Microtek MCS-600U User Manual 69385

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Date Submitted1999-11-12 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-17 00:00:00
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Document Title69385.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

Page 29
Microtek International Inc. Image Scanner FCC ID. : EF9MCS—6OOU
User‘s Manual
User‘s Manual
m m
iii}? like.” Mr
. r m.
figs" “hymn-E Gv
Basic Requii'ements
- Pcl1lium(orcovw 1. was) with
- Microfiofl Wmdows 95 USB unplemenled OSRZ
vexsion 2 1 . Windows 98
Lil ESE" ”1.1213 13 "
- cnvnom dnve (imam! of enemy)
- 15m HAM
A! masMOMB hard d45kwwth15MB available
' Supev VGA Color dismay Wlth 256 colors orbener
lmparlan! Note.- Belore using the scanner and softwam‘ you should marl lhl's Micratek Scanner
Installation Guide first.
anm hymn mmm'muid (hr
mmpmwllh v .. ”1
Installingundfl WindmstS.
SH‘pI Comm!rhcsmmmmyummmpum v . 2
Sup 2 Jnsm” thy scanmrsoflmm-
Sup} Tuslyuursmmm .,
Troublcslwonng . . m." ......
Installing under Windaws 98 , ,
Sup] Connccl Ulcscunnm rayon: compuwn. ..
Sup 2 1mm“ihcsmnncrsoflwan‘,.
Sup 3 Tm yuurscamwr
Troubleshooting. ......................... 10
Opcn yUUT manner package and check (he
componcms as Slaled m yuur packmg 1m Do Not
msull any of the Soflwdrc unul xhc hardwzue has
been ”mailed
Edam pluu‘admg any funhcr, check letwu have
all lhc illum‘nlcd items bclow
Scanner USB Cable
Copyngh! c was Micmlek Euvove, a v
Doc, No, Iasmmxx
.Connect the scanner to
your computer
thy m» mm 09 ms
lurn tm ymtr L‘Ot'nplllt‘l and Cl‘tt‘t’li to but tl your 1
melll)‘ tnspstt the Unfi ports at your
lsts mzplcmcnml
, 7,” USE! ports
ll you cannot find lht‘ USB polls at the back of
ynut computer, read the documentation that
tame wtth your computer mmn buatd ll the
USB connector I5 ctmtlable, though unwncd, you
need to purchase an USE wtrc cable that
connects one and to your mam board, another
and to the extension bmckct
For computer mrtin board with USB suppumd
Thts ts configured tn your system BIOS To enter
BIOS setttngs and enable USE, sea the
documentation (hill came wtth your computer
Normally whcn the computer power is lumcd
on, belore starting Wmduws 95. the computer
will htnt you [0 press some keys lot displaying
BIOS menu
For computer main board without USE
supportcd In this Cast, use can be
implemented by an USB addron card. The 8105
settmgs for mam board type USE are not
”Hutu-y uupm yam “Hullmvn 93 05112 1 t
‘ Lil LROM ts Uhll m‘tpltmt‘mcd Yltt mt‘ss tgt:
“L‘SR mtpttmt all m ”tux gumwtttt" ts
l pzmtctt m mt- ttt> ROM tulwmlt
tn mu ‘Wltt‘t'lkl Mu» \thlu\‘.> A; b msmn
(MHZ l l.ct t \Vmclnw§ 95 CDVROM into your CDVROM
duvc. Locate the \Oll\c1\u5b tlttcctoty, and um
I usbsupp Ext
riobpcllfl isms /
When completed, the USB dnvsr ts loaded m
your thdows 95
1 M-umfiusa SWUMM Swami-mutywtmtm
Iowmklzwnu mmweww
(141qu cm NEWS
[<(“1drm Tug 111mm
W m 1,“ muhhk w
rum/Wm (1m
rmgrrxm mum um
n'r ‘wrlmrnnn
. {um/rm
u'w suimuv yrm mm m um ”r, mm
rlrr‘ rI 1mm]! lnmmr hm mamHCi “I“.xk'l
up my rmncrumrs 1m Mr
Nair I,” [710 Mumhk UNuUH 1\m'!rmlrmtunuvllv
(w'hpfuyl’dull 1le my Jul: Sum \ lcrrllrm, typr
d.\ula<’lup.u\r, m (Id: ox, m‘tmu a. yr rm» mm»
M {m Wm zimemt Um” uummumr
dzfjurrrru'wfw1mm (Imu d', mu mm! xuhmmmhru
duw Mm far A.
