Motorola Solutions 89FT3807 Astro XTS2500 Digital Portable Radio User Manual 94C06 B

Motorola Solutions, Inc. Astro XTS2500 Digital Portable Radio 94C06 B


Ex8 Users Manual

 ASTRO ®  XTS™ 2500 Digital Portable RadioModel III User Guide 6881094C06-B MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo, ASTRO, and CommPort are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.P25 radios contain technology patented by Digital Voice Systems, Inc.© Motorola, Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 2/20/04. Motorola, Inc.8000 W. Sunrise Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33322
 ii Product Safety and RF Exposure ComplianceATTENTION! This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure requirements. Before using this product, read the RF energy awareness information and operating instructions in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio (Motorola Publication part number 6881095C98) to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits. For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other accessories, visit the following web site which lists approved accessories: <>   Computer Software Copyrights The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including, but not limited to, the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this manual may not be copied, reproduced, modified, reverse-engineered, or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product. Documentation Copyrights No duplication or distribution of this document or any portion thereof shall take place without the express written permission of Motorola. No part of this manual may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Motorola. Disclaimer The information in this document is carefully examined, and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve readability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor does it cover any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others.  Before using this product, read the operating instructions for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio.!C a u t i o n
 ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III iii Contents Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance  ................................. iiComputer Software Copyrights ......................................................... iiDocumentation Copyrights ................................................................ iiDisclaimer ......................................................................................... ii Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance  ................................. 1 General Radio Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Notations Used in This Manual  ......................................................... 3XTS 2500 Model III Radio ................................................................. 4Physical Features of the XTS 2500 Model III Radio ................................................................. 5Programmable Features  ................................................................... 6Display .............................................................................................. 7Backlight ........................................................................................... 7Status Symbols  ................................................................................. 8Menu Entry (Softkey)  ........................................................................ 9Menu Select Buttons ......................................................................... 9Menu Entry Features  ................................................................ 10Home Button ( h ) ............................................................................ 11App Button (@)  ............................................................................... 114-Way Navigation Button ( o ) ......................................................... 11Keypad ............................................................................................ 12LED Indicators  ................................................................................ 13Alert Tones  ...................................................................................... 14Standard Accessories  ..................................................................... 17Battery ...................................................................................... 17Smart Battery Condition  ........................................................... 19Antenna .................................................................................... 20Belt Clip  .................................................................................... 21Universal Connector Cover ............................................................. 22Remote Speaker Microphone Adapter ............................................ 23Radio On and Off  ............................................................................ 25Turn the Radio On  .................................................................... 25Turn the Radio Off  .................................................................... 25Zones and Channels ....................................................................... 26Select a Zone  ........................................................................... 26Select a Channel  ...................................................................... 27
 ivContents Receive / Transmit ...........................................................................29Without Using the Volume Set and Monitor Buttons .................29Use Preprogrammed Volume Set Button ..................................30Use the Preprogrammed Monitor Button  ..................................31Conventional Mode Operation  ..................................................32 Common Radio Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33 Selectable Power Level  ...................................................................33Use the Menu ............................................................................33Using the Preprogrammed TX Power Level Switch ..................34Radio Lock .......................................................................................35Unlock Your Radio  ....................................................................35Change Your Password  ............................................................36Mute or Unmute Keypad Tones  .......................................................37Use the Menu ............................................................................37Using the Preprogrammed Side Button  ....................................37Conventional Squelch Options  ........................................................38Analog Squelch .........................................................................38Digital Squelch  ..........................................................................38PL Defeat .........................................................................................39Time-out Timer  ................................................................................40Emergency ......................................................................................41Send an Emergency Alarm  .......................................................41Send an Emergency Call  ..........................................................42Send a Silent Emergency Alarm  ...............................................43Emergency Keep-Alive  .............................................................44Lists .................................................................................................45View a List .................................................................................45Scan List Empty  ........................................................................46Edit a Call, Page, or Phone List Number .........................................47Use the Menu ............................................................................47Edit a Call, Page, or Phone List Name ............................................49Use the Menu ............................................................................49Scan ................................................................................................51Turn Scan On and Off ...............................................................51Delete a Nuisance Channel  ......................................................53Conventional Scan Only  ...........................................................54Telephone Calls (Trunking Only)  .....................................................55Answer a Phone Call  ................................................................55Make a Phone Call ....................................................................56
 ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III vContents Phone Call Display and Alert Prompts  ..................................... 58Private Calls (Trunking Only)  .......................................................... 59Answer a Private Call  ............................................................... 59Make a Private Call  .................................................................. 60Call Alert Paging  ............................................................................. 62 Answer a Call Alert Page   ....................................................... 62Make a Call Alert  ...................................................................... 63Conventional Talkgroup Calls (Conventional Operation Only)  ....................................................... 65Select Talkgroup ....................................................................... 65Repeater or Direct Operation .......................................................... 66Select Repeater or Direct Operation  ........................................ 66 Special Radio Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 PTT ID ............................................................................................. 67Receive ..................................................................................... 67Transmit .................................................................................... 67View Your Radio’s ID Number .................................................. 68Dynamic Regrouping (Trunking Only) ............................................. 69Reprogram Request (ASTRO 25 Trunking Only)  ..................... 69Select Enable / Disable  ............................................................ 71Trunking System Controls ............................................................... 72Failsoft ...................................................................................... 72Out-of-Range ............................................................................ 72Site Lock ................................................................................... 73Site Trunking  ............................................................................ 74Site View and Change  .............................................................. 74Time and Date ................................................................................. 76Edit Time and Date ................................................................... 76 Helpful Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Radio Care ...................................................................................... 79Cleaning ................................................................................... 79Handling ................................................................................... 79Service ............................................................................................ 80Battery ............................................................................................. 81Battery Life  ............................................................................... 81Charging the Battery ................................................................. 81
 viContents Battery Recycling and Disposal .......................................................82Antenna ...........................................................................................84Radio Operating Frequencies  ...................................................84 Accessories  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  85 Antennas .........................................................................................85Batteries ..........................................................................................85Carry Accessories ............................................................................86Belt Clips ...................................................................................86Body-Worn ................................................................................86Chargers ..........................................................................................86Enhanced and Multi-Unit Line Cords  ........................................87Surveillance Accessories  .................................................................87Earpieces ..................................................................................87Headsets and Headset Accessories  .........................................88Radio Interface Modules for Ear Microphones ..........................89Speaker, Remote Speaker ........................................................89 Glossary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  91Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  95
