Midmark RTLS Solutions VER1650 RF ID Badge Transmitter User Manual Complete Versus hardware installation manual

Versus Technology, Inc. RF ID Badge Transmitter Complete Versus hardware installation manual


Complete Versus hardware installation manual

Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 i Revision 8   December 1998Hardware/Wiring Installation GuideVERSUS TECHNOLOGY, INC.2600 MILLER CREEK ROADTRAVERSE CITY, MI 49684(616) 946-5868
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 ii Revision 8   December 1998Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, and 1998 Versus Technology, Inc., all rights reservedThis document contains user’s information on technology that is proprietary to Versus Technology, Inc.Permitted transmittal, receipt, or possession of this document does not express license or imply any rightsto use, sell, design, or manufacture this information.  No reproduction, publication or disclosure of thisinformation, in whole or in part, shall be made without prior written authorization from an officer ofVersus Technology, Inc.To Clean Badges: wipe gently with damp cloth.  WARNING!  This product is not designed, intended,authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause orcontribute to personal injury, death, or severe property damage.  This component or its systems are coveredby one or more of the following U.S. Patents:  5,276,496, 5,355,222; 5,119,104; 5,548,637; 5,572,195;5,387,993; 5,027,314, 5,017,794, 4,906,853.FCC STATEMENT:  Components VER-1650 and VER-4450 comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation issubject to the following two conditions:  1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 iii Revision 8   December 1998Table of RevisionsRev Date Description Initials AuthorizedBy:13/7/96 Initial Release. RAV25/1/96 Added Eagle speaker connections; Modified tbl. 1-1, fig. 2-1 and2-2. RAV-- Multiple comments from reviews. Modified tbl. 3-1, 4-1, and 4-2;Added figs. 4-3, 4-5, tbl.4-3, para. 3.10, 3.11, 4.1.5 RAV38/1/96 Changed system name. RAV4Complete update to cover new high frequency equipment DAD54/2/98 Complete Update/Revision of Hardware Manual to currentspecifications and displays. EPD66/17/98 Updated/Changed hardware specifications to current procedures.Added Tech Support section.  Added Wire Run Check-off Diagramto manual.  Changed Manual Cover Page to reflect products.EPD7Nov. 1998 Changed collector network length diagram to represent a sixcollector to one concentrator specification (figure 3-2).  Added tohardware section 1.4 for a display of important system components.Added to table 12-1 to include current part numbers to parts added.EPD8Dec. 1998 Added Troubleshooting Flow Charts to section 13, for possiblesolutions for system hardware problems.  Added Figure 7-2. SensorWiring Floor plan.  Added Battery Replacement table Section 2.4EPD93/11/99 Added FCC compliance statements for IR/RF Badge and RF Sensor SKB
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 iv Revision 8   December 1998Table of ContentsSECTION      PAGE #1.  INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................11.1  PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE...........................................................................................................................................11.2  SCOPE OF USE...........................................................................................................................................................11.3  INSTALLATION SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................................................11.4  HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS / SYSTEM COMPONENTS .............................................................................................21.5  COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................21.6  TERMS AND DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................................................................22.  SYSTEM HARDWARE DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................52.1  GENERAL..................................................................................................................................................................52.2  INFRARED (IR) TRACKING........................................................................................................................................52.3  BADGES ....................................................................................................................................................................62.4  BATTERY REPLACEMENT..........................................................................................................................................63.  PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ...............................................................................................73.1  GENERAL..................................................................................................................................................................73.2  COLLECTOR NETWORK LENGTH LIMITATIONS..........................................................................................................83.3  SENSOR CONNECTION LENGTH LIMITATIONS ...........................................................................................................83.4  LOCATION OF COLLECTORS, AND CONCENTRATORS ................................................................................................83.5  SENSOR LOCATION PLANNING..................................................................................................................................93.6  UNDERSTANDING HIGH FREQUENCY SENSOR "FIELD-OF-VIEW"..............................................................................93.7  EFFECTIVE COVERAGE OF ROOMS ..........................................................................................................................103.8  SPECIAL PROBLEMS WITH SENSOR COVERAGE .......................................................................................................113.9  OVERLAPPING SENSORS..........................................................................................................................................113.10  HIGH FREQUENCY LIGHT INTERFERENCE .............................................................................................................113.11  USE OF UNAUTHORIZED COMPONENTS.................................................................................................................124.  INSTALLATION GUIDELINES.............................................................................................................................124.1  GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................124.2  LIST OF MATERIALS................................................................................................................................................124.3  LIST OF TOOLS........................................................................................................................................................134.4  SAFETY AND CODE CONSIDERATIONS.....................................................................................................................144.5  EQUIPMENT HANDLING...........................................................................................................................................144.6  POWER REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................................................144.7  GROUNDING OF EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................................154.8  CODES AND RATINGS OF MATERIALS USED............................................................................................................154.9  WORKMANSHIP.......................................................................................................................................................154.10  CABLE TYPES........................................................................................................................................................164.11  INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................................................165.  CABLE INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................175.1  CABLE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................176.  INSTALLING AND CHECKING SENSORS.........................................................................................................186.1  SENSOR WIRING......................................................................................................................................................186.2  SENSOR WIRING STEPS ...........................................................................................................................................187.  PUNCH-DOWN BLOCK INSTALLATION AND ORGANIZATION................................................................20
