Nice S p A 433AIRI Remote Control Transmitter User Manual

Nice S.p.A. Remote Control Transmitter

User manual

NiceAIR 1RWI/USensorInstructions and warnings for installation and useNice SpAOderzo TV Italiainfo@niceforyou.comwww.niceforyou.comGENERAL WARNINGS: SAFETY - INSTALLATION - USE (original instructions in Italian)CAUTION During device installation, always strictly observe all instructions in this manual. If in any doubt regard-ing installation, do not proceed and contact the Nice Technical Assis-tance for claricationsCAUTION Important instructions: Keep these instructions in a safe place to en-able future product maintenance and disposal operations. CAUTION All installation procedures, con-nections, programming and main-tenance of the product must be performed exclusively by a quali-ed technician!•Do not open the device protection housing as it con-tains non-serviceable electrical circuits•Never apply modications to any part of the device.  Operations other than as specied can only cause malfunctions. The manufacturer declines all liability for damage caused by makeshift modications to the product•Never place the device near sources of heat and never expose to naked ames. This may damage it and cause malfunctions•This product is not intended to be used by persons (including children) whose physical, sensory or men-tal capacities are reduced, or who lack the neces-sary experience or skill, unless they are supervised or instructed by a person responsible for their safety.•Make sure that children do not play with the product•On the power line to the system, install a device for disconnection from the power mains with a gap be-tween contacts that assures complete disconnec-tion in the conditions of overvoltage category IIIOTHER  WARNINGS•Make sure that the surface of the sensor is as clean as possible and is not obstructed: clean the surface using a soft cloth avoiding the use of substances containing alcohol, benzene, solvents or similar products•Handle the product with care, being sure not to crush, knock or drop it in order to avoid damage•The product packaging material must be disposed of in full observance of current local legislation gov-erning waste disposal1PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND INTENDED USEThis sensor is part of the “AIR” touchless sensor Nice range. The sensors of these ranges are used to control automation mechanisms for blinds: any external use is forbidden!  CAUTION!  -  All  uses  other  than  the  intended use described and use in environmental condi-tions other than those described in this manual should be considered improper and forbidden!2INSTALLATION2.1 - Functional specicationsThe “AIR” range consists of portable models. Every model is provided with a plate (contained in the pack-age) to mount the sensor on the wall. To install this ac-cessory please refer to g. 1.The “RESET” button is located on the back of the sen-sor. To access it, you must rst remove the cover (g. 2).2.2 - Testing the sensorBefore memorizing the sensor in the receiver of the mo-tor, check its proper operation by pressing the “RESET” button on the back of it (g. 2) and observing whether the rst (top) LED lights up. If it does not, refer to the section entitled “Replacing the Battery” in this manual.Make one of the hand gestures listed in Table 1 and check that the awning moves.2.3 - Specic functions of the sensorWith this sensor, it is possible to send a command to the automation with a hand gesture, selected from in Table 1. Caution! - Keep the hand at a maximum distance of 5 cm.  - Do not touch the surface of the sensor during the gesture.MAX 5 cmIS0432A01MM_20-01-2017Table 1 ▲- switching on the automation- UP command ▼- switching off the automation- DOWN command ■- STOP3MEMORISING THE SENSOR ON THE AUTOMATION RECEIVERTo memorize the sensor in a control unit (or in a receiv-er) it is possible to choose one of the following proce-dures, compatibly with the presence of this in the man-ual of the control unit or the receiver:A - Memorization in “Mode 1”B - Memorization in “Mode 2”C -  Memorization of a new transmitter through another already memorizedNote – key “■” (= Stop) on the transmitter specied in this manual is equivalent to the sensor key “RESET” as shown in g. 2.The detailed instructions of each procedure are report-ed in the instruction manual of the motor or the control unit with which you want to make the transmitter work. These manuals are also available in the website: Since in the manuals the transmitter keys may be iden-tied with symbols or numbers please refer to  Table 1 to know the correspondence between these and the transmitter keys.3.1 - Memorization in “Mode 1”This mode automatically pairs all available motor com-mands with the various hand gestures permitted by the sensor, without allowing the installer to pair commands and gestures individually. In other words, during the execution of the procedure that memorizes the sensor in this mode, the system automatically combines the commands available in the motor with each gestures on the sensor.  