Netgear orporated 16200352 LTE Camera User Manual rev

Netgear Incorporated LTE Camera rev

User Manual rev

December 2016NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134, USA 202-11684-01User ManualArlo Go Mobile HD Security CameraDRAFT
2SupportFor product updates and web support, visit© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Any non‑NETGEAR trademarks are used for reference purposes only.ComplianceFor the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit For regulatory compliance information, visit the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.DRAFT
3Contents1.  Set Up Your System 7What You Need to Install and Use Your Arlo Go Camera  7Activate Your SIM Card ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8Get the Arlo app �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8Insert the SIM Card into Your Arlo Go Camera  9Insert the Battery Into Your Arlo Go Camera  9Set Up Your Arlo Go Camera ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10Place Your Camera ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11Arlo Go Access and Cloud Storage �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12Arlo Go Camera Position ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13Charge Your Arlo Go Camera ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13Camera LED Guide �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142.  View Your Content 15View the Devices Page �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15View the Camera Feeds �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16Record Clips From Live Video �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16Talk and Listen �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16Control the Camera Feed Image ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17Change the Camera Order ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17Zoom a Camera Image �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18Rotate a Camera Feed ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18Cloud Recording ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19View Recordings���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19Use the Library ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19Use the Filter ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20Turn O the Filter ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21Share and Download Clips ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21DRAFT
43.  Use an SD Card With Arlo Go 22Supported SD Card Format �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22Insert an SD Card �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23View the SD Card Status ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23Turn SD Card Recording O and On ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24View Videos Saved on an SD Card ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25Change the SD Card Overwrite Setting��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26Format an SD Card ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26Safely Remove an SD Card ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������274.  Personalize Your Camera 29Name Your Camera �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29Profile Settings �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29Change Your Password and User Name �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30Turn Auto Login On or O for a Smartphone ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������30Grant Access to Friends ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31Add a Friend �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31Edit a Friend’s Access Privileges ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32Delete a Friend ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������325.  Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts 34Select a Mode ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34Change Motion Sensitivity �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35Change Audio Sensitivity ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36Manage Alerts ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37Create a Schedule �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38Add a Mode ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39Motion Detection Activity Zones ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41Create an Activity Zone �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41Select an Activity Zone for a Rule���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42DRAFT
56. Settings 43View Device Information ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43Turn the Camera LEDs O and On ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43Change the Time Zone ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44Change the Video Resolution ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45Turn Night Vision On and O ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45Turn the Microphone O and On ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46Change the Speaker Settings ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47Specify Power Management ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47Update the Firmware ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48View or Change Cellular Network Settings �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49Restart the Camera���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50Reset the Camera to Its Factory Settings �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50Remove a Camera From Your Account ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 517.  Manage Your Subscription Plan 52Subscription Plans �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52Renew Your Service Plan ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52Select a Premier or Elite Subscription Plan �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52Start or Stop a Continuos Video Recording Plan  538.  Arlo Connect 54Use Arlo With IFTTT ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54Use Arlo Cameras With SmartThings ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������549.  Use SmartThings With Arlo Cameras 55Prepare Arlo to Work With SmartThings ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 55Use Arlo Camera Names That Are Easy to Recognize  55Disarm Your Cameras ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56Integrate Your Arlo Cameras With the SmartThings App  56Adjust the Motion Sensitivity Level ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58DRAFT
6Adjust Push Notifications �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5910. Troubleshooting 60Check Arlo Go’s LTE Signal Strength�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60Check Arlo Go’s Battery Level ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60Arlo Go Is Not Streaming on a Mobile Device ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������61Cannot View Arlo Live Streaming in a Web Browser  61Troubleshoot an Oine Arlo Go Camera �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������62Not Receiving Push Notifications �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������63Check the Rules Settings for Armed Modes ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63Check the Arlo App Settings on an iOS Device  64Check the Arlo App Settings on an Android Device  64If You Said No to Push Notifications at Installation  6411.  Rechargeable Battery Safety 65Safety Rules for Arlo Go Rechargeable Batteries  65Safety Rules for Arlo Go Charging Station ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66DRAFT
 71.  Set Up Your SystemSetting up your Arlo Go camera involves a few simple steps. Your Arlo account lets you view videos from any Internet-connected computer or mobile device. You can use the same Arlo app to set up and manage Arlo Go and Arlo cameras.What You Need to Install and Use Your Arlo Go CameraYou need the following to activate your Arlo Go camera:•  A computer or mobile device with Internet access•  An activated AT&T SIM card with a data planA SIM card comes pre-installed in every Arlo Go camera, but you must contact AT&T to activate it. Keep your Arlo Go retail box with you when you contact AT&T. The label on the bottom of the box has information that AT&T needs to activate your SIM card. For more information about activating your SIM card, see Activate Your SIM Card on page 8.•  If you are using a computer, you also need a supported web browser. The following browsers are qualified to work with the Arlo web application:•  Internet Explorer 10 or higher•  Microsoft Edge•  Firefox 3.5 or higher•  Safari 3 or higher (only with Mac OS X)•  Chrome (latest version)•  If you are using a mobile device, you need the Arlo app, which requires iOS 8 or higher or Android 4.1 or higher. To download the mobile app for your smartphone or tablet, you can do one of the following:•  Visit your device’s app store and search for Arlo.•  If you have a QR reader installed on your device, scan this QR code to be directed to the app in the app store on your device.During activation, your Arlo Go camera must be in a location with AT&T data coverage. DRAFT
