Microelectronics Technology RU00-M03 RFID HP-SIP Module User Manual 11 RU00 M04 X001 01 A1 0929

Microelectronics Technology Inc RFID HP-SIP Module 11 RU00 M04 X001 01 A1 0929


Users Manual_rev.pdf

    NOTE: APPROVAL ON THIS PAGE SIGNIFIES THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT APPROVED. RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications           A1         ECO-  10-25-2016 New Release  江 東 曄 REV  ECO NO.  DATE  CHANGE INFORMATION  AUTHOR   DARWING NO.: 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  APPROVED BY   PAGE NO.:    1    OF    14  葉曜誠葉曜誠葉曜誠葉曜誠
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 2 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016                                                                                                                                                                                      REVISION HISTORY DARWING NO.: 11- RU00-M04-X001-01            TITLE: RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specification
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 3 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016             RU00-M04-X001 / X011   Spitfire Module  Datasheet Version 1.0.0               MTI Group Proprietary Information  Any  unauthorized  use,  duplication,  reproduction,  reverse  engineering, decompilation,  or  disclosure  of  this  document  may  be  considered  as infringement  of  MTI  Group’s  intellectual  property  rights,  the  infringer  may be accused and liable applicable legal penalties.  Copyright, Microelectronics Technology Inc.. All rights reserved.
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 4 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016   Table of Contents  1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 2 Regulatory Statement................................................................................................................... 6  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement ............................................................ 6 3 Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 8 4 Set up .......................................................................................................................................... 9 5 Pin Configurations and Descriptions ............................................................................................ 10 6 Mechanical Information ............................................................................................................. 12  Mechanical Outline (Draft) ........................................................................................................ 12 8 Revision History ......................................................................................................................... 15   Figures  Figure 1: I/O Configurations ............................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 2: Package Mechanical Outline ............................................................................................................ 12   Tables  Table 1: Band configurations ............................................................................................................................ 5 Table 2: Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Pin Configurations of FPC connector ................................................................................................ 11 Table 4: Revision history ................................................................................................................................. 15
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 5 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016   1 Introduction The RU00-M04 is  a  FPC  I/O connector, USB/UART interface  that  comprises  a  completely in  integrated solution for EPC Gen 2 / ISO18000-63 (formerly 18000-6C) application.    This document provides instructions to the end-user to ensure optimal performance in their OEM hardware.    Model Number  Supported Regions  Operating Frequency RU00-M04-X001  US  902.75MHz~927.25MHz EU  865.7MHz~867.5MHz RU00-M04-X011  CN  920.625MHz~924.375MHz JP  916.8MHz~920.4MHz Table 1: Band configurations Regions  configuration  in  different  end-use  products  is  limited  by  an  original  equipment  manufacturer (OEM)
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 6 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016    2 Regulatory Statement  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (if EUT is portable device, please delete this item) (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.    However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.    If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 21cm between the radiator & your body.
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 7 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016   This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any     other antenna or transmitter.  This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions: 1) The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users, and    2) The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna.  As long as 2 conditions above are met, further transmitter test will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed  IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions can not be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization.  End Product Labeling                    FOR MOBILE DEVICE USAGE (>20cm/low power) This transmitter module is authorized only for use in device where the antenna may be installed such that 20 cm may be maintained between the antenna and users. The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: “Contains FCC ID:MAD-RU00-M03”. The grantee's FCC ID can be used only when all FCC compliance requirements are met. Manual Information To the End User The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual.
