Moxa W2004 Wireless Serial Device Server User Manual Part 2

Moxa Inc. Wireless Serial Device Server Users Manual Part 2


Users Manual Part 2

NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-22 Use this screen to enable or disable HTTP console, HTTPS console, TELNET console, and SSH console.  Accessible IP List  NPort W2004 uses an IP address based filtering method to control access to itself. Accessible IP Settings allows you to add or block remote host IP addresses to prevent unauthorized access. Access to NPort W2004 is controlled by IP address. That is, if a host’s IP address is in the accessible IP table, then the host will be allowed to access the NPort W2004. You can set up one of the following cases by setting the parameters accordingly.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-23! Only one host with a specific IP Address can access the NPort W2004 Enter the specific IP address (e.g.,, and enter for Netmask. ! Hosts on the specific subnet can access the NPort W2004 Enter an IP address (e.g.,, and enter the Netmask (e.g., Note that this type of setting will allow access to all network hosts on a particular subnet. ! Any host can access the NE-4000T Disable this function by un-checking the “Enable the accessible IP list” checkbox. Refer to the following table for more configration examples. The following “Allowable Hosts” table gives five configuration examples. Allowable Hosts  IP Address  Netmask Any host  blank blank to to to to  TCP Alive Check Time  TCP alive check time Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 0 to 99 min  7 min  Optional 0 min: TCP connection is not closed due to an idle TCP connection. 1 to 99 min: NPort W2004 automatically closes the TCP connection if there is no TCP activity for the given time. After the connection is closed, NPort W2004 starts listening for another host’s TCP connection.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-24Serial Data Logging  NPort provides the capability to store data logs for all serial ports. The logs will be stored in the system RM. The data will be deleted when NPort is powered off. Due to the system’s SDRAM limitation, the memory size of local buffers is fixed. Each serial port is allotted 64 KB to store the port’s log file. SNMP Agent  To enable the SNMP Agent function, select the enable option, and enter a Community Name (e.g., “public”). Community name Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 1 to 39 characters (e.g., Support, 886-89191230 #300) public Optional A community name is a plain-text password mechanism that is used to authenticate weakly queries to agents of managed network devices. Contact Setting  Factory Default  Necessity
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-251 to 39 characters (e.g., Support, 886-89191230 #300) None Optional The SNMP contact information usually includes an emergency contact name and telephone or pager number. Location Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 1 to 39 characters (e.g., Floor 1, Office No. 2)  None Optional Specify the location string for SNMP agents such as NPort W2004. This string is usually set to the street address where the NPort W2004 is physically located.  Auto Warning Settings Event Settings  System Event Cold start This refers to starting the system from power off (contrast this with warm start). When performing a cold start, NPort W2004 will automatically issue an Auto warning message by e-mail, or send an SNMP trap after booting up. Warm start This refers to restarting the computer without turning the power off. When performing a warm
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-26start, NPort W2004 will automatically send an e-mail, or send an SNMP trap after rebooting. Authentication Failure The user inputs a wrong password from the Console or Administrator. When authentication failure occurs, NPort W2004 will immediately send an e-mail or send an SNMP trap. IP address changed The user has changed NPort W2004’s IP address. When the IP address changes, NPort W2004 will send an e-mail with the new IP address before NPort W2004 reboots. If the NPort W2004 is unable to send an e-mail message to the mail server within 15 seconds, NPort W2004 will reboot anyway, and abort the e-mail auto warning. Password changed The user has changed NPort W2004’s password. When the password changes, NPort W2004 will send an e-mail with the password changed notice before NPort W2004 reboots. If the NPort W2004 is unable to send an e-mail message to the mail server within 15 seconds, NPort W2004 will reboot anyway, and abort the e-mail auto warning. Serial Port Event : DCD Changed The DCD (Data Carrier Detect) signal has changed, also indicating that the modem connection status has changed. For example, a DCD change to high also means “Connected” between local modem and remote modem. If the DCD signal changes to low, it also means that the connection line is down. When the DCD changes, NPort W2004 will immediately send an e-mail or send an SNMP trap. Serial Port Event : DSR Changed The DSR (Data Set Ready) signal has changed, also indicating that the data communication equipment’s power is off. For example, a DSR change to high also means that the DCE is powered ON. If the DSR signal changes to low, it also means that the DCE is powered off. When the DSR changes, NPort W2004 will immediately send an e-mail or send an SNMP trap. Checkbox Items   Local Log Setting  Factory Default  Necessity Enable, Disable  Disable  Optional This feature helps the administrator manage how the NPort W2004 logs system events when enabled events—such as Cold start, Warm start, Authentication failure, etc.