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 v Revision 8   December 19988.  INSTALLING AND CHECKING COLLECTORS ...............................................................................................248.1  CHECKING THE COLLECTOR WIRING ......................................................................................................................248.2  CHECKING ISOLATION.............................................................................................................................................248.3  SETTING THE "LAST UNIT" SWITCH........................................................................................................................258.4  POWER-UP TEST......................................................................................................................................................258.5  SENSOR VOLTAGE TEST..........................................................................................................................................258.6  LOCAL POWERED COLLECTORS ..............................................................................................................................268.7  COLLECTOR NETWORK WIRING CONNECTIONS......................................................................................................269.  COLLECTOR WIRING ...........................................................................................................................................279.1  COLLECTOR WIRING STEPS ....................................................................................................................................2710.  CONCENTRATOR INSTALLATION..................................................................................................................2910.1  COMPUTER NETWORK CARD ................................................................................................................................2910.2  INTERNAL CONCENTRATOR INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................2911.  INSTALLING AND CHECKING THE EXTERNAL CONCENTRATOR ......................................................3011.1  NETWORK WIRING FOR ARCNET AND ETHERNET CONCENTRATORS ....................................................................3011.2  POWER-UP TEST....................................................................................................................................................3012.  HARDWARE COMPONENTS..............................................................................................................................3213.  TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ...........................................................................................................................3313.1  COLLECTOR VOLTAGE TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHART ...................................................................................3513.2  FUNCTIONALITY TEST FLOW CHART ....................................................................................................................3614.  INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ............................................................................................................................3714.1  PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT ...........................................................................................38
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 vi Revision 8   December 1998List of Figures1. Figure 3-1.  General Guidelines for Installations2. Figure 3-2.  Collector Network Length Limitations3. Figure 7-1.  Punch-down Block Diagram4. Figure 7-2.  Sensor Wiring Floor PlanList of Tables1.   Table 4-3.       List of Tools2.  Table 4-10.  Recommended Cable Types3.  Table 9-1.    Collector RJ-12 Plug Wire Colors4.  Table 12-1.  Hardware Components
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 1 Revision 8   December 19981.  INTRODUCTION1.1  Purpose of This GuideThis guide provides the information required to install the hardware and wiring.  Read this entire documentbefore proceeding with the installation.1.2  Scope of UseThis document is intended to provide the information required to install an IR system.  A general understandingof wiring and telephone installation techniques is assumed.1.3  Installation SequenceThe installation procedures are generally organized as follows:1.  Provide a site visit to the facility2.  Run appropriate installation wires between hardware locations3.  Document wiring configuration4.  Install hardware components5.  Test hardware wiring6.  Installer sign-off
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 2 Revision 8   December 19981.4  Hardware Specifications / System ComponentsThe identification of the components and their part numbers are as follows:(Arcnet) External Concentrator  Model VER-2010(Ethernet) External Concentrator  Model VER-2015Internal Concentrator Model VER-2020IR Collector (24 input) Model VER-2402High Frequency Sensor          Model VER-4420System Host Server Model VER-8010     (Software Revision 3.x, Windows 95, 98, or NT OS interface)Paging System Computer Model VER-8200     (Software Revision 3.x, Windows 95, 98, or NT OS interface,      Application Software Pager 3.x, Creative Sound Blaster card AWE 64)1.5  Computer System RequirementsThe software runs in the Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT environment and requires a computersystem with reasonable capacity and speed.  The minimum computer system requirements are:IBM-PC or "clone" ComputerPentium II CPU at 200Mhz32 Meg RAM2.1 GB hard driveMicrosoft Windows 95 (recommended)1.6  Terms and DefinitionsThe following terms will be used throughout this hardware installation guide, to refer to system components andmodes of operation.USOC - Acronym for Universal Service Ordering Codes - The connectors and wiring adhere to the USOCwiring practices standard wherever possible.RJ - Acronym for Registered Jack - The system uses some modular style connectors that are identified by their'RJ' designations.  RJ-11 is a generic term, which is often used to refer to a six-position jack, though itspecifically refers to a single pair connection in a six-position shell.  RJ-12 refers to a two pair connection in asix pair shell, and RJ-25 refers to a three pair connection in a six pair shell.Segment - That portion of a collector network, which begins at a concentrator, extends through one or morecollectors, and then ends at the last collector on the line.  Collectors to which the segment connects are said tobe a part of the segment.Data Link - The connection between the Net Card in the customer computer and the concentrator(s).Concentrator - This device provides an interface between the 2-pair network that connects collectors together(the "Collector Network") and the computer system.  It assembles the data from the various collectors andbundles it for delivery to the host computer.  Each system must contain at least one concentrator, and manysystems will contain only one. In some cases, a PC bus plug-in concentrator is used.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 3 Revision 8   December 1998Collector - This device gathers the tracking data from as many as 24 Sensors, processes it as required, andsends it via the 2-pair collecting network to the concentrator.  Each system must contain at least one collector,and many systems will contain more than one.Sensor - A sensor is a device that gathers infrared light energy and converts it to an electrical signal, which isthen sent over a single pair of wires to a collector.  Sensors offer various options of coverage and resolution.Collecting or Sensory Network - The 2-pair cables which connect collectors to one another and then to aconcentrator.Sensor Connection - A sensor connection is a single pair cable that connects a sensor to a collector port.  All ofthe sensor connections in a system may be referred to as the "Sensory Network".Plenum - This term refers to any area that serves as a duct or passage for breathable air.  Many office buildingsuse the space above the suspended ceiling as a return air "plenum" for the heating and air conditioning systems.The law requires that any cables, which run in an air plenum, be made of materials which will not burn, orwhich will not release toxic gases when burned.  (See Safety and Fire Codes.)Punch Block - This device is used to connect sensor wires to the collector in an organized fashion.  A specialtool is used to "punch" the wire onto the punch block terminals, which causes the terminals to penetrate the wireinsulation and cut off excess wire in one easy step.  Punch Blocks are the preferred method of connection forsolid wire in telephone systems.Twisted Pair - The wire used to interconnect sensors, collectors, and interfaces is twisted into pairs to make thewire characteristics more uniform and to cancel out many types of interference to which the wires might besubjected.  (See UTP.)UTP - Acronym for Unshielded Twisted Pair - This is the typical solid, paired wire used in phone systeminstallations.  It has no outer shield layer. (See Twisted Pair.)STP - Acronym for Shielded Twisted Pair - This is wiring usually used in audio system installations whereelectrical interference is a prime concern.  (See Shielded Wire.)Shielded Wire - This type of wire is wrapped in a braided or foil shield that protects it from electricalinterference.  Use of shielded wire may be the only solution in a very high noise environment.  (See WiringConsiderations.)Coaxial Cable - This type of cable is a special form of shielded wire in which there is a single inner conductorheld at a fixed distance from an outer braid or foil shield in a precise manner.  Control of the spacing andmakeup of the cable dielectric allow it to handle very high frequencies in a predictable fashion.Impedance - This is a measure of a characteristic of wire that is very important when digital data signals are tobe sent over the wires at high speeds.  All wires have impedance determined by their makeup and twistingcalled the "characteristic impedance" of the wire.  