Nolangroup S p A NCOM14 Bluetooth Headset with Intercom function User Manual final rev 01

Nolangroup S.p.A. Bluetooth Headset with Intercom function final rev 01

User Manual final_rev.01

EN M1                                                                       M1 - 19/04/2017 10:38:00 USER INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY  Congratulations on your purchase of an N-Com product.  N-Com  M1  was  made  using  the  most  advanced  technologies  and  the  best materials. Long-running  tests  and  thorough  system development have allowed the highest audio quality to be achieved.  For additional information about M1 visit the website    Firmware Version: 1.0x   REFERENCE STANDARDS The products of the N-Com line are in compliance with standards as per the table below:  M1 The Bluetooth system complies with the main safety requirements and other applicable provisions of Directive 99/5/CE, Directive 2009/65/EC, Directive 2011/65/CE, Directive 2012/19/EU  Battery charger Directive 2006/95, 2004/108, 2009/65/EC, 2011/65/CE, 2012/19/EU, 2009/125/CE  Battery Directive 2006/66 The  Declarations  of  Compliance  can  be  downloaded  from  the  website (Download section).  FCC ID: Y6MNCOM14  IC: 9455A-NCOM14    R-NZ  Bluetooth is a registered trademark property of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
   Contents  1. WARNINGS AND SAFETY ................................................................................................. 5 1.1.Road safety ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2.Switching on the system in safe environments ......................................................................................... 5 1.3.Interferences.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.4.Appropriate use ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5.Qualified personnel ................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.6.Accessories and batteries .................................................................................................................................... 6 1.7. Disposal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. CONTENT OF THE PACKAGING ...................................................................................... 7 3. INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.Positioning the microphone............................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.Installing the system .............................................................................................................................................. 9 3.3.Installing the adhesive keypad........................................................................................................................ 11 3.4.Positioning the speakers .................................................................................................................................... 11 3.5.Removing the system .......................................................................................................................................... 12 4. FUNCTION KEYS ............................................................................................................... 12 5. BASIC FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................... 13 5.1.N-Com Wizard and N-Com App .................................................................................................................... 13 6. PAIRING UP BLUETOOTH DEVICES .............................................................................. 14 6.1.Affiliation reset function .................................................................................................................................... 14 7. MOBILE PHONE FUNCTIONS......................................................................................... 15 8. GPS SATELLITE NAVIGATOR FUNCTIONS ................................................................... 15 9. BLUETOOTH A2DP MUSIC PLAYER .............................................................................. 16 10. AUDIO DEVICES WITH CABLE CONNECTION ............................................................ 16 11. RIDER-PASSENGER INTERCOM MODE ........................................................................ 17 11.1.Intercom affiliation............................................................................................................................................. 17 11.2.Intercom function ............................................................................................................................................... 17 12. EMERGENCY STOP SIGNAL (ESS).................................................................................. 18 13. BATTERY ............................................................................................................................. 19 13.1.Battery discharged signal................................................................................................................................ 19 13.2.Recharging the system..................................................................................................................................... 19 14. SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTROLS ................................................................................ 20 15. LIMITED WARRANTY ....................................................................................................... 21 15.1.Warranty coverage............................................................................................................................................. 21 15.2.Exclusions and limitations of the coverage ............................................................................................ 21 15.3.Validity of this limited warranty ................................................................................................................... 21 15.4.Procedure for the forwarding of claims ................................................................................................... 22 15.5.Product identification ....................................................................................................................................... 22 16. WARRANTY REGISTRATION FORM .............................................................................. 23
 M1  5 1. WARNINGS AND SAFETY Read this User Manual carefully, as well as the simple rules listed below. Failure to comply with these rules may lead to dangerous situations.  Caution: The product cannot be used in official or non-official competitions, motordromes, circuits, racing tracks and the like. Caution: Installation of the N-Com M1 system results in a weight increase of approximately 100 g, which is added to the weight of the helmet and of the other accessories. Warning:  The  electronic  components  of  the  N-Com  system  mounted  inside  the  helmet  are  not  waterproof. Consequently, make sure the inside of the helmet, including the comfort padding, does not get wet in order to avoid damage to the system. If it does, remove the N-Com system and the helmet comfort padding and let it air dry. Disconnect the battery connector and let it dry as well.  1.1. Road safety Always obey all Traffic Regulations in force. While riding the motorcycle, your hands should always be engaged in actually riding the vehicle. Any operation to the N-Com system must be carried out with the vehicle stopped.   Specifically:  Set your cell phone on automatic answer (see the cell phone instructions to do this).  If your cell phone is not equipped with this function, first stop your vehicle in a safe area, in compliance with Traffic Regulations and then answer the call.  Do not make any calls while riding. Stop your vehicle in a safe place in compliance with Traffic Regulations, and then make the call.  Adjust the volume so that it does not cause a disturbance or distraction while riding and at the same time allows you to distinctively hear background noises.  Do not operate your cell phone or other devices connected to N-Com while riding your motorcycle.  In all cases, obey the Traffic Regulations and remember that riding the motorcycle has absolute priority over any other maneuver.  The M1 system is equipped with an emergency brake light (ESS – Emergency Stop Signal). The ESS system IS NOT intended to replace the stop or brake lights fitted on the motorcycle, consequently its operation alone is not enough for proper brake signaling.   Make sure that the use of the emergency brake light (ESS – Emergency Stop Signal) is not in conflict with the regulations in force in the country where you will be travelling.  1.2. Switching on the system in safe environments  When using the N-Com system, comply with all limitations and instructions related to the use of cell phones.   Do not turn on your cell phone or the N-Com system whenever their use is forbidden or when the devices can cause interference or dangerous situations.  Turn  off  while  refueling.  Do  not  use  the  N-Com  system  in  filling  stations.  Do  not  use  the  device  near combustible materials or chemical products.  Turn off in proximity to explosive materials.  1.3. Interferences All  phones  and  devices  with  wireless  signal  transmission  are  subject  to  interferences  that  may  affect  the performance of  the  device  connected to  them.  These  interferences  are  not  ascribable to  a  defect  of  the N-Com system.  1.4. Appropriate use Use  the  device  only  in  the  normal  position,  as  described  in  the  product  documentation.  Do  not  attempt  to disassemble, tamper with or modify any part of the N-Com system.  Caution: Adjust the volume of the N-Com system (where provided) and of the audio sources connected to it before you use the system on the road. Caution: Adjusting the volume to very high levels may cause damage to your hearing.
