Microsoft RM-750 GSM/WCDMA cellular telephone with Bluetooth and WLAN User Manual Manual 2

Microsoft Mobile Oy GSM/WCDMA cellular telephone with Bluetooth and WLAN Manual 2


Manual 2

Product and safety information9226858Issue 1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
SafetyRead these simple guidelines. Notfollowing them may be dangerous orillegal. For further information, read thecomplete user guide.SWITCH OFF IN RESTRICTED AREASSwitch the device off whenmobile phone use is notallowed or when it may causeinterference or danger, forexample, in aircraft, inhospitals or near medicalequipment, fuel, chemicals,or blasting areas. Obey allinstructions in restrictedareas.ROAD SAFETY COMES FIRSTObey all local laws. Alwayskeep your hands free tooperate the vehicle whiledriving. Your firstconsideration while drivingshould be road safety.INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may besusceptible to interference,which could affectperformance.QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnel mayinstall or repair this product.BATTERIES, CHARGERS, AND OTHERACCESSORIESUse only batteries, chargers,and other accessoriesapproved by Nokia for usewith this device. Do notconnect incompatibleproducts.KEEP YOUR DEVICE DRYYour device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.2Safety2
GLASS PARTSThe front cover of the deviceis made of glass. This glasscan break if the device isdropped on a hard surface orreceives a substantial impact.If the glass breaks, do nottouch the glass parts of thedevice or attempt to removethe broken glass from thedevice. Stop using the deviceuntil the glass is replaced byqualified service personnel.PROTECT YOUR HEARINGListen to a headset at amoderate level, and do nothold the device near your earwhen the loudspeaker is inuse.Safety 3CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Charge the batteryYour battery has been partially chargedat the factory, but you may need torecharge it before you can switch onyour phone for the first time.If the phone indicates a low charge, dothe following:12You do not need to charge the batteryfor a specific length of time, and you canuse the phone while it is charging.If the battery is completely discharged,it may take several minutes before thecharging indicator is displayed or beforeany calls can be made.Tip: You can also use a compatible USBcharger to charge your battery.Product and safety informationFeature specific instructionsYour device contains an in-device user guide, which youcan refer to for additional information about your device.To read the user guide, select Menu > Applications >User guide.Some home screen widgets may connect to the internetautomatically. To prevent this, select Options > Widgetsto offline mode.Note: Switch the device off and disconnect thecharger and any other device before removing any covers.Avoid touching electronic components while changing anycovers. Always store and use the device with any coversattached.The social networking services are third-party services andnot provided by Nokia. Check the privacy settings of thesocial networking service you are using as you may shareinformation with a large group of people. The terms of use4 Charge the battery4
of the social networking service apply to sharinginformation on that service. Familiarise yourself with theterms of use and the privacy practices of that service.This device is able to communicate with MicrosoftExchange ActiveSync enabled servers. The provision of thisdevice to you does not grant you, and you do not receive,any rights under any Microsoft intellectual property withrespect to any server software, or server device, that isaccessed using this device or with respect to use ofMicrosoft Exchange ActiveSync apart from this device.Important: To prevent damage to the SIM card,always remove the battery before you insert or remove thecard.Important: Do not use a mini-UICC SIM card, alsoknown as a micro-SIM card, a micro-SIM card with anadapter, or a SIM card that has a mini-UICC cutout (seefigure) in this device. A micro SIM card is smaller than thestandard SIM card. This device does not support the use ofmicro-SIM cards and use of incompatible SIM cards maydamage the card or the device, and may corrupt datastored on the card.Use only compatible memory cards approved by Nokia foruse with this device. Incompatible cards may damage thecard and the device and corrupt data stored on the card.Important: Do not remove the memory card whenan application is using it. Doing so may damage thememory card and the device and corrupt data stored onthe card.Do not connect products that create an output signal, asthis may damage the device. Do not connect any voltagesource to the Nokia AV connector. If you connect anexternal device or headset, other than those approved byNokia for use with this device, to the Nokia AV connector,pay special attention to volume levels.Note: Using WLAN may be restricted in somecountries. For example, in France, you are only allowed touse WLAN indoors. For more information, contact yourlocal authorities.Location information can be attached to an image or avideo clip if location coordinates can be determined vianetwork and GPS.If you share an image or a video clipwhich has location information attached, the locationinformation may be visible to others that view the imageor the video clip. You can deactivate geotagging in thecamera settings.Important: Before sharing your location, alwaysconsider carefully with whom you are sharing. Check theprivacy settings of the social networking service you areusing, as you might share your location with a large groupof people.The availability and quality of GPS signals may be affectedby your location, satellite positions, buildings, naturalobstacles, weather conditions, and adjustments to GPSsatellites made by the United States government. GPSsignals may not be available inside buildings orunderground.Do not use GPS for precise location measurement, andnever rely solely on the location information provided byGPS and cellular networks.Product and safety information 5CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
