Microsoft RT4 Doll w/built-in Transmitter User Manual 50686
Microsoft Corporation Doll w/built-in Transmitter 50686
d vHTesnng the Future LABORATORIES, INC. EXHIBIT 5 SYSTEM AHNUAL 5473A CLOUDS REST - MAHIPOSA, CAUFORNIA 95338 ' (209) 966-5240 ~ FAX (209) 966-4257 Important. character ionic toy phores arc lDiS we" to) equcrcy Ans cilei in FC'PTNA ,.: United states Radio and TV Interference Regulations The Microsolt AcliMales interactive character, the ActiMates TV Pack Transmitter: and the ActiMates PC Pack Transmitter comply With Part 15 of the us. Federal Communica- tiuns commission (FCC) Rules, Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (i) these deVices may not cause harmful interference, and (2) these devices must accept ahu Interference that may cause undesired operation. When used together, the ActiMates character and the Transmitter can radiate radio frequency (RF) energy. it not installed and used in strict accordance with the instruc- tions given in the printed documentation, the ActiMates character and the Transmitter may cause harmful interference With other radio-operated devices' reception, Any cable that is connected to the Transmitter must be a shielded cable that is properly grounded. (The cable supplied with the Transmitter is properly grounded.) The ActiMates character, the TV Pack Transmitter, and the PC Pack Transmitter have been tested, and they comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part is of the us. FCC rules. These limits are des:gned to provide reasonable protection against harmful RF interference in a residential installation There is, however, no guarantee that RF interference will not occur in a particular installation. To determine if the ActiMates character or the Transmitter is causing interference to other radio-operated devices (for example, baby monitors, cordless phones, radio- controlled toys, etc), disconnect the Transmitter from your television and VCR or computer, respectively, If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the Transmitten ii lne ActiMates character or the Transmitter causes interference to other radio- o:e"ated devices in your name, try the following measures to correct the situation: . Move the other radio-operated device to another part of_the room, away from the ActiMates character and the Transmitter, or move the Acthates character to a different part of the room. - Love the Transmitter to a different location, For example, put the'TV Pack Transmit— ter on the floor or on a stereo cabinet, or put the PC Pack Transmitter larther away from your computer monitor and the central processing unit. For maximum range, lhe Transmitter should be at least one foot away from your teleVislon, VCR, and the computer. . Plug the TV Pack Transmitter into a different power outlet so that the Transmitter is on a different circuit than the teleVision, VCR, and computer. - if necessary, ask an experienced computer or radio~Tv technician for more sugges— tions. you may-chelplulmformatiol-i in thebookfet -‘The Interference Handbook" (HM), published no the FCC. The booklet isavailabte from the 0.8.60vernment Printing Oliice, Washington, M. 20402 The stock number is ou-oao-oouqs—l. Note Any ranges or mooi‘icatiors "cl excressiy aopioved by Miciosofl could void the user's authority to operate ins zevice Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements at the Canadian Interference— Causing Equipment Regulations. , l . . . ~ ; Cet appareil numéridue de la classe B r-‘especte loutesles exigences du réglement surle materiel broUiller duCanada. ,- ~ ’ ,. ‘ . ~ 4 l, , (oi i exiled s on AM i EXCLUSWH DE DOMMAGES ACCESSOlRES, InDIRECTS ET AUTRES. Dans mule (a mesure permise par la législatian en vlgueur, Microsoft el ses fuurnisseurs ne sent en aucun cas responsables des damn-ages spéciaux, indirecls, accessoires, moraux au exemplaires quels qu’ils soient (g campr'ls, mais sans limitation, la perte de profits, l’inler‘ruplion des affaires, les dommages corporels, les dommages résultant du défaut de remplir toute obligation, g compris l'abligation de bonne foi on de soins raisonnables, cu résultant de la négligence e! mute aulre perte pécuniaire w fie quelqu’aulre nature), découlant as, ou de quelque fawn refiés A, l'utilisation ou l'impossibili‘lé d’utiliser le Matériel Infurmatique, meme si Microsoft w 525 (ournisseurs ont élé avisés de l'éventualité de tels damages. Lcl APPLZCASLE. 5; ous ave: acqms le Matérloz lnlormatique aux Rats-Unis d‘Ame’flque‘ ll ; lows de l'E’tat de Washington élatSAUnis. s'appliquent é calla con- venmn. 