EN   6 Caution: Adjust the volume of the N-Com system (where provided) and of the audio sources connected to it so as to avoid  audio  reproduction  at  high  volumes.  Constant  exposure  to  high  audio  volumes  may  damage  your hearing.  Caution: An incorrect installation of the system in the helmet may alter the aerodynamic and safety characteristics of the helmet itself, thus creating dangerous conditions. Install the N-Com system according to the instructions provided in the product documentation. In case of doubt, please contact your local N-Com dealer. Warning: Listening to other equipment should not interfere with driving the vehicle, which must be the top priority at all times. Carry out all operations on the electronic equipment and on the N-Com system with the vehicle stopped, in compliance with Traffic Regulations.    1.5. Qualified personnel  Only qualified personnel can carry out technical assistance on this product. In case of any malfunction, always turn to your local dealer.  The  helmet  is  a  safety  device.  Tampering  with  it  and/or  with  the  electronic  system  inside  the  helmet,  in addition to invalidating the product warranty, can also lead to dangerous situations.  1.6. Accessories and batteries  Only use the type of batteries, battery chargers and accessories approved by Nolan for the specific model.  The  use  of  a  battery  type  different  from  the  recommended  one  may  lead  to  dangerous  situations  and invalidate the warranty.  Contact your local dealer to see about the availability of approved accessories.  When disconnecting the power supply cable of any accessory or of the battery charger, always grab and pull the plug not the cable.  Do not use batteries for purposes other than the prescribed ones.  Never use batteries or battery chargers that turn out to be damaged.  Do not short-circuit the battery.  Keep the battery at a temperature between 0° / +32°C (charging);  -20° / +55°C (in use).  Danger of fire or explosion: do not throw the batteries into a fire nor expose them to high temperatures!  Do  not  throw  out  batteries  together  with  household  refuse.  The  batteries  should  be  disposed  of  in compliance with local regulations.  Do not wear the helmet while the battery is recharging.  The helmet should  never  be left  within  the reach of unsupervised children in order  to prevent damage to their health caused by access to the batteries.  M1 system battery  LP513434 Litio 3,7V – 1000 mAh Battery charger  S-TR-009L 100/240V – 50/60 Hz  5V  - 0.5 A  1.7. Disposal Refer to this user manual and to manuals related to other parts of the N-Com system in order to disassemble the system  from  the  helmet.  Once  the  system  has  been  disassembled,  dispose  of  it  according  to  the  following instructions:    The presence of a crossed-out wheelie bin indicates that in the European Union the product is subject to separate collection at the end of its useful life.  Do not dispose of these products together with undifferentiated urban waste.   The  proper  disposal  of  obsolete  equipment  contributes  to  preventing  possible  negative  consequences  on people’s health and on the environment.  For  more  detailed  information  on  the  disposal  of  obsolete  equipment,  contact  your  municipality,  a  waste disposal service or the store where the product was purchased.
 M1  7 2. CONTENT OF THE PACKAGING The N-Com M1 package contains:   M1 system    Microphone for  full-face helmets  Flexible boom microphone    USB battery charger PC connection cable     Fixing feet kit Velcro kit M1 wiring bi-adhesive
EN   8 3. INSTALLATION 3.1. Positioning the microphone   Flexible boom microphone – recommended   Position  the swivel part  of the microphone with the  Velcro/adhesive  part  between  helmet  shell and  the  padding,  so  that  the  microphone  is properly positioned in front of your mouth.   Caution:  make  sure  that  the  side  of  the microphone support with the writing “N-Com” is facing inward. Fig. 1   Wire microphone   In  case  it  is  not  possible  to  use  the  swivel microphone, install a wire microphone.  Use  the  Velcro/adhesive  to  secure  the microphone  inside  the  helmet,  so  that  it  is  in front of your mouth.   N.B.:  This  type  of  microphone  is  more recommended for full-face helmets. Fig. 2
 M1  9 3.2. Installing the system The M1  system must  be positioned in the back of the helmet, using the adhesive feet supplied  as standard equipment.   Thoroughly clean the surface of the helmet where the feet will be applied;  Make sure the safety block is properly listed, as shown in Fig. 3. If the safety block is closed, lift it as explained in the chapter entitled “Removal”;  Insert the fixing feet in the device (Fig. 4);  Make sure the system is properly positioned on the helmet shell.      Fig. 3 Fig. 4  If necessary, depending on the different types of helmets, replace one or more thin feet with thicker ones, until you find the combination that allows the e-box to properly stick to the helmet (Fig. 5-8).      Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8  Important: Should you wish to use the emergency brake light (see Chapter 12), you need to position the M1 system so that it is vertical or with an inclination of +/-30° with respect to the vertical axis while you are riding, so as to allow the triaxial accelerometer to properly measure the motorcycle deceleration. Based on  the  type of helmet used and the riding style, choose the combination  of feet (thick-thin) that allows proper positioning.
EN   10 Important: When positioning the e-box on the helmet, the wiring connector must not stick out from the edge of the helmet or be twisted (fig. 9 and 10).    Fig. 9 Fig. 10   Remove the protective film from the feet and apply the system to the helmet (Fig. 11-13);  Close the safety block by pressing it downward, as shown in Fig. 12;  Important: If the position is less than perfect, remove the foot from the helmet immediately and try again. See the following chapter for instructions on how to remove the system.     Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13  NB: It will take up to 24 hours for the adhesive to stick completely. During this time, do not expose the helmet to atmospheric agents. During the first 12 hours, do not remove the system from the feet. Caution: Once the adhesive is applied, it cannot be reused in a different position and will have to be replaced once removed.
 M1  11 3.3. Installing the adhesive keypad   Thoroughly clean the helmet surface to which the keypad will be applied;  For better grip to the helmet, if necessary, apply the “M1 wiring bi-adhesive” supplied as standard equipment to the back of the keypad flex cable. Fig. 14  Remove the protective film on the keypad and apply it to the helmet.  Remove the protective film of the “M1 wiring bi-adhesive” and make it stick to the shell.    Fig. 14 Fig. 15  Important: If the position is less than perfect, remove the foot from the helmet immediately and try again.  NB: It will take up to 24 hours for the adhesive to stick completely. During this time, do not expose the helmet to atmospheric agents.   Caution: Once the adhesive is applied, it cannot be reused in a different position and will have to be replaced once removed.  3.4. Positioning the speakers   Remove the  protective film  from the Velcro of the speakers;    Position  the  speakers  near  your  ears,  so  that they stick perfectly to the helmet.  N.B.:  If  possible,  position  the  speakers underneath  the  comfort  padding  of  the helmet. Fig. 16
EN   12   Connect  the  microphone  cable  to  its counterpart  located  on  the  speakers wiring. Fig. 17   3.5. Removing the system  Lift the safety block of upper foot using a flat head screwdriver (or a similar tool), as indicated in Fig. 18.  Release the M1 system from the fixing feet (Fig. 19);  Remove the feet from the helmet.    Fig. 18 Fig. 19   4. FUNCTION KEYS          “ESS” BUTTON EMERGENCY STOP SIGNAL LED KEYPAD LED
 M1  13 5. BASIC FUNCTIONS System ON Press “on” and keep it pressed for about 3 seconds, until the LEDs turn on and you hear a beep in the headset. System OFF  Press “on” and keep it pressed for about 4 seconds, until the LEDs turn off and you hear a beep in the headset. Increase Volume Briefly press “+” to increase the volume. A double tone signals the highest volume level. Decrease Volume Briefly press “-” to decrease the volume. A double tone signals the lowest volume level.  5.1. N-Com Wizard and N-Com App  “N-Com Wizard” is the PC application that can be used to manage and configure the M1 system. The program can be downloaded from the Internet site, in the “Download” section. In order to use it, a helmet equipped with M1 must be connected to the PC, using the USB cable supplied with the system. The functions  that  can also be managed from the N-Com Wizard are listed here below with the specific icon.   The  N-Com  system  is  preset  to  be  hooked  up  to  the  “N-Com  App”,  the  application compatible with  Android that  can  be  used  to  configure  and  operate  the  N-Com  system directly from a Smartphone.   With  the  N-Com  App,  you  can  carry  out  most  of  the  functions  included  in  the  N-Com Wizard program or, alternatively, it can be used as a wireless Bluetooth keypad. The N-Com APP can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play.  For additional details, please visit the website The functions  that  can also be managed from the N-Com Wizard are listed here below with the specific icon.
