Narco Avionics AT155 Aviation Transponder User Manual installation manaul

Narco Avionics Inc Aviation Transponder installation manaul

installation manaul

PRINTED IN U.S.A.                                   REV 1.0 MAY, 2002Narco AvionicsAT155 TSOTransponderInstallation Manual03608-0620Narco Avionics Inc.270 Commerce DriveFt. Washington, Pa. 19034U.S.A.
REV 1.0NOTICEWhile every effort has been made by Narco Avionics ensure accuracy in the preparation of this Installation Manual,Narco assumes no responsibility for errors or omissionsNarco Avionics can be reached by calling :Phone : 215-643-2900FAX : 215-643-0197Or on the Internet at
May, 2002           REV 1.0 iNarco Avionics AT155 TSOTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTIONNUMBER TITLE PAGENUMBER1.1 GENERAL 1-11.1.1    Manual Organization 1-11.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1-11.3  PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 1-21.4  TSO EXPLANATION 1-31.4.1     AT155 Antenna 1-31.5 UNITS AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED 1-31.6 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 1-41.7 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED. 1-41.8 OPERATOR LICENSE REQUIIREMENTS 1-41.9 OPERATION 1-51.9.1    Function Selector Switch 1-51.9.2    IDENT/DIM 1-61.9.3    Code Selector 1-62.1 INTRODUCTION 2-12.2 PRELIMINARY INSPECTION 2-12.2.1    Unpacking 2-12.2.2    Electrical Bench Test. 2-    Test Equipment Required. 2-    Test Procedure 2-22.3 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION. 2-52.3.1    Mounting Tray 2-52.3.2    Insertion And Removal Of The AT155 2-52.4 ANTENNA INSTALLATION 2-72.4.1    Antenna Location And Mounting. 2-72.4.2    Antenna Extension Cable. 2-82.5 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 2-92.5.1    Power And Interconnect Cable 2-92.5.2    Cable Fabrication 2-112.5.3    Pilot Lamps 2-122.5.4    External Suppression 2-122.5.5    Remote IDENT 2-132.5.6    Altitude Digitizer 2-132.6 POST INSTALLATION TESTS 2-132.6.1    Preflight Tests 2-132.6.2    Flight Test 2-142.7 AIRCRAFT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. 2-14APPENDIX A – CERTIFICATION DOCUMENTSA.1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION FORM A-1A.2 CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS A-2R.1 MANUAL REVISION HISTORY R-1
INTRODUCTIONSECTION 1May, 2002                               REV 1.0 1-11.1 GENERALIn support of the Narco Avionics AT155 TSO Transponder, this manual provides detailed installation andoperation procedures."This manual is intended for use only by persons qualified to service equipmentin this manual pursuant to current regulatory requirements."1.1.1 Manual OrganizationOrganized into two major sections the manual includes the following:Section 1, Introduction - general information required in planning the installationSection 2, Installation   - detailed procedures for performing the mechanical and electrical installation1.2   PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AT155 TSO consists of a receiver tuned to the frequency of a ground interrogation station (1030 MHz),logic circuitry to check the validity of the received interrogation and encode a reply containing pertinentidentification information, and a transmitter which sends the coded reply to the ground station.  When anoptional altitude digitizer, Narco Model AR-850, is incorporated, coded altitude information will be transmittedto the ground station.The AT155 has been designed for 14V or 28V operation. If the AT155 is replacing an existing AT50A orAT150 that uses an MP10 or a passive voltage converter these do not have to be removed.
