Microtek MRS-2400G12U USB Scanner User Manual

Microtek International Inc USB Scanner

User Manual

Download: Microtek MRS-2400G12U USB Scanner User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Microtek MRS-2400G12U USB Scanner User Manual
Document ID82473
Application IDxoA5VVPuK1008ukDwOPimw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize58.99kB (737355 bits)
Date Submitted2000-01-20 00:00:00
Date Available2000-02-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-01-20 16:51:54
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-01-20 16:52:22
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

' F551??? min—5 ' 7c; ’
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception,» which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
-~ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
\ -- Connect the euipment into an outlet on a circuir different from that to
which the receiver is connected
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To assure continued FCC compliance:
A (1) Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of
this device could void the user's authority to operate the euipment.
FCC Label Compliance Statement:
This device complies with Part IS of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmfiil interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Microtek Scanner
Installation Guide
forthe ScanMaker® 4700
B. Mar: (Annie wan/mica win-
hum-in usa puns]
This document provides inlormallon on how lo install your Micioiek scanner on a PC or Mac using the scanners Universal
Serial Bus (USE) inlerlaoe. For PC USB Installalion, see pages 1 lo 54 For Mac USB Installation. see pages 5 lo 8.
USB nsta a on on th
1 . Unpack scanner
Open your scanner package and check ilie
componcnis as stated in your packing list. lnslall the
software lirsi, then the hardware Belore proceeding
any furiher, check ihai you have (he Items listed on
the packing lisi. llany item is missing, Contact
! Energy Star Notice
Microltk lnuzrnalional, lnc has
dcicrmmcd ihai ms scanner
mums rhz ENERGY STAR
guidelines [or “my efficiency
Your Microiek ScanMaker scanner comes VVIll’I an
USB bulll-ln interface. For insiallarion, use the
scanners USB port. See the graphic below (0 locaie
the different ports on the back of ihe scanner.
including the scanner accessory port
Accessory Pan
use Pon
Power Adapier
Power Swncn
copyngm o 1999 Microlek iniemamnai mo.
MgmxxxxA, December 1999
2. Install software
1. Turn on your computer.
2, Insert the Mtcrotek CD-ROM mto your CD-
ROM drtve The Mtcrotek Software Installer
screen should automatically come up.
Note: If the Mtcroteh Software Installer screen does
not come up automatically, double-click “M y
Computer” on your Windows desktop, then double-
clitk the CD-ROM tum loslarl the tnstaller
3 When the Mtcrotek Software lnstaller screen
appears, cltck on each software program tn the
order that rt appears on the screen to tnstall all
software components,
Click the “Install' button for each
software on the Itst to tnstall.
Nanak karma! tm’mttattm
. m. "mm. n...- 99
. mn- Len-u n..."
For each software, follow the on-screen
tnstructtons dunng tnstallatton Default values
are spectfted at every potnt durtng mstallatton;
stmply accept these values to conttnue
tnstallatton unttl you ftntsh
In some appltcztttons, auxtltary tnlormatton (such
as the Readme ftle) maybe dtsplayed after that
parttcular program ftntshes tnstalltng. Stmply
cltck the "X" close box at the upper rtght comer
of the dtsplayed wtndow to return [0 the
Mtcrotelt Software Installer Do not restart
your computer until all the software has
been installed.
a) Microlek ScanWizard 5 Thts ts your scanner
controller program for captunng tmages from
your scanner Follow the on—screen tnstructtons
durtng tnstallatton. After ScanWtzard 5 ftntshes
tnstalltng, you th1 be prompted to restart your
computer Select No to conttnue mstalltng the
rest of the software.
b) Caere OmniPage Limited Edition. Thts ts your
OCR text-scanmng software: During tnstaflancn
of OmntPage Ltmtted Edttton, you will be asked
to select your “Source"v Make sure Microtek
ScanWizat-d 5 ts selected At the end of
tnstalltng OmntPage Ltmtted Edttton, select “No.1
wtll restart my computer later" (not "Resrart
your computer").
c) Caere PageKeeper Standard, Thts ts your
document management program
d) Adobe Acrobat Reader. Thts is your
documentatton reader for readtng and pnnttng
the manuals on the CD~ROMY
4 After all the software has been mstalled, cltck
EXIT at the bottom left of the Mtcrotek
Software Installer screen
USB Installa n on the PG
3. Connect scanner 3, Connect one end of the USB cable [0 your
computer, and connect the other end of the
1, Turn off your computer. cable to the scanner's USB port.
2, Plug the power adapter into the hack ofthe
scanner, and plug the other end into a wall outlet