EN   14 6. PAIRING UP BLUETOOTH DEVICES In order for the M1 system to be connected to another Bluetooth device, the latter needs to be first paired up with the N-Com system.  The  pairing  up  procedure  is  the  same  for  all  Bluetooth  devices:  mobile  phones,  MP3  Bluetooth players, satellite navigators, etc. 1. Make sure the M1 is turned off; 2. Press  “on” and keep it pressed (for  more than 4 seconds), until the keypad LEDs start to flash quickly and you hear a sharp beep in the headset, indicating the “Pair-up mode”; 3. On the Bluetooth device, turn on the search for Bluetooth devices (refer to the instructions manual of your device for the proper pairing up procedure, as it varies depending on the brand and model of the device); 4. After a few seconds, the device will display the name “N-Com M1 v.X.XX”, followed by the manufacturer’s identification data; 5. Select the N-Com device. If a password is requested, enter 0000 (four zeros); 6. M1 will confirm the pairing up by means of a tone in the headset, and the keypad LEDs will stop flashing; 7. Turn off and on both the device and the M1 to store the pairing up data.  Note:  The  affiliation  is  stored  in  the helmet and  in  the  cell  phone  and it  is  not lost  when  the  two devices are turned off. As a result it needs to be carried out only once. Note: If a Bluetooth device (mobile phone or GPS) equipped with music player with Bluetooth A2DP player has already been paired up, the pairing up DOES NOT have to be repeated as the A2DP protocol has already been stored in the M1.  Once the Bluetooth device has been paired up, connection is automatic when the system is  turned on.   6.1. Affiliation reset function  You can remove all affiliated devices from the system memory. This operation is not reversible; right after  resetting,  you  will  have  to  repeat  the  affiliation  procedure  for  the  cell  phone  (or  for  other compatible Bluetooth devices). To erase all devices previously affiliated, proceed as follows:  Press “on” and  keep  it  pressed (for more than  4  seconds),  until  the  keypad LEDs  start  to flash quickly and you hear a sharp beep in the headset, indicating the “Pair-up mode”;  Press “+” and “-” at the same time for 4 seconds, and release them when you hear a beep. The N-Com will emit a special acoustic signal to confirm and will then turn itself off.   This function can also be turned on through PC using the “N-Com Wizard” programme.
 M1  15 7. MOBILE PHONE FUNCTIONS Answering a phone call  Briefly press any key when you hear the incoming call signal  Hanging up/rejecting a phone call  Press “on” and keep it pressed for about 2 seconds (until you hear the acoustic signal) Voice call (if equipped) Press “on” and keep it pressed for about 2 seconds (until you hear  the acoustic signal) Redial last number  Briefly press “+” and “-” at the same time Transferring a call from helmet to mobile phone  To transfer an ongoing call from the helmet to the mobile phone, press both “+” and “-” at the same time and keep them pressed for 4 seconds  Conference call function M1 allows a conference call with Rider and Pillion Passenger. When a call comes in on a mobile phone connected via Bluetooth to M1, the Rider-Pillion Passenger intercom is temporarily turned off. However, if you wish to share the phone call with the other helmet, simply turn on the intercom manually during the phone call (by briefly pressing “on”).   Caution: this function is available only if the Pillion Passenger helmet is also equipped with a N-Com system provided with the same function.    8. GPS SATELLITE NAVIGATOR FUNCTIONS M1 is compatible with the most common satellite navigators for motorcycles. By connecting the N-Com system to the GPS, all instructions will be transferred to the helmet. Every  time  the  navigator  communicates  instructions,  the  intercom  via  Bluetooth  with  the  Pillion Passenger is cut off and automatically restored at the end of the communication.  Note:  If  the  navigator  is  pre-set  for  connection  to  a  Bluetooth  mobile  phone,  you  will  be  able  to receive the phone call audio directly in the helmet through the GPS. In this case, you can answer the call directly from the navigator.  GPS Conference Call Function The Conference function allows you to keep the “Rider-Pillion Passenger” intercom open even while the satellite navigator is giving instructions, thus preventing the intercom mode to be turned off every time the navigator gives instructions. However, if you wish to activate the Conference GPS function, simply turn on the intercom manually during the GPS directions (by briefly pressing “on”).  Caution: this function is available only if the Pillion Passenger helmet is also equipped with a N-Com system provided with the same function.   At  the  end  of  the  GPS  communication,  the  intercom  with  the  second  helmet  stays  open  and  the "Conference" setting is stored for future GPS communications.
EN   16 9. BLUETOOTH A2DP MUSIC PLAYER You can listen to high quality  music by connecting M1 to a device equipped with  Bluetooth  A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) protocol.   The  M1  system  is  also  equipped  with  Bluetooth  AVRCP  (Audio  Video  Remote  Control  Profile) protocol,  which  allows  you  to  stop and  resume  music  reproduction  directly  from  the helmet  (with devices equipped with AVRCP).  Connection to A2DP music player The connection is automatic when you turn on the system. Wait a few seconds for the connection. Play music (Play)  Press the “+” button and keep it pressed for 2 seconds. Pause function (Pause) When the player is connected and playing music, press “+” for 2 seconds. Next track (Skip)  When the player is playing music, press “+” for 4 about seconds. Stop playing music (Stop)  Press “-” for 2 seconds.  Note: The Bluetooth intercom does not work while listening to an A2DP audio source or an  un Mp3 player connected via cable.   10. AUDIO DEVICES WITH CABLE CONNECTION N-Com M1 allows connection via cable (sold separately) to audio sources equipped with the 3.5mm output generally used by these devices for the headsets. To listen to the audio source, connect  the  cable  to the helmet using the mini-USB  port, then start playing the audio file on the device, then activate the audio peripheral device using the specific key.  You can turn on or off listening in the helmet by pressing the “-” and “on” key at the same time.  N.B. : You cannot stay connected in intercom mode with the pillion passenger while using the audio source via cable.
 M1  17 11. RIDER-PASSENGER INTERCOM MODE In  order  to  use M1  in  wireless  intercom  mode,  both helmets have  to  be  equipped  with  a  N-Com Bluetooth system. In order for two N-Com systems to communicate with one another, they have to be paired up first.  11.1. Intercom affiliation  1. Make sure both N-Com Bluetooth systems are turned off; 2. Set  both  N-Com  Bluetooth  systems  in  Pairing  up  mode  by  pressing  “on”  (for  more  than  4 seconds), until the keypad LEDS start to flash quickly; 3. On either one of the two helmets, press “on” briefly; 4. After a few seconds, the helmets “recognize” each another, a beep is emitted to signal the pair up was successful and intercom communication is activated; 5. Turn off both N-Com Bluetooth systems and turn them back on to store the pair up data.  11.2. Intercom function To activate the intercom connection, turn on the two N-Com systems and briefly press “on” on one of the helmets.  Intercom activation   With M1 turned on, briefly press “on”. Intercom deactivation   With M1 turned on, briefly press “on”.
