Micro Star MS6820 Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card User Manual 6823 TOC

Micro Star International Co Ltd Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card 6823 TOC

users manual 3

13Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideClick Install and the program will copy the necessaryfiles to the system.  The progress indicator shows theinstalling status.Step 3.ClickYou may be asked toinsert the Windows SetupCD during the installa-tion.  Please insert theSetup CD by the on-screen instruction tocontinue the installation.
14Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideAfter rebooting, the MSI Wireless LAN icon* appears inthe status area.MSI Wireless LAN iconWhen the installation is completed, click Finish.The system will restart.  Click Yes when prompted toreboot the system.ClickClick* For more information  of the MSI Wireless LAN  icon, please see section  4-1.Step 4.
15Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideInstalling on Windows® 2000/XPInsert the driver CD into your CD-ROM drive, and theSetup program should launch automatically.If the Autorun program doesn’t launch, click Start at thetaskbar and select Run...; type E:\setup.exe in the Openbox and click OK, where E is your CD-drive.>>> 3.2Windows XPStep 1.The card should beinstalled into yourcomputer beforeinstalling the driverand utility.ClickClick the Install Software button.The installation screen of Setup programClick
16Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideThe welcome screen of InstallShield Wizard appears.Click Next.Step 2.ClickRead and accept the License Agreement; then, clickNext.ClickCheck this
17Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideClick Install.  When the installation is completed, clickFinish.Enter the user’s information (User Name, Organization)in the respective fields; then, click Next.ClickEnter the user’sinformationClickStep 3.
18Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideThe MSI Wireless LAN icon* appears in the status area.MSI Wireless LAN iconClick* For more information  of the MSI Wireless LAN  icon, please see section  4-1.
19Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s Guide>>> 4.1Right-click the icon will appear a sub-menu containingmore settings:IntroductionAfter installing the driver, MSI MP54G provides a conven-ient and powerful utility that allows you to set up,configure, and know your networking status easily andclearly.The MSI Wireless LAN iconNot connected to the network.Connected to the network.Receiving/transmitting data from/to the network.When you move the mouse over the icon, it shows thecurrent connection information.MSI Wireless Network Utility
20Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideLanguageYou can select language according to your operatingsystem.Switch to AP ModeThis function allows you to use your MSI wireless adapteras a virtual access point.  For details, see Appendix, MSISoftware AP.Open Network ConnectionsSelect to open the Network Connections window.View Available Wireless NetworksLaunch the utility to configure your network settings.ExitClose the program.Click the icon will launch the utility as shown below toconfigure your network settings.
21Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideClickClick4.2.1>>> 4.2 NetworkingSince the wireless NIC is installed in your computer, youhave to configure the settings for communication to startworking in your network environment.Infrastructure ModeInfrastructure mode allows your computer to communi-cate with the other computers in the network through anAccess Point.  The following tasks should be done beforeyou configure the settings:        - The Access Point must be turned on.        - Your  computer  with  wireless  NIC  installed  andthe Access Point must be located with thecommunication range of the Access Point (seethe Access Point's manual for details).To configure the settings:   1. Click the MSI Wireless LAN icon to bring up theWireless Network Connection window.  Then,click Advanced.
22Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s Guide   2. The Available Networks field contains a list ofavailable Access Points in your network.Choose one network by highlighting it in the list,and click Configure to set up the selectednetwork.  You can click Refresh to search theavailable Access Points in the network again.ClickWEP settingsOnly the network adminis-trator can change theSSID and WEP settings inthe Association window; ifyou have problem ofaccessing the network,please ask the administra-tor for help.   3. Setup the Network Key (if needed) in the Wire-less Network Key (WEP) field according to thenetwork’s settings.
23Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideconnectedClick   4. Click OK.  The selected network will appear inthe Preferred Networks field.  If it contains twoor more networks in the list, you can use Moveup/Move down to set the priority.   5. Click OK to complete the configuration, and anicon indicating connected to the network willappear in the status area.
24Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideAd-hoc ModeAd-hoc mode allows your computer to communicatedirectly with any computer installed with compatiblewireless NIC.  If you want to use the network in Ad-Hocmode:        - All the computers  connected  should be set toAd-hoc mode.        - The computers have the same SSID  (networkname) setting.To configure the settings:   1. Click the MSI Wireless LAN icon to bring up theWireless Network Connection window.  Then,click Advanced.ClickClick4.2.2
25Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideClickClickEnter a NetworkName (SSID)IMPORTANTCheck this to enableAd-Hoc mode.Check this optionand cancel thebottom option   3. Set up the Network Name (SSID) and NetworkKey (if needed) for the network.  Then, checkthe "This is a computer-to-computer [ad hoc]network; wireless access points are not used"option and click OK to enable the Ad-Hoc mode.   2. You can build up the Ad-Hoc network by clickingAdd... in the Preferred Networks field.
26Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s Guide   4. The computer set up with this Ad-Hoc networkin step 3 is the designated administrator of thenetwork.  Any computer can access the networkby selecting Connect in the Wireless NetworkConnection window.connected   5. Click OK to complete the configuration, and anicon indicating connected to the network appearsin the status area.Click
27Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideNetwork keyEnter a key for the network.Key formatYou can decide the network key to be encoded byASCII characters or hexadecimal digitals.Key lengthIn ASCII characters format, it can be 5 or 13 charac-ters. In hexadecimal digitals format, it would be 10or 26 digitals.Key indexThere can be up to 4 sets of WEP key (1~4).  The 4sets of WEP key must have the identical sequencewith the key settings on the Access Point.>>> 4.3 EncryptionIn the wireless network environment, the administratorcan set up password (Network Key) to protect the networkfrom being attacked or unauthorized access.  Whenbuilding the network, you can set up 4 sets of WEP keys,which can be 5 characters (10 hex-adecimal digital) or 13characters (26 hex-adecimal digital) and specify one ofthem to use.Check thisCancel thisTo setup the Network Key,check  Encryption optionfirst, then cancel The key isprovided for me automati-cally option.
28Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideStatusIn Status tab, you can configure more network settings.ChannelSpecify the operating radio frequency channel inAd-hoc mode, which should be set to the samechannel as the other points in the wireless net-work.SpeedThis field sets the current transmitting rate.  Thespeed should be set to Auto rate to optimizeperformance and range, which will adjust thetransfer speed for best performance and longestrange automatically.RadioSet to On to activate the radio.SSIDMeans Service Set Identifier, a unique nameshared among all points in a wireless network. Itmust be identical for all points in the network.Then the card  will be able to connect to an accesspoint with the same SSID.Signal Strength:shows the received signalstrength level.Link Quality:shows the measured signallevel and connection status.>>> 4.4
29Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideFragmentation ThresholdYou may set the length of the fragment in this field.Please note that each fragment should not belarger than the Fragmentation Threshold.RTS/CTS ThresholdYou may set the length threshold.Preamble TypeYou may set the length of preamble in this field.Setting options are: Long - it is set to 144 bits.Short - it is set to 72 bits.  Auto - The card supportsan auto-detection feature, it automatically selectsthe Preamble Type depending on the Access PointPreamble Type if this option is selected.CountrySelect one option according to your location you arein.  The options are: Worldwide 1-13, Japan 1-13,and USA 1-11.  The default setting is Worldwide 1-13.Power saveThe card will turn into power save mode when idle.Click  Advance, and you can get more information aboutthe LAN traffic status and more detailed settings.It is not recommended tochange these settings ifyou are not familiar withthe advanced configura-tion.
30Wireless 11g MiniPCI Card MP54G User’s GuideInformationIn Information tab, you can get some information about themanufacturer, hardware and software.>>> 4.5

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