Midland Radio MX1111 800 MHz CDMA/AMPS Cellular Phone,Model MX-1111 User Manual Revised manual

Midland Radio Corporation 800 MHz CDMA/AMPS Cellular Phone,Model MX-1111 Revised manual


Revised manual

M X - 1 1 1 1 ■automatic digital/analognetwork mode■199 name and number memory■56 X 105 full  graphic display■easy to use feature menu■supports voice mail alert andcalling number identification■call timers■one - touch dialing■scratch pad■in call budget timer■call list and missed callindicator■own number display■SMS ( short message service )support■DTMF tones■dimensions 115 X 45 X 17.8mm■flip type designIssue:Draft 6/00 9 3 7 6 4 4 800Mhz CellularDual Mode
A n t e n n a .Buzzer for ringing signal.Ear piece.Visual alert indicator.Hands free jack.Volume adjustment.M i c r o p h o n eAccessory socketContentsIntroductionSecuritySafetyThe NetworksGetting StartedMaking CallsCustomizingThe Feature MenuThe Phone BookThe Data/Fax ServicesNetwork FeaturesTroubleshootingGlossaryAccessoriesIndex210.2213546781091113121415Digital mode indicator.Analog Mode indicator.Service available.No service.Battery power level.Signal strength indicator.Mail indicator.Roam indicator.Alarm mode indicator.Keypad lockV i b r a t o rGo back to previous menu or Clearentry or exit a feature.Select menu or set current featureand exit.Dial a displayed number.Power On/Off plus End a call andexit feature menu.Clear entry or Go back to previousmenu or Exit a feature.Select menu or access Mails.Scroll up or Upward search.Scroll down or Downward search.Display Icon’s:
22.1SecurityIf your phone is lost or stolen, you must report it to yournetwork operator or service provider so that they canrestrict the phone from use. This is important, as you may be liable for the cost ofunauthorized calls until the equipment is restricted.You can help prevent mobile phone crime by taking thefollowing precautions:- set the phone in lock mode.- set call restrictions.- don’t leave your phone visible in a vehicle when youleave it.    Take the phone with you or lock it in the trunk or glove compartment of your car.IntroductionCongratulations on choosing the Maxon MX-1111 dualMode mobile phone.The MX-1111 has been designed to operate on boththe digital CDMA Cellular network and the analogAMPS network.To help you understand the features of the MX-1111and how it operates on a cellular networks, we haveincluded a glossary of common terms in Section 13 ofthis guide and have provided information about thecellular networks in sections 4.1 (page 12) and 5.7 (page 20).Your mobile phone is intended for use with thesupplied rechargeable battery, charger and any of theapproved accessories shown in section 14 of this userguide. Usage of devices and accessories not approvedfor this unit may invalidate any approval given to thisequipment and may be dangerous.The MX-1111 conforms to IS-95B and IS-98Bstandards for cellular dual mode mobile phones.Maxon reserves the right to make changes andimprovements to any of the products described in thisguide without prior notice.11.1
Battery Use■Do not short-circuit the battery terminals. This willdamage the battery, produce heat and may cause afire■Never dispose of batteries in a fire as it can causethem to explode. Return dead batteries to yoursupplier or an approved recycling center. DO NOTdispose along with household wasteW A R N I N G : If the battery case breaks, avoid contactwith the contents. Wash contaminated skin with lotsof water and seek medical attention.Recycling/Disposal of Batteries■The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)classifies used Ni-Cd batteries as hazardous waste,unless certain exemptions apply.■The battery should be recycled at the end of its usefullife. Under various state and local laws, such batteriesmust be recycled or disposed of properly and cannotbe dumped in landfills or incinerators. MaxonAmerica, Inc. fully endorses and encourages therecycling of Ni-Cd batteries.■A national program to collect and recycle used Ni-Cdbatteries has been implemented by the RechargeableBattery Recycling Corporation (RBRCT M). This programis being funded through the use of license fees paidby the battery and product manufacturers to place theR B R CTM  Seal on the batteries. Following is a partiallist of facilities where the batteries can be shipped tobe recycled. Contact these facilities for properpackaging and shipping guidelines.SafetyPersonal■Operation of any radio equipment including mobilephones,  may  interfere  with  the  function  ofinadequately shielded medical devices such ashearing aids and pacemakers. You must consult themanufacturer of these device or your physician,before use■Do not switch on your mobile phone in hospitals(unless areas where mobiles can be used are clearlymarked) as mobile phone can cause interference tomedical equipment■Observe restrictions on the use of radio equipmentin fuel depots, chemical plants, in areas whereexplosive gases are present or where blastingoperations are in progress. Your mobile phone willcontinue to transmit call responses if left in stand-bymode. You must switch off when requested to do so■Do not move the antenna close to, or touch anyexposed part of the body when making a call.Mobile Phone Use■Mobile phones produce magnetic fields. Do notplace next to magnetic storage media such ascomputer diskettes, credit cards■Operating your mobile phone close to other electricalequipment such as televisions, phones, radios andpersonal computers, may cause interference■Do not expose your mobile phone to strong sunlight,direct heat or liquids (such as water)33.133.2INMETCO245 Portersville RoadEllwood City, PA 16117TEL: (724) 758-2800FAX: (724) 758-2845Kinsbursky Brothers Inc. 1314 N. Lemon StreetAnaheim, CA 92801TEL: (714) 738-8516(800) 548-8797FAX: (714) 441-0857
33.4standard operating positions specified by the FCCwith the phone transmitting at its highest certifiedpower level in all tested frequency bands. Althoughthe SAR is determined at the highest certified powerlevel, the actual SAR level of the phone whileoperating can be well below the maximum value. Thisis because the phone is designed to operate atmultiple power levels so as to use only the powerrequired to reach the network. In general, the closeryou are to a wireless base station antenna, the lowerthe power output.■Before a phone model is available for sale to thepublic, it must be tested and certified to the FCC thatit does not exceed the limit established by thegovernment-adopted requirement for safe exposure.The tests are performed in positions and locatios(e.g., at the ear and worn on the body) as required bythe FCC for each model. The highest SAR value forthis model phone when tested for use at the ear is1.5W/kg and when worn on the body, as described inthis  user  guide,  is  0.355W/kg  (Body-wornmeasurements  differ  among  phone  models,depending upon available accessories and  FCCrequirements). While there may be differencesbetween the SAR levels of various phones and atvarious positions, they all meet the governmentr e q u i r e m e n t■The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization forthis model phone with all reported SAR levelsevaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF emissionguidelines. SAR information on this model phone ison file with the FCC and can be found under theDisplay Grant section of h t t p : / / w w w . f c c . g o v / o e t / f c c i dafter searching for FCC ID F3JMX1111.On the Road■Before making or receiving calls acquaint yourselfthoroughly with the applicable local laws andguidelines regarding the use of mobile radiotelephones and observe them at all times■Air safety bags, anti-lock brakes, speed control andfuel injection systems are normally immune to radiotransmissions but if you experience problems,consult your vehicle dealer.