EZ Match Imager User's Manual Ezmatchmanual


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EZ Match Imager
Users Manual
P/N 83-000044 Rev C
ii EZ Match User’s Manual
Copyright and Disclaimer
Copyright ©2010
Microscan Systems, Inc.
ISO 9001 Certified
Issued by TüV USA
All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary and is provided solely for the purpose
of allowing customers to operate and/or service Microscan manufactured equipment and is not to be
released, reproduced, or used for any other purpose without written permission of Microscan.
Throughout this manual, trademarked names might be used. Rather than place a trademark (™) symbol
at every occurrence of a trademarked name, we state herein that we are using the names only in an editorial
fashion, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement.
The information and specifications described in this manual are subject to change without notice.
Latest Manual Version
For the latest version of this manual, see the Download Center on our web site at:
Technical Support
For technical support, e-mail: helpdesk@microscan.com.
Warranty and Terms of Sale
For Standard Warranty information, see: www.microscan.com/warranty.
Microscan Systems, Inc.
Renton Headquarters
Tel: 425.226.5700 / 800.251.7711
Fax: 425.226.8250
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Tel: 603.598.8400
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Microscan Europe
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Microscan Asia Pacific
Tel: 65 6846 1214
Fax: 65 6846 4641
EZ Match User’s Manual iii
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Quick Start
Step 1 Check Hardware .......................................................................... 1-2
Step 2 Connect the System..................................................................... 1-3
Step 3 Position the Imager ...................................................................... 1-4
Step 4 Install ESP.................................................................................... 1-5
Step 5 Select Model ................................................................................ 1-6
Step 6 Select Protocol and Connect........................................................ 1-7
Step 7 Locate the Object in the Field of View.......................................... 1-9
Step 8 Calibrate..................................................................................... 1-11
Step 9 Test Read Rate .......................................................................... 1-12
Step 10 Configure the Imager in ESP ................................................... 1-13
Step 11 Save Configuration in ESP....................................................... 1-14
Chapter 2 Using ESP
EZ Mode ..................................................................................................2-2
Application Mode ..................................................................................... 2-3
Menu Toolbar ..........................................................................................2-4
Autoconnect.......................................................................................... 2-12
View...................................................................................................... 2-14
Navigating in ESP................................................................................. 2-15
Send/Receive Options.......................................................................... 2-16
Chapter 3 Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Inspection Serial Commands .................................................. 3-2
Capture and Test..................................................................................... 3-3
Multi-Operation ........................................................................................ 3-4
Multi-Operation by Serial Command ...................................................... 3-5
Tube/Cap Library.................................................................................... 3-8
Tube/Cap Information........................................................................... 3-16
Chapter 4 Communications
Communications by ESP......................................................................... 4-2
Communications Serial Commands ........................................................ 4-3
Host Port Connections............................................................................. 4-4
Host Protocol ........................................................................................... 4-5
Poll Address ............................................................................................4-7
ACK/NAK Options ...................................................................................4-8
Polling Mode Options .............................................................................. 4-9
RS-422 Status ....................................................................................... 4-10
Auxiliary Port Connections .................................................................... 4-11
Auxiliary Port System Data Status......................................................... 4-19
Daisy Chain Autoconfigure .................................................................... 4-20
Response Timeout ................................................................................ 4-21
LRC Status ............................................................................................ 4-22
Protocol Configuration Examples .......................................................... 4-23
USB HID Interface ................................................................................. 4-24
iv EZ Match User’s Manual
Table of Contents
ASCII Character Entry Modifier ............................................................. 4-33
Preamble ............................................................................................... 4-34
Postamble ............................................................................................. 4-35
Chapter 5 Calibration
Calibration Serial Commands.................................................................. 5-2
Calibration Overview ............................................................................... 5-2
Calibration Options.................................................................................. 5-3
Calibration by ESP ............................................................................... 5-10
Initiating Calibration............................................................................... 5-12
Additional Notes about Calibration ........................................................ 5-17
Chapter 6 Read Cycle
Read Cycle by ESP................................................................................. 6-2
Read Cycle Serial Commands ................................................................ 6-3
Read Cycle Setup ................................................................................... 6-4
Multisymbol ............................................................................................. 6-5
Trigger Mode and Duration ..................................................................... 6-7
External Trigger Polarity ........................................................................ 6-12
Serial Trigger......................................................................................... 6-13
Start Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)................................................ 6-14
Stop Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)................................................ 6-15
End of Read Cycle ................................................................................ 6-16
Capture Mode........................................................................................ 6-18
Capture Timing...................................................................................... 6-23
Image Storage....................................................................................... 6-25
Minimum Good Reads........................................................................... 6-28
Chapter 7 Symbologies
Symbologies by ESP............................................................................... 7-2
Symbologies Serial Commands .............................................................. 7-3
Data Matrix .............................................................................................. 7-4
QR Code ................................................................................................. 7-6
Code 39................................................................................................... 7-7
Code 128 / EAN-128 ............................................................................. 7-10
BC412 ................................................................................................... 7-13
Interleaved 2 of 5................................................................................... 7-14
Code 93................................................................................................. 7-17
Codabar................................................................................................. 7-18
UPC / EAN ............................................................................................ 7-21
Pharmacode .......................................................................................... 7-25
GS1 DataBar (RSS) .............................................................................. 7-27
PDF417 ................................................................................................. 7-29
MicroPDF417 ........................................................................................ 7-31
Composite ............................................................................................. 7-32
Narrow Margins / Symbology Identifier.................................................. 7-33
Chapter 8 I/O Parameters
I/O Parameters by ESP ........................................................................... 8-2
EZ Match User’s Manual v
I/O Parameters Serial Commands........................................................... 8-3
Symbol Data Output ................................................................................8-5
No Read Message................................................................................... 8-8
Bad Symbol Message............................................................................ 8-10
No Symbol Message .............................................................................8-10
1D / Stacked Symbology Qualification .................................................. 8-11
2D Symbology Qualification .................................................................. 8-12
Read Duration Output............................................................................ 8-18
Output Indicators ................................................................................... 8-19
Beeper ................................................................................................... 8-23
LED Configuration .................................................................................8-24
Serial Verification................................................................................... 8-25
EZ Button............................................................................................... 8-27
EZ Button Modes................................................................................... 8-29
Configurable Output 1 ........................................................................... 8-31
Trend Analysis Output 1 ........................................................................ 8-34
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1 .............................................. 8-37
Diagnostics Output 1 ............................................................................. 8-40
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1................................................................ 8-41
Configurable Output 2 ........................................................................... 8-43
Trend Analysis Output 2 ........................................................................ 8-43
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2 .............................................. 8-43
Diagnostics Output 2 ............................................................................. 8-43
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2................................................................ 8-44
Configurable Output 3 ........................................................................... 8-45
Trend Analysis Output 3 ........................................................................ 8-45
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3 .............................................. 8-45
Diagnostics Output 3 ............................................................................. 8-45
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3................................................................ 8-46
Frame Information ................................................................................. 8-47
Image Output......................................................................................... 8-48
Database Identifier Output..................................................................... 8-51
Quality Output........................................................................................8-52
Power-On/Reset Counts........................................................................ 8-53
Time Since Reset .................................................................................. 8-54
Service Message ...................................................................................8-55
EZ Trax Output ......................................................................................8-56
Chapter 9 Symbol Quality
Symbol Quality by ESP ...........................................................................9-2
Symbol Quality Serial Commands...........................................................9-3
Overview of Symbol Quality .................................................................... 9-4
Symbol Quality Separator / Data Matrix Output Mode ............................ 9-5
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output ................................................... 9-7
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output by ESP ...................................... 9-9
Microscan Symbol Quality Output ......................................................... 9-10
vi EZ Match User’s Manual
Table of Contents
Microscan Symbol Quality Output by ESP ............................................ 9-13
Chapter 10 Matchcode
Matchcode by ESP................................................................................ 10-2
Matchcode Serial Commands ............................................................... 10-2
Overview of Matchcode......................................................................... 10-3
Matchcode Type.................................................................................... 10-4
Match Replace ...................................................................................... 10-9
Mismatch Replace............................................................................... 10-10
New Master Pin ................................................................................... 10-11
Chapter 11 Camera and IP Setup
Camera and IP Setup by ESP............................................................... 11-2
Camera and IP Setup Serial Commands .............................................. 11-3
Video ..................................................................................................... 11-4
Evaluation.............................................................................................. 11-5
Calibration ............................................................................................. 11-9
Window of Interest............................................................................... 11-10
IP Database......................................................................................... 11-13
Dynamic Setup .................................................................................... 11-14
Camera Settings.................................................................................. 11-15
Focal Distance (Read-Only) ................................................................ 11-16
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only) ...................................................... 11-16
Pixel Sub-Sampling ............................................................................. 11-17
IP Threshold ........................................................................................ 11-18
IP Mode ............................................................................................... 11-20
Tube/Cap Mode................................................................................... 11-21
Image Processing Timeout.................................................................. 11-23
Mirrored Image .................................................................................... 11-25
Hollow Mode........................................................................................ 11-26
Number of Symbols in Field of View ................................................... 11-27
Damaged Symbol Status..................................................................... 11-28
Illumination Brightness ........................................................................ 11-29
Skew Correction .................................................................................. 11-30
Color Filter (EZ Match Color Only) ...................................................... 11-34
Color Detection (EZ Match Color Only)............................................... 11-35
Chapter 12 IP Database
IP Database Serial Commands ............................................................. 12-2
Number of Active Indexes ..................................................................... 12-3
IP Database Status ............................................................................... 12-4
Database Mode ................................................................................... 12-10
Save Current Settings to IP Database ................................................ 12-15
Load Current Settings from IP Database ............................................ 12-16
Request Selected Index Settings ........................................................ 12-17
Request All IP Database Settings ....................................................... 12-18
Chapter 13 Terminal
Terminal Window................................................................................... 13-2
EZ Match User’s Manual vii
Find........................................................................................................ 13-3
Send ...................................................................................................... 13-4
Macros................................................................................................... 13-5
Terminal Window Menus .......................................................................13-6
Chapter 14 Utilities
Serial Utility Commands ........................................................................ 14-2
Read Rate ............................................................................................. 14-4
Counters ................................................................................................ 14-5
Device Control ....................................................................................... 14-8
Differences from Default........................................................................ 14-9
Master Database .................................................................................14-10
Firmware.............................................................................................. 14-16
Default / Reset / Save.......................................................................... 14-19
Imager Status Requests ......................................................................14-21
Other Operational Serial Commands .................................................. 14-23
Chapter 15 Output Format
Output Format Serial Commands.......................................................... 15-2
Output Format Status ............................................................................ 15-3
Format Assign ....................................................................................... 15-4
Format Extract ....................................................................................... 15-5
Format Insert ......................................................................................... 15-7
Output Filter Configuration .................................................................... 15-9
Ordered Output Filter...........................................................................15-13
Appendix A General Specifications .........................................................A-2
Appendix B Electrical Specifications .......................................................A-5
Appendix C Serial Configuration Commands ..........................................A-8
Appendix D Communications Protocol ..................................................A-15
Appendix E ASCII Table........................................................................A-24
Appendix F Interface Standards ............................................................A-25
Appendix G Using an External Trigger ..................................................A-26
Appendix H Operational Tips.................................................................A-27
Appendix I USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver................................A-28
Appendix J Glossary of Terms ..............................................................A-31
viii EZ Match User’s Manual
About the EZ Match Imager
About the EZ Match Imager
The key features of the EZ Match Imager are:
3 megapixel sensor (color version)
1.3 megapixel sensor (monochrome version)
High-output white LED illumination
High-speed image processing
Ability to identify a large database of tube and cap types, and to learn new tube and cap types
Support for both linear and 2D symbologies
USB, RS-232, and RS-422/485 connectivity
A multi-function EZ Button for location, calibration, and read cycle triggering
A blue target pattern that identifies the center of the field of view
A green flash (visible from all angles) to signal a tube/cap detection or successful decode
Easy customization for a variety of specific applications
About This Manual
This manual provides complete information on setting up, installing, and configuring the
imager. The chapters are presented in the order in which an imager might be set up and
made ready for operation.
Serial commands, highlighted command fields, and default command settings are highlighted
in rust bold. Cross-references and web links are highlighted in blue bold. References to
ESP, its toolbar headings (Communications, Read Cycle, Symbologies, etc.), menu
topics, and other points of emphasis, are highlighted in Bold Initial Caps.
Host Communications
There are three ways to configure and test the EZ Match Imager :
Microscan’s Windows-based
(Easy Setup Program), which offers point-and-click
of use and visual responses to user adjustments.
Serial commands, such as <K100,1>, that can be sent from ESP’s Terminal window or
another terminal program.
EZ Button.
EZ Match User’s Manual ix
Warning and Caution Summary
Viewing the EZ Match Imager’s LED output with optical instruments such as magnifiers,
eye loupes, or microscopes within a distance of 100 mm could cause serious eye injury.
Maximum LED output: .564 mW.
Wavelength: 470 nm; 525 nm; 617 nm.
Location of the EZ Match Imager’s LED aperture window:
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
IMPORTANT: The EZ Match Imager is intended for connection to a UL-listed direct plug-in
power unit marked Class II and rated 5 VDC at 3.5 Watts, or greater if using electrical
European models must use a similarly rated Class I or Class II power supply that is certified
to comply with standard for safety EN 60950.
LED Output: .564 mW. Wavelength: 470 nm; 525 nm; 617 nm.
IEC 60825-1:1993+A1:1997+A2:2001
LED Aperture Window
xEZ Match User’s Manual
Statement of Agency Compliance
Statement of Agency Compliance
The EZ Match Imager has been tested for compliance with FCC (Federal Communications
Commission) regulations and has been found to conform to all applicable FCC Rules
and Regulations.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device must not be co-located
or operate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The EZ Match Imager has been tested for compliance with CE (Conformité Européenne)
standards and guidelines, and has been found to conform to applicable CE standards,
the EMC requirements
EN 55024, ESD EN 61000-4-2, Radiated RF Immunity
EN 61000-4-3, ENV 50204, EFT EN 61000-4-4, Conducted RF Immunity EN 61000-4-6,
EN 55022, Class B Radiated Emissions, and Class B Conducted Emissions.
The EZ Match Imager has been tested by an independent electromagnetic compatibility
laboratory in accordance with the applicable specifications and instructions.
EZ Match User’s Manual xi
Statement of RoHS Compliance
All Microscan readers with a ‘G’ suffix in the FIS number are RoHS-Compliant. All compliant
readers were converted prior to March 1, 2007. All standard accessories in the Microscan
Product Pricing Catalog are RoHS-Compliant except 20-500013-01 and 98-000039-02.
These products meet all the requirements of the European Parliament and the Council of
the European Union for RoHS compliance. In accordance with the latest requirements, our
RoHS-compliant products and packaging do not contain intentionally added Deca-BDE,
Perfluorooctanes (PFOS) or Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) compounds above the maximum
trace levels. To view the documents stating these requirements, please visit:
Please contact your sales manager for a complete list of Microscan’s RoHS-Compliant products.
This declaration is based upon information obtained from sources which Microscan believes to be reliable, and
from random sample testing; however, the information is provided without any representation of warranty,
expressed or implied, regarding accuracy or correctness. Microscan does not specifically run any analysis on our
raw materials or end product to measure for these substances.
The information provided in this certification notice is correct to the best of Microscan’s knowledge at the date of
publication. This notice is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. Users are responsible for
determining the applicability of any RoHS legislation or regulations based on their individual use of the product.
xii EZ Match User’s Manual
Statement of RoHS Compliance
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-1
1 Quick Start
This section is designed to get your EZ Match Imager up and running quickly, using the EZ
Button or ESP (Easy Setup Program). Following these steps will allow you to get a sense
of the imager’s capabilities and to test tube/cap detection and symbol decode performance.
Detailed setup information for installing the imager in your application can be found in the
subsequent sections.
Step 1 Check Hardware................................................................................................................1-2
Step 2 Connect the System ..........................................................................................................1-3
Step 3 Position the Imager............................................................................................................1-4
Step 4 Install ESP.........................................................................................................................1-5
Step 5 Select Model......................................................................................................................1-6
Step 6 Select Protocol and Connect.............................................................................................1-7
Step 7 Locate the Object in the Field of View...............................................................................1-9
Step 8 Calibrate......................................................................................................................... 1-11
Step 9 Test Read Rate .............................................................................................................. 1-12
Step 10 Configure the Imager in ESP........................................................................................ 1-13
Step 11 Save Configuration in ESP........................................................................................... 1-14
1-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Check Hardware
Step 1 — Check Hardware
Item Description Part Number
1EZ Match Imager FIS-0004-100XG
2IC-332 Adapter FIS-0001-0035G
3IB-131 Interface Box 99-000018-01
4Power Supply 97-100004-15 (90-264 VAC, 24 VDC)
5Object Detector (optional) 99-000017-01
6Host Cable 61-300026-03
Hardware Required
Caution: Be sure that all cables are connected BEFORE applying power to the
system. Always power down BEFORE disconnecting any cables.
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-3
Quick Start
Step 2 — Connect the System
Connecting by RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485
Connect the imager (1) to the IB-131/IC-332 interface (2) and (3).
Connect the host cable (6) to the host and to the host port on the IB-131 (3).
Connect the object detector (5) to the IB-131 (3).
Connect the power supply (4) to the IB-131 (3).
Apply power to the imager.
Important: If you are using a USB model, you must connect the device to the host
computer before powering-on. Otherwise the unit will not be recognized as a USB device.
Caution: Be sure that all cables are connected BEFORE applying power to the
system. Always power down BEFORE disconnecting any cables.
Hardware Configuration
1-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Position the Imager
Step 3 — Position the Imager
Place the imager in an area with as little ambient light as possible.
Place a black surface behind the area in which test tubes, caps, or symbols will be
inspected by the imager.
The black background provides the contrast necessary for the imager to detect the
presence or absence of objects in its field of view.
Position the imager at a focal distance between 2 and 6 inches from a sample tube, cap,
or symbol.
Position the imager relative to the object to avoid the glare of direct (specular) reflection.
Avoid excessive skew or pitch. Maximum skew is
; maximum pitch is
The illustration below shows skew axis, pitch axis, and tilt axis.
Objects can be rotated at any angle; however, for best results, objects should be aligned
with the FOV (field of view).
Note: For accuracy of testing and performance, Microscan recommends using a mounting
arm adapter kit. Contact your Microscan sales manager for details about mounting arm
adapter kits and other accessories.
Bar code
label Tilt
Scan line
Symbol or
other object
of interest
EZ Match Imager and Object in Field of View
Place a black background
behind the area where
test tubes, caps, or
symbols will be
inspected by the
imager. This is important
because it provides the
contrast necessary for
the imager to detect
the presence or
absence of objects in
the field of view.
Note: Imager shown
at 90° tilt.
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-5
Quick Start
Step 4 — Install ESP
ESP Software can be found on the Microscan Tools CD that is packaged with the EZ Match.
1. Follow the prompts to install ESP from the CD.
2. Click on the ESP icon to run the program.
Note: ESP can also be installed from the Download Center at www.microscan.com.
ESP System Requirements
166 MHz Pentium processor (recommended)
Windows Vista, XP, or 2000 operating system
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
64 MB minimum RAM
50 MB minimum disk space
800 x 600 pixel minimum 256 color display
1-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Select Model
Step 5 — Select Model
When you start ESP, the following menu will appear:
1. Click the button showing the EZ Match Imager.
2. Click OK.
You can also simply double-click the EZ Match
button to make your selection.
3. Click Yes when this dialog appears:
Note: If you need to select another model later, click the Switch Model button near
the top of the screen or use Model > New Model in the menu toolbar.
Important: An EZ Match Imager
must be connected to the host
computer for its corresponding
icon (shown at left) to appear on
the model menu.
The icon will always be present
in subsequent ESP sessions,
even when the EZ Match unit is
not physically connected.
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-7
Quick Start
Step 6 — Select Protocol and Connect
Choose the connection protocol you are using and click Connect.
Once you select your communications mode, follow the simple prompts to
establish your connection.
1-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Select Protocol and Connect (cont.)
Step 6 — Select Protocol and Connect (cont.)
When you are connected, you will see the green connection indicator in the status bar at
the bottom right of your screen.
If your RS-232 connection attempt fails, click the Autoconnect button, select a different
communications port, and try again.
Note: If your RS-232 host settings cannot be changed to match the imager’s settings,
check the
Force Connect
box in the
dialog and click the Connect.
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-9
Quick Start
Step 7 — Locate the Object in the Field of View
Locate the Object by ESP
•In ESP’s EZ Mode, click the Locate button to enable the blue target pattern.
The object in the field of view will appear in the video view beneath the Locate and
buttons, and you will see the blue target
pattern projected from the front of the imager.
Center the target pattern on the object.
At 2 to 3 inches, the pattern resembles an X. At 3 to 6 inches, the pattern resembles a V.
Important: The entire object of interest (tube, cap, or symbol) should fall within the field
of view (FOV) of the imager. The field of view is what appears in ESP’s Locate/Calibrate
window in EZ Mode.
Click the Stop button to end the Locate function.
Center on object
in field of view.
Target pattern shown as it would appear between 3 and 6 inches.
1-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Locate the Object in the Field of View
Locate the Object by EZ Button
If you are not connected to a host computer, the EZ Button allows you to locate an object
in the imager’s field of view.
Hold down the EZ Button for about one second and release when you hear one short
beep. The amber
LED will illuminate, and you will see the blue target
pattern projected
from the front of the imager.
Center the target pattern on the object.
Note: To end all EZ Button functions, press the EZ Button once and quickly release.
EZ Button
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-11
Quick Start
Step 8 — Calibrate
EZ Match settings can be adjusted automatically for optimum tube/cap detection and sym-
bol decoding performance by either the EZ Button or by ESP.
During the calibration routine, the reader will flash its amber Read Rate percent LEDs and
red illumination LEDs while searching camera settings and determining the best configuration
for detecting tubes or caps, or for decoding symbol data. Upon successful completion of
this routine, a green LED pattern will flash brightly
and illuminate the object. If unsuccessful,
the imager will emit 5 short beeps and stop searching.
Calibrate by EZ Button
1. Hold down the EZ Button for about two seconds and release when you hear two
short beeps. The 20% and 40% LEDs will illuminate.
2. The imager will search camera settings to determine the best configuration for detecting
tubes or caps, or for decoding symbol data.
Note: To end all EZ Button functions, press the EZ Button once and quickly release.
Calibrate by ESP
1. Click the Calibrate button.
2. The imager will search camera settings to determine the best configuration for detecting
tubes or caps, or for decoding symbol data.
A successful calibration will display a green frame around the object, and the following
message will appear: “Uploading all reader parameters.” After a moment the tube/cap
data and/or symbol data will be presented in the field below the image display window.
Calibrate by Serial Command
Send <@CAL> from a terminal program to begin calibration.
1-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Test Read Rate
Step 9 — Test Read Rate
Read Rate indicates the number of tube/cap detections or successful decodes per second
achieved by the imager.
Test Read Rate by EZ Button
1. To start the Read Rate test, hold
down the EZ Button about three
seconds until you hear three
short beeps. The 20%, 40%, and
60% LEDs will illuminate.
While the object is being
inspected, the Read Rate LEDs
will indicate the corresponding
read rate percentage on the back
of the unit.
2. To end the Read Rate test, press the EZ Button and quickly release.
Test Read Rate by ESP
1. Click the Test button to start the Read Rate test and Stop to end it.
If a tube or cap has been successfully detected, or a symbol has been successfully
decoded, the object’s data and related features will be presented in the field below the
image display window. Also, while the object is being inspected, the Read Rate LEDs
will indicate the corresponding Read Rate percentage on the back of the unit.
2. To end the test, click the Stop button.
Note: Read Rate can also be tested using the Read Rate interface in Utilities.
Test Read Rate by Serial Command
You can also start a test with the <C> or <Cp> command and end it with the <J> command.
20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%.
These LEDs represent the
percentage of Good Reads
per images captured.
EZ Match User’s Manual 1-13
Quick Start
Step 10 — Configure the Imager in ESP
To make setup changes to the EZ Match Imager, click the App Mode button.
The following modes are accessible by clicking the buttons in the first row of
App Mode
Click the EZ Mode button to return to EZ Mode.
Click the Autoconnect button to establish communication.
Click the Send/Recv button to send or receive commands.
Click the Switch Model button to open the model menu, or to return to a previous model.
Click the EZ Match button to Test the imager and to configure Multi-Operation settings,
tube/cap Library settings, and tube/cap detection Messages.
Click the Parameters button to show the tabbed tree controls for Communication, Read
Cycle, Symbologies, I/O Parameters, Symbol Quality, Matchcode, and Diagnostics.
Click the Setup button to access a Camera Setup tree control and Video view, and to
Evaluate image captures, Calibrate the imager, set the Window of Interest, fine-tune
capture settings and processing settings in the IP Database, set up output filters and
parse symbol data in Ordered Output and Output Format, and control multiple read
cycle functions in Dynamic Setup.
Click the Terminal button to display tube or cap detection data or decoded symbol data,
and to send serial commands to the imager using text or macros.
Click the Utilities button to test Read Rate, request or clear Counters, enable or disable
the imager or send output pulses in Device Control, determine the Differences from
Default in the current settings, add or remove master symbol data in Master Database,
and verify or update the imager’s Firmware.
For further details, see ESP Help in the dropdown Help menu.
1-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Save Configuration in ESP
Step 11 —
Save Configuration in ESP
To make changes to a configuration setting:
Saving Options
Send, No Save. Changes will be lost when power is re-applied to the imager.
Send and Save. This activates all changes in current memory and saves to the imager
for power-on.
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-1
2 Using ESP
This section is designed to help you understand the basic structure and elements of ESP
(Easy Setup Program).
When you open ESP, unless otherwise specified in the ESP Preferences dialog accessible
from the Options heading on the menu toolbar, you will enter EZ Mode for initial setup.
From there, you can enter Application Mode (App Mode) and access several configuration
menus (Communications, Read Cycle, Symbologies, I/O Parameters, Symbol Quality,
Matchcode, and Diagnostics), a Camera setup interface, a Terminal interface, a Utilities
interface, and an Output Format interface.
ESP can be used to configure the EZ Match Imager in three different ways:
Tree Controls:
Each configuration menu contains a list of all option settings that pertain to that
specific element of imager operation. For example, the
menu shows a
Host Port Connections
option, and then a list of the sub-options
Baud Rate
, and
Data Bits
. Each of these sub-options is configurable by using dropdown menus.
Graphic User Interfaces: Imager settings can be configured using such point-and-click
tools as radio buttons, zoom in/zoom out sliders, spin boxes, check boxes, and drag-and-drop
Terminal: ESP’s Terminal allows you to send serial configuration and utility commands
directly to the imager by typing them in the provided text field.
Information about using ESP in specific applications is provided in subsequent sections.
system requirements, see
ESP System Requirements
in Chapter 1,
Quick Start
EZ Mode........................................................................................................................................2-2
Application Mode...........................................................................................................................2-3
Menu Toolbar................................................................................................................................2-4
Autoconnect ................................................................................................................................2-12
View ............................................................................................................................................2-14
Navigating in ESP .......................................................................................................................2-15
Send/Receive Options ................................................................................................................2-16
2-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Mode
EZ Mode
EZ Mode
you are presented with the
, and
options. After connecting
to your imager,
EZ Mode
is the screen you will see. You will be provided with on-screen
instructions that will help you with positioning, testing, and calibration.
Click the Test button to start the Read Rate test for a quick indication of the imager’s read
capabilities and the limits of your application. When Decodes per Second is unchecked,
the test will count the percentage of decodes relative to the number of actual scans. Click
Stop to end the test.
The calibration routine that will optimize the imager by comparing Read Rates at various
camera and image processing settings.
Starts Read Rate test.
Click Calibrate to begin the initial
calibration routine. Calbration is
explained at the left of the EZ Mode
screen, and also in Quick Start.
Click Locate to activate the EZ Match Imager’s blue target
pattern LEDs. Center the target pattern on the symbol. The
real-time display shows you where the symbol is located in
the imager’s field of view.
Ends Read Rate test.
Enter App Mode to
access configuration
trees and other setup
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-3
Using ESP
Application Mode
From EZ Mode, you can click on the App Mode button to access specific configuration
menus, Utilities tools, Camera setup, Output Format options, and a Terminal window
where serial commands can be entered.
Note: The App Mode and EZ Mode buttons appear in the same position to allow easy
switching between these primary modes.
Note: For specific information on any of the icons shown above in the operations bar or
configuration bar, see the corresponding sections of this manual.
Open the Terminal
Decoded symbol data
is shown in this table.
Click Capture and Decode to
read the symbol in the field of
view, and to see a high resolution
image capture of the symbol.
Return to
EZ Mode.
Video, Evaluation, Calibration, Window
of Interest, IP Database, Ordered Output,
Output Format, Dynamic Setup
Click on tabs in this row to
access configuration trees
like the one shown here.
Read Cycle
I/O Parameters
Symbol Quality
Test, Multi-Operation,
Library, Messages
Read Rate,
Device Control,
Master Database
2-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Menu Toolbar
Menu Toolbar
File > New
Whenever New is selected, the default configuration of ESP is
When Save or Save As is selected, the ESP configuration is
saved to the host computer’s hard drive and available whenever
the same file is selected under Open.
Important: When you save menu changes to your hard drive,
these changes are not saved to your imager. The illustration
below shows how settings can be saved and received between
ESP and the imager, and ESP and the host hard drive.
Import converts the ASCII settings from a text file to ESP configuration settings.
Export converts the active ESP configuration settings to an ASCII text file.
(Save to Imager)
(Receive Imager
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-5
Using ESP
In Model you can select any of the models
shown in ESP’s model menu. When you
choose another model, your current connection
your present model will be terminated.
To connect to another model, select New
Model, choose a new model from the menu,
and click OK.
Note: All the models you have enabled by selecting will continue to appear in the Model
menu and that the same menu is repeated when clicking the Switch Model icon.
When you save your ESP file, you will be saving the settings of all the models defined in a
single ESP file.
2-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Menu Toolbar
The Options menu allows you to save memos and set up ESP
Note: Preferences will be saved and loaded into ESP when ESP
is opened next, whether or not you save the ESP file.
Preferences > General Tab
Reload Last File
At startup, reloads the last file saved to the host computer’s hard drive.
Show Model Prompt
At startup, shows the model menu displaying all supported readers.
Show Connect Prompt
At startup, displays the Would you like to connect to the EZ Match? prompt.
Receive After Connect
At startup, loads the imager’s settings into ESP. (This is not recommended if you want to
preserve your ESP settings for future use.)
Skip EZ Mode
At startup, skips EZ Mode and opens directly in App Mode.
Enable ‘Send and Save as Customer Defaults’
At startup, enables the Send and Save as Customer Defaults option in the Send/Recv
The Toolbar Style
options allow you to
determine how ESP
will display the mode
options in the two rows
at the top of the screen.
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-7
Using ESP
Preferences > Terminal Tab
Show Non-Printable Characters
When Show Non-Printable Characters is enabled, characters such as “CRLF” will be
displayed in the Terminal window. When Enhanced Format is checked, the characters
are displayed with more detailed formatting.
Change Keyboard Macros
Clicking the Change Keyboard Macros button brings
up the Function Keys dialog. In this dialog you can
select the desired function key and then enter your
macro keystrokes in the associated key map. For
example, to make Ctrl-F2 the keystroke to send a trigger
character, select F2, then in the Ctrl row, enter <trigger
character> and click OK. Then whenever the Ctrl-F2
keystroke is pressed, the trigger character will start the
read cycle.
Note: The F1 key is reserved for opening ESP Help and the F3 key is reserved for the
Find Next function.
Change Font
Allows you to modify the font used for decode data received from the imager on the Terminal
Change Echo Font
Allows you to modify the font used for command characters typed into the Terminal view.
Enable Echo
Allows you to enter command characters in Terminal.
Display Incoming Data Even When Not in Focus
When Display Incoming Data Even When Not in Focus is enabled, data from the
imager will continue to appear in the Terminal even when ESP is not the top window.
2-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Menu Toolbar
Preferences > Bar Code Options Tab
The Bar Code Options dialog allows you to set the size of user-created symbols.
Sizing Information
Sets the bar width or module width (in
, or thousandths of an inch) of user-created symbols.
Example: A bar width of 14 is 0.014 inches.
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-9
Using ESP
Preferences > Advanced Tab
The Auto Sync options at the top of the Advanced tab allow you to determine whether
Auto Sync will be enabled automatically in sections of ESP where it is used, or if it will ask
you before it enables Auto Sync functions.
Always Ask Before Auto Sync Occurs
If you check this option box, you are then able to determine what specific Auto Sync
functions will be enabled. Receive Settings from the Reader will automatically send the
imager’s settings to ESP when Auto Sync is enabled. Send ESP Settings to the Reader
will automatically send all imager configuration settings chosen in ESP to the imager. Do
Not Send or Receive Settings creates a condition in which Auto Sync will not automatically
send imager settings to ESP, or send ESP settings to the imager.
Show Target Pattern During Locate
Allows you to determine whether the blue LED target pattern will be on or off during the
Locate routine.
Show Target Pattern During Calibrate
Allows you to determine whether the blue LED target pattern will be on or off during the
Calibrate routine.
Use Higher Quality Images
Sets ESP to output images at a higher resolution than standard JPEG format.
Open Image after Save
When Open Image after Save is enabled, ESP automatically opens saved image captures.
Images can be saved from the Evaluation tab in the Camera view, or by right clicking an
image in any other image capture view and then saving.
Send XON with Autoconnect
Sends an
Begin Transmission
) command to the imager before starting the
2-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Menu Toolbar
Preferences > Advanced Tab (cont.)
Ask to Save ESP File when Quitting
When enabled, prompts the user to save a .esp file when ending a session.
The .esp file will be saved in the location of your choice.
Connect to Readers via TCP/IP
When enabled, shows an Ethernet option on the connection dialog.
This option should only be selected if you intend to connect using an Ethernet adapter.
Use Default Storage Location
When enabled, automatically stores data in ESP’s Application Data folder.
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-11
Using ESP
Document Memo
The information you type in the Document Memo field will appear in a context-sensitive text
box whenever your cursor hovers over the Document Memo item on the Options menu.
Model Memo
Similar to Document Memo, the information you type in the Model Memo field will appear
in a context-sensitive text box whenever your cursor hovers over the Model Memo item on
the Options menu. Memos created in Model Memo are specific to the model enabled
when the message was created.
Memos must be saved in a
file if you want them to available in your next session.
If you do not save your current session, any memos that you have entered during the session
will be discarded, and will be unavailable in your next session.
2-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
If your RS-232 connection attempt fails, you can use
to establish a connection
between the imager and the host.
If your communications port is not the default COM1, use the dropdown menu to change
your port.
When you are connected, you will see the green connection indicator in the status bar at
the bottom right of your screen:
Important: If you are using a USB model, you must connect the device to the host
computer before powering-on. Otherwise the unit will not be recognized as a USB device.
Once you have
chosen the correct
port, click Start to
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-13
Using ESP
Autoconnect (cont.)
If your RS-232 host settings cannot be changed to match the imager’s settings:
Click Connect on ESP’s menu toolbar, and then select Connection Wizard.
When the connection dialog appears, check the Force Connect box and click the
Connect button.
2-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
The View menu allows you to move quickly between interfaces
without using the icon buttons on the App Mode toolbar. It also
allows you to access the Bar Code Dialog.
Bar Code Dialog
In the
Bar Code Dialog
you can create symbols by typing the text you
wish to encode. This is a useful tool for creating configuration symbols,
allowing you to configure your reader by reading the symbols you create.
Drag specific configuration
values from the tree control
directly into this field to
encode new symbols.
Choose a spatial
orientation for the
new symbol.
The symbol you create
will be displayed in the
field at the bottom of
the Bar Code Dialog.
Set a human-readable
caption for the symbol
that matches the
encoded data, or write
your own caption.
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-15
Using ESP
Navigating in ESP
To change imager settings, or to access the Utilities, Camera, Terminal, or Output Format
views, click the App Mode button.
To return to EZ Mode, click the EZ Mode button.
To make changes to configuration settings in the tree controls:
1. Left click on the + to expand
menu items.
2. Double-click the desired
parameter and single-click
in the selection box to view
3. Place your cursor in the
selection box, scroll down
to the setting you want to
change, and single-click
the setting.
4. Left click again on the open screen to complete the
5. Right click on the open screen and select Save to
Reader to implement the command in the imager.
You can send the command without saving it, or you
can send and save the command simultaneously.
The X denotes the
default option setting.
2-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Send/Receive Options
Send/Receive Options
To access Receive, Save and Default options, click the Send/Recv
button. You can also access these options by right-clicking in any of the
configuration views.
From the Send/Recv menu, select Receive Reader Settings.
Caution: Do not select this option if you do not want to upload the imager’s settings. For
example, if your ESP file has a number of custom settings that you want to maintain and
download into the imager, these settings would be lost by choosing Yes.
This is useful if you want to receive (upload) the imager’s settings and save them as a file
for future use. For example, if your imager has settings that you do not want to change,
choosing Yes would allow you to load those settings to ESP and save them in an ESP file
for later retrieval.
Receiving the imager’s settings will also assure that you will not be subsequently saving
any unwanted changes that you or someone else has made previously in ESP.
Send, No Save (<A>)
Saves ESP settings to current
Send and Save (<Z>)
Activates all changes in current
memory and saves to the imager
for power-on.
Send and Save as Customer Defaults (<Zc>)
Saves your default settings for quick retrieval.
This option will be visible only if you have checked Enable ‘Send and Save as Customer
Defaults’ in ESP Preferences.
EZ Match User’s Manual 2-17
Using ESP
When you select Default Current Menu Settings or Default all ESP Settings, you are
only defaulting the ESP settings.
Advanced Options
Send Current View
This is the same as
Save to
Send No Save
that only the commands in the
current configuration tree are sent.
Send Current Command
This is the same as
Send Current
, except that it saves only
the command that is currently
Add / Remove Exception
After you perform a
Receive Reader Settings
command and you click on the
Add Exception
option, you may see a list of serial commands. These are commands that may be in your
imager’s firmware, but not included in, or different from, your current version of
You can edit these commands by double-clicking on them and changing them as needed.
It is important to note that these commands will be saved to your imager whenever you
send a Save to Reader command, or an <A> or a <Z> command.
Also, if there is a corresponding ESP menu item, the ESP Value column for that item will
be blank following a Receive Reader Settings command.
2-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Send/Receive Options
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-1
3 Tube/Cap Inspection
This section explains how to configure the EZ Match Imager to identify specific tube and
cap characteristics, and how to manage the data that is acquired during tube/cap detection
and symbol decoding operations.
Tube/Cap Inspection Serial Commands .......................................................................................3-2
Capture and Test ..........................................................................................................................3-3
Multi-Operation .............................................................................................................................3-4
Multi-Operation by Serial Command.............................................................................................3-5
Tube/Cap Library ..........................................................................................................................3-8
Tube/Cap Information .................................................................................................................3-16
3-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Inspection Serial Commands
Tube/Cap Inspection Serial Commands
Active Tube/Cap Library Indexes <K257,number of active indexes>
Tube/Cap Dimensions <K258,index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip
length,cap base diameter,cap tip diameter,hue,saturation,
Multi-Operation <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database
min,database max>
Tube/Cap Information <K850,separator,library index,tube angle,tube/cap tip
position,cap color,match status,tube diameter>
Tube/Cap Message Formatting
<K851,cap presence message index,cap absence
message index,cap unknown message index,tube
presence message index,tube absence message
Tube/Cap Message Editing <K852,index,message>
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-3
Tube/Cap Inspection
Capture and Test
When enabled, shows the reverse
of the original image capture.
Captures an image of the tube, cap, and/or symbol in the field of view and tests
settings (“Bar Code Reader”, “Tube Detection”, and “Cap Detection”).
Tube or cap detection results are shown in this field, as well as
symbol data when applicable.
When enabled, shows the
image in higher contrast than
the default contrast value.
Click the
EZ Match
button and then the
tab to display the view shown below.
3-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
All functions in the above view can be set using the
serial command
Click the
EZ Match
button and then the
tab to display
following view.
Note: Default Multi-Operation configuration shown below.
Each operation can be assigned
a range of IP Database indexes.
Go to IP Database
to configure
capture settings and processing
settings for each index.
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-5
Tube/Cap Inspection
Multi-Operation by Serial Command
Multi-Operation allows users to customize triggered read cycle operations, and to perform
those customized operations in a specific sequence. A specific range of IP Database
indexes (from 1 to 10) can be assigned to each operation. Switching from one operation to
the next can be configured to occur on an image frame count (from
) or on a user-defined
timeout (1 ms to 65535 ms).
The Multi-Operation read cycle is defined to work with the same features and configuration
settings as a normal read cycle.
Important: Multi-Operation is only active when the imager is in a triggered read cycle.
Default Multi-Operation Configuration
Index (Multi-Operation)
Index Operation Frame Count (Rapid
Capture Mode only) Timeout Database Range
Min Max
1Bar Code
Reader 1 0 1000 1 1
Detection 4 0 1500 2 2
3Disabled 0 0 1000 3 3
Serial Cmd: <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Options: 1 to 3
3-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Multi-Operation by Serial Command
Operation (Multi-Operation)
When set to Disabled, no processing is specified for the operation.
Bar Code Reader
Read cycle operation for the duration of the specified time and number of frames will
include processing of image frames for enabled symbologies.
Tube Detection
Read cycle operation for the duration of the specified time and number of frames will
include processing of image frames for presence or absence of test tubes.
Cap Detection
Read cycle operation for the duration of the specified time and number of frames will
include processing of image frames for presence or absence of test tube caps.
Frame Count (Multi-Operation)
Definition: Specifies the operational flow of the read cycle, and allows up to 3 different
operations to be sequenced in a single read cycle. The operation field is a
bit field, and multiple processes can be defined for a single operation. The
examples below demonstrate how to configure a tube and cap detection
process to be defined in a single operation.
Tube and Cap Detection Operation = 2 + 4 = 6
Serial Cmd: <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Options: Disabled = 0
Bar Code Reader = Add 1
Tube Detection = Add 2
Cap Detection = Add 4
Definition: Frame Count only applies if the imager is configured in a Rapid Capture
mode of operation. The frame count value indicates the number of image
frames that will occur before the read cycle will switch to the next operation.
Serial Cmd: <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Default: 0 = Disabled
Options: 1 to 6
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-7
Tube/Cap Inspection
Timeout (Multi-Operation)
Note: Multi-Operation Timeout applies only to the specified operation (1 through 3).
Database Range (Multi-Operation)
When Multi-Operation is active, the Configuration Datase cannot be disabled. The database
range fields specify the start and end index range to be used for each operation.
Definition: Timeout indicates the amount of time required before the read cycle will
switch to the next operation. Timeout is configurable in 1 ms increments.
Serial Cmd: <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Options: 1 to 65535 (in 1 ms increments)
Specifies the starting IP Database index to be used for processing
during the
specified operation.
Serial Cmd: <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Options: 1 to 10
Definition: Specifies the ending IP Database index to be used for processing during the
specified operation. If this value is set to less than the minimum value, the
minimum value will be used for both max and min.
Serial Cmd: <K260,index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Options: 1 to 10
3-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Library
Tube/Cap Library
Active Tube/Cap Library Indexes
Each active
tube/cap library
index is shown
in the Tube/Cap
Library view.
Important: The default Tube/Cap Library configuration shown below is only one example
of how the database can be configured. The Tube/Cap Library database can be modified
to fit your specific application.
Click the EZ Match button and then the Library tab to display the
Tube/Cap Library view.
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-9
Tube/Cap Inspection
Active Tube/Cap Library Indexes by Serial Command
Definition: Determines the number of active tube/cap library indexes that will be used
during a tube/cap detection operation.
Serial Cmd: <K257,number of active indexes>
Default: 23
Options: 1 to 100
3-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Library
Tube/Cap Dimensions
Double-click the desired index to bring up
the Edit Tube/Cap Dimensions dialog.
Edit tube or cap dimensions using the
up and down arrows or typing dimension
values directly in the text fields provided.
Click Revert to return to the previous
settings for the selected index.
Click Default to return to the default
settings for the selected index.
The tube or cap manufacturer’s part
number can be added in the text
field shown above.
Save new tube or cap information
to the selected index when you are
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-11
Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Dimensions by Serial Command
Tube Diameter
Definition: Determines the index number where tube/cap information is to be stored in
the tube/cap library.
Serial Cmd:
,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip length,cap base diameter,cap
tip diameter,hue,saturation,value>
Options: 1 to 100
Definition: The diameter of the tube in which the cap is to be placed (millimeters/10).
Serial Cmd:
tube diameter
,cap base length,cap tip length,cap base diameter,
cap tip diameter,hue,saturation,value>
Options: 0-32767 (mm/10)
3-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Library
Cap Base Length
Cap Tip Length
Definition: The length of the cap base (millimeters/10).
Note: If this value is 0, it will be ignored.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,
cap base length
,cap tip length,cap base diameter,
cap tip diameter,hue,saturation,value>
Options: 0-32767 (mm/10)
Definition: The length of the cap tip (millimeters/10).
Note: If this value is 0, it will be ignored.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,cap base length,
cap tip length
,cap base diameter,
cap tip diameter,hue,saturation,value>
Options: 0-32767 (mm/10)
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-13
Tube/Cap Inspection
Cap Base Diameter
Cap Tip Diameter
Definition: The diameter of the cap base (millimeters/10).
Important: This dimension should be measured at the bottom (where the
cap is inserted in the tube), because some caps are tapered.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip length,
cap base diameter
cap tip diameter,hue,saturation,value>
Options: 0-32767 (mm/10)
If the cap has a tip, this value represents the diameter of the tip in millimeters/10.
Note: If this value is 0, it will be ignored.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip length,cap base diameter,
tip diameter
Options: 0-32767 (mm/10)
3-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Library
Hue (EZ Match Color Only)
Saturation (EZ Match Color Only)
Value (EZ Match Color Only)
Definition: Describes the color type (red, green, blue, etc.) and is expressed in degrees.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip length,cap base diameter,cap
tip diameter,
Options: 0-360°
Definition: Describes the vibrancy of the color. The lower the saturation, the more
“grayness” is present, causing the color to appear faded.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip length,cap base diameter,cap
tip diameter,hue,
Options: 0-1000
Definition: Describes the brightness of the color.
Serial Cmd:
index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap tip length,cap base diameter,cap
tip diameter,hue,saturation,
Options: 0-1000
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-15
Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Library Default Configuration
Important: Hue, Saturation, and Value are available for EZ Match Color only.
Index Tube
Diameter Cap Base
Length Cap Tip
Length Cap Base
Diameter Cap Tip
Diameter Hue
1120 64 0 160 0 9 555 423
2125 137 0 170 0 5 661 474
3125 137 0 170 0 4 327 466
4153 90 156 180 90 356 462 568
5152 60 0 168 0 10 554 490
6152 65 0 168 0 10 551 419
7120 58 0 159 0 9 525 462
8125 90 158 157 85 292 263 505
9116 79 136 136 102 356 470 533
10 116 78 157 134 85 235 232 556
11 154 90 160 180 85 25 406 588
12 115 79 156 134 85 150 213 568
13 125 92 158 156 85 240 37 623
14 153 91 157 179 85 152 194 623
15 126 138 0 165 0 5 629 529
16 121 195 0 159 0 5 589 592
17 118 195 0 163 0 265 156 400
18 122 195 0 163 0 10 551 498
19 125 139 0 165 0 6 387 486
20 122 195 0 160 0 9 543 403
21 153 150 0 175 0 5 618 513
22 152 197 0 175 0 315 335 505
23 154 60 0 167 0 10 450 392
3-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Information
Tube/Cap Information
Note: A read cycle or read operation will format the No Read, CA_, and TA_ messages
in the following order of precedence:
TA_ (all), CA_ (all), No Read (all)
Note: The functions in the above view can also be set using the <K850> and <K851>
serial commands.
Click the EZ Match button and then the Messages tab to display the
Select Message view.
Note: Default Tube/Cap Detection messages shown below.
Click this button to bring up
the Edit Messages dialog.
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-17
Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Information by Serial Command
The following example shows a Tube/Cap Information output string:
Tube/Cap Library Index
This value is output in Read Rate when enabled. When enabled, the library
index values are required to match in order to be part of the same output.
For example, if a Cap Present that matches Tube/Cap Library Index 1
is processed 80% of the time, and a Cap Present that matches Tube/Cap
Library Index 2 is processed 20% of the time, the output would be:
80% 001_CP_20% 002_CP_
The Tube/Cap Library Index value is not required to match when requiring
more than one tube/cap to qualify for an output.
