Motorola Mobility T56JX1 Portable Cellular/ PCS GSM Transceiver User Manual Exhibit 8B Users Manual

Motorola Mobility LLC Portable Cellular/ PCS GSM Transceiver Exhibit 8B Users Manual


Exhibit 8B Users Manual

36For your safety 377. Battery (Cont’d)Battery charging statusType Charging in progress Charging competedTravel chargqer  cable jack Red GreenThe lamp blinks in red•   The charging terminal has a poor contact. Check if the battery is clean and try again.•   The battery or other part is defective. Contact our service center.The lamp blinks in amber•   The battery is being charged in a too hot or cold place. The lamp turns to red and start charging when the room temperature is returned.Battery operating timeType Standard battery (950mAh)Slim battery  (810mAh)Time Approx. 180 minutes Approx. 180 minutes•  The chaing time is depending on the battery status and the charger.•  The charging time may increased if the rated voltage of the charger is low.Battery charging time•   If you have more call time, it would be more convenient to charge a  battery everyday.•   In call time, using NATE, ⓜPlayon, WINC, MP3, takes more energy and shorten the operating time.•   When receiving a call, it takes energy as much as sending a call.•   Hold time becomes shorter in out-of-service areas.•   Service time may vary according to change status, temperature  (high/low), wave status in the place, background light and light status.  Based on a new battery/Bluetooth mode off/no external memory. -  The above service time of a battery pack is measured on the basis of the measurement of cell phone battery service time and display standard by SKT. Depends on the usage, measurement may be different from the manual.37 Basic Operation 1 Power On/Off  ............................  38  2 Placing a call  ............................. 39   3 Menu from the call history list  ..... 45 4 Missed calls  ............................... 46 5 My Menu settings  ..................... 46 6 Menu after entering numbers  .... 4702Low battery alarm•   If a battery is almost used up, its ‘ ’ will flash with a comment of  “Recharge your battery.”•   Even if you press the button while ‘ ’ is flashing, the lamp of the screen and buttons will not be on.•   Charge the battery immediately, the functions of the phone may not work normally. TypeStandard battery(950mAh)Slim battery(810mAh)Standard hold timeApprox. 300 hours Approx. 200 hoursVoice call time Approx. 220 minutes Approx. 000 minutes
3802 Basic Operation 39Note1. Power On/OffPress : Power OnPress and hold : Power Off Press the button around 3 seconds.󰥇 The graphic set by the user is displayed, then the phone switches into the standby mode. Press and hold the button around 3 seconds.󰥇 A graphic disappears and the power is turned off.Power On screenYou can change graphics from ‘Main Display’ of the ‘Display’ menu. Press   (Left) ▶  ‘Display’ ▶  ‘Main Display’ (Main Display, see p.72)Power OnPower Off2. Placing a call󰥇  If you press and hold     in the standby screen, the last connected number in the ‘Call List’ is dialed.󰥇  If ‘All Lock’ is set in the phone, you must enter the password to place a emergency numbers (111, 112, 113, or 119) or the speed dial number 1 and 9 (Mobile Security).󰥇  When you start to enter a number, the easy calling function runs to find the matching number from the recent call list. You can select a number with   and place a call with   .  * Easy Calling :  Easy calling service finds the matching recent call number when entering the phone number.󰥇  You can change the number style pressing   (Camera key). (Dialing Font, see p.76)Placing a Voice CallBefore Placing a voice call Placing a Voice Call➊  Placing a call by entering a phone numberEnter a phone number on the standby screen and press   .Enter the number you wish to callPress
4002 Basic Operation 412. Placing a call (Cont’d)Placing a Voice Call (Cont’d) ➋  Placing a call to a number stored in the phonebookPress   (Right) ▶ Select a number ▶   Press ➌  Placing a call with speed dialPress and hold the last digit of the speed dial number •  You can easily place a call with the speed dial number stored in the phonebook. (Edit Speed Dial, see p. 141)Speed dial number 17 Press   and then press and hold   Speed dial number 173 Press   and   and then press and hold Example➍ Placing a call with electronic dialing•   You can have the phone to memorize several numbers according to the voice announcement when you use ARS.•   You can cancel the electronic dialing by pressing   at any time during a call.Enter a phone number ▶Enter ‘P’ or ‘T’ with   , and enter the number to be dialed electronically ▶ Press   PThe numbers entered after ‘P’ are transmitted only when you press   or   (Left).TThe numbers entered after ‘T’ are transmitted automatically in a short while.Buttons for electronic dialingPlacing a Voice CallReceiving a Voice CallFor an incoming call, open the slide or press   to receive the call.󰥇  The phone rings or vibrates depending on the setting. In order to switch ring or vibration to mute, press and hold   (Volume key).󰥇  You can hang up the phone by pressing   .󰥇  If you are registered in ‘Incoming call display’ servce, the incoming call number will be displayed on the screen.NoteYou can download graphics from NATE, and change the setting in ‘Main Display’ of the ‘Display’ menu.-  Depending on the size of the graphic, it may take some time to loading up. (Download Wallpaper, see p.74)Press or open the folder to answer the call•   You can have the phone to memorize several numbers according to enter the number to be dialed electronically Enter the number you wish to callEnter ‘P’ or ‘T’
4202 Basic Operation 432. Placing a call (Cont’d)Receiving a Voice Call (Cont’d) ➊  Receiving a call with a stereo earsetPress the stereo earset key to receive the incoming call.• After the call is finished, press   or press and hold the stereo earset key to hang up the call.• If a call is incoming as the stereo earset is connected, the stereo earset rings regardless of the ring/vibration settings. Once a call is connected, it continues even if you close the folder.➋ Receiving a call settingPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press • For incoming calls, you can answer the call depending on the mode you have selected.Open the folder : Open the folder to receive calls.All key : Press any key except   to receive callsSend key : You can receive calls only by pressing Auto connect in 3 sec :  The call is connected automatically in 3 sec. after the ring.Menu descriptionIn-Call Functions➊ New MessagePress the button during a callYou can use various eonvenient functions during a call.Press   (Left) during a call ▶ Press •  You can send short message (SMS) only. (New Message, see p.130)Press   (Left) during a call and select the menu. ➋  PhonebookPress   (Left) during a call ▶ Press •  You can use the phonebook menu during a call.•  While you are searching the phonebook, you cannot edit the number or use some of the menu function such as ‘call me free’.* Call me free - The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge.➌  MutePress   (Left) during a call ▶ Press •  You can mute your voice over the phone during a call.•  To release the function, select Release Key Tone.•  When you use the function,   is displayed.•  This function is released automatically if the call is finished.➍  DTMF OffPress   (Left) during a call ▶ Press ➎  Send My numberPress   (Left) during a call ▶ Press • You can easily send your number to other’s phone during a call.•  Your number is displayed while the phone is sending the number, and after the number is sent, the phone returns to the call mode.• You can block the key tone during a call.• To release the function, select Release Key Tone.• When you use the function,   is displayed.• This function is released automatically if the call is finished.➏  Hold All OnPress   (Right) during a call ▶ Press • You can hold the call temporary.
