Neptune Technology Group L900M2 900 MHz water meter transmitter. User Manual IM L900 MIU

Neptune Technology Group Inc. 900 MHz water meter transmitter. IM L900 MIU

User Manual Part A

L900™ MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideL900™ MIU Pit and WallInstallation and Maintenance Guide
L900™ MIU Pit and WallInstallation and Maintenance Guide
CopyrightThis manual is an unpublished work and contains the trade secrets andconfidential information of Neptune Technology Group Inc., which are not to bedivulged to third parties and may not be reproduced or transmitted in whole orpart, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical for any purpose,without the express written permission of Neptune Technology Group Inc. Allrights to design or inventions disclosed herein, including the right to manufacture,are reserved to Neptune Technology Group Inc.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Neptune reserves the right to change the product specifications at any timewithout incurring any obligations.Trademarks used in this manualL900 and ProRead are trademarks of Neptune Technology Group Inc.ARB, E-CODER, MACH 10, and R900 are registered trademarks ofNeptune Technology Group Inc. Other brands or product names aretrademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.FCCNoticeThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does not cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures.lReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.lIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.lConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to whichthe receiver is connected.lConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.RF Exposure InformationThis equipment complies with the FCC RF radiation requirements foruncontrolled environments. To maintain compliance with these requirements, theantenna and any radiating elements should be installed to ensure that aminimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained from the general population.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment.Professional InstallationIn accordance with section 15.203 of the FCC rules and regulations, the L900MIU must be professionally installed by trained utility meter installers.Industry Canada (IC) Statements:Section 8.4 of RSS-GENThis Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not causeinterference, and 2) this device must accept any interference, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation of the device..Cet appareil est conforme aux normes RSS exonérées de licence d'IndustrieCanada. L'opération est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) cet appareilne doit pas provoquer d'interférence, et 2) cet appareil doit accepter touteinterférence, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner un fonctionnementindésirable de l'appareil.Section 8.3 of RSS-GENUnder Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate usingan antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitterby Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, theantenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropicallyradiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successfulcommunication.This radio transmitter IC: 4171B-L900M2 has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.lMaximum permissible gain of +1 dBi and required impedance of 75 ohm.lApproved Antenna type(s).oR900 Pit Antenna, part number 12527-XXXoHigh Gain R900 Pit Antenna, part number 13586-XXXoR900 Wall Antenna, part number 13717-000En vertu de la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, cet émetteur radio ne peutfonctionner qu'avec une antenne d'un type et un gain maximal (ou inférieur)approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire les interférencesradio potentielles avec d'autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain
devraient être choisis de manière à ce que la puissance rayonnéeisotropiquement équivalente (e.i.r.p.) ne soit pas supérieure à celle nécessaire àune communication.Cet Cet émetteur radio IC: 4171B-L900M2 a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antennes énumérés ci-dessous avec le gain maximal admissible et l'impédance d'antenne requise pour chaque type d'antenne indiqué. Les types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ayant un gain supérieur au gain maximal indiqué pour ce type, sont strictement interdits pour être utilisés avec ce périphérique.lGain maximal admissible de +1 dBi et impédance requise de 75 ohms.lType.(s) d'antenne approuvéoAntenne de puits R900, numéro de pièce 12527-XXXoAntenne de puits à gain élevé R900, référence 13586-XXXoAntenne murale R900, numéro d'article 13717-000L900™ MIU Pit and WallInstallation and Maintenance GuideLiterature No. IM L900 MIU 01.18Part No. 13381-001Neptune Technology Group Inc.1600 Alabama Highway 229Tallassee, AL 36078Tel: (800) 633-8754Fax: (334) 283-7293Copyright © 2017-2018Neptune Technology Group Inc.All Rights Reserved