Usage: Tube/Cap Information is useful in more complex applications that require
information about the spatial orientation of test tubes and cap characteristics
in addition to presence/absence information.
Definition: In addition to Tube/Cap Message output, Tube/Cap Information settings
can be configured to show a user-defined Separator, a detected tube or
cap’s specific
Tube/Cap Library Index
, a detected test tube’s
Tube Angle
, and
a detected test tube’s
Tube/Cap Tip Position
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,cap
color,match status,tube diameter
Library Sep. Tube
Angle Sep. Tube/Cap
Tip Pos. Sep. Cap Color Sep. Match
Status Sep. Tube
Dia. Sep. Tube/Cap
3 digits 1
char. (+/–) 3
digits 1
char. 4 digits 1
char. mag. color
category 1
char. color.dim 1
char. 4 digits 1
char. Up to 15
“001” “_” “+001” “_” “0001” “_” 06.RED.05 “_” cxxx.dxxx “_” “0001” “_” “_CP”
Definition Specifies the ASCII character used to separate tube/cap information.
Note: Entering NUL (00 in hex) disables separator.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,cap
color,match status,tube diameter
Default: _ (underscore)
Options: Any ASCII character
Definition When Tube/Cap Library Index is enabled, the three-digit tube/cap library
index value will be appended to tube/cap detection output as a preamble.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,
cap color,match status,tube diameter
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
3-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Information
Tube Angle
This value is not output in Read Rate results.
•The Tube Angle value is not required to match when requiring more than
one tube/cap to qualify for an output.
Tube/Cap Tip Position
Cap Color (EZ Match Color Only)
Definition When Tube Angle is enabled, a polarity sign (+/–) and a three-digit value
representing the angle of the tube in respect to the field of view will be
appended to tube/cap detection output as a preamble.
A + value indicates that the tube is angled away from the center and toward
the bottom of the field of view, while a indicates that the tube is angled
away from the center and toward the top of the field of view.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,cap
color,match status,tube diameter
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Definition When Tube/Cap Tip Position is enabled, a four-digit value will be
appended to tube/cap detection output as a preamble.
This value represents the distance on the X-axis from the left of the captured
image to the tip of the tube or cap, in millimeters x10.
Example: 0835 represents 83.5 mm.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
tube/cap tip position
cap color,match status,tube diameter
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Definition This feature is only available for the color version of the EZ Match Imager.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,
,match status,tube diameter
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Color 2 = HSV
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-19
Tube/Cap Inspection
Color (Cap Color)
Cap Color is output in three parts (magnitude-color-category), separated by a “.” character.
When Cap Color is enabled, it is output in read rate. The color output string is required
to match to be part of the same output.
For example, a RED cap with two different Category values will be output as follows:
80% 08.RED.12_CP_ 20% 08.RED.11_CP_
If the cap is undetermined, the color of the cap may sometimes be undetermined as well.
In such a case, a CNA (Color Not Available) message will supersede the color code.
The table below shows the available output options.
Magnitude is a value between 1 and 30 which defines the magnitude of the hue (further
divides the (H)ue value to allow more resolution). This is useful in providing a distinction
between different shades of a color.
For example, the color PINK will have a Color value of RED, but to define PINK further,
you would look at the magnitude of the Hue to describe the shade of RED.
Color refers to the detected color of the cap.
Category further defines the color into categories based on saturation and brightness.
Magnitude Color
Color Match Resolution
1-30 RED 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 ORANGE 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 YELLOW 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 Y_GRN 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 GREEN 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 B_GRN 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 CYAN 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 G_BLUE 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 BLUE 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 P_BLUE 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 MAGENTA 0 0 1-6 1-30
1-30 P_RED 0 0 1-6 1-30
0GRAY 1-4
3-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Information
HSV (Cap Color)
When HSV is enabled, cap color values will be output in the following format:
Example: 310-450-325
This value is not output in read rate.
This value is not required to match when requiring more than one tube/cap to qualify for
an output.
Match Status (EZ Match Color Only)
Tube Diameter
Definition This feature is only available for the color version of the EZ Match Imager.
Match Status is output in the following format:
Format: cxxx.dxxx where “c” = cap color library match;
“d” = cap dimensions library match;
“xxx” = tube/cap library index
(When “xxx” = “000”, no match has occurred.)
While the cap library output mode will output the “best” match, the value
output from this mode will offer the last matched cap library index for color
and dimension. If both a color and dimension match has occurred, the last
cap library index that both color and dimension matched will be output.
This value is not output in read rate.
This value is not required to match when requiring more than one tube/cap
to qualify for an output.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,cap
match status
,tube diameter
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Definition When Tube Diameter is enabled, a four-digit value will be appended to
tube/cap detection output as a preamble.
This value represents the diameter of the tube in millimeters x10.
Example: 0835 represents 83.5 mm.
Serial Cmd: <K850,separator,tube/cap library index,tube angle
,tube/cap tip position,cap
color,match status,
tube diameter
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-21
Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Message Formatting by Serial Command
Cap Presence Message
Cap Absence Message
Cap Unknown Message
Tube Presence Message
Definition: Tube/Cap Detection message database index that will be used for a Cap
Present condition.
Serial Cmd: <K851,cap presence message index,cap absence message index,cap
unknown message index,tube presence message index,tube absence
message index>
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 10
Definition: Tube/Cap Detection message database index that will be used for a Cap
Absent condition.
Serial Cmd: <K851,cap presence message index,cap absence message index,cap
unknown message index,tube presence message index,tube absence
message index>
Default: 2
Options: 1 to 10
Definition: Tube/Cap Detection message database index that will be used for a Cap
Unknown condition.
Serial Cmd: <K851,cap presence message index,cap absence message index,cap
unknown message index,tube presence message index,tube absence
message index>
Default: 3
Options: 1 to 10
Definition: Tube/Cap Detection message database index that will be used for a Tube
Present condition.
Serial Cmd: <K851,cap presence message index,cap absence message index,cap
unknown message index,tube presence message index,tube absence
message index>
Default: 4
Options: 1 to 10
3-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Information
Tube Absence Message
Definition: Tube/Cap Detection message database index that will be used for a Tube
Absent condition.
Serial Cmd: <K851,cap presence message index,cap absence message index,cap
unknown message index,tube presence message index,tube absence
message index>
Default: 5
Options: 1 to 10
EZ Match User’s Manual 3-23
Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Message Editing
All Tube/Cap Detection messages can be modified to meet the requirements of the specific
Note: Tube and cap detection messages can also be edited using the <K852> command.
Click the Edit Messages button to bring up the following dialog:
Place your cursor in the text field adjacent
to the number of the Tube/Cap Detection
message you wish to change. Type the
ASCII characters of the new message
and click Save.
The new message will appear on
the corresponding dropdown menu
in the Messages view.
Click Revert to return to the most
recent message settings.
Click Default to return to the original
default message settings.
Hint: To enter Control characters as
Tube/Cap Detection messages,
right-click in any of the text fields in
the Edit Messages dialog and click
on Expand. To return to ASCII
characters, right-click again and
click on Contract.
3-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Information
Tube/Cap Message Editing by Serial Command
Default Tube/Cap Detection messages are shown in the table below.
All Tube/Cap Detection messages can be modified to meet the requirements of the specific
Note: A read cycle or read operation will format the No Read, CA_, and TA_ messages in
the following order of precedence:
TA_ (all), CA_ (all), No Read (all)
Serial Cmd: <K852,index,message>
Options: Any ASCII string up to 15 characters.
Index Messages
10 MSG10_
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-1
4 Communications
This section tells how to set up communications parameters with the host and an auxiliary
With Microscan’s ESP (Easy Setup Program), configuration changes can be made in the
menus and then sent and saved to your imager. The user can also send serial commands
to the imager via ESP’s Terminal window.
Communications by ESP..............................................................................................................4-2
Communications Serial Commands..............................................................................................4-3
Host Port Connections..................................................................................................................4-4
Host Protocol ................................................................................................................................4-5
Poll Address..................................................................................................................................4-7
ACK/NAK Options.........................................................................................................................4-8
Polling Mode Options....................................................................................................................4-9
RS-422 Status.............................................................................................................................4-10
Auxiliary Port Connections..........................................................................................................4-11
Auxiliary Port System Data Status..............................................................................................4-19
Daisy Chain Autoconfigure .........................................................................................................4-20
Response Timeout......................................................................................................................4-21
LRC Status..................................................................................................................................4-22
Protocol Configuration Examples................................................................................................4-23
USB HID Interface ......................................................................................................................4-24
ASCII Character Entry Modifier...................................................................................................4-33
4-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Communications by ESP
Communications by ESP
Click the Parameters
button and then the
Communication tab.
To open nested options,
single-click the +.
To change a setting, double-click the
setting and use your cursor to scroll
through the options.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-3
Communications Serial Commands
Host Port Connections <K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
Auxiliary Port Connections <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data
bits,daisy chain ID status,daisy chain ID>
RS-422 Status <K102,status>
Host Port Protocol <K140,protocol,address>
Preamble <K141,status,preamble characters>
Postamble <K142,status,postamble characters>
Response Timeout <K143,response timeout>
LRC <K145,status>
Auxiliary Port System Data Status <K146,aux port system data status>
Polling Mode Options <K148,RES,REQ,STX,ETX,ACK,NAK>
Autoconfiguration Daisy Chain <K150DAISY>
4-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Host Port Connections
Host Port Connections
The host port can be configured with RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 connections.
The following settings define the basic transmission speeds and digital standards that
ensure common formatting.
Baud Rate, Host Port
Parity, Host Port
Stop Bits, Host Port
Data Bits, Host Port
Note: See USB HID Interface on page 4-24 for protocol information relating to USB.
Usage: Can be used to transfer data faster or to match host port settings.
Definition: The rate at which the reader and host transfer data back and forth.
Serial Cmd: <K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
Default: 115.2K
Options: 0 = 600 1 = 1200 2 = 2400
3 = 4800 4 = 9600 5 = 19.2K
6 = 38.4K 7 = 57.6K 8 = 115.2K
9 = 230K
Usage: Only changed if necessary to match host setting.
Definition: An error detection routine in which one data bit per character is set to 1 or 0
so that the total number of bits in the data field is either even or odd.
Serial Cmd: <K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
Default: None
Options: 0 = None 1 = Even 2 = Odd
Usage: Only changed if necessary to match host setting.
Definition: One or two bits added to the end of each character to indicate the end of
the character.
Serial Cmd: <K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
Default: One
Options: 0 = One 1 = Two
Usage: Only changed if necessary to match host setting.
Definition: One or two bits added to the end of each character to indicate the end of
the character.
Serial Cmd: <K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
Default: Eight
Options: 0 = Seven 1 = Eight
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-5
Host Protocol
Note: In all protocol modes, the preamble <K141> and postamble <K142> character
strings can be used to frame the decode data, and both are included in calculating the
LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check).
Point-to-Point (Standard)
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS
Point-to-Point with XON/XOFF
Usage: In general, the point-to-point protocols will work well in most applications.
They require no address and must use RS-232 or RS-422 communications
Definition: Protocols define the sequence and format in which information is transferred
between the reader and the host, or in the case of Multidrop, between the
readers and a concentrator.
Serial Cmd: <K140,protocol,address>
Default: Point-to-Point
Options: 0 = Point-to-Point
1 = Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS
2 = Point-to-Point with XON/XOFF
3 = Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF
5 = Polling Mode
Usage: Used only with RS-232 or RS-422.
Definition: Standard Point-to-Point requires no address and sends the data to the
host whenever it is available, without a request or handshake from the host.
Serial Cmd: <K140,0>
Usage: A reader initiates a data transfer with an RTS (request-to-send) transmission.
The host, when ready, responds with a CTS (clear-to-send) and the data is
transmitted. RTS and CTS signals are transmitted over two dedicated wires
as defined in the RS-232 standard. Used only with RS-232.
Definition: Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS (request-to-send/clear-to-send) is a simple
hardware handshake protocol that allows a reader to initiate data transfers
to the host.
Serial Cmd: <K140,1>
Usage: If an XOFF has been received from the host, data will not be sent to the host
until the host sends an XON. During the XOFF phase, the host is free to carry
on other chores and accept data from other devices. Used only with RS-232.
Definition: This option enables the host to send the XON and XOFF command as a
single byte transmission command of start (^Q) or stop (^S).
Serial Cmd: <K140,2>
4-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Host Protocol
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF
Polling Mode
Usage: Used only with RS-232.
This option is a combination of
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS
with XON/XOFF.
Serial Cmd: <K140,3>
Definition: See the ACK / NAK Options command <K147> on page 4-8.
Serial Cmd: <K140,4>
Definition: See the Polling Mode Options command <K148> on page 4-9.
Serial Cmd: <K140,5>
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-7
Poll Address
Note: See USB HID Interface on page 4-24 for protocol information relating to USB.
Serial Cmd: <K140,protocol,address>
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 50
1 = Poll address 0x1C, Select address 0x1D
2 = Poll address 0x1E, Select address 0x1F
50 = Poll address 0x7E, Select address 0x7F
4-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
ACK / NAK Options
ACK / NAK Options
RES-NAK Defaults
The following are general outlines of the ACK/NAK protocol. Items that are framed by
brackets ( [ ] ) can either be disabled or enabled. LRC does not include STX, but it does
include preamble, postamble, and ETX.
Symbol Data Output
TX to host: [STX] [preamble] SYMBOL DATA [postamble] [ETX] [LRC]
Response from host: ACK/NAK. Sent when LRC, ETX, postamble, or timeout (waiting
for more data) are detected (if REQ is disabled) depending on what is enabled.
Commands from Host to Imager
TX to Imager: [STX] <command> [ETX] [LRC]
Response from Imager: ACK/NAK. Sent when LRC, ETX, or command-ending angle
bracket ‘>’ are received, depending on what is enabled.
Command Response from Imager to Host
TX to host: [STX] [preamble] COMMAND RESPONSE DATA [postamble] [ETX] [LRC]
Response from host: ACK/NAK. Sent when LRC, ETX, postamble, command-ending
angle bracket ‘>’, or timeout (waiting for more data) are detected, depending on what is
As with Polling Mode <K140,5>, the imager can optionally perform the REQ and RES
event sequences in ACK/NAK mode. If the sender does not receive an ACK or NAK, it will
send REQ to request such a response (if enabled). When the sender receives an ACK, too
many NAKs, or times out (if already enabled), it will send a RES (if enabled) to terminate the
ACK / NAK Data Flow Examples
in Appendix D for sample ACK/NAK communication
Note: See USB HID Interface on page 4-24 for protocol information relating to USB.
These parameters take effect for
on the main RS-232 or
RS-422 ports (not on the Auxiliary Port), and are completely independent of
Polling Mode Options
The imager always follows the protocol in both directions (to and from the
host). There is no option to disable it from either direction.
Serial Cmd: <K147,RES,REQ,STX,ETX,ACK,NAK>
RES: (Reset) 00 (disabled)
REQ: (Request) 00 (disabled)
STX: (Start of Text) 00 (disabled)
ETX: (End of Text) 00 (disabled)
ACK: (Acknowledge) 06
NAK: (Negative Acknowledge) 15
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-9
Polling Mode Options
RES-NAK Defaults
Note: See Polling Mode Data Flow Examples in Appendix D for sample Polling Mode
communication scenarios.
Note: See USB HID Interface on page 4-24 for protocol information relating to USB.
Definition: These parameters only take effect for Polling Mode <K140,5> on the main
RS-232 or RS-422 ports (not on the Auxiliary Port), and are completely
independent of the ACK/NAK Options <K147>.
The values of protocol characters can be changed, but the protocol events
cannot be disabled. The polling mode address is configured in the <K140>
command (see Poll Address on page 4-7).
To enable true multidrop protocol, the RS422/485 port must be enabled,
<K102,1>, in order to turn the transmitter on and off. If RS-232 is enabled
instead of RS422/485, <K102,0>, then Polling Mode will operate as a
Point-to-Point polling protocol. This is because the RS-232 transmitter is
always left on when enabled.
Serial Cmd: <K148,RES,REQ,STX,ETX,ACK,NAK>
RES: (Reset) 04
REQ: (Request) 05
STX: (Start of Text) 02
ETX: (End of Text) 03
ACK: (Acknowledge) 06
NAK: (Negative Acknowledge) 15
4-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
RS-422 Status
RS-422 Status
Note: The default setting can only be changed in readers with multiplexed RS-232 / RS-422
ports. It is forced to 1 (enabled) in readers with “dedicated” RS-422 ports.
Usage: RS-232 is an industry standard. RS-422 is used when greater cable lengths
are required and/or where noise interference is an issue.
Definition: RS-422, if enabled, allows communication through RS-422 I/O lines.
When RS-422 is enabled, RS-232 is disabled.
When RS-422 is disabled, RS-232 is enabled.
Serial Cmd: <K102,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-11
Auxiliary Port Connections
The auxiliary port offers an alternative port that can be configured to communicate by
RS-232 in several modes, including daisy chain.
As with the host port parameters, the auxiliary port settings (baud rate, parity, stop bits,
and data bits) must be identical with those of the auxiliary device.
Auxiliary Port Mode
Baud Rate, Auxiliary Port
Usage: An auxiliary port connects the imager to a remote display or to other readers
that can display or transfer data.
Definition: These commands set the communication parameters with the auxiliary
port, which can be used to configure menus, send data to the host, display
data transmissions originating from the host, and relay data from other
imagers set in tandem (daisy chained).
Usage: Can be used to transfer data faster or to match an auxiliary device.
Definition: Determines the flow of data between the auxiliary port device(s), the
imager, and the host.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status, daisy chain i.d.>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Transparent 2 = Half duplex
3 = Full duplex 4 = Daisy chain
5 = Command Processing
Usage: Can be used to transfer data faster or to match an auxiliary device.
Definition: The rate at which the imager and host transfer data back and forth.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Default: 115.2K
Options: 0 = 600 1 = 1200 2 = 2400
3 = 4800 4 = 9600 5 = 19.2K
6 = 38.4K 7 = 57.6K 8 = 115.2K
9 = 230K
4-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Auxiliary Port Connections
Parity, Auxiliary Port
Stop Bits, Auxiliary Port
Data Bits, Auxiliary Port
Usage: Only changed if necessary to match host setting.
Definition: An error detection routine in which one data bit in each character is set to 1
or 0 so that the total number of 1 bits in the data field is even or odd.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Default: None
Options: 0 = None 1 = Even 2 = Odd
Usage: Only changed if necessary to match host setting.
Definition: Allows the user to select the last one or two bits in each character to indicate
the end of the character.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Default: One
Options: 0 = One 1 = Two
Usage: Only changed if necessary to match host setting.
Definition: Number of bits in each character.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Default: Eight
Options: 0 = Seven 1 = Eight
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-13
Transparent Mode
Auxiliary port data is passed through to the
host whenever a return key is pressed at the
auxiliary port or whenever symbol data is
sent. If sent with symbol data, it is processed
on a first-in/first-out basis.
Auxiliary port data to the host is always sent
with a preamble and postamble.
If the imager is in a polling mode with the
host, auxiliary port data will still pass
Data Originating from the Imager
Transmission to the auxiliary port occurs
immediately upon a Good Read.
Data sent to the auxiliary port does not include
a preamble or a postamble.
Communications with the auxiliary port is
always in Point-to-Point protocol, even if the
host is in a polled protocol mode.
Data Originating from the Host
All host data is echoed to the auxiliary port in
unpolled mode.
Usage: A common application, in conjunction with handheld imagers, is one that
employs an auxiliary readout to detect misapplied symbols.
Definition: In Transparent Mode, data is passed between the auxiliary port and the
host. The imager buffers data from the auxiliary port and echoes the keyed
data on the auxiliary port.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Options: 1 = Transparent
Host Aux.
Host Aux.
Host Aux.
4-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Auxiliary Port Connections
Half Duplex Mode
Data Originating from the Auxiliary Port
Auxiliary port data to the host is ignored if the
imager is in a polled mode.
Auxiliary port data or read data is sent to the
host whenever it is received.
Auxiliary port data is not echoed.
Auxiliary port data to the host is always sent
without a preamble or postamble.
Data Originating from the Imager
Data is transmitted to the auxiliary port at the
same time it is transmitted to the host.
Data transmission conforms with all parameters
specified in the configuration menu (e.g. Preamble
Postamble, End of Read Cycle).
Data Originating from the Host
All host data is echoed to the auxiliary port in
unpolled mode.
Usage: Useful when the user wants symbol data displayed on an auxiliary menu
close to the imager.
Definition: In Half Duplex Mode all auxiliary port data and symbol data is sent directly
to the host. Symbol data is displayed on the auxiliary port menu at the
same time the data is sent to the host.
Serial Cmd. <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Options: 2 = Half Duplex
Host Aux.
Host Aux.
Host Aux.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-15
Full Duplex Mode
Data Originating from the Auxiliary Port
Auxiliary port data to the host is ignored if the
imager is in a polled mode.
Auxiliary port data or read data is sent to the
host whenever it is received.
Auxiliary port data is not echoed.
Auxiliary port data to the host is always sent
a preamble or postamble.
Data Originating from the Imager
Data is not sent to the auxiliary port.
Data Originating from the Host
All host data is echoed to the auxiliary port in
unpolled mode.
Usage: When communication to and from the auxiliary port is required.
Definition: In Full Duplex Mode all auxiliary port data and symbol data is sent directly
to the host. Symbol data is not displayed on the auxiliary port menu.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Options: 3 = Full Duplex
Host Aux.
Host Aux.
Host Aux.
4-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Auxiliary Port Connections
Daisy Chain Mode
Usage: Useful in applications where:
More than one symbol type is present.
A symbol may be present on multiple sides of a package.
Symbols are presented at different depths.
Definition: In a daisy chain application, readers are connected in tandem or a “daisy
chain” and decoded data is relayed from one reader to another until the
data reaches the host.
A primary reader has its host port linked to the host computer and its auxiliary
port linked to the host port of the first secondary reader in the chain.
Thereafter, each secondary reader’s auxiliary port is linked to the host port
of the secondary reader that is farther from the host in the daisy chain.
Each reader in the chain can be assigned an ID that accompanies any data
that it sends.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Options: 4 = Daisy Chain
Function: Before the primary reader times out, it checks its auxiliary port for data. It
should be set to wait at least 30 ms for each secondary reader in the daisy
chain. If no data is received within the read cycle timeout, the primary
reader sends a No Read message to the host. Otherwise the complete data
is sent.
If, for example, the primary reader is set to timeout in 120 ms, the first
secondary reader reader downstream might be set to 90 ms, the next to 30
ms, and so forth, thus assuring that at least 30 ms elapses between transmissions.
Daisy-chained readers can send a series of symbols by enabling
and a common multisymbol separator. If the primary reader does not
receive the expected number of symbols, No Read messages are
appended to the data string to make up the difference between the number
of symbols enabled in Multisymbol and the number of symbols read.
For example, a primary and two secondary readers have Number of
Symbols set to 3 and Multisymbol Separator defined as %. If the primary
and the first secondary reader do not find symbols, but the next secondary
reader registers a Good Read, the transmitted results would be:
symbol data % No Read % No Read
The above example assumes a best-case scenario. Other factors, such as baud rate, number of characters
in a given symbol, and the number of secondary readers in the daisy chain can affect timing and may need
to be included in your calculations for complete accuracy.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-17
Command Processing Mode
Usage: Allows a user to send configuration settings from the host port to the auxiliary
Definition: When enabled, Command Processing Mode allows commands to be
entered via the auxiliary port and direct externally triggered read cycle data
in one of two ways:
Symbol data, including the serial trigger (if used), will be transmitted to
the last port from which a command was sent.
If the last command came from the host port, then externally triggered
read cycle data will only be output to the host port.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Options: 5 = Command Processing
4-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Daisy Chain ID Status
Note: Enable/disable and length must be the same in all readers.
Daisy Chain ID
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K101h,,,,,,,3C>
For >: <K101h,,,,,,,3E>
For , : <K101h,,,,,,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Used in a daisy chain setup in cases where the host needs to know which
reader in the chain sent the data.
Definition: Each reader in a daisy chain can be assigned a one or two character ID
that will appear in front of decoded data and identify its source.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status, daisy chain i.d.>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Used in a daisy chain setup in cases where the host needs to know which
reader in the chain sent the data.
Definition: A one or two character prefix which identifies the particular daisy chain
reader from which the data is being sent to the host.
Serial Cmd: <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d.
status,daisy chain i.d.>
Default: 1/
Options: Any one or two ASCII characters.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-19
Auxiliary Port System Data Status
Definition: When enabled, system data will be routed to the Auxiliary Port. This
includes decoded data and diagnostic warning messages.
When disabled, system data will not be routed to the Auxiliary Port.
Serial Cmd: <K146,aux port system data status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
4-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Daisy Chain Autoconfigure
Daisy Chain Autoconfigure
Note: All secondary readers must be set to Serial for Daisy Chain to function.
When setting up a daisy chain operation, perform the following steps:
1. Set the primary imager (the one connected to the host) to Serial.
This sets all the imagers in the chain to Serial when the command is executed.
Before Autoconfigure you must set the primary imager to Serial (S):
2. Send <K150DAISY>.
3. If necessary, set the primary imager to Edge.
you may set the primary imager to
), but the other imagers
must remain in
Usage: For quick setup and configuration of your daisy chain network.
Definition: The command to autoconfigure the daisy chain is sent to the primary
imager and the software responds in the following ways:
Counts the number of secondary readers in the daisy chain.
Assigns an internal ID number (1...n) to each secondary reader, where
the first secondary reader is number 1 (the primary reader’s ID being a 0).
Propagates the communications settings and the relevant operating
modes of the primary imager to the host and auxiliary ports of each
secondary reader.
Resets each secondary reader.
Confirms that each secondary reader has acquired the new settings.
Serial Cmd: <K150DAISY>
Host Primary
Imager Secondary
Imager Secondary
Host Primary
Imager Secondary
Imager Secondary
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-21
Response Timeout
Note: See USB HID Interface on page 4-24 for protocol information relating to USB.
Usage: Only used when a response is required from the host. While in Multidrop, if
the imager does not receive an ACK or NAK from the host after sending
polled data, it will act on a fault. The reader can be set to wait indefinitely by
setting Response Timeout to zero.
Definition: The time that the imager will wait before timing out if ACK, NAK, and ETX
are enabled, and a host response is expected.
Serial Cmd: <K143,response timeout>
Default: 12 (in 1ms increments)
Options: 0 to 255 (A zero (0) setting causes an indefinite wait.)
4-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
LRC Status
LRC Status
(Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
Usage: Used when extra data integrity is required.
Definition: An error-checking routine that verifies the accuracy of transmissions. It is
the exclusive OR of all characters following the STX (start of text) up to and
including the
(end of text). What this means is that the binary representation
of all the characters in a transmission are cumulatively added in a column
and each resulting odd integer is assigned a 1 and each even integer a 0
(two 1s = 0, two 0s = 0, a 1 and a 0 = 1). The extra LRC character is then
appended to the transmission, and the receiver (usually the host) performs
the same addition and compares the results.
Serial Cmd: <K145,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-23
Protocol Configuration Examples
Point-to-Point (Main Port)
Polling Mode (Main Port)
“User-Defined” Polling Mode (Main Port)
ACK / NAK (Main Port)
Auxiliary Port
Listed below are several examples of Auxiliary Port commands.
<K100,8,0,1,1> Baud Rate: 115.2K; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K140,0> Point-to-Point
<K102,0> RS-232 enabled; <K102,1> = RS-422 enabled
<K100,4,0,1,1> Baud Rate: 9600; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K140,5,23> Polling Mode; Address: 23
RS-232 Point-to-Point polling;
= RS-422/RS-485 true multidrop
(switched transmitter)
<K143,30> 30 ms Response Timeout
<K100,4,0,1,1> Baud Rate: 9600; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K140,5,12> Polling Mode; Address: 12
<K148,,08,09,18,0B,0C,0D> Default RES (0x04), REQ=0x08; EOT=0x09; STX=0x18;
ETX=0x0B; ACK=0x0C; NAK=0x0D
<K102,0> RS-232 Point-to-Point polling; <K102,1> = RS-485 (true
multidrop with switched transmitter)
<K143,40> 40 ms Response Timeout
<K100,9,0,1,1> Baud Rate: 230K; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K140,4> ACK/NAK
<K147,,,01,1B,2E,1F> Default RES and REQ (00, disabled); STX=0x01; ETX=0x1B;
ACK=0x2E; NAK=0x1F
<K102,1> RS-422 enabled; <K102,0> = RS-232 enabled
<K143,50> 50 ms Response Timeout
<K101,2,4,0,1,1> Half Duplex; Baud Rate: 9600; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K101,1,5,0,1,1> Transparent; Baud Rate: 19.2K; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K101,3,7,0,1,1> Full Duplex; Baud Rate: 57.6K; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2; Data Bits: 8
<K101,5,6,0,1,1> Command Processing; Baud Rate: 230K; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 2;
Data Bits: 8
4-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB HID Interface
USB HID Interface
The USB version of the EZ Match Imager operates as an HID (Human Interface Device)
on the USB bus. HID-class devices communicate via “report” packets. An HID may support
multiple report types, each of which is identified with a unique report ID. The EZ Match
supports two different report types:
Microscan HID Report (ID = 1)
Keyboard Report (ID = 2)
The imager always outputs the same data for both report types. The user may enable or
disable either report type.
Regardless of the report type used by the host application, the application protocol via USB
is identical to RS-232 / RS-422 ports. HID Reports are used as a channel for standard
Microscan imager communication, command input, and symbol data output.
Important: No matter how the imager is configured, it is always able to receive and
respond to commands from the host application using Microscan HID Reports.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-25
Report Options
The following functionality conditions hold true regardless of how
HID Reports
are configured:
1. The host application must establish a connection with the imager to receive Microscan
HID IN Reports (symbol data) and to send Microscan HID OUT Reports (commands,
serial triggers).
2. The imager can always receive
Microscan HID OUT Reports
(commands, serial triggers).
3. The host application can always send commands through Microscan HID OUT
Reports. If the command requires a response (a part number, for example), the
imager will always send the response through Microscan HID IN Reports.
4. The imager always ignores Keyboard OUT Reports sent by the host operating system.
5. The content of both the Keyboard Reports and Microscan HID IN Reports is identical,
except for Keyboard Reports non-printable data limitations.
Microscan HID IN Reports
HID Reports are used as a channel for standard Microscan imager communication,
command input, and symbol data output. There are two types of Microscan HID
Note: The imager is always able to receive commands and serial triggers from the host
through Microscan HID OUT Reports, regardless of the Microscan HID IN Report status.
If the imager receives a command that requests a response, such as a part number query,
the imager will send a Microscan HID IN Report regardless of the IN Report status.
Microscan HID IN Reports Enabled
When this feature is enabled, the imager will send Microscan HID IN Reports to the host,
containing data originated by the imager.
Microscan HID IN Reports Disabled
When this feature is disabled, the imager will not send
Microscan HID IN Reports
to the
host, containing data originated by the imager.
Report Type Data Content
Microscan HID IN (imager to host)
Symbol data; No Reads; Service messages
Microscan HID OUT (host to imager) Commands; serial triggers
Serial Cmd: <K149,Microscan HID IN Report status,Keyboard IN Report status>
Default: 1
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
4-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB HID Interface
Keyboard IN Reports
The host operating system will interpret
Keyboard IN Reports
from the imager as if the
user were typing keyboard text. The host operating system sends keystrokes to the current
application. This is commonly called a
Keyboard Wedge
There is one type of Keyboard Report used:
Note: If Keyboard IN Reports is enabled, and Microscan HID IN Reports is disabled,
the read cycle must be Continuous Read 1 Output, because there will be no External
Trigger or Serial Trigger. It is not possible to send commands to the imager as Keyboard
OUT Reports
. To send commands to the imager via USB, the host application must establish
a connection with the imager and send Microscan HID OUT Reports.
Keyboard IN Reports Enabled
When this feature is enabled, the imager will send Keyboard IN Reports to the host,
containing data originated by the imager.
Keyboard IN Reports Disabled
When this feature is disabled, the imager will not send Keyboard IN Reports to the host,
containing data originated by the imager.
Report Type Data Content
Keyboard IN (imager to host)
Symbol data; No Reads; Service messages
Serial Cmd: <K149,Microscan HID IN Report status,Keyboard IN Report status>
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-27
Microscan HID Report Format
Size: 64 bytes, fixed-length. The USB HID standard defines all reports as being fixed-length.
Structure: REPORT ID (1) LENGTH (1) DATA (62)
Values in parentheses indicate the size, in bytes, of the field.
Field Descriptions
Size: 1 byte
Value: 0x01
Note: Report ID is the method employed by USB HID to allow multiple report formats to be
sent and received from the same interface.
Size: 1 byte
Value: 0-62
Note: Length indicates the number of valid data bytes in the fixed-length data field. This is
necessary because the USB HID standards define HID Reports as fixed-length, yet the
imager or host may require a smaller data size in any given report.
Size: 62 bytes, fixed-length
Value: 0x00 to 0xFF
Note: The Data field is left-justified, meaning it begins immediately after the Length field.
All unused data space is NUL (00 in hex) padded. Data values can be “binary”, meaning
that they span the entire 8 bit range of 0x00 to 0xFF.
4-28 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB HID Interface
Report Format Examples
For clarity, all report format examples are shown as follows: report fields separated by an
underscore ( _ ), REPORT ID and LENGTH fields shown as decimal values, data fields
shown as printable ASCII characters, and the number of NUL padding bytes shown as
decimal values (nn).
IN report (to host)
1_11_A]002374938 (51)
REPORT ID = 1 = Microscan HID
DATA = ”A]02374938” = This is a Code 39 symbol.
NUL padding = 51 bytes
OUT report (from host to imager)
1_27_<K200,3><K220,0,300><K714?> (35)
REPORT ID = 1 = Microscan HID
DATA = “<K200,3><K220,0,300><K714?>” = These commands enable External Edge, set
a 3 second timeout, and request the No Read configuration command.
NUL padding = 35 bytes
IN report (to host)
REPORT ID = 1 = Microscan HID
RE” = This shows the response to the <714?> command. Note that the command status
response is not yet complete. See the next report example for the complete response.
NUL padding = 0 bytes
IN report (to host)
REPORT ID = 1 = Microscan HID
DATA = “PORTS>” = This is the end of the response to the <K714?> command from the
previous example.
The entire <K714> command response is as follows:
NUL padding = 56 bytes
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-29
Keyboard Report Format
Size: 9 bytes, fixed-length.
Values in parentheses indicate the size, in bytes, of the field.
Important: The host application does not need to understand and process Keyboard
Reports. This task belongs to the host operating system. Keycodes are passed to the host
application as if a user were typing keyboard text. The host application must be the active
application in order to receive keystrokes.
Keyboard Reports protocol requires that two reports be sent for every keystroke. The first
report indicates which key is pressed. The second report indicates “no key pressed”, with
all keycodes NUL (00 in hex) to indicate that all keys have been released. In the case of
the EZ Match, each byte output is equivalent to a keystroke, with a “key pressed” report
and a “no key pressed” report. For this reason, data rates are much slower when using
Keyboard Reports.
Field Descriptions
Size: 1 byte
Value: 0x02
Note: Report ID is the method employed by USB HID to allow multiple report formats to be
sent and received from the same interface.
Size: 1 byte
Value: 0x00 to 0xFF
Note: Modifier is an 8 bit field, corresponding to the state of the modifier keys at the time
the keycode field was generated.
Bit Key
4-30 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB HID Interface
Field Descriptions
Size: 1 byte
Value: 0x00
Note: This field is Reserved. Its value is always NUL (00 in hex).
Size: 6 bytes
Value: 0x00 to 0xFF
Note: The EZ Match translates 8 bit data values into Keycode data in the following ways:
8 Bit Data Value Keycode Data
0x00 to 0x1F and 0x7F to 0xFF Decimal key ( . ) unless otherwise noted.
CR, 0x0D Enter key
TAB, 0x09 Tab key
ESC, 0x1B ESC key
“Printable” characters, 0x20 to 0x7E These all translate to the keystrokes that produce them.
This includes a-z, 0-9, punctuation, and SHIFT in the
Modifier field, when necessary. Only the first Keycode
in the 6 byte array will be populated.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-31
USB HID Configuration Options
The user has the following options for configuring and defaulting a USB version of the EZ
Match Imager:
Configuration Symbols (Data Matrix with “Configure Reader” Flag)
Symbol configuration can be performed “out-of-the-box”, as the EZ Match is configured
Continuous Read Mode, and Data Matrix is enabled by default. Data Matrix symbols are
used to encode configuration commands when the symbology’s “configure reader” flag is
If the read cycle is changed, or if Data Matrix is disabled, another configuration/default
method must be used. This is because the USB EZ Match has no external trigger, unless
the user has configured the EZ Button as a trigger.
EZ Button Configuration
By default, basic calibration can be initiated from the EZ Button (3 beeps). Note that this
only changes the camera, image processing, and symbology settings of the imager. To
default the USB EZ Match, hold down the EZ Button during power-on.
Note: This only overwrites Power-On settings with Custom Default settings, as when the
<Zrc> command is received. It does not overwrite Power-On settings with Factory
Defaults, as when the <Zrd> command is received. If Custom Defaults are misconfigured,
another method must be used to default the imager.
Implementing the Host Operating System API and Establishing a
Connection with the Microscan HID Interface
When a connection is made, the host can send serial configuration/default commands. The
imager will always be able to receive configuration commands from the host application and
send responses to those commands. However, the imager can be configured to stop producing
IN Reports to the host from symbol data output and diagnostics (service messages).
4-32 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB HID Interface
Configuration Exceptions for USB
Read Cycle Mode
By default, the imager operates in Continuous Read Mode. If the imager is configured
using Data Matrix symbols, the read cycle mode should be the last item changed before
saving the configuration settings and beginning operation. This is because all read cycle
modes other than Continuous Read Mode require a trigger event. In USB, a trigger event
can only be initiated by serial command. To send a trigger command the imager, the host
application must establish a connection with the imager’s Microscan HID interface and
send the trigger command in a Microscan HID Report.
The following read cycle conditions are required for the USB EZ Match:
To use Level Mode, you must enable Undelimited Start Trigger Character <K229>
and Undelimited End Trigger Character <K230>.
To use Edge Mode, you must enable and use the Undelimited Start Trigger Character
To use Serial Mode, you must use the Delimited Trigger defined by <K201>, or enable
and use the Undelimited Start Trigger Character <K229>.
To use Serial and Edge Mode, you must use the Delimited Trigger defined by
<K201>, or enable and use the Undelimited Start Trigger Character <K229>.
For the USB version of the EZ Match, no communications serial commands have any
effect on the imager except the following:
USB HID Report Status <K149>
Preamble <K141>
•Postamble <K142>
EZ Button
Default on power-on cannot be disabled <K770,,default> = <K770,,1>. This ensures a
level of safety for recovering from misconfigured Power-On settings <Z>. However, it is not
foolproof, as defaulting with the EZ Button only recovers Custom Default settings, which
can be misconfigured themselves. For this reason, do not save to Custom Default settings
<Zc> until the imager’s configuration has been tested.
If the imager is going to be configured with Data Matrix symbols, do not disable Data Matrix
<K479>. Disabling Data Matrix will prevent the imager from reading configuration symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K200,read mode>
Default: Continuous
Options: 0 = Continuous Mode 1 = Coninuous Read 1 Output Mode
2 = Level Mode 3 = Edge Mode
4 = Serial Mode 5 = Serial and Edge Mode
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-33
ASCII Character Entry Modifier
Commands that require ASCII text fields, such as Preamble and Postamble commands,
can be sent to the imager as hex pairs (see Appendix E, ASCII Table, for conversions).
To enter ASCII fields as hex values (00 to FF), add a lower-case
directly after the command’s
number, and then enter the hex value that corresponds with the desired ASCII character.
Consider the Postamble command:
Imagine that your application requires the ASCII character > to be the postamble in your
symbol decode output.
The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex pairs. So, to make > the
postamble in your symbol decode output, enter the Postamble command as follows:
Note that the “status” field contains only a , . This is because the only field that is being
changed is the “postamble character(s)” field. (See Serial Configuration Command
Conventions on page A-13 for a more detailed explanation of this command shortcut.)
Serial Cmd Format: <Knnnh,00-FF>
Serial Cmd: <K142,status,postamble character(s)>
4-34 EZ Match User’s Manual
Preamble Status
Preamble Characters
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K141h,,3C>
For >: <K141h,,3E>
For , : <K141h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Useful for identifying and controlling incoming data. For example, defining
the preamble as a carriage return and a line feed causes each decoded
message to be displayed on its own line.
Definition: Defines a one to four character data string that can be added to the front of
the decoded data.
Serial Cmd: <K141,status,preamble character(s)>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (within any protocol)
Serial Cmd: <K141,status,preamble character(s)>
Default: ^M corresponds to: carriage return.
Options: To enter control characters within a serial command, hold down the Ctrl
key while typing the desired character.
Example: <K141,1,CNTL-m> to enter the control character ^M.
EZ Match User’s Manual 4-35
Postamble Status
Postamble Characters
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K142h,,3C>
For >: <K142h,,3E>
For , : <K142h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Useful for identifying and controlling incoming data. For example, defining
the postamble as a carriage return and a line feed causes each decoded
message to be displayed on its own line.
Definition: Allows the user to enable or disable up to four postamble characters that
can be added to the end of the decoded data.
Serial Cmd: <K142,status,postamble character(s)>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (within any protocol)
Serial Cmd: <K142,status,postamble character(s)>
Default: ^M^J corresponds to: carriage return/line feed.
Options: To enter control characters within a serial command, hold down the control
key while typing the desired character.
Example: <K142,1,CNTL-m CNTL-j> to enter ^M^J.
4-36 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-1
5 Calibration
This section shows the EZ Match Imagers calibration options, and explains the different
ways that those options can be configured.
Calibration Serial Commands .......................................................................................................5-2
Calibration Overview.....................................................................................................................5-2
Calibration Options .......................................................................................................................5-3
Calibration by ESP..................................................................................................................... 5-10
Initiating Calibration ................................................................................................................... 5-12
Additional Notes about Calibration............................................................................................. 5-17
5-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Calibration Serial Commands
Calibration Serial Commands
Calibration Overview
Calibration is one of the most powerful features of the EZ Match Imager. The calibration
process can be initiated by serial command, EZ Button, or ESP user interface.
When the imager enters calibration, it runs through an optimization cycle that sets the ideal
parameters for reading symbols at the highest possible level of performance. Calibration can
be specially configured to optimize specific parameters, such as gain, shutter speed, and
symbol type.
The calibration process consists of five separate phases: search pass, medium pass, and
fine-tune pass. During this process the imager quickly locates configuration setup, defines
a calibration range for the configuration parameters, and then tunes those parameters for
optimal performance.
Calibration Options <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI
margin,line scan height,processing>
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-3
Calibration Options
This command specifies the operation of the imager’s calibration feature. The default
configuration is set up to perform calibration on gain and symbol type. The default shutter
speed setting is disabled, because not all applications require shutter speed, and when
it is required, the application-specific settings tend to vary widely.
Note: Background Color (page 11-25) is part of the calibration process regardless of the
calibration setup. After successful completion of the calibration routine, the background
color will be set to the appropriate value, depending on the symbol in the field of view. The
Mirrored Image parameter (page 11-26) is not part of the calibration process, and it must
be configured appropriately prior to calibration.
Shutter Speed
The following table shows general guidelines for shutter speed configurations based on
various line speeds. The configurations shown depend on the imager’s optical configuration,
and on symbol element size.
Definition: When enabled, gain will be calibrated to provide the best available image
quality and performance.
When disabled, gain is fixed and is not part of the calibration process.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Unless an application is a static setup, the shutter speed setting should be
configured by the user based on the application. For dynamic applications, the
user should configure the shutter speed setting so the calibration process can
optimize the gain for that setting.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
2 = Fast Shutter
Shutter Speed Line Speed
0 - 250 static
250 - 750 5” / sec
750 - 1500 10” / sec
1500 - 2000 15” / sec
2000 - 2500 20” / sec
5-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Calibration Options
Disabled (Shutter Speed)
When this feature is disabled, the shutter speed is fixed and is not part of the calibration
Enabled (Shutter Speed)
When this feature is enabled, shutter speed will be calibrated to provide the best possible
image quality and performance.
Fast Shutter
The calibration process will concentrate on achieving the fastest possible shutter setting that
will still provide good performance. The image quality or contrast may not be as good as
what would be achieved with the Enabled setting. The calibration process is not designed to
choose the fastest shutter speed that can decode a symbol, but rather to optimize for the
fastest shutter speed that still provides good image quality.
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-5
Symbol Type
When this feature is disabled, only the currently-enabled symbologies will be considered
during the calibration process.
When this feature is enabled, autodiscrimination will be in effect during the calibration
process. All symbologies that are readable by the imager except PDF417 and Pharmacode
will be considered during calibration. Any new symbologies successfully decoded during
calibration will remain enabled at the end of the process. All enabled symbologies will
remain enabled.
For example, assume that only Code 39 is enabled at the beginning of calibration. If a
Code 128 symbol is read during calibration, then Code 128, as well as Code 39, will be
enabled after the calibration process is complete.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
5-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Calibration Options
Window of Interest (WOI) Framing
If WOI framing is not enabled, the current WOI configuration will be used until a symbol
has been decoded. After a symbol is decoded, the WOI is framed exactly as it would be if
a WOI framing mode was enabled. When the calibration process is complete, the original
WOI configuration is restored. Refer to the diagram below:
Definition: If a WOI framing mode is enabled, it will set the camera WOI to a full-size
image when calibration begins. Once a symbol is decoded, the camera
WOI will be zoomed-in both vertically and horizontally (regardless of
which WOI mode is enabled) to include the symbol plus an additional
margin area. This is done to accelerate the calibration process.
When a successful calibration process is completed, the camera WOI
will be adjusted according to the mode enabled. Otherwise, the original
WOI configuration will be retained.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Row and Column
2 = Row 3 = Column
4 = Straight Line 5 = Straight Line Framed
Configured WOI Starting WOI After Decode Calibration Passed Calibration Failed
Configured WOI After Decode Calibration Passed Calibration Failed
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-7
When this feature is disabled, the Window of Interest is not modified after the calibration
process is complete.
Row and Column
If the calibration process is successful, the Window of Interest will be modified to frame the
symbol as well as an additional margin area around the symbol, determined by the WOI
Margin parameter. Refer to the diagram below:
If the calibration process is successful, the Window of Interest columns will be modified to
vertically frame the symbol, plus an additional margin area around the symbol, determined
by the WOI Margin parameter. Refer to the diagram below:
f the calibration process is successful, the Window of Interest rows will be modified to horizontally
frame the symbol, plus an additional margin area around the symbol, determined by the
parameter. Refer to the diagram below:
5-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Calibration Options
Straight Line
This feature is intended for use with linear symbologies. If the calibration process is successful
the orientation of the symbol is determined and the Window of Interest is modified according
to the symbol orientation. The scan line orientation is determined to be vertical if the
symbol tilt is between 225° and 315°, or between 45° and 135°. Otherwise, the scan line
will be horizontal.
If the symbol is vertical, the image column size will be set by the scan height parameter,
and will be configured for full row resolution. If the symbol is horizontal, the image row size
will be set by the scan height parameter, and will be configured for full column resolution.
The scan line will be centered in the middle of the symbol. If the symbol is tilted such that
the scan line will not pass completely through the symbol, the scan width will be adjusted
to include the entire symbol. Refer to the diagram below:
Straight Line Framed
This parameter is the same as “Straight Line”, except that the Window of Interest will also
frame the scan line on the symbol length as well. The scan line includes the symbol plus
an additional margin area determined by the WOI Margin parameter.
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-9
Window of Interest (WOI) Margin
Line Scan Height
The imager will spend a low amount of effort attempting to decode the given symbol for
each parameter configuration.
The imager will spend a medium amount of effort attempting to decode the given symbol
for each parameter configuration.
The imager will spend a high amount of effort attempting to decode the given symbol for
each parameter configuration.
The processing time for each image frame is defined by the Image Processing Timeout
parameter <K245>.
Sets the margin size that is applied to the calibrated symbol. This parameter
is expressed in number of pixels. If the margin causes the image to exceed
the maximum image size, it will be reduced accordingly.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: 75 (pixels)
Options: 20 to 1280
Definition: This parameter is only used with the Straight Line modes. It sets the scan
height of the straight-line image, and it is expressed in number of pixels.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: 64 (pixels)
Options: 3 to 1024
Definition: This setting defines the amount of time and effort the imager will spend
attempting to decode a symbol for each parameter configuration.
