Motorola Mpc8260 Users Manual 8260UM

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Rev. 0
UserÕs Manual
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PowerPC Processor Core
Memory Map
System Interface Unit (SIU)
External Signals
60x Signals
The 60x Bus
Clocks and Power Control
Memory Controller
Secondary (L2) Cache Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Communications Processor Module Overview
Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
CPM Multiplexing
Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs)
SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation
Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs)
SCC Transparent Mode
SCC Ethernet Mode
SCC AppleTalk Mode
Serial Management Controllers (SMCs)
Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs)
Fast Communications Controllers
ATM Controller
Fast Ethernet Controller
FCC HDLC Controller
FCC Transparent Controller
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
C Controller
Parallel I/O Ports
Register Quick Reference Guide
PowerPC Processor Core
Memory Map
System Interface Unit (SIU)
External Signals
60x Signals
The 60x Bus
Clocks and Power Control
Memory Controller
Secondary (L2) Cache Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Communications Processor Module Overview
Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
CPM Multiplexing
Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs)
SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation
Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs)
SCC Transparent Mode
SCC Ethernet Mode
SCC AppleTalk Mode
Serial Management Controllers (SMCs)
Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs)
Fast Communications Controllers
ATM Controller
Fast Ethernet Controller
FCC HDLC Controller
FCC Transparent Controller
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
C Controller
Parallel I/O Ports
Register Quick Reference Guide
Number Title Page
About This Book
Before Using this ManualÑImportant Note.......................................................... lv
Audience ................................................................................................................ lv
Organization.......................................................................................................... lvi
Suggested Reading................................................................................................ lix
MPC8xx Documentation .............................................................................. lix
PowerPC Documentation ............................................................................. lix
Conventions ........................................................................................................... lx
Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................... lxi
PowerPC Architecture Terminology Conventions ............................................. lxiv
Chapter 1
1.1 Features................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 MPC8260Õs Architecture Overview .................................................................... 1-4
1.2.1 MPC603e Core ................................................................................................ 1-5
1.2.2 System Interface Unit (SIU) ............................................................................ 1-6
1.2.3 Communications Processor Module (CPM) .................................................... 1-6
1.3 Software Compatibility Issues ............................................................................. 1-7
1.3.1 Signals.............................................................................................................. 1-7
1.4 Differences between MPC860 and MPC8260..................................................... 1-9
1.5 Serial Protocol Table............................................................................................ 1-9
1.6 MPC8260 Configurations .................................................................................. 1-10
1.6.1 Pin Configurations ......................................................................................... 1-10
1.6.2 Serial Performance......................................................................................... 1-10
1.7 MPC8260 Application Examples ...................................................................... 1-11
1.7.1 Examples of Communication Systems .......................................................... 1-11 Remote Access Server ............................................................................... 1-11 Regional Office Router.............................................................................. 1-12 LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router .................................................................... 1-13 Cellular Base Station ................................................................................. 1-14 Telecommunications Switch Controller .................................................... 1-14 SONET Transmission Controller .............................................................. 1-15
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1.7.2 Bus Configurations.........................................................................................1-15 Basic System ..............................................................................................1-15 High-Performance Communication ...........................................................1-16 High-Performance System Microprocessor ...............................................1-17
Chapter 2
PowerPC Processor Core
2.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................2-1
2.2 PowerPC Processor Core Features ......................................................................2-3
2.2.1 Instruction Unit.................................................................................................2-5
2.2.2 Instruction Queue and Dispatch Unit ...............................................................2-5
2.2.3 Branch Processing Unit (BPU).........................................................................2-6
2.2.4 Independent Execution Units ...........................................................................2-6 Integer Unit (IU)...........................................................................................2-6 Load/Store Unit (LSU).................................................................................2-7 System Register Unit (SRU) ........................................................................2-7
2.2.5 Completion Unit ...............................................................................................2-7
2.2.6 Memory Subsystem Support ............................................................................2-8 Memory Management Units (MMUs) .........................................................2-8 Cache Units ..................................................................................................2-8
2.3 Programming Model.............................................................................................2-8
2.3.1 Register Set.......................................................................................................2-8 PowerPC Register Set ..................................................................................2-9 MPC8260-Specific Registers .....................................................................2-11 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0) .....................2-11 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1) .....................2-14 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2) .....................2-15 Processor Version Register (PVR).........................................................2-16
2.3.2 PowerPC Instruction Set and Addressing Modes...........................................2-16 Calculating Effective Addresses ................................................................2-16 PowerPC Instruction Set ............................................................................2-16 MPC8260 Implementation-Specific Instruction Set ..................................2-18
2.4 Cache Implementation........................................................................................2-18
2.4.1 PowerPC Cache Model...................................................................................2-18
2.4.2 MPC8260 Implementation-Specific Cache Implementation..........................2-19 Data Cache .................................................................................................2-19 Instruction Cache........................................................................................2-21 Cache Locking............................................................................................2-21 Entire Cache Locking.............................................................................2-21 Way Locking ..........................................................................................2-21
2.5 Exception Model.................................................................................................2-22
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2.5.1 PowerPC Exception Model ............................................................................2-22
2.5.2 MPC8260 Implementation-Specific Exception Model..................................2-23
2.5.3 Exception Priorities........................................................................................2-26
2.6 Memory Management ........................................................................................2-26
2.6.1 PowerPC MMU Model ..................................................................................2-27
2.6.2 MPC8260 Implementation-Specific MMU Features .....................................2-28
2.7 Instruction Timing..............................................................................................2-29
2.8 Differences between the MPC8260Õs Core and the PowerPC 603e
Chapter 3
Memory Map
Chapter 4
System Interface Unit (SIU)
4.1 System Configuration and Protection ..................................................................4-2
4.1.1 Bus Monitor .....................................................................................................4-3
4.1.2 Timers Clock....................................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 Time Counter (TMCNT)..................................................................................4-4
4.1.4 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) .........................................................................4-5
4.1.5 Software Watchdog Timer ...............................................................................4-6
4.2 Interrupt Controller ..............................................................................................4-7
4.2.1 Interrupt Configuration ....................................................................................4-8
4.2.2 Interrupt Source Priorities ................................................................................4-9 SCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority .....................................................4-12 PIT, TMCNT, and IRQ Relative Priority ..................................................4-12 Highest Priority Interrupt ...........................................................................4-13
4.2.3 Masking Interrupt Sources .............................................................................4-13
4.2.4 Interrupt Vector Generation and Calculation.................................................4-14 Port C External Interrupts ..........................................................................4-16
4.3 Programming Model ..........................................................................................4-17
4.3.1 Interrupt Controller Registers ........................................................................4-17 SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR)............................................4-17 SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR)....................................................4-18 CPM Interrupt Priority Registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L) .................4-19 SIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L).....................4-21 SIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L) ............................4-22 SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC).....................................................4-23 SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR).....................................4-24
4.3.2 System Configuration and Protection Registers ............................................4-25 Bus Configuration Register (BCR) ...........................................................4-25
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Number 60x Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (PPC_ACR) ...............................4-28 60x Bus Arbitration-Level Registers (PPC_ALRH/PPC_ALRL) .............4-28 Local Bus Arbiter Configuration Register (LCL_ACR)............................4-29 Local Bus Arbitration Level Registers (LCL_ALRH and LCL_ACRL)...4-30 SIU Module Configuration Register (SIUMCR) .......................................4-31 Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR) ...................................................4-34 System Protection Control Register (SYPCR)...........................................4-35 Software Service Register (SWSR)............................................................4-36 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1).............4-36 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2).............4-37 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1) .....4-38 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2) .....4-39 Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC) ..........................4-40 Time Counter Register (TMCNT)..............................................................4-41 Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL) .............................................4-41
4.3.3 Periodic Interrupt Registers............................................................................4-42 Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR)............................4-42 Periodic Interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC) .......................................4-43 Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR) ..................................................4-44
4.4 SIU Pin Multiplexing..........................................................................................4-44
Chapter 5
5.1 Reset Causes.........................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Reset Actions....................................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Power-On Reset Flow.......................................................................................5-2
Flow .................................................................................................5-3
5.2 Reset Status Register (RSR).................................................................................5-4
5.3 Reset Mode Register (RMR) ................................................................................5-5
5.4 Reset Configuration..............................................................................................5-6
5.4.1 Hard Reset Configuration Word.......................................................................5-8
5.4.2 Hard Reset Configuration Examples ................................................................5-9 Single MPC8260 with Default Configuration..............................................5-9 Single MPC8260 Configured from Boot EPROM.....................................5-10 Multiple MPC8260s Configured from Boot EPROM................................5-10 Multiple MPC8260s in a System with No EPROM...................................5-12
Chapter 6
Number Title Page
External Signals
6.1 Functional Pinout .................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Signal Descriptions ..............................................................................................6-2
Chapter 7
60x Signals
7.1 Signal Configuration ............................................................................................7-2
7.2 Signal Descriptions ..............................................................................................7-3
7.2.1 Address Bus Arbitration Signals......................................................................7-3 Bus Request (BR)ÑOutput .........................................................................7-3 Address Bus Request (BR)ÑOutput .......................................................7-3 Address Bus Request (BR)ÑInput..........................................................7-4 Bus Grant (BG) ............................................................................................7-4 Bus Grant (BG)ÑInput............................................................................7-4 Bus Grant (BG)ÑOutput.........................................................................7-5 Address Bus Busy (ABB) ............................................................................7-5 Address Bus Busy (ABB)ÑOutput .........................................................7-5 Address Bus Busy (ABB)ÑInput............................................................7-6
7.2.2 Address Transfer Start Signal ..........................................................................7-6 Transfer Start (TS) .......................................................................................7-6 Transfer Start (TS)ÑOutput ....................................................................7-6 Transfer Start (TS)ÑInput...........................................................................7-6
7.2.3 Address Transfer Signals .................................................................................7-7 Address Bus (A[0Ð31]) ................................................................................7-7 Address Bus (A[0Ð31])ÑOutput.............................................................7-7 Address Bus (A[0Ð31])ÑInput................................................................7-7
7.2.4 Address Transfer Attribute Signals..................................................................7-7 Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])..............................................................................7-8 Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])ÑOutput...........................................................7-8 Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])ÑInput .............................................................7-8 Transfer Size (TSIZ[0Ð3]) ...........................................................................7-8 Transfer Burst (TBST) .................................................................................7-8 Global (GBL) ...............................................................................................7-9 Global (GBL)ÑOutput............................................................................7-9 Global (GBL)ÑInput...............................................................................7-9 Caching-Inhibited (CI)ÑOutput..................................................................7-9 Write-Through (WT)ÑOutput ....................................................................7-9
7.2.5 Address Transfer Termination Signals...........................................................7-10 Address Acknowledge (AACK) ................................................................7-10 Address Acknowledge (AACK)ÑOutput .............................................7-10 Address Acknowledge (AACK)ÑInput................................................7-10
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Number Address Retry (ARTRY)............................................................................7-11 Address Retry (ARTRY)ÑOutput.........................................................7-11 Address Retry (ARTRY)ÑInput ...........................................................7-11
7.2.6 Data Bus Arbitration Signals..........................................................................7-12 Data Bus Grant (DBG) ...............................................................................7-12 Data Bus Grant (DBG)ÑInput ..............................................................7-12 Data Bus Grant (DBG)ÑOutput............................................................7-12 Data Bus Busy (DBB) ................................................................................7-13 Data Bus Busy (DBB)ÑOutput.............................................................7-13 Data Bus Busy (DBB)ÑInput................................................................7-13
7.2.7 Data Transfer Signals .....................................................................................7-13 Data Bus (D[0Ð63]) ....................................................................................7-13 Data Bus (D[0Ð63])ÑOutput.................................................................7-14 Data Bus (D[0Ð63])ÑInput ...................................................................7-14 Data Bus Parity (DP[0Ð7]) .........................................................................7-14 Data Bus Parity (DP[0Ð7])ÑOutput ......................................................7-14 Data Bus Parity (DP[0Ð7])ÑInput.........................................................7-15
7.2.8 Data Transfer Termination Signals ................................................................7-15 Transfer Acknowledge (TA) ......................................................................7-15 Transfer Acknowledge (TA)ÑInput......................................................7-15 Transfer Acknowledge (TA)ÑOutput ...................................................7-16 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) ..........................................................7-16 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)ÑInput..........................................7-16 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)ÑOutput .......................................7-17 Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL)...................................................7-17 Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)ÑInput ...................................................7-17 Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)ÑOutput.................................................7-18
Chapter 8
The 60x Bus
8.1 Terminology .........................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Bus Configuration.................................................................................................8-2
8.2.1 Single MPC8260 Bus Mode.............................................................................8-2
8.2.2 60x-Compatible Bus Mode...............................................................................8-3
8.3 60x Bus Protocol Overview..................................................................................8-4
8.3.1 Arbitration Phase ..............................................................................................8-5
8.3.2 Address Pipelining and Split-Bus Transactions ...............................................8-7
8.4 Address Tenure Operations ..................................................................................8-7
8.4.1 Address Arbitration ..........................................................................................8-7
8.4.2 Address Pipelining............................................................................................8-9
8.4.3 Address Transfer Attribute Signals ................................................................8-10
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Number Transfer Type Signal (TT[0Ð4]) Encoding ................................................8-10 Transfer Code Signals TC[0Ð2] .................................................................8-13 TBST and TSIZ[0Ð3] Signals and Size of Transfer...................................8-13 Burst Ordering During Data Transfers.......................................................8-14 Effect of Alignment on Data Transfers......................................................8-14 Effect of Port Size on Data Transfers ........................................................8-16 60x-Compatible Bus ModeÑSize Calculation..........................................8-19 Extended Transfer Mode............................................................................8-20
8.4.4 Address Transfer Termination .......................................................................8-23 Address Retried with ARTRY ...................................................................8-23 Address Tenure Timing Configuration ......................................................8-25
8.4.5 Pipeline Control .............................................................................................8-26
8.5 Data Tenure Operations .....................................................................................8-26
8.5.1 Data Bus Arbitration ......................................................................................8-26
8.5.2 Data Streaming Mode ....................................................................................8-27
8.5.3 Data Bus Transfers and Normal Termination ................................................8-27
8.5.4 Effect of ARTRY Assertion on Data Transfer and Arbitration .....................8-28
8.5.5 Port Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination .............................8-28
8.5.6 Data Bus Termination by Assertion of TEA..................................................8-30
8.6 Memory CoherencyÑMEI Protocol..................................................................8-31
8.7 Processor State Signals.......................................................................................8-32
8.7.1 Support for the lwarx/stwcx. Instruction Pair ................................................8-33
8.7.2 TLBISYNC Input...........................................................................................8-33
8.8 Little-Endian Mode ............................................................................................8-33
Chapter 9
Clocks and Power Control
9.1 Clock Unit ............................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Clock Configuration.............................................................................................9-2
9.3 External Clock Inputs...........................................................................................9-5
9.4 Main PLL .............................................................................................................9-5
9.4.1 PLL Block Diagram .........................................................................................9-5
9.4.2 Skew Elimination .............................................................................................9-6
9.5 Clock Dividers......................................................................................................9-6
9.6 The MPC8260Õs Internal Clock Signals...............................................................9-6
9.6.1 General System Clocks ....................................................................................9-7
9.7 PLL Pins...............................................................................................................9-7
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9.8 System Clock Control Register (SCCR) ..............................................................9-8
9.9 System Clock Mode Register (SCMR) ................................................................9-9
9.10 Basic Power Structure ........................................................................................9-10
Chapter 10
Memory Controller
10.1 Features...............................................................................................................10-3
10.2 Basic Architecture ..............................................................................................10-5
10.2.1 Address and Address Space Checking ...........................................................10-8
10.2.2 Page Hit Checking..........................................................................................10-9
10.2.3 Error Checking and Correction (ECC) ...........................................................10-9
10.2.4 Parity Generation and Checking.....................................................................10-9
10.2.5 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) Generation............................................10-9
10.2.6 Machine Check Interrupt (MCP) Generation .................................................10-9
10.2.7 Data Buffer Controls (BCTLx) ....................................................................10-10
10.2.8 Atomic Bus Operation..................................................................................10-10
10.2.9 Data Pipelining ............................................................................................10-10
10.2.10 External Memory Controller Support...........................................................10-11
10.2.11 External Address Latch Enable Signal (ALE)..............................................10-11
10.2.12 ECC/Parity Byte Select (PBSE) ...................................................................10-11
10.2.13 Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL).....................................................10-12
10.3 Register Descriptions........................................................................................10-13
10.3.1 Base Registers (BR
) ...................................................................................10-14
10.3.2 Option Registers (ORx)................................................................................10-16
10.3.3 60x SDRAM Mode Register (PSDMR) .......................................................10-21
10.3.4 Local Bus SDRAM Mode Register (LSDMR) ............................................10-24
10.3.5 Machine A/B/C Mode Registers (MxMR) ...................................................10-26
10.3.6 Memory Data Register (MDR).....................................................................10-28
10.3.7 Memory Address Register (MAR) ...............................................................10-29
10.3.8 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT).........................................10-30
10.3.9 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)......................................10-30
10.3.10 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT) ....................................10-31
10.3.11 Local Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT).................................10-32
10.3.12 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MPTPR) .................................10-32
10.3.13 60x Bus Error Status and Control Registers (TESCRx)...............................10-33
10.3.14 Local Bus Error Status and Control Registers (L_TESCRx) .......................10-33
10.4 SDRAM Machine.............................................................................................10-33
10.4.1 Supported SDRAM Configurations .............................................................10-35
10.4.2 SDRAM Power-On Initialization .................................................................10-35
10.4.3 JEDEC-Standard SDRAM Interface Commands.........................................10-35
10.4.4 Page-Mode Support and Pipeline Accesses .................................................10-36
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10.4.5 Bank Interleaving ........................................................................................10-36 SDRAM Address Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA) .............................10-37
10.4.6 SDRAM Device-Specific Parameters ..........................................................10-38 Precharge-to-Activate Interval.................................................................10-38 Activate to Read/Write Interval ...............................................................10-39 Column Address to First Data OutÑCAS Latency .................................10-40 Last Data Out to Precharge ......................................................................10-40 Last Data In to PrechargeÑWrite Recovery ...........................................10-41 Refresh Recovery Interval (RFRC)..........................................................10-41 External Address Multiplexing Signal.....................................................10-41 External Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD) ............................10-42
10.4.7 SDRAM Interface Timing............................................................................10-42
10.4.8 SDRAM Read/Write Transactions...............................................................10-46
10.4.9 SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing ........................................................10-46
10.4.10 SDRAM Refresh ..........................................................................................10-47
10.4.11 SDRAM Refresh Timing .............................................................................10-47
10.4.12 SDRAM Configuration Examples ...............................................................10-48 SDRAM Configuration Example (Page-Based Interleaving)..................10-48
10.4.13 SDRAM Configuration Example (Bank-Based Interleaving) .....................10-50
10.5 General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine (GPCM) .............................................10-51
10.5.1 Timing Configuration...................................................................................10-52 Chip-Select Assertion Timing..................................................................10-53 Chip-Select and Write Enable Deassertion Timing .................................10-54 Relaxed Timing........................................................................................10-55 Output Enable (OE) Timing.....................................................................10-57 Programmable Wait State Configuration.................................................10-57 Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses ..................................................10-57
10.5.2 External Access Termination .......................................................................10-60
10.5.3 Boot Chip-Select Operation .........................................................................10-61
10.5.4 Differences between MPC8xxÕs GPCM and MPC8260Õs GPCM...............10-62
10.6 User-Programmable Machines (UPMs) ...........................................................10-62
10.6.1 Requests .......................................................................................................10-64 Memory Access Requests ........................................................................10-65 UPM Refresh Timer Requests .................................................................10-65 Software RequestsÑrun Command.........................................................10-66 Exception Requests ..................................................................................10-66
10.6.2 Programming the UPMs...............................................................................10-66
10.6.3 Clock Timing ...............................................................................................10-67
10.6.4 The RAM Array ...........................................................................................10-69 RAM Words.............................................................................................10-70 Chip-Select Signals (CxTx) .................................................................10-74 Byte-Select Signals (BxTx) .................................................................10-75 General-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx) ...............................................10-76
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Number Loop Control ........................................................................................10-76 Repeat Execution of Current RAM Word (REDO) ............................10-76 Address Multiplexing ...............................................................................10-77 Data Valid and Data Sample Control .......................................................10-77 Signals Negation.......................................................................................10-78 The Wait Mechanism ...............................................................................10-78 Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses ..................................................10-79
10.6.5 UPM DRAM Configuration Example..........................................................10-79
10.6.6 Differences between MPC8xx UPM and MPC8260 UPM ..........................10-80
10.7 Memory System Interface Example Using UPM .............................................10-81 EDO Interface Example ...........................................................................10-92
10.8 Handling Devices with Slow or Variable Access Times................................10-100
10.8.1 Hierarchical Bus Interface Example...........................................................10-100
10.8.2 Slow Devices Example...............................................................................10-100
10.9 External Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode).........................................10-101
10.9.1 60x-Compatible External Masters..............................................................10-101
10.9.2 MPC8260-Type External Masters..............................................................10-101
10.9.3 Extended Controls in 60x-Compatible Mode.............................................10-101
10.9.4 Using BNKSEL SIgnals in Single-MPC8260 Bus Mode ..........................10-102
10.9.5 Address Incrementing for External Bursting Masters ................................10-102
10.9.6 External Masters Timing ............................................................................10-102 Example of External Master Using the SDRAM Machine ....................10-104
Chapter 11
Secondary (L2) Cache Support
11.1 L2 Cache Configurations....................................................................................11-1
11.1.1 Copy-Back Mode............................................................................................11-1
11.1.2 Write-Through Mode......................................................................................11-2
11.1.3 ECC/Parity Mode ...........................................................................................11-4
11.2 L2 Cache Interface Parameters...........................................................................11-7
11.3 System Requirements When Using the L2 Cache Interface...............................11-7
11.4 L2 Cache Operation............................................................................................11-7
11.5 Timing Example .................................................................................................11-8
Chapter 12
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
12.1 Overview ............................................................................................................12-1
12.2 TAP Controller ...................................................................................................12-2
12.3 Boundary Scan Register .....................................................................................12-3
12.4 Instruction Register...........................................................................................12-28
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12.5 MPC8260 Restrictions .....................................................................................12-30
12.6 Nonscan Chain Operation ................................................................................12-30
Chapter 13
Communications Processor Module Overview
13.1 Features ..............................................................................................................13-1
13.2 MPC8260
Serial Configurations ........................................................................13-3
13.3 Communications Processor (CP) .......................................................................13-4
13.3.1 Features ..........................................................................................................13-4
13.3.2 CP Block Diagram .........................................................................................13-4
13.3.3 PowerPC Core Interface.................................................................................13-6
13.3.4 Peripheral Interface ........................................................................................13-6
13.3.5 Execution from RAM.....................................................................................13-7
13.3.6 RISC Controller Configuration Register (RCCR) .........................................13-7
13.3.7 RISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR) ..............................................13-9
13.3.8 RISC Time-Stamp Register (RTSR)............................................................13-10
13.3.9 RISC Microcode Revision Number .............................................................13-10
13.4 Command Set ...................................................................................................13-11
13.4.1 CP Command Register (CPCR) ...................................................................13-11 CP Commands..........................................................................................13-13
13.4.2 Command Register Example........................................................................13-15
13.4.3 Command Execution Latency ......................................................................13-15
13.5 Dual-Port RAM................................................................................................13-15
13.5.1 Buffer Descriptors (BDs) .............................................................................13-17
13.5.2 Parameter RAM ...........................................................................................13-17
13.6 RISC Timer Tables...........................................................................................13-18
13.6.1 RISC Timer Table Parameter RAM.............................................................13-19
13.6.2 RISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD) .............................................13-20
13.6.3 RISC Timer Table Entries............................................................................13-21
13.6.4 RISC Timer Event Register (RTER)/Mask Register (RTMR) ....................13-21
13.6.5 set timer Command ......................................................................................13-22
13.6.6 RISC Timer Initialization Sequence ............................................................13-22
13.6.7 RISC Timer Initialization Example .............................................................13-22
13.6.8 RISC Timer Interrupt Handling ...................................................................13-23
13.6.9 RISC Timer Table Scan Algorithm..............................................................13-23
13.6.10 Using the RISC Timers to Track CP Loading .............................................13-24
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Chapter 14
Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
14.1 Features...............................................................................................................14-3
14.2 Overview ............................................................................................................14-4
14.3 Enabling Connections to TSA ............................................................................14-7
14.4 Serial Interface RAM..........................................................................................14-8
14.4.1 One Multiplexed Channel with Static Frames................................................14-9
14.4.2 One Multiplexed Channel with Dynamic Frames ..........................................14-9
14.4.3 Programming SIx RAM Entries ...................................................................14-10
14.4.4 SIx RAM Programming Example ................................................................14-13
14.4.5 Static and Dynamic Routing.........................................................................14-14
14.5 Serial Interface Registers..................................................................................14-17
14.5.1 SI Global Mode Registers (SIxGMR) ..........................................................14-17
14.5.2 SI Mode Registers (SIxMR).........................................................................14-17
14.5.3 SIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR)..........................................14-23
14.5.4 SI Command Register (SIxCMDR)..............................................................14-24
14.5.5 SI Status Registers (SIxSTR) .......................................................................14-25
14.6 Serial Interface IDL Interface Support .............................................................14-25
14.6.1 IDL Interface Example .................................................................................14-26
14.6.2 IDL Interface Programming .........................................................................14-29
14.7 Serial Interface GCI Support ............................................................................14-31
14.7.1 SI GCI Activation/Deactivation Procedure ..................................................14-33
14.7.2 Serial Interface GCI Programming...............................................................14-33 Normal Mode GCI Programming.............................................................14-33 SCIT Programming ..................................................................................14-33
Chapter 15
CPM Multiplexing
15.1 Features...............................................................................................................15-2
15.2 Enabling Connections to TSA or NMSI.............................................................15-3
15.3 NMSI Configuration...........................................................................................15-4
15.4 CMX Registers ...................................................................................................15-6
15.4.1 CMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR)..............................................15-7
15.4.2 CMX SI1 Clock Route Register (CMXSI1CR) ...........................................15-10
15.4.3 CMX SI2 Clock Route Register (CMXSI2CR) ...........................................15-11
15.4.4 CMX FCC Clock Route Register (CMXFCR).............................................15-12
15.4.5 CMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR).............................................15-14
15.4.6 CMX SMC Clock Route Register (CMXSMR)...........................................15-17
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Chapter 16
Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs)
16.1 BRG Configuration Registers 1Ð8 (BRGCx).....................................................16-2
16.2 Autobaud Operation on a UART .......................................................................16-4
16.3 UART Baud Rate Examples ..............................................................................16-5
Chapter 17
17.1 Features ..............................................................................................................17-2
17.2 General-Purpose Timer Units.............................................................................17-2
17.2.1 Cascaded Mode ..............................................................................................17-3
17.2.2 Timer Global Configuration Registers (TGCR1 and TGCR2) ......................17-4
17.2.3 Timer Mode Registers (TMR1ÐTMR4).........................................................17-6
17.2.4 Timer Reference Registers (TRR1ÐTRR4)....................................................17-7
17.2.5 Timer Capture Registers (TCR1ÐTCR4) .......................................................17-8
17.2.6 Timer Counters (TCN1ÐTCN4).....................................................................17-8
17.2.7 Timer Event Registers (TER1ÐTER4) ...........................................................17-8
Chapter 18
SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation
18.1 SDMA Bus Arbitration and Bus Transfers ........................................................18-2
18.2 SDMA Registers ................................................................................................18-3
18.2.1 SDMA Status Register (SDSR) .....................................................................18-3
18.2.2 SDMA Mask Register (SDMR) .....................................................................18-4
18.2.3 SDMA Transfer Error Address Registers (PDTEA and LDTEA).................18-4
18.2.4 SDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers (PDTEM and LDTEM) .............18-4
18.3 IDMA Emulation................................................................................................18-5
18.4 IDMA Features...................................................................................................18-5
18.5 IDMA Transfers .................................................................................................18-6
18.5.1 Memory-to-Memory Transfers ......................................................................18-6 External Request Mode..............................................................................18-8 Normal Mode .............................................................................................18-9
18.5.2 Memory to/from Peripheral Transfers ...........................................................18-9 Dual-Address Transfers ...........................................................................18-10 Peripheral to Memory ..........................................................................18-10 Memory to Peripheral ..........................................................................18-10 Single Address (Fly-By) Transfers ..........................................................18-11 Peripheral-to-Memory Fly-By Transfers .............................................18-11 Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Transfers .............................................18-11
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18.5.3 Controlling 60x Bus Bandwidth...................................................................18-12
18.6 IDMA Priorities................................................................................................18-12
18.7 IDMA Interface Signals....................................................................................18-12
18.7.1 DREQx and DACKx ....................................................................................18-13 Level-Sensitive Mode...............................................................................18-13 Edge-Sensitive Mode ...............................................................................18-13
18.7.2 DONEx .........................................................................................................18-14
18.8 IDMA Operation...............................................................................................18-14
18.8.1 Auto Buffer and Buffer Chaining.................................................................18-15
18.8.2 IDMAx Parameter RAM ..............................................................................18-16 DMA Channel Mode (DCM) ...................................................................18-18 Data Transfer Types as Programmed in DCM.........................................18-20 Programming DTS and STS.....................................................................18-20
18.8.3 IDMA Performance ......................................................................................18-22
18.8.4 IDMA Event Register (IDSR) and Mask Register (IDMR).........................18-22
18.8.5 IDMA BDs ...................................................................................................18-23
18.9 IDMA Commands ............................................................................................18-26
18.9.1 start_idma Command....................................................................................18-26
18.9.2 stop_idma Command....................................................................................18-26
18.10 IDMA Bus Exceptions......................................................................................18-27
18.10.1 Externally Recognizing IDMA Operand Transfers......................................18-27
18.11 Programming the Parallel I/O Registers...........................................................18-28
18.12 IDMA Programming Examples........................................................................18-29
18.12.1 Peripheral-to-Memory Mode (60x Bus to Local Bus)ÑIDMA2.................18-29
18.12.2 Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (Both on 60x Bus)ÑIDMA3 ............18-30
Chapter 19
Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs)
19.1 Features...............................................................................................................19-2
19.1.1 The General SCC Mode Registers (GSMR1ÐGSMR4) .................................19-3
19.1.2 Protocol-Specific Mode Register (PSMR) .....................................................19-9
19.1.3 Data Synchronization Register (DSR)............................................................19-9
19.1.4 Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR).........................................................19-9
19.2 SCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs) .........................................................................19-10
19.3 SCC Parameter RAM .......................................................................................19-13
19.3.1 SCC Base Addresses ....................................................................................19-15
19.3.2 Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR)...............................................19-15
19.3.3 Handling SCC Interrupts ..............................................................................19-16
19.3.4 Initializing the SCCs.....................................................................................19-17
19.3.5 Controlling SCC Timing with RTS, CTS, and CD ......................................19-18 Synchronous Protocols .............................................................................19-18
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Number Asynchronous Protocols ..........................................................................19-21
19.3.6 Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) Operation...........................................19-22 Encoding Data with a DPLL....................................................................19-24
19.3.7 Clock Glitch Detection.................................................................................19-26
19.3.8 Reconfiguring the SCCs...............................................................................19-26 General Reconfiguration Sequence for an SCC Transmitter ...................19-26 Reset Sequence for an SCC Transmitter..................................................19-27 General Reconfiguration Sequence for an SCC Receiver .......................19-27 Reset Sequence for an SCC Receiver ......................................................19-27 Switching Protocols .................................................................................19-27
19.3.9 Saving Power ...............................................................................................19-27
Chapter 20
20.1 Features ..............................................................................................................20-2
20.2 Normal Asynchronous Mode .............................................................................20-3
20.3 Synchronous Mode.............................................................................................20-3
20.4 SCC UART Parameter RAM .............................................................................20-4
20.5 Data-Handling Methods: Character- or Message-Based....................................20-5
20.6 Error and Status Reporting.................................................................................20-6
20.7 SCC UART Commands .....................................................................................20-6
20.8 Multidrop Systems and Address Recognition....................................................20-7
20.9 Receiving Control Characters ............................................................................20-8
20.10 Hunt Mode (Receiver)......................................................................................20-10
20.11 Inserting Control Characters into the Transmit Data Stream...........................20-10
20.12 Sending a Break (Transmitter) .........................................................................20-11
20.13 Sending a Preamble (Transmitter)....................................................................20-11
20.14 Fractional Stop Bits (Transmitter)....................................................................20-11
20.15 Handling Errors in the SCC UART Controller ................................................20-12
20.16 UART Mode Register (PSMR) ........................................................................20-13
20.17 SCC UART Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) .............................................20-15
20.18 SCC UART Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................20-18
20.19 SCC UART Event Register (SCCE) and Mask Register (SCCM) ..................20-19
20.20 SCC UART Status Register (SCCS)................................................................20-21
20.21 SCC UART Programming Example ................................................................20-22
20.22 S-Records Loader Application .........................................................................20-23
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Chapter 21
21.1 SCC HDLC Features ..........................................................................................21-2
21.2 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Transmission.........................................................21-2
21.3 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Reception ..............................................................21-3
21.4 SCC HDLC Parameter RAM .............................................................................21-3
21.5 Programming the SCC in HDLC Mode .............................................................21-5
21.6 SCC HDLC Commands .....................................................................................21-5
21.7 Handling Errors in the SCC HDLC Controller ..................................................21-6
21.8 HDLC Mode Register (PSMR) ..........................................................................21-7
21.9 SCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)................................................21-8
21.10 SCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................21-11
21.11 HDLC Event Register (SCCE)/HDLC Mask Register (SCCM) ......................21-12
21.12 SCC HDLC Status Register (SCCS) ................................................................21-14
21.13 SCC HDLC Programming Examples...............................................................21-14
21.13.1 SCC HDLC Programming Example #1 .......................................................21-15
21.13.2 SCC HDLC Programming Example #2 .......................................................21-16
21.14 HDLC Bus Mode with Collision Detection .....................................................21-17
21.14.1 HDLC Bus Features .....................................................................................21-19
21.14.2 Accessing the HDLC Bus.............................................................................21-19
21.14.3 Increasing Performance ................................................................................21-20
21.14.4 Delayed RTS Mode ......................................................................................21-21
21.14.5 Using the Time-Slot Assigner (TSA) ...........................................................21-22
21.14.6 HDLC Bus Protocol Programming ..............................................................21-23 Programming GSMR and PSMR for the HDLC Bus Protocol ................21-23 HDLC Bus Controller Programming Example ........................................21-23
Chapter 22
22.1 Features...............................................................................................................22-2
22.2 SCC BISYNC Channel Frame Transmission.....................................................22-2
22.3 SCC BISYNC Channel Frame Reception ..........................................................22-3
22.4 SCC BISYNC Parameter RAM..........................................................................22-3
22.5 SCC BISYNC Commands..................................................................................22-5
22.6 SCC BISYNC Control Character Recognition...................................................22-6
22.7 BISYNC SYNC Register (BSYNC)...................................................................22-7
22.8 SCC BISYNC DLE Register (BDLE)................................................................22-8
22.9 Sending and Receiving the Synchronization Sequence......................................22-9
22.10 Handling Errors in the SCC BISYNC ................................................................22-9
22.11 BISYNC Mode Register (PSMR).....................................................................22-10
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22.12 SCC BISYNC Receive BD (RxBD) ................................................................22-12
22.13 SCC BISYNC Transmit BD (TxBD)...............................................................22-14
22.14 BISYNC Event Register (SCCE)/BISYNC Mask Register (SCCM) ..............22-15
22.15 SCC Status Registers (SCCS) ..........................................................................22-16
22.16 Programming the SCC BISYNC Controller ....................................................22-17
22.17 SCC BISYNC Programming Example ............................................................22-18
Chapter 23
SCC Transparent Mode
23.1 Features ..............................................................................................................23-1
23.2 SCC Transparent Channel Frame Transmission Process...................................23-2
23.3 SCC Transparent Channel Frame Reception Process ........................................23-2
23.4 Achieving Synchronization in Transparent Mode .............................................23-3
23.4.1 Synchronization in NMSI Mode ....................................................................23-3 In-Line Synchronization Pattern ................................................................23-3 External Synchronization Signals ..............................................................23-4 External Synchronization Example........................................................23-4 Transparent Mode without Explicit Synchronization ................................23-5
23.4.2 Synchronization and the TSA ........................................................................23-5 Inline Synchronization Pattern...................................................................23-6 Inherent Synchronization ...........................................................................23-6
23.4.3 End of Frame Detection .................................................................................23-6
23.5 CRC Calculation in Transparent Mode..............................................................23-6
23.6 SCC Transparent Parameter RAM.....................................................................23-6
23.7 SCC Transparent Commands.............................................................................23-7
23.8 Handling Errors in the Transparent Controller ..................................................23-8
23.9 Transparent Mode and the PSMR ......................................................................23-9
23.10 SCC Transparent Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) .......................................23-9
23.11 SCC Transparent Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)....................................23-10
23.12 SCC Transparent Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM).................23-12
23.13 SCC Status Register in Transparent Mode (SCCS) .........................................23-13
23.14 SCC2 Transparent Programming Example ......................................................23-13
Chapter 24
SCC Ethernet Mode
24.1 Ethernet on the MPC8260..................................................................................24-2
24.2 Features ..............................................................................................................24-3
24.3 Connecting the MPC8260 to Ethernet ...............................................................24-4
24.4 SCC Ethernet Channel Frame Transmission......................................................24-5
24.5 SCC Ethernet Channel Frame Reception ...........................................................24-6
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24.6 The Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) Interface ........................................24-7
24.7 SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM...........................................................................24-8
24.8 Programming the Ethernet Controller ..............................................................24-10
24.9 SCC Ethernet Commands.................................................................................24-10
24.10 SCC Ethernet Address Recognition .................................................................24-11
24.11 Hash Table Algorithm ......................................................................................24-13
24.12 Interpacket Gap Time .......................................................................................24-13
24.13 Handling Collisions ..........................................................................................24-13
24.14 Internal and External Loopback .......................................................................24-14
24.15 Full-Duplex Ethernet Support ..........................................................................24-14
24.16 Handling Errors in the Ethernet Controller ......................................................24-14
24.17 Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR)......................................................................24-15
24.18 SCC Ethernet Receive BD................................................................................24-17
24.19 SCC Ethernet Transmit Buffer Descriptor .......................................................24-19
24.20 SCC Ethernet Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM).......................24-21
24.21 SCC Ethernet Programming Example..............................................................24-23
Chapter 25
SCC AppleTalk Mode
25.1 Operating the LocalTalk Bus..............................................................................25-1
25.2 Features...............................................................................................................25-2
25.3 Connecting to AppleTalk....................................................................................25-3
25.4 Programming the SCC in AppleTalk Mode .......................................................25-3
25.4.1 Programming the GSMR................................................................................25-3
25.4.2 Programming the PSMR.................................................................................25-4
25.4.3 Programming the TODR ................................................................................25-4
25.4.4 SCC AppleTalk Programming Example ........................................................25-4
Chapter 26
Serial Management Controllers (SMCs)
26.1 Features...............................................................................................................26-2
26.2 Common SMC Settings and Configurations ......................................................26-3
26.2.1 SMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2) ...............................................26-3
26.2.2 SMC Buffer Descriptor Operation .................................................................26-5
26.2.3 SMC Parameter RAM ....................................................................................26-6 SMC Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR) ..........................................26-8
26.2.4 Disabling SMCs On-the-Fly...........................................................................26-9 SMC Transmitter Full Sequence ................................................................26-9 SMC Transmitter Shortcut Sequence .........................................................26-9 SMC Receiver Full Sequence.....................................................................26-9
Number Title Page
Number SMC Receiver Shortcut Sequence ...........................................................26-10 Switching Protocols .................................................................................26-10
26.2.5 Saving Power ...............................................................................................26-10
26.2.6 Handling Interrupts in the SMC...................................................................26-10
26.3 SMC in UART Mode .......................................................................................26-10
26.3.1 Features ........................................................................................................26-11
26.3.2 SMC UART Channel Transmission Process ...............................................26-11
26.3.3 SMC UART Channel Reception Process.....................................................26-12
26.3.4 Programming the SMC UART Controller ...................................................26-12
26.3.5 SMC UART Transmit and Receive Commands ..........................................26-12
26.3.6 Sending a Break ...........................................................................................26-13
26.3.7 Sending a Preamble......................................................................................26-13
26.3.8 Handling Errors in the SMC UART Controller ...........................................26-13
26.3.9 SMC UART RxBD ......................................................................................26-14
26.3.10 SMC UART TxBD ......................................................................................26-16
26.3.11 SMC UART Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) ..................26-18
26.3.12 SMC UART Controller Programming Example..........................................26-19
26.4 SMC in Transparent Mode...............................................................................26-20
26.4.1 Features ........................................................................................................26-21
26.4.2 SMC Transparent Channel Transmission Process .......................................26-21
26.4.3 SMC Transparent Channel Reception Process ............................................26-22
26.4.4 Using SMSYN for Synchronization.............................................................26-22
26.4.5 Using the Time-Slot Assigner (TSA) for Synchronization..........................26-23
26.4.6 SMC Transparent Commands ......................................................................26-25
26.4.7 Handling Errors in the SMC Transparent Controller...................................26-25
26.4.8 SMC Transparent RxBD ..............................................................................26-26
26.4.9 SMC Transparent TxBD ..............................................................................26-27
26.4.10 SMC Transparent Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) ..........26-28
26.4.11 SMC Transparent NMSI Programming Example ........................................26-29
26.5 The SMC in GCI Mode....................................................................................26-30
26.5.1 SMC GCI Parameter RAM ..........................................................................26-30
26.5.2 Handling the GCI Monitor Channel.............................................................26-31 SMC GCI Monitor Channel Transmission Process .................................26-31 SMC GCI Monitor Channel Reception Process ......................................26-31
26.5.3 Handling the GCI C/I Channel.....................................................................26-31 SMC GCI C/I Channel Transmission Process .........................................26-31 SMC GCI C/I Channel Reception Process ..............................................26-31
26.5.4 SMC GCI Commands ..................................................................................26-32
26.5.5 SMC GCI Monitor Channel RxBD..............................................................26-32
26.5.6 SMC GCI Monitor Channel TxBD ..............................................................26-32
26.5.7 SMC GCI C/I Channel RxBD......................................................................26-33
26.5.8 SMC GCI C/I Channel TxBD ......................................................................26-33
26.5.9 SMC GCI Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM) ......................26-34
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Chapter 27
Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs)
27.1 Features...............................................................................................................27-1
27.2 MCC Data Structure Organization .....................................................................27-2
27.3 Global MCC Parameters.....................................................................................27-3
27.4 Channel Extra Parameters ..................................................................................27-5
27.5 Super-Channel Table ..........................................................................................27-5
27.6 Channel-Specific HDLC Parameters..................................................................27-8
27.6.1 Internal Transmitter State (TSTATE) ............................................................27-9
27.6.2 Interrupt Mask (INTMSK) .............................................................................27-9
27.6.3 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)..............................................................27-10
27.6.4 Internal Receiver State (RSTATE)...............................................................27-11
27.7 Channel-Specific Transparent Parameters........................................................27-12
27.7.1 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode ............................27-13
27.8 MCC Configuration Registers (MCCFx) .........................................................27-15
27.9 MCC Commands ..............................................................................................27-16
27.10 MCC Exceptions...............................................................................................27-17
27.10.1 MCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM) .............................27-18 Interrupt Table Entry ................................................................................27-19
27.11 MCC Buffer Descriptors ..................................................................................27-21
27.11.1 Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ..............................................................27-21
27.11.2 Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD).............................................................27-23
27.12 MCC Initialization and Start/Stop Sequence....................................................27-24
27.12.1 Single-Channel Initialization........................................................................27-25
27.12.2 Super Channel Initialization .........................................................................27-26
27.13 MCC Latency and Performance .......................................................................27-26
Chapter 28
Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs)
28.1 Overview ............................................................................................................28-2
28.2 General FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx)............................................................28-3
28.3 FCC Protocol-Specific Mode Registers (FPSMRx)...........................................28-7
28.4 FCC Data Synchronization Registers (FDSRx) .................................................28-7
28.5 FCC Transmit-on-Demand Registers (FTODRx) ..............................................28-7
28.6 FCC Buffer Descriptors......................................................................................28-8
28.7 FCC Parameter RAM .......................................................................................28-10
28.7.1 FCC Function Code Registers (FCRx).........................................................28-13
28.8 Interrupts from the FCCs..................................................................................28-13
28.8.1 FCC Event Registers (FCCEx).....................................................................28-14
28.8.2 FCC Mask Registers (FCCMx) ....................................................................28-14
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28.8.3 FCC Status Registers (FCCSx) ....................................................................28-14
28.9 FCC Initialization.............................................................................................28-14
28.10 FCC Interrupt Handling ...................................................................................28-15
28.11 FCC Timing Control ........................................................................................28-15
28.12 Disabling the FCCs On-the-Fly........................................................................28-19
28.12.1 FCC Transmitter Full Sequence...................................................................28-20
28.12.2 FCC Transmitter Shortcut Sequence............................................................28-20
28.12.3 FCC Receiver Full Sequence .......................................................................28-20
28.12.4 FCC Receiver Shortcut Sequence ................................................................28-21
28.12.5 Switching Protocols .....................................................................................28-21
28.13 Saving Power....................................................................................................28-21
Chapter 29
ATM Controller
29.1 Features ..............................................................................................................29-2
29.2 ATM Controller Overview.................................................................................29-4
29.2.1 Transmitter Overview ....................................................................................29-5 AAL5 Transmitter Overview .....................................................................29-5 AAL1 Transmitter Overview .....................................................................29-5 AAL0 Transmitter Overview .....................................................................29-6 Transmit External Rate and Internal Rate Modes......................................29-6
29.2.2 Receiver Overview.........................................................................................29-6 AAL5 Receiver Overview .........................................................................29-7 AAL1 Receiver Overview .........................................................................29-7 AAL0 Receiver Overview .........................................................................29-8
29.2.3 Performance Monitoring ................................................................................29-8
29.2.4 ABR Flow Control .........................................................................................29-8
29.3 ATM Pace Control (APC) Unit..........................................................................29-8
29.3.1 APC Modes and ATM Service Types............................................................29-8
29.3.2 APC Unit Scheduling Mechanism .................................................................29-9
29.3.3 Determining the Scheduling Table Size.......................................................29-10 Determining the Cells Per Slot (CPS) in a Scheduling Table..................29-10 Determining the Number of Slots in a Scheduling Table ........................29-11
29.3.4 Determining the Time-Slot Scheduling Rate of a Channel..........................29-11
29.3.5 ATM Traffic Type........................................................................................29-11 Peak Cell Rate Traffic Type.....................................................................29-11 Determining the PCR Traffic Type Parameters.......................................29-11 Peak and Sustain Traffic Type (VBR) .....................................................29-12 Example for Using VBR Traffic Parameters .......................................29-12 Handling the Cell Loss Priority (CLP)ÑVBR Type 1 and 2 ..............29-13 Peak and Minimum Cell Rate Traffic Type (UBR+)...............................29-13
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29.3.6 Determining the Priority of an ATM Channel .............................................29-13
29.4 VCI/VPI Address Lookup Mechanism.............................................................29-14
29.4.1 External CAM Lookup .................................................................................29-14
29.4.2 Address Compression...................................................................................29-15 VP-Level Address Compression Table (VPLT) ......................................29-17 VC-Level Address Compression Tables (VCLTs) ..................................29-18
29.4.3 Misinserted Cells ..........................................................................................29-18
29.4.4 Receive Raw Cell Queue..............................................................................29-19
29.5 Available Bit Rate (ABR) Flow Control ..........................................................29-20
29.5.1 The ABR Model ...........................................................................................29-20 ABR Flow Control Source End-System Behavior ...................................29-21 ABR Flow Control Destination End-System Behavior............................29-21 ABR Flowcharts .......................................................................................29-22
29.5.2 RM Cell Structure.........................................................................................29-25 RM Cell Rate Representation...................................................................29-26
29.5.3 ABR Flow Control Setup .............................................................................29-27
29.6 OAM Support ...................................................................................................29-27
29.6.1 ATM-Layer OAM Definitions .....................................................................29-27
29.6.2 Virtual Path (F4) Flow Mechanism..............................................................29-28
29.6.3 Virtual Channel (F5) Flow Mechanism........................................................29-28
29.6.4 Receiving OAM F4 or F5 Cells....................................................................29-28
29.6.5 Transmitting OAM F4 or F5 Cells ...............................................................29-29
29.6.6 Performance Monitoring ..............................................................................29-29 Running a Performance Block Test..........................................................29-30 PM Block Monitoring ..............................................................................29-30 PM Block Generation...............................................................................29-31 BRC Performance Calculations................................................................29-32
29.7 User-Defined Cells (UDC) ...............................................................................29-32
29.7.1 UDC Extended Address Mode (UEAD) ......................................................29-33
29.8 ATM Layer Statistics........................................................................................29-33
29.9 ATM-to-TDM Interworking.............................................................................29-34
29.9.1 Automatic Data Forwarding .........................................................................29-34
29.9.2 Using Interrupts in Automatic Data Forwarding..........................................29-35
29.9.3 Timing Issues................................................................................................29-36
29.9.4 Clock Synchronization (SRTS and Adaptive FIFOs) ..................................29-36
29.9.5 Mapping TDM Time Slots to VCs ...............................................................29-36
29.9.6 CAS Support.................................................................................................29-36
29.9.7 Trunk Condition ...........................................................................................29-37
29.9.8 ATM-to-ATM Data Forwarding ..................................................................29-37
29.10 ATM Memory Structure...................................................................................29-37
29.10.1 Parameter RAM............................................................................................29-37 Determining UEAD_OFFSET (UEAD Mode Only) ...............................29-40 VCI Filtering (VCIF)................................................................................29-40
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Number Global Mode Entry (GMODE) ................................................................29-41
29.10.2 Connection Tables (RCT, TCT, and TCTE)................................................29-41 ATM Channel Code .................................................................................29-42 Receive Connection Table (RCT)............................................................29-43 AAL5 Protocol-Specific RCT..............................................................29-46 AAL5-ABR Protocol-Specific RCT ....................................................29-47 AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT..............................................................29-48 AAL0 Protocol-Specific RCT..............................................................29-50 Transmit Connection Table (TCT) ..........................................................29-51 AAL5 Protocol-Specific TCT..............................................................29-54 AAL1 Protocol-Specific TCT..............................................................29-54 AAL0 Protocol-Specific TCT..............................................................29-55 VBR Protocol-Specific TCTE .............................................................29-56 UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE ...........................................................29-57 ABR Protocol-Specific TCTE .............................................................29-58
29.10.3 OAM Performance Monitoring Tables ........................................................29-60
29.10.4 APC Data Structure......................................................................................29-61 APC Parameter Tables .............................................................................29-62 APC Priority Table...................................................................................29-63 APC Scheduling Tables ...........................................................................29-63
29.10.5 ATM Controller Buffer Descriptors (BDs)..................................................29-64 Transmit Buffer Operations .....................................................................29-64 Receive Buffers Operation.......................................................................29-65 Static Buffer Allocation .......................................................................29-65 Global Buffer Allocation .....................................................................29-66 Free Buffer Pools .................................................................................29-67 Free Buffer Pool Parameter Tables......................................................29-68 ATM Controller Buffers ..........................................................................29-69 AAL5 RxBD ............................................................................................29-69 AAL1 RxBD ............................................................................................29-71 AAL0 RxBD ............................................................................................29-72 AAL5, AAL1 User-Defined CellÑRxBD Extension..............................29-73 AAL5 TxBDs...........................................................................................29-74 AAL1 TxBDs...........................................................................................29-76 AAL0 TxBDs...........................................................................................29-77 AAL5, AAL1 User-Defined CellÑTxBD Extension..............................29-78
29.10.6 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table (AAL1 Only)..................29-78
29.10.7 UNI Statistics Table .....................................................................................29-78
29.11 ATM Exceptions ..............................................................................................29-79
29.11.1 Interrupt Queues...........................................................................................29-79
29.11.2 Interrupt Queue Entry ..................................................................................29-80
29.11.3 Interrupt Queue Parameter Tables ...............................................................29-81
29.12 The UTOPIA Interface.....................................................................................29-82
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29.12.1 UTOPIA Interface Master Mode..................................................................29-82 UTOPIA Master Multiple PHY Operation ..............................................29-83
29.12.2 UTOPIA Interface Slave Mode ....................................................................29-83 UTOPIA Slave Multiple PHY Operation.................................................29-84 UTOPIA Clocking Modes........................................................................29-84 UTOPIA Loop-Back Modes ....................................................................29-85
29.13 ATM Registers .................................................................................................29-85
29.13.1 General FCC Mode Register (GFMR) .........................................................29-85
29.13.2 FCC Protocol-Specific Mode Register (FPSMR) ........................................29-85
29.13.3 ATM Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)................................29-87
29.13.4 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Registers (FTIRRx) ........................................29-88
29.14 ATM Transmit Command ................................................................................29-90
29.15 SRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using External Logic.........................29-91
29.16 Configuring the ATM Controller for Maximum CPM Performance ...............29-92
29.16.1 Using Transmit Internal Rate Mode .............................................................29-92
29.16.2 APC Configuration.......................................................................................29-93
29.16.3 Buffer Configuration ....................................................................................29-93
Chapter 30
Fast Ethernet Controller
30.1 Fast Ethernet on the MPC8260...........................................................................30-2
30.2 Features...............................................................................................................30-3
30.3 Connecting the MPC8260 to Fast Ethernet ........................................................30-4
30.4 Ethernet Channel Frame Transmission...............................................................30-5
30.5 Ethernet Channel Frame Reception....................................................................30-7
30.6 Flow Control.......................................................................................................30-8
30.7 CAM Interface....................................................................................................30-8
30.8 Ethernet Parameter RAM ...................................................................................30-9
30.9 Programming Model.........................................................................................30-12
30.10 Ethernet Command Set.....................................................................................30-12
30.11 RMON Support.................................................................................................30-14
30.12 Ethernet Address Recognition ..........................................................................30-15
30.13 Hash Table Algorithm ......................................................................................30-17
30.14 Interpacket Gap Time .......................................................................................30-18
30.15 Handling Collisions ..........................................................................................30-18
30.16 Internal and External Loopback .......................................................................30-18
30.17 Ethernet Error-Handling Procedure..................................................................30-19
30.18 Fast Ethernet Registers .....................................................................................30-19
30.18.1 FCC Ethernet Mode Register (FPSMR).......................................................30-20
30.18.2 Ethernet Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM) ...........................30-21
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Number Title Page
30.19 Ethernet RxBDs................................................................................................30-23
30.20 Ethernet TxBDs................................................................................................30-26
Chapter 31
FCC HDLC Controller
31.1 Key Features.......................................................................................................31-2
31.2 HDLC Channel Frame Transmission Processing...............................................31-2
31.3 HDLC Channel Frame Reception Processing....................................................31-3
31.4 HDLC Parameter RAM......................................................................................31-4
31.5 Programming Model ..........................................................................................31-5
31.5.1 HDLC Command Set .....................................................................................31-5
31.5.2 HDLC Error Handling....................................................................................31-6
31.6 HDLC Mode Register (FPSMR)........................................................................31-7
31.7 HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)........................................................31-9
31.8 HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD).....................................................31-12
31.9 HDLC Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)..................................31-14
31.10 FCC Status Register (FCCS)............................................................................31-16
Chapter 32
FCC Transparent Controller
32.1 Features ..............................................................................................................32-2
32.2 Transparent Channel Operation .........................................................................32-2
32.3 Achieving Synchronization in Transparent Mode .............................................32-2
32.3.1 In-Line Synchronization Pattern ....................................................................32-3
32.3.2 External Synchronization Signals ..................................................................32-3
32.3.3 Transparent Synchronization Example ..........................................................32-4
Chapter 33
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
33.1 Features ..............................................................................................................33-2
33.2 SPI Clocking and Signal Functions....................................................................33-2
33.3 Configuring the SPI Controller ..........................................................................33-3
33.3.1 The SPI as a Master Device ...........................................................................33-3
33.3.2 The SPI as a Slave Device .............................................................................33-4
33.3.3 The SPI in Multimaster Operation .................................................................33-4
33.4 Programming the SPI Registers .........................................................................33-6
33.4.1 SPI Mode Register (SPMODE) .....................................................................33-6 SPI Examples with Different SPMODE[LEN] Values..............................33-8
33.4.2 SPI Event/Mask Registers (SPIE/SPIM) .......................................................33-9
xxx MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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33.4.3 SPI Command Register (SPCOM) .................................................................33-9
33.5 SPI Parameter RAM .........................................................................................33-10
33.5.1 Receive/Transmit Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR) ........................33-12
33.6 SPI Commands .................................................................................................33-12
33.7 The SPI Buffer Descriptor (BD) Table.............................................................33-13
33.7.1 SPI Buffer Descriptors (BDs).......................................................................33-13 SPI Receive BD (RxBD)..........................................................................33-14 SPI Transmit BD (TxBD).........................................................................33-15
33.8 SPI Master Programming Example ..................................................................33-16
33.9 SPI Slave Programming Example ....................................................................33-17
33.10 Handling Interrupts in the SPI ..........................................................................33-18
Chapter 34
I2C Controller
34.1 Features...............................................................................................................34-2
34.2 I2C Controller Clocking and Signal Functions...................................................34-2
34.3 I2C Controller Transfers.....................................................................................34-3
34.3.1 I2C Master Write (Slave Read) ......................................................................34-4
34.3.2 I2C Loopback Testing ....................................................................................34-4
34.3.3 I2C Master Read (Slave Write) ......................................................................34-4
34.3.4 I2C Multi-Master Considerations ...................................................................34-5
34.4 I2C Registers.......................................................................................................34-6
34.4.1 I2C Mode Register (I2MOD) .........................................................................34-6
34.4.2 I2C Address Register (I2ADD) ......................................................................34-7
34.4.3 I2C Baud Rate Generator Register (I2BRG) ..................................................34-7
34.4.4 I2C Event/Mask Registers (I2CER/I2CMR) ..................................................34-8
34.4.5 I2C Command Register (I2COM) ..................................................................34-8
34.5 I2C Parameter RAM ...........................................................................................34-9
34.6 I2C Commands .................................................................................................34-11
34.7 The I2C Buffer Descriptor (BD) Table.............................................................34-12
34.7.1 I2C Buffer Descriptors (BDs).......................................................................34-12 I2C Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ...................................................34-13 I2C Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)..................................................34-14
Chapter 35
Parallel I/O Ports
35.1 Features...............................................................................................................35-1
35.2 Port Registers......................................................................................................35-2
35.2.1 Port Open-Drain Registers (PODRAÐPODRD).............................................35-2
35.2.2 Port Data Registers (PDATAÐPDATD).........................................................35-2
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35.2.3 Port Data Direction Registers (PDIRAÐPDIRD)...........................................35-3
35.2.4 Port Pin Assignment Register (PPAR)...........................................................35-4
35.2.5 Port Special Options Registers AÐD (PSORAÐPSORD)...............................35-4
35.3 Port Block Diagram............................................................................................35-6
35.4 Port Pins Functions ............................................................................................35-6
35.4.1 General Purpose I/O Pins ...............................................................................35-7
35.4.2 Dedicated Pins................................................................................................35-7
35.5 Ports Tables........................................................................................................35-7
35.6 Interrupts from Port C ......................................................................................35-19
Appendix A
Register Quick Reference Guide
A.1 PowerPC RegistersÑUser Registers ..................................................................A-1
A.2 PowerPC RegistersÑSupervisor Registers......................................................... A-2
A.3 MPC8260-Specific SPRs ....................................................................................A-3
xxxii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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Number Title Page
1-1 MPC8260 Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 1-5
1-2 MPC8260 External Signals........................................................................................ 1-8
1-3 Remote Access Server Configuration...................................................................... 1-11
1-4 Regional Office Router Configuration .................................................................... 1-12
1-5 LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router Configuration........................................................... 1-13
1-6 Cellular Base Station Configuration........................................................................ 1-14
1-7 Telecommunications Switch Controller Configuration........................................... 1-14
1-8 SONET Transmission Controller Configuration ..................................................... 1-15
1-9 Basic System Configuration .................................................................................... 1-16
1-10 High-Performance Communication......................................................................... 1-16
1-11 High-Performance System Microprocessor Configuration ..................................... 1-17
2-1 MPC8260 Integrated Processor Core Block Diagram............................................... 2-2
2-2 MPC8260 Programming ModelÑRegisters............................................................ 2-10
2-3 Hardware Implementation Register 0 (HID0) ......................................................... 2-11
2-4 Hardware Implementation Register 1 (HID1) ......................................................... 2-15
2-5 Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2) ...................................... 2-15
2-6 Data Cache Organization......................................................................................... 2-20
4-1 .SIU Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 4-1
4-2 System Configuration and Protection Logic.............................................................. 4-3
4-3 Timers Clock Generation........................................................................................... 4-4
4-4 TMCNT Block Diagram............................................................................................ 4-5
4-5 PIT Block Diagram.................................................................................................... 4-5
4-6 Software Watchdog Timer Service State Diagram.................................................... 4-6
4-7 Software Watchdog Timer Block Diagram ............................................................... 4-7
4-8 MPC8260 Interrupt Structure .................................................................................... 4-8
4-9 Interrupt Request Masking ...................................................................................... 4-14
4-10 SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR).......................................................... 4-17
4-11 SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR).................................................................. 4-18
4-12 CPM High Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_H) ................................................ 4-19
4-13 CPM Low Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_L) ................................................. 4-20
4-14 SIPNR_H Fields ...................................................................................................... 4-21
4-15 SIPNR_L Fields....................................................................................................... 4-21
4-16 SIMR_H Register .................................................................................................... 4-22
4-17 SIMR_L Register..................................................................................................... 4-23
4-18 SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC) .................................................................. 4-23
4-19 Interrupt Table Handling Example .......................................................................... 4-24
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4-20 SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR)................................................... 4-25
4-21 Bus Configuration Register (BCR).......................................................................... 4-26
4-22 PPC_ACR ................................................................................................................ 4-28
4-23 PPC_ALRH ............................................................................................................. 4-29
4-24 PPC_AALRL........................................................................................................... 4-29
4-25 LCL_ACR................................................................................................................ 4-29
4-26 LCL_ALRH............................................................................................................. 4-30
4-27 LCL_ALRL ............................................................................................................. 4-31
4-28 SIU Model Configuration Register (SIUMCR)....................................................... 4-31
4-29 Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR)................................................................. 4-34
4-30 System Protection Control Register (SYPCCR)...................................................... 4-35
4-31 The 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1)................... 4-36
4-32 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2).......................... 4-37
4-33 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1) .................. 4-38
4-34 Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2) .................. 4-39
4-35 Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC) ....................................... 4-40
4-36 Time Counter Register (TCMCNT) ........................................................................ 4-41
4-37 Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL) .......................................................... 4-42
4-38 Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR) ......................................... 4-42
4-39 Periodic interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC) ..................................................... 4-43
4-40 Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR)................................................................ 4-44
5-1 Reset Status Register (RSR) ...................................................................................... 5-4
5-2 Reset Mode Register (RMR) ..................................................................................... 5-5
5-3 Hard Reset Configuration Word................................................................................ 5-8
5-4 Single Chip with Default Configuration.................................................................. 5-10
5-5 Configuring a Single Chip from EPROM ............................................................... 5-10
5-6 Configuring Multiple Chips..................................................................................... 5-11
6-1 MPC8260 External Signals........................................................................................ 6-2
7-1 PowerPC Signal Groupings ....................................................................................... 7-2
8-1 Single MPC8260 Bus Mode ...................................................................................... 8-3
8-2 60x-Compatible Bus Mode........................................................................................ 8-4
8-3 Basic Transfer Protocol ............................................................................................. 8-5
8-4 Address Bus Arbitration with External Bus Master .................................................. 8-9
8-5 Address Pipelining................................................................................................... 8-10
8-6 Interface to Different Port Size Devices.................................................................. 8-17
8-7 Retry Cycle .............................................................................................................. 8-24
8-8 Single-Beat and Burst Data Transfers ..................................................................... 8-28
8-9 128-Bit Extended Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size........................................................ 8-29
8-10 Burst Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size ........................................................................... 8-30
8-11 Data Tenure Terminated by Assertion of TEA........................................................ 8-31
8-12 MEI Cache Coherency ProtocolÑState Diagram (WIM = 001)............................. 8-32
9-1 System PLL Block Diagram...................................................................................... 9-5
9-2 PLL Filtering Circuit ................................................................................................. 9-8
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Number Title Page
9-3 System Clock Control Register (SCCR).................................................................... 9-8
9-4 System Clock Mode Register (SCMR)...................................................................... 9-9
9-5 Relationships of SCMR Parameters ........................................................................ 9-10
10-1 Dual-Bus Architecture ............................................................................................. 10-3
10-2 Memory Controller Machine Selection ................................................................... 10-6
10-3 Simple System Configuration.................................................................................. 10-7
10-4 Basic Memory Controller Operation ....................................................................... 10-8
10-5 Partial Data Valid for 32-Bit Port Size Memory, Double-Word Transfer ............ 10-13
10-6 Base Registers (BRx) ............................................................................................ 10-14
10-7 Option Registers (ORx)ÑSDRAM Mode ............................................................ 10-16
10-8 ORx ÑGPCM Mode............................................................................................. 10-18
10-9 ORxÑUPM Mode................................................................................................. 10-20
10-10 60x/Local SDRAM Mode Register (PSDMR/LSDMR) ....................................... 10-21
10-11 Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR)..................................................................... 10-26
10-12 Memory Data Register (MDR).............................................................................. 10-29
10-13 Memory Address Register (MAR) ........................................................................ 10-29
10-14 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT) .................................................. 10-30
10-15 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)............................................... 10-30
10-16 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT) ............................................. 10-31
10-17 Local Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT).......................................... 10-32
10-18 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MPTPR)........................................... 10-32
10-19 128-Mbyte SDRAM (Eight-Bank Configuration, Banks 1 and 8 Shown)............ 10-34
10-20 PRETOACT = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) ........................................................................ 10-39
10-21 ACTTORW = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) ......................................................................... 10-39
10-22 CL = 2 (2 Clock Cycles)........................................................................................ 10-40
10-23 LDOTOPRE = 2 (-2 Clock Cycles)....................................................................... 10-40
10-24 WRC = 2 (2 Clock Cycles).................................................................................... 10-41
10-25 RFRC = 4 (6 Clock Cycles)................................................................................... 10-41
10-26 EAMUX = 1 .......................................................................................................... 10-42
10-27 BUFCMD = 1 ........................................................................................................ 10-42
10-28 SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Closed, CL = 3................................................. 10-43
10-29 SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Hit, CL = 3....................................................... 10-43
10-30 SDRAM Two-Beat Burst Read, Page Closed, CL = 3 .......................................... 10-43
10-31 SDRAM Four-Beat Burst Read, Page Miss, CL = 3 ............................................. 10-44
10-32 SDRAM Single-Beat Write, Page Hit ................................................................... 10-44
10-33 SDRAM Three-Beat Burst Write, Page Closed .................................................... 10-44
10-34 SDRAM Read-after-Read Pipeline, Page Hit, CL = 3 .......................................... 10-45
10-35 SDRAM Write-after-Write Pipelined, Page Hit.................................................... 10-45
10-36 SDRAM Read-after-Write Pipelined, Page Hit..................................................... 10-45
10-37 SDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing.................................................................. 10-46
10-38 Mode Data Bit Settings.......................................................................................... 10-47
10-39 SDRAM Bank-Staggered CBR Refresh Timing ................................................... 10-48
10-40 GPCM-to-SRAM ConÞguration............................................................................ 10-52
xxxvi MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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10-41 GPCM Peripheral Device Interface ....................................................................... 10-53
10-42 GPCM Peripheral Device Basic Timing (ACS = 1x and TRLX = 0) ................... 10-53
10-43 GPCM Memory Device Interface.......................................................................... 10-54
10-44 GPCM Memory Device Basic Timing (ACS = 00, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 0) ......... 10-54
10-45 GPCM Memory Device Basic Timing (ACS ¹ 00, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 0) ......... 10-55
10-46 GPCM Relaxed Timing Read (ACS = 1x, SCY = 1, CSNT = 0, TRLX = 1) ....... 10-55
10-47 GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 1x, SCY = 0, CSNT = 0,TRLX = 1)....... 10-56
10-48 GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 10, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1)...... 10-56
10-49 GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 00, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1)...... 10-57
10-50 GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29Ð30] = 0x, Fastest Timing) .................. 10-58
10-51 GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29Ð30] = 01) ............................................ 10-59
10-52 GPCM Read Followed by Write (ORx[29Ð30] = 01) ........................................... 10-59
10-53 GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29Ð30] = 10) ............................................ 10-60
10-54 External Termination of GPCM Access ................................................................ 10-61
10-55 User-Programmable Machine Block Diagram ...................................................... 10-63
10-56 RAM Array Indexing............................................................................................. 10-64
10-57 Memory Refresh Timer Request Block Diagram.................................................. 10-66
10-58 Memory Controller UPM Clock Scheme for Integer Clock Ratios ...................... 10-67
10-59 Memory Controller UPM Clock Scheme for Non-Integer (2.5:1/3.5:1)
Clock Ratios ........................................................................................................ 10-68
10-60 UPM Signals Timing Example.............................................................................. 10-69
10-61 RAM Array and Signal Generation ....................................................................... 10-70
10-62 The RAM Word..................................................................................................... 10-70
10-63 CS Signal Selection ............................................................................................... 10-75
10-64 BS Signal Selection ............................................................................................... 10-75
10-65 UPM Read Access Data Sampling ........................................................................ 10-78
10-66 Wait Mechanism Timing for Internal and External Synchronous Masters ........... 10-79
10-67 DRAM Interface Connection to the 60x Bus (64-Bit Port Size) ........................... 10-82
10-68 Single-Beat Read Access to FPM DRAM............................................................. 10-83
10-69 Single-Beat Write Access to FPM DRAM............................................................ 10-84
10-70 Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM (No LOOP) ................................................... 10-85
10-71 Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM (LOOP)......................................................... 10-86
10-72 Burst Write Access to FPM DRAM (No LOOP) .................................................. 10-87
10-73 Refresh Cycle (CBR) to FPM DRAM................................................................... 10-88
10-74 Exception Cycle..................................................................................................... 10-89
10-75 FPM DRAM Burst Read Access (Data Sampling on Falling Edge of CLKIN) ... 10-91
10-76 MPC8260/EDO Interface Connection to the 60x Bus........................................... 10-92
10-77 Single-Beat Read Access to EDO DRAM............................................................. 10-93
10-78 Single-Beat Write Access to EDO DRAM............................................................ 10-94
10-79 Single-Beat Write Access to EDO DRAM Using REDO to Insert Three
Wait States........................................................................................................... 10-95
10-80 Burst Read Access to EDO DRAM....................................................................... 10-96
10-81 Burst Write Access to EDO DRAM...................................................................... 10-97
MOTOROLA Illustrations xxxvii
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10-82 Refresh Cycle (CBR) to EDO DRAM................................................................... 10-98
10-83 Exception Cycle For EDO DRAM ........................................................................ 10-99
10-84 Pipelined Bus Operation and Memory Access in 60x-Compatible Mode........... 10-103
10-85 External Master Access (GPCM) ........................................................................ 10-104
10-86 External Master Configuration with SDRAM Device......................................... 10-105
11-1 L2 Cache in Copy-Back Mode ................................................................................ 11-2
11-2 External L2 Cache in Write-Through Mode............................................................ 11-4
11-3 External L2 Cache in ECC/Parity Mode ................................................................. 11-6
11-4 Read Access with L2 Cache .................................................................................... 11-9
12-1 Test Logic Block Diagram....................................................................................... 12-2
12-2 TAP Controller State Machine ................................................................................ 12-3
12-3 Output Pin Cell (O.Pin) ........................................................................................... 12-4
12-4 Observe-Only Input Pin Cell (I.Obs)....................................................................... 12-4
12-5 Output Control Cell (IO.CTL)................................................................................. 12-5
12-6 General Arrangement of Bidirectional Pin Cells..................................................... 12-5
13-1 MPC8260 CPM Block Diagram.............................................................................. 13-3
13-2 Communications Processor (CP) Block Diagram ................................................... 13-5
13-3 RISC Controller Configuration Register (RCCR)................................................... 13-8
13-4 RISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR)........................................................ 13-9
13-5 RISC Time-Stamp Register (RTSR) ..................................................................... 13-10
13-6 CP Command Register (CPCR)............................................................................. 13-11
13-7 Dual-Port RAM Block Diagram............................................................................ 13-15
13-8 Dual-Port RAM Memory Map .............................................................................. 13-16
13-9 RISC Timer Table RAM Usage ............................................................................ 13-19
13-10 RISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD)....................................................... 13-20
13-11 TM_CMD Field Descriptions................................................................................ 13-21
13-12 RISC Timer Event Register (RTER)/Mask Register (RTMR).............................. 13-21
14-1 SI Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 14-2
14-2 Various Configurations of a Single TDM Channel ................................................. 14-5
14-3 Dual TDM Channel Example .................................................................................. 14-6
14-4 Enabling Connections to the TSA ........................................................................... 14-8
14-5 One TDM Channel with Static Frames and Independent Rx and Tx Routes.......... 14-9
14-6 One TDM Channel with Shadow RAM for Dynamic Route Change ................... 14-10
14-7 SIx RAM Entry Fields ........................................................................................... 14-10
14-8 Using the SWTR Feature....................................................................................... 14-12
14-9 Example: SIx RAM Dynamic Changes, TDMa and b, Same SIx RAM Size ....... 14-16
14-10 SI Global Mode Registers (SIxGMR) ................................................................... 14-17
14-11 SI Mode Registers (SIxMR) .................................................................................. 14-18
14-12 One-Clock Delay from Sync to Data (xFSD = 01)................................................ 14-20
14-13 No Delay from Sync to Data (xFSD = 00) ............................................................ 14-20
14-14 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 1 and xFSD = 01 ....................................... 14-21
14-15 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 0 and xFSD = 01 ....................................... 14-21
14-16 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 1 and xFSD = 00 ....................................... 14-22
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14-17 Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 0 and xFSD = 00 ....................................... 14-23
14-18 SIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR) ................................................... 14-24
14-19 SI Command Register (SIxCMDR)....................................................................... 14-24
14-20 SI Status Registers (SIxSTR)................................................................................. 14-25
14-21 Dual IDL Bus Application Example...................................................................... 14-26
14-22 IDL Terminal Adaptor........................................................................................... 14-27
14-23 IDL Bus Signals..................................................................................................... 14-28
14-24 GCI Bus Signals .................................................................................................... 14-32
15-1 CPM Multiplexing Logic (CMX) Block Diagram .................................................. 15-2
15-2 Enabling Connections to the TSA ........................................................................... 15-4
15-3 Bank of Clocks ........................................................................................................ 15-5
15-4 CMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR)....................................................... 15-7
15-5 Connection of the Master Address .......................................................................... 15-8
15-6 Connection of the Slave Address............................................................................. 15-9
15-7 Multi-PHY Receive Address Multiplexing ........................................................... 15-10
15-8 CMX SI1 Clock Route Register (CMXSI1CR)..................................................... 15-11
15-9 CMX SI2 Clock Route Register (CMXSI2CR)..................................................... 15-12
15-10 CMX FCC Clock Route Register (CMXFCR)...................................................... 15-13
15-11 CMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR)...................................................... 15-15
15-12 CMX SMC Clock Route Register (CMXSMR) .................................................... 15-18
16-1 Baud-Rate Generator (BRG) Block Diagram.......................................................... 16-1
16-2 Baud-Rate Generator Configuration Registers (BRGCx) ....................................... 16-2
17-1 Timer Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 17-1
17-2 Timer Cascaded Mode Block Diagram ................................................................... 17-4
17-3 Timer Global Configuration Register 1 (TGCR1)................................................... 17-4
17-4 Timer Global Configuration Register 2 (TGCR2)................................................... 17-5
17-5 Timer Mode Registers (TMR1ÐTMR4) .................................................................. 17-6
17-6 Timer Reference Registers (TRR1ÐTRR4) ............................................................. 17-7
17-7 Timer Capture Registers (TCR1ÐTCR4)................................................................. 17-8
17-8 Timer Counter Registers (TCN1ÐTCN4) ................................................................ 17-8
17-9 Timer Event Registers (TER1ÐTER4)..................................................................... 17-8
18-1 SDMA Data Paths.................................................................................................... 18-1
18-2 SDMA Bus Arbitration (Transaction Steal) ............................................................ 18-3
18-3 SDMA Status Register (SDSR) ............................................................................... 18-3
18-4 SDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers (PDTEM/LDTEM).............................. 18-4
18-5 IDMA Transfer Buffer in the Dual-Port RAM........................................................ 18-7
18-6 Example IDMA Transfer Buffer States for a Memory-to-Memory Transfer
(Size = 128 Bytes) ................................................................................................. 18-8
18-7 IDMAx ChannelÕs BD Table................................................................................. 18-15
18-8 DCM Parameters ................................................................................................... 18-18
18-9 IDMA Event/Mask Registers (IDSR/IDMR) ........................................................ 18-23
18-10 IDMA BD Structure .............................................................................................. 18-23
19-1 SCC Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 19-2
MOTOROLA Illustrations xxxix
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19-2 GSMR_HÑGeneral SCC Mode Register (High Order) ......................................... 19-3
19-3 GSMR_LÑGeneral SCC Mode Register (Low Order) .......................................... 19-6
19-4 Data Synchronization Register (DSR)..................................................................... 19-9
19-5 Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR).................................................................. 19-9
19-6 SCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs) .............................................................................. 19-11
19-7 SCC BD and Buffer Memory Structure................................................................. 19-12
19-8 Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR) ........................................................ 19-15
19-9 Output Delay from RTS Asserted for Synchronous Protocols.............................. 19-18
19-10 Output Delay from CTS Asserted for Synchronous Protocols.............................. 19-19
19-11 CTS Lost in Synchronous Protocols...................................................................... 19-20
19-12 Using CD to Control Synchronous Protocol Reception ........................................ 19-21
19-13 DPLL Receiver Block Diagram............................................................................. 19-22
19-14 DPLL Transmitter Block Diagram ........................................................................ 19-23
19-15 DPLL Encoding Examples .................................................................................... 19-25
20-1 UART Character Format ......................................................................................... 20-1
20-2 Two UART Multidrop Configurations.................................................................... 20-8
20-3 Control Character Table .......................................................................................... 20-9
20-4 Transmit Out-of-Sequence Register (TOSEQ)...................................................... 20-10
20-5 Asynchronous UART Transmitter......................................................................... 20-11
20-6 Protocol-Specific Mode Register for UART (PSMR)........................................... 20-14
20-7 SCC UART Receiving using RxBDs .................................................................... 20-16
20-8 SCC UART Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)................................................... 20-17
20-9 SCC UART Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ................................................. 20-18
20-10 SCC UART Interrupt Event Example ................................................................... 20-20
20-11 SCC UART Event Register (SCCE) and Mask Register (SCCM)........................ 20-20
20-12 SCC Status Register for UART Mode (SCCS) ..................................................... 20-21
21-1 HDLC Framing Structure ........................................................................................ 21-2
21-2 HDLC Address Recognition.................................................................................... 21-5
21-3 HDLC Mode Register (PSMR) ............................................................................... 21-7
21-4 SCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)..................................................... 21-8
21-5 SCC HDLC Receiving Using RxBDs ................................................................... 21-10
21-6 SCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ................................................. 21-11
21-7 HDLC Event Register (SCCE)/HDLC Mask Register (SCCM) ........................... 21-12
21-8 SCC HDLC Interrupt Event Example ................................................................... 21-13
21-9 SCC HDLC Status Register (SCCS) ..................................................................... 21-14
21-10 Typical HDLC Bus Multimaster Configuration .................................................... 21-18
21-11 Typical HDLC Bus Single-Master Configuration................................................. 21-19
21-12 Detecting an HDLC Bus Collision ........................................................................ 21-20
21-13 Nonsymmetrical Tx Clock Duty Cycle for Increased Performance...................... 21-21
21-14 HDLC Bus Transmission Line Configuration....................................................... 21-21
21-15 Delayed RTS Mode ............................................................................................... 21-22
21-16 HDLC Bus TDM Transmission Line Configuration ............................................. 21-22
22-1 Classes of BISYNC Frames..................................................................................... 22-1
xl MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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22-2 Control Character Table and RCCM ....................................................................... 22-6
22-3 BISYNC SYNC (BSYNC) ...................................................................................... 22-7
22-4 BISYNC DLE (BDLE)............................................................................................ 22-8
22-5 Protocol-Specific Mode Register for BISYNC (PSMR) ....................................... 22-10
22-6 SCC BISYNC RxBD............................................................................................. 22-12
22-7 SCC BISYNC Transmit BD (TxBD) .................................................................... 22-14
22-8 BISYNC Event Register (SCCE)/BISYNC Mask Register (SCCM).................... 22-15
22-9 SCC Status Registers (SCCS)................................................................................ 22-16
23-1 Sending Transparent Frames between MPC8260s .................................................. 23-5
23-2 SCC Transparent Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)............................................. 23-9
23-3 SCC Transparent Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ......................................... 23-11
23-4 SCC Transparent Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM) ...................... 23-12
23-5 SCC Status Register in Transparent Mode (SCCS)............................................... 23-13
24-1 Ethernet Frame Structure......................................................................................... 24-1
24-2 Ethernet Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 24-2
24-3 Connecting the MPC8260 to Ethernet..................................................................... 24-5
24-4 Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart.............................................................. 24-12
24-5 Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR)........................................................................... 24-15
24-6 SCC Ethernet Receive RxBD ................................................................................ 24-17
24-7 Ethernet Receiving using RxBDs .......................................................................... 24-19
24-8 SCC Ethernet TxBD .............................................................................................. 24-20
24-9 SCC Ethernet Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM)............................ 24-21
24-10 Ethernet Interrupt Events Example........................................................................ 24-22
25-1 LocalTalk Frame Format ......................................................................................... 25-1
25-2 Connecting the MPC8260 to LocalTalk .................................................................. 25-3
26-1 SMC Block Diagram ............................................................................................... 26-2
26-2 SMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2)......................................................... 26-3
26-3 SMC Memory Structure .......................................................................................... 26-5
26-4 SMC Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR) ....................................................... 26-8
26-5 SMC UART Frame Format ................................................................................... 26-11
26-6 SMC UART RxBD................................................................................................ 26-14
26-7 RxBD Example...................................................................................................... 26-16
26-8 SMC UART TxBD ................................................................................................ 26-17
26-9 SMC UART Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)............................ 26-18
26-10 SMC UART Interrupts Example ........................................................................... 26-19
26-11 Synchronization with SMSYNx.................................................................... 26-23
26-12 Synchronization with the TSA............................................................................... 26-24
26-13 SMC Transparent RxBD........................................................................................ 26-26
26-14 SMC Transparent Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM).................... 26-28
26-15 SMC Monitor Channel RxBD ............................................................................... 26-32
26-16 SMC Monitor Channel TxBD ............................................................................... 26-32
26-17 SMC C/I Channel RxBD ....................................................................................... 26-33
26-18 SMC C/I Channel TxBD ....................................................................................... 26-33
MOTOROLA Illustrations xli
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26-19 SMC GCI Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)................................ 26-34
27-1 BD Structure for One MCC..................................................................................... 27-3
27-2 Super Channel Table Entry...................................................................................... 27-5
27-3 Transmitter Super Channel Example....................................................................... 27-6
27-4 Receiver Super Channel with Slot Synchronization Example ................................ 27-7
27-5 Receiver Super Channel without Slot Synchronization Example ........................... 27-7
27-6 TSTATE High Byte................................................................................................. 27-9
27-7 INTMSK Mask Bits............................................................................................... 27-10
27-8 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR) ....................................................................... 27-10
27-9 Rx Internal State (RSTATE) High Byte................................................................ 27-12
27-10 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode...................................... 27-14
27-11 SI MCC Configuration Register (MCCF) ............................................................. 27-15
27-12 Interrupt Circular Table ......................................................................................... 27-17
27-13 MCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM) ...................................... 27-18
27-14 Interrupt Circular Table Entry ............................................................................... 27-20
27-15 MCC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD) ............................................................. 27-21
27-16 MCC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ............................................................ 27-23
28-1 FCC Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 28-3
28-2 General FCC Mode Register (GFMR) .................................................................... 28-3
28-3 FCC Memory Structure ........................................................................................... 28-9
28-4 Buffer Descriptor Format ........................................................................................ 28-9
28-5 Function Code Register (FCRx) ............................................................................ 28-13
28-6 Output Delay from RTS Asserted.......................................................................... 28-16
28-7 Output Delay from CTS Asserted.......................................................................... 28-17
28-8 CTS Lost................................................................................................................ 28-18
28-9 Using CD to Control Reception............................................................................. 28-19
29-1 APC Scheduling Table Mechanism....................................................................... 29-10
29-2 VBR Pacing Using the GCRA (Leaky Bucket Algorithm) ................................... 29-12
29-3 External CAM Data Input Fields........................................................................... 29-14
29-4 External CAM Output Fields................................................................................. 29-14
29-5 Address Compression Mechanism ........................................................................ 29-16
29-6 General VCOFFSET Formula for Contiguous VCLTs ......................................... 29-17
29-7 VP Pointer Address Compression ......................................................................... 29-18
29-8 VC Pointer Address Compression ......................................................................... 29-18
29-9 ATM Address Recognition Flowchart................................................................... 29-19
29-10 MPC8260Õs ABR Basic Model ............................................................................. 29-20
29-11 ABR Transmit Flow .............................................................................................. 29-22
29-12 ABR Transmit Flow (Continued) .......................................................................... 29-23
29-13 ABR Transmit Flow (Continued) .......................................................................... 29-24
29-14 ABR Receive Flow ................................................................................................ 29-25
29-15 Rate Format for RM Cells ..................................................................................... 29-26
29-16 Rate Formula for RM Cells ................................................................................... 29-26
29-17 Performance Monitoring Cell Structure (FMCs and BRCs) ................................. 29-29
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29-18 FMC, BRC Insertion.............................................................................................. 29-32
29-19 Format of User-Defined Cells ............................................................................... 29-33
29-20 External CAM Address in UDC Extended Address Mode ................................... 29-33
29-21 ATM-to-TDM Interworking.................................................................................. 29-35
29-22 VCI Filtering Enable Bits ...................................................................................... 29-40
29-23 Global Mode Entry (GMODE).............................................................................. 29-41
29-24 Example of a 1024-Entry Receive Connection Table ........................................... 29-43
29-25 Receive Connection Table (RCT) Entry................................................................ 29-44
29-26 AAL5 Protocol-Specific RCT ............................................................................... 29-46
29-27 AAL5-ABR Protocol-Specific RCT...................................................................... 29-47
29-28 AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT ............................................................................... 29-48
29-29 AAL0 Protocol-Specific RCT ............................................................................... 29-50
29-30 Transmit Connection Table (TCT) Entry .............................................................. 29-51
29-31 AAL5 Protocol-Specific TCT................................................................................ 29-54
29-32 AAL1 Protocol-Specific TCT................................................................................ 29-54
29-33 AAL0 Protocol-Specific TCT................................................................................ 29-55
29-34 Transmit Connection Table Extension (TCTE)ÑVBR Protocol-Specific ........... 29-56
29-35 UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE............................................................................. 29-57
29-36 ABR Protocol-Specific TCTE ............................................................................... 29-58
29-37 OAM Performance Monitoring Table ................................................................... 29-60
29-38 ATM Pace Control Data Structure ........................................................................ 29-62
29-39 The APC Scheduling Table Structure.................................................................... 29-63
29-40 Control Slot............................................................................................................ 29-63
29-41 Transmit Buffers and BD Table Example ............................................................. 29-65
29-42 Receive Static Buffer Allocation Example............................................................ 29-66
29-43 Receive Global Buffer Allocation Example .......................................................... 29-67
29-44 Free Buffer Pool Structure..................................................................................... 29-67
29-45 Free Buffer Pool Entry........................................................................................... 29-68
29-46 AAL5 RxBD.......................................................................................................... 29-69
29-47 AAL1 RxBD.......................................................................................................... 29-71
29-48 AAL0 RxBD.......................................................................................................... 29-72
29-49 User-Defined CellÑRxBD Extension................................................................... 29-74
29-50 AAL5 TxBD .......................................................................................................... 29-74
29-51 AAL1 TxBD .......................................................................................................... 29-76
29-52 AAL0 TxBDs......................................................................................................... 29-77
29-53 User-Defined CellÑTxBD Extension................................................................... 29-78
29-54 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table .................................................. 29-78
29-55 Interrupt Queue Structure ...................................................................................... 29-80
29-56 Interrupt Queue Entry ............................................................................................ 29-80
29-57 UTOPIA Master Mode Signals ............................................................................. 29-82
29-58 UTOPIA Slave Mode Signals................................................................................ 29-83
29-59 FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR)..................................................................... 29-86
29-60 ATM Event Register (FCCE)/FCC Mask Register (FCCM) ................................ 29-88
MOTOROLA Illustrations xliii
Number Title Page
29-62 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Clocking................................................................... 29-89
29-61 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Registers (FTIRRx).................................................. 29-89
29-63 COMM_INFO Field .............................................................................................. 29-90
29-64 AAL1 SRTS Generation Using External Logic .................................................... 29-91
29-65 AAL1 SRTS Clock Recovery Using External Logic ............................................ 29-92
30-1 Ethernet Frame Structure......................................................................................... 30-1
30-2 Ethernet Block Diagram ......................................................................................... 30-3
30-3 Connecting the MPC8260 to Ethernet..................................................................... 30-5
30-4 Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart.............................................................. 30-16
30-5 FCC Ethernet Mode Registers (FPSMR) .............................................................. 30-20
30-6 Ethernet Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM) .................................... 30-22
30-7 Ethernet Interrupt Events Example........................................................................ 30-23
30-8 Fast Ethernet Receive Buffer (RxBD)................................................................... 30-24
30-9 Ethernet Receiving Using RxBDs ......................................................................... 30-26
30-10 Fast Ethernet Transmit Buffer (TxBD).................................................................. 30-27
31-1 HDLC Framing Structure ........................................................................................ 31-2
31-2 HDLC Address Recognition Example..................................................................... 31-5
31-3 HDLC Mode Register (FPSMR) ............................................................................. 31-8
31-4 FCC HDLC Receiving Using RxBDs ................................................................... 31-10
31-5 FCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)................................................... 31-11
31-6 FCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD) ................................................. 31-12
31-7 HDLC Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM) ....................................... 31-14
31-8 HDLC Interrupt Event Example............................................................................ 31-16
31-9 FCC Status Register (FCCS) ................................................................................. 31-16
32-1 In-Line Synchronization Pattern.............................................................................. 32-3
32-2 Sending Transparent Frames between MPC8260s .................................................. 32-4
33-1 SPI Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 33-1
33-2 Single-Master/Multi-Slave Configuration ............................................................... 33-3
33-3 Multimaster Configuration ...................................................................................... 33-5
33-4 SPMODEÑSPI Mode Register............................................................................... 33-6
33-5 SPI Transfer Format with SPMODE[CP] = 0 ......................................................... 33-7
33-6 SPI Transfer Format with SPMODE[CP] = 1 ......................................................... 33-7
33-7 SPIE/SPIMÑSPI Event/Mask Registers................................................................. 33-9
33-8 SPCOMÑSPI Command Register ........................................................................ 33-10
33-9 RFCR/TFCRÑFunction Code Registers .............................................................. 33-12
33-10 SPI Memory Structure ........................................................................................... 33-13
33-11 SPI RxBD .............................................................................................................. 33-14
33-12 SPI TxBD............................................................................................................... 33-15
34-1 I2C Controller Block Diagram................................................................................. 34-1
34-2 I2C Master/Slave General Configuration ................................................................ 34-2
34-3 I2C Transfer Timing ................................................................................................ 34-3
34-4 I2C Master Write Timing......................................................................................... 34-4
34-5 I2C Master Read Timing ......................................................................................... 34-5
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34-6 I2C Mode Register (I2MOD)................................................................................... 34-6
34-7 I2C Address Register (I2ADD) ............................................................................... 34-7
34-8 I2C Baud Rate Generator Register (I2BRG) ........................................................... 34-7
34-9 I2C Event/Mask Registers (I2CER/I2CMR) ........................................................... 34-8
34-10 I2C Command Register (I2COM) ........................................................................... 34-9
34-11 I2C Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR) ........................................................ 34-11
34-12 I2C Memory Structure ........................................................................................... 34-12
34-13 I2C RxBD .............................................................................................................. 34-13
34-14 I2C TxBD............................................................................................................... 34-14
35-1 Port Open-Drain Registers (PODRAÐPODRD)...................................................... 35-2
35-2 Port Data Registers (PDATAÐPDATD).................................................................. 35-3
35-3 Port Data Direction Register (PDIR)....................................................................... 35-3
35-4 Port Pin Assignment Register (PPARAÐPPARD) .................................................. 35-4
35-5 Special Options Registers (PSORAÐPOSRD)......................................................... 35-5
35-6 Port Functional Operation........................................................................................ 35-6
35-7 Primary and Secondary Option Programming......................................................... 35-8
MOTOROLA Tables xlv
Number Title Page
i Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms............................................................................. lxi
ii Terminology Conventions ....................................................................................... lxiv
iii Instruction Field Conventions ................................................................................... lxv
iv Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms...................................................................... I-lxviii
1-1 MPC8260 Serial Protocols ........................................................................................ 1-9
1-2 MPC8260 Serial Performance ................................................................................. 1-10
2-1 HID0 Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 2-12
2-2 HID1 Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 2-15
2-3 HID2 Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 2-15
2-4 Exception Classifications for the Processor Core.................................................... 2-24
2-5 Exceptions and Conditions ...................................................................................... 2-24
2-6 Integer Divide Latency ............................................................................................ 2-30
2-7 Major Differences between MPC8260Õs Core and the MPC603e UserÕs
Manual.................................................................................................................. 2-30
3-1 Internal Memory Map................................................................................................ 3-1
v Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms........................................................................... II-ii
4-1 System Configuration and Protection Functions ....................................................... 4-2
4-2 Interrupt Source Priority Levels ................................................................................ 4-9
4-3 Encoding the Interrupt Vector ................................................................................. 4-14
4-4 SICR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 4-18
4-5 SIPRR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 4-19
4-6 SCPRR_H Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 4-20
4-7 SCPRR_L Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 4-20
4-8 SIEXR Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 4-25
4-9 BCR Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 4-26
4-10 PPC_ACR Field Descriptions.................................................................................. 4-28
4-11 LCL_ACR Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 4-30
4-12 SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 4-32
4-13 IMMR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 4-34
4-14 SYPCR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 4-35
4-15 TESCR1 Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 4-36
4-16 TESCR2 Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 4-38
4-17 L_TESCR1 Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 4-39
4-18 L_TESCR2 Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 4-40
4-19 TMCNTSC Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 4-40
4-20 TMCNTAL Field Descriptions................................................................................ 4-42
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4-21 PISCR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 4-43
4-22 PITC Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 4-44
4-23 PITR Field Descriptions .......................................................................................... 4-44
4-24 SIU Pins Multiplexing Control................................................................................ 4-45
5-1 Reset Causes .............................................................................................................. 5-1
5-2 Reset Actions for Each Reset Source ........................................................................ 5-2
5-3 RSR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................. 5-4
5-4 RMR Field Descriptions ............................................................................................ 5-5
5-5 RSTCONF Connections in Multiple-MPC8260 Systems ......................................... 5-6
5-6 Configuration EPROM Addresses............................................................................. 5-7
5-7 Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions ................................................. 5-8
vi Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms.........................................................................III-iii
6-1 External Signals ......................................................................................................... 6-3
7-1 DP[0Ð7] Signal Assignments................................................................................... 7-15
8-1 Terminology .............................................................................................................. 8-1
8-2 Transfer Type Encoding .......................................................................................... 8-10
8-3 Transfer Code Encoding .......................................................................................... 8-13
8-4 Transfer Size Signal Encoding ................................................................................ 8-13
8-5 Burst Ordering ......................................................................................................... 8-14
8-6 Aligned Data Transfers............................................................................................ 8-15
8-7 Unaligned Data Transfer Example (4-Byte Example)............................................. 8-16
8-8 Data Bus Requirements For Read Cycle ................................................................. 8-18
8-9 Data Bus Contents for Write Cycles........................................................................ 8-19
8-10 Address and Size State Calculations........................................................................ 8-20
8-11 Data Bus Contents for Extended Write Cycles........................................................ 8-21
8-12 Data Bus Requirements for Extended Read Cycles ................................................ 8-21
8-13 Address and Size State for Extended Transfers....................................................... 8-22
9-1 Clock Default Modes................................................................................................. 9-2
9-2 Clock Configuration Modes ...................................................................................... 9-2
9-3 Dedicated PLL Pins ................................................................................................... 9-7
9-4 SCCR Field Descriptions........................................................................................... 9-8
9-5 SCMR Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 9-9
10-1 Number of PSDVAL Assertions Needed for TA Assertion.................................. 10-12
10-2 60x Bus Memory Controller Registers .................................................................. 10-13
10-3 BRx Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 10-14
10-4 ORx Field Descriptions (SDRAM Mode) ............................................................. 10-16
10-5 ORxÑGPCM Mode Field Descriptions................................................................ 10-18
10-6 Option Register (ORx)ÑUPM Mode.................................................................... 10-20
10-7 PSDMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 10-21
10-8 LSDMR Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 10-24
10-9 Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR)..................................................................... 10-27
10-10 MDR Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 10-29
10-11 MAR Field Description ......................................................................................... 10-30
MOTOROLA Tables xlvii
Number Title Page
10-12 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT) .................................................. 10-30
10-13 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)............................................... 10-31
10-14 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT) ............................................. 10-31
10-15 LSRT Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 10-32
10-16 MPTPR Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 10-32
10-17 SDRAM Interface Signals ..................................................................................... 10-33
10-18 SDRAM Interface Commands............................................................................... 10-35
10-19 SDRAM Address Multiplexing (A0ÐA15)............................................................ 10-37
10-20 SDRAM Address Multiplexing (A16ÐA31).......................................................... 10-38
10-21 60x Address Bus Partition ..................................................................................... 10-48
10-22 SDRAM Device Address Port during activate Command .................................... 10-49
10-23 SDRAM Device Address Port during read/write Command................................. 10-49
10-24 Register Settings (Page-Based Interleaving........................................................... 10-49
10-25 60x Address Bus Partition ..................................................................................... 10-50
10-26 SDRAM Device Address Port during activate Command .................................... 10-50
10-27 SDRAM Device Address Port during read/write Command................................. 10-50
10-28 Register Settings (Bank-Based Interleaving)......................................................... 10-51
10-29 GPCM Interfaces Signals ...................................................................................... 10-51
10-30 GPCM Strobe Signal Behavior.............................................................................. 10-52
10-31 TRLX and EHTR Combinations ........................................................................... 10-58
10-32 Boot Bank Field Values after Reset....................................................................... 10-62
10-33 UPM Interfaces Signals ......................................................................................... 10-62
10-34 UPM Routines Start Addresses ............................................................................. 10-65
10-35 RAM Word Bit Settings ........................................................................................ 10-71
10-36 MxMR Loop Field Usage...................................................................................... 10-76
10-37 UPM Address Multiplexing................................................................................... 10-77
10-38 60x Address Bus Partition ..................................................................................... 10-80
10-39 DRAM Device Address Port during an activate command................................... 10-80
10-40 Register Settings .................................................................................................... 10-80
10-41 UPMs Attributes Example..................................................................................... 10-82
10-42 UPMs Attributes Example..................................................................................... 10-90
10-43 EDO Connection Field Value Example................................................................. 10-92
12-1 TAP Signals ............................................................................................................. 12-2
12-2 Boundary Scan Bit Definition ................................................................................. 12-6
12-3 Instruction Decoding ............................................................................................. 12-29
vii Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms..........................................................................IV-v
13-1 Possible MPC8260 Applications ............................................................................. 13-3
13-2 Peripheral Prioritization........................................................................................... 13-6
13-3 RISC Controller Configuration Register Field Descriptions................................... 13-8
13-4 RTSCR Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 13-10
13-5 RISC Microcode Revision Number....................................................................... 13-10
13-6 CP Command Register Field Descriptions ............................................................ 13-11
13-7 CP Command Opcodes.......................................................................................... 13-13
xlviii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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13-8 Command Descriptions ......................................................................................... 13-14
13-9 Buffer Descriptor Format ...................................................................................... 13-17
13-10 Parameter RAM ..................................................................................................... 13-18
13-11 RISC Timer Table Parameter RAM ...................................................................... 13-20
14-1 SIx RAM Entry (MCC = 0) ................................................................................... 14-11
14-2 SIx RAM Entry (MCC = 1) ................................................................................... 14-13
14-3 SIx RAM Entry Descriptions................................................................................. 14-14
14-4 SIxGMR Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 14-17
14-5 SIxMR Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 14-18
14-6 SIxRSR Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 14-24
14-7 SIxCMDR Field Description ................................................................................. 14-25
14-8 SIxSTR Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 14-25
14-9 IDL Signal Descriptions ........................................................................................ 14-27
14-10 SIx RAM Entries for an IDL Interface .................................................................. 14-30
14-11 GCI Signals............................................................................................................ 14-31
14-12 SIx RAM Entries for a GCI Interface (SCIT Mode) ............................................. 14-34
15-1 Clock Source Options .............................................................................................. 15-6
15-2 CMXUAR Field Descriptions ................................................................................. 15-7
15-3 CMXSI1CR Field Descriptions............................................................................. 15-11
15-4 CMXSI2CR Field Descriptions............................................................................. 15-12
15-5 CMXFCR Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 15-13
15-6 CMXSCR Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 15-15
15-7 CMXSMR Field Descriptions ............................................................................... 15-18
16-1 BRGCx Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 16-3
16-2 BRG External Clock Source Options ...................................................................... 16-4
16-3 Typical Baud Rates for Asynchronous Communication ......................................... 16-5
17-1 TGCR1 Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 17-4
17-2 TGCR2 Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 17-5
17-3 TMRIÐTMR4 Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 17-6
17-4 TER Field Descriptions ........................................................................................... 17-9
18-1 SDSR Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 18-3
18-2 PDTEM and LDTEM Field Descriptions................................................................ 18-4
18-3 IDMA Transfer Parameters ..................................................................................... 18-7
18-4 IDMAx Parameter RAM ....................................................................................... 18-16
18-5 DCM Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 18-18
18-6 IDMA Channel Data Transfer Operation .............................................................. 18-20
18-7 Valid Memory-to-Memory STS/DTS Values ....................................................... 18-21
18-8 Valid STS/DTS Values for Peripherals ................................................................. 18-21
18-9 IDSR/IDMR Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 18-23
18-10 IDMA BD Field Descriptions................................................................................ 18-24
18-11 IDMA Bus Exceptions........................................................................................... 18-27
18-12 Parallel I/O Register ProgrammingÑPort C ......................................................... 18-28
18-13 Parallel I/O Register ProgrammingÑPort A......................................................... 18-28
MOTOROLA Tables xlix
Number Title Page
18-14 Parallel I/O Register ProgrammingÑPort D......................................................... 18-29
18-15 Example: Peripheral-to-Memory ModeÑIDMA2 ................................................ 18-29
18-16 Example: Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (on 60x)ÐIDMA3 ....................... 18-30
19-1 GSMR_H Field Descriptions................................................................................... 19-4
19-2 GSMR_L Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 19-6
19-3 TODR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 19-10
19-4 SCC Parameter RAM Map for All Protocols ........................................................ 19-13
19-5 Parameter RAMÑSCC Base Addresses ............................................................... 19-15
19-6 RFCRx /TFCRx Field Descriptions....................................................................... 19-16
19-7 SCCx Event, Mask, and Status Registers ............................................................. 19-16
19-8 Preamble Requirements ......................................................................................... 19-24
19-9 DPLL Codings ....................................................................................................... 19-25
20-1 UART-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map ............................................. 20-4
20-2 Transmit Commands................................................................................................ 20-6
20-3 Receive Commands ................................................................................................. 20-7
20-4 Control Character Table, RCCM, and RCCR Descriptions .................................... 20-9
20-5 TOSEQ Field Descriptions .................................................................................... 20-10
20-6 DSR Fields Descriptions........................................................................................ 20-12
20-7 Transmission Errors............................................................................................... 20-12
20-8 Reception Errors .................................................................................................... 20-13
20-9 PSMR UART Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 20-14
20-10 SCC UART RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ................................... 20-17
20-11 SCC UART TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions.................................... 20-18
20-12 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions for UART Mode............................................... 20-21
20-13 UART SCCS Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 20-22
20-14 UART Control Characters for S-Records Example............................................... 20-24
21-1 HDLC-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map ............................................. 21-4
21-2 Transmit Commands................................................................................................ 21-5
21-3 Receive Commands ................................................................................................ 21-6
21-4 Transmit Errors ...................................................................................................... 21-6
21-5 Receive Errors ......................................................................................................... 21-6
21-6 PSMR HDLC Field Descriptions ............................................................................ 21-7
21-7 SCC HDLC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ..................................... 21-9
21-8 SCC HDLC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions.................................... 21-11
21-9 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 21-12
21-10 HDLC SCCS Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 21-14
22-1 SCC BISYNC Parameter RAM Memory Map........................................................ 22-4
22-2 Transmit Commands................................................................................................ 22-5
22-3 Receive Commands ................................................................................................. 22-5
22-4 Control Character Table and RCCM Field Descriptions......................................... 22-7
22-5 BSYNC Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 22-8
22-6 BDLE Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 22-9
22-7 Receiver SYNC Pattern Lengths of the DSR .......................................................... 22-9
lMPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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22-8 Transmit Errors...................................................................................................... 22-10
22-9 Receive Errors ....................................................................................................... 22-10
22-10 PSMR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 22-11
22-11 SCC BISYNC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions................................ 22-12
22-12 SCC BISYNC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions................................ 22-14
22-13 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 22-16
22-14 SCCS Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 22-17
22-15 Control Characters ................................................................................................. 22-18
23-1 Receiver SYNC Pattern Lengths of the DSR .......................................................... 23-3
23-2 SCC Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map ................................................... 23-7
23-3 Transmit Commands................................................................................................ 23-7
23-4 Receive Commands ................................................................................................. 23-8
23-5 Transmit Errors........................................................................................................ 23-8
23-6 Receive Errors ......................................................................................................... 23-8
23-7 SCC Transparent RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ............................. 23-9
23-8 SCC Transparent TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ........................... 23-11
23-9 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 23-12
23-10 SCCS Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 23-13
24-1 SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM Memory Map......................................................... 24-8
24-2 Transmit Commands.............................................................................................. 24-10
24-3 Receive Commands ............................................................................................... 24-11
24-4 Transmission Errors............................................................................................... 24-14
24-5 Reception Errors .................................................................................................... 24-15
24-6 PSMR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 24-16
24-7 SCC Ethernet Receive RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions................... 24-17
24-8 SCC Ethernet Transmit TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions.................. 24-20
24-9 SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 24-21
26-1 SMCMR1/SMCMR2 Field Descriptions ................................................................ 26-4
26-2 SMC UART and Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map................................ 26-6
26-3 RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions.............................................................................. 26-8
26-4 Transmit Commands.............................................................................................. 26-12
26-5 Receive Commands ............................................................................................... 26-13
26-6 SMC UART Errors ................................................................................................ 26-13
26-7 SMC UART RxBD Field Descriptions ................................................................. 26-14
26-8 SMC UART TxBD Field Descriptions.................................................................. 26-17
26-9 SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions......................................................................... 26-18
26-10 SMC Transparent Transmit Commands ................................................................ 26-25
26-11 SMC Transparent Receive Commands.................................................................. 26-25
26-12 SMC Transparent Error Conditions....................................................................... 26-25
26-13 SMC Transparent RxBD Field Descriptions ......................................................... 26-26
26-14 SMC Transparent TxBD........................................................................................ 26-27
26-15 SMC Transparent TxBD Field Descriptions ......................................................... 26-27
26-16 SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions......................................................................... 26-28
MOTOROLA Tables li
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26-17 SMC GCI Parameter RAM Memory Map............................................................. 26-30
26-18 SMC GCI Commands............................................................................................ 26-32
26-19 SMC Monitor Channel RxBD Field Descriptions................................................. 26-32
26-20 SMC Monitor Channel TxBD Field Descriptions ................................................. 26-33
26-21 SMC C/I Channel RxBD Field Descriptions......................................................... 26-33
26-22 SMC C/I Channel TxBD Field Descriptions ......................................................... 26-34
26-23 SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions......................................................................... 26-34
27-1 Global Multiple-Channel Parameters ...................................................................... 27-3
27-2 Channel Extra Parameters........................................................................................ 27-5
27-3 Channel-Specific Parameters for HDLC ................................................................. 27-8
27-4 TSTATE High-Byte Field Descriptions .................................................................. 27-9
27-5 CHAMR Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 27-10
27-6 RSTATE High-Byte Field Descriptions................................................................ 27-12
27-7 Channel-Specific Parameters for Transparent Operation ...................................... 27-12
27-8 CHAMR Field DescriptionsÑTransparent Mode................................................. 27-14
27-9 MCCF Field Descriptions...................................................................................... 27-15
27-10 Group Channel Assignments ................................................................................. 27-16
27-11 Transmit Commands.............................................................................................. 27-16
27-12 Receive Commands ............................................................................................... 27-17
27-13 MCCE/MCCM Register Field Descriptions.......................................................... 27-19
27-14 Interrupt Circular Table Entry Field Descriptions................................................. 27-20
27-15 RxBD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 27-21
27-16 TxBD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 27-23
28-1 GFMR Register Field Descriptions ......................................................................... 28-4
28-2 FCC Data Synchronization Register (FDSR) .......................................................... 28-7
28-3 FCC Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR) ......................................................... 28-8
28-4 TODR Field Descriptions ........................................................................................ 28-8
28-5 FCC Parameter RAM Common to All Protocols .................................................. 28-11
28-6 FCRx Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 28-13
29-1 ATM Service Types................................................................................................. 29-9
29-2 External CAM Input and Output Field Descriptions............................................. 29-15
29-3 Field Descriptions for Address Compression ........................................................ 29-16
29-4 VCOFFSET Calculation Examples for Contiguous VCLTs ................................. 29-17
29-5 VP-Level Table Entry Address Calculation Example ........................................... 29-17
29-6 VC-Level Table Entry Address Calculation Example........................................... 29-18
29-7 Fields and their Positions in RM Cells .................................................................. 29-26
29-8 Pre-Assigned Header Values at the UNI ............................................................... 29-27
29-9 Pre-Assigned Header Values at the NNI ............................................................... 29-28
29-10 Performance Monitoring Cell Fields ..................................................................... 29-30
29-11 ATM Parameter RAM Map................................................................................... 29-38
29-12 UEAD_OFFSETs for Extended Addresses in the UDC Extra Header ................. 29-40
29-13 VCI Filtering Enable Field Descriptions ............................................................... 29-40
29-14 GMODE Field Descriptions .................................................................................. 29-41
lii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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29-15 Receive and Transmit Connection Table Sizes ..................................................... 29-42
29-16 RCT Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 29-45
29-17 RCT Settings (AAL5 Protocol-Specific)............................................................... 29-47
29-18 ABR Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions................................................... 29-48
29-19 AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions................................................. 29-49
29-20 AAL0-Specific RCT Field Descriptions ............................................................... 29-50
29-21 TCT Field Descriptions ......................................................................................... 29-52
29-22 AAL5-Specific TCT Field Descriptions................................................................ 29-54
29-23 AAL1-Specific TCT Field Descriptions................................................................ 29-55
29-24 AAL0-Specific TCT Field Descriptions................................................................ 29-56
29-25 VBR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions ............................................................... 29-56
29-26 UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions .............................................. 29-57
29-27 ABR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions ............................................................... 29-58
29-28 OAMÑPerformance Monitoring Table Field Descriptions.................................. 29-61
29-29 APC Parameter Table ............................................................................................ 29-62
29-30 APC Priority Table Entry ...................................................................................... 29-63
29-31 Control Slot Field Description............................................................................... 29-64
29-32 Free Buffer Pool Entry Field Descriptions ............................................................ 29-68
29-33 Free Buffer Pool Parameter Table ......................................................................... 29-68
29-34 Receive and Transmit Buffers ............................................................................... 29-69
29-35 AAL5 RxBD Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 29-70
29-36 AAL1 RxBD Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 29-72
29-37 AAL0 RxBD Field Descriptions ........................................................................... 29-73
29-38 AAL5 TxBD Field Descriptions............................................................................ 29-75
29-39 AAL1 TxBD Field Descriptions............................................................................ 29-76
29-40 AAL0 TxBD Field Descriptions............................................................................ 29-77
29-41 UNI Statistics Table............................................................................................... 29-79
29-42 Interrupt Queue Entry Field Description ............................................................... 29-81
29-43 Interrupt Queue Parameter Table........................................................................... 29-81
29-44 UTOPIA Master Mode Signal Descriptions.......................................................... 29-82
29-45 UTOPIA Slave Mode Signals................................................................................ 29-84
29-46 UTOPIA Loop-Back Modes.................................................................................. 29-85
29-47 FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR)..................................................................... 29-86
29-48 FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 29-88
29-49 FTIRRx Field Descriptions.................................................................................... 29-89
29-50 COMM_INFO Field Descriptions......................................................................... 29-90
30-1 Flow Control Frame Structure ................................................................................. 30-8
30-2 Ethernet-Specific Parameter RAM .......................................................................... 30-9
30-3 Transmit Commands.............................................................................................. 30-12
30-4 Receive Commands ............................................................................................... 30-13
30-5 RMON Statistics and Counters.............................................................................. 30-14
30-6 Transmission Errors............................................................................................... 30-19
30-7 Reception Errors .................................................................................................... 30-19
MOTOROLA Tables liii
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30-8 FPSMR Ethernet Field Descriptions ..................................................................... 30-20
30-9 FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 30-22
30-10 RxBD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 30-24
30-11 Ethernet TxBD Field Definitions........................................................................... 30-27
31-1 FCC HDLC-Specific Parameter RAM Memory Map ............................................. 31-4
31-2 Transmit Commands................................................................................................ 31-5
31-3 Receive Commands ................................................................................................. 31-6
31-4 HDLC Transmission Errors..................................................................................... 31-6
31-5 HDLC Reception Errors ......................................................................................... 31-7
31-6 FPSMR Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 31-8
31-7 RxBD field Descriptions........................................................................................ 31-11
31-8 HDLC TxBD Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 31-13
31-9 FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions........................................................................... 31-15
31-10 FCCS Register Field Descriptions......................................................................... 31-17
33-1 SPMODE Field Descriptions................................................................................... 33-6
33-2 Example Conventions.............................................................................................. 33-8
33-3 SPIE/SPIM Field Descriptions ................................................................................ 33-9
33-4 SPCOM Field Descriptions ................................................................................... 33-10
33-5 SPI Parameter RAM Memory Map ....................................................................... 33-10
33-6 RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions............................................................................ 33-12
33-7 SPI Commands ...................................................................................................... 33-12
33-8 SPI RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ................................................. 33-14
33-9 SPI TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions ................................................. 33-15
34-1 I2MOD Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 34-6
34-2 I2ADD Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 34-7
34-3 I2BRG Field Descriptions ....................................................................................... 34-8
34-4 I2CER/I2CMR Field Descriptions .......................................................................... 34-8
34-5 I2COM Field Descriptions ...................................................................................... 34-9
34-6 I2C Parameter RAM Memory Map ......................................................................... 34-9
34-7 RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions............................................................................ 34-11
34-8 I2C Transmit/Receive Commands......................................................................... 34-11
34-9 I2C RxBD Status and Control Bits........................................................................ 34-13
34-10 I2C TxBD Status and Control Bits ........................................................................ 34-14
35-1 PODRx Field Descriptions ..................................................................................... 35-2
35-2 PDIR Field Descriptions.......................................................................................... 35-3
35-3 PPAR Field Descriptions......................................................................................... 35-4
35-4 PSORx Field Descriptions....................................................................................... 35-5
35-5 Port AÑDedicated Pin Assignment (PPARA = 1) ................................................. 35-8
35-6 Port B Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARB = 1)................................................... 35-12
35-7 Port C Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARC = 1)................................................... 35-14
35-8 Port D Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARD = 1) ................................................ 35-17
A-1 User-Level PowerPC Registers (Non-SPRs)............................................................ A-1
A-2 User-Level PowerPC SPRs....................................................................................... A-1
liv MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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A-3 Supervisor-Level PowerPC Registers (Non-SPR).................................................... A-2
A-4 Supervisor-Level PowerPC SPRs............................................................................. A-2
A-5 MPC8260-Specific Supervisor-Level SPRs ............................................................. A-3
MOTOROLA About This Book lv
About This Book
The primary objective of this manual is to help communications system designers build
systems using the Motorola MPC8260 and to help software designers provide operating
systems and user-level applications to take fullest advantage of the MPC8260.
Although this book describes aspects regarding the PowerPCª architecture that are critical
for understanding the MPC8260 core, it does not contain a complete description of the
architecture. Where additional information might help the reader, references are made to
The PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments. Ordering
information for this book are provided in the section, ÒPowerPC Documentation.Ó
The information in this book is subject to change without notice, as described in the
disclaimers on the title page of this book. As with any technical documentation, it is the
readersÕ responsibility to be sure they are using the most recent version of the
documentation. For more information, contact your sales representative.
Before Using this ManualÑImportant Note
Before using this manual, determine whether it is the latest revision and if there are errata
or addenda. To locate any published errata or updates for this document, refer to the world-
wide web at
This manual is intended for software and hardware developers and application
programmers who want to develop products for the MPC8260. It is assumed that the reader
has a basic understanding of computer networking, OSI layers, and RISC architecture. In
addition, it is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of the communications
protocols described here. Where it is considered useful, additional sources are provided that
provide in-depth discussions of such topics.
lvi MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Following is a summary and a brief description of the chapters of this manual:
¥ Part I, ÒOverview,Ó provides a high-level description of the MPC8260, describing
general operation and listing basic features.
Ñ Chapter 1, ÒOverview,Ó provides a high-level description of MPC8260 functions
and features. It roughly follows the structure of this book, summarizing the
relevant features and providing references for the reader who needs additional
Ñ Chapter 2, ÒPowerPC Processor Core,Ó provides an overview of the MPC8260
core, summarizing topics described in further detail in subsequent chapters.
Ñ Chapter 3, ÒMemory Map,Ó presents a table showing where MPC8260 registers
are mapped in memory. It includes cross references that indicate where the
registers are described in detail.
¥ Part II, ÒConÞguration and Reset,Ó describes start-up behavior of the MPC8260
Ñ Chapter 4, ÒSystem Interface Unit (SIU),Ó describes the system conÞguration
and protection functions which provide various monitors and timers, and the 60x
bus conÞguration.
Ñ Chapter 5, ÒReset,Ó describes the behavior of the MPC8260 at reset and start-up.
¥ Part III, ÒThe Hardware Interface,Ó describes external signals, clocking, memory
control, and power management of the MPC8260.
Ñ Chapter 6, ÒExternal Signals,Ó shows a functional pinout of the MPC8260 and
describes the MPC8260 signals.
Ñ Chapter 7, Ò60x Signals,Ó describes signals on the 60x bus.
Ñ Chapter 8, ÒThe 60x Bus,Ó describes the operation of the bus used by PowerPC
Ñ Chapter 9, ÒClocks and Power Control,Ó describes the clocking architecture of
the MPC8260.
Ñ Chapter 10, ÒMemory Controller,Ó describes the memory controller, which
controlling a maximum of eight memory banks shared between a general-
purpose chip-select machine (GPCM) and three user-programmable machines
Ñ Chapter 11, ÒSecondary (L2) Cache Support,Ó provides information about
implementation and conÞguration of a level-2 cache.
Ñ Chapter 12, ÒIEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port,Ó describes the dedicated user-
accessible test access port (TAP), which is fully compatible with the IEEE
1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.
¥ Part IV, ÒCommunications Processor Module,Ó describes the conÞguration,
clocking, and operation of the various communications protocols supported by the
MOTOROLA About This Book lvii
Ñ Chapter 13, ÒCommunications Processor Module Overview,Ó provides a brief
overview of the MPC8260 CPM.
Ñ Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner,Ó describes the SIU, which
controls system start-up, initialization and operation, protection, as well as the
external system bus.
Ñ Chapter 15, ÒCPM Multiplexing,Ó describes the CPM multiplexing logic (CMX)
which connects the physical layerÑUTOPIA, MII, modem lines,
Ñ Chapter 16, ÒBaud-Rate Generators (BRGs),Ó describes the eight independent,
identical baud-rate generators (BRGs) that can be used with the FCCs, SCCs,
and SMCs.
Ñ Chapter 17, ÒTimers,Ó describes the MPC8260 timer implementation, which can
be conÞgured as four identical 16-bit or two 32-bit general-purpose timers.
Ñ Chapter 18, ÒSDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation,Ó describes the two
physical serial DMA (SDMA) channels on the MPC8260.
Ñ Chapter 19, ÒSerial Communications Controllers (SCCs),Ó describes the four
serial communications controllers (SCC), which can be conÞgured
independently to implement different protocols for bridging functions, routers,
and gateways, and to interface with a wide variety of standard WANs, LANs, and
proprietary networks.
Ñ Chapter 20, ÒSCC UART Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) protocol that is used for
sending low-speed data between devices.
Ñ Chapter 21, ÒSCC HDLC Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
HDLC protocol.
Ñ Chapter 22, ÒSCC BISYNC Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
byte-oriented BISYNC protocol developed by IBM for use in networking
Ñ Chapter 23, ÒSCC Transparent Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation
of transparent mode (also called totally transparent mode), which provides a
clear channel on which the SCC can send or receive serial data without bit-level
Ñ Chapter 24, ÒSCC Ethernet Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
Ethernet protocol.
Ñ Chapter 25, ÒSCC AppleTalk Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
Ñ Chapter 26, ÒSerial Management Controllers (SMCs),Ó describes two serial
management controllers, full-duplex ports that can be conÞgured independently
to support one of three protocolsÑUART, transparent, or general-circuit
interface (GCI).
lviii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Ñ Chapter 27, ÒMulti-Channel Controllers (MCCs),Ó describes the MPC8260Õs
multi-channel controller (MCC), which handles up to 128 serial, full-duplex data
Ñ Chapter 28, ÒFast Communications Controllers (FCCs),Ó describes the
MPC8260Õs fast communications controllers (FCCs), which are SCCs optimized
for synchronous high-rate protocols.
Ñ Chapter 29, ÒATM Controller,Ó describes the MPC8260 ATM controller, which
provides the ATM and AAL layers of the ATM protocol. The ATM controller
performs segmentation and reassembly (SAR) functions of AAL5, AAL1, and
AAL0, and most of the common parts convergence sublayer (CP-CS) of these
Ñ Chapter 30, ÒFast Ethernet Controller,Ó describes the MPC8260Õs
implementation of the Ethernet IEEE 802.3 protocol.
Ñ Chapter 31, ÒFCC HDLC Controller,Ó describes the FCC implementation of the
HDLC protocol.
Ñ Chapter 32, ÒFCC Transparent Controller,Ó describes the FCC implementation
of the transparent protocol.
Ñ Chapter 33, ÒSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI),Ó describes the serial peripheral
interface, which allows the MPC8260 to exchange data between other MPC8260
chips, the MC68360, the MC68302, the M68HC11, and M68HC05
microcontroller families, and peripheral devices such as EEPROMs, real-time
clocks, A/D converters, and ISDN devices.
Ñ Chapter 34, ÒI2C Controller,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of the
inter-integrated circuit (I2C¨) controller, which allows data to be exchanged with
other I2C devices, such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices,
and A/D converters.
Ñ Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports,Ó describes the four general-purpose I/O
ports AÐD. Each signal in the I/O ports can be conÞgured as a general-purpose
I/O signal or as a signal dedicated to supporting communications devices, such
as SMCs, SCCs. MCCs, and FCCs.
¥ Appendix A, ÒRegister Quick Reference Guide,Ó provides a quick reference to the
registers incorporated in the PowerPC core.
¥ This book also includes an index and a glossary.
MOTOROLA About This Book lix
Suggested Reading
This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this
manual as well as general information about the PowerPC architecture.
MPC8xx Documentation
Supporting documentation for the MPC8260 can be accessed through the world-wide web
at This documentation includes technical speciÞcations,
reference materials, and detailed applications notes.
PowerPC Documentation
The PowerPC documentation is organized in the following types of documents:
¥ UserÕs manualsÑThese books provide details about individual PowerPC
implementations and are intended to be used in conjunction with The Programming
Environments Manual. These include the following:
ÑPowerPC MPC603eª & EC603e RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
(Motorola order #: MPC603EUM/AD, Rev. 1)
ÑPowerPC 604ª RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
(Motorola order #: MPC604UM/AD)
¥ Programming environments manualsÑThese books provide information about
resources deÞned by the PowerPC architecture that are common to PowerPC
processors. There are two versions, one that describes the functionality of the
combined 32- and 64-bit architecture models and one that describes only the 32-bit
ÑPowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments, Rev 1
(Motorola order #: MPCFPE/AD)
ÑPowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments for 32-Bit
Microprocessors, Rev. 1 (Motorola order #: MPCFPE32B/AD)
¥ PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Bus Interface for 32-Bit Microprocessors
(Motorola order #: MPCBUSIF/AD) provides a detailed functional description of
the 60x bus interface, as implemented on the PowerPC MPC601ª, MPC603e,
MPC604, and MPC750 family of PowerPC microprocessors. This document is
intended to help system and chip set developers by providing a centralized reference
source to identify the bus interface presented by the 60x family of PowerPC
¥PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The ProgrammerÕs Reference Guide
(Motorola order #: MPCPRG/D) is a concise reference that includes the register
summary, memory control model, exception vectors, and the PowerPC instruction
¥PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The ProgrammerÕs Pocket Reference Guide
(Motorola order #: MPCPRGREF/D). This feedlot card provides an overview of the
PowerPC registers, instructions, and exceptions for 32-bit implementations.
lx MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
¥ Application notesÑThese short documents contain useful information about
speciÞc design issues useful to programmers and engineers working with PowerPC
For a current list of PowerPC documentation, refer to the world-wide web at
This document uses the following notational conventions:
Bold entries in Þgures and tables showing registers and parameter
RAM should be initialized by the user.
mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx.
Book titles in text are set in italics.
0x0 PreÞx to denote hexadecimal number
0b0 PreÞx to denote binary number
rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR
rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are
shown in uppercase text. SpeciÞc bits, Þelds, or numerical ranges
appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian
mode enable bit in the machine state register.
x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit Þeld,
indicates a donÕt care.
nUsed to express an undeÞned numerical value
ÂNOT logical operator
& AND logical operator
| OR logical operator
MOTOROLA About This Book lxi
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Note that the meanings
for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for which an
acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious.
Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms
Term Meaning
A/D Analog-to-digital
ALU Arithmetic logic unit
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
BD Buffer descriptor
BIST Built-in self test
BPU Branch processing unit
BRI Basic rate interface.
BUID Bus unit ID
CAM Content-addressable memory
CEPT Conference des administrations Europeanes des Postes et Telecommunications (European
Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations).
CMX CPM multiplexing logic
CPM Communication processor module
CR Condition register
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CTR Count register
DABR Data address breakpoint register
DAR Data address register
DEC Decrementer register
DMA Direct memory access
DPLL Digital phase-locked loop
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DSISR Register used for determining the source of a DSI exception
DTLB Data translation lookaside buffer
EA Effective address
EEST Enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver
EPROM Erasable programmable read-only memory
FPR Floating-point register
FPSCR Floating-point status and control register
lxii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
FPU Floating-point unit
GCI General circuit interface
GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine
GPR General-purpose register
GUI Graphical user interface
HDLC High-level data link control
I2C Inter-integrated circuit
IDL Inter-chip digital link
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IrDA Infrared Data Association
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ITLB Instruction translation lookaside buffer
IU Integer unit
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
LIFO Last-in-Þrst-out
LR Link register
LRU Least recently used
LSB Least-signiÞcant byte
lsb Least-signiÞcant bit
LSU Load/store unit
MAC Multiply accumulate
MESI ModiÞed/exclusive/shared/invalidÑcache coherency protocol
MMU Memory management unit
MSB Most-signiÞcant byte
msb Most-signiÞcant bit
MSR Machine state register
NaN Not a number
NIA Next instruction address
NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface
No-op No operation
OEA Operating environment architecture
OSI Open systems interconnection
Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
MOTOROLA About This Book lxiii
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PIR Processor identiÞcation register
PRI Primary rate interface
PVR Processor version register
RISC Reduced instruction set computing
RTOS Real-time operating system
RWITM Read with intent to modify
Rx Receive
SCC Serial communication controller
SCP Serial control port
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SI Serial interface
SIMM Signed immediate value
SIU System interface unit
SMC Serial management controller
SNA Systems network architecture
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SPR Special-purpose register
SPRGnRegisters available for general purposes
SRAM Static random access memory
SRR0 Machine status save/restore register 0
SRR1 Machine status save/restore register 1
TAP Test access port
TB Time base register
TDM Time-division multiplexed
TLB Translation lookaside buffer
TSA Time-slot assigner
Tx Transmit
UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UIMM Unsigned immediate value
Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
lxiv MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
PowerPC Architecture Terminology Conventions
Table ii lists certain terms used in this manual that differ from the architecture terminology
UISA User instruction set architecture
UPM User-programmable machine
USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
USB Universal serial bus
VA Virtual address
VEA Virtual environment architecture
XER Register used primarily for indicating conditions such as carries and overßows for integer operations
Table ii. Terminology Conventions
The Architecture SpeciÞcation This Manual
Data storage interrupt (DSI) DSI exception
Extended mnemonics SimpliÞed mnemonics
Instruction storage interrupt (ISI) ISI exception
Interrupt Exception
Privileged mode (or privileged state) Supervisor-level privilege
Problem mode (or problem state) User-level privilege
Real address Physical address
Relocation Translation
Storage (locations) Memory
Storage (the act of) Access
Table i. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
MOTOROLA About This Book lxv
Table iii describes instruction Þeld notation conventions used in this manual.
Table iii. Instruction Field Conventions
The Architecture SpeciÞcation Equivalent to:
BA, BB, BT crbA, crbB, crbD (respectively)
BF, BFA crfD, crfS (respectively)
DS ds
RA, RB, RT, RS rA, rB, rD, rS (respectively)
/, //, /// 0...0 (shaded)
lxvi MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
MOTOROLA Part I. Overview Part I-lxvii
Part I
Intended Audience
Part I is intended for readers who need a high-level understanding of the MPC8260.
Part I provides a high-level description of the MPC8260, describing general operation and
listing basic features.
¥ Chapter 1, ÒOverview,Ó provides a high-level description of MPC8260 functions
and features. It roughly follows the structure of this book, summarizing the relevant
features and providing references for the reader who needs additional information.
¥ Chapter 2, ÒPowerPC Processor Core,Ó provides an overview of the MPC8260 core.
¥ Chapter 3, ÒMemory Map,Ó presents a table showing where MPC8260 registers are
mapped in memory. It includes cross references that indicate where the registers are
described in detail.
Part I uses the following notational conventions:
mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx.
Book titles in text are set in italics.
0x0 PreÞx to denote hexadecimal number
0b0 PreÞx to denote binary number
rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR
rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR
Part I-lxviii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are
shown in uppercase text. SpeciÞc bits, Þelds, or numerical ranges
appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian
mode enable bit in the machine state register.
x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit Þeld,
indicates a donÕt care.
nIndicates an undeÞned numerical value
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table iv contains acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this document.
Table iv. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms
Term Meaning
ATM Asynchronous Mode
BD Buffer descriptor
BPU Branch processing unit
COP Common on-chip processor
CP Communications processor
CPM Communications processor module
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CTR Count register
DABR Data address breakpoint register
DAR Data address register
DEC Decrementer register
DMA Direct memory access
DPLL Digital phase-locked loop
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DTLB Data translation lookaside buffer
EA Effective address
FCCÔ Fast communications controller
FPR Floating-point register
GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine
GPR General-purpose register
HDLC High-level data link control
I2C Inter-integrated circuit
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
MOTOROLA Part I. Overview Part I-lxix
Part I. Overview
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ITLB Instruction translation lookaside buffer
IU Integer unit
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
LRU Least recently used (cache replacement algorithm)
LSU Load/store unit
MCC Multi-channel controller
MII Media-independent interface
MMU Memory management unit
MSR Machine state register
NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface
OEA Operating environment architecture
OSI Open systems interconnection
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
RISC Reduced instruction set computing
RTC Real-time clock
RTOS Real-time operating system
Rx Receive
SCC Serial communications controller
SDLC Synchronous data link control
SI Serial interface
SIU System interface unit
SMC Serial management controller
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SPR Special-purpose register
SRAM Static random access memory
TAP Test access port
TB Time base register
TDM Time-division multiplexed
TLB Translation lookaside buffer
TSA Time-slot assigner
Table iv. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
Part I-lxx MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Tx Transmit
UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UISA User instruction set architecture
UPM User-programmable machine
VEA Virtual environment architecture
Table iv. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-1
Chapter 1
The MPC8260 PowerQUICC IIª is a versatile communications processor that integrates
on one chip a high-performance PowerPCª RISC microprocessor, a very ßexible system
integration unit, and many communications peripheral controllers that can be used in a
variety of applications, particularly in communications and networking systems.
The core is an embedded variant of the PowerPC MPC603eª microprocessor with 16
Kbytes of instruction cache and 16 Kbytes of data cache and no ßoating-point unit (FPU).
The system interface unit (SIU) consists of a ßexible memory controller that interfaces to
almost any user-deÞned memory system, and many other peripherals making this device a
complete system on a chip.
The communications processor module (CPM) includes all the peripherals found in the
MPC860, with the addition of three high-performance communication channels that
support new emerging protocols (for example, 155-Mbps ATM and Fast Ethernet).
MPC8260 has dedicated hardware that can handle up to 256 full-duplex, time-division-
multiplexed logical channels
This document describes the functional operation of MPC8260, with an emphasis on
peripheral functions. Chapter 2, ÒPowerPC Processor Core,Ó is an overview of the PowerPC
microprocessor core; detailed information about the core can be found in the MPC603e &
EC603e RISC Microprocessors UserÕs Manual (order number: MPC603EUM/AD).
1.1 Features
The following is an overview of the MPC8260 feature set:
¥ PowerPC dual-issue integer core
Ñ A core version of the MPC603e microprocessor
Ñ System core microprocessor supporting frequencies of 100Ð200 MHz
Ñ Separate 16-Kbyte data and instruction caches:
Ð Four-way set associative
Ð Physically addressed
Ð LRU replacement algorithm
1-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Ñ PowerPC architecture-compliant memory management unit (MMU)
Ñ Common on-chip processor (COP) test interface
Ñ Supports bus snooping for cache coherency
Ñ No ßoating-point unit (FPU). Floating-point arithmetic is not supported.
Ñ Support for ßoating-point loads and stores.
Ñ Support for cache locking.
¥ Low-power (less than 2.5 W when fully operational at 133 MHz, 2-V internal and
3.3-V I/O)
¥ Separate power supply for internal logic (2 V) and for I/O (3.3 V)
¥ Separate PLLs for PowerPC core and for the CPM
Ñ PowerPC core and CPM can run at different frequencies for power/performance
Ñ Internal PowerPC core/bus clock multiplier that provides 1.5:1, 2:1, 2.5:1, 3:1,
3.5:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1 ratios
Ñ Internal CPM/bus clock multiplier that provides 2:1, 2.5:1, 3:1, 3.5:1, 4:1, 5:1,
6:1 ratios
¥ 64-bit data and 32-bit address 60x bus
Ñ Bus supports multiple master designs
Ñ Supports single transfers and burst transfers
Ñ 64-, 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes controlled by on-chip memory controller
Ñ Supports data parity or ECC and address parity
¥ 32-bit data and 18-bit address local bus
Ñ Single-master bus, supports external slaves
Ñ Eight-beat burst transfers
Ñ 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes controlled by on-chip memory controller
¥ System interface unit (SIU)
Ñ Clock synthesizer
Ñ Reset controller
Ñ Real-time clock (RTC) register
Ñ Periodic interrupt timer
Ñ Hardware bus monitor and software watchdog timer
Ñ IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test access port
¥ Twelve-bank memory controller
Ñ Glueless interface to SRAM, page mode SDRAM, DRAM, EPROM, Flash and
other user-deÞnable peripherals
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-3
Part I. Overview
Ñ Byte write enables and selectable parity generation
Ñ 32-bit address decodes with programmable bank size
Ñ Three user programmable machines, general-purpose chip-select machine, and
page mode pipeline SDRAM machine
Ñ Byte selects for 64-bit bus width (60x) and for 32-bit bus width (local)
Ñ Dedicated interface logic for SDRAM
¥ Disable CPU mode
¥ Communications processor module (CPM)
Ñ Embedded 32-bit communications processor (CP) uses a RISC architecture for
ßexible support for communications peripherals
Ñ Interfaces to PowerPC core through on-chip 24-Kbyte dual-port RAM and DMA
Ñ Serial DMA channels for receive and transmit on all serial channels
Ñ Parallel I/O registers with open-drain and interrupt capability
Ñ Virtual DMA functionality executing memory to memory and memory to I/O
Ñ Three fast communication controllers (FCCs) supporting the following protocols
Ð 10/100-Mbit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CDMA/CS interface through media
independent interface (MII)
Ð ATMÑfull-duplex SAR at 155 Mbps, UTOPIA interface, AAL5, AAL1,
AAL0 protocols, TM 4.0 CBR, VBR, UBR, ABR trafÞc types, up to 64 K
external connections
Ð Transparent
Ð HDLCÑup to T3 rates (clear channel)
Ñ Two multichannel controllers (MCCs)
Ð Two 128 serial full-duplex data channels (for a total of 256 64 Kbps channels).
Each MCC can be split into four subgroups of 32 channels each.
Ð Almost any combination of subgroups can be multiplexed to single or
multiple TDM interfaces
Ñ Four serial communications controllers (SCCs) identical to those on the
MPC860, supporting the digital portions of the following protocols:
Ð Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CDMA/CS
Ð Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART)
Ð Synchronous UART
Ð Binary synchronous (BiSync) communications
Ð Transparent
1-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Ñ Two serial management controllers (SMCs), identical to those of the MPC860
Ð Provide management for BRI devices as general-circuit interface (GCI)
controllers in time- division-multiplexed (TDM) channels
Ð Transparent
Ð UART (low-speed operation)
Ñ One serial peripheral interface identical to the MPC860 SPI
Ñ One I2C controller (identical to the MPC860 I2C controller)
Ð Microwire compatible
Ð Multiple-master, single-master, and slave modes
Ñ Up to eight TDM interfaces
Ð Supports two groups of four TDM channels for a total of eight TDMs
Ð 2,048 bytes of SI RAM
Ð Bit or byte resolution
Ð Independent transmit and receive routing, frame synchronization.
Ð Supports T1, CEPT, T1/E1, T3/E3, pulse code modulation highway, ISDN
basic rate, ISDN primary rate, Motorola interchip digital link (IDL), general
circuit interface (GCI), and user-deÞned TDM serial interfaces
Ñ Eight independent baud rate generators and 20 input clock pins for supplying
clocks to FCC, SCC, and SMC serial channels
Ñ Four independent 16-bit timers that can be interconnected as two 32-bit timers
1.2 MPC8260Õs Architecture Overview
The MPC8260 has two external buses to accommodate bandwidth requirements from the
high-speed system core and the very fast communications channels. As shown in
Figure 1-1, the MPC8260 has three major functional blocks:
¥ A 64-bit PowerPC core derived from the MPC603e with MMUs and cache
¥ A system interface unit (SIU)
¥ A communications processor module (CPM)
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-5
Part I. Overview
Figure 1-1. MPC8260 Block Diagram
Both the system core and the CPM have an internal PLL, which allows independent
optimization of the frequencies at which they run. The system core and CPM are both
connected to the 60x bus.
1.2.1 MPC603e Core
The MPC603e core is derived from the PowerPC MPC603e microprocessor without the
ßoating-point unit and with power management modiÞcations. The core is a high-
performance low-power implementation of the PowerPC family of reduced instruction set
computer (RISC) microprocessors. The MPC603e core implements the 32-bit portion of
the PowerPC architecture, which provides 32-bit effective addresses, integer data types of
8, 16, and 32 bits. The MPC603e cache provides snooping to ensure data coherency with
other masters. This helps ensure coherency between the CPM and system core.
The core includes 16 Kbytes of instruction cache and 16 Kbytes of data cache. It has a 64-
bit split-transaction external data bus, which is connected directly to the external MPC8260
Instruction Cache
Data Cache
60x Bus
60x -to-Local Bus Bridge
Memory Controller
Bus Interface Unit
Clock Counter
System Functions
Parallel I/O
Baud Rate Gen.
24-Kbyte Dual
Port RAM
32-Bit RISC Communications
Processor (CP) and
Serial DMAs
4 Virtual
Time Slot Assigner
Serial Interface
8 TDMs 2 UTOPIA 3 MIIs Non-Multiplexed I/O
Program ROM
1-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
The MPC603e core has an internal common on-chip (COP) debug processor. This
processor allows access to internal scan chains for debugging purposes. It is also used as a
serial connection to the core for emulator support.
The MPC603e core performance for the SPEC 95 benchmark for integer operations ranges
between 4.4 and 5.1 at 200 MHz. In Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS, the MPC603e is 280 MIPS at
200 MHz (compared to 86 MIPS of the MPC860 at 66 MHz).
The MPC603e core can be disabled. In this mode, the MPC8260 functions as a slave
peripheral to an external core or to another MPC8260 device with its core enabled.
1.2.2 System Interface Unit (SIU)
The SIU consists of the following:
¥ A 60x-compatible parallel system bus conÞgurable to 64-bit data width. The
MPC8260 supports 64-, 32-, 16-, and 8-bit port sizes. The MPC8260 internal arbiter
arbitrates between internal components that can access the bus (system core, CPM,
and one external master). This arbiter can be disabled, and an external arbiter can be
used if necessary.
¥ A local (32-bit data, 32-bit internal and 18-bit external address) bus. This bus is used
to enhance the operation of the very high-speed communication controllers. Without
requiring extensive manipulation by the core, the bus can be used to store connection
tables for ATM or buffer descriptors (BDs) for the communication channels or raw
data that is transmitted between channels. The local bus is synchronous to the 60x
bus and runs at the same frequency.
¥ Memory controller supporting 12 memory banks that can be allocated for either the
system or the local bus. The memory controller is an enhanced version of the
MPC860 memory controller. It supports three user-programmable machines.
Besides all MPC860 features, the memory controller also supports SDRAM with
page mode and address data pipeline.
¥ Supports JTAG controller IEEE 1149.1 test access port (TAP).
¥ A bus monitor that prevents 60x bus lock-ups, a real-time clock, a periodic interrupt
timer, and other system functions useful in embedded applications.
¥ Glueless interface to L2 cache (MPC2605) and 4-/16-K-entry CAM (MCM69C232/
1.2.3 Communications Processor Module (CPM)
The CPM contains features that allow the MPC8260 to excel in a variety of applications
targeted mainly for networking and telecommunication markets.
The CPM is a superset of the MPC860 PowerQUICC CPM, with enhancements on the CP
performance and additional hardware and microcode routines that support high bit rate
protocols like ATM (up to 155 Mbps full-duplex) and Fast Ethernet (100-Mbps full-
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-7
Part I. Overview
The following list summarizes the major features of the CPM:
¥ The CP is an embedded 32-bit RISC controller residing on a separate bus (CPM
local bus) from the 60x bus (used by the system core). With this separate bus, the CP
does not affect the performance of the PowerPC core. The CP handles the lower
layer tasks and DMA control activities, leaving the PowerPC core free to handle
higher layer activities. The CP has an instruction set optimized for communications,
but can also be used for general-purpose applications, relieving the system core of
small often repeated tasks.
¥ Two serial DMA (SDMA) that can do simultaneous transfers, optimized for burst
transfers to the 60x bus and to the local bus.
¥ Three full-duplex, serial fast communications controllers (FCCs) supporting ATM
(155 Mbps) protocol through UTOPIA2 interface (there are two UTOPIA interfaces
on the MPC8260), IEEE 802.3 and Fast Ethernet protocols, HDLC up to E3 rates
(45 Mbps) and totally transparent operation. Each FCC can be conÞgured to transmit
fully transparent and receive HDLC or vice-versa.
¥ Two multichannel controllers (MCCs) that can handle an aggregate of 256 X 64
Kbps HDLC or transparent channels, multiplexed on up to eight TDM interfaces.
The MCC also supports super-channels of rates higher than 64 Kbps and
subchanneling of the 64-Kbps channels.
¥ Four full-duplex serial communications controllers (SCCs) supporting IEEE802.3/
Ethernet, high- level synchronous data link control, HDLC, local talk, UART,
synchronous UART, BISYNC, and transparent.
¥ Two full-duplex serial management controllers (SMC) supporting GCI, UART, and
transparent operations
¥ Serial peripheral interface (SPI) and I2C bus controllers
¥ Time-slot assigner (TSA) that supports multiplexing of data from any of the four
SCCs, three FCCs, and two SMCs.
1.3 Software Compatibility Issues
As much as possible, the MPC8260 CPM features were made similar to those of the
previous devices (MPC860). The code ßow ports easily from previous devices to the
MPC8260, except for new protocols supported by the MPC8260.
Although many registers are new, most registers retain the old status and event bits, so an
understanding of the programming models of the MC68360, MPC860, or MPC85015 is
helpful. Note that the MPC8260 initialization code requires changes from the MPC860
initialization code (Motorola provides reference code).
1.3.1 Signals
Figure 1-2 shows MPC8260 signals grouped by function. Note that many of these signals
are multiplexed and this Þgure does not indicate how these signals are multiplexed.
1-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active
lowÑfor example, BB (bus busy). Active-low signals are
referred to as asserted (active) when they are low and negated
when they are high. Signals that are not active low, such as
TSIZ[0Ð3] (transfer size signals) are referred to as asserted
when they are high and negated when they are low.
Figure 1-2. MPC8260 External Signals
VSS ¾¾¾>100
32 <¾¾> A[0Ð31]
L_A14 <¾¾> 1
5<¾¾> TT[0Ð4]
L_A15 <¾¾> 14<¾¾> TSIZ[0Ð3]
L_A16 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> TBST
L_A17 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> GBL/IRQ1
L_A18 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> CI/BADDR29/IRQ2
L_A19 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> WT/BADDR30/IRQ3
L_A20 <¾¾> 11<¾¾¾ L2_HIT/IRQ4
L_A21 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> CPU_BG/BADDR31/IRQ5
1¾¾¾> CPU_DBG
1¾¾¾> CPU_BR
L_A22 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> BR
L_A23 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> BG
L_A24 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> ABB/IRQ2
L_A25 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> TS
L_A26 <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> AACK
L_A27 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> ARTRY
L_A28 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> DBG
L_A29 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> DBB/IRQ3
L_A30 <¾¾> 164<¾¾> D[0Ð63]
L_A31 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> NC/DP0/RSRV/EXT_BR2
LCL_D[0Ð31] <¾¾> 32 1 <¾¾> IRQ1/DP1/EXT_BG2
LCL_DP[0Ð3] <¾¾> 41<¾¾> IRQ2/DP2/TLBISYNC/EXT_DBG2
LBS[0Ð3]/LSDDQM[0Ð3]/LWE[0Ð3] <¾¾¾ 4
LGPL0/LSDA10 <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> IRQ5/DP5/TBEN/EXT_DBG3
LGPL1/LSDWE <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> IRQ6/DP6/CSE0
LGPL2/LSDRAS/LOE <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> IRQ7/DP7/CSE1
LGPL5 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> TEA
LWR <¾¾> 11<¾¾> IRQ0/NMI_OUT
PA[0Ð31] <¾¾> 32 P
PB[4Ð31] <¾¾> 28
10 ¾¾¾> CS[0Ð9]
PC[0Ð31] <¾¾> 32 1 <¾¾> CS[10]/BCTL1/DBG_DIS
PD[4Ð31] <¾¾> 28 1 <¾¾> CS[11]/AP[0]
2¾¾¾> BADDR[27Ð28]
RSTCONF¾¾¾> 11¾¾¾> ALE
HRESET<¾¾> 11¾¾¾> BCTL0
SRESET<¾¾> 18¾¾¾> PWE[0Ð7]/PSDDQM[0Ð7]/PBS[0Ð7]
QREQ<¾¾¾ 11¾¾¾> PSDA10/PGPL0
BNKSEL[0]/TC[0]/AP[1]/MODCK1<¾¾> 1J
1<¾¾- TMS
BNKSEL[1]/TC[1]/AP[2]/MODCK2<¾¾> 11<¾¾¾TDI
BNKSEL[2]/TC[2]/AP[3]/MODCK3<¾¾> 11<¾¾- TCK
TERM[0Ð1] ¾¾¾> 21<¾¾- TRST
NC ¾¾¾> 41-¾¾> TDO
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-9
Part I. Overview
1.4 Differences between MPC860 and MPC8260
The following MPC860 features are not included in the MPC8260.
¥ On-chip crystal oscillators (must use external oscillator)
¥ 4-MHz oscillator (input clock must be at the bus speed)
¥ Low power (stand-by) modes
¥ Battery-backup real-time clock (must use external battery-backup clock)
¥ BDM (COP offers most of the same functionality)
¥ True little-endian mode
¥ PCMCIA interface
¥ Infrared (IR) port
¥ QMC protocol in SCC (256 HDLC channels are supported by the MCCs)
¥ Multiply and accumulate (MAC) block in the CPM
¥ Centronics port (PIP)
¥ Asynchronous HDLC protocol (optional RAM microcode)
¥ Pulse-width modulated outputs
¥ SCC Ethernet controller option to sample 1 byte from the parallel port when a
receive frame is complete
¥ Parallel CAM interface for SCC (Ethernet)
1.5 Serial Protocol Table
Table 1-1 summarizes available protocols for each serial port.
Table 1-1. MPC8260 Serial Protocols
ATM (Utopia) Ö
100BaseT Ö
10BaseT ÖÖ
Transparent ÖÖÖÖ
Multichannel Ö
1-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
1.6 MPC8260 ConÞgurations
The MPC8260 offers ßexibility in conÞguring the device for speciÞc applications. The
functions mentioned in the above sections are all available in the device, but not all of them
can be used at the same time. This does not imply that the device is not fully activated in
any given implementation: The CPM architecture has the advantage of using common
hardware resources for many different protocols, and applications. Two physical factors
limit the functionality in any given systemÑpinout and performance.
1.6.1 Pin ConÞgurations
Some pins have multiple functions. Choosing one function may preclude the use of another.
Information about multiplexing constraints can be found in Chapter 15, ÒCPM
Multiplexing,Ó and Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
1.6.2 Serial Performance
Serial performance depends on a number of factors:
¥ Serial rate versus CPM clock frequency for adequate sampling on serial channels
¥ Serial rate and protocol versus CPM clock frequency for CP protocol handling
¥ Serial rate and protocol versus bus bandwidth
¥ Serial rate and protocol versus system core clock for adequate protocol handling
The second item above is addressed in this sectionÑthe CPÕs ability to handle high bit-rate
protocols in parallel. Slow bit-rate protocols do not signiÞcantly affect those numbers.
Table 1-2 describes a few options to conÞgure the fast communications channels on the
MPC8260. The frequency speciÞed is the minimum CPM frequency necessary to run the
mentioned protocols concurrently at full-duplex.
Table 1-2. MPC8260 Serial Performance
FCC1 FCC2 FCC3 MCC CPM Clock 60x Bus Clock
155-Mbps ATM 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 133 MHz 66 MHz
100 BaseT 100 BaseT 100 BaseT 133 MHz 66 MHz
155-Mbps ATM 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 MHz 66 MHz
100 BaseT 100 BaseT 128 * 64 Kbps channels 133 MHz 66 MHz
155-Mbps ATM 256 * 64 Kbps channels 166 MHz 66 MHz
100 BaseT 256 * 64 Kbps channels 133 MHz 66 MHz
45-Mbps HDLC 256 * 64 Kbps 133 MHz 66 MHz
45-Mbps HDLC 100 BaseT 256 * 64 Kbps 166 MHz 66 MHz
100 BaseT 16 * 576 Kbps 166 MHz 66 MHz
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-11
Part I. Overview
FCCs can also be used to run slower HDLC or 10 BaseT, for example. The CPÕs RISC
architecture has the advantage of using common hardware resources for all FCCs.
1.7 MPC8260 Application Examples
The MPC8260 can be conÞgured to meet many system application needs, as shown in the
following sections.
1.7.1 Examples of Communication Systems
Communication examples:
¥ Remote access server
¥ Regional ofÞce router
¥ LAN-to-WAN bridge router
¥ Cellular base station
¥ Telecom switch controller
¥ SONET transmission controller Remote Access Server
See Figure 1-3 for remote access server conÞguration.
Figure 1-3. Remote Access Server Configuration
60x Bus
Channelized Data
Local Bus
Connection Tables
(up to 256 channels)
E3 clear channel
(takes one TDM)
DSP Bank
155 Mbps
1-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
In this application, eight TDM ports are connected to external framers. In the MPC8260,
each group of four ports support up to 128 channels. One TDM interface can support 32Ð
128 channels. The MPC8260 receives and transmits data in transparent or HDLC mode,
and stores or retrieves the channelized data from memory. The data can be stored either in
memory residing on the 60x bus or in memory residing on the local bus.
The main trunk can be conÞgured as 155 Mbps full-duplex ATM, using the UTOPIA
interface, or as 10/100 BaseT Fast Ethernet with MII interface, or as a high-speed serial
channel (up to 45 Mbps). In ATM mode, there may be a need to store connection tables in
external memory on the local bus; for example, 128 active internal connections require 8
Kbytes of dual-port RAM. The need for local bus depends on the total throughput of the
system. The MPC8260 supports automatic (without software intervention) cross connect
between ATM and MCC, routing ATM AAL1 frames to MCC slots.
The local bus can be used as an interface to a bank of DSPs that can run code that performs
analog modem signal modulation. Data to and from the DSPs can be transferred through
the parallel bus with the internal virtual IDMA.
The MPC8260 memory controller supports many types of memories, including EDO
DRAM and page-mode, pipeline SDRAM for efÞcient burst transfers. Regional OfÞce Router
Figure 1-4 shows a regional ofÞce router conÞguration.
Figure 1-4. Regional Office Router Configuration
10/100BaseT 60x Bus
Channelized Data
(up to 128 channels)
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-13
Part I. Overview
In this application, the MPC8260 is connected to four TDM interfaces channalizing up to
128 channels. Each TDM port supports 32Ð128 channels. If 128 channels are needed, each
TDM port can be conÞgured to support 32 channels. This example has two MII ports for
10/100 BaseT LAN connections. In all the examples, the SCC ports can be used for
management. LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router
Figure 1-5 shows a LAN-to-WAN router conÞguration, which is similar to the previous
Figure 1-5. LAN-to-WAN Bridge Router Configuration
60x Bus
Local Bus
ATM Connection
Tables (optional)
Transceiver 10/100BaseT
155 Mbps
155 Mbps
1-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview Cellular Base Station
Figure 1-6 shows a cellular base station conÞguration.
Figure 1-6. Cellular Base Station Configuration
Here the MPC8260 channelizes two E1s (up to 256, 16-Kbps channels).
The local bus can control a bank of DSPs. Data to and from the DSPs can be transferred
through the parallel bus to the host port of the DSPs with the internal virtual IDMA.
The slow communication ports (SCCs, SMCs, I2C, SPI) can be used for management and
debug functions. Telecommunications Switch Controller
Figure 1-7 shows a telecommunications switch controller conÞguration.
Figure 1-7. Telecommunications Switch Controller Configuration
60x Bus
Channelized Data
(up to 256 channels)
DSP Bank
Local Bus
60x Bus
Local Bus
155 Mbps
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-15
Part I. Overview
The MPC8260 CPM supports a total aggregate throughput of 710 Mbps at 133 MHz. This
includes two full-duplex 100 BaseT and one full-duplex 155 Mbps for ATM. The MPC603e
core can operate at a different (higher) speed, if the application requires it. SONET Transmission Controller
Figure 1-8 shows a SONET transmission controller conÞguration.
Figure 1-8. SONET Transmission Controller ConÞguration
In this application, the MPC8260 implements super channeling with the MCC. Nine 64-
Kbps channels are combined to form a 576-Kbps channel. The MPC8260 at 133 MHz can
support up to sixteen 576-Kbps superchannels. The MPC8260 also supports subchanneling
(under 64 Kbps) with its MCC.
1.7.2 Bus ConÞgurations
The following sections describe the following possible bus conÞgurations:
¥ Basic system
¥ High-performance communication system
¥ High-performance system core Basic System
In the basic system conÞguration., shown in Figure 1-9, the MPC8260 core is enabled and
uses the 64-bit 60x data bus. The 32-bit local bus data is needed to store connection tables
for many active ATM connections. The local bus may also be used to store data that does
60x Bus
Channelized Data
Local Bus
(up to 16 channels)
576 Kbps
1-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
not need to be heavily processed by the core. The CP can store large data frames in the local
memory without interfering with the operation of the system core.
Figure 1-9. Basic System Configuration High-Performance Communication
Figure 1-10 shows a high-performance communication conÞguration.
Figure 1-10. High-Performance Communication
60x Bus
Local Bus
Connection Tables
155 Mbps
MPC8260 A
60x Bus
Local Bus
Connection Tables
MPC8260 B
Local Bus
Connection Tables
155 Mbps
155 Mbps
MOTOROLA Chapter 1. Overview 1-17
Part I. Overview
Serial throughput is enhanced by connecting one MPC8260 in master or slave mode (with
system core enabled or disabled) to another MPC8260 in master mode with the core
enabled. The core in MPC8260 A can access the memory on the local bus of MPC8260 B. High-Performance System Microprocessor
Figure 1-11 shows a conÞguration with a high-performance system microprocessor
Figure 1-11. High-Performance System Microprocessor Configuration
In this system, the MPC603e core internal is disabled and an external high-performance
microprocessor is connected to the 60x bus.
32-Kbyte I cache
32-Kbyte D cache
MPC8260 (slave)
Local Bus
60x Bus
Connection Tables
155 Mbps
1-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-1
Chapter 2
PowerPC Processor Core
The MPC8260 contains an embedded version of the PowerPC 603eª processor. This
chapter provides an overview of the basic functionality of the processor core. For detailed
information regarding the processor refer to the following:
¥ MPC603e & EC603e UserÕs Manual (Those chapters that describe the
programming model, cache model, memory management model, exception model,
and instruction timing)
¥ PowerPCª Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments for 32-Bit
This section describes the details of the processor core, provides a block diagram showing
the major functional units, and describes brießy how those units interact.
The signals associated with the processor core are described individually in Chapter 7, Ò60x
Signals.Ó Chapter 8, ÒThe 60x Bus,Ó describes how those signals interact.
2.1 Overview
The processor core is a low-power implementation of the PowerPC microprocessor family
of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) microprocessors. The processor core
implements the 32-bit portion of the PowerPC architecture, which supports 32-bit effective
Figure 2-1 is a block diagram of the processor core.
2-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Figure 2-1. MPC8260 Integrated Processor Core Block Diagram
The processor core is a superscalar processor that can issue and retire as many as three
instructions per clock. Instructions can execute out of order for increased performance;
however, the processor core makes completion appear sequential.
FPR File
Instruction Unit
D Cache
60x Bus
Data MMU
Touch Load Buffer
Copyback Buffer
64 Bit
32 Bit
Dispatch Unit
64 Bit
Time Base
Instruction MMU
I Cache
64 Bit
64 Bit
64 Bit
64 Bit32 Bit
GPR File Load/Store
64 Bit
64-Bit Data Bus
32-Bit Address Bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-3
Part I. Overview
The processor core integrates four execution unitsÑan integer unit (IU), a branch
processing unit (BPU), a load/store unit (LSU), and a system register unit (SRU). The
ability to execute four instructions in parallel and the use of simple instructions with rapid
execution times yield high efÞciency and throughput. Most integer instructions execute in
one clock cycle.
The processor core supports integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits, and ßoating-point data
types of 32 and 64 bits. Note that although the MPC8260 does not implement a ßoating-
point arithmetic unit, it does retain the 32 architecturally-deÞned ßoating point registers
(FPRs), which can be used to hold 32, 64-bit operands that can in turn be transferred to and
from the 32 general-purpose registers (GPRs), which can hold 32, 32-bit operands.
The processor core provides separate on-chip, 16-Kbyte, four-way set-associative,
physically addressed caches for instructions and data and on-chip instruction and data
memory management units (MMUs). The MMUs contain 64-entry, two-way set-
associative, data and instruction translation lookaside buffers (DTLB and ITLB) that
provide support for demand-paged virtual memory address translation and variable-sized
block translation. The TLBs and caches use a least recently used (LRU) replacement
algorithm. The processor core also supports block address translation through the use of
two independent instruction and data block address translation (IBAT and DBAT) arrays of
four entries each. Effective addresses are compared simultaneously with all four entries in
the BAT array during block translation. In accordance with the PowerPC architecture, if an
effective address hits in both the TLB and BAT array, the BAT translation takes priority.
As an added feature to the MPC603e core, the MPC8260 can lock the contents of 1Ð3 ways
in the instruction and data cache (or an entire cache). For example, this allows embedded
applications to lock interrupt routines or other important (time-sensitive) instruction
sequences into the instruction cache. It allows data to be locked into the data cache, which
may be important to code that must have deterministic execution.
The processor core has a 60x bus that incorporates a 64-bit data bus and a 32-bit address
bus. The processor core supports single-beat and burst data transfers for memory accesses
and supports memory-mapped I/O operations.
2.2 PowerPC Processor Core Features
This section describes the major features of the processor core:
¥ High-performance, superscalar microprocessor
Ñ As many as three instructions issued and retired per clock cycle
Ñ As many as four instructions in execution per clock cycle
Ñ Single-cycle execution for most instructions
2-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
¥ Four independent execution units and two register Þles
Ñ BPU featuring static branch prediction
Ñ A 32-bit IU
Ñ LSU for data transfer between data cache and GPRs and FPRs
Ñ SRU that executes condition register (CR), special-purpose register (SPR), and
integer add/compare instructions
Ñ Thirty-two GPRs for integer operands
Ñ Thirty-two FPRs. These can be used for operands for ßoating-point load and
store operands,
¥ High instruction and data throughput
Ñ Zero-cycle branch capability (branch folding)
Ñ Programmable static branch prediction on unresolved conditional branches
Ñ BPU that performs CR lookahead operations
Ñ Instruction fetch unit capable of fetching two instructions per clock from the
instruction cache
Ñ A six-entry instruction queue that provides lookahead capability
Ñ Independent pipelines with feed-forwarding that reduces data dependencies in
Ñ 16-Kbyte data cacheÑfour-way set-associative, physically addressed; LRU
replacement algorithm
Ñ 16-Kbyte instruction cacheÑfour-way set-associative, physically addressed;
LRU replacement algorithm
Ñ Cache write-back or write-through operation programmable on a per page or per
block basis
Ñ Address translation facilities for 4-Kbyte page size, variable block size, and
256-Mbyte segment size
Ñ A 64-entry, two-way set-associative ITLB
Ñ A 64-entry, two-way set-associative DTLB
Ñ Four-entry data and instruction BAT arrays providing 128-Kbyte to 256-Mbyte
Ñ Software table search operations and updates supported through fast trap
Ñ 52-bit virtual address; 32-bit physical address
¥ Facilities for enhanced system performance
Ñ A 32- or 64-bit, split-transaction external data bus with burst transfers
Ñ Support for one-level address pipelining and out-of-order bus transactions
Ñ Hardware support for misaligned little-endian accesses
Ñ Added bus multipliers of 4.5x, 5x, 5.5x, 6x, 6.5x 7x, 7.5x, 8x. See Figure 2-3.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-5
Part I. Overview
¥ Integrated power management
Ñ Three power-saving modes: doze, nap, and sleep
Ñ Automatic dynamic power reduction when internal functional units are idle
¥ Deterministic behavior and debug features
Ñ On-chip cache locking options for the instruction and data caches (1Ð3 ways or
the entire cache contents can be locked)
Ñ In-system testability and debugging features through JTAG and boundary-scan
Figure 2-1 shows how the execution unitsÑIU, BPU, LSU, and SRUÑoperate
independently and in parallel. Note that this is a conceptual diagram and does not attempt
to show how these features are physically implemented on the chip.
The processor core provides address translation and protection facilities, including an
ITLB, DTLB, and instruction and data BAT arrays. Instruction fetching and issuing is
handled in the instruction unit. The MMUs translate addresses for cache or external
memory accesses.
2.2.1 Instruction Unit
As shown in Figure 2-1, the instruction unit, which contains a fetch unit, instruction queue,
dispatch unit, and the BPU, provides centralized control of instruction ßow to the execution
units. The instruction unit determines the address of the next instruction to be fetched based
on information from the sequential fetcher and from the BPU.
The instruction unit fetches the instructions from the instruction cache into the instruction
queue. The BPU extracts branch instructions from the fetcher and uses static branch
prediction on unresolved conditional branches to allow the instruction unit to fetch
instructions from a predicted target instruction stream while a conditional branch is
evaluated. The BPU folds out branch instructions for unconditional branches or conditional
branches unaffected by instructions in progress in the execution pipeline.
Instructions issued beyond a predicted branch do not complete execution until the branch
is resolved, preserving the programming model of sequential execution. If any of these
instructions are to be executed in the BPU, they are decoded but not issued. Instructions to
be executed by the IU, LSU, and SRU are issued and allowed to complete up to the register
write-back stage. Write-back is allowed when a correctly predicted branch is resolved, and
instruction execution continues without interruption on the predicted path. If branch
prediction is incorrect, the instruction unit ßushes all predicted path instructions, and
instructions are issued from the correct path.
2.2.2 Instruction Queue and Dispatch Unit
The instruction queue (IQ), shown in Figure 2-1, holds as many as six instructions and
loads up to two instructions from the instruction unit during a single cycle. The instruction
fetch unit continuously loads as many instructions as space in the IQ allows. Instructions
2-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
are dispatched to their respective execution units from the dispatch unit at a maximum rate
of two instructions per cycle. Reservation stations at the IU, LSU, and SRU facilitate
instruction dispatch to those units. The dispatch unit checks for source and destination
register dependencies, determines dispatch serializations, and inhibits subsequent
instruction dispatching as required. Section 2.7, ÒInstruction Timing,Ó describes instruction
dispatch in detail.
2.2.3 Branch Processing Unit (BPU)
The BPU receives branch instructions from the fetch unit and performs CR lookahead
operations on conditional branches to resolve them early, achieving the effect of a zero-
cycle branch in many cases.
The BPU uses a bit in the instruction encoding to predict the direction of the conditional
branch. Therefore, when an unresolved conditional branch instruction is encountered,
instructions are fetched from the predicted target stream until the conditional branch is
The BPU contains an adder to compute branch target addresses and three user-control
registersÑthe link register (LR), the count register (CTR), and the CR. The BPU calculates
the return pointer for subroutine calls and saves it into the LR for certain types of branch
instructions. The LR also contains the branch target address for the Branch Conditional to
Link Register (bclrx) instruction. The CTR contains the branch target address for the
Branch Conditional to Count Register (bcctrx) instruction. The contents of the LR and
CTR can be copied to or from any GPR. Because the BPU uses dedicated registers rather
than GPRs or FPRs, execution of branch instructions is largely independent from execution
of other instructions.
2.2.4 Independent Execution Units
The PowerPC architectureÕs support for independent execution units allows
implementation of processors with out-of-order instruction execution. For example,
because branch instructions do not depend on GPRs or FPRs, branches can often be
resolved early, eliminating stalls caused by taken branches.
In addition to the BPU, the processor core provides three other execution units and a
completion unit, which are described in the following sections. Integer Unit (IU)
The IU executes all integer instructions. The IU executes one integer instruction at a time,
performing computations with its arithmetic logic unit (ALU), multiplier, divider, and XER
register. Most integer instructions are single-cycle instructions. Thirty-two general-purpose
registers are provided to support integer operations. Stalls due to contention for GPRs are
minimized by the automatic allocation of rename registers. The processor core writes the
contents of the rename registers to the appropriate GPR when integer instructions are
retired by the completion unit.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-7
Part I. Overview Load/Store Unit (LSU)
The LSU executes all load and store instructions and provides the data transfer interface
between the GPRs, FPRs, and the cache/memory subsystem. The LSU calculates effective
addresses, performs data alignment, and provides sequencing for load/store string and
multiple instructions.
Load and store instructions are issued and translated in program order; however, the actual
memory accesses can occur out of order. Synchronizing instructions are provided to
enforce strict ordering where needed.
Cacheable loads, when free of data dependencies, execute in an out-of-order manner with
a maximum throughput of one per cycle and a two-cycle total latency. Data returned from
the cache is held in a rename register until the completion logic commits the value to a GPR
or FPR. Store operations do not occur until a predicted branch is resolved. They remain in
the store queue until the completion logic signals that the store operation is deÞnitely to be
completed to memory.
The processor core executes store instructions with a maximum throughput of one per cycle
and a three-cycle total latency. The time required to perform the actual load or store
operation varies depending on whether the operation involves the cache, system memory,
or an I/O device. System Register Unit (SRU)
The SRU executes various system-level instructions, including condition register logical
operations and move to/from special-purpose register instructions, and also executes
integer add/compare instructions. Because SRU instructions affect modes of processor
operation, most SRU instructions are completion-serialized. That is, the instruction is held
for execution in the SRU until all prior instructions issued have completed. Results from
completion-serialized instructions executed by the SRU are not available or forwarded for
subsequent instructions until the instruction completes.
2.2.5 Completion Unit
The completion unit tracks instructions from dispatch through execution, and then retires,
or completes them in program order. Completing an instruction commits the processor core
to any architectural register changes caused by that instruction. In-order completion ensures
the correct architectural state when the processor core must recover from a mispredicted
branch or any exception.
Instruction state and other information required for completion is kept in a Þrst-in-Þrst-out
(FIFO) queue of Þve completion buffers. A single completion buffer is allocated for each
instruction once it enters the dispatch unit. An available completion buffer is a required
resource for instruction dispatch; if no completion buffers are available, instruction
dispatch stalls. A maximum of two instructions per cycle are completed in order from the
2-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
2.2.6 Memory Subsystem Support
The processor core supports cache and memory management through separate instruction
and data MMUs (IMMU and DMMU). The processor core also provides dual 16-Kbyte
instruction and data caches, and an efÞcient processor bus interface to facilitate access to
main memory and other bus subsystems. The memory subsystem support functions are
described in the following subsections. Memory Management Units (MMUs)
The processor coreÕs MMUs support up to 4 Petabytes (252) of virtual memory and
4 Gbytes (232) of physical memory (referred to as real memory in the PowerPC architecture
speciÞcation) for instructions and data. The MMUs also control access privileges for these
spaces on block and page granularities. Referenced and changed status is maintained by the
processor for each page to assist implementation of a demand-paged virtual memory
system. A key bit is implemented to provide information about memory protection
violations prior to page table search operations.
The LSU calculates effective addresses for data loads and stores, performs data alignment
to and from cache memory, and provides the sequencing for load and store string and
multiple word instructions. The instruction unit calculates the effective addresses for
instruction fetching.
The MMUs translate effective addresses and enforce the protection hierarchy programmed
by the operating system in relation to the supervisor/user privilege level of the access and
in relation to whether the access is a load or store. Cache Units
The processor core provides independent 16-Kbyte, four-way set-associative instruction
and data caches. The cache block size is 32 bytes. The caches are designed to adhere to a
write-back policy, but the processor core allows control of cacheability, write policy, and
memory coherency at the page and block levels. The caches use a least recently used (LRU)
replacement algorithm.
The load/store and instruction fetch units provide the caches with the address of the data or
instruction to be fetched. In the case of a cache hit, the cache returns two words to the
requesting unit.
2.3 Programming Model
The following subsections describe the PowerPC instruction set and addressing modes in
2.3.1 Register Set
This section describes the register organization in the processor core as deÞned by the three
programming environments of the PowerPC architectureÑthe user instruction set
architecture (UISA), the virtual environment architecture (VEA), and the operating
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-9
Part I. Overview
environment architecture (OEA), as well as the MPC8260 core implementation-speciÞc
registers. Full descriptions of the basic register set deÞned by the PowerPC architecture are
provided in Chapter 2, ÒPowerPC Register Set,Ó in The Programming Environments
The PowerPC architecture deÞnes register-to-register operations for all arithmetic
instructions. Source data for these instructions is accessed from the on-chip registers or is
provided as an immediate value embedded in the opcode. The three-register instruction
format allows speciÞcation of a target register distinct from the two source registers, thus
preserving the original data for use by other instructions and reducing the number of
instructions required for certain operations. Data is transferred between memory and
registers with explicit load and store instructions only.
Figure 2-2 shows the complete MPC8260 register set and the programming environment to
which each register belongs. This Þgure includes both the PowerPC register set and the
MPC8260-speciÞc registers.
Note that there may be registers common to other PowerPC processors that are not
implemented in the MPC8260Õs processor core. Unsupported SPR values are treated as
¥Any mtspr with an invalid SPR executes as a no-op.
¥Any mfspr with an invalid SPR cause boundedly undeÞned results in the target
Conversely, some SPRs in the processor core may not be implemented in other PowerPC
processors, or may not be implemented in the same way in other PowerPC processors. PowerPC Register Set
The PowerPC UISA registers, shown in Figure 2-2, can be accessed by either user- or
supervisor-level instructions. The general-purpose registers (GPRs) and ßoating-point
registers (FPRs) are accessed through instruction operands. Access to registers can be
explicit (that is, through the use of speciÞc instructions for that purpose such as the mtspr
and mfspr instructions) or implicit as part of the execution (or side effect) of an instruction.
Some registers are accessed both explicitly and implicitly.
The number to the right of the register name indicates the number that is used in the syntax
of the instruction operands to access the register (for example, the number used to access
the XER is one). For more information on the PowerPC register set, refer to Chapter 2,
ÒPowerPC Register Set,Ó in The Programming Environments Manual.
Note that the reset value of the MSR exception preÞx bit (MSR[IP]), described in the
MPC603e UserÕs Manual, is determined by the CIP bit in the hard reset conÞguration word
in the MPC8260. This is described in Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word
2-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Figure 2-2. MPC8260 Programming ModelÑRegisters
Data Address Register
SPR 19
SPR 26
SPR 27
SPR 273
SPR 274
SPR 275
Exception Handling Registers
Save and Restore Registers
Instruction BAT
SPR 529
SPR 530
SPR 531
SPR 532
SPR 533
SPR 534
SPR 535
Data BAT Registers
Memory Management Registers
Software Table
Search Registers1
Machine State
Processor Version
Configuration Registers
SPR 1008HID0
TBR 268
TBR 269
Condition Register
Link Register
Time Base Facility
(For Reading)
SPR 22
Time Base Facility
(For Writing)
SPR 285
SPR 282
External Address
Register (Optional)
Count Register
Miscellaneous Registers
Instruction Address
Breakpoint Register1
Segment Registers
1 These implementationÐspecific registers may not be supported by other PowerPC processors or processor cores.
SPR 1009HID1
SPR 1011HID2
2 Although the MPC8260 does not implement an FPU, the LSU can access FPRs if MSR[FP] = 1.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-11
Part I. Overview
Although the MPC8260 does not support ßoating-point arithmetic instructions, the FPRs
are provided to support ßoating-point load and store instructions, which can be executed by
the LSU. For these instructions to execute, the FPRs must be enabled (MSR[FP] = 1);
otherwise, a ßoating-point unavailable exception is taken. It is recommended that the FPRs
be enabled only when there is a need to access the FPRs, for example, to handle ßash
memory updates. Otherwise, the processor should run in default mode, with FPRs disabled
(MSR[FP] = 0). MPC8260-SpeciÞc Registers
The set of registers speciÞc to the MPC603e are also shown in Figure 2-2. Most of these
are described in the MPC603e UserÕs Manual and are implemented in the MPC8260 as
¥ MMU software table search registers: DMISS, DCMP, HASH1, HASH2, IMISS,
ICMP, and RPA. These registers facilitate the software required to search the page
tables in memory.
¥ IABR. This register facilitates the setting of instruction breakpoints.
The hardware implementation-dependent registers (HIDx) are implemented differently in
the MPC8260, and they are described in the following subsections. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 0 (HID0)
The processor coreÕs implementation of HID0 differs from the MPC603e UserÕs Manual as
¥ Bit 5, HID0[EICE], has been removed. There is no support for pipeline tracking.
¥ Bit 24, HID0[IFEM], instruction fetch enable M, has been added.
¥ Bit 28, HID0[ABE], address broadcast enable, has been added.
Figure 2-3 shows the MPC8260 implementation of HID0.
Figure 2-3. Hardware Implementation Register 0 (HID0)
0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
2-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Table 2-1 shows the bit deÞnitions for HID0.
Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 EMCP Enable machine check input pin
0 The assertion of the MCP does not cause a machine check exception.
1 Enables the entry into a machine check exception based on assertion of the MCP input,
detection of a Cache Parity Error, detection of an address parity error, or detection of a data
parity error.
Note that the machine check exception is further affected by MSR[ME], which speciÞes whether
the processor checkstops or continues processing.
1 Ñ Reserved
2 EBA Enable/disable 60x bus address parity checking
0 Prevents address parity checking.
1 Allows a address parity error to cause a checkstop if MSR[ME] = 0 or a machine check
exception if MSR[ME] = 1.
EBA and EBD let the processor operate with memory subsystems that do not generate parity.
3 EBD Enable 60x bus data parity checking
0 Parity checking is disabled.
1 Allows a data parity error to cause a checkstop if MSR[ME] = 0 or a machine check exception
if MSR[ME] = 1.
EBA and EBD let the processor operate with memory subsystems that do not generate parity.
4Ð6 Ñ Reserved
7 PAR Disable precharge of ARTRY.
0 Precharge of ARTRY enabled
1 Alters bus protocol slightly by preventing the processor from driving ARTRY to high (negated)
state, allowing multiple ARTRY signals to be tied together. If this is done, the system must
restore the signals to the high state.
8 DOZE Doze mode enable. Operates in conjunction with MSR[POW]. 1
0 Doze mode disabled.
1 Doze mode enabled. Doze mode is invoked by setting MSR[POW] after this bit is set. In doze
mode, the PLL, time base, and snooping remain active.
9 NAP Nap mode enable. Operates in conjunction with MSR[POW]. 1
0 Nap mode disabled.
1 Nap mode enabled. Nap mode is invoked by setting MSR[POW] while this bit is set. When this
occurs, the processor asserts QREQ to indicate that it is ready to enter nap mode. If the
system logic determines that the processor may enter nap mode, the quiesce acknowledge
signal, QACK, is asserted back to the processor. Once QACK assertion is detected, the
processor enters nap mode after several processor clocks. Because bus snooping is disabled
for nap and sleep modes, this serves as a hardware mechanism for ensuring data coherency.
In nap mode, the PLL and the time base remain active.
10 SLEEP Sleep mode enable. Operates in conjunction with MSR[POW]. 1
0 Sleep mode disabled.
1 Sleep mode enabled. Sleep mode is invoked by setting MSR[POW] while this bit is set. When
this occurs, the processor asserts QREQ to indicate that it is ready to enter sleep mode. If the
system logic determines that the processor may enter sleep mode, the quiesce acknowledge
signal, QACK, is asserted back to the processor. Once QACK assertion is detected, the
processor enters sleep mode after several processor clocks. At this point, the system logic
may turn off the PLL by Þrst conÞguring PLL_CFG[0Ð3] to PLL bypass mode, and then
disabling SYSCLK.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-13
Part I. Overview
11 DPM Dynamic power management enable. 1
0 Dynamic power management is disabled.
1 Functional units enter a low-power mode automatically if the unit is idle. This does not affect
operational performance and is transparent to software or any external hardware.
12Ð14 Ñ Reserved
15 NHR Not hard reset (software-use only)ÑHelps software distinguish a hard reset from a soft reset.
0 A hard reset occurred if software had previously set this bit.
1 A hard reset has not occurred. If software sets this bit after a hard reset, when a reset occurs
and this bit remains set, software can tell it was a soft reset.
16 ICE Instruction cache enable 2
0 The instruction cache is neither accessed nor updated. All pages are accessed as if they were
marked cache-inhibited (WIM = X1X). Potential cache accesses from the bus (snoop and
cache operations) are ignored. In the disabled state for the L1 caches, the cache tag state bits
are ignored and all accesses are propagated to the bus as single-beat transactions. For those
transactions, however, CI reßects the original state determined by address translation
regardless of cache disabled status. ICE is zero at power-up.
1 The instruction cache is enabled
17 DCE Data cache enable 2
0 The data cache is neither accessed nor updated. All pages are accessed as if they were
marked cache-inhibited (WIM = X1X). Potential cache accesses from the bus (snoop and
cache operations) are ignored. In the disabled state for the L1 caches, the cache tag state bits
are ignored and all accesses are propagated to the bus as single-beat transactions. For those
transactions, however, CI reßects the original state determined by address translation
regardless of cache disabled status. DCE is zero at power-up.
1 The data cache is enabled.
18 ILOCK Instruction cache lock
0 Normal operation
1 Instruction cache is locked. A locked cache supplies data normally on a hit, but an access is
treated as a cache-inhibited transaction on a miss. On a miss, the transaction to the bus is
single-beat, however, CI still reßects the original state as determined by address translation
independent of cache locked or disabled status.
To prevent locking during a cache access, an isync must precede the setting of ILOCK.
19 DLOCK Data cache lock
0 Normal operation
1 Data cache is locked. A locked cache supplies data normally on a hit but an access is treated
as a cache-inhibited transaction on a miss. On a miss, the transaction to the bus is single-
beat, however, CI still reßects the original state as determined by address translation
independent of cache locked or disabled status. A snoop hit to a locked L1 data cache
performs as if the cache were not locked. A cache block invalidated by a snoop remains invalid
until the cache is unlocked.
To prevent locking during a cache access, a sync must precede the setting of DLOCK.
Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
2-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 1 (HID1)
The MPC8260 implementation of HID1 is shown in Figure 2-4.
20 ICFI Instruction cache ßash invalidate 2
0 The instruction cache is not invalidated. The bit is cleared when the invalidation operation
begins (usually the next cycle after the write operation to the register). The instruction cache
must be enabled for the invalidation to occur.
1 An invalidate operation is issued that marks the state of each instruction cache block as invalid
without writing back modiÞed cache blocks to memory. Cache access is blocked during this
time. Bus accesses to the cache are signaled as a miss during invalidate-all operations.
Setting ICFI clears all the valid bits of the blocks and the PLRU bits to point to way L0 of each
set. Once the L1 ßash invalidate bits are set through an mtspr instruction, hardware
automatically resets these bits in the next cycle (provided that the corresponding cache
enable bits are set in HID0).
21 DCFI Data cache ßash invalidate 2
0 The data cache is not invalidated. The bit is cleared when the invalidation operation begins
(usually the next cycle after the write operation to the register). The data cache must be
enabled for the invalidation to occur.
1 An invalidate operation is issued that marks the state of each data cache block as invalid
without writing back modiÞed cache blocks to memory. Cache access is blocked during this
time. Bus accesses to the cache are signaled as a miss during invalidate-all operations.
Setting DCFI clears all the valid bits of the blocks and the PLRU bits to point to way L0 of each
set. Once the L1 ßash invalidate bits are set through an mtspr instruction, hardware
automatically resets these bits in the next cycle (provided that the corresponding cache
enable bits are set in HID0).
22Ð23 Ñ Reserved
24 IFEM Enable M bit on 60x bus for instruction fetches
0 M bit not reßected on 60x bus. Instruction fetches are treated as nonglobal on the bus.
1 Instruction fetches reßect the M bit from the WIM settings on the 60x bus.
25Ð26 Ñ Reserved
27 FBIOB Force branch indirect on bus.
0 Register indirect branch targets are fetched normally
1 Forces register indirect branch targets to be fetched externally.
28 ABE Address broadcast enable
0 dcbf, dcbi, and dcbst instructions are not broadcast on the 60x bus.
1 dcbf, dcbi, and dcbst generate address-only broadcast operations on the 60x bus.
29Ð30 Ñ Reserved
31 NOOPTI No-op the data cache touch instructions.
0 The dcbt and dcbtst instructions are enabled.
1 The dcbt and dcbtst instructions are no-oped globally.
1 See Chapter 9, ÒPower Management,Ó of the MPC603e UserÕs Manual for more information.
2 See Chapter 3, ÒInstruction and Data Cache Operation,Ó of the MPC603e UserÕs Manual for more information.
Table 2-1. HID0 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-15
Part I. Overview
Figure 2-4. Hardware Implementation Register 1 (HID1)
Table 2-2 shows the bit deÞnitions for HID1. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2)
The processor core implements an additional hardware implementation-dependent register
not described in the MPC603e UserÕs Manual, shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5. Hardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2)
Table 2-3 describes the HID2 Þelds.
Table 2-2. HID1 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Function
0Ð4 PLLCFG PLL conÞguration setting
5Ð31 Ñ Reserved
Table 2-3. HID2 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Function
0Ð14 Ñ Reserved
15 SFP Speed for low power. Setting SFP reduces power consumption at the cost of reducing the
maximum frequency, which beneÞts power-sensitive applications that are not frequency-critical.
16Ð18 IWLCK Instruction cache way lock. Useful for locking blocks of instructions into the instruction cache for
time-critical applications that require deterministic behavior. See Section, ÒCache Locking.Ó
19Ð23 Ñ Reserved
24Ð26 DWLCK Data cache way lock. Useful for locking blocks of data into the data cache for time-critical
applications where deterministic behavior is required. See Section, ÒCache Locking.Ó
27Ð31 Ñ Reserved
045 31
2-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview Processor Version Register (PVR)
Software can identify the MPC8260Õs processor core by reading the processor version
register (PVR). The MPC8260Õs processor version number is 0x0081; the processor
revision level starts at 0x0100 and is incremented for each revision of the chip.
2.3.2 PowerPC Instruction Set and Addressing Modes
All PowerPC instructions are encoded as single-word (32-bit) opcodes. Instruction formats
are consistent among all instruction types, permitting efÞcient decoding to occur in parallel
with operand accesses. This Þxed instruction length and consistent format greatly simpliÞes
instruction pipelining. Calculating Effective Addresses
The effective address (EA) is the 32-bit address computed by the processor when executing
a memory access or branch instruction or when fetching the next sequential instruction.
The PowerPC architecture supports two simple memory addressing modes:
¥ EA = (rA|0) + offset (including offset = 0) (register indirect with immediate index)
¥ EA = (rA|0) + rB (register indirect with index)
These simple addressing modes allow efÞcient address generation for memory accesses.
Calculation of the effective address for aligned transfers occurs in a single clock cycle.
For a memory access instruction, if the sum of the effective address and the operand length
exceeds the maximum effective address, the memory operand is considered to wrap around
from the maximum effective address to effective address 0.
Effective address computations for both data and instruction accesses use 32-bit unsigned
binary arithmetic. A carry from bit 0 is ignored in 32-bit implementations.
In addition to the functionality of the MPC603e, the MPC8260 has additional hardware
support for misaligned little-endian accesses. Except for string/multiple load and store
instructions, little-endian load/store accesses not on a word boundary generate exceptions
under the same circumstances as big-endian requests. PowerPC Instruction Set
The PowerPC instructions are divided into the following categories:
¥ Integer instructionsÑThese include arithmetic and logical instructions.
Ñ Integer arithmetic
Ñ Integer compare
Ñ Integer logical
Ñ Integer rotate and shift
2-17 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
¥ Load/store instructionsÑThese include integer and ßoating-point load and store
Ñ Integer load and store
Ñ Integer load and store with byte reverse
Ñ Integer load and store string/multiple
Ñ Floating-point load and store. Setting MSR[FPE] allows the MPC8260 to access
the FPRs with the ßoating-point load and store instructions described in the
MPC603e UserÕs Manual. This is useful both for systems that require emulation
of ßoating-point instructions and for increasing data throughput.
¥ Flow control instructionsÑThese include branching instructions, condition register
logical instructions, trap instructions, and other synchronizing instructions that
affect the instruction ßow.
Ñ Branch and trap
Ñ Condition register logical
Ñ Primitives used to construct atomic memory operations (lwarx and stwcx.)
Ñ Synchronize
¥ Processor control instructionsÑThese instructions are used for synchronizing
memory accesses and management of caches, TLBs, and the segment registers.
Ñ Move to/from SPR
Ñ Move to/from MSR
Ñ Instruction synchronize
¥ Memory control instructionsÑThese provide control of caches, TLBs, and segment
Ñ Supervisor-level cache management
Ñ User-level cache management
Ñ Segment register manipulation
Ñ TLB management
Note that this grouping of the instructions does not indicate which execution unit executes
a particular instruction or group of instructions.
Integer instructions operate on byte, half-word, and word operands. The PowerPC
architecture uses instructions that are four bytes long and word-aligned. It provides for
byte, half-word, and word operand loads and stores between memory and a set of 32 GPRs.
It also provides for word and double-word operand loads and stores between memory and
a set of 32 ßoating-point registers (FPRs). Although the MPC8260 does use the FPRs for
64-bit loads and stores, it does not support ßoating-point arithmetic instructions.
2-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Computational instructions do not modify memory. To use a memory operand in a
computation and then modify the same or another memory location, the memory contents
must be loaded into a register, modiÞed, and then written back to the target location with
separate instructions. Decoupling arithmetic instructions from memory accesses increases
throughput by facilitating pipelining.
PowerPC processors follow the program ßow when they are in the normal execution state.
However, the ßow of instructions can be interrupted directly by the execution of an
instruction or by an asynchronous event. Either kind of exception may cause one of several
components of the system software to be invoked. MPC8260 Implementation-SpeciÞc Instruction Set
The MPC8260 processor core instruction set is deÞned as follows:
¥ The processor core provides hardware support for all 32-bit PowerPC instructions.
¥ The processor core provides two implementation-speciÞc instructions used for
software table search operations following TLB misses:
Ñ Load Data TLB Entry (tlbld)
Ñ Load Instruction TLB Entry (tlbli)
¥ The processor core implements the following instructions deÞned as optional by the
PowerPC architecture:
Ñ External Control In Word Indexed (eciwx)
Ñ External Control Out Word Indexed (ecowx)
Ñ Store Floating-Point as Integer Word Indexed (stÞwx)
The MPC8260 does not provide the hardware support for misaligned eciwx and
ecowx instructions provided by the MPC603e processor. An alignment exception is
taken if these instructions are not word-aligned.
2.4 Cache Implementation
The MPC8260 processor core has separate data and instruction caches. The cache
implementation is described in the following sections.
2.4.1 PowerPC Cache Model
The PowerPC architecture does not deÞne hardware aspects of cache implementations. For
example, some PowerPC processors, including the MPC8260Õs processor core, have
separate instruction and data caches (Harvard architecture), while others, such as the
PowerPC 601¨ microprocessor, implement a uniÞed cache.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-19
Part I. Overview
PowerPC microprocessors control the following memory access modes on a page or block
¥ Write-back/write-through mode
¥ Caching-inhibited mode
¥ Memory coherency
The PowerPC cache management instructions provide a means by which the application
programmer can affect the cache contents.
2.4.2 MPC8260 Implementation-SpeciÞc Cache Implementation
As shown in Figure 2-1, the caches provide a 64-bit interface to the instruction fetch unit
and load/store unit. The surrounding logic selects, organizes, and forwards the requested
information to the requesting unit. Write operations to the cache can be performed on a byte
basis, and a complete read-modify-write operation to the cache can occur in each cycle.
Each cache block contains eight contiguous words from memory that are loaded from an
8-word boundary (that is, bits A27ÐA31 of the effective addresses are zero); thus, a cache
block never crosses a page boundary. Misaligned accesses across a page boundary can incur
a performance penalty.
The cache blocks are loaded in to the processor core in four beats of 64 bits each. The burst
load is performed as critical double word Þrst.
To ensure coherency among caches in a multiprocessor (or multiple caching-device)
implementation, the processor core implements the MEI protocol. These three states,
modiÞed, exclusive, and invalid, indicate the state of the cache block as follows:
¥ ModiÞedÑThe cache block is modiÞed with respect to system memory; that is, data
for this address is valid only in the cache and not in system memory.
¥ ExclusiveÑThis cache block holds valid data that is identical to the data at this
address in system memory. No other cache has this data.
¥ InvalidÑThis cache block does not hold valid data. Data Cache
As shown in Figure 2-6, the data cache is conÞgured as 128 sets of four blocks each. Each
block consists of 32 bytes, two state bits, and an address tag. The two state bits implement
the three-state MEI (modiÞed/exclusive/invalid) protocol. Each block contains eight 32-bit
words. Note that the PowerPC architecture deÞnes the term ÔblockÕ as the cacheable unit.
For the MPC8260Õs processor core, the block size is equivalent to a cache line.
2-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Figure 2-6. Data Cache Organization
Because the processor core data cache tags are single-ported, simultaneous load or store
and snoop accesses cause resource contention. Snoop accesses have the highest priority and
are given Þrst access to the tags, unless the snoop access coincides with a tag write, in which
case the snoop is retried and must rearbitrate for access to the cache. Loads or stores that
are deferred due to snoop accesses are executed on the clock cycle following the snoop.
Because the caches on the processor core are write-back caches, the predominant type of
transaction for most applications is burst-read memory operations, followed by burst-write
memory operations, and single-beat (noncacheable or write-through) memory read and
write operations. When a cache block is Þlled with a burst read, the critical double word is
simultaneously written to the cache and forwarded to the requesting unit, thus minimizing
stalls due to load delays.
Additionally, there can be address-only operations, variants of the burst and single-beat
operations, (for example, global memory operations that are snooped and atomic memory
operations), and address retry activity (for example, when a snooped read access hits a
modiÞed line in the cache).
The processor core differs from the MPC603e UserÕs Manual with the addition of the
HIDO[ABE] bit. Setting this bit causes execution of the dcbf, dcbi, and dcbst instructions
to be broadcast onto the 60x bus. The value of ABE does not affect dcbz instructions, which
are always broadcast and snooped. The cache operations are intended primarily for
managing on-chip caches. However, the optional broadcast feature is necessary to allow
proper management of a system using an external copyback L2 cache.
The address and data buses operate independently to support pipelining and split
transactions during memory accesses. The processor core pipelines its own transactions to
a depth of one level.
Typically, memory accesses are weakly orderedÑsequences of operations, including load/
store string and multiple instructions, do not necessarily complete in the order they beginÑ
Address Tag 1
Address Tag 2
Address Tag 3
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
128 Sets
Address Tag 0
Block 0
8 Words/Block
Words 0Ð7
Words 0Ð7
Words 0Ð7
Words 0Ð7
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-21
Part I. Overview
maximizing the efÞciency of the internal bus without sacriÞcing coherency of the data. The
processor core allows pending read operations to precede previous store operations (except
when a dependency exists, or in cases where a non-cacheable access is performed), and
provides support for a write operation to proceed a previously queued read data tenure (for
example, allowing a snoop push to be enveloped by the address and data tenures of a read
operation). Because the processor can dynamically optimize run-time ordering of load/
store trafÞc, overall performance is improved. Instruction Cache
The instruction cache also consists of 128 sets of four blocks, and each block consists of 32
bytes, an address tag, and a valid bit. The instruction cache may not be written to except
through a block Þll operation caused by a cache miss. In the processor core, internal access
to the instruction cache is blocked only until the critical load completes.
The processor core supports instruction fetching from other instruction cache lines
following the forwarding of the critical Þrst double word of a cache line load operation. The
processor coreÕs instruction cache is blocked only until the critical load completes (hits
under reloads allowed). Successive instruction fetches from the cache line being loaded are
forwarded, and accesses to other instruction cache lines can proceed during the cache line
load operation.
The instruction cache is not snooped, and cache coherency must be maintained by software.
A fast hardware invalidation capability is provided to support cache maintenance. The
organization of the instruction cache is very similar to the data cache shown in Figure 2-6. Cache Locking
The processor core supports cache locking, which is the ability to prevent some or all of a
microprocessorÕs instruction or data cache from being overwritten. Cache entries can be
locked for either an entire cache or for individual ways within the cache. Entire data cache
locking is enabled by setting HID0[DLOCK], and entire instruction cache locking is
enabled by setting HID0[ILOCK]. For more information, refer to Cache Locking on the G2
Core application note (order number: AN1767/D). Cache way locking is controlled by the
IWLCK and DWLCK bits of HID2. Entire Cache Locking
When an entire cache is locked, hits within the cache are supplied in the same manner as
hits to an unlocked cache. Any access that misses in the cache is treated as a cache-inhibited
access. Cache entries that are invalid at the time of locking will remain invalid and
inaccessible until the cache is unlocked. Once the cache has been unlocked, all entries
(including invalid entries) are available. Entire cache locking is inefÞcient if the number of
instructions or the size of data to be locked is small compared to the cache size. Way Locking
Locking only a portion of the cache is accomplished by locking ways within the cache.
Locking always begins with the Þrst way (way0) and is sequential. That is, it is valid to lock
2-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
ways 0, 1, and 2 but it is not possible to lock just way0 and way2). When using way locking
at least one way must be left unlocked. The maximum number of lockable ways is three.
Unlike entire cache locking, invalid entries in a locked way are accessible and available for
data placement. As hits to the cache Þll invalid entries within a locked way, the entries
become valid and locked. This behavior differs from entire cache locking where nothing is
placed in the cache, even if invalid entries exist in the cache. Unlocked ways of the cache
behave normally.
2.5 Exception Model
This section describes the PowerPC exception model and implementation-speciÞc details
of the MPC8260 core.
2.5.1 PowerPC Exception Model
The PowerPC exception mechanism allows the processor to change to supervisor state as a
result of external signals, errors, or unusual conditions arising in the execution of
instructions. When exceptions occur, information about the state of the processor is saved
to certain registers and the processor begins execution at an address (exception vector)
predetermined for each exception. Processing of exceptions occurs in supervisor mode.
Although multiple exception conditions can map to a single exception vector, a more
speciÞc condition may be determined by examining a register associated with the
exceptionÑfor example, the DSISR identiÞes instructions that cause a DSI exception.
Additionally, some exception conditions can be explicitly enabled or disabled by software.
The PowerPC architecture requires that exceptions be handled in program order; therefore,
although a particular implementation may recognize exception conditions out of order,
exceptions are taken in strict order. When an instruction-caused exception is recognized,
any unexecuted instructions that appear earlier in the instruction stream, including any that
have not yet entered the execute stage, are required to complete before the exception is
taken. Any exceptions caused by those instructions are handled Þrst. Likewise, exceptions
that are asynchronous and precise are recognized when they occur, but are not handled until
the instruction currently in the completion stage successfully completes execution or
generates an exception, and the completed store queue is emptied.
Unless a catastrophic condition causes a system reset or machine check exception, only one
exception is handled at a time. If, for example, a single instruction encounters multiple
exception conditions, those conditions are handled sequentially. After the exception handler
handles an exception, the instruction execution continues until the next exception condition
is encountered. However, in many cases there is no attempt to re-execute the instruction.
This method of recognizing and handling exception conditions sequentially guarantees that
exceptions are recoverable.
Exception handlers should save the information stored in SRR0 and SRR1 early to prevent
the program state from being lost due to a system reset or machine check exception or to
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-23
Part I. Overview
an instruction-caused exception in the exception handler. SRR0 and SRR1 should also be
saved before enabling external interrupts.
The PowerPC architecture supports four types of exceptions:
¥ Synchronous, preciseÑThese are caused by instructions. All instruction-caused
exceptions are handled precisely; that is, the machine state at the time the exception
occurs is known and can be completely restored. This means that (excluding the trap
and system call exceptions) the address of the faulting instruction is provided to the
exception handler and that neither the faulting instruction nor subsequent
instructions in the code stream will complete execution before the exception is
taken. Once the exception is processed, execution resumes at the address of the
faulting instruction (or at an alternate address provided by the exception handler).
When an exception is taken due to a trap or system call instruction, execution
resumes at an address provided by the handler.
¥ Synchronous, impreciseÑThe PowerPC architecture deÞnes two imprecise
ßoating-point exception modes, recoverable and nonrecoverable. These are not
implemented on the MPC8260.
¥ Asynchronous, maskableÑThe external, system management interrupt (SMI), and
decrementer interrupts are maskable asynchronous exceptions. When these
exceptions occur, their handling is postponed until the next instruction and any
exceptions associated with that instruction complete execution. If no instructions are
in the execution units, the exception is taken immediately upon determination of the
correct restart address (for loading SRR0).
¥ Asynchronous, nonmaskableÑThere are two nonmaskable asynchronous
exceptions: system reset and the machine check exception. These exceptions may
not be recoverable, or may provide a limited degree of recoverability. All exceptions
report recoverability through MSR[RI].
2.5.2 MPC8260 Implementation-SpeciÞc Exception Model
As speciÞed by the PowerPC architecture, all processor core exceptions can be described
as either precise or imprecise and either synchronous or asynchronous. Asynchronous
exceptions (some of which are maskable) are caused by events external to the processorÕs
execution. Synchronous exceptions, which are all handled precisely by the processor core,
are caused by instructions. The processor core exception classes are shown in Table 2-4.
2-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
Although exceptions have other characteristics as well, such as whether they are maskable
or nonmaskable, the distinctions shown in Table 2-4 deÞne categories of exceptions that the
processor core handles uniquely. Note that Table 2-4 includes no synchronous imprecise
The processor coreÕs exceptions, and conditions that cause them, are listed in Table 2-5.
Table 2-4. Exception Classifications for the Processor Core
Synchronous/Asynchronous Precise/Imprecise Exception Type
Asynchronous, nonmaskable Imprecise Machine check
System reset
Asynchronous, maskable Precise External interrupt
System management interrupt
Synchronous Precise Instruction-caused exceptions
Table 2-5. Exceptions and Conditions
Vector Offset
(hex) Causing Conditions
Reserved 00000 Ñ
System reset 00100 A system reset is caused by the assertion of either SRESET or HRESET. Note that
the reset value of the MSR exception preÞx bit (MSR[IP]), described in the
MPC603e UserÕs Manual, is determined by the CIP bit in the hard reset
conÞguration word. This is described in Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration
Machine check 00200 A machine check is caused by the assertion of the TEA signal during a data bus
transaction, assertion of MCP, or an address or data parity error.
DSI 00300 The cause of a DSI exception can be determined by the bit settings in the DSISR,
listed as follows:
1 Set if the translation of an attempted access is not found in the primary hash
table entry group (HTEG), or in the rehashed secondary HTEG, or in the range
of a DBAT register; otherwise cleared.
4 Set if a memory access is not permitted by the page or DBAT protection
mechanism; otherwise cleared.
5 Set by an eciwx or ecowx instruction if the access is to an address that is
marked as write-through, or execution of a load/store instruction that accesses a
direct-store segment.
6 Set for a store operation and cleared for a load operation.
11 Set if eciwx or ecowx is used and EAR[E] is cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-25
Part I. Overview
ISI 00400 An ISI exception is caused when an instruction fetch cannot be performed for any of
the following reasons:
¥ The effective (logical) address cannot be translated. That is, there is a page fault
for this portion of the translation, so an ISI exception must be taken to load the
PTE (and possibly the page) into memory.
¥ The fetch access is to a direct-store segment (indicated by SRR1[3] set).
¥ The fetch access violates memory protection (indicated by SRR1[4] set). If the
key bits (Ks and Kp) in the segment register and the PP bits in the PTE are set to
prohibit read access, instructions cannot be fetched from this location.
00500 An external interrupt is caused when MSR[EE] = 1 and the INT signal is asserted.
Alignment 00600 An alignment exception is caused when the processor core cannot perform a
memory access for any of the reasons described below:
¥ The operand of a ßoating-point load or store is to a direct-store segment.
¥ The operand of a ßoating-point load or store is not word-aligned.
¥ The operand of a lmw, stmw, lwarx, or stwcx. is not word-aligned.
¥ The operand of an elementary, multiple or string load or store crosses a segment
boundary with a change to the direct store T bit.
¥ The operand of dcbz instruction is in memory that is write-through required
or caching inhibited, or dcbz is executed in an implementation that has either no
data cache or a write-through data cache.
¥ A misaligned eciwx or ecowx instruction
¥ A multiple or string access with MSR[LE] set
The processor core differs from MPC603e UserÕs Manual in that it initiates an
alignment exception when it detects a misaligned eciwx or ecowx instruction and
does not initiate an alignment exception when a little-endian access is misaligned.
Program 00700 A program exception is caused by one of the following exception conditions, which
correspond to bit settings in SRR1 and arise during execution of an instruction:
¥ Illegal instructionÑAn illegal instruction program exception is generated when
execution of an instruction is attempted with an illegal opcode or illegal
combination of opcode and extended opcode Þelds (including PowerPC
instructions not implemented in the processor core), or when execution of an
optional instruction not provided in the processor core is attempted (these do not
include those optional instructions that are treated as no-ops).
¥ Privileged instructionÑA privileged instruction type program exception is
generated when the execution of a privileged instruction is attempted and the
MSR register user privilege bit, MSR[PR], is set. In the processor core, this
exception is generated for mtspr or mfspr with an invalid SPR Þeld if SPR[0] = 1
and MSR[PR] = 1. This may not be true for all PowerPC processors.
¥ TrapÑA trap type program exception is generated when any of the conditions
speciÞed in a trap instruction is met.
00800 If MSR[FP] = 0, the FPRs are disabled and attempting to execute any ßoating-point
instruction causes a ßoating-point unavailable exception. A ßoating-point
unavailable exception cannot occur if MSR[FP] = 1.
Decrementer 00900 The decrementer exception occurs when the most signiÞcant bit of the decrementer
(DEC) register transitions from 0 to 1. Must also be enabled with the MSR[EE] bit.
Reserved 00A00Ð00BFF Ñ
System call 00C00 A system call exception occurs when a System Call (sc) instruction is executed.
Table 2-5. Exceptions and Conditions (Continued)
Vector Offset
(hex) Causing Conditions
2-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
2.5.3 Exception Priorities
The exception priorities for the processor core are unchanged from those described in the
MPC603e UserÕs Manual except for the alignment exception, whose causes are prioritized
as follows:
1. Floating-point operand not word-aligned
2. lmw, stmw, lwarx, or stwcx. operand not word-aligned
3. eciwx or ecowx operand misaligned
4. A multiple or string access is attempted with MSR[LE] set
2.6 Memory Management
The following subsections describe the memory management features of the PowerPC
architecture and the MPC8260 implementation.
Trace 00D00 A trace exception is taken when MSR[SE] = 1 or when the currently completing
instruction is a branch and MSR[BE] = 1.
00E00 Not implemented.
Reserved 00E10Ð00FFF Ñ
01000 An instruction translation miss exception is caused when the effective address for
an instruction fetch cannot be translated by the ITLB.
Data load
01100 A data load translation miss exception is caused when the effective address for a
data load operation cannot be translated by the DTLB.
Data store
01200 A data store translation miss exception is caused when the effective address for a
data store operation cannot be translated by the DTLB, or when a DTLB hit occurs,
and the changed bit in the PTE must be set due to a data store operation.
01300 An instruction address breakpoint exception occurs when the address (bits 0Ð29) in
the IABR matches the next instruction to complete in the completion unit, and the
IABR enable bit (bit 30) is set.
01400 A system management interrupt is caused when MSR[EE] = 1 and the SMI input
signal is asserted.
Reserved 01500Ð02FFF Ñ
Table 2-5. Exceptions and Conditions (Continued)
Vector Offset
(hex) Causing Conditions
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-27
Part I. Overview
2.6.1 PowerPC MMU Model
The primary functions of the MMU are to translate logical (effective) addresses to physical
addresses for memory accesses, and to provide access protection on blocks and pages of
There are two types of accesses generated by the processor core that require address
translationÑinstruction accesses and data accesses to memory generated by load and store
The PowerPC MMU and exception models support demand-paged virtual memory. Virtual
memory management permits execution of programs larger than the size of physical
memory; demand-paged implies that individual pages are loaded into physical memory
from system memory only when they are Þrst accessed by an executing program.
The PowerPC architecture supports the following three translation methods:
¥ Address translations disabled. Translation is enabled by setting bits in the MSRÑ
MSR[IR] enables instruction address translations and MSR[DR] enables data
address translations. Clearing these bits disables translation and the effective address
is used as the physical address.
¥ Block address translation. The PowerPC architecture deÞnes independent four-entry
BAT arrays for instructions and data that maintain address translations for blocks of
memory. Block sizes range from 128 Kbyte to 256 Mbyte and are software
selectable. The BAT arrays are maintained by system software. The BAT registers,
deÞned by the PowerPC architecture for block address translations, are shown in
Figure 2-2.
¥ Demand page mode. The page table contains a number of page table entry groups
(PTEGs). A PTEG contains eight page table entries (PTEs) of eight bytes each;
therefore, each PTEG is 64 bytes long. PTEG addresses are entry points for table
search operations.
The hashed page table is a variable-sized data structure that deÞnes the mapping
between virtual page numbers and physical page numbers. The page table size is a
power of 2, and its starting address is a multiple of its size.
On-chip instruction and data TLBs provide address translation in parallel with the
on-chip cache access, incurring no additional time penalty in the event of a TLB hit.
A TLB is a cache of the most recently used page table entries. Software is
responsible for maintaining the consistency of the TLB with memory. In the
MPC8260, the processor coreÕs TLBs are 64-entry, two-way set-associative caches
that contain instruction and data address translations. The MPC8260Õs core provides
hardware assist for software table search operations through the hashed page table
on TLB misses. Supervisor software can invalidate TLB entries selectively.
The MMU also directs the address translation and enforces the protection hierarchy
programmed by the operating system in relation to the supervisor/user privilege level of the
access and in relation to whether the access is a load or store.
2-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
2.6.2 MPC8260 Implementation-SpeciÞc MMU Features
The instruction and data MMUs in the processor core provide 4-Gbytes of logical address
space accessible to supervisor and user programs with a 4-Kbyte page size and 256-Mbyte
segment size.