8Set Up Your System Activate Your SIM CardThe camera uses the AT&T network to send pictures and video to your Arlo account in the cloud. ¾To activate your SIM card:1.  If you know your AT&T Enterprise Sales Contact, contact that person with your Arlo Go SIM ICCID and device IMEI. Both the SIM ICCID and the IMEI display on the retail box.If you don’t know your AT&T Enterprise Sales Contact, call AT&T Mobility Sales & Services at 1-800-331-0500.2.  Select Find Your Account Representative.This service is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Central Time.Get the Arlo appFor the best experience, downlaod the Arlo app by scanning this QR code or searching for Arlo in the app store.Note:  If you already use the Arlo app, make sure that you are using the latest version. To find out if an update is available, go to the app store and search for Arlo.DRAFT
9Set Up Your System Insert the SIM Card into Your Arlo Go CameraThe Arlo Go camera comes with an AT&T LTE SIM card installed. If a SIM card is not installed, insert a card into the SIM card slot. ¾To insert a SIM card:1.  Unlock the battery compartment by pressing and holding the latch.2.  Gently pull the battery door back to open the compartment.3.  Align the gold SIM contacts.4.  Insert the SIM card into the SIM card slot.Note:  If you plan to store video recordings on an optional SD card (sold separately), insert the SD  card now.Insert the Battery Into Your Arlo Go CameraIf power is available, you can plug your camera in and use it in powered mode. Best practice is to insert the battery into your Arlo Go camera even if you plan to power the camera using the power adapter. ¾To insert the battery:1.  Align the battery contacts.2.  Insert the battery.3.  Close the battery door.Note:  The Arlo Go battery is partially charged when it leaves the factory.SIM card slotSD card slotDRAFT
10Set Up Your System Set Up Your Arlo Go CameraUse the Arlo app and your Arlo account to set up your Arlo Go camera. If you already have an Arlo account, you can add the Arlo Go camera to your account.During setup, your Arlo Go camera must be connected to an AT&T network. This requires that you are using a compatible device and a mobile service plan. Additional restrictions and data charges might apply. Coverage and service are not available everywhere.After you add your Arlo Go camera to your Arlo account, you can place the Arlo Go camera anywhere in AT&T’s network coverage area.For information about optimizing LTE connectivity, scan this QR code or visit To set up your Arlo Go camera:1.  Place the Arlo Go camera in a location with good cellular network coverage.2.  Make sure that the Alro Go camera is ready:•  You activated the SIM card.•  The SIM card is inserted in the camera.•  The Arlo Go camera LED is lit.3.  Launch the Arlo app from your smartphone.4.  If you already set up an Arlo account, log in, and tap Add Device.5.  If you are setting up a new Arlo account, tap New System Setup.DRAFT
11Set Up Your System 6.  Select Arlo Go.7.  Follow the onscreen instructions.8.  When prompted, hold the QR code that is displayed on your smartphone 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm) in front of the camera until you hear a chime sound.9.  Tap Yes if you heard a chime sound. If you did not hear a chime sound, do the following:a.  Tap No.b.  Move the camera closer to or farther away from the QR code. c.  When you hear a chime sound, tap Continue. 10. Wait for the app to discover the Arlo Go camera.  11. Choose a service plan.Note:  For more information, see Manage Your Subscription Plan on page 52..Your Arlo Go camera is set up.Place Your CameraYou can place your camera on a flat surface or mount it. ¾To mount the camera on a wall:1.  Place the wall plate and secure it with three screws.DRAFT
12Set Up Your System 2.  Attach the camera to the wall plate.If you’re mounting the camera  to drywall, be sure to use the included plastic drywall anchors.Arlo Go Access and Cloud StorageThe Arlo Go camera is designed to connect to the cellular network. During setup, the Arlo app uses the cellular network to find your Arlo Go camera so that you can add the camera to your Arlo account. After setup, the Arlo Go camera uses the cellular network to send recordings to the cloud storage associated with your Arlo account. For best results, NETGEAR recommends placing your Arlo Go camera in a location where it has at least three bars of LTE signal strength. If your Arlo Go camera is in an area with consistently low LTE signal strength (two bars or less), you might experience these problems: •  You are sometimes unable to view your camera live, or the video stream fluctuates. •  You are sometimes unable to watch recorded videos right away.•  Notifications are sometimes delayed.•  Your battery depletes more quickly than usual because your camera spends so much time attempting to reconnect to the network.DRAFT
13Set Up Your System Arlo Go Camera PositionWhen placing your Arlo Go camera, keep these tips in mind: •  Avoid placing the camera in an area that gets a lot of light shining directly into the camera lens.•  You can configure Arlo Go cameras to monitor part of the field view and to detect motion only in the areas that you want monitor.•  Keep active locations in the camera’s field of view. Arlo Go provides a 130-degree viewing angle. Position your camera so that the space you want to monitor is within the camera’s field of view.•  Aim with the cloud. To help with placing your camera, do a live stream from the Arlo Go camera. Aim the camera while watching the video feed on your Arlo smartphone app to make near-real-time adjustments to the camera’s position. For more information, see the YouTube video How to Install Arlo Go Smart Home Security Camera. Charge Your Arlo Go CameraThe Arlo Go battery is partially charged when it leaves the factory. You can charge your Arlo Go camera battery indoors or outdoors using the included water-resistant charging cable. Note: For safety reasons, your Arlo Go cannot charge at temperatures below freezing (32°F, 0°C).  ¾To charge the battery:1.  Connect the power adapter to the camera.Caution: You must use an Arlo Go power adapter to charge the battery. Do not try to power the camera or charge the battery with any power adapter other than the one provided with the Arlo Go camera.2.  Plug the power adapter into an electical outlet.DRAFT
14Set Up Your System The camera LED lights solid blue for two seconds when the camera battery is fully charged.Note:  You can buy spare Arlo Go  rechargeable batteries and charge them in the Arlo Charging Station (sold separately). For uninterrupted Arlo Go camera use, we recommend that you keep a fully charged spare battery on handCamera LED GuideThe Arlo Go camera LEDs light in dierent colors to indicate how the camera is operating.Slow blinking amber Mobile network coverage is  not available.Solid amber No SIM card is inserted or  the SIM card is damaged.Very slow blinking blue The camera is powering on.Blinking amber and purple The SD card type is invalid.Fast blinking amber The camera connected to the cellular network but it cannot connect to the cloud.For more information, visit  or scan this QR code:Slow blinking blue The camera is ready to scan  the QR code.Blinking amber and blue The camera is receiving a firmware upgrade.Fast blinking blue The camera is connected to  the cloud.Blinking blue and purple The camera is connecting to  the network and the cloud.DRAFT
152.  View Your ContentVideos recorded by your Arlo Go camera are stored in a library. You can view your recordings, mark them as favorites, and search using the filter.View the Devices PageWhen you launch the Arlo app, the Devices page displays.Live Feed IconTap or click Live to display Camera Icon Display is based on the mode and camera setupPause Motion detection is onRecord video manually Sound detection is onBrightness LTE signalMicrophone.  Start using Talk and Listen BatterySpeaker. Mute the audio SD cardFull screen.Camera nameCamera feedCamera iconsSelect devicesUnviewed recordingsRecordings libraryDetection modesSettingsAlarm, SettingsDRAFT