—occur. To configure this feature, click on the Event Type Local Log checkbox. Mail Setting  Factory Default  Necessity Enable, Disable  Disable  Optional This feature helps the administrator manage how the NPort W2004 sends e-mail to pre-defined e-mail boxes when the enabled events—such as Cold start, Warm start, Authentication failure, etc.—occur. To configure this feature, click on the Event Type Mail checkbox. Trap Setting  Factory Default  Necessity Enable, Disable  Disable  Optional
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-27This feature helps the administrator manage how the NPort W2004 sends SNMP Trap to a pre-defined SNMP Trap server when the enabled events—such as Cold start, Warm start, Authentication failure, etc.—occur. To configure this feature, click on the Event Type Trap checkbox. E-mail Alert  Mail Server Settings Mail server (SMTP) Setting  Factory Default  Necessity IP Address or Domain Name  None  Optional User name Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 1 to 15 characters  None  Optional Password Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 1 to 15 characters  None  Optional From E-mail address Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 1 to 63 characters  None  Optional  Alert Mailing List E-mail address 1/2/3/4 Setting  Factory Default  Necessity 1 to 63 characters  None  Optional
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-28ATTENTION   Consult your Network Administrator or ISP for the proper mail server settings. The Auto warning function may not work properly if it is not configured correctly. NPort W2004 SMTP AUTH supports LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 (RFC 2554).  SNMP Trap  SNMP trap receiver IP (or domain name) Setting  Factory Default  Necessity IP address or Domain Name  None  Optional
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-29System Status WLAN Status The WLAN Status page lists Mode, SSID, Band, Channel, Link Status, Signal Strength, Connection Speed, WEP Mode, IP Configuration, IP Address, and Netmask, as shown in the following figure.   Serial to Network Connections The Serial to Network Connections page lists the operation modes and IP addresses associated with each of the wireless device server’s serial ports.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-30 Serial Port Status The Serial Port Status page lists serial transmission stats for each of the wireless device server’s serial ports.   Serial Port Settings The Serial Port Settings page lists the serial transmission settings for each of the four ports.   Serial Data Log This Text box is enabled only when Data logging is enabled. The data log contents are displayed in ASCII mode or HEX mode. Use the Select all button to select the entire log; you can then copy and paste the contents into a text file. The Clear log and Refresh buttons are used to clear the log, and refresh the log contents, respectively.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-31Network Connections The Network Connections page displays the current status of the network connection.   System Log This window displays the System Log. Use the Select all button to select the entire log; you can then copy and paste the contents into a text file. The Clear log and Refresh buttons are used to clear the log, and refresh the log contents, respectively.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-32Change Password Firmware Upgrade Click on Firmware Upgrade to upgrade the firmware.  Select the correct firmware file, and then click on Submit to load the new firmware into the NPort W2004’s memory.     Configuration Import Select the a configuration file, and then click on Submit to load the configuration settings into the NPort W2004.   Configuration Export Click on the Download button, and then select the file that you would like to export the current configuration to.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-33  Configuration Export Use this page to reset the NPort W2004’s settings to the factory default values. Be aware that previous settings will be lost. Choose one of the two options—Reset to factory default (excluding IP configuration) or Reset to factory default—and then click on Submit. Choose the first option to retain the current IP address, Netmask, and Gateway address.  Change Password To change the password for the NPort W2004, input the Old password, New password, and then retype the new password in the Retype password input box. To erase the password, simply leave all three text input boxes blank, and then click on Submit.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Web Console Configuration  5-34 ATTENTION   If you forget the password, the ONLY way to configure NPort W2004 is by using the Reset button on NPort W2004’s casing to “Load Factory Default.”  Restart Ports Select the ports you would like to restart, and then click on the Submit button to restart the ports.   Restart System Click on Submit to reboot the NPort W2004..