5: vous avez acquls le Malériel lnlormatique é l'exlérleur des états—unls d‘Amérique, alors (as [MS locales neuvenl s'appliquer‘. Si vous avez vaUlS ce prodw’l au Cunada, 5an si 195 lois locales lnlerdisent expressémem les condlllons de cetle Garantle Limilée, les lois en vigueur clans la province u'omarlo, Canada, rég’lssenl celle convention el chacune des parties 53 la présenl .;'*élr"v'éblen~n,fl' la camcétence des tribunaux de la province d'omario e: carsenl 5 ms: [uer taut liuge qui pourralt découler ole la présenle devam les zribuwaux sitbés dans le district judiciaire de York, province d’onlarm, QUESTIonS. Sl vous avez des questions. cu si vous désirez communiqoer avec Mlcroson pour uuelque raiser) QUE ce sell, veuIlleZ contacler (a succur‘sale Mlcrosml desservam vatre pays, no écrire é: Mlcrcsofl Sales lnlormalion center. ‘ One Microsolt Wag, Redmond, WA flSUsz-bm “mung gum no AM ‘ ‘ Pva‘NA was quelque nature que ce soit. Puisque certains étals ou iuridictions ne permeltent pas la limitation ole la durée d'une garantie ou condition légale ou implicite, il est possible oue la restriction ci—dessus ne vous concerns pasi LIMITAYIOn DES RECOURS; ABSENCE DE DOMMAOES ACCESSOIRES OU AUTRES. Votre unique recoors relativement a loot manquement 3 cells Garantie Limitée est tel que prévu ci-aprés. A l’exception de tout remboursement que Microsoft pourra'lt choisir, a sa discrétion, ole vws accorder, vous n’avez unit a aucun dommages, g compris, mais sans limitation, les dommages aocessoires. Celle oaranlie Limitée vous accoroe des droits légaux spéciliques, Il est possible que vous en agez a'aulres variant cl'un état ou d'une iuridiction a l'autre. EnREGISTREMEnT. Celte Garantie Limitée est en vigueur méme si vous ne renvogez pas le carton o’enregistrement de garantie. BEnEFICIAIRE, Dans la mesurz permise par la législation en vigueur, cetle Garantie limilée ne s'adresse qu’a vous. le premier utilisaleur du Matériet lnlcrmatique, et aucune tierce partie ne neul nénéficier ole cette Garantie Limitée. celte Garantie Limitée n'est prévue pour, et ne s'applique a, personne d'autre (soul tel que requis par la loi). VOTRE unlouE RECOURS. La seule responsabi' é de Microsoft et de ses lournisseurs et votre unique recoors relativement au Malériet lnlormatique sont, au choix ole Microsoft, soit (a) le remboursement Elu prix pagé (s'il g a lieu) pour le Matériel lnlormatiaue, ou (in) la réparation ou le remplacement du Malériel lnlormatique qui n'esl pas conforme a cette Garantie Limilée el qui est retourné a Microsoll avec une copie de votre recu d‘achal. V005 pcuvez exercer ce recours sans "315,5an que vous demeurez responsable de loute dépense encourue a cat égard, Cetle Garantie Limitée est nulle si la déiecluosilé du Matérlel Informatique résulle d‘un accident. d'un abus d'ulilisation DU d'un usage non approprié. Tout Materiel lnlormalique ole remplacement sera garanli pendant le resle de la période de garantie initials ou pennant lrenle (3 0) jours, selon la période la plus tongue. Pour exercer volre recaurs, veoillez communiquer avec Microsolt au: aux E'tats-Unis, Microsolt sales lnlormalion Center, One Microsolt Wag, Redmond, WA isosz-bzflq et au Canada, MS Canada to. 32!) Matheson Blvd. West, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada LSR 3m. ExCLusmn DE GARAnTlES. La présente Garanlle timitée est la seule garantie expresse qui vous est accoroée et remplace toute autre garantie expresse (s'il g a new créee par toute documenlalian ou tout matériel d'emballage. Aucune autre garamie ou condition n'esl accordée relativemenl au Matériel lntormatique par uuelque personne que ce soil. 9 compris, mais sans limitation, Microsoft at 525 (ournisseurs A l'exception de cette Garantie Limitég et dans toute la mesure permise par la législation en vigueur, Microsoft et ses foumisseurs fwrnissent le materiel lnformatique TEL QuEL e! ave: taus ses fléfauts, at, par les présentes, excluent mute autre garantie et condition, expresse nu implicile, Iégale no conventionneue, écrite ou verbale, g compris, mais sans limitation ls'il g a lieu), toule garanfie e! condition implicite ou légale ae qualilé marchanae, de conformité aux besoins, d’eflorl‘. professionnel at d’absence de négligence, r-elativement au Matériel Informalique‘ De plus, it n'existe aucune garantie ou condition ole titre. d‘autorité et d'absence de contrelacon relativement au Malériel lnformatique i!) amen 900 m 95 ware Device AS IS and with an faults, and