National Datacomm 0640S01 USB Wireless LAN Adapter User Manual USER S MANUAL

National Datacomm Corporation USB Wireless LAN Adapter USER S MANUAL


 High Speed11Mbps Wireless LANUser’s GuideP/N: 85-506300-00Rev. X1August 2001National Datacomm Corporation4F, No. 24-2, Industry East 4th roadScience Park, Hsin-ChuTaiwan, R.O.C.Technical SupportE-mail: World Wide Adapter
ii   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterTRADEMARKSNDC and InstantWave are trademarks of NDC Communications, Inc.  All othernames mentioned in this document are trademarks/registered trademarks of theirrespective owners.NDC provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, neitherexpressed nor implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose.  NDCmay make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/orthe program(s) described in this manual at any time.  This document could includetechnical inaccuracies or typographical errors.FCC WARNINGThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class BDigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to whichthe receiver is connected Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpYou are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate theequipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   iiiFCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forthfor an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed andoperated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiatorand your body.
iv   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterThe package contents vary depending on whether you have purchased the PnPUSB Adapter:The USB Adapter package should contain the following items:• One USB Adapter• One Diskette for Windows driver• Two Diskettes for Windows Utility Program• This User’s Guide
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   v   Congratulations on choosing an InstantWave High Speed wireless networkingfamily product.  InstantWave High Speed was designed with a “Maximizing theconvenience of networking” philosophy in mind.  You will find InstantWave HighSpeed very easy to configure and use.This User’s Guide gives comprehensive instructions on installing and using theInstantWave High Speed USB Adapters, and also explains how to install and usethe InstantWave High Speed Utility Program.InstantWave High Speed FamilyThe InstantWave High Speed USB Adapters are part of the InstantWave HighSpeed family of easy to use high performance wireless communication products.The family products include:• InstantWave High Speed PC Card (NWH610)• InstantWave High Speed PCI Card (NWH630)• InstantWave High Speed Access Point (NWH660, NWH650)• InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter (NWH640)System RequirementsHardware PlatformA station must be an x86 compatible PC with a USB interface.  The minimumsystem configuration is the same as that required to run MS Windows (Windows95OSR2, 98, NT 4.0, 2000).Software EnvironmentThe stations operate in conjunction with most of the MS Windows (Windows95OSR2, 98, NT 4.0, 2000).
2   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterWireless NetworkIn the IEEE 802.11 definition, a wireless network is classified as an Ad-Hocnetwork or an Infrastructure network.Ad-Hoc NetworkAn Ad-Hoc network is formed by a number of wireless stations (without an AccessPoint) communicating via radio waves.  For the users, the shared resources on thewireless network appear exactly as they would on a regular wired network.  Thewireless operation of the network is totally transparent.  Figure 1 depicts a typicalAd-Hoc network scenario.Figure 1.   An Ad-Hoc NetworkInfrastructure NetworkAn Infrastructure network is formed by several stations and one Access Point (AP),with the stations within range of the AP.  Figure 2 depicts a typical Infrastructurenetwork topology.Figure 2.   An Infrastructure NetworkServerWired ComputersAccess PointWireless Computers (USB Adapter)Wireless Stations
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   3Group ID/BSSIDA Group ID (the 802.11 standard uses the term BSSID) is the ID of a wireless cell.A wireless cell is usually made up of stations in an area that the radio signal cancomfortably cover.  In other words, any wireless station in the cell cancommunicate with any other within reach of the radio signal (Figure 3).Figure 3.   A Wireless Cell (Group)Domain Name/ESSIDA domain is usually defined by the network administrator as a segment/subnet of alarge network and may be made up of overlapping wireless cells.  Wireless nodescan roam freely within the same domain without disconnecting from the network.Figure 4 depicts a common wireless network setup.Figure 4.   Roaming in the Same DomainRoamingThe convenience of a mobile PC is the ability to move freely.  The concept issimilar to that of a cellular phone moving from one base station to another.InstantWave High Speed offers built-in high performance seamless roamingcapabilities.Carrier SetInstantWave products use the unlicensed ISM (Industrial, Scientific, Medical) bandto communicate through radio waves.  Different countries offer different radiofrequencies to be used as the ISM band.  There are four frequency bands definedby 802.11:  Japan (2.471GHz – 2.497 GHz), USA, Extended Japan, Canada, andEurope (2.4 GHz – 2.4835 GHz), Spain (2.445 GHz – 2.475 GHz), France (2.4465GHz – 2.4835 GHz).  If a user wants to use InstantWave High Speed in a countrynot listed above, he/she needs to check with their government’s regulating body toAccess PointServerAccess PointWirelessStations
4   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapterfind the correct frequency band to use.  All InstantWave High Speed products aresupplied preset to the country of sale’s frequency band.Access PointAn Access Point (AP) provides a transparent bridged connection between a wirednetwork and a wireless network and allows wireless stations to communicate withdevices attached to a wired network.It manages the flow of data packets from the wired LAN to the Wireless LAN andvice versa.