You can use USB charging when a wall outlet is notavailable. Data can be transferred while charging thedevice. The efficiency of USB charging power variessignificantly, and it may take a long time for charging tostart and the device to start functioning.Network services and costsYour device is approved for use on the GSM 850, 900, 1800,1900 MHz networks, and WCDMA 850, 900, 1700, 1900,2100 MHz networks.To use the device, you need a subscription with a serviceprovider.Using network services and downloading content to yourdevice requires a network connection and may result indata traffic costs. Some product features require supportfrom the network, and you may need to subscribe to them.Take care of your deviceHandle your device, battery, charger and accessories withcare. The following suggestions help you protect yourwarranty coverage.•Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and alltypes of liquids or moisture can contain mineralsthat corrode electronic circuits. If your device getswet, remove the battery, and allow the device to dry.•Do not store the device in cold temperatures.•Do not attempt to open the device other than asinstructed in the user guide.•Unauthorised modifications may damage the deviceand violate regulations governing radio devices.•Do not drop, knock, or shake the device.•Only use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean the surfaceof the device.•Switch off the device and remove the battery fromtime to time for optimum performance.•Keep your device away from magnets or magneticfields.•To keep your important data safe, store it in at leasttwo separate places, such as your device, memorycard, or computer, or write down importantinformation.During extended operation, the device may feel warm. Inmost cases, this condition is normal. If you suspect thedevice is not working properly, take it to the nearestauthorised service facility.RecycleAlways return your used electronic products, batteries,and packaging materials to dedicated collection points.This way you help prevent uncontrolled waste disposaland promote the recycling of materials. Check productenvironmental information and how to recycle your Nokiaproducts at, or with a mobiledevice, wheeled-bin symbolThe crossed-out wheeled-bin symbol on your product,battery, literature, or packaging reminds you that allelectrical and electronic products, batteries, andaccumulators must be taken to separate collection at theend of their working life. This requirement applies in theEuropean Union. Do not dispose of these products asunsorted municipal waste. For more information on theenvironmental attributes of your device, Product and safety information6
About Digital Rights ManagementWhen using this device, obey all laws and respect localcustoms, privacy and legitimate rights of others, includingcopyrights. Copyright protection may prevent you fromcopying, modifying, or transferring images, music, andother content.Content owners may use different types of digital rightsmanagement (DRM) technologies to protect theirintellectual property, including copyrights. This deviceuses various types of DRM software to access DRM-protected content. With this device you can access contentprotected with WM DRM 10 and OMA DRM 2.0. If certainDRM software fails to protect the content, content ownersmay ask that such DRM software's ability to access newDRM-protected content be revoked. Revocation may alsoprevent renewal of such DRM-protected content already inyour device. Revocation of such DRM software does notaffect the use of content protected with other types of DRMor the use of non-DRM-protected content.Digital rights management (DRM) protected contentcomes with an associated licence that defines your rightsto use the content.If your device has OMA DRM-protected content, to back upboth the licences and the content, use the backup featureof Nokia Ovi Suite.Other transfer methods may not transfer the licenceswhich need to be restored with the content for you to beable to continue the use of OMA DRM-protected contentafter the device memory is formatted. You may also needto restore the licences in case the files on your device getcorrupted.If your device has WMDRM-protected content, both thelicences and the content will be lost if the device memoryis formatted. You may also lose the licences and thecontent if the files on your device get corrupted. Losingthe licences or the content may limit your ability to use thesame content on your device again. For more information,contact your service provider.Some licences may be connected to a specific SIM card, andthe protected content can be accessed only if the SIM cardis inserted in the device.Batteries and chargersBattery and charger informationYour device is intended for use with a BL-4U rechargeablebattery. Nokia may make additional battery modelsavailable for this device. Always use original Nokiabatteries.This device is intended for use when supplied with powerfrom the following chargers: AC-8 or AC-15. The exactNokia charger model number may vary depending on theplug type, identified by E, X, AR, U, A, C, K, or B.The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds oftimes, but it will eventually wear out. When the talk andstandby times are noticeably shorter than normal, replacethe battery.Battery safetyAlways switch the device off and disconnect the chargerbefore removing the battery. When you unplug a chargeror an accessory, hold and pull the plug, not the cord.When your charger is not in use, unplug it from theelectrical plug and the device. Do not leave a fully chargedbattery connected to a charger, as overcharging mayshorten the battery’s lifetime. If left unused, a fullycharged battery will lose its charge over time.Always keep the battery between 15°C and 25°C (59°F and77°F). Extreme temperatures reduce the capacity andlifetime of the battery. A device with a hot or cold batterymay not work temporarily.Product and safety information 7CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Accidental short-circuiting can happen when a metallicobject touches the metal strips on the battery, forexample, if you carry a spare battery in your pocket. Short-circuiting may damage the battery or the connectingobject.Do not