View Your Content 16View the Camera FeedsYou can view your Arlo Go camera feed at any time. ¾To view camera feeds:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. The icons above each camera feed depend on the rules in the currently selected mode. For information about these icons, see View the Devices Page on page 15.2.  To view and listen to a live feed, tap or click Live on the camera feed image.A row of live feed icons displays below the live stream image for the camera.3.  To stop viewing and listening to the live feed, tap or click the Pause icon.Record Clips From Live Video ¾To record clips from live video:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Live in the camera feed image.The camera feed icons display at the bottom of the camera feed image.3.  Tap or click Record Video  .This icon turns red to indicate that you are recording the live feed.4.  To stop recording, tap or click Record Video .Talk and Listen ¾To talk and listen:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.DRAFT
View Your Content 17The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Live in the camera feed image.3.  Tap or click Microphone  .A microphone button displays.4.  Wait for the button to turn bright green.This can take up to five seconds. When the button is bright green, Talk and Listen is ready. 5.  Press and hold or or click and hold the microphone button and speak.Control the Camera Feed ImageIf you use more than one camera, you can change the order in which the camera feeds are displayed on the Devices page. You can also zoom, invert, or rotate the camera feed image.Change the Camera Order ¾To change the camera order on the Devices page:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Under System, tap or click Camera Order .A list of cameras displays in the order that they display on the Devices page..4.  Tap or click Edit at the top of the page.A list icon displays.5.  Tap and hold or right-click the list icon and drag the camera to the correct position on the list.6.  Tap or click Done.Your settings are saved.DRAFT
View Your Content 18Zoom a Camera ImageTo zoom a camera image:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the camera.The camera settings display.4.  Tap or click Video Settings.5.  Under Activity Zones, tap or click Zoom .6.  Resize and position the image box as necessary.7.  Tap or click the Zoom icon  .Your settings are saved.Rotate a Camera FeedYou can invert the video feed image. ¾To rotate the video display:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.DRAFT
View Your Content 19The settings for the camera display.5.  Tap or click Video Settings.The Video Settings page displays.6.  Tap or click Rotate Image.7.  The camera feed image is inverted.Cloud RecordingWith cloud recording, everything the Arlo Go cameras record is sent to the cloud for secure storage in your library. You can access these recordings from anywhere you are using a mobile device, or on a Windows or Mac computer. All recordings are encrypted with the user name and password you create. No one else has access to your recordings. We provide free cloud storage for the life of the Arlo Go cameras. We store a rolling seven days of recordings that are created when the Arlo Go camera detects motion or sound. You can pay to store recordings in the cloud for the last 14 days or 30 days. You can download recordings and save them to your mobile device or computer for long-term storage.View RecordingsYour Arlo Go camera stores recordings in the library. You can use the filter and the calender to find and view specific recordings. Use the LibraryYou can use the library to find and view recordings based on the date. ¾To use the library:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Library.The calendar displays on the top of the page.DRAFT
View Your Content 203.  If it is more than one month since you started recording, use the arrows on either side of the month to choose a month to view.Days on which a video clip was recorded are indicated with a green circle.4.  Tap or click a highlighted date. Recordings from that date display below the calendar.Use the FilterYou can use the filter to find and view recordings based on criteria that you select.  ¾To use the filter to view your library:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Library.3.  Tap or click the Filter icon in the upper left corner of the page.The filter page displays.4.  Tap or click the filtering criteria that you want to use. 5.  To remove filtering, tap or click Reset.6.  Tap or click Done.The Filter icon   becomes solid green to show that you are using filtering.Recordings that match your filter selections display. Dates with recordings are highlighted in dark green.DRAFT
View Your Content 21Turn O the FilterThe Filter icon   on the Library page is solid green when you are using filtering. When filtering is used, only the recordings in your library that match your filter criteria display.  You can turn o filtering.  ¾To turn o filtering for your library:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Library.3.  Tap or click the Filter icon   in the upper left corner of the page.The Filter page displays.4.  Tap or click Reset at the bottom of the page.Filtering is turned o. The Filter icon   becomes an outline to show that filtering is not in use.Share and Download Clips ¾To share and download clips from the library:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Library.The Library page displays.3.  Tap or click a video.4.  Tap or click Share  .5.  Tap or click the method that you want to use to share the shapshot or video.The available methods depend on which apps you use on your smartphone or computer.DRAFT
 223.  Use an SD Card With Arlo GoAll Arlo video recordings are stored to the cloud, but you can connect a Micro SD card to your Arlo Go camera and use the SD card as a second location to store Arlo Go recordings locally. Local storage on an SD card cannot be used on its own as a substitute for cloud recording. If you connect an SD card, the camera records to both the cloud and the SD card. If the camera is powered on but its LTE connection drops, the camera continues to record to the SD card. Your Arlo Go camera uploads all recordings to the cloud as soon as the camera reconnects. The Arlo app notifies you if the SD card is low on storage space or is full. If you select automatic overwrite, the oldest recordings are automatically deleted when available storage on the SD card is below 20%. Unrelated files that are not in the Arlo folder are not deleted by automatic overwrite.The following hardware is required:•  An Arlo Go camera•  An SDHC or SDXC Micro SD card with at least 200 MB of available space. If you are using best quality video settings, one hour of recordings is approximately 180 MB. You need more storage space if your Arlo Go is in a high-trac area, your camera is set to record long video segments, or you do not want to use automatic overwrite. For more information about SD card types, see Supported SD Card Format on page 22.Supported SD Card FormatYour Arlo Go camera accepts Micro SD cards, SDHC or SDXC only, with up to 32 GB capacity, file format FAT32. For best performance, we recommend using class 4 or higher cards. If your Micro SD card is not formatted or is formatted with an incompatible file system, your Arlo Go can format the SD card to FAT32. The camera can format an SD card for you.  See Format an SD Card on page 26.DRAFT
23Use an SD Card With Arlo Go Insert an SD Card ¾To insert an SD card in an Arlo Go camera:1.  Unlock the battery compartment by pressing and holding the latch.2.  Gently pull the battery door back to open the compartment.3.  Insert the SD card into the SD card slot on the camera.4.  Press the edge of the SD card until it is completely seated in the slot.5.  Close the battery door.6.  Reboot the Arlo Go camera.You must reboot the Arlo camera after installing an SD card.View the SD Card StatusThe Arlo app notifies you if the SD card is getting full or if the SD card is not the correct format. You can also use the Arlo app to view the SD card status. ¾To view the status of of the SD card for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the camera.SD card slotDRAFT
24Use an SD Card With Arlo Go The camera settings display.4.  In the Storage section, tap or click SD Card.The SD Card Status shows whether the SD card is ready, needs to be formatted, or is full. Turn SD Card Recording O and On ¾To turn SD card recording o and on:1.  Insert the SD card into the SD slot on the Arlo Go camera.For more information, see Insert an SD Card on page 23.2.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 3.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The camera settings display.5.  Select Local Storage >  SD Card.The SD Card page displays.6.  Tap or click SD Card Reording.SD card recording toggles o and on.  If the slider is all the way to the right against a green background, SD card recording is enabled. If the slider is all the way to the left against a white background, SD card recording is disabled.DRAFT