lns‘all Micrutek ScanWizanfl
Nmmck Sc.m\\"\zrud N the hmm Lh!‘.’CT “5ch (m
Lhc x mm m wmmumuuc “uh mucus
“ppm 1mm. Mmorrk 5 “Warm! vmur be usud
by usdl and rcqmrcs amnlm prugmm m order In
Wm M.
1 Sulwl (he “Micron-k Sum“
lhcn follow lhc mmmmmrs on the screen to
sun the msrallauon
unl" 011mm,
2. In the “501ch Componcmsfl thnose ‘ Universal
Serial Buss“ upuon as ymu mmflmc.
37151521: um um.“
r uqxsmrw-mtm
r mu Pun-Puma»:
r- Man-v.93 Wm Was-r
r was Mama
I' mama:
Carry out installauon procedure, when
complac‘ rcsmn Windows 95,
(mm: x M, 04, pm”
smsrrm (is
vr mrmuum to mm
Comm USE umnccmr m yam PC Another
and m yom Sthcmr (23
A messagc shows Sthcan C3 15 detected
1 Km,” \\'\mh‘.\'§93. (Jan M  95 (oldcl‘ m (11:
ngmm5 menu Whrn glam-H up successfully:
the 50ch below appears
Sunnenunkmg’nemyf sawm—
Choose an: m the imtg: bmnns hr
scanning um.
was! — ,
MEAN 254mm
NadDukAva new
sc3| check
Reconfigure Ennxpmenu
your Scamp: ‘ "
L 2er m: Hmhul "mum
rm yww dm uQO in“ down un lhc amunu
g}; The (up lull comm- uf [he (lummum
31mm 1»: n; m 0,0," pnmnonon (he mm
uzdswuns. xgnlnngndu NJlmcl
A guy 5< Ah: pmcw of ymu imngc w1|| be
diflplnycd m Lhn Murotrk SunTml Window
Clnso and cm Mn'mwk ScanTusl
Tn scam [ha ducumcm‘ sun up your software
flpphmmm m brmg up Lhc MvuoLck
SmanM [L rlmk on [he 5mm huuon in (he
PI‘CYK‘W mndmv The xmagc ml] bu smuncd and
(lclwmcd m)ou1‘sofiw;\rc applimuon, where u
can be smcd us a file
For mura dcmlls on how m cperalc your
scanner wuh Mncrotek Sulezmd, refer (0 (ha
Mmorrk Scaanzard Rffcrmzc Manual in your
7 ——— The dalecled scanner and its SCSI ID number,
The “msusa' means you are
using use imsnace,
7 The “Flakbed' bufion.
The SCSI Cheek lealure acts as 3 SCSI
—— probe m venry ma kxztlon a! your scanner
and the scanner ID,
The Rscanflgum Equipment lealum allnws me
system m updane “5 Own (memm relerence
we and Is uselul when you have changed your
semp or reconfigured your system
as!” we 4
ens/Se we: PM
ulrwm “73 wmml {mm (‘Sifl (It
(Maw nu»
mo dulu p MINUS“ pmh
mmynlm 1 n hm 1. nm LhL‘
m m umhlc 1 M3 [JAHH‘C mun
m; h M“
h proy
xrllillrlklrl manufimum'u mh m
Rrsun Windows 95. balm Sun, Strings, and
Comml PAM]. Double ‘lxgk (hr Syflrm mun
,. fig mummy“
. g Hummus
. ‘ PdeDMLLPY}
1 Q, 5m, Wm sndgame mm“
v 3 smcmamm
, v“
v um szznsn Pm [0 my mm mm [mm-mu
\', usn Hm Hub
mum norm Rwan- Fun
m 4 F U4
mews Hay,“
‘ _ Rcslzn'l Vv’indmvs 95, ynur compumr should be
Efiffg‘ ' ' 31ch to detect the presence of Sthcan C3 USE
“ , ‘ 5 mncr
(2m mam '
The System Propemes dmlng box appears, Chck
\hc Dcvict Manager mh
Double-duck “Unrvclsnl scnal bus conlmllcr" m
d|splny [worline mcssagcs:“lmc15237l PCI [0
USB Universal Host Controllcr" and “USB Rom
N 2 M‘IH m
m HM” "nut ru'l wt
m Milligjhh n‘mzh (in Unm ~ haul
warn um um M'L m mild
v 3... 7 7
A NM. .; ,,.I'~J’
rm Thwtlhvgv‘ "MUM rm]
r 4 wte'l M v
A J kdwsx
H” m.»