4402 Basic Operation 452. Placing a call (Cont’d)In-Call Functions (Cont’d)➐  New CallPress   (Left) during a call ▶ Press •  The multiparty or conference service is available.•  you can swap between calls by pressing   and when the second call is connected, the first call is automatically placed on hold.•  Place one call on hold and while the active call is on, press   and then select Join all to setting up a conference call.  If you are not registered multi-call service from SKT, new call service is not available. Contact SKT Customer Center for further information.➑  Using SpeakerPress   during a call•  When you use the speaker,   is displayed. Press   to release the function.•  When you use the speaker, the microphone must face the user at a distance of not farther than 30 cm.•  This function is released automatically after the call is finished.➒  Voice in callPress   (Volume key) In-voice call•  You can adjust the voice in call.➓  Placing the second callUsing various ways you can make a multiparty or conference call.Placing a call from phonebook•  Press   (Left) during a call ▶ Select phonebook ▶ Select the number ▶ Press •  Press   (Multi-Access) during a cal ▶ Select voice/video call ▶ Select phonebook ▶ Select the number ▶ Press Placing a call from the recent call history•  Press   (Multi-Access) during a cal ▶ Select voice/video call ▶ Select the recent call number ▶ Select the number ▶ Press Placing a call using new call menu•  Press   (Left) during a call ▶ Select New Call from the menu ▶ Enter the number ▶ Press 3. Menu from Call History/TimeMenu from Call History/TimeSearch the number from the Call History list ▶ Press   (Left) 󰥇  For restricted numbers, you can only use Time Info, Repeated Calls on, and Delete functions.New Message Send a message.Cyworld Connect to the mobile homepage. (NATE Phone P, see p.63)Send/Connect•  Voice message : Record and send a voice message to the number you have entered. (The receiver gets the text message for detail)• Call me free :  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge.• Number via message :  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge.Time Info Check the call duration.New Contact Save the phone number in the phonebook, if it’s not saved in the USIM card.Repeated Calls on Manage all repeated calls.Block Number Block the selected number.Delete Delete all or delete the selected number.Menu descriptionSelect the number from the call history list and press this button
4602 Basic Operation 47󰥇  If you press   when ‘Missed Call’ message box is displayed, you can check the list of incoming calls. 󰥇  With the slide closed, press and hold the   (Volume key) to check the missed calls.󰥇  To check missed calls from the menu go to ‘Phonebook’ ▶ ‘Call HistoryTime’▶‘Received Calls’.󰥇  To check from the call history list, press   . 󰥇  By pressing   , your call will be connecting to missed call number. 4. Missed CallIf you fail to receive a call, following image is displayed on the screen.5. My Menu SettingsYou can register up to 12 frequently used menu in My Menu.My Menu preference Select the icon registeration completed󰥇  Press   on the standby screen to check My Menu, Register or Delete. 󰥇  The menu will not be deleted even if you copy to My Menu.Select a menu ▶ press   (Left) ▶ Select ‘Yes’ to select the icon6. Menu after entering a numberIn-call menuEnter a phone number on the standby screen ▶ Press   (Left)New message Send a messageCyworld Connect to the mobile homepage (NATE Phone P, see p.63)Send/Connect• Voice message :  Record and send a voice message to the number you have entered. (The receiver gets the text message for detail)• Call me free :  The receiver, not the caller, pays the call charge.Search Number Search the number from phonebookHide My Number Hide my phone number to the receiverGo to Calendar Move to the date on the schedule calendar corresponding to the number enteredMenu descriptionPress this button after entering a number on standby screen.You can use the following simple function in relation with the phone number.
48For your safety 49Entering Text 1 Entering text mode  .................. 50 2 Using menu when entering text  ....  5203MEMO
5003 Entering Text 51•  Enter an initial consonant, a medial vowel and a final consonant in accordance with Korean orthography. If the final consonant does not meet Korean orthography, it is moved to the initial consonant of the next character. - Initial consonant:‘ㅎ’ is initial consonant in ‘홍’ - Medial vowel: ‘ㅗ’ is medial vowel in ‘홍’ - Final consonant: ‘ㅇ’ is final consonant in ‘홍’•   To enter a second vowel on a key, press the key twice. (If it’s ‘ㅏㅓ3’, ‘ㅓ’ is a second vowel.) •  To enter a diphthong, press the key in order of the strokes, or enter the basic vowel and press   .•   Press   again to change to basic from diphthong.1. Entering text modechange text modeEntering text on memoEntering text mode󰥇 Select a mode by pressing   (Right) in the text mode. 󰥇 Use   or   to move the cursor and enter letters. 󰥇 Press   to delete a character, press and hold to delete all. Writing KoreanEnter the text and move the cursor ➊  Writing consonants•  Press a key once to write the first consonant marked on the key. Press the key twice to enter the hard sound of the consonant.•  You can enter the sound consonant by pressing the first consonant plus   , and if you press   again the first consonant is delete.ㅈPress   once  ㅊPress   and ㅉPress   twice ㅋPress   and Example Writing English and numbers➋  Writing vowelsㅏPress   once.  ㅑPress   and   . ㅓPress   twice.  ㅕPress   twice and   . ㅐPress   and   .  ㅢPress   three times, or press   and   . Example➊  Writing English characters and numbers•  Press the key once, twice and three times in order to write the first, second and the third English character on a key.•  Press   in the English mode (upper or lower case) once and twice to enter ‘@’ and ‘.’.LPress   three times. OPress   three times. VPress   three times. EPress   twice. .Press   twice. ➋  Writing numbers•  Press the number button to write in the number mode.•  Press and hold the number button in any other mode.Example
52For your safety 53Note2. Using menu when entering textEntering the text in memo󰥇  You can select and enter generally used symbols.(Mail, Fig1, Fig2, Line, Unit, Circ, Brace, Jpn1, Jpn2, ^-^)󰥇 Press   to select a symbol, and press   to scroll pages.󰥇 Press the key of the desired symbol, and then press   [OK] to write the symbol.Select the text modeSelect a menu by pressing   (Left) button in the text mode. EmoticonsYou can use richer menu (character color, picture/character emoticons, and phrases) and symbols when writing in the message mode than in text mode (New message, see p.130) T Service 1 Roaming  ....................................................  54  2 M Service Center .................................  55 3 T Service  ...................................................  56 4 NATE  .............................................................  57 5 W  ......................................................................58 6 MONETA .....................................................  60 7 WINC(Mobile Address) ....................  62 8 NATE Phone P ........................................  63 9 T Interactive ..............................................  6304
5404 T Service 55CAUTION1. RoamingGlobal roaming screen Select systemYou can use your own phone abroad without subscribing for any service.•   If you wish to change the setting for the global roaming service, please contact the Customer Center.- Changing the settings at your own discretion may disable the phone.•  Select the other wireless service provider from the system when a call does not fuction properly.For international call, press and hold   and insert international telephone code(+).PressPress󰥇  You can select the roaming service system provider of each country.󰥇  The default password is ‘0000’.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Enter passwordAuto Select :  You can check if mobile phone services are available for such place and it automatically connects to the availble service system.Manual Select :  You can select after searching the available roaming services. (If you have selected unavailable roaming service system, you cannot make a call. Select other service or change to place a call.)Menu description Roaming auto dial󰥇  When placing a call from abroad, you don’t have to enter the international call access number and national code. -  You can place a call from the number in the phonebook or the call history list.󰥇  The roaming auto dial screen is displayed on the standby screen when you set the roaming auto dial function.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press 2. M Service Center󰥇  You can connect to [NATE] directly by pressing **114 on standby screen.󰥇  You can query bill, view information on supplementary services, service rate and membership, and use the real time service.󰥇  When you select the area, you can get area information, location, and phone number.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press M Customer Service start-up screenYou can contact SKT  Customer Center to receive various customer support services.
