Murata AAF wifi module User Manual Sychip Wireless Uart User Guide V1 2

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. wifi module Sychip Wireless Uart User Guide V1 2



  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide          Sychip Wireless-Uart   OEM User Guide          Author:  Lei Liu  Version:  1.2  Release Date:  October 20, 2012
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide       CHANGE HISTORY    Version  Date  Remarks  Name 1.0 09/25/2012 Release V1.0; Lei Liu 1.1 10/10/2012 Fixed some bugs Jin Li 1.2 10/20/2012 Optimized the document framework Jin Li
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 3 of 12 2010-04         1.  Brief introduction    1.1  About this document   This document describes how to use the SyChip Wireless-Uart EVK. It contains hardware installation, tcp/udp connect, AT configuration commands.   Features:  Support IEEE802.11b/g/n Wireless Standards. Support the wifi work at AP/STA mode. Support WEP, WPA, WPA2 Security. Support configurate uart interface easily. Support TCP/IP/UDP network protocol stack. Support send AT commands through uart to control the module. Single +3.3v power supply.   1.2  Sychip ES3 EVK Hardware Introduction    JTAG Expand pins  Uart1  Uart2           Configuration Button        Reset Button     Figure 1 Sychip Wireless-Uart EVK   +5v  GND  Vcc Jump    Figure  1  is  Sychip  Wireless-Uart  EVK,  it  is  composed  of  mcu,  wifi,  power,  Uart1,  Uart2,  JTAG
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 4 of 12 2010-04    interfaces etc. (1)Power supply: Vcc Jump(red circle marked) provides two different modes of power supply. If jump to the right pin, the module power on through the uart. If jump to the left pin, the module power on through the +5v and GND pin. Note:Under normal circumstances using the uart power supply.   (2)Uart: Uart pins function, uart1 is same to the uart2, according to the figure 1 position:   none Rts Rx GND none Cts Tx Vdd_usb  (3)Button: The EVK has 2 buttons: configuration button and reset button. • Reset button: Press the reset button, the module will reset the device. • Configuration button: Press the Configuration button for two or three seconds, press the reset button at the same time, the module  into  configuration  function,  customers  can  configurate  all  parameters  through  AT commands.  (4)Jtag: The jtag’s function is download the code and debug.   (5)Expand pins: The expand pins is reserved for expansion functions.
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 5 of 12         2.  Wireless-Uart EVK Operation    2.1  Hardware installation   1.  Connect EVK and PC through USB cable.  UART-USB converter boart    USB cable to PC    PC              Figure 2. Wireless-Uart EVK Demo Under Wireless-Uart EVK normal mode, uart1 connected as shown in figure 2. Power supply through uart1. 2.  Install  USB-UART  converter  driver  (FTDI  D2xx  driver).  Customer can  download  from  below website. 3.  Please open device manager. Customer can see USB Serial Port if driver install is succeeded.
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 6 of 12       Figure 3. usb serial port 4.  Then  open  serial  terminal  on  the  pc side, set  the  relevant  parameters as  shown  in  the  following figure. Baudrate = 115200, Data_bits = 8, Stop Bits = 1, pariyt = none, Flow Control = none. These values are factory setting. Note: Under the configuration mode, the uart parameters are same to the factory setting[1].    Figure 4. uart configuration
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 7 of 12     2.2 Work Mode    2.2.1 TCP Server mode   Once EVK power on, the module start at factory setting mode[1].    1.  Configuration the device’s TCP/IP properties. Obtain an ip address automatically, show as figure 5.    Figure 5. configuration the tcp/ip properties 2.  Scan and join the module ap on the device. Show as figure 6.
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 8 of 12         Figure 6. scan and join the module ap 3.  Open tcp client on device side.  Set the server ip_addr=, port=3000. Protocal=TCP. As show in the following figure:   Connect button      Server ip           Figure 7. tcp client configuration 4.  Click the connect button, achieved the transparent transmission.
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 9 of 12                 TCP Send data       TCP  Receive data     Figure 8. tcp client transmission data on device    Uart  Receive data    Uart  Send data                Figure 9. uart transmission data on PC This is the end of factory setting work mode.   2.2.2 TCP Client mode    2.2.3 UDP Server/Client mode
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 10 of 12     2.4 Webpage Demo   2.1 SystemInfo   2.3 AT configuration commands   If  customers press the  configuration  button when reset the  device, the module into the configuration mode. AT commands can use the uppercase or lowercase letters, but the parameters must be set as special value, case-sensitive. AT commands application: • help /?: Input “help” or ”?” <CR>. This command can show all the commands and use information.    • Tcp-client transmission configure. Tcp-client work mode’s topology structure:
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 11 of 12       (1)  Uart parameters configuration If need to change the uart parameters: Example: BaudRate=9600, DataBits=8, StopBits=1, Parity=none, FlowCtrl=none.  (2)  Wifi parameters configuration If need to change the wifi mode as client: Example connect h3c ssid: sta/ap=sta, ssid=h3c, channel=1, security=open    (3)  Network parameters configuration If need to change the network parameters: Example  enable  the  dhcpc,  not  use  the  static  ip:  dhcpd=0,  dhcpc=1,  ip_addr=,  net_mask=, gw_addr=   (4)  Work module configuration If need to change the work parameters: Example change the work_mode as client: tcp/udp=tcp, client/server=client, ip_addr=, port=3000. After the configuration, Open serial terminal on the pc side.
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 12 of 12     Then press the reset button, or input at+reboot command, the module into the tcp-client transmission work mode. All AT commands parameters’s value and function please reference document[1].     3.  Reference documents    • [1] Sychip wireless-uart interface.doc.   Statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the  interference  by  one  or  more  of  the  following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver; Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from  that  to  which  the  receiver  is  connected;  Consult  the  dealer  or  an  experienced radio/TV technician for help.   In accordance with FCC Part 15C, this module is listed as a Limited Modular Transmitter device.  Therefore, the final host product must be submitted to [Sychip ] for confirmation that the installation of the module into the host is in compliance with the regulations of FCC and IC Canada. Specifically, if an antenna other than the model documented in the Filing is
  Sychip Wireless-Uart User Guide Page 13 of 12   used, a Class 2 Permissive Change must be filed with the FCC. Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  manufacturer  could  void  the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  FCC Label Instructions The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as the following: “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: [VPYAAF]” or “Contains FCC ID: [VPYAAF].” Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used.  To satisfy FCC RF Exposure requirements for mobile and base station transmission devices, a separation distance of 20 cm or more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure compliance, operation at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

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