Microtek MRS-2400TPFU Image Scanner With USB and IEEE 1394 Ports User Manual
Microtek International Inc Image Scanner With USB and IEEE 1394 Ports
Microtek >
User Manual
Fan 0: E F inns-2m TP FM Installing and Getting Started for the SczmMaker® 8700 "on.” s‘ "O. umvrnrnt smut nus FIre’IlIre Version Firewire . infirm; 55. win znou. Mar: 51/64 and iMac DV use - Wines. Win 2000, Mac 61:64 and Mac This document provides information on how to install your Microtek scanner on a PC or Mac using the scanner's FireWire or USB interface and describes the features of the scanning, nsta at on for PC and Mac ntosh 1 . Unpack scanner Open your scanner package and check major components as shown in this section. For a complete listing of components, refer to the Packing List. If any item is missing, contact Microtek Customer Service. Your Microtek ScanMaker 8700 scanner comes with Firerre and USB built-in interfaces. See the graphic below to locate the different ports on the back of the scanner, including the scanner's ADF port. llfl Power USB port FireWire ADF port connector connector Energy Star Hutico “hm-Its As an ENERGY STAR Partner. Mttrtmk International, Inc has determined Ll'Bl mlsscumr meets rite ENERGY STAR guidelmas rot energy emit-Ky 2. Unlock the carriage With the scanner turned oil, unlock the carriage by using a screwdriver or 3 cm“ into the locking screw located at the bottom of the scanner, Turn the locking screw counterclockwise to unlock it. When successfully unlocked. the screw will push out a little. becoming nearly even with the back of the scanner. This indicates the scanner carriage has been released. and the scanner is ready to be used. ~%. Mvcmtck". stemmed. and sanwtnrdt are mystcmd trademark olettk lnmrmtiaml Inc Adobe'. Asmara, and Pholth'que'” m mamas or registered memtksotmm Systems lmorporzwd. Cacm’. orttrttrzgt'. and Paecitrcperi m mglslered ttmmtrks QICa/zvc Corporation Tmlltx'“ and mint Web” are trademarks 4.)leth Camrtttrrt Ulcm’ and Photoimpmv m mglitcfld trademarks inlwi Systems. lnt Mzcmtusn'. Applet. Ftttwtrel and Fttcwrrr rosette tndcmarksor mama tradmtks nlAppin Computer. Inc WirttitawsO is a mststrrea trademark chicmsnlt Cnrporallon. All other products or name brmdsam tradzmrksoldm’r respearve holders Copyright © 2000 Microtek lntemational inc. nttpzllwww. microtekcom l49-002852A, June 2000 3. Install software For Pc Users 1. 2. Turn on your computer, Insert the Microtek CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. This includes your scanner controller program for capturing images from your scanner. The Microtek Software Installer screen should automatically come up. Note: If the Micrutelt Software Installer screen does not come up automatically, doubleclick the following in succession: “My Computer” on your Windows desktop; the CD-ROM Icon; and cdsetup.exe to start the installer program. When the Microrek Software Installer screen appears, click each software program in the order that it appears on the screen to install all software components. (Your software includes programs for image editing, OCR text editing, document management. and the Adobe Acrobat Reader program for reading documentation). For each software, follow the on-screen instructions during installation. Default values are specified at every point during installation: simply accept these values to continue installation until you finish. Note: You may be prompted to restart the computer at this point. Do not restart your computer until all the software has been installed. In some applications, auxiliary information (such as the Readme file) may be displayed after that particular program finishes installing. Simply click the "X" close box at the upper right corner of the displayed window to return to the Microtek Software Installer. After all the software has been installed. click EXIT on the Microtek Software Installer screen If any other image-editing software is bundled with your scanner, install them now. Note: The software may be on a separate CD-ROM. Restart your computer. For Macintosh Users 1. Turn on your computer, 2. Install the imageediting software. which is a separate CD—ROM included With your scanner package. 