5604 T Service 57Note3. T ServiceT service menuSorisam You can retrieve the voice messages which were received when you couldn’t answer the calls.Auto Connection If you cannot receive a call before the receiving signal (ring/vibration) is expired, the call is redirected to the designated number.Call Forwarding The incoming call is automatically connected to the registered number.Jungbosam You can receive the messages on the selected news, sports news at the designated time.Traffic News  You can receive traffic information on expressways, highways, railroads, air traffic and Seoul local traffic.Password Call You can set the password to prevent others from using your phone.Number Plus You can receive a separate receive-only number other than the SKT number.Edit T Service If an SKT supplementary service number is changed, you can change the access number.Menu descriptionou can subscribe, cancel subscription or use Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 4. NATEYou can access NATE to search information or download various content such as games and ringtones.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  Press   to connect NATE.•  Data call rate and information service fee are charged when you use NATE. Visit M customer center or contact SKT customer center.•  If you download content from wireless internet (NATE, june, ⓜPlayon, Game Box, etc.) when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, ‘lack of memory’ message is displayed. You can download the content by executing the memory manager and deleting the content stored in the phone. (Memory Manager, see p.89)•  If the memory is full, you might not be able to use some munu functions on the downloaded content.Favorite  You can register and move to frequently accessed web pages.History Shows the list of recently accessed sites.Move  You can enter a web page address and move to the site.Tools Provides you with useful tools you can use for NATE service.Description of NATE button Description on menu (Left) Move to NATE browser menu (Right) Move to previous pageNavigate Press-select/runPress and hold-NATE start up pageMove to previous pageEnd NATEPressPress Press
5804 T Service 595. W󰥇 You can go to W menu directly by pressing   button standby screen. Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press W main screenMobile Web InternetYou can enjoy various content such as wireless internet, chatting, real-time TV, i’s box, etc,.June VideoPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Select june videoYou can enjoy various types of content including TV, movie, music, game, sports and ringtone, and download multimedia content using the premium service.󰥇  June service screen and content are subject to change depending on the circumstances of the service providers.󰥇  The default june content provided are not recoverable if you delete them at your own discretion or by mistake.󰥇  You can check the downloaded june content in the june content box. You can download any june content from the web until the june memory gets full.󰥇  If you fail to download a full content, you can resume downloading.󰥇 You can receive calls while using the june service. When the call is finished, june screen is displayed.󰥇  If you download content from wiress internet (NATE, june, ⓜPlayon, Game Box etc,.) when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, TSM (memory manager) is started. You can download the content by executing the memory manager and deleting the content stored in the phone. (excluding protected june downloaded content live ringtone content and live screen content)  TSM(Memory Manager) is a service  that allows you to  delete the old contents and download new content when the memory is full. Real-time TVPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Select Real-time TVYou can watch the ground-wave and cable TV.󰥇  Press   and set the current channel to the default or select the schedule and time to view the program schedule specifically.󰥇  Press   to select the channel, and press   to watch it. 󰥇 You can adjust volume by pressing   (Volume key).   For the real-time TV service. Note that an excessive call rate may be charged if you don’t subscribe for SKT’s rate system. See the rate system guide or contact SKT Customer Center for further information.
6004 T Service 61Membership & LifePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press    Select Membership & LifeThis service is only for SKT member.-  You can download various and convenient informations to your USIM card. (Membership card, retailer, event, membership coupon, IC chip service, etc.)Moneta homePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   select Moneta homeyou can process a payment  transaction such as bank,  credit card, transportation card, stock services, and etc.MBANK  Use bank services such as financial summary, bill payment, transfer, loans, etc.Credit Card Manage credit card information.MSTOCK Use market rate, and various stock services.Transportation  Supports transportation card (T-money) and top quality station informations.Membership & LifeSKT member service.  (Membership card, retailer, event, membership coupon, IC chip service, etc.)Authentication Use and save authentication in the phone.NATE Finanance Use NATE stock/financial service.NATE Home Connect to NATE home.6. MonetaUsing USIM card, you can process a payment transaction such as bank, credit card, transportation card, stock services, and etc.󰥇  You can easily move to Moneta by pressing   from the stadby screen.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press PreferencePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   PreferenceBy pressing and holding   , you can set the button and set the payment card. Press and hold setting Select the function that you want to run when press and hold the button. payment card setting Select the card when you use to pay. i’s boxPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   select i’s boxSaved or captured photos or movies, you can make the movie as UCC and register to the i’s box to share with other users.  You need to register the service first in order to use it, and a call rate and an additional information service fee are charged.tossiPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   select tossiTossi is essentially a microblogging service that you can send and share your emotions in a simple form.  A call rate and an additional information service fee are charged. For more informations and rate guide, see tossi homepage ( Contents BoxPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   select June Contents BoxYou can manage, save, and play downloaded music contents or MP3 files.(June Contents Box, see p.85) Contents sill play even if you close the folder.5. W (Cont’d)
6204 T Service 637. WINC(Mobile address) •  You can access the wireless internet site by pressing   on standby screen.•  List of recommended phone pages may vary depending on the circumstances of the service provider.You can easily access a wireless internet site by entering numbers instead of a complex domain address.  Contact the service provider or visit WINC homepage ( for further information. Site Mobile address Site Mobile addressSKTelecom 11 Lotte M Mall 452Daum 3355 Seoul Metropolitan Government 702Naver 369 Korea Tourist Organization 1330Yahoo Korea 9090 Bus Guide Service 287SBS Ⓜ727 National Internet Development Korea 6432GS eshop 4747 Korea E-government 6468CJ Mall 2525 Incheon International Airport 247Recommended phone page8. NATE Phone PEnter the phone number on the standby screen ▶ Press You can use Mobile Cyworld on your phone.󰥇  Select a mobile number in the phonebook, press   (Left)[Menu], and select ‘Cyworld’.   Contact the service provider or visit Cyworld Mobile homepage ( for a service fee and further information.9. T InteractiveOn the standby screen, press You can use the frequently used phone functions/contact information and mobile internet services from the standby screen.󰥇  On the T Interactive service screen, press   to move to the service you want.󰥇  If you install the T interactive service, the service initial screen is actived automatically on the standby screen. If you don’t want the service to be automatically started, press   (Left)[Menu], and release the setting in preferences.   A service fee is charged when you use the service. Contact the service provider or visit T-interactive homepage ( for application for the service and further information.