Narco Avionics AT1551-2                               REV 1.0 May, 20021.3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSMechanical      Physical Dimensions and Mounting Refer to appropriate diagram in Section 2 Weight 1.5lbs. (0.68kg)Electrical      Power Requirements         13.75 VDC           27.5VDCStandby   210mA 125mATransmit 1.2 A 530mAPilot Lamps  220mA 90mA ReceiverFrequency 1030 MHzFrequency Stability  Crystal ControlledSensitivity  Minimum trigger level (MTL) -69 to -74 dBmSide-Lobe Suppression (SLS) 99% or greater for signals from 3 dB to 50 dB above MTLDynamic Range  Logarithmic pulse response 50 dB or greater above MTLBandwidth -60dB at ± 25 MHzDecoding CapabilityMode A  Pulse pair spaced at 8 ±0.5µsMode C  Pulse pair spaced at 21 ±0.5µsSide-Lobe Suppression 35 µs suppression upon receipt of two pulses spaced 2 ±0.5µsapart.Encoding CapabilityMode A 4096 reply codes selectable by front panel switches.Mode C  Altitude reporting to 30,700 feetSPIP (Special Position  An SPIP may be added to mode A for 20 ±5 seconds       Identification Pulse)  TransmitterFrequency 1090 MHzPulse Power  250 watts nominal, 190 watts minimumExternal Interference Suppression (positive)Pulse Amplitude 5 to 50 voltsLoad on Suppressor 3300 ohmsExternal Interference Suppression (negative)Voltage 0.8V (maximum)Current 5 mA
INTRODUCTIONSECTION 1May, 2002                               REV 1.0 1-31.4 TSO EXPLANATIONThe TSO'd AT155 is designed to be instrument panel mounted within the cabin environment of fixed and rotarywing aircraft using piston or turbine single or multi-engines. It will operate and has been tested up to 30,000feet for installations in non-pressurized as well as pressurized aircraft. This equipment requires direct currentpower but is designed to be installed in aircraft that have additional on board alternating current sources.Environmental testing was done to RTCA Document DO-160C. The Environmental categories are listed inAppendix A of this document.1.4.1 AT155 AntennaThe AT155 Antenna meets the requirements of TSO-C74b Class 1, EnvironmentalCategory /JA/JAAAXXXXXX.1.5  UNITS AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLIEDThe following two tables may be used to: 1) check the contents of your order and, 2) to order additional Units orcomponents.TABLE 1.1 UNITS AVAILABLEUnit Part Number                  Unit and Description Subassembly Part Number03608-0300 AT155 TRANSPONDER ASSY,Complete with:AT155 Transponder,Tray AssyAntenna AssyInstallation Kit            01545-0101            56282-0102            71233-0101            03604-0500
Narco Avionics AT1551-4                               REV 1.0 May, 2002TABLE 1.2.  INSTALLATION KIT (03604-0500)Item Part Number Description Qty          12345678910          81213-003441316-000941317-000182802-000582900-000882969-000482814-000482815-040541152-000599090-0001          SPACERCONNECTOR, 18 pin (Molex)CONTACT, Crimp typeWASHER, Lock, Int. Tooth, #6NUT, Hex, 6-32WASHER, Lock, Split, #4SCREW, Bind Hd, 4-40 x 5/16SCREW, Bind Hd, 6-32 x 3/8CONNECTOR, BNCPAD, Spacer212444224241.6 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESA  Altitude Reporter - AR-850, order number 03753-0306.1.7 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIEDRefer to Installation Section for additional details.A. Sufficient length of #22 and #16 AWG hookup wire.B. Molex Hand Crimper, HT-1921, Narco Part Number 41314-0001.C. Molex Pin Ejector, HT-1884, Narco Part Number 41314-0002.1.8   OPERATOR LICENSE REQUIREMENTSThe Federal Communications Commission requires that the transmitter in this equipment hold a RestrictedRadio Telephone Operator Permit, or a license of a higher class.  A permit may be obtained by any U.S. Citizenfrom the nearest field office of the FCC; no examination is required.