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 8 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016    3 Specifications Item Description Specifications1 Air Interface Protocol EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Gen2 / ISO 18000-63 (formerly 18000-6C)Supports dense reader mode (DRM)2 Tx Output Power Range: +10 to +31.5 dBm3 RF Connectors UF.L*44 Dimensions Spitfire Module + Back Plate : 75 mm by 44 mm by 9 mm5 I/O Connector FPC 20Pin6 Rx Sensitivity -74dBm. Assumes operation in profle 1, and a 15 dB antenna returnloss at 31.5 dBm output power.7 DC Power Supply 3.3 to 5.25 Volts (The min. voltage 3.3V is limited by USB interface)8 Supported Regions Worldwide regional support via FW configuration in different SKUs9 Control Interface UART or USB Table 2: Specifications
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 9 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016   4 Set up HOST can control the ru00-m04 module through the USB or UART on the test board. The RU00-M04 can be easily powered by DC 5V. Set up refer to below figure.
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 10 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016    5 Pin Configurations and Descriptions The module is controlled via 20-pin FPC I/O connector. The pin configurations are shown in Figure 2 and Table 3.      Figure 1: I/O Configurations
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 11 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016   PinNumber Pin Name Type Description1,2,3 VDC Power Power Supply4 GND Ground Ground5 USB_nSENSE InputActive low pulse for USB enumerationprocess. The low pulse need be more than1ms.6 USB_D+ I/O USB Data Signal Plus7 USB_D- I/O USB Data Signal Minus8 GND Ground Ground9 UART1_TX Output UART Console Transmit Data10 UART1_RX Input UART Console Receive Data11 GND Ground Ground12 ENABLE Input Active High Enable Device13 WAKEUP Input Active High Wake up Device14 GND Ground Ground15 GPIO1 I/O General Purpose Input/Output16 GPIO2 I/O General Purpose Input/Output17 GPIO3 I/O General Purpose Input/Output18 GPIO4 I/O General Purpose Input/Output19 STATUS Output Status Indication20 HEALTH Output Status Indication   Table 3: Pin Configurations of FPC connector
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 12 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016    6 Mechanical Information  Mechanical Outline (Draft)  Spitfire Module + Back Plate:75 x 44 x 9mm  Figure 2: Package Mechanical Outline
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 13 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016    7 Interfacing to the RU00-M04    Power and Ground   All circuits on the RU00-M04 are powered from inputs at pin 1, 2, 3. The RU00-M04 operates with any supply voltage between 3.3 and 5.25V. Because the individual supplies within the part are regulated on the RU00-M04, a large amount of supply filtering is not required. A high value, low ESR tantalum capacitor (150uF or greater) is recommended and should be accompanied by a 0.1uF ceramic chip capacitor close to the pin.   All 4 available ground pins (pin4, 8, 11, 14) of the RU00-M04 must be connected to the user PCB via 20 pin FPC cable.     Communication   The RU00-M04 has one UART ports, which utilizes 3.3V CMOS I/O over a pair of pins. The UART is compatible with a standard RS-232C serial port through an appropriate level translator IC. The user’s host processor issues LLCS commands to the HOST UART (RX pin 10, TX pin 9), which can be configured for any standard UART data rate for 115.2k, 230.4k, 460.8k and 921.6 kbaud. The default rate is set to 115.2 kbaud. Please see the RU00-M04 data sheet for detailed I/O specifications.   RF   The RU00-M04 is configured for monostatic operation, which requires only a single RF I/O pin for full duplex communication. There are four antenna port, they are required to be connected with 50ohm RF cable.     GPIO   There are four user-configurable digital GPIOs on the RU00-M04. The signals are number GPIO1 – GPIO4 and occupy pins 15 – 18 respectively. Each GPIO operates at standard 3.3V CMOS logic levels with a minimum output current capability of 4 mA per pin while maintaining guaranteed noise margins. Appropriate interface circuitry and layout as well as handling of the OEM hardware should be applied. Please see the RU00-M04 data sheet for detailed I/O specifications.
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 14 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016     Enable Pin 12 of the RU00-M04 comprises the ENABLE signal. The RU00-M04 is held in reset if the signal is held low. The ENABLE signal is bidirectional and is pulled down to 3.3V by ~10kΩ resistance internal to the RU00-M04. Any external connection to this pin must maintain a low impedance (<<10kΩ) other than when an external reset signal is applied. This allows the RU00-M04 to exert control of the reset line during power up and other situations that require it.   Health and Status   RU00-M04 pin 20 is a dedicated digital output that indicates the HEALTH of the RU00-M04. After the RU00-M04 is successfully booted and in its operational state, the health output switches to low. Otherwise, the output is high. The OEM can digitally monitor this signal or use it to drive an LED for visual indication of the RU00-M04 health.   Pin 19 is a dedicated digital output that indicates the tag inventory STATUS of the RU00-M04. When the RU00-M04 is successfully inventorying one or more tags, it will generate 0.5ms minimum high pulse. The output remains low when no tags are being inventoried. Like the health signal, the OEM can monitor it via firmware or use it to drive an LED for visual indication to the device user.
 RU00-M04 RFID Spitfire Module Specifications  PAGE: 15 11- RU00-M04-X001-01  DATE: 10-25-2016    8 Revision History VersionNumber Description Revision Date1.0.0 Initial release 25-Oct-16 Table 4: Revision history

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