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   5This section explains how to quickly setup a wireless station.Hardware InstallationUSB Adapter InstallationThe USB Adapter fits into a USB slot.  The antenna is encased in aplastic case, in line with the main body of the USB Adapter, such thatit extends outside the USB slot when the card is inserted.step2.    Repeat the above procedure for each of the other computers to benetworkedLEDsThe USB each have two LED.    In normal use the orange LED when the adapter isactivity. The green LED is used for DC power.
6   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterDriver Installation/UninstallationFor Windows 95 see the following section, for Windows 98 go to page 9, forWindows NT 4.0 go to page 11.Installation in Windows 95You should begin by identifying your version. The original version of Windows 95(old version) is not supported by the adapter.Right click My Computer and click Properties.  The System Properties screen willopen (Figure 5). Check theversion numberFigure 5.   System PropertiesOn the General card you will find the Windows 95 version number:• If the version number is 4.00.950 or 4.00.950a you are running theoriginal version of Windows 95.  (not supported by the adapter)• For version 4.00.950 B or later is Windows 95OSR2, go to procedure  Aon page 6Procedure A  (For Windows 95 4.00.950 B and 4.00.950 C)step1.    Turn on the power and start Windows 95step2.    Windows 95 will detect the adapter and the Update Device DriverWizard dialog box will open ( Figure 6)
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   7 Figure 6. Update Device Driver Wizard-1step3.    Insert the InstantWave High Speed driver disk and click Nextstep4.    The Update Device Driver Wizard will indicate that Windows 95 foundthe driver in the root directory (Figure 7).  Click Finish.Figure 7. Update Device Driver Wizard-2step5.    The installer will copy the driver files into the system.  There is aknown problem with the Windows 95 OSR2 device installer.  Theinstaller may default to the wrong source location.  Typically, theinstaller source path defaults to the Windows installation location.  Theuser should manually redirect the installer to the correct source location.The following dialog boxes will be displayedFigure 8. Insert Disk
8   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterFigure 9. Copying Filesstep6.    Click OK on each screen.  After the driver files have been copied, setupis completestep7.    Depending on your current installation of Windows 95, the setupprogram may ask you to insert the Windows 95 diskstep8.    If the TCP/IP protocols are required (necessary for Internet access), addthem by clicking Start/Control Panel/Network/ConfigurationThat completes the hardware and driver installation.Uninstalling the Adapter from Windows 95You may need to uninstall your adapter for the following reasons:1. The installation fails or is interrupted by unknown factors.  If this happens theInstantWave High Speed Adapter will be marked with an exclamation mark“!” in Device Manager.  Uninstall the adapter using methods described belowand then restart your computer.  The Windows 95 plug and play function willdetect the adapter again2. You want to remove the deviceThe uninstallation process is as follows:To completely remove the adapter and driver from your system you will need tophysically remove the adapter (with the system powered off).  The removalprocedure is the reverse of the Hardware Installation procedure on page 5.  Restartthe computer and then proceed as follows:step1.    In Control Panel click the Network iconstep2.    Highlight the InstantWave High Speed adapter driver entrystep3.    Click the Remove button to remove the old InstantWave High Speedadapter driverstep4.    Click OK.  The system will ask you to restart the PC.  Click Yes
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   9Installation in Windows 98Driver installation and uninstallation in Windows 98 is basically the same as that ofWindows 95 OSR2.  Complete the following procedure to install the driverprogram for Windows 98.step1.    Turn on the power and start Windows 98step2.    Windows 98 will detect the adapter and the Add New Hardware Wizarddialog box will open (Figure 10) Figure 10. Add New Hardware Wizard-1step3.    Click NextFigure 11. Add New Hardware Wizard-2step4.    Choose Search for the best driver for your device (Figure 11).  ClickNext to open the following screen (Figure 12)
10   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterFigure 12. Add New Hardware Wizard-3step5.    Insert the InstantWave High Speed disk and click Nextstep6.    The Add New Hardware Wizard will indicate that Windows 98 foundthe driver in the root directory (Figure 13).Click NextFigure 13. Add New Hardware Wizard-4step7.    Go to page, and follow steps 7 to 13The default network protocol for Windows 98 is TCP/IP.  If other networkprotocols are required they can be added via Control Panel/Network.Uninstalling the Adapter from Windows 98step1.    Click Start/Settings/Control Panel, and double-click the Network icon,then highlight the InstantWave High Speed adapter driver entrystep2.    Click the Remove button to remove the old InstantWave High Speedadapter driverstep3.    Click OK.  The system will ask you to restart the PC.  Click Yes
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   11Installation in Windows NT 4.0Important:  Before installing the driver in Windows NT 4.0, check that in thecomputer’s BIOS on the PnP and USB Settings page, “PnP OSInstalled” is set to NO.step1.    Double-click My Computer, double-click Control Panelstep2.    Double-click the Network icon to open the Network window.  Select theAdapters cardstep3.    Click Add.  The Select Network Adapter dialog box will openstep4.    Click Have Diskstep5.    Insert the Windows NT driver diskette into drive a (or b) and then typea:\winnt (or b:\winnt)step6.    Click OK.  The Select OEM Option dialog box will open (Figure 14)Figure 14. Select OEM Optionstep7.    Select the correct adapter and click OK.  If USB Adapter is selected, thedialog box for setting the Interrupt number and I/O address will beshown.  Users can specify a different Interrupt number and I/O addressfor this adapter if there is a conflict with an existing card in thecomputerFigure 15. InstantWave High Speed Adapter Setup
12   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapterstep12.   step13.    The InstantWave High Speed Adapter will now be shown on theAdapters card in the Network configuration box.  Click Closestep14.    If the user needs to bind the adapter to TCP/IP, then the TCP/IPprotocols must be addedstep15.    The Network Settings Change dialog box will ask you to restart thecomputer.  Remove the floppy disk from the floppy drive and click Yesto complete the installationstep16.    Owing to Windows NT constraints, the InstantWave High SpeedWindows Utility Program will not be automatically installed.  The userneeds to install this program by following the procedure described onpage 14Uninstalling the Adapter from Windows NT 4.0step1.    Click Start/Settings/Control Panel, and double-click the Network icon.step2.    Highlight the InstantWave High Speed adapter driver entry and clickRemovestep3.    Click Close.  The system will ask you to restart the PC.  Click Yes
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   13Installation in Windows 2000A final release Windows 2000 may be slightly different. Updated installation procedureswill be found at or on a loose sheet inside the package.step1.    Turn on the power to the PC and start the Windows 2000 operatingsystemFigure 16. Found New Hardware Wizard-1step2.     The Found New Hardware Wizard dialog box will open .  Click NextFigure 17. Found New Hardware Wizard-2step3.    Choose Search for a suitable driver for my device and click Nextstep4.    Check Specify a location.  Click Nextstep5.    Insert the InstantWave High Speed driver disk.  Type A:\Win2K andclick OK
14   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapterstep6.    Click Next when Windows finds a driver for this devicestep7.    Click Yes to begin copying the necessary driver filesstep8.    On the Completing the Found New Hardware screen,  click Finishstep9.    Restart the computerUninstalling the Adapter from Windows 2000step4.    Click Start/Settings/Control Panel, and double-click the Network icon,then highlight the InstantWave High Speed adapter driver entrystep5.    Click the Remove button to remove the old InstantWave High Speedadapter driverstep6.    Click OK.  The system will ask you to restart the PC.  Click Yes
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   15The InstantWave High Speed Utility program is a Windows-based application thatallows users to monitor and configure the wireless adapter.  The program includesa Network Watcher tool that allows users to determine the best location to placethe InstantWave High Speed products, or to diagnose the wireless network forproblems.The utility program allows users to configure the wireless network type (Ad-Hocor Infrastructure), Domain name (segmented networks), and set the Roamingcapability (Enable/Disable).  The Network Watcher tool allows users to viewexisting groups (Group ID/BSSID.  See an explanation of this term on page 3) ofwireless cells in a Domain.  It provides the option to join a particular group in thenetwork.Tools are also provided for viewing the network in terms of radio signal quality,and for monitoring the station data throughput.InstantWave High Speed Utility InstallationInsert the InstantWave High Speed Utility program setup diskstep1.    From the Start menu, select Run, and type:  a:\setup.exestep2.    Click the OK button to start the setup program.  The InstantWave HighSpeed Welcome screen will appear.  After reading the installationdescription, click Next to advance to the Choose Destination Locationdialog box (Figure 18)Figure 18. Choose Destination Location
16   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapterstep3.    From the Choose Destination Location dialog box, click Next to copythe program files to the default location, C:\ProgramFiles\InstantWaveHighSpeed, or click Browse to choose anotherlocationstep4.    The setup program will copy the necessary files into the specifieddirectory.  File copying progress will be displayed in the InstantWaveHigh Speed utility setup screen.  Check I would like to launchInstantWave High Speed Utility, and click OK.  The InstantWave HighSpeed Information dialog box will be displayedstep5.    Click OK to complete the installation.  The InstantWave High SpeedUtility toolbar will open (Figure 20)Using the InstantWave High Speed Utility ProgramThe following section explains how to use the InstantWave High Speed Utility.step1.    Click the Start button on the taskbarstep2.    Go to Programs and InstantWave High Speed Utility.  The StationUtility tools will be shown (Figure 19)Figure 19. InstantWave High Speed Utilitystep3.    Click Toolbar and the task icons will appear in the upper right corner ofthe screen, offering fast access to the utility functions (Figure 20)AdapterPropertiesScanningSignal QualityIndicatorThroughputMonitor
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   17Figure 20. Toolbarstep4.    Click the icon for the task you wish to perform.  The functions providedby the utility program are, reading from left to right on Figure 20:• Adapter Properties• Network Watcher• Signal Quality Indicator• Throughput Monitorstep5.    Right-click the InstantWave High Speed Utility toolbar.  Four functionsare provided: Move is used to move the toolbar to a suitable screen position Close is used to close the Toolbar Preferences allows you to customize utility settings About provides product informationstep6.    Click Preferences.  The Preferences dialogue box will be shown(Figure 21)Figure 21. Preferences Launch InstantWave High Speed Utility on startup automaticallystarts the utility at each system boot Show Icon on the Taskbar displays an icon on the taskbar(Figure 22)Figure 22. Lamp Icon The color of the icon indicates the wireless adapter card’s currentstatus:Color StatusBlack The wireless adapter or the driver is notworking properlyRed Poor signal qualityYellow Acceptable signal quality
18   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterGreen Good signal quality Pop up message dialog is used to display a warning message incase of abnormal conditions Play sound is used to generate an alert sound in case of abnormalconditionsRight-click on the icon to open a popup menu for fast access to theUtility program, Preferences, and Help.Adapter PropertiesThere are two ways to access Adapter Properties.  One is by clickingStart/Programs/InstantWave High Speed Utility/Adapter Properties.  Theother is by clicking the Adapter Properties icon on the InstantWave High SpeedUtility’s tool bar.  Adapter Properties allows the user to view the adapter properties,and to change the wireless configuration of the Station.ConfigurationConfiguration displays, and allows you to modify, some important parameters ofthe InstantWave High Speed adapter.  All parameter changes are saved and arereferred to by the InstantWave High Speed driver when the system boots.Therefore, most of the parameter changes require a system reboot to make themeffective. Changes to Enable Roaming do not require a system reboot.  Theconfiguration tab is shown below (Figure 23).Figure 23. Configuration• Network Type - The 802.11 Wireless Specifications allow for two types ofnetwork, Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc (see the Glossary on page 2).Infrastructure is used when networking with an Access Point.  The defaultsetting is Infrastructure• Domain Name - Stations and APs in the same group must use the samedomain name.  This field is defined in the 802.11 Wireless Standard as ESSID
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   19(Extended Service Set ID).  Having the same Domain Name allows allwireless nodes in the same Domain (or Cell) to communicate with each other.The default setting is Wireless.
20   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter• Transmission Rate – The transmission rate at which the data packets aretransmitted by the client or AP. You can set this to Auto select 1 or 2 Mbps,Fixed 1 Mbps, Fixed 2 Mbps, Fixed 5.5 Mbps, Fixed 11Mbps or Full Auto(1to 11 Mbps).• Carrier Set - This is preset to the U.S.A., Canada, Europe, Spain, France, orJapan depending on where the product is sold.  The parameter shown indicateswhich Radio Frequency (RF) 802.11 specification is currently in use in theadapter(read only)• Channel – You can change the channel number. In case of the Ad-hocNetwork Mode, the change in the channel number is effective. In case of theInfrastructure Mode, changing the channel number is  of no concern as thechannel is scanned automatically. The client will look for AP with the sameESSID, and automatically associated with the AP.Channels supported on every carrier set:ChannelNumber CenterFrequency(MHz)FCC/Canada ETSI Spain France Japan1 2412 O O O2 2417 O O O3 2422 O O O4 2427 O O O5 2432 O O O6 2437 O O O7 2442 O O O8 2447 O O O9 2452 O O O10 2457 O O O O O11 2462 O O O O O12 2467 O O O13 2472 O O O14 2484 OImportant:
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   21In a multiple cell network topology, overlapping and/or adjacent cells usingdifferent channels can operate simultaneously without interference if the frequencydistance between the center frequencies is at least 30MHz. For example channel 1,7 and 13 are non-overlapping frequency channels.• Power Saving – Power saving mode enable and disableClick OK to close the window.  A pop-up screen will ask if you wish to rebootyour computer to make the changes effective.  Click Yes• Enable Roaming - Roaming can be turned on or off.  When roaming isenabled, the station is allowed to roam to another Access Point in the samedomain when the radio signal quality of the currently connected AP is belowan acceptable levelAdvanced Information Click the Advanced Information  tab to view the Adapter Properties (Figure 24). Figure 24. Wireless Adapter Properties The window is divided into three sections as described below:• Basic Information - This section contains the manufacturer’s name and theInstantWave High Speed MAC firmware version number.  The information isread from the MAC firmware of the InstantWave High Speed card• Hardware Configuration Information - Shows the adapter bus type, IOaddress, IRQ number, and the station MAC address
22   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter• Adapter Status - Displays the adapter’s working statusLink Information Click the Link Information  tab to view the Adapter Link Properties (Figure 24).  Figure 25. Wireless Adapter Link Properties • State - Link State explains whether the client is connected to ESSID or not. Italso shows the identification MAC address of the ESS to which this isconnected currently.• Current Channel – Channel number is the channel avalable for thecommunication between the clients and AP or between the clients only. Incase of the Infrastructure Network Mode, the channel number is scannedautomatically. Need not to worry about setting the channel number. While incase of the Ad-hoc Network Mode, the channel number is set by the clent andcan be changed by the client later.• Current Tx Rate - Shows the current transmission rate on the adapter.• Signal Strength - Displays the measure of the signal strength level.• Rescan – The client will rescan the access point with the same domain nameon difference channel.WEP
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   23 Click the Encryption  tab to view the Adapter WEP Properties (Figure 24).      Figure 26. WEP Security • Use WEP - The WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy. WEP is anencryption scheme that provides the secure wireless data communications tothe users. WEP uses a 40-bits key to control the network access. In order todecode the data transmission, each wireless client on the network must use theidentical 40-bits key.• WEP Key Generation - There are two ways of generating the WEP key. The first is by entering any text in the Passphrase. And click on Generate. It willgenerate four WEP keys as Key 1, Key 2, Key 3 and Key 4. You can select anykey for the security. If you do not select any key, key 1 is selected, as it is defaultkey. Then click on Write and it will update the registry and driver.Another WEP key generation method is by inserting the key values directly fromthe keyboard. And click on the write to update driver and Registry. Select the Key
24   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapternumber and use Key for accessing the Access Point. If the Key is not enteredcorrectly, a client cannot access the resources. As the wireless channel is moreprone to the illegal access, WEP provides users safe access. If the WEP key isenable on the AP, all client should be use the same WEP key with AP. Otherwisethe client can not be association with the APTroubleshooting Should a problem be encountered using the wireless adapter that cannot beresolved using the ‘Troubleshooting’ section of this manual, click theTroubleshooting tab (Figure 27).  A diagnosis program will run and report themessage.  Send the diagnostic message together with a description of the symptomsto NDC’s technical support via email. Figure 27. Troubleshooting
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   25 Network Watcher (Infrastructure)In an Infrastructure network, Network Watcher scans for all existing wireless cellsin range and displays the AP names, the MAC address, the Domain Name, theSignal Strength, the number of stations currently connected to each AP, and theconnection status.  When Network Watcher is run, the program first reads anddisplays information stored in the database.  The signal strength entry shows eitherGreen (strong signal), or Yellow (average signal).  The information is notdynamically updated.  To refresh the data click the Scan button.  Network Watcheralso gives users the option of selecting an Access Point to join with manually.Figure 28. Network Watcher (Infrastructure)ScanClick Scan to obtain and display updated data.  You may need to wait a short timedepending on the number of wireless cell replies received.JoinSelecting one of the APs from the list will enable the Join command.  The Joincommand allows you to manually connect to a specific AP.If joining cannot be accomplished within 20 seconds (possibly due to an AP thathas gone off the air since the data was last refreshed, to RF interference, or a busyAP), the operation will fail.  If this happens, you may try joining with the same APagain, or select another AP to join.Network Watcher (Ad-Hoc)On an Ad-Hoc network, Network Watcher displays all the wireless nodes (withtheir Computer Name and Node Address (MAC ID)s) that are currently connectedin the same Group as this station (Figure 29).  The inactive timer counts the periodthat there is no traffic between it and the other connected stations.Figure 29. Network Watcher (Ad-Hoc)
26   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterRefreshClick Refresh to obtain and display updated data.  You may need to wait a shorttime depending on the number of replies received.Signal Quality IndicatorSignal Quality Indicator dynamically displays the present radio signal quality(Figure 30).  The quality level is indicated by colors.  Green means the signal isgood, Yellow indicates the signal is fair, Red denotes the signal is poor.  When thesignal color reaches the yellow to red border, the station will start to roam ifroaming is enabled.Figure 30. Signal Quality IndicatorThroughput Monitor This item enables users to monitor the throughput (transmitted and received bits) ofthe wireless station (Figure 31).Figure 31. View Station ThroughputThe graph shows the amount of transmitted/received bits from/to this station.Uninstalling the Utility ProgramShould you wish to uninstall the InstantWave High Speed Utility program, clickStart/Programs/InstantWave Utility/Uninstall InstantWave High Speed UtilityOr complete the following steps:step1.    Click Start/Settings/Control Panelstep2.    Click Add/Remove Programs and select InstantWave High SpeedUtilitystep3.    Click the Remove button
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   27Windows NDIS Driver UpgradeFollow the instructions below to install a new NDIS USB driver release.step1.    In Control Panel, click the Network icon, then highlight theInstantWave High Speed adapter driver entrystep2.    Click the Remove button to remove the old InstantWave High Speedadapter driverstep3.    Click Close.  The system will ask you to reboot the PC.  Click YesAfter removing the old InstantWave High Speed adapter driver, follow theinstallation procedure for your operating system.InstantWave High Speed Utility Upgradestep1.    Click Control Panel.  Click Add/Remove Programs, and remove theold InstantWave High Speed Utility from the program liststep2.    Follow the InstantWave High Speed Utility Installation procedure onpage 15 to install the new InstantWave High Speed Utility
28   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterWindows 95/98Installation ProblemsWindows could not find the adapter• The adapter is not properly inserted in the slot1. Power off the computer2. Remove and reinsert the wireless adapter3. Reboot the computer and re-install the adapter driver• A previous adapter installation was aborted by the user, or by Windows1. Look in Control Panel/System/Device Manager/?-Unknown Devices for a Wireless adapter entry2. If an entry exists, delete it from the list, and exit theControl Panel/System folder3. Reboot the computer and re-install the adapter driverThe InstantWave High Speed adapter driver cannot be started.  Windowsdisplayed a driver startup problem message window• IRQ conflict with other device1. Open Control Panel/System/Device Manager/NetworkAdapters.  You will see an exclamation sign displayed onthe wireless adapter icon2. Highlight the wireless LAN adapter entry and click on theProperties button3. Select the Resources tab.  You will see a device conflictmessage displayed in the Conflicting Device list4. Uncheck Use automatic settings, and click on the ChangeSetting button5. Select a new IRQ value.  When the Conflicting Device listconfirms there are no conflicts, click OK to close thewindows6. Reboot the computer
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   29There are more than one wireless adapter entries shown in the ControlPanel/Network folder.  You do not know which one is the current one• A previously installed wireless adapter entry for a different card was notremoved1. Remove all wireless LAN adapter entries from the Networkwindow2. Reboot the PC to re-install the wireless adapterWindows NT 4.0Installation ProblemsWindows NT 4.0 could not find the adapter• The adapter is not properly inserted in the slot1. Power off the computer2. Remove and reinsert the wireless adapter3. Reboot the computer and re-install the adapter driver• A previous adapter installation was aborted by the user, or by Windows NT4.0 1. Look in Control Panel/Network/Adapters2. If an InstantWave adapter entry exists, remove it from thelist and exit the Control Panel/Network dialog box3. Reboot the computer and re-install the adapter driverThe InstantWave High Speed adapter driver cannot be started and the adapterLEDs are not flashing• More than one driver is present in the Network setup folder1. Click Control Panel/Network/Adapters2. If there is more than one entry for the same InstantWaveHigh Speed adapter, remove them all3. Reboot Windows NT4. Reinstall the InstantWave High Speed adapter driver
30   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterGeneralUtility Error MessagesCannot find the Wireless adapter• The Wireless adapter driver is installed, but the wireless adapter is not in thecomputer slot If you are using the wireless USB Adapter, you will only needto re-insert the USB adapter into the USB slot to re-enable thedriver.Adapter is not responding• The card is in the system.  The wireless adapter driver is not functioning.Follow the Installation Problems section of troubleshooting to resolve driverstartup problems• The green PC feature is setup to cut the system power to the adapter slot whenit is in ‘PC Sleep’ mode.  The Windows Utility will temporarily lose contactwith the adapter during Sleep modeRe-starting the Windows Utility after the PC is out of Sleepmode will bring back the adapter.  The long-term solution tothis problem is to disable (through the PC BIOS) the PC SleepfunctionOperational ProblemsThe Wireless adapter appears to be functioning.  The Activity LED  is active.However, no network PC can be found when run in Infrastructure WirelessNetwork mode• Station is having difficulties finding an AP to join1. Use Network Watcher to scan for all APs in the samewireless domain2. Select the first AP that has its signal quality displayed ingreen, and join to it3. If all the APs’ signal quality indicator shows yellow, or noAP is on the list, you may be too far away from any AP tobe associated.  Move closer to an AP• You have only one AP, and the PC is not placed too far from it, but the PC stillhas difficulties finding the AP1. Check that the antennas are properly connected to the APand the station2. Make sure that the AP is powered on and working3. Use Network Watcher to find and join with the APRadio signal quality indicates Yellow or Red whilst in Infrastructure mode
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   31• The connected AP is too far away1. Use Network Watcher to find an AP with a stronger signal2. Move your PC closer to the connected AP• The adapter antenna is not connected, or its signal path is blocked by metalcasing, e.g. metal filing cabinets1. Make sure the antenna is firmly screwed in2. Arrange the antenna position to get the best radio signalqualityTransmission or reception throughput is low during network file accessing• Many stations are connected to the same group and heavily utilizing thenetwork 1. On an Infrastructure wireless network, use NetworkWatcher to find, and connect to, a different AP with only afew PC connections2. In an Ad-Hoc environment, form your own wireless groupwith a different wireless domain name to start a differentchannel hopping patternAd-Hoc stations can't join each other• Two stations started at the same timeReboot one station• Different Domain Name (ESSID)Change the ESSID, using the InstantWave High Speed utilityprogram, to match that of the other stations on the Ad-hocnetworkORGo to Control Panel/Network/InstantWaveAdapter/Properties/Advanced/ESSID, and change it there
32   InstantWave High Speed USB AdapterIf you are having a problem using an NDC product and cannot resolve it, pleasenote the following information and contact NDC Technical Support:• What you were doing when the error occurred• What error messages you saw• Whether the problem can be reproduced• The serial number of the productSend the above information and the output of the Troubleshooting  screen (seepage 24) to one of the following (US only) (Europe and Asia Pacific)For other information about NDC, please visit us
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   33HardwareNDC warrants its products to be free of defects in workmanship and materials,under normal use and service, for a period of 12 months from the date of purchasefrom NDC or its Authorized Reseller, and for the period of time specified in thedocumentation supplied with each product.Should a product fail to be in good working order during the applicable warrantyperiod, NDC will, at its option and expense, repair or replace it, or deliver to thepurchaser an equivalent product or part at no additional charge except as set forthbelow.  Repair parts and replacement products are furnished on an exchange basisand will be either reconditioned or new.  All replaced products and parts willbecome the property of NDC.  Any replaced or repaired product or part has aninety (90) day warranty or the remainder of the initial warranty period, whicheveris longer.NDC shall not be liable under this warranty if its testing and examination disclosethat the alleged defect in the product does not exist or was caused by thepurchaser’s, or any third party’s misuse, neglect, improper installation or testing,unauthorized attempt to repair or modify, or any other cause beyond the range ofthe intended use, or by accident, fire, lightning, or other hazard.SoftwareSoftware and documentation materials are supplied  “as is” without warranty as totheir performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.  However,the diskette media containing the software are covered by a 90-day warranty thatprotects the purchaser against failure within that period.Limited Warranty Service ProceduresAny product (1) received in error, (2) in a defective or non-functioning condition,or (3) exhibiting a defect under normal working conditions, can be returned toNDC by following these steps:You must prepare: dated proof of purchase product model number & quantity product serial number precise reason for return your name/address/email address/telephone/fax
34   InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter1. Inform the distributor or retailer2. Ship the product back to the distributor/retailer with prepaid freight.  Thepurchaser must pay the shipping freight from the distributor/retailer to NDC.Any package sent C.O.D. (Cash On Delivery) will be refused3. Charges:  Usually RMA (Returned Material Authorization) items will bereturned to the purchaser via Airmail, prepaid by NDC.  If returned by anothercarrier, the purchaser will pay the difference.  A return freight and handlingfee will be charged to the purchaser if NDC determines that there was “NoProblem Found” or that the damage was caused by the userWarningNDC is not responsible for the integrity of any data on storage equipment (harddrives, tape drives, floppy diskettes, etc.).  We strongly recommend that ourcustomers back their data up before sending such equipment in for diagnosis orrepair.Services after Warranty PeriodAfter the warranty period expires, all products can be repaired for a reasonableservice charge.  The shipping charges to and from the NDC facility will be borneby the purchaser.Return for CreditIn the case of a DOA (Dead on Arrival) or a shipping error, a return for credit willautomatically be applied to the purchaser’s account, unless otherwise requested.Limitation of LiabilityAll expressed and implied warranties of a product’s merchantability, or of itsfitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration to the applicable period asset forth in this limited warranty, and no warranty will be considered valid after itsexpiration date.If this product does not function as warranted, your sole remedy shall be repair orreplacement as provided for above.  In no case shall NDC be liable for anyincidental, consequential, special, or indirect damages resulting from loss of data,loss of profits, or loss of use, even if NDC or an authorized NDC distributor/dealerhas been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any otherparty.
InstantWave High Speed USB Adapter   35EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYFor the following equipment:Product Name: : InstantWave High Speed Wireless USB AdapterModel Number: : NWH640 (USB Adapter)Produced by:Manufacturer’sName : NATIONAL DATACOMM CORPORATIONManufacturer’sAddress : 2F, NO. 28, INDUSTRY EAST 9TH ROADSCIENCE PARK, HSINCHU,TAIWAN, hereby confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on theApproximation of the Laws of the Member States relating to R&TTE Directive(99/ 5/ EC).For the evaluation regarding the electromagnetic compatibility, the following standards wereapplied:EN 300 328  (November 1996/A1 (July 1997))EN 300 826 (November 1997)En 60950:1992 + A1:1993 + A2:1993 + A3:1995 + A4:1996 + A11:1997The manufacturer/importer is responsible for this declaration:Company Name : NDC (EUROPE) CO., LTDCompany Address : 1, EARLSFORT CENTRE,HATCH STREET,DUBLIN 2, IRELANDPerson authorized to make this declaration:Name : CHANG-HUA  CHIANGPosition/Title : MANAGING DIRECTOR                                  Date Legal Signature

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