2. Thing to Remember Before Using Nexto-M1  The Features    z Nexto-M1 can back up data from CF, MD, SD, SDHC, MemoryStick or MMC into HDD. The back up speed is fastest in the world so far. (With help of OTG feature you can back up data from any kind of memory cards) z With maximum speed of 20MB/sec and average speed of 14MB/sec, it  only  takes about 1 minute for Nexto-M1 to back up 1G bytes of data.   z Nexto-M1 has verification feature that you can double check the integrity of your data.   z You  can  install  large  sized HDD  into  Nexto-M1.  Most  of  legacy  devices  can  only  manage HDD size less than 120G, but you can install maximum of 2000G bytes HDD into Nexto-M1.  Things to be careful  z For Nexto-M1 to work properly, 2.5” PATA type HDD must be installed. Without HDD, Nexto-M1 will not work properly.   (※  Nexto-M1 doesn’t match with SATA type HDD z HDD is fragile to magnetic field and impact. So be careful not  to drop Nexto-M1 or place it near magnetic devices such as TV, radio or speaker. The company will not be responsible for loss of data stored in HDD under any conditions.   z Nexto-M1 has many slots for variety of cables and memory card. Do not let dust or foreign objects get into those slots.   z Nexto-M1 has internal slots for CF, MD, SD, SDHC, MemoryStick and MMC memory cards. However you can back up other kinds of memory cards with USB card readers using OTG feature of Nexto-M1.
3. Contents and Part Name  Contents Nexto-M1, USB Cable, Power DC Adapter, Pouch, Screw Driver and Screws, User Manual     Optional Items         External Battery             Leather Case
Part Name
4. HDD Installation  Nexto-M1  requires  2.5”  laptop  HDD  to  work  properly.  However,  Nexto-M1  does  not  support  SATA type HDD. To install HDD into Nexto-M1;     Remove lower aluminum case of Nexto-M1  Connect HDD to 50-pin connector. Align the pins on PCB with connector on HDD and insert gently. Make sure all the pins are firmly inserted and place insulator between PCB and HDD.     Replace the lower case and screw it to the main frame.
5. Button and LCD Screen  Turn On and Off Nexto-M1 is single button operating device. You can control all the features with the button.    To  turn  on  Nexto-M1,  press  the  button  for  more  than  2  seconds.  Nexto-M1  will  turn  itself  off  30 seconds after the last button press.    To turn off Nexto-M1 when error occurs, press the reset button at the bottom of Nexto-M1 with sharp object such as screw driver in Nexto-M1’s package.    Button Operation There are 3 ways to control the button.    Screen Display  Operation Method S  Press the button once like mouse click. (‘Short’) L  Press down the button for more than a second. (‘Long’)   D  Click the button twice like mouse double click. (‘Double Click’)  LCD Screen Display On LCD screen of Nexto-M1 shows status commands and how to execute the commands as well as the status of the device.    Internal  battery  status  and  remain  HDD  capacity  is displayed at the top of the screen.    Current  status  of  commands  to  confirm  is  displayed  at  the middle of the screen.,  The ways to execute command are displayed at the bottom of the screen.    More details on operating Nexto-M1 will be explained in later chapters.
6. Data Backup  The basic function of Nexto-M1 is to backup data from memory card to HDD. Executing the function is easy and is done through the single button.    Nexto-M1 has built-in slot for CF, MD, SD, SDHC, MemoryStick and MMC card. Or you can use USB card  readers  to  back  up  data  from  other  kinds  of  memory  cards.  Refer  to  chapter  11  for  more information on USB card reader connection.    [Caution]  For  MS  Duo,  MS  Duo  MagicGate,  MS  Pro  Duo,  or  MS  Pro  Duo  MagicGate  use  the MemoryStick transform adapter. Do not insert these cards into Nexto-M1 directly. Also use SD card transform adapter for mini SD, TransFlash, MMC mobile or RSMMC.    To backup data;     Turn on Nexto-M1. (You can insert memory card before turn on Nexto-M1)  If  screen  displays  other  messages  than  the  screen  shown here, refer to “Error Messages” at the end of this chapter.    Insert  memory  card.  For  CF  or  Md  use  the  slot  at  the  top and for SD, SDHC, MemoryStick or MMC use the slot at the side.    If  you  insert  2  cards  at  the  same  time,  Nexto-M1  will  only back up from the card inserted first.    [Caution]  If  any  device  or  cable  is  connected  to  USB connector  at  the  bottom  the  backup  process  will  not  work properly  so  remove  any  device  of  cable  from  the  USB connector before inserting the cards.
