'esziag am. =umt=nxum s s ax.
int-Cantiv Mn” n-nmv mm emu-stun z 1 mt.
|nu1> Lav-1 i "new am (Weldon 4 3 mt
“he sip-n nun lnxsx: fl wumm rlnlsnanm
in; scsx m | | ic,H.s,m - (4092, Is, 53. As:
"Ir-Mica | name n awmux nun“. sum
is“ Punard l r (ammo - unsz, 16, $3, 1.5)
r [awe s Rafi-DJ inn-k: gs uuulmu rxunm 512.1).
in. Sm n nun-nu, | lat-LL") - (4091, is, as, 16)
max: n unumm nuaur. nz.n
I rc,u,s.m - “592, 1c, 63, 15)
mm: u may umur. STZJA
| (C,E,9.l) - “use, 18, ca, 16)
max: 12 mum-rm rum“. smu
l (mi-1.4L!) - (4032, 15, sz, 15)
inn Wm mam, mu.
mm has “unw-
mu Inux. Tom‘s-itch n mum:
Termlnofing 0 SCSI choln Is achieved by adding 0 terminu’ror To
each end of The SCSI Bus. The Disk Array supports active
termlnoflon in the confroller's SCSI end.
Termlnatlon "enabled" mus’r be set when 1he Dlsk Andy is 01
one end of me SCSI Bus.
ham Monitor belxcy v1.81
~~-- — 0mm
In cngiqunuon nus rum
mm ---------------- Itasca-no unmux
: Nun-an man 0 | um um emcuon s 5 mt,
,. ”la—Entig hum |hs=1nq am emminn z A ox.
| I‘hninv am- caamcuun c s an,
m“ an" Dukl lnxsk- ye qua-mm 1:mu|._rxzum
m: scsx m | s m - uusz, 15, a, 15)
uumuu yum). 5mm
x) - (msz, 16, 53, my
1mm: [5 cum-run rxnxsur. sun
\ (c,x.s,m - «an, 15, 53, 15)
max: 11 00mm runny. srz,u
\ (c,x,s,m = man, 16, as, m
mxsx: l: quurun "mu. gnu.
| (c.n,s,n) - (can, u, as, 15;
“mm: 11 nun-run nnnw. sun
| (21.5.1) - uusz. is, as, 16)
um um! cant}; Sale.
mm M: sauna-axon!
[But-VII»; funnier: randy.
Ho'r Spare Disk
Selecl " Yes " To set One Disk Drive as 0 HOT Spare Dlsk.
This Function is only valid In RAID level 5 and The total Disk Drives
Installed must be more than 3 Disk Drives.
[ Disk Drives number > 3 l
m: cannon-nun ms lmmn
1mm ---------------- nun»; scsx. , .ux
”Ageing am Evmlcbiufl G s ox.
i; ”Rn-Contiq nmr rum.“ um toward“ 2 1. ax.
mm Laval | "am“ am emu-HAM 4 a 1m.
rum 59.“ mm lbxsK: ts arm-run nmukmzum
yrs-Hm Spar. Munro | (c,x,s,nl - mesa, 16. 53, m
1|n| rm mm: 11 ovum unnur. “Lu
us | u:,l(,s,!) - “092, 15, 53, m
rnzsx: is wan-mu 11mm”. suru
| (mum - (4092, 15, 53, is)
name n mum nun“. gnu
i m,x,s,m - uusz, 16, 53, is:
:r ovum FIIIIAIJ. sun
J) - unsz, Ls, 53, 1s)
2 cum-mu Hui-Jul. “Lu
| lc,n,s,m - (4092, 1.5, 53, 15)
um wmx cur-“q xnu,
Re-Confi 9 RAID
SelecT " No“ for seh‘ing : “ SCSI ID ", “ Termlncfior ", " Password “
Select " Yes " for setting all the conflgurofions
Ho Emliquxlzim ms Pvund
"mam scsx. . .ax
mum am zmenninn s s m
lm-anng um |r nay am. emuum z 1 0K.