dispose of batteries in a fire as they may explode.Dispose of batteries according to local regulations. Recyclewhen possible. Do not dispose as household waste.Do not dismantle, cut, open, crush, bend, puncture, orshred cells or batteries. If a battery leaks, do not let batteryliquid touch skin or eyes. If this happens, immediatelyflush the affected areas with water, or seek medical help.Do not modify, remanufacture, attempt to insert foreignobjects into the battery, or immerse or expose it to wateror other liquids. Batteries may explode if damaged.Use the battery and charger for their intended purposesonly. Improper use, or use of unapproved batteries orincompatible chargers may present a risk of fire,explosion, or other hazard, and may invalidate anyapproval or warranty. If you believe the battery or chargeris damaged, take it to a service centre for inspection beforecontinuing to use it. Never use a damaged battery orcharger. Only use the charger indoors.Additional safety informationMake an emergency call1 Make sure the device is switched on.2 Check for adequate signal strength. You may alsoneed to do the following:•Insert a SIM card.•Deactivate call restrictions you have activatedfor your device, such as call barring, fixeddialling, or closed user group.•Make sure the offline or flight profile is notactivated.•If the device screen and keys are locked,unlock them.3 Press the end key repeatedly, until the home screenis displayed.4Select Call.5 Enter the official emergency number for yourpresent location. Emergency call numbers vary bylocation.6 Press the call key.7 Give the necessary information as accurately aspossible. Do not end the call until given permissionto do so.Important: Activate both cellular and internet calls,if your device supports internet calls. The device mayattempt to make emergency calls both through cellularnetworks and through your internet call service provider.Connections in all conditions cannot be guaranteed. Neverrely solely on any wireless device for essentialcommunications like medical emergencies.Small childrenYour device and its accessories are not toys. They maycontain small parts. Keep them out of the reach of smallchildren.Medical devicesOperation of radio transmitting equipment, includingwireless phones, may interfere with the function ofinadequately protected medical devices. Consult aphysician or the manufacturer of the medical device todetermine whether they are adequately shielded fromexternal RF energy. Switch off your device whenregulations posted instruct you to do so, for example, inhospitals.8 Product and safety information8
Implanted medical devicesManufacturers of medical devices recommend a minimumseparation of 15.3 centimetres (6 inches) between awireless device and an implanted medical device, such asa pacemaker or implanted cardioverter defibrillator, toavoid potential interference with the medical device.Persons who have such devices should:•Always keep the wireless device more than 15.3centimetres (6 inches) from the medical device.•Not carry the wireless device in a breast pocket.•Hold the wireless device to the ear opposite themedical device.•Turn the wireless device off if there is any reason tosuspect that interference is taking place.•Follow the manufacturer directions for theimplanted medical device.If you have any questions about using your wireless devicewith an implanted medical device, consult your healthcare provider.HearingWarning:When you use the headset, your ability to hear outsidesounds may be affected. Do not use the headset where itcan endanger your safety.Some wireless devices may interfere with some hearingaids.Operating environmentThis device meets RF exposure guidelines in the normaluse position at the ear or at least 1.5 centimetres (5/8 inch)away from the body. Any carry case, belt clip, or holder forbody-worn operation should not contain metal and shouldposition the device the above-stated distance from yourbody.To send data files or messages requires a qualityconnection to the network. Data files or messages may bedelayed until such a connection is available. Follow theseparation distance instructions until the transmission iscompleted.VehiclesRadio signals may affect improperly installed orinadequately shielded electronic systems in motorvehicles such as electronic fuel injection, electronicantilock braking, electronic speed control, and air bagsystems. For more information, check with themanufacturer of your vehicle or its equipment.Only qualified personnel should install the device in avehicle. Faulty installation or service may be dangerousand may invalidate your warranty. Check regularly that allwireless device equipment in your vehicle is mounted andoperating properly. Do not store or carry flammableliquids, gases, or explosive materials in the samecompartment as the device, its parts, or accessories.Remember that air bags inflate with great force. Do notplace your device or accessories in the air bag deploymentarea.Switch off your device before boarding an aircraft. The useof wireless devices in an aircraft may be dangerous to theoperation of the aircraft and may be illegal.Potentially explosive environmentsSwitch off your device in any area with a potentiallyexplosive atmosphere. Obey all posted instructions. Sparksin such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting inbodily injury or death. Switch off the device at refuellingpoints such as near gas pumps at service stations. Observerestrictions in fuel depots, storage, and distribution areas;Product and safety information 9CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
