National Electronics and Watch M16-470DBSG Smart Wristband with Optical Heart Rate User Manual Print

National Electronics & Watch Co., Ltd Smart Wristband with Optical Heart Rate Print

Users Manual

User ManualNational Electronics & Watch Co, Ltd.WARNINGThank you for purchasing the Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker using OLED display. Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker tracks your Exercise, Calories, Heart Rate, Sleep, Steps, Distance, and Time.  It can also  send an alert to your phone to locate the phone and noties you of new messag-es and calls.Please read these instructions in full before you start operating the Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker.Charging battery to PC1. Plug your USB cable to your PC.2. Align the charging clip with the contacts on the back of your device.3. Connect the charging clip securely to the device.Important noticeCharge the Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker for at least 3-4 hours before rst use and  immediately charge when the  battery level is at 20% to maximize the battery life. It is also recommended to regularly re-charge your Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker once a month even if it is not used to maintain good battery condition. Please thoroughly dry the charging contacts and surrounding area to ensure proper elec-trical contact and prevent corrosion.This is NOT a medical device. Consult your doctor before you begin any new exercise program. This is important for those with pre-existing health problems or those who are taking medication regularly. This Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker may aect pacemakers. If you have any con-cerns, consult your doctor before use. Over exercising may result  in serious injury or death. If you feel faint or become short of breath, or if you experience pain while exercising, stop immediately and call your doctor.IntroductionUnwanted scenarioPairing How to operate with Healthy Life Style™ Smart WatchActivity TrackerHealthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker basicsNote: Holding the S button for more than 10 sec. will reset the watchand will cause you to lose your previously stored exercise data.Unpairing10:0012-1280%SUN10:00 12-1280%SUN 115AS buttonInteractive display3”10:00 12-12SUN10:0012-1280%SUNPAIRHOLD TOPAIR 115APAIR 115APAIR      OKOn starting mode press S button and hold10:00 12-1280%SUN 115APAIRHOLD TORelease S button oncePAIR starts blinkingYour device issuccessfully paired10:00 12-12SUN 115AOFFHOLD TOOFF  115AOn starting mode press S button and holdOn HRM mode waitfor the HEART iconRelease S button oncePAIR starts blinkingYour device issuccessfully unpairedRelease S button oncePAIR starts blinking10:00 12-1280%SUN10:00 12-1280%SUNPAIR         XYour device is notpaired yet so try againMake sure Bluetooth on your phone is turned onOn starting mode press S button and holdAll modes on interactive display10:00 12-1280%SUNStart mode Auto modes(rotates automatically)Browsing modes(use S button forswitching)FIND mode is visibleonly when devicesare paired.14550 STEPS1550 KCAL10.20 KM80%0CALLSINCOMING0MESSAGEINCOMINGHRMWORKOUTSLEEPFINDHeart Rate MonitorBPM--%Continue waiting untilyou see the resultHow to properly wear the device:1. Fasten the device snugly so that the optical sensor is in contact     with your skin.2. Wear the device above your wrist bone.3. If the Heart rate data displayed in the band is not stable or erratic,      move the device along your forearm to the best wearing position    as shown.Before starting your exercise:• While measuring HR, minimize wrist movement.• Make sure the heart rate data is stable.• You may need to tighten the strap, especially after sweating for   a more accurate measurement.Water ResistanceThis device is an IPX7 standard.Battery ChargeThe device is powered by a built-in lithium-ion battery. It can becharged using the USB port and it takes approx. 2 hours to fullycharge the battery. Please charge the device before using andnever allow it to reach empty.Press S button from OFF screen to show the battery power levelduring charging period.Battery LifeBattery power will last for 7 days on a single charge this willvary depending on on the customer's frequent use of the vibrationalert, such as incoming phone calls and text messages. The battery on this device is not User replaceable.HRM --- 72 BPM32%On SLEEP mode justwait for a momentThis function will locate your Smartphone that it is paired viaBluetooth. To nd your device, please note that Healthy Life Style™ App must be open in the backgroundSleepTo bedHold S button toturn on this modeTO BED mode is ONSLEEP TO BED       zzWorkoutStartStopOn WORKOUT modewait for the timerPress S button andhold for 2 sec. to startTimer startedWORKOUT 00:00:00 00:00:01On WORKOUT modewait for the timerPress S button andhold for 2 sec. to stopTimer stoppedWORKOUT 00:01:19 00:01:20SaveOn WORKOUT modewait forthe  timerPress S button andhold for 2 sec. to saveResult saved(start mode is open)WORKOUT 00:01:20On SLEEP mode justwait for a momentOn FIND mode justwait for a momentOpen the Healthy Life Style™ AppPress the button LINK DEVICE to link your phone with the appChoose the Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Tracker fromthe list and press Done. Check the status in top bar of your app.If the symbol in right top corner appears in green the Bluetoothconnection is successfully established.Once the WAKE UP is on device will walk you through your sleepdetailsWake upHold S button toturn on this modeWAKE UP is ONSLEEP WAKE UP06:58 01:04 05:54TOTALSLEEPLIGHTSLEEPDEEPSLEEPFind the phoneHold the S button for2 sec. and releaseYou will hear the alerton your phone10:00 12-12SUNImportant noticeDon't forget to turn o the timer once you have nished  your workout to preserve batteryFINDIn order to use the Healthy Life Style™ Smart Watch Activity Trackeryou have to have Apple or Android smart phone. Please go to theApp Store or Google Play and search for Healthy Life Style™ Appand install it on your Apple or Android device.Linking with the AppGreen - The Bluetooth connection is establishedRed – The Bluetooth connection is not establishedDashed circle – The Bluetooth is connectingLINK DEVICEJohn DoeGO! 115 ASpeakerSpeaker DoneChoose your devicePlease see printed materials for additional informationDesired scenarioSee the app to track and monitor your progressSee the app to track and monitor your progressSee the app to track and monitor your sleep
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement, The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction  FCC statements: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications or changes to this equipment. Such modifications or changes could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ‐ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ‐ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. ‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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