 vii Table 1: Channel Map Use the chart below to map the channels (C x ) and zones (Z x ) for your radio.Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15C16
 viii Notes
 ASTRO XTS 2500 Model I 1 SAFETY Product Safety and RF Exposure Compliance ATTENTION!This radio is restricted to occupational use only to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure requirements.  Before using this product, read the RF energy awareness information and operating instructions in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio (Motorola Publication part number 68P81095C99) to ensure compliance with RF energy exposure limits.For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other acces-sories, visit the following web site which lists approved accessories: using this product, read the operating instructions for safe usage contained in the Product Safety and RF Exposure booklet enclosed with your radio!C a u t i o n
 2Safety Notes
 ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 3 General Radio Operation Notations Used in This Manual You will notice the use of  WARNINGS ,  CAUTIONS , and  Notes  throughout this manual. These notations are used to emphasize that safety hazards exist and that care must be taken or observed. Note: A  Note  is an operational procedure, practice, or condition, etc. which is essential to emphasize.The following special notations identify certain items: WARNING: An operational procedure, practice, condition, etc. exists which may result in injury or death if not carefully observed.CAUTION: An operational procedure, practice, condition, etc. exists which may result in damage to the equipment if not carefully observed.Example DescriptionLight  button, or  D Buttons and keys are shown in  bold  print, or as representative symbols.Information appearing in the radio’s display is shown using the special display font. PHONE Menu entries are shown similar to the way they appear in the radio’s display.Press  U This means “Press the right side of the  4-Way Navigation  button.”!W A R N I N G!!C a u t i o nPHONE CALL
 4General Radio Operation XTS 2500 Model III Radio1234567101112141615138917181920
 ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 5 General Radio Operation Physical Features of the XTS 2500 Model III Radio Item Page Item Page1 Antenna 20 11 3-Position Concentric  Switch(programmable)  2Top  Button (programmable) 12 On/Off/Volume Control  Knob25 3 LED 13 13 Microphone 4 Speaker 14 Top Side  ( Select ) Button (programmable) 5 Universal Connector 22 15 Push-to-Talk  ( PTT ) Button 6 Display 7 16 Side Button 1  (programmable) 7Menu Select  Buttons  9 17 Side Button 2  (programmable) 8 App  Button (for future use) 18 Home  Button 11 9 Keypad 12 19 4-Way Navigation Button1110 16-Position Knob (programmable)20 Battery 17
6General Radio OperationProgrammable FeaturesThe programmable controls on your radio can be programmed by a qualified technician to operate certain software-activated features. The features that can be assigned to these controls, and the page numbers where these features can be found, are listed below.*Available at a future date.Any references in this manual to controls that are “preprogrammed” means that a qualified technician must use the radio’s programming software to assign a feature to a control.Table 1: Programmable FeaturesFeature Page  Feature PageCall Alert Page 62 Private Call 59Call Response 55 Repeater/Direct 66Channel Selection 27 Reprogram Request 69Dynamic Priority 54 Scan On/Off 51Emergency 41 Site Lock/Unlock 73Keypad Mute 37 Site Search 74Light 7 *Smart Battery 19Monitor 31 Transmit Power Level 33Nuisance Delete 53 Volume Set 29Phone 55 Zone Selection 26PL Defeat 39
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 7 General Radio OperationDisplayThis figure is typical of what you see on your radio. The 64 x 96 pixel liquid crystal display (LCD) shows radio status, text, and menu entries.BacklightIf poor light conditions make the display and keypad difficult to read, turn on the radio’s backlights by pressing the preprogrammed Light button.These lights will remain on for a preprogrammed time before they turn off automatically, or you can turn them off immediately by pressing the Light button again.MAEPF-27252-O
8General Radio OperationStatus SymbolsThe top two rows in the display contain symbols indicating the radio’s status.Table 2: Status Symbols Symbol Indication Page Call Received. Flashes when an Individual Call is received.59View/Program Mode.•View a list (steady)• Program a list (flashing)45sReceived Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). The received signal strength for the current site. Trunked only. The more stripes in the symbol, the stronger the received signal.74bBattery• Conventional = Flashes when the battery is low.•Smart = The number of bars (0-3) shown indicates the charge remaining in your battery. Flashes when battery level reaches 10% or less.Note: Smart battery will be available at a future date.17rTalkaround. • On = Talking directly to another radio, not through a repeater. Conventional operation only.•Off = Talking through a repeater. 66CMonitor (Carrier Squelch). The selected channel is being monitored. Conventional operation only.31TScan. The radio is scanning a scan list. 51mpp
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 9 General Radio OperationMenu Entry (Softkey)The bottom row of the display contains one to three menu entries (also known as softkeys). The menu entries allow you to select from one of several menus to access the radio’s features. The menu entries are accessed using the Menu Select buttons. Menu Select ButtonsThe Menu Select buttons access the menu entries of features that have been activated by a qualified radio technician. Your radio may be programmed differently from the following example, but the display for selecting Scan on or off might look like this:Example: To turn scan on:Press D.The display shows the selected state.ON OFFSCANTsoftkey3 Menu Select Buttonssoftkey TSCAN ONON OFF
10General Radio OperationMenu Entry FeaturesIn most cases, press U to display the following feature selections.*Available at a future date.Table 3: Menu Entry FeaturesFeature Menu Entry Page  Feature Menu Entry PageCall Alert PagePAGE 63 Reprogram RequestRPGM 69Channel SelectionCHAN 27 Scan On/Off SCAN 51Edit a List PROG 47, 49 Site Lock/UnlockSITE 73Keypad MuteMUTE 37 Smart Battery*BATT 19Number SelectNUM 47 Talkgroup CallTGRP 65Password PSWD 36 Text Select NAME 49Phone PHON 56 Time/Date CLCK 76Private Call CALL 60 Transmit Power LevelPWR 33Radio Lock RADIO LOCKED35 View a List VIEW 45Repeater/DirectDIR 66 Zone SelectionZONE 26
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 11 General Radio OperationHome Button (h)The Home button will always return you to the home (default) display. In most cases, this is the current mode.Some radio features that can be edited by you require saving information in memory. Pressing the Home button while using those features will cause information to be saved before going to the home display.Some features do not require you to press the Home button to go to the home display. This reduces the required number of button presses.App Button (@)Reserved for future use.4-Way Navigation Button (o)This button is used to scroll through the radio’s lists or items in the display.
12General Radio OperationKeypadThe 3 x 4 alphanumeric keypad provides an interface to your radio’s features. The keypad functions in a manner similar to a standard telephone keypad when entering numeric digits. When the keypad is used to edit a list, each key can generate different characters of the alphabet. Refer to the following table for a complete list of characters.Table 4: Keypad Character Editing TableKey Number of times the key is pressed12345678900()<>11&%2ABC2abc3DEF 3de f4GH I 4gh i5JKL5 jkl6MNO6mn o7PQRS7pq r s8TUV8tuv9WX Y Z 9wxyz**/+-=##. !?, ;
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 13 General Radio OperationLED IndicatorsTable 5: LED IndicatorsThis LED Color: Indicates:RED (Non-flashing) TransmittingRED (Flashing) • Channel Busy or • Low Battery (lights while transmitting)GREEN (Flashing)  Receiving Individual Call
14General Radio OperationAlert TonesYour radio uses alert tones to inform you of radio conditions.Table 6: Alert Tones You hear: Tone Name Heard:Short, Low-Pitched ToneInvalid Key-Presswhen the wrong key is pressed.Radio Self-Test Failedwhen the radio fails the power-up self test.Reject when an unauthorized request is made.Time-Out Timer Warningfour seconds before time out.Long, Low-Pitched ToneNo ACK Receivedwhen the radio does not receive an acknowledgment. Time-Out Timer Timed Outafter time out.Talk Prohibit/PTT Inhibit(when the PTT button is pressed) transmissions are prevented.Out-of-Range (when the PTT button is pressed) the radio is out of range of the system.Invalid Mode when the radio is set to an unprogrammed channel.Individual Call Warning Tonewhen the radio is in Individual Call without any activity for more than 6 seconds.
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 15 General Radio OperationA Group of Low-Pitched Tones (Busy Tone)Busy when the system is busy.Short, Medium-Pitched ToneValid Key-Presswhen the correct key is pressed.Radio Self-Test Passwhen the radio passes its power-up self-test.Priority Channel Receivedwhen activity on a priority channel is received.Emergency Alarm Entrywhen entering the emergency state.Central Echo when the central controller has received a request from a radio.Long, Medium-Pitched ToneVolume Set when volume changed on a quiet channel.Emergency Exitupon exiting the emergency state.Table 6: Alert Tones (Continued)You hear: Tone Name Heard:
16General Radio OperationA Group of Medium-Pitched TonesFailsoft when the trunking system fails.Automatic Call Backwhen the voice channel is available from the previous request.Talk Permit (When pressing the PTT button) verifies the system is accepting transmissions.Console Acknowledgewhen a status, emergency alarm, or reprogram request acknowledgment is received.Received Individual Callwhen a Call Alert, or Private Conversation Call is received.Call Alert Sentwhen a Call Alert is received by the target radio.Short, High-Pitched Tone (Chirp)Low-Battery Chirpwhen the battery is below the preset threshold value.RingingFast Ringing when the system is searching for the Private Conversation Call target radio.Enhanced Call Sentwhen waiting for the Private Conversation Call target radio to respond to the call.Phone Call Receivedwhen a landline phone call is received.Gurgle Dynamic Regroupingwhen the PTT button is pressed, a dynamic ID has been received.Table 6: Alert Tones (Continued)You hear: Tone Name Heard:
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 17 General Radio OperationStandard AccessoriesBatteryCharge the BatteryThe Motorola-approved battery shipped with your radio is uncharged. Prior to using a new battery, charge it for a minimum of 16 hours to ensure optimum capacity and performance. For a list of Motorola-authorized batteries available for use with your XTS 2500 radio, see “Batteries” on page 85.Note: When charging a battery attached to a radio, turn the radio off to ensure a full charge.Battery ChargerTo charge the battery, place the battery, with or without the radio, in a Motorola-approved charger. The charger’s LED indicates the charging progress; see your charger’s user guide. For a list of chargers, see “Chargers” on page 86.To avoid a possible explosion:• DO NOT replace the battery in any area labeled “hazardous atmosphere”.• DO NOT discard batteries in a fire.!W A R N I N G!
18General Radio OperationAttach the BatteryRemove the Battery1With the radio off, fit the three extensions at the bottom of the battery into the bottom slots on the radio.2Press the top of the battery against the radio until both latches click into place.1With the radio off, slide down the latches on the sides of the battery.2Pull the top of the battery away from the radio.
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 19 General Radio OperationSmart Battery ConditionThis feature lets you view the condition of your Smart Battery when it becomes available.Use the MenuUse the Preprogrammed Smart Battery Button1Press U to find BATT.2Press D, E, or F directly below BATT.Note: If a Smart Battery is not powering your radio3Press h to exit.1Press the Smart Battery button.Note: If a Smart Battery is not powering your radio2Press h to exit.BATTCAPACITY 70%INIT 10/01EST CHGS 11SMART BATTDATA NOTAVAILABLECAPACITY 70%INIT 10/01EST CHGS 11 SMART BATTDATA NOTAVAILABLE
20General Radio OperationAntennaFor information regarding other available antennas, see page 84.Attach the AntennaRemove the AntennaWith the radio off, turn the antenna clockwise to attach it.With the radio off, turn the antenna counter-clockwise to remove it.
