Users Manual
Operators Manual for the P25 Base Tech III Base/Repeater Station October 2008 Version 5.0 680-090-2042 www.midlandradio.com Introduction We thank you for choosing the Midland P25 Base Tech III Base/Repeater Station to meet your communication needs. Properly used, this product will give you many years of reliable service. To get the most out of your purchase, be sure to carefully read this manual before operating the radio. The overall operation of this radio depends entirely on how it has been programmed. If it is not functioning as desired, please check the programming first. This manual covers up to firmware version 71BS241 If you should need Midland Technical Support, please call 1-816-462-0463 or lmrservice@midlandradio.com Other useful Midland numbers; Main Line- 816-241-8500 Main Fax- 816-241-5713 LMR Sales- 816-462-0462 Credit Dept- 816-462-0464 Technical Support and Engineering Fax- 816-241-3272 Warranty Service- 816-462-0438 We welcome any comments on how we may improve our products to better server our customers. ______________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be fixed-mounted on outdoor permanent structures with a separation distance of at least 6 meters from all persons during normal operation. The peak conducted output power at each antenna terminal must not exceed 250 Watts and the peak radiated output power must not exceed 1000 Watts EIPR. Users and installers must ensure that FCC requirements for satisfying RF exposure compliance are met. (See FCC Rules Part 1, Sections 1307 and 1310) NOTICE: The AMBE+2 ™ voice coding Technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. This voice coding Technology is licensed solely for use within this Communications Equipment. The user of this Technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to extract, remove, decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into a human readable form. U.S. Patents Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974 #5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579, #5,226,084 and #5,195,166. www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 Table of Contents Page 10 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 26 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 1. LCD Display 2. LED Display 3. Key Controls 4. Programming 5. Control Knob 6. Channel Selection 7. P25 Calling Selection 8. P25 PTT Mode 9. P25 Conventional Messages 10. P25 Squelch Adjustment 11. Talk Group ID Alias 12. Key lock 13. Manual CWID Start/Stop 14. DTMF Encode 15. Analog Channel Data 16. P25 Channel Data 17. Bar Graph/Channel Display 18. LCD Backlight Toggle 19. Changing TX Power 20. Caller ID 21. Emergency Call Reception 22. Repeat Mode 23. Base Mode 24. Remote Control 25. P25 Test Mode 26. Adjustment Mode 27. Key Test 28. Displaying Firmware Version 29. Displaying Serial Number 30. Displaying Program Software Ver 31. Data Check 32. Error Messages 33. Firmware Error Detection 34. RS232 Error Detection 35. DSP Error Detection 36. Option Port Pinout www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 1. LCD DISPLAY 1.1 LCD display consists of 4 x 20 characters as shown. Line 1: The Incoming RSSI with 10 steps Line 2: The output power levels with 10 steps Line 3: The left 4 letters show channel numbers. The middle 8 letters shows the channel name (if not programmed, it will be blank). The right 4 letters displays the status of the radio as described below. a. RX mode: M= Mix, both analog and digital can be received D= Only digital can be received. b. TX mode: D=PTT digital transmission A=PTT analog transmission c. Monitor mode: ⌧= Monitor off S= Selective squelch d. P-25 squelch: N= Normal squelch S= Selective squelch = Low Voltage state (Icon flashes with ALM LED) e. Low Voltage Icon: f. Key lock mode: =Key lock (Not displayed if in Low Voltage alarm) g. Shift mode: SHIFT KEY ICON (reverts to normal within 2 seconds) Line 4: The left 2 letters show GPC (GROUP CALL), AC (ALL CALL), IC (INDIVIDUAL CALL). The right 18 letters displays the GROUP