, lluk-lu-Centtg RAD—0 m es.“ am- :mnunm 4 3 mm
mm my mum cs mmmm “flank-mu)“
us-r us | (c,n,s,m - “use, 16, ea, 15)
uh mm: 11 urn-nun mumu Sn.“
us“ P-lnmxi | | (c'xmm) - mm, 15, as, my
Us». A Tun-n] mun; u mum-mu um). smu
nuns-m 1 ( - (1092, 1.5, 53, m
‘ Human mx “mm- u wanna: mxmu sun
' H“ | w,!,s,m - (4092, 15, as, xs»
IDISR: la Qumran unmux sun
I (c,u,s,u) - man, u. as, m
In: . u mm "mun STZJA
u (c,a,s,m - unsz, 1s, 53, 15)
um Wm mm, Lnlu.
mm) mm emtiW-dl
lilac-D1“! mum r
HwI man, m: 115, nan-um", “ms-Ln): w amp-m Ann
Configuration procedures [VT] 00 Terminal )
y——> Main screen —
Re-Conflg RAID "
RAID Levei
(none, 0, i, 5]
Hot Spare Disk
[ Ves / No]
[Enable/ Disable]
! a
Set Password —
[4 Digital]
Save Configuration
No & Restart ‘
<— Update Firmware H
Update "
8. Termination
Terminating 0 SCSI chain Is achieved by adding a terminator to
each end of the SCSI bus. The Disk Array supports active
termination at the controller‘s SCSi end.
Termination "enabled“ must be set when the Disk Array Is at
one end of the SCSI Bus.
9. Set Password
Press " Enter ” to activate the Password setting. When the cursor
stop on the desired "number“ or "character", Using " l " and
" t " function keys to choose the desired characters and then
press “ Enter " to confirm It.
it? Press " ESC " function key for password “No Change" I
10. Save Configuration & Restart
Select the Save Configuration function and Press the " Enter " key
to save and activate your selections.
Warning iAli data will be lost if you change RAID Levels .
Saving configuration changes causes the disk array
controller‘s working parameters to change. This can
produce unpredictable results It it occurs during Host
and Array activity. All activity to the controller should
be stopde before saving configuration changes.
Getting Started
LED Display & Function Keys
©LED Display
Shown below Is the LED Display. Please refer to the Illustration
the LEDs Inform you of the Disk Array's current operating status.
Upon activating a certain function, the corresponding LED
indicator should turn on indicating that the feature is engaged
Figure : LED Display
1 . Power Unit l Indicator light up : 'Green" . it Ights when the Power Unit 1
is plugged and operating functionally.
2. Power Unit 2 indicator light up 1 “Green" , it lghts when the Power Unit 2
Is plugged and operating functionally.
3, Host Computer Access light up : "Yellow“ , Indicates Host
Indicator computer Is currently accessing the Disk Array
Ar HDD Power-On indicator light up : "Green' . lt lights when the HDD trame
is locked and Power-On
5, HDD Access indicator light up : "Yellow" , when HDD is accessed
0. HDD Error Indicator light up 1 “Red“ . when the HDD not Installed or HDD error
Gettin Started
Host Linkage _
With the HDD(s] installed correctly, you are ready to connect the —
Disk Array to your Host computer.
Use a shielded twisted-pair SCSl cable to connect your Host
computer to the Disk Arrays built-In 68 on SCSl adapter port —
Connect the Host computer as shown below :
Dlsk Array ~
Host Computer
Figure : Host linkage
Caution I
For safety reasons, make sure the Disk Array and Host Computer
are turned off when you plug-In the SCSI cable.
Getting Started
Step 3 1 Insert HDD into the tray
Step 4 : Screw in the hard drive.
[ Use the correct size, type and thread ]
Step 5 : Cabling, Connect the Data cable & Power cable
‘——j— Cabling
o 0 @
Figure : tnstattlng HDD step 3, 4, 5
w 7,
Getting Started
Power Source
Choosing a Working Voltage
The Arena can run either on AC 1 10V (+/10%) or AC 220V
(+ll 0%), Slide the AC voltage select switch on both of the two
power supply units to the correct position which corresponds
with the wall outlet supply voltage
Wrong AC Voltage input will harm the power supply and
cause serious damage to the Disk Array.
l'ilu g‘liill
‘ll’ t—fllg]
rhis Disk Array is supplled witn anAC power cord equipped wlth
a 3-wire grounding type plug. This is a safety feature and It is
Important to only use 0 3-wlre grounded mains power cord.