   “CF Detected” or “Mem Detected” will be displayed on the screen depend on the card you inserted.    There are 2 ways you can backup.    z Copy:  With  copy  method,  Nexto-M1  only  copies data from memory card to HDD. So all the data in memory card remains. z Move:  With  move  method,  Nexto-M1  copies  data from memory card to HDD and verifies the integrity then  deletes  all  data  in  memory  card.  If  however verification fails,  Nexto-M1 will  not delete the  data in memory card.    As seen at the bottom of the screen;   z Press the button once for copy.   z Press down the button for more than 1 second for move  The number  on  the screen  indicates  the number of  files to be copied and number of files copied to HDD.    As  the  backup  proceeds,  the  number  of  files  copied  is displayed on the screen.  During the process you can press down the button to cancel the job as indicated at the bottom of the screen.    The  total  time  for  the  backup  is  displayed  when  backup  is completed.    Remove the  memory card  to end  the  process.  Even if  you do not remove the card, Nexto-M1 will turn itself off after 15 seconds.    Other Features When backup  is  completed, if  you  do not  remove the  card for next 15  seconds, Nexto-M1  will turn itself off.
 In this case when you turn on Nexto-M1 next time, it will show you the result of last process.     This  message  tells  you  the  last  backup  process  was successful.    Press the button once to go back to the initial state.  This  message  tells  you  the  last  backup  process  was failure.  Backup  the  same  card  again  or  check  for  other possible reason for failure such as shortage of power.    Error Messages Nexto-M1 may display other messages than explained above.  If nothing comes on the screen, check the battery status. Refer to chapter 8 for power management.    If  you  see  the  message  shown  on  the  picture  you  will need to; 1. Install  HDD.  Refer  to  chapter  2  for  installing HDD.   2. Format  the  HDD.  Refer  to  chapter  10  for formatting HDD.  If you see the message show on the picture, you need to format the HDD.    Refer to chapter 10 for more information on HDD format.
 This  is  not  the  error  message.  This  message  tells  you that same data is already backed up. Refer to chapter 9 for verification of backup data.
7. Connecting to PC  Nexto-M1 can be connected to PC through USB connection.    z There  are  2  USB  ports  at  the  bottom  of  Nexto-M1.  When  connecting  to  PC  use  the  USB connector of Nexto-M1 marked “PC” which is smaller USB port.   z Use  USB  port  at  the  back  of  PC  when  connecting  Nexto-M1.  Sometimes  the  PC  will  not recognize Nexto-M1 when USB port at the front of PC is used.   z Nexto-M1 will not work as card reader when connected to PC.   Use the USB cable to connect Nexto-M1 to PC.    Windows  2000,  XP  or  Vista  will  recognize  Nexto-M1  without  extra  device  driver.  However  you  will need  driver  in  Windows  98  which  you  can download from   Open MyComputer folder after connecting Nexto-M1 to the PC. You will see new driver added.    Nexto-M1 will be name NEXTODI in the MyComputer folder.
  Nexto-M1 will copy the exact structure and files from the memory card inserted.    Every time you backup data, a new folder is created under NEXTOM1 folder. The new folder will have name like YYYYMMDD.XXX. Nexto-M1 checks the files and extracts the latest creation date among the files  and use  to  name the  folder.  The 3  letters of  suffix  is  version number of  the folder  in case same date comes up more than once among the backup files.    For example, if the latest file creation date is 2007-10-25 then new folder 200071025.000 is created for backup.    [Caution] Every time you backup, even for the very same data more than once, new folder is created and no data is over written.    When backup fail.
 When Nexto-M1 fails backup data properly, Tmp folder is created. In the Tmp folder, it appears all the files  are  backed  up  properly, however  the  files  in the  Tmp folder  are garbage.  So you  will  need  to back up again.
