Microsoft RX-42 Bluetooth Car Kit User Manual current bluetooth content

Microsoft Mobile Oy Bluetooth Car Kit current bluetooth content


GENERAL INFORMATIONThis section describes the functionsand features of the Bluetooth mobilephone and voice control system.The section covers the followingvariations:•a mobile phone with a mobilephone cradle without voicecontrol•a Bluetooth and voice controlsystem with a mobile phonecradle•a Bluetooth and voice controlsystem without a mobile phonecradle.The Bluetooth mobile phone part ofthe system provides interaction withthe audio or navigation system andyour mobile phone. It allows you touse the audio or navigation systemto make and receive calls withouthaving to use your mobile phone.The voice control part of the systemcan be used to control:•mobile phone calls•audio system functions•vehicle climate control functions.Note:The mobile phone does notswitch off immediately after theignition key is turned off: the powerdown delay is preset to 10 minutes.The time period can be adjusted tobetween 0 and 60 minutes. This,depending on your mobile phone,can be achieved by creating aphonebook entry on your mobilephone with the name Timer and therequired delay as it's number.If the Bluetooth and voice control isused for an extended period of timewhen the vehicle is stationary, makesure that the engine is running toavoid draining the batteryTELEPHONE SETUPRequirements for cradleconnectionYour phone must be fitted in a mobilephone holder before it can be usedas a cradle phone with yourhandsfree/voice control system. Youwill be able to purchase the correctholder for your phone from yourdealer.Placing your phone in thecradleNote:Your phone must be fitted ina mobile phone holder to allow youto connect the phone to the cradle.Connect your phone to the cradle.1. Place the base of the phone in thecradle connection.Note:Make sure that the phone ispushed fully rearwards in the cradle.252Telephone
2. Push the phone downwards untila click is heard.21E87688Note:The connection to the systemwill be displayed on your phone.PhonebookAfter start up access to thephonebook can be delayed for up totwo minutes.Phonebook categoriesDepending on your phonebook entry,different categories can be displayedin the audio or navigation unit.For example:MobileMOfficeOHomeHFaxFNote:Entries may be displayedwithout a category attachment.The category can also be indicatedas an icon:PhoneMobileHomeOfficeFaxMaking a phone an activephoneWhen using the system for the firsttime, no phone is connected to thesystem.After switching on the ignition thecradle phone and the Bluetoothphone are recognized differently bythe system.Bluetooth phoneAfter bonding a Bluetooth phone tothe system, this becomes the activephone. For further information referto the phone menu.However, in some cases theBluetooth phone has to be activatedby pressing the appropriate stationbutton on the audio or navigationunit.Turning the ignition back on again,the last active phone is picked up bythe system.253Telephone
Bond another BluetoothphoneNote:Before another Bluetoothphone can be bonded, the existingactive Bluetooth connection has tobe deactivated by the mobile phone.Bond a new Bluetooth phone asdescribed in the requirements for aBluetooth connection.Phones stored in the system areaccessible by using the phone list onthe audio or navigation unit.Note:If six (five Bluetooth phonesfor cradle phone system) Bluetoothphones have been bonded, one ofthese has to be deleted in order tobond a new phone.Cradle phoneWith your phone fitted in the mobilephone cradle this does notautomatically become the activephone.In these cases refer to Changingthe active phone in theappropriate section which describesthe system fitted to your vehicle.BLUETOOTH SETUPBefore you can use your telephonewith your vehicle it must be bondedto the vehicle telephone system.Handling of phonesA phone can be connected to thevehicle system by using either acradle connection or a Bluetoothconnection.On vehicles with a mobile phonecradle, up to five Bluetooth phonescan be bonded to the vehicle system.On vehicles without a mobile phonecradle, up to six Bluetooth phonescan be bonded to the vehicle system.Note:If there is an ongoing callwhen the phone in use is selected asthe new active phone, the call istransferred to the vehicle audiosystem.Note:Even if connected to the carsystem, your phone can still be usedin the usual way.Requirements for BluetoothconnectionThe following are required before aBluetooth phone connection can bemade.1. The Bluetooth feature must beactivated on the phone and onthe audio unit. For additionalinformation, refer to your phoneuser guide2. The private mode must not beactivated on the Bluetooth phone.3. Search for audio device.4. Select Ford Audio.5. The Bluetooth PIN number 0000must be entered on the phonekeypad.254Telephone