ContentsChapter 1: Product Description 1Product Description 2L900 MIU Programming 2RF Protocol Error Detection 2RF Frequency Control Algorithm 2RF Transmission Period and Randomness 2Low Battery RF Emissions 2Chapter 2: L900 Specifications 3Electrical Specifications 3Transmitter Specifications 3Encoder Register Interface 3Specifications - L900 MIU Pit 4Environmental Conditions 4Functional Conditions 4Dimensions and Weight 4Specifications - L900 MIU Wall 6Environmental Conditions 6Functional Specifications 6Dimensions and Weight 6Chapter 3: General Installation Guidelines 9Tools and Materials 9Safety and Preliminary Checks 10Verifying/Preparing the Encoder Register 10Installation of a Register (Non Pre-Wired or Potted Only) 11Chapter 4: Wall Installation 15Prior to Installation 15Storage 15Unpacking 15L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide v
Tools and Materials 16Site Selection 16Installing the L900 MIU 17Remove the Main Housing 17Applying the Scotchloks 18Magnet Swiping and Completing the Installation 20Testing the Installation 20Completing the Installation 21Chapter 5: Pit Installation 23Prior to Installation 23Storage 23Unpacking 23Tools and Materials 24Site Selection 24L900 MIU Pit Installation 25Installing the Antenna 26Begin the Installation 27Threading the F-Connector 28Installing the Scotchloks 29Connecting the Splice Tube 31Tying the Cable and Magnet Swiping the L900 MIU 32Testing the Installation 33Chapter 6: Data Logging Extraction 35About Data Logging 35Accessing Data Logging 35Initializing the Data Logger 37Initiating RF-Activated Data Logging 40Sample Data Logging Graphs 41Off-Cycle Data Extraction 43R900 Belt Clip Transceiver 44vi L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideContents
L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide viiChapter 7: Maintenance and Troubleshooting 45Six- and Four-Wheel Encoders 45Six-Wheel Encoders Normal Operation 45Four-Wheel Encoders Normal Operation 45Troubleshooting 46Replacement Parts 46Chapter 8: Contact Information 47By Phone 47By Fax 47By Email 47Glossary 49IndexContents
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FiguresFigure 1 – L900 MIU - Wall 1Figure 2 – L900 MIU - Pit 1Figure 3 – L900 MIU - Pit Dimensions - Front 5Figure 4 – L900 MIU Pit Dimensions - Side 5Figure 5 – L900 MIU Pit Antenna 6Figure 6 – L900 MIU Wall Dimensions - Front 7Figure 7 – L900 MIU Wall Dimensions - Side 7Figure 8 – Wiring a Neptune Encoder Register 12Figure 9 – L900 MIU Color Code for Wires 12Figure 10 – Cable Threaded Around Strain Relief Posts 13Figure 11 – Application of the Sealant 13Figure 12 – Covering the Terminal Screws 14Figure 13 – L900 MIU Wall Kit 15Figure 14 – L900 MIU Wall Main Housing 17Figure 15 – Mounting Adapter 18Figure 16 – Gel Cap Connections 18Figure 17 – Color Code for Wires 19Figure 18 – Adapter Cable 19Figure 19 – Cable Exit Notch 19Figure 20 – Securing Adapter 20Figure 21 – Magnet Swipe the L900 MIU 20Figure 22 – Install Seal Wire 21Figure 23 – L900 MIU Kit 23Figure 24 – Antenna Placement for Low Traffic Areas 24Figure 25 – Antenna Placement for High Traffic Areas 25Figure 26 – Inserting the Antenna into the Pit Lid 26Figure 27 – Locking Nut on Antenna 26Figure 28 – Securing the Locking Nut 26Figure 29 – Installation Completed 27Figure 30 – Black Thread Guard from Male F-Connector 27L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide ix
Figure 31 – Seating Washer 27Figure 32 – Apply Novaguard 28Figure 33 – Tightening Connector 28Figure 34 – Gasket and Connector 28Figure 35 – Scotchloks Connector 29Figure 36 – Color Code for Wires 29Figure 37 – Seating Connector Wires 29Figure 38 – URCrimping Tool 30Figure 39 – Improper Connections 30Figure 40 – Three Color Wires Connected 30Figure 41 – Splice Tube 31Figure 42 – Gray Wire in Slots 31Figure 43 – Cover in Place 31Figure 44 – L900 MIU Attached to Antenna 32Figure 45 – Magnet Swipe the L900 MIU 32Figure 46 – HHU Home Screen 35Figure 47 – N_SIGHTMain Screen 36Figure 48 – Data Logger Options 36Figure 49 – Reader ID Input 37Figure 50 – HHU Time Confirmation 37Figure 51 – Initialize RF Device 38Figure 52 – L900 MIU ID Entry 38Figure 53 – Capture Button 39Figure 54 – Meter Size Selection 39Figure 55 – Start Button 40Figure 56 – Listening for Data 40Figure 57 – Receiving Data 41Figure 58 – Graph Button 41Figure 59 – Examples of Data Logging Graphs 42Figure 60 – HHU Home Screen 43Figure 61 – HHU Menu Screen 43Figure 62 – Off-Cycle Option 44xL900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideFigures
TablesTable 1 – Supported Encoder Maximum Cable Length 4Table 2 – L900 MIU Pit Environmental Conditions 4Table 3 – L900 MIU Pit Functional Specification 4Table 4 – L900 MIU Pit Functional Specification 4Table 5 – L900 MIU Wall Environmental Conditions 6Table 6 – L900 MIU Wall Functional Specifications 6Table 7 – L900 MIU Wall Dimensions and Weight 6Table 8 – Recommended Tools 9Table 9 – Recommended Materials 10Table 10 – Maximum Cable Lengths 17Table 11 – Cable Length and Manufacturer 25Table 12 – Data Logging Graph Legend 42Table 13 – Examples of Reading Values 46Table 14 – Available Replacement Parts 46L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide xi
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L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 1Chapter 1: Product DescriptionThis chapter provides a general description of the L900™ meter interface unit(subsequently referred to as L900 MIU).The L900 MIU by Neptune is a compact electronic device that collects meterreading data from an encoder register. It then transmits the data for collection bythe meter reader. A walk-by handheld unit (HHU), mobile unit, R900®Gatewaycollector, or LoRa®(Long Range) collector receives the data and stores it to bedownloaded into the utility billing system for processing.The L900 MIU is easily installed and operates within a radio frequency (RF)bandwidth which does not require an operating license. Because the L900 MIU canbe mounted as far as 500 feet from the encoder register, optimum broadcast signalstrength is obtainable, ensuring a high percentage of accurate, one-pass readings.Figure 1 – L900 MIU - Wall Figure 2 – L900 MIU - PitThe L900 MIU meets FCC regulations Part 15.247, allowing higher output powerand greater range. The L900 MIU uses frequency-hopping, spread-spectrumtechnology to avoid RF interference and enhanced security. The L900 MIU readsthe encoder registers at 15-minute intervals and transmits a mobile message thatincludes the meter reading data and the unique nine-digit L900 MIU ID every 20seconds. This allows the meter to be read by an HHU or mobile data collectionunit. The L900 MIU also transmits a high power fixed network message everyseven and one-half minutes on an interleaved basis to an R900 Gateway.In addition to the mobile message that is transmitted every 20 seconds and thefixed network message that is transmitted every seven and one-half minutes, theL900 MIU is capable of supporting fixed network using a LoRa network.
The fixed network message that transmits for use on a LoRa network is sent everythree hours.The L900 MIU is designed to offer advantages to utility organizations of all sizes:lIncreases meter reading accuracy.lEliminates infrastructure concerns and the burden of managing collectiondevices.lEliminates “hard-to-read” meters.lProtects utility liability by increasing meter reader safety.lRequires no programming.Product DescriptionThis section gives an overview of the L900 MIU.L900 MIU ProgrammingThe L900 MIU does NOT require field programming.RF Protocol Error DetectionThe RF protocol is comprised of a header, data packet, and an error detectionmechanism that reduces the erroneous data.RF Frequency Control AlgorithmThe L900 MIU’s frequency-hopping, spread-spectrum has a sequence of at least 50different channels for transmitting data. Associated with the 50 channels are 50frequencies that can be pre-selected in a pseudo random manner. These 50frequencies are coded into the software.The L900 MIU avoids 914 MHz to prevent collision with the Advantage probe.RF Transmission Period and RandomnessThe random period generation uses the same random seed created for the channeldefinition to generate the transmission randomness. The randomness algorithm isdefined so that no two consecutive transmissions from two L900 MIUs interferewith one another.Low Battery RF EmissionsThe L900 MIU stops RF transmissions when the battery discharges below thenormal operating voltage.2 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 1: Product Description
L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 3Chapter 2: L900 SpecificationsThis chapter provides you with the specifications for the L900 MIU.Electrical SpecificationsThe power is supplied by a Lithium battery.Transmitter SpecificationsThis section provides information on transmitter specifications.Transmit Period lEvery 20 seconds - R900®standard mobilemessagelEvery seven and one-half minutes - R900 standard,high power, fixed network messagelEvery three hours - LoRa fixed network messageEncoder Reading Encoder registers every 15 minutesTransmitterChannels50Channel Frequency 902 - 928 MHzOutput Power Meets FCC Part 15.247FCC Verification Part 15.109Encoder Register InterfaceThis section provides information on the maximum cable lengths required fordifferent registers. See the table on the following page.
