Novatel Wireless GSM2374 GSM/ GPRS OBD Vehicle Tracker User Manual GSM2374UG001 MT 3000 User Guide

Novatel Wireless Inc. GSM/ GPRS OBD Vehicle Tracker GSM2374UG001 MT 3000 User Guide

User Manual

MT 3000User GuideGSM2374UG001Version:1.0023 February, 2011
GeneralTERMS OF USE OF NEW MATERIALS - PLEASE READ CAREFULLYFrom time to time, Enfora, in its sole discretion, may make available for download on its website(, or may transmit via mail or email, updates or upgrades to, or new releases of, thefirmware, software or documentation for its products (collectively, 'New Materials'). Use of such NewMaterials is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, and may be subject to additional termsand conditions as set forth in Enfora's Technical Support Policy (posted on its website) and/or any writtenagreement between the user and Enfora.All New Materials are provided AS IS. Enfora makes no warranty or representation with respect to themerchantability, suitability, functionality, accuracy or completeness of any such New Materials. The user ofsuch New Materials assumes all risk (known or unknown) of such use. Enfora reserves all rights in suchNew Materials. The user shall have only a revocable and limited license to use such New Materials inconnection with the products for which they are intended. Distribution or modification of any NewMaterials without Enfora's consent is strictly prohibited.IN NO EVENT WILL ENFORA BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL ORSPECIAL DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANY NEW MATERIALS. ENFORA'S MAXIMUM LIABILITYFOR ANY CLAIM BASED ON THE NEW MATERIALS SHALL NOT EXCEED FIFTY U.S. DOLLARS ($50).Copyright© 2011 Enfora, Inc. All rights reserved. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility ofthe user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, storedin or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express writtenpermission of Enfora, Inc.Enfora and the Enfora logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Enfora, Inc. in the UnitedStates.251 Renner PkwyRichardson, TX 75080 USAPhone: (972) 633-4400Fax: (972) 633-4444Email: I -
Warranty Information[Revised: 11/11/2010]This warranty applies to (a) products sold directly by Enfora, unless a different warranty is specified in awritten agreement between Enfora and the purchaser; and (b) products sold to end users through adistributor authorized by Enfora, but only where the authorized distributor does not provide a separatewarranty on such products, and Enfora has agreed to provide this warranty to such end users. If youpurchased the product from an authorized distributor, please check whether this warranty from Enfora, ora separate warranty from the distributor, applies to your purchase. This warranty does not apply to any (i)accessories or batteries for the products; or (ii) demonstration samples or prototypes of the products.Unless otherwise provided in a written agreement between Enfora and the purchaser, all such accessories,batteries, samples or prototypes are provided by Enfora AS IS without any warranty of any kind.Enfora warrants to the original purchaser of the product from Enfora or its authorized distributor (asapplicable) that, for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment of the product from Enfora, theproduct hardware will be substantially free from defects in material or workmanship under normaloperation, and the product firmware will perform substantially in accordance with the productdocumentation provided by Enfora. Enfora does not warrant that (a) the product hardware or firmwarewill meet the purchaser's requirements; (b) the operation of the product hardware or firmware will beuninterrupted or error-free; or (c) the product, when integrated in, or combined with, other products orsoftware not supplied by Enfora, will continue to perform substantially in accordance with the productdocumentation. This limited warranty is for the benefit of the original purchaser, and is not transferable.During the warranty period, Enfora, at its expense and in its sole discretion, will repair the product, orreplace the product with a corresponding or equivalent product, if it is determined to have a covereddefect, provided that the purchaser first notifies Enfora (directly or through its authorized distributor fromwhich the product was purchased) of any such defect, furnishes Enfora with a proof of purchase (ifrequired), requests and obtains a return merchandize authorization (RMA) number from Enfora, andreturns the product under that RMA to Enfora (or, at Enfora's option, to its authorized distributor), with theshipping charges being prepaid by purchaser.If, upon reasonable examination of the returned product,Enfora does not substantiate the defect claimed by purchaser, or determines that the defect is not coveredunder this limited warranty, Enfora