chemical plants; or where blasting operations are inprogress. Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphereare often, but not always, clearly marked. They includeareas where you would be advised to turn off your vehicleengine, below deck on boats, chemical transfer or storagefacilities and where the air contains chemicals or particlessuch as grain, dust, or metal powders. You should checkwith the manufacturers of vehicles using liquefiedpetroleum gas (such as propane or butane) to determineif this device can be safely used in their vicinity.Certification information (SAR)This mobile device meets guidelines for exposure toradio waves.Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. Itis designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radiowaves recommended by international guidelines. Theseguidelines were developed by the independent scientificorganisation ICNIRP and include safety margins designedto assure the protection of all persons, regardless of ageand health.The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unitof measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate orSAR. The SAR limit stated in the ICNIRP guidelines is 2.0watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over 10 grams of tissue.Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operatingpositions with the device transmitting at its highestcertified power level in all tested frequency bands. Theactual SAR level of an operating device can be below themaximum value because the device is designed to use onlythe power required to reach the network. That amountchanges depending on a number of factors such as howclose you are to a network base station.The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for useof the device at the ear is 1.18 W/kg.Use of device accessories may result in different SARvalues. SAR values may vary depending on nationalreporting and testing requirements and the networkband. Additional SAR information may be provided underproduct information at mobile device is also designed to meet therequirements for exposure to radio waves established bythe Federal Communications Commission (USA) andIndustry Canada. These requirements set a SAR limit of 1.6W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. The highest SARvalue reported under this standard during productcertification for use at the ear is 1.47 W/kg and whenproperly worn on the body is 1.38 W/kg.Copyright and other noticesDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATION declares that this RM-750product is in compliance with the essential requirementsand other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Acopy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found© 2011 Nokia. All rights reserved.Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Xseries, Nokia OriginalAccessories logo, and Ovi are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia tune is a soundmark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and companynames mentioned herein may be trademarks ortradenames of their respective owners.Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part orall of the contents in this document in any form without10 Copyright and other notices10
the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited. Nokiaoperates a policy of continuous development. Nokiareserves the right to make changes and improvements toany of the products described in this document withoutprior notice.Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by theBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Nokia isunder license.This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual PatentPortfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial usein connection with information which has been encodedin compliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by aconsumer engaged in a personal and noncommercialactivity and (ii) for use in connection with MPEG-4 videoprovided by a licensed video provider. No license isgranted or shall be implied for any other use. Additionalinformation, including that related to promotional,internal, and commercial uses, may be obtained fromMPEG LA, LLC. See the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,under no circumstances shall Nokia or any of its licensorsbe responsible for any loss of data or income or any special,incidental, consequential or indirect damages howsoevercaused.The contents of this document are provided "as is". Exceptas required by applicable law, no warranties of any kind,either express or implied, including, but not limited to, theimplied warranties of merchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy,reliability or contents of this document. Nokia reserves theright to revise this document or withdraw it at any timewithout prior notice.Reverse engineering of software in the device isprohibited to the extent permitted by applicable law.Insofar as this user guide contains any limitations onNokia's representations, warranties, damages andliabilities, such limitations shall likewise limit anyrepresentations, warranties, damages and liabilities ofNokia's licensors.The availability of products, features, applications andservices may vary by region. For more information, contactyour Nokia dealer or your service provider. This device maycontain commodities, technology or software subject toexport laws and regulations from the US and othercountries. Diversion contrary to law is prohibited.Nokia does not provide a warranty for or take anyresponsibility for the functionality, content, or end-usersupport of third-party applications provided with yourdevice. By using an application, you acknowledge that theapplication is provided as is. Nokia does not make anyrepresentations, provide a warranty, or take anyresponsibility for the functionality, content, or end-usersupport of third-party applications provided with yourdevice.The availability of Ovi services may vary by region.FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEYour device may cause TV or radio interference (forexample, when using a telephone in close proximity toreceiving equipment). The FCC or Industry Canada canCopyright and other notices 11CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
require you to stop using your telephone if suchinterference cannot be eliminated. If you requireassistance, contact your local service facility. This devicecomplies with part 15 of the FCC rules and Industry Canadalicence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation. Any changes or modificationsnot expressly approved by Nokia could void the user'sauthority to operate this equipment.9226858/Issue 1 EN12 Copyright and other notices12

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