3. Install all the software on your Mlcrotek CD~ROM. To install each software, open the software program's folder, and then click the “Installer" icon. Follow the screen instructions until installation is completed. - Microtek ScanWizard 5 is the scanner controller program for capturing images from your scanner and delivering it [0 your image-editing application. Note: For iMac users, please Visit Apple's web site at http:// wwwapple.com to download and install any Mac updates you may need, ~ Install the software documentation reader for reading and printing the manuals on the CD-ROM, 4. Restart your computer, 4. Connect scanner 14 Plug the power cord into the back of the scanner, and plug the other end into a wall outlet or power source, Make sure no other cable ls connected to the scanner except the power cord at this point, Connect either the Fu-erre or the USB cable to your computer and scanner. (You can use only one interface at a time) A. Firowire cable connections If your system is FireWire-ready, connect one end of the FireWire cable to your computer, and connect the other end of the cable to the scanner's FireWire connector. If your system is not FireWire-ready. you will need to install a FireWire card. For more details on how to Install the FireWire card. please refer to the Firerre Installation Guide on a separate sheet included with the FireWire card. PC Before connecting. plug the cable connector into the computer‘s port labeled FireWire Y" logo, B. USB cable connections Connect one end of the USB cable to your computer, and connect the other end of the cable to the scanner’s USB port. Before connecting, plug the cable connector mto the computer‘s port labeled Firerre ‘y" logo. 3. Press the scanners power button to turn on your scanner. The green light on the front of the scanner will blink for a few seconds and then stay on solid. H— Powor bullet! Press the scanner’s power button to turn the scanner on/olf. 4, The system wtll detect your scanner automatically Note: If the system is unable to detect your scanner see the Troubleshooting file in the Techlnfo [older on your Micmtek CD-ROM. English Deulsch 5. Scanning an ' To scan photos: 1. Position the photo to be scanned on the scanner bed. 2. Double-click the ScanWizard 5 icon on your desktop to launch the ScanWizard 5 - Standard Control Panel. When ScanWizard 5 launches, it automatically performs a fast preview of the material and displays it in the preview area. 3 In the preview window, you can resize the scan frame (floating dotted line) around the image by dragging on the edge or corner of me scan frame to determine the final size of the actual scan. 4. Click the Original button, then select Photo. 5. To scan the image, click the Scan to button. The image is then scanned and saved to a file. Aside from saving, you may also deliver the scanned image to an image- editing software, an e-mall editor, or a web browser. To scan slides and filmstrips: 1. To scan slides or filmstrips. you will need to install an accessory like the 8" x 10" Glass Film Holder, the Main Staging Template, die 35mm Mounted Film Template. etc. Refer to a separate document on how to install the accessories. Here is a sample to install the Glass Holder for scanning. a) Place the film on top of the Glass Film Holder, then place the vinyl strip on the edges outside the film to secure the film to the holder. b) Install the Glass Film / '~~\ Holder by gently Z pushing the / transparency tray § \~\\/ .\,5 / / back in. QEv/a' Follow (Steps 2, 3. and 5) the procedures in scanning a photo For Step 4, select Positive (for scanning slides) and Negative (for scanning negative film). Note: For more details on scanning. please refer to Microtek's Step-by-Step Tutorial guide included in your package Save the scanned image to a file. or deliver it to an i image-editing program. an email editor or a web browser. Click on this button to swttch to the Advanced Control Panel Window ScanWlxard 5 ScanWixard 5 for for Windows l Macintosh _ Click here to exit ScariWizard 5 Tool Tool buttons buttons for image for image settings settings Re-size dotted line for Size or the actual scan 6. How to do OCR in Scar-Wizard 5 11|e Optical character Recognition (OCR) is an application that converts scanned documents into text that can be edited lrom your word processing application. 