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 21 General Radio OperationBelt ClipAttach the Belt ClipRemove the Belt Clip1Align the grooves of the belt clip with those of the battery.2Press the belt clip downward until you hear a click.1Use a flat-bladed screwdriver to press the belt clip tab away from the battery.2Slide the belt clip upward to remove it.
22General Radio OperationUniversal Connector CoverThe universal connector cover is located on the antenna side of the radio. It is used to connect certain accessories to the radio.Note: To prevent damage to the connector, shield it with the connector cover when not in use.Remove the Connector CoverAttach the Connector Cover1Insert a flat-bladed screwdriver into the area between the bottom of the cover and the slot below the connector.2Hold the top of the cover with your thumb while you pry the bottom of the cover away from the radio with the screwdriver.1Insert the hooked end of the cover into the top of the connector. Press downward on the cover’s top to seat it into the slot.2Press the cover’s lower tab below the connector until it snaps in place.TopSlotBottomSlotTopHooked EndBottomHooked EndTa b
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 23 General Radio OperationRemote Speaker Microphone AdapterThe Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) adapter is located on the back of the radio, just above the battery. It must be used to connect the RSM accessories (see page 89) to the radio. If the RSM is not used, the adapter should be removed.Remove the AdapterAttach the AdapterLift the larger side (below the antenna port) of the adapter away from the radio using your finger.If you cannot easily remove the adapter with your finger, use a small, flat bladed screwdriver to pry the larger end side of the adapter away from the radio.1With the Motorola side of the adapter facing out, snap the smaller end of the adapter into place in the shroud indent, below the On/Off Volume Control Knob.
24General Radio Operation2Snap the larger end of the adapter into place in the shroud indent, below the antenna port.
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 25 General Radio OperationRadio On and OffTurn the Radio OnTurn the Radio OffTurn the On/Off/Volume Control knob clockwise.• If the power-up test is successful, you will briefly see Self Test and then the home display.• If the power-up test is unsuccessful, you will see ERROR XX/YY. (XX/YY is an alphanumeric code.) Turn off the radio, check the battery, and turn the radio on again. If the radio continues to fail the power-up test, record the ERROR XX/YY code and contact a qualified service technician.Turn the On/Off/Volume Control knob counterclockwise until it clicks.Self TestERROR XX/YY
26General Radio OperationZones and ChannelsA zone is a grouping of channels. A channel is a group of radio characteristics, such as transmit/receive frequency pairs.Before you use your radio to receive or send messages, you should select the zone and channel.Select a ZoneUse the Menu1Press U to find ZONE.2Press D, E, or F directly below ZONE.The current zone (in this case, POL) flashes and the channel name (DISP NW), does not flash.3Press U to find the zone you want. For example, FIRE.4Press h to confirm the displayed zone and channel.ORPress the PTT button to transmit on the displayed zone/channel.ZONEPOL DISP NWFIRE DISP NWFIRE DISP NW
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 27 General Radio OperationUse the Preprogrammed Zone SwitchSelect a ChannelConsult an authorized service technician for the right choice between the following methods.Method 1: Use the Preprogrammed Channel Selector1If a control on your radio has been preprogrammed as the Zone Switch, move the Zone Switch to the position for the zone you want.Note: If the zone you selected is unprogrammed, repeat step 1.2Press h to confirm the displayed zone and channel.After the zone you want is displayed, turn the preprogrammed Channel Selector switch to the desired channel.FIRE DISP NWUNPROGRAMMED
28General Radio OperationMethod 2: Use the Menu1Press U to find CHAN.2Press D, E, or F directly below CHAN. The display shows the current channel name (in this case, DISP NW) flashing and the zone (POL), not flashing.3Press U to find the channel name you want.ORUse the keypad to enter the channel number.Note: If the channel you selected is unprogrammed, repeat step 3.4Press h to confirm the displayed zone and channel.ORPress the PTT button to transmit on the displayed zone/channel. CHANPOL DISP NWPOL DISP SEUNPROGRAMMEDPOL DISP SE
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 29 General Radio OperationReceive / TransmitRadio users who switch from analog to digital radios often assume that the lack of static on a digital channel is an indication that the radio is not working properly. This is not the case. Digital technology quiets the transmission by removing the noise from the signal and allowing only the clear voice or data information to be heard.This section emphasizes the importance of knowing how to monitor a channel for traffic before keying-up to send a transmission.Without Using the Volume Set and Monitor Buttons1Turn the radio on and select the desired zone and channel.2Listen for a transmission.3Adjust the Volume Control knob if necessary.4Press and hold the PTT button to transmit. The LED lights RED while transmitting. 5Release the PTT button to receive (listen).
30General Radio OperationUse Preprogrammed Volume Set Button1Turn the radio on and select the desired zone and channel. See Turn the Radio On, page 25 and Zones and Channels, page 26.2Press and hold the Volume Set button to hear the volume set tone.3Release the Volume Set button.4Adjust the Volume Control Knob if necessary.5Press and hold the PTT button to transmit. LED lights RED while transmitting. 6Release PTT button to receive (listen).
ASTRO XTS 2500  Model III 31 General Radio OperationUse the Preprogrammed Monitor Button1Turn the radio on and select the desired zone and channel.2Press the Monitor button and listen for activity. The Carrier Squelch indicator is displayed. (See the following Conventional Mode Operation.)3Adjust the Volume Control Knob if necessary.4Press and hold the PTT button to transmit.The LED lights RED while transmitting.5Release the PTT button to receive (listen).C
32General Radio OperationConventional Mode OperationYour radio may be programmed to receive Private Line (PL) calls.1Momentarily press the Monitor button to listen for activity. The Carrier Squelch indicator is displayed.2Press and hold the Monitor button to set continuous monitor operation. (The duration of the button press is programmable.) 3Press the Monitor button again, or the PTT button, to return to the original squelch setting. Note: If you try to transmit on a receive-only channel, you will hear an invalid tone until you release the PTT button.C
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 33Common Radio FeaturesSelectable Power LevelThis feature lets you select the power level at which your radio will transmit. The radio will always turn on to the default setting.• Select LOW for a shorter transmitting distance and to conserve power.• Select HIGH for a longer transmitting distance.Use the Menu1Press U to find PWR.2Press D, E, or F directly below PWR.The display shows the current power level (LOW or HIGH).3Press D, E, or F directly below the desired power level (LOW or HIGH).•The new transmit power level is saved.•The radio returns to the Home display.Note: To exit at anytime without changing the setting, press h or the PTT button. The default setting returns when you turn the radio off and on.PWRLOW POWERLOW HIGHHIGH POWERLOW HIGH
34Common Radio FeaturesUsing the Preprogrammed TX Power Level Switch1Rotate the TX Power Level switch. The power level is set to low. 2Rotate the TX Power Level switch again. The power level is set to high. LOWHIGH
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 35Common Radio FeaturesRadio LockThis feature provides stronger radio security.If this feature is enabled by a qualified technician, you will see RADIO LOCKED when you turn the radio on.Unlock Your Radio1Enter your numeric password of up to 8 characters.(Use V to backspace if you make a mistake.)2Press the preprogrammed Select button after you enter your password. If the password is correct, the radio unlocks.3Press the preprogrammed side button to verify the password. Radio unlocks if password is correct.Note:    If the password is incorrect, the radio remains locked.Note: DEADLOCK is displayed after three incorrect password attempts. Turn the radio off and on, and begin again at step 1.________RADIO LOCKEDDEADLOCK
36Common Radio FeaturesChange Your Password1Press U to find PSWD.2Press D, E, or F  directly below PSWD.3Enter the old password.4Press D, E, or F directly below SEL. 5Enter new password.6Press D, E, or F directly below SEL.7Re-enter password.8Press D, E, or F directly below SEL. The password is updated.If the two passwords do not match, repeat steps 5 through 8.Note: You cannot access this feature again after three failed attempts until you turn the radio off and on.PSWDOLD PASSWORD--------SELNEW PASSWORD--------SELCONFIRM--------SELNEW PASSWORD
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 37Common Radio FeaturesMute or Unmute Keypad TonesYou can turn the keypad tones off and on.Use the MenuUsing the Preprogrammed Side Button1Press U to find MUTE.2Press D, E, or F directly below MUTE. The current state is shown.3Press D, E, or F  directly below Note: Press the h or the PTT button to exit without changing the setting.Press the preprogrammed side button to turn the tones off or on.MUTETONES OFFOFF ONorTONES ONOFF ONON or OFF
38Common Radio FeaturesConventional Squelch OptionsAnalog SquelchTone Private Line (PL), Digital Private-Line (DPL), and carrier squelch can be available (preprogrammed) per channel.Digital SquelchOne or more of the following options may be programmed in your radio. Consult your service technician for more information.When in... this condition occurs:Carrier squelch (C)You hear all traffic on a channel.PL, DPL The radio responds only to your messages.This option... allows you to hear:Digital Carrier-Operated Squelch (COS) any digital traffic.Normal Squelch any digital traffic having the correct Network access code.Selective Switch any digital traffic having the correct Network access code and correct talkgroup.