   66  Chapter 6 Installing and Configuring the Software This following topics are covered in this chapter:  ! Overview ! Installing NPort COM Driver ! Intalling NPort Search Utility ! Configuring NPort COM Driver ! Configuring NPort Search Utility ! Real TTY and Fixed TTY Installation ! Upgrading the Firmware
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-2Overview The Documentation & Software CD included with your NPort W2004 is designed to make the installation and configuration procedure easy and straightforward. This auto-run CD includes the NPort COM Driver (for COM mapping), NPort Search Utility (to broadcast search for all NPort W2004 accessible over the network), User’s Manual, and firmware upgrade utility.  Installing NPort COM Driver 1. Click on the INSTALL COM Driver button in the NPort Installation CD auto-run window to install the NPort W2000 Series COM Driver.  2. Once the installation program starts running, click on Yes to proceed. 3. Click on Next when the Welcome window opens to proceed with the installation.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-3 4. Click on Next to install program files in the default directory, or use the folder menu to select an alternative location.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-45. Click on Next to install the program’s shortcuts in the NPort Windows Driver Manager Start Menu folder.  6. Click on Install to proceed with the installation.   7. The Installing window will report the progress of the installation. 8. Click on Finish to complete the installation of the NPort W2004 COM Mapping Utility.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-5  Installing NPort Search Utility 1. Click on the INSTALL UTILITY button in the NPort Installation CD auto-run window to install the NPort Search Utility.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-6 2. Once the program starts running, click on Yes  to proceed. 3. Click on Next when the Welcome window opens to proceed with the installation.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-7 4. Click on Next to install program files in the default directory, or use the folder menu to select an alternative location.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-85. Click on Next to install the program’s shortcuts in the NPort Search Utility Start Menu folder.  6. Click on Install to proceed with the installation.  7. The Installing window will report the progress of the installation. 8. Click on Finish to complete the installation of the NPort W2004 Search Utility.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-9  Configuring NPort COM Driver The NPort COM Driver utility installs Real COM drivers that work under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003. After you install NPort COM Driver, you can set up the NPort W2004’s serial ports as remote COM ports for your PC host. Use the following steps to map the COM ports: 1. Click on Start # Nport Windows Driver Manager # NPort COM Mapping Utility to start the COM mapping utility.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-102. Click on the Add icon.  3. Click on Rescan to search for NPort device servers, select the server you would like to map COM ports to, and then click on OK.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-114. Alternatively, you can select Input Manually and then input the NPort IP Address, 1st Data Port, 1st Command Port, and Total Ports for the NPort W2004 that you would like to map COM ports to. Click on OK to proceed to the next step.  5. Click on Ye s  to activate the COM ports at this time, or click on No to activate the COM ports later. Activating the COM ports saves the information in the host system registry. The host computer will not have the ability to use the COM port until you click on the Apply icon.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-12 6. The display text corresponding to NPorts whose ports are activated will change from blue to black.  7. To re-configure the settings for a particular NPort, click on the row corresponding to that NPort to highlight it, and then click on the Setting icon.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-13 8. In the Basic Setting panel, use the COM Number drop-down list to select a COM number for the NPort’s first serial port. Check mark the Auto Enumerating COM Number for Selected Ports checkbox to automatically assign the next available COM number to the second serial port. Note that ports that are “in use” will be labeled accordingly.  Click on the Advanced Setting tab to modify Tx Mode, FIFO, and Flash Flush.  Tx Mode Hi-performance mode is the default for Tx mode. When the driver finishes sending data to the NPort W2004, the driver will issue a “Tx Empty” response to the program.  Under classical mode, the driver will not notify the user’s program that Tx transmission is finished until all Tx data has been sent out from the NPort W2004. This ODE will cause