hereby dlsclaim all other warranties and conditions either express, implied or statutoru, including but not limited to any (if angi implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, cl fitness for a particular purpose. and at lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, all with regard to the Hardware Device. Also, there is no warrantu or condition ol title, authorilui or noninlringement in the Hardware Devices EXCLUSION OF InCIDEnTAL, CODSEQUEDTIAL AnD CERTAID OTHER DAMAGES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Microsoft or its suppliers be liable {or any special. incidental or consequential damages whatsoever (including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, for business interruption, (or personal injurg, for failure to meet any duty including of good faith or of remonable care, for negligence, and (or any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever), arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the Hardware Device, even if Microsoft or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such dam» agfi. GOVERnInG LAN If uou acquired the Hardware Device in the united States ol America, we laws 0‘ the State of Washirgton, u.S.Ai, will applu to this contract il gou acquired inis Hardware Device outside at the United States at America, then local law may apply (you accc'red 153 product in Canada, except where expresslu prohibited bu local law, tne laws in f:rce in the Province of Ontario, Canada w:ll apply to this contract and each 2" the parties hereto rrevocablu attorns lo the jurisdiction of the courts oi the Province ot Ontario and further agrees to commence anu litigation which mag arise hereunder in the courts located in the Judicial District ol york, Province of Ontario. QUESTlonS. Snocld uou have ang questions , or if you desire to contact Microsoft for anu reaso please contact the Microsolt subsidiary serving gour countru, or write: vicrosr , 35 s rformation Center. One Microsoit wag, Redmond, WA qxosz—eiqq. GARAnTIE LIMITEE ET LIMITATION DE RESPOHSABILITE GARAHTIE LIMIT Microsoi: gar riii: due. a la date do reception du Materiel niorw‘ , . :erdant unfl rioce ca quatrervingl (TC/i iours a compter de cette sate ole 323 nations not as C'ulilisation el d‘ertrelien, (a) te Materiel ntormat‘cce sera, pour l'essertiel, exempt de oéfaut de matériau et de vice ole fabtcaticr. el it? tous les Serv'ces d'assistance fournis par Microsoft seront, pour Jessenliei, tels cue decrils clans la documentation écrite applicable dui vous a élé lournie pa‘ Microsoft, et due ies spéCialistes en assistance de Microsoll feront des elforls ra sannapfes, d‘un po nt de vue commercial, pour résoudre les proplémes soumis. vous bene‘ cie: egalement dune garanlie et/ou condition légale ou implicite. mais uniquement en ce qui cohcerne les défauts découverts pendant Ia durée de cette Garantie Limitée et uhiduement si une garantie ou condition legale ou implicite est créée par les lois de votre état,’juridiction et que les lois lédérales ou provinciales interdisent d’u renoncer. En ce qui concerne les derauts décowerts apres la période de quatre-vingt (filo) jours, il n’existe aucune garantie ou condition de s ‘ zwiea 93cm [i This n crpsoit product comes Min a 30-day money—pack guarantee Ii you aie ncl ccrr;ietely satisl 5: win iris ricdcc ,icu may Ieiuln t ‘craluii Ie‘br‘c E“Kittie ‘ cal LIMITED NARRAnTy. Microsoft warrants that on the day you receive the Hardware Device and lor the next 60 days thereafter, under normal use and service, (a) the Hardware Device will be substantially tree from detects in materials and workmanship, and lb) any Support Services provided by Microsolt shall be substan- tially as described in applicable written materials provided to you by Microsoft, and Microsoft support engineers will make commercially reasonable ellorts to solve any proplem iSSUeS. you also have an implied warranty and/or condition, but only as to defects discov- ered during the period at this Limited warranty, and only it an implied warranty or condition is created by your state/jurisdiction and federal or state/provincial law prohibits disclaimer of it. As to any defects discovered after the 40 day period, there is no warranty or condition at any kind. Some states and jurisdictions do not allow limitations on duration at an implied warranty or condition, so the above limitation may not apply to you. LIMITATion on REMEDIES; no CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES. your exclusive remedy {or any breach