1. Place a text document to be scanned on the scanner bed. then launch ScanWizard 5. Click the following buttons and select the following options if you are scanning a black & white text document for OCR purposes: Original: Select Text Document. Scan Type: Only Black 8: White option is available if you selected Text Document as your Original (previous step) , 3. Click the Scan to button. then hold down your mouse for a moment. When the options menu appears, select OCR. 4. When the OCR Save As dialog box appears. use the default "Document" file name or key in your preferred name, and select .rtf or .txt as the export file format. Click Save to deliver the scanned image directly to your chosen folder, Selecting this check box Will add specified file name with serial numbers to generate multiple file names for the scanned and saved images in continuous sequence. From Combo box. choose one word processing application for text editing, If you select the check box “Send documents to application after saving". the saved file can be opened in your word processing application and is ready to be edited. Deuisch 7. Reading the documentation For Pc users 1. Insert the Microtek CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. 2. When the Microtek Software Installer comes up on your screen. click the View Manual button that corresponds to the manual you wish to read. This will launch Adobe Acrobat Reader. and you can then read or print the manual. For Macintosh users 1. Insert the Microtek CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Launch the Adobe Acrobat Reader program. From the File menu, choose the Open command, and open the file for the manual that you wish to view: manuals have a .pd[extension to their file name. The manual is then ready to be viewed or printed. Paar-i commimleafim Commission Intorhrm- st. mm “the equipment has been tested and found to ootttply With (M ltmtts rot o Class B alool device, pulsluru to Pan l 5 ortht FCC rules. These llnttts m destgmd (a ptovtot reasonable pfolefllnrl againsthamu‘ul tntertmnce tno residential tnrtullattou This equipment gerwmlcs, uses and can adult tooto lwquency energy nus, tlttot tnstullcd and ‘ used tn umame with me ttunucttoro. may cause harmful lnlfl'rfmvm to ridlo cammumullons l-lowmr lhere is no guarantee that Inmll'omntcwill not occur ln a paulcnhiinsullnlmn "lhisequlpmt-nldofimuseharmful tnuormnrrtoraooor telettston rcocptim. whvchcan bcdmcrmlmd by lumlng the oqutprttrut oltrtto on the user is encouraged to try (0 term“ tho Interfucnce by out or more oflho lollnwlng musurvs ~ rtortttttormlmtctrumuttttguutrtnt ' lmmse the separation beiwemtheequipment and receiver. - Connect lhceq'ulpmznl truo on millet on a Cimuildlfiefllil rm ihll to which (hi: lecelvcr ls conncclcd - Consult the dealer or an toportmo notolrvtooltnutott VulMlp. FCC Caution. Tomr! Conunued complunce. (exampie- use only shwlacd tnunmcablcs whenmnmtlngwmtmtermpc‘rlphenldevrt‘es) Anychangcsofmadllmuwsnol t oxpmslyrpptbyoobythr pmyrespomlhlclot complianttmuld voto theuscr'saumotlly . wapefate lhlsequipmenr Thlsdevlce cemplioswllh Pan lSollbe roc Rules.Operatmmsubmtothefollowlng lwocondllwns (1) human“ maynotcauschamilullmerlemmednd12) lnlsdtwlcc must Katmai-w tttlottcrmce Roth/ed, including lutflki’Eanhii maycmseundeslted oprtauon Responsible Party in. Hart 3715 Doolllllu Drive Memo Btorh. CA sonar 1226 U s A Telephottr No 13102975000 mo. ualn- Mud-I Mumbfl SelaMak-vsmo MRS-zlePFU term to Comply F6 on. rcc suttonot FOR nous on OFFICE use 8.Troubleshoot'ng If you encounter problems with the installation, see the troubleshooting file in the Techirlio folder on your Microrek CD-ROM. rod-ml communications eon-mission