Serial Cmd: <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,line
scan height,processing>
Default: Medium
Options: 0 = Low 1 = Medium
2 = High 3 = Definable
5-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Calibration by ESP
Calibration by ESP
ESP’s Calibration view incorporates all the functionality of the <K529> (Calibration
Options) command in a single easy-to-use, intuitive interface. This calibration process
allows the user much finer control of individual parameters than the calibration routine in
EZ Mode or on the Video tab.
Before / During Calibration
Before and After tabs give the user an authentic
representation of the difference in what the imager
“sees” before and after the calibration routine.
Determines the
amount of time
and effort the
imager will spend
attempting to
decode a symbol
for each parameter
(Low, Medium,
High, Definable).
Focus, Shutter,
Gain, and Image
Quality values
are all tracked in
real-time during
the calibration
Initiates the
Cancels the
process, if
The Window of Interest section of the Calibration interface allows the user to make precise adjustments
to WOI Framing, WOI Margin (in pixels), and the scan height of the straight-line image (in pixels).
Dropdown menu of 1D and 2D symbologies, and a check
box for enabling or disabling Composite symbologies.
Gain and Shutter Speed
are configurable in the
Calibration interface.
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-11
After Calibration
Notice the improved image
resolution after the calibration
process is complete.
Saves the optimal configuration parameters
determined by calibration results.
The Focus, Shutter,
Gain, and Quality
indicator bars
remain stationary at
the end of calibration
to provide a visual
reference for the
final values of these
four parameters.
The calibration progress bar indicates that the process has been completed.
5-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Initiating Calibration
Initiating Calibration
Calibration can be initiated by serial command, the EZ Button, or from the Calibration
interface in ESP.
In ESP, the Calibrate button starts the calibration routine.
To initiate calibration by serial command, enter the serial command
from a terminal,
such as
is a calibration routine that emphasizes contrast
and readability.
See Calibrate by EZ Button on page 1-11 for the EZ Button calibration procedure.
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-13
Calibration Progress Indicators
During the calibration process, the imager has a number of ways to communicate its
progress to the user. The following three types of feedback are the primary ways that the
imager communicates calibration progress.
Read Rate LEDs
When calibration is initiated through a serial command or the EZ Button, the imager’s
Read Rate LEDs indicate calibration progress as follows:
Beeper / Green Flash
The beeper and green LED flash are used to indicate calibration status as shown in the
table below:
LEDs Calibration Progress
20% Search Pass in progress.
20%, 40%, 60% Medium Pass in progress.
20%, 40%, 60%, 80% Fine-Tune Pass in progress.
20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% Calibrated Successfully (holds for green flash duration).
Indicator Status
2 quick beeps Calibration has started.
5 quick beeps Calibration has failed.
1 long beep Calibration has been completed successfully.
1 sec. Green Flash Calibration has been completed successfully.
Search Pass
Medium Pass
Fine-Tune Pass
5-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Initiating Calibration
Calibration Progress Output to Terminal
When initiated by serial command or EZ Button, the calibration operation will output
progress and process information to a terminal if the system is configured to do so.
Depending upon how the calibration options are configured, the calibration process can
have up to 5 steps (Search Pass, Medium Pass, Fine-Tune Pass). Calibration data is
shown in a simple table format under 8 category headings, each of which are defined
Calibration Progress Output Examples (Terminal)
Search Pass
The purpose of Search Pass is to decode a symbol in as few configurations as possible
during calibration. This process is designed to identify symbology type, and to identify any
other image processing parameters that are already calibrated.
Heading Definition
Prog Progress indicator with a range of 0 - 100. Indicates percent complete.
Rating Rating indicator; higher ratings are more favorable.
Decode Number of successful decodes for the pass.
Quality Quality indicator; higher ratings are more favorable.
Shutter Shutter setting under operation.
Gain Gain setting under operation.
Locate Time required to locate symbol, expressed in milliseconds.
Running Search Pass
Prog Rating Decode Quality Focus Shutter Gain Locate
12 0 0 0 313 250 0 0
14 0 0 0 313 250 9 0
16 0 0 0 313 250 18 0
18 2174 1 72 313 250 27 24
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-15
Medium Pass
The theory behind Medium Pass is to develop a readable range from which to dial in a
decoded symbol.
Running Medium Pass
Prog Rating Decode Quality Focus Shutter Gain Locate
51 4216 2 8 386 250 0 5
53 8436 4 20 386 250 4 4
55 6336 3 24 386 250 8 4
57 8448 4 32 386 250 12 4
59 8456 4 40 386 250 16 5
61 8464 4 48 386 250 20 4
63 8472 4 56 386 250 24 5
65 8488 4 72 386 250 28 5
67 8504 4 88 386 250 32 5
69 8512 4 96 386 250 36 5
71 8528 4 112 386 250 40 6
73 8584 4 168 386 250 44 5
75 8644 4 228 386 250 48 5
Rating List (Best):
Rating = 8606; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 48
Rating = 8581; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 44
Rating = 8553; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 40
Rating = 8527; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 36
Rating = 8505; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 32
Rating = 8488; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 28
Rating = 8476; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 24
5-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Initiating Calibration
Fine-Tune Pass
The theory behind Fine-Tune Pass is to dial in a decoded symbol based on the range
supplied by the Medium Pass.
Running Fine Tune Pass
Prog Rating Decode Quality Focus Shutter Gain Locate
77 6416 3 104 386 250 38 7
79 6424 3 112 386 250 39 6
81 6424 3 112 386 250 40 6
84 6432 3 120 386 250 41 6
86 6448 3 136 386 250 42 5
88 6464 3 152 386 250 43 5
90 6476 3 164 386 250 44 5
93 6488 3 176 386 250 45 5
95 6506 3 194 386 250 46 6
97 6524 3 212 386 250 47 5
100 6538 3 226 386 250 48 6
Rating List (Best):
Rating = 6527; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 48
Rating = 6517; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 47
Rating = 6505; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 46
Rating = 6491; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 45
Rating = 6476; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 44
Rating = 6462; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 43
Rating = 6449; Focus = 386; Shutter = 250; Gain = 42
Calibration PASSED.
EZ Match User’s Manual 5-17
Additional Notes about Calibration
The following conditions apply to the imager’s calibration process. Some of these items
are noted at various points throughout this section, or in other sections of the imager’s
1. The Mirrored Image parameter <K514> is not part of the calibration process.
2. Background Color <K451> is calibrated.
3. If Window of Interest Framing is enabled, the WOI will be set to full frame when
calibration begins. If WOI Framing is disabled, the current WOI configuration will be
used for the Search Pass.
4. IP Mode <K527> will not be altered during calibration.
Threshold Mode
will be set to
during calibration. At the end of a
successful calibration,
Threshold Mode
will remain set to
regardless of its
previous setting. Otherwise, the value will revert to its original state.
6. If Symbol Type is enabled for calibration (Autodiscriminate), then Interleaved 2 of 5
Range Mode <K472> will be enabled. This allows variable-length Interleaved 2 of 5
symbols to be decoded. If an Interleaved 2 of 5 symbol is decoded during calibration,
then code length # 1 will be set to the decoded symbol length at the end of calibration.
Otherwise, the symbol lengths will be restored to their original configurations.
7. Pharmacode is not calibrated.
8. The symbol size, dimension, and orientation parameters of the No Symbol / Bad
Symbol and Symbol Qualification command <K718> will be updated if calibration
is completed successfully.
9. All symbol types that were enabled before calibration will still be enabled after calibration.
For example, if Data Matrix ECC 200 was enabled before calibration, and the calibration
routine was performed on a Code 128 symbol, then after calibration is completed both
Data Matrix ECC 200 and Code 128 will be enabled.
10. The calibration process does not modify the global Composite status <K453>. The
global Composite status must be configured properly before calibration.
11. If the user requires calibration of a stacked symbology <K482>, <K483>, or <K484>,
that symbology must be enabled and configured appropriately before calibration.
12. The Search process will use the configurable Window of Interest for image captures.
However, when the search process is completed, the WOI will be reduced to include
only the symbol of interest and some additional boundary area.
5-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Additional Notes about Calibration
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-1
6 Read Cycle
After you’ve established communications with the imager, you will need to address the
spatial and timing parameters associated with your application. This section explains
those parameters.
Read Cycle by ESP ...................................................................................................................... 6-2
Read Cycle Serial Commands......................................................................................................6-3
Read Cycle Setup......................................................................................................................... 6-4
Multisymbol................................................................................................................................... 6-5
Trigger Mode and Duration........................................................................................................... 6-7
External Trigger Polarity ............................................................................................................. 6-12
Serial Trigger .............................................................................................................................. 6-13
Start Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)..................................................................................... 6-14
Stop Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)..................................................................................... 6-15
End of Read Cycle...................................................................................................................... 6-16
Capture Mode............................................................................................................................. 6-18
Capture Timing ........................................................................................................................... 6-23
Image Storage ............................................................................................................................ 6-25
Minimum Good Reads ................................................................................................................ 6-28
6-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Read Cycle by ESP
Read Cycle by ESP
To change a setting,
double-click the
setting and use your
cursor to scroll
through the options.
To open nested
options, single-click
the +.
Click the Parameters
button and then the
Read Cycle tab.
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-3
Read Cycle
Read Cycle Serial Commands
Trigger Mode/Duration <K200,trigger mode,trigger filter duration>
Serial Trigger Character <K201,serial trigger character>
External Trigger State <K202,external trigger state>
End of Read Cycle <K220,end of read cycle,read cycle timeout>
Minimum Good Reads <K221,minimum good reads>
Multisymbol <K222,number of symbols,multisymbol separator>
Start Trigger Character <K229,start character>
Stop Trigger Character <K230,stop character>
Capture Mode <K241,capture mode,number of captures,rapid capture mode,
Capture Timing <K242,time before first capture,time between first and second
captures,,,,,,,,time between seventh and eighth captures>
Image Storage <K244,image storage type,image store mode>
6-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Read Cycle Setup
Read Cycle Setup
Setting up Read Cycle and triggering parameters will involve a series of decisions based
on your particular application, as follows:
1. Select the number of symbols to be read in a single cycle. The EZ Match Imager can
read multiple symbols in a single image frame.
2. Decide on the trigger type to be used: if serial, choose a serial character; if external,
choose either Level or Edge.
3. Designate how the read cycle should end (Timeout, New Trigger, Last Frame).
4. Select Capture Mode, Continuous Mode, or Rapid Capture Mode.
5. Select Number of Captures (if in Rapid Capture Mode).
6. Set the Time Before First Capture and Time Between Captures, if any.
Note: The imager’s camera captures images at a rate of about 16/second (based on a
full-size 1280 x 1024 monochrome image). The capture rate increases as frame sizes
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-5
Read Cycle
Number of Symbols
Usage: Multisymbol is commonly used in shipping applications where a shipping
symbol contains individual symbols for part number, quantity, etc. This
feature allows on trigger to pick up all the symbols.
Definition: Multisymbol allows the user to define up to 100 symbols that can be read
in a single read cycle.
Conditions: The following conditions apply:
Each symbol must be different to be read, unless in Rapid Capture
Mode, configured for “triggered capture”.
The maximum number of characters in a read cycle is 3,000 for all
All No Read messages are posted at the end of the data string, unless
output filtering is enabled.
If more than one symbol is within the field of view at the same time,
symbol data may not be displayed in the order of appearance.
Matchcode Type
is set to
or if
is set to
Read 1 Output, the imager will behave as if Number of Symbols were
set to 1, regardless of the user-defined configuration.
Definition: This parameter has no function when a Multi-Operation read cycle is
active. Each operation index (1 through 3) requires one qualified output for
each active operation.
Example: If tube and cap detection are both enabled for operation index 1,
the required number of symbols for that index would be 2.
Important: The same symbol, tube, or cap can be processed and qualified
by two different operations in the same read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K222,number of symbols, multisymbol separator>
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 100
6-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Multisymbol Separator
Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex
For <: <K222h,,3C>
For >: <K222h,,3E>
For , : <K222h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a more detailed
explanation of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Note: If No Read messages are disabled and there are No Reads occurring,
separators will only be inserted between symbol data outputs.
Usage: Used to delimit or separate data fields with a user defined character.
Any valid ASCII character, inserted between each symbol read when Multisymbol
is set to any number greater than 1.
Serial Cmd: <K222,number of symbols,multisymbol separator>
Default: , (comma)
Options: Any available ASCII character.
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-7
Read Cycle
Trigger Mode and Duration
Note: When calibrating the imager or testing Read Rate, the current trigger setting will be
Trigger Mode
Continuous Read
Definition: The event that initiates the read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K200,trigger mode,trigger filter duration>
Default: Continuous Read
Options: 0 = Continuous Read
1 = Continuous Read 1 Output
2 = External Level
3 = External Edge
4 = Serial Data
5 = Serial Data and Edge
Usage: Continuous Read is useful in testing symbol readability or reader functions.
It is not recommended for normal operations.
Definition: In Continuous Read, trigger input options are disabled, the imager is
always in the read cycle, and it will attempt to decode and transmit every
capture. If a single symbol stays within read range for multiple read cycles,
its data will be transmitted repeatedly until it leaves the read range.
The imager sends replies to serial commands that require responses when
symbol data is transmitted, or read cycle timeout is enabled and a timeout
occurs and at least one captured image has been processed. Depending
on the combination of enabled symbologies and the Threshold Mode setting,
the imager may take longer than the timeout to process a captured image.
Note: When to Output
No Read
options have no affect on
Serial Cmd: <K200,0>
6-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Trigger Mode and Duration
Continuous Read 1 Output
Caution: In automated environments, Continuous Read 1 Output is not
recommended because there is typically no reliable way to verify that a
symbol was missed.
Note: If Trigger Mode is set to Continuous Read 1 Output, the imager will
behave as if
Number of Symbols
were set to
, regardless of the user-defined
Usage: Continuous Read 1 Output can be useful in applications where it is not
feasible to use a trigger and all succeeding symbols contain different
information. It is also effective in applications where the objects are presented
by hand.
Definition: In Continuous Read 1 Output the imager self-triggers whenever it
decodes a new symbol or a timeout occurs.
If End of Read Cycle is set to Timeout and the symbol doesn’t change,
the output is repeated at the end of each timeout period. For example, if
is set to one second, the imager sends the symbol data immediately
and repeats the output at intervals of one second for as long as it continues
to capture the symbol.
If End of Read Cycle is set to New Trigger, the imager will send the current
symbol data immediately, but only once. A new symbol appearing in the
imager’s range will be read and sent immediately, provided it is not identical
to the previous symbol.
Serial Cmd: <K200,1>
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-9
Read Cycle
External Level
Important: Level and Edge apply to the active logic state (Negative or
Positive) that exists while the object is in a read cycle, between the rising
edge and the falling edge. Rising edge is the trigger signal associated with
the appearance of an object. Falling edge is the trigger signal associated
with the subsequent disappearance of the object. This applies both to
External Level and External Edge.
External Edge
Usage: This mode is effective in an application where the speeds of the conveying
apparatus are variable and the time the imager spends reading each object
is not predictable. It also allows the user to determine if a No Read has
Definition: External Level allows the read cycle (active state) to begin when a trigger
(change of state) from an external sensing device is received. The read
cycle persists until the object moves out of the sensor range and the active
trigger state changes again.
Serial Cmd: <K200,2>
Usage: This mode is highly recommended in any application where conveying
speed is constant, or if spacing, object size, or read cycle timeouts are
Definition: External Edge, as with Level, allows the read cycle (active state) to begin
when a trigger (change of state) from an external sensing device is
received. However, the passing of an object out of sensor range does not
end the read cycle. The read cycle ends with a Good Read output, or,
depending on the End of Read Cycle setting, a timeout or new trigger
Serial Cmd: <K200,3>
Initiate Read Cycle:
Object #1, moving in front of
the detector beam, causes a
change in the trigger state,
which initiates the read cycle.
End Read Cycle:
The same object, moving out of
the detector beam, causes
another change in the trigger
state, which ends the read cycle.
Initiate Read Cycle:
Object # 1, moving in front of the
detector beam, causes a change in
the trigger state, which initiates the
read cycle.
Initiate Second Read Cycle:
Object # 2, moving in front of the
detector beam, causes another
change in the trigger state. This signal
initiates a new read cycle and ends
the previous read cycle unless
is enabled and a Good Read or timeout
has not occured.
6-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Trigger Mode and Duration
Serial Data
Note: In Serial Data, sending a non-delimited start serial character will start
a read cycle; however, a non-delimited stop serial character has no effect.
Serial Data and Edge
Note: In Serial Data, sending a non-delimited start serial character will start
a read cycle; however, a non-delimited stop serial character has no effect.
Usage: Serial Data is effective in a highly controlled environment where the host
knows precisely when the object is in the field of view. It is also useful in
determining if a No Read has occurred.
Definition: In Serial Data, the imager accepts an ASCII character from the host or
controlling device as a trigger to start a read cycle. A Serial Data trigger
behaves the same as an External Edge trigger.
Serial commands are entered inside angle brackets, as shown here: <t>.
Serial Cmd: <K200,4>
Usage: Serial Data and Edge is seldom used but can be useful in an application
that primarily uses an external sensing device but occasionally needs to be
triggered manually.
An auxiliary terminal can be connected to the auxiliary port so the user can
send the serial trigger character through the imager to the host.
Definition: In this mode the imager accepts either a serial ASCII character or an external
trigger pulse to start the read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K200,5>
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-11
Read Cycle
Trigger Filter Duration
Note: If Trigger Mode is set to External Edge, the imager will trigger only
after the active state has been delayed for the specified filter duration.
Note: If Trigger Mode is set to External Level, the imager will trigger once
the active state has been delayed for the specified filter duration after the
appearance of an object’s active edge.
In addition, the active state must be delayed for the specified filter duration
after the disappearance of the object’s falling edge for the trigger to be rendered
Usage: Trigger Filter Duration allows the imager to disregard false trigger
Definition: When Trigger Mode is set to either External Edge or External Level, the
read cycle’s active state must be delayed until the specified filter duration
has elapsed. The imager will trigger at the end of that duration.
Serial Cmd: <K200,trigger mode,trigger filter duration>
Default: 313 (in 32µs increments)
Options: 1 to 65535 (corresponding with 32µs to 2.10 seconds in 32µs steps)
6-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
External Trigger Polarity
External Trigger Polarity
Usage: Allows users to select the trigger polarity that will be used in their application.
Definition: Determines the active state of the trigger signal applied to the cable input of
the imager.
Serial Cmd: <K202,active state>
Default: Positive
Options: 0 = Negative 1 = Positive
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-13
Read Cycle
Serial Trigger
Serial Trigger Character (Delimited)
Note: Serial Data or Serial Data and Edge triggering mode must be
enabled for Serial Trigger Character to take effect.
Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex
For <: <K201h,3C>
For >: <K201h,3E>
For , : <K201h,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation
of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Allows the user to define the trigger character and delimiters that start
and stop the read cycle.
Definition: A serial trigger is considered an online host command and requires the
same command format as all host commands. It must be entered within
angle bracket delimiters < > or, in the case of non-delimited triggers, it must
define individual start and stop characters.
Usage: Allows the user to define the trigger character that initiates the read cycle.
Definition: A single ASCII host serial trigger character that initiates the read cycle.
A delimited trigger character is one that either starts or ends the read cycle
and is enclosed by delimiters such as < >.
Serial Cmd: <K201,serial trigger character>
Default: Space bar
Options: Any single ASCII character, including control characters, except NUL (00 in
hex), an existing host command character, or an on-line protocol character.
Control characters entered on the command line are displayed in the menu
as mnemonic characters.
6-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Start Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)
Start Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)
Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex
For <: <K229h,3C>
For >: <K229h,3E>
For , : <K229h,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation
of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Useful in applications where different characters are required to start a
read cycle.
Definition: A single ASCII host serial trigger character that starts the read cycle and is
not enclosed by delimiters such as < and >.
Non-delimited Start characters can be defined and will function according
to the trigger event.
When defining Start trigger characters, the following rules apply:
•In External Edge the imager looks only for the Start trigger character
and ignores any Stop trigger character that may be defined.
•In External Level the Start trigger character begins the read cycle and
the Stop trigger character ends it. Note that even after a symbol has
been decoded and the symbol data transmitted, the imager remains in
External Level trigger read cycle until a Stop character is received.
•In Serial Data and Edge trigger mode, either a Start trigger character
or a hardware trigger can start an edge trigger read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K229,start character>
Default: NUL (00 in hex; disabled)
Two hex digits representing any ASCII character except
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-15
Read Cycle
Stop Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)
Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex
For <: <K230h,3C>
For >: <K230h,3E>
For , : <K230h,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation
of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Useful in applications where different characters are required to end a
read cycle.
Definition: A single ASCII host serial trigger character that ends the read cycle and is
not enclosed by delimiters such as < and >.
Non-delimited Stop characters can be defined and will function according
to the trigger event.
When defining Stop trigger characters, the following rules apply:
•In External Edge the imager looks only for the Start trigger character
and ignores any Stop trigger character that may be defined.
•In External Level the Start trigger character begins the read cycle and
the Stop trigger character ends it. Note that even after a symbol has
been decoded and the symbol data transmitted, the imager remains in
External Level trigger read cycle until a Stop character is received.
•In Serial Data and Edge trigger mode, either a Start trigger character
or a hardware trigger can start an edge trigger read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K230,stop character>
Default: NUL (00 in hex; disabled)
Two hex digits representing an ASCII character.
6-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
End of Read Cycle
End of Read Cycle
End of Read Cycle Mode
Note: When operating in Continuous Read or Continuous Read 1 Output, the imager is
always in the read cycle.
Definition: The read cycle is the time during which the imager will attempt to capture
and decode a symbol or detect a tube or cap. A read cycle can be ended by
a timeout, a new trigger, or by the last frame in a capture sequence or a
combination of the above.
Note: End of Read Cycle settings apply to the entire read cycle, while
Multi-Operation Timeout applies only to the specific operation (1 through
3) for which it is defined.
Serial Cmd: <K220,end of read cycle,read cycle timeout>
Default: Timeout
Options: 0 = Timeout
1 = New Trigger
2 = Timeout and New Trigger
3 = Last Frame
4 = Last Frame and New Trigger
Usage: Typically used with Serial Data and Edge and Continuous Read 1 Output.
It is effective in highly controlled applications when the maximum length of
time between objects can be predicted. It assures that a read cycle ends
before the next symbol appears, giving the system extra time to decode
and transmit the data to the host.
Definition: Timeout ends the read cycle, causing the reader to stop reading symbols
and send the symbol data or No Read message when the time set in
elapses (times out), if When to Output is set to End of Read Cycle.
If in Continuous Read 1 Output, a timeout initiates a new read cycle and
allows the same symbol to be read again.
With External Edge, Serial Data, or Serial Data and Edge enabled, a
timeout ends the read cycle and symbol data or a No Read message is
sent to the host.
With External Level enabled, the read cycle does not end until the falling
edge trigger occurs or a timeout occurs. The next read cycle does not begin
until the next rising edge trigger.
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-17
Read Cycle
New Trigger
Timeout and New Trigger
Last Frame
Last Frame and New Trigger
Read Cycle Timeout
Usage: New Trigger is an effective way to end a read cycle when objects move
past the reader at irregular intervals (not timing-dependent).
Definition: New Trigger ends the current read cycle and initiates a new one when a
new trigger occurs. New Trigger refers only to a rising edge trigger.
With External Edge, Serial Data, or Serial Data and Edge enabled, an
edge or serial trigger ends a read cycle and initiates the next read cycle.
In the case of External Level, a falling edge trigger ends the read cycle but
the next read cycle does not begin until the occurrence of the next rising
edge trigger.
Usage: Useful in applications that require an alternative way to end the read
cycle. For example, if an assembly line should stop completely or the
intervals between objects are highly irregular.
Definition: Timeout and New Trigger is identical to Timeout except that a timeout or
a new trigger (whichever occurs first) ends the read cycle.
Usage: Useful in applications in which the number of captures needed can be
defined but the timeout duration varies.
Definition: Last Frame only applies to Rapid Capture Mode.
Usage: Useful in applications in which line speeds are irregular and a new
labelled object could appear before the last frame in a Rapid Capture
Definition: Last Frame and New Trigger is identical to New Trigger except that a
new trigger or last frame (whichever occurs first) ends the read cycle.
Definition: Read Cycle Timeout is the duration of the read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K220,end of read cycle,read cycle timeout>
Default: 250 (x10 ms or 2.5 seconds)
Options: 1 to 65535
6-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Capture Mode
Capture Mode
Rapid Capture
Continuous Capture
Definition: Capture Mode relates to the way that images are captured and processed.
Serial Cmd:
K241,capture mode
,number of captures,rapid capture mode,pre-processing>
Default: Continuous Capture
Options: 0 = Rapid Capture 1 = Continuous Capture
Definition: In a rapid capture mode, one or multiple captures (as many as 32) can be
taken at an interval specified by the time-between-captures parameter. In
this mode, the only limiting time factor is integration and transfer timing.
Usage: Continuous Capture is useful in applications with slower line speeds or
where symbol spacing may be random or not time-dependent.
Definition: In Continuous Capture Mode, image captures are taken throughout the
read cycle in a multi-buffered format (see diagram below). The imager
begins processing the first captured image at the same time that it captures
the second image. Captures will continue occurring throughout the read
cycle until an end condition occurs, such as a timeout, a new trigger, the
last frame in a capture sequence, or a combination of the above.
Processing time
End of
read cycle
Start of Read
Cycle 12345
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-19
Read Cycle
Number of Captures
Note: The range of maximum number of captures is dynamic. This range is
dependent on the maximum image size in the system. A full-size image
(1280 x 1024) reduces the maximum number of images to 6. The smaller
the image size, the greater the maximum number of captures. Once the
image size is reduced to small enough dimensions, the maximum number
of captures will be capped at 64.
If a user enters a maximum capture value greater than that allowed, the
value will be limited to the number of system images. This command also
affects the number of stored images allowed in the system. If the maximum
number of captures is selected, the number of stored images allowed will be
Note: Number of Captures specifies the maximum number of captures as
it pertains to a Multi-Operation read cycle. When configured to switch
operations on a frame count or timeout, the total number of captures cannot
exceed this maximum value.
When configured to switch operations on a specified frame count and the
operation completes before this maximum value is reached, the image
frame count will increase automatically to match the frame switch count.
This maintains image frame and timeout consistency for each operation
Rapid Capture Mode
Number of Captures
is used to specify the number of captures to be processed
in Rapid Capture Mode.
Definition: Sets the total number of captures that are processed during a read cycle in
Rapid Capture Mode. This feature is used in conjunction with Capture
Timing parameters to specify the capture sequence of a rapid capture read
Serial Cmd:
capture mode,
number of captures
,rapid capture mode,pre-processing>
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 64
Definition: In Rapid Capture Mode, one or multiple captures (as many as 32) can be
taken at an interval specified by the time-between-captures parameter. In
this mode, the only limiting time factor is integration and transfer timing.
Serial Cmd:
capture mode,number of captures,
rapid capture mode
Default: Timed Capture
0 = Timed Capture
1 = Triggered Capture
6-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Capture Mode
Timed Capture
Usage: Timed Rapid Capture is useful in fast-moving applications in which symbols
are only in the field of view for a short time and precise timing is required.
Definition: In Timed Rapid Capture, decoding occurs independent of and simultaneous
with capturing, thus allowing precise timing or no delay at all between
Also, consecutive captures are regarded as the same symbol if the output
data is the same.
Start of Read Cycle No Time Delay Between Captures
nEnd of
read cycle
Time Delay Between Captures
Time Before First Capture
Diagram B
Diagram A
End of
read cycle
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-21
Read Cycle
Triggered Capture
Usage: Useful in applications where each decode must be treated as a discrete
event, regardless of symbol data.
Definition: The first trigger event starts the read cycle, and subsequent triggers will
continue until the predetermined Number of Captures is met, or until the
predetermined End of Read Cycle condition is met-- whichever occurs
Note: If End of Read Cycle is set for New Trigger and the read cycle
qualifications have not been met, the read cycle will only end once it
receives the first trigger after reaching the predetermined Number of
Captures setting.
Read cycle ends
on New Trigger
or Timeout, as
Captures on every trigger Capture
First trigger
starts the read
6-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
When Pre-Processing is disabled, the imager can process previously captured images
while image capture events are taking place. The benefit of this operation is that the image
capture events have minimal impact on image processing. Therefore, if the imager is
configured to capture 4 consecutive frames, but it is only looking for one decode, it could
process and decode a symbol on the first image frame before all 4 image frames were
captured. If Pre-Processing were enabled, the imager could not start processing an
image frame until all 4 image frames were captured (since they are consecutive captures).
When Pre-Processing is enabled, the imager performs pre-processing tasks while an
image is being captured. Since some of the processing is complete when the image has
been captured, the time required to complete the processing of the image frame will be
less (approx. 10 ms/frame). However, while an image is being captured, the imager is
dedicated to operating on the current image being captured. This means that an image
capture event will impact the processing time of previously captured image frames. The
benefit of this mode is the decrease in capture-to-decode time.
Definition: When enabled, this feature reduces the time between image capture and
decode by beginning the processing task while an image is being captured.
Serial Cmd:
capture mode,number of captures,rapid capture mode,
Default: Enabled
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-23
Read Cycle
Capture Timing
Note: Capture Timing applies only to Rapid Capture Mode.
Time Before First Capture
Usage: In almost any moving line application, a time delay is needed to ensure that
a symbol will be in the imager’s field of view at the beginning of the capture
Definition: Time Before First Capture in a moving line application is the time between
an external trigger event and the occurrence of the first capture.
Serial Cmd: <K242,time before 1st capture,time between capture 1 and capture
2,,,,,,,,time between capture 7 and capture 8>
Default: 0
0 to 65535 (2.097 seconds, in 32
µS increments)
Start of
Time Before First Capture
6-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Capture Timing
Time Between Captures
Note: Number of Captures and number of frame delays (Time Between Captures) must
be the same.
Usage: This is useful in applications where more than one symbol can appear
during a single read cycle (multisymbol), or where line speeds are slow
enough that captured frames might overlap or miss a symbol.
Definition: A time delay can be inserted between individual frame captures in Rapid
Capture Mode.
Serial Cmd: <K242,time before 1st capture,time between captures [time 1,time
Entering 0s will result in no time between captures.
Entering a different value in each field will vary the time delays accordingly.
Note: You must enter time values along with comma separators for each
field you want to change. If you omit fields, or enter only commas, the fields
will remain as previously set.
Default: 0
0 to 65535 (2.097 seconds, in 32
µS increments)
Diagram A
Start of Read Cycle
End of
Read Cycle
Time Delay Between Captures varies.
Time Delay Between Captures = 0
Diagram B
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-25
Read Cycle
Image Storage
Image Storage Type
Disabled / Clear
Upon selection of this option, all saved images will be cleared and the imager will not store
images for later viewing.
Store on No Read
This option will cause the imager to store an image upon exiting the read cycle for retrieval
at a later time. If multiple captures are present during the duration of a read cycle, the
stored image will be the last image processed for that read cycle. This image is stored in
RAM and can be retrieved as long as power is cycled to the imager, and as long as the
imager has not been reset via a reset/save sequence. Other commands that can initialize
storage in RAM are ones that change capture modes or put the imager in a test capture
Note: A Cap Absence or Tube Absence will qualify for image storage when Store on No
Read is selected.
In a Multi-Operation read cycle with output set to As Soon As Possible, only the results
from the last operation are retained. Therefore, if two operations are active, the first resulting
in a No Read condition and the second not resulting in a No Read condition, no image will
be stored.
Definition: Allows the user to store images from separate read cycles and to retrieve
them later. The number of available slots for storage depends on the mode
of operation. If the imager is in Rapid Capture Mode, the number of
images that can be stored is equivalent to the maximum number of the
rapid count (the current rapid count setting). If the imager is in Continuous
Capture Mode, a number of images equivalent to the maximum number of
the rapid count minus 3.
Serial Cmd: <K244,image storage type,image storage mode>
Default: Disabled/Clear
Options: 0 = Disabled/Clear 1 = Store on No Read
6-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
Image Storage
Image Storage Mode
First Mode
This mode allows the imager to store images until the available image memory has been
filled. At that point the imager will stop saving additional images. In this mode, you will
always have the first image captured, because the saving process stops once memory
has been filled.
Last Mode
In this mode, image storage continues after available memory limits are reached. The oldest
image in memory is overwritten, so you will always have the most recent stored image.
Serial Cmd: <K244,image storage type,image storage mode>
Default: First Mode
Options: 0 = First Mode 1 = Last Mode
EZ Match User’s Manual 6-27
Read Cycle
Image Storage Example
The following example assumes that the imager is in a rapid capture mode of 3 captures.
Number of Symbols: 1
Frame # 1: No Read
Frame # 2: No Read
Frame # 3: Good Read, Symbol # 1
Read Cycle Result: Good Read
Stored Frame: None
Number of Symbols: 1
Frame # 1: No Read
Frame # 2: No Read
Frame # 3: No Read
Read Cycle Result: No Read
Stored Frame: Frame # 3
Number of Symbols: 2
Frame # 1: No Read
Frame # 2: No Read
Frame # 3: Good Read, Symbol # 1
Read Cycle Result: No Read
Stored Frame: Frame # 2
6-28 EZ Match User’s Manual
Minimum Good Reads
Minimum Good Reads
Definition: This value specifies the number of times a symbol needs to be read to
qualify as a Good Read.
Serial Cmd: <K221,minimum good reads>
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 255
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-1
7 Symbologies
This section describes the various symbol types that can be read and decoded by the
EZ Match Imager.
See the following sites for additional information about linear and 2D symbologies:
Symbologies by ESP.................................................................................................................... 7-2
Symbologies Serial Commands ................................................................................................... 7-3
Data Matrix................................................................................................................................... 7-4
QR Code ...................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Code 39........................................................................................................................................ 7-7
Code 128 / EAN-128 .................................................................................................................. 7-10
BC412 ........................................................................................................................................ 7-13
Interleaved 2 of 5........................................................................................................................ 7-14
Code 93...................................................................................................................................... 7-17
Codabar...................................................................................................................................... 7-18
UPC/EAN ................................................................................................................................... 7-21
Pharmacode............................................................................................................................... 7-25
GS1 DataBar (RSS) ................................................................................................................... 7-27
PDF417 ...................................................................................................................................... 7-29
MicroPDF417 ............................................................................................................................. 7-31
Composite .................................................................................................................................. 7-32
Narrow Margins / Symbology Identifier ...................................................................................... 7-33
7-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Symbologies by ESP
Symbologies by ESP
To change a setting,
double-click the
setting and use your
cursor to scroll
through the options.
To open nested options, single-click the +.
Click the Parameters
button and then the
Symbologies tab.
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-3
Symbologies Serial Commands
Narrow Margins/Symbology ID <K450,narrow margin status,symbology identifier status>
Background Color <K451,background color>
Composite <K453,symbology status,separator status,separator>
Code 39 <K470,status,check character status,check character output status,
large intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,full ASCII set>
Codabar <K471,status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter
gap,fixed symbol length status,symbol length,check character
type,check character output>
Interleaved 2 of 5 <K472,status,check character status,check character output status,
symbol length #1, symbol length #2, guard bar status,range mode
UPC/EAN <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplemental status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Code 128/EAN-128 <K474,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-
status,output format,application record separator status,application
record separator character,application record brackets,application
record padding>
Code 93 <K475,status,fixed symbol length status,symbol length>
PDF417 <K476,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,[unused],codeword collection>
Pharmacode <K477,status,fixed bar count status,fixed bar count,minimum bar
count,bar width mode,direction,fixed threshold value>
Data Matrix <K479,ECC 200 status, ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status, ECC 080
status,ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130
QR Code <K480,status>
BC412 <K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status,
fixed symbol length>
DataBar-14 <K482,status>
DataBar Limited <K483,status>
DataBar Expanded <K484,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
7-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Data Matrix
Data Matrix
ECC 200
ECC 000
ECC 050
Usage: Very useful where information needs to be packed into a small area, and/or
where symbols need to be applied directly to the substrate with laser etch-
ing, chemical etching, dot peen, or other methods.
Definition: Data Matrix is a type of Matrix symbology. It is divided into error correction
(ECC) subsets ECC 000 - ECC 200.
Data Matrix ECC 200 symbols (the most commonly used) have an even
number of rows and an even number of columns. Most of the symbols are
square with sizes from 10x10 to 144x144. Some symbols, however, are
rectangular, with sizes from 8x18 to 16x48. All ECC 200 symbols can be
recognized by the upper right corner module being light (binary 0) instead
of dark.
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 200 Data Matrix symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Enabled
Note: This is the only symbol type enabled by default.
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 000 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 050 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-5
ECC 080
ECC 100
ECC 140
ECC 120
ECC 130
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 080 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 100 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 140 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 120 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, will decode ECC 130 symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,
ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC 130 status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
7-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
QR Code
QR Code
Usage: Widely implemented in the automotive industry in Japan and throughout
their worldwide supply chain.
Definition: QR Code is capable of handling numeric, alphanumeric, and byte data as
well as kanji and kana characters. Up to 7,366 characters (numeric data)
can be encoded using this symbol. Therefore, less space is required to
encode the same amount of data in a QR Code symbol than in a conventional
symbol, lowering the cost of labelling.
Three Position Detection Patterns in the symbol make omnidirectional,
ultra-fast reading possible.
QR Code has error protection capability. Data can often be restored even if
a part of the symbol has become dirty or damaged.
Serial Cmd: <K480,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-7
Code 39
Check Character Status (Code 39)
Check Character Output Status (Code 39)
Usage: Code 39 is considered the standard non-retail 1D symbology.
Definition: An alphanumeric symbology with unique start/stop code patterns, composed
of 9 black and white elements per character, of which 3 are wide.
Serial Cmd: <K470,status,check character status,check character output status,large
intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full ASCII
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Serial Cmd:
check character status
,check character output status,large
gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full ASCII
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Check Character Output Status, added to the symbol, provides additional
data security.
Definition: When enabled, the check character character is read and compared along
with the symbol data. When disabled, symbol data is sent without the check
Note: With Check Character Output Status and an External or Serial
trigger option enabled, an invalid check character calculation will cause a
No Read message to be transmitted at the end of the read cycle.
Serial Cmd:
status,check character status,
check character output status
gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full ASCII
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
7-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Code 39
Large Intercharacter Gap (Code 39)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Code 39)
Fixed Symbol Length (Code 39)
Usage: Large Intercharacter Gap is helpful for reading symbols that are printed
out of specification.
Caution: Do not use Large Intercharacter Gap with Narrow Margins
enabled, because a large intercharacter gap (over 3x) could cause a narrow
margin (5x) to be interpreted as an intercharacter gap.
Definition: When enabled, the imager can read symbols with gaps between symbol
characters that exceed three times (3x) the narrow element width.
Serial Cmd:
status,check character status,check character output status,
gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full
ASCII set>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, the imager will check the symbol length against the symbol
length field. If disabled, any length will be considered valid.
Serial Cmd: <K470,status,check character status,check character output status,large
intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full
ASCII set>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Fixed Symbol Length helps prevent truncations and increases data integrity
by ensuring that only one symbol length will be accepted.
Definition: Specifies the exact number of characters that the imager will recognize
(this does not include start and stop and check character characters). The
imager ignores any symbology that does not match the specified length.
Serial Cmd: <K470,status,check character status,check character output status,large
intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full
ASCII set>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 64
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-9
Full ASCII Set (Code 39)
Usage: Must be enabled when reading characters outside the standard character
set (0-9, A-Z, etc.)
The user must know in advance whether or not to use the Full ASCII Set
option. Since Full ASCII Set requires two code words to encode one
character, it is less efficient.
Definition: Standard Code 39 encodes 43 characters; zero through nine, capital “A”
through capital “Z”, minus symbol, plus symbol, forward slash, space,
decimal point, dollar sign, and percent symbol. When Full ASCII Set is
enabled, the imager can read the full ASCII character set, from 0 to 255.
Serial Cmd: <K470,status,check character status,check character output status,large
intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full ASCII
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
7-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Code 128 / EAN-128
Code 128 / EAN-128
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Code 128 / EAN-128)
Fixed Symbol Length (Code 128 / EAN-128)
Usage: Code 128 is a smaller symbology useful in applications with tight spots
and high security needs.
Definition: A very dense alphanumeric symbology. It encodes all 128 ASCII characters,
it is continuous, has variable length, and uses multiple element widths
measured edge to edge.
Serial Cmd:
,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status
output format,application record separator status,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, the imager will check the symbol length against the symbol
length field. If disabled, any length will be considered a valid symbol.
Serial Cmd:
fixed symbol length status
,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status,
output format,application record separator status,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Fixed Symbol Length helps prevent truncations and increases data
integrity by ensuring that only one symbol length will be accepted.
Definition: This specifies the exact number of characters that the imager will recognize
(this does not include start, stop, and check character characters). The
imager ignores any symbol not having the specified length.
Serial Cmd: <K474,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128
status,output format,application record separator status,application record
separator character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 64
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-11
EAN-128 Status (Code 128 / EAN-128)
Output Format (Code 128 / EAN-128)
Application Record Separator Status
(Code 128 / EAN-128)
Definition: When this field is disabled, the imager will not check any Code 128 labels
for conformance to EAN requirements, or perform any special formatting.
When enabled, the imager can read symbols with or without a function 1
character in the first position. If a symbol has a function 1 character in the
first position, it must conform to EAN format. Symbols that conform to EAN
format will also be subject to the special output formatting options available
in this command.
Note: Code 128 status must be enabled for EAN status to be active.
If EAN status is required, the imager will only decode symbols that have a
function 1 character in the first position and that conform to EAN format. All
symbols read will be subject to the special output formatting options available
in this command.
Note: Code 128 status must be enabled for EAN status to be active.
Serial Cmd:
status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,
EAN-128 status
output format,application record separator status,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled 2 = Required
Definition: In Standard, the imager will not apply special EAN output formatting
In Application, the imager will apply the special EAN output formatting
options to decoded EAN-conforming symbols.
Serial Cmd:
status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status,
output format
,application record separator status,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Standard
Options: 0 = Standard 1 = Application
Definition: When enabled, an EAN separator will be inserted into the output between
fields whenever an EAN-conforming symbol is decoded and EAN output
formatting applies.
Serial Cmd:
status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status,
output format,
application record separator status
,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
7-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Code 128 / EAN-128
Application Record Separator Character
(Code 128 / EAN-128)
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K474h,,,,,,,3C>
For >: <K474h,,,,,,,3E>
For , : <K474h,,,,,,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Application Record Brackets (Code 128 / EAN-128)
Application Record Padding (Code 128 / EAN-128)
Definition: This is an ASCII character that serves as an EAN separator in formatted EAN
Serial Cmd: <
status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status,
output format,application record separator status,
application record separator
,application record brackets,application record padding>
Any ASCII character (7 bit)
Definition: If an EAN-conforming symbol is decoded and EAN formatting applies, this
feature places bracket characters around the application identifiers in the
formatted output.
Serial Cmd:
status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status,
output format,application record separator status,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: This feature causes the imager to pad variable-length application fields with
leading zeroes. This is not done for the last field of a symbol.
Serial Cmd:
status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,EAN-128 status,
output format,application record separator status,application record separator
character,application record brackets,application record padding>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-13
Check Character Output (BC412)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (BC412)
Fixed Symbol Length (BC412)
Usage: Widely used in semiconductor manufacturing. Particularly useful where
speed, accuracy, and ease of printing are required.
Definition: BC412 (Binary Code 412), a proprietary IBM symbology since 1988, is an
alphanumeric symbol with a set of 35 characters, each encoded by a set of
4 bars in 12 module positions. All bars have a single width; it is the presence
(1) or absence (0) of bars in each of the twelve module positions that make
BC412 binary.
This symbology is also bi-directional and self-clocking, with a start character
and a stop character.
Serial Cmd: <K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status,fixed
symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Check Character Output, added to the symbol, provides additional
Definition: When enabled, the check character character is read and compared along
with the symbol data. When disabled, symbol data is sent without the check
Serial Cmd: <K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status,fixed
symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, the imager will check the symbol length against the symbol
length field. If disabled, any length will be considered valid.
Serial Cmd: <K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status,fixed
symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, the check character character is read and compared along
with the symbol data. When disabled, symbol data is sent without the check
Serial Cmd: <K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status,fixed
symbol length>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 64
7-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Interleaved 2 of 5
Interleaved 2 of 5
Check Character Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Check Character Output Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Usage: I-2/5 has been popular because it is the most dense symbology for printing
numeric characters less than 10 characters in length; however, Microscan
does not recommend this symbology for any new applications because of
inherent problems such as truncation.
Definition: A dense, contimuous, self-checking, numeric symbology. Characters are
paired together so that each character has five elements, two wide and
three narrow, representing numbers 0 through 9, with the bars representing
the first character and the interleaved spaces representing the second
character. (A check character is highly recommended).
Important: You must set Symbol Length in order to decode I-2/5 symbols,
unless Range Mode is enabled.
Serial Cmd: <K472,status,check character status,check character output status,symbol
length #1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: This option is not typically used, but it can be enabled for additional security
in applications where the host requires redundant check character verification.
Definition: An error correcting routine in which the check character character is added.
Serial Cmd: <K472,status,check character status,check character output status,symbol
length #1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, a check character character is sent along with the symbol
data for added data security.
Serial Cmd:
status,check character status,
check character output status
length #1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-15
Symbol Length #1 (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Symbol Length #2 (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Usage: Useful in applications where I 2/5 symbols of a specific length are
Definition: The Symbol Length # 1 field is one of two fields against which the
decoded symbol is compared before accepting it as valid or rejecting it.
Serial Cmd: <K472,status,check character status,check character output,symbol length
#1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: 10
Options: 0 to 64, even only.
Important: If Range Mode is disabled, the length of the symbol must
match either Symbol Length # 1 or Symbol Length # 2 to be considered
a valid symbol.
Range Mode
is enabled,
Symbol Length # 1
Symbol Length # 2
form a range into which the length of the symbol must fall to be considered
Usage: Useful in applications where I 2/5 symbols of a specific length are
Definition: The Symbol Length # 2 field is one of two fields against which the
decoded symbol is compared before accepting it as valid or rejecting it.
Serial Cmd: <K472,status,check character status,check character output,symbol length
#1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: 6
Options: 0 to 64, even only.
Important: If Range Mode is disabled, the length of the symbol must
match either Symbol Length # 2 or Symbol Length # 1 to be considered
a valid symbol.
Range Mode
is enabled,
Symbol Length # 2
Symbol Length # 1
form a range into which the length of the symbol must fall to be considered
7-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Interleaved 2 of 5
Guard Bar Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Note: Whenever Guard Bar is enabled, the presence of guard bars (also called “bearer
bars”) is required for decoding to take place.
Range Mode Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Usage: Useful when I-2/5 multisymbols are enabled to prevent false data output.
This typically occurs with highly tilted or skewed symbols.
A guard bar is a heavy bar, at least twice the width of the wide bar, surrounding
the printed I-2/5 symbol and helping to prevent false reads.
Serial Cmd: <K472,status,check character status,check character output,symbol length
#1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Useful in applications where I 2/5 symbols of a specific length are required.
Definition: When Range Mode is disabled, the imager checks the value of the symbol
length against the values set in Symbol Length # 1 and Symbol Length #
2. If the symbol length does not match either of the preset values, then it is
rejected as invalid.
When Range Mode is enabled, Symbol Length # 1 and Symbol Length #
2 are combined to form a range of valid symbol lengths. Any symbol length
that does not fall into this range is rejected as an invalid symbol. Either of
the preset symbol length values in the Symbol Length # 1 and Symbol
Length # 2 fields can form the start or end of the range.
Serial Cmd: <K472,status,check character status,check character output,symbol length
#1,symbol length #2,guard bar status,range mode status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-17
Code 93
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Code 93)
Symbol Length (Code 93)
Usage: Sometimes used in clinical applications.
Definition: Code 93 is a variable-length, continuous symbology employing four element
widths. Each Code 93 character has nine modules that may be either black
or white. Each character contains three bars and three spaces.
Serial Cmd: <K475,status,fixed symbol length status,symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When disabled, the imager will accept any Code 93 symbol provided is
doesn’t exceed the system’s maximum capabilities.
When enabled, the imager will reject any Code 93 symbol that doesn’t
match the fixed symbol length.
Serial Cmd: <K475,status,fixed symbol length status,symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: This is the symbol length value against which all Code 93 symbols will be
Serial Cmd: <K475,status,fixed symbol length status,symbol length>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 64
7-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Start / Stop Match (Codabar)
Start / Stop Output (Codabar)
Usage: Used in photo-finishing and library applications. Previously used in medical
applications, but not typically used in newer medical applications.
Definition: Codabar is a 16-bit character set (0 through 9, and the characters $, :, /, .,
+, and ) with start/stop codes and at least two distinctly different bar
Serial Cmd:
,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,fixed
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When disabled, the imager will decode Codabar symbols whether or not
the start and stop characters are the same.