at this Limited Warranty is as set lorth below. Except for any refund elected by Microsoft, you are not entitled to any damages, including but not limited to consequential damages This Limited warranty gives you specilic legal rights you may have olners, which vary irom state/iurisdiction to state/jurisdiction. REGISTRATlon. you need not relurn the warranty registration card for this Limited Warranty to be effective. BENEFICIARY. To the extent allowed by applicable law, this Limited Warranty is only made to you, the lirst user of the Hardware Device, and there are no third party beneficiaries of this Limited warranty. It is not intended for and does not apply to anyone else [except as required by law) your! EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. Microsoft's and its suppliers' entire liability and your excisve remedy with respect to the Hardware Devtce shall be at Microsoft's option, eithe' la) return of the price paid (it any hardware Device that does not meet this Limited warranty and which is returned to Microsoft With a copy of your receipt of purchase. you may exercise this remedy w:thcut charge except that you are responsible (or any expenses you may incur, This Limited warranty iS void il lailure ol the Hardware Device has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement Hardware Device will be warranted (or the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (sol clays, whichever is longer. To exerc se your remedy, contact Microsoft at, Microsolt Sales Information Center, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA qsosz-olfm, DISCLAIMER OF NARRAnTIES. The Limited warranty herein is the only express war- rarity made to you and is provided in lieu of any other express warranties lil anyl on or packaging. no other warranties or conditions are made with respect to the Hardware Device by any person, including but not limited to Microsolt and its suppliers. Except for the Limited warranty, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Microsoft and its suppliers provide the Hard- created by airy “cit. lo", or ib\ resa'ir or replacement of the l i” PC'VMNA If your question isn’t urgent Send e-mail to a Microsoft Technical support engineer icu car. sub” 1 questions 24 hours a day and will receive a response from an engineer wrtr n one business clays To submit your question, go to http.// yogurt mic”:soit com ’supporl and select Web Response. Web Response is 5'.’Biiabie for soth Standard no-Cnarge Support [amount varies as described acove‘, and Pagefler incident Support (lees vary as described above). If you need text telephone (TTV/TDD) services i it‘ne Lrited States, dial (uzs) (715—4448, 6:00 AM. - 6:00 PM. Pacific time, Monday - “day, excicd ng holidays or in Canada, dial (405) 568-461”, 3:00 AM. - 3:00 PM. eastern time, ‘Aonday - Friday, excluding holidays If you need support outside the united States and Canada Toe support cations described here are available in the United States and Canada only. For infirmation on support available in other countries, contact the if croscft subs' iary nearest you. A ilsting oi Microsoft worldwide subsidiaries zs avaaianle a: nttpzf, www‘microsolt com/supportL Tne se‘Vices and prices listed here are available in the united states and Canada Support outs de the united Sales and Canada may vary. Microsoft’s support services are subject to Microsoft’s then—current prices, terms, and conditions, um ch are sucject to change Without notice. iii a wee 9 cu AM i L PC'nmNA ass ll gou have a technical question, uou can get uour question answered quicklg through one at several options. It you have a simple question Quickly find answers yourself online use Support Online to lind information you need online. Innovative wizards provide step-bu-steb guidance so 900 can diagnose and solve problems yourself, To begin uour search, go to httpz//support.microsoftcom/supporl. if your question is urgent and more complex Telephone Microsoft Technical Support Receive assistance directlu from a support engineer to solve gourissue. standard no—Charge support — for help during regular business hours The amount at no—charge support lor which your product is eligible varies as described below. Please call one ol the following numbers, In the u.s.: (i425) ass-sails in Canada: (405) 568—3505 ma AM. » 5:00 PM. Pacific time, 3:00 AM. — 3:00 PM, eastern time, Mondau . Fridau, excludinq holidaus Mondau - Fridau, excluding holidaus For questions about the ActiMates character, the TV Pack transmitter; or the