25Use an SD Card With Arlo Go View Videos Saved on an SD CardTo view videos saved on a local storage SD card, you must remove the SD card from your Arlo Go camera. Cloud recording is still enabled, but SD card recording is disabled as soon as you remove the SD card.To view the files on your SD card, you need an SD card reader, often called a memory card reader. Most computers do not come equipped with an SD card reader, but many inexpensive readers are available with standard USB or Micro USB connectors. If you purchase an SD card reader, make sure that you choose one that can read Micro SD cards. ¾To view video clips on an SD card:1.  Safely eject the SD card.For more information, see Safely Eject and Remove an SD Card on page 25.2.  Wait for the Unmounting SD card progress message to close, then remove the SD card from your Arlo Go camera. WARNING: Do not interrupt power to the camera or remove the SD card while the SD card is being unmounted.3.  Insert the SD card into the Micro SD card slot in your card reader.4.  Wait for the SD card to appear in the available drives on your computer, then open the drive folder to view the files on your SD card.5.  Open the arlo folder.Recorded videos are saved in this folder in MP4 format. Video files are named according to this system: camera serial number_video number_date_video clip tag. Dates are in the format YYYYMMDD. Note:  If you are unable to play MP4 files on your computer, update your media player soware to the latest version and try again. You can also download a free universal multimedia player, such as VLC.DRAFT
26Use an SD Card With Arlo Go Change the SD Card Overwrite SettingBy default, if the SD card fills up, the oldest recording is erased to make room for new recordings. You can change this setting if you want. ¾To change the SD card overwrite setting:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the camera.The camera settings display.4.  In the Storage section, tap or click SD Card.The SD Card page displays.5.  Tap or click Automatic Overwrite.The setting changes.Format an SD CardWe support MicroSD cards, class 10 or higher, with up to 128 GB capacity, file format FAT32.The Arlo app displays a pop-up message to let you know if it is necessary to format the SD card. The camera can format the SD card. ¾To format an SD card:1.  Insert the SD card into the SD slot on the Arlo Go camera.For more information, see Insert an SD Card on page 23.2.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.DRAFT
27Use an SD Card With Arlo Go The Devices page displays. 3.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The camera settings display.5.  In the Storage section, tap or click SD Card.The SD Card page displays.6.  Tap or click Format SD Card.The SD card is formatted.Safely Remove an SD CardIt’s important to safely remove the SD card from your Arlo Go camera. If you remove an SD card while information is being recorded on it, the SD card might become permanently unusable or the files on the card might be corrupted. If you remove the SD card that is connected to your Arlo Go camera, SD card recording is disabled until you insert another SD card.  ¾ To safely remove a USB device from your camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays.2.  Select Settings > My Devices..The My devices page displays.3.  Tap or click the camera into which your SD card is inserted.4.  Select Local Storage.5.  Tap or click > next to SD Card.Note: If you named your SD card using a computer, the name displays instead.6.  Tap or click Safely Eject SD Card.DRAFT
28Use an SD Card With Arlo Go 7.  Wait for the Unmounting SD Card progress message to close, then remove the SD card from your camera.WARNING: Do not interrupt power to the camera or remove the SD card while the SD card is being unmounted.DRAFT
294.  Personalize Your CameraYou can customize Arlo Go settings such as the camera name to make it easier to manage. You can grant access to friends and set up cloud recording.Name Your CameraYou can easily customize your Arlo Go camera by renaming it. ¾To rename your Arlo Go camera: 1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of Arlo Go cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera.5.  In the Name field, delete the current name and enter a new name that reminds you of the camera’s location, such as Garage or Front Door.Camera names are limited to 32 characters.6.  Tap or click Save.Your settings are saved.Profile SettingsWhen you use New Setup, the email address and password that you enter are saved as your profile. You can change the password and the user name. In the mobile app, you are automatically logged in when you launch the Arlo app, but you can turn Auto Login o and on.DRAFT
Personalize Your Camera 30Change Your Password and User Name ¾To change your password and user name:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Under Account, tap or click Profile.The Profile page displays. 4.  If you are using a smartphone, tap Edit at the top of the page.The Profile page displays.5.  Type the new entries in the password and name fields.6.  Tap or click Done. Your settings are saved. Turn Auto Login On or O for a SmartphoneWhen Auto Login is turned on, launching the Arlo app on your smartphone automatically logs you in with the email address and password you used the last time you logged in. ¾To turn Auto Login on or o on your smartphone:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Under Account, tap or click Profile. DRAFT
Personalize Your Camera 31The Profile page displays.4.  Tap Auto Login. Your settings are saved.Grant Access to FriendsYou can add friends to your Arlo account. Friends can view live streams from your cameras, record video clips, view, share, mark as favorite, and delete clips from your library. Friends are granted limited access to some of the settings and features of your Arlo account. You can select which cameras friends can see and what administrative rights are available to them.Add a Friend ¾To add a friend to your Arlo Account:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Under Account, tap or click Grant Access.4.  Tap or click Add or the + symbol.5.  Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the person that you want to add as a friend.6.  Tap or click the cameras that you want the friend to be able to access.7.  Tap or click Send Invite.An email is sent inviting the friend to create an Arlo account. This friend’s name is displayed with the status Pending. When a friend accepts your invitation,  the status changes to Accepted.DRAFT
Personalize Your Camera 32Edit a Friend’s Access Privileges ¾To edit a friend’s access privileges:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.3.  Under Account, tap or click Grant Access.A list of your friends displays with the status of their accounts.4.  Tap or click the friend, and Tap or click Edit .The Edit page displays.5.  Tap or click cameras to select or deselect them.6.  Tap or click Allow Access Rights.Selecting the Allow Access Rights allows this friend to change your account and camera settings. 7.  Tap or click Done.Your settings are saved.Delete a Friend ¾To delete a friend’s privileges:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.3.  Under Account, Tap or click Grant Access.A list of your friends displays with the status of their accounts.4.  Select the friend, and Tap or click Edit .DRAFT
Personalize Your Camera 33The Edit page displays.5.  Tap or click Delete Friend.6.  Tap or click Yes.The friend is deleted.DRAFT
345.  Modes, Rules, and Smart AlertsModes let you use rules to set and control automated actions. With modes, Arlo Go can be on the lookout for you, even when you are not using the Arlo app.  Arlo Go comes with the following modes: Armed. Detection is on for this camera.  Disarmed . Detection is o for this camera. Schedule. Manage detection based on a schedule.If you add new modes, they are listed in the Arlo app with the Custom Mode icon  . You can customize the Armed and Schedule modes and you can add new modes. You might want to create a mode in which some motion sensors and cameras are active but others are not. For example, when you are sleeping, you might want your exterior cameras to be active, but your interior cameras to be inactive.Note:  You can create dierent modes for the same camera, but the camera can use only one mode at a time.Select a ModeYou can turn modes on and o manually or set modes to activate according to a schedule. Use the following method when you are not using a schedule to control a mode or to override an existing schedule. You must use at least one mode. The Arlo Q camera is always in a mode, even if that mode is set to do nothing. ¾To select a mode for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.DRAFT
35Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts 3.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera. The Mode page displays. 4.  Tap or click a mode to activate it.The mode that you selected turns on immediately. The mode stays active until you change it.When you view the camera feeds, the icons that display at the top of each the camera feed are based on the currently selected mode.  Motion. Motion detection is on. Sound. Audio detection is on.Change Motion SensitivityYou can easily change the sensitivity level for Arlo Go cameras. ¾To change the sensitivity level for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera.The Mode page displays..4.  Tap or click Edit next to the mode.The Edit Rule page displays.5.  Tap or click Edit  next to the rule that you want to edit.DRAFT
36Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts 6.  Under If the following, tap or click Edit next to Motion is detected.The Motion detection settings page displays.7.  Move the slider to adjust the sensitivity level for motion detection for this camera.If you used a mobile device to specify the settings, your settings are saved.8.  If you used a browser to specify the settings, click Save.Your settings are saved.Change Audio Sensitivity ¾To change audio sensitivity for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera.A list of modes displays.4.  Tap or click Edit next to Armed.The Edit Rule page displays.5.  Tap or click Edit next to the rule.6.  Under If the following, tap or click Edit next to Audio is detected.7.  Move the slider to the desired level of audio detection.If you used a mobile device to specify the settings, your settings are saved.DRAFT
37Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts 8.  If you used a browser to specify the settings, click Save.Your settings are saved.Manage AlertsArlo can push notifications to your smartphone, send you email alerts, or do both. To receive Arlo notifications on your phone, you must get the Arlo app.Note:  If you log out of the Arlo app on your smartphone or mobile device, you will stop receiving push notifications. ¾To change the alert settings for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera.A list of modes displays.4.  Tap or click Edit next to Armed or your custom mode.The Edit Rule page displays.5.  Under If the following, specify the motion detection and audio detection settings.6.  Under Then do the following, specify the settings for Arlo Go to respond to motion or sound detection by recording video.7.  Under Alert, tap or click Push Notification to turn alerts on and o for your mobile device.8.  For email notifications,  make sure that the Email Alerts check box is selected.9.  To specify an email address, tap or click Edit next to Email Alerts and enter the email address.DRAFT
38Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts Create a ScheduleYou can set a schedule to activate and deactivate cameras automatically. Schedules recur weekly.  For example, the schedule for Tuesday is repeated every Tuesday as long as the schedule is turned on.  Arlo is preconfigured with the following schedule:•  Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All motion sensors are on.•  All other times.  All motion sensors are o. ¾To set a schedule for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera. A list of available modes displays. 4.  Tap or click Schedule .5.  Tap or click Edit next to Schedule.6.  Drag the dividers to change the start and stop times.DRAFT
39Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts Add a ModeYou can add new modes to tell your Arlo Go camera what to do in certain situations. For example, you can set your Arlo Go camera to record videos when the motion sensor is activated and to alert you with an email message.You can use the rules you create within modes and schedules to customize your Arlo Go camera. With Arlo Go cameras, you can create one rule for each mode. ¾To add a mode for a camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the camera..4.  Tap or click Add a Mode.The New Mode page displays.5.  Enter a name for the mode and tap or click Next.The Trigger Device page displays.6.  Tap or click a device to select it and then tap or click Next.Note: If you only have one device, your device is preselected.7.  If you want the selected device to perform an action only when motion is detected, tap or click Next.Otherwise, select the check box for each trigger that you want to use and tap or click Next.8.  Set the Motion Sensitivity and Audio Detection Sensitivity using the sliders and tap or click Next.If you are using the Arlo mobile app, the Motion Sensitivity and Audio Detection Sensitivity sliders are on separate screens.DRAFT
40Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts You can use the sliders to adjust the sensitivity of the motion sensor:•  Raise the sensitivity percentage to increase the number of videos that Arlo captures.•  Lower the sensitivity percentage to decrease the number of videos that Arlo captures.Note:   If you’re not sure what motion sensitivity to use, you can use the motion detection test aer you finish creating the mode. For more information about the motion detection test, see <x-ref to motion detection test>9.  Select the device that you want to record video when motion or audio is detected and tap or click Next.If you only have one device, your device is preselected.10. Specify what you want your device to do when motion or audio is detected. You can select Record video or Do nothing.11. If you want to turn on the Arlo Go alarm when the device detects motion or sound, select the Turn Alarm  ON check box.12. Tap or click Next.13. If you selected Record video, use the slider to specify how long you want your device to record when motion or audio is detected and tap or click Next.14. If you selected Turn Alarm ON, set the sliders for Alarm Duration (in seconds) and Alarm Loudness and tap or click Next. 15. Select the notifications that you want to receive.16. If you are using the Arlo mobile app, tap Next.17. If you selected Send email alert, enter the email addresses that you want to receive alerts.18. If you are using the Arlo mobile app, tap Next. If you are using a web browser, click Finish.19. Review the summary of your settings and tap or click Save.Your new mode is saved. You can now select it from the mode menu.DRAFT
41Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts Motion Detection Activity ZonesYou can identify zones within the camera view where you want the Arlo Go camera to detect motion. These zones are called activity zones. You can also select which activity zone or zones detect motion. Create an Activity Zone ¾To create an activity zone:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The camera settings page displays.5.  Tap or click Video Settings.The Video Settings page displays.6.  Under Activity Zones, tap or click Create New Zone.An activity zone box displays in the camera feed image.7.  Move the box to the desired activity zone.You can resize the box using the corner arrows.8.  Tap or click Save.Your settings are saved.DRAFT
42Modes, Rules, and Smart Alerts Select an Activity Zone for a Rule ¾To select the activity zone where you want motion to be detected:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the Arlo Go camera.A list of modes displays.4.  Tap or click the Edit icon next to the mode.The Edit Rule page displays.5.  Under If the following, tap or click Edit next to Motion is detected.The Motion Detection page displays.6.  Under Motion Detection Zones, tap or click the zone where you want the Arlo Go camera to detect motion.If you used a mobile device to specify the settings, your settings are saved.7.  If you used a browser to specify the settings, click Save.Your settings are saved.DRAFT