or power source Make sure no other cable is
connected to the scanner except the power
adapter at this point.
This Will turn on the scanner The green light on 4. Turn on your computer. The system W'lll find
the from of the scanner Will blink for a few your scanner automatically
seconds and then stay on solid
4. Test your scanner
1. In Windows, click Start, Settings, and select
Control Panel. Double-click the System icon
in Control Panel, then select Device Manager
from the top
2. Double-click Imaging Device or Microtek
Scanners. Venly that your scanner is listed here
Click “OK" to close all dialog boxes.
3. In Windows, go to “Start, Programs. Microtek
ScanWizard 5 for thdows", and select
Scanner Test. When started successfully, the
screen below appears.
_ Delected
_ Delecled
Click the
button to
4. Place your document lace down on the scanner
glass. and click on the Flatbed button in the
Microtek ScanTest Window
Top 0! document
laces "on! ol the
5. A preview olyour image Will be displayed in the
Microtek Scan’l’est Window Click OK, and eXit
Microtek ScanTest; you are now ready to scan.
If you encounter problems With the scan test. see
the digital file USB_Troubleshootiy-gpc,pdj in the
Techinfo folder on your Microtek CD-ROM.
5. Scanning an Image
1 Place the Image to be scanned on your scanner.
Z Double-chck the SeanWizard 5 Icon on the
desktop, or clIck the Scan button In the
ScanWIzard 5 AssIstant Toolbox to launch
ScanWIzard 5
3 When ScanWizard 5 launches, tt automaucally
performs a last preVIew ol the matenal on your
scan bed and dtsplays it In the prevtew area.
4. In the prevIew w-Indow, you can resIze the
floatIng dotted lme around the Image by
draggmg on the edge or corner of the scan
frame to determme the [marl sIze of the actual
5 To make adjustments to the Image, use the tool
buttons To scan the tmage. clIck the Scan to
button The image Is then scanned and saved to
a [Ile ASIde lrom savmg, you may also deltver the
saved Image to an ImagevedItIng software. an e-
maIl edItor, or a web browser.
Save the scanned Image
to a me. or deliver I\ to an CM“ a“ ‘h'5 “Um"
‘ |0 SWI‘C‘l’l W the
Imageedrtrng program,
an email editor. or a web l gdvaoteddContwl
ane wtn ow
Cltck here in
browser. l
W' mmwffxw —
M...» “ "7: “ma
Resrze dolled Ilne lot srze ot
Ihs actual scan
6. Reading the
1. Insert the MIcrotek CD-ROM Into your CD—
ROM drtve.
2 When the Microtek Software Installer comes up
on your screen. click the View Manual button
that corresponds to the manual you wish to
read. This wtll launch Adobe Acrobat Reader,
and you can then read or pnnt the manual
muggiSlunngr warrant,"
S-hnnu Imlullnv
. mun-Wmnum 99
- (mm-M... 09
~ button to
see the
. uni-henna.“-
7. Troubleshooting
If you encounter problems wuh software or
hardware Installation, see the drgrtal [Ile
USB_Troubleshootingpcpdj In the Techmfo folder on
your Microtek CD-ROM.
exrt Scanwrzard 5
t on on the Ma ntos
USB nsta
1 . Unpack scanner
Open your scanner package and check the
components as stated in your packrng lIst. Install the
software first, then the hardware Before proceeding
any lurther, check that you have the Items listed on
the paclung list. ll any Item IS mIssmg,
Your MIcrotek ScanMaker scanner comes WIth an
USB built-In Interface For Installation
, use the
scanner's USB port. See the graphrc below to locate
the dIlferent ports on the back of the scanner,
Including the scanner accessory port,
.- ‘|_
Aocessoty Port
USB Port
Power Adams!
Power Swllch
2. Install software
Turn on your computer
Install the Image-edinng applrcauon that came
wrth your scanner
lnsert the MIcrotek CD-ROM Into your CD-ROM
drive, and double-click the CD-ROM when It
appears on your Macrntosh desktop to open It.
Note: For IMac users, please VtsttApplc’s website at
hllp:// wwwappluom to download and mstall any
Mac updates you may need,
Nexr, Install the software on your Microtek CD-
ROM, includrng the lollowmg:
0 Caere OmniPage Limited Edition ThIs Is
your OCR text-scannrng software.
- Microlck ScanWizard 5. Tbs rs your
scanner controller program for captunng
Images from your scanner and dellvermg It to
your Image-edmng applIcatIon. ScanWtzard 5
requrres System 8.1 or later
~ Adobe Acrobat Readerv ThIs Is your
documentatIon reader for readIng and
pnnting the manuals on the CD—ROM,
To Install each software. open the software
program's folder and then clIck the “Installer"
Icon In that program's folder. Follow screen
Instrucnons untIl InstallatIon Is completed
USB nst at'on on he Mac tos
3. ConneCt seannel’ 3 Connect one end of the USB cable to your
computer, and connect the other end of the cable
1. Turn off your computer, to the scanner’s USB pan.
2. Plug the power adapter into the back of the A. Connectmg [0 an Apple Mac
scanner, and plug the other end Into a wall
outlet or power source Make sur: no other
cable is connected to the scanner except the