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 39Common Radio FeaturesPL DefeatWith this feature, you can override any coded squelch (DPL, PL, or network ID) that might be preprogrammed to a channel.Place the preprogrammed PL Defeat switch in the PL Defeat position. You can now hear any activity on the channel. The radio is muted if no activity is present.When this feature is active, the Carrier Squelch status indicator (C) will be displayed.C
40Common Radio FeaturesTime-out TimerThe time-out timer turns off your radio’s transmitter. The timer is set for 60 seconds at the factory, but it can be programmed from 0 to 7.75 minutes (465 seconds) by a qualified radio technician. 1Hold down the PTT longer than the programmed time.You will hear a short, low-pitched warning tone, the transmission is cut-off, andthe LED will go out until you release the PTT.• Short warning tone•Transmission is cut-off• LED goes out2Release the PTT button. • LED re-lights•Timer resets3Press the PTT to re-transmit. Time-out timer restarts.•Timer restarts• RED LED
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 41Common Radio FeaturesEmergencyIf the top (orange) button is programmed to send an emergency signal, then this signal overrides any other communications over the selected channel.Your radio can be programmed for the following: •Emergency Alarm •Emergency Alarm with Emergency Call, or• Silent Emergency Alarm•Emergency Call.Consult a qualified radio technician for emergency programming of your radio.Send an Emergency AlarmAn Emergency Alarm will send a data transmission to the dispatcher, identifying the radio sending the emergency.1With your radio turned on, press the Emergency button. The current zone/channel is displayed alternately with EMERGENCY, the LED lights RED, and a short, medium-pitched tone sounds.If the selected channel does not support emergency, the display shows NO EMERGENCY. Select a channel that does show EMERGENCY.• RED LED•Short ToneNote: To exit emergency at any time, press and hold the Emergency button for about a second. EMERGENCYNO EMERGENCY
42Common Radio FeaturesSend an Emergency CallAn Emergency Call will send a type of dispatch giving your radio priority access to channels.The radio operates in the normal dispatch manner while in Emergency Call, except, if enabled, it will return to one of the following:2When you receive the dispatcher’s acknowledgment, you see ACK RECEIVED, four tones sound, the alarm ends, and the radio exits the emergency mode.If no acknowledgement is received, you see NO ACKNOWLDG, the alarm ends, and the radio exits the emergency mode.• Four tones• Alarm ends• Radio exits emergencyNote: For Emergency Alarm with Emergency Call: The radio enters the Emergency Call state either after it receives the dispatcher’s acknowledgment, or if you press the PTT button while in Emergency Alarm. Go to step 2 below: “Send an Emergency Call.”Using this operation: means you will talk:1. Tactical/Non-Revert on the channel you selected before you entered the emergency state.2. Non-Tactical/Revert on a preprogrammed emergency channel. The emergency alarm is sent to this same channel.ACK RECEIVEDNO ACKNOWLDG
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 43Common Radio FeaturesSend a Silent Emergency Alarm1With your radio turned on, press the Emergency button. The current zone/channel is displayed alternately with EMERGENCY, and a short, medium-pitched tone sounds.• Short toneNote: To exit emergency at any time, press and hold the Emergency button for about a second.2Press and hold the PTT button and announce the emergency into the microphone to send the Emergency call.3Release the PTT button to end the call. 4Exit the Emergency State by pressing the Emergency button again for about one second (the time may be changed by a qualified technician). The radio returns to normal operation.1With your radio turned on, press the Emergency button if your radio is programmed for this use.The display does not change, the LED does not light, and no tones sound.• Display does not change• LED does not light• No tonesEMERGENCY
44Common Radio FeaturesNote: • For ALL Emergency signals: You can change channels while in Emergency operation if the new channel is also programmed for Emergency. The emergency alarm or call continues on the new channel.•If the new channel is NOT programmed for Emergency, you see NO EMERGENCY, and hear an invalid tone until you exit the Emergency state or change to a channel programmed for emergency. Emergency Keep-AliveIf the radio is in the Emergency state, with Emergency Keep-Alive enabled, you cannot turn off the radio by using the On/Off Control knob.With Keep-Alive, the radio will only exit the Emergency state using one of the ways mentioned in the previous sections (Emergency Alarm, Silent Emergency Alarm, or Emergency Call).Note: To exit emergency at any time, press and hold the Emergency button for about a second.2The silent emergency state continues until you press and hold the Emergency button for about a second to exit the emergency state. ORPress and release the PTT button to exit silent emergency. The silent alarm is cancelled without an exit tone, and you can begin transmitting voice calls.• Press and hold the Emergency buttonOR•Press and release the PTT button
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 45Common Radio FeaturesListsYou can use lists to store frequently used numbers and associate them with names.There are four list types:• Call• Page• Phone• ScanView a List1Press U to find VIEW.2Press D, E, or F  directly below VIEW. 3Press V or U to see the names of the available lists.4Press D, E, or F  directly below the desired list to view it.The first list member is displayed. p indicates the view mode.5Press U or V to view other list members.6Press h to exit.VIEWPAGE CALL PHONFIRE CHIEF  p701234
46Common Radio FeaturesScan List EmptyIf the scan list has no members, EMPTY LIST is displayed.EMPTY LIST can be changed by turning scan off, or if a qualified technician adds members to the scan list.EMPTY LIST
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 47Common Radio FeaturesEdit a Call, Page, or Phone List NumberUse the Menu1Press U to find PROG.2Press D, E, or F directly below PROG.The changeable lists are displayed.3Press D, E, or F directly below the list you wish to change.First list member is displayed. Flashing p indicates programming mode.4Press U or V to select the list member to be changed.5Press D, E, or F directly below NUM. Blinking cursor shows location of number to be added.ORYou can use the keypad to enter the corresponding location number of the name in the list.PROGPAGE CALL PHONFIRE CHIEF  p701234NUM NAMESECURITY  p704321NUM NAMESECURITY  p70432_SAVE
48Common Radio Features6Press V to erase digits. If you erase the entire number and press U or V, you exit the edit mode without saving your changes. Press a keypad button to add a digit.7Press D, E, or F directly below SAVE to save your change.Return to step 4 to make more changes.ORPress h to return to home display.
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 49Common Radio FeaturesEdit a Call, Page, or Phone List NameUse the Menu1Press U to find  PROG.2Press D, E, or F directly below PROG. The changeable lists are displayed.3Press D, E, or F directly below the list you wish to change.First list member is displayed. Flashing p indicates programming mode.4Press U or V to select the list member to be changed.5Press D, E, or F directly below NAME. Blinking cursor shows location of character to be added.ORYou can use the keypad to enter the corresponding location number of the name in the list.PROGPAGE CALL PHONFIRE CHIEF  p701234NUM NAMESECURITY  p704321NUM NAMESECURITY_  p704321SAVE
50Common Radio Features6Press V to erase the last digits. (If you erase the entire name and press W, you exit the edit mode without saving your changes.)Press a keypad button to add a character. See “Keypad” on page 12.7Press D, E, or F directly below SAVE to save your change.Return to step 4 to make more changes.ORPress h to return to home display.GUARD_  p704444SAVE
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 51Common Radio FeaturesScanThe scan feature allows you to monitor traffic on different channels by scanning a preprogrammed list of channels. Your radio can have up to 20 different scan lists. These lists must be preprogrammed by a qualified technician.You can view the scan list assigned to the currently selected channel the same way you would view other lists. See “View a List” on page 45.Turn Scan On and OffUsing the Menu1Press U to find SCAN.2Press D, E, or F  directly below SCAN.The current scan state is displayed.3Press D, E, or F  directly below ON or OFF.  When scan is on, the scan status symbol (T) is displayed.ORTo exit the display menu without changing the scan state, press h or PTT.SCANSCAN OFFON OFF TSCAN ONON OFF
52Common Radio FeaturesUse the Preprogrammed Scan On/Off SwitchPlace the Scan On/Off switch in the Scan On or Scan Off position.The current scan state is displayed. When scan is on, the scan status symbol (T) is displayed.Note: To exit the display menu without changing the scan state, press h or PTT. TSCAN ONON OFF
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 53Common Radio FeaturesDelete a Nuisance ChannelWhen the radio scans to a channel that you do not wish to hear (nuisance channel), you can temporarily delete the channel from the scan list.1When the radio is locked onto the channel to be deleted, press the preprogrammed Nuisance Delete button.Repeat this step to delete more channels.Note: You cannot delete priority channels or the designated transmit channel.2The radio continues scanning the remaining channels in the list. To resume scanning the deleted channel, change channels or turn scan off and then back on again.
54Common Radio FeaturesConventional Scan OnlyMake a Dynamic Priority ChangeWhile the radio is scanning, the dynamic priority change feature lets you temporarily change any channel in a scan list (except the priority-one channel) to the priority-two channel. The replaced priority-two channel becomes a non-priority channel. This change remains in effect until scan is turned off, then scanning reverts back to the preprogrammed state.1When the radio is locked onto the channel to be designated as priority-two, press the preprogrammed Dynamic Priority button.Note: The priority-one channel cannot be changed to priority-two.2The radio continues scanning the remaining channels in the list. To resume scanning the preprogrammed priority-two channel, you must leave and re-enter scan operation.