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-14lower throughput. Classical mode is recommended if you want to ensure that all data is sent out before further processing.  FIFO If the FIFO is Disabled, NPort W2004 will transmit one byte each time the Tx FIFO becomes empty, and an Rx interrupt will be generated for each incoming byte. This will result in a faster response and lower throughput. If you want to use XON/XOFF flow control, we recommend setting the FIFO to Disable.  Fast Flush (only flushes the local buffer) a. We have added one optional Fast Flush function to Moxa’s new NPort Real COM driver. b. For some applications, the user’s program will use the Win32 “PurgeComm()” function before it reads or writes data. With our design, after the program uses this Purge Comm() function, the NPort driver will keep querying NPort’s firmware several times to make sure no data is queued in the NPort firmware buffer, rather than just flushing the local buffer. This kind of design is used to satisfy some special considerations. However, it might take more time (about several hundred milliseconds) than a native COM1, because it needs to work via Ethernet. That’s why the native COM ports on the motherboard can work fast with this function call, but NPort requires much more time. In order to accommodate other applications that require a faster response time, the new NPort driver implements a new “Fast Flush” option. Note that by default, this function is disabled. c. To begin with, make sure there are some “PurgeComm()” functions being used in your application program. In this kind of situation, you might find that your NPort exhibits a much poorer operation performance than when using the native COM1 port. Once you have enabled the “Fast Flush” function, you can check to see if there has been an improvement in performance. d. By default, the optional “Fast Flush” function is disabled. If you would like to enable this function, double click on the COM ports that are mapped to the NPort, and then select the “Fast Flush” checkbox. You should find that when “Fast Flush” is enabled, the NPort driver will work faster with “PurgeComm().”
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-15 9. The Serial Parameter settings shown in the following figure are the default settings when the NPort W2004 is powered on. However, the program can redefine the serial parameters to different values after the program opens the port via Win 32 API.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-16 10. To save the configuration to a text file, select Export COM Mapping. You will then be able to import this configuration file to another host and use the same COM Mapping settings in the other host.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-17Configuring NPort Search Utility The Broadcast Search function is used to locate all NPort W2004s that are connected to the same LAN as your computer. After locating an NPort W2004, you will be able to change the IP address. Since the Broadcast Search function searches by MAC address and not IP address, all NPort W2004s connected to the LAN will be located, regardless of whether or not they are part of the same subnet as the host. 1. Open the NPort Search Utility and then click on the Search icon.  2. The Searching window indicates the progress of the search.  3. When the search is complete, the NPort W2004 units that were located will be displayed in the NPort Search Utility window.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-18 4. Click on the Assign IP icon to change the IP address. ??? ???
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-19Real TTY and Fixed TTY Installation Installing the Real TTY driver Procedure To map an NPort serial port to the host’s tty port, you need to: 1. Set up NPort Make sure the IP configuration is ok and you can access the NPort (ping, telnet...) successfully, and then configure the NPort serial port to Real COM Mode. 2. Install driver files on the host Refer to “Driver Files Installation” below for details. 3. Map the NPort serial port to the host’s tty port Refer to “Mapping TTY Ports” below for details. Hardware Installation Before proceeding with the software installation, make sure you have completed the hardware installation, as illustrated in the user's manual. The default IP address for NPort Server is NOTE  After installing the hardware, you MUST configure the NPort operating mode to Real COM Mode.  Driver Files Installation a. Get the driver file from the product CD-ROM or Moxa website. b. Log in to the console as a super user (root). c. Execute cd / to go to the root directory. d. Copy the driver file npreal2xx.tgz to the “ / ” directory. e. Execute tar xvfz npreal2xx.tgz to copy all files into the system. f. Execute /tmp/moxa/mxinst. NOTE  For RedHat AS/ES/WS and Fedora Core1, extra argument is needed: # /tmp/moxa/mxinst SP1  g. The shell script will install the driver files automatically. After installing the driver, you will be able to see several files in the /usr/lib/npreal2/driver folder, including” > mxaddsvr  (Add Server, mapping tty port) > mxdelsvr   (Delete Server, un-mapping tty port) > mxloadsvr  (Reload Server) > mxmknod  (Create device node/tty port) > mxrmnod   (Remove device node/tty port)