8. Battery Recharge and Power Management  Battery Recharge To recharge internal or external battery of Nexto-M1;   z Connect  DC  adapter  to  Nexto-M1.  To  recharge  external  battery,  connect  the  battery  to Nexto-M1 and connect DC adapter to the device. It takes 4 hours for internal battery and 5 hours for external battery to be fully recharged.   z Connect  Nexto-M1  to  PC  through  USB  connection.  Internal  and  external  batteries  will  be recharged simultaneously. Remember to turn off Nexto-M1 for recharging.  The red light in  right side of the button will lit while recharging. When battery is fully recharged, the light will be turned off.    You can backup up to 60G bytes with fully charged battery and 140G bytes with external battery.    Power Management When Nexto-M1 is connected to PC through USB connection, Nexto-M1 will only use the power from USB bus not from internal or external battery.
9. Verification of Backup Data  You can compare data in the memory card and data in the HDD to verify safe backup.     If  you  insert  the  same  card  after  backup,  Nexto-M1  will  show message shown in the picture.    Press the button once to choose “vfy” to verify the data or if you want to backup same data once more press down the button to choose “more” command.    Here, press the button once to verify the data.  There are 2 types of verification.    Press  the  button  once  for  Sampling  Verification  or  press  down the button for Full Verification.    With  full  verification,  Nexto-M1  compares  every  bit  of  original data and backup data, so it takes longer time to verify.    With  sampling  verification,  Nexto-M1  compares  only  sampled bits, so it takes less time to verify.    Once verification starts, you will see the number of verified files and number of to be verified files.  When  done,  you  will  see  the  message  shown  in  the  picture. Remove the memory card to end the process.    Backup the same card more than once.   When you insert the same card more than once, you can choose to backup the same data again.
Even if you back up the same data, Nexto-M1 will not overwrite the existing data, instead it creates new folder and backup the data in the new folder.     Insert  the  same  memory  card,  here  press  down  the  button  to choose “more” command.    Here  you  can  backup  the  same  card  once  more.  However  you can only choose “copy” method. “move” method is the option in this process.    You  can  always  go  back  to  initial  screen  by  press  down  the button for more than a second.    You can see the number of files copied and number of files to be copied.     When you backup the same data more than once, Nexto-M1 creates  new folder every time. First it
creates folder named 20070421.000 then 20070421.001 and so on.    So existing data remains in the different folder.
10. HDD Format  Nexto-M1 has format function so you do not need PC to format the HDD installed in Nexto-M1.    [Caution]  All  the  data  in  HDD  will  be  erased  after  formatting  the  HDD.  Remember  to  back  up important data to some other media before formatting your HDD.   Formatting New HDD When you install brand new HDD to Nexto-M1, you must first format the HDD.    Nexto-M1 does not support partitioning of HDD, so if you need to create partitions connect Nexto-M1 to PC and do it in Windows environment.    Nexto-M1 formats HDD in FAT32 file system. For more information on file systems please refer to OS guide books or web sites.     Install  HDD  into  Nexto-M1  (refer  to  chapter  2  for  installing HDD) and turn on the power and you will see the message as shown in the picture.    Press down the button to choose “Format” command.    If  you  choose  “Continue”  menu,  Nexo-M1  will  display  error message.    Nexto-M1 will ask you twice for confirmation. Press down the button to choose “Yes” command.    This will be the first confirmation.    Press  down  the  button  for  second  and  final  confirmation  to proceed formatting.    Press down the button to choose “Yes” command and format will proceed.
 When  format  is  completed,  Nexto-M1  will  display  the  initial screen.    Formatting HDD in Use You can format the HDD in use. All the data in the HDD will be erased after formatting so be careful not to lose important data.    Even you have partitions in your HDD Nexto-M1 will format the HDD as single partition in FAT32 file system.     Turn on Nexto-M1 and at the initial screen press the button to choose “Menu” command.    At  the  menu  screen  you  can  choose  one  of  three  menus displayed.    Move  the  cursor  (*) by  press the  button and  place  it  next  to “Format” command then press down the button.    You  can  always  go  back  to  initial  screen  by  choosing  “Exit” menu.    Again  Nexto-M1  will  ask  you  for  confirmation  twice  before proceed to format.    Select “Yes” command by pressing down the button.