will not be required to repair or replace the product, but may insteadreship the product to the purchaser (or, at Enfora's option, to its authorized distributor where the productcan be made available to purchaser), in which case the purchaser shall be responsible for paying Enfora'scost for reshipping the product to purchaser (or to Enfora's authorized distributor), and Enfora's usualcharges for unpacking, testing, and repacking the product for reshipment to purchaser (or to Enfora'sauthorized distributor). Purchaser shall bear the risk of loss or damage in transit to any product returnedby purchaser to Enfora, or any returned product not found to be defective or covered under this warranty,and reshipped by Enfora to purchaser (or to Enfora's authorized distributor). In the event Enfora repairs or- II -
replaces a defective product covered by this limited warranty, the repaired or replacement product will becovered under this limited warranty for the remainder of the original warranty period on the defectiveproduct, or a period of ninety (90) days, whichever is longer. If Enfora is unable to repair or replace adefective product covered by this limited warranty, Enfora will provide to purchaser a credit or a refund(at Enfora's option) of the original purchase price (excluding taxes and shipping charges). Any returned andreplaced product, or any product for which Enfora has furnished a credit or a refund, becomes theproperty of Enfora.Enfora shall not have any obligation to provide any firmware bug fixes, upgrades or new releases except asmay be necessary to correct any covered defect of which purchaser notifies Enfora in writing during thewarranty period. Enfora, from time to time and in its sole discretion, may make available for download onits website (, or may provide via email, certain firmware bug fixes, upgrades or newreleases for the product. Download and use of any such bug fixes, upgrades or new releases is subject to allof the applicable terms and conditions of Enfora's technical support policy as posted and updated on itswebsite. Enfora shall have no obligation under this limited warranty for (a) normal wear and tear; (b) thecost of procurement of substitute products; or (c) any defect that is (i) discovered by purchaser during thewarranty period but for which purchaser does not request an RMA number from Enfora, as requiredabove, until after the end of the warranty period, (ii) caused by any accident, misuse, abuse, improperinstallation, handling or testing, or unauthorized repair or modification of the product, (iii) caused by use ofany materials not supplied by Enfora, or by use of the product other than in accordance with itsdocumentation, or (iv) the result of electrostatic discharge, electrical surge, fire, flood or similar causes.The purchaser (or its customers, as applicable) shall be solely responsible for the proper configuration,testing and verification of the Enfora product prior to deployment in the field, and for ensuring that anyend user product or system into which the Enfora product is integrated or incorporated operates asintended and meets the requirements of purchaser (or its customers). Enfora shall have no responsibilitywhatsoever for the integration, configuration, testing, verification, installation, upgrade, support ormaintenance of any such end user product or system, or for any liabilities, damages, costs or expensesassociated therewith.ENFORA'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND PURCHASER'S SOLE REMEDY UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTYSHALL BE FOR ENFORA TO REPAIR OR REPLACE THE PRODUCT (OR IF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT IS NOTPOSSIBLE, PROVIDE A CREDIT OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE) AS PROVIDED ABOVE. ENFORAEXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON- INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY,SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENFORABE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OR INTERRUPTION OF USE, DATA, REVENUES OR PROFITS)RESULTING FROM A BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR BASED ON ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IFENFORA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES.- III -