■Switch off your mobile phone when refueling orwhere there are signs restricting the use of 2-wayradio equipment. Do not store or carry flammable orexplosive materials in the same compartment asyour mobile phone, internal sparks could causeignition.RF Safety Information■This  model  phone  meets  the  government’srequirements for exposure to radio waves.■Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter andreceiver. If is designed and manufactured not toexceed  the  emission  limits  for  exposure  toradiofrequency(RF)  energy  set  by  FederalCommunications    Commission  of  the  U.S.Government. These limits are part of comprehensiveguidelines and establish permitted levels of RFenergy for the general population. The guidelinesare based on standards that were developed byindependent scientific organizations through periodicand thorough evaluation of scientific studies. Thestandards include a substantial safety margindesigned to assure the safety of all persons,regardless of age and health.■The exposure standard for wireless mobile phonesemploys a unit of measurement known as the SpecificAbsorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by theFCC is 1.6W/kg.* Tests for SAR are conducted using 33.3
33.6Body-worn operation■To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposureguidelines, if you wear your wireless phone on yourbody while on a voice or data call, always place thephone in a  MXLC-1111 approved carry CASE. Useof non approved accessories may exceed FCC R Fexposure guidelines. If you do not use a body-wornaccessory, and are not using the wireless phone heldin the normal use position at the ear, keep theantenna at least one inch (2.5 cm) from your bodywhen transmitting.Only the MXHF-1111 Ear Bud, Hands Free accessory is approved for use on this model.Aircraft Language■FCC regulations prohibit using your phone while inthe air; switch off your phone before boarding anaircraft  unless  otherwise  advised  by  airlinep e r s o n n e l .33.5
Getting StartedRead this section before attempting to use yourphone. It tells you how to attach, charge and  carefor the phone’s battery. We have also includedinformation about the wake-up and stand-by screendisplays, how to turn the phone ON and OFF, andwhat to do if you are having difficulty in connectingto a network.The Battery 5.1Fully Charge The Battery 5.1Attaching and Removingthe Battery 5.1Charging the Battery 5.1Battery Performance 5.3Battery Power Level 5.3Usable Time for Battery 5.3Switching ON and OFF 5.4Switching ON  5.4Wake-up Screen 5.4Stand-by Screen  5.5Switching OFF  5.6Network Connection  5.744.15The NetworksYour phone can operate on two different cellularsystems(networks) and can automatically switchbetween the two to provide you with the best service.The Analog AMPS Network■This is the original cellular system for mobile phoneswhich provides excellent call quality in areas of goodcoverage. However, at peak times and in high userareas, the network can become ‘overloaded’ andyou may have to wait before you can get a ‘line’ tomake a call. Dropped calls can also be a problem inhilly terrains and where there are a number of largestructures.The Digital CDMA Network■CDMA is a new system that takes advantage ofdigital technology to provide superior managementof the available radio spectrum. Unlike analog andother digital systems, CDMA assigns a unique codeto each call then spreads it across a wide segmentof the cellular band, enabling a large numbers ofcalls to be transmitted at the same time. You aretherefore more likely to make a successful call firsttime, there is less interference and all yourconversations  are  encrypted  to  prevent‘eavesdropping’ CDMA also offers advancedfeatures such as:- text messaging- digital paging- Caller number identifications- Low power consumption which significantlyincreass talk and stand-by times- soft hand-off
55.2The BatteryFully Charge The BatteryFailure to do this will affect the life of the battery andreduce operating times between recharges. Bestbattery performance will be achieved after fullycharging and discharging the battery two or threetimes.Attaching and Removing the Battery■To remove battery, switch the phone OFF, press therelease catch in      and slide battery downward     .■To attach, place battery as shown      and slideupwards until the battery clicks into position.Charging the Battery■Connect the TRC(Travel Charger) by plugging it in tothe charger jack of the phone.■While the phone is in charg mode, the red LED lighton the TRC will be on.■Battery charging time takes approximately 1-3hoursdepending on battery size and type .Charge times as follows:- Slim Li-Ion (MBL0600) : 1 hour.WARNING: Charge the battery in a well-ventilatedarea between  0°C and  +45°C using  the suppliedor approved charger. The use of a non approvedcharger could result in a fire or injury through anelectrical shock.55.1
Switching ON and OFFWhen the phone is switched ON, the phone will wake-up and a stand-by screen will be displayed. Followingpages explain the displayed message and symbols.Switching ON■hold  until the back light lamps come on also you’llhear a beep if the key beep volume setting is active).Wake-up Screen■after power-up, the wake-up screen appears brieflyand will last about a seconds.B a n n e r - you can change the top line messageusing  the  “Banner”  menu  feature.  Refer  toCustomizing for instructionsNetwork Name - an abbreviation of your currentnetwork operator.Mobile telephone number including areacode.MBL0600 (Slim Li-Ion) Approx. 1.5 hours.  Approx. 50 hours55.4Battery PerformanceAny quoted stand-by or talk times are subject tonetwork conditions.Battery Power LevelThe battery power level is shown in the top right cornerof the display when you switch the phone ON. Fourlevels are displayed from full (all black) to empty.■fully charged■fully discharged55.3C o n d i t i o n s C o n t i n u o u s C o n t i n u o u sT y p e s Talk Time Stand-by Time■Above times are talk only and stand-by times innormal use the time shall be lower because a largeamount of battery power shall be consumed byinitiating and receiving calls between standby.■Times may vary, depending on the system conditionset by base station.■Usable time of battery may vary, depending onusage circumstances such as charge conditions,temperature, user’s habit or the location’s raio waveconditions.■Usable time of battery shall decrease over time asthey aged.Usable Time for Battery(Talk time and stand-by times are based on use ofdigital mode and slot cycle index 2 without voiceactivity).