PC Pack transmitter, gou are eligible for 410 dogs ol Standard Tia-Charge Support which begins the first time you speak with an engineer. (For example, if the ActiMates character is not making anu sound, or if you have the ActiMates TV Pack or PC Pack, but the ActiMates character is not responding to cues from the ActiMates-compatible video or CD~ROM.) For questions about ActiMates-compatible software, you are eligible for unlimited Standard norcharge Support. (For example, it ucu can’t install uour software, or can‘t hear sound lrom the soltware.) Pag-Per~lncident Support - for help after hours if uou need help alter hours, or ii uou have used up uour Standard lioAChar‘ge Support, uou can purchase Pauper-incident Support. The lees for Pau-PEr-lncidem support will varu depending on the type of question uou have Support fees for the (souls calls will be billed to gour VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card. Support lees for the (mob calls will appear on gour telephone bill. For questions about the ActiMates character; TV Pack, or PC Pack: in lhe us (or $35 us per incident in Canada for 545 com s tax per incident (800) 435-5700 or (400) 55572000 (800i 66347475 zil hours a day, seven dags a week 8130 AM, — 5.00 PM. eastern time, includ'ng holidaus Mondau - Friday, excluding nolidaus For questions about Ac‘tiMatescompatible so? ware: In the US (or Sis US per incident In Canada for sus CDn » tax per incident 1300) ass-soon or (400) 555—2400 (300) 6178-7475 zw hours a dog, seven days a Week 3:00 A M - 8:00 RM. eastern time, including nolidaus Monday 4 Friday, excluding holidaus i: 2 il’SE JMAM PC—r -iA :65 5 l) It the computer is on, but the yellow light on the Transmitter is not lit: - The Transmitter is not geiling power. Make sure the Transmitter's game port connector Is connected securelg to the Mini/game port on your computen . it got connected a game controller to the Transmitter‘s Pass-through port, the irahsmitter may he incompatible with the game controller: unplug the game controller while us‘ g the ActiMates character with the computen Note It the software is playing on the screen, but the ActiMates character isn’t talking along: . Make sure the software title is ActiMatesvcompatible. J ares; the coht'clier ‘lcri 'i~e Transmitters Pass-thrcugh pcrl . Scueeze one oi the character‘s hands to make sure it's turned on. . Make sure ”we Activiates character has fresh batteries installed, it the Character nas trouble communicating with the computer and its movements Slow down or stop comptetelg, then its batteries need to be replaced, - Make sure the Transmitter cable is securely tastened to the computer, - Make sure the Activates cnaracter is within i5 feet til 6 meters) of the Transmitter if the ActiMates character’s speech is broken up or mlssing words, or if a software error message indicates that the character can’! be found: . Move the character closer to the Transmitter or a few feet to the right or lett The character should be less than 15 teen (4.6 metersi from the Trans» miller, and tne Transmifier should be at least i loot (0.3 meters) (mm the computer, monitor and sneakers ~ Trg moving the Transm'tter ta a different lc:ation, . Make sure the Transmitters coole is fully extended. . Charge the frecuencu lcnanrel} ot oour cordless phone it you're Using a crciess crane wine tr; tt'f.‘5tes character is interacting with the soft- ware, there mag be interlerence between the phone and the Transmitter 0 Turn off other radio-operated devices while the ActiMates character is interacting with the software other radio—operated electronic devices may also cause interference With the Transmitter, (For examolel baby monitors, garage door openers, b‘x‘glar alarms, radio controlled logs, or certain zgpes of apoliances wttn electric motors.) H gnu've tried all of these tips, but the ActiMates character still isn‘t interacting with the software: . see (he irauciesmctr; secilon of the PC Pack Help file. To start PC Pack Help, click the Windows Start button, point to Programs. point to either MiCrBSOfl Barney Software Oi" MiCI‘OSOfl. Arthur software, and then Click PC Pack Help. ‘ Look tor AcliMales compatible scfiwaie titles. Check the CD-ROM‘S package for this symbol When the ActiMates characier‘s bananas gel iow, its move- ments Wiii stew down, its speech Wi‘i becomeslcred or sluttered, ard ihe radin tar ' Tiarsrnitter will decrease Beicre you caii MiCYCSCil Technicai Support, make sure you've tried irsla'irg new canenes‘ your child uses a mouse