Ohsung Electronics URCKP900 RF REMOTE CONTROLLER User Manual I

Ohsung Electronics Co., Ltd. RF REMOTE CONTROLLER I


  EUT Type: RF Remote Controller   FCC ID.: OZ5URCKP900 Test Report No.: GETEC-E3-08-001 FCC Part 15 Subpart B,C    APPENDIX I : USER’S MANUAL
Operating Your SystemWith The KP-900 WirelessKeypad/RemoteCOMPLETE™Universal Remote Control®CONTROLCOMPLETE
This remote control was Custom Programmed for you by:For questions about your Custom Programming call:Custom  Programming  of  a  complex  home  theater  and/or  a  multi-roomsystem is one of the most challenging tasks within an audio/video instal-lation. It involves an intimate knowledge of how the components interactand exact details on the proper sequences of control. Only a Complete Control dealer has the requisite experience and trainingto quickly and effectively customize a remote control for true automatedoperation.Congratulations on your choice! KP-900 Owners Manual © 2007 Universal Remote Control, Inc.The information in this manual is copyright protected. No part of this manual maybe copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from UniversalRemote Control, Inc. UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL, INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR OPERATIONAL, TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS/OMISSIONS MADE IN THIS MANUAL.  The information in this manual may be subject to change without prior notice. Complete Control is a registered trademark of Universal Remote Control, Inc.Entertainment Made Simple is a trademark of Universal Remote Control, Inc.  All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies or organizations.Universal Remote Control, Inc.500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532
TABLE OFCONTENTSIntroduction 1Understanding LCD Labeled Buttons  1Optional RF “No Rules” Operation 2Securing the Wall Bracket 3Installing Batteries 3Programming the KP-900 4Selecting a New “Activity” 5Using the KP-900 to Control an “Activity” 6Displaying the Setup Screen 7Selecting from the Setup Screen 7Setting the LCD 8Sound Volume 10Light Settings 10System Settings 11Version Information Displays 11Factory Default  12USA Limited Warranty Statement 12Specifications 14Contact Universal Remote Control 14Notes: Your Listen Activities 15Notes: Your Watch Activities 16
Page 1KP-900 OWNERS MANUALCongratulations!You’ve purchased a unique wireless control. The KP-900 can be used as botha wall mounted keypad and as a hand-held remote control. The KP-900achieves a magnificent combination of power and flexibility, simplifying andautomating operation of even the most complex system.Wall Mounted Keypad and Hand-Held Remote ControlOnce the wall bracket is securely installed on the wall, simply place theKP-900 into the bracket. Magnets snap the KP-900 into place. To use as ahand-held remote control, grasp the KP-900 from the top edge and pull itaway from the bracket.One Touch Multi-Colored BacklightingPress any button to backlight the screen and the hard buttons. Integrated Sound SignalingThe KP-900 incorporates a small speaker for beeps. Anytime you press abutton, the KP-900 signals that it has understood your command with abeep sound.Custom Labeled Buttons The KP-900 is equipped with a bright easy to read LCD screen whichlabels the six buttons to the right of the screeen. These button labelschange based on what you are watching or listening to. Thus, if you haveselected Watching TV, you will see a list of buttons that are useful to thatactivity, while if you select DVD, the buttons will control the DVD.Pressing the MAIN button displaysthe Main Menu pages of the KP-900.When you select one of the activi-ties listed, the entire functionality ofall the buttons changes to operatethe selected device.
Page 2KP-900 OWNERS MANUALOptional RF “No Rules” OperationIn combination with a Complete Control RF Base Station, the KP-900 cancontrol your system without being in line-of-sight of the equipment. The MSC-400, the MRF-350 or the MRF-260 RF base station are compatiblewith the KP-900. All incorporate RF addressing. RF Addressing gives you theability to control equipment locations throughout your home, even if they areconcealed in other rooms or are behind closed doors.4. Self-adhesive “Flashers” affix to theInfrared sensors on the front panels of yourcomponents.  The Flashers relay commandsto components out of sight of the MRF-350’s Front Blaster.  The flashers plug in tothe MRF-350’s rear flasher line outputs viatheir 10 foot cables. Uniquely, the MRF-350can also connect to rear panel IR Inputs viaits adjustable IR Line Outputs.3. The MSC-400 routes IR commands to the correct IRFlasher.1. The KP-900 sends radio wavesin every direction, so you don’thave to point the remote any-more! 2. The RFX-250 RF Sensor can be freelypositioned for optimal reception.