436.  SettingsYou can view and change the Arlo Go settings.View Device Information ¾To view device information:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display. 5.  Scroll down to the Version heading and view the firmware version, hardware version, and the serial number.Turn the Camera LEDs O and OnThe Arlo Go LEDs indicate the status of the camera. They can be useful during set up and are helpful when troubleshooting. You can turn the LEDs o and on. We recommend that you wait until your camera is streaming before turning o the LEDs..If you turn o your camera’s LEDs, the LEDs remain o until you turn them back on again. If you remove and replace your Arlo Go’s battery while the camera is not plugged in, The LEDs light as usual while the camera is powering up, and then they turn o again as soon as the camera is done powering up. ¾To turn o the LED status light:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.DRAFT
Settings 44The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display.5.  Tap or click Status Light.Your settings are saved. Change the Time Zone ¾To change the time zone:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display.5.  Tap or click Time Zone.The Time Zone page displays. 6.  Tap or click a time zone.7.  Tap or click Done.Your settings are saved.DRAFT
Settings 45Change the Video ResolutionThe default video resolution is 720p. You can change this setting to a higher or lower resolution. Decreasing the resolution of Arlo Go videos reduces the required WiFi bandwidth. ¾To change the video resolution:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display.5.  Tap or click Video Settings.The Video Settings page displays.6.  Tap or click Video Resolution.The Video Resolution page displays. 7.  Tap or click a setting.8.  Tap or click Done.Your settings are saved.Turn Night Vision On and OWe recommend that you turn o night vision if the Arlo Go camera is facing reflective surfaces, such as windows.  ¾To turn night vision on and o:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.DRAFT
Settings 46The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display.5.  Tap or click Video Settings.The Video Settings page displays.6.  Tap or click Night Vision..Your settings are saved.Turn the Microphone O and On ¾To turn the microphone o and on:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.5.  Tap or click Audio Settings.The Audio Settings page displays.6.  Tap or click Microphone.Your settings are saved.DRAFT
Settings 47Change the Speaker SettingsYou can turn the speaker o and on and you can control the volume on your camera settings. ¾To change the speaker setting:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.5.  Tap or click Audio Settings.The Audio Settings page displays.6.  To turn the speaker o and on, tap or click Speaker.7.  To change the speaker volume, move the Speaker Volume slider.Your settings are saved.Specify Power ManagementYou can choose power management settings to optimize battery life, video quality, or a balance of both.Note:  In addition to these settings, usage also aects battery life. The following factors can reduce battery life: •  Extremely cold temperatures (below 32°F or 0°C)•  Low lighting•  Frequent motion triggering•  Longer video recordings•  Low LTE signal strength) DRAFT
Settings 48 ¾To change your power management settings:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices  page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices.The My Devices page displays.3.  Select the camera whose power management settings you want to change.4.  Tap or click Video Settings.5.  Under POWER MANAGEMENT, select a power setting:•  To extend your battery life, select Best Battery Life. This setting reduces video quality but improves battery life. •  For the best video quality, select Best Video. This setting reduces battery life but provides the best video quality. •  To balance battery life and video quality, select Optimized. Update the FirmwareFirmware updates are released automatically to all connected Arlo devices. Automatic updates happen between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. to minimize camera downtime. If the firmware update is a major one, you might be unable to stream from your camera until your firmware is updated. You can wait until the update happens automatically between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., or you can update your firmware manually. Note:  Even when you cannot view your camera live, motion and sound detection still work and your camera still records based on the currently selected mode. ¾To update your Arlo Go firmware manually:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices  page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings > My Devices .DRAFT
Settings 49The My Devices page displays.3.  Select the Arlo Go camera that you want to update.4.  Tap or click Device Info > Firmware > Update.WARNING: Do not disconnect your camera, open the battery door, or remove the battery while the firmware update is in progress.5.  Wait for the firmware update to complete.The camera’s LED blinks amber and blue while the firmware is downloading and installing. After the firmware is installed, the camera reboots and the LED is o. When the LED lights again and the pattern stops changing, your camera is available to stream.View or Change Cellular Network Settings ¾To view or change cellular network settings:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Select the Arlo Go camera.The My Devices page displays.4.  Scroll down to the NETWORK section.This section displays techncial information about the Arlo Go camera’s cellular network connection settings. 5.  To view or change APN settings, tap or click APN Settings.The Edit APN page displays. Changing the APN might cause your camear to be unreachable to the network. Do not change these settings unless instructed to do so by network support.DRAFT
Settings 50Restart the Camera ¾To restart the camera:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display.5.  Scroll down and Tap or click Restart.The camera restarts.Reset the Camera to Its Factory SettingsResetting the camera to its factory settings erases the camera’s current settings and removes the camera feed from your Arlo app.. ¾To reset the camera to its factory settings:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Select the Arlo Go camera.The My Devices page displays.4.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page.5.  Tap or click Factory Settings.DRAFT
516.  Tap or click Yes.7.  Follow the onscreen instructions to display a QR code and to position it in front of the Arlo Go camera.8.  When the Arlo Go camera makes a chime sound, tap or click Yes.The camera resets to its factory settings and the camera feed no longer displays in your Arlo app.Remove a Camera From Your Account ¾To remove a camera from your account:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Tap or click My Devices.A list of cameras displays.4.  Tap or click the camera.The settings for the camera display.5.  Scroll down and click Remove Device.The camera is removed from your account and its settings are deleted.DRAFT
527.  Manage Your Subscription PlanEvery Arlo Go camera includes free Basic service that oers basic features and functionality. When activating your Arlo Go camera, you can choose between the Basic, Premier, and Elite service plans. Subscription PlansUpgrading to a paid service level gives you the ability to expand your Arlo Go camera to suit your specific needs. Depending on your service level, you can add cameras or cloud storage and share recordings with friends and family. For information about service plans, visit can upgrade a Basic or Premier subscription at any time. When you upgrade from a paid subscription to a higher service level, the system calculates any unused portion of the current term and deducts that prorated amount from the total cost of the upgrade. You can also select a Continuos Video Recording (CVR) plan.Renew Your Service PlanMonthly plans automatically renew each month until you upgrade to an annual plan or cancel, eective the next billing cycle.  Annual plans autorenew by default but can be configured to expire at the end of the current annual term.Select a Premier or Elite Subscription Plan ¾To select a Premier or Elite subscription plan:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Under Account, tap or click Subscription.The Subscription page displays.4.  Tap or click Change Subscription.DRAFT
53Manage Your Subscription Plan The Subscription Plan page displays.5.  To change to a Premier or Elite plan, tap or click SELECT.6.  Follow the onscreen instructions to change your subscription. After your payment is processed, Your service level information is updated on the Subscription page.Start or Stop a Continuos Video Recording PlanContinuous video recording, or CVR, is an optional feature available on Arlo Go cameras. CVR records all the action 24/7 so that you can rewind any camera to any minute of any day and catch anything you missed.  ¾ To start or stop a CVR subscription plan:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click Settings.The Settings page displays.3.  Under Account, tap or click Subscription.The Subscription page displays.4.  Tap or click Change Subscription.The Subscription Plan page displays.5.  Tap or click No changes? Continue.The Continuous Video Recording (CVR) plan page displays.6.  Follow the onscreen instructions.An email message is sent to you to confirm the service level update , the eective date, and any prorated refund amount for any unused portion of the current term.DRAFT
