Bau_bro_Image_090116 Baumann Automation Company Oveview


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AuToMATion exCeLLenCe

Daniela Feder

M. Ganesh Kumar

iT Technician

Software engineer

We give 100%
our aim is to have a long-term cooperation
with our customers. From the initial concept to
ideal implementation of your project, you can
count on us to be there every step of the way.
our solutions provide more than the simple
implementation of your ideas. We work with
you to realize the full potential of your ideas.
With over 20 years of experience developing
solutions for a wide range of applications, we
understand what is critical to optimize the
our entire team is committed to providing
you with a real competitive advantage with
the best concepts, optimum performance
and quality, the lowest cost of ownership and
enhanced flexibility.
Christian Donhauser
We give you 100%.

Frank Madl

Software engineer

rudi neumann

Josef Konrad

General Manager

General Manager

The features that distinguish us
Focused on people

Prepared for the future

Machines are only as good as the people who

it is of little use if today’s automation systems

engineer them. The initiative, creativity and

are obsolete tomorrow. baumann thinks

innovativeness of our staff makes a significant

long-term, providing you with sustainable,

contribution to the maximum success of your

future-proof machine concepts that can be


easily and affordably adapted to changing
requirements – even after years of use.

Only one solution counts – the best one
our comprehensive experience in handling a
wide range of customer mandates in the automotive, electronics and telecommunications,
life science and the solar and glass sectors,
secures you the best possible solution.

Josef Schönberger
Design engineer

Process and System

System Design
and Layout

System Manufacturing
Detailed Design

our rAnGe oF ServiCeS
We offer you best in class

To create and compliment the best in class
solutions, baumann also offers extensive
process and applications expertise, and an

baumann develops and produces turn-key

ever expanding network for global service and

automation systems for customers in the auto-

technical support.

motive, electronics and telecommunications,
life science and the solar and glass industries.

We guarantee tailor-made automation systems
from a single source - from consulting and

From a single lean automation cell to a com-

system conception through comprehensive

pletely automated production line, baumann

technical support.

leverages a standard automation platform
concept to tailor a solution that provides the
customer with the optimum productivity,
cost, quality, reliability and flexibility for their
specific application.

Mechanical Assembly

Facts and figures
• established 1984
• 6,000 sq. m. office and production area
• State-of-the-art technical facilities
• More than 200 employees
• More than 1,200 installed systems worldwide

electrical Assembly


System verification
and optimization

Technical Service
and Support

Process and System Consulting

System Manufacturing

• Design for manufacturing

• Detailed design

• Process and product validation

• Mechanical assembly

• Process flow modeling

• electrical assembly
• Programming

System Design and Layout
• optimize process flow

System Verification and Optimization

• optimize cycle time

• System performance verification
• Process performance verification
• Process flow and manufacturing quality
Technical Service and Support
• 24/7 support
• regionally deployed technical experts

Leveraging our expertise –
from the initial concept to

Leading through development
With an array of highly flexible and capable
platforms, the bulk of our development effort
is focused on high performance process

our customers benefit from our expertise right

peripherals, and their seamless integration to

from the outset. our internal development de-

our platforms/systems. This strategy allows

partment, with more than 40 engineers, offers

us to leverage the numerous benefits of

a comprehensive array of capabilities. The

standardization, while optimizing the process

result for our customers: short development

and performance for the customer’s specific

times, high-quality products, low costs and


maximum process reliability.
Customers are increasingly relying on their
in addition, baumann is continuously inves-

automation partner to provide a complete

ting in research and development ensuring

process and assembly solution. This empha-

that our automation solutions utilize the

sizes baumann‘s real strengths in developing

latest hardware, software and process

hardware and software interfaces to 3rd party


processes and factory control systems.