Page 3KP-900 OWNERS MANUALSecuring the Wall BracketThe KP-900 includes a wall bracket, four screws and four plastic caps toconceal the screwheads. Consult with a professional installer beforeattempting to secure the bracket to your wall. The included screws maynot be appropriate for your walls.Before making a hole in your wall, gather the family and evaluate the bestheight. Like a thermostat, the KP-900 should be at comfortable eye levelfor most of the family, typically between 54” to 62” from the floor to thetop of the bracket (60” is typical).Use a bubble level and a pencil to draw a line on the wall, then hold thebracket in place. Screw in the four screws and cover the screw heads withthe included self adhesive caps.Magnets in the bracket and the keypad keep the KP-900 securely in place,yet make it easy to remove when you need a hand-held remote control.Installing BatteriesThere are two battery compartments on the rear of the KP-900. Each com-partment holds two AAA batteries for a total of four AAA batteries.Open each battery cover by pressing the release and pulling back thecover on the back of the control. Remove the cover.Observe the + and - polarity indicators on the batteries.Drop a battery into the compartment with the - indicator up. Slide thebattery up into the top position and insert the second battery into place. Now, replace the battery cover by inserting the hinged end in first, thensnapping the cover back into place.Repeat the process with the second battery compartment.
Page 4KP-900 OWNERS MANUALProgramming the KP-900The KP-900 is programmed via a Windows PC equipped with a USB port(programming cable included), using our proprietary software,  KP-900Editor. You can download this software from our website:www.universalremote.comBasic setup takes only a few minutes with this software. However, to fullyautomate an audio/video system the user must have a detailed knowledgeof each component, you the user (and your preferences) and how the sys-tem is connected and operated. We highly recommend that you use aprofessional audio/video installer to program your KP-900 so you will beable to enjoy all the benefits of the KP-900 as well as one touch operationvia macros.
Page 5KP-900 OWNERS MANUALSelecting a New “Activity”The KP-900’s MAIN button displays the activities you can control withyour KP-900. When you want to listen to the radio or to a CD, touch theMAIN button and select what you would like to listen to.Your installer will have programmed the button you pressed to totally con-figure your system to watch or listen to whatever you selected. Now, thescreen will change, and all of the LCD buttons will be reconfigured togive you full control of your system while watching or listening to yourselection!Press the PAGE button to see any other available choices. When you press the MAIN button,you can see the most frequently usedactivities in your system. PAGE DISPLAYAt the bottom of the LCD screen, thepage display informs you if there areother pages of buttons available.Optionally, your installer may haveprogrammed two group of activities(i.e Watch and Listen). To accesseither group, simply touch theMAIN button again. The MAIN but-ton cycles the display from Watch toListen , then back to Watch...
The LCD buttonlabels describe special featuresfor this activity. Page 6KP-900 OWNERS MANUALUsing the KP-900 to Control an “Activity”Once you’ve selected a new activity, the KP-900 displays the title of theactivity at the top of the screen. Below the title, the LCD displays the cus-tomized names of any special features you need for the activity. All thehard buttons of the KP-900 have now changed to functions optimized forthis activity.The Title displayswhat activity youcan control.Each activity canhave many pages ofLCD labeled but-tons. At the bottomof the LCD thepage number is dis-played.All of the KP-900’s hard buttons change their function and now control the select-ed activity. Press the PAGE but-ton to use the otherpages of LCDlabeled buttons.
Displaying the Setup ScreenYou can adjust the settings of the KP-900 whenever you like by pressing andholding both the MAIN and the SELECT buttons at the same time for threeseconds. When you do, the screen will change to the SETUP screen. If youdo not press any button on the SETUP screen within 30 seconds, the KP-900will time out and automatically return to normal operation. You can return tonormal operation before that by pressing either the WATCH or the LISTENbutton.Selecting from the Setup ScreenSimply touch the button for the setting you’d like to adjust:At the same time, press andhold both the MAIN buttonand the SELECT button.When the SETUP screenappears, you can release thetwo buttons.Page 7KP-900 OWNERS MANUALLCD - The appearance of the screen.LIGHT - What the LIGHT but-ton does.SOUND - The volume of thebeeps.SYSTEM - The battery lowwarning.VERSION - No adjustments arepossible. Displays factory info.FACTORY - Erases current con-figuration permanently andinstalls a factory test file.