Neptune ARB®V1300 feet (91 meters)Neptune ProRead™ and E-CODER®500 feet (152 meters)Sensus Protocol registers 200 feet (61 meters)1Meets manufacturer's published specifications for wire length between encoderand remote receptacle. The length is based on solid three conductor wire, 22AWG.Table 1 – Supported Encoder Maximum Cable LengthSpecifications - L900 MIU PitEnvironmental ConditionsThis section provides the environmental specifications for theL900 MIU.Operating Temperature -22° to 149°F (-30° to 65°C)Storage Temperature -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Operating Humidity 0 to 100% CondensingTable 2 – L900 MIU Pit Environmental ConditionsFunctional ConditionsThis section provides the functional specification of the L900MIU.Register Reading Eight digitsL900 MIU ID Nine digitsTable 3 – L900 MIU Pit Functional SpecificationDimensions and WeightThis section provides the dimensions and weight of the L900MIU.Dimensions Refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4Weight 1.0 lbs. (454 grams)Table 4 – L900 MIU Pit Functional Specification4 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 2: L900 Specifications
Figure 3 – L900 MIU - Pit Dimensions - FrontFigure 4 – L900 MIU Pit Dimensions - SideL900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 5Chapter 2: L900 Specifications
Figure 5 – L900 MIU Pit AntennaSpecifications - L900 MIU WallEnvironmental ConditionsOperating Temperature -22° to 149°F (-30° to 65°C)Storage Temperature -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Operating Humidity 0 to 100% CondensingTable 5 – L900 MIU Wall Environmental ConditionsFunctional SpecificationsRegister Reading Eight digitsL900 MIU ID Nine digitsTable 6 – L900 MIU Wall Functional SpecificationsDimensions and WeightDimensions Refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7Weight 1.0 lbs. (454 grams)Table 7 – L900 MIU Wall Dimensions and Weight6 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 2: L900 Specifications
Figure 6 – L900 MIU Wall Dimensions - FrontFigure 7 – L900 MIU Wall Dimensions - SideL900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 7Chapter 2: L900 Specifications
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L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 9Chapter 3: General Installation GuidelinesThis chapter describes tools, materials, and general installation guidelines for theL900 MIU.Tools and MaterialsTable 8 below and Table 9 on the next page show the recommended tools andmaterials you need to successfully install the L900 MIU.It is possible that some items do not apply to your specific installation, or thelist does not contain all required tools or materials.Item Description/Recommendations UseTook Kit Contains standard tools including:lAssorted screwdriverslNeedle-nose plierslWire stripperlDiagonal cutterslElectrician's knifelHammerlCrimping tool (Part # 5500-158)Performs various installation procedures.Magnet 6 lb. force (Part # 12287-001) Magnet swipe the L900 MIU.Table 8 – Recommended Tools
Item Description/Recommendation UseCable Solid 3 Conductor #22 AWG(black/green/red) Part # 6431-352Connect L900 MIU to encoder register.Moisture ProtectionCompoundNovaguard sealantPart# 96018-072Cover exposed wires and terminal screws onregister and L900 MIU.Scotchloks Part# 8138-125 Connect wall L900 MIU or replacement pitL900 MIU to encoder register.Site Work Order Documentation provided by yourutilityReceive and record information about thework site.Table 9 – Recommended MaterialsSafety and Preliminary ChecksObserve the following safety and preliminary checks before andduring each installation.lVerify that you are at the location specified on the site workorder.lVerify that the site is safe for you and your equipment.lNotify the customer of your presence and tell them you needaccess to the water meter.lWrite in the ID number(s) of the L900 MIU you are about toinstall, if the site work order does not have an L900 MIU IDnumber.lVerify that the ID number(s) matches the IDnumber(s) on theL900 MIU you are about to install, if the site work orderalready has a L900 MIU ID number.Verifying/Preparing the Encoder RegisterThe L900 MIU is designed for use with the following encoderregisters:lARB VlProRead10 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 3: General Installation Guidelines