Note:A phone call will bedisconnected if the audio/navigationsystem is switched off. If the ignitionkey is turned to the off position thephone call will remain in progress.Compatibility of phonesCAUTIONAs no common agreementexists, mobile phonemanufacturers are able to implementa variety of profiles in their Bluetoothdevices. Because of this, anincompatibility can occur betweenthe phone and hands-free system,which in some cases may significantlydegrade the system performance.To avoid this situation, onlyrecommended phones should beused. Please contact your dealer formore details regarding the currentcompatibility list.Phones with Symbianoperating systemNote:Certain phones require aspecial file to be installed to enablefull phonebook access via Bluetooth.This is referred to as a SIS file and willbe available via the Ford website.Please consult your dealer for fulldetails.TELEPHONE CONTROLSEnding or rejecting callsBy pressing one of several functionbuttons on the audio or navigationunit (example: AM/FM,CD/AUX)active calls can be ended or incomingcalls can be rejected.Remote controlOne of several different types ofremote control may be fitted to yourvehicle:Voice and mode button12E87661Voice button1Mode button2Incoming calls can be accepted bypressing the MODE button once orended by pressing twice.255Telephone
Voice and accept/reject button1 2E87662Voice button1Accept/Reject button2The VOICE button is used to activateor switch off the Voice control.On vehicles with an accept/rejectbutton, phone calls can be acceptedand rejected by pressing theappropriate button.Note:Some audio units have theaccept/reject buttons on the frontbezel. These operate in the sameway.Mode button on the steeringwheelE87663Mode button onlyE87664On vehicles without a VOICE button,the MODE button on the remotecontrol is used to activate or switchoff the voice control.Note:You will not be able to use theMODE button to activate the voicecontrol during an incoming or activecall.You will not be able to use the MODEbutton to control the audio system.USING THE TELEPHONE- VEHICLES WITHOUT:NAVIGATION SYSTEMThis chapter describes the phonefunctions of the audio unit.Note:Refer to your audio guide fordetails of the controls.An active phone must be present.Even if connected to the audio unit,your phone can still be used in theusual way.Note:You can exit the phone menuby pressing any source button CD,AM/FM or AUX.256Telephone
Making a callDialling a numberYou can access your phone addressbook either with the phone dockedin the cradle or via Bluetooth. Theentries will appear in the audio unitdisplay.1. Press the PHONE or the callaccept button.2. Press the MENU button.3. Keep pressing the MENU buttonuntil PHONEBOOK appears.4. Press the seek buttons to selectthe desired phone number.Note:Press and hold the seekbutton to skip to the next letter in thealphabet.5. Press the PHONE or the callaccept button to dial the selectedphone number.If you have an audio unit with atelephone keypad (buttons 0-9, * and#), you can also direct dial by enteringthe number on the radio display viathe keypad and pressing the callaccept button:1. Press the call accept button.2. Dial the number using thetelephone keypad on the audiounit.3. Press the call accept button.Note:If you enter an incorrect digitwhilst entering a phone number,press the seek down button to erasethe last digit. A long press will erasethe complete string of digits.Press and hold 0 to enter a + digit.Ending a callCalls can be ended by either:•pressing one of the followingbuttons on the audio unit:PHONE, CD, AM/FM orON/OFF•pressing the MODE button onthe remote control•pressing the call reject button.Note: If you have an audio unit witha telephone keypad you can end acall only with the call reject button.Redialling a number1. Press the PHONE or the callaccept button.2. Press the MENU button.3. Select the CALL OUT list or theCALL IN list.Note:If the active phone does notprovide a call out list, the lastoutgoing call number/entry isdisplayed.4. Press the seek button on theaudio unit.5. Press the PHONE or the callaccept button to dial the desiredphone number.Redialling the last diallednumberNote:This applies to only audio unitswith a telephone keypad1. Press the call accept button.257Telephone