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 55Common Radio FeaturesTelephone Calls (Trunking Only)Use your radio to make and receive standard phone calls. A landline phone can be used to call a radio, or a radio can be used to call a landline phone.Answer a Phone CallUse the Preprogrammed Call Response Button1When a phone call is received, you hear a telephone-type ringing, the LED flashes GREEN, the call-received symbol (m) flashes, and PHONE CALL is displayed.•Telephone ringing• Flashing GREEN LED2Press the Call Response button within 20 seconds after the call indicators begin.3Press and hold the PTT button to talk; release it to listen.4Press h to hang up and return to the home display. mPHONE CALL
56Common Radio FeaturesMake a Phone CallUse the Menu1Press U to find PHON.2Press D, E, or F directly below PHON.The last phone number is dialed is displayed.Note: If you wish to call this number, go to Step 4. Otherwise, continue to Step 3.3Press U or V to scroll to the phone number you want in the list. Press D, E, or F directly under LLLLNNNNUUUUMMMM to go to the last phone number dialed.4Press the PTT button to start the phone call to the displayed number.ORPress the preprogrammed Quick Access button to start the phone call to the displayed number.5Press and hold the PTT button to talk, release it to listen.ORIf your call is not answered, go to “Phone Call Display and alert Prompts” on page page 58.PHON555-1234LISTPOLICE555-8523LNUM
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 57Common Radio FeaturesUse the Keypad6Press h to hang up and return to the home display.1Press U to find PHON.2Press D, E, or F directly below PHON.You see the last transmitted or received ID number.3Enter the phone number you want using the keypad.4Press the PTT button to start the phone call to the displayed number.ORPress the preprogrammed Quick Access button to start the phone call to the displayed number.5Press and hold the PTT button to talk, release it to listen.ORIf your call is not answered, go to “Phone Call Display and alert Prompts” on page page 58.6Press h to hang up and return to the home display.PHON555-1234LIST555-8523LIST
58Common Radio FeaturesPhone Call Display and Alert Prompts•When you press the PTT button and the phone system is not available, a long tone sounds. Press h button, to hang up. Radio returns to the home display.•When a channel is not available, a busy tone sounds.The radio will automatically connect when a channel opens.•When the phone system is busy, a long tone sounds.Try your call later. Press h button, to hang up. Radio returns to the home display.• The system does not acknowledge your call. Press h button, to hang up. Radio returns to the home display.Notes: •  A high-pitched tone, generated when you release the PTT button, indicates to the landline party that he or she can begin talking. •You have the option of sending additional digits (overdial), such as an extension number, or credit card or PIN numbers, to the phone system. If the radio is programmed for live overdial, every digit entered after the call is connected is sent to the phone system.• If the radio is programmed for buffered overdial, the digits pressed are entered into memory and then sent when the PTT button is pressed. Press the PTT to send either digits or voice, but not both at the same time.NO PHONEPHONE BUSYPHONE BUSYNO ACKNOWLDG
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 59Common Radio FeaturesPrivate Calls (Trunking Only)These one-to-one calls between two radios are not heard by others in the current talkgroup. The calling radio automatically verifies the receiving radio is active on the system and can display the caller’s ID.Answer a Private CallUse the Preprogrammed Call Response Button.1When a private call is received, you hear two alert tones, the LED flashes GREEN, the call-received symbol (m) flashes, and CALL RECEIVD is displayed.•Two tones• Flashing GREEN LED2Press the Call Response button within 20 seconds.If the caller’s name is in the call list, it will be displayed.ORIf the name is not in the call list, the caller’s ID number is displayed.3Press and hold the PTT button to talk; release it to listen.4Press h or the Call Response button to hang up.mCALL RECEIVD
60Common Radio FeaturesMake a Private CallUse the Menu1Press U to find CALL.2Press D, E, or F directly below CALL.You see the last transmitted or received ID number3Press U or V to scroll to the ID number you want in the list.Note: Press LNUM to go to the last number dialed.4Press the PTT button to start the Private Call to the displayed number.ORPress the preprogrammed Quick Access button to start the private call to the displayed number.5The called ID is momentarily displayed, followed by PLEASE WAIT. The called ID is displayed once connected.If the system does not acknowledge the call, NO ACKNOWLDG is displayed.If the target radio does not respond before the time out, NO ANSWER is displayed.CALLFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LISTFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LNUMPLEASE WAITNO ACKNOWLDGNO ANSWER
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 61Common Radio FeaturesUse the Keypad1Press U to find CALL.2Press D, E, or F directly below CALL.You see the last transmitted or received ID number.3Use the keypad to enter the ID number you want to call.ORPress the PTT button to start the Private Call to the displayed number.ORPress the preprogrammed Quick Access button to start the phone call to the displayed number.4The called ID is momentarily displayed, followed by PLEASE WAIT. The called ID is displayed once connected.If the system does not acknowledge the call, NO ACKNOWLDG is displayed. If the target radio does not respond before the time out, NO ANSWER is displayed.CALLFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LISTFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LISTPLEASE WAITNO ACKNOWLDGNO ANSWER
62Common Radio FeaturesCall Alert PagingCall Alert allows your radio to work like a pager. Even if other users are away from their radios, or if they are unable to hear their radios, you can still send them a Call Alert page. You can also verify if a radio is active on the system.Answer a Call Alert Page1When a Call Alert Page is received, you hear four repeating alert tones, the LED flashes GREEN, the call-received symbol (m) flashes, and PAGE RECEIVD is displayed.• Four repeating alert tones• Flashing GREEN LED2Press and hold the PTT button to talk, release it to listen.mPAGE RECEIVD
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 63Common Radio FeaturesMake a Call AlertUse the Menu1Press U to find PAGE.2Press D, E, or F directly below PAGE.You see the last transmitted or received ID number.3Use the keypad to enter the ID number you want to call.Note: Press LNUM to go to the last number dialed.4Press the PTT button to start the Call Alert Page to the displayed number.ORPress the preprogrammed Quick Access button to start the page to the displayed number.PLEASE WAIT is displayed. The home display appears once you are connected.If the system does not acknowledge the call, NO ACKNOWLDG is displayed. PAGEFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LISTFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LNUMPLEASE WAITNO ACKNOWLDG
64Common Radio FeaturesUse the Keypad1Press U to find  PAGE.2Press D, E, or F directly below PAGE.You see the last transmitted or received ID number.3Enter the ID number you want using the keypad.4Press the PTT button to start the Call Alert Page to the displayed number.ORPress the preprogrammed Quick Access button to start the page to the displayed number.PLEASE WAIT is displayed. The home display appears once you are connected.If the system does not acknowledge the call, NO ACKNOWLDG is displayed. PAGEFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LISTFIRE CHIEFID: 701234LISTPLEASE WAITNO ACKNOWLDG
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 65Common Radio FeaturesConventional Talkgroup Calls (Conventional Operation Only)Talkgroup Call lets you define a group of conventional system users so that they can share the use of a conventional channel.Select Talkgroup1Press U to find TGRP.2Press D, E, or F directly below TGRP.The last user-selected-and-stored talkgroup, and its available softkeys, are displayed.3Press U or V to find the talkgroup you want.ORUse the keypad to enter the number of the desired corresponding talkgroup in the list.4Press D, E, or F  directly below PSET (to select the preset or programmed talkgroup), or below SEL (to save the talkgroup and return to the home display).5To exit, press h or the PTT button, or turn the 16-Position Select knob.TGRPTGRP 1PSET SEL
66Common Radio FeaturesRepeater or Direct OperationAlso known as TALKAROUND operation, DIRECT lets you bypass the repeater and connect directly to another radio. The transmit and receive frequencies are the same.REPEATER operation increases the radio’s range by connecting with other radios through a repeater. Transmit and receive frequencies are different.Select Repeater or Direct Operation Use the Menu1Press U to find DIR.2Press D, E, or F directly below DIR. The current operation is momentarily displayed.3Press D, E, or F directly below DDDDIIIIRRRR or RRRRPPPPTTTTRRRR.If DIR is selected, the display shows r and DIRECT MODE.4Press h to exit display menu without changing the current operation.DIRDIRECT MODEDIR RPTRorRPTR MODEDIR RPTR rDIRECT MODE
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 67Special Radio FeaturesPTT IDReceiveThis feature allows you to see the radio ID number of the radio you are currently receiving. This ID can be a maximum of eight characters and can be viewed by both the receiving radio and the dispatcher.TransmitYour radio’s ID number is automatically sent every time the PTT button is pressed. This is a per-channel feature. For digital voice transmissions, your radio’s ID is sent continuously during the voice message.