 This is  second  and last  confirmation. Press down  the button to choose “Yes” command.      After formatting, Nexto-M1 will display the initial screen.      Partition and File Systems The file system and portioning is somewhat too technical for some users. So if you do not have the proper knowledge on the subjects use the format function of Nexto-M1 to set up the HDD.  Nexto-M1 will only use HDD formatted in  FAT32 file  system. If you have more than one partition in your HDD, Nexto-M1 will backup data in the first partition formatted in FAT32 file system.    If no partition is formatted in FAT 32 file system, Nexto-M1 will try to format entire HDD in FAT32 file system and you may lose all data in the HDD. So check the file system and partition before installing used HDD into Nexto-M1.
11. Connecting USB Devices  Nexto-M1 has OTG feature that you can connect USB devices such as card reader, USB storage or digital camera directly to Nexto-M1.    [Caution] Not all USB devices can be connected to Nexto-M1. Nexto-M1 may not support devices that consume more power than Nexto-M1 can supply. And Nexto-M1 does not support MP3 Player.   Turn on Nexto-M1 and connect USB device to the USB port at the bottom of Nexto-M1 marked “OTG” using USB cable.    Nexto-M1  automatically  detects  the  USB  device.  You  can copy data from/to USB devices or delete data in USB devices. Refer to chapter 12 for more information.  If the USB device consumes more power than Nexto-M1 can supply  or  USB  device  that  does  not  support  common  USB protocols Nexto-M1 will turn itself off.    You  can  copy  data  from  USB  device  the  same  way  as  you copy data from memory card.
12. Browsing HDD and Memory Cards  You  can  check  the  store  data  in  HDD  of  Nexto-M1  without  connecting to PC. You can even browse through the data in connected memory card or storage of USB devices.    You can also copy file or folder to/from HDD from/to memory card or USB devices and delete file or folder in HDD or memory card.    Browse or delete file/folder in HDD or Memory Card  At the initial screen press down the button to choose “Menu” command.    At this time no memory card or USB device should be connected to Nexto-M1  Move the cursor (*) by pressing button next to “Browse” command  and  press  down  the  button  for  more  than  1 second.    On next screen move the cursor next to HDD and press down the button to choose “HDD” command.  Nexto-M1  shows  you  the  summary  information  of  root directory of HDD.    As shown in the picture, the root directory has 10 files total size of 190Ksbytes and 2 folders.    Press button once to continue.    Next, you can see the actual structures of folders and files in root directory of HDD.    To move the cursor;  z [S]: Press the button once to move the cursor down. z [D]: Double click the button to move the cursor up. [L]: Press down the button for more than one second to select the file or folder.    Move the cursor to NESXODI folder and select it by pressing down the button.
 When you select a folder, first you can see the summary information of the folder.    When  you select  a  file  you  will  first  see  the  summary  of  the file.    At the top of the screen there are 3 menus you can choose from; “Exit”, “Copy” and “Del”   z “Exit”: Go back to initial screen. z “Copy” Copy the file or entire folder, sub structure and files in the folders to memory card or connected USB device.     z “Del”:  Delete  the  selected  file  or  folder  and  entire  sub hierarchy folders and files    [Caution] Be careful when you choose delete a folder. It deletes not only the selected folder but also all sub folders in the selected folder.    You  can browse  through  sub  folder  by  moving  the  cursor  to the folder you wish to browse and press down the button to select.  Choose one of the menus to copy or delete the folder.    You can also select a file to copy or delete.    When  you  select  delete  menu,  Nexto-M1  ask  you  twice  for confirmation.    Press  down  the  button  to  select  “Yes”  command  to  delete the selected folder.    If you choose to copy a folder or a file, Nexto-M1 will ask you to insert memory card of connect USB device.  You can then browse through memory card of USB device in the  same  way  as  browsing  HDD  to  choose  the  destination folder to copy the data from HDD.    Press down the button to select “Yes” command to copy the file or folder.
Browse or delete file/folder in HDD or Memory Card  You  can  browse  through  memory  card  or  connected  USB device the same way as browsing through HDD.  Select “CF/USB”  command at the menu  screen.  Remember you  should  not  insert  memory  card  or  connect  USB  device before Nexto-M1 asks to do so.    Insert  memory  card  or  connect  USB  device  when  Nexto-M1 asks to do so.    Nexto  steps  will  be  same  as  browsing  HDD.  But  when  you choose to copy, the data will be transferred into HDD from memory card or USB device.