The MPC8260Õs MMUs support up to 4 Petabytes (252) of virtual memory and 4 Gbytes
(232) of physical memory (referred to as real memory in the PowerPC architecture
speciÞcation) for instructions and data. Referenced and changed status is maintained by the
processor for each page to assist implementation of a demand-paged virtual memory
The MPC8260Õs TLBs are 64-entry, two-way set-associative caches that contain instruction
and data address translations. The processor core provides hardware assist for software
table search operations through the hashed page table on TLB misses. Supervisor software
can invalidate TLB entries selectively.
After an effective address is generated, the higher-order bits of the effective address are
translated by the appropriate MMU into physical address bits. Simultaneously, the lower-
order address bits (that are untranslated and therefore, considered both logical and
physical), are directed to the on-chip caches where they form the index into the four-way
set-associative tag array. After translating the address, the MMU passes the higher-order
bits of the physical address to the cache, and the cache lookup completes. For caching-
inhibited accesses or accesses that miss in the cache, the untranslated lower-order address
bits are concatenated with the translated higher-order address bits; the resulting 32-bit
physical address is then used by the system interface, which accesses external memory.
For instruction accesses, the MMU performs an address lookup in both the 64 entries of the
ITLB, and in the IBAT array. If an effective address hits in both the ITLB and the IBAT
array, the IBAT array translation takes priority. Data accesses cause a lookup in the DTLB
and DBAT array for the physical address translation. In most cases, the physical address
translation resides in one of the TLBs and the physical address bits are readily available to
the on-chip cache.
When the physical address translation misses in the TLBs, the processor core provides
hardware assistance for software to search the translation tables in memory. When a
required TLB entry is not found in the appropriate TLB, the processor vectors to one of the
three TLB miss exception handlers so that the softawre can perform a table search operation
and load the TLB. When this occurs, the processor automatically saves information about
the access and the executing context. Refer to the MPC603e UserÕs Manual for more
detailed information about these features and the suggested software routines for searching
the page tables.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-29
Part I. Overview
2.7 Instruction Timing
The processor core is a pipelined superscalar processor. A pipelined processor is one in
which the processing of an instruction is broken into discrete stages. Because the
processing of an instruction is broken into a series of stages, an instruction does not require
the entire resources of an execution unit at one time. For example, after an instruction
completes the decode stage, it can pass on to the next stage, while the subsequent
instruction can advance into the decode stage. This improves the throughput of the
instruction ßow. The instruction pipeline in the processor core has four major stages,
described as follows:
¥ The fetch pipeline stage primarily involves retrieving instructions from the memory
system and determining the location of the next instruction fetch. Additionally, the
BPU decodes branches during the fetch stage and folds out branch instructions
before the dispatch stage if possible.
¥ The dispatch pipeline stage is responsible for decoding the instructions supplied by
the instruction fetch stage, and determining which of the instructions are eligible to
be dispatched in the current cycle. In addition, the source operands of the
instructions are read from the appropriate register Þle and dispatched with the
instruction to the execute pipeline stage. At the end of the dispatch pipeline stage,
the dispatched instructions and their operands are latched by the appropriate
execution unit.
¥ During the execute pipeline stage, each execution unit that has an executable
instruction executes the selected instruction (perhaps over multiple cycles), writes
the instruction's result into the appropriate rename register, and notiÞes the
completion stage that the instruction has Þnished execution.
The execution unit reports any internal exceptions to the completion/writeback
pipeline stage and discontinues execution until the exception is handled. The
exception is not signaled until that instruction is the next to be completed. Execution
of most load/store instructions is also pipelined. The load/store unit has two pipeline
stages. The Þrst stage is for effective address calculation and MMU translation and
the second stage is for accessing the data in the cache.
¥ The complete/writeback pipeline stage maintains the correct architectural machine
state and transfers the contents of the rename registers to the GPRs and FPRs as
instructions are retired. If the completion logic detects an instruction causing an
exception, all following instructions are cancelled, their execution results in rename
registers are discarded, and instructions are fetched from the correct instruction
The processor core provides support for single-cycle store operations and it provides an
adder/comparator in the SRU that allows the dispatch and execution of multiple integer add
and compare instructions on each cycle.
Performance of integer divide operations has been improved in the processor core. A divide
instruction takes half the cycles to execute as described in the MPC603e UserÕs Manual.
2-30 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
The new latency is reßected in Table 2-6.
2.8 Differences between the MPC8260Õs Core and the
PowerPC 603e Microprocessor
The MPC8260Õs processor core is a derivative of the MPC603e microprocessor design.
Some changes have been made and are visible either to a programmer or a system designer.
Any software designed around an MPC603e is functional when replaced with the
MPC8260 except for the speciÞc customer-visible changes listed in Table 2-7.
Software can distinguish between the MPC603e and the MPC8260 by reading the
processor version register (PVR). The MPC8260Õs processor version number is 0x0081; the
processor revision level starts at 0x0100 and is incremented for each revision of the chip.
Table 2-6. Integer Divide Latency
Primary Opcode Extended Opcode Mnemonic Form Unit Cycles
31 459 divwu[o][.]xo IU 20
31 491 divw[o][.]xo IU 20
Table 2-7. Major Differences between MPC8260Õs Core and the MPC603e UserÕs
Description Impact
Added bus multipliers of 4.5x, 5x, 5.5x,
6x, 6.5x 7x, 7.5x, 8x
Occupies unused encodings of the PLL_CFG[0Ð4]
No FPU Floating-point arithmetic instructions are not supported in hardware.
Added hardware support for
misaligned little endian accesses
Except for strings/multiples, little-endian load/store accesses not on a word
boundary generate exceptions under the same circumstances as big-
endian accesses.
Removed misalignment support for
eciwx and ecowx instructions.
These instructions take an alignment exception if not on a word boundary.
Added ability to broadcast dcbf, dcbi,
and dcbst onto the 60x bus
Setting HID0[ABE] enables the new broadcast feature (new in the PID7v-
603e). The default is to not broadcast these operations.
Added ability to reßect the value of the
M bit onto the 60x bus during
instruction translations
Setting HID0[IFEM] enables this feature. The default is to not present the M
bit on the bus.
Removed HID0[EICE] There is no support for ICE pipeline tracking.
Added instruction and data cache
locking mechanism
Implements a cache way locking mechanism for both the instruction and
data caches. One to three of the four ways in the cache can be locked with
control bits in the HID2 register. See Section, ÒHardware
Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2).Ó
Added pin-conÞgurable reset vector The value of MSR[IP], interrupt preÞx, is determined at hard reset by the
hardware conÞguration word.
MOTOROLA Chapter 2. PowerPC Processor Core 2-31
Part I. Overview
Addition of speed-for-power
The processor core implements an additional dynamic power management
mechanism. HID2[SFP] controls this function. See Section,
ÒHardware Implementation-Dependent Register 2 (HID2).Ó
Improved access to cache during block
The MPC8260 provides quicker access to incoming data and instruction on
a cache block Þll. See Section 2.4.2, ÒMPC8260 Implementation-SpeciÞc
Cache Implementation.Ó
Improved integer divide latency Performance of integer divide operations has been improved in the
processor core. A divide takes half the cycles to execute as described in
MPC603e UserÕs Manual. The new latency is reßected in Table 2-6.
Table 2-7. Major Differences between MPC8260Õs Core and the MPC603e UserÕs
Description Impact
2-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-1
Chapter 3
Memory Map
The MPC8260's internal memory resources are mapped within a contiguous block of
memory. The size of the internal space in the MPC8260 is 128 Kbytes. The location of this
block within the global 4-Gbyte real memory space can be mapped on 128 Kbytes
resolution through an implementation speciÞc special register called the internal memory
map register (IMMR). For more information, see Section, ÒInternal Memory Map
Register (IMMR). The following table deÞnes the internal memory map of the MPC8260.
Table 3-1 deÞnes the internal memory map of the MPC8260.
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
CPM Dual-Port RAM
00000Ð03FFF DPRAM1 Dual-port RAM 16 Kbytes 13.5/13-15
04000Ð07FFF Reserved Ñ 16 Kbytes Ñ
08000Ð08FFF DPRAM2 Dual-port RAM 4 Kbytes 13.5/13-15
09000Ð0AFFF Reserved Ñ 8 Kbytes Ñ
0B000Ð0BFFF DPRAM3 Dual-port RAM 4 Kbytes 13.5/13-15
0C000Ð0FFFF Reserved Ñ 16 Kbytes Ñ
General SIU
10000 SIUMCR SIU module conÞguration register 32 bits
10004 SYPCR System protection control register 32 bits
10008 Reserved Ñ 6 bytes Ñ
1000E SWSR Software service register 16 bits
10010Ð10023 Reserved Ñ 20 bytes Ñ
10024 BCR Bus conÞguration register 32 bits
10028 PPC_ACR 60x bus arbiter conÞguration register 8 bits
1002C PPC ALRH 60x bus arbitration-level register high
(Þrst 8 clients)
32 bits
3-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
10030 PPC_ALRL 60x bus arbitration-level register low
(next 8 clients)
32 bits
10034 LCL_ACR Local arbiter conÞguration register 8 bits
10038 LCL_ALRH Local arbitration-level register (Þrst 8
32 bits
1003C LCL_ALRL Local arbitration-level register (next 8
32 bits
10040 TESCR1 60x bus transfer error status control
register 1
32 bits
10044 TESCR2 60x bus transfer error status control
register 2
32 bits
10048 L_TESCR1 Local bus transfer error status control
register 1
32 bits
1004C L_TESCR2 Local bus transfer error status control
register 2
32 bits
10050 PDTEA 60x bus DMA transfer error address 32 bits 18.2.3/18-4
10054 PDTEM 60x bus DMA transfer error MSNUM 8 bits 18.2.4/18-4
10055 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
10058 LDTEA Local bus DMA transfer error address 32 bits 18.2.3/18-4
1005C LDTEM Local bus DMA transfer error MSNUM 8 bits 18.2.4/18-4
1005DÐ100FF Reserved Ñ 163 bytes Ñ
Memory Controller
10100 BR0 Base register bank 0 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
10104 OR0 Option register bank 0 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10108 BR1 Base register bank 1 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
1010C OR1 Option register bank 1 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10110 BR2 Base register bank 2 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
10114 OR2 Option register bank 2 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10118 BR3 Base register bank 3 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
1011C OR3 Option register bank 3 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10120 BR4 Base register bank 4 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
10124 OR4 Option register bank 4 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10128 BR5 Base register bank 5 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
1012C OR5 Option register bank 5 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10130 BR6 Base register bank 6 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-3
Part I. Overview
10134 OR6 Option register bank 6 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10138 BR7 Base register bank 7 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
1013C OR7 Option register bank 7 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10140 BR8 Base register bank 8 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
10144 OR8 Option register bank 8 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10148 BR9 Base register bank 9 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
1014C OR9 Option register bank 9 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10150 BR10 Base register bank 10 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
10154 OR10 Option register bank 10 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10158 BR11 Base register bank 11 32 bits 10.3.1/10-14
1015C OR11 Option register bank 11 32 bits 10.3.2/10-16
10160 Reserved Ñ 8 bytes Ñ
10168 MAR Memory address register 32 bits 10.3.7/10-29
1016C Reserved Ñ 32 bits Ñ
10170 MAMR Machine A mode register 32 bits 10.3.5/10-26
10174 MBMR Machine B mode register 32 bits
10178 MCMR Machine C mode register 32 bits
1017C Reserved Ñ 48 bits Ñ
10184 MPTPR Memory periodic timer prescaler 16 bits 10.3.12/10-32
10188 MDR Memory data register 32 bits 10.3.6/10-28
1018C Reserved Ñ 32 bits Ñ
10190 PSDMR 60x bus SDRAM mode register 32 bits 10.3.3/10-21
10194 LSDMR Local bus SDRAM mode register 32 bits 10.3.4/10-24
10198 PURT 60x bus-assigned UPM refresh timer 8 bits 10.3.8/10-30
1019C PSRT 60x bus-assigned SDRAM refresh
8 bits 10.3.10/10-31
101A0 LURT Local bus-assigned UPM refresh timer 8 bits 10.3.9/10-30
101A4 LSRT Local bus-assigned SDRAM refresh
8 bits 10.3.11/10-32
101A8 IMMR Internal memory map register 32 bits
101ACÐ101FF Reserved Ñ84 bytes Ñ
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
3-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
System Integration Timers
10200Ð10 21F Reserved Ñ 32 bytes
10220 TMCNTSC Time counter status and control
16 bits
10224 TMCNT Time counter register 32 bits
10228 Reserved Ñ 32 bits Ñ
1022C TMCNTAL Time counter alarm register 32 bits
10230Ð1023F Reserved Ñ 16 bytes Ñ
10240 PISCR Periodic interrupt status and control
16 bits
10244 PITC Periodic interrupt count register 32 bits
10248 PITR Periodic interrupt timer register 32 bits
1024CÐ102A8 Reserved Ñ 94 bytes Ñ
102AAÐ10BFF Reserved Ñ 2,390bytes Ñ
Interrupt Controller
10C00 SICR SIU interrupt conÞguration register 16 bits
10C04 SIVEC SIU interrupt vector register 32 bits
10C08 SIPNR_H SIU interrupt pending register (high) 32 bits
10C0C SIPNR_L SIU interrupt pending register (low) 32 bits
10C10 SIPRR SIU interrupt priority register 32 bits
10C14 SCPRR_H CPM interrupt priority register (high) 32 bits
10C18 SCPRR_L CPM interrupt priority register (low) 32 bits
10C1C SIMR_H SIU interrupt mask register (high) 32 bits
10C20 SIMR_L SIU interrupt mask register (low) 32 bits
10C24 SIEXR SIU external interrupt control register 32 bits
10C28Ð10C7F Reserved
Clocks and Reset
10C80 SCCR System clock control register 32 bits 9.8/9-8
10C88 SCMR System clock mode register 32 bits 9.9/9-9
10C90 RSR Reset status register 32 bits 5.2/5-4
10C94 RMR Reset mode register 32 bits 5.3/5-5
10C98Ð10CFF Reserved Ñ 104 bytes Ñ
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-5
Part I. Overview
Input/Output Port
10D00 PDIRA Port A data direction register 32 bits 35.2.3/35-3
10D04 PPARA Port A pin assignment register 32 bits 35.2.4/35-4
10D08 PSORA Port A special options register 32 bits 35.2.5/35-4
10D0C PODRA Port A open drain register 32 bits 35.2.1/35-2
10D10 PDATA Port A data register 32 bits 35.2.2/35-2
10D14Ð10D1F Reserved Ñ 12 bytes Ñ
10D20 PDIRB Port B data direction register 32 bits 35.2.3/35-3
10D24 PPARB Port B pin assignment register 32 bits 35.2.4/35-4
10D28 PSORB Port B special operation register 32 bits 35.2.5/35-4
10D2C PODRB Port B open drain register 32 bits 35.2.1/35-2
10D30 PDATB Port B data register 32 bits 35.2.2/35-2
10D34Ð10D3F Reserved Ñ 12 bytes Ñ
10D40 PDIRC Port C data direction register 32 bits 35.2.3/35-3
10D44 PPARC Port C pin assignment register 32 bits 35.2.4/35-4
10D48 PSORC Port C special operation register 32 bits 35.2.5/35-4
10D4C PODRC Port C open drain register 32 bits 35.2.1/35-2
10D50 PDATC Port C data register 32 bits 35.2.2/35-2
10D54Ð10D5F Reserved Ñ 12 bytes Ñ
10D60 PDIRD Port D data direction register 32 bits 35.2.3/35-3
10D64 PPARD Port D pin assignment register 32 bits 35.2.4/35-4
10D68 PSORD Port D special operation register 32 bits 35.2.5/35-4
10D6C PODRD Port D open drain register 32 bits 35.2.1/35-2
10D70 PDATD Port D data register 32 bits 35.2.2/35-2
CPM Timers
10D80 TGCR1 Timer 1 and timer 2 global
conÞguration register
8 bits 17.2.2/17-4
10D81 Reserved Ñ 3 bytes Ñ
10D84 TGCR2 Timer 3 and timer 4 global
conÞguration register
8 bits 17.2.2/17-4
10D85Ð10D8F Reserved Ñ 11 bytes Ñ
10D90 TMR1 Timer 1 mode register 16 bits 17.2.3/17-6
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
3-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
10D92 TMR2 Timer 2 mode register 16 bits 17.2.3/17-6
10D94 TRR1 Timer 1 reference register 16 bits 17.2.4/17-7
10D96 TRR2 Timer 2 reference register 16 bits 17.2.4/17-7
10D98 TCR1 Timer 1 capture register 16 bits 17.2.5/17-8
10D9A TCR2 Timer 2 capture register 16 bits 17.2.5/17-8
10D9C TCN1 Timer 1 counter 16 bits 17.2.6/17-8
10D9E TCN2 Timer 2 counter 16 bits 17.2.6/17-8
10DA0 TMR3 Timer 3 mode register 16 bits 17.2.3/17-6
10DA2 TMR4 Timer 4 mode register 16 bits 17.2.3/17-6
10DA4 TRR3 Timer 3 reference register 16 bits 17.2.4/17-7
10DA6 TRR4 Timer 4 reference register 16 bits 17.2.4/17-7
10DA8 TCR3 Timer 3 capture register 16 bits 17.2.5/17-8
10DAA TCR4 Timer 4 capture register 16 bits 17.2.5/17-8
10DAC TCN3 Timer 3 counter 16 bits 17.2.6/17-8
10DAE TCN4 Timer 4 counter 16 bits 17.2.6/17-8
10DB0 TER1 Timer 1 event register 16 bits 17.2.7/17-8
10DB2 TER2 Timer 2 event register 16 bits 17.2.7/17-8
10DB4 TER3 Timer 3 event register 16 bits 17.2.7/17-8
10DB6 TER4 Timer 4 event register 16 bits 17.2.7/17-8
10D74Ð11017 Reserved Ñ 670 bytes Ñ
11018 SDSR SDMA status register 8 bits 18.2.1/18-3
11019 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
1101C SDMR SDMA mask register 8 bits 18.2.2/18-4
1101D Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11020 IDSR1 IDMA 1 event register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
11021 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11024 IDMR1 IDMA 1 mask register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
11025 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11028 IDSR2 IDMA 2 event register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-7
Part I. Overview
11029 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
1102C IDMR2 IDMA 2 mask register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
1102D Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11030 IDSR3 IDMA 3 event register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
11031 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11034 IDMR3 IDMA 3 mask register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
11035 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11038 IDSR4 IDMA 4 event register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
11039 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
1103C IDMR4 IDMA 4 mask register 8 bits 18.8.4/18-22
1103DÐ112FF Reserved Ñ 707 bytes Ñ
11300 GFMR1 FCC1 general mode register 32 bits 28.2/28-3
11304 FPSMR1 FCC1 protocol-speciÞc mode register 32 bits 29.13.2/29-85 (ATM)
30.18.1/30-20 (Ethernet)
31.6/31-7 (HDLC)
11308 FTODR1 FCC1 transmit on demand register 16 bits 28.5/28-7
1130A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
1130C FDSR1 FCC1 data synchronization register 16 bits 28.4/28-7
1130E Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11310 FCCE1 FCC1 event register 32 bits 29.13.3/29-87 (ATM)
30.18.2/30-21 (Ethernet)
31.9/31-14 (HDLC)
11314 FCCM1 FCC1 mask register 32 bits
11318 FCCS1 FCC1 status register 8 bits 31.10/31-16 (HDLC)
11319 Reserved Ñ 3 bytes Ñ
1131C FTIRR1_PHY0 FCC1 transmit internal rate registers
for PHY0Ð3
8 bits 29.13.4/29-88 (ATM)
1131D FTIRR1_PHY1 8 bits
1131E FTIRR1_PHY2 8 bits
1131F FTIRR1_PHY3 8 bits
11320 GFMR2 FCC2 general mode register 32 bits 28.2/28-3
11324 FPSMR2 FCC2 protocol-speciÞc mode register 32 bits 29.13.2/29-85 (ATM)
30.18.1/30-20 (Ethernet)
31.6/31-7 (HDLC)
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
3-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
11328 FTODR2 FCC2 transmit on-demand register 16 bits 28.5/28-7
1132A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
1132C FDSR2 FCC2 data synchronization register 16 bits 28.4/28-7
1132E Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11330 FCCE2 FCC2 event register 32 bits 29.13.3/29-87 (ATM)
30.18.2/30-21 (Ethernet)
31.9/31-14 (HDLC)
11334 FCCM2 FCC2 mask register 32 bits
11338 FCCS2 FCC2 status register 8 bits 31.10/31-16 (HDLC)
11339 Reserved Ñ 3 bytes Ñ
1133C FTIRR2_PHY0 FCC2 transmit internal rate registers
for PHY0Ð3
8 bits 29.13.4/29-88 (ATM)
1133D FTIRR2_PHY1 8 bits
1133E FTIRR2_PHY2 8 bits
1133F FTIRR2_PHY3 8 bits
11340 GFMR3 FCC3 general mode register 32 bits 28.2/28-3
11344 FPSMR3 FCC3 protocol-speciÞc mode register 32 bits 29.13.2/29-85 (ATM)
30.18.1/30-20 (Ethernet)
31.6/31-7 (HDLC)
11348 FTODR3 FCC3 transmit on-demand register 16 bits 28.5/28-7
1134A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
1134C FDSR3 FCC3 data synchronization register 16 bits 28.4/28-7
1134E Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11350 FCCE3 FCC3 event register 32 bits 29.13.3/29-87 (ATM)
30.18.2/30-21 (Ethernet)
31.9/31-14 (HDLC)
11354 FCCM3 FCC3 mask register 32 bits
11358 FCCS3 FCC3 status register 8 bits 31.10/31-16 (HDLC)
11359Ð113FF Reserved Reserved 167 bytes Ñ
BRGs 5Ð8
115F0 BRGC5 BRG5 conÞguration register 32 bits 16.1/16-2
115F4 BRGC6 BRG6 conÞguration register 32 bits
115F8 BRGC7 BRG7 conÞguration register 32 bits
115FC BRGC8 BRG8 conÞguration register 32 bits
11600Ð1185F Reserved Reserved 608 bytes Ñ
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-9
Part I. Overview
11860 I2MOD I2C mode register 8 bits 34.4.1/34-6
11862 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11864 I2ADD I2C address register 8 bits 34.4.2/34-7
11866 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11868 I2BRG I2C BRG register 8 bits 34.4.3/34-7
1186A Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
1186C I2COM I2C command register 8 bits 34.4.5/34-8
1186E Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11870 I2CER I2C event register 8 bits 34.4.4/34-8
11872 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11874 I2CMR I2C mask register 8 bits 34.4.4/34-8
11875Ð119BF Reserved Ñ 315 bytes Ñ
Communications Processor
119C0 CPCR Communications processor command
32 bits 13.4.1/13-11
119C4 RCCR CP conÞguration register 32 bits 13.3.6/13-7
119C8Ð119D5 Reserved Ñ 12 bytes Ñ
119D6 RTER CP timers event register 16 bits 13.6.4/13-21
119DA RTMR CP timers mask register 16 bits
119DC RTSCR CP time-stamp timer control register 16 bits 13.3.7/13-9
119DE Reserved Ñ 16 bits
119E0 RTSR CP time-stamp register 32 bits 13.3.8/13-10
BRGs 1Ð4
119F0 BRGC1 BRG1 conÞguration register 32 bits 16.1/16-2
119F4 BRGC2 BRG2 conÞguration register 32 bits
119F8 BRGC3 BRG3 conÞguration register 32 bits
119FC BRGC4 BRG4 conÞguration register 32 bits
11A00 GSMR_L1 SCC1 general mode register 32 bits 19.1.1/19-3
11A04 GSMR_H1 SCC1 general mode register 32 bits
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
3-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
11A08 PSMR1 SCC1 protocol-speciÞc mode register 16 bits 19.1.2/19-9
20.16/20-13 (UART)
21.8/21-7 (HDLC)
22.11/22-10 (BISYNC)
23.9/23-9 (Transparent)
24.17/24-15 (Ethernet)
11A0A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11A0C TODR1 SCC1 transmit-on-demand register 16 bits 19.1.4/19-9
11A0E DSR1 SCC1 data synchronization register 16 bits 19.1.3/19-9
11A10 SCCE1 SCC1 event register 16 bits 20.19/20-19 (UART)
21.11/21-12 (HDLC)
22.14/22-15 (BISYNC)
23.12/23-12 (Transparent)
24.20/24-21 (Ethernet)
11A14 SCCM1 SCC1 mask register 16 bits
11A17 SCCS1 SCC1 status register 8 bits 20.20/20-21 (UART)
21.12/21-14 (HDLC)
22.15/22-16 (BISYNC)
23.13/23-13 (Transparent)
11A18Ð11A1F Reserved Ñ 8 bytes Ñ
11A20 GSMR_L2 SCC2 general mode register (low) 32 bits 19.1.1/19-3
11A24 GSMR_H2 SCC2 general mode register (high) 32 bits
11A28 PSMR2 SCC2 protocol-speciÞc mode register 16 bits 19.1.2/19-9
20.16/20-13 (UART)
21.8/21-7 (HDLC)
22.11/22-10 (BISYNC)
23.9/23-9 (Transparent)
24.17/24-15 (Ethernet)
11A2A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11A2C TODR2 SCC2 transmit-on-demand register 16 bits 19.1.4/19-9
11A2E DSR2 SCC2 data synchronization register 16 bits 19.1.3/19-9
11A30 SCCE2 SCC2 event register 16 bits 20.19/20-19 (UART)
21.11/21-12 (HDLC)
22.14/22-15 (BISYNC)
23.12/23-12 (Transparent)
24.20/24-21 (Ethernet)
11A34 SCCM2 SCC2 mask register 16 bits
11A37 SCCS2 SCC2 status register 8 bits 20.20/20-21 (UART)
21.12/21-14 (HDLC)
22.15/22-16 (BISYNC)
23.13/23-13 (Transparent)
11A38Ð11A3F Reserved Ñ 8 bytes Ñ
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-11
Part I. Overview
11A40 GSMR_L3 SCC3 general mode register 32 bits 19.1.1/19-3
11A44 GSMR_H3 SCC3 general mode register 32 bits
11A48 PSMR3 SCC3 protocol-speciÞc mode register 16 bits 19.1.2/19-9
20.16/20-13 (UART)
21.8/21-7 (HDLC)
22.11/22-10 (BISYNC)
23.9/23-9 (Transparent)
24.17/24-15 (Ethernet)
11A4A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11A4C TODR3 SCC3 transmit on demand register 16 bits 19.1.4/19-9
11A4E DSR3 SCC3 data synchronization register 16 bits 19.1.3/19-9
11A50 SCCE3 SCC3 event register 16 bits 20.19/20-19 (UART)
21.11/21-12 (HDLC)
22.14/22-15 (BISYNC)
23.12/23-12 (Transparent)
24.20/24-21 (Ethernet)
11A54 SCCM3 SCC3 mask register 16 bits
11A57 SCCS3 SCC3 status register 8 bits 20.20/20-21 (UART)
21.12/21-14 (HDLC)
22.15/22-16 (BISYNC)
23.13/23-13 (Transparent)
11A58Ð11A5F Reserved Ñ 8 bytes Ñ
11A60 GSMR_L4 SCC4 general mode register 32 bits 19.1.1/19-3
11A64 GSMR_H4 SCC4 general mode register 32 bits
11A68 PSMR4 SCC4 protocol-speciÞc mode register 16 bits 19.1.2/19-9
20.16/20-13 (UART)
21.8/21-7 (HDLC)
22.11/22-10 (BISYNC)
23.9/23-9 (Transparent)
24.17/24-15 (Ethernet)
11A6A Reserved Ñ 2 bytes Ñ
11A6C TODR4 SCC4 transmit on-demand register 16 bits 19.1.4/19-9
11A6E DSR4 SCC4 data synchronization register 16 bits 19.1.3/19-9
11A70 SCCE4 SCC4 event register 16 bits 20.19/20-19 (UART)
21.11/21-12 (HDLC)
22.14/22-15 (BISYNC)
23.12/23-12 (Transparent)
24.20/24-21 (Ethernet)
11A74 SCCM4 SCC4 mask register 16 bits
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
3-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
11A77 SCCS4 SCC4 status register 8 bits 20.20/20-21 (UART)
21.12/21-14 (HDLC)
22.15/22-16 (BISYNC)
23.13/23-13 (Transparent)
11A78Ð11A7F Reserved Ñ 8 bytes Ñ
11A82 SMCMR1 SMC1 mode register 16 bits 26.2.1/26-3
11A86 SMCE1 SMC1 event register 8 bits 26.3.11/26-18 (UART)
26.4.10/26-28 (Transparent)
26.5.9/26-34 (GCI)
11A8A SMCM1 SMC1 mask register 8 bits
11A8BÐ11A 91 Reserved Ñ 7 bytes Ñ
11A92 SMCMR2 SMC2 mode register 16 bits 26.2.1/26-3
11A96 SMCE2 SMC2 event register 8 bits 26.3.11/26-18 (UART)
26.4.10/26-28 (Transparent)
26.5.9/26-34 (GCI)
11A9A SMCM2 SMC2 mask register 8 bits
11A9BÐ11A9F Reserved Ñ 5 bytes Ñ
11AA0 SPMODE SPI mode register 16 bits 33.4.1/33-6
11AA2 Reserved Ñ 4 bytes Ñ
11AA6 SPIE SPI event register 8 bits 33.4.2/33-9
11AA7 Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11AAA SPIM SPI mask register 8 bits 33.4.2/33-9
11AAB Reserved Ñ 24 bits Ñ
11AAD SPCOM SPI command register 8 bits 33.4.3/33-9
11AA7Ð11AFF Reserved Ñ 89 bytes Ñ
11B00 CMXSI1CR CPM mux SI1 clock route register 8 bits 15.4.2/15-10
11B02 CMXSI2CR CPM mux SI2 clock route register 8 bits 15.4.3/15-11
11B03 Reserved Ñ 8 bits Ñ
11B04 CMXFCR CPM mux FCC clock route register 32 bits 15.4.4/15-12
11B08 CMXSCR CPM mux SCC clock route register 32 bits 15.4.5/15-14
11B0C CMXSMR CPM mux SMC clock route register 8 bits 15.4.6/15-17
11B0D Reserved Ñ 8 bits Ñ
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Memory Map 3-13
Part I. Overview
11B0E CMXUAR CPM mux UTOPIA address register 16 bits 15.4.1/15-7
11B10Ð11B1F Reserved Ñ 16 bytes Ñ
SI1 Registers
11B20 SI1AMR SI1 TDMA1 mode register 16 bits 14.5.2/14-17
11B22 SI1BMR SI1 TDMB1 mode register 16 bits
11B24 SI1CMR SI1 TDMC1 mode register 16 bits
11B26 SI1DMR SI1 TDMD1 mode register 16 bits
11B28 SI1GMR SI1 global mode register 8 bits 14.5.1/14-17
11B2A SI1CMDR SI1 command register 8 bits 14.5.4/14-24
11B2C SI1STR SI1 status register 8 bits 14.5.5/14-25
11B2E SI1RSR SI1 RAM shadow address register 16 bits 14.5.3/14-23
MCC1 Registers
11B30 MCCE1 MCC1 event register 16 bits 27.10.1/27-18
11B34 MCCM1 MCC1 mask register 16 bits
11B36 Reserved Ñ 16 bits Ñ
11B38 MCCF1 MCC1 conÞguration register 8 bits 27.8/27-15
11B39Ð11B3F Reserved Ñ 7 bytes Ñ
SI2 Registers
11B40 SI2AMR SI2 TDMA2 mode register 16 bits 14.5.2/14-17
11B42 SI2BMR SI2 TDMB2 mode register 16 bits
11B44 SI2CMR SI2 TDMC2 mode register 16 bits
11B46 SI2DMR SI2 TDMD2 mode register 16 bits
11B48 SI2GMR SI2 global mode register 8 bits 14.5.1/14-17
11B49 Reserved Ñ 8 bits Ñ
11B4A SI2CMDR SI2 command register 8 bits 14.5.4/14-24
11B4B Reserved Ñ 8 bits Ñ
11B4C SI2STR SI2 status register 8 bits 14.5.5/14-25
11B4D Reserved Ñ 8 bits Ñ
11B4E SI2RSR SI2 RAM shadow address register 16 bits 14.5.3/14-23
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
3-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part I. Overview
MCC2 Registers
11B50 MCCE2 MCC2 event register 16 bits 27.10.1/27-18
11B54 MCCM2 MCC2 mask register 16 bits
11B58 MCCF2 MCC2 conÞguration register 8 bits 27.8/27-15
11B59Ð11FFF Reserved Ñ 1,159
12000Ð121FF SI1TxRAM SI 1 transmit routing RAM 512 14.4.3/14-10
12200Ð123FF Reserved 512
12400Ð125FF SI1RxRAM SI 1 receive routing RAM 512 14.4.3/14-10
12600Ð127FF Reserved 512
12800Ð129FF SI2TxRAM SI 2 transmit routing RAM 512 14.4.3/14-10
12A00Ð12BFF Reserved Ñ 512 Ñ
12C00Ð12DFF SI2RxRAM SI 2 receive routing RAM 512 14.4.3/14-10
12E00Ð12FFF Reserved Ñ 512 Ñ
13000Ð137FF Reserved Reserved 2048 Ñ
13800Ð13FFF Reserved Reserved 2048 Ñ
Table 3-1. Internal Memory Map (Continued)
Address Abbreviation Name Size Section/Page Number
MOTOROLA Part II. Configuration and Reset Part II-i
Part II
ConÞguration and Reset
Part II is intended for system designers and programmers who need to understand the
operation of the MPC8260 at start up. It assumes understanding of the PowerPC
programming model described in the previous chapters and a high level understanding of
the MPC8260.
Part II describes start-up behavior of the MPC8260.
It contains the following chapters:
¥ Chapter 4, ÒSystem Interface Unit (SIU),Ó describes the system conÞguration and
protection functions which provide various monitors and timers, and the 60x bus
¥ Chapter 5, ÒReset,Ó describes the behavior of the MPC8260 at reset and start-up.
Suggested Reading
Supporting documentation for the MPC8260 can be accessed through the world-wide web
at and at This
documentation includes technical speciÞcations, reference materials, and detailed
applications notes.
Part II-ii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. Configuration and Reset
This chapter uses the following notational conventions:
Bold entries in Þgures and tables showing registers and parameter
RAM should be initialized by the user.
mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx.
Book titles in text are set in italics.
0x0 PreÞx to denote hexadecimal number
0b0 PreÞx to denote binary number
rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR
rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are
shown in uppercase text. SpeciÞc bits, Þelds, or numerical ranges
appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian
mode enable bit in the machine state register.
x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit Þeld,
indicates a donÕt care.
nIndicates an undeÞned numerical value
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this document. Note that the
meanings for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for
which an acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious.
Table v. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms
Term Meaning
BIST Built-in self test
DMA Direct memory access
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
EA Effective address
GPR General-purpose register
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LSB Least-signiÞcant byte
lsb Least-signiÞcant bit
LSU Load/store unit
MSB Most-signiÞcant byte
MOTOROLA Part II. Configuration and Reset Part II-iii
Part II. Configuration and Reset
msb Most-signiÞcant bit
MSR Machine state register
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
RTOS Real-time operating system
Rx Receive
SPR Special-purpose register
SWT Software watchdog timer
Tx Transmit
Table v. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
Part II-iv MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. Configuration and Reset
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-1
Chapter 4
System Interface Unit (SIU)
The system interface unit (SIU) consists of several functions that control system start-up
and initialization, as well as operation, protection, and the external system bus. Key features
of the SIU include the following:
¥ System conÞguration and protection
¥ System reset monitoring and generation
¥ Clock synthesizer
¥ Power management
¥ 60x bus interface
¥ Flexible, high-performance memory controller
¥ Level-two cache controller interface
¥ IEEE 1149.1 test-access port (TAP)
Figure 4-1 is a block diagram of the SIU.
Figure 4-1.SIU Block Diagram
60x Bus (32-Bit Address/64-Bit Data)
Local Bus (18-Bit Address/32-Bit Data)
Configuration Registers
4-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The system conÞguration and protection functions provide various monitors and timers,
including the bus monitor, software watchdog timer, periodic interrupt timer, and time
counter. The clock synthesizer generates the clock signals used by the SIU and other
MPC8260 modules. The SIU clocking scheme supports stop and normal modes.
The 60x bus interface is a standard pipelined bus. The MPC8260 allows external bus
masters to request and obtain system bus mastership. Chapter 8, ÒThe 60x Bus,Ó describes
bus operation, but 60x bus conÞguration is explained in this section.
The memory controller module, described in Chapter 10, ÒMemory Controller,Ó provides a
seamless interface to many types of memory devices and peripherals. It supports up to
twelve memory banks, each with its own device and timing attributes.
The MPC8260Õs implementation supports circuit board test strategies through a user-
accessible test logic that is fully compliant with the IEEE 1149.1 test access port.
4.1 System ConÞguration and Protection
The MPC8260 incorporates many system functions that normally must be provided in
external circuits. In addition, it is designed to provide maximum system safeguards against
hardware and/or software faults. Table 4-1 describes functions provided in the system
conÞguration and protection submodule.
Table 4-1. System Configuration and Protection Functions
Function Description
The SIU allows the user to conÞgure the system according to the particular requirements. The
functions include control of parity checking and part and mask number constants.
60x bus
Monitors the transfer acknowledge (TA) and address acknowledge (AACK) response time for all bus
accesses initiated by internal or external masters. TEA is asserted if the TA/AACK response limit is
exceeded. This function can be disabled if needed.
Local bus
Monitors transfers between local bus internal masters and local bus slaves. An internal TEA assertion
occurs if the transfer time limit is exceeded. This function can be disabled.
Asserts a reset or NMI interrupt, selected by the system protection control register (SYPCR) if the
software fails to service the software watchdog timer for a certain period of time (for example, because
software is lost or trapped in a loop). After a system reset, this function is enabled, selects a maximum
time-out period, and asserts a system reset if the time-out is reached. The software watchdog timer
can be disabled or its time-out period may be changed in the SYPCR. Once the SYPCR is written, it
cannot be written again until a system reset. For more information, see Section 4.1.5, ÒSoftware
Watchdog Timer.Ó
timer (PIT)
Generates periodic interrupts for use with a real-time operating system or the application software. The
periodic interrupt timer (PIT) is clocked by the timersclk clock, providing a period from 122 µs to
8 seconds. The PIT function can be disabled if needed. See Section 4.1.4, ÒPeriodic Interrupt Timer
Provides a time-of-day information to the operating system/application software. It is composed of a
45-bit counter and an alarm register. A maskable interrupt is generated when the counter reaches the
value programmed in the alarm register. The time counter (TMCNT) is clocked by the timersclk clock.
See Section 4.1.3, ÒTime Counter (TMCNT).Ó
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-3
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Figure 4-2 is a block diagram of the system conÞguration and protection logic.
Figure 4-2. System Configuration and Protection Logic
Many aspects of system conÞguration are controlled by several SIU module conÞguration
registers, described in Section 4.3.2, ÒSystem ConÞguration and Protection Registers.Ó
4.1.1 Bus Monitor
The MPC8260 has two bus monitors, one for the 60x bus and one for the local bus. The bus
monitor ensures that each bus cycle is terminated within a reasonable period. The bus
monitor does not count when the bus is idle. When a transaction starts (TS asserted), the
bus monitor starts counting down from the time-out value. For standard bus transactions
with an address tenure and a data tenure, the bus monitor counts until a data beat is
acknowledged on the bus. It then reloads the time-out value and resumes the count down.
This process continues until the whole data tenure is completed. Following the data tenure
the bus monitor will idle in case there is no pending transaction; otherwise it will reload the
time-out value and resume counting.
For address-only transactions, the bus monitor counts until AACK is asserted. If the
monitor times out for a standard bus transaction, transfer error acknowledge (TEA) is
asserted. If the monitor times out for an address-only transaction, the bus monitor asserts
AACK and a core machine check or reset interrupt is generated, depending on
SYPCR[SWRI]. To allow variation in system peripheral response times, SYPCR[BMT]
deÞnes the time-out period, whose maximum value can be 2,040 system bus clocks. The
timing mechanism is clocked by the system bus clock divided by eight.
Periodic Interrupt
Watchdog Timer
CoreÕs MCP
CoreÕs MCP
System Reset
Bus Clock
System Reset
Bus clock/8
4-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
4.1.2 Timers Clock
The two SIU timers (the time counter and the periodic interrupt timer) use the same clock
source, timersclk, which can be derived from several sources, as described in Figure 4-3.
Figure 4-3. Timers Clock Generation
For details, see Section 35.2.4, ÒPort Pin Assignment Register (PPAR).Ó For proper time
counter operation, the user must ensure that the frequency of timersclk for TMCNT is
8,192 Hz by properly selecting the external clock and programming BRG1 and the
prescaler control bits in the time counter status and control register (TMCNTSC[TCF]) and
periodic interrupt status and control register (PISCR[PTF]).
4.1.3 Time Counter (TMCNT)
The time counter (TMCNT) is a 32-bit counter that is clocked by timersclk. It provides a
time-of-day indication to the operating system and application software. The counter is
reset to zero on PORESET reset but is not affected by soft or hard reset. It is initialized by
the software; the user should set the timersclk frequency to 8,192 Hz, as explained in
Section 4.1.2, ÒTimers Clock.Ó
TMCNT can be programmed to generate a maskable interrupt when the time value matches
the value in its associated alarm register. It can also be programmed to generate an interrupt
every second. The time counter control and status register (TMCNTSC) is used to enable
or disable the various timer functions and report the interrupt source. Figure 4-4 shows a
block diagram of TMCNT.
CPM clock
Ports Programming
The user should select external clock
and/or BRG1 programming to yield ei-
ther 4 MHz or 32 KHz at this point.
Divide by 512
Divide by 4
Ports Programming
timersclk for TMCNT
timersclk for PIT
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-5
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Figure 4-4. TMCNT Block Diagram
Section, ÒTime Counter Register (TMCNT),Ó describes the time counter register.
4.1.4 Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT)
The periodic interrupt timer consists of a 16-bit counter clocked by timersclk. The 16-bit
counter decrements to zero when loaded with a value from the periodic interrupt timer
count register (PITC); after the timer reaches zero, PISCR[PS] is set and an interrupt is
generated if PISCR[PIE] = 1. At the next input clock edge, the value in the PITC is loaded
into the counter and the process repeats. When a new value is loaded into the PITC, the PIT
is updated, the divider is reset, and the counter begins counting.
Setting PS creates a pending interrupt that remains pending until PS is cleared. If PS is set
again before being cleared, the interrupt remains pending until PS is cleared. Any write to
the PITC stops the current countdown and the count resumes with the new value in PITC.
If PTE = 0, the PIT cannot count and retains the old count value. The PIT is not affected by
reads. Figure 4-5 is a block diagram of the PIT.
Figure 4-5. PIT Block Diagram
Divide 32-Bit Counter
32-Bit Register
by 8,192
timersclk for TMCNT (8,192 Hz)
timersclk PISCR[PS]
Disablefor PIT
16-Bit Modulus
4-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The time-out period is calculated as follows:
This gives a range from 122 µs (PITC = 0x0000) to 8 seconds (PITC = 0xFFFF).
4.1.5 Software Watchdog Timer
The SIU provides the software watchdog timer option to prevent system lock in case the
software becomes trapped in loops with no controlled exit. Watchdog timer operations are
conÞgured in the SYPCR, described in Section, ÒSystem Protection Control
Register (SYPCR).Ó
The software watchdog timer is enabled after reset to cause a soft reset if it times out. If the
software watchdog timer is not needed, the user must clear SYPCR[SWE] to disable it. If
used, the software watchdog timer requires a special service sequence to be executed
periodically. Without this periodic servicing, the software watchdog timer times out and
issues a reset or a nonmaskable interrupt, programmed in SYPCR[SWRI]. Once software
writes SWRI, the state of SWE cannot be changed.
The software watchdog timer service sequence consists of the following two steps:
1. Write 0x556C to the software service register (SWSR)
2. Write 0xAA39 to SWSR
The service sequence clears the watchdog timer and the timing process begins again. If a
value other than 0x556C or 0xAA39 is written to the SWSR, the entire sequence must start
over. Although the writes must occur in the correct order before a time-out, any number of
instructions can be executed between the writes. This allows interrupts and exceptions to
occur between the two writes when necessary. Figure 4-6 shows a state diagram for the
watchdog timer.
Figure 4-6. Software Watchdog Timer Service State Diagram
PITperiod PITC 1+
------------------------------------- PITC 1+
0x556C/DonÕt reload
State 0
Waiting for 0x556C
State 1
Waiting for 0xAA39
Not 0xAA39/DonÕt reload
Not 0x556C/DonÕt reload
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-7
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Although most software disciplines permit or even encourage the watchdog concept, some
systems require a selection of time-out periods. For this reason, the software watchdog
timer must provide a selectable range for the time-out period. Figure 4-7 shows how to
handle this need.
Figure 4-7. Software Watchdog Timer Block Diagram
In Figure 4-7, the range is determined by SYPCR[SWTC]. The value in SWTC is then
loaded into a 16-bit decrementer clocked by the system clock. An additional divide-by-
2,048 prescaler is used when needed.
The decrementer begins counting when loaded with a value from SWTC. After the timer
reaches 0x0, a software watchdog expiration request is issued to the reset or MCP control
logic. Upon reset, SWTC is set to the maximum value and is again loaded into the software
watchdog register (SWR), starting the process over. When a new value is loaded into
SWTC, the software watchdog timer is not updated until the servicing sequence is written
to the SWSR. If SYPCR[SWE] is loaded with 0, the modulus counter does not count.
4.2 Interrupt Controller
Key features of the interrupt controller include the following:
¥ Communications processor module (CPM) interrupt sources (FCCs, SCCs, MCCs,
timers, SMCs, I2C, IDMA, SDMA, and SPI)
¥ Three SIU interrupt sources (PIT and TMCNT)
¥ 24 external sources (16 port C and 8 IRQ)
¥ Programmable priority between PIT and TMCNT
¥ Programmable priority between SCCs, FCCs, and MCCs
Rollover = 0
Divide By
or MCP
4-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
¥ Two priority schemes for the SCCs: grouped, spread
¥ Programmable highest priority request
¥ Unique vector number for each interrupt source
4.2.1 Interrupt ConÞguration
Figure 4-8 shows the MPC8260 interrupt structure. The interrupt controller receives
interrupts from internal sources, such as the PIT or TMCNT, from the CPM, and from
external pins (port C parallel I/O pins).
Figure 4-8. MPC8260 Interrupt Structure
Port C[0Ð15]
Software Watchdog Timer
Interrupt Controller
RISC Timers
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-9
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
If the software watchdog timer is programmed to generate an interrupt, it always generates
a machine check interrupt to the core. The external IRQ0 can generate MCP as well. Note
that the core takes the machine check interrupt when MCP is asserted; it takes an external
interrupt for any other interrupt asserted by the interrupt controller.
The interrupt controller allows masking of each interrupt source. Multiple events within a
CPM sub-block event are also maskable.
All interrupt sources are prioritized and bits are set in the interrupt pending register
(SIPNR). On the MPC8260, the prioritization of the interrupt sources is ßexible in the
following two aspects:
¥ The relative priority of the FCCs, SCCs, and MCCs can be modiÞed
¥ One interrupt source can be assigned the highest priority
When an unmasked interrupt source is pending in the SIPNR, the interrupt controller sends
an interrupt request to the core. When an exception is taken, the interrupt mask bit in the
machine state register (MSR[EE]) is cleared to disable further interrupt requests until
software can handle them.
The SIU interrupt vector register (SIVEC) is updated with a 6-bit vector corresponding to
the sub-block with the highest current priority.
4.2.2 Interrupt Source Priorities
The interrupt controller has 37 interrupt sources that assert one interrupt request to the core.
Table 4-2 shows prioritization of all interrupt sources. As described in following sections,
ßexibility exists in the relative ordering of the interrupts, but, in general, relative priorities
are as shown. A single interrupt priority number is associated with each table entry.
Note that the group and spread options, shown with YCC entries in Table 4-2, are described
in Section, ÒSCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority.Ó
Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels
Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events
1 Highest Ñ
2 XSIU1 No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
3 XSIU2 (GSIU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
4 XSIU3 (GSIU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
4-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
5 XSIU4 (GSIU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
6 XCC1 Yes
7 XCC2 Yes
8 XCC3 Yes
9 XCC4 Yes
10 XSIU2 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
11 XCC5 Yes
12 XCC6 Yes
13 XCC7 Yes
14 XCC8 Yes
15 XSIU5 (GSIU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
16 XSIU6 (GSU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
17 XSIU7 (GSU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
18 XSIU8 (GSU = 0) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
19 XSIU3 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
20 YCC1 (Grouped) Yes
21 YCC2 (Grouped) Yes
22 YCC3 (Grouped) Yes
23 YCC4 (Grouped) Yes
24 YCC5 (Grouped) Yes
25 YCC6 (Grouped) Yes
26 YCC7 (Grouped) Yes
27 YCC8 (Grouped) Yes
28 XSIU4 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
29 Parallel I/OÐPC15 Yes
30 Timer 1 Yes
31 Parallel I/OÐPC14 Yes
32 YCC1 (Spread) Yes
33 Parallel I/OÐPC13 Yes
Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels (Continued)
Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-11
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
34 SDMA Bus Error Yes
35 IDMA1 Yes
36 YCC2 (Spread) Yes
37 Parallel I/OÐPC12 No
38 Parallel I/OÐPC11 No
39 IDMA2 Yes
40 Timer 2 Yes
41 Parallel I/OÐPC10 No
42 XSIU5 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
43 YCC3 (Spread) Yes
44 RISC Timer Table Yes
45 I2C Yes
46 YCC4 (Spread) Yes
47 Parallel I/OÐPC9 No
48 Parallel I/OÐPC8 No
49 IRQ6 No
50 IDMA3 Yes
51 IRQ7 No
52 Timer 3 Yes
53 XSIU6 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
54 YCC5 (Spread) Yes
55 Parallel I/OÐPC7 No
56 Parallel I/OÐPC6 No
57 Parallel I/OÐPC5 No
58 Timer 4 Yes
59 YCC6 (Spread) Yes
60 Parallel I/OÐPC4 No
61 XSIU7 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
62 IDMA4 Yes
63 SPI Yes
64 Parallel I/OÐPC3 No
65 Parallel I/OÐPC2 No
Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels (Continued)
Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events
4-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Notice the lack of SDMA interrupt sources, which are reported through each individual
FCC, SCC, SMC, SPI, or I2C channel. The only true SDMA interrupt source is the SDMA
channel bus error entry that is reported when a bus error occurs during an SDMA access.
There are two ways to add ßexibility to the table of CPM interrupt prioritiesÑthe FCC,
MCC, and SCC relative priority option, described in Section, ÒSCC, FCC, and
MCC Relative Priority,Ó and the highest priority option, described in Section,
ÒHighest Priority Interrupt.Ó SCC, FCC, and MCC Relative Priority
The relative priority between the four SCCs, three FCCs, and MCC is programmable and
can be changed dynamically. In Table 4-2 there is no entry for SCC1ÐSCC4, MCC1Ð
MCC2, FCC1ÐFCC3, but rather there are entries for XCC1ÐXCC8 and YCC1ÐYCC8.
Each SCC can be mapped to any YCC location and each FCC and MCC can be mapped to
any XCC location. The SCC, FCC, and MCC priorities are programmed in the CPM
interrupt priority registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L) and can be changed dynamically to
implement a rotating priority.
In addition, the grouping of the locations of the YCC entries has the following two options
¥ Group. In the group scheme, all SCCs are grouped together at the top of the priority
table, ahead of most other CPM interrupt sources. This scheme is ideal for
applications where all SCCs, FCCs, and MCCs function at a very high data rate and
interrupt latency is very important.
¥ Spread. In the spread scheme, priorities are spread over the table so other sources
can have lower interrupt latencies. This scheme is also programmed in the SICR but
cannot be changed dynamically. PIT, TMCNT, and IRQ Relative Priority
The MPC8260 has seven general-purpose interrupt requests (IRQs), Þve of which, with the
PIT, and TMCNT, can be mapped to any XSIU location. IRQ6 and IRQ7 have Þxed
66 SMC1 Yes
67 YCC7 (spread) Yes
68 SMC2 Yes
69 Parallel I/OÐPC1 No
70 Parallel I/OÐPC0 No
71 XSIU8 (GSIU = 1) No (TMCNT,PIT = Yes)
72 YCC8(spread) Yes
73 Reserved Ñ
Table 4-2. Interrupt Source Priority Levels (Continued)
Priority Level Interrupt Source Description Multiple Events
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-13
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset Highest Priority Interrupt
In addition to the FCC/MCC/SCC relative priority option, SICR[HP] can be used to specify
one interrupt source as having highest priority. This interrupt remains within the same
interrupt level as the other interrupt controller interrupts, but is serviced before any other
interrupt in the table.
If the highest priority feature is not used, select the interrupt request in XSIU1 to be the
highest priority interrupt; the standard interrupt priority order is used. SICR[HP] can be
updated dynamically to allow the user to change a normally low priority source into a high
priority-source for a certain period.
4.2.3 Masking Interrupt Sources
By programming the SIU mask registers, SIMR_H and SIMR_L, the user can mask
interrupt requests to the core. Each SIMR bit corresponds an interrupt source. To enable an
interrupt, write a one to the corresponding SIMR bit. When a masked interrupt source has
a pending interrupt request, the corresponding SIPNR bit is set, even though the interrupt
is not generated to the core. The user can mask all interrupt sources to implement a polling
interrupt servicing scheme.
When an interrupt source has multiple interrupting events, the user can individually mask
these events by programming a mask register within that block. Table 4-2 shows which
interrupt sources have multiple interrupting events. Figure 4-9 shows an example of how
the masking occurs, using an SCC as an example.
4-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Figure 4-9. Interrupt Request Masking
4.2.4 Interrupt Vector Generation and Calculation
Pending unmasked interrupts are presented to the core in order of priority. The interrupt
vector that allows the core to locate the interrupt service routine is made available to the
core by reading SIVEC. The interrupt controller passes an interrupt vector corresponding
to the highest-priority, unmasked, pending interrupt. Table 4-3 lists encodings for the six
low-order bits of the interrupt vector.
Table 4-3. Encoding the Interrupt Vector
Interrupt Number Interrupt Source Description Interrupt Vector
0 Error (No interrupt) 0b00_0000
2C 0b00_0001
2 SPI 0b00_0010
3 RISC Timers 0b00_0011
4 SMC1 0b00_0100
5 SMC2 0b00_0101
13 Input (or
(Other Unmasked Requests)
Request to
the core
13 Event Bits)
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-15
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
6 IDMA1 0b00_0110
7 IDMA2 0b00_0111
8 IDMA3 0b00_1000
9 IDMA4 0b00_1001
10 SDMA 0b00_1010
11 Reserved 0b00_1011
12 Timer1 0b00_1100
13 Timer2 0b00_1101
14 Timer3 0b00_1110
15 Timer4 0b00_1111
16 TMCNT 0b01_0000
17 PIT 0b01_0001
18 Reserved 0b01_0010
19 IRQ1 0b01_0011
20 IRQ2 0b01_0100
21 IRQ3 0b01_0101
22 IRQ4 0b01_0110
23 IRQ5 0b01_0111
24 IRQ6 0b01_1000
25 IRQ7 0b01_1001
26 Reserved 0b01_1010Ð01_1111
27 FCC1 0b10_0000
28 FCC2 0b10_0001
29 FCC3 0b10_0010
30 Reserved 0b10_0011
31 MCC1 0b10_0100
32 MCC2 0b10_0101
33 Reserved 0b10_0110
34 Reserved 0b10_0111
35 SCC1 0b10_1000
36 SCC2 0b10_1001
37 SCC3 0b10_1010
Table 4-3. Encoding the Interrupt Vector (Continued)
Interrupt Number Interrupt Source Description Interrupt Vector
4-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Note that the interrupt vector table differs from the interrupt priority table in only two ways:
¥ FCC, SCC, and MCC vectors are Þxed; they are not affected by the SCC group
mode, spread mode, or the relative priority order of the FCCs, SCCs, and MCC.
¥ An error vector exists as the last entry in Table 4-3. The error vector is issued when
no interrupt is requesting service. Port C External Interrupts
There are 16 external interrupts, coming from the parallel I/O port C pins,PC[0Ð15]. When
ones of these pins is conÞgured as an input, a change according to the SIU external interrupt
control register (SIEXR) causes an interrupt request signal to be sent to the interrupt
controller. PC[0Ð15] lines can be programmed to assert an interrupt request upon any
change. Each port C line asserts a unique interrupt request to the interrupt pending register
and has a different internal interrupt priority level within the interrupt controller.
Requests can be masked independently in the interrupt mask register (SIMR). Notice that
the global SIMR is cleared on system reset so pins left ßoating do not cause false interrupts.
38 SCC4 0b10_1011
39 Reserved 0b10_11xx
40 PC15 0b11_0000
41 PC14 0b11_0001
42 PC13 0b11_0010
43 PC12 0b11_0011
44 PC11 0b11_0100
45 PC10 0b11_0101
46 PC9 0b11_0110
47 PC8 0b11_0111
48 PC7 0b11_1000
49 PC6 0b11_1001
50 PC5 0b11_1010
51 PC4 0b11_1011
52 PC3 0b11_1100
53 PC2 0b11_1101
54 PC1 0b11_1110
55 PC0 0b11_1111
Table 4-3. Encoding the Interrupt Vector (Continued)
Interrupt Number Interrupt Source Description Interrupt Vector
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-17
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
4.3 Programming Model
The SIU registers are grouped into the following three categories:
¥ Interrupt controller registers. These registers control conÞguration, prioritization,
and masking of interrupts. They also include registers for determining the interrupt
sources. These registers are described in Section 4.3.1, ÒInterrupt Controller
¥ System conÞguration and protection registers. These include registers for
conÞguring the SIU, deÞning the base address for the internal memory map,
conÞguring the watchdog timer, specifying bus characteristics, as well as general
functionality of the 60x, and local buses such as arbitration, error status, and control.
These registers are described in Section 4.3.2, ÒSystem ConÞguration and
Protection Registers.Ó
¥ Periodic interrupt registers. These include registers for conÞguring and providing
status for periodic interrupts. See Section 4.3.3, ÒPeriodic Interrupt Registers.Ó
4.3.1 Interrupt Controller Registers
There are seven interrupt controller registers, described in the following sections:
¥ Section, ÒSIU Interrupt ConÞguration Register (SICR)Ó
¥ Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR)Ó
¥ Section, ÒCPM Interrupt Priority Registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L)Ó
¥ Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L)Ó
¥ Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L)Ó
¥ Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC)Ó
¥ Section, ÒSIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR)Ó SIU Interrupt ConÞguration Register (SICR)
The SIU interrupt conÞguration register (SICR), shown in Figure 4-10, deÞnes the highest
priority interrupt and whether interrupts are grouped or spread in the priority table,
Table 4-2.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C00
Figure 4-10. SIU Interrupt Configuration Register (SICR)
4-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The SICR register bits are described in Table 4-4. SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR)
The SIU interrupt priority register (SIPRR), shown in Figure 4-11, deÞnes the priority
between IRQ1ÐIRQ6, PIT, and TMCNT.
Table 4-4. SICR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2Ð7 HP Highest priority. SpeciÞes the 6-bit interrupt number of the single interrupt controller interrupt source
that is advanced to the highest priority in the table. HP can be modiÞed dynamically. To retain the
original priority, program HP to the interrupt number assigned to XSIU1.
8Ð14 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 GSIU Group SIU. Selects the relative XSIU priority scheme. It cannot be changed dynamically.
0 Grouped. The XSIUs are grouped by priority at the top of the table.
1 Spread. The XSIUs are spread by priority in the table.
15 SPS Spread priority scheme. Selects the relative YCC priority scheme. It cannot be changed dynamically.
0 Grouped. The YCCs are grouped by priority at the top of the table.
1 Spread. The YCCs are spread by priority in the table.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 000 001 010 011 0000
Addr 0x10C10
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 100 101 110 111 0000
Addr 0x10C12
Figure 4-11. SIU Interrupt Priority Register (SIPRR)
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-19
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The SIPRR register bits are described in Table 4-5. CPM Interrupt Priority Registers (SCPRR_H and SCPRR_L)
The CPM high interrupt priority register (SCPRR_H), shown in Figure 4-12, deÞne
priorities between the FCCs and MCCs.
Table 4-5. SIPRR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð3 XS1PÐXSIU1 Priority order. DeÞnes which PIT/TMCNT/IRQs asserts its request in the XSIU1 priority
position. The user should not program the same PIT/TMCNT/IRQs to more than one priority
position (1Ð8). These bits can be changed dynamically.
000 TMCNT asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
001 PIT asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
010 Reserved
011 IRQ1 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
100 IRQ2 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
101 IRQ3 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
110 IRQ4 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
111 IRQ5 asserts its request in the XSIU1 position.
4Ð12 XS2PÐ XS8P Same as XS1P, but for XSIU2ÐXSIU8.
13Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 000 001 010 011 0 000
Addr 0x10C14
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 100 101 110 111 0 000
Addr 0x10C16
Figure 4-12. CPM High Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_H)
4-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-6 describes SCPRR_H Þelds.
The CPM low interrupt priority register (SCPRR_L), shown in Figure 4-13, deÞnes
prioritization of SCCs.
Table 4-7 describes SCPRR_L Þelds.
Table 4-6. SCPRR_H Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2 XC1PÐXCC1 Priority order. DeÞnes which FCC/MCC asserts its request in the XCC1 priority position.
The user should not program the same FCC/MCC to more than one priority position (1Ð8).
These bits can be changed dynamically.
000 FCC1 asserts its request in the XCC1 position.
001 FCC2 asserts its request in the XCC1 position.
010 FCC3 asserts its request in the XCC1 position.
011 XCC1 position not active.
100 MCC1 asserts its request in the XCC1 position.
101 MCC2 asserts its request in the XCC1 position.
110 XCC1 position not active.
111 XCC1 position not active.
3Ð12 XC2PÐXC8P Same as XC1P, but for XCC2ÐXCC8
13Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 000 001 010 011 0000
Addr 0x10C18
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 100 101 110 111 0000
Addr 0x10C20
Figure 4-13. CPM Low Interrupt Priority Register (SCPRR_L)
Table 4-7. SCPRR_L Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2 YC1PÐYCC1 Priority order. DeÞnes which SCC asserts its request in the YCC1 priority position. Do not
program the same SCC to multiple priority positions. This Þeld can be changed dynamically.
000 SCC1 asserts its request in the YCC1 position.
001 SCC2 asserts its request in the YCC1 position.
010 SCC3 asserts its request in the YCC1 position.
011 SCC4 asserts its request in the YCC1 position.
1XX YCC1 position is not active.
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-21
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset SIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L)
Each bit in the interrupt pending registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L), shown in Figure 4-14
and Figure 4-15, corresponds to an interrupt source. When an interrupt is received, the
interrupt controller sets the corresponding SIPNR bit.
Figure 4-15 shows SIPNR_L Þelds.
3Ð11 YC2PÐYC8P Same as YC1P, but for YCC2ÐYCC8
12Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14 PC15
Reset UndeÞned (the user should write 1s to clear these bits before using)
Addr 0x10C08
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset UndeÞned (the user should write 1s to clear these bits before using) 010101
Addr 0x10C10
1 These Þelds are zero after reset because their corresponding mask register bits are cleared (disabled).
Figure 4-14. SIPNR_H Fields
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_00001
Addr 0x10C0C
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_000101
Addr 0x10C0E
1 These Þelds are zero after reset because their corresponding mask register bits are cleared (disabled).
Figure 4-15. SIPNR_L Fields
Table 4-7. SCPRR_L Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
4-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
When a pending interrupt is handled, the user clears the corresponding SIPNR bit.
However, if an event register exists, the unmasked event register bits should be cleared
instead, causing the SIPNR bit to be cleared.
SIPNR bits are cleared by writing ones to them. Because the user can only clear bits in this
register, writing zeros to this register has no effect.
Note that the SCC/FCC/MCC SIPNR bit positions are not changed according to their
relative priority. SIU Interrupt Mask Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L)
Each bit in the SIU interrupt mask register (SIMR) corresponds to a interrupt source. The
user masks an interrupt by clearing and enables an interrupt by setting the corresponding
SIMR bit. When a masked interrupt occurs, the corresponding SIPNR bit is set, regardless
of the SIMR bit although no interrupt request is passed to the core.
If an interrupt source requests interrupt service when the user clears its SIMR bit, the
request stops. If the user sets the SIMR bit later, a previously pending interrupt request is
processed by the core, according to its assigned priority. The SIMR can be read by the user
at any time.
Figure 4-16 shows the SIMR_H register.
Figure 4-17 shows SIMR_L.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14 PC15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C1C
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C1E
Figure 4-16. SIMR_H Register
4-23 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Note the following:
¥ SCC/MCC/FCC SIMR bit positions are not affected by their relative priority.
¥ The user can clear pending register bits that were set by multiple interrupt events
only by clearing all unmasked events in the corresponding event register.
¥ If an SIMR bit is masked at the same time that the corresponding SIPNR bit causes
an interrupt request to the core, the error vector is issued (if no other interrupts
pending). Thus, the user should always include an error vector routine, even if it
contains only an instruction. The error vector cannot be masked. SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC)
The SIU interrupt vector register (SIVEC), shown in Figure 4-18, contains an 8-bit code
representing the unmasked interrupt source of the highest priority level.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C20
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C22
Figure 4-17. SIMR_L Register
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Interrupt Code 0000000000
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C04
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field 0000000000000000
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C06
Figure 4-18. SIU Interrupt Vector Register (SIVEC)
4-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The SIVEC can be read as either a byte, half word, or a word. When read as a byte, a branch
table can be used in which each entry contains one instruction (branch). When read as a half
word, each entry can contain a full routine of up to 256 instructions. The interrupt code is
deÞned such that its two lsbs are zeroes, allowing indexing into the table, as shown in
Figure 4-19.
Figure 4-19. Interrupt Table Handling Example
Note that the MPC8260 differs from previous MPC8xx implementations in that when an
interrupt request occurs, SIVEC can be read. If there are multiple interrupt sources, SIVEC
latches the highest priority interrupt. Note that the value of SIVEC cannot change while it
is being read. SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR)
Each deÞned bit in the SIU external interrupt control register (SIEXR), shown in
Figure 4-20, determines whether the corresponding port C line asserts an interrupt request
upon either a high-to-low change or any change on the pin. External interrupts can come
from port C (PC[0-15]).
BASE b Routine1
b Routine2
b Routine3
b Routine4
BASE + n
BASE + 4
BASE + 8
BASE +10
BASE 1st Instruction of Routine1
1st Instruction of Routine2
1st Instruction of Routine3
1st Instruction of Routine4
BASE + n
BASE + 400
BASE + 800
BASE + C00
BASE +1000
INTR: ¥ ¥ ¥
Save state
R3 <- @ SIVEC
R4 <-- Base of branch table
¥ ¥ ¥
RX, R3 (0)
# load as byte
RX, RX, R4
INTR: ¥ ¥ ¥
Save state
R3 <- @ SIVEC
R4 <-- Base of branch table
¥ ¥ ¥
RX, R3 (0)
# load as half
RX, RX, R4
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-8 describes SIEXR Þelds.
4.3.2 System ConÞguration and Protection Registers
The system conÞguration and protection registers are described in the following sections. Bus ConÞguration Register (BCR)
The bus conÞguration register (BCR), shown in Figure 4-21, contains conÞguration bits for
various features and wait states on the 60x bus.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C24
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C26
Figure 4-20. SIU External Interrupt Control Register (SIEXR)
Table 4-8. SIEXR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð15 EDPCx Edge detect mode for port Cx. The corresponding port C line (PCx) asserts an interrupt request
according to the following:
0 Any change on PCx generates an interrupt request.
1 High-to-low change on PCx generates an interrupt request.
16Ð23 EDIx Edge detect mode for IRQ
. The corresponding IRQ line (IRQx) asserts an interrupt request
according to the following:
0 Low assertion on IRQ
generates an interrupt request.
1 High-to-low change on IRQ
generates an interrupt request.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-9 describes BCR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x10024
Figure 4-21. Bus Configuration Register (BCR)
Table 4-9. BCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 EBM External bus mode.
0 Single MPC8260 bus mode is assumed
1 60x-compatible bus mode. For more information refer to Section 8.2, ÒBus ConÞguration.Ó
1Ð3 APD Address phase delay. SpeciÞes the minimum number of address tenure wait states for address
operations initiated by a 60x bus master. BCR[APD] speciÞes the minimum number of address
tenure wait states for address operations initiated by 60x-bus devices. APD indicates how many
cycles the MPC8260 should wait for ARTRY, but because it is assumed that ARTRY can be
asserted (by other masters) only on cachable address spaces, APD is considered only on
transactions that hit one of the 60x-assigned memory controller banks and have the GBL signal
asserted during address phase.
4 L2C Secondary cache controller. See Chapter 11, ÒSecondary (L2) Cache Support.Ó
0 No secondary cache controller is assumed.
1 An external secondary cache controller is assumed.
5Ð7 L2D L2 cache hit delay. Controls the number of clock cycles from the assertion of TS until HIT is valid.
8 PLDP Pipeline maximum depth. See Section 8.4.5, ÒPipeline Control.Ó
1 The pipeline maximum depth is zero.
0 The pipeline maximum depth is one.
9 EAV Enable address visibility. Normally, when the MPC8260 is in single-MPC8260 bus mode, the bank
select signalsfor SDRAM accesses are multiplexed on the 60x bus address lines. So, for SDRAM
accesses, the internal address is not visible for debug purposes. However the bank select signals
can also be driven on dedicated pins (see SIUMCR[APPC]). In this case EAV can be used to force
address visibility.
0 Bank select signals are driven on 60x bus address lines. There is no full address visibility.
1 Bank select signals are not driven on address bus. During READ and WRITE commands to
SDRAM devices, the full address is driven on 60x bus address lines.
10Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12 ETM Compatibility mode enable. See Section, ÒExtended Transfer Mode.Ó
0 Strict 60x bus mode. Extended transfer mode is disabled.
1 Extended transfer mode is enabled.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
13 LETM Local bus compatibility mode enable. See Section, ÒExtended Transfer Mode.Ó
1 Extended transfer mode is enable on the local bus.
0 Extended transfer mode is disabled in the local bus.
Note that if the local bus memory controller is conÞgured to work with read-modify-write parity,
LETM must be cleared.
14 EPAR Even parity. Determines odd or even parity, Writing the memory with EPAR = 1 and reading the
memory with EPAR = 0 generates parity errors for testing.
15 LEPAR Local bus even parity. SpeciÞes odd or even parity in the local bus. Writing the memory with
LEPAR = 1 and reading the memory with LEPAR = 0 generates parity errors for testing.
16Ð18 NPQM Non PowerQUICC II master. IdentiÞes the type of bus masters which are connected to the
arbitration lines when the MPC8260 is in internal arbiter mode. Possible types are PowerQUICC II
master and non-PowerQUICC II master. This Þeld is related to the data pipelining bits (BRx[DR]) in
the memory controller. Because an external bus master that is not a MPC8260 cannot use the data
pipelining feature, the MPC8260, which controls the memory, needs to know when a non-
PowerQUICC II master is accessing the memory and handle the transaction differently.
NPQM[0] designates the type of master connected to the set of pins BR, BG, and DBG.
NPQM[1] designates the type of master connected to the set of pins EXT_BR2, EXT_BG2, and
NPQM[2] designates the type of master which is connected to the set of pins EXT_BR3, EXT_BG3
and EXT_DBG3
0 The bus master connected to the arbitration lines is a MPC8260.
1 The bus master connected to the arbitration lines is not a MPC8260.
16Ð20 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
21 EXDD External master delay disable. Generally, the MPC8260 adds one clock cycle delay for each
external master access to a region controlled by the memory controller. This occurs because the
external master drives the address on the external pins (compared to internal master, like
MPC8260Õs DMA, which drives the address on an internal bus in the chip). Thus, it is assumed that
an additional cycle is needed for the memory controllers banks to complete the address match.
However in some cases (when the bus is operated in low frequency), this extra cycle is not needed.
The user can disable the extra cycle by setting EXDD.
0 The memory controller inserts one wait state between the assertion of TS and the assertion of
CS when external master accesses an address space controlled by the memory controller.
1 The memory controller asserts CS on the cycle following the assertion of TS by external master
accessing an address space controlled by the memory controller.
22Ð26 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
27 ISPS Internal space port size. DeÞnes the port size of MPC8260Õs internal space region as seen to
external masters. Setting ISPS enables a 32-bit master to access MPC8260 internal space.
0 MPC8260 acts as a 64-bit slave to external masters accesses to its internal space.
1 MPC8260 acts as a 32-bit slave to external masters accesses to its internal space.
28Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 4-9. BCR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset 60x Bus Arbiter ConÞguration Register (PPC_ACR)
The 60x bus arbiter conÞguration register (PPC_ACR), shown in Figure 4-22, deÞnes the
arbiter modes and parked master on the 60x bus.
Table 4-10 describes PPC_ACR Þelds. 60x Bus Arbitration-Level Registers (PPC_ALRH/PPC_ALRL)
The 60x bus arbitration-level registers, shown in Figure 4-23 and Figure 4-24, deÞne
arbitration priority of MPC8260 bus masters. Priority Þeld 0 has highest-priority. For
information about MPC8260 bus master indexes, see the description of PPC_ACR[PRKM]
in Table 4-10.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x10028
Figure 4-22. PPC_ACR
Table 4-10. PPC_ACR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 DBGD Data bus grant delay. SpeciÞes the minimum number of data tenure wait states for 60x bus master-
initiated data operations. This is the minimum delay between TS and DBG.
BG is asserted with TS if the data bus is free.
1 DBG is asserted one cycle after TS if the data bus is not busy.
See Section 8.5.1, ÒData Bus Arbitration.Ó
3 EARB External arbitration.
0 Internal arbitration is performed. See Section 8.3.1, ÒArbitration Phase.Ó
1 External arbitration is assumed.
4Ð7 PRKM Parking master.
0000 CPM high request level
0001 CPM middle request level
0010 CPM low request level
0011 Reserved
0100 Reserved
0101 Reserved
0110 Internal core
0111 External master 1
1000 External master 2
1001 External master 3
Values 1010Ð1111 are reserved.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
PPC_ALRL, shown in Figure 4-24, deÞnes arbitration priority of 60x bus masters 8Ð15.
Priority Þeld 0 is the highest-priority arbitration level. For information about the MPC8260
bus master indexes, see the description of PPC_ACR[PRKM] in Table 4-10. Local Bus Arbiter ConÞguration Register (LCL_ACR)
The local bus arbiter conÞguration register (LCL_ACR), shown in Figure 4-25, deÞnes the
arbiter modes and the parked master on the local bus.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Priority Field 0 Priority Field 1 Priority Field 2 Priority Field 3
Reset 0000 0001 0010 0011
Addr 0x1002C
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Priority Field 4 Priority Field 5 Priority Field 6 Priority Field 7
Reset 0100 0101 0110 0111
Addr 0x1002E
Figure 4-23. PPC_ALRH
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Priority Field 8 Priority Field 9 Priority Field 10 Priority Field 11
Reset 1000 1001 1010 1011
Addr 0x10030
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Priority Field 12 Priority Field 13 Priority Field 14 Priority Field 15
Reset 1100 1101 1110 1111
Addr 0x10032
Figure 4-24. PPC_AALRL
Bit 01234567
Reset 0000_0010
Addr 0x10034
Figure 4-25. LCL_ACR
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-11 describes LCL_ACR register bits. Local Bus Arbitration Level Registers (LCL_ALRH and
The local bus arbitration level registers (LCL_ALRH and LCL_ALRL), shown in
Figure 4-26 and Figure 4-27, deÞnes arbitration priority for MPC8260 local bus masters 0Ð
7. Priority Þeld 0 has highest-priority. For information about the MPC8260 local bus master
indexes see LCL_ACR[PRKM] in Table 4-11.
LCL_ALRL, shown in Figure 4-27, deÞnes arbitration priority of MPC8260 local bus
masters 8Ð15.
Table 4-11. LCL_ACR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 DBGD Data bus grant delay. SpeciÞes the minimum number of data tenure wait states for PowerPC
master-initiated data operations. This is the minimum delay between TS and DBG.
0 DBG is asserted with TS if the data bus is free.
1 DBG is asserted one cycle after TS if the data bus is not busy.
See Section 8.5.1, ÒData Bus Arbitration.Ó
3 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
4Ð7 PRKM Parking master. DeÞnes the parked master.
0000 CPM high request level
0001 CPM middle request level
0010 CPM low request level (default)
0011 Host bridge
Values 0100Ð1111 are reserved.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Priority Field 0 Priority Field 1 Priority Field 2 Priority Field 3
Reset 0000 0001 0010 0011
Addr 0x10038
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Priority Field 4 Priority Field 5 Priority Field 6 Priority Field 7
Reset 0100 0101 0110 0111
Addr 0x10040
Figure 4-26. LCL_ALRH
4-31 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset SIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR)
The SIU module conÞguration register (SIUMCR), shown in Figure 4-28, contains bits that
conÞgure various features in the SIU module.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Priority Field 8 Priority Field 9 Priority Field 10 Priority Field 11
Reset 1000 1001 1010 1011
Addr 0x1003C
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Priority Field 12 Priority Field 13 Priority Field 14 Priority Field 15
Reset 1100 1101 1110 1111
Addr 0x1003E
Figure 4-27. LCL_ALRL
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x10000
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x10002
Figure 4-28. SIU Model Configuration Register (SIUMCR)
4-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-12 describes SIUMCR Þelds.
Table 4-12. SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 BBD Bus busy disable.
0 ABB/IRQ2 pin is ABB, DBB/IRQ3 pin is DBB
1 ABB/IRQ2 pin is IRQ2, DBB/IRQ3 pin is IRQ3
1 ESE External snoop enable. ConÞgures GBL/IRQ1
0 External snooping disabled. (GBL/IRQ1 pin is IRQ1.)
1 External snooping enabled. (GBL/IRQ1 pin is GBL.)
2 PBSE Parity byte select enable.
0 Parity byte select is disabled. GPL4 output of UPM is available for memory control.
1 Parity byte select is enabled. GPL4 pin is used as parity byte select output from the MPC8260.
3 CDIS Core disable.
0 The MPC8260 core is enabled.
1 The MPC8260 core is disabled. MPC8260 functions as a slave device.
4Ð5 DPPC Data parity pins conÞguration. Note that the additional arbitration lines (EXT_BR2, EXT_BG2,
EXT_DBG2, EXT_BR3, EXT_BG3, and EXT_DBG3) are operational only when ACR[EARB] = 0.
Setting EARB (to choose external arbiter) combined with programming DPPC to 11 deactivates
these lines.
00 01 10 11
DP(6)/CSE(0)/IRQ6 IRQ6 DP(6) CSE(0) IRQ6
DP(7)/CSE(1)/IRQ7 IRQ7 DP(7) CSE(1) IRQ7
6Ð7 L2CPC L2 cache pins conÞguration.
L2CPC = 00 L2CPC = 01 L2CPC = 10
8Ð9 LBPC Local bus pins conÞguration.
00 Local bus pins function as local bus
01 Reserved
10 Local bus pins function as core pins
11 Reserved
4-33 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
10Ð11 APPC Address parity pins conÞguration. Note that during power on reset the MODCK pins are used for
PLL conÞguration. The pin multiplexing indicated in the table applies only to normal operation.
Selection between IRQ7 and INT_OUT is according to CPU state. If the core is disabled, the pin is
INT_OUT; otherwise it is IRQ7.
00 01 10 11
TC(0) AP(1) BNKSEL(0) Ñ
TC(1) AP(2) BNKSEL(1)
TC(2) AP(3) BNKSEL(2)
CS11/AP(0) CS11 AP(0) CS11 Ñ
12Ð13 CS10PC Chip select 10-pin conÞguration.
00 01 10
14Ð15 BCTLC Buffer control conÞguration.
00 BCTL0 is used as W/R control. BCTL1 is used as OE control.
01 BCTL0 is used as W/R control. BCTL1 is used as OE control.
10 BCTL0 is used as WE control. BCTL1 is used as RE control.
11 Reserved
16-17 MMR Mask masters requests. In some systems, several bus masters are active during normal operation;
only one should be active during boot sequence. The active master, which is the boot device,
initializes system memories and devices and enables all other masters. MMR facilitates such a
boot scheme by masking the selected masterÕs bus requests. MMR can be conÞgured through the
hard reset conÞguration sequence see Section 5.4.2, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Examples.Ó
Typically system conÞguration identiÞes only one master is the boot device, which initializes the
system and then enables all other devices by writing 00 to MMR.
Note: It is not recommended to mask the request of a master which is deÞned as the parked
master in the arbiter, since this cannot prevent this master from getting a bus grant.
00 No masking on bus request lines.
01 Reserved
10 The MPC8260Õs internal core bus request masked and external bus requests two and three
masked (boot master connected to external bus request 1).
11 All external bus requests masked (boot master is the MPC8260Õs internal core).
18 LPBSE Local bus parity byte select enable.
0 Parity byte select is disabled. LGPL4 output of UPM is available for memory control.
1 Parity byte select is enabled. LGPL4 pin is used as local bus parity byte select output from the
19Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 4-12. SIUMCR Register Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
4-34 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR)
The internal memory map register (IMMR), shown in Figure 4-29, contains identiÞcation
of a speciÞc device as well as the base address for the internal memory map. Software can
deduce availability and location of any on-chip system resources from the values in IMMR.
PARTNUM and MASKNUM are mask programmed and cannot be changed for any
particular device.
Table 4-13 describes IMMR Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field ISB Ñ
Reset Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x101A8
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x101AA
Figure 4-29. Internal Memory Map Register (IMMR)
Table 4-13. IMMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð14 ISB Internal space base. DeÞnes the base address of the internal memory space. The value of ISB
be conÞgured at reset to one of 32 addresses; it can then be changed to any value by the
software. The default is 0, which maps to address 0x0000_0000.
ISB deÞnes the 15 msbs of the memory map register base address. IMMR itself is mapped in
the internal memory space region. As soon as the ISB is written with a new base address, the
IMMR base address is relocated according to the ISB. ISB can be conÞgured to one of 32
possible addresses at reset to enable the conÞguration of multiple-MPC8260 systems.
The number of programmable bits in this Þeld, and hence the resolution of the location of
internal space, depends on the internal memory space of a speciÞc implementation. In the
MPC8260, all 15 bits can be programmed. See Chapter 3, ÒMemory Map,Ó for details on the
deviceÕs internal memory map and to Chapter 5, ÒReset,Ó for the available, default initial values.
15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
16Ð23 PARTNUM Part number. This read-only Þeld is mask-programmed with a code corresponding to the part
number of the part on which the SIU is located. It is intended to help factory test and user code
which is sensitive to part changes. This changes when the part number changes. For example,
it would change if any new module is added or if the size of any memory module is changed. It
would not change if the part is changed to Þx a bug in an existing module. The MPC8260 has an
ID of 0x00.
24Ð31 MASKNUM Mask number. This read-only Þeld is mask-programmed with a code corresponding to the mask
number of the part on which the SIU is located. It is intended to help factory test and user code
which is sensitive to part changes. It is programmed in a commonly changed layer and should
be changed for all mask set changes. The MPC8260 (Rev 0) has an ID of 0x00.
4-35 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset System Protection Control Register (SYPCR)
The system protection control register, shown in Figure 4-30, controls the system monitors,
software watchdog period, and bus monitor timing. SYPCR can be read at any time but can
be written only once after system reset.
Table 4-14 describes SYPCR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field SWTC
Reset 1111_1111_1111_1111
Addr 0x10004
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 1111_1111 0 0 00_0 1 1 1
Addr 0x10006
Figure 4-30. System Protection Control Register (SYPCCR)
Table 4-14. SYPCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð15 SWTC Software watchdog timer count. Contains the count value for the software watchdog timer.
16Ð23 BMT Bus monitor timing. DeÞnes the time-out period for the bus monitor, the granularity of this Þeld is 8
bus clocks. (BMT = 0xFF is translated to 0x7f8 clock cycles). BMT is used both in the 60x and local
bus monitors.
Note that the value 0 in invalid; an error is generated for each bus transaction.
24 PBME 60x bus monitor enable.
0 60x bus monitor is disabled.
1 The 60x bus monitor is enabled.
25 LBME Local bus monitor enable.
0 Local bus monitor is disabled.
1 The local bus monitor is enabled.
26Ð29 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
29 SWE Software watchdog enable. Enables the operation of the software watchdog timer. It should be
cleared by software after a system reset to disable the software watchdog timer.
30 SWRI Software watchdog reset/interrupt select.
0 Software watchdog timer and bus monitor time-out causes a machine check interrupt to the core.
1 Software watchdog timer and bus monitor time-out causes a soft reset (this is the default value
after soft reset).
31 SWP Software watchdog prescale. Controls the divide-by-2,048 software watchdog timer prescaler.
0 The software watchdog timer is not prescaled.
1 The software watchdog timer clock is prescaled.
4-36 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset Software Service Register (SWSR)
The software service register (SWSR) is the location to which the software watchdog timer
servicing sequence is written. To prevent software watchdog timer time-out, the user should
write 0x556C followed by 0xAA39 to this register, which resides at 0x1000E. SWSR can
be written at any time, but returns all zeros when read. 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1
The 60x bus transfer error status and control register 1 (TESCR1) is shown in Figure 4-31.
Table 4-15 describes TESCR1 Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10040
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10042
Figure 4-31. The 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (TESCR1)
Table 4-15. TESCR1 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 BM 60x bus monitor time-out. Set when TEA is asserted due to the 60x bus monitor time-out.
1 ISBE Internal space bus error. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to error on a transaction to MPC8260Õs
internal memory space. TESCR2[REGS, DPR] indicate which of MPC8260Õs internal slaves caused
the error.
2 PAR 60x bus parity error. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to parity error on the 60x bus. TESCR2[PB]
indicates which byte lane caused the error; TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank
was accessed.
3 ECC2 Double ECC error. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to double ECC error on the 60x bus.
TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed.
4 ECC1 Single ECC error. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to single bit ECC error on the 60x bus.
TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory controller bank was accessed. Single-bit errors are usually
Þxed by the ECC logic. However, if the ECC counter (ECNT) has reached its maximum value, all
single-bit errors cause the assertion of TEA.
5 WP Write protect error. Indicates that a write was attempted to a 60x bus memory region that was deÞned
as read-only in the memory controller. Note that this alone does not cause TEA assertion. Usually, in
this case, the bus monitor will time-out.
4-37 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2
The 60x bus transfer error status and control register 2 (TESCR2) is shown in Figure 4-32.
6 EXT External error. Indicates that TEA was asserted by an external bus slave.
7Ð9 TC Transfer code. Indicates the transfer code of the 60x bus transaction that caused the TEA. See
Section, ÒTransfer Code Signals TC[0Ð2],Ó for a description of the various transfer codes.
10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11Ð15 TT Transfer type. These bits indicates the transfer type of the 60x bus transaction that caused the TEA.
See Section, ÒTransfer Type Signal (TT[0Ð4]) Encoding,Ó for a description of the various
transfer types.
16 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
17 DMD Data errors disable.
0 Errors are enabled.
1 All data errors (parity and single and double ECC errors) on the 60x bus are disabled.
18Ð23 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
24Ð31 ECNT Single ECC error counter.Indicates the number of single ECC errors that occurred in the system.
When the counter reaches its maximum value (255), TEA is asserted for all single ECC errors. This
feature gives the system the ability to withstand a few random errors yet react to a catastrophic failure.
The user can set a lower threshold to the number of tolerated single ECC errors by writing some value
to ECNT. The counter starts from this value instead of zero.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10044
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field BNK Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10046
Figure 4-32. 60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (TESCR2)
Table 4-15. TESCR1 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
4-38 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The TESCR2 register is described in Table 4-16. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1
The local bus transfer error status and control register 1 (L_TESCR1) is shown in
Figure 4-33.
Table 4-16. TESCR2 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
1 REGS Internal registers error. An error occurred in a transaction to the MPC8260Õs internal registers.
2 DPR Dual port ram error. An error occurred in a transaction to the MPC8260Õs dual-port RAM.
3Ð6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7 LCL Local bus bridge error. An error occurred in a transaction to the MPC8260Õs 60x bus to local bus
8Ð15 PB Parity error on byte. There are eight parity error status bits, one per 8-bit lane. A bit is set for the byte
that had a parity error.
16Ð27 BNK Memory controller bank. There are twelve error status bits, one per memory controller bank. A bit is
set for the 60x bus memory controller bank that had an error. Note that this Þeld is invalid if the error
was not caused by ECC or parity checks.
28Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10048
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Ñ DMD Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x1004A
Figure 4-33. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1 (L_TESCR1)
4-39 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
The L_TESCR1 register bits are described in Table 4-17. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2
The local bus transfer error status and control register 2 (L_TESCR2) is shown in
Figure 4-34.
Table 4-17. L_TESCR1 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 BM Bus monitor time-out. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to the local bus monitor time-out.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 PAR Parity error. Indicates that TEA was asserted due to parity error on the local bus. L_TESCR2[PB]
indicates the byte lane that caused the error and L_TESCR2[BNK] indicates which memory
controller bank was accessed.
3Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 WP Write protect error. Indicates that a write was attempted to a local bus memory region that was
deÞned as read-only in the memory controller. Note that this alone does not cause TEA assertion.
Usually, in this case, the bus monitor will time-out.
6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7Ð9 TC Transfer code. These bits indicates the transfer code of the local bus transaction that caused the
TEA. Section, ÒTransfer Code Signals TC[0Ð2], describes transfer codes.
10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11Ð15 TT Transfer type. Indicates the transfer type of the local bus transaction that caused the TEA.
Section, ÒTransfer Type Signal (TT[0Ð4]) Encoding,Ó describes the various transfer types.
16 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
17 DMD Data errors disable. Setting this bit disables parity errors on the local bus.
18Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ PB
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x1004C
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field BNK Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x1004E
Figure 4-34. Local Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2 (L_TESCR2)
4-40 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-18 describes L_TESCR2 Þelds. Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC)
The time counter status and control register (TMCNTSC), shown in Figure 4-35, is used to
enable the different TMCNT functions and for reporting the source of the interrupts. The
register can be read at any time. Status bits are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros does
not affect the value of a status bit.
Table 4-19 describes TMCNTSC Þelds.
Table 4-18. L_TESCR2 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12Ð15 PB Parity error on byte. There are four parity error status bits, one per 8-bit lane. A bit is set for the byte
that had a parity error.
16Ð27 BNK Memory controller bank. There are twelve error status bits, one per memory controller bank. A bit is
set for the local bus memory controller bank that had an error. Note that BNK is invalid if the error
was not caused by ECC or PARITY checks.
28Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10220
Figure 4-35. Time Counter Status and Control Register (TMCNTSC)
Table 4-19. TMCNTSC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 SEC Once per second interrupt. This status bit is set every second and should be cleared by software.
9 ALR Alarm interrupt. This status bit is set when the value of the TMCNT is equal to the value programmed
in the alarm register.
10Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12 SIE Second interrupt enable.
0 The time counter does not generate an interrupt when SEC is set.
1 The time counter generates an interrupt when SEC is set.
13 ALE Alarm interrupt enable. If ALE = 1, the time counter generates an interrupt when ALR is set.
4-41 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset Time Counter Register (TMCNT)
The time counter register (TMCNT), shown in Figure 4-36, contains the current value of
the time counter. Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL)
The time counter alarm register (TMCNTAL), shown in Figure 4-37, holds a value
(ALARM). When the value of TMCNT equals ALARM, a maskable interrupt is generated.
14 TCF Time counter frequency. The input clock to the time counter may be either 4 MHz or 32 KHz. The
user should set the TCF bit according to the frequency of this clock.
0 The input clock to the time counter is 4 MHz.
1 The input clock to the time counter is 32 KHz.
See Section 4.1.2, ÒTimers Cloc for further details.
15 TCE Time counter enable. Is not affected by soft or hard reset.
0 The time counter is disabled.
1 The time counter is enabled.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x10224
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x10226
Figure 4-36. Time Counter Register (TCMCNT)
Table 4-19. TMCNTSC Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
4-42 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-20 describes TMCNTAL Þelds.
4.3.3 Periodic Interrupt Registers
The periodic interrupt registers are described in the following sections. Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR)
The periodic interrupt status and control register (PISCR), shown in Figure 4-38, contains
the interrupt request level and the interrupt status bit. It also contains the controls for the 16
bits to be loaded in a modulus counter.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x1022C
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x1222E
Figure 4-37. Time Counter Alarm Register (TMCNTAL)
Table 4-20. TMCNTAL Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 ALARM The alarm interrupt is generated when ALARM Þeld matches the corresponding TMCNT bits. The
resolution of the alarm is 1 second.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10240
Figure 4-38. Periodic Interrupt Status and Control Register (PISCR)
4-43 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-21 describes PISCR Þelds. Periodic Interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC)
The periodic interrupt timer count register (PITC), shown in Figure 4-39, contains the 16
bits to be loaded in a modulus counter.
Table 4-21. PISCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 PS Periodic interrupt status. Asserted if the PIT issues an interrupt. The PIT issues an interrupt after the
modulus counter counts to zero. The PS bit can be negated by writing a one to PS. A write of zero has
no effect on this bit.
9Ð12 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
13 PIE Periodic interrupt enable. If PIE = 1, the periodic interrupt timer generates an interrupt when PS = 1.
14 PTF Periodic interrupt frequency. The input clock to the periodic interrupt timer may be either 4 MHz or
32 KHz. The user should set the PTF bit according to the frequency of this clock.
0 The input clock to the periodic interrupt timer is 4 MHz.
1 The input clock to the periodic interrupt timer is 32 KHz.
See Section 4.1.2, ÒTimers Clock,Ó for further details
15 PTE Periodic timer enable. This bit controls the counting of the periodic interrupt timer. When the timer is
disabled, it maintains its old value. When the counter is enabled, it continues counting using the
previous value.
0 Disable counter.
1 Enable counter
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field PITC
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10244
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10246
Figure 4-39. Periodic interrupt Timer Count Register (PITC)
4-44 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-22 describes PITC Þelds. Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR)
The periodic interrupt timer register (PITR), shown in Figure 4-40, is a read-only register
that shows the current value in the periodic interrupt down counter. The PITR counter is not
affected by reads or writes to it.
Table 4-23 describes PITR Þelds.
4.4 SIU Pin Multiplexing
Some functions share pins. The actual pinout of the MPC8260 is shown in the hardware
speciÞcations. The control of the actual functionality used on a speciÞc pin is shown in
Table 4-22. PITC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð15 PITC Periodic interrupt timing count. Bits 0Ð15 are deÞned as the PITC, which contains the count for the
periodic timer. Setting PITC to 0xFFFF selects the maximum count period.
16Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field PIT
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Read Only
Addr 0x10248
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
R/W Read Only
Addr 0x1024A
Figure 4-40. Periodic Interrupt Timer Register (PITR)
Table 4-23. PITR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð15 PITC Periodic interrupt timing count. Bits 0Ð15 are deÞned as the PIT. It contains the current count
remaining for the periodic timer. Writes have no effect on this Þeld.
16Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 4. System Interface Unit (SIU) 4-45
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 4-24.
Table 4-24. SIU Pins Multiplexing Control
Pin Name Pin ConÞguration Control
Controlled by SIUMCR programming see Section, ÒSIU Module
ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR),Ó for more details.
Controlled dynamically according to the speciÞc memory controller
machine that handles the current bus transaction.
4-46 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Reset 5-1
Chapter 5
The MPC8260 has several inputs to the reset logic:
¥ Power-on reset (PORESET)
¥ External hard reset (HRESET)
¥ External soft reset (SRESET)
¥ Software watchdog reset
¥ Bus monitor reset
¥ Checkstop reset
¥ JTAG reset
All of these reset sources are fed into the reset controller and, depending on the source of
the reset, different actions are taken. The reset status register, described in Section 5.2,
ÒReset Status Register (RSR),Ó indicates the last sources to cause a reset.
5.1 Reset Causes
Table 5-1 describes reset causes.
Table 5-1. Reset Causes
Name Description
Power-on reset
Input pin. Asserting this pin initiates the power-on reset ßow that resets all the chip and conÞgures
various attributes of the chip including its clock mode.
Hard reset
This is a bidirectional I/O pin. The MPC8260 can detect an external assertion of HRESET only if it
occurs while the MPC8260 is not asserting reset. During HRESET
, SRESET is asserted. HRESET is
an open-collector pin.
Soft reset
Bidirectional I/O pin. The MPC8260 can only detect an external assertion of SRESET if it occurs while
the MPC8260 is not asserting reset. SRESET is an open-drain pin.
watchdog reset
After the MPC8260Õs watchdog counts to zero, a software watchdog reset is signaled. The enabled
software watchdog event then generates an internal hard reset sequence.
Bus monitor
After the MPC8260s bus monitor counts to zero, a bus monitor reset is asserted. The enabled bus
monitor event then generates an internal hard reset sequence.
If the core enters checkstop state and the checkstop reset is enabled (RMR[CSRE] = 1), the checkstop
reset is asserted. The enabled checkstop event then generates an internal hard reset sequence.
JTAG reset When JTAG logic asserts the JTAG soft reset signal, an internal soft reset sequence is generated.
5-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
5.1.1 Reset Actions
The reset block has a reset control logic that determines the cause of reset, synchronizes it
if necessary, and resets the appropriate logic modules. The memory controller, system
protection logic, interrupt controller, and parallel I/O pins are initialized only on hard reset.
Soft reset initializes the internal logic while maintaining the system conÞguration.
Table 5-2 identiÞes reset actions for each reset source.
5.1.2 Power-On Reset Flow
Assertion of the PORESET external pin initiates the power-on reset ßow. PORESET should
be asserted externally for at least 16 input clock cycles after external power to the chip
reaches at least 2/3 Vcc. The value driven on RSTCONF while PORESET changes from
assertion to negation determines the chip conÞguration. If RSTCONF is negated (driven
high) while PORESET changes, the chip acts as a conÞguration slave. If RSTCONF is
asserted while PORESET changes, the chip acts as a conÞguration master. Section 5.4,
ÒReset ConÞguration,Ó explains the conÞguration sequence and the terms ÔconÞguration
masterÕ and ÔconÞguration slave.Õ
Directly after the negation of PORESET and choice of the reset operation mode as
conÞguration master or conÞguration slave, the MPC8260 starts the conÞguration process.
The MPC8260 asserts HRESET and SRESET throughout the power-on reset process,
including conÞguration. ConÞguration takes 1,024 CLOCKIN cycles, after which
MODCK[1Ð3] are sampled to determine the chips working mode. Next the MPC8260 halts
until the main PLL locks. As described in Section 9.2, ÒClock ConÞguration,Ó the main
PLL locks according to MODCK[1Ð3], which are sampled, and to MODCK_HI
(MODCK[4Ð7]) taken from the reset conÞguration word. The main PLL lock can take up
to 200 µs depending on the speciÞc chip. During this time HRESET and SRESET are
asserted. When the main PLL is locked, the clock block starts distributing clock signals in
the chip. HRESET remains asserted for another 512 clocks and is then released. The
SRESET is released three clocks later.
Table 5-2. Reset Actions for Each Reset Source
Reset Source
Reset Logic
and PLL
States Reset
Logic Reset
Power-on reset Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
External hard reset
Software watchdog
Bus monitor
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JTAG reset
External soft reset
No No No No Yes Yes Yes
MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Reset 5-3
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Figure 5-3 shows the power-on reset ßow.
5.1.3 HRESET Flow
The HRESET ßow may be initiated externally by asserting HRESET or internally when the
chip detects a reason to assert HRESET. In both cases the chip continues asserting
HRESET and SRESET throughout the HRESET ßow. The HRESET ßow begins with the
hard reset conÞguration sequence, which conÞgures the chip as explained in Section 5.4,
ÒReset ConÞguration.Ó After the chip asserts HRESET and SRESET for 1,024 input clock
cycles, it releases both signals and exits the HRESET ßow. An external pull-up resistor
should negate the signals. After negation is detected, a 16-cycle period is taken before
testing the presence of an external (hard/soft) reset.
5.1.4 SRESET Flow
The SRESET ßow may be initiated externally by asserting SRESET or internally when the
chip detects a cause to assert SRESET. In both cases the chip asserts SRESET for 512 input
clock cycles, after which the chip releases SRESET and exits the SRESET ßow. An external
pull-up resistor should negate SRESET; after negation is detected, a 16-cycle period is
taken before testing the presence of an external (hard/soft) reset. While SRESET is
asserted, internal hardware is reset but hard reset conÞguration does not change.
pin is
for min 16
RSTCONF is sampled for
master determination
MODCK[1Ð3] are
sampled. MODCK_HI
bits are ready for PLL
PLL is locked (no
external indication)
extended for 512/515
CLKIN (respectively), from
PLL lock time.
PLL locking period
PORESET to internal logic
is extended for 1024 CLKIN.
In reset conÞguration mode:
reset conÞguration
sequence occurs in this
Interval depends on
PLL locking time.
5-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
5.2 Reset Status Register (RSR)
The reset status register (RSR), shown in Figure 5-1, is memory-mapped into the
MPC8260Õs SIU register map.
Table 5-3 describes RSR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C90
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0011
Addr 0x10C92
Figure 5-1. Reset Status Register (RSR)
Table 5-3. RSR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Function
0Ð25 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
26 JTRS JTAG reset status. When the JTAG reset request is set, JTRS is set and remains set until software
clears it. JTRS is cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect).
0 No JTAG reset event occurred
1 A JTAG reset event occurred
27 CSRS Check stop reset status. When the core enters a checkstop state and the checkstop reset is
enabled by the RMR[CSRE], CSRS is set and it remains set until software clears it. CSRS is
cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect).
0 No enabled check stop reset event occurred
1 An enabled check stop reset event occurred
28 SWRS Software watchdog reset status. When a software watchdog expire event (which causes a reset) is
detected, the SWRS bit is set and remains that way until the software clears it. SWRS is cleared by
writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect).
0 No software watchdog reset event occurred
1 A software watchdog reset event has occurred
29 BMRS Bus monitor reset status. When a bus monitor expire event (which causes a reset) is detected,
BMRS is set and remains set until the software clears it. BMRS can be cleared by writing a 1 to it
(writing zero has no effect).
0 No bus monitor reset event has occurred
1 A bus monitor reset event has occurred
MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Reset 5-5
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Note that RSR accumulates reset events. For example, because software watchdog
expiration results in a hard reset, which in turn results in a soft reset, RSR[SWRS],
RSR[ESRS] and RSR[EHRS] are all set after a software watchdog reset.
5.3 Reset Mode Register (RMR)
The reset mode register (RMR), shown in Figure 5-2, is memory-mapped into the SIU
register map.
Table 5-4 describes RMR Þelds.
30 ESRS External soft reset status. When an external soft reset event is detected, ESRS is set and it remains
that way until software clears it. ESRS is cleared by writing a 1 to it (writing zero has no effect).
0 No external soft reset event has occurred
1 An external soft reset event has occurred
31 EHRS External hard reset status. When an external hard reset event is detected, EHRS is set and it
remains set until software clears it. EHRS is cleared by writing a 1 (writing zero has no effect).
0 No external hard reset event has occurred
1 An external hard reset event has occurred
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C94
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Ñ CSRE
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10C96
Figure 5-2. Reset Mode Register (RMR)
Table 5-4. RMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Function
0Ð30 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
31 CSRE Checkstop reset enable. The core can enter checkstop mode as the result of several exception
conditions. Setting CSRE conÞgures the chip to perform a hard reset sequence whenever the core
enters checkstop state.
0 Reset not generated when core enters checkstop state.
1 Reset generated when core enters checkstop state.
Table 5-3. RSR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Function
5-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
5.4 Reset ConÞguration
Various features may be conÞgured during hard reset or power-on reset. For example, one
conÞgurable features is core disable, which can be used to conÞgure a system that uses two
MPC8260s, one a slave device and the other a the host with an active core. Most
conÞgurable features are reconÞgured whenever HRESET is asserted. However, the clock
mode is conÞgured only when PORESET is asserted.
The 32-bit hard reset conÞguration word is described in Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset
ConÞguration Word.Ó The reset conÞguration sequence is designed to support a system that
uses up to eight MPC8260 chips, each conÞgured differently. It needs no additional glue
logic for reset conÞguration.
The description below explains the operation of this sequence with regard to a multiple-
MPC8260 system. This and other simpler systems are described in Section 5.4.2, ÒHard
Reset ConÞguration Examples.Ó In a typical multi-MPC8260 system, one MPC8260
should act as the conÞguration master while all other MPC8260s should act as
conÞguration slaves. The conÞguration master in the system typically reads the various
conÞguration words from EPROM in the system and uses them to conÞgure itself as well
as the conÞguration slaves. How the MPC8260 acts during reset conÞguration is
determined by the value of the RSTCONF input while PORESET changes from assertion
to negation. If RSTCONF is asserted while PORESET changes, MPC8260 is a
conÞguration master; otherwise, it is a slave.
In a typical multiple-MPC8260 system, RSTCONF input of the conÞguration master
should be hard wired to ground, while RSTCONF inputs of other chips should be connected
to the high-order address bits of the conÞguration master, as described in Table 5-5.
The conÞguration words for all MPC8260s are assumed to reside in an EPROM connected
to CS0 of the conÞguration master. Because the port size of this EPROM is not known to
the conÞguration master, before reading the conÞguration words, the conÞguration master
reads all conÞguration words byte-by-byte only from locations that are independent of port
Table 5-5. RSTCONF Connections in Multiple-MPC8260 Systems
ConÞgured Device RSTCONF Connection
ConÞguration master GND
First conÞguration slave A0
Second conÞguration slave A1
Third conÞguration slave A2
Fourth conÞguration slave A3
Fifth conÞguration slave A4
Sixth conÞguration slave A5
Seventh conÞguration slave A6
MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Reset 5-7
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Table 5-6 shows addresses that should be used to conÞgure the various MPC8260s. Byte
addresses that do not appear in this table have no effect on the conÞguration of the
MPC8260 chips. The values of the bytes in Table 5-6 are always read on byte lane D[0Ð7]
regardless of the port size.
The conÞguration master Þrst reads a value from address 0x00 then reads a value from
addresses 0x08, 0x10, and 0x18. These four bytes are used to form the conÞguration word
of the conÞguration master, which then proceeds reading the bytes that form the
conÞguration word of the Þrst slave device. The conÞguration master drives the whole
conÞguration word on D[0Ð31] and toggles its A0 address line. Each conÞguration slave
uses its RSTCONF input as a strobe for latching the conÞguration word during HRESET
assertion time. Thus, the Þrst conÞguration slave whose RSTCONF input is connected to
conÞguration masterÕs A0 output latches the word driven on D[0Ð31] as its conÞguration
word. In this way the conÞguration master continues to conÞgure all MPC8260 chips in the
system. The conÞguration master always reads eight conÞguration words regardless of the
number of MPC8260 parts in the system. In a simple system that uses one stand-alone
MPC8260, it is possible to use the default hard reset conÞguration word (all zeros). This is
done by tying RSTCONF input to VCC. Another scenario may be a system which has no
boot EPROM. In this case the user can conÞgure the MPC8260 as a conÞguration slave by
driving RSTCONF to 1 during PORESET assertion and then applying a negative pulse on
RSTCONF and an appropriate conÞguration word on D[0Ð31]. In such a system, asserting
HRESET in the middle of operation causes the MPC8260 to return to the conÞguration
programmed after PORESET assertion (not the default conÞguration represented by
conÞguration word of all zeros).
Table 5-6. Configuration EPROM Addresses
ConÞgured Device Byte 0 Address Byte 1 Address Byte 2 Address Byte 3 Address
ConÞguration master 0x00 0x08 0x10 0x18
First conÞguration slave 0x20 0x28 0x30 0x38
Second conÞguration slave 0x40 0x48 0x50 0x58
Third conÞguration slave 0x60 0x68 0x70 0x78
Fourth conÞguration slave 0x80 0x88 0x90 0x98
Fifth conÞguration slave 0xA0 0xA8 0xB0 0xB8
Sixth conÞguration slave 0xC0 0xC8 0xD0 0xD8
Seventh conÞguration slave 0xE0 0xE8 0xF0 0xF8
5-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
5.4.1 Hard Reset ConÞguration Word
The contents of the hard reset conÞguration word are shown in Figure 5-3.
Table 5-7 describes hard reset conÞguration word Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Figure 5-3. Hard Reset Configuration Word
Table 5-7. Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 EARB External arbitration. DeÞnes the initial value for ACR[EARB]. If EARB = 1, external arbitration is
assumed. See Section, Ò60x Bus Arbiter ConÞguration Register (PPC_ACR).Ó
1 EXMC External MEMC. DeÞnes the initial value of BR0[EMEMC]. If EXMC = 1, an external memory
controller is assumed. See Section 10.3.1, ÒBase Registers (BRx).Ó
2 CDIS Core disable. DeÞnes the initial value for the SIUMCR[CDIS].
0 The core is active. See Section, ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
1 The core is disabled. In this mode the MPC8260 functions as a slave.
3 EBM External bus mode. DeÞnes the initial value of BCR[EBM]. See Section, ÒBus
ConÞguration Register (BCR).Ó
4Ð5 BPS Boot port size. DeÞnes the initial value of BR0[PS], the port size for memory controller bank 0.
00 64-bit port size
01 8-bit port size
10 16-bit port size
11 32-bit port size
See Section 10.3.1, ÒBase Registers (BRx).Ó
6 CIP Core initial preÞx. DeÞnes the initial value of MSR[IP]. Exception preÞx. The setting of this bit
speciÞes whether an exception vector offset is prepended with Fs or 0s. In the following
description, nnnnn is the offset of the exception vector.
0 MSR[IP] = 1 (default). Exceptions are vectored to the physical address 0xFFFn_nnnn
1 MSR[IP] = 0 Exceptions are vectored to the physical address 0x000n_nnnn.
7 ISPS Internal space port size. DeÞnes the initial value of BCR[ISPS]. Setting ISPS conÞgures the
MPC8260 to respond to accesses from a 32-bit external master to its internal space. See
Section, ÒBus ConÞguration Register (BCR).Ó
8Ð9 L2CPC L2 cache pins conÞguration. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[L2CPC]. See Section,
ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
10Ð11 DPPC Data parity pin conÞguration. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[DPPC]. For more details refer
to Section, ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
12 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Reset 5-9
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
5.4.2 Hard Reset ConÞguration Examples
This section presents some examples of hard reset conÞgurations in different systems. Single MPC8260 with Default ConÞguration
This is the simplest conÞguration scenario. It can be used if the default values achieved by
clearing the hard reset conÞguration word are desired. This is applicable only for systems
using single-MPC8260 bus mode (as opposed to 60x bus mode). To enter this mode, tie
RSTCONF to VCC as shown in Figure 5-4. The MPC8260 does not access the boot
EPROM; it is assumed that the default conÞguration is used upon exiting hard reset.
13Ð15 ISB Initial internal space base select. DeÞnes the initial value of IMMR[0Ð14] and determines the
base address of the internal memory space.
000 0x0000_0000
001 0x00F0_0000
010 0x0F00_0000
011 0x0FF0_0000
100 0xF000_0000
101 0xF0F0_0000
110 0xFF00_0000
111 0xFFF0_0000
See Section, ÒInternal Memory Map Register (IMMR).Ó
16 BMS Boot memory space. DeÞnes the initial value for BR0[BA]. There are two possible boot memory
regions: HIMEM and LOMEM.
0 0xFE00_0000Ñ0xFFFF_FFFF
1 0x0000_0000Ñ0x01FF_FFFF
See Section 10.3.1, ÒBase Registers (BRx).Ó
17 BBD Bus busy disable. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[BBD]. See Section, ÒSIU Module
ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
18Ð19 MMR Mask masters requests. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[MMR]. See Section, ÒSIU
Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
20Ð21 LBPC Local bus pin conÞguration. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[LBPC]. See Section,
ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
22Ð23 APPC Address parity pin conÞguration. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[APPC]. See
Section, ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
24Ð25 CS10PC CS10 pin conÞguration. DeÞnes the initial value of SIUMCR[CS10PC]. See Section,
ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
26Ð27 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
28Ð31 MODCK_H High-order bits of the MODCK bus, which determine the clock reset conÞguration. See
Chapter 9, ÒClocks and Power Control,Ó for details.
Table 5-7. Hard Reset Configuration Word Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
5-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Figure 5-4. Single Chip with Default Configuration Single MPC8260 ConÞgured from Boot EPROM
For a conÞguration that differs from the default, the MPC8260 can be used as a
conÞguration master by tying RSTCONF to GND as shown in Figure 5-5. The MPC8260
can access the boot EPROM. It is assumed the conÞguration is as deÞned there upon exiting
hard reset.
Figure 5-5. Configuring a Single Chip from EPROM Multiple MPC8260s ConÞgured from Boot EPROM
For a complex system with multiple MPC8260 devices that may each be conÞgured
differently, conÞguration is done by assigning one conÞguration master and multiple
conÞguration slaves. The MPC8260 that controls the boot EPROM should be the
conÞguration masterÑRSTCONF tied to GND. The RSTCONF inputs of the other
MPC8260 devices are tied to the address bus lines, thus assigning them as conÞguration
slaves. See Figure 5-6.
Slave Chip
Configuration Master Chip
EPROM Control Signals
Address Bus
Data Bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Reset 5-11
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
Figure 5-6. Configuring Multiple Chips
Configuration Master Chip
EPROM Control Signals
Address Bus
Data Bus
Configuration Slave Chip 1
Configuration Slave Chip 2
Configuration Slave Chip 7
5-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part II. ConÞguration and Reset
In this system, the conÞguration master initially reads its own conÞguration word. It then
reads other conÞguration words and drives them to the conÞguration slaves by asserting
RSTCONF. As Figure 5-6 shows, this complex conÞguration is done without additional
glue logic. The conÞguration master controls the whole process by asserting the EPROM
control signals and the systemÕs address signals as needed. Multiple MPC8260s in a System with No EPROM
In some cases, the conÞguration master capabilities of the MPC8260 cannot be used. This
can happen for example if there is no boot EPROM in the system or the boot EPROM is not
controlled by an MPC8260.
If this occurs, the user must do one of the following:
¥ Accept the default conÞguration,
¥ Emulate the conÞguration master actions in external logic (where the MPC8260 is
a conÞguration slave).
¥ The external hardware should be connected to all RSTCONF pins of the different
devices and to the upper 32 bits of the data bus. During PORESET, the rising edge
the external hardware should negate all RSTCONF inputs to put all of the devices in
their conÞguration slave mode. For 1,024 clocks after PORESET negation, the
external hardware can conÞgure the different devices by driving appropriate
conÞguration words on the data bus and asserting RSTCONF for each device to
strobe the data being received.
MOTOROLA Part III. The Hardware Interface Part III-i
Part III
The Hardware Interface
Intended Audience
Part III is intended for system designers who need to understand how each MPC8260 signal
works and how those signals interact.
Part III describes external signals, clocking, memory control, and power management of
the MPC8260.
It contains the following chapters:
¥ Chapter 6, ÒExternal Signals,Ó shows a functional pinout of the MPC8260 and
describes the MPC8260 signals.
¥ Chapter 7, Ò60x Signals,Ó describes signals on the 60x bus.
¥ Chapter 8, ÒThe 60x Bus,Ó describes the operation of the bus used by PowerPC
¥ Chapter 9, ÒClocks and Power Control,Ó describes the clocking architecture of the
¥ Chapter 10, ÒMemory Controller,Ó describes the memory controller, which
controlling a maximum of eight memory banks shared between a general-purpose
chip-select machine (GPCM) and three user-programmable machines (UPMs).
¥ Chapter 11, ÒSecondary (L2) Cache Support,Ó provides information about
implementation and conÞguration of a level-2 cache.
¥ Chapter 12, ÒIEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port,Ó describes the dedicated user-accessible
test access port (TAP), which is fully compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 Standard
Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.
Part III-ii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Suggested Reading
This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this
manual as well as general information about the PowerPC architecture.
MPC8xx Documentation
Supporting documentation for the MPC8260 can be accessed through the world-wide web
at This documentation includes technical
speciÞcations, reference materials, and detailed applications notes.
PowerPC Documentation
The PowerPC documentation is organized in the following types of documents:
¥ PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Bus Interface for 32-Bit Microprocessors
(Motorola order #: MPCBUSIF/AD) provides a detailed functional description of
the 60x bus interface, as implemented on the PowerPC MPC601ª, MPC603,
MPC604, and MPC750 family of PowerPC microprocessors. This document is
intended to help system and chip set developers by providing a centralized reference
source to identify the bus interface presented by the 60x family of PowerPC
¥ Application notesÑThese short documents contain useful information about
speciÞc design issues useful to programmers and engineers working with PowerPC
For a current list of PowerPC documentation, refer to the world-wide web at
This document uses the following notational conventions:
Bold entries in Þgures and tables showing registers and parameter
RAM should be initialized by the user.
mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx.
Book titles in text are set in italics.
0x0 PreÞx to denote hexadecimal number
0b0 PreÞx to denote binary number
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are
shown in uppercase text. SpeciÞc bits, Þelds, or numerical ranges
appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian
mode enable bit in the machine state register.
x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit Þeld,
indicates a donÕt care.
MOTOROLA Part III. The Hardware Interface Part III-iii
Part III. The Hardware Interface
nIndicates an undeÞned numerical value
ÂNOT logical operator
& AND logical operator
| OR logical operator
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Note that the meanings
for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for which an
acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious.
Table vi. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms
Term Meaning
BD Buffer descriptor
BIST Built-in self test
BRI Basic rate interface
CAM Content-addressable memory
CPM Communications processor module
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
DMA Direct memory access
DPLL Digital phase-locked loop
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DSISR Register used for determining the source of a DSI exception
EA Effective address
EEST Enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver
GCI General circuit interface
GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine
HDLC High-level data link control
I2C Inter-integrated circuit
IDL Inter-chip digital link
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IrDA Infrared Data Association
ISDN Integrated services digital network
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
LIFO Last-in-Þrst-out
LRU Least recently used
Part III-iv MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
LSB Least-signiÞcant byte
lsb Least-signiÞcant bit
LSU Load/store unit
MAC Multiply accumulate
MMU Memory management unit
MSB Most-signiÞcant byte
msb Most-signiÞcant bit
MSR Machine state register
NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface
OSI Open systems interconnection
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PRI Primary rate interface
Rx Receive
SCC Serial communications controller
SCP Serial control port
SDLC Synchronous data link control
SI Serial interface
SIU System interface unit
SMC Serial management controller
SNA Systems network architecture.
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SPR Special-purpose register
SRAM Static random access memory
TDM Time-division multiplexed
TLB Translation lookaside buffer
TSA Time-slot assigner
Tx Transmit
UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
Table vi. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
MOTOROLA Part III. The Hardware Interface Part III-v
Part III. The Hardware Interface
UISA User instruction set architecture
UPM User-programmable machine
USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
Table vi. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
Part III-vi MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
MOTOROLA Chapter 6. External Signals 6-1
Chapter 6
External Signals
This chapter describes the MPC8260 external signals. A more detailed description of 60x
bus signals is provided in Chapter 8, ÒThe 60x Bus.Ó
6.1 Functional Pinout
Figure 6-1 shows MPC8260 signals grouped by function. Note that many of these signals
are multiplexed and this Þgure does not indicate how these signals are multiplexed.
A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active
lowÑfor example, BB (bus busy). Active-low signals are
referred to as asserted (active) when they are low and negated
when they are high. Signals that are not active low, such as
TSIZ[0Ð1] (transfer size signals) are referred to as asserted
when they are high and negated when they are low.
6-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 6-1. MPC8260 External Signals
6.2 Signal Descriptions
The MPC8260 system bus, shown in Table 6-1, consists of all the signals that interface with
the external bus. Many of these pins perform different functions, depending on how the user
assigns them.
DH/VDD/VSS ¾¾¾>100
32 <¾¾> A[0Ð31]
L_A14 <¾¾> 1
5<¾¾> TT[0Ð4]
L_A15 <¾¾> 14<¾¾> TSIZ[0Ð3]
L_A16 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> TBST
L_A17 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> GBL/IRQ1
L_A18 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> CI/BADDR29/IRQ2
L_A19 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> WT/BADDR30/IRQ3
L_A20 <¾¾> 11<¾¾¾ L2_HIT/IRQ4
L_A21 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> CPU_BG/BADDR31/IRQ5
1¾¾¾> CPU_DBG
1¾¾¾> CPU_BR
L_A22 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> BR
L_A23 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> BG
L_A24 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> ABB/IRQ2
L_A25 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> TS
L_A26 <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> AACK
L_A27 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> ARTRY
L_A28 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> DBG
L_A29 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> DBB/IRQ3
L_A30 <¾¾> 164<¾¾> D[0Ð63]
L_A31 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> NC/DP0/RSRV/EXT_BR2
LCL_D[0Ð31] <¾¾> 32 1 <¾¾> IRQ1/DP1/EXT_BG2
LCL_DP[0Ð3] <¾¾> 41<¾¾> IRQ2/DP2/TLBISYNC/EXT_DBG2
LBS[0Ð3]/LSDDQM[0Ð3]/LWE[0Ð3] <¾¾¾ 4
LGPL0/LSDA10 <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> IRQ5/DP5/TBEN/EXT_DBG3
LGPL1/LSDWE <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> IRQ6/DP6/CSE0
LGPL2/LSDRAS/LOE <¾¾¾ 11<¾¾> IRQ7/DP7/CSE1
LGPL5 <¾¾> 11<¾¾> TEA
LWR <¾¾> 11<¾¾> IRQ0/NMI_OUT
PA[0Ð31] <¾¾> 32 P
PB[4Ð31] <¾¾> 28
10 ¾¾¾> CS[0Ð9]
PC[0Ð31] <¾¾> 32 1 <¾¾> CS[10]/BCTL1/DBG_DIS
PD[4Ð31] <¾¾> 28 1 <¾¾> CS[11]/AP[0]
2¾¾¾> BADDR[27Ð28]
RSTCONF¾¾¾> 11¾¾¾> ALE
HRESET<¾¾> 11¾¾¾> BCTL0
SRESET<¾¾> 18¾¾¾> PWE[0Ð7]/PSDDQM[0Ð7]/PBS[0Ð7]
QREQ<¾¾¾ 11¾¾¾> PSDA10/PGPL0
BNKSEL[0]/TC[0]/AP[1]/MODCK1<¾¾> 1J
1<¾¾- TMS
BNKSEL[1]/TC[1]/AP[2]/MODCK2<¾¾> 11<¾¾¾TDI
BNKSEL[2]/TC[2]/AP[3]/MODCK3<¾¾> 11<¾¾- TCK
TERM[0Ð1] ¾¾¾> 21<¾¾- TRST
NC ¾¾¾> 41-¾¾> TDO
MOTOROLA Chapter 6. External Signals 6-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 6-1. External Signals
Signal Description
BR 60x bus requestÑThis is an output when an external arbiter is used and an input when an internal
arbiter is used. As an output the MPC8260 asserts this pin to request ownership of the 60x bus. As
an input an external master should assert this pin to request 60x bus ownership from the internal
BG 60x bus grantÑThis is an output when an internal arbiter is used and an input when an external
arbiter is used. As an output the MPC8260 asserts this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to an
external bus master. As an input the external arbiter should assert this pin to grant 60x bus
ownership to the MPC8260.
60x address bus busyÑ(Input/output)As an output the MPC8260 asserts this pin for the duration of
the address bus tenure. Following an AACK, which terminates the address bus tenure, the
MPC8260 negates ABB for a fraction of a bus cycle and than stops driving this pin. As an input the
MPC8260 will not assume 60x bus ownership as long as it senses this pin is asserted by an
external 60x bus master.
Interrupt Request 2ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
TS 60x bus transfer startÑ(Input/output)Assertion of this pin signals the beginning of a new address
bus tenure. The MPC8260 asserts this signal when one of its internal 60x bus masters (core, DMA,
PCI bridge) begins an address tenure. When the MPC8260 senses this pin being asserted by an
external 60x bus master, it will respond to the address bus tenure as required (snoop if enabled,
access internal MPC8260 resources, memory controller support).
A[0Ð31] 60x address busÑThese are input/output pins. When the MPC8260 is in external master bus
mode, these pins function as the 60x address bus. The MPC8260 drives the address of its internal
60x bus masters and respond to addresses generated by external 60x bus masters. When the
MPC8260 is in internal master bus mode, these pins are used as address lines connected to
memory devices and controlled by the MPC8260Õs memory controller.
TT[0Ð4] 60x bus transfer typeÑThese are input/output pins. The 60x bus master drives these pins during
the address tenure to specify the type of the transaction.
TBST 60x bus transfer burstÑ(Input/output)The 60x bus master asserts this pin to indicate that the
current transaction is a burst transaction (transfers 4 double words).
TSIZ[0Ð3] 60x transfer sizeÑThese are input/output pins. The 60x bus master drives these pins with a value
indicating the amount of bytes transferred in the current transaction.
AACK 60x address acknowledgeÑThis is an input/output signal. A 60x bus slave asserts this signal to
indicate that it identiÞed the address tenure. Assertion of this signal terminates the address tenure.
ARTRY 60x address retryÑ(Input/output)Assertion of this signal indicates that the bus transaction should
be retried by the 60x bus master. The MPC8260 asserts this signal to enforce data coherency with
its internal cache and to prevent deadlock situations.
DBG 60x data bus grantÑThis is an output when an internal arbiter is used and an input when an
external arbiter is used. As an output the MPC8260 asserts this pin to grant 60x data bus
ownership to an external bus master. As an input the external arbiter should assert this pin to grant
60x data bus ownership to the MPC8260.
6-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
60x data bus busyÑ(Input/output)As an output the MPC8260 asserts this pin for the duration of the
data bus tenure. Following a T
A, which terminates the data bus tenure, the MPC8260 negates DBB
for a fraction of a bus cycle and than stops driving this pin. As an input, the MPC8260 does not
assume 60x data bus ownership as long as it senses DBB asserted by an external 60x bus master.
Interrupt request 3ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
D[0Ð63] 60x data busÑThese are input/output pins. In write transactions the 60x bus master drives the valid
data on this bus. In read transactions the 60x slave drives the valid data on this bus.
60x data parity 0Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 0 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 0 and D[0Ð7].
ReservationÑThe value driven on this output pin represents the state of the coherency bit in the
reservation address register that is used by the lwarx and stwcx. instructions.
External bus request 2Ñ(Input). An external master should assert this pin to request 60x bus
ownership from the internal arbiter.
Interrupt request 1ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 1Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 1 pin should give odd parity (odd number of Ô1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 1 and D[8Ð15].
External bus grant 2Ñ(Output) The MPC8260 asserts this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to an
external bus master.
Interrupt request 2ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 2Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 2 pin should give odd parity (odd number of Ô1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 2 and S16Ð23].
TLB syncÑThis input pin can be used to synchronize 60x core instruction execution to hardware
indications. Asserting this pin will force the core to stop instruction execution following a tlbsync
instruction execution. The core resumes instructions execution once this pin is negated.
External data bus grant 2Ñ(Output) The MPC8260 asserts this pin to grant 60x data bus ownership
to an external bus master.
Interrupt request 3ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 3Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 3 pin should give odd parity (odd number of 1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 3 and D[24Ð31].
Checkstop outputÑ(Output) Assertion indicates that the core is in its checkstop mode.
External bus request 3Ñ(Input). An external master should assert this pin to request 60x bus
ownership from the internal arbiter.
Interrupt request 4ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 4Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 4 pin should give odd parity (odd number of Ô1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 4 and D[32Ð39].
Core system resetÑ(Input). Asserting this pin will force the core to branch to its reset vector.
External bus grant 3Ñ(Output) The MPC8260 asserts this pin to grant 60x bus ownership to an
external bus master.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 6. External Signals 6-5
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Interrupt request 5ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 5Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 5 pin should give odd parity (odd number of Ô1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 5 and D[40Ð47].
Time base enableÑThis is a count enable input to the Time Base counter in the core.
External data bus grant 3Ñ(Output) The MPC8260 asserts this pin to grant 60x data bus ownership
to an external bus master.
Interrupt request 6ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 6Ñ(Input/output)The 60x agent that drives the data bus drives also the data parity
signals. The value driven on data parity 6 pin should give odd parity (odd number of Ô1Õs) on the
group of signals that includes data parity 6 and D[48Ð55].
Cache set entry 0ÑThe cache set entry outputs from the core represent the cache replacement set
element for the current core transaction reloading into or writing out of the cache.
Interrupt request 7ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
60x data parity 7Ñ(Input/output)The 60x master or slave that drives the data bus drives also the
data parity signals. The value driven on data parity 7 pin should give odd parity (odd number of Ô1Õs)
on the group of signals that includes data parity 7 and D[56Ð63].
Cache set entry 1ÑThe cache set entry outputs from the core represent the cache replacement set
element for the current core transaction reloading into or writing out of the cache.
PSDVAL 60x data validÑ(Input/output)Assertion of the PSDVAL pin indicates that a data beat is valid on the
data bus. The difference between the T
A pin and the PSDVAL pin is that the TA pin is asserted to
indicate 60x data transfer terminations while the PSDVAL signal is asserted with each data beat
movement. Thus always when T
A is asserted, PSDVAL will be asserted but when PSDVAL is
asserted, T
A is not necessarily asserted. For example when a double word (2x64 bits) transfer is
initiated by the SDMA to a memory device that has 32 bits port size, PSDVAL will be asserted 3
times without T
A and Þnally both pins will be asserted to terminate the transfer.
A Transfer acknowledgeÑ(Input/output) Indicates that a 60x data beat is valid on the data bus. For
60x single beat transfers, assertion of this pin indicates the termination of the transfer. For 60x burst
transfers T
A is asserted four times to indicate the transfer of four data beats with the last assertion
indicating the termination of the burst transfer.
TEA Transfer error acknowledgeÑ(Input/output)Assertion of this pin indicates a bus error. 60x masters
within the MPC8260 monitor the state of this pin. MPC8260Õs internal bus monitor may assert this
pin in case it identiÞed a 60x bus transfer that is hung.
GlobalÑ(Input/output)When a 60x master within the chip initiates a bus transaction it drives this
pin. When an external 60x master initiates a bus transaction it should drive this pin. Assertion of this
pin indicates that the transfer is global and it should be snooped by caches in the system. The
MPC8260MPC8260Õs data cache monitors the state of this pin.
Interrupt request 1ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
Cache inhibitÑOutput pin. Used for L2 cache control. For each MPC8260 60x transaction initiated
in the core, the state of this pin indicates if this transaction should be cached or not. Assertion of the
CI pin indicates that the transaction should not be cached.
Burst address 29ÑThere are Þve burst address output pins. These pins are outputs of the 60x
memory controller. These pins are used in external master conÞguration and are connected directly
to memory devices controlled by MPC8260Õs memory controller.
Interrupt request 2ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
6-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Write throughÑOutput used for L2 cache control. For each core-initiated MPC8260 60x
transaction, the state of this pin indicates if the transaction should be cached using write-through or
copy-back mode. Assertion of WT indicates that the transaction should be cached using the
write-through mode.
Burst address 30ÑThere are Þve burst address output pins. These pins are outputs of the 60x
memory controller. These pins are used in external master conÞguration and are connected directly
to memory devices controlled by MPC8260Õs memory controller.
Interrupt request 3ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
L2 cache hitÑ(Input). It is used for L2 cache control. Assertion of this pin indicates that the 60x
transaction will be handled by the L2 cache. In this case, the memory controller will not start an
access to the memory it controls.
Interrupt request 4ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
CPU bus grantÑ(Output) The value of the 60x core bus grant is driven on this pin for the use of an
external MPC2605GA L2 cache. The driven bus grant is non qualiÞed, that is, in case of external
arbiter the user should qualify this signal with the bus grant input to the MPC8260 before
connecting it to the L2 cache.
Burst address 31ÑThere are Þve burst address output of the 60x memory controller used in
external master conÞguration and are connected directly to the memory devices controlled by
MPC8260Õs memory controller.
Interrupt Request 5ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
CPU_DBG CPU bus data bus grantÑ(Output) The value of the 60x core data bus grant is driven on this pin for
the use of an external MPC2605GA L2 cache.
CPU_DBG CPU data bus grantÑ(Output). The OR of all data bus grant signals for internal masters from the
internal arbiter is driven on CPU_DBG. CPU_DBG should be connected to the CPU_DBG input of
an external MPC2605GA L2 cache if the internal arbiter is used (BCR[EARB] = 0). If an external
arbiter is used in this MPC8260, the CPU_DBG input of the L2 cache should be connected to the
DBG driven from the external arbiter to this MPC8260.
CPU_BR CPU bus requestÑ(Output) The value of the 60x core bus request is driven on this pin for the use
of an external MPC2605GA L2 cache.
CS[0Ð9] Chip selectÑThese are output pins that enable speciÞc memory devices or peripherals connected
to MPC8260 buses.
Chip selectÑThese are output pins that enable speciÞc memory devices or peripherals connected
to MPC8260 buses.
Buffer control 1ÑOutput signal whose its function is controlling buffers on the 60x data bus. Usually
used with BCTL0. The exact function of this pin is deÞned by the value of SIUMCR[BCTLC]. See
Section, ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR),Ó for details.
Data bus grant disableÑThis is an output when the MPC8260 is in external arbiter mode and an
input when the MPC8260 is in internal arbiter mode. When this pin is asserted, the 60x bus arbiter
should negate all of its DBG outputs to prevent data bus contention.
Chip selectÑOutput that enable speciÞc memory devices or peripherals connected to MPC8260
Address parity 0Ñ(Input/output)The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the
address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 0 pin should give odd parity (odd number
of Ô1Õs) on the group of signals that includes address parity 0 and A[0Ð7].
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 6. External Signals 6-7
Part III. The Hardware Interface
BADDR[27Ð28] Burst address 27:28ÑThere are Þve burst address output pins. These pins are outputs of the 60x
memory controller. Used in external master conÞguration and connected directly to the memory
devices controlled by MPC8260Õs memory controller.
ALE Address latch enableÑThis output pin controls the external address latch that should be used in
external master 60x bus conÞguration.
BCTL0 Buffer control 0ÑOutput whose function is controlling buffers on the 60x data bus. Usually used
with BCTL1 that is multiplexed on CS10. The exact function of this pin is deÞned by the value of
SIUMCR[BCTLC]. See Section, ÒSIU Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR),Ó for details.
60x bus write enableÑOutputs of the 60x bus GPCM. These pins select byte lanes for write
60x bus SDRAM DQMÑThe DQM pins are outputs of the SDRAM control machine. These pins
select speciÞc byte lanes of SDRAM devices.
60x bus UPM byte selectÑThe byte select pins are outputs of the UPM in the memory controller.
They are used to select speciÞc byte lanes during memory operations. The timing of these pins is
programmed in the UPM. The actual driven value depends on the address and size of the
transaction and the port size of the accessed device.
60x bus SDRAM A10Ñ(Output) from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Part of the address when a
row address is driven and is part of the command when a column address is driven.
60x bus UPM general purpose line 0ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
60x bus SDRAM write enableÑ(Output) from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected
to SDRAMsÕ WE input.
60x bus UPM general purpose line 1ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
60x bus output enableÑThe output enable pin is an output of the 60x bus GPCM. Controls the
output buffer of memory devices during read operations.
60x bus SDRAM rasÑOutput from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to
SDRAMsÕ RAS input.
60x bus UPM general purpose line 2ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
60x bus SDRAM CASÑOutput from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to
SDRAMsÕ CAS input.
60x bus UPM general purpose line 3ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
60x GPCM TAÑThis input pin is used for transaction termination during GPCM operation. Requires
external pull up resistor for proper operation.
60x bus UPM waitÑThis is an input to the UPM. An external device may hold this pin low to force
the UPM to wait until the device is ready for the continuation of the operation.
60x bus UPM general purpose line 4ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
60x bus parity byte selectÑIn systems in which data parity is stored in a separate chip, this output
is used as the byte-select for that chip.
60x bus SDRAM address multiplexerÑThis output pin controls the 60x SDRAM address multiplexer
when the MPC8260 is in external master mode.
60x bus UPM general purpose line 5ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
6-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Local bus write enableÑThe write enable pins are outputs of the Local bus GPCM. These pins
select speciÞc byte lanes for write operations.
Local bus SDRAM DQMÑThe DQM pins are outputs of the SDRAM control machine. These pins
select speciÞc byte lanes of SDRAM devices.
Local bus UPM byte selectÑThe byte select pins are outputs of the UPM in the memory controller.
They are used to select speciÞc byte lanes during memory operations. The timing of these pins is
programmed in the UPM. The actual driven value depends on the address and size of the
transaction and the port size of the accessed device.
Local bus SDRAM A10. Output from the 60x bus SDRAM controller. Is part of the address when a
row address is driven and is part of the command when a column address is driven.
Local bus UPM general purpose line 0ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
Local bus SDRAM write enableÑOutput from the local bus SDRAM controller. Should be
connected to SDRAMsÕ WE input.
Local bus UPM general purpose line 1ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
Local bus output enableÑThe output enable pin is an output of the Local bus GPCM. Controls the
output buffer of memory devices during read operations.
Local bus SDRAM rasÑOutput from the Local bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to the
SDRAM RAS input.
Local bus UPM general purpose line 2ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
Local bus SDRAM CASÑOutput from the Local bus SDRAM controller. Should be connected to
SDRAMsÕ CAS input.
Local bus UPM general purpose line 3ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
Local bus GPCM TAÑThis input pin is used for transaction termination during GPCM operation.
Requires external pull up resistor for proper operation.
Local bus UPM waitÑThis is an input to the UPM. An external device may hold this pin low to force
the UPM to wait until the device is ready for the continuation of the operation.
Local bus UPM general purpose line 4ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
Local bus parity byte selectÑIn systems in which the data parity is stored in a separate chip, this
output is used as the byte select for that chip.
LGPL5 Local bus UPM general purpose line 5ÑThis is one of six general purpose output lines from UPM.
The values and timing of this pin is programmed in the UPM.
LWR Local writeÑThe local write pin is an output from the local bus memory controller. It is used to
distinguish between read and write transactions.
Local bus address 14ÑLocal bus address bit 14 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI parityÑPCI parity input/output pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that odd parity is driven
across PCI_AD[0Ð31] and PCI_C/BE[0Ð3] during address and data phases. Negation of PCI_PAR
indicates that even parity is driven across the PCI_AD[0Ð31] and PCI_C/BE[0Ð3] during address
and data phases.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 6. External Signals 6-9
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Local bus address 15ÑLocal bus address bit 15 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
System management interruptÑSystem management interrupt input to the core.
PCI frameÑPCI cycle frame input output pin. Used by the current PCI master to indicate the
beginning and duration of an access. Driven by the MPC8260 when its PCI interface is the master
of the access. Otherwise, it is an input.
Local bus address 16ÑLocal bus address bit 16 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI target readyÑPCI target ready input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8260 when its
PCI interface is the target of a PCI transfer. Assertion of this pin indicates that the PCI target is
ready to send or accept a data beat.
Local bus address 17ÑLocal bus address bit 17 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI initiator readyÑPCI initiator ready input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8260 when its
PCI interface is the initiator of a PCI transfer. Assertion of this pin indicates that the PCI initiator is
ready to send or accept a data beat.
Checkstop outputÑ(Output) Assertion of CKSTOP_OUT indicates the core is in checkstop mode.
Local bus address 18ÑLocal bus address bit 18 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI stopÑPCI stop input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8260 when its PCI interface is
the target of a PCI transfer. Assertion of this pin indicates that the PCI target is requesting the
master to stop the current PCI transfer.
Local bus address 19ÑLocal bus address bit 19 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI device selectÑPCI device select input/output pin. This pin is driven by the MPC8260 when its
PCI interface has decoded the address as the target of the current PCI transfer. As an input,
PCI_DEVSEL indicates whether any device on the PCI bus has been selected.
Local bus address 20ÑLocal bus address bit 20 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI initialization device selectÑ(Input). Used to select MPC8260Õs PCI interface during a PCI
conÞguration cycle.
Local bus address 21ÑLocal bus address bit 21 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI parity errorÑPCI data parity error input/output pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that a data
parity error was detected during a PCI transfer (except for a special cycle).
Local bus address 22ÑLocal bus address bit 22 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI system errorÑPCI system error input/output pin. Assertion of this pin indicates that a PCI
system error was detected during a PCI transfer. The PCI system error is for reporting address
parity errors, data parity errors on a special cycle command, or other catastrophic system errors.
Local bus address 23ÑLocal bus address bit 23 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI arbiter request 0ÑPCI request 0 input/output pin. When MPC8260Õs internal PCI arbiter is
used, this is an input pin. In this mode assertion of this pin indicates that an external PCI agent is
requesting the PCI bus. When an external PCI arbiter is used, this is an output pin. In this mode
assertion of this pin indicates that MPC8260Õs PCI interface is requesting the PCI bus.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
6-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Local bus address 24ÑLocal bus address bit 24 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI arbiter request 1ÑPCI request 1 input pin. When MPC8260Õs internal PCI arbiter is used,
assertion of this pin indicates that an external PCI agent is requesting the PCI bus.
Local bus address 25ÑLocal bus address bit 25 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI arbiter grant 0ÑPCI grant 0 input/output pin. When MPC8260Õs internal PCI arbiter is used,
this is an output pin. In this mode, assertion of PCI_GNT0 indicates that an the external PCI agent
that requested the PCI bus PCI_REQ0 is granted the bus. When an external PCI arbiter is used,
this is an input pin. In this mode. assertion of PCI_GNT0 indicates that MPC8260Õs PCI interface is
granted the PCI bus.
Local bus address 26ÑLocal bus address bit 26 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI arbiter grant 1ÑPCI grant 1 output pin. When MPC8260Õs internal PCI arbiter is used,
assertion of PCI_GNT1 indicates that the external PCI agent that requested the PCI bus with
PCI_REQ1 pin is granted the bus.
Local bus address 27ÑLocal bus address bit 27 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
Clock OutÑClock output pin. In a PCI system where MPC8260Õs PCI interface is conÞgured to
operate from an external PCI clock, the 60x bus clock is driven on CLKOUT. In a PCI system where
the MPC8260Õs PCI interface is conÞgured to generate the PCI clock, the PCI clock is driven on
CLKOUT. The PCI clock frequency range is 25Ð66 MHz.
Local bus address 28ÑLocal bus address bit 28 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI resetÑPCI reset input/output pin. When the MPC8260 is the host in the PCI system, PCI_RST
is an output. When the MPC8260 is not the host of the PCI system, PCI_RST is an input.
Core system resetÑThis is an input to the core. When this input pin is asserted the core branches
to its reset vector.
Local bus address 29ÑLocal bus address bit 29 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI INTAÑ(Input/output) When the MPC8260 is the host in the PCI system, this pin is an input for
delivering PCI interrupts to the host. When the MPC8260 is not the host of the PCI system, this pin
is an output used by the MPC8260 to signal an interrupt to the PCI host.
L_A30 Local bus address 30ÑLocal bus address bit 30 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
Local bus address 31ÑLocal bus address bit 31 output pin. In the local address bus bit 14 is most
signiÞcant and bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
DLLSYNCÑDLL synchronization input. Used to eliminate skew for the clock driven on CLKOUT.
Local bus dataÑLocal bus data input/output pins. In the local data bus bit 0 is most signiÞcant and
bit 31 is least signiÞcant.
PCI address/dataÑPCI bus address/data input/output pins. During an address phase
PCI_AD[0Ð31] contains a physical address, during data phase PCI_AD[0Ð31] contains the data
bytes. In the PCI address/data bus, bit 31 is msb and bit 0 is lsb.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 6. External Signals 6-11
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Local bus data parityÑLocal bus data parity input/output pins. In local bus write operations the
MPC8260 drives these pins. In local bus read operations the accessed device drives these pins.
LCL_DP[0] is driven with a value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[0Ð7]. LCL_DP[1] is driven with a
value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[8Ð15]. LCL_DP[2] is driven with a value that gives odd parity
with LCL_D[16Ð23]. LCL_DP[3] is driven with a value that gives odd parity with LCL_D[24Ð31].
PCI command/byte enableÑPCI command/byte enable input/output pins. The MPC8260 drives
these pins when it is the initiator of a PCI transfer. During an address phase the PCI_C/BE[0Ð3]
deÞnes the command, during the data phase PCI_C/BE[0Ð3] deÞnes the byte enables.
Interrupt request 0ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
Non-maskable interrupt outputÑThis is an output driven from MPC8260Õs internal interrupt
controller. Assertion of this output indicates that an unmasked interrupt is pending in MPC8260Õs
internal interrupt controller.
Interrupt request 7ÑThis input is one of the eight external lines that can request (by means of the
internal interrupt controller) a service routine from the core.
Interrupt outputÑThis is an output driven from MPC8260Õs internal interrupt controller. Assertion of
this output indicates that an unmasked interrupt is pending in MPC8260Õs internal interrupt
Address parity errorÑThis output pin will be asserted when the MPC8260 detects wrong parity
driven on its address parity pins by an external master.
TRST Test reset (JTAG)Ñ Input only. This is the reset input to MPC8260Õs JTAG/COP controller. See
Section 12.1, ÒOverview,Ó and Section 12.6, ÒNonscan Chain Operation.Ó
TCK Test clock (JTAG)ÑInput only. Provides the clock input for MPC8260Õs JTAG/COP controller.
TMS Test mode select (JTAG)ÑInput only. Controls the state of MPC8260Õs JTAG/COP controller.
TDI Test data in (JTAG)ÑInput only. Data input to MPC8260Õs JTAG/COP controller.
TDO Test data out (JTAG)ÑOutput only. Data output from MPC8260Õs JTAG/COP controller.
TRIS Three-stateÑAsserting TRIS forces all other MPC8260Õs pins to high impedance state.
PORESET Power-on resetÑWhen asserted, this input line causes the MPC8260 to enter power-on reset
HRESET Hard resetÑThis open drain line, when asserted causes the MPC8260 to enter hard reset state.
SRESET Soft resetÑThis open drain line, when asserted causes the MPC8260 to enter the soft reset state.
QREQ Quiescent requestÑ Output only. Indicates that MPC8260Õs internal core is about to enter its low
power mode. In the MPC8260 this pin will be typically used for debug purposes.
RSTCONF RSTCONF -ÑInput used during reset conÞguration sequence of the chip. Find detailed explanation
of its function in Section 5.1.2, ÒPower-On Reset Flow,Ó and Section 5.4, ÒReset ConÞguration.Ó
MODCK1ÑClock mode input. DeÞnes the operating mode of internal clock circuits.
Address parity 1Ñ(Input/output)The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the
address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 1 pin should give odd parity (odd number
of 1s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 1 and A[8Ð15].
Transfer Code 0ÑThe transfer code output pins supply information that can be useful for debug
purposes for each of the MPC8260Õs initiated bus transactions.
Bank Select 0ÑThe bank select outputs are used for selecting SDRAM bank when the MPC8260 is
in 60x compatible bus mode.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
6-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Note that CPM port multiplexing is described in the Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
MODCK2ÑClock mode input. DeÞnes the operating mode of internal clock circuits.
Address parity 2Ñ(Input/output)The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the
address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 2 pin should give odd parity (odd number
of 1s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 2 and A[16Ð23].
Transfer code 1ÑThe transfer code output pins supply information that can be useful for debug
purposes for each of the MPC8260Õs initiated bus transactions.
Bank select 1ÑThe bank select outputs are used for selecting SDRAM bank when the MPC8260 is
in 60x-compatible bus mode.
MODCK3ÑClock mode input. DeÞnes the operating mode of internal clock circuits.
Address parity 3Ñ(Input/output)The 60x master that drives the address bus, drives also the
address parity signals. The value driven on address parity 3 pin should give odd parity (odd number
of 1s) on the group of signals that includes address parity 3 and A[24Ñ31].
Transfer code 2ÑThe transfer code output pins supply information that can be useful for debug
purposes for each of the MPC8260Õs initiated bus transactions.
Bank select 2ÑThe bank select outputs are used for selecting SDRAM bank when the MPC8260 is
in 60x-compatible bus mode.
XFC External Þlter capacitanceÑInput connection for an external capacitor Þlter for PLL circuitry.
CLKIN Clock InÑPrimary clock input to MPC8260Õs PLL. In a PCI system, where the MPC8260 PCI
interface is operated from the PCI bus clock, CLKIN should be connected to the PCI bus clock. In
that case, the 60x bus clock is driven on CLKOUT.
PA[0Ð31] General-purpose I/O port A bits 0Ð31. See Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
PB[4Ð31] General-purpose I/O port B bits 4Ð31. See Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
PC[0Ð31] General-purpose I/O port C bits 0Ð31. See Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
PD[4Ð31] General-purpose I/O port D bits 4Ð31. See Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
Power Supply VDDÑThis is the power supply of the internal logic.
VDDHÑThis is the power supply of the I/O Buffers.
VCCSYNÑThis is the power supply of the PLL circuitry.
GNDSYNÑThis is a special ground of the PLL circuitry.
VCCSYN1ÑThis is the power supply of the coreÕs PLL circuitry.
Table 6-1. External Signals (Continued)
Signal Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-1
Chapter 7
60x Signals
This chapter describes the MPC8260 PowerPC processorÕs external signals. It contains a
concise description of individual signals, showing behavior when a signal is asserted and
negated, when the signal is an input and an output, and the differences in how signals work
in external-master or internal-only conÞgurations.
A bar over a signal name indicates that the signal is active lo
for example, ARTRY (address retry) and TS (transfer start).
Active-low signals are referred to as asserted (active) when
they are low and negated when they are high. Signals that are
not active-low, such as TSIZ[0Ð3] (transfer size signals) and
TT[0Ð4] (transfer type signals) are referred to as asserted when
they are high and negated when they are low.
The 60x bus signals used with MPC8260 are grouped as follows:
¥ Address arbitration signalsÑIn external arbiter mode, MPC8260 uses these signals
to arbitrate for address bus mastership. The MPC8260 arbiter uses these signals to
enable an external device to arbitrate for address bus mastership.
¥ Address transfer start signalsÑThese signals indicate that a bus master has begun a
transaction on the address bus.
¥ Address transfer signals (address bus)ÑThese signals are used to transfer the
¥ Transfer attribute signalsÑThese signals provide information about the type of
transfer, such as the transfer size and whether the transaction is single, single
extended, bursted, write-through or cache-inhibited.
¥ Address transfer termination signalsÑThese signals are used to acknowledge the
end of the address phase of the transaction. They also indicate whether a condition
exists that requires the address phase to be repeated.
¥ Data arbitration signalsÑThe MPC8260, in external arbiter mode, uses these
signals to arbitrate for data bus mastership. The MPC8260 arbiter uses these signals
to enable an external device to arbitrate for data bus mastership.
7-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
¥ Data transfer signalsÑThese signals, which consist of the data bus, data parity, and
data parity error signals, transfer the data and ensure its integrity.
¥ Data transfer termination signalsÑData termination signals are required after each
data beat in a data transfer. In a single-beat transaction, the data termination signals
also indicate the end of the tenure. For burst accesses or extended port-size accesses,
the data termination signals apply to individual beats and indicate the end of the
tenure only after the Þnal data beat.
7.1 Signal ConÞguration
Figure shows the grouping of the MPC8260Õs 60x bus signal conÞguration.
The MPC8260 hardware speciÞcations provides a pinout
showing pin numbers. These are shown in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1. PowerPC Signal Groupings
Bus Request (BR)
Bus Grant (BG)
Address Bus Busy (ABB)
Transfer Start (TS)
Address Parity (AP[0Ð3])
Transfer Size (TSIZ[0Ð3])
Transfer Burst (TBST)
Cache Inhibit (CI)
Write-Through (WT)
Address Acknowledge (AACK)
Address Retry (ARTRY)
Data Bus Grant (DBG)
Data Bus Busy (DBB)
Data (D[0Ð63])
Data Parity (DP[0Ð7])
Transfer Acknowledge (T
Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)
Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])
Global (GBL) 1
Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL)
Transfer Code (TC[0Ð2])
Address (A[0Ð31]) 32
Address Parity Enable 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
7.2 Signal Descriptions
This section describes individual MPC8260 60x signals, grouped according to Figure 7-1.
Note that the following sections brießy summarize signal functions. Chapter 8, ÒThe 60x
Bus,Ó describes many of these signals in greater detail, both in terms of their function and
how groups of signals interact.
7.2.1 Address Bus Arbitration Signals
The address arbitration signals are a collection of input and output signals devices use to
request address bus mastership, recognize when the request is granted, and indicate to other
devices when mastership is granted. For a detailed description of how these signals interact,
see Section 8.4.1, ÒAddress Arbitration.Ó
Bus arbitration signals have no meaning in internal-only mode. Bus Request (BR)ÑOutput
The bus request (BR) signal is both an input and an output signal on the MPC8260. Address Bus Request (BR)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BR signal output in external
master mode.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that MPC8260 is requesting mastership of the
address bus. Note that BR may be asserted for one or more cycles
and then deasserted due to an internal cancellation of the bus request
(for example, due to a load hit in the touch load buffer). See
Section 8.4.1, ÒAddress Arbitration.Ó
NegatedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 is not requesting the address
bus. The MPC8260 may have no bus operation pending, it may be
parked, or the ARTRY input was asserted on the previous bus clock
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur on any cycle; does not occur if the MPC8260
is parked and the address bus is idle (BG asserted and ABB input
NegationÑOccurs for at least one cycle following a qualiÞed BG
even if another transaction is pending; also negated for at least one
cycle following any qualiÞed ARTRY on the bus unless MPC8260
asserted ARTRY and requires a snoop copyback; may also be
negated if MPC8260 cancels the bus request internally before
receiving a qualiÞed BG.
High ImpedanceÑOccurs during a hard reset or checkstop condition
7-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Address Bus Request (BR)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BR signal input in external
master mode.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the external master has a bus transaction to
perform and is waiting for a qualiÞed BG to begin the address tenure.
BR may be asserted even if the two possible pipelined address
tenures have already been granted.
NegatedÑIndicates that the external master has no bus transaction to
perform, or if the device is parked, that it is potentially ready to start
a bus transaction on the next clock cycle (with proper qualiÞcation,
see BG).
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur on any cycle; does not occur if the external
master is parked and the address bus is idle (BG asserted and ABB
input negated).
NegationÑOccurs for at least one cycle after a qualiÞed BG even if
another transaction is pending; also negated for at least one cycle
following any qualiÞed ARTRY on the bus unless this chip asserted
the ARTRY and requires to perform a snoop copyback; may also be
negated if the external master cancels a bus request internally before
receiving a qualiÞed BG.
High ImpedanceÑOccurs during a hard reset or checkstop
condition. Bus Grant (BG)
The address bus grant (BG) signal is both an input and an output signal. Bus Grant (BG)ÑInput
The following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BG signal input in
external master mode.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 may, with the proper
qualiÞcation, begin a bus transaction and assume ownership of the
address bus. A qualiÞed bus grant is generally determined from the
bus state as follows: QBG = BG ¥ ÂABB ¥ ÂARTRY where ARTRY
is asserted only during the cycle after AACK. Note that the assertion
of BR is not required for a qualiÞed bus grant (for bus parking).
NegatedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 is not granted next address
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur on any cycle. Once the MPC8260 has
assumed address bus ownership, it does not begin checking for BG
again until the cycle after AACK.
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-5
Part III. The Hardware Interface
NegationÑMay occur whenever the MPC8260 must be prevented
from using the address bus. The MPC8260 may still assume address
bus ownership on the cycle BG is negated if it was asserted the
previous cycle with other bus grant qualiÞcations. Bus Grant (BG)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the BG signal output in external
master mode.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the external device may, with the proper
qualiÞcation, begin a bus transaction and assume ownership of the
address bus. A qualiÞed bus grant is generally determined from the
bus state as follows: QBG = BG ¥ ÂABB ¥ ÂARTRY where ARTRY
is asserted only during the cycle after AACK. Note that the assertion
of BR is not required for a qualiÞed bus grant (for bus parking).
NegatedÑIndicates that the external device is not granted next
address ownership.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur on any cycle. Once the external device has
assumed address bus ownership, it does not begin checking for BG
again until the cycle after AACK.
NegationÑMay occur when an external device must be kept from
using the address bus. The external device may still assume address
bus ownership on the cycle that BG is negated if it was asserted the
previous cycle with other bus grant qualiÞcations. Address Bus Busy (ABB)
The address bus busy (ABB) signal is both an input and an output signal. Address Bus Busy (ABB)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the ABB output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 is the current address bus
master. The MPC8260 may not assume address bus ownership in
case a bus request is internally cancelled by the cycle a qualiÞed BG
would have been recognized.
NegatedÑIndicates that MPC8260 is not the current address bus
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs the cycle after a qualiÞed BG is accepted by
MPC8260 and remains asserted for the duration of the address
Turn-Off SequencingÑNegates for a fraction of a bus cycle (1/2
minimum, depends on clock mode) starting the cycle following the
assertion of AACK. It then goes to the high impedance state.
7-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Address Bus Busy (ABB)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the ABB input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that external device is the address bus master.
NegatedÑIndicates that the address bus may be available for use by
the MPC8260 (see BG). The MPC8260 also tracks the state of ABB
on the bus from the TS and AACK inputs. (See section on address
arbitration phase.)
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur whenever the MPC8260 must be prevented
from using the address bus.
NegationÑMay occur whenever the MPC8260 may use the address
7.2.2 Address Transfer Start Signal
In the internal only mode the address transfer start signal has no meaning.
Address transfer start signal are input and output signals that indicate that an address bus
transfer has begun. Transfer Start (TS)
The TS signal is both an input and an output signal on the MPC8260. Transfer Start (TS)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TS output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 has started a bus transaction
and that the address bus and transfer attribute signals are valid. It is
also an implied data bus request if the transfer attributes TT[0Ð4]
indicate that a data tenure is required for the transaction.
NegatedÑHas no special meaning during a normal transaction.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑDriven and asserted on the cycle after a
qualiÞed BG is accepted by MPC8260; remains asserted for one
clock only. Negated for the remainder of the address tenure.
Assertion is coincident with the Þrst clock that ABB is asserted.
High ImpedanceÑOccurs the cycle following the assertion of
AACK (same cycle as ABB negation). Transfer Start (TS)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TS input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that another device has begun a bus transaction
and that the address bus and transfer attribute signals are valid for
NegatedÑHas no special meaning.
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-7
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑMust be asserted for one cycle only and then
immediately negated. Assertion may occur at any time during the
assertion of ABB.
7.2.3 Address Transfer Signals
In internal only mode the memory controller uses these signals for glueless address
transfers to memory and I/O devices.
The address transfer signals are used to transmit the address. Address Bus (A[0Ð31])
The address bus (A[0Ð31]) consists of 32 signals that are both input and output signals. Address Bus (A[0Ð31])ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the A[0Ð31] output signals.
State Meaning ContentÑSpeciÞes the physical address of the bus transaction. For
burst or extended operations, the address is a double-word.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑDriven valid on the same cycle that TS is
driven/asserted; remains driven/valid for the duration of the address
High ImpedanceÑ Occurs the cycle following the assertion of
AACK; no precharge action performed on release. Address Bus (A[0Ð31])ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the A[0Ð31] input signals.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that another device has begun a bus transaction
and that the address bus and transfer attribute signals are valid for
snooping and in slave mode.
NegatedÑHas no special meaning.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑMust be valid on the same cycle that TS is
asserted; sampled by the processor only on this cycle.
7.2.4 Address Transfer Attribute Signals
In internal only mode the address transfer attribute signals have no meaning.
The transfer attribute signals are a set of signals that further characterize the transferÑsuch
as the size of the transfer, whether it is a read or write operation, and whether it is a burst
or single-beat transfer. For a detailed description of how these signals interact, see
Section 7.2.4, ÒAddress Transfer Attribute Signals.Ó
7-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])
The transfer type signals (TT[0Ð4]) consist of Þve input/output signals on the MPC8260.
For a complete description of TT[0Ð4] signals and transfer type encoding, see
Section, ÒTransfer Type Signal (TT[0Ð4]) Encoding.Ó Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TT[0Ð4] output signals on
the MPC8260.
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑSpeciÞes the type of transfer in progress.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31].
High ImpedanceÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Transfer Type (TT[0Ð4])ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TT[0Ð4] input signals on the
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑSpeciÞes the type of transfer in progress for
snooping by the MPC8260
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Transfer Size (TSIZ[0Ð3])
The transfer size (TSIZ[0Ð3]) signals consist of four input/output signals on the MPC8260,
following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TSIZ[0Ð3] signals on the
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑSpeciÞes the data transfer size for the
transaction (see Section, ÒTBST and TSIZ[0Ð3] Signals and
Size of TransferÓ). During graphics transfer operations, these signals
form part of the Resource ID (see TBST).
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31].
High ImpedanceÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Transfer Burst (TBST)
The transfer burst (TBST) signal is an input/output signal on the MPC8260. Following are
the state meaning and timing comments for the TBST output/input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a burst transfer is in progress (see
Section, ÒTBST and TSIZ[0Ð3] Signals and Size of
TransferÓ). During graphics transfer operations, this signal forms
part of the Resource ID Þeld from the EAR as follows:
TBST || TSIZ[0Ð3] = EAR[28Ð31]. (See TBST.)
NegatedÑIndicates that a burst transfer is not in progress.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31].
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-9
Part III. The Hardware Interface
High ImpedanceÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Global (GBL)
The global (GBL) signal is an input/output signal on the MPC8260. Global (GBL)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the GBL output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the transaction is global and should be
snooped by other devices. GBL reßects the M bit (WIM bits) from
the MMU except during certain transactions.
NegatedÑIndicates that the transaction is not global and should not
be snooped by other devices.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31].
High ImpedanceÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Global (GBL)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the GBL input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a transaction must be snooped by
NegatedÑIndicates that a transaction should not be snooped by
MPC8260. (In addition, certain non-global transactions are snooped
for reservation coherency.)
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Caching-Inhibited (CI)ÑOutput
The cache inhibit (CI) signal is an output signal on the MPC8260. Following are the state
meaning and timing comments for CI.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the transaction in progress should not be
cached. CI reßects the I bit (WIM bits) from the MMU except during
certain transactions.
NegatedÑIndicates that the transaction should be cached.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31].
High ImpedanceÑSame as A[0Ð31]. Write-Through (WT)ÑOutput
The write-through (WT) signal is an output signal on the MPC8260. Following are the state
meaning and timing comments for WT.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the transaction should operate in write-
through mode. WT reßects the W bit (WIM bits) from the MMU
except during certain transactions. WT may be asserted during read
7-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
NegatedÑIndicates that the transaction should not operate in write-
through mode.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑSame as A[0Ð31].
High ImpedanceÑSame as A[0Ð31].
7.2.5 Address Transfer Termination Signals
The address transfer termination signals are used to indicate either that the address phase
of the transaction has completed successfully or must be repeated, and when it should be
terminated. For detailed information about how these signals interact, see Section 7.2.5,
ÒAddress Transfer Termination Signals.Ó
The address transfer termination signals have no meaning in internal only mode. Address Acknowledge (AACK)
The address acknowledge (AACK) signal is an input/output on the MPC8260. Address Acknowledge (AACK)ÑOutput
.Following are the state meaning and timing comments for AACK as an output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the address tenure of a transaction is
terminated. On the cycle following the assertion of AACK, the bus
master releases the address-tenure-related signals to the high-
impedance state and samples ARTRY.
NegatedÑIndicates that the address bus and the transfer attributes
must remain driven, if negated during ABB.
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs a programmable number of clocks after TS or
whenever ARTRY conditions are resolved.
NegationÑOccurs one clock after assertion. Address Acknowledge (AACK)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for AACK as an input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a 60x bus slave is terminating the address
tenure. On the cycle following the assertion of AACK, the bus master
releases the address tenure related signals to the high-impedance
state and samples ARTRY.
NegatedÑIndicates that the address tenure must remain active and
the address tenure related signals driven.
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs during the 60x bus slave access, at least two
clocks after TS.
NegationÑOccurs one clock after assertion.
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-11
Part III. The Hardware Interface Address Retry (ARTRY)
The address retry (ARTRY) signal is both an input and output signal on the MPC8260 Address Retry (ARTRY)ÑOutput
.Following are the state meaning and timing comments for ARTRY as an output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 detects a condition in which
an address tenure must be retried. If the MPC8260 processor needs
to update memory as a result of snoop that caused the retry, the
MPC8260 asserts BR the second cycle after AACK if ARTRY is
High ImpedanceÑIndicates that the MPC8260 does not need the
address tenure to be retried.
Timing Comments AssertionÑAsserted the third bus cycle following the assertion of
TS if a retry is required.
NegationÑOccurs the second bus cycle after the assertion of AACK.
Since this signal may be simultaneously driven by multiple devices,
it negates in a unique fashion. First the buffer goes to high impedance
for a minimum of one-half processor cycle (dependent on the clock
mode), then it is driven negated for one bus cycle before returning to
high impedance. Address Retry (ARTRY)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the ARTRY input.
State Meaning AssertedÑIf the MPC8260 is the address bus master, ARTRY
indicates that the MPC8260 must retry the preceding address tenure
and immediately negate BR (if asserted). If the associated data
tenure has started, the MPC8260 also aborts the data tenure
immediately even if the burst data has been received. If the
MPC8260 is not the address bus master, this input indicates that the
MPC8260 should negate BR for one bus clock cycle immediately
after external device asserts ARTRY to permit a copy-back operation
to main memory. Note that the subsequent address presented on the
address bus may not be the one that generated the assertion of
Negated/High ImpedanceÑIndicates that the MPC8260 does not
need to retry the last address tenure.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur as early as the second cycle following the
assertion of TS and must occur by the bus clock cycle immediately
following the assertion of AACK if an address retry is required.
NegationÑMust occur during the second cycle after the assertion of
7-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
7.2.6 Data Bus Arbitration Signals
The data bus arbitration signals have no meaning in internal-only mode.
Like the address bus arbitration signals, data bus arbitration signals maintain an orderly
process for determining data bus mastership. Note that there is no data bus arbitration signal
equivalent to the address bus arbitration signal BR (bus request), because, except for
address-only transactions, TS implies data bus requests. For a detailed description on how
these signals interact, see Section 8.5.1, ÒData Bus Arbitration.Ó Data Bus Grant (DBG)
The data bus grant signal (DBG) is an output/input on the MPC8260 Data Bus Grant (DBG)ÑInput
DBG an input when MPC8260 is conÞgured to an external arbiter. The following are the
state meaning and timing comments for DBG.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 may, with the proper
qualiÞcation, assume mastership of the data bus. The MPC8260
derives a qualiÞed data bus grant when DBG is asserted and DBB
and ARTRY are negated; that is, the data bus is not busy (DBB is
negated), and there is no outstanding attempt to perform an ARTRY
of the associated address tenure.
NegatedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 must hold off its data tenures.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay occur any time to indicate the MPC8260 is free to
take data bus mastership. It is not sampled until TS is asserted.
NegationÑMay occur at any time to indicate the MPC8260 cannot
assume data bus mastership. Data Bus Grant (DBG)ÑOutput
DBG signal is output when the MPC8260 conÞgured to Internal Arbiter. Following are the
state meaning and timing comments for the DBG signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the external device may, with the proper
qualiÞcation, assume mastership of the data bus. A qualiÞed data bus
grant is deÞned as the assertion of DBG, negation of DBB, and
negation of ARTRY. The requirement for the ARTRY signal is only
for the address bus tenure associated with the data bus tenure about
to be granted (that is, not for another address tenure available
because of address pipelining).
NegatedÑIndicates that an external device is not granted mastership
of the data bus.
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs on the Þrst clock in which the data bus is not
busy and the processor has the highest priority outstanding data
NegationÑOccurs one clock after assertion.
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-13
Part III. The Hardware Interface Data Bus Busy (DBB)
The data bus busy (DBB) signal is both an input and output signal on the MPC8260 Data Bus Busy (DBB)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DBB output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 is the data bus master. The
MPC8260 always assumes data bus mastership if it needs the data
bus and determines a qualiÞed data bus grant (see DBG).
NegatedÑIndicates that the MPC8260 is not using the data bus.
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs during the bus clock cycle following a qualiÞed
NegationÑOccurs for a minimum of one-half bus clock cycle
following the assertion of the Þnal TA following TEA or certain
ARTRY cases.
High ImpedanceÑOccurs after DBB is negated. Data Bus Busy (DBB)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DBB input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that another device is bus master.
NegatedÑIndicates that the data bus is free (with proper
qualiÞcation, see DBG) for use by the MPC8260.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMust occur when the MPC8260 must be prevented from
using the data bus.
NegationÑMay occur whenever the data bus is available.
7.2.7 Data Transfer Signals
Data transfer signals are used in the same way in both internal only and external master
modes. Like the address transfer signals, the data transfer signals are used to transmit data
and to generate and monitor parity for the data transfer. For a detailed description of how
data transfer signals interact, see Section 7.2.7, ÒData Transfer Signals.Ó Data Bus (D[0Ð63])
The data bus (D[0Ð63]) states have the same meanings in both internal only mode external
master mode. The data bus consists of 64 signals that are both inputs and outputs on the
MPC8260. Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the data bus.
State Meaning The data bus holds 8 byte lanes assigned as shown in Table 7-1.
Timing Comments The number of times the data bus is driven depends on the transfer
size, port size, and whether the transfer is a single-beat or burst
7-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Data Bus (D[0Ð63])ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the D[0Ð63] output signals.
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑRepresents the state of data during a data write.
Byte lanes not selected for data transfer do not supply valid data.
MPC8260 duplicates data to enable valid data to be sent to different
port sizes.
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑInitial beat coincides with DBB, for bursts,
transitions on the bus clock cycle following each assertion of TA and,
for port size, transitions on the bus clock cycle following each
assertion of PSDVAL.
High ImpedanceÑOccurs on the bus clock cycle after the Þnal
assertion of TA, TEA, or certain ARTRY cases. Data Bus (D[0Ð63])ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the D[0Ð63] input signals.
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑRepresents the state of data during a data read
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑData must be valid on the same bus clock cycle
that TA and/or PSDVAL is asserted. Data Bus Parity (DP[0Ð7])
The eight data bus parity (DP[0Ð7]) signals both output and input signals. Data Bus Parity (DP[0Ð7])ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DP[0Ð7] output signals.
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑRepresents odd parity for each of 8 bytes of data
write transactions. Odd parity means that an odd number of bits,
including the parity bit, are driven high. The signal assignments are
listed in Table 7-1.
Table 0-1. Data Bus Lane Assignments
Data Bus Signals Byte Lane
D0ÐD7 0
D8ÐD15 1
D16ÐD23 2
D24ÐD31 3
D32ÐD39 4
D40ÐD47 5
D48ÐD55 6
D56ÐD63 7
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-15
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑThe same as the data bus.
High ImpedanceÑThe same as the data bus. Data Bus Parity (DP[0Ð7])ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the DP input signals.
State Meaning Asserted/NegatedÑRepresents odd parity for each byte of read data.
Parity is checked on all data byte lanes, regardless of the size of the
transfer. Detected even parity causes a checkstop if data parity errors
are enabled in the BCS[PAR_EN].
Timing Comments Assertion/NegationÑThe same as D[0Ð63].
7.2.8 Data Transfer Termination Signals
Data termination signals are required after each data beat in a data transfer. Note that in a
single-beat transaction that is not a port-size transfer, the data termination signals also
indicate the end of the tenure. In burst or port size accesses, the data termination signals
apply to individual beats and indicate the end of the tenure only after the Þnal data beat. For
a detailed description of how these signals interact, see Section 8.5, ÒData Tenure
Operations.Ó Transfer Acknowledge (TA)
The transfer acknowledge (TA) signal is both input and output on the MPC8260. Transfer Acknowledge (TA)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TA input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a single-beat data transfer completed
successfully or that a data beat in a burst transfer completed
successfully. Note that TA must be asserted for each data beat in a
burst transaction. For more information, see Section 8.5.3, ÒData
Bus Transfers and Normal Termination.Ó
Table 7-1. DP[0Ð7] Signal Assignments
Signal Name Data Bus Signal Assignments
DP0 D[0Ð7]
DP1 D[8Ð15
DP2 D[16Ð23]
DP3 D[24Ð31]
DP4 D[32Ð39]
DP5 D[40Ð47]
DP6 D[48Ð55]
DP7 D[56Ð63]
7-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
NegatedÑ(During assertion of DBB) indicates that, until TA is
asserted, the MPC8260 must continue to drive the data for the
current write or must wait to sample the data for reads.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMust not occur before AACK for the current transaction
(if the address retry mechanism is to be used to prevent invalid data
from being used by the MPC8260); otherwise, assertion may occur
at any time during the assertion of DBB. The system can withhold
assertion of TA to indicate that the MPC8260 should insert wait
states to extend the duration of the data beat.
NegationÑMust occur after the bus clock cycle of the Þnal (or only)
data beat of the transfer. For a burst transfer, the system can assert TA
for one bus clock cycle and then negate it to advance the burst
transfer to the next beat and insert wait states during the next beat.
(Note: when conÞgured for 1:1 clock mode and is performing a burst
read into the data cache, the MPC8260 requires two wait states
between the assertion of TS and the Þrst assertion of TA for that
transaction, or one wait state for 1.5:1 clock mode.) Transfer Acknowledge (TA)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for TA as an output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the data has been latched for a write
operation, or that the data is valid for a read operation, thus
terminating the current data beat. If it is the last or only data beat, this
also terminates the data tenure.
NegatedÑIndicates that master must extend the current data beat
(insert wait states) until data can be provided or accepted by the
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs on the clock in which the current data transfer
can be completed.
NegationÑOccurs after the clock cycle of the Þnal (or only) data
beat of the transfer. For a burst transfer, TA may be negated between
beats to insert one or more wait states before the completion of the
next beat. Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)
The transfer error acknowledge (TEA) signal is both input and output on the MPC8260,
This signal can be ignored if BCR[TEA_EN] is cleared. Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TEA input signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a bus error occurred. The assertion of TEA
causes the negation/high impedance of DBB in the next clock cycle.
However, data entering the MPC8260 internal memory resources
such as GPRs or caches are not invalidated.
MOTOROLA Chapter 7. 60x Signals 7-17
Part III. The Hardware Interface
NegatedÑIndicates that no bus error was detected.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMay be asserted while DBB is asserted and for the cycle
after is TA is asserted during a read operation. TEA should be
asserted for one cycle only.
NegationÑTEA must be negated no later than the negation of DBB. Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the TEA output.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a bus error has occurred. Assertion of TEA
terminates the transaction in progress; that is, asserting TA is
unnecessary because it is ignored by the target device. An
unsupported memory transaction, such as a direct-store access or a
graphics read or write, causes the assertion of TEA (provided TEA
is enabled and the address transfer matches the MPC8260 memory
NegatedÑIndicates that no bus error was detected.
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs on the Þrst clock after the bus error is detected.
NegationÑOccurs one clock after assertion. Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL)
The partial data valid indication (PSDVAL) is both an input and output on the MPC8260 Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)ÑInput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for the PSDVAL input signal. Note
that TA asserts with PSDVAL to indicate the termination of the current transfer and for each
complete data beat in burst transactions.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that a beat data transfer completed successfully.
Note that PSDVAL must be asserted for each data beat in a single
beat, port size and burst transaction,. For more information, see
Section 8.5.5, ÒPort Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL
NegatedÑ(During DBB) indicates that, until PSDVAL is asserted,
the MPC8260 must continue to drive the data for the current write or
must wait to sample the data for reads.
Timing Comments AssertionÑMust not occur before AACK for the current transaction
(if the address retry mechanism is to be used to prevent invalid data
from being used by the MPC8260); otherwise, assertion may occur
at any time during the assertion of DBB. The system can withhold
assertion of PSDVAL to indicate that the MPC8260 should insert
wait states to extend the duration of the data beat.
NegationÑMust occur after the bus clock cycle of the Þnal (or only)
data beat of the transfer. For a burst and/or port size transfer, the
7-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
system can assert PSDVAL for one bus clock cycle and then negate
it to insert wait states during the next beat. (Note: when the
MPC8260 Processor is conÞgured for 1:1 clock mode and is
performing a burst read into the data cache, the MPC8260 requires
two wait state between the assertion of TS and the Þrst assertion of
PSDVAL for that transaction, or 1 wait state for 1.5:1 clock mode.) Partial Data Valid (PSDVAL)ÑOutput
Following are the state meaning and timing comments for PSDVAL as an output signal.
State Meaning AssertedÑIndicates that the data has been latched for a write
operation, or that the data is valid for a read operation, thus
terminating the current data beat. If it is the last or only data beat, this
also terminates the data tenure.
NegatedÑIndicates that the master must extend the current data beat
(insert wait states) until data can be provided or accepted by the
Timing Comments AssertionÑOccurs on the clock in which the current data transfer
can be completed.
NegationÑOccurs after the clock cycle of the Þnal (or only) data
beat of the transfer. For a burst transfer, PSDVAL may be negated
between beats to insert one or more wait states before the completion
of the next beat.
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-1
Chapter 8
The 60x Bus
The 60x bus, which is used by PowerPC processors, provides ßexible support for the on-
chip PowerPC MPC603 processor as well as other internal and external bus devices. The
60x bus supports 32-bit addressing, a 64-bit data bus, and burst operations that transfer as
many as 256 bits of data in a four-beat burst. The 60x data bus can be accessed in 8-, 16-,
32-, and 64-bit data ports. The 60x bus supports accesses of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bytes, aligned or
unaligned, on 4-byte (word) boundaries; it also supports 64-, 128-, 192-, and 256-bit
The address and data buses support synchronous, one-level pipeline transactions. The 60x
bus interface can be conÞgured to support both external and internal masters or internal
masters only.
8.1 Terminology
Table 8-1 deÞnes terms used in this chapter.
Table 8-1. Terminology
Term DeÞnition
Atomic A bus access that attempts to be part of a read-write operation to the same address uninterrupted
by any other access to that address. The MPC8260 initiates the read and write separately, but
signals the memory system that it is attempting an atomic operation. If the operation fails, status is
kept so that MPC8260 can try again.
Beat A single state on the MPC8260 interface that may extend across multiple bus cycles. (An MPC8260
transaction can be composed of multiple address or data beats.)
Burst A multiple-beat data transfer whose total size is typically equal to a cache block size (in MPC8260:
32 bytes, or 4 data beats at 8 bytes per beat).
Cache block The PowerPC architecture deÞnes the basic unit of coherency as a cache block, which can be
considered the same thing as a cache line.
Clean An operation that causes a cache block to be written to memory if modiÞed, and then left in a valid,
unmodiÞed state in the cache.
Flush An operation that causes a cache block to be invalidated in the cache, and its data, if modiÞed, to be
written back to main memory.
Kill An operation that causes a cache block to be invalidated in the cache without writing any modiÞed
data to memory.
8-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
8.2 Bus ConÞguration
The 60x bus supports separate bus conÞgurations for internal masters and external bus
¥ Single-MPC8260 bus mode connects external devices by using only the memory
controller. This is described in Section 8.2.1, ÒSingle MPC8260 Bus Mode.Ó
¥ The 60x-compatible bus mode, described in Section 8.2.2, Ò60x-Compatible Bus
Mode,Ó enables connections to other masters and 60x-bus slaves, such as an external
L2 cache controller.
The Þgures in the following sections show how the MPC8260 can be connected in these
two conÞgurations.
8.2.1 Single MPC8260 Bus Mode
In single-MPC8260 bus mode, the MPC8260 is the only bus device in the system. The
internal memory controller controls all devices on the external pins. Figure 8-1 shows the
signal connections for single-MPC8260 bus mode.
Lane A sub-grouping of signals within a bus. An 8-bit section of the address or data bus may be referred
to as a byte lane for that bus.
Master The device that owns the address or data bus, the device that initiates or requests the transaction.
ModiÞed IdentiÞes a cache block The M state in a MESI or MEI protocol.
Parking Granting potential bus mastership without requiring a bus request from that device. This eliminates
the arbitration delay associated with the bus request.
Pipelining Initiating a bus transaction before the current one Þnishes. This involves running an address tenure
for a new bus transaction before the data tenure for a current bus transaction completes.
Slave The device addressed by the master. The slave is identiÞed in the address tenure and is responsible
for sourcing or sinking the requested data for the master during the data tenure.
Snooping Monitoring addresses driven by a bus master to detect the need for coherency actions.
Split-transaction A transaction with separate request and response tenures.
Tenure The period of bus mastership. For MPC8260, there can be separate address bus tenures and data
bus tenures.
Transaction A complete exchange between two bus devices. A typical transaction is composed of an address
tenure and a data tenure, which may overlap or occur separately from the address tenure. A
transaction can minimally consist of an address tenure alone.
Table 8-1. Terminology (Continued)
Term DeÞnition
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-1. Single MPC8260 Bus Mode
Note that in single MPC8260 bus mode, the MPC8260 uses the address bus as a memory
address bus. Slaves cannot use the 60x bus signals because the addresses have memory
timing, not address tenure timing.
8.2.2 60x-Compatible Bus Mode
The 60x-compatible bus mode can include one or more potential external masters (for
example, an L2 cache, an ASIC DMA, a high-end PowerPC processor, or a second
MPC8260). When operating in a multiprocessor conÞguration, the MPC8260 snoops bus
operations and maintains coherency between the primary caches and main memory.
Figure 8-2 shows how an external processor is attached to the MPC8260.
Data + Attributes
Address + Attributes
Latch &
Memory Controller Signals
Memory Control Signals
8-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-2. 60x-Compatible Bus Mode
8.3 60x Bus Protocol Overview
Typically, 60x bus accesses consist of address and data tenures, which in turn each consist
of three phasesÑarbitration, transfer, and termination, as shown in Figure 8-3 The
independence of the tenures is indicated by showing the data tenure overlap the next
address tenure), which allows split-bus transactions to be implemented at the system level
in multiprocessor systems. Figure 8-3 shows a data transfer that consists of a single-beat
transfer of as many as 256 bits. Four-beat burst transfers of 32-byte cache blocks require
data transfer termination signals for each beat of data. Note that the MPC8260 supports port
sizes of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits and requires the additional bus signal, PSDVAL, which is not
Data + Attributes
Address + Attributes
Memory Controller Signals
External Device
Latch &
Memory Control Signals
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-5
Part III. The Hardware Interface
deÞned by the 60x bus speciÞcation. For more information, see Section 8.5.5, ÒPort Size
Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination.Ó
Figure 8-3. Basic Transfer Protocol
The basic functions of the address and data tenures are as follows:
¥ Address tenure
Ñ Arbitration: Address bus arbitration signals are used to request and grant address
bus mastership.
Ñ Transfer: After a device is granted address bus mastership, it transfers the
address. The address signals and the transfer attribute signals control the address
Ñ Termination: After the address transfer, the system acknowledges that the
address tenure is complete or that it must be repeated, signalled by the assertion
of the address retry signal (ARTRY).
¥ Data tenure
Ñ Arbitration: After the address tenure begins, the bus device arbitrates for data bus
Ñ Transfer: After the device is granted data bus mastership, it samples the data bus
for read operations or drives the data bus for write operations.
Ñ Termination: Acknowledgment of a successful data transfer is required after each
beat in a data transfer. In single-beat transactions, the data termination signals
also indicate the end of the tenure. In burst or port-size accesses, data termination
signals indicate the completion of individual beats and, after the Þnal data beat,
the end of the tenure.
8.3.1 Arbitration Phase
The external bus design permits one device (either the MPC8260 or a bus-attached external
device) to be granted bus mastership at a time. Bus arbitration can be handled either by an
Data Tenure
Arbitration 1- or 4-Beat Transfer Termination
Next Address Tenure
Independent Address and Data Tenures
Arbitration Transfer Termination
8-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
external central bus arbiter or by the internal on-chip arbiter. In the latter case, the system
is optimized for three external bus masters besides the MPC8260. The arbitration
conÞguration (external or internal) is determined at system reset by sampling conÞguration
pins. See Section 10.9, ÒExternal Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode),Ó for more
The MPC8260 controls bus access through the bus request (BR) and bus grant (BG) signals.
It determines the state of the address and data bus busy signals by monitoring DBG, TS,
AACK, and TA, and it qualiÞes them with ABB and DBB.
The following signals are used for address bus arbitration:
(bus request)ÑA device asserts BR to request address bus mastership.
¥BG (bus grant)ÑAssertion indicates that a bus device may, with proper
qualiÞcation, assume mastership of the address bus. A qualiÞed bus grant occurs
when BG is asserted while ABB and ARTRY are negated.
¥ ABB (address bus busy)ÑA device asserts ABB to indicate it is the current address
bus master. Note that if all devices assert AACK with TS and would normally negate
ABB after AACK is asserted, the devices can ignore ABB because the MPC8260 can
internally generate ABB. The MPC8260Õs ABB, if enabled, must be tied to a pull-
up resistor.
The following signals are used for data bus arbitration:
¥ DBG (data bus grant)ÑIndicates that a bus device can, with the proper qualiÞcation,
assume data bus mastership. A qualiÞed data bus grant occurs when DBG is asserted
while DBB and ARTRY are negated.
¥ DBB (data bus busy)ÑAssertion by the device indicates that the device is the
current data bus master. The device master always assumes data bus mastership if it
needs the data bus and is given a qualiÞed data bus grant (see DBG). Note that if all
devices assert DBB in conjunction with qualiÞed data bus grant and would normally
negate DBB after the last TA is asserted, the devices can ignore DBB because the
MPC8260 can generate DBB internally. The MPC8260Õs DBB signal, if enabled,
must be tied to a pull-up resistor.
The following is a summary of rules for arbitration:
¥ Preference among devices is determined at the request level. The MPC8260 supports
eight levels of bus requests.
¥ When no bus device is requesting the address bus, the MPC8260 parks the device
selected in the arbiter conÞguration register on the bus.
For more information, see Section, Ò60x Bus Arbiter ConÞguration Register
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-7
Part III. The Hardware Interface
8.3.2 Address Pipelining and Split-Bus Transactions
The 60x bus protocol provides independent address and data bus capability to support
pipelined and split-bus transaction system organizations. Address pipelining allows the
next address tenure to begin before the current data tenure has Þnished. Although this
ability does not inherently reduce memory latency, support for address pipelining and split-
bus transactions can greatly improve effective bus/memory throughput. These beneÞts are
most fully realized in shared-memory, multiple-master implementations where bus
bandwidth is critical to system performance.
External arbitration (as provided by the MPC8260) is required in systems in which multiple
devices share the system bus. The MPC8260 uses the address acknowledge (AACK) signal
to control pipelining. The MPC8260 supports both one- and zero-level bus pipelining. One-
level pipelining is achieved by asserting AACK to the current address bus master and
granting mastership of the address bus to the next requesting master before the current data
bus tenure has completed. Two address tenures can occur before the current data bus tenure
completes. The MPC8260 also supports non-pipelined accesses.
8.4 Address Tenure Operations
This section describes the three phases of the address tenureÑaddress bus arbitration,
address transfer, and address termination.
8.4.1 Address Arbitration
Bus arbitration can be handled either by an external arbiter or by the internal on-chip
arbiter. The arbitration conÞguration (external or internal) is chosen at system reset. For
internal arbitration, the MPC8260 provides arbitration for the 60x address bus and the
system is optimized for three external bus masters besides the MPC8260. The bus request
(BR) for the external device is an external input to the arbiter. The bus grant signal for the
external device (BG) is output to the external device.The BG signal asserted by MPC8260Õs
on-chip arbiter is asserted one clock after the current master on the bus has asserted AACK;
therefore, it can be called a qualiÞed BG. Assuming that all potential masters negate ABB
one clock after receiving AACK, the device receiving BG can start the address tenure (by
asserting TS) one clock after receiving BG. In addition to the external signals, there are
internal request and grant signals for the MPC8260 processor, communications processor,
refresh controller, and the PCI internal bridge. Bus accesses are prioritized, with
programmable priority. When a MPC8260Õs internal master needs the 60x bus, it asserts the
internal bus request along with the request level. The arbiter asserts the internal bus grant
for the highest priority request.
The MPC8260 supports address bus parking through the use of the parked master bits in
the arbiter conÞguration register. The MPC8260 parks the address bus (asserts the address
bus grant signal in anticipation of an address bus request) to the external master or internal
masters. When a device is parked, the arbiter can hold BG asserted for a device even if that
device has not requested the bus. Therefore, when the parked device needs to perform a bus
8-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
transaction, it skips the bus request delay and assumes address bus mastership on the next
cycle. For this case, BR is not asserted and the access latency seen by the device is
shortened by one cycle.
The MPC8260 and external device bus devices qualify BG by sampling ARTRY in the
negated state prior to taking address bus mastership. The negation of ARTRY during the
address retry window (one cycle after the assertion of AACK) indicates that no address
retry is requested. If a device detects ARTRY asserted, it cannot accept a address bus grant
during the ARTRY cycle or the cycle following. A device that asserts ARTRY due to a
modiÞed cache block hit, for example, asserts its bus request during the cycle after the
assertion of ARTRY and assumes bus mastership for the cache block push when it is given
a bus grant.
The series of address transfers in Figure 8-4 shows the transfer protocol when the
MPC8260 is conÞgured in 60x-compatible bus mode. In this example, MPC8260 is initially
parked on the bus with BG INT-asserted (note that BG INT is an internal signal not seen by
the user at the pins), which lets it start an address bus tenure by asserting TS. During the
same clock cycle, the external masterÕs bus request is asserted to request access to the 60x
bus, thereby causing the negation of BG INT internally and the assertion of BG at the pin.
Following MPC8260Õs address tenure, the external master takes the bus and initiates its
address transaction. The on-chip arbiter samples BR during the clock cycle in which AACK
is asserted; if BR is not asserted (no pending request), it negates BG and asserts the parked
bus grant (BG_INT in this example).
The master can assert BR and receive a qualiÞed bus grant without subsequently using the
bus. It can negate (cancel) BR before accepting a qualiÞed bus grant. This can occur when
a replacement copyback transaction waiting to be run on the bus is killed by a snoop of
another bus master. This can also occur when the reservation set by a pending stwcx.
transaction is cancelled by a snoop of another master. In both cases, the pending transaction
by the processor is cancelled and BR is negated.
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-9
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-4. Address Bus Arbitration with External Bus Master
8.4.2 Address Pipelining
The MPC8260 supports one-level address pipelining by asserting AACK to the current bus
master when its data tenure starts and by granting the address bus to the next requesting
device before the current data bus tenure completes. Address pipelining improves data
throughput by allowing the memory-control hardware to decode a new set of address and
control signals while the current data transaction Þnishes. The MPC8260 pipelines data bus
operations in strict order with the associated address operations. Figure 8-5 shows how
address pipelining allows address tenures to overlap the associated data tenures.
ADDR+ MPC8260 External External
8-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-5. Address Pipelining
8.4.3 Address Transfer Attribute Signals
During the address transfer, the address is placed on the address signals, A[0Ð31]. The bus
master provides other signals that characterize the address transferÑtransfer type (TT[0Ð
4]), transfer code (TC[0Ð2]), transfer size (TSIZ[0Ð3]), and transfer burst (TBST) signals.
These signals are discussed in the following sections. Transfer Type Signal (TT[0Ð4]) Encoding
The transfer type signals deÞne the nature of the transfer requested. They indicate whether
the operation is an address-only transaction or whether both address and data are to be
transferred. Table 8-2 describes the MPC8260Õs action as master, slave, and snooper.
Table 8-2. Transfer Type Encoding
60x Bus SpeciÞcation2MPC8260 as Bus Master MPC8260 as
Snooper MPC8260 as Slave
Command Transaction Bus Trans. Transaction Source Action on Hit Action on Slave Hit
00000 Clean block Address
Address only (if
dcbst (if enabled) Not applicable
to MPC8260
AACK asserted;
MPC8260 takes no
further action.
00100 Flush block Address
Address only (if
dcbf (if enabled) Not applicable
to MPC8260
AACK is asserted;
MPC8260 takes no
further action.
Data Tenure
Tenure Address 1
Data 1
Address 2
Data 2
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-11
Part III. The Hardware Interface
01000 sync Address
Address only (if
sync (if enabled) Not applicable
to MPC8260
Assert AACK. BG is
negated until
MPC8260 buffers are
01100 Kill block Address
Address only dcbz or dcbi (if
Flush, cancel
AACK is asserted.
10000 eieio Address
Address only (if
eieio (if enabled) Not applicable
to MPC8260
Assert AACK. BG is
negated until
MPC8260 buffers are
101 00 Graphics
write (non-
ecowx Not applicable
to MPC8260
No action.
11000 TLB
Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
AACK is asserted;
MPC8260 takes no
further action.
11100 Graphics
read (non-GBL)
eciwx Not applicable
to MPC8260
MPC8260 takes no
00001 lwarx
Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
operation. AACK is
asserted; MPC8260
takes no further action.
00101 Reserved Ñ Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
01001 tlbsync Address
Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
operation. AACK is
asserted; MPC8260
takes no further action.
01101 icbi Address
Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
operation. AACK is
asserted; MPC8260
takes no further action.
1XX01 Reserved
for customer
Ñ Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
00010 WR w/ßush Single-beat
write or
CI, WT store, or non-
processor master
Flush, cancel
Write, assert AACK
and T
00110 WR w/Kill Burst Burst (non-
Castout, ca-op push,
or snoop copyback
Kill, cancel
Write, assert AACK
and T
01010 Read Single-beat
read or burst
CI load, CI I-fetch or
nonprocessor master
Clean or ßush Read, assert AACK
and T
Table 8-2. Transfer Type Encoding (Continued)
60x Bus SpeciÞcation2MPC8260 as Bus Master MPC8260 as
Snooper MPC8260 as Slave
Command Transaction Bus Trans. Transaction Source Action on Hit Action on Slave Hit
8-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Note the following regarding Table 8-2:
¥ For reads, the processor cleans or ßushes during a snoop based on the TBST input.
The processor cleans for single-beat reads (TBST negated) to emulate read-with-no-
intent-to-cache operations.
¥ Castouts and snoop copybacks are generally marked as non-global and are not
snooped (except for reservation monitoring). However, other masters performing
DMA write operations with the same TT encoding and marked as a global WR
operation (whether global or non-global) will cancel an active reservation during a
snoop hit in the reservation register (independent of a snoop hit in the cache).
¥ A non-processor read can cause the internal processor to invalidate the
corresponding cache line if it exists.
01110 Read with
intent to
Burst Burst Load miss, store miss,
or I-fetch
Flush Read, assert AACK
and T
10010 WR w/ßush
stwcx Flush, cancel
Write, assert AACK
and T
10110 Reserved Not
applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
11010 Read
read or burst
lwarx (CI load) Clean or ßush Read, assert AACK
and T
11110 Read with
intent to
Burst Burst lwarx (load miss) Flush Read, assert AACK
and T
00011 Reserved Ñ Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
00111 Reserved Ñ Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
01011 Read with
no intent to
read or burst
Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Clean Read, assert AACK
and T
01111 Reserved Ñ Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
1XX11 Reserved
for customer
Ñ Not applicable
to MPC8260
Not applicable to
Not applicable
to MPC8260
1TT1 can be interpreted as a read-versus-write indicator for the bus.
2This column speciÞes the TT encoding for the general 60x protocol. The processor generates or snoops only a
subset of those encodings.
Table 8-2. Transfer Type Encoding (Continued)
60x Bus SpeciÞcation2MPC8260 as Bus Master MPC8260 as
Snooper MPC8260 as Slave
Command Transaction Bus Trans. Transaction Source Action on Hit Action on Slave Hit
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-13
Part III. The Hardware Interface Transfer Code Signals TC[0Ð2]
The transfer code signals, TC[0Ð2], provide supplemental information about the
corresponding address (mainly regarding the source of the transaction). Note that TCx
signals can be used with the TT[0Ð4] and TBST to further deÞne the current transaction. TBST and TSIZ[0Ð3] Signals and Size of Transfer
As shown in Table 8-4, the transfer size signals (TSIZ[0Ð3]) and the transfer burst signal
(TBST) together indicate the size of the requested data transfer. These signals can be used
with address bits A[27Ð31] and the device port size to determine which portion of the data
bus contains valid data for a write transaction or which portion of the bus should contain
valid data for a read transaction.
The MPC8260 uses four double-word burst transactions for transferring cache blocks. For
these transactions, TSIZ[0Ð3] are encoded as 0b0010, and address bits A[27Ð28] determine
which double-word is sent Þrst.
The MPC8260 supports critical-word-Þrst burst transactions (double-word-aligned) from
the processor. The MPC8260 transfers the critical double word of data Þrst, followed by the
double words from increasing addresses, wrapping back to the beginning of the eight-word
block as required.
Table 8-3 Transfer Code Encoding
TC[0Ð2] Read Write
000 Core data transaction Any write
001 Core touch load Ñ
010 Core instruction fetch Ñ
011 Reserved Ñ
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 DMA function code 0
111 DMA function code 1
Table 8-4. Transfer Size Signal Encoding
TBST TSIZ[0Ð3] Transfer Size Comments Source
Negated 0 0 0 1 1 Byte Byte Core and DMA
Negated 0 0 1 0 2 Bytes Half-word Core and DMA
Negated 0 0 1 1 3 Bytes Ñ Core and DMA
Negated 0 1 0 0 4 Bytes Word Core and DMA
Negated 0 1 0 1 5 Bytes Extended 5 bytes SDMA (MPC8260 only)
Negated 0 1 1 0 6 Bytes Extended 6 bytes SDMA (MPC8260 only)
8-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Note that the basic coherency size of the bus is 32 bytes for the processor (cache-block
size). Data transfers that cross an aligned 32-byte boundary must present a new address
onto the bus at that boundary for proper snoop operation, or must operate as non-coherent
with respect to the MPC8260. Burst Ordering During Data Transfers
During burst transfers, 32 bytes of data (one cache block) are transferred to or from the
cache. Burst write transfers are performed zero double-word-Þrst. However, because burst
reads are performed critical-double-word-Þrst, a burst-read transfer may not start with the
Þrst double word of the cache block and the cache-block-Þll operation may wrap around
the end of the cache block. Table 8-5 describes MPC8260 burst ordering.
Each data beat is terminated with an assertion of TA. Effect of Alignment on Data Transfers
Table 8-6 lists the aligned transfers that can occur to and from the MPC8260. These are
transfers in which the data is aligned to an address that is an integer multiple of the size of
the data. For example, Table 8-6 shows that 1-byte data is always aligned; however, a 4-byte
word must reside at an address that is a multiple of 4 to be aligned.
In Figure 8-6, Table 8-8, and Table 8-9, OP0 is the most-signiÞcant byte of a word operand
and OP7 is the least-signiÞcant byte.
Negated 0 1 1 1 7 Bytes Extended 7 bytes SDMA (MPC8260 only)
Negated 0 0 0 0 8 Bytes Double-word (maximum data bus size) Core and DMA
Negated 1 0 0 1 16 Bytes Extended double double-word SDMA (MPC8260 only)
Negated 1 0 1 0 24 Bytes Extended triple double-word SDMA (MPC8260 only)
Asserted 0 0 1 0 32 bytes Quad double-word (4 maximum data beats) Core and DMA
Table 8-5. Burst Ordering
Data Transfer
Double-Word Starting Address:
A[27Ð28] = 001
1A[27Ð28] speciÞes the Þrst double word of the 32-byte block being transferred; any subsequent double words must
wrap-around the block. A[29Ð31] are always 0b000 for burst transfers by the MPC8260.
A[27Ð28] = 01 A[27Ð28] = 10 A[27Ð28] = 11
1st data beat DW02
2DWx represents the double word that would be addressed by A[27Ð28] = x if a nonburst transfer were performed.
2nd data beat DW1 DW2 DW3 DW0
3rd data beat DW2 DW3 DW0 DW1
4th data beat DW3 DW0 DW1 DW2
Table 8-4. Transfer Size Signal Encoding (Continued)
TBST TSIZ[0Ð3] Transfer Size Comments Source
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-15
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The MPC8260 supports misaligned memory operations, although they may degrade
performance substantially. A misaligned memory address is one that is not aligned to the
size of the data being transferred (such as, a word read from an odd byte address). The
MPC8260Õs processor bus interface supports misaligned transfers within a word (32-bit
aligned) boundary, as shown in Table 8-7. Note that the 4-byte transfer in Table 8-7 is only
one example of misalignment. As long as the attempted transfer does not cross a word
boundary, the MPC8260 can transfer the data to the misaligned address within a single bus
transfer (for example, a half-word read from an odd byte-aligned address). It takes two bus
transfers to access data that crosses a word boundary.
Due to the performance degradation, misaligned memory operations should be avoided. In
addition to the double-word straddle boundary condition, the processorÕs address
translation logic can generate substantial exception overhead when the load/store multiple
and load/store string instructions access misaligned data. It is strongly recommended that
Table 8-6. Aligned Data Transfers
Program Transfer
Size TSIZ[0Ð3] A[29Ð31]
Data Bus Byte Lanes
D0... ...D31 D32... ...D63
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
Byte 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 OP01
1OPn: These lanes are read or written during that bus transaction. OP0 is the most-signiÞcant byte of a word
operand and OP7 is the least-signiÞcant byte.
2Ñ: These lanes are ignored during reads and driven with undeÞned data during writes.
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ÑOP1ÑÑÑÑÑÑ
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ÑÑOP2ÑÑÑÑÑ
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ÑÑÑOP3ÑÑÑÑ
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑOP4ÑÑÑ
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ÑÑÑÑÑOP5ÑÑ
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 ÑÑÑÑÑÑOP6Ñ
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑOP7
Half-Word 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 OP0 OP1 Ñ Ñ ÑÑÑÑ
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ÑÑOP2OP3ÑÑÑÑ
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑOP4OP5ÑÑ
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 ÑÑÑÑÑÑOP6OP7
Word 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 OP0OP1OP2OP3ÑÑÑÑ
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑOP4OP5OP6OP7
Double-Word 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7
8-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
software attempt to align code and data where possible. Effect of Port Size on Data Transfers
The MPC8260 can transfer operands through its 64-bit data port. If the transfer is controlled
by the internal memory controller, the MPC8260 can support 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit data
port sizes. The bus requires that the portion of the data bus used for a transfer to or from a
particular port size be Þxed. A 64-bit port must reside on data bus bits D[0Ð63], a 32-bit
port must reside on bits D[0Ð31], a 16-bit port must reside on bits D[0Ð15], and an 8-bit
port must reside on bits D[0Ð7]. The MPC8260 always tries to transfer the maximum
amount of data on all bus cycles: for a word operation, it always assumes the port is 64 bits
wide when beginning the bus cycle; for burst and extended byte cycles, a 64-bit bus is
Figure 8-6 shows the device connections on the data bus. Table 8-8 lists the bytes required
on the data bus for read cycles.
Table 8-7. Unaligned Data Transfer Example (4-Byte Example)
Program Size of
Word (4 bytes) TSIZ[1Ð3] A[29Ð31]
Data Bus Byte Lanes
D0... ...D31 D32... ...D63
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
Aligned 1 0 0 0 0 0 A1
1A: Byte lane used
2Ñ: Byte lane not used
MisalignedÑ1st access 0 1 1 0 0 1 Ñ A A A ÑÑÑÑ
2nd access 0 0 1 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑ A ÑÑÑ
MisalignedÑ1st access 0 1 0 0 1 0 Ñ Ñ A A ÑÑÑÑ
2nd access 0 1 0 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑ A A ÑÑ
MisalignedÑ1st access 0 0 1 0 1 1 Ñ Ñ Ñ A ÑÑÑÑ
2nd access 0 1 1 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑ A A A Ñ
Aligned 1 0 0 1 0 0 ÑÑÑÑ AAAA
MisalignedÑ1st access 0 1 1 1 0 1 ÑÑÑÑÑ A A A
2nd access 0 0 1 0 0 0 A Ñ Ñ Ñ ÑÑÑÑ
MisalignedÑ1st access 0 1 0 1 1 0 ÑÑÑÑÑÑ A A
2nd access 0 1 0 0 0 0 A A Ñ Ñ ÑÑÑÑ
MisalignedÑ1st access 0 0 1 1 1 1 ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ A
2nd access 0 1 1 0 0 0 A A A Ñ ÑÑÑÑ
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-17
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-6. Interface to Different Port Size Devices
031 63
D[0Ð7] D[8Ð15] D[15Ð23] D[24Ð31] D[32Ð39] D[40Ð47] D[48Ð55] D[56Ð63]
32-Bit Port Size
64-Bit Port Size
Interface Output Register
16-Bit Port Size
8-Bit Port Size
8-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 8-9 lists data transfer patterns for write cycles for accesses initiated by the MPC8260.
Table 8-8. Data Bus Requirements For Read Cycle
State 1
1Address state is the calculated address for port size.
Port Size/Data Bus Assignments
64-Bit 32-Bit 16-Bit 8-Bit
0Ð7 8Ð15 16Ð23 24Ð31 32Ð39 40Ð47 48Ð55 56Ð63 0Ð7 8Ð15 16Ð23 24Ð31 0Ð7 8Ð15 0Ð7
000 OP02
2OPn: These lanes are read or written during that bus transaction. OP0 is the most-signiÞcant byte of a word operand
and OP7 is the least-signiÞcant byte.
3Ñ Denotes a byte not required during that read cycle.
001 Ñ OP1 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP1 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP1 OP1
010 Ñ Ñ OP2 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP2 Ñ OP2 Ñ OP2
011 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP3 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP3 Ñ OP3 OP3
100 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 Ñ OP4
101 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP5 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP5 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP5 OP5
110 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP6 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP6 Ñ OP6 Ñ OP6
111 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP7 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP7 Ñ OP7 OP7
Half Word
000 OP0 OP1 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP0 OP1 Ñ Ñ OP0 OP1 OP0
001 Ñ OP1 OP2 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP1 OP2 Ñ Ñ OP1 OP1
010 Ñ Ñ OP2 OP3 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP2
100 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 OP5 Ñ Ñ OP4 OP5 Ñ Ñ OP4 OP5 OP4
101 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP5 OP6 Ñ Ñ OP5 OP6 Ñ Ñ OP5 OP5
110 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP6 OP7 Ñ Ñ OP6 OP7 OP6 OP7 OP6
Triple Byte
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP0 OP1 OP2 Ñ OP0 OP1 OP0
001 Ñ OP1 OP2 OP3 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP1 OP2 OP3 Ñ OP1 OP1
100 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 OP5 OP6 Ñ OP4 OP5 OP6 Ñ OP4 OP5 OP4
101 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP5 OP6 OP7 Ñ OP5 OP6 OP7 Ñ OP5 OP5
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0
100 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP4
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-19
Part III. The Hardware Interface 60x-Compatible Bus ModeÑSize Calculation
To comply with the requirements listed in Table 8-8 and Table 8-9, the transfer size and a
new address must be calculated at the termination of each beat of a port-size transaction. In
single-MPC8260 bus mode, these calculations are internal and do not constrain the system.
In 60x-compatible bus mode, the external slave or master must determine the new address
and size. Table 8-10 describes the address and size calculation state machine. Note that the
address and size states are for internal use and are not transferred on the address or TSIZ
pins. Extended transactions (16- and 24-byte) are not described here but can be determined
by extending this table for 9-, 10-, 16-, 23-, and 24-byte transactions.
Table 8-9. Data Bus Contents for Write Cycles
State 1
1Address state is the calculated address for port size
External Data Bus Pattern
0Ð7 8Ð15 16Ð23 24Ð31 32Ð39 40Ð47 48Ð55 56Ð63
000 OP02
2OPn: These lanes are read or written during that bus transaction. OP0 is the most-signiÞcant byte of a word
operand and OP7 is the least-signiÞcant byte.
3Ñ Denotes a byte not driven during that write cycle.
100 OP4 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP4 Ñ Ñ Ñ
101 OP5 OP5 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP5 Ñ Ñ
1101OP6 Ñ OP6 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP6 Ñ
111 OP7 OP7 Ñ OP7 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP7
Half Word
100 OP4 OP5 Ñ Ñ OP4 OP5 Ñ Ñ
101 OP5 OP5 OP6 Ñ Ñ OP5 OP6 Ñ
110 OP6 OP7 OP6 OP7 Ñ Ñ OP6 OP7
Triple Byte
100 OP4 OP5 OP6 Ñ OP4 OP5 OP6 Ñ
101 OP5 OP5 OP6 OP7 Ñ OP5 OP6 OP7
100 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7
Double Word
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7
8-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Extended Transfer Mode
The MPC8260 supports an extended transfer mode that improves bus performance. This
should not be confused with the extended bus protocol used to support direct-store
operations supported in some earlier PowerPC processors. The MPC8260 can generate 5-,
6-, 7-, 16-, or 24-byte extended transfers. These transactions are compatible with the 60x
Table 8-10. Address and Size State Calculations
Size State Address State [0Ð4] Port Size Next Size State Next Address State [0Ð4]
Byte xxxxx x Stop
2-Byte xxxx0 Byte Byte xxxx1
x x 0 0 1 Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 1 0 1 Byte x x 1 1 0
x x x 0 1 Half Byte x x x 1 0
xxxx0 Stop
3-Byte x x 0 0 0 Byte 2-Byte x x 0 0 1
x x 0 0 1 2-Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 1 0 0 2-Byte x x 1 0 1
x x 1 0 1 2-Byte x x 1 1 0
x x 0 0 0 Half Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 0 0 1 2-Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 1 0 0 Byte x x 1 1 0
x x 1 0 1 2-Byte x x 1 1 0
xxxxx Word Stop
4-Byte x x x 0 0 Byte 3-Byte x x x 0 1
x x x 0 0 Half 2-Byte x x x 1 0
xxxxx Word Stop
5-Byte x x 0 1 1 Byte 4-Byte x x 1 0 0
6-Byte x x 0 1 0 Byte 5-Byte x x 0 1 1
x x 0 1 0 Half 4-Byte x x 1 0 0
7-Byte x x 0 0 1 Byte 6-Byte x x 0 1 0
8-Byte x x 0 0 0 Byte 7-Byte x x 0 0 1
x x 0 0 0 Half 6-Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 0 0 0 Word 4-Byte x x 1 0 0
x x 0 0 0 Double Stop
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-21
Part III. The Hardware Interface
bus, but some slaves or masters do not support these features. Clear BCR[ETM] to disable
this type of transaction. This places the MPC8260 in strict 60x bus mode. The following
tables are extensions to Table 8-9, Table 8-8, and Table 8-10.