Setting the LCDWith these settings, you can set the KP-900 to constantly display the LCDwhen not in use, or show a blank screen when not in use. Additionally, youcan control the contrast of the screen and the color of the backlighting.Page 8KP-900 OWNERS MANUALTo activate the LCD On/Off setting, pressthis button. See below.To activate the CONTRAST setting, pressthis button. See the next page.To activate the COLOR setting, press thisbutton. See the next page.To exit without saving any changes youhave made, press EXIT.To exit without saving any changes youhave made, press EXIT.To change the timer interval, press theLEFT or RIGHT arrow keys.If you set the LCD to OFF, the timer set-tings will appear. The LCD will go blankafter waitting the interval you set here byadjusting the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys.The timer can be set to turn off the LCDbetween 10 seconds and 20 minutes.To SAVE any changes you have made,press SAVE.LCD Timer Setting:The Timer Interval is displayed here.
Page 9KP-900 OWNERS MANUALSetting LCD ContrastYou can adjust the contrast of the LCD screen using the LEFT and RIGHTarrow keys once the LCD contrast screen has been selected (shown on theprevious page).Setting LCD ColorTypically, the LCD color settings are controlled by the PC Editor. However,by selecting USER instead of Software, then selecting the EDIT option, youcan adjust the color of the backlighting via this Setup page:The current CONTRAST is displayed here via a bar graph.Adjust the CONTRAST setting withthe LEFT and RIGHT keys as shownin the previous pages.To exit without saving anychanges you have made, pressEXIT.To SAVE any changes you havemade, press SAVE.To exit without saving anychanges you have made, pressEXIT.To SAVE any changes you havemade, press SAVE.The current Red, Green andBlue settings are displayed hereas a bar graph. Simply, select thecolor you’d like to adjust bypressing the corresponding but-ton, then use the LEFT & RIGHTarrow keys as shown on the pre-vious pages to adjust the level.
Light SettingsYou can adjust the backlighting of the remote in two additional ways:1. You can turn on/off the LCD and the hard button backlighting. 2. You can select the amount of time the lighting stays on after the last buttonpress from a range of values between 10 seconds and 90 seconds.Sound VolumeYour KP-900 beeps whenever a button is pressed. However, you can adjustthe volume of the beep to one of four levels as shown here:Page 10KP-900 OWNERS MANUALThe current Beep volume is dis-played here as a “bar”.OFFSLIGHT BEEPMODERATE BEEPLOUDEST BEEPAdjust the volume of the beep byTAPPING the LEFT and RIGHTarrow keys as shown in the previ-ous pages.The current timer setting is displayed here in seconds.Adjust the backlighting timer settingwith the LEFT and RIGHT keys asshown in the previous pages.Change whether the backlight-ing is on or off by pressing thisbutton. If you want the backlightingalways OFF, set it to OFF.If you would like the backlight-ing on, select ON.
System SettingsYou can set your KP-900 to display the Low Battery warning at a powerlevel between 0% and 20% (in 5% increments). Version Information DisplaysShould you be curious, the Version indicates what firmware and softwareversions were used to program your KP-900.Page 11KP-900 OWNERS MANUALTo exit, press MAIN.To exit, press MAIN.Press here to adjust the batterywarning level. The Memory bar indicatesavailable memory with Black.The memory in use is White.The Power bar indicates avail-able power with Black.