INTRODUCTIONSECTION 1May, 2002                               REV 1.0 1-51.9 OPERATIONFIGURE 1-1 AT 155 FRONT PANEL1.9.1 Function Selector SwitchThe function selector is a five position rotary switch. The five positions are:OFF- Turns OFF all power to the transponder.SBY- Turns the transponder power supply ON. When in SBY, the transponder will not reply to anyinterrogation.SBY is used at the request of the air traffic controller to selectivity clear his scope of traffic.ON- Places the transponder in Mode A, the aircraft identification mode. In addition to the aircraft'sidentification code, the transponder will also reply to altitude interrogations (Mode C) with discreetsignals that do not contain altitude information.ALT- The ALT position activates all the necessary circuitry (transponder to optional altitude digitizer andreturn) to respond to ATC (Air Traffic Control) altitude interrogations and aircraft identificationinterrogations with standard pressure altitude (29.92 inches Hg).The ALT position may be used in aircraft that are not equipped with the optional altitude digitizer,however, the only response will be discreet signals that do not contain altitude information.TST- Turning the switch to the TST position injects a test signal into the transponder.This test signal tests all transponder circuitry involved in a Mode A reply and causes the IDENT/DIMbutton to come on at full brilliance. This full brilliance indicates that the transponder has the capabilityof receiving and responding to interrogations. The TST function may be activated at any time, as it doesnot interfere with normal operation.The TST position is spring loaded and must be held in position during the test process. Upon release, itwill automatically return to the ALT position.
Narco Avionics AT1551-6                               REV 1.0 May, 20021.9.2 Ident/DimWhen the aircraft comes within range of a ground station, the IDENT/DIM button will blink ON and OFF.Momentarily depressing the IDENT/DIM button will activate the SPIP (Special Position Identification Pulse)signal for approximately 20 seconds. This signal will "paint" an instantly identifiable image on the controllersscope. This signal must only be used upon request of a "Squawk IDENT" from the controller. Use at any othertime could interfere with another aircraft sending a SPIP. During "'IDENT" periods, the IDENT/DIM buttonwill glow constantly.Rotating the IDENT/DIM button will control the intensity at which the button glows.1.9.3 Code SelectorThe CODE SELECTOR consists of four eight position switches that provide 4096 active identification codes.The identification code is selected by the controller.
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2-12.1 INTRODUCTIONThis section provides the necessary information for the installation of the AT155 TSO and, where required,optional accessories.2.2 PRELIMINARY INSPECTION2.2.1 UnpackingCarefully unpack the Unit and inspect it for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. Refer toSection 1.5, Units and Accessories Supplied, and inventory the contents of the Installation Kit. Refer to Section1.7, Miscellaneous Items Required but NOT Supplied for a listing of items and equipment needed for properinstallation.
Narco Avionics AT1552-2                                REV 1.0 May, 20022.2.2 Electrical Bench Test2.2.2.1 Test Equipment Required A.  Transponder and DME Test Set: IFR Model ATC-600A or equivalent. B.  34 dB attenuation pad. Test ProcedureA. Set-Up1. The AT155 should be tested while contained in the mounting tray with the RF cable installed.2. When the AT155 is being interrogated by the ATC-600A, the IDENT/DIM  button will blink ON and OFF.B.  Receiver Sensitivity1. Place the AT155 in the ON mode. Place the ATC-600A in the A/C CODE mode.2. Rotate the ATC-600A XPDR SIG. level control full counterclockwise. The % scale of the XPDRRPLYmeter should read 100%.3. Rotate the XPDR SIG level control clockwise until the XPDR RPLY meter reads 90%.4. The XPDR SIG level control indicator should be between  -69 and -74 dBm. This is the MTL of the transponder.AT155