Most solid twisted pair wire is about 100 ohms impedance,and the coaxial cables used are 50, 75, or 93 ohms.Termination - This term may refer to the mechanical method by which a wire is connected, or it may refer tothe electronic way that a wire is ended.Bridging Clip - A small metal clip used in a punch block to short the left-hand columns to the right handcolumns of punch-down terminals.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 4 Revision 8   December 1998Balun - This is a small electronic winding which interfaces a 93 ohm unbalanced signal (coaxial cable) to a 100ohm balanced line (twisted pair) or vice-versa.  Its name is a melding of the terms "Balanced-to-Unbalanced",or "BalUn".Modular Patch Block - This is a device which plugs into a Collector just like a punch block does only itprovides twenty four modular RJ-12 style jacks instead of punch terminals.  These RJ-12 connections aresometimes used for portable or "demo" type systems, and are not recommended for permanent installations.DataLink Node ID - This is the ID number that is set on DIP switches on the Net Card and inside eachConcentrator.  The Net Card factory default setting is node 1 (one).  The Concentrators are preset to node 128.If more than one Arcnet style concentrator is to be connected to the same Data Link network, the secondconcentrator must be changed to a different node ID number.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 5  Revision 8   December 19982.  SYSTEM HARDWARE DESCRIPTIONThis section contains a description of the system, which will aid in the understanding of the methods requiredfor proper installation.2.1  GeneralThe system is a unique, reliable, flexible platform for locating personnel and equipment, in addition to relayingevent and control information throughout a building.  The system transfers information using battery-powered,infrared (IR) badge transmitters and IR sensors.  The data is processed by the host computer for systemutilization, display, archive storage, and printed reports.  Options include one-way and two-way speakercommunications and paging, as well as building controls.  (Refer to page 7, Planning and InstallationGuidelines.)2.2  Infrared (IR) TrackingThe use of an IR signal for tracking has distinct advantages, since it allows accurate localization using signalsthat will not penetrate walls or floors.  The IR signal transmissions may be usable through one or morereflections from floors, walls, and partitions.  These signals are accumulated in collectors, then retrieved byconcentrators for processing by the host computer.  A speaker system allows equipment monitoring of alarmsand paging for badge button response.A system of strategically placed sensors receives IR signals as badge transmitters move between rooms of abuilding.  A collector is used to receive signals from up to 24 sensors.  Several collectors can be chainedtogether to expand the number of sensors on the system.  The collectors process the data from the sensors andadd information, such as the room number of the sensor and charge level of the badge battery.  This informationis then retrieved by the concentrator, which identifies the badge and room number data for storage in aconcentrator computer file.  The host computer for further processing then retrieves this file.The host computer translates the concentrator file data into names of rooms, personnel, and equipment.  It alsoidentifies alarm signals and undetected badges.  This data is utilized for paging, displaying current floorlocations of personnel or equipment alarms on the color monitor, and storing for later use in reports andarchiving.The paging system consists of a series of intercom modules controlled by a central device called the AudioSwitching Matrix (ASM) and the Paging computer.  The ASM and the paging computer work together to makethe connections between intercom modules.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 6  Revision 8   December 19982.3  BadgesThe badge is a small unit worn by personnel or attached to equipment.  This device sends an IR signal to thesensors installed in each room.  This signal contains encoded digital information that is used to identify andobtain the status of the badge.  Motion, timing, battery state, and auxiliary information are all included in thesignal.The badge sends its IR signal from two emitters located at the top left and right corners of the badge case.  Theyare directed upward and somewhat forward at a wide angle to be received by the sensors.  Although orientationof the badge is not critical, better performance can be obtained by keeping the badge in an upright position.Because the badge uses near-visible light to communicate with the sensors, the signal can be hidden from thesensors by clothing or obstacles.  It is important to be aware that badges should not be covered or hidden fromview.The badge has a unique feature that serves to extend battery life.  It contains a motion-sensing device thatcauses the badge to transmit most frequently when it is in motion and gradually reduces this frequency whenthere is no motion.  Consult the badge specification sheets for more information on battery and componentfunctions.  Note:  Static electricity can damage batteries.  When changing badge batteries, it is critical tobe grounded using a static strap and to replace the battery on an Electro-Static Device mat to protectfrom any shock that would damage the battery or the badge.There are several types of IR badges - Personnel, Equipment, IR/RF Com Badge, and a locator tracking badge.All four types have unique code numbers that are tracked by the system.  In addition, the personnel badges has abutton that is pressed for intercom communications, and the equipment badge has an alarm capability which canbe used to notify personnel of an alert condition triggered by a predefined alarm signal.  Alert conditions onequipment are handled by the host computer, which will page the responsible personnel.2.4  Battery ReplacementThe table below provides instructions on how to replace badge batteries.  Remember to use a static strap and anElectro-Static tabletop mat when changing badge batteries.Badge Battery Type Replacement InstructionsP-Badge Lithium, 3.5v750 MAh 1. Place the P-badge face up on an Electro-Static mat.2. Locate the screw on the front of the badge.  Using a small Phillips head screw-driver, remove the screw and the top cover of the P-badge to expose thebattery.3. Gently lift the battery from the board using your thumb and finger.4. Insert the new battery into the lead holes.  Replace the top cover and gentlytighten the badge screw.Locator Badge Lithium, 3.5v750 MAh 1. Place the Locator badge face down on an Electro-Static mat.2. Locate the screw on the back of the badge. Using a small Phillips head screw-driver, remove the screw and the back cover of the badge and flip it over toexpose the battery.3. Gently lift the battery from the board using your thumb and finger.4. Insert the new battery into the lead holes.  Replace the top cover and gentlytighten the badge screw.E-Badge 4x1.2 voltrechargeableNi-cad batteries1. Remove the battery compartment cover from the rear of the Equipment badge.2. Remove the batteries from the compartment and replace them with the newbatteries like the diagram on the bottom of the battery compartment.3. Replace the battery compartment cover.IR/RF ComBadge Standard 3AAAA 1. Remove the battery compartment cover from the rear of the Com Badge.2. Remove the batteries from the compartment and replace them with the newbatteries like the diagram on the bottom of the battery compartment.3. Replace the battery compartment cover.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 7  Revision 8   December 1998This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following twoconditions:  1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 7  Revision 8   December 19983.  PLANNING AND INSTALLATION GUIDELINES3.1  GeneralThis section contains a description of the system, which will aid in the understanding of the methods requiredfor proper installation.  When planning an installation, certain rules and limitations must be observed.  Theequipment has been designed to provide trouble free operation in various environments, and adherence to theguidelines is critical for a reliable installation.  The following sections will detail the things that must beincluded in a system plan to ensure a successful installation.Figure 3-1.  General Guidelines for InstallationsCollectorCollectorCollectorUp to 6 total collectors. Last collector in theAC PowerAC PowerAC PowerPunchblocksWire Types -A - EthernetB - Collector CableC - Sensor CableD - Intercom CableBBBBCCCCCCCCCHost Computer SystemMaximum Wire LengthsTotal Length from V to Zmust be <= 4000 feet.VWXYZEtherNetNetworkAAAAudio Switching MatrixIntercom Modules Optional Paging Computer SystemRS-232 Audio CableDDDDTo sensors -Up to 24 totalon eachcollector.chain has the TERMINATED/UNTERMINATED switch set to theTERMINATED position.  All others haveswitch set to UNTERMINATED.See Section 8.3Concentrator