NAME, INDIVIDUAL NUMBERS, ETC. RX = = = = = = = = = = TX = = = = = = = = = = C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC 500 2. LED DISPLAY The Midland Base Tech III has 5 LED's From left to right; DIGI= The LED is on when receiving a digital signal REP= The LED is on when in repeat mode. (The BASE TECH III can be programmed for, SIMPLEX -SEMIDUPLEX - DUPLEX- REPEATER on a per channel basis.) ALM= The LED flashes when an error on either TX or RX occurs TX= The LED is on when in Transmit BUSY= The LED is on when receiving a signal. www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 3. KEY CONTROLS 3.1 Key entry without SHIFT key 0-9: channel numbers and individual call address (target address) A: P-25 calls (Group Call, All Call, and Individual Call) B: The beginning and the end of individual call number C: No function D= P-25 mode (analog or digital TX) *= Cancel channel number, individual number #= Ending channel number, individual number CH= Channel number entry, depress CH, then 0-9 for channels F (Scan) = P25 Conventional Control Messages (SBC) MON= monitor ON or OFF Rotary knob: Volume, Squelch, Back Light Dimmer and Timer 3.2 Key entry following SHIFT key 0= P-25 test mode start and finish 1=back light ON/OFF 2=TX power Hi/LOW 3=Talkaround ON/OFF 4=No function 5=No function 6=No function 7=Indicates Analog channel data 8=Key lock ON/OFF 9=No function A=Manual CWID send key B=Programmed CWID Start/Stop key C= No function D= No function *= Indicating P-25 data (while depressed) #= DTMF Entry CH= Toggle Bar-Graph or TX RX Frequencies F (Scan) = SBC (Conventional Control Messages) Mode / Emergency Call MON = P-25 squelch normal or selective and analog MONITOR modes. www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 4. PROGRAMMING The Midland Base Tech III must be programmed with Windows 2000, XP or Vista operating system. The 91-1480CD software and 91-1303B programming cable are required to program the radio and are available through your Midland dealer or LMR Sales Department. Note: During actual data transfer the radio will not operate but should be complete within 30 seconds or less. 5. CONTROL KNOB 5.1 VOLUME Rotate the knob to change the volume level. The volume level varies from 0 to 34. If the local speaker is active, the audible beep level will change as the knob is rotated. Figure 3 shows the Volume at level 12 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Volume-12 Figure 3 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 5.2 SQUELCH CONTROL Push the rotary knob once to select the squelch level and then turn the knob to vary the level from 0 to 15. 0 is open squelch. Figure-4 shows the Squelch at level 6 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Squelch-6 Figure 4 5.3 LCD BACKLIGHT DIMMER Push the rotary knob twice to select the dimmer level and then turn the knob to select a level from 0 to 15, 0 is the darkest. Figure-5 shows the Dimmer at level 5 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Dimmer-5 Figure 5 5.4 LCD BACKLIGHT TIMER Push the rotary knob three times to adjust the Backlight Timer. The Time varies from 0 to 30 seconds. This function is inactive when the Backlight has been turned on with SHIFT + 1 (Backlight ON/OFF). Figure-6 shows the Backlight Timer set for 15 seconds RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Light-15 Figure 6 6. CHANNEL SELECTION The Midland Base Tech III has capability of up to 500 channels. Press CH, and then enter the channel number. Example-1 CH-8; Press CH + 0 + 0 + 8 or CH +8 + # Example-2 CH-500; Press CH + 5 + 0 + 0 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 7. P-25 CALLING SELECTION (Digital Base Mode Only) Press and release A repeatedly to scroll through the menu Radio displays GPC 00001= Group 1 Call, GPC everygroup= All Call, IDC--------- = Individual Call Figure-7 Shows Talk Group Identification (TGID), Group 1 Call Figure-8 shows an All Call (everygroup), to everygroup on the same NAC Figure-9 Shows an Individual Call, to and individual unit ID on the same