548.  Arlo ConnectArlo Connect is a simple way to integrate Arlo devices into other smart home platforms using standard and secure cloud integration. Use Arlo With IFTTTYou can use the Arlo app with IFTTT (If This Then That), a free cloud-based service that connects smart home devices and applications. To add Arlo to your IFTTT app, visit learn more about Arlo and IFTTT, visit Arlo Cameras With SmartThingsYou can integrate your Arlo cameras into the SmartThings app, so all your smart devices work together. For example, if your Arlo camera detects motion, SmartThings can tell your Aeon Labs Siren to trigger your alarm.  For more information, see  Chapter 8. Use SmartThings With Arlo Cameras on page 49DRAFT
559.  Use SmartThings With Arlo CamerasWith Samsung SmartThings, you can integrate your Arlo cameras into the SmartThings app, so all your smart devices can work together. For example, if your Arlo camera detects motion, SmartThings tells your Aeon Labs Siren to trigger your alarm. After you integrate your Arlo Wire-Free Cameras into the SmartThings app, you must use the SmartThings app to configure your modes and rules. If you try to edit your modes and rules in the Arlo app, you will disarm the SmartThings mode.  You can continue to use the Arlo app to view the library.Note:  Aer syncing your Arlo cameras with the SmartThings app, a SmartThings mode displays in your Arlo app. Your Arlo system must remain in the SmartThings mode for your system to work correctly with the SmartThings app. All mode configuration must be done in the SmartThings app. If you choose to no longer use the SmartThings app, delete the SmartThings mode in your Arlo app, and delete the Arlo cameras from the things menu in the SmartThings mobile app.Prepare Arlo to Work With SmartThingsUse Arlo Camera Names That Are Easy to RecognizeBefore integrating your cameras with the SmartThings app, make sure that the names of your cameras are easy to understand. If you choose not to rename your cameras, the camera’s serial number becomes the camera’s name in the SmartThings app. For information about how to change the camera names, see Name Your Cameras on page 25.Arlo camera feed integrated into the SmartThings appDRAFT
Use SmartThings With Arlo Cameras 56Disarm Your CamerasWhen you integrate your Arlo Wire-Free cameras with SmartThings, a new SmartThings mode is created in the Arlo app. Because SmartThings manages your Arlo cameras, they must be in Disarmed mode before you can begin the integration setup. You cannot use Schedule mode or Geofencing mode at the same time as SmartThings mode.  You must also disable any IFTTT recipes that change the Arlo system mode. ¾To disarm your cameras:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.The Cameras page displays.2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the camera. The Mode page displays. 4.  Tap Disarmed.5.  Exit the Arlo app.   Integrate Your Arlo Cameras With the SmartThings AppTo integrate your Arlo cameras into the SmartThings app:1.  Make sure that your cameras are disarmed in the Arlo app.See Disarm Your Cameras on page 56.2.  Launch the SmartThings mobile app. 3.  If you do not own a SmartThings account, visit to create an account.4.  Log in to your SmartThings app. 5.  Tap Marketplace > Things > Safety and Security.DRAFT
Use SmartThings With Arlo Cameras 576.  Tap Cameras > Netgear Arlo. 7.  Tap Arlo (connect).8.  Tap Connect to Arlo.9.  Enter your Arlo login credentials10. On the bottom of the page, accept the Privacy Policy.11. Tap Done at the upper-right corner. 12. Tap Connect to Arlo Cameras and select the cameras that you want to sync with the SmartThings app.13. Tap Done > Next > Done.14. Tap My Home > Things. 15. To change your camera’s settings, tap the settings icon. Note:  Repeat this step for each camera that you synced with your SmartThings app. Your Arlo Wire-Free Cameras are in the SmartThings   mode in your Arlo app. For more information about integrating your Arlo cameras into the SmartThings app, visit DRAFT
Use SmartThings With Arlo Cameras 58Adjust the Motion Sensitivity LevelWhen you integrate Arlo into the SmartThings app, the motion sensitivity for each camera is set to a default of 80. If your camera works more eectively at a dierent setting, you can use the Arlo app to change it. ¾To adjust the motion sensitivity level:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.If you are using a computer, enter in the address bar of a browser.The Cameras page displays. 2.  Tap or click Mode.A list of cameras displays.3.  Tap or click the  camera.The Mode page displays.4.  If you are not sure what motion sensitivity level you have been using, tap or click Edit next to Armed mode.The Edit Rule page displays.5.  Tap or click Edit  next to the rule that you want to edit.6.  Under If the following, tap or click Edit next to Motion is detected.The Motion detection settings page displays.7.  Note the motion sensitivity setting, but do not select Armed mode..8.  Return to the Mode page.9.  Tap or click Edit next to SmartThings mode.The Edit Rule page displays.10. Tap or click Edit  next to the rule that you want to edit.11. Under If the following, tap or click Edit next to Motion is detected.The Motion detection settings page displays.12. Set the motion sensitivity level to match the setting that you viewed in Step 7.DRAFT
59Adjust Push NotificationsWhen you integrate Arlo with SmartThings, the Arlo app sends push notifications to the SmartThings app. Then the SmartThings app sends you notifications about Arlo and your other smart things. If you still receive push notifications from Arlo, on your smartphone, use your smartphone settings to turn o the Arlo notifications. Email notifications are not needed.DRAFT
6010. TroubleshootingCheck Arlo Go’s LTE Signal Strength ¾To check your Arlo Go’s LTE signal strength:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Find your Arlo Go camera.3.  Tap or click Settings.4.  Scroll down to the NETWORK section.AT&T signal strength displays in this section.5.  If your camera has 0, 1, or 2 bars of LTE signal strength, consider moving your Arlo Go camera to a location with better signal strength. If your camera normally has at least three bars of signal strength, bad weather or heavy LTE network usage might be weakening your camera’s LTE connection. Wait 30-60 minutes and check again to see if coverage improves. If coverage is consistently bad for two or more days, consider moving your Arlo Go camera to a location with better signal strength.Check Arlo Go’s Battery Level ¾To check your Arlo Go’s battery level:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Find your Arlo Go camera. If the battery icon is yellow or red, recharge your Arlo Go camera’s battery or insert a fully charged battery.If the battery icon is black, the battery level is not low enough to cause streaming problems.DRAFT
61Troubleshooting Arlo Go Is Not Streaming on a Mobile Device ¾To troubleshoot problems with your Arlo Go video stream:1.  Make sure that your mobile device has good LTE signal strength.If your Arlo Go’s LEDs light amber and blink rapidly, your Arlo Go is in an LTE coverage area but can’t connect to the Arlo cloud.  See Arlo Go has LTE service but can’t connect to the Arlo cloud on page 60..If your Arlo Go’s LEDs light amber and blink slowly, the camera is outside of the LTE coverage area. For more information about your Arlo Go’s LED behavior, see Camera LED Guide on page 14.2.  Move your Arlo Go camera to an area with better LTE coverage.3.  Make sure that your Arlo Go camera has at least three bars of LTE signal strength. Low signal strength can cause the camera to stream intermittently.  See Check Arlo Go’s LTE Signal Strength on page 60.4.  Make sure that your Arlo Go is at least 6 ½ feet (2 meters) away from any Wi-Fi enabled devices, major electrical equipment, large metal or concrete objects, or other sources of signal interference.  5.  Make sure that your Arlo Go’s battery is not low. A low battery can cause the camera to stream intermittently. See Check Your Arlo Go’s Battery Level on page 61.6.  If you still cannot see Arlo Go video streams after completing these troubleshooting steps, contact Arlo Support to speak to an expert.Cannot View Arlo Live Streaming in a Web BrowserYour Arlo Go camera on a computer, your web browser or your Internet network might be causing the streaming problem. The Arlo web client uses the Adobe Flash plug-in to display your camera streams in a browser. Make sure that your browser is not blocking the plug-in and that you are using the latest version of Adobe Flash.Your router might be blocking the ports to which Arlo sends data. To ensure that Arlo can stay connected, you must keep the ports 443 and 80 open on your router:DRAFT
