Microtek MRS-1200VX6P Image Scanner User Manual 8

Microtek International Inc Image Scanner 8


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Document ID41969
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Document Description8
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize27.37kB (342138 bits)
Date Submitted1999-06-11 00:00:00
Date Available1998-06-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-20 01:46:19
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-20 01:46:21
Document Title8

Mlcrotek IntewatloEl Inc. ImaQiSca-nner
Microtek Scanner
Installation Guide
for ScanMaker V636
Bash: Requiromenls
- IBM~FG 496. Pentium, or compalibles ' 15MB RAM depending on installed smare
M msofiw o s rT W corn one is
. iC Ind 95. or Ind $3,1x All islazomehaddl kwlth 100MBa ‘l bl
' l'
- CDvROMdrive(lmernalorexternal) e 5 Villa 5
- SuperGA color display wilh 256 colors or belle:
lmporllnl "ole: Before using "In scam!" and sulfur-n, you should fear! this Micmlok Scam“!
Inflallulon Guido first.
sta ngu erW dows95
1 . Unpack your scanner and Before proceeding any lunher, check ma. you have
check components all the [Ullnwmg Items‘
Open your scanner package and check the
components as Slated m ynur packmg 11le Do No! ‘ Scanner
Install any of lhe snfiwarc until the hardware has
been mslalled
Contents 2525 pm cable
Installing under Windows 95
Slzpl Unpack your scanner and (hath l 7
components .. H v .l .. l l CDflOM (f
Schz Connect {hr warmer to your cnmpuler .. o .
Slzp 4 rm yuur Wanner“ ,.
5ch 3 Install the scnmwr software . 3
Installing under Windows 3,1x ............
znsmnmg under Windows NT 4.0
Specifications ..................
nnp uwww mmrotskmm rw Doc, No memes». ts: Eamon
Cupynghl o 1995 Micrmek InlemslmnaL Inc
2. Connect the scanner to Most computers allow you to quickly press rhe
your Computer Dr) key several tlmes whlle powering up Then
the screen dlsplays 3 made selectlons ECP,
BF]? and Standard. Choose EFF mode, then
restart your computer lo acnvate the selungs
you have made
1. Turn ull your enmpurer and pnnrer, and
remove the parallel pnnler cable or any devlce
(e g Keypro) from the computer‘s parallel purl
and eonnecl lt to the For! A ul’ your scanner bow“, m“ Far/mm smnmngJow
I parallel purl should he retjor EPP (Enhanced
Parallul Pm) mode Tlrn- re usually mnfigured m
Wm system BIOS ”you encuunter cummunlmtmn
problems mung the EPP mung, try changing llus m
bl-dlm‘llunal or CKYdellblL' mode. Please we the
tlucumenmlmn that came wuh your campulerfor
more lnfnrmmron about cherkmg nr (hanglng Eros
2 Connect the 2540-25 pm cable at both the
scanner‘s 25-pm Port A and yuur computer's
parallel pnrr.
3 Connect your ongmal parallel pnnler cable to
the scanners zs-prn socket port (labeled
pmu'rsn) and your prmter JaL‘k
4, Plug one end ul the power cord [0 the power
connector at the back panel of the scanner and
the other end of the connector to your AC
puwer source
7. When your mmputer ls restarted. Wmdows 95
ls launched as well
Note when runnmg Wrnanwr 95. Always mm on the
scanner bejure lhc Lomputrr ltyau dan'l, Wmdnws wlll
5. Power up your seanner The Ready lndlcalor ..
not be ahlr m “we yauv scanner
(green llght) an the tram panel of the scanner
flashes brlefly. After a few seconds, the Ready
lndlcator stops bllnklng and stays llt, the
scanner ls ready
(3. Turn on your computer, and check [0 make
sure that your computer ls configured as an
EPP mode Refer to the MOS sectlun of ycur
PCs user manual
r 7 u (be e
L / Slep a Parallelprlntsrcabls
step 2: 25m~25 pln caule Slop “ Pwe, cm
To AC powersoume
3. lnstall the Scanner
Insert the Microtek CD-ROM dlSL’ into your CD
ROM drive The Micmrek Sumner Sty‘tware installer
should come up automatically Select the language
you Wish to use (not all software may be available
in all languages), and the setup program Wlll list
the software available for you. Clitk on each
software program in the order they appear on your
screen [0 Install all of the components
Natu: U the Mitmtrh Stunner Sti/tware IS not
uulumuttmlly displayed on the screens dirk Start,
bKlL'uf Rim amt type artisan; (wheru d' is ynin CD.