NAC. (Refer to Section 11, Figure 11 and 12 for ID entry). RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC 00001 Figure 7 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC everygroup Figure 8 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N IDC ------------------- Figure 9 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 7.1 INDIVIDUAL CALL ENTRY (Digital Base Mode Only) Press and release A repeatedly until IDC----- is displayed. Press B, and enter the numerical Unit ID. To deleted a digit, Press the star ( * ) key Press B or # to complete entry. Figure-10 shows entry start, when B is pressed Figure-11 shows completed entry, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + B RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N IDC __ Figure 10 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N IDC 12345 Figure 11 8. P-25 PTT MODE Press D to select PTT (Push-To-Talk), mode. When the display shows PTT is Analog, the radio transmits in analog mode. When the display shows PTT is Digital, the radio transmits in digital mode. Figure-12 Shows Analog Figure-13 Shows Digital RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N PTT is Analog Figure 12 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N PTT is Digital Figure 13 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 9. P25 CONVENTIONAL CONTROL SIGNALLING (SBC) (Digital Base Mode Only) Please note: SBC functions are selectable in the Programming Software. The Base Tech III has been developed to work with any P25 radio under the TIA specifications. However not all subscriber radios have the capability of these functions. 9.1 EMERGENCY MODE TXPress and hold the F key to send an EMERGENCY call. (Note: The radio will transmit on the programmed EMERGENCY channel not necessarily the channel that appears on the display.) Reboot the radio to clear the Emergency Alert. EMERGENCY MODE RXTo clear a received Emergency call, Press and release F twice. Press F to enter the SBC mode. Key functions after entering menu selection; Press A for the next and B for the previous menu item. C stops transmission (The radio transmits the SBC 4 times until acknowledged.) D moves the cursor between items within the selection. * deletes the last digit. # transmits the selected SBC mode. Please Note: When the radio is in SBC mode, it can receive Group calls, All Call and Individual calls but no source address (caller unit ID), is displayed. Emergency calls can be received when in SBC mode but the radio gives priority to Radio Inhibit. Both Emergency and Radio Inhibit are ignored when in SBC transmitting mode. The radio will revert to normal operation if no key is pressed for 10 seconds. 10 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 9.2 CALL ALERTTo send a Call Alert, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed, then enter the target ID of the radio to alert and Press #. If the target radio has received the Call Alert the display should show “ACK” (acknowledgement). Figure 14 displays a Call Alert ACK Call Alert To: 366 MD⌧N Fm: 00000366 (ACK) Figure 14 9.3 RADIO CHECKThe dispatcher can send a message to a subscriber unit requesting a response from the radio (for example, to check if it is in operation). To initiate a Radio Check, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed, then enter the target ID of the radio to alert and Press #. If the target radio has received the Call Alert the display should show “ACK” (acknowledgement). Figure 15 shows Radio Check Display. Radio Check To:_ MD⌧N Fm: 00000366 (ACK) Figure 15 11 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 9.4 RADIO INHIBITThis function is used to disable a subscriber unit (Mobile or Portable). The subscriber unit cannot be turned on at all until an Uninhibit Command is sent. The password must match the password entered in the BTIII program for inhibit to occur. To Inhibit a radio, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed then enter the target radio’s ID. Press D and enter the programmed password, then Press #. The