When enabled, the imager will not decode Codabar symbols unless the
start and stop characters are the same.
Serial Cmd:
start/stop match
,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,fixed
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When disabled, the start and stop characters will not be present in the data
output of the decoded symbol.
When enabled, the start and stop characters will be present in the data output
of the decoded symbol.
Note: Because the start and stop characters are included as part of the
data, the characters must be included as part of the length in a fixed length
mode of operation.
Serial Cmd:
status,start/stop match,
start/stop output
,large intercharacter gap,fixed
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-19
Large Intercharacter Gap (Codabar)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Codabar)
Symbol Length (Codabar)
Definition: When disabled, the spaces between characters, or the “intercharacter
gap”, are ignored during the decode process.
Note: If the intercharacter space is large enough to be considered a margin,
the symbol will not decode, regardless of this parameter’s setting.
Serial Cmd:
status,start/stop match,start/stop output,
large intercharacter gap
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When disabled, the imager will accept any Codabar symbol provided it
doesn’t exceed the system’s maximum capabilities.
When enabled, the imager will reject any Codabar symbol that doesn’t
match the fixed length.
Serial Cmd:
status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,
symbol length status
,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: This is the value against which all Codabar symbol lengths will be compared.
Serial Cmd: <K471,status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,fixed
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 64
7-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Check Character Type (Codabar)
Check Character Output (Codabar)
When disabled, the imager will not perform any character checking calculations
on decoded Codabar symbols.
When set to Mod 16, the imager will perform a modulus 16 check character
calculation on the symbol. If the symbol does not pass this calculation, it
will not be decoded.
When set to
, The imager will perform an NW7 modulus 11 check character
calculation on the symbol. If the symbol does not pass this calculation, it will not
be decoded.
When set to
, the imager will perform both the Mod 16 and NW7 modulus
11 check character calculations on the symbol. If the symbol does not pass
either calculation, it will not be decoded.
Serial Cmd: <K471,status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,fixed
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Mod 16 2 = NW7 (Mod 11)
3 = Mod 16 and NW7
Definition: When this field is disabled and a check character calculation is enabled, the
imager will strip the verified check character from the symbol data output.
This condition must be accounted for if a fixed length is also being used.
When enabled, the imager will output the check character as part of the
symbol data. This condition must be accounted for if a fixed length is also
being used.
Serial Cmd: <K471,status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,fixed
symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-21
EAN Status
Used primarily in point-of-sale applications in the retail industry. It is commonly
used with Microscan readers in applications in combination with Matchcode
when there is a need to verify that the right product is being placed in the
right packaging.
Definition: UPC (Universal Product Code) is a fixed length, numeric, continuous
symbology. UPC can have two- or five-digit supplemental bar code data
following the normal code. The UPC Version A (UPC, A) symbol is used to
encode a 12 digit number. The first digit is the number system character,
the next five are the manufacturer number, the next five are the product
number, and the last digit is the checksum character.
When enabled, the imager will read UPC Version A and UPC Version E
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: EAN is the European version of the UPC symbology and is used in European
market applications.
Note: UPC must be enabled for EAN to take effect.
Definition: EAN is a subset of UPC. When enabled, the imager will read UPC Version
A, UPC Version E, EAN 13, and EAN 8. It also appends a leading zero to
UPC Version A symbol information and transmits 13 digits. If transmitting
13 digits when reading UPC Version A symbols is not desired, disable EAN.
Note: The extra character identifies the country of origin.
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
7-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Supplementals Status (UPC / EAN)
UPC Supplementals will not be decoded.
When enabled, the imager will try to decode a main and a supplemental. However, if a
supplemental is not decoded, the main will be sent by itself at the end of the read cycle.
When set to Required, both the main and the supplemental symbols must be read or a
single No Read condition results.
For example, if Supplementals is set to Required, Separator is enabled, and an asterisk
is defined as the UPC separator character. Then the data is displayed as:
Note: Under no circumstances will the supplemental symbol data be sent without a main
Note: If additional symbols—other than the main or supplemental—will be read in the
same read cycle, Number of Symbols should be set accordingly.
Separator Status (UPC / EAN)
Usage: Reads Supplementals typically used in publications and documentation.
Definition: A supplemental is a 2 to 5 digit symbol appended to the main symbol.
When set to Enabled or Required, the imager reads supplemental code
data that has been appended to the standard UPC or EAN codes.
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled 2 = Required
Usage: Allows users to distinguish between the main and Supplemental symbols.
Definition: A character can be inserted between the standard UPC or EAN symbology
and the supplemental symbology when Supplementals is set to Enabled
or Required.
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-23
Separator Character (UPC / EAN)
Note: If Separator Character has been changed to any other character and you wish to
redefine the separator as a comma, you will need to use ESP.
Note: Whenever Separator Character is defined as a comma ( , ) sending a <K473,s?>
command will return the current settings, including the separator character comma which
appears after the separator status comma.
Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K473h,,,,,3C>
For >: <K473h,,,,,3E>
For , : <K473h,,,,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: As required by the application.
Definition: Allows the user to change the separator character from a comma to a new
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: , (comma)
Options: Any ASCII character
7-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Supplemental Type (UPC / EAN)
Either 2 character or 5 character supplementals will be considered valid.
2 Characters Only
Only two character supplementals will be considered valid.
5 Characters Only
Only five character supplementals will be considered valid.
Format UPC-E as UPC-A (UPC / EAN)
Usage: As required by symbology used in application.
Definition: Allows the user to select 2 character or 5 character supplements, or both.
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: Both
Options: 0 = Both 1 = 2 characters only 2 = 5 characters only
Definition: When disabled, the imager will output the version E symbols in their
encoded 6-character format.
When enabled, the imager will format the symbol as either a 12-character
UPC-A symbol or an EAN-13 symbol, depending on the state of the EAN
status parameter. This formatting reverses the zero suppression that is
used to generate the symbol in the UPC specification.
Serial Cmd: <K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-25
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Pharmacode)
Fixed Symbol Length (Pharmacode)
Minimum Number of Bars (Pharmacode)
Usage: Used mostly with packaging for the pharmaceuticals industry.
Definition: Encodes up to five different numbers, each with its own color, which may
be entered in decimal or “binary” format with a 1 represented by a thick bar
and a 0 represented by a thin bar. Bar width is independent of height.
In decimal format, each part can be up to 999,999.
In binary format, each input can have up to 19 ones and zeros.
Important: When Pharmacode is enabled, other linear symbologies will not
decode properly. Disable Pharmacode before reading other linear symbologies.
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When enabled, the imager will check the symbol length against the symbol
length field. If disabled, any length will be considered valid.
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Specifies the exact number of bars that must be present for the imager to
recognize and decode the Pharmacode symbol.
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: 5
Options: 1 to 16
Definition: Sets the minimum number of bars that a Pharmacode symbol must have to
be considered valid.
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: 2
Options: 1 to 16
7-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
Bar Width Status (Pharmacode)
Direction (Pharmacode)
Fixed Threshold Value (Pharmacode)
Definition: If set to Mixed, the imager will autodiscriminate between narrow bars and
wide bars. If set to All Narrow, all bars will be considered as narrow bars. If
set to All Wide, all bars will be considered as wide bars. If set to Fixed
Threshold, it will use the fixed threshold value to determine whether the
bars are narrow or wide. The Bar Width Status setting will be ignored
when the imager is able to tell the difference between the narrow and the
wide bars.
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: Mixed
Options: 0 = Mixed
1 = All Narrow
2 = All Wide
3 = Fixed Threshold
Definition: Specifies the direction in which a symbol can be read.
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: Forward
Options: 0 = Forward 1 = Reverse
Definition: Used when Bar Width Status is set to Fixed Threshold. Defines the
minimum difference in pixels that will distinguish a narrow bar from a wide
Serial Cmd: <K477,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,minimum
number of bars,bar width status,direction,fixed threshold value>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 65535
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-27
GS1 DataBar (RSS)
Note: GS1 DataBar symbologies were previously known as “Reduced Space Symbology”,
or “RSS”.
DataBar Expanded (RSS Expanded)
Note: DataBar Expanded was previously known as “RSS Expanded”.
Where appropriate, use 1 (non-stacked) for better performance over 2 (stacked and
Fixed Symbol Length Status (DataBar Expanded)
Fixed Symbol Length (DataBar Expanded)
Usage: Used to encode primary and supplementary data in retail point-of-sale and
other applications.
DataBar Expanded is a variable length symbology that can encode supplementary
information in addition to the 14-digit EAN item identification number and is
capable of encoding up to 74 numeric or 41 alphabetic characters.
Serial Cmd: <K484,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (non-stacked) 2 = Enabled (stacked and
Definition: When enabled, the imager will check the symbol length against the
symbol length field, minus the embedded check character. If disabled,
any length would be considered valid.
Serial Cmd: <K484,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Fixed Symbol Length helps prevent truncations and increases data
integrity by ensuring that only one symbol length will be accepted.
Definition: Specifies the exact number of characters that the imager will recognize
(this does not include start, stop, and check character characters). The
imager ignores any symbol not having the specified length.
Serial Cmd: <K484,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
Default: 14
Options: 1 to 74
7-28 EZ Match User’s Manual
GS1 DataBar (RSS)
DataBar Limited (RSS Limited)
Note: DataBar Limited was previously known as “RSS Limited”.
DataBar-14 (RSS-14)
Note: DataBar-14 was previously known as “RSS-14”.
Note: Where appropriate, use 1 (non-stacked) for better performance over 2 (stacked;
decode both stacked and non-stacked).
DataBar Limited is best suited to laser and CCD readers. It is not recom-
for omnidirectional slot scanners.
Encodes a smaller 14-digit symbol (74 modules wide) that is not omnidirectional
Serial Cmd: <K483,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Used in the grocery, retail, and prescription drug industries where 14-digit
EAN item identification may be needed.
Definition: DataBar-14 (Reduced Space Symbology) is a fixed symbol length symbol-
ogy that encodes 14 digits, including a 1-digit indicator. DataBar-14 is 96
modules wide. It can be stacked in two rows, it can read omnidirectionally if
printed in full height, or horizontally if height-truncated for small marking.
Serial Cmd: <K482,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled (non-stacked) 2 = Enabled (stacked;
decode both stacked
and non-stacked)
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-29
Note: Sending <a1> will cause PDF417 data to be prefaced with information consisting of
ECC level (ECC Level n), number of rows (n Rows), number of columns (n Columns),
number of informative code words (n Info Code Words) and the number of data characters
(n Data Characters). This feature can be disabled by re-sending <a1>.
Fixed Symbol Length Status (PDF417)
Fixed Symbol Length (PDF417)
Note: Fixed Symbol Length Status must be enabled for Fixed Symbol Length to take
Used in applications where a large amount of information (over 32 characters
needs to be encoded within a symbol, typically where the symbol is transported
from one facility to another. For example, an automobile assembly line
might use a single symbol with multiple fields of information that will be
read at several stations along the way, without reference to a database.
A two-dimensional, multi-row (3 to 90), continuous, variable length symbology
that has high data capacity for storing up to 2,700 numeric characters, 1800
printable ASCII characters, or 1100 binary characters per symbol. Each
symbol character consists of 4 bars and 4 spaces in a 17-module structure.
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,[unused],codeword collection>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,[unused],codeword collection>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Used to increase data integrity by ensuring that only one symbol length
will be accepted.
When enabled, the PDF symbol must contain the same number of characters
as the symbol length setting before it can be considered a Good Read. The
imager will ignore any symbol not having the specified length.
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,[unused],codeword collection>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 2710
7-30 EZ Match User’s Manual
Codeword Collection (PDF417)
Usage: Multiple Codeword Collection is useful in applications where portions of
subsequent images can be read and pieced together so that no opportunity
or time is lost to assemble codewords for decoding.
Definition: When set to Multiple, PDF codewords are collected from multiple images
and assembled throughout the read cycle until the read cycle ends or the
symbol is fully decoded. It is important to note that when this feature is
enabled, only one PDF symbol should be presented to the imager per read
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,[unused],codeword collection>
Default: Single Image
Options: 0 = Single Image 1 = Multiple Image
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-31
Fixed Symbol Length Status (MicroPDF417)
Fixed Symbol Length (MicroPDF417)
Note: Fixed Symbol Length Status must be enabled for Fixed Symbol Length to take
Usage: Used for labelling small items that need large data capacity.
Definition: A variant of PDF417, a very efficient and compact stacked symbology
that can encode up to 250 alphanumeric characters or 366 numeric
characters per symbol.
Serial Cmd: <K485,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Serial Cmd: <K485,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Used to increase data integrity by ensuring that only one symbol length
will be accepted.
Definition: When enabled, the MicroPDF417 symbol must contain the same number
of characters as the symbol length setting before it can be considered a
Good Read. The imager will ignore any symbol not having the specified
Serial Cmd: <K485,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
Default: 10
Options: 1 to 366
7-32 EZ Match User’s Manual
When set to Enabled or Required, will attempt to decode the composite component of a
linear symbol. The linear symbol can be DataBar-14, DataBar Expanded, DataBar Limited,
EAN-128, UPC-A, EAN-13, EAN-8, and UPC-E.
If set to Enabled, the imager only decodes the linear component, and it will only output the
linear component.
If set to Required, the imager must decode both the linear and the composite components;
otherwise it outputs a No Read.
Separator Status (Composite)
Separator Character (Composite)
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K453h,,,3C>
For >: <K453h,,,3E>
For , : <K453h,,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Allows reading by both linear and 2D readers.
Definition: Combines 2D and linear width modulated symbology on the same symbol
where different messages can be read by each reader type.
Serial Cmd: <K453,mode,separator status,separator>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled 2 = Required
Usage: Allows the user to distinguish between the main and Supplemental symbols.
Definition: Separates the linear and the composite component.
Serial Cmd: <K453,mode,separator status,separator>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: As required by the application.
Definition: Allows the user to change the separator character from a comma to a new
Serial Cmd: <K453,mode,separator status,separator>
Default: , (comma)
Options: Any ASCII character
EZ Match User’s Manual 7-33
Narrow Margins / Symbology Identifier
Narrow Margins
Note: Do not use Narrow Margins with Large Intercharacter Gap Enabled with Code 39.
Symbology Identifier
Usage: Used when the leading and trailing edges of the symbols are smaller than
the standard margin or other objects encroach into the margins.
Definition: Allows the imager to read 1D symbols with quiet zones less than 8 times
the width of the narrow bar element. “Quiet zone” is the space at the leading
and trailing ends of a symbol. When Narrow Margins is set to Enabled, the
imager uses a 5x margin requirement for standard linear symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K450,narrow margins,symbology identifier status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Symbology ID is an ISO/IEC 16022 standard prefix set of characters that
identifies the symbol type.
When enabled, the imager analyzes and identifies the symbology and adds
a three character identifying prefix to the data:
(closed bracket character) indicating the presence of a symbology identifier.
A = Code 39
C = Code 128
F = Codabar
G = Code 93
I = Interleaved 2 of 5
L = PDF417
Q = QR Code
b = BC412
d = Data Matrix
e = GS1 DataBar (RSS)
p = Pharmacode
• Modifier
Example: ]d indicates a Data Matrix symbol.
Serial Cmd: <K450, narrow margins,symbology identifier status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
7-34 EZ Match User’s Manual
Narrow Margins / Symbology Identifier
Explanation of Modifiers for Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2/5
For Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2 of 5, the modifier indicates Check Character
and Check Character Output status.
For Code 39 only, Full ASCII must be enabled to see modifiers 4, 5, and 7.
Example: ]A5 indicates a Code 39 symbol with Check Character and Check Character
Output enabled and Full ASCII conversion performed.
Explanation of Modifiers for Code 128 and QR Code
For Code 128, a 1 indicates EAN-128; otherwise the modifier is 0.
For QR Code, a 0 indicates Model 1; a 1 indicates Model 2.
For all other symbologies, the modifier is 0.
Modifier Check Character Check Character
Output Full ASCII conversion performed
(Code 39 only)
0Disabled N/A No
1Enabled Enabled No
3Enabled Disabled No
4Disabled N/A Yes
5Enabled Enabled Yes
7Enabled Disabled Yes
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-1
8 I/O Parameters
This section includes instructions on setting up conditions for changing input/output electrical
transitions for control of the imager’s internal and external devices.
I/O Parameters by ESP................................................................................................................ 8-2
I/O Parameters Serial Commands ............................................................................................... 8-3
Symbol Data Output..................................................................................................................... 8-5
No Read Message........................................................................................................................ 8-8
Bad Symbol Message ................................................................................................................ 8-10
No Symbol Message .................................................................................................................. 8-10
1D / Stacked Symbology Qualification ....................................................................................... 8-11
2D Symbology Qualification ....................................................................................................... 8-12
Read Duration Output ................................................................................................................ 8-18
Output Indicators........................................................................................................................ 8-19
Beeper........................................................................................................................................ 8-23
LED Configuration...................................................................................................................... 8-24
Serial Verification ....................................................................................................................... 8-25
EZ Button ................................................................................................................................... 8-27
EZ Button Modes........................................................................................................................ 8-29
Configurable Output 1 ................................................................................................................ 8-31
Trend Analysis Output 1............................................................................................................. 8-34
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1 ................................................................................... 8-37
Diagnostics Output 1.................................................................................................................. 8-40
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1.....................................................................................................8-41
Configurable Output 2 ................................................................................................................ 8-43
Trend Analysis Output 2............................................................................................................. 8-43
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2 ................................................................................... 8-43
Diagnostics Output 2.................................................................................................................. 8-43
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2.....................................................................................................8-44
Configurable Output 3 ................................................................................................................ 8-45
Trend Analysis Output 3............................................................................................................. 8-45
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3 ................................................................................... 8-45
Diagnostics Output 3.................................................................................................................. 8-45
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3.....................................................................................................8-46
Frame Information...................................................................................................................... 8-47
Image Output.............................................................................................................................. 8-48
Database Identifier Output ......................................................................................................... 8-51
Quality Output ............................................................................................................................ 8-52
Power-On/Reset Counts ............................................................................................................ 8-53
Time Since Reset....................................................................................................................... 8-54
Service Message........................................................................................................................ 8-55
EZ Trax Output........................................................................................................................... 8-56
8-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
I/O Parameters by ESP
I/O Parameters by ESP
To change a setting,
double-click the
setting and use your
cursor to scroll
through the options.
To open nested options,
single-click the +.
Click the Parameters
button and then the
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-3
I/O Parameters
I/O Parameters Serial Commands
Power On/Reset Counts <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash saves,
power-on tube/cap library saves>
Time Since Reset <K407,hours,minutes>
Service Message <K409,status,service message,threshold,resolution>
Serial Verification <K701,serial command echo status,serial command beep status,
control/hex output>
Beeper <K702,status>
Quality Output <K704,quality output separator,decodes/trigger status>
Symbol Data Output <K705,symbol data output status,when to output>
Read Duration Output <K706,status,separator>
No Read Message <K714,status,message>
Bad Symbol Message <K715,[unused],message>
No Symbol Message <K716,[unused],message>
1D/Stacked Symbology Qualification <K717,minimum number of bars,minimum number of qualified
scan lines,start/stop status>
2D Symbology Qualification
<K718,finder pattern status,symbol size status,symbol size 1,
symbol size 2,symbol size tolerance,dimension status,dimension
1,dimension 2,dimension tolerance,orientation status,orientation
Frame Information <K734,output frame number,output coordinates>
LED Configuration <K737,LED mode,ISO/IEC 16022 grade>
Image Output <K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG
Target/Flood LEDs <K750,green flash LED status,target pattern LED status,green
flash duration>
EZ Trax Output <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format, JPEG quality,
object info output,grade output,color>
Database Identifier Output <K759,status,separator>
EZ Button
global status,default on power-on,load IP database,
save for
EZ Button Modes <K771,single beep,two beeps,three beeps,four beeps>
Trend Analysis Output 1 <K780,trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output
on,decodes/trigger threshold>
Trend Analysis Output 2 <K781,trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output
on,decodes/trigger threshold>
Trend Analysis Output 3 <K782,trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output
on,decodes/trigger threshold>
Diagnostics Output 1 <K790,unused 1,service unit>
Diagnostics Output 2 <K791,unused 1,service unit>
Diagnostics Output 3 <K792,unused 1,service unit>
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1
<K800,output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output
on print growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,
axial non-uniformity threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC
8-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
I/O Parameters Serial Commands
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2
<K801,output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output
on print growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,
axial non-uniformity threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3
<K802,output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output
on print growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,
axial non-uniformity threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC
Configurable Output 1 <K810,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Configurable Output 2 <K811,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Configurable Output 3 <K812,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1 <K860,mode,output on>
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2 <K861,mode,output on>
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3 <K862,mode,output on>
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-5
I/O Parameters
Symbol Data Output
Symbol Data Output Status
Note: Symbol Data Output relates to data and should not be confused with Outputs 1, 2,
and 3 listed in the Output Parameters which describe output states and functions.
Note: Symbol Data Output Status, if set to Match or Mismatch, will not take effect
unless Matchcode Type is enabled and a master symbol is loaded into memory.
Note: A No Read can still be transmitted if Enabled.
Note: A No Read can still be transmitted if Enabled.
Usage: Useful when the host needs symbol data only under certain conditions.
Definition: Defines the conditions under which decoded symbol data is transmitted to
the host.
Serial Cmd: <K705,symbol data output status,when to output>
Default: Good Read
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Match
2 = Mismatch 3 = Good Read
Usage: It is useful when an application only needs to use the discrete outputs and
can allow the imager to do the decision-making. When Disabled, the host
does not need the symbol data and the communication lines are used only
for setup and status checks.
When set to
, the imager will not transmit any data that is generated
during a read cycle (symbols, No Reads, etc.)
Usage: Match is used in an application that requires specific symbol information
and needs to sort, route, or verify based on matching the specific symbol
Definition: When set to Match, the imager transmits symbol data whenever a symbol
matches a master symbol. However, if Matchcode Type is Disabled, it
transmits on any Good Read.
Usage: Mismatch is typically used as a flag within the host system to prevent an
item from being routed in the wrong container.
Definition: With Mismatch enabled, the imager transmits symbol data whenever the
symbol data information does NOT match the master symbol.
8-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Symbol Data Output
Good Read
Note: A No Read can still be transmitted if Enabled.
Usage: Good Read is used when an application requires all symbol data to be
transmitted. It’s typically used in tracking applications in which each object
is uniquely identified.
Definition: With Good Read enabled, the imager transmits symbol data on any Good
Read regardless of Matchcode Type setting.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-7
I/O Parameters
When to Output Symbol Data
As Soon As Possible
End of Read Cycle
Assuming each operation was successful, the output would be as follows:
CP_,TP_,symbol data
Definition: This command allows the user to choose when symbol data can be sent to
the host.
Serial Cmd: <K705,symbol data output status,when to output>
Default: As Soon As Possible
Options: 0 = ASAP 1 = End of Read Cycle
Usage: As Soon As Possible is useful in applications in which symbol data needs
to be moved quickly to the host, typically when the host is making decisions
based on symbol data.
Definition: Enabling As Soon As Possible causes operation data to be sent to the
host immediately after an index has qualified, or after an operation switch
event has occurred.
Note: More than one decode might in fact be required to qualify as a Good
Read, depending on how Decodes Before Output is set.
Note: When the read cycle is configured for output As Soon As Possible,
output filters are applied to each Multi-Operation index, but do not apply
across Multi-Operation indexes. Output Filter # 1 will apply to the first output
of each Multi-Operation index, and so on.
Usage: End of Read Cycle is useful in timing-based systems in which the host is
not ready to accept data at the time that it is decoded.
Definition: Enabling End of Read Cycle means that operation data will not be sent to
the host until the read cycle ends with a timeout or new trigger, or until all
operations defined in Multi-Operation are completed.
Note: When the read cycle is configured for output at End of Read Cycle,
the output filters are applied to the final output of the read cycle. Therefore,
all active filters are applied across all Multi-Operation indexes.
For example, if 3 operations are enabled, one in each index, and if 3 filter
positions are active, all 3 filters will be applied to each operation and the
final output will be ordered according to the filters. See the table and resulting
output shown below.
Index Operation Filter Position Filter On
1Bar Code Reader 1Cap
2Tube Detection 2Tube
3Cap Detection 3Nothing
8-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
No Read Message
No Read Message
No Read Message Mode
Only symbol data is output after a read cycle.
When the imager is in a triggered mode, a No Read message will be appended for each
failed read attempt.
Detailed No Read Message
Important: In the case where the conditions set in Bad Symbol/No Symbol Qualification
are met, then the Bad Symbol or No Symbol message output will override the No Read
Message or the Detailed No Read Message, if either is enabled.
For example, in the following output: “No Read d_1, E_2”, d and E are symbology i.d.s for
Data Matrix and UPC respectively. The message means that Data Matrix and UPC are
enabled (and other symbologies are not), and that both failed to decode. The reason for
the failing Data Matrix is 1 and the reason for the failing UPC is 2. The first part of these
numbers (preceding the dot) is the relevant number and is interpreted here:
2D Symbols:
1. Failed to locate symbol (no finder pattern).
2. Failed to locate four corners or failed to qualify user defined dimensions (in pixels).
3. Failed to locate clock patterns or failed to qualify user-defined orientation (0-359
4. Failed to validate clock patterns or failed to qualify user defined symbol size (clock
element count).
5. Failed to decode symbol.
Usage: Used in applications where the host needs serial verification that a symbol
has not been read and especially useful in new print verification.
Definition: When enabled, and if no symbol has been decoded before timeout or the
end of the read cycle, the No Read message will be transmitted to the host.
Serial Cmd: <K714,No Read message status,No Read message>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
2 = Detailed No Read Message
Usage: Use this option to cover more detailed reasons for decode failures.
Definition: Outputs a No Read message followed by an additional message (an Image
Processing Results Code) indicating the reason a symbol failed to decode.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-9
I/O Parameters
Linear (1D) Symbols:
1. Failed user defined minimum number of bars.
2. Failed to decode start/stop character (doesn’t apply to UPC, GS1 DataBar,
MicroPDF417, or Pharmacode).
3. Failed user defined minimum number of scan lines that qualify for the minimum number
of bars.
4. Failed to decode.
5. Failed to decode UPC supplemental.
No Read Message
Note: No Read Message will only be transmitted if Symbol Data Output is set to Match,
Mismatch, or Good Read.
No Read Message can be set to any ASCII character.
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K714h,,3C>
For >: <K714h,,3E>
For , : <K714h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Definition: Any combination of ASCII characters can be defined as the No Read
Serial Cmd: <K714,No Read message status,No Read message>
Default: No Read
Options: A string of up to 64 characters.
8-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Bad Symbol Message
Bad Symbol Message
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K715h,,3C>
For >: <K715h,,3E>
For , : <K715h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
No Symbol Message
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K716h,,3C>
For >: <K716h,,3E>
For , : <K716h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Useful in determining if a symbol is present and if user defined requirements
for that symbol are met. Can tell the user if a qualified symbol is present but
not decodable.
Sets the requirements that will qualify an object or a symbol before outputting a
decode or message. When enabled, sends a message to the host whenever
an object meets the qualifications setup but is not decoded.
Serial Cmd: <K715,[unused],message>
Options: Up to 64 ASCII characters.
Useful in determining if a symbol is present and if user defined requirements
for that symbol are met. Can tell the user if an object does not qualify as a
Sets the requirements that will qualify an object or a symbol before outputting a
decode or message. When enabled, sends a message to the host whenever
an object meets the qualifications setup but is not decoded.
Serial Cmd: <K716,[unused],message>
Default: NO_SYMBOL
Options: Up to 64 ASCII characters.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-11
I/O Parameters
1D / Stacked Symbology Qualification
Minimum Number of Bars
Minimum Number of Qualified Scan Lines
Start/Stop Status
Definition: Sets the minimum number of bars to qualify linear symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K717,minimum number of bars,minimum number of qualified scan
lines,start/stop status>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 255 (0 = disabled)
Definition: Sets the minimum number of scans that have the required number of
bars set in Minimum Number of Bars.
Note: This is a percentage value, from 0 to 100.
Serial Cmd: <K717,minimum number of bars,minimum number of qualified scan
lines,start/stop status>
Default: Disabled
Options: Any number from 0 to 100 (0 = Disabled)
Definition: When enabled, both Start and Stop characters need to be present to
qualify as a decodable symbol. In the case of PDF417, only a Stop needs
to be present.
Note: This parameter does not apply to UPC, GS1 DataBar,
MicroPDF417, or Pharmacode.
Serial Cmd: <K717,minimum number of bars,minimum number of qualified scan
lines,start/stop status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
8-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
2D Symbology Qualification
2D Symbology Qualification
Note: In the cases where Symbol Size Status, Dimension Status, or Orientation Status
is enabled, the imager will always check the finder pattern regardless of Finder Patter
Status setting.
Finder Pattern Status
Symbol Size Mode
Note: If Symbol Size 1 is larger than Symbol Size 2, it will be automatically reversed in
the algorithm.
Decoded messages are output, but no attempt to qualify symbols or output Bad or No
Symbol messages is undertaken.
Bad/No Symbol Output
Checks first for decodes. If no symbol is decoded, checks for symbol size. If both Symbol
Size 1 and Symbol Size 2 requirements are met, a Bad Symbol message is output. If
neither are met, a No Symbol message is output.
Object Qualification
Checks first for matches to symbol size. If qualified, attempts to decode. If no decodes are
found within the specified read cycle parameters, outputs a No Read message.
Enable Both
Same as
Object Qualification
, except that if no objects qualify, then a
No Symbol
is output; if at least one object qualifies, then a Bad Symbol message is output.
Definition: Checks for the presence of a finder pattern.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol
size 2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Specifies the outputs resulting from the searches for Symbol Size 1 and
Symbol Size 2.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol
size 2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Bad/No Symbol Output
3 = Enable Both 2 = Object Qualification
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-13
I/O Parameters
Symbol Size 1
Symbol Size 2
Symbol Size Tolerance
Definition: Checks for symbol sizes for a specified number of elements. In the case
of rectangular symbols, checks the longer side.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol
size 2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 10
Options: 8 to 88 elements
Definition: Checks for symbol sizes for a specified number of elements. In the case
of rectangular symbols, checks the shorter side.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol
size 2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 10
Options: 8 to 88 elements
Definition: Sets the allowable deviation, up or down, for symbol sizes specified in
Symbol Size 1 and Symbol Size 2.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 2
Options: 0 to 10
8-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
2D Symbology Qualification
Dimension Mode
Decoded messages are output, but no attempt to qualify symbols or output Bad Symbol
or No Symbol messages is undertaken.
Bad/No Symbol Output
Checks first for decodes. If no symbol is decoded, checks for symbol dimension. If both
Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 requirements are met, a Bad Symbol message is output.
If neither are met, a No Symbol message is output.
Object Qualification
Checks first for matches to symbol dimension. If qualified, attempts to decode. If no
decodes are found within the specified read cycle parameters, outputs a
No Read
Enable Both
Same as Object Qualification, except that if neither Dimension 1 nor Dimension 2
qualifies, then a No Symbol message is output; if either Dimension 1 or Dimension 2
qualifies, then a Bad Symbol message is output.
Definition: Enables searches for symbol Dimension 1 and Dimension 2.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Bad/No Symbol Output 2 = Object Qualification
3 = Enable Both
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-15
I/O Parameters
Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension Tolerance
Definition: Checks symbol dimension for a specified number of pixels. In the case of
rectangular symbols, checks the longer side.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 1280 pixels
Definition: Checks symbol dimension for a specified number of pixels. In the case of
rectangular symbols, checks the shorter side.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 1024 pixels
Definition: Sets the allowable deviation, in percentage, for symbol sizes specified in
Dimension 1 and Dimension 2.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 10
Options: 0 to 100
8-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
2D Symbology Qualification
Orientation Mode
Decoded messages are output, but no attempt is made to qualify symbols or to output
Bad Symbol or No Symbol messages.
Bad/No Symbol Output
Checks first for decodes. If no symbol is decoded, checks for symbol orientation. If
Value is satisfied, a Bad Symbol message is output. If not satisfied, a No Symbol message
is output.
Object Qualification
Checks first for matches to symbol Orientation Value. If qualified, attempts to decode. If
no decodes are found within the specified read cycle parameters, outputs a No Read
Enable Both
Same as Object Qualification, except that if Orientation Value is satisfied but the symbol
is not decoded, then a Bad Symbol message is output; if not satisfied, a Bad Symbol
message is still output.
Definition: Sets the orientation value.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension 2,dimension
tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Bad/No Symbol Output 2 = Object Qualification
3 = Enable Both
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-17
I/O Parameters
Orientation Value
Note: A symbol’s orientation can miss the precise Orientation Value by several degrees
and still be qualified. To be certain of the extent of the allowable tolerance, you should
experiment with symbols in various orientations. In no case can they be more than 45°
from the assigned orientation value and still be qualified.
Usage: Instructs the imager to ignore symbols not in the specified orientation.
Definition: Sets the orientation of the symbol,
in degrees clockwise from the
default 0 orientation.
For Data Matrix symbols, sets the
finder “L” pattern, with the example
to the right showing the default 0
For QR Code, sets the locator
pattern (three squares), with the
example to the right showing the
default 0 orientation.
The other position settings will
rotate clockwise from the defaults
shown above.
Serial Cmd: <K718,finder pattern status,symbol size mode,symbol size 1,symbol size
2,symbol size tolerance,dimension mode,dimension 1,dimension
2,dimension tolerance,orientation mode,orientation value>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 359
“L” finder pattern
(Data Matrix)
finder pattern
(QR Code)
8-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Read Duration Output
Read Duration Output
Read Duration Output Mode
Important: To measure the entire read cycle when in External Level trigger mode, set
When to Output Symbol Data to End of Read Cycle.
This output can measure over 49 days’ worth of duration; if exceeded, the “OVERFLOW”
message will be output in place of the duration.
Read Duration Output Separator
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K706h,,3C>
For >: <K706h,,3E>
For , : <K706h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Useful in evaluating actual read cycle timing results, especially when
initially setting up an application to determine maximum line speed
(obtainable based on spacing between symbols.)
Definition: When enabled the duration of the read cycle (in milliseconds) is
appended to the symbol data.
The read duration is the time from the beginning of the read cycle until
data is output.
Serial Cmd: <K706,status,separator>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: User defined character that separates the symbol information from the
Read Duration Output.
Serial Cmd: <K706,status,separator>
Default: [space character]
Options: Any ASCII character.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-19
I/O Parameters
Output Indicators
The EZ Match Imager has a beeper and three LED arrays, as follows:
1. A target pattern of blue LEDs for centering the field of view, which is projected from
the front of the imager .
2. An array of green LEDs projected from the front of the imager that can be programmed
to flash in response to user-defined conditions.
3. A row of five status LEDs on the side of the imager.
Green Flash Mode
Green flash LEDs are disabled.
Good Read
Green flash LEDs will flash when a Good Read condition is met or when Matchcode is
enabled and a match occurs.
Usage: Used as a visual verification that a Good Read has occurred.
Definition: An array of green LEDs in the front of the imager can be programmed to
flash in response to user-defined conditions.
Serial Cmd: <K750,green flash mode,target pattern status,green flash duration>
Default: Good Read
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Good Read
2 = Static Presentation
3 = Match
4 = Mismatch
5 = Strobe
8-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Output Indicators
Static Presentation Mode
Static Presentation Mode is used in conjunction with Continuous Read Mode: <K200,0>.
When operating in Static Presentation Mode, the red LEDs will illuminate while the
imager is searching for a symbol in Continuous Read Mode. When a symbol is placed in
the field of view and a Good Read occurs, the green LEDs will illuminate and stay on for
the duration of time set in Green Flash Duration. Only one read will occur during that time
unless more than one symbol is enabled in Number of Symbols.
Note: If Static Presentation Mode is selected but the imager is not in Continuous Read,
the Green Flash will not occur.
To use Static Presentation:
1. Enable Continuous Read.
2. Select the number of symbols.
3. Enable Static Presentation in Green Flash Mode.
4. Select the read time in Green Flash Duration.
The green LEDs will flash when a match condition is met. If multisymbol is enabled, then
green flash LEDs will illuminate only if all symbols qualify as a match. If matchcode is
disabled, then this mode will activate the LEDs on a Good Read.
Same as Match, except that LEDs will illuminate on a mismatch.
Green flash LEDs will act as an illumination strobe for image capture. If it is required that the
green flash LEDs be the only illumination for image capture, then the internal illumination
LEDs can be disabled.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-21
I/O Parameters
Target Pattern
The targeting system actuated by the EZ Button or operational command overrides
this setting.
Always OFF
The target pattern will remain OFF at all times unless overridden by the EZ Button or
operational command.
ON Only When Not in the Read Cycle
The target pattern is always ON except during the read cycle. If the EZ Button or operational
command overrides this setting, the target pattern will remain on at all times.
ON Only When in the Read Cycle
The target pattern will remain OFF except during the read cycle. If the EZ Button or operational
command overrides this setting, the target pattern will remain on at all times.
Always ON
The target pattern is always ON.
Usage: Assists users in positioning and locating symbols in the center of the
imager’s field of view.
Definition: The user can control when the targeting system is ON or OFF, and can
save this condition for power-on.
Serial Cmd: <K750,green flash mode,target pattern status,green flash duration>
Default: Always Off
Options: 0 = Always Off
1 = ON only when not in the read cycle
2 = ON only when in the read cycle
3 = Always ON
8-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Output Indicators
Green Flash Duration
Usage: Provides visual verification that a Good Read has occurred.
Definition: When a Good Read occurs, the green LEDs will illuminate and stay on for
the time set in the Green Flash Duration value.
Serial Cmd: <K750,green flash mode,target pattern status,green flash duration>
Default: 100 (1 second)
Options: 0 to 65535 (in 10 ms increments)
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-23
I/O Parameters
Note: The beeper will also sound at any of the following times:
When the imager is defaulted.
When a send/save command is sent from ESP.
At the conclusion of a calibration procedure.
When a <Z>, <Zp>, <Zrd>, or <K701,,1> command is sent.
Usage: An audible verification that either a Good Read or a No Read has occurred.
Definition: A beep is emitted after each Good Read or No Read.
Serial Cmd: <K702,beeper status>
Default: Good Read
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Good Read 2 = No Read
8-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
LED Configuration
LED Configuration
In ISO/IEC 16022 grade mode the LEDs represent the grade of the first Data Matrix
symbol decoded in the read cycle.
The parameter to be graded is set in the ISO/IEC 16022 Grade options.
For example, to program the LEDs to indicate the ISO/IEC 16022 print growth grade, set
LED Mode to ISO/IEC 16022 Grade and set ISO/IEC 16022 Grade to Print Growth. If all
the LEDs from 20% to 100% are illuminated, the read result is a grade A; if only the 20%
LED is illuminated, the result is a grade F.
In Standard Mode, the Status LED indicates read cycle status and the Good Read LED
illuminates upon a Good Read at the end of a read cycle. In a Read Rate test, these LEDs
represent the percentage of Good Reads per images captured.
ISO/IEC 16022 Grade
Usage: Useful as a visible indicator of Read Rates and symbol quality.
Definition: Determines the mode in which the status LEDs operate.
Serial Cmd: <K737,LED mode,ISO/IEC 16022 grade>
Default: Standard
Options: 0 = Standard 1 = ISO/IEC 16022 grade
Usage: Provides visual grading of specific ISO/IEC 16022 parameters.
Definition: Determines which ISO/IEC 16022 parameter the imager will grade via the
Serial Cmd: <K737,LED mode,ISO/IEC 16022 grade>
Default: Final Grade
Options: 0 = Final Grade
1 = Symbol Contrast
2 = Print Growth
3 = Axial Non-Uniformity
4 = Unused ECC
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-25
I/O Parameters
Serial Verification
Allows the user to verify configuration command status.
Serial Command Echo Status
Serial Command Beep Status
This command is useful in removing any doubt about the imager’s interpretation
of any configuration command.
For example, if the current preamble is “SOM” and <K701,1,START> is
entered, the imager will echo back <K701,SOM> since the attempted
entry “START” exceeds the four character limit for that command.
Therefore, it is rejected and the existing “SOM” message is echoed back
and remains the preamble message.
When enabled, a configuration command
received from the host is echoed back to the
host with the resultant settings.
Function: If a command with multiple fields is processed, some of the fields may
have been processed properly while others were not. The changes will
appear in the string echoed back so that the user will know which fields
did or did not change.
Serial Cmd: <K701,serial command echo status,serial command beep status,
control/hex output>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Used to audibly verify the acceptance and validity of a command.
Definition: Causes the imager to beep once whenever a K command is entered to
indicate that the command was accepted and processed.
Function: If an invalid command is entered, the imager beeps 5 times to indicate an
invalid entry. However, this does not necessarily mean that all data fields
have been entered incorrectly. Only one bad field needs to be found in
order to activate the 5 beep response.
Serial Cmd: <K701,serial command echo status,serial command beep status,
control/hex output>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
8-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
Serial Verification
Control/Hex Output
Useful for viewing settings with binary characters when using serial commands
on a terminal.
Definition: Determines the response to a Serial Command Echo or status request
When set to
, two characters are transmitted to represent a non-displayable
character. For example, a carriage return will be shown as: ^M.
Serial Cmd: <K701,serial command echo status,serial command beep status,control/hex
Default: Control
Options: 0 = Control 1 = Hex
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-27
I/O Parameters
EZ Button
The EZ Button has four positions, selectable by the length of time the button is held down,
and indicated by one, two, three, and four beeps in succession. Each position can be
programmed for any of eight options.
Global Status
When set to Disabled, the EZ Button does not function.
When selected, the EZ Button is enabled and the function of each button position is
selected by the EZ Button Mode command.
When selected, the EZ Button acts as a trigger for the imager to start and end read cycles.
All other button operations are inactive.
Unlatch Outputs
In this configuration, the EZ Button will unlatch any logic outputs that have been latched.
Parameter Switch
The parameter switch toggles between custom defaults and power-on settings. The condition
is the same as that achieved by sending the
commands consecutively.
Definition: Serves as a master switch to enable/disable the EZ Button status.
Serial Cmd: <K770,global status,default on power-on,load IP database,save for
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled 2 = Trigger
3 = Unlatch Outputs 4 = Parameter Switch
In External
Level: The read cycle endures for as long as the EZ Button is pressed, unless a
timeout occurs and Timeout is enabled for End of Read Cycle.
In External
Edge: As with Level, Edge allows a read cycle to be initiated by pressing the EZ
Button, but unlike Level, the read cycle ends with a Good Read output, a
timeout, or a new trigger.
8-28 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Button
Default on Power-On
Load IP Database
Save for Power-On
Definition: When enabled, if the EZ Button is held down on power-on the imager will
default to customer defaults and save for power-on. This is the same as
sending a <Zrc> command.
Serial Cmd: <K770,global status,default on power-on,load IP database,save for
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Allows the user to load the IP Database with calibration results. When the
user performs a calibration using the EZ Button, all the database entries are
moved down one index and the results of the calibration are saved to
index 1. The results will be saved as current settings as well.
Serial Cmd: <K770,global status,default on power-on,load IP database,save for
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: If enabled, after calibration is complete, all parameters will be saved for
Serial Cmd: <K770,global status,default on power-on,load IP database,save for
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-29
I/O Parameters
EZ Button Modes
When set to disabled, the associated button position will have no function associated with
it, and the position will be skipped over.
Read Rate
Read Rate will be initiated when the associated button position is selected. Read Rate will
perform decodes/second and is the same as sending a <C> from the terminal. To exit
Read Rate Mode quickly press and release the EZ Button.
Calibration will be initiated when the associated button position is selected. To abort calibration
quickly press and release the EZ Button.
Save for Power-On
All imager settings will be saved to non-volatile memory to be recalled on power-on
whenever the associated button position is selected. This is the same as sending a <Z>
from the terminal.
Load New Master
Functions in the same way as new master pin input whenever the associated button
position is selected. The new master pin’s Consecutive Decode requirement holds true
for this function.
Usage: Useful for performing multiple, repetitive tasks at the work site.
Allows the user to program each of the EZ Button’s 4 positions from a selection
of 10 modes.
Serial Cmd: <K771,single beep,two beeps,three beeps,four beeps>
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Single Beep Two Beeps Three Beeps Four Beeps
0 = Disabled 0 = Disabled 0 = Disabled 0 = Disabled
1 = Read Rate 1 = Read Rate 1 = Read Rate 1 = Read Rate
2 = Calibration 2 = Calibration 2 = Calibration 2 = Calibration
3 = Save for Power-On 3 = Save for Power-On 3 = Save for Power-On 3 = Save for Power-On
4 = Unused 4 = Unused 4 = Unused 4 = Unused
5 = Load New Master 5 = Load New Master 5 = Load New Master 5 = Load New Master
6 = Unused 6 = Unused 6 = Unused 6 = Unused
7 = Target System 7 = Target System 7 = Target System 7 = Target System
8 = Unused 8 = Unused 8 = Unused 8 = Unused
9 = Bar Code Config. 9 = Bar Code Config. 9 = Bar Code Config. 9 = Bar Code Config.
10 = Tube/Cap Learn 10 = Tube/Cap Learn 10 = Tube/Cap Learn 10 = Tube/Cap Learn
8-30 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Button Modes
Target System
Turns on the target pattern whenever the associated button position is selected. To disable,
quickly press and release the EZ Button.
Note: This mode is the only one that does not require that the button be released before
taking effect. Thus, as soon as the imager beeps the appropriate number of times for the
position, it will take effect. If it is necessary to have the target system on before another
operation such as calibration or Read Rate is performed, ensure that the target system
mode is assigned a lower position so that it will be activated first.
Bar Code Configuration
Enables bar code configuration mode whenever the associated button position is
selected. When enabled, the imager can accept configuration commands from symbols.
To disable, quickly press and release the EZ Button.
Tube/Cap Learn
When this mode is selected, the Tube/Cap Learn function begins as soon as the EZ
Button is released. If a new profile is found, it is stored to the Tube/Cap Library.
EZ Button Operation
Single Beep (Position #1)
Hold down button until a single beep is heard (and the 20% LED illuminates).
Two Beeps (Position #2)
Hold down button until two quick beeps are heard (and the 20% and 40% LEDs illuminate.)
Three Beeps (Position #3)
Hold down button until three quick beeps are heard (and the 20%, 40%, and 60% LEDs
Four Beeps (Position #4)
Hold down button until four quick beeps are heard (and the 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%
LEDs illuminate).
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-31
I/O Parameters
Configurable Output 1
Default Output Configuration
Output On
Note: If Output On is set to Mismatch/No Read or Match/Good Read, a transition
(switching) will not occur unless Matchcode Type is enabled and a master symbol is
loaded into memory.
Output # Output On: Output State Pulse Width Output Mode
18 = Tube/Cap Detection 0 = Negative 5 0 = Pulse
28 = Tube/Cap Detection 0 = Negative 5 0 = Pulse
30 = Mismatch or No Read 0 = Negative 5 0 = Pulse
Usage: This option provides discrete signalling to host software to control external
devices such as PLCs and relays. It is useful for routing, sorting, and to
prevent mis-packaging and mis-routing.
Definition: Sets the discrete output functions for specific user-selected conditions.
Allows the user to set the conditions under which an output (or outputs) will
be activated.
Serial Cmd:
K810,output on
,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Default: Tube/Cap Detection
Options: 0 = Mismatch or No Read
1 = Match or Good Read
2 = Mismatch
3 = No Read
4 = Trend Analysis
5 = Symbol Quality
6 = Diagnostic Warning
7 = In Read Cycle
8 = Tube/Cap Detection
8-32 EZ Match User’s Manual
Configurable Output 1
Mismatch or No Read
Activates a discrete output when the data does not match that of the master symbol or the
symbol has not been decoded before the end of the read cycle.
Match or Good Read
Activates a discrete output when the symbol data matches the master symbol.
Note: If you want to output for a Good Read and Matchcode is not enabled, you can
enable any output for Match.
Activates a discrete output whenever the symbol data does not match that of the master
No Read
Activates a discrete output whenever the symbol data is not decoded before the end of the
read cycle.
Trend Analysis
Activates discrete output when a trend analysis condition is met, depending on the trend
analysis option enabled.
Typically used when successful decodes are occurring but a discrete output is needed to
flag a trend in quality issues.
Symbol Quality
Activates discrete output when a symbol quality condition is met, depending on the symbol
quality option enabled.
Typically used when a discrete indication is needed to flag a symbol quality condition.
Diagnostic Warning
Activates discrete output when a diagnostic warning condition is met, depending on the
diagnostic option enabled.
Typically used when a discrete indication of a diagnostic condition is needed.