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 8  Revision 8   December 19983.2  Collector Network Length LimitationsThere must be no more than six (6) collectors on any one concentrator as shown in the RS-485 loop displaybelow.  The total length of the collector network must not be more than 4000 feet.  See Figure 3-2 for a visualrepresentation.Figure 3-23.3  Sensor Connection Length LimitationsThe single pair sensor connections may be up to 1000 feet in length.  If the environment is known to beelectrically "noisy,” consider shorter line lengths to assure stronger signals and more immunity to interference.3.4  Location of Collectors, and ConcentratorsWhen planning an installation, it is important to locate a proper place for the concentrators and collectors.  Insmaller installations, these items may all be located at the same place in a telephone or utility closet.  Be surethat the location selected has easy access for servicing, but that it can be secured against tampering byunauthorized personnel.The concentrator should be mounted in a central location to the collector(s) to minimize the lengths of collectornetwork runs.  Many installations will find the concentrator simply mounted adjacent to the first collector.Collectors should be mounted in similar telephone or service areas such that they are near the sensory networksthey service.  Of course, be sure that the locations selected are free from extremes of heat, cold, and moisture aswith any electronic equipment.NOTE:The total length of an Ethernet network must be no more than 3000 feet.  Consult theEthernet manual for more information on installation procedures.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 9  Revision 8   December 1998NOTE:  *** Collectors may be affected by high watt radio or paging antennas.***DO NOT PLACE A COLLECTOR IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO ONE OFTHESE ANTENNASInternal Concentrator VER-2020Note: If you are not using an Ethernet or Arcnet externalconcentrator and your site is less that 150 sensors then youmay choose to use an Internal Concentrator (a plug-in PCcard) instead.3.5  Sensor Location PlanningPerhaps the most important step in an installation involvesplanning the sensor locations.  A complete understandingof sensors and tags is necessary to design an effective system.Experience will prove to be invaluable in effective system design.(Sensor S/N VER-4422 also available with white cover.)  SeeSection 7 for the sensor to punch-down wiring table.  This is ahelpful example of proper sensor wiring planning and locationtechniques.IR Sensor VER-4422 whiteVER-4420 blackRF Sensor VER-4450 –white only This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject tothe following two conditions:  1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation3.6  Understanding High Frequency Sensor "Field-of-View"The basic sensor "sees" the environment under it in a largely predictable pattern.  However, there are otherfactors that can affect the way a sensor sees.  The sensor is like an eye, which is sensitive only to a narrowspectrum of light, and the ID tag appears as a bright splash in an otherwise dark world to the sensor.  Even if thetag is blocked from the view of a sensor, it can often be detected.  Though the infrared light from a tag does notpenetrate solid objects or bend around corners, it does reflect from surfaces in the room.  This can sometimes bemistaken for "seeing around corners."  The effect of reflection can be used to advantage by the clever systemdesigner, but can also pose problems for the unwary installers.  The area that a sensor can see in a givensituation is referred to as the sensors "field of view."  Sensors are specified to have a given field of view whenobstacles are not present, so actual installed field of view may differ.If a sensor is placed in a room with obstacles and reflections eliminated, the field of view of the sensor appearsin the shape of six overlapping lobes forming a 16-foot radius.  Lower ceilings reduce the effective sensorpattern diameter considerably due to angles involved.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 10  Revision 8   December 19983.7  Effective Coverage of RoomsWhen planning the location of a sensor in a room, one should take into account the human factors involved.The majority of activity in most offices occurs towards the center of the room, and people do not often stand incorners, or near walls.  A single sensor placed near the middle of the ceiling area can usually effectively cover anormal office or meeting room.  If the office is oddly shaped or very large, two sensors may be required.Offices or rooms as large as 30 feet square are generally well served by a single sensor.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 11  Revision 8   December 19983.8  Special Problems with Sensor CoverageThe placement of sensors is usually a simple matter, but there are some special things to remember whenplanning a system installation.  The system planner should consider that a sensor may have a field of viewwhich extends out of the designated area through a doorway or passage, and that tagged persons might bedetected incorrectly and reported to be in the room when only passing by.  Consider placing sensors away fromdoors or entryways to prevent this.  Sensors can be positioned so as to limit their view by placing them inlocations where existing obstacles serve to block the unwanted sensor view.Due to the line-of-sight nature of the infrared light created by the ID tags, it is also possible to apply masking tothe sensor to limit or control the field of view.  This masking of the sensor has been done with great success, butmay require some experimentation to refine for each application.  However, proper placement is always thepreferred method for controlling, rather than eliminating, sensor field of view.If the room has windows that allow a large amount of sunlight to enter the room, the sensor is best placed in aposition such that the sunlight is not reflected directly into it by the floor or furniture.  Extremes of daylight candecrease sensor range and field of view if allowed to enter the sensor.  Window tint films that block infrared(heat) energy greatly reduce this effect.Of course, the sensor should be located such that it is afforded the best possible view of the room and thepersons in it.  If the room is of complex shape and no single sensor position will provide adequate coverage,multiple sensors should be considered.3.9  Overlapping SensorsSensor overlap occurs when two (or more) sensors are placed such that their fields of view are coincident(overlap) in some area.  Allowing the field of view of one sensor to overlap that of another will, as one wouldexpect, cause some indecision in the system if both sensors observe an ID tag at the same time.  The softwarewill not change the location of a tag when it is in an overlap area unless the software is told to ignore overlaps.If overlaps are ignored a tag may appear to bounce back and forth as long as it is in an overlap condition.3.10  High Frequency Light InterferenceNOTE: Certain types of energy efficient lighting and associated electronic ballast’s may interferewith the operation of a sensor that is within in the range of the light fixture.In addition, the light emitted by fluorescent fixtures adds a high degree of noise to the sensor environment.  Thesensor should be mounted such that light from florescent fixtures is not in direct sensor view.  Excessive noisyfluorescent energy can cause intermittent sensor reception and reduced range.  "Warm White" and other tubesdesigned to emit more red color energy are more of a problem than conventional "cool white" tubes.• The use of High Frequency sensors will avoid most light interference problems.The most common offenders are classified as T8 lights and have electronic ballast in the 40 kHzrange.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 12  Revision 8   December 19983.11  Use of Unauthorized ComponentsYour system is an innovative, high technology system that integrates hardware and software to create a safe,reliable and efficient system.  Use of components or connection to equipment not approved by the manufactureris NOT recommended and will invalidate any and all warranties.Approved third-party components include wire and connectors, terminal blocks, and other interconnectionmeans only.  Questions regarding the use of third-party equipment or components should be directed to yourdealer for clarification before being connected to your system.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 12  Revision 8   December 19984.  INSTALLATION GUIDELINES4.1  GeneralWhen installing a system, certain rules and limitations must be observed.  The system is designed for trouble-free operation in all environments, and adherence to these guidelines is critical for a reliable installation.  Thefollowing sections will detail the things that must be included in a system to ensure a successful installation.4.2  List of MaterialsInstallation activities require a minimum amount of materials, some of which may be purchased by the installerindependent of Versus.  For materials supplied by Versus, refer to the packing list and confirm that all listedhardware and wire can be identified.  For installer-purchased material, insure that the remaining materials areavailable for the installation shown by the floor plan schematic diagram.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 13  Revision 8   December 19984.3  List of ToolsSome installation activities require special tools.  Refer to Table 4-3 for a list of recommended tools.Table 4-3. List of ToolsToolCable stripperCordless DrillDiagonal ClippersDigital Multi-MeterElectric Screw DriverEthernet SuppliesFishtapeHole Saw 2 3/8” Drill AttachmentLevelMounting ScrewsNut DriversPaper/PensPunch-down Block Tool-Type 66RJ-45 TestersRJ Connector Terminator Tool KitScissorsScrewdriver AssortmentSplice Crimp ToolSmall HammerElectrical TapeTape MeasureTwist TiesUtility KnifeUY ConnectorsVise grip PliersWalkie TalkiesWeidmeuller Patch Check PlusWire Strippers