ROM drive)
Before you begin Inslallmg software, make sure
your scanner is cannected to the computer With
the included Zi-tn-Zi pin cable, and that the
scanner power is turned on.
Stop 1 Install Mlcronk Sclnwlllrd
1 Chck lnsiall Micmtek ScanWizardt then
follow the instructions on the screen to start
2 During installation, choose “Parallel Printer
Port Interface" as your interface type.
3. it you have HP series printer driver in your
system. Cllck Yes [D atcepi printer in daisy
chain With the parallel printer port device
4 Clitk Yes to theck the peripheral environment
related tn your scanner The result of the check
is displayed, as shtiwn below.
Make sure the Tgt Oplmn displays a SCSI ID
number between 1 and 6, then continue.
5 Click Yes to let SwtssKnil’e utility to detect il
you want to
(7 When installation ts complete‘ the Microrek
ScanWizard for Windows 95 group appears as
a folder in the Programs menu
New The Swrerm’re utility program [hecks the status
nfyuur scanner. To rhezk your scanner at any times
iimply press the Start button‘ and choose SwissKm‘jz
from the Micmtek ScunWizardfor Windows 95
fttldtr SWlSSKthL’ rapport; WlndUWS 95 and NT only.
midis not campanble with Windows 3.1,
Stop 2 Incl.“ inflwar. Ipplicllinn:
The bundled rmage editing, OCR. and other
applications you receive depend on the scanner
model you purchased, Click each npnon in the
Inslalltl’ screen to install the Sol-[Water
Note: Whm installing Came OmniPage lelled
Edlllm’l, seleal “Microtek ScanWizard" as your mums.
Slip 3 Install document-(Ion rnldcr
Click Install Adobe Acrobat Readers then follow
i screen instructions until installation is completed
Acrobat Reader is necessary for reading the
manuals on your CD-ROMv
4. Test your scanner
1 Restart Wmclows 95. Cltck Stan, Sellmgs. and
select Cnntml Panel,
2 Dnuble-cllck an the System Kon m Control
Panel, then select Dewce Manager from the mp
3 Dtruhle-cllck on “SCSI controllers", you should
find “Mlcmtek Parallel Port Hnsl Adapter'
4 Start up Scanner Test from Mtcrotek
Stanleard for Wmdnws 95 folder m
Programs menu When started up successfully.
(he screen appears
5. Place your document face down on the scanner
glass The top left corner at the document
should he at the “0,0" pusnrnn on the ruler
guldes running along-side the scanner
~ (0A!)
6 Click the Flatbed button on the Mictotek
ScanTesl program screen. A gmyscale prevtew
ol your lmage thl he dlsplayed m the Mmmlck
Scan'l‘est wmdnw Thls mdicates the Scanner
Test was successful and that the scanner ts nuw
ready to be used
7. Close and exrt Mrcrotek Scanner Test program
The delecled scanner
W7 and its scsr lD number.