In Read Cycle
Activates a discrete output when the imager is in a read cycle.
Tube/Cap Detection
Outputs when the conditions of Tube/Cap Detection have been met. This requires proper
configuration of the Tube/Cap Detection parameters.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-33
I/O Parameters
Output State
Pulse Width
Output Mode
This is the default mode of operation in which the programmable output is activated when
the Output On condition has been met and held active for the duration of the selected
pulse width.
Latch Mode 2 (Unlatch Opposite Condition)
The programmable output is activated when the Output On condition has been met and
held active until the opposite condition selected under Output On has been met.
For example, if No Read is enabled under Output On, the programmable output will go
active on a No Read and remain active until the opposite condition, a Good Read, occurs.
Latch Mode 3 (Unlatch Re-enter Read Cycle)
The programmable output is active when the Output On condition has been met and is
held active until a new read cycle begins.
Note: All of the Output On modes are inhibited when any Output on Warning is active
for Output 1.
Definition: Sets the active electrical state of the discrete output.
Serial Cmd:
output on,
output state
,pulse width,output mode>
Default: Negative
Options: 0 = Negative 1 = Positive
Definition: Sets the time in 10 ms increments that the discrete output remains active.
Serial Cmd:
output on,output state,
pulse width
,output mode>
Default: 5 (50 ms)
Options: 0 to 255 (0 to 2.55 seconds). Divide the number entered on the command
line by 100 for time in seconds.
Definition: Sets the condition in which the discrete output is de-activated.
Serial Cmd:
output on,output state,pulse width,
output mode
Default: Pulse
Options: 0 = Pulse
2 = Latch Mode 2
3 = Latch Mode 3
8-34 EZ Match User’s Manual
Configurable Output 1
Trend Analysis Output 1
Note: Output On under Output 1 Parameters must be set to Trend Analysis (as
shown below) for this output to function.
Under Output 1 Parameters, expand the Trend Analysis line.
Usage: Useful in cases where the user doesn’t want to shut down for one condition
but wants to monitor quality and read conditions.
Definition: Applies Trend Analysis settings to Output 1.
With Trend Analysis, the user can track the occurrences and frequency of
mismatches, No Reads, and the number of reads per trigger, and output the
results to any of three outputs.
Example: Trend Analysis Mode = No Read
Number of Triggers = 25 triggers (read cycles)
Number to Output On = 4
Decodes per Trigger = 1
In this example, the imager will activate an output when 4 No Reads occur
within a period of 25 triggers (read cycles), at 1 decode per trigger.
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-35
I/O Parameters
Trend Analysis Mode
Output will be activated when the number of mismatches equals the value entered for
Number to Output On within the trigger window selected in Number of Triggers.
No Read
Output will be activated when the number of No Reads equals the value entered for
Number to Output On within the trigger window selected in Number of Triggers.
Decodes/Trigger Threshold
Output will be activated when the number of decodes equals the value entered for
Number to
Output On
within the trigger window selected in
Number of Triggers
Bad Symbol
Output will be activated when the number of
Bad Symbol
occurrences equals the value
entered for
Number to Output On
within the trigger window selected in
Number of Triggers
No Symbol
Output will be activated when the number of
No Symbol
occurrences equals the value
entered for
Number to Output On
within the trigger window selected in
Number of Triggers
Definition: Sets the trend condition (Mismatch, No Read, Decodes/Trigger, Bad
Symbol, or No Symbol) that will activate the output.
Serial Cmd:
K780,trend analysis mode
,number of triggers,number to output on,
decodes/trigger threshold>
Default: No Read
Options: 0 = Mismatch
1 = No Read
2 = Decodes/Trigger Threshold
3 = Bad Symbol
4 = No Symbol
8-36 EZ Match User’s Manual
Configurable Output 1
Number of Triggers
Number to Output On
Decodes/Trigger Threshold
Definition: The number of triggers to examine for the trend analysis condition.
Serial Cmd:
trend analysis mode,
number of triggers
,number to output on,
decodes/trigger threshold>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 255
Usage: Example: If Number to Output On is set to 3 and Trend Analysis Mode is
set to No Read, then the output will not be activated until 3 No Reads have
Definition: Sets the number of Trend Analysis Mode events (mismatches, No Reads,
or reads/trigger as configured by Trend Analysis Mode) to occur within the
trigger evaluation period before activating the associated output.
Serial Cmd:
trend analysis mode,number of triggers,
number to output on
decodes/trigger threshold>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 255
Definition: When set to this mode, and when the appropriate output is set to output on
trend analysis, the imager will function in a
Decodes per Trigger
mode during
the read cycle and the trend analysis operation. Output will be activated
on whether or not the symbol decode count at the end of the read cycle
crosses the decodes per trigger threshold.
Note: Although this setup causes the imager to function in a Decodes per
Trigger mode, the decode count will only be appended to the symbol data if
the status of the Decodes per Trigger command is enabled.
Serial Cmd:
trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output on,
decodes/trigger threshold
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 65535
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-37
I/O Parameters
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1
Note: Output On under Output 1 Parameters must be set to Symbol Quality (as shown
below) for this output to function.
Under Output 1 Parameters, expand the Symbol Quality (ISO/IEC 16022) line.
Output on Symbol Contrast
Output on Print Growth
Usage: Lets the user know if symbol quality is less than acceptable.
Definition: If enabled, toggles Output 1 to an active state when Symbol Contrast
Threshold is met.
Serial Cmd:
K800,output on symbol contrast
,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Lets the user know if symbol quality is less than acceptable.
If enabled, toggles
Output 1
to an active state when
Print Growth Threshold
is met.
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,
output on print
,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
8-38 EZ Match User’s Manual
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1
Output on Axial Non-Uniformity
Output on Unused Error Correction
Symbol Contrast Threshold
Usage: Lets the user know if symbol quality is less than acceptable.
Definition: If enabled, toggles Output 1 to an active state when Axial Non-Uniformity
Threshold is met.
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,
output on axial non-uniformity
,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Lets the user know if symbol quality is less than acceptable.
If enabled, toggles
Output 1
to an active state when
Unused ECC
is met.
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
output on unused ECC
,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Usage: Lets the user set the acceptable level of symbol quality.
Definition: Conforms to ISO/IEC 16022 symbol quality grading (A,B,C,D).
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,
symbol contrast threshold
,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Grade C
Options: 0 = Grade A
1 = Grade B
2 = Grade C
3 = Grade D
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-39
I/O Parameters
Print Growth Threshold
Axial Non-Uniformity Threshold
Unused Error Correction Threshold
Usage: Lets the user set the acceptable level of symbol quality.
Definition: Conforms to ISO/IEC 16022 symbol quality grading (A,B,C,D).
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
print growth threshold
,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Grade C
Options: 0 = Grade A
1 = Grade B
2 = Grade C
3 = Grade D
Usage: Lets the user set the acceptable level of symbol quality.
Definition: Conforms to ISO/IEC 16022 symbol quality grading (A,B,C,D).
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,
axial non-uniformity
,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Default: Grade C
Options: 0 = Grade A
1 = Grade B
2 = Grade C
3 = Grade D
Usage: Lets the user set the acceptable level of symbol quality.
Definition: Conforms to ISO/IEC 16022 symbol quality grading (A,B,C,D).
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,
unused ECC threshold
Default: Grade C
Options: 0 = Grade A
1 = Grade B
2 = Grade C
3 = Grade D
8-40 EZ Match User’s Manual
Diagnostics Output 1
Diagnostics Output 1
Note: Output On under Output 1 Parameters must be set to Diagnostic Warning (as
shown below) for this output to function.
Under Output 1 Parameters, expand the Diagnostics line.
Service Unit
When Diagnostic Warning is enabled, the Output On configuration has no effect. The
output will remain active as long as one of the diagnostic warning conditions is met. The
output will become inactive once it detects that there are no diagnostic warning conditions.
Serial Cmd: <K790,unused 1,service unit>
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Disabled
Definition: Allows the user to set up the output to toggle to active when the service
timer has expired. This condition will only be held for one service timer
Note: This feature cannot be used if the imager is in a Continuous Read
Serial Cmd: <K790,unused 1,service unit>
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-41
I/O Parameters
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1
Note: Output On under Output 1 Parameters must be set to Tube/Cap Detection (as
shown below) for this output to function.
Under Output 1 Parameters, expand the Tube/Cap Detection line.
Important: The Tube/Cap Detection Output 1 default setting for Output On is Presence.
Detection Mode
Tube Detection
Output On fields will show Tube Detection results.
Cap Detection
Output On fields will show Cap Detection results.
Output # Mode Output On
11 = Cap Detection Presence
21 = Cap Detection Unknown
31 = Cap Detection Absence
Definition: Detection Mode determines the type of operation to be evaluated by the
Serial Cmd: <K860,mode,output on>
Default: Cap Detection
Options: 0 = Tube Detection 1 = Cap Detection
8-42 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1
Output On
*Important: There is no “Unknown” condition for Tube Detection. “Unknown” is not a valid
selection for Output On if Detection Mode is set to Tube Detection.
Based on the mode selected (Tube Detection or Cap Detection), the output will be
asserted if the read cycle results in a Presence condition.
Based on the mode selected (Tube Detection or Cap Detection), the output will be
asserted if the read cycle results in an Absence condition.
Since there is no “Tube Unknown” condition, the output will be asserted if the read cycle
results in an
condition and if the Tube/Cap Detection mode is set to Tube Detection.
If Tube/Cap Detection mode is set to Cap Detection, the Unknown condition will output
Definition: Output On selects the type of condition in which to output.
Serial Cmd: <K860,mode,output on>
Default: Presence
Options: 0 = Presence 1 = Absence 2 = Unknown*
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-43
I/O Parameters
Configurable Output 2
Note: Output 2 has the same parameters and default settings as Output 1.
Trend Analysis Output 2
Note: Output On
Output 2 Parameters
must be set to
Trend Analysis
(as shown
for this output to function.
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2
Note: Output On under Output 2 Parameters must be set to Symbol Quality (as shown
below) for this output to function.
Diagnostics Output 2
Note: Output On under Output 2 Parameters must be set to Diagnostic Warning (as
shown below) for this output to function.
Serial Cmd:
output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Serial Cmd:
trend analysis mode,trigger evaluation period,number to output
on,decodes/trigger threshold>
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non-uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Serial Cmd: <K791,unused 1,service unit>
8-44 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2
Note: Output On under Output 2 Parameters must be set to Tube/Cap Detection (as
shown below) for this output to function.
Under Output 2 Parameters, expand the Tube/Cap Detection line.
Important: The Tube/Cap Detection Output 2 default setting for Output On is Unknown.
Based on the mode selected (Tube Detection or Cap Detection), the output will be
asserted if the read cycle results in a Presence condition.
Based on the mode selected (Tube Detection or Cap Detection), the output will be
asserted if the read cycle results in an Absence condition.
Since there is no “Tube Unknown” condition, the output will be asserted if the read cycle
results in an
condition and if the Tube/Cap Detection mode is set to Tube Detection.
If Tube/Cap Detection mode is set to Cap Detection, the Unknown condition will output
Serial Cmd: <K861,mode,output on>
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-45
I/O Parameters
Configurable Output 3
Note: Output 3 has the same parameters and default settings as Output 1 and Output 2.
Trend Analysis Output 3
Note: Output On
Output 3 Parameters
must be set to
Trend Analysis
(as shown
below) for this output to function.
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3
Note: Output On under Output 3 Parameters must be set to Symbol Quality
(as shown
for this output to function.
Diagnostics Output 3
Note: Output On under Output 3 Parameters must be set to Diagnostic Warning
shown below)
for this output to function.
Serial Cmd:
output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Serial Cmd:
trend analysis mode,trigger evaluation period,number to output
on,decodes/trigger threshold>
Serial Cmd:
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output on print
growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity,axial non- uniformity
threshold,output on unused ECC,unused ECC threshold>
Serial Cmd: <K792,unused 1,service unit>
8-46 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3
Note: Output On under Output 3 Parameters must be set to Tube/Cap Detection
shown below)
for this output to function.
Under Output 3 Parameters, expand the Tube/Cap Detection line.
Important: The Tube/Cap Detection Output 3 default setting for Output On is Absence.
Based on the mode selected (Tube Detection or Cap Detection), the output will be
asserted if the read cycle results in a Presence condition.
Based on the mode selected (Tube Detection or Cap Detection), the output will be
asserted if the read cycle results in an Absence condition.
Since there is no “Tube Unknown” condition, the output will be asserted if the read cycle
results in an
condition and if the Tube/Cap Detection mode is set to Tube Detection.
If Tube/Cap Detection mode is set to Cap Detection, the Unknown condition will output
Serial Cmd: <K862,mode,output on>
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-47
I/O Parameters
Frame Information
Output Frame Number
When Output Frame Number is set to Disabled, the frame number is not output as part
of the symbol data.
When Output Frame Number is set to Enabled, the number of the frame in which the
symbol was first decoded is attached to the symbol output information. The output format
is “Fnnn”, where “nnn” is a 3-digit decimal value from 0 to 255. The frame number rolls
over to 0 once it passes 255.
If this feature is enabled, the frame information will follow the symbol data, and it will precede
any symbol quality data (if symbol quality settings are enabled—see Symbol Quality
Separator on page 9-5). The symbol quality separator is located between the end of the
already-formatted data and the “F” that precedes the frame number.
Output Coordinates
When Output Coordinates is set to Disabled, the coordinates are not output as part of
the symbol data.
When Output Coordinates is set to Enabled, the four sets of object coordinates for the
first successfully decoded symbol are attached to the symbol data output in the following
“(nnn,mmm)”, where “nnn” is a 3-digit X-coordinate and “mmm” is a 3-digit Y-coordinate.
The validation separator is located between the end of the already formatted data and the
first coordinate point. The point with the lowest X + Y sum will be output first, followed by
the next three points in a clockwise direction.
Serial Cmd: <K734,output frame number,output coordinates>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Serial Cmd: <K734,output frame number,output coordinates>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
8-48 EZ Match User’s Manual
Image Output
Image Output
Good Read
If a Good Read condition is met during the read cycle, the image file corresponding with
the first Good Read will be output. The image file will immediately follow the read cycle
output and postambles. For a Good Read condition to occur, all symbols in the read cycle
must qualify.
No Read
If a No Read condition occurs during the read cycle, the image file corresponding with the
first No Read will output. The image file will immediately follow the read cycle output and
postambles. There are conditions in which the read cycle may have a No Read condition
but the image will not be output. For example, if the read cycle is looking for two No Read
symbols in the same image capture but one is a Good Read, the image will not be output,
because it is not considered a No Read image.
Note: A Cap Absence or Tube Absence will qualify for image output when No Read is
selected. In a Multi-Operation read cycle with output set to As Soon As Possible, only the
results from the last operation are retained. Therefore, if two operations are active, the first
resulting in a No Read condition and the second not resulting in a No Read condition, no
image will be stored.
No Read or Good Read
If a No Read condition or a Good Read condition occurs, the first image of either kind will
be output.
If a Good Read occurs during the read cycle but the image is a Mismatch condition, the
first Mismatch image will be output.
Usage: This feature allows the user to select what read cycle condition triggers the
image file output.
Definition: Used to output an image file when a specified read cycle condition has
been met, such as No Read or Good Read. When the read cycle is complete,
the normal read cycle output will occur, including any configured postamble
or preamble data. The read cycle will the check if image output is enabled,
and if the specified read cycle condition has been met. If both these conditions
are true, the image file will be output to the user-specified communication
in the user-specified image file format.
Serial Cmd: <K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG quality>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Good Read
2 = No Read
3 = No Read or Good Read
4 = Mismatch
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-49
I/O Parameters
Communication Port
File Format
JPEG Quality
Definition: This setting selects the communication port through which the image file
will be transferred to the host.
Serial Cmd: <K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG quality>
Default: Host
Options: 0 = Host 1 = Auxiliary 2 = USB
Definition: This setting selects the format of the image file to be output.
Note: If JPEG is the chosen image file format, the resolution of the image
will be determined by the setting in the JPEG Quality field.
Serial Cmd: <K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG quality>
Default: JPEG
Options: 0 = Bitmap 1 = JPEG 2 = Binary
Definition: This setting determines the quality of JPEG image compression. The user
may select a value from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest).
Serial Cmd: <K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG quality>
Default: 90
Options: 1 to 100 (percent)
8-50 EZ Match User’s Manual
Image Output
Image Output Example
The following example assumes that the imager is set to output on No Read, and that it is
in a Rapid Capture mode of 3 captures.
Number of Symbols: 1
Frame # 1: No Read
Frame # 2: No Read
Frame # 3: No Read
Read Cycle Result: No Read
Output Frame: Frame # 1
Number of Symbols: 1
Frame # 1: No Read
Frame # 2: No Read
Frame # 3: Good Read
Read Cycle Result: Good Read
Output Frame: None
Number of Symbols: 2
Frame # 1: No Read
Frame # 2: No Read
Frame # 3: Good Read, Symbol # 1
Read Cycle Result: No Read
Output Frame: Frame # 1
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-51
I/O Parameters
Database Identifier Output
Output Status
When this command is disabled, no database identifier information will be output.
When this command is enabled, the imager will append a two-digit number and the char-
acters “DB” to the data output following the separator for each symbol decoded using IP
Database. For example, if the separator is an underscore character and the second data-
base entry reads a symbol encoded with “data capture” during the read cycle, the symbol
data output will be “data capture_DB02”. If the database is not active, no identifiers will be
attached to output.
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K759h,,3C>
For >: <K759h,,3E>
For , : <K759h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Useful in keeping track of which database entries read which symbols.
Serial Cmd: <K759,status,separator>
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
The separator character separates the symbol data from the database identifier.
Serial Cmd: <K759,status,separator>
Default: <space>
Options: Any ASCII character
8-52 EZ Match User’s Manual
Quality Output
Quality Output
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K704h,3C>
For >: <K704h,3E>
For , : <K704h,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Decodes per Trigger Status
Definition: The separator character separates quality output data from symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K704,separator,decodes/trigger status>
Default: ,
Options: Any ASCII character
Definition: When this feature is enabled, the imager enters a state where it processes
frames as configured until the end of a read cycle, with or without a successful
symbol decode. When the read cycle ends, the imager outputs any
decoded symbol data along with the decodes per trigger count.
Serial Cmd: <K704,separator,decodes/trigger status>
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-53
I/O Parameters
Power On / Reset Counts
Note: Power On / Reset Counts is a read-only command.
uses a 16-bit counter that increments each time the imager is powered-on.
Resets uses a 16-bit counter that increments each time the imager is reset. This value is
reset at power-on.
Power-On Saves
Power-On Saves uses a 16-bit counter that increments each time an imager setting is
saved for power-on with a <Z> command.
Power-On Flash Saves
Power-On Flash Saves uses a 16-bit counter that increments each time an imager setting
is saved to the customer parameter section of flash memory with a <Zc> command.
Power-On Tube/Cap Library Saves
Power-On Tube/Cap Library Saves uses a 16-bit counter that increments each time an
imager setting is saved to the Tube/Cap Library parameter section of flash memory with
a <Z1> command.
Serial Cmd: <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash saves,power-on
tube/cap library saves>
Serial Cmd: <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash saves,power-on
tube/cap library saves>
Serial Cmd: <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash saves,power-on
tube/cap library saves>
Serial Cmd: <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash saves,power-on
tube/cap library saves>
Serial Cmd: <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash saves,power-on
tube/cap library saves>
8-54 EZ Match User’s Manual
Time Since Reset
Time Since Reset
Note: Time Since Reset is a read-only command.
Hours uses a 16-bit counter that increments every 60 minutes.
Minutes uses a 16-bit counter that increments every 60 seconds.
Note: Time counts are reset at power-on, but not with an <A> or <Z> command.
Serial Cmd: <K407,hours,minutes>
Default: 16-bit counter (0 to 65535)
Serial Cmd: <K407,hours,minutes>
Default: 16-bit counter (0 to 60)
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-55
I/O Parameters
Service Message
When Service Message is enabled, a message of up to 10 ASCII characters is sent
whenever the system detects that the service timer’s limit has been reached. The service
timer is reset at power-on, meaning that the service timer’s limit is the amount of time
since last reset. Service timer increments can be set in seconds or minutes.
Service Message
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K409h,,3C>
For >: <K409h,,3E>
For , : <K409h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Serial Cmd: <K409,status,service message,threshold,resolution>
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Serial Cmd: <K409,status,service message,threshold,resolution>
Default: SERVICE
Options: An ASCII string between 1 and 10 characters.
Serial Cmd: <K409,status,service message,threshold,resolution>
Default: 300 (5 minutes)
Options: 1 to 65535
Serial Cmd: <K409,status,service message,threshold,resolution>
Default: Seconds
Options: 0 = Seconds 1 = Minutes
8-56 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Trax Output
EZ Trax Output
Comm Port
Host Port
Sends output using the current Host Port.
Aux Port
Sends output using the Auxiliary Port.
Sends output using a USB connection.
Usage: Useful for when you want to configure EZ Trax output using serial commands
instead of the EZ Trax graphic interface.
Definition: When EZ Trax output is enabled, the imager will attempt to output all
enabled EZ Trax options. EZ Trax will not function unless enabled.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Selects the communication port that will be used to transfer image files.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Host
Options: 0 = Host 1 = Aux 2 = USB
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-57
I/O Parameters
Image Mode
Good Read
Outputs the first Good Read image in the read cycle. The image file will immediately follow
the symbol data.
No Read
Outputs the first No Read image in the read cycle. The image file will immediately follow
the symbol data.
Note: If two symbols are present in the same image capture and one of them is successfully
decoded, no image will be output.
No Read and Good Read
Outputs the first No Read or Good Read image in the read cycle.
Outputs the image of the first mismatch condition.
Definition: Determines which read cycle condition triggers image file output.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Good Read
2 = No Read
3 = No Read and Good Read
4 = Mismatch
8-58 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Trax Output
Image Format
A “lossless” image is one that is in a high resolution format, and that will not lose resolution
even when manipulated and saved multiple times. When Lossless is enabled, the JPEG
Quality setting has no effect.
Outputs the image in JPEG format. Image quality is determined by the JPEG Quality
JPEG Quality
Object Info Output
Grade Output
Definition: Selects the format of the image output file.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Compressed
Options: 0 = Lossless 1 = Compressed
Definition: Sets the amount of JPEG image compression. A value of 1 represents the
highest compression and lowest image quality, and 100 represents the
lowest compression and highest image quality.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: 90
Options: 1 to 100 (percent)
Definition: If a symbol is decoded during an image capture, the symbol type and other
supplementary symbol information is also included.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Symbol quality information will be output in the form of an abbreviated
identifier for each read cycle.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 8-59
I/O Parameters
Definition: The imager will generate and send a color image.
Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object
info output,grade output,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
8-60 EZ Match User’s Manual
EZ Trax Output
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-1
Symbol Quality
This section describes how to configure and format symbol quality evaluation parameters.
Symbol Quality by ESP................................................................................................................. 9-2
Symbol Quality Serial Commands................................................................................................9-3
Overview of Symbol Quality.......................................................................................................... 9-4
Symbol Quality Separator / Data Matrix Output Mode.................................................................. 9-5
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output......................................................................................... 9-7
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output by ESP............................................................................ 9-9
Microscan Symbol Quality Output .............................................................................................. 9-10
Microscan Symbol Quality Output by ESP ................................................................................. 9-13
9-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Symbol Quality by ESP
Symbol Quality by ESP
To change a setting, double-click
the setting and use your cursor to
scroll through the options.
To open nested options, single-click the +.
Click the Parameters
button and then the
Symbol Quality tab.
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-3
Symbol Quality
Symbol Quality Serial Commands
Symbol Quality Separator/ Data
Matrix Output Mode <K708,symbol quality separator,data matrix output mode>
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality
symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,
unused ECC>
Microscan Symbol Quality Output
<K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture
time,locate time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC
level,matrix size,quiet zone,symbol angle>
9-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Overview of Symbol Quality
Overview of Symbol Quality
Information about symbol quality and timing can be appended to symbol data by enabling
specific evaluation parameters. The order in which these values are appended corresponds
directly to the order in which they appear in ESP‘s Symbol Quality tree control.
Symbol Quality parameters are separated into ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output and
Microscan Symbol Quality Output.
Total Read Time, Symbol Quality Separator, and Output Mode are common to both
ISO/IEC 16022 and Microscan Grading Parameters.
The enabled Symbol
Quality parameters are
appended to symbol data
output in the order
that they
appear in the tree control.
0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv 256 A 30 210 3 17
Data Symbol Contrast
(ISO/IEC 16022)
Capture Time
(Microscan Grading)
Locate Time
(Microscan Grading)
Read Time
Decode Time
(Microscan Grading)
Pixels Per Element
(Microscan Grading)
If you enable the outputs shown above, they will be returned
in this order:
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-5
Symbol Quality
Symbol Quality Separator / Data Matrix Output Mode
Symbol Quality Separator applies to both Symbol Quality groups: ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol
Quality Output and Microscan Symbol Quality Output.
Symbol Quality Separator
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K708h,3C>
For >: <K708h,3E>
For , : <K708h,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Symbol Quality Separator by ESP
Inserts a separator between each enabled field of the symbol quality output.
Serial Cmd: <K708,symbol quality separator,output mode>
Default: <SP> (space character)
Options: Any ASCII character.
When you double-click on the
default separator SP, the Symbol
Quality Separator Calculator
appears. Use the calculator keypad
for one-click separator configuration.
9-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Symbol Quality Separator / Data Matrix Output Mode
Data Matrix Output Mode
Note: Output Mode
applies to ISO/IEC 16022 symbol quality parameters.
If in
Grade Mode
, a grade (A,B,C,D) is appended to the symbol data.
If in Value Mode, the calculated value for the given parameter is appended to the symbol
Definition: Output Mode specifies how the four output parameters, if enabled, are
Serial Cmd: <K708,symbol quality separator,output mode>
Default: Grade
Options: 0 = Grade 1 = Value
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-7
Symbol Quality
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output
Symbol Quality Parameters for Data Matrix symbols specified by ISO/IEC 16022.
Symbol Contrast
Print Growth
Usage: Lets the user know if contrast settings are less than acceptable.
Definition: All the pixels that fall within the area of the test symbol, including its
required zone, will be sorted by their reflectance values to select the
darkest 10% and the lightest 10% of the pixels. The arithmetic mean of
the darkest and the lightest pixels is calculated and the difference of the
two means is the Symbol Contrast.
(ANSI) Symbol Contrast grading is defined this way:
A (4.0) if SC > 70%
B (3.0) if SC > 55%
C (2.0) if SC > 40%
D (1.0) if SC > 20%
F (0.0) if SC < 20%
If enabled, the symbol contrast is appended to the symbol data according
to the ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output Mode setting.
Serial Cmd: <K709,symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,unused ECC>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: The extent to which dark or light markings appropriately fill or exceed
their module boundaries. These values are determined by counting pixels
in the clock pattern of the binary digitized image, then comparing it to a
nominal value and minimum and maximum values. The print growth
grade is defined in this way:
A (4.0) if -.050 < PG < 0.50
C (2.0) if -.085 < PG < 0.85
B (3.0) if -.070 < PG < 0.70
D (1.0) if -.10 < PG < 1.00
F (0.0) if PG < -1.00 or PG > 1.00
If enabled, the print growth is appended to the symbol data according to
the ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output Mode setting.
Serial Cmd: <K709,symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,unused ECC>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
9-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output
Axial Non-Uniformity (Data Matrix Only)
Unused Error Correction (Data Matrix Only)
Definition: Axial non-uniformity is a measure of how much the sampling point
spacing differs from one axis to another, namely AN = abs (XAVG -
YAVG) / ((XAVG + YAVG)/2) where abs () yields the absolute value. If a
symbology has more than two major axes, then AN is computed for those
two average spacings which differ the most. (ANSI) axial non-uniformity
grading is defined this way:
A (4.0) if AN < .06 B (2.0) if AN < .08
C (2.0) if AN < .10 D (1.0) if AN < .12
F (0.0) if AN > .12
If enabled, the axial non-uniformity is appended to the symbol data
according the ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output Mode setting.
Serial Cmd: <K709,symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,unused ECC>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
The correction capacity of Reed-Solomon decoding is expressed in the
equation: e + 2d < d - p, where
is the number of erasures,
is the number
of ECC code words, and
is the number of code words reserved for error
A (4.0) if UEC > .62 B (3.0) if UEC > .50
C (2.0) if UEC > .37 D (1.0) if UEC > .25
F (0.0) if UEC < .25
If enabled, the unused ECC is appended to the symbol data according to
the ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output Mode setting.
Serial Cmd: <K709,symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,unused ECC>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-9
Symbol Quality
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output by ESP
ESP’s Symbol Quality interface allows you to evaluate Data Matrix symbols for compliance
with ISO/IEC 16022 requirements.
First, determine which ISO/IEC 16022 Parameters you need to evaluate, using the Symbol
Quality tree control.
Once you’ve set these Data Matrix evaluation parameters, go to the Preferences tab
and set your Data Matrix Grading Report output preferences.
After your output preferences are set, click the Data Matrix Grading button.
There will be a wait of a few seconds, and then the evaluation results will appear at the
lower right of the Symbol Quality view, in a format similar to the one shown below.
If you want to view the results in a report format, click the
Generate Report
button. The report
will be output in the format you chose in the
dialog (
Default Report Type
9-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Microscan Symbol Quality Output
Microscan Symbol Quality Output
Percent Cell Damage (Data Matrix Only)
Total Read Time
Capture Time
Locate Time
Definition: When this feature is enabled, the cell damage percentage is appended to
data output.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: The time that transpires between the image capture and the output of the
decoded data, including locate time.
When enabled, the total read time is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Capture time (in milliseconds) is a fixed “overhead” that includes the time
of capture and transfer of the image.
When enabled, the capture time is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: The time in milliseconds from the start of image processing until the
symbol has been located and is ready to be decoded.
When enabled, the locate time is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-11
Symbol Quality
Decode Time
Pixels Per Element (Data Matrix Only)
ECC Level (Data Matrix Only)
Matrix Size (Data Matrix Only)
Definition: The time in milliseconds required to decode a symbol.
When enabled, the decode time is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: The number of pixels for each element, either dark or light for both x and
y directions.
When enabled, the pixels per element value is appended to the symbol
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Outputs the Data Matrix ECC level.
When enabled, the ECC level is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: Defines the symbol matrix size, in number of pixels in both the x and y
When enabled, the matrix size value is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
9-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Microscan Symbol Quality Output
Quiet Zone (Data Matrix Only)
Symbol Angle (Data Matrix Only)
Definition: When this feature is enabled, the size of the quiet zone is evaluated and
a PASS or FAIL message is appended to the symbol data.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: When this feature is enabled, the symbol orientation is appended to
data output as a degree value representing the angle of the Data Matrix
symbol’s L-shaped finder pattern relative to the imager.
Serial Cmd: <K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
EZ Match User’s Manual 9-13
Symbol Quality
Microscan Symbol Quality Output by ESP
ESP’s Symbol Quality interface allows you to evaluate Data Matrix symbols for compliance
with a rigorous set of standards, such as Locate Time, Capture Time, and Decode Time.
First, determine which parameters you want to evaluate, using the
Symbol Quality
tree control.
Once you’ve set these evaluation parameters, go to the Preferences tab and set your
Data Matrix Grading Report output preferences.
After your output preferences are set, click the Data Matrix Grading button.
There will be a wait of a few seconds, and then the evaluation results will appear at the
lower right of the Symbol Quality view, in a format similar to the one shown below.
If you want to view the results in a report format, click the
Generate Report
button. The report
will be output in the format you chose in the
dialog (
Default Report Type
9-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Microscan Symbol Quality Output by ESP
EZ Match User’s Manual 10-1
This section explains the EZ Match Imager’s matchcode output functions and the master
symbol database setup.
Matchcode by ESP..................................................................................................................... 10-2
Matchcode Serial Commands .................................................................................................... 10-2
Overview of Matchcode.............................................................................................................. 10-3
Matchcode Type......................................................................................................................... 10-4
Match Replace............................................................................................................................ 10-9
Mismatch Replace.................................................................................................................... 10-10
New Master Pin........................................................................................................................ 10-11
10-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Matchcode by ESP
Matchcode by ESP
Matchcode Serial Commands
Matchcode Type
matchcode type,sequential matching,match start
position,match length,wild card character,sequence on
No Read,sequence on mismatch>
Number of Master Symbols <K224,number of master symbols>
New Master Pin <K225,status>
Enter Master Symbol Data <K231,master symbol number,master symbol data>
Request Master Symbol Data
>[for all]
master symbol number>
Delete Master Symbol Data <K231,master symbol number,>
Match Replace <K735,status,match replacement string>
Mismatch Replace <K736,status,mismatch replacement string>
To change a setting,
double-click the
setting and use your
cursor to scroll
through the options.
To open nested options,
single-click the +.
Click the Parameters
button and then the
Matchcode tab.
EZ Match User’s Manual 10-3
Overview of Matchcode
Steps for Entering and Using Master Symbols
1. Set Triggering Mode to External or Serial.
2. Choose the method of symbol comparison that fits your application.
3. Define the output you want to achieve with your matchcode setup:
a. Symbol data output
b. Discrete output
4. Select the number of master symbols you want to create.
5. Decide which of 4 ways you want to enter your master symbol(s):
a. Use ESP to type master symbol data directly.
b. Send a serial command with symbol data in the form of <M231,master symbol#,
c. Send a <G> (Read Next Symbol as Master Symbol) command.
d. Enable the New Master Pin command and activate the discrete input to store the
next symbol read as the master symbol.
Definition: Matchcode allows the user to store master symbol data in the imager’s
memory, compare that data against other symbol data, and define how
symbol data and/or discrete signal output will be directed.
A master symbol database can be set up for up to 10 master symbols.
Note: Matchcode
will function with multiple symbols; however, if
is set to
or if
Triggering Mode
is set to
Continuous Read 1
, the imager will behave as if
Number of Symbols
were set to
regardless of the user-defined configuration.
Usage: Matchcode is used in applications to sort, route, or verify data based on
matching the specific symbol in a variety of ways as defined in this section.
For example, a manufacturer might sort a product based on dates that
are embedded in the symbol.
10-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Matchcode Type
Matchcode Type
Definition: Allows the user to choose the way that master symbols will be compared
with subsequently read symbols.
Note: First set Triggering Mode to External or Serial in the Read Cycle
tree control.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,
match length,wild card character,sequence on No Read,sequence on
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2 = Wild Card
3 = Sequential
Disabled: Has no effect on operations.
Enabled: Instructs the imager to compare symbols or portions of symbols with the
master symbol.
Wild Card: Allows the user to enter user-defined wild card characters in the master
Sequential: Instructs the imager to sequence after each match (numeric only) and
compare symbols or portions of symbols for sequential numbers.
Note: If Matchcode Type is set to Sequential, the imager will behave
as if Number of Symbols were set to 1, regardless of the user-defined
EZ Match User’s Manual 10-5
Sequential Matching
Match Start Position
Note: Match Start Position must be set to 1 or greater to enable this feature. A 0 setting
will disable this feature.
Match Length
Usage: Useful in tracking product serial numbers that increment or decrement
Definition: With Sequential enabled, Sequential Matching determines if a count is
in ascending (incremental) or descending (decremental) order.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,match
length,wild card character,sequence on No Read,sequence on mismatch>
Default: Increment
Options: 0 = Increment 1 = Decrement
Usage: Match Start Position is useful in defining specific portions of a symbol
for comparison. For example, if a symbol contains a part number, manufacturing
date, and lot code info, but you are only interested in the part number
information, you can set the imager to sort only the part number and
ignore the other characters.
Definition: Match Start Position determines the portions of symbols that will be
matched by defining the first character in the symbol (from left to right)
that will be compared with those of the master symbol, when Matchcode
Type is set to Enabled or Sequential.
Function: For example, if Match Start Position is set to 3, the first 2 characters
read in the symbol will be ignored and only the 3rd and subsequent
characters to the right will be compared, up to the number of characters
specified by Match Length.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,
match length,wild card character,sequence on No Read,sequence on
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 3000
Usage: Example: If Match Length is set to 6 in a 10-character symbol, and
Match Start Position is set to 2, only the 2nd through 7th characters
(from left to right) will be compared.
Definition: Defines the length of the character string that will be compared with that
of the master symbol when Match Start Position is set to 1 or greater.
When Match Start Position is set to 0, no comparison will occur.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,match
,wild card character,sequence on No Read,sequence on mismatch>
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 3000
10-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Matchcode Type
Wild Card Character
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K223h,,,,,3C>
For >: <K223h,,,,,3E>
For , : <K223h,,,,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Example: With Wild Card Character defined as the default asterisk,
defining CR*34 as the master symbol will result in matches for CR134
and CR234, but not CR2345. Entering the wild card at the end of the
master symbol, as in CR*, will result in matches for variable symbol
lengths such as CR1, CR23, CR358, etc.
Definition: Wild Card Character allows a user to define a wild card character as part
of the master symbol.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,match
wild card character
,sequence on No Read,sequence on mismatch>
Default: * (asterisk)
Options: Any ASCII character.
EZ Match User’s Manual 10-7
Sequence on No Read
As an example of Sequence on No Read Enabled, consider the following decodes:
As an example of Sequence on No Read Disabled, consider the following series of
Usage: Sequence on No Read is useful when the imager needs to stay in
sequence even if no decode occurs.
Definition: When Sequence on No Read is Enabled and Matchcode is set to
Sequential, the imager sequences the master symbol on every match or
No Read. When disabled, it does not sequence on a No Read.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,match
length,wild card character,
sequence on No Read
,sequence on mismatch>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Master Symbol Decoded Symbol Master Symbol after Decode
001 001 002
002 002 003
003 No Read 004 (sequenced on No Read)
004 004 005
005 No Read 006 (sequenced on No Read)
006 No Read 007 (sequenced on No Read)
007 007 008
Master Symbol Decoded Symbol Master Symbol after Decode
001 001 002
002 002 003
003 No Read 003 (not sequenced)
003 003 004
004 No Read 004 (not sequenced)
004 No Read 004 (not sequenced)
004 004 005
10-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Sequence on Mismatch
Note: Matchcode must be set to Sequential for this command to function.
The imager will sequence the master to one more or one less than the decoded symbol.
As an example of Sequence on Mismatch Enabled, consider the following decodes:
As an example of Sequence on Mismatch Disabled, consider the following decodes:
Usage: Enable this parameter if every trigger event should have a decode and
more than one consecutive mismatch may occur.
Disable this parameter if every trigger event should have a decode but
no more than one consecutive mismatch may occur.
Definition: When set to Enabled, the master symbol sequences on every decode,
match, or mismatch.
When set to Disabled, the master symbol will not sequence whenever
consecutive mismatches occur.
Serial Cmd: <K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,match
length,wild card character,sequence on No Read,
sequence on mismatch
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Master Symbol Decoded Symbol Master Symbol after Decode
001 001 002
002 002 003
003 abc 004 (sequenced on mismatch)
004 004 005
005 def 006 (sequenced on mismatch)
006 ghi 007 (sequenced on mismatch)
007 007 008
Master Symbol Decoded Symbol Master Symbol after Decode
001 001 002
002 002 003
003 abc 004 (sequenced because of previous match)
004 004 005
005 def 006 (sequenced because of previous match)
006 ghi 006 (not sequenced)
006 006 007
EZ Match User’s Manual 10-9
Match Replace
Replacement String
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K735h,,3C>
For >: <K735h,,3E>
For , : <K735h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Provides a convenient shortcut for applications that need to output a
predefined text string whenever a symbol matches a master symbol.
Definition: Outputs a user-defined data string whenever a match occurs and
Matchcode is enabled.
Serial Cmd: <K735,status,replacement string>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: User-defined data string that, when enabled, replaces symbol data
whenever a match occurs.
Serial Cmd: <K735,status,replacement string>
Default: MATCH
Options: An ASCII string up to 64 characters.
10-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Mismatch Replace
Mismatch Replace
Replacement String
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex pairs:
For <: <K736h,,3C>
For >: <K736h,,3E>
For , : <K736h,,2C>
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Usage: Provides a convenient shortcut for applications that need to output a
predefined text string whenever a symbol does not match a master
Definition: Outputs a user-defined data string whenever a mismatch occurs and
Matchcode is enabled.
Serial Cmd: <K736,status,replacement string>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: User-defined data string that, when enabled, replaces symbol data
whenever a mismatch occurs.
Serial Cmd: <K736,status,replacement string>
Options: An ASCII string up to 64 characters.
EZ Match User’s Manual 10-11
New Master Pin
New Master Load Status
Definition: If Matchcode and New Master Pin are enabled and the new master pin
is momentarily connected to ground (must be held low for a minimum of
10 ms) master symbol information will be loaded into the database based
on the next read cycle that achieves a Good Read, starting with Index 1.
The Master Symbol Database will be loaded with all symbols decoded
in the read cycle as long as it does not exceed the Number of Master
Symbols parameter.
Serial Cmd: <K225,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Definition: The new master status responds with the number of the next master
position to be loaded, where 0 represents “idle” or “no master to be
Example: If the user has the Number of Master Symbols set to 1, and
then either sends a <G> or toggles an active New Master Pin, the state
will be 1, and prior to reading and effectively loading position 1, the
response to <NEWM> would be <NEWM/1>. Once a symbol has been
read and loaded, the status will be cleared: <NEWM/0>.
Serial Cmd: <NEWM>
10-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
New Master Pin
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-1
Camera and IP Setup
This section provides adjustment parameters for the physical controls of the camera,
image acquisition, database settings, and image diagnostics.
Camera and IP Setup by ESP ....................................................................................................11-2
Camera and IP Setup Serial Commands.................................................................................... 11-3
Video........................................................................................................................................... 11-4
Evaluation................................................................................................................................... 11-5
Calibration................................................................................................................................... 11-9
Window of Interest.................................................................................................................... 11-10
IP Database.............................................................................................................................. 11-14
Dynamic Setup .........................................................................................................................11-15
Camera Settings....................................................................................................................... 11-16
Focal Distance (Read-Only) .....................................................................................................11-17
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only) ........................................................................................... 11-17
Pixel Sub-Sampling .................................................................................................................. 11-18
IP Threshold ............................................................................................................................. 11-18
IP Mode .................................................................................................................................... 11-21
Tube/Cap Mode........................................................................................................................ 11-22
Image Processing Timeout.......................................................................................................11-24
Background Color..................................................................................................................... 11-25
Mirrored Image .........................................................................................................................11-26
Hollow Mode............................................................................................................................. 11-27
Number of Symbols in Field of View......................................................................................... 11-28
Damaged Symbol Status..........................................................................................................11-29
Illumination Brightness.............................................................................................................. 11-30
Skew Correction ....................................................................................................................... 11-31
Color Filter (EZ Match Color Only) ........................................................................................... 11-34
Color Detection (EZ Match Color Only) .................................................................................... 11-35
11-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Camera and IP Setup by ESP
Camera and IP Setup by ESP
Click the Setup button to bring up the Camera Setup menu.
To open nested options, single-click the +.
To change a setting, double-click
the setting and use your cursor to
scroll through the options.
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-3
Camera and IP Setup
Camera and IP Setup Serial Commands
Image Processing Timeout <K245,image processing timeout>
IP Threshold <K512,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,cycle
min,cycle max,cycle step,adaptive contrast percent>
Mirrored Image <K514,mirrored image>
Window of Interest
row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column
Hollow Mode <K517,hollow mode status>
Number of Symbols in Field of View
<K518,number of symbols in field of view>
Damaged Symbol Status
<K519,damaged symbol status>
Focal Distance (Read-Only)
<K525,focal distance>
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only)
<K526,number of focal distances,focal distance>
IP Mode <K527,IP Mode,FLM direction>
Tube/Cap Mode <K533,tube/cap direction,tube/cap rotation,cap
unknown qualify,tube/cap presence before output,cap
unknown presence before output>
Illumination Brightness <K536,brightness>
Skew Correction <K537,line speed,symbol direction>
Camera Settings <K541,shutter speed,gain>
Pixel Sub-Sampling <K542,sub-sampling>
Color Processing <K543,color filter>
Color Detection <K544,status,color match resolution>
11-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
The Video view is similar to the EZ Mode interface, in that the user has the ability to perform
the same Locate, Calibrate, and Test routines.
Video also features Capture and Decode functionality, which is similar to the Parameters
interfaces (Communication, Read Cycle, Symbologies, I/O Parameters, Symbol
Quality, Matchcode, and Diagnostics).
Allows the user to take an
image capture of the
symbol in the field of view
at any time, and to
decode the symbol data.
Similar to the Capture
and Decode function in
the Configuration views.
Initiates the Test routine.
Allows the user to test the
imager’s Read Rate and
decodes per second, and also
displays decoded symbol data
in the field at the bottom of the
screen, Click Stop to end the
Test routine.
When enabled, shows the
symbol in higher contrast
than the default contrast
Symbol data and
Test results are
shown in this field.
Initiates Calibration routine.
Activates the imager’s target
pattern and initiates live
video display of the symbol
in the field of view.
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-5
Camera and IP Setup
In Evaluation, you can view images
currently in the imager, capture and
decode a symbol, save it as a digital
file, and perform histogram and line
scan evaluations.
When you click on the Evaluation tab,
you will see the images that are currently
stored in the imager.
Click Receive to refresh this view.
Click Capture/Decode to display the
current stored image. Only one capture
and decode event will occur, regardless
of read cycle settings.
Click Read to trigger a read cycle. If
there is enough time in the read cycle,
up to 32 Good Reads (or 6 full-scale
can be captured and displayed,
on the size of the images,
and depending on the number enabled
in Number of Captures under Capture
Mode in the Camera Setup menu tree
to the left of the tabs.
If you click Save, the current image will
be saved to the location of your choice.
An image can only be saved in
the format in which it was uploaded to
. JPEG images will be saved as
, and bitmaps will be saved as
When you click the JPEG Image box, notice that the Line Scan button is grayed out.
The JPEG option allows faster captures and transfers, but since the JPEG standard compresses
image data, it is not suitable for the more rigorous demands of line scan evaluation.
JPEG also allows you to adjust the image quality (resolution) by adjusting the sliding tab
between 1 and 100, 1 being the lowest quality and 100 being the highest.
When possible, use the highest quality; when image transfer speed must be increased,
use a lower image quality setting. Adjustments for this setting will depend on your specific
hardware and software limitations.
11-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Note: Since histograms are performed in the imager, the results will be saved regardless
of whether the image was uploaded as a JPEG (.jpg) or a bitmap (.bmp).
1. From the Evaluation window, click the Histogram button.
The current image is transferred into the histogram operation. This may take a
moment, since all the relevant pixels are being evaluated intensively.
2. When the Histogram window opens, you may need to expand the window and/or
adjust the scroll bars in order to bring the image into view.
3. To generate a histogram, click and drag your cursor diagonally across the symbol or
a portion of the symbol.
The image will be surrounded by an “area of interest box”, a dashed blue line with red
anchor points that can be selected and moved by placing a cursor inside the box, and
can be resized by clicking and dragging the anchor points.
Usage: Useful in determining quality and contrast of symbols.
Definition: A histogram is a graphic representation of the numeric count of the
occurrence of each intensity (gray level) in an image. The horizontal axis
represents the values of gray levels, and the vertical axis represents the
number of pixels for each gray level.
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-7
Camera and IP Setup
Threshold (Histogram)
Enable Autothreshold is checked by default.
To adjust the threshold manually,
1. Uncheck the Enable Autothreshold box.
2. Move the threshold marker (vertical green dashed line) in the Histogram chart.
Hint: This should be midway between the maximum and minimum curves.
3. Click on the Send Threshold button to adopt the new threshold position.
11-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Line Scan
1. From the Evaluation tab, click the Line Scan button. A window like that shown
below will appear.
2. Drag your cursor horizontally across the image.
This will create a dashed horizontal line. Pixel information and a visual representation
of the dark and light pixels will be displayed below the image.
When you center your cursor over the dashed line, it becomes a double arrow cross.
This allows you to move the line anywhere in the window. You can also use your
keyboard arrows to move the line incrementally in any direction.
As with the histogram, the line scan compares light and dark pixels, but in a spatial
distribution. On the Y axis of the graph below, 0 is black and 255 is white; the X axis
represents the horizontal axis of the symbol as described by the line scan.
When you click anywhere on the graph, a vertical red line appears at that point and its
position and value (in terms of black-to-white) are updated in the Pixel Info table to
the left of the graph (237 in this example). In addition, a horizontal dashed red line is
displayed that indicates the average value.
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-9
Camera and IP Setup
The Calibration interface in ESP is a powerful and intuitive way to optimize the imager’s
performance. It allows the user to control several complex, simultaneous calibration
operations, and to follow the progress of those operations using cues such as progress
bars, real-time representations of calibration values, and other dynamic user feedback.