lProRead AutoDetectlE-CODERlMACH 10lCompetitive registers using Sensus which include: SensusECRIII, ICE, iPerl, OMNI, and electronic registers; alsoHersey/Mueller Translator, Badger ADE, and HR ELCDBefore installing an L900 MIU, the encoder register must becorrectly wired and/or programmed to work with the L900 MIU.E-CODER registers do not require programming.When a ProRead encoder register is used, the non-AutoDetect ProRead register must be programmed for three-wire mode.If connecting the L900 MIU to a new ProRead encoder register, orif a three-conductor cable is already connected to a ProReadencoder register, ensure that the ProRead register is programmedfor three-wire mode using the ProRead programmer and itsRF/L900 MIU 6, 8, or 10 ID TDI format. This can beaccomplished through the ProRead receptacle before it isremoved.Installation of a Register (Non Pre-Wired or Potted Only)Before wiring the pit encoder register, consider the following.1. Make sure the cable is long enough. When the installation iscomplete, the pit lid can be removed easily without strainingthe cable.2. Use only 22 AWG cable to make the connection from theencoder register to the L900 MIU.3. Remove the terminal screw from the encoder register.4. Strip ¾-inch insulation from the cable jacket, leaving only thethree insulated wires.5. Take precautions not to nick or cut the insulation on the threewires, strip off ½-inch of insulation from each of the threewires.L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 11Chapter 3: General Installation Guidelines
Figure 8 – Wiring a Neptune Encoder RegisterFigure 9 – L900 MIU Color Code for Wires6. If required, connect the three conductor wires to the encoderregister's terminal per the manufacturer's instructions. SeeFigure 8 and Figure 9.12 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 3: General Installation Guidelines
7. Thread the cable around the strain relief posts of the encoder.See Figure 10.Figure 10 – Cable Threaded Around Strain Relief Posts8. Apply sealant liberally and ensure that it encapsulates theterminal screws and exposed wires. See Figure 11.Neptune requires Novaguard G661 sealant or Dow Corningcompound 4.Figure 11 – Application of the SealantAny leak point can cause a reading failure in a submergedmeter setting.L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 13Chapter 3: General Installation Guidelines
9. Snap the cover onto the encoder register. See Figure 12 below.Figure 12 – Covering the Terminal Screws10. Run the cable to the L900 MIUand fasten it securely.Do not exceed maximum cable lengths as defined in Table 1on page 4. If the encoder register is prewired and potted, useScotchloks for connecting the register to the L900 MIU.14 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 3: General Installation Guidelines
L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 15Chapter 4: Wall InstallationThis chapter describes storage and unpacking instructions, preliminary tests, tools,materials, site selection, and wall installation of the L900 MIU.Prior to InstallationAny existing network registers must be reprogrammed.The L900 MIU is not capable of being networked.StorageAfter receipt, inspect shipping containers and contents for damage prior to storage.After the inspection is complete, store the cartons in a clean, dry environment.Keep in mind that the L900 MIU has an internal battery. Storage for more than oneyear can affect product life. Be sure to use a first-in first-out inventory controlsystem. See "Environmental Conditions" on page4.UnpackingAs with all precision electronic instruments, the L900 MIU should be handledcarefully; however, no additional special handling is required.After unpacking the L900 MIU, inspect for damage. If the L900 MIU appears to bedamaged or proves to be defective upon installation, notify your Neptune salesrepresentative. If one or more items requires reshipment, use the original cardboardbox and packing material.Figure 13 – L900 MIU Wall Kit
Tools and MaterialsTable 8 on page 9 and Table 9 on page 10 show therecommended tools and materials you need to successfully installthe L900 MIU.It is possible that some items do not apply to your specificinstallation or the list does not contain all required tools ormaterials.Site SelectionAlways follow your company's safety practices andinstallation guidelines when installing an L900 MIU. Neverperform an installation during a lightening storm or underexcessively wet conditions.Installation and operation in moderate temperatures increasereliability and product life. See "Functional Specifications" onpage6.Follow these guidelines when selecting a location to install theL900 MIU.lFor best results, Neptune recommends mounting the L900 MIUon the outside of the building and in a location that provides adirect line-of-sight to the path of the meter reading device.lFor best results, Neptune recommends the L900 MIU beinstalled approximately five feet above the ground.lThe L900 MIU must be installed in a vertical and uprightposition.lThe preferred mounting surface for the L900 MIU is a flat wall,but it can also be mounted to a pipe.lThe selected location should be clear of all obstructions.lFor best results, avoid installing the L900 MIU behind metalfences or walls.Refer toTable 10 on page 17 for maximum cable lengths.16 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 4: Wall Installation