ldependlng on the scanner model you have)
The "smplscsi" means you are using
Scanner lnleflace EPP Cable mlerfaoe,
Flamed human,
The SCSI Chew feature ads as a SCSI
,, probe to vemylha location 0! yuur
scanner and the scanner lD
The Reconfigure Equipment laalure allows file
system to upnara its own internal relevance lrla
"and ls uselul when ynu have changed your
setup cr reconngured your system
stall ng underWindows 3
The tnstructtons below pertntn to mslallatton of the
software that came tn your scanner under
Wmdows 3 lx Before dttmg thrs, however, you
need to take the followtng steps. r
t Unpack yttur scanner and check components
2 Connect the scanner to your computer
Only when you have completed the above steps
should you proceed wtth lnstalllng the software r
See the prevtous secttons of thts document for
tnstructtons on performtng the above
Installing the scanner
Before you begtn trtstalllng software. make sure
your scanner ts connected [0 the Computer wlth l
the lncluded 254025 ptn cable and that the
scanner power ts turned on l
1 lnsert the Mtcrolek CD-ROM tnto yuur CD-
ROM dnvc
Launch Wlndows, then choose File, Run from
Program Manager. Type (I vdsetupexe (where d‘
ts the dnve letter of your CD-ROM). The
Mlualek ScannerSvftwme tnsraller wtl] come up t
Select the language you wtsh to use (not all
software 15 avallable m all languages), and the
setup program wtll list the software available
for you to tnstall. Cltck on each software r
program tn the order they appear on your
screen to tnstall all of the components,
Stap I Inst!“ Microllk Scanwlllrd
l Cltck Install Microtek ScanWtzard, then
follow screen mstructtnns to start tnstnllatum
2. Dunng Installatlott, thtmse “Parallel Prmter
Port Interface” optton as your tnterface type.
When tnstallatton ts complete, the Microtek
ScanWizard [or Windows gmup ls created and the
CONFIG SYS file ts mouthed aecnrrhngly,
sup 2
The bundled lmage edlttng, OCR, and other
applteations you retetve depends on the scanner
model you purchased. Click each nptlon tn the
tnstaller screen to tnstztll the software,
Install software appllcl'ion
Stop J In!!!“ dacumnntallon reader
Cltck Install Adobe Acrobat Reader, then follow
screen mslt’uLtluns unttl tnstallattun is completed
Acrobat Reader ts necessary for readtng the
manuals rm yuur CD~ROM
Test your scanner
Restart your computer, and start up Scanner Test
from the Mtcrolek ScanWizard for Vthdows
group The scanner test reports the detected
scanner model and the tnterface, smplscsi. You can
also test your scanner and any connecttons by
runnlng the smuttlexe program from the c'wicrtttek
dlrectory Make sure you qutt Wmdows before you
do thts
nsta ng under Windows NT 4
The lnstructtons below pertatn to installation ol the
software that came tn your scanner under
Wlnclows NT 4 0 Before cloths thls, however, you
need to Lake the lollowtng steps”
1 Unpack your scanner and check components
2 Connect the scanner to your computer
Only when you have completed the above steps
should you proceed wtth installing the software,
See the prevtnus secttons of this document (or
lnstructtons on performlng the above.
Instal ng the scanner
Before you begln lnsialllng software, make sure
your scanner ts Connected to the computer With
the included 2340725 ptn cable and that the
scanner power is turned on
1 Launch thclcws NT 4.0, log in rls
1. lnsert the Mlemtek CD—ROM tits: Into your
CD—ROM drive. the Mluotek stunner Saltwarr
lnstaller should come up automatically Select
the language you Wish to use (not all software
maybe available in all languages), and the
setup program wtll llst the software available
for you. Cltek on each software program in the
order they appear on your screen to install all
oflhe components
Note if the Mttmtek Scannchojtwtlre Installer IS not
automntttally dtsplayed tm the screen click Start, select ‘
Run and type d'vdsetup (where d. IS the drlvc lrller of
your CD-ROM)
Slop | lrlflall Mlcmlok Scanwizlld
1 Click Mlcrolek ScanWizard. then follow screen
instructions to start tnstallatton
2. During installatttm, choose “Parallel Printer
Port lnlerface" as your lnterface type.