Stand-by Screen■when the stand-by screen appears the phone isready to make and receive call subject to networkcoverage (see below). It also provides a startingpoint to enter the feature menu and phone bookNetwork Indicator - if    icon appears, you areconnected to the CDMA digital network. If      iconappears, you are connected to the AMPS analognetwork.Mail Indicator -     icon appears if there is avoice/text/email message that needs to be checkedby the owner of the phone.Roaming Indicator -         icon appears and blinksif the phone is operating on an out-of-homearea(Roaming area). Additional chares may apply.Banner - this is a same message that appears onthe wake-up screenBattery Power Level - battery level indicator.Date and Time display - appears when thephone connects to the CDMA network and remainsdisplayed until power is switched OFF, even if thephone switches to the AMPS network. Menu key indicator - the button right under thisicon “        “ will act as the MENU button.Switching OFF■press and hold      button until the screen clears(approximately 1.5 seconds)■the phone must be switched OFF before removingthe battery 55.655.5
CallsAfter setting up the phone and understanding thestand-by screen, you’ll want to make and receivecalls.  This  section  gives  you  all  the  basicinformation you will need.Making Calls 6.1Manual Calls 6.1Last Number Redial 6.1Auto Redial 6.1Call List 6.2Set Call 6.2Privacy Mode 6.3Emergency Calls 6.3Answering Calls 6.4Auto Answering 6.4Missed Calls 6.4In Call Features 6.5Ear Piece Volume 6.5Send Own Number 6.5Scratch Pad 6.5Microphone Mute 6.6Storage of Phone Number 6.6Call Hold 6.6Call Waiting 6.66Network ConnectionThe MX-1111 Phone is initially programmed to searchfor the digital CDMA network each time it is switchedON. If you are in an area of poor CDMA coverage, itwill automatically search for the analog AMPS networkto enable you to continue to making and receive calls.While the phone is connected to the AMPS network,the phone periodically searches for CDMA coverageand will switch networks as soon as there is sufficientCDMA signal strength.In areas of known good coverage, you can lock thephone to either network(CDMA or AMPS), overridingthe  automatic  feature,  although  this  is  notrecommended.If you are having difficulties in making or receivingcalls, it could be caused by the phone locking on to anetwork with poor coverage in your present location.■to check for the Automatic network connect modesetting;[ m e n u ] +         [setup] +         [system] +        [force call]■to change settings[ m e n u ] +         [setup] +         [system] +        [force call] +       /        [choose one]+        [select and exit] or       [select without exit]55.7
[menu] +           [set up] +           [auto redial]+        /         [choose one] +           [select and exit]or          [select without exit]There are choices from “OFF” to 60 seconds.■to stop re-dialing at any time, press          Call List■calls made and received from scratch pad numbersare stored in a list with the last entered numberappearing at the first. Old numbers are automaticallydeleted when the list is full (10 entries).■to recall the list, view number details and make a callusing the number that displayed on the LCD screen;button to get in to call list retrieve mode+ continue to depress     or     to explore desirednumbers that you looking forand depress        [view] for view it’s contents ordepress         for make a call■each number is identified by its type when viewedCALLED BY- Incoming call number if available(refer to section 10 for details)CALLED TO  - Outgoing dialed numberADDED  - number entered during a call. (refer to scratch pad page 6.5)M I S S E D - Missed (unanswered) incomming call if number available (refer to section 11.2 for details)■to dial a displayed number on the list press        ■to copy a displayed number into the phone book, press  [ s a v e ]Please refer to section 9 for instructions on how todial numbers stored in the phone book.Making CallsCheck the stand-by screen for signal strength. If theAntenna Icon does not appear in the top left corner of thedisplay, you cannot make or receive calls.Call  quality  can  be  affected  by  physicalobstructions, so moving only a few meters(or feet)may significantly improve signal strength.Manual Calls■if the country you are operating in uses area codes,they may be included even when making local calls.■hyphens are automatically inserted (refer to section7.5) to make the number easier to read and conformto telephone number patterns used in some countries. Use           or            keys to clear an error.AREA CODE (if used) + Telephone number +Icon appears during dialing and the call time isdisplayed on LCD screen.■to hang up at the end of the call, press          Last Number Redial■press           to recall the last number dialed, if correct,press           again to dial the number.Auto Redial■the phone can be set to make up to 5 redial attemptsof an engaged (busy) number at a specified timedelay between each retry. A tone sounds at eachredial and when the call is connected.66.266.1
Answering Calls■when an incoming call is received the phone rings,visual alert LED flashes, “ Incoming Call “  appears onthe display and vibrator (if fitted and enabled)intermittently turns on.■to answer the call, fully extend the antenna for bestperformance then open the Flip to answer.■during the ring tone, the caller’s number and namemay be displayed if supported by the network (refersection 11.2 for details)■to hang up at the end of the call, press          or closethe FlipAuto Call Answering■you can set the phone to automatically answer toincoming calls after a specified numbers of rings.[menu] +          [setup] +           [AutoAnswer]+       /          [choose one] +           [select and exit]or          [select without exit]There are choices from “OFF” to 1.3.5 ringsWARNING: If you use this feature when the ringer isswitched off (set to “ silent” ) you may receive a callwithout your knowledge.Missed Calls■missed (unanswered) incoming calls are entered ontothe Call List if the caller’s number is available. Thephone also displays the message ‘Missed (number)Call’ and the time of the last missed call if connected tothe CDMA network■to clear the message on screen, press           or         Emergency Calls■your national emergency services numbers are storedin a special memory in the phone to enable the calls tobe made even when the phone is locked or the restrictfeature is set.■ignore any phone locked or restricted messages anddial as normal. The call should be successful if you arewithin network coverage and there is sufficient signals t r e n g t hDial Emergency Number and press send button.For example if the Emergency number is 911;+         +         +66.366.4Privacy Mode■if supported by your service provider, this feature willfurther  encrypt  calls  made  on  the  CDMAnetwork(when ‘Enhanced’ is selected)[menu] +           [security]*Phone will ask for LOCK CODE.press          +           +          +           orthe four digit lock code if you programmed into thep h o n e .press          [privacy] +        /          [choose setting]+          [select and exit] or        [select whitout exit]
