Montage Technology WM6800K M88WI6800-K Wi-Fi Module User Manual

Montage Technology (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. M88WI6800-K Wi-Fi Module

User Manual

Montage Technology Proprietary and Confidential802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KData Sheet Revision Number: 0.1Revision Date: Nov. 17, 2016
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802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential iiiPrefaceThis data sheet is the primary reference for the 802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro Controller - M88WI6800-K. It includes complete pin information, functional description, register description and electrical specifications for engineers who may evaluate or use the device. ConventionsThe following conventions are used in this data sheet for easy and effective explanation.•Cross-references are highlighted in blue for your attention. You can click on them to jump to the target pages.•Number representation−A hexadecimal number is represented by xxxxH or n’hxxxx (h/H: hexadecimal; n: number of bits).−A binary number is represented by xxxxB or n’bxxxx (b/B: binary; n: the number of bits). Sometimes the binary number with only one bit is also represented by ‘0’ or ‘1’.−Other numbers should be considered as decimal numbers unless otherwise stated.Terms and AbbreviationsTerm Definition Term DefinitionADC Analog to Digital Converter PHY Physical layer deviceAGC Automatic Gain Control QoS Quality of ServiceAMPDU Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit RF Radio FrequencyAP Access Point SDR Single Data RateBBP Baseband Processor SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol BOM Bill of Material SPI Serial Programming InterfaceDDR Dual Data Rate TR Transmit / Receive (T/R)LAN Local Area Network UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/TransmitterLLC Logical Link Control UDP User Datagram ProtocolMAC Media Access Controller WAPI WLAN Authentication and Privacy InfrastructureMIC Message Integrity Check WEP Wireless Encryption ProtocolMSDU MAC Service Data Unit WLAN Wireless Local Area NetworkNAT Network Address Translation WMM Wi-Fi MultimediaNVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory WMM-PS WMM-Power SaveOS Operating System WPA Wi-Fi Protected AccessPA Power Amplifier WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential ivRevision HistoryRevision Number Revision Date ChangesPage Number Description0.1 Nov. 17, 2016 - Change Part Number from M88WI8000 to M88WI6800-K.0.0 July 15, 2016 - Initial Release
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential vTable of ContentsPreface...................................................................................................................................................................  iiiFeatures..................................................................................................................................................................  1Applications ...........................................................................................................................................................  1General Description...............................................................................................................................................  1Functional Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................................  21 Pin Information...............................................................................................................................................  31.1 Pin Assignment ....................................................................................................................................... 31.2 Pin List .................................................................................................................................................... 41.3 Pin Description........................................................................................................................................ 52 Electrical Characteristics ..............................................................................................................................  72.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................................................... 72.2 Recommended Operating Conditions..................................................................................................... 72.3 DC Electrical Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 82.4 Current Consumption.............................................................................................................................. 83 Mechanical Package Data..............................................................................................................................  9