EN   18 12. EMERGENCY STOP SIGNAL (ESS) The  M1  system  is  equipped  with  a  LED  system  to  assist  emergency  braking.  In  case  of  sudden braking, the LEDs on the M1 flash for a few seconds.  Switching on the emergency stop signal Briefly press the ESS key. The ESS key starts to flash to  confirm that the signal has been switched on. Switching off the emergency stop signal Briefly press the ESS key. The ESS key will flash 4 times  to conform that the signal has been switched off.  The sensitivity of the stop signal can be adjusted in 3 different levels:   Low: the stop signal turns on during sudden braking only   Medium  High: the stop signal turns on during slight braking as well  The ESS system is pre-set on HIGH.  To change levels, proceed as follows:   put the system in the Setting mode (starting with the M1 system turned on, press the ESS key  and  keep  it  pressed  for  more  than  6  seconds,  until  the  braking  LEDs  start  to  flash quickly);  SETTING THE LOW LEVEL: press the ESS key and keep it pressed until the braking LEDs flash once. Release the key to confirm your choice.   SETTING THE MEDIUM LEVEL: press  the ESS key and  keep it press  until the braking LEDs flash twice. Release the key to confirm your choice.   SETTING THE HIGH LEVEL: press the ESS key and keep it press until the braking LEDs flash three times. Release the key to confirm your choice.   The  switch  from  one  level  to  the  other occurs  according  to  the  following sequence:    If there is no helmet  movement for more than 60 seconds, the Emergency Stop Signal  will  go into “stand  by” mode, indicated by a  long  flashing  of the  LEDs. As  soon  as movement  is  detected,  the Emergency Stop Signal will switch on again, confirmed by the LEDs flashing twice.  N.B.: We recommend  turning  off the Emergency Stop Signal on the Rider’s helmet in case a Pillion Passenger is riding on the back.
 M1  19 13. BATTERY Before  using  the  N-Com  device  for  the  first  time,  recharge  the  battery  completely  for  at  least  10 hours. To obtain best performances from the battery, it is recommended to completely recharge the battery the  first  few  times.  Afterwards,  you  can  recharge the battery for shorter periods. Whenever possible, it is best to recharge the battery completely.  13.1. Battery discharged signal While  the  system  is  operating,  it  indicates  when  the  battery  has  about  1  hour  of  charge  left.  The system LEDs stat to flash to indicate the “RESERVE” status. This warning is repeated every 10 minutes.   When the battery operates in “Reserve”, the system automatically turns itself off in case no button is pressed for 30 minutes. The shutting off is signaled by a series of beeps in the helmet. This function makes it possible to always have a small reserve of energy to use it again in case you forget to turn off your helmet.  13.2. Recharging the system  Fig. 20 To recharge the M1 system, connect the USB cable to a battery charger or to a powered USB port.  Charging occurs as follows:   M1 system turned off  When you connect the M1 system to the battery charger, the blue LED on the keypad begins to flash. When the battery is fully charged, the blue LED stops flashing and stays on. M1 system turned on  When you connect the M1 system to the battery charger, the red LED on the keypad begins to flash. When the battery is fully charged, the red LED on the keypad turns off.  N.B.:  If the device has not been charged for a long time (a few months), it may not be possible to turn on the system during the first few minutes of the charging, as the voltage may drop below the minimum limit.
EN   20 14. SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTROLS  Button   on  +  - + -  ESS Basic Functions Turning on   X (3s)         Turning off  X (4s)         Increase Volume    X       Decrease Volume      X     Activate / Deactivate audio via cable*  X    X     Activate  intercom   X         Deactivate intercom   X         Turning on ESS          X Turning off ESS          X Turning on/off the Emergency Stop Signal          X        Bluetooth device Answer phone call  X  X  X   Voice call  X (2s)       Hang up/reject a phone call   X (2s)       Redial last number         X   Mobile phone connection   X (2s)         Mobile phone disconnection         X (4s)   Call transfer         X (4s)   Activate Conference Mode   X              Mp3 player Disconnect A2PD device      X (2s)     Play music (Play)    X (2s)       Pause Function (Pause)    X (2s)       Next track (Forward)    X (4s)              Setting Pairing up mode - system turned off X (4s)         Rider-Passenger intercom pair up**  X         Erase pair ups**     X (4s)    *Briefly press at the same time. **With N-Com system in Pairing up Mode.
 M1  21 15. LIMITED WARRANTY With this LIMITED WARRANTY CERTIFICATE, Nolangroup warrants this Product to be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase by the buyer.  We invite you to: - Read the cautions pertaining to safety and proper use. - Read the warranty terms and conditions. - Keep the originals sales receipt. This must be shown in case of repairs covered by warranty. In these  cases, the product has to be taken back to the dealer where it was purchased.  15.1. Warranty coverage If any defect covered by this limited warranty certificate is discovered within 2 (two) years from the purchase date shown on the tax receipt, Nolangroup shall repair or replace the defective product through its distribution network after having verified the defect. Nolangroup shall supply all the material and labor that is reasonably required to remedy the defect, except in those cases where the damage is caused by one of the items listed in the following paragraph “Exclusions and limitations of the Coverage”.  15.2. Exclusions and limitations of the coverage This warranty only covers defects in materials and manufacturing. Nolangroup shall not be considered responsible for product defects that can be attributed, either partially or in full, to any other cause, including but not limited to:  Defects or damages resulting from using the Product in conditions that differ from the usual ones.  Damages  caused  by  improper  use  not  conforming  with  normal  operation  in  accordance  with  the  product operating and maintenance instructions provided by Nolangroup.  Negligence and normal wear of internal and external parts.  Any damage caused by an accident;  Any change or modification made to the helmet or to the N-Com system by the user or by third parties.  Color changes or damages caused by exposure to harmful chemical products.  The use of incompatible accessories that are not part of the N-Com product range.  Moreover,  the  warranty  does  not  cover  product  defects  caused  by  fortuitous  events,  modifications  or adjustments, causes of force majeure or damages deriving from the product coming in contact with liquids.  The internal helmet components are not and cannot be waterproof. Consequently, any improper exposure to rain, humidity, food spillages or other liquids can result in damages to the N-Com electronic devices, damages for which Nolangroup shall not be responsible.  This warranty does not include those parts subject to wear and tear  such as, for example, the rechargeable battery  and  the  cables  used  for  connection  between  the  various  N-Com  systems  or  between  the  N-Com systems and other devices.  Since Nolangroup does not supply the system on which the cell phones work, it shall not be responsible for the operation, availability, coverage, services or range pertaining to the aforementioned system.  Whenever  the  product  is  used  in  conjunction  with  accessories  or  equipment  not  supplied  by  Nolangroup, Nolangroup  shall  not  guarantee  proper  operation  of  the  product/device  combination,  nor  will  it  accept requests for repairs or replacements under warranty in case the product is used in such a way.  Nolangroup shall not be responsible in case the product presents limited capabilities due to the operating mode of cell phones or of other accessories or equipment not supplied by Nolangroup. Tampering with the internal electronic card or with other parts of the N-Com system shall invalidate the warranty. Moreover, the defects covered by this warranty do not include all those specific and subjective situations that may come up during the active use of the helmet such as, for example, comfort problems while riding or aerodynamic noises. Nolangroup shall not be held responsible in any case for incidental or  consequential damages (including, without any  limitation  whatsoever,  damages  to  one  or  more  persons)  resulting  from  non-fulfillment  of  the  obligations arising from this warranty as it pertains to Nolangroup products.  15.3. Validity of this limited warranty This  warranty  is  valid  only  if  the  enclosed  warranty  form  is  duly  and  completely  filled  out  with  the  following information:  Product identification code  Name and stamp of the authorized dealer.  Product purchase date.  Buyer’s name and address.