See Chapter 5, Calibration, for full documentation of this feature.
ESP’s Calibration interface shown
during a calibration routine ESP’s Calibration interface shown
after a calibration routine
11-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Window of Interest
Window of Interest
The active pixel area of the image sensor is called the Window of Interest (WOI). The WOI
allows the user to select an area of the field of view in which the desired symbol is located.
The programmable window of interest increases decode speed, improves threshold, and
makes it easy to select specific symbols from among several in the field of view. The user
provides the upper-left pixel location and the size of the window to define the Window of
Caution: Window of Interest will shrink the field of view and therefore could cause symbols
to be missed in dynamic applications.
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-11
Camera and IP Setup
Window of Interest by ESP
1. From the Camera menu, click the WOI tab to bring up Window of Interest.
If you haven’t already captured an image, click the Capture and Decode button to
decode the present image. If successful, the Good Read indicator on the WOI tab will
be green and the symbol will appear in the pane below.
Note: You can resize the image by clicking and dragging the ESP window from the
lower right corner. This is useful where very small symbols are being read.
2. Click and drag your cursor over the symbol that you want to isolate for reading.
Notice that the surrounding area goes black.
You can use the handles on the image area that you have just drawn to resize the
region of interest. You can also click on the center of the window of interest and move it.
3. Test the new settings in Read Rate Mode.
Note: To remove the window of interest, click the Reset button or just click anywhere
in the WOI pane.
Note that all pixels not in the WOI are defined as black.
Because the imager has far less processing to do in a smaller window, Read Rates
typically increase dramatically. One possible downside is that the chance of missing
a symbol increases with the smaller window. Always verify that your WOI will be
large enough to allow for any random movement of symbols in your field of view.
11-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Window of Interest
Window of Interest by Serial Command
The figure below shows where to locate the start position of the row and column pointers
and how to measure the column depth and row width dimensions.
Top (Row Pointer)
Left (Column Pointer)
Important: The column pointer setting must be an even value. If a user enters an odd
value, it will be decreased automatically to the nearest even value. For example, if a user
enters a setting of 101, it will automatically be reduced to 100 (although a user request for
this setting would still show 101).
Definition: Defines the row position of the upper-left starting point of the window.
Serial Cmd: <K516,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Default: 0
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 0 to (1024 – row depth)
EZ Match Color: 0 to (832 – row depth)
Definition: Defines the column position of the upper-left starting point of the window.
Serial Cmd: <K516,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Default: 0
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 0 to (1280 – column width)
EZ Match Color: 0 to (2048 – column width)
WOI Column
WOI Row Pointer
WOI Column Width
WOI Row Depth
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-13
Camera and IP Setup
Height (Row Depth)
Width (Column Width)
The column width value must be a modulus 8 value. If a user enters a non-modulus
8 value, it will be decreased automatically to the nearest modulus 8 value. For example, if
a user enters a setting of 639, it will automatically be reduced to 632 (although a user
request for this setting would still show 639).
Definition: Defines the size, in rows, of the window. Maximum value is defined as
the maximum row size of the image sensor minus the Top value.
Serial Cmd: <K516,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Default: Monochrome EZ Match: 1024
EZ Match Color: 832
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 3 to (1024 – row pointer)
EZ Match Color: 3 to (832 – row pointer)
Definition: Defines the column position of the upper-left starting point of the window.
Serial Cmd: <K516,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Default: Monochrome EZ Match: 1280
EZ Match Color: 2048
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 8 to (1280 – column pointer)
EZ Match Color: 8 to (2048 – column pointer)
11-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
IP Database
IP Database
The IP Database allows the user to manage multiple configuration profiles. It is a useful
tool in applications that require several different imager configurations to be applied
sequentially, and it allows the user to perform far more complex operations than would be
possible with only one set of configuration parameters.
See Chapter 12, IP Database, for full documentation of this feature.
IP Database view, set for 5 Active Indexes, with Capture Settings highlighted
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-15
Camera and IP Setup
Dynamic Setup
Dynamic Setup
is used to calculate image capture timing during a read cycle. Without proper
timing, the imager will not be able to decode all symbols in a read cycle. An external trigger is
used to activate image captures so the user can make timing adjustments as capture events
Read Rate is
graphically in
real-time as the
user makes
adjustments to
the time delay
between image
The user can control Capture #, Number of Captures,
and Number of Symbols using these spin boxes.
The Delay Adjustment slider allows the
user extremely precise control of the time
delays between image captures in a read
cycle. Delay values are shown in seconds
in the field above the slider. The Coarse
and Fine Delay Adjustment options
determine whether larger or smaller
adjustment increments will be used.
11-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Camera Settings
Camera Settings
Camera parameters are typically obtained during the calibration process, and do not
necessarily need to be modified directly.
Shutter Speed
Usage: Faster shutter speeds reduce blurring in faster applications. Slower
shutter speeds are useful in slower applications and lower contrast
Definition: Sets the exposure or integration time for the image sensor pixels. The
shutter speed setting in relation to the speed of the object is critical. If a
slow shutter speed is selected to capture fast-moving objects, blurring or
smearing of the image will occur. As shutter speed is increased, more
light and gain become necessary, because the pixels’ exposure time has
Serial Cmd: <K541,shutter speed,gain>
Default: 45
Options: 15 to 12,500
Usage: Can be used to adjust pixel grayscale values for readability.
Definition: Sets the gain value for the image sensor. This setting can be configured
through calibration, which is the recommended method. A higher gain
value will increase the brightness of the image, but the visual noise
reduction performance of the system is reduced. Before configuring gain
settings, the desired shutter speed should already be set and the gain
should be configured to optimize the shutter speed setting.
Each of the image sensors colors has a separate gain setting, and the
White Balance adjustment provides gain offsets for color channels R
(red), G (green), and B (blue) to provide consistent white across the
image. Adjustments to both the R and B channels are usually required.
The gain value that is set here is the base gain value for all colors. If a
color requires additional gain to provide white balance, the offset is
added to this gain value. However, when in the analog gain range, the
gain + offset cannot exceed 42, and when in the digital gain range, the
gain + offset cannot exceed 48. For optimal white balance, avoid setting
gain near these values.
Note: Microscan recommends using only the analog gain range (0 to
42). Image quality is degraded within the digital gain range (43 to 48).
Serial Cmd: <K541,shutter speed,gain>
Default: 30
Options: Analog gain: 0 to 42 Digital gain: 43 to 48
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-17
Camera and IP Setup
Focal Distance (Read-Only)
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only)
Number of Focal Distances
Focal Distance
Definition: This command returns the imager’s factory preset focal distance.
Serial Cmd: <K525,focal distance>
Default: 400 (4”)
Options: N/A (Focal Distance is factory preset.)
Definition: Specifies the number of focal distances supported by the imager (1).
Serial Cmd: <K526,number of focal distances,focal distance>
Default: 1
Options: N/A (Focal Distance is factory preset.)
Definition: Returns the Imager’s factory preset focal distance.
Serial Cmd: <K526,number of focal distances,focal distance>
Default: Returns the imager’s factory preset Focal Distance value.
Options: N/A (Focal Distance is factory preset.)
11-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Pixel Sub-Sampling
Pixel Sub-Sampling
At this sampling rate, 1 pixel is output for every 4 pixels sampled. The image will be sampled
2:1 vertically and 2:1 horizontally, for a combined 4:1 ratio. An image with dimensions of
640 x 480 will be scaled to 320 x 240.
At this sampling rate, 1 pixel is output for every 16 pixels sampled. The image will be
sampled 4:1 vertically and 4:1 horizontally, for a combined 16:1 ratio. An image with
dimensions of 640 x 480 will be scaled to 160 x 120.
Definition: The camera can be enabled to sub-sample pixels in the specified image
frame. Sub-sampling can be set to either 4:1 or 16:1. These ratios signify
the sampling rate.
Usage: <K542,sub-sampling>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = 4:1
2 = 16:1
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-19
Camera and IP Setup
IP Threshold
Threshold Mode
Threshold Value
Cycle Min
Usage: Fixed Mode works best when decode time must be as short as possible
and the reflectance and illumination of the symbol area is uniform and
unchanging. Cycle Fixed Mode is useful in applications where decode
time can be slightly longer, and reflectance and illumination of the symbol
area is uniform and unchanging. Otherwise,
Adaptive Mode
is the preferred
Definition: This value switches the image processing threshold mode between the
Adaptive, Fixed, and Cycle Fixed modes.
An adaptive routine sets the light/dark threshold using data acquired from
the current read. A fixed routine applies the same gray scale threshold
value to each and every symbol. A cycle fixed routine loops through a
pre-defined range of values (Cycle Min to Cycle Max) by pre-defined
increments (Cycle Step).
Serial Cmd: <K512,threshold mode,threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,
adaptive contrast percent>
Default: Adaptive
Options: 0 = Adaptive 1 = Fixed
2 = Cycle Fixed
Usage: A higher value will increase the threshold for distinguishing between light
and dark elements.
Definition: Determines how the imager will distinguish light pixels from dark pixels.
This value is used for Fixed Mode only. When Adaptive Mode is set,
this value is ignored.
Serial Cmd: <K512,threshold mode,threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,
adaptive contrast percent>
Default: 128
Options: 0 to 255
Definition: Starting value of the cycle mode.
Serial Cmd: <K512,threshold mode,threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,
adaptive contrast percent>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 255
Important: Cycle Min must be a smaller numerical value than Cycle Max.
11-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
IP Threshold
Cycle Max
Cycle Step
Adaptive Contrast Percent
Definition: Ending value of the cycle mode.
Serial Cmd: <K512,threshold mode,threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,
adaptive contrast percent>
Default: 255
Options: 0 to 255
Important: Cycle Max must be a greater numerical value than Cycle Min.
Definition: The numerical value of a single cycle mode increment.
Serial Cmd: <K512,threshold mode,threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle
step,adaptive contrast percent>
Default: 10
Options: 0 to 255
Definition: A percentage value that adjusts the adaptive threshold map; useful in
decoding underprinted or overprinted symbols.
Example: If an adaptive contrast value of 110 is set, then the adaptive
threshold will be 110% of the original contrast values.
Serial Cmd: <K512,threshold mode,threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,
adaptive contrast percent>
Default: 100
Options: 1 to 200 (percent)
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-21
Camera and IP Setup
IP Mode
In Standard Mode, images are processed using the standard decode algorithm.
Fast Linear Mode
This mode is used to locate and decode linear symbols that are oriented in the field of view
in such a way that a horizontal or vertical scan line can pass through the symbol completely.
The entire image is assumed to be a candidate, and will be scanned either horizontally,
vertically, or in both directions. When the number of symbols in the field of view <K518> is
set to 2, Fast Linear Mode will try to locate the candidates first and then decode. The
candidate symbols cannot be side-by-side—they must be parallel.
Fast Linear Mode (FLM) Direction
The Imager tries to read both horizontally and vertically. It decides which direction to
process first based on Window of Interest dimensions. For example, if the WOI height is
greater than its width, the Imager attempts to read vertically first, and if there is no decode,
then it attempts to read horizontally.
This setting forces the Imager to read horizontally.
This setting forces the Imager to read vertically.
Definition: IP Mode determines how the EZ Match will process captured images.
Usage: <K527,IP Mode,FLM direction>
Default: Standard
Options: 0 = Standard 1 = Fast Linear Mode
Usage: <K527,IP Mode,FLM direction>
Default: Both
Options: 0 = Both
1 = Horizontal
2 = Vertical
11-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Mode
Tube/Cap Mode
Tube/Cap Direction
The tube or cap points to the right.
The tube or cap points to the left.
Tube/Cap Rotation
The tube or cap is static while being read (i.e., not rotating). This is the
Decapper Gate
The tube or cap rotates while being read. This is the Divert Gate default.
Cap Unknown Qualify
As Soon as Possible (ASAP)
When this mode is selected, a “Cap Unknown” condition is qualified as soon as it is
detected and meets the qualification requirements.
End of Operation
When this option is selected and a “Cap Unknown” condition is detected, it will not qualify
until the end of the operation. This allows more opportunity for a “Cap Present” condition
to be detected.
Serial Cmd:
K533,tube/cap direction
,tube/cap rotation,cap unknown qualify,tube/cap
presence before output,cap unknown presence before output>
Default: Right
Options: 0 = Right 1 = Left
Serial Cmd: <K533,tube/cap direction,tube/cap rotation,cap unknown qualify,tube/cap
presence before output,cap unknown presence before output>
Default: Static (Decapper Gate)
Default: Rotating (Divert Gate)
Options: 0 = Static 1 = Rotating
Serial Cmd:
tube/cap direction,tube/cap rotation,
cap unknown qualify
presence before output,cap unknown presence before output>
Default: End of Operation
Options: 0 = ASAP 1 = End of Operation
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-23
Camera and IP Setup
Tube/Cap Presence Before Output
Cap Unknown Presence Before Output
Definition: This value specifies the minimum number of times a tube or cap needs to
be read to qualify as a Good Read.
Serial Cmd: <K533,tube/cap direction,tube/cap rotation,cap unknown qualify,tube/cap
presence before output,cap unknown presence before output>
Default: 3
Options: 1 - 255
Definition: This value specifies the minimum number of times an unknown cap
needs to be read in order to qualify as a Good Read.
Serial Cmd: <K533,tube/cap direction,tube/cap rotation,cap unknown qualify,tube/cap
presence before output,cap unknown presence before output>
Default: 2
Options: 1 - 255
11-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Image Processing Timeout
Image Processing Timeout
The timeout period does not include capture time.
If a timeout occurs during processing and no symbols in the field of view have been
decoded, the image will be recorded as a No Read. For this reason, a longer timeout
should be tried to ensure that the symbol is decoded successfully.
Usage: Useful in higher speed applications where image processing time is long
enough that not all captures have an opportunity to be processed.
Definition: Specifies the maximum amount of time to process a captured image.
When the timeout expires, the image processing is aborted. This timeout
works in both Rapid Capture and Continuous Capture modes, as well
as with the IP Database.
Serial Cmd: <K245,image processing timeout>
Default: 5,000 ms (5 sec.)
Options: 1 to 65535 (in 1ms increments)
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-25
Camera and IP Setup
Background Color
When White background is enabled, the bars of linear symbols and the elements of 2D
symbols are recognized as dark on a light background.
When Black background is enabled, the bars of linear symbols and the elements of 2D
symbols are recognized as light on a dark background.
Usage: Symbol backgrounds are often White, or other very light colors. If the
background is darker than the symbol, Black background should be
Definition: Allows the user to specify the symbol background used in the application.
Serial Cmd: <K451,background color>
Default: White
Options: 0 = White 1 = Black
11-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
Mirrored Image
Mirrored Image
Regular Image
When Regular Image is enabled, images will be processed as they appear upon capture.
Mirrored Image
When Mirrored Image is enabled, images will be processed as a reverse of the captured
Both Regular and Mirrored
When Both is enabled, regular and mirrored images will be processed.
Usage: Enable this setting when the imager is viewing a mirrored image (as
when it is being used with a right-angle mirror attachment).
Definition: When enabled, outputs a mirrored image of the symbol.
Serial Cmd: <K514,mirrored image>
Default: Both (auto-detect)
Options: 0 = Regular Image
1 = Mirrored Image
2 = Both (auto-detect normal/mirrored)
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-27
Camera and IP Setup
Hollow Mode
The image below is an example of a data matrix symbol with hollow elements.
Usage: Used to determine which kind of data matrix elements will be processed.
Definition: When set to Regular Elements, the imager will decode data matrix
symbols with solid elements but will not decode data matrix symbols with
hollow elements. When set to Hollow Elements, the imager will decode
data matrix symbols with outlined, hollow elements but will not decode
data matrix symbols with solid elements.
Serial Cmd: <K517,hollow mode status>
Default: Regular Elements
Options: 0 = Regular Elements 1 = Hollow Elements
11-28 EZ Match User’s Manual
Number of Symbols in Field of View
Number of Symbols in Field of View
Note: When the number of symbols in the field of view is set to 1, codeword stitching from
all scaled image processes is allowed for PDF417 and MicroPDF417.
Note: This variable is used in Fast Linear Mode. FLM usually considers the whole image
as one candidate, but when Number of Symbols in Field of View is set to 2, FLM will try
to locate the candidates first and then decode. The symbols cannot be side-by-side—they
must be parallel.
This command allows the user to determine how
will behave in relation
to the candidate symbols in the field of view.
Serial Cmd: <K518,number of symbols in field of view>
Default: Any number of symbols
Options: 0 = Any number of symbols
1 = One symbol
2 = More than one symbol
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-29
Camera and IP Setup
Damaged Symbol Status
Usage: This feature is useful with badly damaged symbols in which finder patterns
or clock patterns are distorted, margins are distorted or missing on one or
both sides of a symbol, or portions of data are damaged.
Definition: When enabled, the imager will make additional attempts and try different
processes in order to decode the symbol.
Due to the complexity of the algorithm required, enabling this feature
could significantly increase decode time.
Usage: <K519,damaged symbol status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
11-30 EZ Match User’s Manual
Illumination Brightness
Illumination Brightness
When set to Constant, the illumination is the same as the Medium setting. However, the
LEDs will always be on during a read cycle and will only be off between read cycles. This
cuts down on perceptible LED flashing.
Definition: This feature allows the user to adjust the brightness of the illumination
LEDs. Since the imager has control over the brightness of the illumination,
it can provide consistent brightness output between imagers through a
factory calibration operation. Each of the brightness settings is calibrated
to provide the same level of intensity for each imager.
Usage: <K536,brightness>
Default: High
0 = Off
1 = Low
2 = Medium
3 = High
4 = Constant
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-31
Camera and IP Setup
Skew Correction
The EZ Match Imager’s CMOS image
sensor has a “rolling shutter” mechanism
that controls pixel integration row-by-row,
unlike a global shutter, which performs
light integration of all pixels at once. When
a row of pixels has integrated light for the
amount of time specified by the user-defined
shutter speed, that row will be read out. The rows of the image are exposed individually
in rapid
sequence. As a symbol moves through the field of view, it is in a different position at each
row read-out. This creates distortion, or “skew”, as in the image shown below. In this
image, the symbol is moving from left to right at a line speed of 40 inches per second. The
bottom of the symbol is read out first while the upper portion is still being integrated, causing
distortion along the symbol’s x-axis.
Note: The amount of blur in the image is an effect of shutter speed, and is not a factor in
rolling shutter distortion.
If the symbol enters the imager’s field of view from the top or bottom, distortion will occur
on the y-axis. The image below shows two symbols entering the field of view from the top
at different line speeds. As you can see, this causes the image to shrink along the y-axis.
This is because the symbol is moving perpendicular to the CMOS sensor’s row read-out.
In other words, the bottom of the symbol is read out first, and as the symbol moves information
is lost (the symbol enters pixel rows that have already been processed). This causes the
symbol to appear to shrink vertically.
Note: If the symbol were to enter the field of view from the bottom, the captured image
would be stretched along the y-axis.
The amount of rolling shutter distortion depends upon the amount of time it takes to read
out an image row, and the line speed at which the target object is traveling. Therefore, one
way to reduce skew is to speed up the read-out time per pixel row. This can be accomplished
by reducing the column size of the image sensor.
For example, if the column size is reduced from 640 to 320, the time it takes to read out a
row of pixels from the sensor is reduced by half, and image skew will be reduced by a
factor of 2. As the column dimension of the image is reduced, the effect of rolling shutter
distortion is reduced by the same factor.
Important: Reducing the row size of the image has no effect, because it does not change
the row read-out time. Skew will remain the same regardless of row size.
Full Image Height
Full Image Width
16” / sec 10” / sec
Full Image Width
Direction of
11-32 EZ Match User’s Manual
Skew Correction
Line Speed
Distortion is corrected by shifting image rows in the direction opposite the symbol’s
movement on the line. The shift value of subsequent image rows is then increased. These
shift values depend on the speed of the line. The faster the line speed, the greater the
required shift values. More data loss is incurred at faster line speeds.
The image shown below was captured at a line speed of 40 inches per second, and it
shows virtually no inherent skew. The black area of the image is unusable, since the
information was lost as the symbol moved through the imager’s field of view.
The amount of data loss can be reduced by decreasing the image height or the row size of
the image, which reduces the amount of travel represented during the image frame
read-out. Note that the amount of distortion will not be changed, because the object will
have traveled the same distance during the read-out of the target area.
Definition: This feature is used to specify the line speed of the application, and it
determines how much distortion correction to apply. When enabled, this
feature will cause the overall decode rate to increase significantly. The timing
information in the table below is for a full megapixel image (1280 x 1024).
Note: Processing time decreases with larger image sizes.
Usage: <K537,line speed,symbol direction>
Default: 0 (Disabled)
Options: 0 to 80 (inches per second)
Line Speed Additional Processing Time
10” / sec 69.5 ms
20” / sec 65.0 ms
30” / sec 62.5 ms
40” / sec 58.0 ms
60” / sec 55.0 ms
80” / sec 45.5 ms
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-33
Camera and IP Setup
Symbol Direction
If a symbol enters the field of view from the left, it will be skewed as shown in the image
below. The image is processed from top to bottom, meaning that the top of the symbol is
captured first. The amount of skew is dependent on the speed at which the symbol moves
through the imager’s field of view. The symbol below was captured at a line speed of 40
inches per second.
Additional Notes on Skew Correction
When skew correction is enabled, the pre-processing option in Capture Mode is disabled,
regardless of how it is configured. This is because image distortion must be corrected
before any other image processing can occur.
Calibration does not perform skew correction. It is assumed that during calibration the
symbol is stationary, so skew correction is not required.
Images are corrected before they are processed. Therefore, if an image is still pending
at the end of the read cycle, it will not have been skew-corrected.
Definition: This feature specifies the direction the symbol is moving through the
imager’s field of view, or which side of the field of view the symbol will enter
Note: Image captures of symbols entering the field of view from above or
below cannot be skew-corrected.
Usage: <K537,line speed,symbol direction>
Default: Right
Options: 0 = Right 1 = Left
11-34 EZ Match User’s Manual
Color Filter (EZ Match Color Only)
Color Filter (EZ Match Color Only)
When Color Processing is disabled, no filter is applied to the captured image. If you are
attempting to decode symbols without a filter, a White Balance may be required to balance
the red, green, and blue cells of the image sensor.
General Purpose
When enabled, the General Purpose filter is applied to the captured RGB image to produce
a gray scale image. The gray scale image can be used in most applications, but the filtering
process increases processing time.
The General Purpose filter should be used when reading 2D symbols, linear symbols that
are not positioned horizontally in the field of view, or a combination of both.
Horizontal Linear (1D) Symbols
When enabled, the filter for Horizontal Linear (1D) Symbols is applied to the captured
RGB image to produce a gray scale image that is designed specifically to provide the best
suitable image for a linear symbol that is horizontally positioned in the field of view.
The Horizontal Linear (1D) Symbols filter should be used when reading linear symbols
that are positioned horizontally in the field of view.
Definition: The EZ Match image sensor captures images in color and then processes
them for optimal decode performance. Color image processing requires
image captures to be filtered, or the R, G, and B cells to be equalized.
This is achieved by applying one of the available filters, or by performing
a white balance with the current camera configuration before attempting
to decode a symbol. This option specifies the filter method that is applied
to the RGB color image to produce a monochrome image.
Usage: <K543,color filter>
Default: General Purpose
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = General Purpose
2 = Horizontal Linear (1D) Symbols
EZ Match User’s Manual 11-35
Camera and IP Setup
Color Detection (EZ Match Color Only)
Color Match Resolution
Basic Color
When Basic Color is enabled, only the basic color will be used to determine a match. The
Hue value is divided by 30°, resulting in 12 possible color combinations (see below). The
basic color is determined by using the Hue value. Hue values that are on the border
between two colors will be declared matches.
For example, if a color is defined in the cap library as having a hue value of 253° (blue),
and a cap is detected with a hue value of 257° (purple-blue), a match is declared.
Definition: When Color Detection is enabled, color processing and cap color
detection are active and color images can be retrieved from the imager.
Important: When color processing is enabled, the additional color image
storage restricts the maximum full-size image capacity of the imager from
6 to 3. This is because both a color image and a filtered RGB image are
stored for every image capture.
Usage: <K544,status,color match resolution>
Default: Enabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Definition: Determines how closely a cap color must match the defined requirements.
There are four resolutions that can be selected: Basic Color; Hue; Hue
and Saturation; or Hue, Saturation, and Value.
Usage: <K544,status,color match resolution>
Default: Hue and Saturation
Options: 0 = Basic Color
1 = Hue
2 = Hue and Saturation
3 = Hue, Saturation, and Value
Color Hue Range
Red 345° 14°
Orange 15° 44°
Yellow 45° 74°
Yellow Green 75° 104°
Green 105° 134°
Blue Green 135° 164°
Cyan 165° 194°
Green Blue 195° 224°
Blue 225° 254°
Purple Blue 255° 284°
Magenta 285° 314°
Purple Red 315° 344°
11-36 EZ Match User’s Manual
Color Detection (EZ Match Color Only)
Once the basic color is determined, Hue requires that the hue value be within an acceptable
range to declare a match. This color match method provides further distinction between
basic colors.
Hue and Saturation
Saturation provides information on color vibrancy. A highly saturated color is vivid and
intense, while a less saturated color is more muted, as shown in the example below.
Hue, Saturation, and Value
Hue, Saturation, and Value are all used as criteria for determining a color match. This
mode allows for the highest color resolution, and is able to detect different pigments,
shades, and levels of brightness.
A color’s brightness can be changed by selecting a different gain or shutter setting, causing
the image to be brighter or darker. This mode is susceptible to large fluctuations in ambient
light, so gain and shutter settings should be determined before performing a cap
White, Black, and Gray Color Detection
White, black, and gray are determined by the level of saturation and brightness (value) of
the color. Regardless of the Color Match Resolution setting, the Saturation and Value
characteristics are examined to determine if the cap color is white, black, or a shade of gray.
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-1
IP Database
This section concerns the various capture settings and processing settings that can be
used to fine-tune the EZ Match Imager’s performance in your application.
IP Database Serial Commands .................................................................................................. 12-2
Number of Active Indexes .......................................................................................................... 12-3
IP Database Status..................................................................................................................... 12-4
Database Mode ........................................................................................................................ 12-10
Save Current Settings to IP Database...................................................................................... 12-15
Load Current Settings from IP Database.................................................................................. 12-16
Request Selected Index Settings ............................................................................................. 12-17
Request All IP Database Settings ............................................................................................ 12-18
12-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
IP Database Serial Commands
IP Database Serial Commands
Number of Active Indexes <K252,number of active database settings>
IP Database Status
<K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,
sub-sampling,row pointer,column pointer,row
depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value,processing mode,narrow margins,background
color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Save Current Settings to Database <K255+,index>
Load Current Settings from Database
Request Selected Index Settings <K255?,index>
Request All Database Settings <K255?>
Database Mode
switch mode,frame count/time,image process
looping,image dimensions>
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-3
IP Database
Number of Active Indexes
Number of Active Indexes by ESP
Useful for applications that require several different complex imager configurations
to be applied sequentially. Multiple database indexes allow you to concatenate
configuration profiles, and to perform more complex operations than would
be possible with only one set of configuration parameters.
Definition: This feature allows you to set the number of database records (groups of
settings) that will be used automatically during the read cycle. If Number of
Active Indexes is set to 0, only the current imager settings will be used,
not database entry settings.
Note: This setting has no effect when Multi-Operation is in use.
Serial Cmd: <K252,number of active indexes>
Default: 0 (disabled)
Options: 0 to 10
Click the arrow on the Active
Indexes dropdown menu and
select how many database
indexes will be used during
the read cycle. (0 to 10).
12-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
IP Database Status
IP Database Status
Shutter Speed
Focal Distance
Useful for applications that require several different complex imager configurations
to be applied sequentially. Multiple database indexes allow you to concatenate
configuration profiles, and to perform more complex operations than would
be possible with only one set of configuration parameters.
Definition: Determines the specific database index that will be used.
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,
column pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value, processing mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology
type,color filter,color>
Options: 1 to 10
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,
column pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value, processing mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology
type,color filter,color>
Default: 45
Options: 15 to 12,500
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,
column pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value, processing mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology
type,color filter,color>
Default: 30
Options: 0 to 48
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row
pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed
threshold value,processing mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology
type,color filter,color>
Default: 400 (4”)
Options: 200 to 600
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-5
IP Database
Pixel Sub-Sampling
Important: Sub-sampling has no effect when the Image Dimension mode is configured as
Region of Interest
in the
Database Mode
command. This is because the
Window of Interest
camera settings are determined by the software based on the Region of Interest setup.
There is no benefit to sub-sampling to increase processing speed when ROI is configured,
because the frame size would need to be increased to make sub-sampling possible.
Row Pointer
Column Pointer
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,
column pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value, processing mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology
type,color filter,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = 4:1 2 = 16:1
Definition: The image dimension settings can be applied as a Window of Interest or a
Region of Interest, depending on the image dimension mode selected in the
Database Mode command.
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,
row pointer
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: 0
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 0 to (1024 – row depth)
EZ Match Color: 0 to (832 – row depth)
Definition: The image dimension settings can be applied as a Window of Interest or a
Region of Interest, depending on the image dimension mode selected in the
Database Mode command.
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,
,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default 0
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 0 to (1280 – column width)
EZ Match Color: 0 to (2048 – column width)
12-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
IP Database Status
Row Depth
Column Width
Threshold Mode
Fixed Threshold Value
Definition: The image dimension settings can be applied as a Window of Interest or a
Region of Interest, depending on the image dimension mode selected in the
Database Mode command.
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
row depth
,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: Monochrome EZ Match: 1024
EZ Match Color: 832
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 3 to (1024 – row pointer)
EZ Match Color: 3 to (832 – row pointer)
Definition: The image dimension settings can be applied as a Window of Interest or a
Region of Interest, depending on the image dimension mode selected in the
Database Mode command.
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,
column width
,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: Monochrome EZ Match: 1280
EZ Match Color: 2048
Options: Monochrome EZ Match: 8 to (1280 – column pointer)
EZ Match Color: 8 to (2048 – column pointer)
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,column width,
threshold mode
,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: Adaptive
Options: 0 = Adaptive 1 = Fixed
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,
fixed threshold value
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: 128
Options: 0 to 255
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-7
IP Database
Processing Mode
Narrow Margins
Background Color
Symbology Type
When Symbology Type is disabled, the database uses the current Symbology Type
setup to determine active symbologies.
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: Standard
Options: 0 = Standard 1 = Mode 1 2 = Fast Linear Mode
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: White
Options: 0 = White 1 = Black
This field allows the user to configure the database to enable specific symbologies
for selected database indexes. Symbology-specific parameters must be
configured with the appropriate symbology command.
For example, if fixed length Code 128 is required, it must first be set up with
the Code 128 command:
To select a particular symbology, just add the number value associated with
that symbology type.
If Data Matrix and Code 39 are required, the paramater would be: 2 + 16 =
If I 2/5, BC412, and DataBar Limited are required, the parameter would be:
128 + 2048 + 16384 =
Serial Cmd:
index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,processing
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color filter,color>
Default: Disabled
12-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
IP Database Status
Any Symbology Type (Add 1)
All symbologies except PharmaCode are enabled while this database index is being used.
Data Matrix (Add 2)
If enabled, Data Matrix will be active for this database index.
Important: The ECC level must be configured using the Data Matrix command <K479>. If
no ECC level has been configured, the imager will not decode Data Matrix symbols.
QR Code (Add 4)
If enabled, QR Code will be active for this database index.
Code 128 (Add 8)
If enabled, Code 128 will be active for this database index.
Code 39 (Add 16)
If enabled, Code 39 will be active for this database index.
Codabar (Add 32)
If enabled, Codabar will be active for this database index.
Code 93 (Add 64)
If enabled, Code 93 will be active for this database index.
Interleaved 2 of 5 (Add 128)
If enabled, Interleaved 2 of 5 will be active for this database index.
UPC/EAN (Add 256)
If enabled, UPC/EAN will be active for this database index.
PDF417 (Add 512)
If enabled, PDF417 will be active for this database index.
MicroPDF417 (Add 1024)
If enabled, MicroPDF417 will be active for this database index.
BC412 (Add 2048)
If enabled, BC412 will be active for this database index.
Pharmacode (Add 4096)
If enabled, PharmaCode will be active for this database index.
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-9
IP Database
DataBar-14 (Add 8192)
If enabled, DataBar-14 will be active for this database index.
Important: If the stacked and non-stacked operation is required, the DataBar-14 command
must be configured as follows: <K482,2>. If the DataBar-14 status parameter in the
<K482> command is set to either DISABLED or ENABLED, the imager will only read
non-stacked DataBar-14 symbols.
DataBar Limited (Add 16384)
If enabled, DataBar Limited will be active for this database index.
DataBar Extended (Add 32768)
If enabled, DataBar Extended will be active for this database index.
Important: If the stacked and non-stacked operation is required, the DataBar Extended
command must be configured as follows: <K484,2>. If the DataBar Extended status
parameter in the <K484> command is set to either DISABLED or ENABLED, the imager
will only read non-stacked DataBar Extended symbols.
Color Filter (EZ Match Color Only)
Color (EZ Match Color Only)
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row
pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,
mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology type,color
Default: General Purpose
Options: 0 = Raw (no filter)
1 = General Purpose
2 = Horizontal 1D Symbols
Serial Cmd: <K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,
column pointer,row depth,column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value, processing mode,narrow margins,background color,symbology
type,color filter,color>
Default: Disabled (Database 1) Enabled (Databases 2-10)
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
12-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Database Mode
Database Mode
Switch Mode
When Switch Mode is set to Time, the imager will load the next database entry to current,
active settings after a predefined time interval. The timer will start upon use of a database
entry. If the timer expires during an image capture event, the timer will not start again until
that database entry has been incremented and the new database entry has been loaded
to current, active settings.
Number of Image Frames
When Switch Mode is set to Number of Image Frames, the database entry is incremented
after the predetermined number of image capture events has occurred.
Frame Count/Time
Definition: Selects the event that causes the imager to load the next database entry to
current, active settings. When
Frame Count/Time
expires and
Image Process
Looping is enabled, the next database entry with modifications to camera
settings will be used.
Note: The image capture event always occurs when the first database entry
is used.
Note: The Switch Mode setting has no effect on Rapid Capture Mode,
which always operates in Number of Image Frames mode with a frame
count of 1.
Serial Cmd:
K256,switch mode
,frame count/time,image process looping,image dimensions>
Default: 1
Options: 0 = Time 1 = Number of Image Frames
Definition: Indicates the Number of Image Frames that must be captured or the
amount of Time that must transpire before the imager will load the next
database index entry.
Serial Cmd:
switch mode,
frame count/time
,image process looping,image dimensions>
Default: 1 (frames/ms)
Options: 1 to 65535
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-11
IP Database
Image Process Looping
When Image Process Looping is set to Disabled, an image is captured for every database
configuration, whether or not any camera settings have been modified.
Image Process Looping
is set to
, the last captured image frame is re-processed
with the new IP and decode parameters. If camera settings have not been changed from
the last capture event, and when a database configuration is loaded to current, active
settings, no new image is captured.
Note: An exception to this is the first database index: a new image is always captured
when the first database index is used. When a camera setting has been modified from one
database setting to the next, a new image is captured. For example, if all database entries
contained the same camera setting values but had different IP and decode parameters, an
image frame would only be captured when the first database configuration was used.
Usage: Useful in applications where it is necessary to process a single captured
image multiple times using different IP and decode parameters.
Serial Cmd:
switch mode,frame count/time,
image process looping
,image dimensions>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
12-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Database Mode
Image Dimensions
Window of Interest (WOI) by ESP
When Image Dimensions is set to Window of Interest, the database image dimension
parameters are camera settings, and they determine the size of the image to be captured.
Definition: Determines how the image dimension parameters will be implemented.
Serial Cmd:
switch mode,frame count/time,image process looping,
image dimensions
Default: 0
Options: 0 = Window of Interest 1 = Region of Interest
Camera settings (Capture Index, Shutter Speed, Gain, Sub-Sampling)
located in the left half of the highlighted area.
Image capture dimensions (Row Pointer, Column Pointer, Row Depth,
Column Width) located in the right half of the highlighted area.
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-13
IP Database
Region of Interest (ROI)
When Image Dimensions is set to Region of Interest, the database image dimension
parameters are IP and decode settings, and they determine the region or area of the
captured image to be processed.
ROI coordinate data is based on the full image size. The WOI of the captured image will
configured to cover all the ROI settings in the current, active database entry. In the following
example, there are three active database settings, each with a different ROI configu
Their coordinates are based at point 0,0 of the full scale image (1280 x 1024). In this
example, DB1 and DB3 determine the size of the captured image WOI, while DB2 has no
impact. The image WOI is not configurable. It is automatically set up by the database
according to the ROI settings.
Note: Since the ROI parameters are not a camera setting, a change in ROI parameters
from one index to another does not indicate an image capture event.
This feature is intended to be used in conjunction with Image Process Looping, to
allow different regions of a captured image to be processed using different IP and
decode settings.
Also, if this feature is used in conjunction with Output Filtering, multiple decoded symbols
in a captured image frame can be output according to their location in the field of view.
Full Image Size (1280 x 1024)
DB 3
DB 2
DB 1
column size
Camera WOI
12-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Database Mode
Region of Interest (ROI) by ESP
When Image Dimensions is set to Region of Interest, the database image dimension
parameters are IP and decode settings, and they determine the region or area of the
captured image to be processed.
Threshold Mode, Fixed Threshold Value, Processing Mode, Narrow Margins,
Background, and Code Type are all Processing Settings values.
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-15
IP Database
Save Current Settings to IP Database
This command phrase saves the imager’s current, active configuration settings to database
index 5.
Save Current Settings to IP Database by ESP
Definition: Allows current, active configuration settings to be saved to a selected
database index.
Serial Cmd: <K255+,index>
Click the Load Current to Index button to
save the imager’s current configuration
parameters to the selected database index.
12-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Load Current Settings from IP Database
Load Current Settings from IP Database
This command phrase loads the configuration settings contained in database index 5 to
current, active configuration settings.
Load Current Settings from IP Database by ESP
Notes on Symbol Type
•The current DataBar Expanded status does not change if it is configured as Enabled
(Stacked) and the database DataBar Expanded status is Enabled.
•The current DataBar-14 status does not change if it is configured as Enabled (Stacked)
and the database DataBar Expanded status is Enabled.
Data Matrix ECC level is determined by the
settings and not by
Therefore, the database does not know which ECC level to enable,
and has no effect on
current Data Matrix ECC settings
Definition: Allows the configuration settings contained in a selected database index to
be loaded to current, active configuration settings.
Serial Cmd: <K255-,index>
Click the Load Index to Current button to
load configuration settings from the
selected index to current, active settings.
EZ Match User’s Manual 12-17
IP Database
Request Selected Index Settings
This command phrase returns the configuration settings for database index 5.
Definition: Returns configuration settings for the selected database index.
Serial Cmd: <K255?,index>
12-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Request All IP Database Settings
Request All IP Database Settings
This command phrase returns the configuration settings for all 10 database indexes.
Definition: Returns configuration settings for all indexes in the IP Database.
Serial Cmd: <K255?>
EZ Match User’s Manual 13-1
This section describes the Terminal window and macro functions in ESP.
Terminal Window........................................................................................................................ 13-2
Find ............................................................................................................................................ 13-3
Send........................................................................................................................................... 13-4
Macros........................................................................................................................................ 13-5
Terminal Window Menus............................................................................................................ 13-6
13-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Terminal Window
Terminal Window
The following view will appear:
The Terminal screen allows you to send serial commands to the imager by using Macros,
by copying and pasting, or by typing commands in the Send text field.
The Terminal screen also displays symbol data or information from the imager.
You can also right click on the Terminal screen to bring up a menu of further options.
Click the Terminal button to bring up the Terminal view.
Click on desired
Macro to run.
Click on Macros arrow to Add Macro,
Remove Macro, or Edit Macro.
Copy, paste, save Type text here to
find matching text
in the Terminal
Type serial
Macros listed
on this bar
Clear screen
EZ Match User’s Manual 13-3
The Find function allows you to enter text strings to be searched for in the Terminal window.
For example, a series of symbols have been scanned into the Terminal view and you
want to determine if a particular symbol whose data begins with “ABC” has been read.
1. Type “ABC” into the Find box.
2. Press Enter.
The first instance of “ABC” will be highlighted in the Terminal window.
3. Click the Find button to the right of the text field to locate additional instances of
13-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
The Send function allows you to enter serial commands and then send them to the imager.
1. Type the command into the Send box.
2. Press Enter.
3. Click the Send button to the left of the text field to send .
EZ Match User’s Manual 13-5
Macros can be stored in a macro selection bar, edited in a separate window, and executed
by clicking on the macro name.
When you click on the macro name, the macro is executed in the Terminal window.
If this is a command, it is sent to the reader at the same time that it is displayed.
Editing a Macro
When you click the arrow next to any macro and select Edit, the following appears:
You can edit an existing macro or type in the Macro Name text field and define it in the
Macro Value text field. Click OK.
Click on Next
Row to see the
next row of
Click on the first arrow here to see Add
Macro or Default Macros.
When you default macros, the entire
macros set is restored to their original
macro commands.
Click on subsequent
arrows to edit macros.
13-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Terminal Window Menus
Terminal Window Menus
Right-click on the Terminal window to display the following menu:
Terminal Dropdown Menu
The dropdown Terminal menu has Capture Text, Save Current Text, Send File, Find
Next, and Find Previous functions, as well as the same functions defined above.
Copy selected text to clipboard.
Paste from Terminal or other text.
Clear all text in Terminal window.
Select All text in the Terminal window.
Save... brings up a Save As dialog.
Change Font... of text in Terminal; brings up a Font dialog.
Change Echo Font... to change typed text; brings up a Font
Enable Echo enables Echo text (typed by user).
Change Background Color of Terminal window.
Non-Printable Characters allows you to hide non-printable
characters, or to show them in Standard or Enhanced format.
Default Settings returns all the above settings to default.
Keyboard Macros allows you to create new keyboard macro
commands that can be sent from function keys (F2, F4, F5, etc.)
Capture Text... lets you append data in real time to a
text file of your choice. While in operation, the text file
cannot be opened. You can select Pause to interrupt
the capture flow or Stop to end the flow and open the
Save Current Text... saves all text in the Terminal
window to a text file.
Send File allows you to browse for specific files and
send them to the reader.
Find Next searches for a user-defined section of text
in the Terminal.
Find Previous operates in the same way as Find
Next, but searches backward through Terminal text.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-1
Utility commands are generally commands that are performed during imager operations to
check or determine Read Rates, or to perform miscellaneous operations on imager
hardware. Serial utility commands are not prefaced with a “K” and a numeric code, nor do
they require an initialization command (<A> and <Z>). They can be entered from within
any terminal program or from ESP’s Terminal or Utilities windows.
Serial Utility Commands ............................................................................................................. 14-2
Read Rate .................................................................................................................................. 14-4
Counters..................................................................................................................................... 14-5
Device Control............................................................................................................................ 14-8
Differences from Default............................................................................................................. 14-9
Master Database ...................................................................................................................... 14-10
Firmware................................................................................................................................... 14-16
Default / Reset / Save............................................................................................................... 14-19
Imager Status Requests........................................................................................................... 14-21
Other Operational Serial Commands ....................................................................................... 14-23
14-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Serial Utility Commands
Serial Utility Commands
Note: For a list of all K commands, see Serial Configuration Commands on page A-13.
Type Command Name
<C> Enter Decode Rate Test
Read Rate <Cp> Enter Percent Rate Test
<J> Exit Decode Rate and Percent Rate Test
<N> No Read Counter
<O> No Read Counter Reset
<T> Trigger Counter
<U> Trigger Counter Reset
<V> Good Read/Match Counter
<W> Good Read/Match Counter Reset
<X> Mismatch Counter
Counters <Y> Mismatch Counter Reset
<CAP_A> Cap Absence Counter
<CAP_P> Cap Presence Counter
<CAP_U> Cap Unknown Counter
<CAP_R> Cap Counter Reset
<TUBE_A> Tube Absence Counter
<TUBE_P> Tube Presence Counter
<TUBE_R> Tube Counter Reset
<L1> Programmable Output 1
<L2> Programmable Output 2
<L3> Programmable Output 3
Device Control <11> Targeting System On
<10> Targeting System Off
<I> Disable Imager
<H> Enable Imager
<a1> Include PDF Information in Preamble (PDF417)
<G> Store Next Symbol Read to Database Index 1
Master Database <Gn> Store Next Symbol Read to Database Index n
<NEWM> New Master Load Status
<#> Display All Firmware Part Numbers
<#a> Display Application Code Part Number
Part Number / <#b> Display Boot Code Part Number
Checksum <#p> Display Profile Module Part Numbers
<!> Display All Available Firmware Checksums
<!a> Display Application Code Code Checksum
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-3
Part Number / <!b> Display Boot Code Checksum
Checksum <!p> Display Profile Module Checksum
<A> Reset (does not save for power-on)
<Ard> Reset and Recall Microscan Defaults
<ArdWB>Reset and Recall Microscan White Balance
<Arp> Reset and Recall Power-On Parameters
<Arc> Reset and Recall Customer Default Parameters
<Arl>Reset and Recall Microscan Tube/Cap Library
<Z> Save Current Settings for Power-On
<Zc>Save Current Settings as Customer Default
Parameters for Power-On
<Zrd>Recall Microscan Default Parameters and Save
for Power-On
Reset Microscan Default White Balance Parameters
and Save for Power-On
<Zrc>Recall Customer Default Parameters and Save
for Power-On
Save Current Tube/Cap Library Parameters for
<Zrl>Recall Microscan Tube/Cap Library Defaults and
Save for Power-On
<?> Imager Status Byte
<K?> All Status Request
Imager Status <K??> All Descriptor Status Request
Request Commands <K?#> All Range Status Request
<Knnn?> Single Status Request
<Knnn??> Single Descriptor Status Request
<Knnn?#> Single Range Status Request
<uy,path image> Y-Modem Upload
<dy,image name> Y-Modem Download
Other Operational <BCCFG> Enter Bar Code Configuration Mode
Commands <@CAL>Calibrate
<@LCAP> Learn Tube or Cap
<@WB> White Balance Calibration
14-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Read Rate
Read Rate
Read Rate by ESP
You can access Read Rate from the Utilities view under the Read Rate tab.
To see the number of decodes per second, click the Decodes/sec radio button and click
the Start button.
To see the percentage of decodes, click the
radio button and then the
To end a Read Rate test, click the Stop button (the Start button becomes a “Stop” button
during an active Read Rate test.)
Important: When Read Rate is enabled, the IP Database is not active, regardless of how
the imager is configured.
Read Rate by Serial Command
Enter Decodes / Second Test
Sending <C> instructs the imager to transmit the decodes per second and symbol data
(if any). The decode rate can vary dramatically due to the angle and location of the symbol
in relation to the field of view. This test is very useful in aligning and positioning the imager
during setup.
Enter Percent Test
Sending <Cp> instructs the imager to transmit the percentage of decodes and any
decoded symbol data.
End Read Rate Test
Sending <J> ends both the Percent test and the Decodes/Second test.
Tube/Cap Detection Notes
If Tube/Cap Detection operations are enabled in the
they will be part of Read Rate output. The formatted message will follow the Tube/Cap
Detection message setup.
2. Active symbologies for Read Rate are determined in the same way, regardless of how
Multi-Operation is configured.
Tube Angle is not part of Read Rate output. See the the
Configurable Output 1
command for further details.
4. If enabled, Library Index is part of Read Rate output. Tubes or caps with different
library indexes are treated as different objects. See the the
Configurable Output 1
command for further details.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-5
Counter commands can be a numeric value from 00000 to 65535. After reaching the
maximum numeric limit of 65535, an error message will be displayed and the counter will
automatically roll over and start counting again at 00000. To obtain the cumulative total of
counts after the rollover has occurred, add 65536 per each rollover (the imager does not
keep track of the number of rollovers) to the current count.
Note: All counter values will be lost if power is recycled to the imager, or if the imager
receives a Reset or Save command.
Counters by ESP
You can access Counters from ESP’s Utilities menu.
Click the Request button to display the appropriate count or Clear to set the counter to zero.
14-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Counters by Serial Command
No Read Counter
Sending <N> displays the total number of No Reads that have occurred since the last
No Read Counter Reset
Sending <O> sets the No Read Counter to 00000.
Trigger Counter
Sending <T> displays the total number of triggers since the last reset.
Trigger Counter Reset
Sending <U> sets the trigger counter to 00000.