power adapm at this point.
B. Connectmg to a Power Mac G} thh built-m
USB ports
Thrs wtll rum on the scanner The green ltght on
the front of the scanner wtll blink for a few
seconds and then stay on solid,
4 Turn on your computer. The system wtll fmd
your scanner automattcally.
USB nsta at on on the Mac tos
5. Reading the
4. Scanning an image
Place the image [0 be scanned on your scanner.
Double-click the ScanWizard 5 icon on the
desktop, or click the Scan burion in the
ScanWizard 5 Assrstant Toolbox to launch
ScanWizard 5
When ScanWrzard 5 launches, ll automatically
performs a last prenew of the material on your
scan bed and displays ll in the prevrew area.
In the preview Window, you can resize the
floating dotted line around the image by
dragging on the edge or comer of the scan
frame to determine the hnal size of the actual
To make adjustments to the image, use the tool
buttons. To scan the image, click the Scan to
button The image is then scanned and saved to
a file Aside from saying, you may also deliver
the saved image to an image~editmg software, an
e-mail editor. or a web browser
Sava me scanned Image
m 3 Me, or dellvsr u to an
rmage~edlilng program, an
email edllor, or a web
to swnch to me
Panel w|ndow
Reslze doned line tor size ml
lhe actual scan
l Advanced Control
Insert the Microtek CD-ROM mlo your CD-
ROM drive
Launch the Adobe Acrobat Reader program
From the Frle menu, choose the Open
command, and open the file for the manual rhai
you Wish to view; manuals have a pd] extension
to their file name. The manual is then ready to
be Viewed or primed
6. Troubleshooting
If you encounter problems With software or
hardware installation, see the digital file
USB_Tmubleshoonng.pdf in the Techinfo [older on your
Mlcrotek CD-ROM,
" ' Click on (his bunon
Federal Communications Commission Interference statement
This equipment (Trade Name ScanMaker 4700. Model Name MRS-2400612U) has been tested and found to comply
With the limits for a Class B digital dthce, pursuant In Part 15 of the FCC rules These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televtsion reception. which can be determined
by turning the equipment oftand on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
lollowtng measures
~ Reortent/telocate the receivmg antenna.
0 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
' Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
' Consult the dealer or an experienced rad to/TV technician for help
see caution‘ To assure continued compliance. (example — use only shielded interface cables when connecting to
computer or peripheral devices). Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authonty to operate this equipment
This deirice complies with Part is of the FCC Rules Operation is suhiect lo the following two conditions (1) This
detrice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, trtcludtrig
interference that may cause undesired operation
Responsible Party Microtek tab, Inc
3715 Doolittle Drive
Redondo Beach. CA 90278-1226
u 5.A
Telephone No' 1-310-297-5000
Federal Communications Commission Statement
This equipment (Trade name ScanMaker 4700, Model name: MRS-NODGIZU) has been tested and found to comply
With the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limis are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that interference Will not occur in a particular
installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures
~ Reorienvrelocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
~ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
' Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Note A shielded inter/dice cable wttlt ferrite cote installed an the scanner connector end must be used With lhIS equipment
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment
Covyriah'01995 Mim'ek lfl'emaflflflfll "m- hilp:I/www.microtek.oom I49—00xxxxA, December 1999
ScanMaker 4700 Spec“ ications
Scanning Modes
Scanning area
Dimensions (1. x W X H)
Reflective color or black-and-whire originals
Calor. grayscale, and black £2 While in a single scanning pass
42-bit true color
Approximately 68.7 billion colors
12 -bit grayscale
4096 shades of gmy
l-bit black 63: white
64 shades of gray simulated
Halfione selections
12 built-in halftone patterns
85" x 1147"/215 9mm x 29718mm(A4 size)
Optical resolution: 1200 dpi x 2400 dpl
Maximum resolution. 9600 dpi
AC 100V to 240V
20” x 11.4” x 4.6" (510mm x 290mm x 117mm)
8 libs/3.6kg
Operating temperature: 10° to 40°C (50° to 104°F)
Relative humidity' 20% to 8596

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:01:20 16:52:22-05:00
Create Date                     : 2000:01:20 16:51:54-05:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 11
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: EF9MRS-2400G12U

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