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential viList of FiguresFigure 1. Functional Block Diagram for M88WI6800-K ......................................................................................  2Figure 2. QFN48 Pin Assignment.......................................................................................................................  3Figure 3. QFN48 Package Outline .....................................................................................................................  9
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential viiList of TablesTable 1. Signals By Pin Number .......................................................................................................................  4Table 2. Pin Description ....................................................................................................................................  5Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings.................................................................................................................  7Table 4. Recommended Operating Conditions .................................................................................................  7Table 5. DC Electrical Characteristics...............................................................................................................  8Table 6. Current Consumption ..........................................................................................................................  8
Revision Number: 0.1Revision Date: November 17, 2016Document Number: SW-0558-S Datasheet 1802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-K FeaturesWi-Fi: •Compatible with IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standards−802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps; −802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps;−802.11n: Support PHY rate up to 150Mbps.•Support 1T1R, 20MHz/40MHz bandwidth operation•Integrated MAC/BB/RF/PA, TR switch & Balun•Integrated Auto Calibration•Integrated high-efficiency DC-DC converter•Integrated OTP NVRAM for adapter information•Support TCP/IP Transparent Transmission•Support Soft-AP, Station & AP/Station modes; QoS-WMM, WMM-PS; Wi-Fi Direct•Support TCP/IP Transparent Transmission•Security support for 64/128 WEP, WPA, WPA2, WAPI•Support multiple BSSID•Support protocols offloadMicro Processor:•32-bit micro processor with over 200MIPS•User programmable memory larger than 100 kBytes•32 kHz watchdog timerPeripheral Interfaces:•18 usable GPIOs with interrupt support•4 hardware PWM drivers with 8-bit duty cycle resolution•2 12-bit AD converters •Multiplexed UART ports•Multiplexed SPI Flash interface•AT command can be supported by UART Package:•6x6mm QFN48Applications•Internet of Things•Industrial control •Home automation •Smart plug •Lighting / Metering•Network consumer devices General DescriptionM88WI6800-K is a single-chip Wi-Fi micro controller with SPI Flash / UART interface. The chip fully complies with IEEE 802.11b/g/n 1T1R 2.4 GHz standards. M88WI6800-K integrates a 32-bit micro processor, a 802.11n MAC, a baseband processor and a 2.4 GHz RF transceiver including power amplifier, low noise amplifier and RF T/R switch into a single die. Robust RF calibration algorithms, such as IQ-imbalance correction, Tx LO leakage removal and Rx DC offset cancellation, are built-in to alleviate the radio front-end impairments in RF/Analog circuits. The baseband processor, designed with adaptive channel estimation, enhanced boundary detector and soft-decision Viterbi decoder, is capable of providing mitigation even in severe multi-path environments. The 32-bit processor core with over 200MIPS and over 100 kByte programmable memory is embedded with TCP/IP protocol stack. In addition, the chip comes with 32 kHz low-speed clock timers, 2 12-bit ADCs with voltage range of 0 V - 3.3 V, 4 channel hardware PWM drivers with tunable frequency range and maximum 18 GPIOs with interrupt control. It contains also a power management unit and a high-efficiency DC-DC converter for cost effective system implementation. M88WI6800-K is available in 6x6mm QFN48 package. It is an ideal solution for network enabled applications, such as Internet of Things, with few external circuit components and minimized PCB size. The networking system built with the chip can operate in Station mode, Soft-AP mode or AP/Station mode.