or other pointing device to plau the software activi- ties, just as she would with traditional learning software. However. when the software is used with an ActiMates character and the ActiMates PC Pack. squeezing one of characters sensors makes special things happen! Use ActiMates Barneg with the Barney software activities . Cover Barney's eyes—Barneu will plat; peekaboo and the art-screen charac— ter Wiii plag along! - squeeze Barney’s hand—ln levels 1-3, Barneg will take a break trom the game on the screen ant! present a short lesson that reinforces the specific learning concepts of the game. In the "Explore Mode" creative activities, Barneg will take a turn adding something to uour child's creation. - Squeeze Barney’s middle toe—Barneu and the on-screen character will sing a song that reinforces the curriculum being presented in the on-screen activituv use ActiMates Arthur or D.W. with the Arthur software activities . Squeeze Arthur's or D.W.‘s ear—ActiMates Arthur or D W. will offer a hint about how to get the right answer in the current software activity. W - squeeze Arthur's or D.W.‘s hand~ActiMates Arthur or ow, will take a turn to demonstrate the activitu. . Squeeze Arthur's or D.Ws watch—ActiMates Arthur or D.W. will ask the host character in the current software activitu what time it is, - Squeeze Arthur’s or D.w.'s fOOIAActiM-ates Arthur or ow, or one of the on- screen characte"s will tell a knock—knock JOKE Note, it you have both Ac: Mates Ailhur and DW.‘ only one Actthes ohaiacter at a time will work with the Arthur soltwaiel it is not pcssmie to swilch imm one chaiacterto anothefduiing a session To swttch chaiactets,you must restart the Anhursuflware. ‘ PCmfliNA P55 4 ‘ 2M 3493 2 40 PM ‘ I 433— PC'M m your compuer tetove y:u connect the Transmmen Cannectmg the Tvansmtlier wttnout wrcornputevcan pevmarenfly damage tneTransmtltev, yourcomputer‘ or ycursound cavd Important Tu ‘t'stcow gs!‘ To connect the Transmitter la your computer 1 Turn off uour computer. 2 Ptug the Transmitter's game port connector Into the ls-pm MIDI/game port on gour Growler, generaltg located on gour computer's sound card (MIDI det/‘CES and game devices use the same port.) The fottowing figure shows wha: this port mignt took the an the back of guur computer. rune OLI rune In Note chrsound card will atways . Q C O 3 haveLzreImLmeOutponsliketne ‘ t [— cnes shown here Make sure you don'\ accidently plug the Transmtter M‘C '“ m a15-pm pen on a ne|workcard¥ Mmlga'e port L SckCJt The Transm tter draws its power from the MOI/game port and is on when the com uter ts on. There is no Ony’Off Switch. H connected proper-lg, the yellow Ltgn: on the front at the Transmitter will be Mt when the computer is On nten tre screws on fine Transmitters connector so that it is securetg tort. J T? cannecte: :3 me Mb 1. ; I! may a 517 be ;!ugged mm your Mtulfgame can In that case tcug‘”;ovt chat News you toptug bath GEWCES mIo yourcomputer at ss—t crte T; , -e gre zewce mug meTransm ev mm the MIDI/game pcvt on you! ETCME’ av“ e e Pass-1nrcugnpovto Transmttter‘s caole ‘— Fassf‘nvcug‘ pen , 3 —> To c:rnputer‘s MIDh’game port 213921960 w ;a: 3 A1 Hays tum your mmputer of! belole y’u connector connect the mittens 0!!er tre MtDMgame port Cr. ycuvccmpuler, at tetra you connect at csccnrectagame cat/"cam orfrnm the T'arsrnmer‘s Pass- \ht:ugh port. fl Mes! game dewces paltole with ces out when me dance 15 cor ectedtothe Pass-throughpon‘ the Tvansrntttens not ccrraattifle wnh your emedevtce «h ActiMe'" Barney interacts Driy With Ac: ‘.la:es~ comoa: e Barney sottwaie‘51es. ActiMatesArJ-iurand AcliMa'es CWinteracl r ActMates- eAnhut t‘es Check CM‘S :i his ilyou l~eve both Acu‘Ma'es Anhurand AcliMa 3 D W, only / Make suie he ACliM osmiNA sas Betore your child begins plauing on the computer with the ActiMates character, we encoorage uou to let uour child plat) With the character for a while as a stand-alone tog. For example, squeeze the sensors in the character’s hands and leet and see what happens. The character will respond to these same actions while the software game is running, so the soltware experience with the ActiMates character mag he more meaningful and fun it your child has had a chance to get to know the character first. To get started using the ActiMates character with your computer I Make sure the ActiMates character has fresh batteries installed. For instructions, see the Getting Started manual that came in the loox with the ActiMates character, 2 Connect the Transmitter to your computer. as described on the following page. Make sure you turn oit your computer before you connect the Transmitter, Connecting the Transmitter without first powering oft gour computer can permanentlu damage the Transmitter, your computer, or gour sound card. a set up the AcliMales soltware on your computer For instructions, see the booklet inside the CDVROM case, it Make sure the ActiMates character is within 15 feel (the meters) ol the Transmitter. @ 5 SQUQEZE the character's hand (0 make sure it’s turned OH. 6 it necessaru, adjust the Volume of the speakers attached to your computer, so gour child can hear both the ActiMates character and the software characters onfscreen. 