Some jurisdictions may require a longer warranty period than specified above and, accordingly, forproducts sold in those jurisdictions the applicable warranty period shall be extended as required under thelaws of those jurisdictions. Furthermore, some jurisdictions may not allow the disclaimer of impliedwarranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above disclaimer,limitation or exclusion may not apply to products sold in those jurisdictions. This limited warranty gives thepurchaser specific legal rights and the purchaser may have other legal rights that vary from jurisdiction tojurisdiction. This limited warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, United States ofAmerica, without regard to conflict of laws principles. This limited warranty shall not be governed in anyrespect by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.Regulatory ComplianceFCCFCC ID: MIVGSM2374This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits pursuant to Part 15 Subpart B, Part 22,and Part 24 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in an appropriate installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not used in accordance with instructions, can cause harmful radiation to radiocommunication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.FCC RF EXPOSUREYour MT 3000 is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed theemissions limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establishpermitted levels of RF energy for the general population. These guidelines are based on the safetystandards previously set by the U.S. and international standards bodies. The standards include a substantialsafety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The exposure standard for wireless RF devices, such as the MT 3000, employs a unit of measurementknown as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. SAR values at orbelow that limit are considered safe for the general public.- IV -
The MT 3000 conforms with the RF exposure requirements for portable devices in accordance with FCCPart 2.1093.The MT 3000 transmitter is configured with a 10% transmission duty factor, for GPRS Multislot class 2operation, and is excluded from routine RF exposure evaluation in accordance with FCC Mobile andPortable Device RF Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies, KDB447498 D01, V04.Canadian Compliance (Industry Canada)IC ID: 4160A-GSM2374 MODEL NUMBER: GSM2374This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.The MT 3000 transmitter is configured with a 10% transmission duty factor, for GPRS Multislot class 2operation, and is excluded from routine RF exposure evaluation in accordance with the requirements ofRSS-102 section 2.5.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts delicence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire debrouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si lebrouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.L'émetteur de 3000 MT est configuré avec un facteur d'obligation de transmission de 10 %, pour GPRSMultislot opération de classe 2 et est exclu de l'évaluation de l'exposition RF conformément aux exigencesdu CNR-102 article 2.5 de la routine.ROHS COMPLIANCEThe MT 3000 complies with the European Union Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances inElectrical and Electronic Equipment ([RoHS) Directive (2002/95/EC), effective since July 1, 2006..DISCLAIMERThe information and instructions contained within this publication comply with all applicable FCC, GCF,PTCRB, R&TTE, IMEI and other applicable codes that are in effect at the time of publication. Enforadisclaims all responsibility for any act or omissions, or for breach of law, code or regulation, including localor state codes, performed by a third party. Enfora strongly recommends that all installations, hookups,- V -
transmissions, etc., be performed by persons who are experienced in the fields of radio frequencytechnologies. Enfora acknowledges that the installation, setup and transmission guidelines contained withinthis publication are guidelines, and that each installation may have variables outside of the guidelinescontained herein. Said variables must be taken into consideration when installing or using the product, andEnfora shall not be responsible for installations or transmissions that fall outside of the parameters setforth in this publication.- VI -
Table of Contents1 Introduction 11.1 Objective 11.2 References 21.3 On-Board Diagnostics Overview 22 Overview 42.1 Description 4MT 3000 Panel Illustrations 42.2 Barcode Label 52.3 Connector & LEDs 52.4 Accelerometer 62.5 GSM Radio 62.6 Packet Data 72.7 GPS Functionality 73 Hardware Features 83.1 Opening The Device 83.2 Closing the Device 133.3 SIM Card Access 143.4 Power 153.5 Micro USB 154 Software Features 17AT Commands Over SMS 17Store/Transmit Event Data 17Synchronize RTC Time with GPS Time 174.1 New Event Reporting 17Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 17Excessive Engine Speed (RPM) 18- VII -
Vehicle Speed 18Vehicle Battery Voltage (Low Battery Warning) 18Check Engine Light (MIL Alert) 19Trip Odometer Reporting 19Idle Time Reporting 19Low Fuel Alert 19Rapid Acceleration 19Sudden Deceleration (Harsh Braking) 20Motion Detection 20OBDII Basic Event Data 205 Installation 215.1 Inserting the SIM 215.2 Device Installation 225.3 Accelerometer Calibration 236 Network Test Procedure 246.1 Configuration 246.2 Equipment Needed 246.3 Configure the Computer and Verify Correct Communications 24Configure the Device to Communicate with the Enfora Server 246.4 Verifying Server Connectivity 306.5 Verify GPS Operation 33- VIII -