Storage of Phone No.■you can store up to 199 scratch pad messages andtelephone numbers in menu memory while you are inconversation mode.[menu] +          [Scratch Pad] + Enter Numbers up to 32 digits +           [save]Microphone Mute■you can switch the phone’s microphone off (mutevoice) during a call to enable a private ‘out of call’c o n v e r s a t i o n .[menu] +           [mute MIC](the LCD screen will display “MIC MUTE”)■to cancel the Microphone Mute,[menu] +             [Unmute MIC]Call Hold■if the feature is supported by the network, your phonegives you the facility to put the current call on hold,make a seconds call then switch between the two.[first call hold] + Dial a telephone number you wish to reach]+          [make a call for dialed number]■to switch between the two calls, press              ■to end both calls press        . If one caller ends theircall from their end, you will be automatically connectedto the other call.Call Waiting■if the feature is supported by the network, you will heara soft ringing tone in the ear piece when a secondcaller is trying to contact you. You can put the currentcall on hold, answer the new call then switch betweenthe two by press           each time.In Call FeaturesDuring a call, you have following options;Ear piece Volume■to adjust the ear piece volume, press the buttons on aside of the phone or         /         on the keypadSend Own Telephone Number.■call own number automatically.[menu] +       Scratch Pad■if you press any button from 0 ~ 9, *, # while yourphone is in conversation mode, the number will stayon display screen even after the call has ended unlessanoher key is pressed.■scratch pad numbers are automatically entered on theCall list and are identified by the word ‘ADDED’. Alsorefer to page 6.2 to view the Call listbutton to get in to call list retrieve mode+ continue to depress          or         to explore desirednumbers that you looking forand depress        [view] for view it’s contents ordepress           for make a call■also you can save the number after you select [view].Send My Number■you can send your phone number including area codewhile you are in conversation mode.[menu] +          [Send My Number] +         [send]66.566.6
76.7CustomizingThis section shows you how to customize yourphone for your own use.Customizing  7.1Ringer Volume 7.1Ringer Mode 7.1Ringer Type 7.1Key Beep Volume 7.1Ear Piece Volume 7.2Minute Alert 7.2Service Area Alert 7.2Roam Ringer 7.2Call Start Alert 7.3Call End Alert 7.3DTMF Beep Length 7.3Display Contrast 7.3Back Light 7.4Menu Type 7.4Auto Hyphen 7.4Banner 7.4Show Time 7.5Language 7.5Security 7.5Manner Mode 7.56
CustomizingRinger Volume■you can change the volume of the ringer volume orswitch it off, by choosing the silent or vibration option.-When the phone is in Standby Mode:/        for adjust ringer volume.Silent < > Vibrator < > low < > med < > high < > max.-Using feature menu:[menu] +          [sound] +           [volume]+         [ringer] +         /         [volume up/down]Silent < > Vibrator < > low < > med < > high < > max.Ringer Mode■you can change the ringer mode to one of thef o l l o w i n g ;Bell / Vibrator / LED Lamp / Vibrator & Bell[menu] +           [sound] +           [Ring Mode]+         /          [choose one] +           [select and exit]or          [select without exit]Ringer Type■you can change the type of incoming call alert to oneof 20 different Ringer sounds and musical incomingcall alerts.[menu] +         [sound] +          [Ring Type]+      /        [choose one] +        [select and exit]or        [select without exit]Key Beep Volume■the volume of the keypad press tones can be changedor switched off (silent)[menu] +          [sound] +         [volume]+        [key beep] +        /        [volume up/down]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]77.177.2Ear Piece Volume■to adjust the ear piece volume level out of call,[menu] +          [sound] +         [volume]+        [ear piece] +        /        [volume up/down]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]O R■you also can use the volume keys on the side of thehandset during a call./       to for adjust ear piece volume(in conversation mode only).Minute Alert■to help budget your calls, the minute alert can be set tosound a tone 10 seconds before the end of eachminute of conversation.[menu] +          [sound] +         [alerts]+        [minute] +        /        [on/off]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Service Area Alert■when this feature is switched on, the phone will soundtwo short tones when the phone moves into anotherservice area or is connecting to a different cellularsystem(i.e. switch from CDMA service area to AMPSservice area for instance)[menu] +          [sound] +         [alerts]+        [service] +        /        [on/off]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Roam Ringer■when this feature is switched on, the phone will soundtwo short tones when moving into, or out of a roaminga r e a[menu] +          [sound] +         [alerts]+        [roam ringer] +        /        [on/off]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]
Back Light■to change the LCD back light control,[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [back light] +         /         [choose one]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]10s < > 30s < > on with flip open < > always on < > always offMenu Type■you can choose the main menu screen displaytype(“icon” ans “list”)[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [menu type] +         /         [icons/list]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Icon main menu  List main menuAuto Hyphen■hyphens appear when you input a number onto thedisplay. This makes long numbers easier to see andalso conforms to telephone number patterns in somecountries. The feature can be switched on and off.[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [auto hyphen] +         /         [on/off]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Banner■you can enter your own top line wake-up and stand-byscreen display message.[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [banner] +         [edit] + Enter Your Banner+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]77.477.3Call Start Alert.■when this feature is switched on, the phone will sounda call start tone.[menu] +          [sound] +         [alerts]+        [call start] +        /        [on/off]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Call End Alert■when this feature is switched on, the phone will sounda call end tone.[menu] +          [sound] +         [alerts]+         [call end] +         /         [on/off]+         [select and exit] or          [select without exit]DTMF Beep Length■to change the DTMF beep length(normal or long),[menu] +          [sound] +         [Beep Length]+         /         [normal/long]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Display Contrast■to change the LCD screen contrast(dark or light),[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [contrast] +         /         [darker/lighter]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]