Innovative development,
efficient production
To ensure the best possible system production,
we apply leading-edge analyses, including
simultaneous engineering, FMeA and FeM,
in the design phase. To achieve the best
possible result, we optimize the interaction of
all components and perfectly coordinate them
to one another.
The best solution for each requirement
For our customers, we focus on providing
the best possible value for each individual
installation. We therefore trend toward tried
and tested standard software and hardware
elements as much as possible, which are then
individually tailored to the customer’s specific
production requirements. baumann has built
its business on providing maximum process
quality and reliability with over 1,200 systems
installed worldwide.
Easy operation for complex systems
ergonomic, user-friendly system controls are
an important constituent of our automation
solutions. All our interfaces are menu-guided
and intuitive.
Quality management
Above all, quality means setting the highest
standards for ourselves. We are continuously establishing new benchmarks for our
products, processes and services. our quality
management system encompasses all current
industry standard methods, including machine
and process capability analysis, etc.

our Core MArKeTS
Bundled expertise
for your markets

but are also designed to respond ultra-fast

We are at home in an extremely diverse range

throughout the world to successfully manufac-

of industries: in the automotive and telecom-

ture an extremely diverse range of automotive

munications sector as well as the domestic

components. examples include transmission

appliance industry. our automation solutions

and ABS control units, hybrid selectors, servo

are always oriented closely to the require-

units, twin rocker shafts and aluminum wheel

ments of the customer – whatever the sector.



Electronics &

to the rapidly changing requirements of the
automotive oeM‘s. our systems are used

baumann is one of the world’s leading suppliers of assembly systems for manufacturers

The electronics industry is characterized by

of automotive components. We have develo-

huge product diversity and short innovation

ped standardized assembly solutions which

cycles. Together with our customers, we design

not only provide outstanding performance,

flexible and cost-effective production solutions

to handle products that are constantly chan-

qualification (iQ) and operational qualification

ging. our standardized automation platforms

(oQ). They meet all GMP directives and FDA

put us in a position to rapidly respond.

quality requirements. baumann systems are

baumann solutions are used for applications

used to produce heart pacemakers, insulin

from inserting odd-form components to fully

pens and blood sugar meters.

assembling and packaging complete mobile

Solar & Glass

Life Science

Accessing sustainable energy sources drives
the development of the solar industry. The

Life science applications typically have very

rising demand can be efficiently addressed

unique and challenging requirements. Some

with flexible automation systems. in addition,

examples are the handling of very small

handling the delicate silicon wafers requires

and complex components, compliance with

ultimate precision. baumann systems are used

stringent quality standards and manufacturing

for a range of applications, including visual

under clean-room conditions. baumann auto-

inspection of wafers and packaging finished

mation solutions are painstakingly validated in

solar modules.

terms of design qualification (DQ), installation

Clip attach
Laser marking

ultrasonic welding

Plasma cleaning


Electrical testing

Substrate singulation
Screw driving

Loading and unloading

Mechanical testing


Vision inspection

Firmware flashing

Optical measurement

odd-form assembly



TeCHnoLoGieS AnD
ProCeSS SoLuTionS
Our expertise is your advantage
our systems are based on a range of automa-

Foil application


tion platforms, each involving a core process,
e.g. handling, assembly, loading and unloading
or palletization. These core processes are
augmented, as required, by additional applications such as bonding, welding or dispensing.
Depending on the product and application,
additional technologies, such as measurement
and testing can be integrated. in addition, drawing on many years of experience, baumann


has developed a wide variety of mechanical
and electrical testing techniques including
functional, hot functional, in-circuit, thickness
and hermeticity testing.


vision is at the core of all our systems and is
used in many ways. examples include guiding
handling processes, identifying parts via
barcode or datamatrix and evaluating material
characteristics such as form, dimensions, surface finish and completeness of assembly.
baumann has extensive experience in data
collection, material tracking, traceability and
production management. our software tools
and development capability ensure efficient
operation, quality control, complete data retention and seamless interfacing with your factory
control system.

our STAnDArDS

The standard cell for robot applications, with

Standards for
improved availability

are scaleable in 500 mm increments and are

baumann systems represent a perfect combi-


the focus on handling and assembly. The cells
suitable for use with SCArA, articulated arm
and Cartesian robots and designed for rapid

nation of standardization and customization.
our cells act as standard building blocks that

Typical configuration:

can be combined in unique ways through

repetition accuracy

± 0.1mm

software and standard interfaces to process

Load capacity

5 kg

Working range

800 mm

peripherals. All individual components interact
perfectly. We create optimized, customized
configurations with high availability today, and
easy adaptability in the future. in this way, we
keep the costs for service and maintenance or
later upgrades as low as possible.