Table of FiguresFigure: 1 - N4A System Overview 1Figure: 2 - Front Right View 4Figure: 3 - Bottom Left View 4Figure: 4 - MT 3000 Label 5Figure: 5 - MT 3000 Connector and LEDs 5Figure: 6 - MT 3000 Opening Toolkit 8Figure: 7 - MT 3000 9Figure: 8 - Lever inserted into MT 3000 lid gap 9Figure: 9 - MT 3000 with Lid unsnapped 10Figure: 10 - MT 3000 on the Opener Base 11Figure: 11 - Lid pulled away from the MT 3000 12Figure: 12 - MT 3000 with Lid completely removed 12Figure: 13 - MT 3000 without Lid 13Figure: 14 - Replacing the MT 3000 Lid 14Figure: 15 - Internal SIM Holder 15Figure: 16 - Micro USB Cable 16Figure: 17 - Internal SIM Holder 21Figure: 18 - Typical OBDII Socket Location 23Figure: 19 - ATI Response 25Figure: 20 - Verify GPRS Status 27Figure: 21 - Verify GPRS Activation 28Figure: 22 - Wakeup Command 30Figure: 23 - Verify Server Connectivity 31Figure: 24 - Wakeup Messages 32Figure: 25 - ATI Response 33Figure: 26 - Verify GPS Operation 34- 9 -
Table of TablesTable: 1 - MT 3000 LEDs 6- 10 -
1 Introduction1.1 ObjectiveThe objective of this document is to provide the user with basic information about the Spider MT Series,including how to configure the device and verify communication with Enfora’s UDP API test server.Capabilities of the Enfora Spider MT devices include:lGSM RegistrationlGPRS RegistrationlVelocitylGeo-FencelIP StatuslGPS StatuslTimerlMT Power SavelRTC AlarmlMemory Full PercentagelInput Event CounterlGPS OverspeedlMessage Log CountlSMS IndicationlGPS DistanceFigure: 1 - N4A System Overview-1-
1.2 ReferenceslSpider MT 3000 AT Command Set (GSM2374AT001)lGSM Network Configuration Worksheet (GSM0000AN019)lMobile Tracker Event Cookbook (GSM2000CB001)1.3 On-Board Diagnostics OverviewAn On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) system controls engine functions and serves as the diagnostic controlnetwork of the vehicle. All cars built and sold in the United States since 1996 must be equipped with thenewer OBDII system. The Enfora MT 3000 connects to a vehicle's OBDII port and monitors the OBDIIsystem using a variety of communication protocols.The MT 3000 can be configured to provide notification messages based on engine rpm, low fuel or battery,or other events monitored by the OBDII system in addition to events triggered by the device'saccelerometer or GPS information.Some vehicles are not compatible with the MT 3000. If the vehicle is not compatiblewith the parameters the MT 3000 requires, functionality my be limited, problematicor unavailable.The SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers) 1979 standard defines the method for requesting diagnosticsdata and a list of standard parameters from the engine control unit.Compliance to this standard is the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer, therefore Enfora cannotguarantee performance of the MT 3000 with every vehicle.The following are some of the OBDII parameters monitored by the Enfora MT 3000 and triggered as alertswhen so configured:lVehicle Identification Number (VIN)lExcessive engine speed (RPM)lVehicle speedlVehicle battery voltage (low battery warning)lCheck engine light (MIL alert)lOdometer (trip distance)lIdle timelLow fuel-2-
The MT 3000 supports the following standard OBDII protocols:lJ1850 PWMlJ1850 VPWlISO-9141-2lISO-14230 KWP2000lISO-15765 CANSome vehicles only support a subset of these protocols, in these cases functionality ofthe MT 3000 will be limited.-3-
2 Overview2.1 DescriptionThe MT 3000 has a rugged plastic housing that measures 46 x 43 x 28 mm. It contains internal GSM andGPS antennas, internal SIM card holder, J1962 complaint OBDII connector, micro USB connector, and 3 LEDindicators.MT 3000 Panel IllustrationsFigure: 2 - Front Right ViewFigure: 3 - Bottom Left View- 4 -
2.2 Barcode LabelThe barcode label is located on the underside of the device.Figure: 4 - MT 3000 Label2.3 Connector & LEDsThe MT 3000 includes a J1962 compliant OBDII connector, a micro USB I/O port, and LEDs to indicate OBDII, GSM, and GPS status.The following figure shows the MT 3000 connector and LEDs.Figure: 5 - MT 3000 Connector and LEDs-5-
The following table describes the LED operation.MT 3000 LEDsOBD The OBD LED will flash at a fast rate when the unit is first connected to the OBD port for power.Once a protocol is discovered through the OBD port, the LED will flash at a slow rate.GSM The GSM LED will flash at a fast rate when the unit is finding cellular coverage. Once cellularcoverage is found, the LED shall flash at a slow rate. While the unit is transmitting, the LED is litcontinuously.GPS The GPS LED will flash at a fast rate when the unit is acquiring a satellite fix. Once a fix is acquired,the LED will flash a slow rate.Table: 1 - MT 3000 LEDs2.4 AccelerometerThe three-axis digital accelerometer provides the following features:lMotion alertlDriver behavior reportinglRapid accelerationlHarsh brakinglConfigurable thresholdslRange settingslMode (Normal, Sleep, Wakeup)lDevice orientation setup2.5 GSM RadioThe MT 3000 contains a quad-band (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) GSM radio.lClass 4 (2W@850/900 MHz)lClass 1 (1W@1800/1900 MHz)The MT 3000 has an internal antenna limited to dual band.-6-