u u“
fl mm m
13 mum
a; um“
V mum-mm
, sum vdrnandwtf
14 fivxlcfldzvn-t
\. IH‘FWZBNSRF’Ulauzalhuxbn mum
NHL; am am _EU_J
To fix lhc problem, doubts—duck lhc “Unlvusal
surml bua mmmllcr" smng m dx mmnss insa human-«a.-
hum mumm-
bu swam
mm Nu um
mama" mamammwnumm
um 1m, m- mdumiu;thdnwr
mm “x; dulnglnu
43:3?" xmwa
”Mm mm wnrmhmwe umih‘ndrk n m.»
w am A. w w ‘hlmae
Eu, ”Mum m mm m
Ax th ldt mlumnm, sclccl “Imul”; (hr mcisngc
‘hm182371 PCI \0 USBUmvnsn] Host
Cmm uIlcr" Wm appm m flu: uglu wlumn (Junk
anh to Cxil.
Rcsmxn “11m 95, ymu wmpmcr should be
ublu to dust! xhc pmscncc of 511mm C3 USB
.y the presence of USB
Int” tm um; mmputct mu i‘ht‘tli m ttc n yum
tmnpmcl u trsar tmphmcnu'd
‘, nunlly nwpt’u (hr: USE pm ts oh our tomputcr
USB Ports
h’ you tunnut hut] the US}; ports at thc bath of
your computer, mad the douuncnmlton that
camu wuh your mmpultl mum board If (ht:
usn cunnccmr is n\'m1ahlc,though unwtrcuh you .
med to purchase an USB wire cable [hm
tonnccts one and to your mam board. 3110th
end to the extension bracket
For compultr main board with USB supported
This 15 conhgurcd in your system BIOS. Tn entsr
BIOS settmgs and enable USE, sea the
documentatton that came wtth your computer
Normally when the Lomputer power ts tumcd
on, befom stamng \Nlnd0ws 98, the computer
wrll hmryuu in press some ksys [or dtsplaymg
BIOS rncnu.
For computer main board without USB
supported: In thts case, USE can be
implemented by an USB add-on card The 3105
sctungs [or main board type USB are not
1 2. Connect the scanner to
your computer
1. (imncct IZVDC purwt wmvwrrortn your
ShinSt‘m‘t (J
2. Cunncct USB connector to your PC, mmthm
cntl to your Sthcan C3
a ush—mefi
ans/98 2.32 PM
lnle tn Dam» n
1mm) “um.“ my“ 1 1; W A
m dww dame
r: mm mm:
r' aw dAsL' m
r: gnaw mm
V7 smmmm
nmm '_“““_|.
9mm: .
‘ (M fim} um»
Chck Nu m umumw
On my above SClCCn, D:\ nullmlcs (ht dchuh
4 (”Mk "NJK’h [or the bw dmm (m N“ dmcc ' gym)“ dnvc Mam“ (gm; Browsc N your
(Rumnnh‘ndcdl" m MINI scmhms (211mm dmc us Clscwhnuc Chck Next (0
7 Your Smnnvr vs nnmnmmnlly dclcucd Chck
Km to umunur
«- 044m H “mm; 4mm “mu
mm» immcan w-u 1! mm,» m
5. lnscn the Mmmlek CDVROM into your CD—
ROM dnve
t-uslfl me a Ems/w z 35 PM
Mm, mm mm
m.» mm H :'v=u‘v:w
J) “(Mmmvmsmmanm
“mu aw nnw ready to msmll SumWrrnzd dnvcr
rotek Scanwizard
Insial! M
Mlcrulck Smmvlznrd rs (hr [mun rim-m uscd (m
the Sunnm LU mmmumukc wnh mmufi
apphmnnns Mmmck 5c.xn\‘71zr\nl runner be nscrl
by ilSC”:\l1(‘ reqnn'cs anolhi‘! program m unlcr [U
I Sclt‘cl lhc “Micmlck Smnfl’uard” 01“me
Lhtn follow the mslmtumb on fire sumn m
smn 11W msuxllnnon.