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2- Continued5.  Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 with the AT155 in the ALT mode and the ATC-600A in the A/C ALTmode. The difference between the MTL readings should not be greater than 1 dBm.C. SLS Side-Lobe Suppression1. Place the AT155 in the ON mode. Place the ATC-600A in the A/C CODE mode.2. Rotate the XPDR SIG. level control full counterclockwise. The XPDR RPLY meter should read 100%.3. Set the XPDR SIG. level control to 3 dB above MTL level established in step B-4.4. Set the SLS switch to 0 dB. The XPDR RPLY meter should read zero.5. Set the SLS switch to 9 dB. The XPDR RPLY meter should read 90% minimum.D. Code Selection1. Place the AT155 in the ON mode. Place the ATC-600A to the A/C CODE mode.2. The ATC-600A numerical display should display the code selected by the AT155 Code Selectorswitches. Several different codes should be selected.3. Consider the AT155 Code Selector switches to be labeled A, B, C, and D.Switch A should light the ATC-600A Binary Readout lamp .A1 when it is inthe 1 position, the A2 lamp in the 2 position, and the A1 and A2 lamps in the3 position. In each switch position, the sum of the subscripts of the BinaryReadout lamps that light should equal the number selected.4. Repeat the above procedure for switches B, C, and D.E. Transmitter Frequency1. Place the AT155 in the ON mode and set the Code Selector switches to 0000.2. Place the ATC-600A in the A/C CODE mode and set the POWER/FREQ switch to FREQ.3. Adjust the GAIN control for a mid-scale reading on the POWER meter.4. Rotate the XMTR FREQ control for a peak Indication on the POWER meter.5.  At peak, read the deviation from 1090 MHz directly from the XMTR FREQcontrol dial. The deviation should be no greater then ±3 MHz.F. Transmitter Power1. Place the AT155 in the ON mode and set the Code Selector switches to 6050.2. Place the ATC-600A in the A/C CODE mode and set the POWER/FREQ switch to POWER.3. Read 190 watts (minimum) on the POWER meter.G. Ident1. Place the AT155 in the ON mode. Place the ATC-600A in the A/C CODE mode.2. Momentarily depress the IDENT/DIM button on the AT155.3. The AT155 IDENT/DIM button and the ATC-600A IDENT lamp should glow for approximately 20 ±5seconds.
Narco Avionics AT1552-4                                REV 1.0 May, 20022.2.2.2 ContinuedH. Altitude Digitizer InputsThe following procedure is a functional check of the Altitude Digitizer InputsP101-6 through P101-14 only. Therefore, the numerical readout and INVALIDALT lamp on the ATC-600A should be ignored.1. Place the AT155 in the ALT mode. Place the ATC-600A in the A/C ALT mode.2. Placing an Altitude Digitizer Input at ground potential will activate a corresponding Binary Readoutlamp on the ATC-600A. Table 2.1 lists the P101 pin numbers and their corresponding ATC-600ABinary Readout lamps.TABLE 2.1 ALTITUDE DIGITIZER INPUTSGROUNDP101 ACTIVATE ATC-600A BINARYREADOUT LAMP6A27A18A49B410 B211 C212 B113 C414 C1Disconnect the transponder from the Test Set-Up.
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2-52.3 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION2.3.1 Mounting TrayThe AT155 is supplied with a mounting tray which is designed to mount behind the aircraft instrument panelusing four number 6 screws. Figure 2-2 provides a detailed drawing of the tray and the parts of the InstallationKit. This figure also provides all the necessary dimensions for the panel cutout as well as dimensions formounting brackets locations. A full scale cutout template is also provided.Mounting brackets (4) are not supplied due to the wide range in mounting requirements. Suitable mountingbrackets may be fabricated from ordinary sheet metal or angle stock.To ensure a sturdy mount, rear support for the unit should be provided.2.3.2  Insertion And Removal Of The AT155Before inserting the AT155 into the tray, refer to paragraph 2.5.4 and check that the PILOT LAMPS have beenwired properly.The AT155 is secured to the mounting tray by a hex head ramping screw running from the front panel to therear of the unit and a self-locking nut attached to the tray rear panel. The access hole for the ramping screw islocated on the front panel below the IDENT/DIM button (see Figure 1-1).Slide the Unit straight into the tray until the ramping screw contacts the self-locking nut. Using a 5/64" hexwrench, turn the screw clockwise until the mating connector is engaged and the unit is firmly secured in thetray.DO NOT RAM THE UNIT INTO THE TRAY OR OVER TIGHTEN THE RAMPING SCREW.To remove the unit, turn the ramping screw counterclockwise until it is clear of the self-locking nut and thenpull the unit straight out.