2. Press the call accept button againto display the last dialled number.3. Press the call accept button athird time to dial the number.Receiving an incoming callAccepting an incoming callIncoming calls can be accepted byeither:•pressing the PHONE button•pressing the MODE button onthe remote control•pressing the call accept button.Rejecting an incoming callIncoming calls can be rejected byeither:•pressing the call reject button•pressing the CD button•pressing the AM/FM button.Note: If you have an audio unit witha telephone keypad you can onlyreject a call with the call reject button.Note:You cannot reject an incomingcall using the remote control.Handling a secondincoming callNote:The second incoming callfunction must be activated in yourphone.If there is an incoming call whilst thereis an ongoing call, a beep will beheard and you will have the option toend the active call and to accept theincoming call.Accepting a second incomingcallSecond incoming calls can beaccepted by either:•pressing the call accept button•pressing the MODE button onthe remote control•pressing the PHONE button.Note:This will cancel the ongoingcall.Rejecting a second incomingcallSecond incoming calls can berejected by pressing either:•pressing the call reject button•pressing the CD button•pressing the AM/FM button.Note: If you have an audio unit witha telephone keypad you can onlyreject a call with the call reject button.Changing the active phoneNote:Phones must be bonded tothe system before they can be madeactive.Using the station storagebutton1. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit.2. Press the preset number required(using the station preset buttons1 - 6).Note:This process is only for audiounits without a telephone keypad.258Telephone
Using the audio unit menu1. Press the PHONE or call acceptbutton.2. Press the MENU button on theaudio unit.3. Select the ACTIVE PHONEoption on the audio unit.4. Scroll through the different storedphones by using the seek buttonsto display the bonded phones.5. Press the MENU button to selectthe phone which is to be theactive phone.Note:After bonding a Bluetoothphone to the system, this becomesthe active phone.Debonding a bonded phoneA bonded phone can be deletedfrom the system at any time, unlessa phone call is in progress.1. Press the PHONE or call acceptbutton.2. Press the MENU button on theaudio unit.3. Select the DEBOND option onthe audio unit.4. Scroll through the differentphones by using the seek buttonsand display the phone to bedebonded.5. Press the MENU button to selectthe phone which is to bedebonded.USING THE TELEPHONE- TRAVEL PILOT EXThis chapter describes the phonefunctions of the Navigation SystemTravelPilot EX.Note:Refer to your NavigationSystem TravelPilot EX guide fordetails of the controls.An active phone must be present.Even if connected to the NavigationSystem TravelPilot EX, your phonecan still be used in the usual way.Making a callDialling a number - cradlephoneUsing the cradle phone allows you toaccess your mobile phone addressbook. The entries will appear in theTravelPilot EX display.1. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit.2. Using the PHONEBOOK optionin the menu.3. Choose one of the letter areas.4. Turning the right rotary entrycontrol, select the desired phonenumber.5. By pressing the INFO button thedetails of the phonebook entrycan be displayed.6. Press the right rotary entry controlbutton.259Telephone