68Special Radio FeaturesView Your Radio’s ID NumberUse the MenuUse the Preprogrammed Call or Page Button1Press U or V to find CALL or PAGE.2Press D, E, or F  directly below CALL or PAGE.3Press V. 1Press the Call or Page button.2Press V. or PAGECALLMY ID:701111MY ID:701111
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 69Special Radio FeaturesDynamic Regrouping (Trunking Only)The dynamic regrouping feature lets the dispatcher temporarily reassign selected radios to a single special channel so they can communicate with each other. This feature is typically used during special operations and is enabled by a qualified radio technician. You will not notice whether your radio has this feature enabled until a dynamic regrouping command is sent by the dispatcher.Note: If you try to access a zone or channel that has been reserved by the dispatcher as a dynamically regrouped mode for other users, you will hear an invalid tone.Reprogram Request (ASTRO 25 Trunking Only)This feature lets you notify the dispatcher that you want a new dynamic regrouping assignment.Use the MenuWhen your radio is dynamically regrouped, it automatically switches to the dynamically regrouped channel. You see the dynamically regrouped channel’s name, and hear a “gurgle” tone.Press the PTT button to talk; release it to listen.When the dispatcher cancels dynamic regrouping, the radio automatically returns to the zone and channel that you were using before the radio was dynamically regrouped.1Press U to find RPGM.2Press D, E, or F directly below RPGM.The reprogram request is sent to the dispatcher.RPGMREPRGRM RQST
70Special Radio FeaturesUse the Preprogrammed Reprogram Request Button3If you hear one beep-Press the PTT button to send the reprogram request again.OR- Press h to cancel and return to the home display.ORIf you hear five beeps, the reprogram request was acknowledged by the dis-patcher. Your radio returns to the home display.ORIf the dispatcher does not acknowledge the reprogram request within six seconds, you see NO ACKNOWLDG and hear a low-pitched alert tone.Try again or press h.• An alert tone1Press the Reprogram Request button. You see REPRGRM RQST.The reprogram request is sent to the dispatcher.NO ACKNOWLDGREPRGRM RQST
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 71Special Radio FeaturesSelect Enable / DisableThe dispatcher can classify regrouped radios into either of two categories: Select Enabled or Select Disabled.•Select-enabled radios are free to change to any available channel, including the dynamic-regrouping channel, once the user has selected the dynamic-regrouping position.•Select-disabled radios cannot change channels while dynamically regrouped. The dispatcher has forced the radio to remain on the dynamic-regrouping channel.The Scan or Private Call feature cannot be selected while your radio is Select Disabled.2If you hear one beep-Press the PTT button to send the reprogram request againOR - Press h to hang up and return to the home display.OR• One beepIf you hear five beeps, the reprogram request was acknowledged by the dis-patcher. Your radio returns to the home display.OR• Five beepsIf the dispatcher does not acknowledge the reprogram request within six seconds, you see NO ACKNOWLDG and hear a low-pitched alert tone.Try again or press h.• An alert toneNO ACKNOWLDG
72Special Radio FeaturesTrunking System ControlsFailsoftThe failsoft system ensures continuous radio communications during a trunked system failure. If a trunking system fails completely, the radio goes into failsoft operation and automatically switches to its failsoft channel. During failsoft operation:When the trunking system returns to normal operation, your radio automatically leaves failsoft operation and returns to trunked operation.Out-of-RangeIf you go out of the range of the system, and can no longer lock onto a control channel: Your radio transmits and receives in conventional operation on a predetermined frequency. You hear a medium-pitched tone every 10 seconds. •Medium-pitched toneThe display shows OUT OF RANGE and the currently selected zone/channel combination, and/or you hear a low-pitched tone.AND/OR• Low-pitched toneYour radio remains in this out-of-range condition until it locks onto a control channel, or it locks onto a failsoft channel, or it is turned off.•Locks onto a control channel, or•Locks onto a failsoft channel, or•Turned off.FAILSOFTOUT OF RANGE
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 73Special Radio FeaturesSite LockThis feature allows your radio to lock onto a specific site and not roam among wide-area talkgroup sites. This feature should be used with caution, since it inhibits roaming to another site in a wide-area system.Lock or Unlock a SiteUse the MenuUse the Preprogrammed Site Lock/Unlock Button1Press U or V to find SITE.2Press D, E, or F directly below SITE.The current lock state is displayed.3Press D, E, or F  directly below LOCK or UNLK.• The new site-lock state is saved.•Your radio returns to the home display.1Press the Site Lock/Unlock button.The current lock state is momentarily displayed.OR2Press and hold the Site Lock/Unlock button until you see the desired lock state. ORSITESITE UNLOCKEDLOCK UNLKSITE LOCKEDLOCK UNLKSSSSIIIITTTTEEEE    LLLLOOOOCCCCKKKKEEEEDDDDSITE UNLOCKEDSITE LOCKEDSSSSIIIITTTTEEEE    UUUUNNNNLLLLOOOOCCCCKKKKEEEEDDDD
74Special Radio FeaturesSite TrunkingIf the zone controller loses communication with any site, that site reverts to what is known as “site trunking.” The display shows “SITE TRUNKNG” and the currently selected zone/channel combination. When this occurs, you can communicate only with other radios within your trunking site.Site View and ChangeYou can view the ID number of the current site or force your radio to change to a new one.View the Current SiteMomentarily press the preprogrammed Site Search button.The display shows the name of the current site and its corresponding Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) symbol (s) ORIf the radio is scanning for a new site, the display momentarily shows SCANING SITE.sSITE 2SCANING SITE
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 75Special Radio FeaturesChange the Current SitePress and hold down the preprogrammed Site Search button to manually force the change to a new site.You hear a tone, and the display shows SCANING SITE while the radio scans for a new site.The radio returns to the home display when it finds a new site.•ToneSCANING SITE
76Special Radio FeaturesTime and DateUsing this special feature, you may program the time and date as you might with other electronic devices. The clock display is enabled by a qualified radio technician.Edit Time and Date• The default time setting is a 12-hour clock.• If a 24-hour clock is selected, AM/PM selection is not available.• The default setting for the domestic date shows MDY.1Press U to find CLCK.2Press D, E, or F directly below CLCK. The current setting is displayed.3Press D, E, or F directly below EDIT.The first item flashes.4Press X or Y to change the selected item.12HR 00:00AMMDY 00/00/00CLCK12HR 03:54AMMDY 03/07/01EDIT12HR 03:54AMMDY 03/07/01SAVE24HR 03:54MDY 03/07/01SAVE
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 77Special Radio FeaturesNote: Press h at any time to return to the home display without saving your changes.ORPress U one or more times to move to an item you wish to change.5Press X or Y to change the selected item.6Press U one or more times to move to an item in the date field.7Press X or Y to change the selected item.8When you have made all your changes, press D, E, or F directly below SAVE to save your changes and return to the Home display.Note: If a call arrives while the radio is in the clock-setting menu, the radio exits clock setting, your changes are lost, and the call information is displayed.12HR 03:54AMMDY 03/07/01SAVE12HR 03:58AMMDY 03/07/01SAVE12HR 03:58AMMDY 03/07/01SAVE12HR 03:58AMMDY 03/08/01SAVE
78Special Radio FeaturesNotes
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 79Helpful TipsRadio CareCleaningTo clean the external surfaces of your radio:1Combine one teaspoon of mild dishwashing detergent to one gallon of water (0.5% solution).2Apply the solution sparingly with a stiff, non-metallic, short-bristled brush, making sure excess detergent does not get entrapped near the connectors, controls or crevices. Dry the radio thoroughly with a soft, lint-free cloth.3Clean battery contacts with a lint-free cloth to remove dirt or grease.Handling• Do not pound, drop, or throw the radio. Never carry the radio by the antenna.•Avoid subjecting the radio to an excess of liquids.•Avoid subjecting the radio to corrosives, solvents or spirits.• Do not disassemble the radio.• Keep the accessory-connector cover in place until ready to use the connector. Replace the cover immediately once the accessory has been disconnected.Do not use solvents to clean your radio. Spirits may permanently damage the radio housing.Do not submerge the radio in the detergent solution.!C a u t i o n
80Helpful TipsServiceProper repair and maintenance procedures will assure efficient operation and long life for this product. A Motorola maintenance agreement will provide expert service to keep this and all other communication equipment in perfect operating condition. A nationwide service organization is provided by Motorola to support maintenance services. Through its maintenance and installation program, Motorola makes available the finest service to those desiring reliable, continuous communications on a contract basis. For a contract service agreement, please contact your nearest Motorola service or sales representative, or an authorized Motorola dealer.Express Service Plus (ESP) is an optional extended service coverage plan, which provides for the repair of this product for a period of three years from the date of shipment from the factory, or the date of delivery if purchased from an authorized Motorola two-way radio dealer. For more information about ESP, contact the Motorola Radio Support Center at 3761 South Central Avenue, Rockford, IL 61102 (800) 227-6772 / (847)725-4200.