EN   22 Nolangroup reserves itself  the  right to  not carry out  repairs  under warranty  if  the aforementioned  information  is removed or modified after the original purchase of the product from the dealer.  15.4. Procedure for the forwarding of claims To  forward  a  claim  covered  by  this  warranty,  the  buyer  has  to  directly  notify  the  dealer  where  the  helmet  was purchased with regards to the defect, presenting at the same time the defective product, a copy of the sales receipt and the Warranty registration form, duly filled out as instructed above.  PRIOR  TO  CONTACTING  THE  DEALER,  WE  RECOMMEND  THAT  YOU  READ  CAREFULLY  THE  USER  MANUAL ENCLOSED WITH THE PRODUCT. AFTER 2 (TWO) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE, THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS VOID FOR ALL EFFECTS AND PURPOSES.  Repairs  or  maintenance  under  warranty  do  not  extend  the  period  of  the  warranty  itself.  Therefore,  in  case  the product or one of its components is replaced, this does not initiate a new warranty period, as the purchase date of the original product shall be taken into account for warranty purposes. Only for repairs or replacement of electronic components, in the event that  Nolangroup proceeds to repairing or replacing  the  product,  said  product  shall  enjoy  a  warranty  period  equal  to  the  residual  portion  of  the  original warranty or ninety (90) days from the repair date (the longer period being considered). The repair or replacement can be carried out even with regenerated components with equivalent functions. The replaced parts or components shall become property of Nolangroup.  THIS WARRANTY VOIDS AND  REPLACES ANY OTHER WRITTEN OR VERBAL WARRANTIES PROVIDED FOR BY THE LAW THAT CAN BE DEROGATED AT THE PARTIES’ WILL; SPECIFICALLY, NOLANGROUP DOES NOT GRANT SPECIFIC WARRANTS  OF  MERCHANTABILITY  OR  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR  PURPOSE.  IN  NO  CASE  SHALL  NOLAN  BE LIABLE  FOR  INCIDENTAL  OR  CONSEQUENTIAL  DAMAGES  INCLUDING  BUT  NOT  LIMITED  TO  LOST  PROFITS  OR COMMERCIAL DAMAGES, TO THE FULL EXTENT THOSE DAMAGES CAN BE DISCLAIMED BY THE LAW. NOLANGROUP  RESERVES  ITSELF  THE  RIGHT  TO  MODIFY,  AT  ANY  TIME  AND  WITHOUT  ADVANCE  NOTICE,  THE PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS, FUNCTIONS, COMPATIBILITY AND SOFTWARE. Some Countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or the limitation of the duration of implied warranties; as a result of this, the previous limitations and exclusions may not be applicable to you. This warranty does not have any effect on the customer’s legal rights under the national jurisdiction in force or on the consumer’s rights towards the dealer sanctioned by the purchase/sale contract.  This warranty is valid throughout the European territory, and it represents the only express warranty provided by Nolangroup in relation to the sale of its own products. This warranty does not affect the rights to which the buyer is entitled and which are expressly provided for by Directive 1999/44/CE.  This warranty does not affect the consumer’s rights provided for by the law, and specifically by the provisions of Legislative Decree 2 February 2002 n. 24.  15.5. Product identification N-Com products are identified by means of a code that allows product traceability and identification.  The identification code is listed on the Bluetooth M1 control unit and on the outside of the sales package.
   16.  WARRANTY REGISTRATION FORM  Product name: M1   Identification code                Buyer’s Information  Name    Last name   Address   Phone   e-mail    Dealer’s stamp                Date of purchase
                                  FOR USA AND CANADA MARKET ONLY - SPECIAL WARNING  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  POUR LE MARCHE US ET CANADIEN UNIQUEMENT - MISE EN GARDE SPECIALE  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  SÓLO PARA EL MERCADO  USA Y CANADÁ - ADVERTENCIAS IMPORTANTES
EN   2 FOR USA AND CANADA MARKET ONLY: SPECIAL WARNING  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC  rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential installation.  This  equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.   If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This model meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. Your wireless device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the U.S. Government and by the Canadian regulatory authorities.  RF  Radiation  Exposure  Statement  -  The  device  has  been  evaluated  to  meet  FCC  and  RSS-102  general  RF  exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.  For Canada market only: This device complies with Industry Canada license‐exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Model: M1.5  FCC ID: Y6MNCOM14  IC: 9455A-NCOM14   R-NZ  Bluetooth is a registered trademark property of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.   FOR USA AND CANADA MARKET ONLY: LIMITED WARRANTY Limited warranty certificate valid for 2 (two) years from the date of purchase.  Dear Customer,  Thank you for choosing a Nolangroup N-Com device. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ALL THE CLAUSES AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY CERTIFICATE.  By this LIMITED WARRANTY CERTIFICATE, Nolangroup guarantee to the original purchaser of the N-Com that the product is free from all material and manufacturing defects at the time of purchase.  COVER PROVIDED BY THE WARRANTY If any defect covered by this limited warranty certificate comes to light within 2 (two) years from the date of purchase, Nolangroup  shall  proceed,  through  their  distribution  networks and  after  verifying the  defect,  to  repair  or  replace  the defective product. Nolangroup shall supply all the materials and provide all the labor reasonably necessary to remedy the reported defect, except for cases in which the damage is attributable to one of the reasons listed in the paragraph below, entitled “Exclusions and limitations of cover”.