Geflin Stoned
Identifying Paris of the Disk Array I “
Fronl View I _
Figure : From‘ Wew
1. LCD Slaius Display Panel
2. HDD Trays 1 ~ 6
3; Power Switch ( On / Off]
4. Funcfion Keys 1 i, i , Emer. ESC)
5. Power Supply Indicator ( PWR Unit 1 , PWR Unl’r 2 )
6. Power Fail "Alarm" Reset A
7, Host Compuier Access indicator
8. HDD Tray Lock [ Lock/ Unlock]
9. HDD Status Indicator , —
(From lefi to right: Error (Red), Access [Yellow], Power-On [Green])
T 7-
Getting Started
Unpacking & Checklist
Before unpacking your Disk Array , prepare a Clean and stable
place to put the contents of your Disk Array's shipping container on.
Altogether, you should find the following Items In the package :
O The Disk Array
' One AC power cord
0 One External SCSI cable
0 Keys
' User Manual
Remove all the items from the carton. If anything Is missing or
broken , please inform your dealer immediately.
Save the cartons and packing materials that came with the Disk
Array Use these materials for shipping or transporting the Disk Array
Figure : Checklist
Multi-SCSI Format support -
The Disk Array provides one Ultra Wide SCSI channel for connecting
to your host system. erh proper cabling, “rt may support Narrow or
Wide; Standard, Fast or Ultra SCSI formats. [ single ended ) _
Overall cable length
For secure data transfer , please refer to the cable length limitations ‘
as below :
* Cable length = External Host cables length + internal Host cable -
length "
* Standard Disk Array External cable length = 90cm [ 3 ft]
* Standard Disk Array lntemal cable length = 20cm
HPD 68m
HPD 68 pin
HPD 68—--
HPD 68 pin
2m HPD 68"-
HPD 50 pin
HPD cen-
Cenr 50 pin
5m HPD 68--—
Gen. 50 pin
Summary Comparison of RAID Levels I
Descrlptton Arrays Data Data
Capacity Rettobttltv Transfer
Data dlsmbuted across the
dtsks In the array. ( N )
No redundant tntormcrttarr
Access Array
with Rotating
as w‘rth dlsk strtptng,
redundant lntomatlon ls
interspersed with user data.
RAID Level 5 :
" Independent Access Array with Rotating Parity "
High Data Reliability & Transfer Capacity ’
Disk1 Disk2 Disk 3 Disk4 Disk 5 Disk 6 Physiml
P : Partly
When RAID Level 5 technology Is combined with cache memory to
improve its vvrlte performance, the result can be used in any
applications where general purpose disks would be suitable.
For read only or read mostly application l/O loads, RAID Level 5
performance should approximate that of 0 RAID Level 0 array. In
fact, fora given user capacity, RAID Level 5 read performance
should normally be slightly better because requests are spread ,
across one more members than they would be In 0 RAID Level 0
array of equivalent usable capacity
0 A RAID level 5 array performs best in applications where data and
l/O load characteristics match their capabilities :
' Data whose enhanced availability Is worth protecting, but for “
which the value of full disk mirroring Is questionable.
- High read request rates.
- Small percentage of writes in I/O load.
H "_
0 RAID level 0 arrays are not particularly suitable for :
- Applications which make sequential requests for small amount of
data, These applications will spend most of their l/O time waiting
for disks to spin, whether or not they use striped arrays as storage
- Applications which make synchronous random requests for small
amounts of data.
General RAID Conce ots
Correct installation of the disk array requires an understanding of
RAID technology and the concepts described In this section.
RAID is an acronym of Redundant Array of Independent Disks .
A RAID is 0 Disk Array in which part of the storage capacity ls used to
record redundant Information about the user data stored on the
remainder of the storage capacity. The redundant Information
enables regeneration of user data In the event that one of the
Array‘s member Disks or the access path to it fails.
Benefits of RAID
1. Secure Data
RAID is an emerging storage technology with the potential to
revolutionize the data storage technology. A typical RAID unit
contains a set of disk drives. typically two to six, which appear to
the user to be equivalent to a single large capacity disk drive. The
remarkable benefit of disk array is that if any single disk in the RAID
fails, the system and array still continues to function without loss of
data. This Is possible because the redundancy data Is stored on
separate disk drives and the RAID can reconstruct the data that
was stored on the failed disk drive.