Int-nuance snumm Thls oqulpmlmt lModeI MRS—240um has boon leslcd ano louuo lo comply wtth rm- ltt-rtlts lot a Class B otgttal rim/11.1. pursuant to Part I5 olthe FCC Rules These limits are designed (opmvide rczlsonzblc pratcuon zootnu lonttlul tntenrnnre trt a roooruttal lnsullallon Thlscqnlplmm gonoraws use and can radiate rudto trooumy enorgymd. tr not installed ttno mo tnaootnoonrc wtth lhe lmtwcllens. ttuyause horuttul tnunemc (D ndtooottlntuntrotlotts However. thrto IS no gum-two lhzl tntrrlcmwnl not occur ut o ptrttoulor installation lflhlsoqulpmcnl ommurr harmlul tnttttennoe to radio Dl' television when. wrurh can be ootcnnlnco by turning tho oqulpmemofland on tho user is entwrooro to try (flmrtefl (he lnlerfcl misc by one or tnotr ol the followmg "Imulvs - waflrormlm‘alethercccwmganlcnna ~ Increase (he Separation bclwcenlhctquiplmnland receiver. ’ Connect the equipment imoanaullci on a circuit dllfcrml {tom that to which the rtxttvu Iscnnmtlcd - Consult tmoolerorttt mowed room/w icchnmmn for help Note I) A Xhlelded of use trturfm cable wllh fen lle tore "mailed on me mnrr tanner“)! end nun be used with this equipment zl AC adapter ttnn fume mu lrlxlalied on the Stain!“ connector end must he used with 1th equuzmenl CAUTION Changes at ntootncationo not crpmoly opproytd by the tttonulmurtr rospottublc tor compllmmwuld mid mt; user'sauihnrily m opoutc (he rqutprnont IEEE 1 394 (FireWire) Host Adapter Installation Guide 6. Windows will automatically detect the Operating System driver location; search for the FireWire card. You may be prompted to insert the Windows 98 SE CD~ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Insert the disk. then click Next consecutively to continue until Windows has finished installing the device. Windows 98 SE 1. Turn off your computer. 2. Remove the computer cover and insert the FireWire card into the available PCI slot. Push the card in to make sure it's seated all the way in slot. Ill !l l l 3. Restart your computer. 4. Windows 98 SE will start to locate the device. When Lhe Found New Hardware Wizard appears, click Next to start the installation process 5. The Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box appears. Select “Search for the best driver" option. then click OK. Follow the on-screen instructions by clickingNext until you have finished installing. Windows 2000 1. Turn off your computer. 2. Remove the computer cover and insert the FireWire card to the available PCI slot. 3. Restart your computer. 4, Windows 2000 will automatically detect the FireWire card device and will inform you when it is ready for use. Copyrighi © 2000 Microtek International in. httpzllwwwmicrotekcom l‘lQ-DDZSfiaAv June 2000 How to Install Your Scanner Transparency cessories E How to install the various scanner Using the 8" x 10" Glass Using the 35mm Mounted u transparency accessories that come Film Holder Slide Template : with dual-bed scanners featuring ‘ 3 the E.D.I.T technology. 1. Place the film on top of the 1. Insert the individual 35mm 5 ‘ Glass Film Holder. slides to be scanned into the Before proceeding any further With ‘ 35mm Mounted Slide Template. installation or use, check first to i see that your package includes the 3 /<§‘§\‘ following. 1 ‘ i 2. Place the 35mm Mounted Slide _ 3 2. Place the vinyl strip on the edges ‘ Template in the Main Staging 3 outside the film to secure the 1 Template, then put this 1 film to the holder. i assembly in the transparency f ‘ tray of the scanner. 3“ x10" Glass Film Holder . A; r 35mm Muumed Slide BxgcmFilmTemplaie - ‘f ’ Template I 77 , ~ 7 r 7 7 3. Place the Glass Film Holder into ’ ‘ " ‘ the transparency tray of the _ 7 scanner. 35mm Filmslflp 4" x 5" Film Template Template There are two ways to scan , , , b , transparent film. l f _ N . ‘ V7 / \.\..\~ . 7, 7 0 By using the 8 x 10' Glass Film ' ”7 f» g . , r Holder, which is used to scan ‘ . 7 ‘ 4 ' non-standardized transparent ‘ film. 7 7 ~ l ' By using the Main Staging Template, which is used together with the individual templates to scan a particular ‘ , 777 7,7 , type of standard-sized .