6405 Sounds6565MEMOSounds 1 Ringtone Style  ......................................  66 2 Download Ringtone  .........................  66  3 Vibrate Style  ...........................................  67 4 Call Alert Style .......................................  67 5 Volume  ........................................................  68 6 Operation Effects  ...............................  69  7 Reminder Alerts  ..................................  69 8 System Alerts  ........................................  70 9 My Etiquette  ...........................................  7005
6605 Sounds67Note󰥇  You can connect to NATE and download a ringtone.󰥇  If you press  , the ringtone types are displayed.󰥇   If you press   (Right)[Connect] in  ‘Live ringtone’ or ‘My ringtone’, you can download ringtones from NATE.󰥇  When the etiquette mode is  released, you can use   (Volume key) to adjust the volume.󰥇  You can manage live ringtones in  ‘Phone Decoration’ menu of ‘Contents’. (Phone Decoration, see p.88)1. Ringtone StyleYou can set a ringtone for incoming calls.2. Download RingtoneYou can download a ringtone from NATE.•   In addition to the default ringtones stored in your phone, you can download various ringtones from the melody downloading service of your service provider.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press  Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  Depending on the type of the  ringtone downloaded, it saved in  ‘My ringtone’ or ‘Live ringtone’.󰥇  You can also find the downloaded ringtones in the ‘Ringtone Box’ menu of ‘Contents’. (Ringtone Box, see p.80)󰥇  You can release the etiquette mode when pressing and holding   in NATE. (except My Etiquette Mode)➊  Downloading ringtones from 700 service•  Select a ringtone according to the voice service.  Open the message received from 700 service,  and press   to downloaded the ringtone.Enter 700 service number ▶ Press 󰥇  You can select different types of rhythm and vibration interval.3. Vibrate StyleYou can set various vibrate style.4. Call Alert StyleYou can set the ring/vibrate for incoming calls, alarms  or alerts.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press  Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  If the Etiquette mode is on, the phone vibrates for receiving calls even if you change the setting in ‘Call Alert Style’. When the Etiquette mode is released, the phone returns to the latest setting.󰥇  The message alert tone is depending on the message alert setting.Ring Vibrate Ring & VibrateVibrate then Ring Ring Louder SilentMenu description
6805 Sounds69NoteNote4. Call Alert Style (Cont’d)You can set the ring/vibrate for incoming calls, alarms or alerts.➊  Setting Etiquette mode•   is displayed on the standby screen.•  You can use the Etiquette mode in a public place. You can still hear ring through the stereo earset if it is connected to the phone.•  The etiquette mode is maintained when you switch off/on the phone as the etiquette mode is on.Press and hold   on the standby screen (Press and hold again to release the mode)Vibration :  Power on, ring, alarm (except morning call), message alert (except when ‘Message alert’ is off)Mute :  Call connect  tone, power off, dialog box  tone, out of SVC  coverage alert (out of phone service area), menu tone, key tone, low battery alert, shuttle tone, 1min time alert toneEmergency alarm :  Emergency message alert - Emergency message is transmitted when there’s emergency situation in a specific area so that the users can take the approporiate actionSound : Photo/Video tone, morning callMenu description5. VolumeYou can control volume for each function.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  Adjust the volume with   (volume key), and press   to save the setting.6. Operation EffectsYou can select the effect tones for operation of the phone.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 7. Reminder AlertsYou can set alert tones for various information of the hone.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press Voice in Call : Control the earpiece volumeRingtone : Control incoming call volumeOperation Effects : Control phone operating effect toneReminder Alerts : Control volumes of various information alertsSystem Alerts : Control volumes of various alert tonesAlarms : Control volumes for alarmWallpaper :  Control volumes of movie and downloaded contents ⓜPlayon : Contro volume for ⓜPlayon menuMenu description•     If the live screen is selected, the effect tone is  depending on june preference (Live screen sound, see p.146).  -   If the live screen tone is off, no sound is heard.•  You can set the effect tone with    (Volume key) on the standby screen. If the volume is not higher than step 1 or if the Etiquette mode or  My Etiquette mode is on no effect tone is heard.Operation Effects :   You can select a theme package or custom theme.Power On/Off : Effect tone for power on/offKey Tone : Effect tone for key actionFolder Sound : Effect tone for folder opening/closingConfirm Box : Effect tone for pop-up windowMain Menu : Effect tone for menu selectionMenu descriptionReminder Alerts :  Select the theme package or custom themeMissed Call : Set the missed call alert toneRepeat : Set the repeat count of the missed call alert toneSchedule : Select the schedule alarm toneAnniversary : Select the anniversary alarm toneD-day : Select the D-day alert toneMeeting Planner : Select the meeting planner alarm toneMenu description
70718. System AlertsThe phone notifies you of any error on the system or  any incident set by the user.9. My EtiquetteRegardless of ring setting in the phone, the ring switches into the Etiquette mode (depending on cycle and  ring/vibrate setting) at the designated time. (The Etiquette mode has the priority over the My Etiquette mode)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇          is displayed on the standby screen during the selected time for My Etiquette mode.󰥇   If the stereo earset is connected, you can hear the ring through the earset.󰥇  You cannot set My Etiquette mode if the start time is the same with content.󰥇  My Etiquette mode may not be applied to some of the supplementary content.󰥇  My Etiquette mode is not applied to  morning call emergency message alert and photo/video shutter tone.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press Connect tone :  When the call is connectedDisconnect tone :  When the call is disconnected1min timer :  At every minute since the call is connectedOut of SVC alert :  When the phone is out of the service coverageLow battery alert :  When the battery is lowMenu descriptionAll vibrate :  Same as the Etiquette mode  (Setting Etiquette mode, see p.68)Alarm & Alert only :  The ring/vibrate setting is applied to alarm bell, anniversary, D-day, Meeting Planner alarm only.  (Call Alert Style, see p.67)All ring/vibrate off : Silent Mode (no ring & no vibrate)Ring/Vibrate SettingDisplay 1 Main Display  ..........................................  72  2 Download wallpaper  .......................  74 3 Download Font  ....................................  74 4 Menu Type  ...............................................  75 5 Screen Design  ......................................  75 6 Dialing Font  ............................................  76  7 Backlight Control  ...............................  7706
7206 Display731. Main DisplayYou can change and set the graphics on standby screen.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press Standby screen󰥇  You can preview the screen by pressing   (Right).󰥇   You can set ‘Clock Type’, ‘Date/Time Color’, ‘Navigation Key’,‘Greeting Banner’ and ‘Banner Position’ be displayed on the standby screen.󰥇  If you select a flash (flash clock 1~7) for the standby screen in the standby screen setting menu, the clock type is automatically set to the flash clock.󰥇  You cannot use this function if a phone theme is selected.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press  Clock Type :  You can set the type of date, clock, and calendar to be displayed on the standby screen.Date/Time Color :  You can select the color for the date and time to be displayed on the standby screen.Navigation Key :  You can set the display of the hot connect keys to be displayed on the standby screen.Greeting Banner :  You can write a banner to be displayed on the standby screen- D-day/Network signal(SK Telecom) settingBanner Position :  You can select the position of the banner or D-day on the standby screen.Menu description󰥇  Scroll up/down   and set the main display by pressing   .󰥇  Move left/right   and select the wallpaper by pressing   .  -  You can slelect from default screen, flash screen, color, my gallery, photo, video, live screen.󰥇 You can check various graphics by pressing   .󰥇  You can manage the live screen with ‘Phone Decoration’ menu in ‘Contents’. (Phone Decoration, see p.88)󰥇    Button Guide: Displays function when pressing   in the standby mode󰥇    Top numbers: Displays 󰥇    Scheduler: Displays schedule󰥇    Memo: Displays memo󰥇    None: Displays nothing on the screenStandby screen ▶ Press   Quick functionYou can set the various functions menu on standby screen.   You can set high usage functions in the standby screen.