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 14  Revision 8   December 19984.4  Safety and Code ConsiderationsSafety procedures and adherence to local building codes are the responsibility of the system installer.  Versusproducts have been designed to be safe and reliable under the conditions in which they are intended to be used.The following sections detail those aspects of the system that might affect safety.4.5  Equipment HandlingThe components used in a typical installation contain internal circuits that are sensitive to static electricity.Static electricity transported by the human body may be strong enough to damage internal circuitry duringinstallation.  These components do not normally have exposed connector pins, but if handling with exposedconnectors or pins is required, the installer should use an anti-static wristband connected to an electrical ground.This is especially important when temporarily disconnecting and reconnecting cables.  The badges are the onlysystem components that people can come in direct contact with.  Therefore, cleaning the badges after each useis recommended.  A badge should be thoroughly cleaned after each use, and wiped down with a disinfectant.The disinfectant should be alcohol-based, not water based.4.6  Power RequirementsThe components obtain low-voltage operating power from a local wall mounted “plug-in” transformer.Transformers provided with the systems are Underwriter Laboratory (UL) approved.  No components use 120-volt AC line power directly, except the computer systems.Notice:  The hardware may be damaged if connections are made with the system power applied.  Do notattempt to connect or disconnect sensors, collectors, concentrators, intercom modules or any other systemcomponents with power applied!  Although damage will not occur in most cases, this practice is notrecommended and may void equipment warranties.As with any electrical equipment, safety is a prime concern.  The system poses no safety hazard, since it usesonly low-voltage DC power.  However, installers must take adequate precautions to ensure that the low-voltagewire runs do not come in contact with high-voltage electrical wires.No powering device other than the plug-in units provided should be connected to the system without priorauthorization from the manufacturer.WARNINGMake every effort to avoid touching bare contacts or connector pins whenhandling system components in order to prevent the accidental transfer of staticto internal devices.  Leave protective covers attached during installation.WARNINGUse of powering schemes not approved by the manufacturer will voidequipment warranty.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 15  Revision 8   December 19984.7  Grounding of EquipmentAll points in a system installation are connected to a common “ground” via their interconnect wires.  No attemptshould be made to provide any additional earth ground or neutral connections to any sensor or collector.Adding ground connections to multiple points in a networked system may introduce electrical system noisesthat will interfere with normal system operation.  Consult the manufacturer if special grounding requirementsmust be met.As with any electrical equipment, safety is a prime concern.  The system poses no safety hazard, since it usesonly low-voltage DC power.  However, installers must take adequate precautions to ensure that the low-voltagewire runs through ceilings and walls do not come in contact with dangerous electrical potentials and carry themto points where they might be exposed to human contact.No powering device other than the plug-in units provided should be connected to the system without priorauthorization from the manufacturer.4.8  Codes and Ratings of Materials UsedThe materials used in the construction of individual components meet or exceed UL fire retarding requirements.However, not all these devices are rated for air plenum use.  They are intended for utility closet mounting andmust not be placed in airways or plenum areas, unless they can be housed in approved enclosures and sealed tomeet local codes.Installers must be aware of local fire and health codes in their selection of interconnect wiring.  Plenum-ratedwire and cable must be used where it will pass through breathable air spaces.  Wire and cable rated for plenumuse will be clearly marked. For information regarding plenum cabling, call Versus Technology, Inc.Manufacturing Department.4.9  WorkmanshipThe following standards of workmanship shall be followed during installation:• National and local building codes shall be followed.• Tools used shall be as recommended by the manufacturer, or approved equivalents.• Connections shall be made with manufacturer’s recommended tools and procedures.• Conductors shall not be nicked nor wire strands cut during wire stripping.• Wire bundles shall be neatly dressed.• Wire bundles shall be spaced away from power cables and lighting.CAUTION:Allowing sensor or network conductors to come into contact with metal surfaces andstructures, or allowing wires to be routed in close proximity of high powered equipment ordevices will introduce electrical interference and may cause erratic operation and/orequipment failure.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 16  Revision 8   December 19984.10  Cable TypesRefer to Table 4-10 for a summary of the cable types recommended for installation.  Approved equivalent typesmay be used.  Approved equivalent cable types may be used.  Color coding tables have been included in orderto provide a systematic approach to all cabling in all installations.Table 4-10.  Recommended Cable TypesSensor Cable CAT 5Collector Cable CAT 5Ethernet Cable CAT 5Intercom Cable 7 cond. with drain, 26 AWGshielded cable4.11  Installation ChecklistThe installation checklist (Section 14, page 36) is intended to be a record of the installation steps.  Beforestarting the installation, fill in the checklist by referring to the contractual floor plan schematic for the quantitiesand numbers of zones and other components for the specific installation.  Instructions for filling in the checklistwill be provided in the installation steps.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 17  Revision 8   December 19985.  CABLE INSTALLATIONThis section contains tips to aid in the installation of cables.  When installing sensor and network wiring, normaltelephone installation techniques should be employed.  Sensor wire runs should allow sufficient length tomove ceiling tiles and perhaps to move sensors if needed.  The paragraphs are in order of component type(for ease of identification and discussion of related topics) and are followed by the procedural steps.5.1  Cable InstallationIt is the responsibility of the installer to run all cables as indicated on the provided floor plan schematicdiagram.  Each cable must be labeled at both ends with the identification of the end device to which it is run(e.g., sensor, collector, or intercom unit).  Collector cables should be labeled with the identification of thecollector that it runs to down the collector chain, away from the concentrator.CAUTION:Note that specific pin-color relationships have been defined in this section.  Cables using RJ-series plugs may appear to be usable, when in fact, they may not be correctly wired.  Use onlycables pre-wired by the manufacturer or wired as described in this section.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 18  Revision 8   December 19986.  INSTALLING AND CHECKING SENSORSSensors are installed in ceiling tiles or ceiling surfaces using a 2-3/8" hole saw.  The sensor is placed into thehole and secured using the spring steel clip and the sensor cover to “sandwich” the ceiling tile.  The spring steelclip securely holds the sensor against the ceiling tile allowing for easy access for installing or replacing sensors.6.1  Sensor WiringNormally, the UTP is run from the punch down to a sensor mounted in ceiling tile.  Only a single pair of wire isrequired for each sensor.  No grounding at the sensor is required.Normal infrared (IR) sensor installation calls for use of a splice connector at the sensor end of the cable run.Sensor wires have no polarity and may be connected to sensor wire-pairs in either order.  In the case of 2-pairUTP cable, the same pair must be used at each end of the sensor run.  It is suggested that the blue pair always beused for consistency.6.2  Sensor Wiring StepsPerform the following steps to wire and install sensors:1. Refer to the contractual floor plan schematic diagram and identify sensor locations and identificationnumbers.2. Insure that the collector has been previously installed.3. Remove all bridge clips from the punch-down block.4. Perform the following for each sensor:    a) Connect the sensor cable wire-pair to each sensor using UY splice connectors.    b) Gently bend the spring steel clips upward and insert the sensor into the ceiling tile hole.NOTE:Do not make any connections to components unless indicated by a step in the procedure.CAUTION:The sensor casing material is soft and is easily marred and scratched.  Handle the sensorswith care.CAUTION:Always disconnect power from the system prior to connecting or disconnecting components.Failure to do so may damage the equipment.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 19  Revision 8   December 1998    c) Connect the sensor wire-pair on the collector end to the associated punch-down block pin-pair using thepunch-down block tool.    d) Mark the sensor as installed on the Installation Checklist.5.  