3, Follow screen lnstruciluns to complete
lnSIflllallOl’L When installation 15 complete,
Microlek ScanWizard for Windows NT
appears as h ttrlder on the Programs menu.
sup 2 Irish" sonwaro applications
The bundled lmage edillng, OCR, and other
applicalltms you recelve depend on the scanner
5 model you purchased. Cllek each opilon tn the
installer screen to tnstall the software
* St» J lmnll documnnlaiion reader
Clle nstall Adobe Acrobat Reader, then follow
screen instructions until lnstallatton ls completed
‘ Acrobat Reader ls necessary for reading the
manuals on your CD-ROM
. Test your scanner
Restart your computer, and start up Scanner Test
r from the Micmtek ScanWizard for Windows NT
tn the programs menu The Scanner Test reports
the detected scanner model and the interface card,
‘ smplscsi You can also run the SwissKnife utility
r from the Mierutek ScanWtzard group in order to
test the scanner and cablmg
cat ons
Reflecnvc color or blackrand-whue orlglna1s
Image Sensur
Lmenr army cw wuh dayhghl fluorescem lamp
Scannmg Modes
Smgle sunning pass, 364m color lnlemal pmcess
130-011 color exlemnl process) 124m gruymlr
lmemal process (lo-bu grayscalc exlemzll process)
1—131! black and whuz‘ 12 bulllrin halflunes
Scan Frame
8 5" x 117"
Opmal Resoluuon
500 dpl hunz x 1200 dpl vcrl
1merpolaled Resolumm
9000 dpl hurlz x 9500 dpi ven
Scan Frame Selecuona
From 1/8" [0 13”|n Z-plxel lncwmems
Image Controls Brlghmess Szlnngs
From amen/a [0 +100% m 191, rmremem
Contrast Semngs
From 7429510 MN m 7% Increments
Exposure Tun: Selecuons
From -18% 10 +7479?» m 396 rntremenls
Resoluuon Settmgs
From 5 dpl m 600 dpl m 6—dpl lmrement.
600 dp| [0 1200 (1131 m 12-dpl mcremems,
1200 dpl re 2400 dpl m 2441131 mcremenls,
2400 dpl m 4000 dpi m 413.01» mcremems,
4000 dpl re 9600 dpl m 96-dp\ muemems
Scanning Speed
lr. speed mode‘ 4.0 mrlhseconds per lme fur lmrarr,
gray, and mlor
AC, 100V (0 240V
Power Consumpuon
AC 100V to 240V 1A Max,
47 [a 53 Hz, 30 waus
Dimensions (L x W X H)
17 E"x115”x32"
Opemnng lempemlure 10° in 40"C 150" m 104”F)
Swrage lzmpemlure 710° to (06 (14° to Mom
Relmvt humldny 2090 10 8000
Federal Communicallons Commission
(FCC) Statement
Thls equlpmem has been tested and faund lo comply
wlth the 1|mll§ far a Cluss 0 dignal device, pursuam 10
Pan 15 01 the FCC Rulcs These hmus ale desugnzd m
prondc rrasonuble proreumn against harmful
mler1elsme m a resldcnucll msrallauun ms equlpmem
gansrates, uses and can radlale radw frequency energy
and‘ lf no! lnstalltd and used m accurdnnce w|lh the
mslrucuons may cause harmful imerference m radro
mmmunlcauons However, Ihere 15 no guarantee that
lmerizreme wlll not occur ln 3 pamculzr mslallauon [E
lhls equlpmem does cause harmful mterferencz m radm
m lelevlsmn rcceplion, whlch can be derermmed by
lurnlng [he equlpmzm 0“ ml on rhe user 15 encouraged
to try m mrrrcl (he lmtrfercnre by one or more 011112
followmg measures“
- Recucm/mlocare {he rzcelvmg antenna
1 - Inclmselhesepamlmn belwecnlheeqmpmenrand
~ Connect the equlpmem lmo an 001121 on a urcun
dlifersm from {1101 m which the recelvcr IS
~ Cunsull [he dealer or an expenenced radrufrv
Lethmuan lur help
Note A shlcldcd mwrfiue (111715 with {mm curd lmmlled rm
arunnrr Lvnnuwr end must he and wllh mu eqmpmem
Model Name
Trade Nam:
ScanM-xker V636
Changes or modll‘lcauons no! expressly approved by Lhe
munulmurrr respunnlrle Ior compliance could vold the
user‘s uurhorlry 10 opemz lhe zqmpmenr

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:06:20 01:46:19
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:06:20 01:46:21-04:00
Page Count                      : 7
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FCC ID Filing: EF9MRS-1200VX6P

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