Narco Avionics AT1552-6                                REV 1.0 May, 2002Refer to table 1.2 for installation kit.
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2-72.4 ANTENNA INSTALLATION2.4.1 Antenna Location And MountingThe AT155 Antenna supplied in the Installation Kit should be mounted on the bottom surface of the aircraft andlocated such that it will be in a vertical position when the aircraft is in level flight. The area surrounding theantenna location should be free of protrusions which could interfere with the line-of-sight characteristics of aVHF signal. The following rules should be observed with regard to the ground plane.A. Metallic Mounting SurfaceMount the antenna in the center of a 6" (152.4 mm), minimum radius, ground plane. Antenna located nearthe edge of a ground plane may cause holes in the radiation and reception patterns.B. Non-Metallic Mounting SurfaceAircraft with fabric, wood, or fiberglass fuselage covering must have a metal ground plane with a 6" (152.4mm) minimum radius. This could be as simple as aluminum foil cemented inside wood or stiff fiberglassskin, or a doubler plate on a fabric covered aircraft. Such a ground plane should be either well bonded to theairframe, or well insulated from it, to prevent noise problems  or erratic operation. Antenna mountinghardware must electrically connect the ground plane to the antenna.A doubler plate will be needed for an airworthy Installation on most aircraft. Check the airworthinessregulations of the country of aircraft registry for acceptable mounting methods.Figure 2-3 illustrates the antenna mounted and the necessary minimum clearances. Remove all oxidation, paint,or other finish to permit good electrical contact between the antenna base and the aircraft. Electrical ground willbe carried by the mounting hardware.DO NOT PAINT. The antenna should not be painted or coated with any other finish.
Narco Avionics AT1552-8                                REV 1.0 May, 20022.4.2 Antenna Extension CableThe Installation Kit provides two UG-88U BNC connectors for fabrication of the antenna extension cable. Thetotal length of this cable should not exceed 9 feet (2.7m). Should a cable of greater length be required, a coaxialcable type should be selected whose attenuation does not exceed 2 dB over the entire length.
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2-92.5 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION2.5.1  Power And Interconnect CableThe Installation Kit provides an 18 pin Molex connector along with sufficient pins for fabrication of the powerand interconnect cable. Figure 2-4 presents the electrical connections and Figure 2-5 presents a systemorientation diagram.All signal leads should be 22AWG. A+ and ground leads should be 16 AWG. The ground lead should beconnected directly to airframe ground.A 1.5 amp circuit breaker should be provided between the unit and the aircraft power bus.NOTE:  Pin 1 is nearestthe center of the radio.
Narco Avionics AT1552-10                                REV 1.0 May, 2002
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2-112.5.2 Cable Fabrication1. Strip wire 5/32" for PIN Terminal No. 1917-T.2. Open tool (Engraved side toward you), from the opposite side, place the conductor tab section of the pinon Anvil B, Close tool slightly until the tabs touch the female jaw).3. Insert stripped conductor until insulation is level with outside of jaw. Crimp by squeezing handlestogether until jaws are fully closed or sufficient crimp is made.4. Move lead and pin to Anvil A. Crimp again until jaws are closed or sufficient crimp is made.5. If necessary, straighten pin while still being held in the jaw.6. Insertiona. The PIN terminal may now be inserted into the desired pin location in the translucent connectorhousing. The pin cannot be inserted upside down. Right-side-up it slides in effortlessly. Be sure topush it all the way in, until a "click" can be felt, heard, or even seen by turning the translucenthousing over.b. There is no necessity to pull back on the lead itself except to test for the "locking feature", and thenonly with a moderate pull.