target radio will be totally disabled. If the target radio has received the Call Alert the display should show “ACK” (acknowledgement). Figure 16 shows the Radio Inhibit entry display. Radio Inhibit To:_ Password: MD⌧N Figure 16 9.5 RADIO UNINHIBITUsed to enable a subscriber unit that has been disabled, the password must match the password entered in the BTIII program. To Uninhibit a radio, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed and enter the target radio’s ID, enter the password and then Press #. The target radio will be returned to normal operation. The target radio should send an ACK if successful. Figure 17 shows the Radio Uninhibit entry mode. Radio Uninhibit To:_ Password: MD⌧N Figure 17 12 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 9.6 STATUS UPDATEUsed to send user status. The status numbers relates to an actual message list. Indicates the User status (0-255) and Unit status (0-255). To send a Status Update, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed and enter the target radio ID. Then Press D and enter the User (USR), message number, Press D again and enter the Unit number, then Press #. If the target radio has received the Call Alert the display should show “ACK” (acknowledgement). Figure 18 shows Status Update ready to be sent to 366. Status Update To:366 USR : 1 UNT : 0 MD⌧N Figure 18 9.7 STATUS REQUESTIs used to request the status of another unit. After the request is sent the target unit should respond with the current status. In the example below USR: 2, means the number 2 status message. To send a Status Request, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed and enter the target radio ID then Press #. The target unit should respond with the message number, unit ID and ACK. Figure 19 shows Status Request received from 366. Status Request To:366 USR: 2 UNT: 0 MD⌧N Fm: 00000366 (ACK) Figure 19 13 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 9.9 PREDEFINED MESSAGESIs used to send a predefined system message. To send a Predefined Message, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed, then enter the target radio ID, Press D and enter a message number and Press #. The target radio should send and ACK if successful. Figure 20 shows message 2 ready to be sent to 366. Short Message To:366 Message:2 MD⌧N Figure 20 9.10 RADIO MONITORUsed to key up a target radio from 10 to 60 seconds and monitor the transmit audio. To monitor a radio, Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed, then enter the target radio ID, Press D and enter 1 (10sec),2 (30sec), or 3 (60sec). Figure 21 shows Radio Monitor request to 366 to transmit for 30 seconds. Radio Monitor To:366 TX Multi:1 MD⌧N Figure 21 14 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 9.11 TELEPHONEUsed to initiate a telephone interconnect request on the RF subsystem. Press F then Press A or B until the selection is displayed, then enter the complete telephone number including country and area code. (max. 16 digits), then Press #. Figure 22 shows the Midland Radio Corporation telephone number. Telephone To:18162418500 MD⌧N Figure 22 9.12 SBC LOGTo toggle the SBC LOG ON, Press SHIFT+F, to turn the LOG OFF Press F. When the SBC LOG is entered, the last SBC call is displayed. Press B to scroll to the previous records and Press A to scroll to the end of the list. The radio will store up to 99 log entries. When more than 99 entries are made the oldest log will be deleted. Note: When the radio is reset or reprogrammed, all logs are deleted. Figure 23 shows the fifth entry of the SBC Log. 5: < SBC Log > To: 00000366 F Radio Monitor TX Multi: 3 Figure 23 15 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 10. P-25 SQUELCH ADJUSTMENT Press SHIFT + MON to choose the P-25 squelch mode. Normal SQL= If NAC is the same, the receiver will unmute Selective SQL= If NAC and GROUP is the same, the receiver will unmute Figure-24 Shows Normal SQ Figure-25 Shows Selective SQ RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Normal SQL Figure 24 