Microsoft BH-806 Bluetooth Headset User Manual

Microsoft Mobile Oy Bluetooth Headset

User Manual

Nokia Bluetooth Headset BH-8065555555/1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
IntroductionAbout your headsetWith the Nokia Bluetooth Headset BH-806,you can handle calls hands-free, even whenyou are using two mobile devices at the sametime.Note:  The surface of this product doesnot contain nickel in the platings. The surface ofthis device contains stainless steel.Read this user guide carefully before using theproduct. Also, read the user guide for the devicethat you connect to the product.For more information, go Bluetooth connectivityYou can use Bluetooth to make a wirelessconnection to other compatible devices, suchas mobile devices.This device is compliant with BluetoothSpecification 2.1 + EDR supporting the followingprofiles: Headset Profile 1.1 and Hands-FreeProfile 1.5. Check with the manufacturers ofother devices to determine their compatibilitywith this device.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Get startedKeys and parts1 Indicator light2 Multifunction key 3 Earpiece4 Microphone5 Carrying clip6 Charger connectorStart using your headsetThe headset comes with different sizedearpads. Select the earpad that fits the bestand is the most comfortable for your ear. Tochange the earpad, pull the current earpadfrom the earpiece, and push the new earpadinto place.1. To switch the headset on, remove it fromthe carrying clip. If the headset doesn'tswitch on, charge the battery.2. Gently push the earpiece into your ear.3. To select the language, follow the voiceprompts. You can select English orChinese. Pairing mode is activated.4. To pair the headset with a compatibledevice, follow the voice prompts.Charge the battery1. Connect the charger to a wall outlet.2. Place the headset in the carrying clip.3. Connect the charger cable to the chargerconnector in the clip. The red indicatorENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
light turns green when the battery is fullycharged.4. Disconnect the charger from the carryingclip, then from the wall outlet.The fully charged battery has power for up to5 hours of talk time and up to 100 hours ofstandby time. If you keep the headset in thecarrying clip, the standby time is up to 3months.When the battery charge is low, the redindicator light flashes, and you hear a voiceprompt every 5 minutes. If you havedeactivated voice prompts, the headsetbeeps every 5 minutes.Check the battery charge —  Make sure theheadset is switched on, and touch and hold for 2 seconds. A voice prompt tells you thebattery charge level.Switch the headset on or offSwitch on —  Remove the headset from thecarrying clip. The headset beeps, and a greenindicator light flashes once.The headset connects to the last connecteddevice. If you have never paired the headsetwith a device, or you have cleared the devicepairings, pairing mode is activated.Switch off —  Place the headset in thecarrying clip. The headset beeps, and a redindicator light flashes once. All active calls areended.If not connected to a device within 30minutes, the headset switches off.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Tip: Don't have the carrying clip withyou? To switch the headset off, pressand hold   for 4 seconds. To switchthe headset on, press  .Pair and connect the headset to yourmobile deviceBefore using the headset, you must pair andconnect it to a compatible device.1. To switch the headset off, press and hold for 4 seconds.2. Switch on the device to pair with.3. If you have never paired the headset witha device, or you have cleared the devicepairings, switch the headset on.If you have previously paired your headsetwith another device, press and hold   for5 seconds.Pairing mode is activated, and a blueindicator light starts to flash quickly.Follow the voice prompts.4. Within 3 minutes, activate Bluetooth onthe device, and set it to search forBluetooth devices. For details, see the userguide of the device.5. Select the headset from the list of founddevices.6. If required, enter the passcode 0000.You can pair your headset with 8 compatibledevices, but you can only connect it to amaximum of 2 devices at the same time.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
With some mobile devices, you may need tomake the connection separately afterpairing.Wear the headsetGently push the earpiece into your ear.When you're not using your headset, keep itin the carrying clip.Tip: Have your headset always athand — clip it to your pocket as youwould a pen.Make callsMake and receive callsTo make and receive calls using your headset,you need to connect it to your mobile device.Make a call —  Make a call in the normal way.Answer a call —  Remove the headset fromthe carrying clip.Tip: If the headset is not in thecarrying clip, touch  .End a call —  Place the headset in thecarrying clip.Tip: To end a call, you can also touch twice.Reject a call —  Touch   twice.Switch a call between your headset andmobile device —  Touch and hold   for 2seconds.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
You can redial the last called number or usevoice dialling, if your mobile device supportsthese features with the headset.Redial the last called number —  When nocall is in progress, press  .Use voice dialling —  When no call is inprogress, press and hold   for 2 seconds, andfollow the instructions in the user guide ofyour mobile device.Change the volumeSet the desired volume level on yourconnected mobile device. The selectedvolume level is saved as the minimumvolume level for the device that is currentlyconnected to the headset. Your headsetadjusts the volume automatically accordingto the level of background noise.Pair and connect the headset to twodevicesWhen you use the headset for the first time,it automatically connects to your mobiledevice. You can also connect your headset toanother device, and manage calls from, forexample, both your personal and your workmobile device at the same time.1. To switch the headset off, press and hold for 4 seconds.2. Activate pairing mode, and pair theheadset with the second device.3. Make sure Bluetooth is activated on bothdevices, and switch the headset off andback on. The headset connects to bothdevices.