Dialling a number - BluetoothphoneUsing the Bluetooth phone, phonenumbers can be dialled using voicecontrol, refer to the Voice controlchapter.Ending a callCalls can be ended by either:•pressing the reject button•pressing the MODE button on theremote switch•pressing the off button on thenavigation system•pressing the right rotary entrycontrol button.Redialling a number - cradlephone1. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit.2. Press the MENU button.3. Select the CALL OUT list, CALLIN list or REDIAL.4. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit to dial the desiredphone number.Redialling a number -Bluetooth phone1. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit.2. Press the MENU button.3. Select REDIAL.4. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit to dial the phonenumber.Handling an incoming callAccepting an incoming callIncoming calls can be accepted byeither:•pressing the accept button•pressing the MODE button on theremote control•pressing the PHONE button onthe audio unit•using the ACCEPT option in themenu.Rejecting an incoming callIncoming calls can be rejected byeither:•pressing the reject button•pressing one of the followingbuttons on the audio unit: CD,AM/FM•using the REJECT option in themenu.Note:You cannot reject an incomingcall using the remote control MODEbutton.Handling a secondincoming callNote:The second incoming callfunction must be activated in yourphone.If there is an incoming call, whilstthere is an ongoing call, a beep willbe heard and you will have the optionto end the active call and to acceptthe incoming call.260Telephone
Accepting a second incomingcallSecond incoming calls can beaccepted by either:•Pressing the accept button.•Pressing the MODE button on theremote control.•Pressing the PHONE button onthe audio unit.•Using the ACCEPT option in themenu.Note:This will cancel the ongoingcall.Rejecting a second incomingcallSecond incoming calls can berejected by pressing either:•The teject button•one of the following buttons onthe audio unit: CD, AM/FM.Changing the active phoneNote:Phones must be bonded tothe system before they can be madeactive.1. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit.2. Using the ACTIVE PHONEoption in the menu, select theactive phone from the list usingthe preset buttons.Debonding a bonded phoneA bonded phone can be deletedfrom the system at any time, unlessa phone call is in progress.1. Press the PHONE button on theaudio unit.2. Select the DEBOND option in themenu.3. Select the phone from the list byusing the preset buttons.Note:After bonding a Bluetoothphone to the system, this becomesthe active phone.However, in some cases theBluetooth phone has to be activatedby pressing the appropriate stationbutton on the audio or navigationunit.261Telephone
PRINCIPLE OFOPERATIONVoice recognition enables operationof the audio system without the needto divert your attention from the roadahead in order to change settings, orreceive feedback from the system.Whenever you issue one of thedefined commands with the systemactive, the voice recognition systemconverts your command into acontrol signal for the audio system.Your inputs take the form ofdialogues or commands. You areguided through these dialogues byannouncements or questions.Please familiarise yourself with thefunctions of the audio system beforeusing voice recognition.Note:If the Bluetooth and voicecontrol is used for an extendedperiod of time when the vehicle isstationary, make sure that the engineis running to avoid draining thebattery.Supported commandsThe voice control system allows youto control the following vehiclefunctions:•phone•radio•CD Player•climate control•navigation system.Note:The voice control system islanguage specific. If you require thesystem to operate in anotherlanguage please consult your dealer.System responseAs you work through a voice sessionthe system will prompt you with abeep tone each time the system isready to proceed.Do not try to give any commandsuntil the beep tone has been heard.The voice control system will repeateach spoken command back to you.If you are not sure how to continuesay "HELP" for assistance or"CANCEL" if you do not wish tocontinue.The "HELP" function provides only asubset of the available voicecommands. Detailed explanations ofall possible voice commands can befound on the following pages.Voice commandsAll voice commands should be givenusing a natural speaking voice, as ifspeaking to a passenger or on thephone. Your voice level should bedependant on the surrounding noiselevel inside or outside the vehicle butdo not shout.Name tagThe name tag functionality cansupport the phone, audio andnavigation features by using the"STORE NAME" function.262Voice control