\i\y transparent film, such as individual 35mm slides, 35mm filmstrips. 6 x 9 cm film, or 4“ x 5" mm. Copyright © 2000 Micmtek International Inc. http‘J/www.m|crotek.com MB-OOZGBZA, June 2000 Template Template Template 1. Push to open the 5~piece 35mm 1. Push to open the 6 x 9 cm Film 1. Push to open the 4" x 5“ Film Filmstrip Template, Template. Template. 2. Place the 35mm filmstrip to be 2. Place the film to be scanned in 2. Place the films to be scanned in scanned in the 35mm Filmstrip the 6 x 9 cm Film Template. 4“ x 5" Film Template. Template. E Using the 35mm Filmstrip l Using the 6 x 9 cm Fi|m Using the 4" x 5" Film 3. Pull to close the template. 3. Pull to close the template. 3. Pull to close the S—piece 35mm Filmstrip Template. h) /' 1 » . a] f c) f 5/ w j 4. Place the 6 x 9 cm Film 4, Place the 4" x 5" Film Template l” Template in the Main Staging ‘ in the Main Staging Template. ' Template. then put this then put this assembly in the . 4' Place the 35mm Filmstrip assembly in the transparency . transparency tray of the scanner. Template in the Main Staging tray of the scanner, ‘ Template, then put this assembly in the transparency tray of the scanner Note: When the installation is done, you can refer to a separate printed document (Installing and Getting Started or Step-by-Step Tutorial) included in your scanner package for a more detailed scanning procedures. Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againSt harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ' Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ' Increase me separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T V technician for help. Al‘CC Caution: To assure continued compliance. (example - use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices). Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of die FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (i) This device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received. including interference that may cause undesired operation, Responsible Party: Loi Han 3715 Doolittle Drive m, Nm m um" Redondo Beach, CA 90278-1226 5mm“ "0° Qfijmi‘fm U.S.A. F6 wm. Fcc sum.“ Telephone No: 1-310-297-5000 F0“ HOME OR OFFtcE use Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement This equipment (Model: MRS-2400TPFU) has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital fidevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against Jarmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance With the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning me equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measu res: - Reonent or relocate the receiving antenna. ' Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ' Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ' Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T V technician for help. Note: 1) A shielded of USB interface cable with ferrite core installed on the scanner connector end must be used with this equipment. 2) AC adapter with ferrite core installed on the scanner connector end must be used with this equipment. Caution: Changes or modifications nor expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment. Copyright © 2000 Microiek international Inc. mtpz/lwwwmicrotekcom June 2000 FCC to! £F7mzs-zvuoTP F“ ScanMaker 8700 Specifications Scanning Modes Color. grayscale and black & white in a single scanning pass 42-Bit Color input and output (approx. 4.3 trillion colors) 14-Bit Grayscale (approx. 167384 shades of gray) l-Bit Black & White (64 shades of gray simulated) Halftone Selections A 12 built~in halftone patterns 8.5”x 14"/ 216 mmx 356 mm (reflective) Scanning area 8" x 10“/203 mm x 254 mm (transparency) Resolution Optical: 2400 dpi x 1200 dpi Interpolated: 9600 dpi x 9600 dpi Dimensions (LxWxH) 24"><15.2"x7" (620 mm x 386 mm x 177 mm) Weight 255 lbs/ 116 kg Voltage AC [00V to 240V 47-63 Hz Operating Temperature: 10° to 40°C (50° to 104°F) Environment Relative Humidity: 20% to 85% 4394 signal cable A ferrite cord bonded
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