7406 Display753. Download FontYou can connect to NATE and download all types of font (size and font type) and display on the screen.󰥇  Downloaded font is saved in ‘Font Box’ of ‘Contents’.(Font Box, see p.81)󰥇  Font type applies as soon as you download the font and you can use it until the expire date (extention is possible).Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 4. Menu TypeYou can set the style of menu displayed on the screen.󰥇  You can preview the menu type by pressing   (Right).󰥇  You can change the menu type by pressing   (Left) and then  (Left) on the standby screen.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 5. Screen DesignYou can set ‘Style’, ‘Font Type’, ‘Font Size’, ‘Font Color’, ‘Screen Background’, ‘BG Transparency’, and ‘Ctrl Transparency’ of the phone screen.󰥇  When setting the style, press   to check the list of the sub menu.󰥇   In the sub menu, press   to move left/right and select the font you want. Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press Base Font : Font stored in the phone.Font Mate : Font downloaded from NATE.Download Font : Font downloaded from Motorola’s homepageFont TypeNote2. Download WallpaperYou can download various graphics from NATE.󰥇  You can download graphics from NATE.󰥇  You can find the downloaded graphics in ‘Wallpaper Box’ of ‘Contents’ or in ‘Phone Theme’ of    ‘ⓜPlayon’.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press •  After connecting to NATE, you can download until the memory gets full. (NATE, see p.57)•  It may take some time to load up the graphic depending on the size of the downloaded graphics.
7606 Display77How to download Menu Type(Flash Menu) or My Moto Font(Vector Font). 1)    Download the PC sync program from Motorola home (, and install the program in the PC.2)   Run the PC sync program, select Personalize, and click Flash Menu or Vector Font.3)   Select a Flash Menu or Vector Font and click [Send To Phone]. The selected data is stored in the phone.5. Screen Design (Cont’d)You can set ‘Style’, ‘Font Type’, ‘Font Size’, ‘Font Color’, ‘Screen Background’, ‘BG Transparency’, and ‘Ctrl Transparency’ of the phone screen.Note•  When setting up the font size, it applys to start-up screen. Even if you set up the font size big, its maximum font size is normal.•  Visit Motorola’s homepage ( and you can download various Flash Menu and Vector Font.6. Dialing FontWhen you enter numbers on the standby screen, you can set their style on the screen.󰥇   If you press   (Right) during setting, you can check number styles to set in advance.󰥇  You can change numeric styles by pressing   (Camera button), when you enter a number on the standby screen.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 7. Backlight ControlPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  If you do not use the phone with in the configured lighting time after opening the slide, the screen goes to the screen saver mode and the light turns off. 󰥇  If the backlight in call is set to ‘general’, the screen dims during the call. If you set it ‘off’, the backlight turns off in 10 seconds after the call is connected. You can set the lighting for the main display, backlight in call, main LCD brightness, sub LCD brightness, keypad, and keypad brightness.
7805 Sounds7905 소리7979Contents 1 Ringtone Box ..........................................  80 2 Wallpaper Box .......................................  80 3 Font Box .....................................................  81 4 Photo/Movie Album ..........................  81  5 MMS Contents Box ..........................  82  6 ⓜPlayon .....................................................  83 7 June Contents Box ............................  85 8 Phone Decoration ...............................  88 9 Captured Screen .................................  88 10 Memory Manager ..............................  8907MEMO
8007 Contents811. Ringtone BoxYou can save the ringtones downloaded from NATE and check the default ringtone settings.󰥇  If you press   in Live Bell or My Bell, you can download ringtones from NATE.󰥇  You can set and view the information of the ringtones by pressing   .󰥇  You can manage live ringtones in the ‘Phone Decoration’ menu of ‘Contents’. (Phone Decoration, see p.88)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 2. Wallpaper BoxYou can check the downloaded Wallpaper from NATE.󰥇  If you press   (Right) in Downloads or Live Screen, you can download wallpaper from NATE.󰥇   You can set a wallpapaer, view pictures and delete a picture, by pressing   .󰥇   If you select My Gallery, you can edit the saved pictures into the folder and set as wallpaper.󰥇  The flash pictures downloaded from Nate can be checked in the Theme folder of ⓜPlayon menu.󰥇  You can manage Live Screen in the ‘Phone Decoration’ menu of ‘Contents’. (Phone Decoration, see p.88)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 3. Font BoxYou can save the fonts downloaded from NATE or Motorola homepage.󰥇  Font Mate :  You can manage downloaded font (font type and size) from NATE. (Download Font, see p.74)-  You can connect to NATE and download the font by pressing   (Right).󰥇  Downloaded Font:  You can manage the fonts downloaded from Motorola homepage. [Menu Type (Flash Menu) or My Moto Font (Vector Font) Download Font, see p.74]Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 4. Photo/Movie AlbumYou can view the photos/movies taken with the phone or attached to the MMS message.󰥇  You can view the photos/videos downloaded through PC Sync program. (Photo Album, see p.96, Movie Album, see p.98)󰥇  Select Photo box 1~2 or External memory photo folder, and press   (Left). You can select/delete all, manage the folder, and view/sort the file.󰥇  Select the photo and press   (Left) to use various menu such as Send message, i’s box, Visual Expression, Create Slide, Move/Copy, Protect/Lock, Unselect All, Delete, and Send via Bluetooth.➊  Photo AlbumPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press
8207 Contents834. Photo/Movie Album (Cont’d)You can view the photos/movies taken with the phone or attached to the MMS message.󰥇  Select Movie box 1~2 or External memory photo folder, and press   (Left). You can select/delete all, manage the folder, and view/sort the file.󰥇  Select the movie and press   (Left) to use various menu such as i’s box, Visual Expression, Create Slide, Move/Copy, Protect/Lock, Unselect All, Delete, and Send via Bluetooth.󰥇    If a movie file is lower than 950kbyte or set as movie mail, you can send as a MMS message.-In this case, data fee is charged.󰥇Select Movie box 1~2 or External memory photo folder, and ➋  Movie AlbumPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press 5. MMS Contents BoxThe content available for attachment to messages are stored.󰥇  You can check photos, pictures, music, and video content in the attachment file box, or download new content from NATE content shop. (Contents Box, see p.134)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 6. ⓜPlayonYou can use the downloaded content without reconnecting NATE.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  If the phone is set to mute in preferences of ⓜPlayon, the phone makes no sound when you move between the ⓜPlayon folder menu.󰥇  If you have no sufficient free space in the memory, you can download the content by deleting the content stored in the phone.󰥇 You can answer a call while you use the content, and return to the content after the call.Note•  If you downloaded ⓜPlayon content when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, TSM (memory manager) is started. You can download the content by deleting the content stored in the phone (excluding protected jun contents, live bell, and live screen content).*   TSM (Memory Manager) function that manages the memory and asks you if you wish to delete the existing content.•   If you delete all content from ⓜPlayon, the content stored in Game box are also deleted.•  If you download content from  ⓜPlayon, a call rate and an information service fee are charged. NATE Home : Move to NATE menu /   Playon : Acess the ⓜPlayon service Phone theme : Wallpaper content are stored /   Cyworld : Connect to the mobile Cyworld  i’s box : Make and manage UCC, and upload  JukeBox31nl : Connect to Game service Membership & Life : SKT member serviceMenu description