2.6 Packet DataPacket data characteristics include:lClass B, Multislot 2lGSM/GPRS Rel 97GSM Functionality includes:lTextlPDUlMO/MTlCell Broadcast2.7 GPS FunctionalityGPS functionality includes:lNMEA update with all data pointslBinarylBuffered GPS message feature- 7 -
3 Hardware Features3.1 Opening The DeviceIt is highly recommended using the MT 3000 Disassembly Kit (Enfora Part Number KIT2374-01) to removethe cover of the MT 3000.The MT 3000 Disassembly Kit includes the Six-Pin Base and the Metal Lever.Figure: 6 - MT 3000 Opening ToolkitTo use the MT 3000 Disassembly Kit, follow the following steps:1. Insert the curved foot of the Metal Lever into the gap between the lid and the body next to theretainer snaps.-8-
Figure: 7 - MT 30002. Gently apply pressure upwards on the lever until the lid unsnaps.Figure: 8 - Lever inserted into MT 3000 lid gap-9-
Figure: 9 - MT 3000 with Lid unsnapped3. Place the MT 3000 into the Base making sure the two small Base Pins are inserted into the two holesin the base of the MT 3000. The four larger pins fit around the outside of the case and help hold theMT 3000 in place during the next step.- 10 -
Figure: 10 - MT 3000 on the Opener Base4. Apply pressure downwards onto the MT 3000 and slide the MT 3000 Lid backwards away from therest of the MT 3000.Downward pressure is required while sliding the lid. Exerting the downward pressurereleases the internal locking clips.5. Continue sliding the lid away from the MT 3000 untill it completely disengages from the MT 3000.- 11 -
Figure: 11 - Lid pulled away from the MT 3000Figure: 12 - MT 3000 with Lid completely removed6. The MT 3000 can now be removed from the Opener Base.- 12 -
Figure: 13 - MT 3000 without Lid3.2 Closing the DeviceReplace the MT 3000 Lid by using the following steps:1. Place the MT 3000 Lid onto the base as shown in the following figure.- 13 -
Figure: 14 - Replacing the MT 3000 Lid2. Carefully slide the lid so that it snaps in place.3.3 SIM Card AccessThe top cover of the MT 3000 unsnaps to provide access to the internal SIM holder.- 14 -
Figure: 15 - Internal SIM Holder3.4 PowerThe Enfora MT 3000 device draws 9-16 Vdc (SAE J1211 compliant) power from the vehicle's OBDII port. Noadditional power cabling is required.3.5 Micro USBWarning: The Micro USB (2.0) connector is an input/output connector and is notintended for general use. This connector should only be used when programming themodem.Note: This USB port cannot be used to supply power to other USB devices and nothingshould be connected to this port when the vehicle is in motion. The MT3000 can notbe powered through the USBPort.The micro USB connector is only used to program the modem. When programming the modem, a microUSB cable is required.- 15 -
Figure: 16 - Micro USB Cable- 16 -
4 Software FeaturesAT Commands Over SMSA user can send AT commands to the MT 3000 via SMS. Please refer to Enfora Application NoteGSM0308AN001 - Enabler IIIG AT Commands Over SMS.Store/Transmit Event DataThe user can configure the MT 3000 to store event-generated data in its internal memory, to be sent overthe air to a remote server. This feature can be enabled or disabled using the AT$MSGLOGEN command.“Total Number of Unread Messages” is decremented if an unread message is read via the AT$MSGLOGRDcommand.Example: Assume there are 50 unread messages in the GPRS queue and the total number of messages inGPRS queue is 100. This means that the first 50 messages have been read while the last 50 messages havenot been read. If a user sends AT$GPSLOGRD=0,1,51 then the total number of unread messages dropsdown to 49 after successful transmission of that message. However, if a user sends AT$GPSLOGRD=0,1,99then the total number of unread messages still remains at 50 – that message is transmitted to the remoteserver.A user can also read a message that has already been read from the memory by passing in the appropriatestarting index number.Synchronize RTC Time with GPS TimeThe Real Time Clock ("RTC") is synchronized with GPS time automatically every time the device is poweredup and first acquires valid GPS data. Additionally, the RTC time is synched with GPS time every time theGPS time rolls over from 23:59:59 to 00:00:01.4.1 New Event ReportingThe MT 3000 has additional event reporting not supported by other Enfora products. For general eventreporting information and for detailed information about these new events refer to the MT 3000 ATCommand Document (GSM2374AT001).Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)The VIN is used as a unique identifier, sent at first power up, with heartbeat messages, and with events.- 17 -
