Mertik Maxitrol and KG G6R e-Flame User Manual manual

Mertik Maxitrol GmbH & Co. KG e-Flame manual


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Date Submitted2004-03-11 00:00:00
Date Available2004-03-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2004-02-02 09:39:41
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Document Lastmod2004-03-02 09:18:19
Document Titlemanual
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MERTIK mnxrrnou
Instructions for Installation and Operation
6 "‘”‘- e-FLAME Remote Electronic Ignition System
CAUTlON! Please mad and lollow mess instructions liar instaliaiion and operation entirely barbie use
The ploduct must be installed and operated according to all applicable regulationsl
e-FLAME is a battery-powered electonlc remote ignition and
control system. It is designed for gas appliances with pilot l
burners including ODS. -
The e-FLAME system consists of the lollowmg components Cm m" C m ~2 ‘
(standard model. Figure 2)- inpfiwgfituy
Gas Combination Control (El! 50 Series) with "
» ON/OFF switch‘ soldered cable or
connecting cable ilz interrupter-receiver WWW My min
- ignition cable . twewfiwtbl
~ connecting cable iii Interrupter-recelver WW“
Remote Control
- remote handset ‘
— receiver
- 8 Wire connecting cable combination control-receiver
_ 7 7 7 7 fl ccnmdnpcariiiii
MAN- meter Mulenuu ‘
Mamllqmlim -
Hezolqntt. . l
minimums, l Ignitioncma
l ammonia /
l lapllwll i i
l minor . 1
i \
i awnReo-lvullck mmflamfl‘
[ ammonia-latex
ripiual mmmomweveo W 777 Figure} “cinema“;
Technical Data
Combination Control group 2 according to DIN EN 126 or CSA approved (see label)
Capacity: ..... .. 65,000 BTU/hr at i we. pressure drop‘ i 2 m‘lh air at 2.5 mbar pressure drop
‘(ior LP capacity multiply by i 61!
Pressure regulator . i0.000 to 85000 BTU/hr control range class C sccoroiiig ENth}
Outlet pressure“. 3"W.C to 5"W C. (7.5 to 12 mbarl 2.5 mbar to 25 mbar
8"W.C. to 12"W C. (20 to 30 mbar)
3"w,c.io12“w.c (7.5 to 30 mbar)
Max. operating inlet pressure. i/2psi (345 mbar) 50 mbar (20W 0 l
Mounting: . . . Knobs upwards or control mounted at any angle up to 90° irom the yeriicai position
Ambient temperature: .... 0°C to 80°C (32°F to 176°F)
Max. operating inlet pressure 50 mbar (20"wc.)
Remote Control
Radio Frequency‘ . 433.92 MHz tor Europe
315 MHZ lor US (FCC lD xxx-GER) and tar Canada (lCZXXXXXX-GSR)
This device complies viitn pan is oi the FCC Rules Operation l! subiecl to the lollowmg two condlllons it) me ileyire
may not cause harmful mierterenca. and, 12) ”this dance must accept any inlerleienre received l'wluding inieriaii-iiar. llivil
may mine undesired operaiipn. Changes prmwilipaiipns not expressly approved by tbe party vesoonslole ibr EDmDiialtce
could Void itie been auiiwiniy Io operate the equipment
Batteries ~ Receiver, , 4 x 1.5V “AA“ (alkaline recommended). optional 4 x 1 5V “C“ With separate battery holder or power
Batteries - Remote Handset. 1 x gv block (alkaline recommended)
Max. ambient temperatures remote handset and receiver with batterles GO’C (NWT)
receiver without batteries and ON/OFF switch 80°C (1 76"F)
8 Wire Connecting cable and tnermocurrenl cable 105C l22i ri
ignition cable 180C (35W)
“Quit/thou ‘liTszucrtonsi
i It is the appliance manulacturer's responsibility to
determine c-Flame's suitability tor a specific application.
Installation and adjustments are to be made only by ;
( quaiilied service personnel. After installation, check ,
connections carefully lorleaks using a suitable method. l
i Combination control must be in "main gas open" position
( (motor knob ON and MAN-knob ON). Never unscrew l
, fastening screws to open appliance Do not change
] adjustments marked with red paint. Motor knot: is not
i removable.
General Notes
. Wiring must comply With diagram (Figure 9).
' Place ON/OFF sWitch in such a manner as to be easily
accessible ior the operator.
~ Pay attention to the directions printed on the receiver when
connecting thermocurrent cabies to Interrupler. When cables
are interchanged the device will not work
Caution: Total resistance otthermo circuit should be mini-
mum to keep ignition tlme as short as possible.
- Minimum release current of GVGO magnet unit is 60mA it
(all time is too long repiace lhe cabie between interrupter
and receiver With a cabie of higher resistance (optional).
- When e-Flame components are installed, make sure they
are not exposed to dirt. Make sure no ioreign particles get
under the cover.