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Handle calls from two devicesEnd an ongoing call, and answer a call onanother device —  Touch  .Put an ongoing call on hold, and answera call on another device —  Touch and hold for 2 seconds.Switch between active and held calls — Touch and hold   for 2 seconds.End an ongoing call, and activate a heldcall —  Touch  .If you redial or use voice dialling, the call ismade on the device you last had an active callon with the headset.SettingsDeactivate voice promptsMake sure the headset is switched on, andtouch and hold   for 9 seconds. You hear avoice prompt, and a yellow indicator lightflashes once.Activate voice prompts —  Touch and hold for 9 seconds. You hear a voice prompt,and a green indicator light flashes once.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Clear device pairingsWhen you clear the device pairings, you needto select the language again.1. To switch the headset off, press and hold for 4 seconds.2. Press and hold   for 9 seconds. Theheadset beeps twice, and the red andgreen indicator lights alternate.3. When the headset switches on, follow thevoice prompts. Pairing mode is activated.Change the languageWhen you change the language, your devicepairings are cleared, and you need to pair andconnect your headset to your device again.1. To switch the headset off, press and hold for 4 seconds.2. Press and hold   for 9 seconds. Theheadset beeps twice, and the red andgreen indicator lights alternate.3. When the headset switches on, follow thevoice prompts. Pairing mode is activated.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Product and safety informationCompatible chargersThis device is intended for use when suppliedwith power from the following chargers: AC-10,AC-6, DC-10, DC-6, DC-11, DC-11K, DT-600, andCA-146C. The exact charger model number mayvary depending on the type of plug. The plugvariant is identified by one of the following: E, X,AR, U, A, C, K, or B.Copyright and other noticesDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATION declares that thisBH-806 product is in compliance with theessential requirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of theDeclaration of Conformity can be found© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.Bluetooth is a registered trademark of BluetoothSIG, Inc.FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following twoENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmfulinterference; and 2. This device must accept anyinterference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation. Thisequipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference toradio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures: Reorientor relocate the receiving antenna. Increase theseparation between the equipment andreceiver. Connect the equipment into an outleton a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected. Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technician for help. NOTE:FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: Thisequipment complies with FCC radiationexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with anyother antenna or transmitter. NOTE: Changes ormodifications not expressly approved by Nokiacould void the user's authority to operate theequipment.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Droits d'auteur et autres avisDÉCLARATION DE CONFORMITÉNOKIA CORPORATION déclare par la présente quele produit BH-806 est conforme aux exigencesessentielles et aux dispositions applicables de laDirective 1999/5/EC. Vous trouverez une copie dela déclaration de conformité à l'© 2010 Nokia. Tous droits réservés.Bluetooth est une marque déposée de BluetoothSIG, Inc.AVIS DE LA FCC ET D'INDUSTRIE CANADACet appareil est conforme aux dispositions de lasection 15 du règlement de la FCC. Son utilisationest assujettie aux deux conditions suivantes : 1.Ce dispositif ne doit pas causer d'interférencenuisible; et 2) ce dispositif doit accepter touteinterférence reçue, y compris l'interférence quipourrait causer un fonctionnement non désiré.Cet appareil a été vérifié et s'est révélé conformeaux limites pour un dispositif numérique declasse B, conformément à la section 15 durèglement de la FCC. Ces limites sont définiespour offrir une protection raisonnable contre lesinterférences nuisibles au sein d'une installationrésidentielle. Cet appareil produit, utilise et peutémettre de l'énergie de radiofréquence et, s'iln'est pas installé et utilisé conformément auxdirectives, causer de l'interférence nuisible auxcommunications radio. Il n'y a toutefois pas degarantie qu'aucune interférence ne surviendraFRANÇAIS CANADIENCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
dans une installation donnée. Si cet appareilcause de l'interférence nuisible à la réception dela radio ou de la télévision, ce qui peut êtredéterminé en éteignant et en allumantl'appareil, essayez de corriger l'interférence aumoyen des mesures suivantes : Réorientez oudéplacez l'antenne. Augmentez la distance entrel'appareil et le récepteur. Connectez l'appareildans la prise d'un circuit différent de celui où estconnecté le récepteur. Consultez le fournisseurou un technicien en radio/télévision qualifiépour obtenir de l'aide. REMARQUE : Énoncé de laFCC relatif à l’exposition aux rayonnements : Cetappareil est conforme aux limites d’expositionaux rayonnements définies par la FCC dans unenvironnement non contrôlé. Cet émetteur nedoit pas être placé près d’une autre antenne oud’un autre type d'émetteur ni être utilisé avec cetype d’équipement. REMARQUE : Leschangements et modifications nonformellement approuvés par Nokia pourraientannuler le droit de l'utilisateur de se servir del'appareil.FRANÇAIS CANADIENCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack

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