 EN  3 EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF COVER This warranty  covers  only  material  and  manufacturing  defects.  Nolangroup  cannot be  held  liable  for  damages  to  the product which are either wholly or partially attributable to any other cause, including, but not limited to:  a) damage caused by improper use, lack of due care, normal wear and tear of internal and external components; b) scratches, abrasions, or other damage caused to the external parts of the N-Com by accidental impacts; c) damage caused by the application of stickers and/or adhesives; d) any damage caused by an accident; e) any modification or change made to the device by the user or by third parties; fl) use of incompatible accessories not sold by Nolangroup.  Defects covered by this warranty likewise do not include all the specific and subjective situations which may arise during dynamic use of the N-Com equipped helmet, such as problems of comfort due to improper sizing, or wind noise while riding. Nolangroup cannot in any case be held liable for accidental or consequential damage (including, with no limitation whatsoever, injuries to a person or persons) resulting from the failure to  comply with the  obligations stipulated in this warranty regarding Nolangroup products.  Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and  exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty  gives  you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state  VALIDITY OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY This  warranty  is  valid  only  if  all  the  sections  of  the  attached  REGISTRATION  FORM  are  completed  in  full  and  the registration is returned to the address indicated on the card within 10 (ten) days from the date of purchase:  1) Identification code; 2) Name of the authorized dealer; 3) Date of purchase of the N-Com; 4) Name, address and telephone number of the purchaser.   PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED TO MAKE POSSIBLE CLAIMS To proceed with any claim covered by this warranty, the purchaser must notify directly Nolangroup’s agent in the USA of the alleged  defect encountered  by him. In  agreement with  Nolangroup’s  agent, the purchaser may  have to  return the device to which complains refer, at the purchaser’s expense, along with the sales receipt or other proof of purchase (and date of purchase) and a copy of the warranty registration form.  BEFORE REFERRING THE MATTER TO THE AGENT, WE ADVISE YOU TO READ CAREFULLY THE USER’ MANUAL INCLUDED WITH THE DEVICE WHICH MUST BE FOLLOWED SCRUPULOUSLY FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION AND THAT OF  THIRD PARTIES. 2 (TWO) YEARS AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL LAPSE ENTIRELY.  This  warranty  is  valid  in  the  entire  territory  of  the  United  States  and  Canada  is  the  only  express  warranty  given  by Nolangroup in relation to the sales of their own devices. Any service provided under the warranty does not have the effect of extending the warranty period itself. If any device or any  of  its  components  are  replaced  a  new  warranty  period  does  not  begin  to  run  on  the  product  or  on  individual components supplied by the way of replacement; the date of purchase of the original device remains the deciding factor.  For further information, please contact the following address or telephone numbers:  USA CIMA INTERNATIONAL 1585 Beverly court #118 Aurora IL 60502 Ph: (630) 701-1601 Fax: (630) 701-1606 E-mail: Toll-free (USA only): 866-243-5638 CANADA CLARY SPORTS LOISIRS 67 ROUTE 329 ST DONAT (QC) J0T 2C0 – CANADA Ph: 001 8194244545 Fax: 001 819 424 7859 E-mail:
FR   4 POUR LE MARCHE US et CANADIEN UNIQUEMENT: MISE EN GARDE SPECIALE Cet appareil est conforme à la section 15 de la réglementation FCC. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) Cet  appareil  ne doit  pas  créer  d’interférences nuisibles,  et  (2)  cet appareil  doit accepter  les  interférences reçues, y compris les interférences pouvant provoquer des dysfonctionnements de l’appareil.  Les changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par les autorités compétentes en matière de conformité peuvent priver l'utilisateur du droit d'utiliser l'équipement en question.   REMARQUE : Le fabriquant n’est pas responsable de l’interférence radio ou TV causée par les modifications apportées à cet équipement sans autorisation préalable. De telles modifications pourraient annuler l’autorisation de l’utilisateur de faire fonctionner cet équipement.    A l’issue des tests dont il a fait l’objet, ce produit est conforme à la section 15 de la réglementation FCC applicable aux appareils numériques de classe B.  Ces limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection suffisante contre les interférences nuisibles dans les installations résidentielles.   Cet équipement génère, utilise et peut émettre des ondes radioélectriques susceptibles de créer des interférences nuisibles dans  les  communications  radioélectriques  si  l'équipement  est  installé  incorrectement.    Cependant,  il  n'est  pas garanti qu'aucune interférence ne se produise dans une installation particulière.    Dans le  cas où cet équipement créerait des interférences avec la réception radio ou télévisée, ce qui peut être vérifié en éteignant et en rallumant l'appareil, il est conseillé d'essayer de corriger ces interférences en appliquant une ou plusieurs des mesures suivantes :  Réorienter ou déplacer l'antenne de réception.    Augmenter la distance entre l'équipement et les équipements.   Relier l'équipement à une prise de courant différente de celle du récepteur.   Prendre conseil auprès d'un distributeur ou d'un technicien radio/TV qualifié.   Ce  modèle  répond  aux  exigences  gouvernementales  en  matière  d'exposition  aux  ondes  radio.  Votre  appareil  est  un émetteur-récepteur radio. Il est conçu et fabriqué pour ne pas dépasser les limites d'exposition aux radiofréquences (RF) définies  par  la  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  du  gouvernement  des  États-Unis  et  par  les  autorités réglementaires canadiennes.  Déclarations sur l’exposition aux radio-fréquences RF: Le dispositif est conforme aux standards FCC et RSS-102 en ce qui concerne les  limites  des expositions aux radio-fréquences.Le  dispositif peut etre  utilisé  sur les dispositifs portables sans aucune restriction.  Uniquement pour le marché canadien :  Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables auxappareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.   Model: M1.5  FCC ID: Y6MNCOM14  IC: 9455A-NCOM14   R-NZ  Bluetooth est une marque déposée de Bluetooth SIG, Inc.  POUR LE MARCHE US ET CANADIEN UNIQUEMENT: GARANTIE LIMITEE Certificat de garantie limitee 2 (deux) ans, a compter de la date d’achat.  Cher Client, Merci d’avoir choisi un appareil Nolangroup N-Com. VEUILLER  LIRE  SOIGNEUSEMENT  L’ENSEMBLE  DES  CLAUSES  ET  DES  CONDITIONS  DE  CE  CERTIFICAT  DE  GARANTIE LIMITEE. Par le présent CERTIFICAT DE GARANTIE LIMITEE, Nolangroup assure à l’acheteur initial du N-Com que le produit ne présente au moment de l’achat, aucun défaut quant aux matériaux utilisés ou à la fabrication.   COUVERTURE DE LA GARANTIE Si un quelconque défaut couvert par le présent certificat de garantie limitée est découvert d’ici 2 (deux) ans, à compter de la date d’achat, Nolangroup s’engage par le biais de ses réseaux de distribution et après avoir vérifié la nature du défaut, à réparer ou a remplacer le produit défectueux.  Nolangroup fournira tout le  matériel et le travail raisonnablement requis pour réparer le  défaut  signalé,  sauf si le  dommage est  dû  à l’une  des raisons  indiquées  au paragraphe  suivant, intitulé « Exclusions et limites de la couverture ».