Connection -Main and Pilot Gas
When threads are tightened, the appiiance must be heid at the
designated points (Figure 3). Do not appiy pressure to top
casting or plastic cover.
Figure: rclamphus.fl:tmmlingPr/inls
Main Gas NPT Connection
Valves with part number GGxxxiE, are threaded to 3/8“ NPT,
Use ioint compound/thread sealant. properly threaded pipes
and carelul assembiy procedure so that there is no cross
threading. etc” which can cause damage or teakage
Main Gas ESP Connection
Valves with part number GGxxxfil .are threaded to Rp 3/8“
i$O 7/1.
You have the loiiowing connection options-
Compression fittings (or.
12 mm tube (crimp connection both sides)
10 mm and 8 mm lube (crimp connection one side)
adapter for 5 mm tube (crimp connection both sides)
' Cut tube at a right angie. remove burrs.
~ Slip compression lltllng over tubing and inserl irito
connection iuiiy.
~ Check compression iilting's posnion, and tighten nut by
hand without using Joint compound
- Tighten nut With a Wrench approx, one turn to make a gas-
tignl (oint.
Pipes must not be bent after tightening litting since this can
cause leaks In the connection.
Installation -Threaded Pipe
Pipes with tapered thread R313 l507il can be connected
Maximum allowable torque Is 35 Nm (309.78 Ibi-in).
PilotGas Connection (tubing only)
For piiot gas i piece compression rulings are auaiiabie
in dinereni sizes.
For valves with part number GSXXX— _ . 4 and 5 min
pilot gas lilting
Forvaives With part number GGxxx—B la and ans”
pilot gas tilting
i piossiiiononinurnirime
ViiulGasAa‘usl/i z i
i igniting, firm
MotiliK/mt \
‘ sine iniel
soc uuuei rranni, uni
iliinnioin noiu
aoitcm Dullcx
incl Pressure in
i Duliui prowl; up
Figure 0,Cwbihalmnler(ii mm Mi-slrver‘fi'i —s
- Cut lube at a right angle remove burrs
~ Siip compression lilting over tubing and insert into
connection iully.
~ Check compression fitling's posnion and lighten nul by
hand Withoul using joint compound,
- Tighten nut With a Wrench approx, one turn to make a gas,
light joint
Pipes must not be bent after lightening lltling since this can
cause ieaks in the connection.
Connection -Thermo Circuit (Figure 9)
Connection of thermocurrent interrupter and thermocouple
must be kept dry and clean. Thermocurrent interrupter can be
screwed into lilting as a component or can be integrated in
thermocoupie. After thermocurrent interrupter is screwed into
iitting, tighten it by a tool (approx. VAextra turn) to ensure a good
eiectrlcal connection. Avoid severe bending oi lhe
thermocouple tubing duririg inslaiialion (min 2.5 cm radiusi
as this may cause it to knk
Cables on sWitch are soldered. The ring terminals need to be
screwed tightly on the receiver (use spring wasiieis)
Caution! When connecting to the thermocurrent interrupter, note
that the Switch cabie on the fiat conneclion n'iust pomt to the
velvet and the receiver cable (contact TC) on the fiat connection
must point to the thermocouple
Connection - lgnition cable (Figure 9)
Attach ignition cable to receiver tab 2 8 x 0 8 mm (SPARK) and
connect other Side to spark plug. Pay attention to not damage
the ignition cabie whlie attaching it and avoid contacl with sharp
edges when the cable is in place
Connection - Receiver
- Snap in lhe plug orthe a wire cable in the tack on the liiiing
- it used connect 5 wire switch panel cabio to receiver
(Figure 9).
. insert ballenes . note the poiarity‘
Move ON/OFF swrtoh to ON position and check the reception.
It necessary. correct position of antenna by removing the
antenna cable and bend it to me position with the best
Adjustment devices for pilot gas and pressure regulator or
throttle are located under the cover and can be reached With-
out removing it.
Adjustment - Pilot Flame
The pilot tiame is ore—set to maximum at the lactory The ad-
justment screw can be reached through a hole in the MAN-
knob (Figure A and 8) Turn the MAN-knob into the ON position
it is now possible to pierce through a lllm on the cover With a
screw driver to reach the adjustment screw beneath.
Adjustment - Outlet Pressure
Controls without a customer-specified setting are equipped
with an adjustment opening in the cover. Connect a pressure
gauge to outlet pressure tap. Turn pressure regulator
adjustment screw to set required burner pressure. Pressure
is increased by turning clockwise (pressure regulator models).
or by turning counter-clocKWlse (throttle models). Alter
adjustment, close opening with a plug
Changing the Gas Type
GVED is suitable for all gas types and can be converted to meet
the manufacturer's requirements for a specilic gas type,
Adjustments of pressure regulator. minimum rate and pilot
gas are according to above-mentioned instructions. To convert
lor LPG it is necessary to reset the pressure regulator by setting
the adjustment screw to maximum pressure l.e. turn the
regulator adjustment screw lully to the bottom limit (or the
throttle adjustment screw tuiiy to the upper limit)
Observe several complete cycles to make sure that the
appliance functions correctly, During the first cycles the time
until thermo unit is held can be too long or too short The
electronic system automatically determines optimum time.
service instructions
The combination control is maintenance-free. Remove cover
to change motor. and microswttch.