•Store up to 20 name tags perfunction.•The average recording time foreach name tag is approximately2-3 seconds.USING VOICE CONTROLSystem operationThe order and content of the voicecontrols are given in the followinglists. The tables show the sequenceof user voice commands and systemresponses for each available function.<> indicates a number or storedname tag to be inserted by the user.Short cutsThere are a number of voicecommand short cuts available, whichallow you to control some vehiclefeatures without having to follow thecomplete command menu. Theseare:•phone: "MOBILE NAME"1, "DIALNUMBER", "DIAL NAME" and"REDIAL"•CD player: "DISC" and "TRACK"•climate control: "TEMPERATURE","FAN", "AUTO MODE","DEFROSTING/DEMISTING ON"and "DEFROSTING/DEMISTINGOFF"•radio: "TUNE NAME"•navigation: "ZOOM" and "ROUTESETTING".1) Only when the mobile phone isfitted with Bluetooth and voicecontrolStart communicating with thesystemBefore you can start talking to thesystem you first have to press theVOICE or MODE button for eachoperation and wait until the systemanswers with a beep.E87665AUDIO UNIT COMMANDSCD Player/CD ChangerYou can choose a disc or trackdirectly by voice control.263Voice control
Overview The overview below shows theavailable voice commands foroperating your CD player. Thefollowing lists will give furtherinformation about the completecommand menu."CD""HELP""DISC"a"TRACK"ba) Can only be used with a CD changer.b) Can be used as a shortcut.DiscIf you have a CD changer you canchoose the disc number.System answerUser saysSteps"CD""CD"1"DISC NUMBER PLEASE""DISC"a2"DISC <number>""<a number between 1 and 6>"3a) Can be used as a shortcut.TrackYou can also choose a track on yourCD directly.System answerUser saysSteps"CD""CD"1264Voice control
System answerUser saysSteps"TRACK NUMBER PLEASE""TRACK"a2"TRACK <number>""<a number between 1 and99>"3a) Can be used as a shortcut.RadioThe radio voice commands supportthe functionality of the radio and allowyou to tune radio stations by voicecontrol.OverviewThe overview below shows theavailable voice commands foroperating your radio. The followinglists will give further information aboutthe complete command menu."RADIO""HELP""AM""FM""TUNE NAME"a"DELETE NAME""DELETE DIRECTORY""PLAY DIRECTORY""STORE NAME"a) Can be used as a shortcut.Tune frequencyThis function allows you to tune yourradio by voice commands.265Voice control
System answerUser saysSteps"RADIO""RADIO"1"FREQUENCY PLEASE""AM"2"FREQUENCY PLEASE""FM""TUNE <frequency>""<frequency>"3Store nameIf you have tuned a radio station, youcan store it with a name in thedirectory.System answerUser saysSteps"RADIO""RADIO"1"STORE NAME""STORE NAME"2"NAME PLEASE""REPEAT NAME PLEASE""<name>"3"STORING NAME""<name>"4"<name> STORED"Tune nameThis function allows you to call up astored radio station.System answerUser saysSteps"RADIO""RADIO"1"NAME PLEASE""TUNE NAME"a2"TUNE <name>""<name>"3a) Can be used as a shortcut.266Voice control
Delete name This function allows you to delete astored radio station.System answerUser saysSteps"RADIO""RADIO"1"NAME PLEASE""DELETE NAME"2"DELETE <name>""<name>"3"CONFIRM YES OR NO""DELETED""YES"4"COMMAND CANCELLED""NO"Play directoryThis function allows you to let thesystem tell you all of the stored radiostations.System answerUser saysSteps"RADIO""RADIO"1"PLAY <DIRECTORY>""PLAY DIRECTORY"2Delete directoryThis function allows you to delete allstored radio stations at once.System answerUser saysSteps"RADIO""RADIO"1"DELETE DIRECTORY""DELETE DIRECTORY"2"CONFIRM YES OR NO""RADIO DIRECTORY DELETED""YES"3"COMMAND CANCELLED""NO"267Voice control
TELEPHONE COMMANDSPhoneYour phone system allows you tocreate an additional phonebook. Thestored entries can be dialled by voicecontrol. Phone numbers stored byusing voice control are stored on thevehicle system and not in yourphone.OverviewThe overview below shows theavailable voice commands of thephone system. The following lists willgive further information about thecomplete command menu."PHONE""HELP""MOBILE NAME"a, b"DIAL NUMBER"a"DIAL NAME"a"DELETE NAME""DELETE DIRECTORY""PLAY DIRECTORY""STORE NAME""REDIAL"a"ACCEPT CALLS""REJECT CALLS"a) Can be used as a shortcut.b) Only possible on mobiles which are connected by Bluetooth and fitted withvoice control and stored name tags.268Voice control
Create a phonebookStore nameNew entries can be stored with the"STORE NAME" command. Thisfeature can be used to dial a numberby calling up the name instead of thefull phone number.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"STORE NAME""STORE NAME"2"NAME PLEASE""REPEAT NAME PLEASE""<name>"3"STORING NAME""<name>"4"<name> STORED""NUMBER PLEASE""<phone number>""<phone number>"5"STORING NUMBER""STORE"6"<phone number>""NUMBER STORED"Delete nameStored names can also be deletedfrom the directory.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"NAME PLEASE""DELETE NAME"2"DELETE <name>""<name>"3"CONFIRM YES OR NO""<name> DELETED""YES"4"COMMAND CANCELLED""NO"269Voice control