Vehicle manufacturers are responsible for defining the list of data returned,therefore not all vehicles support retuning the Vehicle Identification Number.Excessive Engine Speed (RPM)Excessive engine speed alerts are triggered when the engine speed (in RPM) exceed a defined RPM level(in ¼ RPM increments) for a defined period of time in seconds (e.g. 30 seconds).The MT 3000 has three definable thresholds.Unnecessary wear and tear on the powertrain control module (PCM) may occur if constant or frequentexcessive engine speed is reported. The excessive engine speed event may be caused by one of thefollowing situations:lThere are obstructions (ice, mud, etc...) causing wheel slippage that must be cleared from thevehiclelThe driver is revving the RPM while in neutrallThe driver is driving in such a way that the RPM engine speed is deemed excessive, such as speedingAT$OBDEES=1,16000,3,30Sets excessive engine speed threshold 1 to 4000 RPM, if exceeded for 3 seconds, trigger input event. Thisevent will clear once engine RPM is below 4000 for 30 seconds.Vehicle SpeedIf configured for vehicle speed alerts and the vehicle moves faster than one of the three configurablethresholds (e.g. 70 MPH), then a vehicle speed alert is triggered.AT$OBDSPD=1,112,10,104Sets Vehicle Speed Threshold 1 to 112 KPH (~70MPH). If Threshold excededed for 10 seconds trigger inputevent. This event will clear when vehicle speed is reduced to 104KPH (~65MPH).Vehicle Battery Voltage (Low Battery Warning)The vehicle battery voltage alert is triggered when the vehicle’s battery is reported to be below a threshold(e.g. 10.7 V) for a user-defined period of time in seconds (e.g. 300 seconds).AT$OBDLBL=10800,300,300- 18 -
Sets low battery threshold to 10.8volts. If below this threshold for 300 seconds (5 minutes) trigger the inputevent. restoring voltage abovethe threshold for 300secods (5 minutes) will clear this event.Check Engine Light (MIL Alert)When the vehicle “Check Engine” light illuminates, this indicates a vehicle issue that requires attention fordiagnosis and/or repair. This is also known as a Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL). When a MIL issue isdetected through the OBDII protocol, an alert is sent from the device if the device is configured to do so.Trip Odometer ReportingTrip odometer reporting provides the odometer miles accumulated from ignition on to ignition off, whichis considered a “trip”.NOTE: Ignition events are not yet detected on hybrid or electric vehicles.Idle Time ReportingIdle time event is triggered when the vehicle’s engine is running without the vehicle moving (i.e. velocityless than 2 MPH) for a defined period of time in seconds (e.g. 300 seconds).The alert is cleared when the vehicle speed exceeds another speed and time threshold.Both the violation and clearing of the alert are reported if configured.AT$OBDLBL=10800,300,300Sets low battery threshold to 10.8volts. If below this threshold for 300 seconds (5 minutes) trigger the inputevent. restoring voltage abovethe threshold for 300secods (5 minutes) will clear this event.Low Fuel AlertThe low fuel alert triggers when the vehicle’s fuel level falls below a defined threshold in percent (e.g.12%) for a defined period of time in seconds (e.g. 60 seconds).Rapid AccelerationRapid acceleration events can be triggered when one of three available vehicle speed thresholds areexceeded as determined by the accelerometer in milli-Gs (e.g. 0.75) for a defined period of time inseconds (e.g. 30 seconds).AT$OBDACL=1,200,1,30- 19 -
Sets Rapid accel threshold 1 to .2Gs. If this threshold is exceeded for 1 second, trigger the input event. Thisevent will clear in 30 seconds below this treshold.Sudden Deceleration (Harsh Braking)Rapid deceleration events can be triggered when one of three available vehicle speed thresholds areexceeded as determined by the accelerometer in milli-Gs (e.g. 1.0) for a defined period of time in seconds(30 seconds).AT$OBDDCL=1,.500,1,3Sets Rapid decel threshold 1 to .5Gs. If this threshold is exceeded for 1 second, trigger the input event. Thisevent will clear in 30 seconds below this treshold.Motion DetectionMotion alerts for vehicles can be configured to communicate that a vehicle is being towed. Motiondetection based on measuring movement via the accelerometer occurs when the vehicle ignition is off,and the vehicle is stationary.A motion alert is triggered when motion defined in milli-Gs is detected for a defined period of time.OBDII Basic Event DataFour additional data items can be included with event messages:lVINlFirmware version ($PKG)lOBD Protocol (i.e. J1850 PWM)lCellular signal strength (RSSI)- 20 -