Table 8-11 lists the patterns of the extended data transfer for write cycles when MPC8260
initiates an access. Note that 16- and 24-byte transfers are always eight-byte aligned and
use a 64-bit or less port size.
Table 8-12 lists the bytes required on the data bus for extended read cycles. Note that 16-
and 24-byte transfers are always 8-byte aligned and use a maximum 64-bit port size.
Table 8-13 includes added states to the transfer size calculation state machine. Only
extended transfers use these states.
Table 8-11. Data Bus Contents for Extended Write Cycles
State A[29Ð
External Data Bus Pattern
D[0Ð7] D[8Ð15] D[16Ð23] D[24Ð31] D[32Ð39] D[40Ð47] D[48Ð55] D[56Ð63]
5 Bytes
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 Ñ Ñ Ñ
011 OP3 OP3 Ñ OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7
6 Bytes
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 Ñ Ñ
010 OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7
7 Bytes
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 Ñ
001 OP1 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7
Table 8-12. Data Bus Requirements for Extended Read Cycles
Port Size/Data Bus Assignments
64-Bit 32-Bit 16-Bit 8-Bit
0Ð7 8Ð15 16Ð23 24Ð31 32Ð39 40Ð47 48Ð55 56Ð63 0Ð7 8Ð15 16Ð23 24Ð31 0Ð7 8Ð15 0Ð7
5 Byte
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0
011 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 Ñ Ñ Ñ OP3 Ñ OP3 OP3
6 Byte
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 Ñ Ñ OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0
010 Ñ Ñ OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 Ñ Ñ OP2 OP3 OP2 OP3 OP2
7 Byte
000 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 Ñ OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP0 OP1 OP0
001 Ñ OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 Ñ OP1 OP2 OP3 Ñ OP1 OP1
8-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Extended transfer mode is enabled by setting the BCR[ETM].
Table 8-13. Address and Size State for Extended Transfers
Size State [0Ð3] Address State[0Ð4] Port Size Next Size State [0Ð3] Next Address State[0Ð4]
Half x x x 1 1 Byte Byte x x 1 0 0
xx101 xx110
xxxxx Half Stop
3-Byte x x 0 1 0 Byte Half x x 0 1 1
xx100 xx101
x x 0 1 0 Half Byte x x 1 0 0
xx100 xx110
Word x x 0 0 1 Byte 3-Byte x x 0 1 0
xx011 xx100
5-Byte x x 0 0 0 Byte Word x x 0 0 1
xx001 xx010
xx010 xx011
xx011 xx100
x x 0 0 0 Half 3-Byte x x 0 1 0
xx010 xx100
xx011 Word xx100
x x 0 0 0 Word Byte x x 1 0 0
xx011 Word xx100
xxxxx Double Stop
6-Byte x x 0 0 0 Byte 5-Byte x x 0 0 1
xx001 xx010
xx010 xx011
x x 0 0 0 Half Word x x 0 1 0
xx010 xx100
x x 0 0 0 Word Half x x 1 0 0
xx010 Word xx100
xxxxx Double Stop
7-Byte x x 0 0 0 Byte 6-Byte x x 0 0 1
xx001 xx010
x x 0 0 0 Half 5-Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 0 0 1 6-Byte x x 0 1 0
x x 0 0 0 Word 3-Byte x x 1 0 0
x x 0 0 1 4-Byte x x 1 0 0
xxxxx Double Stop
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-23
Part III. The Hardware Interface
8.4.4 Address Transfer Termination
Address transfer termination occurs with the assertion of the address acknowledge (AACK)
signal, or retried with the assertion of ARTRY. ARTRY must remain asserted until one
clock after AACK; the bus clock cycle after AACK is called the ARTRY window. The
MPC8260 controls assertion of AACK unless the cycle is claimed by an external slave, such
as an external L2 cache controller. Following the assertion of L2_HIT, the L2 cache
controller is responsible for asserting AACK. When AACK is asserted by the external slave,
it should be asserted for one clock cycle and then negated for one clock cycle before
entering a high-impedance state. The MPC8260 holds AACK in a high-impedance state
until it is required to assert AACK to terminate the address cycle.
The MPC8260 uses AACK to enforce a pipeline depth of one to its internal slaves.
If the MPC8260 processor clock is conÞgured for 1x or 1.5x
clock mode, the ARTRY snoop response cannot be determined
in the minimum allowed address tenure period. For this clock
mode, AACK must not be asserted to the chip until at least the
third clock of the address tenure (one address wait state) to give
the processor time to assert ARTRY on the bus. For the other
clock conÞguration modes, the ARTRY snoop response can be
determined in the minimum address tenure period, and AACK
may be asserted as early as the second bus clock of the address
tenure (zero address wait states). Address Retried with ARTRY
The address transfer can be terminated with the requirement to retry if ARTRY is asserted
during the address tenure and through the cycle following AACK. The assertion causes the
entire transaction (address and data tenure) to be rerun. As a snooping device, the MPC8260
processor asserts ARTRY for a snooped transaction that hits modiÞed data in the data cache
that must be written back to memory, or if the snooped transaction could not be serviced.
As a bus master, the MPC8260 responds to an assertion of ARTRY by aborting the bus
transaction and requesting the bus again, as shown in Figure 8-7. Note that after
recognizing an assertion of ARTRY and aborting the current transaction, the MPC8260
may not run the same transaction the next time it is granted the bus.
8-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-7. Retry Cycle
As a bus master, the MPC8260 recognizes either an early or qualiÞed ARTRY and prevents
the data tenure associated with the retried address tenure. If the data tenure has begun, the
MPC8260 terminates the data tenure immediately even if the burst data has been received.
If the assertion of ARTRY is received up to or on the bus cycle after the Þrst (or only)
assertion of TA for the data tenure, the MPC8260 ignores the Þrst data beat. If it is a read
operation, the MPC8260 does not forward data internally to the cache, execution unit, or
any other MPC8260 internal storage. This address retry case succeeds because the data
tenure is aborted in time, and the entire transaction is rerun. This retry mechanism allows
the memory system to begin operating in parallel with the bus snoopers, provided external
devices do not present data sooner than the bus cycle before all snoop responses can be
determined and asserted on the bus.
Note that the system must ensure that the Þrst (or only) assertion of TA for a data transfer
does not occur sooner than the cycle before the Þrst assertion of ARTRY on the bus, (or
conversely, that ARTRY is never asserted later than the cycle after the Þrst or only assertion
of TA). This guarantees the relationship between TA and ARTRY such that, in case of an
address retry, the data may be cancelled in the chip before it can be forwarded internally to
the internal memory resources (registers or cache). Generally, the memory system must
MPC8260 External MPC8260
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-25
Part III. The Hardware Interface
also detect this event and abort any transfer in progress. If this TA/ARTRY relationship is
not met, the master may enter an undeÞned state. Users may use PPC_ACR[DBGD] to
ensure correct operation of the system.
During the clock of a qualiÞed ARTRY, each device master determines whether it should
negate BR and ignore BG on the following cycle. The following cycle is referred to as the
window-of-opportunity for the snooping master. During this window, only the snooping
master that asserted ARTRY and requires a snoop copyback operation is allowed to assert
BR. This guarantees the snooping master a window of opportunity to request and be granted
the bus before the just-retried master can restart its transaction. BG is also blocked in the
window-of-opportunity, so the arbiter has a chance to negate BG to an already granted
potential bus master to perform a new arbitration.
Note that in some systems, an external processor may be unable to perform a pending snoop
copyback when a new snoop operation is performed. In this case, the MPC8260 requests
the window of opportunity if it hits on the new snooped address. To clear its internal snoop
queue, it performs the snoop copyback operation for the earlier snooped address instead of
the current snooped address. Address Tenure Timing ConÞguration
During address tenures initiated by 60x-bus devices, the timing of the assertion of AACK
by the MPC8260 is determined by the BCR[APD] and the pipeline status of the 60x bus.
Because the MPC8260 can support one level of pipelining, it uses AACK to control the
60x-bus pipeline condition. To maintain the one-level pipeline, AACK is not asserted for a
pipelined address tenure until the current data tenure ends. The MPC8260 also delays
asserting AACK until no more address retry conditions can occur. Note that the earliest the
MPC8260 can assert AACK is the clock cycle when the wait-state values set by BCR[APD]
have expired.
BCR[APD] speciÞes the minimum number of address tenure wait states for address
operations initiated by 60x-bus devices. APD indicates how many cycles the MPC8260
should wait for ARTRY, but because it is assumed that ARTRY can be asserted (by other
masters) only on cacheable address spaces, APD is considered only on transactions that hit
a 60x-assigned memory controller bank and that have GBL asserted during the address
Extra wait states may occur because of other MPC8260 conÞguration parameters. Note that
in a system with an L2 cache, the number of wait states conÞgured by BCR[APD] should
be at least as large as the value needed by the L2 controller to assert hit response. In systems
with multiple potential masters, the number of wait states conÞgured by BCR[APD] should
be at least as large as the value the slowest master would need by to assert a snoop response.
For example, additional wait states are required when the internal processor is in 1:1 clock
mode; this case requires at least one wait state to generate the ARTRY response.
8-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
8.4.5 Pipeline Control
The MPC8260 supports the two following modes:
¥ One-level pipeline modeÑTo maintain the one-level pipeline, AACK is not asserted
for a pipelined address tenure until the current data tenure ends. In 60x-compatible
bus mode, a two-level pipeline depth can occur (for example, when an external 60x-
bus slave does not support one-level pipelining). When the internal arbiter counts a
pipeline depth of two (two assertions of AACK before the assertion of the current
data tenure) it negates all address bus grant (BG) signals.
¥ No-pipeline modeÑThe MPC8260 does not assert AACK until the corresponding
data tenure ends.
8.5 Data Tenure Operations
This section describes the operation of the MPC8260 during the data bus arbitration,
transfer, and termination phases of the data tenure.
8.5.1 Data Bus Arbitration
The beginning of an address transfer, marked by the assertion of transfer start (TS), is also
an implicit data bus request provided that the transfer type signals (TT[0Ð4]) indicate that
the transaction is not address-only.
The MPC8260 arbiter supports one external master and uses DBG to grant the external
master data bus.The DBG signals are not asserted if the data bus, which is shared with
memory, is busy with a transaction.
A qualiÞed data bus grant (QDBG) can be expressed as the assertion of DBG while DBB
and ARTRY (associated with the data bus operation) are negated.
Note that the MPC8260 arbiter should assert DBG only when it is certain that the Þrst TA
will be asserted with or after the associated ARTRY. The MPC8260 DBG is asserted with
TS if the data bus is free and if the PPC_ACR[DBGD] = 0. If PPC_ACR[DBGD] = 1, DBG
is asserted one cycle after TS if the data bus is not busy. The DBG delay should be used to
ensure that ARTRY is not asserted after the Þrst or only TA assertion. For the programming
model, see Section, Ò60x Bus Arbiter ConÞguration Register (PPC_ACR).Ó
Note that DBB should not be asserted after the data tenure is Þnished. Assertion of DBB
after the last TA causes improper operation of the bus. (MPC8260 internal masters do not
assert DBB after the last TA.)
Note the following:
¥ External bus arbiters must comply with the following restriction on assertion of
DBG which is connected to the MPC8260. In case the data bus is not busy with the
data of a previous transaction on the bus, external arbiter must assert DBG in the
same cycle in which TS is asserted (by a master which was granted the bus) or in the
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-27
Part III. The Hardware Interface
following cycle. In case the external arbiter asserts DBG on the cycle in which TS
was asserted, PPC_ACR[DBGD] should be zero. Otherwise, PPC_ACR[DBGD]
should be set.
¥ External masters connected to the 60x bus must assert DBB only for the duration of
its data tenure. External masters should not use DBB to prevent other masters from
using the data bus after their data tenure has ended.
8.5.2 Data Streaming Mode
The MPC8260 supports a special data streaming mode that can improve bus performance
in some conditions. Generally, the bus protocol requires one idle cycle between any two
data tenures. This idle cycle is essential to prevent contention on the data bus when the
driver of the data is changing. However, when the driver on the data bus is the same for both
data tenures, this idle cycle may be omitted.
In data streaming mode, the MPC8260 omits the idle cycle where possible. MPC8260
applications often require data stream transfers of more than 4 x 64 bits. For example, the
ATM cellÕs payload is 6 x 64 bits. All this data is driven from a single device on the bus, so
data-streaming saves a cycle for such a transfer. When data-streaming mode is enabled,
transactions initiated by the core are not affected, while transactions initiated by other bus
masters within the chip omit the idle cycle if the data driver is the same. Note that data
streaming mode cannot be enabled when the MPC8260 is in 60x-compatible bus mode and
a device that uses DBB is connected to the bus. This restriction is due to the fact that a
MPC8260 for which data streaming mode is enabled may leave DBB asserted after the last
TA of a transaction and this is a violation of the strict bus protocol. The data streaming
mode is enabled by setting BCR[ETM].
8.5.3 Data Bus Transfers and Normal Termination
The data transfer signals include D[0Ð63] and DP[0Ð7]. For memory accesses, the data
signals form a 64-bit data path, D[0Ð63], for read and write operations.
The MPC8260 handles data transfers in either single-beat or burst operations. Single-beat
operations can transfer from 1 to 24 bytes of data at a time. Burst operations always transfer
eight words in four double-word beats. A burst transaction is indicated by the assertion of
TBST by the bus master. A transaction is terminated normally by asserting TA.
The three following signals are used to terminate the individual data beats of the data tenure
and the data tenure itself:
¥TA indicates normal termination of data transactions. It must always be asserted on
the bus cycle coincident with the data that it is qualifying. It may be withheld by the
slave for any number of clocks until valid data is ready to be supplied or accepted.
¥ Asserting TEA indicates a nonrecoverable bus error event. Upon receiving a Þnal (or
only) termination condition, the MPC8260 always negates DBB for one cycle,
except when fast data bus grant is performed.
8-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
¥ Asserting ARTRY causes the data tenure to be terminated immediately if the
ARTRY is for the address tenure associated with the data tenure in operation (the
data tenure may not be terminated due to address pipelining). The earliest allowable
assertion of TA depends directly on the latest possible assertion of ARTRY.
Figure 8-8 shows both a single-beat and burst data transfer. The MPC8260 asserts TA to
mark the cycle in which data is accepted. In a normal burst transfer, the fourth assertion of
TA signals the end of a transfer.
Figure 8-8. Single-Beat and Burst Data Transfers
8.5.4 Effect of ARTRY Assertion on Data Transfer and Arbitration
The MPC8260 allows an address tenure to overlap its associated data tenure. The MPC8260
internally guarantees that the Þrst TA of the data tenure is delayed to be at the same time or
after the ARTRY window (the clock after the assertion of AACK).
8.5.5 Port Size Data Bus Transfers and PSDVAL Termination
The MPC8260 can transfer data via data ports of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, as shown in
Section 8.4.3, ÒAddress Transfer Attribute Signals.Ó Single-beat transaction sizes can be 8,
16, 32, 64, 128, and 192 bits; burst transactions are 256 bits. Single-beat and burst
transactions are divided into to a number of intermediate beats depending on the port size.
The MPC8260 asserts PSDVAL to mark the cycle in which data is accepted. Assertion of
PSDVAL in conjunction with TA marks the end of the transfer in single-beat mode. The
fourth assertion of PSDVAL in conjunction with TA signals the end of a burst transfer.
D0 D1 D2 D3
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-29
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-9 shows an extended transaction of 4 words to a port size of 32 bits. The single-
beat transaction is translated to four port-sized beats.
Figure 8-9. 128-Bit Extended Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size
Figure 8-10 shows a burst transfer to a 32-bit port. Each double-word burst beat is divided
into two port-sized beats such that the four double words are transferred in eight beats.
D0 D1 D2 D3
8-30 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-10. Burst Transfer to 32-Bit Port Size
8.5.6 Data Bus Termination by Assertion of TEA
If a device initiates a transaction that is not supported by the MPC8260, the MPC8260
signals an error by asserting TEA. Because the assertion of TEA is sampled by the device
only during the data tenure of the bus transaction, the MPC8260 ensures that the device
master receives a qualiÞed data bus grant by asserting DBG before asserting TEA. The data
tenure is terminated by a single assertion of TEA regardless of the port size or whether the
data tenure is a single-beat or burst transaction. This sequence is shown in Figure 8-11. In
Figure 8-11 the data bus is busy at the beginning of the transaction, thus delaying the
assertion of DBG. Note that data errors (parity and ECC) are reported not by assertion of
TEA but by assertion of MCP.
Because the assertion of TEA is sampled by the device only during the data tenure of the
bus transaction, the MPC8260 ensures that the device receives a qualiÞed data bus grant by
asserting DBG before asserting TEA. The data tenure is terminated by a single assertion of
TEA regardless of the port size or whether the data tenure is a single-beat or burst
transaction. This sequence is shown in Figure 8-11. In Figure 8-11 the data bus is busy at
the beginning of the transaction, thus delaying the assertion of DBG.
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-31
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 8-11. Data Tenure Terminated by Assertion of TEA
MPC8260 interprets the following bus transactions as bus errors:
¥ Direct-store transactions, as indicated by the assertion of XA
¥ Bus errors asserted by slaves (internal or external).
8.6 Memory CoherencyÑMEI Protocol
The MPC8260 provides dedicated hardware to ensure memory coherency by snooping bus
transactions, by maintaining information about the status of data in a cache block, and by
the address retry capability. Each data cache block includes status bits that support the
modiÞed/exclusive/invalid, or MEI, cache-coherency protocol.
Asserting the global (GBL) output signal indicates whether the current transaction must be
snooped by other snooping devices on the bus. Address bus masters assert GBL to indicate
that the current transaction is a global access (that is, an access to memory shared by more
than one device). If GBL is not asserted for the transaction, that transaction is not snooped.
When other devices detect the GBL input asserted, they must respond by snooping any
addresses broadcast. Normally, GBL reßects the M bit value speciÞed for the memory
reference in the corresponding translation descriptor. Care must be taken to minimize the
number of pages marked as global, because the retry protocol discussed in the previous
section used to enforce coherency can require signiÞcant bus bandwidth.
For Single For Burst
8-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
When the MPC8260 processor is not the address bus master, GBL is an input. The
MPC8260 processor snoops a transaction if TS and GBL are asserted together in the same
bus clock cycle (a qualiÞed snooping condition). No snoop update to the MPC8260
processor cache occurs if the transaction is not marked global. This includes invalidation
When the MPC8260 processor detects a qualiÞed snoop condition, the address associated
with the TS is compared against the data cache tags. Snooping completes if no hit is
detected. However, if the address hits in the cache, the MPC8260 processor reacts
according to the MEI protocol shown in Figure 8-12. This Þgure assumes that
WIM = 0b001 (memory space is marked for write-back, caching-allowed, and coherency-
enforced modes).
Figure 8-12. MEI Cache Coherency ProtocolÑState Diagram (WIM = 001)
8.7 Processor State Signals
This section describes the MPC8260Õs support for atomic update and memory through the
use of the lwarx/stwcx. instruction pair. It also describes the TLBISYNC input.
SH = Snoop hit
RH = Read hit
WH = Write hit
WM = Write miss
RM = Read miss
SH/CRW = Snoop hit, cacheable read/write
SH/CIR = Snoop hit, cache-inhibited read
= Snoop push
= Cache line fill
MOTOROLA Chapter 8. The 60x Bus 8-33
Part III. The Hardware Interface
8.7.1 Support for the lwarx/stwcx. Instruction Pair
The load word and reserve indexed (lwarx) and the store word conditional indexed (stwcx.)
instructions provide a way to update memory atomically by setting a reservation on the load
and checking that the reservation is still valid before the store is performed. In the
MPC8260, reservations are made on behalf of aligned, 32-byte sections of the memory
address space.
The reservation (RSRV) output signal is driven synchronously with the bus clock and
reßects the status of the reservation coherency bit in the reservation address register.
Note that each external master must do its own snooping; the MPC8260 does not provide
external reservation snooping.
8.7.2 TLBISYNC Input
The TLBISYNC input permits hardware synchronization of changes to MMU tables when
the MPC8260 and another DMA master share the MMU translation tables in system
memory. A DMA master asserts TLBISYNC when it uses shared addresses that the
MPC8260 could change in the MMU tables during the DMA masterÕs tenure.
When the TLBISYNC input is asserted, the MPC8260 cannot complete any instructions
past a tlbsync instruction. Generally, during the execution of an eciwx or ecowx
instruction, the selected DMA device should assert the MPC8260Õs TLBISYNC signal and
hold it asserted during its DMA tenure if it is using a shared translation address. Subsequent
instructions by the MPC8260 processor should include a sync and tlbsync instruction
before any MMU table changes are performed. This prevents the MPC8260 from making
disruptive table changes during the DMA tenure.
8.8 Little-Endian Mode
The MPC8260 supports a little-endian mode in which low-order address bits are operated
on (munged) based on the size of the requested data transfer. This mode allows a little-
endian program running on the processor with a big-endian memory system to offset into
a data structure and receive the same results as it would if it were operating on a true little-
endian processor and memory system. For example, writing a word to memory as a word
operation on the bus and then reading in the second byte of that word as a byte operation
on the bus.
Note that when the processor is selected for little-endian operation, the bus interface is still
operating in big-endian mode. That is, byte address 0 of a double word (as selected by
A[29Ð31] on the busÑafter the internal address munge) still selects the most signiÞcant
(left most) byte of the double word on D[0Ð7]. If the processor interfaces with a true little-
endian environment, the system may need to perform byte-lane swapping or other
operations external to the processor.
8-34 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
MOTOROLA Chapter 9. Clocks and Power Control 9-1
Chapter 9
Clocks and Power Control
The MPC8260Õs clocking architecture includes two PLLsÑthe main PLL and the core
The clock block, which contains the main PLL, provides the following:
¥ Internal clocks for all blocks in the chip except core blocks
¥ The internal 60x bus clock in the chip
The core input clock has the 60x bus frequency, which the core PLL multiplies by a
conÞgurable factor and provides to all core blocks.
Seven bits, three that are dedicated (MODCK[1Ð3]) and four that are from the hardware
conÞguration word, (MODCK_H) map the MPC8260 clocks to one of 49 work options.
Each option determines the bus, core, and CPM frequencies. Assuming the four
conÞguration bits are zero, the three dedicated pins MODCK[1Ð3] select one of eight work
options, see Section 9.2, ÒClock ConÞguration.Ó
The CLOCKIN signal is the main timing reference for the MPC8260. The CLOCKIN
frequency is equal to the 60x and local bus frequencies. The main PLL can multiply the
frequency of the input clock to the Þnal CPM frequency.
9.1 Clock Unit
The MPC8260Õs clock module consists of the input clock interface (OSCM), the PLL, the
system frequency dividers, the clock generator/driver blocks, the conÞguration control unit,
and the clock control block. The clock module and the conÞguration control unit are
managed through the system clock mode register (SCMR), the conÞguration bits
MODCK[1Ð7], and reset block.
To improve noise immunity, the charge pump and the VCO of the main PLL have their own
set of power supply pins (VCCSYN and GNDSYN). All other circuits are powered by the
normal supply pins, VDD and VSS.
9-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
9.2 Clock ConÞguration
To conÞgure the main PLL multiplication factor and the core, CPM, and 60x bus
frequencies, the MODCK[1Ð3] pins are sampled while HRESET is asserted. Table 9-1
shows the eight basic conÞguration modes. Another 49 modes are available by using the
conÞguration pin (RSTCONF) and driving four pins on the data bus.
Table 9-2 describes all possible clock conÞgurations when using the hard reset
conÞguration sequence. Note that clock conÞguration changes only after POR is asserted.
Note also that basic modes are bolded in this table.
Table 9-1. Clock Default Modes
MODCK[1Ð3] Input Clock
CPM Multiplication
Core Multiplication
000 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 4 133 MHz
001 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 5 166 MHz
010 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 4 133 MHz
011 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 5 166 MHz
100 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 2.5 166 MHz
101 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 3 200 MHz
110 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 2.5 166 MHz
111 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 3 200 MHz
Table 9-2. Clock Configuration Modes
MODCK_HÐMODCK[1Ð3] Input Clock
CPM Multiplication
Core Multiplication
0001_000 33 MHz 2 66 MHz 4 133 MHz
0001_001 33 MHz 2 66 MHz 5 166 MHz
0001_010 33 MHz 2 66 MHz 6 200 MHz
0001_011 33 MHz 2 66 MHz 7 233 MHz
0001_100 33 MHz 2 66 MHz 8 266 MHz
0001_101 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 4133 MHz
0001_110 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 5166 MHz
0001_111 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 6 200 MHz
0010_000 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 7 233 MHz
0010_001 33 MHz 3 100 MHz 8 266 MHz
0010_010 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 4 133 MHz
MOTOROLA Chapter 9. Clocks and Power Control 9-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
0010_011 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 5 166 MHz
0010_100 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 6 200 MHz
0010_101 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 7 233 MHz
0010_110 33 MHz 4 133 MHz 8 266 MHz
0010_111 33 MHz 5 166 MHz 4 133 MHz
0011_000 33 MHz 5 166 MHz 5 166 MHz
0011_001 33 MHz 5 166 MHz 6 200 MHz
0011_010 33 MHz 5 166 MHz 7 233 MHz
0011_011 33 MHz 5 166 MHz 8 266 MHz
0011_100 33 MHz 6 200 MHz 4 133 MHz
0011_101 33 MHz 6 200 MHz 5 166 MHz
0011_110 33 MHz 6 200 MHz 6 200 MHz
0011_111 33 MHz 6 200 MHz 7 233 MHz
0100_000 33 MHz 6 200 MHz 8 266 MHz
0100_001 Reserved
0100_111 Reserved
0101_101 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 2 133 MHz
Table 9-2. Clock Configuration Modes (Continued)
MODCK_HÐMODCK[1Ð3] Input Clock
CPM Multiplication
Core Multiplication
9-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Because of speed dependencies, not all conÞgurations in Table 9-2 may be applicable.
The 66 MHz conÞgurations are required for input clock frequencies higher than 50 MHz;
33 MHz conÞgurations are required for input clock frequencies below 50 MHz.
0101_110 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 2.5 166 MHz
0101_111 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 3 200 MHz
0110_000 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 3.5 233 MHz
0110_001 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 4 266 MHz
0110_010 66 MHz 2 133 MHz 4.5 300 MHz
0110_011 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 2 133 MHz
0110_100 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 2.5 166 MHz
0110_101 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 3 200 MHz
0110_110 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 3.5 233 MHz
0110_111 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 4 266 MHz
0111_000 66 MHz 2.5 166 MHz 4.5 300 MHz
0111_001 66 MHz 3 200 MHz 2 133 MHz
0111_010 66 MHz 3 200 MHz 2.5 166 MHz
0111_011 66 MHz 3 200 MHz 3 200 MHz
0111_100 66 MHz 3 200 MHz 3.5 233 MHz
0111_101 66 MHz 3 200 MHz 4 266 MHz
0111_110 66 MHz 3 200 MHz 4.5 300 MHz
0111_111 66 MHz 3.5 233 MHz 2 133 MHz
1000_000 66 MHz 3.5 233 MHz 2.5 166 MHz
1000_001 66 MHz 3.5 233 MHz 3 200 MHz
1000_010 66 MHz 3.5 233 MHz 3.5 233 MHz
1000_011 66 MHz 3.5 233 MHz 4 266 MHz
1000_100 66 MHz 3.5 233 MHz 4.5 300 MHz
Table 9-2. Clock Configuration Modes (Continued)
MODCK_HÐMODCK[1Ð3] Input Clock
CPM Multiplication
Core Multiplication
MOTOROLA Chapter 9. Clocks and Power Control 9-5
Part III. The Hardware Interface
9.3 External Clock Inputs
The input clock source to the PLL is an external clock oscillator at the bus frequency. The
PLL skew elimination between the CLOCKIN pin and the internal bus clock is guaranteed.
9.4 Main PLL
The main PLL performs frequency multiplication and skew elimination. It allows the
processor to operate at a high internal clock frequency using a low-frequency clock input,
which has two immediate beneÞts: A lower clock input frequency reduces overall
electromagnetic interference generated by the system, and oscillating at different
frequencies eliminates the need for another oscillator to the system.
9.4.1 PLL Block Diagram
Figure 9-1 shows how clocking is implemented and the interdependencies of the SCMR
¥ BUSDFÑ60x bus division factor
¥ CPMDFÑCPM division factor. This value is always 1.
¥ PLLDFÑPLL pre-divider value. Ensures that PLLMF is an integer value regardless
of whether CPM_CLK/CLKIN is an integer.
¥ PLLMFÑPLL multiplication factor
These Þelds are described in detail in Table 9-5.
Figure 9-1. System PLL Block Diagram
The reference signal (CLKIN) goes to the phase comparator that controls the direction (up
or down) that the charge pump drives the voltage across the external Þlter capacitor (XFC).
÷ (PLLDF + 1)
´ 2
(PLLMF + 1) ÷ (CPMDF + 1)
÷ (BUSDF + 1)
÷ 4
2 (DFBRG + 1)
PLLDF ensures that PLLMF is an integer, according to the
following formula:
CLKIN ´ (PLLDF + 1) Ð 1
General-Purpose Divider
9-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The direction selected depends on whether the feedback signal phase lags or leads the
reference signal. The output of the charge pump drives the VCO whose output frequency is
divided and fed back to the phase comparator for comparison with the reference signal,
CLKIN. Ranging between 1 and 4,096, the PLL multiplication factor is held in the system
clock mode register (SCMR[PLLMF]). Also, when the PLL is operating, its output
frequency is twice the CPM frequency. This double frequency is required to generate the
CPM_CLK and CPM_CLK_90 clocks. See the block diagram in Figure 9-1 for details.
On initial system power-up, power-on reset (PORESET) should be asserted by external
logic for 16 input clocks after a valid level is reached on the power supply. Whenever
power-on reset is asserted, SCMR[PLLMF, PLLDF] are programmed by the conÞguration
pins; see Table 9-2. This value then drives the clock block to generate the correct CPM and
bus frequencies.
9.4.2 Skew Elimination
The PLL can tighten synchronous timings by eliminating skew between phases of the
internal clock and the external clock entering the chip (CLOCKIN). Skew elimination is
always active when the PLL is enabled. Disabling the PLL can greatly increase clock skew.
9.5 Clock Dividers
The PLL output is twice the maximum frequency needed for all the clocks. The PLL output
is sent to general-purpose dividers (CPMDF, BUSDF), either of which can divide the
double clock by a programmable number between 1 and 16. The delay is the same for all
dividers independent on the programmable number, so the clocks are synchronized.
The output of each divider has two phases, one shifted 90¡ from the other, as shown in
Table 9-1. Each phase has a 50% duty cycle.
9.6 The MPC8260Õs Internal Clock Signals
The internal logic of the MPC8260 uses the following internal clock lines:
¥ CPM general system clocks (CPM_CLK, CPM_CLK_90)
¥ 60x bus, core bus (BUS_CLK, BUS_CLK_90)
¥ SCC clocks (SCC_CLK, SCC_CLK_90)
¥ Baud-rate generator clock (BRG_CLK)
The PLL synchronizes these clock signals to each other (but does not synchronize to
MOTOROLA Chapter 9. Clocks and Power Control 9-7
Part III. The Hardware Interface
9.6.1 General System Clocks
The general system clocks (CPM_CLK, CPM_CLK_90) are the basic clocks supplied to
most modules and sub-modules on the CPM. The following points should be kept in mind:
¥ BUS_CLK and BUS_CLK_90 are supplied to the 60x bus and to the core.
¥ Many modules use both clocks (SIU, serials)
¥ The external clock, CLKIN, is the same as BUS_CLK
9.7 PLL Pins
Table 9-3 shows dedicated PLL pins.
Figure 9-2 shows the Þltering circuit for VCCSYN and VCCSYN1, described in Table 9-3.
Table 9-3. Dedicated PLL Pins
Signal Description
VCCSYN1 Drain voltageÑAnalog VDD dedicated to core analog PLL circuits. To ensure core clock stability, Þlter the
power to the VCCSYN1 input with a circuit similar to the one in Figure 9-2. To Þlter as much noise as
possible, place the circuit as close as possible to VCCSYN1. The 0.1-µF capacitor should be closest to
VCCSYN1, followed by the 10-µF capacitor, and Þnally the 10-W resistor to Vdd. These traces should be
kept short and direct.
VCCSYN Drain voltageÑAnalog VDD dedicated to analog main PLL circuits. To ensure internal clock stability, Þlter
the power to the VCCSYN input with a circuit similar to the one in Figure 9-2. To Þlter as much noise as
possible, place the circuit should as close as possible to VCCSYN. The 0.1-µF capacitor should be closest
to VCCSYN, followed by the 10-µF capacitor, and Þnally the 10-W resistor to Vdd. These traces should be
kept short and direct.
GNDSYN Source voltageÑAnalog VSS dedicated to analog main PLL circuits. Should be provided with an extremely
low impedance path to ground and should be bypassed to VCCSYN by a 0.1-µF capacitor located as close
as possible to the chip package. The user should also bypass GNDSYN to VCCSYN with a 0.01-µF
capacitor as close as possible to the chip package.
XFC External Þlter capacitorÑConnects to the off-chip capacitor for the main PLL Þlter. One terminal of the
capacitor is connected to XFC while the other terminal is connected to VCCSYN.
30 MW is the minimum parasitic resistance value that ensures proper PLL operation when connected in
parallel with the XFC capacitor. XFC capacitor values are shown in the table below:
Factor 2 Volts (Minimum) 2.5 Volts (Maximum) Unit
1 £ Factor £ 4 XFC = Factor * 935- 90 XFC = Factor * 680 - 90 pF
Factor > 4 XFC = Factor * 1370 XFC = Factor * 970 pF
Note that the multiplication factor ranges between 1 and 4,096. See the PLLMF Þeld
description in Section 9.9, ÒSystem Clock Mode Register (SCMR).Ó
9-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 9-2. PLL Filtering Circuit
9.8 System Clock Control Register (SCCR)
The system clock control register (SCCR), shown in Figure 9-3, is memory-mapped into
the MPC8260Õs internal space.
Table 9-4 describes SCCR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x10C80
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset Ñ 0 01
Addr 0x10C82
Figure 9-3. System Clock Control Register (SCCR)
Table 9-4. SCCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name
POR Hard Reset
0Ð28 Ñ Reserved
29 CLPD 0 Unaffected CPM low power disable.
0 Default. CPM does not enter low power mode when the core enters low
power mode.
1 CPM and SIU enter low power mode when the core does. This may be
useful for debug tools that use the assertion of QREQ as an indication of
breakpoint in the core.
10 W
0.1 µF
10 µF
MOTOROLA Chapter 9. Clocks and Power Control 9-9
Part III. The Hardware Interface
9.9 System Clock Mode Register (SCMR)
The system clock mode register (SCMR), shown in Figure 9-4, holds the parameters which
determine the output clock frequencies. To understand how these values interact, see
Section 9.4, ÒMain PLL.Ó
Table 9-5 describes SCMR Þelds.
30Ð31 DFBRG 01 Unaffected Division factor of BRGCLK from VCO_OUT (twice the CPM clock). DeÞnes
the BRGCLK frequency. Changing the value does not result in a loss of lock
condition. The BRGCLK is divided from the CPM clock.
00 Divide by 4
01 Divide by 16 (normal operation)
10 Divide by 64
11 Divide by 128
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset See Table 9-5
Addr 0x10C88
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset See Table 9-5
Addr 0x10C8A
Figure 9-4. System Clock Mode Register (SCMR)
Table 9-5. SCMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name
POR Hard Reset
0Ð2 Ñ Ñ Ñ Reserved
3Ð7 CORECNF ConÞg pins Unaffected Core conÞguration. PLL conÞguration of the core.
8Ð11 BUSDF ConÞg pins Unaffected 60x bus division factor
12Ð15 CPMDF ConÞg pins Unaffected CPM division factor. This value is always 1.
16Ð18 Ñ Ñ Ñ Reserved
Table 9-4. SCCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name
POR Hard Reset
9-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The relationships among these parameters are described in the formulas in Figure 9-5.
Figure 9-5. Relationships of SCMR Parameters
9.10 Basic Power Structure
The I/O buffers, logic, and clock block are fed by a 3.3-V power supply that allows them to
function in a TTL-compatible voltage range. Internal logic can be fed by a 2.0-V source
considerably reducing power consumption. The PLL is fed by a separate power supply
(VCCSYN) to achieve a highly stable output frequency. The VCCSYN value is equal to the
internal supply (2.0 V).
The MPC8260 supports the two following power modes:
¥ Full mode: Both the chip PLL and core PLL work.
¥ Stop mode: Main PLL is working, core PLL is stopped, internal clocks are disabled.
Ñ When stop mode is entered, software sets the sleep bit in the core (HID0[10] =
1) and the clock block freezes all clocks to the chip (the core clock and all other
clocks) the main PLL remains active
Ñ When stop mode is exited, the SRESET_B input must be asserted to the chip, the
clock block resumes clocks to all blocks and then releases the reset to the whole
19 PLLDF ConÞg pins Unaffected PLL pre-divider value. Ensures that PLLMF is an integer value
regardless of whether CPM_CLK/CLKIN is an integer.
0 The ratio, CPM_CLK/CLKIN, is an integer
1 The ratio, CPM_CLK/CLKIN, is not an integer
PLL division factor can be either 1 or 2.
20Ð31 PLLMF ConÞg pins Unaffected PLL multiplication factor. (A PLLMF value of 0x000 corresponds to 1,
and 0xFFF to 4,096.) The VCO output is divided to generate the
feedback signal that goes to the phase comparator. PLLMF and
PLLDF bits control the value of the divider in the PLL feedback loop.
The phase comparator determines the phase shift between the
feedback signal and the reference clock. This difference causes an
increase or decrease in the VCO output frequency.
Table 9-5. SCMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name
POR Hard Reset
CLKIN ´ (PLLDF + 1) Ð 1
BUSDF = (PLLMF + 1) ´ 2
(PLLDF + 1) Ð 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-1
Chapter 10
Memory Controller
The memory controller is responsible for controlling a maximum of twelve memory banks
shared by a high performance SDRAM machine, a general-purpose chip-select machine
(GPCM), and three user-programmable machines (UPMs). It supports a glueless interface
to synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), SRAM, EPROM, ßash EPROM, burstable RAM,
regular DRAM devices, extended data output DRAM devices, and other peripherals. This
ßexible memory controller allows the implementation of memory systems with very
speciÞc timing requirements.
¥ The SDRAM machine provides an interface to synchronous DRAMs, using
SDRAM pipelining, bank interleaving, and back-to-back page mode to achieve the
highest performance.
¥ The GPCM provides interfacing for simpler, lower-performance memory resources
and memory-mapped devices. The GPCM has inherently lower performance
because it does not support bursting. For this reason, GPCM-controlled banks are
used primarily for boot-loading and access to low-performance memory-mapped
¥ The UPM supports address multiplexing of the external bus, refresh timers, and
generation of programmable control signals for row address and column address
strobes to allow for a glueless interface to DRAMs, burstable SRAMs, and almost
any other kind of peripheral. The refresh timers allow refresh cycles to be initiated.
The UPM can be used to generate different timing patterns for the control signals
that govern a memory device. These patterns deÞne how the external control signals
behave during a read, write, burst-read, or burst- write access request. Refresh timers
are also available to periodically generate user-deÞned refresh cycles.
Unless stated otherwise, this chapter describes the 60x bus memory controller. The local
bus memory controller provides the same functionality as the 60x bus memory controller
except 64-bit port size ECC and external master support.
10-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The MPC8260 supports the following new features as compared to the MPC860 and
¥ The synchronous DRAM machine enables back-to-back memory read or write
operations using page mode, pipelined operation and bank interleaving for
high-performance systems.
¥ The memory controller supports the local bus and the 60x bus in parallel. The 60x
bus and the local bus share twelve memory banks as well as two SDRAM machines,
three user-programmable machines (UPMs) and GPCMs.
¥ The memory controller supports atomic operation.
¥ The memory controller supports read-modify-write (RMW) data parity check.
¥ The memory controller supports ECC data check and correction.
¥ Two data buffer controls (one for the local bus).
¥ ECC/parity byte select pin, which enables a fast, glueless connection to ECC/
RMW-parity devices.
¥ 18-bit address and 32-bit local data bus memory controller. The local bus memory
controller supports the following:
Ñ 8-, 16-, and 32-bit port sizes
Ñ Parity checking and generation
Ñ Ability to work in parallel with the 60x bus memory controller
Unless stated otherwise, this chapter describes the 60x bus memory controller. The
local bus memory controller provides the same functionality as the 60x bus memory
controller except 64-bit port size, ECC, and external master support.
¥ Flexible chip-select assignmentÑThe 60x bus and local bus share twelve
chip-select lines (controlled by a memory controller bank). The user can allocate the
twelve banks as needed between the 60x bus and the local bus.
¥ Flexible UPM assignmentÑThe user can assign any of the three UPMs to the 60x
bus or the Local bus
Figure 10-1 shows the dual-bus architecture.
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-1. Dual-Bus Architecture
10.1 Features
The memory controllerÕs main features are as follows:
¥ Twelve memory banks
Ñ 32-bit address decoding with mask
Ñ Variable block sizes (32 Kbytes to 4 Gbytes)
Ñ Three types of data errors check/correction:
Ð Normal odd/even parity
Ð Read-modify-write (RMW) odd/even parity for single accesses
60x Memory
Control Signals
Local Memory
Control Signals
60x Address
Bus Interface
Local Address
Bus Interface
Local Data
Bus Interface
60x Address [0Ð31]
Local Address [0Ð31]
60x Data[0Ð63]
Local Data [0Ð63]
Address Decoders
60x Data
Bus Interface
Slave Memory
10-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Ñ Write-protection capability
Ñ Control signal generation machine selection on a per-bank basis
Ñ Flexible chip-select assignment between the 60x bus and the local bus
Ñ Supports internal or external masters on the 60x bus
Ñ Data buffer controls activated on a per-bank basis
Ñ Atomic operation
Ñ Extensive external memory-controller/bus-slave support
Ñ ECC/parity byte-select
Ñ Data pipeline to reduce data setup time for synchronous devices
¥ Synchronous DRAM machine (60x or local bus)
Ñ Provides the control functions and signals for glueless connection to
JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices
Ñ Back-to-back page mode for consecutive, back-to-back accesses
Ñ Supports 2-, 4- and 8-way bank interleaving
Ñ Supports SDRAM port size of 64-bit (60x only), 32-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit
Ñ Supports external address and/or command lines buffering
¥ General-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM)Ñ60x or local bus
Ñ Compatible with SRAM, EPROM, FEPROM, and peripherals
Ñ Global (boot) chip-select available at system reset
Ñ Boot chip-select support for 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit devices
Ñ Minimum two clock accesses to external device
Ñ Eight byte write enable signals (WE)Ñfour on the local bus
Ñ Output enable signal (OE)
Ñ External access termination signal (GTA)
¥ Three UPMs
Ñ Each machine can be assigned to the 60x or local bus.
Ñ Programmable-array-based machine controls external signal timing with a
granularity of up to one quarter of an external bus clock period
Ñ User-speciÞed control-signal patterns run when an internal or external master
requests a single-beat or burst read or write access.
Ñ UPM refresh timer runs a user-speciÞed control signal pattern to support refresh
Ñ User-speciÞed control-signal patterns can be initiated by software
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-5
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Ñ Each UPM can be deÞned to support DRAM devices with depths of 64, 128, 256,
and 512 Kbytes, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 Mbytes
Ð Chip-select line
Ð Byte-select lines
Ð Six external general-purpose lines
Ñ Supports 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit memory port sizes, 8-, 16-, and 32-bit port sizes
on the local bus
Ñ Page mode support for successive transfers within a burst
Ñ Internal address multiplexing for all on-chip bus masters supporting 64-, 128-,
256-, and 512-Kbyte, and 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, 256-Mbyte page
10.2 Basic Architecture
The memory controller consists of three basic machines:
¥ Synchronous DRAM machine
¥ General-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM)
¥ Three UPMs
Each bank can be assigned to any one of these machines via BRx[MS] as shown in
Figure 10-2. The MS and MxMR[BS] bits (for UPMs) assign banks to the 60x bus or local
bus, as shown in Figure 10-2. Addresses are decoded by comparing (A[0Ð16] bit-wise and
ORx[AM]) with BRx[BA]. If an address match occurs in multiple banks, the lowest
numbered bank has priority. However, if a 60x bus access hits a bank allocated to the local
bus, the access is transferred to the local bus. Local bus access hits to 60x assigned banks
are ignored.
When a memory address matches BRx[BA], the corresponding machine takes ownership
of the external signals that control access and maintains control until the cycle ends.
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-2. Memory Controller Machine Selection
Some features are common to all machines.
¥ A 17-bit most-signiÞcant address decode on each memory bank
¥ The block size of each memory bank can vary between 32 Kbytes (1 Mbyte for
SDRAM) and 4 Gbytes (128 Mbytes for SDRAM).
¥ Normal parity may be generated and checked for any memory bank.
¥ Read-modify-write parity may be generated and checked for any memory bank with
either 32- or 64-bit port size. Using RMW parity on 32-bit port size bank, requires
the bus to be in strict 60x mode (BCR[ETM] = 0. See Section, ÒBus
ConÞguration Register (BCR).Ó
¥ ECC may be generated and checked for any memory bank with a 64-bit port size
¥ Each memory bank can be selected for read-only or read/write operation.
¥ Each memory bank can use data pipelining, which reduces the required data setup
time for synchronous devices.
¥ Each memory bank can be controlled by an external memory controller or bus slave.
The memory controller functionality minimizes the need for glue logic in MPC8260-based
systems. In Figure 10-3, CS0 is used with the 16-bit boot EPROM with BR0[MS]
defaulting to select the GPCM. CS1 is used as the RAS signal for 64-bit DRAM with
BR1[MS] conÞgured to select UPMA. BS[0Ð7] are used as CAS signals on the DRAM.
Local General-Purpose
Bank 0
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank 3
Bank 10
MS Chip-Select Machine
Local SDRAM Local
60x SDRAM 60x
60x General-Purpose
Chip-Select Machine 60x
Machine (A/B/C)
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-7
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-3. Simple System Configuration
Implementation differences between the supported machines are described in the
¥ The SDRAM machine provides a glueless interface to JEDEC-compliant SDRAM
devices, and using SDRAM pipelining, page mode, and bank interleaving delivers
very high performance. To allow Þne tuning of system performance, the SDRAM
machine provides two types of page modes selectable per memory bank:
Ñ Page mode for consecutive back-to-back accesses (normal operation)
Ñ Page mode for intermittent accesses
SDRAM machines are available on the 60x and local buses; each memory bank can
be assigned to any SDRAM machine.
¥ The GPCM provides a glueless interface to EPROM, SRAM, ßash EPROM
(FEPROM), and other peripherals. The GPCM is available on both buses on
CS[0Ð11]. CS0 also functions as the global (boot) chip-select for accessing the boot
EPROM or FLASH device. The chip-select allows 0 to 30 wait states.
¥ The UPMs provide a ßexible interface to many types of memory devices. Each UPM
can control the address multiplexing for accessing DRAM devices and the timings
of BS[0Ð7] and GPL. Each UPM can be assigned either to the 60x or to the local
bus. Each memory bank can be assigned to any UPM.
Each UPM is a programmable RAM-based machine. The UPM toggles the memory
controller external signals as programmed in RAM when an internal or external
master initiates any external read or write access. The UPM also controls address
multiplexing, address increment, and transfer acknowledge (TA) assertion for each
memory access. The UPM speciÞes a set of signal patterns for a user-speciÞed
number of clock cycles. The UPM RAM pattern run by the memory controller is
10-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
selected according to the type of external access transacted. At every clock cycle, the
logical value of the external signals speciÞed in the RAM array is output on the
corresponding UPM pins.
Figure 10-4 shows a basic conÞguration.
Figure 10-4. Basic Memory Controller Operation
The SDRAM mode registers (LSDMR and PSDMR) deÞne the global parameters for the
60x and local SDRAM devices. Machine A/B/C mode registers (MxMR) deÞne most of the
global features for each UPM. GPCM parameters are deÞned in the option register (ORx).
Some SDRAM and UPM parameters are also deÞned in ORx.
10.2.1 Address and Address Space Checking
The deÞned base address is written to the BRx. The bank size is written to the ORx. Each
time a bus cycle access is requested on the 60x or local bus, addresses are compared with
each bank. If a match is found on a memory controller bank, the attributes deÞned in the
BRx and ORx for that bank are used to control the memory access. If a match is found in
more than one bank, the lowest-numbered bank handles the memory access (that is, bank 0
has priority over bank 1).
Note that although 60x bus accesses that hit a bank allocated to the local bus are transferred
to the local bus, local bus access hits to banks allocated to the 60x bus are ignored.
60x-to-local bus transactions has priority over regular memory bank hits.
Bank Select
Internal/External Memory Access Request Select
Address (A),
Type (AT)
External Signals
SDRAM Machine
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.2.2 Page Hit Checking
The SDRAM machine supports page-mode operation. Each time a page is activated on the
SDRAM device, the SDRAM machine stores its address in a page register. The page
information, which the user writes to the ORx register, is used along with the bank size to
compare page bits of the address to the page register each time a bus-cycle access is
requested. If a match is found together with bank match, the bus cycle is deÞned as a page
hit. An open page is automatically closed by the SDRAM machine if the bus becomes idle,
unless ORx[PMSEL] is set.
10.2.3 Error Checking and Correction (ECC)
ECC can be conÞgured for any bank as long as it is assigned to the 60x bus and is connected
to a 64-bit port size memory. ECC is generated and checked on a 64-bit basis using DP[0Ð7]
for the bank if BRx[DECC] = 11. If ECC is used, single errors can be corrected and all
double-bit errors can be detected.
10.2.4 Parity Generation and Checking
Parity can be conÞgured for any bank, if it is preferred. Parity is generated and checked on
a per-byte basis using DP[0Ð7] or LDP[0Ð3] for the bank if BR[DECC] = 01 for normal
parity and 10 for RMW parity. SIUMCR[EPAR] determines the global type of parity (odd
or even).
Note that RMW parity can be used only for 32- or 64-bit port size banks. Also, using RMW
parity on a 32-bit port size bank, requires that the bus is placed is strict 60x mode. This is
done by setting BCR[ETM] (BCR[LETM] for the local bus) see Section, ÒBus
ConÞguration Register (BCR),Ó for more details.
10.2.5 Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) Generation
The memory controller asserts the transfer error acknowledge signal (TEA) (if enabled) in
the following cases:
¥ An unaligned or burst access is attempted to internal MPC8260 space (registers or
dual-port RAM).
¥ The core or an external master attempts a burst access to the local bus address space
¥ A bus monitor timeout
10.2.6 Machine Check Interrupt (MCP) Generation
The memory controller asserts machine check interrupt (MCP) in the following cases:
¥ A parity error
¥ An ECC double-bit error
¥ An ECC single bit error when the maximum number of ECC errors has been reached
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.2.7 Data Buffer Controls (BCTLx)
The memory controller provides two data buffer controls for the 60x bus (BCTL0 and
BCTL1) and one for the local bus (LWR). These controls are activated when a GPCM- or
UPM-controlled bank is accessed. The BCTLx controls can be disabled by setting
ORx[BCTLD]. Access to SDRAM-machine controlled bank does not activate the BCTLx
controls. The BCTL signals are asserted on the rising edge of CLKIN on the Þrst cycle of
the memory controller operation. They are negated on the rising edge of CLKIN after the
last assertion of PSDVAL of the access is asserted. (See Section 10.2.13, ÒPartial Data Valid
Indication (PSDVAL).Ó) If back-to-back memory controller operations are pending,
BCTLx is not negated.
The BCTL signals have a programmable polarity. See Section, ÒSIU Module
ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
10.2.8 Atomic Bus Operation
The MPC8260 supports the following kinds of atomic bus operations BRx[ATOM]:
¥ Read-after-write (RAWA). When a write access hits a memory bank in which
ATOM = 01, the MPC8260 locks the bus for the exclusive use of the accessing
master (internal or external).
While the bus is locked, no other device can be granted the bus. The lock is released
when the master that created the lock access the same bank with a read transaction.
If the master fails to release the lock within 256 bus clock cycles, the lock is released
and a special interrupt is generated. This feature is intended for CAM operations.
¥ Write-after-read (WARA). When a read access hit a memory bank in which
ATOM = 10, the MPC8260 locks the bus for the exclusive use of the accessing
master (internal or external).
During the lock period, no other device can be granted bus mastership. The lock is
released when the device that created the lock access the same bank with a write
transaction. If the device fails to release the lock within 256 bus clock cycles, the
lock is released and a special interrupt is generated.
Note that this mechanism does not replace the PowerPC reservation mechanism.
10.2.9 Data Pipelining
Multiple-MPC8260 systems that use that use data checking, such as ECC or parity, face a
timing problem when synchronous memories, such as SDRAM, are used. Because these
devices can output data every cycle and because the data checking requires additional data
setup time, the timing constraints are extremely hard to meet. In such systems, the user
should set the data pipelining bit, BRx[DR]. This creates data pipelining of one stage within
the memory controller in which the data check calculations are done, thus eliminating the
additional data setup time requirement.
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
Note that this feature cannot be used with L2 cacheable banks and that in systems that
involve both PowerQUICC II-type masters and 60x compatible master, this feature can still
be used on the 60x bus under the following restrictions:
1. The arbiter and the memory controller are in the same MPC8260.
2. The register Þeld BCR[NPQM] is setup correctly.
See ÒSection 10.9, ÒExternal Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode)Ó and
ÒSection, ÒBus ConÞguration Register (BCR).Ó
10.2.10 External Memory Controller Support
The MPC8260 has an option to allocate speciÞc banks (address spaces) to be controlled by
an external memory controller or bus slave, while retaining all the bank properties: port
size, data check/correction, atomic operation, and data pipelining. This is done by
programming BRx and ORx[AM] and by setting the external memory controller bit,
BRx[EMEMC]. This action automatically assigns the bank to the 60x bus. For an access
that hits the bank, all bus acknowledgment signals (such as AACK, PSDVAL, and TA) and
the memory-device control strobes are driven by an external memory controller or slave. If
the device that initiates the transaction is internal to the MPC8260, the memory controller
handles the port size, data checking, atomic locking, and data pipelining as if the access
were governed by it.
This feature allows multiple MPC8260 systems to be connected in 60x-compatible mode
without loosing functionality and performance. It also make it easy to connect other
60x-compatible slaves on the 60x bus.
10.2.11 External Address Latch Enable Signal (ALE)
The memory controller provides control for an external address latch, needed on the 60x
bus in 60x compatible mode. ALE is asserted for one clock cycle on the Þrst cycle of each
memory-controller transaction. In this section, whenever ALE is not on a timing diagram,
assume that it is asserted on the Þrst cycle in which CS can be asserted. Note that ALE is
relevant only on the 60x bus and only in 60x-compatible mode.
10.2.12 ECC/Parity Byte Select (PBSE)
Systems that use ECC or read-modify-write parity, require an additional memory device
that requires byte-select like a normal data device. ANDing BS[0Ð7] through external logic
to achieve the logical function of this byte-select can affect the memory access timing
because it adds a delay to the byte-select path. The MPC8260Õs memory controller provides
optional byte-select pins that are an internal AND of the eight byte selects, allowing
glueless, faster connection to ECC/RMW-parity devices.
This option is enabled by setting SIUMCR[PBSE], as described in Section, ÒSIU
Module ConÞguration Register (SIUMCR).Ó
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.2.13 Partial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL)
The 60x and local buses have an internal 64-bit data bus. According to the 60x bus
speciÞcation, TA is asserted when up to a double word of data is transferred. Because the
MPC8260 supports memories with port sizes smaller than 64 bits, there is a need for partial
data valid indication. The memory controller uses PSDVAL to indicate that data is latched
by the memory on write accesses or valid data is present on read accesses. The quantity of
the data depends on the memory port size and the transfer size. The memory controller
accumulates PSDVAL assertions, and when a double word (or the transfer size) is
transferred, the memory controller asserts TA to indicate that a 60x data beat was
transferred. Table 10-1 shows the number of PSDVAL assertions needed for one TA
assertion under various circumstances.
Figure 10-5 shows a double-word transfer on 32-bit port size memory.
Table 10-1. Number of PSDVAL Assertions Needed for TA Assertion
Port Size Transfer Size PSDVAL Assertions TA Assertions
64 Any 1 1
32 Double word 2 1
32 Word/half word/byte (32-bit aligned) 1 1
16 Double Word 4 1
16 Word 2 1
16 Half/byte 1 1
8 Double word 8 1
8 Word 4 1
8 Half 2 1
8 Byte 1 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-13
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-5. Partial Data Valid for 32-Bit Port Size Memory, Double-Word Transfer
10.3 Register Descriptions
Table 10-2 lists registers used to control the 60x bus memory controller.
Table 10-2. 60x Bus Memory Controller Registers
Abbreviation Name Reference
BR0ÐBR11 Base register banks 0Ð11 Section 10.3.1
OR0ÐOR11] Option register banks 0Ð11 Section 10.3.2
PSDMR 60x bus SDRAM machine mode register Section 10.3.3
LSDMR Local bus SDRAM machine mode register Section 10.3.4
MAMR UPMA mode register Section 10.3.5
MBMR UPMB mode register
MCMR UPMC mode register
MDR Memory data register Section 10.3.6
MAR Memory address register Section 10.3.7
MPTPR Memory refresh timer prescaler register Section 10.3.12
PURT 60x bus assigned UPM refresh timer Section 10.3.8
PSRT 60x bus assigned SDRAM refresh timer Section 10.3.10
LURT Local bus assigned UPM refresh timer Section 10.3.9
LSRT Local bus assigned SDRAM refresh timer Section 10.3.11
TESCRx 60x bus error status and control registers Section 10.3.13
LTESCRx Local bus error status and control regs Section 10.3.14
Data Bus
Data Bus
(32 msb)
(32 msb)
Upper 4 bytes Lower 4 bytes
Data Bus
(32 lsb)
Upper 4 bytes
Lower 4 bytes
10-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.1 Base Registers (BRx)
The base registers (BR0ÐBR11) contain the base address and address types that the
memory controller uses to compare the address bus value with the current address accessed.
Each register also includes a memory attribute and selects the machine for memory
operation handling. Figure 10-6 shows the BRx register format.
Table 10-3 describes BRx Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field BA
Reset Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x10100 (BR0); 0x10108 (BR1); 0x10110 (BR2); 0x10118 (BR3); 0x10120 (BR4); 0x10128 (BR5); 0x10130
(BR6); 0x10138 (BR7); 0x10140 (BR8); 0x10148 (BR9); 0x10150 (BR10); 0x10158 (BR11)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000 1
R/W Depends on reset conÞguration sequence. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
Addr 0x10102 (BR0); 0x1010A (BR1); 0x10112 (BR2); 0x1011A (BR3); 0x10122 (BR4); 0x1012A (BR5); 0x10132
(BR6); 0x1013A (BR7); 0x10142 (BR8); 0x1014A (BR9); 0x10152 (BR10); 0x1015A (BR11)
1 After a system reset, the V bit is set in BR0 and reset in BR[1-11].
Figure 10-6. Base Registers (BRx)
Table 10-3. BRx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð16 BA Base address. The upper 17 bits of each base address register are compared to the address on
the address bus to determine if the bus master is accessing a memory bank controlled by the
memory controller. Used with ORx[BSIZE].
17Ð18 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
19Ð20 PS Port size. SpeciÞes the port size of this memory region.
01 8-bit
10 16-bit
11 32-bit
00 64-bit (60x bus only)
21Ð22 DECC Data error correction and checking. SpeciÞes the method for data error checking and correction.
See Section 10.2.3, ÒError Checking and Correction (ECC),Ó and Section 10.2.4, ÒParity
Generation and Checking.Ó
00 Data errors checking disabled
01 Normal parity checking
10 Read-modify-write parity checking
11 ECC correction and checking
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-15
Part III. The Hardware Interface
23 WP Write protect. Can restrict write accesses within the address range of a BR. An attempt to write to
this address range while WP = 1 can cause TEA to be asserted by the bus monitor logic (if
enabled) which terminates the cycle.
0 Read and write accesses are allowed.
1 Only read accesses are allowed. The memory controller does not assert CSx and PSDVAL on
write cycles to this memory bank. MSTAT[WPER] is set if a write to this memory bank is
24Ð26 MS Machine select. speciÞes machine select for the memory operations handling and assigns the
bank to the 60x or local bus if GPCM or SDRAM are selected. If UPMx is selected, the bus
assignment is determined by MxMR[BSEL].
000 GPCMÑ60x bus (reset value)
001 GPCMÑlocal bus
010 SDRAMÑ60x Bus
011 SDRAMÑlocal bus
100 UPMA
101 UPMB
110 UPMC
111 Reserved
27 EMEMC External MEMC enable. Overrides MSEL and assigns the bank to the 60x bus. However, other
BRx Þelds remain in effect. See Section 10.2.10, ÒExternal Memory Controller Support.Ó
0 Access are handled by the memory controller according to MSEL.
1 Access are handled by an external memory controller (or other slave) on the 60x bus. The
external memory controller is expected to assert AACK, TA, and PSDVAL.
28Ð29 ATOM Atomic operation. See Section 10.2.8, ÒAtomic Bus Operation.Ó
00 The address space controlled by the memory controller bank is not used for atomic operations.
01 Read-after-write-atomic (RAWA).Writes to the address space handled by the memory
controller bank cause the MPC8260 to lock the bus for the exclusive use of the master. The
lock is released when the master performs a read operation from this address space. This
feature is intended for CAM operations.
10 Write-after-read-atomic (WARA). Reads from the address space handled by the memory
controller bank cause the MPC8260 to lock the bus for the exclusive use of the accessing
device. The lock is released when the device performs a write operation to this address space.
11 Reserved
Note that If the device fails to release the bus, the lock is released after 256 clock cycles.
30 DR Data pipelining. See Section 10.2.9, ÒData Pipelining.Ó
0 No data pipelining is done.
1 Data beats of accesses to the address space controlled by the memory controller bank are
delayed by one cycle. This feature is intended for memory regions that use ECC or parity checks
and need to improve data setup time.
31 V Valid bit. Indicates that the contents of the BRx and ORx pair are valid. The CS signal does not
assert until V is set.
0 This bank is invalid.
1 This bank is valid
Notes: An access to a region that has no V bit set may cause a bus monitor time-out. After a
system reset, BR0[V] is set.
Table 10-3. BRx Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.2 Option Registers (ORx)
The ORx registers deÞne the sizes of memory banks and access attributes. The ORx
attributes bits support the following three modes of operation as deÞned by BR[MS].
¥ SDRAM mode
¥ GPCM mode
¥ UPM mode
Figure 10-7 shows the ORx as it is formatted for SDRAM mode.
Table 10-4 describes ORx Þelds in SDRAM mode. For more details see Section 10.4.12,
ÒSDRAM ConÞguration Examples.Ó
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10104 (OR0); 0x1010C (OR1); 0x10114 (OR2); 0x1011C (OR3); 0x10124 (OR4); 0x1012C (OR5); 0x10134
(OR6); 0x1013C (OR7); 0x10144 (OR8); 0x1014C (OR9); 0x10154 (OR10); 0x1015C (OR11)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10106 (OR0); 0x1010E (OR1); 0x10116 (OR2); 0x1011E (OR3); 0x10126 (OR4); 0x1012E (OR5); 0x10136
(OR6); 0x1013E (OR7); 0x10146 (OR8); 0x1014E (OR9); 0x10156 (OR10); 0x1015E (OR11)
Figure 10-7. Option Registers (ORx)ÑSDRAM Mode
Table 10-4. ORx Field Descriptions (SDRAM Mode)
Bits Name Description
0Ð4 SDAM SDRAM address mask. Provides masking for corresponding BRx bits. By masking address bits
independently, SDRAM devices of different size address ranges can be used. Clearing bits masks
the corresponding address bit. Setting bits causes the corresponding address bit to be compared
with the address pins. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any order, allowing a resource to
reside in more than one area of the address map. SDAM can be read or written at any time.
0000_0000_0000 = 4Gbyte
1111_1111_1111 = 1 Mbyte
Note: if xSDMR[PBI]=0, the maximum size of the memory bank should not exceed 128 Mbytes.
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-17
Part III. The Hardware Interface
5Ð11 SDAM SDRAM address mask. Provides masking for corresponding bits in the associated BRx. By
masking address bits independently, SDRAM devices of different size address ranges can be
used. Any clear bit masks the corresponding address bit. Any set bit causes the corresponding
address bit to be compared with the address pins. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any
order, allowing a resource to reside in more than one area of the address map. SDAM can be read
or written at any time.
0000000128 Mbyte
100000064 Mbyte
110000032 Mbyte
111000016 Mbyte
11110008 Mbyte
11111004 Mbyte
11111102 Mbyte
11111111 Mbyte
12Ð16 LSDAM Lower SDRAM address mask. The user should reset LSDAM to 0x0 to implements a minimum
size of 1 Mbyte when using SDRAM
SDRAM Page Information
17Ð18 BPD Banks per device. Sets the number of internal banks per SDRAM device.
00 2 internal banks per device
01 4 internal banks per device
10 8 internal banks per device (not valid for 128-Mbyte SDRAMs)
11 Reserved
Note that for 128-Mbyte SDRAMs, BPD must be 00 or 01.
19Ð21 ROWST Row start address bit. Sets the demultiplexed row start address bit. The value of ROWST depends
For xSDMR[PBI] = 0:
0010 A7
0100 A8
0110 A9
1000 A10
1010 A11
1100 A12
1110 A13
Other values are reserved
For xSDMR[PBI] = 1:
0000 A0
0001 A1
1100 A12
1101Ð1111 Reserved
22 Ñ Reserved
23Ð25 NUMR Number of row address lines. Sets the number of row address lines in the SDRAM device.
000 9 row address lines
001 10 row address lines
010 11 row address lines
011 12 row address lines
100 13 row address lines
101 14 row address lines
110 15 row address lines
111 16 row address lines
26 PMSEL Page mode select. Selects page mode for the SDRAM connected to the memory controller bank.
0 Back-to-back page mode (normal operation). Page is closed when the bus becomes idle.
1 Page is kept open until a page miss or refresh occurs.
Table 10-4. ORx Field Descriptions (SDRAM Mode) (Continued)
Bits Name Description
10-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-8 shows ORx as it is formatted for GPCM mode.
Table 10-5 describes ORx Þelds in GPCM mode.
27 IBID Internal bank interleaving within same device disable. Setting this bit disables bank interleaving
between internal banks of a SDRAM device connected to the chip-select line. IBID should be set
in 60x-compatible mode if the SDRAM device is not connected to the BANKSEL pins.
28Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field AM...
Reset 1111_1110_0000_0000
Addr 0x10104 (OR0); 0x1010C (OR1); 0x10114 (OR2); 0x1011C (OR3); 0x10124 (OR4); 0x1012C (OR5);
0x10134 (OR6); 0x1013C (OR7); 0x10144 (OR8); 0x1014C (OR9); 0x10154 (OR10); 0x1015C (OR11)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0 00 0
1 11 0 1111 0 1 0 0
Addr 0x10106 (OR0); 0x1010E (OR1); 0x10116 (OR2); 0x1011E (OR3); 0x10126 (OR4); 0x1012E (OR5); 0x10136
(OR6); 0x1013E (OR7); 0x10146 (OR8); 0x1014E (OR9); 0x10156 (OR10); 0x1015E (OR11)
Figure 10-8. ORx ÑGPCM Mode
Table 10-5. ORxÑGPCM Mode Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð16 AM Address mask. Masks corresponding BRx bits. Masking address bits independently allows external
devices of different size address ranges to be used.
0 Corresponding address bits are masked.
1 The corresponding address bits are used in the comparison with address pins. Address mask bits
can be set or cleared in any order in the Þeld, allowing a resource to reside in more than one area
of the address map. AM can be read or written at any time.
Note: After system reset, OR0[AM] is 1111_1110_0000_0000_0.
17Ð18 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
19 BCTLD Data buffer control disable. Disables the assertion of BCTLx during access to the current memory
bank. See Section 10.2.7, ÒData Buffer Controls (BCTLx).Ó
0 BCTLx is asserted upon access to the current memory bank.
1 BCTLx is not asserted upon access to the current memory bank.
20 CSNT Chip-select negation time. Determines when CS/WE are negated during an external memory write
access handled by the GPCM. This helps meet address/data hold times for slow memories and
/WE are negated normally.
/WE are negated a quarter of a clock earlier.
Note: After system reset OR0[CSNT] is set.
Table 10-4. ORx Field Descriptions (SDRAM Mode) (Continued)
Bits Name Description
10-19 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
21Ð22 ACS Address to chip select setup. Can be used when the external memory access is handled by the
GPCM. It allows the delay of the CS assertion relative to the address change.
00 CS is output at the same time as the address lines
01 Reserved
10 CS is output a quarter of a clock after the address lines
11 CS is output half a clock after the address lines
Note: After a system reset, OR0[ACS] = 1.
23 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
24Ð27 SCY Cycle length in clocks. Determines the number of wait states inserted in the cycle, when the GPCM.
handles the external memory access. Thus it is the main parameter for determining cycle length. The
total cycle length depends on other timing attribute settings.
The total memory access length is (2 + SCY) x Clocks.
If the user selects an external PSDVAL response for this memory bank (by setting the SETA bit),
SCY is not used.
0000 = 0 clock cycle wait states...1111 = 15 clock cycles wait states
Note: After a system reset, OR0[SCY] = 1111.
28 SETA External access termination (PSDVAL generation). Used to specify that when the GPCM is selected
to handle the memory access initiated to this memory region, the access is terminated externally by
asserting the GT
A external pin. In this case, PSDVAL is asserted one clock later on the bus.
0 PSDVAL is generated internally by the memory controller unless GTA is asserted earlier externally.
1 PSDVAL is generated after external logic asserts GTA.
Note: After a system reset, the OR0[SETA] is cleared.
29 TRLX Timing relaxed. Works in conjunction with EHTR (bit 30).
0 Normal timing is generated by the GPCM
1 Relaxed timing is generated by the GPCM for accesses initiated to this memory region.
30 EHTR Extended hold time on read accesses. Indicates with TRLX how many cycles are inserted between a
read access from the current bank and the next access. ORx[29,30] are interpreted as follows:
00 Normal timing is generated by the memory controller. No additional cycles are inserted.
01 One idle clock cycle is inserted.
10 Four idle clock cycles are inserted.
11 Eight idle clock cycles are inserted.
31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 10-5. ORxÑGPCM Mode Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
10-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-9 shows ORx as it is formatted for UPM mode.
Table 10-6 describes the ORx Þelds in UPM mode.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field AM
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10104 (OR0); 0x1010C (OR1); 0x10114 (OR2); 0x1011C (OR3); 0x10124 (OR4); 0x1012C (OR5);
0x10134 (OR6); 0x1013C (OR7); 0x10144 (OR8); 0x1014C (OR9); 0x10154 (OR10); 0x1015C (OR11)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10106 (OR0); 0x1010E (OR1); 0x10116 (OR2); 0x1011E (OR3); 0x10126 (OR4); 0x1012E (OR5);
0x10136 (OR6); 0x1013E (OR7); 0x10146 (OR8); 0x1014E (OR9); 0x10156 (OR10); 0x1015E (OR11)
Figure 10-9. ORxÑUPM Mode
Table 10-6. Option Register (ORx)ÑUPM Mode
Bits Name Description
0Ð16 AM Address mask. Provides masking for corresponding BRx bits. By masking address bits
independently, external devices of different size address ranges can be used. Any clear bit masks
the corresponding address bit. Any set bit causes the corresponding address bit to be used in the
comparison with the address pins. Address mask bits can be set or cleared in any order in the Þeld,
allowing a resource to reside in more than one area of the address map. AM can be read or written
at any time.
17Ð19 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
19 BCTLD Data buffer control disable. Used to disable the assertion of BCTLx) during access to the current
memory bank. See Section 10.2.7, ÒData Buffer Controls (BCTLx)Ó.
0 BCTLx is asserted upon access to the current memory bank.
1 BCTLx is not asserted upon access to the current memory bank.
20Ð22 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
23 BI Burst inhibit. Indicates if this memory bank supports burst accesses.
0 The bank supports burst accesses
1 The bank does not support burst accesses. The UPMx executes burst accesses as series of single
24Ð28 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
29Ð30 EHTR Extended hold time on read accesses. Indicates how many cycles are inserted between a read
access from the current bank and the next access.
00 Normal timing is generated by the memory controller. No additional cycles are inserted.
01 One idle clock cycle is inserted.
10 Four idle clock cycles are inserted.
11 Eight idle clock cycles are inserted.
31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-21
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.3 60x SDRAM Mode Register (PSDMR)
The 60x SDRAM mode register (PSDMR), shown in Figure 10-10, is used to conÞgure
operations pertaining to SDRAM.
Table 10-7 describes PSMDR Þelds. LSMDR Þelds are described in Table 10-8.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10190 (PSDMR), 0x10194 (LSDMR)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10192 (PSDMR), 0x10196 (LSDMR)
Figure 10-10. 60x/Local SDRAM Mode Register (PSDMR/LSDMR)
Table 10-7. PSDMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 PBI Page-based interleaving. Selects the address multiplexing method. PBI works in conjunction
with ORx[SDA10]. See Section 10.4.5, ÒBank Interleaving.Ó
0 Bank-based interleaving
1 Page-based interleaving (normal operation)
1 RFEN Refresh enable. Indicates that the UPM needs refresh services.
0 Refresh services are not required
1 Refresh services are required
Note: After system reset, RFEN is cleared.
See Section 10.3.8, Ò60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT),Ó Section 10.3.9, ÒLocal
Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT),Ó Section 10.3.10, Ò60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM
Refresh Timer (PSRT),Ó and Section 10.3.11, ÒLocal Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer
2Ð4 OP SDRAM operation. Determines which operation occurs when the SDRAM device is accessed.
000 Normal operation
001 CBR refresh, used in SDRAM initialization.
010 Self refresh (for debug purpose).
011 Mode Register write, used in SDRAM initialization.
Note that if 60x-compatible mode is in effect on the 60x bus, the bus master must supply the
mode register data on the low bits of the address during the access.
100 Precharge bank (for debug purpose).
101 Precharge all banks, used in SDRAM initialization.
110 Activate bank (for debug purpose).
111 Read/write (for debug purpose).
5Ð7 SDAM Address multiplex size. Determines how the address of the current memory cycle can be output
on the address pins. See Section, ÒSDRAM Address Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA).Ó
10-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
8Ð10 BSMA Bank select multiplexed address line. Selects the address pins to serve as bank-select address
for the 60x SDRAM. The bank select address can also be output on the BANKSEL pins
(optional). See Section, ÒSDRAM Address Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA).Ó
000 A12ÐA14
001 A13ÐA15
010 A14ÐA16
011 A15ÐA17
100 A16ÐA18
101 A17ÐA19
110 A18ÐA20
111 A19ÐA21
11Ð13 SDA10 ÒA10Ó control. With ORx[PBI], determines which address line can be output to SDA10 during an
ACTIVATE command, when SDRAM is selected, to control the memory access. See
Section, ÒSDRAM ConÞguration Example (Page-Based Interleaving).Ó
For PBI = 0:
000 A12
001 A11
010 A10
011 A9
100 A8
101 A7
110 A6
111 A5
For PBI = 1:
000 A10
001 A9
010 A8
011 A7
100 A6
101 A5
110 A4
111 A3
SDRAM DeviceÐSpeciÞc Parameters:
14Ð16 RFRC Refresh recovery. DeÞnes the earliest timing for an activate command after a REFRESH
command. Sets the refresh recovery interval in clock cycles. See Section, ÒRefresh
Recovery Interval (RFRC),Ó for how to set this Þeld.
000 Reserved
001 3 clocks
010 4 clocks
011 5 clocks
100 6 clocks
101 7 clocks
110 8 clocks
111 16 clocks
17Ð19 PRETOACT Precharge to activate interval. DeÞnes the earliest timing for ACTIVATE or REFRESH command
after a precharge command. See Section, ÒPrecharge-to-Activate Interval.Ó
001 1 clock-cycle wait states
010 2 clock-cycle wait states
111 7 clock-cycle wait states
000 8 clock-cycle wait states
20Ð22 ACTTORW Activate to read/write interval. DeÞnes the earliest timing for READ/WRITE command after an
ACTIVATE command. See Section, ÒActivate to Read/Write Interval.Ó
001 1 clock cycle
010 2 clock cycles
111 7 clock cycles
000 8 clock cycles
Table 10-7. PSDMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-23
Part III. The Hardware Interface
23 BL Burst length
0 SDRAM burst length is 4. Use this value if the device port size is 64 or 16
1 SDRAM burst length is 8. Use this value if the device port size is 32 or 8
24Ð25 LDOTOPRE Last data out to precharge. DeÞnes the earliest timing for PRECHARGE command after the last
data was read from the SDRAM. See Section, ÒLast Data Out to Precharge.Ó
00 0 clock cycles
01 -1 clock cycle
10 -2 clock cycles
11 Reserved
26Ð27 WRC Write recovery time. DeÞnes the earliest timing for PRECHARGE command after the last data was
written to the SDRAM. See Section, ÒLast Data In to PrechargeÑWrite Recovery.Ó
01 1 clock cycles
10 2 clock cycles
11 3 clock cycles
00 4 clock cycles
28 EAMUX External address multiplexing enable/disable.
0 No external address multiplexing. Fastest timing.
1 The memory controller asserts SDAMUX for an extra cycle before issuing an ACTIVATE
command to the SDRAM. This is useful when external address multiplexing can cause a
delay on the address lines. Note that if this bit is set, ACTTORW should be a minimum of 2.
In 60x-compatible mode, external address multiplexing is placed on the address lines. If the
additional delay of the multiplexing endangers the device setup time, EAMUX should be set.
Setting this bit causes the memory controller to add another cycle for each address phase.
Note that EAMUX can also be set in any case of delays on the address lines, such as address
buffers. See Section, ÒExternal Address Multiplexing Signal.Ó
29 BUFCMD If external buffers are placed on the control lines going to both the SDRAM and address lines,
setting BUFCMD causes all SDRAM control lines except CS to be asserted for two cycles,
instead of one. See Section, ÒExternal Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD).Ó
0 Normal timing for the control lines
1 All control lines except CS are asserted for two cycles
In 60x-compatible mode, external buffers may be placed on the command strobes, except CS,
as well as the address lines. If the additional delay of the buffers endangers the device setup
time, BUFCMD should be set, which causes the memory controller to add a cycle for each
SDRAM command.
30Ð31 CL CAS latency. DeÞnes the timing for Þrst read data after SDRAM samples a column address.
See Section, ÒColumn Address to First Data OutÑCAS Latency.Ó
00 Reserved
01 1
10 2
11 3
Table 10-7. PSDMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
10-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.4 Local Bus SDRAM Mode Register (LSDMR)
The LSDMR, shown in Figure 10-10, has the same Þelds as the PSDMR. Table 10-8
describes LSDMR Þelds.
Table 10-8. LSDMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 PBI Page-based interleaving. Selects the address multiplexing method. PBI works in conjunction
with ORx[SDA10]. See Section 10.4.5, ÒBank Interleaving.Ó
0 Bank-based interleaving
1 Page-based interleaving (normal operation)
1 RFEN Refresh enable. Indicates that the SDRAM requires refresh services.
0 Refresh services are not required
1 Refresh services are required
2Ð4 OP SDRAM operation. Selects the operation that occurs when the SDRAM device is accessed.
000 Normal operation
001 CBR refresh, used in SDRAM initialization.
010 Self refresh (for debug purpose).
011 Mode Register write, used in SDRAM initialization.
100 Precharge bank (for debug purpose).
101 Precharge all banks, used in SDRAM initialization.
110 Activate bank (for debug purpose).
111 Read/write (for debug purpose).
5Ð7 SDAM Address multiplex size. Determines how the address of the current memory cycle is output on
the address pins. See Section, ÒSDRAM Address Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA).Ó
8Ð10 BSMA Bank select multiplexed address line. Selects which MPC8260 address pins serve as
bank-select address for the local bus SDRAM. See Section, ÒSDRAM Address
Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA).Ó
000 L_A14 (ORx[BPD] must be 00)
001 L_AÐL_A15 (ORx[BPD] must be 00 or 01)
010 L_A14ÐL_A16
011 L_A15ÐL_A17
100 L_A16ÐL_A18
101 L_A17ÐL_A19
110 L_A18ÐL_A20
111 L_A19ÐL_A21
11Ð13 SDA10 ÒA10Ó control. When SDRAM is selected, with ORx[PBI], determines which address line is
output to SDA10 during an ACTIVATE command, to control the memory access. See
Section, ÒSDRAM ConÞguration Example (Page-Based Interleaving).Ó
For PBI=0:
000 A12
001 A11
010 A10
011 A9
100 A8
101 A7
110 A6
111 A5
For PBI=1:
000 A10
001 A9
010 A8
011 A7
100 A6
101 A5
110 A4
111 A3
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-25
Part III. The Hardware Interface
SDRAM DeviceÐSpeciÞc Parameters:
14Ð16 RFRC Refresh recovery. DeÞnes the earliest timing for an activate command after a REFRESH
command. Sets the refresh recovery interval in clock cycles. See Section, ÒRefresh
Recovery Interval (RFRC),Ó for how to set this Þeld.
000 Reserved
001 3 clocks
010 4 clocks
011 5 clocks
100 6 clocks
101 7 clocks
110 8 clocks
111 16 clocks
17Ð19 PRETOACT Precharge to activate interval. DeÞnes the earliest timing for ACTIVATE or REFRESH command
after a precharge command. See Section, ÒPrecharge-to-Activate Interval.Ó
001 1 clock-cycle wait states
010 2 clock-cycle wait states
111 7 clock-cycle wait states
000 8 clock-cycle wait states
20Ð22 ACTTORW Activate to read/write interval. DeÞnes the earliest timing for READ/WRITE command after an
ACTIVATE command. See Section, ÒActivate to Read/Write Interval.Ó
001 1 clock cycle
010 2 clock cycles
111 7 clock cycles
000 8 clock cycles
23 BL Burst length
0 SDRAM burst length is 4. Use this value if the device port size is16
1 SDRAM burst length is 8. Use this value if the device port size is 32 or 8
24Ð25 LDOTOPRE Last data out to precharge. DeÞnes the earliest timing for PRECHARGE command after the last
data was read from the SDRAM. See Section, ÒLast Data Out to Precharge.Ó
00 0 clock cycles
01 -1 clock cycle
10 -2 clock cycles
11 Reserved
26Ð27 WRC Write recovery time. DeÞnes the earliest timing for PRECHARGE command after the last data is
written to the SDRAM. See Section, ÒLast Data In to PrechargeÑWrite Recovery.Ó
01 1 clock cycles
10 2 clock cycles
11 3 clock cycles
00 4 clock cycles
Table 10-8. LSDMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
10-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.5 Machine A/B/C Mode Registers (MxMR)
The machine x mode registers (MxMR), shown in Figure 10-11, contain the conÞguration
for the three UPMs.
28 EAMUX External address multiplexing enable/disable.
0 No external address multiplexing. Fastest timing.
1 The memory controller asserts SDAMUX for an extra cycle before issuing an ACTIVATE
command to the SDRAM. This is useful when external address multiplexing can cause a
delay on the address lines. Note that if EAMUX is set, ACTTORW should be at least 2.
In 60x-compatible mode, external address multiplexing is placed on the address lines. If the
additional delay of the multiplexing endangers the device setup time, EAMUX should be set.
Setting this bit causes the memory controller to add another cycle for each address phase.
Note that EAMUX can also be set in case of address line delays, such as address buffers.
See Section, ÒExternal Address Multiplexing Signal.Ó
29 BUFCMD If external buffers are placed on the control lines going to both the SDRAM and address lines,
setting BUFCMD causes all SDRAM control lines except CS to be asserted for two cycles,
instead of one. See Section, ÒExternal Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD).Ó
0 Normal timing for the control lines
1 All control lines except CS are asserted for two cycles
In 60x-compatible mode, external buffers may be placed on the command strobes, except
CS, as well as the address lines. If the additional delay of the buffers is endangering the
device setup time, BUFCMD should be set to cause the memory controller to add another
cycle for each SDRAM command.
30Ð31 CL CAS latency. DeÞnes the timing for Þrst read data after a column address is sampled by the
SDRAM. See Section, ÒColumn Address to First Data OutÑCAS Latency.Ó
00 Reserved
01 1 clock cycle
10 2 clock cycles
11 3 clock cycles
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0
Addr 0x10170 (MAMR); 0x10174 (MBMR); 0x10178 (MCMR)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10172 (MAMR); 0x10176 (MBMR); 0x1017A (MCMR)
Figure 10-11. Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR)
Table 10-8. LSDMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-27
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-9 describes MxMR bits.
Table 10-9. Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR)
Bits Name Description
0 BSEL Bus select. Assigns banks that select UPMx to the 60x or local bus.
0 Banks that select UPMx are assigned to the 60x bus.
1 Banks that select UPMx are assigned to the local bus.
Note: if refresh is required, the UPMÕs should be assigned as follows:
UPMA: 60x bus (if 60x bus refresh needed)
UPMB: Local bus (if local bus refresh required)
UPMC: any bus, as long as UPMA or UPMB is used on the relevant bus.
See Section, ÒUPM Refresh Timer Requests.Ó
1 RFEN Refresh enable. Indicates that the UPM needs refresh services.
0 Refresh services are not required
1 Refresh services are required
See Section 10.3.8, Ò60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT),Ó Section 10.3.9, ÒLocal
Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT),Ó Section 10.3.10, Ò60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM
Refresh Timer (PSRT),Ó and Section 10.3.11, ÒLocal Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer
2Ð3 OP Command opcode. Determines the command executed by the UPMx when a memory access
hit a UPM assigned bank.
00 Normal operation.
01 Write to array. On the next memory access that hits a UPM assigned bank, write the
contents of the MDR into the RAM location pointed by MAD. After the access, the MAD Þeld
is automatically incremented.
10 Read from array. On the next memory access that hits a UPM assigned bank, read the
contents of the RAM location pointed by MAD into the MDR. After the access, the MAD Þeld
is automatically incremented
11 Run pattern. On the next memory access that hits a UPM assigned bank, run the pattern
written in the RAM array. The pattern run starts at the location pointed by MAD and
continues until the LAST bit is set in the RAM.
Note: RLF determines the number of times a loop is executed during a pattern run.
4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5Ð7 AMx Address multiplex size. Determines how the address of the current memory cycle can be output
on the address pins. The address output on the pins controlled by the contents of the UPMx
RAM array. This Þeld is useful when connecting the MPC8260 to DRAM devices requiring row
and column addresses multiplexed on the same pins.
See Section, ÒAddress Multiplexing.Ó
8Ð9 DSx Disable timer period. Guarantees a minimum time between accesses to the same memory bank
if it is controlled by the UPMx. The disable timer is turned on by the TODT in the RAM array, and
when expired, the UPMx allows the machine access to handle a memory pattern to the same
memory region. Accesses to a different memory region by the same UPMx will be allowed.
00 1-cycle disable period
01 2-cycle disable period
10 3-cycle disable period
11 4-cycle disable period
Note: To avoid conßicts between successive accesses to different memory regions, the
minimum pattern in the RAM array for a request serviced should not be shorter than the period
established by DSx.
10-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.6 Memory Data Register (MDR)
The memory data register (MDR), shown in Figure 10-12, contains data written to or read
from the RAM array for UPM READ or WRITE commands. MDR must be set up before
issuing a write command to the UPM.
10Ð12 G0CLx General line 0 control. Determines which address line can be output to the GPL0 pin when the
UPMx is selected to control the memory access.
000 A12
001 A11
010 A10
011 A9
100 A8
101 A7
110 A6
111 A5
13 GPL_x4DIS GPL_A4 output line disable. Determines if the UPWAIT/GT
A/GPL_4 pin behaves as an output
line controlled by the corresponding bits in the UPMx array (GPL4x).
A/GPL_x4 behaves as GPL_4.
UPMx[G4T4/DLT3] is interpreted as G4T4.
The UPMx[G4T3/WAEN] is interpreted as G4T3.
A/GPL_x4 behaves as UPWAIT.
UPMx[G4T4/DLT3] is interpreted as DLT3.
UPMx[G4T3/WAEN] is interpreted as WAEN.
Note: After a system reset, GPL_x4DIS = 1.
14Ð17 RLFx Read loop Þeld. Determines the number of times a loop deÞned in the UPMx will be executed
for a burst- or single-beat read pattern or when MxMR[OP] = 11 (RUN command)
0001 The loop is executed 1 time
0010 The loop is executed 2 times
1111 The loop is executed 15 times
0000 The loop is executed 16 times
18Ð21 WLFx Write loop Þeld. Determines the number of times a loop deÞned in the UPMx will be executed for
a burst- or single-beat write pattern.
0001 The loop is executed 1 time
0010 The loop is executed 2 times
1111 The loop is executed 15 times
0000 The loop is executed 16 times
22Ð25 TLFx Refresh loop Þeld. Determines the number of times a loop deÞned in the UPMx will be executed
for a refresh service pattern.
0001 The loop is executed 1 time
0010 The loop is executed 2 times
1111 The loop is executed 15 times
0000 The loop is executed 16 times
26Ð31 MAD Machine address. RAM address pointer for the command executed. This Þeld is incremented by
1, each time the UPM is accessed and the OP Þeld is set to WRITE or READ.
Table 10-9. Machine x Mode Registers (MxMR) (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-29
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-10 describes MDR Þelds.
10.3.7 Memory Address Register (MAR)
The memory address register (MAR) is shown in Figure 10-13.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field MD
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10188
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field MD
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x1018A
Figure 10-12. Memory Data Register (MDR)
Table 10-10. MDR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 MD Memory data. The data to be read or written into the RAM array when a WRITE or READ command is
supplied to the UPM.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field A
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10168
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field A
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10116A
Figure 10-13. Memory Address Register (MAR)
10-30 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-11 describes MAR Þelds.
10.3.8 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT)
The 60x bus assigned UPM refresh timer register (PURT) is shown in Figure 10-14.
Table 10-12 describes PURT Þelds.
10.3.9 Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)
The local bus assigned UPM refresh timer register (LURT) is shown in Figure 10-15.
Table 10-11. MAR Field Description
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 A Memory address. The memory address register can be output to the address lines under control of
the AMX bits in the UPM
Field PURT
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x10198
Figure 10-14. 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT)
Table 10-12. 60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT)
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 PURT Refresh timer period. Determines the timer period according to the following equation:
This timer generates a refresh request for all valid banks that selected a UPM machine assigned to
the 60x bus (MxMR[BSEL] = 0) and is refresh-enabled (MxMR[RFEN] = 1). Each time the timer
expires, a qualiÞed bank generates a refresh request using the selected UPM. The qualiÞed banks
are rotating their requests.
Example: For a 25-MHz SYSTEM CLOCK and a required service rate of 15.6 µs, given
MPTPR[PTP] = 32, the PURT value should be 12 decimal. 12/(25 MHz/32) = 15.36 µs, which is less
than the required service period of 15.6 µs.
Field LURT
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x101A0
Figure 10-15. Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)
TimerPeriod PURT
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-31
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-13 describes LURT Þelds.
10.3.10 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT)
The 60x bus assigned SDRAM refresh timer register (PSRT) is shown in Figure 10-16.
Table 10-14 describes PSRT Þelds.
Table 10-13. Local Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT)
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 LURT Refresh timer period. Determines the timer period according to the following equation:
This timer generates a refresh request for all valid banks that selected a UPM machine assigned to
the local bus (MxMR[BSEL] =1) and is refresh-enabled (MxMR[RFEN] =1). Each time the timer
expires, a qualiÞed bank generates a refresh request using the selected UPM. The qualiÞed banks
are rotating their requests.
Example: For a 25-MHz system clock and a required service rate of 15.6 µs, given
MPTPR[PTP] = 32, the LURT value should be 12 decimal. 12/(25 MHz/32) = 15.36 µs, which is less
than the required service period of 15.6 µs.
Field PSRT
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x1019C
Figure 10-16. 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT)
Table 10-14. 60x Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (PSRT)
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 PSRT Refresh timer period. Determines the timer period according to the following equation:
This timer generates refresh requests for all valid banks that selected a SDRAM machine assigned to
the 60x bus and is refresh-enabled (PSDMR[RFEN] = 1). Each time the timer expires, all banks that
qualify generate a bank staggering auto refresh request using the SDRAM machine. See
Section 10.4.10, ÒSDRAM Refresh.Ó
Example: For a 25-MHz system clock and a required service rate of 15.6 µs, given MPTPR[PTP] = 32,
the PSRT value should be 12 decimal. 12/(25 MHz/32) = 15.36 µs, which is less than the required
service period of 15.6 µs.
TimerPeriod LURT
TimerPeriod PSRT
10-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.11 Local Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT)
The local bus-assigned SDRAM refresh timer register (LSRT) is shown in Figure 10-17.
Table 10-15 describes LSRT Þelds.
10.3.12 Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MPTPR)
Figure 10-18 shows the memory refresh timer prescaler register (MPTPR).
Table 10-16 describes MPTPR Þelds.
Field LSRT
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x101A4
Figure 10-17. Local Bus-Assigned SDRAM Refresh Timer (LSRT)
Table 10-15. LSRT Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 LSRT Refresh timer period. Determines the timer period according to the following equation:
This timer generates refresh requests for all valid banks that selected a SDRAM machine assigned
to the local bus and is refresh enabled (LSDMR[RFEN] = 1). Each time the timer expires, all banks
that qualify generate a bank staggering auto refresh request using the SDRAM machine. See
Section 10.4.10, ÒSDRAM Refresh.Ó
Example: For a 25-MHz system clock and a required service rate of 15.6 µs, given
MPTPR[PTP] = 32, the LSRT value should be 12 (decimal). 12/(25 MHz/32) = 15.36 µs, which is less
than the required service period of 15.6 µs.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field PTP Ñ
Reset 0000_001x 0000_0000
Addr 0x10184
Figure 10-18. Memory Refresh Timer Prescaler Register (MPTPR)
Table 10-16. MPTPR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 PTP Refresh timers prescaler. Determines the period of the memory refresh timers input clock. It divides
the system clock.
8Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
TimerPeriod LSRT
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-33
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.3.13 60x Bus Error Status and Control Registers (TESCRx)
These registers indicate the source of an error that caused TEA or MCP to be asserted on
the 60x bus. See Section, Ò60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1
(TESCR1),Ó and Section, Ò60x Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 2
10.3.14 Local Bus Error Status and Control Registers (L_TESCRx)
These registers indicate the source of an error that causes TEA or MCP to be asserted on
the local bus. See Section, ÒLocal Bus Transfer Error Status and Control Register 1
(L_TESCR1),Ó and Section, ÒLocal Bus Transfer Error Status and Control
Register 2 (L_TESCR2).Ó
10.4 SDRAM Machine
The MPC8260 provides one SDRAM interface (machine) for the 60x bus and one for the
local bus. The machines provide the necessary control functions and signals for
JEDEC-compliant SDRAM devices.
Each bank can control a SDRAM device on the 60x or the local bus. Table 10-17 describes
the SDRAM interface signals controlled by the memory controller.
Additional controls are available in 60x-compatible mode (60x bus only):
¥ ALEÑExternal address latch enable
¥ PSDAMUXÑExternal address multiplexing control (asserted = row,
negated = column)
¥ BNKSEL[0Ð2]ÑBank select address to allow internal bank interleaving
Throughout this section, whenever a signal is named, the reference is to the 60x or local bus
signal, according to the accessed bankÕs machine-select.
Figure 10-19 shows an eight-bank, 128-Mbyte system. Each bank consists of eight 2 x
1-Mbit x 8 SDRAMs. Note that the SDRAM memory clock must operate at the same
frequency as, and be phase-aligned with, the system clock.
Table 10-17. SDRAM Interface Signals
60x Bus Local Bus Comments
CS[0Ð11] Device select
SDA10 LSDA10 ÒA10Ó control
DQM[0Ð7] LDQM[0Ð3] Byte select
10-34 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-19. 128-Mbyte SDRAM (Eight-Bank Configuration, Banks 1 and 8 Shown)
DATA[0Ð7] DATA[56Ð63]
DATA[0Ð7] DATA[56Ð63]
2x1M x8
2x1M x8
2x1M x8
2x1M x8
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-35
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.4.1 Supported SDRAM ConÞgurations
The MPC8260 memory controller supports any SDRAM conÞguration under the
restrictions that all SDRAM devices that reside on the same bus (60x or local) should have
the same port size and timing parameters.
10.4.2 SDRAM Power-On Initialization
At system reset, initialization software must set up the programmable parameters in the
memory controller banks registers (ORx, BRx, P/LSDMR). After all memory parameters
are conÞgured, system software should execute the following initialization sequence for
each SDRAM device.
1. Issue a PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS command
2. Issue eight CBR REFRESH commands
3. Issue a MODE-SET command to initialize the mode register
The initial commands are executed by setting P/LSDMR[OP] and accessing the SDRAM
with a single-byte transaction. See Figure 10-10.
Note that software should ensure that no memory operations begin until this process
10.4.3 JEDEC-Standard SDRAM Interface Commands
The MPC8260 performs all accesses to SDRAM by using JEDEC-standard SDRAM
interface commands. The SDRAM device samples the command and data inputs on the
rising edge of the MPC8260 bus clock. Data at the output of the SDRAM device must be
sampled on the rising edge of the MPC8260 bus clock.
The MPC8260 provides the following SDRAM interface commands:
Table 10-18. SDRAM Interface Commands
Command Description
BANK-ACTIVATE Latches the row address and initiates a memory read of that row. Row data is latched in SDRAM
sense ampliÞers and must be restored with a PRECHARGE command before another BANK-ACTIVATE is
MODE-SET Allows setting of SDRAM optionsÑCAS latency, burst type, and burst length. CAS latency depends
on the SDRAM device used (some SDRAMs provide CAS latency of 1, 2, or 3; some provide a latency
of 1, 2, 3, or 4, etc.). Burst type must be chosen according to the 60x cache wrap (sequential).
Although some SDRAMs provide burst lengths of 1, 2, 4, 8, or a page, MPC8260 supports only a
4-beat burst for 64-bit port size and an 8-beat burst for 32-bit port size. MPC8260 does not support
burst lengths of 1, 2, and a page for SDRAMs. The mode register data (CAS latency, burst length, and
burst type) is programmed into the P/LSDMR register by initialization software at reset. After the P/
LSDMR is set, the MPC8260 transfers the information in the SDMODE Þeld to the SDRAM array by
issuing a MODE-SET command. Section 10.4.9, ÒSDRAM Mode-Set Command Timing,Ó gives timing
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.4.4 Page-Mode Support and Pipeline Accesses
The SDRAM interface supports back-to-back page mode. A page remains open as long as
back-to-back accesses that hit the page are generated on the bus. The page is closed once
the bus becomes idle unless ORx[PMSEL] is set.
The use of SDRAM pipelining allows data phases to occur on with zero bubbles for CPM
accesses and with one bubble for core accesses, as required by the 60x bus speciÞcation.
If ETM/LETM = 1, the use of SDRAM pipelining also allows for back-to-back data
phases to occur with zero clocks of separation for CPM accesses and with one clock of
separation for core accesses, as required by the 60x bus speciÞcation.
10.4.5 Bank Interleaving
The SDRAM interface supports bank interleaving. This means that if a missed page is in a
different SDRAM bank than the currently open page, the SDRAM machine Þrst issues an
ACTIVATE command to the new page and later issues a DEACTIVATE command to the old
page, thus eliminating the DEACTIVATE time overhead.
This procedure can be done if both pages reside on different SDRAM devices or on
different internal SDRAM banks. The second option can be disabled by setting ORx[IBID].
The user should set this bit if the BNKSEL pins are not used in 60x-compatible mode.
Restores data from the sense ampliÞers to the appropriate row. Also initializes the sense ampliÞers to
prepare for reading another row in the SDRAM array. A PRECHARGE command must be issued after a
read or write if the row address changes on the next access. Note that the MPC8260 uses the SDA10
pin to distinguish the PRECHARGE-ALL-BANKS command. The SDRAMs must be compatible with this
READ Latches the column address and transfers data from the selected sense ampliÞer to the output buffer
as determined by the column address. During each successive clock, additional data is output without
additional READ commands. The amount of data transferred is determined by the burst size. At the end
of the burst, the page remains open.
REFRESH Causes a row to be read in both memory banks (JEDEC SDRAM) as determined by the refresh row
address counter (similar to CBR). The refresh row address counter is internal to the SDRAM device.
After being read, a row is automatically rewritten into the memory array. Both banks must be in a
precharged state before executing REFRESH.
WRITE Latches the column address and transfers data from the data signals to the selected sense ampliÞer
as determined by the column address. During each successive clock, additional data is transferred to
the sense ampliÞers from the data signals without additional WRITE commands. The amount of data
transferred is determined by the burst size. At the end of the burst, the page remains open.
Table 10-18. SDRAM Interface Commands (Continued)
Command Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-37
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The following two methods are used for internal bank interleaving:
¥ Page-based interleavingÑPage-based interleaving yields the best performance and
is the preferred interleaving method. This method uses low address bits as the
Bank-Select for the SDRAM, thus allowing interleaving on every page boundary. It
is activated by setting xSDMR[PBI]=1. See Ò0xSDRAM ConÞguration Example
(Page-Based Interleaving)Ó.
¥ Bank-based interleaving ÑThis method uses the most-signiÞcant address bits as the
bank-select for the SDRAM, thus allowing interleaving only on bank boundaries. It
is activated by clearing xSDMR[PBI]. See Section 10.4.12, ÒSDRAM
ConÞguration Examples.Ó SDRAM Address Multiplexing (SDAM and BSMA)
In single MPC8260 mode, the lower bits of the address bus are connected to the deviceÕs
address port, and the memory controller multiplex the row/column and the internal banks
select lines, according to the PL/SDMR[SDAM] and PL/SDMR[BSMA].
Table 10-37 shows how P/LSDMR[SDAM] settings affect address multiplexing. For the
effect of PL/SDMR[BSMA] see Section 10.4.12, ÒSDRAM ConÞguration Examples.Ó
Note that in 60x-compatible mode, the 60x address must be latched and multiplexed by
glue logic that is controlled by ALE and SDAMUX, however, the user still has to conÞgure
On the local bus, only the lower 18 bits of the address are output. Table 10-19 shows
SDRAM address multiplexing for A0ÐA15.
Table 10-19. SDRAM Address Multiplexing (A0ÐA15)
External Bus
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15
Signal driven
on external
pins when
is enabled
10-38 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-20 shows SDRAM address multiplexing for A16ÐA31.
10.4.6 SDRAM Device-SpeciÞc Parameters
The software is responsible for setting correct values to some device-speciÞc parameter that
can be extracted from the data sheet. The values are stored in the ORx and P/LSDMR
registers. These parameters include the following:
¥ Precharge to activate interval (P/LSDMR[PRETOACT]). See Section,
ÒPrecharge-to-Activate Interval.Ó
¥ Activate to read/write interval (P/LSDMR[ACTTORW]). See Section,
ÒActivate to Read/Write Interval.Ó
¥ CAS latency, column address to Þrst data out (P/LSDMR[CL]). See
Section, ÒColumn Address to First Data OutÑCAS Latency.Ó
¥ Last data out to precharge (P/LSDMR[LDOTOPRE]). Section, ÒLast Data
Out to Precharge.Ó
¥ Write recovery, last data in to precharge (P/LSDMR[WRC]). See Section,
ÒLast Data In to PrechargeÑWrite Recovery.Ó
¥ Refresh recovery interval (P/LSDMR[RFRC]). See Section, ÒRefresh
Recovery Interval (RFRC).Ó
¥ External address multiplexing present (P/LSDMR[EAMUX]). See Section,
ÒExternal Address Multiplexing Signal.Ó
¥ External buffers on the control lines present (P/LSDMR[BUFCMD]). See
Section, ÒExternal Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD).Ó
The following sections describe the SDRAM parameters that are programmed in the P/
LSDMR register. Precharge-to-Activate Interval
This parameter, controlled by P/LSDMR[PRETOACT] deÞnes the earliest timing for
activate or refresh command after a precharge command.
Table 10-20. SDRAM Address Multiplexing (A16ÐA31)
External Bus
A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31
Signal driven
on external
pins when
is enabled
A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
001 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22
010 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21
011 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20
100 Ñ A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19
101 Ñ Ñ A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-39
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-20. PRETOACT = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) Activate to Read/Write Interval
This parameter, controlled by P/LSDMR[ACTTORW], deÞnes the earliest timing for
READ/WRITE command after an ACTIVATE command.
Figure 10-21. ACTTORW = 2 (2 Clock Cycles)
MA[0Ð9] RAy
Bank A
Bank A
DATA D0 D1 D2 D3
10-40 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Column Address to First Data OutÑCAS Latency
This parameter, controlled by P/LSDMR[CL], deÞnes the timing for Þrst read data after a
column address is sampled by the SDRAM.
Figure 10-22. CL = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) Last Data Out to Precharge
This parameter, controlled by P/LSDMR[LDOTOPRE], deÞnes the earliest timing for the
PRECHARGE command after the last data was read from the SDRAM. It is always related to
the CL parameter.
Figure 10-23. LDOTOPRE = 2 (-2 Clock Cycles)
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Data D0 D1 D2 D3
Activate Read First data out
CL = 2
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Data D0 D1 D2 D3
Activate Read Deactivate Last Data Out
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-41
Part III. The Hardware Interface Last Data In to PrechargeÑWrite Recovery
This parameter, controlled by P/LSDMR[WRC], deÞnes the earliest timing for PRECHARGE
command after the last data was written to the SDRAM.
Figure 10-24. WRC = 2 (2 Clock Cycles) Refresh Recovery Interval (RFRC)
This parameter, controlled by P/LSDMR[RFRC], deÞnes the earliest timing for an
ACTIVATE command after a REFRESH command.
Figure 10-25. RFRC = 4 (6 Clock Cycles) External Address Multiplexing Signal
In 60x-compatible mode, external address multiplexing is placed on the address lines. If the
additional delay of multiplexing is endangers the device setup time, P/LSDMR[EAMUX]
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Data D0 D1 D2 D3
Activate WRITE Last data in Deactivate
WRC = 2
A8 = 1
RFRC = 4 (6 clocks)
if needed Auto refresh Activate command
Bank A
10-42 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
should be set. Setting this bit causes the memory controller to add another cycle for each
address phase.
Note that EAMUX can also be set in any case of delays on the address lines, such as address
Figure 10-26. EAMUX = 1 External Address and Command Buffers (BUFCMD)
In 60x-compatible mode, external buffers may be placed on the command strobes, except
CS, as well as the address lines. If the additional delay of the buffers is endangering the
device setup time, P/LSDMR[BUFCMD] should be set. Setting this bit causes the memory
controller to add one cycle for each SDRAM command.
Figure 10-27. BUFCMD = 1
10.4.7 SDRAM Interface Timing
The following Þgures show SDRAM timing for various types of accesses.
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Address setup cycle
MD strobes
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Activate Read NOPNOP
(without cs)
Command setup cycle Command setup cycle
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-43
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-28. SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Closed, CL = 3
Figure 10-29. SDRAM Single-Beat Read, Page Hit, CL = 3
Figure 10-30. SDRAM Two-Beat Burst Read, Page Closed, CL = 3
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Data D0
MA[0Ð11] Column
Data D0
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Data D0 D1
10-44 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-31. SDRAM Four-Beat Burst Read, Page Miss, CL = 3
Figure 10-32. SDRAM Single-Beat Write, Page Hit
Figure 10-33. SDRAM Three-Beat Burst Write, Page Closed
Data D0
ZA10 = 1
* BSÑBank select according to SDRAM organization. A10 = 1 means not all banks will be precharged.
CAS Latency = 3
D1 D2 D4
Deactivate Activate
MA[0Ð11] Column
Data D0
MA[0Ð11] Row Column
Data D0 D1 D2
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-45
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-34. SDRAM Read-after-Read Pipeline, Page Hit, CL = 3
Figure 10-35. SDRAM Write-after-Write Pipelined, Page Hit
Figure 10-36. SDRAM Read-after-Write Pipelined, Page Hit
MA[0Ð11] Column1
Data D0
Z Column2
D0 D1
DQM latency (affects negation only) = 2
MA[0Ð11] Column1
Data D0 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3
MA[0Ð11] Column1
Data D0 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3
10-46 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.4.8 SDRAM Read/Write Transactions
The SDRAM interface supports the following read/write transactions:
¥ Single-beat reads/writes up to double word size
¥ Bursts of two, three, or four double words
SDRAM devices perform bursts for each transaction, the burst length depends on the port
size. For 64-bit port size, it is a burst of 4. For 32-bit port size, it is a burst of 8. For reads
that require less than the full burst length, extraneous data in the burst is ignored. For writes
that require less than the full burst length, the MPC8260 protects non-targeted addresses by
driving DQMn high on the irrelevant cycles of the burst. However, system performance is
not compromised since, if a new transaction is pending, the MPC8260 begins executing it
immediately, effectively terminating the burst early.
10.4.9 SDRAM MODE-SET Command Timing
The MPC8260 transfers mode register data (CAS latency, burst length, burst type) stored
in P/LSDMR[SDMODE] to the SDRAM array by issuing the MODE-SET command.
Figure 10-37 shows timing for the MODE-SET command.
Figure 10-37. SDRAM MODE-SET Command Timing
Figure 10-38 shows mode data bit settings.
Data ZZ
D0 D1 D2 D3
*Mode Data Row Column
*The mode data is the address value during a mode-set cycle. It is driven by the memory controller, in single
MPC8260 mode, according to P/LSDMR[CL] register. In 60x-compatible mode, software must drive the correct
value on the address lines. Figure 10-38 shows the actual value.
Mode Set Page Activate Write (Burst)
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-47
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-38. Mode Data Bit Settings
10.4.10 SDRAM Refresh
The memory controller supplies auto (CBR) refreshes to SDRAM according to the interval
speciÞed in PSRT or LSRT. This represents the time period required between refreshes. The
value of P/LSRT depends on the speciÞc SDRAM devices used and the operating frequency
of the MPC8260Õs bus. This value should allow for a potential collision between memory
accesses and refresh cycles. The period of the refresh interval must be greater than the
access time to ensure that read and write operations complete successfully.
There are two levels of refresh request priorityÑlow and high. The low priority request is
generated as soon as the refresh timer expires, this request is granted only if no other
requests to the memory controller are pending. If the request is not granted (memory
controller is busy) and the refresh timer expires two more times, the request becomes high
priority and is served when the current memory controller operation Þnishes.
Note that there are two SDRAM refresh timers, one for 60x SDRAM machines and one for
local bus SDRAM machines.
10.4.11 SDRAM Refresh Timing
The memory controller implements bank staggering for the auto refresh function. This
reduces instantaneous current consumption for memory refresh operations.
Once a refresh request is granted the memory controller begins issuing auto-refresh
command to each device associated with the refresh timer, in one clock intervals. After the
last REFRESH command is issued, the memory controller waits for the number of clocks
written in the SDRAM machineÕs mode register (RFRC in P/LSDMR). The timing is
shown in Figure 10-39
latency modeÑcan be 1(001), 2(010), or 3(011).
burst length:
4(010) for 16- and 64-bit port sizes
8(011) for 8- and 32-bit port sizes
Bit number 0 1234567891011lsb
10-48 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-39. SDRAM Bank-Staggered CBR Refresh Timing
10.4.12 SDRAM ConÞguration Examples
The following sections provide SDRAM conÞguration examples for page- and bank-based
interleaving. SDRAM ConÞguration Example (Page-Based Interleaving)
Consider the following SDRAM organization:
¥ 64-bit port size organized as 8 x 8 x 64 Mbit.
¥ Each device has 4 internal banks, 12 rows, and 9 columns
For page-based interleaving, the address bus should be partitioned as shown in Table 10-21.
The following parameters can be extracted:
¥ PSDMR[PBI] = 1ÑPage-based interleaving
¥ORx[BPD] = 01ÑFour internal banks
¥ORx[ROWST] = 0110ÑRow starts at A[6]
¥ORx[NUMR] = 011ÑTwelve row lines
Table 10-21. 60x Address Bus Partition
A[0Ð5] A[6Ð17] A[18Ð19] A[20Ð28] A[29Ð31]
msb of start address Row Bank select Column lsb
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-49
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Now, from the SDRAM device point of view, during an ACTIVATE command, its address
port should look like Table 10-22.
Table 10-19 indicates that to multiplex A[6Ð17] over A[17Ð28], PSDMR[SDAM] must be
011 and, because the internal bank selects are multiplexed over A[15Ð16], PSDMR[BSMA]
must be 010 (only the lower two bank select lines are used).
Note that if the device is connected to the BNKSEL pins, the value of PSDMR[BSMA] has
no effect. In the above example, address lines [18Ð19] are output on BNKSEL1 and
BNKSEL0, accordingly.
During a READ/WRITE command, the address port should look like Table 10-23.
Because AP alternates with A[7] of the row lines, set PSDMR[SDA10] = 011. This outputs
A[7] on the SDA10 line during the ACTIVATE command and AP during READ/WRITE and
CBR commands.
Table 10-24 shows the register conÞguration. Not shown are PSRT and MPTPR, which
should be programmed according to the device refresh requirements:
Table 10-22. SDRAM Device Address Port during ACTIVATE Command
ÒA[0Ð14]Ó A[15Ð16] A[17Ð28] A[29Ð31]
Ñ Internal bank select (A[18Ð19]) Row (A[6Ð17]) n.c.
Table 10-23. SDRAM Device Address Port during READ/WRITE Command
ÒA[0Ð14]Ó A[15Ð16] A[17] A[18] A[19] A[20Ð28] A[29Ð31]
Ñ Internal bank select DonÕt care AP DonÕt care Column n.c.
Table 10-24. Register Settings (Page-Based Interleaving
Register Settings
BRxBA Base address
PS 00 = 64-bit port size
WP 0
MS 010 = SDRAM-60x bus
DR 0
ORxAM 1111_1100_0000
LSDAM 00000
BPD 01
ROWST 0110
NUMR 011
OP 000
SDAM 011
BSMA 010
SDA10 011
RFRC from device data sheet
PRETOACT from device data sheet
ACTTOROW from device data sheet
BL 0
LDOTOPRE from device data sheet
WRC from device data sheet
CL from device data sheet
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.4.13 SDRAM ConÞguration Example (Bank-Based Interleaving)
Consider the following SDRAM organization:
¥ 64-bit port size organized as 8 x 8 x 64 Mbit.
¥ Each device has four internal banks, 12 rows, and 9 columns
For bank-based Interleaving, this means that the address bus should be partitioned as shown
in Table 10-25.
The following parameters can be extracted:
¥ PSDMR[PBI] = 0
¥ORx[BPD] = 01Ñ4 internal banks
¥ORx[ROWST] = 0100Ñrow starts at A[8]
¥ORx[NUMR] = 011Ñthere are 12 row lines
Now, from the SDRAM device point of view, during an ACTIVATE command, its address
port should look like Table 10-26.
Table 10-19 indicates that in order to multiplex A[6Ð19] over A[15Ð28] PSDMR[SDAM]
must be 001 and, because the internal bank selects are multiplexed over A[15Ð16]
PSDMR[BSMA] must be 010 (only the lower two bank select lines are used).
During a READ/WRITE command, the address port should look like Table 10-27.
Because AP alternates with A[9] of the row lines, set PSDMR[SDA10] = 011. This outputs
A[9] on the SDA10 line during the ACTIVATE command and AP during READ/WRITE
and CBR commands.
Table 10-28 shows the register conÞguration. Not shown are PSRT and MPTPR, which
should be programmed according to the device refresh requirements.
Table 10-25. 60x Address Bus Partition
A[0Ð5] A[6Ð7] A[8Ð19] A[20Ð28] A[29Ð31]
msb of start address Internal bank select Row Column lsb
Table 10-26. SDRAM Device Address Port during ACTIVATE Command
ÒA[0Ð14]Ó A[15Ð16] A[17Ð28] A[29Ð31]
Ñ Internal bank select (A[6Ð7]) Row (A[8Ð19]) n.c.
Table 10-27. SDRAM Device Address Port during READ/WRITE Command
ÒA[0Ð14]Ó A[15Ð16] A[17] A[18] A[19] A[20Ð28] A[29Ð31]
Ñ Internal bank select DonÕt care AP DonÕt care Column n.c.
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.5 General-Purpose Chip-Select Machine (GPCM)
Users familiar with the MPC8xx memory controller should read Section 10.5.4,
ÒDifferences between MPC8xxÕs GPCM and MPC8260Õs GPCM,Ó Þrst.
The GPCM allows a glueless and ßexible interface between the MPC8260, SRAM,
EPROM, FEPROM, ROM devices, and external peripherals. The GPCM contains two basic
conÞguration register groupsÑBRx and ORx.
Table 10-29 lists the GPCM interface signals on the 60x and local bus.
GPCM-controlled devices can use BCTLx as read/write indicators. The BCTLx signals
appears as R/W in the timing diagrams. See Section 10.2.7, ÒData Buffer Controls
Additional control is available in 60x-compatible mode (60x bus only)ÑALEÐexternal
address latch enable
In this section, when a signal is named, the reference is to the 60x or local bus signal,
according to the bank being accessed. Figure 10-40 shows a simple connection between a
32-bit port size SRAM device and the MPC8260.
Table 10-28. Register Settings (Bank-Based Interleaving)
Register Settings
BRxBA Base address
PS 00 = 64-bit port size
WP 0
MS 010 = SDRAM-60x bus
DR 0
ORxSDAM 1111_1100_0000
LSDAM 00000
BPD 01
NUMR 011
OP 000
SDAM 001
BSMA 010
SDA10 011
RFRC from device data sheet
PRETOACT from device data sheet
ACTTOROW from device data sheet
BL 0
LDOTOPRE from device data sheet
WRC from device data sheet
CL from device data sheet
Table 10-29. GPCM Interfaces Signals
60x Bus Local Bus Comments
CS[0Ð11] Device select
WE[0Ð7] LWE[0Ð3] Write enables for write cycles
OE LOE Output enable for read cycles
10-52 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-40. GPCM-to-SRAM ConÞguration
10.5.1 Timing ConÞguration
If BRx[MS] selects the GPCM, the attributes for the memory cycle are taken from ORx.
These attributes include the CSNT, ACS[0Ð1], SCY[0Ð3], TRLX, EHTR, and SETA Þelds.
Table 10-30 shows signal behavior and system response.
Table 10-30. GPCM Strobe Signal Behavior
Option Register Attributes Signal Behavior
TRLX Access ACS CSNT Address to CS
CS Negated to
Address Change
WE Negated to
Address/Data Invalid Total Cycles
0 Read 00 x 0 0 x 2+SCY1
1SCY is the number of wait cycles from the option register.
0 Read 10 x 1/4*Clock 0 x 2+SCY
0 Read 11 x 1/2*Clock 0 x 2+SCY
0 Write 00 0 0 0 0 2+SCY
0 Write 10 0 1/4*Clock 0 0 2+SCY
0 Write 11 0 1/2*Clock 0 0 2+SCY
0 Write 00 1 0 0 -1/4*Clock 2+SCY
0 Write 10 1 1/4*Clock -1/4*Clock -1/4*Clock 2+SCY
0 Write 11 1 1/2*Clock -1/4*Clock -1/4*Clock 2+SCY
1 Read 00 x 0 0 x 2+2*SCY
1 Read 10 x (1+1/4)*Clock 0 x 3+2*SCY
1 Read 11 x (1+1/2)*Clock 0 x 3+2*SCY
1 Write 00 0 0 0 0 2+2*SCY
1 Write 10 0 (1+1/4)*Clock 0 0 3+2*SCY
1 Write 11 0 (1+1/2)*Clock 0 0 3+2*SCY
1 Write 00 1 0 0 -1-1/4*Clock 3+2*SCY
1 Write 10 1 (1+1/4)*Clock -1-1/4*Clock -1-1/4*Clock 4+2*SCY
1 Write 11 1 (1+1/2)*Clock -1-1/4*Clock -1-1/4*Clock 4+2*SCY
32-Bit Wide SRAM
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-53
Part III. The Hardware Interface Chip-Select Assertion Timing
From 0 to 30 wait states can be programmed for PSDVAL generation. Byte-write enable
signals (WE) are available for each byte written to memory. Also, the output enable signal
(OE) is provided to eliminate external glue logic. The memory banks selected to work with
the GPCM have unique features. On system reset, a global (boot) chip-select is available
that provides a boot ROM chip-select prior to the system being fully conÞgured. The banks
selected to work with the GPCM support an option to output the CS line at different timings
with respect to the external address bus. CS can be output in any of three conÞgurations:
¥ Simultaneous with the external address
¥ One quarter of a clock cycle later
¥ One half of a clock cycle later
Figure 10-41 shows a basic connection between the MPC8260 and an external peripheral
device. Here, CS (the strobe output for the memory access) is connected directly to CE of
the memory device and BCTL0 is connected to the respective R/W in the peripheral device.
Figure 10-41. GPCM Peripheral Device Interface
Figure 10-42 shows CS as deÞned by the setup time required between the address lines and
CE. The user can conÞgure ORx[ACS] to specify CS to meet this requirement.
Figure 10-42. GPCM Peripheral Device Basic Timing (ACS = 1x and TRLX = 0)
ACS = 11
ACS = 10
10-54 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface Chip-Select and Write Enable Deassertion Timing
Figure 10-43 shows a basic connection between the MPC8260 and a static memory device.
Here, CS is connected directly to CE of the memory device. The WE signals are connected
to the respective W signal in the memory device where each WE corresponds to a different
data byte.
Figure 10-43. GPCM Memory Device Interface
As Figure 10-45 shows, the timing for CS is the same as for the address lines. The strobes
for the transaction are supplied by OE or WE, depending on the transaction direction (read
or write). ORx[CSNT] controls the timing for the appropriate strobe negation in write
cycles. When this attribute is asserted, the strobe is negated one quarter of a clock before
the normal case. For example, when ACS = 00 and CSNT = 1, WE is negated one quarter
of a clock earlier, as shown in Figure 10-44.
Figure 10-44. GPCM Memory Device Basic Timing (ACS = 00, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 0)
When ACS ¹ 00 and CSNT = 1, WE and CS are negated one quarter of a clock earlier, as
shown in Figure 10-45.
CSNT = 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-55
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-45. GPCM Memory Device Basic Timing (ACS ¹ 00, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 0) Relaxed Timing
ORx[TRLX] is provided for memory systems that require more relaxed timing between
signals. When TRLX = 1 and ACS ¹ 00, an additional cycle between the address and
strobes is inserted by the MPC8260 memory controller. See Figure 10-46 and
Figure 10-47.
Figure 10-46. GPCM Relaxed Timing Read (ACS = 1x, SCY = 1, CSNT = 0, TRLX = 1)
CSNT = 1
ACS = 11
ACS = 10
ACS = 10
ACS = 11
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-47. GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 1x, SCY = 0, CSNT = 0,TRLX = 1)
When TRLX and CSNT are set in a write-memory access, the strobe lines, WE[0Ð7] are
negated one clock earlier than in the normal case. If ACS ¹ 0, CS is also negated one clock
earlier, as shown in Figure 10-48 and Figure 10-49. When a bank is selected to operate with
external transfer acknowledge (SETA and TRLX = 1), the memory controller does not
support external devices that provide PSDVAL to complete the transfer with zero wait
states. The minimum access duration in this case is three clock cycles.
Figure 10-48. GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 10, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1)
ACS = 10
ACS = 11
ACS = 10 CSNT = 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-57
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-49. GPCM Relaxed-Timing Write (ACS = 00, SCY = 0, CSNT = 1, TRLX = 1) Output Enable (OE) Timing
The timing of the OE is affected only by TRLX. It always asserts and negates on the rising
edge of the external bus clock. OE always asserts on the rising clock edge after CS is
asserted, and therefore its assertion can be delayed (along with the assertion of CS) by
programming TRLX = 1. OE deasserts on the rising clock edge coinciding with or
immediately after CS deassertion. Programmable Wait State ConÞguration
The GPCM supports internal PSDVAL generation. It allows fast accesses to external
memory through an internal bus master or a maximum 17-clock access by programming
ORx[SCY]. The internal PSDVAL generation mode is enabled if ORx[SETA] = 0. If GTA
is asserted externally at least two clock cycles before the wait state counter has expired, the
current memory cycle is terminated. When TRLX = 1, the number of wait states inserted
by the memory controller is deÞned by 2 x SCY or a maximum of 30 wait states. Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses
Slow memory devices that take a long time to turn off their data bus drivers on read accesses
should chose some combination of ORx[29Ð30] (TRLX and EHTR). Any access following
a read access to the slower memory bank is delayed by the number of clock cycles speciÞed
by Table 10-31. See Figure 10-50 through Figure 10-53 for timing examples.
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-50 through Figure 10-53 show timing examples.
Figure 10-50. GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29Ð30] = 0x, Fastest Timing)
Table 10-31. TRLX and EHTR Combinations
ORx[TRLX] ORx[EHTR] Number of Hold Time Clock Cycles
00 0
01 1
10 4
11 8
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-59
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-51. GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29Ð30] = 01)
Figure 10-52. GPCM Read Followed by Write (ORx[29Ð30] = 01)
Hold Time 1-cycle hold time allowed
Hold Time Long hold time allowed
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-53. GPCM Read Followed by Read (ORx[29Ð30] = 10)
10.5.2 External Access Termination
External access termination is supported by the GPCM using GTA, which is synchronized
and sampled internally by the MPC8260. If, during a GPCM data phase (second cycle or
later), the sampled signal is asserted, it is converted to PSDVAL, which terminates the
current GPCM access. GTA should be asserted for one cycle. Note that because GTA is
synchronized, bus termination may occur up to two cycles after GTA assertion, so in case
of read cycle, the device still must output data as long is OE is asserted. The user selects
whether PSDVAL is generated internally or externally (by means of GTA assertion) by
resetting/setting BRx[SETA].
Figure 10-54 shows how a GPCM access is terminated by GTA assertion. Asserting GTA
terminates an access even if BRx[SETA] = 0 (internal PSDVAL generation).
Hold Time
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-61
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-54. External Termination of GPCM Access
10.5.3 Boot Chip-Select Operation
Boot chip-select operation allows address decoding for a boot ROM before system
initialization. The CS0 signal is the boot chip-select output; its operation differs from the
other external chip-select outputs on system reset. When the MPC8260 internal core begins
accessing memory at system reset, CS0 is asserted for every address in the boot address
range, unless an internal register is accessed. The address range is conÞgured during reset.
The boot chip-select also provides a programmable port size during system reset by using
the conÞguration mechanism described in Section 5.4, ÒReset ConÞguration.Ó The boot
chip-select does not provide write protection. CS0 operates this way until the Þrst write to
OR0 and it can be used as any other chip-select register once the preferred address range is
loaded into BR0. After the Þrst write to OR0, the boot chip-select can be restarted only on
hardware reset. Table 10-32 describes the initial values of the boot bank in the memory
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Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.5.4 Differences between MPC8xxÕs GPCM and MPC8260Õs GPCM
Users familiar with the MPC8xx GPCM should read this section Þrst:
¥ External terminationÑIn the MPC8xx the external termination connects to the
external bus TA and so must be asserted in sync with the system clock. In the
MPC8260, this signal is separated from the bus and named GTA. The signal is
synchronized internally and sampled. The sampled signal is used to generate TA,
which terminates the bus transaction.
¥ Extended hold time for reads can be up to 8 clock cycles (instead of 1 in the
10.6 User-Programmable Machines (UPMs)
Users familiar with MPC8xx memory controller should Þrst read Section 10.6.6,
ÒDifferences between MPC8xx UPM and MPC8260 UPM.Ó Table 10-33 lists the UPM
interface signals on the 60x and local bus.
Table 10-32. Boot Bank Field Values after Reset
Register Setting
BR0 BA From hard reset conÞguration word. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration Word.Ó
PS From hard reset conÞguration word. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration WordÓ
WP 0
MS[0Ð12] 000
EMEMC From hard reset conÞguration word. See Section 5.4.1, ÒHard Reset ConÞguration WordÓ
OR0 AM[0Ð16] 1111_1110_0000_0000_0 (32 MByte)
ACS[0Ð1] 11
SCY[0Ð3] 1111
Table 10-33. UPM Interfaces Signals
60x Bus Local Bus Comments
CS[0Ð11] Device select
PBS[0Ð7] LBS[0Ð3] Byte Select
PGPL_0 LGPL_0 General-purpose line 0
PGPL_1 LGPL_1 General-purpose line 1
PGPL_2 LGPL_2 General-purpose line 2
PGPL_3 LGPL_3 General-purpose line 3
PGPL_4/UPWAIT LGPL_4/UPWAIT General-purpose line 4/UPM WAIT
PGPL_5 LGPL_5 General-purpose line 5
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-63
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Additional control is available in 60x-compatible mode (60x bus only)ÑALEÑExternal
address latch enable (not a UPM-controlled signal).
Note that in this section, when a signal is named, the reference is to the 60x or local bus
signal, according to the bank being accessed.
The three user-programmable machines (UPMs) are ßexible interfaces that connect to a
wide range of memory devices. At the heart of each UPM is an internal-memory RAM
array that speciÞes the logical value driven on the external memory controller pins for a
given clock cycle. Each word in the RAM array provides bits that allow a memory access
to be controlled with a resolution of up to one quarter of the external bus clock period on
the byte-select and chip-select lines. Figure 10-55 shows the basic operation of each UPM.
The following events initiate a UPM cycle:
¥ Any internal or external device requests an external memory access to an address
space mapped to a chip-select serviced by the UPM
¥ A UPM refresh timer expires and requests a transaction, such as a DRAM refresh
¥ A transfer error or reset generates an exception request
Figure 10-55. User-Programmable Machine Block Diagram
The RAM array contains 64 32-bit RAM words. The signal timing generator loads the
RAM word from the RAM array to drive the general-purpose lines, byte-selects, and
chip-selects. If the UPM reads a RAM word with WAEN set, the external UPWAIT signal
is sampled and synchronized by the memory controller and the current request is frozen.
When a new access to external memory is requested by any device on the 60x or local bus,
the addresses of the transfer are compared to each one of the valid banks deÞned in the
memory controller. When an address match is found in one of the memory banks, BRx[MS]
selects the UPM to handle this memory access. MxMR[BS] assigns the UPM to the 60x or
the local bus.
RUN command
UPM refresh
timer request Array
memory access request
Exception request
RAM Array
Internal Controls
GPLx, BS_x, CSx
(LAST = 0)
(issued in software)
10-64 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Note that 60x bus accesses that hit a bank allocated to the local bus are transferred to the
local bus. However, local bus accesses that hit a bank allocated to the 60x bus are ignored.
10.6.1 Requests
An internal or external deviceÕs request for a memory access initiates one of the following
patterns (MxMR[OP] = 00):
¥ Read single-beat pattern (RSS)
¥ Read burst cycle pattern (RBS)
¥ Write single-beat pattern (WSS)
¥ Write burst cycle pattern (WBS)
These patterns are described in Section, ÒMemory Access Requests.Ó
A UPM refresh timer request pattern initiates a refresh timer pattern (PTS), as described in
Section, ÒUPM Refresh Timer Requests.Ó
An exception (caused by a soft reset or the assertion of TEA) occurring while another UPM
pattern is running initiates an exception condition pattern (EXS).
A special pattern in the RAM array is associated with each of these cycle type. Figure 10-56
shows the start addresses of these patterns in the UPM RAM, according to cycle type. RUN
commands (MxMR[OP] = 11), however, can initiate patterns starting at any of the 64 UPM
RAM words.
Figure 10-56. RAM Array Indexing
Write Single-Beat Request
Read Burst Request
Read Single-Beat Request
Write Burst Request
RAM Array
Refresh Timer Request
Exception Condition Request
64 RAM
Array Index
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-65
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-34 show the start address of each pattern. Memory Access Requests
When an internal device requests a new access to external memory, the address of transfer
are compared to each valid bank deÞned in BRx. The value in BRx[MS] selects the UPM
to handle the memory access. The user must ensure that the UPM is appropriately
initialized before a request.
The UPM supports two types of memory reads and writes:
¥ A single-beat transfer transfers one operand consisting of up to double word. A
single-beat cycle starts with one transfer start and ends with one transfer
¥ A burst transfer transfers four double words. For 64-bit accesses, the burst cycle
starts with one transfer start but ends after four transfer acknowledges. A 32-bit
device requires 8 data acknowledges; an 8-bit device requires 32. See
Section 10.2.13, ÒPartial Data Valid Indication (PSDVAL).Ó
The MPC8260 deÞnes two additional transfer sizes: bursts of two and three doublewords.
These access are treated by the UPM as back-to-back, single-beat transfers. UPM Refresh Timer Requests
Each UPM contains a refresh timer that can be programmed to generate refresh service
requests of a particular pattern in the RAM array. Figure 10-57 shows the hardware
associated with memory refresh timer request generation. PURT deÞnes the period for the
timers associated with UPMx on the 60x bus and LURT deÞnes it on the local bus. See
Section 10.3.8, Ò60x Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (PURT),Ó and Section 10.3.9,
ÒLocal Bus-Assigned UPM Refresh Timer (LURT).Ó
All 60x bus refreshes are done using the refresh pattern of UPMA. This means that if
refresh is required on the 60x bus, UPMA must be assigned to the 60x bus and
MxMR[RFEN] must be set. It also means that only one refresh routine should be
programmed for the 60x bus and be placed in UPMA, which serves as the 60x bus refresh
executor. If refresh is not required on the 60x bus, UPMA can be assigned to any bus.
Table 10-34. UPM Routines Start Addresses
UPM Routine Routine Start Address
Read single-beat (RSS) 0x00
Read burst (RBS) 0x08
Write single-beat (WSS) 0x18
Write burst (WBS) 0x20
Refresh timer (PTS) 0x30
Exception condition (EXS) 0x3C
10-66 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
All local bus refreshes are done using the refresh pattern of UPMB. This means that if
refresh is required on the local bus, UPMB must be assigned to the local bus and
MBMR[RFEN] must be set. It also means that only one refresh routine should be
programmed for the local bus, and be placed in UPMB, which serves as the local bus refresh
executor. If refresh is not required on the local bus, UPMB can be assigned to any bus.
UPMC can be assigned to any bus; there is no need to program its refresh routine because
it will use the one in UPMA or UPMB, according to the bus to which it is assigned.
Figure 10-57. Memory Refresh Timer Request Block Diagram Software RequestsÑRUN Command
Software can start a request to the UPM by issuing a RUN command to the UPM. Some
memory devices have their own signal handshaking protocol to put them into special
modes, such as self-refresh mode. Other memory devices require special commands to be
issued on their control signals, such as for SDRAM initialization.
For these special cycles, the user creates a special RAM pattern that can be stored in any
unused areas in the UPM RAM. Then the RUN command is used to run the cycle. The UPM
runs the pattern beginning at the speciÞed RAM location until it encounters a RAM word
with its LAST bit set. The RUN command is issued by setting MxMR[OP] = 11 and
accessing the UPMx memory region with a single-byte transaction.
Note that the pattern must contain exactly one assertion of PSDVAL (UTA bit in the RAM
word, described in Table 10-35), otherwise bus timeout may occur. Exception Requests
When the MPC8260 under UPM control initiates an access to a memory device, the
external device may assert TEA or SRESET. The UPM provides a mechanism by which
memory control signals can meet the timing requirements of the device without losing data.
The mechanism is the exception pattern that deÞnes how the UPM deasserts its signals in
a controlled manner.
10.6.2 Programming the UPMs
The UPM is a microsequencer that requires microinstructions or RAM words to generate
signal timings for different memory cycles. Follow these steps to program the UPMs:
1. Set up BRx and ORx.
2. Write patterns into the RAM array.
60x bus assigned UPM
Local bus assigned UPM
System Divide by PURT
PTP Prescaling
Divide by LURT
refresh timer request
refresh timer request
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-67
Part III. The Hardware Interface
3. Program MPTPR and L/PSRT if refresh is required.
4. Program the machine mode register (MxMR).
Patterns are written to the RAM array by setting MxMR[OP] = 01 and accessing the UPM
with a single byte transaction. See Figure 10-11.
10.6.3 Clock Timing
Fields in the RAM word specify the value of the various external signals at each clock edge.
The signal timing generator causes external signals to behave according to the timing
speciÞed in the current RAM word. Figure 10-58 and Figure 10-59 show the clock schemes
of the UPMs in the memory controller for integer and non-integer clock ratios. The clock
phases shown reßect timing windows during which generated signals can change state. If
speciÞed in the RAM, the value of the external signals can be changed after any of the
positive edges of T[1Ð4], plus a circuit delay time as speciÞed in the MPC8260 Hardware
Note that for integer clock ratios, the widths of T1/2/3/4 are equal, for a 1:2.5 clock ratio,
T1 = 4/3*T2 and T3 = 4/3*T4, and for a 1:3.5 clock ratio, the ticks widths are T1 = 3/2*T2
and T3 = 3/2*T4.
Figure 10-58. Memory Controller UPM Clock Scheme for Integer Clock Ratios
10-68 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-59. Memory Controller UPM Clock Scheme for Non-Integer (2.5:1/3.5:1)
Clock Ratios
The state of the external signals may change (if speciÞed in the RAM array) at any positive
edge of T1, T2, T3, or T4 (there is a propagation delay speciÞed in the MPC8260 Hardware
SpeciÞcations). Note however that only the CS signal corresponding to the currently
accessed bank is manipulated by the UPM pattern when it runs. The BS signal assertion and
negation timing is also speciÞed for each cycle in the RAM word; which of the four BS
signals are manipulated depends on the port size of the speciÞed bank, the external address
accessed, and the value of TSIZn. The GPL lines toggle as programmed for any access that
initiates a particular pattern, but resolution of control is limited to T1 and T3.
Figure 10-60 shows how CSx, GPL1, and GPL2 can be controlled. A word is read from the
RAM that speciÞes on every clock cycle the logical bits CST1, CST2, CST3, CST4, G1T1,
G1T3, G2T1, and G2T3. These bits indicate the electrical value for the corresponding
output pins at the appropriate timing.
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-69
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-60. UPM Signals Timing Example
10.6.4 The RAM Array
The RAM array for each UPM is 64 locations deep and 32 bits wide, as shown in
Figure 10-61. The signals at the bottom of Figure 10-61 are UPM outputs. The selected CS
is for the bank that matches the current address. The selected BS is for the byte lanes read
or written by the access.
G1T1 G1T3
Word 1 Word 2
G1T1 G1T3
G2T1 G2T3 G2T1 G2T3
10-70 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-61. RAM Array and Signal Generation RAM Words
The RAM word, shown in Figure 10-62, is a 32-bit microinstruction stored in one of 64
locations in the RAM array. It speciÞes timing for external signals controlled by the UPM.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Ñ
Addr (MCR[MAD] indirect addressing of 1 of 64 entries
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field G3T1 G3T3 G4T1/
Reset Ñ
Addr (All 32 bits of the RAM word are addressed as shown in the address row above.)
Figure 10-62. The RAM Word
T1, T2, T3, T4
External Signals Timing Generator (60x or Local)
RAM Array
CS Line
Byte Select
CS[0Ð11] BS
Current Bank TSIZ, PS, A[30,31]
32 Bits
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-71
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 10-35 describes RAM word Þelds.
Table 10-35. RAM Word Bit Settings
Bit Name Description
0 CST1 Chip-select timing 1. DeÞnes the state of CS during clock phase 1.
0 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
1 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
See Section, ÒChip-Select Signals (CxTx).Ó
1 CST2 Chip-select timing 2. DeÞnes the state of CS during clock phase 2.
0 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T2 will be 0
1 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T2 will be 1
2 CST3 Chip-select timing 3. DeÞnes the state of CS during clock phase 3.
0 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
3 CST4 Chip-select timing4. DeÞnes the state of CS during clock phase 4.
0 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T4 will be 0
1 The value of the CS line at the rising edge of T4 will be 1
4 BST1 Byte-select timing 1. DeÞnes the state of BS during clock phase 1.
0 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T2 will be 0
1 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T2 will be 1
The Þnal value of the BS lines depends on the values of BRx[PS], the TSIZ lines, and A[30Ð31] for
the access. See Section, ÒByte-Select Signals (BxTx)
5 BST2 Byte-select timing 2. DeÞnes the state of BS during clock phase 2.
0 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T2 will be 0
1 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T2 will be 1
The Þnal value of the BS lines depends on the values of BRx[PS], TSIZx, and A[30Ð31] for the
6 BST3 Byte-select timing 3. DeÞnes the state of BS during clock phase 3.
0 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
The Þnal value of the BS lines depends on the values of BRx[PS], TSIZx, and A[30Ð31] for the
7 BST4 Byte-select timing 4. DeÞnes the state of BS during clock phase 4.
0 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T4 will be 0
1 The value of the BS lines at the rising edge of T4 will be 1
The Þnal value of the BS lines depends on the values of BRx[PS], TSIZx, and A[30Ð31] for the
8Ð9 G0L General-purpose line 0 lower. DeÞnes the state of GPL0 during phases 1Ð2.
00 The value of GPL0 at the rising edge of T1 is as deÞned in MxMR[G0CL]
10 The value of the GPL0 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
11 The value of the GPL0 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
10Ð11 G0H General-purpose line 0 higher. DeÞnes the state of GPL0 during phase 3Ð4.
00 The value of GPL0 at the rising edge of T3 is as deÞned in MxMR[G0CL]
10 The value of the GPL0 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
11 The value of the GPL0 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
10-72 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
12 G1T1 General-purpose line 1 timing 1. DeÞnes the state of GPL1 during phase 1Ð2.
0 The value of the GPL0 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL0 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
13 G1T3 General-purpose line 1 timing 3. DeÞnes the state of GPL1 during phase 3Ð4.
0 The value of the GPL1 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL1 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
14 G2T1 General-purpose line 2 timing 1. DeÞnes the state of GPL2 during phase 1Ð2.
0 The value of the GPL2 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL2 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
15 G2T3 General-purpose line 2 timing 3. DeÞnes the state of GPL2 during phase 3Ð4.
0 The value of the GPL2 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL2 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
16 G3T1 General-purpose line 3 timing 1. DeÞnes the state of GPL3 during phase 1Ð2.
0 The value of the GPL3 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
1The value of the GPL3 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
17 G3T3 General-purpose line 3 timing 3. DeÞnes the state of GPL3 during phase 3Ð4.
0 The value of the GPL3 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL3 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
18 G4T/
General-purpose line 4 timing 1/delay time 2. The function is determined by MxMR[GPLx4DIS].
G4T1 If MxMR deÞnes UPWAITx/GPL_x4 as an output (GPL_x4), this bit functions as G4T1:
0 The value of the GPL4 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL4 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
See Section, ÒGeneral-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx).Ó
DLT3 If MxMR[GPLx4DIS] = 1, UPWAITx is chosen and this bit functions as DLT3.
0 In the current word, indicates that the data bus should be sampled at the rising edge of T1 (if a read
burst or a single read service is executed).
1 In the current word, indicates that the data bus should be sampled at the rising edge of T3 (if a read
burst or a single read service is executed).
For an example, see Section, ÒData Valid and Data Sample Control.Ó
19 G4T3/
General-purpose line 4 timing 3/wait enable. Function depends on the value of MxMR[GPLx4DIS].
G4T3 If MxMR[GPLx4DIS] = 0, G4T3 is selected.
0 The value of the GPL4 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL4 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
WAEN If MxMR[GPLx4DIS] = 1, WAEN is selected. See Section, ÒThe Wait Mechanism.Ó
0 The UPWAITx function is disabled.
1 A freeze in the external signals logical value occurs if the external WAIT signal is detected
asserted. This condition lasts until WAIT is negated.
Table 10-35. RAM Word Bit Settings (Continued)
Bit Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-73
Part III. The Hardware Interface
20 G5T1 General-purpose line 5 timing 1. DeÞnes the state of GPL5 during phase 1Ð2.
0 The value of the GPL5 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL5 line at the rising edge of T1 will be 1
21 G5T3 General-purpose line 5 timing 3. DeÞnes the state of GPL5 during phase 3Ð4.
0 The value of the GPL5 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 0
1 The value of the GPL5 line at the rising edge of T3 will be 1
22Ð23 Ñ Redo current RAM word. See ÒSection, ÒRepeat Execution of Current RAM Word (REDO).Ó
00 Normal operation
01 The current RAM word is executed twice.
10 The current RAM word is executed tree times.
11 The current RAM word is executed four times.
24 LOOP Loop. The Þrst RAM word in the RAM array where LOOP is 1 is recognized as the loop start word.
The next RAM word where LOOP is 1 is the loop end word. RAM words between the start and end
are deÞned as the loop. The number of times the UPM executes this loop is deÞned in the
corresponding loop Þeld of the MxMR.
0 The current RAM word is not the loop start word or loop end word.
1 The current RAM word is the start or end of a loop.
See Section, ÒLoop Control.Ó
25 EXEN Exception enable. If an external device asserts TEA or RESET, EXEN allows branching to an
exception pattern at the exception start address (EXS) at a Þxed address in the RAM array.
When the MPC8260 under UPM control begins accessing a memory device, the external device may
assert TEA or SRESET. An exception occurs when one of these signals is asserted by an external
device and the MPC8260 begins closing the memory cycle transfer. When one of these exceptions is
recognized and EXEN in the RAM word is set, the UPM branches to the special exception start
address (EXS) and begins operating as the pattern deÞned there speciÞes. See Table 10-34. The
user should provide an exception pattern to deassert signals controlled by the UPM in a controlled
fashion. For DRAM control, a handler should negate RAS and CAS to prevent data corruption. If
EXEN = 0, exceptions are deferred and execution continues. After the UPM branches to the
exception start address, it continues reading until the LAST bit is set in the RAM word.
0 The UPM continues executing the remaining RAM words.
1 The current RAM word allows a branch to the exception pattern after the current cycle if an
exception condition is detected. The exception condition can be an external device asserting TEA
26Ð27 AMX Address multiplexing. Determines the source of A[0Ð31] at the rising edge of t1 (single-MPC8260
mode only). See Section, ÒAddress Multiplexing.Ó
00 A[0Ð31] is the non-multiplexed address. For example, column address.
01 Reserved.
10 A[0Ð31] is the address requested by the internal master multiplexed according to MxMR[AMx].
For example, row address.
11 A[0Ð31] is the contents of MAR. Used for example, during SDRAM mode initialization.
28 NA Next address. Determines when the address is incremented during a burst access.
0 The address increment function is disabled
1 The address is incremented in the next cycle. In conjunction with the BRx[PS], the increment value
of A[27Ð31] and/or BADDR[27Ð31] at the rising edge of T1 is as follows
If the accessed bank has a 64-bit port size, the value is incremented by 8.
If the accessed bank has a 32-bit port size, the value is incremented by 4.
If the accessed bank has a 16-bit port size, the value is incremented by 2.
If the accessed bank has an 8-bit port size, the value is incremented by 1.
Note: The value of NA is relevant only when the UPM serves a burst-read or burst-write request. NA
is reserved under other patterns.
Table 10-35. RAM Word Bit Settings (Continued)
Bit Name Description
10-74 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Additional information about some of the RAM word Þelds is provided in the following
sections. Chip-Select Signals (CxTx)
If BRx[MS] of the accessed bank selects a UPM on the currently requested cycle the UPM
manipulates the CS signal for that bank with timing as speciÞed in the UPM RAM word.
The selected UPM affects only assertion and negation of the appropriate CS signal. The
state of the selected CSx signal of the corresponding bank depends on the value of each
CSTn bit.
Figure 10-63 and the timing diagrams in Figure 10-60 show how UPMs control CS signals.
29 UTA UPM transfer acknowledge. Indicates assertion of PSDVAL, sampled by the bus interface in the
current cycle.
0 PSDVAL is not asserted in the current cycle.
1 PSDVAL is asserted in the current cycle.
30 TODT Turn-on disable timer. The disable timer associated with each UPM allows a minimum time to be
guaranteed between two successive accesses to the same memory bank. This feature is critical
when DRAM requires a RAS precharge time. TODT, turns the timer on to prevent another UPM
access to the same bank until the timer expires.The disable timer period is determined in
MxMR[DSx]. The disable timer does not affect memory accesses to different banks.
0 The disable timer is turned off.
1 The disable timer for the current bank is activated preventing a new access to the same bank
(when controlled by the UPMs) until the disable timer expires. For example, precharge time.
Note: TODT must be set together with LAST. Otherwise it is ignored.
31 LAST Last. If this bit is set, it is the last RAM word in the program. When the LAST bit is read in a RAM
word, the current UPM pattern terminates and the highest priority pending UPM request (if any) is
serviced immediately in the external memory transactions. If the disable timer is activated and the
next access is top the same bank, the execution of the next UPM pattern is held off for the number of
clock cycles speciÞed in MxMR[DSx].
0 The UPM continues executing RAM words.
1 The service to the UPM request is done.
Table 10-35. RAM Word Bit Settings (Continued)
Bit Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-75
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-63. CS Signal Selection Byte-Select Signals (BxTx)
BRx[MS] of the accessed memory bank selects a UPM on the currently requested cycle.
The selected UPM affects only the assertion and negation of the appropriate BS signal; its
timing as speciÞed in the RAM word. The BS signals are controlled by the port size of the
accessed bank, the transfer size of the transaction, and the address accessed. Figure 10-64
shows how UPMs control BS signals.
Figure 10-64. BS Signal Selection
The uppermost byte select (BS0) indicates that D[0Ð7] contains valid data during a cycle.
Likewise, BS1 indicates that D[8Ð15] contains valid data, BS2 indicates that D[16Ð23]
contains valid data, and BS3 indicates that D[24Ð31] contains valid data during a cycle, and
so forth. Table 10-31 shows how BS signals affect 64-, 32-, 16-, and 8-bit accesses. Note
that for a refresh timer request, all the BS signals are asserted/negated by the UPM.
MS[0–1] in BRx
Bank Selected
Bank Selected
PS[0–1] in BRx
10-76 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface General-Purpose Signals (GxTx, GOx)
The general-purpose signals (GPL[1Ð5]) each have two bits in the RAM word that deÞne
the logical value of the signal to be changed at the rising edge of T1 and/or at the rising edge
of T3. GPL0 offer enhancements beyond the other GPLx lines.
GPL0 can be controlled by an address line speciÞed in MxMR[G0CLx]. To use this feature,
set G0H and G0L in the RAM word. For example, for a SIMM with multiple banks, this
address line can be used to switch between banks. Loop Control
The LOOP bit in the RAM word (bit 24) speciÞes the beginning and end of a set of UPM
RAM words that are to be repeated. The Þrst time LOOP = 1, the memory controller
recognizes it as a loop start word and loads the memory loop counter with the
corresponding contents of the loop Þeld shown in Table 10-36. The next RAM word for
which LOOP = 1 is recognized as a loop end word. When it is reached, the loop counter is
decremented by one.
Continued loop execution depends on the loop counter. If the counter is not zero, the next
RAM word executed is the loop start word. Otherwise, the next RAM word executed is the
one after the loop end word. Loops can be executed sequentially but cannot be nested. Repeat Execution of Current RAM Word (REDO)
The REDO function is useful for wait-state insertion in a long UPM routine that would
otherwise need too many RAM words. Setting the REDO bits of the RAM word to a
nonzero value to cause the UPM to reexecute the current RAM word up to three times,
according to Table 10-35.
Special care must be taken in the following cases:
¥ When UTA and REDO are set together, PSDVAL is asserted the number of times
speciÞed by the REDO function.
¥ When LOOP and REDO are set together, the loop mechanism works as usual and
the line is repeated according to the REDO function.
¥ LAST and REDO should not be set together.
¥ REDO should not be used within the exception routine.
Table 10-36. MxMR Loop Field Usage
Request Serviced Loop Field
Read single-beat cycle RLFx
Read burst cycle RLFx
Write single-beat cycle WLFx
Write burst cycle WLFx
Refresh timer expired TLFx
RUN command RLFx
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-77
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-79 shows an example of REDO use. Address Multiplexing
The address lines can be controlled by the pattern the user provides in the UPM. The
address multiplex bits can choose between outputting an address requested by the internal
master as is and outputting it according to the multiplexing speciÞed by the MxMR[AMx].
The last option is to output the contents of the MAR on the address pins.
Note that in 60x-compatible mode, MAR cannot be output on the 60x bus external address
Note that on the local bus, only the lower 18 bits of the MAR are output.
Table 10-37 shows how MxMR[AMx] settings affect address multiplexing.
See Section 10.6.5, ÒUPM DRAM ConÞguration Example,Ó for more details. Data Valid and Data Sample Control
When a read access is handled by the UPM and the UTA bit is 1, the value of the DLT3 bit
in the same RAM word indicates when the data input is sampled by the internal bus master,
assuming that MxMR[GPLx4DIS] = 1.
¥ If G4T4/DLT3 functions as DLT3 and DLT3 = 1 in the RAM word, data is latched
on the falling edge of CLKIN instead of the rising edge. The data is sampled by the
internal master on the next rising edge as is required by the MPC8260 bus operation
spec. This feature lets the user speed up the memory interface by latching data 1/2
clock early, which can be useful during burst reads. This feature should be used only
in systems without external synchronous bus devices.
¥ If G4T4/DLT3 functions as G4T4, data is latched on the rising edge of CLKIN, as
is normal in MPC8260 bus operation.
Figure 10-65 shows data sampling that is controlled by the UPM.
Table 10-37. UPM Address Multiplexing
AMxExternal Bus
Address Pin A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31
Signal Driven
on External
Pin when
is Enabled
A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23
001 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22
010 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21
011 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20
100 Ñ A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19
101 Ñ Ñ A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18
10-78 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-65. UPM Read Access Data Sampling Signals Negation
When the LAST bit is read in a RAM word, the current UPM pattern terminates. On the
next cycle all the UPM signals are negated unconditionally (driven to logic Ô1Õ).
This negation will not occur only if there is a back-to-back UPM request pending. In this
case the signals value on the cycle following the LAST bit, will be taken from the Þrst line
of the pending UPM routine. The Wait Mechanism
The WAEN bit in the RAM array word, shown in Table 10-35, can be used to enable the
UPM wait mechanism in selected UPM RAM words.
If the UPM reads a RAM word with the WAEN bit set, the external UPWAIT signal is
sampled and synchronized by the memory controller and the current request is frozen. The
UPWAIT signal is sampled at the rising edge of CLKIN. If UPWAIT is asserted and
WAEN = 1 in the current UPM word, the UPM is frozen until UPWAIT is negated. The
value of the external pins driven by the UPM remains as indicated in the previous word read
by the UPM. When UPW
AIT is negated, the UPM continues its normal functions. Note that
during the WAIT cycles, the UPM negates PSDVAL.
Figure 10-66 shows how the WAEN bit in the word read by the UPM and the UPWAIT
signal are used to hold the UPM in a particular state until UPWAIT is negated. As the
example in Figure 10-66 shows, the CSx and GPL1 states (C12 and F) and the WAEN value
(C) are frozen until UPWAIT is recognized as deasserted. WAEN is typically set before the
line that contain UTA = 1.
To internal
data bus
UPMx selected to handle the transfer
(GPL4xDIS = 1) and RD/WR and DLT2x
Data Bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-79
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-66. Wait Mechanism Timing for Internal and External Synchronous
Masters Extended Hold Time on Read Accesses
Slow memory devices that take a long time to turn off their data bus drivers on read accesses
should chose some combination of ORx[EHTR]. Accesses after a read access to the slower
memory bank is delayed by the number of clock cycles speciÞed by Table 10-31. The
information in Section, ÒExtended Hold Time on Read Accesses,Ó provides
additional information.
10.6.5 UPM DRAM ConÞguration Example
Consider the following DRAM organization:
¥ 64-bit port size organized as 8 x 8 x 16 Mbits
¥ Each device has 12 row lines and 9 column lines.
Word n Word n+1
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8
c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14
Word n+2 Wait Wait Word n+3
10-80 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
This means that the address bus should be partitioned as shown in Table 10-38.
From the device perspective, during RAS assertion, its address port should look like
Table 10-39:
Table 10-37 indicates that to multiplex A[8Ð19] over A[17Ð28], choose AMx = 001.
Table 10-40 shows the register conÞguration. Not shown are PURT and MPTPR, which
should be programmed according to the device refresh requirements.
10.6.6 Differences between MPC8xx UPM and MPC8260 UPM
Users familiar with the MPC8xx UPM should read this section Þrst.
Below is a list of the major differences between the MPC8xx devices and the MPC8260:
¥ First cycle timing transferred to the UPM arrayÑIn the MPC8xxÕs UPM, the Þrst
cycle value of some of the signals is determined from ORx[SAM,G5LA,G5LS].
This is eliminated in the MPC8260. All signals are controlled only by the pattern
written to the array.
Table 10-38. 60x Address Bus Partition
A[0Ð7] A[8Ð19] A[20Ð28] A[29Ð31]
msb of start address Row Column lsb
Table 10-39. DRAM Device Address Port during an ACTIVATE command
ÒA[0Ð16]Ó A[17Ð28] A[29Ð31]
Ñ Row (A[8Ð19]) n.c.
Table 10-40. Register Settings
Register Settings
BRx BA msb of base address
PS 00 = 64-bit port size
WP 0
MS 100 = UPMA
DR 0
ORxAM 1111_1111_0000_0000_0 = 16 Mbyte
BI 0
MxMR BSEL 0 = 60x bus
OP 00
AM 001
DSA As needed
RLFA As needed
WLFA As needed
TLFA As needed
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-81
Part III. The Hardware Interface
¥ Timing of GPL[0Ð5]ÑIn the MPC8xxÕs UPM, the GPL lines could change on the
positive edge of T2 or T3. In the MPC8260 these signals can change in the positive
edge of T1 or T3 to allow connection to high-speed synchronous devices such as
burst SRAM.
¥ UPM controlled signals negated at end of an accessÑIn the MPC8xxÕs UPM, if the
user did not negate the UPM signals at end of an access, those signals kept their
previous value. In the PowerQUICC II, all UPM signals are negated
(CS,BS,GPL[0:4] driven to logic 1 and GPL5 driven to logic 0) at the end of that
cycle, unless there is a back-to-back UPM cycle pending. In many cases this allows
the UPM routine to Þnish one cycle earlier because it is now possible and desired to
assert both UTA and LAST.
¥ MCR is eliminatedÑIn the MPC8260, MCR is eliminated. The function of RAM
read/write and RUN is done via the MxMR.
¥ UTA polarity is reversedÑIn the MPC8260, UTA is active-high.
¥ The disable timer control (TODT) and LAST bit in the RAM array word must be set
together, otherwise TODT is ignored.
¥ Refresh timer value is in a separate registerÑIn the MPC8260, the refresh timer
value has moved to two registers, PURT and LURT, which can serve multiple UPMs.
¥ Refresh on the 60x bus must be done in UPMA; on the local bus, it must be done in
¥ New feature: Repeated execution of the current RAM word (REDO).
¥ Extended hold time on reads can be up to 8 clock cycles instead of 1 in the MPC8xx.
10.7 Memory System Interface Example Using UPM
Connecting the MPC8260 to a DRAM device requires a detailed examination of the timing
diagrams representing the possible memory cycles that must be performed when accessing
this device. This section provides timing diagrams for various UPM conÞgurations.
10-82 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-67. DRAM Interface Connection to the 60x Bus (64-Bit Port Size)
After timings are created, programming the UPM continues with translating these timings
into tables representing the RAM array contents for each possible cycle. When a table is
completed, the global parameters of the UPM must be deÞned for handling the disable
timer (precharge) and the refresh timer relative to Figure 10-67. Table 10-41 shows settings
of different Þelds.
The OR and BR of the speciÞc bank must be initialized according to the address mapping
of the DRAM device used. The MS Þeld should indicate the speciÞc UPM selected to
handle the cycle. The RAM array of the UPM can than be written through use of the
Table 10-41. UPMs Attributes Example
Explanation Field Value
Machine select UPMA BRx[MS] 0b100
Port size 64-bit BRx[PS] 0b00
No write protect (R/W) BRx[WP] 0b0
Refresh timer value (1024 refresh cycles) PURT[PURT] 0x0C
Refresh timer enable MxMR[RFEN] 0b1
Address multiplex size MxMR[AMx] 0b010
Disable timer period MxMR[DSx] 0b01
Select between GPL4 and Wait = GPL4 data sample at clock rising edge MxMR[GPL_x4DIS] 0b0
Burst inhibit device ORx[BI] 0b0
1M x 16
A[0–9] D[0–15]
1M x 16
1M x 16
1M x 16
A[0–9] D[0–15
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-83
Part III. The Hardware Interface
MxMR[OP] = 11. Figure 10-56 shows the Þrst locations addressed by the UPM, according
to the different services required by the DRAM.
Figure 10-68. Single-Beat Read Access to FPM DRAM
cst1 0 0 0 Bit 0
cst2 0 0 0 Bit 1
cst3 0 0 0 Bit 2
cst4 0 0 0 Bit 3
bst1 1 1 0 Bit 4
bst2 1 0 0 Bit 5
bst3 1 0 0 Bit 6
bst4 1 0 0 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0 0 0 Bit 24
exen 0 0 0 Bit 25
amx0 1 0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 0 0 Bit 27
na 000 Bit 28
uta 0 0 1 Bit 29
todt 0 0 1 Bit 30
last 0 0 1 Bit 31
Row Column 1
10-84 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-69. Single-Beat Write Access to FPM DRAM
cst1 0 0 0 Bit 0
cst2 0 0 0 Bit 1
cst3 0 0 0 Bit 2
cst4 0 0 1 Bit 3
bst1 1 1 0 Bit 4
bst2 1 1 0 Bit 5
bst3 1 0 0 Bit 6
bst4 1 0 1 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0 0 0 Bit 24
exen 0 0 0 Bit 25
amx0 1 0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 0 0 Bit 27
na 000 Bit 28
uta 0 0 1 Bit 29
todt 0 0 1 Bit 30
last 0 0 1 Bit 31
Row Column 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-85
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-70. Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM (No LOOP)
cst1 000000000 Bit 0
cst2 000000000 Bit 1
cst3 000000000 Bit 2
cst4 000000001 Bit 3
bst1 110101010 Bit 4
bst2 110101010 Bit 5
bst3 110101010 Bit 6
bst4 100000000 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 000000000 Bit 24
exen 001010100 Bit 25
amx0 100000000 Bit 26
amx1 000000000 Bit 27
na 001010100 Bit 28
uta 001010101 Bit 29
todt 000000001 Bit 30
last 000000001 Bit 31
Row Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
10-86 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-71. Burst Read Access to FPM DRAM (LOOP)
cst1 0 0 0 Bit 0
cst2 0 0 0 Bit 1
cst3 0 0 0 Bit 2
cst4 0 0 0 Bit 3
bst1 1 1 0 Bit 4
bst2 1 1 0 Bit 5
bst3 1 1 0 Bit 6
bst4 1 0 0 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0 1 1 Bit 24
exen 0 0 1 Bit 25
amx0 1 0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 0 0 Bit 27
na 001 Bit 28
uta 0 0 1 Bit 29
todt 0 0 1 Bit 30
last 0 0 1 Bit 31
Row Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-87
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-72. Burst Write Access to FPM DRAM (No LOOP)
cst1 000000000 Bit 0
cst2 000000000 Bit 1
cst3 000000000 Bit 2
cst4 000000001 Bit 3
bst1 110101010 Bit 4
bst2 100000000 Bit 5
bst3 101010101 Bit 6
bst4 101010101 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 000000000 Bit 24
exen 001010100 Bit 25
amx0 100000000 Bit 26
amx1 000000000 Bit 27
na 001010100 Bit 28
uta 001010101 Bit 29
todt 000000001 Bit 30
last 000000001 Bit 31
Row Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
10-88 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-73. Refresh Cycle (CBR) to FPM DRAM
cst1 1 0 0 Bit 0
cst2 1 0 0 Bit 1
cst3 1 0 1 Bit 2
cst4 1 0 1 Bit 3
bst1 1 0 0 Bit 4
bst2 0 0 0 Bit 5
bst3 0 0 1 Bit 6
bst4 0 0 1 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0 0 0 Bit 24
exen 0 0 0 Bit 25
amx0 0 0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 0 0 Bit 27
na 000 Bit 28
uta 0 0 0 Bit 29
todt 0 0 1 Bit 30
last 0 0 1 Bit 31
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-89
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-74. Exception Cycle
cst1 1 Bit 0
cst2 1 Bit 1
cst3 1 Bit 2
cst4 1 Bit 3
bst1 1 Bit 4
bst2 1 Bit 5
bst3 1 Bit 6
bst4 1 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0 Bit 24
exen 0 Bit 25
amx0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 Bit 27
na 0 Bit 28
uta 0 Bit 29
todt 1 Bit 30
last 1 Bit 31
10-90 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
¥ If GPL_4 is not used as an output, the performance for a page read access can be
improved by setting MxMR[GPL_x4DIS]. The following example shows how the
burst read access to FPM DRAM (no LOOP) can be modiÞed using this feature. In
this case the conÞguration registers are deÞned in the following way.
The timing diagram in Figure 10-75 shows how the burst-read access shown in
Figure 10-70 can be reduced.
Table 10-42. UPMs Attributes Example
Explanation Field Value
Machine select UPMA BRx[MS] 0b100
Port size 64-bit BRx[PS] 0b00
No write protect (R/W) BRx[WP] 0b0
Refresh timer value (1024 refresh cycles) PURT[PURT] 0x0C
Refresh timer enable MxMR[RFEN] 0b1
Address multiplex size MxMR[AMx] 0b010
Disable timer period MxMR[DSx] 0b01
Select between GPL4 and Wait = Wait, data sampled at clock negative edge MxMR[GPL_x4DIS] 0b1
Burst inhibit device ORx[BI] 0b0
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-91
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-75. FPM DRAM Burst Read Access (Data Sampling on Falling Edge of
cst1 00000 Bit 0
cst2 00000 Bit 1
cst3 00001 Bit 2
cst4 00001 Bit 3
bst1 10000 Bit 4
bst2 10000 Bit 5
bst3 11111 Bit 6
bst4 11111 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 Bit 12
g1t3 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 -> DLT3 11111 Bit 18
g4t3 00000 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 00000 Bit 24
exen 00000 Bit 25
amx0 10000 Bit 26
amx1 00000 Bit 27
na 01110 Bit 28
uta 01111 Bit 29
todt 00001 Bit 30
last 00001 Bit 31
row col 1
col 2 col 3 col 4
D1 D2 D3 D4
10-92 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface EDO Interface Example
Figure 10-76 shows a memory connection to extended data-out type devices. For this
connection, GPL1 is connected to the memory deviceÕs OE pins.
Figure 10-76. MPC8260/EDO Interface Connection to the 60x Bus
Table 10-43 shows the programming of the register Þeld for supporting the conÞguration
shown in Figure 10-76. The example assumes a CLKIN frequency of 66 MHz and that the
device needs a 1,024-cycle refresh every 10 µs.
Table 10-43. EDO Connection Field Value Example
Explanation Field Value
Machine select UPMA BRx[MS] 0b100
Port size 64-bit BRx[PS] 0b00
No write protect (R/W) BRx[WP] 0b0
Refresh timer prescaler MPTPR 0x04
Refresh timer value (1024 refresh cycles) PURT[PURT] 0x07
Refresh timer enable MxMR[RFEN] 0b1
Address multiplex size MxMR[AMx] 0b001
Disable timer period MxMR[DSx] 0b10
Burst inhibit device ORx[BI] 0b
1M x 16
A[0Ð9] D[0Ð15]
1M x 16
A[0Ð9] D[0Ð15]
1M x 16
1M x 16
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-93
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-77. Single-Beat Read Access to EDO DRAM
cst1 00000 Bit 0
cst2 00000 Bit 1
cst3 00001 Bit 2
cst4 00001 Bit 3
bst1 11000 Bit 4
bst2 10000 Bit 5
bst3 10001 Bit 6
bst4 10001 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 00000 Bit 12
g1t3 00001 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 00000 Bit 24
exen 00000 Bit 25
amx0 10000 Bit 26
amx1 00000 Bit 27
na 00000 Bit 28
uta 00001 Bit 29
todt 00001 Bit 30
last 00001 Bit 31
Row Column 1
10-94 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-78. Single-Beat Write Access to EDO DRAM
cst1 0001 Bit 0
cst2 0001 Bit 1
cst3 0011 Bit 2
cst4 0011 Bit 3
bst1 1100 Bit 4
bst2 1000 Bit 5
bst3 1000 Bit 6
bst4 1001 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 1111 Bit 12
g1t3 1111 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0000 Bit 24
exen 0000 Bit 25
amx0 1000 Bit 26
amx1 0000 Bit 27
na 0000 Bit 28
uta 0001 Bit 29
todt 0001 Bit 30
last 0001 Bit 31
Row Column 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-95
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-79. Single-Beat Write Access to EDO DRAM Using REDO to Insert Three
Wait States
cst1 0 0 0 0 Bit 0
cst2 0 0 0 0 Bit 1
cst3 0 0 0 1 Bit 2
cst4 0 0 0 1 Bit 3
bst1 1 1 0 0 Bit 4
bst2 1 0 0 0 Bit 5
bst3 1 0 0 1 Bit 6
bst4 1 0 0 1 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 1 1 1 1 Bit 12
g1t3 1 1 1 1 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] 0 0 1 0 Bit 22
redo[1] 0 0 1 0 Bit 23
loop 0 0 0 0 Bit 24
exen 0 0 0 0 Bit 25
amx0 1 0 0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 0 0 0 Bit 27
na 0 0 0 0 Bit 28
uta 0 0 0 1 Bit 29
todt 0 0 0 1 Bit 30
last 0 0 0 1 Bit 31
Row Column 1
10-96 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-80. Burst Read Access to EDO DRAM
cst1 00000000000Bit 0
cst2 00000000000Bit 1
cst3 00000000000Bit 2
cst4 00000000001Bit 3
bst1 11001010101Bit 4
bst2 11001010101Bit 5
bst3 11011010101Bit 6
bst4 10011010101Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 00000000000Bit 12
g1t3 00000000001Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 00000000000Bit 24
exen 00010101000Bit 25
amx0 10000000000Bit 26
amx1 00000000000Bit 27
na 00100101000Bit 28
uta 00001010101Bit 29
todt 00000000001Bit 30
last 00000000001Bit 31
Row Column 1
Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-97
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-81. Burst Write Access to EDO DRAM
cst1 0000000000 Bit 0
cst2 0000000000 Bit 1
cst3 0000000000 Bit 2
cst4 0000000001 Bit 3
bst1 1100101010 Bit 4
bst2 1100000101 Bit 5
bst3 1000010101 Bit 6
bst4 1001010101 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 1111111111 Bit 12
g1t3 1111111111 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0000000000 Bit 24
exen 0001010100 Bit 25
amx0 1000000000 Bit 26
amx1 0000000000 Bit 27
na 0001010100 Bit 28
uta 0010010101 Bit 29
todt 0000000001 Bit 30
last 0000000001 Bit 31
Row Column 1
Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
10-98 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-82. Refresh Cycle (CBR) to EDO DRAM
cst1 10001 Bit 0
cst2 10001 Bit 1
cst3 00001 Bit 2
cst4 00001 Bit 3
bst1 00111 Bit 4
bst2 01111 Bit 5
bst3 01111 Bit 6
bst4 01111 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 11111 Bit 12
g1t3 11111 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 00000 Bit 24
exen 00000 Bit 25
amx0 00000 Bit 26
amx1 00000 Bit 27
na 00000 Bit 28
uta 00000 Bit 29
todt 00001 Bit 30
last 00001 Bit 31
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-99
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-83. Exception Cycle For EDO DRAM
cst1 1 Bit 0
cst2 1 Bit 1
cst3 1 Bit 2
cst4 1 Bit 3
bst1 1 Bit 4
bst2 1 Bit 5
bst3 1 Bit 6
bst4 1 Bit 7
g0l0 Bit 8
g0l1 Bit 9
g0h0 Bit 10
g0h1 Bit 11
g1t1 1 Bit 12
g1t3 1 Bit 13
g2t1 Bit 14
g2t3 Bit 15
g3t1 Bit 16
g3t3 Bit 17
g4t1 Bit 18
g4t3 Bit 19
g5t1 Bit 20
g5t3 Bit 21
redo[0] Bit 22
redo[1] Bit 23
loop 0 Bit 24
exen 0 Bit 25
amx0 0 Bit 26
amx1 0 Bit 27
na 0 Bit 28
uta 0 Bit 29
todt 1 Bit 30
last 1 Bit 31
10-100 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.8 Handling Devices with Slow or Variable Access
The memory controller provides two ways to interface with slave devices that are very slow
(access time is greater than the maximum allowed by the user programming model) or
cannot guarantee a predeÞned access time (for example some FIFO, hierarchical bus
interface, or dual-port memory devices). These mechanisms are as follows:
¥ The wait mechanismÑUsed only in accesses controlled by the UPM. Setting
MxMR[GPLx4DIS] enables this mechanism.
¥ The external termination (GTA) mechanism is used only in accesses controlled by
the GPCM. ORx[SETA] speciÞes whether the access is terminated internally or
The following examples show how the two mechanisms work.
10.8.1 Hierarchical Bus Interface Example
Assume that the core initiates a local-bus read cycle that addresses main memory connected
to the system bus. The hierarchical bus interface accepts local bus requests and generates a
read cycle on the system bus. The programmer cannot predict when valid data can be
latched by the core because a DMA device may be occupying the system bus.
¥ The wait solution (UPM)ÑThe external module asserts UPWAIT to the memory
controller to indicate that data is not ready. The memory controller synchronized this
signal because the wait signal is asynchronous. As a result of the wait signal being
asserted, the UPM enters a freeze mode at the rising edge of CLKIN upon
encountering the WAEN bit being set in the UPM word. The UPM stays in that state
until UPWAIT is negated. After UPWAIT is negated, the UPM continues executing
from the next entry to the end of the pattern (LAST bit is set).
¥ The external termination solution (GPCM)ÑThe bus interface module asserts GTA
to the memory controller when it can sample data. Note that GTA is also
10.8.2 Slow Devices Example
Assume that the core initiates a read cycle from a device whose access time exceeds the
maximum allowed by the user programming model.
¥ The wait solution (UPM)ÑThe core generates a read access from the slow device.
The device in turn asserts the wait signal until the data is ready. The core samples
data only after the wait signal is negated.
¥ The external termination solution (GPCM)ÑThe core generates a read access from
the slow device, which must generate the asynchronous GTA when it is ready.
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-101
Part III. The Hardware Interface
10.9 External Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode)
The memory controller supports internal and external bus masters. Accesses from the core
or the CPM are considered internal; accesses from an external bus master are external.
External bus master support is available only if the MPC8260 is placed in 60x-compatible
mode. This is done by setting the BCR[EBM], described in Section, ÒBus
ConÞguration Register (BCR).Ó
There are two types of external bus masters:
¥ Any 60x-compatible device that uses a 64-bit data bus, such as: MPC603e,
MPC604e, MPC750, MPC2605 (L2 cache) in copy-back mode and others
¥ MPC8260 type devices
10.9.1 60x-Compatible External Masters
Any 60x-compatible devices that use a 64-bit data bus can access the MPC8260 internal
registers and local bus. These devices can also use memory controller services under the
following restrictions, which apply only to 60x-assigned memory banks accessed by the
external device:
¥ 64-bit port size only
¥ No ECC or RMW-parity
For 60x bus compatibility, the following connections should be observed:
¥ MPC8260Õs TSIZ[1Ð3] should be connected to the external masterÕs TSIZ[0Ð2]
¥ MPC8260Õs TSIZ[0] should be pulled down
¥ MPC8260Õs PSDVAL should be pulled up
10.9.2 MPC8260-Type External Masters
An MPC8260 external master is a 60x-compatible master with additional functionality. As
described in the following, it has fewer the restrictions than other 60x-compatible masters:
¥ Any port size is allowed
¥ ECC and RMW-parity are supported
10.9.3 Extended Controls in 60x-Compatible Mode
In 60x-compatible mode, the memory controller provided extended controls for the glue
logic. The extended control consists of the following:
¥ Memory address latch (ALE) to latch the 60x address for memory use
¥ The address multiplex pin (GPL5/SDAMUX), which controls external multiplexing
for DRAM and SDRAM devices
¥ LSB address pins (BADDR[27Ð31]) for incrementing memory addresses
10-102 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
¥ PSDVAL as a termination to a partial transaction (such as port-size beat access).
¥ Internal SDRAM bank selects (BNKSEL[0Ð2]) to allow SDRAM bank interleaving,
as described in Section 10.9.4, ÒUsing BNKSEL SIgnals in Single-MPC8260 Bus
10.9.4 Using BNKSEL SIgnals in Single-MPC8260 Bus Mode
The BNKSEL signals provide the following functionality in single-MPC8260 bus mode
¥ If bank-based interleaving is used, BNKSEL signals facilitate compatibility with
SDRAMs that have different numbers of row or column address lines. The address
lines of the MPC8260 bus and the BNKSEL lines can be routed independently to the
address lines and BA lines of the DIMM. Note that all SDRAMs populated on an
MPC8260 bus must still have the same organization. This ßexibility merely allows
the SDRAMs to be populated as a group with larger or smaller devices as
If BNKSEL lines were not used, the number of row and column address lines of the
SDRAMs would affect which MPC8260 address bus lines on which the bank select
signals would be driven, and would thus require that the BA signals of the SDRAMs
be routed to those address lines, thus limiting ßexibility.
¥ If BCR[HP] is programmed, BNKSEL signals facilitate logic analysis of the system.
Otherwise, the logic analyzer equipment must understand the address multiplexing
scheme of the board and intelligently reconstruct the address of bus transactions.
10.9.5 Address Incrementing for External Bursting Masters
BADDR[27Ð31] should be used to generate addresses to memory devices for burst
accesses. In 60x-compatible mode, when a master initiates an external bus transaction, it
reßects the value of A[27Ð31] on the Þrst clock cycle of the memory access. These signals
are latched by the memory controller and on subsequent clock cycles, BADDR[27Ð31]
increments as programmed in the UPM or after each data beat is sampled in the GPCM or
after each READ/WRITE command in the SDRAM machine (the SDRAM machine uses
BADDR only for port sizes of 16 or 8 bits).
10.9.6 External Masters Timing
External and internal masters have similar memory access timings. However, because it
takes more time to decode the addresses of external masters, memory accesses by external
masters start one cycle later than those of internal masters.
As soon as the external master asserts TS, the memory controller compares the address with
each of its deÞned valid banks. If a match is found, the memory controller asserts the
address latch enable (ALE) and control signals to the memory devices. The memory
controller asserts PSDVAL for each data beat to indicate data beat termination on write
transactions and data valid on read transactions.
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-103
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The 60x bus is pipelined. The ALE pins control the external latch that latches the address
from the 60x bus and keeps the address stable for the memory access. The memory
controller asserts ALE only on the start of new memory controller access.
Figure 10-84 shows the pipelined bus operation in 60x-compatible mode.
Figure 10-84. Pipelined Bus Operation and Memory Access in 60x-Compatible
00 01 02 03
10-104 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-85 shows the 1-cycle delay for external master access. For systems that use the
60x bus with low frequency (33 MHz), the 1-cycle delay for external masters can be
eliminated by setting BCR[EXDD].
Figure 10-85. External Master Access (GPCM) Example of External Master Using the SDRAM Machine
Figure 10-86 shows an interconnection in which a 60x-compatible external master and the
MPC8260 can share access to a SDRAM bank. Note that the address multiplexer is
controlled by SDAMUX, while the address latch is controlled by ALE. Also note that
because this is a 64-bit port size SDRAM, BADDR is not needed.
Match and
MOTOROLA Chapter 10. Memory Controller 10-105
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 10-86. External Master Configuration with SDRAM Device
Arbitration signals
MPC8260 External Master
64-Bit Port Size
TSIZ[1–3] TSIZ[0–2]
(pull down)
(pull up)
10-106 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
MOTOROLA Chapter 11. Secondary (L2) Cache Support 11-1
Chapter 11
Secondary (L2) Cache Support
The MPC8260 has features to support an externally controlled secondary (L2) cache such
as the Motorola MPC2605 integrated secondary cache for PowerPC microprocessors. This
chapter describes the MPC8260Õs L2 cache interfaceÑconÞgurations, operation,
programmable parameters, system requirements, and timing.
11.1 L2 Cache ConÞgurations
The MPC8260 supports three L2 cache conÞgurationsÑcopy-back mode, write-through
mode, and ECC/parity mode. The following sections describe the L2 cache modes.
11.1.1 Copy-Back Mode
The use of a copy-back L2 cache offers several advantages over direct access to the memory
system. In copy-back mode, cacheable write operations are performed to the L2 cache
without updating main memory. Since every cacheable write operation does not go to main
memory but to the L2 cache which can be accessed more quickly, write operation latency
is reduced along with contention for the memory system. In copy-back mode, cacheable
read operations that hit in the L2 cache are serviced from the L2 cache without requiring a
memory transaction and its associated latency. Copy-back mode offers the greatest
performance of all the L2 cache modes.
Copy-back L2 cache blocks implement a dirty bit in their tag RAM, which indicates
whether the contents of the L2 cache block have been modiÞed from that in main memory.
During L2 cache line replacement, L2 cache blocks that have been modiÞed (dirty) are
written back to memory; unmodiÞed (not dirty) L2 cache blocks are invalidated and
overwritten without being written back to memory.
Copy-back mode requires that the L2 cache is able to initiate copy-backs to main memory.
To do this, the L2 cache must act as a bus master and implement the bus arbitration signals
BR, BG, and DBG. The MPC8260 can also support additional bus masters (60x or
MPC8260 type) in copy-back mode.
Figure 11-1 shows a MPC8260 connected to a MPC2605 integrated L2 cache in copy-back
11-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 11-1. L2 Cache in Copy-Back Mode
11.1.2 Write-Through Mode
In write-through mode, cacheable write operations are performed to both the L2 cache and
to main memory. Since every cacheable write operation goes to the L2 cache and to main
memory, write operation latency is the same as an ordinary memory write transaction. In
write-through mode, cacheable read operations that hit in the L2 cache are serviced from
the L2 cache without requiring a memory transaction and its associated latency. Thus, reads
TS, TT[0Ð4], TBST, TSIZ[1Ð3]
TS, TT[0Ð4], TBST, TSIZ[0Ð2]]
Memory Controller
SDRAM Main Memory
I/O Devices
TSIZ[0] (pull down)
(pull up)
MOTOROLA Chapter 11. Secondary (L2) Cache Support 11-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
are serviced just as they are for copy-back mode. Write-through mode sacriÞces some of
the write performance of copy-back mode, but guarantees L2 cache coherency with main
Since write-through mode keeps memory coherent with the contents of the L2 cache, there
is never any need to perform an L2 copy-back. This removes the need for the L2 cache to
maintain a dirty bit in the tag RAM (all cache blocks are unmodiÞed) and it also removes
the need for bus arbitration signals.
The L2 cache is conÞgured for write-through mode by pulling down itÕs WT signal. There
are no conÞguration changes to the MPC8260 required in write-through mode. The
MPC8260 can also support additional bus masters (60x or MPC8260 type) in write-through
Figure 11-2 shows a MPC8260 connected to a MPC2605 integrated L2 cache in write-
through mode.
11-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 11-2. External L2 Cache in Write-Through Mode
11.1.3 ECC/Parity Mode
ECC/parity mode is a subset of write-through mode with some connection changes that
allow the L2 cache to support ECC or Parity. The connection changes are:
¥ The MPC8260Õs DP[0:7] signals are connected to the L2 cacheÕs DP[0:7] signals.
¥ The L2Õs TSIZ[0:2] signals are pulled down to always indicate 8-byte transaction
¥ The L2Õs A[29:31] signals are pulled down.
TS, TT[0:4], TBST, TSIZ[1Ð3]
TS, TT[0Ð4], TBST, TSIZ[0Ð2]
Memory Controller
SDRAM Main Memory
I/O Devices
TSIZ[0] (pull down) WT
(pull down)
(pull up)(pull up)
MOTOROLA Chapter 11. Secondary (L2) Cache Support 11-5
Part III. The Hardware Interface
In ECC/parity mode the L2 cache can support memory regions with ECC/Parity under the
following restrictions:
¥ All non-write-protected (BRx[WP] = 0) memory banks marked caching-allowed
must use either ECC (BRx[DECC] = 0b11) or read-modify-write parity
(BRx[DECC] = 0b10). See Section 10.3.1, ÒBase Registers (BRx),Ó for more
information about the MPC8260 base register parameters.
¥ Only MPC8260-type masters are supported in systems that use ECC/parity L2 cache
mode. See Section 10.9, ÒExternal Master Support (60x-Compatible Mode),Ó for
more information about external master types.
Figure 11-3 shows a MPC8260 connected to an MPC2605 integrated L2 cache in ECC/
Parity mode.
11-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 11-3. External L2 Cache in ECC/Parity Mode
D[0Ð63], DP[0Ð7]
Memory Controller
SDRAM Main Memory
I/O Devices
(pull down)
(pull down)
(pull downs)
(pull downs)
(pull up)(pull up)
MOTOROLA Chapter 11. Secondary (L2) Cache Support 11-7
Part III. The Hardware Interface
11.2 L2 Cache Interface Parameters
The L2 cache interface parameters in the bus conÞguration register (BCR) control the
conÞguration and operation of the MPC8260Õs L2 interface. The parameters should be
conÞgured as follows:
¥ BCR[EBM] = 1ÑMPC8260 in 60x-compatible mode.
¥ BCR[L2C] = 1ÑL2 cache is present.
¥ BCR[L2D] = 0ÑL2 response time. In this case, the L2 will claim a bus transaction
one clock cycle after TS assertion.
¥ BCR[APD] = 1: This parameter is not L2 speciÞc, but should consider the L2
ARTRY assertion timing.
See Section, ÒBus ConÞguration Register (BCR),Ó for more details about these
11.3 System Requirements When Using the L2 Cache
The following requirements apply to MPC8260-based systems that implement an external
L2 cache:
¥ For systems that use copy-back mode, all cachable memory regions must be marked
as global in the CPUÕs MMU and the CPMÕs RBA. This causes the assertion of the
GBL signal on every cachable transaction. Systems that use write-through mode (or
ECC/Parity mode) have no such restriction.
¥ All cachable memory regions must have a 64-bit port size.
¥ All cachable memory regions must not set the BRx[DR] bit.
¥ All cachable memory regions must not use ECC or parity unless the external L2 is
connected as described in Section 11.1.3, ÒECC/Parity Mode.Ó
¥ All non-cachable memory regions must be marked as caching-inhibited in the
CPUÕs MMU. This causes the assertion of the CI signal on every non-cachable
transaction. Note that the MPC8260Õs internal space (IMMR) and any memory
banks assigned to the local bus are always considered non-cachable.
11.4 L2 Cache Operation
When conÞgured for an L2 cache (BCR[L2C] = 1), the MPC8260 samples the L2_HIT
input signal when the delay time programmed in BCR[L2D] expires. For 60x bus cycles, if
L2_HIT is asserted, the external L2 cache drives AACK and TA to complete the transaction
without the MPC8260 initiating a system memory transfer.
The external L2 cache can assert ARTRY to retry 60x bus cycles, and can request the bus
by asserting BR to perform L2 cast-out operations. The arbiter grants the address and data
11-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
bus to the external L2 cache by asserting BG and DBG, respectively. If the external L2
cache asserts ARTRY, it should not assert L2_HIT.
For more information about the timing and behavior of the MPC2605 integrated L2 cache,
refer to the MPC2605 data sheet.
11.5 Timing Example
Figure 11-4 shows a read access performed by the MPC8260 with an externally controlled
L2 cache. For the Þrst transaction (A0), the MPC8260 grants the bus and asserts TS with
the address and address transfer attributes. In this example, BCR[L2D] = 0, which means
that L2_HIT is valid one clock cycle after the assertion of TS. The MPC8260 samples
L2_HIT when L2D expires. In the second transaction (A1), the access misses in the L2
cache and the memory controller starts the transaction a minimum of three cycles after the
assertion of TS.
MOTOROLA Chapter 11. Secondary (L2) Cache Support 11-9
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 11-4. Read Access with L2 Cache
Memc controls
D01 D02 D03
L2D = 0 0
11-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
MOTOROLA Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port 12-1
Chapter 12
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
The MPC8260 provides a dedicated user-accessible test access port (TAP) that is fully
compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan
Architecture. Problems associated with testing high-density circuit boards have led to
development of this proposed standard under the sponsorship of the Test Technology
Committee of IEEE and the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG). The MPC8260Õs
implementation supports circuit-board test strategies based on this standard.
The TAP consists of Þve dedicated signal pinsÑa 16-state TAP controller and two test data
registers. A boundary scan register links all device signal pins into a single shift register.
The test logic, which is implemented using static logic design, is independent of the device
system logic. The MPC8260Õs implementation provides the capability to do the following:
¥ Perform boundary scan operations to check circuit-board electrical continuity.
¥ Bypass the MPC8260 for a given circuit-board test by effectively reducing the
boundary scan register to a single cell.
¥ Sample the MPC8260 system pins during operation and transparently shift out the
result in the boundary-scan register.
¥ Disable the output drive to pins during circuit-board testing.
Precautions must be observed to ensure that the IEEE 1149.1-
like test logic does not interfere with nontest operation.
12.1 Overview
The MPC8260Õs implementation includes a TAP controller, a 4-bit instruction register, and
two test registers (a 1-bit bypass register and a 475-bit boundary scan register). Figure 12-1
shows an overview of the MPC8260Õs scan chain implementation.
12-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 12-1. Test Logic Block Diagram
The TAP consists of the signals in Table 12-1.
12.2 TAP Controller
The TAP controller is responsible for interpreting the sequence of logical values on the
TMS signal. It is a synchronous state machine that controls the operation of the JTAG logic.
The value shown adjacent to each bubble represents the value of the TMS signal sampled
on the rising edge of the TCK signal. Figure 12-2 shows the state machine.
Table 12-1. TAP Signals
Signal Description
TCK A test clock input to synchronize the test logic.
TMS A test mode select input (with an internal pull-up resistor) that is sampled on the rising edge of TCK to
sequence the TAP controllerÕs state machine.
TDI A test data input (with an internal pull-up resistor) that is sampled on the rising edge of TCK.
TDO A data output that can be three-stated and actively driven in the shift-IR and shift-DR controller states. TDO
changes on the falling edge of TCK.
TRST An asynchronous reset with an internal pull-up resistor that provides initialization of the TAP controller and
other logic required by the standard.
Boundary Scan Register
Instruction Apply & Decode Register
4ÐBit Instruction Register
TAP Controller
MOTOROLA Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port 12-3
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 12-2. TAP Controller State Machine
12.3 Boundary Scan Register
The MPC8260Õs scan chain implementation has a 475-bit boundary scan register that
contains bits for all device signal, clock pins, and associated control signals. The XTAL,
EXTAL, and XFC pins are associated with analog signals and are not included in the
boundary scan register. An IEEE-1149.1-compliant boundary-scan register has been
included on the MPC8260 that can be connected between TDI and TDO when EXTEST or
SAMPLE/PRELOAD instructions are selected. It is used for capturing signal pin data on
the input pins, forcing Þxed values on the output signal pins, and selecting the direction and
drive characteristics (a logic value or high impedance) of the bidirectional and three-state
signal pins. Figure 12-3, Figure 12-4, Figure 12-5, and Figure 12-6 show various cell types.
Test Logic
RunÑTest/Idle SelectÑDR_SCAN
12-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 12-3. Output Pin Cell (O.Pin)
Figure 12-4. Observe-Only Input Pin Cell (I.Obs)
From Last Cell Clock DR Update DR
Shift DR
1 Ñ
EXTEST | Clamp
Data from
To Output
0 Ñ
To Next Cell
From Last Cell
Clock DR
Data to
Shift DR
To Next Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Figure 12-5. Output Control Cell (IO.CTL)
Figure 12-6. General Arrangement of Bidirectional Pin Cells
The control bit value controls the output function of the bidirectional pin. One or more
bidirectional data cells can be serially connected to a control cell. Bidirectional pins include
two scan cell for data (IO.Cell) as shown in Figure 12-6 and these bits are controlled by the
cell shown in Figure 12-5.
It is important to know the boundary scan bit order and pins that are associated with them.
Table 12-2 shows the bit order starting with the TDO output and ending with the TDI input.
The Þrst column of the table deÞnes the bitÕs ordinal position in the boundary scan register.
The shift register cell nearest TDO (Þrst to be shifted in) is deÞned as Bit 1 and the last bit
to be shifted in is bit 475. The second column references one of the three MPC8260Õs cell
types depicted in Figure 12-3 through Figure 12-5 that describe the cell structure for each
From Last Cell Clock DR Update DR
Shift DR
1 Ñ
EXTEST | Clamp
To Output
0 Ñ
To Next Cell
Output Control
from System
From Last Cell
Output Data
Input Data
Output Enable
from System Logic
To Next Pin Pair
To Next Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
type. The third column lists the pin name for all pin-related cells and deÞnes the name of
the bidirectional control register bits. The fourth column lists the pin type, and the last
column indicates the associated boundary scan register control bit for the bidirectional
output pins.