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Selective SQL Figure 25 11. TALKGROUP ALIAS ID When GPC is selected with the “A” key, the TGID alias is indicated as programmed (Max 8 characters) Figure-26 shows POLICE for the TGID alias. RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC POLICE Figure 26 16 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 12. KEY-LOCK Press SHIFT+8 to enable and disable the Key-lock. This symbol shows on the LCD. Key-Lock and Key-Unlock icon is displayed for 2 seconds and then reverts to show the TGID. The PTT, MON and SHIFT key are not locked If PTT, MON and SHIFT needs to be locked, select DISABLE in the programming software. If the station is to be remotely controlled it is recommended to leave PTT enabled, Remote PTT will not work when PTT is locked. To release key lock, Press SHIFT+ 8 again. Figure-27 shows key locked Figure-28 shows key unlocked RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Key-Lock Figure 27 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Key-Unlock Figure 28 17 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 13. MANUAL CWID START AND STOP Press SHIFT + A to manually send the programmed CWID. CAUTION: THE TRANSMITTER WILL ENERGIZE IMMEDIATELY WHEN “A” IS PRESSED! To turn OFF CWID, Press SHIFT + HOLD B for 2 seconds (This disables both programmed and manual CWID) To return to normal operation, either reboot the radio or Press SHIFT+ HOLD B for 2 seconds (CWID must be enabled in programming to use these functions). Figure 29 shows CWID Sending Figure 30 shows CWID function stop Figure 31 shows CWID function start CWID sending Code: MIDLAND C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Figure 29 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N CWID function stop Figure 30 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N CWID function start Figure 31 14. DTMF ENCODE Press SHIFT + # and then enter 0-9, * or # to transmit DTMF. The DTMF modulation level will be the same as the CWID level. Figure 32 displays DTMF Encode mode. DTMF Encode 123456 MD⌧N Figure 32 18 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 15. ANALOG CHANNEL DATA Press SHIFT+7 to scroll through the data. 7 must be depressed to scroll. 1) Rx width (narrow/wide/4kHz) 2) TX width (narrow/wide/4KHz) 3) Base mode (Simplex/Semi-duplex/Duplex/Repeater) 4) Rx CTCSS/DCS, CTCSS and DCS are used in Rx 5) TX CTCSS/DCS, CTCSS and DCS are used in TX 6) TX RX Modulation type either PM or FM (PM is the default) (The INFORMATION DISPLAY selection in the 91-1480CD MISCELLANOUS MENU must be set to ENABLE to display this information.) Figure-33 Displays indicates a narrow channel during scroll. RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N RX Narrow Channel Figure 33 16. P-25 CHANNEL DATA Press SHIFT+ * to scroll through the data, * must be depressed to scroll. 1/ Unit ID (source address) 8/ Radio Inhibit RCV 2/ RX NAC 9/ Radio Un-inhibit RCV 3/ TX-NAC 10/ Status Update RCV 4/ TGID 11/ Status Request RCV 5/Emergency Alarm RCV 12/ Short Message RCV 6/Call Alert RCV 13/ Radio Monitor RCV 7/ Radio Check RCV These functions may be enabled and disabled in the programming software’s “MISCELLANEOUS/ INFORMATION DISPLAY” section. Figure 34 Shows the Unit ID RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Unit ID 00000047 Figure 34 19 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 17. BAR GRAPH/CHANNEL DISPLAY Press SHIFT + CH to eliminate the channel name/bar graph and display the frequencies for TX and RX. Press SHIFT + CH to toggle back. Figure-35 Displays the frequencies instead of channel name. The 1st and 2nd character on line 1 indicates Receive Channel The 3rd character indicates Wide band The 4th character indicates Simplex mode. The modes of operation are: “S” = Simplex, “H” = Semi duplex; “D” = Duplex and “R” = Repeat Line 2, “TXN” indicates TX is Narrow band. RXWS 154.600 TXN C001 154.600 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC 00001 Figure 35 18. LCD BACKLIGHT TOGGLE By Default, the Backlight illuminates for 5 seconds