Checking Isolation:In the course of interconnecting many sensors to a Collector, it is not uncommon to make contact with a sharpmetal edge, ganged knockout box, or electrical ground with one of the conductors. It is critical, however, thatsuch accidental connections be located and cleared prior to system start up. The effect of these accidentalconnections can range from mild to severe. In many cases, erratic behavior may be noted.  In some cases,equipment damage may occur. In any case, an electrical code violation has been produced.To verify that the system is "isolated" from building and electrical grounds, use an ohmmeter or multimeter setto the 2K (2000)-ohm scale. Clip one probe to the nearest electrical conduit, electrical ground, or metal waterpipe and then touch the other probe to each punch block row in turn.  Every row MUST indicate an infinite(open) connection. If this is not the case, the suspect line must be traced to find the accidental connection to thestructure that has been made.NOTE:It may be helpful to disconnect the Collector from the punch block while this measurement is beingmade. This will isolate the sensor wiring completely.6.  Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each collector.7.  Replace the bridge clips.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 20  Revision 8   December 19987.  PUNCH-DOWN BLOCK INSTALLATION AND ORGANIZATIONThe collector punch-down block is organized so that each two punch-down block rows, starting at the top, leftof the block are one sensor port.  The last two rows are not used.  Refer to the Punch-down Block Diagram(page 21).Bridge-clips are normally used to connect left-side pins to the right-side pins, which are wired to the collectorunit.  If patching of sensor inputs is required, jumpers can be used from any sensor wire-pair on the left to anycollector wire-pair on the right.The punch-down block is to be mounted on the wall at the designated site using appropriate wall-mounthardware. The collector unit is mounted to the selected wall site, adjacent and connected to the associatedpunch-down block, using the Velcro tape provided with the unit or other appropriate mounting bracket.  Whenusing Velcro tape to secure a collector unit, it is important that the solid metal end clip is firmly secured toprevent sagging of the collector to punch down block connection.Install the punch-down block/collector unit(s) so as to allow for wiring access, neat wire routing and dress, andconnection of any sensor wire-pair to any collector input.  Neat and orderly punch-down blocks are easier totroubleshoot and maintain.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 21  Revision 8   December 1998Figure 7-1.  Punch-down Block DiagramSensor No. 1 pin-pair, 2 rowsSensor No. 2 pin-pair, 2 rows25th double row of pins isnot used.Sensor WireSideSensor connections continuethrough 24 maximum.Sensor wiring should be tested at thesepins before bridge clips are installed.Check for isolation at this point.Collector sideAfter sensor wiring has been verified, bridgeclips are installed across these pins for eachactive pin-pair.Collector Connection
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 22  Revision 8   December 1998This floor plan and collector table is an example of a punch-down block wiring organization chart.  It describesthe sensor numbers and the room assignments where each sensor and zone is located on the punch-down blockwiring.Figure 7-2.  Sensor Wiring Floor PlanSee the sensor and punch-down block wiring table on the next page for correct wiring locations andconnections.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 23  Revision 8   December 1998Collector #                                               Punch-downBlock Pair Cable ID Zone Description1A1Gary’s Office2 A2 Henry’s Office3 A3 Bob’s Office4A4Jon’s Office5 A5 Sharon’s Office6 A6 Conference Room7 A7 Conference Room8A89A910 A1011 A1112 A1213 A1314 A1415 A1516 A1617 A1718 A1819 A1920 A2021 A2122 A2223 A2324 A241.  The punch-down block pair represents a pair of sensor wires.2.  The Cable ID represents the identification of the cable run from a location withinthe facility back to the punch-down.3.  The room name or location name is then put into the Zone Description category.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 24  Revision 8   December 19988.  INSTALLING AND CHECKING COLLECTORSLocate the punch block and collector unit(s) carefully to allow for wiring access, neat wire routing and dress,and expansion space for future collectors that may be added as the system is expanded.8.1  Checking the Collector WiringA quick visual check of the collector wiring should find that the punch block is secure and that the collector unitconnector is firmly seated against the punch block connector.  See section 13.1 the Collector VoltageTroubleshooting Flow Chart for checking the collector wiring.The collector network (2-pair) must be tested before the system power is applied to be sure that wires are notmisconnected.  Failure to thoroughly test the collector network wiring may result in equipment damage.The concentrator and collector devices connect to the 2-pair wiring system using modular interfaces to allow foreasy testing of the wiring before power is applied.  It is recommended that install crews be equipped withappropriate USOC cable testers as required to verify the polarity and validity of installed wiring.Note that 3-pair USOC interconnections may also be used.  In this case, the third pair (outermost) will be usedin parallel with the second pair to improve power distribution to the collectors.8.2  Checking IsolationIn the course of interconnecting many sensors to a collector, it is not uncommon to make contact with a sharpmetal edge, ganged knockout box, or electrical ground with one of the conductors.  It is critical, however, thatsuch accidental connections be located and cleared prior to system start up.  The effect of these accidentalconnections can range from mild too severe.  In many cases, erratic behavior may be noted.  In some cases,equipment damage may occur.  In any case, an electrical code violation has been produced.To verify that the system is "isolated" from building and electrical grounds, use an ohmmeter or multimeter setto the 2K (2000)-ohm scale.  Clip one probe to the nearest electrical conduit, electrical ground, or metal waterpipe and then touch the other probe to each punch block row in turn.  Every row MUST indicate an infinite(open) connection.  If this is not the case, the suspect line must be traced to find the accidental connection to thestructure that has been made.NOTE:It may be helpful to disconnect the collector from the punch block while this measurement isbeing made.  This will isolate the sensor wiring completely.CAUTION:Correct two-pair wiring is essential.  Crossed or reversed pairs can cause equipment damagein some cases.  ALWAYS TEST ALL WIRING PRIOR TO CONNECTION OF SYSTEMPOWER SOURCES.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 25  Revision 8   December 19988.3  Setting the "Last Unit" SwitchWhen installing collectors, the collectionnetwork wires are run from unit to unit in a daisy chainfashion.  Each collector has a small switch on it that isused to identify it as the last collector on a line.  It isvery important that the collectors which are NOT atthe end of the line have this switch set to theUNTERMINATED position, and that the collectorwhich is at the end of the line has this switch set to theTERMINATED position.NOTE:The last collector in a segment must have the terminate switch set to the Terminate position.Why?  With high speed digital data, it is critical that the electrical energy that runs down the wires is absorbedat the end and does not "bounce back" down the wire and cause interference with other data coming down.  Toexactly absorb all the energy coming down a wire, the wire must be ended at the last device in the chain with aresistor, which has value that equals the characteristic impedance of the wire.  Each collector unit is equippedwith such a resistor that is connected when the switch is in the TERMINATED position.8.4  Power-up TestWhen the collector wiring and isolation have been verified and the cable connection between the concentratorand the collector has been tested and found correct, the next step is to apply power to the collector and check thesensor connections for the correct voltages.8.5  Sensor Voltage TestOnce power has been applied to the collector, a voltmeter check should be made of the sensors on the punchblock to verify that they are connected correctly.  This is done using the voltmeter or multimeter set to a 20-voltrange.  Apply the probes to each sensor connection on the punch block and verify that the voltage reading isapproximately 16 volts. If the reading is approximately 20 volts, then there is no sensor connected to this pair orthe wiring to the sensor is open.  If the connection is approximately 16 volts, then the sensor is wired correctlyto a single sensor.  If the reading is very low or zero, the sensor pair is shorted.  (Of course, the 25th pair on thepunch block is unused and will read zero volts.) RF interference may be verified by switching the meter to theAC scale and reading the voltage.  With no tag transmitting over the sensor there should be < 0.1 VAC on asensor pair.  When all the sensor pairs that have sensors connected are reading correctly, proper sensorconnections are assured.Terminated UnterminatedCollectorCAUTION:If the red LED indicator was lit in the concentrator power-up test but does not light now,remove power from the concentrator quickly and recheck the two-pair wiring.  A shortcircuit may have occurred in the connection of the collector.  (If this occurs, a safety fuseinternal to the concentrator may be blown.)