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
0 i.obs pa[4] io Ñ
1 pa[4] io g2.ctl
2 IO.ctl g2.ctl Ñ Ñ
3 i.obs spare5 io Ñ
4 spare5 io g287.ctl
5 IO.ctl g287.ctl Ñ Ñ
6 i.obs pa[5] io Ñ
7 pa[5] io g286.ctl
8 IO.ctl g286.ctl Ñ Ñ
9 i.obs pd[8] io Ñ
10 pd[8] io g285.ctl
11 IO.ctl g285.ctl Ñ Ñ
12 i.obs pb[8] io Ñ
13 pb[8] io g284.ctl
14 IO.ctl g284.ctl Ñ Ñ
15 i.obs pa[6] io Ñ
16 pa[6] io g283.ctl
17 IO.ctl g283.ctl Ñ Ñ
18 i.obs pd[9] io Ñ
19 pd[9] io g282.ctl
20 IO.ctl g282.ctl Ñ Ñ
21 i.obs pc[5] io Ñ
22 pc[5] io g281.ctl
23 IO.ctl g281.ctl Ñ Ñ
24 i.obs pb[9] io Ñ
25 pb[9] io g280.ctl
26 IO.ctl g280.ctl Ñ Ñ
27 i.obs pa[7] io Ñ
28 pa[7] io g279.ctl
29 IO.ctl g279.ctl Ñ Ñ
30 i.obs pd[10] io Ñ
31 pd[10] io g278.ctl
32 IO.ctl g278.ctl Ñ Ñ
33 i.obs pc[6] io Ñ
34 pc[6] io g277.ctl
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
35 IO.ctl g277.ctl Ñ Ñ
36 i.obs pb[10] io Ñ
37 pb[10] io g276.ctl
38 IO.ctl g276.ctl Ñ Ñ
39 i.obs pa[8] io Ñ
40 pa[8] io g275.ctl
41 IO.ctl g275.ctl Ñ Ñ
42 i.obs pd[12] io Ñ
43 pd[12] io g274.ctl
44 IO.ctl g274.ctl Ñ Ñ
45 i.obs pc[7] io Ñ
46 pc[7] io g273.ctl
47 IO.ctl g273.ctl Ñ Ñ
48 i.obs pb[11] io Ñ
49 pb[11] io g272.ctl
50 IO.ctl g272.ctl Ñ Ñ
51 i.obs pa[9] io Ñ
52 pa[9] io g271.ctl
53 IO.ctl g271.ctl Ñ Ñ
54 i.obs pa[10] io Ñ
55 pa[10] io g269.ctl
56 IO.ctl g269.ctl Ñ Ñ
57 i.obs pd[11] io Ñ
58 pd[11] io g268.ctl
59 IO.ctl g268.ctl Ñ Ñ
60 i.obs pc[8] io Ñ
61 pc[8] io g267.ctl
62 IO.ctl g267.ctl Ñ Ñ
63 i.obs pb[12] io Ñ
64 pb[12] io g266.ctl
65 IO.ctl g266.ctl Ñ Ñ
66 i.obs pa[11] io Ñ
67 pa[11] io g265.ctl
68 IO.ctl g265.ctl Ñ Ñ
69 i.obs pd[13] io Ñ
70 pd[13] io g264.ctl
71 IO.ctl g264.ctl Ñ Ñ
72 i.obs pc[9] io Ñ
73 pc[9] io g263.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
74 IO.ctl g263.ctl Ñ Ñ
75 i.obs pb[13] io Ñ
76 pb[13] io g262.ctl
77 IO.ctl g262.ctl Ñ Ñ
78 i.obs pa[12] io Ñ
79 pa[12] io g261.ctl
80 IO.ctl g261.ctl Ñ Ñ
81 i.obs pd[14] io Ñ
82 pd[14] io g260.ctl
83 IO.ctl g260.ctl Ñ Ñ
84 i.obs pc[10] io Ñ
85 pc[10] io g259.ctl
86 IO.ctl g259.ctl Ñ Ñ
87 i.obs pb[14] io Ñ
88 pb[14] io g258.ctl
89 IO.ctl g258.ctl Ñ Ñ
90 i.obs pa[13] io Ñ
91 pa[13] io g257.ctl
92 IO.ctl g257.ctl Ñ Ñ
93 i.obs pd[15] io Ñ
94 pd[15] io g256.ctl
95 IO.ctl g256.ctl Ñ Ñ
96 i.obs pc[11] io Ñ
97 pc[11] io g255.ctl
98 IO.ctl g255.ctl Ñ Ñ
99 i.obs pb[15] io Ñ
100 pb[15] io g254.ctl
101 IO.ctl g254.ctl Ñ Ñ
102 i.obs pa[14] io Ñ
103 pa[14] io g253.ctl
104 IO.ctl g253.ctl Ñ Ñ
105 i.obs pc[12] io Ñ
106 pc[12] io g252.ctl
107 IO.ctl g252.ctl Ñ Ñ
108 i.obs pa[15] io Ñ
109 pa[15] io g251.ctl
110 IO.ctl g251.ctl Ñ Ñ
111 i.obs pd[16] io Ñ
112 pd[16] io g250.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
113 IO.ctl g250.ctl Ñ Ñ
114 i.obs pc[13] io Ñ
115 pc[13] io g249.ctl
116 IO.ctl g249.ctl Ñ Ñ
117 i.obs pb[16] io Ñ
118 pb[16] io g248.ctl
119 IO.ctl g248.ctl Ñ Ñ
120 i.obs pa[16] io Ñ
121 pa[16] io g247.ctl
122 IO.ctl g247.ctl Ñ Ñ
123 i.obs pd[17] io Ñ
124 pd[17] io g246.ctl
125 IO.ctl g246.ctl Ñ Ñ
126 i.obs pc[14] io Ñ
127 pc[14] io g245.ctl
128 IO.ctl g245.ctl Ñ Ñ
129 i.obs pb[17] io Ñ
130 pb[17] io g244.ctl
131 IO.ctl g244.ctl Ñ Ñ
132 i.obs pa[17] io Ñ
133 pa[17] io g243.ctl
134 IO.ctl g243.ctl Ñ Ñ
135 i.obs pd[18] io Ñ
136 pd[18] io g242.ctl
137 IO.ctl g242.ctl Ñ Ñ
138 i.obs pc[15] io Ñ
139 pc[15] io g241.ctl
140 IO.ctl g241.ctl Ñ Ñ
141 i.obs pb[22] io Ñ
142 pb[22] io g240.ctl
143 IO.ctl g240.ctl Ñ Ñ
144 i.obs pa[18] io Ñ
145 pa[18] io g239.ctl
146 IO.ctl g239.ctl Ñ Ñ
147 i.obs pd[19] io Ñ
148 pd[19] io g238.ctl
149 IO.ctl g238.ctl Ñ Ñ
150 i.obs pc[16] io Ñ
151 pc[16] io g237.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
152 IO.ctl g237.ctl Ñ Ñ
153 i.obs pb[23] io Ñ
154 pb[23] io g236.ctl
155 IO.ctl g236.ctl Ñ Ñ
156 i.obs pa[19] io Ñ
157 pa[19] io g235.ctl
158 IO.ctl g235.ctl Ñ Ñ
159 i.obs pc[17] io Ñ
160 pc[17] io g234.ctl
161 IO.ctl g234.ctl Ñ Ñ
162 i.obs pd[20] io Ñ
163 pd[20] io g233.ctl
164 IO.ctl g233.ctl Ñ Ñ
165 i.obs pc[18] io Ñ
166 pc[18] io g232.ctl
167 IO.ctl g232.ctl Ñ Ñ
168 i.obs pb[18] io Ñ
169 pb[18] io g231.ctl
170 IO.ctl g231.ctl Ñ Ñ
171 i.obs pa[20] io Ñ
172 pa[20] io g230.ctl
173 IO.ctl g230.ctl Ñ Ñ
174 i.obs pd[21] io Ñ
175 pd[21] io g229.ctl
176 IO.ctl g229.ctl Ñ Ñ
177 i.obs pc[19] io Ñ
178 pc[19] io g228.ctl
179 IO.ctl g228.ctl Ñ Ñ
180 i.obs pb[19] io Ñ
181 pb[19] io g227.ctl
182 IO.ctl g227.ctl Ñ Ñ
183 i.obs pa[21] io Ñ
184 pa[21] io g226.ctl
185 IO.ctl g226.ctl Ñ Ñ
186 i.obs pd[22] io Ñ
187 pd[22] io g225.ctl
188 IO.ctl g225.ctl Ñ Ñ
189 i.obs pc[20] io Ñ
190 pc[20] io g224.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
191 IO.ctl g224.ctl Ñ Ñ
192 i.obs pb[20] io Ñ
193 pb[20] io g223.ctl
194 IO.ctl g223.ctl Ñ Ñ
195 i.obs pa[22] io Ñ
196 pa[22] io g222.ctl
197 IO.ctl g222.ctl Ñ Ñ
198 i.obs pd[23] io Ñ
199 pd[23] io g221.ctl
200 IO.ctl g221.ctl Ñ Ñ
201 i.obs pc[21] io Ñ
202 pc[21] io g220.ctl
203 IO.ctl g220.ctl Ñ Ñ
204 i.obs pb[21] io Ñ
205 pb[21] io g219.ctl
206 IO.ctl g219.ctl Ñ Ñ
207 i.obs pa[23] io Ñ
208 pa[23] io g218.ctl
209 IO.ctl g218.ctl Ñ Ñ
210 i.obs spare1 io Ñ
211 spare1 io g121.ctl
212 IO.ctl g121.ctl Ñ Ñ
213 i.obs pc[22] io Ñ
214 pc[22] io g217.ctl
215 IO.ctl g217.ctl Ñ Ñ
216 i.obs pd[24] io Ñ
217 pd[24] io g216.ctl
218 IO.ctl g216.ctl Ñ Ñ
219 i.obs pc[23] io Ñ
220 pc[23] io g215.ctl
221 IO.ctl g215.ctl Ñ Ñ
222 i.obs pb[24] io Ñ
223 pb[24] io g214.ctl
224 IO.ctl g214.ctl Ñ Ñ
225 i.obs pa[24] io Ñ
226 pa[24] io g213.ctl
227 IO.ctl g213.ctl Ñ Ñ
228 i.obs pd[25] io Ñ
229 pd[25] io g212.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
230 IO.ctl g212.ctl Ñ Ñ
231 i.obs pc[24] io Ñ
232 pc[24] io g211.ctl
233 IO.ctl g211.ctl Ñ Ñ
234 i.obs pb[25] io Ñ
235 pb[25] io g210.ctl
236 IO.ctl g210.ctl Ñ Ñ
237 i.obs pa[25] io Ñ
238 pa[25] io g209.ctl
239 IO.ctl g209.ctl Ñ Ñ
240 i.obs pd[26] io Ñ
241 pd[26] io g208.ctl
242 IO.ctl g208.ctl Ñ Ñ
243 i.obs pc[25] io Ñ
244 pc[25] io g207.ctl
245 IO.ctl g207.ctl Ñ Ñ
246 i.obs pb[26] io Ñ
247 pb[26] io g206.ctl
248 IO.ctl g206.ctl Ñ Ñ
249 i.obs pa[26] io Ñ
250 pa[26] io g205.ctl
251 IO.ctl g205.ctl Ñ Ñ
252 i.obs pd[27] io Ñ
253 pd[27] io g204.ctl
254 IO.ctl g204.ctl Ñ Ñ
255 i.obs pc[26] io Ñ
256 pc[26] io g203.ctl
257 IO.ctl g203.ctl Ñ Ñ
258 i.obs pb[27] io Ñ
259 pb[27] io g202.ctl
260 IO.ctl g202.ctl Ñ Ñ
261 i.obs pa[27] io Ñ
262 pa[27] io g201.ctl
263 IO.ctl g201.ctl Ñ Ñ
264 i.obs rstconf_b i Ñ
265 i.obs hreset_b io Ñ
266 hreset_b io g171.ctl
267 IO.ctl g171.ctl Ñ Ñ
268 i.obs sreset_b io Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
269 sreset_b io g170.ctl
270 IO.ctl g170.ctl Ñ Ñ
271 i.obs clkin i Ñ
272 i.obs pc[27] io Ñ
273 pc[27] io g166.ctl
274 IO.ctl g166.ctl Ñ Ñ
275 i.obs pd[28] io Ñ
276 pd[28] io g165.ctl
277 IO.ctl g165.ctl Ñ Ñ
278 i.obs pc[28] io Ñ
279 pc[28] io g164.ctl
280 IO.ctl g164.ctl Ñ Ñ
281 i.obs pb[28] io Ñ
282 pb[28] io g163.ctl
283 IO.ctl g163.ctl Ñ Ñ
284 i.obs pa[28] io Ñ
285 pa[28] io g162.ctl
286 IO.ctl g162.ctl Ñ Ñ
287 i.obs pd[29] io Ñ
288 pd[29] io g161.ctl
289 IO.ctl g161.ctl Ñ Ñ
290 i.obs pc[29] io Ñ
291 pc[29] io g160.ctl
292 IO.ctl g160.ctl Ñ Ñ
293 i.obs pb[29] io Ñ
294 pb[29] io g159.ctl
295 IO.ctl g159.ctl Ñ Ñ
296 i.obs pa[29] io Ñ
297 pa[29] io g158.ctl
298 IO.ctl g158.ctl Ñ Ñ
299 i.obs pd[30] io Ñ
300 pd[30] io g157.ctl
301 IO.ctl g157.ctl Ñ Ñ
302 i.obs pc[30] io Ñ
303 pc[30] io g156.ctl
304 IO.ctl g156.ctl Ñ Ñ
305 i.obs pb[30] io Ñ
306 pb[30] io g155.ctl
307 IO.ctl g155.ctl Ñ Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
308 i.obs pa[30] io Ñ
309 pa[30] io g154.ctl
310 IO.ctl g154.ctl Ñ Ñ
311 i.obs pd[31] io Ñ
312 pd[31] io g153.ctl
313 IO.ctl g153.ctl Ñ Ñ
314 i.obs pc[31] io Ñ
315 pc[31] io g152.ctl
316 IO.ctl g152.ctl Ñ Ñ
317 i.obs pb[31] io Ñ
318 pb[31] io g151.ctl
319 IO.ctl g151.ctl Ñ Ñ
320 i.obs pa[31] io Ñ
321 pa[31] io g150.ctl
322 IO.ctl g150.ctl Ñ Ñ
323 i.obs tris_b i Ñ
324 qreq_b o Ñ
325 i.obs l2_hit_b_irq4_b i Ñ
326 cpu_br_b o Ñ
327 i.obs br_b io Ñ
328 br_b io g139.ctl
329 IO.ctl g139.ctl Ñ Ñ
330 i.obs modclk3_ap3_tc2_bnksel2 io Ñ
331 modclk3_ap3_tc2_bnksel2 io g138.ctl
332 IO.ctl g138.ctl Ñ Ñ
333 i.obs modclk2_ap2_tc1_bnksel1 io Ñ
334 modclk2_ap2_tc1_bnksel1 io g137.ctl
335 IO.ctl g137.ctl Ñ Ñ
336 i.obs modclk1_ap1_tc0_bnksel0 io Ñ
337 modclk1_ap1_tc0_bnksel0 io g136.ctl
338 IO.ctl g136.ctl Ñ Ñ
339 i.obs gbl_b_irq1_b io Ñ
340 gbl_b_irq1_b io g133.ctl
341 IO.ctl g133.ctl Ñ Ñ
342 i.obs tea_b io Ñ
343 tea_b io g132.ctl
344 IO.ctl g132.ctl Ñ Ñ
345 i.obs spare6 io Ñ
346 spare6 io g89.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
347 IO.ctl g89.ctl Ñ Ñ
348 i.obs psdval_b io Ñ
349 psdval_b io g130.ctl
350 IO.ctl g130.ctl Ñ Ñ
351 i.obs dbb_b_irq3_b io Ñ
352 dbb_b_irq3_b io g129.ctl
353 IO.ctl g129.ctl Ñ Ñ
354 i.obs dbg_b io Ñ
355 dbg_b io g128.ctl
356 IO.ctl g128.ctl Ñ Ñ
357 i.obs spare4 io Ñ
358 spare4 io g127.ctl
359 IO.ctl g127.ctl Ñ Ñ
360 i.obs cpu_bg_b_baddr31_irq5_b io Ñ
361 cpu_bg_b_baddr31_irq5_b io g126.ctl
362 IO.ctl g126.ctl Ñ Ñ
363 i.obs wt_b_baddr30_irq3_b io Ñ
364 wt_b_baddr30_irq3_b io g125.ctl
365 IO.ctl g125.ctl Ñ Ñ
366 i.obs ci_b_baddr29_irq2_b io Ñ
367 ci_b_baddr29_irq2_b io g124.ctl
368 IO.ctl g124.ctl Ñ Ñ
369 baddr[28] o Ñ
370 baddr[27] o Ñ
371 ale o Ñ
372 i.obs irq0_b_nmi_out_b io Ñ
373 irq0_b_nmi_out_b io g120.ctl
374 IO.ctl g120.ctl Ñ Ñ
375 cpu_dbg_b o Ñ
376 i.obs a[31] io Ñ
377 a[31] io g111.ctl
378 i.obs a[30] io Ñ
379 a[30] io g111.ctl
380 i.obs a[29] io Ñ
381 a[29] io g111.ctl
382 i.obs a[28] io Ñ
383 a[28] io g111.ctl
384 i.obs a[27] io Ñ
385 a[27] io g111.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
386 IO.ctl g111.ctl Ñ Ñ
387 i.obs a[26] io Ñ
388 a[26] io g111.ctl
389 i.obs a[25] io Ñ
390 a[25] io g111.ctl
391 i.obs a[24] io Ñ
392 a[24] io g111.ctl
393 i.obs a[23] io Ñ
394 a[23] io g110.ctl
395 i.obs a[22] io Ñ
396 a[22] io g110.ctl
397 i.obs a[21] io Ñ
398 a[21] io g110.ctl
399 i.obs a[20] io Ñ
400 a[20] io g110.ctl
401 i.obs a[19] io Ñ
402 a[19] io g110.ctl
403 IO.ctl g110.ctl Ñ Ñ
404 i.obs a[18] io Ñ
405 a[18] io g110.ctl
406 i.obs a[17] io Ñ
407 a[17] io g110.ctl
408 i.obs a[16] io Ñ
409 a[16] io g110.ctl
410 i.obs a[15] io Ñ
411 a[15] io g109.ctl
412 i.obs a[14] io Ñ
413 a[14] io g109.ctl
414 i.obs a[13] io Ñ
415 a[13] io g109.ctl
416 i.obs a[12] io Ñ
417 a[12] io g109.ctl
418 i.obs a[11] io Ñ
419 a[11] io g109.ctl
420 IO.ctl g109.ctl Ñ Ñ
421 i.obs a[10] io Ñ
422 a[10] io g109.ctl
423 i.obs a[9] io Ñ
424 a[9] io g109.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
425 i.obs a[8] io Ñ
426 a[8] io g109.ctl
427 i.obs a[7] io Ñ
428 a[7] io g108.ctl
429 i.obs a[6] io Ñ
430 a[6] io g108.ctl
431 i.obs a[5] io Ñ
432 a[5] io g108.ctl
433 i.obs a[4] io Ñ
434 a[4] io g108.ctl
435 i.obs a[3] io Ñ
436 a[3] io g108.ctl
437 IO.ctl g108.ctl Ñ Ñ
438 i.obs a[2] io Ñ
439 a[2] io g108.ctl
440 i.obs a[1] io Ñ
441 a[1] io g108.ctl
442 i.obs a[0] io Ñ
443 a[0] io g108.ctl
444 i.obs tt[3] io Ñ
445 tt[3] io g112.ctl
446 i.obs tt[2] io Ñ
447 tt[2] io g112.ctl
448 IO.ctl g112.ctl Ñ Ñ
449 i.obs tt[1] io Ñ
450 tt[1] io g112.ctl
451 i.obs tt[0] io Ñ
452 tt[0] io g112.ctl
453 i.obs tt[4] io Ñ
454 tt[4] io g112.ctl
455 i.obs artry_b io Ñ
456 artry_b io g118.ctl
457 IO.ctl g118.ctl Ñ Ñ
458 i.obs aack_b io Ñ
459 aack_b io g117.ctl
460 IO.ctl g117.ctl Ñ Ñ
461 i.obs abb_b_irq2_b io Ñ
462 abb_b_irq2_b io g116.ctl
463 IO.ctl g116.ctl Ñ Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
464 i.obs bg_b io Ñ
465 bg_b io g115.ctl
466 IO.ctl g115.ctl Ñ Ñ
467 i.obs irq7_b_int_out_b_ape_b io Ñ
468 irq7_b_int_out_b_ape_b io g114.ctl
469 IO.ctl g114.ctl Ñ Ñ
470 i.obs ts_b io Ñ
471 ts_b io g113.ctl
472 i.obs tsize[3] io Ñ
473 tsize[3] io g113.ctl
474 i.obs tsize[2] io Ñ
475 tsize[2] io g113.ctl
476 IO.ctl g113.ctl Ñ Ñ
477 i.obs tsize[1] io Ñ
478 tsize[1] io g113.ctl
479 i.obs tsize[0] io Ñ
480 tsize[0] io g113.ctl
481 i.obs tbst_b io Ñ
482 tbst_b io g113.ctl
483 i.obs d[63] io Ñ
484 d[63] io g91.ctl
485 IO.ctl g91.ctl Ñ Ñ
486 i.obs d[55] io Ñ
487 d[55] io g107.ctl
488 i.obs d[47] io Ñ
489 d[47] io g107.ctl
490 i.obs d[39] io Ñ
491 d[39] io g107.ctl
492 i.obs d[31] io Ñ
493 d[31] io g107.ctl
494 IO.ctl g107.ctl Ñ Ñ
495 i.obs d[23] io Ñ
496 d[23] io g107.ctl
497 i.obs d[15] io Ñ
498 d[15] io g107.ctl
499 i.obs d[7] io Ñ
500 d[7] io g107.ctl
501 i.obs d[62] io Ñ
502 d[62] io g106.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
503 i.obs d[54] io Ñ
504 d[54] io g106.ctl
505 i.obs d[46] io Ñ
506 d[46] io g106.ctl
507 i.obs d[38] io Ñ
508 d[38] io g106.ctl
509 i.obs d[30] io Ñ
510 d[30] io g106.ctl
511 IO.ctl g106.ctl Ñ Ñ
512 i.obs d[22] io Ñ
513 d[22] io g106.ctl
514 i.obs d[14] io Ñ
515 d[14] io g106.ctl
516 i.obs d[6] io Ñ
517 d[6] io g106.ctl
518 i.obs d[61] io Ñ
519 d[61] io g105.ctl
520 i.obs d[53] io Ñ
521 d[53] io g105.ctl
522 i.obs d[45] io Ñ
523 d[45] io g105.ctl
524 i.obs d[37] io Ñ
525 d[37] io g105.ctl
526 i.obs d[29] io Ñ
527 d[29] io g105.ctl
528 IO.ctl g105.ctl Ñ Ñ
529 i.obs d[21] io Ñ
530 d[21] io g105.ctl
531 i.obs d[13] io Ñ
532 d[13] io g105.ctl
533 i.obs d[5] io Ñ
534 d[5] io g105.ctl
535 i.obs d[60] io Ñ
536 d[60] io g104.ctl
537 i.obs d[52] io Ñ
538 d[52] io g104.ctl
539 i.obs d[44] io Ñ
540 d[44] io g104.ctl
541 i.obs d[36] io Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
542 d[36] io g104.ctl
543 i.obs d[28] io Ñ
544 d[28] io g104.ctl
545 IO.ctl g104.ctl Ñ Ñ
546 i.obs d[20] io Ñ
547 d[20] io g104.ctl
548 i.obs d[12] io Ñ
549 d[12] io g104.ctl
550 i.obs d[4] io Ñ
551 d[4] io g104.ctl
552 i.obs d[59] io Ñ
553 d[59] io g103.ctl
554 i.obs d[51] io Ñ
555 d[51] io g103.ctl
556 i.obs d[43] io Ñ
557 d[43] io g103.ctl
558 i.obs d[35] io Ñ
559 d[35] io g103.ctl
560 i.obs d[27] io Ñ
561 d[27] io g103.ctl
562 IO.ctl g103.ctl Ñ Ñ
563 i.obs d[19] io Ñ
564 d[19] io g103.ctl
565 i.obs d[11] io Ñ
566 d[11] io g103.ctl
567 i.obs d[3] io Ñ
568 d[3] io g103.ctl
569 i.obs d[58] io Ñ
570 d[58] io g102.ctl
571 i.obs d[50] io Ñ
572 d[50] io g102.ctl
573 i.obs d[42] io Ñ
574 d[42] io g102.ctl
575 i.obs d[34] io Ñ
576 d[34] io g102.ctl
577 i.obs d[26] io Ñ
578 d[26] io g102.ctl
579 IO.ctl g102.ctl Ñ Ñ
580 i.obs d[18] io Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
581 d[18] io g102.ctl
582 i.obs d[10] io Ñ
583 d[10] io g102.ctl
584 i.obs d[2] io Ñ
585 d[2] io g102.ctl
586 i.obs d[57] io Ñ
587 d[57] io g101.ctl
588 i.obs d[49] io Ñ
589 d[49] io g101.ctl
590 i.obs d[41] io Ñ
591 d[41] io g101.ctl
592 i.obs d[33] io Ñ
593 d[33] io g101.ctl
594 i.obs d[25] io Ñ
595 d[25] io g101.ctl
596 IO.ctl g101.ctl Ñ Ñ
597 i.obs d[17] io Ñ
598 d[17] io g101.ctl
599 i.obs d[9] io Ñ
600 d[9] io g101.ctl
601 i.obs d[1] io Ñ
602 d[1] io g101.ctl
603 i.obs d[56] io Ñ
604 d[56] io g100.ctl
605 i.obs d[48] io Ñ
606 d[48] io g100.ctl
607 i.obs d[40] io Ñ
608 d[40] io g100.ctl
609 i.obs d[32] io Ñ
610 d[32] io g100.ctl
611 i.obs d[24] io Ñ
612 d[24] io g100.ctl
613 IO.ctl g100.ctl Ñ Ñ
614 i.obs d[16] io Ñ
615 d[16] io g100.ctl
616 i.obs d[8] io Ñ
617 d[8] io g100.ctl
618 i.obs d[0] io Ñ
619 d[0] io g100.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
620 i.obs dp7_cse1_irq7_b io Ñ
621 dp7_cse1_irq7_b io g99.ctl
622 IO.ctl g99.ctl Ñ Ñ
623 i.obs dp6_cse0_irq6_b io Ñ
624 dp6_cse0_irq6_b io g98.ctl
625 IO.ctl g98.ctl Ñ Ñ
626 i.obs dp5_tben_irq5_b io Ñ
627 dp5_tben_irq5_b io g97.ctl
628 IO.ctl g97.ctl Ñ Ñ
629 i.obs dp4_irq4_b io Ñ
630 dp4_irq4_b io g96.ctl
631 IO.ctl g96.ctl Ñ Ñ
632 i.obs dp3_irq3_b io Ñ
633 dp3_irq3_b io g95.ctl
634 IO.ctl g95.ctl Ñ Ñ
635 i.obs dp2_tlbisync_b_irq2_b io Ñ
636 dp2_tlbisync_b_irq2_b io g94.ctl
637 IO.ctl g94.ctl Ñ Ñ
638 i.obs dp1_irq1_b io Ñ
639 dp1_irq1_b io g93.ctl
640 IO.ctl g93.ctl Ñ Ñ
641 i.obs dp0_rsrv_b io Ñ
642 dp0_rsrv_b io g92.ctl
643 IO.ctl g92.ctl Ñ Ñ
644 i.obs ta_b io Ñ
645 ta_b io g131.ctl
646 IO.ctl g131.ctl Ñ Ñ
647 sdamux_gpl5 o Ñ
648 i.obs gta_b_upwait_gpl4_pbs io Ñ
649 gta_b_upwait_gpl4_pbs io g87.ctl
650 IO.ctl g87.ctl Ñ Ñ
651 sdcas_b_gpl3 o Ñ
652 oe_b_sdras_b_gpl2 o Ñ
653 sdwe_b_gpl1 o Ñ
654 sda10_gpl0 o Ñ
655 we_dqm_bs_b[7] o Ñ
656 we_dqm_bs_b[6] o Ñ
657 we_dqm_bs_b[5] o Ñ
658 we_dqm_bs_b[4] o Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
659 we_dqm_bs_b[3] o Ñ
660 we_dqm_bs_b[2] o Ñ
661 we_dqm_bs_b[1] o Ñ
662 bctl0_b o Ñ
663 we_dqm_bs_b[0] o Ñ
664 lsdamux_gpl5 o Ñ
665 i.obs lgta_b_upwait_gpl4_pbs io Ñ
666 lgta_b_upwait_gpl4_pbs io g66.ctl
667 IO.ctl g66.ctl Ñ Ñ
668 lsdcas_b_gpl3 o Ñ
669 loe_b_sdras_b_gpl2 o Ñ
670 lsdwe_b_gpl1 o Ñ
671 lsda10_gpl0 o Ñ
672 lwr_b o Ñ
673 cs_b[0] o Ñ
674 cs_b[1] o Ñ
675 cs_b[2] o Ñ
676 cs_b[3] o Ñ
677 cs_b[4] o Ñ
678 cs_b[5] o Ñ
679 cs_b[6] o Ñ
680 cs_b[7] o Ñ
681 cs_b[8] o Ñ
682 cs_b[9] o Ñ
683 i.obs cs10_b_bctl1_b_dbg_dis io Ñ
684 cs10_b_bctl1_b_dbg_dis io g59.ctl
685 IO.ctl g59.ctl Ñ Ñ
686 i.obs cs11_b_ap0 io Ñ
687 cs11_b_ap0 io g60.ctl
688 IO.ctl g60.ctl Ñ Ñ
689 lwe_dqm_bs_b[3] o Ñ
690 lwe_dqm_bs_b[2] o Ñ
691 lwe_dqm_bs_b[1] o Ñ
692 lwe_dqm_bs_b[0] o Ñ
693 i.obs lcl_d_ad[0] io Ñ
694 lcl_d_ad[0] io g40.ctl
695 i.obs lcl_d_ad[5] io Ñ
696 lcl_d_ad[5] io g48.ctl
697 IO.ctl g48.ctl Ñ Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
698 i.obs lcl_d_ad[4] io Ñ
699 lcl_d_ad[4] io g40.ctl
700 i.obs lcl_d_ad[3] io Ñ
701 lcl_d_ad[3] io g40.ctl
702 i.obs lcl_d_ad[2] io Ñ
703 lcl_d_ad[2] io g40.ctl
704 i.obs lcl_d_ad[1] io Ñ
705 lcl_d_ad[1] io g40.ctl
706 i.obs lcl_d_ad[6] io Ñ
707 lcl_d_ad[6] io g40.ctl
708 IO.ctl g40.ctl Ñ Ñ
709 i.obs lcl_d_ad[10] io Ñ
710 lcl_d_ad[10] io g40.ctl
711 i.obs lcl_d_ad[9] io Ñ
712 lcl_d_ad[9] io g40.ctl
713 i.obs lcl_d_ad[8] io Ñ
714 lcl_d_ad[8] io g40.ctl
715 i.obs lcl_dp_c_be[0] io Ñ
716 lcl_dp_c_be[0] io g49.ctl
717 IO.ctl g49.ctl Ñ Ñ
718 i.obs lcl_d_ad[7] io Ñ
719 lcl_d_ad[7] io g41.ctl
720 i.obs lcl_d_ad[14] io Ñ
721 lcl_d_ad[14] io g41.ctl
722 i.obs lcl_d_ad[13] io Ñ
723 lcl_d_ad[13] io g41.ctl
724 IO.ctl g41.ctl Ñ Ñ
725 i.obs lcl_d_ad[12] io Ñ
726 lcl_d_ad[12] io g41.ctl
727 i.obs lcl_d_ad[11] io Ñ
728 lcl_d_ad[11] io g41.ctl
729 i.obs l_a26_gnt1_b io Ñ
730 l_a26_gnt1_b io g32.ctl
731 IO.ctl g32.ctl Ñ Ñ
732 i.obs l_a22_serr_b io Ñ
733 l_a22_serr_b io g28.ctl
734 IO.ctl g28.ctl Ñ Ñ
735 i.obs l_a14_par io Ñ
736 l_a14_par io g20.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
737 IO.ctl g20.ctl Ñ Ñ
738 i.obs lcl_dp_c_be[1] io Ñ
739 lcl_dp_c_be[1] io g44.ctl
740 IO.ctl g44.ctl Ñ Ñ
741 i.obs lcl_d_ad[15] io Ñ
742 lcl_d_ad[15] io g47.ctl
743 IO.ctl g47.ctl Ñ Ñ
744 i.obs l_a30_lock_b io Ñ
745 l_a30_lock_b io g36.ctl
746 IO.ctl g36.ctl Ñ Ñ
747 i.obs l_a21_perr_b io Ñ
748 l_a21_perr_b io g27.ctl
749 IO.ctl g27.ctl Ñ Ñ
750 i.obs l_a24_req1_b io Ñ
751 l_a24_req1_b io g30.ctl
752 IO.ctl g30.ctl Ñ Ñ
753 i.obs l_a19_devsel_b io Ñ
754 l_a19_devsel_b io g25.ctl
755 IO.ctl g25.ctl Ñ Ñ
756 i.obs l_a17_irdy_b_ckstp_out io Ñ
757 l_a17_irdy_b_ckstp_out io g23.ctl
758 IO.ctl g23.ctl Ñ Ñ
759 i.obs l_a16_trdy_b io Ñ
760 l_a16_trdy_b io g22.ctl
761 IO.ctl g22.ctl Ñ Ñ
762 i.obs l_a18_stop_b io Ñ
763 l_a18_stop_b io g24.ctl
764 IO.ctl g24.ctl Ñ Ñ
765 i.obs l_a15_frm_b_smi_b io Ñ
766 l_a15_frm_b_smi_b io g21.ctl
767 IO.ctl g21.ctl Ñ Ñ
768 i.obs lcl_dp_c_be[2] io Ñ
769 lcl_dp_c_be[2] io g46.ctl
770 IO.ctl g46.ctl Ñ Ñ
771 i.obs lcl_d_ad[16] io Ñ
772 lcl_d_ad[16] io g42.ctl
773 i.obs lcl_d_ad[17] io Ñ
774 lcl_d_ad[17] io g42.ctl
775 i.obs lcl_d_ad[18] io Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
776 lcl_d_ad[18] io g42.ctl
777 i.obs lcl_d_ad[19] io Ñ
778 lcl_d_ad[19] io g42.ctl
779 IO.ctl g42.ctl Ñ Ñ
780 i.obs lcl_d_ad[20] io Ñ
781 lcl_d_ad[20] io g42.ctl
782 i.obs lcl_d_ad[21] io Ñ
783 lcl_d_ad[21] io g42.ctl
784 i.obs lcl_d_ad[22] io Ñ
785 lcl_d_ad[22] io g42.ctl
786 i.obs lcl_d_ad[23] io Ñ
787 lcl_d_ad[23] io g42.ctl
788 i.obs l_a20_idsel_b io Ñ
789 l_a20_idsel_b io g26.ctl
790 IO.ctl g26.ctl Ñ Ñ
791 i.obs lcl_dp_c_be[3] io Ñ
792 lcl_dp_c_be[3] io g45.ctl
793 IO.ctl g45.ctl Ñ Ñ
794 i.obs lcl_d_ad[24] io Ñ
795 lcl_d_ad[24] io g43.ctl
796 i.obs lcl_d_ad[25] io Ñ
797 lcl_d_ad[25] io g43.ctl
798 i.obs lcl_d_ad[26] io Ñ
799 lcl_d_ad[26] io g43.ctl
800 i.obs lcl_d_ad[27] io Ñ
801 lcl_d_ad[27] io g43.ctl
802 IO.ctl g43.ctl Ñ Ñ
803 i.obs lcl_d_ad[28] io Ñ
804 lcl_d_ad[28] io g43.ctl
805 i.obs lcl_d_ad[29] io Ñ
806 lcl_d_ad[29] io g43.ctl
807 i.obs lcl_d_ad[30] io Ñ
808 lcl_d_ad[30] io g43.ctl
809 i.obs lcl_d_ad[31] io Ñ
810 lcl_d_ad[31] io g43.ctl
811 i.obs l_a23_req0_b io Ñ
812 l_a23_req0_b io g29.ctl
813 IO.ctl g29.ctl Ñ Ñ
814 i.obs l_a25_gnt0_b io Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
815 l_a25_gnt0_b io g31.ctl
816 IO.ctl g31.ctl Ñ Ñ
817 i.obs l_a27_pclk io Ñ
818 l_a27_pclk io g33.ctl
819 IO.ctl g33.ctl Ñ Ñ
820 i.obs l_a28_rst_b io Ñ
821 l_a28_rst_b io g34.ctl
822 IO.ctl g34.ctl Ñ Ñ
823 i.obs l_a29_inta_b io Ñ
824 l_a29_inta_b io g35.ctl
825 IO.ctl g35.ctl Ñ Ñ
826 i.obs l_a31 io Ñ
827 l_a31 io g37.ctl
828 IO.ctl g37.ctl Ñ Ñ
829 i.obs pc[0] io Ñ
830 pc[0] io g19.ctl
831 IO.ctl g19.ctl Ñ Ñ
832 i.obs pa[0] io Ñ
833 pa[0] io g18.ctl
834 IO.ctl g18.ctl Ñ Ñ
835 i.obs pd[4] io Ñ
836 pd[4] io g17.ctl
837 IO.ctl g17.ctl Ñ Ñ
838 i.obs pc[1] io Ñ
839 pc[1] io g16.ctl
840 IO.ctl g16.ctl Ñ Ñ
841 i.obs pb[4] io Ñ
842 pb[4] io g15.ctl
843 IO.ctl g15.ctl Ñ Ñ
844 i.obs pa[1] io Ñ
845 pa[1] io g14.ctl
846 IO.ctl g14.ctl Ñ Ñ
847 i.obs pd[5] io Ñ
848 pd[5] io g13.ctl
849 IO.ctl g13.ctl Ñ Ñ
850 i.obs pc[2] io Ñ
851 pc[2] io g12.ctl
852 IO.ctl g12.ctl Ñ Ñ
853 i.obs pb[5] io Ñ
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
12.4 Instruction Register
The MPC8260Õs JTAG implementation includes the public instructions (EXTEST,
SAMPLE/PRELOAD, and BYPASS) and also supports the CLAMP instruction. One
additional public instruction (HI-Z) can be used to disable all device output drivers. The
MPC8260 includes a 4-bit instruction register (no parity) that consists of a shift register
with four parallel outputs. Data is transferred from the shift register to the parallel outputs
during the update-IR controller state. The four bits are used to decode the Þve unique
instructions listed in Table 12-3.
854 pb[5] io g11.ctl
855 IO.ctl g11.ctl Ñ Ñ
856 i.obs pa[2] io Ñ
857 pa[2] io g10.ctl
858 IO.ctl g10.ctl Ñ Ñ
859 i.obs pd[6] io Ñ
860 pd[6] io g9.ctl
861 IO.ctl g9.ctl Ñ Ñ
862 i.obs pc[3] io Ñ
863 pc[3] io g8.ctl
864 IO.ctl g8.ctl Ñ Ñ
865 i.obs pb[6] io Ñ
866 pb[6] io g7.ctl
867 IO.ctl g7.ctl Ñ Ñ
868 i.obs pa[3] io Ñ
869 pa[3] io g6.ctl
870 IO.ctl g6.ctl Ñ Ñ
871 i.obs pd[7] io Ñ
872 pd[7] io g5.ctl
873 IO.ctl g5.ctl Ñ Ñ
874 i.obs pc[4] io Ñ
875 pc[4] io g4.ctl
876 IO.ctl g4.ctl Ñ Ñ
877 i.obs pb[7] io Ñ
878 pb[7] io g3.ctl
Table 12-2. Boundary Scan Bit Definition (Continued)
Bit Cell Type Pin/Cell Name Pin Type Output Control Cell
Chapter 12. IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Part III. The Hardware Interface
Table 12-3. Instruction Decoding
Instruction Description
B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
00000000EXTEST External test. Selects the 475-bit boundary scan register.
EXTEST also asserts an internal reset for the MPC8260Õs
system logic to force a known beginning internal state while
performing external boundary scan operations. By using the
TAP, the register is capable of scanning user-deÞned values
into the output buffers, capturing values presented to input pins,
and controlling the output drive of three-state output or
bidirectional pins. For more details on the function and use of
EXTEST, refer to the IEEE 1149.1 standard.
Initializes the boundary scan register output cells before the
selection of EXTEST. This initialization ensures that known data
appears on the outputs when entering an EXTEST instruction.
SAMPLE/PRELOAD also provides a chance to obtain a
snapshot of system data and control signals.
NOTE: Since there is no internal synchronization between the
TCK and CLKOUT, the user must provide some form of external
synchronization between the JTAG operation at TCK frequency
and the system operation CLKOUT frequency to achieve
meaningful results.
11111111BYPASS The BYPASS instruction creates a shift register path from TDI
to the bypass register and, Þnally, to TDO, circumventing the
475-bit boundary scan register. This instruction is used to
enhance test efÞciency when a component other than the
MPC8260 becomes the device under test. It selects the single-
bit bypass register as shown below.
When the bypass register is selected by the current instruction,
the shift register stage is cleared on the rising edge of TCK in
the capture-DR controller state. Thus, the Þrst bit to be shifted
out after selecting the bypass register is always a logic zero.
11110000HIÐZ Provided as a manufacturerÕs optional public instruction to avoid
back driving the output pins during circuit-board testing. When
HI-Z is invoked all output drivers, including the two-state
drivers, are turned off (high impedance). The instruction selects
the bypass register.
CLAMP selects the single-bit bypass register as shown in the
BYPASS instruction Þgure above, and the state of all signals
driven from the system output pins is completely deÞned by the
data previously shifted into the boundary scan register. For
example, using the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction.
B0 (lsb) is shifted Þrst.
From TDI
Shift DR
Clock DR
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part III. The Hardware Interface
The parallel output of the instruction register is set to all ones in the test-logic-reset
controller state. Notice that this preset state is equivalent to the BYPASS instruction.
During the capture-IR controller state, the parallel inputs to the instruction shift register are
loaded with the CLAMP command code.
12.5 MPC8260 Restrictions
The control afforded by the output enable signals using the boundary-scan register and the
EXTEST instruction requires a compatible circuit-board test environment to avoid
device-destructive conÞgurations. The user must avoid situations in which the MPC8260Õs
output drivers are enabled into actively driven networks.
12.6 Nonscan Chain Operation
In nonscan chain operation, the TCK input does not include an internal pull-up resistor and
should be tied high or low to preclude mid-level inputs.
To ensure that the scan chain test logic is kept transparent to the system logic, the TAP
controller is forced into the test-logic-reset state. This is done inside the chip by connecting
TMS should remain connected to V
or should not change state, so that the TAP controller
will not leave the test-logic-reset state.
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Part IV-i
Part IV
Communications Processor Module
Intended Audience
Part IV is intended for system designers who need to implement various communications
protocols on the MPC8260. It assumes a basic understanding of the PowerPC exception
model, the MPC8260 interrupt structure, as well as a working knowledge of the
communications protocols to be used. A complete discussion of these protocols is beyond
the scope of this book.
Part IV describes behavior of the MPC8260 communications processor module (CPM) and
the RISC communications processor (CP) that it contains (note that this is separate from
the embedded PowerPC processor).
It contains the following chapters:
¥ Chapter 13, ÒCommunications Processor Module Overview,Ó provides a brief
overview of the MPC8260 CPM.
¥ Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner,Ó describes the SIU, which
controls system start-up, initialization and operation, protection, as well as the
external system bus.
¥ Chapter 15, ÒCPM Multiplexing,Ó describes the CPM multiplexing logic (CMX)
which connects the physical layerÑUTOPIA, MII, modem lines,
¥ Chapter 16, ÒBaud-Rate Generators (BRGs),Ó describes the eight independent,
identical baud-rate generators (BRGs) that can be used with the FCCs, SCCs, and
¥ Chapter 17, ÒTimers,Ó describes the MPC8260 timer implementation, which can be
conÞgured as four identical 16-bit or two 32-bit general-purpose timers.
¥ Chapter 18, ÒSDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation,Ó describes the two physical
serial DMA (SDMA) channels on the MPC8260.
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Chapter 19, ÒSerial Communications Controllers (SCCs),Ó describes the four serial
communications controllers (SCC), which can be conÞgured independently to
implement different protocols for bridging functions, routers, and gateways, and to
interface with a wide variety of standard WANs, LANs, and proprietary networks.
¥ Chapter 20, ÒSCC UART Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) protocol that is used for
sending low-speed data between devices.
¥ Chapter 21, ÒSCC HDLC Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
HDLC protocol.
¥ Chapter 22, ÒSCC BISYNC Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
byte-oriented BISYNC protocol developed by IBM for use in networking products.
¥ Chapter 23, ÒSCC Transparent Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
transparent mode (also called totally transparent mode), which provides a clear
channel on which the SCC can send or receive serial data without bit-level
¥ Chapter 24, ÒSCC Ethernet Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
Ethernet protocol.
¥ Chapter 25, ÒSCC AppleTalk Mode,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of
¥ Chapter 26, ÒSerial Management Controllers (SMCs),Ó describes two serial
management controllers, full-duplex ports that can be conÞgured independently to
support one of three protocolsÑUART, transparent, or general-circuit interface
¥ Chapter 27, ÒMulti-Channel Controllers (MCCs),Ó describes the MPC8260Õs multi-
channel controller (MCC), which handles up to 128 serial, full-duplex data
¥ Chapter 28, ÒFast Communications Controllers (FCCs),Ó describes the MPC8260Õs
fast communications controllers (FCCs), which are SCCs optimized for
synchronous high-rate protocols.
¥ Chapter 29, ÒATM Controller,Ó describes the MPC8260 ATM controller, which
provides the ATM and AAL layers of the ATM protocol. The ATM controller
performs segmentation and reassembly (SAR) functions of AAL5, AAL1, and
AAL0, and most of the common parts convergence sublayer (CP-CS) of these
¥ Chapter 30, ÒFast Ethernet Controller,Ó describes the MPC8260Õs implementation of
the Ethernet IEEE 802.3 protocol.
¥ Chapter 31, ÒFCC HDLC Controller,Ó describes the FCC implementation of the
HDLC protocol.
¥ Chapter 32, ÒFCC Transparent Controller,Ó describes the FCC implementation of
the transparent protocol.
MOTOROLA Part IV. Communications Processor Module Part IV-iii
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Chapter 33, ÒSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI),Ó describes the serial peripheral
interface, which allows the MPC8260 to exchange data between other MPC8260
chips, the MC68360, the MC68302, the M68HC11, and M68HC05 microcontroller
families, and peripheral devices such as EEPROMs, real-time clocks, A/D
converters, and ISDN devices.
¥ Chapter 34, ÒI2C Controller,Ó describes the MPC8260 implementation of the inter-
integrated circuit (I2C¨) controller, which allows data to be exchanged with other
I2C devices, such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, and A/D
¥ Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports,Ó describes the four general-purpose I/O ports AÐD.
Each signal in the I/O ports can be conÞgured as a general-purpose I/O signal or as
a signal dedicated to supporting communications devices, such as SMCs, SCCs.
MCCs, and FCCs.
Suggested Reading
This section lists additional reading that provides background for the information in this
manual as well as general information about the PowerPC architecture.
MPC8xx Documentation
Supporting documentation for the MPC8260 can be accessed through the world-wide web
at This documentation includes technical speciÞcations,
reference materials, and detailed applications notes.
PowerPC Documentation
The PowerPC documentation is organized in the following types of documents:
¥ Programming environments manualsÑThese books provide information about
resources deÞned by the PowerPC architecture that are common to PowerPC
processors. There are two versions, one that describes the functionality of the
combined 32- and 64-bit architecture models and one that describes only the 32-bit
ÑPowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments, Rev 1
(Motorola order #: MPCFPE/AD)
ÑPowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments for 32-Bit
Microprocessors, Rev. 1 (Motorola order #: MPCFPE32B/AD)
¥ PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Bus Interface for 32-Bit Microprocessors
(Motorola order #: MPCBUSIF/AD) provides a detailed functional description of
the 60x bus interface, as implemented on the PowerPC 601ª, 603, and 604 family
of PowerPC microprocessors. This document is intended to help system and chip set
developers by providing a centralized reference source to identify the bus interface
presented by the 60x family of PowerPC microprocessors.
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The ProgrammerÕs Reference Guide
(Motorola order #: MPCPRG/D) is a concise reference that includes the register
summary, memory control model, exception vectors, and the PowerPC instruction
For a current list of PowerPC documentation, refer to the world-wide web at
This document uses the following notational conventions:
Bold entries in Þgures and tables showing registers and parameter
RAM should be initialized by the user.
mnemonics Instruction mnemonics are shown in lowercase bold.
italics Italics indicate variable command parameters, for example, bcctrx.
Book titles in text are set in italics.
0x0 PreÞx to denote hexadecimal number
0b0 PreÞx to denote binary number
rA, rB Instruction syntax used to identify a source GPR
rD Instruction syntax used to identify a destination GPR
REG[FIELD] Abbreviations or acronyms for registers or buffer descriptors are
shown in uppercase text. SpeciÞc bits, Þelds, or numerical ranges
appear in brackets. For example, MSR[LE] refers to the little-endian
mode enable bit in the machine state register.
x In certain contexts, such as in a signal encoding or a bit Þeld,
indicates a donÕt care.
nIndicates an undeÞned numerical value
ÂNOT logical operator
& AND logical operator
| OR logical operator
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table i contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document. Note that the meanings
for some acronyms (such as SDR1 and DSISR) are historical, and the words for which an
acronym stands may not be intuitively obvious.
MOTOROLA Part IV. Communications Processor Module Part IV-v
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table vii. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms
Term Meaning
AAL ATM adaptation layer
ABR Availabe bit rate
ACR Allowed cell rate
ALU Arithmetic logic unit
APC ATM pace control
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
BD Buffer descriptor
BIST Built-in self test
BT Burst tolerance
CBR Constant bit rate
CEPT Conference des administrations Europeanes des Postes et Telecommunications (European
Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations).
C/I Condition/indication channel used in the GCI protocol
CLP Cell loss priority
CP Communications processor
CP-CS Common part convergence sublayer
CPM Communications processor module
CPS Cells per slot
CSMA Carrier sense multiple access
CSMA/CD Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
DMA Direct memory access
DPLL Digital phase-locked loop
DPR Dual-port RAM
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DSISR Register used for determining the source of a DSI exception
EA Effective address
EEST Enhanced Ethernet serial transceiver
EPROM Erasable programmable read-only memory
FBP Free buffer pool
FIFO First-in-Þrst-out (buffer)
GCI General circuit interface
GCRA Generic cell rate algorithm (leaky bucket)
GPCM General-purpose chip-select machine
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
GUI Graphical user interface
HDLC High-level data link control
I2C Inter-integrated circuit
IDL Inter-chip digital link
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IrDA Infrared Data Association
ISDN Integrated services digital network
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
LAN Local area network
LIFO Last-in-Þrst-out
LRU Least recently used
LSB Least-signiÞcant byte
lsb Least-signiÞcant bit
MAC Multiply accumulate or media access control
MBS Maximum burst size
MII Media-independent interface
MSB Most-signiÞcant byte
msb Most-signiÞcant bit
MSR Machine state register
NaN Not a number
NIC Network interface card
NIU Network interface unit
NMSI Nonmultiplexed serial interface
NRT Non-real time
OSI Open systems interconnection
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
PDU Protocol data unit
PCR Peak cell rate
PHY Physical layer
PPM Pulse-position modulation
RM Resource management
Table vii. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
MOTOROLA Part IV. Communications Processor Module Part IV-vii
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
RT Real-time
RTOS Real-time operating system
Rx Receive
SAR Segmentation and reassembly
SCC Serial communications controller
SCP Serial control port
SCR Sustained cell rate
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SI Serial interface
SIU System interface unit
SMC Serial management controller
SNA Systems network architecture
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SRAM Static random access memory
SRTS Synchronous residual time stamp
TDM Time-division multiplexed
TE Terminal endpoint of an ISDN connection
TLB Translation lookaside buffer
TSA Time-slot assigner
Tx Transmit
UBR UnspeciÞed bit rate
UBR+ UnspeciÞed bit rate with minimum cell rate guarantee
UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UPM User-programmable machine
USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
WAN Wide area network
Table vii. Acronyms and Abbreviated Terms (Continued)
Term Meaning
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-1
Chapter 13
Communications Processor Module
The MPC8260Õs communications processor module (CPM) is a superset of the MPC860
PowerQUICC CPM, with enhancements in performance and the addition of hardware and
microcode routines for supporting high bit-rate protocols like ATM and Fast Ethernet. The
support for multiple HDLC channels is enhanced to support up to 256 HDLC channels.
13.1 Features
The CPM includes various blocks to provide the system with an efÞcient way to handle data
communication tasks. The following is a list of the CPMÕs important features.
¥ Communications processor (CP)
Ñ One instruction per clock
Ñ Executes code from internal ROM or dual-port RAM
Ñ 32-bit RISC architecture
Ñ Tuned for communication environments: instruction set supports CRC
computation and bit manipulation.
Ñ Internal timer
Ñ Interfaces with the PowerPCª embedded core processor through a 24-Kbyte
dual-port RAM and virtual DMA channels for each peripheral controller
Ñ Handles serial protocols and virtual DMA.
¥ Three full-duplex fast serial communications controllers (FCCs) support the
following protocols:
Ñ ATM protocol through UTOPIA interface (FCC1 and FCC2 only)
Ñ IEEE802.3/Fast Ethernet
Ñ Totally transparent operation
¥ Two multi-channel controllers (MCCs) that together can handle up to 256 HDLC/
transparent channels at 64 Kbps each, multiplexed on up to eight TDM interfaces
13-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Four full-duplex serial communications controllers (SCCs) support the following
Ñ IEEE802.3/Ethernet
Ñ High level/synchronous data link control (HDLC/SDLC)
Ñ LocalTalk (HDLC-based local area network protocol)
Ñ Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART)
Ñ Synchronous UART (1x clock mode)
Ñ Binary synchronous communication (BISYNC)
Ñ Totally transparent operation
¥ Two full-duplex serial management controllers (SMCs) support the following
Ñ GCI (ISDN interface) monitor and C/I channels
Ñ Transparent operation
¥ Serial peripheral interface (SPI) support for master or slave
2C bus controller
¥ Time-slot assigner supports multiplexing of data from any of the SCCs, FCCs,
SMCs, and MCCs onto eight time-division multiplexed (TDM) interfaces. The time-
slot assigner supports the following TDM formats:
Ñ T1/CEPT lines
Ñ T3/E3
Ñ Pulse code modulation (PCM) highway interface
Ñ ISDN primary rate
Ñ Motorola interchip digital link (IDL)
Ñ General circuit interface (GCI)
Ñ User-deÞned interfaces
¥ Eight independent baud rate generators (BRGs)
¥ Four general-purpose 16-bit timers or two 32-bit timers
¥ General-purpose parallel portsÑsixteen parallel I/O lines with interrupt capability
Figure 13-1 shows the MPC8260Õs CPM block diagram.
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 13-1. MPC8260 CPM Block Diagram
13.2 MPC8260 Serial ConÞgurations
The MPC8260 offers a ßexible set of communications capabilities. A subset of the possible
conÞgurations using an MPC8260 is shown in Table 13-1.
Table 13-1. Possible MPC8260 Applications
ISDN router 4 E1 4 E1 FEnet or ATM FEnet UART UART UART UART
ATM switch ATM FEnet UART
ATM access ATM FEnet FEnet
E3 or
E3 or
GSM mobile
switching center
E1Õs FEnet or ATM
10 M
10 M
Baud Rate Generators
2 MCCs 3 FCCs 4 SCCs 2 SMCs SPI I2C
4 Timers
Parallel I/O Ports
Bus Interface SDMA
Communications Processor
Internal Bus
Peripheral Bus
Serial Interface (SI) and Time-Slot Assigner (TSA)
13-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.3 Communications Processor (CP)
The communications processor (CP), also called the RISC microcontroller, is a 32-bit
controller for the CPM that resides on a separate bus from the core and, therefore, can
perform tasks independent of the PowerPC core. The CP handles lower-layer
communications tasks and DMA control, freeing the core to handle higher-layer activities.
The CP works with the peripheral controllers and parallel port to implement
user-programmable protocols and manage the serial DMA (SDMA) channels that transfer
data between the I/O channels and memory. It also manages the IDMA (independent DMA)
channels and contains an internal timer used to implement up to 16 additional software
The CPÕs architecture and instruction set are optimized for data communications and data
processing required by many wire-line and wireless communications standards.
13.3.1 Features
The following is a list of the CPÕs important features.
¥ One system clock cycle per instruction
¥ 32-bit instruction object code
¥ Executes code from internal ROM or RAM
¥ 32-bit ALU data path
¥ 64-bit dual-port RAM access
¥ Optimized for communications processing
¥ Performs DMA bursting of serial data from/to dual-port RAM to/from external
13.3.2 CP Block Diagram
The CP contains the following functional units:
¥ Scheduler and sequencer
¥ Instruction decoder
¥ Execution unit
¥ Load/store unit (LSU)
¥ Block transfer unit (BTM)Ñmoves data between serial FIFO and RAM
¥ Eight general purpose registers (GPRs)
¥ Special registers, CRC machine, HDLC framer
The CP also gives SDMA commands to the SDMA. The CP interfaces with the dual-port
RAM for loading and storing data and for fetching instructions while running microcode
from dual-port RAM.
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 13-2 shows the CP block diagram.
Figure 13-2. Communications Processor (CP) Block Diagram
Block Transfer
Dual-Port RAM
Source Buses
Destination Bus
Peripherial Bus
To all units
Communications Processor (CP)
Registers Unit
Local Bus
60x Bus
13-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.3.3 PowerPC Core Interface
The CP communicates with the PowerPC core in several ways:
¥ Many parameters are exchanged through the dual-port RAM.
¥ The CP can execute special commands issued by the core. These commands should
only be issued in special situations like exceptions or error recovery.
¥ The CP generates interrupts through the SIU interrupt controller.
¥ The PowerPC core can read the CPM status/event registers at any time.
13.3.4 Peripheral Interface
The CP uses the peripheral bus to communicate with all of its peripherals. Each FCC and
each SCC has a separate receive and transmit FIFOs. The FCC FIFOs are 192 bytes. The
SCC FIFOs are 32 bytes. The SMCs, SPI, and I2C are all double-buffered, creating effective
FIFO sizes of two characters.
Table 13-2 shows the order in which the CP handles requests from peripherals from highest
to lowest priority.
Table 13-2. Peripheral Prioritization
Priority Request
1 Reset in the CPCR or SRESET
2 SDMA bus error
3 Commands issued to the CPCR
4 Emergency (from FCCs, MCCs, and SCCs)
5 IDMA[1Ð4] emulation (defaultÑoption 1)1
6 FCC1 receive
7 FCC1 transmit
8 MCC1 receive
9 MCC2 receive
10 MCC1 transmit
11 MCC2 transmit
12 FCC2 receive
13 FCC2 transmit
14 FCC3 receive
15 FCC3 transmit
16 SCC1 receive
17 SCC1 transmit
18 SCC2 receive
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.3.5 Execution from RAM
The CP has an option to execute microcode from a portion of user RAM located in the dual-
port RAM. In this mode, the CP fetches instructions from both the dual-port RAM and its
own private ROM. This mode allows Motorola to add new protocols or enhancements to
the MPC8260 in the form of RAM microcode packages. If preferred, the user can obtain
binary microcode from Motorola and load it into the dual-port RAM.
13.3.6 RISC Controller ConÞguration Register (RCCR)
The RISC controller conÞguration register (RCCR) conÞgures the CP to run microcode
from ROM or RAM and controls the CPÕs internal timer.
19 SCC2 transmit
20 SCC3 receive
21 SCC3 transmit
22 SCC4 receive
23 SCC4 transmit
24 IDMA[1Ð4] emulation (option 2)1
25 SMC1 receive
26 SMC1 transmit
27 SMC2 receive
28 SMC2 transmit
29 SPI receive
30 SPI transmit
31 I2C receive
32 I2C transmit
33 RISC timer table
34 IDMA[1Ð4] emulation (option 3)1
1The priority of each IDMA channel is programmed independently. See the
RCCR[DRxQP] description in Section 13.3.6, ÒRISC Controller ConÞguration
Register (RCCR).Ó
Table 13-2. Peripheral Prioritization (Continued)
Priority Request
13-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
RCCR bit Þelds are described in Table 13-3.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x119C4
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0X119C6
Figure 13-3. RISC Controller Configuration Register (RCCR)
Table 13-3. RISC Controller Configuration Register Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 TIME Timer enable. Enables the CP internal timer that generates a tick to the CP based on the value
programmed into the TIMEP Þeld. TIME can be modiÞed at any time to start or stop the scanning of
the RISC timer tables.
1 Ñ Reserved
2Ð7 TIMEP Timer period controls the CP timer tick. The RISC timer tables are scanned on each timer tick and
the input to the timer tick generator is the general system clock (133/166MHZ) divided by 1,024.
The formula is (TIMEP + 1) ´ 1,024 = (general system clock period). Thus, a value of 0 stored in
these bits gives a timer tick of 1 ´ (1,024) = 1,024 general system clocks and a value of 63
(decimal) gives a timer tick of 64 ´ (1,024) = 65,536 general system clocks.
8, 9,
24, 25
DRxM IDMAx request mode. Controls the IDMA request x (DREQx) sensitivity mode. DREQx is used to
activate IDMA channel x. See Section 18.7, ÒIDMA Interface Signals.Ó
0 DREQx is edge sensitive (according to EDMx).
1 DREQx is level sensitive.
DRxQP IDMAx request priority. Controls the priority of DREQx relative to the communications controllers.
See Section 18.7, ÒIDMA Interface Signals.Ó
00 DREQx has more priority than the communications controllers (default).
01 DREQx has less priority than the communications controllers (option 2).
10 DREQx has the lowest priority (option 3).
11 Reserved
12 EIE External interrupt enable. When EIE is set, DREQ1 acts as an external interrupt to the CP.
ConÞgure as instructed in the download process of a Motorola-supplied RAM microcode package.
0 DREQ1 cannot interrupt the CP.
1 DREQ1 will interrupt the CP.
13 SCD Scheduler conÞguration. ConÞgure as instructed in the download process of a Motorola-supplied
RAM microcode package.
0 Normal operation.
1 Alternate conÞguration of the scheduler.
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.3.7 RISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR)
The RISC time-stamp control register (RTSCR), shown in Figure 13-4, conÞgures the
RISC time-stamp timer (RTSR). The time-stamp timer is used by the ATM and the HDLC
controllers. For application examples, see Section 29.5.3, ÒABR Flow Control Setup,Ó and
Section 31.6, ÒHDLC Mode Register (FPSMR).Ó
16Ð18 ERAM Enable RAM microcode. ConÞgure as instructed in the download process of a Motorola-supplied
RAM microcode package.
000 Disable microcode program execution from the dual-port RAM.
001 Microcode uses the Þrst 2 Kbytes of the dual-port RAM.
010 Microcode uses the Þrst 4 Kbytes of the dual-port RAM.
011 Microcode uses the Þrst 6 Kbytes of the dual-port RAM.
100 Microcode uses the Þrst 8 Kbytes of the dual-port RAM.
101 Microcode uses the Þrst 10 Kbytes of the dual-port RAM.
110 Microcode uses the Þrst 12 Kbytes of the dual-port RAM.
111 Reserved
19 Ñ Reserved
20, 21,
22, 23
EDMxEdge detect mode. DREQx asserts as follows:
0 Low-to-high change
1 High-to-low change
28 DEM12 Edge detect mode for DONE[1, 2] for IDMA[1, 2]. See Section 18.7.2, ÒDONEx.Ó DONE[1, 2]
asserts as follows:
0 High-to-low change
1 Low-to-high change
29 DEM34 Edge detect mode for DONE[3, 4] for IDMA[3, 4]. See Section 18.7.2, ÒDONEx.Ó DONE[3, 4]
asserts as follows:
0 High-to-low change
1 Low-to-high change
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ RTE RTPS (Timer Prescale)
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x119DC
Figure 13-4. RISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR)
Table 13-3. RISC Controller Configuration Register Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
13-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 13-4 describes RTSCR Þelds.
13.3.8 RISC Time-Stamp Register (RTSR)
The RISC time-stamp register (RTSR), shown in Figure 13-5, contains the time stamp.
After reset, setting RTSCR[RTE] causes the time stamp to start counting microseconds
from zero.
13.3.9 RISC Microcode Revision Number
The CP writes a revision number stored in its ROM to an dual-port RAM location called
REV_NUM that resides in the miscellaneous parameter RAM. The other locations are
reserved for future use.
Table 13-4. RTSCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð4 Ñ Reserved
5 RTE Time stamp enable.
0 Disable time-stamp timer.
1 Enable time-stamp timer.
6Ð15 RTPS Time-stamp timer pre-scale. Must be programmed to generate a 1-µs period input clock to the
time-stamp timer. (Time-stamp frequency = (CPM frequency)/(RTPS+2)
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Time Stamp
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x119E0
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Time Stamp
Reset Ñ
Addr 0X119E2
Figure 13-5. RISC Time-Stamp Register (RTSR)
Table 13-5. RISC Microcode Revision Number
Address Name Width Description
RAM Base + 0x8AF0 REV_NUM Hword Microcode revision number
RAM Base + 0x8AF2 Ñ Hword Reserved
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.4 Command Set
The core issues commands to the CP by writing to the CP command register (CPCR). The
CPCR rarely needs to be accessed. For example, to terminate the transmission of an SCCÕs
frame without waiting until the end, a STOP TX command must be issued through the CP
command register (CPCR).
13.4.1 CP Command Register (CPCR)
The core should set CPCR[FLG], shown in Figure 13-6, when it issues a command and the
CP clears FLG after completing the command, thus indicating to the core that it is ready for
the next command. Subsequent commands to the CPCR can be given only after FLG is
clear. However, the software reset command issued by setting RST does not depend on the
state of FLG, but the core should still set FLG when setting RST.
Table 13-6 describes CPCR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field RST PAGE Sub-block code (SBC) Ñ FLG
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x119CE
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Ñ MCC channel number (MCN) Ñ OPCODE
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x119D0
Figure 13-6. CP Command Register (CPCR)
Table 13-6. CP Command Register Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 RST Software reset command. Set by the core and cleared by the CP. When this command is
executed, RST and FLG bit are cleared within two general system clocks. The CPM reset routine
is approximately 60 clocks long, but the user can begin initialization of the CPM immediately after
this command is issued.
RST is useful when the core wants to reset the registers and parameters for all the channels
(FCCs, SCCs, SMCs, SPI, I2C, MCC) as well as the CP and RISC timer tables. However, this
command does not affect the serial interface (SIx) or parallel I/O registers.
1Ð5 PAGE Indicates the parameter RAM page number associated with the sub-block being served. See the
SBC description for page numbers.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
6Ð10 SBC Sub-block code. Set by the core to specify the sub-block on which the command is to operate.
Sub-block Code Page Sub-block Code Page
FCC1 10000
(for ATM: 01110)
00100 SPI 01010 01001
FCC2 10001
(for ATM: 01110)
00101 I2C 01011 01010
FCC3 10010 00110 Timer 01111 01010
SCC1 00100 00000 MCC1 11100 00111
SCC2 00101 00001 MCC2 11101 01000
SCC3 00110 00010 IDMA1 10100 00111
SCC4 00111 00011 IDMA2 10101 01000
SMC1 01000 00111 IDMA3 10110 01001
SMC2 01001 01000 IDMA4 10111 01010
RAND 01110 01010
11Ð14 Ñ Reserved
15 FLG Command semaphore ßag. Set by the core and cleared by the CP.
0 The CP is ready to receive a new command.
1 The CPCR contains a command that the CP is currently processing. The CP clears this bit at
the end of command execution or after reset.
16Ð17 Ñ Reserved
18Ð25 MCN MCC channel number. SpeciÞes the channel number in the case of an MCC command.
In FCC protocols, this Þeld contains the protocol code as follows:
0x00 HDLC
0x0A ATM
0x0C Ethernet
0x0F Transparent
26-27 Ñ Reserved
28Ð31 OPCODE Operation code. Settings are listed in Table 13-7 below.
Table 13-6. CP Command Register Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module CP Commands
The CP command opcodes are shown in Table 13-7.
Table 13-7. CP Command Opcodes
(GCI) SPI I2C IDMA MCC Timer Special
0001 INIT RX
0010 INIT TX
0111 CLOSE
1001 Ñ Ñ Ñ GCI
1010 ATM
1011 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ STOP
11XX UndeÞned. Reserved for use by Motorola-supplied RAM microcodes.
13-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The commands in Table 13-7 are described in Table 13-8.
Table 13-8. Command Descriptions
Command Description
Initialize transmit and receive parameters. Initializes the transmit and receive parameters in the
parameter RAM to the values that they had after the last reset of the CP. This command is especially
useful when switching protocols on a given peripheral controller.
Initialize receive parameters. Initializes the receive parameters of the peripheral controller. Note that for
the MCCs, issuing this command initializes only 32 channels at a time; see Section 27.9, ÒMCC
Initialize transmit parameters. Initializes the transmit parameters of the peripheral controller. Note that
for the MCCs, issuing this command initializes only 32 channels at a time; see Section 27.9, ÒMCC
Enter hunt mode. Causes the receiver to stop receiving and begin looking for a new frame. The exact
operation of this command may vary depending on the protocol used.
STOP TX Stop transmission. Aborts the transmission from this channel as soon as the transmit FIFO has been
emptied. It should be used in cases where transmission needs to be stopped as quickly as possible.
Transmission proceeds when the RESTART command is issued.
Graceful stop transmission. Stops the transmission from this channel as soon as the current frame has
been fully transmitted from the transmit FIFO. Transmission proceeds when the RESTART command is
issued and the R-bit is set in the next TxBD.
RESTART TX Restart transmission. Once the STOP TX command has been issued, this command is used to restart
transmission at the current BD.
CLOSE RXBD Close RxBD. Causes the receiver to close the current RxBD, making the receive buffer immediately
available for manipulation by the user. Reception continues using the next available BD. Can be used to
access the buffer without waiting until the buffer is completely Þlled by the SCC.
START IDMA See Section 18.9, ÒIDMA Commands.Ó
STOP IDMA See Section 18.9, ÒIDMA Commands.Ó
SET TIMER Set timer. Activates, deactivates, or reconÞgures one of the 16 timers in the RISC timer table.
Set group address. Sets a bit in the hash table for the Ethernet logical group address recognition
GCI abort request. The GCI receiver sends an abort request on the E-bit.
GCI TIMEOUT GCI time-out. The GCI performs the timeout function.
RESET BCS Reset block check sequence. Used in BISYNC mode to reset the block check sequence calculation.
See Section 27.9, ÒMCC Commands.Ó
See Section 27.9, ÒMCC Commands.Ó
ATM TRANSMIT See Section 29.14, ÒATM Transmit Command.Ó
Generate a random number and put it in dual-port RAM; see RAND in Table 13-10.
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.4.2 Command Register Example
To perform a complete reset of the CP, the value 0x8001_0000 should be written to the
CPCR. Following this command, the CPCR returns the value 0x0000_0000 after two
13.4.3 Command Execution Latency
The worst-case command execution latency is 200 clocks and the typical command
execution latency is about 40 clocks.
13.5 Dual-Port RAM
The CPM has 24 Kbytes of static RAM. Figure 13-7 is a block diagram of the dual-port
Figure 13-7. Dual-Port RAM Block Diagram
The dual-port RAM can be accessed by the following:
¥ CP load/store unit
¥ CP block transfer module (BTM)
¥ CP instruction fetcher (when executing microcode from RAM)
¥ PowerPCª 60x slave
¥ SDMA 60x bus
¥ SDMA local bus
Figure 13-8 shows the memory map of the dual-port RAM.
Slave Address
CP Instruction Address
CP Data Address
24 KBytes
Dual-Port RAM
(BDs, Buffers
and Microcode)
DMA (60x) Address
DMA (Local) Address
BTM Address
Slave Data
CP Instruction
CP Data
DMA (60x) Data
DMA (Local) Data
BTM Data
13-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 13-8. Dual-Port RAM Memory Map
The dual-port RAM data bus is 64-bits wide. The RAM is used for six possible tasks:
¥ To store parameters associated with the FCCs, SCCs, MCCs, SMCs, SPI, I2C, and
IDMAs in the parameter RAM.
¥ To store buffer descriptors (BDs).
¥ To hold data buffers (optional because data can also be stored in external memory).
¥ For temporary storage of FCC data moving to/from an FCC FIFO (using the BTM)
from/to external memory (using SDMA).
¥ To store RAM microcode for the CP. This feature allows Motorola to add protocols
in the future.
¥ For additional scratch-pad RAM space for user software.
The RAM is designed to serve multiple requests at the same cycle, as long as they are not
in the same bank.
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #2
2 KBytes
Bank #3
2 KBytes
Bank #4
2 KBytes
Bank #5
2 KBytes
Bank #6
2 KBytes
Bank #7
2 KBytes
Bank #8
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
Parameter RAM
2 KBytes
Bank #9
Parameter RAM
2 KBytes
Bank #10
2 KBytes
Bank #11
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
2 KBytes
Bank #1
FCC Data
2 KBytes
Bank #11
FCC Data
2 KBytes
Bank #12
Reserved Reserved
(Partially Reserved)
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Only the parameters in the parameter RAM and the microcode RAM option require Þxed
addresses to be used. The BDs, buffer data, and scratchpad RAM can be located in the dual-
port system RAM or in any unused parameter RAM, such as, in the area made available
when a peripheral controller or sub-block is not being used.
Microcode can be executed from the Þrst 12 Kbytes. To ensure an uninterrupted instruction
stream (one per cycle), no other agent is allowed to use a RAM bank used by the microcode.
Since the Þrst 12 Kbytes are divided to six 2-Kbyte banks, RAM microcode occupies 2, 4,
6, 8, 10, or 12 Kbytes of RAM, depending on RCCR[ERAM]; see Section 13.3.6, ÒRISC
Controller ConÞguration Register (RCCR).Ó
13.5.1 Buffer Descriptors (BDs)
The peripheral controllers (FCCs, SCCs, SMCs, MCCs, SPI, and I2C) always use BDs for
controlling buffers and their BD formats are all the same, as shown in Table 13-9.
If the IDMA is used in the buffer chaining or auto-buffer mode, the IDMA channel also uses
BDs. They are described in Section 18.3, ÒIDMA Emulation.Ó
13.5.2 Parameter RAM
The CPM maintains a section of RAM called the parameter RAM, which contains many
parameters for the operation of the FCCs, SCCs, SMCs, SPI, I2C, and IDMA channels. An
overview of the parameter RAM structure is shown in Table 13-10.
The exact deÞnition of the parameter RAM is contained in each protocol subsection
describing a device that uses a parameter RAM. For example, the Ethernet parameter RAM
is deÞned differently in some locations from the HDLC-speciÞc parameter RAM.
Table 13-9. Buffer Descriptor Format
Address Descriptor
Offset + 0 Status and control
Offset + 2 Data length
Offset + 4 High-order buffer pointer
Offset + 6 Low-order buffer pointer
13-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.6 RISC Timer Tables
The CP can control up to 16 software timers that are separate from the four general-purpose
timers and the BRGs in the CPM. These timers are best used in protocols that do not require
extreme precision, but in which it is preferable to free the core from scanning the softwareÕs
Table 13-10. Parameter RAM
Page Address 1
1Offset from RAM_BASE
Peripheral Size (Bytes)
1 0x8000 SCC1 256
2 0x8100 SCC2 256
3 0x8200 SCC3 256
4 0x8300 SCC4 256
5 0x8400 FCC1 256
6 0x8500 FCC2 256
7 0x8600 FCC3 256
8 0x8700 MCC1 128
0x8780 Reserved 124
0x87FC SMC1_BASE 2
9 0x8800 MCC2 128
0x8880 Reserved 124
0x88FC SMC2_BASE 2
10 0x8900 Reserved 252
11 0x8A00 Reserved 224
0x8AE0 RISC Timers 16
0x8AF0 REV_NUM 2
0x8AF2 Reserved 2
0x8AF4 Reserved 4
0x8AF8 RAND 4
12-16 0x8B00 Reserved 1280
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
timer tables. These timers are clocked from an internal timer that only the CP uses. The
following is a list of the RISC timer tables important features.
¥ Supports up to 16 timers.
¥ Two timer modes: one-shot and restart.
¥ Maskable interrupt on timer expiration.
¥ Programmable timer resolution as Þne as 7.7µs at 133 MHz (6.17 µs at 166 MHz).
¥ Maximum timeout period of 31.8 seconds at 133 MHz (25.5 seconds at 166 MHz).
¥ Continuously updated reference counter.
All operations on the RISC timer tables are based on a fundamental tick of the CPÕs internal
timer that is programmed in the RCCR. The tick is a multiple of 1,024 general system
clocks; see Section 13.3.6, ÒRISC Controller ConÞguration Register (RCCR).Ó
The RISC timer tables have the lowest priority of all CP operations. Therefore, if the CP is
so busy with other tasks that it does not have time to service the timer during a tick interval,
one or more timer may not be updated accurately. This behavior can be used to estimate the
worst-case loading of the CP; see Section 13.6.10, ÒUsing the RISC Timers to Track CP
The timer table is conÞgured using the RCCR, the timer table parameter RAM, and the
RISC controller timer event/mask registers (RTER/RTMR), and by issuing SET TIMER to
the CPCR.
13.6.1 RISC Timer Table Parameter RAM
Two areas of dual-port RAM, shown in Figure 13-9, are used for the RISC timer tables:
¥ The RISC timer table parameter RAM
¥ The RISC timer table entries
Figure 13-9. RISC Timer Table RAM Usage
Timer Table
(Up to 64 Bytes)
Timer Table
Parameter RAM
Timer Table Base Pointer
13-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The RISC timer table parameter RAM area begins at the RISC timer base address and is
used for the general timer parameters; see Table 13-11.
13.6.2 RISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD)
Figure 13-10 shows the RISC timer command register (TM_CMD).
Table 13-11. RISC Timer Table Parameter RAM
1Offset from timer base address (0x8AE0)
Name Description
0x00 TM_BASE RISC timer table base address. The actual timers are a small block of memory in the dual-port
RAM. TM_BASE is the offset from the beginning of the dual-port RAM where that block resides.
Four bytes must be reserved at the TM_BASE for each timer used, (64 bytes if all 16 timers are
used). If fewer than 16 timers are used, timers should be allocated in ascending order to save
space. For example, only 8 bytes are required if two timers are needed and RISC timers 0 and 1
are enabled. TM_BASE should be word-aligned.
0x02 TM_PTR RISC timer table pointer. This value is used exclusively by the CP to point to the next timer
accessed in the timer table. It should not be modiÞed by the user.
0x04 R_TMR RISC timer mode register. This value is used exclusively by the CP to store the mode of the
timerÑone-shot (bit is 0) or restart (bit is 1). R_TMR should not be modiÞed by the user. The
SET TIMER command should be used instead.
0x06 R_TMV RISC timer valid register. Used exclusively by the CP to determine if a timer is currently
enabled. If the corresponding timer is enabled, a bit is 1. R_TMV should not be modiÞed by the
user. The SET TIMER command should be used instead.
0x08 TM_CMD RISC timer command register. Used as a parameter location when the SET TIMER command is
issued. The user should write this location before issuing the SET TIMER command. This register
is deÞned in Section 13.6.2, ÒRISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD).Ó
0x0C TM_CNT RISC timer internal count. A tick counter that the CP updates after each tick. The update occurs
after the CP complete scanning the timer table.All 16 timers are scanned every tick interval
regardless of whether any of them is enabled.It is updated if the CPÕs internal timer is enabled,
regardless of whether any of the 16 timers are enabled and it can be used to track the number
of ticks the CP receives and responds to.TM_CNT is updated only after the last timer (timer 15)
has been serviced. If the CP is so busy with other tasks that it does not have time to service all
the timers during a tick interval, and timer 15 has not been serviced, then TM_CNT would not
be updated in that tick interval.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field VR ÑTN
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Figure 13-10. RISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD)
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
TM_CMD Þelds are described in Figure 13-11.
13.6.3 RISC Timer Table Entries
The 16 timers are located in the block of memory following the TM_BASE location; each
timer occupies 4 bytes. The Þrst half-word forms the initial value of the timer written during
the execution of the SET TIMER command and the next half-word is the current value of the
timer that is decremented until it reaches zero. These locations should not be modiÞed by
the user. They are documented only as a debugging aid for user code. Use the SET TIMER
command to initialize table values.
13.6.4 RISC Timer Event Register (RTER)/Mask Register (RTMR)
The RTER is used to report events recognized by the 16 timers and to generate interrupts.
RTER can be read at any time. Bits are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros does not affect
bit values.
The RISC timer mask register (RTMR) is used to enable interrupts that can be generated in
the RTER. Setting an RTMR bit enables the corresponding interrupt in the RTER; clearing
a bit masks the corresponding interrupt. An interrupt is generated only if the RISC timer
table bit is set in the SIU interrupt mask register; see Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Mask
Registers (SIMR_H and SIMR_L).Ó
Figure 13-11. TM_CMD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0VValid. This bit should be set to enable the timer and cleared to disable it.
1RRestart. Should be set for an automatic restart or cleared for a one-shot operation of the timer.
2Ð11 Ñ Reserved. These bits should be written with zeros.
12Ð15 TN Timer number. A value from 0Ð15 signifying which timer to useÑan offset into the timer table entries.
16Ð31 TP Timer period. The 16-bit timeout value of the timer is zero-based. The minimum value is 1 and is
programmed by writing 0x0000 to the timer period.The maximum value of the timer is 65,536 and is
programmed by writing 0xFFFF.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field TMR1
Addr 0x119D6 (RTER)/0x119DA (RTMR)
Figure 13-12. RISC Timer Event Register (RTER)/Mask Register (RTMR)
13-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.6.5 SET TIMER Command
The SET TIMER command is used to enable, disable, and conÞgure the 16 timers in the RISC
timer table and is issued to the CPCR. This means the value 0x29E1008 should be written
to CPCR. However, before writing this value, the user should program the TM_CMD Þelds.
See Section 13.6.2, ÒRISC Timer Command Register (TM_CMD).Ó
13.6.6 RISC Timer Initialization Sequence
The following sequence initializes the RISC timers:
1. ConÞgure RCCR to determine the preferred tick interval for the entire timer table.
The TIME bit is normally set at this time but can be set later if all RISC timers need
to be synchronized.
2. Determine the maximum number of timers to be located in the timer table.
ConÞgure the TM_BASE in the RISC timer table parameter RAM to point to a
location in the dual-port RAM with 4 ´ n bytes available, where n is the number of
timers. If n is less than 16, use timer 0 through timer nÐ1 to save space.
3. Clear the TM_CNT Þeld in the RISC timer table parameter RAM to show how many
ticks elapsed since the RISC internal timer was enabled. This step is optional.
4. Clear RTER, if it is not already cleared. Write ones to clear this register.
5. ConÞgure RTMR to enable the timers that should generate interrupts. Ones enable
6. Set the RISC timer table bit in the SIU interrupt mask register (SIMR_L[RTT]) to
generate interrupts to the system. The SIU interrupt controller may require other
initialization not mentioned here.
7. ConÞgure the TM_CMD Þeld of the RISC timer table parameter RAM. At this
point, determine whether a timer is to be enabled or disabled, one-shot or restart, and
what its timeout period should be. If the timer is being disabled, the parameters
(other than the timer number) are ignored.
8. Issue the SET TIMER command by writing 0x29E1_0008 to the CPCR.
9. Repeat the preceding two steps for each timer to be enabled or disabled.
13.6.7 RISC Timer Initialization Example
The following sequence initializes RISC timer 0 to generate an interrupt approximately
every second using a 133-MHz general system clock:
1. Write 111111 to RCCR[TIMEP] to generate the slowest clock. This value generates
a tick every 64,512 clocks, which is every 485 µs at 133 MHz.
2. ConÞgure the TM_BASE in the RISC timer table parameter RAM to point to a
location in the dual-port RAM with 4 bytes available. Assuming the beginning of
dual-port RAM is available, write 0x0000 to TM_BASE.
MOTOROLA Chapter 13. Communications Processor Module Overview 13-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
3. (Optional) Write 0x0000 to the TM_CNT Þeld in the RISC timer table parameter
RAM to see how many ticks elapsed since the RISC internal timer was enabled.
4. Write 0xFFFF to the RTER to clear any previous events.
5. Write 0x0001 to the RTMR to enable RISC timer 0 to generate an interrupt.
6. Write 0x0002_0000 to the SIU interrupt mask register (SIMR_L) to allow the RISC
timers to generate a system interrupt. Initialize the SIU interrupt conÞguration
7. Write 0xC000_080D to the TM_CMD Þeld of the RISC timer table parameter
RAM. This enables RISC timer 0 to timeout after 2,061(decimal) ticks of the timer.
The timer automatically restarts after it times out.
8. Write 0x29E1_0008 to the CPCR to issue the SET TIMER command.
9. Set RCCR[TIME] to enable the RISC timer to begin operation.
13.6.8 RISC Timer Interrupt Handling
The following sequence describes what normally would occur within an interrupt handler
for the RISC timer tables:
1. Once an interrupt occurs, read RTER to see which timers have caused interrupts. The
RISC timer event bits are usually cleared by this time.
2. Issue additional SET TIMER commands at this time or later, as preferred. Nothing
needs to be done if the timer is being automatically restarted for a repetitive
3. Clear the RTT bit in the SIU interrupt pending register (SIPNR_L).
4. Execute the RTE instruction.
13.6.9 RISC Timer Table Scan Algorithm
The CP scans the timer table once every tick. It handles each of the 16 timers at its turn and
checks for other requests with higher priority to service, before handling the next one. For
each valid timer in the table, the CP decrements the count and checks for a timeout. If none
occurs, the CP moves to the next timer. If a timeout occurs, the CP sets the corresponding
event bit in RTER. Then the CP checks to see if the timer is to be restarted and if it is, the
CP leaves the timerÕs valid bit set in the R_TMV location and resets the current count to the
initial count. Otherwise, it clears R_TMV. Once the timer table scanning has completed, the
CP updates the TM_CNT value in the RISC timer table parameter RAM and stops working
on the timer tables until the next tick.
If a SET TIMER command is issued, the CP makes the appropriate modiÞcations to the timer
table and parameter RAM, but does not scan the timer table until the next tick of the internal
timer. It is important to use the SET TIMER command to properly synchronize timer table
modiÞcations to the execution of the CP.
13-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13.6.10 Using the RISC Timers to Track CP Loading
The RISC timers can be used to track CP loading. The following sequence provides a way
to use the 16 RISC timers to determine if the CP ever exceeds the 96% utilization level
during any tick interval. Removing the timers adds a 4% margin to the CP utilization level,
but the aggressive user can use this technique to push CP performance to its limit. The user
should use the standard initialization sequence and incorporate the following differences:
1. Program the tick of the RISC timers to be every 1,024 x 16 = 16,384 system clocks.
2. Disable RISC timer interrupts, if preferred.
3. Using the SET TIMER command, initialize all 16 RISC timers to have a timer period
of 0xFFFF, which equates to 65,536.
4. Program one of the four general-purpose timers to increment once every tick. The
general-purpose timer should be free-running and should have a timeout of 65,536.
5. After a few hours of operation, compare the general-purpose timer to the current
count of RISC timer 15. If it is more than two ticks different from the
general-purpose timer, the CP has, during some tick interval, exceeded the 96%
utilization level.
General-purpose timers are up counters, but RISC timers are
down counters. The user should take this under consideration
when comparing timer counts.
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-1
Chapter 14
Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
Figure 14-1 shows a block diagram of the TSA. Two SI blocks in the MPC8260 (SI1 and
SI2), can be programmed to handle eight TDM lines concurrently with the same ßexibility
described in this manual. TDM channels on SI1 are referred to as TDMa1, TDMb1,
TDMc1, TDMd1; TDM channels on SI2 are TDMa2, TDMb2, TDMc2, TDMd2.
14-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-1. SI Block Diagram
If the time-slot assigner (TSA) is not used as intended, it can be used to generate complex
wave forms on dedicated output pins. For instance, it can program these pins to implement
stepper motor control or variable-duty cycle and period control on-the-ßy.
Assigner (TSA)
R clocks
T clocks
R clocks
T clocks
R sync
T sync
TDM A, B, C, D
TDM A, B, C, D
Peripheral Bus
Nonmultiplexed Serial Interface (NMSI) Pins
Channel #
Rx Rx
16 8
The CPM mux and the MCCs are not part of the SI.
(See their respective chapters for details.)
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
14.1 Features
Each SI has the following features:
¥ Can connect to four independent TDM channels. Each TDM can be one of the
Ñ T1 or E1 line
Ñ Integrated services digital network primary rate (PRI)
Ñ An ISDN basic rateÐinterchip digital link (IDL) channel in up to four TDM
channelsÑeach IDL channel requires support from a separate SCC
Ñ ISDN basic rateÐgeneral circuit interface (GCI) in up to two TDM channelsÑ
each GCI channel requires support from a separate SMC
Ñ E3 or DS3 clear channel (on TDMa only)
Ñ User-deÞned interfaces
¥ Independent, programmable transmit and receive routing paths
¥ Independent transmit and receive frame syncs allowed
¥ Independent transmit and receive clocks allowed
¥ Selection of rising/falling clock edges for the frame sync and data bits
¥ Supports 1´ and 2´ input clocks (1 or 2 clocks per data bit)
¥ Selectable delay (0Ð3 bits) between frame sync and frame start
¥ Four programmable strobe outputs and four (2´) clock output pins
¥ 1- or 8-bit resolution in routing, masking, and strobe selection
¥ Supports frames up to 16,384 bits long
¥ Internal routing and strobe selection can be dynamically programmed
¥ Supports automatic echo and loopback mode for each TDM
¥ Supports parallel-nibble interface for E3 or DS3 on TDMa channel
For the MCC route, the SI performs the following features:
¥ Up to 128 independent communication channels (64-Kbps per channel)
¥ Arbitrary mapping of any TDM time slots
¥ Can connect up to four independent TDM channels. Each TDM channel can support
up to 128 channels (all four channels can support up to 128 channels together).
¥ Independent mapping for receive/transmit
¥ Individual channel echo or loop mode
¥ Global echo or loop mode through the SI
14-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
14.2 Overview
The TSA implements both internal route selection and time-division multiplexing (TDM)
for multiplexed serial channels. The TSA supports the serial bus rate and format for most
standard TDM buses, including T1 and E1 highways, pulse-code modulation (PCM)
highway, and the ISDN buses in both basic and primary rates. The two popular ISDN basic
rate buses (interchip digital link (IDL) and general-circuit interface (GCI), also known as
IOM-2) are supported.
Because each SI supports four TDMs, it is possible to simultaneously support a
combination of up to eight T1 or E1 lines, and basic rate or primary rate ISDN channels.
The TDMa channel can support E3 or DS-3 rates as a clear channel in either a parallel-
nibble or serial interface.
TSA programming is independent of the protocol used. The serial controllers can be
programmed for any synchronous protocol without affecting TSA programming. The TSA
simply routes programmed portions of the received data frame from the TDM pins to the
target controller, while the target controller handles the received data in the actual protocol.
In its simplest mode, the TSA identiÞes the frame using one sync pulse and one clock signal
provided externally by the user. This can be enhanced to allow independent routing of the
receive and transmit data on the TDM. Additionally, the deÞnition of a time-slot need not
be limited to 8 bits or even to a single contiguous position within the frame. Finally, the user
can provide separate receive and transmit syncs as well as clocks. Figure 14-2 shows
example TSA conÞgurations ranging from the simplest to the most complex.
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-2. Various Configurations of a Single TDM Channel
Simplest TDM example
Slot 2
Slot N
1 TDM Sync
1 TDM Clock
Slot 1
Slot 3
More complex TDM exampleÑunique routing
Even more complex TDM exampleÑmultiple time slot per
Most complex TDM example ÑTotally independent Rx and Tx
NOTE: The two shaded areas off SCC2 Rx are received as one high-speed data stream by SCC2 Rx
stored together in the same data buffers
channel with varying sizes of time slots
1 TDM Sync
1 TDM Clock
1 TDM Sync
1 TDM Clock
1 TDM Sync
1 TDM Clock
1 TDM Sync
1 TDM Clock
14-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
At its most ßexible, the TSA can provide four separate TDM channels, each with
independent receive and transmit routing assignments and independent sync pulse and
clock inputs. Thus, the TSA can support eight, independent, half-duplex TDM sources, four
in reception and four in transmission, using eight sync inputs and eight clock inputs.
Figure 14-3 shows a dual-channel example.
Figure 14-3. Dual TDM Channel Example
In addition to channel programming, the TSA supports up to four strobe outputs that may
be asserted on a bit or byte basis. These strobes are completely independent from the
channel routing used by the SCCs and SMCs. The strobe outputs are useful for interfacing
to other devices that do not support the multiplexed interface or for enabling/disabling
three-state I/O buffers in a multiple-transmitter architecture. Notice that open-drain
programming on the TXDx pins that supports a multiple-transmitter architecture occurs in
the parallel I/O block. These strobes can also be used for generating output wave forms to
support such applications as stepper-motor control.
Most TSA programming is done in the two 256- ´ 16-bit SIx RAMs. These SIx RAMs are
directly accessible by the core in the internal register section of the MPC8260 and are not
TDMa Rx Sync
TDMa Rx Clock
TDMb Tx Sync
TDMb Tx Clock
TDMb Rx Sync
TDMb Rx Clock
SCCs can receive on one TDM and transmit on another (SCC2 and SCC3).
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
associated with the dual-port RAM. One SIx RAM is always used to program the transmit
routing; the other is always used to program the receive routing. SIx RAMs can be used to
deÞne the number of bits/bytes to be routed to the MCC, FCC, SCC, or SMC and determine
when external strobes are to be asserted and negated.
The size of the SIx RAM available for time-slot programming depends on the userÕs
conÞguration. The user deÞnes how many of the 256 entries are related to each TDM. The
resolution of the division is by fractions of 32. If on-the-ßy changes are allowed, the SIx
RAM entries are reduced according to the userÕs programming. The maximum frame length
that can be supported in any conÞguration is 16,384 bits.
The maximum external serial clock that may be an input to the TSA is CPM CLK/3.
The SI supports two testing modesÑecho and loopback.
¥ The echo mode provides a return signal from the physical interface by retransmitting
the signal it has received. The physical interface echo mode differs from the
individual FCC or SCC echo mode in that it can operate on the entire TDM signal
rather than just on a particular serial channel.
¥ Loopback mode causes the physical interface to receive the same signal it is sending.
The SI loopback mode checks more than the individual serial loopback; it checks
both the SI and the internal channel routes.
Note that the ßexibility described in the preceding section can be applied to each of the four
TDM channels and to all serial interfaces independently.
14.3 Enabling Connections to TSA
Each serial interface can be independently enabled to connect to one of the following: TSA,
UTOPIA, MII, or dedicated external pins. Note the following:
¥ Each FCC can be connected to a dedicated MII or one of four TDMs. FCC1 can also
be connected to a 8-/16-bit UTOPIA level-2 interface; FCC2 can also be connected
to an 8-bit UTOPIA level-2 interface.
¥ Each SCC or SMC can be connected to one of four TDMs or to its own set of pins.
¥ The MCC can be connected to one of the four TDMs with different numbers of
The four TDMs are connected to four independent TDM interfaces. Figure 14-4 illustrates
the connection between the TSA and the serial interfaces. The connection is made by
programming the CPM mux. See Chapter 15, ÒCPM Multiplexing.Ó Once the connections
are made, the exact routing decisions are made in the SIx RAM.
14-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-4. Enabling Connections to the TSA
14.4 Serial Interface RAM
Each SI has a transmit RAM and a receive RAM, each with four banks of 64 halfword
entries that enable it to control TDM channel routing to all serial devices, including the
MCCs. The SIx RAMs are uninitialized after power-on reset; unwanted results can occur if
the user does not program them before enabling the multiplexed channels.
Each 16-bit SI RAM entry deÞnes the routing of 1Ð8 bits or bytes at a time. In addition to
the routing, up to four strobe pins (logic OR of four strobes in the transmit RAM and four
in receive RAM) can be asserted according to the programming of the RAMs. The four SIx
RAM banks can be conÞgured in many different ways to support various TDM channels.
The user can deÞne the size of each SIx RAM that is related to a certain TDM channel by
programming the starting bank of that TDM. Programming the starting shadow bank
address, described in Section 14.5.3, ÒSIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR),Ó
determines whether this RAM has a shadow for changing SIx RAM entries while the TDM
channel is active. This reduces the number of available SIx RAM entries for that TDM.
SIx RAM Time-Slot
TDM a,b,c,d Enable = 1
TDM a Pins
TDM b Pins
TDM c Pins
TDM d Pins
FC1 = 0
FC2 = 0
FC3 = 0
SCC1 pins
SC1 = 0
SCC2 pins
SC2 = 0
SCC3 pins
SC3 = 0
SCC4 pins
SC4 = 0
SMC1 pins
SMC1 = 0
SMC2 pins
SMC2 = 0
TDM a channels
TDM b channels
TDM c channels
TDM d channels
In the CPM mux
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
14.4.1 One Multiplexed Channel with Static Frames
The example in Figure 14-5 shows one of many possible settings. With this conÞguration,
the SIx RAM has 256 entries for transmit data and strobe routing and 256 entries for receive
data and strobe routing. This conÞguration should be chosen only when one TDM is
required and the routing on that TDM does not need to be dynamically changed. The
number of entries available in the SIx RAM is determined by the user.
Figure 14-5. One TDM Channel with Static Frames and Independent Rx and Tx
14.4.2 One Multiplexed Channel with Dynamic Frames
In the conÞguration shown in Figure 14-6, one multiplexed channel has 256 entries for
transmit data and strobe routing and 256 entries for receive data and strobe routing. Each
RAM has two sections, the current-route RAM and a shadow RAM for changing serial
routing dynamically.
After programming the shadow RAM, the user sets SIxCMDR[CSRxn] for the associated
channel. When the next frame sync arrives, the SI automatically exchanges the current-
route RAM for the shadow RAM. See Section 14.4.5, ÒStatic and Dynamic Routing.Ó
256 Entries
Framing Signals
SIx RAM address:
256 Entries
1024 L1RCLKax
bits wide)
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-6. One TDM Channel with Shadow RAM for Dynamic Route Change
This conÞguration should be chosen when only one TDM is needed, but dynamic rerouting
may be needed on that TDM. Similarly, for two TDM channels, the number of SI
entries are reduced for every TDM channel programmed for shadow mode.
14.4.3 Programming SI
RAM Entries
The programming of each entry in the SI
RAM determines the routing of the serial bits (or
bit groups) and the assertion of strobe outputs. If MCC is set, the entry refers to the
corresponding MCC; otherwise, it refers to other serial controllers. Figure 14-7 shows the
entry Þelds for both cases.
When MCC = 0, the SI
RAM entry Þelds function as described in Table 14-1.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Addr See Chapter 3, ÒMemory Map.Ó
Figure 14-7. SI
RAM Entry Fields
128 Entries
Framing Signals
RAM Address:
128 Entries
Bits Wide)
Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 14-1. SI
RAM Entry (MCC = 0)
Bits Name Description
0 MCC The entry controls the functionality of the other bits in the SI
RAM entry.
0 The entry refers to other serial controllers (FCCs, SCCs, SMC, according to the CSEL Þeld).
1 The entry refers to the MCC.
1 SWTR Switch Tx and Rx. Valid only in the receive route RAM and ignored in the transmit route RAM. SWTR
affects the operation of both L1RXD and L1TXD. SWTR is set only in special situations where the
user prefers to receive data from a transmit pin and transmit data on a receive pin. For instance,
where devices A and B are connected to the same TDM, each with different time-slots. Normally,
there is no opportunity for stations A and B to communicate with each other directly over the TDM,
because they both receive the same TDM receive data and transmit on the same TDM transmit
0 Normal operation of L1TXD and L1RXD.
1 Data for this entry is sent on L1RXD and received from L1TXD.
See Figure 14-8 for details.
2Ð5 SSELx Strobe select. There are four strobes available that can be assigned to the receive RAM and
asserted/negated with the received clock of this TDM channel (L1RCLKx). They can also be assigned
to the transmit RAM and asserted/negated with the transmit clock of this TDM channel (L1TCLKx).
Each bit corresponds to the value the strobe should have during this bit/byte group. There are four
strobe pins for all eight strobe bits in the SI
RAM entries, so the value on a strobe pin is the logical
OR of the Rx and Tx RAM entry strobe bit.s Multiple strobes can be asserted simultaneously. A
strobe conÞgured to be asserted in consecutive SI
RAM entries remains continuously asserted for
both entries. A strobe asserted on the last entry in a table is negated after the last entry is processed.
Note: Each strobe is changed with the corresponding RAM clock and is output only if the
corresponding parallel I/O is conÞgured as a dedicated pin. If a strobe is programmed to be asserted
in more than one set of entries (the SI route entries for more then one TDM channel select the same
strobe), the assertion of the strobe corresponds to the logical OR of all possible sources. This use of
strobes is not useful for most applications. A given strobe should be selected in only one set of SI
RAM entries.
6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7Ð10 CSEL Channel select
0000 The bit/byte group is not supported by the MPC8260. The transmit data pin is three-stated and
the receive data pin is ignored.
0001 The bit/byte group is routed to SCC1.
0010 The bit/byte group is routed to SCC2.
0011 The bit/byte group is routed to SCC3.
0100 The bit/byte group is routed to SCC4.
0101 The bit/byte group is routed to SMC1.
0110 The bit/byte group is routed to SMC2.
0111 The bit/byte group is not supported by the MPC8260. This code is also used in SCIT mode as
the D channel grant. See Section, ÒSCIT Programming.Ó
1000 Reserved.
1001 The bit/byte group is routed to FCC1.
1010 The bit/byte group is routed to FCC2.
1011 The bit/byte group is routed to FCC3.
11xx Reserved.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-8 shows how SWTR can be used.
Figure 14-8. Using the SWTR Feature
The SWTR option lets station B listen to transmissions from station A and send data to
station A. To do this, station B would set SWTR in its receive route RAM. For this entry,
receive data is taken from the L1TXD pin and data is sent on the L1RXD pin. If the user
wants to listen only to station A transmissions and not send data on L1RXD, the CSEL bits
in the corresponding transmit route RAM entry should be cleared to prevent transmission
on the L1RXD pin.
Station B can transmit data to station A by setting the SWTR bit of the entry in its receive
route RAM. Data is sent on L1RXD rather than L1TXD, according to the transmit route
RAM. Note that this conÞguration could cause collisions with other data on L1RXD unless
an available (quiet) time slot is used. To transmit on L1RXD and not receive data on
L1TXD, clear the CSEL bits in the receive route RAM.
Note that if the transmit and receive sections of the TDM do not use a common clock
source, the SWTR feature can cause erratic behavior. Note also this feature does not work
with nibble operation.
11Ð13 CNT Count. Indicates the number of bits/bytes (according to the BYT bit) that the routing and strobe select
of this entry controls. 000 = 1 bit/byte; 111= 8 bits/bytes.
14 BYT Byte resolution
0 Bit resolution. The CNT value indicates the number of bits in this group.
1 Byte resolution. The CNT value indicates the number of bytes in this group.
15 LST Last entry in the RAM. Whenever SI
RAM is used, LST must be set in one of the Tx or Rx entries of
each group. Even if all entries of a group are used, this bit must still be set in the last entry.
0 Not the last entry in this section of the route RAM.
1 Last entry in this RAM. After this entry, the SI waits for the sync signal to start the next frame.
Note that there must be only an even number of entries in an SI
RAM frame, because LST is active
only in odd-numbered entries (assuming the entry count starts with 0). Therefore, to obtain an even
number of entries, an entry may need to be split into two entries.
Table 14-1. SI
RAM Entry (MCC = 0) (Continued)
Bits Name Description
Station A
Tx Rx
Station B
Station A
Tx Tx
Station B
Tx and Rx SIx RAMn[SWTR] = 1Tx and Rx SIx RAMn[SWTR] = 0
Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
When MCC = 1, the SI
RAM entry Þelds function as described in Table 14-2.
14.4.4 SI
RAM Programming Example
This example shows how to program the RAM to support the 10-bit IDL bus. Figure 14-23
shows the 10-bit IDL bus format. In this example, the TSA supports the B1 channel with
SCC2, the D channel with SCC1, the Þrst 4 bits of the B2 channel with an external device
(using a strobe to enable the external device), and the last 4 bits of B2 with SMC1.
Additionally, the TSA marks the D channel with another strobe signal.
Table 14-2. SI
RAM Entry (MCC = 1)
Bits Name Description
0 MCC If MCC =1, the other SI
RAM entries in this table are valid:
Channel loopback or echo.
0 Normal mode of operation.
1 Operation depends on the following conÞgurations:
In the receive SI
RAM, this bit selects loopback mode for this MCC channel. The channelÕs
transmit data is sent to both the receiverÕs input and to the data output line.
In the transmit SI
RAM, this bit selects echo mode for this MCC channel. The channelÕs receive
data is sent both to the transmitterÕs line and to the receiverÕs input.
To use the loop/echo modes, program the receive and transmit SI
RAMs identically, except that
the LOOP/ECHO bit should be set in only one of the entry pairs; that is, select only one of the
modes (echo or loopback, not both) per MCC slot. Also, the receive and transmit clocks must be
2 SUPER MCC super channel enable. See Section 27.5, ÒSuper-Channel Table.Ó
0 The current entry refers to a regular channel.
1 The current entry refers to a super channel.
3Ð10 MCSEL MCC channel select. Indicates the MCC channel the bit/byte group is routed to. 0000_0000 selects
channel 0; 1111_1111, selects channel 255.
For SI1 use values 0Ð127 and for SI2 use values 128Ð255. Note that the channel programming
must be coherent with the MCCF; see Section 27.8, ÒMCC ConÞguration Registers (MCCFx).Ó
11Ð13 CNT Count.
If SUPER = 0 (normal mode), CNT indicates the number of bits/bytes (according to the BYT bit)
that the routing select of this entry controls. 000 = 1 bit/byte; 111 = 8 bits/bytes.
If SUPER = 1 (MCC super channel), CNT and BYT together indicate whether the current entry is
the Þrst byte of the MCC super channel.
CNT= 000 and BYT = 1ÑThe current entry is the Þrst byte of this MCC super channel.
CNT= 111 and BYT = 0ÑThe current entry is not the Þrst byte of this MCC super channel.
Note that because all SI
RAM entries relating to super channels must be 1-byte in resolution, only
the above two combinations of CNT and BYT are allowed when SUPER = 1.
14 BYT Byte resolution
0 Bit resolution. The CNT value indicates the number of bits in this group.
1 Byte resolution. The CNT value indicates the number of bytes in this group.
15 LST Last entry in the RAM. Whenever the SI
RAM is used, LST must be set in one of the Tx or Rx
entries of each group. Even if all entries of a group are used, LST must still be set in the last entry.
0 Not the last entry in this section of the route RAM.
1 Last entry in this RAM. After this entry, the SI waits for the sync signal to start the next frame.
Note that there must be only an even number of entries in an SI
RAM frame, because LST is
active only in odd-numbered entries (assuming the entry count starts with 0). Therefore, to obtain
an even number of entries, an entry may need to be split into two entries.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
First, divide the frame from the start (the sync) to the end of the frame according to the
support that is required:
¥ 8 bits (B1)ÑSCC2
¥ 1 bit (D)ÑSCC1 + strobe 1
¥ 1 bitÑno support
¥ 4 bits (B2)Ñstrobe 2
¥ 4 bits (B2)ÑSMC1
¥ 1 bit (D)ÑSCC1 + strobe 1
Each of these six divisions can be supported by a single SI
RAM entry. Thus, six SI
entries are needed. See Table 14-3.
Note that because IDL requires the same routing for both receive and transmit, an exact
duplicate of the above entries should be written to both the receive and transmit sections of
the SI
RAM. Then SI
MR[CRTx] can be used to instruct the SI
RAM to use the same
clock and sync to simultaneously control both sets of SI
RAM entries.
14.4.5 Static and Dynamic Routing
The SI
RAM has two operating modes for the TDMs:
¥ Static routing. The number of SI
RAM entries is determined by the banks the user
relates to the corresponding TDM and is divided into two parts (Rx and Tx). Three
requirements must be met before the new routing takes effect.
Ñ All serial devices connected to the TSA must be disabled.
Ñ SI routing can be modiÞed.
Ñ All appropriate serial devices connected to the TSA must be reenabled.
Table 14-3. SI
RAM Entry Descriptions
RAM Entry
0 0 0 0000 0010 000 1 0 8-bit SCC2
1 0 0 1000 0001 000 0 0 1-bit SCC1 strobe1
2 0 0 0000 0000 000 0 0 1-bit no support
3 0 0 0100 0000 011 0 0 4-bit strobe2
4 0 0 0000 0101 011 0 0 4-bit SMC1
5 0 0 1000 0001 000 0 1 1-bit SCC1 strobe1
Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Dynamic routing. A TDMÕs routing deÞnition can be modiÞed while FCCs, MCCs,
SCCs, or SMCs are connected to the TDM. The number of SI
RAM entries is
determined by the banks the user relates to the corresponding TDM channel and is
divided into four parts (Rx, Rx shadow, Tx, and Tx shadow).
Dynamic changes divide portions of the SI
RAM into current-route and shadow RAM.
Once the current-route RAM is programmed, the TSA and SI channels are enabled, and
TSA operation begins. When a change in routing is required, the shadow RAM must be
programmed with the new route and SI
] must be set. As a result, as soon
as the corresponding sync arrives the SI exchanges the shadow RAM with the current-route
RAM and resets CSR
to indicate that the operation is complete. At this time, the user may
change the routing again. Notice that the original current-route RAM is now the shadow
RAM and vice versa. Figure 14-9 shows an example of the shadow RAM exchange process
for two TDM channels both with half of the RAM as a shadow.
If for instance one TDM with dynamic changes is programmed to own all four banks, and
the shadow is programmed to the last two banks, the initial current-route RAM addresses
in the SI
RAM are as follows.
¥ 0Ð255: TXa route
¥ 1024Ð1279: RXa route
The initial shadow RAMs are at addresses:
¥ 256Ð511: TXa route
¥ 1280Ð1535: RXa route
The user can read any RAM at any time, but for proper SI operation the user must not
attempt to write the current-route RAM. The SI
status register (SI
STR) can be read to Þnd
out which part of the RAM is the current-route RAM. The user can also externally connect
one of the strobes to an interrupt pin to generate an interrupt on a particular SI
RAM entry
starting or ending execution by the TSA.
An example is shown in Figure 14-9.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-9. Example: SI
RAM Dynamic Changes, TDMa and b, Same SI
RAM Size
64 TXb
64 TXa 64 TXb
The TSA uses the first part of
Framing Signals:
1) Initial State
the RAM, and the shadow is
64 TXa
0 127 128 255 256 383 384 511
The user programs the
2) Programming
shadow RAM for the new
The SI swaps between
the shadow and the
Rx and Tx route and sets
the second part of the RAM.
CSRxn = 0
current-route RAMs
1024 1151 1152 1279 1280 1407 1408 1535
RAM Address:
64 RXb
64 RXa 64 RXb
Framing Signals:
64 RXa
RAM Address:
64 TXb
64 TXa 64 TXb
Framing Signals:
64 TXa
0 127 128 255 256 383 384 511
1024 1151 1152 1279 1280 1407 1408 1535
RAM Address:
64 RXb
64 RXa 64 RXb
Framing Signals:
64 RXa
RAM Address:
and resets CSRxn.L1TCLKb
64 TXb
64 TXa 64 TXb
Framing Signals:
64 TXa
0 127 128 255 256 383 384 511
1024 1151 1152 1279 1280 1407 1408 1535
RAM Address:
64 RXb
64 RXa 64 RXb
Framing Signals:
64 RXa
RAM Address:
Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
14.5 Serial Interface Registers
The serial interface registers are described in the following sections. The MCC
conÞguration registers, which deÞne the TDM mapping of the MCC channels, are
described in Section 27.8, ÒMCC ConÞguration Registers (MCCFx).Ó Note that the
programming of SI registers and SI
RAM must be coherent with the MCCF programming.
14.5.1 SI Global Mode Registers (SI
The SI global mode registers (SI
GMR), shown in Figure 14-10, deÞnes the activation state
of the TDM channels for each SI.
Table 14-4 describes SI
14.5.2 SI Mode Registers (SI
There are eight SI mode registers (SI
MR), shown in Figure 14-11, one for each TDM
channel (SI
xCMR, and SIxDMR). They are used to deÞne SI operation
modes and allow the user (with SIx RAM) to support any or all of the ISDN channels
independently when in IDL or GCI mode. Any extra serial channel can then be used for
other purposes.
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11B28 (SI1GMR), 0x11B48 (SI2GMR)
Figure 14-10. SI Global Mode Registers (SIxGMR)
Table 14-4. SIxGMR Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð3 STZx Program L1TXDx to zero for TDM a, b, c or d
0 Normal operation
1 L1TXDx = 0 until serial clocks are available, which is useful for GCI activation. See Section 14.7.1,
ÒSI GCI Activation/Deactivation Procedure.Ó
4Ð7 ENx Enable TDMx. Note that enabling a TDM is the last step in initialization.
0 TDM channel x is disabled. The SIx RAMs and routing for TDMx are in a state of reset, but all other
SI functions still operate.
1 All TDMx functions are enabled.
14-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 14-5 describes SIxMR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B20 (SI1AMR), 0x11B22 (SI1BMR), 0x11B24 (SI1CMR), 0x11B26 (SI1DMR)/
0x11B40 (SI2AMR), 0x11B42 (SI2BMR), 0x11B44 (SI2CMR), 0x11B46 (SI2DMR)
Figure 14-11. SI Mode Registers (SIxMR)
Table 14-5. SIxMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved. Should be cleared.
1Ð3 SADx Starting bank address for the RAM of TDM a, b, c or d. These three bits deÞne the starting bank
address of the SIx RAM section that belongs to TDMx channel.
Note: As noted previously, the SIx RAM contains four banks of 64 entries for receive and four banks
of 64 entries for transmit. The starting bank address of each TDM can be programmed with a
granularity of 32 entries. The user can put the shadow RAM section of the same TDM on the same
bank, but the user cannot put two different TDMs on the same bank.
The last entry of a certain TDM is determined by the LST bit in the SIx RAM entry. The user must
set LST within the entries of SIx RAM blocks for every TDM used, that is, before the starting
address of the next TDM.
000 Þrst bank, Þrst 32 entries
001 Þrst bank, second 32 entries
010 second bank, Þrst 32entries
011 second bank, second 32 entries
100 third bank, Þrst 32 entries
101 third bank, second 32 entries
110 fourth bank, Þrst 32 entries
111 fourth bank, second 32 entries
4Ð5 SDMx SI Diagnostic Mode for TDM a, b, c or d
00 Normal operation.
01 Automatic echo. In this mode, the TDM transmitter automatically retransmits the TDM received
data on a bit-by-bit basis. The receive section operates normally, but the transmit section can
only retransmit received data. In this mode, the L1GRx line is ignored.
10 Internal loopback. In this mode, the TDM transmitter output is internally connected to the TDM
receiver input (L1TXDx is connected to L1RXDx). The receiver and transmitter operate
normally. The data appears on the L1TXDx pin and in this mode, L1RQx is asserted normally.
The L1GRx line is ignored.
11 Loopback control. In this mode, the TDM transmitter output is internally connected to the TDM
receiver input (L1TXDx is connected to L1RXDx). The transmitter output (L1TXDx) and L1RQx
are inactive. This mode is used to accomplish loopback testing of the entire TDM without
affecting the external serial lines.
Note: In modes 01, 10, and 11, the receive and transmit clocks should be identical.
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
6Ð7 RFSDx Receive frame sync delay for TDM a, b, c, or d. Determines the number of clock delays between the
receive sync and the Þrst bit of the receive frame. Even if CRTx is set, these bits do not control the
delay for the transmit frame.
00 No bit delay. The Þrst bit of the frame is transmitted/received on the same clock as the sync; use
for GCI.
01 1-bit delay. Use for IDL
10 2-bit delay
11 3-bit delay
Figure 14-12 and Figure 14-13 show how these bits are used.
8 DSCx Double speed clock for TDM a, b, c or d. Some TDMs, such as GCI, deÞne the input clock to be
twice as fast as the data rate and this bit controls this option.
0 The channel clock (L1RCLKx and/or L1TCLKx) is equal to the data clock. Use for IDL and most
TDM formats.
1 The channel clock rate is twice the data rate. Use for GCI.
9 CRTx Common receive and transmit pins for TDM a, b, c or d. Useful when the transmit and receive
sections of a given TDM use the same clock and sync signals. In this mode, L1TCLKx and
L1TSYNCx pins can be used as general-purpose I/O pins.
0 Separate pins. The receive section of this TDM uses L1RCLKx and L1RSYNCx pins for framing
and the transmit section uses L1TCLKx and L1TSYNCx for framing.
1 Common pins. The receive and transmit sections of this TDM use L1RCLKx as clock pin of
channel x and L1RSYNCx as the receive and transmit sync pin. Use for IDL and GCI. RFSD and
TFSD are independent of one another in this mode.
10 SLx Sync level for TDM a, b, c, or d.
0 The L1RSYNCx and L1TSYNCx signals are active on logic Ò1Ó.
1 The L1RSYNCx and L1TSYNCx signals are active on logic Ò0Ó.
11 CEx Clock edge for TDM a, b, c or d. The function depends on DSCx.
When DSCx = 0:
0 The data is sent on the rising edge of the clock and received on the falling edge (use for IDL).
1 The data is sent on the falling edge of the clock and received on the rising edge.
When DSCx = 1:
0 The data is sent on the rising edge of the clock and received on the rising edge.
1 The data is sent on the falling edge of the clock and received on the falling edge (use for GCI).
See Figure 14-14 and Figure 14-15.
12 FEx Frame sync edge for TDM a, b, c or d. Determines whether L1RSYNCx and L1TSYNCx pulses are
sampled with the falling/rising edge of the channel clock. See Figure 14-13, Figure 14-14,
Figure 14-15, and Figure 14-16.
0 Falling edge. Use for IDL and GCI.
1 Rising edge.
Table 14-5. SIxMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
14-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-12 shows the one-clock delay from sync to data when xFSD = 01.
Figure 14-12. One-Clock Delay from Sync to Data (xFSD = 01)
Figure 14-13 shows the elimination of the single-clock delay shown in Figure 14-12 by
clearing xFSD.
Figure 14-13. No Delay from Sync to Data (xFSD = 00)
13 GMx Grant mode for TDM a, b, c or d
0 GCI/SCIT mode. The GCI/SCIT D channel grant mechanism for transmission is internally
supported. The grant is one bit from the receive channel. This bit is marked by programming the
channel select bits of the SIx RAM with 0111 to assert an internal strobe on it. See
Section, ÒSCIT Programming.Ó
1 IDL mode. A grant mechanism is supported if the corresponding CMXSCR[GRx] bit is set. The
grant is a sample of L1GRx while L1TSYNCx is asserted. This grant mechanism implies the IDL
access controls for transmission on the D channel. See Section 14.6.2, ÒIDL Interface
14Ð15 TFSDx Transmit frame sync delay for TDM a, b, c or d. Determines the number of clock delays between the
transmit sync and the Þrst bit of the transmit frame. See Figure 14-16.
00 No bit delay. The Þrst bit of the frame is transmitted/received on the same clock as the sync.
01 1-bit delay
10 2-bit delay
11 3-bit delay
Table 14-5. SIxMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
Bit-0 Bit-1 Bit-2 Bit-3 Bit-4 Bit-0
One-Clock Delay from Sync Latch to First Bit of Frame
End of Frame
Bit-0 Bit-1 Bit-2 Bit-3 Bit-4
No Delay from Sync Latch to First Bit of Frame
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-14 shows the effects of changing FE when CE = 1 with a 1-bit frame sync delay.
Figure 14-14. Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 1 and xFSD = 01
Figure 14-15 shows the effects of changing FE when CE = 0 with a 1-bit frame sync delay.
Figure 14-15. Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 0 and xFSD = 01
Rx Sampled Here
(On Bit-0) L1ST Driven from Clock High for Both FE Settings
Rx Sampled Here
(On Bit-0)
L1ST is Driven from Clock Low
in Both the FE Settings
14-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-16 shows the effects of changing FE when CE = 1 with no frame sync delay.
Figure 14-16. Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 1 and xFSD = 00
(On Bit-0)
The L1ST is Driven from Sync.
Data is Driven from Clock Low.
(On Bit-0)
L1ST is Driven from Clock High.
(On Bit-0)
Both Data Bit-0 and L1ST are
Driven from Sync.
Rx Sampled Here
Rx Sampled Here
(On Bit-0)
L1ST and Data Bit-0 is Driven
from Clock Low.
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-17 shows the effects of changing FE when CE = 0 with no frame sync delay.
Figure 14-17. Falling Edge (FE) Effect When CE = 0 and xFSD = 00
14.5.3 SIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR)
The SIx RAM shadow address registers (SIxRSR), shown in Figure 14-18, deÞne the
starting addresses of the shadow section in the SIx RAM for each of the TDM channels.
(On Bit-0)
The L1ST is Driven from Sync.
Data is Driven From Clock High.
(On Bit-0)
L1ST is Driven from Clock Low.
(On Bit-0)
Both the Data and L1ST from Sync
when Asserted during Clock High.
Rx Sampled Here
(On Bit-0)
Both the Data and L1ST from the Clock
when Asserted during Clock Low.
14-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 14-6 describes SIxRSR Þelds.
14.5.4 SI Command Register (SIxCMDR)
The SI command registers (SIxCMDR), shown in Figure 14-19, allow the user to
dynamically program the SIx RAM. When the user sets bits in the SIxCMDR, the SIx
switches to the shadow SIx RAM at the end of the current-route RAM programming frame.
For more information about dynamic programming, see Section 14.4.5, ÒStatic and
Dynamic Routing.Ó
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B2E (SI1RSR), 0x11B4E (SI2RSR)
Figure 14-18. SIx RAM Shadow Address Registers (SIxRSR)
Table 14-6. SIxRSR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0, 4, 8,
Ñ Reserved. Should be cleared.
SSADxStarting bank address for the shadow RAM of TDM a, b, c, or d. DeÞnes the starting bank
address of the shadow SIx RAM section that belongs to the corresponding TDM channel.
Note: As noted before, the SIx RAM contain four banks of 64 entries for receive and four banks of
64 entries for transmit.
In spite of the above, the starting bank address of each TDM can be programmed by the user in
a granularity of 32 entries, but the user cannot put two different TDMs on the same bank.
The user can put the shadow RAM section of the same TDM on the same bank.
The last entry of a certain TDM frame is determined by the LST bit in the SIx RAM entry. The
user must set this bit within the entries of SIx RAM shadow blocks for every TDM used. That
means before the starting address of the next TDM.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11B2A (SI1CMDR), 0x11B4A (SI2CMDR)
Figure 14-19. SI Command Register (SIxCMDR)
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-25
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 14-7 describes SIxCMDR Þelds.
14.5.5 SI Status Registers (SIxSTR)
The SI status register (SIxSTR), shown in Figure 14-20, identiÞes the current-route RAM.
SIxSTR values are valid only when the corresponding SIxCMDR bit = 0.
Table 14-8 describes SIxSTR Þelds.
14.6 Serial Interface IDL Interface Support
The IDL interface is a full-duplex ISDN interface used to connect a physical layer device
to the MPC8260. The MPC8260 supports both the basic and primary rate of the IDL bus.
Table 14-7. SIxCMDR Field Description
Bits Name Description
0, 2,
4, 6
CSRRx Change shadow RAM for TDM a, b, c, or d receiver. Set CSRRx causes the SI receiver to replace
the current route RAM with the shadow RAM. Set by the user and cleared by the SI.
0 The receiver shadow RAM is not valid. The user can write into the shadow RAM to program a
new routing.
1 The receiver shadow RAM is valid. The SI exchanges between the RAMs and take the new
receive routing from the receiver shadow RAM. Cleared as soon as the switch has completed.
1, 3,
5, 7
CSRTx Change shadow RAM for TDM a, b, c, or d transmitter. Set CRSTx causes the SI transmitter to
replace the current route RAM with the shadow RAM. Set by the user and cleared by the SI.
0 The transmitter shadow RAM is not valid. The user can write into the shadow RAM to program a
new routing.
1 The transmitter shadow RAM is valid. The SI exchanges between the RAMs and take the new
transmitter routing from the receiver shadow RAM. Cleared as soon as the switch has completed.
Bits 01234567
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11B2C (SI1STR), 0x11B4C (SI2STR)
Figure 14-20. SI Status Registers (SIxSTR)
Table 14-8. SIxSTR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0, 2,
4, 6
CRORx Current-route original receiver. Determines whether the current-route receiver RAM is the original
or the shadow.
0 The current-route receiver RAM is the original one.
1 The current-route receiver RAM is the shadow.
1, 3,
5, 7
CROTx Current-route original transmitter. Determines whether the current-route transmitter RAM is the
original or the shadow.
0 The current-route transmitter RAM is the original one.
1 The current-route transmitter RAM is the shadow.
14-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
In the basic rate of IDL, data on three channels (B1, B2, and D) is transferred in a 20-bit
frame, providing a full-duplex bandwidth of 160 Kbps. The MPC8260 is an IDL slave
device that is clocked by the IDL bus master (physical layer device) and has separate
receive and transmit sections. Although the MPC8260 has eight TDMs, it can support only
four independent IDL buses (limited by the number of serials that support IDL) using
separate clocks and sync pulses. Figure 14-21 shows an application with two IDL buses.
Figure 14-21. Dual IDL Bus Application Example
14.6.1 IDL Interface Example
An example of the IDL application is the ISDN terminal adaptor shown in Figure 14-22. In
such an application, the IDL interface is used to connect the 2B+D channels between the
MPC8260, CODEC, and S/T transceiver. One of the MPC8260Õs SCCs is conÞgured to
HDLC mode to handle the D channel; another MPC8260Õs SCC is used to rate adapt the
terminal data stream over the Þrst B channel. That SCC is conÞgured for HDLC mode if
V.120 rate adoption is required. The second B channel is then routed to the CODEC as a
digital voice channel, if preferred. The SPI is used to send initialization commands and
periodically check status from the S/T transceiver. The SMC connected to the terminal is
conÞgured for UART.
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-27
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-22. IDL Terminal Adaptor
The MPC8260 can identify and support each IDL channel or can output strobe lines for
interfacing devices that do not support the IDL bus. The IDL signals for each transmit and
receive channel are described in Table 14-9.
Table 14-9. IDL Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
L1RCLKxIDL clock; input to the MPC8260.
L1RSYNCxIDL sync signal; input to the MPC8260. This signal indicates that the clock periods following the pulse
designate the IDL frame.
L1RXDxIDL receive data; input to the MPC8260. Valid only for the bits supported by the IDL; ignored for any
other signals present.
L1TXDxIDL transmit data; output from the MPC8260. Valid only for the bits that are supported by the IDL;
otherwise, three-stated.
L1RQxIDL request permission to transmit on the D channel; output from the MPC8260 on the L1RQx pin.
L1GRxIDL grant permission to transmit on the D Channel; input to the MPC8260 on the L1TSYNCx pin.
Note: x = a, b, c, and d for TDMa, TDMb, TDMc, and TDMd (for SI1 and SI2).
System Bus (ROM and RAM)
4 wire
14-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The basic rate IDL bus has the three following channels:
¥ B1 is a 64-Kbps bearer channel
¥ B2 is a 64-Kbps bearer channel
¥ D is a 16-Kbps signaling channel
There are two deÞnitions of the IDL bus frame structureÑ8 and 10 bits. The only difference
between them is the channel order within the frame. See Figure 14-23.
Figure 14-23. IDL Bus Signals
Note that previous versions of Motorola IDL-deÞned bit functions called auxiliary (A) and
maintenance (M) were removed from the IDL deÞnition when it was concluded that the
IDL control channel would be out-of-band. These functions were deÞned as a subset of the
Motorola SPI format called serial control port (SCP). To implement the A and M bits as
originally deÞned, program the TSA to access these bits and route them transparently to an
SCC or SMC. Use the SPI to perform out-of-band signaling.
The MPC8260 supports all channels of the IDL bus in the basic rate. Each bit in the IDL
frame can be routed to any SCC and SMC or can assert a strobe output for supporting an
external device. The MPC8260 supports the request-grant method for contention detection
on the D channel of the IDL basic rate and when the MPC8260 has data to transmit on the
D channel, it asserts L1RQx. The physical layer device monitors the physical layer bus for
activity on the D channel and indicates that the channel is free by asserting L1GRx. The
MPC8260 samples the L1GRx signal when the IDL sync signal (L1RSYNCx) is asserted.
If L1GRx is asserted, the MPC8260 sends the Þrst zero of the opening ßag in the Þrst bit
B1 D1
10-Bit IDL
B1 D1 B2 D2
B1 D1
8-Bit IDL
B1 B2 D2
1. Clocks are not to scale.
2. L1RQx and L1GRx are not shown.
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-29
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
of the D channel. If a collision is detected on the D channel, the physical layer device
negates L1GRx. The MPC8260 then stops sending and retransmits the frame when L1GRx
is reasserted. This procedure is handled automatically for the Þrst two buffers of a frame.
For the primary rate IDL, the MPC8260 supports up to four 8-bit channels in the frame,
determined by the SIx RAM programming. To support more channels, the user can route
more than one channel to each SCC and the SCC treats it as one high-speed stream and
store it in the same data buffers (appropriate only for transparent data). Additionally, the
MPC8260 can be used to assert strobes for support of additional external IDL channels.
The IDL interface supports the CCITT I.460 recommendation for data-rate adaptation since
it separately accesses each bit of the IDL bus. The current-route RAM speciÞes which bits
are supported by the IDL interface and by which serial controller. The receiver only
receives bits that are enabled by the receiver route RAM. Otherwise, the transmitter sends
only bits that are enabled by the transmitter route RAM and three-states L1TXDx.
14.6.2 IDL Interface Programming
To program an IDL interface, Þrst program SIxMR[GMx] to the IDL grant mode for that
channel. If the receive and transmit sections interface to the same IDL bus, set
SIxMR[CRTx] to internally connect the Rx clock and sync signals to the transmit section.
Then, program the SIx RAM used for the IDL channels to the preferred routing. See
Section 14.4.4, ÒSIx RAM Programming Example.Ó
DeÞne the IDL frame structure by programming SIxMR[xFSDx] to have a 1-bit delay from
frame sync to data, SIxMR[FEx] to sample on the falling edge, and SIxMR[CEx] to transmit
on the rising edge of the clock. Program the parallel I/O open-drain register so that L1TXDx
is three-stated when inactive; see Section 35.2.1, ÒPort Open-Drain Registers (PODRAÐ
PODRD).Ó To support the D channel, program the appropriate CMXSCR[GRx] bit, as
described in Section 15.4.5, ÒCMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR),Ó and program
the SIx RAM entry to route data to the chosen serial controller. The two deÞnitions of IDL,
8 or 10 bits, are implemented by simply modifying the SIx RAM programming. In both
cases, L1GRx is sampled with L1TSYNCx and transferred to the D-channel SCC as a grant
14-30 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
For example, based on the same 10-bit format as in Section 14.4.4, ÒSIx RAM
Programming Example,Ó implement an IDL bus using SCC1, SCC2, and SMC1 connected
to TDMa1 as follows:
1. Program both the Tx and Rx sections of the SIx RAM as in Table 14-10.
2. CMXSI1CR = 0x00. TDMA receive clock is CLK1.
3. CMXSMR = 0x80. SMC1 is connected to the TSA.
4. CMXSCR = 0xC040_0000. SCC1 and SCC2 are connected to the TSA. SCC1
supports the grant mechanism because it handles the D channel.
5. SI1AMR = 0x0145. TDMA grant mode is used with 1-bit frame sync delay in Tx
and Rx and common receive-transmit mode.
6. Set PPARA[6Ð9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0], L1RXDa[0], L1TSYNCa, and
7. Set PSORA[6Ð9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0], L1RXDa[0], L1TSYNCa, and
8. Set PDIRA[9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0].
9. Set PODRA[9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0] to an open-drain output.
10. Set PPARC[30,31]. ConÞgures L1TCLKa and L1RCLKa.
11. Clear PDIRC[30,31] ConÞgures L1TCLKa and L1RCLKa.
12. Clear PSORC[30,31]. ConÞgures L1TCLKa and L1RCLKa.
13. Set PPARB[17]. ConÞgures L1RQa.
14. Clear PSORB[17]. ConÞgures L1RQa.
15. Set PDIRB[17]. ConÞgures L1RQa.
16. Set PPARD[13]. ConÞgures L1ST1.
17. Clear PSORD[13]. ConÞgures L1ST1.
18. Set PDIRD[13]. ConÞgures L1ST1.
Table 14-10. SIx RAM Entries for an IDL Interface
SIx RAM Entry
0 0 0 0000 0010 000 1 0 8-bit SCC2
1 0 0 0000 0001 000 0 0 1-bit SCC1
2 0 0 0000 0000 000 0 0 1-bit no support
3 0 0 0000 0101 011 1 0 4-bit SMC1
4 0 0 0000 0101 011 1 0 4-bit SMC1
5 0 0 1000 0001 000 0 1 1-bit SCC1 strobe1
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-31
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
19. SI1CMDR is not used.
20. SI1STR does not need to be read.
21. ConÞgure the SCC1 for HDLC operation (to handle the LAPD protocol of the D
channel), and conÞgure SCC2 and SMC1 as preferred.
22. SI1GMR = 0x01. Enable TDM A (one static TDM).
23. Enable SCC1, SCC2 and SMC1.
14.7 Serial Interface GCI Support
The MPC8260 fully supports the normal mode of the GCI, also known as the ISDN-
oriented modular revision 2.2 (IOM-2), and the SCIT. The MPC8260 also supports the D-
channel access control in S/T interface terminals using the command/indication (C/I)
The GCI bus consists of four linesÑtwo data lines, a clock, and a frame synchronization
line. Usually, an 8-kHz frame structure deÞnes the various channels within the 256-kbps
data rate. The MPC8260 supports two (limited by the number of SMCs) independent GCI
buses, each with independent receive and transmit sections. The interface can also be used
in a multiplexed frame structure on which up to eight physical layer devices multiplex their
GCI channels. In this mode, the data rate would be 2,048 kbps.
In the GCI bus, the clock rate is twice the data rate. The SI divides the input clock by two
to produce the data clock. The MPC8260 also has data strobe lines and the 1´ data rate
clock L1CLKOx output pins. These signals are used for interfacing devices to GCI that do
not support the GCI bus. Table 14-11 describes GCI signals for each transmit and receive
The GCI bus signals are shown in Figure 14-24.
Table 14-11. GCI Signals
Signal Description
L1RSYNCxUsed as a GCI sync signal; input to the MPC8260. This signal indicates that the clock periods
following the pulse designate the GCI frame.
L1RCLKxUsed as a GCI clock; input to the MPC8260. The L1RCLKx signal frequency is twice the data clock.
L1RXDxUsed as a GCI receive data; input to the MPC8260.
L1TXDxUsed as a GCI transmit data; open-drain output. Valid only for the bits that are supported by the IDL;
otherwise, three-stated.
L1CLKOxOptional signal; output from the MPC8260. This 1´ clock output is used to clock devices that do not
interface directly to the GCI. If the double-speed clock is used, (DSCx bit is set in the SIxMR), this
output is the L1RCLKx divided by 2; otherwise, it is simply a 1´ output of the L1RCLKx signal.
Note: x = a, b, c, and d for TDMa, TDMb, TDMc, and TDMd (for SI1 and SI2).
14-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 14-24. GCI Bus Signals
In addition to the 144-Kbps ISDN 2B+D channels, the GCI provides Þve channels for
maintenance and control functions:
¥ B1 is a 64-Kbps bearer channel
¥ B2 is a 64-Kbps bearer channel
¥ M is a 64-Kbps monitor channel
¥ D is a 16-Kbps signaling channel
¥ C/I is a 48-Kbps C/I channel (includes A and E bits)
The M channel is used to transfer data between layer 1 devices and the control unit (the
CPU); the C/I channel is used to control activation/deactivation procedures or to switch test
loops by the control unit. The M and C/I channels of the GCI bus should be routed to SMC1
or SMC2, which have modes to support the channel protocols. The MPC8260 can support
any channel of the GCI bus in the primary rate by modifying SIx RAM programming.
The GCI supports the CCITT I.460 recommendation as a method for data rate adaptation
since it can access each bit of the GCI separately. The current-route RAM speciÞes which
bits are supported by the interface and which serial controller support them. The receiver
only receives the bits that are enabled by the SIx RAM and the transmitter only transmits
the bits that are enabled by the SIx RAM and does not drive L1TXDx. Otherwise, L1TXDx
is an open-drain output and should be pulled high externally.
The MPC8260 supports contention detection on the D channel of the SCIT bus. When the
MPC8260 has data to transmit on the D channel, it checks a SCIT bus bit that is marked
with a special route code (usually, bit 4 of C/I channel 2). The physical layer device
monitors the physical layer bus for activity on the D channel and indicates on this bit that
the channel is free. If a collision is detected on the D channel, the physical layer device sets
bit 4 of C/I channel 2 to logic high. The MPC8260 then aborts its transmission and
retransmits the frame when this bit is set again. This procedure is automatically handled for
the Þrst two buffers of a frame.
B1 B2
B1 B2 M (Monitor) C/I A E
M (Monitor) C/I A E
(2X the data rate)
Notes: Clock is not to scale.
L1CLKO is not shown.
D1 D2
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-33
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
14.7.1 SI GCI Activation/Deactivation Procedure
In the deactivated state, the clock pulse is disabled and the data line is at a logic one. The
layer 1 device activates the MPC8260 by enabling the clock pulses and by an indication in
the channel 0 C/I channel. The MPC8260 reports to the core (via a maskable interrupt) that
a valid indication is in the SMC RxBD.
When the core activates the line, the data output of L1TXDn is programmed to zero by
setting SIxGMR[STZx]. Code 0 (command timing TIM) is transmitted on channel 0 C/I
channel to the layer 1 device until STZx is reset. The physical layer device resumes the
clock pulses and gives an indication in the channel 0 C/I channel. The core should reset
STZx to enable data output.
14.7.2 Serial Interface GCI Programming
The following sections describe serial interface GCI programming. Normal Mode GCI Programming
The user can program and conÞgure the channels used for the GCI bus interface. First, the
SIxMR register to the GCI/SCIT mode for that channel must be programmed, using the
DSCx, FEx, CEx, and RFSDx bits. This mode deÞnes the sync pulse to GCI sync for
framing and data clock as one-half the input clock rate. The user can program more than
one channel to interface to the GCI bus. Also, if the receive and transmit section are used
for interfacing the same GCI bus, the user internally connects the receive clock and sync
signals to the SIx RAM transmit section, using the CRTx bits. The user should then deÞne
the GCI frame routing and strobe select using the SIx RAM.
When the receive and transmit section uses the same clock and sync signals, these sections
should be programmed to the same conÞguration. Also, the L1TXDx pin in the I/O register
should be programmed to be an open-drain output. To support the monitor and the C/I
channels in GCI, those channels should be routed to one of the SMCs. To support the D
channel when there is no possibility of collision, the user should clear the SIxMR[GRx] bit
corresponding to the SCC that supports the D channel. SCIT Programming
For interfacing the GCI/SCIT bus, SIxMR must be programmed to the GCI/SCIT mode.
The SIx RAM is programmed to support a 96-bit frame length and the frame sync is
programmed to the GCI sync pulse. Generally, the SCIT bus supports the D channel access
collision mechanism. For this purpose, the user should program the CRTx bits so the
receive and transmit sections use the same clock and sync signals and program the GRx bits
to transfer the D channel grant to the SCC that supports this channel. The received (grant)
bit should be marked by programming the channel select bits of the SIx RAM to 0b0111
for an internal assertion of a strobe on this bit. This bit is sampled by the SI and transferred
to the D-channel SCC as the grant. The bit is generally bit 4 of the C/I in channel 2 of the
GCI, but any other bit can be selected using the SIx RAM.
14-34 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
For example, assuming that SCC1 is connected to the D channel, SCC2 to the B1 channel,
and SMC2 to the B2 channel, SMC1 is used to handle the C/I channels, and the D-channel
grant is on bit 4 of the C/I on SCIT channel 2, the initialization sequence is as follows:
1. Program both the Tx and Rx sections of the SIx RAM as in Table 14-12 beginning
at addresses 0 and 1024, respectively.
2. SI1AMR = 0x00c0. TDMa is used in double speed clock and common Rx/Tx
modes. SCIT mode is used in this example.
Note: If SCIT mode is not used, delete the last three entries of
the SIx RAM, divide one entry into two and set the LST bit in
the new last entry.
3. CMXSMR = 0x88. SMC1 and SMC2 are connected to the TSA.
4. CMXSCR = 0xC040_0000. SCC2 and SCC1 are connected to the TSA. SCC1
supports the grant mechanism since it is on the D channel.
5. CMXSI1CR = 0x00. TDMa uses CLK1.
6. Set PPARA[6Ð9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0], L1RXDa[0], L1TSYNCa and
7. Set PSORA[6Ð9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0], L1RXDa[0], L1TSYNCa and
8. Set PDIRA[9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0].
9. Set PODRA[9]. ConÞgures L1TXDa[0] to an open-drain output.
10. Set PPARC[30,31]. ConÞgures L1TCLKa and L1RCLKa.
11. Clear PDIRC[30,31]. ConÞgures L1TCLKa and L1RCLKa.
12. Clear PSORC[30,31]. ConÞgures L1TCLKa and L1RCLKa.
13. Set PPARB[17]. ConÞgures L1CLKO and L1RQa.
Table 14-12. SIx RAM Entries for a GCI Interface (SCIT Mode)
SIx RAM Entry
0 0 0 0000 0010 000 1 0 8 Bits SCC2
1 0 0 0000 0110 000 1 0 8 Bits SMC2
2 0 0 0000 0101 000 1 0 8 Bits SMC1
3 0 0 0000 0001 001 0 0 2 Bits SCC1
4 0 0 0000 0101 101 0 0 6 Bits SMC1
5 0 0 0000 0000 110 1 0 Skip 7 bytes
6 0 0 0000 0000 001 0 0 Skip 2 bits
7 0 0 0000 0111 000 0 1 D grant bit
MOTOROLA Chapter 14. Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner 14-35
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
14. Clear PSORB[17]. ConÞgures L1CLKO and L1RQa.
15. Set PDIRB[17]. ConÞgures L1CLKO and L1RQa.
16. If the 1x GCI data clock is required, set PBPAR bit 16 and PBDIR bit 16 and clear
PSORB 16, which conÞgures L1CLKOa as an output.
17. ConÞgure SCC1 for HDLC operation (to handle the LAPD protocol of the D
channel). ConÞgure SMC1 for SCIT operation and conÞgure SCC2 and SMC2 as
18. SI1GMR = 0x11. Enable TDMa (one static TDM), STZ for TDMa.
19. SI1CMDR is not used.
20. SI1STR does not need to be read.
21. Enable the SCC1, SCC2, SMC1 and SMC2.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-1
Chapter 15
CPM Multiplexing
The CPM multiplexing logic (CMX) connects the physical layerÑUTOPIA, MII, modem
lines, TDM lines and proprietary serial lines to the FCCs, SCCs and SMCs. The CMX
features the following two modes:
¥ In NMSI mode, the CMX allows all serial devices to be connected to their own set
of individual pins. Each serial device that connects to the external world in this way
is said to connect to a nonmultiplexed serial interface (NMSI). In the NMSI
conÞguration, the CMX provides a ßexible clocking assignment for each FCC, SCC
and SMC from a bank of external clock pins and/or internal BRGs.
¥ In TDM mode, the CMX performs the connection of the serial devices to the SIs for
using the time-slot assigner (TSA). This allows any combination of MCCs, FCCs,
SCCs, and SMCs to multiplex data on any of the eight TDM channels. The CMX
connects the serial device only to the TSA in the SIx. The actual multiplexing of the
TDM is made by programming the SIx RAM. In TDM mode, all other pins used in
NMSI mode are available for other purposes. See Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with
Time-Slot Assigner.Ó
The CMX also allows the user to route the multiple-PHY address to FCC1 or to FCC2 in
various combinations, allowing the use of both FCCs in multiple-PHY mode.
The CMX serves both SI1 and SI2. When the user programs the
CMX to connect a serial device to the SI, the CMX connects
that serial device to both SIs. Programming both SIs to use one
serial device in the same time slot causes erratic behavior.
Figure 15-1 shows a block diagram of the CMX.
15-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 15-1. CPM Multiplexing Logic (CMX) Block Diagram
15.1 Features
The NMSI mode supports the following:
¥ Each FCC, SCC, and SMC can be programmed independently to work with a serial
deviceÕs own set of pins in a non-multiplexed manner.
¥ Each FCC can be connected to its own MII (media-independent interface).
¥ FCC1 can also be connected to an 8- or 16-bit ATM UTOPIA level-2 interface.
¥ FCC2 can also be connected also to an 8-bit ATM UTOPIA level-2 interface.
¥ Each SCC can have its own set of modem control pins.
¥ Each SMC can have its own set of four pins.
¥ Each FCC, SCC, and SMC can be driven from a bank of twenty clock pins or a bank
of eight BRGs.
Time-Slot Assigner
R clocks
T clocks
R sync
T sync
TDM Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx
Register Bus
TDM Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx
Nonmultiplexed Serial Interface (NMSI) Pins
To Serials:
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The multiple-PHY addressing selection supports the following options for FCC1 and
¥ In master mode:
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 31 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 7 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 15 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 15 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 7 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 31 PHYs.
¥ In slave mode:
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 31 PHYs and FCC2 connect to 0 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 15 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 1 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 7 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 3 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 3 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 7 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect up to 1 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 15 PHYs.
Ñ FCC1 connect to 0 PHYs and FCC2 connect up to 31 PHYs.
15.2 Enabling Connections to TSA or NMSI
Each serial device can be independently enabled to connect to the TSA or to dedicated
external pins, as shown in Figure 15-2. Each FCC can be connected to a dedicated MII or
to the eight TDMs. FCC1 can also be connected to an 8- or 16-bit UTOPIA level-2
interface. FCC2 can also be connected to an 8-bit UTOPIA level-2 interface. Each SCC or
SMC can be connected to the eight TDMs or to its own set of pins. Once connections are
made to the TSA, the exact routing decisions are made in the SIx RAMs.
15-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 15-2. Enabling Connections to the TSA
15.3 NMSI ConÞguration
The CMX supports an NMSI mode for each of the FCCs, SCCs, and SMCs. Each serial
device is connected independently either to the NMSI or to the TSA using the clock route
registers. The user should note, however, that NMSI pins are multiplexed with other
functions at the parallel I/O lines. Therefore, if a combination of TDM and NMSI channels
are used, consult the MPC8260Õs pinout to determine which FCC, SCC, and SMC to
connect and where to connect them.
The clocks provided to the FCCs, SCCs, and SMCs are derived from a bank of 8 internal
BRGs and 20 external CLK pins; see Figure 15-3. There are two main advantages to the
bank-of-clocks approach. First, a serial device is not forced to choose a serial device clock
from a predeÞned pin or BRG; this allows a ßexible pinout-mapping strategy. Second, a
group of serial receivers and transmitters that needs the same clock rate can share the same
pin. This conÞguration leaves additional pins for other functions and minimizes potential
skew between multiple clock sources.
SI RAMs Time-Slot
TDM a,b,c,d Enable = 1
TDM a Pins
TDM b Pins
TDM c Pins
TDM d Pins
MII1/UTOPIA 8/16/M-phy
FC1 = 0
FC2 = 0
FC3 = 0
SCC1 Pins
SC1 = 0
SCC2 Pins
SC2 = 0
SCC3 Pins
SC3 = 0
SCC4 Pins
SC4 = 0
SMC1 Pins
SMC1 = 0
SMC2 Pins
SMC2 = 0
TDM a channels
TDM b channels
TDM c channels
TDM d channels
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 15-3. Bank of Clocks
The eight BRGs also make their clocks available to external logic, regardless of whether
the BRGs are being used by a serial device. Notice that the BRG outputs are multiplexed
with other functions; thus, all BRGOx pins may not always be available. Chapter 35,
ÒParallel I/O Ports,Ó shows the function multiplexing.
There are two restrictions in the bank-of-clocks mapping:
¥ Only four of the twenty sources can be connected to any given FCC or SCC receiver
or transmitter.
¥ The SMC transmitter and receiver share the same clock source when connected to
the NMSI.
Table 15-1 shows the clock source options for the serial controllers and TDM channels.
Bank of Clocks
Selection Logic
(Partially filled cross-switch logic
programmed in the CMX registers.)
15-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that after a clock source is selected, the clock is given an internal name. For the FCCs
and SCCs, the names are RCLKx and TCLKx; for SMCs, the name is simply SMCLKx.
These internal names are used only in NMSI mode to specify the clocks sent to the FCCs,
SCCs or SMCs. These names do not correspond to any MPC8260 pins.
15.4 CMX Registers
The following sections describe the CMX registers.
Table 15-1. Clock Source Options
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
15.4.1 CMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR)
The CMX UTOPIA address register (CMXUAR), shown in Figure 15-4, deÞnes the
connection of FCC1 and FCC2 UTOPIA multiple-PHY addresses to the twenty UTOPIA
address pins of the MPC8260; it also deÞnes the connection of a BRG to the FCCs when
an internal rate feature is used. This enables the user to implement a multiple-PHY
UTOPIA master or slave on both FCC1 and FCC2 using only twenty pins. The user chooses
how many PHYs to use with each interface and how many address lines are needed for each
Table 15-2 describes CMXUAR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B0E
Figure 15-4. CMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR)
Table 15-2. CMXUAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð4 SADxSlave address input pin x connection. Note that the address indexes are relative to FCC1; see
Figure 15-7.
0 This address input pin is used by FCC2 in slave mode.
1 This address input pin is used by FCC1 in slave mode.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6Ð7 MADxMaster address output pin x connection. Note that the address indexes are relative to FCC1; see
Figure 15-7.
0 This address output pin is used by FCC2 in master mode.
1 This address output pin is used by FCC1 in master mode.
8Ð9 F1IRB FCC1 internal rate BRG selection. Selects the BRG to be connected to FCC 1 for internal rate
operation. Used by the ATM controller; see Section, ÒTransmit External Rate and Internal
Rate Modes.Ó
00 FCC1 internal rate clock is BRG5.
01 FCC1 internal rate clock is BRG6.
10 FCC1 internal rate clock is BRG7.
11 FCC1 internal rate clock is BRG8.
10Ð11 F12IRB FCC2 internal rate BRG selection. Selects the BRG to be connected to FCC 2 for internal rate
operation. Used by the ATM controller; see Section, ÒTransmit External Rate and Internal
Rate Modes.Ó
00 FCC2 internal rate clock is BRG5.
01 FCC2 internal rate clock is BRG6.
10 FCC2 internal rate clock is BRG7.
11 FCC2 internal rate clock is BRG8.
12Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
15-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that each SADx and MADx corresponds to a pair of separate receive and transmit
address pins.
The MPC8260 has 16 output address pins and 10 input address pins dedicated for the
UTOPIA interface. However, it has two FCCs with two parts eachÑreceiver and
transmitter that can be ether master or slave concurrently. The MPC8260 allows both FCC1
and FCC2 to connect to the address lines without putting limitations on being a master or
slave, as described in the following:
¥ For master mode: The user has two groups of eight address pins each. Three pins
from each group are always connected to FCC1 and three are always connected to
FCC2. The user decides which FCC uses the remaining two pins by programming
CMXUAR[MADx]. See Figure
Figure 15-5. Connection of the Master Address
¥ For slave modeÑThe user has two groups of Þve address pins each. The user
decides which FCC uses each pin by programming CMXUAR[SADx]. Connect any
UTOPIA pins that are not connected to MPC8260 pins to GND. See Figure 15-6.
These three bits always relate
These three bits always relate
to FCC2 master
to an FCC1 master.
These two address bits relate to the
master of FCC1 or FCC2 according
to the programming. Bit 4 is the
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 15-6. Connection of the Slave Address
Note that the user must program the addresses of the PHYs to be consecutive for each FCC;
that is, the address lines connected to each FCC must be consecutive.
Figure 15-7 describes the interconnection between the receive external multi-PHY bus and
the internal FCC1 and FCC2 receive multi-PHY addresses. The same diagram applies to
the transmit multi-PHY bus using different dedicated parallel I/O pins.
These 5 address bits relate to the
slave of FCC1 or FCC2 according to
the programming. Bit 4 is the msb.
NOTE: To use FCC2 as shown, connect the FCC2 address bits reversed with
respect to the pinout address indexes. PHY address pins with no pin
connection should be connected to GND.
15-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 15-7. Multi-PHY Receive Address Multiplexing
15.4.2 CMX SI1 Clock Route Register (CMXSI1CR)
The CMX SI1 clock route register (CMXSI1CR) deÞnes the connection of SI1 to the clock
sources that can be input from the bank of clocks.
FCC1 Rx Master Address
FCC1 Rx Slave Address
FCC2 Rx Slave Address
FCC2 Rx Master Address
FCC2-RxAddr[3] (master)
FCC2-RxAddr[0] (slave)
FCC2-RxAddr[4] (master)
FCC2-RxAddr[1] (slave)
FCC2-RxAddr[2] (slave)
FCC2-RxAddr[3] (slave)
FCC2-RxAddr[4] (slave)
FCC2-RxAddr[2] (master)
FCC2-RxAddr[1] (master)
FCC2-RxAddr[0] (master)
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 15-3 describes CMXSI1CR Þelds.
15.4.3 CMX SI2 Clock Route Register (CMXSI2CR)
The CMX SI2 clock route register (CMXSI2CR) deÞnes the connection of SI2 to the clock
sources that can be input from the bank of clocks.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Figure 15-8. CMX SI1 Clock Route Register (CMXSI1CR)
Table 15-3. CMXSI1CR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 RTA1CS Receive TDM A1 clock source
0 TDM A1 receive clock is CLK1.
1 TDM A1 receive clock is CLK19.
1 RTB1CS Receive TDM B1 clock source
0 TDM B1 receive clock is CLK3.
1 TDM B1 receive clock is CLK9.
2 RTC1CS Receive TDM C1 clock source
0 TDM C1 receive clock is CLK5.
1 TDM C1 receive clock is CLK13.
3 RTD1CS Receive TDM D1 clock source
0 TDM D1 receive clock is CLK7.
1 TDM D1 receive clock is CLK15.
4 TTA1CS Transmit TDM A1 clock source
0 TDM A1 transmit clock is CLK2.
1 TDM A1 transmit clock is CLK20.
5 TTB1CS Transmit TDM B1 clock source
0 TDM B1 transmit clock is CLK4.
1 TDM B1 transmit clock is CLK10.
6 TTC1CS Transmit TDM C1 clock source
0 TDM C1 transmit clock is CLK6.
1 TDM C1 transmit clock is CLK14.
7 TTD1CS Transmit TDM D1 clock source
0 TDM D1 transmit clock is CLK8.
1 TDM D1 transmit clock is CLK16.
15-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 15-4 describes CMXSI2CR Þelds.
15.4.4 CMX FCC Clock Route Register (CMXFCR)
The CMX FCC clock route register (CMXFCR) deÞnes the connection of the FCCs to the
TSA and to the clock sources from the bank of clocks.
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11B02
Figure 15-9. CMX SI2 Clock Route Register (CMXSI2CR)
Table 15-4. CMXSI2CR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 RTA2CS Receive TDM A2 clock source
0 TDM A2 receive clock is CLK13.
1 TDM A2 receive clock is CLK5.
1 RTB2CS Receive TDM B2 clock source
0 TDM B2 receive clock is CLK15.
1 TDM B2 receive clock is CLK17.
2 RTC2CS Receive TDM C2 clock source
0 TDM C2 receive clock is CLK3.
1 TDM C2 receive clock is CLK17.
3 RTD2CS Receive TDM D2 clock source
0 TDM D2 receive clock is CLK1.
1 TDM D2 receive clock is CLK19.
4 TTA2CS Transmit TDM A2 clock source
0 TDM A2 transmit clock is CLK14.
1 TDM A2 transmit clock is CLK6.
5 TTB2CS Transmit TDM B2 clock source
0 TDM B2 transmit clock is CLK16.
1 TDM B2 transmit clock is CLK18.
6 TTC2CS Transmit TDM C2 clock source
0 TDM C2 transmit clock is CLK4.
1 TDM C2 transmit clock is CLK18.
7 TTD2CS Transmit TDM D2 clock source
0 TDM D2 transmit clock is CLK2.
1 TDM D2 transmit clock is CLK20.
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 15-5 describes CMXFCR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B04
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B06
Figure 15-10. CMX FCC Clock Route Register (CMXFCR)
Table 15-5. CMXFCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
1 FC1 DeÞnes the FCC1 connection
0 FCC1 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus FCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 FCC1 is connected to the TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
2Ð4 RF1CS Receive FCC1 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if FCC1 is connected to the TSA (FC1 = 1).
000 FCC1 receive clock is BRG5.
001 FCC1 receive clock is BRG6.
010 FCC1 receive clock is BRG7.
011 FCC1 receive clock is BRG8.
100 FCC1 receive clock is CLK9.
101 FCC1 receive clock is CLK10.
110 FCC1 receive clock is CLK11.
111 FCC1 receive clock is CLK12.
5Ð7 TF1CS Transmit FCC1 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if FCC1 is connected to the TSA (FC1 = 1).
000 FCC1 transmit clock is BRG5.
001 FCC1 transmit clock is BRG6.
010 FCC1 transmit clock is BRG7.
011 FCC1 transmit clock is BRG8.
100 FCC1 transmit clock is CLK9.
101 FCC1 transmit clock is CLK10.
110 FCC1 transmit clock is CLK11.
111 FCC1 transmit clock is CLK12.
8 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
9 FC2 DeÞnes the FCC2 connection
0 FCC2 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus FCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 FCC2 is connected to the TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
15-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
15.4.5 CMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR)
The CMX SCC clock route register (CMXSCR) deÞnes the connection of the SCCs to the
TSA and to the clock sources from the bank of clocks. This register also enables the use of
the external grant pin.
10Ð12 RF2CS Receive FCC2 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if FCC2 is connected to the TSA (FC2 = 1).
000 FCC2 receive clock is BRG5.
001 FCC2 receive clock is BRG6.
010 FCC2 receive clock is BRG7.
011 FCC2 receive clock is BRG8.
100 FCC2 receive clock is CLK13.
101 FCC2 receive clock is CLK14.
110 FCC2 receive clock is CLK15.
111 FCC2 receive clock is CLK16.
13Ð15 TF2CS Transmit FCC2 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if FCC2 is connected to the TSA (FC2 = 1).
000 FCC2 transmit clock is BRG5.
001 FCC2 transmit clock is BRG6.
010 FCC2 transmit clock is BRG7.
011 FCC2 transmit clock is BRG8.
100 FCC2 transmit clock is CLK13.
101 FCC2 transmit clock is CLK14.
110 FCC2 transmit clock is CLK15.
111 FCC2 transmit clock is CLK16.
16 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
17 FC3 DeÞnes the FCC3 connection
0 FCC3 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus FCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 FCC3 is connected to the TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
18Ð20 RF3CS Receive FCC3 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if FCC3 is connected to the TSA (FC3 = 1).
000 FCC3 receive clock is BRG5.
001 FCC3 receive clock is BRG6.
010 FCC3 receive clock is BRG7.
011 FCC3 receive clock is BRG8.
100 FCC3 receive clock is CLK13.
101 FCC3 receive clock is CLK14.
110 FCC3 receive clock is CLK15.
111 FCC3 receive clock is CLK16.
21Ð23 TF3CS Transmit FCC3 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if FCC3 is connected to the TSA (FC3 = 1).
000 FCC3 transmit clock is BRG5.
001 FCC3 transmit clock is BRG6.
010 FCC3 transmit clock is BRG7.
011 FCC3 transmit clock is BRG8.
100 FCC3 transmit clock is CLK13.
101 FCC3 transmit clock is CLK14.
110 FCC3 transmit clock is CLK15.
111 FCC3 transmit clock is CLK16.
24Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
Table 15-5. CMXFCR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 15-6 describes CMXSCR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B08
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B0A
Figure 15-11. CMX SCC Clock Route Register (CMXSCR)
Table 15-6. CMXSCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 GR1 Grant support of SCC1
0 SCC1 transmitter does not support the grant mechanism. The grant is always asserted
1 SCC1 transmitter supports the grant mechanism as determined by the GMx bit of a serial
device channel.
1 SC1 SCC1 connection
0 SCC1 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus SCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 SCC1 is connected to TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
2Ð4 RS1CS Receive SCC1 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC1 is connected to the TSA (SC1 = 1).
000 SCC1 receive clock is BRG1.
001 SCC1 receive clock is BRG2.
010 SCC1 receive clock is BRG3.
011 SCC1 receive clock is BRG4.
100 SCC1 receive clock is CLK11.
101 SCC1 receive clock is CLK12.
110 SCC1 receive clock is CLK3.
111 SCC1 receive clock is CLK4.
5Ð7 TS1CS Transmit SCC1 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC1 is connected to the TSA (SC1 = 1).
000 SCC1 transmit clock is BRG1.
001 SCC1 transmit clock is BRG2.
010 SCC1 transmit clock is BRG3.
011 SCC1 transmit clock is BRG4.
100 SCC1 transmit clock is CLK11.
101 SCC1 transmit clock is CLK12.
110 SCC1 transmit clock is CLK3.
111 SCC1 transmit clock is CLK4.
15-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
8 GR2 Grant support of SCC2
0 SCC2 transmitter does not support the grant mechanism. The grant is always asserted
1 SCC2 transmitter supports the grant mechanism as determined by the GMx bit of a serial
device channel.
9 SC2 SCC2 connection
0 SCC2 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus SCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 SCC2 is connected to TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
10Ð12 RS2CS Receive SCC2 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC2 is connected to the TSA (SC2 = 1).
000 SCC2 receive clock is BRG1.
001 SCC2 receive clock is BRG2.
010 SCC2 receive clock is BRG3.
011 SCC2 receive clock is BRG4.
100 SCC2 receive clock is CLK11.
101 SCC2 receive clock is CLK12.
110 SCC2 receive clock is CLK3.
111 SCC2 receive clock is CLK4.
13Ð15 TS2CS Transmit SCC2 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC2 is connected to the TSA (SC2 = 1).
000 SCC2 transmit clock is BRG1.
001 SCC2 transmit clock is BRG2.
010 SCC2 transmit clock is BRG3.
011 SCC2 transmit clock is BRG4.
100 SCC2 transmit clock is CLK11.
101 SCC2 transmit clock is CLK12.
110 SCC2 transmit clock is CLK3.
111 SCC2 transmit clock is CLK4.
16 GR3 Grant support of SCC3
0 SCC3 transmitter does not support the grant mechanism. The grant is always asserted
1 SCC3 transmitter supports the grant mechanism as determined by the GMx bit of a serial
device channel.
17 SC3 SCC3 connection
0 SCC3 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus SCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 SCC3 is connected to TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
18Ð20 RS3CS Receive SCC3 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC3 is connected to the TSA (SC3 = 1).
000 SCC3 receive clock is BRG1.
001 SCC3 receive clock is BRG2.
010 SCC3 receive clock is BRG3.
011 SCC3 receive clock is BRG4.
100 SCC3 receive clock is CLK5.
101 SCC3 receive clock is CLK6.
110 SCC3 receive clock is CLK7.
111 SCC3 receive clock is CLK8.
Table 15-6. CMXSCR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 15. CPM Multiplexing 15-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
15.4.6 CMX SMC Clock Route Register (CMXSMR)
The CMX SMC clock route register (CMXSMR) deÞnes the connection of the SMCs to the
TSA and to the clock sources from the bank of clocks.
21Ð23 TS3CS Transmit SCC3 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC3 is connected to the TSA (SC3 = 1).
000 SCC3 transmit clock is BRG1.
001 SCC3 transmit clock is BRG2.
010 SCC3 transmit clock is BRG3.
011 SCC3 transmit clock is BRG4.
100 SCC3 transmit clock is CLK5.
101 SCC3 transmit clock is CLK6.
110 SCC3 transmit clock is CLK7.
111 SCC3 transmit clock is CLK8.
24 GR4 Grant support of SCC4
0 SCC4 transmitter does not support the grant mechanism. The grant is always asserted
1 SCC4 transmitter supports the grant mechanism as determined by the GMx bit of a serial
device channel.
25 SC4 SCC4 connection
0 SCC4 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus SCCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 SCC4 is connected to TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
26Ð28 RS4CS Receive SCC4 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC4 is connected to the TSA (SC4 = 1).
000 SCC4 receive clock is BRG1.
001 SCC4 receive clock is BRG2.
010 SCC4 receive clock is BRG3.
011 SCC4 receive clock is BRG4.
100 SCC4 receive clock is CLK5.
101 SCC4 receive clock is CLK6.
110 SCC4 receive clock is CLK7.
111 SCC4 receive clock is CLK8
29Ð31 TS4CS Transmit SCC4 clock source (NMSI mode). Ignored if SCC4 is connected to the TSA (SC4 = 1).
000 SCC4 transmit clock is BRG1.
001 SCC4 transmit clock is BRG2.
010 SCC4 transmit clock is BRG3.
011 SCC4 transmit clock is BRG4.
100 SCC4 transmit clock is CLK5.
101 SCC4 transmit clock is CLK6.
110 SCC4 transmit clock is CLK7.
111 SCC4 transmit clock is CLK8
Table 15-6. CMXSCR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
15-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 15-7 describes CMXSMR Þelds.
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11B0C
Figure 15-12. CMX SMC Clock Route Register (CMXSMR)
Table 15-7. CMXSMR Field Descriptions
Name Name Description
0 SMC1 SMC1 connection
0 SMC1 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus SMCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 SMC1 is connected to the TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
2Ð3 SMC1CS SMC1 clock source (NMSI mode). SMC1 can take its clocks from one of the two BRGs or one of
two pins from the bank of clocks. However, the SMC1 transmit and receive clocks must be the
same when it is connected to the NMSI.
00 SMC1 transmit and receive clocks are BRG1.
01 SMC1 transmit and receive clocks are BRG7.
10 SMC1 transmit and receive clocks are CLK7.
11 SMC1 transmit and receive clocks are CLK9.
4 SMC2 SMC2 connection
0 SMC2 is not connected to the TSA and is either connected directly to the NMSIx pins or is not
used. The choice of general-purpose I/O port pins versus SMCn pins is made in the parallel I/O
control register.
1 SMC2 is connected to the TSA of the SIs. The NMSIx pins are available for other purposes.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared
6Ð7 SMC2CS SMC2 clock source (NMSI mode). SMC2 can take its clocks from one of the eight BRGs or one of
eight pins from the bank of clocks. However, the SMC2 transmit and receive clocks must be the
same when it is connected to the NMSI.
00 SMC2 transmit and receive clocks are BRG2.
01 SMC2 transmit and receive clocks are BRG8.
10 SMC2 transmit and receive clocks are CLK19.
11 SMC2 transmit and receive clocks are CLK20.
MOTOROLA Chapter 16. Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs) 16-1
Chapter 16
Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs)
The CPM contains eight independent, identical baud-rate generators (BRGs) that can be
used with the FCCs, SCCs, and SMCs. The clocks produced by the BRGs are sent to the
bank-of-clocks selection logic, where they can be routed to the controllers. In addition, the
output of a BRG can be routed to a pin to be used externally. The following is a list of
BRGsÕ main features:
¥ Eight independent and identical BRGs
¥ On-the-ßy changes allowed
¥ Each BRG can be routed to one or more FCCs, SCCs, or SMCs
¥ A 16x divider option allows slow baud rates at high system frequencies
¥ Each BRG contains an autobaud support option
¥ Each BRG output can be routed to a pin (BRGOn)
Figure 16-1 shows a BRG.
Figure 16-1. Baud-Rate Generator (BRG) Block Diagram
CLK Pin x Clock
Divide by
1 or 16
12-Bit Counter
DIV 16 CD[0Ð11]
BRGOn Clock
To Pin and/or
Bank of Clocks
CLK Pin y
16-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Each BRG clock source can be BRGCLK, or a choice of two external clocks (selected in
BRGCx[EXTC]). The BRGCLK is an internal signal generated in the MPC8260 clock
synthesizer speciÞcally for the BRGs, the SPI, and the I2C internal BRG. Alternatively,
external clock pins can be conÞgured as clock sources. The external source option allows
ßexible baud-rate frequency generation, independent of the system frequency. Additionally,
the external source option allows a single external frequency to be the source for multiple
BRGs. The external source signals are not synchronized internally before being used by the
The BRG provides a divide-by-16 option (BRGCx[DIV16]) and a 12-bit prescaler
(BRGCx[CD]) to divide the source clock frequency. The combined source-clock divide
factor can be changed on-the-ßy; however, two changes should not occur within two source
clock periods.
The prescaler output is sent internally to the bank of clocks and can also be output
externally on BRGOn through the parallel I/O ports. If the BRG divides the clock by an
even value, the transitions of BRGOn always occur on the falling edge of the source clock.
If the divide factor is odd, the transitions alternate between the falling and rising edges of
the source clock. Additionally, the output of the BRG can be sent to the autobaud control
16.1 BRG ConÞguration Registers 1Ð8 (BRGCx)
The BRG conÞguration registers (BRGCx) are shown in Figure 16-2. A reset disables the
BRG and drives the BRGO output clock high. The BRGC can be written at any time with
no need to disable the SCCs or external devices that are connected to BRGO. ConÞguration
changes occur at the end of the next BRG clock cycle (no spikes occur on the BRGO output
clock). BRGC can be changed on-the-ßy; however, two changes should not occur within a
time equal to two source clock periods.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ RST EN
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x119F0 (BRGC1), 0x119F4 (BRGC2), 0x119F8 (BRGC3), 0x119FC (BRGC4),
0x115F0 (BRGC5), 0x115F4 (BRGC6), 0x115F8 (BRGC7), 0x115FC (BRGC8)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x119F22 (BRGC1), 0x119F6 (BRGC2), 0x119FA (BRGC3), 0x119FE (BRGC4),
0x115F2 (BRGC5), 0x115F6 (BRGC6), 0x115FA (BRGC7), 0x115FE (BRGC8)
Figure 16-2. Baud-Rate Generator Configuration Registers (BRGCx)
MOTOROLA Chapter 16. Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs) 16-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 16-1 describes the BRGCx Þelds.
Table 16-2 shows the possible external clock sources for the BRGs.
Table 16-1. BRGCx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 RST Reset BRG. Performs a software reset of the BRG identical to that of an external reset. A reset
disables the BRG and drives BRGO high. This is externally visible only if BRGO is connected to the
corresponding parallel I/O pin.
0 Enable the BRG.
1 Reset the BRG (software reset).
15 EN Enable BRG count. Used to dynamically stop the BRG from countingÑuseful for low-power modes.
0 Stop all clocks to the BRG.
1 Enable clocks to the BRG.
16Ð17 EXTC External clock source. Selects the BRG input clock. See Table 16-2.
00 The BRG input clock comes from the BRGCLK (internal clock generated from the CPM clock); see
Section 9.8, ÒSystem Clock Control Register (SCCR).Ó
01 If BRG1, 2, 5, 6: The BRG input clock comes from the CLK3 pin.
If BRG3, 4, 7, 8: The BRG input clock comes from the CLK9 pin
10 If BRG1, 2, 5, 6: The BRG input clock comes from the CLK5 pin.
If BRG3, 4, 7, 8: The BRG input clock comes from the CLK15 pin
11 Reserved.
18 ATB Autobaud. Selects autobaud operation of the BRG on the corresponding RXD. ATB must remain zero
until the SCC receives the three Rx clocks. Then the user must set ATB to obtain the correct baud rate.
After the baud rate is obtained and locked, it is indicated by setting AB in the UART event register.
0 Normal operation of the BRG.
1 When RXD goes low, the BRG determines the length of the start bit and synchronizes the BRG to
the actual baud rate.
19Ð30 CD Clock divider. CD presets an internal 12-bit counter that is decremented at the DIV16 output rate.
When the counter reaches zero, it is reloaded with CD. CD = 0xFFF produces the minimum clock rate
for BGRO (divide by 4,096); CD = 0x000 produces the maximum rate (divide by 1). When dividing by
an odd number, the counter ensures a 50% duty cycle by asserting the terminal count once on clock
low and next on clock high. The terminal count signals counter expiration and toggles the clock. See
Section 16.3, ÒUART Baud Rate Examples.Ó
31 DIV16 Divide-by-16. Selects a divide-by-1 or divide-by-16 prescaler before reaching the clock divider. See
Section 16.3, ÒUART Baud Rate Examples.Ó
0 Divide by 1.
1 Divide by 16.
16-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
16.2 Autobaud Operation on a UART
During the autobaud process, a UART deduces the baud rate of its received character stream
by examining the received pattern and its timing. A built-in autobaud control function
automatically measures the length of a start bit and modiÞes the baud rate accordingly.
If the autobaud bit BRGCx[ATB] is set, the autobaud control function starts searching for
a low level on the corresponding RXDn input, which it assumes marks the beginning of a
start bit, and begins counting the start bit length. During this time, the BRG output clock
toggles for 16 BRG clock cycles at the BRG source clock rate and then stops with BRGOn
in the low state.
When RXDn goes high again, the autobaud control block rewrites BRGCx[CD, DIV16] to
the divide ratio found, which at high baud rates may not be exactly the Þnal rate desired (for
example, 56,600 may result rather than 57,600). An interrupt can be enabled in the UART
SCC event register to report that the autobaud controller rewrote BRGCx. The interrupt
handler can then adjust BRGCx[CD, DIV16] (see Table 16-3) for accuracy before the Þrst
character is fully received, ensuring that the UART recognizes all characters.
After a full character is received, the software can verify that the character matches a
predeÞned value (such as ÔaÕ or ÔAÕ). Software should then check for other characters (such
as ÔtÕ or ÔTÕ) and program the preferred parity mode in the UARs protocol-speciÞc mode
register (PSMR).
Note that the SCC associated with this BRG must be programmed to UART mode and
select the 16´ option for TDCR and RDCR in the general SCC mode register low. Input
frequencies such as 1.8432, 3.68, 7.36, and 14.72 MHz should be used. The SCC
performing the autobaud function must be connected to that SCCÕs BRG; that is, SCC2
must be clocked by BRG2, and so on.
Also, to detect an autobaud lock and generate an interrupt, the SCC must receive three full
Rx clocks from the BRG before the autobaud process begins. To do this, Þrst clear
BRGCx[ATB] and enable the BRG Rx clock to the highest frequency. Then, immediately
before the autobaud process starts (after device initialization), set BRGCx[ATB].
Table 16-2. BRG External Clock Source Options
MOTOROLA Chapter 16. Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs) 16-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
16.3 UART Baud Rate Examples
For synchronous communication using the internal BRG, the BRGO output clock must not
exceed the system frequency divided by 2. So, with a 66-MHz system frequency, the
maximum BRGO rate is 33 MHz. Program the UART to 16´ oversampling when using the
SCC as a UART. Rates of 8´ and 32´ are also available. Assuming 16´ oversampling is
chosen in the UART, the maximum data rate is 66 MHz Ö 16 = 4.125 Mbps. Keeping the
above in mind, use the following formula to calculate the bit rate based on a particular BRG
conÞguration for a UART:
Table 16-3 lists typical bit rates of asynchronous communication. Note that here the
internal clock rate is assumed to be 16´ the baud rate; that is, GSMRx_L[TDCR] =
GSMRx_L[RDCR] = 0b10.
Table 16-3. Typical Baud Rates for Asynchronous Communication
Baud Rate
Using 66-MHz System Clock
BRGCx[DIV16] BRGCx[CD] Actual Frequency (Hz)
75 1 3436 75.01
150 1 1718 149.98
300 1 858 300.13
600 1 429 599.56
1200 0 3436 1200.2
2400 0 1718 2399.7
4800 0 858 4802.1
9600 0 429 9593.0
19,200 0 214 19,186
38,400 0 106 38,551
57,600 0 71 57,292
115,200 0 35 114,583
460,000 0 8 458,333
Async Baud Rate BRGCLK or External Clock Source
Prescale Divider()Clock Divider + 1()Sampling Rate()··
BRGCx[DIV16]()BRGCx[CD] + 1()GSMRx_L[xDCR]()··
16-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
For synchronous communication, the internal clock is identical to the baud-rate output. To
get the preferred rate, select the system clock according to the following:
For example, to get a rate of 64 kbps, the system clock can be 24.96 MHz,
BRGCx[DIV16] = 0, and BRGCx[CD] = 389.
Sync Baud Rate BRGCLK or External Clock Source
Prescale Divider()Clock Divider + 1()·
BRGCx[DIV16]()BRGCx[CD] + 1()·
MOTOROLA Chapter 17. Timers 17-1
Chapter 17
The CPM includes four identical 16-bit general-purpose timers or two 32-bit timers. Each
general-purpose timer consists of a timer mode register (TMR), a timer capture register
(TCR), a timer counter (TCN), a timer reference register (TRR), a timer event register
(TER), and a timer global conÞguration register (TGCR). The TMRs contain the prescaler
values programmed by the user.
Figure 17-1 shows the timer block diagram.
Figure 17-1. Timer Block Diagram
Pin assignments for TINx, TGATEx, and TOUTx are described in Section 35.5, ÒPorts
Timer Event Register
Mode Register
Mode BitsPrescaler
Timer Counter (TCN)
Capture Register
Reference Register
Divider Clock
Global Configuration Register
System Clock
17-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
17.1 Features
The key features of the timer include the following:
¥ The maximum input clock is the bus clock
¥ Maximum period of 4 seconds (at 66 MHz)
¥ 16-nanosecond resolution (at 66 MHz)
¥ Programmable sources for the clock input
¥ Input capture capability
¥ Output compare with programmable mode for the output pin
¥ Two timers cascade internally or externally to form a 32-bit timer
¥ Free run and restart modes
¥ Functional compatibility with timers on the MC68360 and MPC860
17.2 General-Purpose Timer Units
The clock input to the prescaler can be selected from three sources:
¥ The bus clock (CLKIN)
¥ The bus clock divided by 16 (CLKIN/16)
¥ The corresponding TINx, programmed in the parallel port registers
The general system clock is generated in the clock synthesizer and defaults to the system
frequency. However, the general system clock has the option to be divided before it leaves
the clock synthesizer. This mode, called slow go, is used to save power. Whatever the
resulting frequency of the general system clock, the user can either choose that frequency
or the frequency divided by 16 as the input to the prescaler of each timer. Alternatively, the
user may prefer TINx to be the clock source. TINx is internally synchronized to the internal
clock. If the user has chosen to internally cascade two 16-bit timers to a 32-bit timer, then
a timer can use the clock generated by the output of another timer.
The clock input source is selected by the corresponding TMR[ICLK] bits. The prescaler is
programmed to divide the clock input by values from 1 to 256 and the output of the
prescaler is used as an input to the 16-bit counter. The best resolution of the timer is one
clock cycle (16 ns at 66 MHz). The maximum period (when the reference value is all ones)
is 268,435,456 cycles (4 seconds at 66 MHz).
Each timer can be conÞgured to count until a reference is reached and then either begin a
new time count immediately or continue to run. The FRR bit of the corresponding TMR
selects each mode. Upon reaching the reference value, the corresponding TER bit is set and
an interrupt is issued if TMR[ORI] = 1. The timers can output a signal on the timer outputs
(TOUT1ÐTOUT4) when the reference value is reached (selected by the corresponding
TMR[OM]). This signal can be an active-low pulse or a toggle of the current output. The
MOTOROLA Chapter 17. Timers 17-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
output can also be connected internally to the input of another timer, resulting in a 32-bit
In addition, each timer has a 16-bit TCR used to latch the value of the counter when a
deÞned transition of TIN1, TIN2, TIN3, or TIN4 is sensed by the corresponding input
capture edge detector. The type of transition triggering the capture is selected by the
corresponding TMR[CE] bits. Upon a capture or reference event, the corresponding TER
bit is set and a maskable interrupt request is issued to the interrupt controller. The timers
may be gated/restarted by an external gate signal. There are two gate signalsÑTGA
controls timer 1 and/or 2 and TGATE2 controls timer 3 and/or 4. Normal gate mode enables
the count on a falling edge of TGATEx and disables the count on the rising edge of
TGATEx. This mode allows the timer to count conditionally, based on the state of TGATEx.
The restart gate mode performs the same function as normal mode, except it also resets the
counter on the falling edge of TGATEx. This mode has applications in pulse interval
measurement and bus monitoring as follows:
¥ Pulse measurementÑThe restart gate mode can measure a low TGA
TEx. The rising
edge of TGATEx completes the measurement and if TGATEx is connected
externally to TINx, it causes the timer to capture the count value and generate a
rising-edge interrupt.
¥ Bus monitoringÑThe restart gate mode can detect a signal that is abnormally stuck
low. The bus signal should be connected to TGATEx. The timer count is reset on the
falling edge of the bus signal and if the bus signal does not go high again within the
number of user-deÞned clocks, an interrupt can be generated.
The gate function is enabled in the TMR; the gate operating mode is selected in the TGCR.
TGATEx is internally synchronized to the system clock. If
TGATEx meets the asynchronous input setup time, the counter
begins counting after one system clock when working with the
internal clock.
17.2.1 Cascaded Mode
In this mode, two 16-bit timers can be internally cascaded to form a 32-bit counter. Timer
1 may be internally cascaded to timer 2, and timer 3 can be internally cascaded to timer 4.
Because the decision to cascade timers is made independently, the user can select two 16-
bit timers or one 32-bit timer. TGCR is used to put the timers into cascaded mode, as shown
in Figure 17-2.
17-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 17-2. Timer Cascaded Mode Block Diagram
If TGCR[CAS] = 1, the two timers function as a 32-bit timer with a 32-bit TRR, TCR, and
TCN. In this case, TMR1 and/or TMR3 are ignored, and the modes are deÞned using TMR2
and/or TMR4. The capture is controlled from TIN2 or TIN4 and the interrupts are generated
from TER2 or TER4. In cascaded mode, the combined TRR, TCR, and TCN must be
referenced with 32-bit bus cycles.
17.2.2 Timer Global ConÞguration Registers (TGCR1 and TGCR2)
The timer global conÞguration registers (TGCR1 and TGCR2), shown in Figure 17-3 and
Figure 17-4, contain conÞguration parameters used by the timers. These registers allow
simultaneous starting and stopping of a pair of timers (1 and 2 or 3 and 4) if one bus cycle
is used.
Table 17-1 describes TGCR1 Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x10D80
Figure 17-3. Timer Global Configuration Register 1 (TGCR1)
Table 17-1. TGCR1 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0CAS2 Cascade timers.
0 Normal operation.
1 Timers 1 and 2 cascade to form a 32-bit timer.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2STP 2 Stop timer.
0 Normal operation.
1 Reduce power consumption of the timer. This bit stops all clocks to the timer, except the clock
from the internal bus interface, which allows the user to read and write timer registers. The clocks
to the timer remain stopped until the user clears this bit or a hardware reset occurs.
Timer1 Timer2
Timer3 Timer4
TRR, TCR, TCN connected to D[16Ð31] TRR, TCR, TCN connected to D[0Ð15]
TRR, TCR, TCN connected to D[0Ð15] TRR, TCR, TCN connected to D[16Ð31]
MOTOROLA Chapter 17. Timers 17-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The TGCR2 register is shown in Figure 17-4.
Table 17-2 describes TGCR2 Þelds.
3RST2 Reset timer.
0 Reset the corresponding timer (a software reset is identical to an external reset).
1 Enable the corresponding timer if the STP bit is cleared.
4GM1 Gate mode for TGA
TE1. This bit is valid only if the gate function is enabled in TMR1 or TMR2.
0 Restart gate mode. TGA
TE1 is used to enable/disable count. A falling TGATE1 enables and
restarts the count and a rising edge of TGA
TE1 disables the count.
1 Normal gate mode. This mode is the same as 0, except the falling edge of TGA
TE1 does not
restart the count value in TCN.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6STP1 Stop timer.
0 Normal operation.
1 Reduce power consumption of the timer. This bit stops all clocks to the timer, except the clock
from the internal bus interface, which allows the user to read and write timer registers. The clocks
to the timer remain stopped until the user clears this bit or a hardware reset occurs.
7RST1 Reset timer.
0 Reset the corresponding timer (a software reset is identical to an external reset).
1 Enable the corresponding timer if STP = 0.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x10D84
Figure 17-4. Timer Global Configuration Register 2 (TGCR2)
Table 17-2. TGCR2 Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0CAS4 Cascade timers.
0 Normal operation.
1 Timers 3 and 4 cascades to form a 32-bit timer.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2STP 4 Stop timer.
0 Normal operation.
1 Reduce power consumption of the timer. This bit stops all clocks to the timer, except the clock
from the internal bus interface, which allows the user to read and write timer registers. The clocks
to the timer remain stopped until the user clears this bit or a hardware reset occurs.
3RST4 Reset timer.
0 Reset the corresponding timer (a software reset is identical to an external reset).
1 Enable the corresponding timer if the STP bit is cleared.
Table 17-1. TGCR1 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
17-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
17.2.3 Timer Mode Registers (TMR1ÐTMR4)
The four timer mode registers (TMR1ÐTMR4) are shown in Figure 17-5.
Erratic behavior may occur if TGCR1 and TGCR2 are not initialized before the TMRs.
Only TGCR[RST] can be modiÞed at any time.
Table 17-3 describes TMR1ÐTMR4 register Þelds.
4GM2 Gate mode for TGATE2. This bit is valid only if the gate function is enabled in TMR3 or TMR4.
0 Restart gate mode. TGA
TE2 is used to enable/disable the count. The falling edge of TGATE2
enables and restarts the count and the rising edge of TGA
TE2 disables the count.
1 Normal gate mode. This mode is the same as 0, except the falling edge of TGA
TE2 does not
restart the count value in TCN.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6STP3 Stop timer.
0 Normal operation.
1 Reduce power consumption of the timer. This bit stops all clocks to the timer, however it is
possible to read the values while the clock is stopped. The clocks to the timer remain stopped
until the user clears this bit or a hardware reset occurs.
7RST3 Reset timer.
0 Reset the corresponding timer (a software reset is identical to an external reset).
1 Enable the corresponding timer if STP = 0.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D90 (TMR1); 0x10D92 (TMR2); 0x10DA0 (TMR3); 0x10DA2 (TMR4)
Figure 17-5. Timer Mode Registers (TMR1ÐTMR4)
Table 17-3. TMRIÐTMR4 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 PS Prescaler value. The prescaler is programmed to divide the clock input by values from 1 to 256. The
value 00000000 divides the clock by 1 and 11111111 divides the clock by 256.
8Ð9 CE Capture edge and enable interrupt.
00 Disable interrupt on capture event; capture function is disabled.
01 Capture on rising TINx edge only and enable interrupt on capture event.
10 Capture on falling TINx edge only and enable interrupt on capture event.
11 Capture on any TINx edge and enable interrupt on capture event.
Table 17-2. TGCR2 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
17.2.4 Timer Reference Registers (TRR1ÐTRR4)
Each timer reference register (TRR1ÐTRR4), shown in Figure 17-6, contains the timeoutÕs
reference value. The reference value is not reached until TCNx increments to equal the
timeout reference value.
10 OM Output mode
0 Active-low pulse on TOUTx for one timer input clock cycle as deÞned by the ICLK bits. Thus,
TOUTx may be low for one general system clock period, one general system clock/16 period, or
one TINx clock cycle period. TOUTx changes occur on the rising edge of the system clock.
1 Toggle TOUTx. TOUTx changes occur on the rising edge of the system clock.
11 ORI Output reference interrupt enable.
0 Disable interrupt for reference reached (does not affect interrupt on capture function).
1 Enable interrupt upon reaching the reference value.
12 FRR Free run/restart.
0 Free run. The timer count continues to increment after the reference value is reached.
1 Restart. The timer count is reset immediately after the reference value is reached.
13Ð14 ICLK Input clock source for the timer.
00 Internally cascaded input. For TMR1, the timer 1 input is the output of timer 2. For TMR3, the
timer 3 input is the output of timer 4. For TMR2 and TMR4, this selection means no input clock is
provided to the timer.
01 Internal general system clock.
10 Internal general system clock divided by 16.
11 Corresponding TINx: TIN1, TIN2, TIN3, or TIN4 (falling edge).
15 GE Gate enable.
TEx is ignored.
TEx is used to control the timer.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Timeout reference value
Reset 0xFFFF
Addr 0x10D94 (TRR1), 0x10D96 (TRR2), 0x10DA4 (TRR3), 0x10DA6 (TRR4)
Figure 17-6. Timer Reference Registers (TRR1ÐTRR4)
Table 17-3. TMRIÐTMR4 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
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17.2.5 Timer Capture Registers (TCR1ÐTCR4)
Each timer capture register (TCR1ÐTCR4), shown in Figure 17-7, is used to latch the value
of the counter according to TMRx[CE].
17.2.6 Timer Counters (TCN1ÐTCN4)
Each timer counter register (TCN1ÐTCN4), shown in Figure 17-8, is an up-counter. A read
cycle to TCNx yields the current value of the timer but does not affect the counting
operation. A write cycle to TCNx sets the register to the written value, thus causing its
corresponding prescaler, TMRx[PS], to be reset.
Note that the counter registers may not be updated correctly if a write is made while the
timer is not running. Use TRRx to deÞne the preferred count value.
17.2.7 Timer Event Registers (TER1ÐTER4)
Each timer event register (TERx), shown in Figure 17-9, reports events recognized by the
timers. When an output reference event is recognized, the timer sets TERx[REF] regardless
of the corresponding TMRx[ORI]. The capture event is set only if it is enabled by
TMRx[CE]. TER1ÐTER4 can be read at any time.
Writing ones clears event bits; writing zeros has no effect. Both event bits must be cleared
before the timer negates the interrupt.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Latched counter value
Reset 0x0000
Addr 0x10D98 (TCR1), 0x10D9A (TCR2), 0x10DA8 (TCR3), 0x10DAA (TCR4)
Figure 17-7. Timer Capture Registers (TCR1ÐTCR4)
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Up counter
Reset 0x0000
Addr 0x10D9C (TCN1), 0x10D9E (TCN2), 0x10DAC (TCN3), 0x10DAE (TCN4)
Figure 17-8. Timer Counter Registers (TCN1ÐTCN4)
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0x0000
Addr 0x10DB0 (TER1); 0x10DB2 (TER2); 0x10DB4 (TER3); 0x10DB6 (TER4)
Figure 17-9. Timer Event Registers (TER1ÐTER4)
MOTOROLA Chapter 17. Timers 17-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 17-4 describes TER Þelds.
Table 17-4. TER Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð13 Ð Reserved, should be cleared.
14 REF Output reference event. The counter has reached the TRR value. TMR[ORI] is used to enable the
interrupt request caused by this event.
15 CAP Capture event. The counter value has been latched into the TCR. TMR[CE] is used to enable
generation of this event.
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MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-1
Chapter 18
SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation
The MPC8260 has two physical serial DMA (SDMA) channels. The CP implements two
dedicated virtual SDMA channels for each FCC, MCC, SCC, SMC, SPI, and I2CÑone for
each transmitter and receiver. An additional four virtual SDMA channels are assigned to the
programmable independent DMA (IDMA) channels.
Figure 18-1 shows data ßow paths. Data from the peripheral controllers can be routed to
external RAM using the 60x bus (path 1) or the local bus (path 2).
Figure 18-1. SDMA Data Paths
Internal 60x Bus
3 FCCs
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
On a path 1 access, the SDMA channel must acquire the external system bus. On a path 2
access, the local bus is acquired and the access is not seen on the external system bus. Thus,
the local bus transfer occurs at the same time as other operations on the external 60x system
The SDMA channel can be assigned abig-endian (Motorola) or little-endian format for
accessing buffer data. These features are programmed in the receive and transmit registers
associated with the FCCs, MCCs, SCCs, SMCs, SPI, and I2C.
If a 60x or local bus error occurs on a CP-related access by the SDMA, the CP generates a
unique interrupt in the SDMA status register (SDSR). The interrupt service routine then
reads the appropriate DMA transfer error address register (PDTEA for the 60x bus or
LDTEA for the local bus) to determine the address the bus error occurred on. The channel
that caused the bus error is determined by reading the channel number from PDTEM or
LDTEM. If an SDMA bus error occurs on a CP-related transaction, all CPM activity stops
and the entire CPM must be reset in the CP command register (CPCR). See Section 18.2,
ÒSDMA Registers.Ó
18.1 SDMA Bus Arbitration and Bus Transfers
On the MPC8260, the core and SDMA can become external bus masters. (The relative
priority of these masters is programmed by the user; see Section 4.3.2, ÒSystem
ConÞguration and Protection RegistersÓ for programming bus arbitration.) Therefore, any
SDMA channel can arbitrate for the bus against the other internal devices and any external
devices present. Once an SDMA channel becomes system bus master, it remains bus master
for one transaction (which can be a byte, half-word, word, burst, or extended special burst)
before releasing the bus. This feature, in combination with the zero-clock arbitration
overhead provided by the 60x bus, increases bus efÞciency and lowers bus latency.
To minimize the latency associated with slower, character-oriented protocols, an SDMA
writes each character to memory as it arrives without waiting for the next character, and
always reads using 16-bit half-word transfers.
The SDMA can access the 60x bus either at the regular 60x transactions (single-beat
accesses, four-beat bursts) or special two- and three-beat burst accesses. For a further
description of this feature see Section, ÒExtended Transfer Mode.Ó
A transfer may take multiple bus transactions if the memory provides a less than 64-bit 60x
port size or less than 32-bit local bus port size. An SDMA uses back-to-back bus
transactions for the entire transferÑ4-word bursts, 64-bit reads, and 8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-bit
writesÑbefore relinquishing the bus. For example, a 64-bit word 60x-bus read from a 32-
bit memory takes two consecutive SDMA bus transactions.
An SDMA can steal transactions with no arbitration overhead when the MPC8260 is bus
master. Figure 18-2 shows an SDMA stealing a transaction from an internal bus master.
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 18-2. SDMA Bus Arbitration (Transaction Steal)
18.2 SDMA Registers
The only user-accessible registers associated with the SDMA are the SDMA address
registers, read-only register used for diagnostics in case of an SDMA bus error, the SDMA
status register and the SDMA mask register.
18.2.1 SDMA Status Register (SDSR)
The SDMA status register (SDSR) reports bus error events recognized by the SDMA
controller for all 26 SDMA channels and 4 IDMA channels. On recognition of a bus error
on the local or 60x buses, the SDMA sets its corresponding SDSR bit. The SDSR is a
memory-mapped register that can be read at any time. Bits are cleared by writing ones to
them; writing zeros has no effect.
Table 18-1 describes SDSR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11018
Figure 18-3. SDMA Status Register (SDSR)
Table 18-1. SDSR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 SBER_P SDMA channel 60x bus error. Indicates that the SDMA channel on the 60x bus had terminated with
an error during a read or write transaction. This bit is cleared writing a 1; writing a zero has no effect.
The SDMA transfer error address is read from PDTEA. The channel number is read from PDTEM.
1 SBER_L SDMA channel local bus error. Indicates that the SDMA channel on the local bus had terminated with
an error during a read or write transaction. This bit is cleared writing a 1; writing a zero has no effect.
The SDMA transfer error address can be read from LDTEA, and the channel number from LDTEM.
2Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
SDMA Internally
Requests the Bus
Other Transaction SDMA Transaction Other Transaction
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18.2.2 SDMA Mask Register (SDMR)
The SDMA mask register (SDMR) is an 8-bit read/write register with the same bit format
as the SDMA status register. If an SDMR bit is 1, the corresponding interrupt in SDSR is
enabled. If the bit is zero, the corresponding interrupt in the status register is masked.
SDMR is cleared at reset. SDMR can be accessed at 0x1101C.
18.2.3 SDMA Transfer Error Address Registers (PDTEA and LDTEA)
There are two 32-bit, read-only SDMA address registers. The PDTEA holds the system
address accessed during an SDMA transfer error on the 60x bus. The LDTEA holds the
system address accessed during an SDMA transfer error on the local bus. Both registers are
undeÞned at reset. PDTEA can be accessed at 0x10050; LDTEA can be accessed at
18.2.4 SDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers (PDTEM and LDTEM)
There are two SDMA transfer error MSNUM registers (PDTEM and LDTEM).
MSNUM[0Ð4] contains the sub-block code (SBC) used to identify the current peripheral
controller accessing the bus. MSNUM[5] identiÞes which half of the controller is
transferring (transmitter or receiver). The MSNUM of each transaction is held in these
registers until the transaction is complete.
PDTEM is for SDMA transfer errors on the 60x bus, and LDTEM is for errors on the local
bus. Both registers are undeÞned at reset. See Figure 18-4.
Table 18-2 describes PDTEM and LDTEM Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x10054 (PDTEM); 0x1005C (LDTEM)
Figure 18-4. SDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers (PDTEM/LDTEM)
Table 18-2. PDTEM and LDTEM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
Bits 0Ð4 of MSNUM is the sub-block code of the current peripheral controller accessing the bus. See
the SBC Þeld description of the CPCR in Section 13.4.1, ÒCP Command Register (CPCR).Ó
Bit 5 of MSNUM indicates which section of the peripheral controller is accessing the bus.
0 Transmit section
1 Receive section
6Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.3 IDMA Emulation
The CPM can be conÞgured to provide general-purpose DMA functionality through the
SDMA channel. Four general-purpose independent DMA (IDMA) channels are supported.
In this special emulation mode, the user can specify any memory-to-memory or
peripheral-to/from-memory transfers as if using dedicated DMA hardware.
The general-purpose IDMA channels can operate in different user-programmable data
transfer modes. The IDMA can transfer data between any combination of memory and I/O.
In addition, data may be transferred in either byte, half-word, word, double-word or burst
quantities and the source and destination addresses may be odd or even. The most efÞcient
packing algorithms are used in the IDMA transfers. The single-address mode (ßy-by mode)
gives the highest performance, allowing data to be transferred between memory and a
peripheral in a single bus transaction. The chip-select and wait-state generation logic on the
MPC8260 can be used with the IDMA.
The bus bandwidth occupied by the IDMA can be programmed in the IDMA parameter
RAM to achieve maximum system performance.
The IDMA supports two buffer handling modesÑauto buffer and buffer chaining. The auto
buffer mode allows blocks of data to be repeatedly moved from one location to another
without user intervention. The buffer chaining mode allows a chain of blocks to be moved.
The user speciÞes the data movement using BD tables like those used by other peripheral
controllers. The BD tables reside in the dual-port RAM.
Each IDMA has three signals (DREQx, DACKx and DONEx) for peripheral handshaking.
18.4 IDMA Features
The main IDMA features are as follows:
¥ Four independent, fully programmable DMA channels
¥ Dual- or single-address transfers with 32-bit address and 64-bit data capability
¥ Memory-to-memory, memory-to-peripheral, and peripheral-to-memory modes
¥ 4-Gbyte maximum block length for each buffer
¥ 32-bit address pointers that can be optionally incremented
¥ Two buffer handling modesÑauto buffer and buffer chaining
¥ Interrupts are optionally generated for BD transfer completion, external DONE
assertion, and STOP_IDMA command completion.
¥ Any channel is independently conÞgurable for data transfer from any 60x, local bus
source to any 60x, local bus destination
¥ Programmable byte-order conversion is supported independently for each DMA
¥ Supports programmable 60x-bus bandwidth usage for system performance
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Peripheral to/from memory features include the following:
¥ External DREQ, DACK, and DONE signals for each channel simpliÞes the
peripheral interface for memory-to/from-peripheral transfers
¥ Supports 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte peripheral port sizes
¥ Supports standard 60x burst accesses (four consecutive 64-bit data phases) to/from
18.5 IDMA Transfers
The IDMA channel transfers data from a source to a destination using an intermediate
transfer buffer (of programmable size) in the dual-port RAM. An efÞcient data-packing
algorithm bursts data through the IDMA transfer buffer to minimize the bus cycles needed
for the transfer. In single-address peripheral transfers, however, data is transferred directly
between memory and a peripheral device without using the IDMA transfer buffer.
Unaligned data is transferred in single accesses until alignment is achieved. Then, burst
transactions are used (if allowed by the user) to transfer the bulk of the data buffer. Single
accesses are used again for any remaining non-burstable data at the end of the transfer.
18.5.1 Memory-to-Memory Transfers
For memory-to-memory transfers, the IDMA Þrst Þlls the IDMA transfer buffer in the dual-
port RAM by initiating read accesses on the source bus. It then empties the data from the
internal transfer buffer to the destination bus by initiating write accesses. The transfer sizes
for the source and destination buses are programmed in the IDMA parameter RAM.
For the DMA to generate bursts on the 60x bus, the address boundaries of each burst
transfer must be 32-byte aligned. If the transfer does not start on a burst boundary, the
IDMA controller transfers the end-of-burst (EOB) data (1Ð31 bytes) in non-burst
transactions on the source bus and on the destination bus until reaching the next boundary.
When alignment is achieved, subsequent data is bursted until the remainder of the data in
the buffer is less than a burst size (32 bytes). The remaining data is transferred using non-
burst transactions.
Data transfers use the parameters described in Table 18-3.
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 18-5 shows the IDMA transfer buffer.
Figure 18-5. IDMA Transfer Buffer in the Dual-Port RAM
Each bufferÕs contents are transferred in three phases:
¥ First phase. The internal transfer buffer is Þlled with [EOB(alignment to source address) +
SS_MAX] bytes, read from the source bus. Then, if EOB(alignment to destination address) £
EOB(alignment to source address), [EOB(destination) + SS_MAX] bytes are written from the
transfer buffer to the destination bus; or if EOB(destination) > EOB(source),
[EOB(destination) + (k-2)*32] bytes are written bytes are written. This write transfer
size leaves a remainder of 0Ð31 bytes in the transfer buffer after the last write burst
of the steady-state phase. After the Þrst phase, burst alignment is ensured.
¥ Steady-state phase. The transfer buffer is Þlled with SS_MAX bytes (k-1 bursts),
read from the source bus in STS units. Then, SS_MAX bytes are written to the
destination bus, in DTS units, from the transfer buffer. Because alignment is ensured
from Þrst phase, all bus transfers are bursts. This sequence is repeated until there are
no more than SS_MAX bytes to be transferred. A remainder of 0Ð31 bytes is left in
the transfer buffer after the last burst write.
Table 18-3. IDMA Transfer Parameters
Parameter Description
DMA_WRAP Determines the size of the dedicated IDMA transfer buffer in dual-port RAM. The buffer size is a
multiple of a 60x burst size (k*32 bytes).
SS_MAX Initialized to (IDMA_transfer_buffer_size - 32) bytes, which is the steady-state maximum transfer size of
IDMA transfer. This condition ensures that the transfer buffer is either Þlled by one SS_MAX bytes
transfer and emptied in one or several transfers, or Þlled by one or several transfers to be emptied in
one SS_MAX bytes transfer. In terms of bursts, if the transfer buffer contains k bursts (each is 32 bytes
long), then SS_MAX equals to k-1 bursts which is (k-1)*32 bytes.
STS/DTS Source/destination transfer size. These parameters determine the access sizes in which the source/
destination is accessed in steady state of work. At least one of these values (DTS/STS) must be
initialized to the value of SS_MAX.
DMA_WRAP determines IDMA transfer buffer size
(32 * k) bytes
Base Address (aligned to buffer size)
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Last phase. The remaining data is read into the transfer buffer in bursts, with the last
1Ð31 bytes read in single accesses. All data in the transfer buffer is written to the
destination bus in bursts, with the last 1Ð31 bytes written in single accesses. The last
transfers, read/write or both can be accompanied with DONE assertion, if
Figure 18-6 shows an example of the three IDMA transfer stages.
Figure 18-6. Example IDMA Transfer Buffer States for a Memory-to-Memory
Transfer (Size = 128 Bytes) External Request Mode
Memory-to-memory transfers can be conÞgured to operate in external request mode
(DCM[ERM] = 1). In external request mode, every read transfer is triggered by the
assertion of DREQ. When the transfer buffer is full, the Þrst write transfer is done
automatically. Additional write transfers, if needed, are triggered by DREQ assertions.
First Phase
after first read after first write
after second read after second write after third read after third write
Steady-State Phase (2 transfers in this case)
Last Phase
after last read after last write
Read size = EOB(source) + SS_MAX
Write size = EOB(destination) + SS_MAX
Read size = SS_MAX
Write size = SS_MAX
Read size = remainder data of BD
Write size = all data left
EOB (source) EOB (destination)
Read size = SS_MAX
Write size = SS_MAX
Note: After phase 1, less than 32 bytes (a burst) will
remain in the internal buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Because at least one of the transfer sizes (STS or DTS) equals SS_MAX, every DREQ
assertion causes one transfer to the smaller (in STS/DTS terms) bus. If STS = DTS,
asserting DREQ triggers one read transfer automatically followed by one write transfer.
External request mode does not support external DONE
signaling from a device and DACK signaling from an IDMA
channel. Normal Mode
When external request mode is not selected (DCM[ERM] = 0), the IDMA channel operates
automatically, ignoring DREQ.
18.5.2 Memory to/from Peripheral Transfers
Working with peripheral devices requires the external signals DONE, DREQ, DACK to
control the data transfer using the following rules:
¥ The peripheral sets a request for data to be read-from/write-to by asserting DREQ
as conÞgured, falling or rising edge sensitive.
¥ The peripheral transfers/samples the data when DACK is asserted.
¥ The peripheral asserts DONE to stop the current transfer.
¥ The peripheral terminates the current transfer when DONE is asserted, combined
with DACK, by the IDMA.
Peripherals are usually accessed with Þxed port-size transfers. The transfer sizes (STS/
DTS) related to the peripheral must be programmed to its port size; thus, every access to a
peripheral yields a single bus transaction. The maximum peripheral port size is (bus_width
- 8) bytes and also should evenly divide the buffer length, BD[Data Length].
A peripheral can also be conÞgured to accept a burst per DREQ assertion. In this case, the
transfer size parameter should be initialized to 32, and the accesses are made in bursts. See
Table 18-8.
A peripheral can be accessed at a Þxed address location or at incremental addresses. Setting
DCM[SINC, DINC] in the DMA channel mode register causes the address to be
incremented before the next transfer; see Section, ÒDMA Channel Mode (DCM).Ó
This allows the IDMA to access a FIFO buffer the same way it does peripherals.
DCM[S/D] determines whether the peripheral is the source or destination.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data can be transferred between a peripheral and memory in single- or dual-address
¥ For dual-address accesses, the data is read from the source, temporarily stored in the
IDMA transfer buffer in the dual-port RAM, and then written to the destination.
¥ For single-address accesses (ßy-by mode), the data is transferred directly between
memory and the peripheral. Memory responds to the address phase, while the
peripheral ignores it and responds to DACK assertions.
Any IDMA access to a peripheral uses the highest arbitration priority allowed for the DMA,
providing faster bus access by bypassing other pending DMA requests. Dual-Address Transfers
The following sections discuss various dual-address transfers. Peripheral to Memory
Dual-address peripheral-to-memory data transfers are similar to memory-to-memory
transfers using the three-phase algorithm; see Section 18.5.1, ÒMemory-to-Memory
Transfers.Ó When a peripheral asserts DREQ, data is loaded from the peripheral in port-size
units to the internal transfer buffer. When the transfer buffer reaches the steady-state level,
it is automatically written to the memory destination in one transfer. The source transfer
size (STS) is initialized to the peripheral port size, and the destination transfer size (DTS)
is initialized to SS_MAX.
External requests must be enabled (DCM[ERM] = 1) for dual-address peripheral-to-
memory transfers. If DONE is asserted externally by the peripheral or if a STOP_IDMA
command is issued, the current transfer stops. All data in the internal transfer buffer is
written to memory in one transfer before its BD is closed, and the IDSR[EDN] or
IDSR[SC] event bits are set; see Section 18.8.4, ÒIDMA Event Register (IDSR) and Mask
Register (IDMR).Ó
When the peripheral controls a transfer of unknown length, initialize a large enough buffer
so that the peripheral will most likely assert DONE before overßowing the buffer. When
DONE is asserted, the BD is closed and interrupts are generated (if enabled). The next
DREQ assertion opens the next BD if DCM[DT] is set; see Section, ÒDMA
Channel Mode (DCM).Ó Memory to Peripheral
Dual-address memory-to-peripheral data transfers are similar to memory-to-memory
transfers using the three-phase algorithm; see Section 18.5.1, ÒMemory-to-Memory
Transfers.Ó STS is initialized to SS_MAX and DTS is initialized to the peripheral port size.
The Þrst DREQ peripheral assertion triggers a read of SS_MAX (or more in the Þrst phase)
bytes from the memory into the internal transfer buffer, automatically followed by a write
of DTS bytes to the peripheral. Subsequent DREQ assertions trigger writes to the
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
peripheral. When the transfer buffer has fewer than DTS bytes left, the next DREQ
assertion triggers a read of SS_MAX bytes from memory, automatically followed by a
write to the peripheral, and the sequence begins again.
External requests must be enabled (DCM[ERM] = 1) for dual-address peripheral-to-
memory transfers. If DONE is asserted externally by the peripheral or if a STOP_IDMA
command is issued, the current transfer is stopped, its BD is closed, and the IDSR[EDN]
or IDSR[SC] event bits are set; see Section 18.8.4, ÒIDMA Event Register (IDSR) and
Mask Register (IDMR).Ó Single Address (Fly-By) Transfers
When DCM[FB] = 1, both peripheral-to-memory and memory-to-peripheral transfers
occur in ßy-by mode; see Section, ÒDMA Channel Mode (DCM).Ó In fly-by mode,
an internal transfer buffer is not needed because the data is transferred directly between
memory and the peripheral. Also, parameters related to the dual-port RAM bus are not
relevant in ßy-by mode. Each DREQ assertion triggers a transfer the size of the peripheral
port. All transfers are made in single memory accesses accompanied by DACK assertion.
When DONE is asserted externally or a STOP_IDMA command is issued, the current transfer
is stopped, its BD is closed, and the IDSR[EDN] or IDSR[SC] event bits are set; see
Section 18.8.4, ÒIDMA Event Register (IDSR) and Mask Register (IDMR).Ó
In ßy-by mode, a peripheral can be conÞgured to handle a burst per DREQ assertion if STS
is programmed to 32. The Þrst phase of the transfer aligns the data to the burst boundary so
that subsequent accesses can be performed in bursts. Peripheral-to-Memory Fly-By Transfers
During peripheral-to-memory ßy-by transfers, the IDMA controller writes to memory
while simultaneously asserting DACK. The constant assertion of DACK enables the
controller to write to memory as soon as the peripheral outputs data to the bus. Thus, data
is transferred from a peripheral to memory in one data phase instead of two, increasing
For proper operation, STS must equal the peripheral port size. Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Transfers
During memory-to-peripheral ßy-by transfers, the IDMA controller reads from memory
while simultaneously asserting DACK.
The constant assertion of DACK enables the controller to read from memory as soon as the
peripheral samples the data bus. Thus, data is transferred from memory to a peripheral in
one data phase instead of two, increasing throughput.
For proper operation, DTS must equal the peripheral port size.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.5.3 Controlling 60x Bus Bandwidth
STS, DTS, and SS_MAX can be used to control the 60x bus bandwidth occupied by the
IDMA channel. In every mode except ßy-by mode, at least one transfer size parameter
(STS/DTS) must be initialized to the SS_MAX value. For memory-to-memory transfers,
the other transfer size parameter can be initialized to a smaller value used to control the 60x
bus bandwidth. For example, if the transfer size is N*32 bytes, each time the DMA
controller wins arbitration, it transfers N bursts before releasing the bus. When SS_MAX
bytes have been transferred, the controller reverts to single transactions (double-word,
word, half-word, or byte).
Memory-to-memory transfer sizes must evenly divide into SS_MAX and also be a multiple
of 32 (for bursting); see Table 18-7.
The size of the IDMA transfer buffer in the dual-port RAM should be determined by the
largest transfer (usually SS_MAX + 32 bytes) needed by one of the buses, while the other
transfer size can be programmed to control the bandwidth of the other bus.
Summarizing the above, a larger DMA transfer size provides for greater microcode
efÞciency and lower DMA bus latency, because the DMA controller does not release the
60x bus until the transfer is completed. If the DMA priority on the 60x bus is high, however,
other 60x masters may experience a high bus latency. Conversely, if the transfer size is
small, the DMA requests the 60x bus more often, DMA latency increases and microcode
efÞciency decreases.
The IDMA transfer size parameters give high ßexibility, but it is recommended to check
overall system performance with different IDMA parameter settings for maximum
Note that the memory priority parameter DCM[LP] should be considered when dealing
with bus bandwidth usage.
18.6 IDMA Priorities
Each IDMA channel can be programmed to have a higher or lower priority relative to the
serial controllers or to have the lowest overall priority when requesting service from the CP.
The IDMA priorities are programmed in RCCR[DRxQP]; see Section 13.3.6, ÒRISC
Controller ConÞguration Register (RCCR).Ó Take care to avoid overrun or underrun errors
in the serial controllers when selecting high priorities for IDMA.
Additional priority over all serial controllers can be selected by setting DCM[LP]; see
Section, ÒDMA Channel Mode (DCM).Ó
18.7 IDMA Interface Signals
Each IDMA has three dedicated handshake control signals for transfers involving an
external peripheral device: DMA request (DREQ[1Ð4]), DMA acknowledge (DACK[1Ð4])
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
and DMA done (DONE[1Ð4]). DREQx may also be used to control the transfer pace of
memory-to-memory transfers.
¥ DREQx is the external DMA request signal.
¥DACKx is the DMA acknowledge.
¥DONEx marks the end of an IDMA transfer.
The IDMA signals are multiplexed with other internal controller signals at the parallel I/O
ports. To enable the IDMA signals, the corresponding bits in the parallel I/O registers
should be set. See Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
18.7.1 DREQx and DACKx
When the peripheral requires IDMA service, it asserts DREQx and the MPC8260 begins
the IDMA process. When the IDMA service is in progress, DACKx is asserted during
accesses to the peripheral. A peripheral must validate the transfer by asserting TA or signal
an error by asserting TEA.
DREQx may be conÞgured as either edge- or level-sensitive by programming the
RCCR[DRxM]. When DREQx is conÞgured as edge-sensitive, RCCR[EDMx] controls
whether the request is generated on the rising or falling edge; see Section 13.3.6, ÒRISC
Controller ConÞguration Register (RCCR).Ó
DREQx is sampled at each rising edge of the clock to determine when a valid request is
asserted by the device. Level-Sensitive Mode
For external devices requiring very high data transfer rates, level-sensitive mode allows the
IDMA to use a maximum bandwidth to service the device. The device requests service by
asserting DREQx and leaving it asserted as long as it needs service. This mode is selected
by setting the corresponding RCCR[DRxM].
The IDMA asserts DACK each time it issues a bus transaction to either read or write the
peripheral. The peripheral must use TA and TEA for data validation. DACK is the
acknowledgment of the original burst request given on DREQx. DREQx should be negated
during the DACK active period to ensure that no further transactions are performed. Edge-Sensitive Mode
For external devices that generate a pulsed signal for each operand to be transferred, edge-
sensitive mode should be used. In edge-sensitive mode, the IDMA controller moves one
operand for each falling/rising (as conÞgured by RCCR[EDMx]) edge of DREQx. This
mode is selected by clearing the corresponding RCCR[DRxM] and programming the
corresponding RCCR[EDMx] to the proper edge.
When the IDMA controller detects a valid edge on DREQx, a request becomes pending and
remains pending until it is serviced by the IDMA. Subsequent changes on DREQx are
18-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
ignored until the request begins to be serviced. The servicing of the request results in one
operand being transferred. Each time the IDMA issues a bus transaction to either read or
write the device, the IDMA asserts DACK. The device must use TA and TEA for data
validation. Thus, DACK is the acknowledgment of the original transaction request given on
18.7.2 DONEx
This bidirectional open-drain signal is used to indicate the last IDMA transfer. DONE can
be an output of the IDMA in the source or destination bus transaction if the transfer count
is exhausted. This function is controlled by BD[SDN, DDN].
DONE can also operate as an input. When operating in external request modes, DONE may
be used as an input to the IDMA controller to indicate that the device being serviced
requires no more transfers. In that case, the transfer is terminated, the current BD is closed,
and an interrupt is generated (if enabled).
DONE is ignored if it is asserted externally during internal
request mode (DCM[ERM] = 0).
DONE must not be asserted externally during memory-to-
memory transfers if external request mode is enabled
(DCM[ERM] = 1).
18.8 IDMA Operation
Every IDMA operation involves the following stepsÑIDMA channel initialization, data
transfer, and block termination.
¥ During initialization, the core initializes the IDMA_BASE register in the internal
parameter RAM to point to the IDMA-speciÞc table in RAM. This table contains
control information for the IDMA operation. In addition the core initializes the
parallel I/O registers to enable IDMA external signals, if needed, and other registers
related to the channel priority and operation modes; see Section 18.11,
ÒProgramming the Parallel I/O Registers.Ó The core initiates the IDMA BDs to point
to the data for the transfer and/or a free space for data to be transferred to, and starts
the transfer by issuing the START_IDMA command.
¥ During data transfer, the IDMA accepts requests for data transfers and provides
addressing and bus control for the transfers.
¥ Termination occurs when the IDMA operation completes or the peripheral asserts
DONE externally. The core can initiate termination by using the STOP_IDMA
command. The IDMA can interrupt the core if interrupts are enabled to signal for
operation termination and other events related to the data transfer.
The IDMA uses a data structure, which, as with serial controller BDs, allows ßexible data
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
allocation and eliminates the need for core intervention between transfers. BDs contain
information describing the data block and special control options for the DMA operation
while transferring the data block.
18.8.1 Auto Buffer and Buffer Chaining
The core processor should initialize the IDMA BD table with the appropriate buffer
handling mode, source address, destination address, and block length. See Figure 18-7.
Figure 18-7. IDMAx ChannelÕs BD Table
Data associated with each IDMA channel is stored in buffers and each buffer is referenced
by a BD that uses a circular table structure in the dual-port RAM. Control options such as
interrupt and DONE assertion are also programmed on a per-buffer basis in each BD.
Data may be transferred in the two following modes:
¥ Auto buffer mode. The IDMA continuously transfers data to/from the location
programmed in the BD until a STOP_IDMA command is issued or DONE is asserted
¥ Buffer chaining mode. Data is transferred according to the Þrst BD parameters, then
the second BD and so forth. The Þrst BD is reused (if ready) until the BD with the
last bit set is reached. IDMA transfers stop and restarts when the BD table is
reinitialized and a START_IDMA command is issued.
Address (IBASE)
Source Device or
Buffer 0
Source Device or
Buffer 1
Source Device or
Buffer 2
Source Device or
Buffer n
BD 0 Destination Device or
Buffer 0
BD 1
BD 2
BD n
Destination Device or
Buffer 1
Destination Device or
Buffer 2
Destination Device or
Buffer n
18-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.8.2 IDMAx Parameter RAM
When an IDMAx channel is conÞgured to auto buffer or buffer chaining mode, the
MPC8260 uses the IDMAx parameters listed in the Table 18-4. Parameters should be
modiÞed only while the channel is disabled, that is, before the Þrst START_IDMA command
or when the event registerÕs stop-completed bit (IDSR[SC]) is set following a STOP_IDMA
Each IDMAx channel parameter table can be placed at any 64-byte aligned address in the
dual-port RAMÕs general-purpose area (banks 1Ð8). The CP accesses each IDMAx channel
parameter table using a user-programmed pointer (IDMAx_BASE) located in the
parameter RAM; see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó For example, if the IDMA1
channel parameter table is to be placed at address offset 0x2000 in the dual-port RAM,
write 0x2000 to IDMA1_BASE.
Table 18-4. IDMAx Parameter RAM
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x00 IBASE Hword IDMA BD table base address. DeÞnes the starting location in the dual-port RAM
for the set of IDMA BDs. It is an offset from the beginning of the dual-port RAM.
The user must initialize IBASE before enabling the IDMA channel and should
not overlap BD tables of two enabled serial controllers or IDMA channels or
erratic operation results. The IBASE value should be 16-bit aligned.
0x02 DCM Hword DMA channel mode. See Section, ÒDMA Channel Mode (DCM).Ó
0x04 IBDPTR Hword IDMA BD pointer. Points to the current BD during transfer processing. Points to
the next BD to be processed when an idle channel is restarted. Initialize to
IBASE before the Þrst START_IDMA command. If BD[W] = 1, the CP initializes
IBPTR to IBASE When the end of an IDMA BD table is reached. After a
STOP_IDMA command is issued, IBDPTR points to the next BD to be processed.
It can be modiÞed after SC interrupt is set and before a START_IDMA command is
0x06 DPR_BUF Hword IDMA transfer buffer base address. The base address should be aligned
according to the buffer size determined by DCM[DMA_WRAP]. The transfer
buffer size should be consistent with DCM[DMA_WRAP]; that is, DPR_BUF =
(64 X 2DMA_WRAP) - 32. See Section, ÒDMA Channel Mode (DCM).Ó
0x08 BUF_INV Hword Internal buffer inventory. Indicates the quantity of data inside the internal buffer.
0x0A SS_MAX Hword Steady-state maximum transfer size in bytes. User-deÞned parameter to
increase microcode efÞciency. Initialize to internal_buffer_size - 32, that is,
SS_MAX = (64 X 2DMA_WRAP) - 32. If possible, SS_MAX is used as the transfer
size on transfers to/from memory in memory-to-peripheral mode or in
peripheral-to-memory mode. For memory-to-memory mode, SS_MAX is used
as the transfer size for at least one of the devices. SS_MAX should be
consistent with STS, DTS, and DCM[S/D]. See Table 18-7 and Table 18-8.
0x0C DPR_IN_PTR Hword Write pointer inside the internal buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x0E STS Hword Source transfer size in bytes. All transfers from the source (except the start
alignment and the end) are written to the bus using this parameter.
In memory-to-peripheral mode, STS should be initialized to SS_MAX.
In peripheral-to-memory mode, STS should be initialized to the peripheral port
size or peripheral transfer size (if the peripheral accepts bursts). See Table 18-8
for valid STS values for peripherals.
In ßy-by mode, STS is initialized to the peripheral port size.
In memory-to-memory mode:
¥ STS should be initialized to SS_MAX.
¥ DTS value should be initialized to SS_MAX. STS can be initialized to values
other than SS_MAX in the following conditions:
ÐSTS must divide SS_MAX.
ÐSTS must be divided by 32 to enable bursts during the steady-state phase.
See Table 18-7 for memory-to-memory valid STS values.
0x10 DPR_OUT_PTR Hword Read pointer inside the internal buffer.
0x12 SEOB Hword Source end of burst. Used for alignment of the Þrst read burst.
0x14 DEOB Hword Destination end of burst. Used for alignment of the Þrst write burst.
0x16 DTS Hword Destination transfer size in bytes. All transfers to destination (except the start
alignment and the tail) are written to the bus using this parameter.
In peripheral-to-memory mode, DTS should equal SS_MAX.
In memory-to-peripheral modes, initialize DTS to the peripheral port size if
transferÕs destination is a peripheral. Valid sizes for peripheral destination is 1, 2,
4, and 8 bytes, or peripheral transfer size (if the peripheral accepts bursts). See
Table 18-8 for valid STS values for peripherals.
In ßy-by mode, DTS is initialized to the peripheral port size.
In memory-to-memory mode:
¥ DTS value is initialized to SS_MAX.
¥ STS value is initialized to SS_MAX. DTS can be initialized to values other
than SS_MAX in the following conditions:
ÐDTS must divide SS_MAX.
ÐDTS must be divided by 32, to enable bursts in steady-state phase.
See Table 18-8 for valid memory-to-memory DTS values.
0x18 RET_ADD Hword Used to save return address when working in ERM = 1 mode.
0x1A Ñ Hword Reserved, should be cleared.
0x1C BD_CNT Word Internal byte count.
0x20 S_PTR Word Source internal data pointer.
0x24 D_PTR Word Destination internal data pointer.
0x28 ISTATE Word Internal. Should be cleared before every START_IDMA command.
1From the pointer value programmed in IDMAx_BASE: IDMA1_BASE at 0x87FE, IDMA2_BASE at 0x88FE,
IDMA3_BASE at 0x89FE, and IDMA4_BASE at 0x8AFE; see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
Table 18-4. IDMAx Parameter RAM (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
18-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module DMA Channel Mode (DCM)
The IDMA channel mode (DCM) is a 16-bit Þeld within the IDMA parameter RAM, that
controls the operation modes of the IDMA channel. As are all other IDMA parameters, the
DCM is undeÞned at reset.
Table 18-5 describes DCM bits.
bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Ñ
Figure 18-8. DCM Parameters
Table 18-5. DCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 FB Fly-by mode. See Table 18-6.
0 Dual-address mode.
1 Fly-by (single-address) mode. The internal IDMA transfer buffer is not used. Valid only in
peripheral-to-memory (S/D=10) or memory-to-peripheral (S/D=01) modes.
1 LP Low priority. Applies to memory-to-memory accesses only. See Section 4.3.2, ÒSystem
ConÞguration and Protection Registers.Ó
0 The IDMA transaction to memory is in middle CPM request priority.
1 The IDMA transaction to memory is in low CPM request priority.
Note that IDMA single-address (ßy-by) transfers with external peripherals are always high
priority, ignoring this bit and bypassing other pending SDMA requests.
2Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 TC2 Driven on TC[2] during IDMA transactions. The TC[0Ð1] signals are always driven to 0b11
during IDMA transactions.
6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7Ð9 DMA_WRAP DMA wrap. DeÞnes the size of the IDMA transfer buffer. The IDMA pointer wraps to the
beginning of the buffer whenever DMA_WRAP bytes have been transferred to/from the buffer.
000 64 byte
001 128 byte
010 256 byte
011 512 byte
100 1024 byte
101 2048 byte
11x Reserved
Table 18-7 and Table 18-8 describes the relations between the parameterÕs initial value and
SS_MAX, STS, DTD and DCM[S/D] parameters.
The IDMA transfer buffer (DPR_BUF) size should be consistent with DCM[DMA_WRAP]; that
is DPR_BUF = 64 X 2(DMA_WRAP) - 32
18-19 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
10 SINC Source increment address.
0 Source address pointer (S_PTR) is not incremented in the source read transaction. Should
be cleared for peripheral-to-memory transfers if the peripheral has a Þxed address.