Narco Avionics AT1552-12                                REV 1.0 May, 20022.5.2 Continued7. Extractiona. If a pin is erroneously inserted into the wrong housing position, or if at some later time a circuitchange is desired, the pin can be removed easily. Slip the flat narrow blade portion of the tool intothe mating side of the housing, under the pin. By holding the housing upside down one can see theblade slide in, up to the stop. This action picks up the locking key and allows the lead and pin to slipout of its position using a light pulling action on the lead. Neither pin nor position has been damagedallowing re-insertion in the same or another position.8. Crimping with PliersThe lead PIN Terminal connection using the Molex hand crimper provides a superior connection than withpliers. However, with care, a satisfactory connection can be made without the crimper.a. Strip wire 5/32" for PIN Terminal 1917-T.b. Using needle nose pliers, fold over conductor tabs firmly onto the conductor,one side then the other.c. Repeat step 2 for the Insulator tabs.2.5.3 Pilot LampsPilot lamp 14/28V OPERATIONThe AT155 contain an external 14/28 vdc switch for this purpose. The switch, for proper lamp brilliance, shouldbe set to agree with that of the aircraft's bus voltage.2.5.4 External SuppressionThe AT155 transponder may be externally suppressed by other avionics equipment whose transmissions may beinterfered with by simultaneous AT155 transmissions. P101-15 may be connected to equipment that supplypositive suppression pulses. P101-1 may be connected to equipment that supply negative suppression pulses.In aircraft equipped with dual transponders, P101-1 of both transponders may be connected to a remote SPDTswitch which will alternately suppress the transponders by placing the appropriate P101-1 at ground potential.This switch may be located at any convenient place in the cockpit and labeled appropriately.
INSTALLATIONSECTION 2May, 2002 REV 1.0 2-132.5.5 Remote IDENTP101-17 provides for the connection of remote IDENT switch. This switch should be a momentary SPST typeand connected such that activation places P101-17 at ground potential. This switch may be located at anyconvenient place in the cockpit and labeled appropriately.2.5.6 Altitude DigitizerP101 pins 5 through 14 provide for the connection of an altitude digitizer. The altitude digitizer, sensingatmospheric pressure, converts pressure/altitude information into digitized altitude data. This data is thentransmitted to the control center by the transponder. Narco recommends the Model AR 850 for this application.2.6 POST INSTALLATION TESTSTo certify the installation, FAA Form 337 must be completed. In addition, weight and balance or any operatinglimitations must be entered into the aircraft logbook. Refer to the current Federal Aviation Regulations for anyadditional requirements.Weight  1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg)Power Requirements            13.75 VDC           27.5VDCStandby   210mA 125mATransmit 1.2 A 530mAPilot Lamps  220mA 90mA2.6.1 Preflight TestsA. A preflight test should be performed using an ATC-600A Transponder and DME test set or equivalent. Thetest set should be set-up as described in the ATC-600A Operators Manual and following tests should beconducted:1. Pilot Code2. Peak Transmitter Power3. Transmitter Frequency4. SLS Operation5. IDENT6. Percent ReplyB. In the event that an altitude digitizer has been installed, the altitude digitizer manual should be consulted for    proper procedures and the following tests should be conducted:1. Altitude Code2. Invalid Altitude Code Output
Narco Avionics AT1552-14                                REV 1.0 May, 20022.6.2 Flight TestAfter installation, a flight test should be performed to check overall operation and system compatibility.A. Range Test1. The AT155 should furnish a strong and stable return signal to an interrogating radar facility that is 50 NMaway when the aircraft is flying at 6000 feet. At this altitude and distance, fly a flat circle while having aFAA station monitor the transponder return signal. There should be no more than two sweeps of theinterrogating radar without a return response.B. Surveillance Approach1. Perform an approach to a runway of an airport starting at least 10 NM from the airport served by AirportSurveillance Radar (ASR) having an Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) facility.Alternately, a simulated approach and letdown may be made along a path parallel to, but separated, threeto four miles from a vertical plane through the location of the ASR facility. The approach should be madeat the normal rate of decent and normal approach and landing configuration for the aircraft and shouldcontinue down to an altitude of 200 feet. Not more than one "drop out" should occur for any 10 radarsweeps during final approach.C. Electromagnetic Compatibility1. The transponder should not cause the performance of other systems aboard the aircraft to be degradedbelow their normal capability and transponder operation should not be adversely affected by otherequipment.2.7  AIRCRAFT LICENSE REQUIREMENTSThe AT155 installation must comply with current FCC transmitter licensing requirements. To find out specificdetails on whether a particular installation requires licensing contact the FCC at 800-322-1117.If an aircraft license is required, make application for a license on FCC form 404, Application for AircraftRadio Station License.The aircraft owner accepts all responsibility for obtaining the proper licensing before using the AT155This equipment has been type accepted by the FCC and entered in their list of type accepted equipment underthe FCC identifier “A9SAT155”.