Encoder Register Maximum Cable LengthsNeptune ARB V* 300 feet (91 meters)Neptune ProRead/E-CODER500 feet (152 meters)Sensus Protocol registers 200 feet (61 meters)*Meets manufacturer's published specification for wire length betweenencoder.Table 10 – Maximum Cable LengthsInstalling the L900 MIURemove the Main HousingComplete the following steps to install the wall L900 MIU.Figure 14 – L900 MIU Wall MainHousing1. Remove the main housing from the mounting adapter. SeeFigure 14.The Hi-Lo fastener for securing the main L900 MIU housing tothe adapter plate is shipped separately.L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 17Chapter 4: Wall Installation
Figure 15 – Mounting Adapter2. Study Figure 15 and the location requirements, and thendecide how to install the L900 MIU.lThe cable enters through the cable entry hole in the back ofthe mounting adapter.lWhen the L900 MIU replaces a receptacle, use theappropriate holes to allow reuse of the receptacle's originalmounting holes. See Figure 15.lWhen mounting the L900 MIU to a pipe, use the pipe clampholes to secure the mounting adapter to a pipe.A variety of holes in the mounting adapter allows for a quickand easy installation.Applying the ScotchloksTo apply the Scotchloks, complete the following steps.Figure 16 – Gel Cap Connections1. Using Scotchloks gel caps, connect the register to thepigtail from the L900 MIU. See Figure 16.18 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 4: Wall Installation
Figure 17 – Color Code for Wires2. Pair the wires according to the color diagram. SeeFigure 17.Figure 18 – Adapter Cable3. Slide the paired wires into the grooves provided untilthey seat into the back of the gel cap.4. Squeeze the gel cap firmly using the appropriatecrimping tool to ensure a good connection.5. Repeat this process until all connections are complete.6. Store excess wire and Scotchloks in the hollow cavityin the back of the L900 MIU using the strain reliefguides as shown in Figure 18.Figure 19 – Cable Exit Notch7. Continue to guide the remaining wire through the cableexit notch at the bottom right side of the L900 MIU asshown in Figure 19.L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 19Chapter 4: Wall Installation
Magnet Swiping and Completing the InstallationFigure 20 – Securing Adapter1. Slide the tongue on the top of the L900 MIU into thegroove on the top of the mounting adapter.2. Secure the L900 MIU to the mounting adapter using the setscrew. See Figure 20.Figure 21 – Magnet Swipe theL900 MIU3. Position the magnet against the left side of the L900 MIUdirectly in line with the Neptune logo.4. Move the magnet up and over the top left corner of theL900 MIU. See Figure 21.Testing the InstallationTo test the installation, complete the following steps.To avoid RF signal saturation of the HHU, position yourself atleast two to three feet from the L900 MIU.1. Power up the HHU test device and start the testing programsprovided.20 L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance GuideChapter 4: Wall Installation
2. When the L900 MIU is installed correctly, its ID number(s)and meter reading(s) appear on the display of the HHU. Verifythe correct meter reading(s) by comparing it to the meter’s dial.If the reading(s) is the same, proceed to the next section.3. If a meter reading does not appear on the HHU display, or themeter reading in the HHU display is not the same as thereading on the meter’s dial:lMagnet swipe the L900 MIU using the magnet.lVerify all electrical connections.lTest the installation again.4. If a ProRead encoder register is used:lEnsure the unit is programmed in three-wire mode.lVerify all electrical connections.lMagnet swipe the L900 MIU. (See Step 1.)If a problem still exists, contact your Neptune SalesRepresentative.Completing the InstallationTo complete the installation, follow these steps.Figure 22 – Install Seal Wire1. To complete the installation, install a seal wire or sealclip through the seal holes at the bottom of the mainhousing. See Figure 22.2. Verify that the requirements of the site work order havebeen met and that you have recorded all information.3. Clean up the installation site before leaving.L900 MIU Pit and Wall Installation and Maintenance Guide 21Chapter 4: Wall Installation

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