1 CP increments the source address pointer (S_PTR) with the number of bytes transferred in
the source read transaction. Used for memory-to-memory and memory-to-peripheral
In ßy-by mode, SINC controls the memory address increment and should equal DINC.
11 DINC Destination increment address.
0 Destination address pointer (D_PTR) is not changed in the destination write transaction.
Used for memory-to-peripheral transfers if the peripheral has a Þxed address.
1 CP increments the destination pointer (D_PTR) with the number of bytes transferred in the
destination write transaction. Used for memory-to-memory and memory-to-peripheral
In ßy-by mode, DINC should equal SINC.
12 ERM External request mode.
0 The CP transfers continuously, as if an external level request is asserted, regardless of the
DREQ signal assertion. The CP stops the transfer when there are no more valid BDs or
after a STOP_IDMA command is issued. DONE assertion by a external device is ignored.
1 The CP responds to DREQ as conÞgured (edge/level) by performing single- or dual-address
transfers. The CP also responds to DONE assertions.
Note: Memory-to-memory transfers (S/D=00) with external request (ERM=1) is allowed, but
DONE assertion is not supported in this mode (DONE should be disabled).
13 DT DONE treatment:
0 After external DONE assertion, the IDMA ignores further DREQ assertions. The CP closes
the current BD and IDMA stops. START_IDMA command should be issued before assertion of
another DREQ.
1 After external DONE assertion, the CP closes the current BD. The IDMA continues to the
next BD when DREQ is asserted.
14Ð15 S/D Source/destination is a peripheral device or memory. See Table 18-6.
00 Read from memory, write to memory.
10 Read from peripheral, write to memory.
01 Read from memory, write to peripheral.
11 Reserved
When a device is a peripheral:
ACK is asserted during transfers to/from it.
¥ It may assert DONE to terminate all accesses to/from it.
¥ It can be operated in ßy-by modeÑrespond to DACK ignoring the address.
¥ It gets highest DMA priority on the bus arbiter and the lowest DMA latency available.
Table 18-5. DCM Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
18-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module Data Transfer Types as Programmed in DCM
Table 18-6 summarizes the types of data transfers according to the DCM programming. Programming DTS and STS
The options for setting STS and DTS depend on (DCM[DMA_WRAP]) and are described
in the following tables for memory/memory and memory/peripheral transfers.
Table 18-6. IDMA Channel Data Transfer Operation
S/D FB Read From Write To Description (Steady-State Operation)
01 0 Memory
(DTS = port size
or 32)
Read from memory: Filling internal buffer in one DMA transfer.
On the bus: one burst or more, depends on STS
Write to peripheral: In smaller transfers until internal buffer empties.
On the bus: singles or burst, depends on DTS
10 0 Peripheral
(STS = port size or
(DTS =
Read from peripheral: Filling internal buffer in several DMA
On the bus: singles or burst, depends on STS
Write to memory: in one DMA transfer, internal buffer empties.
On the bus: one burst or more, depends on DTS
00 0 Memory
(DTS =
Read from memory: Filling internal buffer in one DMA transfer.
On the bus: one burst or more, depends on STS
Write to memory: in one transfer or more until internal buffer
On the bus: singles or bursts, depends on DTS
00 0 Memory
or less)
(DTS =
Read from memory: Filling internal buffer in one or more DMA
On the bus: singles or bursts, depends on STS
Write to memory: in one DMA transfer, internal buffer empties.
On the bus: one burst or more, depends on DTS
01 1 Memory to
(DTS = port size or
Ñ Read transaction from memory while asserting DACK to
peripheral. Peripheral samples the data read from memory.
On the bus: singles or bursts, depends on DTS
10 1 Ñ Peripheral to
(STS = port size
or 32)
Write transaction to memory while asserting DACK to peripheral.
Peripheral provides the data that is written to the memory.
On the bus: singles or bursts, depends on STS
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 18-7 describes valid STS/DTS values for memory-to-memory operations.
Table 18-8 describes valid STS/DTS values for memory/peripheral operations.
Table 18-7. Valid Memory-to-Memory STS/DTS Values
SS_MAX STS (in Bytes) DTS (in Bytes)
Number of Transfers to
Fill Internal Buffer
STS Size DTS Size
000 64 1 * 32
1 * 32 32 1 1
32 1 * 32 1 1
001 128 3 * 32
3 * 32 3 * 32, 32 1 1, 3
3 * 32, 32 3 * 32 1, 3 1
010 256 7 * 32
7 * 32 7 * 32, 32 1 1, 7
7 * 32, 32 7 * 32 1, 7 1
011 512 15 * 32
15 * 32 15 * 32, 3 * 32, 5 * 32, 32 1 1, 5, 3, 15
15 * 32, 3 * 32, 5 * 32, 32 15 * 32 1, 5, 3, 15 1
100 1024 31 * 32
31 * 32 31 * 32, 32 1 1, 31
31 * 32, 32 31 * 32 1, 31 1
101 2048 63 * 32
63 * 32 63 * 32, 9 * 32, 7 * 32, 32 1 1, 7, 9, 63
63 * 32, 9 * 32, 7 * 32, 32 63 * 32 1, 7, 9, 63 1
Table 18-8. Valid STS/DTS Values for Peripherals
DMA_WRAP Internal Buffer Size SS_MAX S/D Mode STS (in Bytes) DTS (in Bytes)
000 64 1 * 32 01 1 * 32 1, 2, 4, 8 (single)1; 32
10 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
1 * 32
001 128 3 * 32 01 3 * 32 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
10 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
3 * 32
010 256 7 * 32 01 7 * 32 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
10 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
7 * 32
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.8.3 IDMA Performance
The transfer parameters STS, DTS, SS_MAX, and DMA_WRAP determine the amount of
data transferred for each START_IDMA command issued. Using large internal IDMA
transfer buffers and the maximum transfer sizes allows longer transfers to memory devices,
optimizes bus usage and thus reduces the overall load on the CP.
For example, 2,016 bytes can be transferred by issuing one START_IDMA command using a
2-Kbyte internal transfer buffer, or by issuing 63 START_IDMA commands using a 64-byte
buffer. The load on the CP in the second case is about 63 times more than the Þrst.
18.8.4 IDMA Event Register (IDSR) and Mask Register (IDMR)
The IDMA event (status) register (IDSR) is used to report events recognized by the IDMA
controller. On recognition of an event, the controller sets the corresponding IDSR bit. Each
IDMA event bit can generate a maskable interrupt to the core. Even bits are cleared by
writing ones; writing zeros has no effect.
The IDMA mask register (IDMR) has the same format as IDSR. Setting IDMR bits enables,
and clearing IDMR bits disables, the corresponding interrupts in the event register.
Figure 18-9 shows the bit format for IDSR and IDMR.
011 512 15 * 32 01 15 * 32 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
10 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
15 * 32
100 1024 31 * 32 01 31 * 32 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
10 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
31 * 32
101 2048 63 * 32 01 63 * 32 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
10 1, 2, 4, 8 (single); 32
63 * 32
1These values come out as a single transaction on the bus.
2Peripherals that can accept bursts of 32 bytes are supported.
Table 18-8. Valid STS/DTS Values for Peripherals (Continued)
DMA_WRAP Internal Buffer Size SS_MAX S/D Mode STS (in Bytes) DTS (in Bytes)
18-23 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 18-9 describes IDSR/IDMR Þelds.
18.8.5 IDMA BDs
Source addresses, destination addresses, and byte counts are presented to the CP using the
special IDMA BDs. The CP reads the BDs, programs the SDMA channel, and notiÞes the
core about the completion of a buffer transfer using the IDMA BDs. This concept is similar
to the one used for the serial controllers on the MPC8260 except that the BD is larger
because it contains additional information.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11020 (IDSR1), 0x11028 (IDSR2), 0x11030 (IDSR3), 0x11038 (IDSR4)/
0x11024 (IDMR1), 0x1102C (IDMR2), 0x11034 (IDMR3), 0x1103C (IDMR4)
Figure 18-9. IDMA Event/Mask Registers (IDSR/IDMR)
Table 18-9. IDSR/IDMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð3 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
4 SC Stop completed. Set after the IDMA channel completes processing the STOP_IDMA command. Do not
change channel parameters until SC is set.
5 OB Out of buffers. Set to indicate that the IDMA channel encountered no valid BDs for the transfer.
6 EDN External DONE was asserted by device. Set to indicate that the IDMA channel terminated a transfer
because DONE was asserted by an external device, on the former SDMA transaction.
7 BC BD completed. Set only after all data of a BD whose I (interrupt) bit is set has completed transfer to the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 4 Data Length
Offset + 6
Offset + 8 Source Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + A
Offset + C Destination Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + E
Figure 18-10. IDMA BD Structure
18-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 18-10 describes IDMA BD Þelds.
Table 18-10. IDMA BD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 VValid
0 This BD does not contain valid data for transfer.
1 This BD contain valid data for transfer.
The CP checks this bit before starting a BD service. If this bit is cleared when the CP
accesses the BD, an interrupt IDSR[OB] is issued to the core, the IDMA channel is
stopped until a START_IDMA command is issued. After the BD is serviced this bit is
cleared by CP unless CM = 1.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 This is not the last BD in the BD table.
1 Last BD in the table. After the associated buffer has been used, the CP transfers data
from the Þrst BD in the table, which is pointed by IBASE. The number of BDs in this
table is programmable and determined by W bit and the overall space constraints of the
dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 When the CP services all the bufferÕs data, IDSR[BC] is set, which generates a
maskable interrupt.
0 Not the last buffer of a chain to be transferred in buffer chaining mode. The I bit can be
used to generate an interrupt when this buffer service is complete.
1 Last buffer of a chain to be transferred in buffer chaining mode. When this BD service is
complete the channel is stopped by CP until START_IDMA command is issued.
This bit should be set only in buffer chaining mode (CM bit 6 = 0).
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Buffer chaining mode. The CP clears V after this BD is serviced. Buffer chaining mode
is used to transfer large quantities of data into non-contiguous buffer areas. The user
can initialize BDs ahead of time, if needed. The CP automatically loads the IDMA
registers from the next BD values when the transfer is terminated.
1 Auto buffer mode (continuous mode). The CP does not clear V after this BD is serviced.
This is the only difference between auto buffer mode and buffer chaining mode. Auto
buffer mode transfers multiple groups of data to/from a buffer table and does not
require BD reprogramming. The CP automatically reloads the IDMA registers from the
next BD values when the transfer is terminated. Either a single BD or multiple BDs can
be used to create an inÞnite loop of repeated data moves.
Note that the I bit can still be used to generate an interrupt in this mode.
7-8 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
9SDN Source done
0 DONE is inactive during this BD.
1 The IDMA asserts DONE at the last read data phase of the BD.
In ßy-by mode (DCM[FB] = 1), SDN should be same as DDN.
10 DDN Destination done
0 DONE is inactive during this BD.
1 The IDMA asserts DONE at the last write data phase of the BD.
In ßy-by mode (DCM[FB] = 1), DDN should be same as SDN.
18-25 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
11 DGBL Destination global
0 Snooping is not activated.
1 Snooping is activated for write transactions to the destination.
In ßy-by mode, should be the same as SGBL.
12-13 DBO Destination byte ordering:
01 PowerPC little Endian.
1x Big endian (Motorola).
00 Reserved
In ßy-by mode, should be the same as SBO.
14 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
15 DDTB Destination data bus.
0 The destination address lies within the 60x bus.
1 The destination address lies within the local bus.
In ßy-by mode, should be the same as SDTB.
0x02 0-1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2SGBL Source global
0 Snooping is not activated.
1 Snooping is activated for read transactions from the source.
In ßy-by mode, should be the same as DGBL.
3-4 SBO Source byte ordering:
01 PowerPC little endian
1x Big endian (Motorola)
00 Reserved
In ßy-by mode, should be the same as DBO.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6SDTB Source data bus.
0 The source address lies within the 60x bus.
1 The source address lies within the local bus.
In ßy-by mode, should be the same as DDTB.
7-15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x04 0Ð31 Data
Number of bytes the IDMA transfers. Should be programmed to a value greater than
Notes: When operating with a peripheral that accepts only single bus transactions
(transfer size < 32), data length should be a multiple of the peripheral transfer size (STS
for S/D = 10, or DTS for S/D = 01). Also, there is no error notiÞcation if the data length
does not match the buffer sizes.
0x08 0Ð31 Source
Holds the address of the associated buffer. Buffers may reside in internal or external
memory. Note that if the source/destination is a device, the pointer should contain the
device address.
In ßy-by mode, the pointers should contain the memory address.
0x0C 0Ð31 Destination
Table 18-10. IDMA BD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.9 IDMA Commands
The user has two commands to control each IDMA channel. These commands are executed
through the CP command register (CPCR); see Section 13.4, ÒCommand Set.Ó
18.9.1 START_IDMA Command
The START_IDMA command is used to start a transfer on an IDMA channel. The user must
initialize all parameters relevant for the correct operation of the channel (IDMAx_BASE
and IDMA channel parameter table) before issuing this command.
To restart the channel operation, the START_IDMA command can be reissued after every
pause in channel activity. The user must ensure that parameters are correct for the channel
to continue operation correctly.
The parameter ISTATE of the IDMA parameter RAM should be cleared before every issue
of a START_IDMA command.
An IDMA pause may occur for one of the following reasons:
¥ The channel is out of buffersÑIDSR[OB] event is set and an interrupt is generated
to the core, if enabled.
¥ DONE was asserted externally and DCM[DT] = 0 (see Table 18-5). An IDSR[EDN]
event is set and an interrupt is generated to the core, if enabled.
¥STOP_IDMA command was issued.
¥ The channel has Þnished a transfer of a BD with the last bit (L) set.
If the START_IDMA command is reissued and channel has more buffers to transfer, it restarts
transferring data according to the next BD in the buffer table.
In external request mode (ERM=1), the START_IDMA command initializes the channel, but
the Þrst data transfer is performed after external DREQx assertion.
In internal request mode (ERM=0), the START_IDMA command starts the data transfer
almost immediately, with a delay which depends on the CP load.
18.9.2 STOP_IDMA Command
The STOP_IDMA command is issued to stop the transfer of an IDMA channel.
When a STOP_IDMA command is issued, the CP terminates current IDMA transfers and the
current BD is closed (if it was open). If memory is the destination, all data in the IDMA
internal buffer is transferred to memory before termination.
At the end of the stop process, the stop-completed event (SC) is set and a maskable interrupt
is generated to the core. The user should not modify channel parameters until SC = 1. When
the channel is stopped, it does not respond to external requests. If a START_IDMA command
is reissued, the next BD in the BD table is processed (if it is valid).
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
In external request mode (ERM = 1), STOP_IDMA command processing has priority over a
peripheral asserting DONE.
Note: In memory-to-peripheral, peripheral-to-memory, and ßy-by modes, if a STOP_IDMA
command is issued with no data in the internal buffer, the BD is immediately closed and the
channel is stopped. In this case, a peripheral expecting DONE to be asserted is not notiÞed
because the last transfer of the buffer (with BD[DDN or SDN] set) is not performed.
18.10 IDMA Bus Exceptions
Bus exceptions can occur while the IDMA has the bus and is transferring operands. In any
computer system, a hardware failure can cause an error during a bus transaction due to
random noise or an illegal access. When a synchronous bus structure (like those supported
by the MPC8260) is used, it is easy to make provisions for a bus master to detect and
respond to errors during a bus transaction. The IDMA recognizes the same bus exceptions
as the core, reset and transfer error, as described in Table 18-11.
18.10.1 Externally Recognizing IDMA Operand Transfers
The following ways can be used determine externally that the IDMA is executing a bus
¥ The TC[2] signal (programmed in DCM[TC2]) or SDMA channels can be
programmed to a unique code that identiÞes an IDMA transfer.
¥ The DACK signal shows accesses to the peripheral device. DACK activates on either
the source or destination bus transactions, depending on DCM[S/D].
Table 18-11. IDMA Bus Exceptions
Exception Description
Reset On an external reset, the IDMA immediately aborts the channel operation, returns to the idle state, and
clears IDSR. If reset is detected when a bus transaction is in progress, the transaction is terminated, the
control and address/data pins are three-stated, and bus mastership is released.
When a fatal error occurs during a bus transaction, a bus error exception is used to abort the transaction
and systematically terminate channel operation. The IDMA terminates the current bus transaction,
signals an error in the SDSR, and signals an interrupt if the corresponding bit in the SDMR is set. The
CPM must be reset before IDMA operation is restarted. Any data previously read from the source into the
internal storage is lost, however, issuing a START_IDMA command transfers the last BD again.
Note: Any source or destination device for an operand under IDMA handshake control for single-address
transfers may need to monitor TEA to detect a bus exception for the current bus transaction. TEA
terminates the transaction immediately and negates DACK, which is used to control the transfer to/from
the device.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.11 Programming the Parallel I/O Registers
The parallel I/O registers control the use of the external pins of the chip. Each pin can be
used for different purposes. See Table 18-12, Table 18-13 and Table 18-14 (optional) for
the proper parallel I/O register programming dedicating the proper external ports to the four
IDMA channelsÕ external I/O signals.
Each port is controlled by Þve I/O registers: PPAR, PSOR, PDIR, PODR, and PDAT. Each
bit in these registers controls the external pin of the same location.
¥ PPARC selects the pins general purpose(0)/dedicated(1) mode for port C.
¥ PDIRC select the pins input or inout (0)/output(1) mode for port C.
¥ PODRC selects the open drain pins for port C.
¥ PSORC selects the pins dedicated1(0)/dedicated2(1) mode for port C.
¥ PPARA, PDIRA, PODRA, and PSORA control port A in the same way.
¥ PPARD, PDIRD, PODRD, and PSORD control port D in the same way.
¥ The default is the value that is seen by the IDMA channel on the pin (input or inout
mode onlyÑPDIR[PN] = 0) if a PSORx register bit is set to the complement value
of the value in Table 18-12, Table 18-13 and Table 18-14. See Section 35.2, ÒPort
Table 18-13 describes parallel I/O register programming for port A.
Table 18-12. Parallel I/O Register ProgrammingÑPort C
Channel Signal Pin PPARC PDIRC PODRC PSORC Default
IDMA1 DREQ1 (I) PC[0] 1000 GND
DACK1 (O) PC[23] 1101 Ñ
DONE1 (I/O) PC[22] 1011 VDD
IDMA2 DREQ2 (I) PC[1] 1000 GND
DACK2 (O) PC[3] 1101 Ñ
DONE2 (I/O) PC[2] 1011 VDD
Table 18-13. Parallel I/O Register ProgrammingÑPort A
Channel Signal Pin PPARA PDIRA PODRA PSORA Default
IDMA3 DREQ3 (I) PA[0] 1001 GND
DACK3 (O) PA[2] 1101 Ñ
DONE3 (I/O) PA[1] 1011 VDD
IDMA4 DREQ4 (I) PA[5] 1001 GND
DACK4 (O) PA[3] 1101 Ñ
DONE4 (I/O) PA[4] 1011 VDD
MOTOROLA Chapter 18. SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation 18-29
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 18-14 describes parallel I/O register programming for port D (optional).
18.12 IDMA Programming Examples
These programming examples demonstrate the use of most of the different modes and
conÞgurations of the IDMA channels.
18.12.1 Peripheral-to-Memory Mode (60x Bus to Local Bus)ÑIDMA2
In the example in Table 18-15, the IDMA2 channel reads 8 bytes per DREQ assertion from
a Þxed address peripheral located on the 60x bus into the internal buffer. When there is
enough data in the internal buffer, it writes one burst to the memory located on the local
bus. The internal buffer size is set to 64 bytes to handle maximum transfer of a single burst.
The IDMA2 channel asserts DONE on the last read transfer of the last BD to notify the
peripheral that there is no data left to transfer.
Table 18-14. Parallel I/O Register ProgrammingÑPort D
Channel Signal Pin PPARD PDIRD PODRD PSORD Default
IDMA1 DACK1 (O) PD[6] 1101 Ñ
DONE1 (I/O) PD[5] 1011 VDD
Table 18-15. Example: Peripheral-to-Memory ModeÑIDMA2
Important Init Values Description
DCM(FB) = 0 Not in ßy-by mode.
DCM(LP) = 0 Transfers to memory have middle CPM request priority. The destination bus is not overloaded.
The internal buffer is 64 bytes long to support 32-byte transfers to memory on the destination
bus (one 60x burst) on steady-state of work.
DCM(ERM) = 1 Transfers from peripheral are initiated by DREQ. DONE assertion is supported.
DCM(DT) = 0 Assertion of DONE by the peripheral causes the transfer to be terminated, after writing all the
data in the internal buffer to memory, interrupt EDN is set to the core, IDMA channel is
stopped. additional DREQ assertions are ignored, until START_IDMA command is issued.
DCM(S/D) = 10 Peripheral-to-memory mode. DONE DREQ and DACK are connected to the peripheral.
DCM(SINC) = 0 The peripheral address are not incremented after transfers, Þxed location.
DCM(DINC) = 1 The memory address is incremented after every transfer.
DPR_BUF = 0x0DC0 Initiated to address aligned to 64 (bit[5Ð0]= 00000).
The current BD pointer is set to the BD table base address (aligned 16 -bits[3Ð0] = 0).
STS = 8 (0x0008) Transfers from peripheral are always single 8-byte accesses.
DTS = 32 (0x0020) Transfers to memory are 32 bytes long (60x bursts) on steady-state of work.
Every BD(SDTB) = 1 Peripheral is on the 60x bus.
Every BD(DDTB) = 0 Memory is on the local bus.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
18.12.2 Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (Both on 60x Bus)Ñ
In the example in Table 18-16, IDMA3 transfers data from a memory device to a 4-byte
wide peripheral, both on the 60x bus. The transfers are made by issuing 4-byte read
transactions to the memory and asserting DACK so the peripheral samples the data from
the bus directly. No address is dedicated for the peripheral, and no internal buffer is deÞned
in this mode. The IDMA3 channel asserts DONE on the last read transfer of the last BD to
notify the peripheral that there is no data left to transfer.
Last BD(SDN) = 1 DONE is asserted on the last transfer from peripheral.
Last BD(DDN) = 0 DONE is not asserted on the last transfer to memory.
Every BD(DL) = k*STS Data length must be STS modular (divided by STS without residue).
IDMR2 = 0x0300_0000 IDMA2 Mask register is programmed to enable EDN and BC interrupts only.
SIMR_L = 0x0000_0200 Interrupt controller is programmed to enable interrupts from IDMA2.
PDIRC = 0x1000_0000
PPARC = 0x7000_0000
PSORC = 0x3000_0000
PODRC = 0x2000_0000
Parallel I/O registers are programmed to enable:PC[1] = DREQ2; PC[3] = DACK2; PC[2] =
The peripheral signals are to be connected to these lines accordingly.
RCCR = 0x0000_0000 IDMA2 conÞguration: DREQ is edge low-to-high. DONE is high-to-low. Request priority is
higher than the SCCs.
88FE = 0x0300 IDMA2_BASE points to 0x0300 where the parameter table base address is located for IDMA2.
CPCR = 0x22A1_0009 START_IDMA command. IDMA2 page-01000 SBC-10101 op-1001 FLG=1.This write starts the
channel operation.
DMA operation description:
START_IDMA: Initialize all parameter RAM values, wait for DREQ to open the Þrst BD. The four Þrst DREQs trigger single, 8-
byte read transactions from the peripheral until data in the internal buffer is 32 bytes long. Then, a write transaction to
memory is done with the size needed for alignment.
Steady state: Every DREQ assertion triggers a read transaction of 8 bytes from the peripheral. If the data in the internal
buffer is more than 31 bytes a write transaction to memory of 32 bytes (one local burst) follows immediately. Memory
address is incremented constantly. Last read transaction of the last BD from the peripheral is combined with DONE
STOP_IDMA: After all data in internal buffer is written to memory in one transfer, SC bit is set in IDSR (SC interrupt to the
core is not enabled) and BD is closed. Channel is stopped until START_IDMA command is reissued.
DONE assertion by the peripheral: All data in internal buffer is written to memory in one transfer. At the end of the transfer,
EDN interrupt is set to hos. Additional DREQ assertions are ignored. IDMA2 channel is stopped until START_IDMA
command is issued.
Table 18-16. Example: Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (on 60x)ÐIDMA3
Important Init Values Description
DCM[FB] = 1 Fly-by mode.
DCM[LP] = x DonÕt care. Transfer from memory to peripheral on the 60x bus is high priority.
DCM[DMA_WRAP] = DC DonÕt care. No internal buffer is used.
Table 18-15. Example: Peripheral-to-Memory ModeÑIDMA2 (Continued)
Important Init Values Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
DCM[ERM] = 1 Transfers from peripheral are initiated by DREQ.
DCM[DT] = 1 Assertion of DONE by the peripheral terminates the transfer, interrupt EDN is set to the core,
Current BD is closed and the next BD if valid is opened. Additional DREQ assertions cause the
new BD to be transferred.
DCM[S/D] = 01 Memory-to-peripheral mode. DONE, DREQ, and DACK are connected to the peripheral.
DCM[SINC] = 1. The memory address is incremented after every transfer.
DCM[DINC] = 1 The memory address is incremented after every transfer.
DPR_BUF The IDMA transfer buffer is not used.
The current BD pointer is set to the BD table base address (aligned 16 -bits[3Ð0]=0000).
STS = 0x0004 Transfers from memory to peripheral are always 4 bytes long (60x singles).
DTS = 0x0004 Transfers from memory to peripheral are always 4 bytes long (60x singles).
Every BD[SDTB] = 1 Memory and peripheral are on the 60x bus.
Every BD[DDTB] = 1 Memory and peripheral are on the 60x bus.
Last BD[SDN] = 1 DONE is asserted on the last transfer.
Last BD[DDN] = 1 DONE is asserted on the last transfer.
IDMR3 = 0x0400_0000 The IDMA3 mask register is programmed to enable the IDSR[OB] interrupt only.
SIMR_L = 0x0000_0100 The interrupt controller is programmed to enable interrupts from IDMA3.
PDIRA = 0x2000_0000
PPARA = 0xE000_0000
PSORA = 0xE000_0000
PODRA = 0x4000_0000
Parallel I/O registers are programmed to enable:PA[0] = DREQ3; PA[2] = DACK3; PA[1] =
The peripheral signals are to be connected to these lines accordingly.
RCCR = 0x0000_0080 IDMA3 conÞguration: DREQ is level high. DONE is high to low. request priority is higher than
the SCCs.
89FE = 0x0300 IDMA3_BASE points to 0x0300 where the parameter table base address is located for IDMA3.
CPCR = 0x26C1_0009 START_IDMA command. IDMA3 page-01001 SBC-10110 op-1001 FLG=1.This write starts the
channel operation.
DMA operation description:
START_IDMA: Initialize all parameter RAM values, wait for DREQ to open the Þrst BD.
Steady state: Every DREQ triggers a 4-byte transfer in single address transaction. DMA performs a memory read
transaction combined with DACK assertion. Memory address is incremented constantly. Last transaction of the last BD is
combined with DONE assertion.Another DREQ assertion after last BD complete will issue IDSR[OB] interrupt to the core.
STOP_IDMA: BD is closed. SC bit is set in IDSR (SC interrupt to the core is not enabled).Channel is stopped until
START_IDMA command is issued.
DONE assertion by the peripheral: current BD is closed. IDSR[EDN] is set (but the interrupt to the core is not
enabled).The next BD is open with the next DREQ assertion (or IDSR[OB] interrupt is set to the core if there is no other
valid BDs).
Table 18-16. Example: Memory-to-Peripheral Fly-By Mode (on 60x)ÐIDMA3 (Continued)
Important Init Values Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-1
Chapter 19
Serial Communications Controllers
The MPC8260 has four serial communications controllers (SCCs), which can be
conÞgured independently to implement different protocols for bridging functions, routers,
and gateways, and to interface with a wide variety of standard WANs, LANs, and
proprietary networks. An SCC has many physical interface options such as interfacing to
TDM buses, ISDN buses, and standard modem interfaces.
The SCCs are independent from the physical interface, but SCC logic formats and
manipulates data from the physical interface. Furthermore, the choice of protocol is
independent from the choice of interface. An SCC is described in terms of the protocol it
runs. When an SCC is programmed to a certain protocol or mode, it implements
functionality that corresponds to parts of the protocolÕs link layer (layer 2 of the OSI
reference model). Many SCC functions are common to protocols of the following
¥ UART, described in Chapter 20, ÒSCC UART Mode.Ó
¥ HDLC and HDLC bus, described in Chapter 21, ÒSCC HDLC Mode.Ó
¥ AppleTalk/LocalTalk, described in Chapter 25, ÒSCC AppleTalk Mode.Ó
¥ BISYNC, described in Chapter 22, ÒSCC BISYNC Mode.Ó
¥ Transparent, described in Chapter 23, ÒSCC Transparent Mode.Ó
¥ Ethernet, described in Chapter 24, ÒSCC Ethernet Mode.Ó
Although the selected protocol usually applies both to the SCC transmitter and receiver, one
half of an SCC can run transparent operations while the other runs a standard protocol
(except Ethernet).
Each Rx and Tx internal clock can be programmed with either an external or internal
source. Internal clocks originate from one of eight baud rate generators (BRGs) or an
external clock pin; see Section 15.3, ÒNMSI ConÞguration,Ó for each SCCÕs available clock
sources. These clocks can be as fast as a 1:2 ratio of the system clock. (For example, an SCC
internal clock can run at 12.5 MHz in a 25-MHz system.) However, an SCCÕs ability to
support a sustained bit stream depends on the protocol as well as other factors.
19-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Associated with each SCC is a digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) for external clock
recovery, which supports NRZ, NRZI, FM0, FM1, Manchester, and Differential
Manchester. If the clock recovery function is not required (that is, synchronous
communication), then the DPLL can be disabled, in which case only NRZ and NRZI are
An SCC can be connected to its own set of pins on the MPC8260. This conÞguration is
called the non-multiplexed serial interface (NMSI) and is described in Chapter 14, ÒSerial
Interface with Time-Slot Assigner.Ó Using NMSI, an SCC can support standard modem
interface signals, RTS, CTS, and CD. If required, software and additional parallel I/O lines
can be used to support additional handshake signals. Figure 19-1 shows the SCC block
Figure 19-1. SCC Block Diagram
19.1 Features
The following is a list of the main SCC features. (Performance Þgures assume a 25-MHz
system clock.)
¥ Implements HDLC/SDLC, HDLC bus, synchronous start/stop, asynchronous start/
stop (UART), AppleTalk/LocalTalk, and totally transparent protocols
¥ Supports 10-Mbps Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 (half- or full-duplex) on all SCCs
¥ Additional protocols supported through Motorola-supplied RAM microcodes:
ProÞbus, Signaling System#7 (SS7), ATM over T1/E1 (ATOM1)
¥ Additional protocols can be added in the future through the use of RAM microcodes.
Decoder Delimiter Shifter Delimiter
Internal Clocks
Modem Lines Rx
Modem Lines
and Clock
60x Bus
Peripheral Bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ DPLL circuitry for clock recovery with NRZ, NRZI, FM0, FM1, Manchester, and
Differential Manchester (also known as Differential Bi-phase-L)
¥ Clocks can be derived from a baud rate generator, an external pin, or DPLL
¥ Data rate for asynchronous communication can be as high as 16.62 Mbps at
133 MHz
¥ Supports automatic control of the RTS, CTS, and CD modem signals
¥ Multi-buffer data structure for receive and send (the number of buffer descriptors
(BDs) is limited only by the size of the internal dual-port RAMÑ8 bytes per BD)
¥ Deep FIFOs (SCC send and receive FIFOs are 32 bytes each.)
¥ Transmit-on-demand feature decreases time to frame transmission (transmit
¥ Low FIFO latency option for send and receive in character-oriented and totally
transparent protocols
¥ Frame preamble options
¥ Full-duplex operation
¥ Fully transparent option for one half of an SCC (Rx/Tx) while another protocol
executes on the other half (Tx/Rx)
¥ Echo and local loopback modes for testing
19.1.1 The General SCC Mode Registers (GSMR1ÐGSMR4)
Each SCC contains a general SCC mode register (GSMR) that deÞnes options common to
each SCC regardless of the protocol. GSMR_L contains the low-order 32 bits; GSMR_H,
shown in Figure 19-2, contains the high-order 32 bits. Some GSMR operations are
described in later sections.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field Ñ GDE
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A04 (GSMR1); 0x11A24 (GSMR2); 0x11A44 (GSMR3); 0x11A64 (GSMR4)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A06 (GSMR1); 0x11A26 (GSMR2); 0x11A46 (GSMR3); 0x11A66 (GSMR4)
Figure 19-2. GSMR_HÑGeneral SCC Mode Register (High Order)
19-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 19-1 describes GSMR_H Þelds.
Table 19-1. GSMR_H Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð14 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
15 GDE Glitch detect enable. Determines whether the SCC searches for glitches on the external Rx and Tx
serial clock lines. Regardless of the GDE setting, a Schmitt trigger on the input lines is used to
reduce signal noise.
0 No glitch detection. Clear GDE if the external serial clock exceeds the limits of glitch detection logic
(6.25 MHz assuming a 25-MHz system clock), if an internal BRG supplies the SCC clock, or if
external clocks are used and glitch detection matters less than power consumption.
1 Glitches can be detected and reported as maskable interrupts in the SCC event register (SCCE).
16Ð17 TCRC Transparent CRC (valid for totally transparent channel only). Selects the frame checking provided on
transparent channels of the SCC (either the receiver, transmitter, or both, as deÞned by TTX and
TRX). Although this conÞguration selects a frame check type, the decision to send the frame check is
made in the TxBD. Thus, frame checks are not needed in transparent mode and frame check errors
generated on the receiver can be ignored.
00 16-bit CCITT CRC (HDLC). (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1).
01 CRC16 (BISYNC). (X16 + X15 + X2 + 1).
10 32-bit CCITT CRC (Ethernet and HDLC).
(X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X1 + 1).
11 Reserved.
18 REVD Reverse data (valid for a totally transparent channel only)
0 Normal operation.
1 Reverses the bit order for totally transparent channels on this SCC (either the receiver, transmitter,
or both) and sends the msb of each byte Þrst. Section 22.11, ÒBISYNC Mode Register (PSMR),Ó
describes reversing bit order in a BISYNC protocol.
19Ð20 TRX,
Transparent receiver/transmitter. The receiver, transmitter, or both can use totally transparent
operation, regardless of GSMR_L[MODE]. For example, to conÞgure the transmitter as a UART and
the receiver for totally transparent operations, set MODE = 0b0100 (UART), TTX = 0, and TRX = 1.
0 Normal operation.
1 The channel uses totally transparent mode, regardless of the protocol chosen in GSMR_L[MODE].
For full-duplex totally transparent operation, set both TTX and TRX.
Note that an SCC cannot operate with half in Ethernet mode and half in transparent mode. That is, if
MODE = 0b1100 (Ethernet), erratic operation occurs unless TTX = TRX.
21, 22 CDP,
CD/CTS pulse. If this SCC is used in the TSA and is programmed in transparent mode, set CTSP
and refer to Section 23.4.2, ÒSynchronization and the TSA,Ó for options on programming CDP.
0 Normal operation (envelope mode). CD/CTS should envelope the frame. Negating CD/CTS during
reception causes a CD/CTS lost error.
1 Pulse mode. Synchronization occurs when CD/CTS is asserted; further CD/CTS transitions do not
affect reception.
23, 24 CDS,
CD/CTS sampling. Determine synchronization characteristics of CD and CTS. If the SCC is in
transparent mode and is used in the TSA, CDS and CTSS must be set. Also, CDS and CTSS must
be set for loopback testing in transparent mode.
/CTS is assumed to be asynchronous with data. It is internally synchronized by the SCC, then
data is received (CD) or sent (CTS) after several clock delays.
/CTS is assumed to be synchronous with data, which speeds up operation. CD or CTS must
transition while the Rx/Tx clock is low, at which time, the transfer begins. Useful for connecting
MPC8260 in transparent mode since the RTS of one MPC8260 can connect directly to the CD/
CTS of another.
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
25 TFL Transmit FIFO length.
0 Normal operation. The transmit FIFO is 32 bytes.
1 The Tx FIFO is 1 byte. This option is used with character-oriented protocols, such as UART, to
ensure a minimum FIFO latency at the expense of performance.
26 RFW Rx FIFO width.
0 Receive FIFO is 32 bits wide for maximum performance; the Rx FIFO is 32 bytes. Data is not
normally written to receive buffers until at least 32 bits are received. This conÞguration is required
for HDLC-type protocols and Ethernet and is recommended for high-performance transparent
1 Low-latency operation. The receive FIFO is 8 bits wide, reducing the Rx FIFO to a quarter its
normal size. This allows data to be written to the buffer as soon as a character is received, instead
of waiting to receive 32 bits. This conÞguration must be chosen for character-oriented protocols,
such as UART. It can also be used for low-performance, low-latency, transparent operation.
However, it must not be used with HDLC, HDLC Bus, AppleTalk, or Ethernet because it causes
erratic behavior.
27 TXSY Transmitter synchronized to the receiver. Intended for X.21 applications where the transmitted data
must begin an exact multiple of 8-bit periods after the received data arrives.
0 No synchronization between receiver and transmitter (default).
1 The transmit bit stream is synchronized to the receiver. Additionally, if RSYN = 1, transmission in
totally transparent mode does not occur until the receiver synchronizes with the bit stream and
CTS is asserted to the SCC. Assuming CTS is asserted, transmission begins 8 clocks after the
receiver starts receiving data.
28Ð29 SYNL Sync length (BISYNC and transparent mode only). See the data synchronization register (DSR)
deÞnition in Section 22.9, ÒSending and Receiving the Synchronization Sequence,Ó (BISYNC) and
Section, ÒIn-Line Synchronization Pattern,Ó (transparent).
00 An external sync (CD) is used instead of the sync pattern in the DSR.
01 4-bit sync. The receiver synchronizes on a 4-bit sync pattern stored in the DSR. This sync and
additional syncs can be stripped by programming the SCCÕs parameter RAM for character
10 8-bit sync. Should be chosen along with the BISYNC protocol to implement mono-sync. The
receiver synchronizes on an 8-bit sync pattern in the DSR.
11 16-bit sync. Also called BISYNC. The receiver synchronizes on a 16-bit sync pattern stored in the
30 RTSM RTS mode. Determines whether ßags or idles are to be sent. Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 Send idles between frames as deÞned by the protocol and the TEND bit. RTS is negated between
frames (default).
1 Send ßags/syncs between frames according to the protocol. RTS is always asserted whenever the
SCC is enabled.
31 RSYN Receive synchronization timing (totally transparent mode only).
0 Normal operation.
1 If CDS = 1, CD should be asserted on the second bit of the Rx frame rather than on the Þrst.
Table 19-1. GSMR_H Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
19-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-3 shows GSMR_L.
Table 19-2 describes GSMR_L Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A00 (SCC1); 0x11A20 (SCC2); 0x11A40 (SCC3); 0x11A60 (SCC4)
Bit 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A02 (SCC1); 0x11A22 (SCC2); 0x11A42 (SCC3); 0x11A62 (SCC4)
Figure 19-3. GSMR_LÑGeneral SCC Mode Register (Low Order)
Table 19-2. GSMR_L Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
1Ð2 EDGE Clock edge. Determines the clock edge the DPLL uses to adjust the receive sample point due to jitter
in the received signal. Ignored in UART protocol or if the 1x clock mode is selected in RDCR.
00 Both the positive and negative edges are used for changing the sample point (default).
01 Positive edge. Only the positive edge of the received signal is used to change the sample point.
10 Negative edge. Only the negative edge of the received signal is used to change the sample point.
11 No adjustment is made to the sample point.
3 TCI Transmit clock invert.
0 Normal operation.
1 Before it is used, the internal Tx clock (TCLK) is inverted by the SCC so it can clock data out one-
half clock earlier (on the rising rather than the falling edge). In this case, the SCC offers a minimum
and maximum rising clock edge-to-data speciÞcation. Data output by the SCC after the rising edge
of an external Tx clock can be latched by the external receiver one clock cycle later on the next
rising edge of the same Tx clock. Recommended for Ethernet, HDLC, and transparent operation
when clock rates exceed 8 MHz to improve data setup time for the external transceiver.
4Ð5 TSNC Transmit sense. Determines the amount of time the internal carrier sense signal stays active after the
last transition on RXD, indicating that the line is free. For instance, AppleTalk can use TSNC to avoid
a spurious CS-changed (SCCE[DCC]) interrupt that would otherwise occur during the frame sync
sequence before the opening ßags. If RDCR is conÞgured to 1´ clock mode, the delay is the greater
of the two numbers listed. If RDCR is conÞgured to 8´, 16´, or 32´ mode, the delay is the smaller
00 InÞnite. Carrier sense is always active (default).
01 14- or 6.5-bit times as determined by RDCR.
10 4- or 1.5-bit times as determined by RDCR (normally for AppleTalk).
11 3- or 1-bit times as determined by RDCR.
6 RINV DPLL Rx input invert data. Must be zero in HDLC bus mode or asynchronous UART mode.
0 Do not invert.
1 Invert data before sending it to the DPLL for reception. Used to produce FM1 from FM0 and NRZI
space from NRZI mark or to invert the data stream in regular NRZ mode.
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
7 TINV DPLL Tx input invert data. Must be zero in HDLC bus mode.
0 Do not invert.
1 Invert data before sending it to the DPLL for transmission. Used to produce FM1 from FM0 and
NRZI space from NRZI mark and to invert the data stream in regular NRZ mode. In T1 applications,
setting TINV and TEND creates a continuously inverted HDLC data stream.
8Ð10 TPL Tx preamble length. Determines the length of the preamble conÞgured by the TPP bits.
000 No preamble (default).
001 8 bits (1 byte).
010 16 bits (2 bytes).
011 32 bits (4 bytes).
100 48 bits (6 bytes). Select this setting for Ethernet operation.
101 64 bits (8 bytes).
110 128 bits (16 bytes).
111 Reserved.
11Ð12 TPP Tx preamble pattern. Determines what, if any, bit pattern should precede each Tx frame. The
preamble pattern is sent before the Þrst ßag/sync of the frame. TPP is ignored in UART mode. The
preamble length is programmed in TPL; the preamble pattern is typically sent to a receiving station
that uses a DPLL for clock recovery. The receiving DPLL uses the regular preamble pattern to help it
lock onto the received signal in a short, predictable time period.
00 All zeros.
01 Repetitive 10s. Select this setting for Ethernet operation.
10 Repetitive 01s.
11 All ones. Select this setting for LocalTalk operation.
13 TEND Transmitter frame ending. Intended for NMSI transmitter encoding of the DPLL. TEND determines
whether TXD should idle in a high state or in an encoded ones state (high or low). It can, however, be
used with other encodings besides NMSI.
0 Default operation. TXD is encoded only when data is sent, including the preamble and opening and
closing ßags/syncs. When no data is available to send, the signal is driven high.
1 TXD is always encoded, even when idles are sent.
14Ð15 TDCR Transmitter/receiver DPLL clock rate. If the DPLL is not used, choose 1´ mode except in
asynchronous UART mode where 8´, 16´, or 32´ must be chosen. TDCR should match RDCR in
most applications to allow the transmitter and receiver to use the same clock source. If an application
uses the DPLL, the selection of TDCR/RDCR depends on the encoding/decoding. If communication
is synchronous, select 1´. FM0/FM1, Manchester, and Differential Manchester require 8´, 16´, or
32´. If NRZ- or NRZI-encoded communication is asynchronous (that is, clock recovery required),
select 8´, 16´, or 32´. The 8´ option allows highest speed, whereas the 32´ option provides the
greatest resolution.
00 1´ clock mode. Only NRZ or NRZI encodings/decodings are allowed.
01 8´ clock mode.
10 16´ clock mode. Normally chosen for UART and AppleTalk.
11 32´ clock mode.
16Ð17 RDCR
18Ð20 RENC Receiver decoding/transmitter encoding method. Select NRZ if DPLL is not used. RENC should equal
TENC in most applications. However, do not use this internal DPLL for Ethernet.
000 NRZ (default setting if DPLL is not used). Required for UART (synchronous or asynchronous).
001 NRZI Mark (set RINV/TINV also for NRZI space).
010 FM0 (set RINV/TINV also for FM1).
011 Reserved.
100 Manchester.
101 Reserved.
110 Differential Manchester (Differential Bi-phase-L).
111 Reserved.
21Ð23 TENC
Table 19-2. GSMR_L Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
19-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
24Ð25 DIAG Diagnostic mode.
00 Normal operation, CTS and CD are under automatic control. Data is received through RXD and
transmitted through TXD. The SCC uses modem signals to enable or disable transmission and
reception. These timings are shown in Section 19.3.5, ÒControlling SCC Timing with RTS, CTS,
and CD.Ó
01 Local loopback mode. Transmitter output is connected internally to the receiver input, while the
receiver and the transmitter operate normally. The value on RXD is ignored. If enabled, data
appears on TXD, or the parallel I/O registers can be programmed to make TXD high. RTS can also
be programmed to be disabled in the appropriate parallel I/O register. The transmitter and receiver
must share the same clock source, but separate CLKx pins can be used if connected to the same
external clock source.
If external loopback is preferred, program DIAG for normal operation and externally connect TXD
and RXD. Then, physically connect the control signals (RTS connected to CD, and CTS grounded)
or set the parallel I/O registers so CD and CTS are permanently asserted to the SCC by
conÞguring the associated CTS and CD pins as general-purpose I/O.
10 Automatic echo mode. The transmitter automatically resends received data bit-by-bit using the Rx
clock provided. The receiver operates normally and receives data if CD is asserted. CTS is
11 Loopback and echo mode. Loopback and echo operation occur simultaneously. CD and CTS are
ignored. See the loopback bit description above for clocking requirements.
For TDM operation, the diagnostic mode is selected by SIxMR[SDMx]; see Section 14.5.2, ÒSI Mode
Registers (SIxMR).Ó
26 ENR Enable receive. Enables the receiver hardware state machine for this SCC.
0 The receiver is disabled and data in the Rx FIFO is lost. If ENR is cleared during reception, the
receiver aborts the current character.
1 The receiver is enabled.
ENR can be set or cleared, regardless of whether serial clocks are present. Section 19.3.8,
ÒReconÞguring the SCCs,Ó describes how to disable/enable an SCC. Note that other tools, including
commands and the E bit of the Rx BD, data provide the
capability to control the receiver.
27 ENT Enable transmit. Enables the transmitter hardware state machine for this SCC.
0 The transmitter is disabled. If ENT is cleared during transmission, the current character is aborted
and TXD returns to the idle state. Data already in the Tx shift register is not sent.
1 The transmitter is enabled.
ENT can be set or cleared, regardless of whether serial clocks are present. Section 19.3.8,
ÒReconÞguring the SCCs,Ó describes how to disable/enable an SCC. Note that other tools, such as
and CTS ßow control option in UART mode, and the R bit of the TxBD, also provide the capability to
control the transmitter.
28Ð31 MODE Channel protocol mode. See also GSMR_H[TTX, TRX].
0000 HDLC
0001 Reserved
0010 AppleTalk/LocalTalk
0011 SS7Ñreserved for RAM microcode
0100 UART
0101 ProÞbusÑreserved for RAM microcode
0110 Reserved
0111 Reserved
1001 Reserved
101x Reserved
1100 Ethernet
11xx Reserved
Table 19-2. GSMR_L Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
19.1.2 Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode Register (PSMR)
The protocol implemented by an SCC is selected by its GSMR_L[MODE]. Each SCC has
an additional protocol-speciÞc mode register (PSMR) that conÞgures it speciÞcally for the
chosen protocol. The PSMR Þelds are described in the speciÞc chapters that describe each
protocol. PSMRs are cleared at reset. PSMRs reside at the following addresses: 0x11A08
(PSMR1), 0x11A28 (PSMR2), 0x11A48 (PSMR3), and 0x11A68 (PSMR4).
19.1.3 Data Synchronization Register (DSR)
Each SCC has a data synchronization register (DSR) that speciÞes the pattern used for
frame synchronization. The programmed value for DSR depends on the protocol:
¥ UARTÑDSR is used to conÞgure fractional stop bit transmission.
¥ BISYNC and transparentÑDSR should be programmed with the sync pattern.
¥ EthernetÑDSR should be programmed with 0xD555.
¥ HDLCÑAt reset, DSR defaults to 0x7E7E (two HDLC ßags), so it does not need to
be written.
Figure 19-4 shows the sync Þelds.
19.1.4 Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR)
In normal operation, if no frame is being sent by an SCC, the CP periodically polls the R
bit of the next TxBD to see if a new frame/buffer is requested. Depending on the SCC
conÞguration, this polling occurs every 8Ð32 serial Tx clocks. The transmit-on-demand
option, selected in the transmit-on-demand register (TODR) shown in Figure 19-5,
shortens the latency of the Tx buffer/frame and is useful in LAN-type protocols where
maximum inter-frame gap times are limited by the protocol speciÞcation.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field SYN2 SYN1
Reset 0111_1110 0111_1110
Addr 0x11A0E (DSR1); 0x11A2E (DSR2); 0x11A4E (DSR3); 0x11A6E (DSR4)
Figure 19-4. Data Synchronization Register (DSR)
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field TOD Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A0C (TODR1); 0x11A2C (TODR2); 0x11A4C (TODR3); 0x11A6C (TODR4)
Figure 19-5. Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR)
19-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The CP can be conÞgured to begin processing a new frame/buffer without waiting the
normal polling time by setting TODR[TOD] after TxBD[R] is set. Because this feature
favors the speciÞed TxBD, it may affect servicing of other SCC FIFOs. Therefore,
transmitting on demand should only be used when a high-priority TxBD has been prepared
and enough time has passed since the last g transmission. Table 19-3 describes TODR
19.2 SCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs)
Data associated with each SCC channel is stored in buffers and each buffer is referenced by
a buffer descriptor (BD) that can reside anywhere in dual-port RAM. The total number of
8-byte BDs is limited only by the size of the dual-port RAM (128 BDs/1 Kbyte). These BDs
are shared among all serial controllersÑSCCs, SMCs, SPI, and I2C. The user deÞnes how
the BDs are allocated among the controllers.
Each 64-bit BD has the following structure:
¥ The half word at offset + 0x0 contains status and control bits that control and report
on the data transfer. These bits vary from protocol to protocol. The CPM updates the
status bits after the buffer is sent or received.
¥ The half word at offset + 0x2 (data length) holds the number of bytes sent or
Ñ For an RxBD, this is the number of bytes the controller writes into the buffer. The
CPM writes the length after received data is placed into the associated buffer and
the buffer closed. In frame-based protocols (but not including SCC transparent
operation), this Þeld contains the total frame length, including CRC bytes. Also,
if a received frameÕs length, including CRC, is an exact multiple of MRBLR, the
last BD holds no actual data but does contain the total frame length.
Ñ For a TxBD, this is the number of bytes the controller should send from its buffer.
Normally, this value should be greater than zero. The CPM never modiÞes this
Table 19-3. TODR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 TOD Transmit on demand.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP gives high priority to the current TxBD and begins sending the frame without waiting the
normal polling time to check the TxBDÕs R bit. TOD is cleared automatically after one serial clock, but
transmitting on demand continues until an unprepared (R = 0) BD is reached. TOD does not need to
be set again if new TxBDs are added to the BD table as long as older TxBDs are still being
processed. New TxBDs are processed in order. The Þrst bit of the frame is typically clocked out 5-6
bit times after TOD is set.
1Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ The word at offset + 0x4 (buffer pointer) points to the beginning of the buffer in
memory (internal or external).
Ñ For an RxBD, the value must be a multiple of four. (word-aligned)
Ñ For a TxBD, this pointer can be even or odd.
Shown in Figure 19-6, the format of Tx and Rx BDs is the same in each SCC mode. Only
the status and control bits differ for each protocol.
For frame-oriented protocols, a message can reside in as many buffers as necessary. Each
buffer has a maximum length of 65,535 bytes. The CPM does not assume that all buffers of
a single frame are currently linked to the BD table. The CPM does assume, however, that
the unlinked buffers are provided by the core in time to be sent or received; otherwise, an
error condition is reportedÑan underrun error when sending and a busy error when
receiving. Figure 19-7 shows the SCC BD table and buffer structure.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 Status and Control
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 High-Order Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6 Low-Order Buffer Pointer
Figure 19-6. SCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs)
19-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-7. SCC BD and Buffer Memory Structure
In all protocols, BDs can point to buffers in the internal dual-port RAM. However, because
dual-port RAM is used for descriptors, buffers are usually put in external RAM, especially
if they are large.
The CPM processes TxBDs straightforwardly; when the transmit side of an SCC is enabled,
the CPM starts with the Þrst BD in that SCC TxBD table. Once the CPM detects that the R
bit is set in the TxBD, it starts processing the buffer. The CPM detects that the BD is ready
when it polls the R bit or when the user writes to the TODR. After data from the BD is put
in the Tx FIFO, if necessary the CPM waits for the next descriptorÕs R bit to be set before
proceeding. Thus, the CPM does no look-ahead descriptor processing and does not skip
BDs that are not ready. When the CPM sees a BDÕs W bit (wrap) set, it returns to the start
of the BD table after this last BD of the table is processed. The CPM clears R (not ready)
after using a TxBD, which keeps it from being retransmitted before it is conÞrmed by the
core. However, some protocols support a continuous mode (CM), for which R is not cleared
(always ready).
The CPM uses RxBDs similarly. When data arrives, the CPM performs required processing
on the data and moves resultant data to the buffer pointed to by the Þrst BD; it continues
until the buffer is full or an event, such as an error or end-of-frame detection, occurs. The
buffer is then closed; subsequent data uses the next BD. If E = 0, the current buffer is not
empty and it reports a busy error. The CPM does not move from the current BD until E is
Status and Control
Buffer Length
Buffer Pointer
Table Pointer
Table Pointer
Dual-Port RAM
Status and Control
Buffer Length
Buffer Pointer
Tx Buffer
External Memory
Rx Buffer Descriptors
Tx Buffer Descriptors
Rx Buffer
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
set by the core (the buffer is empty). After using a descriptor, the CPM clears E (not empty)
and does not reuse a BD until it has been processed by the core. However, in continuous
mode (CM), E remains set. When the CPM discovers a descriptorÕs W bit set (indicating it
is the last BD in the circular BD table), it returns to the beginning of the table when it is
time to move to the next buffer.
19.3 SCC Parameter RAM
Each SCC parameter RAM area begins at the same offset from each SCC base area.
Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses,Ó describes the SCCÕs base addresses. The protocol-
speciÞc portions of the SCC parameter RAM are discussed in the speciÞc protocol
descriptions and the part that is common to all SCC protocols is shown in Table 19-4.
Some parameter RAM values must be initialized before the SCC can be enabled. Other
values are initialized or written by the CPM. Once initialized, most parameter RAM values
do not need to be accessed because most activity centers around the descriptors rather than
the parameter RAM. However, if the parameter RAM is accessed, note the following:
¥ Parameter RAM can be read at any time.
¥ Tx parameter RAM can be written only when the transmitter is disabledÑafter a
STOP TRANSMIT command and before a RESTART TRANSMIT command or after the
buffer/frame Þnishes transmitting after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command and
before a RESTART TRANSMIT command.
¥ Rx parameter RAM can be written only when the receiver is disabled. Note the
CLOSE RXBD command does not stop reception, but it does allow the user to extract
data from a partially full Rx buffer.
¥ See Section 19.3.8, ÒReconÞguring the SCCs.Ó
Table 19-4 shows the parameter RAM map for all SCC protocols. Boldfaced entries must
be initialized by the user.
Table 19-4. SCC Parameter RAM Map for All Protocols
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x00 RBASE Hword Rx/TxBD table base addressÑoffset from the beginning of dual-port RAM. The BD
tables can be placed in any unused portion of the dual-port RAM. The CPM starts BD
processing at the top of the table. (The user deÞnes the end of the BD table by setting
the W bit in the last BD to be processed.) Initialize these entries before enabling the
corresponding channel. Erratic operations occur if BD tables of active SCCs overlap.
Values in RBASE and TBASE should be multiples of eight.
0x02 TBASE Hword
0x04 RFCR Byte Rx function code. See Section 19.3.2, ÒFunction Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR).Ó
0x05 TFCR Byte Tx function code. See Section 19.3.2, ÒFunction Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR).Ó
19-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x06 MRBLR Hword Maximum receive buffer length. DeÞnes the maximum number of bytes the MPC8260
writes to a receive buffer before it goes to the next buffer. The MPC8260 can write fewer
bytes than MRBLR if a condition such as an error or end-of-frame occurs. It never writes
more bytes than the MRBLR value. Therefore, user-supplied buffers should be no
smaller than MRBLR. MRBLR should be greater than zero for all modes. It should be a
multiple of 4 for Ethernet and HDLC modes, and in totally transparent mode unless the
Rx FIFO is 8-bits wide (GSMR_H[RFW] = 1).
Note that although MRBLR is not intended to be changed while the SCC is operating, it
can be changed dynamically in a single-cycle, 16-bit move (not two 8-bit cycles).
Changing MRBLR has no immediate effect. To guarantee the exact Rx BD on which the
change occurs, change MRBLR only while the receiver is disabled.
Transmit buffer length is programmed in TxBD[Data Length] and is not affected by
0x08 RSTATE Word Rx internal state3
0x0C Word Rx internal buffer pointer2. The Rx and Tx internal buffer pointers are updated by the
SDMA channels to show the next address in the buffer to be accessed.
0x10 RBPTR Hword Current RxBD pointer. Points to the current BD being processed or to the next BD the
receiver uses when it is idling. After reset or when the end of the BD table is reached,
the CPM initializes RBPTR to the value in the RBASE. Although most applications do
not need to write RBPTR, it can be modiÞed when the receiver is disabled or when no
Rx buffer is in use.
0x12 Hword Rx internal byte count 2. The Rx internal byte count is a down-count value initialized with
MRBLR and decremented with each byte written by the supporting SDMA channel.
0x14 Word Rx temp3
0x18 TSTATE Word Tx internal state3
0x1C Word Tx internal buffer pointer 2. The Rx and Tx internal buffer pointers are updated by the
SDMA channels to show the next address in the buffer to be accessed.
0x20 TBPTR Hword Current TxBD pointer. Points to the current BD being processed or to the next BD the
transmitter uses when it is idling. After reset or when the end of the BD table is reached,
the CPM initializes TBPTR to the value in the TBASE. Although most applications do not
need to write TBPTR, it can be modiÞed when the transmitter is disabled or when no Tx
buffer is in use (after a STOP TRANSMIT or GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued
and the frame completes its transmission).
0x22 Hword Tx internal byte count 2. A down-count value initialized with TxBD[Data Length] and
decremented with each byte read by the supporting SDMA channel.
0x24 Word Tx temp3
0x28 RCRC Word Temp receive CRC 2
0x2C TCRC Word Temp transmit CRC 2
0x30 Protocol-speciÞc area. (The size of this area depends on the protocol chosen.)
1From SCC base. See Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses.Ó
2These parameters need not be accessed for normal operation but may be helpful for debugging.
3 For CP use only
Table 19-4. SCC Parameter RAM Map for All Protocols (Continued)
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
19.3.1 SCC Base Addresses
The CPM maintains a section of RAM called the parameter RAM, which contains many
parameters for the operation of the FCCs, SCCs, SMCs, SPI, I2C, and IDMA channels.
SCC base addresses are described in Table 19-5.
The exact deÞnition of the parameter RAM is contained in each protocol subsection
describing a device that uses a parameter RAM. For example, the Ethernet parameter RAM
is deÞned differently in some locations from the HDLC-speciÞc parameter RAM.
19.3.2 Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR)
There are eight separate function code registers for the four SCC channels, four for Rx
buffers (RFCR1ÐRFCR4) and four for Tx buffers (TFCR1ÐTFCR4). The function code
registers contain the transaction speciÞcation associated with SDMA channel accesses to
external memory. Figure 19-8 shows the register format.
Table 19-5. Parameter RAMÑSCC Base Addresses
Page Address 1
1Offset from RAM_Base
Peripheral Size (Bytes)
1 0x8000 SCC1 256
2 0x8100 SCC2 256
3 0x8200 SCC3 256
4 0x8300 SCC4 256
Bit 01234567
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr SCCx base + 0x04 (RFCRx); SCCx base + 0x05 (TFCRx)
Figure 19-8. Function Code Registers (RFCR and TFCR)
19-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 19-6 describes RFCRx/TFCRx Þelds.
19.3.3 Handling SCC Interrupts
To allow interrupt handling for SCC-speciÞc events, event, mask, and status registers are
provided within each SCCÕs internal memory map area; see Table 19-7. Because interrupt
events are protocol-dependent, event descriptions are found in the speciÞc protocol
Table 19-6. RFCRx /TFCRx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global
0 Snooping disabled.
1 Snooping enabled.
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Set BO to select the required byte ordering for the buffer. If BO is changed on-the-ßy,
it takes effect at the beginning of the next frame (Ethernet, HDLC, and transparent) or at the
beginning of the next BD.
00 Reserved
01 PowerPC little-endian.
1x Big-endian or true little-endian.
5TC2 Transfer code. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6DTB Data bus indicator
0 Use 60x bus for SDMA operation
1 Use local bus for SDMA operation
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 19-7. SCCx Event, Mask, and Status Registers
Register &
IMMR Offset Description
0x11A10 (SCCE1);
0x11A30 (SCCE2);
0x11A50 (SCCE3);
0x11A70 (SCCE4)
SCC event register. This 16-bit register reports events recognized by any of the SCCs. When an event
is recognized, the SCC sets its corresponding bit in SCCE, regardless of the corresponding mask bit.
When the corresponding event occurs, an interrupt is signaled to the SIVEC register. Bits are cleared
by writing ones (writing zeros has no effect). SCCE is cleared at reset and can be read at any time.
0x11A14 (SCCM1);
0x11A34 (SCCM2);
0x11A54 (SCCM3);
0x11A74 (SCCM4)
SCC mask register. The 16-bit, read/write register allows interrupts to be enabled or disabled using
the CPM for speciÞc events in each SCC channel. An interrupt is generated only if SCC interrupts in
this channel are enabled in the SIU interrupt mask register (SIMR). If an SCCM bit is zero, the CPM
does not proceed with interrupt handling when that event occurs. The SCCM and SCCE bit positions
are identical.
0x11A17 (SCCS1);
0x11A37 (SCCS2);
0x11A57 (SCCS3);
0x11A77 (SCCS4)
SCC status register. This 8-bit, read-only register allows monitoring of the real-time status of RXD.
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Follow these steps to handle an SCC interrupt:
1. When an interrupt occurs, read SCCE to determine the interrupt sources and clear
those SCCE bits (in most cases).
2. Process the TxBDs to reuse them if SCCE[TX] or SCCE[TXE] = 1. If the transmit
speed is fast or the interrupt delay is long, the SCC may have sent more than one Tx
buffer. Thus, it is important to check more than one TxBD during interrupt handling.
A common practice is to process all TxBDs in the handler until one is found with its
R bit set.
3. Extract data from the RxBD if SCCE[RX], SCCE[RXB], or SCCE[RXF] is set. As
with transmit buffers, if the receive speed is fast or the interrupt delay is long, the
SCC may have received more than one buffer and the handler should check more
than one RxBD. A common practice is to process all RxBDs in the interrupt handler
until one is found with RxBD[E] set.
4. Execute the instruction.
Additional information about interrupt handling can be found in Section 4.2, ÒInterrupt
19.3.4 Initializing the SCCs
The SCCs require that a number of registers and parameters be conÞgured after a power-on
reset. Regardless of the protocol used, follow these steps to initialize SCCs:
1. Write the parallel I/O ports to conÞgure and connect the I/O pins to the SCCs.
2. ConÞgure the parallel I/O registers to enable RTS, CTS, and CD if these signals are
3. If the time-slot assigner (TSA) is used, the serial interface (SIx) must be conÞgured.
If the SCC is used in NMSI mode, CMXSCR must still be initialized.
4. Write all GSMR bits except ENT or ENR.
5. Write the PSMR.
6. Write the DSR.
7. Initialize the required values for this SCCÕs parameter RAM.
8. Initialize the transmit/receive parameters via the CP command register (CPCR).
9. Clear out any current events in SCCE (optional).
10. Write ones to SCCM register to enable interrupts.
11. Set GSMR_L[ENT] and GSMR_L[ENR].
Descriptors can have their R or E bits set at any time. Notice that the CPCR does not need
to be accessed after a hardware reset. An SCC should be disabled and reenabled after any
dynamic change to its parallel I/O ports or serial channel physical interface conÞguration.
A full reset can also be implemented using CPCR[RST].
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
19.3.5 Controlling SCC Timing with RTS, CTS, and CD
When GSMR_L[DIAG] is programmed to normal operation, CD and CTS are controlled
by the SCC. In the following subsections, it is assumed that GSMR_L[TCI] is zero,
implying normal transmit clock operation. Synchronous Protocols
RTS is asserted when the SCC data is loaded into the Tx FIFO and a falling Tx clock occurs.
At this point, the SCC starts sending data once appropriate conditions occur on CTS. In all
cases, the Þrst data bit is the start of the opening ßag, sync pattern, or preamble.
Figure 19-9 shows that the delay between RTS and data is 0 bit times, regardless of
GSMR_H[CTSS]. This operation assumes that CTS is already asserted to the SCC or that
CTS is reprogrammed to be a parallel I/O line, in which case CTS to the SCC is always
asserted. RTS is negated one clock after the last bit in the frame.
Figure 19-9. Output Delay from RTS Asserted for Synchronous Protocols
When RTS is asserted, if CTS is not already asserted, delays to the Þrst data bit depend on
when CTS is asserted. Figure 19-10 shows that the delay between CTS and the data can be
approximately 0.5 to 1 bit times or 0 bit times, depending on GSMR_H[CTSS].
1. A frame includes opening and closing flags and syncs, if present in the protocol.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-10. Output Delay from CTS Asserted for Synchronous Protocols
If CTS is programmed to envelope data, negating it during frame transmission causes a
CTS lost error. Negating CTS forces RTS high and Tx data to become idle. If
GSMR_H[CTSS] is zero, the SCC must sample CTS before a CTS lost is recognized;
otherwise, the negation of CTS immediately causes the CTS lost condition. See
Figure 19-11.
1. GSMR_H[CTSS] = 0. CTSP is a donÕt care.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
CTS Sampled Low Here
1. GSMR_H[CTSS] = 1. CTSP is a donÕt care.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-11. CTS Lost in Synchronous Protocols
Note that if GSMR_H[CTSS] = 1, CTS transitions must occur while the Tx clock is low.
Reception delays are determined by CD as shown in Figure 19-12. If GSMR_H[CDS] is
zero, CD is sampled on the rising Rx clock edge before data is received. If GSMR_H[CDS]
is 1, CD transitions cause data to be immediately gated into the receiver.
1. GSMR_H[CTSS] = 0. CTSP=0 or no CTS lost can occur.
First Bit of Frame Data
CTS Sampled Low Here
1. GSMR_H[CTSS] = 1. CTSP=0 or no CTS lost can occur.
First Bit of Frame Data
CTS Sampled High Here
Data Forced High
RTS Forced High
Data Forced High
RTS Forced High
CTS Lost Signaled in Frame BD
CTS Lost Signaled in Frame BD
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-12. Using CD to Control Synchronous Protocol Reception
If CD is programmed to envelope the data, it must remain asserted during frame
transmission or a CD lost error occurs. Negation of CD terminates reception. If
GSMR_H[CDS] is zero, CD must be sampled by the SCC before a CD lost error is
recognized; otherwise, the negation of CD immediately causes the CD lost condition.
If GSMR_H[CDS] is set, all CD transitions must occur while the Rx clock is low. Asynchronous Protocols
In asynchronous protocols, RTS is asserted when SCC data is loaded into the Tx FIFO and
a falling Tx clock occurs. CD and CTS can be used to control reception and transmission
in the same manner as the synchronous protocols. The Þrst bit sent in an asynchronous
protocol is the start bit of the Þrst character. In addition, the UART protocol has an option
for CTS ßow control as described in Chapter 20, ÒSCC UART Mode.Ó
¥ If CTS is already asserted when RTS is asserted, transmission begins in two
additional bit times.
¥ If CTS is not already asserted when RTS is asserted and GSMR_H[CTSS] = 0,
transmission begins in three additional bit times.
¥ If CTS is not already asserted when RTS is asserted and GSMR_H[CTSS] = 1,
transmission begins in two additional bit times.
1. GSMR_H[CDS] = 0. CDP=0.
First Bit of Frame Data
CD Sampled Low Here
CD Sampled High Here
Last Bit of Frame Data
2. If CD is negated prior to the last bit of the receive frame, CD lost is signaled in the frame BD.
3. If CDP=1, CD lost cannot occur and CD negation has no effect on reception.
1. GSMR_H[CDS] = 1. CDP=0.
2. If CD is negated prior to the last bit of the receive frame, CD lost is signaled in the frame BD.
3. If CDP=1, CD lost cannot occur and CD negation has no effect on reception.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
CD Assertion Immediately
Gates Reception CD Negation Immediately
Halts Reception
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19.3.6 Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) Operation
Each SCC channel includes a digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) for recovering clock
information from a received data stream. For applications that provide a direct clock source
to the SCC, the DPLL can be bypassed by selecting 1x mode for GSMR_L[RDCR, TDCR].
If the DPLL is bypassed, only NRZ or NRZI encodings are available. The DPLL must not
be used when an SCC is programmed to Ethernet and is optional for other protocols.
Figure 19-13 shows the DPLL receiver block; Figure 19-14 shows the transmitter block
Figure 19-13. DPLL Receiver Block Diagram
Carrier SNC
Decoded Data
Recovered Clock
1x Mode
1x Mode
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-14. DPLL Transmitter Block Diagram
The DPLL can be driven by one of the baud rate generator outputs or an external clock,
CLKx. In the block diagrams, this clock is labeled HSRCLK/HSTCLK. The HSRCLK/
HSTCLK should be approximately 8x, 16x, or 32x the data rate, depending on the coding
chosen. The DPLL uses this clock, along with the data stream, to construct a data clock that
can be used as the SCC Rx and/or Tx clock. In all modes, the DPLL uses the input clock to
determine the nominal bit time. If the DPLL is bypassed, HSRCLK/HSTCLK is used
directly as RCLK/TCLK.
At the beginning of operation, the DPLL is in search mode, whereas the Þrst transition
resets the internal DPLL counter and begins DPLL operation. While the counter is
counting, the DPLL watches the incoming data stream for transitions; when one is detected,
the DPLL adjusts the count to produce an output clock that tracks incoming bits.
The DPLL has a carrier-sense signal that indicates when data transfers are on RXD. The
carrier-sense signal asserts as soon as a transition is detected on RXD; it negates after the
programmed number of clocks in GSMR_L[TSNC] when no transitions are detected.
To prevent itself from locking on the wrong edges and to provide fast synchronization, the
DPLL should receive a preamble pattern before it receives the data. In some protocols, the
preceding ßags or syncs can function as a preamble; others use the patterns in Table 19-8.
When transmission occurs, the SCC can generate preamble patterns, as programmed in
Recovered Clock
1x Mode
1x Mode
Encoded Data
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The DPLL can also be used to invert the data stream of a transfer. This feature is available
in all encodings, including standard NRZ format. Also, when the transmitter is idling, the
DPLL can either force TXD high or continue encoding the data supplied to it.
The DPLL is used for UART encoding/decoding, which gives the option of selecting the
divide ratio in the UART decoding process (8´, 16´, or 32´). Typically, 16´ is used.
Note the 1:2 system clock/serial clock ratio does not apply when the DPLL is used to
recover the clock in the 8´, 16´, or 32´ modes. Synchronization occurs internally after the
DPLL generates the Rx clock. Therefore, even the fastest DPLL clock generation (the 8´
option) easily meets the required 1:2 ratio clocking limit. Encoding Data with a DPLL
Each SCC contains a DPLL unit that can be programmed to encode and decode the SCC
data as NRZ, NRZI Mark, NRZI Space, FM0, FM1, Manchester, and Differential
Manchester. Figure 19-15 shows the different encoding methods.
Table 19-8. Preamble Requirements
Decoding Method Preamble Pattern Minimum Preamble Length Required
NRZI Mark All zeros 8-bit
NRZI Space All ones 8-bit
FM0 All ones 8-bit
FM1 All zeros 8-bit
Manchester 101010...10 8-bit
Differential Manchester All ones 8-bit
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-25
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 19-15. DPLL Encoding Examples
If the DPLL is not needed, NRZ or NRZI codings can be selected in GSMR_L[RENC,
TENC]. Coding deÞnitions are shown in Table 19-9.
Table 19-9. DPLL Codings
Coding Description
NRZ A one is represented by a high level for the duration of the bit and a zero is represented by a low level.
NRZI Mark A one is represented by no transition at all. A zero is represented by a transition at the beginning of the
bit (the level present in the preceding bit is reversed).
NRZI Space A one is represented by a transition at the beginning of the bit (the level present in the preceding bit is
reversed). A zero is represented by no transition at all.
FM0 A one is represented by a transition only at the beginning of the bit. A zero is represented by a transition
at the beginning of the bit and another transition at the center of the bit.
FM1 A one is represented by a transition at the beginning of the bit and another transition at the center of the
bit. A zero is represented by a transition only at the beginning of the bit.
Manchester A one is represented by a high-to-low transition at the center of the bit. A zero is represented by a low to
high transition at the center of the bit. In both cases there may be a transition at the beginning of the bit
to set up the level required to make the correct center transition.
A one is represented by a transition at the center of the bit with the opposite direction from the transition
at the center of the preceding bit. A zero is represented by a transition at the center of the bit with the
same polarity from the transition at the center of the preceding bit.
NRZI Space
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19.3.7 Clock Glitch Detection
Clock glitches cause problems for many communications systems, and they may go
undetected by the system. Systems that supply an external clock to a serial channel are often
susceptible to glitches from noise, connecting or disconnecting the physical cable from the
application board, or excessive ringing on a clock line. A clock glitch occurs when more
than one edge occurs in a time period that violates the minimum high or low time
speciÞcation of the input clock.
The SCCs on the MPC8260 have a special circuit designed to detect glitches and alert the
system of a problem at the physical layer. The glitch-detect circuit is not a speciÞcation test;
if a circuit does not meet the SCCÕs input clocking speciÞcations, erroneous data may not
be detected or false glitch indications can occur. Regardless of whether the DPLL is used,
the received clock is passed through a noise Þlter that eliminates any noise spikes that affect
a single sample. This sampling is enabled using GSMR_H[GDE].
If a spike is detected, a maskable Rx or Tx glitched clock interrupt is generated in
SCCEx[GLR,GLT]. Although the receiver or transmitter can be reset or allowed to continue
operation, statistics on clock glitches should be kept for evaluation to help in debugging,
especially during prototype testing.
19.3.8 ReconÞguring the SCCs
The proper reconÞguration sequence must be followed for SCC parameters that cannot be
changed dynamically. For instance, the internal baud rate generators allow on-the-ßy
changes, but the DPLL-related GSMR does not. The steps in the following sections show
how to disable, reconÞgure and re-enable an SCC to ensure that buffers currently in use are
properly closed before reconÞguring the SCC and that subsequent data goes to or from new
buffers according to the new conÞguration.
Modifying parameter RAM does not require the SCC to be fully disabled. See the
parameter RAM description for when values can be changed. To disable all peripheral
controllers, set CPCR[RST] to reset the entire CPM. General ReconÞguration Sequence for an SCC Transmitter
An SCC transmitter can be reconÞgured by following these general steps:
1. If the SCC is sending data, issue a STOP TRANSMIT command. Transmission should
stop smoothly. If the SCC is not transmitting (no TxBDs are ready or the GRACEFUL
STOP TRANSMIT command has been issued and completed) or the INIT TX
PARAMETERS command is issued, the STOP TRANSMIT command is not required.
2. Clear GSMR_L[ENT] to disable the SCC transmitter and put it in reset state.
3. Modify SCC Tx parameters or parameter RAM. To switch protocols or restore the
initial Tx parameters, issue an INIT TX PARAMETERS command.
MOTOROLA Chapter 19. Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) 19-27
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
4. If an INIT TX PARAMETERS command was not issued in step 3, issue a RESTART
TRANSMIT command.
5. Set GSMR_L[ENT]. Transmission begins using the TxBD pointed to by TBPTR,
assuming the R bit is set. Reset Sequence for an SCC Transmitter
The following steps reinitialize an SCC transmit parameters to the reset state:
1. Clear GSMR_L[ENT].
2. Make any modiÞcations then issue the INIT TX PARAMETERS command.
3. Set GSMR_L[ENT]. General ReconÞguration Sequence for an SCC Receiver
An SCC receiver can be reconÞgured by following these steps:
1. Clear GSMR_L[ENR]. The SCC receiver is now disabled and put in a reset state.
2. Modify SCC Rx parameters or parameter RAM. To switch protocols or restore Rx
parameters to their initial state, issue an INIT RX PARAMETERS command.
3. If the INIT RX PARAMETERS command was not issued in step 2, issue an ENTER HUNT
MODE command.
4. Set GSMR_L[ENR]. Reception begins using the RxBD pointed to by RBPTR,
assuming the E bit is set. Reset Sequence for an SCC Receiver
To reinitialize the SCC receiver to the state it was in after reset, follow these steps:
1. Clear GSMR_L[ENR].
2. Make any modiÞcations then issue the INIT RX PARAMETERS command.
3. Set GSMR_L[ENR]. Switching Protocols
To switch an SCCÕs protocol without resetting the board or affecting other SCCs, follow
these steps:
1. Clear GSMR_L[ENT, ENR].
2. Make protocol changes in the GSMR and additional parameters then issue the INIT
TX and RX PARAMETERS command to initialize both Tx and Rx parameters.
3. Set GSMR_L[ENT, ENR] to enable the SCC with the new protocol.
19.3.9 Saving Power
To save power when not in use, an SCC can be disabled by clearing GSMR_L[ENT, ENR].
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MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-1
Chapter 20
The universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) protocol is commonly used to
send low-speed data between devices. The term asynchronous is used because it is not
necessary to send clocking information along with the data being sent. UART links are
typically 38400 baud or less and are character-based. Asynchronous links are used to
connect terminals with other devices. Even where synchronous communications are
required, the UART is often used as a local port to run board debugger software. The
character format of the UART protocol is shown in Figure 20-1.
Figure 20-1. UART Character Format
Because the transmitter and receiver operate asynchronously, there is no need to connect
the transmit and receive clocks. Instead, the receiver oversamples the incoming data stream
(usually by a factor of 16) and uses some of these samples to determine the bit value.
Traditionally, the middle 3 of the 16 samples are used. Two UARTs can communicate using
this system if the transmitter and receiver use the same parameters, such as the parity
scheme and character length.
When data is not sent, a continuous stream of ones is sent (idle condition). Because the start
bit is always a zero, the receiver can detect when real data is once again on the line. UART
speciÞes an all-zeros break character, which ends a character transfer sequence.
The most popular protocol that uses asynchronous characters is the RS-232 standard, which
speciÞes baud rates, handshaking protocols, and mechanical/electrical details. Another
popular format is RS-485, which deÞnes a balanced line system allowing longer cables than
RS-232 links. Even synchronous protocols like HDLC are sometimes deÞned to run over
asynchronous links. The ProÞbus standard extends UART protocol to include LAN-
oriented features such as token passing.
8x, 16x, or 32x
Bit Addr
Bit Parity
5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits with the
least significant bit first 9/16 to 2
stop bits
(Not to scale)
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
All standards provide handshaking signals, but some systems require only three physical
linesÑTx data, Rx data, and ground. Many proprietary standards have been built around
the UARs asynchronous character frame, some of which implement a multidrop
conÞguration where multiple stations, each with a speciÞc address, can be present on a
network. In multidrop mode, frames of characters are broadcast with the Þrst character
acting as a destination address. To accommodate this, the UART frame is extended one bit
to distinguish address characters from normal data characters.
In synchronous UART (isochronous operation), a separate clock signal is explicitly
provided with the data. Start and stop bits are present in synchronous UART, but
oversampling is not required because the clock is provided with each bit.
The general SCC mode register (GSMR) is used to conÞgure an SCC channel to function
in UART mode, which provides standard serial I/O using asynchronous character-based
(start-stop) protocols with RS-232C-type lines. Using standard asynchronous bit rates and
protocols, an SCC UART controller can communicate with any existing RS-232-type
device and provides a serial communications port to other microprocessors and terminals
(either locally or via modems). The independent transmit and receive sections, whose
operations are asynchronous with the core, send data from memory (either internal or
external) to TXD and receive data from RXD. The UART controller supports a multidrop
mode for master/slave operations with wake-up capability on both the idle signal and
address bit. It also supports synchronous operation where a clock (internal or external) must
be provided with each bit received.
20.1 Features
The following list summarizes main features of an SCC UART controller:
¥ Flexible message-based data structure
¥ Implements synchronous and asynchronous UART
¥ Multidrop operation
¥ Receiver wake-up on idle line or address bit
¥ Receive entire messages into buffers as indicated by receiver idle timeout or by
control character reception
¥ Eight control character comparison
¥ Two address comparison in multidrop conÞgurations
¥ Maintenance of four 16-bit error counters
¥ Received break character length indication
¥ Programmable data length (5Ð8 bits)
¥ Programmable fractional stop bit lengths (from 9/16 to 2 bits) in transmission
¥ Capable of reception without a stop bit
¥ Even/odd/force/no parity generation and check
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Frame error, noise error, break, and idle detection
¥ Transmit preamble and break sequences
¥ Freeze transmission option with low-latency stop
20.2 Normal Asynchronous Mode
In normal asynchronous mode, the receive shift register receives incoming data on RXDx.
Control bits in the UART mode register (PSMR) deÞne the length and format of the UART
character. Bits are received in the following order:
1. Start bit
2. 5Ð8 data bits (lsb Þrst)
3. Address/data bit (optional)
4. Parity bit (optional)
5. Stop bits
The receiver uses a clock 8´, 16´, or 32´ faster than the baud rate and samples each bit of
the incoming data three times around its center. The value of the bit is determined by the
majority of those samples; if all do not agree, the noise indication counter (NOSEC) in
parameter RAM is incremented. When a complete character has been clocked in, the
contents of the receive shift register are transferred to the receive FIFO before proceeding
to the receive buffer. The CPM ßags UART events, including reception errors, in SCCE and
the RxBD status and control Þelds.
The SCC can receive fractional stop bits. The next characterÕs start bit can begin any time
after the three middle samples are taken. The UART transmit shift register sends outgoing
data on TXDx. Data is then clocked synchronously with the transmit clock, which may have
either an internal or external source. Characters are sent lsb Þrst. Only the data portion of
the UART frame is stored in the buffers because start and stop bits are generated and
stripped by the SCC. A parity bit can be generated in transmission and checked during
reception; although it is not stored in the buffer, its value can be inferred from the bufferÕs
reporting mechanism. Similarly, the optional address bit is not stored in the transmit or
receive buffer, but is supplied in the BD itself. Parity generation and checking includes the
optional address bit. GSMR_H[RFW] must be set for an 8-bit receive FIFO in the UART
20.3 Synchronous Mode
In synchronous mode, the controller uses a 1´ data clock for timing. The receive shift
register receives incoming data on RXDx synchronous with the clock. The bit length and
format of the serial character are deÞned by the control bits in the PSMR in the same way
as in asynchronous mode. When a complete byte has been clocked in, the contents of the
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
receive shift register are transferred to the receive FIFO before proceeding to the receive
buffer. The CPM ßags UART events, including reception errors, in SCCE and the RxBD
status and control Þelds. GSMR_H[RFW] must be set for an 8-bit receive FIFO.
The synchronous UART transmit shift register sends outgoing data on TXDx. Data is then
clocked synchronously with the transmit clock, which can have an internal or external
20.4 SCC UART Parameter RAM
For UART mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the SCC parameter RAM is mapped as in
Table 20-1.
Table 20-1. UART-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x30 Ñ DWord Reserved
0x38 MAX_IDL Hword Maximum idle characters. When a character is received, the receiver begins
counting idle characters. If MAX_IDL idle characters are received before the next
data character, an idle timeout occurs and the buffer is closed, generating a
maskable interrupt request to the core to receive the data from the buffer. Thus,
MAX_IDL offers a way to demarcate frames. To disable the feature, clear
MAX_IDL. The bit length of an idle character is calculated as follows: 1 + data
length (5Ð9) + 1 (if parity is used) + number of stop bits (1Ð2). For 8 data bits, no
parity, and 1 stop bit, the character length is 10 bits.
0x3A IDLC Hword Temporary idle counter. Holds the current idle count for the idle timeout process.
IDLC is a down-counter and does not need to be initialized or accessed.
0x3C BRKCR Hword Break count register (transmit). Determines the number of break characters the
transmitter sends. The transmitter sends a break character sequence when a STOP
TRANSMIT command is issued. For 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 1 start bit,
each break character consists of 10 zero bits.
0x3E PAREC Hword User-initialized,16-bit (moduloÐ216) counters incremented by the CP.
PAREC counts received parity errors.
FRMEC counts received characters with framing errors.
NOSEC counts received characters with noise errors.
BRKEC counts break conditions on the signal. A break condition can last for
hundreds of bit times, yet BRKEC is incremented only once during that period.
0x40 FRMEC Hword
0x42 NOSEC Hword
0x44 BRKEC Hword
0x46 BRKLN Hword Last received break length. Holds the length of the last received break character
sequence measured in character units. For example, if RXDx is low for 20 bit times
and the deÞned character length is 10 bits, BRKLN = 0x002, indicating that the
break sequence is at least 2 characters long. BRKLN is accurate to within one
character length.
0x48 UADDR1 Hword UART address character 1/2. In multidrop mode, the receiver provides automatic
address recognition for two addresses. In this case, program the lower order bytes
of UADDR1 and UADDR2 with the two preferred addresses.
0x4A UADDR2 Hword
0x4C RTEMP Hword Temp storage
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
20.5 Data-Handling Methods: Character- or Message-
An SCC UART controller uses the same BD table and buffer structures as the other
protocols and supports both multibuffer, message-based and single-buffer, character-based
For character-based transfers, each character is sent with stop bits and parity and received
into separate 1-byte buffers. A maskable interrupt is generated when each buffer is received.
In a message-based environment, transfers can be made on entire messages rather than on
individual characters. To simplify programming and save processor overhead, a message is
transferred as a linked list of buffers without core intervention. For example, before
0x4E TOSEQ Hword Transmit out-of-sequence character. Inserts out-of-sequence characters, such as
XOFF and XON, into the transmit stream. The TOSEQ character is put in the Tx
FIFO without affecting a Tx buffer in progress. See Section 20.11, ÒInserting
Control Characters into the Transmit Data Stream.Ó
0x50 CHARACTER1 Hword Control character 1Ð8. These characters deÞne the Rx control characters on which
interrupts can be generated.
0x52 CHARACTER2 Hword
0x54 CHARACTER3 Hword
0x56 CHARACTER4 Hword
0x58 CHARACTER5 Hword
0x60 RCCM Hword Receive control character mask. Used to mask comparison of CHARACTER1Ð8
so classes of control characters can be deÞned. A one enables the comparison,
and a zero masks it.
0x62 RCCR Hword Receive control character register. Used to hold the last rejected control character
(not written to the Rx buffer). Generates a maskable interrupt. If the core does not
process the interrupt and read RCCR before a new control character arrives, the
previous control character is overwritten.
0x64 RLBC Hword Receive last break character. Used in synchronous UART when PSMR[RZS] = 1;
holds the last break character pattern. By counting zeros in RLBC, the core can
measure break length to a one-bit resolution. Read RLBC by counting the zeros
written from bit 0 to where the Þrst one was written. RLBC = 0b001xxxxxxxxxxxxx
indicates two zeros; 0b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx indicates no zeros.
Note that RLBC can be used in combination with BRKLN above to calculate the
number of bits in the break sequence: (BRKLN * character length) + (number of
zeros in RLBC).
1From SCC base. See Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses.Ó
Table 20-1. UART-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map (Continued)
20-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
handling input data, a terminal driver may wait for an end-of-line character or an idle
timeout rather than be interrupted when each character is received. Conversely, ASCII Þles
can be sent as messages ending with an end-of-line character.
When receiving messages, up to eight control characters can be conÞgured to mark the end
of a message or generate a maskable interrupt without being stored in the buffer. This option
is useful when ßow control characters such as XON or XOFF are needed but are not part
of the received message. See Section 20.9, ÒReceiving Control Characters.Ó
20.6 Error and Status Reporting
Overrun, parity, noise, and framing errors are reported via the BDs and/or error counters in
the UART parameter RAM. Signal status is indicated in the status register; a maskable
interrupt is generated when status changes.
20.7 SCC UART Commands
The transmit commands in Table 20-2 are issued to the CP command register (CPCR).
Table 20-2. Transmit Commands
Command Description
After a hardware or software reset and a channel is enabled in the GSMR, the transmitter starts polling
the Þrst BD in the TxBD table every 8 Tx clocks. STOP TRANSMIT disables character transmission. If the
SCC receives STOP TRANSMIT as a message is being sent, the message is aborted. The transmitter
Þnishes sending data transferred to its FIFO and stops. The TBPTR is not advanced. The UART
transmitter sends a programmable break sequence and starts sending idles. The number of break
characters in the sequence (which can be zero) should be written to BRKCR in the parameter RAM
before issuing this command.
Used to stop transmitting smoothly. The transmitter stops after the current buffer has been completely
sent or immediately if no buffer is being sent. SCCE[GRA] is set once transmission stops, then the
UART Tx parameters, including the TxBD, can be modiÞed. TBPTR points to the next TxBD in the table.
Transmission begins once the R bit of the next BD is set and a RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued.
Enables transmission. The controller expects this command after it disables the channel in its PSMR,
after a STOP TRANSMIT command, after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command, or after a transmitter
error. Transmission resumes from the current BD.
Resets the transmit parameters in the parameter RAM. Issue only when the transmitter is disabled.
Note that INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets both Tx and Rx parameters.
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Receive commands are described in Table 20-3.
20.8 Multidrop Systems and Address Recognition
In multidrop systems, more than two stations can be on a network, each with a speciÞc
address. Figure 20-2 shows two examples of this conÞguration. Frames made up of many
characters can be broadcast as long as the Þrst character is the destination address. The
UART frame is extended by one bit to distinguish an address character from standard data
characters. Programmed in PSMR[UM], the controller supports the following two
multidrop modes:
¥ Automatic multidrop modeÑThe controller checks the incoming address character
and accepts subsequent data only if the address matches one of two user-deÞned
values. The two 16-bit address registers, UADDR1 and UADDR2, support address
recognition. Only the lower 8 bits are used so the upper 8 bits should be cleared; for
addresses less than 8 bits, unused high-order bits should also be cleared. The
incoming address is checked against UADDR1 and UADDR2. When a match
occurs, RxBD[AM] indicates whether UADDR1 or UADDR2 matched.
¥ Manual multidrop modeÑThe controller receives all characters. An address
character is always written to a new buffer and can be followed by data characters.
User software performs the address comparison.
Table 20-3. Receive Commands
Command Description
Forces the receiver to close the RxBD in use and enter hunt mode. After a hardware or software reset,
once an SCC is enabled in the GSMR, the receiver is automatically enabled and uses the Þrst BD in the
RxBD table. If a message is in progress, the receiver continues receiving in the next BD. In multidrop
hunt mode, the receiver continually scans the input data stream for the address character. When it is not
in multidrop mode, it waits for the idle sequence (one character of idle). Data present in the Rx FIFO is
not lost when this command is executed.
CLOSE RXBD Forces the SCC to close the RxBD in use and use the next BD for subsequent received data. If the SCC
is not in the process of receiving data, no action is taken.
Note that in an SCC UART controller, CLOSE RXBD functions like ENTER HUNT MODE but does not need to
receive an idle character to continue receiving.
Resets the receive parameters in the parameter RAM. Should be issued when the receiver is disabled.
Note that INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets both Tx and Rx parameters.
20-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 20-2. Two UART Multidrop Configurations
20.9 Receiving Control Characters
The UART receiver can recognize special control characters used in a message-based
environment. Eight control characters can be deÞned in a control character table in the
UART parameter RAM. Each incoming character is compared to the table entries using a
mask (the received control character mask, RCCM) to strip donÕt cares. If a match occurs,
the received control character can either be written to the receive buffer or rejected.
If the received control character is not rejected, it is written to the receive buffer. The receive
buffer is then automatically closed to allow software to handle end-of-message characters.
Control characters that are not part of the actual message, such as XOFF, can be rejected.
Rejected characters bypass the receive buffer and are written directly to the received control
character register (RCCR), which triggers maskable interrupt.
The 16-bit entries in the control character table support control character recognition. Each
entry consists of the control character, a valid bit (end of table), and a reject bit. See
Figure 20-3.
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Tx Rx
Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx
Slave 2 Slave 3Slave 1Master
Choose wired-or operation in the port A
open-drain register to allow multiple transmit
pins to be directly connected
+ V
Two 8-bit addresses can be automatically
recognized in either configuration
+ V
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 20-4 describes the data structure used in control character recognition.
Offset10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0x60 1 1 ÑRCCM
0x62 Ñ RCCR
1 From SCCx base address
Figure 20-3. Control Character Table
Table 20-4. Control Character Table, RCCM, and RCCR Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0EEnd of table. In tables with eight control characters, E is always 0.
0 This entry is valid.
1 The entry is not valid and is not used.
1RReject character.
0 A matching character is not rejected but is written into the Rx buffer, which is
then closed. If RxBD[I] is set, the buffer closing generates a maskable interrupt
through SCCE[RX]. A new buffer is opened if more data is in the message.
1 A matching character is written to RCCR and not to the Rx buffer. A maskable
interrupt is generated through SCCE[CCR]. The current Rx buffer is not closed.
2Ð7 Ñ Reserved
8Ð15 CHARACTERn Control character values 1Ð8. DeÞnes control characters to be compared to the
incoming character. For characters smaller than 8 bits, the most signiÞcant bits
should be zero.
0x60 0Ð1 0b11 Must be set. Used to mark the end of the control character table in case eight
characters are used. Setting these bits ensures correct operation during control
character recognition.
2Ð7 Ñ Reserved
8Ð15 RCCM Received control character mask. Used to mask the comparison of
CHARACTERn. Each RCCM bit corresponds to the respective bit of
CHARACTERn and decodes as follows.
0 Ignore this bit when comparing the incoming character to CHARACTERn.
1 Use this bit when comparing the incoming character to CHARACTERn.
0x62 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved
8Ð15 RCCR Received control character register. If the newly arrived character matches and is
rejected from the buffer (R = 1), the PIP controller writes the character into the
RCCR and generates a maskable interrupt. If the core does not process the
interrupt and read RCCR before a new control character arrives, the previous
control character is overwritten.
20-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
20.10 Hunt Mode (Receiver)
A UART receiver in hunt mode remains deactivated until an idle or address character is
recognized, depending on PSMR[UM]. A receiver is forced into hunt mode by issuing an
The receiver aborts any message in progress when ENTER HUNT MODE is issued. When the
message is Þnished, the receiver is reenabled by detecting the idle line (one idle character)
or by the address bit of the next message, depending on PSMR[UM]. When a receiver in
hunt mode receives a break sequence, it increments BRKEC and generates a BRK interrupt
20.11 Inserting Control Characters into the Transmit
Data Stream
The SCC UART transmitter can send out-of-sequence, ßow-control characters like XON
and XOFF. The controller polls the transmit out-of-sequence register (TOSEQ), shown in
Figure 20-4, whenever the transmitter is enabled for UART operation, including during a
UART freeze operation, UART buffer transmission, and when no buffer is ready for
transmission. The TOSEQ character (in CHARSEND) is sent at a higher priority than the
other characters in the transmit buffer, but does not preempt characters already in the
transmit FIFO. This means that the XON or XOFF character may not be sent for eight or
four (SCC) character times. To reduce this latency, set GSMR_H[TFL] to decrease the
FIFO size to one character before enabling the transmitter.
Table 20-5 describes TOSEQ Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr SCC base + 0x4E
Figure 20-4. Transmit Out-of-Sequence Register (TOSEQ)
Table 20-5. TOSEQ Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2REA Ready. Set when the character is ready for transmission. Remains 1 while the character is
being sent. The CP clears this bit after transmission.
3IInterrupt. If this bit is set, transmission completion is ßagged in the event register (SCCE[TX] is
set), triggering a maskable interrupt to the core.
4 CT Clear-to-send lost. Operates only if the SCC monitors CTS (GSMR_L[DIAG]). The CP sets this
bit if CTS negates when the TOSEQ character is sent. If CTS negates and the TOSEQ
character is sent during a buffer transmission, the TxBD[CT] status bit is also set.
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
20.12 Sending a Break (Transmitter)
A break is an all-zeros character with no stop bit that is sent by issuing a STOP TRANSMIT
command. The SCC Þnishes transmitting outstanding data, sends a programmable number
of break characters (determined by BRKCR), and reverts to idle or sends data if a RESTART
TRANSMIT command is given before completion. When the break code is complete, the
transmitter sends at least one high bit before sending more data, to guarantee recognition
of a valid start bit. Because break characters do not preempt characters in the transmit FIFO,
they may not be sent for eight (SCC) or four (SCC) character times. To reduce this latency,
set GSMR_H[TFL] to decrease the FIFO size to one character before enabling the
20.13 Sending a Preamble (Transmitter)
Sending a preamble sequence of consecutive ones ensures that a line is idle before sending
a message. If the preamble bit TxBD[P] is set, the SCC sends a preamble sequence (idle
character) before sending the buffer. For example, for 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and
1 start bit, a preamble of 10 ones is sent before the Þrst character in the buffer.
20.14 Fractional Stop Bits (Transmitter)
The asynchronous UART transmitter, shown in Figure 20-5, can be programmed to send
fractional stop bits. The FSB Þeld in the data synchronization register (DSR) determines
the fractional length of the last stop bit to be sent. FSB can be modiÞed at any time. If two
stop bits are sent, only the second is affected. Idle characters are always sent as full-length
5Ð6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7AAddress. Setting this bit indicates an address character for multidrop mode.
8Ð15 CHARSEND Character send. Contains the character to be sent. Any 5- to 8-bit character value can be sent
in accordance with the UART conÞguration. The character should be placed in the lsbs of
CHARSEND. This value can be changed only while REA = 0.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0 1111 11001111110
Figure 20-5. Asynchronous UART Transmitter
Table 20-5. TOSEQ Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
20-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 20-6 describes DSR Þelds.
20.15 Handling Errors in the SCC UART Controller
The UART controller reports character reception and transmission error conditions via the
BDs, the error counters, and the SCCE. Modem interface lines can be monitored by the port
C pins. Transmission errors are described in Table 20-7.
Table 20-6. DSR Fields Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 Ñ 0b0
1Ð4 FSB Fractional stop bits. For 16´ oversampling:
1111 Last transmitted stop bit 16/16. Default value after reset.
1110 Last transmitted stop bit 15/16.
1000 Last transmitted stop bit 9/16.
0xxx Invalid. Do not use.
For 32´ oversampling:
1111 Last transmitted stop bit 32/32. Default value after reset.
1110 Last transmitted stop bit 31/32.
0000 Last transmitted stop bit 17/32.
For 8´ oversampling:
1111 Last transmitted stop bit 8/8. Default value after reset.
1110 Last transmitted stop bit 7/8.
1101 Last transmitted stop bit 6/8.
1100 Last transmitted stop bit 5/8.
10xx Invalid. Do not use.
0xxx Invalid. Do not use.
The UART receiver can always receive fractional stop bits. The next characterÕs start bit can begin
any time after the three middle samples have been taken.
5Ð6 Ñ 0b11
7Ð8 Ñ 0b00
9Ð14 Ñ 0b111111
15 Ñ 0b0
Table 20-7. Transmission Errors
Error Description
CTS Lost
When CTS negates during transmission, the channel stops after Þnishing the current character. The
CP sets TxBD[CT] and generates the TX interrupt if it is not masked. The channel resumes
transmission after the RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued and CTS is asserted.
Note that if CTS is used, the UART also offers an asynchronous ßow control option that does not
generate an error. See the description of PSMR[FLC] in Table 20-9.
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Reception errors are described in Table 20-8.
20.16 UART Mode Register (PSMR)
For UART mode, the SCC protocol-speciÞc mode register (PSMR) is called the UART
mode register. Many bits can be modiÞed while the receiver and transmitter are enabled.
Figure 20-6 shows the PSMR in UART mode.
Table 20-8. Reception Errors
Error Description
Overrun Occurs when the channel overwrites the previous character in the Rx FIFO with a new character, losing
the previous character. The channel then writes the new character to the buffer, closes it, sets RxBD[OV],
and generates an RX interrupt if not masked. In automatic multidrop mode, the receiver enters hunt mode
CD Lost
If this error occurs and the channel is using this pin to automatically control reception, the channel
terminates character reception, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[CD], and generates the RX interrupt if not
masked. This error has the highest priority. The last character in the buffer is lost and other errors are not
checked. In automatic multidrop mode, the receiver enters the hunt mode immediately.
Parity When a parity error occurs, the channel writes the received character to the buffer, closes the buffer, sets
RxBD[PR], and generates the RX interrupt if not masked. The channel also increments the parity error
counter PAREC. In automatic multidrop mode, the receiver enters hunt mode immediately.
Noise A noise error occurs when the three samples of a bit are not identical. When this error occurs, the channel
writes the received character to the buffer, proceeds normally, but increments the noise error counter
NOSEC. Note that this error does not occur in synchronous mode.
If the UART is receiving data and gets an idle character (all ones), the channel begins counting
consecutive idle characters received. If MAX_IDL is reached, the buffer is closed and an RX interrupt is
generated if not masked. If no buffer is open, this event does not generate an interrupt or any status
information. The internal idle counter (IDLC) is reset every time a character is received. To disable the idle
sequence function, clear MAX_IDL.
Framing The UART reports a framing errors when it receives a character with no stop bit, regardless of the mode.
The channel writes the received character to the buffer, closes it, sets RxBD[FR], generates the RX
interrupt if not masked, increments FRMEC, but does not check parity for this character. In automatic
multidrop mode, the receiver immediately enters hunt mode. If the UART allows data with no stop bits
(PSMR[RZS] = 1) when in synchronous mode (PSMR[SYN] = 1), framing errors are reported but
reception continues assuming the unexpected zero is the start bit of the next character; in this case, the
user may ignore a reported framing error until multiple framing errors occur within a short period.
When the Þrst break sequence is received, the UART increments the break error counter BRKEC. It
updates BRKLN when the sequence completes. After the Þrst 1 is received, the UART sets SCCE[BRKE],
which generates an interrupt if not masked. If the UART is receiving characters when it receives a break,
it closes the Rx buffer, sets RxBD[BR], and sets SCCE[RX], which can generate an interrupt if not
masked. If PSMR[RZS] = 1 when the UART is in synchronous mode, a break sequence is detected after
two successive break characters are received.
20-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
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Table 20-9 describes PSMR UART Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0
Addr 0x11A08 (PSMR1); 0x11A28 (PSMR2); 0x11A48 (PSMR3); 0x11A68 (PSMR4)
Figure 20-6. Protocol-Specific Mode Register for UART (PSMR)
Table 20-9. PSMR UART Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 FLC Flow control.
0 Normal operation. The GSMR and port C registers determine the mode of CTS.
1 Asynchronous ßow control. When CTS is negated, the transmitter stops at the end of the current
character. If CTS is negated past the middle of the current character, the next full character is sent
before transmission stops. When CTS is asserted again, transmission continues where it left off
and no CTS lost error is reported. Only idle characters are sent while CTS is negated.
1 SL Stop length. Selects the number of stop bits the SCC sends. SL can be modiÞed on-the-ßy. The
receiver is always enabled for one stop bit unless the SCC UART is in synchronous mode and
PSMR[RZS] is set. Fractional stop bits are conÞgured in the DSR.
0 One stop bit.
1 Two stop bits.
2Ð3 CL Character length. Determines the number of data bits in the character, not including optional parity or
multidrop address bits. If a character is less than 8 bits, most-signiÞcant bits are received as zeros
and are ignored when the character is sent. CL can be modiÞed on-the-ßy.
00 5 data bits
01 6 data bits
10 7 data bits
11 8 data bits
4Ð5 UM UART mode. Selects the asynchronous channel protocol. UM can be modiÞed on-the-ßy.
00 Normal UART operation. Multidrop mode is disabled and idle-line wake-up mode is selected. The
UART receiver leaves hunt mode by receiving an idle character (all ones).
01 Manual multidrop mode. An additional address/data bit is sent with each character. Multidrop
asynchronous modes are compatible with the MC68681 DUART, MC68HC11 SCI, DSP56000
SCI, and Intel 8051 serial interface. The receiver leaves hunt mode when the address/data bit is
a one, indicating the received character is an address that all inactive processors must process.
The controller receives the address character and writes it to a new buffer. The core then
compares the written address with its own address and decides whether to ignore or process
subsequent characters.
10 Reserved.
11 Automatic multidrop mode. The CPM compares the address of an incoming address character
with UADDRx parameter RAM values; subsequent data is accepted only if a match occurs.
6 FRZ Freeze transmission. Allows the UART transmitter to pause and later continue from that point.
0 Normal operation. If the buffer was previously frozen, it resumes transmission from the next
character in the same buffer that was frozen.
1 The SCC completes transmission of any data already transferred to the Tx FIFO (the number of
characters depends on GSMR_H[TFL]) and then freezes. After FRZ is cleared, transmission
resumes from the next character.
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
20.17 SCC UART Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
The CPM uses RxBDs to report on each buffer received. The CPM closes the current buffer,
generates a maskable interrupt, and starts receiving data into the next buffer after one of the
following occurs:
¥ A user-deÞned control character is received.
¥ An error occurs during message processing.
¥ A full receive buffer is detected.
¥ A MAX_IDL number of consecutive idle characters is received.
7 RZS Receive zero stop bits.
0 The receiver operates normally, but at least one stop bit is needed between characters. A framing
error is issued if a stop bit is missing. Break status is set if an all-zero character is received with a
zero stop bit.
1 ConÞgures the receiver to receive data without stop bits. Useful in V.14 applications where SCC
UART controller data is supplied synchronously and all stop bits of a particular character can be
omitted for cross-network rate adaptation. RZS should be set only if SYN is set. The receiver
continues if a stop bit is missing. If the stop bit is a zero, the next bit is considered the Þrst data bit
of the next character. A framing error is issued if a stop bit is missing, but a break status is reported
only after two consecutive break characters have no stop bits.
8 SYN Synchronous mode.
0 Normal asynchronous operation. GSMR_L[TENC,RENC] must select NRZ and GSMR_L[TDCR,
RDCR] select either 8´, 16´, or 32´. 16´ is recommended for most applications.
1 Synchronous SCC UART controller using 1´ clock (isochronous UART operation).
GSMR_L[TENC, RENC] must select NRZ and GSMR_L[RDCR, TDCR] select 1´ mode. A bit is
transferred with each clock and is synchronous to the clock, which can be internal or external.
9 DRT Disable receiver while transmitting.
0 Normal operation.
1 While the SCC is sending data, the internal RTS disables and gates the receiver. Useful for a
multidrop conÞguration in which the user does not want to receive its own transmission. For
multidrop UART mode, set the BDsÕ preamble bit, TxBD[P].
10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 PEN Parity enable.
0 No parity.
1 Parity is enabled and determined by the parity mode bits.
Receiver/transmitter parity mode. Selects the type of parity check the receiver/transmitter performs;
can be modiÞed on-the-ßy. Receive parity errors can be ignored but not disabled.
00 Odd parity. If a transmitter counts an even number of ones in the data word, it sets the parity bit
so an odd number is sent. If a receiver receives an even number, a parity error is reported.
01 Low parity (space parity). A transmitter sends a zero in the parity bit position. If a receiver does
not read a 0 in the parity bit, a parity error is reported.
10 Even parity. Like odd parity, the transmitter adjusts the parity bit, as necessary, to ensure that the
receiver receives an even number of one bits; otherwise, a parity error is reported.
11 High parity (mark parity). The transmitter sends a one in the parity bit position. If the receiver
does not read a 1 in the parity bit, a parity error is reported.
Table 20-9. PSMR UART Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
20-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ An ENTER HUNT MODE or CLOSE RXBD command is issued.
¥ An address character is received in multidrop mode. The address character is written
to the next buffer for a software comparison.
Figure 20-7 shows an example of how RxBDs are used in receiving.
Figure 20-7. SCC UART Receiving using RxBDs
Byte 5
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Rx BD 0
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Rx BD 1
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Rx BD 2
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Rx BD 3
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 8
Byte 9
Byte 10
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4 Error!
Additional Bytes
will be Stored Unless
Idle Count Expires
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
Received by UART Fourth Character
10 Characters
Long Idle Period
has Framing Error! Present
5 Characters
Buffer Full
Idle Time-Out
Byte 4 has
Framing Error
Still in Progress
with this Buffer
MRBLR = 8 Bytes for this SCC
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 20-8 shows the SCC UART RxBD.
Table 20-10 describes RxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 20-8. SCC UART Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Table 20-10. SCC UART RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or reception was aborted due to an error. The core can read or write to any Þelds of
this BD. The CPM does not reuse this BD while E = 0.
1 The buffer is not full. The CPM controls this BD and buffer. The core should not modify this BD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last buffer descriptor in the BD table).
0 Not the last descriptor in the table.
1 Last descriptor in the table. After this buffer is used, the CPM receives incoming data using the BD
pointed to by RBASE. The number of BDs in this table is programable and determined only by the W
bit and overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is Þlled.
1 The CP sets SCCE[RX] when this buffer is completely Þlled by the CPM, indicating the need for the
core to process the buffer. Setting SCCE[RX] causes an interrupt if not masked.
4 C Control character.
0 This buffer does not contain a control character.
1 The last byte in this buffer matches a user-deÞned control character.
5 A Address.
0 The buffer contains only data.
1 For manual multidrop mode, A indicates the Þrst byte of this buffer is an address byte. Software should
perform address comparison. In automatic multidrop mode, A indicates the buffer contains a message
received immediately after an address matched UADDR1 or UADDR2. The address itself is not written
to the buffer but is indicated by the AM bit.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation. The CPM clears E after this BD is closed.
1 The CPM does not clear E after this BD is closed, allowing the buffer to be overwritten when the CPM
accesses this BD again. E is cleared if an error occurs during reception, regardless of CM.
7 ID Buffer closed on reception of idles. The buffer is closed because a programmable number of consecutive
idle sequences (MAX_IDL) was received.
8 AM Address match. SigniÞcant only if the address bit is set and automatic multidrop mode is selected in
PSMR[UM]. After an address match, AM identiÞes which user-deÞned address character was matched.
0 The address matched the value in UADDR2.
1 The address matched the value in UADDR1.
9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
20-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer Descriptors (BDs),Ó describes the data length and buffer pointer
20.18 SCC UART Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
The CPM uses BDs to conÞrm transmission and indicate error conditions so the core knows
that buffers have been serviced. Figure 20-9 shows the SCC UART TxBD.
Table 20-11 describes TxBD status and control Þelds.
10 BR Break received. Set when a break sequence is received as data is being received into this buffer.
11 FR Framing error. Set when a character with a framing error (a character without a stop bit) is received and
located in the last byte of this buffer. A new Rx buffer is used to receive subsequent data.
12 PR Parity error. Set when a character with a parity error is received and located in the last byte of this buffer.
A new Rx buffer is used to receive subsequent data.
13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during reception.
15 CD Carrier detect lost. Set when the carrier detect signal is negated during reception.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 RÑW I CR A CM P NS ÑCT
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 20-9. SCC UART Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Table 20-11. SCC UART TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready. This BD and buffer can be modiÞed. The CPM automatically clears R after
the buffer is sent or an error occurs.
1 The user-prepared buffer is waiting to begin transmission or is being transmitted. Do not modify the
BD once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last buffer descriptor in TxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CPM sends data using the BD pointed to by
TBASE. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and space constraints of
the dual-port RAM.
Table 20-10. SCC UART RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó
20.19 SCC UART Event Register (SCCE) and Mask
Register (SCCM)
The SCC event register (SCCE) is used to report events recognized by the UART channel
and to generate interrupts. When an event is recognized, the controller sets the
corresponding SCCE bit. Interrupts can be masked in the UART mask register (SCCM),
which has the same format as SCCE. Setting a mask bit enables the corresponding SCCE
interrupt; clearing a bit masks it. Figure 20-10 shows example interrupts that can be
generated by the SCC UART controller.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is processed.
1 SCCE[TX] is set after this buffer is processed by the CPM, which can cause an interrupt.
4CR Clear-to-send report.
0 The next buffer is sent with no delay (assuming it is ready), but if a CTS lost condition occurs,
TxBD[CT] may not be set in the correct TxBD or may not be set at all. Asynchronous ßow control,
however, continues to function normally.
1 Normal CTS lost error reporting and three bits of idle are sent between consecutive buffers.
5AAddress. Valid only in multidrop modeÑautomatic or manual.
0 This buffer contains only data.
1 This buffer contains address characters. All data in this buffer is sent as address characters.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation. The CPM clears R after this BD is closed.
1 The CPM does not clear R after this BD is closed, allowing the buffer to be resent next time the
CPM accesses this BD. However, R is cleared by transmission errors, regardless of CM.
0 No preamble sequence is sent.
1 Before sending data, the controller sends an idle character consisting of all ones. If the data length
of this BD is zero, only a preamble is sent.
8NS No stop bit or shaved stop bit sent.
0 Normal operation. Stop bits are sent with all characters in this buffer.
1 If PSMR[SYN] = 1, data in this buffer is sent without stop bits. If SYN = 0, the stop bit is shaved,
depending on the DSR setting; see Section 20.14, ÒFractional Stop Bits (Transmitter).Ó
9Ð14 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
15 CT CTS lost. The CPM writes this status bit after sending the associated buffer.
0 CTS remained asserted during transmission.
1 CTS negated during transmission.
Table 20-11. SCC UART TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
20-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 20-10. SCC UART Interrupt Event Example
SCCE bits are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect. Unmasked bits must be
cleared before the CPM clears an internal interrupt request. Figure 20-11 shows SCCE/
SCCM for UART operation.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A10 (SCCE1); 0x11A30 (SCCE2); 0x11A50 (SCCE3); 0x11A70 (SCCE4)
0x11A14 (SCCM1); 0x11A34 (SCCM2); 0x11A54 (SCCM3); 0x11A74 (SCCM4)
Figure 20-11. SCC UART Event Register (SCCE) and Mask Register (SCCM)
Line Idle
10 Characters
Received by UART
Line Idle
Transmitted by UART
Line Idle Line Idle
7 Characters
1. The first RX event assumes Rx buffers are 6 bytes each.
2. The second IDL event occurs after an all-ones character is received.
3. The second RX event position is programmable based on the MAX_IDL value.
4. The BRKS event occurs after the first break character is received.
5. The CD event must be programmed in the port C parallel I/O, not in the SCC itself.
A receive control character defined not to be stored in the Rx buffer.
1. TX event assumes all seven characters were put into a single buffer and TxBD[CR]=1.
2. The CTS event must be programmed in the port C parallel I/O, not in the SCC itself.
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 20-12 describes SCCE Þelds for UART mode.
20.20 SCC UART Status Register (SCCS)
The SCC UART status register (SCCS), shown in Figure 20-12, monitors the real-time
status of RXD.
Table 20-12. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions for UART Mode
Bit Name Description
0Ð2 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
3 GLR Glitch on receive. Set when the SCC encounters an Rx clock glitch.
4 GLT Glitch on transmit. Set when the SCC encounters a Tx clock glitch.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 AB Autobaud. Set when an autobaud lock is detected. The core should rewrite the baud rate generator with
the precise divider value. See Chapter 16, ÒBaud-Rate Generators (BRGs).Ó
7 IDL Idle sequence status changed. Set when the channel detects a change in the serial line. The lineÕs real-
time status can be read in SCCS[ID]. Idle is entered when a character of all ones is received; it is exited
when a zero is received.
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. Set as soon as the transmitter Þnishes any buffer in progress after a GRACEFUL
STOP TRANSMIT command is issued. It is set immediately if no buffer is in progress.
9 BRKE Break end. Set when an idle bit is received after a break sequence.
10 BRKS Break start. Set when the Þrst character of a break sequence is received. Multiple BRKS events are not
received if a long break sequence is received.
11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12 CCR Control character received and rejected. Set when a control character is recognized and stored in the
receive control character register RCCR.
13 BSY Busy. Set when a character is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. In multidrop mode, the
receiver automatically enters hunt mode; otherwise, reception continues when a buffer is available. The
latest point that an RxBD can be changed to empty and guarantee avoiding the busy condition is the
middle of the stop bit of the Þrst character to be stored in that buffer.
14 TX Tx event. Set when a buffer is sent. If TxBD[CR] = 1, TX is set no sooner than when the last stop bit of
the last character in the buffer begins transmission. If TxBD[CR] = 0, TX is set after the last character is
written to the Tx FIFO. TX also represents a CTS lost error; check TxBD[CT].
15 RX Rx event. Set when a buffer is received, which is no sooner than the middle of the Þrst stop bit of the
character that caused the buffer to close. Also represents a general receiver error (overrun, CD lost,
parity, idle sequence, and framing errors); the RxBD status and control Þelds indicate the speciÞc error.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field Ñ ID
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A17 (SCCS1); 0x11A37 (SCCS2); 0x11A57 (SCCS3); 0x11A77 (SCCS4)
Figure 20-12. SCC Status Register for UART Mode (SCCS)
20-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 20-13 describes UART SCCS Þelds.
20.21 SCC UART Programming Example
The following initialization sequence is for the 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and stop
bit of an SCC in UART mode assuming a 66-MHz system frequency. BRG1 and SCC2 are
used. The controller is conÞgured with RTS2, CTS2, and CD2 active; CTS2 acts as an
automatic ßow-control signal.
1. ConÞgure port D pins to enable TXD2 and RXD2. Set PPARD[27,28] and
PDIRD[27] and clear PDIRD[28] and PSORD[27,28].
2. ConÞgure ports C and D pins to enable RTS2, CTS2 and CD2. Set PPARD[26],
PPARC[12,13] and PDIRD[26] and clear PDIRC[12,13], PSORC[12,13] and
3. ConÞgure BRG1. Write BRGC1 with 0x0001_035A. The DIV16 bit is not used and
the divider is 429 (decimal). The resulting BRG1 clock is 16´ the preferred bit rate.
4. Connect BRG1 to SCC2 using the CPM mux. Clear CMXSCR[RS2CS,TS2CS].
5. Connect the SCC2 to the NMSI. Clear CMXSCR[SC2].
6. Write RBASE and TBASE in the SCC2 parameter RAM to point to the RxBD and
TxBD tables in dual-port RAM. Assuming one RxBD at the start of dual-port RAM
followed by one TxBD, write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008.
7. Write 0x04A1_0000 to CPCR to execute the INIT RX AND TX PARAMS command for
SCC2. This command updates RBPTR and TBPTR of the serial channel with the
new values of RBASE and TBASE.
8. Write RFCR with 0x10 and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
9. Write MRBLR with the maximum number of bytes per Rx buffer. For this case,
assume 16 bytes, so MRBLR = 0x0010.
10. Write MAX_IDL with 0x0000 in the parameter RAM to disable the maximum idle
functionality for this example.
11. Set BRKCR to 0x0001 so STOP TRANSMIT commands send only one break character.
12. Clear PAREC, FRMEC, NOSEC, and BRKEC in parameter RAM.
13. Clear UADDR1 and UADDR2. They are not used.
14. Clear TOSEQ. It is not used.
Table 20-13. UART SCCS Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7 ID Idle status. Set when RXD has been a logic one for at least a full character time.
0 The line is not idle.
1 The line is idle.
MOTOROLA Chapter 20. SCC UART Mode 20-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
15. Write CHARACTER1Ð8 with 0x8000. They are not used.
16. Write RCCM with 0xC0FF. It is not used.
17. Initialize the RxBD. Assume the Rx buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory.
Write 0xB000 to the RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length]
(optional), and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
18. Initialize the TxBD. Assume the buffer is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory and
contains sixteen 8-bit characters. Write 0xB000 to the TxBD[Status and Control],
0x0010 to TxBD[Data Length], and 0x00002000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
19. Write 0xFFFF to SCCE2 to clear any previous events.
20. Write 0x0003 to SCCM2 to allow the TX and RX interrupts.
21. Write 0x0040_0000 to the SIMR_L so SMC1 can generate a system interrupt.
Initialize SIPNR_L by writing 0xFFFF_FFFF to it.
22. Write 0x0000_0020 to GSMR_H2 to conÞgure a small Rx FIFO width.
23. Write 0x0002_8004 to GSMR_L2 to conÞgure 16´ sampling for transmit and
receive, CTS and CD to automatically control transmission and reception (DIAG
bits), and the SCC for UART mode. Notice that the transmitter (ENT) and receiver
(ENR) have not been enabled yet.
24. Set PSMR2 to 0xB000 to conÞgure automatic ßow control using CTS, 8-bit
characters, no parity, 1 stop bit, and asynchronous SCC UART operation.
25. Write 0x0002_8034 to GSMR_L2 to enable the transmitter and receiver. This
ensures that ENT and ENR are enabled last.
Note that after 16 bytes are sent, the transmit buffer is closed. Additionally, the receive
buffer is closed after 16 bytes are received. Data received after 16 bytes causes a busy
(out-of-buffers) condition because only one RxBD is prepared.
20.22 S-Records Loader Application
This section describes a downloading application that uses an SCC UART controller. The
application performs S-record downloads and uploads between a host computer and an
intelligent peripheral through a serial asynchronous line. S-records are strings of ASCII
characters that begin with ÔSÕ and end in an end-of-line character. This characteristic is used
to impose a message structure on the communication between the devices. For ßow control,
each device can transmit XON and XOFF characters, which are not part of the program
being uploaded or downloaded.
For simplicity, assume that the line is not multidrop (no addresses are sent) and that each
S-record Þts into a single buffer. Follow the basic UART initialization sequence above in
Section 20.21, ÒSCC UART Programming Example,Ó except allow for more and larger
buffers and create the control character table as described in Table 20-14.
20-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
To receive S-records, the core must wait for an RX interrupt, indicating that a complete S-
record buffer was received. Transmission requires assembling S-records into buffers and
linking them to the TxBD table; transmission can be paused when an XOFF character is
received. This scheme minimizes the number of interrupts the core receives (one per S-
record) and relieves it from continually scanning for control characters.
Table 20-14. UART Control Characters for S-Records Example
Character Description
Line Feed Both the E and R bits should be cleared. When an end-of-line character is received, the current buffer is
closed and made available to the core for processing. This buffer contains an entire S record that the
processor can now check and copy to memory or disk as required.
XOFF E should be cleared; R should be set. Whenever the core receives a control-character-received (CCR)
interrupt and the RCCR contains XOFF, the software should immediately stop transmitting by setting
PSMR[FRZ]. This keeps the other station from losing data when it runs out of Rx buffers.
XON XON should be received after XOFF. E should be cleared and R should be set. PSMR[FRZ] on the
transmitter should now be cleared. The CPM automatically resumes transmission of the serial line at the
point at which it was previously stopped. Like XOFF, the XON character is not stored in the receive buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-1
Chapter 21
High-level data link control (HDLC) is one of the most common protocols in the data link
layer, layer 2 of the OSI model. Many other common layer 2 protocols, such as SDLC,
SS#7, AppleTalk, LAPB, and LAPD, are based on HDLC and its framing structure in
particular. Figure 21-1 shows the HDLC framing structure.
HDLC uses a zero insertion/deletion process (bit-stufÞng) to ensure that a data bit pattern
matching the delimiter ßag does not occur in a Þeld between ßags. The HDLC frame is
synchronous and relies on the physical layer for clocking and synchronization of the
An address Þeld is needed to carry the frame's destination address because the layer 2 frame
can be sent over point-to-point links, broadcast networks, packet-switched or circuit-
switched systems. An address Þeld is commonly 0, 8, or 16 bits, depending on the data link
layer protocol. SDLC and LAPB use an 8-bit address. SS#7 has no address Þeld because it
is always used in point-to-point signaling links. LAPD divides its 16-bit address into
different Þelds to specify various access points within one device. LAPD also deÞnes a
broadcast address. Some HDLC-type protocols permit addressing beyond 16 bits.
The 8- or 16-bit control Þeld provides a ßow control number and deÞnes the frame type
(control or data). The exact use and structure of this Þeld depends on the protocol using the
frame. The length of the data in the data Þeld depends on the frame protocol. Layer 3 frames
are carried in this data Þeld. Error control is implemented by appending a cyclic redundancy
check (CRC) to the frame, which in most protocols is 16 bits long but can be as long as 32
bits. In HDLC, the lsb of each octet is sent Þrst; the msb of the CRC is sent Þrst.
HDLC mode is selected for an SCC by writing GSMR_L[MODE] = 0b0000. In a
nonmultiplexed modem interface, SCC outputs connect directly to external pins. Modem
signals can be supported through port C. The Rx and Tx clocks can be supplied from either
the bank of baud rate generators, by the DPLL, or externally. An SCC can also be connected
through the TDM channels of the serial interface (SI). In HDLC mode, an SCC becomes
an HDLC controller, and consists of separate transmit and receive sections whose
operations are asynchronous with the core and can either be synchronous or asynchronous
with respect to other SCCs.
21-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.1 SCC HDLC Features
The main features of an SCC in HDLC mode are follows:
¥ Flexible buffers with multiple buffers per frame
¥ Separate interrupts for frames and buffers (Rx and Tx)
¥ Received-frames threshold to reduce interrupt overhead
¥ Can be used with the SCC DPLL
¥ Four address comparison registers with mask
¥ Maintenance of Þve 16-bit error counters
¥ Flag/abort/idle generation and detection
¥ Zero insertion/deletion
¥ 16- or 32-bit CRC-CCITT generation and checking
¥ Detection of nonoctet aligned frames
¥ Detection of frames that are too long
¥ Programmable ßags (0Ð15) between successive frames
¥ Automatic retransmission in case of collision
21.2 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Transmission
The HDLC transmitter is designed to work with little or no core intervention. Once enabled
by the core, a transmitter starts sending ßags or idles as programmed in the HDLC mode
register (PSMR). The HDLC polls the Þrst BD in the TxBD table. When there is a frame to
transmit, the SCC fetches the data (address, control, and information) from the Þrst buffer
and starts sending the frame after inserting the minimum number of ßags speciÞed between
frames. When the end of the current buffer is reached and TxBD[L] (last buffer in frame)
is set, the SCC appends the CRC and closing ßag. In HDLC mode, the lsb of each octet and
the msb of the CRC are sent Þrst. Figure 21-1 shows a typical HDLC frame.
Figure 21-1. HDLC Framing Structure
After a closing ßag is sent, the SCC updates the frame status bits of the BD and clears
TxBD[R] (buffer ready). At the end of the current buffer, if TxBD[L] is not set (multiple
buffers per frame), only TxBD[R] is cleared. Before the SCC proceeds to the next TxBD in
the table, an interrupt can be issued if TxBD[I] is set. This interrupt programmability allows
the core to intervene after each buffer, after a speciÞc buffer, or after each frame.
The STOP TRANSMIT command can be used to expedite critical data ahead of previously
linked buffers or to support efÞcient error handling. When the SCC receives a STOP
TRANSMIT command, it sends idles or ßags instead of the current frame until it receives a
RESTART TRANSMIT command. The GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command can be used to
Opening Flag Address Control Information (Optional) CRC Closing Flag
8 bits 16 bits 8 bits 8n bits 16 bits 8 bits
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
insert a high-priority frame without aborting the current oneÑa graceful-stop-complete
event is generated in SCCE[GRA] when the current frame is Þnished. See Section 21.6,
ÒSCC HDLC Commands.Ó
21.3 SCC HDLC Channel Frame Reception
The HDLC receiver is designed to work with little or no core intervention to perform
address recognition, CRC checking, and maximum frame length checking. Received
frames can be used to implement any HDLC-based protocol.
Once enabled by the core, the receiver waits for an opening ßag character. When it detects
the Þrst byte of the frame, the SCC compares the frame address with four user-
programmable, 16-bit address registers and an address mask. The SCC compares the
received address Þeld with the user-deÞned values after masking with the address mask. To
detect broadcast (all ones) address frames, one address register must be written with all
If an address match is detected, the SCC fetches the next BD and SCC starts transferring
the incoming frame to the buffer if it is empty. When the buffer is full, the SCC clears
RxBD[E] and generates a maskable interrupt if RxBD[I] is set. If the incoming frame is
larger than the current buffer, the SCC continues receiving using the next BD in the table.
During reception, the SCC checks for frames that are too long (using MFLR). When the
frame ends, the CRC Þeld is checked against the recalculated value and written to the
buffer. RxBD[Data Length] of the last BD in the HDLC frame contains the entire frame
length. This also enables software to identify the frames in which the maximum frame
length violations occur. The SCC sets RxBD[L] (last buffer in frame), writes the frame
status bits, and clears RxBD[E]. It then generates a maskable event (SCCE[RXF]) to
indicate a frame was received. The SCC then waits for a new frame. Back-to-back frames
can be received with only one shared ßag between frames.
The received frames threshold parameter (RFTHR) can be used to postpone interrupts until
a speciÞed number of frames is received. This function can be combined with a timer to
implement a timeout if fewer than the speciÞed number of threshold frames is received.
Note that SCCs in HDLC mode, or any other synchronous mode, must receive a minimum
of eight clocks after the last bit arrives to account for Rx FIFO delay.
21.4 SCC HDLC Parameter RAM
For HDLC mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the SCC parameter RAM is mapped as in
Table 21-1.
21-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 21-1. HDLC-Specific SCC Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1
1From SCC base. See Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses.Ó
Name Width Description
0x30 Ñ Word Reserved
0x34 C_MASK Word CRC mask. For the 16-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize with 0x0000_F0B8. For 32-bit CRC-
CCITT, initialize with 0xDEBB_20E3.
0x38 C_PRES Word CRC preset. For the 16-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize with 0x0000_FFFF. For 32-bit CRC-
CCITT, initialize with 0xFFFF_FFFF.
0x3C DISFC Hword Modulo 216 counters maintained by the CP. Initialize them while the channel is
DISFC (Discarded frame counter) Counts error-free frames discarded due to lack of
free buffers.
CRCEC (CRC error counter) Includes frames not addressed to the user or frames
received in the BSY condition, but does not include overrun errors.
ABTSC (Abort sequence counter)
NMARC (Nonmatching address received counter) Includes error-free frames only.
RETRC (Frame retransmission counter) Counts number of frames resent due to
0x3E CRCEC Hword
0x40 ABTSC Hword
0x42 NMARC Hword
0x44 RETRC Hword
0x46 MFLR Hword Max frame length register. The HDLC compares the incoming HDLC frameÕs length
with the user-deÞned limit in MFLR. If the limit is exceeded, the rest of the frame is
discarded and RxBD[LG] is set in the last BD of that frame. At the end of the frame
the SCC reports frame status and frame length in the last RxBD. The MFLR is
deÞned as all in-frame bytes between the opening and closing ßags.
0x48 MAX_CNT Hword Maximum length counter. A temporary down-counter used to track frame length.
0x4A RFTHR Hword Received frames threshold. Used to reduce potential interrupt overhead when each
in a series of short HDLC frames causes an SCCE[RXF] event. Setting RFTHR
determines the frequency of RXF interrupts, which occur only when the RFTHR limit
is reached. Provide enough empty RxBDs for the number of frames speciÞed in
0x4C RFCNT Hword Received frames count. RFCNT is a down-counter used to implement RFTHR.
0x4E HMASK Hword Mask register (HMASK) and four address registers (HADDRn) for address
recognition. The SCC reads the frame address from the HDLC receiver, compares it
with the HADDRs, and masks the result with HMASK. Setting an HMASK bit enables
the corresponding comparison bit, clearing a bit masks it. When a match occurs, the
frame address and data are written to the buffers. When no match occurs and a
frame is error-free, the nonmatching address received counter (NMARC) is
The eight low-order bits of HADDRn should contain the Þrst address byte after the
opening ßag. For example, to recognize a frame that begins 0x7E (ßag), 0x68, 0xAA,
using 16-bit address recognition, HADDRn should contain 0xAA68 and HMASK
should contain 0xFFFF. For 8-bit addresses, clear the eight high-order HMASK bits.
See Figure 21-2.
0x50 HADDR1 Hword
0x52 HADDR2 Hword
0x54 HADDR3 Hword
0x56 HADDR4 Hword
0x58 TMP Hword Temporary storage.
0x5A TMP_MB Hword Temporary storage.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 21-2 shows 16- and 8-bit address recognition.
Figure 21-2. HDLC Address Recognition
21.5 Programming the SCC in HDLC Mode
HDLC mode is selected for an SCC by writing GSMR_L[MODE] = 0b0000. The HDLC
controller uses the same buffer and BD data structure as other modes and supports
multibuffer operation and address comparisons. Receive errors are reported through the
RxBD; transmit errors are reported through the TxBD.
21.6 SCC HDLC Commands
The transmit and receive commands are issued to the CP command register (CPCR).
Transmit commands are described in Table 21-2.
Table 21-2. Transmit Commands
Command Description
After a hardware or software reset and a channel is enabled in the GSMR, the transmitter starts polling
the Þrst BD in the TxBD table every 64 Tx clocks, or immediately if TODR[TOD] = 1, and begins sending
data if TxBD[R] is set. If the SCC receives the STOP TRANSMIT command while not transmitting, the
transmitter stops polling the BDs. If the SCC receives the command during transmission, transmission is
aborted after a maximum of 64 additional bits, the Tx FIFO is ßushed, and the current BD pointer TBPTR
is not advanced (no new BD is accessed). The transmitter then sends an abort sequence (0x7F) and
stops polling the BDs.
When not transmitting, the channel sends ßags or idles as programmed in the GSMR.
Note that if PSMR[MFF] = 1, multiple small frames could be ßushed from the Tx FIFO; a GRACEFUL STOP
TRANSMIT command prevents this.
Stops transmission smoothly. Unlike a STOP TRANSMIT command, it stops transmission after the current
frame is Þnished or immediately if no frame is being sent. SCCE[GRA] is set when transmission stops.
HDLC Tx parameters and Tx BDs can then be updated. TBPTR points to the next TxBD. Transmission
begins once TxBD[R] of the next BD is set and a RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued.
Enables frames to be sent on the transmit channel. The HDLC controller expects this command after a
STOP TRANSMIT is issued and the channel in its GSMR is disabled, after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT
command, or after a transmitter error. The transmitter resumes from the current BD.
Resets the Tx parameters in the parameter RAM. Issue only when the transmitter is disabled. INIT TX AND
RX PARAMETERS resets both Tx and Rx parameters.
0x7E etc.
0x7E Address
0x68 Address
0xAA Control
0x44 etc. Address
0x55 Control
16-Bit Address Recognition 8-Bit Address Recognition
Recognizes one 16-bit address (HADDR1) and
the 16-bit broadcast address (HADDR2) Recognizes a single 8-bit address (HADDR1)
21-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Receive commands are described in Table 21-3.
21.7 Handling Errors in the SCC HDLC Controller
The SCC HDLC controller reports frame reception and transmission errors using BDs,
error counters, and the SCCE. Transmission errors are described in Table 21-4.
Reception errors are described in Table 21-5.
Table 21-3. Receive Commands
Command Description
After a hardware or software reset, once an SCC is enabled in the GSMR, the receiver is
automatically enabled and uses the Þrst BD in the RxBD table. While the SCC is looking for the
beginning of a frame, that SCC is in hunt mode. The ENTER HUNT MODE command is used to force the
HDLC receiver to stop receiving the current frame and enter hunt mode, in which the HDLC
continually scans the input data stream for a ßag sequence. After receiving the command, the buffer is
closed and the CRC is reset. Further frame reception uses the next BD.
CLOSE RXBD Should not be used in the HDLC protocol.
Resets the Rx parameters in the parameter RAM.; issue only when the receiver is disabled. Note that
INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets both Tx and Rx parameters.
Table 21-4. Transmit Errors
Error Description
The channel stops transmitting, closes the buffer, sets TxBD[UN], and generates a TXE interrupt if not
masked. Transmission resumes when a RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued. The SCC send and
receive FIFOs are 32 bytes each.
CTS Lost
during Frame
The channel stops transmitting, closes the buffer, sets TxBD[CT], and generates the TXE interrupt if
not masked. Transmission resumes after a RESTART TRANSMIT command. If this error occurs on the Þrst
or second buffer of the frame and PSMR[RTE] = 1, the channel resends the frame when CTS is
reasserted and no error is reported. If collisions are possible, to ensure proper retransmission of multi-
buffer frames, the Þrst two buffers of each frame should in total contain more than 36 bytes for SCC or
20 bytes for SCC. The channel also increments the retransmission counter RETRC in the parameter
Table 21-5. Receive Errors
Error Description
Overrun Each SCC maintains an internal FIFO for receiving data. The CP begins programming the SDMA
channel (if the buffer is in external memory) and updating the CRC when a full or partial FIFOÕs worth
of data (according to GSMR_H[RFW]) is received in the Rx FIFO. When an Rx FIFO overrun occurs,
the previous byte is overwritten by the next byte. The previous data byte and the frame status are lost.
The channel closes the buffer with RxBD[OV] set and generates an RXF interrupt if not masked. The
receiver then enters hunt mode. Even if an overrun occurs during a frame whose address is not
recognized, an RxBD with data length two is opened to report the overrun and the interrupt is
CD Lost
during Frame
Highest priority error. The channel stops frame reception, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[CD], and
generates the RXF interrupt if not masked. The rest of the frame is lost and other errors are not
checked in that frame. At this point, the receiver enters hunt mode.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.8 HDLC Mode Register (PSMR)
The protocol-speciÞc mode register (PSMR), shown in Figure 21-3, functions as the HDLC
mode register.
Table 21-6 describes PSMR HDLC Þelds.
Occurs when seven or more consecutive ones are received. When this occurs while receiving a frame,
the channel closes the buffer, sets RxBD[AB] and generates a maskable RXF interrupt. The channel
also increments the abort sequence counter ABTSC. The CRC and nonoctet error status conditions
are not checked on aborted frames. The receiver then enters hunt mode.
The channel writes the received data to the buffer, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[NO], and generates a
maskable RXF interrupt. CRC error status should be disregarded on nonoctet frames. After a nonoctet
aligned frame is received, the receiver enters hunt mode. An immediate back-to-back frame is still
received. The nonoctet data may be derived from the last word in the buffer as follows:
Note that if buffer swapping is used (RFCR[BO] = 0b0x), the Þgure above refers to the last byte, rather
than the last word, of the buffer. The lsb of each octet is sent Þrst while the msb of the CRC is sent Þrst.
CRC The channel writes the received CRC to the buffer, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[CR], generates a
maskable RXF interrupt, and increments the CRC error counter CRCEC. After receiving a frame with
a CRC error, the receiver enters hunt mode. An immediate back-to-back frame is still received. CRC
checking cannot be disabled, but the CRC error can be ignored if checking is not required.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0
Address 0x11A08 (PSMR1); 0x11A28 (PSMR2); 0x11A48 (PSMR3); 0x11A68 (PSMR4)
Figure 21-3. HDLC Mode Register (PSMR)
Table 21-6. PSMR HDLC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0-3 NOF Number of ßags. Minimum number of ßags between or before frames. If NOF = 0b0000, no ßags are
inserted between frames and the closing ßag of one frame is followed by the opening ßag of the next
frame in the case of back-to-back frames. NOF can be modiÞed on-the-ßy.
4Ð5 CRC CRC selection.
00 16-bit CCITT-CRC (HDLC). X16 + X12 + X5 + 1.
x1 Reserved.
10 32-bit CCITT-CRC (Ethernet and HDLC). X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8
+ X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X1 +1.
Table 21-5. Receive Errors (Continued)
Error Description
msb lsb
10 0
Valid Data Nonvalid Data
21-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.9 SCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
The CP uses the RxBD, shown in Figure 21-4, to report on data received for each buffer.
6 RTE Retransmit enable.
0 No retransmission.
1 Automatic frame retransmission is enabled. Particularly useful in the HDLC bus protocol and ISDN
applications where multiple HDLC controllers can collide. Note that retransmission occurs only if a
lost CTS occurs on the Þrst or second buffer of the frame.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 FSE Flag sharing enable. Valid only if GSMR_H[RTSM] = 1. Can be modiÞed on-the-ßy.
0 Normal operation.
1 If NOF[0Ð3] = 0b0000, a single shared ßag is sent between back-to-back frames. Other values of
NOF[0Ð3] are decremented by 1. Useful in signaling system #7 applications.
9 DRT Disable receiver while transmitting.
0 Normal operation.
1 As the SCC sends data, the receiver is disabled and gated by the internal RTS. This helps if the
HDLC channel is on a multidrop line and the SCC does not need to receive its own transmission.
10 BUS HDLC bus mode.
0 Normal HDLC operation.
1 HDLC bus operation is selected. See Section 21.14, ÒHDLC Bus Mode with Collision Detection.Ó
11 BRM HDLC bus RTS mode. Valid only if BUS = 1. Otherwise, it is ignored.
0 Normal RTS operation during HDLC bus mode. RTS is asserted on the Þrst bit of the Tx frame and
negated after the Þrst collision bit is received.
1 Special RTS operation during HDLC bus mode. RTS is delayed by one bit with respect to the
normal case, which helps when the HDLC bus protocol is being run locally and sent over a long-
distance line at the same time. The one-bit delay allows RTS to be used to enable the transmission
line buffers so that the electrical effects of collisions are not sent over the transmission line.
12 MFF Multiple frames in Tx FIFO. The receiver is not affected.
0 Normal operation. The Tx FIFO must never contain more than one HDLC frame. The CTS lost
status is reported accurately on a per-frame basis.
1 The Tx FIFO can hold multiple frames, but lost CTS may not be reported on the buffer/frame it
occurred on. This can improve performance of HDLC transmissions of small back-to-back frames or
when the number of ßags between frames should be limited.
13Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 21-4. SCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Table 21-6. PSMR HDLC Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 21-7 describes HDLC RxBD status and control Þelds.
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó Because HDLC is a frame-based protocol, RxBD[Data Length] of the
Table 21-7. SCC HDLC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or reception stopped because of an error. The core can read or write to any Þelds of
this RxBD. The CP does not use this BD while E = 0.
1 The buffer is not full. The CP controls the BD and buffer. The core should not update the BD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in the RxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data using the BD pointed to
by RBASE. The number of BDs in this table are programmable and determined only by RxBD[W] and
overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 SCCE[RXB] is not set after this buffer is used; SCCE[RXF] is unaffected.
1 SCCE[RXB] or SCCE[RXF] is set when the SCC uses this buffer.
4 L Last buffer in frame.
0 Not the last buffer in frame.
1 Last buffer in frame. Indicates reception of a closing ßag or an error, in which case one or more of the
CD, OV, AB, and LG bits are set. The SCC writes the number of frame octets to the data length Þeld.
5 F First in frame.
0 Not the Þrst buffer in a frame.
1 First buffer in a frame.
6CM Continuous mode. Note that RxBD[E] is cleared if an error occurs during reception, regardless of CM.
0 Normal operation.
1 RxBD[E] is not cleared by the CP after this BD is closed, allowing the associated buffer to be
overwritten next time the CP accesses it.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 DE DPLL error. Set when a DPLL error occurs while this buffer is being received. DE is also set due to a
missing transition when using decoding modes in which a transition is required for every bit. Note that
when a DPLL error occurs, the frame closes and error checking halts.
9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 LG Rx frame length violation. Set when a frame larger than the maximum deÞned for this channel is
recognized. Only the maximum-allowed number of bytes (MFLR) is written to the buffer. This event is
not reported until the buffer is closed, SCCE[RXF] is set, and the closing ßag is received. The total
number of bytes received between ßags is still written to the data length Þeld.
11 NO Rx nonoctet aligned frame. Set when a received frame contains a number of bits not divisible by eight.
12 AB Rx abort sequence. Set when at least seven consecutive ones are received during frame reception.
13 CR Rx CRC error. Set when a frame contains a CRC error. CRC bytes received are always written to the
Rx buffer.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during frame reception.
15 CD Carrier detect lost (NMSI mode only). Set when CD is negated during frame reception.
21-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
last buffer of a frame contains the total number of frame bytes, including the 2 or 4 bytes
for CRC. Figure 21-5 shows an example of how RxBDs are used in receiving.
Figure 21-5. SCC HDLC Receiving Using RxBDs
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 0
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 1
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 2
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 3
Address 1
Address 2
Control Byte
CRC Byte 1
CRC Byte 2
Address 1
Address 2
Control Byte
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
Two Frames
Received in HDLC Unexpected abort
Stored in Rx Buffer
Line Idle
occurs before Present
Stored in Rx Buffer
Buffer full
Buffer closed
when closing flag
still empty
MRBLR = 8 Bytes for this SCC
Last I-Field Byte
(I-Field) Bytes
Abort was
received after
control byte
closing flag
F = Flag
A = Address byte
C = Control byte
I = Information byte
CR = CRC Byte
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.10 SCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
The CP uses the TxBD, shown in Figure 21-6, to conÞrm transmissions and indicate error
Table 21-8 describes HDLC TxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 21-6. SCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Table 21-8. SCC HDLC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission. Both the buffer and the BD can be updated. The CP clears
R after the buffer is sent or an error is encountered.
1 The buffer has not been sent or is being sent and the BD cannot be updated.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in TxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the BD table. After this buffer is used, the CP sends data using the BD pointed to by
TBASE. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined by TxBD[W] and the space constraints of
the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is processed.
1 SCCE[TXB] or SCCE[TXE] is set when this buffer is processed, causing interrupts if not masked.
0 Not the last buffer in the frame.
1 Last buffer in the frame.
5TC Tx CRC. Valid only when TxBD[L] = 1. Otherwise, it is ignored.
0 Transmit the closing ßag after the last data byte. This setting can be used to send a bad CRC after
the data for testing purposes.
1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear TxBD[R] after this BD is closed allowing the buffer to be resent the next time
the CP accesses this BD. However, TxBD[R] is cleared if an error occurs during transmission,
regardless of CM.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 UN Underrun. Set after the SCC sends a buffer and a transmitter underrun occurred.
15 CT CTS lost. Indicates when CTS in NMSI mode or layer 1 grant is lost in GCI or IDL mode during frame
transmission. If data from more than one buffer is currently in the FIFO when this error occurs, the
HDLC writes CT in the current BD after sending the buffer.
21-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó
21.11 HDLC Event Register (SCCE)/HDLC Mask
Register (SCCM)
The SCC event register (SCCE) is used as the HDLC event register to report events
recognized by the HDLC channel and to generate interrupts. When an event is recognized,
the SCC sets the corresponding SCCE bit. Interrupts generated through SCCE can be
masked in the SCC mask register (SCCM) which has the same bit format as the SCCE.
Setting an SCCM bit enables the corresponding interrupt; clearing a bit masks it. SCCE bits
are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect. All unmasked bits must be cleared
before the CP clears the internal interrupt request. Figure 21-7 shows SCCE/SCCM for
HDLC operation.
Table 21-9 describes SCCE/SCCM Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A10 (SCCE1); 0x11A30 (SCCE2); 0x11A50 (SCCE3); 0x11A70 (SCCE4)
0x11A14 (SCCM1); 0x11A34 (SCCM2); 0x11A54 (SCCM3); 0x11A74 (SCCM4)
Figure 21-7. HDLC Event Register (SCCE)/HDLC Mask Register (SCCM)
Table 21-9. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
3, 4 GLR/
Glitch on Rx/Tx. Set when the SCC detects a clock glitch on the receive/transmit clock. See
Section 19.3.7, ÒClock Glitch Detection.Ó
5 DCC DPLL carrier sense changed. Set when the carrier sense status generated by the DPLL changes.
Real-time status can be read in SCCS[CS]. This is not the CD status reported in port C. Valid only
when the DPLL is used.
6 FLG Flag status. Set when the SCC stops or starts receiving HDLC ßags. Real-time status can be read in
7 IDL Idle sequence status changed. Set when HDLC line status changes. Real-time status of the line can
be read in SCCS[ID].
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. A GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command completed execution. Set as soon as
the transmitter has sent a frame in progress when the command was issued. Set immediately if no
frame was in progress when the command was issued.
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 TXE Tx error. Indicates an error (CTS lost or underrun) has occurred on the transmitter channel.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 21-8 shows interrupts that can be generated using the HDLC protocol.
Figure 21-8. SCC HDLC Interrupt Event Example
12 RXF Rx frame. Set when the number of receive frames speciÞed in RFTHR are received on the HDLC
channel. It is set no sooner than two clocks after the last bit of the closing ßag is received. This event is
not maskable via the RxBD[I] bit.
13 BSY Busy condition. Indicates a frame arrived but was discarded due to a lack of buffers.
14 TXB Transmit buffer. Enabled by setting TxBD[I]. TXB is set when a buffer is sent on the HDLC channel. For
the last buffer in the frame, TXB is not set before the last bit of the closing ßag begins its transmission;
otherwise, it is set after the last byte of the buffer is written to the Tx FIFO.
15 RXB Receive buffer. Enabled by setting RxBD[I]. RXB is set when the HDLC channel receives a buffer that
is not the last in a frame.
Table 21-9. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
Line Idle
Stored in Rx Buffer
Received by HDLC
Line Idle
Transmitted by HDLC
Line Idle Line Idle
Stored in Tx Buffer
1. RXB event assumes receive buffers are 6 bytes each.
2. The second IDL event occurs after 15 ones are received in a row.
3. The FLG interrupts show the beginning and end of flag reception.
4. The FLG interrupt at the end of the frame may precede the RXF interrupt due to receive FIFO latency.
5. The CD event must be programmed in the port C parallel I/O, not in the SCC itself.
1. TXB event shown assumes all three bytes were put into a single buffer.
2. Example shows one additional opening flag. This is programmable.
6. F = flag, A = address byte, C = control byte, I = information byte, and CR = CRC byte
3. The CTS event must be programmed in the port C parallel I/O, not in the SCC itself.
21-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.12 SCC HDLC Status Register (SCCS)
The SCC status register (SCCS), shown in Figure 21-9, permits monitoring of real-time
status conditions on RXD. The real-time status of CTS and CD are part of the port C
parallel I/O.
Table 21-10 describes HDLC SCCS Þelds.
21.13 SCC HDLC Programming Examples
The following sections show examples for programming SCCs in HDLC mode. The Þrst
example uses an external clock. The second example implements Manchester encoding.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field Ñ FG CS ID
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11A17 (SCCS1); 0x11A37 (SCCS2); 0x11A57 (SCCS3); 0x11A77 (SCCS4)
Figure 21-9. SCC HDLC Status Register (SCCS)
Table 21-10. HDLC SCCS Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 FG Flags. The line is checked after the data has been decoded by the DPLL.
0 HDLC ßags are not being received. The most recently received 8 bits are examined every bit time to
see if a ßag is present.
1 HDLC ßags are being received. FG is set as soon as an HDLC ßag (0x7E) is received on the line.
Once it is set, it remains set at least 8 bit times and the next eight received bits are examined. If
another ßag occurs, FG stays set for at least another eight bits. If not, it is cleared and the search
begins again.
6 CS Carrier sense (DPLL). Shows the real-time carrier sense of the line as determined by the DPLL.
0 The DPLL does not sense a carrier.
1 The DPLL senses a carrier.
7 ID Idle status.
0 The line is busy.
1 Set when RXD is a logic 1 (idle) for 15 or more consecutive bit times. It is cleared after a single logic
0 is received.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.13.1 SCC HDLC Programming Example #1
The following initialization sequence is for an SCC HDLC channel with an external clock.
SCC2 is used with RTS2, CTS2, and CD2 active; CLK3 is used for both the HDLC receiver
and transmitter.
1. ConÞgure port D pins to enable TXD2 and RXD2. Set PPARD[27,28] and
PDIRD[27] and clear PDIRD[28] and PSORD[27,28].
2. ConÞgure ports C and D pins to enable RTS2, CTS2 and CD2. Set PPARD[26],
PPARC[12,13] and PDIRD[26] and clear PDIRC[12,13], PSORC[12,13] and
3. ConÞgure port C pin 29 to enable the CLK3 pin. Set PPARC[29] and clear
PDIRC[29] and PSORC[29].
4. Connect CLK3 to SCC2 using the CPM mux. Write 0b110 to CMXSCR[R2CS] and
5. Connect the SCC2 to the NMSI (its own set of pins). clear CMXSCR[SC2].
6. Write RBASE and TBASE in the SCC2 parameter RAM to point to the RxBD and
TxBD tables in dual-port RAM. Assuming one RxBD at the start of dual-port RAM
and one TxBD following it, write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008.
7. Write RBASE and TBASE in the SCC2 parameter RAM to point to the RxBD and
TxBD tables in dual-port RAM. Assuming one RxBD at the start of dual-port RAM
and one TxBD following it, write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008.
8. Write 0x04A1_0000 to CPCR to execute the INIT RX AND TX PARAMS command for
SCC2. This command updates RBPTR and TBPTR of the serial channel with the
new values of RBASE and TBASE.
9. Write RFCR with 0x10 and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
10. Write MRBLR with the maximum number of bytes per Rx buffer. Choose 256 bytes
(MRBLR = 0x0100) so an entire Rx frame can Þt in one buffer.
11. Write C_MASK with 0x0000F0B8 to comply with 16-bit CCITT-CRC.
12. Write C_PRES with 0x0000FFFF to comply with 16-bit CCITT-CRC.
13. Clear DISFC, CRCEC, ABTSC, NMARC, and RETRC for clarity.
14. Write MFLR with 0x0100 so the maximum frame size is 256 bytes.
15. Write RFTHR with 0x0001 to allow interrupts after each frame.
16. Write HMASK with 0x0000 to allow all addresses to be recognized.
17. Clear HADDR1ÐHADDR4 for clarity.
18. Initialize the RxBD. Assume the buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory.
RxBD[Status and Control]= 0xB000, RxBD[Data Length] = 0x0000 (not required),
and RxBD[Buffer Pointer] = 0x0000_1000.
21-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
19. Initialize the TxBD. Assume the Tx data frame is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory
and contains Þve 8-bit characters. TxBD[Status and Control] = 0xBC00,
TxBD[Data Length] = 0x0005, and TxBD[Buffer Pointer] = 0x0000_2000.
20. Write 0xFFFF to SCCE to clear any previous events.
21. Write 0x001A to SCCM to enable TXE, RXF, and TXB interrupts.
22. Write 0x0040_0000 to the SIU interrupt mask register low (SIMR_L) so the SMC1
can generate a system interrupt. Initialize SIU interrupt pending register low
(SIPNR_L) by writing 0xFFFF_FFFF to it.
23. Write 0x0000_0000 to GSMR_H2 to enable normal CTS and CD behavior with
idles (not ßags) between frames.
24. Write 0x0000_0000 to GSMR_L2 to conÞgure CTS and CD to control transmission
and reception in HDLC mode. Normal Tx clock operation is used. Notice that the
transmitter (ENT) and receiver (ENR) have not been enabled. If inverted HDLC
operation is preferred, set RINV and TINV.
25. Write 0x0000 to PSMR2 to conÞgure one opening and one closing ßag, 16-bit
CCITT-CRC, and prevent multiple frames in the FIFO.
26. Write 0x00000030 to GSMR_L2 to enable the SCC2 transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that ENT and ENR are enabled last.
Note that after 5 bytes and CRC have been sent, the Tx buffer is closed; the Rx buffer is
closed after a frame is received. Frames larger than 256 bytes cause a busy (out-of-buffers)
condition because only one RxBD is prepared.
21.13.2 SCC HDLC Programming Example #2
The following sequence initializes an HDLC channel that uses the DPLL in a Manchester
encoding. Provide a clock which is 16´ the chosen bit rate of CLK3. Then connect CLK3
to the HDLC transmitter and receiver. (A baud rate generator could be used instead.)
ConÞgure SCC2 to use RTS2, CTS2, and CD2.
1. Follow steps 1Ð22 in example #1 above.
2. Write 0x004A_A400 to GSMR_L2 to make carrier sense always active, a 16-bit
preamble of Ô01Õ patterns, 16´ operation of the DPLL and Manchester encoding for
the receiver and transmitter, and HDLC mode. CTS and CD should be conÞgured to
control transmission and reception. Do not set GSMR[ENT, ENR].
3. Write 0x0000 to PSMR2 to use one opening and one closing ßag and 16-bit CCITT-
CRC and to reject multiple frames in the FIFO.
4. Write 0x004A_A430 to GSMR_L2 to enable the SCC2 transmitter and receiver.
This additional write to GSMR_L2 ensures that ENT and ENR are enabled last.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.14 HDLC Bus Mode with Collision Detection
The HDLC controller includes an option for hardware collision detection and
retransmission on an open-drain connected HDLC bus, referred to as HDLC bus mode.
Most HDLC-based controllers provide only point-to-point communications; however, the
HDLC bus enhancement allows implementation of an HDLC-based LAN and other point-
to-multipoint conÞgurations. The HDLC bus is based on techniques used in the CCITT
ISDN I.430 and ANSI T1.605 standards for D-channel point-to-multipoint operation over
the S/T interface. However, the HDLC bus does not fully comply with I.430 or T1.605 and
cannot replace devices that implement these protocols. Instead, it is more suited to non-
ISDN LAN and point-to-multipoint conÞgurations.
Review the basic features of the I.430 and T1.605 before learning about the HDLC bus. The
I.430 and T1.605 deÞne a way to connect eight terminals over the D-channel of the S/T
ISDN bus. The layer 2 protocol is a variant of HDLC, called LAPD. However, at layer 1, a
method is provided to allow the eight terminals to send frames to the switch through the
physical S/T bus.
To determine whether a channel is clear, the S/T interface device looks at an echo bit on the
line designed to echo the last bit sent on the D channel. Depending on the class of terminal
and the context, an S/T interface device waits for 7Ð10 ones on the echo bit before letting
the LAPD frame begin transmission, after which the S/T interface monitors transmitted
data. As long as the echo bit matches the sent data, transmission continues. If the echo bit
is ever 0 when the transmit bit is 1, a collision occurs between terminals; the station(s) that
sent a zero stops transmitting. The station that sent a 1 continues as normal.
The I.430 and T1.605 standards provide a physical layer protocol that allows multiple
terminals to share one physical connection. These protocols handle collisions efÞciently
because one station can always complete its transmission, at which point, it lowers its own
priority to give other devices fair access to the physical connection.
The HDLC bus differs from the I.430 and T1.605 standards as follows:
¥ The HDLC bus uses a separate input signal rather than the echo bit to monitor data;
the transmitted data is simply connected to the CTS input.
¥ The HDLC bus is a synchronous, digital open-drain connection for short-distance
conÞgurations, rather than the more complex S/T interface.
¥ Any HDLC-based frame protocol can be used at layer 2, not just LAPD.
¥ HDLC bus devices wait 8Ð10 rather than 7Ð10 bit times before transmitting. (HDLC
bus has only one class.)
The collision-detection mechanism supports only:
¥ NRZ-encoded data
¥ A common synchronous clock for all receivers and transmitters
¥ Non-inverted data (GSMR[RINV, TINV] = 0)
¥ Open-drain connection with no external transceivers
21-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 21-10 shows the most common HDLC bus LAN conÞguration, a multimaster
conÞguration. A station can transfer data to or from any other LAN station. Transmissions
are half-duplex, which is typical in LANs.
Figure 21-10. Typical HDLC Bus Multimaster Configuration
In single-master conÞguration, a master station transmits to any slave station without
collisions. Slaves communicate only with the master, but can experience collisions in their
access over the bus. In this conÞguration, a slave that communicates with another slave
must Þrst transmit its data to the master, where the data is buffered in RAM and then resent
to the other slave. The beneÞt of this conÞguration, however, is that full-duplex operation
can be obtained. In a point-to-multipoint environment, this is the preferred conÞguration.
Figure 21-11 shows the single-master conÞguration.
+ 5 V
Master MasterMaster
1. Transceivers may be used to extend the LAN size.
2. The TXD pins of slave devices should be configured to open-drain in the port C parallel I/O port.
3. Clock is a common RCLK/TCLK for all stations.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 21-11. Typical HDLC Bus Single-Master Configuration
21.14.1 HDLC Bus Features
The main features of the HDLC bus are as follows:
¥ Superset of the HDLC controller features
¥ Automatic HDLC bus access
¥ Automatic retransmission in case of collision
¥ May be used with the NMSI or a TDM bus
¥ Delayed RTS mode
21.14.2 Accessing the HDLC Bus
The HDLC bus protocol ensures orderly bus control when multiple transmitters attempt
simultaneous access. The transmitter sending a zero bit at the time of collision completes
the transmission. If a station sends out an opening ßag (0x7E) while another station is
already sending, the collision is always detected within the Þrst byte, because the
transmission in progress is using zero bit insertion to prevent ßag imitation.
While in the active condition (ready to transmit), the HDLC bus controller monitors the bus
using CTS. It counts the one bits on CTS. When eight consecutive ones are counted, the
HDLC bus controller starts transmitting on the line; if a zero is detected, the internal
counter is cleared. During transmission, data is continuously compared with the external
bus using CTS. CTS is sampled halfway through the bit time using the rising edge of the
Tx clock. If the transmitted bit matches the received CTS bus sample, transmission
continues. However, if the received CTS sample is 0 and the transmitted bit is 1,
+ 5 V
Slave SlaveMaster
1. Transceivers may be used to extend the LAN size.
2. The TXD pins of slave devices should be configured to open-drain in the port C parallel I/O port.
3. Clock1 is the master RCLK and the slave TCLK.
4. Clock2 is the master TCLK and the slave RCLK.
21-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
transmission stops after that bit and waits for an idle line before attempting retransmission.
Since the HDLC bus uses a wired-OR scheme, a transmitted zero has priority over a
transmitted 1. Figure 21-12 shows how CTS is used to detect collisions.
Figure 21-12. Detecting an HDLC Bus Collision
If both the destination address and source address are included in the HDLC frame, then a
predeÞned priority of stations results; if two stations begin to transmit simultaneously, they
necessarily detect a collision no later than the end of the source address.
The HDLC bus priority mechanism ensures that stations share the bus equally. To minimize
idle time between messages, a station normally waits for eight one bits on the line before
attempting transmission. After successfully sending a frame, a station waits for 10 rather
than eight consecutive one bits before attempting another transmission. This mechanism
ensures that another station waiting to transmit acquires the bus before a station can
transmit twice. When a low priority station detects 10 consecutive ones, it tries to transmit;
if it fails, it reinstates the high priority of waiting for only eight ones.
21.14.3 Increasing Performance
Because it uses a wired-OR conÞguration, HDLC bus performance is limited by the rise
time of the one bit. To increase performance, give the one bit more rise time by using a
clock that is low longer than it is high, as shown in Figure 21-13.
CTS sampled at halfway point.
Collision detected when
TXD=1, but CTS=0.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 21-13. Nonsymmetrical Tx Clock Duty Cycle for Increased Performance
21.14.4 Delayed RTS Mode
Figure 21-14 shows local HDLC bus controllers using a standard transmission line and a
local bus. The controllers do not communicate with each other but with a station on the
transmission line; yet the HDLC bus protocol controls access to the transmission line.
Figure 21-14. HDLC Bus Transmission Line Configuration
Normally, RTS goes active at the beginning of the opening ßagÕs Þrst bit. Setting
PSMR[BRM] delays RTS by one bit, which is useful when the HDLC bus connects
multiple local stations to a transmission line. If the transmission line driver has a one-bit
delay, the delayed RTS can be used to enable the output of the line driver. As a result, the
electrical effects of collisions are isolated locally. Figure 21-15 shows RTS timing.
CTS sampled at three quarter point.
Collision detected when
TXD=1, but CTS=0.
Local HDLC Bus
+ 5 V
1. The TXD pins of slave devices should be configured to open-drain in the port C parallel I/O port.
2. The RTS pins of each HDLC bus controller are configured to delayed RTS mode.
(1-Bit Delay)
Line Driver
21-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 21-15. Delayed RTS Mode
21.14.5 Using the Time-Slot Assigner (TSA)
HDLC bus controllers can be used with a time-division multiplexed transmission line and
a local bus, as shown in Figure 21-16. Local stations use time slots to communicate over
the TDM transmission line; stations that share a time slot use the HDLC bus protocol to
control access to the local bus.
Figure 21-16. HDLC Bus TDM Transmission Line Configuration
The local SCCs in HDLC bus mode communicate only with the transmission line and not
with each other. The SCCs use the TSA of the serial interface, receiving and sending data
over L1TXDx and L1RXDx. Because collisions are still detected from the individual SCC
CTS pin, it must be conÞgured to connect to the chosen SCC. Because the SCC only
receives clocks during its time slot, CTS is sampled only during the Tx clock edges of the
particular SCC time slot.
RTS active for
only 2 bit times
1st Bit 2nd Bit 3rd Bit
Local HDLC Bus
+ 5 V
1. All TXD pins of slave devices should be configured to open-drain in the port C parallel I/O port.
2. The TSA in the SI of each station is used to configure the preferred time slot.
Line Driver
Stations share time-slot n Stations share time-slot m
3. The choice of the number of stations to share a time slot is user-defined. It is two in this example.
MOTOROLA Chapter 21. SCC HDLC Mode 21-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
21.14.6 HDLC Bus Protocol Programming
The HDLC bus on the MPC8260 is implemented using the SCC in HDLC mode with bus-
speciÞc options selected in the PSMR and GSMR, as outlined below. See also Section 21.5,
ÒProgramming the SCC in HDLC Mode.Ó Programming GSMR and PSMR for the HDLC Bus Protocol
To program the protocol-speciÞc mode register (PSMR), set the bits as described below:
¥ ConÞgure NOF as preferred
¥ Set RTE and BUS to 1
¥ Set BRM to 1 if delayed RTS is desired
¥ ConÞgure CRC to 16-bit CRC CCITT (0b00).
¥ ConÞgure other bits to zero or default.
To program the general SCC mode register (GSMR), set the bits as described below:
¥ Set MODE to HDLC mode (0b0000).
¥ ConÞgure CTSS to 1 and all other bits to zero or default.
¥ ConÞgure the DIAG bits for normal operation (0b00).
¥ ConÞgure RDCR and TDCR for 1´ clock (0b00).
¥ ConÞgure TENC and RENC for NRZ (0b000).
¥ Clear RTSM to send idles between frames.
¥ Set GSMR_L[ENT, ENR] as the last step to begin operation. HDLC Bus Controller Programming Example
Except for the above discussion in Section, ÒProgramming GSMR and PSMR for
the HDLC Bus Protocol,Ó use the example in Section 21.13.1, ÒSCC HDLC Programming
Example #1.Ó
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MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-1
Chapter 22
The byte-oriented BISYNC protocol was developed by IBM for use in networking
products. There are three classes of BISYNC framesÑtransparent, nontransparent with
header, and nontransparent without header, shown in Figure 22-1. The transparent frame
type in BISYNC is not related to transparent mode, discussed in Chapter 23, ÒSCC
Transparent Mode.Ó Transparent BISYNC mode allows full binary data to be sent with any
possible character pattern. Each class of frame starts with a standard two-octet
synchronization pattern and ends with a block check code (BCC). The end-of-text character
(ETX) is used to separate the text and BCC Þelds.
Figure 22-1. Classes of BISYNC Frames
The bulk of a frame is divided into Þelds whose meaning depends on the frame type. The
BCC is a 16-bit CRC format if 8-bit characters are used; it is a combination longitudinal
(sum check) and vertical (parity) redundancy check if 7-bit characters are used. In
transparent operation, a special character (DLE) is deÞned that tells the receiver that the
next character is text, allowing BISYNC control characters to be valid text data in a frame.
A DLE sent as data must be preceded by a DLE character. This is sometimes called byte-
stufÞng. The physical layer of the BISYNC communications link must synchronize the
receiver and transmitter, usually by sending at least one pair of synchronization characters
before each frame.
BISYNC protocol is unusual in that a transmit underrun need not be an error. If an underrun
occurs, a synchronization pattern is sent until data is again ready. In nontransparent
operation, the receiver discards additional synchronization characters (SYNCs) as they are
received. In transparent mode, DLE-SYNC pairs are discarded. Normally, for proper
Nontransparent with Header
Nontransparent without Header
SYN1 SYN2 DLE STX Transparent
Te x t
22-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
transmission, an underrun must not occur between the DLE and its following character.
This failure mode cannot occur with the MPC8260.
An SCC can be conÞgured as a BISYNC controller to handle basic BISYNC protocol in
normal and transparent modes. The controller can work with the time-slot assigner (TSA)
or nonmultiplexed serial interface (NMSI). The controller has separate transmit and receive
sections whose operations are asynchronous with the core and either synchronous or
asynchronous with other SCCs.
22.1 Features
The following list summarizes features of the SCC in BISYNC mode:
¥ Flexible data buffers
¥ Eight control character recognition registers
¥ Automatic SYNC1ÐSYNC2 detection
¥ 16-bit pattern (bisync)
¥ 8-bit pattern (monosync)
¥ 4-bit pattern (nibblesync)
¥ External SYNC pin support
¥ SYNC/DLE stripping and insertion
¥ CRC16 and LRC (sum check) generation/checking
¥ VRC (parity) generation/checking
¥ Supports BISYNC transparent operation
¥ Maintains parity error counter
¥ Reverse data mode capability
22.2 SCC BISYNC Channel Frame Transmission
The BISYNC transmitter is designed to work with almost no core intervention. When the
transmitter is enabled, it starts sending SYN1ÐSYN2 pairs in the data synchronization
register (DSR) or idles as programmed in the PSMR. The BISYNC controller polls the Þrst
BD in the channelÕs TxBD table. If there is a message to send, the controller fetches the
message from memory and starts sending it after the SYN1ÐSYN2 pair. The entire pair is
always sent, regardless of GSMR[SYNL].
After a buffer is sent, if the last (TxBD[L]) and the Tx block check sequence (TxBD[TB])
bits are set, the BISYNC controller appends the CRC16/LRC and then writes the message
status bits in TxBD status and control Þelds and clears the ready bit, TxBD[R]. It then starts
sending the SYN1ÐSYN2 pairs or idles, according to GSMR[RTSM]. If the end of the
current BD is reached and TxBD[L] is not set, only TxBD[R] is cleared. In both cases, an
interrupt is issued according to TxBD[I]. TxBD[I] controls whether interrupts are generated
after transmission of each buffer, a speciÞc buffer, or each block. The controller then
proceeds to the next BD.
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
If no additional buffers have been sent to the controller for transmission, an in-frame
underrun is detected and the controller starts sending syncs or idles. If the controller is in
transparent mode, it sends DLE-sync pairs. Characters are included in the block check
sequence (BCS) calculation on a per-buffer basis. Each buffer can be programmed
independently to be included or excluded from the BCS calculation; thus, excluded
characters must reside in a separate buffer. The controller can reset the BCS generator
before sending a speciÞc buffer. In transparent mode, the controller inserts a DLE before
sending a DLE character, so that only one DLE is used in the calculation.
22.3 SCC BISYNC Channel Frame Reception
Although the receiver is designed to work with almost no core intervention, the user can
intervene on a per-byte basis if necessary. The receiver performs CRC16, longitudinal
(LRC) or vertical redundancy (VRC) checking, sync stripping in normal mode, DLE-sync
stripping, stripping of the Þrst DLE in DLE-DLE pairs in transparent mode, and control
character recognition. Control characters are discussed in Section 22.6, ÒSCC BISYNC
Control Character Recognition.Ó
When enabled, the receiver enters hunt mode where the data is shifted into the receiver shift
register one bit at a time and the contents of the shift register are compared to the contents
of DSR[SYN1, SYN2]. If the two are unequal, the next bit is shifted in and the comparison
is repeated. When registers match, hunt mode is terminated and character assembly begins.
The controller is character-synchronized and performs SYNC stripping and message
reception. It reverts to hunt mode when it receives an ENTER HUNT MODE command, an error
condition, or an appropriate control character.
When receiving data, the controller updates the BCS bit in the BD for each byte transferred.
When the buffer is full, the controller clears the E bit in the BD and generates an interrupt
if the I bit in the BD is set. If incoming data exceeds the buffer length, the controller fetches
the next BD; if E is zero, reception continues to its buffer.
When a BCS is received, it is checked and written to the buffer. The BISYNC controller
sets the last bit, writes the message status bits into the BD, clears the E bit, and then
generates a maskable interrupt, indicating that a block of data was received and is in
memory. The BCS calculations do not include SYNCs (in nontransparent mode) or DLE-
SYNC pairs (in transparent mode).
Note that GSMR_H[RFW] should be set for an 8-bit-wide receive FIFO for the BISYNC
receiver. See Section 19.1.1, ÒThe General SCC Mode Registers (GSMR1ÐGSMR4).Ó
22.4 SCC BISYNC Parameter RAM
For BISYNC mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the SCC parameter RAM is mapped as in
Table 22-1.
22-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
GSMR[MODE] determines the protocol for each SCC. The SYN1ÐSYN2 synchronization
characters are programmed in the DSR (see Section 19.1.3, ÒData Synchronization
Register (DSR).Ó) The BISYNC controller uses the same basic data structure as other
modes; receive and transmit errors are reported through their respective BDs. There are two
basic ways to handle BISYNC channels:
¥ The controller can inspect data on a per-byte basis and interrupt the core each time
a byte is received.
¥ The controller can be programmed so software handles the Þrst two or three bytes.
The controller directly handles subsequent data without interrupting the core.
Table 22-1. SCC BISYNC Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1
1From SCCx base address. See Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses.Ó
Name Width Description
0x30 Ñ Word Reserved
0x34 CRCC Word CRC constant temp value.
0x38 PRCRC Hword Preset receiver/transmitter CRC16/LRC. These values should be preset to all
ones or zeros, depending on the BCS used.
0x3A PTCRC Hword
0x3C PAREC Hword Receive parity error counter. This 16-bit (modulo 216) counter maintained by the
CP counts parity errors on receive if the parity feature of BISYNC is enabled.
Initialize PAREC while the channel is disabled.
0x3E BSYNC Hword BISYNC SYNC register. Contains the value of the SYNC to be sent as the second
byte of a DLEÐSYNC pair in an underrun condition and stripped from incoming
data on receive once the receiver synchronizes to the data using the DSR and
SYN1ÐSYN2 pair. See Section 22.7, ÒBISYNC SYNC Register (BSYNC).Ó
0x40 BDLE Hword BISYNC DLE register. Contains the value to be sent as the Þrst byte of a DLEÐ
SYNC pair and stripped on receive. See Section 22.8, ÒSCC BISYNC DLE
Register (BDLE).Ó
0x42 CHARACTER1 Hword Control character 1Ð8. These values represent control characters that the
BISYNC controller recognizes. See Section 22.6, ÒSCC BISYNC Control
Character Recognition.Ó
0x44 CHARACTER2 Hword
0x46 CHARACTER3 Hword
0x48 CHARACTER4 Hword
0x50 CHARACTER8 Hword
0x52 RCCM Hword Receive control character mask. Masks CHARACTERn comparison so control
character classes can be deÞned. Setting a bit enables and clearing a bit masks
comparison. See Section 22.6, ÒSCC BISYNC Control Character Recognition.Ó
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
22.5 SCC BISYNC Commands
Transmit and receive commands are issued to the CP command register (CPCR). Transmit
commands are described in Table 22-2.
Receive commands are described in Table 22-2.
Table 22-2. Transmit Commands
Command Description
After hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in the GSMR, the channel is in transmit
enable mode and starts polling the Þrst BD every 64 transmit clocks. This command stops transmission
after a maximum of 64 additional bits without waiting for the end of the buffer and the transmit FIFO to
be ßushed. TBPTR is not advanced, no new BD is accessed, and no new buffers are sent for this
channel. SYNCÐSYNC or DLEÐSYNC pairs are sent continually until a RESTART TRANSMIT is issued. A
STOP TRANSMIT can be used when an EOT sequence should be sent and transmission should stop.
After transmission resumes, the EOT sequence should be the Þrst buffer sent to the controller.
Note that the controller remains in transparent or normal mode after it receives a STOP TRANSMIT or
Stops transmission after the current frame Þnishes sending or immediately if there is no frame being
sent. SCCE[GRA] is set once transmission stops. Then BISYNC transmit parameters and TxBDs can
be modiÞed. The TBPTR points to the next TxBD. Transmission resumes when the R bit of the next BD
is set and a RESTART TRANSMIT is issued.
Lets characters be sent on the transmit channel. The BISYNC controller expects it after a STOP
TRANSMIT or a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued, after a transmitter error occurs, or after a
STOP TRANSMIT is issued and the channel is disabled in its SCCM. The controller resumes transmission
from the current TBPTR in the channelÕs TxBD table.
Initializes all transmit parameters in the serial channelÕs parameter RAM to their reset state. Issue only
when the transmitter is disabled. INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets transmit and receive parameters.
Table 22-3. Receive Commands
Command Description
Immediately resets the receive BCS accumulator. It can be used to reset the BCS after recognizing a
control character, thus signifying that a new block is beginning.
After hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in SCCM, the channel is in receive
enable mode and uses the Þrst BD. This command forces the controller to stop receiving and enter
hunt mode, during which the controller continually scans the data stream for an SYN1ÐSYN2
sequence as programmed in the DSR. After receiving the command, the current receive buffer is
closed and the BCS is reset. Message reception continues using the next BD.
CLOSE RXBD Used to force the SCC to close the current RxBD if it is in use and to use the next BD for subsequent
data. If data is not being received, no action is taken.
Initializes receive parameters in this serial channelÕs parameter RAM to reset state. Issue only when
the receiver is disabled. An INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets transmit and receive parameters.
22-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
22.6 SCC BISYNC Control Character Recognition
The BISYNC controller recognizes special control characters that customize the protocol
implemented by the BISYNC controller and aid its operation in a DMA-oriented
environment. They are used for receive buffers longer than one byte. In single-byte buffers,
each byte can be easily inspected so control character recognition should be disabled.
The control character table lets the BISYNC controller recognize the end of the current
block. Because the controller imposes no restrictions on the format of BISYNC blocks,
software must respond to received characters and inform the controller of mode changes
and of certain protocol events, such as resetting the BCS. Using the control character table
correctly allows the remainder of the block to be received without interrupting software.
Up to eight control characters can be deÞned to inform the BISYNC controller that the end
of the current block is reached and whether a BCS is expected after the character. For
example, the end-of-text character (ETX) implies an end-of-block (ETB) with a subsequent
BCS. An enquiry (ENQ) character designates an end of block without a subsequent BCS.
All the control characters are written into the data buffer. The BISYNC controller uses a
table of 16-bit entries to support control character recognition. Each entry consists of the
control character, an end-of-table bit (E), a BCS expected bit (B), and a hunt mode bit (H).
The RCCM entry deÞnes classes of control characters that support masking option.
Offset from
SCCx Base
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0x52 1 1 1 Ñ MASK VALUE(RCCM)
Figure 22-2. Control Character Table and RCCM
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-4 describes control character table and RCCM Þelds.
22.7 BISYNC SYNC Register (BSYNC)
The BSYNC register deÞnes BISYNC stripping and SYNC character insertion. When an
underrun occurs, the BISYNC controller inserts SYNC characters until the next buffer is
available for transmission. If the receiver is not in hunt mode when a SYNC character is
received, it discards this character if the valid bit (BSYNC[V]) is set.When using 7-bit
characters with parity, the parity bit should be included in the SYNC register value.
Table 22-4. Control Character Table and RCCM Field Descriptions
Offset Bit Name Description
0 E End of table.
0 This entry is valid. The lower eight bits are checked against the incoming character.
In tables with eight control characters, E should be zero in all eight positions.
1 The entry is not valid. No other valid entries exist beyond this entry.
1 B BCS expected. A maskable interrupt is generated after the buffer is closed.
0 The character is written into the receive buffer and the buffer is closed.
1 The character is written into the receive buffer. The receiver waits for one LRC or
two CRC bytes of BCS and then closes the buffer. This should be used for ETB,
ETX, and ITB.
2 H Hunt mode. Enables hunt mode when the current buffer is closed.
0 The BISYNC controller maintains character synchronization after closing this buffer.
1 The BISYNC controller enters hunt mode after closing the buffer. When the B bit is
set, the controller enters hunt mode after receiving the BCS.
3Ð7 Ñ Reserved
8Ð15 CHARACTERnControl character 1Ð8. When using 7-bit characters with parity, include the parity bit in
the character value.
0x52 0Ð2 Ñ All ones.
3Ð7 Ñ Reserved
8Ð15 RCCM Received control character mask. Masks comparison of CHARACTERn. Each bit of
RCCM masks the corresponding bit of CHARACTERn.
0 Mask this bit in the comparison of the incoming character and CHARACTERn.
1 The address comparison on this bit proceeds normally and no masking occurs. If
RCCM is not set, erratic operation can occur during control character recognition.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field V DIS 000000 SYNC
Reset UndeÞned
Address SCC Base + 0x3E
Figure 22-3. BISYNC SYNC (BSYNC)
22-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-5 describes BSYNC Þelds.
22.8 SCC BISYNC DLE Register (BDLE)
The BDLE register is used to deÞne the BISYNC stripping and insertion of DLE characters.
When an underrun occurs while a message is being sent in transparent mode, the BISYNC
controller inserts DLE-SYNC pairs until the next buffer is available for transmission.
In transparent mode, the receiver discards any DLE character received and excludes it from
the BCS if the valid bit (BDLE[V]) is set. If the second character is SYNC, the controller
discards it and excludes it from the BCS. If it is a DLE, the controller writes it to the buffer
and includes it in the BCS. If it is not a DLE or SYNC, the controller examines the control
character table and acts accordingly. If the character is not in the table, the buffer is closed
with the DLE follow character error bit set. If the valid bit is not set, the receiver treats the
character as a normal character. When using 7-bit characters with parity, the parity bit
should be included in the DLE register value.
Table 22-5. BSYNC Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 V Valid. If V = 1 and the receiver is not in hunt mode when a SYNC character is received, this
character is discarded.
1 DIS Disable BSYNC stripping
0 Normal mode.
1 BSYNC stripping disabled (BISYNC transparent mode only).
2Ð7 Ñ All zeroes
8Ð15 SYNC SYNC character
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field V DIS 000000 DLE
Reset UndeÞned
Address SCC Base + 0x40
Figure 22-4. BISYNC DLE (BDLE)
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-6 describes BDLE Þelds.
22.9 Sending and Receiving the Synchronization
The BISYNC channel can be programmed to send and receive a synchronization pattern
deÞned in the DSR. GSMR_H[SYNL] deÞnes pattern length, as shown in Table 22-7. The
receiver synchronizes on this pattern. Unless SYNL is zero (external sync), the transmitter
always sends the entire DSR contents, lsb Þrst, before each frameÑthe chosen 4- or 8-bit
pattern can be repeated in the lower-order bits.
22.10 Handling Errors in the SCC BISYNC
The controller reports message transmit and receive errors using the channel BDs, error
counters, and the SCCE. Modem lines can be directly monitored via the parallel port pins.
Table 22-6. BDLE Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 V Valid. If V = 1 and the receiver is not in hunt mode when a SYNC character is received, this
character is discarded.
1 DIS Disable DLE stripping
0 Normal mode.
1 DLE stripping disabled. When DIS is enabled in BDLE and on BSYNC the following cases
DLE-DLE sequence. Both characters are written to the memory. The BCS is calculated only on
the second DLE.
DLE-SYNC sequence. Both characters are written to the memory, but neither are included in
the BCS calculation.
DLE-ETX, DLE-ITB, DLE-ETB sequence, both characters are written to memory. The BCS is
calculated only on the second character.
2Ð7 Ñ All zeroes
8Ð15 SYNC SYNC character
Table 22-7. Receiver SYNC Pattern Lengths of the DSR
Bit Assignments
00 An external SYNC signal is used instead of the SYNC pattern in the DSR.
01 4-Bit
10 8-Bit
11 16-Bit
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-8 describes transmit errors.
Table 22-9 describes receive errors.
22.11 BISYNC Mode Register (PSMR)
The PSMR is used as the BISYNC mode register, shown in Figure 22-5. PSMR[RBCS,
RTR, RPM, TPM] can be modiÞed on-the-ßy.
Table 22-8. Transmit Errors
Error Description
The channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets TxBD[UN], and generates aTXE interrupt if it
is enabled. The channel resumes transmission after a RESTART TRANSMIT command is received.
Underrun cannot occur between frames or during a DLEÐXXX pair in transparent mode.
CTS Lost during
The channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets TxBD[CT], and generates a TXE interrupt if
not masked. Transmission resumes when a RESTART TRANSMIT command is received.
Table 22-9. Receive Errors
Error Description
Overrun The controller maintains a receiver FIFO for receiving data. The CP begins programming the SDMA
channel (if the buffer is in external memory) and updating the CRC when the Þrst byte is received in
the Rx FIFO. If an Rx FIFO overrun occurs, the controller writes the received byte over the
previously received byte. The previous character and its status bits are lost. The channel then closes
the buffer, sets RxBD[OV], and generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. Finally, the receiver
enters hunt mode.
CD Lost during
The channel stops receiving, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[CD], and generates the RXB interrupt if
not masked. This error has the highest priority. If the rest of the message is lost, no other errors are
checked in the message. The receiver immediately enters hunt mode.
Parity The channel writes the received character to the buffer and sets RxBD[PR]. The channel stops
receiving, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[PR], and generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. The
channel also increments PAREC and the receiver immediately enters hunt mode.
CRC The channel updates the CR bit in the BD every time a character is received with a byte delay of
eight serial clocks between the status update and the CRC calculation. When control character
recognition is used to detect the end of the block and cause CRC checking, the channel closes the
buffer, sets the CR bit in the BD, and generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0
Addr 0x11A08 (PSMR1); 0x11A28 (PSMR2); 0x11A48 (PSMR3); 0x11A68 (PSMR4)
Figure 22-5. Protocol-Specific Mode Register for BISYNC (PSMR)
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-10 describes PSMR Þelds.
Table 22-10. PSMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð3 NOS Minimum number of SYN1ÐSYN2 pairs (deÞned in DSR) sent between or before messages.If NOS =
0000, one pair is sent. If NOS = 1111, 16 pairs are sent. The entire pair is always sent, regardless of
how GSMR[SYNL) is set. NOS can be modiÞed on-the-ßy.
4Ð5 CRC CRC selection.
x0 Reserved.
01 CRC16 (BISYNC). X16 + X15 + X2 + 1. PRCRC and PTCRC should be initialized to all zeros or
all ones before the channel is enabled. In either case, the transmitter sends the calculated CRC
noninverted and the receiver checks the CRC against zero. Eight-bit data characters (without
parity) are conÞgured when CRC16 is chosen.
11 LRC (sum check). (BISYNC). For even LRC, initialize PRCRC and PTCRC to zeroes before the
channel is enabled; for odd LRC, they should be initialized to ones.
Note that the receiver checks character parity when BCS is programmed to LRC and the receiver
is not in transparent mode. The transmitter sends character parity when BCS is programmed to
LRC and the transmitter is not in transparent mode. Use of parity in BISYNC assumes that 7-bit
data characters are being used.
6 RBCS Receive BCS. The receiver internally stores two BCS calculations separated by an eight serial clock
delay to allow examination of a received byte to determine whether it should used in BCS calculation.
0 Disable receive BCS.
1 Enable receive BCS. Should be set (or reset) within the time taken to receive the following data
byte. When RBCS is reset, BCS calculations exclude the latest fully received data byte. When
RBCS is set, BCS calculations continue as normal.
7 RTR Receiver transparent mode.
0 Normal receiver mode with SYNC stripping and control character recognition.
1 Transparent receiver mode. SYNCs, DLEs, and control characters are recognized only after a
leading DLE character. The receiver calculates the CRC16 sequence even if it is programmed to
LRC while in transparent mode. Initialize PRCRC to the CRC16 preset value before setting RTR.
8 RVD Reverse data.
0 Normal operation.
1 Any portion of this SCC deÞned to operate in BISYNC mode operates by reversing the character bit
order and sending the msb Þrst.
9 DRT Disable receiver while sending. DRT should not be set for typical BISYNC operation.
0 Normal operation.
1 As the SCC sends data, the receiver is disabled and gated by the internal RTS signal. This helps if
the BISYNC channel is being conÞgured onto a multidrop line and the user does not want to receive
its own transmission. Although BISYNC usually uses a half-duplex protocol, the receiver is not
actually disabled during transmission.
10Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
22-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
22.12 SCC BISYNC Receive BD (RxBD)
The CP uses BDs to report on each buffer received. It closes the buffer, generates a
maskable interrupt, and starts receiving data into the next buffer after any of the following:
¥ A user-deÞned control character is received.
¥ An error is detected.
¥ A full receive buffer is detected.
¥ The ENTER HUNT MODE command is issued.
¥ The CLOSE RX BD command is issued.
Figure 22-6 shows the SCC BISYNC RxBD.
Table 22-11 describes SCC BISYNC RxBD status and control Þelds.
12Ð13 RPM Receiver parity mode. Selects the type of parity check that the receiver performs. RPM can be
modiÞed on-the-ßy and is ignored unless CRC = 11 (LRC). Receive parity errors cannot be disabled
but can be ignored.
00 Odd parity. The transmitter counts ones in the data word. If the sum is not odd, the parity bit is set
to ensure an odd number. An even sum indicates a transmission error.
01 Low parity. If the parity bit is not low, a parity error is reported.
10 Even parity. An even number must result from the calculation performed at both ends of the line.
11 High parity. If the parity bit is not high, a parity error is reported.
14Ð15 TPM Transmitter parity mode. Selects the type of parity the transmitter performs and can be modiÞed
on-the-ßy. TPM is ignored unless CRC = 11 (LRC).
00 Odd parity.
01 Force low parity (always send a zero in the parity bit position).
10 Even parity.
11 Force high parity (always send a one in the parity bit position).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 22-6. SCC BISYNC RxBD
Table 22-11. SCC BISYNC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or stopped receiving because of an error. The core can read or write any Þelds of this
RxBD. The CP does not use this BD as long as the E bit is zero.
1 The buffer is not full. The CP controls this BD and buffer. The core should not update this BD.
Table 22-10. PSMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó Data length represents the number of octets the CP writes into this
buffer, including the BCS. For BISYNC mode, clear these bits. It is incremented each time
a received character is written to the buffer.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
RBASE points to. The number of BDs in this table is determined by the W bit and by overall space
constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is used.
1 SCCE[RXB] is set when the controller closes this buffer, which can cause an interrupt if it is enabled.
4 L Last in frame. Set when this buffer is the last in a frame. If CD is negated in envelope mode or an error
is received, one or more of the OV, CD, and DE bits are set. The controller writes the number of frame
octets to the data length Þeld.
0 Not the Þrst buffer in the frame.
1 The Þrst buffer in the frame.
5 F First in frame. Set when this is the Þrst buffer in a frame.
0 Not the Þrst buffer in a frame.
1 First buffer in a frame
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear E after this BD is closed; the buffer is overwritten when the CP accesses this
BD next. However, E is cleared if an error occurs during reception, regardless of how CM is set.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 DE DPLL error. Set when a DPLL error occurs during reception. In decoding modes where a transition is
should occur every bit, the DPLL error is set when a transition is missing.
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 NO Rx non-octet-aligned frame. Set when a frame is received containing a number of bits not evenly
divisible by eight.
12 PR Parity error. Set when a character with parity error is received. Upon a parity error, the buffer is closed;
thus, the corrupted character is the last byte of the buffer. A new Rx buffer receives subsequent data.
13 CR Rx CRC error. Set when this frame contains a CRC error. Received CRC bytes are always written to
the receive buffer.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during frame reception.
15 CD Carrier detect lost. Indicates when the carrier detect signal, CD, is negated during frame reception.
Table 22-11. SCC BISYNC RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
22-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
22.13 SCC BISYNC Transmit BD (TxBD)
The CP arranges data to be sent on an SCC channel in buffers referenced by the channel
TxBD table. The CP uses BDs to conÞrm transmission or indicate errors so the core knows
buffers have been serviced. The user conÞgures status and control bits before transmission,
but the CP sets them after the buffer is sent.
Table 22-12 describes SCC BISYNC TxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 22-7. SCC BISYNC Transmit BD (TxBD)
Table 22-12. SCC BISYNC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission. The current BD and buffer can be updated. The CP clears R
after the buffer is sent or after an error condition.
1 The user-prepared buffer has not been sent or is being sent. This BD cannot be updated while R = 1.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
TBASE points to. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and overall
space constraints of the dual-ported RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 SCCE[TXB] or SCCE[TXE] is set after the CP services this buffer, which can cause an interrupt.
4LLast in message.
0 The last character in the buffer is not the last character in the current block.
1 The last character in the buffer is the last character in the current block. The transmitter enters and
stays in normal mode after sending the last character in the buffer and the BCS, if enabled.
5TB Transmit BCS. Valid only when the L bit is set.
0 Send an SYN1ÐSYN2 or idle sequence (speciÞed in GSMR[RTSM]) after the last character in the
1 Send the BCS sequence after the last character. The controller also resets the BCS generator after
sending the BCS.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear R after this BD is closed, so the buffer is resent when the CP next accesses
this BD. However, R is cleared if an error occurs during transmission, regardless of how CM is set.
7BR BCS reset. Determines whether transmitter BCS accumulation is reset before sending the data buffer.
0 BCS accumulation is not reset.
1 BCS accumulation is reset before sending the data buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó Although it is never modiÞed by the CP, data length should be greater
than zero. The CPM writes these Þelds after it Þnishes sending the buffer.
22.14 BISYNC Event Register (SCCE)/BISYNC Mask
Register (SCCM)
The BISYNC controller uses the SCC event register (SCCE) to report events recognized by
the BISYNC channel and to generate interrupts. When an event is recognized, the controller
sets the corresponding SCCE bit. Interrupts are enabled by setting, and masked by clearing,
the equivalent bits in the BISYNC mask register (SCCM). SCCE bits are reset by writing
ones; writing zeros has no effect. Unmasked bits must be reset before the CP negates the
internal interrupt request signal.
8TD Transmit DLE.
0 No automatic DLE transmission can occur before the data buffer.
1 The transmitter sends a DLE character before sending the buffer, which saves writing the Þrst DLE to
a separate buffer in transparent mode. See TR for information on control characters.
9TR Transparent mode.
0 The transmitter enters and stays in normal mode after sending the buffer. The transmitter
automatically inserts SYNCs if an underrun condition occurs.
1 The transmitter enters or stays in transparent mode after sending the buffer. It automatically inserts
DLEÐSYNC pairs if an underrun occurs (the controller Þnishes a buffer with L = 0 and the next BD is
not available). It also checks all characters before sending them. If a DLE is detected, another DLE is
sent automatically. Insert a DLE or program the controller to insert one before each control
character. The transmitter calculates the CRC16 BCS even if PSMR[BCS] is programmed to LRC.
Initialize PTCRC to CRC16 before setting TR.
10 BBCS enable.
0 The buffer consists of characters that are excluded from BCS accumulation.
1 The buffer consists of characters that are included in BCS accumulation.
11Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 UN Underrun. Set when the BISYNC controller encounters a transmitter underrun error while sending the
associated data buffer. The CPM writes UN after it sends the associated buffer.
15 CT CTS lost. The CP sets CT when CTS is lost during message transmission after it sends the data buffer.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A10 (SCCE1); 0x11A30 (SCCE2); 0x11A50 (SCCE3); 0x11A70 (SCCE4)
0x11A14 (SCCM1); 0x11A34 (SCCM2); 0x11A54 (SCCM3); 0x11A74 (SCCM4)
Figure 22-8. BISYNC Event Register (SCCE)/BISYNC Mask Register (SCCM)
Table 22-12. SCC BISYNC TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
22-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-13 describes SCCE and SCCM Þelds.
22.15 SCC Status Registers (SCCS)
The SCC status (SCCS) register allows real-time monitoring of RXD. The real-time status
of CTS and CD are part of the parallel I/O.
Table 22-13. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
3 GLR Glitch on receive. Set when the SCC Þnds an Rx clock glitch.
4 GLT Glitch on transmit. Set when the SCC Þnds a Tx clock glitch.
5 DCC DPLL CS changed. Set when carrier sense status generated by the DPLL changes. Real-time status
can be found in SCCS. This is not the CD status discussed elsewhere. Valid only when DPLL is used.
6Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. Set as soon the transmitter Þnishes any message in progress when a
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT is issued (immediately if no message is in progress).
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 TXE Tx Error. Set when an error occurs on the transmitter channel.
12 RCH Receive character. Set when a character is received and written to the buffer.
13 BSY Busy. Set when a character is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. The receiver resumes
reception after an ENTER HUNT MODE command.
14 TXB Tx buffer. Set when a buffer is sent. TXB is set as the last bit of data or the BCS begins transmission.
15 RXB Rx buffer. Set when the CPM closes the receive buffer on the BISYNC channel.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field Ñ CS Ñ
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11A17 (SCCS1); 0x11A37 (SCCS2); 0x11A57 (SCCS3); 0x11A77 (SCCS4)
Figure 22-9. SCC Status Registers (SCCS)
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 22-14 describes SCCS Þelds.
22.16 Programming the SCC BISYNC Controller
Software has two ways to handle data received by the BISYNC controller. The simplest is
to allocate single-byte receive buffers, request an interrupt on reception of each buffer, and
implement BISYNC protocol entirely in software on a byte-by-byte basis. This ßexible
approach can be adapted to any BISYNC implementation. The obvious penalty is the
overhead caused by interrupts on each received character.
A more efÞcient method is to prepare and link multi-byte buffers in the RxBD table and use
software to analyze the Þrst two to three bytes of the buffer to determine the type of block
received. When this is determined, reception continues without further software
intervention until it encounters a control character, which signiÞes the end of the block and
causes software to revert to byte-by-byte reception.
To accomplish this, set SCCM[RCH] to enable an interrupt on every received byte so
software can analyze each byte. After analyzing the initial characters of a block, either set
PSMR[RTR] or issue a RESET BCS CALCULATION command. For example, if a DLE-STX is
received, enter transparent mode. By setting the appropriate PSMR bit, the controller strips
the leading DLE from DLE-character sequences. Thus, control characters are recognized
only when they follow a DLE character. PSMR[RTR] should be cleared after a DLE-ETX
is received.
Alternatively, after an SOH is received, a RESET BCS CALCULATION should be issued to
exclude SOH from BCS accumulation and reset the BCS. Notice that PSMR[RBCS] is not
needed because the controller automatically excludes SYNCs and leading DLEs.
After the type of block is recognized, SCCE[RCH] should be masked. The core does not
interrupt data reception until the end of the current block, which is indicated by the
reception of a control character matching the one in the receive control character table.
Using Table 22-15, the control character table should be set to recognize the end of the
Table 22-14. SCCS Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 CS Carrier sense (DPLL). Shows the real-time carrier sense of the line as determined by the DPLL.
0 The DPLL does not sense a carrier.
1 The DPLL senses a carrier.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
22-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
After ETX, a BCS is expected; then the buffer should be closed. Hunt mode should be
entered when a line turnaround occurs. ENQ characters are used to stop sending a block
and to designate the end of the block for a receiver, but no CRC is expected. After control
character reception, set SCCM[RCH] to reenable interrupts for each byte of data received.
22.17 SCC BISYNC Programming Example
This BISYNC controller initialization example for SCC2 uses an external clock. The
controller is conÞgured with RTS2, CTS2, and CD2 active. Both the receiver and
transmitter use CLK3.
1. ConÞgure port D pins to enable TXD2 and RXD2. Set PPARD[27,28] and
PDIRD[27] and clear PDIRD[28] and PSORD[27,28].
2. ConÞgure ports C and D pins to enable RTS2, CTS2 and CD2. Set PPARD[26],
PPARC[12,13] and PDIRD[26] and clear PDIRC[12,13], PSORC[12,13], and
3. ConÞgure port C pin 29 to enable the CLK3 pin. Set PPARC[29] and clear
PDIRC[29] and PSORC[29].
4. Connect CLK3 to SCC2 using the CPM mux. Write 0b110 to CMXSCR[R2CS] and
5. Connect the SCC2 to the NMSI (its own set of pins). Clear CMXSCR[SC2].
6. Assuming one RxBD at the beginning of dual-port RAM followed by one TxBD,
write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008.
7. Write 0x04a1_0000 to CPCR to execute INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS. This updates
RBPTR and TBPTR to the new values of RBASE and TBASE.
8. Write RFCR and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
9. Write MRBLR with the maximum number of bytes per receive buffer. For this case,
assume 16 bytes, so MRBLR = 0x0010.
10. Write PRCRC with 0x0000 to comply with CRC16.
11. Write PTCRC with 0x0000 to comply with CRC16.
12. Clear PAREC for clarity.
Table 22-15. Control Characters
Control Characters E B H
ETX 0 1 1
ITB 0 1 0
ETB 0 1 1
ENQ 0 0 0
Next entry 0 X X
MOTOROLA Chapter 22. SCC BISYNC Mode 22-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
13. Write BSYNC with 0x8033, assuming a SYNC value of 0x33.
14. Write DSR with 0x3333.
15. Write BDLE with 0x8055, assuming a DLE value of 0x55.
16. Write CHARACTER1 with 0x6077, assuming ETX = 0x77.
17. Write CHARACTER2Ð8 with 0x8000. They are not used.
18. Write RCCM with 0xE0FF. It is not used.
19. Initialize the RxBD and assume the data buffer is at 0x00001000 in main memory.
Then write 0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length]
(optional), and 0x00001000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
20. Initialize the TxBD and assume the Tx data buffer is at 0x00002000 in main memory
and contains Þve 8-bit characters. Then write 0xBD20 to TxBD[Status and Control]
0x0005 to TxBD[Data Length], and 0x00002000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer]. Note
that ETX character should be written at the end of userÕs data.
21. Write 0xFFFF to SCCE to clear any previous events.
22. Write 0x0013 to SCCM to enable the TXE, TXB, and RXB interrupts.
23. Write 0x0040_0000 to the SIU interrupt mask register low (SIMR_L) so the SMC1
can generate a system interrupt. Initialize SIU interrupt pending register low
(SIPNR_L) by writing 0xFFFF_FFFF to it.
24. Write 0x0000002C to GSMR_H2 to conÞgure a small receive FIFO width.
25. Write 0x00000008 to GSMR_L2 to conÞgure CTS and CD to automatically control
transmission and reception (DIAG bits) and the BISYNC mode. Notice that the
transmitter (ENT) and receiver (ENR) are not yet enabled.
26. Set PSMR to 0x0600 to conÞgure CRC16, CRC checking on receive, and normal
operation (not transparent).
27. Write 0x00000038 to GSMR_L2 to enable the SCC2 transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that ENT and ENR are enabled last.
Write 0x00000038 to GSMR_L2 to enable the SCC2 transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that ENT and ENR are enabled last. After 5 bytes are sent, the
TxBD is closed. The buffer is closed after 16 bytes are received. Any received data beyond
16 bytes causes a busy (out-of-buffers) condition since only one RxBD is prepared.
22-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-1
Chapter 23
SCC Transparent Mode
Transparent mode (also called totally transparent or promiscuous mode) provides a clear
channel on which the SCC can send or receive serial data without bit-level manipulation.
Software implements protocols run over transparent mode. An SCC in transparent mode
functions as a high-speed serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial converter.
Transparent mode can be used for serially moving data that requires no superimposed
protocol, for applications that require serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial conversion for
communication among chips on the same board, and for applications that require data to be
switched without interfering with the protocol encoding itself, such as when data from a
high-speed time-multiplexed serial stream is multiplexed into low-speed data streams. The
concept is to switch the data path without altering the protocol encoded on that data path.
Transparent mode is conÞgured in the GSMR; see Section 19.1.1, ÒThe General SCC Mode
Registers (GSMR1ÐGSMR4).Ó Transparent mode is selected in GSMR_H[TTX, TRX] for
the transmitter and receiver, respectively. Setting both bits enables full-duplex transparent
operation. If only one is set, the other half of the SCC uses the protocol speciÞed in
GSMR_L[MODE]. This allows loop-back modes to DMA data from one memory location
to another while data is converted to a speciÞc serial format.
The SCC operations are asynchronous with the core and can be synchronous or
asynchronous with other SCCs. Each clock can be supplied from the internal baud rate
generator bank, DPLL output, or external pins.
The SCC can work with the time-slot assigner (TSA) or nonmultiplexed serial interface
(NMSI) and supports modem lines with the general-purpose I/O pins. Data can be
transferred either the msb or lsb Þrst in each octet.
23.1 Features
The following list summarizes the main features of the SCC in transparent mode:
¥ Flexible buffers
¥ Automatic SYNC detection on receive
¥ CRCs can be sent and received
¥ Reverse data mode
23-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Another protocol can be performed on the other half of the SCC
¥ MC68360-compatible SYNC options
23.2 SCC Transparent Channel Frame Transmission
The transparent transmitter is designed to work almost no intervention from the core. When
the core enables the SCC transmitter in transparent mode, it starts sending idles, which are
logic high or encoded ones, as programmed in GSMR_L[TEND]. The SCC polls the Þrst
BD in the TxBD table. When there is a message to send, the SCC fetches data from
memory, loads the transmit FIFO, and waits for transmitter synchronization, which is
achieved with CTS or by waiting for the receiver to achieve synchronization, depending on
GSMR_H[TXSY]. Transmission begins when transmitter synchronization is achieved.
When all BD data has been sent, if TxBD[L] is set, the SCC writes the message status bits
into the BD, clears TxBD[R], and sends idles until the next BD is ready. If it is ready, some
idles are still sent. The transmitter resumes sending only after it achieves synchronization.
If TxBD[L] is cleared when the end of the BD is reached, only TxBD[R] is cleared and the
transmitter moves immediately to the next buffer to begin transmission with no gap on the
serial line between buffers. Failure to provide the next buffer in time causes a transmit
underrun which sets SCCE[TXE].
In both cases, an interrupt is issued according to TxBD[I]. By appropriately setting
TxBD[I] in each BD, interrupts are generated after each buffer or group of buffers is sent.
The SCC then proceeds to the next BD in the table and any whole number of bytes can be
sent. If GSMR_H[REVD] is set, the bit order of each byte is reversed before being sent; the
msb of each octet is sent Þrst.
Setting GSMR_H[TFL] makes the transmit FIFO smaller and reduces transmitter latency,
but it can cause transmitter underruns at higher transmission speeds. An optional CRC,
selected in GSMR_H[TCRC], can be appended to each transparent frame if it is enabled in
the TxBD.
When the time-slot assigner (TSA) is used with a transparent-mode channel,
synchronization is provided by the TSA. There is a start-up delay for the transmitter, but
delays will always be some whole number of complete TSA frames. This means that n-byte
transmit buffers can be mapped directly into n-byte time slots in the TSA frames.
23.3 SCC Transparent Channel Frame Reception
When the core enables the SCC receiver in transparent mode, it waits to achieve
synchronization before data is received. The receiver can be synchronized to the data by a
synchronization pulse or SYNC pattern.
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
After a buffer is full, the SCC clears RxBD[E] and generates a maskable interrupt if
RxBD[I] is set. It moves to the next RxBD in the table and begins moving data to its buffer.
If the next buffer is not available, SCCE[BSY] signiÞes a busy signal that can generate a
maskable interrupt. The receiver reverts to hunt mode when an ENTER HUNT MODE
command or an error is received. If GSMR_H[REVD] is set, the bit order of each byte is
reversed before it is written to memory.
Setting GSMR_H[RFW] reduces receiver latency by making the receive FIFO smaller,
which may cause receiver overruns at higher transmission speeds. The receiver always
checks the CRC of the received frame, according to GSMR_H[TCRC]. If a CRC is not
required, resulting errors can be ignored.
23.4 Achieving Synchronization in Transparent Mode
Once the SCC transmitter is enabled for transparent operation, the TxBD is prepared and
the transmit FIFO is preloaded by the SDMA channel, another process must occur before
data can be sent. It is called transmit synchronization. Similarly, once the SCC receiver is
enabled for transparent operation in the GSMR and the RxBD is made empty for the SCC,
receive synchronization must occur before data can be received. An in-line synchronization
pattern or an external synchronization signal can provide bit-level control of the
synchronization process when sending or receiving.
23.4.1 Synchronization in NMSI Mode
This section describes synchronization in NMSI mode. In-Line Synchronization Pattern
The transparent channel can be programmed to receive a synchronization pattern. This
pattern is deÞned in the data synchronization register, DSR; see Section 19.1.3, ÒData
Synchronization Register (DSR).Ó Pattern length is speciÞed in GSMR_H[SYNL], as
shown in Table 23-1. See also Section 19.1.1, ÒThe General SCC Mode Registers
If a 4-bit SYNC is selected, reception begins as soon as these four bits are received,
beginning with the Þrst bit following the 4-bit SYNC. The transmitter synchronizes on the
receiver pattern if GSMR_H[RSYN] = 1.
Table 23-1. Receiver SYNC Pattern Lengths of the DSR
Bit Assignments
00 An external SYNC signal is used instead of the SYNC pattern in the DSR.
01 4-bit
10 8-bit
11 16-bit
23-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that the transparent controller does not automatically send the synchronization
pattern; therefore, the synchronization pattern must be included in the transmit buffer. External Synchronization Signals
If GSMR_H[SYNL] is 0b00, the transmitter uses CTS and the receiver uses CD to begin
the sequence. These signals share two optionsÑpulsing and sampling.
GSMR_H[CDP] and GSMR_H[CTSP] determine whether CD or CTS need to be asserted
only once to begin reception/transmission or whether they must remain asserted for the
duration of the transparent frame. Pulse operation allows an uninterrupted stream of data.
However, use envelope mode to identify frames of transparent data.
The sampling option determines the delay between CD and CTS being asserted and the
resulting action by the SCC. Assume either that these signals are asynchronous to the data
and internally synchronized by the SCC or that they are synchronous to the data with faster
operation. This option allows RTS of one SCC to be connected to CD of another SCC and
to have the data synchronized and bit aligned. It is also an option to link the transmitter
synchronization to the receiver synchronization. Diagrams for the pulse/envelope and
sampling options are shown in Section 23.4, ÒAchieving Synchronization in Transparent
Mode.Ó External Synchronization Example
Figure shows synchronization using external signals.