Good Read / Match Counter (or Good Read Counter)
Sending <V> displays the total number of Good Reads matching the master symbol, or, if
Master Symbol is not enabled, the number of Good Reads since the last reset. This
counter is always enabled, but will only work as a match count when Master Symbol is
enabled. If Master Symbol is not enabled, this counter records the number of Good
Reads. This count can be requested at any time.
Good Read / Match Counter Reset
Sending <W> sets the Match Counter to 00000.
Mismatch Counter
Sending <X> displays the number of decoded symbols since the last reset that do not
match the master symbol.
Mismatch Counter Reset
Sending <Y> sets the Mismatch Counter to zero.
Cap Absent Counter
Sending <CAP_A> displays the total number of Cap Absences that have occurred since
power-on, or since the last Cap Counter Reset occurred.
Imager response format: <CAP_A/xxxxx>
Cap Present Counter
Sending <CAP_P> displays the total number of Cap Presences that have occurred since
power-on, or since the last Cap Counter Reset occurred.
Imager response format: <CAP_P/xxxxx>
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-7
Cap Unknown Counter
Sending <CAP_U> displays the total number of Cap Unknowns that have occurred since
power-on, or since the last Cap Counter Reset occurred.
Imager response format: <CAP_U/xxxxx>
Cap Counter Reset
Sending <CAP_R> sets all Cap Counters to 00000.
Tube Absent Counter
Sending <TUBE_A> displays the total number of Tube Absences that have occurred since
power-on, or since the last Tube Counter Reset occurred.
Imager response format: <TUBE_A/xxxxx>
Tube Present Counter
Sending <TUBE_P> displays the total number of Tube Pesences that have occurred since
power-on, or since the last Tube Counter Reset occurred.
Imager response format: <TUBE_P/xxxxx>
Tube Counter Reset
Sending <TUBE_R> sets all Tube Counters to 00000.
14-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Device Control
Device Control
Device Control by ESP
Device Control by Serial Command
Output 1 Pulse
Sending <L1> activates the link between Output 1 (+) and Output 1 (-) of the host connector
(regardless of Master Symbol or Output 1 status).
Output 2 Pulse
Sending <L2> activates the link between Output 2 (+) and Output 2 (-) of the host connector
(regardless of Master Symbol or Output 2 status).
Output 3 Pulse
Sending <L3> activates the link between Output 3 (+) and Output 3 (-) of the host connector
(regardless of Master Symbol or Output 3 status).
Disable Reader
Sending <I> will turn the imager OFF, end the current read cycle, and will not allow the
imager to enter another read cycle until turned ON. This feature is useful during extended
periods of time when no symbols are being decoded, or the imager is being configured.
Disabling the imager will not affect any commands that have already been downloaded.
Enable Reader
Sending <H> will turn the imager ON and allow it to enter read cycles.
Enable PDF Information
Sending <a1> will cause PDF417 data to be prefaced with information consisting of ECC
level (ECC level n), number of rows (n rows), number of columns (n columns), number of
informative code words (n info code words), and the number of data characters (n data
bits). Send <a1> again to disable PDF Information.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-9
Differences from Default
Clicking the
Differences from Default
button will cause
to check all stored configuration
settings and compare them to default settings. All settings that are different than default
will appear in the left column (shown below), and descriptions of those settings will appear
in the right column.
To create a symbol containing any of the command settings in the table, click Generate
Barcode. This will bring up the Bar Code Dialog.
To save the Differences from Default report, either as plain text or as a tab-delimited
text file, click Save As.
Click Send and Save to send the settings to the imager and save them, or Send to
Reader to send the settings without saving them.
Important: The use the Differences from Default feature, you must connect to the
imager and Receive Reader Settings via the Send/Recv button on the toolbar.
Click this button for a list of ESP
configuration settings that are
different than default settings.
Click Generate Barcode to bring up the
Bar Code
. Then create configuration
symbols containing
the configuration commands of your choice.
Click Save As to save the
report as plain text or a
tab-delimited text file.
Send configuration settings
to the imager without saving
by clicking Send to Reader.
Send configuration settings to the
imager and save in ESP by
Send and Save
14-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Master Database
Master Database
Important: The Master Database is used for all Matchcode modes except Sequential
and Wild Card, both of which use Master Database Index # 1.
Master Database Overview
1. Click the Master Database tab.
2. Enable Matchcode Type.
3. Set the Master Symbol Database Size.
4. Select the database index in which you want to enter the master symbol.
5. Do one of the following to enter master symbol data:
a. Double-click the index row to type data directly into the index.
b. Click the Read Symbol into Selected Index to enter the next decoded symbol.
Usage: Used where more than one master symbol is required, as in a Multisymbol
setup, for matching and other Matchcode operations.
Definition: Allows the user to define up to 10 master symbols as the master symbol
database, which can be entered by keyboard, scanned in, displayed, or
deleted by serial or ESP commands.
Loads the next symbol decoded into
the selected index.
Saves the displayed
database to the imager.
Set Master Symbol
Database Size here.
Loads the imager’s saved
master symbols into ESP.
Double-click a row
to enter data into
popup dialog box.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-11
Master Symbol Database Size
Caution: Since the total number of characters available for the master symbol database is
3000, changes to the Master Symbol Database Size will re-allocate the number of
characters available for each master symbol and could cause existing master symbols to
be deleted (except master symbol #1, unless it also exceeds the size limitation).
The table below specifies the maximum number of characters available to each symbol
according the number of master symbols defined, from 1 to 10.
Definition: Number of Master Symbols allows you to select 1 to 10 master symbols
for the master symbol database.
Serial Cmd: <K231,master symbol database size>
You must follow this command with a save command
Default: 1
Options: 1 to 10
Master Symbol
Number Maximum
Characters Master Symbol
Number Maximum
# 1 3000 # 6 500
# 2 1500 # 7 428
# 3 1000 # 8 375
# 4 750 # 9 333
# 5 600 # 10 300
Set Master Symbol
Database Size here.
14-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Master Database
Enter Master Symbol Data
Usage: Allows you to enter master symbol data for any enabled master symbol index
number (1 to 10), provided the total number of characters does not exceed
the maximum allowed.
Serial Cmd: <K231,master symbol number,master symbol data>
Options: Enter data for 1 to 10 symbols (any combination of ASCII text up to the
maximum allowed.
For example, to enter data for master symbol 9, after making certain that
symbol database size is enabled for 9 or more symbols, send
The ASCII characters
, and
can only be entered as hex
pairs. See
ASCII Character Entry Modifier
on page
for a detailed
explanation of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
If no data is entered, the existing data will be deleted.
ESP: 1. Open the Utilities menu.
2. Set the number of master symbols you want to create in Master Symbol
Database Size.
3. Double-click on each symbol number you want to set up and copy, or type
your data in the popup dialog and click OK.
4. When all your data has been entered, click the Send Database to the
Reader button.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-13
Request Master Symbol Data
Request All Master Symbol Data
Definition: Returns master symbol data for any enabled master symbols from 1 to 10.
For example, to request master symbol # 5, enter
. The imager
transmits master symbol # 5 data in brackets in the following format:
If no master symbol data is available, the output will be:
Serial Cmd: <K231?,master symbol number>
Caution: Be sure to add the ? or you will delete the master symbol.
Note: This command returns the number of master symbols if no number is
ESP: 1. Click the Utilities button and the Master Database tab.
2. Click the Receive Readers Database button.
This command will return master symbol data for all symbols enabled (up to 10).
Serial Cmd: <K231?>
14-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Read Next Symbol as Master Symbol
Request New Master Status
(See also New Master Pin in Chapter 10, Matchcode.)
After you’ve set the size in the database, you can order the imager to read
the next symbol as the master symbol for any given master symbol number.
Serial Cmd: <Gmaster symbol number>
To store the next symbol decoded as master symbol # 1, send:
To store the next symbol decoded as the master symbol for any other
symbol database number, send:
<Gmaster symbol number [1-10]>
For example,
will cause the next symbol read to be entered as master
symbol # 5.
ESP: In the Master Database tab under the Output Format menu,
1. Select the master symbol index number in which you want to store the
symbol data.
2. Click the Read Symbol into Selected Index button.
If you’ve selected an index which already has existing data, that
data will be copied over by new decoded data when you use this command.
Usage: Informs the user when a new master symbol is pending and which position
it is in.
Definition: Returns the position in the master symbol database that will be loaded on
the next read.
Serial Cmd: <NEWM>
The imager returns:
<NEWM/next master to load>
Once a symbol has been read and loaded, the status will be cleared and the
response will be
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-15
Delete Master Symbol Data
You can directly delete the master symbol data by serial command or by
ESP: 1. Click the Utilities button to access the master symbol.
2. Click the Master Database tab and double-click the symbol number
you want to delete.
3. Delete text and click OK.
Serial Cmd: <K231,master symbol number,>
To delete a master symbol, enter the database number and a comma, but
leave the data field empty. For example, to delete master symbol # 5, send
the following: <K231,5,>. The command is entered with a blank master
symbol data field, which tells the imager to delete the selected master
from the database.
14-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Firmware by ESP
Firmware Update
Application code versions are specific to your imager. Consult with your sales representative
before downloading application code. If needed, an application code will be sent to you in
the form of a *.mot file.
To download application code:
1. First, be sure that your imager is connected to the host.
2. Apply power to the imager.
3. Before updating, you should verify the current firmware.
4. Click in the Firmware Update text box and select the file type you want to download.
This will open a file locator box.
5. Navigate to the appropriate file (it will be a *.mot file), open the file, and click Start.
Caution: Do not interrupt power or disconnect the host cable while download is in
progress. Be sure that each download is complete before moving on to the next.
Important: When updating firmware, be sure that the application code and boot code
versions are mutually compatible.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-17
Firmware Verification
Request Part Number by ESP
You can send a request to the imager for part numbers, checksums, boot code, and
application code.
1. Click the Firmware tab.
2. From the dropdown selection box to the left of the Request Part No. button, make
your selection.
3. Select the code type to see its part number displayed in the text field to the right of the
Request Part No. button.
Request Part Number by Serial Command
When you send <#> (a request for all product part numbers), the imager returns:
When you send <#a> (a request for the application code part number), the imager returns:
When you send <#b> (a request for the boot code part number), the imager returns:
When you send <#p> (a request for profile module part numbers), the imager returns:
14-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Request Checksum by ESP
You can send a request to the imager for part numbers, checksums, boot code, and
application code.
1. Click the Firmware tab.
2. From the dropdown selection box to the left of the Request Checksum button,
make your selection.
3. Select the code type to see its checksum displayed in the text field to the right of the
Request Checksum button.
Request Checksum by Serial Command
When you send <!> (a request for all available firmware checksums), the imager returns:
When you send <!a> (a request for the application code checksum), the imager returns:
When you send <!b> (a request for the boot code checksum), the imager returns:
When you send <!p> (a request for profile module checksum), the imager returns:
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-19
Default / Reset / Save
Understanding and controlling your imager’s active, saved, and default settings is critical
to its successful operation.
Resets (“A” commands) affect only the current settings (active memory) and are not saved
for power-on.
Saved for Power-on
Power-on parameters (“Z” commands) are saved to NOVRAM and recalled and loaded
into current parameters when power is cycled to the imager or the <Arp> command is
Defaults are Microscan firmware settings or saved customer settings that can be recalled,
either by software or hardware reset.
Function Serial
Cmd ESP (first, right click in
any menu tree)a
a. When you right click in a menu tree and select Default Current Menu Settings or Default All ESP
Settings, it is important to note that only ESP settings are defaulted. To save these defaults to the
imager itself, you need to follow up with a Save to Reader, Send and Save command.
EZ Button
(not saved
for power-on)
Reset <A>Save to Reader,
Send No Save No
Reset and recall Microscan defaults <Ard>No No
Reset and Recall Microscan White
Balance Defaults
No No
Reset and recall power-on parameters <Arp>No No
Reset and recall customer default
parameters <Arc>No No
Reset and recall Microscan Tube/Cap
Library defaults <Arl>No No
Saved for Power-On
Save current settings for power-on <Z>Save to Reader,
Send and Save No
Save current settings as customer
default parameters for power-on <Zc>Save to Reader,
Send and Save Customer
Defaults for Power-Onb
b. Only available in ESP if enabled under the Options dropdown menu.
Recall Microscan default parameters
and save for power-on <Zrd>No No
Reset Microscan Default White Balance
Parameters and Save for Power-On <ZrdWB>No No
Recall customer default parameters
and save for power-on <Zrc>No
Press and
hold while
on imager
Save current Tube/Cap Library
parameters for power-on <Zl> Send and Save No
Recall Microscan Tube/Cap Library
defaults and Save for Power-On <Zrl> Send and Save No
14-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Default / Reset / Save
Customer Default Parameters
Customer default parameters (saved by <Zc>) are the same set of parameters as power-on
parameters but are saved in a different, isolated section of NOVRAM. This allows a user
essentially to create a backup set of parameters that can be recalled in the event that the
current parameters or power-on parameters have been accidentally changed or are no
longer desired.
It is important to note that a hardware default does not affect customer default parameters.
For example, a user that has inadvertently changed communication settings and saved
them with a <Z> command, may not know the correct settings or have the capability to
communicate within those settings. By first doing an EZ Button default or hardware default
to restore the known Microscan defaults, the user can then recall the previous customer-saved
settings with an <Arc> or <Zrc> command.
Microscan Default Parameters
Microscan default parameters are contained in the firmware and cannot be changed.
Software Defaults
Microscan default parameters can be recalled (loaded into current settings) with <Ard>
command or recalled and saved for power-on with the <Zrd> command.
Hardware Default
If a software default and reset is not possible, it may be necessary to reset the imager by
shorting (connecting) specific pins. This procedure has the same effect as the <Zrd>
software command.
Important: For this reset to occur, this command must be executed within 60 seconds of a
power-on or a reset.
1. Apply power to the imager.
2. If using an IB-131, locate pins 7 and 11 on the host connector.
Caution: Be certain that the correct pins are located. Connecting the wrong pins could
cause serious damage to the unit.
3. Momentarily connect these wires (or pins) and listen for a series of short beeps.
4. Within 3 seconds, connect them again. A longer beep should be heard. If not, repeat
the process.
Default on Power-On
You can also use the EZ Button to default the imager by holding it down while applying
power to the imager, provided that this feature is enabled.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-21
Imager Status Requests
<?> Status Byte
The imager responds to a status request
with a two character hex value, such as
To determine status:
1. Look up the binary conversion in the table below.
For example, the first hex
would be
0 0 1 0
in binary, as read from binary digits
; the second hex
is also
0 0 1 0
as read from binary digits
2. Next, enter your binary values from the table below in the
“Binary” column next to the appropriate bit.
3. Under “Binary,” interpret 1s as true and 0s as not true. For
example, bit 1 has a 1 in the “Binary” column, indicating
“Command Received”. Bit 5 is also a 1, indicating that the
“Imager is in a read cycle”.
<K?> All Status Request
This is the fastest way to learn the imager’s current configuration. Sending this request will
return the current settings of all commands, starting with the lowest K command value and
ending with the highest K command value.
<Knnn?> Single Status Request
This request will return the value of the variables associated with the requested K command.
The request of a single entry of a database command cannot exceed the number of database
slots for the specific command.
<K??> All Descriptor Request
This request will return all current descriptors for every K command, starting with the lowest
K command value and ending with the highest K command value.
<Knnn??> Single Descriptor Request
This request returns the basic functional description of all fields in the requested K command.
Bit Binary Imager Status
0 0 Command error detected
1 1 Command received
2 0 Communication error detected
3 0 Flash sector unprotect failure
4 0 Host/Aux port buffer overflow
5 1 Imager is in a read cycle
Bit Digits
76 5 4
3 2 1 0
14-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Imager Status Requests
<K?n> All Range Request
This request will return the current settings of all commands within the user-defined range,
starting with the lowest user-defined K command value and ending with the highest
user-defined K command value.
<Knnn?#> Single Range Request
This request will return the value range and storage type description of all fields in the
requested K command.
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-23
Other Operational Serial Commands
The following serial utility commands can be entered from ESP’s Terminal or a PLC.
Y-Modem Upload
<uy,path image>
Y-Modem Download
<dy,image name>
Accepts any file size at or under the standard full-scale image, but transfer must be initiated
as a “Filename.bmp” request. The system myst reserve full-scale storage regardless of
actual image size. All history will be lost at the time image download is initiated. Only one
gray scale image can be downloaded.
Gray scale .bmp images from 8 x 3 to 2048 x 832 can be downloaded, and it is not necessary
to adjust the aspect ratio. A 2048 x 64 image can be sent.
Important: The column values of all images must be divisible by 4, and must be in gray
scale (not color).
Image Library Request
<op,9> Manages files in a selected directory.
Image Type Image Attributes
_gs Gray Scale (default)
_c24 24-bit color image (EZ Match Color only)
_q1...100 JPEG Quality (1 = Lowest; 100 = Highest)
Image Name (.bmp only)
Valid Image Attributes
2048 x 832 (largest image)
8 x 3 (smallest image)
File Source Explanation
(Nothing) All files in “root” directory
/All files in “root” directory
/saved All files in “saved” directory
*.* All files in all directories
/del Deletes all files in the root director
/saved/del Deletes all files in the saved directory
del*.* Deletes files in all directories
14-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Other Operational Serial Commands
Bar Code Configuration Mode
Bar Code Configuration Mode can be entered three different ways:
1. By forcing the imager into Bar Code Configuration Mode by serial command
2. By configuring one of the 4 EZ Button positions to Bar Code Configuration Mode.
3. By reading a Data Matrix symbol with a special code word used by ISO/IEC 16022
to signify imager programming. This can be either in a regular read cycle or during a
Read Rate test. Reading this symbol in the calibration routine will have no effect.
Once Bar Code Configuration Mode has been entered, the Data Matrix symbols can be
thought of as serial data. You can configure the imager by printing labels in Microscan’s
serial command format. Commands are processed as if the data were streamed in
through the serial port. The imager will acknowledge the symbol with a beep, green flash,
and echo the serial data to the host. If the command causes the imager to produce more
serial output, such as serial verification or counter requests, the data will be routed to the
host port.
Bar Code Configuration Mode can be exited by any reset <A> or <Z> command as well
as a <J> or a quick press and release of the EZ Button.
The command to exit
Bar Code Configuration Mode
can be included as part of the Data
Matrix symbol. For example, try encoding
into a Data Matrix symbol.
This configures the imager to enable
Serial Trigger Mode
, to program a new trigger to end
the read cycle, and to exit
Bar Code Configuration Mode
To end all EZ Button functions, press the EZ Button once and quickly release.
Definition: Bar Code Configuration Mode is a way of programming the imager by
using ECC 200 Data Matrix symbols.
Serial Cmd: <BCCFG>
EZ Match User’s Manual 14-25
Tube/Cap Learn
The <@LCAP> command activates the Tube/Cap Learn function. When new profiles are
found, Tube/Cap Learn stores them in the Tube/Cap Library.
When <@LCAP> is sent from Terminal in ESP, one of the following outputs will result:
Learning Tube and Cap...
Added to library #xx
Learning Tube and Cap...
Already in library #xx
Learning Tube and Cap...
Unable to locate a cap
Learning Tube and Cap...
Unable to locate a tube
Learning Tube and Cap...
Unable to add (Library full)!
Learning Tube and Cap...
Please enable a cap detecting operation!
Important: Upon initiation of a Tube/Cap Learn operation, the process searches active
operations (Multi-Operations 1 – 3,
) and locates the first operation that has Tube/Cap
Detection enabled. This operation is used to “learn” the tube or cap. If no operation has
Tube/Cap Detection enabled, the following message will be output:
“Please enable a cap detecting operation!”
14-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
Other Operational Serial Commands
White Balance Calibration
The EZ Match Imager’s factory default values are appropriate for nearly all applications.
However, the White Balance calibration command will override the pre-configured values
if necessary.
White Balance is a processing operation performed to ensure proper color fidelity in a
captured digital image. The image sensor does not detect light in exactly the same way as
the human eye, which means that some processing or correction of the detected image is
necessary to ensure that the final image realistically represents the colors of the original
White Balance calibration works best if a white object (a piece of paper, for example) is
placed in front of the imager. White and black objects can be present in the field of view
during White Balance calibration, but no color objects can be present.
Important: The White Balance correction adjusts the R, G, and B gain offset values for
every possible analog gain (0 to 42) in the system. Any gain values greater than 42 (43 to
48) will use the factory default White Balance settings.
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-1
Output Format
This section explains how to control the formatting and filtering of decoded symbol data for
Output Format Serial Commands............................................................................................... 15-2
Output Format Status................................................................................................................. 15-3
Format Assign ............................................................................................................................ 15-4
Format Extract............................................................................................................................ 15-5
Format Insert.............................................................................................................................. 15-7
Output Filter Configuration ......................................................................................................... 15-9
Ordered Output Filter .............................................................................................................. 15-13
15-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
Output Format Serial Commands
Output Format Serial Commands
Format Extract <K740,output index,start location,length>
Format Insert <K741,output index,length,hex string>
Format Assign <K742,symbol number,status>
Format Status <K743,output format status>
Output Filter Configuration <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,
placeholder,data,unused,database index>
Ordered Output Filter <K745,number of filters>
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-3
Output Format
Output Format Status
Output Format Status Disabled
When Output Format Status is set to Disabled, output formatting is globally disabled.
Output Format Status Enabled
When Output Format Status is set to Enabled, output formatting is enabled. However,
Format Assign, Format Insert, and Format Extract must be properly set up as well.
Output Format Status by ESP
Definition: This is a global enable/disable parameter. In order to use formatting you
must set up the format using the insert and extract commands, and you
must also assign a symbol to format using the Format Assign command.
Serial Cmd: <K743,output format status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
On the Output Format tab, check the Enable Output Format box.
15-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
Format Assign
Format Assign
Symbol Number
Format Assign by ESP
Symbol Number
refers to the number of the symbol to which output formatting
will apply. For example, if you wish to enable user-defined formatting to symbol
# 2 in a multisymbol read cycle, you would send the command
Note that the number of symbols may exceed the format capabilities
Serial Cmd: <K742,symbol number,status>
Options: 1 to 10
1 = Formatted output status for symbol # 1.
2 = Formatted output status for symbol # 2.
10 = Formatted output status for symbol # 10.
Definition: Status refers to the user-defined formatting of a selected symbol position in
the read cycle result. Note that there is also a global formatting “enable”
command that must be set for the formatting to be applied.
Serial Cmd: <K742,symbol number,status>
Default: Disabled
Options: 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled (Assign parameters to specified symbol.)
Then check the Parse boxes beneath
the symbols that you wish to format
for user-defined output.
Use the Set Number of Symbols spin box to
determine the number of symbols to be included in
the output phrase.
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-5
Output Format
Format Extract
Output Index
Start Location
Definition: Output Index refers to the database entry you wish to modify with this
command. A formatted output is built by extracting data from a symbol’s
original data output and/or inserting user-defined characters.
It may be helpful to think of individual indexes as positions in the final formatted
output you wish to build. Starting with index # 1, enter either an extract or insert
command to begin building your desired output string. Then, with the next index
number, enter either an extract or insert command to continue building the output
string. Continue this process until you are finished building the string.
Serial Cmd: <K740,output index,start location,length>
Options: 1 to 100
Definition: Defines the location within the symbol data where the character extraction
will begin. The first character extracted will also be the first character in the
sequence displayed in user-defined output.
Serial Cmd: <K740,output index,start location,length>
Default: 0
Options: 1 to n (maximum number of characters in the symbol data).
Definition: Defines the length (in consecutive characters) that will be extracted and
placed in user-defined output.
Serial Cmd: <K740,output index,start location,length>
Default: 0 (disabled; end of format cell array)
Options: 1 to n (maximum number of characters in the symbol data).
15-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Format Assign
Format Extract by ESP
You can extract and insert several character sequences using ESP’s Symbol Parse feature.
In this example, the selected extraction range is characters 2-4. The “Sample Symbol” example
on the Symbol Parse dialog shows the selected character positions extracted and output as
desired. Simultaneously, the data string from the actual selected symbol is displayed at the
bottom left of the Parse Table, followed by the user-defined extracted output.
The Extract Range
function corresponds to
the Start Location and
Length parameters in
the Format Extract
serial command.
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-7
Output Format
Format Insert
Output Index
Hex String
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Definition: Output Index refers to the database entry you wish to modify with this
command. A formatted output is built by extracting data from a symbol’s
original data output and/or inserting user-defined characters.
It may be helpful to think of individual indexes as positions in the final formatted
output you wish to build. Starting with index # 1, enter either an extract or insert
command to begin building your desired output string. Then, with the next
index number, enter either an extract or insert command to continue building
the output string. Continue this process until you are finished building the
Serial Cmd: <K741,output index,length,hex string>
Options: 1 to 100
Definition: Specifies the length of the user-defined character string that will be inserted.
This function is limited to 4 characters per output index, so multiple indexes
must be entered in order to insert longer character sequences.
For example, if you wish to insert a 10 character sequence in user-defined
output, you would need three commands with consecutive index numbers,
where the first two character sequence lengths were 4 and the third was 2.
Serial Cmd: <K741,output index,length,hex string>
Default: 0 (disabled; end of format cell array)
Options: 1 to 4
Definition: Specifies a character string that represents ASCII characters to be
inserted in the database entry. Two hex characters are required for every
ASCII character to be inserted in the user-defined output string. These
two characters comprise the hex (base 16) value of the ASCII character.
For example, if you wanted to enter the three-character sequence “Hi!” you
would enter 3 for the length of the string, and a hex sequence of 486921 for
the ASCII sequence to be inserted. (48 = H; 69 = i; 21 = !)
Important: Each pair of hex characters represents one ASCII character.
Hex character pairs range from 00 to FF. Since you are limited to 4 ASCII
characters per insertion per database entry, you are likewise limited to 8
hex characters per insertion per database entry.
Serial Cmd: <K741,output index,length,hex string>
Default: NUL (00 in hex)
Options: 00 to FF (As many as 4 bytes, or hex pairs.)
15-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Format Insert
Format Insert by ESP
Notice that Extract
and Insert share the
same Parse Table.
The Format Insert process is very similar
to the Format Extract process, except that
Insert allows you to enter characters using
the Insertion Calculator (shown above).
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-9
Output Format
Output Filter Configuration
Rules for Output Filter Configuration
Output Filter Configuration Rule # 1
Each symbol that is decoded must match one of the filters before it can be saved to a read
cycle record. There is an exception to this rule, however, when the number of symbols
required for a read cycle exceeds the number of active filters. In such a case, unfiltered
symbols can be placed into unfiltered output positions.
For example, if the number of symbols required is 6 but there are only 4 active filters, the
last 2 positions can be filled by any (unfiltered) qualified symbol.
Output Filter Configuration Rule # 2
The same filter setup can be used multiple times.
For example, filters 1, 2, and 3 can be set up to filter Data Matrix symbols, and the output
will occur in the order the symbols are decoded.
Output Filter Configuration Rule # 3
All qualified symbols will be sorted and output in the matching filter position. If a symbol
matches filter 3, it will be output as the third symbol. If a filter does not have a matching
qualified symbol, a No Read message will be output in place of the symbol (assuming the
No Read message is enabled).
For example, if there is not a symbol that meets filter 3’s requirements, then a No Read
message will be output in the third output position.
Definition: Output filtering is a method of providing a set of Good Read qualifiers and
also providing ordered output. There is a filter for up to the first 10 positions
in a multisymbol output. The first filter corresponds to the first symbol output
at the end of the read cycle. Each filter has has settings for the following
four parameters:
Symbology Type
Symbol Length
, and
IP Database
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
15-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Output Filter Configuration
Filter Number
Symbology Type
Definition: This is the filter index number that represents the position of the symbol in
the data output at the end of the read cycle. This index number should be
entered along with the following filter settings for the predetermined symbol
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Options: 1 to 10
Specifies the symbology type allowed to occupy this location in multi-symbol
Note: To filter or order a symbol, the symbol must meet all the requirements
of the selected filter index.
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Default: 0 (any symbology type)
Options: •0 = Any type
1 = Interleaved 2 of 5
•2 = Code 39
•3 = Code 128
4 = Codabar
•5 = UPC
•6 = PDF417
7 = EAN-128
•8 = Code 93
9 = PharmaCode
10 = GS1 DataBar (RSS)
11 = MicroPDF417
12 = Composite
13 = BC412
14 = Data Matrix
15 = QR Code
•16 = Cap
17 = Tube
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-11
Output Format
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Definition: Specifies the length of the decoded symbol allowed to occupy this location
in multi-symbol output.
Note: To filter or order a symbol, the symbol must meet all requirements of
the selected filter index.
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 64
This is the character to be used in the data output field when performing a data
filter comparison. The wildcard character represents the end of matching, and
allows for variable lengths of symbol output.
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Default: * “ = 2A (hex)
Options: Any ASCII input in the form of a pair of hex characters.
2A = *
00 = disabled
Definition: The placeholder character requires a character to be present, but does not
compare the data value.
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Default: ? ” = 3F (hex)
Options: Any ASCII input in the form of a pair of hex characters.
3F = ?
00 = disabled
15-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Output Filter Configuration
See ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33 for a detailed explanation of how to
enter ASCII characters as hex values.
Database Index
Definition: This is the data string to be used when comparing symbol data for output
filtering and ordering. This data string may also contain wildcard and
placeholder characters to facilitate matching. Remember that in order to
filter or order symbol data, it must meet all the requirements of the
selected filter index.
Filter data = “123*”. This will match data strings of “123”, “123456”, and
“123ABC”, but not “12”.
Filter data = “123*AB?C”. This will be interpreted as “123*”.
Filter data = “123?”. This will match “1234” and “123A”, but not “123”,
“12345”, or “1234C”.
Filter data = “123?A”. This will match “1234A” and “123BA”, but not
“123”, “1234C”, or “1234ABCD”.
Filter data = “123?A?”. This will match “1234AB” and “123BAT”, but not
“1234A” or “123BATS”.
Filter data = “12??*”. This will match “1234”, “123456”, and “123ABC”,
but not “12” or “123”.
Filter data = “123?A*”. This will match “1234A”, “123BA”, and
“123BATS”, but not “1234” or “1234C”.
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Default: NUL (00 in hex)
Options: Any ASCII input in the form of a pair of hex characters.
Maximum length: 63 bytes defined.
41422A = AB*
Data [0] = NUL represents string matching disabled.
Definition: The index of the database entry that decodes a given symbol must equal
this setting for filtering to occur. A setting of 0 allows any database index for
this filter entry.
Serial Cmd: <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard,placeholder,data,
unused,database index>
Default: 0 (any index)
Options: 0 to 10
EZ Match User’s Manual 15-13
Output Format
Ordered Output Filter
Definition: Number of Filters refers to the number of active output filters. 0 disables
all output filters. Any non-zero numeral will enable filtering to be performed
using the filter indexes covered by this value.
For example, if the number of filters is 1, then only filter index # 1 will be
applied. If the number of filters is 2, then only filter index # 1 and filter index
# 2 will be applied, etc.
Serial Cmd: <K745,number of filters>
Default: 0
Options: 0 to 10
15-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Ordered Output Filter
EZ Match User’s Manual A-1
Appendix A General Specifications.............................................................................................. A-2
Appendix B Electrical Specifications ............................................................................................A-5
Appendix C Serial Configuration Commands............................................................................... A-8
Appendix D Communications Protocol....................................................................................... A-15
Appendix E ASCII Table............................................................................................................. A-24
Appendix F Interface Standards................................................................................................. A-25
Appendix G Using an External Trigger....................................................................................... A-26
Appendix H Operational Tips .....................................................................................................A-27
Appendix I USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver..................................................................... A-28
Appendix J Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................... A-31
A-2 EZ Match User’s Manual
General Specifications
Appendix A — General Specifications
Height: 1" (25.4 mm)
Width: 1.8" (45.7 mm)
Depth: 2.10" (53.3 mm)
Weight: 2 oz. (57 g)
Enclosure: IP54, category 2
Operating Tempurature: 0° to 50°C (32° to
Storage Tempurature: -50° to 75° C (-58 to
Humidity: Up to 90% (non-condensing)
CE Mark
General Immunity for Light Industry: EN
55024:1998 ITE Immunity Standard
Radiated and Conducted Emissions of ITE
Equipment: EN 55022:1998 ITE Disturbances
Light Source
Type: High-output white LEDs
Light Collection Options
Progressive scan, square pixel. Software
adjustable shutter speed, electronic shutter
EZ Match Color: 2048 x 832
EZ Match: 1280 x 1024
2D Symbologies: Data Matrix (ECC 0-200),
QR Code
Stacked Symbologies: PDF417,
MicroPDF417, GS1 DataBar (Composite and
Linear Symbologies: Code 39, Code 128,
BC412, Interleaved 2 of 5, Pharmacode,
UPC/EAN, Codabar, Code 93
Read Parameters
Pitch: ±30° Skew: ±30° Tilt: 360°
Decode Rate: Up to 10 decodes per second
Type: 3 ft. cable terminated with High Density 15-pin D-Sub socket connector or USB type A connector
LEDS: Read Performance, Power, Read Status
Green Flash: Good Read
Blue Target Pattern: Symbol locator
Beeper: Good Read, match/mismatch, No Read, serial command confirmation, on/off
Communication Protocols
Standard Interfaces: RS-232, RS-422, USB
Discrete I/O
Trigger Input: 5 to 28VDC rated (.16 mA)
New Master: 5 to 28VDC rated (.16 mA)
Outputs (1, 2, 3): 5V TTL compatible; can sink 10 mA and source 10mA
Optional I/O: Optoisolated (with IC-332 accessory)
EZ Match Imager Dimensions
Note: Nominal dimensions shown. Typical tolerances apply.
EZ Match User’s Manual A-3
Read Ranges
EZ Match Color
Narrow-bar-width Field of View
(maximum) Read Range
1D 2D
.005" (.13 mm) .0075" (.19 mm) 4.2" (106.7 mm) 3.6 to 4.5" (91.4 mm to 114.3 mm)
.0075" (.19 mm) .010" (.25 mm) 4.5" (114.3 mm) 3.4 to 4.9" (86.4 mm to 124.5 mm)
.010" (.25 mm) .015" (.38 mm) 5.5" (139.7 mm) 2.9 to 5.6" (73.7 mm to 142.2 mm)
EZ Match
Narrow-bar-width Field of View
(maximum) Read Range
1D 2D
.0075" (.19 mm) .010" (.25 mm) 4.2" (106.7 mm) 3.3 to 4.5" (83.8 mm to 114.3 mm)
.010" (.25 mm) .015" (.38 mm) 4.5" (114.3 mm) 2.75 to 5.0" (69.9 mm to 127 mm)
EZ Match Color EZ Match
A-4 EZ Match User’s Manual
General Specifications
Safety Certifications
ISO Certification
ISO 9001 Certified
Issued by TUV USA Inc., Member of TUV NORD Group
©2010 Microscan Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change.
Product specifications are given for typical performance at 25°C (77°F) using grade A labels. Performance
characteristics may vary at high temperatures or other environmental extremes. Warranty–One year limited
on parts and labor. Extended warranty available.
EZ Match User’s Manual A-5
Appendix B — Electrical Specifications
Power: 3.5 Watts (max.)
5VDC +/– 5%, 200 mV p-p max. ripple, 440 mA @ 5VDC (typ.)
Optional Int: 10-28V Accy
Host Connector / Pin Assignments
High Density 15 Pin D-sub Socket Connector
a. Can sink 10 mA and source 10 mA.
b. The default is activated by connecting pin 8 to ground pin 4.
c. Chassis ground: Used to connect chassis body to earth ground only. Not to be used as power or signal return.
Optoisolator Outputs
Optoisolator circuits can transfer pulses between the imager and peripherals with no direct
connection with the imager’s internal circuitry. However, not every optoisolator configuration
provides complete isolation. The following diagrams show both fully optoisolated and
non-optoisolated circuits. They are only examples and do not represent all the possible
wiring configurations.
Pin Host RS-232 Host/Aux RS-232 Host RS-422/485 In/Out
1Power +5 VDC In
2 TxD TxD TxD(–) Out
3 RxD RxD RxD(–) In
4Power/Signal Ground
6RTS Aux TxD TxD(+) Out
7Output 1 TTL a Out
8Default configuration b In
9Trigger In
10 CTS Aux RxD RxD(+) In
11 Output 3 TTL a Out
12 New Master (NPN) In
13 Chassis ground c
14 Output 2 TTL a Out
15 NC
Iload=5mA Iload=50mA Iload=100mA
a. Voltage drop across output when activated.
0.5V 0.5V 1.0V
tOn-Typ 5mS 0.7mS 0.8mS
tOff-Typ S 5µS S
Output Outputs (+)
Outputs (–)
A-6 EZ Match User’s Manual
Electrical Specifications
Output Circuit Examples
Fully Optoisolated
This circuit is fully optoisolated and is the
recommended configuration. It allows
user to apply 1 to 28 VDC to the circuit.
Caution: The maximum current that can
pass through the optoisolator is 100mA.
Not Optoisolated, Imager Grounded
In this diagram, power is applied externally,
but the scanner’s power ground is used
to complete the circuit. This setup
involves some risk to the optoisolator if
excessive voltages are applied.
Caution: The maximum current that can
pass through the optoisolator is 100mA.
Additional Output Circuit Examples
Isolated Host
Power ground
Outputs (+)
Power (+)
Outputs (–)
Non-isolated Host
Power ground
Power (+)
Outputs (–)
Outputs (+)
Power ground
Outputs (+)
Power +
Outputs (–)
Secondary Relay
Power ground
Outputs (+)
Power +
Outputs (–)
EZ Match User’s Manual A-7
Optoisolator Inputs
All discrete inputs can be fully isolated pulses as PNP or NPN circuits.
Input Examples
Fully Optoisolated
Not Optoisolated
Input (+)
Input (–)
New master pin input (–) is internally grounded.
Minimum Maximum
VIN-HIGH/IIN-HIGH 4.5 V/3.0mA 28 V/23mA
Pulse Widthmin 48 µS
PNP Source
Input (–)
Input (+)
VCC Input (+)
Input (–)
NPN Source
(trigger only)
New master pin input (–) is internally grounded.
Non-isolated Non-isolated Scanner NPN Source
(trigger only)
PNP Source
Input (–)
Input (+)
Power (+)
Power ground
Power ground
Input (–)
Input (+)
Power (+)
New master pin input (–) is internally grounded.
A-8 EZ Match User’s Manual
Serial Configuration Commands
Appendix C — Serial Configuration Commands
Tube/Cap Inspection
Active Tube/Cap Library Indexes <K257,number of active indexes>
Tube/Cap Dimensions <K258,index,tube diameter,cap base length,cap base diameter,
cap tip diameter,hue,saturation,value>
index,operation,frame count,timeout,database min,database max>
Tube/Cap Information
separator,library index,tube angle,tube/cap tip position,cap
color,match status,tube diameter>
Tube/Cap Message Formatting <K851,cap presence message index,cap absence message
index,cap unknown message index,tube presence message
index,tube absence message index>
Tube/Cap Message Editing <K852,index,message>
Host Port Connections <K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
Auxiliary Port Connections <K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy
chain ID status,daisy chain ID>
RS-422 Status <K102,status>
Host Port Protocol <K140,protocol,address>
Preamble <K141,status,preamble characters>
Postamble <K142,status,postamble characters>
Response Timeout <K143,response timeout>
LRC <K145,status>
Auxiliary Port System Data Status <K146,aux port system data status>
Polling Mode Options <K148,RES,REQ,STX,ETX,ACK,NAK>
Autoconfiguration Daisy Chain <K150DAISY>
Calibration Options <K529,gain,shutter speed,symbol type,WOI framing,WOI margin,
line scan height,processing>
Read Cycle
Trigger Mode/Duration <K200,trigger mode,trigger filter duration>
Serial Trigger Character <K201,serial trigger character>
External Trigger State <K202,external trigger state>
End of Read Cycle <K220,end of read cycle,read cycle timeout>
Minimum Good Reads <K221,minimum good reads>
Multisymbol <K222,number of symbols,multisymbol separator>
Start Trigger Character <K229,start character>
Stop Trigger Character <K230,stop character>
Capture Mode <K241,capture mode,number of captures,rapid capture mode,
Capture Timing <K242,time before first capture,time between first and second
captures,,,,,,,,time between seventh and eighth captures>
EZ Match User’s Manual A-9
Image Storage <K244,image storage type,image store mode>
Narrow Margins/Symbology ID
narrow margin status,symbology identifier status>
Background Color <K451,background color>
Composite <K453,symbology status,separator status,separator>
Code 39
status,check character status,check character output status
large intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,full ASCII set>
Codabar <K471,status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter
gap,fixed symbol length status,symbol length,check character
type,check character output>
Interleaved 2 of 5
status,check character status,check character output status
symbol length #1, symbol length #2, guard bar status,range mode
UPC status,EAN status,supplemental status,separator status,
separator character,supplemental type,format UPC-E as UPC-A>
Code 128/EAN-128
<K474,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,EAN-128 status,output format,application record separator
status,application record separator character,application record
brackets,application record padding>
Code 93 <K475,status,fixed symbol length status,symbol length>
PDF417 <K476,status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
length,[unused],codeword collection>
Pharmacode <K477,status,fixed bar count status,fixed bar count,minimum bar
count,bar width mode,direction,fixed threshold value>
Data Matrix <K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC
080 status,ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status,ECC
130 status>
QR Code <K480,status>
BC412 <K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status,
fixed symbol length>
DataBar-14 <K482,status>
DataBar Limited <K483,status>
DataBar Expanded <K484,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
status,[unused],fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol
I/O Parameters
Power On/Reset Counts <K406,power-on,resets,power-on saves,power-on flash
saves,power-on tube/cap library saves>
Time Since Reset <K407,hours,minutes>
Service Message <K409,status,service message,threshold,resolution>
Serial Verification <K701,serial command echo status,serial command beep status,
control/hex output>
Beeper <K702,status>
Quality Output <K704,quality output separator,decodes/trigger status>
Symbol Data Output <K705,symbol data output status,when to output>
Read Duration Output <K706,status,separator>
A-10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Communication Protocol Commands
No Read Message <K714,status,message>
Bad Symbol Message <K715,[unused],message>
No Symbol Message <K716,[unused],message>
1D/Stacked Symbology Qualification <K717,minimum number of bars,minimum number of qualified
scan lines,start/stop status>
2D Symbology Qualification
<K718,finder pattern status,symbol size status,symbol size
1,symbol size 2,symbol size tolerance,dimension status,dimension
1,dimension 2,dimension tolerance,orientation status,orientation
Frame Information <K734,output frame number,output coordinates>
LED Configuration <K737,LED mode,ISO/IEC 16022 grade>
Image Output <K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG
Target/Flood LEDs <K750,green flash LED status,target pattern LED status,green
flash duration>
EZ Trax Output <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,
object info output,grade output,color>
Database Identifier Output <K759,status,separator>
EZ Button
global status,default on power-on,load IP database
,save for
EZ Button Modes <K771,single beep,two beeps,three beeps,four beeps>
Trend Analysis Output 1 <K780,trend analysis mode,trigger evaluation period,number to
decodes/trigger threshold
Trend Analysis Output 2 <K781,trend analysis mode,trigger evaluation period,number to
decodes/trigger threshold
Trend Analysis Output 3 <K782,trend analysis mode,trigger evaluation period,number to
decodes/trigger threshold
Diagnostic Output 1 <K790,unused 1,service unit>
Diagnostic Output 2 <K791,unused 1,service unit>
Diagnostic Output 3 <K792,unused 1,service unit>
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output
on print growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity
axial non-uniformity threshold,output on unused ECC, unused ECC
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output
on print growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity
axial non-uniformity threshold,output on unused ECC, unused ECC
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3
output on symbol contrast,symbol contrast threshold,output
on print growth,print growth threshold,output on axial non-uniformity
axial non-uniformity threshold,output on unused ECC, unused ECC
Configurable Output 1 <K810,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Configurable Output 2 <K811,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Configurable Output 3 <K812,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1 <K860,mode,output on>
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2 <K861,mode,output on>
EZ Match User’s Manual A-11
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3 <K862,mode,output on>
Symbol Quality
Symbol Quality Separator/ Data Matrix
Output Mode <K708,symbol quality separator,data matrix output mode>
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output
symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,unused ECC>
Microscan Symbol Quality Output
<K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate
time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet
zone,symbol angle>
Matchcode Type
matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position,match
length,wild card character,sequence on No Read,sequence on
Number of Master Symbols <K224,number of master symbols>
New Master Pin <K225,status>
Enter Master Symbol Data <K231,master symbol number,master symbol data>
Request Master Symbol Data
>[for all]
master symbol number>
Delete Master Symbol Data <K231,master symbol number,>
Match Replace <K735,status,match replacement string>
Mismatch Replace <K736,status,mismatch replacement string>
Camera and IP Setup
IP Timeout <K245,image processing timeout>
IP Threshold <K512,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,cycle min,cycle
max,cycle step,adaptive contrast percent>
Mirrored Image <K514,mirrored image>
Window of Interest
row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Hollow Mode <K517,hollow mode status>
Number of Symbols in Field of View
<K518,number of symbols in field of view>
Damaged Symbol
<K519,damaged symbol status>
Focal Distance (Read-Only)
<K525,focal distance>
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only)
<K526,number of focal distances,focal distance>
IP Mode <K527,IP Mode,FLM direction>
Tube/Cap Mode <K533,tube/cap direction,tube/cap rotation,cap unknown qualify,
tube/cap presence before output,cap unknown presence before
Illumination Brightness <K536,brightness>
Skew Correction <K537,line speed,symbol direction>
Camera Parameters <K541,shutter speed,gain>
Pixel Sub-Sampling <K542,sub-sampling>
Color Filter (EZ Match Color Only) <K543,color filter>
Color Detection (EZ Match Color Only) <K544,status,color match resolution>
IP Database
Number of Active Indexes <K252,number of active database settings>
A-12 EZ Match User’s Manual
Serial Configuration Commands
IP Database Status
index,shutter speed,gain,sub-sampling,row pointer,column
pointer,row depth, column width,threshold mode,fixed threshold
value,processing mode, narrow margins, background color,symbology
Save Current Settings to Database <K255+,index>
Load Current Settings from Database
Request Selected Index Settings <K255?,index>
Request All Database Settings <K255?>
Database Mode
switch mode,frame count/time,image process looping,image
Output Format
Format Extract <K740,output index,start location,length>
Format Insert <K741,output index,length,hex string>
Format Assign <K742,symbol number,status>
Format Status <K743,output format status>
Output Filter Configuration <K744,filter number,symbology type,length,wildcard, placeholder,
data,unused,database index>
Ordered Output Filter <K745,number of filters>
EZ Match User’s Manual A-13
Serial Command Format
Serial commands are of two types: utility and configuration.
Rules that apply to both utility and configuration commands
A less than < and greater than > character enclose the commands.
Commands and data are “case sensitive.” That is, characters must be entered as upper
or lower case, as specified.
Serial Utility Commands
These are sent during operations and are not followed by <A> or <Z>.
Serial Configuration “K” Commands
These begin with a single “K character followed by a 3-digit numeric character, data
fields, and an initializing command, as follows:
<Knumeric parameter,data,data,...etc.><initializing command>
An initializing command <A> or <Z> may follow the command. A <Z> initializes the
imager’s memory and saves for power-on; an <A> initializes the imager’s memory but
does not save for power-on.
For example, to enable UPC and save the change for power-on, send <K473,1><Z>.
To change Baud Rate and reset without saving changes for power-on, send
Serial Configuration Command Conventions
All data fields (except the last) must be followed by a comma (without a space).
NUL cannot be used. The characters <, >, and , can be used, but only if entered as hex
pairs (see ASCII Character Entry Modifier on page 4-33).
All fields preceding a modified field must be included.
If there is no change in preceding fields, then commas alone can be entered in these
fields. For example, if only the last field in the following command is changing,
<K100,4,1,0,0> can be entered as <K100,,,,0>.
All fields following a modified field can be omitted. For example, to change Baud Rate
only, send <K100,3>.
A-14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Serial Configuration Commands
Concatenating Configuration Commands
Commands can be concatenated (added together) in a single string or data block. For
example, <K145,1><K220,1><K450,1><A> enables LRC, sets End of Read Cycle mode
to New Trigger, enables Narrow Margins, and resets the data buffers (without saving the
changes for power-on).
Serial Command Status Request
To ensure that any command was received and accepted, you can send the Show Reader
Status command: <?>.
The status of a specific serial command can be requested by entering the command followed
by a question mark. For example, send <K142?> to request the status of Postamble.
Entering Control Characters in Serial Commands
To enter control characters within a serial command, hold down the Ctrl key while typing the
desired character.