1 Start the sottware title and begin plauing along with the AcliMates character! Placement and Range The Transmitter communicates with the ActiMates character by means of a radio link. As with most AM/FM radios, the Transmitter is influenced by its placement and proximitg to metal, The Transmitter is designed to operate at a maximum or is leet [we meters) from the character put this distance can vary depending on where the Transmitter is placed. For best results, the Transmitter should be placed on the work surtace, at least one tool (a 3 metersl lrom the camputer, monitor, and speakers. DO not place the Transmitter on top oi the monitor, directly on or next to the computer, on or near the speakers, or on a metal surface it the Transmitter is placed in such a location, the operating distance to the ActiMates character may be reduced. ewes new i Congratulat cos on your purchase of the Microsoft ActiMates'M PC Pack, which Includes Transmitter with ls-pin MIDI/game port connector cable: Connects to the MiDi game port on uour computer, allowing Microsoft ActiMates characters to interact with ActiMates»compatible software titles bu means of radio link. Multimedia CD-ROM: includes four ActiMates-comoaliole software actiVities. - You can use ActiMates Arthur?“ or ActiMates ow“ with the following Artncr act v‘ties: Prunella, Cueen c. the Jim" 3 and Muftg‘s Word-O-Matic, - you can use ActiMa ‘5 Barney“ with the following Barheg activities: Professor Tinker-putts Dive site and Baby Eop's Chicken Coop. Note See ire bcc Ce: insice ire CC-RCM case torsoitwate setup instructions and descriptions oi ihe scimare aczivitie. When gou use uour Acti'Mates character with the PC Pack Transmitter and ActiMates-cmeatible software. the ActiMates character becomes ucur child's computer {earning buddy The ActiMates character offers hints and sugges— tzons, takes turns in the software acttvtties, and motivates your child with encouraging words, you can use the PC Pack with the following Microsoft ActiMates characters. Microsoft ActiMates Barneg‘“ When used with the PC Pack, ActiMates Barney can interact wth ActiMates—comoatibte Barney software titles. in addition to the Barney ctivities included on the PC Pack CD-ROM, there are four Barneg 53‘1‘r.5re tit es available f":rn Mcrcsoft, each sold separatelu, Microsoft ActiMates ArthurN or Microsoft ActiMates ow." When used with the 95 Pack. ActiMates Art—er and ow. :an interact wth ActiMates-comoatible Arthur software titles an the Arthur Web site at hltp: ,www absorgi’arthur in addition to the Arthur activities included on the PC Pack CD-ROM, there are three Arthur software titles available from Microsoft, each sold separately. pc» m icabiz oloc Camprymg with all cworbylnyw‘ains Eloc‘ l'naars oi access is eiecim cannery JlEUnfl a: Evert may a. morocco-o si i trosoltCmvraion i m." , '5 m mi fl‘eiiu'z‘uai w; misc my ii in .cc anv (m. a ‘nes wimm imam v' aeaflailcfi a": mm are mum w. we wow t'u seats z? am aware -i um ”in a Man aim in; Ear . eii ieecec'te ever; a age 9 cc AM an El} Bram ma menmned Mien are eWissv/n test as is immm "sues ale ennui iegéieiefl ocean; of Minimum ccmputer reqijremerils: - 456r56MHz CPU - 8 MB RAM and Windows‘eiSor later (is MB RAM recommended) fl. is MB RAM and Windows NTll version 4.00iiatef - 2 MB hard disk space - Double~speed(2x) CD-ROM drive i4x CS-HOM drive rewarded) - 16Jbitsoundcard With external MIDI/ game an‘l - Super VGA dispiay T' u card and monitor ' (1 capable of 500 x / ECO festiution iHZEE odors - uLfisleo computer Look icr ActiMates- ocnipatitie software lilies, Check the CD? ROM‘s package for this .
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:11 09:12:40 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 50686.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:11 09:12:51-04:00 Page Count : 13EXIF Metadata provided by