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 23-1. Sending Transparent Frames between MPC8260s
MPC8260(A) and MPC8260(B) exchange transparent frames and synchronize each other
using RTS and CD. However, CTS is not required because transmission begins at any time.
Thus, RTS is connected directly to the other MPC8260 CD pin. GSMR_H[RSYN] is not
used and transmission and reception from each MPC8260 are independent. Transparent Mode without Explicit Synchronization
If there is no need to synchronize the transparent controller at a speciÞc point, the user can
ÔfakeÕ synchronization in one of the following ways:
¥ Tie a parallel I/O pin to the CTS and CD lines. Then, after enabling the receiver and
transmitter, provide a falling edge by manipulating the I/O pin in software.
¥ Enable the receiver and transmitter for the SCC in loopback mode and then change
GSMR_L[DIAG] to 0b00 while the transmitter and receiver and enabled.
23.4.2 Synchronization and the TSA
A transparent-mode SCC using the time-slot assigner can synchronize either on a user-
deÞned inline pattern or by inherent synchronization.
Last Bit of Frame Data
First Bit of Frame Data
(Output is CLKx Input)
(Output is RXD Input)
(Output is CD Input) or CRC
TxBD[L] = 1 Causes Negation of RTS
CD Lost Condition Terminates Reception of Frame
MPC8260 (A) MPC8260 (B)
1. Each MPC8260 generates its own transmit clocks. If the transmit and receive clocks are the same, one MPC8260
can generate transmit and receive clocks for the other MPC8260. For example, CLKx on MPC8260 (B) could be
used to clock the transmitter and receiver.
should be configured as always asserted in the parallel I/O or connected to ground externally.
3. The required GSMR conÞgurations are DIAG= 00, CTSS=1, CTSP is a ÒdonÕt careÓ, CDS=1, CDP=0, TTX=1, and
TRX=1. REVD and TCRC are application-dependent.
4. The transparent frame contains a CRC if TxBD[TC] is set.
23-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that when using the TSA, a newly-enabled transmitter sends from 10 to 15 frames of
idles before sending the actual transparent data due to startup requirements of the TDM.
Therefore, when loopback testing through the TDM, expect to receive several bytes of 0xFF
before the actual data. Inline Synchronization Pattern
The receiver can be programmed to begin receiving data into the receive buffers only after
a speciÞed data pattern arrives. To synchronize on an inline pattern:
¥ Program the DSR with the desired pattern.
¥ Clear GSMR_H[CDP].
If GSMR_H[TXSY] is also used, the transmitter begins transmission eight clocks after the
receiver achieves synchronization. Inherent Synchronization
Inherent synchronization assumes synchronization by default when the channel is enabled;
all data sent from the TDM to the SCC is received. To implement inherent synchronization:
If these bits are not set, the received bit stream will be bit-shifted. The SCC loses the Þrst
received bit because CD and CTS are treated as asynchronous signals.
23.4.3 End of Frame Detection
An end of frame cannot be detected in the transparent data stream since there is no deÞned
closing ßag in transparent mode. Therefore, if framing is needed, the user must use the CD
line to alert the transparent controller of an end of frame.
23.5 CRC Calculation in Transparent Mode
The CRC calculations follow the ITU/IEEE standard. The CRC is calculated on the
transmitted data stream; that is, from lsb to msb for non-bit-reversed (GSMR_H[REVD] =
0) and from msb to lsb for bit-reversed (GSMR_H[REVD] = 1) transmission. The
appended CRC is sent msb to lsb. When receiving, the CRC is calculated as the incoming
bits arrive. The optional reversal of data (GSMR_H[REVD] = 1) is done just before data is
stored in memory (after the CRC calculation).
23.6 SCC Transparent Parameter RAM
For transparent mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the SCC parameter RAM is mapped as
in Table 23-2.
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
CRC_P and CRC_C overlap with the CRC parameters for the HDLC-based protocols.
However, this overlap is not detrimental since the CRC constant is used only for the receiver
and the CRC preset is used only for the transmitter, so only one entry is required for each.
Thus, the user can choose an HDLC transmitter with a transparent receiver or a transparent
transmitter with an HDLC receiver.
23.7 SCC Transparent Commands
The following transmit and receive commands are issued to the CP command register.
Table 23-3 describes transmit commands.
Table 23-2. SCC Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map
1From SCC base address. See Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses.Ó
Name Width Description
0x 30 CRC_P Long CRC preset for totally transparent. For the 16-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize with 0x0000_FFFF.
For the 32-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize with 0xFFFF_FFFF and for the CRC-16, initialize with
ones (0x0000_FFFF) or zeros (0x0000_0000).
0x 34 CRC_C Long CRC constant for totally transparent receiver. For the 16-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize with
0x0000_F0B8. For the 32-bit CRC-CCITT, CRC_C initialize with 0xDEBB_20E3 and for
the CRC-16, which is normally used with BISYNC, initialize with 0x0000_0000.
Table 23-3. Transmit Commands
Command Description
After hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in the GSMR, the channel is in transmit
enable mode and starts polling the Þrst BD every 64 clocks (or immediately if TODR[TOD] = 1). STOP
TRANSMIT disables frame transmission on the transmit channel. If the transparent controller receives the
command during frame transmission, transmission is aborted after a maximum of 64 additional bits
and the transmit FIFO is ßushed. The current TxBD pointer (TBPTR) is not advanced, no new BD is
accessed and no new buffers are sent for this channel. The transmitter will send idles.
Stops transmission smoothly, rather than abruptly, in much the same way that the regular STOP
TRANSMIT command stops. It stops transmission after the current frame Þnishes or immediately if no
frame is being sent. A transparent frame is not complete until a BD with TxBD[L] set has its buffer
completely sent. SCCE[GRA] is set once transmission stops; transmit parameters and their BDs can
then be modiÞed. The current TxBD pointer (TBPTR) advances to the next TxBD in the table.
Transmission resumes once TxBD[R] is set and a RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued.
Reenables transmission of characters on the transmit channel. The transparent controller expects it
after a STOP TRANSMIT command is issued (at which point the channel is disabled in SCCM), after a
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued, or after a transmitter error. The transparent controller
resumes transmission from the current TBPTR in the channel TxBD table.
Initializes all transmit parameters in the serial channel parameter RAM to reset state. Issue only when
the transmitter is disabled. INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets receive and transmit parameters.
23-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 23-4 describes receive commands.
23.8 Handling Errors in the Transparent Controller
The SCC reports message reception and transmission errors using the channel buffer
descriptors, the error counters, and SCCE. Table 23-5 describes transmit errors.
Table 23-6 describes receive errors.
Table 23-4. Receive Commands
Command Description
After hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled, the channel is in receive enable mode
and uses the Þrst BD in the table. ENTER HUNT MODE forces the transparent receiver to the current
frame and enter hunt mode where the transparent controller waits for the synchronization sequence.
After receiving the command, the current buffer is closed. Further data reception uses the next BD.
CLOSE RXBD Forces the SCC to close the RxBD if it is being used and to use the next BD for any subsequently
received data. If the SCC is not receiving data, no action is taken by this command.
Initializes all receive parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to reset state. Issue only when
the receiver is disabled. INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets receive and transmit parameters.
Table 23-5. Transmit Errors
Error Description
When this occurs, the channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets TxBD[UN], and generates a
TXE interrupt if it is enabled. Transmission resumes after a RESTART TRANSMIT command is
received. Underrun occurs after a transmit frame for which TxBD[L] was not set. In this case, only
SCCE[TXE] is set. Underrun cannot occur between transparent frames.
CTS Lost During
When this occurs, the channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets TxBD[CT], and generates
the TXE interrupt if it is enabled. The channel resumes sending after RESTART TRANSMIT is received.
Table 23-6. Receive Errors
Error Description
Overrun The SCC maintains a receive FIFO. The CPM starts programming the SDMA channel if the buffer is
in external memory and updating the CRC when 8 or 32 bits are received in the FIFO as determined
by GSMR_H[RFW]. If a FIFO overrun occurs, the SCC writes the received byte over the previously
received byte. The previous character and its status bits are lost. Afterwards, the channel closes the
buffer, sets OV in the BD, and generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. The receiver immediately
enters hunt mode.
CD Lost During
When this occurs, the channel stops receiving messages, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[CD], and
generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. This error has highest priority. The rest of the message
is lost, and no other errors are checked in the message. The receiver immediately enters hunt
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
23.9 Transparent Mode and the PSMR
The protocol-speciÞc mode register (PSMR) is not used by the transparent controller
because all transparent mode selections are made in the GSMR. If only half of an SCC
(transmitter or receiver) is running the transparent protocol, the other half (receiver or
transmitter) can support another protocol. In such a case, use the PSMR for the non-
transparent protocol.
23.10 SCC Transparent Receive Buffer Descriptor
The CPM reports information about the received data for each buffer using an RxBD,
closes the current buffer, generates a maskable interrupt, and starts receiving data into the
next buffer after one of the following occurs:
¥ An error is detected.
¥ A full receive buffer is detected.
¥ An ENTER HUNT MODE command is Issued.
CLOSE RXBD command is issued.
Table 23-7 describes RxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 23-2. SCC Transparent Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Table 23-7. SCC Transparent RxBD Status and Control Field
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or stopped receiving data because an error occurred. The core can read or write to
any Þelds of this RxBD. The CPM does not use this BD when RxBD[E] is zero.
1 The buffer is not full. This RxBD and buffer are owned by the CPM. Once E is set, the core should
not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CPM receives data into the Þrst BD that RBASE
points to. The number of BDs in this table is determined only by RxBD[W] and overall space
constraints of the dual-port RAM.
23-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó The Rx buffer pointer must be divisible by four, unless
GSMR_H[RFW] is set to 8 bits wide, in which case the pointer can be even or odd. The
buffer can reside in internal or external memory.
23.11 SCC Transparent Transmit Buffer Descriptor
Data is sent to the CPM for transmission on an SCC channel by arranging it in buffers
referenced by the TxBD table. The CPM uses BDs to conÞrm transmission or indicate error
conditions so the processor knows buffers have been serviced. Prepare status and control
bits before transmission; they are set by the CPM after the buffer is sent.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is used.
1 When this buffer is closed by the transparent controller, the SCCE[RXB] is set. SCCE[RXB] can
cause an interrupt if it is enabled.
4 L Last in frame. Set by the transparent controller when this buffer is the last in a frame, which occurs
when CD is negated (if GSMR_H[CDP] = 0) or an error is received. If an error is received, one or more
of RxBD[OV, CD, DE] are set. Note that the SCC transparent controller writes the number of buffer (not
frame) octets to the last BDÕs data length Þeld.
0 Not the last buffer in a frame.
1 Last buffer in a frame.
5 F First in frame. The transparent controller sets F when this buffer is the Þrst in the frame:
0 Not the Þrst buffer in a frame.
1 First buffer in a frame.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CPM does not clear RxBD[E] after this BD is closed, letting the buffer be overwritten when the
CPM next accesses this BD. However, RxBD[E] is cleared if an error occurs during reception,
regardless of how CM is set.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 DE DPLL error. Set by the transparent controller when a DPLL error occurs as this buffer is received. In
decoding modes, where a transition is promised every bit, DE is set when a missing transition occurs.
If a DPLL error occurs, no other error checking is performed.
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 NO Rx non-octet. Set when a frame containing a number of bits not exactly divisible by eight is received.
12 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
13 CR CRC error indication bits. Indicates that this frame contains a CRC error. The received CRC bytes are
always written to the receive buffer. CRC checking cannot be disabled, but it can be ignored.
14 OV Overrun. Indicates that a receiver overrun occurred during buffer reception.
15 CD Carrier detect lost. Indicates when CD is negated during buffer reception.
Table 23-7. SCC Transparent RxBD Status and Control Field
Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 23-8 describes SCC Transparent TxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 23-3. SCC Transparent Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Table 23-8. SCC Transparent TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission. The BD and buffer can be updated. The CPM clears R after
the buffer is sent or after an error is encountered.
1 The user-prepared buffer is not sent yet or is being sent. This BD cannot be updated while R = 1.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CPM receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
TBASE points to. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by TxBD[W] and overall
space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
3IInterrupt. Note that clearing this bit does not disable all SCCE[TXE] events.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 When the CPM services this buffer, SCCE[TXB] or SCCE[TXE] is set. These bits can cause
interrupts if they are enabled.
4LLast in message.
0 The last byte in the buffer is not the last byte in the transmitted transparent frame. Data from the
next transmit buffer is sent immediately after the last byte of this buffer.
1 The last byte in the buffer is the last byte in the transmitted transparent frame. After this buffer is
sent, the transmitter requires synchronization before the next buffer is sent.
5TC Transmit CRC.
0 No CRC sequence is sent after this buffer.
1 A frame check sequence deÞned by GSMR_H[TCRC] is sent after the last byte of this buffer.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CPM does not clear TxBD[R] after this BD is closed, so the buffer is automatically resent when
the CPM accesses this BD next. However, TxBD[R] is cleared if an error occurs during
transmission, regardless of how CM is set.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 UN Underrun. Set when the SCC encounters a transmitter underrun condition while sending the buffer.
15 CT CTS lost. Indicates the CTS was lost during frame transmission.
23-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó Although it is never modiÞed by the CP, data length should be greater
than zero. The buffer pointer can be even or odd and can reside in internal or external
23.12 SCC Transparent Event Register (SCCE)/Mask
Register (SCCM)
When the SCC is in transparent mode, the SCC event register (SCCE) functions as the
transparent event register to report events recognized by the transparent channel and to
generate interrupts. When an event is recognized, the transparent controller sets the
corresponding SCCE bit. Interrupts are enabled by setting, and masked by clearing, the
equivalent bits in the transparent mask register (SCCM).
Event bits are reset by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect. All unmasked bits must be
reset before the CP clears the internal interrupt request to the SIU interrupt controller.
Figure 23-4 shows the event and mask registers.
Table 23-9 describes SCCE/SCCM Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address 0x11A10 (SCCE1); 0x11A30 (SCCE2); 0x11A50 (SCCE3); 0x11A70 (SCCE4)
0x11A14 (SCCM1); 0x11A34 (SCCM2); 0x11A54 (SCCM3); 0x11A74 (SCCM4)
Figure 23-4. SCC Transparent Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM)
Table 23-9. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð2 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
3 GLR Glitch on Rx. Set when the SCC Þnds a glitch on the receive clock.
4 GLT Glitch on Tx. Set when the SCC Þnds a glitch on the transmit clock.
5 DCC DPLL CS changed. Set when the DPLL-generated carrier sense status changes (valid only when the
DPLL is used). Real-time status can be read in SCCS. This is not the CD status mentioned elsewhere.
6Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. Set when a graceful stop initiated by completes as soon as the transmitter
Þnishes any frame in progress when the GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command was issued. Immediately
if no frame was in progress when the command was issued.
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 TXE Tx error. Set when an error occurs on the transmitter channel.
12 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
23.13 SCC Status Register in Transparent Mode
The SCC status register (SCCS) allows monitoring of real-time status conditions on the
RXD line. The real-time status of CTS and CD are part of the parallel I/O.
Table 23-10 describes SCCS Þelds.
23.14 SCC2 Transparent Programming Example
The following initialization sequence enables the transmitter and receiver, which operate
independently of each other. They implement the connection shown on MPC8260(B) in
Figure 23-1.
The transmit and receive clocks are externally provided to MPC8260(B) using CLK3.
SCC2 is used. The transparent controller is conÞgured with the RTS2 and CD2 pins active
and CTS2 is conÞgured to be grounded internally. A 16-bit CRC-CCITT is sent with each
transparent frame. The FIFOs are conÞgured for fast operation.
13 BSY Busy condition. Set when a byte or word is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. The
receiver resumes reception after it gets an ENTER HUNT MODE command.
14 TXB Tx buffer. Set no sooner than when the last bit of the last byte of the buffer begins transmission,
assuming L is set in the TxBD. If it is not, TXB is set when the last byte is written to the transmit FIFO.
15 RXB Rx buffer. Set when a complete buffer was received on the SCC channel, no sooner than two serial
clocks after the last bit of the last byte in which the buffer is received on RXD.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field Ñ CS Ñ
Reset 0000_0000
Address 0x11A17 (SCCS1); 0x11A37 (SCCS2); 0x11A57 (SCCS3); 0x11A77 (SCCS4)
Figure 23-5. SCC Status Register in Transparent Mode (SCCS)
Table 23-10. SCCS Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 CS Carrier sense (DPLL). Shows the real-time carrier sense of the line as determined by the DPLL.
0 The DPLL does not sense a carrier.
1 The DPLL senses a carrier.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 23-9. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
23-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
1. ConÞgure port D pins to enable TXD2 and RXD2. Set PPARD[27,28] and
PDIRD[27] and clear PDIRD[28] and PSORD[27,28].
2. ConÞgure ports C and D pins to enable RTS2, CTS2 and CD2. Set PPARD[26],
PPARC[12,13] and PDIRD[26] and clear PDIRC[12,13], PSORC[12,13] and
3. ConÞgure port C pin 29 to enable the CLK3 pin. Set PPARC[29] and clear
PDIRC[29] and PSORC[29].
4. Connect CLK3 to SCC2 using the CPM mux. Program CMXSCR[R2CS] and
CMXSCR[T2CS] to 0b110.
5. Connect the SCC2 to the NMSI and clear CMXSCR[SC2].
6. Write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008 in the SCC2 parameter RAM
to point to one RxBD at the beginning of dual-port RAM followed by one TxBD.
7. Write 0x04A1_0000 to the CPCR to execute INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS for
8. Write 0x0041 to the CPCR to execute INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS for SCC2.
9. Write RFCR and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
10. Write MRBLR with the maximum number of bytes per receive buffer and assume
16-bytes, so MRBLR = 0x0010.
11. Write CRC_P with 0x0000_FFFF to comply with the 16-bit CRC-CCITT.
12. Write CRC_C with 0x0000_F0B8 to comply with the 16-bit CRC-CCITT.
13. Initialize the RxBD. Assume the Rx buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory.
Write 0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length]
(optional), and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
14. Initialize the TxBD. Assume the Tx buffer is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory and
contains Þve 8-bit characters. Write 0xBC00 to TxBD[Status and Control], 0x0005
to TxBD[Data Length], and 0x0000_2000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
15. Write 0xFFFF to SCCE to clear any previous events.
16. Write 0x0013 to SCCM to enable the TXE, TXB, and RXB interrupts.
17. Write 0x0040_0000 to the SIU interrupt mask register low (SIMR_L) so SMC1 can
generate a system interrupt. Initialize SIU interrupt pending register low (SIPNR_L)
by writing 0xFFFF_FFFF to it.
18. Write 0x0000_1980 to GSMR_H2 to conÞgure the transparent channel.
19. Write 0x0000_0000 to GSMR_L2 to conÞgure CTS and CD to automatically
control transmission and reception (DIAG bits). Normal operation of the transmit
clock is used. Note that the transmitter (ENT) and receiver (ENR) are not enabled
20. Write 0x0000_0030 to GSMR_L2 to enable the SCC2 transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that the ENT and ENR bits are enabled last.
MOTOROLA Chapter 23. SCC Transparent Mode 23-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that after 5 bytes are sent, the Tx buffer is closed and after 16 bytes are received the
Rx buffer is closed. Any data received after 16 bytes causes a busy (out-of-buffers)
condition since only one RxBD is prepared.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-1
Chapter 24
SCC Ethernet Mode
The Ethernet IEEE 802.3 protocol is a widely used LAN protocol based on the carrier sense
multiple access/collision detect (CSMA/CD) approach. Because Ethernet and IEEE 802.3
protocols are similar and can coexist on the same LAN, both are referred to as Ethernet in
this manual, unless otherwise noted. Figure 24-1 shows Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frame
Figure 24-1. Ethernet Frame Structure
The frame begins with a 7-byte preamble of alternating ones and zeros. Because the frame
is Manchester encoded, the preamble gives receiving stations a known pattern on which to
lock. The start frame delimiter follows the preamble, signifying the beginning of the frame.
The 48-bit destination address is next, followed by the 48-bit source address. Original
versions of the IEEE 802.3 speciÞcation allowed 16-bit addressing, but this addressing has
never been widely used and is not supported.
The next Þeld is the Ethernet type Þeld/IEEE 802.3 length Þeld. The type Þeld signiÞes the
protocol used in the rest of the frame and the length Þeld speciÞes the length of the data
portion of the frame. For Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frames to coexist on the same LAN, the
length Þeld of the frame must always be different from any type Þelds used in Ethernet. This
limits the length of the data portion of the frame to 1,500 bytes and total frame length to
1,518 bytes. The last 4 bytes of the frame are the frame check sequence (FCS), a standard
32-bit CCITT-CRC polynomial used in many protocols.
When a station needs to transmit, it checks for LAN activity. When the LAN is silent for a
speciÞed period, the station starts sending. At that time, the station continually checks for
collisions on the LAN; if one is found, the station forces a jam pattern (all ones) on its frame
and stops sending. Most collisions occur close to the beginning of a frame. The station waits
Preamble Start Frame Data
Delimiter Destination
Address Type/
Address Frame Check
7 Bytes 1 Byte 6 Bytes 6 Bytes 2 Bytes 46–1500 Bytes 4 Bytes
Frame Length is 64–1518 Bytes
NOTE: The lsb of each octet is transmitted first.
24-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
a random period of time, called a backoff, before trying to retransmit. Once the backoff time
expires, the station waits for silence on the LAN before retransmitting, which is called a
retry. If the frame cannot be sent within 15 retries, an error occurs
10-Mbps Ethernet transmits at 0.8 µs per byte. The preamble plus start frame delimiter is
sent in 6.4 µs. The minimum 10-Mbps Ethernet interframe gap is 9.6 µs and the slot time
is 52 µs.
24.1 Ethernet on the MPC8260
Setting GSMR[MODE] to 0b1100 selects Ethernet. The SCC performs the full set of IEEE
802.3/Ethernet CSMA/CD media access control and channel interface functions.
Figure 24-2. Ethernet Block Diagram
The MPC8260 Ethernet controller requires an external serial interface adaptor (SIA) and
transceiver function to complete the interface to the media.
Although the MPC8260 contains DPLLs that allow Manchester encoding and decoding,
these DPLLs were not designed for Ethernet rates. Therefore, the MPC8260 Ethernet
controller bypasses the on-chip DPLLs and uses the external system interface adaptor on
the EEST instead. The on-chip DPLL cannot be used for low-speed (1-Mbps) Ethernet
either because it cannot properly detect start-of-frame or end-of-frame.
Note that the CPM of the MPC8260 requires a minimum system clock frequency of 24
MHz to support Ethernet.
Tx Transmitter
Slot Time
Internal Clocks
Peripheral Bus
and Defer
Random No.
60x Bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
24.2 Features
The following list summarizes the main features of the SCC in Ethernet mode:
¥ Performs MAC layer functions of Ethernet and IEEE 802.3
¥ Performs framing functions
Ñ Preamble generation and stripping
Ñ Destination address checking
Ñ CRC generation and checking
Ñ Automatically pads short frames on transmit
Ñ Framing error (dribbling bits) handling
¥ Full collision support
Ñ Enforces the collision (jamming)
Ñ Truncated binary exponential backoff algorithm for random wait
Ñ Two nonaggressive backoff modes
Ñ Automatic frame retransmission (until the attempt limit is reached)
Ñ Automatic discard of incoming collided frames
Ñ Delay transmission of new frames for speciÞed interframe gap
¥ Maximum 10 Mbps bit rate
¥ Optional full-duplex support
¥ Back-to-back frame reception
¥ Detection of receive frames that are too long
¥ Multibuffer data structure
¥ Supports 48-bit addresses in three modes
Ñ PhysicalÐOne 48-bit address recognized or 64-bin hash table for physical
Ñ LogicalÐ64-bin group address hash table plus broadcast address checking
Ñ PromiscuousÐReceives all addresses, but discards frame if REJECT is asserted
¥ External content-addressable memory (CAM) support on serial bus interfaces
¥ Up to eight parallel I/O pins can be sampled and appended to any frame
¥ Optional heartbeat indication
¥ Transmitter network management and diagnostics
Ñ Lost carrier sense
Ñ Underrun
Ñ Number of collisions exceeded the maximum allowed
24-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Ñ Number of retries per frame
Ñ Deferred frame indication
Ñ Late collision
¥ Receiver network management and diagnostics
Ñ CRC error indication
Ñ Nonoctet alignment error
Ñ Frame too short
Ñ Frame too long
Ñ Overrun
Ñ Busy (out of buffers)
¥ Error counters
Ñ Discarded frames (out of buffers or overrun occurred)
Ñ CRC errors
Ñ Alignment errors
¥ Internal and external loopback mode
24.3 Connecting the MPC8260 to Ethernet
The basic interface to the external SIA chip consists of the following Ethernet signals:
¥ Receive clock (RCLK)Ña CLKx signal routed through the bank of clocks on the
¥ Transmit clock (TCLK)Ña CLKx signal routed through the bank of clocks on the
MPC8260. Note that RCLK and TCLK should not be connected to the same CLKx
since the SIA provides separate transmit and receive clock signals.
¥ Transmit data (TXD)Ñthe MPC8260 TXD signal.
¥ Receive data (RXD)Ñthe MPC8260 RXD signal.
The following signals take on different functionality when the SCC is in Ethernet mode:
¥ Transmit enable (TENA)ÑRTS becomes TENA. The polarity of TENA is active
high, whereas the polarity of RTS is active low.
¥ Receive enable (RENA)ÑCD becomes RENA.
¥ Collision (CLSN)ÑCTS becomes CLSN. The carrier sense signal is referenced in
Ethernet descriptions because it indicates when the LAN is in use. Carrier sense is
deÞned as the logical OR of RENA and CLSN.
Figure 24-3 shows the basic components and signals required to make an Ethernet
connection between the MPC8260 and EEST.
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 24-3. Connecting the MPC8260 to Ethernet
The EEST has similar names for its connection to the above seven MPC8260 signals. The
EEST also provides a loopback input so the MPC8260 can perform external loopback
testing, which can be controlled by any available MPC8260 parallel I/O signal. The passive
components needed to connect to AUI or twisted-pair media are external to the EEST. The
MC68160 documentation describes EEST connection circuits.
The MPC8260 uses SDMA channels to store bytes received after the start frame delimiter
in system memory. When sending, provide the destination address, source address, type/
length Þeld, and the transmit data. To meet minimum frame requirements, the MPC8260
pads frames with fewer than 46 bytes in the data Þeld and appends the FCS to the frame.
24.4 SCC Ethernet Channel Frame Transmission
The Ethernet transmitter works with almost no core intervention. When the core enables the
transmitter, the SCC polls the Þrst TxBD in the table every 128 serial clocks. Setting
TODR[TOD] lets the next frame be sent without waiting for the next poll.
To begin transmission, the SCC in Ethernet mode (called the Ethernet controller) fetches
data from the buffer, asserts TENA to the EEST, and starts sending the preamble sequence,
the start frame delimiter, and frame information. If the line is busy, it waits for carrier sense
to remain inactive for 6.0 µs, at which point it waits an additional 3.6 µs before it starts
sending (9.6 µs after carrier sense originally became inactive).
If a collision occurs during frame transmission, the Ethernet controller follows a speciÞed
backoff procedure and tries to retransmit the frame until the retry limit threshold is reached.
Parallel I/O
Preamble Start Frame Data
Delimiter Destination
Address Type/
Address Frame Check
7 Bytes 1 Byte 6 Bytes 6 Bytes 2 Bytes 46–1500 Bytes 4 Bytes
Stored in Receive Buffer
Stored in Transmit Buffer
NOTE: Short Tx frames are padded automatically by the MPC8260.
24-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The Ethernet controller stores the Þrst 5 to 8 bytes of the transmit frame in dual-port RAM
so they need not be retrieved from system memory in case of a collision. This improves bus
usage and latency when the backoff timer output requires an immediate retransmission. If
a collision occurs during frame transmission, the controller returns to the Þrst buffer for a
retransmission. The only restriction is that the Þrst buffer must contain at least 9 bytes.
Note that if an Ethernet frame consists of multiple buffers, do not reuse the Þrst BD until
the CPM clears the R bit of the last BD.
When the end of the current BD is reached and TxBD[L] is set, the FCS bytes are appended
(if the TC bit is set in the TxBD), and TENA is negated. This notiÞes the EEST of the need
to generate the illegal Manchester encoding that marks the end of an Ethernet frame. After
CRC transmission, the Ethernet controller writes the frame status bits into the BD and
clears the R bit. When the end of the current BD is reached and the L bit is not set, only the
R bit is cleared.
In either mode, whether an interrupt is issued depends on how the I bit is set in the TxBD.
The Ethernet controller proceeds to the next TxBD. Transmission can be interrupted after
each frame, after each buffer, or after a speciÞc buffer is sent. The Ethernet controller can
pad characters to short frames. If TxBD[PAD] is set, the frame is padded up to the value of
the minimum frame length register (MINFLR).
To send expedited data before previously linked buffers or for error situations, the
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command can be used to rearrange transmit queue before the
CPM sends all the frames; the Ethernet controller stops immediately if no transmission is
in progress or it will keep sending until the current frame either Þnishes or terminates with
a collision. When the Ethernet controller receives a RESTART TRANSMIT command, it
resumes transmission. The Ethernet controller sends bytes least-signiÞcant bit Þrst.
24.5 SCC Ethernet Channel Frame Reception
The Ethernet receiver handles address recognition and performs CRC, short frame,
maximum DMA transfer, and maximum frame length checking with almost no core
intervention. When the core enables the Ethernet receiver, it enters hunt mode as soon as
RENA is asserted while CLSN is negated. In hunt mode, as data is shifted into the receive
shift register one bit at a time, the register contents are compared to the contents of the
SYN1 Þeld in the data synchronization register (DSR). This compare function becomes
valid a certain number of clocks after the start of the frame (depending on PSMR[NIB]). If
the two are not equal, the next bit is shifted in and the comparison is repeated. If a double-
zero or double-one fault is detected between bits 14 to 21 from the Þrst received preamble
bit, the frame is rejected. If a double-zero fault is detected after 21 bits from the Þrst
received preamble bit and before detection of the start frame delimiter (SFD), the frame is
also rejected. When the incoming pattern is not rejected and matches the DSR, the SFD has
been detected; hunt mode is terminated and character assembly begins.
When the receiver detects the Þrst bytes of the frame, the Ethernet controller performs
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
address recognition on the frame. The receiver can receive physical (individual), group
(multicast), and broadcast addresses. Ethernet receive frame data is not written to memory
until the internal address recognition process completes, which improves bus usage with
frames not addressed to this station.
If a match is found, the Ethernet controller fetches the next RxBD and, if it is empty, starts
transferring the incoming frame to the RxBD associated data buffer. If a collision is
detected during the frame, the RxBDs associated with this frame are reused. Thus, there
will be no collision frames presented to you except late collisions, which indicate serious
LAN problems. When the data buffer has been Þlled, the Ethernet controller clears the E
bit in the RxBD and generates an interrupt if the I bit is set. If the incoming frame exceeds
the length of the data buffer, the Ethernet controller fetches the next RxBD in the table and,
if it is empty, continues transferring the rest of the frame to this buffer. The RxBD length is
determined by MRBLR in the SCC general-purpose parameter RAM, which should be at
least 64 bytes.
During reception, the Ethernet controller checks for a frame that is either too short or too
long. When the frame ends, the receive CRC Þeld is checked and written to the buffer. The
data length written to the last BD in the Ethernet frame is the length of the entire frame and
it enables the software to correctly recognize the frame-too-long condition.
The Ethernet controller then sets the L bit in the RxBD, writes the other frame status bits
into the RxBD, and clears the E bit. Then it generates a maskable interrupt, which indicates
that a frame has been received and is in memory. The Ethernet controller then waits for a
new frame. It receives serial data least-signiÞcant bit Þrst.
24.6 The Content-Addressable Memory (CAM)
The Ethernet controller has one option for connecting to an external CAMÑa serial
interface. The reject signal (REJECT) is used to signify that the current frame should be
discarded. The MPC8260Õs internal address recognition logic can be used in combination
with an external CAM. See Section 24.10, ÒSCC Ethernet Address Recognition.Ó
The MPC8260 outputs a receive start (RSTRT) signal when the start frame delimiter is
recognized. This signal is asserted for one bit time on the second destination address bit.
The CAM control logic uses RSTRT (in combination with the RXD and RCLK signals) to
store the destination or source address and generate writes to the CAM for address
recognition. In addition, the RENA signal supplied from the SIA can be used to abort the
comparison if a collision occurs on the receive frame.
After the comparison, the CAM control logic asserts the receive reject signal (REJECT), if
the current receive frame is rejected. The MPC8260Õs Ethernet controller then immediately
stops writing data to system memory and reuses the buffer(s) for the next frame. If the CAM
accepts the frame, the CAM control logic does nothing (REJECT is not asserted). However,
if REJECT is asserted, it must be done prior to the end of the receive frame.
24-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
24.7 SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM
For Ethernet mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the SCC parameter RAM is mapped as in
Table 24-1.
Table 24-1. SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x30 C_PRES Word Preset CRC. For the 32-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize to 0xFFFFFFFF.
0x34 C_MASK Word Constant mask for CRC. For the 32-bit CRC-CCITT, initialized to 0xDEBB20E3.
0x38 CRCEC Word CRC error, alignment error, and discard frame counters. The CPM maintains these
32-bit (modulo 232) counters that can be initialized while the channel is disabled.
CRCEC is incremented for each received frame with a CRC error, not including
frames not addressed to the controller, frames received in the out-of-buffers
condition, frames with overrun errors, or frames with alignment errors. ALEC is
incremented for frames received with dribbling bits, but does not include frames
not addressed to the controller, frames received in the out-of-buffers condition, or
frames with overrun errors. DISFC is incremented for frames discarded because of
the out-of-buffers condition or an overrun error. The CRC does not have to be
correct for DISFC to be incremented.
0x40 DISFC
0x44 PADS Hword Short frame PAD character. Write the pad character pattern to be sent when short
frame padding is implemented into PADS. The pattern may be of any value, but
both the high and low bytes should be the same.
0x46 RET_LIM Hword Retry limit. Number of retries (typically 15 decimal) that can be made to send a
frame. An interrupt can be generated if the limit is reached.
0x48 RET_CNT Hword Retry limit counter. Temporary down-counter for counting retries.
0x4A MFLR Hword Maximum frame length register (Typically 1518 decimal). The Ethernet controller
checks the length of an incoming Ethernet frame against this limit. If it is exceeded,
the rest of the frame is discarded and LG is set in the last BD of that frame. The
controller reports frame status and length in the last BD. MFLR is defined as all in-
frame bytes between the start frame delimiter and the end of the frame.
0x4C MINFLR Hword Minimum frame length register. The Ethernet controller checks the incoming
frameÕs length against MINFLR (typically 64 decimal). If the received frame is
smaller than MINFLR, it is discarded unless PSMR[RSH] is set, in which case, SH
is set in the last BD for the frame. For transmitting a frame that is too short, the
Ethernet controller pads the frame to make it MINFLR bytes long, depending on
how PAD is set in the TxBD and on the PAD value in the parameter RAM.
0x4E MAXD1 Hword Max DMAn length register. Gives the option to stop system bus writes after a
frame exceeds a certain size. However, this value is valid only if an address match
is found. The Ethernet controller checks the length of an incoming Ethernet frame
against this user-defined value (usually 1520 decimal). If this limit is exceeded, the
rest of the incoming frame is discarded. The Ethernet controller waits until the end
of the frame or until MFLR bytes are received and reports the frame status and the
frame length in the last RxBD.
MAXD1 is used when an address matches an individual or group address. MAXD2
is used in promiscuous mode when no address match is detected. In a monitor
station, MAXD2 can be much less than MAXD1 to receive entire frames
addressed to this station, but only the headers of the other frames are received.
0x50 MAXD2 Hword
0x52 MAXD Hword Rx max DMA.
0x54 DMA_CNT Hword Rx DMA counter. A temporary down-counter used to track frame length.
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x54 MAX_B Hword Maximum BD byte count.
0x58 GADDR1 Hword Group address Þlter 1Ð4. Used in the hash table function of the group addressing
mode. Write zeros to these values after reset and before the Ethernet channel is
enabled to disable all group hash address recognition functions. The SET GROUP
ADDRESS command is used to enable the hash table.
0x60 TBUF0_DATA0 Word Save area 0Ñcurrent frame.
0x64 TBUF0_DATA1 Word Save area 1Ñcurrent frame.
0x68 TBUF0_RBA0 Word
0x6C TBUF0_CRC Word
0x70 TBUF0_BCNT Hword
0x72 PADDR1_H Hword The 48-bit individual address of this station into this location. PADDR1_L is the
lowest order hword and PADDR1_H is the highest order hword.
0x74 PADDR1_M
0x76 PADDR1_L
0x78 P_PER Hword Persistence. Lets the Ethernet controller be less aggressive after a collision.
Normally, 0x0000. It can be a value between 1 and 9 (1 is most aggressive). The
value is added to the retry count in the backoff algorithm to reduce the chance of
transmission on the next time slot.
Note: Using P_PER is fully allowed in the Ethernet/802.3 specifications. A less
aggressive backoff algorithm used by multiple stations on a congested Ethernet
LAN increases overall throughput by reducing the chance of collision. PSMR[SBT]
offers another way to reduce the aggressiveness of the Ethernet controller.
0x7A RFBD_PTR Hword Rx Þrst BD pointer.
0x7C TFBD_PTR Hword Tx Þrst BD pointer.
0x7E TLBD_PTR Hword Tx last BD pointer.
0x80 TBUF1_DATA0 Word Save area 0Ñnext frame.
0x84 TBUF1_DATA1 Word Save area 1Ñnext frame.
0x88 TBUF1_RBA0 Word
0x8C TBUF1_CRC Word
0x90 TBUF1_BCNT Hword
0x92 TX_LEN Hword Tx frame length counter.
0x94 IADDR1 Hword Individual address Þlter 1Ð4. Used in the hash table function of the individual
addressing mode. Zeros can be written to these values after reset and before the
Ethernet channel is enabled to disable all individual hash address recognition
functions. The SET GROUP ADDRESS command is used to enable the hash table.
0x96 IADDR2
0x98 IADDR3
0x9C BOFF_CNT Hword Backoff counter.
Table 24-1. SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM Memory Map (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
24-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
24.8 Programming the Ethernet Controller
The core conÞgures the SCC to operate as an Ethernet controller by setting GSMR[MODE]
to 0b1100. Receive and transmit errors are reported through RxBD and TxBD. Several
GSMR Þelds must be programmed to special values for Ethernet. Set DSR[SYN1] to 0x55
and DSR[SYN2] to 0xDE. The 6 bytes of preamble programmed in the GSMR, in
combination with the DSR programming, causes 8 bytes of preamble on transmit
(including the 1-byte start delimiter with the value 0xD5).
24.9 SCC Ethernet Commands
Transmit and receive commands are issued to the CP command register (CPCR).
Table 24-2 describes transmit commands.
0x9E TADDR_H Hword Allows addition and deletion of addresses from individual and group hash tables.
After placing an address in TADDR, issue a SET GROUP ADDRESS command.
TADDR_L (temp address low) is the least-signiÞcant half word and TADDR_H
(temp address high) is the most-signiÞcant half word.
1From SCC base address. See Section 19.3.1, ÒSCC Base Addresses.Ó
Table 24-2. Transmit Commands
Command Description
When used with the Ethernet controller, this command violates a speciÞc behavior of an Ethernet/IEEE
802.3 station. It should not be used.
Used to ensure that transmission stops smoothly after the current frame Þnishes or has a collision.
SCCE[GRA] is set once transmission stops, at which point Ethernet transmit parameters and their BDs
can be updated. TBPTR points to the next TxBD. Transmission begins once the R bit of the next BD is
set and a RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued.
Note that if GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT is issued and the current frame ends in a collision, TBPTR points
to the start of the collided frame with the R bit still set in the BD. The frame looks as if it was never sent.
Enables transmission of characters on the transmit channel. The Ethernet controller expects it after a
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued or a transmitter error. The Ethernet controller resumes
transmission from the current TBPTR in the channel TxBD table.
Initializes transmit parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to reset state. Issue only when the
transmitter is disabled. INIT TX and RX PARAMETERS resets both transmit and receive parameters.
Table 24-1. SCC Ethernet Parameter RAM Memory Map (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 24-3 describes receive commands.
Note that after a CPM reset via CPCR[RST], the Ethernet transmit enable (TENA) signal
defaults to its RTS, active-low functionality. To prevent false TENA assertions to an
external transceiver, conÞgure TENA as an input before issuing a CPM reset. See step 3 in
Section 24.21, ÒSCC Ethernet Programming Example.Ó
24.10 SCC Ethernet Address Recognition
The Ethernet controller can Þlter received frames based on different addressing typesÑ
physical (individual), group (multicast), broadcast (all-ones group address), and
promiscuous. The difference between an individual address and a group address is
determined by the I/G bit in the destination address Þeld. A ßowchart for address
recognition on received frames is shown in Figure 24-4.
In the physical type of address recognition, the Ethernet controller compares the destination
address Þeld of the received frame with the user-programmed physical address in PADDR1.
Address recognition can be performed on multiple individual addresses using the
IADDR1Ð4 hash table.
Table 24-3. Receive Commands
Command Description
After hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in GSMR_L, the channel is in receive
enable mode and uses the Þrst BD in the table. The receiver then enters hunt mode, waiting for an
incoming frame. The ENTER HUNT MODE command is generally used to force the Ethernet receiver to
stop receiving the current frame and enter hunt mode, in which the Ethernet controller continually
scans the input data stream for a transition of carrier sense from inactive to active and then a preamble
sequence followed by the start frame delimiter. After receiving the command, the buffer is closed and
the CRC calculation is reset. The next RxBD is used to receive more frames.
CLOSE RXBD Should not be used with the Ethernet controller.
Initializes receive parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to their reset state. Issue it only
when the receiver is disabled. INIT TX and RX PARAMETERS resets receive and transmit parameters.
Used to set one of the 64 bits of the four individual/group address hash Þlter registers. The address to
be added to the hash table should be written to TADDR_L, TADDR_M, and TADDR_H in the parameter
RAM before executing this command. The CP uses an individual address if the I/G bit in the address
stored in TADDR is 0; otherwise, it uses a group address. This command can be executed at any time,
regardless of whether the Ethernet channel is enabled.
To delete an address from the hash table, disable the Ethernet channel, clear the hash table registers,
and execute this command for the remaining addresses. Do not simply clear the channelÕs associated
hash table bit because the hash table may have multiple addresses mapped to the same hash table bit.
24-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 24-4. Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart
In group address recognition, the controller determines whether the group address is a
broadcast address. If broadcast addresses are enabled, the frame is accepted, but if the
group address is not a broadcast address, address recognition can be performed on multiple
group addresses using the GADDRn hash table. In promiscuous mode, the controller
receives all incoming frames regardless of their address, unless REJECT is asserted.
If an external CAM is used for address recognition, select promiscuous mode; the frame
can be rejected by asserting REJECT while the frame is being received. The on-chip
address recognition functions can be used in addition to the external CAM address
recognition functions.
Check Address
I/G Address
Hash_Search False
Multiple IND
Use Indicated
Hash Search
Use Group
Receive Frame
Receive Frame
Receive Frame
Start Receive
Discard Frame if REJECT
Discard Frame
is Asserted
False True
True False
Multiple Individual
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
If the external CAM stores addresses that should be rejected rather than accepted, the use
of REJECT by the CAM should be logically inverted.
24.11 Hash Table Algorithm
Individual and group hash Þltering operate using certain processes. The Ethernet controller
maps any 48-bit address into one of 64 bins, each represented by a bit stored in GADDRx
or IADDRx. When a SET GROUP ADDRESS command is executed, the Ethernet controller
maps the selected 48-bit address into one of the 64 bits by passing the 48-bit address
through the on-chip 32-bit CRC generator and selecting 6 bits of the CRC-encoded result
to generate a number between 1 and 64. Bits 31Ð30 of the CRC result select one of the
GADDRs or IADDRs; bits 29Ð26 of the CRC result indicate the bit in that register.
When the Ethernet controller receives a frame, the same process is used. If the CRC
generator selects a bit that is set in the group/individual hash table, the frame is accepted.
Otherwise, it is rejected. So, if eight group addresses are stored in the hash table and
random group addresses are received, the hash table prevents roughly 56/64 (87.5%) of the
group address frames from reaching memory. Frames that reach memory must be further
Þltered by the processor to determine if they contain one of the eight preferred addresses.
Better performance is achieved by using the group and individual hash tables
simultaneously. For instance, if eight group and eight physical addresses are stored in their
respective hash tables, 87.5% of all frames are prevented from reaching memory. The
effectiveness of the hash table declines as the number of addresses increases. For instance,
with 128 addresses stored in a 64-bin hash table, the vast majority of the hash table bits are
set, thus preventing a small fraction of the frames from reaching memory.
Hash tables cannot be used to reject frames that match a set of entered addresses because
unintended addresses are mapped to the same bit in the hash table.
24.12 Interpacket Gap Time
The receiver receives back-to-back frames with a minimum interpacket spacing of 9.6 µs.
In addition, after the backoff algorithm, the transmitter waits for carrier sense to be negated
before resending the frame. Retransmission begins 9.6 µs after carrier sense is negated if it
stays negated for at least 6.4 µs.
24.13 Handling Collisions
If a collision occurs as a frame is being sent, the Ethernet controller continues sending for
at least 32 bit times, thus sending a JAM pattern of 32 ones. If a collision occurs during the
preamble sequence, the JAM pattern is sent at the end of the sequence.
If a collision occurs within 64 byte times, the retry process is initiated. The transmitter waits
a random number of slot times (512 bit times or 52 µs). If a collision occurs after 64 byte
times, no retransmission is performed and the buffer is closed with an LC error indication.
24-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
If a collision occurs while a frame is being received, reception stops. This error is reported
only in the BD if the length of the frame exceeds MINFLR or if PSMR[RSH] = 1.
24.14 Internal and External Loopback
Both internal and external loopback are supported by the Ethernet controller. In loopback
mode, both of the SCC FIFOs are used and the channel actually operates in a full-duplex
fashion. Both internal and external loopback are conÞgured using combinations of
PSMR[LPB] and GSMR[DIAG]. Because of the full-duplex nature of the loopback
operation, the performance of other SCCs is degraded.
Internal loopback disconnects the SCC from the serial interface. Receive data is connected
to the transmit data and the receive clock is connected to the transmit clock. Both FIFOs
are used. Data from the transmit FIFO is received immediately into the receive FIFO. There
is no heartbeat check in this mode; conÞgure TENA as a general-purpose output.
In external loopback operation, the Ethernet controller listens for data being received from
the EEST at the same time that it is sending.
24.15 Full-Duplex Ethernet Support
To run full-duplex Ethernet, select loopback and full-duplex Ethernet modes in the SCCÕs
protocol-speciÞc mode register, (PSMR[LPB, FDE] = 1). The loopback mode tells the
Ethernet controller to accept received frames without signaling a collision. Setting
PSMR[FDE] tells the controller that it can send while receiving without waiting for a clear
line (carrier sense).
24.16 Handling Errors in the Ethernet Controller
The Ethernet controller reports frame reception and transmission error conditions using
channel BDs, error counters, and SCCE. Table 24-4 describes transmission errors.
Table 24-4. Transmission Errors
Error Description
Transmitter underrun If this error occurs, the channel sends 32 bits that ensures a CRC error, stops sending the
buffer, closes it, sets the UN bit in the TxBD and SCCE[TXE]. The channel resumes
transmission after it receives a RESTART TRANSMIT command.
Carrier sense lost
during frame
When this error occurs and no collision is found in the frame, the channel sets the CSL bit in
the TxBD, sets SCCE[TXE], and continues sending the buffer normally. No retries are
performed after this error occurs. Carrier sense is the logical OR of RENA and CLSN.
attempts limit expired
The channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets the RL bit in the TxBD and SCCE[TXE].
The channel resumes transmission after it receives a RESTART TRANSMIT command.
Late collision When this error occurs, the channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets SCCE[TXE] and
the LC bit in the TxBD. The channel resumes transmission after it receives the RESTART
TRANSMIT command. This error is discussed further in the deÞnition of PSMR[LCW].
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 24-4 describes reception errors.
24.17 Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR)
In Ethernet mode, the protocol-speciÞc mode register (PSMR), shown in Figure 24-5, is
used as the Ethernet mode register.
Heartbeat Some transceivers have a heartbeat (signal-quality error) self-test. To signify a good self-test,
the transceiver indicates a collision to the
within 20 clocks after the Ethernet
controller sends a frame. This heartbeat condition does not imply a collision error, but that the
transceiver seems to be functioning properly. If SCCE[HBC] = 1 and the
does not
detect a heartbeat condition after sending a frame, a heartbeat error occurs; the channel
closes the buffer, sets the HB bit in the TxBD, and generates the TXE interrupt if it is enabled.
Table 24-5. Reception Errors
Error Description
Overrun The Ethernet controller maintains an internal FIFO for receiving data. When it overruns, the channel
writes the received byte over the previously received byte. The previous byte and frame status are lost.
The channel closes the buffer, sets RxBD[OV] and SCCE[RXF], and increments the discarded frame
counter (DISFC). The receiver then enters hunt mode.
Busy A frame was received and discarded because of a lack of buffers. The channel sets SCCE[BSY] and
increments DISFC. The receiver then enters hunt mode.
The Ethernet controller handles up to seven dribbling bits when the receive frame terminates nonoctet
aligned. It checks the CRC of the frame on the last octet boundary. If there is a CRC error, a frame
nonoctet aligned error is reported, SCCE[RXF] is set, and the alignment error counter is incremented. If
there is no CRC error, no error is reported. The receiver then enters hunt mode.
CRC When a CRC error occurs, the channel closes the buffer, sets SCCE[RXF] and CR in the RxBD, and
increments the CRC error counter (CRCEC). After receiving a frame with a CRC error, the receiver enters
hunt mode. CRC checking cannot be disabled, but CRC errors can be ignored if checking is not required.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A08 (PSMR1); 0x11A28 (PSMR2); 0x11A48 (PSMR3); 0x11A68 (PSMR4)
Figure 24-5. Ethernet Mode Register (PSMR)
Table 24-4. Transmission Errors (Continued)
Error Description
24-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 24-6 describes PSMR Þelds.
Table 24-6. PSMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 HBC Heartbeat checking.
0 No heartbeat checking is performed. Do not wait for a collision after transmission.
1 Wait 20 transmit clocks or 2 µs for a collision asserted by the transceiver after transmission. The HB
bit in the TxBD is set if the heartbeat is not heard within 20 transmit clocks.
1 FC Force collision.
0 Normal operation.
1 The channel forces a collision when each frame is sent. To test collision logic conÞgure the
in loopback operation. In the end, the retry limit for each transmit frame is exceeded.
2 RSH Receive short frames.
0 Discard short frames that are not as long as MINFLR.
1 Receive short frames.
3 IAM Individual address mode.
0 Normal operation. A single 48-bit physical address in PADDR1 is checked when it is received.
1 The individual hash table is used to check all individual addresses that are received.
4Ð5 CRC CRC selection. Only CRC = 10 is valid. Complies with Ethernet speciÞcations. 32-bit CCITT-CRC.
X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X1 +1.
6 PRO Promiscuous.
0 Check the destination address of incoming frames.
1 Receive the frame regardless of its address unless REJECT is asserted as it is being received.
7 BRO Broadcast address.
0 Receive all frames containing the broadcast address.
1 Reject all frames containing the broadcast address, unless PRO = 1.
8 SBT Stop backoff timer.
0 The backoff timer is functioning normally.
1 The backoff timer for the random wait after a collision is stopped when carrier sense is active.
Retransmission is less aggressive than the maximum allowed in IEEE 802.3. The persistence
(P_PER) feature in the parameter RAM can be used in combination with or in place of SBT.
9 LPB Local protect bit
0 Receiver is blocked when transmitter sends (default).
1 Receiver is not blocked when transmitter sends. Must be set for full-duplex operation. For loopback
operation, GSMR[DIAG] must be programmed also; see Section 19.1.1, ÒThe General SCC Mode
Registers (GSMR1ÐGSMR4).Ó
10 Ñ Reserved. Should be cleared.
11 LCW Late collision window.
0 A late collision is any collision that occurs at least 64 bytes from the preamble.
1 A late collision is any collision that occurs at least 56 bytes from the preamble.
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
24.18 SCC Ethernet Receive BD
The Ethernet controller uses the RxBD to report on the received data for each buffer.
Table 24-7 describes RxBD status and control Þelds.
12Ð14 NIB Number of ignored bits. Determines how soon after RENA assertion the Ethernet controller should
begin looking for the start frame delimiter. Typically NIB = 101 (22 bits).
000 Begin searching 13 bits after the assertion of RENA.
001 Begin searching 14 bits after the assertion of RENA.
111 Begin searching 24 bits after the assertion of RENA.
15 FDE Full duplex Ethernet.
0 Disable full-duplex Ethernet mode.
1 Enable full-duplex Ethernet mode.
Note: When FDE = 1, PSMR[LPB] must be set also.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 24-6. SCC Ethernet Receive RxBD
Table 24-7. SCC Ethernet Receive RxBD Status and Control
Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or stopped receiving data because an error occurred. The core can read or write any
Þelds of this RxBD. The CPM does not use this BD as long as the E bit is zero.
1 The buffer is not full. The CPM controls this BD and its buffer; do not modify this BD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CPM receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
RBASE points to. The number of BDs is determined only by the W bit and overall space constraints of
the dual-port RAM.
3IInterrupt. Note that this bit does not mask SCCE[RXF] interrupts.
0 No SCCE[RXB] interrupt is generated after this buffer is used.
1 SCCE[RXB] or SCCE[RXF] is set when this buffer is used by the Ethernet controller. These two bits
can cause interrupts if they are enabled.
Table 24-6. PSMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
24-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó Data length includes the total number of frame octets (including four
bytes for CRC).
Figure 24-7 shows an example of how RxBDs are used in receiving.
4 L Last in frame. The Ethernet controller sets this bit when this buffer is the last one in a frame, which
occurs when the end of a frame is reached or an error is received. In the case of error, one or more of
the CL, OV, CR, SH, NO, and LG bits are set. The Ethernet controller writes the number of frame octets
to the data length Þeld.
0 The buffer is not the last one in a frame.
1 The buffer is the last one in a frame.
5 F First in frame. The Ethernet controller sets this bit when this buffer is the Þrst one in a frame.
0 The buffer is not the Þrst one in a frame.
1 The buffer is the Þrst one in a frame.
6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7 M Miss. (valid only if L = 1) The Ethernet controller sets M for frames that are accepted in promiscuous
mode, but are ßagged as a miss by internal address recognition. Thus, in promiscuous mode, M
determines whether a frame is destined for this station.
0 The frame is received because of an address recognition hit.
1 The frame is received because of promiscuous mode.
8Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 LG Rx frame length violation. Set when a frame length greater than the maximum deÞned for this channel
has been recognized. Only the maximum number of bytes allowed is written to the buffer.
11 NO Rx nonoctet-aligned frame. Set when a frame containing a number of bits not divisible by eight is
received. Also, the CRC check that occurs at the preceding byte boundary generated an error.
12 SH Short frame. Set if a frame smaller than the minimum deÞned for this channel was recognized. Occurs
if PSMR[RSH] = 1.
13 CR Rx CRC error. set when a frame contains a CRC error.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during frame reception.
15 CL Collision. This frame is closed because a collision occurred during frame reception. CL is set only if a
late collision occurs or if PSMR[RSH] is enabled. Late collisions are better deÞned in PSMR[LCW].
Table 24-7. SCC Ethernet Receive RxBD Status and Control
Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 24-7. Ethernet Receiving using RxBDs
24.19 SCC Ethernet Transmit Buffer Descriptor
Data is sent to the Ethernet controller for transmission on an SCC channel by arranging it
in buffers referenced by the channel TxBD table. The Ethernet controller uses TxBDs to
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 0
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 1
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 2
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 3
Destination Address (6)
Source Address (6)
Type/Length (2)
CRC Bytes (4)
Tag Byte (1)
Old Data from
64 Bytes
64 Bytes
64 Bytes
64 Bytes
Two Frames
Received in Ethernet Collision
Line Idle
Buffer Full
Buffer Closed
after CRC Received.
Still Empty
MRBLR = 64 Bytes for this SCC
Data Bytes (50)
Optional Tag Byte
Causes Buffer
to be Reused
Frame 2
Collided Frame Will
be Overwritten
Non-Collided Ethernet Frame 1
24-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
conÞrm transmission or indicate errors so the core knows buffers have been serviced.
Table 24-8 describes TxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 24-8. SCC Ethernet TxBD
Table 24-8. SCC Ethernet Transmit TxBD Status and Control
Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission. The user can update this BD or its data buffer. The CPM
clears R after the buffer has been sent or after an error occurs.
1 The user-prepared buffer has not been sent or is currently being sent. Do not modify this BD.
1PAD Short frame padding. Valid only when L is set. Otherwise, it is ignored.
0 Do not add PADs to short frames.
1 Add PADs to short frames. Pad bytes are inserted until the length of the sent frame equals the
MINFLR and they are stored in PADs in the parameter RAM.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CPM receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
TBASE points to in the table. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and
overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
Note: The TxBD table must contain more than one BD in Ethernet mode.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 SCCE[TXB] or SCCE[TXE] is set after this buffer is serviced. These bits can cause interrupts if they
are enabled.
0 Not the last buffer in the transmit frame.
1 Last buffer in the transmit frame.
5TC Tx CRC. Valid only when L = 1. Otherwise, it is ignored.
0 End transmission immediately after the last data byte.
1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte.
6 DEF Defer indication. The frame was deferred before being sent successfully, that is, the transmitter had to
wait for carrier sense before sending because the line was busy. This is not a collision indication;
collisions are indicated in RC.
7 HB Heartbeat. Set when the collision input was not asserted within 20 transmit clocks after transmission.
HB cannot be set unless PSMR[HBC] = 1. The SCC writes HB after it Þnishes sending the buffer.
8 LC Late collision. Set when a collision occurred after the number of bytes deÞned for PSMR[LCW] are
sent. The Ethernet controller stops sending and writes this bit after it Þnishes sending the buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó
24.20 SCC Ethernet Event Register (SCCE)/Mask
Register (SCCM)
The SCC event register (SCCE) is used as the Ethernet event register to generate interrupts
and report events recognized by the Ethernet channel. When an event is recognized, the
Ethernet controller sets the corresponding SCCE bit. Interrupts are enabled by setting, and
masked by clearing, the equivalent bits in the Ethernet mask register (SCCM). SCCE bits
are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect. All unmasked bits must be cleared
before the CPM clears the internal interrupt request.
Table 24-9 describes SCCE and SCCM Þelds.
9 RL Retransmission limit. Set when the transmitter fails (Retry Limit + 1) attempts to successfully transmit
a message because of repeated collisions on the medium. The Ethernet controller writes this bit after
it Þnishes attempting to send the buffer.
10Ð13 RC Retry count. Indicates the number of retries required before the frame was sent successfully. If RC =
0, the frame was sent correctly the Þrst time. If RC = 15 and RET_LIM = 15 in the parameter RAM, 15
retries were required. Because the counter saturates at 15, if RC = 15 and RET_LIM > 15, then 15 or
more retries were required. The controller writes this Þeld after it successfully sends the buffer.
14 UN Underrun. Set when the Ethernet controller encounters a transmitter underrun while sending the
buffer. The Ethernet controller writes UN after it Þnishes sending the buffer.
15 CSL Carrier sense lost. Set when carrier sense is lost during frame transmission. The Ethernet controller
writes CSL after it Þnishes sending the buffer.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11A10 (SCCE1); 0x11A30 (SCCE2); 0x11A50 (SCCE3); 0x11A70 (SCCE4)
0x11A14 (SCCM1); 0x11A34 (SCCM2); 0x11A54 (SCCM3); 0x11A74 (SCCM4)
Figure 24-9. SCC Ethernet Event Register (SCCE)/Mask Register (SCCM)
Table 24-9. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. Set as soon the transmitter Þnishes any frame that was in progress when a
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command was issued. It is set immediately if no frame was in progress.
Table 24-8. SCC Ethernet Transmit TxBD Status and Control
Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
24-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 24-10 shows an example of interrupts that can be generated in Ethernet protocol.
Figure 24-10. Ethernet Interrupt Events Example
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 TXE Set when an error occurs on the transmitter channel.
12 RXF Rx frame. Set when a complete frame has been received on the Ethernet channel.
13 BSY Busy condition. Set when a frame is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers.
14 TXB Tx buffer. Set when a buffer has been sent on the Ethernet channel.
15 RXB Rx buffer. Set when a buffer that was not a complete frame was received on the Ethernet channel.
Table 24-9. SCCE/SCCM Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
Line Idle
Stored in Rx Buffer
Received in Ethernet
Line Idle
Transmitted by Ethernet
Line Idle Line Idle
Stored in Tx Buffer
Ethernet SCCE
1. RXB event assumes receive buffers are 64 bytes each.
2. The RENA events, if required, must be programmed in the parallel I/O ports, not in the SCC itself.
3. The RxF interrupt may occur later than RENA due to receive FIFO latency.
Ethernet SCCE
1. TXB events assume the frame required two transmit buffers.
2. The GRA event assumes a
command was issued during frame transmission.
3. The TENA or CLSN events, if required, must be programmed in the parallel I/O ports, not in the SCC itself.
P = Preamble, SFD = Start frame delimiter, DA and SA = Source/Destination address,
T/L = Type/Length, D = Data, CR = CRC bytes
MOTOROLA Chapter 24. SCC Ethernet Mode 24-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that the SCC status register (SCCS) cannot be used with the Ethernet protocol. The
current state of the RENA and CLSN signals can be found in the parallel I/O ports.
24.21 SCC Ethernet Programming Example
The following is an initialization sequence for the SCC2 in Ethernet mode. The CLK3 pin
is used for the Ethernet receiver and CLK4 is used for the transmitter.
1. ConÞgure port D pins to enable TXD2 and RXD2. Set PPARD[27,28] and
PDIRD[27] and clear PDIRD[28] and PSORD[27,28].
2. ConÞgure ports C and D pins to enable TENA2 (RTS2), CLSN2 (CTS2) and
RENA2 (CD2). Set PPARD[26], PPARC[12,13] and PDIRD[26] and clear
PDIRC[12,13], PSORC[12,13] and PSORD[26].
3. ConÞgure port C pins to enable CLK3 and CLK4. Set PPARC[28,29] and clear
PDIRC[28,29] and PSORC[28,29].
4. Connect CLK3 to the SCC2 receiver and CLK4 to the transmitter using the CPM
mux. Program CMXSCR[R2CS] to 0b110 and CMXSCR[T2CS] to 0b111.
5. Connect the SCC2 to the NMSI and clear CMXSCR[SC2].
6. Write RBASE and TBASE in the SCC2 parameter RAM to point to the RxBD and
TxBD in the dual-port RAM. Assuming one RxBD at the beginning of the dual-port
RAM and one TxBD following that RxBD, write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE
with 0x0008.
7. Write 0x04A1_0000 to the CPCR to execute an INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS
command for this channel.
8. Clear CRCEC, ALEC, and DISFC for clarity.
9. Write PAD with 0x8888 for the PAD value.
10. Write RET_LIM with 0x000F.
11. Write MFLR with 0x05EE to make the maximum frame size 1518 bytes.
12. Write MINFLR with 0x0040 to make the minimum frame size 64 bytes.
13. Write MAXD1 and MAXD2 with 0x05F0 to make the maximum DMA count 1520
14. Clear GADDR1ÐGADDR4. The group hash table is not used.
15. Write PADDR1_H with 0x0000, PADDR1_M with 0x0000, and PADDR1_L with
0x0040 to conÞgure the physical address.
16. Clear P_PER. It is not used.
17. Clear IADDR1ÐIADDR4. The individual hash table is not used.
18. Clear TADDR_H, TADDR_M, and TADDR_L for clarity.
19. Initialize the RxBD and assume the Rx data buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main
memory. Write 0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data
Length] (optional), and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
24-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
20. Initialize the TxBD and assume the Tx data frame is at 0x0000_2000 in main
memory and contains fourteen 8-bit characters (destination and source addresses
plus the type Þeld). Write 0xFC00 to TxBD[Status and Control], add PAD to the
frame and generate a CRC. Then write 0x000D to TxBD[Data Length] and
0x0000_2000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
21. Write 0xFFFF to the SCCE register to clear any previous events.
22. Write 0x001A to the SCCM register to enable the TXE, RXF, and TXB interrupts.
23. Write 0x0040_0000 to the SIU interrupt mask register low (SIMR_L) so the SMC1
can generate a system interrupt. Initialize SIU interrupt pending register low
(SIPNR_L) by writing 0xFFFF_FFFF to it.
24. Write 0x0000_0000 to GSMR_H2 to enable normal operation of all modes.
25. Write 0x1088_000C to the GSMR_L2 register to conÞgure CTS (CLSN) and CD
(RENA) to automatically control transmission and reception (DIAG bits) and the
Ethernet mode. TCI is set to allow more setup time for the EEST to receive the
MPC8260 transmit data. TPL and TPP are set for Ethernet requirements. The DPLL
is not used with Ethernet. Note that the ENT and ENR are not enabled yet.
26. Write 0xD555 to the DSR.
27. Set the PSMR2 to 0x0A0A to conÞgure 32-bit CRC, promiscuous mode, and begin
searching for the start frame delimiter 22 bits after RENA2 (CD2).
28. Write 0x1088_003C to GSMR_L2 to enable the SCC2 transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that ENT and ENR are enabled last.
After 14 bytes and the 46 bytes of automatic pad (plus the 4 bytes of CRC) are sent, the
TxBD is closed. Additionally, the receive buffer is closed after a frame is received. Any data
received after 1520 bytes or a single frame causes a busy (out-of-buffers) condition because
only one RxBD is prepared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 25. SCC AppleTalk Mode 25-1
Chapter 25
SCC AppleTalk Mode
AppleTalk is a set of protocols developed by Apple Computer, Inc. to provide a LAN
service between Macintosh computers and printers. Although AppleTalk can be
implemented over a variety of physical and link layers, including Ethernet, AppleTalk
protocols have been most closely associated with the LocalTalk physical and link-layer
protocol, an HDLC-based protocol that runs at 230.4 kbps. In this manual, the term
ÔAppleTalk controllerÕ refers to the support that the MPC8260 provides for LocalTalk
protocol. The AppleTalk controller provides required frame synchronization, bit sequence,
preamble, and postamble onto standard HDLC frames. These capabilities, with the use of
the HDLC controller in conjunction with DPLL operation in FM0 mode, provide the proper
connection formats to the LocalTalk bus.
25.1 Operating the LocalTalk Bus
A LocalTalk frame, shown in Figure , is basically a modiÞed HDLC frame.
Figure 25-1. LocalTalk Frame Format
First, a synchronization sequence of more than three bits is sent. This sequence consists of
at least one logical one bit (FM0 encoded) followed by two bit times or more of line idle
with no particular maximum time speciÞed. The idle time allows LocalTalk equipment to
sense a carrier by detecting a missing clock on the line. The remainder of the frame is a
typical half-duplex HDLC frame. Two or more ßags are sent, allowing bit, byte, and frame
delineation or detection. Two bytes of address, destination, and source are sent next,
followed by a byte of control and 0Ð600 data bytes. Next, two bytes of CRC (the common
16-bit CRC-CCITT polynomial referenced in the HDLC standard protocol) are sent. The
LocalTalk frame is then terminated by a ßag and a restricted HDLC abort sequence. Then
the transmitterÕs driver is disabled.
> 3 bits 2 or more 1 byte 1 byte 0-600 bytes 2 bytes 12–18 ones1 byte 1 byte
Flags Destination
Address Data
Sequence Source
Address Closing
Flag Abort
25-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The control byte within the LocalTalk frame indicates the type of frame. Control byte
values from 0x01Ð0x7F are data frames; control byte values from 0x80Ð0xFF are control
frames. Four control frames are deÞned:
¥ ENQÑEnquiry
¥ ACKÑEnquiry acknowledgment
¥ RTSÑRequest to send a data frame
¥ CTSÑClear to send a data frame
Frames are sent in groups known as dialogs, which are handled by the software. For
instance, to transfer a data frame, three frames are sent over the network. An RTS frame
(not to be confused with the RS-232 RTS pin) is sent to request the network, a CTS frame
is sent by the destination node, and the data frame is sent by the requesting node. These
three frames comprise one possible type of dialog. After a dialog begins, other nodes cannot
start sending until the dialog is complete. Frames within a dialog are sent with a maximum
interframe gap (IFG) of 200 µs. Although the LocalTalk speciÞcation does not state it, there
is also a minimum recommended IFG of 50 µs. Dialogs must be separated by a minimum
interdialog gap (IDG) of 400 µs. In general, these gaps are implemented by the software.
Depending on the protocol, collisions should be encountered only during RTS and ENQ
frames. Once frame transmission begins, it is fully sent, regardless of whether it collides
with another frame. ENQ frames are infrequent and are sent only when a node powers up
and enters the network. A higher-level protocol controls the uniqueness and transmission
of ENQ frames.
In addition to the frame Þelds, LocalTalk requires that the frame be FM0 (differential
Manchester space) encoded, which requires one level transition on every bit boundary. If
the value to be encoded is a logical zero, FM0 requires a second transition in the middle of
the bit time. The purpose of FM0 encoding is to avoid having to transmit clocking
information on a separate wire. With FM0, the clocking information is present whenever
valid data is present.
25.2 Features
The following list summarizes the features of the SCC in AppleTalk mode:
¥ Superset of the HDLC controller features
¥ FM0 encoding/decoding
¥ Programmable transmission of sync sequence
¥ Automatic postamble transmission
¥ Reception of sync sequence does not cause extra SCCE[DCC] interrupts
¥ Reception is automatically disabled while sending a frame
¥ Transmit-on-demand feature expedites frames
¥ Connects directly to an RS-422 transceiver
MOTOROLA Chapter 25. SCC AppleTalk Mode 25-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
25.3 Connecting to AppleTalk
As shown in Figure , the MPC8260 connects to LocalTalk, and, using TXD, RTS, and
RXD, is an interface for the RS-422 transceiver. The RS-422, in turn, is an interface for the
LocalTalk connector. Although it is not shown, a passive RC circuit is recommended
between the transceiver and connector.
Figure 25-2. Connecting the MPC8260 to LocalTalk
The 16´ overspeed of a 3.686-MHz clock can be generated from an external frequency
source or from one of the baud rate generators if the resulting output frequency is close to
a multiple of the 3.686 MHz frequency. The MPC8260 asserts RTS throughout the duration
of the frame so that RTS can be used to enable the RS-422 transmit driver.
25.4 Programming the SCC in AppleTalk Mode
The AppleTalk controller is implemented by setting certain bits in the HDLC controller.
Otherwise, Chapter 21, ÒSCC HDLC Mode,Ó describes how to program the HDLC
controller. Use GSMR, PSMR, or TODR to program the AppleTalk controller.
25.4.1 Programming the GSMR
Program the GSMR as described below:
1. Set MODE to 0b0010 (AppleTalk).
2. Set DIAG to 0b00 for normal operation, with CD and CTS grounded or conÞgured
for parallel I/O. This causes CD and CTS to be internally asserted to the SCC.
3. Set RDCR and TDCR to (0b10) a 16´ clock.
4. Set the TENC and RENC bits to 0b010 (FM0).
Flags Destination
Address Data
6-Bit Sync
Sequence Source
Address Closing
Flag 16 Ones
Stored in Receive Buffer
Standard HDLC frame handling
Stored in Transmit Buffer
Tx Data
Tx Enable
Rx Data
25-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
5. Clear TEND for default operation.
6. Set TPP to 0b11 for a preamble pattern of all ones.
7. Set TPL to 0b000 to transmit the next frame with no synchronization sequence and
to 001 to transmit the next frame with the LocalTalk synchronization sequence. For
example, data frames do not require a preceding synchronization sequence. These
bits may be modiÞed on-the-ßy if the AppleTalk protocol is selected.
8. Clear TINV and RINV so data will not be inverted.
9. Set TSNC to 1.5 bit times (0b10).
10. Clear EDGE. Both the positive and negative edges are used to change the sample
point (default).
11. Clear RTSM (default).
12. Set all other bits to zero or default.
13. Set ENT and ENR as the last step to begin operation.
25.4.2 Programming the PSMR
Follow these steps to program the protocol-speciÞc mode register:
1. Set NOF to 0b0001 giving two ßags before frames (one opening ßag, plus one
additional ßag).
2. Set CRC 16-bit CRC-CCITT.
3. Set DRT.
4. Set all other bits to zero or default.
For the PSMR deÞnition, see Section 21.8, ÒHDLC Mode Register (PSMR).Ó
25.4.3 Programming the TODR
Use the transmit-on-demand (TODR) register to expedite a transmit frame. See
Section 19.1.4, ÒTransmit-on-Demand Register (TODR).Ó
25.4.4 SCC AppleTalk Programming Example
Except for the previously discussed register programming, use the example in
Section 21.14.6, ÒHDLC Bus Protocol Programming.Ó
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-1
Chapter 26
Serial Management Controllers (SMCs)
The two serial management controllers (SMCs) are full-duplex ports that can be conÞgured
independently to support one of three protocols or modesÑUART, transparent, or general-
circuit interface (GCI). Simple UART operation is used to provide a debug/monitor port in
an application, which allows the SCCs to be free for other purposes. The SMC in UART
mode is not as complex as that of the SCC in UART mode. The SMC clock can be derived
from one of the internal baud rate generators or from an external clock signal. However, the
clock should be a 16´ clock.
In totally transparent mode, the SMC can be connected to a TDM channel (such as a T1
line) or directly to its own set of signals. The receive and transmit clocks are derived from
the TDM channel, the internal baud rate generators, or from an external 1´ clock. The
transparent protocol allows the transmitter and receiver to use the external synchronization
signal. The SMC in transparent mode is not as complex as that of the SCC in transparent
Each SMC supports the C/I and monitor channels of the GCI bus, for which the SMC
connects to a time-division multiplex (TDM) channel in a serial interface (SIx). SMCs
support loopback and echo modes for testing. The SMC receiver and transmitter are
double-buffered, corresponding to an effective FIFO size (latency) of two characters.
Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner,Ó describes GCI interface
26-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 26-1. SMC Block Diagram
The receive data source can be L1RXD if the SMC is connected to a TDM channel of an
SIx, or SMRXD if it is connected to the NMSI. The transmit data source can be L1TXD if
the SMC is connected to a TDM or SMTXD if it is connected to the NMSI.
If the SMC is connected to a TDM, the SMC receive and transmit clocks can be
independent from each other, as deÞned in Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot
Assigner.Ó However, if the SMC is connected to the NMSI, receive and transmit clocks
must be connected to a single clock source (SMCLK), an internal signal name for a clock
generated from the bank of clocks. SMCLK originates from an external signal or one of the
four internal baud rate generators.
An SMC connected to a TDM derives a synchronization pulse from the TSA. An SMC
connected to the NMSI using transparent protocol can use SMSYN for synchronization to
determine when to start a transfer. SMSYN is not used when the SMC is in UART mode.
26.1 Features
The following is a list of the SMCÕs main features:
¥ Each SMC can implement the UART protocol on its own signals
¥ Each SMC can implement a totally transparent protocol on a multiplexed or
nonmultiplexed line. This mode can also be used for a fast connection between
¥ Each SMC channel fully supports the C/I and monitor channels of the GCI (IOM-2)
in ISDN applications
¥ Two SMCs support the two sets of C/I and monitor channels in the SCIT channels 0
and 1
Peripheral Bus
60x Bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Full-duplex operation
¥ Local loopback and echo capability for testing
26.2 Common SMC Settings and ConÞgurations
The following sections describe settings and conÞgurations that are common to the SMCs.
26.2.1 SMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2)
The SMC mode registers (SMCMR1 and SMCMR2), shown in Figure 26-2, selects the
SMC mode as well as mode-speciÞc parameters. The functions of SMCMR[8Ð15] are the
same for each protocol. Bits 0Ð7 vary according to protocol selected by the SM bits.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Transparent Ñ BS REVD
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address 0x11A82 (SMCMR1), 0x11A92 (SMCMR2)
Figure 26-2. SMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2)
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 26-1 describes SMCMR Þelds.
Table 26-1. SMCMR1/SMCMR2 Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
1Ð4 CLEN Character length (UART). Number of bits in the character minus one. The total is the sum of 1 (start
bit always present) + number of data bits (5Ð14) + number of parity bits (0 or 1) + number of stop bits
(1 or 2). For example, for 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit, the total number of bits in the character
is 1 + 8 + 0 + 1 = 10. So, CLEN should be programmed to 9.
Characters range from 5Ð14 bits. If the data bit length is less than 8, the msbs of each byte in
memory are not used on transmit and are written with zeros on receive. If the length is more than 8,
the msbs of each 16-bit word are not used on transmit and are written with zeros on receive.
The character must not exceed 16 bits. For a 14-bit data length, set SL to one stop bit and disable
parity. For a 13-bit data length with parity enabled, set SL to one stop bit. Writing values 0 to 3 to
CLEN causes erratic behavior.
Character length (transparent). The values 3Ð15 specify 4Ð16 bits per character. If a character is less
than 8 bits, the most-signiÞcant bits of the byte in buffer memory are not used on transmit and are
written with zeros on receive. If character length is more than 8 bits but less than 16, the most-
signiÞcant bits of the half-word in buffer memory are not used on transmit and are written with zeros
on receive.
Note: Using values 0Ð2 causes erratic behavior. Larger character lengths increase an SMC channelÕs
potential performance and lowers the performance impact of other channels. For instance, using 16-
rather than 8-bit characters is encouraged if 16-bit characters are acceptable in the end application.
Character length (GCI). Number of bits in the C/I and monitor channels of the SCIT channels 0 or 1.
(values 0Ð15 correspond to 1Ð16 bits) CLEN should be 13 for SCIT channel 0 or GCI (8 data bits,
plus A and E bits, plus 4 C/I bits = 14 bits). It should be 15 for the SCIT channel 1 (8 data, bits, plus A
and E bits, plus 6 C/I bits = 16 bits).
5 SL Stop length. (UART)
0 One stop bit.
1 Two stop bits.
Ñ Reserved, should be cleared. (transparent)
ME Monitor enable. (GCI)
0 The SMC does not support the monitor channel.
1 The SMC supports the monitor channel.
6 PEN Parity enable. (UART)
0 No parity.
1 Parity is enabled for the transmitter and receiver as determined by the PM bit.
BS Byte sequence(transparent). Controls the byte transmission sequence if REVD is set for a character
length greater than 8 bits. Clear BS to maintain behavior compatibility with MC68360 QUICC.
0 Normal mode. This should be selected if the character length is not larger than 8 bits.
1 Transmit lower address byte Þrst.
Ñ Reserved, should be cleared. (GCI)
7 PM Parity mode. (UART)
0 Odd parity.
1 Even parity.
REVD Reverse data. (transparent)
0 Normal mode.
1 Reverse the character bit order. The msb is sent Þrst.
C# SCIT channel number. (GCI)
0 SCIT channel 0
1 SCIT channel 1. Required for Siemens ARCOFI and SGS S/T chips.
8Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.2.2 SMC Buffer Descriptor Operation
In UART and transparent modes, the SMCÕs memory structure is like the SCCÕs, except that
SMC-associated data is stored in buffers. Each buffer is referenced by a BD and organized
in a BD table located in the dual-port RAM. See Figure 26-3.
Figure 26-3. SMC Memory Structure
10Ð11 SM SMC mode.
00 GCI or SCIT support.
01 Reserved.
10 UART (must be selected for SMC UART operation).
11 Totally transparent operation.
12Ð13 DM Diagnostic mode.
00 Normal operation.
01 Local loopback mode.
10 Echo mode.
11 Reserved.
14 TEN SMC transmit enable.
0 SMC transmitter disabled.
1 SMC transmitter enabled.
15 REN SMC receive enable.
0 SMC receiver disabled.
1 SMC receiver enabled.
Table 26-1. SMCMR1/SMCMR2 Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
Status and Control
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Pointer to SMCx
TxBD Table
Pointer to SMCx
RxBD Table
Dual-Port RAM
Status and Control
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Tx Data Buffer
External Memory
RxBD Table
TxBD Table
Rx Data Buffer
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The BD table allows buffers to be deÞned for transmission and reception. Each table forms
a circular queue. The CP uses BDs to conÞrm reception and transmission so that the
processor knows buffers have been serviced. The data resides in external or internal buffers.
When SMCs are conÞgured to operate in GCI mode, their memory structure is predeÞned
to be one half-word long for transmit and one half-word long for receive. For more
information on these half-word structures, see Section 26.5, ÒThe SMC in GCI Mode.Ó
26.2.3 SMC Parameter RAM
The CP accesses each SMCÕs parameter table using a user-programmed pointer
(SMCx_BASE) located in the parameter RAM; see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
Each SMC parameter RAM table can be placed at any 64-byte aligned address in the dual-
port RAMÕs general-purpose area (banks #1Ð#8). The protocol-speciÞc portions of the
SMC parameter RAM are discussed in the sections that follow. The SMC parameter RAM
shared by the UART and transparent protocols is shown in Table 26-2. Parameter RAM for
GCI protocol is described in Table 26-17.
Table 26-2. SMC UART and Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x00 RBASE Hword RxBDs and TxBDs base address. (BD table pointer) DeÞne starting points in the dual-
port RAM of the set of BDs for the SMC send and receive functions. They allow ßexible
partitioning of the BDs. By selecting RBASE and TBASE entries for all SMCs and by
setting W in the last BD in each list, BDs are allocated for the send and receive side of
every SMC. Initialize these entries before enabling the corresponding channel.
ConÞguring BD tables of two enabled SMCs to overlap causes erratic operation. RBASE
and TBASE should be a multiple of eight.
0x02 TBASE Hword
0x04 RFCR Byte Rx/Tx function code. The two SMC channels have four RFCRs for receive data buffers
and four TFCRs for transmit data buffers. See Section, ÒSMC Function Code
Registers (RFCR/TFCR).Ó
0x05 TFCR Byte
0x06 MRBLR Hword Maximum receive buffer length. The most bytes the MPC8260 writes to a receive buffer
before moving to the next buffer. It can write fewer bytes than MRBLR if a condition like
an error or end-of-frame occurs, but it cannot exceed MRBLR. MPC8260 buffers should
not be smaller than MRBLR. SMC transmit buffers are unaffected by MRBLR.
Transmit buffers can be individually given varying lengths through the data length Þeld.
MRBLR can be changed while an SMC is operating only if it is done in a single bus cycle
with one 16-bit move (not two 8-bit bus cycles back-to-back). This occurs when the CP
shifts control to the next RxBD, so the change does not take effect immediately. To
guarantee the exact RxBD on which the change occurs, change MRBLR only while the
SMC receiver is disabled. MRBLR should be greater than zero and should be even if
character length exceeds 8 bits.
0x08 RSTATE Word Rx internal state. 2 Can be used only by the CP.
0x0C Ñ Word Rx internal data pointer. 2 Updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address in
the buffer to be accessed.
0x10 RBPTR Hword RxBD pointer. Points to the next BD for each SMC channel that the receiver transfers
data to when it is in idle state, or to the current BD during frame processing. After a reset
or when the end of the BD table is reached, the CP initializes RBPTR to the value in
RBASE. Most applications never need to write RBPTR, but it can be written when the
receiver is disabled or when no receive buffer is in use.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
To extract data from a partially full receive buffer, issue a CLOSE RXBD command.
0x12 Ñ Hword Rx internal byte count. 2 A down-count value initialized with the MRBLR value and
decremented with every byte the SDMA channels write.
0x14 Ñ Word Rx temp 2 Can be used only by the CP.
0x18 TSTATE Word Tx internal state. 2 Can be used only by the CP.
0x1C Ñ Word Tx internal data pointer. 2 Updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address in
the buffer to be accessed.
0x20 TBPTR Hword TxBD pointer. Points to the next BD for each SMC channel the transmitter transfers data
from when it is in idle state or to the current BD during frame transmission. After reset or
when the end of the table is reached, the CP initializes TBPTR to the TBASE value. Most
applications never need to write TBPTR, but it can be written when the transmitter is
disabled or when no transmit buffer is in use. For instance, after a STOP TRANSMIT or
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued and the frame completes its transmission.
0x22 Ñ Hword Tx internal byte count. 2 A down-count value initialized with the TxBD data length and
decremented with every byte the SDMA channels read.
0x24 Ñ Word Tx temp. 2 Can be used only by the CP.
0x28 MAX_IDL Hword Maximum idle characters. (UART protocol-speciÞc parameter) When a character is
received on the line, the SMC starts counting idle characters received. If MAX_IDL idle
characters arrive before the next character, an idle time-out occurs and the buffer closes,
which sends an interrupt request to the core to receive data from the buffer. MAX_IDL
demarcates frames in UART mode. Clearing MAX_IDL disables the function so the
buffer never closes, regardless of how many idle characters are received. An idle
character is calculated as follows: 1 + data length (5 to 14) + 1 (if parity bit is used) +
number of stop bits (1 or 2). For example, for 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit,
character length is 10 bits.
0x2A IDLC Hword Temporary idle counter. (UART protocol-speciÞc parameter) Down-counter in which the
CP stores the current idle counter value in the MAX_IDL time-out process.
0x2C BRKLN Hword Last received break length. (UART protocol-speciÞc parameter) Holds the length of the
last received break character sequence measured in character units. For example, if the
receive signal is low for 20 bit times and the deÞned character length is 10 bits, BRKLN =
0x002, indicating that the break sequence is at least 2 characters long. BRKLN is
accurate to within one character length.
0x2E BRKEC Hword Receive break condition counter. (UART protocol-speciÞc parameter) Counts break
conditions on the line. A break condition may last for hundreds of bit times, yet BRKEC
increments only once during that period.
0x30 BRKCR Hword Break count register (transmit). (UART protocol-speciÞc parameter) Determines the
number of break characters the UART controller sends. Set when the SMC sends a
break character sequence after a STOP TRANSMIT command. For 8 data bits, no parity, 1
stop bit, and 1 start bit, each break character is 10 zeros.
0x32 R_MASK Hword Temporary bit mask. (UART protocol-speciÞc parameter)
0x34 Ñ Word SDMA Temp
1From the pointer value programmed in SMCx_BASE: SMC1_BASE at 0x87FC, SMC2_BASE at IMMR + 0x88FC.
2Not accessed for normal operation. May hold helpful information for experienced users and for debugging.
Table 26-2. SMC UART and Transparent Parameter RAM Memory Map (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Certain parameter RAM values must be initialized before the SMC is enabled. Other values
are initialized or written by the CP. Once values are initialized, software typically does not
need to update them because activity centers mostly around transmit and receive BDs rather
than parameter RAM. However, note the following:
¥ Parameter RAM can be read at any time.
¥ Values that pertain to the SMC transmitter can be written only if SMCMR[TEN] is
zero or between the STOP TRANSMIT and RESTART TRANSMIT commands.
¥ Values for the SMC receiver can be written only when SMCMR[REN] is zero, or, if
the receiver is previously enabled, after an ENTER HUNT MODE command is issued
but before the CLOSE RXBD command is issued and REN is set. SMC Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR)
Each SMC channel has four receive buffers (RFCRn) and four transmit buffers (TFCRn).
The function code registers contain the transaction speciÞcation associated with SDMA
channel accesses to external memory. Figure 26-4 shows the register format.
Table 26-3 describes FCR Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Address SMC base + 0x04 (RFCR)/SMC base + 0x05 (TFCR)
Figure 26-4. SMC Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR)
Table 26-3. RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global access bit
0 Disable memory snooping
1 Enable memory snooping
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Selects byte ordering of the data buffer.
00 The DEC/Intel convention (swapped operation or little-endian). The transmission order of bytes
within a buffer word is opposite of Motorola mode. (32-bit port size memory only).
01 PowerPC little-endian. As data is sent onto the serial line from the buffer, the LSB of the buffer
double word contains data to be sent earlier than the MSB of the same double word.
1x Motorola (big-endian) byte ordering (normal operation). As data is sent onto the serial line from the
buffer, the MSB of the buffer word contains data to be sent earlier than the LSB of the same word.
5TC2 Transfer code 2. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6DTB Data bus indicator.
0 Use 60x bus for SDMA operation.
1 Use local bus for SDMA operation.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.2.4 Disabling SMCs On-the-Fly
An SMC can be disabled and reenabled later by ensuring that buffers are closed properly
and new data is transferred to or from a new buffer. Such a sequence is required if the
parameters to be changed are not dynamic. If the register or bit description states that
dynamic changes are allowed, the sequences need not be followed and the register or bits
may be changed immediately.
Note that the SMC does not have to be fully disabled for parameter RAM to be modiÞed.
Table 26-2 describes when parameter RAM values can be modiÞed. To disable all SCCs,
SMCs, the SPI, and the I2C, use the CPCR to reset the CPM with a single command. SMC Transmitter Full Sequence
Follow these steps to fully enable or disable the SMC transmitter:
1. If the SMC is sending data, issue a STOP TRANSMIT command to stop transmission
smoothly. If the SMC is not sending, if TBPTR is overwritten, or if an INIT TX
PARAMETERS command is executed, this command is not required.
2. Clear SMCMR[TEN] to disable the SMC transmitter and put it in reset state.
3. Update SMC transmit parameters, including the parameter RAM. To switch
protocols or reinitialize parameters, issue an INIT TX PARAMETERS command.
4. Issue a RESTART TRANSMIT if an INIT TX PARAMETERS was issued in step 3.
5. Set SMCMR[TEN]. Transmission now begins using the TxBD that the TBPTR
value pointed to as soon as the R bit is set in the TxBD. SMC Transmitter Shortcut Sequence
This shorter sequence reinitializes transmit parameters to the state they had after reset.
1. Clear SMCMR[TEN].
2. Issue an INIT TX PARAMETERS command and make any additional changes.
3. Set SMCMR[TEN]. SMC Receiver Full Sequence
Follow these steps to fully enable or disable the receiver:
1. Clear SMCMR[REN]. Reception is aborted immediately, which disables the SMC
receiver and puts it in a reset state.
2. Modify SMC receive parameters, including parameter RAM. To switch protocols or
reinitialize SMC receive parameters, issue an INIT RX PARAMETERS command.
3. Issue a CLOSE RXBD command if INIT RX PARAMETERS was not issued in step 2.
4. Set SMCMR[REN]. Reception immediately uses the RxBD that RBPTR pointed to
if E is set in the RxBD.
26-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module SMC Receiver Shortcut Sequence
This shorter sequence reinitializes receive parameters to their state after reset.
1. Clear SMCMR[REN].
2. Issue an INIT RX PARAMETERS command and make any additional changes.
3. Set SMCMR[REN]. Switching Protocols
To switch the protocol that the SMC is executing without resetting the board or affecting
any other SMC, use one command and follow these steps:
1. Clear SMCMR[REN] and SMCMR[TEN].
2. Issue an INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS COMMAND to initialize transmit and receive
parameters. Make any additional SMCMR changes.
3. Set SMCMR[REN, TEN]. The SMC is now enabled with the new protocol.
26.2.5 Saving Power
When SMCMR[TEN, REN] are cleared, the SMC consumes little power.
26.2.6 Handling Interrupts in the SMC
Follow these steps to handle an interrupt in the SMC:
1. Once an interrupt occurs, read SMCE to identify the interrupt source. The SMCE
bits are usually cleared at this time.
2. Process the TxBD to reuse it if SMCE[TXB] is set. Extract data from the RxBD if
SMCE[RXB] is set. To send another buffer, set TxBD[R].
3. Execute the instruction.
26.3 SMC in UART Mode
SMCs generally offer less functionality and performance in UART mode than do SCCs,
which makes them more suitable for simpler debug/monitor ports instead of full-featured
UARTs. SMCs do not support the following features in UART mode.
TS, CTS, and CD signals
¥ Receive and transmit sections clocked at different rates
¥ Fractional stop bits
¥ Built-in multidrop modes
¥ Freeze mode for implementing flow control
¥ Isochronous operation (1´ clock)
¥ Interrupts on special control character reception
¥ Ability to transmit data on demand using the TODR
¥ SCCS register to determine idle status of the receive signal
¥ Other features for the SCCs as described in the GSMR
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
However, SMCs allow a data length of up to 14 bits; SCCs support up to 8 bits.
Figure 26-5. SMC UART Frame Format
26.3.1 Features
The following list summarizes the main features of the SMC in UART mode:
¥ Flexible message-oriented data structure
¥ Programmable data length (5Ð14 bits)
¥ Programmable 1 or 2 stop bits
¥ Even/odd/no parity generation and checking
¥ Frame error, break, and idle detection
¥ Transmit preamble and break sequences
¥ Received break character length indication
¥ Continuous receive and transmit modes
26.3.2 SMC UART Channel Transmission Process
The UART transmitter is designed to work with almost no intervention from the core. When
the core enables the SMC transmitter, it starts sending idles. The SMC immediately polls
the Þrst BD in the transmit channel BD table and once every character time after that,
depending on character length. When there is a message to transmit, the SMC fetches data
from memory and starts sending the message.
When a BD data is completely written to the transmit FIFO, the SMC writes the message
status bits into the BD and clears R. An interrupt is issued if the I bit in the BD is set. If the
next TxBD is ready, the data from its buffer is appended to the previous data and sent over
the transmit signal without any gaps between buffers. If the next TxBD is not ready, the
SMC starts sending idles and waits for the next TxBD to be ready.
By appropriately setting the I bit in each BD, interrupts can be generated after each buffer,
a speciÞc buffer, or each block is sent. The SMC then proceeds to the next BD. If the CM
bit is set in the TxBD, the R bit is not cleared, allowing a buffer to be automatically resent
next time the CP accesses this buffer. For instance, if a single TxBD is initialized with the
CM and W bits set, the buffer is sent continuously until R is cleared in the BD.
Bit Parity
5 to 14 Data Bits with the
Least Significant Bit First 1 or 2
Stop Bits
(not to scale)
26-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.3.3 SMC UART Channel Reception Process
When the core enables the SMC receiver, it enters hunt mode and waits for the Þrst
character. The CP then checks the Þrst RxBD to see if it is empty and starts storing
characters in the buffer. When the buffer is full or the MAX_IDL timer expires (if enabled),
the SMC clears the E bit in the BD and generates an interrupt if the I bit in the BD is set. If
incoming data exceeds the bufferÕs length, the SMC fetches the next BD, and, if it is empty,
continues transferring data to this BDÕs buffer. If CM is set in the RxBD, the E bit is not
cleared, so the CP can overwrite this buffer on its next access.
26.3.4 Programming the SMC UART Controller
UART mode is selected by setting SMCMR[SM] to 0b10. See Section 26.2.1, ÒSMC Mode
Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2).Ó UART mode uses the same data structure as other
modes. This structure supports multibuffer operation and allows break and preamble
sequences to be sent. Overrun, parity, and framing errors are reported via the BDs. At its
simplest, the SMC UART controller functions in a character-oriented environment,
whereas each character is sent with the selected stop bits and parity. They are received into
separate 1-byte buffers. A maskable interrupt can be generated when each buffer is
Many applications can take advantage of the message-oriented capabilities that the SMC
UART supports through linked buffers for sending or receiving. Data is handled in a
message-oriented environment, so entire messages can be handled instead of individual
characters. A message can span several linked buffers; each one can be sent and received as
a linked list of buffers without core intervention, which simpliÞes programming and saves
processor overhead. In a message-oriented environment, an idle sequence is used as the
message delimiter. The transmitter can generate an idle sequence before starting a new
message and the receiver can close a buffer when an idle sequence is found.
26.3.5 SMC UART Transmit and Receive Commands
Table 26-4 describes transmit commands issued to the CPCR.
Table 26-4. Transmit Commands
Command Description
Disables transmission of characters on the transmit channel. If the SMC UART controller receives this
command while sending a message, it stops sending. The SMC UART controller Þnishes sending any
data that has already been sent to its FIFO and shift register and then stops sending data. The TBPTR
is not advanced when this command is issued. The SMC UART controller sends a programmable
number of break sequences and then sends idles. The number of break sequences, which can be
zero, should be written to the BRKCR before this command is issued to the SMC UART controller.
Enables characters to be sent on the transmit channel. The SMC UART controller expects it after
disabling the channel in its SMCMR and after issuing the STOP TRANSMIT command. The SMC UART
controller resumes transmission from the current TBPTR in the channelÕs TxBD table.
Initializes transmit parameters in this serial channelÕs parameter RAM to their reset state and should
only be issued when the transmitter is disabled. The INIT TX and RX PARAMETERS command can also be
used to reset the transmit and receive parameters.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 26-5 describes receive commands issued to the CPCR.
26.3.6 Sending a Break
A break is an all-zeros character without stop bits. It is sent by issuing a STOP TRANSMIT
command. After sending any outstanding data, the SMC sends a character of consecutive
zeros, the number of which is the sum of the character length, plus the number of start,
parity, and stop bits. The SMC sends a programmable number of break characters
according to BRKCR and then reverts to idle or sends data if a RESTART TRANSMIT is issued
before completion. When the break completes, the transmitter sends at least one idle
character before sending any data to guarantee recognition of a valid start bit.
26.3.7 Sending a Preamble
A preamble sequence provides a way to ensure that the line is idle before a new message
transfer begins. The length of the preamble sequence is constructed of consecutive ones that
are one-character long. If the preamble bit in a BD is set, the SMC sends a preamble
sequence before sending that buffer. For 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 1 start bit, a
preamble of 10 ones would be sent before the Þrst character in the buffer. If no preamble
sequence is sent, data from two ready transmit buffers can be sent on the transmit signal
with no delay between them.
26.3.8 Handling Errors in the SMC UART Controller
The SMC UART controller reports character reception error conditions via the channel
BDs and the SMCE. The SMC UART controller has no transmission errors.
Table 26-5. Receive Commands
Command Description
ENTER HUNT MODE Use the CLOSE RXBD command instead ENTER HUNT MODE for an SMC UART channel.
CLOSE RXBD Forces the SMC to close the current receive BD if it is currently being used and to use the next BD
in the list for any subsequently received data. If the SMC is not receiving data, no action is taken.
Initializes receive parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to reset state. Issue it only if
the receiver is disabled. INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS resets both receive and transmit parameters.
Table 26-6. SMC UART Errors
Error Description
Overrun The SMC maintains a two-character length FIFO for receiving data. Data is moved to the buffer after the
Þrst character is received into the FIFO; if a receiver FIFO overrun occurs, the channel writes the
received character into the internal FIFO. It then writes the character to the buffer, closes it, sets the OV
bit in the BD, and generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. Reception then resumes as normal.
Overrun errors that occasionally occur when the line is idle can be ignored.
Parity The channel writes the received character to the buffer, closes it, sets the PR bit in the BD, and
generates the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. Reception then resumes as normal.
An idle is found when a character of all ones is received, at which point the channel counts consecutive
idle characters. If the count reaches MAX_IDL, the buffer is closed and an RXB interrupt is generated. If
no receive buffer is open, this does not generate an interrupt or any status information. The idle counter
is reset each time a character is received.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.3.9 SMC UART RxBD
Using the BDs, the CP reports information about the received data on a per-buffer basis.
Then it closes the current buffer, generates a maskable interrupt, and starts receiving data
into the next buffer after one of the following occurs:
¥ An error is received during message processing
¥ A full receive buffer is detected
¥ A programmable number of consecutive idle characters are received
Figure 26-6 shows the format of the SMC UART RxBD.
Table 26-7 describes RxBD Þelds.
Framing The SMC received a character with no stop bit. When it occurs, the channel writes the received
character to the buffer, closes the buffer, sets FR in the BD, and generates the RXB interrupt if it is
enabled. When this error occurs, parity is not checked for the character.
The SMC receiver received an all-zero character with a framing error. The channel increments BRKEC,
generates a maskable BRK interrupt in SMCE, measures the length of the break sequence, and stores
this value in BRKLN. If the channel was processing a buffer when the break was received, the buffer is
closed with the BR bit in the RxBD set. The RXB interrupt is generated if it is enabled.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 26-6. SMC UART RxBD
Table 26-7. SMC UART RxBD Field Descriptions
Bit Name Description
0 The buffer is full or data reception stopped due to an error. The core can read or write any Þelds of
this RxBD. The CP does not use this BD while E is zero.
1 The buffer is empty or reception is in progress. This RxBD and its buffer are owned by the CP. Once
E is set, the core should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in RxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
RBASE points to in the table. The number of RxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and
overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is Þlled.
1 The SMCE[RXB] is set when this buffer is completely Þlled by the CP, indicating the need for the
core to process the buffer. RXB can cause an interrupt if it is enabled.
Table 26-6. SMC UART Errors (Continued)
Error Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length represents the number of octets the CP writes into the buffer. After data is
received in buffer, the CP only writes them once as the BD closes. Note that
allocated for this buffer should be no smaller than MRBLR. The Rx data buffer pointer
points to the Þrst location of the buffer and must be even. The buffer can be in internal or
external memory. Figure 26-7 shows the UART RxBD process, showing RxBDs after they
receive 10 characters, an idle period, and Þve characters (one with a framing error). The
example assumes that MRBLR = 8.
4Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear the E bit after this BD is closed, allowing the CP to automatically overwrite
the buffer when it next accesses the BD. However, E is cleared if an error occurs during reception,
regardless of how CM is set.
7 ID Buffer closed on reception of idles. Set when the buffer has closed because a programmable number
of consecutive idle sequences is received. The CP writes ID after received data is in the buffer.
8Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 BR Buffer closed on reception of break. Set when the buffer closes because a break sequence was
received. The CP writes BR after the received data is in the buffer.
11 FR Framing error. Set when a character with a framing error is received and located in the last byte of this
buffer. A framing error is a character with no stop bit. A new receive buffer is used to receive additional
data. The CP writes FR after the received data is in the buffer.
12 PR Parity error. Set when a character with a parity error is received in the last byte of the buffer. A new
buffer is used for additional data. The CP writes PR after received data is in the buffer.
13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during reception. The CP writes OV after the received
data is in the buffer.
15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 26-7. SMC UART RxBD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bit Name Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 26-7. RxBD Example
26.3.10 SMC UART TxBD
Data is sent to the CP for transmission on an SMC channel by arranging it in buffers
referenced by the channel TxBD table. Using the BDs, the CP confirms transmission or
indicates error conditions so that the processor knows the buffers have been serviced.
Byte 5
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 0
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 1
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 2
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 3
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 8
Byte 9
Byte 10
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4 Error!
Additional Bytes
are Stored Unless
Idle Count Expires
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
8 Bytes
Received by UART Fourth Character
10 Characters
Long Idle Period
has Framing Error! Present
5 Characters
Buffer Full
Idle Time-Out
Byte 4 has
Framing Error
Still in Progress
with this Buffer
MRBLR = 8 Bytes for this SMC
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 26-8 describes SMC UART TxBD Þelds.
Data length represents the number of octets that the CP should transmit from this BD data
buffer. However, it is never modiÞed by the CP and normally is greater than zero. It can be
zero if P is set and only a preamble is sent. If there are more than 8 bits in the UART
character, data length should be even. For example, to transmit three UART characters of
8-bit data, 1 start, and 1 stop, initialize the data length Þeld to 3. To send three UART
characters of 9-bit data, 1 start, and 1 stop, the data length Þeld should 6, because the three
9-bit data Þelds occupy three half words in memory (the 9 least-signiÞcant bits of each half
Tx data buffer pointer points to the Þrst location of the buffer. It can be even or odd, unless
the number of data bits in the UART character is greater than 8 bits. Then the buffer pointer
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0
Offset + 2
Data Length
Offset + 4
Tx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 26-8. SMC UART TxBD
Table 26-8. SMC UART TxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission; BD and its buffer can be altered. The CP clears R after the
buffer has been sent or an error occurs.
1 The buffer has not been completely sent. This BD cannot updated while R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in the TxBD table)
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
TBASE points to. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and overall
space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 The SMCE[TXB] is set when this buffer is serviced. TXB can cause an interrupt if it is enabled.
4Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear R after this BD is closed and automatically retransmits the buffer when it
accesses this BD next.
0 No preamble sequence is sent.
1 The UART sends one all-ones character before it sends the data so that the other end detects an
idle line before the data is received. If this bit is set and the data length of this BD is zero, only a
preamble is sent.
8Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
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must be even. For instance, the pointer to 8-bit data, 1 start, and 1 stop characters can be
even or odd, but the pointer to 9-bit data, 1 start, and 1 stop characters must be even. The
buffer can reside in internal or external memory.
26.3.11 SMC UART Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)
The SMC event register (SMCE) generates interrupts and report events recognized by the
SMC UART channel. When an event is recognized, the SMC UART controller sets the
corresponding SMCE bit. Bits are cleared by writing a 1; writing 0 has no effect. The SMC
mask register (SMCM) has the same bit format as SMCE. Setting an SMCM bit enables,
and clearing it disables, the corresponding interrupt. All unmasked bits must be cleared
before the CP clears the internal interrupt request.
Table 26-9 describes SMCE/SMCM Þelds.
Figure 26-10 shows an example of the timing of various events in the SMCE.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0
Address 0x11A86 (SMCE1), 0x11A96 (SMCE2)/ 0x11A8A (SMCM1), 0x11A9A (SMCM2)
Figure 26-9. SMC UART Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)
Table 26-9. SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
1 BRKE Break end. Set no sooner than after one idle bit is received after the break sequence.
2 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
3 BRK Break character received. Set when a break character is received. If a very long break sequence
occurs, this interrupt occurs only once after the Þrst all-zeros character is received.
4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 BSY Busy condition. Set when a character is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. Set no
sooner than the middle of the last stop bit of the Þrst receive character for which there is no available
buffer. Reception resumes when an empty buffer is provided.
6 TXB Tx buffer. Set when the transmit data of the last character in the buffer is written to the transmit FIFO.
Wait two character times to ensure that data is completely sent over the transmit signal.
7 RXB Rx buffer. Set when a buffer is received and its associated RxBD is closed. Set no sooner than the
middle of the last stop bit of the last character that is written to the receive buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 26-10. SMC UART Interrupts Example
26.3.12 SMC UART Controller Programming Example
The following initialization sequence assumes 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop
bit in a 66-MHz system. BRG1 and SMC1 are used. (The SMC transparent programming
example uses an external clock conÞguration; see Section 26.4.11, ÒSMC Transparent
NMSI Programming Example.Ó)
1. ConÞgure the port D pins to enable SMTXD1 and SMRXD1. Set PPARD[8,9] and
PDIRD[9]. Clear PDIRD[8] and PSORD[8,9].
2. ConÞgure the BRG1. Write BRGC1 with 0x0001_035A. The DIV16 bit is not used
and the divider is 429 (decimal). The resulting BRG1 clock is 16´ the preferred bit
3. Connect BRG1 to SMC1 using the CPM mux by clearing CMXSMR[SMC1,
4. In address 0x87FC, assign a pointer to the SMC1 parameter RAM.
5. Assuming one RxBD at the beginning of dual-port RAM followed by one TxBD,
write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008.
6. Write 0x1D01_0000 to CPCR to execute the INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS
7. Write RFCR and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
8. Write MRBLR with the maximum number of bytes per receive buffer. Assume 16
bytes, so MRBLR = 0x0010.
Line Idle
10 Characters
Received by SMC UART
Line Idle
Transmitted by SMC UART
Line Idle Line Idle
7 Characters
1. The first RX event assumes receive buffers are 6 bytes each.
2. The second RX event position is programmable based on the MAX_IDL value.
3. The BRK event occurs after the first break character is received.
The TX event assumes all seven characters were put into a single buffer, and the TX event occurred when the seventh
character was written to the SMC transmit FIFO.
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9. Write MAX_IDL with 0x0000 in the SMC UART-speciÞc parameter RAM to
disable the MAX_IDL functionality for this example.
10. Clear BRKLN and BRKEC in the SMC UART-speciÞc parameter RAM.
11. Set BRKCR to 0x0001; if a STOP TRANSMIT COMMAND is issued, one break
character is sent.
12. Initialize the RxBD. Assume the Rx data buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory.
Write 0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length] (not
required), and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
13. Assuming the Tx data buffer is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory and contains Þve
8-bit characters, write 0xB000 to TxBD[Status and Control], 0x0005 to TxBD[Data
Length], and 0x0000_2000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
14. Write 0xFF to the SMCE1 register to clear any previous events.
15. Write 0x57 to the SMCM1 register to enable all possible SMC1 interrupts.
16. Write 0x0000_1000 to the SIU interrupt mask register low (SIMR_L) so the SMC1
can generate a system interrupt. Write 0xFFFF_FFFF to the SIU interrupt pending
register low (SIPNR_L) to clear events.
17. Write 0x4820 to SMCMR to conÞgure normal operation (not loopback), 8-bit
characters, no parity, 1 stop bit. The transmitter and receiver are not yet enabled.
18. Write 0x4823 to SMCMR to enable the SMC transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that the TEN and REN bits are enabled last.
After 5 bytes are sent, the TxBD is closed. The receive buffer closes after receiving 16
bytes. Subsequent data causes a busy (out-of-buffers) condition since only one RxBD is
26.4 SMC in Transparent Mode
Compared to the SCC in transparent mode, the SMCs generally offer less functionality,
which helps them provide simpler functions and slower speeds. Transparent mode is
selected by programming SMCMR[SM] to 0b10. Section 26.2.1, ÒSMC Mode Registers
(SMCMR1/SMCMR2)Ó describes other protocol-speciÞc bits in the SMCMR. The SMC in
transparent mode does not support the following features:
¥ Independent transmit and receive clocks, unless connected to a TDM channel of an
¥ CRC generation and checking
¥ Full RTS, CTS, and CD signals (supports only one SMSYN signal)
¥ Ability to transmit data on demand using the TODR
¥ Receiver/transmitter in transparent mode while executing another protocol
¥ 4-, 8-, or 16-bit SYNC recognition
¥ Internal DPLL support
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
However, the SMC in transparent mode provides a data character length option of 4 to 16
bits, whereas the SCCs provide 8 or 32 bits, depending on GSMR[RFW]. The SMC in
transparent mode is also referred to as the SMC transparent controller.
26.4.1 Features
The following list summarizes the features of the SMC in transparent mode:
¥ Flexible data buffers
¥ Connects to a TDM bus using the TSA in an SIx
¥ Transmits and receives transparently on its own set of signals using a sync signal to
synchronize the beginning of transmission and reception to an external event
¥ Programmable character length (4Ð16)
¥ Reverse data mode
¥ Continuous transmission and reception modes
¥ Four commands
26.4.2 SMC Transparent Channel Transmission Process
The transparent transmitter is designed to work with almost no core intervention. When the
core enables the SMC transmitter in transparent mode, it starts sending idles. The SMC
immediately polls the Þrst BD in the transmit channel BD table and once every character
time, depending on the character length (every 4 to 16 serial clocks). When there is a
message to transmit, the SMC fetches the data from memory and starts sending the message
when synchronization is achieved.
Synchronization can be achieved in two ways. First, when the transmitter is connected to a
TDM channel, it can be synchronized to a time slot. Once the frame sync is received, the
transmitter waits for the Þrst bit of its time slot before it starts transmitting. Data is sent only
during the time slots deÞned by the TSA. Secondly, when working with its own set of
signals, the transmitter starts sending when SMSYNx is asserted.
When a BD data is completely written to the transmit FIFO, the L bit is checked and if it is
set, the SMC writes the message status bits into the BD and clears the R bit. It then starts
transmitting idles. When the end of the current BD is reached and the L bit is not set, only
R is cleared. In both cases, an interrupt is issued according to the I bit in the BD. By
appropriately setting the I bit in each BD, interrupts can be generated after each buffer, a
speciÞc buffer, or each block is sent. The SMC then proceeds to the next BD. If no
additional buffers have been presented to the SMC for transmission and the L bit was
cleared, an underrun is detected and the SMC begins sending idles.
If the CM bit is set in the TxBD, the R bit is not cleared, so the CP can overwrite the buffer
on its next access. For instance, if a single TxBD is initialized with the CM and W bits set,
the buffer is sent continuously until R is cleared in the BD.
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26.4.3 SMC Transparent Channel Reception Process
When the core enables the SMC receiver in transparent mode, it waits for synchronization
before receiving data. Once synchronization is achieved, the receiver transfers the incoming
data into memory according to the Þrst RxBD in the table. Synchronization can be achieved
in two ways. First, when the receiver is connected to a TDM channel, it can be synchronized
to a time slot. Once the frame sync is received, the receiver waits for the Þrst bit of its time
slot to occur before reception begins. Data is received only during the time slots deÞned by
the TSA. Secondly, when working with its own set of signals, the receiver starts reception
when SMSYNx is asserted.
When the buffer full, the SMC clears the E bit in the BD and generates an interrupt if the I
bit in the BD is set. If incoming data exceeds the data buffer length, the SMC fetches the
next BD; if it is empty, the SMC continues transferring data to this BDÕs buffer. If the CM
bit is set in the RxBD, the E bit is not cleared, so the CP can automatically overwrite the
buffer on its next access.
26.4.4 Using SMSYN for Synchronization
The SMSYN signal offers a way to externally synchronize the SMC channel. This method
differs somewhat from the synchronization options available in the SCCs and should be
studied carefully. See Figure 26-11 for an example.
Once SMCMR[REN] is set, the Þrst rising edge of SMCLK that Þnds SMSYN low causes
the SMC receiver to achieve synchronization. Data starts being received or latched on the
same rising edge of SMCLK that latched SMSYN. This is the Þrst bit of data received. The
receiver does not lose synchronization again, regardless of the state of SMSYN, until REN
is cleared.
Once SMCMR[TEN] is set, the Þrst rising edge of SMCLK that Þnds SMSYN low
synchronizes the SMC transmitter which begins sending ones asynchronously from the
falling edge of SMSYN. After one character of ones is sent, if the transmit FIFO is loaded
(the TxBD is ready with data), data starts being send on the next falling edge of SMCLK
after one character of ones is sent. If the transmit FIFO is loaded later, data starts being sent
after some multiple number of all-ones characters is sent.
Note that regardless of whether the transmitter or receiver uses SMSYN, it must make
glitch-free transitions from high-to-low or low-to-high. Glitches on SMSYN can cause
errant behavior of the SMC.
The transmitter never loses synchronization again, regardless of the state of SMSYN, until
the TEN bit is cleared or an ENTER HUNT MODE command is issued.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 26-11. Synchronization with SMSYNx
If both SMCMR[REN] and SMCMR[TEN] are set, the Þrst falling edge of SMSYN causes
both the transmitter and receiver to achieve synchronization. The SMC transmitter can be
disabled and reenabled and SMSYN can be used again to resynchronize the transmitter
itself. Section 26.2.4, ÒDisabling SMCs On-the-Fly,Ó describes how to safely disable and
reenable the SMC. Simply clearing and setting TEN may be insufÞcient. The receiver can
also be resynchronized this way.
26.4.5 Using the Time-Slot Assigner (TSA) for Synchronization
The TSA offers an alternative to using SMSYN to internally synchronize the SMC channel.
This method is similar, except that the synchronization event is the Þrst time-slot for this
SMC receiver/transmitter after the frame sync indication rather than the falling edge of
SMSYN. Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner,Ó describes how to
conÞgure time slots. The TSA allows the SMC receiver and transmitter to be enabled
simultaneously and synchronized separately; SMSYN does not provide this capability.
Figure 26-12 shows synchronization using the TSA.
SMTXD 1s are sent Five 1s are sent
TEN set
here Tx FIFO
Five 1s
equals 5
First bit of
first 5-bit
could begin
here if Tx FIFO
not loaded
in time
low here
REN set
here or First bit
of receive
low here
SMCLK is an internal clock derived from an external
CLKx or a baud rate generator.
This example shows the SMC receiver and transmitter2.
enabled separately. If the REN and TEN bits were set at
the same time, a single falling edge of SMSYN would
synchronize both.
SMC1 Transmit Data
SMC1 Receive Data
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 26-12. Synchronization with the TSA
Once SMCMR[REN] is set, the Þrst time-slot after the frame sync causes the SMC receiver
to achieve synchronization. Data is received immediately, but only during deÞned receive
time slots. The receiver continues receiving data during its deÞned time slots until REN is
cleared. If an ENTER HUNT MODE command is issued, the receiver loses synchronization,
closes the buffer, and resynchronizes to the Þrst time slot after the frame sync.
Once SMCMR[TEN] is set, the SMC waits for the transmit FIFO to be loaded before trying
to achieve synchronization. When the transmit FIFO is loaded, synchronization and
transmission begins depending on the following:
¥ If a buffer is made ready when the SMC2 is enabled, the Þrst byte is placed in time
slot 1 if CLSN is 8 and to slot 2 if CLSN is 16.
¥ If a buffer has its SMC enabled, then the Þrst byte in the next buffer can appear in
any time slot associated with this channel.
¥ If a buffer is ended with the L bit set, then the next buffer can appear in any time slot
associated with this channel.
If the SMC runs out of transmit buffers and a new buffer is provided later, idles are sent in
the gap between buffers. Data transmission from the later buffer begins at the start of an
SMC time slot, but not necessarily the Þrst time slot after the frame sync. So, to maintain a
certain bit alignment beginning with the Þrst time slot, make sure that at least one TxBD is
After TEN If SMC runs out of Tx buffers and new ones
are provided later, transmission begins atis set,
begins here. the beginning of either time slot.
After REN is set or after
reception begins here.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-25
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
always ready and that underruns do not occur. Otherwise, the SMC transmitter should be
disabled and reenabled. Section 26.2.4, ÒDisabling SMCs On-the-Fly,Ó describes how to
safely disable and reenable the SMC. Simply clearing and setting TEN may not be enough.
26.4.6 SMC Transparent Commands
Table 26-10 describes transmit commands issued to the CPCR.
Table 26-11 describes receive commands issued to the CPCR.
26.4.7 Handling Errors in the SMC Transparent Controller
The SMC uses BDs and the SMCE to report message send and receive errors.
Table 26-10. SMC Transparent Transmit Commands
Command Description
After hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in the SMCM, the channel is in transmit
enable mode and polls the Þrst BD. This command disables transmission of frames on the transmit
channel. If the transparent controller receives this command while sending a frame, it stops after the
contents of the FIFO are sent (up to 2 characters). The TBPTR is not advanced to the next BD, no new
BD is accessed, and no new buffers are sent for this channel. The transmitter sends idles until a
RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued.
Starts or resumes transmission from the current TBPTR in the channel TxBD table. When the channel
receives this command, it polls the R bit in this BD. The SMC expects this command after a STOP
TRANSMIT is issued. The channel in its mode register is disabled or after a transmitter error occurs.
Initializes transmit parameters in this serial channel to reset state. Use only if the transmitter is
disabled. The INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command resets transmit and receive parameters.
Table 26-11. SMC Transparent Receive Commands
Command Description
Forces the SMC to close the current receive BD if it is in use and to use the next BD for subsequent
data. If the SMC is not receiving data, the buffer is not closed. Additionally, this command causes the
receiver to wait for a resynchronization before reception resumes.
CLOSE RXBD Forces the SMC to close the current receive BD if it in use and to use the next BD in the list for
subsequent received data. If the SMC is not in the process of receiving data, no action is taken.
Initializes receive parameters in this serial channel to reset state. Use only if the receiver is disabled.
The INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command resets receive and transmit parameters.
Table 26-12. SMC Transparent Error Conditions
Error Descriptions
Underrun The channel stops sending the buffer, closes it, sets UN in the BD, and generates a TXE interrupt if it is
enabled. The channel resumes sending after a RESTART TRANSMIT command. Underrun cannot occur
between frames.
Overrun The SMC maintains an internal FIFO for receiving data. If the buffer is in external memory, the CP begins
programming the SDMA channel when the Þrst character is received into the FIFO. If a FIFO overrun
occurs, the SMC writes the received data character over the previously received character. The previous
character and its status bits are lost. Then the channel closes the buffer, sets OV in the BD, and generates
the RXB interrupt if it is enabled. Reception continues as normal.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.4.8 SMC Transparent RxBD
Using BDs, the CP reports information about the received data for each buffer and closes
the current buffer, generates a maskable interrupt, and starts to receive data into the next
buffer after one of the following events:
¥ An overrun error occurs.
¥ A full receive buffer is detected.
¥ The ENTER HUNT MODE command is issued.
Table 26-13 describes SMC transparent RxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 EÑWI ÑCM ÑOVÑ
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 26-13. SMC Transparent RxBD
Table 26-13. SMC Transparent RxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or reception was aborted due to an error. The core can read or write any Þelds of
this RxBD. The CP does not use this BD while E = 0.
1 The buffer is empty or is receiving data. The CP owns this RxBD and its buffer. Once E is set, the
core should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in RxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
RBASE points to. The number of RxBDs is determined only by the W bit and overall space
constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is Þlled.
1 SMCE[RXB] is set when the CP completely Þlls this buffer indicating that the core must process the
buffer. The RXB bit can cause an interrupt if it is enabled.
4Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear E after this BD is closed, allowing the buffer to be overwritten when the CP
next accesses this BD. However, E is cleared if an error occurs during reception, regardless of how
CM is set.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during reception. The CP writes OV after the received
data is placed into the buffer.
15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-27
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length and buffer pointer Þelds are described in Section 19.2, ÒSCC Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó
26.4.9 SMC Transparent TxBD
Data is sent to the CP for transmission on an SMC channel by arranging it in buffers
referenced by the channel TxBD table. The CP uses BDs to conÞrm transmission or
indicate error conditions so the processor knows buffers have been serviced.
Table 26-15 describes SMC transparent TxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Table 26-14. SMC Transparent TxBD
Table 26-15. SMC Transparent TxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission. The BD and buffer can be updated. The CP clears R after
the buffer is sent or after an error occurs.
1 The user-prepared data buffer is not sent or is being sent. BD Þelds cannot be updated if R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
TBASE points to. The number of TxBDs in this table is programmable and determined by theW bit
and overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 SMCE[TXB] or SMCE[TXE] are set when the buffer is serviced. They can cause interrupts if they are
4LLast in message.
0 The last byte in the buffer is not the last byte in the transmitted transparent frame. Data from the next
transmit buffer (if ready) is sent immediately after the last byte of this buffer.
1 The last byte in this buffer is the last byte in the transmitted transparent frame. After this buffer is
sent, the transmitter requires synchronization before the next buffer is sent.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear R after this BD is closed, allowing the buffer to be automatically resent when
the CP accesses this BD again. However, the R bit is cleared if an error occurs during transmission,
regardless of how CM is set.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 UM Underrun. Set when the SMC encounters a transmitter underrun condition while sending the buffer.
15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
26-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length represents the number of octets the CP should transmit from this buffer. It is
never modiÞed by the CP. The data length can be even or odd, but if the number of bits in
the transparent character is greater than 8, the data length should be even. For example, to
transmit three transparent 8-bit characters, the data length Þeld should be initialized to 3.
However, to transmit three transparent 9-bit characters, the data length Þeld should be
initialized to 6 because the three 9-bit characters occupy three half words in memory.
The data buffer pointer points to the Þrst byte of the buffer. They can be even or odd, unless
character length is greater than 8 bits, in which case the transmit buffer pointer must be
even. For instance, the pointer to 8-bit transparent characters can be even or odd, but the
pointer to 9-bit transparent characters must be even. The buffer can reside in internal or
external memory.
26.4.10 SMC Transparent Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register
The SMC event register (SMCE) generates interrupts and reports events recognized by the
SMC channel. When an event is recognized, the SMC sets the corresponding SMCE bit.
Interrupts are masked in the SMCM, which has the same format as the SMCE. SMCE bits
are cleared by writing a 1 (writing 0 has no effect). Unmasked bits must be cleared before
the CP clears the internal interrupt request.
Table 26-16 describes SMCE/SMCM Þelds.
Reset 0
Address 0x11A86 (SMCE1), 0x11A96 (SMCE2)/ 0x11A8A (SMCM1), 0x11A9A (SMCM2)
Figure 26-14. SMC Transparent Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)
Table 26-16. SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
3 TXE Tx error. Set when an underrun error occurs on the transmitter channel.
4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 BSY Busy condition. Set when a character is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. Reception
begins after a new buffer is provided. Executing an ENTER HUNT MODE command makes the receiver
wait for resynchronization.
6 TXB Tx buffer. Set after a buffer is sent. If the L bit of the TxBD is set, TXB is set when the last character
starts being sent. A one character-time delay is required to ensure that data is completely sent over the
transmit signal. If the L bit of the TxBD is cleared, TXB is set when the last character is written to the
transmit FIFO. A two character-time delay is required to ensure that data is completely sent.
7 RXB Rx buffer. Set when a buffer is received (after the last character is written) on the SMC channel and its
associated RxBD is now closed.
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-29
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.4.11 SMC Transparent NMSI Programming Example
The following example initializes the SMC1 transparent channel over its own set of signals.
The CLK9 signal supplies the transmit and receive clocks; the SMSYNx signal is used for
synchronization. (The SMC UART programming example uses a BRG conÞguration; see
Section 26.3.12, ÒSMC UART Controller Programming Example.Ó)
1. ConÞgure the port D pins to enable SMTXD1, SMRXD1, and SMSYN1. Set
PPARD[7,8,9] and PDIRD[9]. Clear PDIRD[7,8] and PSORD[7,8,9].
2. ConÞgure the port C pins to enable CLK9. Set PPARC[23]. Clear PDIRC[23] and
3. Connect CLK9 to SMC1 using the CPM mux. Clear CMXSMR[SMC1] and
program CMXSMR[SMC1CS] to 0b11.
4. In address 0x87FC, assign a pointer to the SMC1 parameter RAM.
5. Write RBASE and TBASE in the SMC parameter RAM to point to the RxBD and
TxBD in the dual-port RAM. Assuming one RxBD at the beginning of the dual-port
RAM followed by one TxBD, write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008.
6. Write 0x1D01_0000 to CPCR to execute the INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS
7. Write RFCR and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
8. Write MRBLR with the maximum bytes per receive buffer. Assuming 16 bytes
MRBLR = 0x0010.
9. Initialize the RxBD assuming the buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory. Write
0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length] (optional),
and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
10. Initialize the TxBD assuming the Tx buffer is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory and
contains Þve 8-bit characters. Write 0xB800 to TxBD[Status and Control], 0x0005
to TxBD[Data Length], and 0x0000_2000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
11. Write 0xFF to SMCE1 to clear any previous events.
12. Write 0x13 to SMCM1 to enable all possible SMC1 interrupts.
13. Write 0x0000_1000 to the SIU interrupt mask register low (SIMR_L) so the SMC1
can generate a system interrupt. Write 0xFFFF_FFFF to the SIU interrupt pending
register low (SIPNR_L) to clear events.
14. Write 0x3830 to the SMCMR to conÞgure 8-bit characters, unreversed data, and
normal operation (not loopback). The transmitter and receiver are not enabled yet.
15. Write 0x3833 to the SMCMR to enable the SMC transmitter and receiver. This
additional write ensures that TEN and REN are enabled last.
After 5 bytes are sent, the TxBD is closed; after 16 bytes are received the receive buffer is
closed. Any data received after 16 bytes causes a busy (out-of-buffers) condition since only
one RxBD is prepared.
26-30 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.5 The SMC in GCI Mode
The SMC can control the C/I and monitor channels of the GCI frame. When using the SCIT
conÞguration of a GCI, one SMC can handle SCIT channel 0 and the other can handle SCIT
channel 1. The main features of the SMC in GCI mode are as follows:
¥ Each SMC channel supports the C/I and monitor channels of the GCI (IOM-2) in
ISDN applications
¥ Two SMCs support both sets of C/I and monitor channels in SCIT channels 0 and 1
¥ Full-duplex operation
¥ Local loopback and echo capability for testing
To use the SMC GCI channels properly, the TSA must be conÞgured to route the monitor
and C/I channels to the preferred SMC. Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot
Assigner,Ó describes how to program this conÞguration. GCI mode is selected by setting
SMCMR[SM] to 0b10. Section 26.2.1, ÒSMC Mode Registers (SMCMR1/SMCMR2)Ó
describes other protocol-speciÞc SMCMR bits.
26.5.1 SMC GCI Parameter RAM
The GCI parameter RAM differs from that for UART and transparent mode. The CP
accesses each SMCÕs GCI parameter table using a user-programmed pointer
(SMCx_BASE) located in the parameter RAM; see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
Each SMC GCI parameter RAM table can be placed at any 64-byte aligned address in the
dual-port RAMÕs general-purpose area (banks #1Ð#8). In GCI mode, parameter RAM
contains the BDs instead of pointers to them. Compare Table 26-17 with Table 26-2 to see
the differences. (In GCI mode, the SMC has no extra protocol-speciÞc parameter RAM.)
Table 26-17. SMC GCI Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1
1From the pointer value programmed in SMCx_BASE: SMC1_BASE at 0x87FC, SMC2_BASE at 0x88FC.
Name Width Description
0x00 M_RxBD Half word Monitor channel RxBD. See Section 26.5.5, ÒSMC GCI Monitor Channel RxBD.Ó
0x02 M_TxBD Half word Monitor channel TxBD. See Section 26.5.6, ÒSMC GCI Monitor Channel TxBD.Ó
0x04 CI_RxBD Half word C/I channel RxBD. See Section 26.5.7, ÒSMC GCI C/I Channel RxBD.Ó
0x06 CI_TxBD Half word C/I channel TxBD. See Section 26.5.8, ÒSMC GCI C/I Channel TxBD.Ó
0x08 RSTATE2
2RSTATE, M_RxD, M_TxD, CI_RxD, and CI_TxD do not need to be accessed by the user in normal operation,
and are reserved for RISC use only.
Word Rx/Tx Internal State
0x0C M_RxD 2Half word Monitor Rx Data
0x0E M_TxD 2Half word Monitor Tx Data
0x10 CI_RxD 2Half word C/I Rx Data
0x12 CI_TxD 2Half word C/I Tx Data
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-31
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.5.2 Handling the GCI Monitor Channel
The following sections describe how the GCI monitor channel is handled. SMC GCI Monitor Channel Transmission Process
Monitor channel 0 is used to exchange data with a layer 1 device (reading and writing
internal registers and transferring of the S and Q bits). Monitor channel 1 is used for
programming and controlling voice/data modules such as CODECs. The core writes the
byte into the TxBD. The SMC sends the data on the monitor channel and handles the A and
E control bits according to the GCI monitor channel protocol. The TIMEOUT command
resolves deadlocks when errors in the A and E bit states occur on the data line. SMC GCI Monitor Channel Reception Process
The SMC receives data and handles the A and E control bits according to the GCI monitor
channel protocol. When the CP stores a received data byte in the SMC RxBD, a maskable
interrupt is generated. A TRANSMIT ABORT REQUEST command causes the MPC8260 to
send an abort request on the E bit.
26.5.3 Handling the GCI C/I Channel
The C/I channel is used to control the layer 1 device. The layer 2 device in the TE sends
commands and receives indication to or from the upstream layer 1 device through C/I
channel 0. In the SCIT conÞguration, C/I channel 1 is used to convey real-time status
information between the layer 2 device and nonlayer 1 peripheral devices (CODECs). SMC GCI C/I Channel Transmission Process
The core writes the data byte into the C/I TxBD and the SMC transmits the data
continuously on the C/I channel to the physical layer device. SMC GCI C/I Channel Reception Process
The SMC receiver continuously monitors the C/I channel. When it recognizes a change in
the data and this value is received in two successive frames, it is interpreted as valid data.
This is called the double last-look method. The CP stores the received data byte in the C/I
RxBD and a maskable interrupt is generated. If the SMC is conÞgured to support SCIT
channel 1, the double last-look method is not used.
26-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
26.5.4 SMC GCI Commands
The commands in Table 26-18 are issued to the CPCR.
26.5.5 SMC GCI Monitor Channel RxBD
This BD is used by the CP to report information about the monitor channel receive byte.
Table 26-19 describes SMC monitor channel RxBD Þelds.
26.5.6 SMC GCI Monitor Channel TxBD
The CP uses this BD to report about the monitor channel transmit byte.
Table 26-18. SMC GCI Commands
Command Description
Initializes transmit and receive parameters in the parameter RAM to their reset state. It is
especially useful when switching protocols on a given serial channel.
This receiver command can be issued when the MPC8260 implements the monitor channel
protocol. When it is issued, the MPC8260 sends an abort request on the A bit.
TIMEOUT This transmitter command can be issued when the MPC8260 implements the monitor channel
protocol. It is usually issued because the device is not responding or A bit errors are detected. The
MPC8260 sends an abort request on the E bit at the time this command is issued.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 ElER MS Ñ DATA
Figure 26-15. SMC Monitor Channel RxBD
Table 26-19. SMC Monitor Channel RxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The CP clears E when the byte associated with this BD is available to the core.
1 The core sets E when the byte associated with this BD has been read.
1 L Last (EOM). Valid only for monitor channel protocol and is set when the EOM indication is received on
the E bit. Note that when this bit is set, the data byte is invalid.
2ER Error condition. Valid only for monitor channel protocol. Set when an error occurs on the monitor
channel protocol. A new byte is sent before the SMC acknowledges the previous byte.
3MS Data mismatch. Valid only for monitor channel protocol. Set when two different consecutive bytes are
received; cleared when the last two consecutive bytes match. The SMC waits for the reception of two
identical consecutive bytes before writing new data to the RxBD.
4Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8Ð15 DATA Data Þeld. Contains the monitor channel data byte that the SMC received.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 RLAR Ñ DATA
Figure 26-16. SMC Monitor Channel TxBD
MOTOROLA Chapter 26. Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) 26-33
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 26-20 describes SMC monitor channel TxBD Þelds.
26.5.7 SMC GCI C/I Channel RxBD
The CP uses this BD to report information about the C/I channel receive byte.
Table 26-21 describes SMC C/I channel RxBD Þelds
26.5.8 SMC GCI C/I Channel TxBD
The CP uses this BD to report about the C/I channel transmit byte.
Table 26-20. SMC Monitor Channel TxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Cleared by the CP after transmission. The TxBD is now available to the core.
1 Set by the core when the data byte associated with this BD is ready for transmission.
1 L Last (EOM). Valid only for monitor channel protocol. When L = 1, the SMC Þrst transmits the buffer
data and then transmits the EOM indication on the E bit.
2AR Abort request. Valid only for monitor channel protocol. Set by the SMC when an abort request is
received on the A bit. The transmitter sends the EOM on the E bit after receiving an abort request.
3Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8Ð15 DATA Data Þeld. Contains the data to be sent by the SMC on the monitor channel.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 EÑ C/I DATA Ñ
Figure 26-17. SMC C/I Channel RxBD
Table 26-21. SMC C/I Channel RxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Cleared by the CP to indicate that the byte associated with this BD is available to the core.
1 The core sets E to indicate that the byte associated with this BD has been read.
Note that additional data received is discarded until E bit is set.
1Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8Ð13 C/I DATA Command/indication data bits. For C/I channel 0, bits 10Ð13 contain the 4-bit data Þeld and bits 8Ð
9 are always written with zeros. For C/I channel 1, bits 8Ð13 contain the 6-bit data Þeld.
14Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 RÑ C/I DATA Ñ
Figure 26-18. SMC C/I Channel TxBD
26-34 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 26-22 describes SMC C/I channel TxBD Þelds.
26.5.9 SMC GCI Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)
The SMCE generates interrupts and report events recognized by the SMC channel. When
an event is recognized, the SMC sets its corresponding SMCE bit. SMCE bits are cleared
by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect. SMCM has the same bit format as SMCE.
Setting an SMCM bit enables, and clearing an SMCM bit disables, the corresponding
interrupt. Unmasked bits must be cleared before the CP clears the internal interrupt request
to the SIU interrupt controller.
Table 26-23 describes SMCE/SMCM Þelds.
Table 26-22. SMC C/I Channel TxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Cleared by the CP after transmission to indicate that the BD is available to the core.
1 Set by the core when data associated with this BD is ready for transmission.
1Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8Ð13 C/I DATA Command/indication data bits. For C/I channel 0, bits 10Ð13 hold the 4-bit data Þeld (bits 8 and 9
are always written with zeros). For C/I channel 1, bits 8Ð13 contain the 6-bit data Þeld.
14Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Address 0x11A86 (SMCE1), 0x11A96 (SMCE2)/ 0x11A8A (SMCM1), 0x11A9A (SMCM2)
Figure 26-19. SMC GCI Event Register (SMCE)/Mask Register (SMCM)
Table 26-23. SMCE/SMCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð3 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
4 CTXB C/I channel buffer transmitted. Set when the C/I transmit buffer is now empty.
5 CRXB C/I channel buffer received. Set when the C/I receive buffer is full.
6 MTXB Monitor channel buffer transmitted. Set when the monitor transmit buffer is now empty.
7 MRXB Monitor channel buffer received. Set when the monitor receive buffer is full.
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-1
Chapter 27
Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs)
The MPC8260Õs two multi-channel controllers (MCC1 and MCC2) each handle up to 128
serial, full-duplex data channels. The 128 channels are divided into four subgroups (of 32
channels each). One or more subgroups can be multiplexed through corresponding SIx
TDM channels; MCC1 connects through SI1, and MCC2 uses SI2.
Each channel can be programmed separately either to perform HDLC formatting/
deformatting or to act as a transparent channel.
27.1 Features
Each MCC has the following features:
¥ Up to 128 independent communication channels.
¥ Independent mapping for receive/transmit.
¥ Supports either transparent or HDLC protocols for each channel.
¥ Up to 256 DMA channels with independent buffer descriptor (BD) tables.
¥ Five interrupt circular tables with programmable size and overßow identiÞcation.
One for transmit and four for receive.
¥ Global loop mode.
¥ Individual channel loop mode.
¥ EfÞcient bus usage (no bus usage for inactive channel or for active channels with
nothing to transmit).
¥ EfÞcient control of the interrupts to the core.
¥ Supports external BD tables.
¥ Uses on-chip dual-port RAM (DPR) for parameter storage.
¥ Uses 64-bit data transactions for reading and writing data in BDs.
¥ Supports automatic routing in transparent mode using negative empty polarity.
¥ Supports inverted data per channel.
¥ Supports super channel synchronization in transparent mode (slot synchronization).
¥ Supports in-line synchronization in transparent mode (synchronization on a pattern
of 2 bytes).
27-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.2 MCC Data Structure Organization
Each MCC uses the following data structures:
¥ Global MCC parameters (common to all the 128 channels) placed in the DPR from
the offset (relative to the DPR base address) deÞned in Table 13-10.
¥ Channel-speciÞc parameters. Each channel use 64 bytes of speciÞc parameters
placed in the DPR at offset 64*CH_NUM (relative to the DPR base address).
CH_NUM is the channel number (0Ð127 for MCC1 and 128Ð255 for MCC2).
Channel-speciÞc parameters are described in Section 27.6, ÒChannel-SpeciÞc
HDLC Parameters,Ó and Section 27.7, ÒChannel-SpeciÞc Transparent Parameters.Ó
Note that the DPR memory corresponding to the inactive channels can be used for
other purposes.
¥ Channel extra parameters. Each channel use 8 bytes of extra parameters placed in
the DPR at offset XTRABASE + 8*CH_NUM (relative to the DPR base address).
XTRABASE is one of the global MCC parameters.
Channel extra parameters are described in Section 27.4, ÒChannel Extra
Parameters.Ó Note that the DPR memory corresponding to the inactive channels can
be used for other purposes.
¥ Super channel table (used only if super channels are deÞned). This table is placed in
the DPR from the offset SCTPBASE (relative to the DPR base address).
SCTPBASE is one of the global MCC parameters. The super channel tale is
described in Section 27.5, ÒSuper-Channel Table.Ó
¥ BD tables placed in the external memory. All the BD tables associated with one
MCC must reside in a 512-KByte segment. The absolute base addresses of a channel
BD table is MCCBASE + 8*RBASE (for the receiver) and MCCBASE + 8*TBASE
(for the transmitter). MCCBASE is one of the global MCC parameters and RBASE/
TBASE are channel extra parameters. Each BD table is a circular queue. One BD
includes status bits, start address and length of a data buffer. Figure 27-1 shows the
BD structure for one MCC.
¥ Circular interrupt tables placed in the external memory. There is one table for the
transmitter interrupts (base address TINTBASE) and between one and four tables
for receiver interrupts (base address RINTBASE0ÐRINTBASE4). TINTBASE and
RINTBASE0ÐRINTBASE4 are global MCC parameters.
¥ Three registers (MCCE, MCCM, and MCCF) at described in Section 27.10.1,
ÒMCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM),Ó and Section 27.8, ÒMCC
ConÞguration Registers (MCCFx).Ó
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 27-1. BD Structure for One MCC
27.3 Global MCC Parameters
The global MCC parameters are described in Table 27-1.
Table 27-1. Global Multiple-Channel Parameters
Offset1Name Width Description
0x00 MCCBASE Word Multi-channel controller base pointer. User-initialized parameter points to the starting
address of a 512-Kbyte BD segment in external memory.
0x04 MCCSTATE Hword Multi-channel controller state, used by the CP for global state deÞnition (reserved for
the user)
0x06 MRBLR Hword Maximum receive buffer length (user-initialized). DeÞnes the maximum number of
bytes written to a receive buffer before moving to the next buffer for this channel.
This value must be a multiple of 8.
0x08 GRFTHR Hword Global receive frame threshold. Used to reduce interrupt overhead that can occur
when many short HDLC frames arrive that each cause an RXF interrupt. Setting all
bits enables every interrupt event. Setting a GRFTHR value can limit the frequency
of RXF interrupts. Note that an RXF event is written to the interrupt queue on each
received frame but GINT is set only when the number of RXF events (by all
channels) reaches the GRFTHR value. This parameter does not need to be reset
after an interrupt.
0x0A GRFCNT Hword Global receive frame count. A decrementor counter used to implement the GRFTHR
feature. It should be initialized to the GRFTHR value. Setting all bits enables every
interrupt event. The CP writes an entry in a circular interrupt table and decrements
GRFCNT each time a frame is received. When GRFCNT underßows the CP
generates an interrupt and copy GRFTHR to GRFCNT. This parameter does not
need to be reset after an interrupt.
Channel j TxBD
Channel 0 Parameter
Channel 1 Parameter
Channel j Extra RBASE
Buffer Descriptor
Channel j RxBD
External Memory
512 Kbytes
DPR_base Table Base Address
27-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x0C RINTTMP Word Temporary location for holding the receive interrupt queue entry, used by the CP
(reserved for the user)
0x10 DATA0 Word Temporary location for holding data, used by the CP (reserved for the user)
0x14 DATA1 Word Temporary location for holding data, used by the CP (reserved for the user)
0x18 TINTBASE Word Multi-channel transmitter circular interrupt table base address. The interrupt circular
table is a cyclic table (FIFO-like). Each table entry contains information about an
interrupt request generated by the MCC to the host.
0x1C TINTPTR Word Pointer to the transmitter circular interrupt table. The CP writes the next interrupt
information to this entry when an exception occurs. The user must copy the
TINTBASE value to TINTPTR before enabling interrupts. Further updates of the
TINTPTR are done by the CP.
0x20 TINTTMP Word Temporary location for holding the transmit interrupt queue entry, used by the CP.
The 60x initializes this Þeld before initializing the MCC. The user must clear it before
enabling interrupts.
0x24 SCTPBASE Hword Internal pointer for the super channel transmit table, offset from the DPRAM address
0x26 Ñ Hword
0x28 C_MASK32 Word CRC constant (user initialized to 0xDEBB20E3). Used for 32-bit CRC-CCITT
calculation if HDLC mode is chosen for a selected channel. (This option is
programmable. For each HDLC channel, one of two CRC-CCITT can be selected
through the CHAMR.)
0x2C XTRABASE Hword Pointer the beginning of the extra parameters information, offset from the DPRAM
0x2E C_MASK16 Hword CRC constant (user initialized to 0xF0B8). Used for 16-bit CRC-CCITT calculation if
HDLC mode is chosen for a selected channel. This option is programmable. For
each HDLC channel, one of two CRC-CCITT can be selected through the CHAMR.
0x30 RINTTMP0 Word RINTTMPx. Temporary location for holding a receive circular interrupt table entry (for
tables 0Ð4), used by the CP. The user must clear it before enabling interrupts.See
Section 27.10, ÒMCC Exceptions.Ó
0x34 RINTTMP1 Word
0x38 RINTTMP2 Word
0x3C RINTTMP3 Word
0x40 RINTBASE0 Word RINTBASExÑMulti-channel receiver circular interrupt table base address. The
interrupt circular table is a cyclic table (FIFO-like). Each table entry contains
information about an interrupt request generated by the MCC to the host.
RINTPTRxÑPointer to the receiver circular interrupt table. The CP writes the next
interrupt information to this entry when an exception occurs. The user must copy the
RINTBASEx value to RINTPTRx before enabling interrupts. Further updates of the
RINTPTRx are done by the CP.
0x44 RINTPTR0 Word
0x48 RINTBASE1 Word
0x4C RINTPTR1 Word
0x50 RINTBASE2 Word
0x54 RINTPTR2 Word
0x58 RINTBASE3 Word
0x5C RINTPTR3 Word
0x60 TS_TMP Word Temporary place for time stamp
1Offset to MCC Base
Table 27-1. Global Multiple-Channel Parameters (Continued)
Offset1Name Width Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.4 Channel Extra Parameters
Table 27-2 describes extra parameters. This table is indexed by logical channel number.
27.5 Super-Channel Table
The super channel t able entry redirects an MCC slot to a different channel number. For this
reason, the transmitter super channel uses more FIFO (2 bytesÑhalf of a single channel
transmitter FIFOÑmultiplied by the number of the channels in the super channel) in the
MCC hardware.
On the transmitter side, super channels must be deÞned in the SI RAM (see Section 14.4.3,
ÒProgramming SIx RAM Entries,Ó for details) and a super-channel table must be created.
On the receiver side, the transparent super channels that require slot synchronization must
be programmed in the SI RAM as super channels (the slot synchronization ensures that the
data is aligned in the receiver buffer starting from the Þrst time slot after a sync pulse). In
this case, 1 byte of FIFO is allocated for each super channel. Transparent super channels
that do not require slot synchronization and HDLC super channels can be programmed in
the SI RAM as regular channels pointing to the same MCC channel. In this case the FIFO
allocated for each super channel is 2 bytes (and the CP load will be lower).
The example in Figure 27-3 shows the SI RAM programming and the super-channel table
for two transmitter super channels, one including slots 1, 6, and 7 and the second 2, 3, and
4. Figure 27-4 shows the SI RAM programming for the same transparent receiver super
Table 27-2. Channel Extra Parameters
1The offset relative to dual-port RAM base address + XTRABASE + 8*CH_NUM
Name Width Description
0x00 TBASE Hword TxBD base address. Offset of the channelÕs TxBD table relative to the MCCBASE (The
base address of the BD table for this channel MCCBASE+8*TBASE)
0x02 TBPTR Hword TxBD pointer. Offset of the current BD relative to the MCCBASE. TBPTR is user-initialized
to TBASE before enabling the channel or after a fatal error before reinitializing the
channel. (The address of the BD in use for this channel MCCBASE+8*TBPTR)
0x04 RBASE Hword RxBD base address. Offset of the channelÕs RxBD table relative to the MCCBASE. (The
base address of the BD table for this channel MCCBASE+8*RBASE)
0x06 RBPTR Hword RxBD pointer. Offset of the current BD relative to the MCCBASE. RBPTR is user-
initialized to RBASE before enabling the channel or after a fatal error before reinitializing
the channel. (The address of the BD in use for this channel MCCBASE+8*RTBPTR)
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field 0 0 Channel Number 0 0 0 0 0 0
Address DPR_base_address+SCTPBASE+2*Virtual_Channel_Number
(Virtual_channel_number is the number written in the MCSEL Þeld of the corresponding SI RAM entry)
Figure 27-2. Super Channel Table Entry
27-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
channels which uses the slot synchronization. Figure 27-5 shows the SI RAM
programming for the same transparent or HDLC receiver super channels that do not use slot
Figure 27-3. Transmitter Super Channel Example
The example in Figure 27-5 shows a receiver super channel with slot synchronization.
0 1 2 3Ð10 11Ð13 14 15
SI RAM Address
0x1 10
1First slot of the super channel
2 Regular (not Þrst) slot of the super channel
0x1 10
0x1 11
0Ð1 2Ð9 10Ð15
0x0 Ñ
0x2 0x1
0x4 0x2
0x6 0x2
0x8 0x2
0xA Ñ
0xC 0x1
0xE 0x1
0x10 Ñ
The super channel BD tables are associated with channels 1 and 2 (no BD tables are necessary for
SI RAM Super Channel Table
channels 3, 4, 6, and 7)
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 27-4. Receiver Super Channel with Slot Synchronization Example
The example in Figure 27-5 shows a receiver super channel without slot synchronization.
Figure 27-5. Receiver Super Channel without Slot Synchronization Example
0 1 2 3Ð10 11Ð13 14 15
SI RAM Address
0x1 1 0 Regular Channel
1 First slot of the super channel
1 0 Super Channel 1
0x011 0 Super Channel 2
2 Regular (not Þrst) slot of the super channel
0 0 Super Channel 2
0x720 0 Super Channel 2
0x1 1 0 Regular Channel
0x720 0 Super Channel 1
0x720 0 Super Channel 1
0x1 1 1 Regular Channel
The super channel BD tables are associated with channels 1 and 2
0 1 2 3Ð10 11Ð13 14 15
SI RAM Address
0x1 1 0 Regular Channel
1 0 0 0x1 0x1 1 0 Super Channel 1
1 0 0 0x2 0x1 1 0 Super Channel 2
1 0 0 0x2 0x1 1 0 Super Channel 2
1 0 0 0x2 0x1 1 0 Super Channel 2
1 0 0 0x3 0x1 1 0 Regular Channel
1 0 0 0x1 0x1 1 0 Super Channel 1
1 0 0 0x1 0x1 1 0 Super Channel 1
0x1 1 1 Regular Channel
The super channel BD tables are associated with channels 1 and 2
27-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.6 Channel-SpeciÞc HDLC Parameters
Table 27-3 describes channel-speciÞc parameters for HDLC.
Table 27-3. Channel-Specific Parameters for HDLC
1The offset is relative to dual-port RAM base address + 64*CH_NUM
Name Width Description
0x00 TSTATE Word Tx internal state. To start a transmitter channel the user must write to TSTATE
0xHH80_0000. HH is the TSTATE high byte described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal
Transmitter State (TSTATE).Ó
0x04 ZISTATE Word Zero-insertion machine state.(User-initialized to 0x10000207 for regular channel, and
0x30000207 for inverted channel)
0x08 ZIDATA0 Word Zero-insertion high word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x0C ZIDATA1 Word Zero-insertion low word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x10 TBDFlags Hword TxDB ßags, used by the CP (read-only for the user)
0x12 TBDCNT Hword Tx internal byte count. Number of remaining bytes in buffer, used by the CP (read-only
for the user)
0x14 TBDPTR Word Tx internal data pointer. Points to current absolute data address of channel, used by the
CP (read-only for the user)
0x18 INTMSK Hword ChannelÕs interrupt mask ßag. See Section 27.6.2, ÒInterrupt Mask (INTMSK).Ó
0x1A CHAMR Hword Channel mode register. See Section 27.6.3, ÒChannel Mode Register (CHAMR).Ó
0x1C TCRC Word Temp transmit CRC. Temp value of CRC calculation result, used by the CP (read-only for
the user)
0x20 RSTATE Word Rx internal state. To start a receiver channel the user must write to RSTATE
0xHH80_0000. HH is the RSTATE high byte described in Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal
Receiver State (RSTATE).Ó
0x24 ZDSTATE Word Zero-deletion machine state (User-initialized to 0x00FFFFE0 for regular channel and
0x20FFFFE0 for inverted channel)
0x28 ZDDATA0 Word Zero-deletion high word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x2C ZDDATA1 Word Zero-deletion low word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x30 RBDFlags Hword RxBD ßags, used by the CP (read-only for the user)
0x32 RBDCNT Hword Rx internal byte count. Number of remaining bytes in buffer, used by the CP (read-only
for the user)
0x34 RBDPTR Word Rx internal data pointer. Points to current absolute data address of channel, used by the
CP (read-only for the user)
0x38 MFLR Hword Maximum frame length register. DeÞnes the longest expectable frame for this channel.
(64-Kbyte maximum). The remainder of a frame that is larger than MFLR is discarded
and the LG ßag is set in the last frameÕs BD. An interrupt request might be generated
(RXF and RXB) depending on the interrupt mask. A frameÕs length is considered to be
everything between ßags, including CRC. No more data is written into the current buffer
when the MFLR violation is detected.
0x3A MAX_CNT Hword Max_length counter, used by the CP (read-only for the user)
0x3C RCRC Word Temp receive CRC, used by the CP (read-only for the user)
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.6.1 Internal Transmitter State (TSTATE)
Internal transmitter state (TSTATE) is a 4-byte register provides transaction parameters
associated with SDMA channel accesses (like function code registers) and starts the
transmitter channel.
To start the channel, write 0xHH800000 to TSTATE, where HH is the TSTATE high byte
(see Figure 27-6). When the channel is active, the CP changes the value of the three LSBs,
hence these 3 bytes must be masked if the user reads back the TSTATE.
TSTATE high-byte Þelds are described in Table 27-4.
27.6.2 Interrupt Mask (INTMSK)
The interrupt mask (INTMSK) provides in bits for enabling/disabling each event deÞned in
the interrupt circular table entry.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset Ñ
Figure 27-6. TSTATE High Byte
Table 27-4. TSTATE High-Byte Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global. Setting GLB activates snooping (only the 60X bus can be snooped, this parameter is
ignored for local bus transactions).
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Set BO to select the required byte ordering for the buffer. If BO is changed on-the-ßy,
it takes effect at the beginning of the next frame or at the beginning of the next BD.
00 Reserved
01 PowerPC little-endian.
1x Big-endian
5TC2 Transfer code. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6DTB Data bus indicator. Selects the bus that handles transfers to and from data buffers.
0 60x bus SDMA
1 Local bus SDMA
7BDB BD bus. Seects the bus that handles transfers to/from BD and interrupt circular tables.
0 60x bus SDMA used for accessing BDs
1 Local bus SDMA used for accessing BDs
27-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
To enable an interrupt, set the corresponding bit. If a bit is cleared, no interrupt request is
generated and no new entry is written in the circular interrupt table. The user must initialize
INTMSK prior to operation. Reserved bits are cleared.
27.6.3 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)
The channel mode register (CHAMR) is a user-initialized register, shown in Figure 27-8.
This is a generalized representation of CHAMR. Section 27.7.1, ÒChannel Mode Register
(CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode,Ó describes the CHAMR for transparent mode.
CHAMR Þelds are described in Table 27-5.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
INTMSK Ñ Mask Bits ÑMask Bits
Figure 27-7. INTMSK Mask Bits
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Ñ
Offset 0x1A
Figure 27-8. Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)
Table 27-5. CHAMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0MODE This mode bit determines whether the HDLC or transparent mode is used. It also determines how
other CHAMR bits are interpreted.
0 Transparent mode. See Section 27.7.1, ÒChannel Mode Register (CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode.Ó
1 HDLC mode
1POL Enable polling. POL enables the transmitter to poll the TxBDs.
0 Polling is disabled (The CPM does not access the external bus to check the R bit in the TxBD).
1 Polling is enabled.
POL can be used to optimize the use of the external bus. Software should always set POL at the
beginning of a transmit sequence of one or more frames. The CP clears POL when no more buffers
are ready in the transmit queue, i.e. when it Þnds a BD with R = 0 (for example, at the end of a frame
or at the end of a multi-frame transmission). To minimize useless transactions on the external bus,
software should always prepare the new BD, or multiple BDs, and set BD[R] before enabling polling.
21Must be set.
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.6.4 Internal Receiver State (RSTATE)
Internal receiver state (RSTATE) is a 4-byte register that provides transaction parameters
associated with SDMA channel accesses (like function code registers) and starts the
receiver channel.
To start the channel the user must write 0xHH800000 to RSTATE, where HH is the
RSTATE high byte (see Figure 27-9). When the channel is active the CP changes the value
of the 3 LSBs, hence these 3 bytes must be masked if the user reads back the RSTATE.
3IDLM Idle mode.
0 No idle patterns are sent between frames. After sending NOF+1 ßags, the transmitter starts
sending the data of the frame. If the transmission is between frames and the frame buffers are not
ready, the transmitter sends ßags until it can start transmitting the data.
1 At least one idle pattern is sent between adjacent frames. The NOF value shall be no smaller than
the PAD setting, see TxBD. If NOF = 0, this is identical to ßag sharing in HDLC. Mode ßags
precede the actual data. When IDLM = 1, at least one idle pattern is sent between adjacent
frames. If the transmission is between frames and the frame buffer is not ready, the transmitter
sends idle characters. When data is ready, the NOF+1 ßags are sent followed by the data frame.
If IDLE mode is selected and NOF = 1, the following sequence is sent:
......init value, FF, FF, ßag, ßag, data, ........
The init value before the idle will be ones.
4Ð7 ÑThese bits must be cleared.
8CRC Selects the type of CRC when HDLC channel mode is used.
0 16-bit CCITT-CRC
1 32-bit CCITT-CRC
9ÑThis bit must be cleared.
10 TS Receive time stamp. If this bit is set a 4 byte time stamp is written at the beginning of every data
buffer that the BD points to.If this bit is set the data buffer must start from an address equal to 8*n-4
(n is any integer larger than 0).
11Ð12 RQN Receive queue number. SpeciÞes the receive interrupt queue number.
00 Queue number 0.
01 Queue number 1.
10 Queue number 2.
11 Queue number 3.
13Ð15 NOF Number of ßags. NOF deÞnes the minimum number of ßags before frames:
000 At least 1 ßag
001 At least 2 ßags
111 At least 8 ßags
Table 27-5. CHAMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
27-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
RSTATE high-byte Þelds are described in Table 27-6.
27.7 Channel-SpeciÞc Transparent Parameters
Table 27-7 describes channel-speciÞc parameters for transparent operation.
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x20
Figure 27-9. Rx Internal State (RSTATE) High Byte
Table 27-6. RSTATE High-Byte Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global. Setting GLB activates snooping (only the 60X bus can be snooped, this parameter is ignored
for local bus transactions).
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Set BO to select the required byte ordering for the buffer. If BO is changed on-the-ßy,
it takes effect at the beginning of the next frame or at the beginning of the next BD.
00 Reserved
01 PowerPC little-endian.
1x Big-endian
5TC2 Transfer code. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6DTB Data bus indicator.
The transfers to data buffers are handled by the:
0 60x bus SDMA
1 Local bus SDMA
7BDB BD and interrupt circular tables bus indicator.
The transfers to/from BD and interrupt circular tables are handled by the:
0 60x bus SDMA
1 Local bus SDMA
Note that the following restrictions result from the fact that there is a common bus selection bit for
BDs and interrupt circular tables:
¥ The RxBDs of all the channels that use a particular interrupt table must reside on the same bus
(60x or local).
¥ All TxBDs must reside on the same bus (60x or local).
Table 27-7. Channel-Specific Parameters for Transparent Operation
Offset1Name Width Description
0x00 TSTATE Word Tx internal state. To start a transmitter channel the user must write to TSTATE
0xHH80_0000. HH is the TSTATE high byte described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal
Transmitter State (TSTATE).Ó
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.7.1 Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode
Figure 27-10 shows the user-initialized channel mode register, CHAMR, for transparent
0x04 ZISTATE Word Zero-insertion machine state.(User-initialized to 0x10000207 for regular channel, and
0x30000207 for inverted channel)
0x08 ZIDATA0 Word Zero-insertion high word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x0C ZIDATA1 Word Zero-insertion low word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x10 TBDFlags Hword TxDB ßags, used by the CP (read-only for the user)
0x12 TBDCNT Hword Tx internal byte count. Number of remaining bytes in buffer, used by the CP (read-only
for the user)
0x14 TBDPTR Word Tx internal data pointer. Points to current absolute data address of channel, used by
the CP (read-only for the user)
0x18 INTMSK Hword ChannelÕs interrupt mask ßag. See Section 27.6.2, ÒInterrupt Mask (INTMSK).Ó
0x1A CHAMR Hword Channel mode register. See Section 27.7.1, ÒChannel Mode Register (CHAMR)Ñ
Transparent Mode.Ó
0x1C Ñ Word Reserved
0x20 RSTATE Word Rx internal state. To start a receiver channel the user must write to RSTATE
0xHH80_0000. HH is the RSTATE high byte described in Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal
Receiver State (RSTATE).Ó
0x24 ZDSTATE Word Zero-deletion machine state (User-initialized to 0x00FFFFE0 for regular channel and
0x20FFFFE0 for inverted channel)
0x28 ZDDATA0 Word Zero-deletion high word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x2C ZDDATA1 Word Zero-deletion low word data buffer (User-initialized to 0xFFFFFFFF)
0x30 RBDFlags Hword RxBD ßags, used by the CP (read-only for the user)
0x32 RBDCNT Hword Rx internal byte count. Number of remaining bytes in buffer, used by the CP (read-
only for the user)
0x34 RBDPTR Word Rx internal data pointer. Points to current absolute data address of channel, used by
the CP (read-only for the user)
0x38 TMRBLR Hword Transparent maximum receive buffer length. DeÞnes the maximum number of bytes
written to a receiver buffer before moving to the next buffer for the respective channel.
This value must be 8 byte aligned.
0x3A RCVSYNC Hword Receive synchronization pattern. DeÞnes the synchronization pattern when
CHAMR[SYNC] is 0b1x. The two bytes are checked in reverse order (byte from
address 0x3B Þrst and byte from address 0x3A last). Non-inverted data is used for
synchronization even if the channel is programmed to invert the data.
0x3C Ñ Word Reserved
1The offset is relative to dual-port RAM address 64*CH_NUM
Table 27-7. Channel-Specific Parameters for Transparent Operation (Continued)
Offset1Name Width Description
27-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
CHAMR Þelds are described in Table 27-5,
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset Ñ
Offset 0x1A
Figure 27-10. Channel Mode Register (CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode
Table 27-8. CHAMR Field DescriptionsÑTransparent Mode
Bits Name Description
0MODE Channel mode. Selects either HDLC or transparent mode.
0 Transparent mode.
1 HDLC mode
1POL Enable polling. POL enables the transmitter to poll the TxBDs.
0 Polling is disabled (The CPM does not access the external bus to check the R bit in the TxBD).
1 Polling is enabled.
POL can be used to optimize the use of the external bus. Software should always set POL at the
beginning of a transmit sequence of one or more frames. The CP clears POL when no more buffers
are ready in the transmit queue, i.e. when it Þnds a BD with R = 0 (for example, at the end of a frame
or at the end of a multi-frame transmission). To prevent a signiÞcant number of useless transactions
on the external bus, software should always prepare the new BD, or multiple BDs, and set BD[R]
before enabling polling.
2Ð3 0b11 Must be set.
4EP Empty polarity and enable polling.
0 The E bit in the RxBD is handled in positive logic (1 = empty; 0 = not empty). Polling occurs only if
POL is set.
1 The E bit in the RxBD is handled in negative logic (0 = empty, 1 = not empty). Polling occurs
disregarding the value of POL.
5RD 0 Normal bit order (transmit/receive the lsb of each octet Þrst)
1 Reversed bit order to be reversed (transmit/receive the msb of each octet Þrst).
6Ð7 SYNC Synchronization. SYNC controls synchronization of multi-channel operation in transparent mode.
SYNC Receive Transmit Description
00 None None Transmitter and receiver operate with no synchronization algorithm
01 Slot Slot The Þrst data is sent/received in the slot deÞned in the slot
assignment table (for super channels only)
10 8-bit None Receive data synchronization uses an 8-bit pattern speciÞed by the 8
MSB of RCVSYNC. The sync bytes will not be written to the receive
11 16-bit None Receive data synchronization uses a 16-bit pattern speciÞed by
RCVSYNC. The Þrst byte of the sync pattern will not be written to the
receive buffer. The second byte of the sync pattern will be written to
the receive buffer (Þrst and second represent the order in which the
two bytes of the sync pattern are received on the serial channel).
8Ð9 Ñ Reserved, must be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.8 MCC ConÞguration Registers (MCCFx)
The MCC conÞguration register (MCCF), shown in Figure 27-11, deÞnes the mapping of
the MCC channels to the TDM channels. MCC1 can be connected to SI1 and MCC2 can
be connected to SI2. For each MCCx-SIx pair, each of the four 32 channels subgroups can
be connected to one of the four TDM highways (TDMA, TDMB, TDMC, and TDMD).
Table 27-9 describes MCCF Þelds.
Table 27-10 describes group assignments.
10 TS Receive time stamp. If this bit is set a 4 byte time stamp is written at the beginning of every data
buffer that the BD points to.If this bit is set the data buffer must start from an address equal to 8*N-4
(N is any number larger than 0).
11Ð12 RQN Receive queue number. SpeciÞes the receive interrupt queue number.
00 Queue number 0.
01 Queue number 1.
10 Queue number 2.
11 Queue number 3.
13Ð15 Ñ Reserved, must be cleared.
Field Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11B38 (MCCF1), 0x11B58 (MCCF2)
Figure 27-11. SI MCC Configuration Register (MCCF)
Table 27-9. MCCF Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1, 2Ð3, 4Ð5, 6Ð7 GROUP xGroup x of channels is used by TDM y as shown in Table 27-10.
00 Group x is used by TDM A.
01 Group x is used by TDM B.
10 Group x is used by TDM C.
11 Group x is used by TDM D.
Table 27-8. CHAMR Field DescriptionsÑTransparent Mode (Continued)
Bits Name Description
27-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Note that the TDM group channel assignments made in MCCF must be coherent with the
SI register programming and SI RAM programming; see Section 14.5, ÒSerial Interface
Registers,Ó and Section 14.4.3, ÒProgramming SIx RAM Entries.Ó The user must also
program MCCF before enabling the TDM channel in the SIGMR; see Section 14.5.1, ÒSI
Global Mode Registers (SIxGMR).Ó
27.9 MCC Commands
The user starts channels by writing to the TSTATE/RSTATE registers as described in
Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal Receiver State (RSTATE),Ó and Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal
Transmitter State (TSTATE).Ó
The following commands, used to stop and initialize channels, are issued to the MCC by
writing to CPCR as described in Section 13.4.1, ÒCP Command Register (CPCR).Ó
Table 27-11 describes transmit commands.
Table 27-10. Group Channel Assignments
Group Channels
Group1 in MCCF1 0Ð31
Group2 in MCCF1 32Ð63
Group3 in MCCF1 64Ð95
Group4 in MCCF1 96Ð127
Group1 in MCCF2 128Ð159
Group2 in MCCF2 160Ð191
Group3 in MCCF2 192Ð223
Group4 in MCCF2 224Ð255
Table 27-11. Transmit Commands
Command Description
Disables the transmission on the selected channel and clears CHAMR[POL]. When this command is
issued in the middle of a frame, the CP sends an ABORT indication and then idles/ßags on the
selected channel. If this command is issued between frames, the CP sends only idles or ßags
(depending on CHAMR[IDLM]). TBPTR points for the buffer that the CP was using when the STOP
TRANSMIT command was issued.
Initializes transmit parameters in this MCC parameter RAM to their reset state. This command should
only be issued when the transmitter is disabled. Note that the MCC initialize commands initialize only
the 32 consecutive channels starting with the channel number speciÞed in CPCR[MCN]. To initialize
more than 32 channels, reissue the command with the appropriate channel numbers. Note also the INIT
TX AND RX PARAMETERS command can be used to reset both the receive and transmit parameters.
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 27-12 describes receive commands.
27.10 MCC Exceptions
MCC interrupt handling involves two main data structures, the MCC event register
(described in Section 27.10.1, ÒMCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM))
and the interrupt circular tables, shown in Figure 27-12.
Figure 27-12. Interrupt Circular Table
There is one table for transmitter interrupts and from one to four tables for receiver
interrupts. Each channel is programmed to report receiver interrupts in one of the receiver
tables. This way receiver interrupts can be sorted, for example, by priority. Each interrupt
circular table must be least two entries long.
T/RINTBASE and T/RINTPTR, which are user-initialized global MCC parameters (See
Section 27.3, ÒGlobal MCC ParametersÓ), point to the starting location of the table (in
external memory) and the current empty position (initialized at the top of the table)
available to the CP. All the entries in the table must be user-initialized with 0x00000000,
except for the last one which must be initialized with 0x40000000 (W = 1, thus deÞning the
Table 27-12. Receive Commands
Command Description
Forces the receiver of the selected channel to terminate reception. After this command is executed, the
CP does not change the receive parameters in the dual-port RAM. The user must initialize the channel
receive parameters in order to restart reception.
Initializes all receive parameters in this MCC parameter RAM to their reset state. Should be issued only
when the receiver is disabled. Note that the MCC initialize commands initialize only the 32 consecutive
channels starting with the channel number speciÞed in CPCR[MCN]. To initialize more than 32
channels, reissue the command with the appropriate channel numbers. Note also the INIT TX AND RX
PARAMETERS command can be used to reset both the receive and transmit parameters.
V=0 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=0 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=0 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=0 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=1 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=1 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=0 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=0 W=0 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
V=0 W=1 Interrupt Flags Channel Number
Software Pointer
0 1 2Ð17 18Ð25 26Ð31Interrupt Table Entry
27-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
end of the table). When an MCC channel generates an interrupt request, the CP writes a new
entry to the table (with V = 1) and increments T/RINTPTR (if W = 1 for the current entry,
T/RINTPTR is loaded with T/RINTBASE).
An interrupt is issued to the core whenever an entry is added to an interrupt circular table,
except for the RXF events (received complete HDLC frame), in which case an interrupt is
issued after a total of GRFTHR entries were added to one or more of the receive interrupt
circular tables. See Table 27-1 for the description of the GRFTHR.
In addition to the channelÕs number, this entry contains a description of the exception (see
Section, ÒInterrupt Table EntryÓ).
After an MCC interrupt, the user reads MCCE. MCCE[GINT] can be used to indicate that
at least one new entry was added to one of the tables. After clearing GINT, the user starts
processing the table(s) which contain pending events, as indicated by the bits
MCCE[RINTx] and MCCE[TINT]. The user then clears this entryÕs valid bit (V) (see
Section, ÒInterrupt Table EntryÓ). The user follows this procedure until it reaches
an entry with V = 0.
27.10.1 MCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM)
The MCC event register (MCCE) is used to report events and generate interrupt requests.
For each of its ßags, a programmable mask/enable bit in MCCM determines whether an
interrupt request is generated. The MCC mask register (MCCM) is used to enable/disable
interrupt requests. For each ßag in the MCCE there is a programmable mask/enable bit in
MCCM which determines whether an interrupt request is generated. Setting an MCCM bit
enables and clearing an MCCM bit disables the corresponding interrupt.
MCCE bits are cleared by writing ones to them; writing zeros has no effect.
Figure 27-13 shows MCCE and MCCM bits,
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11B30 (MCCE1), 0x11B50 (MCCE2)/0x11B34 (MCCM1), 0x11B54 (MCCM2)
Figure 27-13. MCC Event Register (MCCE)/Mask Register (MCCM)
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 27-13 describes MCCE Þelds. Interrupt Table Entry
Each interrupt table entry, shown in Figure 27-14, contains information about channel-
speciÞc events. The transmit circular table shows only events caused by transmission; the
receive circular tables shows only events caused by reception.
Table 27-13. MCCE/MCCM Register Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 QOV0 QOVxÑReceive interrupt queue overßow. IQOV is set (and an interrupt request generated) by the
CP whenever an overßow occurs in the transmit circular interrupt table. This occurs if the CP tries to
update an interrupt entry that was not handled by the user (such an entry is identiÞed by V = 1).
RINTxÑReceive interrupt. When RINT = 1, the MCC generated at least one new entry in the receive
interrupt circular table. After clearing it, the user reads the next entry from the receive interrupt
circular table and starts processing a speciÞc channelÕs exception. The user returns from the
interrupt handler when it reaches a table entry with V = 0.
8Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12 TQOV Transmit interrupt queue overßow. TQOV is set (and interrupt request generated) by the CP
whenever an overßow occurs in the transmit circular interrupt table. This condition occurs if the CP
attempts to write a new interrupt entry into an entry that was not handled by the user. Such an entry
is identiÞed by V = 1.
13 TINT Transmit interrupt. When TINT = 1, at least one new entry in the transmit interrupt circular table was
generated by MCC. After clearing it, the user reads the next entry from the transmit interrupt circular
table and starts processing a speciÞc channelÕs exception. The user returns from the interrupt
handler when it reaches a table entry with V = 0.
14 GUN Global transmitter underrun. When set, this ßag indicates that an underrun occured in the MCCÕs
transmitter FIFO buffer. This error is fatal, since it is unknown which channels were affected.
Following the assertion of GUN in the MCCE the MCC stops transmitting data in all channels. The
TDM Tx line becomes idle. The MCC transmitters must be reinitialized after this error. If enabled in
MCCM, an interrupt request is generated when GUN is set. The user must clear GUN.
15 GOV Global receiver overrun. When GOV = 1, an overrun occured in the MCCÕs receiver FIFO buffer. This
error is fatal, since it is unknown which channels were affected. When GOV = 1, the MCC stops
receiving data in all channels. No more data is transferred to memory. The MCC receivers must be
re-initialized after this error. If enabled in MCCM, an interrupt request is generated when GOV is set.
The user must clear GOV bit.
27-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 27-14 describes interrupt circular table Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field Ñ Channel Number 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 27-14. Interrupt Circular Table Entry
Table 27-14. Interrupt Circular Table Entry Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0VValid bit. V = 1 indicates that this entry contains valid interrupt information. Upon generating a new
entry, the CP sets V = 1. The user clears V immediately after it reads the interrupt ßags of the entry
(before processing the interrupt). The V bits in the table are user-initialized. During initialization, the
user must clear those bits in all table entries.
1WWrap bit. W = 1 indicates the last interrupt circular table entry. The next eventÕs entry is written/read
(by CP/user) from the address contained in INTBASE (see Table 27-1). During initialization, the user
must clear all W bits in the table except for the last one which must be set.
2Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 UN Tx no data. The CP sets this ßag if there is no data available to be sent to the transmitter. The
transmitter sends an ABORT indication and then sends idles.
7 TXB Tx buffer. A buffer has been completely transmitted. TXB is set (and an interrupt request is
generated) as soon as the programmed number of PAD characters (or the closing ßag, for PAD = 0)
is written to MCC transmit FIFO. This controls when the TXB interrupt is given in relation to the
closing ßag sent out at TXD. Section 27.11.2, ÒTransmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)Ó describes how
PAD characters are used.
8Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 MRF Maximum receive frame length violation. This interrupt occurs in HDLC mode when more bytes are
received than the value speciÞed in MFLR. This interrupt is generated as soon as the MFLR value is
exceeded; the remainder of the frame is discarded
11 NID Set whenever a pattern that is not an idle pattern is identiÞed.
12 IDL Idle. Set when the channelÕs receiver identiÞes the Þrst occurrence of HDLC idle (0xFFFE) after any
non-idle pattern.
13 RXF Rx frame. A complete HDLC frame has been received.
14 BSY Busy. A frame was received but was discarded due to lack of buffers.
15 RXB Rx buffer. A buffer has been received on this channel that was not the last buffer in frame. This
interrupt is also given for different error types that can happen during reception. Error conditions are
reported in the RxBD.
16Ð18 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
19Ð26 CN Channel number. IdentiÞes the requests channel index (0Ð255).
27Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.11 MCC Buffer Descriptors
Each MCC channel requires two BD tables (one for transmit and one for receive). Each BD
contains key information about the buffer it deÞnes. The BDs are accessed by the MCC as
needed; BDs can be added dynamically to the BDs chain. The RxBDs chain must include
at least two BDs; the TxBD chain must include at least one BDs.
The MCC BDs are located in the external memory.
27.11.1 Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Figure 27-15 shows the RxBD.
RxBD Þelds are described in Table 27-15.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 27-15. MCC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Table 27-15. RxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The data buffer associated with this BD has been Þlled with received data, or data reception has
been aborted due to an error condition. The user is free to examine or write to any Þelds of this
RxBD. The CP does not use this BD again while the empty bit remains zero.
1 The data buffer associated with this BD is empty, or reception is in progress. This RxBD and its
associated receive buffer are in use by the CP. When E = 1, the user should not write any Þelds of
this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 This is not the last BD in the RxBD table.
1 This is the last BD in the RxBD table. After this buffer has been used, the CP receives incoming
data into the Þrst BD in the table (the BD pointed to by RBASE). The number of RxBDs in this
table is programmable and is determined by the wrap bit.
0 The RXB bit is not set after this buffer has been used, but RXF operation remains unaffected.
1 The RXB or RXF bit in the HDLC interrupt circular table entry is set when this buffer has been
used by the HDLC controller. These two bits may cause interrupts (if enabled).
4 L Last in frame (only for HDLC mode of operation). The HDLC controller sets L = 1, when this buffer is
the last in a frame. This implies the reception either of a closing ßag or of an error, in which case one
or more of the CD, OV, AB, and LG bits are set. The HDLC controller writes the number of frame
octets to the data length Þeld.
0 This buffer is not the last in a frame.
1 This buffer is the last in a frame.
27-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
5 F First in frame. The HDLC controller sets F = 1 for the Þrst buffer in a frame. In transparent mode, F
indicates that there was a synchronization before receiving data in this BD.
0 This is not the Þrst buffer in a frame.
1 This is the Þrst buffer in a frame.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation (The empty bit (bit 0) is cleared by the CP after this BD is closed).
1 The empty bit (bit 0) is not cleared by the CP after this BD is closed, allowing the associated data
buffer to be overwritten automatically when the CP next accesses this BD. However, if an error
occurs during reception, the empty bit is cleared regardless of the CM bit setting.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8UB User bit. UB is a user-deÞned bit that the CPM never sets nor clears. The user determines how this
bit is used.
9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 LG Rx frame length violation (HDLC mode only). Indicates that a frame length greater than the
maximum value was received in this channel. Only the maximum-allowed number of bytes, MFLR
rounded to the nearest higher word alignment, are written to the data buffer. This event is recognized
as soon as the MFLR value is exceeded when data is word-aligned. When data is not word-aligned,
this interrupt occurs when the SDMA writes 64 bits to memory. The worst-case latency from MFLR
violation until detected is 7 bytes timing for this channel. When MFLR violation is detected, the
receiver is still receiving even though the data is discarded. The buffer is closed upon detecting a
ßag, and this is considered to be the closing ßag for this buffer. At this point, LG is set (1) and an
interrupt may be generated. The length Þeld for this buffer is everything between the opening ßag
and this last identifying ßag.
11 NO Rx nonoctet-aligned frame. A frame of bits not divisible exactly by eight was received. NO = 1 for any
type of nonalignment regardless of frame length. The shortest frame that can be detected is of type
FLAG-BIT-FLAG, which causes the buffer to be closed with NO error indicated.
The following shows how the nonoctet alignment is reported and where data can be found.
To accommodate the extra word of data that may be written at the end of the frame, it is
recommended to reserve MFLR + 8 bytes for each buffer data.
12 AB Rx abort sequence. A minimum of seven consecutive 1s was received during frame reception. Abort
is not detected between frames. The sequence
Closing-Flag, data, CRC, AB, data, opening-ßag...
does not cause an abort error. If the abort is long enough to be an idle, an idle line interrupt may be
generated. An abort within the frame is not reported by a unique interrupt but rather with a RXF
interrupt and the user has to examine the BD.
13 CR Rx CRC error. This frame contains a CRC error. The received CRC bytes are always written to the
receive buffer.
14Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 27-15. RxBD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
msb lsb
1 000...... 0
Valid data Invalid data
xxx .................................... xx
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The data length and buffer pointer are described as follows:
¥ Data length. Data length is the number of octets written by the CP into this BDÕs data
buffer. It is written by the CP when the BD is closed. When this is the last BD in the
frame (L = 1), the data length contains the total number of frame octets (including
two or four bytes for CRC). Note that memory allocated for buffers should be not
smaller than the contents of the maximum receive buffer length register (MRBLR).
The data length does not include the time stamp.
¥ Rx buffer pointer. The receive buffer pointer points to the Þrst location of the
associated data buffer. This value must be equal to 8*n if CHAMR[TS] = 0 and equal
to 8*n - 4 if CHAMR[TS] = 1 (where n is any integer larger than 0).
27.11.2 Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Figure 27-16 shows the TxBD.
Table 27-16 describes TxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 27-16. MCC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Table 27-16. TxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission. The user is free to manipulate this
BD or its associated data buffer. The CP clears this bit after the buffer has been transmitted or after
an error condition is encountered.
1 The data buffer is ready to be transmitted. The transmission may have begun, but it has not
completed. The user cannot modify this BD once this bit is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 This is not the last BD in the TxBD table.
1 This is the last BD in the TxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the
Þrst BD in the table (the BD pointed to by TBASE). The number of TxBDs in this table is
programmable and is determined the wrap bit.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been serviced.
1 TXB in the circular interrupt table entry is set when this buffer has been serviced by the MCC. This
bit can cause an interrupt (if enabled).
0 This is not the last buffer in the frame.
1 This is the last buffer in the current frame.
27-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The data length and buffer pointer are described below:
¥ Data length. The data length is the number of bytes the MCC should transmit from
this BDÕs data buffer. It is never modiÞed by the CP. The value of this Þeld should
be greater than zero.
¥ Tx buffer pointer. The transmit buffer pointer, which contains the address of the
associated data buffer, may be even or odd. The buffer may reside in either internal
or external memory. This value is never modiÞed by the CP.
27.12 MCC Initialization and Start/Stop Sequence
The MCC must be initialized and started/stopped in relation with the corresponding TDMs.
The following two sections present the initialization and start/stop sequences which must
be followed for single and super channels.
5FTx CRC. Valid only when L = 1. Otherwise it must be ignored.
0 Transmit the closing ßag after the last data byte. This setting can be used for testing purposes to
send an erroneous CRC after the data.
1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear the ready bit after this BD is closed, allowing the associated data buffer to be
retransmitted automatically when the CP next accesses this BD. However, the R bit is cleared if an
error occurs during transmission, regardless of the CM bit setting.
7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8UB User bit. UB is a user-deÞned bit that the CPM never sets nor clears. The user determines how this bit
is used.
9Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12Ð15 PAD Pad characters. These four bits indicate the number of PAD characters (0x7E or 0xFF depending on the
IDLM mode selected in the CHAMR register) that the transmitter sends after the closing ßag. The
transmitter issues a TXB interrupt only after sending the programmed number of pads to the Tx FIFO
buffer. The user can use the PAD value to guarantee that the TXB interrupt occurs after the closing ßag
has been sent out on the TXD line. PAD = 0, means that the TXB interrupt is issued immediately after
the closing ßag is sent to the Tx FIFO buffer. The number of PAD characters depends on the FIFO size
assigned to the channel in the MCC hardware. If the channel is not part of a super channel then the
MCC hardware assigns to this channel a Þfo of 4 bytes. So in this case a pad of 4 bytes ensure that the
TXB interrupt is not given before the closing ßag has been transmitted over the TXD line. For a super
channel, FIFO length equals the number of channels included in the super channel multiplied by four.
Table 27-16. TxBD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-25
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.12.1 Single-Channel Initialization
The following sequence must be followed to initialize and start a single channel (after reset
or after a fatal error):
1. Program the SI. The entries the MCC channels uses must point to the null channel
(set in the SI RAM entry MCC = 0, CSEL = 0 and the correct size - 1 byte); entries
used by other controllers (not MCC) can be activated at this time.
2. Initialize the MCC parameters (in DPR and external memory).
3. Enable the MCC channel as described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal Transmitter State
(TSTATE),Ó and Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal Receiver State (RSTATE).Ó
4. Reprogram the SI RAM to point to the enabled channel(s).
The following sequence must be followed to stop a single channel in order to change the SI
without using the shadow SI:
1. Issue a STOP command for the respective channel as described in Section 27.9,
ÒMCC Commands.Ó
2. Change the SI.
3. Enable the MCC channel(s) as described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal Transmitter
State (TSTATE),Ó and Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal Receiver State (RSTATE).Ó
It is possible to change the SI using the SI shadow while the channel is active. Both the
primary and the shadow conÞguration of the SI RAM must observe the conÞguration
deÞned in MCCF (see Section 27.8, ÒMCC ConÞguration Registers (MCCFx)Ó). The
MCCF cannot be changed while there are active channels.
The following sequence must be followed to stop a single channel in order to change the
MCC parameters of the respective channel:
1. Issue a STOP command for the respective channel as described in Section 27.9,
ÒMCC Commands,Ó or change the associated SI RAM entry to point to a channel
which is not active and wait for two frame periods in order to clear the internal
2. Change the channel parameters.
3. Enable the MCC channel(s) as described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal Transmitter
State (TSTATE),Ó and Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal Receiver State (RSTATE),Ó or
change the associated SI RAM entry to point to the respective channel.
27-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
27.12.2 Super Channel Initialization
The following steps initialize and start a super channel (after reset of after a fatal error):
1. Program the SI as required for a super channel but do not enable the TDM.
2. Issue a STOP command as described in Section 27.9, ÒMCC Commands.Ó
3. Enable the TDM.
4. Initialize the MCC parameters (in DPR and external memory).
5. Enable the MCC channel(s) as described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal Transmitter
State (TSTATE),Ó and Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal Receiver State (RSTATE).Ó
The following sequence must be followed to stop a super channel in order to change the SI:
1. Issue a STOP command for the respective channel as described in Section 27.9,
ÒMCC Commands.Ó
2. Disable the TDM.
3. Change the SI.
4. Enable the TDM.
5. If necessary, change the MCC parameters (in DPR and external memory).
6. Enable the MCC channel(s) as described in Section 27.6.1, ÒInternal Transmitter
State (TSTATE),Ó and Section 27.6.4, ÒInternal Receiver State (RSTATE).Ó
Under the following restrictions, the SI can be changed using the SI shadow while the
channel is active:
¥ Both the primary and the shadow conÞguration of the SI RAM must observe the
conÞguration of the super channel. Note that the super-channel table and MCCF
register cannot be changed dynamically.
¥ It is not possible to add dynamically to a super channel a time slot previously used
by a single-channel and had a width different from 8 bits.
¥ A time slot that was previously used by a single channel and had a width different
from 8 bits cannot be added dynamically to a super channel.
27.13 MCC Latency and Performance
The MCC transfers data to/from the memory 8 bytes at a time. Considering this and the
internal receiver FIFO (of 2 bytes/channel), the receiver latency (time since data on a
channel is serialized until the respective data is written to memory) can be from 8Ð10 frame
If no super channels are active, the MCC can handle aggregate data rates of up to 16 Mbps
on each of the four channel subgroups. If super channels are used this performance is
limited to 8 Mbps.
MOTOROLA Chapter 27. Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs) 27-27
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
If multiple synchronized channels are used (as an example 8 T1 with common clock/sync)
it is recommended to start the channels out of phase in order to load uniformly the bus. This
avoids bus activity peaks when all the channels have to transfer data to/from the memory
27-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-1
Chapter 28
Fast Communications Controllers
The MPC8260Õs fast communications controllers (FCCs) are serial communications
controllers (SCCs) optimized for synchronous high-rate protocols. FCC key features
include the following:
¥ Supports HDLC/SDLC and totally transparent protocols
¥ FCC clocks can be derived from a baud-rate generator or an external signal.
¥ Supports RTS, CTS, and CD modem control signals
¥ Use of bursts to improve bus usage
¥ Multibuffer data structure for receive and transmit, external buffer descriptors (BDs)
anywhere in system memory
¥ 192-byte FIFO buffers
¥ Full-duplex operation
¥ Fully transparent option for one half of an FCC (receiver/transmitter) while HDLC/
SDLC protocol executes on the other half (transmitter/receiver)
¥ Echo and local loopback modes for testing
¥ Assuming a 100-MHz CPM clock, the FCCs support the following:
Ñ Full 10/100-Mbps Ethernet/IEEE 802.3x through an MII
Ñ Full 155-Mbps ATM segmentation and reassembly (SAR) through UTOPIA (on
FCC1 and FCC2 only)
Ñ 45-Mbps (DS-3/E3 rates) HDLC and/or transparent data rates supported on each
FCCs differ from SCCs as follows:
¥ No DPLL support.
¥ No BISYNC, UART, or AppleTalk/LocalTalk support.
¥ No HDLC bus.
¥ Ethernet support only through an MII.
28-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
28.1 Overview
MPC8260 FCCs can be conÞgured independently to implement different protocols.
Together, they can be used to implement bridging functions, routers, and gateways, and to
interface with a wide variety of standard WANs, LANs, and proprietary networks. FCCs
have many physical interface options such as interfacing to TDM buses, ISDN buses,
standard modem interfaces, fast Ethernet interface (MII), and ATM interfaces (UTOPIA);
see Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner,Ó Chapter 30, ÒFast Ethernet
Controller,Ó and Chapter 29, ÒATM Controller.Ó The FCCs are independent from the
physical interface, but FCC logic formats and manipulates data from the physical interface.
That is why the interfaces are described separately.
The FCC is described in terms of the protocol that it is chosen to run. When an FCC is
programmed to a certain protocol, it implements a certain level of functionality associated
with that protocol. For most protocols, this corresponds to portions of the link layer (layer
2 of the seven-layer OSI model). Many functions of the FCC are common to all of the
protocols. These functions are described in the FCC description. Following that, the
implementation details that differentiate protocols from one another are discussed,
beginning with the transparent protocol. Thus, the reader should read from this point to the
transparent protocol and then skip to the appropriate protocol. Since the FCCs use similar
data structures across all protocols, the reader's learning time decreases dramatically after
understanding the Þrst protocol.
Each FCC supports a number of protocolsÑEthernet, HDLC/SDLC, ATM, and totally
transparent operation. Although the selected protocol usually applies to both the FCC
transmitter and receiver, half of one FCC can run transparent operation while the other runs
HDLC/SDLC protocol. The internal clocks (RCLK, TCLK) for each FCC can be
programmed with either an external or internal source. The internal clocks originate from
one of the baud-rate generators or one of the external clock signals. These clocks can be as
fast as one-third the CPM clock frequency. See Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-
Slot Assigner.Ó However, the FCCÕs ability to support a sustained bit stream depends on the
protocol as well as on other factors.Each FCC can be connected to its own set of pins on
the MPC8260. This conÞguration, the nonmultiplexed serial interface, or NMSI, is
described in Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner.Ó In this conÞguration,
each FCC can support the standard modem interface signals (RTS, CTS, and CD) through
the appropriate port pins and the interrupt controller. Additional handshake signals can be
supported with additional parallel I/O lines. The FCC block diagram is shown in
Figure 28-1.
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 28-1. FCC Block Diagram
28.2 General FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx)
Each FCC contains a general FCC mode register (GFMRx) that deÞnes all options common
to every FCC, regardless of the protocol. Some GFMR operations are described in later
sections. The GFMRx are read/write registers cleared at reset. Figure 28-2 shows the
GFMR format.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11300 (GFMR1), 0x11320 (GFMR2), 0x11340 (GFMR3)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11302 (GFMR1), 0x11322 (GFMR2), 0x11342 (GFMR3)
Figure 28-2. General FCC Mode Register (GFMR)
ShifterShifter Delimiter
Decoder Encoder
FIFO Modem Lines
Modem Lines
60x Bus
Peripheral Bus
Internal Clocks
28-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 28-1 describes GFMR Þelds.
Table 28-1. GFMR Register Field Descriptions
Field Name Description
0Ð1 DIAG Diagnostic mode.
00 Normal operationÑReceive data enters through RXD, and transmit data is shifted out through
TXD. The FCC uses the modem signals (CD and CTS) to automatically enable and disable
transmission and reception. Timings are shown in Section 28.11, ÒFCC Timing Control.Ó
01 Local loopback modeÑTransmitter output is connected internally to the receiver input, while the
receiver and the transmitter operate normally. RXD is ignored. Data can be programmed to
appear on TXD, or TXD can remain high by programming the appropriate parallel port register.
RTS can be disabled in the appropriate parallel I/O register. The transmitter and receiver must
use the same clock source, but separate CLKx pins can be used if connected to the same
external clock source.
If external loopback is preferred, program DIAG for normal operation and externally connect
TXD and RXD. Then, physically connect the control signals (RTS connected to CD, and CTS
grounded) or set the parallel I/O registers so CD and CTS are permanently asserted to the FCC
by conÞguring the associated CTS and CD pins as general-purpose I/O.; see Chapter 35,
ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
10 Automatic echo modeÑThe channel automatically retransmits received data, using the receive
clock provided. The receiver operates normally and receives data if CD is asserted. The
transmitter simply transmits received data. In this mode, CTS is ignored. The echo function can
also be accomplished in software by receiving buffers from an FCC, linking them to TxBDs, and
transmitting them back out of that FCC.
11 Loopback and echo modeÑLoopback and echo operation occur simultaneously. CD and CTS
are ignored. Refer to the loopback bit description for clocking requirements.
For TDM operation, the diagnostic mode is selected by SIxMR[SDMx]; see Section 14.5.2, ÒSI
Mode Registers (SIxMR).Ó
2 TCI Transmit clock invert
0 Normal operation.
1 The FCC inverts the internal transmit clock.
3 TRX Transparent receiver. The MPC8260 FCCs offer totally transparent operation. However, to increase
ßexibility, totally transparent operation is conÞgured with the TTX and TRX bits instead of the
MODE bits. This lets the user implement unique applications such as an FCC transmitter
conÞgured to HDLC and a receiver conÞgured to totally transparent operation. To do this, program
MODE = HDLC, TTX = 0, and TRX = 1.
0 Normal operation
1 The receiver operates in totally transparent mode, regardless of the protocol selected for the
transmitter in the MODE bits.
Note that full-duplex, totally transparent operation for an FCC is obtained by setting both TTX and
TRX. Attempting to operate an FCC with Ethernet or ATM on its transmitter and transparent
operation on its receiver causes erratic behavior. In other words, if the MODE = Ethernet or ATM,
TTX must equal TRX.
4 TTX Transparent transmitter. The MPC8260 FCCs offer totally transparent operation. However, to
increase ßexibility, totally transparent operation is conÞgured with the TTX and TRX bits instead of
the MODE bits. This lets the user implement unique applications, such as conÞguring an FCC
receiver to HDLC and a transmitter to totally transparent operation. To do this, program MODE =
HDLC, TTX = 1, and TRX = 0.
0 Normal operation.
1 The transmitter operates in totally transparent mode, regardless of the receiver protocol selected
in the MODE bits.
Note that full-duplex totally transparent operation for an FCC is obtained by setting both TTX and
TRX. Attempting to operate an FCC with Ethernet or ATM on its receiver and transparent operation
on its transmitter causes erratic behavior. In other words, if the GFMR MODE = Ethernet or ATM,
TTX must equal TRX.
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
5 CDP CD pulse (transparent mode only)
0 Normal operation (envelope mode). CD should envelope the frame; to negate CD while receiving
causes a CD lost error.
1 Pulse mode. Once CD is asserted (high to low transition), synchronization has been achieved,
and further transitions of CD do not affect reception.
This bit must be set if this FCC is used in the TSA.
6 CTSP CTS pulse
0 Normal operation (envelope mode). CTS should envelope the frame; to negate CTS while
transmitting causes a CTS lost error. See Section 28.11, ÒFCC Timing Control.Ó
1 Pulse mode. CTS is asserted when synchronization is achieved; further transitions of CTS do not
affect transmission.
7 CDS CD sampling
0 The CD input is assumed to be asynchronous with the data. The FCC synchronizes it internally
before data is received. (This mode is illegal in transparent mode when SYNL = 0b00.)
1 The CD input is assumed to be synchronous with the data, giving faster operation. In this mode,
CD must transition while the receive clock is in the low state. When CD goes low, data is
received. This is useful when connecting MPC8260s in transparent mode since it allows the RTS
signal of one MPC8260 to be connected directly to the CD signal of another MPC8260.
8 CTSS CTS sampling
0 The CTS input is assumed to be asynchronous with the data. When it is internally synchronized
by the FCC, data is sent after a delay of no more than two serial clocks.
1 The CTS input is assumed to be synchronous with the data, giving faster operation. In this mode,
CTS must transition while the transmit clock is in the low state. As soon as CTS is low, data
transmission begins. This mode is useful when connecting MPC8260 in transparent mode
because it allows the RTS signal of one MPC8260 to be connected directly to the CTS signal of
another MPC8260.
9--15 Ñ Reserved, should be 0.
16Ð17 SYNL Sync length (transparent mode only). Determines the operation of an FCC receiver conÞgured for
totally transparent operation only. See Section 32.3.1, ÒIn-Line Synchronization Pattern.Ó
00 The sync pattern in the FDSR is not used. An external sync signal is used instead (CD signal
asserted: high to low transition).
01 Automatic sync (assumes always synchronized, ignores CD signal).
10 8-bit sync. The receiver synchronizes on an 8-bit sync pattern stored in the FDSR. Negation of
CD causes CD lost error.
11 16-bit sync. The receiver synchronizes on a 16-bit sync pattern stored in the FDSR. Negation of
CD causes CD lost error.
18 RTSM RTS mode
0 Send idles between frames as deÞned by the protocol. RTS is negated between frames (default).
1 Send ßags/syncs between frames according to the protocol. RTS is asserted whenever the FCC
is enabled.
19Ð20 RENC Receiver decoding method. The user should set RENC = TENC in most applications.
00 NRZ
01 NRZI (one bit mode HDLC or transparent only)
1x Reserved
21 REVD Reverse data (valid for a totally transparent channel only)
0 Normal operation
1 The totally transparent channels on this FCC (either the receiver, transmitter, or both, as deÞned
by TTX and TRX) reverse bit order, transmitting the MSB of each octet Þrst.
Table 28-1. GFMR Register Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field Name Description
28-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
22Ð23 TENC Transmitter encoding method. The user should set TENC = RENC in most applications.
00 NRZ
01 NRZI (one bit mode HDLC or transparent only)
1x Reserved
24-25 TCRC Transparent CRC (totally transparent channel only). Selects the type of frame checking provided on
the transparent channels of the FCC (either the receiver, transmitter, or both, as deÞned by TTX
and TRX). This conÞguration selects a frame check type; the decision to send the frame check is
made in the TxBD. Thus, it is not required to send a frame check in transparent mode. If a frame
check is not used, the user can ignore any frame check errors generated on the receiver.
00 16-bit CCITT CRC (HDLC). (X16 + X12 + X5 + 1)
01 Reserved
10 32-bit CCITT CRC (Ethernet and HDLC) (X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 +
X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X1 +1)
11 Reserved
26 ENR Enable receive. Enables the receiver hardware state machine for this FCC.
0 The receiver is disabled and any data in the receive FIFO buffer is lost. If ENR is cleared during
reception, the receiver aborts the current character.
1 The receiver is enabled.
ENR may be set or cleared regardless of whether serial clocks are present. Describes how to
disable and reenable an FCC. Note that the FCC provides other tools for controlling receptionÑthe
ENTER HUNT MODE command, CLOSE RXBD command, and RxBD[E].
27 ENT Enable transmit. Enables the transmitter hardware state machine for this FCC.
0 The transmitter is disabled. If ENT is cleared during transmission, the transmitter aborts the
current character and TXD returns to idle state. Data in the transmit shift register is not sent.
1 The transmitter is enabled.
ENT can be set or cleared, regardless of whether serial clocks are present. See Section 28.12,
ÒDisabling the FCCs On-the-Fly,Ó for a description of the proper methods to disable and reenable an
FCC. Note that the FCC provides other tools for controlling transmission besides the ENT bitÑthe
and TxBD[R].
28Ð31 MODE Channel protocol mode
0000 HDLC
0001 Reserved for RAM microcode
0010 Reserved
0011 Reserved for RAM microcode
0100 Reserved
0101 Reserved for RAM microcode
0110 Reserved
0111 Reserved for RAM microcode
1000 Reserved
1001 Reserved for RAM microcode
1010 ATM
1011 Reserved for RAM microcode
1100 Ethernet
11xx Reserved
Table 28-1. GFMR Register Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
28.3 FCC Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode Registers
The functionality of the FCC varies according to the protocol selected by GFMR[MODE].
Each FCC has an additional 32-bit, memory-mapped, read/write protocol-speciÞc mode
register (FPSMR) that conÞgures them speciÞcally for a chosen mode. The section for each
speciÞc protocol describes the FPSMR bits.
28.4 FCC Data Synchronization Registers (FDSRx)
Each FCC has a 16-bit, memory-mapped, read/write data synchronization register (FDSR)
that speciÞes the pattern used in the frame synchronization procedure of the synchronous
protocols. In the totally transparent protocol, the FDSR should be programmed with the
preferred SYNC pattern. For Ethernet protocol, it should be programmed with 0xD555. At
reset, it defaults to 0x7E7E (two HDLC ßags), so it does not need to be written for HDLC
mode. The FDSR contents are always sent lsb Þrst.
28.5 FCC Transmit-on-Demand Registers (FTODRx)
If no frame is being sent by the FCC, the CP periodically polls the R bit of the next TxBD
to see if the user has requested a new frame/buffer to be sent. The polling algorithm depends
on the FCC conÞguration, but occurs every 256 serial transmit clocks. The user, however,
can request that the CP begin processing the new frame/buffer without waiting the normal
polling time. For immediate processing, set the transmit-on-demand (TOD) bit in the
transmit-on-demand register (TODR) after setting TxBD[R].
This feature, which decreases the transmission latency of the transmit buffer/frame, is
particularly useful in LAN-type protocols where maximum interframe GAP times are
limited by the protocol speciÞcation. Since the transmit-on-demand feature gives a high
priority to the speciÞed TxBD, it can conceivably affect the servicing of the other FCC
FIFO buffers. Therefore, it is recommended that the transmit-on-demand feature be used
only for a high-priority TxBD and when transmission on this FCC has not occurred for a
given time period, which is protocol-dependent.
If a new TxBD is added to the BD table while preceding TxBDs have not completed
transmission, the new TxBD is processed immediately after the older TxBDs are sent.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field SYN2 SYN1
Reset 0111111001111110
Address 0x1130C (FDSR1), 0x1132C (FDSR2), 0x1132C (FDSR3)
Table 28-2. FCC Data Synchronization Register (FDSR)
28-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Fields in the TODR are described in Table 28-4
28.6 FCC Buffer Descriptors
Data associated with each FCC channel is stored in buffers. Each buffer is referenced by a
buffer descriptor (BD) that can be anywhere in external memory.
The BD table forms a circular queue with a programmable length. The user can program
the start address of each channel BD table anywhere in memory. See Figure 28-3.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field TOD Ñ
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address 0x11308 (FTODR1), 0x11328 (FTODR2), 0x11328 (FTODR3)
Table 28-3. FCC Transmit-on-Demand Register (TODR)
Table 28-4. TODR Field Descriptions
Field Name Description
0 TOD Transmit on demand
0 Normal polling.
1 The CP gives high priority to the current TxBD and begins sending the frame does without waiting
for the normal polling time to check TxBD[R]. TOD is cleared automatically.
1Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 28-3. FCC Memory Structure
The format of transmit and receive BDs, shown in Figure 28-4, is the same for every FCC
mode of operation except ATM mode; see Section 29.10.5, ÒATM Controller Buffer
Descriptors (BDs).Ó The Þrst 16 bits in each BD contain status and control information,
which differs for each protocol. The second 16 bits indicate the BD table length. The
remaining 32-bits contain the 32-bit address pointer to the actual buffer in memory.
For frame-based protocols, a message can reside in as many buffers as necessary (transmit
or receive). Each buffer has a maximum length of (64KÐ1) bytes. The CP does not assume
that all buffers of a single frame are currently linked to the BD table. It does assume,
however, that unlinked buffers are provided by the core soon enough to be sent or received.
Failure to do so causes an error condition being reported by the CP. An underrun error is
reported in the case of transmit; a busy error is reported in the case of receive. Because BDs
are prefetched, the receive BD table must always contain at least one empty BD to avoid a
busy error; therefore, RxBD tables must always have at least two BDs.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
offset + 0 Status and Control
offset + 2 Data Length
offset + 4 High-Order Data Buffer Pointer
offset + 6 Low-Order Data Buffer Pointer
Figure 28-4. Buffer Descriptor Format
Status and Control
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
FCCx TxBD Table Pointer
FCCx RxBD Table Pointer
Ta b l e
Ta b l e
Dual-Port RAM
Status and Control
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Tx Buffer
External Memory
Rx Buffer Descriptors
Tx Buffer Descriptors
Rx Buffer
28-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The BDs and data buffers can be anywhere in the system memory.
The CP processes the TxBDs in a straightforward fashion. Once the transmit side of an FCC
is enabled, it starts with the Þrst BD in that FCCÕs TxBD table. When the CP detects that
TxBD[R] is set, it begins processing the buffer. The CP detects that the BD is ready either
by polling the R bit periodically or by the user writing to the TODR. When the data from
the BD has been placed in the transmit FIFO buffer, the CP moves on to the next BD, again
waiting for the R bit to be set. Thus, the CP does no look-ahead BD processing, nor does it
skip over BDs that are not ready. When the CP sees the wrap (W) bit set in a BD, it goes
back to the beginning of the BD table after processing of the BD is complete.
After using a BD, the CP normally clears R (not-ready); thus, the CP does not use a BD
again until the BD has been prepared by the core. Some protocols support continuous
mode, which allows repeated transmission and for which the R bit remains set (always
The CP uses RxBDs in a similar fashion. Once the receive side of an FCC is enabled, it
starts with the Þrst BD in the FCCÕs RxBD table. Once data arrives from the serial line into
the FCC, the CP performs the required protocol processing on the data and moves the
resultant data to the buffer pointed to by the Þrst BD. Use of a BD is complete when no
room is left in the buffer or when certain events occur, such as the detection of an error or
end-of-frame. Regardless of the reason, the buffer is then said to be closed and additional
data is stored using the next BD. Whenever the CP needs to begin using a BD because new
data is arriving, it checks the E bit of that BD. This check is made on a prefetched copy of
the current BD. If the current BD is not empty, it reports a busy error. However, it does not
move from the current BD until it is empty. Because there is a periodic prefetch of the
RxBD, the busy error may recur if the BD is not prepared soon enough.
When the CP sees the W bit set in a BD, it returns to the beginning of the BD table after
processing of the BD is complete. After using a BD, the CP clears the E bit (not empty) and
does not use a BD again until the BD has been processed by the core. However, in
continuous mode, available to some protocols, the E bit remains set (always empty).
28.7 FCC Parameter RAM
Each FCC parameter RAM area begins at the same offset from each FCC base area. The
protocol-speciÞc portions of the FCC parameter RAM are discussed in the speciÞc protocol
descriptions. Table 28-5 shows portions common to all FCC protocols.
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Some parameter RAM values must be initialized before the FCC is enabled; other values
are initialized/written by the CP. Once initialized, most parameter RAM values do not need
to be accessed by user software because most activity centers around the TxBDs and
RxBDs rather than the parameter RAM. However, if the parameter RAM is accessed, note
the following:
¥ Parameter RAM can be read at any time.
¥ Tx parameter RAM can be written only when the transmitter is disabledÑafter a
STOP TRANSMIT command and before a RESTART TRANSMIT command or after the
buffer/frame Þnishes transmitting after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command and
before a RESTART TRANSMIT command.
¥ Rx parameter RAM can be written only when the receiver is disabled. Note the
CLOSE RXBD command does not stop reception, but it does allow the user to extract
data from a partially full Rx buffer.
¥ See Section 28.12, ÒDisabling the FCCs On-the-Fly.Ó
Some parameters in Table 28-5 are not described and are listed only to provide information
for experienced users and for debugging. The user need not access these parameters in
normal operation.
Table 28-5. FCC Parameter RAM Common to All Protocols
Offset1Name Width Description
0x00 RIPTR Hword Receive internal temporary data pointer. Used by microcode as a temporary buffer for
data. Must be 32-byte aligned and the size of the internal buffer must be 32 bytes unless
it is stated otherwise in the protocol speciÞcation. For best performance, it should be
located in the following address ranges: 0x3000Ð0x4000 or 0xB000Ð0xC000.
0x02 TIPTR Hword Transmit internal temporary data pointer. Used by microcode as a temporary buffer for
data. Must be 32-byte aligned and the size of the internal buffer must be 32 bytes unless
it is stated otherwise in the protocol speciÞcation. For best performance it should be
located in the following address ranges: 0x3000Ð0x4000 or 0xB000Ð0xC000.
0x04 Ñ Hword Reserved, should be cleared.
0x06 MRBLR Hword Maximum receive buffer length (a multiple of 32 for all modes). The number of bytes that
the FCC receiver writes to a receive buffer before moving to the next buffer. The receiver
can write fewer bytes to the buffer than MRBLR if a condition such as an error or end-of-
frame occurs, but it never exceeds the MRBLR value. Therefore, user-supplied buffers
should be at least as large as the MRBLR.
Note that FCC transmit buffers can have varying lengths by programming TxBD[Data
Length], as needed, and are not affected by the value in MRBLR.
MRBLR is not intended to be changed dynamically while an FCC is operating. Change
MRBLR only when the FCC receiver is disabled.
0x08 RSTATE Word Receive internal state. The high byte, RSTATE[0Ð7], contains the function code register;
see Section 28.7.1, ÒFCC Function Code Registers (FCRx).Ó RSTATE[8Ð31] is used by
the CP and must be cleared initially.
28-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x0C RBASE Word RxBD base address (must be divisible by eight). DeÞnes the starting location in the
memory map for the FCC RxBDs. This provides great ßexibility in how FCC RxBDs are
partitioned. By selecting RBASE entries for all FCCs and by setting the W bit in the last
BD in each BD table, the user can select how many BDs to allocate for the receive side
of every FCC. The user must initialize RBASE before enabling the corresponding
channel. Furthermore, the user should not conÞgure BD tables of two enabled FCCs to
overlap or erratic operation occurs.