Example: To enter a carriage return and line feed (^M^J), enter <K141,1,CNTL-m CNTL-j>
EZ Match User’s Manual A-15
Appendix D — Communications Protocol
Communications Protocol Command Table
Protocol Command
(Mnemonic displayed on menu)
Control Characters
(Entered in menu or
serial command)
Value Effect of Command
RES ^D 04 Reset
REQ ^E 05 Request
EOT ^D 04 Reset
STX ^B 02 Start of Text
ETX ^C 03 End of Text
ACK ^F 06 Acknowledge
NAK ^U 15 Negative Acknowledge
XON ^Q 11 Begin Transmission
XOFF ^S 13 Stop Transmission
A-16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Communications Protocol
ACK / NAK Data Flow Examples
Setup 1
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Error Condition
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
RES 0x00 (disabled)
REQ 0x00 (disabled)
STX 0x00 (disabled)
ETX 0x00 (disabled)
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
LRC disabled
HOST_TX <K141,0>
HOST_TX <K141?>
IMAGER_TX <K141,0>
IMAGER_TX symbol data
HOST_TX ‘NAK’ (host rejects)
IMAGER_TX symbol data (resend data)
HOST_TX ‘ACK’ (transaction complete)
HOST_TX <K141?>
IMAGER_TX <K141,0>
timeout reached...
timeout reached...
timeout reached...
Timeout Reached
transaction aborted, data is flushed
EZ Match User’s Manual A-17
Setup 2
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Error Condition
Transfer 1
RES 0x00 (disabled)
REQ 0x00 (disabled)
STX 0x00 (disabled)
ETX 0x00 (disabled)
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
LRC enabled
HOST_TX <K141,0>a
HOST_TX <K141?>B
IMAGER_TX <K141,0>a
HOST_TX <k141,0>x (BAD LRC)
HOST_TX <K141,0>a (GOOD LRC)
A-18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Communications Protocol
Setup 3
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
RES 0x00 (disabled)
REQ 0x00 (disabled)
STX 0x28 ‘(‘
ETX 0x29 ‘)’
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
LRC enabled
HOST_TX (<K141,0>)H
HOST_TX (<K141?>)k
IMAGER_TX (<K141,^M>)w
EZ Match User’s Manual A-19
Setup 4
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Error Condition
Transfer 1
RES 0x21 ‘!’
REQ 0x3D ‘=’
STX 0x28 ‘(‘
ETX 0x29 ‘)’
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
LRC enabled
HOST_TX (<K141,0>)H
HOST_TX (<K100?>)n
IMAGER_TX (<K100,8,0,0,1>)X
HOST_TX (<K141,0>)H
HOST_TX (<K100?>)n
IMAGER_TX (<K100,8,0,0,1>)X
timeout reached...
timeout reached...
timeout reached...
timeout reached...
A-20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Communications Protocol
Polling Mode Data Flow Examples
Setup 1
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Starting with a ‘RES’ ensures a clean transaction, without “leftovers” from the previous
Error Condition 1
Address 0x01 (translates to) Poll Req @ ‘0x1C’, Unit Select @ ‘0x1D’
RES 0x04
REQ 0x05
STX 0x02
ETX 0x03
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
LRC disabled
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1D’ ‘REQ’ (Select Unit 1 to receive data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1D’ ‘ACK’ (Unit responds with its address)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1D’ ‘ACK’ (Unit responds with its address)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 2)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’
IMAGER_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 1)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’
HOST_TX ‘Nothing’ (Host should ‘ACK’ here)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 1, data is flushed)
EZ Match User’s Manual A-21
Error Condition 2
The protocol makes 3 retry attempts before data is flushed and transfer is aborted.
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’
HOST_TX ‘Nothing’ (Host should ‘ACK’ here)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
HOST_TX ‘NAK’ (Host rejects data frame)
(Retry Event)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ (Unit sends again)
HOST_TX ‘ACK’ (Host receives data)
IMAGER_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 1)
A-22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Communications Protocol
Setup 2
Transfer 1
Transfer 2
Starting with a ‘RES’ ensures a clean transaction, without “leftovers” from the previous
Error Condition 1
Address 0x01 (translates to) Poll Req @ ‘0x1C’, Unit Select @ ‘0x1D’
RES 0x04
REQ 0x05
STX 0x02
ETX 0x03
ACK 0x06
NAK 0x15
LRC enabled
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1D’ ‘REQ’ (Select Unit 1 to receive data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1D’ ‘ACK’ (Unit responds with its address)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1D’ ‘ACK’ (Unit responds with its address)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 2)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ ‘LRC’
HOST_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 1)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ ‘LRC’
HOST_TX ‘Nothing’ (Host should ‘ACK’ here)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 1, data is flushed)
EZ Match User’s Manual A-23
Error Condition 2
Error Condition 3
The protocol makes 3 retry attempts before data is flushed and transfer is aborted.
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ ‘LRC’
HOST_TX ‘Nothing’ (Host should ‘ACK’ here)
timeout reached...
IMAGER_TX ‘REQ’ (Unit requests an ‘ACK’ again)
HOST_TX ‘NAK’ (Host rejects data frame)
(Retry Event)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ ‘LRC’ (Unit sends again)
HOST_TX ‘ACK’ (Host receives data)
IMAGER_TX ‘RES’ (Terminate Transfer 1)
HOST_TX ‘RES’ ‘0x1C’ ‘REQ’ (Poll Unit 1 for data)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ ‘BAD LRC’
HOST_TX ‘NAK’ (Host rejects bad LRC data)
(Retry Event)
IMAGER_TX ‘0x1C’ ‘STX’ <T/00000> ‘ETX’ ‘GOOD LRC’ (Unit sends again)
HOST_TX ‘ACK’ (Host receives data)
IMAGER_TX ‘RES’ Terminate Transfer 1)
A-24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Appendix E — ASCII Table
Dec Hex Mne Ctrl Dec Hex Ch Dec Hex Ch Dec Hex Ch
00 00 NUL ^@ 32 20 SP 64 40 @ 96 60 `
01 01 SOH ^A 33 21 ! 65 41 A 97 61 a
02 02 STX ^B 34 22 66 42 B 98 62 b
03 03 ETX ^C 35 23 # 67 43 C 99 63 c
04 04 EOT ^D 36 24 $ 68 44 D 100 64 d
05 05 ENQ ^E 37 25 % 69 45 E 101 65 e
06 06 ACK ^F 38 26 & 70 46 F 102 66 f
07 07 BEL ^G 39 27 ' 71 47 G 103 67 g
08 08 BS ^H 40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h
09 09 HT ^I 41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i
10 0A LF ^J 42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j
11 0B VT ^K 43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k
12 0C FF ^L 44 2C , 76 4C L 108 6C l
13 0D CR ^M 45 2D - 77 4D M 109 6D m
14 0E SO ^N 46 2E . 78 4E N 110 6E n
15 0F SI ^O 47 2F / 79 4F O 111 6F o
16 10 DLE ^P 48 30 0 80 50 P 112 70 p
17 11 DC1 ^Q 49 31 1 81 51 Q 113 71 q
18 12 DC2 ^R 50 32 2 82 52 R 114 72 r
19 13 DC3 ^S 51 33 3 83 53 S 115 73 s
20 14 DC4 ^T 52 34 4 84 54 T 116 74 t
21 15 NAK ^U 53 35 5 85 55 U 117 75 u
22 16 SYN ^V 54 36 6 86 56 V 118 76 v
23 17 ETB ^W 55 37 7 87 57 W 119 77 w
24 18 CAN ^X 56 38 8 88 58 X 120 78 x
25 19 EM ^Y 57 39 9 89 59 Y 121 79 y
26 1A SUB ^Z 58 3A : 90 5A Z 122 7A z
27 1B ESC ^[ 59 3B ; 91 5B [ 123 7B {
28 1C FS ^\ 60 3C < 92 5C \ 124 7C |
29 1D GS ^] 61 3D = 93 5D ] 125 7D }
30 1E RS ^^ 62 3E > 94 5E ^ 126 7E ~
31 1F US ^_ 63 3F ? 95 5F _ 127 7F D
EZ Match User’s Manual A-25
Appendix F — Interface Standards
Interface Standards, established by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA), specify
such things as the signaling voltage levels, maximum cable lengths, and number of drivers.
In the EZ Match Imager, selection of interface is made by pin assignment and, in the case
of host communications, by software switching between RS-232 and RS-422 / RS-485.
RS-232 defines an interface between two devices such as, for example, the reader and
host. It differs from the other interfaces by dedicating individual pins to specific functions
and by requiring both devices to share a common ground line. Since both device chassis
are connected to a common ground, a ground loop potential and the possibility of noise
interference exists. Therefore cable lengths are limited to a maximum of 50 feet (19.7m).
Despite being the most limited, this interface is used frequently because of the large
installed base of RS-232 equipment.
RS-422 / 485
RS-422, unlike RS-232, measures signals deferentially; that is, the receiver looks at the
potentials between the two receive (or transmit) wires rather than the potential between
signal and ground. As a result, cables, if shielded, can be up to 4000 feet (1219m) in
length. Like RS-232, RS-422 communication is designed for only two devices on a single
line and must have a common ground. It can be used wherever RS-232 is used.
The Universal Serial Bus can connect up to 127 devices to a host at a maximum of 6
megabytes per second (Mbps) of bandwidth.
A-26 EZ Match User’s Manual
Using an External Trigger
Appendix G — Using an External Trigger
Two types of inputs are used on Microscan readers. 5 volt devices have NPN trigger
inputs. 10-28 volt devices have optoisolated inputs and outputs.
5 Volt Devices
To trigger a 5 volt device, the input has to be pulled down to “signal ground” (NPN). This
can be done by relays or by a transistor-sourced signal. If a 5 volt device is used in combination
with an IC-332, it must be connected as a 10-28 volt device.
10-28 Volt Devices
To trigger a 10-28 volt device, a small amount of current needs to flow from “Trigger +” to
“Trigger –”. If a PNP source is used, “Trigger –” must be connected to “signal ground”. If an
NPN source is used, “Trigger +” must be connected to the supply voltage.
Reader Sensor Reader
Reader Sensor Reader Sensor
EZ Match User’s Manual A-27
Appendix H — Operational Tips
The EZ Match Imager has a hard coated window that should only be cleaned with alcohol
(100% isopropyl).
When mounting the EZ Match Imager, do not insulate the stand mount. The bottom panel
is the hottest part of the imager and metal-to-metal contact is necessary for heat dissipation.
A-28 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver
Appendix I — USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver
(For use with Windows
Vista (32-bit), XP (32-bit), and 2000 Operating Systems)
Microscan’s USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver allows you to send serial data using a
USB EZ Match Imager. The driver is available at www.microscan.com or on the Microscan
Tools CD.
Installing the USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver
1. Download the driver files from the Microscan website or Microscan Tools CD.
If the driver files are in a .zip file, extract them to a folder of your choice before running
the installer.
2. Double-click on DPInst.exe to launch the Microscan USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port
Driver Installer.
3. Click Next on the driver installer’s welcome screen.
Select DPInst.exe to launch
the driver installer.
EZ Match User’s Manual A-29
4. Read the License Agreement shown below. If you accept the terms of the agreement,
click the radio button next to the statement “I accept this agreement”, and click Next.
Important: After accepting the license agreement and clicking Next, you may see a
Windows Security warning that states “Windows can’t verify the publisher of this
driver software”. If you receive this warning, choose the “Install this driver software
anyway” option.
5. The driver files will begin installing. This may take several seconds. Do not interfere
with the installer during this process.
6. Once the driver is installed successfully, you will receive the message shown below.
Click Finish.
A-30 EZ Match User’s Manual
USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver
Uninstalling the USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver
Important: You must uninstall the USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver any time you
require high-speed USB connectivity.
To use the Virtual COM Port again, follow the steps above to re-install the driver.
Changing the COM Port
Follow these steps to change the reader’s COM Port:
1. Right-click on My Computer in the Windows Start menu and select Properties.
2. Select the Hardware tab in the System Properties dialog and click the Device
Manager button.
3. Expand the Ports (COM & LPT) item on the Device Manager menu. Right-click on
Microscan Reader and select Properties.
4. Select the Port Settings tab in the Properties dialog and click the Advanced button.
5. Expand the COM Port Number menu on the Advanced Settings dialog and select
your new COM Port number.
You are now ready to begin using the new COM Port.
Find the driver on the list
of programs, select it, then
click Uninstall/Change.
EZ Match User’s Manual A-31
Appendix J — Glossary of Terms
— The failure of an optical lens to produce an exact point-to-point correspondence
between the object and its resulting image. Various types are chromatic, spherical, coma,
astigmatism and distortion.
Absorption — The loss of light of certain wavelengths as it passes through a material and
is converted to heat or other forms of energy. (–)
Active Illumination — Lighting an area with a light source coordinated with the acquisition
of an image. Strobed flash tubes and pulsed lasers are examples.
ADC — See Analog-to-Digital Converter.
A/D Converter — See Analog-to-Digital Converter.
AGC — See Automatic Gain Control.
Ambient Light — Light which is present in the environment of the imaging front end of a
vision system and generated from outside sources. This light, unless used for actual illumination,
will be treated as background Noise by the vision system.
Analog — A smooth, continuous voltage or current signal or function whose magnitude
(value) is the information.
Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D Converter or ADC) — A device that converts an
analog voltage or current signal to a discrete series of digitally encoded numbers (signal)
for computer processing.
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) — An integrated circuit that is customized
for a particular kind of use, rather than general use. All vision system elements including
firmware can be integrated into one ASIC.
Architecture — The hardware organization of a vision system designed for high speed
image analysis.
ASIC — See Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.
Aspect Ratio — The ratio between the height and width of a sensor or display. Found by
dividing the vertical number of pixels (height) by the horizontal number of pixels (width)
leaving it in fractional format.
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) — Adjustment to signal strength that seeks to maintain a
constant level regardless of the distance between a reader and symbol.
Auxiliary Port — RS-232 connection to an auxiliary terminal or device for remote viewing.
Blooming — A situation in which too many photons are being produced to be received by
a pixel. The pixel overflows and causes the photons to go to adjacent pixels. Blooming is
similar to overexposure in film photography, except that in digital imaging, the result is a
number of vertical and/or horizontal streaks appearing from the light source in the picture.
Baud Rate — The number of discrete signal events per second; bits per second.
Capture — The act of acquiring and storing video images in an imager or host computer.
Also, the image captured.
CCD — See Charge-Coupled Device.
Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) — A semiconductor device with an array of light-sensitive
elements that converts light images into electrical signals.
A-32 EZ Match User’s Manual
Glossary of Terms
Check Character — A Modulus 43 or Modulus 10 character that is added to encoded
symbol data for additional data integrity.
CMOS — See Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) — Like CCDs, CMOS imagers
include an array of photo-sensitive diodes, one diode within each pixel. Unlike CCDs, however,
each pixel in a CMOS imager has its own individual amplifier integrated inside.
Connector — A plug or socket on a device or cable providing in/out connectivity for various
circuits and pins.
— Intermediary device that relays data from imagers to a host and commands
from the host to the imagers or other devices.
Counter — Memory space allocated to keep track of imager events.
DAC — See Digital-to-Analog Converter.
Daisy Chain — Linkage of primary and secondary imagers allowing data to be relayed up
to the host via auxiliary port connections.
Decode — A Good Read. The successful interpretation and output of the information
encoded in a symbol.
Default — Restores ROM or flash settings, initializes serial commands and resets all
Delimited — A delimited command or field is bracketed by predefined characters.
Decode Rate — The number of good reads per second ahieved by an imager.
Darkfield Illumination — Lighting of objects, surfaces, or particles at very shallow or low
angles, so that light does not directly enter a reader’s optical hardware.
Depth-of-Field — The in-focus range of an imaging system. Measured from the distance
behind an object to the distance in front of the object with all objects appearing in focus.
Diffused Lighting — Scattered soft lighting from a wide variety of angles used to eliminate
shadows and specular glints from profiled, highly reflective surfaces.
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) — A VLSI circuit used to convert digitally processed
images to analog for display on a monitor.
Digital Imaging — Conversion of an image into pixels by means of an Analog-to-Digital
Converter where the level of each pixel can be stored digitally.
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) — A VLSI chip designed for ultra-high-speed arithmetic
processing. Often imbedded in a vision engine.
Discrete I/O — Inputs and outputs characterized by discrete signal transitions from one
voltage level to another so that digital switching can occur.
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
— A capability provided by some computer bus architectures
that allows data to be sent directly to memory from an attached device.
DMA — See
Direct Memory Access
DSP — See Digital Signal Processor.
Dynamic Range — The difference between the minimum and maximum thresholds of
discernible images; the amount of usable signal.
Edge Enhancement — Image processing method to strengthen high-spatial frequencies
in the image.
EPROM — See Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
EZ Match User’s Manual A-33
Embedded Memory — Onboard memory device such as EPROM or flash.
End of Read Cycle — The time or condition at which the imager stops expecting symbol
information to decode.
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM) — A memory chip that retains
data when its power supply is turned off; “non-volatile memory”.
External Edge — Allows a read cycle to be initiated by a trigger signal from an object
detector when it detects the appearance of an object (rising edge). The read cycle ends
with a good read, a timeout, or a new trigger.
External Level — Allows a read cycle to be initiated by a trigger signal from an object
detector. The read cycle ends when the object moves out of the detector’s range.
Falling Edge — A change of state (to inactive) associated with a level trigger.
Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
— A semiconductor device containing programmable
interconnects and logic components.
Fill Factor — Percentage of pixel area used for light collection.
Firmware — Software hard-coded in non-volatile memory (ROM), and closely tied to
specific pieces of hardware.
Fixed Symbol Length — Increases data integrity by ensuring that only one symbol length
will be accepted.
Focal Distance In camera-based vision, the distance from the front of the camera to
the object being viewed. (In optics, the distance from the lens to the focal plane.)
Focal Plane — Usually found at the image sensor, it is a plane perpendicular to the lens
axis at the point of focus (–).
Focus — Any given point in an image at which light converges; the focal point.
FPGA — See Field-Programmable Gate Array.
Frame — The total area captured in an image sensor while the video signal is not blanked.
Frame Grabber — A device that interfaces with a camera and, on command, samples the
video, converts the sample to a digital value and stores that in a computer's memory.
Front End System — The object, illumination, optics and imager blocks of a vision system.
Includes all components useful to acquire a good image for subsequent processing.
Full Duplex A communications system in which signals can travel simultaneously
between devices.
Gain — The amount of energy applied to pixel gray scale values prior to output, expressed
in dB; optimal signal strength.
Good Read — A decode. The successful scanning and decoding of the information
encoded in a bar code symbol.
Gradient — The rate of change of pixel intensity (first derivative).
Gray Scale — Variations of values from white, through shades of gray, to black in a digitized
image with black assigned the value of zero and white the value of one.
Half Duplex — A communications system in which signals can travel between devices in
both directions, but not simultaneously.
A-34 EZ Match User’s Manual
Glossary of Terms
Histogram — A graphical representation of the frequency of occurrence of each intensity
or range of intensities (gray levels) of pixels in an image. The height represents the number
of observations occurring in each interval.
Host — A computer, PLC, or other device that is used to execute commands and process
data and discrete signals.
Image — Projection of an object or scene onto a plane (i.e. screen or image sensor).
Image Processing (IP) — Transformation of an input image into an output image with
desired properties.
Image Resolution — The number of rows and columns of pixels in an image. A higher
resolution means that more pixels are available per element of the symbol being read.
Examples: 640 x 480 (VGA), 1024 x 768 (XGA), 1280 x 1024 (SXGA), 1600 x 1200
(UXGA), or 2048 x 1536 (QXGA).
Image Sensor — A device that converts a visual image to an electrical signal; a CCD or
CMOS array.
Initialize — Implement serial configuration commands into the imager’s active memory.
Input — A channel or communications line. Decoded data or a discrete signal that is
received by a device.
Integration — Exposure of pixels on a CMOS sensor.
IP — See Image Processing.
Ladder Orientation — A linear symbol orientation in which the bars are parallel to the
symbol’s direction of travel.
LED — See Light-Emitting Diode.
Light-Emitting Diode (LED) — A semiconductor device that emits light when conducting
Lens — A transparent piece of material with curved surfaces which either converge or
diverge light rays.
Machine Vision — The automatic acquisition and analysis of images to obtain desired
data for controlling a specific activity.
Multidrop — A communications protocol for networking two or more imagers or other
devices with a concentrator (or controller) and characterized by the use of individual
device addresses and the RS-485 standard.
Noise — The same as static in a phone line or “snow” in a television picture, noise is any
unwanted electrical signal that interferes with the image being read and transferred by the
Normally Closed — A discrete output state that is only active when open.
Normally Open — A discrete output state that is only active when closed.
Object Plane — An imaginary plane in the field of view, focused by an imager’s optical
system at the corresponding image plane on the sensor.
Output — A channel or communications line. Data or discrete signals that are transmitted
or displayed by a device.
EZ Match User’s Manual A-35
Parity — An error detection routine in which one data bit in each character is set to 1 or 0
so that the total number of 1 bits in the data field is even or odd.
Picket Fence Orientation — A linear symbol orientation in which the bars are perpendicular
to the symbol’s direction of travel.
Pitch — Rotation of a linear or 2D symbol around an axis parallel to the symbol length on
the Substrate.
See the illustration below.
Pixel — An individual element in a digitized image array; “picture element”.
PLC — See Programmable Logic Controller.
Port — Logical circuit for data entry and exit. (One or more ports may be included within a
single connector.)
Processing Time — The time used by a vision system to receive, analyze and interpret
image information. Often expressed in “parts per minute”.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
— An electronic device used in industrial automation
environments such as factory assembly lines and automotive manufacturing facilities.
Progressive Scan A non-interlaced scan that doubles the number of visible picture
lines per field by displaying all picture lines at once.
Protocol — The rules for communication between devices, providing a means to control
the orderly flow of information between linked devices.
RAM — See Random Access Memory.
Random Access Memory (RAM) — A data storage system used in computers, composed
of integrated circuits that allow access to stored data in any sequence without movement
of physical parts.
Read Cycle — A programmed period of time or condition during which a reader will accept
symbol input.
Read-Only Memory (ROM) — A data storage medium used in computers and other elec-
tronics, primarily used to distribute Firmware.
Real-Time Processing — In machine vision, the ability of a system to perform a complete
analysis and take action on one part before the next one arrives for inspection.
— Area of an image. Also called a region of interest for image processing operations.
ROM — See Read-Only Memory.
Bar code
label Tilt
Scan line
Symbol or
other object
of interest
A-36 EZ Match User’s Manual
Glossary of Terms
Saturation — The degree to which a color is free of white. One of the three properties of
color perception, along with hue and value.
Scattering — Redirection of light reflecting off a surface or through an object.
Skew — Rotation of a linear or 2D symbol around an axis parallel to the symbol height on
the substrate. See the illustration under the definition of Pitch.
Substrate — The surface upon which a linear or 2D symbol is printed, stamped, or etched.
Symbol Transitions — The transition of bars and spaces on a symbol, used to detect the
presence of a symbol on an object.
Symbology — A symbol type, such as Code 39 or Code 128, with special rules to define
the widths and positions of bars and spaces to represent specific numeric or alphanumeric
Tilt — Rotation of a linear or 2D symbol around an axis perpendicular to the substrate.
See the illustration under the definition of Pitch.
Trigger — A signal, transition, or character string that initiates a read cycle.
Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)
— The creation of integrated circuits by combining
of transistor-based circuits on a single chip.
VLSI — See Very Large-Scale Integration.
Watchdog Timer — A security device that detects system crashes and attempts to reset
the imager.
EZ Match User’s Manual 1
Hyperlink Index
A/D Converter
About the EZ Match
About This Manual
ACK / NAK (Main Port)
ACK / NAK Data Flow Examples
ACK / NAK Options
Active Illumination
Active Tube/Cap Library Indexes
Active Tube/Cap Library Indexes by Serial Command
Adaptive Contrast Percent
Add / Remove Exception
Add Macro
Additional Notes about Calibration
Advanced Options
Advanced Tab
After Calibration
All Descriptor Status Request
All Range Status Request
All Status Request
Always Ask Before Auto Sync Occurs
Always OFF
Always ON
Ambient Light
Analog-to-Digital Converter
Any Symbology Type
Application Mode
Application Record Brackets (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Application Record Padding (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Application Record Separator Character (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Application Record Separator Status (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
As Soon As Possible
2EZ Match User’s Manual
As Soon as Possible (Cap Unknown Qualify)
ASCII Character Entry Modifier
Ask to Save ESP File when Quitting
Aspect Ratio
Auto Sync
Automatic Gain Control
Auxiliary Port
Auxiliary Port Connections
Auxiliary Port Mode
Auxiliary Port System Data Status
Axial Non-Uniformity (Data Matrix Only)
Axial Non-Uniformity Threshold
Background Color (IP Database Status)
Bad Symbol (Trend Analysis Mode)
Bad Symbol Message
Bad/No Symbol Output (Dimension Mode)
Bad/No Symbol Output (Orientation Mode)
Bad/No Symbol Output (Symbol Size Mode)
Bar Code Configuration (EZ Button Modes)
Bar Code Configuration Mode
Bar Code Dialog
Bar Code Options
Bar Code Options Tab
Bar Code Reader Operation
Bar Width Status (Pharmacode)
Baud Rate
Baud Rate, Auxiliary Port
Baud Rate, Host Port
BC412 (Symbology Type)
Beeper / Green Flash
Before / During Calibration
Begin Transmission
Both Horizontal and Vertical (FLM)
Both Supplemental Types
Calibrate by ESP
Calibrate by EZ Button
EZ Match User’s Manual 3
C Index
Calibrate by Serial Command
Calibration (EZ Button Modes)
Calibration by ESP
Calibration Options
Calibration Overview
Calibration Progress Indicators
Calibration Progress Output Examples (Terminal)
Calibration Progress Output to Terminal
Calibration Serial Commands
Camera and IP Setup
Camera and IP Setup by ESP
Camera and IP Setup Serial Commands
Cap Absence Message
Cap Absent Counter
Cap Base Diameter
Cap Base Length
Cap Counter Reset
Cap Detection
Cap Detection Operation
Cap Presence Message
Cap Present Counter
Cap Tip Diameter
Cap Unknown Counter
Cap Unknown Message
Cap Unknown Presence Before Output
Cap Unknown Qualify
Capture and Decode
Capture and Test
Capture Mode
Capture Time
Capture Timing
Change Background Color
Change Echo Font
Change Font
Change Keyboard Macros
Changing Configuration Settings
Charge-Coupled Device
Check Character
Check Character Output (BC412)
Check Character Output (Codabar)
Check Character Output Status (Code 39)
Check Character Output Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
4EZ Match User’s Manual
Check Character Status (Code 39)
Check Character Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Check Character Type (Codabar)
Check Required Hardware
Cleaning the Imager
Codabar (Symbology Type)
Code 128 (Symbology Type)
Code 128 / EAN 128
Code 39
Code 39 (Symbology Type)
Code 93
Code 93 (Symbology Type)
Codeword Collection (PDF417)
Color Processing Disabled
Column Pointer (IP Database Status)
Column Width (IP Database Status)
Command Processing Mode
Command Response from Imager to Host
Commands from Host to Imager
Communication Port
Communication Protocol Command Table
Communication Protocols
Communications by ESP
Communications Protocol
Communications Serial Commands
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Composite Enabled
Composite Required
Concatenating Configuration Commands
Configurable Output 1
Configurable Output 2
Configurable Output 3
Configuration Exceptions for USB
Configuration Setting Changes
Configuration Symbols (Data Matrix with Configure Reader Flag)
Configure the Imager in ESP
Connect the System
Connecting by RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485
EZ Match User’s Manual 5
D Index
Constant (Illumination Brightness)
Continuous Capture
Continuous Read
Continuous Read 1 Output
Control Characters
Control/Hex Output
Counters by ESP
Counters by Serial Command
Customer Default Parameters
Cycle Max
Cycle Min
Cycle Step
Daisy Chain
Daisy Chain Autoconfigure
Daisy Chain ID
Daisy Chain ID Status
Daisy Chain Mode
Damaged Symbol Status
Darkfield Illumination
Data (Output Filter Configuration)
Data Bits, Auxiliary Port
Data Bits, Host Port
Data Matrix
Data Matrix (Symbology Type)
Data Matrix Output Mode
Data Originating from the Auxiliary Port (Full Duplex Mode)
Data Originating from the Auxiliary Port (Half Duplex Mode)
Data Originating from the Host (Full Duplex Mode)
Data Originating from the Host (Half Duplex Mode)
Data Originating from the Host (Transparent Mode)
Data Originating from the Imager (Full Duplex Mode)
Data Originating from the Imager (Half Duplex Mode)
Data Originating from the Imager (Transparent Mode)
DataBar Expanded
DataBar Extended (Symbology Type)
DataBar Limited
DataBar Limited (Symbology Type)
6EZ Match User’s Manual
DataBar-14 (Symbology Type)
Database Identifier Output
Database Identifier Output Separator
Database Identifier Output Status
Database Index
Database Mode
Database Range (Multi-Operation)
Database Range Maximum
Database Range Minimum
Decode Rate
Decode Time
Decodes per Trigger Status (Quality Output)
Decodes/Trigger Threshold
Decodes/Trigger Threshold (Trend Analysis Mode)
Default / Reset / Save
Default Macros
Default on Power-On
Default Output Configuration
Default Settings
Definable (Processing)
Delete Master Symbol Data
Detailed No Read Message
Detection Mode
Device Control
Device Control by ESP
Device Control by Serial Command
Diagnostics Output 1
Diagnostics Output 2
Diagnostics Output 3
Differences from Default
Diffused Lighting
Digital Imaging
Digital Signal Processor
Digital-to-Analog Converter
Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension Mode
Dimension Tolerance
EZ Match User’s Manual 7
E Index
Direct Memory Access
Direction (Pharmacode)
Disable Reader
Discrete I/O
Display Incoming Data Even When Not in Focus
Do Not Send or Receive Settings
Document Memo
Dynamic Range
Dynamic Setup
EAN 128 Status (Code 128 / EAN 128)
EAN Status
ECC 000
ECC 050
ECC 080
ECC 100
ECC 120
ECC 130
ECC 140
ECC 200
Edge Enhancement
Editing a Macro
Effects of Protocol Commands
Electrical Specifications
Embedded Memory
Enable Both (Dimension Mode)
Enable Both (Orientation Mode)
Enable Both (Symbol Size Mode)
Enable Echo
Enable PDF Information
Enable Reader
Enable Send and Save as Customer Defaults
End of Operation (Cap Unknown Qualify)
End of Read Cycle
End of Read Cycle Mode
End Read Rate Test
Enhanced Format
Enter Decodes / Second Test
Enter Master Symbol Data
Enter Percent Test
8EZ Match User’s Manual
Entering and Using Master Symbols
Entering Control Characters in Serial Commands
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
Error Correction Level (Data Matrix Only)
ESP System Requirements
Explanation of Modifiers for Code 128 and QR Code
Explanation of Modifiers for Code 39, Codabar, and Interleaved 2/5
External Edge
External Level
External Trigger Polarity
Extract Range
EZ Button
EZ Button Configuration
EZ Button Disabled
EZ Button Enabled
EZ Button Mode Disabled
EZ Button Modes
EZ Button Operation
EZ Button Trigger
EZ Match Dimensions
EZ Mode
Falling Edge
Fast Linear Mode (FLM) Direction
Fast Shutter
Field-Programmable Gate Array
File Format
Fill Factor
Filter Number
Find Next
Finder Pattern Status
Fine-Tune Pass
Firmware by ESP
Firmware Update
Firmware Verification
First Mode
Five Characters Only
EZ Match User’s Manual 9
F Index
Fixed Symbol Length
Fixed Symbol Length (BC412)
Fixed Symbol Length (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Fixed Symbol Length (Code 39)
Fixed Symbol Length (DataBar Expanded)
Fixed Symbol Length (MicroPDF417)
Fixed Symbol Length (PDF417)
Fixed Symbol Length (Pharmacode)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (BC412)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Codabar)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Code 39)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Code 93)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (DataBar Expanded)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (MicroPDF417)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (PDF417)
Fixed Symbol Length Status (Pharmacode)
Fixed Threshold Value (IP Database Status)
Fixed Threshold Value (Pharmacode)
Focal Distance
Focal Distance (Read-Only)
Focal Distance Table (Read Only)
Focal Plane
Force Connect
Format Assign
Format Assign by ESP
Format Extract
Format Extract by ESP
Format Insert
Format Insert by ESP
Format UPC-E as UPC-A (UPC / EAN)
Four Beeps (Position #4)
Frame Count (Multi-Operation)
Frame Count/Time
Frame Grabber
Frame Information
Front End System
Full ASCII Set (Code 39)
Full Duplex
Full Duplex Mode
Function Keys
10 EZ Match User’s Manual
Gain (IP Database Status)
Gain (Standard Density)
General Purpose Color Processing
General Specifications
General Tab
Global Status (EZ Button)
Glossary of Terms
Good Read
Good Read (Image Output)
Good Read / Match Counter (or Good Read Counter)
Good Read / Match Counter Reset
Grade (Data Matrix Output Mode)
Gray Scale
Green Flash Duration
Green Flash Mode
Guard Bar Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Half Duplex
Half Duplex Mode
Hardware Configuration
Hardware Default
Hardware Required
Height (Row Depth)
Hex String (Format Insert)
Hex Values
High (Processing)
Hollow Mode
Horizontal (FLM)
Horizontal Linear (1D) Symbols
Host Communications
Host Connector / Pin Assignments
Host Port Connections
Host Port Protocol
Hours (Time Since Reset)
I/O Parameters
I/O Parameters by ESP
EZ Match User’s Manual 11
I Index
I/O Parameters Serial Commands
Illumination Brightness
Image Dimensions
Image Library Request
Image Output
Image Output Example
Image Process Looping
Image Process Looping Disabled
Image Process Looping Enabled
Image Processing
Image Processing Timeout
Image Resolution
Image Sensor
Image Storage
Image Storage Example
Image Storage Mode
Image Storage Type
Image Storage Type Disabled / Clear
Imager Position Relative to Symbol
Imager Status Requests
Implementing the Host Operating System API and Establishing a Connection with the HID Interface
Index (IP Database Status)
Initiating Calibration
Install ESP
Interface Standards
Interleaved 2 of 5
Interleaved 2 of 5 (Symbology Type)
IP Database
IP Database Serial Commands
IP Database Status
IP Mode
IP Threshold
ISO Certification
ISO/IEC 16022 Grade
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3
12 EZ Match User’s Manual
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output by ESP
JPEG Quality
Keyboard IN Reports
Keyboard IN Reports Disabled
Keyboard IN Reports Enabled
Keyboard Report Format
Ladder Orientation
Large Intercharacter Gap (Codabar)
Large Intercharacter Gap (Code 39)
Last Frame
Last Frame or New Trigger
Last Mode
Latch Mode 2 (Unlatch Opposite Condition)
Latch Mode 3 (Unlatch Re-enter Read Cycle)
LED Aperture Window
LED Configuration
Left (Column Pointer)
Left (Tube/Cap Direction)
Length (Format Extract)
Length (Format Insert)
Length (Output Filter Configuration)
Light Collection Options
Light Emitting Diode
Light Source
Limitation of Liability
Line Scan
Line Scan Height
Line Speed
Linear / Stacked Symbology Qualification
Linear Symbols
Load Current Settings from IP Database
Load Current Settings from IP Database by ESP
Load IP Database
EZ Match User’s Manual 13
M Index
Load New Master (EZ Button Modes)
Locate the Object by ESP
Locate the Object by EZ Button
Locate the Object in the Field of View
Locate Time
Longitudinal Redundancy Check
Low (Processing)
LRC Status
Machine Vision
Macro Name
Macro Value
Master Database
Master Database Overview
Master Symbol Database Size
Match (Static Presentation Mode)
Match (Symbol Data Output Status)
Match Length
Match Replace
Match Start Position
Matchcode by ESP
Matchcode Serial Commands
Matchcode Type
Matrix Size (Data Matrix Only)
Medium (Processing)
Medium Pass
Menu Toolbar
MicroPDF417 (Symbology Type)
Microscan Default Parameters
Microscan HID IN Reports
Microscan HID IN Reports Disabled
Microscan HID IN Reports Enabled
Microscan HID Report Format
Microscan Symbol Quality Output
Microscan Symbol Quality Output by ESP
Minimum Good Reads
Minimum Number of Bars
Minimum Number of Bars (Pharmacode)
Minimum Number of Qualified Scan Lines
14 EZ Match User’s Manual
Minutes (Time Since Reset)
Mirrored Image
Mismatch (Image Output)
Mismatch (Static Presentation Mode)
Mismatch (Symbol Data Output Status)
Mismatch (Trend Analysis Mode)
Mismatch Counter
Mismatch Counter Reset
Mismatch Replace
Model Memo
Mounting the Imager
Multi-Operation by Serial Command
Multi-Operation Index
Multisymbol Separator
Narrow Margins
Narrow Margins (IP Database Status)
Narrow Margins / Symbology ID
Navigating in ESP
New ESP File
New Master Load Status
New Master Pin
New Model
New Trigger
Next Row
No Read (Image Output)
No Read (Trend Analysis Mode)
No Read Counter
No Read Counter Reset
No Read Message
No Read Message Mode
No Read or Good Read (Image Output)
No Symbol (Trend Analysis Mode)
No Symbol Message
Normally Closed
Normally Open
Not Optoisolated, Scanner Grounded
Number of Active Indexes
EZ Match User’s Manual 15
O Index
Number of Active Indexes by ESP
Number of Captures
Number of Focal Distances
Number of Image Frames (Switch Mode)
Number of Symbols
Number of Symbols in Field of View
Number of Triggers
Number to Output On
Object Plane
Object Qualification (Dimension Mode)
Object Qualification (Orientation Mode)
Object Qualification (Symbol Size Mode)
ON When in the Read Cycle
ON When Not in the Read Cycle
Open Image after Save
Operational Tips
Ordered Output Filter
Orientation Mode
Orientation Value
Other Operational Serial Commands
Output 1 Pulse
Output 2 Pulse
Output 3 Pulse
Output Coordinates
Output Filter Configuration
Output Filter Configuration Rule # 1
Output Filter Configuration Rule # 2
Output Filter Configuration Rule # 3
Output Format
Output Format (Code 128 / EAN 128)
Output Format Serial Commands
Output Format Status
Output Format Status by ESP
Output Format Status Disabled
Output Format Status Enabled
Output Frame Number
Output In Read Cycle
Output Index
16 EZ Match User’s Manual
Output Indicators
Output Mode (Output 1)
Output On (Output 1)
Output On (Tube/Cap Detection Output 1)
Output on Axial Non-Uniformity
Output on Cap Unknown (Tube/Cap Detection Output 1)
Output on Cap Unknown (Tube/Cap Detection Output 2)
Output on Cap Unknown (Tube/Cap Detection Output 3)
Output On Diagnostic Warning
Output On Match or Good Read
Output On Mismatch
Output On Mismatch or No Read
Output On No Read
Output on Print Growth
Output on Symbol Contrast
Output On Symbol Quality
Output On Trend Analysis
Output on Tube/Cap Absence (Tube/Cap Detection Output 1)
Output on Tube/Cap Absence (Tube/Cap Detection Output 2)
Output on Tube/Cap Absence (Tube/Cap Detection Output 3)
Output On Tube/Cap Detection
Output on Tube/Cap Presence (Tube/Cap Detection Output 1)
Output on Tube/Cap Presence (Tube/Cap Detection Output 2)
Output on Tube/Cap Presence (Tube/Cap Detection Output 3)
Output on Unused Error Correction
Output State (Output 1)
Output Status Disabled
Output Status Enabled
Overview of Matchcode
Overview of Symbol Quality
Parameter Switch
Parity, Auxiliary Port
Parity, Host Port
Parse Table
PDF417 (Symbology Type)
Percent Cell Damage (Data Matrix Only)
Pharmacode (Symbology Type)
EZ Match User’s Manual 17
P Index
Picket Fence Orientation
Pixel Sub-Sampling
Pixel Sub-Sampling 16-to-1
Pixel Sub-Sampling 4-to-1
Pixels Per Element (Data Matrix Only)
Point-to-Point (Main Port)
Point-to-Point (Standard)
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS
Point-to-Point with RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF
Point-to-Point with XON/XOFF
Poll Address
Polling Mode
Polling Mode (Main Port)
Polling Mode Data Flow Examples
Polling Mode Options
Position the Imager
Postamble Characters
Postamble Status
Power On / Reset Counts
Power-On Flash Saves
Power-On Saves
Power-On Tube/Cap Library Saves
Preamble Characters
Preamble Status
Pre-Processing Disabled
Pre-Processing Enabled
Print Growth
Print Growth Threshold
Processing Mode (IP Database Status)
Processing Time
Programmable Logic Controller
Progressive Scan
Protocol Command Mnemonics
18 EZ Match User’s Manual
Protocol Configuration Examples
Pulse (Output Mode)
Pulse Width (Output 1)
QR Code
QR Code (Symbology Type)
Quality Output
Quality Output Separator
Quick Start
Quiet Zone (Data Matrix Only)
Random Access Memory
Range Mode Status (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Rapid Capture
Rapid Capture Mode
Read Cycle
Read Cycle by ESP
Read Cycle Serial Commands
Read Cycle Setup
Read Cycle Timeout
Read Duration Output
Read Duration Output Mode
Read Duration Output Separator
Read Next Symbol as Master Symbol
Read Parameters
Read Ranges
Read Rate
Read Rate (EZ Button Modes)
Read Rate by ESP
Read Rate by Serial Command
Read Rate LEDs
Read Symbol into Selected Index
Read-Only Memory
Real-Time Processing
Receive After Connect
Receive Settings from the Reader
Region of Interest (ROI)
Region of Interest (ROI) by ESP
EZ Match User’s Manual 19
S Index
Regular and Mirrored Image
Regular Image
Reload Last File
Replacement String
Report Format Examples
Report Options
Request All IP Database Settings
Request All Master Symbol Data
Request Checksum by ESP
Request Checksum by Serial Command
Request Master Symbol Data
Request New Master Status
Request Part Number by ESP
Request Part Number by Serial Command
Request Selected Index Settings
RES-NAK Defaults
Response Timeout
Right (Tube/Cap Direction)
Rotating (Tube/Cap Rotation)
Row and Column
Row Depth (IP Database Status)
Row Pointer (IP Database Status)
RS-232 Interface Standard
RS-422 / 485 Interface Standard
RS-422 Status
Rules for Output Filter Configuration
Rules for Utility and Configuration Commands
Save Configuration in ESP
Save Current Settings to IP Database
Save Current Settings to IP Database by ESP
Save Current Text
Save for Power-On
Save for Power-On (EZ Button Modes)
Saved for Power-on
Saving Options
Search Pass
20 EZ Match User’s Manual
Select All
Select Model
Send and Save
Send and Save as Customer Defaults
Send Current Command
Send Current View
Send Database to the Reader
Send ESP Settings to the Reader
Send XON with Autoconnect
Send, No Save
Send/Receive Options
Separator (Tube/Cap Information)
Separator Character (Composite)
Separator Character (UPC / EAN)
Separator Status (Composite)
Separator Status (UPC / EAN)
Sequence on Mismatch
Sequence on No Read
Sequential Matching
Serial Command Beep Status
Serial Command Echo Status
Serial Command Format
Serial Command Status Request
Serial Configuration Command Conventions
Serial Configuration Commands
Serial Configuration K Commands
Serial Data
Serial Data or External Edge
Serial Trigger
Serial Trigger Character (Delimited)
Serial Utility Commands
Serial Verification
Service Message
Service Message Resolution
Service Message Threshold
Service Unit
Show Connect Prompt
Show Model Prompt
Show Non-Printable Characters
Show Target Pattern During Calibrate
Show Target Pattern During Locate
Show TCP/IP Connection Option
Shutter Speed
EZ Match User’s Manual 21
S Index
Shutter Speed (IP Database Status)
Shutter Speed (Standard Density)
Shutter Speed Disabled
Shutter Speed Enabled
Single Beep (Position #1)
Single Descriptor Status Request
Single Range Status Request
Single Status Request
Sizing Information
Skew Correction
Skew Correction Notes
Skip EZ Mode
Software Defaults
Standard LED Configuration
Start / Stop Match (Codabar)
Start / Stop Output (Codabar)
Start Location
Start Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)
Start/Stop Status
Statement of Agency Compliance
Static (Tube/Cap Rotation)
Static Presentation Mode
Status (Format Assign)
Status Byte
Stop Bits, Auxiliary Port
Stop Bits, Host Port
Stop Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)
Store on No Read
Straight Line
Straight Line Framed
Supplemental Type (UPC / EAN)
Supplementals Status (UPC / EAN)
Supplementals Status Disabled
Supplementals Status Enabled
Supplementals Status Required
Switch Mode
Switch Model
Symbol Angle (Data Matrix Only)
Symbol Contrast
Symbol Contrast Threshold
Symbol Data Output
22 EZ Match User’s Manual
Symbol Data Output Status
Symbol Direction
Symbol Length #1 (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Symbol Length #2 (Interleaved 2 of 5)
Symbol Length (Codabar)
Symbol Length (Code 93)
Symbol Number
Symbol Parse
Symbol Quality
Symbol Quality by ESP
Symbol Quality Separator
Symbol Quality Separator / Data Matrix Output Mode
Symbol Quality Separator by ESP
Symbol Quality Serial Commands
Symbol Size 1
Symbol Size 2
Symbol Size Mode
Symbol Size Tolerance
Symbol Transitions
Symbol Type
Symbol Type (IP Database)
Symbologies by ESP
Symbologies Serial Commands
Symbology Identifier
Symbology Type
Symbology Type (IP Database Status)
Symbology Type Disabled
Table of Contents
Target Pattern
Target System (EZ Button Modes)
Technical Support
Terminal Dropdown Menu
Terminal Window
Terminal Window Menus
Test Read Rate
Test Read Rate by ESP
Test Read Rate by EZ Button
Test Read Rate by Serial Command
EZ Match User’s Manual 23
T Index
Three Beeps (Position #3)
Threshold (Histogram)
Threshold Mode
Threshold Mode (IP Database Status)
Threshold Value
Time (Switch Mode)
Time Before First Capture
Time Between Captures
Time Since Reset
Timed Capture
Timeout (Multi-Operation)
Timeout or New Trigger
Top (Row Pointer)
Total Read Time
Transparent Mode
Trend Analysis Mode
Trend Analysis Output 1
Trend Analysis Output 2
Trend Analysis Output 3
Trigger Character
Trigger Counter
Trigger Counter Reset
Trigger Filter Duration
Trigger Mode
Trigger Mode and Duration
Triggered Capture
Tube Absence Message
Tube Absent Counter
Tube Angle
Tube Counter Reset
Tube Detection
Tube Detection Operation
Tube Diameter
Tube Presence Message
Tube Present Counter
Tube/Cap Detection Messages
Tube/Cap Detection Notes
Tube/Cap Detection Output 1
Tube/Cap Detection Output 2
Tube/Cap Detection Output 3
Tube/Cap Dimensions
Tube/Cap Dimensions by Serial Command
24 EZ Match User’s Manual
Tube/Cap Direction
Tube/Cap Information by Serial Command
Tube/Cap Inspection
Tube/Cap Inspection Serial Commands
Tube/Cap Learn
Tube/Cap Learn (EZ Button Modes)
Tube/Cap Library
Tube/Cap Library Default Configuration
Tube/Cap Library Index
Tube/Cap Message Editing
Tube/Cap Message Editing by Serial Command
Tube/Cap Message Formatting by Serial Command
Tube/Cap Mode
Tube/Cap Presence Before Output
Tube/Cap Rotation
Tube/Cap Tip Position
Two Beeps (Position #2)
Two Characters Only
Two-Dimensional Symbology Qualification
Two-Dimensional Symbols
Unlatch Outputs
Unused Error Correction (Data Matrix Only)
Unused Error Correction Threshold
UPC/EAN (Symbology Type)
USB HID Configuration Options
USB HID Interface
USB Interface Standard
Use Default Storage Location
Use Higher Quality Images
User-Defined Polling Mode (Main Port)
Using ESP
Value (Data Matrix Output Mode)
Vertical (FLM)
Very Large-Scale Integration
EZ Match User’s Manual 25
W Index
Warning and Caution Summary
Watchdog Timer
When to Output Symbol Data
Width (Column Width)
Wild Card Character
Window of Interest
Window of Interest (WOI) by ESP
Window of Interest (WOI) Framing
Window of Interest (WOI) Margin
Window of Interest by ESP
Window of Interest by Serial Command
Y-Modem Upload Transfer Options

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