■refer to the “Phone Book” section for help with enteringw o r d s .Show Time ■the time and date automatically appear on the displayscreen when your phone connects to the CDMAnetwork. You can choose not to have this informationd i s p l a y e d .[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [show time] +         /         [on/off]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Language■you  can  change  a  language  option  betweenE n g l i s h / P o r t u g u e s e / S p a n i s h[menu] +          [setup] +         [display]+         [language] +         /         [choose one]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]Security■your phone has several security features to prevent orrestrict dialling. Please refer to section 8 for details.Manner Mode■to the change the manner mode -manner mode ON/OFF[ 2 s e c s ]77.5The Feature MenuThis section will help you to get to know the phone’sfeature menu and shows you how to use the basicoperating features.The Feature Menu  8.1Menu Controls 8.1Selecting a Feature by Number 8.2Selecting a Feature by Nav i g a t i o n 8.2Feature Menu Structure 8.3Calculator Function 8.7Setting Alarm Funtion 8.7World Time Function 8.7International Country Code 8.8Call Info Menu  8.9Last Call 8.9Home Calls 8.9Roam Calls 8.9All Calls 8.9Security Menu  8.10Lock Mode 8.10Restrict 8.10Change Code 8.11Clear Call 8.11Privacy 8.11Emergency # 8.128
Selecting a Feature by Number[menu] + FEATURE NUMBER+        /        [choose one]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit](example: increase ringer volume by one step)[menu] +        [sound] +          [volume]+          [ringer] +           [volume up] +          [ok-select and exit-]Selecting a Feature by Navigation[menu]  o r+          +o ror        +         +or                                                                   oro r88.2The Feature MenuAll the operating features of the MX-1111 is stored in theeasy to use menu. A feature can be selected directly byit’s feature number or you can work through the menu.Press the number of the feature you want ateach level or navigate using the fourdirectional switch.Menu controls [ m e n u ] -enter the feature menu, also serves assoft key (key function will be displayedon lower right corner of the LCD,mostly [ok], save and exit the featurem e n u )/-search though the groups, features andfeature options-move one step forward or select currentsetting without exiting from the featurem e n u-go back one step or cancel-same as above in menu screen butalso acts as soft key (key function willbe displayed on lower left corner of theL C D )-exit the feature menu without saving88.1= = = =
F e a t u r e Menu Stru c t u r e88.388.40My Phone#1Phone Book 11Find List12Find Name13Find Entry14My Phone#21E-mail22Broadcast31Calculator2Mail Box3Utilities32Alarms33World time34Country #[ m e n u ]F e a t u re Menu Stru c t u re4Sound42Ring Type41Ring Mode43Volume44Alerts45Beep Length51Last Call5Call Timer52Home Calls53Roam Calls54All Calls431Ringer432Key Beep433Ear Piece441Minute442Service 443Roam Ringer444Call Start445Call Ene[ m e n u ]
F e a t u re Menu Stru c t u re88.688.5F e a t u re Menu Stru c t u r e6Security 6-[lock code]-1Lock Mode6-[lock code]-2Restrict6-[lock code]-3Send PIN6-[lock code]-4Change Code6-[lock code]-5Clear Calls6-[lock code]-6P r i v a c y6-[lock code]-7E m e r g e n c y #7Setup 71Auto Answer72Auto Redial[ m e n u ]81WAP Service8Web Browes82FAX Recept737Language74One Touch 751Select75System752Force Call753Set NAM754Auto NAM755Voice SO.756Version[ m e n u ]732Menu Type73Display 731Contrast733Back Light734Auto Hyphen735Banner736Show Time
88.888.7Calculator Function■can do simple four rules of arithmetic up tp 9 digitsincluding a decimal point.[menu] +          [Utilities] +         [calculator]■input figures for calculation.Example) 8,500      55 = 154.545454enter 8500press         button 4 times to selectenter 55press         [ = ] to get answer■to terminate calculator function, pressSetting Alarm Function■after setting the alarm clock, the alarm will ring at thedesignated alarm time. The directions below illustratesthe alarm time set procedure.[menu] +           [utilities] +          [Alarms]+ Enter a Time for Alarm +          [set]World Time Function■This function is available for checking the time in 33major cities around the world.[menu] +           [utilities] +          [world time]use         /          for browse different cities.Country   Codes for International Dialling■The telephone shows country codes for 29 majorcountries around the world[menu] +           [utilities] +          [country code]use         /          for browse different country.
Security MenuThe security features of your phone are protected by alock code which is initially set to 0000 or the last fourdigits of your phone number. To prevent other peopleusing the security features, you should change the codeto a four digit number of your choice.Emergency calls can still be made when the phoneis locked or the restrict feature is set.Lock Mode■set the phone lock to prevent unauthorized calls. Youcan choose to lock the phone now (remains lockeduntil the lock code is entered), at power up (locks eachtime the phone is switched on until the feature iscancelled) or never. When locked, the phone can onlymake emergency calls and calls to two other‘emergency’ numbers of your choice (refer toEmergency feature)[menu] +          [security] +  Lock Code+         [lock mode] +        /         [choose one]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]■to unlock the phone, enter the lock code at the displayp r o m p tRestrict ■when set, this feature only allows calls to numbersstored in locations 1 to 9 in the phone book[menu] +          [security] +  Lock Code+         [restrict] +        /         [choose no/yes]+         [select and exit] or        [select without exit]88.1088.9Call Info MenuLast Call■to display the duration of the last outgoing call inminutes and seconds[menu] +          [Call Timer] +           [last call]Home Calls■the phone has a resettable timer which displays thetotal number of calls and the cumulative call time onthe home network since the last reset[menu] +          [Call Timer] +           [home calls]Roam Calls■the phone has a second resettable timer which willdisplay the total number of calls and the cumulativetotal for calls made on a second (roam) network[menu] +          [Call Timer] +           [roam calls]All Calls■to display the total number of calls and the total calltime since the phone was registered on the network[menu] +          [Call Timer] +           [all calls]
88.11Changing Code■to change the lock code (4 digit number)[menu] +          [security] +  Lock Code+         [change code] + New Lock Code+         [ok] + Re- Enter New Lock Code+         [select and exit] or         [select without exit]Clear Call■for security, you may wish to clear the call list(refer topage 6.2)[menu] +          [security] +  Lock Code+         [clear calls]+         [select and exit] or         [select without exit]Privacy■if it is supported by the network, you can encrypt yourvoice even further by enabling this option.[menu] +          [security] +  Lock Code+         [privacy] +        /       [choose one]+         [select and exit] or         [select without exit]Emergency #■the phone is pre-programmed with three emergencynumbers for your country which can be changed bythe end user.■to change the emergency number[menu] +          [security] +  Lock Code+         [emergency#] +        /         [choose one]+         [edit]+         or         to erase existing number if necessary.+Enter new Emergency #+         [save and exit]88.12
88 . 1 39The Phone BookEverything you need to know about the phone bookhas been grouped together in this section, fromstoring names and numbers to recalling and dialling.The Phone Book  9.1Storing Information 9.1Storing Number and Name 9.2Help with Storing 9.2Recalling a Number and Name 9.3Help with Recalling 9.4To Edit 9.4To Erase 9.4To Add a Prefix 9.5 Speed Dialling 9.5One-Touch Dialling 9.5