Figure 5 Din Smlm "Rennie Mindset
General Notes —Remote Handset
The control is radio frequency operated. A code (chosen from
among 4.000 available codes) is preset for all Mertik Maxitrol
appliances. but can be changed il required (ts addiiionai codes
available]. Orange DIP swnch position (Figure 5).
Then press the receivers reset button until you hear a signal
When pressing the 7 button on the remote handset in the
toiiowing 20 sec.. the receiver learns the new code When the
receiver is placed in heater. note that surrounding metal di-
minishes reception considerably. The position of the antenna
on the receiver also influences reception (see Installation in-
Operation - Automatic Ignition
ON/OFF switch in ON position
- MANaknob (valve) in ON position
Press buttons and A simultaneously A short acoustic
signal confirms the start sequence has begun Punhbr short
acoustic signals (0 2 sec. t sz indicate the ignition process
until it is completed and main gas flows. ll pilot is already iii.
motor Will turn to ON position (max tianie height) while
buttons are pressed down
Possible Error Messages
Long signals (0.8 sec, tone. 0.2 sec. break) during ignition:
Battery is nearly empty. (When Signal appears lor first
time. about to lgnltions left.)
5 sec. continuous tone:
Error - must be corrected. e 9. cable is Hot CDiii'iettt‘d
ON/OFF swttch is in OFF position
5 x short signals (02 sec. tone. 0 2 sec break).
ignition not successful. procedure can be repealed
Possible reason air in tube so lgnition time is too long
Adjustment - Flame Height
Upon ignition. motor turns automatically
to maximum llame height.
Press V to decrease flame height or set
appliance at pilot liame
STAND BY (a short press ad-
justs flame height gradually)
Press A to increase flame height
(a short press adjusts flame
height gradually).
For open fire models
two button operation.
Shut-off Procedure
To save battery power. press V to turn
main gas to pilot gas Press OFF button to
shut otl the device including pilot flame
(open fire models. separate OFF button).
The device can be shut off with the ONi’OFF switch thus
disabling the remote handset
Operation - Manual Ignition
ON/OFF switch in ON position
MAN-knob (valve) in MAN position (Figure 8)
A metallic core is visible (Figure 7)
Push down metal core tully. e.g by pen - pilot gas flows
Light gas With a match
Continue holding down metal core tor about 10 sec After
release. only pilot gas is lit
Turn MAN-knob to ON position . main gas flows
Turn motor knob to adjust flame Knob has a slipping clutch
and allows manual llame height adjustment as well as
adjustment to pilot gas
Gas can be lit by piezo igniter (optionall
To do so. change ignition cable from receiver to plan) igniter It
appliance manutacturer has not provided particular
connections. plezo lgniter connection is located on the valve
cover (Figure 7)
shut-oft Procedure
ll no ballenes are available or if the remote handset cannot be
found, always use the ON/OFF switch to shut the valve off
Battery replacement
Remote handset batteries need to be changed when LED is
dim. Battery tile expectancy is 2 to 3 years
It 4 “AA" batteries are used in receiver replacement is
recommended at the beginning of heating season Batteiles
need to be changed when an acoustic error message appears
during ignition (see “Possible Error Messages")
wau 1: Comhmhi ammon-
cmmnuaxw‘m MAN—Knob
Haw-a COME-10mm mum-w Mae
mum: Cm m
Minn-Y Mm
in human w .
Mum“ rumuw
(in an Haiku)
4“ Paths-1 mun-m:
Plum mm." mm MANN“:
(mm) mm lwrw \
\ an em a m ‘
Combination Control
! H hfj— ‘
wnurmpmsw /
rm- 5: vag mm“
war: smu- (comm)
a w.- (Am-awn can
> Com-uanJNtNZ ‘ p
‘ avonF‘ Swwm ‘ w
\ scan-yam ‘ ‘
Bumm “RESET”
Manlk MaxNNI GmbH Sn Cm KG
anstsmar Sn 3‘ 06502 Th-lc. Gemuf'y
Tm 44909474000, Fax «Man-400400
North American 0m“
29555 Telegvaph KG ‘ Seaman w 45031 USA
mm 443-3564 400. m u~zwassoezs
UK Branch Office
Tmhams. PO Box 5. Sum Webs cms 5m UK
Tel ‘vu1M3-41D-645J’ux »u.w443m0-645

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Modify Date                     : 2004:03:02 09:18:19+01:00
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Creator                         : Fiery Remote Scan 4.4
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