0x10 RBDSTAT Hword RxBD status and control. Reserved for CP use only.
0x12 RBDLEN Hword RxBD data length. A down-count value initialized by the CP with MRBLR and
decremented with every byte written by the SDMA channels.
0x14 RDPTR Word RxBD data pointer. Updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address in the
buffer to be accessed.
0x18 TSTATE Word Tx internal state. The high byte, TSTATE[0Ð7], contains the function code register; see
Section 28.7.1, ÒFCC Function Code Registers (FCRx).Ó TSTATE[8Ð31] is used by the
CP and must be cleared initially.
0x1C TBASE Word TxBD base address (must be divisible by eight). DeÞnes the starting location in the
memory map for the FCC TxBDs. This provides great ßexibility in how FCC TxBDs are
partitioned. By selecting TBASE entries for all FCCs and by setting the W bit in the last
BD in each BD table, the user can select how many BDs to allocate for the transmit side
of every FCC. The user must initialize TBASE before enabling the corresponding
channel. Furthermore, the user should not conÞgure BD tables of two enabled FCCs to
overlap or erratic operation occurs.
0x20 TBDSTAT Hword TxBD status and control. Reserved for CP use only.
0x22 TBDLEN Hword TxBD data length. A down-count value initialized with the TxBD data length and
decremented with every byte read by the SDMA channels.
0x24 TDPTR Word TxBD data pointer. Updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address in the
buffer to be accessed.
0x28 RBPTR Word RxBD pointer. Points to the next BD that the receiver transfers data to when it is in idle
state or to the current BD during frame processing. After a reset or when the end of the
BD table is reached, the CP sets RBPTR = RBASE. Although the user need never write
to RBPTR in most applications, the user can modify it when the receiver is disabled or
when no receive buffer is in use.
0x2C TBPTR Word TxBD pointer. Points either to the next BD that the transmitter transfers data from when it
is in idle state or to the current BD during frame transmission. After a reset or when the
end of the BD table is reached, the CP sets TBPTR = TBASE. Although the user need
never write to TBPTR in most applications, the user can modify it when the transmitter is
disabled or when no transmit buffer is in use (after a STOP TRANSMIT or GRACEFUL STOP
TRANSMIT command is issued and the frame completes transmission).
0x30 RCRC Word Temporary receive CRC
0x34 TCRC Word Temporary transmit CRC
0x38 First word of protocol-speciÞc area
1 Offset from FCC base: 0x8400 (FCC1), 0x8500 (FCC2) and 0x8600 (FCC3); see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
Table 28-5. FCC Parameter RAM Common to All Protocols (Continued)
Offset1Name Width Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
28.7.1 FCC Function Code Registers (FCRx)
The function code registers contain the transaction speciÞcation associated with SDMA
channel accesses to external memory. Figure 28-5 shows the format of the transmit and
receive function code registers, which reside at TSTATE[0Ð7] and RSTATE[0Ð7] in the
FCC parameter RAM (see Table 28-5).
FCRx Þelds are described in Table 28-6.
28.8 Interrupts from the FCCs
Interrupt handling for each of the FCC channels is conÞgured on a global (per channel)
basis in the interrupt pending register (SIPNR_L) and interrupt mask register (SIMR_L).
One bit in each register is used to either mask, enable, or report an interrupt in an FCC
channel. The interrupt priority between the FCCs is programmable in the CPM interrupt
priority register (SCPRR_H). The interrupt vector register (SIVEC) indicates which
pending channel has highest priority. Registers within the FCCs manage interrupt handling
for FCC-speciÞc events.
Figure 28-5. Function Code Register (FCRx)
Table 28-6. FCRx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global. Indicates whether the memory operation should be snooped.
0 Snooping disabled.
1 Snooping enabled.
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Used to select the byte ordering of the buffer. If BO is modiÞed on-the-ßy, it takes effect
at the start of the next frame (Ethernet, HDLC, and transparent) or at the beginning of the next BD.
01 PowerPC little-endian byte ordering. As data is sent onto the serial line from the data buffer, the
LSB of the buffer double-word contains data to be sent earlier than the MSB of the same buffer
10 Motorola byte ordering (normal operation). It is also called big-endian byte ordering. As data is sent
onto the serial line from the data buffer, the MSB of the buffer word contains data to be sent earlier
than the LSB of the same buffer word.
5TC2 Transfer code. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6 DTB Indicates on what bus the data is located.
0 On the 60x bus.
1 On the local.
7BDB Indicates on what bus the BDs are located.
0 On the 60x bus.
1 On the local bus.
28-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Events that can cause the FCC to interrupt the processor vary slightly among protocols and
are described with each protocol. These events are handled independently for each channel
by the FCC event and mask registers (FCCE and FCCM).
28.8.1 FCC Event Registers (FCCEx)
Each FCC has a 24-bit FCC event register (FCCE) used to report events. On recognition of
an event, the FCC sets its corresponding FCCE bit regardless of the corresponding mask
bit. To the user it appears as a memory-mapped register that can be read at any time. Bits
are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect on bit values. FCCE is cleared at
reset. Fields of this register are protocol-dependent and are described in the respective
protocol sections.
28.8.2 FCC Mask Registers (FCCMx)
Each FCC has a 24-bit, read/write FCC mask register (FCCM) used to enable or disable CP
interrupts to the core for events reported in an event register (FCCE). Bit positions in
FCCM are identical to those in FCCE. Note that an interrupt is generated only if the FCC
interrupts are also enabled in the SIU; see Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Mask Registers
If an FCCM bit is zero, the CP does not proceed with its usual interrupt handling whenever
that event occurs. Any time a bit in the FCCM register is set, a 1 in the corresponding bit in
the FCCE register sets the FCC event bit in the interrupt pending register; see
Section, ÒSIU Interrupt Pending Registers (SIPNR_H and SIPNR_L).Ó
28.8.3 FCC Status Registers (FCCSx)
Each FCC has an 8-bit, read/write FCC status register (FCCS) that lets the user monitor
real-time status conditions (ßags, idle) on the RXD line. It does not show the status of CTS
and CD; their real-time status is available in the appropriate parallel I/O port (see
Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O PortsÓ).
28.9 FCC Initialization
The FCCs require a number of registers and parameters to be conÞgured after a power-on
reset. The following outline gives the proper sequence for initializing the FCCs, regardless
of the protocol used.
1. Write the parallel I/O ports to conÞgure and connect the I/O pins to the FCCs.
2. Write the appropriate port registers to conÞgure CTS and CD to be parallel I/O with
interrupt capability or to connect directly to the FCC (if modem support is needed).
3. If the TSA is used, the SI must be conÞgured. If the FCC is used in the NMSI mode,
the CPM multiplexing logic (CMX) must still be initialized.
4. Write the GFMR, but do not write the ENT or ENR bits yet.
5. Write the FPSMR.
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
6. Write the FDSR.
7. Initialize the required values for this FCC in its parameter RAM.
8. Clear out any current events in FCCE, as needed.
9. Write the FCCM register to enable the interrupts in the FCCE register.
10. Write the SCPRR_H to conÞgure the FCC interrupt priority.
11. Clear out any current interrupts in the SIPNR_L, if preferred.
12. Write the SIMR_L to enable interrupts to the CP interrupt controller.
13. Issue an INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command (with the correct protocol number).
14. Set GFMR[ENT] and GFMR[ENR].
The Þrst RxBDÕs empty bit must be set before the INIT RX COMMAND. However TxBDs can
have their ready bits set at any time. Notice that the CPCR does not need to be accessed
after a power-on reset until an FCC is to be used. An FCC should be disabled and reenabled
after any dynamic change in its parallel I/O ports or serial channel physical interface
conÞguration. A full reset using CPCR[RST] is a comprehensive reset that also can be used.
28.10 FCC Interrupt Handling
The following describes what usually occurs within an FCC interrupt handler:
1. When an interrupt occurs, read FCCE to determine interrupt sources. FCCE bits to
be handled in this interrupt handler are normally cleared at this time.
2. Process the TxBDs to reuse them if the FCCE[TX,TXE] were set. If the transmit
speed is fast or the interrupt delay is long, more than one transmit buffer may have
been sent by the FCC. Thus, it is important to check more than just one TxBD during
the interrupt handler. One common practice is to process all TxBDs in the interrupt
handler until one is found with R set.
3. Extract data from the RxBD if FCCE[RX, RXB, or RXF] is set. If the receive speed
is fast or the interrupt delay is long, the FCC may have received more than one
receive buffer. Thus, it is important to check more than just one RxBD during
interrupt handling. Typically, all RxBDs in the interrupt handler are processed until
one is found with E set. Because the FCC prefetches BDs, the BD table must be big
enough such that always there will be another empty BD to prefetch.
4. Clear FCCE.
5. Continue normal execution.
28.11 FCC Timing Control
When GFMR[DIAG] is programmed to normal operation, CD and CTS are automatically
controlled by the FCC. GFMR[TCI] is assumed to be cleared, which implies normal
transmit clock operation.
28-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
RTS is asserted when FCC has data to transmit in the transmit FIFO and a falling transmit
clock occurs. At this point, the FCC begins sending the data, once the appropriate
conditions occur on CTS. In all cases, the Þrst bit of data is the start of the opening ßag, or
sync pattern.
Figure 28-6 shows that the delay between RTS and data is 0 bit times, regardless of the
setting of GFMR[CTSS]. This operation assumes that CTS is either already asserted to the
FCC or is reprogrammed to be a parallel I/O line, in which case the CTS signal to the FCC
is always asserted. RTS is negated one clock after the last bit in the frame.
Figure 28-6. Output Delay from RTS Asserted
If CTS is not already asserted when RTS is asserted, the delays to the Þrst bit of data depend
on when CTS is asserted. Figure shows that the delay between CTS and the data can be
approximately 0.5- to 1-bit time in asynchronous mode (if GFMR[CTSS] = 0) or 0 bit times
(if GFMR[CTSS] = 1).
1. A frame includes opening and closing flags and syncs, if present in the protocol.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 28-7. Output Delay from CTS Asserted
If it is programmed to envelope the data, CTS must remain asserted during frame
transmission or a CTS lost error occurs. The negation of CTS forces RTS high and the
transmit data to the idle state. If GFMR[CTSS] = 0, the FCC must sample CTS before a
CTS lost is recognized. Otherwise, the negation of CTS immediately causes the CTS lost
condition. See Figure 28-8.
1. GFMR_H[CTSS] = 0. CTSP is a donÕt care.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit Of Frame Data
CTS Sampled Low
1. GFMR_H[CTSS] = 1. CTSP is a donÕt care.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 28-8. CTS Lost
Note that if GFMR[CTSS] = 1, all CTS transitions must occur while the transmit clock is
Reception delays are determined by CD as Figure 28-9 shows. If GFMR[CDS] = 0, CD is
sampled on the rising receive clock edge before data is received. If GFMR[CDS] = 1, CD
transitions immediately cause data to be gated into the receiver.
1. GFMR_H[CTSS] = 0. CTSP=0 or no CTS lost can occur.
First Bit of Frame Data
CTS Sampled Low
1. GFMR_H[CTSS] = 1. CTSP=0 or no CTS lost can occur.
First Bit of Frame Data
CTS Sampled High
Data Forced High
RTS Forced High
Data Forced High
RTS Forced High
CTS Lost Signaled in BD
CTS Lost Signaled in BD
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 28-9. Using CD to Control Reception
If it is programmed to envelope data, CD must remain asserted during frame transmission
or a CD lost error occurs. The negation of CD terminates reception. If [CDS] = 0, CD must
be sampled by the FCC before a CD lost is recognized. Otherwise, the negation of CD
immediately causes the CD lost condition.
Note that if GFMR[CDS] = 1, all CD transitions must occur while the receive clock is low.
28.12 Disabling the FCCs On-the-Fly
Unused FCCs can be temporarily disabled. In this case, a operation sequence is followed
that ensures that any buffers in use are closed properly and that new data is transferred to
or from a new buffer. Such a sequence is required if the parameters that must be changed
are not allowed to be changed dynamically. If the register or bit description states that
dynamic changes are allowed, the following sequences are not required and the register or
bit may be changed immediately. In all other cases, the sequence should be used.
Modifying parameter RAM does not require the FCC to be fully disabled. See the
parameter RAM description for when values can be changed. To disable all peripheral
controllers, set CPCR[RST] to reset the entire CPM.
1. GFMR_H[CDS] = 0. CDP=0.
First Bit of Frame Data
CD Sampled Low
CD Sampled High
Last Bit of Frame Data
2. If CD is negated prior to the last bit of the receive frame, CD lost is signaled in the BD.
3. If CDP=1, CD lost cannot occur and CD negation has no effect on reception.
1. GFMR_H[CDS] = 1. CDP=0.
2. If CD is negated prior to the last bit of the receive frame, CD lost is signaled in the BD.
3. If CDP=1, CD lost cannot occur and CD negation has no effect on reception.
Last Bit of Frame DataFirst Bit of Frame Data
CD Assertion Immediately
Gates Reception
CD Negation Immediately
Halts Reception
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28.12.1 FCC Transmitter Full Sequence
For the FCC transmitter, the full disable and enable sequence is as follows.
1. Issue the STOP TRANSMIT command. This is recommended if the FCC is currently
transmitting data because it stops transmission in an orderly way. If the FCC is not
transmitting (no TxBDs are ready or the GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command has
been issued and completed), then the STOP TRANSMIT command is not required.
Furthermore, if the TBPTR is overwritten by the user or the INIT TX PARAMETERS
command is executed, this command is not required.
2. Clear GFMR[ENT]. This disables the FCC transmitter and puts it in a reset state.
3. Make changes. The user can modify FCC transmit parameters, including the
parameter RAM. To switch protocols or restore the FCC transmit parameters to their
initial state, the INIT TX PARAMETERS command must be issued.
4. If an INIT TX PARAMETERS command was not issued in step 3, issue a RESTART
TRANSMIT command.
5. Set GFMR[ENT]. Transmission begins using the TxBD that the TBPTR points to as
soon as TxBD[R] = 1.
28.12.2 FCC Transmitter Shortcut Sequence
A shorter sequence is possible if the user prefers to reinitialize the transmit parameters to
the state they had after reset. This sequence is as follows:
1. Clear GFMR[ENT].
2. Issue the INIT TX PARAMETERS command. Any additional changes can be made now.
3. Set GFMR[ENT].
28.12.3 FCC Receiver Full Sequence
The full disable and enable sequence for the receiver is as follows:
1. Clear GFMR[ENR]. Reception is aborted immediately, which disables the receiver
of the FCC and puts it in a reset state.
2. Make changes. The user can modify the FCC receive parameters, including the
parameter RAM. If the user prefers to switch protocols or restore the FCC receive
parameters to their initial state, the INIT RX PARAMETERS command must be issued.
3. Issue the ENTER HUNT MODE command. This command is required if the INIT RX
PARAMETERS command was not issued in step 2.
4. Set GFMR[ENR]. Reception begins immediately using the RxBD that the RBPTR
points to if RxBD[E] = 1.
MOTOROLA Chapter 28. Fast Communications Controllers (FCCs) 28-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
28.12.4 FCC Receiver Shortcut Sequence
A shorter sequence is possible if the user prefers to reinitialize the receive parameters to the
state they had after reset. This sequence is as follows:
1. Clear GFMR[ENR].
2. Issue the INIT RX PARAMETERS command. Any additional changes can be made now.
3. Set GFMR[ENR].
28.12.5 Switching Protocols
A user can switch the protocol that the FCC is executing (HDLC) without resetting the
board or affecting any other FCC by taking the following steps:
1. Clear GFMR[ENT] and GFMR[ENR].
2. Issue the INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command. This command initializes both
transmit and receive parameters. Additional changes can be made in the GFMR to
change the protocol.
3. Set GFMR[ENT] and GFMR[ENR]. The FCC is enabled with the new protocol.
28.13 Saving Power
Clearing an FCCÕs ENT and ENR bits minimizes its power consumption.
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MOTOROLA Chapter 29. ATM Controller 29-1
Chapter 29
ATM Controller
The ATM controller provides the ATM and AAL layers of the ATM protocol using the
universal test and operations physical layer (PHY) interface for ATM (UTOPIA level II) for
both master and slave modes. It performs segmentation and reassembly (SAR) functions of
AAL5, AAL1, and AAL0, and most of the common parts of the convergence sublayer (CP-
CS) of these protocols.
For each virtual channel (VC), the controllerÕs ATM pace control (APC) unit generates a
cell transmission rate to implement constant bit rate (CBR), variable bit rate (VBR),
available bit rate (ABR), unspeciÞed bit rate (UBR) or UBR+ trafÞc. To regulate VBR
trafÞc, the APC unit performs a continuous-state leaky bucket algorithm. The APC unit also
uses up to eight priority levels to prioritize real-time ATM channels, such as CBR and real-
time VBR, over non-real-time ATM channels such as VBR, ABR and UBR.
The ATM controller performs the ATM Forum (UNI-4.0) ABR ßow control. To perform
feedback rate adaptation, it supports forward and backward resource management (RM)
cell generation and ATM Forum ßoating-point calculation. ABR ßow control is
implemented in hardware and Þrmware (without software intervention) to prevent potential
delays during backward RM cell processing and feedback rate adaptation.
The MPC8260 supports a special mode for ATM/TDM interworking. The CPM performs
automatic data forwarding between ATM channels and the MCCsÕ TDM channels without
core intervention.
The MPC8260 ATM SAR controller applications are as follows:
¥ ATM line card controllers
¥ ATM-to-WAN interworking (frame relay, T1/E1 circuit emulation)
¥ Residential broadband network interface units (NIU) (ATM-to-Ethernet)
¥ High-performance ATM network interface cards (NIC)
¥ Bridges and routers with ATM interface
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.1 Features
The ATM controller has the following features:
¥ Full duplex segmentation and reassembly at 155 Mbps
¥ UTOPIA level II master and slave modes 8/16 bit
¥ AAL5, AAL1, AAL0 protocols
¥ Up to 255 active VCs internally, and up to 64K VCs using external memory
¥ TM 4.0 CBR, VBR, UBR, UBR+ trafÞc types
¥ VBR type 1 and 2 trafÞc using leaky buckets (GCRA)
¥ TM 4.0 ABR ßow control (EFCI and ER)
¥ Idle/unassign cells screening/transmission option
¥ External and internal rate transmit modes
¥ Special mode for ATM-to-TDM or ATM-to-ATM data forwarding
¥ CLP and congestion indication marking
¥ User-deÞned cells up to 65 bytes
¥ Separate Tx and RxBD tables for each virtual channel (VC)
¥ Special mode of global free buffer pools for dynamic and efÞcient memory
allocation with early packet discard (EPD) support
¥ Interrupt report per channel using four priority interrupt queues
¥ Compliant with ATMF UNI 4.0 and ITU speciÞcation
¥ AAL5 cell format
Ñ Reassembly
Ð Reassemble PDU directly to external memory
Ð CRC32 check
Ð CLP and congestion report
Ð CPCS_UU, CPI, and length check
Ð Abort message report
Ñ Segmentation
Ð Segment PDU directly from external memory
Ð Performs PDU padding
Ð CRC32 generation
Ð Automatic last cell marking
Ð Automatic CPCS_UU, CPI, and length insertion
Ð Abort message option
¥ AAL1 cell format
Ñ Reassembly
Ð Reassemble PDU directly to external memory
Ð Support for partially Þlled cells (conÞgurable on a per-VC basis)
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Ð Sequence number check
Ð Sequence number protection (CRC-3 and parity) check
Ñ Segmentation
Ð Segment PDU directly from external memory
Ð Partially Þlled cells support (conÞgurable on a per-VC basis)
Ð Sequence number generation
Ð Sequence number protection (CRC-3 and even parity) generation
Ñ Structured AAL1 cell format
Ð Automatic synchronization using the structured pointer during reassembly
Ð Structured pointer generation during segmentation
Ñ Unstructured AAL1 cell format
Ð Clock recovery using external SRTS (synchronous residual time stamp) logic
during reassembly
Ð SRTS generation using external logic during segmentation
¥ AAL0 format
Ñ Receive
Ð Whole cell is put in memory
Ð CRC10 pass/fail indication
Ñ Transmit
Ð Reads a whole cell from memory
Ð CRC10 insertion option
¥ Support for user-deÞned cells
Ñ Support cells up to 65 bytes
Ñ Extra header insert/load on a per-frame basis
Ñ Extra header size has byte resolution
Ñ Asymmetric cell size for send and receive
Ñ HEC octet insertion option
Ñ UTOPIA level II supports 8/16 bits 25/50 MHz
Ð Supports UTOPIA master and slave modes
Ð Supports cell-level handshake
Ð Supports multiple-PHY polling mode
¥ ATM pace control (APC) unit
Ñ Peak cell rate pacing on a per-VC basis
Ñ Peak-and-sustain cell rate pacing using GCRA on a per-VC basis
Ñ Peak-and-minimum cell rate pacing on a per-VC basis
Ñ Up to eight priority levels
Ñ Fully managed by CP with no host intervention
MOTOROLA Chapter 29. ATM Controller 29-4
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Available bit rate (ABR)
Ñ Performs ATMF UNI 4.0 ABR ßow control on a per-VC basis
Ñ Automatic forward-RM, backward-RM cells generation
Ñ Automatic feedback rate adaptation
Ñ Support for EFCI (explicit forward congestion indication) and ER (explicit rate)
Ñ RM cell ßoating-point calculations
Ñ Fully managed by CP with no host intervention
¥ Receive address look-up mechanism
Ñ Two modes of address look-up are supported
Ð External CAM
Ð Address compression
¥ OAM (operations and maintenance) cells
Ñ OAM Þltering according to PTI Þeld and reserved VCI Þeld
Ñ Raw cell queues for transmission and reception
Ñ CRC-10 generation/check
Ñ Performance monitoring support
Ð Support up to 64 bidirectional block tests simultaneously
Ð Automatic FMC and BRC cell generation and termination
Ð User transmit cell0+1 count
Ð User transmit cell0 count
Ð PM cells time stamp insertion
Ð Block error detection code (BEDC0+1) generation/check
Ð Total receive cell0+1 count
Ð Total receive cell0 count
Ñ Specifying channel code for F5 OAM cells
¥ ATM layer statistic gathering on a per PHY basis.
Ñ UTOPIA receiver error cells count (Rx parity error or short/long cells error)
Ñ Misinserted cell count
Ñ CRC-10 error cells count (ABR ßow only)
¥ Memory management
Ñ RxBD table per VC with option of global free buffer pool for AAL5
Ñ TxBD table per VC
29.2 ATM Controller Overview
The following sections provide an overview of the transmitter and receiver portions of the
ATM controller.
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29.2.1 Transmitter Overview
Before the transmitter is enabled, the host must initialize the MPC8260 and create the
transmit data structure, described in Section 29.10, ÒATM Memory Structure.Ó When data
is ready for transmission, the host arranges the BD table and writes the pointer of the Þrst
BD in the transmit connection table (TCT). The host issues an ATM TRANSMIT command,
which inserts the current channel to the ATM pace control (APC) unit. The APC unit
controls the ATM trafÞc of the transmitter. It reads the trafÞc parameters of each channel
and divides the total bandwidth among them. The APC unit can pace the peak cell rate,
peak-and-sustain cell rate (GCRA trafÞc) or peak-and-minimum cell rate trafÞc. The APC
implements up to eight priority levels for servicing real-time channels before non-real-time
The transmitter ATM cell is 53Ð65 bytes and includes 4 bytes of ATM cell header, a 1-byte
HEC, and 48 bytes of payload. The HEC is a constant taken from FDSRx[0Ð15] when using
UTOPIA 16 and from FDSRx[8Ð15] when using UTOPIA 8; see Section 28.4, ÒFCC Data
Synchronization Registers (FDSRx).Ó User-deÞned cells (UDC mode) include an extra
header of 1Ð12 bytes with an optional HEC octet. Cell transfers use the UTOPIA level II,
cell-level handshake.
Transmission starts when the APC schedules a channel. According to the channel code, the
ATM controller reads the channelÕs entry in the TCT and opens the Þrst BD for
transmission. AAL5 Transmitter Overview
The transmitter reads 48 bytes from the external buffer, adds the cell header, and sends the
cell through the UTOPIA interface. The transmitter adds any padding needed and appends
the AAL5 trailer in the last cell of the AAL5 frame. The trailer consists of CPCS-UU+CPI,
data length, and CRC-32 as deÞned in ITU I.363. The CPCS-UU+CPI (2-byte entry) can
be speciÞed by the user or optionally cleared by the transmitter; see Section,
ÒTransmit Connection Table (TCT).Ó The transmitter identiÞes the last cell of the AAL5
message by setting the last (L) indication bit in the PTI Þeld of the cell header. An interrupt
may be generated to indicate the end of the frame.
When the transmission of the current frame ends and no additional valid buffers are in the
BD table, the transmit process ends. The transmitter keeps polling the BD table every time
this channel is scheduled to transmit. In auto-VC-off mode, the APC automatically
deactivates the current channel when no buffer is ready to transmit. In this case, a new ATM
TRANSMIT command is needed for transmission of the VC to resume. Note that a buffer-not-
ready indication during frame transmission aborts the frame transfer. AAL1 Transmitter Overview
The MPC8260 supports both structured and unstructured AAL1 formats. For the
unstructured format, the transmitter reads 47 bytes from the external buffer and inserts them
into the AAL1 user data Þeld. The AAL1 PDU header, which consists of the sequence
number (SN) and the sequence number protection (SNP) (CRC-3 and parity bit), is
29-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
generated and inserted into the cell. The MPC8260 supports synchronous residual time
stamp (SRTS) generation using external PLL. If this mode is enabled, the MPC8260 reads
the SRTS code from the external logic and inserts it into four outgoing cells. See
Section 29.15, ÒSRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using External Logic.Ó
For the structured format, the transmitter reads 47 or 46 bytes from the external buffer and
inserts them into the AAL1 user data Þeld. The CP generates the AAL1 PDU header and
inserts it into the cell. The header consists of the SN, SNP, and the structured pointer.
The MPC8260 supports partially Þlled cells conÞgured on a per-VC basis; only valid octets
are copied from the TxBD to the ATM cell. The rest of the cell is Þlled with padding octets. AAL0 Transmitter Overview
No speciÞc adaptation layer is provided for AAL0. The ATM controller reads a whole cell
from an external buffer, which always contains exactly one AAL0 cell. The ATM controller
optionally generates CRC10 on the cell payload and places it at the end of the payload
(CRC10 Þeld). AAL0 mode can be used to send OAM cells or AAL3/4 raw cells. Transmit External Rate and Internal Rate Modes
The ATM controller supports the following two rate modes:
¥ External rate modeÑThe total transmission rate is determined by the PHY
transmission rate. The FCC sends cells to keep the PHY FIFOs full; the FCC inserts
idle/unassign cells to maintain the transmission rate.
¥ Internal rate modeÑThe total transmission rate is determined by the FCC internal
rate timers. In this mode, the FCC does not insert idle/unassign cells. The internal
rate mechanism is supported for the Þrst four PHY devices (PHY address 00-03).
Each PHY has its own FTIRR, described in Section 29.13.4, ÒFCC Transmit Internal
Rate Registers (FTIRRx).Ó The FTIRR includes the initial value of the internal rate
timer. A cell transmit request is sent when an internal rate timer expires. When using
internal rate mode, the user assigns one of the baud-rate generators (BRGs) to clock
the four internal rate timers.
29.2.2 Receiver Overview
Before the receiver is enabled, the host must initialize the MPC8260 and create the receive
data structure described in Section 29.10, ÒATM Memory Structure.Ó The host arranges a
BD table for each ATM channel. Buffers for each connection can be statically allocated
(that is, each BD in the BD table is associated with a Þxed buffer location) or in the case of
AAL5, can be fetched by the CP from a global free buffer pool. See Section 29.10.5, ÒATM
Controller Buffer Descriptors (BDs).Ó
The receiver ATM cell size is 53-65 bytes. The cell includes: 4 bytes ATM cell header, 1
byte HEC, which is ignored, and 48 bytes payload. User-deÞned cells (UDC mode) include
an extra header of 1Ð12 bytes with an optional HEC octet. Cell transfers use the UTOPIA
level II, cell-level handshake.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Reception starts when the PHY asserts the receive cell available signal (RxCLAV) to
indicate that the PHY has a complete cell in its receive FIFO. The receiver reads a complete
cell from the UTOPIA interface and translates the header address (VP/VC) to a channel
code by performing an address look-up. If no matches are found, the cell is discarded and
the user-network interface (UNI) statistics tables are updated. The receiver uses the channel
code to read the channel parameters from the receive connection table (RCT). AAL5 Receiver Overview
The receiver copies the 48-byte cell payload to the external buffer and calculates CRC-32
on the entire CPCS-PDU. When the last AAL5 cell arrives, the receiver checks the length,
CRC-32, and CPCS-UU+CPI Þelds and sets the corresponding RxBD status bits. An
interrupt may be generated to one of the four interrupt queues. The receiver copies the last
cell to memory including the padding and the AAL5 trailer. The CPCS-UU+CPI (16-bit
entry) may be read directly from the AAL5 trailer.
The ATM controller monitors the CLP and CNG state of the incoming cells. When the
message is closed, these events set RxBD[CLP] and RxBD[CNG].
When no buffer is ready to receive cells (busy state), the receiver switches to hunt state and
drops all cells associated with the current frame (partial packet discard). The receiver tries
to open new buffers for cell reception only after the last cell of the discarded AAL5 frame
arrives. AAL1 Receiver Overview
The ATM controller supports both AAL1 structured and unstructured formats. For the
unstructured format, 47 octets are copied to the current receive buffer. The AAL1 PDU
header, which consists of the sequence number (SN) and the sequence number protection
(SNP) (CRC-3 and parity bit), is checked. The MPC8260 supports SRTS clock recovery
using an external PLL. In this mode, the MPC8260 tracks the SRTS from the four incoming
cells and writes the SRTS code to external logic. See Section 29.15, ÒSRTS Generation and
Clock Recovery Using External Logic.Ó
In the unstructured format, when the receive process begins, the receiver hunts for the Þrst
cell with a valid sequence number (SN Þeld). When one arrives, the receiver leaves the hunt
state and starts receiving. If an SN mismatch is detected, the receiver closes the RxBD, sets
RxBD[SNE], and switches to hunt state, where it stays until a cell with a valid SN Þeld is
For the structured format, 47 or 46 octets are copied to the current receive buffer. The AAL1
PDU header, which consists of SN and SNP, is checked and the PDU status is written to the
In the structured format, when the receive process begins, the receiver hunts for the Þrst cell
with a valid structured pointer to gain synchronization. When one arrives, the receiver
leaves the hunt state and starts receiving. Then the receiver opens a new buffer. The
structured pointer points to the Þrst octet of the structured block, which then becomes the
29-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Þrst byte of the new buffer. If an SN mismatch is detected, the ATM receiver closes the
current RxBD, sets RxBD[SNE], and returns to the hunt state. The receiver then waits for
a cell with a valid structured pointer to regain synchronization.
The MPC8260 supports partially Þlled cells conÞgured on a per-VC basis. In this mode, the
ATM controller copies only the valid octets from the cell user data Þeld to the buffer. AAL0 Receiver Overview
For AAL0, no speciÞc adaptation layer processing is done. The ATM controller copies the
whole cell to an external buffer. Each buffer contains exactly one AAL0 cell. The ATM
controller calculates and checks the CRC10 of the cell payload and sets RxBD[CRE] if a
CRC error occurs. AAL0 mode can be useful for receiving OAM cells or AAL3/4 raw cells.
29.2.3 Performance Monitoring
The ATM controller supports performance monitoring testing according to ITU I.610.
When performance monitoring is enabled, the ATM controller automatically generates and
terminates FMCs (forward monitoring cells) and BRCs (backward reporting cells). See
Section 29.6.6, ÒPerformance Monitoring.Ó
29.2.4 ABR Flow Control
When AAL5-ABR is enabled, the ATM controller implements the ATM Forum TM 4.0
available-bit-rate ßow. It automatically inserts forward- and backward-RM cells into the
user cells stream and adjusts the transmission rate according to the backwards RM cell
feedback; see Section, ÒAAL5-ABR Protocol-SpeciÞc RCT.Ó The ABR ßow is
controlled on a per-VC basis.
29.3 ATM Pace Control (APC) Unit
The ATM pace control (APC) unit schedules the ATM channels for transmitting. While
performing this task, the APC unit uses the following parameters:
¥ Frequency (bandwidth) of each ATM channel
¥ ATM trafÞc pacingÑPeak cell rate (PCR), sustain cell rate (SCR), and minimum
rate (MCR)
¥ Priority levelÑReal-time channels (CBR or VBR-RT) are scheduled at high-priority
levels; non-real-time channels (VBR-NRT, ABR, UBR) are scheduled at low-
priority levels. Up to eight priority levels are available.
29.3.1 APC Modes and ATM Service Types
The ATM Forum ( deÞnes the service types described in
Table 29-1.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
For information about cell rate pacing, see Section 29.3.5, ÒATM TrafÞc Type.Ó For
information about prioritization, see Section 29.3.6, ÒDetermining the Priority of an ATM
29.3.2 APC Unit Scheduling Mechanism
The APC unit consists of an APC data structure in the dual-port RAM for each PHY and a
special scheduling algorithm performed by the CP. Each PHYÕs APC data structure
includes three elements: an APC parameter table, an APC priority table, and cell
transmission scheduling tables for each priority level. (See Section 29.10.4, ÒAPC Data
Each PHYÕs APC parameter table holds parameters that deÞne the priority table location,
the number of priority levels, and other APC parameters. The priority table holds pointers
that deÞne the location and size of each priority levelÕs scheduling table.
Each scheduling table is divided into time slots, as shown in Figure 29-1. The user
determines the number of ATM cells to be sent each time slot (cells per slot). After a
channel is sent, it is removed from the current time slot and advanced to a future time slot
according to the channelÕs assigned trafÞc rate (speciÞed in time slots). The PCR parameter
in the TCT, or the SCR or MCR parameters in the TCT extension (TCTE) determine the
channelÕs actual rate.
Table 29-1. ATM Service Types
Service Type Cell Rate Pacing Real-Time/
Non-Real-Time Relative Priority
CBR PCR RT 1 (highest)
VBR-RT PCR, SCR (peak-and-sustain) RT 2
VBR-NRT PCR, SCR (peak-and-sustain) NRT 3
1When ABR ßow control is active, the CP automatically adapts the APC parameters PCR,
PCR_FRACTION. These parameters function as the channelÕs allowed cell rate (ACR).
UBR+ PCR, MCR (peak-and-minimum) NRT 5
UBR PCR NRT 6 (lowest)
29-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-1. APC Scheduling Table Mechanism
Each 2-byte time-slot entry points to one ATM channel. Additional channels scheduled to
transmit in the same slot are linked to each other using the APC linked-channel Þeld in the
TCT. The linked list is not limited; however, if the number of channels for the current slot
exceeds the cells per slot parameter (CPS), the extra channels are sent in subsequent time
slots. (The rescheduling of extra channels is based on the original slot to maintain each
channelÕs pace.)
Note that a channel can appear only once in the scheduling table at a given time, because
each channel has only one APC linked-channel Þeld.
29.3.3 Determining the Scheduling Table Size
The following sections describe how to determine the number of cells sent per time slot and
the total number of slots needed in a scheduling table. Determining the Cells Per Slot (CPS) in a Scheduling Table
The number of cells sent per time slot is determined by the channel with the maximum bit
rate; see equation A. The maximum bit rate is achieved when a channel is rescheduled to
the next slot. For example, if the line rate is 155.52 Mbps and there are eight cells per slot,
equation A yields a maximum VC rate of 19.44 Mbps.
Note that a channel can appear only once per time slot; thus, 19.44 Mbps = 155.52Mbps/8.
The cells per slot parameter (CPS) affects the cell delay variation (CDV). Because the APC
unit does not put cells in a deÞnite order within each time slot (LIFOÑlast-in/Þrst-out
implementation), as CPS increases, the CDV increases. However as CPS decreases, the size
of the scheduling table in the dual-port RAM increases and more CPM bandwidth is
Cells per Slot
Number of Slots
Current Slot Cell Rescheduling
Max bit rate =
(A) line rate
cells per slot
29-11 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module Determining the Number of Slots in a Scheduling Table
The number of time slots in a scheduling table is determined by the channel with the
minimum bit rate; see equation B. The minimum bit rate is achieved when the channel
reschedules only once in a whole table scan. (The maximum schedule advance allowed is
equal to number_of_slots-1.) For example, if the line rate is 155.52 Mbps, the minimum bit
rate is 32 kbps and the CPS is 4, then, according to equation B, the number of slots should
be 1,216.
For the above example, 32 kbps = 155.52 Mbps/((1216-1) ´ 4).
Use equations (A) and (B) to obtain the maximum and minimum bit rates of a scheduling
table. For example, given a line rate = 155.52 Mbps, number_of_slots = 1025, and CPS = 8:
29.3.4 Determining the Time-Slot Scheduling Rate of a Channel
The time-slot scheduling rate of each ATM channel is deÞned by equation C. The resulting
number of APC slots is written in either TCT[PCR], TCTE[SCR] or TCTE[MCR],
depending on the trafÞc type.
29.3.5 ATM TrafÞc Type
The APC uses the cell rate pacing parameters (PCR, SCR, and MCR) to generate CBR,
VBR, ABR, UBR+, and UBR trafÞc. The user determines the kind of trafÞc that is
generated per VC by writing to TCT[ATT] (ATM trafÞc type); see Section,
ÒTransmit Connection Table (TCT).Ó Peak Cell Rate TrafÞc Type
When the peak cell rate trafÞc type is selected, the APC schedules channels to transmit
according to the PCR and PCR_FRACTION trafÞc parameters. Other trafÞc parameters do
not apply to this trafÞc type. Determining the PCR TrafÞc Type Parameters
Suppose a VC uses 15.66 Mbps of the total 155.52 Mbps and CPS = 8. Equation C yields:
Min bit rate =
(B) (number_of_slots - 1) ´ cells per slot
line rate
Max bit rate = (155.52 Mbps)/8 = 19.44 Mbps
Min bit rate = (155.52 Mbps)/(1024 ´ 8) = 18.98 kbps.
Rate [slots] =
(C) VC rate [bps] ´ cells per slot
line rate [bps]
PCR [slots] = (155.52 Mbps)/(15.66 Mbps ´ 8) = 1.241
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The resulting number of slots is written into TCT[PCR] and TCT[PCR_FRACTION].
Because PCR_FRACTION is in units of 1/256 slots, the fraction must be converted as
follows: Peak and Sustain TrafÞc Type (VBR)
Variable bit rate (VBR) trafÞc can burst at the peak cell rate as long as the long-term average
rate does not exceed the sustainable cell rate. To support VBR channels, the APC
implements the GCRA (generic cell rate algorithm) using three parametersÑthe peak cell
rate (PCR), the sustained cell rate (SCR), and burst tolerance (BT), as shown in
Figure 29-2. (The GCRA is also known as the leaky bucket algorithm.)
Figure 29-2. VBR Pacing Using the GCRA (Leaky Bucket Algorithm)
When a VBR channel is activated, it bursts at the peak cell rate (PCR) until reaching its
initial burst tolerance (BT), which is the buffer length the network allocated for this VC.
When the burst limit is reached, the APC reduces the VCÕs scheduling rate to the sustained
cell rate (SCR). The VC continues sending at SCR as long as TxBDs are ready. However,
as each SCR time allotment elapses with no TxBD ready to send, the APC grants the VC a
credit for bursting at the peak cell rate (PCR). (Gaining credit implies that the buffer at the
switch is not full and can tolerate a burst transmission.) If a TxBD becomes ready, the APC
schedules the VC to burst at the PCR as long as credit remains. When the burst credit ends
(the networkÕs UPC leaky bucket reaches its limit), the APC schedules the VC according to
SCR. Example for Using VBR TrafÞc Parameters
Suppose the trafÞc parameters of a VBR channel are PCR = 6 Mbps, SCR = 2 Mbps, MBS
(maximum burst size) = 1000 cells, and CPS = 8.
Equation C (see Section 29.3.4, ÒDetermining the Time-Slot Scheduling Rate of a
ChannelÓ) yields the APC parameters, PCR, PCR_FRACTION, SCR, and
SCR_FRACTION, which the user writes to the channelÕs TCT.
1.241 = 1+0.241 ´ 256/256 =1+ 61.79/256 ~ 1 + 62/256
Conforming VBR Traffic
Burst tolerance (BT)
Sustained cell rate (SCR)
Incoming cells fill the bucket at the peak cell rate (PCR) or at the SCR if the bucket is full.
29-13 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Equation D yields the number of slots the user writes to the channelÕs TCT[BT]. Handling the Cell Loss Priority (CLP)ÑVBR Type 1 and 2
The MPC8260 supports two ways to schedule VBR trafÞc based on the cell loss priority
(CLP). When TCTE[VBR2] is cleared, CLP0+1 cells are scheduled by PCR or SCR
according to the GCRA state. When TCTE[VBR2] is set, CLP0 cells are still scheduled by
PCR or SCR according to the GCRA state, but CLP1 cells are always scheduled by PCR.
See Section, ÒVBR Protocol-SpeciÞc TCTE.Ó Peak and Minimum Cell Rate TrafÞc Type (UBR+)
To support UBR+ channels, the APC schedules transmission according to PCR and MCR.
For each priority level, the APC maintains a parameter that monitors the trafÞc load
measured as the time-slot delay between the service pointer (pointing to the current time
slot waiting transmission) and a real-time slot pointer. If the transmission delay is greater
than MDA (maximum delay allowed), the APC begins scheduling channels according to
the MCR parameter. If the delay, however, drops below MDA, the APC again schedules
channels according to the PCR. Note that in order to guarantee a minimum cell rate for
UBR+ channels, there must be enough bandwidth to simultaneously send all possible
channels at the MCR. See Section, ÒUBR+ Protocol-SpeciÞc TCTE.Ó
29.3.6 Determining the Priority of an ATM Channel
The priority mechanism is implemented by adding priority table levels, which point to
separate scheduling tables; see Section 29.10.4, ÒAPC Data Structure.Ó The APC ßow
control services the APC_LEVEL1 slots Þrst. If there are no cells to send, the APC goes to
the next priority level. The APC has up to eight priority levels with APC_LEVEL8 being
the lowest. The user speciÞes the priority of an ATM channel when issuing the ATM
TRANSMIT command; see Section 29.14, ÒATM Transmit Command.Ó
The real-time channels, CBR and VBR-RT, should be inserted in APC_LEVEL1; non-real-
time channels, VBR-NRT, ABR, and UBR should be inserted in lower priority levels.
PCR [slots] = (155.52 Mbps)/(6 Mbps ´ 8) = 3.24
3.24 = 3 + 0.24 ´ 256/256 = 3 + 61.44/256 ~ 3 + 62/256
SCR [slots] = (155.52 Mbps)/(2 Mbps ´ 8) = 9.72
9.72 = 9 + (0.72 ´ 256/256) = 9 + 184.32/256 ~ 9 + 185/256
BT [slots] = (MBS[cells] - 2) ´ (SCR[slots] - PCR[slots]) + SCR[slots]
= (1000 - 2) ´ ((9+185/256) - (3+62/256)) + (9 +185/256)
= 6477
29-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.4 VCI/VPI Address Lookup Mechanism
The MPC8260 supports two ways to look up addresses for incoming cells:
¥ External CAM lookup
¥ Address compression
Writing to GMODE[ALM] (address-lookup-mechanism bit) in the parameter RAM selects
the mechanism. Both mechanisms are described in the following sections.
29.4.1 External CAM Lookup
An external CAM is usually used when the range of VCI/VPI values varies widely or is
unknown. Clearing GMODE[ALM] selects the external CAM address lookup mechanism.
If there is no match in the external CAM, the cell is considered a misinserted cell. The
external CAM can point to internal or external channels (channels whose connection table
resides in external memory). The CAM input, shown in Figure 29-3, is the 32-bit cell
address: PHY address, GFC + VPI, and VCI.
The output of the CAM, shown in Figure 29-4, is a 32-bit entry (16-bit channel code and a
match-status bit).
PHY Addr
Figure 29-3. External CAM Data Input Fields
0 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
MS Ñ Channel Code
Figure 29-4. External CAM Output Fields
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The external CAM Þelds are described in Table 29-2
29.4.2 Address Compression
The address compression mechanism uses two levels of address translation to help
minimize the memory space needed to cover the available address range. The Þrst level of
translation (VP-level) uses a look-up table based on the 4-bit PHY address and the 12-bit
virtual path identiÞer; the second level (VC-level) uses the 16-bit virtual channel identiÞer.
If there is no match during address compression, the cell is considered a misinserted cell.
During the VP-level translation, VP_MASK in the ATM parameter RAM compresses an
incoming cellÕs PHY address and VPI to create an index into the VP-level table. The VP-
level table entry consists of another mask (VC_MASK) and a pointer to one of the VC-level
tables (VCOFFSET). Note that the VP table should reside in the dual-port RAM.
In the VC-level translation, the VCI is compressed with the VC_MASK to generate a
pointer to the VC-level table entry containing the received cellÕs channel code. The VC table
should reside in external memory.
Figure 29-5 shows an example of address compression.
Table 29-2. External CAM Input and Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
PHY Addr In multiple PHY mode, this Þeld contains the 4 least-signiÞcant bits of the current channelÕs physical
address. Because this CAM comparison Þeld is limited to 4 bits, two CAM devices are needed if using
more than 16 PHYs.The msb of the PHY address lines (bit 4) selects between the two devices. If the
msb is zero, the CP accesses the CAM whose address is written in the EXT_CAM_BASE parameter in
the parameter RAM; if the msb is set, the CP uses EXT_CAM1_BASE. See Section 15.4.1, ÒCMX
UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR).Ó
In single PHY mode, clear this Þeld.
The GFC, VPI, and VCI of the current channel.
Ch Code Pointer to internal or external connection table.
Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MS Match status.
0 Match was found.
1 Match was not found.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-5. Address Compression Mechanism
Figure 29-5 shows VP_MASK selecting Þve VPI bits to index the VP-level table. The VP-
level table entry contains the 16-bit mask (VC_MASK) and the VC-level table offset
(VCOFFSET) for the next level of address mapping. The VC_MASK selects VCI bits 4Ð
10, which is used with VCT_BASE and VCOFFSET to indicate the received cellÕs channel
Table 29-3. Field Descriptions for Address Compression
Field Description
In multiple PHY mode, this Þeld contains the 4 least-signiÞcant bits of the current channelÕs physical
address. Because this comparison Þeld is limited to 4 bits, two sets of look-up tables are needed if using
more than 16 PHYs.The msb of the PHY address lines (bit 4) selects between the two sets of tables. If the
msb is zero, the CP accesses the tables at VPT_BASE and VCT_BASE; if the msb is set, the CP uses
VPT1_BASE and VCT1_BASE. See Section 15.4.1, ÒCMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR).Ó
In single PHY mode, clear this Þeld.
VCI, VPI The VCI and VPI of the current channel.
Ch Code Pointer to internal or external connection table.
Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MS Match status.
0 Match was found.
1 Match was not found.
32-bit entries
VP-level addressing table
00000111 11110000
32-bit entries
VC-level addressing tables
16 bit 16 bit
PHY Addr
16 bit
12 bit
4 bit
(in external memory)
(in dual-port RAM recommended)
Ch Code[15Ð0]
16 bit15 bit
1 bit
29-17 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module VP-Level Address Compression Table (VPLT)
The size of the VP-level table depends on the number of mask bits in VP_MASK. For
example, if only one PHY is available (PHY address = 0) and VPMASK =
0b11_1111_1111, VP pointer contains ten bits and the table is 4 Kbytes. Because each
VPLT entry is 4 bytes, the address of an entry is VPT_BASE + VP pointer ´ 4.
Each VPLT entry has two parameters:
¥ VC_MASKÑA 16-bit VC-level mask for masking the incoming cellÕs VCI
¥ VCOFFSETÑA 16-bit VC-level table offset from VC_BASE that points to the
appropriate VC-level tableÕs (VCLT) starting address. The address of the VCLT is
If the VCLTs are to be placed contiguously in memory, each tableÕs VCOFFSET
depends on the size of preceding tables. Each tableÕs size depends on the number of
ones in VC_MASK. Figure 29-6 gives the general formula for determining
Table 29-4 shows example VCOFFSET calculations for a VP-level table with four
The MPC8260 can check that all unallocated bits of the PHY + VPI are 0 by setting
GMODE[CUAB] (check unallocated bits) in the parameter RAM. If they are not, the cell
is considered a misinserted cell.
Table 29-5 gives an example of VP-level table entry address calculation.
General formula: VCOFFSET(n+1) = VCOFFSETn + 2(number of ones in VC_MASKn)
Figure 29-6. General VCOFFSET Formula for Contiguous VCLTs
Table 29-4. VCOFFSET Calculation Examples for Contiguous VCLTs
Table Entry VC_MASK Number of Ones
0 0x0237 6 26 = 64 entries 0
1 0x0230 3 23 = 8 entries 64
2 0xA007 5 25 = 32 entries 64 + 8 = 72
3 x x x 72 + 32 = 104
Table 29-5. VP-Level Table Entry Address Calculation Example
VPT_BASE VP-Level Table Size VP_MASK Phy+VPI VP Pointer VP Entry Address
0x0024_0000 64 entries 0x0237 0x0011 0x09 VP Base = 0x240000
0x09 x 4 = 0x000024
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-7 shows the VP pointer address compression from Table 29-5.
Figure 29-7. VP Pointer Address Compression VC-Level Address Compression Tables (VCLTs)
Each VPLT entry points to a single VCLT. Like the VPLT, the size of each VCLT depends
on VC_MASK. Because the VCLT contains word entries, if VC_MASK =
0b11_1111_1111, the table is 4 Kbytes. The address of an entry in this table is VCT_BASE
+ VCOFFSET ´ 4 + VCpointer ´ 4.
The MPC8260 can check that all unallocated VCI bits are 0 by setting GMODE[CUAB]
(check unallocated bits). If they are not, the cell is considered a misinserted cell.
An example of VC-level table entry address calculation is shown in Table 29-6. Note that
VCOFFSET is assumed to be 0x100 for this example.
Figure 29-8 shows the VC pointer address compression from Table 29-6.
Figure 29-8. VC Pointer Address Compression
29.4.3 Misinserted Cells
If the address lookup mechanism cannot find a match (MS=1), the cell is discarded and
ATM layer statistics are updated, as described in Section 29.8, ÒATM Layer Statistics.Ó
Table 29-6. VC-Level Table Entry Address Calculation Example
VCT_BASE VCOffset VC-Level Table Size VC_MASK VCI VC Pointer VC Entry Address
0x0084_0000 0x0100 32 entries 0x0037 0x0031 0x19 VC Base = 0x840000
0x100 x 4 = 0x000400
0x19 x 4 = 0x000064
VP Pointer 10
VC Pointer 11
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.4.4 Receive Raw Cell Queue
Channel one in the RCT is reserved as a raw cell queue. The user should program channel
one to operate in AAL0 protocol. The receive raw cell queue is used for removing
management cells from the regular cell ßow to the host. When a management cell is sent to
the receive raw cell queue, the CP sets RxBD[OAM]. The ALL0 BD speciÞes the channel
code associated with the current OAM cell.
The following are optionally removed from the regular ßow and sent to the raw cell queue:
¥ Segment F5 OAM (PTI = 0b100). To enable F5 segment Þltering, set RCT[SEGF].
¥ End-to-end F5 OAM (PTI = 0b101). To enable F5 end-to-end Þltering, set
¥ RM cells (PTI = 0b110). When ABR ßow is enabled the cells are terminated
internally; otherwise, they are sent to the raw cell queue.
¥ Reserved PTI value (PTI = 0b111). Always sent to the raw cell queue.
¥ VCI value: 3, 4, 6, 7Ð15. To enable VCI Þltering set the associated bit in the VCIF
entry in the parameter RAM.
Figure 29-9 shows a ßowchart of the ATM cell ßow.
Figure 29-9. ATM Address Recognition Flowchart
Note that even reserved VCI channels should appear in the CAM or address compression
tables; otherwise, a cell on a reserved channel will be considered misinserted.
PTI=1xx or
and filter enable
Send cell to VC
Send cell to raw
cell queue
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.5 Available Bit Rate (ABR) Flow Control
While CBR service provides a Þxed bandwidth and is useful for real-time applications with
strictly bounded end-to-end cell transfer delay and cell-delay variation, ABR service is
intended for data applications that can adapt to time-varying bandwidth and can tolerate
signiÞcant cell transfer delay and cell delay variation. The MPC8260 implements the two
following mechanisms deÞned by the ATM Forum TM 4.0 rate-based ßow control.
¥ Explicit forward congestion indication (EFCI). The network supplies binary
indication of whether congestion occurred along the connection path. This
information is carried in the PTI Þeld of the ATM cell header (similar to that used in
frame relay). The source initially clears each ATM cellÕs EFCI bit, but as the cell
passes through the connection, any congested node can set it. The MPC8260 detects
this indication and sets the congestion indication (CI) bit in the next backwards RM
cell to signal the source end station to reduce its transmission rate.
¥ Explicit rate (ER) feedback. The network carries explicit bandwidth information, to
allow the source to adjust its rate. The source sends forward RM cells specifying its
chosen transmit rate (source ER). A congested switch along the network may
decrease ER to the exact rate it can support. The destination receives forward RM
cells and returns them to the source as backward RM cells. The MPC8260
implements source behavior by adjusting the rate according to each returning
backward RM cellÕs ER.
Explicit rate feedback has several advantages over binary feedback (EFCI). Explicit rate
feedback allows immediate source rate adaptation, eliminating rate oscillation caused by
incremental rate changes. Using the information in RM cells, the network can allocate
bandwidth evenly among active ABR channels.
29.5.1 The ABR Model
Figure 29-10 shows the MPC8260Õs ABR model.
Figure 29-10. MPC8260Õs ABR Basic Model
Source Behavior Destination Behavior
Nrm Data Cells
F-RM Cell
B-RM Cell
Update Rate
F-RM Cell
B-RM Cell
Set CI, NI
Reduce ER
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The MPC8260 ABR ßow control implements both source and destination behavior. The
MPC8260Õs ABR ßowchart is described in Section, ÒABR Flowcharts.Ó ABR Flow Control Source End-System Behavior
The MPC8260Õs implementation of ABR ßow control for end-system sources is described
in the following steps:
1. An ABR channelÕs allowed cell rate (ACR) lies between the minimum cell rate
(MCR) and the peak cell rate (PCR).
2. ACR is initialized to the initial cell rate (ICR).
3. An F-RM (Forward-RM) cell is sent for every Nrm data cell sent. If more than Mrm
cells are sent and the time elapsed since the last F-RM exceeds Trm, an F-RM cell
is sent.
4. When sending an F-RM cell, the current ACR is written in the CCR (current cell
rate) Þeld of the RM cell.
5. When B-RM (backward-RM) cell is received with CI = 1 (congestion indication),
ACR is reduced by ACR ´ RDF (rate decrease factor). After the reduction, the new
ACR is determined Þrst by letting ACRtemp be the min of (ACR, ER), and then
taking the max of (ACRtemp, MCR).
6. When B-RM is received with CI=0 and NI=0 (no increase), ACR is increased by RIF
´ PCR (rate increase factor). The new ACR is determined Þrst by letting ACRtemp
be the min of (ACR, ER), and then taking the max of (ACRtemp, MCR).
7. Before sending an F-RM cell, if more than ADTF (ACR decrease time factor) has
elapsed since sending the last F-RM cell, ACR is reduced to ICR. In other words, if
the source does not fully use its gained bandwidth, it loses it and resumes sending at
its initial cell rate.
8. Before sending an F-RM cell and after action 7, if more than Crm F-RM cells were
sent since the last B-RM cell was received with BN=0 (backward notiÞcation), the
ACR is reduced by ACR ´ CDF (cutoff decrease factor).
9. A source whose ACR is less than the tag cell rate (TCR) sends out-of-rate cells at
the TCR. This behavior is intended for sources whose rates were set to zero by the
network. These sources should periodically sense the network state by sending out-
of-rate RM cells. In this case data cells will not be sent.
10. An RM cell with an incorrect CRC10 is discarded and the UNI statistics tables are
updated. ABR Flow Control Destination End-System Behavior
The MPC8260Õs implementation of ABR ßow control for end-system destinations is
described in the following steps:
1. A received F-RM cell is turned around and sent as a B-RM cells.
2. The DIR Þeld of the received F-RM cell is changed from 0 to 1 (backward DIR).
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
3. The CCR and MCR Þelds are taken from the F-RM and is not changed.
4. The CI bit of the B-RM cell is set if the previous data cell arrived with EFCI = 1
(congestion bit in the ATM cell header).
5. The ER Þeld of the turn around B-RM cells is limited by TCTE[ER-BRM].
6. If a F-RM cell arrives before the previous F-RM cell was turned around (for the same
connection), the new RM cell overwrites the old RM cell. ABR Flowcharts
The MPC8260Õs ABR transmit and receive flow control is described in the following
ßowcharts. See Figure 29-11, Figure 29-12, Figure 29-13, and Figure 29-14.
Figure 29-11. ABR Transmit Flow
Start Channel Tx
Send RM (DIR = forward, CCR = ACR, ER = PCR, CI = NI = 0, CLP =1)
Schedule: Time_to_send = now+1/TCR
ACR is low sent only
RM/DATA In Rate Cell Tx
out-of-rate cells at TCR
Source End-Sys 9
Ye s
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-12. ABR Transmit Flow (Continued)
RM/DATA In Rate Cell Tx
Count >= Nrm
or (Count > Mrm
and Now ³
Nrm=Number of data cells between every RM cell
Mrm=Fixed number=2
Trm=Max time between every F-RM Cells.
Count=Number of data cells from last F-RM.
Time = Now - Last_RM
Checking ÒTime-Out FactorÓ Max time
allowed between RM Cells before a rate
Decrease is required.
Time >ADTF
ACR is too high
Idle adjust (Òuse it or loose itÓ)
ACR = max(ACR,MCR)
Unack=Number of F-RM cells sent
without any B-RM cell received.
Crm=Max number of F-RM cells without any
B-RM cell allowed before rate decrease
is required.
Send RM (DIR = forward, CCR = ACR, ER = PCR, CI = NI = CLP = 0)
Last_RM = Now
First-turn = TRUE
Unack = Unack+1
First-turn = Flag indicates first turn of RM cell
with priority over data cells.
B-RM/DATA In Rate Cell Tx
F-RM In Rate Cell Tx
Count = Count+1
Source End-Sys 3
Source End-Sys 4
Source End-Sys 7
Source End-Sys 8
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-13. ABR Transmit Flow (Continued)
B-RM/DATA In Rate Cell Tx
B-RM In Rate Cell Tx
(First-turn or not
Send RM cell (DIR = backwards, CCR-TA, ER-TA, MCR-TA,
CI-VC = 0
Turn-around = first-turn = FALSE
Send Data Cell
CLP = EFCI = 0
Count = Count+1
Schedule:Time_to_send = Now+1/ACR
Data Cell Tx
Count = Count+1
Destination End-Sys 1,2,3,4
Ye s
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-14. ABR Receive Flow
29.5.2 RM Cell Structure
Table 29-7 describes the structure of the RM cell supported by the MPC8260. For more
information, see the ABR ßow-control trafÞc management speciÞcation (TM 4.0) on the
ATM Forum website at
B-RM Cells Rx
CI = 1
NI = 0
ACR = min(ACR,PCR)
ACR = min(ACR,ER)
ACR = max(ACR,MCR)
BN = 0
Unack = 0
The source generate this RM
Unack = Number of F-RM in absence of B-RM = 0
Source End-Sys 5
Source End-Sys 1, 6
Source End-Sys 5, 6
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
29-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module RM Cell Rate Representation
Rates in the RM cells are represented in a binary ßoating-point format using a 5-bit
exponent (e), a 9-bit mantissa (m), and a 1-bit nonzero ßag (nz), as shown in Figure 29-15.
Figure 29-15. Rate Format for RM Cells
The rate (in cells/second) is calculated as in Figure 29-16.
Figure 29-16. Rate Formula for RM Cells
Initialize the trafÞc parameters (ER, MCR, PCR, or ICR) in the ABR protocol-speciÞc
connection tables using the rate formula in Figure 29-16.
Table 29-7. Fields and their Positions in RM Cells
Fields Octet Bits Description Value
Header 1Ð5 All ATM cell header RM-VCC
ID 6 All Protocol ID 1
DIR 7 0 Direction of RM cell (0 = forward, 1 = backward)
BN 7 1 Backward notiÞcation (BN = 0, the cell was generated by the
source; BN=1, the cell was generated by the network or by the
CI 7 2 Congestion indication. (1 = congestion, 0 = otherwise)
NI 7 3 No increase indication. (1 = no increase allowed, 0 = otherwise)
RA 7 4 Not used (ATM Forum ABR) 0
Ñ 7 5-7 Reserved, should be cleared. 0
ER 8Ð9 All Explicit rate; see Section
CCR 10Ð11 All Current cell rate; see Section
MCR 12Ð13 All Min cell rate; see Section
QL 14Ð17 All Not used (ATM Forum ABR) 0
SN 18Ð21 All Not used (ATM Forum ABR) 0
Ñ 22Ð51 All Reserved, should be cleared. 0x6A for each byte
Ñ 52 0Ð5 Reserved, should be cleared. 0
CRC-10 52 6Ð7 CRC-10
53 All
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 nz Exponent Mantissa
Rate 2e1m
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.5.3 ABR Flow Control Setup
Follow these steps to setup ABR ßow control:
1. Initialize the ABR data structure: RCT, TCT, RCT-ABR protocol-speciÞc, TCTE-
ABR protocol-speciÞc.
2. Initialize ABR global parameters in the parameter RAM. See Section 29.10.1,
ÒParameter RAM.Ó
3. Program the AAL-type in the RCT and TCT to AAL5 and set TCT[ABRF]. Note
that the ABR ßow control is available only with AAL5.
4. The time stamp timer generates the RM cellÕs time stamp, which the ABR ßow
control monitors to maintain source behavior in steps #3 and #7 of Section,
ÒABR Flow Control Source End-System Behavior.Ó Enable the time stamp timer by
writing to the RTSCR; see Section 13.3.7, ÒRISC Time-Stamp Control Register
5. Initialize the ABR parameters (CPS_ABR and LINE_RATE_ABR) in the APCT;
see Section, ÒAPC Parameter Tables.Ó Note that when using ABR, the CPS
(cells per slot) parameter in the APCPT should be a power of two.
6. Finally, send the ATM TRANSMIT command to restart channel transmission.
29.6 OAM Support
This section describes the MPC8260Õs support for ATM-layer (F4 out-of-band, and F5 in-
band) operations and maintenance (OAM) of connections. Alarm surveillance, continuity
checking, remote defect indication, and loopback cells are supported using OAM receive
and transmit AAL0 cell queues. Using dedicated support, performance management block
tests can be performed on up to 64 connections simultaneously. The CP automatically
inserts forward monitoring cells (FMC) and generates backward-reporting cells (BRC) as
recommended by ITU I.610.
29.6.1 ATM-Layer OAM DeÞnitions
Table 29-8 lists pre-assigned header values at the user-network interface (UNI).
Table 29-8. Pre-Assigned Header Values at the UNI
Segment OAM F4 ßow cell xxxx aaaa_aaaa 0000_0000_0000_0011 0a0 a
End-to-end OAM F4 ßow cell xxxx aaaa_aaaa 0000_0000_0000_0100 0a0 a
Segment OAM F5 ßow cell xxxx aaaa_aaaa aaaa_aaaa_aaaa_aaaa 100 a
End-to-end OAM F5 ßow cell xxxx aaaa_aaaa aaaa_aaaa_aaaa_aaaa 101 a
a = available for use by the appropriate ATM layer function
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Table 29-9 lists pre-assigned header values at the network-node interface (NNI).
29.6.2 Virtual Path (F4) Flow Mechanism
The F4 ßow is designated by pre-assigned virtual channel identiÞers within the virtual path.
The following two kinds of F4 ßows can exist simultaneously:
¥ End-to-end (identiÞed as VCI 4)ÑThis ßow is used for end-to-end VPC operations
communications. Cells inserted into this ßow can be removed only by the endpoints
of the virtual path.
¥ Segment (identiÞed as VCI 3)ÑThis ßow is used for communicating operations
information within one VPC link or among multiple interconnected VPC links. The
concatenation of VPC links is called a VPC segment. Cells inserted into this ßow can
be removed only by the segment endpoints, which must remove these cells to
prevent confusion in adjacent segments.
29.6.3 Virtual Channel (F5) Flow Mechanism
The F5 ßow is designated by pre-assigned payload type identiÞers. The following two kinds
of F5 ßow can exist simultaneously:
¥ End-to-end (identiÞed by PTI = 5)ÑThis ßow is used for end-to-end VCC
operations communications. Cells inserted into this ßow can be removed only by VC
¥ Segment (identiÞed by PTI = 4)ÑThis ßow is used for communicating operations
information with the bound of one VCC link or multiple interconnected VCC links.
A concatenation of VCC links is called a VCC segment. Segment endpoints must
remove these cells to prevent confusion in adjacent segments.
29.6.4 Receiving OAM F4 or F5 Cells
OAM F4/F5 ßow cells are received using the raw cell queue, described in Section 29.4.4,
ÒReceive Raw Cell Queue.Ó An F4/F5 OAM cell which does not appear in the CAM or
address compression tables is considered a misinserted cell.
Table 29-9. Pre-Assigned Header Values at the NNI
Segment OAM F4 ßow cell aaaa_aaaa_aaaa 0000_0000_0000_0011 0a0 a
End-to-end OAM F4 ßow cell aaaa_aaaa_aaaa 0000_0000_0000_0100 0a0 a
Segment OAM F5 ßow cell aaaa_aaaa_aaaa aaaa_aaaa_aaaa_aaaa 100 a
End-to-end OAM F5 ßow cell aaaa_aaaa_aaaa aaaa_aaaa_aaaa_aaaa 101 a
a= available for use by the appropriate ATM layer function
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29.6.5 Transmitting OAM F4 or F5 Cells
OAM F4/F5 ßow cells are sent using the usual AAL0 transmit ßow. For OAM F4/F5 cell
transmission, program channel one in the TCT to operate in AAL0 mode. Enable the CR10
(CRC-10 insertion) mode as described in Section, ÒAAL0 Protocol-SpeciÞc
TCT.Ó Prepare the OAM F4/F5 ßow cell and insert it in an AAL0 TxBD. Finally, issue a
ATM TRANSMIT command to send the OAM cell. For multiple PHYs, use several AAL0
channelsÑeach PHY should have one transmit raw cell queue that is associated with its
scheduling table.
A series of OAM cells can be sent using one ATM TRANSMIT command by creating a table
of AAL0 TxBDs. If the channelÕs TCT[AVCF] (auto VC off) is set, the transmitter
automatically removes it from the APC (that is, it does not generate periodic transmit
requests for this channel after all AAL0 BDs are processed).
29.6.6 Performance Monitoring
A connectionÕs performance is monitored by inspecting blocks of cells (delimited by
forward monitoring cells) sent between connection or segment endpoints. Each FMC
contains statistics about the immediately preceding block of cells. When an endpoint
receives an FMC, it adds the statistics generated locally across the same block to produce
a backward reporting cell (BRC), which is then returned to the opposite endpoint.
The MPC8260 can run up to 64 bidirectional block tests simultaneously. When a
bidirectional test is run, FMCs are generated for one direction and checked for the opposite.
Figure 29-17 shows the FMC and BRC cell structure.
Figure 29-17. Performance Monitoring Cell Structure (FMCs and BRCs)
Header = 5 bytes Payload = 48 bytes
0010 = Performance Management
Fields Reserved
44 645 x 8 10
2 octets 4 octets 1 octet
29 octets 2 octets
Total User
Cell 0+1
2 octets
1 octet
0000 = Forward Monitoring
0001 = Backward Reporting
Cells 0+1
2 octets
Total User
Cell 0
2 octets
Cells 0
Block Error
(MCSN) (TUC0+1) (BEDC0+1)1(TUC0)(TSTP) (TRCC0)2(BLER)2(TRCC0+1)2
1. BEDC0+1 appears in FMCs only.
2. TRCC0, BLER, and TRCC0+1 appear in BRCs only.
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Table 29-10 describes performance monitoring cell Þelds. Running a Performance Block Test
For bidirectional PM block tests, FMCs are monitored at the receive side and generated at
the transmit side. The following setup is required to run a bidirectional PM block test on an
active VCC:
1. Assign one of the available 64 performance monitoring tables by writing to both
RCT[PMT] and TCT[PMT] and initializing the one chosen. See Section 29.10.3,
ÒOAM Performance Monitoring Tables.Ó
2. For PM F5 segment termination set RCT[SEGF]; for PM F5 end-to-end termination
set RCT[ENDF].
3. Finally, set the channelÕs RCT[PM] and TCT[PM] and the receive raw cellÕs
For unidirectional PM block tests:
¥ For PM block monitoring only, set only the RCT Þelds above.
¥ For PM block generation only, set only the TCT Þelds above.
To run a block test on a VPC, assign all the VCCs of the tested VPC to the same
performance monitoring table. ConÞgure RCT[PMT] and TCT[PMT] to specify the
performance monitoring table associated with each F4 channel. PM Block Monitoring
PM block monitoring is done by the receiver. After initialization (see Section,
whenever a cell is received for a VCC or VPC, the TRCC counters are incremented and the
Table 29-10. Performance Monitoring Cell Fields
Field Description BRC FMC
MCSN Monitoring cell sequence number. The sequence number of the performance monitoring
cell (modulo 256).
Ye s Ye s
TUC0+1 Total user cell 0+1 count. Counts all user cells (modulo 65,536) sent before the FMC was
Ye s Ye s
TUC0Total user cell 0 count. Counts CLP = 0 user cells (modulo 65,536) sent before the FMC
was inserted.
Ye s Ye s
TSTP Time stamp. Used to indicate when the cell was inserted. Yes Yes
BEDC0+1 Block error detection code. Even parity over the payload of the block of user cells sent
since the last FMC.
No Yes
TRCC0Total received cell count 0. Counts CLP=0 user cells (modulo 65,536) received before the
FMC was received.
Ye s N o
BLER Block error result. Counts error parity bits detected by the BEDC of the received FMC. Yes No
TRCC0+1 Total received cell count 0+1. Counts all user cells (modulo 65,536) received before the
FMC was received.
Ye s N o
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BEDC is calculated. When an FMC is received, the CP adds the BRC Þelds into the cell
payload (TRCC0, TRCC0+1, BLER) and transfers the cell to the receive raw cell queue. The
user can monitor the BRC cell results and transfer the cell to the transmit raw cell queue.
Before the BRC is transferred to the transmit raw cell queue, the PM function type should
be changed to backward reporting and additional checking should be done regarding the
BLER Þeld. If the sequence numbers (MCSN) of the last two FMCs are not sequential or
the differences between the last two TUCs and the last two TRCCs are not equal, BLER
should be set to all ones (see the ITU I.610 recommendation).
Note that the TRCCs are free-running counters (modulo 65,536) that count user cells
received. The total received cells of a particular block is the difference between TRCC
values of two consecutive BRC cells. TRCC values are taken from a VCÕs performance
monitoring table. PM Block Generation
The transmitter generates the PM block. Each time the transmitted cell count parameter
(TCC) in the performance monitoring table reaches zero, the CP inserts an FMC into the
user cell stream. The CP copies the FMC header, SN-FMC, TUC0+1, TUC0, BEDC0+1-Tx
from the performance monitoring table and inserts them into the FMC payload. The TSTP
value (FMC time stamp Þeld) is taken from the MPC8260 time stamp timer; see
Section 13.3.7, ÒRISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR).Ó
The TUCs are free-running counters (modulo 65,536) that count transmitted user cells. The
total transmitted cells of a particular block is the difference between TUC values of two
consecutive FMCs. The BEDC (BIP-16, bit interleaved parity) calculation is done on the
payload of all user cells of the current tested block. The performance monitoring block can
range from 1 to 2K cells, as speciÞed in the BLCKSIZE parameter in the performance
monitoring table; see Section 29.10.3, ÒOAM Performance Monitoring Tables.Ó
In Figure 29-18, the performance monitoring block size is 512 cells. For every 512 user
cells sent, the ATM controller automatically inserts an FMC into the regular cell stream as
deÞned in ITU I.610. When an FMC is received, the ATM controller adds the BRC Þelds
to the cell payload and sends the cell to the raw cell queue. The user can monitor the BRC
cell results and transfer the cell to the transmit raw cell queue.
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Figure 29-18. FMC, BRC Insertion BRC Performance Calculations
BRC reception uses the regular AAL0 raw cell queue. On receiving two consecutive BRC
cells, the management layer can calculate the following:
¥ The difference between two TUCs (Nt)
¥ The difference between two TRCCs (Nr)
Information about the connection can be gained by comparing Nt and Nr:
¥ If Nt > Nr, the difference indicates the number of lost cells of this block test.
¥ If Nt < Nr, the difference indicates the number of misinserted cells of this block test.
¥ When Nt = Nr, no cells are lost or misinserted.
29.7 User-DeÞned Cells (UDC)
Typical ATM cells are 53 bytes long and consist of a 4-byte header, 1-byte HEC, and 48-
byte payload. The MPC8260 also supports user-deÞned cells with up to 12 bytes of extra
header Þelds for internal information for switching applications. This choice is made during
initialization by writing to the FPSMR; see Section 29.13.2, ÒFCC Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode
Register (FPSMR).Ó As shown in Figure 29-19, the extra header size can vary between 1 to
12 bytes (byte resolution) and the HEC octet is optional.
FMC CellData CellData CellFMC CellData CellData CellFMC Cell
512 User Cells512 User Cells
Source Cells
BRC Cell
Destination BRCÕs
Transmit Stream
BRC Cell
BRC Cell
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For AAL5 and AAL1 the extra header is taken from the Rx and Tx BDs. The transmitter
reads the extra header from the UDC TxBD and adds it to each ATM cell associated with
the current buffer. At the receive side, the extra header of the last cell in the current buffer
is written to the UDC RxBD.
For AAL0 the extra header is attached to the regular ATM cell in the buffer. The transmitter
reads the extra header and the ATM cell from the buffer. The receiver writes the extra header
and the regular ATM cell to the buffer.
29.7.1 UDC Extended Address Mode (UEAD)
For external CAM accesses, the UDC extra header can be used to supply extra routing
information; see Figure 29-20. If GMODE[UEAD] = 1, two bytes of the UDC header are
used as extensions to the ATM address and the CAM match cycle performs a double-word
access. UEAD_OFFSET in the parameter RAM determines the offset from the beginning
of the UDC extra header to the UEAD entry. The offset should be half-word aligned (even
address). See Section 29.10.1, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
29.8 ATM Layer Statistics
ATM layer statistics can be used to identify problems, such as the line-bit error rate, that
affect the UNI performance. Statistics are kept in three 16-bit wrap-around counters:
¥ UTOPIA error dropped cells countÑCounts cells discarded due to UTOPIA errors:
Rx parity errors and short or long cells.
¥ Misinserted dropped cell countÑCounts cells discarded due to address look-up
¥ CRC10 error dropped cell countÑCounts cells discarded due to CRC10 errors.
(ABR only).
Extra Header (1Ð12 Bytes)
ATM Cell Header (4 Bytes) + HEC (optional)
Payload (48 Bytes)
Figure 29-19. Format of User-Defined Cells
16-bit 4-bit 12-bit 16-bit
CAM data in Þeld: UEAD PHY addr VPI VCI
Figure 29-20. External CAM Address in UDC Extended Address Mode
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Counters are implemented in the dual-port RAM for each PHY device. The counters of
each PHY are located in the UNI statistics table, described in Section 29.10.7, ÒUNI
Statistics Table.Ó
29.9 ATM-to-TDM Interworking
The MPC8260 supports ATM and TDM interworking. The MCCs and their corresponding
SIs handle the TDM data processing. (See Chapter 27, ÒMulti-Channel Controllers
(MCCs),Ó and Chapter 14, ÒSerial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner.Ó) The ATM controller
processes the ATM data.
Possible interworking applications include the following:
¥ Circuit emulation service (CES)
¥ Carrying voice over ATM
¥ Multiplexing several low speed services, such as voice and data, onto one ATM
Data forwarding between the ATM controller and an MCC can be done in two ways:
¥ Core intervention. When an MCC receive buffer is full and its RxBD is closed, the
MCC interrupts the core. The core copies the MCCÕs receive buffer pointer to an
ATM TxBD and sets the ready bit (TxBD[R]). Similarly, when an ATM receive
buffer is full and its RxBD is closed, the core services the ATM controllerÕs interrupt
by copying the ATM receive buffer pointer to an MCC TxBD and setting TxBD[R].
This mode is useful when additional core processing is required.
¥ Automatic data forwarding. This mode enables automatic data forwarding between
AAL1/AAL0 and transparent mode over a TDM interface.
29.9.1 Automatic Data Forwarding
The basic concept of automatic data forwarding is to program the ATM controller and the
MCC to process the same BD table, as shown in Figure 29-21.
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Figure 29-21. ATM-to-TDM Interworking
When going from TDM to ATM, the MCC receiver routes data from the TDM line to a
speciÞc BD table. The ATM controller transmitter is programmed to operate on the same
table. When the MCC Þlls a receive buffer, the ATM controller sends it. The two controllers
synchronize on the MCCÕs RxBD[E] and the ATM controllerÕs TxBD[R].
When going from ATM to TDM, the ATM receiver reassembles data received from a
particular channel to a speciÞc BD table. The MCC transmitter is programmed to operate
on the same table. When the ATM controller Þlls a receive buffer, the MCC controller sends
it. The controllers synchronize on the ATM controllerÕs RxBD[E] and the MCCÕs TxBD[R].
The MCC and ATM receivers must be programmed to operate in opposite E-bit polarity.
That is, both receivers receive data into buffers whose RxBD[E] = 0 and set RxBD[E] when
a buffer is full. For the ATM receiver, set RCT[INVE] of the AAL1- and AAL0-speciÞc
areas of the receive connection table; see Section, ÒReceive Connection Table
(RCT).Ó For the MCC receiver, set CHAMR[EP]; see Section 27.7.1, ÒChannel Mode
Register (CHAMR)ÑTransparent Mode.Ó
29.9.2 Using Interrupts in Automatic Data Forwarding
The core can program the MCC and ATM interrupt mechanism to trigger interrupts for
events such as a buffer closing or transfer errors. The interrupt mechanism can be used to
synchronize the start of the automatic bridging process. For example, to start the MCC
transmitter after a speciÞc buffer reaches the ATM receiver (the buffering is required to
TDM Interface Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Buffer 3
Buffer 4
Buffer 5
UTOPIA Interface
BD Table
0 BD 1
1 BD 2
1 BD 3
0 BD 4
0 BD 5
MCC Tx ptr
ATM Rx ptr
UTOPIA Interface Buffer 1
Buffer 2
Buffer 3
Buffer 4
Buffer 5
TDM Interface
BD Table
0 BD 1
1 BD 2
1 BD 3
0 BD 4
0 BD 5
ATM Tx ptr
MCC Rx ptr
* The MCC and ATM receivers should be programmed to operate in opposite polarity E (empty) bit.
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cope with the ATM networkÕs CDV), set ATM RxBD[I]. When the receive buffer is full, the
RxBD is closed, RxBD[E] is set (because it is operating in opposite E-bit polarity), and the
core is interrupted. The core then starts the MCC transmitter.
29.9.3 Timing Issues
Use of the TDM interface assumes that all communicating entities are synchronized (that
is, that they are using a synchronized serial clock). If the TDM interfaces are not
synchronized, a slip can occur in the reassembly buffer. If a buffer-not-ready event occurs
at the MCC transmitter, the user must restart the MCC transmit channel. If a buffer-not-
ready event occurs at the ATM transmitter, the user must restart the ATM transmit channel.
29.9.4 Clock Synchronization (SRTS and Adaptive FIFOs)
Clock synchronization methods, such as using a time stamp (SRTS) or adaptive FIFOs,
prevent buffer slipping during reassembly. The SRTS method may be implemented using
external logic. The MPC8260 can read the SRTS from external logic and insert it into
AAL1 cells, and can track the SRTS from AAL1 cells and deliver it to external logic. See
Section 29.15, ÒSRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using External Logic.Ó
Alternatively, an adaptive FIFOs method can be implemented using the core to maintain the
bridging buffer at a mid-level point. The difference between the MCC and ATM data
pointers is a measure of buffer synchronization. The core calculates the difference between
pointers at regular intervals and adapts the TDM clock accordingly to hold the difference
29.9.5 Mapping TDM Time Slots to VCs
Using the MCC and the SI, any TDM time-slot combination can be routed to a speciÞc data
buffer. (See Chapter 27, ÒMulti-Channel Controllers (MCCs),Ó and Chapter 14, ÒSerial
Interface with Time-Slot Assigner.Ó) The same data buffers should be used by the ATM
controller to route receive and transmit data. For information about ATM buffers see
Section 29.10.5, ÒATM Controller Buffer Descriptors (BDs).Ó
29.9.6 CAS Support
For applications requiring channel-associated signaling (CAS), circuit emulation with CAS
requires additional core processing. External framers perform the CAS manipulation
through a serial or parallel interface.
When the MCC receives a multi-frame block, it generates an interrupt to the core. The core
reads the CAS block from the external framer and places it at the end of the ATM data buffer
after the structured multi-frame block. The core then passes the buffer pointer to the ATM
controller, and the controller packs the data and CAS block into AAL1 cells. All AAL1
functions, such as generating PDU-headers and structured pointers, operate normally.
When the ATM controller receives a multi-frame block, it generates an interrupt to the core.
The core reads the CAS block from the data buffer and writes it to the external framer. The
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core then moves the buffer pointer to the MCC. The bufferÕs data length should not include
the CAS octets.
To optimize the process, the framer may interrupt the core only when the CAS information
changes. (CAS information changes slowly.) The core can keep the CAS block in memory
and connect to the framer only when the CAS changes. The core can use regular read and
write cycles when connecting to the framer through a parallel interface.
The MCC and ATM controller should be synchronized with the framerÕs multi-frame block
boundary. At the ATM side, the structured block size should equal the multi-frame block
size plus the size of the CAS block so that the structured pointer, inserted by the ATM
controller, points to the start of the structured data block. At the MCC side, the MCC must
to be synchronized with the super frame sync signal. This synchronization can be achieved
by external logic that triggers on the super frame sync signal and starts delivering the frame
sync to the MCC. When loss of super frame synchronization occurs, this logic should reset
and trigger again on the next super frame indication.
29.9.7 Trunk Condition
According to the Bellcore standard, the interworking function (IWF) should be able to
transmit special payload on both ATM and TDM channels to signal alarm conditions
(Bellcore TR-NWT-000170). The core can be used to generate the trunk condition payload
in special buffers (or existing buffers) for the ATM controller or MCC.
29.9.8 ATM-to-ATM Data Forwarding
Automatic data forwarding can be used to switch ATM AAL0 cells from one ATM port to
another without core intervention. The ATM receiver and transmitter should be programed
to process the same BD table. When the ATM receiver Þlls an AAL0 buffer, the ATM
transmitter sends it. The ATM receiver and transmitter are synchronized using the same
mechanism as described for ATM-to-TDM automatic forwarding; see Section 29.9.1,
ÒAutomatic Data Forwarding.Ó
29.10 ATM Memory Structure
The ATM memory structure, described in the following sections, includes the parameter
RAM, the connection tables, OAM performance monitoring tables, the APC data structure,
BD tables, the AAL1 sequence number protection table and the UNI statistics table.
29.10.1 Parameter RAM
When conÞgured for ATM mode, the FCC parameter RAM is mapped as shown in
Table 29-11.
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Table 29-11. ATM Parameter RAM Map
Offset1Name Width Description
Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Hword Rx cell temporary base address. Points to a total of 52 bytes reserved dual-
port RAM area used by the CP. Should be 64 byte aligned. User-deÞned offset
from dual-port RAM base. (Recommended address space: 0x3000-0x4000 or
0x42 TCELL_TMP_BASE Hword Tx cell temporary base address. Points to total of 52 bytes reserved dual-port
RAM area used by the CP. Should be 64-byte aligned. User-deÞned offset from
dual-port RAM base. (Recommended address space: 0x3000Ð0x4000 or
0x44 UDC_TMP_BASE Hword UDC mode only. Points to a total of 32 bytes reserved dual-port RAM area
used by the CP. Should be 64-byte aligned. User-deÞned offset from dual-port
RAM base. (Recommended address space: 0x3000Ð0x4000 or 0xB000Ð
0x46 INT_RCT_BASE Hword Internal receive connection table base. User-deÞned offset from dual-port
RAM base.
0x48 INT_TCT_BASE Hword Internal transmit connection table base. User-deÞned offset from dual-port
RAM base.
0x4A INT_TCTE_BASE Hword Internal transmit connection table extension base. User-deÞned offset from
dual-port RAM base.
0x4C Ñ Word Reserved, should be cleared.
0x50 EXT_RCT_BASE Word External receive connection table base. User-deÞned.
0x54 EXT_TCT_BASE Word External transmit connection table base. User-deÞned.
0x58 EXT_TCTE_BASE Word External transmit connection table extension base. User-deÞned.
0x5C UEAD_OFFSET Hword User-deÞned cells mode only. Offset to the user-deÞned extended address
(UEAD) in the UDC extra header. Must be an even address. See
Section, ÒDetermining UEAD_OFFSET (UEAD Mode Only).Ó
If RCT[BO] = 01, UEAD_OFFSET should be in little-endian format. For
example, if the UEAD entry is the Þrst half word of the extra header in external
memory, UEAD_OFFSET should be programmed to 2 (second half word entry
in dual-port RAM).
0x5E Ñ Hword Reserved, should be cleared.
0x60 PMT_BASE Hword Performance monitoring table base. User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM
0x62 APCP_BASE Hword APC parameter table base address. User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM
0x64 FBT_BASE Hword Free buffer pool parameter table base. User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM
0x66 INTT_BASE Hword Interrupt queue parameter table base. User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM
0x68 Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x6A UNI_STATT_BASE Hword UNI statistics table base. User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM base.
29-39 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x6C BD_BASE_EXT Word BD table base address extension. BD_BASE_EXT[0Ð7] holds the 8 most-
signiÞcant bits of the Rx/Tx BD table base address. BD_BASE_EXT[8Ð31]
should be zero. User-deÞned.
0x70 VPT_BASE /
Word Base address of the address compression VP table/external CAM. User-
0x74 VCT_BASE Word Base address of the address compression VC table. User-deÞned.
0x78 VPT1_BASE /
Word Base address of the address compression VP1 table/EXT CAM1. User-
0x7C VCT1_BASE Word Base address of the address compression VC1 table. User-deÞned.
0x80 VP_MASK Hword VP mask for address compression lookup. User-deÞned.
0x82 VCIF Hword VCI Þltering enable bits. When cells with VCI = 3, 4, 6, 7-15 are received and
the associated VCIF bit = 1 the cell is sent to the raw cell queue. VCIF[0Ð2, 5]
should be zero. See Section, ÒVCI Filtering (VCIF).Ó
0x84 GMODE Hword Global mode. User-deÞned. See Section, ÒGlobal Mode Entry
0x86 COMM_INFO Hword The information Þeld associated with the last host command. User-deÞned.
See Section 29.14, ÒATM Transmit Command.Ó
0x88 Hword
0x8A Hword
0x8C Ñ Word Reserved, should be cleared.
0x90 CRC32_PRES Word Preset for CRC32. Initialize to 0xFFFF_FFFF.
0x94 CRC32_MASK Word Constant mask for CRC32. Initialize to 0xDEBB_20E3.
0x98 AAL1_SNPT_BASE Hword AAL1 SNP protection look-up table base address. (AAL1 only.) The 32-byte
table resides in dual-port RAM. AAL1_SNPT_BASE must be halfword-aligned.
User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM base. See Section 29.10.6, ÒAAL1
Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table (AAL1 Only).Ó
0x9A Ñ Hword Reserved, should be cleared.
0x9C SRTS_BASE Word External SRTS logic base address. AAL1 only. Should be 16-byte aligned. The
four least-signiÞcant bits are taken from SRTS_DEVICE in the AAL1-speciÞc
area of the connection table entries.
0xA0 IDLE/
Hword Idle/unassign cell base address. Points to dual-port RAM area contains idle/
unassign cell template (little-endian format). Should be 64-byte aligned. User-
deÞned offset from dual-port RAM base. The ATM header should be
0x0000_0000 or 0x0100_0000 (CLP=1).
0xA0 IDLE/
Hword Idle/unassign cell size. 52 in regular mode; 53Ð64 in UDC mode.
0xA4 EPAYLOAD Word Reserved payload. Initialize to 0x6A6A_6A6A.
0xA8 Trm Word (ABR only) The upper bound on the time between F-RM cells for an active
source. TM 4.0 deÞnes the Trm period as 100 msec. The Trm value is deÞned
by the system clock and the time stamp timer prescaler; see Section 13.3.7,
ÒRISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR).Ó For time stamp prescalar of
1µs, program Trm to be 100 ms/1µs = 100,000.
Table 29-11. ATM Parameter RAM Map (Continued)
Offset1Name Width Description
29-40 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module Determining UEAD_OFFSET (UEAD Mode Only)
The UEAD_OFFSET value is based on the position of the user-deÞned extended address
(UEAD) in the UDC extra header. Table 29-12 shows how to determine UEAD_OFFSET:
Þrst determine the halfword-aligned location of the UEAD, and then read the
corresponding UEAD_OFFSET value. VCI Filtering (VCIF)
VCI Þltering enable bits are shown in Figure 29-22.
Table 29-13 describes the operation of the VCI Þltering enable bits.
0xAC Nrm Hword (ABR only) Controls the maximum cells the source may send for each F-RM
cell. Set to 32 cells.
0xAE Mrm Hword (ABR only) Controls the bandwidth between F-RM, B-RM and user data cell.
Set to 2 cells.
0xB0 TCR Hword (ABR only) Tag cell rate. The minimum cell rate allowed for all ABR channels.
An ABR channel whose ACR is less than TCR sends only out-of-rate F-RM
cells at TCR. Should be set to 10 cells/sec as deÞned in the TM 4.0. Uses the
ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format. Note that the APC minimum cell rate
(MCR) should be at least TCR.
0xB2 ABR_RX_TCTE Hword (ABR only) Points to total of 16 bytes reserved dual-port RAM area used by the
CP. Should be double-word aligned. User-deÞned offset from dual-port RAM
1 Offset from FCC base: 0x8400 (FCC1) and 0x8500 (FCC2); see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
Table 29-12. UEAD_OFFSETs for Extended Addresses in the UDC Extra Header
Header Offset
0Ð15 16Ð31
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field 0 0 0 VC3 VC4 0 VC6 VC7 VC8 VC9 VC10 VC11 VC12 VC13 VC14 VC15
Figure 29-22. VCI Filtering Enable Bits
Table 29-13. VCI Filtering Enable Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2, 5 Ñ Clear these bits.
3, 4, 6,
VCxVCI Þltering enable
0 Do not send cells with this VCI to the raw cell queue.
1 Send cells with this VCI to the raw cell queue.
Table 29-11. ATM Parameter RAM Map (Continued)
Offset1Name Width Description
29-41 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module Global Mode Entry (GMODE)
Figure 29-23 shows the layout of the global mode entry (GMODE).
Table 29-14 describes GMODE Þelds.
29.10.2 Connection Tables (RCT, TCT, and TCTE)
The receive and transmit connection tables, RCT and TCT, store host-initialized connection
parameters after connection set-up. These include AAL type, connection trafÞc parameters,
BD parameters and temporary parameters used during segmentation and reassembly
(SAR). The transmit connection table extension (TCTE) supports special connections that
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALB CTB REM 0 0 UEAD CUAB EVPT 0 ALM
Figure 29-23. Global Mode Entry (GMODE)
Table 29-14. GMODE Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 ALB Address look up bus for CAM or address compression tables
0 Reside on the 60x bus.
1 Reside on the local bus.
7 CTB External connection tables bus
0 Reside on the 60x bus.
1 Reside on the local bus.
8 REM Receive emergency mode
0 Enable REM operation. When the receive FIFO is full, the ATM transmitter stops sending
data cells until the receiver emergency state is cleared (FIFO not full). The transmitter pace
is maintained, although a small CDV may be introduced. This mode enables the receiver to
receive bursts of cells above the steady state performance.
1 Disable REM operation. Note that to check system performance the user may want to set
this bit.
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 UEAD User-deÞned cells extended address mode. See Section 29.7.1, ÒUDC Extended Address
Mode (UEAD).Ó
0 Disable UEAD mode.
1 Enable UEAD mode.
12 CUAB Check unallocated bits
0 Do not check unallocated bits during address compression.
1 Check unallocated bits during address compression.
13 EVPT External address compression VP table
0 VP table resides in dual-port RAM.
1 VP table reside in external memory.
14 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
15 ALM Address look-up mechanism. See Section 29.4, ÒVCI/VPI Address Lookup Mechanism.Ó
0 External CAM lookup.
1 Address compression.
29-42 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
use ABR, VBR or UBR+ services. Each connection table entry resides in a 32-byte space.
Table 29-15 lists sizes for RCT, TCT, and TCTE.
Note that an ATM channel is considered internal if its tables are in an internal dual-port
RAM; it is considered external if its tables are in external memory.
To improve performance, store parameters for fast channels in
internal dual-port RAM and parameters for slower channels in
external memory. Connection tables for external channels are
read and written from external memory each time the CP
processes a cell. The CP does, however, minimize memory
access time by burst fetching the 32-byte entry and writing
back only the Þrst 24 bytes.
In all connection tables, Þelds which are not used must be
cleared. ATM Channel Code
Each ATM channel has a channel code used as an index to the channelÕs connection table
entry. The Þrst channel in the table has channel code one, the second has channel code two,
and so on. Codes of 255 or less indicate internal channels; codes greater than 255 indicate
external channels. Channel code one is reserved as the raw cell queue and cannot be used
for another purpose. The channel code is used to specify a VC when sending a ATM
TRANSMIT command, initiating the external CAM or address compression tables, and when
the CP sends an interrupt to an interrupt queue.
Suppose a conÞguration supports 1,024 regular ATM channels. To allocate 4 Kbytes of
dual-port RAM space to the internal connection table, determine that channel codes 0Ð63
are internal (64 VCs ´ 64 bytes (RCT and TCT) = 4 K). Channels 0Ð1 are reserved. The
remaining 962 (1024 - 62) external channels are assigned channel codes 256Ð1217. See
Figure 29-24.
Table 29-15. Receive and Transmit Connection Table Sizes
ATM Service Class RCT TCT TCTE
CBR, UBR service 32 bytes 32 bytes Ñ
ABR, VBR, UBR+ service 32 bytes 32 bytes 32 bytes
29-43 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-24. Example of a 1024-Entry Receive Connection Table
The general formula for determining the real starting address for all internal and external
connection table entries is as follows:
connection table base address + (channel code ´ 32)
Thus, the real starting address of the RCT entry associated with channel code 3 is as
INT_RCT_BASE+ (3 ´ 32) = INT_RCT_BASE + 96
Even though it produces a gap in the connection table, the Þrst external channelÕs real
starting address of the RCT entry (channel code 256) is as follows:
EXT_RCT_BASE+ (256 ´ 32) = EXT_RCT_BASE + 8192
See Section 29.10.1, ÒParameter RAM,Ó to Þnd all the connection table base address
parameters. (The transmit connections table base address parameters are INT_TCT_BASE,
EXT_TCT_BASE, INT_TCTE_BASE, and EXT_TCTE_BASE.) Receive Connection Table (RCT)
Figure 29-25 shows the format of an RCT entry.
Dual-Port RAM
External Memory
Raw Cell (AAL0)
29-44 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x02 Ñ INF Ñ ABRF AAL
Offset + 0x04 RX Data Buffer Pointer (RXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Offset + 0x08 Cell Time Stamp
Offset + 0x0A
Offset + 0x0C RBD_Offset
Offset + 0x0E Protocol SpeciÞc
Offset + 0x10
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14
Offset + 0x16
Offset + 0x18
Offset + 0x1A MRBLR
Offset + 0x1C Ñ PMT RBD_BASE
Offset + 0x1E RBD_BASE Ñ PM
Figure 29-25. Receive Connection Table (RCT) Entry
29-45 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-16 describes RCT Þelds.
Table 29-16. RCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 GBL Global. Asserting GBL enables snooping of data buffers, BD, interrupt queues and
free buffer pool.
3Ð4 BO Byte orderingÑused for data buffers.
00 Reserved
01 PowerPC little endian
1x Big endian
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 DTB Data buffers bus
0 Data buffers reside on the 60x bus.
1 Data buffers reside on the local bus.
7 BIB BD, interrupt queues, free buffer pool and external SRTS logic bus
0 Reside on the 60x bus.
1 Reside on the local bus.
Note: When using AAL5, AAL1 in UDC mode, BDs and data should be placed on the
same bus (RCT[DTB]=RCT[BIB]).
8 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
9 BUFM Buffer mode. (AAL5 only) See Section, ÒATM Controller Buffers.Ó
0 Static buffer allocation mode. Each BD is associated with a dedicated buffer.
1 Global buffer allocation mode. Free buffers are fetched from global free buffer
10 SEGF OAM F5 segment Þltering
0 Do not send cells with PTI=100 to the raw cell queue.
1 Send cells with PTI=100 to the raw cell queue.
11 ENDF OAM F5 end-to-end Þltering
0 Do not send cells with PTI=101 to the raw cell queue.
1 Send cells with PTI=101 to the raw cell queue.
12Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14Ð15 INTQ Points to one of four interrupt queues available.
0x02 0 Ñ Internal use only. Initialize to 0.
1 INF (AAL5 only) Indicates the receiver state. Initialize to 0
0 In idle state.
1 In AAL5 frame reception state.
2Ð11 Ñ Internal use only. Initialize to 0.
12 ABRF (AAL5 only). Controls ABR ßow.
0 ABR ßow control is disabled.
1 ABR ßow control is enabled.
13Ð15 AAL AAL type
000 AAL0ÑReassembly with no adaptation layer
001 AAL1ÑATM adaptation layer 1 protocol
010 AAL5ÑATM adaptation layer 5 protocol
All others reserved.
29-46 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL5 Protocol-SpeciÞc RCT
Figure 29-26 shows the AAL5 protocol-speciÞc area of an RCT entry.
0x04 Ñ RxDBPTR Receive data buffer pointer. Holds real address of current position in the Rx buffer.
0x08 Ñ Cell Time
Used for reassembly time-out. Whenever a cell is received, the MPC8260 time stamp
timer is sampled and written to this Þeld. See Section 13.3.7, ÒRISC Time-Stamp
Control Register (RTSCR).Ó
0x0C Ñ RBD_Offset RxBD offset from RBD_BASE. Points to the channelÕs current BD. User-initialized to
0; updated by the CP.
Ñ Protocol-speciÞc area.
0x1A Ñ MRBLR Maximum receive buffer length. Used in both static and dynamic buffer allocation.
0x1C 0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2Ð7 PMT Performance monitoring table. Points to one of the available 64 performance
monitoring tables. The starting address of the table is PMT_BASE+PMT ´ 32. Can be
changed on-the-ßy.
8Ð15 RBD_BASE RxBD base. Points to the Þrst BD in the channelÕs RxBD table. The 8 most-signiÞcant
bits of the address are taken from BD_BASE_EXT in the parameter RAM. The four
least-signiÞcant bits of the address are taken as zeros.
0x1E 0Ð11
12Ð14 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
15 PM Performance monitoring. Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 No performance monitoring for this VC.
1 Perform performance monitoring for this VC. Whenever a cell is received for this VC
the performance monitoring table that its code is written in the PMT Þeld is updated.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x0E TML
Offset + 0x10 RX CRC
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14 RBDCNT
Offset + 0x16 Ñ
Offset + 0x18 Ñ RXBM RXFM Ñ BPOOL
Figure 29-26. AAL5 Protocol-Specific RCT
Table 29-16. RCT Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-47 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-17 describes AAL5 protocol speciÞc RCT Þelds. AAL5-ABR Protocol-SpeciÞc RCT
Figure 29-27 shows the AAL5-ABR protocol-speciÞc area of an RCT entry.
Table 29-17. RCT Settings (AAL5 Protocol-Specific)
Offset Bits Name Description
0x0E Ñ TML Total message length. This Þeld is used by the CP.
0x10 Ñ RxCRC CRC32 temporary result.
0x14 Ñ RBDCNT RxBD count. Indicates how may bytes remain in the current Rx buffer. RBDCNT is
initialized with MRBLR whenever the CP opens a new buffer.
0x16 Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x18 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 RXBM Receive buffer interrupt mask. Determines whether the receive buffer event is disabled.
Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 The event is disabled for this channel. (The RXB event is not sent to the interrupt queue
when receive buffers are closed.)
1 The event is enabled for this channel.
9 RXFM Receive frame interrupt mask. Determines whether the receive frame event is disabled.
Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 The event is disabled for this channel. (RXF event is not sent to the interrupt queue.)
1 The event is enabled for this channel.
10Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14Ð15 BPOOL Buffer pool. Global buffer allocation mode only. Points to one of four free buffer pools. See
Section, ÒFree Buffer Pool Parameter Tables.Ó
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x0E AAL5 Protocol-SpeciÞc
Offset + 0x10
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14
Offset + 0x16 PCR
Offset + 0x18 RDF RIF AAL5 Protocol-SpeciÞc
Figure 29-27. AAL5-ABR Protocol-Specific RCT
29-48 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-18 describes AAL5-ABR protocol-speciÞc RCT Þelds. AAL1 Protocol-SpeciÞc RCT
Figure 29-28 shows the AAL1 protocol-speciÞc area of an RCT entry.
Table 29-19 describes AAL1 protocol-speciÞc RCT Þelds.
Table 29-18. ABR Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x0E Ñ Ñ AAL5 protocol-speciÞc
0x16 Ñ PCR Peak cell rate. The peak number of cells per second of the current ABR channel. The ACR
(allowed cell rate) never exceeds this value. PCR uses the ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format.
0x18 0Ð3 RDF Rate decrease factor for the current ABR channel. Controls the decrease in cell transmission
rate upon receipt of a backward RM cell. RDF represents a negative exponent of two, that is, the
decrease factor = 2-RDF
. The decrease factor ranges from 1/32768 (RDF=0xF) to 1 (RDF=0).
4Ð7 RIF Rate increase factor of the current ABR channel. Controls the increase in the cell transmission
rate upon receipt of a backward RM cell. RIF represents a negative exponent of two, that is, the
increase factor = 2-RIF
. The increase factor ranges from 1/32768 (RIF=0xF) to 1 (RIF=0).
8Ð15 Ñ AAL5 protocol-speciÞc
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x0E Ñ PFM SRT INVE STF Ñ
Offset + 0x10 SRTS_TMP Ñ Ñ SRTS Device
Offset + 0x12 Ñ Valid Octet Size (VOS) SPV Structured Pointer (SP)
Offset + 0x14 RBDCNT
Offset + 0x16 Ñ SN
Offset + 0x18 Ñ SNEM Ñ RXBM Ñ
Figure 29-28. AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT
29-49 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-19. AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x0E 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 PFM Partially Þlled mode.
0 Partially Þlled cells mode is not used.
1 Partially Þlled cells mode is used. The receiver copies only valid octets from the
AAL1 cell to the Rx buffer. The number of the valid octets from the beginning of the
AAL1 user data Þeld is speciÞed in the VOS (valid octet size) Þeld.
9 SRT Synchronous residual time stamp. Unstructured format only. The MPC8260 supports
clock recovery using an external SRTS PLL. The MPC8260 tracks the SRTS from the
incoming four cells with SN = 1, 3, 5, and 7 and writes it to the external SRTS device.
Every eight cells the CP writes a valid SRTS to external logic. (See Section 29.15,
ÒSRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using External Logic.Ó)
0 SRTS mode is not used.
1 SRTS mode is used.
10 INVE Inverted empty.
0 RxBD[E] is interpreted normally (1 = empty, 0 = not empty).
1 RxBD[E] is handled in negative logic (0 = empty, 1 = not empty).
11 STF Structured format
0 Unstructured format is used.
1 Structured format is used.
12Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x10 0Ð3 SRTS_TMP Used by the CP to store the received SRTS code. After a cell with SN = 7 is received,
the CP writes the SRTS code to the external SRTS device.
4Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
12Ð15 SRTS
Selects an SRTS device, whose address is SRTS_BASE[0Ð27] + SRTS Device[28Ð
31]. The 16 byte-aligned SRTS_BASE is taken from the parameter RAM.
0x12 0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2Ð7 VOS Valid octet size. SpeciÞes the number of valid octets from the beginning of the AAL1
user data Þeld. For unstructured, service values 1Ð47 are valid; for structured service,
values 1-46 are valid. Partially Þlled cell mode only.
8 SPV Structured pointer valid. Should be user-initialized user to zero. Structured format only.
9Ð15 SP Structured pointer. Used by the CP to calculate the structured pointer. This Þeld should
be initialized by the user to zero. Used in structured format only.
0x14 Ñ RBDCNT RxBD count. Indicates how may bytes remain in the current Rx buffer. Initialized with
MRBLR whenever the CP opens a new buffer.
0x16 0Ð12 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
13Ð15 SN Sequence number. Used by the CP to check incoming cellÕs sequence number.
29-50 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL0 Protocol-SpeciÞc RCT
Figure 29-29 shows the layout for the AAL0 protocol-speciÞc RCT.
Table 29-20 describes AAL0 protocol speciÞc RCT Þelds.
0x18 0Ð3 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
4 SNEM Sequence number error ßag interrupt mask
0 This mode is disabled.
1 When an out-of-sequence error occurs, an RXB interrupt is sent to the interrupt
queue even if RCT[RXBM] is cleared. Note that this mode is the buffer error
reporting mechanism during automatic data forwarding (ATM-to-TDM bridging)
when no buffer processing is required (RCT[RXBM]=0).
5Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 RXBM Receive buffer interrupt mask
0 The receive buffer event of this channel is disabled. (The event is not sent to the
interrupt queue.)
1 The receive buffer event of this channel is enabled.
9Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x0E Ñ 0 1 INVE Ñ
Offset + 0x10 Ñ
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14
Offset + 0x16
Offset + 0x18 Ñ RXBM Ñ
Figure 29-29. AAL0 Protocol-Specific RCT
Table 29-20. AAL0-Specific RCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x0E 0-7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8-9 0b01 Must be programmed to 0b01 for AAL0.
10 INVE Inverted empty.
0 RxBD[E] is interpreted normally (1 = empty, 0 = not empty).
1 RxBD[E] is handled in negative logic (0 = empty, 1 = not empty).
11-15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x10 Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 29-19. AAL1 Protocol-Specific RCT Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-51 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module Transmit Connection Table (TCT)
Figure 29-30 shows the format of an TCT entry.
Table 29-21 describes general TCT Þelds.
0x18 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 RXBM Receive buffer interrupt mask
0 The receive buffer event of this channel is masked. (The RXB event is not sent to the
interrupt queue when receive buffers are closed.)
1 The receive buffer event of this channel is enabled.
9Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x02 Ñ INF Ñ ABRF AAL
Offset + 0x04 Tx Data Buffer Pointer (TXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Offset + 0x08 TBDCNT
Offset + 0x0A TBD_OFFSET
Offset + 0x0C Rate Remainder PCR Fraction
Offset + 0x0E PCR
Offset + 0x10 Protocol SpeciÞc
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14
Offset + 0x16 APC Linked Channel (APCLC)
Offset + 0x18 ATM Cell Header (VPI,VCI,PTI,CLP)
Offset + 0x1a
Offset + 0x1C Ñ PMT TBD_BASE
Figure 29-30. Transmit Connection Table (TCT) Entry
Table 29-20. AAL0-Specific RCT Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-52 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-21. TCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 GBL Global. Asserting GBL enables snooping of data buffers, BDs, interrupt queues and
free buffer pool.
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. This Þeld is used for data buffers.
00 Reserved
01 Power PC little endian
1x Big endian
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6 DTB Data buffer bus
0 Reside on the 60x bus.
1 Reside on the local bus.
7 BIB BD, interrupt queue and external SRTS logic bus
0 Reside on the 60xbus.
1 Reside on the local bus.
Note: When using AAL5, AAL1 in UDC mode, BDs and data should be placed on the
same bus (TCT[DTB]=TCT[BIB]).
8 AVCF Auto VC off. Determines APC behavior when the last buffer associated with this VC
has been sent and no more buffers are in the VCÕs TxBD table,
0 The APC does not remove this VC from the schedule table and continues to
schedule it to transmit.
1 The APC removes this VC from the schedule table. To continue transmission after
the host adds buffers for transmission, a new ATM TRANSMIT command is needed,
which can be issued only after the CP clears the VCON bit. (Bit 13)
9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10Ð11 ATT ATM trafÞc type
00 Peak cell-rate pacing. The host must initialize PCR and the PCR fraction. Other
trafÞc parameters are not used.
01 Peak and sustain cell rate pacing (VBR trafÞc). The APC performs a continuous-
state leaky bucket algorithm (GCRA) to pace the channel-sustain cell rate. The host
must initialize PCR, PCR fraction, SCR, SCR fraction, and BT (burst tolerance).
10 Peak and minimum cell rate pacing (UBR+ trafÞc). The host must initialize PCR,
PCR fraction, MCR, MCR fraction, and MDA.
11 Reserved
12 CPUU CPCS-UU+CPI insertion (used for AAL5 only).
0 CPCS-UU+CPI insertion disabled. The transmitter clears the CPCS-UU+CPI Þelds.
1 CPCS-UU+CPI insertion enabled. The transmitter reads the CPCS-UU+CPI (16-bit
entry) from external memory. It should be placed after the end of the last buffer (it
should not be included in the buffer length).
13 VCON Virtual channel is on
Should be set by the host before it issues an ATM TRANSMIT command. When the host
sets TCT[STPS] (stop transmit), the CP deactivates this channel and clears VCON
when the channel is next encountered in the APC scheduling table. The host can issue
another ATM TRANSMIT command only after the CP clears VCON.
14Ð15 INTQ Points to one of four interrupt queues available.
29-53 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x02 0 Ñ Internal use only. Initialize to 0.
1 INF Used for AAL5 Only. Indicates the transmitter state. Initialize to 0
0 In idle state.
1 In AAL5 frame transmission state.
2Ð11 Ñ Internal use only. Initialize to 0.
12 ABRF Used for AAL5 Only.
0 ABR Flow control is disabled.
1 ABR Flow control is enabled.
13Ð15 AAL AAL type
000 AAL0ÑSegmentation without any adaptation layer.
001 AAL1ÑATM adaptation layer 1 protocol.
010 AAL5ÑATM adaptation layer 5 protocol.
0x04 Ñ TxDBPTR Tx data buffer pointer. Holds the real address of the current position in the Tx buffer.
0x08 Ñ TBDCNT Transmit BD count. Counts the remaining data to transmit in the current transmit buffer.
Its initial value is loaded from the data length Þeld of the TxBD when a new buffer is
open; its value is subtracted for any transmitted cell associated with this channel.
0x0A Ñ TBD_OffSet Transmit BD offset. Holds offset from TBD_BASE of the current BD. Initialize to 0.
0x0C 0Ð7 Rate
Rate remainder. Used by the APC to hold the rate remainder after adding the pace
fraction to the additive channel rate. Initialize to 0.
8Ð15 PCR Fraction Peak cell rate fraction. Holds the peak cell rate fraction of this channel in units of 1/256
slot. If this is an ABR channel, this Þeld is automatically updated by the CP.
0x0E Ñ PCR Peak cell rate. Holds the peak cell rate (in units of APC slots) permitted for this channel
according to the trafÞc contract. Note that for an ABR channel, the CP automatically
updates PCR to the ACR value.
0x10 Ñ Ñ Protocol-speciÞc
0x16 Ñ APCLC APC linked channel. Used by the CP. Initialize to 0 (null pointer).
0x18 Ñ ATMCH ATM cell header. Holds the full (4-byte) ATM cell header of the current channel. The
transmitter appends ATMCH to the cell payload during transmission.
0x1C 0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2Ð7 PMT Performance monitoring table. Points to one of the available 64 performance
monitoring tables. The starting address of the table is PMT_BASE+PMT ´ 32. Can be
changed on-the-ßy.
8Ð15 TBD_BASE TxBD base. Points to the Þrst BD in the channelÕs TxBD table. The 8 most-signiÞcant
bits of the address are taken from BD_BASE_EXT in the parameter RAM. The four
least-signiÞcant bits of the address are taken as zero.
0x1E 0Ð11
12 BNM Buffer-not-ready interrupt mask. Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 The transmit buffer-not-ready event of this channel is masked. (TBNR event is not
sent to the interrupt queue.)
1 The buffer-not-ready event of this channel is enabled.
13 STPT Stop transmit. Initialize to 0. When the host sets this bit, the CP deactivates this
channel and clears TCT[VCON] when the channel is next encountered in the APC
scheduling table. Note that for AAL5 if STPT is set and frame transmission is already
started (TCT[INF]=1), an abort indication will be sent (last cell with zero length Þeld).
Table 29-21. TCT Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-54 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL5 Protocol-SpeciÞc TCT
Figure 29-31 shows the AAL5 protocol-speciÞc TCT.
Table 29-22 describes AAL5 protocol-speciÞc TCT Þelds. AAL1 Protocol-SpeciÞc TCT
Figure 29-32 shows the AAL1 protocol-speciÞc TCT.
0x1E 14 IMK Interrupt mask. Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 The transmit buffer event of this channel is masked. (TXB event is not sent to the
interrupt queue.)
1 The transmit buffer event of this channel is enabled.
15 PM Performance monitoring. Can be changed on-the-ßy.
0 No performance monitoring for this VC.
1 Performance is monitored for this VC. When a cell is sent for this VC, the
performance monitoring table indicated in PMT Þeld is updated.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x10 Tx CRC
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14 Total Message Length
Figure 29-31. AAL5 Protocol-Specific TCT
Table 29-22. AAL5-Specific TCT Field Descriptions
Offset Name Description
0x10 Tx CRC CRC32 temporary result.
0x14 Total Message Length This Þeld is used by the CP.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x10 Ñ Valid Octet Size (VOS) PFM SRT SPF STF Ñ SN
Offset + 0x12 SRTS Device Block Size
Offset + 0x14 SRTS_TMP Structured Pointer (SP)
Figure 29-32. AAL1 Protocol-Specific TCT
Table 29-21. TCT Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-55 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-23 describes AAL1 protocol-speciÞc TCT Þelds. AAL0 Protocol-SpeciÞc TCT
Figure 29-33 shows the AAL0 protocol-speciÞc TCT.
Table 29-23. AAL1-Specific TCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x10 0-1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2Ð7 VOS Valid octet size. Partially Þlled cell mode only. SpeciÞes the number of valid octets
from the beginning of the AAL1 user data Þeld. For unstructured service, values 1-47
are valid; for structured service, values 1-46 are valid.
8 PFM Partially Þlled mode.
0 Partially Þlled cells mode is not used.
1 Partially Þlled cells mode is used. The transmitter copies only valid octets from the
buffer to the AAL1 cell. The size of the valid octets from the beginning of the AAL1
user data Þeld is speciÞed in the VOS (valid octet size) Þeld.
9 SRT Synchronous residual time stamp. Unstructured format only. The MPC8260 supports
SRTS generation using external logic. If this mode is enabled, the MPC8260 reads the
SRTS from external logic and inserts it into four cells for which SN = 1, 3, 5, or 7. The
MPC8260 reads the new SRTS from external logic every eight cells. (See
Section 29.15, ÒSRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using External Logic.Ó)
0 SRTS mode is not used.
1 SRTS mode is used.
10 SPF Structured pointer ßag. Indicates that a structured pointer has been inserted in the
current block. The user should initialize this Þeld to zero. Used by the CP only.
11 STF Structured format
0 Unstructured format is used.
1 Structured format is used.
12 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
13Ð15 SN Sequence number Þeld. Used by the CP to check the incoming cells SN. Initialize to 0.
0x12 0Ð3 SRTS
Used to select a SRTS device. The SRTS device address is SRTS_BASE[0Ð
27]+SRTS_DEVICE[28:31]. SRTS_BASE is taken from the parameter RAM and is 16-
byte aligned.
4Ð15 Block Size Used only in structured format. SpeciÞes the structured block size (Block Size
= 0xFFF = 4 Kbytes maximum).
0x14 0Ð3 SRTS_TMP Before a cell with SN = 1 is sent, the CP reads the SRTS code from external SRTS
logic, writes it to SRTS_TMP, and then inserts SRTS_TMP into the next four cells with
an odd SN.
4Ð15 SP Structured pointer. Used by the CP to calculate the structured pointer. Initialize to 0.
Structured format only.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x10 Ñ 0 CR10 Ñ ACHC Ñ
Offset + 0x12 Ñ
Offset + 0x14
Figure 29-33. AAL0 Protocol-Specific TCT
29-56 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-24 describes AAL0 protocol-speciÞc TCT Þelds. VBR Protocol-SpeciÞc TCTE
Figure 29-34 shows the VBR protocol-speciÞc TCTE.
Table 29-25 describes VBR protocol-speciÞc TCTE Þelds.
Table 29-24. AAL0-Specific TCT Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x10 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 0 Must be 0.
9 CR10 CRC-10
0 CRC10 insertion is disabled.
1 CRC10 insertion is enabled.
10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 ACHC ATM cell header change
0 Normal operation ATM cell header is taken from AAL0 buffer.
1 VPI/VCI (28 bits) are taken from TCT.
12Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 SCR
Offset + 0x02 Burst Tolerance (BT)
Offset + 0x04 Out of Buffer Rate (OOBR)
Offset + 0x06 Sustain Rate Remainder (SRR) SCR Fraction (SCRF)
Offset + 0x08 Sustain Rate (SR)
Offset + 0x0A
Offset + 0x0C VBR2 Ñ
Offset + 0x0E-1E Ñ
Figure 29-34. Transmit Connection Table Extension (TCTE)ÑVBR Protocol-
Table 29-25. VBR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 Ñ SCR Sustain cell rate. Holds the sustain cell rate (in slots) permitted for this channel according to
the trafÞc contract. To pace the channelÕs sustain cell rate, the APC performs a continuous-
state leaky bucket algorithm (GCRA).
0x02 Ñ BT Burst tolerance. Holds the burst tolerance permitted for this channel according to the trafÞc
contract. The relationship between the BT and the maximum burst size (MBS) is BT=(MBS-2)
´ (SCR-PCR) + SCR.
0x04 Ñ OOBR Out-of-buffer rate. In out of buffer state (when the transmitter tries to open TxBD whose R bit
is not set) the APC reschedules the current channel according to OOBR rate.
29-57 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module UBR+ Protocol-SpeciÞc TCTE
Figure 29-35 shows the UBR+ protocol-speciÞc TCTE.
Table 29-26 describes UBR+ protocol-speciÞc TCTE Þelds.
0x06 0Ð7 SRR Sustain rate remainder. Holds the sustain rate remainder after adding the pace fraction Þeld
to the additive channel sustain rate. Used by the APC to calculate the channel GCRA (leaky
bucket) state. Initialized to 0.
8Ð15 SCRF Holds the sustain cell rate fraction of this channel in units of 1/256 slot.
0x08 Ñ SR Sustain rate. Used by the APC to hold the sustain rate after adding the pace Þeld to the
additive channel sustain rate. Used by the APC to calculate the channel GCRA (leaky
bucket) state.
0x0C 0 VBR2 VBR type
0 Regular VBR. CLP=0+1 cells are rescheduled by PCR or SCR according to the GCRA
1 VBR Type 2. CLP=0 cells are rescheduled by PCR or SCR according to the GCRA state.
CLP=1 cells are rescheduled by PCR.
1Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 MCR
Offset + 0x02 Ñ MCR Fraction (MCRF)
Offset + 0x04 Maximum Delay Allowed (MDA)
Offset + 0x06Ð0x1E Ñ
Figure 29-35. UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE
Table 29-26. UBR+ Protocol-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 Ñ MCR Minimum cell rate for this channel. MCR is in units of APC time slots.
0x02 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MCRF Minimum cell rate fraction. Holds the minimum cell rate fraction of this channel in units of 1/
256 slot.
0x04 Ñ MDA Maximum delay allowed. The maximum time-slot service delay allowed for this priority level
before the APC reduces the scheduling rate from PCR to MCR.
Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 29-25. VBR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-58 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module ABR Protocol-SpeciÞc TCTE
Figure 29-36 shows the ABR protocol-speciÞc TCTE.
Table 29-27 describes ABR-speciÞc TCTE Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 ER-TA
Offset + 0x02 CCR-TA
Offset + 0x04 MCR-TA
Offset + 0x06 TUAR Ñ CI-TA NI-TA Ñ CP-TA Ñ CI-VC Ñ
Offset + 0x08 MCR
Offset + 0x0A UNACK
Offset + 0x0C ACR
Offset + 0x0E ACRC Ñ
Offset + 0x10 RM Cell Time Stamp (RCTS)
Offset + 0x12
Offset + 0x14 FRST Ñ CDF COUNT
Offset + 0x16 ICR
Offset + 0x18 CRM
Offset + 0x1A ADTF
Offset + 0x1C ER
Offset + 0x1E ER-BRM
Figure 29-36. ABR Protocol-Specific TCTE
Table 29-27. ABR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 Ñ ER-TA Explicit rateÐturn-around cell. Holds the ER of the last received F-RM cell. If another F-RM
cell arrives before the previous F-RM cell was turned around, this Þeld is overwritten by the
new RM cellÕs ER.
0x02 Ñ CCR-TA Current cell rateÐturn-around cell. Holds the CCR of the last received F-RM cell. If another
F-RM cell arrives before the previous F-RM cell was turned around, this Þeld is overwritten
by the new RM cellÕs CCR.
0x04 Ñ MCR-TA Minimum cell rateÐturn-around cell. Holds the MCR of the last received F-RM cell. If
another F-RM cell arrives before the previous F-RM cell is turned around, this Þeld is
overwritten by the new RM cellÕs MCR.
0x06 0 TUAR Turn-around ßag. The CP sets TUAR to indicate that a new F-RM cell was received, which
causes the transmitter to send a B-RM cell whenever the ABR ßow control permits.
Initialize to 0.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 CI-TA Congestion indicationÐturn-around cell. Holds the CI of the last received F-RM cell. If
another F-RM cell arrives before the previous F-RM cell was turned around, CI-TA is
overwritten by the new RM cellÕs CI.
3 NI-TA No increaseÐturn-around cell. Holds the NI of the last received F-RM cell. If another F-RM
cell arrives before the previous one was turned around, NI-TA is overwritten by the new
RM cellÕs NI.
29-59 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
4Ð6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7 CP-TA Cell loss priorityÐturn-around cell. Holds the CLP of the last received F-RM cell. If another
F-RM cell arrives before the previous one was turned around, CP-TA is overwritten by the
new RM cellÕs CLP.
8Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 CI-VC Congestion indication -VC. Holds the EFCI (explicit forward congestion indication) of the
last user data cell. The CI bit of the turned around RM cell is ORed with the CI-VC.
Initialize to 0.
11Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x08 Ñ MCR Minimum cell rate Holds the minimum number of cells/sec of the current ABR channel.
Uses the ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format.
0x0A Ñ UNACK Used by the CP to count F-RM cells sent in an absence of received B-RM cells. Initialize to
0x0C Ñ ACR Allowed cell rate The cells per second allowed for the current ABR channel. Uses the
ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format. Initialize with ICR.
0x0E 0 ACRC ACR change. Indicates a change in ACR. Initialize to one.
1Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x10 Ñ RCTS RM cell time stamp. Used exclusively by the CP. Initialize to zero.
0x14 0 FRST First turn. Used exclusively by the CP. Indicates the Þrst turn of a backward RM cell, which
has priority over a data cell. Initialized to 0.
1Ð3 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
4Ð7 CDF Cutoff decrease factor. Controls the decrease in the ACR associated with missing B-RM
cells feedback. CDF represents a negative exponent of two, that is, the cutoff decrease
factor = 2-CDF
. The cutoff decrease factor ranges from 1/64 (CDF=0b0110) to 1
(CDF=0b0000). All other CDF values falling outside this range are invalid.
8Ð15 COUNT Count. Used only by the CP. Holds the number of cells sent since the last forward RM cell.
Initialize with Nrm (in the parameter RAM).
0x16 Ñ ICR Initial cell rate. The number of cells per second of the current ABR channel. The channelÕs
ACR is initialized with ICR. ICR uses the ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format.
0x18 Ñ CRM Missing RM cells count. Limits the number of forward RM cells that may be sent in the
absence of received backward RM cell. The CRM is in units of cells.
0x1A Ñ ADTF ADTFÐACR decrease time factor. The ADTF period is 500 ms as deÞned in the TM 4.0.
The ADTF value is deÞned by the system clock and the time stamp timer prescaler; see
Section 13.3.7, ÒRISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR).Ó For a time stamp prescaler
of 1 µs, ADTF should be programmed to 500m/(1µs ´ 1024)= 488.
0x1C Ñ ER Explicit rate. Holds the explicit rate value (in cells/sec) of the current ABR channel. ER is
copied to the F-RM cell ER Þeld. The user usually initializes this Þeld to PCR. ER uses the
ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format.
0x1E Ñ ER-BRM Explicit rate-backward RM cell. Holds the maximum explicit rate value (in cells/sec)
allowed for B-RM cells. The ER-TA Þeld which is inserted to each B-RM cell is limited by
this value. ER-BRM uses the ATMF TM 4.0 ßoating-point format.
Table 29-27. ABR-Specific TCTE Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-60 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.10.3 OAM Performance Monitoring Tables
The OAM performance monitoring tables include performance monitoring block test
parameters, as shown in Figure 29-37. Each block test needs a 32-byte performance
monitoring table in the dual-port RAM. In the connectionÕs RCT and TCT, the user
allocates an OAM performance table to a VCC or VPC. See Section 29.6.6, ÒPerformance
Monitoring.Ó PMT_BASE in the parameter RAM points to the base address of the tables.
The starting address of each PM table is given by PMT_BASE + RCT/TCT[PMT] ´ 32.
Table 29-28 describes Þelds in the performance monitoring table.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Offset + 0x02 Ñ TX Cell Count (TCC)
Offset + 0x04 TUC1
Offset + 0x06 TUC0
Offset + 0x08 BEDC0+1-Tx
Offset + 0x0A BEDC0+1-RX
Offset + 0x0C TRCC1
Offset + 0x0E TRCC0
Offset + 0x10 Ñ SN-FMC
Offset + 0x12 Ñ
Offset + 0x16
Offset + 0x18 Ñ
Offset + 0x1A
Offset + 0x1C
Offset + 0x1E
Figure 29-37. OAM Performance Monitoring Table
29-61 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.10.4 APC Data Structure
The APC data structure consists of three elements: the APC parameter tables for the PHY
devices, the APC priority table, and the APC scheduling tables. See Figure 29-38.
Table 29-28. OAMÑPerformance Monitoring Table Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 FMCE Enables FMC transmission. Initialize to 1.
1TSTE FMC time stamp enable
0 The time stamp Þeld of the FMC is coded with all 1Õs.
1 The value of the time stamp timer is inserted into the time stamp Þeld of the FMC.
2Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5Ð15 TCC TX cell count. Used by the CP to count data cells sent. Initialize to zero.
0x02 0Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5Ð15 BLCKSIZE Performance monitoring block size ranging from 1 to 2,047 cells.
0x04 Ñ TUC1 Total user cell 1. Count of CLP = 1 user cells (modulo 65,536) sent. Initialize to 0.
0x06 Ñ TUC0 Total user cell 0. Count of CLP = 0 user cells (modulo 65,536) sent. Initialize to 0.
0x08 Ñ BEDC0+1-Tx Block error detection code 0+1Ðtransmitted cells. Even parity over the payload of the
block of user cells sent since the last FMC. Initialize to 0.
0x0A Ñ BEDC0+1-RX Block error detection code 0+1Ðreceived cells. Even parity over the payload of the
block of user cells received since the last FMC. Initialize to 0.
0x0C Ñ TRCC1 Total received cell 1. Count of CLP = 1 user cells (modulo 65,536) received. Initialize
to 0.
0x0E Ñ TRCC0 Total received cell 0. Count of CLP = 0 user cells (modulo 65,536) received. Initialize
to 0.
0x10 0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8Ð15 SN-FMC Sequence number of the last FMC sent. Initialize to 0.
0x12 Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x14 Ñ PMCH PM cell header. Holds the ATM cell header of the FMC, BRC to be inserted by the CP
into the Tx cell ßow.
Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
29-62 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-38. ATM Pace Control Data Structure APC Parameter Tables
Each PHYÕs APC parameter table, shown in Table 29-29, holds parameters that deÞne the
priority table location, the number of priority levels, and other APC parameters. The table
resides in the dual-port RAM. The parameter APCP_BASE, described in Section 29.10.1,
ÒParameter RAM,Ó points to the base address of PHY#0Õs parameter table.
For multiple PHYs, the table structure is duplicated. Each table resides in 32 bytes of
memory. The starting address of each APC parameter table is given by APCP_BASE +
PHY# ´ 32. Note however that in slave mode with multiple PHYs, the parameter table
always resides at APCP_BASE regardless of the PHY address.
Table 29-29. APC Parameter Table
Offset1Name Width Description
0x00 APCL_FIRST Hword Address of Þrst entry in the priority table. Must be 8-byte aligned. User-initialized.
0x02 APCL_LAST Hword Address of last entry in the priority table. Must be 8-byte aligned. User-initialized
as APCL_FIRST + 8 x (number_of_priorities - 1).
0x04 APCL_PTR Hword Address of current priority entry used by the CP. User-initialized with
0x06 CPS Byte Cells per slot. Determines the number of cells sent per APC slot. See
Section 29.3.2, ÒAPC Unit Scheduling Mechanism.Ó User-deÞned. (0x01 = 1 cell;
0xFF = 255 cells.) Note that if ABR is used, CPS must be a power of two.
0x07 CPS_CNT Byte Cells sent per APC slot counter. User-initialized to CPS; used by the CP.
Byte Max iteration allowed. Number of scan iterations allowed in the APC. User-
deÞned. This parameter limits the time spent in a single APC routine, thereby
avoiding excessive APC latency.
0x09 CPS_ABR Byte ABR only. Cells per slot represented as a power of two. User-deÞned. (For
example, if CPS is 1, CPS_ABR = 0x00; if CPS is 8, CPS_ABR = 0x03.)
Priority 1
APC Priority Table
APC Parameter Tables
Parameter Table
PHY #0
Parameter Table
PHY #1
Parameter Table
PHY #31
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
Priority 6
Priority 7
Priority 8
APC Scheduling Tables
Priority 1 Scheduling Table
Priority 2 Scheduling Table
Priority 3 Scheduling Table
Priority 4 Scheduling Table
Priority 5 Scheduling Table
Priority 6 Scheduling Table
Priority 7 Scheduling Table
Priority 8 Scheduling Table
Note: The shaded areas represent the active structures for an example implementation of PHY #0
with two priorities. (The unshaded areas and dashed arrows represent unused structures.)
29-63 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module APC Priority Table
Each PHYÕs APC priority table holds pointers to the APC scheduling table of each priority
level. It resides in the dual-port RAM. The priority table can hold up to eight priority levels.
Table 29-30 shows the structure of a priority table entry. APC Scheduling Tables
The APC uses APC scheduling tables (one table for each priority level) to schedule channel
transmission. A scheduling table is divided into time slots, as shown in Figure 29-39. Each
slot is a half-word entry. Note that the APC scheduling tables should be cleared before the
APC unit is enabled.
Figure 29-39. The APC Scheduling Table Structure
Slot N+1 is used as a control slot, as shown in Figure 29-40.
Hword ABR only. The PHY line rate in cells/sec, represented in TM 4.0 ßoating-point
format. User-deÞned.
0xC REAL_TSTP Word Real-time stamp pointer used internally by the APC. Initialize to 0.
0x10 APC_STATE Word Used internally by the APC. Initialize to 0.
1Offset values are to APCP_BASE+PHY# ´ 32. However, in slave mode, the offset is from APCP_BASE regard-
less of the PHY address.
Table 29-30. APC Priority Table Entry
Offset Name Width Description
0x00 APC_LEVi_BASE Hword APC level i base address. Pointer to the first slot in the APC scheduling table for
level i. Should be half-word aligned. User-deÞned.
0x02 APC_LEVi_END Hword APC level i end address. Pointer to the last slot in the APC scheduling table for
level i. Should be half-word aligned. User-deÞned.
0x04 APC_LEVi_RPTR Hword APC level i real-time/service pointers. APC table pointers used internally by the
APC. Initialize both pointers to APC_LEVi_BASE.
0x06 APC_LEVi_SPTR Hword
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field TCTE 000_0000_0000_0000
Figure 29-40. Control Slot
Table 29-29. APC Parameter Table (Continued)
Offset1Name Width Description
Half Word Entry
slot 0 slot 1 slot N Control
29-64 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-31 describes control slot Þelds.
29.10.5 ATM Controller Buffer Descriptors (BDs)
Each ATM channel has separate receive and transmit BD tables. The number of BDs per
channel and the size of the buffers is user-deÞned. The last BD in each table holds a wrap
indication. Each BD in the TxBD table points to a buffer to send. At the receive side, the
user can choose one of two modes:
¥ Static buffer allocation. In this mode, the user allocates dedicated buffers to each
ATM channel (that is, the user associates each BD with one buffer). Static buffer
allocation is useful when the connection rate is known and constant and when data
must be reassembled in a particular memory space.
¥ Global buffer allocation. Available for AAL5 only. In this mode, buffer allocation is
dynamic. The user allocates receive buffers and places them in global buffer pools.
When the CP needs a receive buffer, it Þrst fetches a buffer pointer from one of the
global buffer pools and writes the pointer to the current RxBD. Global buffer
allocation is optimized for allocating memory among many ATM channels with
variable data rates, such as ABR channels. Transmit Buffer Operations
The user prepares a table of BDs pointing to the buffers to be sent. The address of the Þrst
BD is put in the channelÕs TCT[TBD_BASE]. The transmit process starts when the core
issues an ATM TRANSMIT command. The CP reads the Þrst TxBD in the table and sends its
associated buffer. When the current buffer is Þnished, the CP increments TBD_Offset,
which holds the offset from TBD_BASE to the current BD. It then reads the next BD in the
table. If the BD is ready (TxBD[R] = 1), the CP continues sending. If the current BD is not
ready, the CP polls the ready bit at the channel rate unless TCT[AVCF] = 1, in which case
the CP removes the channel from the APC and clears TCT[VCON]. The core must issue a
new ATM TRANSMIT command to restart transmission.
Figure 29-41 shows the ready bit in the TxBD tables and their associated buffers for two
example ATM channels.
Table 29-31. Control Slot Field Description
Bits Name Description
0TCTE Used for external channels only.
0 Channels in this scheduling table do not use external TCTE. (No external VBR, ABR, UBR+
1 Channels in this scheduling table use external TCTE. (External VBR, ABR, UBR+ channels)
1Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
29-65 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-41. Transmit Buffers and BD Table Example Receive Buffers Operation
For AAL5 channels, the user should choose to operate in static buffer allocation or in global
buffer allocation by writing to RCT[BUFM]. AAL1 and AAL0 channels must use static
buffer allocation. Static Buffer Allocation
The user prepares a table of BDs pointing to the receive buffers. The address of the Þrst BD
is put in the channelÕs RCT[RBD_BASE]. When an ATM cell arrives, the CP opens the Þrst
BD in the table and starts Þlling its associated buffer with received data. When the current
buffer is full, the CP increments RBD_Offset, which is the offset to the current BD from
RBD_BASE, and reads the next BD in the table. If the BD is empty (RxBD[E] = 1), the CP
continues receiving. If the BD is not empty, a busy condition has occurred and a busy
interrupt is sent to the event queue.
Figure 29-42 shows the empty bit in the RxBD tables and their associated buffers for two
example ATM channels.
Tx Buffer 1 of Channel 1
Tx Buffer 2 of Channel 1
Tx Buffer 3 of Channel 1
Tx Buffer 4 of Channel 1
Tx Buffer 5 of Channel 1
Ch1 TxBD Table
0 BD 1
1 BD 2
1 BD 3
0 BD 4
0 BD 5
Note: The shaded buffers are ready to be sent; unshaded buffers are waiting to be prepared.
Ch1 TxBD Table
Pointers in the TCT
Tx Buffer 1 of Channel 4
Tx Buffer 2 of Channel 4
Tx Buffer 3 of Channel 4
Tx Buffer 4 of Channel 4
Tx Buffer 5 of Channel 4
Ch4 TxBD Table
1 BD 1
0 BD 2
0 BD 3
0 BD 4
0 BD 5
Ch4 TxBD Table
Pointers in the TCT
1 BD 6
BD 7 Tx Buffer 6 of Channel 4
Tx Buffer 7 of Channel 4
29-66 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-42. Receive Static Buffer Allocation Example Global Buffer Allocation
The user prepares a table of BDs without assigning buffers to them (no buffer pointers). The
address of the Þrst BD is put into the channelÕs RCT[RBD_BASE]. The user also prepares
sets of free buffers (of size RCT[MRBLR]) in up to four free buffer pools (chosen in
RCT[BPOOL]); see Section, ÒFree Buffer Pools.Ó
When an ATM cell arrives, the CP opens the Þrst BD in the table, fetches a buffer pointer
from the free buffer pool associated with this channel, and writes the pointer to
RxBD[RXDBPTR], the receive data buffer pointer Þeld in the BD. When the current buffer
is full, the CP increments RBD_Offset, which is the offset from the RBD_BASE to the
current BD, and reads the next BD in the table. If the BD is empty (RxBD[E] = 1), the CP
fetches another buffer pointer from the free buffer pool and reception continues. If the BD
is not empty, a busy condition occurs and a busy interrupt is sent to the event queue
specifying the ATM channel code. As software then processes each full buffer (RxBD[E] =
0), it sets RxBD[E] and copies the buffer pointer back to the free buffer pool.
Figure 29-43 shows two ATM channelsÕ BD tables and one free buffer pool. Both channels
are associated with free buffer pool 1. The CP allocates the Þrst two buffers of buffer pool
1 to channel 1 and the third to channel 4.
Rx Buffer 1 of Channel 1
Rx Buffer 2 of Channel 1
Rx Buffer 3 of Channel 1
Rx Buffer 4 of Channel 1
Rx Buffer 5 of Channel 1
Ch1 RxBD Table
0 BD 1
1 BD 2
1 BD 3
0 BD 4
0 BD 5
Note: The shaded buffers are empty; unshaded buffers are waiting to be processed.
Ch1 RxBD Table
Pointers in the RCT
Rx Buffer 1 of Channel 4
Rx Buffer 2 of Channel 4
Rx Buffer 3 of Channel 4
Rx Buffer 4 of Channel 4
Rx Buffer 5 of Channel 4
Ch4 RxBD Table
1 BD 1
0 BD 2
0 BD 3
0 BD 4
0 BD 5
Ch4 RxBD Table
Pointers in the RCT
1 BD 6
BD 7 Rx Buffer 6 of Channel 4
Rx Buffer 7 of Channel 4
29-67 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-43. Receive Global Buffer Allocation Example Free Buffer Pools
As Figure 29-44 shows, when a buffer pointer is fetched from a pool, the CP clears the
entryÕs valid bit and increments FBP#_PTR. After the CP uses an entry with the wrap bit
set (W = 1), it returns to the Þrst entry in the pool. After a buffer pointer is returned to the
pool, the user should set V to indicate that the entry is valid. If the CP tries to read an invalid
entry (V = 0), the buffer pool is out of free buffers; the global-buffer-pool-busy event is then
set in FCCE[GBPB] and a busy interrupt is sent to the interrupt queue specifying the ATM
channel code associated with the pool.
Figure 29-44. Free Buffer Pool Structure
Figure 29-45 describes the structure of a free buffer pool entry.
Buffer 1 of FBP1
Buffer 2 of FBP1
Ch1 RxBD Table
0 BD 1
1 BD 2
1 BD 3
1 BD 4
1 BD 5
Buffer 3 of FBP1
Ch4 RxBD Table
1 BD 1
1 BD 2
1 BD 3
1 BD 4
Free Buffer Pool 1
FBP1_BASE Pointer 1
Pointer 2
Pointer 3
Pointer 4
Pointer 5
Pointer 6
Buffer 4
Buffer 5
Buffer 6
Notes: Buffers 2 and 3 are receiving data. After buffer 1 is processed, it can be returned to the pool.
V = 1 W = 0 Buffer Pointer
V = 1 W = 0 Buffer Pointer
V = 1 W = 0 Buffer Pointer
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 1 W = 0 Buffer Pointer
V = 1 W = 0 Buffer Pointer
V = 1 W = 1 Buffer Pointer
Software (Core) Pointer
29-68 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-32 describes free buffer pool entry Þelds. Free Buffer Pool Parameter Tables
The free buffer pool parameters are held in parameter tables in the dual-port RAM; see
Table 29-33. FBT_BASE in the parameter RAM points to the base address of these tables.
Each of the four free buffer pools has its own parameter table with a starting address given
Offset + 0x00 VÑW I Buffer Pointer (BP)
Offset + 0x02 Buffer Pointer (BP)
Figure 29-45. Free Buffer Pool Entry
Table 29-32. Free Buffer Pool Entry Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 VValid buffer entry.
0 This free buffer pool entry contains an invalid buffer pointer.
1 This free buffer pool entry contains a valid buffer pointer.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap bit. When set, this bit indicates the last entry in the circular table. During initialization,
the host must clear all W bits in the table except the last one, which must be set.
3IRed-line interrupt. Can be used to indicate that the free buffer pool has reached a red line and
additional buffers should be added to this pool to avoid a busy condition.
0 No interrupt is generated.
1 A red-line interrupt is generated when this buffer is fetched from the free buffer pool.
4Ð15 BP Buffer pointer. Points to the start address of the receive buffer. The four msbs are control bits,
and the four msbs of the real buffer pointer are taken from the four msbs of the parameter
FBP_ENTRY_EXT in the free buffer pool parameter table.
0x02 0Ð15
Table 29-33. Free Buffer Pool Parameter Table
Offset 1Bits Name Description
0x00 Ñ FBP_BASE Free buffer pool base. Holds the pointer to the Þrst entry in the free buffer pool.
FBP_BASE should be word aligned. User-deÞned.
0x04 Ñ FBP_PTR Free buffer pool pointer. Pointer to the current entry in the free buffer pool.
Initialize to FBP_BASE.
0x08 Ñ FBP_ENTRY_EXT Free buffer pool entry extension. FBP_ENTRY_EXT[0Ð3] holds the four left bits
of FBP_ENTRY. FBP_ENTRY_EXT[4Ð15] should be cleared. User-deÞned.
0x0A 0 BUSY The CP sets this bit when it tries to fetch buffer pointer with V bit clear.
FCCE[GBPB] is also set. Initialize to zero.
1RLI Red-line interrupt. Set by the CP when it fetches a buffer pointer with I = 1.
FCCE[GRLI] is also set. Initialize to zero.
2Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
29-69 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module ATM Controller Buffers
Table 29-34 describes properties of the ATM receive and transmit buffers. AAL5 RxBD
Figure 29-46 shows the AAL5 RxBD.
8EPD Early packet discard.
0 Normal operation.
1 AAL5 frames in progress are received, but new AAL5 frames associated with
this pool are discarded. Can be used to implement EPD under core control.
9Ð15 ÑReserved, should be cleared.
0x0C Ñ FBP_ENTRY Free buffer pool entry. Initialize with the Þrst entry of the free buffer pool. Note
that FBP_ENTRY must be reinitialized when a busy state occurs.
1Offset from FBT_BASE+RCT[BPOOL] ´ 16
Table 29-34. Receive and Transmit Buffers
Receive Transmit
Size Alignment Size Alignment
AAL5 Multiple of 48 octets (except last buffer in frame) Double word aligned Any No requirement
AAL1 At least 47 octets No requirement At least 47 octets No requirement
AAL0 52-64 octets. Burst-aligned 52Ð64 octets. No requirement
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x02 Data Length (DL)
Offset + 0x04 Rx Data Buffer Pointer (RXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Figure 29-46. AAL5 RxBD
Table 29-33. Free Buffer Pool Parameter Table (Continued)
Offset 1Bits Name Description
29-70 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-35 describes AAL5 RxBD Þelds.
Table 29-35. AAL5 RxBD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 EEmpty.
0 The buffer associated with this RxBD is full or data reception was aborted due to an
error. The core can read or write any Þelds of this RxBD. The CP does not use this BD
again while E remains zero.
1 The buffer associated with this RxBD is empty or reception is in progress. This RxBD
and its receive buffer are controlled by the CP. Once E is set, the core should not write
any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 This is not the last BD in the RxBD table of the current channel.
1 This is the last BD in the RxBD table of this current channel. After this buffer has been
used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD in the table. The number of RxBDs
in this table is programmable and is determined only by the W bit. The current table
cannot exceed 64 Kbytes.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been used.
1 An Rx buffer event is sent to the interrupt queue after the ATM controller uses this buffer.
FCCE[GINTx] is set in the event register when INT_CNT reaches the global interrupt
4 L Last in frame. Set by the ATM controller for the last buffer in a frame.
0 Buffer is not last in a frame.
1 Buffer is last in a frame. ATM controller writes frame length in DL and updates the error
5 F First in frame. Set by the ATM controller for the Þrst buffer in a frame.
0 The buffer is not the Þrst in a frame.
1 The buffer is the Þrst in a frame.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear the empty bit after this BD is closed, allowing the associated
buffer to be overwritten automatically when the CP next accesses this BD.
7Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 CLP Cell loss priority. At least one cell associated with the current message was received with
CLP = 1. May be set at the last buffer of the message.
11 CNG Congestion indication. The last cell associated with the current message was received
with PTI middle bit set. CNG may be set at the last buffer of the message.
12 ABRT Abort message indication. The current message was received with Length Þeld zero.
13 CPUU CPCS-UU+CPI indication. Set when the CPCS-UU+CPI Þeld is non zero. CPUU may be
set at the last buffer of the message.
14 LNE Rx length error. AAL5 CPCS-PDU length violation. May be set only for the last BD of the
frame if the pad length is greater than 47 or less than zero octets.
15 CRE Rx CRC error. Indicates CRC32 error in the current AAL5 PDU. Set only for the last BD of
the frame.
29-71 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL1 RxBD
Figure 29-47 shows the AAL1 RxBD.
0x02 Ñ DL Data length. The number of octets written by the CP into this BDÕs buffer. It is written by the
CP once the BD is closed. In the last BD of a frame, DL contains the total frame length.
0x04 RXDBPTR Rx data buffer pointer. Points to the Þrst location of the associated buffer; may reside in
internal or external memory. This pointer must be burst-aligned.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 EÑWISNE Ñ CM Ñ
Offset + 0x02 Data Length
Offset + 0x04 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 0x06
Figure 29-47. AAL1 RxBD
Table 29-35. AAL5 RxBD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Offset Bits Name Description
29-72 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-36 describes AAL1 RxBD Þelds. AAL0 RxBD
Figure 29-48 shows the AAL0 RxBD.
Table 29-36. AAL1 RxBD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 EEmpty
0 The buffer associated with this RxBD is Þlled with received data or data reception was
aborted due to an error. The core can read or write any Þelds of this RxBD. The CP
cannot use this BD again while E = 0.
1 The buffer is not full. This RxBD and its associated receive buffer are owned by the CP.
Once E is set, the core should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 This is not the last BD in the RxBD table of the current channel.
1 This is the last BD in the RxBD table of this current channel. After this buffer is used,
the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD in the table. The number of RxBDs in
this table is programmable and is determined only by the W bit. The current table
overall space is constrained to 64 Kbytes.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been used.
1 An Rx buffer event is sent to the interrupt queue after the ATM controller uses this
buffer. FCCE[GINTx] is set when the INT_CNT reaches the global interrupt threshold.
4 SNE Sequence number error. SNE is set when a sequence number error is detected in the
current AAL1 buffer.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The empty bit (RxBD[E]) is not cleared by the CP after this BD is closed, allowing the
associated buffer to be overwritten automatically when the CP next accesses this BD.
7Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x02 Ñ DL Data length. The number of octets the CP writes into the buffer once its BD is closed.
0x04 Ñ RXDBPTR Rx data buffer pointer. Points to the Þrst location of the associated buffer; may reside in
either internal or external memory. This pointer must be burst-aligned.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 EÑWI ÑCM Ñ CRE OAM Ñ
Offset + 0x02 Data Length (DL)/Channel Code (CC)
Offset + 0x04 Rx Data Buffer Pointer (RXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Figure 29-48. AAL0 RxBD
29-73 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-37 describes AAL0 RxBD Þelds. AAL5, AAL1 User-DeÞned CellÑRxBD Extension
In user-deÞned cell mode, the AAL5 and AAL1 RxBDs are extended to 32 bytes; see
Figure 29-49. Note that for AAL0, a complete cell, including the UDC header, is stored in
the buffer; the AAL0 BD size is always 8 bytes.
Table 29-37. AAL0 RxBD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 EEmpty
0 The buffer associated with this RxBD is Þlled with received data, or data reception
was aborted due to an error. The core can examine or write to any Þelds of this
RxBD. The CP does not use this BD again while E remains zero.
1 The Rx buffer is empty or reception is in progress. This RxBD and its associated
receive buffer are owned by the CP. Once E is set, the core should not write any
Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 This is not the last BD in the RxBD table of the current channel.
1 This is the last BD in the RxBD table of the current channel. After this buffer has
been used, the CP will receive incoming data into the Þrst BD in the table. The
number of RxBDs in this table is programmable and is determined only by the W bit.
The current table cannot exceed 64 Kbytes.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been used.
1 An Rx buffer event is sent to the interrupt queue after the ATM controller uses this
buffer. FCCE[GINTx] is set when the INT_CNT reaches the global interrupt
4Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear the E bit after this BD is closed, allowing the associated buffer
to be overwritten automatically when the CP next accesses this BD.
7Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 CRE Rx CRC error. Indicates a CRC10 error in the current AAL0 buffer. The CRE bit is
considered an error only if the received cell had a CRC10 Þeld in the cell payload.
11 OAM Operation and maintenance cell. If OAM is set, the current AAL0 buffer contains an
OAM cell. This cell is associated with the channel indicated by the channel code Þeld
(CC Þeld).
12-15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x02 Ñ DL/CC Data length/channel code. If RxBD[OAM] is set, this Þeld functions as CC; otherwise, it
is DL. Data length is the size in octets of this buffer (MRBLR value). Channel code
speciÞes the channel code associated with this OAM cell.
0x04 Ñ RXDBPTR Rx data buffer pointer. Points to the Þrst location of the associated buffer; may reside in
either internal or external memory. This pointer must be burst-aligned.
29-74 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL5 TxBDs
Figure 29-50 shows the AAL5 TxBD.
Offset + 0x08 Extra Cell Header.
Used to store the user-deÞned cellÕs extra cell header. The extra cell header can be 1Ð12 bytes long.
Offset + 0x14 Reserved (12 bytes)
Figure 29-49. User-Defined CellÑRxBD Extension
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 RÑWI LÑCM ÑCLP CNG Ñ
Offset + 0x02 Data Length (DL)
Offset + 0x04 Tx Data Buffer Pointer (TXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Figure 29-50. AAL5 TxBD
29-75 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-38 describes AAL5 TxBD Þelds.
Table 29-38. AAL5 TxBD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 RReady
0 The buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission. The user is free to
manipulate this BD or its associated buffer. The CP clears R after the buffer is sent or
after an error condition is encountered.
1 The user-prepared buffer has not been sent or is currently being sent. No Þelds of this
BD may be written by the user once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 Not the last BD in the TxBD table.
1 Last BD in the TxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP sends outgoing data from
the Þrst BD in the table (the BD pointed to by the channelÕs TCT[TBD_BASE]). The
number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit. The current table cannot
exceed 64 Kbytes.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been serviced.
1 A Tx Buffer event is sent to the interrupt queue after this buffer is serviced.
FCCE[GINTx] is set when the INT_CNT counter reaches the global interrupt threshold.
4LLast in frame. Set by the user to indicate the last buffer in a frame.
0 Buffer is not last in a frame.
1 Buffer is last in a frame.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear R after this BD is closed, allowing the associated buffer to be
retransmitted automatically when the CP next accesses this BD. However, the R bit is
cleared if an error occurs during transmission, regardless of CM.
7-9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 CLP The ATM cell header CLP bit of the cells associated with the current frame are ORed
with this Þeld. This Þeld is valid only in the Þrst BD of the frame.
11 CNG The ATM cell header CNG bit of the cells associated with the current frame are ORed
with this Þeld. This Þeld is valid only in the Þrst BD of the frame.
12Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x02 Ñ DL The number of octets the ATM controller should transmit from this BDÕs buffer. It is not
modiÞed by the CP. The value of DL should be greater than zero.
0x04 Ñ TXDBPTR Tx data buffer pointer. Points to the address of the associated buffer, which may or may
not be 8-byte-aligned. The buffer may reside in either internal or external memory. This
value is not modiÞed by the CP.
29-76 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL1 TxBDs
Figure 29-51 shows the AAL1 TxBD.
Table 29-39 describes AAL1 TxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 RÑWI ÑCM Ñ
Offset + 0x02 Data Length (DL)
Offset + 0x04 Tx Data Buffer Pointer (TXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Figure 29-51. AAL1 TxBD
Table 29-39. AAL1 TxBD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 RReady
0 The buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission. The user is free to
manipulate this BD or its associated buffer. The CP clears this bit after the buffer has
been sent or after an error condition is encountered.
1 The buffer prepared for transmission by the user has not been sent or is being sent.
No Þelds of this BD may be written by the user once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 Not the last BD in the TxBD table.
1 Last BD in the TxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP sends outgoing data from
the Þrst BD in the table (the BD pointed to by the channelÕs TCT[TBD_BASE]). The
number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the W bit. The current table
cannot exceed 64 Kbytes.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been serviced.
1 A Tx buffer event is sent to the interrupt queue after this buffer is serviced.
FCCE[GINTx] is set when the INT_CNT counter reaches the global interrupt
4Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear the ready bit after this BD is closed, allowing the associated
buffer to be retransmitted automatically when the CP next accesses this BD.
7Ð11 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x02 Ñ DL The number of octets the ATM controller should transmit from this BDÕs buffer. It is not
modiÞed by the CP. The value of DL should be greater than zero.
0x04 Ñ TXDBPTR Tx data buffer pointer. Points to the address of the associated buffer. The buffer may
reside in either internal or external memory. This value is not modiÞed by the CP.
29-77 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL0 TxBDs
Figure 29-52 shows AAL0 TxBDs. Note that the data length Þeld is calculated internally as
52 bytes, plus the extra header length (deÞned in FPSMR[TEHS]) when in UDC mode.
Table 29-40 describes AAL0 TxBD Þelds.
Offset + 0x00 RÑWI ÑCM ÑOAM Ñ
Offset + 0x02 Ñ
Offset + 0x04 Tx Data Buffer Pointer (TXDBPTR)
Offset + 0x06
Figure 29-52. AAL0 TxBDs
Table 29-40. AAL0 TxBD Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 RReady
0 The buffer is not ready for transmission. The user can manipulate this BD or its
buffer. The CP clears R after the buffer has been sent or after an error occurs.
1 The buffer that the user prepared for transmission has not been sent or is being
sent. No Þelds of this BD may be written by the user once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 Not the last BD in the TxBD table.
1 Last BD in the TxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP sends outgoing data
from the Þrst BD in the table (the BD pointed to by the channelÕs
TCT[TBD_BASE]). The number of TxBDs in this table is determined by the W bit.
The current table is constrained to 64 Kbytes.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer has been serviced.
1 A Tx buffer event is sent to the interrupt queue after this buffer is serviced.
FCCE[GINTx] is set when the INT_CNT counter reaches the global interrupt
4Ð5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear the ready bit after this BD is closed, allowing the associated
buffer to be retransmitted automatically when the CP next accesses this BD.
7Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 OAM Operation and maintenance cell. If OAM is set, the current AAL0 buffer contains an
F5 or F4 OAM cell. Performance monitoring calculations are not done on OAM cells.
11Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x02 Ñ Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
0x04 Ñ TXDBPTR Tx data buffer pointer. Points to the address of the associated buffer, which may or
may not be 8-byte-aligned. The buffer may reside in either internal or external
memory. This value is not modiÞed by the CP.
29-78 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module AAL5, AAL1 User-DeÞned CellÑTxBD Extension
In user-deÞned cell mode, the AAL5 and AAL1 TxBDs are extended to 32 bytes; see
Figure 29-53. Note that for AAL0 a complete cell, including the UDC header, is stored in
the buffer; the AAL0 BD size is always 8 bytes.
29.10.6 AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table (AAL1 Only)
The 32-byte sequence number protection table, pointed to by AAL1_SNPT_BASE in the
ATM parameter RAM, resides in dual-port RAM and is used for AAL1 only. The table
should be initialized according to Figure 29-54.
29.10.7 UNI Statistics Table
The UNI statistics table, shown in Table 29-41, resides in the dual-port RAM and holds
UNI statistics parameters. UNI_STATT_BASE points to the base address of this table.
Each PHY has its own table with a starting address given by UNI_STATT_BASE+ PHY#
´ 8.
Offset + 0x08 Extra Cell Header.
Used to store the user-deÞned cellÕs extra cell header. The extra cell header can be 1Ð12 bytes long.
Offset + 0x14 Reserved (12 bytes)
Figure 29-53. User-Defined CellÑTxBD Extension
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x00 0x0000
Offset + 0x02 0x0007
Offset + 0x04 0x000D
Offset + 0x06 0x000A
Offset + 0x08 0x000E
Offset + 0x0A 0x0009
Offset + 0x0C 0x0003
Offset + 0x0E 0x0004
Offset + 0x10 0x000B
Offset + 0x12 0x000C
Offset + 0x14 0x0006
Offset + 0x16 0x0001
Offset + 0x18 0x0005
Offset + 0x1A 0x0002
Offset + 0x1C 0x0008
Offset + 0x1E 0x000F
Figure 29-54. AAL1 Sequence Number (SN) Protection Table
29-79 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.11 ATM Exceptions
The ATM controller interrupt handling involves two principal data structures: FCCEs (FCC
event registers) and circular interrupt queues.
Four priority interrupt queues are available. By programming RCT[INTQ] and
TCT[INTQ], the user determines which queue receives the interrupt. Channel Rx buffer, Rx
frame, or Tx buffer events can be masked by clearing interrupt mask bits in RCT and TCT.
After an interrupt request, the host reads FCCE. If FCCE[GINTx] = 1, at least one entry
was added to one of the interrupt queues. After clearing FCCE[GINTx], the host processes
the valid interrupt queue entries and clears each entryÕs valid bit. The host follows this
procedure until it reaches an entry with V = 0. See Section 29.11.2, ÒInterrupt Queue
The host controls the number of interrupts sent to the core using a counter in the interrupt
queueÕs parameter table; see Section 29.11.3. For each event sent to an interrupt queue, a
counter (that has been initialized to a threshold number of interrupts) is decremented. When
the counter reaches zero, the global interrupt, FCCE[GINTx], is set.
29.11.1 Interrupt Queues
Interrupt queues are located in external memory. The parameters of each queue are stored
in a table. See Section 29.11.3, ÒInterrupt Queue Parameter Tables.Ó
When an interrupt occurs, the CP writes a new entry to the interrupt queue, the V bit is set,
and the queue pointer (INTQ_PTR) is incremented. Once the CP uses an entry with W = 1,
it returns to the Þrst entry in the queue. If the CP tries to overwrite a valid entry (V = 1), an
overßow condition occurs and the queueÕs overßow ßag, FCCE[INTOx], is set.
Table 29-41. UNI Statistics Table
1Offset from UNI_STATT_BASE+PHY# ´ 8
Name Width Description
0x00 UTOPIAE Hword Counts cells dropped as a result of UTOPIA parity error or state machine
errors (short or long cells).
0x02 MIC_COUNT Hword Counts misinserted cells dropped as a result of address look-up failure.
0x04 CRC10E_COUNT Hword Counts cells dropped as a result of CRC10 failure. AAL5-ABR only.
0x06 Ñ Hword Reserved, should be cleared.
29-80 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-55. Interrupt Queue Structure
29.11.2 Interrupt Queue Entry
Each one-word interrupt queue entry provides detailed interrupt information to the host.
Figure 29-56 shows an entry.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0x02 Channel Code (CC)
Figure 29-56. Interrupt Queue Entry
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 1 W = 0 Interrupt Entry
V = 1 W = 0 Interrupt Entry
V = 1 W = 0 Interrupt Entry
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 0 W = 0 Invalid
V = 0 W = 1 Invalid
Software (Core) Pointer
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-42 describes interrupt queue entry Þelds.
29.11.3 Interrupt Queue Parameter Tables
The interrupt queue parameters are held in parameter tables in the dual-port RAM; see
Table 29-43. INTT_BASE in the parameter RAM points to the base address of these tables.
Each of the four interrupt queues has its own parameter table with a starting address given
Table 29-42. Interrupt Queue Entry Field Description
Offset Bits Name Description
0x00 0 VValid interrupt entry
0 This interrupt queue entry is free and can be use by the CP.
1 This interrupt queue entry is valid. The host should read this interrupt and clear this bit.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap bit. When set, this is the last interrupt circular table entry. During initialization, the
host must clear all W bits in the table except the last one, which must be set.
3Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 TBNR Tx buffer-not-ready. Set when a transmit buffer-not-ready interrupt is issued. This interrupt
is issued when the CP tries to open a TxBD that is not ready (R = 0). This interrupt is sent
only if TCT[BNM] = 1. This interrupt has an associated channel code.
Note that for AAL5, this interrupt is sent only if frame transmission is started. In this case,
an abort frame transmission is sent (last cell with length=0), the channel is taken out of the
APC, and the TCT[VCON] ßag is cleared.
12 RXF Rx frame. RXF is set when an Rx frame interrupt is issued. This interrupt is issued at the
end of AAL5 PDU reception. This interrupt is issued only if RCT[RXFM] = 1. This interrupt
has an associated channel code.
13 BSY Busy condition. The BD table or the free buffer pool associated with this channel is busy.
Cells were discarded due to this condition. This interrupt has an associated channel code.
14 TXB Tx buffer. TXB is set when a transmit buffer interrupt is issued. This interrupt is enabled
when both TxBD[I] and TCT[IMK] = 1. This interrupt has an associated channel code.
15 RXB Rx buffer. RXB is set when an Rx buffer interrupt is issued. This interrupt is enabled when
both RxBD[I] and RCT[RXBM] = 1. This interrupt has an associated channel code.
0x02 Ñ CC Channel code speciÞes the channel associated with this interrupt.
Table 29-43. Interrupt Queue Parameter Table
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x00 INTQ_BASE Word Base address of the interrupt queue. User-deÞned.
0x04 INTQ_PTR Word Pointer to interrupt queue entry. Initialize to INTQ_BASE.
0x08 INT_CNT Half Word Interrupt counter. Initialize with INT_ICNT. The CP decrements INT_CNT for
each interrupt. When INT_CNT reaches zero, the queueÕs global interrupt ßag
FCCE[GINTx] is set.
0x0A INT_ICNT Half Word Interrupt initial count. User-deÞned global interrupt thresholdÑthe number of
interrupts required before the CP issues a global interrupt (FCCE[GINTx]).
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.12 The UTOPIA Interface
The ATM controller interfaces with a PHY device through the UTOPIA interface. The
MPC8260 supports UTOPIA level 2 for both master and slave modes.
29.12.1 UTOPIA Interface Master Mode
UTOPIA master signals are shown in Figure 29-57.
Figure 29-57. UTOPIA Master Mode Signals
Table 29-44 describes UTOPIA master mode signals.
0x0C INTQ_ENTRY Word Interrupt queue entry. Must be zero. Note that when an overrun occurs, this
entry must be cleared again.
1Offset from INTT_BASE+RCT/TCT[INTQ] ´ 16
Table 29-44. UTOPIA Master Mode Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
Carries transmit data from the ATM controller to a PHY device. TxDATA[15]/[7] is the msb when using
UTOPIA 16/8, TxDATA[0] is the lsb.
TxSOC Transmit start of cell. Asserted by the ATM controller when the Þrst byte of a cell is sent on TxDATA
TxENB Transmit enable. Asserted by the ATM controller when valid data is placed on the TxDATA lines.
TxCLAV[0Ð3] Transmit cell available. Asserted by the PHY device to indicate that the PHY has room for a complete
TxPRTY Transmit parity. Asserted by the ATM controller. It is an odd parity bit over the TxDATA bits.
TxCLK Transmit clock. Provides the synchronization reference for the TxDATA, TxSOC, TxENB, TxCLAV,
TxPRTY signals. All the above signals are sampled at low-to-high transitions of TxCLK.
TxADD[0Ð4] Transmit address. Address bus from the ATM controller to the PHY device used to select the
appropriate M-PHY device. Each M-PHY device needs to maintain its address. TxADD[4] is the msb.
Table 29-43. Interrupt Queue Parameter Table (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
29-83 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module UTOPIA Master Multiple PHY Operation
The cell transfer in a multiple PHY ATM port uses cell-level handshaking as deÞned in the
UTOPIA standards. The MPC8260 supports two polling modes:
¥ Direct polling uses CLAV[0Ð3] with PHY selection using ADD[0Ð2]. Up to four
PHYs can be supported.
¥ Multiplex polling uses CLAV[0] and ADD[0Ð4]. ATM controller polls all active
PHYs starting from PHY address 0x0 to the address written in
FPSMR[LAST_PHY]. Up to 31 PHY devices are supported.
Both modes support round-robin priority or Þxed priority, described in Section 29.13.2,
ÒFCC Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode Register (FPSMR).Ó
29.12.2 UTOPIA Interface Slave Mode
UTOPIA slave signals are shown in Figure 29-58
Figure 29-58. UTOPIA Slave Mode Signals
Carries receive data from the PHY to the ATM controller. RxDATA[15]/[7] is the msb when using
UTOPIA 16/8, RxDATA[0] is the lsb.
RxSOC Receive start of cell. Asserted by the PHY device as the Þrst byte of a cell is received on RxDATA.
RxENB Receive enable. An ATM controller asserts to indicate that RxDATA and RxSOC will be sampled at
the end of the next RxCLK cycle. For multiple PHYs, RxENB is used to three-state RxDATA and
RxSOC at each PHYÕs output. RxDATA and RxSOC should be enabled only in cycles after those with
RxENB asserted.
RxCLAV[0Ð3] Receive cell available. Asserted by a PHY device when it has a complete cell to give the ATM
RxPRTY Receive parity. Asserted by the PHY device. It is an odd parity bit over the RxDATA. If there is a
RxPRTY error and the receive parity check FPSMR[RxP] is enabled, the cell is discarded. See
Section 29.13.2, ÒFCC Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode Register (FPSMR).Ó
RxCLK Receiver clock. Synchronization reference for RxDATA, RxSOC, RxENB, RxCLAV, and RxPRTY, all of
which are sampled at low-to-high transitions of RxCLK.
RxADD[0Ð4] Receive address. Address bus from the ATM controller to the PHY device used to select the
appropriate M-PHY device. Each M-PHY device needs to maintain its address. RxADD[4] is the msb.
Table 29-44. UTOPIA Master Mode Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-45 describes UTOPIA slave mode signals. UTOPIA Slave Multiple PHY Operation
In multiple PHY UTOPIA slave mode, cells are transferred using cell-level handshake as
deÞned by the UTOPIA level-2 standard. The user should write the ATM controller PHY
address in FPSMR[PHY ID]. UTOPIA Clocking Modes
The UTOPIA clock is generated by one of the MPC8260Õs baud-rate generators. The user
should assign one of the baud rate generators to supply the UTOPIA clock. See Chapter 15,
ÒCPM Multiplexing.Ó
Table 29-45. UTOPIA Slave Mode Signals
Signal Description
Transmit data bus. Carries transmit data from the ATM controller to the master device. TxDATA[15]/
[7] is the msb, TxDATA[0] is the lsb.
TxSOC Transmit start of cell. Asserted by an ATM controller as the Þrst byte of a cell is sent on the TxDATA
TxENB Transmit enable. An input to the ATM controller. It is asserted by the UTOPIA master to signal the
slave to send data in the next TxCLK cycle.
TxCLAV Transmit cell available. Asserted by the ATM controller to indicate it has a complete cell to transmit.
TxPRTY Transmit parity. Asserted by the ATM controller. It is an odd parity bit over the TxDATA.
TxCLK Transmit clock. Provides the synchronization reference for the TxDATA, TxSOC, TxENB, TxCLAV,
and TxPRTY signals. All of the above signals are sampled at low-to-high transitions of TxCLK.
TxADD[0Ð4] Transmit address. Address bus from the master to the ATM controller used to select the appropriate
M-PHY device.
Receive data bus. Carries receive data from the master to the ATM controller. RxDATA[15]/[7] is the
msb, RxDATA[0] is the lsb.
RxSOC Receive start of cell. Asserted by the master device whenever the Þrst byte of a cell is being received
on the RxDATA lines.
RxENB Receive enable. Asserted by the master device to signal the slave to sample the RxDATA and
RxSOC signals.
RxCLAV Receive cell available. Asserted by the ATM controller to indicate it can receive a complete cell.
RxPRTY Receive parity. Asserted by the PHY device. It is an odd parity bit over the RxDATA[0Ð15]. If there is
a RxPRTY error and the receive parity check FPSMR[RxP] is enabled, the cell is discarded. See see
Section 29.13.2, ÒFCC Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode Register (FPSMR).Ó
RxCLK Receive clock. Provides the synchronization reference for the RxDATA, RxSOC, RxENB, RxCLAV,
and RxPRTY signals. All the above signals are sampled at low-to-high transitions of RxCLK.
RxADD[0Ð4] Receive address. Address bus from master to the ATM controller device used to select the
appropriate M-PHY device.
29-85 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module UTOPIA Loop-Back Modes
The UTOPIA interface supports loop-back mode. In this mode, the Rx and Tx UTOPIA
signals are shorted internally. Output pins are driven; input pins are ignored.
Note that in loop-back mode, the transmitter and receiver must operate in complementary
modes. For example, if the transmitter is master, the receiver must be a slave
Modes are selected through GFMR[DIAG], as shown in Table 29-46.
29.13 ATM Registers
The following sections describe the conÞguration of the registers in ATM mode.
29.13.1 General FCC Mode Register (GFMR)
The GFMR mode Þeld should be programmed for ATM mode. To enable transmit and
receive functions, ENT and ENR must be set as the last step in the initialization process.
Full GFMR details are given in Section 28.2, ÒGeneral FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx).Ó
29.13.2 FCC Protocol-SpeciÞc Mode Register (FPSMR)
The FCC protocol-speciÞc mode register (FPSMR), shown in Figure 29-59, controls
various protocol-speciÞc FCC functions. The user should initialize the FPSMR. Erratic
behavior may result if there is an attempt to write to the FPSMR while the transmitter and
receiver are enabled.
Table 29-46. UTOPIA Loop-Back Modes
DIAG Description
00 Normal mode
01 Loop-back. UTOPIA Rx and Tx signals are shorted internally. Output pins are driven, input pins are ignored.
1x Reserved
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-47 describes FPSMR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address 0x11304 (FPSMR1), 0x11324 (FPSMR1), 0x11324 (FPSMR1)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address 0x11306 (FPSMR1), 0x11326 (FPSMR2), 0x11326 (FPSMR3)
Figure 29-59. FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR)
Table 29-47. FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR)
Bits Name Description
0Ð3 TEHS Transmit extra header size. Used only in user-deÞned cell mode to hold the Tx user-deÞned
cellsÕ extra header size. Values between 0-11 are valid. TEHS = 0 generates 1 byte of extra
header; TEHS = 11 generates 12 bytes of extra header.
4Ð7 REHS Receive extra header size. Used only in user-deÞned cell mode to hold the Rx user-deÞned
cellsÕ extra header size. Values between 0Ð11 are valid. For REHS = 0, the receiver expects 1
byte of extra header; for REHS = 11, it expects 12 bytes of extra header.
8 ICD Idle cells discard
0 Discard idle cells (GFC, VPI, VCI, PTI =0).
1 Do not discard idle cells.
9 TUMS Transmit UTOPIA master/slave mode
0 Transmit UTOPIA master mode is selected.
1 Transmit UTOPIA slave mode is selected.
10 RUMS Receive UTOPIA master/slave mode
0 Receive UTOPIA master mode is selected.
1 Receive UTOPIA slave mode is selected.
Last PHY. (Multiple PHY master mode only.) The UTOPIA interface polls all PHYs starting
from PHY address 0 and ending with the PHY address speciÞed in LAST PHY. (The number of
active PHYs are LAST PHY+1). LAST PHY should be speciÞed in both multiplex and direct-
polling modes.
PHY ID. (Multiple PHY slave mode only.) Determines the PHY address of the ATM controller
when conÞgured as a slave in a multiple PHY ATM port.
16Ð18 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
19 TUDC Transmit user-deÞned cells
0 Regular 53-byte cells.
1 User-deÞned cells.
20 RUDC Receive user-deÞned cells
0 Regular 53-byte cells.
1 User-deÞned cells.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.13.3 ATM Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)
The FCCE register is the ATM controller event register when the FCC operates in ATM
mode. When it recognizes an event, the ATM controller sets the corresponding FCCE bit.
Interrupts generated by this register can be masked in FCCM. FCCE is memory-mapped
and can be read at any time. Bits are cleared by writing ones to them; writing zeros has no
effect. Unmasked bits must be cleared before the CP clears the internal interrupt request.
FCCM is the ATM controller mask register. It is a 16-bit read/write register with the same
bit format as FCCE. If an FCCM bit is set, the corresponding interrupt is enabled in FCCE.
If it is cleared, the corresponding interrupt is masked. FCCM is cleared at reset.
21 RxP Receive parity check.
0 Check Rx parity line.
1 Do not check Rx parity line.
22 TUMP Transmit UTOPIA multiple PHY mode
0 Transmit UTOPIA single PHY mode is selected.
1 Transmit UTOPIA multiple PHY mode is selected.
23 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
24 TSIZE Transmit UTOPIA data bus size
0 UTOPIA 8-bit data bus size.
1 UTOPIA 16-bit data bus size.
25 RSIZE Receive UTOPIA data bus size
0 UTOPIA 8-bit data bus size.
1 UTOPIA 16-bit data bus size.
26 UPRM UTOPIA priority mode.
0 Round robin. Polling is done from PHY zero to the PHY speciÞed in LAST PHY. When a
PHY is selected, the UTOPIA interface continues to poll the next PHY in order.
1 Fixed priority. Polling is done from PHY zero to the PHY speciÞed in LAST PHY. When a
PHY is selected, the UTOPIA interface continues to poll from PHY zero.
27 UPLM UTOPIA polling mode.
0 Multiplex polling. Polling is done using RxAdd[0Ð4] and Clav[0]. Selection is done using
RxAdd[0Ð4]. Up to 31 PHYs can be polled.
1 Direct polling. Polling is done using Clav[0Ð3]. Selection is done using RxAdd[0Ð2]. Up to 4
PHYs can be polled.
28 RUMP Receive UTOPIA multiple PHY mode.
0 Receive UTOPIA single PHY mode is selected.
1 Receive UTOPIA multiple PHY mode is selected.
29 HECI HEC included. Used in UDC mode only.
0 HEC octet is not included when UDC mode is enabled.
1 HEC octet is included when UDC mode is enabled.
30Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 29-47. FCC ATM Mode Register (FPSMR) (Continued)
Bits Name Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-48 describes FCCE Þelds.
29.13.4 FCC Transmit Internal Rate Registers (FTIRRx)
The Þrst four PHY devices (address 00-03) have their own FCC transmit internal rate
registers (FTIRRx_PHY0ÐFTIRRx_PHY3) for use in transmit internal rate mode. In this
mode, the total transmission rate is determined by FCC internal rate timers. FTIRRx, shown
in Figure 29-61, includes the initial value of the internal rate timer. The source clock of the
internal rate timers is supplied by one of four baud-rate generators selected in CMXUAR;
see Section 15.4.1, ÒCMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR).Ó Note that in slave
mode, FTIRRx_PHY0 is used regardless of the slave PHY address.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Address 0x11310 (FCCE1), 0x11330 (FCCE2), 0x11350 (FCCE3)/
0x11314 (FCCM1), 0x11334 (FCCM2), 0x11354 (FCCM3)
Figure 29-60. ATM Event Register (FCCE)/FCC Mask Register (FCCM)
Table 29-48. FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 TIRU Transmit internal rate underrun. A transmit internal rate counter expired and a cell was not sent
because the transmit FIFO was empty. TIRU may be set only when using transmit internal rate mode;
see Section 29.13.4, ÒFCC Transmit Internal Rate Registers (FTIRRx).Ó
6 GRLI Global red-line interrupt. GRLI is set when a free buffer poolÕs RLI ßag is set. The RLI ßag is also set
in the free buffer poolÕs parameter table.
7 GBPB Global buffer pool busy interrupt. GBPB is set when a free buffer poolÕs BUSY ßag is set. The BUSY
ßag is also set in the free buffer poolÕs parameter table.
8Ð11 GINTxGlobal interrupt. Set when an event is sent to the corresponding interrupt queue. See Section 29.11,
ÒATM Exceptions.Ó
INTOxInterrupt queue overßow. Set when an overßow condition occurs in the corresponding interrupt
queue. This occurs when the CP attempts to overwrite a valid interrupt entry. See Section 29.11.1,
ÒInterrupt Queues.Ó
MOTOROLA Chapter 29. ATM Controller 29-89
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 29-49 describes FTIRRx Þelds.
Figure 29-62 shows how transmit clocks are determined.
Figure 29-62. FCC Transmit Internal Rate Clocking
Suppose the MPC8260 is connected to four 155 Mbps PHY devices and the maximum
transmission rate is 155 Mbps for the Þrst PHY and 10 Mbps for the rest of the PHYs. The
BRG CLK should be set according to the highest rate. If the system clock is 133 MHz, the
BRG should be programmed to divide the system clock by 362 to generate cell transmit
requests every 362 system clocks:
For the 155 Mbps PHY, the FTIRR divider should be programmed to zero (the BRG CLK
is divided by one); for the rest of the 10 Mbps PHYs, the FTIRR divider should be
programmed to 14 (the BRG CLK is divided by 15).
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field TRM Initial Value
Reset 0000_0000
Address FCC1: 0x1131F (FTIRR1_PHY0), 0x1131D (FTIRR1_PHY1),
0x1131E (FTIRR1_PHY2), 0x1131F (FTIRR1_PHY3)
FCC2: 0x1133F (FTIRR2_PHY0), 0x1133D (FTIRR2_PHY1),
0x1133E (FTIRR2_PHY2), 0x1133F (FTIRR2_PHY3)
Figure 29-61. FCC Transmit Internal Rate Registers (FTIRRx)
Table 29-49. FTIRRx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 TRM Transmit mode.
0 External rate mode.
1 Internal rate mode.
1Ð7 Initial
The initial value of the internal rate timer. A value of 0x7F produces the minimum clock rate (BRG
CLK divided by 128); 0x00 produces the maximum clock rate (BRG CLK divided by 1).
PHY#0 Internal Rate Timer PHY# 0 Tx Rate
PHY# 1 Tx Rate
PHY# 2 Tx Rate
PHY# 3 Tx Rate
PHY#3 Internal Rate Timer
PHY#2 Internal Rate Timer
PHY#1 Internal Rate Timer
133MHz 53 8´()´()
----------------------------------------------------- 3 6 2=
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
See also Section 29.16.1, ÒUsing Transmit Internal Rate Mode.Ó
29.14 ATM Transmit Command
The CPM command set includes an ATM TRANSMIT that can be sent to the CP command
register (CPCR), described in Section 13.4.1.
The ATM TRANSMIT command (CPCR[opcode] = 0b1010, CPCR[SBC[code]] = 0b01110,
CPCR[SBC[page]] = 0b00100 or 0b00101 (FCC1 or FCC2), CPCR[MCN] =
0b0000_1010) turns a passive channel into an active channel by inserting it into the APC
scheduling table. Note that an ATM TRANSMIT command should be issued only after the
channelÕs TCT is completely initialized and the channel has BDs ready to transmit. Note
also that CPCR[SBC[code]] = 0b01110 and not FCC1 or FCC2 code.
Before issuing the command, the user should initialize COMM_INFO Þelds in the
parameter RAM as described in Figure 29-63.
Table 29-50 describes COMM_INFO Þelds
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0x88 Channel Code (CC)
0x8A BT
Figure 29-63. COMM_INFO Field
Table 29-50. COMM_INFO Field Descriptions
Offset Bits Name Description
0x86 0Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 CTB Connection tables bus. Used for external channels only
0 External connection tables reside on the 60x bus.
1 External connection tables reside on the local bus.
6Ð10 PHY# PHY number. In single PHY mode this Þeld should be cleared In multiple PHY mode this
Þeld is an index to the APC parameter table associated with this channel.
11Ð12 ACT ATM channel type
00 Other channel
01 VBR channel
1x Reserved
13-15 PRI APC priority level.
000Ñhighest priority (APC_LEVEL1), 111Ñlowest priority (APC_LEVEL8).
0x88 0-15 CC Channel code. The channel code associated with the current channel.
0x8A 0-15 BT Burst tolerance. For use by VBR channels only (ACT Þeld is 0b01). SpeciÞes the initial burst
tolerance (GCRA burst credit) of the current VC.
MOTOROLA Chapter 29. ATM Controller 29-91
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
29.15 SRTS Generation and Clock Recovery Using
External Logic
The MPC8260 supports SRTS generation using external logic. If SRTS generation is
enabled (TCT[SRT] = 1), the MPC8260 reads SRTS[0Ð3] from the external SRTS logic and
inserts it into 4 cells whose SN Þelds equal 1, 3, 5, and 7, as shown in Figure 29-64.
Figure 29-64. AAL1 SRTS Generation Using External Logic
For every eight cells, the external SRTS logic should supply a valid SRTS code. The CP
reads the SRTS code from the bus selected in TCT[BIB] using a DMA read cycle of 1-byte
data size. Each AAL1 channel can be programmed to select one of 16 addresses available
for reading the SRTS result. The SRTS code should be placed on the least-signiÞcant nibble
of that address (SRTS[0]=lsb, SRTS[3]=msb). The SRTS is synchronized with the
sequence count cycleÑSRTS[0] is inserted into the cell with SN = 7; SRTS[3] is inserted
into the cell with SN = 1. For every eighth AAL1 SAR PDU, the SRTS logic samples a new
SRTS and stores it internally. The SRTS is a sample of a 4-bit counter with a 2.43-MHz
reference clock (for E1/T1) synchronized with the network clock.
The MPC8260 supports clock recovery using an external SRTS PLL. If SRTS recovery is
enabled (RCT[SRT]=1), the MPC8260 tracks the SRTS from four incoming cells whose
SN Þeld equals 1, 3, 5, and 7 and writes the result to external SRTS logic, as shown in
Figure 29-65.
p = 4 bit counter
155.52 MHz 2.43 MHz (E1/T1)
fs Counter
divided by N
(N=3008 bits = 8 SAR PDU)
External SRTS Logic
SN=1 SN=3 SN=5 SN=7
DMA reads new SRTS code
29-92 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 29-65. AAL1 SRTS Clock Recovery Using External Logic
On every eighth cell, the MPC8260 writes a new SRTS code to the external logic using the
bus selected in RCT[BIB]. The CP writes the SRTS code using a DMA write cycle of 1-
byte data size. Each AAL1 channel can be programmed to select one of 16 addresses
available for writing the SRTS result. The SRTS code is written to the least-signiÞcant
nibble of that address (SRTS[0]=lsb, SRTS[3]=msb). The SRTS is synchronized with the
sequence count cycleÑSRTS[3] is read from the cell with SN = 1 and SRTS[0] is read from
the cell with SN = 7. The SRTS PLL makes periodic clock adjustments based on the
difference between a locally generated SRTS and a remotely generated SRTS retrieved
every eight received cells.
29.16 ConÞguring the ATM Controller for Maximum
CPM Performance
The following sections recommend ATM controller conÞgurations to maximize CPM
29.16.1 Using Transmit Internal Rate Mode
When the total transmit rate is less than the PHY rate, use the transmit internal rate mode
and conÞgure the internal rate clock to the maximum bit rate required. (See,
ÒTransmit External Rate and Internal Rate Modes.Ó) The PHY then automatically Þlls the
unused bandwidth with idle cells, not the ATM controller. If the internal rate mode is not
used, CPM performance is consumed generating the idle cell payload and using the
scheduling algorithm to Þll the unused bandwidth at the higher PHY rate.
p = 4 bit
155.52 MHz
2.43 MHz (E1/T1)
fs Counter
divided by N
(N=3008 bits = 8 SAR PDU)
External SRTS Logic
SN=1 SN=3 SN=5 SN=7
DMA writes new SRTS code
MOTOROLA Chapter 29. ATM Controller 29-93
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
For example, suppose a system uses a 155.52-Mbps OC-3 device as PHY0, but the
maximum required data rate is only 100 Mbps. In transmit internal rate mode, the user can
conÞgure the internal rate mechanism to clock the ATM transmitter at a cell rate of 100
Mbps. If the system clock is 133 MHz, program a BRG to divide the system clock by 563
to generate a transmit cell request every 563 CPM clocks:
Set FTIRRx_PHY0[TRM] to enable the transmit internal rate mode and clear
FTIRRx_PHY0[Initial Value] since there is no need to further divide the BRG. See
Section 29.13.4, ÒFCC Transmit Internal Rate Registers (FTIRRx).Ó
In external rate mode, however, the transmit cell request frequency is determined by the
PHYÕs maximum rate, not by internal FCC counters. If an OC-3 PHY is used with the ATM
controller in external rate mode, the requests must be generated every 362 CPM clocks
(assuming a 133-MHz CPM clock). If only 100 Mbps is used for real data, 36% of the
transmit cell requests consume CPM processing time sending idle cells.
29.16.2 APC ConÞguration
Maximizing the number of cells per slot (CPS) and minimizing the priority levels deÞned
in the APC data structure improves CPM performance:
¥ Cells per slot. CPS deÞnes the maximum number of ATM cells allowed to be sent
during a time slot. (See Section, ÒDetermining the Cells Per Slot (CPS) in
a Scheduling Table.Ó) The scheduling algorithm is more efÞcient sending multiple
cells per time slot using the linked-channel Þeld. Therefore, choose the maximum
number of cells per slot allowed by the application.
¥ Priority levels. The user can conÞgure the APC data structure to have from one to
eight priority levels. (See Section 29.3.6, ÒDetermining the Priority of an ATM
Channel.Ó) For each time slot, the scheduling algorithm scans all priority levels and
maintains pointers for each level. Therefore, enable only the minimum number of
priority levels required.
29.16.3 Buffer ConÞguration
Using statically allocated buffers of optimal sizes also improves CPM performance:
¥ Buffer size. Opening and closing buffer descriptors consumes CPM processing time.
Because smaller buffers require more opening and closing of BDs, the optimal
buffer size for maximum CPM performance is equal to the packet size (an AAL5
frame, for example).
¥ Free buffer pool. When the free buffer pool is used, the CPM dynamically allocates
buffers and links them to a channelÕs BD. In static buffer allocation, the core assigns
a Þxed data buffer to each BD. (See Section, ÒReceive Buffers
Operation.Ó) When allowed by the application, use static buffer allocation to
increase CPM performance.
133MHz 53 8´()´()
----------------------------------------------------- 5 6 3=
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-1
Chapter 30
Fast Ethernet Controller
The Ethernet IEEE 802.3 protocol is a widely-used LAN based on the carrier-sense
multiple access/collision detect (CSMA/CD) approach. Because Ethernet and IEEE 802.3
protocols are similar and can coexist on the same LAN, both are referred to as Ethernet in
this manual, unless otherwise noted. Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 frames are based on the frame
structure shown in Figure 30-1.
Figure 30-1. Ethernet Frame Structure
The elements of an Ethernet frame are as follows:
¥ 7-byte preamble of alternating ones and zeros.
¥ Start frame delimiter (SFD)ÑSigniÞes the beginning of the frame.
¥ 48-bit destination address.
¥ 48-bit source address. Original versions of the IEEE 802.3 speciÞcation allowed 16-
bit addressing, which has never been used widely.
¥ Ethernet type Þeld/IEEE 802.3 length Þeld. The type Þeld signiÞes the protocol used
in the rest of the frame, such as TCP/IP; the length Þeld speciÞes the length of the
data portion of the frame. For Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 frames to exist on the same
LAN, the length Þeld must be unique from any type Þelds used in Ethernet. This
requirement limits the length of the data portion of the frame to 1,500 bytes and,
therefore, the total frame length to 1,518 bytes.
¥ Data
¥ Four-bytes frame-check sequence (FCS), which is the standard, 32-bit CCITT-CRC
polynomial used in many protocols.
When a station needs to transmit, it waits until the LAN becomes silent for a speciÞed
period (interframe gap). When a station starts sending, it continually checks for collisions
Preamble Start Frame Data
Frame Check
7 Bytes 1 Byte 6 Bytes 6 Bytes 2 Bytes 46Ð1500 Bytes 4 Bytes
Frame Length is 64Ð1,518 Bytes
Note: The lsb of each octet is transmitted first.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
on the LAN. If a collision is detected, the station forces a jam signal (all ones) on its frame
and stops transmitting. Collisions usually occur close to the beginning of a frame. The
station then waits a random time period (backoff) before attempting to send again. When
the backoff completes, the station waits for silence on the LAN and then begins
retransmission on the LAN. This process is called a retry. If the frame is not successfully
sent within 15 retries, an error is indicated.
10-Mbps Ethernet basic timing speciÞcations follow:
¥ Transmits at 0.8 µs per byte
¥ The preamble plus start frame delimiter is sent in 6.4 µs.
¥ The minimum interframe gap is 9.6 µs.
¥ The slot time is 51.2 µs.
100-Mbps Ethernet basic timing speciÞcations follow:
¥ Transmits at 0.08 µs per byte
¥ The preamble plus start frame delimiter is sent in 0.64 µs.
¥ The minimum interframe gap is 0.96 µs.
¥ The slot time is 5.12 µs.
30.1 Fast Ethernet on the MPC8260
When a general FCC mode register (GFMRx[MODE]) selects Ethernet protocol, that FCC
performs the full set of IEEE 802.3/Ethernet CSMA/CD media access control (MAC) and
channel interface functions. Figure 30-2 shows a block diagram of the FCC Ethernet
control logic.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 30-2. Ethernet Block Diagram
30.2 Features
The following is a list of Fast Ethernet key features:
¥ Support for Fast Ethernet through the MII (media-independent interface)
¥ Performs MAC (media access control) layer functions of Fast Ethernet and IEEE
¥ Performs framing functions
Ñ Preamble generation and stripping
Ñ Destination address checking
Ñ CRC generation and checking
Ñ Automatic padding of short frames on transmit
Ñ Framing error (dribbling bits) handling
¥ Full collision support
Ñ Enforces the collision (jamming and TX_ER assertion)
Ñ Truncated binary exponential backoff algorithm for random wait
Ñ Two nonaggressive backoff modes
Ñ Automatic frame retransmission (until retry limit is reached)
Ñ Automatic discard of incoming collided frames
Ñ Delay transmission of new frames for speciÞed interframe gap
¥ Bit rates up to 100 Mbps
¥ Receives back-to-back frames
¥ Detection of receive frames that are too long
Transmit Transmitter
Slot Time
Internal Clocks
Peripheral Bus
And Defer
Random No.
30-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ Multibuffer data structure
¥ Supports 48-bit addresses in three modes
Ñ Physical. One 48-bit address recognized or 64-bin hash table for physical
Ñ Logical. 64-bin group address hash table plus broadcast address checking
Ñ Promiscuous. Receives all frames regardless of address (a CAM can be used for
address Þltering)
¥ External CAM support on system bus interfaces
¥ Special RMON counters for monitoring network statistics
¥ Up to eight parallel I/O pins can be sampled and appended to any frame
¥ Transmitter network management and diagnostics
Ñ Lost carrier sense
Ñ Underrun
Ñ Number of collisions exceeded the maximum allowed
Ñ Number of retries per frame
Ñ Deferred frame indication
Ñ Late collision
¥ Receiver network management and diagnostics
Ñ CRC error indication
Ñ Nonoctet alignment error
Ñ Frame too short
Ñ Frame too long
Ñ Overrun
Ñ Busy (out of buffers)
¥ Error counters
Ñ Discarded frames (out of buffers or overrun occurred)
Ñ CRC errors
Ñ Alignment errors
¥ Internal and external loopback mode
¥ Supports Fast Ethernet in duplex mode
¥ Supports pause ßow control frames
¥ Support of out-of-sequence transmit queue (for ßow-control frames)
¥ External buffer descriptors (BDs)
30.3 Connecting the MPC8260 to Fast Ethernet
Figure 30-3 shows the basic components of the media-independent interface (MII) and the
signals required to make the Fast Ethernet connection between the MPC8260 and a PHY.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 30-3. Connecting the MPC8260 to Ethernet
Each FCC has 18 signals, deÞned by the IEEE 802.3u standard, for connecting to an
Ethernet PHY. The two management signals (MDC and MDIO) required by the MII should
be implemented separately using the parallel I/O.
The MPC8260 has additional signals for interfacing with an optional external
content-addressable memory (CAM), which are described in Section 30.7, ÒCAM
The MPC8260 uses the SDMA channels to store every byte received after the start frame
delimiter into system memory. On transmit, the user provides the destination address,
source address, type/length Þeld, and transmit data. To meet minimum frame requirements,
MPC8260 automatically pads frames with fewer than 64 bytes in the data Þeld. The
MPC8260 also appends the FCS to the frame.
30.4 Ethernet Channel Frame Transmission
The Ethernet transmitter requires almost no core intervention. When the core enables the
transmitter, the Ethernet controller polls the Þrst TxBD in the FCCÕs TxBD table every 256
serial clocks. If the user has a frame ready to transmit, setting TODR[TOD] eliminates
waiting for the next poll. When there is a frame to transmit, the Ethernet controller begins
fetching the data from the data buffer and asserts TX_EN. The preamble sequence, start
Transmit Error (TX_ER)
Transmit Nibble Data 0Ð3 (TXD[0Ð3])
Transmit Enable (TX_EN)
Transmit Clock (TX_CLK)
Collision Detect (COL)
Receive Nibble Data (RXD[0Ð3])
Receive Error (RX_ER)
Receive Clock (RX_CLK)
Receive Data Valid (RX_DV)
Carrier Sense Output (CRS)
Management Data I/O1 (MDIO)
Management Data Clock1 (MDC)
MPC8260 Fast Ethernet
Media-Independent Interface (MII)
1 The management signals (MDC and MDIO) can be common to all of the Fast Ethernet connections in
the system, assuming that each PHY has a different management address. Use parallel I/O port pins to
implement MDC and MDIO. (The I2C controller cannot be used for this function.)
30-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
frame delimiter, and frame information are sent in that order; see Figure 30-1. In full-
duplex mode, since collisions are ignored, frame transmission maintains only the
interframe gap (96 serial clocks) regardless of CRS.
There is one internal buffer for out-of-sequence ßow control frames (in full-duplex Fast
Ethernet). When the Fast Ethernet controller is between frames, this buffer is polled if ßow
control is enabled. This buffer must contain the whole frame.
However, in half-duplex mode, the controller defers transmission if the line is busy (CRS
asserted). Before transmitting, the controller waits for carrier sense to become inactive, at
which point the controller determines if CRS remains negated for 60 serial clocks. If so, the
transmission begins after an additional 36 serial clocks (96 serial clocks after CRS
originally became negated).
If a collision occurs during the transmit frame, the Ethernet controller follows a speciÞed
backoff procedure and tries to retransmit the frame until the retry limit is reached. The
Ethernet controller stores at least the Þrst 64 bytes of data of the transmit frame in the dual-
port RAM, so that the data does not have to be retrieved from system memory in case of a
collision. This improves bus usage and latency if the backoff timer output requires an
immediate retransmission.
When the end of the current buffer is reached and TxBD[L] = 1, the FCS (32-bit CRC) bytes
are appended (if TxBD[TC] = 1), and TX_EN is negated. This notiÞes the PHY of the need
to generate the illegal Manchester encoding that signiÞes the end of an Ethernet frame.
Following the transmission of the FCS, the Ethernet controller writes the frame status bits
into the BD and clears TxBD[R]. When the end of the current buffer is reached and
TxBD[L] = 0 (a frame is comprised of multiple buffers), only TxBD[R] is cleared.
For both half- and full-duplex modes, an interrupt can be issued depending on TxBD[I].
The Ethernet controller then proceeds to the next TxBD in the table. In this way, the core
can be interrupted after each frame, after each buffer, or after a speciÞc buffer is sent. If
TxBD[PAD] = 1, the Ethernet controller pads short frames to the value of the minimum
frame length register (MINFLR), described in Table 30-2.
To rearrange the transmit queue before the CP Þnishes sending all frames, issue a
GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command. This can be useful for transmitting expedited data
ahead of previously linked buffers or for error situations. When the GRACEFUL STOP
TRANSMIT command is issued, the Ethernet controller stops immediately if no transmission
is in progress or continues transmission until the current frame either Þnishes or terminates
with a collision. When the Ethernet controller is given the RESTART TRANSMIT command,
it resumes transmission. The Ethernet controller sends bytes least-signiÞcant nibble Þrst.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.5 Ethernet Channel Frame Reception
The Ethernet receiver is designed to work with almost no core intervention and can perform
address recognition, CRC checking, short frame checking, maximum DMA transfer
checking, and maximum frame-length checking.
When the core enables the Ethernet receiver, it enters hunt mode when RX_DV is asserted
as long as COL remains negated (full-duplex mode ignores COL). In hunt mode, as data is
shifted into the receive shift register four bits at a time, the contents of the register are
compared to the contents of the SYN2 Þeld in the FCCÕs data synchronization register
(FDSR). When the registers match, the hunt mode is terminated and character assembly
When the receiver detects the Þrst bytes of a frame, the Ethernet controller performs
address recognition functions on the frame; see Section 30.12, ÒEthernet Address
Recognition.Ó The receiver can receive physical (individual), group (multicast), and
broadcast addresses. Because Ethernet receive frame data is not written to memory until the
internal address recognition algorithm is complete, bus usage is not wasted on frames not
addressed to this station. The receiver can also operate with an external CAM, in which case
frame reception continues normally, unless the CAM speciÞcally signals the frame to be
rejected. See Section 30.7, ÒCAM Interface.Ó
If an address is recognized, the Ethernet controller fetches the next RxBD and, if it is empty,
starts transferring the incoming frame to the RxBDÕs associated data buffer.
In half-duplex mode, if a collision is detected during the frame, the RxBDs associated with
this frame are reused. Thus, no collision frames are presented to the user except late
collisions, which indicate serious LAN problems. When the buffer has been Þlled, the
Ethernet controller clears RxBD[E] and generates an interrupt if RxBD[I] is set. If the
incoming frame is larger than the buffer, the Ethernet controller fetches the next RxBD in
the table; if it is empty, it continues receiving the rest of the frame.
The RxBD length is determined by MRBLR in the parameter RAM. The user should
program MRBLR to be at least 64 bytes. During reception, the Ethernet controller checks
for frames that are too short or too long. When the frame ends (CRS is negated), the receive
CRC Þeld is checked and written to the data buffer. The data length written to the last BD
in the Ethernet frame is the length of the entire frame, which enables the software to
recognize a frame-too-long condition.
If an external CAM is used (FPSMRx[CAM] = 1), the Ethernet controller adds the two
lower bytes of the CAM output at the end of each frame. Note that the data length does not
include these two bytes; that is, the extra two bytes could push the buffer length past
When the receive frame is complete, the Ethernet controller sets RxBD[L], writes the other
frame status bits into the RxBD, and clears RxBD[E]. The Ethernet controller next
generates a maskable interrupt, indicating that a frame was received and is in memory. The
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Ethernet controller then waits for a new frame. The Ethernet controller receives serial data
least-signiÞcant nibble Þrst.
30.6 Flow Control
Because collisions cannot occur in full-duplex mode, Fast Ethernet can operate at the
maximum rate. When the rate becomes too fast for a stationÕs receiver, the stationÕs
transmitter can send ßow-control frames to reduce the rate. Flow-control instructions are
transferred by special frames of minimum frame size. The length/type Þelds of these frames
have a special value. Table 30-1 shows the ßow-control frame structure.
When ßow-control mode is enabled (FPSMRx[FCE]) and the receiver identiÞes a pause-
ßow control frame sent to individual or broadcast addresses, transmission stops for the time
speciÞed in the control frame. During this pause, only the out-of-sequence frame is sent.
Normal transmission resumes after the pause timer stops counting. If another pause-control
frame is received during the pause, the period changes to the new value received.
30.7 CAM Interface
The MPC8260 internal address recognition logic can be used in combination with an
external CAM. When using a CAM, the FCC must be in promiscuous mode
(FPSMRx[PRO] = 1). See Section 30.12, ÒEthernet Address Recognition.Ó
The Ethernet controller writes two 32-bit accesses to the CAM and then reads the result in
a 32-bit access. If the high bit of the result is set, the frame is rejected; otherwise, the lower
16 bits are attached to the end of the frame.
Table 30-1. Flow Control Frame Structure
Size [Octets] Description Value Comment
7 Preamble
1 SFD Start frame delimiter
6 Destination address 01-80C2-00-00-01 Multicast address reserved for use in MAC frames
6 Source address
2 Length/type 88-08 Control frame type
2 MAC opcode 00-01 Pause command
2 MAC parameter Pause period measured in slot times, most-
signiÞcant octet Þrst
42 Reserved Ñ
4 FCS Frame check sequence (CRC)
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.8 Ethernet Parameter RAM
For Ethernet mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the FCC parameter RAM is mapped as in
Table 30-2.
Table 30-2. Ethernet-Specific Parameter RAM
Offset1 Name Width Description
0x3C STAT_BUF Word Buffer of internal usage
0x40 CAM_PTR Word CAM address
0x44 C_MASK Word Constant MASK for CRC (initialize to 0xDEBB_20E3). For the 32-bit CRC-CCITT.
0x48 C_PRES Word Preset CRC (initialize to 0xFFFF_FFFF). For the 32-bit CRC-CCITT.
0x4C CRCEC2Word CRC error counter. Counts each received frame with a CRC error. Does not count
frames not addressed to the station, frames received in the out-of-buffers condition,
frames with overrun errors, or frames with alignment errors.
0x50 ALEC 2 Word Alignment error counter. Counts frames received with dribbling bits. Does not count
frames not addressed to the station, frames received in the out-of-buffers condition,
or frames with overrun errors.
0x54 DISFC 2 Word Discard frame counter. Incremented for discarded frames because of an out-of-
buffers condition or overrun error. The CRC need not be correct for this counter to be
0x58 RET_LIM Hword Retry limit (typically 15 decimal). Number of retries that should be made to send a
frame. If the frame is not sent after this limit is reached, an interrupt can be
0x5A RET_CNT Hword Retry limit counter. Temporary decrementer used to count retries made.
0x5C P_PER Hword Persistence. Allows the Ethernet controller to be less persistent after a collision.
Normally cleared, P_PER can be from 0 to 9 (9 = least persistent). The value is
added to the retry count in the backoff algorithm to reduce the chance of
transmission on the next time-slot. Using a less persistent backoff algorithm
increases throughput in a congested Ethernet LAN by reducing the chance of
collisions. FPSMR[SBT] can also reduce persistence of the Ethernet controller. The
Ethernet/802.3 speciÞcations permit the use of P_PER.
0x5E BOFF_CNT Hword Backoff counter
0x60 GADDR_H Word Group address Þlters high and low are used in the hash table function of the group
addressing mode. The user may write zeros to these values after reset and before
the Ethernet channel is enabled to disable all group hash address recognition
functions. The SET GROUP ADDRESS command is used to enable the hash table. See
Section 30.13, ÒHash Table Algorithm.Ó
0x64 GADDR_L Word
0x68 TFCSTAT Hword Out-of-sequence TxBD. Includes the status/control, data length, and buffer pointer
Þelds in the same format as a regular TxBD. Useful for sending ßow control frames.
This areaÕs TxBD[R] is always checked between frames, regardless of
FPSMRx[FCE]. If it is not ready, a regular frame is sent. The user must set TxBD[L]
when preparing this BD. If TxBD[I] is set, a TXC event is generated after frame
transmission. This area should be cleared when not in use.
0x6A TFCLEN Hword
0x6C TFCPTR Word
0x70 MFLR Hword Maximum frame length register (typically1518 decimal). If the Ethernet controller
detects an incoming frame exceeding MFLR, it sets RxBD[LG] (frame too long) in the
last RxBD, but does not discard the rest of the frame. The controller also reports the
frame status and length of the received frame in the last RxBD. MFLR includes all in-
frame bytes between the start frame delimiter and the end of the frame.
30-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x72 PADDR1_H Hword The 48-bit individual address of this station. PADDR1_L is the lowest order half-
word, and PADDR1_H is the highest order half-word.
0x74 PADDR1_M Hword
0x76 PADDR1_L Hword
0x78 IBD_CNT Hword Internal BD counter
0x7A IBD_START Hword Internal BD start pointer
0x7C IBD_END Hword Internal BD end pointer
0x7E TX_LEN Hword Tx frame length counter
0x80 IBD_BASE 32
Internal microcode usage
0xA0 IADDR_H Word Individual address Þlter high/low. Used in the hash table function of the individual
addressing mode. The user can write zeros to these values after reset and before the
Ethernet channel is enabled to disable all individual hash address recognition
functions. Issuing a SET GROUP ADDRESS command enables the hash table. See
Section 30.13, ÒHash Table Algorithm.Ó
0xA4 IADDR_L Word
0xA8 MINFLR Hword Minimum frame length register (typically 64 decimal). If the Ethernet receiver detects
an incoming frame shorter than MINFLR, it discards that frame unless FPSMR[RSH]
(receive short frames) is set, in which case RxBD[SH] (frame too short) is set in the
last RxBD. The Ethernet transmitter pads frames that are too short (according to
TxBD[PAD] and the PAD value in the parameter RAM). PADs are added to make the
transmit frame MINFLR bytes.
0xAA TADDR_H Hword Allows addition of addresses to the individual and group hashing tables. After an
address is placed in TADDR, issue a SET GROUP ADDRESS command. TADDR_L is
the lowest-order half-word; TADDR_H is the highest.
A zero in the I/G bit indicates an individual address; 1 indicates a group address.
0xAC TADDR_M Hword
0xAE TADDR_L Hword
0xB0 PAD_PTR Hword Internal PAD pointer. This internal 32-byte aligned pointer points to a 32-byte buffer
Þlled with pad characters. The pads may be any value, but all the bytes should be the
same to assure padding with a speciÞc character. If a speciÞc padding character is
not needed, PAD_PTR should equal the internal temporary data pointer TIPTR; see
Section 28.7, ÒFCC Parameter RAM.Ó
0xB2 Ñ Hword Reserved, should be cleared.
0xB4 CF_RANGE Hword Control frame range. Internal usage
0xB6 MAX_B Hword Maximum BD byte count. Internal usage
0xB8 MAXD1 Hword Max DMA1 length register (typically 1520 decimal). Lets the user prevent system bus
writes after a frame exceeds a speciÞed size. The MAXD1 value is valid only if an
address match is detected. If the Ethernet controller detects an incoming Ethernet
frame larger than the user-deÞned value in MAXD1, the rest of the frame is
discarded. The Ethernet controller waits for the end of the frame (or until MFLR bytes
have been received) and reports the frame status and length (including the
discarded bytes) in the last RxBD. This value must be greater than 32.
Table 30-2. Ethernet-Specific Parameter RAM (Continued)
Offset1 Name Width Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0xBA MAXD2 Hword Max DMA2 length register (typically 1520 decimal). Lets the user prevent system bus
writes after a frame exceeds a speciÞed size. The value of MAXD2 is valid in
promiscuous mode when no address match is detected. If the Ethernet controller
detects an incoming Ethernet frame larger than the value in MAXD2, the rest of the
frame is discarded. The Ethernet controller waits for the end of the frame (or until
MFLR bytes are received) and reports frame status and length (including the
discarded bytes) in the last RxBD. In a monitor station, MAXD2 can be much less
than MAXD1 to receive entire frames addressed to this station, but receive only the
headers of all other frames.This value must be less than MAXD1.
0xBC MAXD Hword Rx maximum DMA. Internal usage
0xBE DMA_CNT Hword Rx DMA counter. Temporary down-counter used to track the frame length.
0xC0 OCTC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of octets of data (including those in bad
packets) received on the network (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
0xC4 COLC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this
Ethernet segment.
0xC8 BROC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of good packets received that were directed to
the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.
0xCC MULC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of good packets received that were directed to
a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the
broadcast address.
0xD0 USPC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets received that were less than 64
octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well-
0xD4 FRGC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets received that were less than 64
octets long (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had either a bad
FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (alignment error). Note that it is entirely normal for
etherStatsFragments to increment because it counts both runts (which are normal
occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits.
0xD8 OSPC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518
octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well-
0xDC JBRC 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518
octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets), and had either a bad FCS
with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (alignment error). Note that this deÞnition of jabber is different than
the deÞnition in IEEE-802.3 section (10BASE5) and section
(10BASE2). These documents deÞne jabber as the condition where any packet
exceeds 20 ms. The allowed range to detect jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms.
0xE0 P64C 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets (including bad packets) received
that were 64 octets long (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
0xE4 P65C 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets (including bad packets) received
that were between 65 and 127 octets long inclusive (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets).
Table 30-2. Ethernet-Specific Parameter RAM (Continued)
Offset1 Name Width Description
30-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.9 Programming Model
The core conÞgures an FCC to operate as an Ethernet controller using GFMR[MODE]. The
receive errors (collision, overrun, nonoctet-aligned frame, short frame, frame too long, and
CRC error) are reported through the RxBD. The transmit errors (underrun, heartbeat, late
collision, retransmission limit, and carrier sense lost) are reported through the TxBD.