■if you need . - , / @, during name entry, press #■if you need extended special characters(punctuation)during name entry, pressStoring a Number and Name■to store a telephone numberTelephone Number +          [save]+ Enter Name +         [ok]accept displayed location and save          [ok]Or enter own location[1-199]Or find empty location using         /accept displayed secret option and save          [ok]Or change secrete option using         /accept displayed secrete option and save          [ok]an acceptance message to confirm storage will briefly appear followed by the status of the memory then the phonereturns to stand-byscreenPress          to cancel number and name storage atanytime before the last          [ o k ] p r e s s .Help with Storing■n a m e : if you don’ t want to include a name, press savetwice after entering the telephone number■overwrite protection: if you choose a location which isalready used, phone will display ‘Overwrite?’ and theexiting entry appears.press         [ok] to overwrite (store new entry) orpress         [quit] or         then enter a new location.■secret numbers: if you make an entry  ‘secret’ thetelephone number won’ t be displayed when recalled,only the name appears. You can make a maximum of10 secret entries.99.2The Phone BookThe MX-1111 has a large phone book memory. It canstore 199 telephone numbers of up to 32 digits, eachwith a 16 character long name. Recalling of entries is bylocation number, by name, or by browsing through thephone book one by oneStoring Information■each keypad number is also used to enter severalalpha characters (see below). For name entry,repeatedly press the key that shows the character thatyou want until it appears on display. Wait for the cursorto move before entering the next  character■the telephone number can include    and # , andnumbers can be used in the name■when you need a space in a name, press        once■to change from upper (A) to lower (a) case characterspress         for upper case and press          for lower caseafter you place cursor under a character that you wish tochange the case by using       [move cursor to rightcolumn] or          [move cursor to left column]■use        for clearing errors, a short press for the lastcharacter clear and a press and hold to cancel entryand return to standby screen.99.111ABC 2abc 2DEF 3def 3GHI 4ghi 4JKL 5jkl 5MNO 6mno 6PQRS 7pqrs 7TUV 8tuv 8WXYZ 9wxyz 900Punctuation. - , / @ ## #
Recalling a Number and Namethere are 3 recall options■browse phone book one by one(easiest)you can use this feature only when the phone is instandby screen.press          to get in to the browse phone book modeand press        again to browse the next telephonen u m b e r s■recall by location numberif you know the memory location number, you can findthe telephone number by entering the memory locationn u m b e r .-use short keypress          to get in to browse phone book mode andenter location number to find the telephone number.you also can use         /         to browse phone numberif the memory location that you entered is empty.O R-use feature menupress          [menu] +            [phone book]+         [find entry]then enter location number to find the telephonenumber that you wish to find.you also can use        /         to browse phone number ifthe memory location that you entered is empty.■recall by namepress          [menu] +          [phone book]+         [find name]then enter first few characters of the name you wish tof i n d .the character count can be as small as one character.Press             to exit recall at any time.99.3Helps with Recalling■n a m e : when you recalling by name, you only need toenter enough letters to identify the name.for example; if you only have one entry with the initialletter ‘J’, just enter ’J’ to look up John■memory location: when you are recalling phonenumbers using memory location number, you mustenter 0 in front of the location number 1-9.for example: if you wish to recall a telephone numberthat is stored in memory location ‘2’, you have to enter‘ 0 2 ’■o p t i o n s : after recalling a telephone number, you havethe choices to:-edit, press          [edit]-erase, press         [erase]-end or exit, press          [end]To Edit■recall the entry, press        [edit] then follow the storageinstructions (refer to page 9.2 Storing a Number andN a m e ) .■press           [end] at each option if you don’t want tomake changes.To Erase■recall the entry, press          [erase] +          [ok]■you have to enter the phone’s lock code before youcan erase a ‘Secret’ entry. If you don’t know what thelock code is, refer to section 8.1099.4
The Data/Fax Serv i c e sThere are mainly three types of data services availablewith MX-1111 phone.Mini Web Browser■You can browse text versions of certain Web sitesusing he built in phone.com mini browser if yoursystem provider support it.[menu] +          [web browse]+        /         for select one of following1. Surf WEB2. Surf Cache 3. Bookmarks+         [select] or         [select] to start Web surfing.Receive Fax using your computor (note book)■Connect the phone to your computer’s  serialport(usually DB-9, RS-232 port) using the data cableaccessary (see section 14, Accessories for detail)■You have to know when to expect an incomming fax.If you know the next incomming call will be a fax,[menu] +         [web browse] +         [fax]+        /         for select one of following 1. 1 Fax Call2. 10 Fax Calls3. Fax Always+         [select] or          [select] to start Web surfing To Add a Prefix ■when a number is recalled, you can add area code tothe beginning of the telephone number if they aresaved without proper area code but you are out ofyour home town.■the prefix is temporary and does not add to the storedn u m b e r .Recall the stored number + enter the area code +Speed Dialling■if you know a stored location number of a telephonenumber you wish to dial,Enter Location Number (i.e. 12) +O n e - Touch Dialling■if you enable this feature, you can dial a storednumber by simply entering the location number (pressand hold the second digit until ‘      ‘ icon appears)■to activate the feature[menu] +          [setup] +           [one-touch]+        /         [enable/disable] +           [ok]1010.199.5
Network FeaturesIn addition to making and receiving calls, the digitalCDMA network offers other advanced benefitsdetailed in this section. Some of the features may notbe supported by your network operator or by aforeign network when roaming.DTMF Signaling  1 1 . 1C o n s t r ucting a Pause Dial Sequence 1 1 . 1N o r mal and Long DTMF To n e s 1 1 . 2Caller Identification Number  1 1 . 2Text and Voice Mail Message in G e n e r a l 1 1 . 3Receiving Messages 1 1 . 3M e m o ry Capacity 1 1 . 3Text Messages 1 1 . 4Reading Messages 11.4Voice Mail Messages  1 1 . 5Reading Messages 11.5Deleting Message 11.6System Selection  1 1 . 7Preferred Service Provide 11.7Auto NAM 11.7Network Selection  1 1 . 8Preferred Mode 11.81010.211Web surfing, E-mail, and send Fax usingyour computer (note book)■You can treat the MX-1111 phone like an externalmodem for these purposes.■Hook up the phone with your computer’s serial port(usually DB-9, RS-232 port) using the data cableaccessary (see section 14, Accessories for detail)■Make a data or fax call using your computer’s dial-upnetwork or Fax software.