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 26  Revision 8   December 19988.6  Local Powered CollectorsCollectors are provided with a 24V-power supply that must always be used for each collector, providing localoperating power.  No other power supply is adequate to power collectors.8.7  Collector Network Wiring ConnectionsConcentrator End ConnectionsThe 2-pair collector network connects to the concentrator unit using a modular connection with a RJ-12modular jack (6 wire).  This provides a means to easily disconnect the collector network for testing of the 2-pairwires or for service of the collector unit.Collector End ConnectionsThe 2-pair collector network connects to the collector module via a modular connector with a RJ-12 modularjack (6 wire).  A modular-to-modular jumper is then used from one collector unit to the next collector unit.  Thisprovides a means to easily disconnect the collector unit for testing of the 2-pair wires or for service of thecollector unit.NOTE:If the voltmeter is applied to a sensor pair, a slight drop in voltage can be observed when thesensor is receiving a transmitting ID tag.  This can be used to identify sensors in lieu ofcomplete system operation.CAUTION:A shorted sensor pair will not cause immediate damage to the collector.  However, if allowedto remain, some heating of collector components will occur which is undesirable.  If shortedpairs are noted in the sensor voltage test, remove the collector power and resolve the shorts assoon as possible.  If the system must be powered with the short unresolved, remove thePunch-block bridging clips to disable the disruptive sensor until the wiring can be repaired.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 27  Revision 8   December 19989.  COLLECTOR WIRINGThe collector devices connect to the sensing network using modular interfaces to allow for testing of the wiringbefore power is applied.  It is recommended that installers are equipped with appropriate cable testers to verifythe polarity and validity of installed wiring.There are two parallel RJ receptacles on each collector.  This allows collectors to be chained together from theirassigned concentrator to the last collector in the chain.  A key indication of connector problems with thecollector cable, either reverse polarity or a short circuit, is the red indicator light on the collectors.  The red lightwill flash every time it sees a badge fire.  A constant pattern of 4 or 5 flashes may indicate there is a problemwith the connectors on the cable.9.1  Collector Wiring Steps 1. Refer to the contractual floor plan schematic diagram and identify the concentrator location.2. Refer to the contractual floor plan schematic diagram and identify all collector locations.3. Verify that each collector cable for each collector site and the concentrator site has been installed asindicated on the contractual floor plan schematic diagram.4. Attach a RJ connector to each end of the collector cable as shown in Table 10-1.5. Using the Weidmeuller Patch Check Plus test set or an equivalent model, perform the following steps toverify straight through continuity for each collector cable run:     a) Plug one end of the cable into the receiver unit of the test set.     b) Set the reset switch on the receiver unit to the “On” position     c) Plug the other end of the cable into the Transmitter unit of the test set.     d) Set the reset switch on the transmitter unit to the “On” position.  All the red LED’s will light followed byan audible squawk tone.     e) Touch the TEST button on the transmitter.  After a short delay, the transmit #1 LED will light with thecorresponding #1 LED on the receiver scale     f) Touch the TEST button again to light transmit #2 LED with its corresponding receiver #2 LED.     g) Repeat this process until all conductors in the cable have been verified for continuity.NOTE:Do not make any connections to components unless indicated by a step in the procedure.  Insurethat all bridge clips have been removed from the selected Punch-down Block/collector unit.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 28  Revision 8   December 19986.  Mark the collector cable as checked on the Installation Checklist.7.  For each collector perform the following:    a) For the collectors identified on the contractual floor plan schematic diagram as LAST, set theUNTERMINATED/TERMINATED switch to the TERMINATED position.  For all other collectors,set the switch to UNTERMINATED.    b) Insert the RJ plug(s) into the collector receptacle(s) (either collector receptacle is acceptable.)    c) Mark the collector as installed on the Installation Checklist.                Table 9-1. Collector RJ-12 Plug Wire ColorsPlugPinNo.CAT 5 WireColor Description Voltage3 White/Blue Data (+) + 1 VDC4 Blue Data (-) + 1 VDC5 White/Orange Ground 0 VDC6 Orange Ground 0 VDCNOTE:With connector pins pointing toward the installer, cable away from the installer, pin 1 is to the left.See diagram below.Pin 1Top Tab
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 29  Revision 8   December 199810.  CONCENTRATOR INSTALLATIONThe selection of external or internal concentrator’s depends on the installation.10.1  Computer Network CardThe computer should be equipped with an appropriate network card for Arcnet and/or Ethernet Concentratorinstallation10.2  Internal Concentrator InstallationThe Internal Concentrator is installed inside the computer in an appropriate expansion slot.  Follow the standardinstallation procedures for any computer hardware device.  A network card is not required with this type ofinstallation.10.3  External ConcentratorThe External Concentrator is a “table-top” box assembly, which can be allowed to sit on a level surface.  It mayalso be mounted on any flat surface with mounting clips.  Mount all external concentrators as indicated on thefloor plan schematic diagram.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 30  Revision 8   December 199811.  INSTALLING AND CHECKING THE EXTERNAL CONCENTRATORThe Concentrator Power Supply should be secured to the electrical outlet using a screw or other means toensure that it cannot fall out or is disconnected by others working in the same area.Do NOT plug in the power supply cable until the installation wiring checks are completed. Systemdamage could occur.11.1  Network Wiring for Arcnet and Ethernet ConcentratorsArcnet ConcentratorThe Arcnet Concentrator requires coaxial cable runs between the network card in the computer and the ArcnetConcentrator.  For multiple concentrator’s, install an appropriate hub.  An Arcnet Concentrator requires a 20Vpower supply with a securely crimped BNC connector.  This is recommended because tests have shown thatscrew on BNC connectors are unreliable and inconsistent.  It is also recommended that Arcnet hubs utilize aUPS to protect it if the power is interrupted in a facility.  This will allow the concentrator to run on a batteryoperated UPS supply.  Concentrators can fall out without them.  Correct Arcnet cabling needs to be RG62 at93OHM, for correct specifications.Ethernet ConcentratorThe Ethernet Concentrator requires CAT 5 four pair UTP cable runs between the network card in the computerand the Ethernet Concentrator.  For multiple concentrator’s, install an appropriate network hub or it may also beconnected to an existing Ethernet network within a facility.  Ethernet Concentrators call for a 24V power supplysame as the collectors.  For more information on the Ethernet Concentrator, refer to the Ethernet Concentratormanual, Revision 4.11.2  Power-up TestWhen the wiring has been examined and the power supply voltage has been found to be in range, a power up ofthe concentrator may be performed to verify its operation.Plug the power supply connector into the concentrator and observed the red LED indicator lights.  If it fails tolight, recheck the power and connections.CAUTION:Disconnect the modular cable from any down channel collector(s) and allow it to remainunconnected during the test.  Down channel collectors could be damaged if power isapplied before they have been checked.Note:The Wire Run Check-off diagram is included in this manual as a visual reference of cableruns for system installation.  See the Wire Run Check-off Sheet on the next page.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 31  Revision 8   December 1998Nurse's StationHostSensorSpeakerMic UnitS/MASM ClosetPagerAudio Switching MatrixDDDCollectorSensor WireEthernet Network Wire                             Intercom WireSignalControllerS/MCollector WireCollector WireNurse's Station WireCollector WireEthernet WireSensor WireIntercom WirePhone WireAll RoomsSensor WireIntercom WireASM ClosetCollector WireEthernet WireAll Sensor WiresAll Intercom WiresASM Wires-Signal and ControllerTelephoneAnalog lineto theoutsideModemHall WayRoomRoomS/MWiring Run Check-off for InternalConcentrator SystemS/MPhone Wire
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 32  Revision 8   December 199812.  HARDWARE COMPONENTSThe table in this section provides a list of hardware, system, and sensor part numbers.Table 12-1.  Hardware ComponentsPart Number Product NameBadgesVER-1400 Tracking BadgeVER-1450 Personnel BadgeVER-1550 Equipment Monitoring BadgeSensorsVER-4420 (Black),VER-4422 (White) H/F SensorNetwork and Audio SupportComponentsVER-2015 External Concentrator (Ethernet)VER-2020 Internal Concentrator KitVER-2402 Collector Kit (with punch down and power supply)VER-4600 Audio Switch MatrixVER-4620 Speaker/Mic Unit
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 33  Revision 8   December 199813.  TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDEThese are possible hardware trouble scenarios and solution issues that may affect the operation of the trackingsystem.  The Collector Voltage Troubleshooting Flow Chart and the Functionality Test Flow Chart are includedas troubleshooting strategies for correcting system hardware problems.Problem:  System will not start up.Discussion:  Most system failures on startup are caused by failure to properly crimp RJ Type connectors, alongwith failure to test the completed connection.Problem:  Collector cannot be seen by the Concentrator on the Subnet.Discussion:  A collector works properly when unconnected to the subnet, on powering on, it blinks four to fivetimes every five or so seconds.  Once connected to the concentrator’s subnet, upon power on, the collector lightshould come on strong after the first few seconds and then blink only upon receipt of a badge ID.Problem:  Incorrect voltages across sensor pair at the punch down block.Discussion:  The voltage across the sensor pair at the collector punch-down block should be between 15 and 17volts DC.  A voltage above18 may indicate an open circuit, while a voltage below 15 may indicate RFinterference, or faulty sensor, or faulty wiring.  RF interference may be verified by switching the meter to theAC scale and reading voltage.  With no tag id’s being sent down the sensor pair, any AC voltage reading mayindicate RF interference.Problem:   RF interference.Discussion:  RF may be checked as discussed above.  Possible RF interference that effect the sensor networkinclude, certain types of energy efficient lighting and associated electronic ballasts.  The most commonoffenders are classified as T8 lights and have and electronic ballast in the 40 kHz range.  Sensor wiring shouldnot touch electrical conduit, or ceiling grates, as they are very good at picking up RF frequencies.Problem:  Sensor not picking up id from tag (non-working sensor).Discussion:  Smoke detectors using IR detection interfere with Versus sensors.  The sensor should not beinstalled within two feet of smoke detectors to avoid any interference.Problem:  Collector mounting failures.Discussion:  Collector mounting failures can be avoided by using the mounting clip provided to hold the end ofthe collector firmly against the wall.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 34  Revision 8   December 1998Trouble shooting guide          Condition Possible Cause RemedySystem fails to start up. Faulty wiring Re-crimp RJ type connectors.Red light on collector flashes ina constant pattern.Two flashes Power trouble Check to be sure unit connectionsare secure and adequate powerhas been applied.Three flashes Disconnect the collector from thepunch down block.  If theflashing pattern continues theproblem is in the collector.  If itstops, one or more sensor inputsis reporting a constant Rinput????Four flashes 485  Data wiring reversed Reverse pair from collector toconcentrator.Five Flashes No data error No subnet data observed checkthe 485 line to the concentrator.Voltage across sensor pair is <15 Volts DC Faulty wiringFaulty sensorRF interferenceCheck for RF interference.RF interference me verified byswitching the voltmeter to ACscale and reading the voltage.With no tag inputs the ACreading should be > .1 voltVoltage across sensor pair is >18 volts. Open circuit. Check wires for opens.