2. Increases system performance
As the effective seek time for finding data on a disk can
potentially be reduced by allowing multiple simultaneous access
of different data on different disks. Utilizing parallel reads and
writes of the data spread across the disks In the array, the data
transter rate can be Increased significantly over that of a single
3. Easy maintenance
RAID system maintenance is typically simplified because it is easy
to replace Individual disks and other components while the
system continues to function. [ Hot swap support )
This section provides an overview of the features. For more detailed *
information, please refer to the Technical specifications appendix
at the end of this manual .
Arena includes the following features : 7
Easy Operation
As everyone knows, conventional Disk Arrays are designed for
experienced computer specialists. To solve complicated and time
consuming operating procedures, Arena came up with 0 ~
revolutionary idea :
— Innovative Plug And Play RAID
As compared to a conventional Disk Arrays Iong-wlnded setup
procedures, Arena can be ready to go after using the simple step
by step built-in setup program.
Ultra High performance
Arena comblnes an extremely high speed microprocessor with the —
latest chlp set, SCSI hardware technology , pertect firmware and an
artistic design. The result Is one of the fastest, most reliable Disk Andy
systems on the market. "
~ Supports virtually all popular operating systems platforms and
network environments because it works independently from the _
- Fast / VWde/ Ultra Vlfide SCSI channel Interface to your Host
computer, up to 40MB data transfer rate provides the processing
and access power for you to handle complex and large files.
- Selective SCSI ID 0 ~ 15 , support with active termination. A
- Tagged-command queuing : allows processing of up to 255
simultaneous data requests.
- Selective RAID levels 0, l or 5. —
- Build—in SMB cache memory, expandable up to 128MB.
- Serial communication port ( Monitor Perl | permits array controller
operation through a standard VT] 00 terminal ior equivalent]. “
Configuratioh Procedures
Main Screen
Re-contig RAID 3.10
Set RAID Level 3.1 1
Hot Spare Disk 3-12
Set SCSi iD# 3.13
Termination 3-14
Password 3-15
Save & Restart 3—16
Chapter4 : Advanced Information
Memory Expansion
RAlD Controller Block Diagram
Updating Firmware ----------------
Setting Up Vii 00 Terminal Emulation in Vifindows 95.
Chapter 5 : Hot Swap
Removing / installing Hard Disk Drive ~~~~~~
Removing / Installing Redundant Power Supply Unit ~
Removing / Installing Cooling Fan
Appendix :
Technical Specifications
About This Manual
This manual serves as a useful guide you can refer to when you wish
to install and operate your Disk Array. It includes the following
information :
0 Chapter I : " Introduction ”
Introduces you to your new Disk Arrays features and
general RAID concepts.
0 Chapter 2 : " Getting Started "
Describes general Information about this Disk Array.
0 Chapter 3 : " Configuration "
Provides a Quick and Easy way to setup this Disk Array.
0 Chapter 4 : " Advanced information “
Describes information In more detail.
0 Chapter 5 : " Hot-Swap "
Describes Hot-Swap components.
0 Appendix A : " Technical Specification “
1 1. If an extension cord or a power center is used
with this product. make sure that the total of all
products plug Into the wall outlet does not
exceed the ampere rating.
12. Do not place the Disk Array where the cord will
be walked on.
13. Never push any kind of object Into this product
through cabinet gaps and openings, they may
touch dangerous voltage points cause a risk of
fire or electric shock.
14. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet
before cleaning. Keep the Disk Array dry. Do not
use liquid cleaners, aerosol cleaners, or a wet
cloth. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
15. Except as specifically explained in this User's
Manual, please do not attempt to service this
product by yourself. Openan or removing the
covers may expose you to dangerous voltages
16. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer
servicing to qualified service personnel under the
following conditions :
0 If this product has been exposed to water or
any liquid.
0 It the product has been dropped or the
cabinet damaged.
Copyrighi Notice
©1999 MaxTronic iniemoiionai Co., Lid. All righis reserved.
No pan of this wrih‘en material may be reproduced, stored in a
reirievai sysiem, used in any form or by any means eiecironic or
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or oiherwlse, wiihoui the
wrifien permission of MaxTronic inferna‘rionai CO” LTD.

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