62Troubleshooting Troubleshoot an Oine Arlo Go Camera ¾To troubleshoot when your Arlo Go camera is oine:1.  Unplug your Arlo Go camera, remove the battery, reinsert the battery, and notice the camera LED behavior when the door is closed.•  If the LED does not light, check to make sure that the battery is installed in the correct orientation and that the battery is not dead.If the battery is low or dead, plug in the camera or insert a fully charged battery.•  If the LED blinks blue very slowly, the camera is starting up.Wait 20-30 seconds, until the LED pattern stops changing.2.  Note the LED behavior after the camera is done starting up:•  The LED blinks blue rapidly. The camera is connected to the cloud.Log out of the Arlo app on your mobile device or web browser and log back in again. If your camera still appears oine in the Arlo app, contact Arlo Support to speak to an expert.•  The LED blinks blue and purple. The camera is connecting to the network and the cloud. Wait for the LED behavior to stop changing and check it again.•  The LED lights solid blue. The camera is not connected to an Arlo account. Complete the new camera setup process.•  The LED lights solid amber. No SIM card is inserted or the SIM card is damaged.Contact AT&T Support for a new SIM card.•  The LED blinks amber slowly. Your camera does not have LTE network coverage. Move the camera to an area with LTE coverage.•  The LED blinks amber rapidly. The camera is connected to the cellular network, but it cannot connect to the cloud. •  The LED blinks amber and blue. The camera is receiving a firmware upgrade. Do not open the battery compartment or unplug the camera until the upgrade is complete and the camera is done rebooting. Wait for the LED to turn o for several seconds, turn back on again, slowly blink blue for 20-30 seconds, and settle into a new behavior.DRAFT
63Troubleshooting Note: If the LED blinks blue slowly during the startup process and then shows a dierent color briefly before it turns o, you might have the LED turned o in your settings. If your camera is still oine and you missed the behavior that the LED was showing right before it turned o, repeat steps 1 and 2 and pay close attention to the LED. 3.  If your camera is still oine, visit Arlo Support to speak with an expert.Not Receiving Push NotificationsYou must be logged in to the Arlo app to receive Arlo alerts on your smartphone or mobile device.  Arlo registers your device for push notification when you log in. If you used the logout option instead of simply exiting the app, you must log back in to the app. You receive Arlo alerts even if your device is sleeping.If you did all of the following and are still not getting Arlo Go alerts, contact NETGEAR support.Check the Rules Settings for Armed ModesCheck the rules in your modes. Make sure that Push Notification is enabled in the Armed mode or in a custom mode if you created one.  ¾To check push notification in the Armed mode setting:1.  Tap the Arlo icon   on your mobile device.You can also enter in the address bar of a browser.The Devices page displays. 2.  Tap or click the Mode button.A list of cameras displays.3.  Select the Arlo Go camera.A list of modes displays.4.  Tap or click the Edit icon next to Armed.The Edit Rule page displays.5.  Under Alert, make sure that the Push Notification check box is selected.6.  Save your changes.DRAFT
64Troubleshooting Check the Arlo App Settings on an iOS DeviceMake sure that you allow the Arlo app to receive push notifications. The Arlo app push notifications can be disabled on iOS and Android devices.  ¾To allow Arlo push notifications on iOS devices:1.  Tap the Settings icon for your iOs device.2.  Select Notifications > Arlo..The Arlo notification settings display.3.  Make sure that Allow Notification is selected.Check the Arlo App Settings on an Android Device ¾To allow Arlo push notifications on Android devices:1.  Tap the Settings icon for your Android device.2.  Select  Application Manager > Arlo. The Arlo notification settings display.3.  Make sure that the Show Notifications setting is enabled.If You Said No to Push Notifications at InstallationWhen you install the Arlo app for the first time, to receive alerts, you must select Allow when asked if you want Arlo to send you push notifications.  For iOS apps, after you respond to this alert, it is not presented again unless the device is restored or the app is uninstalled for at least a day.If you said  no on an iOS device, uninstall the app, wait for a day, and then reinstall it, and allow notifications. If you do not want to wait a day before you reinstall the app, you can use the system clock on your device to simulate a day. Set the system clock forward a day or more, turn your device o, and then turn the device back on. After you reinstall the app, return the system clock to the correct setting.DRAFT
6511. Rechargeable Battery SafetySafety Rules for Arlo Go Rechargeable BatteriesArlo Go Wire-Free HD Security Cameras use rechargeable batteries and can go wherever you need them. But ALL batteries can EXPLODE, CATCH FIRE, and CAUSE BURNS if disassembled, punctured, cut, crushed, short-circuited, incinerated, or exposed to water, fire, or high temperatures, so you need to handle them with care.To use Arlo Go rechargeable batteries safely, follow these guidelines:•  ALWAYS store spare batteries in a cool, dry, ventilated area.•  ALWAYS make sure that the battery compartment is clean and free of any debris before inserting new batteries.•  ALWAYS make sure the battery contacts are aligned.•  ALWAYS keep all batteries away from children.•  ALWAYS follow local waste and recycling laws when throwing used batteries away.•  ALWAYS use an Arlo Go power adapter or an Arlo Go Charging Station (sold separately) to charge Arlo Go rechargeable batteries.•  NEVER place Arlo Go rechargeable batteries in a pocket, purse, or other receptacle, especially those containing metal objects.•  NEVER store Arlo Go rechargeable batteries with hazardous or combustible materials.•  NEVER let an Arlo Go rechargeable battery or battery compartment get wet—before, during, or after installation. (Remember your camera itself is weatherproof, but its interior battery compartment and batteries aren’t).•  NEVER disassemble, cut, crush, puncture, short-circuit, dispose of in fire or water, or expose your Arlo Go rechargeable battery to temperatures above 60°C (140°F).DRAFT
66Rechargeable Battery Safety Safety Rules for Arlo Go Charging StationThe Arlo Go Charging Station is sold separately. You can use the charging station to charge one or two Arlo Go rechargeable batteries. For more information about the Arlo Go Charging Station, see the instructions that are included in the Arlo Go Charging Station package.When using the Arlo Go Charging Station, follow these guidelines to avoid personal injury and property damage from, but not limited to, the risk of electric shock or fire:•  Charge only Arlo Go Rechargeable Batteries compatible with the Arlo Go Charging Station. Charging other batteries may cause them to leak, rupture, or explode.•  Use the charger only in dry locations. Keep away from rain, snow, or excessive moisture.•  Do not operate the charging station if it or its cord is damaged.•  Do not disassemble, modify, or attempt to use the charging station as a power source.•  Do not disassemble the battery, dispose of the battery in fire, put the battery in backward, mix it with used or other battery types, or short circuit the battery. The battery might ignite, explode, leak, or get hot, causing injury.DRAFT
FederalCommunicationCommissionInterferenceStatementThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneofthefollowingmeasures:‐ Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.‐ Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.‐ Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.‐ Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.FCCCaution:Anychangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatethisequipment.Thistransmittermustnotbeco‐locatedoroperatinginconjunctionwithanyotherantennaortransmitter.

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