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 2Functional Block DiagramFigure 1.  Functional Block Diagram for M88WI6800-KADC40 MHz2.4G RxClock GenSRAMT/R SwitchPA 2.4G Tx DAC802.11n 1x1Baseband802.11nMACDCDC/LDO32-bitProcessorNVRAMPMU12-bit ADCLED802.11n2.4 GHz RFPWM / GPIOSPI FlashUART
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 31 Pin Information1.1 Pin AssignmentFigure 2.  QFN48 Pin AssignmentVDDA33RF_TR_NVDDA33RF_TR_PVDDA33WLAN_LEDPD_NPM_RESVDDA33XOVDDA33XIVDDA33VDDA33GPIO2GPIO1 / UART0_RXDVDD33GNDAGPIO0 / UART0_TXDGPIO3GPIO5GPIO4GNDDVDD12GNDDGPIO7 / PWM1 / UART1_RXDGPIO8 / PWM2GPIO6 / PWM0 / UART1_TXDGPIO9 / PWM3ADC_IN1GNDAVDDA33BUCK_LXVDDA33GPIO12 / SPI_DIGPIO11 / SPI_DOGPIO18GPIO13 / SPI_CKGPIO14VDDA33VDDA33M88WI6800-KADC_IN012345678910111248 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 3736353433323130292827262513 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24VDDA33GPIO17GPIO16GPIO10 / SPI_CSVDD33VDD12
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 41.2 Pin ListTable 1.  Signals By Pin NumberPin No.  Signal Name Pin No.  Signal Name  Pin No.  Signal Name  Pin No.  Signal Name 1 RF_TR_P 13 VDDA33 25 GNDA 37 VDD332 RF_TR_N 14 VDDA33 26 BUCK_LX 38 GPIO10 / SPI_CS3 VDDA33 15 GNDA 27 VDDA33 39 GPIO11 / SPI_DO4WLAN_LED 16GPIO0 / UART0_TXD 28 ADC_IN1 40 GPIO12 / SPI_DI5PD_N 17GPIO1 / UART0_RXD 29 ADC_IN0 41 GPIO13 / SPI_CK6 VDDA33 18 GPIO2 30 VDDA33 42 GPIO147PM_RES 19GPIO3 31GPIO6 / PWM0 / UART1_TXD 43 GPIO168 VDDA33 20 VDD33 32 GPIO7 / PWM1 / UART1_RXD 44 GPIO179 VDDA33 21 GNDD 33 GPIO8 / PWM2 45 GPIO1810 VDDA33 22 VDD12 34 GPIO9 / PWM3 46 VDDA3311 XI 23 GPIO4 35 VDD12 47 VDDA3312 XO 24 GPIO5 36 GNDD 48 VDDA33
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 51.3 Pin DescriptionTable 2.  Pin Description (Sheet 1 of 2)Pin Name Pin No. Type1DescriptionRF Transceiver InterfaceRF_TR_P 1 RF Differentia RF input/output (plus), or Single-ended RF input/output.RF_TR_N 2 RF Differentia RF input/output (minus), or GNDA for Single-ended mode.DCDC Converter InterfaceBUCK_LX 26 AO Analog output of DCDC converter.ADC Input InterfaceADC_IN1 28 AI Analog input 1 of ADC.ADC_IN0 29 AI Analog input 0 of ADC.GPIOsGPIO[3:0] 19,18,17,16 I/O General purpose input/output pins.GPIO[5:4] 24,23 I/O General purpose input/output pins.GPIO[9:6] 34,33,32,31 I/O General purpose input/output pins.GPIO10 38 I/O General purpose input/output pin.This is also a Boot-strap pin which should be pulled High.GPIO11 39 I/O General purpose input/output pin.This is also a Boot-strap pin which should be pulled Low.GPIO12 40 I/O General purpose input/output pin.GPIO13 41 I/O General purpose input/output pin.This is also a Boot-strap pin which should be pulled Low.GPIO[18:16] & GPIO14 45,44,43,42 I/O General purpose input/output pins.Multiplexed UART InterfacesUART0_RXD 17 I UART receive pin.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO1.UART0_TXD 16 O UART transmit pin.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO0.UART1_RXD 32 IUART receive pin. This pin is multiplexed with GPIO7. It shall be connected to an external pulled-up resistor of 10 kΩ.UART1_TXD 31 O UART transmit pin.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO6.Multiplexed PWM DriversPWM[3:0] 34,33,32,31 O PWM driver outputs. These pins are multiplexed with GPIO[9:6].
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 6Multiplexed SPI Flash InterfaceSPI_CS 38 O SPI flash device selection signal output.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO10. SPI_DO 39 O SPI flash data output line.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO11.SPI_DI 40 I SPI flash data input line.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO12.SPI_CK 41 O SPI flash clock output.This pin is multiplexed with GPIO13.LED DriverWLAN_LED 4 I/OWLAN activity LED driver. The WLAN LED blinks when there is traffic on the port.This is also a Boot-strap pin which should be pulled Low.XTAL, System Control & MiscellaneousXI 11 AI 40 MHz quartz crystal input, or 40 MHz reference clock input with XO pin left floating.XO 12 AO 40 MHz quartz crystal output.PD_N 5 I External power down pin. Low active. The pin shall be connected to an external pulled-up resistor of 10 kΩ.PM_RES 7 AIO Reference resistor. A 1.2 kΩ resistor in 1% is required to be tied to ground. Power & GroundVDD33 20,37 Power 3.3 V power supply for digital I/O pads.VDD12 22,35 Power 1.2 V power supply for digital core.VDDA33 3,6,8,9,10,13,14,27,30,46,47,48 Power 3.3 V power supply for analog part.GNDD 21,36 Ground Digital ground.GNDA 15,25 Ground Analog ground.1. In the Type column: “I” stands for Digital Input; “O” for Digital Output; “I/O” for Digital Input/Output; “AI” for Analog Input; “AO” for Analog Output; “AIO” for Analog Input/Output. Table 2.  Pin Description (Sheet 2 of 2)Pin Name Pin No. Type1Description