N o rmal and Long DTMF To n e s■the phone can generate tones of different durationaccording to the needs of the facilitynormal - a short burst tone of about one tenth of asecond which is sufficient to operate most devicesl o n g - a tone that lasts for as long as the key ispressed (use when you have trouble with n o r m a l)■if you regularly use a paging service, we recommendthat you leave the phone on the normal setting■to change settings[menu] +          [sound] +          [Beep Length] +        /         [normal / long] +         [ok]Caller IdentificationN u m b e rThis feature enables you to see a caller’s telephonenumber on the display during the ringing tone. You’ll thenhave the option to answer or reject the call. The caller’sname will also appear if the name and number arestored in the phone book.Caller Identification Number only works when the calleris using a network supporting Caller ID service. Theymay also have asked the facility to withhold their numberfrom being transmitted.1111.2DTMF SignalingThe 1-9,     and     keys on your phone generate a uniquetone when pressed. These are known as DTMF tonesand are used to operate advanced facilities such ashome banking, voice mail and paging services. A seriesof numbers are normally required to operate the facility,for example; a contact number, security PIN and optioncode. You can construct a pause dial sequence on thedisplay then send the numbers at once or automatically.A sequence can be up to 32 digits long (a pause countsas one digit) and can be stored in the phone book as anormal number.Constructing _a_Pause_Dial_Sequence■each number in a sequence must be separated by oneof the following:hard pause ‘H’ - this stops dialling after the firstnumber, you’ll need to press       at the facility requestto send each number in the sequencetime pause ‘T’ - the phone will insert a 2 secondpause between dialling the numbers in the sequence.This setting is particularly useful if you regularly dialthe same facility since you won’t need to hear thefacility prompts■you also have an option to insert hyphens in longnumbers to make them easier to read. The hyphensare ignored during dialling so you still need to inputpause commands if you need pause(s).■to construct a sequenceEnter number(s) +        +            [H] or           [T] or            [-]+Continue to enter number(s)Do not end the sequence with a pause1111.1
1111.41111.3Text and Voice MailMessages in GeneralYour phone has an ability to receive short text messageswhen switched ON. The messages are automaticallystored in the phone’s memory and are retained evenwhen the phone is switched OFF. While reading amessage, you can dial any callback number by simplypressing            .The text and voice mail services are normally subject toa subscription charge, check with your service providerregarding the cost and availability.Receiving Messages■when a new message is received, ‘ M e s s a g e !’appears in a middle of the  display. You’ll hear 5 shortbeeps and the message stays until cleared. ■if a message is marked ‘ U r g e n t ’ by the sender,‘ M e s s a g e ! ’ will flash with an asterisk (    ) appearingon both sides of message headerMemory   Capacity■your phone can store up to 20 messages, eachcontaining on average of 80 characters.■the phone will alert you when the amount of availablemessage memory is low. You should erase oldermessages that are no longer needed to avoid runningout of memory. Text MessagesText messages are sent directly to your phone (subjectto network support) and may contain a time stamp, acallback number and the name of the caller (if thecallback number matches a phone number that is storedin the phone book).Reading Messages■to read new text messagesPress        + select Voice or Page/Msg usingor         then press          or          [ok]read message (also you can browse the message with/         )select          [next] or          [erase]■upon select        [next] or          [erase] the phone willdisplay saved message on the display.browse them with        /         , press          [view] or [erase] if needed.■you always exit message menu by press        anytime.■if you want to call back to the message while you arereading a text message, press
Voice Mail MessagesIf you have a voice mailbox, the service will send amessage to your phone each time a new message isreceived. You must call your voice mail service to listento these messages(airtime charges may apply).Reading Messages■to read a new voice mail alert messagePress          + select Voice or Page/Msg using           or          then press          or            [ok]read message (also you can browse the message with/         )■at the end of the message, you have the choice of [calling] or           [quit]■you also can access your voice mail system by pressand holding           for 2 seconds if you are in standbymode (stand-by screen) and the display shows         icon■depending on the system setup, you may have to diala specific number to access your voice mail such as(your own number +         or ‘     8 9 ‘+          )Voice mail message indicator shows you that youhave a voice message. The actual voice message isat the service provider’s message center(not in thephone). As the provider will periodically send a“voice mail” indication, the number of voicemessage  indications  does  not  necessarilycorrespond  to  the  actual  number  of  voicemessages.  This  is  because  one  voice  mailindication may include more than one voicem e s s a g e .1111.6Deleting Message■to erase a new voice mail alert messagePress          + select Voice or Page/Msg usingor          then press           or          [ok]+          [erase] +             [yes]This will erase the voice message indication to thephone only. In order to erase the voice messagestored on your service provider’s message centeryou have to access the voice mail and follow theiri n s t r u c t i o n s .1111.5