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 81Helpful TipsBatteryBattery LifeBattery life is determined by several factors. Among the more critical are the regular overcharge of batteries and the average depth of discharge with each cycle. Typically, the greater the overcharge and the deeper the average discharge, the fewer cycles a battery will last. For example, a battery which is overcharged and discharges 100% several times a day, will last fewer cycles than a battery that receives less of an overcharge and is discharged to 50% per day. Further, a battery which receives minimal overcharging and averages only 25% discharge, will last even longer.Charging the Battery Motorola batteries are designed specifically to be used with a Motorola charger and vice-versa. Charging in non-Motorola equipment may lead to battery damage and void the battery warranty. Motorola-authorized battery chargers may not charge batteries other than the ones listed on page 85.The battery should be at about 77°F (25°C) (room temperature), whenever possible. Charging a cold battery (below 50° F [10°C]) may result in leakage of electrolyte and ultimately in failure of the battery. Charging a hot battery (above 95°F [35°C]) results in reduced discharge capacity, affecting the performance of the radio. Motorola rapid-rate battery chargers contain a temperature-sensing circuit to ensure that batteries are charged within the temperature limits stated above.Battery Charge StatusYour radio can indicate your battery’s charge status by the following: LED and Sounds• you see the LED flash red when the PTT Button is pressed indicating low battery• you hear a low-battery “chirp” (short, high-pitched tone)
82Helpful TipsConventional Fuel Gauge SymbolA flashing fuel gauge symbol (b) is displayed only when the battery voltage drops to low level. In this case, replace the battery with a fully charged one.Smart Fuel Gauge SymbolNote: Smart battery will be available at a future date.Consult the Smart Battery manual. All conditions must be met for a battery to be classified as a “Smart Battery.” When your radio has a Smart Battery installed, the fuel gauge symbol is always displayed. Replace the battery with a fully charged one when the fuel gauge shows the lowest level.Battery Recycling and DisposalNickel-cadmium (NiCd) rechargeable batteries can be recycled. However, recycling facilities may not be available in all areas. Under various U.S. state laws and the laws of several other countries, NiCd batteries must be recycled and cannot be disposed of in landfills or incinerators. Contact your local waste management agency for specific requirements and information in your area. Motorola fully endorses and encourages the recycling of NiCd batteries. In the U.S. and Canada, Motorola participates in the nationwide Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) program for NiCd battery collection and recycling. Many retailers and dealers participate in this program.Gauge shows: if the battery’s charge is:b71% to 100% fullj41% to 70%k11% to 40%l10% or less (at 10%, the gauge begins flashing)
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 83Helpful TipsFor the location of the drop-off facility closest to you, access RBRC's Internet web site at or call 1-800-8-BATTERY. This internet site and telephone number also provide other useful information concerning recycling options for consumers, businesses, and governmental agencies.
84Helpful TipsAntennaRadio Operating FrequenciesThe following antenna types are compatible with your radio:Before installing the antenna, make sure it matches your radio’s operating frequency. Antennas are frequency- sensitive and are color-coded according to their frequency range. The color code indicator is located in the center of the antenna’s base.Antenna type  Approx. lengthInsulator color codeFrequency rangeAntenna kit mm800 MHz Whip, Halfwave7 175 RED 806-870 MHz NAF5037800 MHz Stubby, Quarterwave3.3 83 WHITE 806-870 MHz NAF5042700/800 MHz Whip7 185 GREEN 764-870 MHz NAF5080color
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 85AccessoriesMotorola provides the following approved accessories to improve the productivity of your XTS 2500 portable two-way radio.For a list of Motorola-approved antennas, batteries, and other accessories, visit the following web site which lists approved accessories: <> AntennasBatteriesNAD6563 VHF Whip Antenna (136-174)NAD6566 VHF Antenna (136-150.8)NAD6567 VHF Antenna (150.8-162)NAD6568 VHF Antenna (162-174)NAF5037 800 MHz whip, halfwave (806-870 MHz)NAF5039 800 MHz Antenna -Dipole (806-870 MHz)NAF5042 800 MHz stubby, quarterwave (806-870 MHz)NAF5080 700/800 MHz whip (764-870 MHz)HLN6847 NiCd High CapacityHLN6848 NiCd High Capacity, Factory Mutual Intrinsically SafeHLN6849 NiMH Ultra-High Capacity, Factory Mutual Intrinsically SafeHLN6850 NiMH Ultra-High Capacity, Factory Mutual Intrinsically SafeNTN9815 NiCd High CapacityNTN9816 NiCd High Capacity, Factory Mutual Intrinsically Safe NTN9857 NiMH Ultra-High Capacity, Factory Mutual Intrinsically SafeNTN9858 NiMH Ultra-High Capacity
86AccessoriesCarry AccessoriesBelt ClipsBody-WornChargersHLN6853 Belt Clip, 2 1/4 inchHLN9844 Belt Clip, 2 inchNNTN4520 High Activity D Clip and Belt Loop CombinationNNTN4521 High Activity Swivel D ClipNNTN4115 Carrying case, Leather with 3” Swivel Belt Loop and T-strapNNTN4116 Carrying case, Leather with 2.5” Swivel Belt Loop and T-strapNNTN4117 Carrying case, Leather with 3” Belt Loop and T-strapNLN6349 Shoulder strap for carrying radioNTN5243 Shoulder strap for carrying radioTDN9675 Wrist Strap for carrying radioNTN1168 Single Unit Dual Rate, Rapid Charger 120 VNTN1169 Single Unit Dual Rate, Rapid Charger 220 V (2-prong Euro plug)NTN1170 Single Unit Dual Rate, Rapid Charger 240 V (3-prong UK plug)NTN1177 Multi-Unit, Dual Rate, Rapid: 110 VNTN1178 Multi-Unit, Dual Rate, Rapid: 240 V (3-prong UK plug)
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 87AccessoriesEnhanced and Multi-Unit Line CordsSurveillance AccessoriesEarpiecesNTN1179 Multi-Unit, Rapid, 240V (UK 13 MAP Plug)NTN1667 Tri-Chemistry, 110VNTN1669 Tri-Chemistry, 230VNTN1873 IMPRES™ Rapid, 110V Single Unit ChargerNTN1874 IMPRES™ Rapid, 220V Single Unit ChargerNTN1875 IMPRES™ Rapid, 240V Single Unit ChargerNTN4796 Multi-unit, tri-chemistry, rapid rate, 110 VNTN7209 Single-Unit Dual Rate, Rapid w/o CordNTN8726 220V Universal Multi-unit ChargerNTN8727 240V Universal Multi-unit ChargerNTN9176 Charger Vehicular Tri Chemistry. Compatible with XTS3000, XTS 3500 and PAC-RTNTN7373 110 V interchangeable line NTN7374 220 V interchangeable line (2-prong Euro plug)NTN7375 240 V interchangeable line (3-prong UK plug)BDN6641 Ear mic, high noise level up to 105 dB, grey (must order BDN6671 interface module)BDN6664 Earpiece with standard earphone, beigeBDN6665 Earpiece with extra-loud earphone (exceeds OSHA limits), beigeBDN6666 Earpiece with volume control, beigeBDN6667 Earpiece, mic and PTT combined, beige
88AccessoriesHeadsets and Headset AccessoriesBDN6668 Earpiece, mic and PTT separate, beigeBDN6669 Earpiece, mic and PTT combined, with extra-loud earphone (exceeds OSHA limits), beigeBDN6670 Earpiece, mic and PTT separate with extra-loud ear-phone (exceeds OSHA limits), beigeBDN6677 Ear mic, standard, noise up to 95 dB (must order BDN6671 interface module), blackBDN6678 Ear mic, standard, noise up to 95 dB (must order BDN6671 interface module), beigeBDN6719 Earpad, with 3.5mm threaded plugBDN6726 Earpiece with standard earphone, blackBDN6727 Earpiece with extra-loud earphone (exceeds OSHA limits), blackBDN6728 Earpiece with volume control, blackBDN6729 Earpiece, mic and PTT combined, blackBDN6730 Earpiece, mic and PTT separate, blackBDN6731 Earpiece, mic and PTT combined, with extra-loud earphone (exceeds OSHA limits), blackBDN6732 Earpiece, mic and PTT separate, with extra-loud earphone (exceeds OSHA limits), blackBDN6780 Earbud, single with Mic and PTT combined, beigeBDN6781 Earbud, single, receive only, blackBDN6782 Earbud, dual, receive only, blackBDN6635 Heavy-duty VOX headset with noise-canceling boom mic (requires BDN6673 adapter)BDN6636 Heavy-duty VOX headset with throat mic (requires BDN6673)
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 89AccessoriesRadio Interface Modules for Ear MicrophonesSpeaker, Remote SpeakerBDN6645 Noise-canceling boom mic headset with PTT on earcupBDN6673 Headset adapter cable (for use with BDN6635 and BDN6645)BDN6676 Jedi adapterNMN1020 Safety helmet headset (requires BDN6676 adapter)NMN6245 Light-weight headsetNMN6246 Ultralite headset with boom micNMN6258 Over-the-head headset with in-line PTTNMN6259 Medium-weight, dual headset with NC micRMN4049 Jedi “TEMCO” temple transducerBDN6671 Push-to-talk (PTT) and voice-activated (VOX) inter-face module (for use with BDN6641, BDN6677 and BDN6678)BDN6708 PTT interface module (for use with BDN6641, BDN6677 and BDN6678)NMN6191 RSM noise-canceling (includes 6.0' coiled cord assembly, 3.5mm earjack, swivel clip, quick disconnect)NMN6193 Remote speaker mic
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 91GlossaryThis is a list of specialized terms used in this manual.ACK Acknowledgment of communication.Active Channel A channel that has traffic on it.Analog Signal An RF signal that has a continuous nature rather than a pulsed or discrete nature.ASTRO 25 Trunking Motorola standard for wireless digital trunked communications.ASTRO ConventionalMotorola standard for wireless analog or digital conventional communications.Call Alert Privately page an individual by sending an audible tone.Carrier Squelch Feature that responds to the presence of an RF carrier by opening or unmuting (turning on) a receiver's audio circuit. A squelch circuit silences the radio when no signal is being received so that the user does not have to listen to noise.Central Controller  A software controlled, computer-driven device that receives and generates data for the trunked radios assigned to it. It monitors and directs the operations of the trunked repeaters.Channel A group of characteristics such as transmit/receive frequency pairs, radio parameters, and encryption encoding.Control Channel In a trunking system, one of the channels that is used to provide a continuous, two-way/data communications path between the central controller and all radios on the system.Conventional Typically refers to radio-to-radio communications, sometimes through a repeater. (See Trunking.)