after any keypress then goes out. Press SHIFT +1 for the backlight to stay on. Press SHIFT+ 1 again to return to default operation. Figure-36 Indicates the backlight is ON. See section 8 for backlight timer settings. RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N Light turn ON Figure 36 20 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 19. CHANGING TX POWER Press SHIFT+2 to select High or Low TX power. Indicates high power. If the radio is programmed for Hi power, the radio can be changed to low power with this function. If the radio is programmed for low power, it cannot be switched to HI power with this function. The Figure-37 Displays the Hi power symbol. RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC 00001 Figure 37 20. CALLER ID In Simplex mode the Midland Base Tech III display indicates the source Unit ID or Individual ID. Figure-38 Displays the source ID as 00000366 in group call mode. Figure-39 Displays the source ID in Individual Call mode. RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N CAL 00000366 (GPC) Figure 38 RX TX C001 TAC 2 MD⌧N CAL 00000366 (IDC) Figure 39 21 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 21. EMERGENCY CALL RECEPTION The 4th line of the LCD shows the Emergency ALM when an emergency call is received. The LCD back light flashes and the audible tone heard from the speaker can be increased or decreased with the volume control. Figure-39 below displays the Emergency Caller's ID 00000366. RX TX Emergency Alm MD⌧N Fm: 00000366 Figure 40 22. REPEAT MODE 21.1 ANALOG If the received CTCSS/DCS matches the programmed CTCSS/DCS, the radio transmits the programmed carrier frequency and CTCSS/DCS. Hang time is programmable (0-9.9sec), through the “Miscellaneous” tab of the 91-1480CD software. 22.2 DIGITAL Matching NAC (Network Access Code); If the programmed NAC matches the received NAC it allows the radio to repeat. The programmed NAC and TGID (Talk Group Identification), is transmitted. $F7F in RX NAC If the RX NAC is $F7F, all incoming signals are repeated with the same NAC and TGID as received. $F7F in RX NAC w/ Through OFF; If the RX NAC is $F7F, receives all incoming signals and transmits the programmed NAC and TGID. Note: Hang time is programmable (0-9.9 seconds), through the “Miscellaneous” tab of the Base Tech III (91-1480-CD) software. 22.3 MIXED In Mixed mode, the radio receives both Analog and Digital signals automatically. Individual channel programming can be combined as described in a) and b) above. If the radio receives analog, it transmits analog, if it receives digital, it transmits digital. 22 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 23. BASE MODE 23.1 ANALOG If the received CTCSS/DCS matches the programmed CTCSS/DCS, the radio’s receiver will open. The MON key may be pressed to bypass any tone signaling. 23.2 DIGITAL Matching NAC (Network Access Code); If the programmed NAC/TGID matches the received NAC/TGID, the receiver will open. Pressing SHIFT + MON switches between Selective SQL and Normal SQL mode. $F7E in RX NAC If the NAC is set for $F7E, the radio should receive any incoming NAC. 23.3 MIXED In Mixed mode, the radio receives both Analog and Digital signal automatically. Channel programming can be combined as described in 23.1 and 23.2 above on an individual channel. 24. REMOTE CONTROL The BASE TECH III can be controlled remotely by pulling pin 24 of the EXT OPTION 25 pin D-sub connector to a low level. Local operation is restored when pin 24 goes HI. In the Remote Mode only channels 1-16 can be controlled. Also when in Remote Mode Front Panel MON and Channel Selection is disabled. Refer to the chart on page 33 for Channel control pin outs and other related information. Figure-41 below shows CH –1 in remote control mode. The 3rd line shows E001 instead of C001 (EXXX means remote, CXXX is Local Mode) RX TX E001 TAC 2 MD⌧N GPC 00001 Figure 41 23 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 25. P-25 TEST MODE Press SHIFT+ 0 to put the radio into test mode. Then press the following numbers for the test you wish to perform. 