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 72 Electrical Characteristics2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings2.2 Recommended Operating ConditionsTable 3.  Absolute Maximum Ratings11. Stresses above the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to conditions beyond the absolute maximum ratings may affect the life and reliability of the device.Symbol Parameter Rating UnitMin. Max.VDDA33 3.3V Power Supply for Analog -0.3 3.6 VVDD33 3.3V Power Supply for Digital I/Os -0.3 3.6 VVDD12 1.2V Power Supply for Digital Core -0.3 1.5 VVIN Voltage on Input Pins -0.5 VDD33+0.5 VTSTG Storage Temperature -40 +125 °CVESD ESD Protection (HBM) - TBD VTable 4.  Recommended Operating Conditions11. Device functionality is not guaranteed at any conditions beyond the recommended operating conditions.Symbol Parameters Min. Typ. Max. UnitVDDA33 Analog Part Supply Voltage 2.97 3.3 3.6 VVDD33 Digital Part DC Supply Voltage for Digital I/O 2.97 3.3 3.6 VVDD12 Digital Part DC Supply Voltage for Digital Core 1.14 1.2 1.26 VTAOperating Ambient Temperature -10 - 70 °C
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 82.3 DC Electrical Characteristics2.4 Current ConsumptionTable 5.  DC Electrical CharacteristicsSymbol Parameters Min. Typ. Max. UnitVIL Low Level Input Voltage (for LVTTL) -0.28 0.6 VVIH High Level Input Voltage (for LVTTL) 2.0 3.6 VVT- Schmitt Trigger Negative Going Threshold Voltage (for LVTTL) 0.68 1.36 VVT+ Schmitt Trigger Positive Going Threshold Voltage (for LVTTL) 1.36 1.7 VVOL Low Level Output Voltage (|OL| = 1.6~14mA) -0.28 0.4 VVOH High Level Output Voltage(|OH| = 1.6~14mA) 2.4 VDD33+0.33 VTable 6.  Current ConsumptionSymbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. UnitItotalSleep mode TBD mARx Active, HT40, MCS7 TBD mARX Power saving, DTIM=1  TBD mARX Listen  TBD mATX HT40, MCS7 @13dBm  TBD mATX CCK, 11Mbps @19dBm  TBD mA
802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KMontage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 93 Mechanical Package DataFigure 3.  QFN48 Package Outline
Montage Technology Proprietary and Confidential 10802.11b/g/n Single-Chip Wi-Fi Micro ControllerM88WI6800-KContact InformationMontage Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Address: 6/F, Block A, Technology Building, 900 Yishan Road, Shanghai 200233, ChinaPhone: +86-21-6128-5678 Fax: +86-21-5426-3132E-mail: infosh@montage-tech.comWebsite: www.montage-tech.comMontage Technology, Inc.Address: 101 Metro Drive, Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95110, USAPhone: +1-408-982-2788Fax: +1-408-982-2789E-mail: infosv@montage-tech.comWebsite: www.montage-tech.comMontage Sales Contact in KoreaAddress: Suite 604, 6th Fl., B-dong, Woolim Lions Valley 5 Cha, Galmachi-ro 302, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 462-739 KoreaPhone: +82-70-8247-4520E-mail: infosk@montage-tech.comWebsite:
FCC Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  15.21 You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  15.105(b) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1) this device may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:  1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. 2. This equipment complies with RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.   FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: 1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. 2. For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets FCC RF exposure guidelines. When used with an accessory that contains metal may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.     End Product Labeling  This transmitter module is authorized only for use in devices where the antenna may be installed such that 20 centimeter may be maintained between the antenna and users. The final end product must be labeled in visible area with the following:  “Contains FCC ID: 2AEDFWM6800K”   Manual Information to the End user The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in this manual.
NCC 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法 第十二條: 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。 第十四條: 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。低功率射頻電機需忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。  此模組於取得認證後將依規定於模組本體標示審驗合格標籤,並要求平台廠商於平台上標示「本產品內含射頻模組:ID 編號」字樣。

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