At the end of the procedure each ges-ture will be combined with a certain command, accord-ing to the factory set layout3.2 - Memorization in “Mode 2”This mode allows the installer to manually pair motor commands with sensor hand gestures. The installer is therefore able to decide which command to pair with which gesture. In this mode of memorisation, it is the installer who determines which command (of those available for the motor) is paired with which sensor hand gesture.At the end of the procedure, to memorize another ges-ture with another command desired, it will be neces-ENsary to repeat the procedure once again.  Caution!  - Each automation mechanism has its own list of commands that can be memorized in Mode 2; therefore consult the manual of the motor or the con-trol unit to choose the command you want to combine with the sensor gesture.3.3 - Memorization of a new transmitter through another already memorizedThis procedure memorizes additional sensors, if at least one transmitter is already memorized in the motorThe procedure memorizes a new transmitter in the mo-tor, by working at a maximum distance of 20m from this, together with another transmitter already memo-rized in the same motor. The procedure allows the new sensor to memorise the same commands as the previ-ous sensor, according to Table 1.Note – Signals may vary depending on the product to which the sensor is connected. Consult the complete manual for each individual product.
4REPLACING THE BATTERIESWhen the batteries run down, the range of the sensor is signicantly reduced. The LEDS takes a while to light up (= batteries almost exhausted) and that the bright-ness  of  the  LEDS  is  dimmed  (=  batteries  completely exhausted). In these cases, in order to restore the nor-mal operation of the sensor, you need to replace the ex-hausted batteries with two of the same type (observing the polarity shown ing. 3).5SCRAPPINGThis product is an integral part of the automation and must be scrapped with it.As when installing the product, when the product reaches the end of its service life, it must be scrapped by a qualied technician.This product comprises various types of materials: some may be recycled others must be disposed of.  Seek information on the recycling and disposal systems available in your area for this product category. WARNING! Some parts of the product may con-tain pollutants or hazardous substances which, if released into the environment, may cause serious damage to the environment or human health.As indicated by the symbol, the product may not be disposed of as domestic waste. Sort the materials for disposal, ac-cording to the methods envisaged by cur-rent legislation in your area, or return the product to the retailer when purchasing a new version. WARNING!! - Local legislation may include the application  of  serious  nes  in  the  event  of  im-proper disposal of this product.Battery disposal  ATTENTION!  -  Exhausted  batteries  contain polluting substances; therefore they may not be disposed of together with unsorted household waste.  They must be disposed of separately, ac-cording to the regulations locally in force.6TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS All technical specications stated herein refer to an ambient temperature of 20° C (± 5° C).  • Nice S.p.a. reserves  the  right  to  apply  modications  to  products at any time when deemed necessary, maintaining the same intended use and functionality.AIR 1RWI/UPower supply 2 1.5 Vdc AAAA alkaline batteriesBattery life approx. 2 years, with 10 trans-missions a dayFrequency 433.92 MHz (±100 kHz)Radiated power approx. 1 mW E.R.P.Radio coding standard O-CodeOperating temperature+0°C ... +40°CEstimated range 35 m (inside buildings)Protection class IP 40 (for household use or in protected environments)Dimensions  125 mm x 80 mm x 12.5 mmWeight 100 gNote – The range of the transmitters and the recep-tion capacity of the Receivers are greatly affected by the presence of other devices (such as: alarms, radio headsets, etc.) operating in your area at the same frequency.  In these cases, Nice cannot offer any warranty regarding the actual range of its devices.12312Compliance with the FCC rules (Part 15) and with RSS-210 rulesThis device complies with Industry Canada’s licen-ce-exempt RSS-210s, and with Part 15 of the FCC rules of the United States of America. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference; (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Any changes or modications made to this device, wi-thout the express permission of the manufacturer, may void the user’s authority to operate this device.

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