The user should program the FDSR as described in Section 28.4, ÒFCC Data
Synchronization Registers (FDSRx),Ó with FDSR[SYN2] = 0xD5 and FDSR[SYN1] =
30.10 Ethernet Command Set
The transmit and receive commands are issued to the CPCR; see Section 13.4, ÒCommand
Before resetting the CPM, conÞgure TX_EN (RTS) to be an
Transmit commands that apply to Ethernet are described in Table 30-3.
0xE8 P128C 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets (including bad packets) received
that were between 128 and 255 octets long inclusive (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets).
0xEC P256C 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets (including bad packets) received
that were between 256 and 511 octets long inclusive (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets).
0xF0 P512C 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets (including bad packets) received
that were between 512 and 1023 octets long inclusive (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets).
0xF4 P1024C 2 Word (RMON mode only) The total number of packets (including bad packets) received
that were between 1024 and 1518 octets long inclusive (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets).
0xF8 CAM_BUF Word Internal buffer for CAM result
0xFC Ñ Word Reserved, should be cleared.
1Offset from FCC base: 0x8400 (FCC1), 0x8500 (FCC2) and 0x8600 (FCC3); see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
232-bit (modulo 232) counters maintained by the CP; cleared by the user while the channel is disabled.
Table 30-3. Transmit Commands
Command Description
When used with the Ethernet controller, this command violates a speciÞc behavior of an Ethernet/IEEE
802.3 station. It should not be used.
Table 30-2. Ethernet-Specific Parameter RAM (Continued)
Offset1 Name Width Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Receive commands that apply to Ethernet are described in Table 30-4.
If an address from the hash table must be deleted, the Ethernet channel must be disabled,
the hash table registers must be cleared, and the SET GROUP ADDRESS command must be
executed for the remaining preferred addresses. This is required because the hash table
might have mapped multiple addresses to the same hash table bit.
Used to smoothly stop transmission after the current frame Þnishes sending or undergoes a collision
(immediately if there is no frame being sent). FCCE[GRA] is set once transmission stops. Then the
Ethernet transmit parameters (including BDs) can be modiÞed by the user. The TBPTR points to the
next TxBD in the table. Transmission begins when the R bit of the next BD is set and the RESTART
TRANSMIT command is issued. Note that if the GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command is issued and the
current transmit frame ends in a collision, the TBPTR points to the beginning of the collided frame with
TxBD[R] still set (the frame looks as if it was never sent).
Enables transmission of characters on the transmit channel. It is expected by the Ethernet controller
after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command or transmitter error (underrun, retransmission limit
reached, or late collision). The Ethernet controller resumes transmission from the current TBPTR in
the channel TxBD table.
Initializes all the transmit parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to their reset state. This
command should be issued only when the transmitter is disabled. Note that the INIT TX AND RX
PARAMETERS command can also be used to reset the transmit and receive parameters.
Table 30-4. Receive Commands
Command Description
After the hardware or software is reset and the channel in the FCC mode register is enabled, the
channel is in the receive enable mode and uses the Þrst BD in the table. This command is generally
used to force the Ethernet receiver to abort reception of the current frame and enter hunt mode. In
hunt mode, the Ethernet controller continually scans the input data stream for a transition of carrier
sense from inactive to active followed by a preamble sequence and the start frame delimiter. After
receiving the command, the current receive buffer is closed and the CRC calculation is reset. Further
frame reception uses the next RxBD.
Note that short frames pending in the internal FIFO may be lost.
Initializes all the receive parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to their reset state and
should only be issued when the receiver is disabled. Note that the INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS
command can also be used to reset the receive and transmit parameters.
Used to set one of the 64 bits of the four individual/group address hash Þlter registers (GADDR[1Ð4]
or IADDR[1Ð4]). The individual or group address (48 bits) to be added to the hash table should be
written to TADDR_L, TADDR_M, and TADDR_H in the parameter RAM prior to executing this
command. The CP checks the I/G bit in the address stored in TADDR to determine whether to use the
individual hash table or the group hash table. A 0 in the I/G bit indicates an individual address; 1
indicates a group address. This command can be executed at any time, regardless of whether the
Ethernet channel is enabled.
Table 30-3. Transmit Commands (Continued)
Command Description
30-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.11 RMON Support
The Fast Ethernet controller can automatically gather network statistics required for
RMON without the need to receive all addresses using promiscuous mode. Setting
FPSMRx[MON] enables RMON support.
The RMON statistics and their corresponding counters in the parameter RAM are described
in Table 30-5.
Table 30-5. RMON Statistics and Counters
Statistic Description Counter
etherStatsDropEvents The total number of events in which packets were detected as
dropped by the probe due to lack of resources. Note that this may
not be the number of packets dropped; it is the number of times this
condition is detected.
etherStatsOctets The total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets)
received on the network (excluding framing bits but including FCS
etherStatsPkts The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast
packets, and multicast packets) received.
P64C +
P65C +
P128C +
P256C +
P512C +
etherStatsBroadcastPkts The total number of good packets received that were directed to
the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast
etherStatsMulticastPkts The total number of good packets received that were directed to a
multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets
directed to the broadcast address.
etherStatsCRCAlignErrors The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding
framing bits but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518
octets, inclusive, but had either an integral number of octets (FCS
error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (alignment
etherStatsUndersizePkts The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets
long (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were
otherwise well-formed.
etherStatsOversizePkts The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518
octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and were
otherwise well-formed.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.12 Ethernet Address Recognition
The Ethernet controller can Þlter the received frames based on different addressing typesÑ
physical (individual), group (multicast), broadcast (all-ones group address), and
promiscuous. The difference between an individual address and a group address is
determined by the I/G bit in the destination address Þeld.
Figure 30-4 is a ßowchart for address recognition on received frames.
etherStatsFragments The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets
long (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had
either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a
bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (alignment error).
Note that it is entirely normal for etherStatsFragments to increment,
because it counts both runts (which are normal occurrences due to
collisions) and noise hits.
etherStatsJabbers The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518
octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had
either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS error) or a
bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (alignment error).
Note that this deÞnition of jabber is different than the deÞnition in
IEEE-802.3 Section (10BASE5) and Section
(10BASE2). These documents deÞne jabber as the condition
where any packet exceeds 20 ms. The allowed range to detect
jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms.
etherStatsCollisions The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet
etherStatsPkts64Octets The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that
were 64 octets long (excluding framing bits but including FCS
etherStatsPkts65to127Octets The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that
were between 65 and 127 octets long inclusive (excluding framing
bits but including FCS octets).
etherStatsPkts128to255Octets The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that
were between 128 and 255 octets long inclusive (excluding framing
bits but including FCS octets).
etherStatsPkts256to511Octets The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that
were between 256 and 511 octets long inclusive (excluding framing
bits but including FCS octets).
etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that
were between 512 and 1023 octets long inclusive (excluding
framing bits but including FCS octets).
etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that
were between 1024 and 1518 octets long inclusive (excluding
framing bits but including FCS octets).
Table 30-5. RMON Statistics and Counters (Continued)
Statistic Description Counter
30-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 30-4. Ethernet Address Recognition Flowchart
I/G Address
Addr Match?
Receive Frame
Hash Search
Use Group
Hash Search
Use Individual
Discard Frame
Start Receive
by CAM?
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
In the physical type of address recognition, the Ethernet controller compares the destination
address Þeld of the received frame with the physical address that the user programs in the
PADDR. If it fails, the controller performs address recognition on multiple individual
addresses using the IADDR_H/L hash table. Since the controller always checks PADDR
and the individual hash, for individual address the user must write zeros to the hash in order
to avoid a hash match and ones to PADDR in order to avoid individual address match.
In the group type of address recognition, the Ethernet controller determines whether the
group address is a broadcast address. If it is a broadcast and broadcast addresses are
enabled, the frame is accepted. If the group address is not a broadcast address, the user can
perform address recognition on multiple group addresses using the GADDR_H/L hash
table. In promiscuous mode, the Ethernet controller receives all of the incoming frames
regardless of their address when an external CAM is not used.
If an external CAM is used for address recognition (FPSMR[CAM] = 1), the user should
select promiscuous mode; the frame can be rejected if there is no match in the CAM. If the
on-chip address recognition functions detect a match, the external CAM is not accessed.
30.13 Hash Table Algorithm
The hash table process used in the individual and group hash Þltering operates as follows.
The Ethernet controller maps any 48-bit address into one of 64 bins, which are represented
by the 64 bits in GADDR_H/L or IADDR_H/L. When the SET GROUP ADDRESS command
is executed, the Ethernet controller maps the selected 48-bit address in TADDR into one of
the 64 bits. This is performed by passing the 48-bit address through the on-chip 32-bit CRC
generator and using 6 bits of the CRC-encoded result to generate a number between 1 and
64. Bit 26 of the CRC result selects between the two GADDRs or IADDRs; bits 27Ð31 of
the CRC result select which bit is set.
The same process is used when the Ethernet controller receives a frame. If the CRC
generator selects a bit that is set in the group/individual hash table, the frame is accepted;
otherwise, it is rejected. The result is that if eight group addresses are stored in the hash
table and random group addresses are received, the hash table prevents roughly 56/64
(87.5%) of the group address frames from reaching memory. The core must further Þlter
those that reach memory to determine if they contain one of the eight preferred addresses.
Better performance is achieved by using the group and individual hash tables in
combination. For instance, if eight group and eight physical addresses are stored in their
respective hash tables, 87.5% of all frames (not just group address frames) are prevented
from reaching memory.
The effectiveness of the hash table declines as the number of addresses increases. For
instance, with 128 addresses stored in a 64-bin hash table, the vast majority of the hash table
bits are set, preventing only a small fraction of frames from reaching memory. In such
instances, an external CAM is advised if the extra bus use cannot be tolerated. See
Section 30.7, ÒCAM Interface.Ó
30-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The hash tables cannot be used to reject frames that match a set
of selected addresses because unintended addresses can map to
the same bit in the hash table. Thus, an external CAM must be
used to implement this function.
30.14 Interpacket Gap Time
The minimum interpacket gap time for back-to-back transmission is 96 serial clocks. The
receiver receives back-to-back frames with this minimum spacing. In addition, after the
backoff algorithm, the transmitter waits for carrier sense to be negated before retransmitting
the frame. The retransmission begins 96 serial clocks after carrier sense is negated if it stays
negated for at least 60 serial clocks. So if there is no change in the carrier sense indication
during the Þrst 60 serial clocks after the retransmission begins 96 clocks after carrier sense
is Þrst negated
30.15 Handling Collisions
If a collision occurs during frame transmission, the Ethernet controller continues
transmission for at least 32-bit times, transmitting a jam pattern of 32 ones. If the collision
occurs during the preamble sequence, the jam pattern is sent after the sequence ends.
If a collision occurs within 64 byte times, the process is retried. The transmitter waits a
random number of slot times. (A slot time is 512 bit times.) If a collision occurs after 64
byte times, no retransmission is performed, FCCE[TXE] is set, and the buffer is closed with
a late-collision error indication in TxBD[LC]. If a collision occurs during frame reception,
reception is stopped. This error is reported only in the RxBD if the frame is at least as long
as the MINFLR or if FPSMR[RSH] = 1.
30.16 Internal and External Loopback
Both internal and external loopback are supported by the Ethernet controller. In loopback
mode, both receive and transmit FIFO buffers are used and the FCC operates in full-duplex.
Both internal and external loopback are conÞgured using combinations of FPSMR[LPB]
and GFMR[DIAG]. Because of the full-duplex nature of the loopback operation, the
performance of the other FCCs is degraded.
Internal loopback disconnects the FCC from the SI. The receive data is connected to the
transmit data. The transmitted data from the transmit FIFO is received immediately into the
receive FIFO. There is no heartbeat check in this mode.
In external loopback operation, the Ethernet controller listens for data received from the
PHY while it is sending.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.17 Ethernet Error-Handling Procedure
The Ethernet controller reports frame reception and transmission error conditions using the
channel BDs, the error counters, and the FCC event register.
Transmission errors are described in Table 30-6.
Reception errors are described in Table 30-7.
30.18 Fast Ethernet Registers
The following sections describe registers used for conÞguring and operating the Fast
Ethernet controller.
Table 30-6. Transmission Errors
Error Response
Transmitter underrun The controller sends 32 bits that ensure a CRC error, terminates buffer transmission, closes
the buffer, sets TxBD[UN] and FCCE[TXE]. The controller resumes transmission after
receiving the RESTART TRANSMIT command.
Carrier sense lost during
frame transmission
If no collision is detected in the frame, the controller sets TxBD[CSL] and FCCE[TXE], and it
continues the buffer transmission normally. No retries are performed as a result of this error.
attempts limit expired
The controller terminates buffer transmission, closes the buffer, sets TxBD[RL] and
FCCE[TXE]. Transmission resumes after receiving the RESTART TRANSMIT command.
Late collision The controller terminates buffer transmission, closes the buffer, sets TxBD[LC] and
FCCE[TXE]. The controller resumes transmission after receiving the RESTART TRANSMIT
command. Note that late collision parameters are deÞned in FPSMR[LCW].
Table 30-7. Reception Errors
Error Description
Overrun error The Ethernet controller maintains an internal FIFO buffer for receiving data. If a receiver FIFO buffer
overrun occurs, the controller writes the received data byte to the internal FIFO buffer over the
previously received byte. The previous data byte and frame status are lost. The controller closes the
buffer, sets RxBD[OV] and FCCE[RXF], and increments the discarded frame counter (DISFC). The
receiver then enters hunt mode.
Busy error A frame is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers. The controller sets FCCE[BSY] and
increments the discarded frame counter (DISFC).
Non-octet error
(dribbling bits)
The Ethernet controller handles a nibble of dribbling bits when the receive frame terminates as
nonoctet aligned and it checks the CRC of the frame on the last octet boundary. If there is a CRC
error, the frame nonoctet aligned (RxBD[NO]) error is reported, FCCE[RXF] is set, and the
alignment error counter (ALEC) in the parameter RAM is incremented. If there is no CRC error, no
error is reported.
CRC error When a CRC error occurs, the controller closes the buffer, and sets RxBD[CR] and FCCE[RXF].
Also, the CRC error counter (CRCEC) in the parameter RAM is incremented. After receiving a frame
with a CRC error, the receiver enters hunt mode. CRC checking cannot be disabled, but the CRC
error can be ignored if checking is not required.
30-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.18.1 FCC Ethernet Mode Register (FPSMR)
In Ethernet mode, the FCC protocol-speciÞc mode register, shown in Figure 30-5,
functions as the Ethernet mode register.
Table 30-8 describes FPSMR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11304 (FPSMR1), 0x11324 (FPSMR2), 0x11324 (FPSMR3)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11306 (FPSMR1), 0x11326 (FPSMR2), 0x11326 (FPSMR3)
Figure 30-5. FCC Ethernet Mode Registers (FPSMR)
Table 30-8. FPSMR Ethernet Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 HBC Heartbeat checking
0 Heartbeat checking is not performed. Do not wait for a collision after transmission.
1 Wait 40 transmit serial clocks for a collision asserted by the transceiver after transmission.
TxBD[HB] is set if the heartbeat is not heard within 40 transmit serial clocks.
1 FC Force collision
0 Normal operation.
1 The controller forces a collision on transmission of every transmit frame. The MPC8260
should be conÞgured in loopback operation when using this feature, which allows the user to
test the MPC8260 collision logic. It causes the retry limit to be exceeded for each transmit
2 SBT Stop backoff timer
0 The backoff timer functions normally.
1 The backoff timer (for the random wait after a collision) is stopped whenever carrier sense is
active. In this method, the retransmission is less aggressive than the maximum allowed in the
IEEE 802.3 standard. The persistence (P_PER) feature in the parameter RAM can be used in
combination with the SBT bit (or in place of the SBT bit).
3 LPB Local protect bit
0 Receiver is blocked when transmitter sends (default).
1 Receiver is not blocked when transmitter sends. Must be set for full-duplex operation. For
loopback operation, GFMR[DIAG] must be programmed also; see Section 28.2, ÒGeneral
FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx).Ó
4 LCW Late collision window
0 A late collision is any collision that occurs at least 64 bytes from the preamble.
1 A late collision is any collision that occurs at least 56 bytes from the preamble.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-21
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
30.18.2 Ethernet Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)
The FCCE, shown in Figure 30-6, is used as the Ethernet event register when the FCC
functions as an Ethernet controller. It generates interrupts and reports events recognized by
the Ethernet channel. On recognition of an event, the Ethernet controller sets the
corresponding FCCE bit. Interrupts generated by this register can be masked in the Ethernet
mask register (FCCM).
The FCCM has the same bit format as FCCE. Setting an FCCM bit enables and clearing a
bit masks the corresponding interrupt in the FCCE.
The FCCE can be read at any time. Bits are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros does not
5 FDE Full duplex Ethernet
0 Disable full-duplex.
1 Enable full-duplex. Must be set if FSMR[LPB] is set or external loopback is performed.
6 MON RMON mode
0 Disable RMON mode.
1 Enable RMON mode.
7Ð8 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
9 PRO Promiscuous
0 Check the destination address of incoming frames.
1 Receive the frame regardless of its address. A CAM can be used for address Þltering when
FSMR[CAM] is set.
10 FCE Flow control enable
0 Flow control is not enabled.
1 Flow control is enabled.
11 RSH Receive short frames
0 Discard short frames (frames smaller than the value speciÞed in MINFLR).
1 Receive short frames.
12Ð20 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
21 CAM CAM address matching
0 Normal operation.
1 Use the CAM for address matching; CAM result (16 bits) is added at the end of the frame.
22 BRO Broadcast address
0 Receive all frames containing the broadcast address.
1 Reject all frames containing the broadcast address unless FSMR[PRO] = 1.
23 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
24Ð25 CRC CRC selection
0x Reserved.
10 32-bit CCITT-CRC (Ethernet). X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8 + X7 +
X5 + X4 + X2 + X1 +1. Select this to comply with Ethernet speciÞcations.
11 Reserved.
26Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 30-8. FPSMR Ethernet Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
30-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
affect bit values. Unmasked FCCE bits must be cleared before the CP clears the internal
interrupt request.
Table 30-9 describes FCCE/FCCM Þelds.
Figure 30-7 shows interrupts that can be generated in the Ethernet protocol.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11310 (FCCE1), 0x11330 (FCCE2), 0x11350 (FCCE3)/
0x11314 (FCCM1), 0x11334 (FCCM2), 0x11354 (FCCM3)
Figure 30-6. Ethernet Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)
Table 30-9. FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. A graceful stop, initiated by the GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command, is
complete. When the command is issued, GRA is set as soon the transmitter Þnishes sending a frame
in progress. If no frame is in progress, GRA is set immediately.
9 RXC RX control. A control frame has been received (FSMR[FCE] must be set). As soon as the transmitter
Þnishes sending the current frame, a pause operation is performed.
10 TXC TX control. An out-of-sequence frame was sent.
11 TXE Tx error. An error occurred on the transmitter channel.
12 RXF Rx frame. Set when a complete frame is received on the Ethernet channel.
13 BSY Busy condition. Set when a frame is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers.
14 TXB Tx buffer. Set when a buffer has been sent on the Ethernet channel.
15 RXB Rx buffer. A buffer that was not a complete frame is received on the Ethernet channel.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-23
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 30-7. Ethernet Interrupt Events Example
Note that the FCC status register is not valid for the Ethernet protocol. The current state of
the MII signals can be read through the parallel ports.
30.19 Ethernet RxBDs
The Ethernet controller uses the RxBD to report information about the received data for
each buffer. Figure 30-8 shows the FCC Ethernet RxBD format.
Line Idle
Stored in Rx Buffer
Received in Ethernet
Line Idle
Transmitted by Ethernet
Line Idle Line Idle
Stored in Tx Buffer
Ethernet FCCE
1. RXB event assumes receive buffers are 64 bytes each.
2. The RXF interrupt may occur later than RX_DV due to receive FIFO latency.
Ethernet FCCE
1. TXB events assume the frame required two transmit buffers.
2. The GRA event assumes a
command was issued during frame transmission.
P = Preamble, SFD = Start frame delimiter, DA and SA = Destination/Source address,
T/L = Type/Length, D = Data, CR = CRC bytes
30-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 30-10 describes Ethernet RxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 30-8. Fast Ethernet Receive Buffer (RxBD)
Table 30-10. RxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer associated with this RxBD is full or reception terminated due to an error. The core can
examine or read to any Þelds of this RxBD. The CP does not use this BD as long as E = 0.
1 The associated buffer is empty. The RxBD and buffer are owned by the CP. Once E = 1, the core
should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in RxBD table)
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst BD that
RBASE points to in the table. The number of RxBDs in this table is programmable and determined
only by the W bit.
The RxBD table must contain more than one BD in Ethernet mode.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is used.
1 FCCE[RXB] or FCCE[RXF] are set when this buffer is used by the Ethernet controller. These two
bits can cause interrupts if they are enabled.
4 L Last in frame. Set by the Ethernet controller when this buffer is the last in a frame. This implies the
end of the frame or a reception error, in which case one or more of the CL, OV, CR, SH, NO, and LG
bits are set. The Ethernet controller writes the number of frame octets to the data length Þeld.
0 Not the last buffer in a frame.
1 Last buffer in a frame.
5 F First in frame. Set by the Ethernet controller when this buffer is the Þrst in a frame.
0 Not the Þrst buffer in a frame.
1 First buffer in a frame.
6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7 M Miss. Set by the Ethernet controller for frames that are accepted in promiscuous mode, but are
ßagged as a miss by the internal address recognition. Thus, while using promiscuous mode, the user
uses the miss bit to determine quickly whether the frame is destined for this station. Valid only if
RxBD[I] is set.
0 The frame is received because the address is recognized.
1 The frame is received because of promiscuous mode (address is not recognized).
8 BC Broadcast address. Valid only for the last buffer in a frame (RxBD[L] = 1). The received frame address
is the broadcast address.
9 MC Multicast address. Valid only for the last buffer in a frame (RxBD[L] = 1). The received frame address
is a multicast address other than a broadcast address.
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-25
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length is the number of octets the CP writes into this BD data buffer. It is written by
the CP as the buffer is closed. When this BD is the last BD in the frame (RxBD[L] = 1), the
data length contains the total number of frame octets (including four bytes for CRC). Note
that at least as much memory should be allocated for each receive buffer as the size
speciÞed in MRBLR. MRBLR should be divisible by 32 and not less than 64.
The receive buffer pointer, which points to the Þrst location of the associated data buffer,
can reside in internal or external memory. This value must be divisible by 32.
When a received frameÕs data length is an exact multiple of MRBLR, the last BD contains
only the status and total frame length.
Note that at least two BDs must be prepared before beginning reception.
Figure 30-9 shows how RxBDs are used during Ethernet reception.
10 LG Rx frame length violation. A frame length greater than the MFLR (maximum frame length) deÞned for
this FCC is recognized.
11 NO Rx nonoctet aligned frame. A frame that contained a number of bits not divisible by eight is received
and the CRC check at the preceding byte boundary generated an error.
12 SH Short frame. A frame length less than the MINFLR (minimum frame length) deÞned for this channel is
recognized. This indication is possible only if the FPSMR[RSH] = 1.
13 CR Rx CRC error. This frame contains a CRC error.
14 OV Overrun. A receiver overrun occurred during frame reception.
15 CL Collision. This frame is closed because a collision occurred during frame reception. Set only if a late
collision occurs or if FPSMR[RSH] is set. The late collision deÞnition is determined by the setting of
Table 30-10. RxBD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
30-26 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 30-9. Ethernet Receiving Using RxBDs
30.20 Ethernet TxBDs
Data is sent to the Ethernet controller for transmission on an FCC channel by arranging it
in buffers referenced by the channelÕs TxBD table. The Ethernet controller uses TxBDs to
conÞrm transmission or indicate errors so the core knows when buffers have been serviced.
Figure 30-10 shows the FCC Ethernet TxBD format.
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 0
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 1
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 2
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
Receive BD 3
Destination Address (6)
Source Address (6)
Type/Length (2)
CRC Bytes (4)
Tag Byte (1)
Old Data from
64 Bytes
64 Bytes
64 Bytes
64 Bytes
Two Frames
Received in Ethernet Collision
Line Idle
Buffer Full
Buffer Closed
after CRC Received.
Still Empty
MRBLR = 64 Bytes for this FCC
Data Bytes (50)
Optional Tag Byte
Causes Buffer
to be Reused
Frame 2
Collided Frame Will
be Overwritten
Non-Collided Ethernet Frame 1
MOTOROLA Chapter 30. Fast Ethernet Controller 30-27
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 30-11 describes Ethernet TxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data length
Offset + 4 Tx data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 30-10. Fast Ethernet Transmit Buffer (TxBD)
Table 30-11. Ethernet TxBD Field Definitions
Field Name Description
0 The buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission; the user can manipulate this BD
or its associated buffer. The CP clears R after the buffer has been sent or after an error.
1 The buffer is ready to be sent. The buffer is either waiting or in the process of being sent. The
user cannot change Þelds in this BD or its associated buffer once R = 1.
1PAD Short frame padding. Valid only when L = 1; otherwise, it is ignored.
0 Do not add PADs to short frames.
1 Add PADs to short frames. PAD bytes are inserted until the length of the transmitted frame equals
the MINFLR. The PAD bytes are stored in a buffer pointed to by PAD_PTR in the parameter RAM.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 Not the last BD in the TxBD table.
1 Last BD in the TxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst
BD that TBASE points to in the table. The number of TxBDs in this table is programmable and
determined only by the W bit.
The TxBD table must contain more than one BD in Ethernet mode.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 FCCE[TXB] or FCCE[TXE] is set after this buffer is serviced. These bits can cause interrupts if
they are enabled.
0 Not the last buffer in the transmit frame.
1 Last buffer in the current transmit frame.
5TC Tx CRC. Valid only when the L bit is set; otherwise, it is ignored.
0 End transmission immediately after the last data byte.
1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte.
6 DEF Defer indication. This frame did not have a collision before it was sent but it was sent late because of
7 HB Heartbeat. The collision input is not asserted within 40 transmit serial clocks following completion of
transmission. This bit cannot be set unless FPSMR[HBC] = 1. Written by the Ethernet controller after
sending the associated buffer.
8 LC Late collision. A collision occurred after the number of bytes deÞned in FPSMR[LCW] (56 or 64) are
sent. The Ethernet controller terminates the transmission and updates LC after sending the buffer.
9 RL Retransmission limit. The transmitter failed (RET_LIM + 1) attempts to successfully send a message
due to repeated collisions. The Ethernet controller updates RL after sending the buffer.
30-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Data length is the number of octets the Ethernet controller should transmit from this BD
data buffer. This value should be greater than zero. The CP never modiÞes the data length
in a TxBD.
Tx data buffer pointer, which contains the address of the associated data buffer, can be even
or odd. The buffer can reside in internal or external memory. The CP never modiÞes the
buffer pointer.
10Ð13 RC Retry count. Indicates the number of retries required for this frame to be successfully sent. If RC = 0,
the frame is sent correctly the Þrst time. If RC = 15 and RET_LIM = 15 in the parameter RAM, 15
retries were needed. If RC = 15 and RET_LIM > 15, 15 or more retries were needed. The Ethernet
controller updates RC after sending the buffer.
14 UN Underrun. The Ethernet controller encountered a transmitter underrun condition while sending the
associated buffer. The Ethernet controller updates UN after sending the buffer.
15 CSL Carrier sense lost. Carrier sense is lost during frame transmission. The Ethernet controller updates
CSL after sending the buffer.
Table 30-11. Ethernet TxBD Field Definitions (Continued)
Field Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-1
Chapter 31
FCC HDLC Controller
Layer 2 of the seven-layer OSI model is the data link layer (DLL), in which HDLC is one
of the most common protocols. The framing structure of HDLC is shown in Figure 31-1.
HDLC uses a zero insertion/deletion process (commonly known as bit stufÞng) to ensure
that the bit pattern of the delimiter ßag does not occur in the Þelds between ßags. The
HDLC frame is synchronous and therefore relies on the physical layer for a method of
clocking and of synchronizing the transmitter/receiver.
Because the layer 2 frame can be transmitted over a point-to-point link, a broadcast
network, or a packet-and-circuit switched system, an address Þeld is needed for the frame's
destination address. The length of this Þeld is commonly 0, 8, or 16 bits, depending on the
data link layer protocol. For instance, SDLC and LAPB use an 8-bit address and SS#7 has
no address Þeld because it is used always in point-to-point signaling links. LAPD further
divides its 16-bit address into different Þelds to specify various access points within one
device. It also deÞnes a broadcast address. Some HDLC-type protocols also permit
extended addressing beyond 16 bits.
The 8- or 16-bit control Þeld provides a ßow-control number and deÞnes the frame type
(control or data). The exact use and structure of this Þeld depends upon the protocol using
the frame. Data is transmitted in the data Þeld, which can vary in length depending upon
the protocol using the frame. Layer 3 frames are carried in this data Þeld.
Error control is implemented by appending a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) to the frame,
which in most protocols is 16-bits long but can be as long as 32-bits. In HDLC, the lsb of
each octet is transmitted Þrst and the msb of the CRC is transmitted Þrst.
When GFMR[MODE] selects HDLC mode, that FCC functions as an HDLC controller.
When an FCC in HDLC mode is used with a nonmultiplexed modem interface, the FCC
outputs are connected directly to the external pins. Modem signals can be supported
through the appropriate port pins. The receive and transmit clocks can be supplied either
externally or from the bank of baud-rate generators. The HDLC controller can also be
connected to one of the TDM channels of the serial interface and used with the TSA. The
HDLC controller consists of separate transmit and receive sections whose operations are
asynchronous with the core and can either be synchronous or asynchronous with other
FCCs. The user can allocate external buffer descriptors (BDs) for receive and transmit tasks
so many frames can be sent or received without core intervention.
31-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
31.1 Key Features
Key features of the HDLC include the following:
¥ Flexible data buffers with multiple buffers per frame
¥ Separate interrupts for frames and buffers (receive and transmit)
¥ Received frames threshold to reduce interrupt overhead
¥ Four address comparison registers with masks
¥ Maintenance of four 16-bit error counters
¥ Flag/abort/idle generation and detection
¥ Zero insertion/deletion
¥ 16- or 32-bit CRC-CCITT generation/checking
¥ Detection of nonoctet-aligned frames
¥ Detection of frames that are too long
¥ Programmable ßags (0Ð15) between successive frames
¥ External BD table
¥ Up to T3 rate
¥ Support of time stamp mode for Rx frames
¥ Support of nibble mode HDLC (4 bits per clocks)
31.2 HDLC Channel Frame Transmission Processing
The HDLC transmitter is designed to work with almost no core intervention. When the core
enables a transmitter, it starts sending ßags or idles as programmed in the HDLC mode
register (FPSMR). The HDLC controller polls the Þrst BD in the transmit channel BD table.
When there is a frame to transmit, the HDLC controller fetches the data (address, control,
and information) from the Þrst buffer and begins sending the frame after Þrst inserting the
user-speciÞed minimum number of ßags between frames. When the end of the current
buffer is reached and TxBD[L] (last buffer in frame) is set, the FCC appends the CRC (if
selected) and closing ßag. In HDLC, the lsb of each octet and the msb of the CRC are sent
Þrst. Figure 31-1 shows a typical HDLC frame.
Figure 31-1. HDLC Framing Structure
After the closing ßag is sent, the HDLC controller writes the frame status bits into the BD
and clears the R bit. When the end of the current BD is reached and the L (last) bit is not
set (working in multibuffer mode), only the R bit is cleared. In either mode, an interrupt can
be issued if the I bit in the TxBD is set. The HDLC controller then proceeds to the next
TxBD in the table. In this way, the core can be interrupted after each buffer, after a speciÞc
buffer, after each frame, or after a number of frames.
Opening Flag Address Control Information (Optional) CRC Closing Flag
8 Bits 16 Bits 8 Bits 8n Bits 16 Bits 8 Bits
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
To rearrange the transmit queue before the CP has sent all buffers, issue the STOP TRANSMIT
command. This can be useful for sending expedited data before previously linked buffers
or for error situations. When receiving the STOP TRANSMIT command, the HDLC controller
aborts the current frame transmission and starts transmitting idles or ßags. When the HDLC
controller is given the RESTART TRANSMIT command, it resumes transmission. To insert a
high-priority frame without aborting the current frame, the GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT
command can be issued. A special interrupt (GRA) can be generated in the event register
when the current frame is complete.
31.3 HDLC Channel Frame Reception Processing
The HDLC receiver is designed to work with almost no core intervention and can perform
address recognition, CRC checking, and maximum frame length checking. The received
frame is available for any HDLC-based protocol. When the core enables a receiver, the
receiver waits for an opening ßag character. When it detects the Þrst byte of the frame, the
HDLC controller compares the frame address against the user-programmable addresses.
The user has four 16-bit address registers and an address mask available for address
matching. The HDLC controller compares the received address Þeld to the user-deÞned
values after masking with the address mask. The HDLC controller can also detect broadcast
(all ones) address frames if one address register is written with all ones.
If a match is detected, the HDLC controller checks the prefetched BD; if it is empty, it starts
transferring the incoming frame to the BDÕs associated buffer. When the buffer is full, the
HDLC controller clears BD[E] and generates an interrupt if BD[I] = 1. If the incoming
frame is larger than the buffer, the HDLC controller fetches the next BD in the table and, if
it is empty, continues transferring the frame to the associated buffer.
During this process, the HDLC controller checks for frames that are too long. When the
frame ends, the CRC Þeld is checked against the recalculated value and written to the
buffer. The data length written to the last BD in the HDLC frame is the length of the entire
frame. This enables HDLC protocols that lose frames to correctly recognize a frame-too-
long condition.
The HDLC controller then sets the last buffer in frame bit, writes the frame status bits into
the BD, and clears the E bit and fetched the next BD. The HDLC controller then generates
a maskable interrupt, indicating that a frame was received and is in memory. The HDLC
controller then waits for a new frame. Back-to-back frames can be received separated only
by a single shared ßag.
The user can conÞgure the HDLC controller not to interrupt the core until a speciÞed
number of frames have been received. This is conÞgured in the received frames threshold
(RFTHR) location of the parameter RAM. This function can be combined with a timer to
implement a time-out if fewer than the threshold number of frames are received.
31-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
31.4 HDLC Parameter RAM
When an FCC operates in HDLC mode, the protocol-speciÞc area of the FCC parameter
RAM is mapped with the HDLC-speciÞc parameters in Table 31-1.
Table 31-1. FCC HDLC-Specific Parameter RAM Memory Map
1Offset from FCC base: 0x8400 (FCC1), 0x8500 (FCC2) and 0x8600 (FCC3); see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó
Name Width Description
0x38 Ñ 3 Words Reserved
0x44 C_MASK Word CRC constant. For the 16-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize C_MASK to 0x0000_F0B8. For the
32-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize C_MASK to 0xDEBB_20E3.
0x48 C_PRES Word CRC preset. For the 16-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize C_PRES to 0x0000_FFFF. For the
32-bit CRC-CCITT, initialize C_PRES to 0xFFFF_FFFF.
2DISFC, CRCEC, ABTSC, and NMARCÑThese 16-bit (modulo 216) counters are maintained by the CP. The user can
initialize them while the channel is disabled.
Hword Discard frame counter. Counts error-free frames discarded due to lack of buffers.
0x4E CRCEC2Hword CRC error counter. Counts frames not addressed to the user or frames received in the
BSY condition, but does not include overrun, CD lost, or abort errors.
0x50 ABTSC2Hword Abort sequence counter
0x52 NMARC2Hword Nonmatching address Rx counter. Counts nonmatching addresses received (error-free
frames only). See the HMASK and HADDR[1Ð4] parameter description.
0x54 MAX_CNT Word Max_length counter. Temporary decrementing counter that tracks frame length.
0x58 MFLR Hword Max frame length register. If the HDLC controller detects an incoming HDLC frame that
exceeds the user-deÞned value in MFLR, the rest of the frame is discarded and the LG
(Rx frame too long) bit is set in the last BD belonging to that frame. The HDLC controller
waits for the end of the frame and then reports the frame status and length in the last
RxBD. MFLR includes all in-frame bytes between the opening and closing ßags (address,
control, data, and CRC).
0x5A RFTHR Hword Received frames threshold. Used to reduce the interrupt overhead that might otherwise
occur when a series of short HDLC frames arrives, each causing an RXF interrupt. By
programming RFTHR, the user lowers the frequency of RXF interrupts, which occur only
when the RFTHR value is reached. Note that the user should provide enough empty
RxBDs to receive the number of frames speciÞed in RFTHR.
0x5C RFCNT Hword Received frames count. A decrementing counter used to implement this feature. Initialize
this counter with RFTHR.
0x5E HMASK Hword HMASK and HADDR[1Ð4]. The HDLC controller reads the frame address from the HDLC
receiver, checks it against the four address register values, and masks the result with
HMASK. In HMASK, a 1 represents a bit position for which address comparison should
occur; 0 represents a masked bit position. When addresses match, the address and
subsequent data are written into the buffers. When addresses do not match and the
frame is error-free, the nonmatching address received counter (NMARC) is incremented.
Note that for 8-bit addresses, mask out (clear) the eight high-order bits in HMASK. The
eight low-order bits and HADDRx should contain the address byte that immediately
follows the opening ßag. For example, to recognize a frame that begins 0x7E (ßag), 0x68,
0xAA, using 16-bit address recognition, HADDRx should contain 0xAA68 and HMASK
should contain 0xFFFF. See Figure 31-2.
0x60 HADDR1 Hword
0x62 HADDR2 Hword
0x64 HADDR3 Hword
0x66 HADDR4 Hword
0x68 TS_TMP Hword Temporary storage
0x6A TMP_MB Hword Temporary storage
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 31-2 shows an example of using HMASK and HADDR[1Ð4].
Figure 31-2. HDLC Address Recognition Example
31.5 Programming Model
The core conÞgures each FCC to operate in the protocol speciÞed in GFMR[MODE]. The
HDLC controller uses the same data structure as other modes. This data structure supports
multibuffer operation and address comparisons.
31.5.1 HDLC Command Set
The transmit and receive commands are issued to the CPCR; see Section 13.4, ÒCommand
Table 31-2 describes the transmit commands that apply to the HDLC controller.
Table 31-2. Transmit Commands
Command Description
After the hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in the FCC mode register, the
channel is in transmit enable mode and starts polling the Þrst BD in the table every 256 transmit clocks
(immediately if TODR[TOD] = 1). STOP TRANSMIT command disables the transmission of frames on the
transmit channel. If this command is received by the HDLC controller during frame transmission,
transmission is aborted after a maximum of 64 additional bits are sent and the transmit FIFO buffer is
ßushed. The TBPTR is not advanced, no new BD is accessed, and no new frames are sent for this
channel. The transmitter sends an abort sequence consisting of 0x7F (if the command was given
during frame transmission) and begins sending ßags or idles, as indicated by the HDLC mode register.
Note that if FPSMR[MFF] = 1, one or more small frames can be ßushed from the transmit FIFO buffer.
The GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command can be used to avoid this.
Used to stop transmission smoothly rather than abruptly, as performed by the regular STOP TRANSMIT
command. It stops transmission after the current frame Þnishes sending or immediately if no frame is
being sent. FCCE[GRA] is set once transmission has stopped. Then the HDLC transmit parameters
(including BDs) can be modiÞed. The TBPTR points to the next TxBD in the table. Transmission begins
once the R bit of the next BD is set and the RESTART TRANSMIT command is issued.
8-Bit Address Recognition
0xAA etc.
16-Bit Address Recognition
0x7E etc.
Recognizes one 16-bit address (HADDR1) and
the 16-bit broadcast address (HADDR2)
Recognizes one 8-bit address (HADDR1)
31-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 31-3 describes the receive commands that apply to the HDLC controller.
31.5.2 HDLC Error Handling
The HDLC controller reports frame reception and transmission error conditions using the
channel BDs, error counters, and HDLC event register (FCCE). Table 31-4 describes
HDLC transmission errors, which are reported through the TxBD.
Enables character transmission on the transmit channel. This command is expected by the HDLC
controller after a STOP TRANSMIT command, after a STOP TRANSMIT command is issued and the channel
in its FCC mode register is disabled, after a GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT command, or after a transmitter
error (underrun or CTS lost with no automatic frame retransmission). The HDLC controller resumes
sending from the current TBPTR in the channel TxBD table.
Initializes all transmit parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to their reset state. This
command should only be issued when the transmitter is disabled. Notice that the INIT TX AND RX
PARAMETERS command can also be used to reset the transmit and receive parameters.
Table 31-3. Receive Commands
Command Description
After the hardware or software is reset and the channel is enabled in the FCC mode register, the
channel is in receive enable mode and uses the Þrst BD in the table. The ENTER HUNT MODE
command is generally used to force the HDLC receiver to abort reception of the current frame and
enter the hunt mode. In hunt mode, the HDLC controller continually scans the input data stream for
the ßag sequence. After receiving the command, the current receive buffer is closed and the CRC is
reset. Further frame reception uses the next BD.
Initializes all the receive parameters in this serial channel parameter RAM to their reset state and
should be issued only when the receiver is disabled. Notice that the INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS
command resets both receive and transmit parameters.
Table 31-4. HDLC Transmission Errors
Error Description
When this error occurs, the channel terminates buffer transmission, closes the buffer, sets the
underrun (U) bit in the BD, and generates the TXE interrupt if it is enabled. The channel resumes
transmission after receiving the RESTART TRANSMIT command.
CTS Lost
during Frame
When this error occurs, the channel terminates buffer transmission, closes the buffer, sets TxBD[CT],
and generates a TXE interrupt (if it is enabled). The channel resumes transmission after receiving
Table 31-2. Transmit Commands (Continued)
Command Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 31-5 describes HDLC reception errors, which are reported through the RxBD.
31.6 HDLC Mode Register (FPSMR)
When an FCC is conÞgured for HDLC mode, the FPSMR is used as the HDLC mode
register, shown in Figure 31-3.
Table 31-5. HDLC Reception Errors
Error Description
Overrun Error The HDLC controller maintains an internal FIFO buffer for receiving data. The CP begins
programming the SDMA channel and updating the CRC whenever data is received in the FIFO buffer.
When a receive FIFO overrun occurs, the channel writes the received data byte to the internal FIFO
buffer over the previously received byte. The previous byte and the frame status are lost. The channel
closes the buffer with RxBD[OV] set and generates the RXF interrupt if it is enabled. The receiver then
enters hunt mode. Even if the overrun occurs during a frame whose address is not matched in the
address recognition logic, an RxBD with data length two is opened to report the overrun and the RXF
interrupt is generated if it is enabled.
CD Lost
During Frame
When this error occurs, the channel terminates frame reception, closes the buffer, sets RxBD[CD],
and generates the RXF interrupt if it is enabled. This error has highest priority. The rest of the frame is
lost and other errors are not checked in that frame. At this point, the receiver enters hunt mode.
The HDLC controller detects an abort sequence when seven or more consecutive ones are received.
When this error occurs and the HDLC controller receives a frame, the channel closes the buffer by
setting RxBD[AB] and generates the RXF interrupt (if enabled). The channel also increments the abort
sequence counter. The CRC and nonoctet error status conditions are not checked on aborted frames.
The receiver then enters hunt mode. When an abort sequence is received, the user is given no
indication that an HDLC controller is not currently receiving a frame.
Aligned Frame
When this error occurs, the channel writes the received data to the data buffer, closes the buffer, sets
the Rx nonoctet aligned frame bit RxBD[NO], and generates the RXF interrupt (if it is enabled). The
CRC error status should be disregarded on nonoctet frames. After a nonoctet aligned frame is
received, the receiver enters hunt mode. An immediate back-to-back frame is still received. The
nonoctet data portion may be derived from the last byte in the buffer by Þnding the least-signiÞcant set
bit, which marks the end of valid data as follows:
msb lsb
Valid data 1000
CRC Error When this error occurs, the channel writes the received CRC to the data buffer, closes the buffer, sets
RxBD[CR], and generates the RXF interrupt (if it is enabled). The channel also increments the CRC
error counter. After receiving a frame with a CRC error, the receiver enters hunt mode. An immediate
back-to-back frame is still received. CRC checking cannot be disabled, but the CRC error can be
ignored if checking is not required.
31-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The FPSMR Þelds are described in Table 31-6.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11304 (FPSMR1), 0x11324 (FPSMR2), 0x11324 (FPSMR3)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11306 (FPSMR1), 0x11326 (FPSMR2), 0x11326 (FPSMR3)
Figure 31-3. HDLC Mode Register (FPSMR)
Table 31-6. FPSMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð3 NOF Number of ßags. Minimum number of ßags between or before frames (0Ð15 ßags). If NOF = 0000, no
ßags are inserted between the frames. Thus, for back-to-back frames, the closing ßag of one frame is
immediately followed by the opening ßag of the next frame.
4 FSE Flag sharing enable. This bit is valid only if GFMR[RTSM] is set.
0 Normal operation
1 If NOF = 0000, a single shared ßag is transmitted between back-to-back frames. Other values of
NOF are decremented by 1 when FSE is set. This is useful in signaling system #7 applications.
5 MFF Multiple Frames in FIFO
0 Normal operation. The transmit FIFO buffer must never contain more than one HDLC frame. The
CTS lost status is reported accurately on a per-frame basis. The receiver is not affected by this bit.
1 The transmit FIFO buffer can contain multiple frames, but lost CTS is not guaranteed to be
reported on the exact buffer/frame it occurred on. This option, however, can improve the
performance of HDLC transmissions for small back-to-back frames or if the user prefers to
strongly limit the number of ßags sent between frames. MFF does not affect the receiver.
7Ð8 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
9 TS Time stamp
0 Normal operation.
1 A 32-bit time stamp is added at the beginning of the receive BD data buffer, thus the buffer pointer
must be (32-byte aligned - 4). The BDÕs data length does not include the time stamp. See
Section 13.3.7, ÒRISC Time-Stamp Control Register (RTSCR).Ó
10Ð15 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
16 NBL 0 nibble mode disabled (1 bit of data per clock).
1 nibble mode (4 bits of data per clock).
17Ð23 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
31.7 HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
The HDLC controller uses the RxBD to report on data received for each buffer. Figure 31-4
shows an example of the RxBD process.
24-25 CRC CRC selection
00 16-bit CCITT-CRC (HDLC). X16 + X12 + X5 + 1
01 Reserved
10 32-bit CCITT-CRC (Ethernet and HDLC). X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + X8
+ X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X1 +1
11 Reserved
26Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 31-6. FPSMR Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
31-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 31-4. FCC HDLC Receiving Using RxBDs
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
RxBD 0
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
RxBD 1
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
RxBD 2
32-Bit Buffer Pointer
RxBD 3
Address 1
Address 2
Control Byte
CRC Byte 1
CRC Byte 2
Address 1
Address 2
Control Byte
32 Bytes
32 Bytes
32 Bytes
32 Bytes
Two Frames
Received in HDLC
Unexpected Abort
Stored in Rx Buffer
Line Idle
Occurs before
Stored in Rx Buffer
Buffer Full
Buffer Closed
When Closing Flag
Still Empty
MRBLR = 32 Bytes for this FCC
Last I-Field Byte
(I-Field) Bytes
Abort was
Received after
Control Byte
Closing Flag
F = Flag
A = Address Byte
C = Control Byte
I = Information Byte
CR = CRC Byte
. . .
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 31-5 shows the FCC HDLC RxBD.
Table 31-7 describes RxBD Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 31-5. FCC HDLC Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Table 31-7. RxBD field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full with received data or data reception stopped because of an error. The core can
read or write to any Þelds of this RxBD. The CP does not use this BD while E = 0.
1 The buffer associated with this BD is empty. This RxBD and its associated receive buffer are
owned by the CP. Once E is set, the core should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 Not the last BD in the RxBD table.
1 Last BD in the RxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data into the Þrst
BD that RBASE points to in the table. The number of RxBDs in this table is programmable and is
determined only by the W bit and the overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
The RxBD table must contain more than one BD in HDLC mode.
0 The RXB bit is not set after this buffer is used, but RXF operation remains unaffected.
1 FCCE[RXB] or FCCE[RXF] is set when the HDLC controller uses this buffer. These two bits can
cause interrupts if they are enabled.
4 L Last in frame. Set by the HDLC controller when this buffer is the last one in a frame. This implies the
reception of a closing ßag or reception of an error, in which case one or more of the CD, OV, AB, and
LG bits are set. The HDLC controller writes the number of frame octets to the data length Þeld.
0 Not the last buffer in a frame.
1 Last buffer in a frame.
5 F First in frame. Set by the HDLC controller when this buffer is the Þrst in a frame.
0 Not the Þrst buffer in a frame.
1 First buffer in a frame.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The E bit is not cleared by the CP after this BD is closed, allowing the associated data buffer to be
automatically overwritten the next time the CP accesses this BD. However, the E bit is cleared if
an error occurs during reception, regardless of the CM bit.
7Ð9 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
10 LG Rx frame length violation. A frame length greater than the maximum deÞned for this channel is
recognized, and only the maximum-allowed number of bytes (MFLR) is written to the data buffer. This
event is not reported until the RxBD is closed, the RXF bit is set, and the closing ßag is received. The
number of bytes received between ßags is written to the data length Þeld of this BD.
31-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The RxBD status bits are written by the HDLC controller after receiving the associated data
The remaining RxBD parameters are as follows:
¥ Data length is the number of octets the CP writes into this BDÕs data buffer. It is
written by the CP once the BD is closed. When this is the last BD in the frame (L =
1), this Þeld contains the total number of frame octets, including 2 or 4 bytes for
CRC. The memory allocated for this buffer should be no smaller than the MRBLR
¥ Rx data buffer pointer. The receive buffer pointer, which always points to the Þrst
location of the associated data buffer, resides in internal or external memory and
must be divisible by 32 unless FPSMR[TS] = 1 (see Table 31-6).
31.8 HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Data is presented to the HDLC controller for transmission on an FCC channel by arranging
it in buffers referenced by the channel TxBD table. The HDLC controller conÞrms
transmission (or indicates errors) using the BDs to inform the core that the buffers have
been serviced. Figure 31-6 shows the FCC HDLC TxBD.
11 NO Rx nonoctet-aligned frame. Set when a received frame contains a number of bits not divisible by
12 AB Rx abort sequence. At least seven consecutive 1s are received during frame reception.
13 CR Rx CRC error. This frame contains a CRC error. Received CRC bytes are written to the receive
14 OV Overrun. A receiver overrun occurs during frame reception.
15 CD Carrier detect lost. CD has negated during frame reception. This bit is valid only for NMSI mode.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Data Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 31-6. FCC HDLC Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Table 31-7. RxBD field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 31-8 describes HDLC TxBD Þelds.
The TxBD status bits are written by the HDLC controller after sending the associated data
Table 31-8. HDLC TxBD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer associated with this BD is not ready for transmission. The user can manipulate this
BD or its associated buffer. The CP clears R after the buffer has been sent or an error occurs.
1 The buffer is ready to be sent. The transmission may have begun, but it has not completed. The
user cannot set Þelds in this BD once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (Þnal BD in table)
0 Not the last BD in the TxBD table.
1 Last BD in the TxBD table. After this buffer has been used, the CP sends data from the Þrst BD
that TBASE points to in the table. The number of TxBDs in this table is determined only by the
W bit and the overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 Either FCCE[TXB] or FCCE[TXE] is set when this buffer is serviced by the HDLC controller.
These bits can cause interrupts if they are enabled.
0 Not the last buffer in the frame.
1 Last buffer in the current frame.
5TC Tx CRC.Valid only when the L bit is set. Otherwise, it is ignored.
0 Transmit the closing ßag after the last data byte. This setting can be used to send a bad CRC
after the data for testing purposes.
1 Transmit the CRC sequence after the last data byte.
6CM Continuous mode
0 Normal operation.
1 The R bit is not cleared by the CP after this BD is closed, allowing the buffer to be retransmitted
automatically the next time the CP accesses this BD. However, the R bit is cleared if an error
occurs during transmission, regardless of the CM bit.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 UN Underrun. The HDLC controller encounters a transmitter underrun condition while sending the
buffer. The HDLC controller writes UN after sending the buffer.
15 CT CTS lost. Set when CTS is lost during frame transmission in NMSI mode. If data from more than
one buffer is in the FIFO buffer when this error occurs, CT is set in the currently open TxBD. The
HDLC controller writes CT after sending the buffer.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The remaining TxBD parameters are as follows:
¥ Data length is the number of bytes the HDLC controller should transmit from this
data buffer; it is never modiÞed by the CP. The value of this Þeld should be greater
than zero.
¥ Tx data buffer pointer. The transmit buffer pointer, which contains the address of the
associated data buffer, can be even or odd. The buffer can reside in internal or
external memory. This value is never modiÞed by the CP.
31.9 HDLC Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register
The FCCE is used as the HDLC event register when the FCC operates as an HDLC
controller. The FCCE reports events recognized by the HDLC channel and generates
interrupts. On recognition of an event, the HDLC controller sets the corresponding FCCE
bit. FCCE bits are cleared by writing ones; writing zeros does not affect bit values. All
unmasked bits must be cleared before the CP clears the internal interrupt request.
Interrupts generated by the FCCE can be masked in the HDLC mask register (FCCM),
which has the same bit format as FCCE. If an FCCM bit = 1, the corresponding interrupt
in the event register is enabled. If the bit is 0, the interrupt is masked.
Table 31-9 describes FCCE/FCCM Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11310 (FCCE1), 0x11330 (FCCE2), 0x11350 (FCCE3)/
0x11314 (FCCM1), 0x11334 (FCCM2), 0x11354 (FCCM3)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x11312 (FCCE1), 0x11332 (FCCE2), 0x11352 (FCCE3)/
0x11316 (FCCM1), 0x11336 (FCCM2), 0x11356 (FCCM3)
Figure 31-7. HDLC Event Register (FCCE)/Mask Register (FCCM)
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 31-8 shows interrupts that can be generated in the HDLC protocol.
Table 31-9. FCCE/FCCM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
8 GRA Graceful stop complete. A graceful stop, which was initiated by the GRACEFUL STOP TRANSMIT
command, is now complete. GRA is set as soon as the transmitter Þnishes transmitting any frame
that is in progress when the command was issued. It is set immediately if no frame is in progress
when the command is issued.
9Ð10 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
11 TXE Tx error. An error (CTS lost or underrun) occurs on the transmitter channel.
12 RXF Rx frame. A complete frame is received on the HDLC channel. This bit is set no sooner than two
clocks after receipt of the last bit of the closing ßag.
13 BSY Busy condition. A frame is received and discarded due to a lack of buffers.
14 TXB Transmit buffer. A buffer is sent on the HDLC channel. TXB is set no sooner than when the last bit
of the closing ßag begins its transmission if the buffer is the last one in the frame. Otherwise, TXB
is set after the last byte of the buffer is written to the transmit FIFO buffer.
15 RXB Receive buffer. A buffer that is not a complete frame is received on the HDLC channel.
16Ð21 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
22 FLG Flag status changed. The HDLC controller stops or starts receiving HDLC ßags. The real-time
status can be obtained in FCCS; see Section 31.10, ÒFCC Status Register (FCCS).Ó
23 IDL Idle sequence status changed. A change in the status of the serial line is detected on the HDLC
line. The real-time status can be read in FCCS; see Section 31.10, ÒFCC Status Register (FCCS).Ó
24Ð31 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 31-8. HDLC Interrupt Event Example
31.10 FCC Status Register (FCCS)
The FCCS register, shown in Figure 31-9, allows the user to monitor real-time status
conditions on the RXD line. The real-time status of the CTS and CD signals are part of the
parallel I/O port; see Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports.Ó
Field Ñ FG Ñ ID
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11318 (FCCS1), 0x11338 (FCCS2), 0x11358 (FCCS3)
Figure 31-9. FCC Status Register (FCCS)
Line Idle
Stored in Rx Buffer
Received by HDLC
Line Idle
Transmitted by HDLC
Line Idle Line Idle
Stored in Tx Buffer
1. RXB event assumes receive buffers are 6 bytes each.
2. The second IDL event occurs after 15 ones are received in a row.
3. The FLG interrupts show the beginning and end of flag reception.
4. The FLG interrupt at the end of the frame may precede the RXF interrupt due to receive FIFO latency.
5. The CD event must be programmed in the parallel I/O port, not in the FCC itself.
1. TXB event shown assumes all three bytes were put into a single buffer.
2. Example shows one additional opening flag. This is programmable.
6. F = flag, A = address byte, C = control byte, I = information byte, and CR = CRC byte
3. The CT event must be programmed in the parallel I/O port, not in the FCC itself.
MOTOROLA Chapter 31. FCC HDLC Controller 31-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 31-10 describes FCCS bits.
Table 31-10. FCCS Register Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 FG Flags. While FG is cleared, each time a new bit is received the most recently received 8 bits are
examined to see if a ßag is present. FG is set as soon as an HDLC ßag (0x7E) is received on the line.
Once FG is set, it remains set at least 8 bit times while the next 8 bits of input data are examined. If
another ßag occurs, FG stays set for at least another eight bits. Otherwise, FG is cleared and the
search begins again.
0 HDLC ßags are not currently being received.
1 HDLC ßags are currently being received.
6 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
7 ID Idle status. ID is set when the RXD signal is a logic one for 15 or more consecutive bit times; it is
cleared after a logic zero is received.
0 The line is busy.
1 The line is idle.
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MOTOROLA Chapter 32. FCC Transparent Controller 32-1
Chapter 32
FCC Transparent Controller
The FCC transparent controller functions as a high-speed serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-
serial converter. Transparent mode provides a clear channel on which the FCC performs no
bit-level manipulationÑimplementing higher-level protocols would require software.
Transparent mode is also referred to as a totally transparent or promiscuous operation.
Basic applications for an FCC in transparent mode include the following:
¥ For data, such as voice, moving serially without the need for protocol processing
¥ For board-level applications, such as chip-to-chip communications, requiring a
serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial conversion
¥ For applications requiring the switching of data paths without altering the protocol
encoding itself, such as a multiplexer in which data from a high-speed TDM serial
stream is divided into multiple low-speed data streams
An FCC transmitter and receiver can be programmed in transparent mode independently.
Setting GFMRx[TTx] enables the transparent transmitter; setting GFMRx[TRx] enables
the transparent receiver. Both bits must be set for full-duplex transparent operation. If only
one bit is set, the other half of the FCC operates with the protocol programmed in
GFMRx[MODE]. This allows loopback modes to transfer data from one memory location
to another (using DMA) while the data is converted to a speciÞc serial format. However,
the Ethernet and ATM controllers cannot be split in this way. See Section 28.2, ÒGeneral
FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx).Ó
The FCC in transparent mode can work with the TSA or NMSI and support modem lines
using the general-purpose I/O signals. The data can be transmitted and received with msb
or lsb Þrst in each octet. The FCC consists of separate transmit and receive sections whose
operations are asynchronous with the core and can either be synchronous or asynchronous
with respect to the other FCCs. Each clock can be supplied from the internal BRG bank or
external signals.
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32.1 Features
The following is a list of the transparent controllerÕs important features:
¥ Flexible data buffers
¥ Automatic SYNC detection on receive
Ñ 16-bit pattern
Ñ 8-bit pattern
Ñ Automatic sync (always synchronized)
Ñ External sync signal support
¥ CRCs can optionally be transmitted and received
¥ Reverse data mode
¥ Another protocol can be performed on the FCCÕs other half (transmitter or receiver)
during transparent mode
¥ External BD table
32.2 Transparent Channel Operation
The transparent transmitter and receiver operates in the same way as the HDLC controller
of the FCC (see Chapter 31, ÒFCC HDLC ControllerÓ) except in the following ways:
1. The FPSMR does not affect the transparent controller, only the GFMR does.
2. In Table 31-1, MFLR, HMASK, RFTHR, and RFCNT must be cleared for proper
operation of the transparent receiver.
3. Transmitter synchronization has to be achieved using CTS before the transmitter
begins sending; see Section 32.3, ÒAchieving Synchronization in Transparent
32.3 Achieving Synchronization in Transparent Mode
Once the FCC transmitter is enabled for transparent operation in the GFMR, the TxBD is
prepared for the FCC, and the transmit FIFO is preloaded by the SDMA channel, another
process must occur before data can be transmitted. It is called transmit synchronization.
Similarly, once the FCC receiver is enabled for transparent operation in the GFMR and the
RxBD is made empty for the FCC, receive synchronization must occur before data can be
received. The synchronization process gives the user bit-level control of when the
transmission and reception begins. The methods for this are as follows:
¥ An in-line synchronization pattern
¥ External synchronization signals
¥ Automatic sync
MOTOROLA Chapter 32. FCC Transparent Controller 32-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
32.3.1 In-Line Synchronization Pattern
The transparent channel can be programmed to transmit and receive a synchronization
pattern if GFMR[SYNL] ¹ 0; see Section 28.2, ÒGeneral FCC Mode Registers (GFMRx).Ó
The pattern is deÞned in the FDSR; see Section 28.4, ÒFCC Data Synchronization Registers
(FDSRx).Ó GFMR[SYNL] deÞnes the SYNC pattern length. The synchronization pattern
is shown in Figure 32-1.
The receiver synchronizes on the synchronization pattern located in the FDSR. For
instance, if an 8-bit SYNC is selected, reception begins as soon as these eight bits are
received, beginning with the Þrst bit following the 8-bit SYNC. This effectively links the
transmitter synchronization to the receiver synchronization.
32.3.2 External Synchronization Signals
If GFMR[SYNL] = 00, an external signal is used to begin the sequence. CTS is used for the
transmitter and CD is used for the receiver; these signals share the following sampling
¥ The pulse option determines whether CD or CTS need to only be asserted once to
begin reception/transmission or whether they must be asserted and stay that way for
the duration of the transparent frame. This is controlled by the CDP and CTSP bits
of the GFMR. If the user expects a continuous stream of data without interruption,
then the pulse operation should be used. However, if the user is trying to identify
frames of transparent data, the envelope mode of the these signals should be used.
¥ The sampling option determines the delay between CD and CTS being asserted and
the resulting action by the FCC. These signals can be assumed to be asynchronous
to the data and then internally synchronized by the FCC, or they can be assumed to
be synchronous to the data giving faster operation. This option allows the RTS of one
FCC to be connected to the CD of another FCC (on another MPC8260) and to have
the data synchronized and bit aligned. It is also an option to link the transmitter
synchronization to the receiver synchronization.
Diagrams for the pulse/envelope and sampling options are in Section 28.11, ÒFCC Timing
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field 8-Bit Sync Pattern Ñ
Field 16-Bit Sync Pattern
Figure 32-1. In-Line Synchronization Pattern
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
32.3.3 Transparent Synchronization Example
Figure 32-2 shows an example of synchronization using external signals.
Figure 32-2. Sending Transparent Frames between MPC8260s
MPC8260(A) and MPC8260(B) exchange transparent frames and synchronize each other
using RTS and CD. However, CTS is not required because transmission begins at any time.
Thus, RTS is connected directly to the other MPC8260Õs CD. GFMR[SYNL] is not used
and transmission and reception from each MPC8260 are independent.
Last Bit of Frame Data
First Bit of Frame Data
(Output is CLKx Input)
(Output is RXD Input)
(Output is CD Input) or CRC
TxBD[L] = 1 Causes Negation of RTS
CD Lost Condition Terminates Reception of Frame
MPC8260 A MPC8260 B
1. Each MPC8260 generates its own transmit clocks. If the transmit and receive clocks are the same, one can
generate transmit and receive clocks for the other MPC8260. For example, CLKx on MPC8260 (B) could be used to
clock the transmitter and receiver.
2. CTS should be conÞgured as always asserted in the parallel I/O port or connected to ground externally.
3. The required GSMR conÞgurations are DIAG= 00, CTSS=1, CTSP is a donÕt care, CDS=1, CDP=0, TTX=1, and
TRX=1. REVD and TCRC are application-dependent.
4. The transparent frame contains a CRC if TxBD[TC] is set.
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-1
Chapter 33
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
The serial peripheral interface (SPI) allows the MPC8260 to exchange data between other
MPC8260 chips, the MPC860, the MC68360, the MC68302, the M68HC11 and M68HC05
microcontroller families, and peripheral devices such as EEPROMs, real-time clocks, A/D
converters, and ISDN devices.
The SPI is a full-duplex, synchronous, character-oriented channel that supports a four-wire
interface (receive, transmit, clock and slave select). The SPI block consists of transmitter
and receiver sections, an independent baud-rate generator, and a control unit. The
transmitter and receiver sections use the same clock, which is derived from the SPI baud
rate generator in master mode and generated externally in slave mode. During an SPI
transfer, data is sent and received simultaneously.
Because the SPI receiver and transmitter are double-buffered, as shown in Figure 33-1, the
effective FIFO size (latency) is 2 characters. The SPIÕs msb is shifted out Þrst. When the
SPI is disabled in the SPI mode register (SPMODE[EN] = 0), it consumes little power.
Figure 33-1. SPI Block Diagram
SPI Mode Register Transmit_Register Receive_Register
Counter Shift_Register
60x Bus Peripheral Bus
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
33.1 Features
The following is a list of the SPIÕs main features:
¥ Four-signal interface (SPIMOSI, SPIMISO, SPICLK, and SPISEL) multiplexed
with Port B signals
¥ Full-duplex operation
¥ Works with data characters from 4 to 16 bits long
¥ Supports back-to-back character transmission and reception
¥ Master or slave SPI modes supported
¥ Multimaster environment support
¥ Continuous transfer mode for automatic scanning of a peripheral
¥ Supports maximum clock rates of 25 in master mode and 50 MHz in slave mode,
assuming a 100-MHz system clock
¥ Independent programmable baud rate generator
¥ Programmable clock phase and polarity
¥ Open-drain outputs support multimaster conÞguration
¥ Local loopback capability for testing
33.2 SPI Clocking and Signal Functions
The SPI can be conÞgured as a slave or as a master in single- or multiple-master
environments. The master SPI generates the transfer clock SPICLK using the SPI baud rate
generator (BRG). The SPI BRG takes its input from BRGCLK, which is generated in the
MPC8260 clock synthesizer.
SPICLK is a gated clock, active only during data transfers. Four combinations of SPICLK
phase and polarity can be conÞgured with SPMODE[CI, CP]. SPI signals can also be
conÞgured as open-drain to support a multimaster conÞguration in which a shared SPI
signal is driven by the MPC8260 or an external SPI device.
The SPI master-in slave-out SPIMISO signal acts as an input for master devices and as an
output for slave devices. Conversely, the master-out slave-in SPIMOSI signal is an output
for master devices and an input for slave devices. The dual functionality of these signals
allows the SPIs in a multimaster environment to communicate with one another using a
common hardware conÞguration.
¥ When the SPI is a master, SPICLK is the clock output signal that shifts received data
in from SPIMISO and transmitted data out to SPIMOSI. SPI masters must output a
slave select signal to enable SPI slave devices by using a separate general-purpose
I/O signal. Assertion of an SPIÕs SPISEL while it is master causes an error.
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
¥ When the SPI is a slave, SPICLK is the clock input that shifts received data in from
SPIMOSI and transmitted data out through SPIMISO. SPISEL is the enable input to
the SPI slave. In a multimaster environment, SPISEL (always an input) is used to
detect an error when more than one master is operating.
As described in Chapter 35, ÒParallel I/O Ports,Ó SPIMISO, SPIMOSI, SPICLK, and
SPISEL are multiplexed with port B[28Ð31] signals, respectively. They are conÞgured as
SPI signals through the port B signal assignment register (PBPAR) and the Port B data
direction register (PBDIR), speciÞcally by setting PBPAR[DDn] and PBDIR[DRn].
33.3 ConÞguring the SPI Controller
The SPI can be programmed to work in a single- or multiple-master environment. This
section describes SPI master and slave operation in a single-master conÞguration and then
discusses the multi-master environment.
33.3.1 The SPI as a Master Device
In master mode, the SPI sends a message to the slave peripheral, which sends back a
simultaneous reply. A single master MPC8260 with multiple slaves can use general-
purpose parallel I/O signals to selectively enable slaves, as shown in Figure 33-2. To
eliminate the multimaster error in a single-master environment, the masterÕs SPISEL input
can be forced inactive by selecting port B[31] for general-purpose I/O
(PBPAR[DD31] = 0).
Figure 33-2. Single-Master/Multi-Slave Configuration
Slave 0
Slave 1
Slave 2
Master SPI
decoder can be
either internal or
external logic.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
To start exchanging data, the core writes the data to be sent into a buffer, conÞgures a TxBD
with TxBD[R] set, and conÞgures one or more RxBDs. The core then sets SPCOM[STR]
in the SPI command register to start sending data, which starts once the SDMA channel
loads the Tx FIFO with data.
The SPI then generates programmable clock pulses on SPICLK for each character and
simultaneously shifts Tx data out on SPIMOSI and Rx data in on SPIMISO. Received data
is written into a Rx buffer using the next available RxBD. The SPI keeps sending and
receiving characters until the whole buffer is sent or an error occurs. The CP then clears
TxBD[R] and RxBD[E] and issues a maskable interrupt to the interrupt controller in the
When multiple TxBDs are ready, TxBD[L] determines whether the SPI keeps transmitting
without SPCOM[STR] being set again. If the current TxBD[L] is cleared, the next TxBD
is processed after data from the current buffer is sent. Typically there is no delay on
SPIMOSI between buffers. If the current TxBD[L] is set, sending stops after the current
buffer is sent. In addition, the RxBD is closed after transmission stops, even if the Rx buffer
is not full; therefore, Rx buffers need not be the same length as Tx buffers.
33.3.2 The SPI as a Slave Device
In slave mode, the SPI receives messages from an SPI master and sends a simultaneous
reply. The slaveÕs SPISEL must be asserted before Rx clocks are recognized; once SPISEL
is asserted, SPICLK becomes an input from the master to the slave. SPICLK can be any
frequency from DC to BRGCLK/2 (12.5 MHz for a 25-MHz system).
To prepare for data transfers, the slaveÕs core writes data to be sent into a buffer, conÞgures
a TxBD with TxBD[R] set, and conÞgures one or more RxBDs. The core then sets
SPCOM[STR] to activate the SPI. Once SPISEL is asserted, the slave shifts data out from
SPIMISO and in through SPIMOSI. A maskable interrupt is issued when a full buffer
Þnishes receiving and sending or after an error. The SPI uses successive RxBDs in the table
to continue reception until it runs out of Rx buffers or SPISEL is negated.
Transmission continues until no more data is available or SPISEL is negated. If it is negated
before all data is sent, it stops but the TxBD stays open. Transmission continues once
SPISEL is reasserted and SPICLK begins toggling. After the characters in the buffer are
sent, the SPI sends ones as long as SPISEL remains asserted.
33.3.3 The SPI in Multimaster Operation
The SPI can operate in a multimaster environment in which SPI devices are connected to
the same bus. In this conÞguration, the SPIMOSI, SPIMISO, and SPICLK signals of all
SPIs are shared; the SPISEL inputs are connected separately, as shown in Figure 33-3. Only
one SPI device can act as master at a timeÑall others must be slaves. When an SPI is
conÞgured as a master and its SPISEL input is asserted, a multimaster error occurs because
more than one SPI device is a bus master. The SPI sets SPIE[MME] in the SPI event register
and a maskable interrupt is issued to the core. It also disables SPI operation and the output
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
drivers of SPI signals. The core must clear SPMODE[EN] before the SPI is used again.
After correcting the problems, clear SPIE[MME] and reenable the SPI.
Figure 33-3. Multimaster Configuration
SPI #2
SPI #1
SPI #0
¥ All signals are open-drain
¥ For a system with more than two masters, SPISEL and SPIE[MME] do not detect all possible conflicts
¥ It is the responsibility of software to arbitrate for the SPI bus (with token passing, for example)
¥ SELOUTx signals are implemented in software with general-purpose I/O signals
SPI #3
33-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The maximum sustained data rate that the SPI supports is SYSTEMCLK/50. However, the
SPI can transfer a single character at much higher ratesÑSYSTEMCLK/4 in master mode
and SYSTEMCLK/2 in slave mode. Gaps should be inserted between multiple characters
to keep from exceeding the maximum sustained data rate.
33.4 Programming the SPI Registers
The following sections describe the registers used in conÞguring and operating the SPI.
33.4.1 SPI Mode Register (SPMODE)
The SPI mode register (SPMODE), shown in Figure 33-4, controls both the SPI operation
mode and clock source.
Table 33-1 describes the SPMODE Þelds.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reset 0000_00
— 0_0000_0000
Addr 0x11AA0
Figure 33-4. SPMODEÑSPI Mode Register
Table 33-1. SPMODE Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
1LOOP Loop mode. Enables local loopback operation.
0 Normal operation.
1 Loopback mode. The transmitter output is internally connected to the receiver input. The receiver
and transmitter operate normally, except that received data is ignored.
2CI Clock invert. Inverts SPI clock polarity. See Figure 33-5 and Figure 33-6.
0 The inactive state of SPICLK is low.
1 The inactive state of SPICLK is high.
3CP Clock phase. Selects the transfer format. See Figure 33-5 and Figure 33-6.
0 SPICLK starts toggling at the middle of the data transfer.
1 SPICLK starts toggling at the beginning of the data transfer.
4DIV16 Divide by 16. Selects the clock source for the SPI baud rate generator when conÞgured as an SPI
master. In slave mode, SPICLK is the clock source.
0 BRGCLK is the input to the SPI BRG.
1 BRGCLK/16 is the input to the SPI BRG.
5REV Reverse data. Determines the receive and transmit character bit order.
0 Reverse dataÑlsb of the character sent and received Þrst.
1 Normal operationÑmsb of the character sent and received Þrst.
6M/S Master/slave. Selects master or slave mode.
0 The SPI is a slave.
1 The SPI is a master.
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 33-5. SPI Transfer Format with SPMODE[CP] = 0
Figure 33-6 shows the SPI transfer format in which SPICLK starts toggling at the
beginning of the transfer (SPMODE[CP] = 1).
Figure 33-6. SPI Transfer Format with SPMODE[CP] = 1
7EN Enable SPI. Do not change other SPMODE bits when EN is set.
0 The SPI is disabled. The SPI is in a reset state and consumes minimal power. The SPI BRG is not
functioning and the input clock is disabled.
1 The SPI is enabled. ConÞgure SPIMOSI, SPIMISO, SPICLK, and SPISEL to connect to the SPI as
described in Section 35.2, ÒPort Registers. Ò
8Ð11 LEN Character length in bits per character. Must be between 0011 (4 bits) and 1111 (16 bits). A value less
than 4 causes erratic behavior. If the value is not greater than a byte, every byte in memory holds LEN
valid bits. If the value is greater than a byte, every half-word holds LEN valid bits. See
Section, ÒSPI Examples with Different SPMODE[LEN] Values.Ó
12Ð15 PM Prescale modulus select. SpeciÞes the divide ratio of the prescale divider in the SPI clock generator.
BRGCLK is divided by 4 * ([PM0ÐPM3] + 1), a range from 4 to 64. The clock has a 50% duty cycle.
Table 33-1. SPMODE Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
(From Master)
(From Slave)
(CI = 0)
(CI = 1)
NOTE: Q = Undefined Signal.
msb lsb
msb Qlsb
(From Master)
(From Slave)
(CI = 0)
(CI = 1)
NOTE: Q = Undefined Signal.
msb lsb
lsbQ msb
33-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module SPI Examples with Different SPMODE[LEN] Values
The examples below show how SPMODE[LEN] is used to determine character length. To
help map the process, the conventions shown in Table 33-2 are used in the examples.
Once the data string image is determined, it is always transmitted byte by byte with the lsb
of the most-signiÞcant byte sent Þrst. For all examples below, assume the memory contains
the following binary image:
msb ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv lsb
Example 1
with LEN=4 (data size=5), the following data is selected:
msb xxxj_klmn__xxxr_stuv lsb
with REV=0, the data string image is:
msb j_klmn__r_stuv lsb
the order of the string appearing on the line, a byte at a time is:
first nmlk_j__vuts_r last
with REV=1,the string has each byte reversed, and the data string image is:
msb nmlk_j__vuts_r lsb
the order of the string appearing on the line, one byte at a time is:
first j_klmn__r_stuv last
Example 2
with LEN=7 (data size=8), the following data is selected:
msb ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv lsb
the data string is selected:
msb ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv lsb
with REV=0, the string transmitted, a byte at a time with lsb first is:
first nmlk_jihg__vuts_rqpo last
with REV=1, the string is byte reversed and transmitted, a byte at a time, with
lsb first:
first ghij_klmn__opqr_stuv last
Example 3:
with LEN=0xC (data size=13), the following data is selected:
msb ghij_klmn__xxxr_stuv lsb
Table 33-2. Example Conventions
Convention Description
gÐv Binary symbols
x Deleted bit
1Both __ and _ are used to aid readability.
Original byte boundary
_ 1Original 4-bit boundary.
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
the data string selected is:
msb r_stuv__ghij_klmn lsb
with REV=0, the string transmitted, a byte at a time with lsb first is:
first vuts_r__nmlk_jihg last
with REV=1, the string is half-word reversed:
msb nmlk_jihg__vuts_r lsb
and transmitted a byte at a time with lsb first:
first ghij_klmn__r_stuv last
33.4.2 SPI Event/Mask Registers (SPIE/SPIM)
The SPI event register (SPIE) generates interrupts and reports events recognized by the SPI.
When an event is recognized, the SPI sets the corresponding SPIE bit. Clear SPIE bits by
writing a 1Ñwriting 0 has no effect. Setting a bit in the SPI mask register (SPIM) enables
and clearing a bit masks the corresponding interrupt. Unmasked SPIE bits must be cleared
before the CP clears internal interrupt requests. Figure 33-7 shows both registers.
Table 33-3 describes the SPIE/SPIM Þelds.
33.4.3 SPI Command Register (SPCOM)
The SPI command register (SPCOM), shown in Figure 33-8, is used to start SPI operation.
Bit 01234567
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11AA6 (SPIE); 0x11AAA (SPIM)
Figure 33-7. SPIE/SPIMÑSPI Event/Mask Registers
Table 33-3. SPIE/SPIM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2 MME Multimaster error. Set when SPISEL is asserted externally while the SPI is in master mode.
3 TXE Tx error. Set when an error occurs during transmission.
4 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
5 BSY Busy. Set after the Þrst character is received but discarded because no Rx buffer is available.
6 TXB Tx buffer. Set when the Tx data of the last character in the buffer is written to the Tx FIFO. Wait two
character times to be sure data is completely sent over the transmit signal.
7 RXB Rx buffer. Set after the last character is written to the Rx buffer and the BD is closed.
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 33-4 describes the SPCOM Þelds.
33.5 SPI Parameter RAM
The SPI parameter RAM area is similar to the SCC general-purpose parameter RAM. The
CP accesses the SPI parameter table using a user-programmed pointer (SPI_BASE) located
in the parameter RAM; see Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó The SPI parameter table can
be placed at any 64-byte aligned address in the dual-port RAMÕs general-purpose area
(banks #1Ð#8). Some parameter values must be user-initialized before the SPI is enabled;
the CP initializes the others. Once initialized, parameter RAM values do not usually need
to be accessed. They should be changed only when the SPI is inactive. Table 33-5 shows
the memory map of the SPI parameter RAM.
Write Only
Figure 33-8. SPCOMÑSPI Command Register
Table 33-4. SPCOM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0STR Start transmit. For an SPI master, setting STR causes the SPI to start transferring data to and from the
Tx/Rx buffers if they are prepared. For a slave, setting STR when the SPI is idle causes it to load the Tx
data register from the SPI Tx buffer and start sending with the next SPICLK after SPISEL is asserted.
STR is cleared automatically after one system clock cycle.
1Ð7 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
Table 33-5. SPI Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x00 RBASE Hword Rx/Tx BD table base address. Indicate where the BD tables begin in the dual-port RAM.
Setting Rx/TxBD[W] in the last BD in each BD table determines how many BDs are
allocated for the Tx and Rx sections of the SPI. Initialize RBASE/TBASE before enabling
the SPI. Furthermore, do not conÞgure BD tables of the SPI to overlap any other active
controllerÕs parameter RAM.
RBASE and TBASE should be divisible by eight.
0x02 TBASE Hword
0x04 RFCR Byte Rx/Tx function code registers. The function code registers contain the transaction
speciÞcation associated with SDMA channel accesses to external memory. See
Section 33.5.1, ÒReceive/Transmit Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR).Ó
0x05 TFCR Byte
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x06 MRBLR Hword Maximum receive buffer length. The SPI has one MRBLR entry to deÞne the maximum
number of bytes the MPC8260 writes to a Rx buffer before moving to the next buffer. The
MPC8260 can write fewer bytes than MRBLR if an error or end-of-frame occurs, but
never exceeds the MRBLR value. User-supplied buffers should be no smaller than
Tx buffers are unaffected by MRBLR and can have varying lengths; the number of bytes
to be sent is programmed in TxBD[Data Length].
MRBLR is not intended to be changed while the SPI is operating. However it can be
changed in a single bus cycle with one 16-bit move (not two 8-bit bus cycles back-to-
back). The change takes effect when the CP moves control to the next RxBD. To
guarantee the exact RxBD on which the change occurs, change MRBLR only while the
SPI receiver is disabled. MRBLR should be greater than zero; it should be an even
number if the character length of the data exceeds 8 bits.
0x08 RSTATE Word Rx internal state.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x0C Ñ Word The Rx internal data pointer 2 is updated by the SDMA channels to show the next
address in the buffer to be accessed.
0x10 RBPTR Hword RxBD pointer. Points to the current Rx BD being processed or to the next BD to be
serviced when idle. After a reset or when the end of the BD table is reached, the CP
initializes RBPTR to the RBASE value. Most applications should not modify RBPTR, but
it can be updated when the receiver is disabled or when no Rx buffer is in use.
0x12 Ñ Hword The Rx internal byte count 2 is a down-count value that is initialized with the MRBLR
value and decremented with every byte the SDMA channels write.
0x14 Ñ Word Rx temp.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x18 TSTATE Word Tx internal state.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x1C Ñ Word The Tx internal data pointer2 is updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address
in the buffer to be accessed.
0x20 TBPTR Hword TxBD pointer. Points to the current Tx BD during frame transmission or the next BD to be
processed when idle. After reset or when the end of the Tx BD table is reached, the CP
initializes TBPTR to the TBASE value. Most applications do not need to modify TBPTR,
but it can be updated when the transmitter is disabled or when no Tx buffer is in use.
0x22 Ñ Hword The Tx internal byte count2 is a down-count value initialized with TxBD[Data Length] and
decremented with every byte read by the SDMA channels.
0x24 Ñ Word Tx temp.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x34 Ñ Word SDMA temp.
1From the pointer value programmed in SPI_BASE at IMMR + 0x89FC.
2Normally, these parameters need not be accessed. They are listed to help experienced users in debugging.
Table 33-5. SPI Parameter RAM Memory Map (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
33.5.1 Receive/Transmit Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR)
Figure 33-9 shows the Þelds in the receive/transmit function code registers (RFCR/TFCR)
Table 33-6 describes the RFCR/TFCR Þelds.
33.6 SPI Commands
Table 33-7 lists transmit/receive commands sent to the CP command register (CPCR).
Reset 0000_0000
Addr SPI Base + 04 (RFCR)/SPI Base + 05 (TFCR)
Figure 33-9. RFCR/TFCRÑFunction Code Registers
Table 33-6. RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 ÑReserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global access bit
0 Disable memory snooping
0 Enable memory snooping
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Set BO to select the required byte ordering for the buffer. If BO is changed on-the-ßy, it
takes effect at the beginning of the next frame or BD.
00 True little-endian. Note this mode can only be used with 32-bit port size memory.
01 PowerPC little-endian.
1x Big-endian.
5TC2 Transfer code 2. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6DTB Data bus indicator.
0 Use 60x bus for SDMA operation.
1 Use local bus for SDMA operation.
7ÑReserved, should be cleared.
Table 33-7. SPI Commands
Command Description
Initializes all transmit parameters in the parameter RAM to their reset state and should be issued only
when the transmitter is disabled. The INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command can also be used to reset
both the Tx and Rx parameters.
CLOSE RXBD Forces the SPI controller to close the current RxBD and use the next BD for subsequently received data.
If the controller is not receiving data, no action is taken. Use this command to extract data from a
partially full buffer.
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
33.7 The SPI Buffer Descriptor (BD) Table
As shown in Figure 33-10, BDs are organized into separate RxBD and TxBD tables in dual-
port RAM. The tables have the same basic conÞguration as for the SCCs and SMCs and
form circular queues that determine the order buffers are transferred. The CP uses BDs to
conÞrm reception and transmission or to indicate error conditions so that the core knows
buffers have been serviced. The buffers themselves can be placed in external memory or in
any unused parameter area of the dual-port RAM.
Figure 33-10. SPI Memory Structure
33.7.1 SPI Buffer Descriptors (BDs)
Receive and transmit BDs report information about each buffer transferred and whether a
maskable interrupt should be generated. Each 64-bit BD, shown in Figure 33-11 and
Figure 33-12, has the following structure:
¥ The half word at offset + 0 contains status and control bits. The CP updates the status
bits after the buffer is sent or received.
¥ The half word at offset + 2 contains the data length (in bytes) that is sent or received.
Ñ For an RxBD, this is the number of octets the CP writes into this RxBDÕs buffer
once the BD closes. The CP updates this Þeld after the received data is placed
into the buffer. Memory allocated for this buffer should be no smaller than
Ñ For a TxBD, this is the number of octets the CP should transmit from its buffer.
Normally, this value should be greater than zero. If the character length is more
Initializes all receive parameters in the parameter RAM to their reset state. Should be issued only when
the receiver is disabled. The INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command can also be used to reset both the Tx
and Rx parameters.
Table 33-7. SPI Commands (Continued)
Command Description
Frame Status
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Frame Status
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Tx Buffer
Pointer to SPI
RxBD Table Rx Buffer
Dual-Port RAM External Memory
TxBD Table
RxBD Table
Tx Buffer
Pointer to SPI
TxBD Table
33-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
than 8 bits, the data length should be even. For example, to send three characters
of 8-bit data, 1 start, and 1 stop, the data length Þeld should be initialized to 3.
However, to send three characters of 9-bit data, the data length Þeld should be
initialized to 6 since the three 9-bit data Þelds occupy three half-words in
memory. The CP never modiÞes this Þeld.
¥ The word at offset + 4 points to the beginning of the buffer.
Ñ For an RxBD, the pointer must be even and can point to internal or external
Ñ For a TxBD, the pointer can be even or odd, unless the character exceeds 8 bits,
for which it must be even. The buffer can be in internal or external memory. SPI Receive BD (RxBD)
The CP uses RxBDs to report on each received buffer. It closes the current buffer, generates
a maskable interrupt, and starts receiving data in the next buffer once the current buffer is
full. The CP also closes the buffer when the SPI is conÞgured as a slave and SPISEL is
negated, indicating that reception stopped. The core should write RxBD bits before the SPI
is enabled. The format of an RxBD is shown in Figure 33-11.
Table 33-8 describes the RxBD status and control Þelds.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 EÑWI CM ÑOVME
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Rx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 33-11. SPI RxBD
Table 33-8. SPI RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or stopped receiving because of an error. The core can examine or write to any Þelds
of this RxBD, but the CP does not use this BD while E = 0.
1 The buffer is empty or reception is in progress. The CP owns this RxBD and its buffer. Once E is set,
the core should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the RxBD table.
1 Last BD in the RxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data using the BD
pointed to by RBASE (top of the table). The number of BDs in this table is determined only by the W
bit and overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is Þlled.
1 SPIE[RXB] is set when this buffer is full, indicating the need for the core to process the buffer.
SPIE[RXB] causes an interrupt if not masked.
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-15
Part IV. Communications Processor Module SPI Transmit BD (TxBD)
Data to be sent with the SPI is sent to the CP by arranging it in buffers referenced by TxBDs
in the TxBD table. TxBD Þelds should be prepared before data is sent. The format of an
TxBD is shown in Figure 33-12.
Table 33-9 describes the TxBD status and control Þelds.
4 L Last. Updated by the SPI when the buffer is closed because SPISEL was negated (slave mode only).
Otherwise, RxBD[ME] is set. The SPI updates L after received data is placed in the buffer.
0 This buffer does not contain the last character of the message.
1 This buffer contains the last character of the message.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode. Master mode only; in slave mode, CM should be cleared.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear RxBD[E] after this BD is closed; the buffer is overwritten when the CP next
accesses this BD. This allows continuous reception from an SPI slave into one buffer for autoscanning
of a serial A/D peripheral with no core overhead.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during reception (slave mode only). The SPI updates OV
after the received data is placed in the buffer.
15 ME Multimaster error. Set when this buffer is closed because SPISEL was asserted when the SPI was in
master mode. Indicates a synchronization problem between multiple masters on the SPI bus. The SPI
updates ME after the received data is placed in the buffer.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 33-12. SPI TxBD
Table 33-9. SPI TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready to be sent. This BD or its buffer can be modiÞed. The CP clears R (unless
RxBD[CM] is set) after the buffer is sent (unless RxBD[CM] is set) or an error occurs.
1 The buffer is ready for transmission or is being sent. The BD cannot be modiÞed once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
Table 33-8. SPI RxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
33.8 SPI Master Programming Example
The following sequence initializes the SPI to run at a high speed in master mode:
1. ConÞgure port D to enable SPIMISO, SPIMOSI, SPICLK and SPISEL.
2. ConÞgure a parallel I/O signal to operate as the SPI select output signal if needed.
3. In address 0x89FC, assign a pointer to the SPI parameter RAM.
4. Write RBASE and TBASE in the SPI parameter RAM to point to the RxBD and
TxBD tables in the dual-port RAM. Assuming one RxBD followed by one TxBD at
the beginning of the dual-port RAM, write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with
5. Write RFCR and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
6. Write MRBLR with the maximum number of bytes per Rx buffer. For this case,
assume 16 bytes, so MRBLR = 0x0010.
7. Initialize the RxBD. Assume the Rx buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory.
Write 0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length]
(optional), and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
2WWrap (last BD in TxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data using the BD pointed to
by TBASE (top of the table). The number of BDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and
overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is processed.
1 SPIE[TXB] or SPIE[TXE] are set when this buffer is processed and causes interrupts if not masked.
0 This buffer does not contain the last character of the message.
1 This buffer contains the last character of the message.
5 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
6CM Continuous mode. Valid only when the SPI is in master mode. In slave mode, it should be cleared.
0 Normal operation.
1 The CP does not clear TxBD[R] after this BD is closed, allowing the buffer to be resent automatically
when the CP next accesses this BD.
7Ð13 Ñ Reserved, should be cleared.
14 UN Underrun. Indicates that the SPI encountered a transmitter underrun condition while sending the buffer.
This error occurs only when the SPI is in slave mode. The SPI updates UN after it sends the buffer.
15 ME Multimaster error. Indicates that this buffer is closed because SPISEL was asserted when the SPI was
in master mode. A synchronization problem occurred between devices on the SPI bus. The SPI
updates ME after sending the buffer.
Table 33-9. SPI TxBD Status and Control Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 33. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 33-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
8. Initialize the TxBD. Assume the Tx buffer is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory and
contains Þve 8-bit characters. Write 0xB800 to TxBD[Status and Control], 0x0005
to TxBD[Data Length], and 0x0000_2000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
9. Execute the INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS command by writing 0x2541_0000 to
10. Write 0xFF to SPIE to clear any previous events.
11. Write 0x37 to SPIM to enable all possible SPI interrupts.
12. Write 0x0370 to SPMODE to enable normal operation (not loopback), master mode,
SPI enabled, 8-bit characters, and the fastest speed possible.
13. Set SPCOM[STR] to start the transfer.
After 5 bytes are sent, the TxBD is closed. Additionally, the Rx buffer is closed after 5 bytes
are received because TxBD[L] is set.
33.9 SPI Slave Programming Example
The following is an example initialization sequence to follow when the SPI is in slave
mode. It is very similar to the SPI master example, except that SPISEL is used instead of a
general-purpose I/O signal (as shown in Figure 33-2).
2. In address 0x89FC, assign a pointer to the SPI parameter RAM.
3. Assuming one RxBD at the beginning of the dual-port RAM followed by one TxBD,
write RBASE with 0x0000 and TBASE with 0x0008 in the SPI parameter RAM.
4. Write RFCR and TFCR with 0x10 for normal operation.
5. Program MRBLR = 0x0010 for 16 bytes, the maximum number of bytes per buffer.
6. Initialize the RxBD. Assume the Rx buffer is at 0x0000_1000 in main memory.
Write 0xB000 to RxBD[Status and Control], 0x0000 to RxBD[Data Length]
(optional), and 0x0000_1000 to RxBD[Buffer Pointer].
7. Initialize the TxBD. Assume the Tx buffer is at 0x0000_2000 in main memory and
contains Þve 8-bit characters. Write 0xB800 to TxBD[Status and Control], 0x0005
to TxBD[Data Length], and 0x0000_2000 to TxBD[Buffer Pointer].
8. Execute the INIT RX AND TX PARAMETERS command by writing 0x2541_0000 to
9. Write 0xFF to SPIE to clear any previous events.
10. Write 0x37 to SPIM to enable all SPI interrupts.
11. Set SPMODE to 0x0170 to enable normal operation (not loopback), slave mode, SPI
enabled, and 8-bit characters. BRG speed is ignored in slave mode.
12. Set SPCOM[STR] to enable the SPI to be ready once the master begins the transfer.
Note that if the master sends 3 bytes and negates SPISEL, the RxBD is closed but the TxBD
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Part IV. Communications Processor Module
remains open. If the master sends 5 or more bytes, the TxBD is closed after the Þfth byte.
If the master sends 16 bytes and negates SPISEL, the RxBD is closed without triggering an
out-of-buffers error. If the master sends more than 16 bytes, the RxBD is closed (full) and
an out-of-buffers error occurs after the 17th byte is received.
33.10 Handling Interrupts in the SPI
The following sequence should be followed to handle interrupts in the SPI:
1. Once an interrupt occurs, read SPIE to determine the interrupt source. Normally,
SPIE bits should be cleared at this time.
2. Process the TxBD to reuse it and the RxBD to extract the data from it. To transmit
another buffer, simply set TxBD[R], RxBD[E], and SPCOM[STR].
3. Execute an instruction.
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-1
Chapter 34
I2C Controller
The inter-integrated circuit (I2C¨) controller lets the MPC8260 exchange data with other
I2C devices, such as microcontrollers, EEPROMs, real-time clock devices, A/D converters,
and LCD displays. The I2C controller uses a synchronous, multimaster bus that can connect
several integrated circuits on a board. It uses two signalsÑserial data (SDA) and serial
clock (SCL)Ñto carry information between the integrated circuits connected to it.
As shown in Figure 34-1, the I2C controller consists of transmit and receive sections, an
independent baud-rate generator (BRG), and a control unit. The transmit and receive
sections use the same clock, which is derived from the I2C BRG when in master mode and
generated externally when in slave mode. Wait states are inserted during a data transfer if
SCL is held low by a slave device. In the middle of a data transfer, the master I2C controller
recognizes the need for wait states by monitoring SCL. However, the I2C controller has no
automatic time-out mechanism if the slave device does not release SCL; therefore, software
should monitor how long SCL stays low to generate bus timeouts.
Figure 34-1. I2C Controller Block Diagram
Tx Data RegisterRx Data Register
Peripheral Bus
Mode Register
Shift Register Shift Register
Baud-Rate Generator SCL
60x Bus
34-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
The I2C receiver and transmitter are double-buffered, which corresponds to an effective
two-character FIFO latency. In normal operation, the transmitter shifts the msb (bit 0) out
Þrst. When the I2C is not enabled in the I2C mode register (I2MOD[EN] = 0), it consumes
little power.
34.1 Features
The following is a list of the I2C controllerÕs main features:
¥ Two-signal interface (SDA and SCL)
¥ Support for master and slave I2C operation
¥ Multiple-master environment support
¥ Continuous transfer mode for automatic scanning of a peripheral
¥ Supports a maximum clock rate of 2,080 KHz (with a CPM utilization of 25%),
assuming a 100-MHz system clock.
¥ Independent, programmable baud-rate generator
¥ Supports 7-bit I2C addressing
¥ Open-drain output signals allow multiple master conÞguration
¥ Local loopback capability for testing
34.2 I2C Controller Clocking and Signal Functions
The I2C controller can be conÞgured as a master or slave for the serial channel. As a master,
the controllerÕs BRG provides the transfer clock. The I2C BRG takes its input from the BRG
clock (BRGCLK), which is generated from the CPM clock; see Section 9.8, ÒSystem Clock
Control Register (SCCR).Ó
SDA and SCL are bidirectional signals connected to a positive supply voltage through an
external pull-up resistor. When the bus is free, both signals are pulled high. The general I2C
master/slave conÞguration is shown in Figure 34-2.
Figure 34-2. I2C Master/Slave General Configuration
Master Slave
(EEPROM, for example)
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
When the I2C controller is master, the SCL clock output, taken directly from the I2C BRG,
shifts receive data in and transmit data out through SDA. The transmitter arbitrates for the
bus during transmission and aborts if it loses arbitration. When the I2C controller is a slave,
the SCL clock input shifts data in and out through SDA. The SCL frequency can range from
DC to BRGCLK/48.
34.3 I2C Controller Transfers
To initiate a transfer, the master I2C controller sends a message specifying a read or write
request to an I2C slave. The Þrst byte of the message consists of a 7-bit slave port address
and a R/W request bit. Note that because the R/W request follows the slave port address in
the I2C bus speciÞcation, the R/W request bit must be placed in the lsb (bit 7) unless
operating in reverse data mode; see Section 34.4.1, ÒI2C Mode Register (I2MOD).Ó
To write to a slave, the master sends a write request (R/W = 0) along with either the target
slavs address or a general call (broadcast) address of all zeros, followed by the data to be
written. To read from a slave, the master sends a read request (R/W = 1) and the target
slavs address. When the target slave acknowledges the read request, the transfer direction
is reversed, and the master receives the slavs transmit buffer(s). If the receiver (master or
slave) does not acknowledge each byte transfer in the ninth bit frame, the transmitter signals
a transmission error event (I2ER[TXE]). An I2C transfer timing diagram is shown in
Figure 34-3.
Figure 34-3. I2C Transfer Timing
Select master or slave mode for the controller using the I2C command register (I2COM[M/
S]). Set the masterÕs start bit, I2COM[STR], to begin a transfer; setting a slavs
I2COM[STR] activates the slave to wait for a transfer request from a master.
If a master or slave transmitterÕs current TxBD[L] is set, transmission stops once the buffer
is sent; that is, I2COM[STR] must be set again to reactivate transfers. If TxBD[L] is zero,
once the current buffer is sent, the controller begins processing the next TxBD without
waiting for I2COM[STR] to be set again.
The following sections further detail the transfer process.
SDA Data Byte
Start Condition Stop Condition
34-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
34.3.1 I2C Master Write (Slave Read)
If the MPC8260 is the master, prepare the transmit buffers and BDs before initiating a write.
Initialize the Þrst transmit data byte with the slave address and write request (R/W = 0).
If the MPC8260 is the slave target of the write, prepare receive buffers and BDs to await
the masterÕs request. Figure 34-4 shows the timing for a master write.
Figure 34-4. I2C Master Write Timing
A master write occurs as follows:
1. The master core sets I2COM[STR]. The transfer starts when the SDMA channel
loads the Tx FIFO with data and the I2C bus is not busy.
2. The I2C master generates a start conditionÑa high-to-low transition on SDA while
SCL is highÑand the transfer clock SCL pulses for each bit shifted out on SDA. If
the master transmitter detects a multiple-master collision (by sensing a Ô0Õ on SDA
while sending a Ô1Õ), transmission stops and the channel reverts to slave mode. A
maskable interrupt is sent to the masterÕs core so software can try to retransmit later.
3. The slave acknowledges each byte and writes to its current receive buffer until a new
start or stop condition is detected.
4. After sending each byte, the master monitors the acknowledge indication. If the
slave receiver fails to acknowledge a byte, transmission stops and the master
generates a stop conditionÑa low-to-high transition on SDA while SCL is high.
34.3.2 I2C Loopback Testing
When in master mode, an I2C controller supports loopback operation for master write
requests. The master I2C controller simply issues a write request directed to its own address
(programmed in I2ADD). The masterÕs receiver monitors the transmission and reads the
transmitted data into its receive buffer. Loopback operation requires no special register
34.3.3 I2C Master Read (Slave Write)
Before initiating a master read with the MPC8260, prepare a transmit buffer of size n+1
bytes, where n is the number of bytes to be read from the slave. The Þrst transmit byte
should be initialized to the slave address with R/W = 1. The next n transmit bytes are used
strictly for timing and can be left uninitialized. ConÞgure suitable receive buffers and BDs
to receive the slaveÕs transmission.
SDA Device Address WData Byte
Note: Data and ACK are repeated n times.
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
If the MPC8260 is the slave target of the read, prepare the I2C transmit buffers and BDs and
activate it by setting I2COM[STR]. Figure 34-5 shows the timing for a master read.
Figure 34-5. I2C Master Read Timing
A master read occurs as follows:
1. Set the masterÕs I2COM[STR] to initiate the read. The transfer starts when the
SDMA channel loads the transmit FIFO with data and the I2C bus is not busy.
2. The slave detects a start condition on SDA and SCL.
3. After the Þrst byte is shifted in, the slave compares the received data to its slave
address. If the slave is an MPC8260, the address is programmed in its I2C address
register (I2ADD).
Ñ If a match is found, the slave acknowledges the received byte and begins
transmitting on the clock pulse immediately following the acknowledge.
Ñ If a match is found but the slave is not ready, the read request is not
acknowledged and the transaction is aborted. If the slave is an MPC8260, a
maskable transmission error interrupt is triggered to allow software to prepare
data for transmission on the next try.
Ñ If a mismatch occurs, the slave ignores the message and searches for a new start
4. The master acknowledges each byte sent as long as an overrun does not occur. If the
master receiver fails to acknowledge a byte, the slave aborts transmission. For a
slave MPC8260, the abort generates a maskable interrupt. A maskable interrupt is
also issued after a complete buffer is sent or after an error. If an underrun occurs, the
MPC8260 slave sends ones until a stop condition is detected.
34.3.4 I2C Multi-Master Considerations
The I2C controller supports a multi-master conÞguration, in which the I2C controller must
alternate between master and slave modes. The I2C controller supports this by
implementing I2C master arbitration in hardware. However, due to the nature of the I2C bus
and the implementation of the I2C controller, certain software considerations must be made.
SDA Data ByteDevice Address R
Note: After the nth data byte, the master does not acknowledge the slave.
34-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
An MPC8260 I2C controller attempting a master read request could simultaneously be
targeted for an external master write (slave read). Both operations trigger the controllerÕs
I2CER[RXB] event, but only one operation wins the bus arbitration. To determine which
operation caused the interrupt, software must verify that its transmit operation actually
completed before assuming that the received data is the result of its read operation.
Problems could also arise if the MPC8260's I2C controller master sets up a transmit buffer
and BD for a write request, but then is the target of a read request from another master.
Without software precautions, the I2C controller responds to the other master with the
transmit buffer originally intended for its own write request. To avoid this situation, a
higher-level handshake protocol must be used. For example, a master, before reading a
slave, writes the slave with a description of the requested data (which register should be
read, for example). This operation is typical with many I2C devices.
34.4 I2C Registers
The following sections describe the I2C registers.
34.4.1 I2C Mode Register (I2MOD)
The I2C mode register, shown in Figure 34-6, controls the I2C modes and clock source.
Table 34-1 describes I2MOD bit functions.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11860
Figure 34-6. I2C Mode Register (I2MOD)
Table 34-1. I2MOD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
2 REVD Reverse data. Determines the Rx and Tx character bit order.
0 Normal operation. The msb (bit 0) of a character is transferred Þrst.
1 Reverse data. the lsb (bit 7) of a character is transferred Þrst.
Note: Clearing REVD is strongly recommended to ensure consistent bit ordering across devices.
3 GCD General call disable. Determines whether the receiver acknowledges a general call address.
0 General call address is enabled.
1 General call address is disabled.
4 FLT Clock Þlter. Determines if the I2C input clock SCL is Þltered to prevent spikes in a noisy environment.
0 SCL is not Þltered.
1 SCL is Þltered by a digital Þlter.
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
34.4.2 I2C Address Register (I2ADD)
The I2C address register, shown in Figure 34-7, holds the address for this I2C port.
Table 34-2 describes I2CADD Þelds.
34.4.3 I2C Baud Rate Generator Register (I2BRG)
The I2C baud rate generator register, shown in Figure 34-8, sets the divide ratio of the I2C
5Ð6 PDIV Predivider. Selects the clock division factor before it is input into the I2C BRG. The clock source for the
I2C BRG is the BRGCLK generated from the CPM clock; see Section 9.8, ÒSystem Clock Control
Register (SCCR).Ó
00 BRGCLK/32
01 BRGCLK/16
Note: To both save power and reduce noise susceptibility, select the PDIV with the largest division
factor (slowest clock) that still meets performance requirements.
7 EN Enable I2C operation.
2C is disabled. The I2C is in a reset state and consumes minimal power.
2C is enabled. Do not change other I2MOD bits when EN is set.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field SAD Ñ
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11864
Figure 34-7. I2C Address Register (I2ADD)
Table 34-2. I2ADD Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð6 SAD Slave address 0Ð6. Holds the slave address for the I2C port.
7 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field DIV
Reset 1111_1111
Addr 0x11868
Figure 34-8. I2C Baud Rate Generator Register (I2BRG)
Table 34-1. I2MOD Field Descriptions (Continued)
Bits Name Description
34-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 34-3 describes I2BRG Þelds.
34.4.4 I2C Event/Mask Registers (I2CER/I2CMR)
The I2C event register (I2CER) is used to generate interrupts and report events. When an
event is recognized, the I2C controller sets the corresponding I2CER bit. I2CER bits are
cleared by writing ones; writing zeros has no effect. Setting a bit in the I2C mask register
(I2CMR) enables and clearing a bit masks the corresponding interrupt. Unmasked I2CER
bits must be cleared before the CP clears internal interrupt requests. Figure 34-9 shows both
Table 34-4 describes the I2CER/I2CMR Þelds.
34.4.5 I2C Command Register (I2COM)
The I2C command register, shown in Figure 34-10, is used to start I2C transfers and to select
master or slave mode.
Table 34-3. I2BRG Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð7 DIV Division ratio 0Ð7. SpeciÞes the divide ratio of the BRG divider in the I2C clock generator. The output of
the prescaler is divided by 2 * ([DIV0ÐDIV7] + 3) and the clock has a 50% duty cycle. DIV must be
programmed to a minimum value of 3 if the digital Þlter is disabled and 6 if it is enabled.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x11870(I2CER)/0x11874 I2CMR)
Figure 34-9. I2C Event/Mask Registers (I2CER/I2CMR)
Table 34-4. I2CER/I2CMR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð2 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
3 TXE Tx error. Set when an error occurs during transmission.
4 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
5 BSY Busy. Set after the Þrst character is received but discarded because no Rx buffer is available.
6 TXB Tx buffer. Set when the Tx data of the last character in the buffer is written to the Tx FIFO. Two character
times must elapse to guarantee that all data has been sent.
7 RXB Rx buffer. Set after the last character is written to the Rx buffer and the RxBD is closed.
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 34-5 describes I2COM Þelds.
34.5 I2C Parameter RAM
The I2C controller parameter table is used for the general I2C parameters and is similar to
the SCC general-purpose parameter RAM. The CP accesses the I2C parameter table using
a user-programmed pointer (I2C_BASE) located in the parameter RAM; see
Section 13.5.2, ÒParameter RAM.Ó The I2C parameter table can be placed at any 64-byte
aligned address in the dual-port RAMÕs general-purpose area (banks #1Ð#8). The user must
initialize certain parameter RAM values before the I2C is enabled; the CP initializes the
other values. Software usually does not access parameter RAM entries once they are
initialized; they should be changed only when the I2C is inactive.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Field STR Ñ M/S
Reset 0000_0000
Addr 0x1186C
Figure 34-10. I2C Command Register (I2COM)
Table 34-5. I2COM Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0 STR Start transmit. In master mode, setting STR causes the I2C controller to start sending data from the
I2C Tx buffers if they are ready. In slave mode, setting STR when the I2C controller is idle causes it to
load the Tx data register from the I2C Tx buffer and start sending when it receives an address byte that
matches the slave address with R/W = 1. STR is always read as a 0.
1Ð6 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
7 M/S Master/slave. ConÞgures the I2C controller to operate as a master or a slave.
2C is a slave.
2C is a master.
Table 34-6. I2C Parameter RAM Memory Map
Offset 1Name Width Description
0x00 RBASE Hword Rx/TxBD table base address. Indicate where the BD tables begin in the dual-port RAM.
Setting Rx/TxBD[W] in the last BD in each BD table determines how many BDs are
allocated for the Tx and Rx sections of the I2C. Initialize RBASE/TBASE before enabling
the I2C. Furthermore, do not conÞgure BD tables of the I2C to overlap any other active
controllerÕs parameter RAM.
RBASE and TBASE should be divisible by eight.
0x02 TBASE Hword
0x04 RFCR Byte Rx/Tx function code registers. The function code registers contain the transaction
speciÞcation associated with SDMA channel accesses to external memory. See
Figure 34-11 and Table 34-7.
0x05 TFCR Byte
34-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
0x06 MRBLR Hword Maximum receive buffer length. DeÞnes the maximum number of bytes the MPC8260
writes to a Rx buffer before moving to the next buffer. The MPC8260 writes fewer bytes
to the buffer than the MRBLR value if an error or end-of-frame occurs. Buffers should not
be smaller than MRBLR.
Tx buffers are unaffected by MRBLR and can vary in length; the number of bytes to be
sent is speciÞed in TxBD[Data Length].
MRBLR is not intended to be changed while the I2C is operating. However it can be
changed in a single bus cycle with one 16-bit move (not two 8-bit bus cycles back-to-
back). The change takes effect when the CP moves control to the next RxBD. To
guarantee the exact RxBD on which the change occurs, change MRBLR only while the
I2C receiver is disabled. MRBLR should be greater than zero; it should be an even
number if the character length of the data exceeds 8 bits.
0x08 RSTATE Word Rx internal state.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x0C RPTR Word Rx internal data pointer2 is updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address in
the buffer to be accessed.
0x10 RBPTR Hword RxBD pointer. Points to the next descriptor the receiver transfers data to when it is in an
idle state or to the current descriptor during frame processing for each I2C channel. After
a reset or when the end of the descriptor table is reached, the CP initializes RBPTR to
the value in RBASE. Most applications should not write RBPTR, but it can be modiÞed
when the receiver is disabled or when no receive buffer is used.
0x12 RCOUNT Hword Rx internal byte count 2 is a down-count value that is initialized with the MRBLR value
and decremented with every byte the SDMA channels write.
0x14 RTEMP Word Rx temp.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x18 TSTATE Word Tx internal state.2 Reserved for CP use.
0x1C TPTR Word Tx internal data pointer 2 is updated by the SDMA channels to show the next address in
the buffer to be accessed.
0x20 TBPTR Hword TxBD pointer. Points to the next descriptor that the transmitter transfers data from when
it is in an idle state or to the current descriptor during frame transmission. After a reset or
when the end of the descriptor table is reached, the CP initializes TBPTR to the value in
TBASE.Most applications should not write TBPTR, but it can be modiÞed when the
transmitter is disabled or when no transmit buffer is used.
0x22 TCOUNT Hword Tx internal byte count 2 is a down-count value initialized with TxBD[Data Length] and
decremented with every byte read by the SDMA channels.
0x24 TTEMP Word Tx temp.2 Reserved for CP use.
1From the pointer value programmed in I2C_BASE at IMMR + 0x8AFC.
2Normally, these parameters need not be accessed.
Table 34-6. I2C Parameter RAM Memory Map (Continued)
Offset 1Name Width Description
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 34-11 shows the RFCR/TFCR bit Þelds.
Table 34-7 describes the RFCR/TFCR bit Þelds.
34.6 I2C Commands
The I2C transmit and receive commands, shown in Table 34-8, are issued to the CP
command register (CPCR).
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reset 0000_0000
Addr I2C_BASE + 04 (RFCR)/I2C_BASE + 05 (TFCR)
Figure 34-11. I2C Function Code Registers (RFCR/TFCR)
Table 34-7. RFCR/TFCR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð1 ÑReserved, should be cleared.
2GBL Global access bit
0 Disable memory snooping
0 Enable memory snooping
3Ð4 BO Byte ordering. Set BO to select the required byte ordering for the buffer. If BO is changed on-the-ßy, it
takes effect at the beginning of the next frame or BD.
00 True little-endian. Note this mode can only be used with 32-bit port size memory.
01 PowerPC little-endian.
1x Big-endian.
5TC2 Transfer code 2. Contains the transfer code value of TC[2], used during this SDMA channel memory
access. TC[0Ð1] is driven with a 0b11 to identify this SDMA channel access as a DMA-type access.
6DTB Data bus indicator.
0 Use 60x bus for SDMA operation.
1 Use local bus for SDMA operation.
7ÑReserved, should be cleared.
Table 34-8. I2C Transmit/Receive Commands
Command Description
Initializes all transmit parameters in the parameter RAM to their reset state. Should be issued only
when the transmitter is disabled. The INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command can also be used to reset
both the Tx and Rx parameters.
CLOSE RXBD Forces the I2C controller to close the current Rx BD and use the next BD for subsequently received
data. If the controller is not receiving data, no action is taken. Use this command to extract data from a
partially full buffer.
Initializes all receive parameters in the parameter RAM to their reset state. Should be issued only when
the receiver is disabled. The INIT TX AND RX PARAMETERS command can also be used to reset both the
Tx and Rx parameters.
34-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
34.7 The I2C Buffer Descriptor (BD) Table
As shown in Figure 34-12, buffer descriptors (BDs) are organized into separate RxBD and
TxBD tables in dual-port RAM. The tables have the same basic conÞguration as for the
SCCs and SMCs and form circular queues that determine the order buffers are transferred.
The CP uses BDs to conÞrm reception and transmission or to indicate error conditions so
that the core knows buffers have been serviced. The buffers themselves can be placed in
external memory or in any unused parameter area of the dual-port RAM.
Figure 34-12. I2C Memory Structure
34.7.1 I2C Buffer Descriptors (BDs)
Receive and transmit buffer descriptors report information about each buffer transferred
and whether a maskable interrupt should be generated. Each 64-bit BD, shown in
Figure 34-13 and Figure 34-14, has the following structure:
¥ The half word at offset + 0 contains status and control bits. The CP updates the status
bits after the buffer is sent or received.
¥ The half word at offset + 2 contains the data length (in bytes) that is sent or received.
Ñ For an RxBD, this is the number of octets the CP writes into this RxBDÕs buffer
once the descriptor closes. The CP updates this Þeld after the received data is
placed into the associated buffer. Memory allocated for this buffer should be no
smaller than MRBLR.
Ñ For a TxBD, this is the number of octets the CP should transmit from its buffer.
Normally, this value should be greater than zero. The CP never modiÞes this
¥ The word at offset + 4 points to the beginning of the buffer.
Ñ For an RxBD, the pointer must be even and can point to internal or external
Ñ For a TxBD, the pointer can be even or odd. The buffer can reside in internal or
external memory.
Status and Control
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Status and Control
Data Length
Buffer Pointer
Tx Buffer
I2C RxBD Table Pointer
Rx Buffer
Dual-Port RAM External Memory
TxBD Table
RxBD Table
Tx Buffer
I2C TxBD Table Pointer
I2C RxBD Table
I2C TxBD Table
MOTOROLA Chapter 34. I2C Controller 34-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module I2C Receive Buffer Descriptor (RxBD)
Using RxBDs, the CP reports on each buffer received, closes the current buffer, generates
a maskable interrupt, and starts receiving data in the next buffer when the current one is full.
It closes the buffer when a stop or start condition is found on the I2C bus or when an overrun
error occurs. The core should write RxBD bits before the I2C controller is enabled.
Table 34-9 describes I2C RxBD status and control bits.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 EÑWI OVÑ
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 RX Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 34-13. I2C RxBD
Table 34-9. I2C RxBD Status and Control Bits
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is full or stopped receiving because of an error. The core can examine or write to any
Þelds of this RxBD, but the CP does not use this BD while E = 0.
1 The buffer is empty or reception is in progress. The CP owns this RxBD and its buffer. Once E is set,
the core should not write any Þelds of this RxBD.
1 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in table).
0 Not the last BD in the RxBD table.
1 Last BD in the RxBD table. After this buffer is used, the CP receives incoming data using the BD
pointed to by RBASE (top of the table). The number of BDs in this table is determined only by the W
bit and overall space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is full.
1 The I2CER[RXB] is set when the CP Þlls this buffer, indicating that the core needs to process the
buffer. The RXB bit can cause an interrupt if it is enabled.
4 L Last. The I2C controller sets L.
0 This buffer does not contain the last character of the message.
1 This buffer holds the last character of the message. The I2C controller sets L after all received data is
placed into the associated buffer, or because of a stop or start condition or an overrun.
5Ð13 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
14 OV Overrun. Set when a receiver overrun occurs during reception. The I2C controller updates this bit after
the received data is placed into the associated buffer.
15 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
34-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module I2C Transmit Buffer Descriptor (TxBD)
Transmit data is arranged in buffers referenced by TxBDs in the TxBD table. The Þrst word
of the TxBD, shown in Figure 34-14, contains status and control bits.
Table 34-10 describes I2C TxBD status and control bits.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Offset + 0 RÑWI LS Ñ NAK UN CL
Offset + 2 Data Length
Offset + 4 Tx Buffer Pointer
Offset + 6
Figure 34-14. I2C TxBD
Table 34-10. I2C TxBD Status and Control Bits
Bits Name Description
0 The buffer is not ready to be sent. This BD or its buffer can be modiÞed. The CP clears R after the
buffer is sent or an error occurs.
1 The buffer is ready for transmission or is being sent. The BD cannot be modiÞed once R is set.
1 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
2WWrap (last BD in TxBD table).
0 Not the last BD in the table.
1 Last BD in the table. After this buffer is used, the CP transmits data using the BD pointed to by
TBASE (top of the table). The number of BDs in this table is determined only by the W bit and overall
space constraints of the dual-port RAM.
0 No interrupt is generated after this buffer is serviced.
1 I2CER[TXB] or I2CER[TXE] is set when the buffer is serviced. If enabled, an interrupt occurs.
0 This buffer does not contain the last character of the message.
1 This buffer contains the last character of the message. The I2C controller generates a stop condition
after sending this buffer.
5SGenerate start condition. Provides ability to send back-to-back frames with one I2COM[STR] trigger.
0 Do not send a start condition before the Þrst byte of the buffer.
1 Send a start condition before the Þrst byte of the buffer. (Used to separate frames.)
Note: If this BD is the Þrst one in the frame when I2COM[STR] is triggered, a start condition is sent
regardless of the value of TxBD[S].
6Ð12 Ñ Reserved and should be cleared.
13 NAK No acknowledge. Indicates that the transmission was aborted because the last byte sent was not
acknowledged. The I2C controller updates NAK after the buffer is sent.
14 UN Underrun. Indicates that the I2C controller encountered a transmitter underrun condition while sending
the associated buffer. The I2C controller updates UN after the buffer is sent.
15 CL Collision. Indicates that transmission terminated because the transmitter was lost while arbitrating for
the bus. The I2C controller updates CL after the buffer is sent.
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-1
Chapter 35
Parallel I/O Ports
The CPM supports four general-purpose I/O portsÑports A, B, C, and D. Each pin in the
I/O ports can be conÞgured as a general-purpose I/O signal or as a dedicated peripheral
interface signal. Port C is unique in that 16 of its pins can generate interrupts to the interrupt
Each pin can be conÞgured as an input or output and has a latch for data output, read or
written at any time, and conÞgured as general-purpose I/O or a dedicated peripheral pin.
Part of the pins can be conÞgured as open-drain (the pin can be conÞgured in a wired-OR
conÞguration on the board). The pin drives a zero voltage but three-states when driving a
high voltage.
Note that port pins do not have internal pull-up resistors. Due to the CPMÕs signiÞcant
ßexibility, many dedicated peripheral functions are multiplexed onto the ports. The
functions are grouped to maximize the pinsÕ usefulness in the greatest number of MPC8260
applications. The reader may not obtain a full understanding of the pin assignment
capability described in this chapter without understanding the CPM peripherals.
35.1 Features
The following is a list of the parallel I/O portsÕ important features:
¥ Port A is 32 bits
¥ Port B is 28 bits
¥ Port C is 32 bits
¥ Port D is 28 bits
¥ All ports are bidirectional
¥ All ports have alternate on-chip peripheral functions
¥ All ports are three-stated at system reset
¥ All pin values can be read while the pin is connected to an on-chip peripheral
¥ Open-drain capability on some pins
¥ Port C offers 16 interrupt input pins
35-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
35.2 Port Registers
Each port has four memory-mapped, read/write, 32-bit control registers.
35.2.1 Port Open-Drain Registers (PODRAÐPODRD)
The port open-drain register (PODR), shown in Figure 35-1, indicates a normal or wired-
OR conÞguration of the port pins.
Table 35-1 describes PODR Þelds.
35.2.2 Port Data Registers (PDATAÐPDATD)
A read of a port data register (PDATx), shown in Figure 35-2, returns the data at the pin,
independent of whether the pin is deÞned as an input or output. This allows detection of
output conßicts at the pin by comparing the written data with the data on the pin.
A write to the PDATx is latched and if the equivalent PDIR bit is conÞgured as an output,
the value latched for that bit is driven onto its respective pin. PDATx can be read or written
at any time and is not initialized.
If a port pin is selected as a general-purpose I/O pin, it can be accessed through the port
data register (PDATx). Data written to the PDATx is stored in an output latch. If a port pin
is conÞgured as an output, the output latch data is gated onto the port pin. In this case, when
PDATx is read, the port pin itself is read. If a port pin is conÞgured as an input, data written
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field OD01OD11OD21OD31OD4 OD5 OD6 OD7 OD8 OD9 OD10 OD11 OD12 OD13 OD14 OD15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D0C (PODRA), 0x10D2C (PODRB), 0x10D4C (PODRC), 0x10D6C (PODRD)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field OD16 OD17 OD18 OD19 OD20 OD21 OD22 OD23 OD24 OD25 OD26 OD27 OD28 OD29 OD30 OD31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D0E (PODRA), 0x10D2E (PODRB), 0x10D4E (PODRC), 0x10D6E (PODRD)
1 These bits are valid for PODRA and PODRC only
Figure 35-1. Port Open-Drain Registers (PODRAÐPODRD)
Table 35-1. PODRx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 ODxOpen-drain conÞguration. Determines whether the corresponding pin is actively driven as an output or is
an open-drain driver. Note that bits OD0ÐOD3 are valid for PODRA and PODRC only.
0 The I/O pin is actively driven as an output.
1 The I/O pin is an open-drain driver. As an output, the pin is driven active-low, otherwise it is three-stated.
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-3
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
to PDATx is still stored in the output latch, but is prevented from reaching the port pin. In
this case, when PDATx is read, the state of the port pin is read.
35.2.3 Port Data Direction Registers (PDIRAÐPDIRD)
The port data direction register(PDIR), shown in Figure 35-3, is cleared at system reset.
Table 35-2 describes PDIR Þelds.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field D01D11D21D31D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x10D10 (PDATA), 0x10D30 (PDATB), 0x10D50 (PDATC), 0x10D70 (PDATD)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31
Reset Ñ
Addr 0x10D12 (PDATA), 0x10D32 (PDATB), 0x10D52 (PDATC), 0x10D72 (PDATD)
1 These bits are valid for PDATA and PDATC only
Figure 35-2. Port Data Registers (PDATAÐPDATD)
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field DR01DR11DR21DR31DR4 DR5 DR6 DR7 DR8 DR9 DR10 DR11 DR12 DR13 DR14 DR15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D00 (PDIRA), 0x10D20 (PDIRB), 0x10D40 (PDIRC), 0x10D60 (PDIRD)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field DR16 DR17 DR18 DR19 DR20 DR21 DR22 DR23 DR24 DR25 DR26 DR27 DR28 DR29 DR30 DR31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D02 (PDIRA), 0x10D22 (PDIRB), 0x10D42 (PDIRC), 0x10D62 (PDIRD)
1 These bits are valid for PDIRA and PDIRC only
Figure 35-3. Port Data Direction Register (PDIR)
Table 35-2. PDIR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 DRxDirection. Indicates whether a pin is used as an input or an output. Note that bits DR0ÐDR3 are valid
for PDIRA and PDIRC only.
0 The corresponding pin is an input.
1 The corresponding pin is an output.
35-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
35.2.4 Port Pin Assignment Register (PPAR)
The port pin assignment register (PPAR) is cleared at system reset.
Table 35-2 describes PPARx Þelds.
35.2.5 Port Special Options Registers AÐD (PSORAÐPSORD)
Figure 35-5 shows the port special options registers (PSORx).
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field DD01DD11DD21DD31DD4 DD5 DD6 DD7 DD8 DD9 DD10 DD11 DD12 DD13 DD14 DD15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D04 (PPARA), 0x10D24 (PPARB), 0x10D44 (PPARC), 0x10D64 (PPARD)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field DD16 DD17 DD18 DD19 DD20 DD21 DD22 DD23 DD24 DD25 DD26 DD27 DD28 DD29 DD30 DD31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D06 (PPARA), 0x10D26 (PPARB), 0x10D46 (PPARC), 0x10D66 (PPARD)
1 These bits are valid for PPARA and PPARC only
Figure 35-4. Port Pin Assignment Register (PPARAÐPPARD)
Table 35-3. PPAR Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 DDxDedicated enable. Indicates whether a pin is a general-purpose I/O or a dedicated peripheral pin.
Note that bits DD0ÐDD3 are valid for PPARA and PPARC only.
0 General-purpose I/O. The peripheral functions of the pin are not used.
1 Dedicated peripheral function. The pin is used by the internal module. The on-chip peripheral
function to which it is dedicated can be determined by other bits such as those is the PDIR.
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-5
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
PSOR bits are effective only if the corresponding PPARx[DDx] = 1 (a dedicated peripheral
function). Table 35-4 describes PSORx Þelds.
If the corresponding PPARx[DDx] = 1 (conÞgured as a general-purpose pin) before
programming a PSORx or PDIRx bit, a pin might function for a short period as an unwanted
dedicated function and cause unknown behavior.
Bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Field SO01SO11SO21SO31SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D08 (PSORA), 0x10D28 (PSORB), 0x10D48 (PSORC), 0x10D68 (PSORD)
Bits 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Field SO16 SO17 SO18 SO19 SO20 SO21 SO22 SO23 SO24 SO25 SO26 SO27 SO28 SO29 SO30 SO31
Reset 0000_0000_0000_0000
Addr 0x10D0A (PSORA), 0x10D2A (PSORB), 0x10D4A (PSORC), 0x10D6A (PSORD)
1 These bits are valid for PSORA and PSORC only
Figure 35-5. Special Options Registers (PSORAÐPOSRD)
Table 35-4. PSORx Field Descriptions
Bits Name Description
0Ð31 SOxSpecial-option. Determines whether a pin conÞgured for a dedicated function (PPARx[DDx] = 1) uses
option 1 or option 2. Note that bits SO0ÐSO3 are valid for PSORA and PSORC only. Options are
described in Section 35.2, ÒPort Registers.Ó
0 Dedicated peripheral function. Option 1.
1 Dedicated peripheral function. Option 2.
35-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
35.3 Port Block Diagram
Figure 35-6 shows the functional block diagram.
Figure 35-6. Port Functional Operation
35.4 Port Pins Functions
Each pin can operate as a general purpose I/O pin or as a dedicated input or output pin.
Input IN1
Input IN2
PDATx Read
PDATx Write
To/from internal bus
Register Name 0 1 Description
PPARxGeneral purpose Dedicated Port pin assignment
PSORxDedicated 1 Dedicated 2 Special operation
PDIRxInput Output Direction1
1Bidirectional signals must be programmed as inputs (PDIR = 0).
PODRxRegular Open drain
PDATx0 1 Data
To/from peripheral bus
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-7
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
35.4.1 General Purpose I/O Pins
Each one of the port pins is independently conÞgured as a general-purpose I/O pin if the
corresponding port pin assignment register (PPAR) bit is cleared. Each pin is conÞgured as
a dedicated on-chip peripheral pin if the corresponding PPAR bit is set.When the port pin
is conÞgured as a general-purpose I/O pin, the signal direction for that pin is determined by
the corresponding control bit in the port data direction register (PDIR). The port I/O pin is
conÞgured as an input if the corresponding PDIR bit is cleared; it is conÞgured as an output
if the corresponding PDIR bit is set. All PPAR and PDIR bits are cleared on total system
reset, conÞguring all port pins as general-purpose input pins.
If a port pin is selected as a general-purpose I/O pin, it can be accessed through the port
data register (PDATx). Data written to the PDATx is stored in an output latch. If a port pin
is conÞgured as an output, the output latch data is gated onto the port pin. In this case, when
PDATx is read, the port pin itself is read. If a port pin is conÞgured as an input, data written
to PDATx is still stored in the output latch, but is prevented from reaching the port pin. In
this case, when PDATx is read, the state of the port pin is read.
35.4.2 Dedicated Pins
When a port pin is not conÞgured as a general-purpose I/O pin, it has a dedicated
functionality, as described in the following tables. Note that if an input to a peripheral is not
supplied from a pin, a default value is supplied to the on-chip peripheral as listed in the
right-most column.
Some output functions can be output on 2 different pins. For
example, the output for BRG1 can come out on both PC31 and
PD19. The user can freely conÞgure such functions to be
output on two pins at once. However, there is typically no
advantage in doing so unless there is a large fanout where it is
advantageous to share the load between two pins.
Many input functions can also come from two different pins;
see Section 35.5, ÒPorts Tables.Ó
35.5 Ports Tables
Table 35-5 through Table 35-8 describe the ports functionality according to the
conÞguration of the port registers (PPARx, PSORx, and PDIRx). Each pin can function as
a general purpose I/O, one of two dedicated outputs, or one of two dedicated inputs.
As shown in Figure 35-7, some input functions can come from two different pins for
ßexibility. Secondary option programming is relevant only if primary option is
programmed to the default value.
35-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Figure 35-7. Primary and Secondary Option Programming
In the tables below, the default value for a primary option is simply a reference to the
secondary option. In the secondary option, the programming is relevant only if the primary
option is not used for the function.
Table 35-5 shows the port A pin assignments.
Table 35-5. Port AÑDedicated Pin Assignment (PPARA = 1)
Pin Function
PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
PA31 FCC1: TxEnb
UTOPIA master
FCC1: TxEnb
UTOPIA slave
PA30 FCC1: TxClav
UTOPIA slave
FCC1: TxClav
UTOPIA master
FCC1: TxClav0
MPHY, master, direct
PA28 FCC1: RxEnb
UTOPIA master
FCC1: RxEnb
UTOPIA slave
PA26 FCC1: RxClav
UTOPIA slave
FCC1: RxClav
UTOPIA master
FCC1: RxClav0
MPHY, master, direct
Pin PA8
Pin PD4
PPARA[8] == 1 &
PPARD[4] == 1 &
PSORA[8] == 0 &
PDIRA[8] == 0
PSORD[4] == 1 &
PDIRD[4] == 0
Primary option
Secondary option
for SMC2 RxD for SMC2 RxD
to SMC2 RxD
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-9
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
PA25 FCC1: TxD[0]
FCC1: TxD[8]
PA24 FCC1: TxD[1]
FCC1: TxD[9]
PA23 FCC1: TxD[2]
FCC1: TxD[10]
PA22 FCC1: TxD[3]
FCC1: TxD[11]
PA21 FCC1: TxD[4]
FCC1: TxD[12]
FCC1: TxD[3]
PA20 FCC1: TxD[5]
FCC1: TxD[13]
FCC1: TxD[2]
PA19 FCC1: TxD[6]
FCC1: TxD[14]
FCC1: TxD[1]
Table 35-5. Port AÑDedicated Pin Assignment (PPARA = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
35-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
PA18 FCC1: TxD[7]
FCC1: TxD[15]
FCC1: TxD[0]
PA17 FCC1: RxD[7]
FCC1: RxD[15]
FCC1: RxD[0]
PA16 FCC1: RxD[6]
FCC1: RxD[14]
FCC1: RxD[1]
PA15 FCC1: RxD[5]
FCC1: RxD[13]
FCC1: RxD[2]
PA14 FCC1: RxD[4]
FCC1: RxD[12]
FCC1: RxD[3]
PA13 FCC1: RxD[3]
FCC1: RxD[11]
Table 35-5. Port AÑDedicated Pin Assignment (PPARA = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-11
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
PA12 FCC1: RxD[2]
FCC1: RxD[10]
PA11 FCC1: RxD[1]
FCC1: RxD[9] FCC1
PA10 FCC1: RxD[0]
FCC1: RxD[8]
(primary option)
by PD4 TDM_A1: L1RXD[0]
Input, nibble
Inout, serial
(primary option)
PA 5 SCC2: RSTRT FCC2: RxAddr[2]
MPHY master
PA 4 FCC2: RxAddr[1]
MPHY master
PA 3 FCC2: RxAddr[0]
MPHY master
PA 2 FCC2: TxAddr[0]
MPHY master
PA 1 FCC2: TxAddr[1]
MPHY master
PA 0 SCC1: RSTRT FCC2: TxAddr[2]
MPHY master
1MSNUM[0Ð4] is the sub-block code of the peripheral controller using SDMA; MSNUM[5] indicates which section,
transmit or receive, is active during the transfer. See Section 18.2.4, ÒSDMA Transfer Error MSNUM Registers
Table 35-5. Port AÑDedicated Pin Assignment (PPARA = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRA = 1 (Output) PDIRA = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
35-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 35-6 shows the port B pin assignments.
Table 35-6. Port B Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARB = 1)
Pin Function
PDIRB = 1 (Output) PDIRB = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRB = 1 (Output) PDIRB = 0 (Input or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
PB29 FCC2: RxClav
UTOPIA slave
FCC2: RxClav
UTOPIA master
PB27 FCC2: TxD[0]
PB26 FCC2: TxD[1]
PB25 FCC2: TxD[4]
FCC2: TxD[3]
TDM_A1: L1TXD[3]
PB24 FCC2: TxD[5]
FCC2: TxD[2]
TDM_A1: L1RXD[3]
PB23 FCC2: TxD[6]
FCC2: TxD[1]
TDM_A1: L1RXD[2]
PB22 FCC2: TxD[7]
FCC2: TxD[0]
HDLC/transp. serial
TDM_A1: L1RXD[1]
PB21 FCC2: RxD[7]
FCC2: RxD[0]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
HDLC/transp.. serial
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-13
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
PB20 FCC2: RxD[6]
FCC2: RxD[1]
PB19 FCC2: RxD[5]
FCC2: RxD[2]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
PB18 FCC2: RxD[4]
FCC2: RxD[3]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
(primary option)
(primary option)
(primary option)
(primary option)
(primary option)
(primary option)
PB11 FCC2: TxD[0]
FCC3: RxD[3]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
(primary option)
PB10 FCC2: TxD[1]
FCC3: RxD[2]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
(primary option)
PB9 FCC2: TxD[2]
FCC3: RxD[1]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
(primary option)
by PD4
PB8 FCC2: TxD[3]
FCC3: RxD[0]
MII/HDLC/transp. nibble
HDLC/transp. serial
(primary option)
Table 35-6. Port B Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARB = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRB = 1 (Output) PDIRB = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRB = 1 (Output) PDIRB = 0 (Input or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
35-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 35-7 shows the port C pin assignments.
PB7 FCC3: TXD[0]
HDLC/transp. serial
FCC2: RxD[3]
(primary option)
TDM_A2: L1TXD[0]
Output, nibble
Inout, serial
(primary option)
PB6 FCC3: TXD[1]
FCC2: RxD[2]
(primary option)
Inout, serial
TDM_A2: L1RXD[0]
Input, nibble
(primary option)
PB5 FCC3: TXD[2]
FCC2: RxD[1]
(primary option)
(primary option)
by PC9
PB4 FCC3: TXD[3]
FCC2: RxD[0]
(primary option)
(primary option)
Table 35-7. Port C Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARC = 1)
Pin Function
PDIRC = 1 (Output) PDIRC = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRC = 1 (Output) PDIRC = 0 (Input or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
PC30 FCC2: TxD[3]
IA 8
(secondary option)
(secondary option)
PC27 FCC3: TxD
HDLC/transp. serial
FCC3: TxD[0]
Table 35-6. Port B Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARB = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRB = 1 (Output) PDIRB = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRB = 1 (Output) PDIRB = 0 (Input or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
35-15 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
real-time counter
PC25 FCC2: TxD[2]
PC24 FCC2: TxD[3]
(primary option)
by PD5
PC20 CLK12 CLK16 timer1/2: TGATE1 GND
PC18 CLK14 GND timer3/4: TGATE2 GND
(primary option)
by PC5 FCC1: TxAddr[0]
MPHY, master
FCC1: TxAddr[0]2
MPHY, slave
FCC2: TxAddr[4]
MPHY, slave
GND FCC1: RxAddr[0]
MPHY, master
FCC1: RxAddr[0]2
MPHY, slave
FCC2: RxAddr[4]
MPHY, slave
(primary option)
by PC4 FCC1: TxAddr[1]
MPHY, master
FCC1: TxAddr[1]2
MPHY, slave
FCC2: TxAddr[3]
MPHY, slave
PC12 SI1: L1ST3 SCC2: CD
GND FCC1: RxAddr[1]
MPHY, master
FCC1: RxAddr[1]2
MPHY, slave
FCC2: RxAddr[3]
MPHY, slave
(primary option)
by PC8 TDM_A2: L1TXD[3]
FCC2: RxD[2]1
(secondary option)
Table 35-7. Port C Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARC = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRC = 1 (Output) PDIRC = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRC = 1 (Output) PDIRC = 0 (Input or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
35-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
PC10 FCC1: TxD[2]
FCC2: RxD[3]1
(secondary option)
PC9 FCC1: TxD[1]
(primary option)
by PC3 SI2: L1ST1
(secondary option)
PC8 FCC1: TxD[0]
(secondary option)
PC7 TDM_C1: L1RQ FCC1: CTS GND FCC1: TxAddr[2]
MPHY master,
multiplexed: polling
FCC1: TxAddr[2]2
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: TxClav12
MPHY, master, direct
FCC2: TxAddr[2]
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: RxAddr[2]2
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling)
FCC1: RxClav12
MPHY, master, direct
FCC2: RxAddr[2]
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
PC5 FCC2: TxClav
UTOPIA, slave
FCC2: TxClav
UTOPIA, master
PC4 FCC2: RxEnb
UTOPIA, master
FCC2: RxEnb
UTOPIA, slave
PC3 FCC2: TxD[2]
(secondary option)
PC2 FCC2: TxD[3]
(secondary option)
1Available only when the primary option for this function is not used.
2MPHY Address pins 3,4 (master mode) can come from FCC2, depending on CMXUAR programming. (See
Section 15.4.1, ÒCMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR).Ó).
Table 35-7. Port C Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARC = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRC = 1 (Output) PDIRC = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRC = 1 (Output) PDIRC = 0 (Input or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-17
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
Table 35-8 shows the port D pin assignments.
Table 35-8. Port D Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARD = 1)
Pin Function
PDIRD = 1 (Output) PDIRD = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRD = 1 (Output) PDIRD = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
PD30 FCC2: TxEnb
UTOPIA master
FCC2: TxEnb
UTOPIA slave
FCC1: RxAddr[3]1
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC2: RxAddr[4]
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: RxAddr[3]2
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: RxClav2 2
MPHY, master, direct
FCC2: RxAddr[1]
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
PD28 FCC1: TxD[7]
UTOPIA 16 bit
(secondary option)
(secondary option)
PD27 SCC2: TXD FCC1: RxD[7]
(secondary option)
FCC1: RxD[6]
(secondary option)
PD25 FCC1: TxD[6]
(secondary option)
(secondary option)
PD24 SCC3: TXD FCC1: RxD[5]
(secondary option)
FCC1: RxD[4]
(secondary option)
PD22 FCC1: TxD[5]
Output, nibble
(secondary option)
Inout, serial
(secondary option)
PD21 SCC4: TXD FCC1: RxD[3]
Inout, serial
TDM_A2: L1RXD[0]3
Input, nibble
(secondary option)
35-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
FCC1: RxD[2]
(secondary option)
PD19 FCC1: TxAddr[4] 1
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC2: TxAddr[3]
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: TxAddr[4] 2
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: TxClav32
MPHY, master, direct
FCC2: TxAddr[0]
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
PD18 FCC1: RxAddr[4]1
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC2: RxAddr[3]
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: RxAddr[4]2
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: RxClav32
MPHY, master, direct
FCC2: RxAddr[0]
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
PD17 BRG2: BRGO FCC1: RxPrty
PD16 FCC1: TxPrty
(secondary option)
PD15 TDM_C2: L1RQ FCC1: RxD[1]
PD14 TDM_C2: L1CLKO FCC1: RxD[0]
PD11 TDMB2: L1RQ FCC2: RxD[0]3
(secondary option)
PD10 TDMB2: L1CLKO FCC2: RxD[1]3
(secondary option)
Table 35-8. Port D Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARD = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRD = 1 (Output) PDIRD = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRD = 1 (Output) PDIRD = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
MOTOROLA Chapter 35. Parallel I/O Ports 35-19
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
35.6 Interrupts from Port C
The port C lines associated with CDx and CTSx have a mode of operation where the pin
can be internally connected to the SCC/FCC but can also generate interrupts. Port C still
detects changes on the CTS and CD pins and asserts the corresponding interrupt request,
but the SCC/FCC simultaneously uses CTS and/or CD to automatically control operation.
This lets the user fully implement protocols V.24, X.21, and X.21 bis (with the assistance
of other general-purpose I/O lines).
To conÞgure a port C pin as a CTS or CD pin that connects to the SCC/FCC and generates
interrupts, these steps should be followed:
1. Write the corresponding PPARC bit with a 1 and PSORC bit with 0.
2. Write the corresponding PDIRC bit with a zero.
3. Set the SIEXR bit (in the interrupt controller) to determine which edges cause
PD8 FCC2: TxPrty
PD7 SMC1: SMSYN GND FCC1: TxAddr[3]1
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC2: TxAddr[4]
MPHY, master,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: TxAddr[3]2
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
FCC1: TxClav22
MPHY, master, direct
FCC2: TxAddr[1]
MPHY, slave,
multiplexed polling
PD6 FCC1: TxD[4]
PD5 FCC1: TxD[3]
(secondary option)
(secondary option)
(secondary option)
1MPHY address pins 3 and 4 (master mode) can come from FCC2, depending on CMXUAR programming. (See
Section 15.4.1, ÒCMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR).Ó)
2MPHY address pins 0Ð4 (slave mode) can come from FCC2, depending on CMXUAR programming. (See
Section 15.4.1, ÒCMX UTOPIA Address Register (CMXUAR).Ó)
3Available only when the primary option for this function is not used.
Table 35-8. Port D Dedicated Pin Assignment (PPARD = 1) (Continued)
Pin Function
PDIRD = 1 (Output) PDIRD = 0 (Input) Default
Input PDIRD = 1 (Output) PDIRD = 0 (Input, or
Inout if SpeciÞed)
35-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Part IV. Communications Processor Module
4. Write the corresponding SIMR (mask register) bit with a 1 to allow interrupts to be
generated to the core.
5. The pin value can be read at any time using PDATC.
After connecting CTS or CD to the SCC/FCC, the user must
also choose the normal operation mode in GSMR[DIAG] to
enable and disable SCC/FCC transmission and reception with
these pins.
The IDMA-DREQ lines in ports C can assert an external request to the CP instead of
asserting an interrupt to the core. Each line can be programmed to assert an interrupt request
upon a high-to-low change or any change as conÞgured in SIEXR.
Do not program the IDMAx-DREQ pins to assert external
requests to the IDMA, unless the IDMA is used. Otherwise,
erratic operation occurs.
MOTOROLA Appendix A. Register Quick Reference Guide A-1
Appendix A
Register Quick Reference Guide
This section provides a brief guide to the core registers.
A.1 PowerPC RegistersÑUser Registers
The implements the user-level registers deÞned by the PowerPC architecture except those
required for supporting ßoating-point operations (the ßoating-point register Þle (FPRs) and
the ßoating-point status and control register (FPSCR)). User-level, PowerPC registers are
listed in Table A-1 and Table A-2. Table A-2 lists user-level special-purpose registers
Table A-2 lists SPRs deÞned by the PowerPC architecture implemented on the MPC8260.
Table A-1. User-Level PowerPC Registers (Non-SPRs)
Description Name Comments Access Level Serialize Access
GPRs The thirty-two 32-bit (GPRs) are used for source
and destination operands. See the
Programming Environments Manual for more
User Ñ
Condition register CR See the Programming Environments Manual User Only mtcrf
Table A-2. User-Level PowerPC SPRs
SPR Number
Name Comments Serialize Access
Decimal SPR [5Ð9] SPR [0Ð4]
1 00000 00001 XER See the Programming
Environments Manual
Write: Full sync
Read: Sync relative to load/store operations
8 00000 01000 LR See the Programming
Environments Manual
9 00000 01001 CTR See the Programming
Environments Manual
268 01000 01100 TBL read 1
1 Extended opcode for mftb, 371 rather than 339.
See the Programming
Environments Manual
Write (as a store)
269 01000 01101 TBU read 2
2 Any write (mtspr) to this address causes an implementation-dependent software emulation exception.
A-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
A.2 PowerPC RegistersÑSupervisor Registers
All supervisor-level registers implemented on the MPC8260 are SPRs, except for the machine
state register (MSR), described in Table A-3.
Table A-4 lists supervisor-level SPRs defined by the PowerPC architecture.
Table A-3. Supervisor-Level PowerPC Registers (Non-SPR)
Description Name Comments Serialize Access
Machine state register MSR See the Programming Environments Manual
and MPC603e RISC Microprocessor UserÕs
Write fetch sync
Table A-4. Supervisor-Level PowerPC SPRs
SPR Number
Name Comments Serialize Access
Decimal SPR[5Ð9] SPR[0Ð4]
18 00000 10010 DSISR See the Programming Environments
Write: Full sync
Read: Sync relative to
load/store operations
19 00000 10011 DAR See the Programming Environments
Write: Full sync
Read: Sync relative to load/
store operations
22 00000 10110 DEC See the Programming Environments
26 00000 11010 SRR0 See the Programming Environments
27 00000 11011 SRR1 See the Programming Environments
272 01000 10000 SPRG0 See the Programming Environments
273 01000 10001 SPRG1
274 01000 10010 SPRG2
275 01000 10011 SPRG3
284 01000 11100 TBL write1
1 Any read (mftb) to this address causes an implementation-dependent software emulation exception.
See the Programming Environments
Write (as a store)
285 01000 11101 TBU write1
287 01000 11111 PVR See Section, ÒProcessor
Version Register (PVR).Ó
No (read-only register)
MOTOROLA Appendix A. Register Quick Reference Guide A-3
A.3 MPC8260-SpeciÞc SPRs
Table A-2 and Table A-5 list SPRs speciÞc to the MPC8260. Supervisor-level registers are
described in Table A-5.
Table A-5. MPC8260-Specific Supervisor-Level SPRs
SPR Number
Name Comments Serialize Access
Decimal SPR[5Ð9] SPR[0Ð4]
976 11110 10000 DMISS See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
977 11110 10001 DCMP See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
978 11110 10010 HASH1 See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
979 11110 10011 HASH2 See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
980 11110 10100 IMISS See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
981 11110 10101 ICMP See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
982 11110 10110 RPA See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
1008 11111 10000 HID0 See Section, ÒHardware
Implementation-Dependent Register 0
1009 11111 10001 HID1 See Section, ÒHardware
Implementation-Dependent Register 1
1010 11111 10010 IABR See the MPC603e RISC
Microprocessor UserÕs Manual
1011 11111 10011 HID2 See Section, ÒHardware
Implementation-Dependent Register 2
A-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
MOTOROLA Index Index-1
603e features list, 2-3
60x bus
60x-compatible mode
60x-compatible bus mode, 8-3
address latch enable (ALE), 10-11
BUFCMD, 10-42
EAMUX signal, 10-41
MAR, 10-77
overview, 10-101
size calculation, 8-19
60x-to-local bus transaction priority, 10-8
arbitration, 8-7
ARTRY, 8-23
operations, 8-7
pipelining, 8-9
timing configuration, 8-25
transfer attribute signals, 8-10
transfer termination, 8-23
bandwidth control on the IDMA channel, 18-12
bus protocol
address pipelining, 8-7
arbitration phase, 8-5
overview, 8-4
split-bus transactions, 8-7
configuration, 8-2
asserting TEA, 8-30
data bus arbitration, 8-26
data bus transfers, 8-27
data streaming mode, 8-27
effect of ARTRY assertion, 8-28
normal termination, 8-27
operations, 8-26
port size data bus transfers and PSDVAL
termination, 8-28
data transfers
alignment, 8-14
burst ordering, 8-14
port size, 8-16
extended transfer mode, 8-20
extended write cycle data bus contents, 8-21
little-endian mode, 8-33
LSDMR register, 10-24
lwarx/stwcx. support, 8-33
MEI protocol, 8-31
memory coherency, 8-31
no-pipeline mode, 8-26
one-level pipeline mode, 8-26
overview, 8-1
pipeline control, 8-26
port size device interfaces, 8-17
processor state signals, 8-32
PSDMR register, 10-21
single-MPC8260 bus mode, 8-2
TBST signal, 8-13
TCn signals, 8-13
terminology, 8-1
TESCRx registers, 10-33
TLBISYNC input, 8-33
TSIZn signals, 8-13
TTn signals, 8-10
write cycle data bus contents, 8-19
60x bus memory controller, see Memory controller
Accessing dual-port RAM, 13-15
Acronyms and abbreviated terms, list, lxi, I-lxviii,
II-ii, III-iii, IV-iv
AppleTalk mode
GSMR, 25-3
programming example, 25-3
PSMR, 25-4
TODR, 25-4
ATM controller
AAL1 sequence number protection table, 29-78
AALn RxBD, 29-6, 29-69
AALn TxBD, 29-5, 29-74
ABR flow control, 29-8, 29-20
address compression, 29-15
ATM layer statistics, 29-33
ATM memory structure, 29-37
ATM pace control (APC) unit
ATM service types, 29-8
configuration, 29-93
data structures, 29-61
modes, 29-8
overview, 29-8
parameter tables, 29-62
priority table, 29-63
scheduling mechanism, 29-9
scheduling tables, 29-63
traffic type, 29-11
UBR+ traffic, 29-13
Index-2 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
VBR traffic, 29-12
ATM TRANSMIT command, 29-90
ATM-to-ATM data forwarding, 29-37
ATM-to-TDM interworking, 29-34
buffer descriptors, 29-64
exceptions, 29-79
external rate mode, 29-6
FCCE, 29-87
FCCM, 29-87
features list, 29-2
FPSMR, 29-85
FTIRRx, 29-88
GFMR register, 29-85
global mode entry (GMODE), 29-41
internal rate mode, 29-6
interrupt queues, 29-79
maximum performance configuration, 29-92
OAM performance monitoring, 29-29, 29-60
OAM support, 29-27
operations and maintenance (OAM) support, 29-27
overview, 29-4
parameter RAM, 29-37
performance monitoring, 29-8
performance, maximum (configuration), 29-92
programming model, 29-85
receive connection table (RCT)
AALn protocol-specific RCTs, 29-46
ATM channel code, 29-42
overview, 29-41
raw cell queue, 29-19
RCT entry format, 29-44
registers, 29-85
RxBD, 29-69
RxBD extension, 29-73
SRTS generation using external logic, 29-91
transmit connection table (TCT)
AALn protocol-specific TCTs, 29-54
ATM channel code, 29-42
overview, 29-41
TCT entry format, 29-51
transmit connection table extension (TCTE)
ABR protocol-specific, 29-58
ATM channel code, 29-42
overview, 29-41
UBR+ protocol-specific, 29-57
VBR protocol-specific, 29-56
transmit rate modes, 29-6
TxBD, 29-74
TxBD extension, 29-78
UDC extended address mode, 29-33
UEAD_OFFSET determination, 29-40
UNI statistics table, 29-78
user-defined cells (UDC)
extended address mode, 29-33
overview, 29-32
RxBD extension (AAL5/AAL1), 29-73
TxBD extension (AAL5/AAL1), 29-78
user-defined RxBD extension
(AAL5/AAL1), 29-73
user-defined TxBD extension
(AAL5/AAL1), 29-78
UTOPIA interface, 29-82
VCI filtering, 29-40
VCI/VPI address lookup, 29-14
VC-level address compression tables
(VCLT), 29-18
VP-level address compression table
(VPLT), 29-17
Baud-rate generator (BRG)
BRGCLK, 34-2
memory map, 3-8
BCR (bus configuration register), 4-25
BDLE (SCC BISYNC DLE) register, 22-8
commands, 22-5
control character recognition, 22-6
error handling, 22-9
frame reception, 22-3
frame transmission, 22-2
frames, classes, 22-1
memory map, 22-4
overview, 22-1
parameter RAM, 22-3
programming example, 22-18
programming the controller, 22-17
receiving synchronization sequence, 22-9
RxBD, 22-12
sending synchronization sequence, 22-9
TxBD, 22-14
Block diagrams
cascaded mode, 17-4
communications processor (CP), 13-5
communications processor module (CPM), 13-3
CPM multiplexing logic (CMX), 15-2
DPLL receiver, 19-22
dual-bus architecture, 10-3
dual-port RAM, 13-15
Fast Ethernet, 30-3
FCC overview, 28-3
I2C controller, 34-1
IEEE 1149.1 test access port, 12-2
parallel I/O ports, 35-6
PLL block diagram, 9-5
SCC block diagram, 19-2
serial interface, 14-2
serial peripheral interface (SPI), 33-1
MOTOROLA Index Index-3
system interface unit (SIU)
periodic interrupt timer, 4-5
SIU block diagram, 4-1
software watchdog timer, 4-7
system configuration/protection logic, 4-3
time counter (TMCNT), 4-5
system PLL, 9-5
timers, 17-1
Branch processing unit overview, 2-6
BRGCLK, 34-2
BRn (base registers), 10-14
BSYNC (BISYNC SYNC) register, 22-7
BUFCMD (external address and command
buffers), 10-42
Buffer descriptors
ATM controller
receive, 29-65, 29-69
transmit, 29-64, 29-74
BISYNC mode, 22-12
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Fast Ethernet mode
receive, 30-23
transmit, 30-26
HDLC mode
receive, 31-9
transmit, 31-12
receive, 28-9
transmit, 28-9
GCI mode
monitor channel, 26-32
HDLC mode, 21-8
I2C controller
receive, 34-13
transmit, 34-14
IDMA emulation
auto buffer, 18-15
IDMA buffers, 18-23
multi-channel controllers (MCCs)
receive, 27-21
transmit, 27-23
overview, 19-10
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-5
serial peripheral interface (SPI)
receive, 33-14
transmit, 33-15
transparent mode
serial communications controllers (SCCs), 23-9
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-26
UART mode
serial communications controllers (SCCs), 20-15
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-14
Bus interface
hierarchical bus interface example, 10-100
BxTx (byte-select signals), 10-75
Byte stuffing, 22-1
Byte-select signals, 10-75
Cascaded mode, 17-3
CHAMR (channel mode register), 27-10
CHAMR (channel mode register,
transparent mode), 27-13
assertion timing, 10-53
chip-select machine, 10-51
signals, 10-74
write enable deassertion timing, 10-54
Clock glitch detection, 19-26
basic power structure, 9-10
clock divider, 9-6
clock unit, 9-1
external clock inputs, 9-5
general system clocks, 9-7
input clock interface, 9-1
internal clock signals, 9-6
main PLL, 9-5
memory map, 3-4
OSCM, 9-1
overview, 9-1
PLL block diagram, 9-5
PLL pins, 9-7
SCC clock glitch detection, 19-26
SCCR, 9-8
SCMR, 9-9
skew elimination, 9-6
CMXFCR (CMX FCC clock route register), 15-12
CMXSCR (CMX SCC clock route register), 15-14
CMXSI1CR (CMX SI1 clock route register), 15-10
CMXSI2CR (CMX SI2 clock route register), 15-11
CMXSMR (CMX SMC clock route register), 15-17
CMXUAR (CMX UTOPIA address register), 15-7
ATM TRANSMIT command, 29-90
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Ethernet mode
receive commands, 30-13
transmit commands, 30-12
HDLC mode
receive commands, 31-6
transmit commands, 31-5
I2C controller, 34-11
IDMA emulation, 18-26
multi-channel controllers (MCCs)
receive commands, 27-17
serial peripheral interface (SPI), 33-12
Index-4 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
Communications processor (CP)
block diagram, 13-5
execution from RAM, 13-7
features list, 13-4
interfacing with the core, 13-6
memory map, 3-9
microcode execution from RAM, 13-7
microcode revision number, 13-10
peripheral interface, 13-6
PowerPC core interface, 13-6
RCCR, 13-7
REV_NUM, 13-10
RTSCR, 13-9
RTSR, 13-10
Communications processor module (CPM)
ATM controller
AAL1 sequence number protection table, 29-78
AALn RxBD, 29-6, 29-69
AALn TxBD, 29-5, 29-74
ABR flow control, 29-8, 29-20
address compression, 29-15
ATM layer statistics, 29-33
ATM memory structure, 29-37
ATM pace control (APC) unit
ATM service types, 29-8
configuration, 29-93
data structure, 29-61
modes, 29-8
overview, 29-8
parameter tables, 29-62
priority table, 29-63
scheduling mechanism, 29-9
scheduling tables, 29-63
traffic type, 29-11
UBR+ traffic, 29-13
VBR traffic, 29-12
ATM TRANSMIT command, 29-90
ATM-to-ATM data forwarding, 29-37
ATM-to-TDM interworking, 29-34
buffer descriptors, 29-64
exceptions, 29-79
external rate mode, 29-6
FCCE, 29-87
FCCM, 29-87
features list, 29-2
FPSMR, 29-85
FTIRRx, 29-88
GFMR register, 29-85
global mode entry (GMODE), 29-41
internal rate mode, 29-6
interrupt queues, 29-79
maximum performance configuration, 29-92
OAM performance monitoring, 29-29, 29-60
OAM support, 29-27
operations and maintenance (OAM)
support, 29-27
overview, 29-4
parameter RAM, 29-37
performance monitoring, 29-8
performance, maximum (configuration), 29-92
programming model, 29-85
receive connection table (RCT)
AALn protocol-specific RCTs, 29-46Ð29-50
ATM channel code, 29-42
overview, 29-41
raw cell queue, 29-19
RCT entry format, 29-44
registers, 29-85
RxBD, 29-69
RxBD extension, 29-73
SRTS generation using external logic, 29-91
transmit connection table (TCT)
AALn protocol-specific TCTs, 29-54Ð29-56
ATM channel code, 29-42
overview, 29-41
TCT entry format, 29-51
transmit connection table extension (TCTE)
ABR protocol-specific, 29-58
ATM channel code, 29-42
overview, 29-41
UBR+ protocol-specific, 29-57
VBR protocol-specific, 29-56
transmit rate modes, 29-6
TxBD, 29-74
TxBD extension, 29-78
UDC extended address mode, 29-33
UEAD_OFFSET determination, 29-40
UNI statistics table, 29-78
user-defined cells (UDC)
extended address mode, 29-33
overview, 29-32
RxBD extension (AAL5/AAL1), 29-73
TxBD extension (AAL5/AAL1), 29-78
user-defined RxBD extension
(AAL5/AAL1), 29-73
user-defined TxBD extension
(AAL5/AAL1), 29-78
UTOPIA interface, 29-82
VCI filtering, 29-40
VCI/VPI address lookup, 29-14
VC-level address compression
tables (VCLT), 29-18
VP-level address compression table
(VPLT), 29-17
block diagram, 13-3
command set
command descriptions, 13-14
command execution latency, 13-15
MOTOROLA Index Index-5
command register example, 13-15
CPCR, 13-11
opcodes, 13-13
overview, 13-11
communications processor (CP)
block diagram, 13-5
execution from RAM, 13-7
features list, 13-4
interfacing with the core, 13-6
microcode execution from RAM, 13-7
microcode revision number, 13-10
peripheral interface, 13-6
PowerPC core interface, 13-6
RCCR, 13-7
REV_NUM, 13-10
RTSCR, 13-9
RTSR, 13-10
CPM multiplexing logic (CMX)
block diagram, 15-2
overview, 15-1
dual-port RAM
accessing dual-port RAM, 13-15
block diagram, 13-15
buffer descriptors, 13-17
memory map, 13-16
overview, 13-15
parameter RAM, 13-17
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Fast Ethernet mode
address recognition, 30-15
block diagram, 30-3
CAM interface, 30-8
collision handling, 30-18
connecting to the MPC8260, 30-4
error handling, 30-19
FCCE, 30-21
FCCM, 30-21
features list, 30-3
FPSMR, 30-20
frame reception, 30-7
frame transmission, 30-5
hash table algorithm, 30-17
hash table effectiveness, 30-17
interpacket gap time, 30-18
interrupt events, 30-23
loopback mode, 30-18
parameter RAM, 30-9
programming model, 30-12
registers, 30-19
RMON support, 30-14
RxBD, 30-23
TxBD, 30-26
HDLC mode
bit stuffing, 31-1
error control, 31-1
error handling, 31-6
FCCE, 31-14
FCCM, 31-14
FCCS, 31-16
features list, 31-2
FPSMR, 31-7
frame reception, 31-3
frame transmission, 31-2
overview, 31-1
parameter RAM, 31-4
programming model, 31-5
receive commands, 31-6
reception errors, 31-7
RxBD, 31-9
transmission errors, 31-6
transmit commands, 31-5
TxBD, 31-12
block diagram, 28-3
disabling FCCs, 28-19
FCCEx, 28-14
FCCMx, 28-14
FCCSx, 28-14
FCRx, 28-13
FDSRx, 28-7
FPSMRx, 28-7
FTODRx, 28-7
GFMRx, 28-3
initialization, 28-14
interrupt handling, 28-15
interrupts, 28-13
overview, 28-2
parameter RAM, 28-10
RxBD, 28-8
saving power, 28-21
switching protocols, 28-21
timing control, 28-15
TxBD, 28-8
transparent mode
achieving synchronization, 32-2
external synchronization signals, 32-3
features list, 32-2
in-line synchronization pattern, 32-3
receive operation, 32-2
synchronization example, 32-4
transmit operation, 32-2
features list, 13-1
I2C controller
block diagram, 34-1
BRGCLK, 34-2
clocking and pin functions, 34-2
commands, 34-11
features list, 34-2
loopback testing, 34-4
master read (slave write), 34-4
Index-6 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
master write (slave read), 34-4
multi-master considerations, 34-5
parameter RAM, 34-9
programming model, 34-6
registers, 34-6
RxBD, 34-13
slave read (master write), 34-4
slave write (master read), 34-4
transfers, 34-3
TxBD, 34-14
IDMA emulation
auto buffer, 18-15
buffer chaining, 18-15
buffers, 18-23
bus exceptions, 18-27
commands, 18-26
controlling 60x bus bandwidth, 18-12
DACKx, 18-13
DCM, 18-18
DONEx, 18-14
DREQx, 18-13
DTS/STS programming, 18-20
dual-address transfers, 18-10
edge-sensitive mode, 18-13
exceptions, bus, 18-27
external request mode, 18-8
features list, 18-5
IDMR, 18-22
IDSR, 18-22
level-sensitive mode, 18-13
normal mode, 18-9
operand transfers, recognizing, 18-27
operation, 18-14
overview, 18-5
parallel I/O register programming, 18-28
parameter RAM, 18-16
priorities, 18-12
programming examples, 18-29
programming the parallel I/O registers, 18-28
signals, 18-12
single address transfers (fly-by), 18-11
transfers, 18-6
interrupt controller
memory map, 3-4
multi-channel controllers (MCCs)
HDLC mode, 27-10
transparent mode, 27-13
channel extra parameters, 27-5
commands, 27-16
data structure organization, 27-2
exceptions, 27-17
features list, 27-1
global parameters, 27-3
HDLC parameters (channel-specific), 27-8
initialization, 27-24
INTMSK, 27-9
latency, 27-26
MCCE, 27-18
MCCFx, 27-15
MCCM, 27-18
parameters for transparent operation, 27-12
performance, 27-26
receive commands, 27-17
RSTATE, 27-11
RxBD, 27-21
super channel table, 27-5
TSTATE, 27-9
TxBD, 27-23
overview, CPM, 13-1
parallel I/O ports
block diagram, 35-6
features, 35-1
overview, 35-1
PDATx, 35-2
PDIRx, 35-3
pin assignments (port AÐport D), 35-8Ð35-19
PODRx, 35-2
port C interrupts, 35-19
port pin functions, 35-6
PPAR, 35-4
programming options, 35-8
PSORx, 35-4
registers, 35-2
resetting registers and parameters for
all channels, 13-11
RISC timer tables
CP loading tracking, 13-24
features list, 13-19
initializing RISC timer tables, 13-22
interrupt handling, 13-23
overview, 13-18
parameter RAM, 13-19
pulse width modulation (PWM) channels, 13-19
RAM usage, 13-19
RTER, 13-21
RTMR, 13-21
scan algorithm, 13-23
SET TIMER command, 13-22
table entries, 13-21
timer counts, comparing, 13-24
TM_CMD, 13-20
tracking CP loading, 13-24
SDMA channels
bus arbitration, 18-2
bus transfers, 18-2
LDTEA, 18-4
LDTEM, 18-4
MOTOROLA Index Index-7
overview, 18-1
PDTEA, 18-4
PDTEM, 18-4
programming model, 18-3
registers, 18-3
SDMR, 18-4
SDSR, 18-3
serial configuration, 13-3
serial peripheral interface (SPI)
block diagram, 33-1
clocking and pin functions, 33-2
commands, 33-12
configuring the SPI, 33-3
features list, 33-2
interrupt handling, 33-18
master mode, 33-3
maximum receive buffer length (MRBLR), 33-11
multi-master operation, 33-4
parameter RAM, 33-10
programming example
master, 33-16
slave, 33-17
programming model, 33-6
RxBD, 33-14
slave mode, 33-4
SPCOM, 33-9
SPIE, 33-9
SPIM, 33-9
SPMODE, 33-6
TxBD, 33-15
system interface unit (SIU)
60x bus monitor function, 4-2
add flexibility to CPM interrupt priorities, 4-12
BCR, 4-25
block diagram, 4-1
bus monitor, 4-3
clocks, 4-4
configuration functions, 4-2
configuration/protection logic block diagram, 4-3
encoding the interrupt vector, 4-14
FCC relative priority, 4-12
flexibility of interrupt priorities, 4-12
highest priority interrupt, 4-13
IMMR, 4-34
interrupt controller features list, 4-7
interrupt priorities, add flexibility, 4-12
interrupt source priorities, 4-9
interrupt vector calculation, 4-14
interrupt vector encoding, 4-14
interrupt vector generation, 4-14
L_TESCR1, 4-38
L_TESCR2, 4-39
LCL_ACR, 4-29
LCL_ALRH, 4-30
LCL_ALRL, 4-30
local bus monitor function, 4-2
masking interrupt sources, 4-13
MCC relative priority, 4-12
periodic interrupt timer (PIT), 4-5
periodic interrupt timer (PIT) function, 4-2
pin multiplexing, 4-44
PISCR, 4-42
PITC, 4-43
PITR, 4-44
port C interrupts, 4-16
PPC_ACR, 4-28
PPC_ALRH, 4-28
PPC_ALRL, 4-29
programming model, 4-17
registers, 4-17
SCC relative priority, 4-12
SCPRR_H, 4-19
SCPRR_L, 4-20
SICR, 4-17
SIEXR, 4-24
signal multiplexing, 4-44
SIMR_H, 4-22
SIMR_L, 4-22
SIPNR_H, 4-21
SIPNR_L, 4-21
SIPRR, 4-18
SIUMCR, 4-31
SIVEC, 4-23
software watchdog timer, 4-6
SWR, 4-7
SWSR, 4-36
SYPCR, 4-35
system protection, 4-2
TESCR1, 4-36
TESCR2, 4-37
time counter (TMCNT)
function, 4-2
overview, 4-4
timers, 4-4
TMCNT, 4-41
memory map, 3-5
notational conventions, lx, II-ii, III-ii, IV-iv
terminology, lxiv
CPCR (CP command register), 13-11
CPM multiplexing logic (CMX)
overview, 15-1
see also Serial interface (SI)
CPM multiplexing, see CPM multiplexing
logic (CMX)
CPM MUX memory map, 3-12
CPM MUX, see CPM multiplexing logic (CMX)
Index-8 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
CxTx (chip-select signals), 10-74
DCM (IDMA channel mode), 18-18
Digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) operation, 19-22
DSR (data synchronization register)
overview, 19-9
UART mode, 20-11
Dual-port RAM
accessing dual-port RAM, 13-15
block diagram, 13-15
buffer descriptors, 13-17
memory map, 13-16
overview, 13-15
parameter RAM, 13-17
EAMUX (external address multiplexing)
signal, 10-41
EDO interface connection, MPC8260 to 60x
bus, 10-92
Ethernet mode
fast communications controller (FCC)
address recognition, 30-15
block diagram, 30-3
CAM interface, 30-8
collision handling, 30-18
connecting to the MPC8260, 30-4
error handling, 30-19
FCCE, 30-21
FCCM, 30-21
features list, 30-3
FPSMR, 30-20
frame reception, 30-7
frame transmission, 30-5
hash table algorithm, 30-17
hash table effectiveness, 30-17
interpacket gap time, 30-18
interrupt events, 30-23
loopback mode, 30-18
parameter RAM, 30-9
programming model, 30-12
registers, 30-19
RMON support, 30-14
RxBD, 30-23
TxBD, 30-26
exception handling, 10-73
overview, 2-22
Execution units, 2-6
Fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Fast Ethernet mode
address recognition, 30-15
block diagram, 30-3
CAM interface, 30-8
collision handling, 30-18
connecting to the MPC8260, 30-4
error handling, 30-19
FCCE, 30-21
FCCM, 30-21
features list, 30-3
FPSMR, 30-20
frame reception, 30-7
frame transmission, 30-5
hash table algorithm, 30-17
hash table effectiveness, 30-17
interpacket gap time, 30-18
interrupt events, 30-23
loopback mode, 30-18
parameter RAM, 30-9
programming model, 30-12
registers, 30-19
RMON support, 30-14
RxBD, 30-23
TxBD, 30-26
HDLC mode
bit stuffing, 31-1
error control, 31-1
error handling, 31-6
FCCE, 31-14
FCCM, 31-14
FCCS, 31-16
features list, 31-2
FPSMR, 31-7
frame reception, 31-3
frame transmission, 31-2
overview, 31-1
parameter RAM, 31-4
programming model, 31-5
receive commands, 31-6
reception errors, 31-7
RxBD, 31-9
transmission errors, 31-6
transmit commands, 31-5
TxBD, 31-12
block diagram, 28-3
disabling FCCs, 28-19
FCCEx, 28-14
FCCMx, 28-14
FCCSx, 28-14
FCRx, 28-13
FDSRx, 28-7
MOTOROLA Index Index-9
FPSMRx, 28-7
FTODRx, 28-7
GFMRx, 28-3
initialization, 28-14
interrupt handling, 28-15
interrupts, 28-13
overview, 28-2
parameter RAM, 28-10
RxBD, 28-8
saving power, 28-21
switching protocols, 28-21
timing control, 28-15
TxBD, 28-8
switching protocols, 28-21
transparent mode
features list, 32-2
receive operation, 32-2
achieving, 32-2
example, 32-4
external signals, 32-3
in-line pattern, 32-3
transmit operation, 32-2
FCCE register
ATM, 29-87
Ethernet, 30-21
FCC overview, 28-14
HDLC, 31-14
FCCM register
ATM, 29-87
Ethernet, 30-21
FCC overview, 28-14
HDLC, 31-14
FCCS (FCC status) register, 28-14, 31-16
FCRx (function code registers), 28-13
FDSRx (FCC data synchronization registers), 28-7
Features list
SIU interrupt controller, 4-7
Features lists
communications processor (CP), 13-4
communications processor module (CPM), 13-1
ATM controller, 29-2
parallel I/O ports, 35-1
CPM multiplexing, 15-2
Ethernet mode, 24-3
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Fast Ethernet, 30-3
HDLC mode, 31-2
transparent mode, 32-2
HDLC bus controller, 21-19
I2C controller, 34-2
IDMA emulation, 18-5
implementation-specific, 1-1
memory controller
features list, 10-3
new features supported, 10-2
multi-channel controllers (MCCs), 27-1
processor core, 2-3
RISC timer tables, 13-19
serial communications controllers (SCCs)
AppleTalk mode, 25-2
BISYNC mode, 22-2
general list, 19-2
HDLC mode, 21-2
transparent mode, 23-1
UART mode, 20-2
serial interface, 14-3
serial management controllers (SMCs)
general list, 26-2
transparent mode, 26-21
UART mode, 26-11
UART mode, features not supported, 26-10
serial peripheral interface (SPI), 33-2
timers, 17-2
FPSMR register
Ethernet, 30-20
HDLC, 31-7
protocol-specific mode, 28-7
FTIRRx (FCC transmit internal rate registers), 29-88
FTODRx (FCC transmit-on-demand registers), 28-7
activation and deactivation, 14-33
programming, 14-33
support, 14-31
General-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM)
common features, 10-6
differences between MPC8xx and MPC8260, 10-62
external access termination, 10-60
implementation differences with UPMs
and SDRAM machine, 10-7
interface signals, 10-51
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 10-62
overview, 10-51
SRAM configuration, 10-51
strobe signal behavior, 10-52
terminating external accesses, 10-60
timing configuration, 10-52
General-purpose signals, 10-76
GFMR (general FCC mode register), 28-3, 29-85
GMODE (global mode entry), 29-41
GPLn (general-purpose signals), 10-76
GSMR (general SCC mode register)
AppleTalk mode, 25-3
HDLC bus protocol, programming, 21-23
overview, 19-3
Index-10 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
HDLC mode
accessing the bus, 21-19
bus controller, 21-17
collision detection, 21-17, 21-20
commands, 21-5
delayed RTS mode, 21-21
error handling, 21-6
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
bit stuffing, 31-1
error control, 31-1
error handling, 31-6
FCCE, 31-14
FCCM, 31-14
FCCS, 31-16
features list, 31-2
FPSMR, 31-7
frame reception, 31-3
frame transmission, 31-2
overview, 31-1
parameter RAM, 31-4
programming model, 31-5
receive commands, 31-6
reception errors, 31-7
RxBD, 31-9
transmission errors, 31-6
transmit commands, 31-5
TxBD, 31-12
features list, 21-2
GSMR, HDLC bus protocol programming, 21-23
multi-master bus configuration, 21-18
overview, 21-1
parameter RAM, 21-3
performance, increasing, 21-20
programming example, 21-15, 21-23
programming the controller, 21-5
PSMR, 21-7
RxBD, 21-8
single-master bus configuration, 21-19
TxBD, 21-11
using the TSA, 21-22
HID0 register
bit settings, 2-12
doze, nap, sleep, DPM bits, 2-12
I2ADD (I2C address) register, 34-7
I2BRG (I2C baud rate generator) register, 34-7
I2C controller
block diagram, 34-1
BRGCLK, 34-2
clocking and pin functions, 34-2
commands, 34-11
features list, 34-2
loopback testing, 34-4
master read (slave write), 34-4
master write (slave read), 34-4
multi-master considerations, 34-5
parameter RAM, 34-9
programming model, 34-6
registers, 34-6
RxBD, 34-13
slave read (master write), 34-4
slave write (master read), 34-4
transfers, 34-3
TxBD, 34-14
I2C memory map, 3-9
I2CER (I2C event register), 34-8
I2CMR (I2C mask register), 34-8
I2COM (I2C command) register, 34-8
I2MOD (I2C mode) register, 34-6
IDL interface programming, 14-29
IDL interface support, 14-25
IDMA emulation
auto buffer, 18-15
buffer chaining, 18-15
buffers, 18-23
bus exceptions, 18-27
commands, 18-26
controlling 60x bus bandwidth, 18-12
DACKx, 18-13
DCM, 18-18
DONEx, 18-14
DREQx, 18-13
DTS/STS programming, 18-20
dual-address transfers, 18-10
edge-sensitive mode, 18-13
exception, bus, 18-27
external request mode, 18-8
features list, 18-5
IDMR, 18-22
IDSR, 18-22
level-sensitive mode, 18-13
normal mode, 18-9
operand transfers, recognizing, 18-27
operation, 18-14
overview, 18-5
parallel I/O register programming, 18-28
parameter RAM, 18-16
priorities, 18-12
programming examples, 18-29
programming the parallel I/O registers, 18-28
signals, 18-12
single address transfers (fly-by), 18-11
transfers, 18-6
IDMA parameter RAM, 18-16
IDMR (IDMA mask registers), 18-22
MOTOROLA Index Index-11
IDSR (IDMA event (status) register), 18-22
IEEE 1149.1 test access port
block diagram, 12-2
boundary scan register, 12-3
instruction decoding, 12-29
instruction register, 12-28
nonscan chain operation, 12-30
overview, 12-1
restrictions, 12-30
TAP controller, 12-2
IMMR (internal memory map register), 4-34
Input/output port memory map, 3-5
Instruction field conventions, lxv
Instruction timing overview, 2-29
Instruction unit, 2-5
Integer unit overview, 2-6
ATM interrupt queues, 29-79
RISC timer tables
interrupt handling, 13-23
SCC interrupt handling, 19-16
JTAG implementation, 12-28
L_TESCR1 (local bus transfer error status and control
register 1), 4-38
L_TESCR2 (local bus transfer error status and control
register 2), 4-39
L_TESCRx (local bus error status and control
registers), 10-33
LCL_ACR (local bus arbiter configuration
register), 4-29
LCL_ALRH (local bus arbitration high-level
register), 4-30
LCL_ALRL (local bus arbitration low-level
register), 4-30
LDTEA (SDMA local bus transfer error address
register), 18-4
LDTEM (SDMA local bus transfer error MSNUM
register), 18-4
Loopback mode, 14-7
LSDMR (local bus SDRAM mode register), 10-24
LSRT (local bus-assigned SDRAM refresh timer)
register, 10-32
LURT (local bus-assigned UPM refresh timer)
register, 10-30
MCCE (MCC event) register, 27-18
MCCFx (MCC configuration registers), 27-15
MCCM (MCC mask) register, 27-18
MDR (memory data register), 10-28
Memory controller
address checking, 10-8
address latch enable (ALE), 10-11
address space checking, 10-8
architecture overview, 10-5
atomic bus operation, 10-10, 10-10
basic architecture, 10-5
basic operation, 10-8
boot chip-select operation, 10-61
controlling the timing of GPL1, GPL2, and
CSx, 10-68
CSx timing example, 10-68
delayed read, 10-10
EDO interface connection, MPC8260 to
60x bus, 10-92
error checking and correction (ECC), 10-9
external master support, 10-101
external support, 10-11
features common to all machines, 10-6
features list, 10-3
general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM)
access termination, external, 10-60
assertion timing, 10-53
common features, 10-6
differences between MPC8xx and
MPC8260, 10-62
external access termination, 10-60
implementation differences with UPMs
and SDRAM machine, 10-7
interface signals, 10-51
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 10-62
OE timing, 10-57, 10-57
overview, 10-51
programmable wait state
configuration, 10-57
PSDVAL, 10-57
read access extended hold time, 10-57
relaxed timing, 10-55
SRAM configuration, 10-51
strobe signal behavior, 10-52
terminating external accesses, 10-60
timing configuration, 10-52, 10-52
write enable deassertion timing, 10-54
GPLn timing example, 10-68
implementation differences between
machines, 10-7
machine selection, 10-6
MAR in 60x-compatible mode, 10-77
new features supported, 10-2
overview, 10-1
page hit checking, 10-9
parity byte select (PBSE), 10-11
parity checking, 10-9
parity generation, 10-9
Index-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
programming model, 10-13
PSDVAL, 10-12, 10-57
register descriptions, 10-13
SDRAM machine (synchronous DRAM machine)
address multiplexing, 10-37
bank interleaving, 10-36
BSMA bit, 10-37
commands, JEDEC-standard, 10-35
common features, 10-6
configuration example, 10-48
implementation differences with UPMs and
GPCM, 10-7
JEDEC-standard commands, 10-35
MODE-SET command timing, 10-46
overview, 10-33
page mode support, 10-36
activate-to-read/write interval, 10-39
column address to first data out, 10-40
last data in to precharge, 10-41
last data out to precharge, 10-40
overview, 10-38
precharge-to-activate interval, 10-38
refresh recovery interval (RFRC), 10-41
pipeline accesses, 10-36
power-on initialization, 10-35
read/write transactions supported, 10-46
refresh, 10-47
SDAM bit, 10-37
supported configurations, 10-35
timing examples, 10-42
TEA generation, 10-9
UPMs (user-programmable machines)
access times, handling devices, 10-100
address control bits, 10-77
address multiplexing, 10-77
clock timing, 10-67
common features, 10-6
data sample control, 10-77
data valid, 10-77
differences between MPC8xx and MPC8260, 10-
DRAM configuration example, 10-79
EDO interface example, 10-92
exception requests, 10-66
hierarchical bus interface example, 10-100
implementation differences with SDRAM
machine and GPCM, 10-7
loop control, 10-76
memory access requests, 10-65
memory system interface example, 10-81
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 10-80
overview, 10-62
programming the UPM, 10-66
RAM array, 10-69
RAM word, 10-70
refresh timer requests, 10-65
register settings, 10-80
requests, 10-64
signal negation, 10-78
signals, 10-62
software requests, 10-66
UPWAIT signal, 10-78
wait mechanism, 10-78
Memory management unit
overview, 2-8
Memory management unit overview, 2-26
Memory maps
cross-reference guide, 3-1
quick reference guide, 3-1
serial communications controllers (SCCs)
BISYNC mode, 22-4
HDLC mode, 21-4
UART mode, 20-4
serial management controllers (SMCs)
GCI mode, 26-30
transparent mode, 26-6
UART mode, 26-6
Microcode revision number, 13-10
60x bus mode
60x-compatible bus mode, 8-3
address latch enable (ALE), 10-11
data streaming mode, 8-27
extended transfer mode, 8-20
no-pipeline mode, 8-26
one-level pipeline mode, 8-26
single-MPC8260 bus mode, 8-2
ATM controller
APC modes, 29-8
external rate mode, 29-6
internal rate mode, 29-6
transmit rate modes, 29-6
BISYNC mode, 22-1
cascaded mode, 17-3
echo mode, 26-1
HDLC mode, 21-1
hunt mode, 20-10
IDMA emulation
edge-sensitive mode, 18-13
external request mode, 18-8
level-sensitive mode, 18-13
normal mode, 18-9
loopback mode, 26-1
NMSI mode, synchronization, 23-3
SCC AppleTalk mode, 25-1, 25-1
serial interface (SI)
echo mode, 14-7
MOTOROLA Index Index-13
serial peripheral interace (SPI)
master mode, 33-3
slow go, 17-2
transparent mode
overview, 32-1
serial communications controllers (SCCs), 23-1
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-20
UART mode
serial communications controllers (SCCs), 20-1
serial management controllers (SMCs), 26-10
MPTPR (memory refresh timer prescaler
register), 10-32
Multi-channel controllers (MCCs)
HDLC mode, 27-10
transparent mode, 27-13
channel extra parameters, 27-5
commands, 27-16
data structure organization, 27-2
exceptions, 27-17
features list, 27-1
global parameters, 27-3
HDLC parameters (channel-specific), 27-8
initialization, 27-24
INTMSK, 27-9
latency, 27-26
MCCE, 27-18
MCCFx, 27-15
MCCM, 27-18
parameters for transparent operation, 27-12
performance, 27-26
receive commands, 27-17
RSTATE, 27-11
RxBD, 27-21
super channel table, 27-5
TSTATE, 27-9
TxBD, 27-23
MxMR (machine x mode registers), 10-26
NMSI (non-multiplexed serial interface)
configuration, 15-4
SMC NMSI connection, receive and transmit, 26-2
synchronization in NMSI mode,
transparent operation, 23-3
atomic bus operation, 10-10
digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) operation, 19-22
SMC buffer descriptor, 26-5
transparent operation, NMSI sychronization, 23-3
ORx (option registers), 10-16
Parallel I/O ports
block diagram, 35-6
features, 35-1
overview, 35-1
PDATx, 35-2
PDIRx, 35-3
pin assignments (port AÐport D), 35-8Ð35-19
PODRx, 35-2
port C interrupts, 35-19
port pin functions, 35-6
PPAR, 35-4
programming options, 35-8
PSORx, 35-4
registers, 35-2
Parameter RAM
ATM controller, 29-37
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Fast Ethernet mode, 30-9
HDLC mode, 31-4
overview, 28-10
HDLC mode, 21-3
I2C controller, 34-9
IDMA emulation, 18-16
serial communications controllers (SCCs)
all protocols, 19-13
base addresses, 19-15
BISYNC mode, 22-3
overview, 19-13
UART mode, 20-4
serial management controllers (SMCs)
GCI mode, 26-30
overview, 26-6, 26-30
transparent mode, 26-6
UART mode, 26-6
serial peripheral interface (SPI), 33-10
Parity byte select (PBSE), 10-11
PDATx (port data) registers, 35-2
PDIRx (port data direction registers), 35-3
PDTEA (SDMA 60x bus transfer error address
register), 18-4
PDTEM (SDMA 60x bus transfer error MSNUM
register), 18-4
PISCR (periodic interrupt status and control
register), 4-42
PITC (periodic interrupt timer count register), 4-43
PITR (periodic interrupt timer register), 4-44
PODRx (port open-drain registers), 35-2
Power consumption
FCCs, 28-21
SCCs, 19-27
PPAR (port pin assignment register), 35-4
PPC_ACR (60x bus arbiter configuration
register), 4-28
Index-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
PPC_ALRH (60x bus arbitration high-level
register), 4-28
PPC_ALRL (60x bus arbitration low-level
register), 4-29
Programming examples
serial communications controllers (SCCs)
GSMR (general SCC mode register)
AppleTalk mode, 25-3
HDLC bus protocol, 21-23
PSMR (protocol-specific mode register)
AppleTalk mode, 25-4
TODR (transmit-on-demand register)
AppleTalk mode, 25-4
transparent mode, 23-13
UART mode, 20-22
transparent mode
NMSI programming example, 26-29
Promiscuous mode, see Transparent mode
Promiscuous operation, 32-1
PSDMR (60x SDRAM mode register), 10-21
PSMR (protocol-specific mode register)
AppleTalk mode, 25-4
BISYNC mode, 22-10
Ethernet mode, 24-15
HDLC bus protocol, programming, 21-23
HDLC mode, 21-7
overview, 19-9
transparent mode, 23-9
UART mode, 20-13
PSORx (port special options registers), 35-4
PSRT (60x bus-assigned SDRAM refresh timer)
register, 10-31
Pulse width modulation (PWM) channels, 13-19
PURT (60x bus-assigned UPM refresh timer)
register, 10-30
PWM channels (pulse width modulation
channels), 13-19
RAM word, 10-70
RCCR (RISC controller configuration register), 13-7
AppleTalk mode
GSMR, 25-3
PSMR, 25-4
TODR, 25-4
ATM controller
FCCE, 29-87
FCCM, 29-87
FPSMR (FCC protocol-specific mode
register, 29-85
FTIRRx, 29-88
GFMR register, 29-85
BDLE, 22-8
BSYNC, 22-7
PSMR, 22-10
SCCE, 22-15
SCCM, 22-15
SCCS, 22-16
communications processor (CP)
RCCR, 13-7
RTSCR, 13-9
RTSR, 13-10
communications processor module (CPM)
CPCR, 13-11
parallel I/O ports
PDATx, 35-2
PDIRx, 35-3
PODRx, 35-2
PPAR, 35-4
PSORx, 35-4
CPM multiplexing
CMXFCR, 15-12
CMXSCR, 15-14
CMXSI1CR, 15-10
CMXSI2CR, 15-11
CMXSMR, 15-17
CMXUAR, 15-7
overview, 19-9
UART mode, 20-11
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
Fast Ethernet mode
FCCE, 30-21
FCCM, 30-21
FPSMR, 30-20
HDLC mode
FCCE, 31-14
FCCM, 31-14
FCCS, 31-16
FPSMR, 31-7
FCCEx, 28-14
FCCMx, 28-14
FCCSx, 28-14
FCRx, 28-13
FDSRx, 28-7
FPSMRx, 28-7
FTODRx, 28-7
GFMRx, 28-3
interrupts, 28-13
timing control, 28-15
AppleTalk mode, 25-3
overview, 19-3
HDLC mode
PSMR, 21-7
MOTOROLA Index Index-15
SCCE, 21-12
SCCM, 21-12
SCCS, 21-14
I2C controller
I2ADD, 34-7
I2BRG, 34-7
I2CER, 34-8
I2CMR, 34-8
I2COM, 34-8
I2MOD, 34-6
IDMA emulation
DCM, 18-18
IDMR, 18-22
IDSR, 18-22
IEEE 1149.1 test access port
boundary scan registers, 12-3
instruction register, 12-28
memory controller
60x bus control registers, 10-13
BRn, 10-14
GPCM mode
ORx, 10-18
L_TESCRx, 10-33
MPTPR, 10-32
MxMR, 10-26
SDRAM mode
LSDMR, 10-24
LSRT, 10-32
ORx, 10-16
PSDMR, 10-21
PSRT, 10-31
TESCRx, 10-33
UPM mode
LURT, 10-30
MDR, 10-28
ORx, 10-20
PURT, 10-30
register settings, 10-80
multi-channel controllers (MCCs)
HDLC mode, 27-10
CHAMR, 27-13
MCCE, 27-18
MCCFx, 27-15
MCCM, 27-18
RSTATE, 27-11
TSTATE, 27-9
supervisor-level, A-2, A-3
user-level, A-1
AppleTalk mode, 25-4
BISYNC mode, 22-10
Ethernet mode, 24-15
overview, 19-9
transparent mode, 23-9
UART mode, 20-13
quick reference guide, A-1
reset mode, 5-5
reset status, 5-4
RFCR, 19-15
RISC timer tables
RTER, 13-21
RTMR, 13-21
TM_CMD, 13-20
BISYNC mode, 22-15
Ethernet mode, 24-21
transparent mode, 23-12
UART mode, 20-19
BISYNC mode, 22-15
Ethernet mode, 24-21
transparent mode, 23-12
UART mode, 20-19
BISYNC mode, 22-16
transparent mode, 23-13
UART mode, 20-21
SDMA channels
LDTEA, 18-4
LDTEM, 18-4
PDTEA, 18-4
PDTEM, 18-4
SDMR, 18-4
SDSR, 18-3
serial interface (SI)
SIxCMDR, 14-24
SIxGMR, 14-17
SIxMR, 14-17
SIxRSR, 14-23
SIxSTR, 14-25
serial management controllers
GCI mode
SMCE, 26-34
SMCM, 26-34
SMCMRs, 26-3
transparent mode
SMCE, 26-28
SMCM, 26-28
UART mode
RxBD, 26-14
SMCE, 26-18
SMCM, 26-18
TxBD, 26-16
serial management controllers (SMCs)
GCI mode
RxBD, 26-33
serial management controllers(SMCs)
GCI mode
Index-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
TxBD, 26-33
serial peripheral interface (SPI)
SPCOM, 33-9
SPIE, 33-9
SPIM, 33-9
SPMODE, 33-6
system interface unit (SIU)
BCR, 4-25
IMMR, 4-34
L_TESCR1, 4-38
L_TESCR2, 4-39
LCL_ACR, 4-29
LCL_ALRH, 4-30
LCL_ALRL, 4-30
PISCR, 4-42
PITC, 4-43
PITR, 4-44
PPC_ACR, 4-28
PPC_ALRH, 4-28
PPC_ALRL, 4-29
SCPRR_H, 4-19
SCPRR_L, 4-20
SICR, 4-17
SIEXR, 4-24
SIMR_H, 4-22
SIMR_L, 4-22
SIPNR_H, 4-21
SIPNR_L, 4-21
SIPRR, 4-18
SIUMCR, 4-31
SIVEC, 4-23
SWR, 4-7
SWSR, 4-36
SYPCR, 4-35
TESCR1, 4-36
TESCR2, 4-37
TMCNT, 4-41
TFCR, 19-15
TCN, 17-8
TCR, 17-8
TER, 17-8
TGCR, 17-4
TMR, 17-6
TRR, 17-7
AppleTalk mode, 25-4
overview, 19-9
TOSEQ, 20-10
transparent mode
PSMR, 23-9
SCCE, 23-12
SCCM, 23-12
SCCS, 23-13
UART mode
DSR, 20-11
PSMR, 20-13
SCCE, 20-19
SCCM, 20-19
SCCS, 20-21
TOSEQ, 20-10
actions, 5-2
causes, 5-1
external HRESET flow, 5-3
external SRESET flow, 5-3
power-on reset flow, 5-2
receiver reset sequence, SCC, 19-27
resetting registers and parameters for all
channels, 13-11
software watchdog reset, 5-1
transmitter reset sequence, SCC, 19-27
RFCR (Rx buffer function code register)
overview, 19-15
RISC microcontroller, seeCommunications
processor (CP)
RISC timer tables
CP loading tracking, 13-24
features list, 13-19
initializing RISC timer tables, 13-22
interrupt handling, 13-23
overview, 13-18
parameter RAM, 13-19
pulse width modulation (PWM) channels, 13-19
RAM usage, 13-19
RTER, 13-21
RTMR, 13-21
scan algorithm, 13-23
SET TIMER command, 13-22
table entries, 13-21
timer counts, comparing, 13-24
TM_CMD, 13-20
tracking CP loading, 13-24
RMR (reset mode) register, 5-5
RSR (reset status) register, 5-4
RSTATE (internal receiver state) register, 27-11
RTER (RISC timer event register), 13-21
RTMR (RISC timer mask register), 13-21
RTSCR (RISC time-stamp control register), 13-9
RTSR (RISC time-stamp register), 13-10
SCC memory map, 3-9
SCCE (SCC event) register
BISYNC mode, 22-15
HDLC mode, 21-12
MOTOROLA Index Index-17
transparent mode, 23-12
UART mode, 20-19
SCCE register
Ethernet mode, 24-21
SCCM (SCC mask) register
BISYNC mode, 22-15
HDLC mode, 21-12
transparent mode, 23-12
UART mode, 20-19
SCCM register
Ethernet mode, 24-21
SCCS (SCC status) register
BISYNC mode, 22-16
HDLC mode, 21-14
transparent mode, 23-13
UART mode, 20-21
SCIT programming, 14-33
SCPRR_H (CPM high interrupt priority register), 4-19
SCPRR_L (CPM low interrupt priority register), 4-20
SDMA channels
bus arbitration, 18-2
bus transfers, 18-2
LDTEA, 18-4
LDTEM, 18-4
overview, 18-1
PDTEA, 18-4
PDTEM, 18-4
programming model, 18-3
registers, 18-3
SDMR, 18-4
SDSR, 18-3
SDMR (SDMA mask register), 18-4
SDRAM interface, see SDRAM machine
SDSR (SDMA status register), 18-3
Serial communications controllers (SCCs)
AppleTalk mode
connecting to AppleTalk, 25-3
operating LocalTalk frame, 25-1
overview, 25-1, 25-1
programming example, 21-23, 25-4
programming the controller, 25-3
commands, 22-5
control character recognition, 22-6
error handling, 22-9
frame reception, 22-3
frame transmission, 22-2
frames, classes, 22-1
memory map, 22-4
overview, 22-1
parameter RAM, 22-3
programming example, 22-18
programming the controller, 22-17
receiving synchronization sequence, 22-9
RxBD, 22-12
sending synchronization sequence, 22-9
TxBD, 22-14
Ethernet mode
address recognition, 24-11
collision handling, 24-13
commands, 24-10
connecting to Ethernet, 24-4
error handling, 24-14
frame reception, 24-6
hash table algorithm, 24-13
loopback, 24-14
overview, 24-1
programming example, 24-23
programming the controller, 24-10
receive buffer, 24-17
transmit buffer, 24-19
HDLC mode
accessing the bus, 21-19
bus controller, 21-17
collision detection, 21-17, 21-20
commands, 21-5
delayed RTS mode, 21-21
error handling, 21-6
features list, 21-2
GSMR, HDLC bus protocol programming, 21-23
interrupts, 21-13
memory map, 21-4
multi-master bus configuration, 21-18
overview, 21-1
parameter RAM, 21-3
performance, increasing, 21-20
programming example, 21-15, 21-23
programming the controller, 21-5
PSMR, 21-7
RxBD, 21-8
single-master bus configuration, 21-19
TxBD, 21-11
using the TSA, 21-22
buffer descriptors, 19-10
controlling SCC timing, 19-18
DPLL operation, 19-22
features, 19-2
initialization, 19-17
interrupt handling, 19-16
parameter RAM, 19-13
reconfiguration, 19-26
reset sequence, 19-27
switching protocols, 19-27
transparent mode
achieving synchronization, 23-3
commands, 23-7
DSR receiver SYNC pattern lengths, 23-3
end of frame detection, 23-6
error handling, 23-8
Index-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
frame reception, 23-2
frame transmission, 23-2
inherent synchronization, 23-6
in-line synchronization, 23-6
overview, 23-1
programming example, 23-13
RxBD, 23-9
synchronization signals, 23-4
synchronization, user-controlled, 23-5
transmit synchronization, 23-3
TxBD, 23-10
UART mode
commands, 20-6
control character insertion, 20-10
data handling, character and message-based, 20-5
error reporting, 20-6
features list, 20-2
fractional stop bits, 20-11
handling errors, 20-12
hunt mode, 20-10
memory map, 20-4
normal asynchronous mode, 20-3
overview, 20-1
parameter RAM, 20-4
programming example, 20-22
RxBD, 20-15
S-records loader application, 20-23
status reporting, 20-6
synchronous mode, 20-3
TxBD, 20-18
Serial configuration, 13-3
Serial interface (SI)
block diagram, 14-2
enabling connections, 14-7
features, 14-3
GCI support, 14-31
IDL bus implementation
programming the IDL, 14-29
IDL interface support, 14-25
overview, 14-4
programming GCI, 14-33
programming RAM entries, 14-10
registers, 14-17
see also CPM multiplexing logic (CMX)
SI RAM, 14-8
Serial management controllers (SMCs)
buffer descriptors, overview, 26-5
disabling SMCs on-the-fly, 26-9
disabling the receiver, 26-9
disabling the transmitter, 26-9
enabling the receiver, 26-9
enabling the transmitter, 26-9
features list, 26-2
GCI mode
C/I channel
handling the SMC, 26-31
reception process, 26-31
RxBD, 26-33
transmission process, 26-31
TxBD, 26-33
commands, 26-32
monitor channel
reception process, 26-31
RxBD, 26-32
transmission process, 26-31
TxBD, 26-32
overview, 26-30
parameter RAM, 26-30
memory structure, 26-5
mode selection, 26-3
NMSI connection, receive and transmit, 26-2
parameter RAM
GCI mode, 26-30
overview, 26-6, 26-30
transparent mode, 26-6
UART mode, 26-6
power, saving, 26-10
programming the controller, 26-12
protocol switching, 26-10
reinitializing the receiver, 26-10
reinitializing the transmitter, 26-9
selecting modes, 26-3
sending a break, 26-13
sending a preamble, 26-13
switching protocols, 26-10
transparent mode
features list, 26-21
overview, 26-20
parameter RAM, 26-6
reception process, 26-21
RxBD, 26-26
TxBD, 26-27
UART mode
character mode, 26-12
commands, 26-12
data handling, 26-12
error handling, 26-13
features list, 26-11
features not supported by SMCs, 26-10
frame format, 26-11
message-oriented mode, 26-12
overview, 26-10
parameter RAM, 26-6
programming example, 26-19
reception process, 26-12
RxBD, 26-14
transmission process, 26-11
TxBD, 26-16
MOTOROLA Index Index-19
Serial peripheral interface (SPI)
block diagram, 33-1
clocking and pin functions, 33-2
commands, 33-12
configuring the SPI, 33-3
features list, 33-2
interrupt handling, 33-18
master mode, 33-3
maximum receive buffer length (MRBLR), 33-11
multi-master operation, 33-4
parameter RAM, 33-10
programming example
master, 33-16
slave, 33-17
programming model, 33-6
RxBD, 33-14
slave mode, 33-4
SPCOM, 33-9
SPIE, 33-9
SPIM, 33-9
SPMODE, 33-6
TxBD, 33-15
SI memory map, 3-13
SI RAM programming example, 14-13
SICR (SIU interrupt configuration register), 4-17
SIEXR (SIU external interrupt control register), 4-24
60x bus
TBST, 8-13
TCn, 8-13
TSIZn, 8-13
TTn, 8-10
byte-select signals, 10-75
chip-select signals, 10-74
clock signals, 9-6
general-purpose signals, 10-76, 10-76
IDMA emulation
DACKx, 18-13
DONEx, 18-14
DREQx, 18-13
memory controller
byte-select signals, 10-11
EAMUX, 10-41
PSDVAL, 10-12, 10-57
SDRAM interface signals, 10-33
UPM interface signals, 10-62
UPM signal negation, 10-78
UPWAIT, 10-78
overview, 6-2
SIPMR_H (SIU high interrupt mask register), 4-22
SIPMR_L (SIU low interrupt mask register), 4-22
SIPNR_H (SIU high interrupt pending register), 4-21
SIPNR_L (SIU low interrupt pending register), 4-21
SIPRR (SIU interrupt priority register), 4-18
SIU memory map, 3-1
SIUMCR (SIU module configuration register), 4-31
SIVEC (SIU interrupt vector register), 4-23
SMC memory map, 3-12
SMCE (SMC event) register
GCI mode, 26-34
transparent mode, 26-28
UART mode, 26-18
SMCM (SMC mask) register
GCI mode, 26-34
transparent mode, 26-28
UART mode, 26-18
SMCMRs (SMC mode registers), 26-3
SPCOM (SPI command) register, 33-9
SPI memory map, 3-12
SPIE (SPI event) register, 33-9
SPIM (SPI mask) register, 33-9
SPMODE (SPI mode) register, 33-6
SWR (software watchdog register), 4-7
SWSR (software service register), 4-36
SYPCR (system protection control register), 4-35
System integration timers memory map, 3-4
System interface unit (SIU)
60x bus monitor function, 4-2
BCR, 4-25
block diagram, 4-1
bus monitor, 4-3
clocks, 4-4
configuration functions, 4-2
configuration/protection logic block diagram, 4-3
encoding the interrupt vector, 4-14
FCC relative priority, 4-12
highest priority interrupt, 4-13
IMMR, 4-34
interrupt controller features list, 4-7
interrupt source priorities, 4-9
interrupt vector calculation, 4-14
interrupt vector encoding, 4-14
interrupt vector generation, 4-14
L_TESCR1, 4-38
L_TESCR2, 4-39
LCL_ACR, 4-29
LCL_ALRH, 4-30
LCL_ALRL, 4-30
local bus monitor function, 4-2
masking interrupt sources, 4-13
MCC relative priority, 4-12
periodic interrupt timer (PIT), 4-5
periodic interrupt timer (PIT) function, 4-2
pin multiplexing, 4-44
PISCR, 4-42
PITC, 4-43
PITR, 4-44
port C interrupts, 4-16
PPC_ACR, 4-28
PPC_ALRH, 4-28
Index-20 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
PPC_ALRL, 4-29
programming model, 4-17
registers, 4-17
SCC relative priority, 4-12
SCPRR_H, 4-19
SCPRR_L, 4-20
SICR, 4-17
SIEXR, 4-24
signal multiplexing, 4-44
SIMR_H, 4-22, 4-22
SIPNR_H, 4-21
SIPNR_L, 4-21
SIPRR, 4-18
SIUMCR, 4-31
SIVEC, 4-23
software watchdog timer, 4-6
SWR, 4-7
SWSR, 4-36
SYPCR, 4-35
system protection, 4-2
TESCR1, 4-36
TESCR2, 4-37
time counter (TMCNT)
function, 4-2
overview, 4-4
timers, 4-4
TMCNT, 4-41
TBST (transfer burst) signal, 8-13
TCN (timer counter registers), 17-8
TCn (transfer code) signals, 8-13
TCR (timer capture registers), 17-8
TER (timer event registers), 17-8
Terminology conventions, lxiv
TESCRx (60x bus error status and control
registers), 4-36, 10-33
TFCR (Tx buffer function code register)
overview, 19-15
TGCR (timer global configuration registers), 17-4
block diagram, 17-1
bus monitoring, 17-3
cascaded mode block diagram, 17-4
features, 17-2
general-purpose units, 17-2
pulse measurement, 17-3
Time-slot assigner
connecting to the TSA, 14-7
Time-slot assigner (TSA)
synchronization in transparent mode, 23-5
SCC timing, controlling, 19-18
TM_CMD (RISC timer command) register, 13-20
TMCNT (time counter register), 4-41
TMCNTAL (time counter alarm register), 4-41
TMCNTSC (time counter status and control
register), 4-40
TMR (timer mode registers), 17-6
TODR (transmit-on-demand register)
AppleTalk mode, 25-4
overview, 19-9
TOSEQ (transmit out-of-sequence) register, 20-10
Transparent mode
achieving synchronization, 23-3
commands, 23-7
DSR receiver SYNC pattern lengths, 23-3
end of frame detection, 23-6
error handling, 23-8
fast communications controllers (FCCs)
features list, 32-2
receive operation, 32-2
achieving, 32-2
example, 32-4
external signals, 32-3
in-line pattern, 32-3
transmit operation, 32-2
frame reception, 23-2
frame transmission, 23-2
inherent synchronization, 23-6
in-line synchronization, 23-6
overview, 23-1
programming example, 23-13
RxBD, 23-9
serial management controllers (SMCs)
features list, 26-21
overview, 26-20
parameter RAM, 26-6
reception process, 26-21
synchronization signals, 23-4
synchronization, user-controlled, 23-5
transmit synchronization, 23-3
TxBD, 23-10
TRR (timer reference registers), 17-7
TSIZn (transfer size) signals, 8-13
TSTATE (internal transmitter state) register, 27-9
TTn (transfer type) signals, 8-10
UART mode
commands, 20-6
control character insertion, 20-10
data handling, character and message-based, 20-5
error reporting, 20-6
features list, 20-2
MOTOROLA Index Index-21
fractional stop bits, 20-11
handling errors, 20-12
hunt mode, 20-10
memory map, 20-4
normal asynchronous mode, 20-3
overview, 20-1
parameter RAM, 20-4
programming example, 20-22
RxBD, 20-15
serial management controllers
character mode, 26-12
commands, 26-12
data handling, 26-12
error handling, 26-13
features list, 26-11
features not supported by SMCs, 26-10
frame format, 26-11
message-oriented mode, 26-12
overview, 26-10
parameter RAM, 26-6
programming example, 26-19
reception process, 26-12
RxBD, 26-14
transmission process, 26-11
TxBD, 26-16
S-records loader application, 20-23
status reporting, 20-6
synchronous mode, 20-3
TxBD, 20-18
UPMs (user-programmable machines)
access times, handling devices, 10-100
address control bits, 10-77
address mulitplexing, 10-77
clock timing, 10-67
data sample control, 10-77
data valid, 10-77
differences between MPC8xx and MPC8260, 10-80
DRAM configuration example, 10-79
EDO interface example, 10-92
exception requests, 10-66
hierarchical bus interface example, 10-100
implementation differences with SDRAM machine
and GPCM, 10-7
loop control, 10-76
memory access requests, 10-65
memory system interface example, 10-81
MPC8xx versus MPC8260, 10-80
overview, 10-62
programming the UPM, 10-66
RAM array, 10-69
RAM word, 10-70
refresh timer requests, 10-65
register settings, 10-80
requests, 10-64
signal negation, 10-78
software requests, 10-66
UPWAIT signal, 10-78
wait mechanism, 10-78
Index-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II UserÕs Manual MOTOROLA
PowerPC Processor Core
Memory Map
System Interface Unit (SIU)
External Signals
60x Signals
The 60x Bus
Clocks and Power Control
Memory Controller
Secondary (L2) Cache Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Communications Processor Module Overview
Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
CPM Multiplexing
Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs)
SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation
Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs)
SCC Transparent Mode
SCC Ethernet Mode
SCC AppleTalk Mode
Serial Management Controllers (SMCs)
Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs)
Fast Communications Controllers
ATM Controller
Fast Ethernet Controller
FCC HDLC Controller
FCC Transparent Controller
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
I2C Controller
Parallel I/O Ports
Register Quick Reference Guide
PowerPC Processor Core
Memory Map
System Interface Unit (SIU)
External Signals
60x Signals
The 60x Bus
Clocks and Power Control
Memory Controller
Secondary (L2) Cache Support
IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port
Communications Processor Module Overview
Serial Interface with Time-Slot Assigner
CPM Multiplexing
Baud-Rate Generators (BRGs)
SDMA Channels and IDMA Emulation
Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs)
SCC Transparent Mode
SCC Ethernet Mode
SCC AppleTalk Mode
Serial Management Controllers (SMCs)
Multi-Channel Controllers (MCCs)
Fast Communications Controllers
ATM Controller
Fast Ethernet Controller
FCC HDLC Controller
FCC Transparent Controller
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
I2C Controller
Parallel I/O Ports
Register Quick Reference Guide
This book is a companion to the PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming
Environments, referred to as The Programming Environments Manual. Note that the
companion Programming Environments Manual exists in two versions. See the Preface for
a description of the following two versions:
¥PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments, Rev 1
Order #: MPCFPE/AD
¥PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments for 32-Bit
Microprocessors, Rev 1
Order #: MPCFPE32B/AD
Call the Motorola LDC at 1-800-441-2447 (website: or contact your
local sales ofÞce to obtain copies.

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