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 35  Revision 8   December 199813.1  Collector Voltage Troubleshooting Flow ChartReplace SensorCollectorVoltageLevel   Lowor High?Replace collectorVoltage Level  <15 Volts DcNoYesNoNoVoltage Level  >17 Volts DcCheckSesnor forEMISensor Wiretoo close toceiling tilerailingSensor tooclose toHigh freq.lightReplace CollectorNoGoto Voltage TestMove WireMove SensorYesYesCheck for OpenWires betweensensor &punchdownblockCheckCollectorVoltageLevelsReplace Collector DoneFix or ReplaceWireYesNoGood Votage LevelsBad Voltage LevelsCollector Voltage TroubleshootingFlow ChartVoltageTestCheckSesnor forwiresshortedtogetherFix wiringYes
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 36  Revision 8   December 199813.2  Functionality Test Flow ChartFunctionalityTestChoose a sensor LocationStart Frequency ProgramStart in the middle of the sensor, walkout at 6" intervals with a badge fourfeet off the floor.Record these readingsRepeat reading around sensor at 30 degree intervals.Next SensorAre thereany deadspotsGoto Light Test PageCheck another SensorDoneDoneFunctionality Test Flow Chart
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 37  Revision 8   December 199814.  INSTALLATION CHECKLISTThe table and inspection report in this section will be used to indicate the completed installation and test ofhardware and wiring.  The installation codes will be as follows:C = Cable checked    I = Installed hardwareMake copies of the table and enter the numbers of the hardware as they are installed.  Indicate a cable checkcompletion with a “C” and a hardware installation completion with the “I” in each numbered cell of the table.The installer will be directed by the steps of the installation to make these entries as the checks and installationare made.Copies of the entries should be kept with other installation documentation.Item Versus P/N Quantity HardwareInstallation SystemInstallationSensor Cable 2 pair UTP plenum 24 AWG, solidCollector Cable 2 pair UTP plenum 24 AWG solidIntercom Module Cable 7 Conductor 26 gauge,stranded , shielded w/drainUY connectorsUR connectorsNetwork CableCable LabelsCable tiesSensors - High FrequencySensor Mounting Brackets OptionalCollector KitsConcentratorIntercom/ Speaker UnitsChannel for wire between Speaker UnitsRJ 12RJ 45 (for shielded cable use shielded RJ 45connectors)Host Computer SystemPager Computer SystemAudio Switch MatrixRemote Monitor (Optional)VGA Splitter (Optional)Magnetic Doorlocks (Optional)Doorlock Control Interface (Optional)Personnel BadgesEquipment BadgesEquipment Badge Cables - Bear33Equipment Badge Cables - PLVEquipment Badge Cables - Monaghan
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 38  Revision 8   December 1998Equipment Badge Cables - Newport BreezeEquipment Badge Cables - MDE EscortP-Badge LabelsE-Badge ID Code LabelsHardware Installation Manual & DrawingsSoftware LicensesSoftware Backups--Some Optional--Sensor Splice Crimp ToolPunch-Down Tool - Type 66RJ Connector Terminator Tool KitEthernet Connector Terminator Tool KitEthernet SuppliesElectric ScrewdriverCable StripperScrewdriver Assortment - Incl’ SmallNutdriver Assortment - Incl’ ASM SizesDiagonal Clippers - Small & LargeDigital Multi-MeterUtility KnifeFlashlightVisegrip PliersSmall HammerCordless Drill2 3/8” Hole SawFishtapeCenter PunchStep-DrillKnock-Out Punch
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 38 Revision 8   December 199814.1  Preventative Maintenance Inspection Report Preventive Maintenance Inspection ReportCustomer______________________________ Customer Number______________________ Date___________FE ___________________________________ FE ID________ Call Number______________________________Equipment Serial Number_________________ Software Revision _________Configuration ( )___ Host Computer Setup ___ Collector Setup ___ Software Intellimotion 3-Pack___ Pager Computer Setup (Optional) ___ Punchdown Block Configuration ___ Software Pager (Optional)___ Work Station Computer (Optional) ___ Concentrator Setup (Optional) ___ Software Misc. (Optional)___ Network Wiring ___ Sensors___ Sensor Wiring ___ ASM (Optional)   ___ ASM Audio Wiring (Optional) Tools1. Standard hand tools 3. RJ Tester 4, 6 & 8 Pins 5. ESD Mat and Wrist Strap2. Multimeter 4. Hardware & Software ManualsVisual Inspection ( )Inspect the following for excess wear and/or any visual signs of damage.1. ___ General 5. ___ Connectors 8. ___ Cable insulation2. ___ Computers 6. ___ Sensor Mounting 9. ___ Collector Mounting3. ___ Concentrator Mounting  7. ___ ASM Mounting4. ___ Reseat socketed components/connectorsCleaning ( )1. ___ Clean all internals of dust 2. ___ Clean external surfaces  3. ___ Clean ASM Area4. ___ Clean Sensor Work Area(s) 5. ___ Clean ASM Work Area(s) 6. ___ Clean All Computer Stations7. ___ Clean Infrared TagCalibration ( )1. ___ N/A  Electrical Safety Checks ( )1. ___ Wall Receptacle Test2. ___ Sensor Voltage Test3. ___ Collector RJ Line Continuity Test
Versus Technology, Inc.DT10000-A0001 39 Revision 8   December 1998Checkout Procedure ( )System 1. ___ Connections Sensor/ASM 2. ___ Display 3. ___ Intercom ModulesComputers 4. ___ Software Setup 5. ___ Startup and Restart 6. ___ PC Anywhere & Modem7. ___ NetworkConcentrator 8. ___ Connection between Computers and Network (Optional)Collectors 9. ___ Wiring Punch-down 10. ___ Mounting 11. ___ Random flashing Red LEDSensor 12. ___ Sensor Test Software 13. ___ Voltage Check 14. ___ Software Move TestASM 15. ___ LED Power ON 16. ___ Intercom Connections 17. ___ ASM Test SoftwareBattery Install 18. ___ Battery Installation 19. ___ Tracking on System 20. ___ Activates Page (Optional)Backups 21. ___ Backup Data from Computer InstallTraining 22. ___ Completed

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