8407 Contents856. ⓜPlayon (Cont’d)You can use the downloaded content without reconnecting NATE.Using downloaded content menuManage You can modify (rename) the selcted content, move the content, move the folder, and check the information.Delete You can delete the selected content.Add folder You can create a folder to manage the content.Delete all You can delete all the downloaded content.(If you select Delete all, all the content in Juke Box content are also deleted.)Preferences  You can check the memory and set the volume and auto sorting order of the downloaded content.7. June Contents BoxYou can save, manage, and play the music content downloaded or received through internet.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇   You can select the content you want to play by pressing   .󰥇  You can download the music content as long as the memory capacity allows.󰥇  You cannot play the content which is not completely downloaded. You can resume downloading by pressing   (Right).󰥇  You can receive a call while playing the music content. The phone returns to the music play mode after the call.󰥇   You can control volume with   (Volume key) as the content is being played. The phone continues playing music even if you close the folder.󰥇  You can select a section to be repeated by pressing   . If you press   again, the slected section is repeated (for vertical play).󰥇    If you press   (Left), you can use the multi-tasking function to change settings while playing music conent.󰥇  You can change the settings for the music content stored in the june contents box with NATE player preferences menu. (June setting, see p.146)Note•   If you download content from wireless internet (NATE, june, ⓜPlayon, Game Box , etc.) when you have no sufficient free space in the memory, the ‘lack of memory’ message is displayed. You can download the content by executing the memory manager and deleting the content stored in the phone.
8607 Contents877. June Contents Box (Cont’d)You can save, manage, and play the music content downloaded or received through internet.Registered album folderAll the content folders stored in the phoneContent play timeContent file size (Right)[Play]The last played content folder (Left)[Menu]Delete You can delete the selected content.Add to my album You can save the selected content in My album.Sort You can change the order of content to be played.Manage content/lyrics You can rename title, set/release protection, view content information, and update lyrics.Sort content You can change the order of content by type or by date.Delete all You can delete all the content.➊  NATE player screen and keysContent play icon [Select]Play mode  You can select the play option (Once, random, repeat, repeat random).Using menu on the NATE Player windowUsing menu while playing the music content (for vertical play)■ For vertical play➋  Keys while playing music contentSelect content in NATE Player screen ▶ Press   (Right)Set repeatView listStop (Upper menu)Press-NextPress & Hold-Fast FowardHorizontal view (full screen)MenuPause/PlayPress-PreviousPress & Hold-Rewind■ For horizontal playIn the vertical view ▶ Press Press-Previous, Press & Hold-RewindView listStop (Upper menu)Set repeatPress-Next, Press & Hold-Fast FowardMenuPause/PlayVertical view•  You can adjust volume during vertical/horizontal play by pressing  (Volume key).-  You can release the lock setting by pressing down   the lock button.
8807 Contents898. Phone DecorationYou can manage the downloaded live bell or live screen content downloaded from NATE.󰥇  You can set live bell/screen, delete, manage content and delete all by pressing   (Left).󰥇 You can play the selected content by pressing   (Right).Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 9. Captured Screen You can check captured screen in the offline mode.󰥇  You can capture the screen by pressing   (Left) on the designated screen and press   (Right) to save the captured screen. (You can change the title before saving the file by pressing   .)󰥇  If you select ‘Reset’ from the preference menu, all captured screen will be deleted. (Reset, see p.152)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 10. Memory ManagerYou can manage the memory in the phone, external memory, and USIM card.󰥇  Select one of the memory information, and press   to display the menu for the selected item.(Excluding June contents box, map, USIM’s phone number/message and others)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press
9005 Sounds9105 소리9191MEMOMy Moto 1 Camera  ......................................................  92 2 Subway Map .......................................... 104 3 Dictionary ..................................................  106  4 E-book ........................................................ 108 5 Stopwatch ................................................. 108 6 Enjoy Wine ............................................... 109  7 USB Mass Storage ........................... 11208
9208 My Moto93Note1. CameraBefore using camera󰥇  Have the object stand still when you taking a photo.󰥇   Hold the phone with both hands to prevent shaking.󰥇  Rub the camera lens from time to time with soft cloth. - Camera lens can be damaged󰥇  Battery consumption increases when using the camera.󰥇  It is recommended to take a photo outdoor or inside the room with light. If you take the photo at night or dark place, set the brightness maximum.CAUTIONS•  Place and use the phone in the safe place. - Keep the phone away from the magnetic components. •  Be careful that dust or sand should not infiltrate into the phone.•  The camera lens is weak to impact. Do not drop the phone or give  strong impact.•  Do not face the lens to the sun or strong light. - The camera lens can be damaged.•   Avolid the place where there is sudden fluctuation of temperature and humidity. - In this case, turn off the power and dry the phone.➊  Recording with the folder closed󰥇  When you close the slide.󰥇  When you open the slide.•  Recording/Capturing photo or movie screen is set to vertical when  opening the slide and set to horizontal when closing the slide.•  Captured photo/movie is set to vertical automatically.•  Multi-Access function is unavailable during recording/capturing.CAUTIONS•  Do not take a photo or video when you are not permitted or which may intrude other person’s privacy. - You may have to compensate for vidation of portrait or intrusion of privacy.•  Taking and distribution of a candid photo via internet is a criminal act and is subject to civil/criminal punishment.•  Do not take a photo or video where it is forbidden.•  In order to prevent the misuse of camera phones, this product is designed to sound the camera tone in accordance with the relative regulations.•  Observe the camera etiquette, and do not modify the camera tone at your own discretion.