The powerful solution for automated loading
and unloading of machining centers and

Modular concept
for all requirements

injection molding machines. The machines
are fed from a magazine trolley, drawer or
conveyor belt.

our automation solutions are based on our

Load capacity

≤ 2kg

easily be adapted to suit your needs. We are

Working range

920 mm

leveraging the reliability by using standard


1500 x 1585 x 2100 mm
1500 x 1785 x 2100 mm

Pallet weight

≤ 30 kg

Pallet size

≤ 400 x 600 mm

highly configurable standard cells that can

components. All cells are fully inline-capable
and can be integrated in countless ways.

Ready for the markets
of tomorrow
Standardized interfaces and industry-standard
PLC program modules give you the necessary

Linear-axis module for all applications requi-

flexibility for later conversion or integration of

ring maximum precision at maximum speed.

additional components. An intuitive user inter-

The cell is equipped with a gantry-style posi-

face, based on Windows, enables user-friendly

tioning system, driven by linear motors. The

system control without extensive training.

platform is used for applications, including
pick and place, testing and dispensing tasks,
or specialized component insertion.


< 40 µm (4 σ)

Load capacity

10 kg at top speed

Working range

x 600 mm, y 1100 mm

Main axis

r ± 180°

vertical axis

Z 100 mm

The Windows-based interface is used to
visualize the system structure and the
process data. The user is able to access
all system and product level information.
The touch-screen interface can be set to
run in multiple languages.

The software systems used in baumann
automation solutions are CoDeSys, S7 and
other industry standard PLC and robotic
programming languages. Programming
follows standardized guidelines which
simplifies software maintenance.

Standard interfaces
baumann makes use of standardized
mechanical and electrical interfaces to
transfer power and signals between the
individual process modules. These rugged
industrial plug connectors enable easy
plug-and-play configuration of the system.

Production and
Service Excellence
24 hours a day – 7 days a
week – 365 days a year

or through our spare parts warehouses. With
our services, we respond to your individual

baumann develops sustainable, forwardlooking automation solutions with maximum

We can offer you a range of service packages,

flexibility. You define the requirements – we

giving you access to our in-house service

implement them in a fully optimized manner.

department up to 24 hours a day, 365 days

And when you wish to change a production

a year. You benefit from fast response times

cycle or launch a new product, we can rapidly

and expert support by highly-qualified staff –

and affordably adapt your system to the new

even for conversion, expansion and process

requirements. The high degree of standar-


dization of our components guarantees you
maximum process certainty, reliability and

baumann sets high standards in all business

economy at all times.

areas. Take advantage of our many years of
experience, the expertise of our specialists

Service – comprehensive

and our service quality.

and totally individual
We place a high value on supporting you in

With creativity and innovativeness, we will

your plant, anywhere in the world – even after

always develop the best solution for you – and

successfully commissioning of your system;

make your production best in class.

by telephone, online via data network, on site

baumann GmbH

Americas Sales and Support

China Sales and Support

oskar-von-Miller-Str. 7

206 Front Street, Suite 3n

2911-12 Metro Plaza i Tian He north road

D-92224 Amberg, Germany

owego, nY 13827

510620 Guangzhou

Tel.: +49 (0) 9621 6754-0



Fax: +49 (0) 9621 6754-922

Tel.: +1 585 978 1556

Tel.: +86 20 8755 2353 ext. 219

Status as of 02/2009; Copyright Baumann GmbH; We make no guarantee of the accuracy of the information provided. We reserve the right to make changes. Windows is a
registered trade mark of Microsoft Corporation, S7 is a registered trade mark of Siemens AG, Codesys is a registered trade mark of 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH.


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