1) Standard transmitter “Test Pattern” 2) Standard transmitter “Symbol Rate” pattern 3) Standard transmitter “Low Deviation” pattern 4) Standard transmitter “C4FM Modulation” Fidelity pattern 5) Standard “Tone Test” - Sends the Standard Tone Test Pattern in TX mode. - Indicates BER (Bit Error Rate) in RX mode. Figure-42 Displays that the radio is in the “P25 Test Mode” and “Test Pattern” Figure-43 Displays Symbol Rate Figure-44 Displays Low Deviation Figure-45 Displays C4FM Modulation Figure-46 Displays TX Tone Test Figure-47 Displays RX Tone Test and BER of 5%Test Pattern C001 MD⌧N Figure 42 C001 Symbol Rate MD⌧N Figure 43 24 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 Low Deviation C001 MD⌧N Figure 44 C4FM Modulation C001 MD⌧N Figure 45 Tone Test C001 MD⌧N Figure 46 Tone Test C001 Error Rate MD⌧N 5% Figure 47 25 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 26. ADJUSTMENT MODES While Grounding TP-2 on the analog logic board, switch the radio on. (See the Midland Base Tech III Service Manual for the TP-2 location) Press # to change selections. Press A (Up) and B (Down) to adjust the level. -RX 0 dBm Out =Rx 0 dBm output level adjustment (At pins 20 & 21 on the EXT OPTION 25 pin D-sub connector). -RX FX828 MOD-1 =Deviation level adjustment for “Repeat” mode (analog) -TX DIGITAL DEV =Deviation level adjustment (digital) - TX ANALOG DEVI =Deviation level adjustment (analog) -TX TONE DEVI =CWID Deviation level adjustment (The CWID level must be adjusted before it will send any code) You must reboot the radio to return to normal operation Figure-48 Displays RX wide 0dbm out Figure-49 Displays RX MOD-1, Modulation adjustment for repeat mode Figure-50 displays TX MOD-Digital Figure-51 displays TX MOD-Analog (TXW for Wide and TXN for narrow) whatever the current channel is programmed for. Figure-52 displays TX TONE DEVI, This is the CWID level adjustment. 26 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 RXWH TXW RX 0dbm Out C001 25 / 31 MA Figure 48 RXWH TXW RX FX828 MOD1 C001 0 / 31 MA Figure 49 RXWH TXW DIGITAL DEVI C001 27 / 31 MD Figure 50 RXWS TXW ANALOG DEVI C001 19 / 31 MA Figure 51 RXWH TXW TONE DEVI C001 27 / 31 MA Figure 52 27 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 27. KEY TEST Press and Hold C, switch on the radio. Then depress any key to test. Figure-53 shows initial display Figure-54 shows CH key depressed. Figure-55 shows rotary switch turn clockwise Figure-56 shows rotary switch turn counter-clockwise If no key is pressed for 5 seconds, the radio reboots to normal operation. Please Key - in Figure 53 CH Key Figure 54 RTSW UP Figure 55 RTSW DWN Figure 56 28 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 28. DISPLAYING THE FIRWARE VERSIONS Both the radio and DSP firmware versions are indicated on the LCD after the radio switches on for 2 seconds, unless a “Starting Message” has been programmed. Figure-57 Displays Radio and DSP Firmware versions <71BSV200A710> Figure 57 Figure-58 Shows the programmable starting message “Your Message Here”. Your Message Here Figure 58 29. DISPLAYING THE SERIAL NUMBER Press and Hold D, turn on the radio, the serial number is indicated. (max 8 digits). When the D key is released, the radio will reboot in the normal mode. Figure-59 shows KY0000329 serial number Serial KY000329 Figure 59 29 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 30. DISPLAYING THE PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE VERSION Press and Hold A, and turn on the radio, the programming software version is indicated. When the A key is released, the radio will reboot in the normal mode Figure-60 shows V-0.2.3195 version Set by p-kgprg 023195 Figure 60 31. DATA CHECK The Midland Base Tech III has a self diagnostic function. All data in the EEROM is checked every time the radio is switched on. If the data is not properly stored, the radio automatically turns to programming mode Figure-61 shows ERROM Data error EEROM Data Error Figure 61 30 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 