92GlossaryCursor A visual tracking marker (a blinking line) that indicates a location on the display.Deadlock Displayed by the radio after three failed attempts to unlock the radio.The radio must be powered off and on prior to another attempt.Digital Private Line (DPL)A type of coded squelch using data bursts. Similar to PL except a digital code is used instead of a tone.Digital Signal An RF signal that has a pulsed, or discrete nature, rather than a continuous nature.Dispatcher An individual who has radio system management duties.Dynamic RegroupingA feature that allows the dispatcher to temporarily reassign selected radios to a single special channel so they can communicate with each other.Failsoft A feature that allows communications to take place even though the central controller has failed. Each trunked repeater in the system will transmit a data word informing every radio that the system has gone into failsoft.FCC Federal Communications Commission.Hang Up Disconnect.Home Display The first display information after the radio completes its self test.LCD Liquid Crystal Display.LED Light-emitting diode.Menu Entry A software-activated feature shown at the bottom of the display — selection of these features is controlled by the D, E, and F buttons.
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 93GlossaryMonitor Check channel activity by pressing the Monitor button. If the channel is clear, you will hear static. If the channel is in use, you will hear conversation. It also serves as a way to check the volume level of the radio, as the radio will “open the squelch” when pressing the monitor button.Network Access CodeNetwork Access Code (NAC) operates on digital channels to reduce voice channel interference between adjacent systems and sites.NiCd Nickel Cadmium.NiMH Nickel Metal Hydride.Non-tactical/Revert The user will talk on a preprogrammed emergency channel. The emergency alarm is sent on this same channel.Page A one-way alert, with audio and/or display messages.Personality A set of unique features specific to a radio.Preprogrammed A feature that has been assigned in advance by a qualified technician.Private (Conversation) CallAllows you to have a private conversation with another radio user in the group.Private Line (PL) A sub-audible tone that is transmitted such that only receivers decoding this tone will hear the message.Programmable A radio control that can have a radio feature assigned to it.PTT Push-To-Talk — the PTT button engages the transmitter and puts the radio in transmit (send) operation when pressed.
94GlossaryRadio Frequency (RF)The part of the general frequency spectrum between the audio and infrared light regions (about 10 kHz to10,000,000 MHz).Repeater A conventional radio feature, where you talk through a receive/transmit facility (repeater), that re-transmits received signals in order to improve communications range and coverage.Selective Switch Any digital P25 traffic having the correct Network Access Code and the correct talkgroup.Squelch Special electronic circuitry added to the receiver of a radio which reduces, or squelches, unwanted signals before they are heard in the speaker.Standby An operating condition whereby the radio’s speaker is muted but still continues to receive data.Tactical/Non-revert The user will talk on the channel that was selected before the radio entered the emergency state.Talkaround Bypass a repeater and talk directly to another unit for easy local unit-to-unit communications.Talkgroup An organization of radio users who communicate with each other.Trunking The automatic sharing of communications paths between a large number of users. (See Conventional.)Zone A grouping of channels.
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 95IndexAaccessoriescarry cases ..............................86alert tones  ...................................14analog squelch ............................38answerphone calluse the preprogrammed call response button ...................55private calluse the preprogrammed call response button ...................59antenna .......................................20radio operating frequencies .....84antennas .....................................85App button  ..................................11attachadapter ....................................23antenna ...................................20battery .....................................18belt clip  ....................................21universal connector cover  .......22Bbacklight ........................................7batteries and battery accessories 85battery .........................................17battery charge status ...............81charger ....................................17charging the battery  ................17conventional fuel gauge symbol 82LED and sounds ......................81life ............................................81recycling and disposal .............82smart fuel gauge symbol  .........82belt clip ........................................21Ccall alert paging ...........................62answer a call alert page  ..........62make a call alertuse the keypad  ....................64use the menu .......................63carry accessoriesbelt clips  .................................. 86change passwords ...................... 36charge the battery ....................... 17chargersenhanced and multi-unit line cords 87common radio features ............... 33conventionalfuel gauge symbol ................... 82mode operation  ....................... 32squelch options  ....................... 38talkgroup calls  ......................... 65Ddigital squelch ............................. 38display .......................................... 7dynamic priority change .............. 54dynamic regrouping  .................... 69Eeditcall, page, or phone list nameuse the menu ....................... 49call, page, or phone list numberuse the menu ....................... 47time and date  .......................... 76edit a list name  ........................... 49emergency .................................. 41keep-alive ................................ 44send a silent emergency alarm 43send an emergency alarm  ...... 41send an emergency call  .......... 42Ffailsoft ......................................... 72four-way navigation button  ......... 11Ggeneral radio operation ................. 3glossary ...................................... 91
96IndexHhelpful tips .................................. 79home button  ............................... 11Iindividual calls ............................ 55Kkeypad ....................................... 12LLED indicators ............................ 13listscan list empty ........................ 46view a list ................................ 45lists ............................................. 45lock or unlock a siteuse the menu .......................... 73use the preprogrammed site lock/unlock button ......................... 73Mmake a phone calluse the menu .......................... 56use the quick access button  ... 56make a private calluse the menu .......................... 60use the quick access button  ... 60menu entry (softkey)  .................... 9menu select buttons ..................... 9menu selection features ............. 10mute or unmute keypad tones  ... 37use the menu .......................... 37using the preprogrammed side button .................................... 37Nnotations used in this manual  ...... 3Oout-of-range ............................... 72Pphone callmakeuse the menu .......................56use the quick access button  56phone call display and alert prompts 58physical features of the radio ........ 5PL defeat  ....................................39private callansweruse the keypad  ....................61use the preprogrammed call response button ...................59makeuse the menu .......................60use the quick access button  60programmable features .................6PTT ID  ........................................67Rradio carecleaning ...................................79handling ...................................79radio lockchange your password  ............36unlock your radio .....................35receive and transmituse the preprogrammed monitor button .....................................31without using the volume set and monitor buttons ......................29remote speaker microphone adapterremove the adapter  .................23removeantenna ...................................20battery .....................................18belt clip  ....................................21remote speaker microphone adapter ...................................23universal connector  .................22repeater or direct operation  ........66select repeater or direct  ..........66
ASTRO XTS 2500 Model III 97Indexreprogram request  ......................69use the preprogrammed reprogram request button ........................70request a new dynamic regroupingusing the menu ........................69Sscan ............................................51delete a nuisance channel  ......53turn scan on and off  ................51scan (conventional only)make a dynamic priority change  .54scan list empty  ............................46selectchannelmethod 1: use the preprogrammed channel selector ................................27method 2: use the menu ......28enable / disable  .......................71repeater or direct operationuse the menu .......................66talkgroup .................................65zoneuse the menu .......................26use the preprogrammed zone switch ...................................27sendemergency alarm .....................41emergency call  ........................42silent emergency alarm  ...........43service .........................................80site lock .......................................73site trunking  ................................74site view and change  ..................74smartbattery conditionuse the menu .......................19use the preprogrammed smart battery button .......................19fuel gauge symbol  ...................82standard accessories ..................17status symbols .............................. 8surveillance accessories ............. 87earpieces ................................ 87headsets and headset accessories ................................................ 88radio interface modules for ear microphones .......................... 89speaker, remote speaker and public safety microphones ..... 89Ttime and date .............................. 76edit time and date  ................... 76time-out timer .............................. 40transmitter power levelusing the preprogrammed TX power level switch  ................. 34trunking system controls ............. 72turn the radio off  ......................... 25turn the radio on  ......................... 25Uuniversal connectorattach the cover  ...................... 22remove the cover  .................... 22Vviewlist ............................................ 45your radio’s ID numberuse the menu ....................... 68use the preprogrammed call or page button  ......................... 68Zzones and channels .................... 26

Navigation menu