INSTALLATIONAPPENDIXMay, 2002 REV 1.0 A-1APPENDIX AA.1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION FORMNOTE : A COPY OF THIS FORM IS TO BE FILED WITH THE OWNER'S AVIONICS RECORDS.     NOMENCLATURE : TRANSPONDER     MODEL : AT155     MANUFACTURER : Narco Avionics Inc.     ADDRESS : 270 Commerce Drive                        Fort Washington, PA  19034                        USACONDITIONS DO-160CSECTION,PARAGRAPH# DESCRIPTION OF CONDUCTED TESTSTemperature and Altitude    Ground Survival Low Temperature    Operating Low Temperature    Ground Survival High Temperature    Short-Time High OperatingTemperature    Operating High Temperature    In Flight Loss of Cooling    Altitude    Decompression    Overpressure4. tested to category "A1C1"-55°C-20°C+85°C+75°C+55°CEquipment tested to category "V", Greater than 30 Minutes35,000 feet (10,668 meters)8,000 feet to 35,000 feet  ∆ within 15 seconds, then maintained for10 minute minimum duration.-15,000 feet for 10 minutesTemperature Variation 5.0 Equipment tested to category "C".Humidity 6.0 Equipment tested to category "A".Operational Shocks  and Crash Safety    Operational    Crash Safety7.07.27.3Equipment tested to operational and crash safety tests.Vibration 8.0 Equipment tested without shock mounts to Categories M,N and B (DO-160C Table 8-1)Explosion 9.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Waterproofness 10.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Fluids Susceptibility 11.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Sand and Dust 12.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Fungus 13.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Salt Spray 14.0 Equipment identified  as Category “X” , no test required.Magnetic Effect 15.0 Equipment tested to Category "Z"Power Input 16.0 Equipment tested to Category "B"Voltage Spike 17.0 Equipment tested to Category "B"Audio Frequency Susceptibility 18.0 Equipment tested to Category "B"Induced Signal Susceptibility 19.0 Equipment tested to Category "A"Radio Frequency Susceptibility 20.0 Equipment tested to Category "T"Radio Frequency Emission 21.0 Equipment tested to Category "B"Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility 22.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Lightning Direct Effects Test 23.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Icing 24.0 Equipment identified  as Category "X", no test required.Other Test Fire resistance tests were conducted in accordance with FederalAviation Regulations Part 15, Appendix F.
Narco Avionics AT155A-2                             REV 1.0 May, 2002A.2 CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESSOther than for regulatory periodic functional checks, the AT155 does not require periodic maintenance.If the AT155 exhibits non-conformal operation, the AT155 should be checked at a qualified service facility.
INSTALLATIONMANUAL REVISION HISTORYMay, 2002 REV 1.0 R-1MANUAL REVISION HISTORYPageNumber RevisionLevel Date i REV 1.0 MAY, 2002ii REV 1.0 MAY, 20021-1 REV 1.0 MAY, 20021-2 REV 1.0 MAY, 20021-3 REV 1.0 MAY, 20021-4 REV 1.0 MAY, 20021-5 REV 1.0 MAY, 20021-6 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-1 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-2 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-3 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-4 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-5 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-6 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-7 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-8 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-9 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-10 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-11 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-12 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-13 REV 1.0 MAY, 20022-14 REV 1.0 MAY, 2002A-1 REV 1.0 MAY, 2002A-2 REV 1.0 MAY, 2002R-1 REV 1.0 MAY, 2002

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