9408 My Moto95Note1. Camera (Cont’d)You can manage captured photo.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶or Press and hold   (Camera)󰥇   With the folder closed, press and hold   (Camera) to take a photo.(Only whe n lock is released.)󰥇   When saving the photo, press   (Left) to use i’s box, send message, and visual expression menu.-You can use this only when saving the photo is set as manual.󰥇   Press   (Right) to change the file name, you can send it through MMS.󰥇   You can receive a call during capturing the photo. It automatically switch to incoming call screen. (However you cannot go back to camera mode after the call.)Photo• Press   or   (Camera) to take a photo. • To set the record/capture functions, press   (Volume key).■ Icons descriptionZoom :  Enlarge an object captured at a long distance.(You cannot use 1200x1600, 960x1280, and 640x480)Bright : You can adjust brightness of the photo.Contrast : You can adjust sharpness of the photo.Effect : You can use various colors and filtering effects.Frame :  You can put the photo in various photo frames.(Supported size: 240x320, 320x240)Flip : You can reverse up/down or left/right of the photo.➊ Taking photos■ Setting camera menuMode :  If you select photo, video or video mail, the phone switches into the preview mode of the selected function.Size : You can set the photo size. 1200x1600, 960x1280, 480x640, 300x400, 240x320, 144x176Quality :  You can set the resolution of the photo.-High: for printing-Normal: for downloading to PC or for E-mail-Low: for saving in the phoneSetting : You can set day/night mode.Serial :  Auto continued shooting (You cannot use 1600x1200 and 1280x960)Timer : You can use the timer 3 sec., 5 sec., 10 sec.Select Memory :  Select phone/external memoryMemory Info :  You can check the total memory and the remaining free space.
9608 My Moto971. Camera (Cont’d)➋ Photo Album•  You can view and manage the photos.•  If you press   (Right) in the photo preview mode, you can access Photo Album.•  Some functions (Display, Move/Copy files, Sort files, and Select all) are restricted in the external memory folder.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press ■ Using Photo Album MenuSend to Message :  Attach the photo and transfer through MMS message.Send/Register :  Send the photo to various services. - i’s box : Connect to i’s box service and send the photo. - Cyworld : Send photo to the mobile cyworld homepage.Delete : Delete the selected photo (excluding protected photos).Set as Display : Set the photo as a default display.Edit Photo :  Edit photos (This menu is only available for photo sizes less than 640x480.)Make Slide :  Eidt photos and make it as slide show.Move/Copy : Move/Copy the photos in the current folder to other folder.File Info/Manager :  Check the photo information, and rename the file.- Set the file lock/unlock.Folder Manager : Edit the folder, rename it, and set lock/unlock.File view : View the photos stored in the selected folder.File sort : Sort the photos in the selected folder.Delete All : Delete all photos stored in the folder except protected ones.  Note that information fee or additional data fee is imposed on photos attached to an MMS messenger or image call service.NotePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇   Select   (Right) to cancel movie capturing and choose   (Left) to pause.󰥇   When saving the movie, press   (Left) to use i’s box, send message, and visual expression menu. Also after renaming the movie, press   to save it. -  You can use this only when saving the movie is set as manual.󰥇   Depends on the memory capacity, the recording time may vary.󰥇     If you close the folder when capturing the movie, captured movie file will stop and does not save into your phone. • To capture a movie, press   or   (Camera).• To set the record/capture functions, press   (Volume key) to move and select.•  If an incoming call arrives while capturing movies, press   to connect the call. The captured movie is automatically stored in the movie album.• After the call, the screen is switched to the movie preview status.•  To send a movie message, press   (Left) and select movie mail in capture mode. The cell phone is optimized for sending a message MMS. Note that additional data service charge is imposed on the transmitted MMS message.➊ Movie CaptureYou can capture movies and manage the captured movies.Movie
9808 My Moto991. Camera (Cont’d)■ Icons descriptionZoom :  Enlarge an object captured at a long distance.(Except 1200X1600, 960X1280)Bright : You can adjust brightness of the photo.Contrast : You can adjust sharpness of the photo.Effect : Apply various colors and filtering effects.■ Setting camera menuCamera : Switch between front and rear camera.Mode :  Select one of Photo, Movie, Movie Mail, and VT movie to move to preview mode of the selected item.Size : Set size of movie screen. (176x144, 320x240)Select Memory :  Select saving folder between the phone and external memeory. ➋ Self CapturePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can take a self capture using the front camera of the phone.•  If you press   (Right) in the photo preview mode, you can access Photo Album.•  Some functions (Display, Move/Copy files, Sort files, and Select all) are restricted in the external memory folder.■ Using Movie Album Menu i’s box : Connect to i’s box service and send the photoDelete : Delete the selected movie (excluding protected movies).Set as Standby : Set the movie as a default display.Set as Ringtone : Set as ringtone for selected movie.Move/Copy : Move/Copy the movies in the current folder to other folder.Info. Manager :  Manage the movie file and folder.  - File Info/Manager :  Check the movie information, and rename the file.  - Set the file lock/unlock.  - Folder Manager :  Edit the folder, rename it, and set lock/unlock.File view :  Select to view the saved movie file.Select All :  Select all saved movies in the folder and use menu functions.■ Icons used for playing movieNote•  When paying the movie press   (Camera) to view as horizontally and press   (Camera)to view as vertically when playing the movie as horizontally.•  When etiquette mode is not released, volume key does not activated.•  If you reset the etiquette mode for a movie during capturing, your mobile phone does not recover etiquette mode after movie capturing is completed.•  If a call is received during playing, the mobile phone returns to the receive screen and the play screen is automatically recovered after the call is completed.: Pause/Play: Set Repeat: Stop(Move to the previous page): Rewind: Forward(Volume key) : Adjust Volume(Left) : Move to previous movie(Right) : Move to next movie
10008 My Moto1011. Camera (Cont’d)Mobile CyworldPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press   You can easily move to Mobile Cyworld by pressing   after entering the phone number in the standby screen.   A service fee is charged when you use the service. Contact the service provider or visit Cyworld mobile homepage ( for the service and further information.You can connect to the mobile cyworld using the phone.i’s boxPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can edit and manage the saved movie file as UCC. You can request printing of the photos selected from ‘Photo album’ and receive the printed phtos from the service provider.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press    Contact the service provider or visit NATE Photo homepage ( for further information.NATE Photo Print
10208 My Moto1031. Camera (Cont’d)SettingsYou can set various functions of camera.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Shutter Sound : Set a sound generated at an instant of capturing.Ready Sound : Set a sound generated during capturing.Location Information :  Set or release to view the information of the captured photo and movie location. Select Memory :  Set saving location. (phone/external memory)Autosave :  Set a method of saving the captured photos or movies. (manual/auto)Answering a call while capturing :  Set a method of answering a call while capturing the video (select to answer/auto answer).Memory ManagerYou  can check and  manage  the information on  total memory size, used memory size, and available memory size of your phone.•  Select an item you want and press   to move to the selected item. (Excluding june, map, and others)HelpHelp shows instructions for using various keypad buttons assigned to the functions of phone camera.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press    Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press
10408 My Moto1052. Subway Map The phone provides the nationwide subway route map. The information is subject to change denpending on the circumstances.View Route Map Search Route M y Route󰥇   Press   (Left) to select a line and view the map in a specific area you have selected.󰥇  Press   (Right) to search a route.(See Search Route for details.)Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can view the nationwide subway routes. You can search a subway route.󰥇    You can find the number of transfers required and the estimated travel time. (The estimated travel time includes the distance beween stations and the transfer time (approx. 5min). It is an estimation, and can be different from the actual time.)󰥇    Press   (Left) to save the route in ‘My Route’. Press   (Right) to check the route with minimum number of transfers or with the shortest distance.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇  Press   (Left) to save the route searched with ‘View Route Map’ or ‘Search Route’.󰥇 Press   (Left) to delete a route or delete all routes.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can check your saved routes.S tation Info.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Select a subway station and press   to find first/last train timetable, exit infor and transfer info.Lost Property OfficePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Telephone numbers of the lost property offices are displayed.SettingsPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can set the frequently searched area.HelpPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Guide to use the buttons when the subway map is displayed.
10608 My Moto1073. Dictionary You can search words by using English-Korean/Korean-English dictionaries.Before using the dictionary• Downloading via PC-Sync Program1)  Go to Motorola homepage (, download PC-Sync, and install it to PC.2) Run PC-Sync program and click [E-Document > Dictionary]3)  If you select [Put E-Dictionary into Cell Phone] after clicking [E-Dictionary] from [E-Document > Dictionary] program, the e-dictionary database are saved inth the phone.• Downloading via USB Mass Storage1)  Go to Motorola homepage (, download e-dictionary-related database.2)  If you copy a downloaded file to DIC folder of a USB Mass Storage after connecting the mobile phone to PC, e-dictionary database are saved in the phone. (USB Mass Storage, see p.112 )•  When searching words in English-Korean/Korean-English dictionary, if you press   (Left), you can view list, view English-Korean/Korean-English dictionary, view previous word, my vocabulary, and add to my vocabulary.•  Press   when you are on English-Korean/Korean-English page, you can change the screen to Englsih-Korean/Korean-English search screen.•  You can use an e-dictionary menu if there are e-dictionary database.English-Korean󰥇                 After selecting a desired word, you can check the word by pressing   .󰥇                 Upon checking the word, you can perform Tap.Move/Tap Clear by pressing   (Right). When moving the tap, you can select desired word by using   or   . If you press   , you can move to selected word.󰥇 You can check the previous words by presing   .Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press If you enter English word in the box, the related words are displayed.Korean-EnglishPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press If you enter Korean word in the box, the related words are displayed.󰥇                 After selecting a desired word, you can check the word by pressing   .󰥇                 Upon checking the word, you can perform Tap. Move/Tap Clear by pressing   (Right). When moving the tap, you can select desired word by using   or   . If you press   , you can move to selected word.󰥇 You can check the previous words by presing   .My VocabularyPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can save the words searched from dictionary.󰥇                  When searching words via dictionary, you can save them into My Word List in order by pressing (Left) and selecing Add to Word List.󰥇                 You can save up to 1,000 words per folder.󰥇                  Press   (Left) to use various functions including Set/Clear Study, Delete, Move Words, Sort (in English/Korean spelling order, by date), Manage Folder(rename folder, lock folder), Delete All in Folder, and Select All in Folder.󰥇    Press   (Right) to select the words and press   (Left) to use the functions such as Set/Clear Study, Delete, Move and Clear All.My HistoryPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can save, check and manage up to 100 searched words for each Korean-English/English-Korean dictionary.󰥇                                 If a capacity is exceeded its space, older words will be deleted first.SettingsPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press You can set automatic word save setting/released and font (type) and size.
10808 My Moto1094. E-bookYou can read the text file on the phone. See ‘Help’ for further information.󰥇   The phone provides the space of upto 200 E-books, with maximum 1024K per an E-book file. The number of files to be stored in the phone varies depending on the file size.󰥇   You can use Go To, Search word, Search dictionary, Display and Help by pressing   (Left).Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press 5. StopwatchYou can use the phone as a stopwatch.󰥇   You can record upto 20 lap times with the lap time function.󰥇   The stop watch continues even if you close the folder.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press Note•  The E-dictionary program must installed in the phone or external memory. For more information see Dictionary Guide. (Dictionary, see p. 106)Button description (Volume key)    Move page Start pageMove line End pageButton description Button Start/Pause/Resume (Right) Reset (Previous screen) (Left) During counting: Lap time6. Enjoy WineYou can get information of the wine by name, type, purpose, and taste.SearchPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Note•  Press   (Left) from the menu and select list to view all lists in the selected menu. •  Press   in the search menu to view all lists.①  Name Type in name of the wine and press   to search the information.②  Type Select the type of the wine by pressing   and press   to search.③  Purpose Choose the purpose of the wine by pressing   and press   to search.④  Taste Select the taste of the wine by pressing   and press   to search.
11008 My Moto1116. Enjoy Wine (Cont’d)You can get information of the wine by name, type, purpose, and taste.Recommend wine searchPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Wine Common sensePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press ①  RelationshipYou can search recommended wine for different relationship(Lover, Colleague, Friend, Family, Business partner, All).②  Generation You can search recommended wine for different generation(20, 30, 40, more than 50, All).③  Gender You can search recommended wine for different gener(man, woman, All).①  Classification of Wine Find out informations about wines for dine purpose and types.②  Wine TermsFind out 20 different wine terms.③  Kinds of Wine and GrapesFind out 10 different kinds of wine and grapes.④  Characteristics of wine by locationFind out characteristics of wine by 7 different countries.⑤  Vintage GuideFind out the date when wine is produced and view chart.Cheese StoryPress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press Tasting NotePress   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press 󰥇   You can get information of cheese(Gorgonzola, Camembert, Munster, Mimolette, Brie, Blue, Cheddar) such as how it is made, characteristics, and taste.󰥇   You can write and record your own tasting note of the wine.
11208 My Moto113Note7. USB Mass StorageYou can transmit various contents and MP3 files between the phone and PC via the 5PIN USB data cable.➊  Check USB Mass Storage•  Check if an external memory card (Micro-SD) is mounted on the phone.•  Visit Motorola homepage ( and download the USB driver program.•   Connect the 5PIN USB data cable to the USB port of PC, and connect the other end to the charging connector of  the mobile phone. -  Do not forcefully remove the 5PIN USB data cable rather than releasing connection on the PC. (The mobile phone can be switched off.)•  The MP3 files downloaded to the USB mass storage in the mobile phone cannot be played in other mobile phone.•  You can find the MP3 files stored in the USB mass storage in “June Contents Box”. (June Contents Box, see p.85)•  You cannot play the MP3 files or contents if you rename or delete the default folder name of the USB mass storage.➋  Mounting external memory card (Micro-SD) •  Do not turn off the phone while using the data stored in the external memory card. - The data in the card can be erased.•  Insert the external memory card and restart it, if you first use the card or if there is an error on the card.•  Keep the external memory card in the safe place. - Do not give impact or bend the card. -  Keep the card away from hot and humid place, the place with corrosive material or the place with magnetic wave or static electricity.①②You can mount and dismount the external memory card.  (The external memory card is not included in the product package. )Note•  When using the external memory card, you can only use some certain  functions and other functions are restricted.•  End the USB mass storage before you remove the external memory card. - A critical system error or defect may occur.•  Motorola takes no responsibility on loss or damage of data caused due to negligence or mishandling of the user.•  This product supports upto 4GB capacity of Micro-SD.Press   (Left) ▶ Press   ▶ Press   ▶ Press -  Be sure that the external memory is mounted to the correct direction, or the slot can be damaged.①  Remove the battery cover as shown in the figure.②   Mount the external memory (Micro-SD) as shown in the figure.  Slide the external memory to the outside when removing the external memory card. (Micro-SD)

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