32. ERROR MESSAGES If there is a problem with the RX PLL, TX PLL or PA, then the ALM LED flashes on and indicates which section has the issue. Figure-49 displays a RX PLL error, Note this may be displayed in REM mode if the remote channel lines are open or a channel is selected remotely that is not programmed. (EXXX will be displayed instead of CXXX, where XXX is the channel number.) Figure-62 displays a RX PLL error Figure-63 displays a TX PLL error Figure-64 displays a PA error RX TX C001 MD⌧N RX PLL Error Figure 62 RX TX C001 MD⌧N TX PLL Error Figure 63 RX TX C001 PA Error MD⌧N Figure 64 33. FIRMWARE ERROR DETECTION When the radio itself detects a malfunction, the main CPU will restart automatically. 34. RS232 ERROR DETECTION If the communications between PC and the radio have trouble, the following messages are shown on the LCD. -Overrun error -Framing error -Parity error -Unknown command -Data unmatched -Send error -Answer timeout -Receive timeout 31 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 35. DSP ERROR DETECTION When there is a problem with the DSP, the following message may be shown on the display. Please check that the DSP board is installed correctly, and the correct firmware version is displayed at startup. Figure-65 shows DSP failure Figure-66 shows DSP not ready Figure-67 shows DSP serial error RX TX C001 MD⌧N DSP Failure Figure 65 RX TX C001 MD⌧N DSP Not Ready Figure 66 RX TX C001 MD⌧N DSP Serial Error Figure 67 32 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 36. Option Port Pinout 25 pin D-sub connector for remote control is provided on the rear panel of Base Tech III. The functions of each pin are as follows: Pin No. Name Description I/O CH0 CH1 CH2 CH3 LSB external binary channel selection External binary channel selection External binary channel selection MSB External binary channel selection Unassigned REM MON GND Unassigned REM D/A Remote Monitor Ground 10 DEM OUT 11 12 BUSY RSSI 13 MOD1 14 15 16 GND PTT MOD2 17 18 19 20 Remote Digital Analog select Discriminator audio out Levels Comments 0-+3.3VDC 0000 is channel 1 0-+3.3VDC 0-+3.3VDC 0-+3.3VDC 1111 is channel 16 0-+3.3VDC +3.3V=Monitor On 0V – 3.3V +3.3V = Analog 0V = Digital C4FM on DIGITAL MODE SIMP ERR DECODE RX AUD1 Channel busy indication Receive signal strength indicator External audio modulation input Ground Push to talk External modulation input Simplex mode selected Alarm indication Decode valid indication Buffered receive audio 21 RX AUD2 Buffered receive audio 22 23 24 TX OUT EXT PW/SW REMOTE 25 +12V External power switch External channel selection mode ≈330mVrms 1KHz @ ±3KHz 0-+3.3VDC 0-+2.5VDC analog ≈50mVrms 1Khz for ±3KHz +3.3V=busy 0-+3.3VDC ≈400mVrms 1KHz for ±3KHz 0-+3.3VDC 0-+3.3VDC 0-+3.3VDC ≈700mVrms 1KHz @ ±3KHz ≈700mVrms 1KHz @ ±3KHz 0V=transmit After limiter and filtering /LOW FREQ i.e. External CTCSS/DCS IN 0V=simplex Duty Cycle Determines which alarm 5V=valid signaling 0-Open source 0-+3.3VDC 0V=ONf 0V=external 12 vdc 800mA Max out 1 & 2 Can produce 0 dBm into 600 ohm input NOTE: Pins 1-4, 6 and 9 are only available when pin 24 (Remote Mode) is at 0V. See page 23 for more information on display indications 33 www.midlandradio.com Version 5.0 680-090-2042 5900 PARRETTA DRIVE• KANSAS CITY • MISSOURI • 64120 PHONE: (816) 241-8500 • FAX: (816) 241-5713 www.midlandradio.com
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 34 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:883a5dc0-724b-47e5-b74f-d49b14c040bc Producer : Acrobat Distiller 6.0.1 (Windows) Company : Midland Radio Corporation Source Modified : D:20081126153040 Headline : Create Date : 2008:11:26 09:31:19-06:00 Creator Tool : Acrobat PDFMaker 6.0 for Word Modify Date : 2008:11:26 09:35:01-06:00 Metadata Date : 2008:11:26 09:35:01-06:00 Document ID : uuid:8c08b3f6-f987-4287-a5f6-1ec7c6c7d197 Version ID : 2 Format : application/pdf Title : Base Tech III OPERATOR'S MANUAL Creator : Lanny Sellers Subject : Tagged PDF : Yes Author : Lanny SellersEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools