National Electronics and Watch M09156HR HEART RATE WATCH User Manual M08 729D 091223

National Electronics & Watch Co., Ltd HEART RATE WATCH M08 729D 091223

Users Manual

   National Electronics & Watch Co,. Ltd. M08-729D User Manual   This is an HRM watch Men’s version. Features includes HRM with recovery function, Chrono, Dual time T1/T2, two alarms. three lines LCD and calendar programmed from 2008 to 2057. The watch is using the latest 2.4Ghz  digital data transmission technology to communicate with the HRM belt.             General Operations  All Modes:  Press S3 to toggle to different modes, Time mode, HRM mode, HRM Data mode, Chrono mode,  Alarm mode and ID LINK mode. Press S4 to switch ON the EL back light.    Time Mode:  User can also select T1 or T2 as primary display. Press and hold S2 for 2 seconds to toggle from T1 to T2.        User can toggle Chime ON/ OFF by pressing S1          TIME Setting mode:  Press and hold S4 for 1 seconds until the watch will display “SET HOLD”. 2 seconds later, the hour digit will blink. Press S1 to increase setting, press and hold S1 for fast forward setting. Press S2 for backward setting, press and hold S2 for fast backward setting. Press S4 to exit time setting mode. Press S3 to set the next digit. If there is no key operation after 2-3 minutes, the watch will auto exit time setting mode.   In time setting mode the sequence is Hour—Minute—Second—Year—Month—Day—Weekday—12H/24H—LCD Contrast. Display contrast range is from –4 to +4. Default is 0.    HRM Mode:  It is recommended that the user set up first his/her personal details before doing the exercises. Please refer to HRM setting mode on how to set up the personal details.   Press S3 shortly from Time mode to HRM mode. The watch will automatically search for HRM signal. If the watch has not been linked before with HRM belt, it will proceed to ID  Link mode. See Link mode for details. If the watch has been linked before and link is successful, it will proceed to display the current heart rate in target range / current HRM.  User can select different views according to his/her preference. The views available are Heart rate in target zone/ current HRM, Calorie/ Current HRM, Exercise Time/Current HR/ % Max, and Calorie/% max. User can toggle through these views by pressing S2.
   National Electronics & Watch Co,. Ltd. From any view selected, press S1 to start/ stop  exercises. Press and hold S4 to reset the current Run.     Once the user starts running exercises, the watch will auto display the Heart Rate, exercise Time, %max HR calories. If Chrono is not started, the Calorie will not calculate. Press and hold S2 to save current Run. A total of 50 Runs can be saved in HRM data mode.           Recovery Function:  If recovery function is ON, The watch will start the recovery function after chrono stopped.  Recovery calculation can be set according HEART RATE or TIME. In the heart rate based recovery, you set the heart rate that ends recovery calculations. Whereas in the Time based recovery, you set the recovery time that ends recovery calculations.  Example 1:  User set the recovery HR to 80 bpm. After the user press the Stop button, then the watch will auto start counting the time from current HR to preset value (80 bpm). When the current HR is equal the preset value, it will auto stop and display the time value with 5 seconds long beep sound.  Example 2: User set the recovery Timer to 10 minutes. When the user press the stop button, then the watch will auto start counting the time until the time is equal to the preset value( 10 minutes).It will auto stop counting with 5 seconds long beep sound.  During the recovery function, user can press any key to stop except S3. If user presses S3, watch will go to next mode then go back to stop view. After that, we don’t need to start the recovery again. The recovery function starts at once each time the watch is stopped.  When the current HR is always above the recovery repeat value, recovery time will auto stop at 99 hours 59 minutes.   HRM SETTING Mode:  Press an hold S4 in HRM mode to enter HRM setting mode. Watch will display “SET HOLD”. AGE digit will start blinking. Press S1 to increase setting, press and hold S1 for fast forward setting. Press S2 for backward setting, press and hold S2 for fast backward setting. Press S4 to exit HRM setting mode. Press S3 to set the next digit. If there is no key operation after 2-3 minutes, the watch will auto exit HRM  setting mode.   Age range is 1 to 99. Weight: 20 to 199 Kg ( 44- 439 lbs) Height: 91-241 CM (3 – 7Ft 11 In) Recovery can be set to ON or OFF  In HRM setting mode the sequence is AGE—Level—HR high—HR Low—UNIT—Weight—Height—BMI—SEX—Zone Alarm ON/OFF—Recovery ON/OFF(Time base or HR base).       For Time base Recovery, the minute can be set from 0 to 59 minutes, Hour from 0 to 99 Hours.  For Heart Rate base Recovery, Heart Rate can be set from 30 to 240 BPM.  When the user select the level index, the watch will also set up IN ZONE limit depending on which level index has been selected. The HRM IN Zone alarm default is OFF.  Following are the low and high IN Zone limits between the three levels: Level 1 setting: Low: 50% Max HR, High: 60% Max HR Level 2 setting: Low: 60% Max HR, High: 70% Max HR Level 3 setting: Low: 75% Max HR, High: 85% Max HR  The watch can display heart rate from 30 to 240 bpm. When the heart rate is over the value we have set, the watch will alert warning sound “beepbeepbeep___beepbeepbeep___” When the heart rate is below the value we have set, the watch will alert warning sound “beep___beep___”  Table for BMI ( Body Mass Index):   Category BMI Range Starvation  Less than 14.9 Underweight  From 15 to 18.4 Normal  From 18.5 to 22.9 Overweight  From 23 to 27.5 Obese  From 27.6 to 40 Morbid Obese  More than 40   BMI Calculation Method:  English BMI Formula:  BMI = (weight in pounds/(height in Inches X Height in inches))X 703  Metric BMI Formula:  BMI = Weight in Kg/(Height in meters X height in meters).
   National Electronics & Watch Co,. Ltd. HRM DATA MODE:  Press S3 from HRM mode to HRM DATA mode. The watch will display ‘DATA”. If there is no data available, it will display “- - -“.             If there is data available, it will display the RUN number. Press S2 to scroll through the various RUN numbers. Press S1 to view  the details of the specific RUN like Date, Total exercise time, average HR/ % Max,  % Max HR, Maximum HR, time IN Zone (and time below and above zone), FAT, KCAL.  Press and hold S4 for 2 seconds to clear current RUN. Continue holding S4 to clear ALL data. The watch can store up to 50 runs in the memory.    CHRONO MODE:  Press S3 shortly from HRM DATA mode to CHRONO mode. Press S1 to start/ stop. Press S2 to take lap. Lap counter range  from 01 to 99. Press S4 to clear Chrono Data.       ALARM MODE:  Press S3 from Chrono mode to Alarm mode. Press S1 to toggle Alarm ON/OFF. Press S2 to toggle between Alarm1 and Alarm 2.                       Alarm Setting mode:  Press and hold S4 for 1 seconds to enter Alarm setting mode. The watch will show “SET HOLD” and 2 seconds later, the hour digit will start to blink. Press S1 to increase setting, press and hold S1 for fast forward setting. Press S2 for backward setting, press and hold S2 for fast backward setting. Press S4 to exit alarm setting mode. Press S3 to set the next digit. If there is no key operation after 2-3 minutes, the watch will auto exit alarm setting mode. Alarm will automatically set to ON after user exits Alarm setting mode.  In Alarm setting mode, the sequence is Hour—Minute.      ID LINK MODE:  Press S3 from Alarm mode to ID link mode. The watch will start to search with the HRM belt. Once the Link is established, the heart icon will be ON and the watch will proceed to HRM mode.  If the watch will not Link, it will display “FAIL” and will return to Time mode. Try to link again by going back to Link mode.   When the watch is already  receiving heart rate signal or when chrono in HRM mode is running, the watch cannot enter ID Link mode.
   National Electronics & Watch Co,. Ltd.      Water Resistance:  This watch is water resistant up to 5 ATM.    Battery Replacement:  If the Display dims or the EL light is dim, the user is recommended to go to authorized service center  for correct battery replacement (CR2032).     FCC NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   CANADA IC NOTE  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference,  and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
   National Electronics & Watch Co,. Ltd.

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