 FR  5 EXCLUSIONS ET LIMITES DE LA COUVERTURE Cette  garantie  couvre  uniquement  les  défauts  des  matériaux  et  de  fabrication.  Nolangroup  ne  saurait  être  tenue  pour responsable  des  défauts  du  produit,  imputables,  en  tout  ou  en  partie,  à  une  des  causes  reportée  dans  la  liste  –  non exhaustive – ci-après :  a) Dommages dûs à un usage incorrect, manque d’entretien, usure normale des parties internes et externes.   b) Rayures, abrasions, ou tout autre dommage causé aux parties externes du N-Com par des impacts accidentels. c) Dommages causés par l’installation d’adhésifs. d) Dommages dûs à un accident. e) Modifications ou changements apportés à l’appareil par l’utilisateur ou des tiers ;  f) Utilisation d’accessoires incompatibles non vendus par Nolangroup.   La garantie ne couvre pas les défauts liés à toutes les situations particulières qui pourrait se présenter pendant l’utilisation dynamique du casque équipé N-Com, tels que des problèmes de confort dûs à la taille inappropriée, ou au bruissement du vent au cours du pilotage.       Nolangroup ne pourra en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable des dommages accidentels ou conséquentiels (y compris, sans limitation aucune, les lésions corporelles provoqués aux personnes) dûs au non respect des obligations dérivant de cette garantie concernant les produits Nolangroup.    Certains  Pays  ne  permettent  pas  l’exclusion  ou  la  restriction  des  garanties  implicites,  des  dommages  accidentels  ou conséquentiels, par  conséquent les restrictions ou  les  exclusions  précédentes pourraient ne  pas  être  applicables.   Cette présente  garantie  vous  confère  des  droits  juridiques  spécifiques,  et  vous  pouvez  également  jouir  d’autres  droits  qui peuvent varier d’une juridiction à une autre.   VALIDITE DE CETTE GARANTIE LIMITEE Cette garantie n’est valable que si toutes les sections de la fiche d’enregistrement ci-jointe sont remplies dans leur totalité et que l’enregistrement est retourné à l’adresse indiquée sur la carte dans les 10 (dix) jours à partir de la date d’achat :  1) Code d'identification ; 2) Nom du revendeur agréé ; 3) Date d’achat du N-Com ; 4) Nom, adresse et numéro de téléphone de l’acheteur.   PROCEDURE POUR L’ENVOI DES RECLAMATIONS EVENTUELLES  Pour  toute  réclamation  couverte  par  la  présente  garantie,  l’acheteur  devra  communiquer  directement  au  revendeur  de Nolangroup aux Etats-Unis le défaut présumé constaté.  En accord avec le revendeur de Nolangroup, l’acheteur peut avoir à  retourner  l’appareil  dont  la  plainte  se  réfère,  aux  frais  de  l’acheteur,  accompagné  du  reçu de  caisse  ou  autre  preuve d’achat (et date d’achat) et d’une copie de la fiche d’enregistrement.   AVANT  DE  VOUS  ADRESSER  A  VOTRE  REVENDEUR,  NOUS  VOUS  RECOMMANDONS  DE  LIRE  ATTENTIVEMENT  LES INSTRUCTIONS  D’UTILISATION  FOURNIES  AVEC  L’APPAREIL  QUI  DOIVENT  ETRE  SCRUPULEUSEMENT  SUIVIES  POUR VOTRE PROTECTION ET CELLES DES TIERS.  LA GARANTIE EXPIRE ENTIEREMENT 2 (DEUX) ANS APRES LA DATE D’ACHAT.    La  présente garantie est valable sur l’ensemble  du territoire des Etats-Unis et  du Canada  est constitue  la seule garantie expresse fournie par Nolangroup concernant les ventes de ses appareils. Les interventions au titre de la garantie ne sauraient avoir pour effet de prolonger la durée de celle-ci.  Par conséquent, en cas  de  remplacement  d’un  appareil  ou  de  l’un  de  ses  composants,  ledit  appareil  ou  ledit  composant  fourni  en remplacement ne déclenchera pas une nouvelle période de garantie sur le produit et il faudra au contraire tenir compte de la date d’achat de l’appareil d’origine.   Pour plus d’informations, contacter les adresses ou numéros de téléphone suivants :  POUR ETATS-UNIS : CIMA INTERNATIONAL 1585 Beverly court #118 - Aurora IL 60502 Tél : (630) 701-1601 Fax : (630) 701-1606 E-mail : Numéro vert (Etats-Unis uniquement) : 866-243-5638 POUR LE CANADA : CLARY SPORTS LOISIRS 67 ROUTE 329 ST DONAT (QC) J0T 2C0 –CANADA Tél : 001 8194244545 Fax : 001 819 424 7859 E-mail :
ES   6 SÓLO PARA EL MERCADO USA y CANADÁ: ADVERTENCIAS IMPORTANTES  Este  dispositivo  cumple  con  el  apartado  15  de  las  normas  FCC.  El  funcionamiento  está  sujeto  a  las  dos  condiciones siguientes:  (1)  Este  dispositivo  no  debe  ocasionar  interferencias  dañinas,  y  (2)  este  dispositivo  debe  poder  soportar cualquier interferencia recibida, incluidas las posibles interferencias que provoquen  mal funcionamiento.  Cualquier cambio o modificación que no esté expresamente aprobado por la parte responsable podría anular el derecho del usuario a manipular el equipo.  NOTAS:  El  fabricante  no  será  responsable  de  cualquier  interferencia  radio  o  TV  ocasionada  por  modificaciones  no aprobadas para este equipo. Dichas modificaciones podrían anular el derecho del usuario a utilizar el equipo.  Este producto ha sido probado y se ha determinado que cumple con los límites establecidos en el apartado 15 de las normas FCC para un dispositivo digital  de  clase  B. Estos  límites se  han diseñado  para  brindar un grado  de protección razonable contra las interferencias dañinas en una instalación de carácter residencial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede irradiar  energía  de  radiofrecuencia  y,  de  no  ser  instalado  y  utilizado  según  las  instrucciones,  podría  provocar interferencias  dañinas  a  comunicaciones  de  radio.  No  obstante,  no  existe  ninguna  garantía  de  que  no  se  producirá interferencia en una instalación específica.   Si  este  equipo  causa  interferencias  dañinas  a  la  recepión  de  radio  o  televisión,  que  se  pueden  detectar  apagando  y encendiendo los equipos, el usuario puede intentar solucionar dichas interferencias con una o algunas de las siguientes medidas:   Volver a orientar o colocar la antena de recepción  Aumentar la distancia entre el equipo o los dispositivos  Conectar el equipo a una toma de corriente que no sea la del receptor  Contactar al distribuidor o a un técnico radio /TV experto  para asistencia técnica  Este modelo cumple con las exigencias del gobierno para la exposición a ondas de radio. Su dispositivo inalámbrico es un transmisor y receptor de radio. Ha sido  diseñado y fabricado para no exceder los límites de exposición a radiofrecuencia (RF)  establecidos  por  la  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  del  gobierno  de  EE.UU  y  por  las  autoridades normativas de Canadá.  Declaración de exposición a la radiación por radio frecuencia (RF): El dispositivo cumple con los límites de exposición a  radiofrecuencia FCC y RSS-102. El dispositivo se puede utilizar en condiciones de exposición para dispositivos portátiles sin restricciones.  Sólo para el mercado en Canadá: Este producto cumple con los límites de exposición a RSS para dispositivos portátiles fijados por  Canadá. El uso del dispositivo está sujeto a las siguientes condiciones: 1) este dispositivo no debe ocasionar interferencias,  y  (2)  este  dispositivo  debe  aceptar  cualquier  interferencia  recibida,  incluidas  aquellas  interferencias  que puedan ocasionar un funcionamiento indebido del aparato.  Model: M1.5  FCC ID: Y6MNCOM14  IC: 9455A-NCOM14   R-NZ  Bluetooth es una marca registrada de propiedad de Bluetooth SIG, Inc.   SÓLO PARA EL MERCADO USA y CANADÁ: GARANTÍA LIMITADA Garantía limitada - 2 (dos) años a partir de la fecha de compra.  Estimado consumidor, Le agradecemos por haber escogido un dispositivo Nolangroup N-Com. POR FAVOR, LEA DETENIDAMENTE  LAS CLÁUSULAS Y  LAS CONDICIONES  DEL  PRESENTE CERTIFICADO DE  GARANTÍA LIMITADA. Con el presente CERTIFICADO DE GARANTÍA LIMITADA, Nolangroup garantiza al comprador original del dispositivo N-Com que el producto está libre de defectos  por materiales y de fabricación en el momento de la compra del mismo.  COBERTURA PREVISTA POR LA GARANTÍA Si se manifestara algún tipo de defecto cubierto por la presente garantía durante los 2 (dos) años a partir de la fecha de compra,  Nolangroup  deberá,  mediante  las  redes  de  distribución  pertinentes  y  luego  de  haber  constatado  el  defecto, reparar o sustituir el producto defectuoso. Nolangroup suministrará todo  el material y la mano de obra necesaria para solucionar  dicho  defecto, a menos  que  la  causa  del  daño  sea  atribuible a  una  de las  excepciones  mencionadas  en  el párrafo siguiente : “Exclusiones y Limitaciones de la Cobertura”.