5 Installation5.1 Inserting the SIMInsert the SIM per the following procedure:Note: The SIM card is not provided with the MT 3000 device. The SIM must beobtained from the GSM/GPRS service provider and must be provisioned by theoperator for data. Always take care to protect the SIM. Without the SIM installed,MT 3000 modem is not able to communicate on the network.1. Using the correct tool, carefully remove the device cover to access the internal SIM holder.2. Insert the SIM into the SIM holder of the MT 3000.3. Replace the cover.Figure: 17 - Internal SIM Holder- 21 -
5.2 Device InstallationInstructions provided in this section describe the hardware installation of the MT 3000 device. To installthe MT 3000 in a vehicle, follow these steps:lLocate the OBDII socket. The location will vary between different vehicle manufacturers, models,and production years.Do not use this product on '06 or '07 Ford F-150 trucks. Faulty wiring in these vehiclesmay cause a fire.Warning: The MT 3000 is NOT a waterproof or sealed device. Care must be taken toensure the device is kept away from water or any other liquids.lCarefully insert the MT 3000 into the OBDII socket.lAfter the device is installed, ensure the device is working properly as evidenced by a GPS lock and cel-lular connection, which can be validated by the LEDs.- 22 -
Figure: 18 - Typical OBDII Socket LocationWarning: Upon vehicle ignition on, immediately following device installation, thedevice starts the Accelerometer Auto-calibration process.5.3 Accelerometer CalibrationThe accelerometer undergoes an automatic calibration sequence on the first drive after any of thefollowing events:lDevice installationlSoftware upgradelVehicle battery replacement (or recharge if battery was fully discharged)lDevice auxiliary processor resetFailure to follow the process below will cause could cause an undesired behavior ofthe motion feature. Failure to drive straight on level ground during the automaticcalibration may reduce the accuracy of the accelerometer and have an adverseimpact on events triggered by accelerometer readings.When the vehicle passes 32 KPH, the auxiliary processor assumes that the vehicle is moving in a straightline and determines the forward axis.Before installing the MT3000 make sure the vehicle is parked on level ground.The vehicle should be driven in a straight path on level ground during the automatic calibration. Aninclined surface will put part of the gravity vector into the XY plane, which will affect the accelerationthresholds. (A 5.7 degree angle will place 10 % of the gravity vector into the XY plane.)- 23 -
6 Network Test Procedure6.1 ConfigurationThe Enfora Mobile Tracker family of products is designed with features to support a robust connection withthe network. However, there can be conditions when the connection to the network or the ability totransfer data across the network is beyond the control of the device alone.6.2 Equipment NeededIn this example the requirements are:lGSM2374 MT 3000lComputer with one available Serial port or USB-to-serial converterlGSM/GPRS SIM with GPRS data enabled.lAn APN (Access Point Name).lUsername and Password, if GPRS is operating on a non-transparent network.Note: If you don’t know the name of the APN you need to use, please contact your cellularnetwork carrier for that information. Once you have acquired this information, pleasecomplete Application Note GSM0000AN019 – GSM Network Configuration Worksheet andkeep this worksheet for future reference.6.3 Configure the Computer and Verify CorrectCommunicationsPlease refer to Enfora document ENF0001IN001 – USB Installation Guide for detailed instructions forinstalling USB drivers and connecting with the modem.Configure the Device to Communicate with the Enfora Server- 24 -
Note: In the following instructions, <CR> means using the Enter Key on the keyboard.1. Connect and verify connectivity with the device.a. Connect the PC connector to the device.b. With HyperTerminal open, hit the Enter key. The device should respond with OK. If you do notsee this response, double-check your connections. If the connections seem correct, disconnectthe MT 3000 from the computer and perform a serial loop-back test.c. Type AT<CR>. The device should respond with OK.i. If you do not see the letters AT, send the following command to the device:ii. ATE1<CR>d. Type ATI<CR>. The device should respond with Enfora, Inc. If you get any different response,you are not connected to the Enfora device. See Figure: 19 - "ATI Response"Figure: 19 - ATI Response2. Configure the device to communicate with the Enfora Test Server.a. The following information will need to be obtained from the SIM provider. Please refer toGSM0000AN019 – Network Configuration Worksheet.- 25 -