2 ln Lhc “Scim Compom‘ms choose “Univcrsnl
Serial Buss" option as your Interface
mfi‘fiil'}. an. Mm
r um 5m Mum
a W 7,
r r r...»— M m,“
r wwm msfiflmmuC-d
r Hai-wsw
r ”were ,
Carry out msLallnu’on procedure, when
complexe, restart Windows 98
.; T
' ‘ 10W 53,2323;
mm” \\'mdm‘~, on < 1m Sum Mumgx m
Mm < mum] nmci.
Hunhir JILL on (hc )) mm mm m ( mm 01
P me}, rh u Dome Hum tr hum [hr mp
Dfluhh‘rr hf]: nu Mmrnldx USE \" Mm‘l ,)m\
(rm hurl "MVmSLAn (W S INN! 1 In «i‘
nndy to «1m
‘mcr :~.
A. rm mmmnmwmn
5 mm” m. a“
Sum up Scanner Tcsl (mm Lhc Microlck
ScnnWiznrd [or Wmdows 98 (oldrr in lh:
Programs menu. When smucd up successfully:
(he screen below appears
, I'm-IQ scum-l
m nuunklng u ' smut»;
Chantal-rnlmflmlwhuhnnihr “m” ‘
scanningksl. ark-m sub-fl v
‘ qu-eVm v u
my ~ , ,
mm, m 4
[Tm—H -
“my-4am mu
mound mm
scs: max
Rtmnflwre Euuhmru'
Um It Alwl‘hflmd 1mm
rm yum t’wum'ull me down Un mg Mum
gm 1 110 mp 1m (mncr M the dmunwm
chonkl M at HM ‘0,0"13mmanonllu mlu
5”qu mnnmgnlnmwdc lhc smmu r
“0.0“ 7
A pwvivw M yum mngv mu be (mpmd in tho
x‘\11u£\l(‘]LScAn'll‘sl wmdmv
How and cxu Mmmck SCflnTL'sl
To Sun 11m ducmnum, Slal‘l up yum Snfmzu’c
application 10 hung up the Mluolclx
Scm\\’1zm‘d,chck mm the Scan buuon m the
l‘lrurw u mdmv 1h: mmgc w|ll he s‘ mmd and
nlclvvcx ed w your sofiwxuc npphumon, \\ hm u
can be saved as a file
For mmc chmIs on how to opcmlc your
scunnsr wuh Micmmk Scaanzard, mfcr to (he
Mm an): scunmmd Rcfcrsnm Manual in your
- H3.” yetlmw auumion nmrL prcflls in Imm uf
1511 inl<>182371PCILOUSBUmvmsalanx
Commllm“ smug, [Ins mums Lhc drivcr ,, Imcl
SJ“)? 1 dnvc) 15 nm nmnumucnll)‘ msmllcd
5g , v DcvwwMaflawaNakuszYhs thlmmauul
(r Vxew dcvbczb; up:
r v.” dcmin hygnnntcfim
a. dud!