Play directory Use this function to let the system tellyou all stored entries.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"PLAY DIRECTORY""PLAY DIRECTORY"2Delete directoryThis function allows you to delete allentries in one go.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"DELETE DIRECTORY""DELETE DIRECTORY"2"CONFIRM YES OR NO""PHONE DIRECTORYDELETED""YES"3"COMMAND CANCELLED""NO"Phone functionsMobile nameThis function allows you to accessphone numbers stored with a nametag in your mobile phone.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"MOBILE NAME" "<phonedependent dialogue>""MOBILE NAME"a, b2a) Can be used as a shortcut.270Voice control
b) Only when the mobile phone is fitted with Bluetooth and voice control(dependant on the mobile phone).Dial numberPhone numbers can be dialled aftergiving the name tag voice command.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"NUMBER PLEASE""DIAL NUMBER"a2"<phone number>"<phone number>"3CONTINUE?""DIALLING""DIAL"4"<repeat last part of number>"CORRECTION"CONTINUE?"a) Can be used as a shortcut.Dial namePhone numbers can be dialled aftergiving the name tag voice command.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"NAME PLEASE""DIAL NAME"a2"DIAL <name>""<name>"3"CONFIRM YES OR NO""DIALLING""YES"4"COMMAND CANCELLED""NO"a) Can be used as a shortcut.271Voice control
Redial This function allows you to redial thelast dialled phone number.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"REDIAL""REDIAL"a2"CONFIRM YES OR NO""DIALLING""YES"3"COMMAND CANCELLED""NO"a) Can be used as a shortcut.DTMF (Tone dialling)This function transfers spokennumbers into DTMF tones, i.e. tomake a remote enquiry to your homeanswering machine.Note:DTMF can only be used duringan ongoing call. Press the VOICEbutton or the MODE button and waitfor the system prompt.System answerUser saysSteps"NUMBER PLEASE"1"<numbers 1 to 9, zero, hash,star>"2Main settingsAccept and reject callsCalls can be accepted or rejectedusing the Voice Control.System answerUser saysSteps"PHONE""PHONE"1"ACCEPT CALLS""ACCEPT CALLS"2272Voice control
System answerUser saysSteps"REJECT CALLS""REJECT CALLS"NAVIGATION SYSTEMCOMMANDSPlease refer to your separateNavigation handbook for details ofthe command menus.CLIMATE CONTROLCOMMANDSClimateThe climate voice commandssupports the functionality of the fanspeed, temperature and modesettings. Not all functions areavailable on all vehicles.OverviewThe overview below shows theavailable voice commands foroperating your climate controlsystem. The following lists will givefurther information about thecomplete command menu."CLIMATE""HELP""FAN"a"DEFROSTING/DEMISTING ON"a"DEFROSTING/DEMISTING OFF"a"TEMPERATURE"a"AUTO MODE"aa) Can be used as a shortcut. On vehicles fitted with an English languagemodule the "FAN" shortcut is not available.273Voice control
Fan This function allows you to adjust thefan speed.System answerUser saysSteps"CLIMATE""CLIMATE"1"FAN SPEED PLEASE""‘FAN"a2"FAN MINIMUM""MINIMUM"3"FAN <number>""<a number between 1 and 7>""FAN MAXIMUM""MAXIMUM"a) Can be used as a shortcut. On vehicles fitted with an English languagemodule the "FAN" shortcut is not available.Defrosting/DemistingSystem answerUser saysSteps"CLIMATE""CLIMATE"1"DEFROSTING/DEMISTING ON""DEFROSTING/DEMISTINGON"a2"DEFROSTING/DEMISTINGOFF""DEFROSTING/DEMISTINGOFF"aa) Can be used as a shortcut.TemperatureThis function allows you to adjust thetemperature.System answerUser saysSteps"CLIMATE""CLIMATE"1"TEMPERATURE PLEASE""TEMPERATURE"a2274Voice control
System answerUser saysSteps"TEMPERATURE MINIMUM""MINIMUM"3"TEMPERATURE <number>""<a number between 15 and29 °C with 0.5 increments>" or"<a number between 59 and84 °F>""TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM""MAXIMUM"a) Can be used as a shortcut.Auto modeSystem answerUser saysSteps"CLIMATE""CLIMATE"1"AUTO MODE""AUTO MODE"a2a) Can be used as a shortcut. Can be deactivated by selecting a differenttemperature or fan speed.275Voice control
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