Page 12KP-900 OWNERS MANUALFactory Default Warning! This should only be done in preparation for a new PC Editor ses-sion, your configuration will be completely erased and is only recoverablewith the PC and the original configuration file.USA Limited Warranty StatementYour Universal Remote Control, when delivered to you in new condition,is warranted against defects in materials or workmanship as follows: UNI-VERSAL REMOTE CONTROL, INC. warrants this product against defectsin material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year and as set forthbelow. Universal Remote Control will, at its sole option, repair the prod-uct using new or comparable rebuilt parts, or exchange the product for acomparable new or rebuilt product. In the event of a defect, these areyour exclusive remedies.This Limited Warranty covers only the hardware components packagedwith the Product. It does not cover technical assistance for hardware orsoftware usage and it does not cover any software products whether ornot contained in the Product; any such software is provided "AS IS" unlessexpressly provided for in any enclosed software Limited Warranty. To obtain warranty service, you must deliver the product, freight prepaid,in its original packaging or packaging affording adequate protection toUniversal Remote Control at the address provided in the Owner's Manual.It is your responsibility to backup any macro programming, artwork, soft-To exit, press MAIN.Press here to erase your config-uration and load the factoryconfiguration. Press here to return to theSetup Menu.
Page 13KP-900 OWNERS MANUALware or other materials that may have been programmed into your unit. Itis likely that such data, software, or other materials will be lost duringservice and Universal Remote Control will not be responsible for any suchdamage or loss. A dated purchase receipt, Bill of Sale, InstallationContract or other verifiable Proof of Purchase  is required. For productsupport and other important information visit Universal Remote Control'swebsite: http://www.UniversalRemoteControl.com or call the UniversalRemote Control Customer Service Center (914) 835-4484.This Limited Warranty only covers product issues caused by defects inmaterial or workmanship during ordinary consumer use. It does not coverproduct issues caused by any other reason, including but not limited toproduct issues due to commercial use, acts of God, third-party installa-tion, misuse, limitations of technology, or modification of or to any part ofthe Universal Remote Control product. This Limited Warranty does notcover Universal Remote Control products sold as USED, AS IS, REFUR-BISHED, so-called "B STOCK"  or consumables (such as batteries). ThisLimited Warranty is invalid if the factory-applied serial number has beenaltered or removed from the product. This Limited Warranty is valid onlyin the United States of America. This Limited Warranty specificallyexcludes products sold by unauthorized resellers.UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCI-DENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ON THIS PROD-UCT. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW,THERE IS NO OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. UNIVER-SAL REMOTE CONTROL WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STATE-MENTS MADE BY OTHERS CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT. Somestates or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of inciden-tal or consequential damages, or allow limitations on how long animplied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may notapply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and youmay have other rights which vary from state to state or jurisdiction tojurisdiction.
Page 14KP-900 OWNERS MANUALSpecificationsMemory - 4 Megabits of Flash Memory (for User Configuration)Devices - Flexible, typically can support up to 255 DevicesPages - Flexible, typically can support up to 255 Pages on each DeviceLearning Capability - Standard frequencies (15kHz to 460kHz)Macro Capability - Up to 255 steps each, however nesting is allowed IR Range (Line of Sight via Infrared): 30-50 feet, depending on the environmentRF Range (radio frequency): 50 to 100 feet, depending upon the environmentRF Frequency: 418MHzWeight: 14 ounces (with batteries)Size (KP-900 only): 4-11/16” H x 5-7/16”” W x 9/16” DSize (KP-900 with the Wall Bracket): 4-5/8” H x 6-1/16”” W x 3/4” DBatteries: 4 AAA BatteriesContact UsNeed assistance or have questions? Our Customer Service Support Center is here to help.Call (914) 835-4484 to speak with a customer servicerepresentative or email us at techsupport@universalremote.com500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528Phone: (914) 835-4484  Fax: (914) 835-4532www.universalremote.com
Page 17KP-900 OWNERS MANUALInformation To The UserThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment gener-ates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful inter-ference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfer-ence to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to cor-rect the interference by one more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.WarningChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturercould void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Note : The manufacturer is not responsible for any Radio or TV inter-ference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user's authority to operate theequipment..
Page 15KP-900 OWNERS MANUALYour Listen ActivitiesDescribe the inputs and modes you must set to listen to CD, Radio etc. inyour home entertainment system.Activity (Listen to CD, Listen to Radio etc.)  Audio Input      Audio Mode
Page 16KP-900 OWNERS MANUALYour Watch ActivitiesDescribe the inputs you must set to watch or listen to TV, DVD etc. inyour home entertainment system.Activity (Watch TV, Watch DVD etc.)        TV Input Audio Input
500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528 Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532 www.universalremote.comCOMPLETE™Universal Remote Control®CONTROLCOMPLETE

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