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-20> mxuninst   (Remove tty port and driver files) At this point, you will be ready to map the NPort serial port to the system tty port. See “Mapping TTY Ports” below for detailed instructions. Mapping TTY Ports Before mapping tty ports, you must set the operation mode of your NPort to Real Com Mode. We provide two ways to map tty ports. Mapping tty ports automatically After logging in as a super user, enter the directory /usr/lib/npreal2/driver and then execute mxaddsvr to map the target NPort serial port to the host tty ports. The syntax of mxaddsvr is: mxaddsvr [NPort IP Address] [Total Ports] ([Data port] [Cmd port]) Example 1: # cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver # ./mxaddsvr 16 Example2: # cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver # ./mxaddsvr 16 4001 966 In Example 1, 16 tty ports will be added, all with IP, but with data ports equal to (950, 951, …, 965), and command ports equal to (966, 967, 968, …, 981). In example2, 16 tty ports will be added, all with IP, but with data ports equal to (4001, 4002, …, 4016), and command ports equal to (966, 967, 968, …, 981). The following actions will be performed: > Modify the "" > Create tty ports in directory "/dev" with major & minor number configured in > Stop and then restart the driver. Remove Mapped TTY ports As with the “Mapping TTY Ports” task, we provide two ways to remove mapped tty ports: Remove the mapped tty ports automatically After logging in as root, enter the directory /usr/lib/npreal2/driver and then execute mxdelsvr to delete a server. The syntax of mxdelsvr is: mxdelsvr [IP] Example: # cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver # ./mxdelsvr If you don't provide the IP address in the command line, the program will list the installed servers and total ports on screen, so that you can only choose the index of the installed server list to delete. The following actions will be performed: > Modify the
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-21> Remove the relevant tty ports in directory /dev > Stop and then restart the driver. Driver Files Removal Driver Removal will remove all driver files, mapped tty ports, and unload the driver. To do this, you only need to enter the directory /usr/lib/npreal2/driver, and then execute mxuninst to uninstall the driver. This program will perform the following actions: > Unload the driver. > Delete all files and directories in "/usr/lib/npreal2" > Delete directory "/usr/lib/npreal2". > Modify the system initializing script file. Installing the fixed TTY driver Installation and Configuration   step 1 :  login to UNIX and create a directory for MOXA TTY,       for instance, /usr/etc.       # mkdir /usr/etc       # cd /usr/etc    step 2 :  Extract source code from tar-file :       Type "tar xvf moxattyd.tar".        After extract, you can find the following files :    README  --> this file      moxattyd.c --> source program  --> empty configuration file      Makefile --> makefile    step 3 :  Compile and Link :      For SCO UNIX:     # make sco      For Linux:     # make linux       For UnixWare 7:     # make svr5       For UnixWare 2.1.x, SVR4.2:     # make svr42      For IBM AIX:     # make aix      For HP-UNIX:     # make hpunix      For SunOS 5.8:     # make sun      For QNX6:     # make qnx6    step 4 :  Modify configuration :       The configuration of moxattyd program is defined on       "" file at the same directory where contains
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Installing and Configuring the Software  6-22     program moxattyd.       User can use vi or any edit to modify it. It's a text      file.       For more configuration information, please take  a look       at file. We put detail decription on it.       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       Please note that the "Device Name" is depended on OS.       See "E. Device Naming Rule" for more information.      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    step 5 :  Add program moxattyd into /etc/inittab and any tty name      you configued at      eg.  for Linux:     ts:2:respawn:/usr/etc/moxattyd     p1:345:respawn:/etc/mingetty ttyp1     p2:345:respawn:/etc/mingetty ttyp2             finish :  You have finished the installation and configuration      of MOXA TTY.  Start moxattyd program   Run "init q" or reboot your UNIX.  Add additional server   Step 1  :  Modify "" file to add additional server.       User can use vi or any edit to modify it. It's a text      file.       For more configuration information, please take  a look       at file. We put detail decription on it.    Step 2  :  Find the proccess id (PID) of program "moxattyd".       # ps -ef | grep moxattyd    Step 3  :  Update configuration of moxattyd program.       # kill -USR1 PID       (ex. if "moxattyd" PID = 404, "kill -USR1 404")    finish :  You have finished to add additional server.