 ES  7 EXCLUSIONES Y LIMITACIONES DE LA COBERTURA La presente garantía cubre solamente los defectos por materiales o de fabricación. Nolangroup no será responsable por defectos del producto atribuibles en todo o en parte alguna a cualquier otra causa, comprendida y no solo limitada a:   a) Defectos o daños causados por el uso incorrecto del producto, por descuido, por el deterioro o desgaste  normal del interior o exterior de sus componentes; b) Arañazos, abrasiones, u otro daño ocasionado en las partes exteriores del N-Com como consecuencia de impactos accidentales; c) Daños ocasionados por la aplicación de etiquetas y/o adhesivos; d) Cualquier daño ocasionado por un accidente; e) Cualquier modificación o cambio aportados al dispositivo por parte del usuario o de terceros;  f) Uso de accesorios incompatibles y no vendidos por Nolangroup.  Los defectos  cubiertos por  la presente  garantía  no incluyen aquellas  situaciones  específicas  y  subjetivas  que  pudieran ocurrir durante el uso dinámico del casco equipado con el sistema N-Com, por ejemplo los problemas causados por el uso  de  una  talla  incorrecta,  o  por  el  ruido  del  viento  durante  la  conducción.  Nolangroup  no  podrá  ser  considerado responsable  por  daños  accidentales  o  consecuentes  (incluyendo,  sin  limitaciones  algunas,  las  lesiones  a  personas) ocasionados por el incumplimiento de las obligaciones derivadas de la presente garantía hacia los productos Nolangroup.  Algunas naciones no aceptan la exclusión o la limitación de los daños accidentales o consecuentes, o la limitación de la duración de la garantía implícita. Por lo tanto puede que las limitaciones y exclusiones anteriores no sean aplicables. La presente garantía otorga al usuario derechos legales específicos, el usuario pudiera disponer de otros derechos aplicables según la nación.  VALIDEZ DE LA PRESENTE GARANTÍA LIMITADA La presente garantía es válida sólamente si se rellenan todas las partes de la TARJETA DE GARANTÍA adjunta y se envía a la dirección indicada en la tarjeta dentro de los 10 (diez) días a partir de la fecha de compra:  1) Código de identificación; 2) Nombre del distribuidor autorizado ; 3) Fecha de compra del N-Com; 4) Nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del comprador.   PROCEDIMIENTO ANTE POSIBLES RECLAMACIONES Para enviar cualquier tipo de reclamación cubierta por la garantía, el comprador debe informar directamente al vendedor Nolangroup  en  USA  del presunto defecto  encontrado.  De acuerdo  con el vendedor  Nolangroup,  el  comprador,   a  su cargo,  deberá devolver el dispositivo objeto de reclamación, junto con el recibo de compra u otra prueba de compra ( y la fecha de compra) y una copia de la tarjeta de garantía.  ANTES  DE  DIRIGIRSE  AL  VENDEDOR,  RECOMENDAMOS  QUE  EL  USUARIO  LEA  DETENIDAMENTE  EL  MANUAL  DE INSTRUCCIONES DEL DISPOSITIVO Y LO CUMPLA ESTRICTAMENTE PARA SU PROPIA PROTECCIÓN Y PARA EL BIEN DE TERCEROS.  PASADOS  2  (DOS)  AÑOS  DESPUÉS  DE    LA  FECHA  DE  COMPRA,  LA  PRESENTE  GARANTÍA  PERDERÁ  SU VALIDEZ A TODOS LOS EFECTOS. La presente garantía tiene validez en todo el territorio de los Estados Unidos y de Canadá y es la única garantía otorgada por Nolangroup en relación a la venta de sus dispositivos. Cualquier reparación o sustitución durante la garantía no extenderá el plazo de validez de la misma. Por lo tanto, en caso de sustitución  del producto  o de  uno de  sus  componentes,  no  tendrá  efecto  un  nuevo período   de  garantía    para  el producto  ni  para  el  componente  suministrado  en  sustitución,  sino  que  será  válida  la  fecha  de  compra  del  producto original para indicar el plazo de garantía.   Para más información, por favor contáctenos a la siguiente dirección o a los números telefónicos a continuación:  PARA ETATS-UNIS : CIMA INTERNATIONAL 1585 Beverly court #118 - Aurora IL 60502 Tél : (630) 701-1601 Fax : (630) 701-1606 E-mail : Numéro vert (Etats-Unis uniquement) : 866-243-5638 PARA CANADA : CLARY SPORTS LOISIRS 67 ROUTE 329 - ST DONAT (QC) J0T 2C0 –CANADA Tél : 001 8194244545  Fax : 001 819 424 7859 E-mail :
  REGISTRATION FORM / FICHE D’ENREGISTREMENT DE LA GARANTIE / TARJETA DE REGISTRO DE LA GARANTÍA  DEVICE INFORMATION / INFORMATION DU PRODUIT / DATOS DEL PRODUCTO  Serial Number (as printed on the box) Numéro de série (situé à l’arrière de la boîte) Número de serie  (en la parte trasera del Box)   Designation of the model Nom du produit Denominación del producto   DEALER INFORMATION / COORDONNÉES DU REVENDEUR / DATOS DEL DISTRIBUIDOR   Name of the authorized dealer Nom du revendeur agréé Nombre del distribuidor autorizado   Address / Adresse / Dirección   PURCHASE INFORMATION / INFORMATIONS D’ACHAT / DATOS DE COMPRA  Date of purchase of the device / Date d’achat du N-Com / Fecha de compra del producto   PURCHASER INFORMATION / COORDONNÉES DE L’ACHETEUR / DATOS DEL COMPRADOR  Name of the purchaser Nom de l’acheteur Nombre del comprador   Address Adresse Domicilio del comprador   Telephone Number Numéro de téléphone Número de telefono   E-mail address / E-mail / E-mail   OTHER INFORMATION / AUTRES INFORMATIONS / OTRAS INFORMACIONES  How did you hear about this model of Nolangroup N-Com? Comment avez-vous découvert ce modèle Nolangroup N-Com? Como ha conocido este modelo de Nolangroup N-Com?    What do you mainly use your N-Com for (communication, music, phone, GPS,etc..)? Quelle est votre principale utilisation du produit (communication, musique, téléphone, GPS, etc…)? Como utiliza pricipalmente su sistema N-Com (comunicación, musica, movil, GPS)?    What brand and model of motorcycle do you ride? / Quelle marque et modèle de moto conduisez-vous? / Cual marca y modelo de moto conduce?    What is your favourite motorcycle magazine? / Quel est votre magazine moto préféré? / Cual es su revista de moto preferida?      USA CANADA Forward to: / Envoyer a: / Enviar a: Forward to: / Envoyer a: / Enviar a: CIMA INTERNATIONAL, INC. CLARY SPORTS LOISIRS 1585 Beverly Court # 118 67 ROUTE 329 Aurora, IL 60502 ST DONAT (QC) J0T 2C0 –CANADA

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