i. APNii. Username and password (If necessary.)b. Reset the device to factory defaults:i. To restore the device to factory defaults, send the following command: AT&F<CR>ii. To write current configuration to memory, send the following command: AT&W<CR>iii. To reset the device, send the following command: AT$RESET<CR>c. Configure the device to access the GPRS network.i. To configure the device with the proper APN, send the following command:AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”apn”<CR> (substitute the letters “APN” for the supplied APN.)ii. To configure the device with the proper username and password, (if necessary) send thefollowing command: AT%CGPCO=1,”username,password”,0<CR> (substitute the correctusername and password)iii. To configure the device to enable auto GPRS registration, send the following command:AT$AREG=2<CR>Note: When the device is reset, Windows will detect the detachment of the deviceand you may have to close and reopen the communication program to reestablishcommunications with the device.Verify GSM status by sending the following command:AT+CREG?<CR>If everything is working, you should receive one of two responses:+CREG: 0,1 (GSM registered to home network)OR+CREG: 0,5 (GSM registered roaming.)Verify GPRS status by sending the following command: AT%CGREG?<CR>If everything is working, you should receive one of two responses:- 26 -
%CGREG: 0,1 (GPRS registered to home network)Or%CGREG: 0,5 (GPRS registered roaming.)See Figure: 20 - "Verify GPRS Status"Figure: 20 - Verify GPRS StatusVerify GPRS activation by sending the following command: AT$NETIP?<CR>If the response is non-zero, then everything is working.See Figure: 21 - "Verify GPRS Activation"- 27 -
Figure: 21 - Verify GPRS ActivationIf AT$NETIP returns all zeros, send the following command: AT$CGEER<CR>There are three common responses:l$CGEER: no PDP reject cause (Everything should be working OK)l$CGEER: requested service option not subscribed (APN is incorrect or SIM has not been enabled fordata mode.)l$CGEER: user authentication failed (username and/or password is incorrect.)Configure the device to access the Enfora Server.To configure the device for server interoperability, several things have to be addressed:lMost GPRS configurations are Mobile Originate only. The mobile device must initiate a conversationwith a remote server before the remote server can talk to the device.lIP addresses are dynamically assigned and can change.lSome IP addresses are NAT and are non-routable IP addresses.These issues are addressed with the following configuration commands.The examples will use the following information:- 28 -
lModem ID/name = “MT_Test”lRemote Server DNS address = apitest.enfora.comlRemote Server IP port = 17211. Give the device a unique name send the following command:AT$MDMID=”MT_Test”This command, combined with the wakeup message, will allow the server to associate a Public IP addresswith a specific device and create a window of opportunity where the server can send commands to thedevice See Figure: 4 - "Wakeup Command"2. To talk with a specific server send the following command:AT$FRIEND=1,1,””3. To set the port number send the following command:AT$UDPAPI=,17214. To Enable periodic messages (wakeup) to be sent to the server every 60 seconds send the followingcommand:AT$WAKEUP=1,1See Figure: 22 - "Wakeup Command"- 29 -
Figure: 22 - Wakeup Command6.4 Verifying Server ConnectivityNote: For the following tests, Java Runtime must be installed on the computer. (To installJava Runtime, please visit the Java website: Start Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: Enter the name used in the MDMID command in the box. Select Connect See Figure: 23 - "VerifyServer Connectivity"- 30 -
Figure: 23 - Verify Server Connectivity3. Select the tab with the device name.(In this diagram it is labeled "MT_Test") Within approximately60 seconds the wakeup messages should be seen in the window See Figure: 24 - "Wakeup Mes-sages"- 31 -
Figure: 24 - Wakeup Messages4. Enter the following command in the command/ data block:ATI5. Select Write6. Verify that you see the device respond with Enfora, Inc. See Figure: 25 - "ATI Response" . If so,you have successfully configured the device to talk with the server.- 32 -
Figure: 25 - ATI Response6.5 Verify GPS OperationFollow these directions to verify GPS Operation.1. From the terminal window, send the following command: AT$GPSRD=10<CR>2. The device should respond with a standard GPRMC message that looks similar to the following:$GPRMC,221223.00,A,3301.5080,N,09642.3857,W,000.0,000.0,230805,05.9,E,A*19lA = OKlV = Warningl9 = Enfora Specific response that GPS solution is not valid and the last known GPS location is beingsubstituted.- 33 -
Here is an example of a GPRMC message without a GPS lock: $GPRMC,221553.30,V,,,,,,,,,,N*7C The samecommand can be used in the server application See Figure: 26 - "Verify GPS Operation" .Figure: 26 - Verify GPS Operation- 34 -

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