   AA  Appendix ASNMP Agents with MIB II & RS-232 Like Groups NPort has built-in SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) agent software that supports SNMP Trap, RFC1317 RS-232 like groups and RFC 1213 MIB-II. The following table lists the standard MIB-II groups, as well as the variable implementation for NPort . RFC1213 MIB-II supported SNMP variables: System MIB  Interfaces MIB  IP MIB  ICMP MIB SysDescr itNumber  ipForwarding  IcmpInMsgs SysObjectID ifIndex  ipDefaultTTL  IcmpInErrors SysUpTime ifDescr  ipInreceives  IcmpInDestUnreachs SysContact ifType  ipInHdrErrors  IcmpInTimeExcds SysName ifMtu  ipInAddrErrors  IcmpInParmProbs SysLocation ifSpeed  ipForwDatagrams  IcmpInSrcQuenchs SysServices ifPhysAddress  ipInUnknownProtos  IcmpInRedirects  ifAdminStatus ipInDiscards IcmpInEchos  ifOperStatus ipInDelivers IcmpInEchoReps  ifLastChange ipOutRequests IcmpInTimestamps  ifInOctets ipOutDiscards IcmpTimestampReps  ifInUcastPkts ipOutNoRoutes IcmpInAddrMasks  ifInNUcastPkts ipReasmTimeout IcmpOutMsgs  ifInDiscards ipReasmReqds IcmpOutErrors  ifInErrors ipReasmOKs IcmpOutDestUnreachs
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  SNMP Agents with MIB II & RS-232 Like Groups  A-2 System MIB  Interfaces MIB  IP MIB  ICMP MIB SysServices ifInUnknownProtos ipReasmFails IcmpOutTimeExcds  ifOutOctets ipFragOKs IcmpOutParmProbs  ifOutUcastPkts ipFragFails IcmpOutSrcQuenchs  ifOutNUcastPkts ipFragCreates IcmpOutRedirects  ifOutDiscards ipAdEntAddr IcmpOutEchos  ifOutErrors ipAdEntIfIndex IcmpOutEchoReps  ifOutQLen ipAdEntNetMask IcmpOutTimestamps  ifSpecific ipAdEntBcastAddr IcmpOutTimestampReps   ipAdEntReasmMaxSize IcmpOutAddrMasks    IpNetToMediaIfIndex IcmpOutAddrMaskReps   IpNetToMediaPhysAddress     IpNetToMediaNetAddress     IpNetToMediaType     IpRoutingDiscards    UDP MIB  TCP MIB  SNMP MIB UdpInDatagrams tcpRtoAlgorithm  snmpInPkts UdpNoPorts tcpRtoMin  snmpOutPkts UdpInErrors tcpRtoMax  snmpInBadVersions UdpOutDatagrams tcpMaxConn  snmpInBadCommunityNamesUdpLocalAddress tcpActiveOpens  snmpInASNParseErrs UdpLocalPort tcpPassiveOpens snmpInTooBigs  tcpAttempFails snmpInNoSuchNames Address Translation MIB  tcpEstabResets snmpInBadValues AtIfIndex tcpCurrEstab snmpInReadOnlys AtPhysAddress tcpInSegs  snmpInGenErrs AtNetAddress tcpOutSegs  snmpInTotalReqVars
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  SNMP Agents with MIB II & RS-232 Like Groups  A-3 Address Translation MIB  TCP MIB  SNMP MIB AtNetAddress tcpRetransSegs snmpInTotalSetVars  tcpConnState snmpInGetRequests  tcpConnLocalAddress snmpInGetNexts  tcpConnLocalPort snmpInSetRequests  tcpConnRemAddress snmpInGetResponses  tcpConnRemPort snmpInTraps  tcpInErrs snmpOutTooBigs  tcpOutRsts snmpOutNoSuchNames   snmpOutBadValues   snmpOutGenErrs   snmpOutGetRequests   snmpOutGetNexts   snmpOutSetRequests   snmpOutGetResponses   snmpOutTraps   snmpEnableAuthenTraps  RFC1317: RS-232 MIB objects Generic RS-232-like Group  RS-232-like General Port Table RS-232-like Asynchronous Port Group rs232Number rs232PortTable rs232AsyncPortTable  rs232PortEntry rs232AsyncPortEntry  rs232PortIndex rs232AsyncPortIndex  rs232PortType rs232AsyncPortBits  rs232PortInSigNumber rs232AsyncPortStopBits  rs232PortOutSigNumber rs232AsyncPortParity  rs232PortInSpeed   rs232PortOutSpeed    The Input Signal Table  The Output Signal Table rs232InSigTable rs232OutSigTable rs232InSigEntry rs232OutSigEntry rs232InSigPortIndex rs232OutSigPortIndex rs232InSigName rs232OutSigName rs232InSigState rs232OutSigState
   BB  Appendix BWell Known Port Numbers This appendix is for your reference. Listed below are Well Known Port Numbers that may cause network problems if you configure NE-4000T for the same port. Refer to RFC 1700 for Well Known Port Numbers or refer to the following introduction from IANA. The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the Well Known Ports, the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports. ! The Well Known Ports range from 0 through 1023. ! The Registered Ports range from 1024 through 49151. ! The Dynamic and/or Private Ports range from 49152 through 65535. The Well Known Ports are assigned by IANA, and on most systems, can only be used by system processes or by programs executed by privileged users. The following table shows famous port numbers among the well-known port numbers. For more details, please visit the IANA website at  TCP Socket  Application Service 0 reserved 1  TCP Port Service Multiplexor 2 Management Utility 7 Echo 9 Discard 11 Active Users (systat) 13 Daytime 15 Netstat 20  FTP data port 21  FTP CONTROL port 23 Telnet 25  SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 37  Time (Time Server) 42  Host name server (names server)