1111.71111.8System SelectionYou may have the option to use your phone on twodifferent cellular systems. If this is the case, you canspecify which system and which service provider to usein a particular area or situation.Preferred _Service_ Provider■each service provider assigns a unique mobile numberfor your phone (this is known as the NAM). You canspecify which mobile number (NAM) your phone willu s e[menu] +          [setup] +         [system]+         [Set NAM] +        /         [choose NAM#1 orNAM#2] +         [ok]Auto NAM■switching this feature ON will enable your phone tochange service providers if the phone loses service inthe current cellular areas[menu] +          [setup] +         [system]+           [Autot NAM] +        /         [on/off] +         [ok]Network SelectionYour phone is designed to operate on the Digital CDMAand analog AMPS networks. While connected to thepreferred CDMA network, you can force the phone tostay on an analog AMPS network. This feature can beuseful if you are operating in an area of low digital signalstrength (i.e. you have difficulty in making calls or a callhas been dropped) and you want to try the other networkwithout changing the phone’s settings permanently.As an alternative to a forced call, you can change thepreferred network mode if you have services from twodifferent system providers.Preferred Mode (Forcing a call)■the preferred mode is factory set to A u t o m a t i c. Youcan change this to one of the other options listedbelow but this is not recommended as you may loosethe advantages of the CDMA network and you mayexperience difficulty in making and receiving calls bychange this setting. ■The preferred operating mode options are:Automatic(CDMA then Analog)CDMA onlyAnalog onlyTemp Analog■to change the preferred mode[menu] +          [setup] +         [system]+        [force call] +        /        [choose one]+        [select and exit] or        [select without exit]
1313.11212.1Tro u b l e s h o o t i n gThe Phone Will Not Switch ON■the phone has shut down because the battery powerlevel is too low to make calls. Fully recharge theb a t t e r yDialled Calls Are Not Processed■the phone is locked, the restrict feature is set or youhave not pressed the           keyDisplay MessagesDuring use of your phone, the phone may display anerror message as follows:‘FEATURE CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE’■you are attempting to select a feature that is onlyavailable during a call or the feature is not supportedby your network operator/service provider or by thep h o n e .‘ENTER THE LOCK CODE’■the phone lock has been set, you must enter the fourdigit lock code before you can proceed with your callattempt (refer to page 8.10)G l o s s a ryC D M A - Code Division Multiple Access, preferred digital cellular systemA M P S - Advanced Mobile Phone System (an analog cellular system)N A M - Number Assignment Module. The system identification for your mobile number. Some countries may allow you to have more than one mobile number, in with case they would be identified by NAM1, NAM2 etcH O M E - the service provider that issuesN e t w o r k your mobile phone number (NAM 1)R O A M - a second service provider that offersN e t w o r k service when you are away from the home home networkS M S - Short Message Service(also known as text message service)V M S Voice Mail Service
1414.21414.1AccessoriesQuick Travel Charger■charges an extended MBL-1450 Li-Ion battery to its fullcapacity in approximately 3 hours.■extraordinarily light and compact battery charger.■available with four different wall plugs.Cigarette_Lighter_Chargers■suitable for 12 Volts operation.■available in two different designs, suitable for a widevariety of automobiles.Spare  Batteries■M B L 0 6 0 0 : 600mAH Li-Ion slim battery■Usable Time for BatteriesData Cable■connects the phone to your computer serial port fordata services (i.e. web surfing, PC Fax and etc.)Leather Carry Case■elegant case which protects the phone from scratches,knocks, water stains etc■built-in belt clipHands Free Car Kit■provides for Hands Free operation of the MX-1111phone in your vehicle.■consist of a cradle, hands free system unit that plugson to your cigarette lighter port.MBL0600 (Slim Li-Ion) Approx. 1.5 hours.  Approx. 50 hoursC o n d i t i o n s C o n t i n u o u s C o n t i n u o u sT y p e s Talk Time Stand-by Time
1515.2IndexA c c e s s o r i e s 1 4 . 1A l e r t s 7 . 2-minute alert 7 . 2-service area alert 7 . 2-roam ringer 7 . 2-call start alert 7 . 3-call end alert 7 . 3All Calls 8 . 9Auto Answer 6 . 4Auto Hyphen 7 . 4Auto NAM 1 0 . 6Auto Redial 6 . 1Back Light 7 . 4B a n n e r 7 . 4B a t t e r y 5 . 1- a t t a c h i n g 5 . 1- c h a r g i n g 5 . 1- p e r f o r m a n c e 5 . 3-power level 5 . 3- r e m o v i n g 5 . 1C a l l s 6-a n s w e r i n g 6 . 4- e m e r g e n c y 6 . 3-call hold 6 . 6-call waiting 6 . 6-caller identification 1 1 . 2-call list 6 . 2-last number redial 6 . 1-manual calls 6 . 1-making calls 6 . 1-missed calls 6.4 -privacy mode 6 . 3- r e - d i a l i n g 6 . 1-  call timer 8 . 9C a l c u l a t o r 8 . 7Caller Identification1 1 . 2N u m b e rChange Code 8 . 1 1Clear Call 8 . 1 1C u s t o m i z i n g 7Display Contrast 7 . 3DTMF Beep Length 7 . 3DTMF signaling 1 1 . 1Ear Piece volume 6 . 5Emergency # 8 . 1 2Home Calls 8 . 9International  8 . 8Country CodeKey Beep Volume 7 . 2L a n g u a g e 7 . 5Last Call 8 . 9Lock Mode 8 . 1 0Lock Code 8 . 1 1Menu Type 7 . 4N A M 1 3 . 11515.1Network Connection 5.7One-Touch Dialing 9 . 5Phone book 9Preferred Mode 11.8R e s t r i c t 8 . 1 0Ringer  7.1- Ringer Mode 7.1- Ringer Type 7.1- Ringer 7.1Roam Calls  8.9Scratch pad 6.5Security 8.10Send Own Number 6.5Show Time  7.5SMS 13.1Speed Dialing 9.5Stand-by Screen 5.5Storage of Phone  6.6NumberSwitching OFF 5.6Switching ON 5.4Text messages 11.4To Add a Prefix 9.5To Edit 9.4To Erase 9.4VMS 13.1Voice Message 11.5Wake-up Screen 5.4World Time 8.7Maxon Electronics. reserves the right to makechanges  and improvements  to any  productsdescribed in this guide without prior notice.In the event of a product recall, the manufacturer willnot be liable for any claims for loss, damage whetherarising directly or indirectly. Your statutory rights arenot affected.

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