13. Sync    You can sync data between two Nexto series devices. It is useful when you deal with important photo data.  The professionals may want carry two Nexto devices to ensure the safety of their data.    You can sync data between Nexto-M1 and;  z Nexto-M1 z Nexto-Ultra z Nexto-OTG And Nexto Xpress z Nexto-CF                                               Nexto-M1                                   Nexto-XX                                   Connect Nexto-M1 to Nexto-XXX using USB cable. Remember use the port marked “OTG” on Nexto-M1 and “PC” on Nexto-XXX.    Connect DC adapter to the Nexto-XXX (the target)    Nexto-M1 will search the target for folder named “NEXTODI” and compare the data with its own and
copies new data from the target.  When  target  is  connected  to  Nexto-M1,  it  automatically detects the target and search through data to compare.    It may take some time depend on the size of target’s data.  Press down  the button  to sync.  The number  of  files  to  be copied and number of files copied will be displayed on the screen during the process.
14. Specification  CF/MD Slot  CF Type 1/2, MD (MicroDrive) SD/MS/MMC Slot SD / SDHC / MMC /MMC Plus / MS / MS MagicGate / MS Pro / MS Pro MagicGate   ※  Use  SD  transform  adapter  for  mini  SD  /  TransFlash  / MMC mobile /RSMMC   ※  Use  MemoryStick  transform  adapter  for  MS  Duo  /  MS Duo MagicGate / MS Pro Duo / MS Pro Duo MagicGate Memory Card OTG Port  Digital Camera, HDD type camcoder ※  Some products may not be compatible.   Power  Rechargeable internal battery / Rechargeable external battery (Option) DC Adapter (5V DC, 2A) / BUS Power from USB Battery / Backup Capacity Internal battery : Li-Poly (3.7V, 1550mAh, 60GG Backup capable) External battery : Li-Ion (3.7V, 2200mAh, 80GB backup capable, Option) Compatible HDD 2.5” PATA Type HDD Big volume HDD(more than 128GB) support Interface  USB 2.0/1.1 (USB Slave), OTG (USB Host) Interface   Backup Speed  By CF Slot : MAX 20MB/s, Sustained 14MB/s By SD/SDHC/MS/MMC Slot : MAX 24MB/s, Sustained 19MB/s Compatible OS WINDOW 98SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista    Mac OS 9.2 or above, Linux 2.4.18 or above Files System  HDD: FAT32 Memory Card: FAT12/16/32 Dimension  128mm x 77mm x 23mm (D x W x H) Weight  130g (without HDD ) Accessories  USB Cable / Power DC Adapter / Pouch / Screw Driver / Screws / User Manual
15. Error Codes  The common error messages are;    Error Code  Error Name  Symptom and Solution 0x0001  ERR_FAIL  Low level error. HDD failure or USB communication failure 0x000E  ERR_UNEXPECTED  USB communication failure. Check the cable.   0x0015  ERR_INVALID_FAT  Format error. Reformat the memory card. 0x003B  ERR_UNEXPECTED_ZERO FAT error 0x0051  ERR_12_NOT_IMPL  Unable to write to FAT12 Memory. 0x0063  ERR_CLUSTER_CHAIN  FAT error 0x0080  ERR_NO_FREE_CLUSTER No more space in HDD 0x00A0  ERR_BUSY_TOO_LONG  ATA I/F error, possible HDD error. 0x00A4  ERR_READ  ATA I/F error, possible HDD error. 0x00A5  ERR_IDE_ERR  ATA I/F error, possible HDD error.
Nexto-CF Multi1 User Manual Index  1. Nexto-M1 Introduction 2. Thing to Remember Before Using Nexto-M1 3. Contents and Part Name 4. HDD Installation  Basic Features 5. Button and LCD Screen 6. Data Backup 7. Connect to PC 8. Battery Recharge and Power Management  Advanced Features 9. Verification of Backup Data 10. HDD Format 11. Connecting USB Devices  Extra Features 12. Browsing HDD and Memory Cards   13. Sync    14. Specification 15. Error Codes
FCC  NOTE  :This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.   However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.     THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.   OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:   (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION   THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.

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