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Well Known Port Numbers  B-2TCP Socket  Application Service 43 Whois (nickname) 49  (Login Host Protocol) (Login) 53  Domain Name Server (domain) 79 Finger protocol (Finger) 80  World Wibe Web HTTP 119  Netword news Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 123 Network Time Protocol 213 IPX 160 – 223  Reserved for future use  UDP Socket  Application Service 0 reserved 2 Management Utility 7 Echo 9 Discard 11 Active Users (systat) 13 Daytime 35  Any private printer server 39  Resource Location Protocol 42  Host name server (names server) 43 Whois (nickname) 49  (Login Host Protocol) (Login) 53  Domain Name Server (domain) 69 Trivial Transfer Protocol (TETP) 70 Gopler Protocol 79 Finger Protocol 80  World Wide Web HTTP 107 Remote Telnet Service 111  Sun Remote Procedure Call (Sunrpc) 119  Network news Tcanster Protocol (NNTP) 123  Network Time protocol (nnp) 161  SNMP (Simple Network Mail Protocol) 162 SNMP Traps 213  IPX (Used for IP Tunneling)
   CC  Appendix CService Information This appendix shows you how to contact Moxa for information about this and other products, and how to report problems. In this appendix, we cover the following topics.  ! MOXA Internet Services ! Problem Report Form ! Product Return Procedure
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Service Information  C-2MOXA Internet Services Customer satisfaction is our number one concern, and to ensure that customers receive the full benefit of our products, Moxa Internet Services has been set up to provide technical support, driver updates, product information, and user’s manual updates.  The following services are provided  E-mail for technical  Moxa Group website for product information, driver downloads, documentation, and more:   .............................
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Service Information  C-3Problem Report Form  MOXA NPort W2004  Customer name: Company: Tel: Fax: Email: Date:  1. Moxa Product:  $ NPort W2004 2. Serial Number:    _________________  Problem Description:    Please describe the symptoms of the problem as clearly as possible, including any error messages you see. A clearly written description of the problem will allow us to reproduce the symptoms, and expedite the repair of your product.
NPort W2004 User’s Manual  Service Information  C-4Product Return Procedure  For product repair, exchange, or refund, the customer must: % Provide evidence of original purchase. % Obtain a Product Return Agreement (PRA) from the sales representative or dealer. % Fill out the Problem Report Form (PRF). Include as much detail as possible for a shorter product repair time. % Carefully pack the product in an anti-static package, and send it, pre-paid, to the dealer. The PRA should be visible on the outside of the package, and include a description of the problem, along with the return address and telephone number of a technical contact.
   DD  Appendix DFederal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures: --  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. --  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. --  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. --  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. “Moxa declares that NPort W2004 is limited to CH1-CH11 by specified firmware when controlled in the USA.” IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. INFORMATION TO USER: The user’s manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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