~ g! mummy,
g Phony an manHevx
._5 Had m mm“
4:3 Km‘bnevd
l-J may
3 MW,
my Nelwmk may,
a 01mm“:
PmlxImM mm
33, smug” m mm mm“
a 5 Symmdwwn
, V ummmmma,
\, w nmsa Pu m usn Ummml um twvunev
Juana: Htlmh RIMV: '
To hx the problem, doubleclick (he “Unwnsal
scnal bus controller” smng to display the
[allawmg dialog box
Pf.” fiTflfififi "L” E‘
M um,“ I
mum m umnu "mgmuue
o, v s u ‘ 4; ;
vnvu. Nv amuw '
m“v“.“wMMMWt m-mmm»~«
cm; “Update Drum ”10 (IRMA); the dnvcr
lccuon mzflog box
mu m; mamvanm u m (I w harm andle n‘wzk wah m
v mull rm and dwev rm m Eadwsm
n uMnrJrraH/sczmhln “mama” as» an
anclugu Mum
[Savant usn mm m xzmsaPumusB may-u: mm roman
lS‘andard usa Hm cm
r Sbmwnwhbhuonuu
r: smgmq
Al th Ml columnm, sclm “Intel“, the message
“lmcl 82371 PCI to USB Universal HOSL
Controllzr“ wm flppcar m the nghl column Click
Finish to exit
Restart WmdDWS 98, your cumpuler should be
ahlc to detect rhc presence of Sthcan C3 USB
lth "ms <1
41mm 45." Du
Fadeva! Communications Commission (FCC) statement
h» L'LUUPVJLHL lms bun mu ml found my mum]; wuh llln‘ 1117115 [or :\ Class “digital dew u‘ pmsuum m
PM 13 n! the] CL Ruh‘s ”wit 11mm Ah“ (lossgnui m prmwdc lmmnnhlr pmmcuon ngmnst 1131111qu
mulcymcc m A 11'»;1duuml msmlizumn Thu upnpnwm gmcmtcs, uses and mm (Adult mdm hulumcy
um'gy nncL 1( no; msmllul md mul m gmundunw wuh lhc ”bum-nuns, may cause lurmfu] mwrfcncncc m
mlm mymmmimumm lln'ucvu, [hue nu gummm‘ Hm mmicrcncc w.“ nm man 111 a pmnudm
msuflhmun H ”115 mmpmrm docs muse harmful numlcrmm LO mdm or lsIcvmon rucpnon, whith (um bu
(lclcl‘mmud by “mung; 11m cqmpmcm all and an, Lhu use: 15 cnmumgcd m try n» Col‘rttcl Ihc mmrfcxcmc b)
owe m mmc “x 11m hvllon mg ”mum
- Rum lcmhelnmlc [ht mmmg mmnm
- Imam: Hm scmeumi bclwccn {ht eqmpmcm and xccen'cl
‘ Cmmcu [hr cqulpmml mm m nmlu an a mum [hflmcm (mm [hm m whuch the xcceivcr is wnnuuud
- Cnnsuh [he mm or am cxpcnenccd mdm/YV luchmtmn for hc'lp.
Nutr Shiuhlul rm juu'mhlr zmmllwl (m mum“ cmmudov and must be um! w1rh Um zqmpnwm
Trade Name Model Name
Shmgam C3 MCS—GOO U
Changes or modificaflons not expressry approved by me manulaclurev responswble (or
comphance could vmd me user's mummy lo Opera‘s ihe equipment
4.“ M, v
1mdc 1'nmu
Mudc1 uumhm
Smupk dcplh
Cnhhnuion limt
Scanning 5pm
ll'annmssmn spcml
Scanning Arm
Warm up limc
Power Supply
Voltage Frequency
Pawzr Consumption
Bianmh (TS
M( 5—001“)
up 1‘1:1[1)L‘l1,5mg’1k13115)
500 (113101) N (aOOdpu’V)
12 bus, pc] wlm wuh Dual OpLimlzmmn chhnnlogy
3m (guy)
bbck (1010!)
m Sptcd nmdr
Imc/gmy/mlor 6 7 (us/11m:
m quuhly mmlc
Una/gufvy/mku 20 ms /1v.nc
I‘wwcw g1Ss‘ Lcum 5m
1 111m, 2 pmc1s(gmyflmltolur), 16 pix-01s (hue—nu)
215 mm x 295 mm
(B 5"x 11 0”)
100 V (0 120 V
47 Hz to 63111
DC IZV/IA 12W max.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:14 18:56:10
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 69385.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:14 18:56:21-04:00
Page Count                      : 14
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FCC ID Filing: EF9MCS-600U

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